mccarthymolly · 1 year
listen hk,uh,ww,ok,hm,wt,uh,ok,watch,liste,hm,uh,
Dk,hmkhmuh,ww,dk,uhok,ww,wait uh,hm,ww
Csnt hm,dk,uk,j,o,ji,i,
K hm ww h k hk no i yh hm k uh k uh k hm no lc ww j khj,ww hk hk ok no ww hm ok
Hm volunteer ww hk hkok ww no uh hk j ok so smll. Ok mybe dk ww bml I'll
Ww uh no ,report,uhkl no ok ww hk j
Ww j k j dk hk kj ok hm o kj hk uh eh no hj o u o ww ed lec uh dk, hm k j
Rural n adults, saying i gay,g k
See ww k dk b gd,hm,yh, js gilms, dk,ww, hk j,ww, hm k ok, dk,no,jkh,uh,ww, those kind interruptns, hkuj ww
Grpthink, invisibl b wrse b ja choose cmmn minority? J ku nin dk h jj
Teeth nt holistic wwuhwt noh
Ww h kjn
K hm ww dk uh fd no hm jn dk hm w ttl uh hm dk uh hmu k no, joke yh, hm k n in ww
Hm u don't value it either bc nt hlp, ww, prsr dk, j ku jyh
Even then,yh,nt waiting for right ppl, model issues
Wwuh no dnt hv,no,jmuh, indirect, fr u nt me,uh dk, say outrighter,hj
Hmww khmuh no dk ww h kh yh jmhoj
Dk, hm k jww hk ujdkuj
Fd,tlk w memories,hlp,uh,who,um,uh, memory fr wt,uh,no,hw tell,uh,idea v evi,no,ww,uh,no, no h ww yh omg y
Making n selling capital we no,uh,hm,yh,uh,hm,n,i,
Hm ok n hi n
Hm think of mr rogers lk theorist,hmj,,j,ok,uh,no,hm,k,ww,yh,uh,ok,m,
Xmpsl hm, get wronged n then do sth, bad if wrong or right said
Nt famlr
Uh fd,
Hm ppays then di
exercuses smll b nt hm,dk,eh,eventually no. If smll then fresh n not expected, b cn u be creative when going into polluted field, r u naive,j,,phol counsel hm dk uh no
Meaningfule h
Ww eh no, dk,uh,ok,j,m,
Ok nt forget b dk ww uh how
Is ac saying abt a thing of um
Block uh no dy hk
U think i ba dor swuare or deep lk limited n macho reserved. Uh,tf id this rom novel,wwj,k,,
No, bd network yh,
Hm uh,dk,h,m,
Reading aloud ww y ,k,j
Wate rok hm ww,uh,sweet,uh fruit scared,uh,ltr uh,dk,not eat,hm u hd,,k,d k j, ww,k,uh,hmyh,uh,no,phil,ww,y,no,hm,uh,o,k,yh,uh,dk,ww,y,uh,eh,dm,k,
Hm yh col,hm,uh,ww, all prior lf, lk brief feelings but nt of tjis n rpibably nt get to this bc in schl setting or advanced n precosciousness maybe,hm, nt be given schl or anti schl b care,hmww,uh,no,j,o,j,k,uh,ok,wwj,k,d k, j
Careful ok hm uh, k, o,k, sweet n crunch n water,hm,uh,
I havrnt, but feels weird to separate arts or things, lk youd be btr
N sth, uh harsh,hm,
Noh, ww,k,
0 notes
Can you believe Alec was willing to become a vampire to save Magnus in the finale which would have severed his parabatai bond to jace and jalecs STILL say he’d pick Jace over Magnus 😤
remember when alec was going to stay in edom forever away from jace and that wasnt even a problem to him, when alec married magnus and jace was like "don't be a stranger" and then he moved to another continent, when jace was angsting over clary in the finale and alec was out there living his best life eye fucking his husband and drinking martinis, when jace was straight up possessed and alec didn't even notice cuz him and magnus were busy gossiping about lorenzo (i dont remember what the fuck they were doing in 3a tbh), when jace died and alec was like "sucks", when alec said he would be the one to kill jace himself, when alec came back from the parabatai tracking induced coma and his first reaction was to tell magnus that the fact that magnus was there helped him come back and that he could feel him there (while jace was arrested in the background), when jace decided to freeload at magnus' and alec was pissed as hell at him, did jace and alec even interact in 3b?, when alec said that he's only been in love once and it was with magnus, when alec said magnus is his world, when alec proposed to magnus and married him? i love winning
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kinkymagnus · 3 years
please don’t send me super salty asks about the latest shitty fandom things. they get me a little upset. i can deal with a little, but some of the just super fucking racist/homophobic/whatever stuff just gets me so angry it’s exhausting.
please DO send asks in general tho!!! i’d love to hear from you
fic prompts are closed, but asks are open! and i mean, you can try and send a fic prompt, maybe it’ll spark something and i’ll at least answer it as an ask, i’m just not promising i’ll write something for it. 
basic dni (dont interact) in tags, but like, really looking at you, book stans and inc*st shippers. get the fuck out
this blog is fairly inactive but i still answer asks if you wanna talk about any spicy magnus/malec content! <3 
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magnusraphaelmaia · 4 years
actually stay away from magnus, raphael and maia in general. actually stay away from magnus, raphael, maia, alec, meliorn, isabelle, and simon in general. you can have jace he stinks
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izzymalec · 6 years
jace: *dies and comes back to life* alec: i can’t live without you……… magnus
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boyfriendsmalec · 6 years
I remember Matt had an interview back in Season 2 where he said something similar to this latest interview in regards to the parabatai bond and his relationship with Jace. Basically he said that he doesn’t notice things going wrong with Jace because he is instead focusing more on Magnus, Isabelle, and his job. And Matt is again saying this was for Season 3. 
Literally J*lecs act like the parabatai bond is the most precious thing in the world but it’s been three episodes into Season 3 and Jace and Alec have barely said two words to each other. Honestly I wish the show could just scrap this bond altogether because it only leaves Alec feeling awful when he realizes something was going on with Jace and he didn’t realize it. Why is this the message being given? Why instead isn’t it why did Jace not feel he could confide in Alec?
This is why I hate the parabatai bond between Alec and Jace. It’s all about Jace hiding things and then Alec being made to feel bad when he discovers Jace was hiding things from him and he didn’t know.
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fxckingfxntastic · 6 years
J*ce fans blaming his shitty behavior towards Alec on his situation, but somehow he was able to be civil to Luke and Clary when talking about the same situation. He was only a dick to Alec, who did nothing but worry about him and care about him. J*ce is the shittiest parabatai and Alec deserves better. Free Alec.
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androgymagnus · 6 years
part of me: alec saying "i would have done the same thing" is a scene about him and clary, not about malec or j*lec. and anyway, even if it was, alec doesn't have to rank his loved ones or choose "who he loves more" and that's bullshit. he loves both of them, and it's not a competition. honestly, he probably meant he would have done that for ANYONE he loves, not even necessarily just "jace or magnus". he would have done it for magnus, for izzy, for maryse, for jace, etc. because that's the kind of person alec is
also me: alec was CLEARLY TALKING ABOUT MAGNUS it even panned over to show magnus's reaction and ANYWAY you CRUSTY ASS BITCHES alec loves magnus WAY MORE THAN JACE "AWFUL FRIEND AND PARABATAI" ONE-MILLION-LAST-NAMES. PLUS alec would NEVER LOVE HIS BROTHER ROMANTICALLY so don't even TRY to make this about your GROSS RACIST INCEST SHIP
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saltybane · 7 years
“This is foreshadowing some Jalec sexual tension in Season three. I’m ready.”
Good going whoever is running the SHTV account. Now the Jalec nasties are crawling back out of their holes thinking that crusty ass picture means something.
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sh tops: choose wisely
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
Oh J*lec shippers, why do you do the things you do? 
In principle, I’m not actively against many pairings within fandom in general. I’m a multishipper --always have been-- and so although I usually have one main pairing for my favorite characters, sometimes I see the possibility of those characters being shipped with others. 
That being said, shipping that changes an already established LGB+ character sexuality is a no go (so, yeah, I’m against Cl*lec) and then I’ll never be a fan of pairings that have a direct power imbalance -- the first example that comes to mind for that would be mentor/student types. I’m sure there are other types, but these are two examples I have off the top of my head. 
So yeah, I’m not against J*lec in principle -- I mean Alec and Jace obviously have an amazing bond and I totally get why some people want to explore that in different ways. I’ve read some decent, unproblematic, J*lec -- hell, I’ve daydreamed up J*lec storylines before. I’m not just using lip service when I say I get why people want to explore their relationship. 
What I am against is twofold -- 1) J*lec shippers that ONLY ship Alec and Jace with each other and are really aggressive about it, to the point of insulting the other characters that Jace and Alec are involved with. While it wouldn’t surprise me that there are one or two J*lec shippers that are nasty about Clary usually the majority are really offensive about how they treat and/or talk about Magnus. To the point where they are being racist -- and really, are these specific “fans” into J*lec because they think the Parabatai bond is oh so great or because they hate the idea of their white favorite with a PoC? 
And -- 2) which --surprise!-- also has to do with Magnus: I really, really, dislike the fanfics that basically use Magnus as a stepping stone to J*lec happening. The whole “Alec becomes interested in Magnus, Jace realizes he’s jealous and why, Alec drops Magnus like a hot potato because Jace finally started to pay the right type of attention to him.” -- ugh!
Not only does that make Alec seem really shallow and mean to the point of ugliness, but Magnus is not there to be the bridge that creates J*lec -- he’s his own character with his own feelings that deserve respect. 
Especially with the fanfics that are written within TV!canon and Magnus’ feelings have already been established as deep and true; then it gets really ugly in disregarding him, my gods. It’s literally canon that Magnus’ closed himself off emotionally for over a hundred years because of Camille, only to start to feel things for Alec. To just stomp all over that for a pairing where within canon Jace doesn’t return Alec’s feelings -- and to do it deliberately within a fanfic -- it’s appalling. 
AUs can be different. Either ones that are in canon and Alec and Magnus haven’t met and/or just don’t have feelings for each other or ones that are all!human or what have you -- they don’t have to involve Magnus into Alec’s love life at all. So the ones that do but then have it end up being J*lec at the end anyways? Totally ridiculous. 
It almost makes me want to write a fanfic where Alec is totally in love with Jace, meets Magnus and goes all starry-eyed, Jace realizes he has feelings for Alec, Alec finds out about said feelings, BUT THEN -- Alec decides to stay with Magnus because he’s already started to move on. I mean, I won’t --I struggle with writing stuff I’m actually enthusiastic for, thanks-- but … almost. 
This has been brought to you by the influx of J*lec on Ao3 here lately -- seriously, was there a fan week or something? I don’t follow any hardcore J*lec shippers on Tumblr, so ...
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bi-leigh-bi · 7 years
tfw you post shit to the anti j@lec tag like Tumblr etiquette would have you and j@lec shippers still act extra and tell you to get out of the tag. 😂😂😂😂
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(Bona fides: Chinese-American woman, queer, in my 30s, grew up evangelical Christian.) You've been frequently reblogging diversehighfantasy regarding AO3 recently. I unfollowed them a while ago b/c I was unhappy with their constantly slipping purity culture rhetoric into their anti-racist posts. What are your views on purity culture? Esp. regarding fans of color who've been harmed by both racism *and* religious/cultural purity policing? Asking honestly, not accusingly.
Hello! Mod P. is here. Well, this is a bit awkward, because Holly (DHF) is one of our mods here. Mod Finn, the founder of this blog invited both of us when she started the blog, but now that most of the other mods have left us (because of RL reasons, and lack of time), I’m the most active one here, and Holly is one of our silent mods. So, make of that what you will.
As for your question about purity culture / religious policing.
I’m an Asian woman (Kalmyk) in my mid 30s, disabled. I’m a Buddhist, not really religious – as in I follow some religious traditions that my family part takes, but mostly I’m rather illiterate regarding the whole Buddhist theology stuff (I’m more acquainted with the Christian mythology and theology in theory, for example, because it’s integral part of the Western culture). I grew up in a secular society, so I really can’t speak of the experiences of the people of color that grew up in a strict religious environment. Personally for me, in general, purity culture in a religious sense is an alien subject and I’m definitely against the idea of forcing it on others.
If we’re talking about purity culture in fandom spaces, we’ll have to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak, because the white fandom / pro ship people usually mix everything into one pile, often with the intention to gaslight and shut the discussions about racism, and antiblackness specifically. Even on the fanlore page of “purity culture” description they pile up racism / homophobia etc.
I don’t know how you define the term “purity culture”, as for myself, I usually stay away from the discours, but as far as incest / pedophilia kinks, for example, it’s actively not my thing. Like, when I was in the TWD fandom, I blocked people who shipped Carl/Daryl or Carl/Negan on sight. Things like Winc*st or J2 is not my thing, but also ships like Winc*st or RPFs J2 don’t bother me personally, as long as they stay in their line (also, I don’t bother going to white fandoms like SPN), and don’t overlap into the racism / homophobia etc. sphere. I don’t care about RP shippers, as long as they stay in their corner, and don’t harass real people like wives or actors / etc. they deem as a “threat” to their fantasy ship.
That being said, we have to talk about nuances and context. For example, in the Shadowhunters fandom the people who shipped J*lec would present things as if they were being harassed by the “purity culture people”, who called their ship “incestuous” (because J@ce and Alec were raised together). I never used that angle in my criticism of the ship, I always criticized it for its racism and racialized homophobia, because all J*lec shippers are/were actively racist and anti-Asian towards Magnus, used very racist and orientalist rhetoric to discredit Malec and Harry Shum Jr. (the actor who portrayed Magnus). In short, whether J@lec is an incest or not, isn’t my concern, but the fact that it IS an inherently racist and a homophobic ship, that actively erases the canon narrative of a bisexual Asian character, does concern me.
Another example is Michael/Eleanor ship from TGP, from what I’ve seen, the ship is often criticized by the non Black / white fans because of the age gap between the actors or because of the father/daughter dynamics between the two. For my part, I couldn’t care less about either. What I do care about is the fact that most Michael/Eleanor shippers happen to be people who almost never ship characters of color or IR ships. I do care about the fact that this white crack ship actively erases the canon narrative of the Black male character.
I don’t support attacking the authors who write explicit sex scenes. But I do understand the criticism of MLM fetishzation coming from gay men in fandom. And I do understand criticism when fandom tries to discredit IR ships of ships of color in media and write them off as “bad lgbt rep” because these ships don’t have explicit sex scenes on screen, like their favorite white MLMs.
I do understand and support the criticism of the “slave fics” coming from Black fans.
And yes, I do believe that there needs to be some anti racist policy on AO3, that prevents fans of color, and Black fans specifically, from seeing racist fanworks in the threads of characters of color. I don’t want to see J@lec fics in Magnus Bane thread, where Magnus is an abusive asshole and Alec is saved by his “true love” Jace. I don’t want to see fics in Glenn Rhee thread, where Maggie cheats on Glenn with Daryl, while oblivious Glenn is right in the next room. I don’t ever want to see fics in Sam Wilson’s thread, where he is a slave owner and rapes and abuses the white MCU characters, or anything like that horrid that Finnpoe Jim Crow fic.
I don’t believe in “ship and let ship” idea, because racist shippers never stay in their lane, they’re always in the tags of characters of color / ships of color with their gaslighting and coded racist hate. I do believe that Franzeska’s infamous meta is a big pile of racist BS.
That being said, I’ve known Holly (DHF) for almost ten years now and I’ve never seen her being pro purity culture in any way.
(P.S. Idk what’s with this glitch and why this ask looks like this.)
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izzymalec · 6 years
it’s been months and i’m still thinking about how little sense it made for alec not to be able to feel his parabatai come back to life like.... we know he felt him die but he didn’t feel him come back to life?? “look at it now” “how 😲” ...uhhh yeah i don’t think so and now he can’t even feel jace being possesed by a demon?? did the parabatai bond even come back bc it certainly doesn’t seem like it
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boyfriendsmalec · 6 years
Gotta love that the 3x07 sneak peek of Malec totally shut down J*lec shippers desire for Alec to be mad at Magnus because of the stuff with Jace and Lilith lol
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cat-loss · 7 years
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this is why i hate j//lecs. anyway @ j//lec stans unfollow me please i feel sick just knowing you guys follow me
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