#anyway I really wanted to get this one done before falling asleep again xD
cometcon · 1 year
I did it. I wrote fanfic for Helluva Boss. Striker is consuming my mind. XD
So I was looking through the Striker tag on here for more of my favourite bastard snakey boi and found this really neat artwork. :D
And it's a really interesting concept and the artwork is so well done and they've kept just enough of Striker's sinister energy in the images that my brain just wouldn't leave me alone about it. And it got me thinking: Redeemed Striker cuddling up to Moxxie for warmth is definitely cute and even I love it (and I'm aromantic as fuck XD ). But would it be possible to write something with the same basic concept, just making it a different scenario to involve my first impression of Striker instead, without having to redeem and develop Striker first? Can I have my cake and eat it too? XD
I've changed my mind since I first posted this so here's the freshly edited new introductory waffle:
I want to flesh this out a little and write it as a whole oneshot partnered with my Blitz/Striker fic which is also set during Harvest Moon and maybe ending along the lines of the events in the canon episode, but in the meantime my brain churned out about 800 words for the specific prompt. I think I'm leaning for the fic being about Moxxie's perspective of Striker arriving at the farm as in canon. Moxxie dislikes him immediately and since Striker is an egotistical supremacist piece of shit he just doubles down on the dickwad behaviour, but keeps it subtle enough for Blitz and Millie to do their usual thing of overlooking Moxxie's concerns about things they don't see as a problem/threat/red flag (I promise I'm not hating on them; I enjoy their characters but also sometimes it does seem like a fair bit of the shit Moxxie gets dragged into could have been avoided if they'd listened to him. XD Though then we wouldn't have the parts of the show I enjoy, so again, not complaining, just playing with it. Don't kill me lol.) And Moxxie understandably gets sick of Striker's shit and they begin a tit for tat resulting in Moxxie shooting Striker's window 'by accident' and then 'forgetting' to fix it. XD And since they're all sleeping in the farm house, Striker chooses to escalate with a cruel and unusual punishment...
Behold, my first ever attempt at dark fluff. XD
The sound of the door opening and soft light spilling across the room made Moxxie's eyelids flicker, a low growl of annoyance building in his chest. 
Millie had a bad habit of laughing off their boss' infuriating behaviour, finding it amusing. Cute, even. Moxxie vehemently disagreed, yet his complaints typically fell on deaf ears, so he usually just endured. But these night-time visits were reaching the absolute line and Moxxie had had enough. He didn't care what his wife said, he was going to fucking murder Blitz if he took even one more step toward-
His back tensed in surprise as the covers lifted, the mattress behind him sinking beneath Blitz's weight. The night had finally come. He'd suspected his boss would escalate, but the fact it was really happening took its sweet time trickling through his outraged mind. Moxxie's vicious attempt to slam his elbow into the licentious imp's gut was too slow and easily thwarted as a large hand latched onto his arm, halting its trajectory. 
"Blitz, I swear to fucking Satan, I will claw your eyes out of your skull and feed them to Luna! Get off me," he hissed quietly, hoping not to wake his snoring wife. She might just tell him to move over and give Blitz more space before falling asleep again anyway. 
Before he could do much else however, a long, clammy, lithe body that was decidedly not Blitz pressed into him, strong arms wrapping around his much smaller form and pulling him closer. His heartbeat accelerated and a bolt of fear shot down his spine. 
"Shouldn't make threats you can't follow up on, rodent." 
Striker's breath wafted over Moxxie's ear in a gentle caress. He shuddered, tugging uselessly at the unyielding grip trapping him against the assassin as he felt Striker curl further, moulding himself into every part of Moxxie he could reach. Moxxie's tail twitched, caught between them and unable to find a gap to escape.
"What the fuck?" 
It should have been a shout, but his throat was tense with fright, the words emerging in an embarrassingly pathetic whimper. One hand searched for Millie, desperately praying he could wake her before they were both slaughtered in their sleep. 
"Quit wriggling," Striker rumbled, fingers lacing through Moxxie's to draw the hand back into his chest. 
"Why are you in here? Get out." 
Moxxie still couldn't manage more than a choked whisper, but the fact there seemed to be no intention of actually harming him allowed a rising indignation to take fear's place. He tried kicking, though that only served to annoy Striker, who immediately enveloped the flailing legs between his own. It was like being stuck in a patch of quicksand; the more Moxxie struggled, the deeper he sank.
"Someone hasn't fixed my window yet. It's cold." 
That long, spiked tail snaked across Moxxie's shivering skin, coiling around their tangled limbs and draping itself over his abdomen. The quiet rattle as the tip continued upward and settled by his face sent a chill through him and he squeezed his eyes shut. 
"That doesn't mean you get to- mmph!" 
His final, barely audible attempt at protest was swiftly cut off by Striker's free hand covering his mouth. 
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," came the deceptively soft admonishment, arms and tail constricting in a painful warning. Moxxie groaned and went limp, hoping it would be enough to appease, the understanding he really was at his captor's mercy sinking to the base of his stomach like a concrete brick on the ocean floor. Striker chuckled and thankfully granted him the ability to draw breath after a moment, though he remained tightly entwined with the trembling little body in his clutches, chin resting in mock affection atop Moxxie's head as he murmured, "Good boy. Go back to sleep."
This was just another one of Striker's games, he told himself. If he stayed very still and didn't cause a fuss, his tormentor would get bored and leave. 
Any minute now.
The dark outline of Millie's senseless form under the blanket was silhouetted against the window, her peaceful snores the only sound stirring the atmosphere. Striker's breathing had slowed too, apparently content to stay snuggled against him, leaching his warmth and sanity alike. 
Well, fuck.
When several minutes had passed without any further threat, Moxxie forced himself to relax. There was nothing he could do anyway. If Striker wanted him dead he would be already. Staying alert all night would play right into the other's aims, showing him the intimidation tactics were working the second he saw his victim's tired eyes and frazzled demeanour the next morning. 
Moxxie refused to let him win that easily.
He listened for Millie, his breaths steadying as he timed them to match hers and held the image of her beautiful beaming grin in his mind. Striker was bound to slip up eventually and when he did, Moxxie would be prepared for him. A new thought of slicing the trecherous demon's throat with his own knife flashed through Moxxie's head and he smiled, playing it slowly on loop until he managed to drift off again.
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greypetrel · 9 months
What is the first thing each of your OCs does when they wake up?
Hi Mo! ✨
Ok, this got me thinking a little and it's become a morning routine description, oops? xD Alyra on top and the rest under the cut!
(hi, if you're reading, feel free to ask me about my blorbos! :3)
Alyra: Grabs the knife under her pillow better. Just to be sure, she checks she's alone in the room. She found out three assassins this way, don't blame her. She gets up, get dressed, has a quick breakfast up to her room as she reads her mail and reports. Cleaning up takes longer, she has a very precise routine (she's the one that in a modern AU will go fully Korean routine), carefully braids her hair so by the time she walks out she's in pristine condition. If she's with Morrigan, the first thing in the morning is greeting Kieran and teach him to wield a dagger. Mages can use some self-defense too, keep that dagger straight, you don't want to cut yourself. (it's a real dagger? Yes. He'll pay more attention like this). If she's with Alistair, the ritual includes waking him up when she's done with her hair. "You can't braid anyway, why would I wake you up sooner?" "You're so romantic, my heart is melting." "Don't let it trickle on the carpet, please."
Raina: Rolls over, groans loudly, begs Beowoof to let her sleep and to go to her brother (but scratches his ears anyway because he is a good boi). When said brother arrives and free her from the dog, she falls back asleep for some times more, if she's not particularly stressed or anxious. Stays in bed anyway. When she wakes up for real, it's a kiss to Merrill and one to Bela, and then she goes kick Fenris out of bed (he's very happy about it, yes, only besties threaten each other of very painful deaths. "Yes yes you can take my uterus first, please do if it'll free me of periods. Here, I'll raise my shirt for you, suit yourself.") and get some exercise together. He was the one to train her with some better form with her daggers, they kept the habit. By the time Garrett is back, everyone is ready for breakfast.
Garrett: Stretches and smiles to the new day, kisses Fenris good morning, dresses, retrieves Beowoof from Raina's room. Goes jogging as he walks the dog, enjoys the city in the hours of dawn when just the bakers and fishermen are up and about. He won't really miss Kirkwall, but he will remember fondly running around with the dog, greeted by the early workers and enjoying the sky painting in nice colours, enjoying the quiet and be able to think better than in the house. Plays some with the dog, buys some baked goods for everyone and then heads back home for breakfast.
Aisling: Rolls over and cuddles the person she sleeps with as she rests for 5 minutes more. When she's alone she fights her maid, Frida, that gets her out of bed each morning and scolds her because she stayed awake to the wee hours again and she is surly and groggy now and she left her room a mess. The scolding task was officially left to Cullen with a relieved sigh when he moved over to her room. A pity he sleeps as little as her, so poor Frida now has to wake up TWO people who slept to little and are groggy. After then it's breakfast time. Post Trespasser, she'll walk the dogs and go feed the animals as Cullen cooks breakfast for them.
Radha: She wakes up naturally each morning at the same hour. Doesn't stand too long in bed and gets up. She's very grumpy when she's just awake, and the first thing is always going to get some tea to wake up, which she sips while reading. After she has her tea, she is functional and can be spoken to and can properly start with her morning activities. The clan knows she's even less talkative in the morning, she makes herself scarce in Skyhold until she's functional. Solas learnt quickly that every greeting before tea is only met with a "No." (he finds her cute).
Max: Switches off her alarm clock, wakes Liara up if she's there with a horribly cheesy pet name. She uses a new one each day. Feed the fishes and hope they won't die, feed the hamster and then some light exercise, a shower, get dressed and fix her make-up. Then she goes to the kitchen to brew some coffee herself because nobody is allowed to touch her moka pot anymore after Gardner washed it with soap, and coffee is the only one thing her petty-italian gene will run strong about (she eats pineapple on pizza and breaks the spaghetti, would live on junk food and fizzy drinks, but coffee? Espresso or death). A cup of coffee, some biscuits as she reads the news, and she's good to go to.
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milkmynk · 1 year
ORV Fic Concept - Spiritual Isekai KDJ
OW = Original World (where KDJ is from, modern civilization) MW = Medieval World (where KDJ spiritually isekais to)
KDJ wakes up one day isekai-ed as a noble in MW. But he quickly realizes that it is spiritual isekai, because whenever he falls asleep he isekais back into OW, and vice versa (poor KDJ literally can't sleep now, he's always working either in OW or MW...)
Original MW!KDJ has a fiancé (YJH), whom he's told "he" is obsessed with but our KDJ couldn't give a rat's ass about, he's way too busy for romance ok??
Until one day he hears that his fiancé has been exiled from his own noble family for... indiscretions. Anyway KDJ picks him up from the garbage, like a big angry stray cat UwU
(Ex)fiance YJH heavily disliked KDJ due to original KDJ strong-arming him into an engagement (cause he was obsessed and not above a little blackmail). So like... in the dream that sparked this, the reason why YJH had been exiled was cause he got an STD from visiting the pleasure district LOL OOC my dude XD
KDJ cures him by using medicine from OW (he can bring items across worlds by holding them in his hand when he goes to sleep). So eventually KDJ had to tell him the origin of the medicine and his secret.
Anyhow, YJH having no other place to go and (reluctantly) intrigued by our KDJ decides to stay and be employed by KDJ. But before he realizes it, he loses his heart to oblivious!KDJ. 😘
Angst starts setting in because he starts worrying; what if KDJ stops isekai-ing into MW one day?
He only truly realizes that he doesn't want to lose KDJ when, for the first time, KDJ doesn't wake up in MW for three whole days.
He begins to panic, what if KDJ really did find a way to stop his spiritual traveling? What if he never gets to see those bright eyes and that wide smile again?
(Insert YJH waxing poetic internally about KDJ, it's all very angsty, Alexa play Despacito)
KDJ eventually wakes up with a massive headache, to see YJH dozing in a chair by his side. Warm feelings that KDJ immediately represses the hell out of ensue; KDJ thinks so loud he wakes YJH up
YJH grabs KDJ’s shoulders and goes ballistic at KDJ like, you were asleep for 3 days!!! You didn't go to sleep in OW for 3 days???
And KDJ is like. “Firstly, I have a big headache right now, please stop rattling me like I'm a baby rattle”
And, “Secondly, yeah?? I had a project deadline coming up, I needed to get the work done!”
Poor YJH stares at him, wild-eyed, before letting go and slumping back into his seat. He echos, “... You needed to get the work done.”
“Or get fired, yeah”
YJH drags a hand down his face, then pinches the bridge of his nose for good measure. “So you didn’t sleep... For three whole days.”
"Red Bull gives you wings," KDJ agrees, helpfully.
YJH thinks to himself, I’m in love with a suicidal idiot, and despairs.
Interlude where YJH gets so terrified of losing KDJ + "someone needs to take care of that idiot and it sure isn’t going to be KDJ" + he's interested in the advanced civilization of OW That he asks whether, since KDJ could transport items by holding them in his hand when he goes to sleep... If, y'know, for science, if they held hands while KDJ slept... Would YJH be transported as well?
And KDJ immediately shoots him down. Cause KDJ, despite being a suicidal idiot, has a good head on his shoulders and knows that cross-contamination of populations could cause widespread destruction and death of both populations (Pathogens that one population is adapted to might be devastating for a population that is not adapted to it, etc.) Anyway that's the end of YJH isekai-ing aspirations lol /end Interlude ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
KDJ eventually finds the way to stop isekai-ing.
It’s simple, really. He doesn’t know why he didn’t think of it before. The basic theory is that his soul is compatible with both bodies and hence flits between them when one body goes to sleep.
So, in order to stop the spiritual traveling, simply put... If there's only one body alive... well, nowhere to flit to.
He, of course, does not divulge this information to YJH. But he does start making preparations for his eventual departure. You know, like an uncommunicative asshole 😊
But YJH can sense it, like there's an urgency and finality to KDJ now; like he's tying up loose ends.
They're having dinner together one night and that suspicion/feeling peaks so hard that the words in him are about to burst.
Why are you doing this?
Why aren’t you telling me anything?
Are you going to leave me?
When KDJ beats him to it.
KDJ sets down his cutlery, wipes his pretty pink mouth, and looks at YJH with the stars in his eyes and a trickster's smile on his lips.
"Hey, YJH. Shall we get married?"
YJH, to his utter horror, opens his stupid mouth and says, "Yes."
They do actually get married, but they don't consummate the marriage (because KDJ is an emotionally repressed/avoidant POS).
Basically KDJ's thought process was like :
1. If I die now, there won't be a successor to my duchy, this would cause power wars and unrest. It would be best if I could get someone competent to take over my role... Hey YJH is right there let's sic the job on him 👍
2. This way YJH can be assured that he'll have a home / job / position even after I leave
(Insert happenings / angst / sweet pain cause I haven’t actually thought of the in-between. But, I have thought of TWO endings.)
>>> THE BAD ENDING, IT MAKES ME SO MAD (The one that actually happened in my dream WHICH IS WHY I’M AWAKE AT 4AM FROM ANGST.)
KDJ takes poison in MW and lies down to sleep for the last time. As his consciousness dulls and fades, he hears his door open.
He hears familiar footsteps walk closer, before a scarred, calloused hand slips into his own, and holds on tight. Searing warm, against his rapidly cooling skin.
"... You dumb bastard," KDJ sighs, before the world fades completely.
The implication is that YJH was transported to OW with KDJ... And it would have been a happy ending if it’d ended at this point.
Like, the thing that gets me so mad about this ending. IT FITS.
1. It parallels canon!!!!! KDJ tried so hard to give 0th turn a good life, but 0th turn said haha no I choose suffering 😊
2. YJH wanting to meet be with KDJ, no matter the cost
3. It ties in with the interlude??? Hello my brain why are you smarter asleep than when you're awake???
4. It also ties in with that odd power KDJ has to transport items between worlds, which was originally introduced like a goddamn gimmick to ingratiate himself with YJH via the power of modern medicine???
I’m legitimately so upset about this QAQ
>>> The Good Ending, a fix-it for my own dream, this tastes like betrayal tbh
KDJ decides that he loves MW more than OW and stayed in MW with YJH instead. Happily ever after.
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adhdthoughts · 1 year
Ok nvm, I post it now.
So there are some updates in my life..
I think I shared it some time, that the adhd medication don't really work for me.
Ritalin/Medikinet doesn't really do smth for me.. also Elvanse seemed not to work that well. I feel more motivated to do things on Elvanse, but was never sure if it actually helps me concentrate better or doing the stuff that I needed/wanted to do.
I always took Ritalin/Elvanse with a few weeks or sometimes months in-between. Just because I wanted to have a new impression of what it does to me or if it even does anything. I can't sleep on Elvanse, even when I take it at 07:00 and going to bed at 00:00 or even 01:00.
I'm always struggling with falling asleep (1-2h) and when I am asleep I feel like I'm 40% awake. And sometimes I woke up after a few hours and need to try again.
But I have exams pretty soon (which is a big struggle coz I'm fkn bad as studying and really hat it) so I wen't to my Psych and asked for an attestation that I have more time in my Exam.
(Some background-knowledge: I'm kinda struggling with the time in every test that I write or wrote in school. I don't know why I'm so fkn slow at that, but I always get just ok'ish grades instead of good ones, because I can't finish my tests. I don't really feel like I'm wasting my time a lot or looking around a lot, but somehow I can't manage to finish them in time.. maybe because too much of an perfectionist and want my phrases to sound good and rearranging them in my head back and forth, Idk..)
Anyway, so I got that attestation and she also asked me what about my medicals (I wasn't there for 1 year and I told her that I still have that sleeping issues and then she said, np, you can take Trimipramin before you go to sleep, try it out.
I haven't used Elvanse for about a half year, because I didn't want to be awake half of the night and probably be tired or even more unconcentrated the day after. I only did it on working days so far, because I thought why should I use it on weekends, thats my free time.
So I after I got that sleeping med I tried it out on a Saturday with the mindset that I wanna get shit done that day. And wtf I was doing productive things for 11h straight. Like cleaning my room finally (kinda deep, also the windows and stuff, Pog xd), helped mom with the house, groceries, tried to sort all my lose paper/sheets into folders, etc..
Was a great feeling to get smth done.
But not every elvanse day is a 11h productive type day, but maybe because I'm not committing often enough that day/evening before.
(I still have some side-effects of it like cold feet, less appetite and my intestine is more active.. but that doesn't matter so much for me.)
So yeah.. I'm experimenting more with it, taking it 0-3 times a week.
I have much more joy on working at my job and it's pretty easy for me to work 8-9h even without any break (sure that's illegal and not healthy, but I'm not planning to do that often, that's just what I noticed).
For days when I really don't want to work my 8h that's a good mood boost.
But I think I also noticed that I can study better, but I'm still not quite sure about it, but at least it's helping me with getting the chores done, which is pretty nice, let me feel better and a clean room is better for concentrating when studying.
Will continue that in the next post..
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Do you still take matchups? I am a usually blonde german (i dye my hair occasionally in very bright colors like pink, violet or greenish blue) of 21. I love to learn stuff, mostly about philosophy and psychology and languages. I am a pretty calm person, when a place is crowdy and loud, i often nope out. I love Books, Games (even Card or Boardgames) finding lost places and animals. If someone walks by with a dog, i am a lost cause. I have to pet it, no matter the Breed. Every Dog is a puppy.
Na hallöle xD! Sorry for the wait, but I hope you’ll enjoy~
Based on what you told me, I’d match you wiiiith....
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a beautiful, smart, young blonde with a quiet persona and an interest in discovering new things- there is no way around it, the moment he noticed you Jabura is already drooling like a hungry wolf eyeing the most delicious piece of prey in existence! And the more he gets to know about you and your curious nature, the more he falls. And this man falls QUICKLY.
if you're a fellow lover of little trips and seeking out secret places... then you're more than in luck! Jabura has been around quite a lot (mostly for his job as assassin but pssst) and would take great pride and joy in seeing your eyes light up as he brings you along for a little exploration trip! Of course he already knows what's awaiting the two of you, but to keep things interesting he pretends not to xD
of course you can openly display your love for animals without having to ever worry about him judging you! (well, unless we’re talking... certain felines)
but sweetie, when you tell him just how much you love dogs he just.... mentally tears up and transforms into a wolf right on the spot! I mean yes, a wolf and a dog aren't necessarily the same thing, but- would you ever consider petting him and showing the same kind of affection to him as well...?
just being near you is like an instant way for Jabura to relax. Your more quiet and calm aura really helps with balancing out how aggressive and hot-headed he can be- but on the other hand, when you aren't around he is even easier to provocate and just gets anxious and unnerved by the thought of you being away from him...
when out in public he’s not one to call you by cutesy names, but once you arrive back home... say goodbye to (Y/N), because you will be his little lamb for the rest of the day~
something that could potentially cause some arguing between the two of you is the fact that Jabura  is a bit irritated by your desire to sometimes color your hair, especially if it's a crazy color! You are so beautiful the way you are and he adores your blonde locks, why would you ever want to change it???
if you try and are willing to invest some time into it, then you might actually get him to indulge in some other hobbies with you! He isn't really one to read but hey, Jabura wouldn't turn down a good game, especially if it's something you two can play together! (but please... nothing like Mensch-ärger-dich-nicht, you hear me? Because he will get competitive, loud and frustrated!)
also you can bet that he will try to use your help and knowledge to come up with good and accurate comebacks for when he's arguing with Lucci or Kaku! Seeing how you have an interest in animals, surely there will be some interesting ‘facts’ about giraffes and leopards that he could use to his advantage....
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Yuta as a cold yet soft mafia boss
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Prompt: 99) “You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream.” from 100 Dialogue Prompts for Mob Boss AU
A/N: just like the Jeno fic, I've always wanted to do a Yuta fanfic and it wasn't until I saw this writing prompt that I'm like, this feels like something Yuta would say.
Warnings: probably some cursing since it's Yuta XD
Now, we all know how cold and scary Yuta looks when in fact he's a big softie. Which is probably one of the reasons why you fall for him; because of how soft whipped he is with you and the rest of NCT.
Like the boy is very much whipped for you that he would even have time to ask you 'have you eaten', 'what are you up to' while being on a mission. The boys also like to tease him about it, even WayV (who we all know are slightly terrified of him)
Would definitely take you out on a date every now and then if he can. A/N: Kay, hold up, we're getting a bit ahead. I forgot to tell you how y'all met XD
So, it was a school night (well, you're in college); and you were quite stress with your final assignment that you decided to go to the nearest convenience store to grab some coffee and snacks to pull an all-nighter.
You wore an oversize hoodie and some sweats (cause comfort is key) and was walking through the snack aisle, about to grab (your favourite snack) when another hand was about to reach for it (ehem, Yuta, ehem)
Despite wanting to grab the snack, you insist the tall, handsome man to have it instead (even if you were wondering how a guy like him like your fave snack). But the man insist you take the snack; which led to the both of you having a little debate and eventually the man took the snack, paid for it but gave it to you, saying that you needed it more
"Take it. Finals are tough and you need the little boost to keep you going. Also, don't worry so much about the result. What matters is you did your best, mkay? See you around kid" the man lectured, giving you a slight smile before leaving with his own coffee
After he left, it took you a while to process what just happened before going back to your dorm and continue your final assignment
But oh how the universe like to bring people together ;)
It was right after your finals and you and your friends decided to have some drink at a nearby bar since you guys were curious and have never experienced the bar aura.
You weren't much of a drinker despite your amazing tolerance in alcohol so you were rather confused what to order until a familiar sound came.
"She'll have the orange-mango crush" a familiar voice stated
Turning around, you saw the same man you bumped into at the convenience store almost 2 weeks ago but this time, he looked way more put together and even wore a suit. Lowkey, your mind was starting to wander around and thinking whether there was going to be a fight or some sort or if this was that typical mafia story you secretly read.
"Didn't think you'd be the type to come to a bar on a school night. You done with your finals kid?" the man asked
"I, uhh, yea. Wait!! What do you mean the type to come to a bar?" you stuttered; not aware that your friends were staring at the both of you
"Don't worry, I don't mean it like it's a bad thing. People do what they want. Who am I to judge. Anyways, you ladies enjoy your night. If there's any problem, don't hesitate to let me, the bartender or the guards know. Also, the drink is on the house" the man winked at you and your friends, giving a slight wave before leaving
Cue your friends immediately plastering you with all sorts of question. Wondering how you met a handsome hunk in the midst of your finals. Not to mention, that handsome hunk even remembers you. Cue you becoming a blushing mess; especially after the bartender came with the drink the man requested for you.
Though you were worried that the drink was spiked, you gave a little sip and it was all fruity and delicious. Mental note to yourself: not only is he good-looking, kind but also has good taste in food; great, just great.
The rest of the night went fairly nice. You and your friends were sipping on your drinks, having a nice chit-chat bout life in general, catching up since you guys were not in the same classes. Once the clock hit 1 am, you figured that it was time to head back to your dorm.
Since you decided to wait for your friends who were calling an uber to head back to their homes since they live near your college. Whilst waiting, you told your friends that you were going to go to the bathroom for a bit.
Right when you came out of the bathroom, a random man tried to hit on you and it made you very uncomfortable that you eventually hit the wall behind you. But luckily, a certain someone came and save the day ;)
"Oi. Hands off the girl. Looks like someone is new to my bar since I don't accept any sort of make-out if there's no consent between two parties. Scram before I make you" your saviour growled, making the man leave you alone
"Are you alright?" the man asked while you were catching your breath
"Yeah. Yea, I am. Thank you again. Uh..." you mumbled
"What is it? Are you sure you're alright?" the man questioned, worried in his tone
"It's just, you've basically helped me twice and I still have yet to know your name" you chuckled, making the man chuckle as well
"If that's really what you want. I'm Yuta" the man called Yuta chuckled
"Thank you, Yuta. I appreciate it" you thanked him, giving him a genuine smile; not knowing what that smile does to Yuta's heart
And folks, that was just the beginning of your relationship. Ever since that night, Yuta made it his goal to get to know you more before actually asking you in a relationship; which, when the time came and Yuta asked you, without thinking twice, you said yes.
Throughout your relationship, Yuta was pretty blunt in telling you what he does as a living and mentioned that while he may live a dangerous life, he still had morals and his job was actually putting down all the bad people hiding in the shadows.
Despite all, you trusted Yuta and he also trusted you. You still had your freedom and was allowed to go wherever with whoever you wanted as long as you told Yuta beforehand. Even throughout your near one year anniversary, both of you knew each other's friend group and you even get to see how soft Yuta was when it comes to his mates.
However, all those sweet moments you both felt like a dream the second Yuta heard news that you were captured by some lowlife gang that NCT made go broke. Hearing the news, it was only a matter of minutes before the whole NCT used their network to find you and create a well thought out plan to get you back.
Once Yuta got you back, he made sure you were alright whilst the other members lock the gang up in their basement. Yuta made sure that you had no injuries; which, if you do, he would tend them himself and if he can't then he'll have someone come but stay by you until you were alright or, until you fell asleep.
After tucking you into bed and making sure you were fast asleep. Yuta peck your forehead for a moment before quietly sneaking off the bed and out of his room, going down to the basement and confronting the gang with some of the other members.
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“You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream. Now, which one of you nutjobs came up with the idea in the first place?!" Yuta growled, smirking once he saw the gang cower in fear
A/N: hope you guys enjoy this Yuta fic that came out of nowhere XD and hope you all stay safe and healthy :) xoxo
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cdroloisms · 3 years
Dream thought that he can bring server together, he thought that they can be one big family... Well at least he really bond them, even if they bonded to fight against him. Even if that mean he's not part of this server anymore.
right,, the one big happy family thing always destroys me
bc it’s really the driving force behind everything he’s done, the reason why he’s cut off everything he’s ever loved, moved forwards despite everything he’s ever lost. it doesn’t make what he does right, by any means, but c!dream’s longing for a better past, his clinging to a family he loved and lost - it’s so desperately, painfully human and is very much the cherry on top of his whole tragic story. it’s something that tugs at my heart every time i think about it - especially how in the end, pretty much nobody knew what drove him to the lengths he went to, and how everyone still sees him as being motiveless, or doing it all for personal gain and power. it’s reasonable, with their limited povs, but oh man does it hurt when we know his real reasoning.
this,, ended up weirdly long haha but oh man was it fun. have some dream team angst as i cry abt c!dream for the millionth time 
tws: death, grief, off-screen murder, implied mental deterioration
Two weeks after Dream dies, Sapnap asks George if he wants to come to the vault.
He almost says no. It’d be an early journey if they want to get out without anyone seeing, and he’s just- tired. He’s been tired for months even though he spends most of his time sleeping, usually can’t even find the energy to pull himself out of bed. The weird dreams hadn’t helped in the slightest, though they’ve been gone for a few weeks, and he’s not seen XD in a long time, save for a few minutes after he first heard the news. In all honesty, he doesn’t want to deal with the mental strain of anything to do with Dream at all.
But- Sapnap is still his best friend, even if they’ve grown apart ever since that fateful night with Dream, and he still knows the Netherborn better than nearly- well, everyone, now, with Dream gone. As much as Sapnap tried to put on a strong front, Dream’s death had taken its toll.
Killing Dream had taken its toll.
He’d been asleep (again) when it all went down, but he knows that somehow, Dream had escaped prison. Somehow, it ended with Sapnap’s sword stabbed hilt-deep in Dream’s chest, an unmarked grave in the forest behind the Community House that he knows Sapnap visits when he thinks nobody’s watching.
So when Sapnap asks, dark bags under his red-rimmed eyes, if he wants to come with him to see what belongings they can find in Dream’s old blackstone-brick vault- he says yes.
“There,” Sapnap gestures over the crest of a netherrack cliff above a bubbling lava lake, and George strains to look at what the other is pointing at. There, settled over a small outcrop of netherrack and gravel, a messy bridge of various blocks leading from it, lies the signature black and purple silhouette of a nether portal. “It’s just across that.”
George hums in acknowledgement, and they clamber down in sync. It’s been a while since he’s spent time one-on-one with Sapnap like this; George had half-forgotten what it feels like, to work with someone so different and yet know them so well. Years and years of teamwork means they fall in step almost without thinking, Sapnap easily sliding forward to block a skeleton’s arrow while George nocks one of his own to shoot it through the skull. It is a partnership built on years of bickering and banter and deep-set trust, of having to face a stronger, more agile opponent together through wind and rain and snow.
He missed it, though he’ll never admit that to anyone but himself.
He hesitates in front of the nether portal, pulling Sapnap back automatically by his sweater sleeve. “You sure the other side is safe?”
“Yeah, yeah- it should be,” Sapnap pulls his arm away, lets him enter the portal first before stepping into the frame himself. “Not a manhunt.”
“Mm,” George laughs, tired. “Just checking.”
The portal hums, purple creeping into the corners of George’s vision and filling it until it’s all he can see, and he rubs at his eyes to clear his vision as he stumbles out the other side. Sapnap walks out, seeming unfazed - it’s always been something that George has envied in the other, how unaffected he is by portals, but he’s also always had worse portal sickness than most- “We’re here.”
The place is - put lightly, a wreck, wooden planks scattered all over the floor and inch-deep water sloshing around his shoes. “What’s with the water?”
“I don’t know, someone must’ve come here after for something,” Sapnap frowns, points across the room to a chute leading upwards, filled with a crude spiral staircase of oak. “We’re going up there.”
George nods, letting him take the lead. The staircase is rickety, the bottom steps waterlogged; Sapnap grimaces the whole way up, makes some comment under his breath about how unsafe it all is, but they continue without much issue. The top of it is surprisingly unassuming - there’s really nothing around, just a small hollowed out space carpeted by savannah grass, shorn short. Sapnap tosses him a pickaxe.
“He respawned up here, that day - he’s gotta have a bed up here somewhere.” He gestures at the plain stone walls surrounding them, “My guess is that it’s just behind one of these walls. Just mine two or three blocks in all the way across, I’ll start from this side.”
“Whatever, Snapnap,” George takes the pickaxe anyway, walking over to the other side of the room and ignoring the protests Sapnap throws at his back. Mining the stone is simple, methodical; it’s a steady rhythm of the pick hitting stone and blocks falling into his inventory; if he closes his eyes, he can almost pretend that they’re in the middle of a manhunt, and Dream has holed himself into the wall as he always does for them to find him. He doesn’t, because thinking about manhunt does nothing but make something cold and choking claw up his throat, almost like guilt, almost like regret, and he doesn’t have the energy for that in the slightest.
His next swing rings oddly hollow, and when the block drops neatly away the wall opens to a narrow corridor. He calls Sapnap over.
“Here.” Sapnap moves with large, heavy strides, face tightening into a foreign expression of grim determination when he catches the darkness behind the one-block hole George mined, “I found it.”
“Well, obviously,” he rolls his eyes as he takes out the bottom block, looking at George from the corner of his eye. “Nice observation, genius.”
“Hey! You told me to find it, and I did, unlike you- you should be thanking me, Sapnap.”
“Whatever, Gogy,” Sapnap sighs, looking into the corridor, feet settling against the ground into a wide stance that George recognizes as the one he’d usually use in a fight. It makes something long-forgotten ache in his chest, joining the dull ball of hurt that has been there for what feels like months, “You ready?”
“Yeah, yeah, hurry up, will you?” The retort rings hollow, dying on his lips even as he says it, and George watches as Sapnap turns his head away and pretends not to notice.
“Let’s go.”
The hallway is dark, dusty, a hastily made thing as shown by the rough gouges made on either side by a quickly working pickaxe. It opens into a tiny room, similarly carved into the mountain with roughhewn walls of stone; George’s lips thin and press against each other as he takes a closer look at the room, stepping in behind Sapnap.
“This place is a mess,” he states drily, scuffing his foot against the floor and cringing at the trail it leaves in the dust. There’s a bed left in the corner, a thin little thing with the covers thrown off, lying halfway on the floor, and a few chests and furnaces scattered aimlessly against the walls and making the whole thing look more cramped. There are papers strewn over the floor and chests, piles of coal and wood left to collect dust in the corners. It looks like a whirlwind swept through the place, and it’s almost eerie to see this room, completely untouched since the twentieth, a snapshot in time of Dream in the middle of his spiral into madness.
Sapnap kicks at one such pile with a humorless scoff, “That’s an understatement.”
“You looking for anything in particular?” George jabs his thumb at the mess in front of them, “Because I’m not cleaning all of that up.”
“I guess- just look through the chests?” Sapnap’s face darkens visibly even despite the dim lighting, and George stifles the urge to poke fun at how the younger clearly didn’t plan this far ahead, per usual. “Just look for anything useful, worth taking back I guess.”
“Mmhm.” He moves to the left-most chest as Sapnap moves to the right, watching from the corner of his eye as the other strikes up a torch to place in the middle of the room. The lid creaks open, and he rummages through the contents, vaguely surprised when his hand meets row after row of glass bottles. He pulls one out, squints at the contents. “Hey Sapnap, is this a regen?”
Sapnap looks over. “Yeah,” he says, rolling his eyes when George pockets it. “Seriously- you know Sam literally has an automatic potion brewer, right. You can just steal from that instead.”
“Or I could just steal from here,” he closes the lid, moving to the next chest. “That’s just his pots chest. He really stacked up, didn’t he?”
“Well, you know Dream. Always had to plan for the end of the world.” Sapnap closes the chest that he was hunched over, tossing over something in a flash of gold, “Was just his food chest. Don’t know why someone needs eight stacks of gapples, but whatever. We can split the god apples later.”
“Sure,” George nods, distracted as he fiddles with clasp of the next chest. This one, unlike the last, seems more worn over the bottom edge of the lid, the wood almost seeming to bear dents where fingers had pressed into the areas right by the clasp again and again. The lid eases open, and he frowns at the chest’s contents; there’s no rhyme or reason to them at first glance. There’s a half-stack of stone in the top left, a couple pieces of leather thrown in the bottom corner, a low-durability crossbow, unenchanted, that he briefly runs his hands over before throwing it back into the chest. He rummages through it for another second, about to dismiss it as a junk chest, when a well-worn book near the back of the chest catches his eye.
He pulls it towards him with careful hands, breath having caught in his throat. The cover is leather, scuffed and scratched in several places, not bearing the dull shine of a book that’s been signed and preserved magically. It doesn’t seem to be titled, no ink against the usual places on the front cover or spine, but the whole thing looks well-loved, the thread of the spine slightly frayed the leather heavily creased from where the cover had been eased open again and again.
He opens the front cover, and sucks in a breath through his teeth.
“Sapnap? I think I found something.”
There, nestled between the front cover and the first page, lays a pile of photographs. Unlike everything else in the room, these are clearly well-loved, well-cared for, the corners are sharp, the surfaces shiny, despite how often they must have been thumbed through and looked at. He plucks the first one off the top of the pile - it’s one that was taken from the inside of the old community house before the floor was replaced with crafting tables, string lights hanging from the ceiling in an impromptu party, Alyssa’s legs dangling from where she’s sitting at the edge of the spiral staircase, Callahan leaning against the wall with a slice of cake held between his hands. Sapnap’s sitting in the middle of the floor across from himself, both of their faces glowing softly in the flickering light - his own face is caught in a grimace, Sapnap bent over himself in laughter- Sapnap walks up behind him, gasps at the sight.
“What are-”
George passes over the photo wordlessly as he moves to the next; there’s Sam, grinning at the camera with a newly tamed Fran by his side, tail a white blur against the green of the grass; Bad, hands clutched around a bucket as he yells at someone off the frame, a salmon head poking slightly out the top; Ponk, sitting proudly in the top branches of his first lemon tree.
His breath catches at the next; it’s dim, the sky a pretty blend of purple-pink from the last remaining dregs of light of a sunset, hovering over the dark edge of the ocean stretching out towards the horizon. They’re sitting in boats, the bottom edges lit softly from the coral sitting in the shallow waters below them, brilliant halos of reds and pinks and yellows and oranges and blues dotted with the soft lights of sea pickles painting the wood in muted rainbows. Sapnap’s smiling from one in the back, head tipped to the side cheekily, right hand lifted in a cocky two-fingered salute. George is sitting in the back of a boat in the foreground, glasses lifted to his forehead, eyes mid-roll even as he grins obligingly at the camera-
And then, in the front, there’s Dream.
His mask is pulled to the side of his face, exposing his freckled skin and brilliant green eyes; he’s smiling widely, all teeth, hair wet and sticking up in a ring of untamed swirls and spikes. His eyes are crinkled at the corners, cheeks red, arm stretched forward off-frame from where he’d held the camera in front of them to take the selfie. George’s thumb brushes over the photo, pressing lightly against the dusty mess of hair framing Dream’s face, pausing at the sight of his pure, unadulterated joy.
What had happened to them?
A soft, choked sound comes from behind him, and George tucks the photos away, pressing them between two random pages in the book. His eyes flicker to the book’s contents, finally, finding Dream’s familiar, looping scrawl written on the first page. The words are big and messy, all capitalized and underlined several times, the last four circled roughly.
He snaps the book shut.
“Let’s go home, Sapnap.” He throws one last look at the room, at the messy, desperate edges, the remnants of a man lost in his own reckless belief that he could build something beautiful out of blood and ash. He swallows, blinks back the image of a brilliant smile, freckled cheeks ruddy with laughter, at the golden glow of memories long-forgotten that threaten now to burn him with their warmth. He can imagine Dream, settled in the middle of this mess, pressing himself closer to the fire contained in these photographs, these memories, and not realizing how he’s being burned, can nearly see a ghost of him tucked in these shadowed corners, haunting the hopes that he had clung to against all reason with the promise that it could all be worth it.
Sapnap frowns at him tiredly, photos pressed against his own chest. “George,” he says, cautious, and George’s shoulders hunch defensively.
“Let’s go home,” he stands up, hearing more than seeing as Sapnap does the same. “Whatever closure you’re looking for- you’re not finding it here.”
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You & I
Requested by anon: “Could I get a Luke Patterson x reader where the reader is able to see Luke, Reggie, nd Alex. The only difference from julie is that she can make contact w/them.”
A/N: I rewrote this a bunch of times actually because it never really worked out but here is this xD just some Luke fluff
Pairing: Luke Patterson x female!reader
WC: 1.6k
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“Luke!” You spun around with your hand on your chest begging your racing heart to calm down. Luke had scared you by just appearing behind you. “What the fuck?! You can’t scare me like that, it’s bad for my health!” you complained, turning back to your locker. There were already people looking at you because of your outcry and you didn’t want to raise more attention.
“I just came to see you. Is it really that bad that I missed my amazing, beautiful girlfriend who I haven’t seen in way too long?” He leaned against the locker next to yours dramatically, his gaze never leaving you. He gently reached out to your wrist playing with the guitar charm on your bracelet. It had been a gift from him. Well, he asked Julie for help since he couldn’t purchase anything given the fact that he was a ghost, but he was the one who chose what to get you and Julie bought it for him. Now, you never took it off.
You chuckled at his theatrics. “We just saw each other yesterday,” you reminded him. You had been over at Julie’s to help her with some homework which resulted in the two of you spending time in the garage with the boys and not getting a lot of stuff done. Instead, you had talked, played some music and joked around. A good alternative to studying in your eyes.
“That doesn’t count!” He pouted. “You were there for Julie, not for me. When was the last time we spend time together, just the two of us?” The question caught you off-guard. It had indeed been a little while ago. Way too long, you thought. Somehow someone was always around, whether it be Alex and Reggie, Julie, Flynn or even your parents. Although your parents were oblivious to Luke’s presence, it was like they knew when he was in your room, so they would barge in to interrupt. Or they would call when you were out, needing you to come home immediately or do something for them right away. Whenever you tried to do something together, someone always seemed to intervene.
“You’re right.” You sighed, looking over at him, but you turned right back towards your locker when you realized there was another person at their locker right behind to Luke. You wouldn’t want them to think you were talking to them. Luckily, they didn’t pay you much attention. You tried to look busy by reorganizing your books. When you spoke again it was in a quiet voice. “I hate that we weren’t able to be together without anyone else around. It feels like the universe is trying to keep us apart or something.” You laughed, playing your statement off as a joke, but it was a thought that had occurred to you many times before. Being in a relationship with a ghost was… It was great, actually. You loved Luke and he loved you and there wasn’t a human alive on Earth that you had a similar connection with than you had with Luke, but there was always Flynn’s nagging voice in your head reminding you that he was a literal ghost. He was not alive. And how could this ever be something real, if you were alive and he was not?
But it didn’t feel like that to you. You were able to see Luke, to touch him. He was just like any other boy to you in those regards. Sometimes when you were alone with him you even forgot that he was a ghost. You’d be harshly reminded of it again when someone would walk through him or he would walk through something or when he would teleport out of wherever you’d be. Your logical brain, backed up by Flynn, would tell you that it wasn’t natural, it wasn’t right to be in a relationship with a ghost, but your heart? Your heart told you that you loved Luke. It didn’t care about what the future would hold. It cared about the here and now, the moments you shared.
Luke could read the troubling thoughts that were on your mind from your face, your furrowed brows and pursed lips a dead giveaway. He leaned towards you. Determination written across his face. “Let’s get out of here!” He grabbed your hand and pulled you away, closing your locker in the process. You tried to keep up with him, so it wouldn’t look like you were being pulled by thin air. The idea of skipping class and spending time with Luke instead actually sounded great. You’d rather do almost anything with him right now than stay in that building and fight your way through three more classes. And the chance was slim that you’d get interrupted since Julie and Flynn were still at school, your parents at work and what Reggie and Alex were up to you didn’t know.
“Studio or my house?” you asked to check where you’d be going.
“Reggie might be hanging out at the studio, so let’s go to your house,” he answered. His hand still firmly held onto yours. “What’s on your mind?” he followed up when he noticed your focus on your intertwined hands.
“I’m just grateful, I guess, that I get to see you and touch you.” You gently squeezed his hand. You did that a lot, especially with your friends around. It was a subtle way to show your affection or to reassure each other of your presence. “I don’t know how it came to be that it is this way, but I’m really glad.” You smiled at him.
When you arrived at your house Luke immediately went to your living room couch and made himself comfortable while you put your bag away in your room. “Do you want to watch a movie?” You asked when you joined him. Without waiting for a reply, you grabbed the remote to pull up a movie on Netflix as you sat down next to him, but that wasn’t good enough for Luke. He always held back around the others because he knew it might make them uncomfortable, but he loved holding you, touching you, having you close, so he pulled you in to lie against his side, an arm securely wrapped around your waist. You rested your head on his shoulder still looking for something to watch. “What kind of movie are you in the mood for?”
“Just put on something you like. I probably won’t know it anyway.” That wasn’t a big help, but after a bit more contemplation decided on one. It was a movie you already knew by heart and thought Luke might like as well. But what movie was playing wasn’t of much importance anyways. The way Luke was holding you close, pressing kisses onto the top of your head from time to time, that was what mattered. His thumb kept caressing your side. With the noises from the movie playing in the background your eyelids grew heavy and it wasn’t long until you fell asleep.
Luke noticed it immediately when you fell asleep. You were leaning further into him and your hand had fallen from where it was lying on top of his. He carefully moved to lie down on the couch so as to not wake you up. When he was done your eyes were still closed and your breaths even, still, you seemed to cuddle into him even more in your sleep. Luke couldn’t help but fall even more in love with you at the sight. He was aware that you thought it was creepy when he watched you sleep but he liked doing it. There was nothing to disturb him from taking in all your features, to memorize every little thing about you.
He let you sleep for an hour before he decided it was time to wake you by pressing kisses all over your face. You scrunched up your face at the sensation, your sleep-induced mind barely registering what was happening. When you finally opened your eyes, Luke was smiling at you. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he whispered before he bent down again to connect your lips.
“What time is it?”, you asked him, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you slowly sat up.
“Almost 2pm,” he answered after checking your phone.
“Already?!” you exclaimed, now awake. “Why did you let me sleep? You gotta go to practice soon! I thought we wanted to do stuff together today.”
“I do. And I let you sleep because it looked like you needed it. Anyways, technically we did spend time together.”
You eyed him suspiciously. “Did you watch me sleep again?”
He already moved away from you, bringing some distance between the two of you in case you would resort to chugging a pillow at him at his answer. A cheeky smile appeared on his face as he pulled his shoulders up. “Maybe.”
You sighed frustratedly. “Please, don’t do that. It feels so weird to know you watch me sleep. Like, what if I drool?”
“You do,” he laughed, moving closer again. He leaned over the back of the couch to gently grab your chin and wipe over it with his thumb. “But it’s cute.” The grin never left his face while you swatted his hand away, pouting.
You groan. “You’re the worst.”
“But you love me,” he continued with a cocky grin which had you roll your eyes.
“I do. Even though I do wonder why sometimes.” You pulled him back towards you to kiss him again, smiling into the kiss. “And now come cuddle with me until you have to go to band practice.” You opened your arms. Luke happily accepted the invitation, jumped over the back of the couch and lay down beside you. With his head resting on your chest and your fingers carding through his hair he let out a sigh and relaxed into your embrace.
“I love you, too,” he mumbled lazily.
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cafeinthemoon · 4 years
Madara with s/o who’s secretly developing a new (and dangerous) jutsu 🔥
And finally we have the third Grandpa with is s/o doing dangerous things under his nose haha As I said before, each Founder’s part ended up too long so I divided the request in three and I hope the anon who requested it don’t get mad at me because of this XD Anyway, if you want to read what I wrote for Hashirama and Tobirama, you can click on their names 😉
Now let’s go to see Madara’s reaction!
Fandom: Naruto | Madara Uchiha
Symbols: 💗 | ◻ | ▶▶
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As you can easily imagine, things are way different when it comes to Madara in such situation
Because unlike his partners who took some time to actually go after you and find out what you’ve been up to, he does it right at the first night
Okay, you use to went out every night for your personal training and that’s not strange at all, but that time he notices little differences in the process
An extra pack of ink tub and scrolls that you decide to put on your bag, a change of clothes (something you never carry with you in normal training sessions), extra medicine, these kind of things
Everything is pointing to two possibilities: whether you’re going to stay out for longer or you’re creating/perfecting a technique, and a complex one
Madara is not only an observant man: he’s curious, and unlike the Senjus the idea of invading your privacy is not enough to stop him from following you that night
It’s how he finds out you’ve been working to create a new jutsu
But you’ve created other jutsu before. Why would you have to hide the process of this one from him?
The only way to find out is to watch you perform it and understand of kind of jutsu you’re creating
At first, he’s content in doing it. He’s interested in your technique, as well as to see how far you can get with it
But at the end of the session, he notices you’re more tired than you usually get after training
The obvious explanation is in the jutsu: it is not finished yet, so the amount of chakra it demands is yet to be defined. But he’s confident that you’ll soon find a way to fix this
He’s careful enough to go back home before you so you don’t notice he was out
When you cross the door, he comes to help you since you’re exhausted. He does the basic stuff to take care of you: runs you a bath, washes your hair, change your clothes, bring you some food and take you to bed
He has done this before after you came back from difficult missions
He also avoids questioning you, so you never get suspicions
And things stay like this for the next days
However, Madara sees that your tiredness is increasing at each night, and contrary to what he thought, you don’t do anything to fix the problem of chakra control
Is it possible that you’re unaware of the problem? No, it can’t be. You’re smarter than this
And because he refuses to see that you are in fact unaware of it, he doesn’t interfere, and your bruises and waste of chakra get worse as time passes
(Still, the jutsu is progressing in its other aspects, so you’re hopeful about completing it in the next days)
One night, he finally acknowledges your failure and decided to intervene
And thank God he does that in time
Now the jutsu is almost complete, you are almost at the final stage of your work and making the final moves, but the possibility of this being your death is real and Madara can’t let this happen while he’s watching
When he leaves his spot and grabs you in his arms, stopping you from completing the hand seals, you are frightened
You weren’t expecting to have company, and once you look in his eyes you understand everything
He has been watching you all this time, and maybe in the previous nights, ready to take action in case things get out of control
But things are under control right now, so why did he do that?, you ask yourself right before passing out with exhaustion
When you wake up, you notice you are back in your room. Each part of your body hurts and the morning light enters through the window. You can’t even think clearly
Only then you realize that the amount of chakra consumed by your jutsu was something abnormal (and that you should have paid more attention to that)
After falling asleep and waking up again, you finally manage to remember what happened that night: you were about to do something really irresponsible, but lucky you, Madara was there and stopped you
You look around and spot him entering the door with some medicine
At the exact moment your looks meet, he leaves the medicine aside and approaches you
He sits by your side and puts his palm on your forehead
“Fortunately, y/n, the fever diminished during the night. It is probably the effect of the treatment I’ve been applying to your bruises”
You don’t reply. You just nod with the energy you got
“Some of them will heal soon. Others are more serious”
How serious?, you want to ask
“Serious enough to keep you on this bed for the next days and not even think of performing any jutsu during this period” he says as if he just read your thoughts
There are many things you want to say, you want to ask, but you sense this is not the time
You two just exchange a look that says everything: you will talk about what happened when you’re recovered
Madara is a practical and organized man when he needs to be
He chooses a good medical ninja to examine you as the first measure and makes sure their instructions are being followed
However he prefers to do everything by himself
Not that you find it bad, though: he knows you better than anyone, so he knows how to take care of you
If you need to leave the bed for a moment (because lying all the day can be tiring too), he takes you out of the room at the right time. If you just want to stay quiet and alone in bed, he leaves you there
He seems to sense any minor discomfort you have and act to diminish it: a massage to cease the tiredness in your muscles, a lotion to the bruises that are still burning, stuff like this
Finally you are fully capable of leaving the bed and the house without help
You’re not getting back to work yet, but now you’re able to have the conversation about the incident
You tell him everything from the start: how the idea of the jutsu came out, your reasons to take it ahead, your measures to protect yourself and why you didn’t give up despite the risk of the technique
You also explain that no, you never noticed the failure responsible for the unbalanced chakra consumption that almost killed you. You only noticed that when you were under the treatment, and were willing to tell this to him
Madara listens to you without interrupting. Indeed, he seems interested in everything you have to tell about this jutsu
At the end of your explanation, you understand why
He says he has been observing your progress with the jutsu since the first night, when he found out about your project, and that he quickly noticed the failure in it
However, he didn’t want to interfere and were hoping that you would fix the failure soon, which you didn’t. And that’s why he stopped you from finishing the technique
Here you see the difference etween being with Madara and being with anyone else: somehow you’re not surprised to know that you’ve been followed, nor angry that he waited to stop you in a crucial point. Instead, you’re willing to know what he has in mind. You never think of the present; it’s always about the future
“Y/n, at first I was just moved by curiosity about your secret project, but the more I learned from it, the more I wanted to know. Now that you revealed the ideology behind it, not only I find this jutsu of yours impressive, but I believe it would be a mistake not to finish it”
You hold your breath. But you almost died because of this jutsu ???
He smiles, guessing your thoughts
“I will help you to fix the failure. And then you will try the jutsu on me”
He states that though he can understand the theory behind the jutsu, there are some details he can only check if he experiences it on himself
You can’t help smiling
Yes, it’s a practical solution for a big problem, but it also points out Madara’s level of self confidence and enthusiasm. The proposal sounds like something only he would do, and this is so funny
Yet it’s your only chance to save your technique and make all your hard work pay off, so you accept it and immediately start to make plans
Of course it will take some days until you can go to the first session because you’re still weak
But once you get better, you will start to work
When the day finally comes, you are nervous, but determined
The first thing Madara asks you is to perform the technique and be prepared, because he will stop it at the moment when the failure shows
He wants to understand where exactly is the problem
You do this a few times until he finds it
You make a pause and he explains the situation. You say you noticed the nature of the failure too, but couldn’t find a counteraction for it
Well, Madara has an idea, and he tells it to you
It involves changing one or two hand seals and alter the way you manage your chakra at same moment
You try again following these instructions. It’s not that easy, but you do your best
And to your joy, it works
You try other times, and soon your body memorizes the procedure
You write down new notes on your scroll and revise them with Madara
At the end of the day, you are tired, but feeling rewarded. You also apologize for not asking for his help before, even though you already told him you wanted to prove your own value by doing everything by yourself
He says you don’t need to apologize now that the jutsu is finally completed, and makes you promise that you will always try your new techniques on him from now on
You laugh hard at this and do your promise
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djcarnationsblog · 3 years
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Okay, I've got my next boi down!
Or, bois XD
To start off strong, Chris developed Sedatephobia, a fear of silence. This is because of how he had been kidnapped into the circus, at midnight in dead silence. This phobia is so strong that Chris physically is incapable of sleeping at night in utter silence, he has to have something to negate it, which is usually why he's playing music in his room every night.
Charlie and Chris' performance dynamic is actually a bit strange. Yes it focuses on deadly weapons and such, but beneath the surface is an underlying tone of romance. Chris being the sweet kind of romance, whilst Charlie is the toxic kind. Their performance styles contrast hard with one another seeing as they're complete opposites, but in a way they worked extremely well together.
They have an aggressive and borderline demanding vigor when Charlie leads their routine, and sorrowful beauty when it's Chris. It's why the crowd loves 'em, they work well together, whilst contradicting each other's roles.
Aside from that, behind stage they don't exactly get along. They will argue when together quite a bit, and usually Charlie will be off doing whatever it is he does as a ghost/demon child thing, so Chris mostly spends his time practicing and working on his singing skills.
Chris and Isaac are the main and backup vocalists for every performance that it's neccessary, so they also have a schedule of vocal routines and lessons they have to partake in every day to make sure they're talent doesn't die out. Chris, when he has free time, will openly spend time with Isaac, hanging out and regularly singing with him whenever they feel like.
But this was before he got to know Nevin.
And there's a reason behind him falling out on Isaac like the original did.
Chris' phobia, after a while, will begin to spiral into chaos. Every second of silence has him twitching, every sudden noise will make him jump, make him summon that sword and strike. And not only has his phobia gone awry, but so has his control over his power. It's complicated, but I'll explain as best as I can.
You see, Chris and Charlie still have this sort of tether, a slim string keeping them bound as one may say. This in turn, because of how their core's were split up like this without much preparation or anything, began to corrupt them in a way. Again, kinda hard to explain, but I'll attempt.
When Cory had split their souls, the kid hadn't been able to do so all the way. Sure, it split up their powers and watever it was that happens in the original book (Since I still don't know yet), but it came unexpectedly, they weren't prepared for the sudden shift in core energy. Their souls weren't prepared for the change.
I like to say that their souls fed off of each other. And it can be undone, absolutely, but because that was never done beforehand, their souls refused. Refused to be broken apart, even when their owners still desperately want to separate.
I'm getting somewhere with this, I promise XD.
Because they are still partially tethered and their souls weren't completely severed, it began to mess and corrupt their souls. The smaller in intake of each other's energy, the more erratic and out of hand their powers become. Chris, realizing this after a few...incidents, found it better to stay away from Isaac, because he didn't want to end up hurting him, or if worse comes to worst, killing him.
But Nevin wasn't like Isaac. Nevin was different because of his power, his is more unpredictable than Chris' unstable power, and it's like that in a way, that Chris knows Nevin won't get hurt by his crazy powers. It's not like he doesn't trust Isaac, he trusts and cares for Isaac like another brother.
He just can't risk it, he doesn't believe Isaac will be safe around his sporadic power, whereas Nevin has experience dealing with that kind of craziness, because he has a similar problem. He didn't tell Isaac, he didn't want Isaac to worry, but clearly he was unaware of how Isaac had felt about his actions.
Anyways, now that I've finally explained all that, we can move on!
Chris doesn't often get thrown into Solitary Confinement, this only happens when he goes way to crazy if his sedatephobia kicks in, which is at the very early hours of the morning if he manages to fall asleep in silence. He'll have his panic attacks and destroy everything, causing him to be put in Solitary Confinement until further notice.
I don't really have much else to say about Chris, but I can give a list of all the people who have gone into Solitary confinement from most to least.
Well, that's all I've got so far!
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thenovelartist · 3 years
A Blanc Slate, Chapter 6
OKAY! I'm just ready to see this story done, SO right or wrong, good or bad, we are going to keep chugging along and hope it ends up halfway decently XD.
<Previous Next >
16. Purring
It had been a revelation that had shaken Ladybug to her core. Chat… was dying?
He stayed silent, waiting for her to speak first.
“Chat…” Any and all words after that died on her tongue.
“That’s why I can’t be your cat anymore,” he said, voice ragged as though he was exhausted. “Because I have to get rid of this ring as soon as possible.”
“Then let’s look for a solution together.”
He shook his head.
“Why not?” she challenged.
“I have to do this on my own. This is my problem—”
“You’re my partner,” she countered. “Your problems are my problems, too.”
He sighed, looking weaker by the second. “I knew you’d say that.”
“Then why don’t you trust me to help you?” she begged, on the verge of tears. “Why are you cutting me out like this?”
He paused, his eyes avoiding hers as he lost himself in thought. “I have my reasons.”
“And they are?”
Oh, dammit, Chat.
“Sorry,” he muttered, still not meeting her eyes. “But it’s better this way.”
“I don’t think it is.”
“I do, though.”
She grit her teeth, the pain in her heart growing the harder Chat drew the line between them.
“Trust me on this, bug,” he said, finally lifting his hazy gray-green gaze to her. “The backlash of my actions will come back to only me, and I don’t want you in the way.”
“I’d be willing to—”
“Oh, I know you would,” he cut in. “And that’s the problem. You…” He sucked in a breath. “You and Marinette both. You care far too much about people who are hurting. It’s not wrong, but… for people hurting to suddenly have safe havens like you is both the biggest relief and biggest weakness. Because if anything happens to that safe haven, we’re left with nothing. Mentally, it’s easier to leave the safe haven so it stays safe instead of watching it fall to ruin. Do you get what I’m saying, bug?”
The whiplash his words gave her made her head spin. She was sure he’d said other things before to that affect but never so clear for her to understand something she really couldn’t comprehend. “But… I can still be your safe haven even if you lean on me. I just help you get through all the other hard things. That’s what friends do, right?”
Chat’s ears fell, his eyes closing as he took a heavy breath. “There’s a limit to what I feel like I can ask you.”
“There’s no limit for me.”
“Maybe not for you, but I can’t cope with pulling you into this.”
Ladybug bit her lip, confused and hurt. He’d said before to Marinette that he loved Ladybug more than anything, so why was he pushing her away? Was he saying that he couldn’t lean on her because he cared for her? Because he couldn’t put that kind of pressure on her even if she was willing to take it?
She just… did not understand.
“Sorry,” he muttered, breaking the silence. “I figured you wouldn’t understand. So just… realize that I need to do this myself and stop trying to butt in to ‘help’. Because it’s not helping.”
There wasn’t anything else she could do. “Okay,” she relented. “Under one condition.”
His brow furrowed, and she watched his guard spring up again. “No. No conditions.”
“Just hear me out.”
“Why don’t you hear me out?”
Silenced, her words died on her tongue.
“I don’t want to pull you into this, and don’t go forcing yourself into my issues, either,” he growled, ears pinned back. “I’m asking one thing of you, and you’re trying to play fix-it by not listening to me. Stay. Out.”
There was no other option for her but to relent. “Understood.”
The edge of Chat’s intensity softened, his ears relaxing so they were no longer pinned at her. “Thank you.”
“This won’t be our last meeting, right?”
Chat quirked a brow at her. “Of course. I’ll have to give the ring back to you.”
Oh… right. “Still. You’re not going to just drop it off with me and run, right? You’ll talk with me? Please?”
He stared at her for a long moment before sighing. “Yeah. Fine.”
“Okay,” she sighed, sad and hurting but hopelessly unable to push forward anymore. “That’s all I ask for. I’ll leave you alone until then.”
“Thank you. Now, you leave first.”
Ladybug quirked a brow at him. “What?”
“I have to apologize to Marinette. And thank her for letting us use the room.”
“Oh,” she muttered.
“I don’t have anything more to say to you now, Ladybug,” he stated. “And I won’t until I finish this last mission. So please, just go.”
Though it hurt, she really didn’t have a choice. He’d said more than she’d expected him to, and he also made it clear the conversation was over. She didn’t want to push and risk pushing him away again. But with this in mind, she knew she’d have to think about how their last meeting would go and what she was willing to give to make him stay in contact with her.
She stood. “Okay. I’ll go tell Marinette you’re awake.”
She went downstairs, detransformed and waited a minute, as though Ladybug was explaining everything to Marinette. It was hard not to immediately go back up to him, but it had to be done for her identity.
But once that thought struck her, she realized that she’d likely know who Chat was very soon. If he was going to give the ring back to her, he’d have to detransform. She’d know what he looked like outside the mask. She’d be willing to beg for his name, as well as for anything he was willing to give her about him. A part of her had always wanted to know the man behind the mask. But she’d never wanted that more than now.
And if she had to give her own identity in exchange, she realized she’d gladly do it.
Eventually, she walked back up to her room and knocked on the door. “Chat?”
“Come in.”
She opened the door, and there was Chat, sitting right where he had been, except the smile on his face nearly knocked her off her feet. “It’s your room, you know,” he said, his tone teasing. “You don’t have to knock.”
She shrugged, unable to come up with any other retort. “You had both Ladybug and I really worried, you know.”
That smile of his disappeared. “Sorry, Princess,” he said, letting his eyes close and head fall back to lean against the wall. “I didn’t mean to. And I’m sorry about everything else, too. It’s not like I want you to have to take care of me—”
“I don’t mind,” she cut in, crawling up to her bed and taking a seat beside him, their shoulders touching. “Really, I don’t mind at all.”
He huffed. “You shouldn’t have to be babying this superhero.”
“Again, I don’t mind.”
“You’re not a caretaker,” he said. “And it’s not fair of me to take advantage of you like that.”
She shrugged. “You need help. And I’m happy to assist.”
He sighed, turning down to look at her. “I know I yelled at you before for being Miss Fix-it,” he eventually said. “But one of your best qualities is your willingness to help someone. But then again. Maybe it’s not.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Because it makes me worry someone might take advantage of you.”
Marinette tilted her head. “Like… what are you talking about? I’m smarter than to let that happen.”
He huffed, sliver of a grin flashing across his lips before disappearing again. “Nevermind. Just… be careful who you let in your life. You… you’re a pretty amazing girl, babying a guy who can’t even tell right from left. You deserve the best, Princess.”
“You’re a pretty amazing guy, too, Chat,” she said. “Risking your life for Paris’s safety for years and still finding time to make others smile when you could. I want the best for you, too.”
He hummed, but didn’t respond. Instead, he leaned sideways, his head resting on top of hers. “Sorry, Princess,” he muttered. “I just… I really need a minute. And then I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Take as much time as you need,” she assured. Out of habit, she reached up, burying her fingers into his white locks right under his cat ear. He stiffened at her touch, but as she slowly scratched circles in his hair, he relaxed. If she was Ladybug, she would use this to start up a purr that amused her so. But she didn’t expect that this time. It was only to put him at ease.
But he ended up purring anyway.
The sound rumbled through her, somehow calming her heart. Oh, kitty.
She stayed like that for a while, long enough for him to fall asleep. And when she eventually realized that, she laid him down on her bed, curling up beside him, and ended up falling asleep herself.
17. Locked in
After that last time she’d met him as Ladybug, Marinette had noticed Chat seemed to be losing himself more and more. She hated watching it, that ring draining him dry. She just wished he’d tell her what he was doing so she, her Ladybug self, could help him. So she could save him.
But she couldn’t. Chat had told her no. And pushing would ruin any chance of saving their partnership.
“You seem to be pushing yourself really hard,” Marinette began, setting a plate of cookies in front of him. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“So what if I am?”
She sighed, taking a moment to focus on what she wanted to say and what she could say as Marinette. Which… wasn’t much.
Chat’s icy demeanor thawed. “Sorry. Guess I’m just on edge with everything lately.”
“Is it stress or…?”
He shrugged. “A combination of things.”
“From what I can guess, you’re pushing yourself too hard.”
“I am cleaning up a mess that I alone can deal with,” he said. “And… guess I can say it’s taking a lot out of me.”
Like your life and health. She bit her lip. “How much longer do you think you’ll be at this? Because watching you now is painful.”
He paused, silence lingering a long while once again. “I have one thing I have to get for Ladybug,” he answered. “That’s it. Then I’m done.”
She blinked her surprise, unsure if she was more shocked at his task or him being so forthcoming about it. “My guess is it has something to do with the miraculous?”
He nodded. “I thought it was locked in a… certain place. But it wasn’t. It took a while to hunt down, but I found it.”
“So… are you saying you’ll be done soon?” she asked, hopeful. “And then you’ll be able to rest and recover?”
He stared at her for a moment before reaching out to rest a large, comforting hand on her head. “Yeah. And then I should be back on track to be okay again, okay, princess?”
She blinked at him, already feeling her vision blur.
He gave her a smile, one weak from exhaustion but true nevertheless. “Thank you for caring about me. It means more to me than you realize.”
18. Oops
Her cat just kept wanting to give her heart attacks, didn’t he? If it wasn’t bad enough that he was already barely lucid half the time, Marinette had just come up on her balcony to see the white super sprawled out, unconscious.
“Chat. Chat!” She flipped him off his stomach as carefully as she could before checking him over for any sign his was breathing. Which, while shallow, he was.
“You’re going to be the death of me, damn it!” she hissed, plopping down on the ground and pulling his head in her lap. Gently, she patted his cheek. “Chat. Chat, wake up, please.”
He didn’t, at least not right away. It took a moment for him to so much as stir under her touch. And when he finally opened his eyes, Marinette felt herself sigh heavily in relief.
“Damn it, you stupid cat,” she said, heaving a sigh of relief while her gut still burned with worry. “You scared the crap out of me.”
His eyes shut for a moment. “Sorry,” he muttered. When he opened his eyes again, they seemed to be a little less foggy. Nowhere near fully lucid yet, but she’d take any bit of progress she could at the moment.
She sat there for a while, stroking his hair and pondering what she could possibly say that she hadn’t already said a million times before. She couldn’t tell him to surrender his ring now, since he seemed determined to see this through, nor could she tell him to go to Ladybug for help. He certainly wasn’t going to listen to her either way.
“What am I going to do with you?” she muttered, tears beginning to make their way down her face. She realized that too late when they rolled off her jaw to splatter against Chat’s cheeks.
“It’s almost over, princess,” he muttered, forcing a weak smile that clearly took a lot of energy out of him. “I’m almost done.”
“You’ve said that before.”
“I mean it this time,” he wheezed out. “I… I got it.”
Got what? She wondered.
It took her far too long to realize what he meant.
“You’re really almost done?”
“Yeah,” he said, reaching up a shaky hand to roughly brush away the tear trail on her cheek. “Almost done.”
She could have cried in relief. Now, she had to prepare herself for his meeting with Ladybug. “Are you going to meet Ladybug now?”
He opened his mouth, but froze, words seemingly stuck in his throat.
“No,” he answered solemnly, the light seeming to fade form his eyes. “Not… I need… I need a moment.”
Her brow furrowed. “To collect yourself?”
“To… recollect everything,” he said. “Because… it didn’t go as planned. And to call it the second big ‘oops’ I’ve made is just… too much an understatement.”
Suddenly, Marinette’s gut was back into such a tight knot she felt like she could throw up. What happened, cat?
A stupid question. Because unless she could work some Ladybug magic on him, she doubted she’d ever know.
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your-denki-kun · 3 years
Eijirou X Denki X Reader
A/N: This one-shot is a few months old. I have like 137 drafts of which only a few posted and a few unfinished, so I decided to post at least one tonight. So here it is. It's bad and I know it, but I really wanted to post. Also, I don’t play COD, so don’t come at me being all angry that i got stuff wrong. I write, read and play Minecraft, Sims and that kind of games. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, English is not my first language.
What: Angst, sad, cursing, fluff
Word count:  4.6K+
~3rd person pov.~
After a long day at school you go to sit on your bed after starting your PS4. You get comfortable on your bed and put on your headset. You start up Call of Duty and wait for it to load. Once it's done you go into a random online match and turn on your mic so you can talk with your teammates.
''We're killing these fuckers.'' An aggressive, male voice says, a speaker appearing behind the name; King Explosion Murder.
''Calm down King, they're new to this.'' Another male voice says, the speaker appearing behind the name; Red Riot.
''Yeah King, Red is right.'' Yet another guy says, his name is Charge Bolt.
''Guys, calm down.'' Another male, Spidy Man, says.
''Yeah!'' A girl, Pinky, says.
''Shut it extra's!'' King barks.
''Calm down bro, the game is starting.'' Red says, the numbers on your screen counting down.
''Lets win this shit.'' King says, you can basically hear the smirk in his voice.
As the timer hits zero you run off, walking through the map and searching for a good snipper spot. Once you find one you take out some people, your teammates talking to one another, but you choose to ignore them. As no more people appear you go to look for another spot, taking out someone while looking for it.
''FUCK!!'' King yells as you see he died.
''My ears man.'' Charge Bolt whines.
''Shut it Pikachu!''
''Guys, focus.'' Red sighs.
They keep talking, but you tune them out once again and keep taking out people. As you shoot someone else the winning screen appears. You smirk as you see you killed the most people. Everyone cheers except King who's just grumbling. You tune everyone back in in order to be able to follow the conversation.
''So manly, BB!'' Red cheers.
''Woo! Finaly someone who's better than King!'' Pinky cheers.
''Nice.'' Spidy says.
''Shut it! We're playing another game!'' King barks.
''No need to be salty.'' You mumble.
''Ohh~'' Everyone except King says.
''SHUT IT EXTRA!!'' King barks.
''Come on King. They're new.'' Red chuckles.
The new game starts and you repeat what you did before. This goes on for multiple rounds, you barely talking and if you talk it's mostly a comment on King. As the night ends you go offline and shut off your Playstation. You get ready for bed and lay down, getting comfortable as you let sleep take over.
Over the next two months you keep running into the group of friends and slowly you start opening up to them, actually talking and working together with them. Everyone's scores go up and even King starts accepting you, clearly favoring you over everyone else in the group. That is something the others often complain about.
''King, go a bit to your right behind the wall, I can't get a clear shot.'' You say.
''Got it.'' Is all he says as he aims at the person and kills them.
''Why are you so good at this BB?'' Charge Bolt whines.
''Well, my brother taught me and I play a lot. Red, left, behind the stack of boxes. Like, I play a lot a lot.'' You shrug as you shoot someone.
''Lets just focus on the mission.'' Spidy sighs.
''Got it.'' You all, minus King, reply, going silent once again except the occasional instruction.
Just like always you guys win the round and Red, Spidy, Charge Bolt and Pinky compliment you just like always. You just brush it off and you all start another round. After a few rounds Spidy, Pinky and King have to leave, but Red Riot and Charge Bolt stay. You three play a few more rounds before just deciding to talk.
''So you're telling me none of you guys have ever met?'' You ask in disbelieve.
''Yeah, King doesn't want it and he's always here because we don't play unless he's online. Though that did change since you're here now, but we just never really thought about it anymore.'' Red explains.
''Well, how about we three meet up?''
''Really?'' Red and Charge Bolt ask.
''Yeah, I trust you guys and we can meet up in a public place.'' You shrug, indifferent about your won idea.
''Sure thing.'' Charge Bolt says.
''Great. Okay so I'll tell you guys my number, but don't give it to the others.''
''We don't have their number.'' Red shrugs.
''Okay. So my number is; 0X-XXXX-XXXX.''
''Great, I'll text you. You can make a group chat and we can decide when to meet up.'' Charge Bolt explains.
''Sure thing. Bye guys.''
You disconnect and wait for them to text you. When they do you save them in your contact list before making a group chat. You name it; Gaming Idiots and wait for them to send something. You don't have to wait long for them to do so.
~Gaming Idiots~
Red Riot Do I need to feel offended?
Charge Bolt No idea bro
You Nah, don't feel offended
Red Riot Okay
Charge Bolt So when are we meeting and where?
Red Riot This Saturday?
You Sure, at the mall in Hosu?
Charge Bolt Sure thing
Red Riot Fine by me
The three of you keep texting for a while until you say good bye because you're almost falling asleep. The rest of the week you guys don't bring up the meeting in front of the others, only mentioning it in the group chat or when you guys are the only ones online. Right now it's Saturday and you're at the mall, waiting for the two males to show up.
You glance around at all the people that are walking around the mall. They both told you what they look like and you did the same. Red Riot said he has red hair and is decently tall while Charge Bolt says he has golden blond hair and isn't all that tall. Red also mentioned something about being buff, which made Charge Bolt jealous because he isn't, or so he says.
As you look around you spot two males, fitting the descriptions you were given, looking around as if they're searching for something. Deciding to test your luck you walk over to them. The closer you get the more sure you are it is them. As you reach them they stare at you, as if waiting for you to confirm things.
''Red Riot? Charge Bolt?'' You ask softly, hoping you're right.
''BB?'' The two of them reply in sync.
''Cool, we all found each other. Me and Charge Bolt saw each other a bit ago. Have you been here long?''
''Nah, just a few minutes. My real name is (y/n) by the way.''
''Kaminari, nice to meet you gorgeous.'' Kaminari smirks confidently.
''You're the flirt I see. Anyway, what do you guys want to do?''
Months go by and the three of you meet up almost weekly. You've developed a crush for the both of them and you have a feeling they have as well. You aren't sure however, but the way you all get flustered and blush a lot is a good indicator. Right now you're on your way to Kirishima's house where you all decided to meet up. You knock on the door and wait.
''Ah, (y/n). You made it. Come in.'' Kirishima smiles as he steps aside to let you in.
''Thanks.'' You smile as you walk past him and into the house.
You take off your shoes and walk further into the house. You soon spot the living room and walk in only to see Kaminari sitting on the ground in front of the coffee table. He smiles at you and waves you over, to which you comply. Kirishima sits down with you guys pretty soon and you look at their nervous faces.
''Something wrong?'' You ask them worriedly.
''We want to tell you something.'' Kirishima starts, avoiding eye contact.
''We've known each other for a while now and.... We started liking you. Would you be our partner?'' Kaminari blurts out, also avoiding eye contact.
''Of course.'' You smile as you hug them both.
They stare at you in shock for a bit before they start laughing as they hold you close. As you all break the hug after a while you all talk and laugh. When it becomes late Denki walks you home before going to his own house, which you and Eijirou really apreciated. You've never been a big fan of walking outside alone in the dark.
''Guys, we should all meet up.'' Pinky states as you all wait for the new round to start.
''Sure, I don't see why not.'' Eijirou says and you can basically hear him shrug.
''Why not.'' Denki hums.
''Sure.'' You mumble as a reply.
''When?'' Is all Spidy asks.
''Such colorful vocabulary.'' You joke as you roll your eyes.
''YOU WANNA GO?!?!'' King barks into your ears.
''My ears man!'' Eijirou whines loudly.
''How about this Saturday at the mall in Hosu?'' Pinky suggests as the round starts.
''Sure, it's crowded so if any of you are creeps I'll be safe.'' You shrug as you shoot someone.
''Don't worry BB. Me and Red will protect you.'' Denki says in a confident tone.
''You're dead.'' You deadpan as you see his name fade.
''WHAT?!?!'' Denki exclaims loudly.
''Jezus. Could you all quit yelling.'' You groan as you slightly shake your head.
''We both know this was gonna happen BB.'' Eijirou sighs softly, amusement clear in his voice.
''But he didn't have to yell.''
''True, but still.'' Eijirou replies to which you sigh.
You all keep talking until King says he's leaving because it's getting late even though it's only nine thirty, but he always goes to bed at this time. As you shut off your Playstation you hear your phone ding, causing you to smile. You grab your phone and unlock it, seeing Denki send something in the groupchat.
~Gaming Idiots~
Denki<3 But I wasn't kidding, Pichu, we will protect you
Eiji<3 Denks is right. We will
You I know, but it's fun teasing you Denki
Eiji<3 You both looking forward to Saturday?
Denki<3 Mhm! I'm curious as to what they look like
You Well one will have wrinkles from all the shouting and scowling
Denki<3 XD fnwfelsfflwnjk
Eiji<3 That's rude, but it is true
And so you guys keep texting until it's late into the night and you're all barely awake. The next two days you all play every night and you text your boyfriends until late into the night on both days. Right now it's Saturday, about eleven in the morning and you're getting ready. You know Eijirou and Denki will be there soon, so you quickly finish up.
Just as you put the last things in your pockets and bag you hear the door bell ring and a smile appears on your face. You walk over to the front door and put on your shoes and coat. After that you open the door and smile brightly. Your two boyfriends do the same, wearing some simple clothes just like you.
''Hey, Pichu, you ready?'' Denki asks as he gives you a quick kiss.
''Hey, Babes. I'm ready.'' You smile as you walk outside and lock your door.
''Good.'' Eijirou smiles as he gives you a kiss as well.
The three of you start walking towards the mall as you all talk and laugh, memories of your first meeting flooding all your minds. As you all reach the mall you look around, looking for anyone fitting any of the descriptions given to the three of you. You soon spot an annoyed looking, ash blond guy.
''Guys, isn't that King?'' You ask your boyfriends as you point at the guy.
''You might be right. Lets go check if it is.'' Eijirou smiles as he starts walking.
You and Denki follow after him, all of you pushing past people and excusing yourselves. As you reach whom you assume is King a pink haired girl and a black haired guy also walk up to him. You look at Eijirou and Denki and they just nod. Now you are almost a hundred percent sure it's King.
''King?'' You ask as you reach the man.
''Yes, who the fuck are you?''
''(y/n), but better known as BB.'' You smile at him.
''Kirishima, better known as Red Riot.''
''Kaminari, better known as Charge Bolt.''
''Ashido, but you guys know me as Pinky.'' The pink haired girl smiles.
''Sero, but you know me as Spidy Guy.'' The black guy smiles.
''Bakugou.'' is all King says.
''now that we're all here and know names, how about we get something to eat and drink before we just do whatever?'' you suggest as you look at them.
''sure.'' they all reply.
you start walking to your favorite coffee shop which you always go to with Eijirou and Denki whenever you guys are here. Two said males smile once they notice and grin at one another. Cheerful chatter fills the air around the six of you. As you all reach the coffee shop you all order and sit down. You sit in between Eijirou and Denki, Bakugou sits in front of you, Ashido in front of Eijirou and Sero in front of Denki.
''This is so exciting.'' Sshido gushes as she takes a sip of her drink.
''Mhm, I finally have faces with the voices and names.'' You smile as you take a sip as well.
''Yeah, that is nice. We should totally exchange numbers though. That way we can talk without having to play.'' Denki chimes in.
You all keep talking while eating and drinking. Once you all finish Eijirou pays and you all start walking around, walking into random shops and buying random things. As you're looking at some books together with Eijirou and Denki you feel someone stare at you intently, so you look behind you and lock eyes with Bakugou's burning gaze.
''Pebble, something wrong?'' Eijirou asks worried.
''Bakugou is staring at us rather intensely.'' You mumble as you keep staring at him.
''Then ask him what's wrong.'' Denki shrugs as he grabs another book.
You simply nod and walk over to Bakugou, never once breaking eye contact. He doesn't move towards you or away from you as he follows you with his eyes. As you reach him you stand in front of him and look up slightly seeing he's taller than you. He glares down at you, eyes burning with something you can't quiet place.
''Something wrong Bakugou?''
''Why the fuck are you so close with Shitty hair and Dunce face?''
''Can't I be?''
''You fucking can, but it's different. Soy sauce and Pinky are close as well, but you three are acting fucking off.''
''Not everyone is the same Bakugou.'' You deadpan with a soft sigh.
''Just fucking tell me, do you already know the other extras?''
''I d-''
''Ie! Denki!'' You hear Eijirou exclaim, causing you to look back.
You see Denki laughing as he runs off with Eijirou chasing him, a playful yet annoyed look on his face. Sighing you walk away from Bakugou and towards your two idiotic boyfriends. First you grab Denki by the back off his collar, causing him to yelp. Next you do the same with Eijirou. They both look at you sheepishly as you sigh.
''Yes.'' They both reply.
You nod and let the both of them go. They sigh in relief, but that's short lived as you hit the both of them at the back of the head. They both yelp in pain and rub the back of their heads as they weakly glare at you. You simply smile at them and ruffle their hair. You hear someone stomp over and look behind you to see Bakugou.
''Fucking spit it out!'' He barks as he glares dagers at the three of you.
''Spit what out?'' Eijirou and Denki ask confused.
''Do you guys fucking know each other?''
''Of course, we all game together.'' Denki asks, confused at the question.
''That's not what he means. He means if we know each other outside of the gaming.'' You explain, not looking at him but Bakugou.
''Ah, yeah we do.'' Denki smiles obliviously.
''Denki.'' Both you and Eijirou groan, he can be too dumb for his own good sometimes.
''What did I do?'' He asks worried.
''We promised to meet up all at once and not separately, remember?'' Eijirou asks him.
''Ohhh, right. We did promise that.'' Denki mumbles. ''Oopsie.''
''Dunce face!'' Bakugou barks.
''Back off Bakugou. He might be an idiot, but he's our idiot.'' You say in a low, threatening voice.
''YOU'RE ALL PIECES OFF SHIT!! FUCKING LIARS!! I FUCKING HATE ALL OF YOU!! NEVER FUCKING SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!!'' Bakugou yells as he stomps off and out of the store.
''Well, that happened.'' You mumble, but as you look at your boyfriends you see their teary eyes.
''Ei? Denki?'' You ask as you walk closer.
''He hates us......We promised to always be there and....Now he hates us.'' Eijirou mumbles as he looks at you with sad eyes.
''Ohh, Ei, he'll turn around.'' You shush him softly as you hug him.
''He won't. He's the reason Ear Jack isn't in the group anymore. She kept canceling whenever we decided to all come online and Bakugou blew up on her.'' Denki mumbles as tears fill his eyes to the brim.
''I'm sorry. I didn't know.'' You whisper as you pull him into the hug as well.
''What happened here?'' Ashido asks worried.
''Bakugou blew up on us. Something about hating us and never wanting to talk to us again.'' You explain, holding your boyfriends close.
''I see. Well, it was nice knowing you guys. Bye.'' Sero says as he waves and walks off.
''Come one guys, cheer up a bit.'' You whisper as you look at your two sad boyfriends.
''We lost our friend, Pichu.'' Denki mumbles as his eyes fill with tears again.
''He hates us. We failed him.'' Eijirou mumbles as he hugs himself close.
They've been like this for two weeks now and it isn't helping you either. You were the one who suggested meeting up in the first place, only the three of you. 'If I didn't ask them to meet up with me, just us, non of this would have happened. This is my fault.' You think as you walk out of Eijirou's house where Denki has been staying since that day.
You walk to the park and google Bakugou's number, finding some social media pages linked to it. After a bit you see a house, with a house number. He's standing in front of the house together with a green haired guy who seems to be the same age. You recognize the buildings and start walking to the neighborhood where those houses stand.
As you walk around you try to find his house, different scenarios running through your mind. After a while you see the house and walk up to it. Sighing you ring the doorbell and wait. After a bit a female version of Bakugou opens the door. You assume it's his mom. She looks at you in shock before smiling brightly.
''Hello, what can I do for you?'' She asks sweetly.
''I’m here for Bakugou. I'm a friend of his and I want to talk to him.'' You explain.
''Come in. KATSUKI!!'' She yells as she turns away from you and walks into the house.
''WHAT YOU OLD HAG?!?!'' Bakugou's voice yells back.
''THERE'S SOMEONE HERE FOR YOU!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!'' She turns back to you and smiles. ''You can sit in the living room.''
''I'll stand right here, ma'am.'' You smile with a slight bow of your head.
You hear feet stomp down the stairs and look up, seeing and annoyed Bakugou stomping down them. Once he sees you his look turns even more annoyed and even angry. You look at him with a neutral face as the mom walks into the kitchen after excusing herself. Bakugou walks over to you with a burning glare.
''What the fuck are you doing here?'' He hisses.
''It was my idea. I suggested to meet up, just the three of us. I asked if you guys ever met up and they said no. It was my idea. Don't punish them for my mistake.'' You state, meeting his gaze and holding it.
''And why the fuck would I believe you?'' He asks in a skeptical voice.
''I have no reason to lie to you. Eijirou and Denki are hurting, they're devastated that they lost you. Hate me all you want, god you can wish me death, but at least accept them into the games. You don't have to be buddy buddy with them, but they need you.''
''Believe what you want. Deep down you know they're devastated and that it was never their intention to hurt you like this. I caught them off guard and got us to meet, it was my idea. That's all I have to say. Do with it what you want. I'll be leaving now. Bye.'' You say as you turn to the door and walk out.
The doorbell of your house rings, causing you to frown. You walk over to the door you open it and see Bakugou, causing your frown to deepen. You open the door and let him in. He walks past you, takes off his shoes and walks deeper into the house, eventually sitting down on the couch. You follow after him, frown not leaving.
''What are you doing here?'' You ask as you sit down on a chair facing the couch.
''Where are Shitty hair and Dunce face?''
''At Eijirou's house. They haven't left it after that day.''
''Shitty hair has his own house?'' Bakugou asks surprised, although he doesn't really show it.
''Yeah, me and Eijirou have our own houses. Denki still lives at home just like you.''
''Get them to come over.''
''Okay.'' You take your phone out of your pocket and call Eijirou, putting the phone on speaker, causing Bakugou to frown.
''Pebble, we are not going outside and coming over. You know we aren't in the mood.'' Eijirou's tired voice mumbles after two rings.
''I know, Ei. I know.'' You whisper as your eyes sadden.
''Then why did you call?'' Denki mumbles as you glance at Bakugou who looks shocked.
''There is someone here who would like to talk to you guys.'' You sigh as you hand the phone to Bakugou. ''Hurt them and I hurt you. I'll be at the store. I'll be back in half an hour.''
Bakugou nods as you walk over to the door, put on your shoes and leave. Bakugou looks at the phone as Eijirou and Denki keep calling for you and asking who it is. Bakugou takes a deep breath and shakes his head to get rid of the thoughts. By now it's silent on the other end.
''Is it fucking true it was their idea?''
''....Bakugou?'' The both of them ask softly.
''Answer the fucking question.'' Bakugou groans in annoyance.
''It was. They suggested to meet up. Why are you at their place? I thought you hated us and wanted nothing to do with us.'' Eijirou mumbles defeated.
''They came to my fucking house four days ago and explained it was their idea, not fucking yours. I just wanted to fucking make sure.''
''Okay.'' They mumble softly.
''Sorry or whatever. You guys can join games again and text or whatever. And don't make me fucking regret that shit.''
''We won't!'' The both of them cheer.
The three of them talk until you come home. You're glad to hear their cheerful voices over the phone. Bakugou looks at you with his usual scowl and holds the phone out to you. You shake your head, walk over and mute yourself. Bakugou frowns and it only deepens when he sees your teary eyes.
''This is all my fault. Here is Eijirou's address, you can go there and talk to them face to face if you want. Don't bother coming here again. I'll take responsibility for what I did.'' You whisper as you take the phone, unmute it and take a deep breath. ''Bakugou is on his way to you guys, bye.''
''What the fuck are you doing?'' Bakugou asks as he gets up and stares down at you.
''The right thing.'' You whisper as you walk over to your bedroom and close the door behind you.
Over the next two weeks you cry a lot, ignore Eijirou's and Denki's texts and calls and when they're at the door you also don't respond. You know you're worrying them, but you can't bring yourself to face them after everything you made them go through. they were heartbroken when Bakugou broke off contact.
''OPEN THE FUCK UP!!'' You hear Bakugou bark as he bangs on your door violently.
''Go away.'' You mumble before walking away from the door.
''Just go away! Leave me alone! I deserve it! I hurt them so much! It's all my fault!'' You exclaim as tears stream down your face.
''Fuck it.'' Is all the warning you get before you door falls to the ground. ''LISTEN HERE YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!! YOU'RE FUCKING HURTING THEM RIGHT NOW!! MAN THE FUCK UP AND TALK TO THEM!!''
''GOD DAMNED IT DON'T BE FUCKING STUBBORN!! YOU'RE ALL FUCKING HURTING!!'' He yells as he walks over and grabs your collar, lifting you up so you're face to face. ''Fucking talk to them. This shit isn't helping. Go over to Shitty hair's house and fucking talk to them.''
''I can't.'' You whisper in defeat as a sob escapes. ''I can't! I can't bring myself to do it! Whenever I see their picture flash across my screen I fucking break down! I can't!''
''Fuck it.'' Bakugou grumbles before slinging you over his shoulder.
You eyes widen in shock as Bakugou walks over to the door and steps over it, walking out off your apartment. You trash in his hold and yell at him to let you go as you sob and hit his back. He just stays silent as he walks to Eijirou's house. Once he reaches it he harshly knocks on the door, by now you're just limply hanging on his shoulder.
''Hey, wh-(y/n)? Bakugou?'' Eijirou asks confused. ''What is this?''
''Let me the fuck in.''
''Of course.''
Eijirou steps aside and Bakugou walks in, heading to the living room after kicking off his shoes. He throws you onto the couch and walks out of the house again. You just lay motionless on the couch with your face buried in the cushions. Denki and Eijirou stare at you with worry and confusion as they sit on the chairs facing the couch.
''Pichu?'' Denki whispers softly, breaking the tens and awkward silence.
''Pebble, talk to us please.'' Eijirou pleads softly.
''It's my fault. All of this is my fault.'' You mumble as you push yourself up and hug your legs to your chest.
''What do you mean, Pichu?''
''If I hadn't asked you guys to meet up non of this would have happened.''
''We could have said no to your offer, we're just as much at fault.'' Eijirou says in a caring voice.
''I surprised you guys.''
'Iis this why you've been ignoring us?'' Denki whispers softly as he gets up and walks over.
''I just feel so guilty and I....I feel like I don't deserve this.'' You mumbles as you glance at him with teary eyes.
''You do deserve this, Pebble. We don't hold any of this against you and we never will. I get why you feel like this, but there is no reason for you to feel like this.'' Eijirou says with a gentle smile as he walks over.
''You promise?'' You almost whimper.
''We promise. Now are we good again?''
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lilyharvord · 4 years
do u ever think that mare and cal had trouble conceiving? I love the head cannon where they try for awhile but then are convinced that being red and silver it won't work (both obviously very upset but hiding their disappointment to each other) and then finally mare gets pregnant when they've given up. Would u ever write a fic about it?
Okay, so yes, 100% yes. They have trouble. Scientifically, it is entirely possible that they would STRUGGLE with a capitol S to conceive. Here’s my headcanon that will 100% be a fic someday: 
How it starts: Mare is the one to make the decision. It’s the dead of night, closer to 1 in the morningish. She and Cal are not married yet, they are waiting for thing to sort of calm down a bit more before that. But Bree’s wife just had a baby. Julian and Sara had a baby like a year ago. Ruth Barrow is low key side eyeing Mare and keeps dropping little hints that babies come in batches. 
She rolls over and watches Cal for a little bit thinking it over, stressing over whether the decision is really hers of if she is letting outside things influence her. But then she thinks about Clara and how much she loves that munchkin (lets be real, Mare should have spent WAY more time around that baby during Broken Throne? I’m actually incredibly bitter that she didn’t. That is her favorite brother’s daughter.) And she thinks about how much she keeps putting off things in her life because she’s afraid of the future, afraid of what people might do and things that are out of her control. Then she grabs Cal’s arm, scaring the shit out of him, and just says: “I want a baby.” Plain and simple, no real pretext or anything. He’s obviously half asleep so he’s like: uh, okay that’s nice. Then she gives him The Mare Look™️ and he’s like: Oh. Oh you want one like now... like right now? And that’s the first night they try. 
The middle: It does not go well. 6 months later, nothing. 8 months later, nothing. Mare is slowly starting to stress and they haven’t told ANYONE that they’re trying. 1 year later, still nothing. Mare actually starts doing the calendars at this point (for all the younguns in this fandom, ovulation calendars). Like they are on a schedule trying to get pregnant. It’s exhausting, they actually start fighting about it. It’s not going that well. 
The middle still: 1.5 years after that first night, Bree and his wife announce baby number 2. Mare is actually a bitter, jealous gremlin the whole pregnancy. She literally goes into panic mode too, trying desperately to get pregnant. (like she’s on a mission. She’s drinking teas and do all the weird shit she can get her hands on in books) 
Then it happens. 
She comes back from the front lines and actually cries holding the test because she really truly thought it would never happen. 
The middle continued: Spoiler alert...it doesn’t go well. 1 week later, she loses it. It’s no ones fault, but Mare blames herself. Blames the fact that she traveled to the Lakeland front line and came back not knowing she was 2 months pregnant and is convinced she miscarried because she was fighting. She tries to start up the whole process again, and is like “double time efforts, this is going to work. I will make it work because I’m low key a failure if I can’t do this.” (She obviously does not mention the last part, because well... she’s mare) and Cal is just not about the process anymore. He was all for it when he though they were doing it because she wanted a baby, and wanted to start a family with him, but now it’s looking like an obsession and it kinda scares him. They have a massive fight about it, so bad that he goes back to the States for a few weeks and everyone thinks they’re done for the last time (cause remember, they’re not married at this point). When people ask what happened, Mare won’t tell them. When people ask, Cal he won’t tell them. They actually dont talk to each other for a full month. It’s looking really bad. People are very concerned about both of them. 
Spoiler alert again: Cal comes back (cause he always does). They have another long talk, and Cal finally gets her to tell him what she’s feeling. Obviously he feels horrible that he left without getting this out of her, but then again, Mare would not have told him at that point because she was just not ready to tell him. But after their month apart she is ready to sort her feelings and ideas with him. *Insert low key tearful hug where they’re holding each other super tight*. 
The end of the middle: Mare goes to Sara and finally talks to her about it. Sara talks to Julian who talks to his buddies studying the whole Silver, Ardent, Red phenomena. They finally find someone who has been studying this stuff. He feels horrible telling them that because of genetics, how their different mutations operate, etc. they may never be able to conceive, but there is of course always a small chance they might. But it would have to be the perfect combination of their genetics and that may never happen. 
Mare is obviously pretty upset. She’s quiet for a couple days, just sort of sorting through things. She finally tells her family, tells them that it will most likely never happen, and that they don’t want to talk about it. Everyone is probably more supportive than necessary, but it’s Mare’s family, they’re low key too supportive for their own good. 
The End: Things go “back to normal”. Mare and Cal get married finally. And the whole time the two of them are looking into adopting. It’s obviously not an easy process either, and people aren’t too keen to let them adopt because they’re both running around the front lines at different times and thats just... not the best thing ever. Anyway, they start fucking around again (literally and figuratively). No expectations, nothing, just doing it for the fun of it. 
Spoiler alert: it ends up being okay. (: Mare doesn't find out until 4 months in, but as soon as she does, low key gets a little PTSD and walks on egg shells for a few weeks, waiting for it to all fall apart. She doesn’t tell Cal, she doesn’t tell anyone. It’s Farley that figures it out. (; And when Mare tells Cal you can bet he just wraps his arms around her, picks her up and spins her around (i cannot resist this concept, he’s so much taller than her and the image of him wrapping his arms around her legs and lifting her up while she laughs is just too wonderful). Then they walk on eggs shells for another month, but at that point Mare pops and there is just no hiding the fact, and they’re so nervous and then before they know it, she's in labor and baby Barrow Calore #1 is born. Mare refuses to let go of her for almost two hours when she gets to hold her, but when she does it’s to let Cal hold her, and he actually gets really emotional holding her. And they’re just so happy, and it’s so heart warming, and anyway I’m done. 
So that was long as shit and I practically told everyone the whole fic, but that’s my headcanon in a very large nutshell. XD 
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azurethevampire · 3 years
I Will Give You A Reason
A/N: Set in season 6, episodes 2-3 (I think at least it was those episodes xD) This piece is quite angst-filled one, so prepare yourself with tissues if you have to. If there is any mistakes to the few words/sentences of Swedish used in this, they are entirely my own as that isn't my strongest foreign language and I didn't use a translator. Also this was written about a year ago when I watched True Blood for the first time.
Fandom: True Blood
Summary: Emily and Pam have searched for Eric across the world. When they finally find the 1,000 years old viking vampire from France Emily's already shattered world seems to turn into dust: Eric, her rock, her best friend, the only father she's ever had, is sick. 
Characters: Eric Northman, Pamela Swynford de Beaufort, Emily Northman (oc)
Words: 2736
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"Pam, you have to eat." 
You don't look like yourself, she wanted to add but stopped herself just in time. The vampire had been snappier for a few days now and Emily didn't want to make her mad at her. Not that she believed that Pam would really hurt her, even in anger. She had never done so after that one time and that had been when Emily was six and she hadn't known when to keep her mouth shut. 
Well, maybe she still didn't know when to keep her mouth shut —but she was better than ten years ago!  
Pam turned to look at the teenager—No. The young woman, that Emily had blossomed into in the last months despite that the world seemed to grow shittier every fucking day. Perhaps that was the reason why. Emily had lost that soft roundness on her face and her eyes were tired, dark bags under her eyes. Her clothes hung on her, and Pam, for a brief moment, wondered when was the last time the human herself had eaten. 
"I'm not hungry." 
Emily resisted the urge to roll her eyes, instead, she sat down on the only chair in the motel room they were in. "Snälla, Pam. You could at least stop lying to me about it - I'm not blind!" 
Pam was about to snap something back, but instead, her hand reached the doorknob. But before she left the room she turned to face Emily again. "If I can't find anything tonight, I'll feed on you tomorrow, I promise. Stay here, don't open the door to anyone and don't invite anyone in." 
Emily let Pam say those words the vampire had said every night although the girl is tired of hearing them night after night. But it seemed to help Pam, to get to remind her of those small yet so trivial rules. So Emily's "I know" echoed in the empty vampire-friendly motel room after Pam had left and closed the door behind her. 
Her eyes spotted the room key left on the small cracked table near the door. In the first months of their search, Pam locked Emily in but lately, the vampire had not taken the keys with her at all. 
And because of that Emily knew that Pam was starting to become suicidal in their search for Eric.
“I think I found him.” 
Pam has never - as far as Emily’s memory goes back - sounded more… excited? Happy? No, that is not the right word and she knew that. Pam’s voice was flat, she tried to hide the hope that had filled her but Emily felt it. It radiated off Eric’s first progeny and she couldn’t help it; for the first time in months, Emily dared to let herself hope too. 
But there was something else she sensed from Pam. She was sad too, and that made the girl swallow. “But?” When did my voice start to sound so weak? So small? 
Pam’s next words killed something inside of her. 
“Tara is dead. I felt it.” 
What felt like minutes passed and Emily couldn’t say anything, couldn’t move from her spot. Pam was still but there was no denying the glint in her eyes. Emily and Pam had never been the type to coddle each other. Never. 
Still, Emily raised up in her bed anyway, took the few short steps it took to reach the vampire, who had been her only family for six months now, and she wrapped her arms around her, swallowing and blinking back the tears she felt coming. 
“I’m so sorry, Pam.” 
And Pam - beautiful, bad-ass, smart Pam - returned the young woman’s embrace, letting bloody tears run freely, staining Emily’s shirt with red. 
The plane landed in France the same evening - Pam in a coffin in the cargo hold. 
They flew to the villa in France. Pam had told Emily that she and Eric used to live here before they were forced to go to Shreveport. 
She could see why the two vampires had chosen this place to reside in — even in the night, the garden surrounding the sand-coloured walls of the large building was breathtakingly beautiful. 
Emily had more pressing matters though than to watch the sights. She could feel him. First time in over six months, Emily felt Eric. That familiar flare that had so long been gone from inside her, burned again. No. Not completely familiar. There was no doubt that the vampire she felt was indeed Eric Northman. But his life force, which had always been so strong… it cracked. Like old dry cement. 
Something is wrong, Emily thought as she followed Pam inside, to a spiral staircase going down, down, down.
Emily swallowed. She had a bad feeling. Very bad feeling - and god, she wished she was wrong. She begged to be wrong. That there was simply something wrong with her own powers, and not something wrong with her Eric. 
Wishful thinking, foolish thinking, she knew. Knew because she had felt this same feeling before over the past months - recently more often than she would have wanted to. 
Emily and Pam started to make their way down the stairs, and Emily - her chest tightened in pain. 
Two youngish and beautiful women met the vampire and the empath on the stairs. One of them said something in French. Emily couldn't understand, she had never bothered learning French. Maybe sometime during 'forever' — she had used to think that. Not anymore, not for a long time now. 
She didn't know what the French woman said but she did feel their emotions. Confusion. Betrayal. Hurt. Confusion. 
The final round of the spiral and Pam and Emily saw the room. 
As soon as Emily's eyes fell on him, she felt her heart tighten. She had thought she had felt pain last night when Tara died the true death. She had been wrong. 
Nothing she had ever felt compared to the heart-wrenching, punch-in-the-gut pain that crashed over her like a hurricane when the dark veins creeping up her guardian's chest, the meaning of them, finally hit her. 
And even though her legs felt like boiled spaghetti, Emily forced herself to step closer to Eric. Eric who was sick. He can't be! He's Eric for fuck's sake! But he could be, and he was. "No" pushed through her lips, past the lump in her throat, the word sounding broken. 
And Eric. 
Eric Northman's eyes switched from his first progeny to his human equivalent to a daughter. "You found me."  
“How long?” Pam asked the question that burned on Emily’s mind too. It seemed that Eric was still in the first stage of the Hep-V virus but she knew that that didn’t mean anything. Not because she didn’t know how long Eric had been sick. He could have months left with proper blood sources but then again, if the disease got worse, he could only have days. 
The tall blonde vampire didn’t answer, not right away. He almost looked like he was about to fall asleep. Hot tears began to blind the teenager’s vision as she grabbed his hand in hers. His hand had always been cold. Cooling touch relieving to Emily. Eric’s hand was warm now. This is wrong! Emily’s mind screamed at her. 
“Can you repeat the question?” 
And those words that seemed so meaningless, so genuinely apologetic, were the words that sent Emily’s tears falling from her eyes. 
“How long have you been sick?” And Emily heard in Pam’s voice that she was crying too. 
“Saw the first signs last month”, Eric said and not once in the time Emily had known Eric had he sounded so weak. So tired. 
“When you were in St. Petersburg”, Emily heard herself say. She and Pam had tracked Eric there - Pam cursing all of the time they were in Russia, how she hated the Russians with her gut. 
Something flickered in Eric’s blue, tired eyes. And even though faint, Emily felt the emotion: surprise. And even if the situation they are in, is fucked beyond belief, the young woman of seventeen found herself smiling, just the tiniest bit. Because one didn’t sneak up on Eric Northman that easily. 
“Don’t act all surprised”, Pam said behind Emily. “We searched the whole fucking planet for you - St. fucking Petersburg, Eric? You know how I hate the Russian people.” 
“Well, I didn’t know you two were gonna come looking for me”, Eric said, eyes moving to Emily whose eyes squinted slightly. 
“Then you were an idiot”, Emily said in Swedish. Another small wave of surprise from Eric. Emily continued. “Why did you keep moving then?” 
“Yes, I want to know the answer to that as well”, Pam said crossing her arms.  
Eric chuckled, although it awfully sounds like a mix of a chuckle and a cough. Too rough, Emily thought. 
“Congratulations, Pam, Emmy-”, and Emily’s eyes were burning with unshed tears again because it had been so long that she had heard that nickname from Eric. “You have outwitted me.” His hand raised to touch Emily’s cheek. “But only because I’m not well.” 
Pam told about Tara, but to Emily’s confusion, Eric didn’t offer words of comfort, didn’t say he was sorry to hear that. Instead, he asked about a stupid bucket game he played in Marocco - the same game Pam had played last night to get the information of Eric’s location. 
“Oh… I liked the bucket game.” 
And Pam was about to snap, she already took steps forward, but Emily beat the vampire to it. 
“What is wrong with you?! You are Eric fucking Northman!” her hands balled to fists, the tears in her eyes no longer coming out of sadness, but anger. “You don’t give up. You fight!” 
“Fight’s over, Emily.” 
“This can’t all be about Sylvie.” 
Emily didn’t know who Sylvie was. But she knew that Eric giving up like this couldn’t be just because of one person. 
“Godric”, Eric stated. “Nora.” Emily felt a tug of pain in her chest, partly her own, partly the vampire’s whose hand she still held in hers. “And yes, Sylvie too.” 
And Pam’s next question made Emily’s heart skip a beat, two beats. Because she had never, even in her wildest worst-case scenarios, thought about that. Not until Pam put that idea in her head when she asked: “Did you contract the virus on purpose?” 
Eric wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t do something so… he wouldn’t! but despite her thoughts, Emily couldn’t have said why she was suddenly so afraid of his answer. 
“On purpose? No-” Eric said, shaking his head a little, and Emily felt a relieved breath leave her. “But did I go about my dealings with a devil-may-care attitude? Absolutely.” 
“Damn you!” Emily snapped, but then she burst into tears. She was exhausted - she hadn’t slept since Marocco and even there it was just a few hours -, and the only thing that had kept her from having a break-down had been hope. Hope that she would see Eric again soon. But this reunion had not been the relief she had waited for. She was glad to see him again, but a small part of her wished they never would have found him. 
Because now, she was afraid. More afraid than she had ever been in her entire life - and that was saying something after the torture Edgington had put her through two years ago. 
Eric tried to reach for the girl, but Emily turned away, scooting back in the chair so she sat by his legs. She pulled her knees up, hugged herself tightly and buried her face in her knees as sobs racked her whole body. She was barely aware that Pam had sat on Eric’s other side, trying to reason with him. 
“Don’t do this to us”, Emily heard Pam start sobbing and she turned her head, just enough that she could see Eric and her again - and she didn’t want to. She really didn’t but she still reached out with her hand, and her fingers - still so small and slim in comparison - wrapped around Eric’s large hand the best they could. “Please, Eric…”, Emily sobbed, too. 
“God damn you!” Pam cursed.  
“For more than 1,000 years, the world has been my oyster”, Eric said. 
“And it still can be”, Pam argued. “I’ll do anything.” Emily squeezed Eric’s hand. Me too. I would do anything for you. She wanted to say but the words refused to leave her. 
“I’ve lost my taste for oysters, Pam.” 
“Then find it again.” Emily’s voice came out harsher than she intended and she gained Eric and Pam’s attention. Wiping her face with the back of her hand, she uncurled herself from her position. “Du lovade mig”, Emily said in Swedish, desperately, and her voice was thick with emotion. 
Something in Eric’s eyes shifted. Turned softer and sad. “I know I did, sweetheart, but the world has changed since then.” He grabbed Emily’s wrist and pulled her towards him - and even sick, Emily found out that Eric was still so much stronger than she was. She was only human after all - even if it was with a little something extra. Eric’s feelings were clear and honest at his next words as his hand rested on the side of Emily’s face, thumb lightly brushing away her tears. 
“My sweet little Emily”, Eric whispered, his lips forming a quick smile, sad and warm at the same time. “You are gonna go out there. You are gonna grow up to be a beautiful, smart woman, go to some stupid fucking university and find yourself a good, loving human husband. You’re going to have kids and you will tell them stories about their 1,000 years old vampire grandfather… and you will be happy… Do you understand?” 
Emily swallowed, her hand raising on top of Eric’s now-wrong-temperature hand. She only barely managed to croak out the tiniest of “yes”. Even though she knew she would not do any of that. 
“You should go. Both of you.” 
Pam was crying but she was the first to rise from beside Eric and start to walk towards the staircase. 
This is wrong! Emily’s mind screamed as she rose. Virus or no virus Eric was not just any other vampire - he was Eric! 1,000 years old vampire and a viking! Vikings had not just sat down and waited for death to come collect them! At least Emily didn’t think so. No. Vikings, they avenged. Just like Eric had avenged his human family only seven or so months ago. 
As his last act… Emily felt no guilt of thinking about this at that moment, no guilt about throwing someone else’s life to a path to death - as far as she was concerned the other person deserved it. 
As his last act before true death, Eric Northman could take revenge against the person who did this to him. 
“Sarah Newlin”, Emily said, turning back to face Eric again. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Pam turn on her heels a glint of surprise and (oh that traitorous) hope in her eyes. 
“What about her?” Eric asked, his eyes closed. 
“What if I told you that Jason Stackhouse let her live.” 
Eric’s eyes opened, his voice hardened. “He didn’t.” 
“He did”, Pam said, catching on to Emily’s plan. “And she’s out there.” 
“No one’s seen her”, Emily said. 
“I have to imagine she’s in hiding somewhere”, Pam offered. 
Emily saw Eric’s jaw clench. Then… then, with what seemed like a heavy effort, Eric pushed himself up in the chair and slowly, slower than Emily was used to seeing the vampire’s motions - Eric Northman stood in front of her, grasping her shoulder, as his eyes once again roamed between his girls. 
“Well, let’s go find her.” 
Emily wasn’t naive. She knew that Eric was still dying, but at least now he wouldn’t just sit down here and wait for it. He would go down fighting. 
Just like he had taught her was the right way to go. 
Just like the viking he was supposed to be - just like Eric fucking Northman was supposed to fight. 
So, yes, Eric was still dying but at least now - and maybe it was selfish to think that way, but Emily didn’t find it in herself to care - Emily had a few more days to spend with the man who had taken her in as if she was his progeny instead of some orphan human child with empath powers. 
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Confidence-Bucky Barnes x Powers!Reader
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(GIF credit to @sunoficarus​)
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hello there angel! I've been reading your cute imagines lately and they really warmed my heart and got me out of depression cloud! so i tried to be brave and request something bcs i'm usually shy ><~ can i request a Bucky Barnes x Reader oneshot, the reader is kinda a chubby avenger and she has feelings for him but she gets sad bcs she thinks he'll never fall for someone like her bcs sh's not like the other pretty female avengers annnddd.. yeah! XD~♡’
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name     
Replication=Being able to make a copy of yourself, biological cloning, or the splitting of the body into multiples
Warnings: Insecurity, negative talk about weight/image, sad/crying reader, fluff
Opening the fridge, I took out a water bottle, instantly opening it before taking a big swig. We had come back from a mission early afternoon, the team had been away for just over a week, so it was good to be back. Even though I had showered, eaten and unpacked, I still had an immense thirst in me.
"Hey, I'm making toast, you want some?" Natasha asked as she walked in.
"No, I've eaten thank you." I replied, sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar.
As she began making her food, she continued talking."You OK after the last week?"
"Yeah, just tired. The longest mission I've done is four days, it's amazing what a few more days can do to you."
"You were great out there, a real natural. Your powers are much more controlled than they used to be."
"Thanks, it's all down to the training I guess."
"And your confidence."
Nat placed three pieces of bread into the toaster, turning around to face me once the lever was pushed down."Yes! It wasn't like you were extremely shy when you first came, but there's a difference in you."
If only I was this confident around someone else.
“You gonna head up early tonight?” Nat asked.
“Definitely. The last time I used my powers like that was when you guys first brought me in. And that was when I didn’t have as much control over them. I think it’s a good idea, we all need the rest.”
“So am I. Actually, Dr Cho wanted to see you. She said something really medical and science-y to explain why but I made no sense to me. Something about your cells splitting...or recreating?"
"Oh, she did mention that before we left. Think she's trying to help me connect more with my replicas, so that I can confuse whoever we're attacking even more. Thanks for telling me."
She nodded, turning around once the toast popped up. I said goodbye, scrolling on my phone as I made my way to Dr Cho's lab. My power to basically clone multiple versions of myself seemed useless at first, until I figured out how to control them and thought about tactics they were useful in. It was very strategic, everything had to be carefully planned. But now that I was getting used to it, everything seemed like second nature. And I had the team to thank for that. 
"Hey (Y/N), thanks for coming by." Helen greeted as I walked into her lab, holding her tablet as she usually did. 
"Hi. So, am I being wired up to a machine today?" 
She smiled."No, nothing like that. Tony and I have been working together on something that will ensure you can keep track of all your replicas."
Helen turned her back to me, grabbing a tray with what looked like four silver bracelets. She gestured for me to stand by her as she placed the tray on the table in front of us. 
"These are your new accessories." she started, picking up a pair."You'll wear them when on missions, and these will be able to connect you to any replicas you create. It's just to help you keep a better track. And any time they are hurt in anyway, the energy from the hit will drive into your bracelet." 
"Like T'Challa's armour?" 
Helen nodded."But instead of propelling back that energy, it'll just mean your replica can hold the energy and use it as a shield. Say someone was stood behind it and the enemy attacked the replica, the real person behind them would be safe." 
"That's amazing!" 
She held out her hand, wanting me to give her my wrist. I complied, letting her put the bracelets on me. They glowed blue before returning to the silver colour, feeling weightless on me. 
"They're able to become translucent depending on what uniform you're wearing. That way they won't be able to differentiate you from your replicas."
"Wow, thank you." 
"Don't thank me just yet. We still need to trial them. I definitely need Tony for this, just to make sure he's happy with them." 
"I think he's gone to rest right now." 
With a cheeky grin, she said,"Don't worry, he won't mind, this is important." 
Helen left me by myself, and I felt slightly awkward around all of the expensive and confusing technology that surrounded me. A thought flashed in my mind to try out the bracelets, but I decided against it, not wanting to risk anything going wrong. Slipping them off and placing them back on the table, I caught myself in the reflection of the windows. My hands subconsciously moved to my stomach, brushing against it before grabbing the skin; they traced upwards to my forearms, repeating my actions despite my brain screaming that I shouldn't. It grossed me out every time, why would I want to touch those parts of me? 
Turning to look at myself side on, I sighed at how stomach looked, almost wincing as my gaze travelled down to my thighs. All that training, the healthy meals I ate, where were the results? Why didn't I look like Natasha or Wanda? I battled with my conscious everyday over this. The tiniest part of it begged me to not look at myself that way, not to throw my hard work away or belittle myself over such a thing; but that was an extremely rare thing to happen, and that voice was hard to hear. The voice that spoke much too often had something completely different to say. It would force me to look at myself whenever I passed anything reflective, to make sure I looked decent, although I never did. It wanted to point out my flaws, it wanted to make me aware and punish me for looking like this,despite all the hard work I put into training. And training had never been about losing weight, it was purely strengthening, learning how to fight/defend myself as well as keep up with my stamina. 
Taking a deep breath in, I faced myself properly, squeezing my hands in and out of fists as I replicated myself, scanning my eyes over every single version of me. There were seven of me altogether, three replicas on either side of me, and I wondered why I even thought about doing this to myself. I made each replica turn more than the other, meaning I was looking at myself at every angle, and I hated all of them. It wasn't fair. Why was my power to make copies of myself when I didn't even like the one, true version of me? 
"(Y/N)?" someone startled me, my replicas instantly disappearing. 
Whipping around as my concentration broke, my face broke out into a blush as I saw Bucky standing in the doorway. It just had to be him, why couldn't it have been anyone else? 
"Y-yes?" I stuttered, immediately breaking eye contact. 
"Sorry, I needed to speak to Dr Cho." 
"Sh-she, uh, she just left, a-actually." 
"OK, I'll come by later." I glanced up, seeing him move to leave before turning back to me."You sure you're alright?" 
I nodded."Mhm."
He slowly nodded, but mostly to himself."Good job this week by the way, you were great." 
I hated how hot I was feeling after the compliment, even when he was gone I felt embarrassed by myself. Did he see me looking at myself like that? He must have thought I was an absolute weirdo for doing such a thing! 
Helen reappeared, a yawning Tony following in behind her."Right, this shouldn't take too long-" 
"I'm sorry, I don't think I can do this right now." I blurted out."I’m really tired and I want to make sure that the results are accurate." 
They were taken back by my snappy tone, slowly nodding as I refrained from bolting out of the room. Brushing past them, my hands instantly wrapped around my torso, making a beeline towards the elevator. My breaths were sort and sharp as I hit the button, fingers poking into my sides as I crossed them again. Why wasn’t I toned? Why was I able to grab so much skin? Once I was out of the elevator, I picked up the pace towards my room, resisting slamming the door to not gain any more attention. Grabbing the throw at the end of my bed, I threw it over the mirror, making sure I could not see any part of myself before I collapsed onto my bed, covering myself with the bed sheets.
Silent sobs ran through me as I gripped onto the sheets that were bunched up around me. I hated my mind, I hated how I looked, I hated how I could never be at peace with how I looked. Sleep would come to me late tonight, but only once I exhausted myself from crying. And I hoped that I would not dream tonight. 
Waking up, I felt how dry my moth and lips were, and also where the tears had stained my cheeks, as well as my pillow. My neck was aching from the position I had fallen asleep in, it felt worse as I pushed myself up into a sitting position. Rubbing my eyes, I coughed to clear my throat, definitely needing water after I felt how hoarse it was. Although it would have been so much easier to stay holed up in my room all day, avoid questions from everyone (even making small talk could reveal how I was really feeling), staying here would cause more fuss than needed.
"Good morning Miss (Y/L/N)." Vision greeted as I walked the halls.
"Morning." I mustered up the best smile.
"I hope I am not coming across as rude or interfering, but are you alright?"
I nodded, hiding my panic."Yeah, just a little tired from the mission. And I think overwhelmed, it's been my longest one yet."
"That is understandable. Though I am sure the experience will serve you well in future missions, especially with your stamina."
"Yep, hopefully."
Vision hadn't done anything wrong, he was being a good friend. But my mind wondered whether anything had been said about me. Did I look bad? Did I look exhausted? Why did he mention stamina? He could have just left that part out. I engaged with more small talk as we made our way down to the kitchen (Vision liked to be part of an everyday routine), though part of me wished that I was alone again.
"Ah, morning Mr Barnes." Vision said as we walked in, and I instantly cringed.
"Morning." Bucky mumbled, sending a small smile our way, but I quickly looked elsewhere. He was finishing a bowl of cereal as he sat at the kitchen island.
"Miss (Y/L/N), could I tempt you with a fully cooked breakfast? Something that is full of nutrition but still quite enjoyable? I believe it would help with your recovery." Vision offered.
"Oh, that's very kind Vis." I quietly said."But I'll just stick to coffee for now."
"You sure? I wouldn't pass up that opportunity." Bucky added.
I could only muster,"Mhm." before focusing on the coffee machine in front of me.
"Well, the offer stands if you wish for it." Vision said, and I could tell I had upset him.
He said his goodbyes to us as he left, leaving me alone with Bucky. Keeping my back to him, I played with the end of my sleeves, coming up with normal answers that I could say if Bucky started asking questions. I knew that even with backup answers, I wouldn't be able to speak properly to him, my mind would go blank.
"You should have something to eat really. At least an apple or something." Bucky said.
"I'll have one once I've woken up more. Don't feel like eating just yet, think I'm overtired."
"Just make sure you're looking after yourself."
I poured out the coffee into a mug, prepared to leave when I caught Bucky looking at me. My demeanour became smaller, shy, more withdrawn.
"What were you doing the other day? In the lab?"
"I...was testing out a new gadget Tony and Dr Cho created for me."
"(Y/N), I don't want to make assumptions-"
"Then believe what I say. Why would I be lying?"
He looked shocked."I didn't say anything like that."
My eyes cast down, panic setting into my mind, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. Forgetting about my coffee, I gave myself no other choice than to run away from any confrontation. I thought that would be the end of it, it usually was, but I heard footsteps behind me, heavy ones, belonging to Bucky. At first, I kept going, hoping he was just going to call out to me before giving up, but again, I was wrong. 
“(Y/N), please!” Bucky pleaded.
Not knowing where to go made me falter, it was only for a split second, that was enough time for Bucky to open a door and drag me inside. Breaking away from him, I sighed when I realised we were in an old conference room; it was empty now, no furniture or screens, it was currently being upgraded and renovated. However, that also meant no one would have any intention of walking in, meaning we were very likely to not be interrupted. 
“Bucky, I don’t want to talk about this.” I rushed out.
“So there is something wrong!” he exclaimed, but kept his tone calm.
“It doesn’t concern you.”
“You’re my friend, my teammate (Y/N), I care about you.”
“Fine! You want to know what’s wrong? I’m surrounded by images of strong, fit people, who I work just as hard as, yet I never look like them! I train and train and train, but for some cruel reason, my body never changes. Sure, I’ve slimmed down slightly since I arrived here, but it’s not enough for me. I’ve been called a superhero, I fight alongside all of you with your slim physiques, huge muscles and beautiful faces; so when I see a picture, or news footage of us fighting, I look like the odd one out, the huge odd one out. I don’t look right standing beside any of you, even an agent from S.H.I.E.L.D.”
Bucky didn’t say anything. His mouth was slightly open, eyes squinted and eyebrows furrowed as he continued staring at me. I scoffed, facing away from him.
“Now you’re seeing it. Or at least your thoughts about me are confirmed. I understand. I know you guys are my friends, you don’t care what I look like. But you must look at me in the line up and think I look out of place.”
“(Y/N), I could never look at you, or think of you in that way.”
“You don’t have to pity me-”
“I’m not. (Y/N), you don’t realise how beautiful you are.”
I glanced over my shoulder, shocked by his sentence.“Don’t do this to make me feel better, because it doesn’t work.”
He took a step closer to me.“How long have you been holding this in for?”
“I’m a woman who’s been bigger than everyone else around me my entire life, and I also have powers which made me a freak before people realised I could save them. So, basically my whole life.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why would anyone in my position want to speak up about this? You didn’t say anything when your nightmares came back.”
I saw that throw him off.
“I’m sorry Bucky, I didn’t mean to...to mention it, or-”
“No, you’re right. I know what it feels like to keep something to yourself. You don’t want to burden anyone around you, especially the ones you love. You think it’s not that important, that you can handle it by yourself, or you can ignore it until it goes away. But that’s not the right way to handle things. I can see that, looking back on everything.”
“But your nightmares were worth talking about. They scarred you, reminded you of that awful past. I’m a stupid girl crying over weight that can easily be shifted if I just work harder.”
“You would work yourself to death if you did that. (Y/N), I see you everyday training hard, making sure your powers are being improved everyday, going over tactics you can use by yourself or with the team. Everyday you ensure you are at your best because you want to help people out there that can’t defend themselves. If people judge you on how you look instead of your actions, they’re not even worth thinking about.”
Letting my arms drop to my sides, I faced Bucky, gathering enough courage to look him in the eyes.“Thanks Bucky.”
“(Y/N) I mean it. I’m not saying this to just be nice. You matter to me.”
“I know-”
“No, you don’t. I...I really like you (Y/N). And I know you may not see me in the same way, but you’re such a caring, powerful and hard working person. We come back from a mission, and you could be carried out on a stretcher but you still keep positive and make sure everyone else is safe before yourself. I’m telling you this because...well it just feels right. I’m also not making this up because you need validation from a man to make you feel better about yourself. You should be able to look at yourself in the mirror and love what you see, no matter what you look like.”
My chin was trembling as my lips pursed, trying to hold back my tears. Shaky breath escaped my nostrils, and as Bucky kept looking at me with those nurturing, safe eyes, I broke. No one had ever said something like that to me. I could tell he meant it. He wouldn’t be putting all this effort into this if he just wanted to be a good friend.
“Do...do you really mean it?” my voice wobbled.
He smiled.“Yes.”
Bucky wrapped his arms around me tenderly, pulling me into his chest. Surprisingly, my instincts made me quickly copy, gripping onto his t-shirt as I started sobbing. My mind was confused. One minute I was absolutely hating myself, then I had covered up my sadness, panicking because someone was about to see me break, and here I was, letting it all out in front of him. But I didn’t feel embarrassed like I thought I would. It felt amazing to feel that dragging weight on my shoulders suddenly lift away, the comfort of someone else was welcoming. 
“Th-thank you Bucky.” I sniffed.“I’ve always thought that I need to keep this sort of thing to myself. I’ve been terrified to even be sad, even though I know it’s OK to be sad, but for some reason, my mind would never let me. It’s been building up inside of me, I’ve never been able to express myself properly.”
“We’re here for you, I’m here for you. I’ll always be here to listen...and you tell you how beautiful you are every time I see you.”
I giggled as I pulled away, wiping my cheeks.“You don’t have to do that.”
“I do. I want to.”
“Thank you Bucky, I really appreciate your help.”
He kissed my forehead.“I’ll always be here.”
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Two Husbands 1 (One Shot) Negan X OC Marie X Axel
[Hello! My Sexy Readers, I am here once more with My co author and we are doing another walking dead Request off of wattpad by BABIBENJI This one is is of Axel (The white prisoner that was locked in the cafeteria in the prison arc) X Marie OC X Negan
Axel and Marie actually are dating and he lived in this! Anyways please enjoy this chapter here Everyone!]
(No One's POV)
It had been a few weeks since Axel had left the prison, and a good friend of his from Rick's group. She smiled at him. He wasn't the smartest man, but he was well meaning.
However..he also was not exactly the most violent, and put a lot a lot of faith in other people doing the same despite being in prison with violent criminals.
So when Marie saw a group as she was weary. "Axel.. there are people coming.."
"they are probably just scavenging too."
Well now there were held at gun point kneeling on the ground as Marie glared at Axel.
Axel was looking down he knew he messed up again and he knew that he was going pay for this one. Just not in the way he thinks.
"Well, well isin't that one sexy little thing." A man says. "I could have her sit on my face all day!"
"SHUT UP!" Axel says a burst of Jealousy. "That is my girlfriend your talking about..."
(I mean...this is better than dealing with a pissed off marie)
(XD True dat XD)
Marie looked at him, an expression that he knew to tell him to shut the fuck up.
However what was said was said..and the man turned to Axel
Then turned to Marie, then Axel, and Marie and finally Axel. "How did you get a babe like that!?" He asks honestly baffled.
"Oh come on!" He looks at Axel as he gave a smirk. "You can tell me, actually." He turned to Marie. "Let me guess, he's got a great personality. No wait- he makes you laugh."
(I mean..it's true)
She nodded. "Well yeah." She says "but that doesn't mean anything, I love him--its none of your business anyway you fucking boomer."
"I am not that old!" He says. "Well if your little boy toy was gone you be free to be mine so Bye bye boy toy."
He lifts his bat to bash in the skull but Marie tackled Axel out of the way.
(that's true, he's a gen xer)
She used herself to create a shield as one of negan's men held him back and pointed out this little fact to him.
"Well well My little clingy girl, looks like we are in deal making mode." He says
"deal making? You tried to kill my fucking boyfriend!"she yelled as he just smiled.
"Holy hell..." Axel muttered in shock
"Well I can still kill your boyufriend." He says
"no!" She yelled as she was clearly getting distressed as her anger was turning into fear. She never had to deal with this before.
"See Darling I want you to be my Golden wife, the one I have a family with but if keeping this limp noodle alive as your second husband is what is takes then I am willing to play ball." Negan says.
"....Golden wife? Are you..implying you have one already- more than one? Because I dated a Mormon once, and I vowed I'd never date a man who can't be loyal to me."
(but she cool with having a second husband xD)
(XD Yup)
"As my Golden Wife I will be loyal to you and only if you want me to divorce my other wives I will." He says.
He was desperate for her and she was worth it.
"and If I say no?" "Then I kill your Boy toy and take.you anyway." He said as Marie and Axel share a look.
"....fine.." she said softly as he gave a smirk.
(Later that night, Negan's pov, at his community.)
I glare at Axel as I passed by, heading into my home, passing by my other wives as they were drinking and talking. God they never do shut up.
I walked into my room seeing Marie already under the covered trying to fall asleep as I place Lucille down and crawl into bed only for her to turn and glare at me.
"You touch me, I'll fucking take that bat and shove it down your goddamn throat. It's bad enough I have to share a bed with you."
"Oh come on, your my blushing Bride!" I say. "I just want to hold ya."
(Mmmmmhmmmmm I smell bullshit XD)
(Dude you do not wanna play with a pissed marie)
She turned around. "First off, not your fucking bride. There was no ceremony, no papers, no rings, not even a fucking piece of bread as a substitute to cake. Second off you threatened my actual significant other, and third off, you fucking touch me, and the next time I get my period, I'll shove my pad into your mouth."
(oh my god Holy fuck)
I throw myself on back this suck so much! When I got her I was expecting some bed breaking fun, not ball busting bullshit.
(hey now likely hood she's gonna cuddle up to you is high She's been sleeping on the cold hard ground for weeks)
(XD yup)
I sigh and close my eyes falling asleep only to wake up to someone touching me my eyes snap open and Marie is cuddling into me
(this is the start of a....really unhealthy relationship..s)
(Yes it is)
She was asleep still but her arm was draped around me as moved closer to me. She then threw a leg over me and wrapped it around me.
(I legit do this XD)
I stop as I looked down at our legs--was she not wearing pants?
(A valid question)
(XD Get it get it good~ XD)
She then sat up and stripped her top and now was naked. She then laid down right ontop of me and I was rock hard. God fucking damnit. What kind of cruel test is this? I do strip ony half sleeping state
(XD I do too XD)
I looked at her and she buries her face in my neck
God...please let me get through the night..
(Next day.)
Well..this went about as well as I expected as she hit me with pillow after pillow.
"I can't believe you just let that happen!"
"I didn't even see much of anything!" I really didn't.
She threw another pillow at me. Why did I have eleven decorative pillows?
"Ugh! You you MAN THING!" She snouts.
(Lady D XD JK)
She pushed me out of my own room as I glared but take a breath. This is just a rocky start, but the honeymoon phase will kick in eventually..
(Time skip)
"Where the hell is Axel?.huh? Do any of you dumbasses know where he is?" I ask as no one seemed to know as I walk out past the trucks when I hear a noise, giggling coming from inside of the trunks
I walk over only to see him on top of someone, however the only person not in attendance to the daily meeting..was him and Marie. I immediately race over seeing Marie under him, her shirt pushed up. Oh hell no this was not going to happen until I was with her first!
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS first part done I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy!]
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