#anything nostalgic has me 🥰🥰🥰🥰
bxbygxxsx · 8 months
@littlest-switch tagged me in this music game. sounds fun, i'm in. putting my ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle and sharing the 1st ten songs ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
This is gunna be so embarrassing I just know it.
Ain’t it fun- Paramore
Holiday- Dizzee Rascal
Read your mind- Sabrina Carpenter
Four leaf clover- Newton Faulkner
Whole lotta love- Hozier
If I were a fish- Corook, Olivia Barton
You need to calm down- Taylor Swift
Toxic- Britney Spears
London Bridge- Fergie
Joanne- Lady Gaga
I’m not gunna tag anyone bc I’m lazy BUT if you see this and wanna do it, take this as your tag and do it <3
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
some february fake rumors 💭
i am referencing these two contributions here & here. while we’re preparing ourselves for the chaos of xz’s mfw appearances, let’s enjoy these sweets first!
i’m using a very sexy xiao laoshi just because… 🤷🏻‍♀️
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the first one is so funny and nostalgic with how it was presented. usually, fake rumors are in conversation form or in paragraphs. or, at some point, there is a story and then OP will include stick drawings to better explain what’s happening. this was popular when the topic are unofficial bts content before the videos were released.
this contribution tho only had the stick figure 😂😂
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you can clearly see what’s the “story” here. lol. the two of them were caught by someone. this is not the first time a story like this came out but seeing it this way is entertaining. fans are also pointing out what they are doing, the faces are so close! kissing! 💋
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the second one goes back to the usual format of conversations.
the first part is a staff telling yibo that be brought so much and then wyb says he doesn’t have the car to carry the stuff. he also said he has divided it, to which another staff says it’s easier for them. they tell wyb that he should eat more mandarin oranges.
wyb: Yo, you’re back
wyb: Come on, I brought everything with me.
xz: If I don’t eat, I’ll stay up late tomorrow and die of swelling.
xz: gone
wyb: Look at me going all the way here and you’re ignoring me.
xz: Aren’t you pretty good at the game?
wyb: That's different
xz: Why is it different? Please explain it carefully.
wyb: Fierce me 🥹👈🏻Brother x, look at everything about him
xz: 🙄🤛🏻
wyb: If you don’t eat carbohydrates, your temper will get worse.
LOL. Years later, WYB is still worrying over XZ and what he eats lol. and how WYB wants all of XZ’s attention, and his gege playing along. I can imagine him saying “please explain it”.
staff 2: 🍊 So delicious
staff 1: I’ll take two more
xz: You guys eat so much
xz: Come, come here
i love how wyb’s love language is giving gifts, and it shows here. this is allegedly a fake scenario during the CNY holidays, and ofc, Bobo won’t forget gifts for XZ’s staff as well! what a good brother in law!
I don’t know anything. I only know how to eat. You can talk wherever you like. Where can we go to talk? We'll make up soon anyway.
xz: Okay, I won’t argue with you anymore. I went back to take a shower and sweated all over.
wyb: Then I’ll go back too
xz: You eat here and eat with them
wyb: I’m afraid of getting swollen even if I don’t eat.
xz: Okay?
wyb: ☺️☺️🥰
wyb: Withdrawal ✋🏻
wyb: You should ☺️ take a sip to reduce swelling.
xz: you😂
xz: Is it okay if I ask Brother A to buy red beans for me?
wyb: Let’s go upstairs☺️
The use of the door here and this commentary from the OP made fans think of the “drawing” from the rumor i discussed first. It’s like OP is implying that he was only there to enjoy the food from wyb. The previous convo looks like the two are bickering, but they will be sweet later. make up soon? what does that mean? Did OP see them kissing?
P.S: if you have a weibo account, please like all the comments with yellow circles in this xzs new post. take this as a reminder to do the same for the MFW posts in the coming days. 💪🏼 we have to show our support! XZ will most likely post on IG too, so this is your reminder to follow him.
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Hiii! 🥰💜 Can I please request an Eggsy x fem!civilian reader where she’s Harry’s daughter with prompt 4 “He makes me happy and safe”?
A/N: Hey there. Hope this is what you invisioned. I took the liberty and threw in a Christmas prompt of mine too. Happy reading!
Caught under the Mistletoe
Pairing: Eggsy Unwin x fem!reader
Warning: getting caught by a parent, kissing, fluff
Summary: look up. a mistletoe
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The house was quiet. No wonder, your boyfriend was away on a mission. Before he went away he asked you to dog sit JB. You laughed at his request and snorted, “Why should I do that when I already live here. You know my apartment only has some belongings there.” Then you squinted at him. He only smirked lazily. “Tell the truth you planned it. You strategically took items of mine with you every time you were over.” Eggsy just shrugged his shoulders and smiled at you.
You had to giggle as you walked by a candle holder you thought you had lost until you found it in exactly the same place it stood right now. Oh the face when you tell Eggsy you had given up your apartment. You had a talk a while back but it wasn’t anything serious. It ended with you telling him you had to consider your father in all of this. After all he was the one who chose your flat.
JB ran between your legs and to the front door. He whined and pawed at the door while looking at you. As fast as you could you ran over. If JB was acting this way it only meant one thing. Eggsy was home.
“JB, go to your bed.” You pointed at the little basked at the end of the hall. Slowly the little pug mad his way over and laid down. His eyes trained to the door. Slowly you opened the door gingerly. Eggsy was standing at the other end of it with his go bag slung behind his back and a charming smile on his lips. You squealed as you saw his handsome face you missed so much.
You flung the door open and ran into his arms. “You are home!” Eggsy’s strong hands enveloped your body and pressed it tighter to his. “I missed you so much, darlin’.” You breathed in his cologne you only faintly smelled on his pillow.
“Hey sweets.” You looked up from his neck. “Look up. A mistletoe.” With one hand he held up a small twig. You giggled while hiding into his neck. “No hiding! You know what this means.” You looked at him with a bright smile before closing the gap. The kiss was slow at first till Eggsy deepened it.
The kiss was broken by an all too familiar clearing of the throat. You broke apart from your boyfriend’s lips as if you burned yours. You looked over his shoulder and saw your father standing at the stairs. He raised a brow as your eyes met.
“Not only did you take my code name and my house but also my daughter.” Eggsy’s eyes widened. He turned around fast. You were scared he would have whiplash. “Harry! What are you doing here?” Your father’s eyes narrowed. He looked between him and you before walking up the few stairs separating you both from him. “You forgot your glasses in the meeting room. I wanted to get them to you because I don’t know if you have a spare pair at home.”
Eggsy scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Thanks, Harry. How thoughtful. I actually got five spare ones because I left them all over the place and Merlin was annoyed by me so he made me so many extras.” He began to ramble which was your sign to step in. “Dad, please don’t be mad. He makes me happy and safe.”
Harry looked at you in disappointment. He looked over at a frightened Eggsy and back to your wide-eyed form. His hardened eyes softened. I am not mad at your relationship. I am disappointed that you didn’t confine in me.” His gaze swept over your slightly relaxed forms. “I am relived that you are in a relationship with Eggsy.” His eyes went nostalgic. “Wouldn’t I have died I would have introduced the both of you.”
Eggsy chuckled lightly. Both man eyes met. Your fathers went saddened once went curious in a heartbeat. “In a way you did, Harry. We met at your ‘funeral’.” He made air quotes at the mention of the worst day of your life. But at the same day one of the best. The corners of Harry’s lips went up and he let out a soundless laugh. “Seems like it.” He nodded back to your still opened front door and a waiting JB. “I think someone else is waiting for you, Eggsy. I don’t want to intrude further.” Before he could turn you stopped your father from going home. “Stay. I think you have questions. And from experience I know how hungry world saving secret agents can get. Dinner is finished and I cooked too much for me alone. I didn’t know when you would come back. Merlin only told me this week. You know how I like to prepare for any of your returns.” Both men chuckled as they remember all the food you would cook so they would come home to home cooked warm meals.
Eggsy made way so you and your father could step inside. “How often did I tell you to wear socks when the weather was cold, missy. You catch colds so fast.” Eggsy looked down at your bare feet. He sighted, “Harry, how did you manage to get her to wear socks. I tell her this every time. I even lay out a pair for her every morning when I’m home.” Harry sighted deeply. A disappointed look was thrown into your direction. “I tell you everything you want to know over dinner. But let me tell you this. It was always a war getting her to wear a pair of socks.” You groaned as you walked into the kitchen.
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tuituipupu · 6 months
friend I see you watched the Czech selection! I was already asleep so could you kindly fill me in with the highs and lows? 👉👈
heyyyy of course of course!! 🥰💖
idk if i'm the best person to come to for this (especially the highlights bc... were there any? i'm a miserable girlie >.<) but here we go:
(also side note: you were already asleep? i'm so impressed pls teach me your ways of not going to bed at 1am!!) 🧸🩶
ok so idk if you watched escz last year but the same bloke was hosting and he was somehow even worse than last year. if that's possible.
(he seemed to be reading directly from the teleprompter and not even looking into the camera and he just has the charisma of a a damp paper towel 🤩)
the song that stan twt seemed to be hyping up (pedestal? i think it's called? by aiko?) absolutely flopped hard af. she was out of breath within seconds of the song starting. her annunciation was awful too, i couldn't understand anything she was huffing and puffing about and then she let out this really alarming scream out of no where (not in a good way) and just... yes. it was the definition of a mess.
i think there were 2 boring ballads idk i lost count. they weren't pretty ballads - they were dirge-y ballads. this is why i lost count.
one girl was COMPLETELY FLAT and out of tune. i was seriously wondering if she couldn't hear herself because she also sounded a little out of time at parts too. god that was awful.
now the ONLY HIGHLIGHT 🌟 (and i'm using the word highlight generously): the band MYDY had an up-tempo track and guess what? THE LEAD COULD ACTUALLY SING 🤯 the song is... not my cup of tea but she has good energy and the esc spirit so i'm sure they'll win the nf. it has potential to be elevated at least. people compared mydy to måneskin??? (which... no? they have glam stylistic elements and that's all. the song doesn't sound måneskin at all).
then i think there was a cringey male melfest reject style song with dancers throwing some very sussy (read: funny) shapes and him singing about being "sweet like teriyaki" 💀
and another male led song that relies on drops. super forgettable stuff.
then we are domi performed at the end and that was a bit rough around the edges as well unfortunately.
the only other HIGHLIGHT 🌟 i can think of was just before all the acts performed, lake malawi performed 'friend of a friend' and actually sang in tune and it was very nostalgic and cute. more of this please escz.
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jackoshadows · 1 year
If you saying Jonsa is not happening GRRM didn't write anything for them, how you shipping Jonerys 🤣 There's nothing for Jonerys, and Jon still cares for Sansa and thinks of her. He has written something for Jonsa and nothing for Jonerys.
I mean, Jon and Dany haven't met yet, they haven't heard of each other, they don't know of each other, they don't know the other person exists yet.... Why would they think of each other?
Jon and Sansa do know of each other. They grew up in the same castle. They are half siblings. And yet Jon can't spare a single thought of worry or concern for Sansa's situation, where she is and her status in being married to Tyrion Lannister.
That's the point.
I have seen some try to justify this as Tyrion is not bad as Ramsay and that is why Jon is not worried and all that, and yet! Sansa was still a political hostage forced into marriage by the Lannisters, she's alive and somewhere in Westeros, Stannis is actually mentioning Sansa in their conversation and yet we get nothing, nada, zilch, zero.
Same with Sansa. She's playing a pretend bastard in the Vale and not once does she recall her bastard half-brother, instead confessing to having forgotten about his existence until Myranda Royce brings up his name.
There's no way I am shipping two characters who care so little for each other. It's the emotional bonds that matters to me - loyalty, love, concern, worry - that's what I find attractive in relationships rather than superficial notions of beauty, subjective chemistry and 'they look hot together'. That's why I generally tend to favour platonic relationships - friendships, siblings, found family, brotherhood, sisterhood.
It's clear that as an author GRRM is not invested in Jon and Sansa's relationship in the books. Sansa matters to Jon in the wider context of family and Winterfell - she is tagged on at the end when he thinks about all of his family or when he refers to his sisters being alone in KL. The little we hear of Sansa from him is the typical Sansa characterization of liking enchanted beauty like the Wall or her telling him to praise a girl's name. That's it. There's no emotional weight behind their relationship, no intimate moments between them. They don't think fondly of each other, Jon never shows up in Sansa nostalgic memories of her family and Jon is actually surprised that while missing his family, he missed 'Even' Sansa.
If the author was building some grand romance then he would actually throw in those hints in the actual books!! That's how a writer organically builds up a relationship.
Jon and Dany have not even met and yet Jon keeps referring to dragons and Dany sees the blue rose all the way over at the Wall while being called a bride of fire!! That's actual foreshadowing! That's how it's done.
There's actual parallels of them as leaders. There's parallels of them at the ends of their worlds trying to reform and help people. They are close in age, in maturity, in thinking and goals. They are Targaryens, they are each other's type beyond just looks and beauty, there is prophecy connected to them, they have magical pets, they will be essential to saving the world.
You read all this and then go 'But snow fell on Sansa's face in the Vale...Jonsa is so real in the books 🥰' and then call it 'Sansa hate' if I laugh at it, then so be it.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
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I just love Kurosawa hugging Adachi from behind, ok.
I was unsure about the Cherry Magic movie at first, but as soon as it started lightly torturing its main characters I got into it 😈
And then by the end I adored them.
some of my favorite moments:
The scene in the dark hospital hallway when Adachi looks so defeated and, out of focus in the background someone emerges from around the corner and, still very out of focus, runs toward Adachi and calls his name. Possibly my favorite shot out of the whole movie - how they kept Kurosawa unrecognizably out of focus the entire time, but you could sort of recognize his brown bag, and of course it was him, who else could it be. Adachi's disbelief and slowness to turn around - am I just dreaming this too? is what I imagined him thinking. Kurosawa drenched from the rain with a look of desperation and relief on his face. The feeling evoked by that dark empty hospital, only dimly lit with fluorescent lights.
In additional support of my agenda of torturing Kurosawa as much as possible, his defeated look as he's drying his hair on Adachi's temporary couch, and him finally being honest about what he's feeling, finally admitting to some selfishness for once in his life.
Kurosawa's hug from behind when they're confirming that Adachi has lost the ability to read minds.
The fact that Adachi finally lost the ability to read minds! I don't care whether or not he ever has sex, but narratively speaking the mind reading really needed to end, and I'm glad it happened by the middle of the movie.
Any time Fujisaki appeared on screen. She didn't even have to be doing anything, just seeing her reminded me that I love her.
Kurosawa sneaking a photo of Adachi in the clothes he bought him (though I'm with Adachi here, why that outfit of all things, Kurosawa??). His cute little shy face, and then giving into it and chasing Adachi around with the camera.
Sleepy morning Kurosawa coming up behind Adachi cooking. I think I just like Kurosawa back hugs. Again, it feels like him just taking what he wants 🥰 Especially because it seems like they've spent most of their relationship being so very careful about how and when they touch. And here he is, just grabbing on to Adachi because he wants to. And I like that he's finally relaxed enough to be his sleepy stumbling morning self around Adachi.
Kurosawa staring at the eggs because he wants to imprint it on his mind 🥺 The cutest thing ev-er.
Tsuge's proposal (of moving in together) on the cold dark street after leaving a cozy warm dinner with friends. (I may be projecting a bit about the weather, but that whole scene, the dinner and everything after, stirred up memories and emotions of dinner parties and old friendships.)
Adachi's speech about needing to come out, to share with their loved ones that they were each other's person. And, I don't know if it was intentional (though I suspect it was), but that was an argument for marriage equality too.
Kurosawa nervously presenting his resume (to Adachi) explaining why he should date Adachi. I love how the more we get to know him the weirder he gets 😻
coming out, introducing the boyfriend, and asking for permission to marry all in one go. damn. i can't decide if this is ambitious or efficient. Plus the mama's reaction - tears, laughter, love 🤎
Something about their house and their busy family is nostalgic for me - the wood, the big window with the trees behind Adachi and Kurosawa at the table, the wall hangings, the cluttered shelves. It's stirring up a lot of feelings and memories of Thanksgivings in New England and New York, of visiting relatives and friends of friends as a teenager and young adult.
Kurosawa's conversation with the dad over the go game! His teary-eyed relief at being accepted and embraced by Adachi's family. I almost teared up myself 😢
when you are weak, I will be strong. I think I like all the serious conversations these characters have outside in the dark.
I love how at the end this turned into a quiet but vehement defense of gay rights and marriage equality, and against homophobia 🌈
ok, i knew (from seeing pictures) that this ended with a wedding, but my heart still leapt when Kurosawa pulled out the ring box.
(possibly because I'd been distracted thinking about how many recent BLs have ended with walks on the beach - Blueming, Minato Shouji's Coin Laundry, I Promised You the Moon, Takara-kun to Amagi-kun. Just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are others.)
Looking up at the rings on their hands against the blue sky as they lie on the beach together! And that one moment when their wrists crossed as they lay collapsed next to each other. Kurosawa's joyous smile as he admits to measuring Adachi's finger while he slept. (I was wondering that too, Adachi, thank you for asking.)
Those final shots of them simply holding hands as they walk in the park. I think that there were so many times I wanted them to touch each other and they didn't, so whenever they did it felt special. And now they've softened into simply holding hands just because they want to. 💖
The major theme here is I like seeing Kurosawa either miserable or being selfish. We've got to torture him until he learns how to ask for what he wants, mwahaha 😈
Honestly, I wouldn't have watched this tonight if I hadn't been worried that the video would get taken down at any moment. But I'm glad I did. I still have complicated feelings about the Cherry Magic series, and I still haven't re-watched it, but I felt like the movie addressed some of the things that frustrated me about the series. Kurosawa got to be a little more selfish, a little more of a character in his own right; the characters both grew up a little more. And ironically, in not being able to hear Kurosawa's thoughts I felt like I got more insight into who he was.
Or perhaps my expectations were just a lot lower; Cherry Magic the series got such rave reviews that I think I was wanting too much from it, and I suspect ultimately it's just not quite my thing, for a variety of reasons. But having had that experience I'm able to enjoy the movie more for what it is. And unexpectedly it's wormed its way into my heart. I confess I still found them annoying at the start, but by the end I was all I love their love so much 😭
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mangohobbit · 7 months
Soap and the artist
(Soap x y/n)(civilian)...I think that's how it goes? I'm still learning fanfiction language 😅😅
Authors note: So this is my first fanfiction ever and I am honestly terrified of posting it but FUCK IT! I have seen various styles for fanfic writing but I was really bad in trying to copy that so I just went with what I was most comfortable with.
-Just a few little notes before you get started so you aren't completely lost. 1) Setting is wherever you would like. The 141 are in a foreign country to their own so have fun with it. (make one up if you want. I kept it vague so you could use your imagination although I am descriptive on the setting being a mountainous region) 2) Anything italicized means you're speaking in another language (again, have fun with it) 3) I hope my jumping between perspectives is alright? Again, this is my first fanfic and I'm still getting used to this writing style so please bear with me 😅 Enjoy 🥰
(P.S : No NSFW warning....for now. This will be a slow burn. Just alot of flirting and tension)
Word count: 2820
Chapter 1: Sunbeams
The late afternoon air was setting in with an unfamiliar peace that Johnny had not felt in some time. It had also been awhile since he smelt the air of a new base. Everything about this place smelled of new. New walls, new floors, new paint, new everything other than his team that now walked its halls. His team of the 141 had been assigned for the training of some soldiers in the province of some small country that never came onto his rader from how small and insignificant it was. He thought it a shame that he had never heard of such a place considering he had been all over the world at this point. He also thought it a shame because of how beautiful it was. Although he had only seen the military airport and the roads that lead to the base which didn’t lead to any city, town, or village; only some spread out farms, the land was lush and green and the climate cool for the season; which seemed to be spring. He did see the outline to town from a distance once he was on the base. Once he had unpacked what he needed, him, and Gaz decided to explore the new place together. Ghost locked himself in his room for some much needed sleep as he tended to be a bad sleeper on plane rides. “I think the hairs on my nostrils are vaporizing from the smell of new paint,” Gaz rubbed his nose. 
“We’ve smelled our own funk and of others for so long that this is definitely a weird whiff for our noses,” Johnny laughed. 
“Kinda smells like a fresh mopped shopping center doesn’t it?” Gaz chuckled.
“Yeah,” Johnny laughed back at the comparison. 
The two friends found themselves on a balcony outside a small communal lounge area on the second floor. Underneath them was an open dirt field where some thirty young, newly appointed soldiers all lined up in rows and columns listening to their commanding officer give them some sort of speech. Majority were some pretty young lads. Looking at them made Johnny reminisce about his first few years in the military. He honestly wasn’t that much older than those boys down there but he wasn’t considered a “young adult” anymore and those years now seemed so far away with everything that he has seen and experienced. 
From this balcony is where he could see the outline of the town that seemed to sit by the river that the base sat next to as well. The area that the base was on was where the river expanded itself into some small marsh lands covered by a variety of tall grass, small bush, and tree’s. Rising all around them were some majestic mountains that loomed over them from all angles. The familiar views of long expanded valley’s made him nostalgic for his homeland. It was rather uncanny how alike the landscape looked from the views he saw growing up. 
“Why do you think Price accepted this assignment?” Johnny asked. “We’ve never been trainers or mentors before.
“Perhaps the world is finally at peace for once and the captain just wanted to keep us busy,” Gaz replied. “But knowing Laswell, this whole thing reeks of a deeper plot.”
“You think the captain and Laswell have another reason for us to be here?”
“Wouldn’t be surprised Soap. Would you?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I was told one thing only to be saddled with another…and another,” he leaned against the railing, letting his elbows hold him up. 
“The plot will eventually thicken. Just you wait,” Gaz positioned himself in the same way as well. 
“Maybe we’re here for good reason?” Johnny wondered.
“Ready to be someone’s knight in shining armor Soap? Gaz released a small snort. 
“More like someone’s dog. Ready to fetch the ball.” Johnny sighed. 
“Come on Soap, normally Ghost is the pessimist.”
“Agh, you’re right. I think I’m just tired from the flight,” Johnny huffed. 
“You still have some time to rest up. Price said we wouldn’t be properly introduced until tomorrow morning,” Gaz patted his friends back. 
The two men started their route back to the barracks when they passed by the security office. Price was in there talking back and forth with an officer. Johnny and Gaz were able to catch what the conversation was about. 
“Alright I’ll have someone check out the sensor,” Price began to walk out the door when he spotted two of own lingering outside. 
“Everything alright Captain?” Gaz asked
“Security has just informed me that a motion sensor has been triggered,” he informed his boys about the alarm. 
“Couldn’t it just be an animal?” Johnny reasoned.
“I thought that too but the sensor is designed to go off only when anything that weighs more than a hundred pounds passes by it. We should check it out either way. This place is new and it already has some heads turning our way,” the captain crossed his arms. 
That was when Johnny knew Gaz was right about something more than training some new armed recruits was their purpose for being here. “We’re already up and dressed captain so we’ll go ahead and take a look at it,” Johnny looked to his crewmate. 
“Gear up and go find out what it was then. It was the northmost sensor, number T110.” the captain let them know. “Leave in five minutes and give me a radio check when you reach it,” Price headed back towards his new office.  
Geared up and armed the two soldiers headed towards the sensor. They were going in blind to this not only because they didn’t know what tripped the sensor but also they didn’t know the lay of the land just yet. They knew which direction of the base's perimeter was north but they came up to two others before coming up to the right one. It had a small light that was blinking red. It wasn’t hard to see that the place was disturbed…by a human. Clear footprints came from the fences direction and headed out towards the river. There was a clear path where the footprints were stamped on. Seemed to be a frequently used forest path to get to the river banks. 
“Let’s see if our guest is still here?” Johnny followed the path while Gaz walked from behind. To get to the river it was a slight downhill in the land with small curves that avoided the tree’s.
“These are some small prints Soap. It’s not like there are hardy boots or anything,” Gaz took note of the pattern of the prints which looked more like sneakers. 
“You’re right,” Johnny replied. “Maybe some local kids getting to their regular spot. We should be ready to not look intimidating if these are just local civilians,” Johnny began to speak quietly as they got near the riverbank. 
“Copy that,” Gaz nodded. 
The sounds of the flowing water started to get louder and louder as they tracked the footprints. A giant boulder crushed between two large trees blocked their sight of the river which was now in view. They could hear some shuffling going around the other side of the large chunk of rock. The two men put their backs and eyed one another in silence, giving each other hand signals on how they were going to approach this. Just as they were about to creep to the other side, the sudden bark of a dog that jumped in front of them made the two men flinch. 
“Shit,” Johnny cursed. 
“Who’s behind there!” 
Johnny’s mind did a mental gasp at the sound of a woman’s voice. It was speaking in the native tongue of course.
“Oli, get back here!”
“Recall your dog miss! Gaz shouted. “We’re from the base!” The woman’s voice shouted for her dog once more and the medium sized mutt retreated back to its owner in a huff. 
“We’re going to walk out! Don’t move an inch!” Johnny commanded; although he didn’t know if the person could understand him in the first place. It was a hunch at the very least since the dog did back up once its name was called when Gaz told the mystery intruder to do so. 
“You can come out now,” The voice spoke in English this time with a slight accent. 
Soap nodded his head forward for Gaz to follow him around the boulder. With their guns up they slowly crept into the view of the stranger standing within the shallows of the river. With your overalls rolled up to your knees and the sun rays that peeked through the tree’s which created a gold halo around your silhouette, Johnny was left speechless at the sight of you.
“I’m not armed…unless you count this small stone,” you held up her arms decorated in an array of beaded bracelets while holding the stone you warned them about. 
“What’s in the bag?” Johnny pointed out the stuffed canvas messenger bag on the ground. 
“Paint supplies,” you replied. 
Johnny approached the bag, lifted its flap, then revealed the said paint supplies. He rummaged around just in case. You did not like that as she yelled at him to keep his hands out of it.  
“You do know you are trespassing here, miss?” Gaz questioned you. 
“Yeah well up until eight months ago this place was open to everyone,” you had an angry tone to your voice. The stare of annoyance in your eyes gave Johnny a slight shiver up his spine. 
He didn’t have to be so aggressive in looking through your things. Damn those pretty blue eyes that looked up at you as your hands were up in the air so as to not provoke them. They were holding some pretty big guns at you and your dog. Luckily your furry companion was behaving for once and listening to your command of staying still, but they were ready to pounce at any time now. 
“Please don’t hurt my dog,” you said to the soldiers. 
“What’s his name?” The soldier with the silly mohawk asked you. 
“Oli,” you responded. “He’s just cautious but he’s nice if you approach him slowly…and not sneak from behind,” you said the last part in a scoff. The mohawk guy noticed and smiled a crooked grin your way. Damn he’s cute, you bit your tongue. The soldier carefully extended his hand to your dog with some soft words of encouragement to smell him. 
“Oli, safe,” you said to your dog. Oli yapped a happy bark and jumped onto the soldier’s chest with an unstoppable wagging tail which made their bottom wiggle back and forth. 
“Oh what a good dog you are,” the mohawk guy said in the usual “happy that a dog is happy” kind of voice. 
The other soldier with the baseball cap also crouched down to pet Oli with a smile. It put you at ease that Oli was calm and happy with them around. “Can I put my hands down now?” you asked. 
“Yes, miss,” the baseball-capped soldier said.
With your arms now resting you headed back to the riverbank. On the sand of the bank you unloaded your pockets of different stones. “That’s all I have, I swear.”
“Even though you’re not an armed threat you still haven’t answered what you’re doing here,” mohawk guy questioned you. 
“You know normally introducing yourself with your name is the polite thing to do. Or do they not do that sort of thing anymore around the world,” you jested. 
“You’re the one on our side of the fence so why don’t you start with introductions. What’s your name miss?”
Dick. Why did he have to be a cute dick. “I’m (Y/N) , I live in the town that overlooks that ugly thing,” you pointed at the gray blocks that made up the military base. 
“I take it you’re not a fan of your new neighbors?” Mohawk asked. 
“It would’ve been nice to not have it block my spot. Maybe if you built it not here then I wouldn’t mind it so much. I think it would look great in the mountains…on the other side,” you jested again.
"Your spot?” Mohawk asked. 
“Yes my spot, Mohawk! I’ve been coming here since I could walk and that damn fence isn’t going to stop me!”
Those cute angry eyes were definitely going to be the death of him. Calm yourself Johnny. A pair of batting lashes shouldn’t put your defenses down. But oh how he wanted to. 
“Oh, you already gave me a nickname?” 
“Well it’s not like YOU introduced yourself or your friend Baseball Cap over here,” you put your hands on your hips. 
“I’m Sergeant MacTavish and this is Sergeant Garrick,” he finally introduced himself. 
“Well Sergeant, if you’ll excuse me I have some business to attend to before I lose the light,” you approached your bag. Taking out your collapsible easel, you unclipped it and tried to position it in the right direction. 
“No miss you cannot make camp here,” MacTavish was about to reach for your easel when you swatted at his hand with a loud smack. “Hey!” he yapped. You could hear his friend smile with a chuckle. 
“I’m not setting up camp. Don’t you know an easel when you see it, soldier? I’m going to paint. Now if you will, I would appreciate some silence,” you only continued doing your usual set up. 
Johnny wasn’t about to deny that he was both surprised and slightly turned on from the hand smack you placed on the back of his hand. Not too often does he meet many people with such fearlessness. Your determination was admirable but he had a job to do and you weren’t supposed to be here. He backed away from you and came up to Gaz with a whisper. 
“So how do you want to play this?” Gaz asked. 
“Well she’s not a threat but she can’t be here,” Johnny pointed out. Peering over his shoulder he saw how you carefully set up her easel which transformed into a mini table on the side and took several other tools out. A jar of water, a pouch full of paint brushes, and a small palette with some nice looking paints. Looking at the tools brought the soldier back to his elementary art classroom. It used to be his favorite subject. His art teacher was the only one who cared about his doodles and scribbles. She would even hang her favorite ones on the wall. Nostalgia from a better time in his life flooded his mind. He felt bad having to move someone like you who just wanted her creative space back. With a huff and grunt he turned to Gaz. “You go Gaz, I’ll stay behind and wait for her to finish. It’s almost dark anyways,” Johnny sighed. 
“You’re going to let her stay?” Gaz asked. 
“Yeah, just head back. I’ll radio Price in a sec to let him know.”
“It’s your head Soap,” Gaz snickered. 
“I know,” Johnny huffed. 
“Have a goodnight miss,” Gaz said his goodbyes. “Goodnight Oli,” he patted your dog one last time before heading back and disappearing behind the tree’s.
“So you’re going to babysit me?” You jeered.  
“I’m no monster to disturb a creative mind. Plus, I don’t feel right leaving a damsel in the middle of nowhere when it’ll be getting dark soon,” Mohawk got himself comfortable on a stone. 
“How noble of you, Mohawk,” you huffed at the man. “Suit yourself,” you hunched your shoulders. Unbothered by the results. As long as you got to paint, all was good. Though, you wish you didn’t have to have a huge burly, mohawked, military dude breath down your neck. Cute for sure, but annoying nonetheless. 
As much as Johnny tried to admire the serenity of the location, which had much to look at in nature, he couldn’t help looking at you.  You were barefoot with your toes curled in the sand. Your back stood as straight as an oak. Your gaze aimed for the tree’s to the south of the riverbank. A landscape that was now disturbed by what you described as “those ugly things” which still left a laugh in Johnny’s chest. Your focus is what he couldn’t stop looking at the most. Christ was it mesmerizing to see how your eyes pierced through the landscape in trying to capture your little painting. You began to quickly work on what he could only describe as the best bloody sunset landscape he had ever seen. The soft pinks and purples were so similar to the real thing. 
“Y-you’re really talented,” he was finally able to get a compliment out of his mouth. 
In an elegant turn of your head the military man was captured by your stare. He gulped at your glare. “Thank you,” you smiled.
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
Could you write ChubbyLevi x f!reader ? I mean imagine him with curves like his face is filled out , his cheeks are chubbier , his waist is getting plumped without forgetting his cute rounded tummy (fluff) <3
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Warnings : this is set after the second timeskip, chubby!Levi, semi-nudity ig, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : domestic fluff <3
Word count : 0.7K words
Additional notes : I’ve missed writing for this man sm🥹 He’s one of my first ever anime crushes, and writing for him feels so nostalgic. Also consider me a co-founder of the chubby!Levi agenda🫣 I wrote this with a gender-neutral reader, because as I said before, unless it has something to do with the plot, or if it’s an emergency request, then I’m most comfortable writing the reader as gender-neutral. I hope you’re fine with that, and I hope you enjoy this! 🥰
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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“Tired already?” they asked from their armchair by the window, watching Levi as he sighed, slumping against his chair.
“Massive fucking headache. They were piss-drunk half an hour in,” he rolled his eyes, though they could detect traces of a fond look in them.
“They go all out like this every year, huh?” they grinned, as he languidly pushed himself off the chair and onto the bed. He began unbuttoning his shirt, tossing it somewhere in the corner of the room. It seemed like he’d gotten a little hot, if the light sheen of sweat on his pale skin was anything to go by. Once his crisp pants had followed suit and crumpled on the floor, he shifted on the mattress and settled down with a grunt.
They eyed the messy dirty laundry with a look of surprise. “That drained, huh?”
“Smartass,” he grumbled, “Just leave it there. I’ll get that shit done by the morning. Just… not now.”
Nodding, they didn’t protest to that. Knowing just how overwhelmed their husband gets at social functions, it was only natural that he’d feel exhausted by the end of the day—even if the day in question was for celebrating the war veterans’ efforts. After all these years, the toll it had taken on him and on everyone else was still apparent. In his case, it seemed that his social battery drained faster than usual.
And as they walked up to him, already clad in their sleeping clothes, they could see how else the war had affected him—or rather, how what had come after it had. Having finally been relieved of his duties, Levi had little to do that resembled his past athleticism. Given his severe injuries too, he’d struggled to adjust for a while with only one functioning eye, missing fingers, and battered legs. He was still wincing on the bed from some pains that needled his knees.
The former Captain had always been on the smaller side, his lean muscles and short stature working in his favor. His childhood had been far from a bed of roses, and his lifestyle as an adult didn’t exactly warrant a healthy nourishment. But now, as they curled up into his side in bed, pulling the covers up to their neck and having a lovesick expression on their face staring at him, the one thing they loved the most about his retirement was how he’d filled out.
His face was now round, cheeks plump and rosy with the vibrancy of life. Pressing a kiss to each, they reveled in how the soft skin warmed under their lips. It was endearing, really; how his stoic façade was always broken by his reaction to their affections. Wrapping their arms around his waist, they noted how his waist was now big enough for them to squeeze and dig their fingers into the fat spilling over the waistband of his underwear.
“Stop playing around. It’s late,” Levi grumbled, though they knew that it was just him brushing off how flustered he was. Honestly, it made them laugh a little as his actions contradicted his words, what with him leaning into their touch.
“Alright, alright, you big baby.” Their heart went out to him as they saw his eyes slowly drooping shut, and so they brushed back his ebony hair to press a quick kiss to his forehead, one that he was quick to tentatively but gently return. Once that part of their nightly routine was done, they rested their arms around his belly, all soft contours and well-loved skin; scars and all.
Levi had gone through all the seasons of change, in terms of physical appearance and mental fortitude. He’d been past the gates of hell and barely pulled back from them, and had lost parts of himself in the process—both literally, and figuratively. But one thing that had remained constant was the heart that brimmed with unspoken words of love that threatened to spill over.
And now, with his relaxed expression as he slipped into a once-impossible-to-get slumber, his soft chub underneath their palms, and his warm embrace that somehow reassured them more than anything else ever could, they honestly believed that this was the sort of bliss that was only promised to the saints.
Perhaps he was one, in a twisted sort of way.
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Taglist: @blondeboyfriend @mrsgiovanna @thispersoniscrazy @cloroxisadelectabletreat
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justcallmecappy · 1 year
Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me, @sillyliterature! 🥰❤️✨
Rules: Share 10 facts about yourself and tag 10 other blogs! I want to get to know my mutuals, and the people I follow a little bit :) The facts can be about anything!
Dragon Age is not the only game franchise I'm obsessed with! I'm a huge fan of the Assassin's Creed franchise and have been running my AC-only blog, @jacob-mydear since 2016. It's on semi-hiatus now, since I'm not as obsessed with AC as I was before, but it's one game fandom I've been in the longest, and it has given me some of my fondest fandom-related memories.
I was so obsessed with 'Assassin's Creed Unity' (the AC game set in Revolutionary France), I planned a solo trip to Paris in 2019 to visit all the historical locations that I had only visited in-game up to that point, in-person. It was such a weird feeling, to feel nostalgic in places that I had never been to in-person, but only 'visited' virtually! I documented my trip in this AC Unity Fran Trip Guide to Paris, in case any other AC fan want to follow in my footsteps, lol~ 😆 Fun fact, I spent so many in-game hours in AC Unity, I could navigate my way around Ile Saint-Louis basically from my memories of the game (Bleeding Effect is real! 😂)
Besides gaming and writing fanfiction, one of my fandom-related hobbies is cosplaying. I have been cosplaying since 2007, even though I've slowed down a lot since the pandemic. My dream cosplays (hopefully I can achieve them this year, if I have the time and funds!🤞) is Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars, and Mage!Marian Hawke from Dragon Age 2.
My earliest fandoms were actually anime fandoms, lol! I too have a dark weeb past 😂😂😂 My gateway animes were Ouran High School Host Club, Fruits Basket, Naruto, Bleach, Katekyou Hitman Reborn, Macross Frontier, Code Geass, Gundam 00, Fate/zero ... (yes I started with that era of anime, haha 😂)
Because of my dark weeb past, I studied Japanese for around 5 years, and my highest JLPT level is N3. I don't speak super fluently but it's enough to get around Japan as a tourist.
I took a few months of French classes, but to be honest, I learnt more from free French language podcasts than I did from that French class 😂
Yes I studied French because, once upon a bygone time, I wanted to work in Ubisoft 🤐 In light of Ubisoft's recent controversies, that desire has dampened considerably haha~
I used to work in broadcast media; I work in the games industry now (just not in Ubisoft lol)
I noticed my favourite characters have names that coincidentally begin with the letter 'A' (Anders, Alistair, Arno, Aloy, Arwen, Aredhel).
I have terrible sense of direction and it takes me min 2.5 seconds to identify left from right 😂
Tagging (but only if you want to!): @v-arbellanaris, @dalish-rogue, @glowing-blue-feathermage, @grandmaswormsoup, @sulky-valkyrie
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shatterthefragments · 29 days
8, 14, 22 and 25 for those music asks from hours ago haha
No worries at all for it being from hours ago!!! They’re still fun to get!! 😁
8. Is from an artist I’ve listened to for a while
Like. I remember getting their first CD and playing it and just Fix Me indeed 😌 (disclaimer that I did not get it as it first came out. I don’t know for sure but I feel like I saw their music video probably for shake tramp or celebrity status or cross my heart on MTV and idk convinced mum we should get their cds (they’re canadian after all!) and so we did? I think mum liked ever after? I don’t really remember very well anymore. It’s definitely a bit of a nostalgic band for me and I adore them (even if my honest opinion is that he’d probably sound a bit better live if he stopped jumping up and down all over the stage so much. Still an amazing experience though)) i am now taking this and running with it (i am listening to Marianas trench rn)
Alternatively I mean. Nickelback has been around for longer than I’ve been alive. And by virtue of Canadian radio having to play a certain percentage of canadian artists on radio I’ve been listening to them as long as we’ve driven places. My immediate thought is Just To Get High or the entire The Long Road album but of my liked more recent songs I would choose Sister Sin.
14. I’d make everyone listen to
Ok ok so. Once upon a time [2021 I think] I was driving to [camping spot] and played Polyphia the ENTIRE DRIVE (it was only like 2-3 hours but the longest drive I’ve ever done at the time so I NEEDED the Polyphia to do this (my longest is now 4-5 hours? And I’m still amazed I am fucking amazing for being able to do this I didn’t think I’d ever be able to drive and here I fucking am?!?!)) and uh. Apparently my cousins can’t tell the difference between songs despite me actually playing through their discography instead of looping one song over and over like I usually do. So. Technically,, I already have made everyone in my vicinity listen to:
The Worst Polyphia 😘
Except. Except. It’s actually Abelha Emily Hopkins 😘 like??? On a HARP?!? If I had time and money she makes me want to learn the harp and collect a ridiculous amount of effects pedals 😍💖🥰
22. reminds me of a character
Gosh …I really want to say the entire Sleep Token discography and the characters they play on stage haha ✌️✨
I also can’t help but think of Afraid by The Neighbourhood bc it was on a Sam Winchester 8tracks and launched me into loving them after hating how overplayed Sweater Weather was (I love it now btw) (I saw them live maybe 2019 and it was great but I was much more paranoid about getting a secondhand high/weed induced psychosis off the weed there than I am now)
Also Citizen Soldier’s Scarecrow and the characters we all play in our day to day lives.
…and also the Marianas Trench Masterpiece Theatres where “this is just a part I portray” and other lyrics are just EXACTLY IT.
25. I want to hear in a grocery store
As somebody that works in a grocery store: literally anything that’s not on the fucking playlist they use haha
…actually Love Shack is on the playlist and it may stay bc it is JOYFUL and a reminder of my first and so far only pride parade where I was with all my friends in the shade on the float. So may the Abba songs. And a couple others that I’ve been surprised to hear. But generally I don’t notice the songs very much unless I hate them or the oven is off and I can actually hear.
But I’d love to hear literally any Sleep Token song. Most of them even have no swears or explicit sex references which makes it better than some of the stuff our clientele/coworkers are scandalized by!!!
Or like. Any instrumental math/jazz rock would be AMAZING. also thinking of Polyphia and Ichika Nito here, but I am NOT picky about it give me the good good sounds 🤩💖
Because I start before we open for an hour or two I just play my own music from my phone out loud from my pocket (not allowed to wear earbuds which is kinda fair since I’m fresh food) recently it’s just been looping Nazareth. But I’ve also played sleep token and bad omens albums as well. As well as looping just whichever song I’m vibing with. Notably Abelha and I’ll See You When The Night Comes.
I frequently sing parts of Jaws or Euclid to myself when I’m alone. 🥰
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rai-knightshade · 3 months
song asks: 15, 16 and 23!
Thank you so much for sending this ask! 😁
Song Asks!
15: A Song I Relate To
Had to think about this one for a bit, but I think my answer's gotta be either Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson (my Childhood Favorite Song) or this is me trying (long pond version) by Taylor Swift. The Duality of Man or whatever 😅
16: A Song that makes me Nostalgic
I'm trying not to reuse answers from similar questions in other Music Ask Games, but I don't think I've ever actually used Stressed Out by Twenty Øne Piløts before??? This is the song I consider to be my Teen/College Favorite Song, so it already makes me a little nostalgic for that era of my life (not that I would EVER go back. I mean. My favorite song from that time is literally called Stressed Out, y'all can read between the lines on that one); but also, the song itself talks about missing childhood in a way that makes me nostalgic for my own childhood, so like. Double whammy here 🥺🥺.
23: A Song that has Interesting Sounds™ that tickle my brain right
Oh, this was a HARD question to answer lemme tell ya. I had to kind of dig through a few different playlists to find songs I thought might be contenders for Good Sound Texture (versus songs with Bad Sound Texture, which I could name 2 of off the top of my head 😔). I think my best answers are:
August 21, 2017: Total Solar Eclipse, by Sleeping At Last (or basically anything from his Astronomy series tbh, they're the perfect combo of instrumentals, backing vocals and electronica sounds 😍🥰)
The Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses theme, specifically the Annapantsu cover (harp + vocals = 😍😍😍)
Zelda's Lullaby as covered by the Celestial Aeon Project (plucked strings from a guitar and potentially some kind of lure/zither over bells and other percussion instruments, then adding a flute for a second round??? AND vocals???? Gorgeous 10/10 no notes)
And finally, the Entire Wish You Were Here album by Pink Floyd. Yes, the whole thing, cause I couldn't decide between Shine One You Crazy Diamond (parts 1-5), Welcome to the Machine, Wish You Were Here, Have a Cigar, or other parts 6-9 of Crazy Diamond. So. All of it. This album is actually my favorite Pink Floyd album for a reason and apparently that reason is just Oops All Good Sound Texture.
Oh, and also a special Bonus Shout Out to Marianas Trench and their specific brand of Backing Vocals Doing Sick Chord Slides, now THOSE are Peak Sound Texture™
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hyacinth--girl · 10 months
tagged by the iconic @binickmiller 🥰❗️
name: katherine
age: 25
favorite season: winter
movies or tv shows? definitely tv shows
do you carry a bag/purse? what kind? i swap between a black shoulder bag and a maroon one that has the pulp fiction dancing scene embroidered on it
what color is your water bottle? pink! used to have an elephant on it but it’s so faded now. i'm about 2% away from committing to buying the frank green x matildas bottle
what color is your phone case? the back is clear but is covered with blue and green dinosaurs!!!!! i cherish it
do you sleep in silence or do you need white noise/sounds/music? godddd i wish i didn't but i need noise! so atm (winter) i have my fan on but it’s facing my drawers so i get the sound but not the cold lol
top sheets. yes or no? Top Sheets DNI!!
you're in the candy aisle at the corner store, what are you grabbing? i am the worst sweet tooth honestly this is bad. still mad that they discontinued starburst bc i would definitely be grabbing a pack of those, chocolate wise anything with strawberry filling/flavouring. cadbury have gone off with those lately it’s awesome
preferred mode of travel (plane/train/car/bus/on foot/etc.): as a passenger gotta say my beloved train as it’s the only thing i can be in for more than 30 mins without getting motion sickness. but i also love to drive AND i don’t get sick if i’m the one driving so
what's your phone background right now? just changed it to a 1989tv image
are you more of a minimalist or a maximalist? probably more min bc i can't handle Lots of Stuff, but i do love the little knick knacks that i do have
it's time to paint your bedroom! what color are you choosing? i had yellow walls in my childhood bedroom so i'm nostalgic for that, but i think i would love pale mint green
and finally, tell me something that brings you joy: atm watching the matildas!! i'm enjoying this world cup so much and it's the first time i've ever gotten into soccer so everything's new and exciting and i'm thoroughly obsessed
Tagging @perennial-dream @novemberrules26 @by-the-lakes uhhh and everyone else sorry my brain is in prac mode and I can’t remember anything that isn’t classroom related 🫠
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majormiles · 8 months
🍬🌻🔮 for the fanfic asks! :) hope you’re having a great day!! 🥰
I almost lost a fight with an extremely stubborn jar lid this morning, so it’s definitely been A Day! From Fanfic Writer Ask Game
Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favourite fic of yours for each fandom?
Actively, no! I tend to only write in one fandom at a time, although sometimes I dabble in multiple at once.
I definitely have written in multiple fandoms over the years. I would say I’m most well known for my Trek, Naruto, and One Piece fic. Other fandoms I’ve only dabbled in once or twice, including Haikyuu, Star Wars, FMA, Final Fantasy…
So, to avoid this being an exhaustive list, I’ll just have a think for those three. Hm…
For Naruto, I think HIEROPHANT was my magnum opus. I definitely feel like it’s the best written fic of the bunch. It’s an AU where Kakashi gets a byakugan instead of a sharingan. I drew up a whole Hyuga family tree and made a bunch of OCs, most of which never appeared in the fic. That was fun! I really enjoy writing complicated family relationships.
For Trek, it has to be the one with the wife, which I know is a fic a lot of people will not read. It was extremely self indulgent and I still think about this ‘verse all the time. I wrote it for me. Purely, for myself.
For One Piece… god. I have no idea. It’s been a few years and I have a sieve for a brain. I remember having a lot of fun writing into flame but I think if I re-read it now, it would all be new to me.
Which leads into the next question!
How often do you read your own fics?
I don’t… tend to. Especially my older stuff - anything older than a couple of months may as well not exist in my brain lol. I think this is partly because my writing is constantly improving and looking back at older works makes me notice all of the things I could have done better. And partly I think I just… am not sentimental about fic at all. I’ve been known to remove works from ao3. I have no attachment to them lol, yes, even Hotspur, which I’ve just finished after 8 months of writing! Is that weird?
Sometimes, I get comments on really old stuff which I really appreciate, but I often don’t remember the fic at all. Once, I was trawling through ao3 in a tag and I found a fic and started reading it and it was weirdly nostalgic? So I scrolled up and I’d written it lmaoo. I had NO memory of doing so. Not the wildest thing to ever happen to me on ao3, but it’s up there.
Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
Oh man. I get writer’s block all the time and, for me at least, it’s usually a sign that I need a break. And so I take heed! I try not to stress too much because I know I will get back into writing when I’m ready. I mean, I can’t imagine not writing you know, and if you are also like that, that writing is a part of you, then the writer’s block will pass. I get mini writer’s block every time I finish something - it’s like my brain’s giving me a moment to process haha
But some other advice is, if you still want to write, write something else. Stop whatever you’re doing and pick up something new. I find I get hit by writer’s block less if I’m more flexible about switching between fics or projects - I can use the time stuck on one fic to work on the other. Maybe that will work for you!
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
An Ode to 3Tan BBQ
That was….They were…Yoongi was…
*shakes head to refocus*
Okay, okay! I’m here, and I think I have mustered up enough coherency to react to the BBQ THAT WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY.
Firstly, I really truly have no idea how you did it so absolutely perfectly, but you captured that wholesome but incredibly sexy magic of young summer love. That feeling of being invincible, like you’ll never grow old, like anything is possible, like winter will never come and fun is here forever to stay. So fresh but so nostalgic. I could smell the sunscreen and the smoke from the grill. I felt the butterflies in reader’s stomach while she was watching him from afar. I felt how flirty and fabulous she felt in that little dress under Yoongi’s gaze. How did I so potently feel like I was in that backyard? I was taken back to high school when my crush and I would secretly flirt amongst all our friends by the poolside…only this time, the it was Min freaking Yoongi! 😫🫠😍 Reader-insert fics can often offer an experience, but damn, I didn’t know I could be taken back to some really magical and beautiful moments and emotions with this drabble! 🥹💕
I also absolutely loved her moments with Trish and Tae. The conspiratorial role Tae is now playing has been squealing with glee, and the conversation with Trish has me so soft for Reader, who is so apparently coming into her own.
Also, the line where Tae compares reader to Yeontan had me in freaking stitches 😂💜😂💜
And, excuse me, but was that a potential Dom and Shiv moment I saw there? Ummm…I freaking ship it????
…And Yoongi. THIS Yoongi?? THIS M@TH$RF&#KIN’ YOONGI??? Excuse me, ma’am, but do you have a permit to write such a DANGEROUS CHARACTER??? 🥵🥵🥵
This line:
“Hell no, he needs to keep those broad shoulders covered or else you’re really gonna fucking lose.”
Had me thinking:
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And then this line:
“He rakes wet locks back before slowly walking to the edge of the pool, wiping his face before aiming a smirk of revenge at your menace sibling.”
Had me like:
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You wrote all of the little Yoongi-is-babe-of-epic-proportions details so well! Like how his teeth are dashing???? Like, they are but how do you so aptly zero in on everything that makes him so attractive???
So, anyhow, thanks to this menacing new helping of 3Tan Yoongi I am currently exceedingly unwell and entirely unable to function.
The silent war you waged between Reader and Yoongs was the absolute tits - so cute and steamy at the same time! My heart exploded at the part with the paper towel roles!!! 🥰 But then other parts had me straight up tomato-faced BLUSHING!
This line?
“Even if his chains are currently caressing your back…”
When I tell you I was SCREAMING. Literally. Screaming.
And after building the sexual tension to the tightness of a freaking bowstring, the sneaky intimacy they managed to so recklessly cram in was SO EFFING HOT.
This drabble is definitely my new favorite of the 3Tan canon…like, seriously, you keep outdoing yourself and at this point I believe you can move mountains if only given a pen! 😆🙌 Thank you so much for gifting us with this one, it is an absolute gem and is going to get me through the drudge of the work week with many a reread!
After indulging in this absolute MASTERPIECE far be it from me to ask for more.
DFKDSHF VIOLETSIREN !! oh my god this ode is amazing and i will definitely head under a cut to respond so here we go!
………………………..😶😶😶😶😶😶 AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was….They were…Yoongi was… *shakes head to refocus* Okay, okay! I’m here, and I think I have mustered up enough coherency to react to the BBQ THAT WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY.
THE BBQ THAT WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY I CANTTT yes. yes, they were. yoongi was. all of this is correct can we get an F in the chat to pay everyone respects lololol
Firstly, I really truly have no idea how you did it so absolutely perfectly, but you captured that wholesome but incredibly sexy magic of young summer love. That feeling of being invincible, like you’ll never grow old, like anything is possible, like winter will never come and fun is here forever to stay. So fresh but so nostalgic. I could smell the sunscreen and the smoke from the grill. I felt the butterflies in reader’s stomach while she was watching him from afar. I felt how flirty and fabulous she felt in that little dress under Yoongi’s gaze. How did I so potently feel like I was in that backyard? I was taken back to high school when my crush and I would secretly flirt amongst all our friends by the poolside…only this time, the it was Min freaking Yoongi! 😫🫠😍 Reader-insert fics can often offer an experience, but damn, I didn’t know I could be taken back to some really magical and beautiful moments and emotions with this drabble! 🥹💕
all of this took me back so far omfg!! the way you also captured all the feelings of summer so well? by just mentioning what you remember? wow. summer love is fantastic.. and i'm so happy that i was able to convey some of those vibes in this drabble! working on it poolside definitely helped, even if i had to shield my eyes from the sun ahaha. gahhhhh all the butterflies!! being in that backyard: i was THERE! i felt it! if you felt the same then i am immensely satisfied.
I also absolutely loved her moments with Trish and Tae. The conspiratorial role Tae is now playing has been squealing with glee, and the conversation with Trish has me so soft for Reader, who is so apparently coming into her own. Also, the line where Tae compares reader to Yeontan had me in freaking stitches 😂💜😂💜 And, excuse me, but was that a potential Dom and Shiv moment I saw there? Ummm…I freaking ship it????
TRISH!! i have been waiting to incorporate trish into the series so i'm happy to have her here, even if we don't know if this is canon yet. she's a thoughtful person and someone i am very happy that is in reader and bro's lives. as far as tae... we all love that damn man lol. i wanna protect him with everything i have! AND DOM AND SHIV AHAHAHA YESSSS
…And Yoongi. THIS Yoongi?? THIS M@TH$RF&#KIN’ YOONGI??? Excuse me, ma’am, but do you have a permit to write such a DANGEROUS CHARACTER??? 🥵🥵🥵
This line: “Hell no, he needs to keep those broad shoulders covered or else you’re really gonna fucking lose.” And then this line: “He rakes wet locks back before slowly walking to the edge of the pool, wiping his face before aiming a smirk of revenge at your menace sibling.”
SDKFJDSKF the gifs you sent!!! i love them. i love love love them and now i'm in pain all over again.
You wrote all of the little Yoongi-is-babe-of-epic-proportions details so well! Like how his teeth are dashing???? Like, they are but how do you so aptly zero in on everything that makes him so attractive??? So, anyhow, thanks to this menacing new helping of 3Tan Yoongi I am currently exceedingly unwell and entirely unable to function.
godddddd i literally don't know. my fingers just type and i cry on my keyboard. that's literally how all of this has worked so far lmfao
The silent war you waged between Reader and Yoongs was the absolute tits - so cute and steamy at the same time! My heart exploded at the part with the paper towel roles!!! 🥰 But then other parts had me straight up tomato-faced BLUSHING!
YESSS. i had a blast writing everything and the war between them was everything. the paper towels!! alexa play u got it bad by usher LOL
This line? “Even if his chains are currently caressing your back…” When I tell you I was SCREAMING. Literally. Screaming.
And after building the sexual tension to the tightness of a freaking bowstring, the sneaky intimacy they managed to so recklessly cram in was SO EFFING HOT.
how can they be so intimate and yet i'm blushing?? how can this happen. why are they always doing this to me??
This drabble is definitely my new favorite of the 3Tan canon…like, seriously, you keep outdoing yourself and at this point I believe you can move mountains if only given a pen! 😆🙌 Thank you so much for gifting us with this one, it is an absolute gem and is going to get me through the drudge of the work week with many a reread!
WAIT WHAT. ITS UR NEW FAVE?? that's amazing! we don't know if it's canon yet but omfg if it's your fave that means so much to me! i didn't exercise as much brainpower as i usually do for the main parts so the writing may not have been like,, my best. but i'm still happy you enjoyed<3 thank you for reading and i hope you had an okay week!
After indulging in this absolute MASTERPIECE far be it from me to ask for more …buuuuuuttt…. IFYOUDROPPEDTHESMUTI’DREADTHEFUCKINGSHITOUTOFITOKAYILOVEYOUBYE 💜💜💜
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pharawee · 8 months
I liked the GuyNawa scenes in the finale. Their bickering even while kissing was very in-character for them 😂 I’m hoping more people tune in to the my gear and your gown rerun so that Gmmtv will give MarcPawin another main lead role in the future haha.
also, wanted to ask you, I saw your gifs for Shadow the series. Have you watched it? Is the show good? It looks interesting, I’m planning to watch it soon haha
Anon, I was waiting for you! 💜
Trust GuyNawa to turn kissing and asking each other to be boyfriends into another rivalry. Anything else would have been out of character.
And that kiss was so 🫠
I feel like MarcPawin have improved so much. They really deserve another chance at headlining their own show. 🙏
As for Shadow, I seriously love it so much. The colour grading, set design and costuming especially. It has such an authentic 90s vibe that you don't find with many other productions that want to be all nostalgic. Add to that the atmospheric cinematography, the intriguing and unsettling story and the amazing performances of all of the cast. I'm a huge fan of (Thai) horror and psychological thrillers and Shadow has really impressed me so far. I've been looking forward to it all year and it exceeded my expectations. Also, Fluke looks SO GOOD in it I'm 🥰🥰
The BL aspect is sidelined at the moment but queerness is an important part of some of the characters and the story in general. We'll see how everything plays out in the second half of the series.
So yeah, have fun watching! 💜
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
sorry if it's too much but I NEED to know your opinions on these 4, 7, 8, 13, 21, 41, 54 🫣
thank youu, love you, 💋💋💋
hiiii anon! 😍😍💕 you know, my first reaction when i saw this mega ask was "what a LEGEND." and yes, i am quite aware of how much that sentence sounds like something george russell might say. but to quote him again: FACTS. you are an absolute legend for this!! in my opinion, there's no such thing as too much when it comes to piarles, so, mwah 🫶🥰 let's go!
4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected��?
ohhh, great one 👀 and i think my answer here might surprise some people, but i'm actually going to go for: charles is more protective, and pierre needs to be protected. hear me out - charles has been in a much more stable career position for much longer than pierre. i mean, he has a five year contract with freaking ferrari. above all that, he's italy's literal darling, and the tifosi would do pretty much anything for him, probably. he has a massive base of support, is my point. pierre? not so much. he's been stuck in the red bull machinery for years, and i don't need to re-hash 2019 here.
actually, no, i am going to re-hash 2019, at least a little bit. because 2019 was a prime instance of charles being protective of pierre: no matter what any journalist or anyone tried to get from him, he never said one bad word about pierre. he insisted that pierre is a great driver, and if you go watch that infamous and horrible 2019 post-demotion press conference, you will see charles pressed tight to pierre's side all throughout it. pierre needed him then, and charles was there.
in my headcanons, 2019 actually had a massive influence on their protector/protected one dynamic. pre-2019: yes, it probably would have been pierre being more protective of charles, since he is the older one, etc etc. however, after 2019, i feel like charles would have become a hundred times more protective of pierre. we see it in interviews - he's always praising pierre as a driver, saying how much he deserves a second chance. i get the distinct feeling that if anyone said anything bad about pierre where charles could hear it... well. i always like to picture it like this: charles is the kind of person who would give you a babygirl smile and make you think he's an absolutely harmless little angel, but then turn around and quite calmly get you fired from your job. still smiling.
so yeah, i think charles is more protective of pierre - quietly, and in his own way, but very efficiently. ❤️💪
7. Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
yessss 🥺🥺 in my mind, they absolutely would. since they're childhood best friends -- they probably used to build pillow forts together when they were little and going on holiday together, right? so doing it again now would be very nostalgic, and i could totally see them squished together under a too-small, structurally shaky pillow-and-blanket construction, reminiscing about all their favourite memories. and how it's always been the two of them, and it was never going to be anyone else, and and and -- yeah. i'm a little obsessed, but, well. it's about the childhood friends to lovers of it all for me 🥺❤️
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
i feel like this very much depends on who's the one to get sick? if it's pierre... i feel like he's an absolutely terrible patient, and charles completely despairs over him. like. he HATES lying still in bed. complains every minute of every hour that he would rather be doing literally anything active. in fact, he probably tries to get up and go to the bloody gym while running a ridiculous fever. and charles would be like "YOU CAN'T FUCKING DO THAT" absolutely losing it with worry, whereas pierre would be all "it's fine, chéri." (this man definitely doesn't care about his own health enough.) in short, pierre is the most annoying and exasperating patient ever, and charles is over there tearing out his hair - and also probably calling both pascales and the ferrari team doctor for advice and all the help they might possibly need, because, well. he will do anything for pierre, after all.
(oh my god. this just reminded me... i actually have a half-written ficlet/drabble somewhere about charles taking care of a sick pierre. hmmm. maybe i should dig that up again 👀👀)
anyway! if charles is the one who gets sick, then i feel like it's almost the complete opposite, lmao. as long as it's not a really serious illness, then i feel like charles would be an absolute baby about it. taking every chance to be curled up under the covers, waited on hand and foot... "can you get me some more tea, mon amour? i am just feeling so unwell and couldn't possibly get up and do it myself 🥺" pierre sees right through him, obviously, but he indulges charles. (when doesn't he?) on the flip side, i also feel that if charles were ever quite seriously sick, then he'd downplay it a lot. pretend it's not half as bad as it actually is, etc. etc. of course, pierre would see right through him yet again, and it's at this point that pierre would become that very overbearing partner in the doctor's office. taking charles to not one, not two, but three doctors. constantly butting in with questions and "yes but is this going to help him now?" and being a fucking pain in the ass, really. those poor doctors. and charles gets irritated about it, but he's also a little bit soft on the inside, because, well... pierre cares. he cares so much. and this is how he shows it.
just... ugh. everything, for me, is about how much they love each other, and care about each other. ❤️❤️
13. Who’s the bigger tease?
answered here 😉
21. Who would get into a fight to defend the other's honor? Who tends to the other's wounds?
to be quite honest, i don't think either of them are the kind to actually get into physical fights?? charles would definitely not - he would do the "smile prettily at you while planning your imminent demise" thing, lmao. i feel like pierre is also more likely to be petty and sarcastic than actually get in a fight.
but if it really came down to it... yeah, pierre would probably be more likely to get into a fight than charles. and of course charles would tend to his wounds 🥺 i'm just now imagining a scene of pierre leaning against the sink in the bathroom, or something, and charles ever-so-achingly-gently wetting a cloth and wiping the blood off his face... aaaaahhhh. my HEART. i am weak for that, i can't even lie. something about the intimacy of taking care of your loved one after they've been hurt... and charles would be so careful, too, so earnestly making sure that he's cleaning the cuts just right. although he'd probably also half-worriedly scold pierre for being such an idiot, and pierre would just laugh, and kiss him to make him shut up. then wince, because that's maybe not the best idea after you've gotten hurt. and of course then charles would fuss over him some more, and make sure he doesn't do anything dumb for the rest of the night, and take care of him as best he can... just. yeah. 💙💙
41. Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering?
pierre. this is another one from my little personal stockpile of piarles headcanons i hold close to my heart: charles is someone who gets cold very very easily. and pierre, as we know, is a bit of a possessive bastard, so any excuse to make charles wear his things is a good one 😏 lol, i joke, but i also do think that these two love about each other fiercely and completely, and they always want to take care of each other. so, yeah. if pierre ever sees charles getting cold, his first thought will be to take care of him, then to be a little smug and possessive about "he's wearing my clothes, he's all mine, ha 😌❤️"
56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
answered here 😘
(obligatory otp asks)
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