#anti the sims resource
guerrillla · 10 months
actually i wanna talk abt this tsr thing seperately because i am raging. acc fuming. fuck TSR idc! its completely fucking criminal and quite honestly evil imo.
i shouldnt HAVE to pay a dimeee.. thing is: i can appreciate the desire/partial need to make money off your work since sims cc is almost always original work and a lot of it, thats where i think this recent thing of early access patreon uploads is ok because we still get the content either way and the creator gets paid if people want to access their work earlier (of course still ick bc it encourages FOMO based spending and paywalling content that is in its essence supposed to be free shouldnt EVER be the norm)
worst part about TSR is that i wouldnt be paying for the work directly but for the CONVENIENCE of (quickly-ish) downloading multiple things from the site at once that can literally allow itself to be that evil because of its popularity. ntm T$R has literal VIP Content that is paywalled. that is pure evil.
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So TSR really left this comment up from CharliDahmelio, after 5 reports (6 with my report) they couldn’t be bothered with deleting this comment.
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dualdeixis · 7 months
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[Image description: A poem titled "רַבִּי / رَبِّي" written Friday, November 17, 2023: Rabbī, I cannot praise your deeds. / Rabbī, no weeping moves you. / Rabbī, your justice is wedded to perversion. / Rabbī, your love looks much like your hatred. / Rabbī, the patriarchs have been gilt as idols. / Rabbī, the Temple has been built into a prison. / Rabbī, mixed multitudes have been spat on. / Rabbī, all oneness has been sported with. / Rabbī, ministering angels have been consigned to wailing. / Rabbī, nameless infants have been fed the world’s silence. / Rabbī, your reddened sea has been exiled from shore. / Rabbī, your holy city has been split in two. / But by whom? / Rabbī, shall I say “them” or “us”? / Rabbī, which people is solely yours? / Rabbī, what image is divine alone? / Rabbī, when comes the Hour of Unlocking? / Rabbī, where hides the Place of Its Glory? / Rabbī, why? Answer now. Answer. End image description.]
note 1: as the title implies, "rabbī" may be read as the hebrew word for "a jewish cleric" or the arabic word for "my l_rd" (i.e., g_d).
note 2: this poem is written from an anti-zionist jewish perspective. therefore the question "by whom? / shall i say 'them' or 'us'?" is not meant to dispute palestine as the oppressed party. rather, it is meant to be taken extremely literally, because it is situated in my individual experience: should i—a muslim in the process of converting to judaism, who has been estranged from jewish community and had my conversion delayed because of zionism; who has no personal ties to israel but is nevertheless complicit in its genocidal actions by nature of living in the warmongering USA which uses my household's tax dollars to fund it; who believes that "all israel are responsible for one another" (shevuot 39a)—refer to the oppressors as "them" or "us"?
ways to help palestine:
decolonize palestine (patreon)
samidoun (calendar of worldwide protests)
palestine action
palestine legal
bds movement
e-sims for gaza
more resources
ways to help congo:
list of donations
boycott & donate
ways to help sudan:
list of donations
fundraiser for a refugee family
action against hunger
ways to help armenia:
all for armenia
armenian food bank
artsakh housing fund
armenian assembly of america action center
ways to help other indigenous peoples around you:
learn about whose land you may be living on
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pixelplayground · 8 months
PXL'S Anatomy of Screenshots
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So you want to take better screenshots? There are multiple factors to consider, and if you don't enjoy tweaking reshade settings for every image, my ultimate method may not be for you. That being said, there are tips and resources in this guide that are applicable to everyone and you can select to explore those that are useful to your specific situation.
Disclaimer: I am not claiming to be an expert, nor am I offering to provide troubleshooting on an individual basis. This is a general guide and if you are unfamiliar with any of the concepts, please use the mighty power of the internet to find tutorials. I promise everything that I have learned over the years has been published and documented a thousand times better than I ever could.
There are five factors to address:
Your computer's inherent capabilities
The game's limitations
The mods you're using
Post Processing
Graphics Card Settings & Drivers:
Become familiar with your graphic options. If you don't have a dedicated graphics card (i.e. a desktop or gaming laptop, these features may be unavailable and you should skip.)
I have an AMD Radeon Pro card which is designed for workstation level systems. It's overkill for sims, but useful for 3D rendering and modelling work. I have changed the following settings for DirectX 9 applications:
anti-aliasing - enhance application settings
anisotropic filtering - enabled
anisotropic filtering level - 16x
texture filtering quality - high
surface format optimization - high
Consider overclocking your graphics card to unlock it's full potential. DO NOT pursue this venture unless you are ok with the risk of burning out your card prematurely. I use at present, overclocked Bootcamp Drivers from BootcampDrivers.com obviously, if you're not playing on an intel based mac through Bootcamp, this is irrelevant to you.
None of these settings are useful until you address the default games limitations, which leads nicely into the next factor.
Addressing The Sims 4's Graphic Limitations:
Everyone should be familiar at this point with lighting mods, 4k, textures, disabling ssao, etc. but, I'm still going to spell it out. None of this is new information and has been covered many a time by various players ad nauseum.
remove ugly blue toned lighting in the world by choosing a lighting mod from @softerhaze here
overhaul your graphics.cfg file (i use a custom blend with features specific to me), however @simp4sims has done a ridiculous amount of work in providing a simple to install file that can be found here - read through their tutorials!! they have provided an excellent oversight of exactly what this does and why it matters
improve the indoor lighting for your sims - previously i used @luumia's no blu, no glo - recently i switched to @northernsiberiawinds better in game lighting mod here, though i have tweaked some of the settings to suit my own personal preferences
i don't use the HQ mod, i don't find that it makes enough difference for the amount of effort it requires to convert CAS CC
It should go without saying, but tweaking your graphics config file is absolutely useless if you can't play TS4 at it's maximum in game graphic settings!
The Mods You're Using:
Now that you've put in all this work into getting the game ready to make use of quality mods where do you start? Well, the CC you install matters. Whatever your preference, whether it be maxis-match, alpha or somewhere in between, priority should be given to using items textured in 2k or 4k resolutions, and specific attention should be paid to using wall and flooring textures with bump maps, and or high quality resolutions (this is important later for reshade if you intend to learn about ray tracing).
I will separately post a guide to creators with crispy textures because that is it's own novel.
Phew. Still with me?
There are many many many reshade presets out there, most are alike, but none employ ray tracing, and that is because a) it needs to be manually adjusted for every screenshot, b) they are paid shaders, and c) this requires advanced knowledge of reshade and a decent enough graphics set up that won't overheat - games running native ray tracing recommend a minimum VRAM of 8GB (please note RAM and VRAM are not the same) - i therefore do not recommend pursuing this option if your system does not meet those minimum requirements.
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Start here to understand what ray tracing for reshade is. In my opinion, the shaders are well worth the price of $5 for the amount of work that has gone into creating them by the talented Pascal Gilcher. That link is a comprehensive starting point into expanding your knowledge of reshade and it's capabilities.
I have always created my own reshade presets from scratch, and while the core colorization settings I utilize remain largely the same, using ray tracing and re-light means every screenshot needs to be manually adjusted (lights repositioned, bounce and AO factors adjusted, etc) before being captured. @pictureamoebae just published a very timely post discussing the re-light shader and you can read it here.
Post Processing
Reshade does 99.99% of the work that traditionally would be accomplished in a photo editing software like photoshop. Occasionally, I need to adjust exposure manually, add depth of field manually, or color correct. Beyond that I use it to scale images to fit the resolution and file size limits of various platforms. Conceptually this reduces the amount of uncontrolled loss encountered when platforms like tumblr auto compress files that are too large. In reality, tumblr still makes images crappy compared to how they appear in my file folder.
optimize your images for various social media platforms using this guide
fix exposure or colorization issues using a software like photoshop
I hope that this gives you a starting point into expanding your methodologies. My process is continuously evolving and I find this aspect of the game most entertaining. For others who don't enjoy this process, it's probably not worth it!
Thanks for reading ❤ PXL
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saturngalore · 7 months
to the simblrs who have been the most active on here and have not said or reblog a single thing about palestine, why should i care about your edits, gameplay or storytelling when you cant even spare a couple minutes out your day to care about and help palestinians? the simplest thing you could do is to just reblog or share resources, data, news updates, and/or call to protests/boycotting????? you don’t even have to look at graphic images to be able to show that you have an ounce of empathy/compassion and a sense of solidarity to palestinians who share a similar anti colonial struggle to the various other marginalized groups across the globe. i was there when police brutality incidents were at their peak and it burned me out as i watched so many black people die very brutal deaths but that has not stopped me from caring about what goes on in palestine when they have expressed solidarity with african americans numerous times despite the 75 years of suffering and displacement. simply ignoring this and staying silent especially when you have thousands of followers while you post about what your sims had for breakfast is beyond disgusting and may you never know peace in your life ever again
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autistichalsin · 4 months
What is pro-ship?
Proship is, basically, a combination of three core beliefs:
Fiction doesn't have a 1-1 overlap with reality, and more to the point, what one enjoys in fiction isn't who they are in real life. People who play DOOM aren't school shooters, people who torture their Sims aren't serial killers, and people who enjoy reading about dark themes in fiction such as rape, abuse, taboo kink, extremely unhealthy ship dynamics, and so on aren't real life abusers.
Harassment over fiction is wrong. If you hate a ship or a kink, it's reasonable to blacklist, block those who post about it, and so on to curate your experience, but things such as suicide baiting, doxxing, implying they have harmed people in real life because of what they enjoy fictional characters doing, and etc are all wrong.
Censorship of fiction is wrong, on the grounds that: it almost exclusively ends up applied to queer creators and/or queer content (queer content is judged as obscene infinitely more than the same content were if it was not queer), therefore making it an oppressive tool; attempting to censor certain themes, which often have been experienced by the creator and/or readers, is tantamount to telling them their own lived experience is too obscene to be discussed; the resources it takes to censor fiction could have been better used to help real life people in need instead; what counts as obscene is incredibly subjective, and you can't count on this judgment only being made by reasonable people because unreasonable people are prominent in much of the anti discourse; and labeling of a ship as obscene/problematic is, more often than not, done simply to ships that rival antis' favorite one, rather than on any actual moral grounds, resulting in incredibly nebulous reasons being given that make it impossible to consistently enforce rules about what ships are problematic.
Some people prefer to use the terms pro-fic, anti-anti, or similar instead, and some people don't support antis but prefer to distance themselves from proship as a label due to issues within the community.
Note: the "pro" in proship has NEVER stood for problematic; it has always meant the opposite of "anti", because anti as a label predated proship being a label (before antis, proship was the default, so it had no label). Pro always meant "in support of", not "problematic."
Hope that helps, anon!
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luxxcia · 4 months
This isn't what I usually post about, but theres been malware from sims 4 mods. Specifiallly from mods hosted onCurseforge, TheSimsResource, and ModTheSims. It's a lot like the Minecraft Fractureiser virus. The downloaded mod's contain .EXE files that steal personal data and harm computers. The current known infected mods:
"To recap, here are the mods we know for sure were affected by the recent malware outbreak: "Cult Mod v2" uploaded to ModTheSims by PimpMySims (impostor account) "Social Events - Unlimited Time" uploaded to CurseForge by MySims4 (single-use account) "Weather and Forecast Cheat Menu" uploaded to The Sims Resource by MSQSIMS (hacked, real account) "Seasons Cheats Menu" uploaded to The Sims Resource by MSQSIMS (hacked, real account) "Motherlode Menu" uploaded to The Sims Resource by MSQSIMS (hacked, real account) "Mood Cheat Menu" uploaded to The Sims Resource by MSQSIMS (hacked, real account) "Mouth Preset N16" uploaded to The Sims Resource by PlayersWonderland (hacked, real account)" -copied from the sims after dark server!
I'm horrible at explaining but please go check out this post on reddit, run an anti-virus scan if you downloaded any recent sims 4 mods, and perhaps join the sims after dark discord server.
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unidentifiedsim · 4 months
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Anti Valentine's Tattoo - TSR Exclusive
This tattoo is available exclusively on The Sims Resource 
x1 Colour
x5 Shades
Found in Tattoo - Upper Chest
Gender Neutral
Teen - Elder
HQ Compatible
Disallowed for Random
Works for both Alpha and MM Skins
Custom Thumbnail for Alpha and MM
Base Game Only
DL Anti Valentine's Tattoo here 
TSR are having a Valentine's event, but you know me... I have to be slightly different, so this is my "Anti Valentine's" contribution.
If anyone has trouble downloading from TSR, then please send me a message and I'll of course send you the file direct 🖤
You'll also notice that the preview picture is especially created for The Sims Resource, so when you see this layout, you'll know where to find the tattoo 💋
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Terms of Use Please Respect Them x Do not edit my mesh in anyway for your own use, whether personal or commercial. Please, don't be a D*CK! x Do not include my cc in your sims dumps, whether they are free or paid for. Please always link back to me. x Do not claim my creations as your own and do not reupload them. x Recolouring my CC is not allowed unless you ask for my permission. If permission is granted, do not upload my original mesh. Please link back to me. x Do not use a*fly or any link shortener. x Do not use my cc for patreon exclusive or early access benefits. x Do not convert my cc to other platforms such as Second Life etc.
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kuijoon · 7 months
(This is on-going and I will continuously add things as time goes)
also please be careful about what to trust. There is always fake info flying around and with topics like these it’s always difficult to tell
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Thread from Twitter of pro-palestine brands
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Spread awareness: go to all your social media accounts and share what’s going on in Gaza. Don’t just share stuff on your main too. Do it everywhere. Tell others in your life about it. Do whatever you can. It may seem like everyone is already informed at first, but really that’s not the case. The NCCM has witnessed a 1000% increase in anti-palestinian and islamophobic incidents. https://www.palestinecentral.ca/resources/ongoing-incidents Isreal is openly admitting that they are committing a genocide. They are calling palestinians “human animals”. This is a crime against humanity and we need everyone to know.
Go to protests: there are TONS of protests happening all around the world. If you find one near you, go there. Every person present counts. Just look at all the protests that have been happening in just one weekend https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQk4CGe89kEnBy05Fqz7IhtJ-H9ENhe-dtFfJ4qdiVTvPnos5sO4KP4IDpFEbXotKqKIJUT4AgNwWF-/pubhtml
Demand immediate ceasefire from your mps: send emails to the political representatives in your area demanding ceasefire. If you live in Canada, please use this link- it automatically sends an email to all mps. https://www.palestinecentral.ca/action-alerts/ceasefire
Boycotting: Boycott companies that support isreal: stop buying products from companies that support isreal. The BNC calls for a targeted boycott. Learn more here: https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott also here are some authors who support isreal+some that support palestine https://www.tumblr.com/aphroditesmoon/732598764797313024/to-the-people-who-follow-me-for-my-book-content
Barcodes: Don’t buy products with a barcode that starts with 729/871. This means that the products are from Isreal.
Sign this petition: https://chng.it/hTNxdFYDjp
Donate: since palestine is cut off from the rest of the world as of now, donations cannot immediately help people. HOWEVER, when palestine can connect with the rest of the world again, these funds can help a lot.
Click on this website: if you can’t donate yourself, please visit this website and click once a day on the support Palestine button. With each click the website donates money to support the thing you click for. https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/
Buy e-sims and help Palestine get back online: https://www.tumblr.com/stil-lindigo/732649047487299584/quick-reminder-that-besides-calling-for-a
Staying informed
News sites
Social media accounts of people from Palestine updating everyone on the situation
Hind Khoudary
Free e-Books about the isreal/palestine
Stuff Isreal has done
The ten stages of genocide and how isreal checks all boxes https://www.tumblr.com/strangeracrossthestreet/732006087413350400/letstalkpalestine
Isreal harvests organs of Palestinians without their (family’s) consent: https://www.tumblr.com/storiesfromgaza/732651083902697472/hi-everyone-yesterday-i-shared-here-a-series-of
Palestine families were promised safety of their babies but found them all dead when they came back https://www.tumblr.com/sayruq/735269646480097280/tw-death-child-death-mass-murder-corpses
one of the prisoners isreal has released and what “crime” she committed https://www.tumblr.com/opencommunion/734893922512470016/ben-gvir-told-the-cops-to-try-to-prevent-freed
Talking about the apartheid
Apparently making TikTok’s celebrating the genocide in Gaza??? (what the fuck)
Also here’s a video I found showing the situation at the end of october 2023 (around the time I posted this).
And would you look at that. Isreal comes out and says that the hospital where all these people seek shelter is a headquarter of the Hamas.
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If there is anything else I can add, please let me know
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intersectionalpraxis · 3 months
Hey there! Im sorry if this question seems rather silly, but ive been meaning to learn more and educate myself about zionism and what anti zionism is. I have been reblogging and posting about families in need, and have been boycotting, but I havent really had the time to educate myself on zionism, or what it means to be a zionist. I have also come across some jewish blogs on here that say that anti zionism is anti semitic, and ive also seen some jewish blogs say that anti zionism is infact NOT anti semitism, and I really would like to be more educated on this matter. You seem like an incredibly well meaning, educated blog so I was just wondering if maybe u could help me with this problem of mine in any way thats convenient to you. Thanks!
Hello! Thank you for reaching out. Someone asked me a similar question a while ago, so I wanted to direct you here because I provided references and resources for anyone who wants to learn more about zionism and anti-zionism.
To reiterate what I said in this post, and of course as many activists and allies to the Free Palestine movement have said, anti-zionism is not antisemitism. Pro-zionists are more often either white supremacists or pro-settlerism/colonialism of Historic Palestine. I also recommend watching this video below. They talk about why it is problematic when Jewist leftists (and any pro-zionist person) for Jewish people to say they have a right to an "ethnostate" (for context: Sim went viral a while ago on tiktok -they are a trans, Jewish author based in the US) and their work is so incredible reflexive and important (I also tried attaching this full video for 4 hours and I opted for taking a screenshot. If you type their user into tiktok with "ethnostate" you will find stitches leading the original video). I'm sorry for sharing it this way, but Tumblr won't let me link it after I tried posting it.). Their user is @/simkern:
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I hope this helps a little, but just as I have I hope you continue to keep learning/unlearning just as I will continue to do so.
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moonwoodhollow · 5 months
Hi! I'm Berry(30F, she/her), I've been playing the Sims since TS1 days. I'm into building and creating sims, but I sometimes post the occasional story bit. I do tag everything I post, but it's still a work in progress.
I follow back from my main account - aeromantica
everything I posted, no reblogs/tzr
story posts
Racism, sexism, heterosexism/homophobia, transphobia, ableism, anti-fat bias, and other hateful views are not welcome here.
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tau1tvec · 2 years
Thinking my biggest concern with this “official” mods business, is how The Sims Team is very intrinsically using the word “safe” in how they describe it, and that's bad... and lemme tell you why...
This is a sentiment they’ve been building for a long time now, and goes as far back as The Sims 2 days, when there were some folks who didn’t download mods or cc from any place that didn’t seem obviously aligned with Maxis or EA ( shit they still do it now, as I recently bumped into a tweet that legit thought the sharing of tray files means it's from a pirated game, and therefore the files are "dangerous" ), hence the rise of sites like The Sims Resource, that I believe at one point even got into trouble for using official logos and marketing material, and generally passing themselves off as an affiliate, while taking people’s money for content, which technically didn’t follow EULA.
However the general distaste some players had for spaces like TSR ( mind you this was in their "members only" era ), and preference for sites like Mod The Sims ( a site made by simmers for simmers that hosted content for free ) inevitably changed the eco system. LJ and forums became havens for a lot of the custom content people put in their games, and also offered a sense of community that TSR couldn’t.
With the release of The Sims 3 came with change however, to how cc was distributed, as much as how players communicated. Many creators migrated from forums to blogspot or tumblr mainly, trading out a community focused platform for one more personal ( similar to LiveJournal ). So many were hosting their own content, their own way on file sharing sites, but with self moderation, unfortunately came the downsides of it.
Though MTS was still quite popular for much of The Sims 3's life span, self moderation had opened the door to self monetization, thus incentivizing creators to move away from sites like MTS, and TSR, and instead adopt ads, and link shorteners like ad-fly. Obviously they didn't garner as much profit as TSR creators, but it was a simple and easy way to generate some kind of money off of their work... problem was... it wasn't safe, and neither was TSR at that point.
When TSR took down their members only model, likely due to pressure from EA and their sudden changes in EULA, they had to find other ways to generate profit, and thus the introduction of ads, so, so many ads... so many that some people complained it would slow down their computers, and some, if clicked on accidently, which tbh wasn't hard with how they were interlaced in seemingly every element on the website, worries of malware and virus began cropping up, by no real surprise, anyone who's grown up during the rise of the internet knows that ads = viruses. This is all just very ingrained in online culture, there's a reason why ad-blockers have been a thing since 4ever.
This didn't seem to stop TSR however, let alone creators who attached their downloads to ad-fly, and therefore once again I bring this conversation around to the word "safe".
I have been around long enough, and in the modding scene long enough to know that mods, no matter where you get them will never be safe. Much of modding was niche and fringe for a lot of gaming history, hence why it was so, and still is predominately overwhelmed by adult/erotic mods... like with pirating games, it's just always had this very, very big stigma around it, and with the recent issue of Patreon creators using manipulation tactics, and data stalking causing such a big kerfuffle in the community, that it got to the likes of EA themselves to finally decide to put their foot down on the whole issue ( and then pull it up idk ??? lol ) it all seems just so very... coincidental to me.
This isn't the first time either, there was the putting viruses in files shared with anti-paywall sites, hall passes written out by "lawyers" to excuse bad behavior, the TSR debacle, the p*do mod debacle, the LoversLab having to scrub their forum of "questionable mods" debacle, the DMCA's, the doxxing, the deleted blogs, the list goes on honestly, it's just been such a mess. Then, while all this was going on, whatever EA offered as a "safe space" for downloading user created content wasn't honestly any better.
The Sims Exchange was a mixed bag, a lotta times you'd download sims or homes with broken or corrupt cc attached, and lord knows what else... people would reupload content by other people without their consent, or even credit, which by no surprise at all ended being the same exact issue that eventually inundated The Sims 4 Gallery, not to mention the comments section being used to harass users.
tldr; modding will never truly be safe, the fact that the word "safe", this rather bold promise coming out of EA's mouth of all companies is even going to be remotely believed, bc some Sims YouTuber says it's also "safe", just really rubs me the wrong way, and says a lot about how true a statement it actually is. They're trying to stigmatize the modding community again... who's trustworthy, and who isn't trustworthy... who's good, and who's evil, and all for their own benefit... bc when the hell has EA ever once done anything, that wasn't mostly for their own benefit?
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dear-indies · 3 months
hi cat and mouse! i've been a big fan of your resources for a while now and i wanted to ask you to please, PLEASE refrain from using "from the river to the sea." as a jewish rper in this community that's already so antisemitic and unfriendly towards people like myself i feel the need to share that that phrase is not only some rallying cry for palestine's freedom but it has historical charge of antisemitism denying us jewish the right to self-determination by removing us from our ancestral homeland. hamas uses it frequently in the latter sense like on oct. 7th when they slaughtered 1,400 jewish civilians in a genocide (the largest single-day slaughter since the holocaust btw).
totally appreciate your decision to side with palestine in this situation but i wanted to inform you there's a way to do it without being antisemitic.
hey anon! tackling antisemitism is extremely important which is why i feel it's important to point out the following and reiterate to the rest of my followers that zionism is NOT judaism and criticism of isr*el is not antisemitic. if i have posted anything antisemitic please let me know but this ask is not it and has many zionist red flags.
first off, jewish palestinians exist. they've existed in peace alongside christian and muslim palestinians long before isr*el was forcefully created. isr*el is a colonizer state committing genocide and has no right to exist. palestinians (including jewish palestinains) deserve human rights. palestinians (including jewish palestinains) deserve their land back.
a select few may use it with antisemitic connotations because they're antisemitic (thats a reflection on the person, not the phrase) but from the river to the sea is not antisemitic and has never been antisemitic. it's a call for palestinian freedom and liberation. (another source) so it makes me ask, why do you, an unaffected person by the genocide of palestinians, feel aggression for a call for their freedom?
addin on isr*el has never been a safe place for jewish people especially jewish people of colour, holocaust survivors (another source), queer jewish people, and antizionist jewish people.
it was not the biggest. the biggest was with the use of isr*aeli weapons.
it was not a genocide.
additionally, the death count from the 7th was 695 Isr*eli civilians and some of which were friendly fire. that's another propaganda fact that isr*ael likes to inflate.
adding on to that, IOF has killed its own hostages numerous times. (another source, another source) and they refuse to accept any deals which would get their hostage back much to the anger of the hostages' families.
since you want to mention hamas please don't forget that the IOF are terrorists and were formed by terrorist groups a lot of people seem to forget that.
and more relevant links:
tikkunolamresistance (highlighting that they do anti-zionist torah studies on pateron if any of my jewish moots are interested!)
jewish voice for peace
if not now
jews against white supremacy
jewish anti zionist history
jewish anti zionist history 2
anti-zionist/diasporist judaica roundup!
books and documentaries mostly by arab and anti-zionist jewish people
"basic resources for anti-zionist jews who feel really alone and want to connect with each other or with our culture or history"
edgar morin
matt bernstein
sim kern - "do jews have some unique and special need and right to maintain a theocratic ethnostate?"
anita zsurzsan
+ please let me know if anyone needs more i follow so many antizionist jewish advocates!
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whyeverr · 1 year
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Hi, I’m whyeverr. I’m a sagittarius and my pronouns are she/her. I’ve been playing The Sims since 2001. I’m into elaborate builds, complex characters, and vanilla-ish / CC-minimal gameplay.
Currently playing Rebuild A City (Post-Apocalyptic BACC) read the latest chapter | catch up from the beginning
Ask | Builds | Resources | Sims 4 Gallery | Pinterest
I block bot accounts and empty accounts that look like bot accounts.
My builds and story posts sometimes contain adult themes. I use content warning tags (e.g. #cw: nudity) for anything I anticipate some viewers may find triggering. Please message me if there’s a content warning tag I’m not using that you’d like me to include.
Racism, sexism, heterosexism/homophobia, transphobia, ableism, anti-fat bias, and other hateful views are not welcome here.
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virtualpeople · 2 years
Your Sims look amazing! Can tou share some resources for skins, face masks, sliders, etc. you are using? Do you have any advice for making Sims?
Thank you so much :D and sure, always happy to share resources!
Sliders: I download every single slider I see because I love messing around with them (even if it does the same thing as another one I already have, chances are it does that thing in a slightly different way that could be useful), so that’s basically everything from here or here
Skins: All the ones I currently use are in this reply here, though every sim I create gets a ton of face shaders, nosemasks and the like so half the time the skins end up looking notably different
Face masks: I've hoarded a ton of stuff over the years, so I'll only include stuff like face shaders here so I actually get to sleep tonight, but here's a few of my favourites (or at least, the ones which I can find, some are proving to be a bit illusive):
simplelife's face shadow, highlights, wrinkles and face kit
rensim’s Old Facekit & Circonflex Anti-Shine
rensim’s Curved and Triple Threat Blush
sleepytabby’s unbeauty parlour
nopke’s subtle wrinkles
mina’s chin masks
mistyblue’s bits ‘n’ bobs part 1
mistyblue’s bits ‘n’ bobs part 2
amaryll’s miranda facemasks
alfredaskew’s advent 2012 shaders
alfredaskew’s CiJ 2020 shaders
alfredaskew’s 28 shaders
digi’s CiJ face shaders + more
pooklet’s collection of face things
(and likely a lot more I’m forgetting at the moment)
and as for advice? I’ve no idea what’s generally common knowledge when it comes to sim making, so hopefully something here will be actual advice and not blindingly obvious :D
Well, kinda obvious one first though: ingame CAS is... not great. Bodyshop is a million times easier to create in, especially once it's modded to brighten the lighting. Maxis why did you make it so gloomy by default :(
The default sims 2 face sculpt has some interesting anatomy, shall we say. It makes it a bit tricky to get proportions right, and if you're going for realistic faces, proportion is the most important thing. It can really help having a photo up on screen at the same time of someone who looks like what you're going for with the sim you're making (that might be obvious too though haha)
Saying that though, thanks to the strange mesh anatomy and the fact that the poor sims 2 sims have <1000 polygons to their faces, sticking 100% to a photo and trying to replicate it exactly never seems to work very well (in my experience anyway). If using a photo I usually get the basic proportions and general feature shapes looking good, so maybe about 60% of the sculpt? going on the photo, then freehand the last 40% or so just shunting around sliders until I'm happy with the sim
I usually try and get as much face sculpting done as possible with the sliders before adding any makeup or face effects. It tends to be a bit easier to see what bits are going to play nicely with the sim's face shape that way. (not a definite rule though, I have been known to completely re-do a nose because I wanted to use a particular nosemask haha)
Adding the makeup/shaders/etc is basically 70% a really long-winded game of trial and error, throwing a ton of things at a sim's face and seeing what metaphorically sticks until you stumble on something that looks good, 30% knowing what you have in your CC collection that might do the trick. It's also fun using things in unintended ways, like using a shader designed for pale skintones as highlights on a darker skintone, or layering nosemasks.
Wish I had some advice for speeding up making sims though, it can take me forever trying different stuff haha
I'll add more stuff if I think of it later since damn am I sleepy right now, but hopefully something was useful in all of this!
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leam1983 · 1 year
Disney Dreamlight Valley - Thoughts
It's like staring into a portal into an alternate dimension where Disney and fucking Gameloft are actually design-conscious devs in their own right, and will somehow package the Most Corporate Shit Ever with the single strongest distillation of the Life Sim formula I've seen yet.
I'm shocked, seriously. The premium elements are strictly cosmetic, the required commitment is minimal and none of the Valley's inhabitants adhere to a schedule that hampers your progression. Goofy's downed something like sixteen Adderall and cannot stop pacing up and down the central plaza, when he isn't stuck in a stumbling loop while fishing in one of the meadow's three lakes. The last I spoke with him, his shop was open and fully available by 3 AM.
Everything's accessible. Nothing's gated, except what should be gated in the context of a Life Sim, to induce a sense of progression. You've unlocked pathing tiles for the Village? You're free to cover the entire plateau in cobblestones, if that's what you want.
What the actual fuck. Coming out of Gameloft, devs who consistently paywall parts of their offered content, this feels like a Twilight Zone episode in its most positive form.
I mean - Yes, the quest-givers don't shut up and pester you for a constant downpour of menial shit that supposedly ties into reviving the Valley, but that's only if you do decide to interact with them. If you don't, you're free to spend entire days tweaking the Village's layout.
So, how different is it from Animal Crossing, exactly? Well, first of all, the whole damn thing has a Copyrighted symbol in full-view. If you're one of the staunch anti-Disney posters on here, this is a definitive mark of avoidance for you. Past that, it's basically a name-swapping affair: Tom Nook is split up between Scrooge McDuck (for personal housing needs) and Goofy (for exterior farming resources). Isabelle is more or less handled by The Sword in the Stone's Merlin, and Mickey eventually serves as your Blathers analogue. The one outlying mechanic is an Energy system, which asks you to either keep some food on you at all times to keep topping off, or that simply suggest you return home for a few seconds. Considering how most of the game will take place within walking distance from your personal plot of land, this is an extremely generous implementation of that mechanic.
If I had to dock Dreamlight any points, I'd mention the lack of obviousness of certain quests. I've reached one of the themed Realms in my current save; Realms being tiny instances themed around characters that aren't part of the House of Mouse's main stable. Take, for instance, WALL-E, from the movie of the same name. I've ended in his tiny little pocket world, and was asked to find something to repair one of his treads. I went looking and only found scrap that the game did define as quest items, but never specified what I should do with.
I'd assume this is just a matter of taking five to go check out a walkthrough online, but I really shouldn't have to do this. Even Crossing's most annoying event, like Gulliver's visits, typically include clear cues in the character's dialogue. WALL-E only spews "Directive?" at the player and disengages. Your 'toon somehow immediately grasps what's going on and realizes the robot needs repairs, but the process involved is never made clear. There's a crafting bench nearby, but no amount of fishing around got me close to anything resembling gear or tread blueprints.
Past that, color me pleasantly surprised. The farming mechanic is even more forgiving than Crossing's, the game's client-side currency is generously doled out, and the server-side token is actually not accessible in a Cash Shop!
At this point, it's sort of hard to figure out what the game is doing online. Apart from analytics, the occasional ad served in the Store page - which you can entirely miss - and the gatekeeping of Dreamlight (the currency, not the game itself) to structure player progression and avoid abuse, it behaves entirely like your average PC offering, complete with a flawless response rate on the Steam Deck and a gaggle of easy exploits accessible with a trainer. Can't pay back Scrooge's loan fast enough for your liking? Just pick a trainer producer of your choosing or hex-edit yourself a berjillion coins, and move on right ahead! No online-only bullshit as you would've expected from Disney and Gameloft!
It's a very pleasant surprise, overall. Skip it if you're allergic to remixes of When you Wish upon a Star or if Disney's older stable feels so saccharine to you that you'd rather jam sporks in your eyeballs - but it's actually a very competent Life Sim that's surprisingly lenient and pleasant. It's the most pro-consumer flex I've seen the Mouse pull off in a long time, and a great alternative if you're looking for something to fill in that Tom Nook-shaped divot in your heart, in the absence of a Nintendo Switch or a copy of New Horizons.
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