#anti ron weasley bashing
fanfic-lover-girl · 6 months
Personal Appeal of Dramione
Since reading comprehension among some HP fans is lacking, let me reiterate with some disclaimers:
I do not ship Dramione.
I do not like Dramione, especially as it is portrayed in fanworks.
I do not think Hermione should be with Draco because I dislike Romione. Unfortunately, Romione is the best ship for Hermione...Ron could have done better though.
If anyone makes any comments about the previous points, it is proof they did not read my post properly. Sick and tired of pro Romione people asking how I can ship Hermione with her bully when I merely bring up anti-Dramione arguments I observed.
Anyway, I keep seeing some common arguments for people's disdain for Dramione. I agree wholeheartedly with most of them. The Ron bashing in Dramione fics is 100% out of control and I find it laughable that someone will say Ron is toxic but then say Draco is better. I love Draco but I live in reality (plus I would never pair my baby with a girl like Hermione). Maybe Draco has the POTENTIAL to be better in a well-crafted AU but the canon as it stands does not support this. I have commented that even the enemy part of the enemies-to-lovers ship for Dramione is boring and lacklustre compared to Drarry. Despite all of this, a part of me does find Dramione as an appealing concept and I think some Dramione antis are deliberately being obtuse when wondering why Dramione is popular. I want to write my own response to some sentiments I have seen:
If you want an enemies-to-lovers ship, Romione is right there.
I hardly consider Romione an enemies to lovers ship. Can you even consider them enemies at the start? Ron didn't like Hermione because her personality rubbed him the wrong way. He made a few deriding comments about her that led to her crying. Hermione acted naggy and intellectually superior and maybe she saw Ron as a bit of a delinquent? YAWN! What enemies! Technically they fit the definition of the ship trope but in the tamest way possible. As far as I am concerned, the emphasis was more on their friendship (they are friends for basically most of the series) and their initial dislike was a minor hiccup. They were 'enemies' for like 5 chapters in one book and the switch from enemies to friends was lightning quick - like one sentence quick.
But from that moment on, Hermione Granger became their friend.
I think Romione is better suited as friends to lovers but that's just my take. Just look at Sukka from ATLA. Sokka and Suki started off on a rough note but you would not call them enemies to lovers. Most of Romione's 'enemy' moments boil down to Ron and Hermione being teenagers and going through normal, hormonal teenage drama.
Compare this to Dramione. Draco scorns Hermione's very being and Hermione dislikes him before even having dialogue with him. They are on opposing sides from the beginning: opposing houses, opposing sides of the war, opposing values and ideologies etc. And it would have been interesting to see how that disgust and conflicting worldviews could have morphed into respect and love.
Draco already has a redeeming love interest. You don't need Dramione when you have Drastoria.
Drastoria is a decent ship but I don't like it for a few reasons. First of all, Astoria is a character I know almost nothing about. If I want to know about her, I have to search Google. She and Draco have hardly any interesting history shown. She's basically a NPC - a blank slate. Maybe Cursed Child fans would like Drastoria more.
Secondly, while it is admirable that Draco married a sickly, blood-traitor girl who might not have been able to give him heirs, at the end of the day she is still a pureblood. She's still a relatively safe option. Marrying a muggleborne person like Hermione would make a way more concrete redemption/atonement story. Hermione challenges Draco's worldview more than Astoria ever could.
On Hermione's end, maybe being with Draco could challenge some misconceptions she has about pureblood culture or something. Maybe being with Draco could even challenge how she views her femininity when we consider how pureblood women don't tend to be career-driven in canon, except fanatics like Bellatrix who are childless and have unhappy marriages. Also, I think Hermione's flaw of being vindictive and aggressive could have been challenged more in Dramione. I despise how JKR lets Hermione get away with murder in Romione. Even when Hermione is wrong, it ends up being Ron's fault. Disgusting!
Draco and Hermione would never touch each other in canon.
That's so true...that's why fanfiction and fanon exist. To explore creative possibilities. It's always a bit amusing when I see canon shippers of ships like Kataang, Hinny and Romione complain about the lack of fan content. Like dude, you have canon as your content. Of course, fanon couples will have a tendency to have more fan works due to the lack of canon material.
While many Dramione fics are annoying and totally OOC, there are some concepts that can honor canon that I find intriguing:
Draco and Hermione are forced to be together. This way they have to find a way to reconcile whatever bad feelings they have so they are not miserable for eternity.
Draco and Hermione meet as kids. This allows their personality and impressions of each other to slightly change before canon starts.
Draco and Hermione meet again as grown adults. Maybe Romione and Drastoria did not work out for non bashing reasons and they form a tentative acquaintance as mature adults which blooms into something more.
Draco begins his redemption/awakening arc prior to starting Hogwarts. I like fics where Draco begins questioning his parents' beliefs due to some external factor (like his Aunt Andromeda). That way Draco starts Hogwarts with a lot of his awful bigotry gone. Not all of it but even a small portion of it, making Dramione more feasible.
Draco was Hermione's bully.
It's called enemies to lovers for a reason...you know because the people were enemies. Duh. I will argue that Draco's actions towards Hermione are not as devastating as most people think and are totally redeemable. I will die on that hill (not really lol). All of Draco's biggest offences against her are verbal in nature and he arguably harrassed her the least in the trio. If JKR showed Hermione being impacted by Draco's slurs, I would 100% feel differently. However, Hermione treats Draco like an annoying fly - Draco does not hurt her in any meaningful way to totally dismiss Dramione as a ship in my view.
Draco and Hermione are happy in their canon ships
I love when my fav character ends up in a happy, loving relationship. I hate that Draco lost his wife which is one minor reason I dislike Drastoria. But that's besides the point.
Part of the reason why I dislike the teen ships Romione and Hinny is that they don't really matter much in the narrative. If you take them out, nothing changes, especially Hinny.
For example, there's nothing profound or grand about Ron marrying Hermione. The Weasleys are pro-muggle (...at least in spirit...) so who cares about Romione getting together? I sure don't. The most profound thing about Romione is that Harmione did not happen with Harry and Hermione being the male and female leads. However, Romione still occurs within the friend circle. Same with Hinny. They are safe pairings that don't challenge the status quo. Safe pairings are cozy but most tend to be uninteresting.
On the other hand, Dramione offers the potential for a richer narrative. It could symbolize the potential for change in traditional pureblood families - the start of an era of unity. Between Slytherin and Gryffindor, purebloods and mugglebornes. Because JKR ended HP with the chasm still wide open. Nothing changed except who was on top. Draco is the face of the younger Slytherin generation and is the scion of two prestigious pureblood houses. His ending the story being romantically involved with Hermione would have been amazing to see. Instead of seeing everyone still stuck in their own corners in the epilogue. How disappointing. JKR even ruined Harry's moving speech to Albus with that line about choosing Gryffindor if being in Slytherin bothered him so much. But JKR seems to love the status quo, so what else is to be expected?
Characters being happy in their relationships is great but I also like seeing how a relationship contributes to the themes of a story. Dramione could have offered more to the HP narrative than Romione, and maybe Drastoria, in my view.
These are my opinions. I truly don't care about Hermione so that's a big reason why I can't stand Dramione. But I do see the potential of the ship if written well.
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elfswiftiestuff · 1 year
i need a fandom space for fanfiction.net writer Windschild8178. i need more from the Stay Standing universe. i want fanfics of their fanfics, headcanon to their canon. i want to blackmail them into writing more. i need more hurt, more pain, more heartbreak, more LOVE
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little-lazuli · 2 years
You got any Harry Potter wips? If so can we have a sneak peek?
As a matter of fact, yes I do :) thank you dearest anon for asking!
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Things in the HP fandom that ✨just don’t make sense✨
Ship wars
Loving Draco but hating on Ron
Calling Snape abusive while glossing over the fact that the series takes place in an old-fashioned magic school 30 years ago.
Thinking it’s valid that just because you hate a character you can disregard their trauma
Wolfstar shippers who bash Tonks for no good reason (you can obviously not ship Remadora and ship Wolfstar, but why hate on her when she genuinely did nothing bad?)
Insisting that George should’ve died instead of Fred (that’s so disturbing??? wtf is wrong with y’all?)
Excusing literally everything the Marauders did by saying “they’re just kids” and not acknowledging that Snape was the same age
Hating on Cho, Fleur, Tonks, and Lavender (hm I wonder what they all have in common)
Hating Percy when he has an extremely realistic and understandable story and felt genuinely overlooked by his family (which he was).
Calling 9 year old Snape a creepy stalker
Acting like Hagrid was a perfect angel just because he was kind to Harry
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chocfrog-enjoyer · 2 months
Peaople be hating on Ron, and calling him a bad friend because he had an argument with Harry in GoF. And they’ll act as if that argument lasted months.
Y’all… it lasted 3 weeks. Not even a month. They argued on Halloween when Harry’s name came out of the goblet, and made up on November 24 after the first task.
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thereisnolumos · 1 year
I can't decide between 4, 6 or 7 which is the worse ron. Honestly can't. 6th year ron strings Hermione along knowing they like each other, but purposely goes for Lavender. Than gets annoyed with Lavender by the end, and instead of dumping her he says Hermione's name. All while getting annoyed with Hermione for going out with that Cormac guy. 4th year he gets jealous that Harry is in a life or death situation and abandons him, ruins Hermione's first dance and date. Used Hermione as a last resort for a date to the yule ball, and got annoyed with her when she already had a date and assumed no one asked her. Or 7th year, made promise to stick with Harry during Horcrux hunting but fucked off when it got too hard. Got jealous of Hermione and Harry, only liked Hermione as a sorta prize to be won to prove he was better than Harry, than came back like everything is ok with a bullshit apology.
Ron gets progressively worse the older he gets
He treats Hermione like shit from the beginning, when they become “friends” he always treats her as if her time and attention is owed to him, like she’s supposed to always be there. It starts small with “Hermione will always give me homework to copy” and progresses to “She’ll be available for the Ball when every other girl will reject me” and “She’ll wait for me to want her in a relationships” as he ages.
Also, Ron is the epitome of “weaponized incompetence” and it’s infuriating to me how many times he uses it to get Hermione to do smth for him/instead of him.
Ron is extremely jealous of EVERYONE around him. And this trait gets progressively worse with his age too. In book 1 he is envious of Harry’s new broom, but he’s still capable to be happy for him as well. By book 4 he looses all traces of empathy and compassion and is envious of smth Harry 1) clearly had nothing to do with and everyone with brain would be able to tell, 2) could literally result in his death and it was stated EXPLICITLY many times. But all he sees is “Harry is the center of attention again” and treats him like shit for it. Not once was Harry ever happy or seeking for any sort of fame or recognition, especially considering WHAT he’s famous for.
Also in Book 4 he’s angry and feeling betrayed by Hermione HAVING A GOOD TIME. He’s threatened by someone else being in her life at all, someone she clearly likes and interested in. Because how could it be, that she dares to spend time with anyone else! The traitor! Honestly, I would’ve punched him square in the face for the shit he poured on her at the Yule Ball.
I consider him “sticking with Harry” in book 5 to be 1) I just screwed up, I can’t again or this time it’ll be for good and I can’t manage on my own bcs I’m that useless, plus 2) it’s us against the world! Harry is finally on the other side of famous and it’s so cool. Maybe not entirely conscious on his part, but I do believe these were the reasons for him, similar as they were in Book 2
In book 6 he’s truly shown to grow into a misogynistic asshole. He slut shames his sister for kissing a boy (if I recall he started doing it in Book 5, bit in 6 he’s off the rails with it), he once again shames and guilts Hermione for being asked out by someone else, he uses Lavender to get back at her (Lavander deserved so much better from the narrative overall, but we already established that JKR hated women). And he treats Lavander like shit through all of it! Ronald Weasley is the asshole of a first boyfriend that you drag through mud with your girlfriends for years to come because he was THAT HORRIBLE
And then the ultimate abandonment in book 7… if the writer would be even slightly better, he wouldn’t have returned and these would be a good arc of “not all friendship survives the hardships, or even just time. Not all friends will be with you forever”. Which is an important message for young people, because everyone always believe that they’ll be best friends forever for the entire life but it so rarely works. And it’s normal, that it doesn’t. There doesn’t have to be a grand betrayal or falling out, sometimes your paths just lead you to very different places. Ron didn’t betray them in the sense that Peter betrayed the Marauders (which we still don’t have any real reason for by the way. She just wrote that it happened with NOTHING supporting it backing up that plot), he didn’t switch sides. He just left. Because while Harry and Hermione understood the reality and graveness of war and their situation, Ron still treated it as “an adventure”, he “played in war” if you will. Many like to claim that “it was all the horcrux that he was wearing! It made him feel this and say this!” - both Hermione and Harry wore it too. Even longer than Ron, who didn’t wear it while his wounds healed. The horcrux didn’t put these thoughts in his head, it played off of what was already there. Did it exhilarate and magnified it? Yes, of course. But it was all already in his mind before he ever put the locket on. All of these thoughts and tendencies could’ve been found throughout all other books. And that’s why I never bought into his return, it didn’t feel organic with the rest of the story. It made no sense. She put it there simply bcs she decided that “trio must remain” and that Hermione will end up with him, for some reason that is beyond my understanding
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It will never fail — add a “Ron Weasley Bashing” tag in a Hermione-centric fic and I WILL READ THAT SHIT TOP TO BOTTOM
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cherry-pop-elf · 3 months
God imagine the conversation Charlie and Ron must have had after the war was over
Charlie: “You did WHAT at Gringotts?!”
Ron: “Yeah we road the iron belly out of Gringotts…”
Charlie: “How?!”
Ron: “I just…Remebered what you taught me.”
Charlie: “You listened to my endless rambles?”
Ron: “Course. Yer my brother-!”
Like I said. Ron is the GOAT. Like if his skills were more utilized ((more like his family in GENERAL)) Voldemort probs would have been killed before book three. IM JUST SAYING
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delumineight · 6 months
I see you asking for asks… why is romione your fav 🌞? and so you have any fic recs (can be yours or others) bc I’m getting into the romione agenda and I very much love it here
so sorry this is a late reply but i seriously do not check this app… my main thing is that ron and hermione are the main romantic couple in the series. i feel like before shipping anything your supposed to look at them and consider first. i will die on the hill that romione is more centered than hinny btw! the hinny fandom is also miniscule like omg fight back? it’s also very obvious that they love each other and they both show it in entirely different ways but still both by acting absolutely insane (affectionate).
i am working on a much longer list of recs… because i got bored and started working my way backwards through all 3,000+ ron/hermione otp:true fics on ao3… but for some of my favorites if you just search “recs” on my account and go to the tag i think i have like 2-3 posts of recs? idk it’s been a while but im working on more. you can also find my ao3 with a few published works as well but i do recommend the one that’s 8,000+ words more than any of the others… and it may be getting a part 2 if i can get over writing awkward parent interactions. anyways thank you!!! please join romione are troops are decrepit.
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hotgreentea123 · 8 months
Here is my fanfic I have been thinking about for ages. It started out as my itrataion at ron in the fourth book. I missed me off to no ends when he turns on harry. He isolates harry and treats him awfull and it always passed me off that he had no consequences for his actions. Like everyone just moves on like Ron wasn't acting like harry did something unforgivable. One other thing that irritated me was that sirius never had to deal with the fact that he tried to kill severus. Like remus is still his friend which is insain. I personally would have not let that slide. He turned his best friend into a murder weapon So I decided to write a fix where sirius, ron, and of course dumbledore will have to face the consequences of their actions. It is a work in progress with the main pairings being severus snape/ regulus black and draco malfoy/ harry potter.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 3 days
Disgusting Draco and Ron Antis
I love Draco and Ron. It's a shame that fans of one bash the other, especially in the Dramione vs Romione shipping war (a war that should not be happening because Hermione is not worthy of a shipping war)
Anyway. I know it's meant to be a joke but I find it so distasteful when Draco/Ron antis mock the size of the character's penis to insult their manhood. Like penis size is a measure of a male character's worth. Even grosser since the boys are freaking teens for most of the books!
Swear this has to be a form of misandry or something. It's just so annoying to see. Romione stans who hate Draco and Dramione stans who hate Ron are so freaking childish and need to grow the hell up. You can ship B-rate love interest Hermione with whichever boy you want without all this vile bashing. The characters are not real. Just ship what you want in peace. Or better yet, ship them with someone other than Hermione :)
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Ok so I’m just gonna write down my favorite dialogues of when Ron came back in DH and destroyed the horcrux :)
“‘Are - you - mental?’
Nothing but the shock of hearing that voice could have given Harry the strength to get up. Shivering violently, he staggered to his feet. There before him stood Ron,”
“Harry could not answer. The silver doe was nothing, nothing compared with Ron's reappearance; he could not believe it.”
“As he dragged sweater after sweater over his head, Harry stared at Ron, half expecting him to have disappeared every time he lost sight of him, and yet he had to be real: He had just dived into the pool, he had saved Harry's life.”
“‘How come you're here?’
Apparently Ron had hoped that this point would come up later, if at all.
‘Well, I've - you know - I've come back. If-’ He cleared his throat. ‘You know. You still want me.’
There was a pause, in which the subject of Ron's departure seemed to rise like a wall between them. Yet he was here. He had returned. He had just saved Harry's life.”
“‘…- I can't do it, Harry!’
He had backed away, the sword dragging at his side, shaking his head.
‘You can do it,’ said Harry, ‘you can! You've just got the sword, I know it's supposed to be you who uses it. Please, just get rid of it, Ron.’ The sound of his name seemed to act like a stimulant. Ron swallowed, then, still breathing hard through his long nose, moved back toward the rock. ‘Tell me when,’ he croaked.”
“He had sunk to his knees, his head in his arms. He was shaking, but not, Harry realized, from cold. Harry crammed the broken locket into his pocket, knelt down beside Ron, and placed a hand cautiously on his shoulder.”
“‘After you left,’ he said in a low voice, grateful for the fact that Ron's face was hidden, ‘she cried for a week. Probably longer, only she didn't want me to see. There were loads of nights when we never even spoke to each other. With you gone . . .’
He could not finish; it was only now that Ron was here again that Harry fully realized how much his absence had cost them.”
“‘I'm sorry,’ he said in a thick voice. ‘I'm sorry I left. I know I was a - a -’
‘You've sort of made up for it tonight,’ said Harry. ‘Getting the sword. Finishing off the Horcrux. Saving my life.’”
“Simultaneously they walked forward and hugged, Harry gripping the still-sopping back of Ron's jacket.”
“Though the walk through the dark forest with the doe had seemed lengthy, with Ron by his side the journey back seemed to take a surprisingly short time. Harry could not wait to wake Hermione, and it was with quickening excitement that he entered the tent,”
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pov you pick up and reread this one HP fic you’re subscribed to but haven’t touched in years and then the latest chapter ends with harry killing dumbledore
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dramioneasks · 9 months
New Year’s Day Fics (2024):
Glitter On The Dance Floor by wantsgmarie, WritexAboutxMe - E, one-shot - Following the events of You're My Home , Hermione gets her wish, and Draco escorts her to his Mother's annual New Year's Eve Gala. -or- They torment Lucius, drink champagne, dance and then fuck. Happy New Year's my loves. This story can be entirely read and enjoyed on its own, but the beginning does reference the events of part 1.
A Bottle of Blotson's by thepotterfamily - E, WIP - A little Christmas tale in which Hermione and Draco are workaholics spending the holidays in the Ministry halls together, but separate. In which Draco steals Hermione’s ink and makes up for it with the best gift she’s ever received. In a world where Draco is Hermione’s golden boy and Hermione is Draco’s saving grace, please enjoy my ten-part Christmas tale that is really more of a New Years Eve story. Eventually NSFW.
The Library Liaison by UltramarineOrchid - E, WIP - When Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy realise they’ll need to ring in the New Year by fake-dating, they think that’s just what comes with the job. Little do they know that they’re going to get far more than they bargained for.
New Years Past by magicalsydney (magicandmanuscripts) - G, one-shot - Five years of monumental New Years’ Eves for Hermione and Draco.
A New Year, Together by oceanxpoppy - E, one-shot - She was not fine. She could admit that. She hadn’t been fine in months, if she was honest with herself. It’s something she rarely was anymore, but the exhaustion of the evening had stripped her bare, and all that was left was the feeling she most abhorred; longing. A longing for a man who wanted absolutely nothing to do with her.
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? by Granger_Danger1234321 - not rated, one-shot - Draco and Hermione are the only single ones left out of their friend group. Draco proposes a fake dating arrangement to get them through the holiday season. Just a silly, fluffy holiday fic with a fake dating trope.
Raise a Toast by MarinaJune - M, one-shot - It's the cusp of a new year, and Draco Malfoy is finally ready to take the next step forward away from his grief and his pining. Ahead of him stands Minister Granger-Weasley. Recently-divorced. The centre of attention in a crowd high on hope and celebration.
ringing in the new year by moscovit - M, one-shot - Hermione hates parties, especially intimate ones. When she gets an invitation to Blaise Zabini's New Year's party, she's got no excuse not to go. But Blaise's girlfriend, Ginny, is kind of an ex friend now after a very public breakup with Ron, and they haven't spoke in weeks. This is the story of semi anti social Hermione suffering through a party with a group of friends she doesn't feel like she belongs with.
Midnight wish by Katibugg3 - not rated, one-shot - Hermione is attending the Malfoy's New Years Eve gala alone. Thank God for the expensive wine Draco always has for her.
New Year's Resolutions by arborlibrary - M, one-shot - Hermione had not seen him since the day she’d originally been dragged into his manor and tortured by Bellatrix, while he’d just watched. She’d always wondered if he’d ever make an appearance, after six years of absolutely detesting her at Hogwarts. But he never had, and none of the others had ever mentioned him, either. And he was alone. “Granger,” he finally whispered, remaining on his side of the locked gate. She cautiously approached, though still stayed out of reach. “What do you want?” she rasped, trying to remember how long it had even been since she’d last spoken. Now she was close enough to watch his throat bob as he gulped. “It’s New Year’s Eve.”
Can I Be Yours? by Wanderingfair - E, 2 chapters - “Stop stalling.” She laughed. “Right.” he confirmed, “I’m off to have a dastardly time bashing around Londo- oh, wait, no, I’m off to go meet the gold-digger Mum set me up with,” he snapped. “I get those two confused all the time.” “Go,” she urged, tucking her mouth into the sleeve of her jumper to hide her smile. “I’ll be up reading when you get home.” “You’ll be asleep on the library sofa and we both know it.” He winked, before closing the door. OR Hermione is forced to watch her best friend Draco Malfoy go on dates and finally confront the fact that she doesn't just love him, she is in love with him.
Draco Malfoy's Five Step Plan to Being Forgettable by OneEqualTemper - E, one-shot - Five times Draco said, “New year, new me!” and one time Hermione said, “But I like the old you.”
things that have never been by ohthedrarry - E, one-shot - 31 December 2009 – Draco finds himself sitting alone at a bar, much like he had in December 1999, bringing in the New Year with a glass of whiskey and a sense that this next decade won’t be any better than the last. Until Hermione Granger wanders in with mascara smudged under her eyes, demanding a dry martini.
make a wish by thatblondebitvh - M, one-shot - Theodore Nott's New Year's experiment goes wrong. Chaos ensues.
That One Night That Draco And Theo Sent A Message by allyseisfalling - E, one-shot - It's New Years Eve night and Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott decide to go hunting.
Zero O'Clock by forestknifefight - G, one-shot - “You,” Malfoy begins, drawing Hermione’s attention again. He still isn’t looking at her, favoring the book now held in both hands. His mouth drops open like he’s afraid to speak. “I…?” She prompts him to continue. She lets her arm relax against the table, her quill nearly falling from her hand. His mouth shuts momentarily. He inhales through his nose but still does not look up at her. “You aren’t celebrating.”
Happy New Year Draco Malfoy by MissusB - E, one-shot - After going through the emotional constipation of gifting Hermione his love all December, he finally gets to tell her in person. Even better, he gets to show her as they agree to spend New Year's evening together and maybe start a new tradition together.
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chocfrog-enjoyer · 4 months
💚 (For ask game:))
Ty for the ask anon ^^
Gosh it’s a hard question because I love so many characters and they all have some horrible misinterpretations.
But for this I think I’ll go with Ron, as I rlly love this boy
Alright so let’s first get over some things ppl like to say about Ron or write Ron as being like ( all of these are horrible and just bashing ):
- Ron being abusive towards his partner and friends
- Ron written as very unattractive, being fat and nasty
- Ron written as a cheater
- Ron written as dumb, unintelligent, illogical
- Ron being shunned back from the trio and replaced by another character ( Neville/Luna/Ginny ) bc they are better friends
I hate all of those takes, Ron doesn’t deserve this treatment by the fandom TwT
So let’s establish some facts now
Ron’s magical abilities are on the same level as Harry’s with the only exception being Defense against the dark arts.
However he does have his own abilities that he’s good at. Ron’s an outstanding chess player, he wins with almost everyone, even with Hermione which really frustrates her
He’s a pretty good keeper (unfortunately, due to stage fright, it is difficult for him to show his best side when playing in front of a large audience)
Ron could drive a car at the age of 12. This is an extremely amazing achievement considering that even adults often have trouble operating the vehicle, and Ron was able to fly it all the way to Hogwarts. This means that within a dozen or so hours, Ron drove a car and flew from England, London to Scotland, without using a map and only following the tracks he saw beneath him. It is also important to remember that the car had additional functions as Arthur Wesley magically improved the vehicle, meaning it was even more complicated to operate than a standard car.
Now here's something you may not have noticed, although it's partly just me looking deeper but a lot of things points to Ron having some future-predicting power within him. Why do I think so? Especially since no one, not even Ron himself, seemed to think so?
The answer, of course, lies in the books. Just look at those quotes :>
1. Ron predicted Harry's getting unexpected cash and more
In the third book: Prisoner of Azkaban, during the first lesson - making predictions with tea leaves - Ron was examining the leaves in his friend's cup.
"(...) "There's a blob a bit like a bowler hat," he said. "Maybe you're going to work for the Ministry of Magic…” He turned the teacup the other way up.
"But this way it looks more like an acorn... What's that?" He scanned his copy of Unfogging the Future. “A windfall, unexpected gold.” (…)
- H.P. and the Prisoner of Azkaban
As we know, Harry became an Auror after the end of the Wizarding War. So, as expected, he works for the Ministry. But what's the deal with cash? A Well, for example, unexpected gold for Harry was the prize for winning the Triwizard Tournament - 1,000 galleons, which amounts to about 5,000. GPB or 28,000. PLN. That’s a lot right?
Another unexpected influx of money was Harry receiving Sirius's estate after his death. Because how could he expect that his godfather would end his life?
2. He predicted that Voldemort killed Moaning Myrtle
“I wish I knew why someone did try to chuck it,' said Harry. 'I wouldn't mind knowing how Riddle got an award for special services to Hogwarts, either.'
'Could've been anything,' said Ron. 'Maybe he got thirty O.W.Ls or saved a teacher from the giant squid. Maybe he murdered Myrtle, that would've done everyone a favour..?”
- H.P. and the Chamber of Secrets
3.He also predicted their argument during GOF and along with Harry most of what would happen in the book
“(…) Why don't you get stabbed in the back by someone you thought was a friend?"
"Yeah... cool.." said Harry, scribbling it down, "because Venus is in the twelfth house."
- H.P. and the Goblet of Fire
Ron was very brave.
Despite his fear of spiders, went with Harry into the forbidden forest, that most of the school avoided, following a spider trail. We know well that this situation ended with a meeting with Aragog, but despite his obvious fear, Ron waited for Harry to finish asking Aragog questions.
He also went with Harry straight to the Chamber of Secrets, knowing full well that the Basilisk was there. One of the most dangerous creatures in the entire wizarding world.
He overcame his fears in order to help his friend.
Ron was very loyal. Yes, they had arguments, but all of the trio had, Hermione abandoned the boys a few times too, but that’s how life works, friends sometimes argue and don’t agree with each other but what makes them a good friend is that they apologize and always come back. Harry appreciated him very much for this, after all, Ron was the person Harry missed the most and whom he had to save during the 2nd task of the Triwizard Tournament.
Ron also has an absolutely amazing sense of humor, here are some of the funniest things he said that I quoted:
All in all, I love Ron, he’s an amazing character and I hate how much he’s mischaracterized and brushed aside or bashed he is.
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thereisnolumos · 1 year
Want to discuss(or more like vent) about how horrible a character ron weasley is? Both in general and just how badly written he is. Also what's your opinion of Ginny Weasley? I dislike her character too and I think shes badly written.
I’m always ready to bash the Ronald Weasley👌🏼
1) He’s misogynistic to every single woman he meets (maaaaybee except McGonagall, but he’s scared of her, soooo…). Literally, he slutshames his sister for kissing a boy (she wasn’t even doing it in public, not that it would’ve justified his behavior), thinks of women in terms of “fuckable/dateble/attractive” only, is only ever nice to Hermione when he either needs smth from her, or against Snape. And his hatred towards Snape plays a much bigger role here.
2) He’s basically useless in the story. Except for the chess game in PS he isn’t needed for the story to progress. Everything he does can be easily done by pretty much any other character. And better so.
3) He’s stupid. Like extremely so. Many characters are not excelling at school, but are smart otherwise. Or they’re not excelling simply bcs they don’t try that much/don’t care. But he’s struggling even when focused and determined and is stupid overall in life. Neither a book smart, nor a street smart going for him. He doesn’t even have his own aspirations in life, it’s constantly a repeat of someone else’s. He wants to play quidditch not because he’s good at it (he’s almost terrible) or he likes it a lot, but because all the brothers he liked (sorry Percy, I like you a lot) played it, because Harry plays it. He chooses the same subjects as Harry before 3rd year (I actually don’t remember whom chose first, but I’m pretty sure it was done randomly), chooses the same profession on 5th year, etc. He’s never his own person, he’s barely a person for his written as “a best friend” and his lousy even at this
4) He’s a bad friend. He’s constantly jealous and allows it to take over him on multiple occasions. He refuses to acknowledge people’s trauma and problems. This goes to all Weasley’s except for Percy, who at least noticed smth was off: they didn’t fucking notice their little sister was POSSESSED for an entire year. A+ family…
I can continue, but I’d like to see your points:)
Ginny… I think she has a potential of becoming a cool character, but she wasn’t. She was written to be with Harry and be awesome at quidditch (which was what made him notice her, so…) But I can see how she can be a great character in fandom with necessary changes. Ron cannot be a good character, unless you scrape everything clean and start over, so it won’t be him anymore.
JKR cannot write women to save her life due to her misogyny. In her eyes, the only good quality a woman can have is being a mother…
But I agree, that Ginny and Harry probably won’t make it as couple. They’re too young, both waaay too traumatized. My headcanon is that they date again after the war is over, and while they’re rebuilding Hogwarts, finish their education there, all that. But then Harry decides to leave the country for a while (a long while) and they just separate, no hard feelings. Their lives move in different directions but they remain friends.
(I also have a headcanon that Ron never returned in DH, because that plot made no sense and was written simply because JKR wrote that, with no substance under it)
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