#anti bard
melyzard · 1 year
Time for a new edition of my ongoing vendetta against Google fuckery!
Hey friends, did you know that Google is now using Google docs to train it's AI, whether you like it or not? (link goes to: zdnet.com, July 5, 2023). Oh and on Monday, Google updated it's privacy policy to say that it can train it's two AI (Bard and Cloud AI) on any data it scrapes from it's users, period. (link goes to: The Verge, 5 July 2023). Here is Digital Trends also mentioning this new policy change (link goes to: Digital Trends, 5 July 2023). There are a lot more, these are just the most succinct articles that might explain what's happening.
Stop using Google Analytics, warns Sweden’s privacy watchdog, as it issues over $1M in fines (link goes to: TechCrunch, 3 July 2023) [TLDR: google got caught exporting european users' data to the US to be 'processed' by 'US government surveillance,' which is HELLA ILLEGAL. I'm not going into the Five Eyes, Fourteen Eyes, etc agreements, but you should read up on those to understand why the 'US government surveillance' people might ask Google to do this for countries that are not apart of the various Eyes agreements - and before anyone jumps in with "the US sucks!" YES but they are 100% not the only government buying foreign citizens' data, this is just the one the Swedes caught. Today.]
PwC Australia ties Google to tax leak scandal (link goes to: Reuters, 5 July 2023). [TLDR: a Russian accounting firm slipped Google "confidential information about the start date of a new tax law leaked from Australian government tax briefings." Gosh, why would Google want to spy on governments about tax laws? Can't think of any reason they would want to be able to clean house/change policy/update their user agreement to get around new restrictions before those restrictions or fines hit. Can you?
SO - here is a very detailed list of browsers, updated on 28 June, 2023 on slant.com, that are NOT based on Google Chrome (note: any browser that says 'Chromium-based' is just Google wearing a party mask. It means that Google AND that other party has access to all your data). This is an excellent list that shows pros and cons for each browser, including who the creator is and what kinds of policies they have (for example, one con for Pale Moon is that the creator doesn't like and thinks all websites should be hostile to Tor).
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
patterns of abuse with jaehaerys
this post made me deeply depressed and i reread f&b which was my first mistake.
tldr i’m making the argument that jaehaerys definitely sexually abused saera and alysanne, and likely viserra and gael, and also i hate this man. if you disagree and want to say so *nicely* that’s cool but if you hardcore love jae and don’t want to hear criticism, maybe just scroll past bc i’m not nice to him at all (obviously, i’m accusing him of csa lol).
breaking this down by each woman, so there’s 6 sections: saera, viserra, daella, gael, alysanne, and alicent.
saera targaryen
If she were the king’s firstborn, or better still his only child, she would be well content. Instead she finds herself the ninthborn, with six living siblings who are older than her and even more adored. Aemon is to be king, Baelon most like will be his Hand, Alyssa may be all her mother is and more, Vaegon is more learned than she is, Maegelle is holier, and Daella…when does a day go by when Daella is not in need of comfort? And whilst she is being soothed, Saera is being ignored. Such a fierce little thing she is, they say, she has no need of comfort. They are wrong in that, I fear. All men need comfort.
that’s septon barth’s opinion on her and barth is always right. simply put, she’s a deeply neglected child who acts like a brat to get her parents attention because she’s learned the only way they’ll pay attention to her is if she’s causing a problem.
Before she was eleven, she was stealing wine and ale instead. By twelve, she was like as not to arrive drunk when summoned to the sept for prayer.
The king’s half-witted fool, Tom Turnip, was the victim of many of her japes, and her unwitting catspaw for others. Once, before a great feast where many lords and ladies were to be in attendance, she persuaded Tom that it would be much funnier if he performed naked. It was not well received.
stealing alcohol at 10 and being a committed alcoholic at 12 is not normal behavior. it is a sign of something deeply at wrong at home. also, the way she kind of, sexually humiliated tom, someone who is too “innocent” to even realize she’s sexually humiliating him…gives me the ick re: how she views sex.
Saera had learned the art of getting anything she wanted from her father: a kitten, a hound, a pony, a hawk, a horse (Jaehaerys did draw a firm line at the elephant). Queen Alysanne was far less gullible, however, and Septon Barth tells us that Saera’s sisters all misliked her to various degrees.
i don’t like this. nothing wrong with giving your child gifts (see ned going above and beyond to get arya not just instruction on how to fight but also a specific style that would gel with being smaller than your average opponent) but in conjunction with “jaehaerys ignores saera unless she’s pressing him for an expensive gift which he immediately gives her and alysanne doesn’t get why he caved so quickly” its an alarming dynamic.
also speaks to how isolated saera specifically was, that the only siblings that like her (aemon and baelon) are usually out and about, and there’s a clear wedge between saera and her sisters, even viserra.
The screams were coming from Tom Turnip, who was lurching helplessly in circles trying to escape from half a dozen naked whores, whilst the patrons of the house laughed uproariously and shouted on the harlots. Jonah Mooton, Red Roy Connington, and Stinger Beesbury were amongst those patrons, each one drunker than the last. They had thought it would be funny to see old Turnip do the deed, Red Roy admitted. Then Jonah Mooton laughed and said the jape had all been Saera’s notion, and what a funny girl she was.
again with sexually humiliating tom.
it continues with her friends. it’s not unusual for a 15 year old girl to want to fool around with other 15 year olds but alys and perri are all guilt ridden and upset and alys is with child. it reminds me a lot of cersei sexually abusing taena in affc. when she’s caught (now, mind you, she’s been marched in front of her parents sitting on the throne and not brought to them in their private rooms. she’s being treated right off the bat as if she’s guilty of a crime and not guilty of being a shitty teenager):
“She went from denial to dismissal to quibbling to contrition to accusation to justification to defiance in the space of an hour, with stops at giggling and weeping along the way,” Septon Barth would write. “She never did it, they were lying, it never happened, how could they believe that, it was just a game, it was just a jape, who said that, that was not how it happened, everyone likes kissing, she was sorry, Peri started it, it was such fun, no one was hurt, no one ever told her kissing was bad, Sweetberry had dared her, she was so ashamed, Baelon used to kiss Alyssa all the time, once she started she did not know how to stop, she was afraid of Stinger, the Mother Above had forgiven her, all the girls were doing it, the first time she was drunk, she had never wanted to, it was what men wanted, Maegelle said the gods forgave all sins, Jonah said he loved her, the gods had made her pretty, it was not her fault, she would be good from now on, it will be as if it never happened, she would marry Red Roy Connington, they had to forgive her, she would never kiss a man again or do any of those other things, it wasn’t her who was with child, she was their daughter, she was their little girl, she was a princess, if she were queen she would do as she liked, why wouldn’t they believe her, they never loved her, she hated them, they could whip her if they wanted but she would never be their slave. She took my breath away, this girl. There was never a mummer in all the land who gave such a performance, but by the end she was exhausted and afraid, and her mask slipped.”
What does Jaehaerys ask after all of this? “Have you given any of these boys your maidenhead?” Her response:
“True?” said Saera. It was in that moment, with that word, that the contempt came out. “No. I gave it to all three. They all think they were the first. Boys are such silly fools.”
Now mind you, Alyssa and Daella have both died of childbirth recently and her parents are mad she had sex as a 16 year old bordering on 17 year old, and not the fact that she like, at best peer pressured her besties into having sex and now one of them is pregnant. jaehaerys has only asked if she’s still a virgin.
“I will be married,” the princess said. “Why shouldn’t I be? You were married at my age. I shall be wedded and bedded, but to whom? Jonah and Roy both love me, I could take one of them, but they are both such boys. Stinger does not love me, but he makes me laugh and sometimes makes me scream. I could marry all three of them, why not? Why should I have just one husband? The Conqueror had two wives, and Maegor had six or eight.”
i keep trying not to give my opinion and just lay it all out but the thing is i’d just be reposting the whole scene because it’s just filled with so much weird sex stuff. if you don’t remember it, go reread it. it doesn’t feel (to me) like regular “george is bad at writing sex” vibes but “george is purposefully trying to skeeve you out” vibes but i am willing to admit i could be wrong and he really just doesn’t understand what he wrote.
anyways remember how i said saera acts out to get attention from her parents? all she’s done here is act out, her “crimes” are basically nonexistent; beyond how alys feels about being pregnant, saera consensually had sex with boys around her age who aren’t married, and then blithely compared herself to some asshole relatives. if your teenager idolizes dick cheney that’s probably worrying but not a crime! this is not how jae treats it however.
When the princess heard his words, she rushed toward him, crying, “Father, Father!” but Jaehaerys turned his back on her, and Gyles Morrigen caught her by the arm and wrenched her away. She would not go of her own accord, so the guards were forced to drag her from the hall, wailing and sobbing and calling for her father.
The king was angry and unyielding, for his shame was deeply felt, and he could not forget Saera’s taunting words about his uncle’s wives. “She is no longer my daughter,” he said more than once. Queen Alysanne could not find it in her heart to be so harsh, however. “
saera tries to escape.
This time the princess was not allowed to return to her own chambers. She was confined to a tower cell instead, with Jonquil Darke guarding her day and night, even in the privy.
Princess Saera watched from the window of her cell. Jonquil Darke, her gaoler, made certain that she did not turn away.
that’s as her dad is murdering stinger btw. is he a creepy 19 year old? yeah. but like, making your 15 year old watch you murder her 19 year old trust fund baby stoner boyfriend sure is something.
so then they sent her to the silent sisters where she’s beaten all the time and has to pray all the time and she runs away, becomes a sex worker and literally never looks back.
The truth did not come out until a year later, when the former princess was seen in a Lysene pleasure garden, still clad as a novice. Queen Alysanne wept to hear it. “They have made our daughter into a whore,” she said. “She always was,” the king replied.
“You need her as a Dornishman needs a pit viper,” Jaehaerys said. “I am sorry. King’s Landing has sufficient whores. I do not wish to hear her name again.”
but before we move on, let’s look at one more related ick, when saera’s sons show up to the great council:
From Essos came three rival competitors, grandsons of King Jaehaerys through his daughter Saera, each sired by a different father. One was said to be the very image of his grandsire in his youth.
after her drinking, acting out, and jaehaerys’ focus on calling her a whore, explicitly pointing out that one of her grandsons looks just like jae is a choice. i know they’re super inbred. it’s still uncomfortable in context.
viserra targaryen
alysanne makes no sense here but i’m just gonna quickly explain instead of lay it out or we will be here all day bc viserra’s engagement is completely nonsensical. theomore manderly is old, ugly, has a shitton of heirs, and viserra clearly doesn’t want to marry him. also if she wanted to be queen, why is she going after baelon, aemon is still alive. anyways jaehaerys is no help here, then she goes to baelon for help, but she’s also super drunk.
Frustrated, Viserra next turned to her brother Baelon in hopes of rescue, if court gossip can be believed. Slipping past his guards into his bedchamber one night, she disrobed and waited for him, making free with the prince’s wine whilst she lingered. When Prince Baelon finally appeared, he found her drunk and naked in his bed and sent her on her way. The princess was so unsteady that she required the help of two maids and a knight of the Kingsguard to get her safely back to her own apartments.
she gets drunk with some friends again, goes riding, breaks her neck. i wanted to point out this pattern of drinking and acting out at a young age. as well as this pattern of targaryen daughters who aren’t “meant” for a brother and are promised to men who are old and with heirs
daella targaryen
i wanted to add daella because her getting married at 15 makes as little sense as viserra, and her match to a old man with several heirs is equally nonsensical. but also this:
“I would never marry her,” the boy said, in front of half the court. “She can barely read. She should find some lord in need of stupid children, for that’s the only sort he will ever have of her.”
where did vaegon get that mouth.
Daella was not clever, even her septa had to admit. She learned to read after a fashion, but haltingly, and without full comprehension. She could not seem to commit even the simplest prayers to memory. She had a sweet voice, but was afraid to sing; she always got the words wrong. She loved flowers, but was frightened of gardens; a bee had almost stung her once.
Jaehaerys, even more than Alysanne, despaired of her. “She will not even speak to a boy. How is she to marry? We could entrust her to the Faith, but she does not know her prayers, and her septa says that she cries when asked to read aloud from The Seven-Pointed Star.”
The queen always rose to her defense. “Daella is sweet and kind and gentle. She has such a tender heart. Give me time, and I will find a lord to cherish her. Not every Targaryen needs to wield a sword and ride a dragon.”
so daella is 12 at this point.
Her sixteenth nameday was fast approaching, and with it her womanhood. Queen Alysanne was at her wit’s end, and the king had lost his patience. On the first day of the 80th year since Aegon’s Conquest, he told the queen he wanted Daella wed before the year’s end. “If she wants I can find a hundred men and line them up before her naked, and she can pick the one she likes,” he said. “I would sooner she wed a lord, but if she prefers a hedge knight or a merchant or Pate the Pig Boy, I am past the point of caring, so long as she picks someone.”
i just don’t like this. other “simple” targs are not required to marry, like vaella and aelora, two of daeron ii’s grandfaughters so i don’t get why daella is pressured into marrying before she’s even of age. at least jae 2 forced rhaella and aerys because of a prophecy? what is jae’s reasoning for so sexualizing his daughter?
gael targaryen
this one is definitely a reach but i’d like to point out that this is basically all we know about gael:
Princess Gael, a sweet, shy child of seven, became the queen’s constant shadow and support, even sharing her bed at night.
and our information on how she dies is so shady:
A sweet-natured girl, but frail and somewhat simpleminded, she remained with the queen long after her other children had grown and gone, but in 99 AC she vanished from court, and soon afterward it was announced that she had died of a summer fever. Only after both her parents were gone did the true tale come out. Seduced and abandoned by a traveling singer, the princess had given birth to a stillborn son, then, overwhelmed by grief, walked into the waters of Blackwater Bay and drowned.
how does gael get pregnant by a traveling singer when she never leaves her mother’s side? why doesn’t anyone in court know gael got pregnant and killed herself until after aly and jae both die and how was this even found out?
am i implying that jaehaerys sexually abused all four of his daughters? yes because he literally sexually abuses his own wife.
alysanne targaryen
“I am forty-two years old,” she told the king. “You must be content with the children I have given you. I am more suited to be a grandmother than a mother now, I fear.”
King Jaehaerys did not share her certainty. “Our mother, Queen Alyssa, was forty-six when she gave birth to Jocelyn,” he pointed out to Grand Maester Elysar. “The gods may not be done with us.” He was not wrong. The very next year, the Grand Maester informed Queen Alysanne that she was once more with child, to her surprise and dismay.
he uses the birth that killed their mother and that is condemned by rhaena and alysanne as reckless and cruel of rogar to force on her. that birth.
at this point as well, he had abused saera and daella, then they’re gone, then viserra starts drinking and dies, then jae marital rapes aly into having gael, giving him access to another young girl to abuse…i’m aware this is a very uncharitable reading of him but…
alicent hightower (and kind of alyssa targaryen)
Ser Otto’s precocious fifteen-year-old daughter, Alicent, became his constant companion, fetching His Grace his meals, reading to him, helping him to bathe and dress himself. The Old King sometimes mistook her for one of his daughters, calling her by their names; near the end, he grew certain she was his daughter Saera, returned to him from beyond the narrow sea.
saera is the one he fixated on yet again but notable that he’s fixated on his daughters as he dies and not his sons, despite jaehaerys turning to drink after aemon died bc he was so upset.
He announced his intention to wed Lady Alicent of House Hightower, the clever and lovely eighteen-year-old daughter of the King’s Hand, the girl who had read to King Jaehaerys as he lay dying.
The Hightowers of Oldtown were an ancient and noble family, of impeccable lineage; there could be no possible objection to the king’s choice of bride. Even so, there were those who murmured that the Hand had risen above himself, that he had brought his daughter to court with this in mind. A few even cast doubt on Lady Alicent’s virtue, suggesting she had welcomed King Viserys into her bed even before Queen Aemma’s death. (These calumnies were never proved, though Mushroom repeats them in his Testimony and goes so far as to claim that reading was not the only service Lady Alicent performed for the Old King in his bedchamber.)
i know it’s just mushroom being a perv but a rumor that 15 year old alicent “serviced” jaehaerys existing besides rumors that he mistook 15 year old alicent for the daughter he last saw when she was 17 - and viserra was 15, gael 19, and daella 15, all around alicent’s age and all died before age 20. all the targaryen girls that weren’t born “for” a brother exit the narrative after some sort of sexual abuse that centers around jae, as teenagers; daenerys was born for aemon, alyssa for baelon, and maegelle for vaegon before they both fucked off and maegelle was too pious (and too old). this idea of being “for” a brother leads directly to alyssa’s death before 30:
“You were made for battles, and I was made for this. Viserys and Daemon and Aegon, that’s three. As soon as I am well, let’s make another. I want to give you twenty sons. An army of your own!” It was not to be. Alyssa Targaryen had a warrior’s heart in a woman’s body, and her strength failed her. She never fully recovered from Aegon’s birth, and died within the year at only four-and-twenty.
and alysanne being “for” jaehaerys is how he excusing sexually abusing her into a risky pregnancy. essentially what i fear is that because saera, daella, viserra, and gael aren’t “for” someone, jaehaerys gets it into his mind that that are for him. even without him raping them tho, that subtext is there! he is entitled to saera’s virginity and calls her a whore multiple times, even decades after she’s left, and murders her boyfriend in front of her. he claims a weird sexual ownership over his neurodivergent daughter daella and his alcoholic, depressed daughter viserra, and we get zero information on gael’s pregnancy or his reaction to it. but jaehaerys deciding his daughters are “for” him certainly has a basis in canon just judging from the erratic and worrying behavior of his younger daughters.
jaehaerys is a creep and i hate him and i don’t know how much of this is on purpose (like, will aegon vi or dany find out jaehaerys was a shady pedo and it shatters their world? will dunk and egg find it out and it affects their plot somehow? did george just put it in there to make a comment on power and monarchy and misogyny, similar to aegon iv raping the bracken women? or is just there for window dressing creepiness, like “i will pepper in the fact that jaehaerys is sexually obsessed with his daughters” thing?) or if george just made jaehaerys sexually obsessed with his daughters on accident?
on the one hand, it seems out of character for george. he romanticizes drogo thru dany’s eyes but it’s clear he’s meant to be seen as a creep (dany talking about being pregnant followed by “she had just turned 14” is sickeningly jarring for a reason) and also, drogo dies bc of his own pride. sansa doesn’t like any of the old dudes touching her; she is at least marginally freaked out by her wedding night, the unkiss, and lf & dontos taking liberties with her, and rightly. the story that’s told about the mountain raping a girl and making the father pay him is meant to disgust us. the walk of shame is a harrowing chapter to read, because whatever cersei’s crimes, this sexual humiliation is not something she deserves. on and on. yes, we all hate the way arya is sexualized in the mercy chapter, but crucially, she’s not blithely and happily seducing these pervs, she’s going hard candy on their asses. is this just messy set up for something like that?? i think, given how little dany knows about her family’s crimes that somehow learning jae sexually abused (and maybe even impregnated) his own daughters after she herself experiences sexual abuse would be huge. the same goes for aegon vi learning that sexual abuse runs rampant in his family tree; would he empathize with saera hiding out in essos to escape the sexual abuse of her father, see some of elia and his own plight in her? in gael?
or did george really just. not realize how sexually obsessed jaehaerys was with his daughters?
idk how to end this. where’s the winds of winter george i need answers.
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the-alarm-system · 2 months
Hey singlet roleplayers! You feel guilty as fuck for using a plural focused bot like pluralkit? I got good news for you, a discord bot made for singlets roleplayers called “Octocon“! Have fun fucking shit up as your favorite character using this app made for singlet roleplayers! - SCALD
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icediamonds · 4 months
There's nothing more funny than Rhaelya stans saying that Sara Snow is not real and that Jacaerys would never be with that northern girl. What they don't seem to realize is that the love story of Sara and Jace is a form of George Martin to give positive foreshadowing for Lyanna and Rhaegar 🤭
But if y'all want to prefer the love story of Jace and Sara, a couple formed with the consent of both and without age gap, is horrible and just a rumor then idgaf. You can stay with Bael the Bard and the Winter Rose story, even though we don't know if she went willingly
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deevotee · 8 months
its such a shame that antis ruined dadbastian/mombastian for everyone because its such a funny fucking concept when you consider how terrible he is at being a parental figure
ciel gets kidnapped in the beginning and he makes fun of him for it, he lets finny just fucking mow him down with minimal reaction, ciel tells him to be strict with allowing sweets and then actively argues with/ignores his authority on that all the time, like its such a comedy gold mine of a headcanon but it sets off alarm bells in everyones brains if you try to talk about it 😭
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superloves4 · 25 days
Sooooo, the first three episodes have not yet changed my mind on the rings of power show
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"google bard" shut the FUCK up if I showed shakespeare ai "writing" he'd probably make a villain inspired by it & make a play w/ them in it just to end it by killing them
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my-ruthless-zoyalai · 11 months
hey tumblr i need some help
i’m working on this random one-shot ADSOM college au but I need help deciding people’s majors
rhy - theater
lila - ?
kell - ?
alucard - ?
i’m not including holland because this is a very self indulgent one shot and in an ideal world holland goes to a different university
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
I consider Gael’s death one of the most suspicious ass shit for the crown to ever pull. Like AFTER Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s death was this all revealed? Did no one wonder where potential heir to the throne, direct daughter of the current king went? Did no one think “hey isn’t that too many suspicious deaths in a really short span of time” like many of us fans did??
And like, I get that spring sickness happened but somehow i suspect that that at this point the Targaryen Doctrine of Exceptionalism is well and truly settled enough that no one should’ve EVER believed that.
I definitely see how the Jaehaerys Did Something Theory is very plausible, but I’ll admit that I also consider that Alysanne’s support of Rhaenys leading her to likely going to Dragonstone which is why we don’t see any significant opposition to Aemma’s marriage in 93 AC may have set up a trend in Alysanne coming and going from Dragonstone whenever things got too tough for her to handle which meant leaving Gael behind without the level of care and caution she’s used to from those around her, a slightly more compelling story. Because this is what happens when you take a girl who is very used to be doted and taken care of by her mother and her mother alone only to be completely isolated in an environment hostile to her gender with only maybe Aemma to check up on her who is also 11.
Yeah especially with the “she died of a sickness” thing when Jaehaerys has been trumpeting his family being Above All That for years, for everyone to just swallow it is weird and weirder still that the truth eventually leaked out. like WHO LEAKED IT. WHY. there’s no way there weren’t a million conspiracy theories about it either!!!
and i definitely get your point about gael being left alone unsupervised, i just think that was more viserra & saera than gael - from how often she’s described as Alysanne’s pale shadow, her constant companion, sleeping in her bed, it’s very reminiscent of queen charlotte’s little “nunnery” of daughters - and their suitors were chased away specifically because of this environment. makes me feel like gael was the only real companion of Alysanne’s as she got older, and was being dragged from place to place - not “doting” so much as smothering, as with charlotte’s daughters. especially as alysanne aged and started forgetting people’s names and faces - she needs someone to look after her and it would be difficult to find a new person, so it might as well be her daughter.
for me, Jaehaerys Doing Something is interesting in part because of what it does to alysanne and her rationalizing away being groomed by her own brother, but also, it makes sense that she’d take this approach to her last child - after ignoring saera & viserra so much they start begging for negative attention until it leads to saera leaving & viserra dying, it makes sense to me that alysanne would overcorrect by smothering gael, and that just as her sisters chafe under the negative attention from their mother, gael chafes under the positive and constant attention from her mother, but no one would dare get close enough to offer her a marriage to escape. we already have a few stories where a girl in an environment that hates girls finds herself withiut her mother’s protection with the middle girls; for the youngest i think it makes sense that george would go for the idea that the monster alysanne’s girls ultimately needed the most protection from wasn’t an outsider, but the one in her home, sleeping in her bed.
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dadralt · 8 months
@poetikat dropping truth bombs on discord
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the-alarm-system · 3 months
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Trust me! - Scald
Oh, those who police system identities are not allowed to use these, you fuckers reek of pork.
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oxventurequotes · 1 year
merilwen: you're talking to someone who used to be a hunter, i used to do what she did!
dob: you ate children? you lured children into your bone cave? and feasted on their marrow?
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
Since a lot of people agrees about bael the bard and the rose of winterfell is alluded to R/L what do you think of their son killing the father? Do you think its a hint about where the future storyline line may go¿
Parallels in songs or legends are rarely exact in the series, so I would never try to look for some kind of linear blueprint in them, only general themes.
There's a theme of patricide and metaphorical patricide running through the books (alongside fratricide, regicide, femicide..) and in the context of Bael, the closest connection I see is Jon rejecting Targaryen heritage (and inheritance) when it is presented to him as an option.
Bael's son knows so little about his father he ends up killing him "unknowing" beside a river. The Winter Rose doesn't seem to have fostered any knowledge or relationship there, and North and wildlings remain enemies. (Read into that whether she loved him or not.) GRRM could have spun this in a different direction, the way Ygritte tries to, of linked heritage and blood and connections, but it remains a murky soup of theft and abandonment and accidental patricide. The son is a Stark, Lord Stark, 100%.
So I surmise the same for Lyanna's son. The paternal line remains irrelevant, and should this rejection leave him "cursed" and stripped of his skin, maybe there's a metaphor in there too, about the truth coming out in conflict.
There are other parallels in the tale, involving Baelish, and considering his murky relationship with a deflowered Tully daughter, a son (who was aborted), a mother falling from a tower, I'd suspect Bael-ish will face his death via Winter Rose (also his "child") as well. Metaphorical patricide. Killing the predatory "father", once again.
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Okay. So. After some thinking, I believe that while the Google Drive controversy (you might have seen the TikTok going around) is definitely part of a long, miserable crawl towards robot dystopia, I don't think Google Drive is ACTUALLY being scraped rn or in the immediate future.
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These are the most grown-up site discussing these issue and it's very fukced--but again, this is a controversy that has been boiling for a while, with AO3 and other sites possibly vulnerable to scraping. I'm looking for stuff that focuses on the docs.
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Revision history for Google privacy policy. Includes:
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Again, public. Still fucked, doesn't automatically mean Google Drive. You can see the current version of the EULA below.
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Google has asked me to engage in Labs (AI) before, but I believe I successfully opted out.
I think my Google Drive is safe, although I could say less about the web. Of course, I could be a fucking idiot. Encouraging anyone with more clarifying information to opt in.
I have seen people talking about how Google Drive uses private information from powerful companies who will, hopefully, sue Google into oblivion if these concerns become a reality.
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comshipbracket · 1 year
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Antis DNI
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
King's Throne Propaganda (Age Gap, Abusive Dynamic)
Both Here and:
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"The tiefling is Noise, the figure is The Bard King"
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"Look at them, they're both twinks <3"
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"This is right before He took Noise's eye, but look at the homoeroticity-"
And! More Propaganda has been added by @anxious-mess19 Here and Here
ShizuShiho Propaganda (Incest)
None that fits the bracket provided in the initial submission - feel free to Reblog with your own propaganda for this ship's advancement in the bracket!
However! Extra Propaganda added by @aquarubyai Here (Check out this propaganda for more information on the ship!) and by @kohaminos Here
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walks-the-ages · 1 year
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[ID: A cropped screenshot of a popup in Google Docs, showing a test tube beaker with sparkles around it with text below it that reads"Good news! You've You've been selected to be one of the first few to test new AI features in Google Workspace" followed by a blue button that reads "sign up for Labs". end ID]
Hey! Google Docs Users! Along with anything else google-related that might pop up with this--
Do Not Sign Up for ANY AI shit that Google tries to tempt you with. I don't care how tantalizing and innocent they make it sound.
Here's just some of the "services" they're offering right now
Express yourself with AI-powered Magic Compose: Asking for a second date? Telling a joke? Get help with what to say in just the right vibe before you send.
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{ID: a screenshot of the google labs previews, showing two fake text message transactions, where someone is texting the user in both instances "I'm about to wrap up at the conference. Haven't eaten all day". In the first picture, the sending text field is empty, and the AI generated response has listed out three responses to choose from: "Wanna grab dinner?" / "I can't belive you haven't eaten all day! Sounds like a packed agenda." / "Sorry you haven't eaten all day [frowning emoji], want to grab some food later?" the second picture has the text field saying "wanna grab dinner?" with three more responses below it reading "you down for some grub?"/ "What's good for dinner? I'm down for whatever"/ "Wanna go get some eats?". Both photos have a thumbs up, thumbs down, and an information icon on the left hand side of the AI responses. end ID]
Aka, if you sign up for this, they're going to be scraping the data off of every single text message you receive and send to feed their machines.
Other examples are training Google's AI for google search for them (we already know exactly how shit that is turning out to be, putting dangerous results that 'sound right' towards the top of any search) , along with an "AI Notebook" that you upload your own documents to and the AI will analyze it and give you summaries, prompts, and in their own words:
"if you are a content creator, you can share video ideas and ask it to create a script for your video,"
Ding ding ding ding!
Guess what they're going to use your mined data for? Profit.
And how are they going to profit in the next few weeks/months?
By not paying real living human workers and instead doing their damnedest to make millions of everyday people willingly train their AI programs for them until it can spit out profitable scripts to turn into books, shows, and movies they don't need to pay human beings for.
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