#anyway I'm glad he introduced himself that time
autogeneity · 2 years
I think it'd be funny to feign ignorance, but maybe if you would like to engage with him - you can talk to him. After all, he is just a rondom. Also... I think you have enough probable cause to speak to him. And to think he would like it too.
seems that talking to him is the consensus among everyone who's responded, and since apparently I am choosing to defer my life decisions to strangers on the internet...I plan to do this if I can figure out a suitable opportunity and approach
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honeypiehotchner · 6 months
kiss her, you fool (Hotch x fem!Reader) -- one shot
Anyway I'm back in the fucking building again!!!! Listened to "Kiss Her You Fool" by Kids That Fly and had this one shot written in like an hour. The love for Aaron Hotchner never dies apparently
Summary: You're in the middle of spring cleaning when Aaron calls and says he forgot something at your place (he didn't).
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff! I just wanted to write some romance
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It’s the middle of the day and you’re in the middle of a cleaning frenzy when your phone rings for what looks like the third time. It’s Aaron.
“Hey! Sorry,” you laugh, grabbing the TV remote to pause your music, phone pressed to your ear with your shoulder. “I’m spring cleaning and clearly way too far in the zone. What’s up?”
“That’s okay,” you can hear him smiling as you readjust your phone in your hand. “Would it be alright if I stopped by? I think I left something there last night.”
You furrowed your brows, spinning around the living room. You definitely would’ve noticed if he left something here last night. You’ve practically turned your entire apartment upside down to clean it.
“Are you sure?” you ask, moving to lift the couch cushions for a third time. “What was it?”
“I’m not sure,” he says, which totally isn’t suspicious at all. “Can I just come look?”
“I mean,” you let out an awkward laugh. “I guess you can. I’ve been cleaning since this morning, though, so I think I would’ve spotted it, but—”
“I’ll be there in fifteen,” he says. “If that’s okay?”
You sigh, selfishly glad you’re getting to see him again, two days in a row. It feels like you’ve hit the jackpot. “Yeah, of course it’s okay.”
“Great, see you in a few.”
“See you,” you bite back your grin, ending the call. You turn the music back on, a little lower so you’ll hear him when he knocks.
You have no earthly idea what he could’ve forgotten. He had his phone and jacket in hand when he left. He never took his wallet or keys out of his jacket pockets, so they must’ve stayed there. Unless either of them fell out, but again, you feel like you would’ve noticed.
Whatever it is, he’ll either find it or realize it isn’t here. Regardless, you’re getting to see him again, so you’ll take it.
With his job, the days that you do see Aaron are typically one long day spent together here and there. Yesterday was an exception, a rare dinner mid-work week because he happened to be done at the office early and you were free, so obviously the opportunity was taken advantage of. It’s only been a few weeks of seeing one another, so you both take any chance you can get. 
Despite this, though, things have moved…slow. Slower than you expected because, to be frank, every guy you’ve been with has been quick and to the point. Not that you always minded that. Sometimes you wanted the same thing — quick, hot, heavy. But those days have since left you, and you went through a period of seeing no one, aside from one guy who left as soon as you said you were interested in moving slowly. 
It’s nothing against Aaron, but when he first introduced himself at your local coffee shop, you kind of assumed he’d be the same. It’s hard not to assume when everyone acted that way, and when the men who frequent said coffee shop don’t exactly have the best track record for being polite and respectful.
Aaron, though, took weeks to ask for your number, let alone to join your table one morning to sip his coffee — and even then, you offered him the seat; he didn’t invite himself. That alone was enough for you to agree to give him your number, and then to an official first date.
He kissed your cheek after the first date, your forehead after the second, and kept to those areas alone. You found yourself wondering if something was wrong with you somehow, but he wasn’t disinterested. Quite the opposite, actually, from how he held your hand and kept his arms around you, how he made sure you were safely inside your apartment before heading off, how he still texted when he arrived home to ask you if you were still safely inside.
Or when he had to cancel a date last minute, and sent flowers to your apartment in lieu of his presence. He apologized over the phone, but the flowers had an apology note attached too. And another apology when he arrived at your door four days later, fresh off the plane, with a real explanation of his job and why he didn’t have time to explain it all to you before he left.
Your friends think it’s a little crazy, that it’s been almost a month of dating and there hasn’t been a single kiss — “On the cheek doesn’t count!” they argue. You think it does. If anything, you’re just happy there’s no pressure.
The underlying anxiety is there, sure, of what if it never happens? But you can’t bring yourself to entertain the thought. Mainly because you want to kiss him so bad, you’re practically going to leap onto him one of these days.
You’re mid-dance when a knock sounds on your door and you jump, having forgotten Aaron said he would be here soon. You turn the music down as you head for the door, unlocking it to let him in.
He stands there in his usual dark suit, sans tie this time so the top buttons are undone, bouquet of flowers in hand and dumb smile on his face.
“What are these for?” you ask when he hands them to you. 
He steps inside and shuts the door, pausing to press a kiss to your forehead. “Because I wanted to.”
You give him a look, cheeks feeling warm. “If you keep doing this ‘because you want to,’ I’m gonna need to open a flower truck,” you joke, gesturing to the other vase of flowers sitting in your window. And there’s another in the bathroom. And one in your bedroom. 
“Just let me know what kind of truck you want,” he teases.
You press the flowers to your nose to hide your smile. “Oh, what did you forget? You’re welcome to look for it, but—”
He lets out a laugh, scratching the back of his neck. “Well, I might have lied.”
“I knew you were, you idiot,” you swat playfully at his arm. You turn to head into the kitchen in search of another vase. “I got off the phone and paced around like what did he possibly leave here? I figured maybe your wallet or something, but I definitely would’ve found it earlier. You should’ve seen the living room this morning — I had the couch on its side and the coffee table in the middle of the hallway—”
You’re in the middle of rambling, digging around under the sink for a vase, when Aaron pulls you up by your hand, spinning you to face him.
“—it was a disaster trying to vacuum. Remind me never to do that unless you’re over here to lift all of it. I think I nearly—”
He’s smiling at you, and you don’t have a single moment to spare to register that he’s leaning in before his lips are on yours. 
You sigh into the kiss, pleasantly surprised to be interrupted in this way, and glad your hands are free so you can hold onto him. Maybe this is why it’s good he hadn’t kissed you yet — one second of it and you’re ready to collapse under the sweet weight of it all. His arms circle your waist to lift you up, and your arms circle his neck, keeping him close. As close as you’ve really wanted him.
When you finally break for air, it’s only to press your foreheads against one another’s, not wanting to move too far.
“Well,” you laugh.
“Technically,” he says, pausing to peck your nose, “that’s what I forgot last night.”
You roll your eyes. “You are so stupid.”
“Mm, just because it makes you smile,” he says, kissing your lips again, and again. “What are you doing tonight?”
“Ideally,” you pause, letting him kiss you again, “ordering dinner in and making out with my boyfriend until the sun rises. You?”
“You know, I was thinking about taking someone special out to dinner,” he pauses, pulling you closer again, “and then kissing her until she tells me to stop.”
“That could be forever, for all you know.”
“That’s fine with me.”
You grin and he kisses you again, pausing to say, “Sorry, I can’t help myself—”
“Trust me,” you move even closer, your eyelashes practically touching his cheeks when you blink, “you don’t need to apologize.”
He responds by kissing you some more, and more, until he’s lifting you into his arms and placing you on the kitchen counter. 
“Aaron!” you squeal, nearly crushing the bouquet. “Let me move the flowers at least!”
“I’ll buy you another,” he says, just a whisper away from kissing you again. 
“You know—” You have to pause in between words as he presses his lips to yours. “—I still have—cleaning—Aaron,” you giggle. “I need to put my apartment back together.”
“Do you?” he asks, relenting only slightly, his fingertips pressing into your lower back, keeping you against him. “Do you need help?”
“I do actually,” you chuckle, running your fingers through his hair. “The couch isn’t back where it was.”
He smirked. “I noticed.”
You tug on his hair slightly to tease him for that jab, only it lights a new spark behind his eyes. Your cheeks grow even warmer. “No, seriously,” you say. “It’ll stress me out if it’s not back in its spot, but then…”
He nods, kissing your lips. “Then we’ll get ready for dinner.”
“And then come back here for a movie?”
“We’ll see how much of the movie we actually pay attention to,” he smirks, eyes traveling all over your face. 
The urge to let him ravish you right now against the kitchen counter is so strong it nearly makes you lightheaded. But soon Aaron is helping you down, pressing another kiss to your forehead. 
“Did you get to vacuum under the couch all the way?”
“…kind of.”
“Come on,” he chuckles, pulling on your hand, leading you back into the living room. “Call me next time?”
“If I get kissed like that during spring cleaning then I’m doing it every day,” you reply, mostly joking. Kind of. “Fuck I forgot the vase for the flowers—”
Aaron kisses you to interrupt you once again. “One thing at a time,” he says.
The kissing doesn’t stop, and you never do get to vacuum under the couch. It can wait.
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steveshairychest · 1 year
Let's pretend that the upside down doesn't exist for a second.
Eddie still befriends Mike, Dustin and Lucas at school, but he doesn't meet anyone else. He knows of Steve Harrington, knows that he used to rule the halls of Hawkins High but, despite Dustin's constant begging for Eddie to meet him, he never really does.
Sure, Steve waved at Eddie whenever he dropped the kids off at hellfire and he offered to change Eddie's flat tire once, but that's it. After Eddie graduated, their paths never really crossed again.
Not until years later when they're both older and wiser and a little bit drunk in a bar far from the prying eyes of Hawkins.
Eddie bumps into a tall woman at the bar and the countless apologies he had ready instantly died on his tongue when she turned around and gave Eddie a dazzling smile. "Hi, Eddie. Didn't think I'd run into you here." She says with a light laugh. She has a really pretty laugh, and smile, and eyes and her hair looks so soft.
It takes Eddie's brain three business days to reconnect and realise that this gorgeous woman knows his name. He hadn't introduced himself, and yet she is smiling down at him like they're old friends.
"I'm sorry, have we met?" He waves over the bartender and orders himself and the mystery girl a drink.
She thanks Eddie for the drink and leans in closer to be heard over the music. "We went to high school together but I've, uh, definitely changed since then." She laughs and it's clear there's some joke he's not getting but he laughs anyways. He doesn't want her to walk away. He needs to know everything about her and he's trying so hard to remember everyone he went to high school with.
"Did we really go to school together? I think I would remember someone as gorgeous as you." He reaches up and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear so that he can see her face properly. Her cheeks flush a brilliant shade of red, and she steps closer to him. "What's your name?"
"Stevie." She says softly, her voice a little shaky. "Harrington. My name is Stevie Harrington."
Eddie furrows his brows and takes a step back to really take her in. "I didn't know Steve had a sister."
Stevie throws her head back and laughs, it's a gorgeous sound. Eddie's scared he's fucked up by not remembering that Steve had a sister but then she meets his eyes and there's something there that feels oddly familiar.
"I don't have a sister, Eddie." She says and takes a sip of her drink, her eyes watching over the rim of the glass for Eddie's reaction.
"What -" And then everything finally clicks in his alcohol clouded mind. "Oh. Oh."
He can see it now, he can see that the ghost of someone he hardly knew clings to parts of her; the moles, the pouty lips, the kind hazel eyes. They are all features he used to find himself staring at during school, features he can’t stop staring at now.
"Is that a good oh?" She asks quietly, her hand fiddling with her bracelet nervously.
Eddie motions the bartender for another round of drinks and moves closer to Stevie, a gentle smile pulling at his lips as he says, "Definitely a good oh. I was actually, uh, Edwina before I was Eddie." He pulls his leather jacket aside to point at his bare chest underneath, at his top surgery scars. Stevie's mouth forms a soft 'oh', and the tension in her body leaves as she realises that she's safe, she's with someone like her, someone who understands.
He's never told anyone his dead name before, but he could see the fear in Stevie's eyes, fear that she'd said too much to the wrong person.
All that fear is gone now as she smiles, really smiles, down at him.
There's an excited energy radiating off her as she takes another sip from her drink and bumps her shoulder with Eddie's. "I'm glad you bumped into me tonight." She admits.
"Me, too." Eddie beams up at her, her heels making her tower over him, and he's honestly never been happier.
He hopes that this time, they can maybe be more than just acquaintances.
Maybe even more than friends.
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turtletaubwrites · 7 months
A Good Catch ~ Part 3
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This was part of my 600 Follower Celebration and I can't thank you enough for all the support. I was glad y'all voted for Shanks... until I wrote this!! It was supposed to be the end. But I wanted them to have more sex. And that led to more fluff, and that led to... Anyways, I know what the end will be, but I'm not going to embarrass myself again by saying it'll be the next chapter. 😅 I have been consumed by this story, and I really hope you enjoy it!!
Pairings: Shanks x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4613
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 (End)
Ao3 Link
Summary: Your unplanned vacation is filled with more than just the pleasure of a certain pirate's touch. Turns out that pirates and fishermen share a love of stories.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Swearing, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Teasing, Flirting, Alcohol, Hair Pulling, Penis in Vagina Sex, Unprotected Sex, (Be safe out there), Birth Control, Pet Names, Rough Oral Sex, Face-Sitting, Outdoor Sex, (Very Mild Exhibitionism), Porn with Feelings, Aftercare
A/N: I need help
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 | ko-fi |
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“Thanks for takin’ pity on our captain.”
“None of that, Lucky Roux,” Shanks scolded, grabbing the bowl of food the man had set down on that dingy table by the fire. 
Sunset was on its way, and your stomachs had dragged you reluctantly out of his bed, only to be greeted at the camp by the loudest, and rowdiest cheers you’d ever heard. 
Shanks had gotten them to tone it down a bit, kissing your burning cheeks as you sat at his table, but it seemed that Lucky Roux had started it up again.
“He’s right,” Benn agreed, raising his mug to you. “I don’t think we would have survived another night of that.” 
“Isn’t Y/N just beautiful? Isn’t she–,” another pirate called in a sing-song voice as he mimicked his captain, and your mouth fell open as the whole crew joined in. Shanks started blustering, trying to rein it in, but it was too late. 
“Did you hear how funny she is?”
“And she's soo fiery, did you see her?”
“I was drunk! I was out of my wits,” Shanks yelled over the din while you sat back and laughed. 
“I will personally murder each and every one of you!”
He gave up, taking a long drink from his mug while you studied his profile. When he finally looked at you, you couldn’t fight the evil grin on your face.
“Fiery, huh?”
“Alcohol does a lot of things to the mind, and–”
“Are you blushing, captain?”
Your red haired pirate didn’t allow you to lean close to find out before he pulled you to him, kissing you hard. You felt his low hum of approval at the tiny noises you made for him, but it was all drowned out by another round of applause.
“I'm gonna need more booze for this,” he grumbled, waving his now empty mug in the air until a pirate came to fill it.
“Fiery,” you asked again, whispering in his ear before chuckling as he choked on his drink. 
“Yeah, well,” he wiped his chin, turning to smirk at you, “I’m pretty sure you like me too, damsel.”
He looked way too pleased with himself as you bit your lip, digging into your food to keep from squirming.
You thought he might steal you away back to his quarters as soon as your bowls were cleared. Instead, he pulled you onto his lap as you spent time with his crew. So many smiling faces, so many stories, so many songs. It seemed like the whole crew took turns joining your table, and tapping their mugs against yours as they introduced themselves. 
Now that you didn’t think they were going to attack you in your sleep, you’d decided to drink whatever it was they put in your mug. 
But after toasting with so many pirates in a row, you were starting to feel it. 
“Mm, Shanks…”
"Mhm," he purred back at you as you nuzzled against his ear. 
“I think I’m drunk.”
“Well,” he started, leaving a warm kiss on your forehead, “what does my drunken damsel nee–”
He leaned forward with a wicked chuckle that told you he’d be getting back at you for what you’d just done. You had grinded your ass into his lap, and he was already growing hard again. That sensation had your head lolling back until he sat you up straight on his knee, his arm around your shoulders.
“So you’re demanding and greedy, huh?”
There was no point in arguing as his eyes poured over you, hungrily taking in your ragged breathing, your bitten lip, and the needy look in your eyes. 
You watched as he wet his lips, his eyes growing darker even as the light of the fire shined within them.
Nodding as he mouthed the question ‘ready for bed,’ you held onto him, only a bit wobbly as you made your way through the crowd. The shouts of the crew were hardly noticeable with his hand in yours, his thumb smoothing over your skin. 
The moon was even closer to being full tonight, and its light dancing on the ocean made you pause after you stepped on deck. 
“I haven’t stopped to look for awhile,” you confessed as he brushed your hair out of your face.
“Look at what?”
A surprised laugh bubbled from you as you gestured to the moonlit waves.
A wave of energy and pleasure rolled over you, and you threw your head back to let out a joyful yell.
“It’s beautiful,” you screamed at the moon. “And look at the waves, they’re so…”
Your joy in this moment felt so freeing, but it broke your heart to realize just how stifled you’d been. To not remember the last time you relaxed, the last time you looked at something just because it felt good. 
Shanks caught your hand as the heat of tears rose in your throat. His hair seemed to glow under the silver light, and you didn’t think you’d ever met someone as beautiful as him.
“You’re beautiful too, Y/N,” he rasped, pressing your knuckles to his lips. 
“Don’t you mean, ‘fiery,” you laughed in his face, stomach starting to hurt as giggles took over. 
He sucked his teeth, narrowing his eyes at you as he dropped your hand. 
“You won’t be so fiery after this.”
Shanks twisted his fist into the back of the shirt you’d borrowed, and dragged you, kicking and screaming, to the edge of the ship. Toward those beautiful waves.
Happy, drunken fingers tore at the buttons of the loose shirt until you pulled yourself free, cackling as you held your hands to your bare breasts, and ran inside.
“Y/N,” Shanks shouted, as the pirate on night duty started rolling with laughter. 
You had never had this much fun in your life.
Those wood paneled halls all looked the same, so instead of looking for his quarters, you just kept running.
The chase didn’t last long before he shoved you against a wall, his knee spreading your legs as your chest heaved. He dropped the shirt to the ground to push your hand aside, massaging your exposed breast as he kissed you. 
It was more than kissing. Drinking, eating, taking. 
His thumb brushed over your nipple, already hardened from your flight through the ship. He timed the sensation with his knee pressing against your clothed cunt, and you felt his smile on your own lips as you cried out. 
“You’re lucky you’re not a member of my crew, Y/N,” he rasped in your ear, low and dangerous. “This kind of spectacle would have earned you quite the punishment.”
His heat left you as he grabbed the shirt off the ground, holding it up silently until you pulled it on. There was something about him now that you hadn’t felt before. It wasn’t frightening. 
But it was powerful. Commanding.
It had you melting under those dark eyes. 
“Are you ready for bed, sweetheart?”
All you could do was nod, letting him guide you by the hand until he had you spread on those red sheets again. 
Until he had you screaming his name, begging him to fill you up, to leave you dripping. 
Still not enough. 
He’d kissed his way across your body, pulling you close as his breath went deep and slow with sleep. Once again, this pirate reminded you of the sea, his touch both gentle and chaotic, his voice both soothing and seductive. 
Last night you had such conflicting thoughts about him. Tonight his arm was curled around you, his spicy scent more intoxicating than whatever they’d poured in your mug. Tonight your thoughts all matched up.
He’s wonderful.
I’ll never get enough of his smile, his voice, his touch.
I’ve never felt happier than I have with him today.
He’s leaving in a couple days, and I’ll never see him again. 
“Don’t you trust me by now, beautiful?”
He couldn’t see your small smile as you secured the blindfold over his eyes. 
“Don't you trust me,” you teased, tugging the fabric further down his nose.
“You do have a history of attacking me unprovoked–,” he laughed, holding his hand up to stop your retort. “I just wanna see your pretty face.”
Pressing a kiss to his pouting lips, you made your way down the bed. 
“Guess you’ll have to learn to be patient.”
He opened his mouth to argue, but let out a sigh instead as you started tracing your fingers over his skin, giving him the same attention he kept giving you. As if each part of you was precious to him, and he wanted to savor every bit.
Savor. I want to savor this. 
So you did. Everything left your mind except for this moment. The way it used to when you still loved to fish. 
Shanks had helped you remember how to enjoy life.
You wanted to pay him back.
“F-Fuck, Y/N…”
His red hair fell back against the headboard as you sucked the tip of his leaking cock into your mouth. He fisted the sheets, your name and breathy curses still falling from his lips.
Your mouth and fingers had already teased his whole body until he was twitching, so you didn’t waste time with teasing now. With one hand sliding along his shaft, and the other massaging his heavy balls, you circled your tongue around his tip until spit slid down his length.
“Please, Y/N, let me take this off. Let me see you.”
“Not yet,” you breathed, before you forced your way further down.
“Fuck, please,” he begged, drawing out the words as he moaned. “I need to see your face, I need you, please.”
His shaking, desperate body, and his continued pleas to see you froze you for a moment, your mouth still around his tip.
“Please, I need to see you. Fuuckk, I need you, ple–”
“Take it off.”
This was the face you would never forget. 
He looked almost pained when he took it off, his brows furrowed, and his jaw clenched. Then the eyes that met yours looked frantic, almost feral as heavy breaths came from his parted lips. 
He touched your jaw, lifting your face as spit trailed from your mouth to his swollen tip. 
“I don’t wanna stop looking at you again.”
Chills ran over your skin as you whimpered, your hands clenching on him until he moaned. He let you go, but you were too stunned to move, your hands pausing their task. 
He didn’t beg you to continue. He didn’t tease you. He didn’t say a word.
Shanks just stared at you, a hint of a smile on those lips.
Until a low growl filled the room, breaking the spell.
“Does my damsel need breakfast,” he teased softly.
You answered by taking his cock down your throat, relaxing as you pushed yourself further. 
“Oh my– fuck! How are you…”
All the filthy, needy sounds he gave you spurred you on. Your eyes were rolling back in your head, until you forced them open, forcing yourself to meet his hungry gaze. 
You still hadn’t taken in all of him, but the slide of his thick veins along your tongue told you that you might not have time. 
So you pushed further, moaning around him when he wrapped his fingers into your hair. Tears were already prickling in your eyes when you gave him a nod, bracing yourself on his hips. Letting him take control.
“Gods, you’re fucking perfect, sweetheart. So beautiful taking my cock down your throat. I need you so fucking bad–”
Breathing through your nose and hanging on, the feel of him pushing so deep while he watched your face, while he praised and moaned for you… It was all so much, your own body twisting in on itself with need. It felt like you might come without a single touch. 
“So good for me, baby. Take my come for me–”
Unrestrained groans tore from him as he twitched, his hand forcing you down. You cried on his cock as hot ropes of come spilled down your throat, so hot, so fucking much. 
Your mind was empty of everything except for swallowing every last drop. After he’d emptied himself in you, he lifted you gently, letting out a pleased hum as he watched you lick your lips, and drink it all in. 
“Mm, my damsel,” he purred as he kissed your neck, “my darling. Do you wanna have breakfast before or after I drown in your pussy?”
Your stomach could wait. 
After a few minutes of water and rest so you could relearn how to breathe, Shanks worshiped your body again, leaving you tingling, giggling at his soft touches. 
“Come here, sweetheart. Let me taste you.”
Shaky knees held you up as your nails dug into the headboard. You leaned your forehead against the wall as Shanks’ tongue dragged through your folds as if looking for treasure.
And he found treasure, sucking your clit until you chanted his name.
“Relax,” he rasped, tugging on your hip, “I need my pretty girl to sit on my face.”
You had looked down into those devilish eyes, and his words alone had you crying out. 
“I’m a pirate, sweetheart. I can hold my breath a long time if I need to.”
His wink tore a laugh from you, and you wanted to poke him for it, but he managed to yank you down with his one hand, his strength making you gasp before his tongue did. 
He rocked your hip back and forth until you followed his movement, grinding your needy cunt across his face. He moaned into your sensitive skin, and you made sounds you didn’t know you could make. 
“Shaaanks, feels so good.”
Every moan, every word you gave him seemed to set him on fire, his tongue exploring so deep when it wasn’t attacking your clit. Rubbing yourself back and forth felt unreal, his mouth and nose driving you mad.
“Please, fuck… I’m gonna come, Shanks.”
You tried to pull away, but he wrapped his arm around your thigh, pressing down across your hips so hard, adding to the pressure.
The screams you let out were so loud, the whole camp had to have heard you. You fell forward and gripped your fingers in his hair, only able to watch those dark eyes for a second before you came in his mouth.
Shanks didn’t stop, he kept moaning, playing, drinking you in until you slumped against the headboard, and begged him to stop. 
“Mm, you look a little distressed,” he rasped in your ear. “How’s my damsel doing?”
He caught your hand as you tried to slap his chest, your limbs weak and useless.
“My girl’s still fiery after all that,” he laughed, kissing the inside of your wrist. “Want me to order us breakfast in bed?”
“Where did you grow up?”
It seemed you wouldn’t be leaving the bed at all today, lounging in messy sheets as you held each other. Laughing, humming with pleasure, sitting in the most comfortable silence you’d ever felt. 
Until you started asking questions. 
“You’re lookin’ at it,” he gestured vaguely, bringing a frown to your lips.
“Could you be a bit more specific? I don’t think you grew up in these quarters.”
Shanks let out a sigh, rolling to see your face better.
“I grew up on a pirate ship. Always been a pirate.”
“Literally? Or is this some pirate showboating shi–”
“Literally,” he laughed, his grin making you squirm, almost forgetting your goal. 
“Well, you’ve heard my whole life story,” you drawled, lightly poking his chest. “I’d like to hear something about the drunken pirate that took me hostage.”
“It’s a vacation,” he teased, leaving kisses on your neck until you squealed.
He gave you a satisfied look as your skin flushed, before tapping the tip of your nose.
“You really haven’t heard of me?”
“Should I have? I don’t really pay attention to gossip. The news seems so far away from this shitty island.”
Tilting his head, he gestured to himself, puffing up his chest.
“Red Haired Shanks?”
“… Well, that is how I would describe you,” you deadpanned, trying not to laugh. 
Another heavy sigh left him as he stood, and you admired the sight of his toned body as he headed toward the desk. He laughed at the mess he’d made emptying the drawers last night before he picked up the little stone, and tossed it to you. 
He winked when you caught it, rolling it around in your hands while you watched him pull out a piece of paper.
Staring at it for a minute, Shanks turned back to you, looking more serious than you’d ever seen him.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, it’s alright,” he said softly, walking toward you as you sat up in the bed. “I have to show you something, and I don’t want you to be scared.”
Sitting beside you, he caught your eyes, holding your gaze as if you’d disappear if he looked away. 
You didn’t think anything about him could scare you anymore until this moment. 
“What is it,” you choked out, hoping you weren’t about to lose this perfect feeling with him.
He quirked his lips as he looked down, the crinkling of paper the only sound as he laid it on your lap.
“Wow, you look…”
Shanks’ gorgeous face had distracted you. You knew he was a pirate. Of course he would have a bounty on him. But…
“4,048,900,900 berries?”
It felt like your eyes almost popped out of your skull as you shrieked, smacking his chest while he gave a sheepish grin.
“Looks like you’ve got expensive taste?”
“What the fuck, Shanks?”
Shoving the bounty poster at him, a headache started to form as your mind failed to comprehend a thing.
“Hey, it’s alright,” he soothed, stopping himself as he reached out to touch your shoulder. “I’m still just me. Your handsome, drunken pirate, okay?”
You stared at him dumbly as he chewed on his lip, and you were present enough to see the worry in his eyes.
“You’re still safe with me, Y/N. You’re still safe here. I would never hurt you.”
He stopped himself again as he reached for your face, his breath catching when you took his hand in yours.
“I know,” you whispered, holding his hand against your cheek. “I know I’m safe with you.”
A smile of relief broke across his face as he leaned in. You stopped his lips with your fingers, and narrowed your eyes at him, watching his go wide.
“Now you owe me some stories.”
His laugh was like music, and you gasped as you let him fall upon you, letting this pirate taste you, his kiss full of desperate, infectious joy. 
“You have heard of the king of the pirates, right?”
“I’ve never met anyone who’s lived more stories than grandma.”
“Your grandma sounds like an amazing woman. What kind of stories did she live,” Shanks asked as he walked his fingers along your skin.
“Well, the thing about fisherman,” you laughed, stretching your arms above your head, “is that you never know which stories are true or not.”
You tapped his nose as his eyes fucking sparkled at you.
“You keep telling me that lying is bad for the soul, but lying for a good story is what makes a true fisherwoman.”
Shanks beamed at you, tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear.
“Do you think any of her stories were true?”
Countless hours beside her, just waiting for a bite, flooded your mind. Those were times you treasured, before you grew to feel ashamed, and frustrated with your lot in life.
Those were times that felt magical, like every possibility was free for you to grasp.
“I'd like to think so,” you mused, seeing her playful grin in your mind, “but I’m pretty sure she was a pirate if they were.”
He let you taste his smile as he kissed you, and you’d never tasted anything better.
The two of you finally left his quarters for dinner, his warm arm and cloak wrapped around you as you were met with more cheers at the camp. 
“Listen up, crew,” Shanks shouted as he stood, his drink held high. “Our fisherwoman has tales to tell of her grandma the pirate, so let’s gather round. Let’s toast to the woman who taught our fiery damsel how to live!”
Tugging at him was useless as the crew gathered around the fire, their raucous cheers dying down as they waited. 
You were frozen, caught in dread and embarrassment until they called for you.
“Come on, fisherwoman! Let us hear it.”
“Tell us a story, Y/N!”
Shanks rubbed along your spine before taking your hand. You held the stone in the other, and let her stories pour out.
You’d never had anyone to share them with before, and it felt like home. Their reactions, their laughs, and questions, all of it spurred you on. The way they’d cheer and toast over triumphs, and curse over misfortunes, filled you with pride.
“That’s Skypiea, “Yassop called out, amidst a wave of affirmations.
“What’s that,” you questioned, this being the first real interruption of the night. 
“That island,” Benn explained, “we’ve been there before.”
“Don’t fuck with me. That’s stupid, I know she made this one up,” you argued, annoyed with the lies on their faces. “An island in the sky? Come on.”
Shanks squeezed your hand until you looked at him. 
“It’s true,” he swore, eyes heavy with it. “You’re the only one who’s allowed to lie on this crew.”
“She must have been a great pirate if she made it to Skypiea,” Lucky Roux chimed in. “What was her name?”
None of them recognized it, and you tried to put the idea to rest.
“If she was a great pirate who settled down with a kid, she probably changed her name,” Benn stated, as if it were fact.
“No. That’s crazy…”
“To the great fisherwoman pirate,” Shanks toasted, with what sounded like reverence. “May her stories live on.”
You drank to the calls of ‘hear hear,’ and her untrustworthy name being shouted at the finally full moon. 
“Well, she did cuss like a sailor,” you whispered, still dissociating after Shanks had pulled you onto his lap. He laughed, kissing the top of your head before he whispered back.
“Wanna take a walk with me?”
Everything was so bright, the moonlight making the world feel even more surreal. 
This man I’ve been drowning in is an Emperor of the Sea. 
And grandma's stories might really be true...
You’d been too lost in thought to notice where he’d taken you, until he helped you climb onto the smooth rock by the tide pools. 
Careful not to slip, he guided you around to a relatively dry spot, far enough away to be untouched by the tide this early in the night.
“How are you feeling?”
He touched your chin as you sat down, bringing a small gasp to your lips when you saw his shining face, lit like some mythical creature under this heavenly sky.
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly, genuinely searching yourself for the answer. “I think I’m good. It’s just a lot.”
His slow smile caught you again, and the knowledge that your time was short shook you, making you reach for him too.
Falling into a hug, you breathed in the scent of him.
I wish this never had to end.
“You sure you’re alright,” he checked in, smoothing his hand over your back as you buried your face in his chest. 
“Kiss me.”
Your whispered command took your breath as his lips met yours. The gentlest of touches, the sweetness he poured into you, made it even harder not to let bittersweet tears fall.
One more day. I have another perfect day with him. Don’t ruin it. 
Your hands curled into his hair, and you whimpered with need as he let you push him onto his back. 
Shanks met your desperate need, grinding up against you as you straddled him, drinking your moans as your tongues danced together. Chaos, the crashing waves getting closer. 
“Y/N,” he breathed, watching you stand to strip under that silver light, tugging his pants down so that you could feel him again.
You needed to feel him again.
“Y/N, you’re incredible. I…”
The full moon lit your skin, but not as much as his gaze did. Those dark eyes left you on fire as you rode his perfect cock to the sound of the tide, his rough hand making you shake as he smoothed along your hips, your stomach, your chest. 
“You make me feel so good,” you moaned, still fighting off the bitter from the sweet. “I’ve never felt so—“
Shanks found leverage against the stone, making you cry out as he thrusted up into you, forcing you to steady yourself with your hands on his chest.
“Fuck, I could stay inside you forever, sweetheart. Your perfect pussy sucks me in so well— Mm fuck, yes, baby.”
Falling forward, you moaned against his skin as you came. He kept fucking up into you until you screamed his name.
“Making yourself come on my cock,” he soothed, stroking your hair as his rhythm slowed, but never stopped. “My girl is so good, so good for me.”
His praise brought whimpers from your lips until he pushed himself up, kissing your neck as you sat in his lap, still holding his heat inside you. 
“Will you help me spread out the clothes, beautiful? I need you— I need to watch you under the moon like this. Please, damsel, let me…”
You both moaned as you pulled yourself off of him, crawling to the pile of clothes to spread them out. He finished stripping, helping you lay down with a makeshift pillow.
Your fingers wrapped around his length, guiding him to your entrance as his eyes burned into yours. Leaning his weight on his elbow beside you, Shanks’ powerful body started to pump into you, filling you, stretching you. 
Slowly, but so deep it made your eyes roll back. 
“Look at me, please.” 
His words were barely a whisper, barely loud enough to hear over the waves. But you heard his plea, your fingers digging into his skin as you studied his face. 
It hurt. You fought to let it be joy. But the intensity, the need, the awe that seemed to flow from him was too much. 
Because it seemed to match yours, and you couldn't risk believing it.
Timing your breath with the waves, you let the bitter fade away. You let yourself be nothing at all, except for the lucky person making love to him under the light of the moon. The lucky person whose skin got to be seen, and touched, and tasted by this perfect pirate. This beautiful, sweet, intoxicating man. 
Neither of you spoke again. Just watched each other as you fell apart, and the only words given to the night were your names. 
Your bodies met that blissful moment together, like some pagan ritual. The bright sky bore witness to pure pleasure, pure connection. 
The magic seemed to last forever, your breathless bodies still melded together. Still together. 
Until bitter finally won, breaking the spell as salty tears slid down to meet the tide. 
“Are you alright, sweetheart?”
Mourning the loss of him as he left your body, you brushed those tears aside, and did what every fisherwoman knows how to do.
“I’m okay,” you breathed, smiling as you touched his cheek.
You lied. 
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Likes and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you so much!
a/n: Please save me, I am down a rabbit hole. Too far down, I think. Damn these "one shots," consuming my soul, making me fall in love. I don't know if I'll recover from this one.
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Tag List: @shewrites02 | @nothing-but-brass | @honeyoru | @onlyseob | @constawrites | @gingernut1314 | @i-am-vita | @laurelthesimp | @therealsatorugojo | @jadeddangel
Part 4 (End)
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izels-writing · 8 months
s. black — the herbology weakness
Pairing: sirius black x fem!potter!reader
Summary: being james potter’s little sister was tough, it was even tougher when you had a crush on his best friend
Warnings: she’s so in love it’s school girl crush, fluff, angst toward the end, mentions of death
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being james potter's little sister meant one of two things. one, you were pretty popular, and it helped that you were beautiful and smart as well. two, you weren't allowed to fancy his best mates. more specifically, his best friend, sirius black.
usually, you didn't complain, you didn't care, you could care less than not caring. that was until the end of their fourth year, when you realized that you were falling for the one and only. which was hell all on its own, no need to add on the fact that if he did fancy you back, you wouldn't be able to date.
now, you were in your fifth year, while your brother was in his sixth. over the summer, sirius had moved in after his family disowned him, and it made your crush worse, but in all, you were glad he was safe. as of right now though, you were in the library with lily evans, your best friend since your second year, a friend you had acquired with a funny story.
you had introduced yourself, using your full name, and at first she was about to turn you away, thinking you were exactly like your brother, but you quickly proved her wrong. all you did was politely ask if you could sit and talk with her, considering your brother had left you in the dust to join his friends. she quickly accepted.
james, of course, was jealous.
"y/n? you there?" lily chuckled, waving a hand in front of your face. you snapped out of your daze, and chuckled, nodding at her.
"what? are you thinking about black again?" lily teased quietly. she had been the only one to find out about your crush, though she did tell you that everyone could see it besides your brother and the boy you fancied himself.
you shook your head quickly, feeling a blush grow. "no! just thinking about exams this year." you replied nonchalantly.
lily sighed, "they're not so bad." she replied quietly. you felt a pang of guilt, knowing that time period was a touchy subject. sure, james and sirius had humiliated snape, but what you had done after finding out what he called lily was much worse.
you smiled, grabbing her hand gently. "hey," you said softly, "it's his loss."
lily smiled reassuringly and nodded. quickly, her sadness faded. "you're right. anyway, we've got more—"
a thump interrupted her words, making you both snap in the direction of the noise. it had been at the entrance of the library, where you two were near, but slightly hidden.
"padfoot! come on! focus! what's got you all unfocused? we've got pranks to execute in a couple of weeks." a boy with messy hair asked, looking at the handsome boy beside him. sirius shook his head, "nothing, mate, nothing."
remus chuckled, "a certain lady got your interest, pads?" he asked.
you felt your heart sink, despite not hearing sirius' response yet. if he was in love, it surely wouldn't be you. the thought alone made your heart break.
"moons, st—"
"n/n! hey! what are you doing?" james said, walking over to you, swooping down to kiss your head.
one thing about you and james, you grew up with tons of affection, so this was common between the two of you. not to mention, you two were only a year apart and rather close — despite being polar opposites.
"hey, jamsie. i'm just here with lily. what are you mauraders up to?" you asked, smiling at them, pretending as though you hadn't heard remus before. sirius beamed back at you, making your smile grow.
"practicing for DADA and stuff. real material here. want to join in, evans?" james asked, his genuine kindness actually seeping through.
lily, however, shook her head. "no thanks, potter. i've got to get back to common room anyway, some other time?" she suggested. you and sirius shared a look, impressed by her much kinder words.
james smiled and nodded. "yeah, alright."
lily gave him a small smile, and gathered her things, walking off. finally, when she was out of earshot, you and sirius broke.
"wow! she was actually nice to you!" sirius said, giggling like an idiot.
you chuckled, "yeah! she even addressed you by potter and not a toerag!" you added.
james scowled at you two. quickly, remus stepped in.
"alright you two. enough teamwork. let james have his moment." remus chuckled. james grinned, patting remus' back. "thank you, moony."
"anytime, prongs." remus breathed out, patting james' back as well.
"aw, it's all in good fun. right, love?" sirius said, looking to you for reassurance. you paused for a moment. he hadn't ever addressed you as love. but, perhaps he was getting accustomed to being part of the potters.
you took a subtle deep breath, nodding and smiling. "right you are, hon." you replied. he smiled at you, but worrying you'd blush or give yourself away, you looked down at the book in your lap.
james narrowed his eyes at the two of you, but said nothing. remus and peter struggled to fight the urge to just yell out about your feelings for each other.
"so, y/n, how's studying coming along?" remus asked.
you groaned, "don't even get me started! i know all of this stuff, i know i do, but i'm afraid that i'll forget it as soon as i get to the exams! now, herbology though, it's a nightmare. i know nothing."
"why are you studying so early anyway? it's barely january." james mumbled, shaking his head at you. you glared at him, but turned back to remus, who had a small smile on his face.
"well, if you'd like, i can help you study? i mean i've taken the exam so i know what to expect." remus suggested. you grinned, "yes! of course! please!"
sirius crossed his arms and leaned against a bookcase, rolling his eyes at the two of you. remus pretended not to notice, while you stayed oblivious.
"okay! why don't you come to our dorm on saturday? the boys will all be at hogsmeade so we'll have the dorm to ourselves." remus suggested. you nodded with a bright smile, "yes! of course! thank you so much!"
you threw yourself at him, hugging him and kissing his cheeks gently. he hugged back with a laugh, then let you go so you could get back to your common room.
once you had left, james overcame his shock.
"are you planning on being in a dorm alone with my little sister? are you mental?! no!" james exclaimed. madam pince scowled and shushed him loudly before walking off.
"yeah! you're insane if you think we're gonna let you be alone! i mean what exactly are you thinking? you alone with a beautiful girl like her?!" sirius exclaimed. madam pince shushed him again. james didn't seem to notice sirius' comment.
remus rolled his eyes. "calm down you two! i've got a date with someone on saturday, i was actually hoping sirius could fill in."
sirius glared at him, knowing what remus was doing, but james hadn't, and probably would never catch on.
"why?" james asked dumbfounded.
remus sighed, "if you haven't noticed, she's mainly studying herbology, her weakness. it so happens padfoot is spectacular at herbology. get where i'm going with this?"
"oh..." james stretched out the 'o' sound, nodding slowly. "well, i suppose that is pretty reasonable. as long as pads doesn't make any moves."
sirius scoffed, "as if." he told them. remus gave him a look, to which he ignored.
sirius was utterly in love with you. it started in the beginning of his fifth year, he hadn't realized it right away, in fact, he thought it was merely a familial connection. then he started noticing the little things. the light blush when you talked to him. the way you bit your lip when you were concentrating. or, whenever you were excited about something, you'd immediately go to james to tell him. usually he'd dismiss it, like the older brother he was, but sirius wouldn't. sirius would listen for hours and hours, until you got every single point across. in his eyes, you were the most amazing person he knew.
that's when it had hit him.
and merlin had he been falling hard.
saturday has rolled around quickly for you. classes had flown by, with the shit ton of homework, like usual. finally, after lunch, you made your way to your brothers dorm.
as you pushed the door open, expecting the lone werewolf on the other side, you immediately started yelling/singing the beginning of bohemian rhapsody. you and remus always greeted each other this way. unfortunately for you, it was not remus on the other side.
"is this the real life?! is this just fant—oh my god!" you exclaimed, your eyes widening as you looked at the raven-haired boy in front of you. he was smirking at you, as if he was amused by you.
"sirius! uhm, where's remus?" you asked with a nervous laugh, tugging at your large sweater, that happened to be sirius'. you had stolen it as a joke, but he let you keep it, mumbling something about how it looked better on you. and you didn't exactly object.
"had a date with a lady. he asked me to tell you that he's sorry about that by the way." sirius replied, smiling at you now, glancing at your fidgeting hands.
god this is very embarrassing, you thought.
"oh! well, i'll just study with him another time then. thanks for letting me know! b-" you said quickly.
"woah, woah, woah! hold on! we're studying together, baby potter!" sirius exclaimed, rushing over to you before you could completely disappear out of view.
you tilted your head to the side, "we are?"
sirius chuckled, "yeah! why do you think i waited here? besides, i happen to be amazing at herbology." he replied boastfully.
you knew studying with him would somehow make you fancy him even more. you were so sure of it. anything sirius black did was like angel's singing to you. well, that may have been a bit of an exaggeration, but still. you wanted to object, turn him down, and just study with remus.
but again, your words failed you.
"...okay. but i'd better get a good homework grade and exam grade. i've been failing herbology, getting p's and d's. not exactly my style." you said. he nodded with a small smile.
"alright then." he replied, bringing you back into the dorm.
thirty minutes in, and you were already lost. you were lost in one of two things. his words and what he was trying to explain, (you didn't understand mostly but you loved hearing him talk), and his eyes. merlin, his eyes. they were a beautiful grey color, and you always did love the color grey. you wouldn't stare at him for too long, but it was long enough for you. but you were careful in getting caught.
"alright, now, touching the trunk of a wiggentree protects you from what?" sirius asked, looking up from the textbook. you looked down at your textbook blankly, before looking back up at him.
"um...dark creatures?" you guessed. he smiled and nodded.
you grinned and took a deep breath. finally you were getting somewhere. despite only having guessed that. it was a start, because you usually never even guessed right. professor sprout had given up on trying to force you to focus ages ago.
"now, from the top..."
wednesday had been the day you were dreading. after studying with sirius, you wrote your essay the next day. then you handed it in monday, and now, you were going to be receiving it back. you were beyond nervous. you hated failing as it is, but you also didn't want sirius to think you had wasted his time.
"miss potter," professor sprout said, handing you your essay with a small smile as you were about to leave the greenhouse, "well done."
you furrowed your eyebrows, walking past the other students and stopping on the way up the hill. you slowly opened your essay, fearing the worst, until you noticed the actual grade.
an E.
you never got an E in herbology.
you gasped in shock, feeling a burst of excitement. you hoisted your bag over you shoulder, and began running toward the castle, where you knew sirius would be. it was about lunch time now.
you ran as fast as your feet would take you, pushing past people and smiling like an idiot. you scanned around the corridor, until your eyes finally landed on a tall, handsome boy with remus, your brother, and peter.
you ran over, not caring if you looked like an imbecile, and stopping suddenly in front of him. you frantically opened the essay again, turning it around to show the boy.
"you got an E!" he said excitedly.
"i got an E!" you repeated, matching his excitement.
you threw your arms around him, hugging him tightly. he hugged back happily, laughing into your shoulder.
"that's my girl! i knew you could do it!" he said. you blushed, giggling softly.
"thank you." you mumbled, pulling back from the hug, keeping your arms around his neck. he pulled back a little too, but kept his arms around your waist as well.
then, it happened.
you weren't sure who leaned in first. in fact, you weren't even sure who instigated this. all you knew was that you were kissing sirius black right now and it was nothing like how you imagined it.
it was better.
he was gentle and sweet. his hands were on your hips, resting softly. your hands were intertwined around his neck.
finally, you both pulled back, slightly out of breath. you would've forgotten about the boys behind you, had it not been your brother yelling.
"what?! what's—?! i-" james stammered, glancing between you and sirius. remus and peter sighed in relief and also in tiredness.
"take a walk, james..." peter mumbled, turning james around and patting his back, pushing him toward the great hall.
"my sister and my best mate...my best mate and my sister...y/n and sirius...sirius and y/n..." james mumbled.
remus chuckled, "we'll leave you to it then..." he said, walking off with the other two.
you turned to sirius, who was smiling the happiest smile you had ever seen. you were happy too, because merlin was he was amazing, but your defenses quickly came up.
"listen sirius, i don't want to be some fling or whatever—" you mumbled.
sirius chuckled and shook his head quickly, "trust me, y/n, you're not a fling. i fancy you, more than i've ever fancied anyone."
"you sure?" you asked softly, despite already feeling like you knew the answer. he never called you by your name, it was always baby potter or n/n, never y/n. deep down you knew he wasn't lying.
"of course! you're the best person i've ever met! i fancy you for you! why do you think i gave you that sweater? why do you think i make you tea when you're not feeling all too great? why-"
you kissed him quickly, smirking at him when you pulled away.
he laughed, and you noticed a pink tint on his cheeks. "alright, i get it. point is, will you, please, go out with me?" he asked.
you shrugged, "only cause you said please." you replied with a smirk. sirius chuckled, ruffling your hair up and wrapping his arm around you.
"love, you'll be the death of me." he said.
"i'm a potter. it's what we do best." you grinned.
harry reached for the photo that was sitting on the table. sirius had left it, likely on accident because it seemed to be the only lively thing in grimmauld place. but it was also intriguing. he had never seen this woman before. she was standing beside his mother and father, and sirius, smiling like there was no tomorrow. she looked a lot like his father, black hair and hazel eyes. her hair, however, looked rather tamer. this had to be his parents wedding day, mostly because lily wore a white dress, and james wore a nice, black suit.
"harry? have you seen—oh thank merlin, you have it. where'd you find it?" sirius asked, smiling lightly at the boy. harry gestured at the table, but didn't tear his eyes from the woman.
she looked familiar. oddly familiar. though, he knew he had never met her.
"sirius...who is this?" he asked tentatively, still staring at the woman on the picture.
sirius walked over with a sad smile, feeling his heart break more and more as he saw your bright smile. he hadn't seen your smile in almost sixteen years.
"your aunt, on your dads side. she and james were closer than i could've ever imagined in siblings. and she and lily were the best of friends, rarely saw them apart in school." he spoke gently, noticing harry's shift in demeanor. he looked sadder, like this was another thing he'd never get to experience.
"what's...what's her name?" harry asked quietly.
sirius felt his heart break more. it was saddening, knowing you would've loved to see harry now, and he didn't even know your name.
"y/n. y/n potter. your dad would call her n/n. she..." he hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was right to say this, but he wanted harry to know her, the way james and lily and you would've wanted. "she was the love of my life. in fact, we were even going to get married. after the war."
the memory felt bittersweet. he remembered proposing, at home, with just the two of you. you were ecstatic, blubbering 'yes' over and over. he remembered the way you kissed him, like it was the last thing you'd ever do. he remembered james crying tears of joy and sadness the next day as he realized his little sister was getting married, but he knew she was in good hands. he remembered you and lily rambling on and on about a small bachelorette party. even when things were chaotic and scary, you always found a way to lighten the situation. to make everyone feel safe.
to make him feel safe.
"what happened to her?" harry asked, finally looking up at sirius with a broken look. just the way sirius talked about you, harry knew how important you had to have been to everyone, but you and him would never get to meet. not in this lifetime anyway.
sirius swallowed the lump in his throat. while it hurt to mention, he knew you'd want harry to know. you'd want harry to find the good in the situation. in your situation.
"she died trying to protect your father...she was on a mission with him. the two potters, they were the dynamic duo. more than your dad and i honestly. a deatheater was trying to get away, and james wouldn't let him, so the deatheater shot a horrible curse at him. but your aunt, a brave woman she was, she jumped in front of james. it injured her badly, and she didn't make it, but she did it because you were going to be born soon. and she wanted you to have your father. even if it meant her dying. it's why your middle name is james, she's the one who suggested it, before she. . ."
harry felt a pressure in his chest, almost as if he wanted to cry. he didn't understand why he was so emotional over you, he hadn't ever met you. but it felt like he had. you sacrificed yourself for his dad. that was one of the bravest things he had ever heard.
"she sounds amazing." harry finally said, ignoring the pressure. sirius looked at the picture, his eyes fixated on you.
"she was."
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nyashykyunnie · 2 months
˗ˏˋ Zayne x Lemurian! Fem! Reader: Ebb Day ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ ˎˊ˗
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚𝔻𝕠𝕔𝕥𝕠𝕣 ℤ𝕒𝕪𝕟𝕖˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
・┆✦ Entry : 040 ✦ ┆・
[ Reader is Related to Rafayel because I said so<3]
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ My Ocean Belongs To You ] ¡! ❞
"Zayne, do you like art galleries?" "Yes. How come you're asking?" "My big brother is hosting an art gallery<33. Wanna come with me:0?" "When is it?" "Saturday in the afternoon!" "Sure."
And that was how Zayne found himself in this situation, while you sported a pretty little frilly long dress— He was simply wearing his typical black dress shirt and trousers. Of course, he was secretly staring at you the whole time, he's always been interested in you but never had once vocalized it nor has he ever openly made it obvious or even drop hints.
Besides, he had been a little stressed from work as of late. He had to deal with a lot of troublesome patients during the weekdays and there were too many close calls on his surgeries as of late so he badly needed to take his mind off of the hospital even just for a bit.
And you are his favourite kind of cure.
Zayne followed behind you as you pranced in your steps, guiding him to the location of the art gallery. it didn't take the both of you too long to arrive to the place.
Fine and extremely detailed canvases were attached to the walls, each one unique on their own.
Zayne wasn't much of a painter, he could only sketch since he had to draw a lot of anatomical diagrams back when he was still in medical school.
"Your brother is very skilled" Zayne says as his gaze landed on the different pieces.
"Right?" You beam, hopping in your steps even more happily as you admire your cousin's works. "He's always working hard on his paintings."
He follows behind you, admiring the image of you more than he does admiring the pretty paintings around the both of you.
"Ah, there he is!" You spring into happy little skips as you made your way towards a man with deep purple hair boredly leaning on the wall and fiddling with a pen in his fingers. "Oppa!"
"Geez, pipe down, I can hear you just fine" He says in a sarcastic but gentle voice as his bluish-pink eyes similar to yours land on you. "I thought you were joking when you said you'll visit"
"Oppa will be disappointed if I didn't" You grin, making him roll his eyes.
"Who is this?" His gaze falls on Zayne, pushing himself off of the wall.
"I'm Zayne" He introduces himself.
"Zayne..." The name rolls off of the painter's tongue, pondering as he tries to remember where he has heard it before. "Ah yes, you're my sister's doctor, right? She wont stop yapping about you I almost went deaf from it. I'm Rafayel"
"Oppa!" You protest, smacking his arm.
"Hey, ow!" Rafayel fake winces, a dramatic expression on his face as he gasped. "Guppy, that is not how you treat your older brother! Isn't family supposed to love eachother?"
"As if!" You stick your tongue out at Rafayel and Zayne stood awkwardly in between this little banter.
"Pfft," He scoffs, rubbing the spot you had hit. "Still as feisty as ever like a sea urchin."
"You're as round and ridiculous as a puffer fish" You bite back.
"...." Zayne felt like he really shouldn't be here at this moment.
"Anyway, I'm gonna go off there and greet Thomas" You say in a childish, high pitched voice as you point at a direction and storm off.
Zayne shook his head, wanting to follow you but found it rude if he left your brother all alone without a proper conversation. Besides, he could see you in his peripheral vision.
"I meant it though." Rafayel starts, humming as continued playing with the pen absentmindedly. "She speaks very highly of you like a little baby dolphin learning how to jump off of water for the first time."
"...I'm glad she thinks so, but I'm only doing my job as her doctor" Zayne answers, pushing his eyeglasses back.
"Isn't that what every doctor says?" Rafayel scoffs, crossing his arms as both men overlooked you who is happily chatting with Thomas and asking about some paintings. "My little sister is a handful, isn't she?"
"Well," Zayne hums, deciding to play along with Rafayel. "She often doesn't listen to her doctor's orders and is somehow scared of staying in the hospital at night believing ghosts might swallow her."
"...Did she actually say that?" Rafayel cocks up an eyebrow.
"She did." Zayne simply confirms while watching you prance back to them and tug at Rafayel's arm.
"Oppa, oppa, I want the pretty puzzle piece music box, get it for me!" You say childishly, pulling at Rafayel's hand.
"Hey, I'm not a wallet" Rafayel groans but allows himself to be dragged over to the gift store area.
Zayne followed you both, watching as the two of you bantered on and on. He could tell that Rafayel spoiled you a lot, watching as he keep saying sarcastic remarks and marine related insults while letting you pull him around.
"You're a grown woman now and a hunter, why exactly do you need a music box puzzle?" Rafayel rolls his eyes.
"Because it helps!" You reason out, shooting a hopeful look at Zayne. "Right doctor Zayne? Right?"
"Puzzle making and achieving to finish it can certainly boost dopamine production," Zayne replies, sighing as he realizes what you are using him for. "As for sleep, well, music boxes can certainly help lull you to sleep."
"Ugh, using your doctor card on me, really?" Rafayel groans, but pays for the puzzle piece anyway. "Now shoo, there's an ice cream store at the front. Your brother is buisy doing grown-up stuff so children should behave."
"I'm not a 2 year old!" You say as you hold the now packaged puzzle piece before storming off.
"...." Zayne was about to follow behind you until he heard Rafayel's voice again.
"Do you know about Lemuria? There's a secret rumour amongst their merpeople" he says, "Every year there's a day when the tide is low, and it flows in the opposite direction. It's on that day that Lemurians are at their weakest hence why they keep it a secret. Even the weakest humans can end them if they so please."
"Then how come you know of this?" Zayne inquires.
"Well, it's a fairy tale" Rafayel dismisses his question. "She's waiting for you"
Zayne nods his head politely before going towards your direction.
Throughout the whole time on the ice cream shop, he keeps thinking of what Rafayel said. And for some reason, he can;t take it off his mind.
Despite that, he chooses to just focus on the you who is busily munching on the ice cream he had bought for you earlier.
"Slow down, it's not going anywhere" He says, picking up a napkin and wiping the cream off of your cheek.
"But it's just so yummy!" You protest.
"I know," Zayne nods his head, "But still, eat a little more slowly.
"...Okay" You pout.
Zayne shakes his head, smiling faintly as he found the whole situation a little ridiculous. He could tell Rafayel thought that he spoils you too. After all, he's putting up with your childish antiques and scolds you as if you were a small child.
Overall, this litle... Outing turned out well since he met your older brother.
⋅ ˚ ₊ ‧ ଳ ‧ ₊ ˚ ⋅ ⋆ ౨ৎ ˚ ⟡ ˖ ࣪
For the past two weeks, Rafayel's words bothered Zayne over and over. It kept repeating in his mind and it even echoes in his ears whenever he woke up. It's a miracle he didn't have any surgeries these days and managed to keep a proffesional act despite it high bothering him.
To add to that, you havent texted or called him a single time.
Sure, you're not required to talk to him all the time but today seemed particularly different as it nagged him.
Zayne pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing in frustration as he finished up the last of his reports.
He then reached for his phone and instantly dialed your number.
Thankfully enough, you picked up.
"Hello?" You voice was horrible, making Zayne immediately alarmed.
"Are you alright? your voice is a little rough" He inquires, taking his doctor's coat off. and grabbing his keys.
"No... Fever"
"A fever?" He sighs, storming out the hallways and into the parking lot. "You're home, aren't you? Have you taken your temperature and drank medicine?"
"Cant..." You breathe heavily. "Too weak."
"Stay in bed." Zayne said as he hopped into his car and brought life to the engine. "I'll come."
He then dropped the phone call as he drived out of the hospital and towards your apartment.
Zayne knew deep inside it was probably just as a normal fever, but there's a surge of panic in him as he hurried over. The moment Zayne parked, he hurriedly went upstairs. He was irrational with the way his mind is overthinking things.
Surely it's just a fever.
A fever.
Zayne opened the door to your apartment and quietly locked it behind him then going to your bedroom where he found you curled up in your bed.
"I'm here" Zayne says with a gentle voice, his tone a little lower than usual as he gently pries off the blanket off of your face and placed a palm on your forehead.
"Ngh... Zayne" You whine a little.
"Ssh," He said, removing his palm and reaching for the bedside drawer and pulled out the thermometer.
Zayne took your temperature and cocked up an eyebrow at the results.
You're burning up and yet you have a normal temperature. He aimed it at himself and gave back a good result too, meaning it's not broken or playing tricks.
"???" Zayne looks at you, wanting an explanation.
"Water... Please." You whisper.
He rescinds in demanding an explanation, your voice isn't fake and neither is that glazed over look on your face.
"Stay here, don't pull the blanket over your head" Zayne said, getting up from his seat.
He was running a number of possible explanations on why you're feeling the way you do. Maybe it's stress induced, or something. Perhaps a better option now is not to ponder but take you to the hospital because it might be a dangerous situation.
He walks back into the bedroom and sat paused,
"...." Zayne places the glass down, crouching down towards you and observes the glittering blue things on your face.
'That wasn't there earlier' He thought, his forehead knitting as he reached to brush a finger on your cheek where the crystal like things glimmered.
The touch caused you to whimper a little and he pulled his hand back immediately.
"Every year there's a day when the tide is low, and it flows in the opposite direction. It's on that day that Lemurians are at their weakest hence why they keep it a secret. Even the weakest humans can end them if they so please."
Rafayel's words repeat in his mind.
"Zayne..." You mumble, curling over to him before trying to get up.
"Your face,..." He inquires, helping you sit up while another hand reached to place pillows against the headboard and laying you against it. "Lemuria?"
He hesitated at the question, watching your expression droop.
"...Sorry." You apologize.
"There's nothing to be sorry for" He said, reaching up to fix the blanket on your lap. "Are you feeling like this because of ebb day? The tides being low and the water flowing backwards?"
"..." You look up at him, alarmed. "How? Who? Y-you're not supposed to know those."
'Ah..' Zayne mentally curses at himself for being too brash on his approach.
"Your brother, Rafayel, he told me" He said, and felt relieved as you calm down.
"...That's funny" You mumbles. "He told me to never tell anyone and yet he told you. Big brother trusted you with a secret depsite just meeting."
Zayne didn't answer, wondering too why the painter would do that but froze as he felt you nuzzle his shoulder.
"You're not mad... Or weirded out?" You ask.
Zayne shakes his head, reaching up and gently stroked your head. "Why would I? Just because you're not... Human?"
"I'm not" He shakes his head, gently pulling you over to his lap so he can hold you more properly and you can rest more comfortably on his shoulder. "There's no reason to. It just makes me a little concerned that maybe my treatment plans on you dont work or worst, it could be detrimental to you."
"We're the same as humans" you explains. "Just... Different in a lot of waya. I get hungry and get sick like humans. So it's fine."
"I see." He hums, stroking your head.
He almost wanted to nuzzle his nose on your head but stopped himself.
"You won't hurt me, right?" You ask, fidgeting. "Brother said that humans would abuse a creature's weakness once they find out."
"Never" He said, pausing in his ministrations on your strands. "I would never hurt the person I like. If anything, I wish to protect you"
He brings your hand up to his lips, and kisses the inside of your palm.
"I would never, ever hurt you." He shakes his head, those intense amber-green eyes. "Not now, not in the future, never in my lifetime nor in the next ones. No matter who or what you are, I will never hurt you"
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꒰ A/N: I'm just so weak against Zayne pls sniffsniff. I love him sm I just want to hold this silly man. I wanna cuddle this precious man qwq!!! My precious Zayne TT. This man is fr one of my biggest comfort character. I can't wait for his birthday event in september. Also I'm srry if u cringe at the feesh insults its my kind of humor xDD!! ꒱
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ʚ(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭ .。✧・゚: ~♡ —! stories written by kyunnie; translations, reposts, plagiarism are strictly forbidden.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
ok but like imagine miguel finding your social media and like
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miguel was never one to initiate having a social media account, he found it as a worthless distraction from such important work, it was an idle indulgence for attention-hungry people that he found no interest in. you did a whole lot of convincing to get him to sign up for an instagram, when every time you pitched the idea to him, he always declined before you could even finish.
it was only when lyla made an instagram account for miguel by your request that he was finally introduced to the world of social media. "i still believe it was because you wanted an instagram." miguel muttered as lyla kept a tab open, scrolling and liking through the spider people in the spider society's posts. "so what if i did? you need it anyway." she responded as miguel side-eyed her. "what would i even need it for?" "stalking them!" lyla said cheerily, pertaining to you, who kept urging miguel to get social media.
"i would neve–" miguel was about to speak up, but his monitor's display was replaced by the image of your instagram's profile. "they went on vacation, right? i'm betting they posted a lot of photos about it. according to my statistics, they post every 25 minutes on the–" "i'm not looking through this." miguel said as he tried exiting the tab, but lyla had it locked on his monitor. "just give in, mig." she said with a teasing tone as miguel grumbled.
reluctantly, miguel did as the AI assistant said, and scrolled through your account. he scrolled through picture after picture, and though he enjoyed seeing these pictures of you... he was unsure of what exactly he was supposed to do. "so what do i do, just keep scrolling?" "you hit that little heart icon, see what happens." lyla suggested, and miguel did as he was told. "...okay, what now?" he asked her, confused. "wait for it..."
suddenly, a message appeared in miguel's inbox. lyla opened it for him, and it was from you. "YOU GOT INSTA??????" was your message to him, with little screaming cat emojis following the message. lyla teased miguel as he typed out his reply. "i did." he messaged, while you replied almost immediately. "and i see you liked my pic <3" "i did?" "yeah, i'm glad you like what you saw :>" "no problem and they really were adorable to look at."
"'adorable'? really?" lyla asked him, unimpressed as miguel's face got all flustered. "mind your business." he snapped back as he got a reply from you. "i'll be the first one to like all your pics, boss (。•̀ᴗ-)✧" miguel chuckled to himself a little when he saw that kaomoji in your message and smiled as he thought of you waiting for him to post something for you to like.
the sound of a camera shutter was heard next to miguel as lyla went on her end of miguel's instagram and posted a photo of miguel smiling widely and getting all flustered in the face. your username was tagged in the caption as lyla hit 'post', and soon... miguel got the notification: you liked his photo. miguel's eyes widened at two things: you liked his photo, he posted a photo? miguel turned to face lyla as she grinned, folded her arms over her chest and mouthed him a 'nailed it' before she logged off.
miguel wasn't too mad about it, he could figure out how to delete it on his own, but a part of him didn't want to. the fact you liked it... it sent a warmth through his whole body and made him smile a little wider. maybe he'd keep this whole social media thing going, it wouldn't hurt, right?
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ivy-plays · 1 year
Since you write for Helluva Boss, I thought I could request something for it! It's just that this one is pretty specific so you don't have to write if you don't want to! It was just a fun little idea I had while I was watching a movie.
I was wondering if I could request for 'Blitzø x Jessica Rabbit like S/O' romantic headcanons?
Hi!!! I'm so glad you sent In a request. I immediately got ideas as soon as I read your request! I hope you like it and have a good rest of your day/ night!.
Warnings: none really. If I missed any let me know
Paring: Blitzø x Jessica Rabbit! Reader.
Relationship: romantic
Okay so starting off with how the two of you would have met.
You would honestly probably work out of the lust ring mostly because they just seem to have a higher quantity of singers and performers that fit the vibe.
The two of you meet during the events of the episode where moxie takes Millie to Ozzy's.
You were performing that night and Blitzø couldn't help but not look away from you as the stage lights hit your red sequence dress just right creating an effect that made it seem you were glowing. That coupled with your sultry singing voice the man was hooked deep.
Blitzø had caught your eye while you were on stage as you noticed a goitcia prince sitting across from him.
That peaked your Interest. And throughout the rest of your set you observed the imp rather closely,and you would be a liar if you were to say he wasn't good looking.
After you are done with your set and made your way off stage and towards the bar Blitzø had managed to slip away from Stolas and made his way over to the bar and over to you.
When he introduced himself you turned your head ever so slightly to look at him and a soft smile graced your ruby red lips.
The two of you talked for a while until your stage manager came over and called you back stage to prepare for your next set.
You wave off your Manager with a promise to follow behind shortly.
Turning back to Blitzø you gently cupped the side of his face and leaned in promising to see him again while secretly slipping a slip of paper with your number on it into his jacket pocket.
It would be a few weeks later that the two of you would meet in person again. The two of you had been talking over the phone during that time just getting to know each other,but tonight the both of you were free so you were taking the opportunity to meet up.
The two of you would meet at a nice ( but not fancy. Just not dirty and has a good health score) restaurant.
The night went well and the both of you had lots of fun and that would end up being how the two of you got together.
Now for the actual relationship
Blitzø would be very protective of you.
Not because he didn't think you were weak by any means, but just because you were pretty famous across hell .
Whenever you weren't busy with practices or performances you would spend your time at I.M.P. .
You got on pretty well with Millie the two of you finding plenty of things to talk about. Moxie didn't mind you either and actually would be extremely reluctant to believe that Blitzø had managed to get such a famous and beautiful person to date him.
And as for you and Loona we'll. Loona took a bit to warm up to you but after you actually got her to have a conversation with you she realized you weren't as bad as she thought. Epically after you told the young hellhound that if she wanted she could get her into most parties/ higher class places without a reservation.
Blitzø didn't initially tell Stolaz about your relationship ( though he did tell you about the arrangement he had with the prince and was surprised that you didn't really mind).
And with how attached Stolaz is to Blitzø sometimes it wasn't long before he found out that the two of you were together.
He was upset at first but ultimately just wanted Blitzø to be happy. Stolaz of course knew who you were and had seen a few of your performances before.
(it's up to you to decide whether or not y'all become a thruple. But since it's not in the request I won't specify.)
Over all your relationship would be pretty solid. You would shower him in love and affection and he did the same to you.
And you already know the bedroom life is 🤌(y'all probably had a threesome with Stolaz a few times. 👀 )
You would use your connections to help I.M.P if they ever needed Intel,and you would spread the word about their business around which brought in a lot of New clients.
With how often you performed at Ozzy's you had formed a close friendship with the king of lust and his jester boyfriend.
So when the giant blue chicken burst into Ozzy's with a worried expression on his face you quickly grew confused.
Ozzy went on to pick you up and rushed back out the doors and back to his palace, and while on the way he explained to you that Vizz and Blitzø had been kidnapped by Crimson and Striker.
(everything that happened in the episode happens and after Vizz returned to Ozzy, you and Stolaz left the palace and you ,as fast as you could, made your way back to your shared apartment.
When you saw Blitzø you immediately brought him into your arms and buried your face in his neck as a few stray tears slid down your face from the relief of him being safe and back home.
After Blitzø recovered from momentary shock he firmly wrapped his own arms around you , resting his head atop your head.
The two of you spent the rest of the night cuddled together.
I hoped you liked it! It got a little longer and a little more rambling than I meant it to lol. But it's my first time writing In a few months. So the word vomit is real .
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mechaknight-98 · 8 months
Author note: I am sorry, but Tifa Sejeong. I had this in my drafts and was going to delete it until today. Also this takes place in the same plotline as Rash revelries and a few other stories I have coming out.
Part II here
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Well, this was certainly a new one. A cosplay Party was not on my bingo calendar for 2024 but here I am. Going to a cosplay party on short notice because a friend invited me. Surprisingly the first face I see is a familiar one. My friend Gallahad or Gally for short dressed in a Gilgamesh from Eternals Cosplay. I wave and he confidently smiles at me and walks over. He and Vlad are Probably the next closest to my height due to his basketball-playing father. He puts me in a friendly headlock. Gone is the timid boy I knew a few months ago instead of a confident man who stands tall.
“Danger so glad you could make it. Killer Django cosplay,” he says proudly. I nod and respond,
“Well I didn't have much time to come up with something, but it came out pretty good,” you compliment Gally’s costume, but before Galahad and I can catch up. Two exceptionally attentive and attractive ladies walk our way. “Gally who’s this? The shorter darker skin of the two girls asked
“Oh Jihyo this is Dangerfield Malcolm Baldwin Jr but we just call him Danger,” Galahad explained the girls nodded and the taller paler one addressed me
“덴가?” Sana asked Galls. Gally nodded not noticing. “He’s tall I wonder if she’ll like that. Anyways I’m Sana nice to meet you 덴가. Also love the cowboy cosplay by the way. You rock it.” The taller girl oozed charm and guile. Had I not known that she was in a throuple with Jihyo and Galahad I’d have thought she was flirting with me.
Jihyo approached me next she sized me up for a few minutes then tilted her head and stepped back pleased with what she saw. I turn back to Sana say thank you to her and ask Galahad about the party, but before I can get a word in his two girlfriends pull him away. Something about “needing to find her”
“Oh, sorry Danger gotta go. You know the drill,” Gally says. I don't but I wave him off regardless as his two girlfriends take him upstairs for God knows what. Before isolation could set in I was approached by another partygoer in a cowboy cosplay. Being an insane movie buff I recognized it as Park Do-won or (the good) from the movie “The Good The Bad and The Weird” he seemed friendly introducing himself as Max McDaniels. I smile at him as he says
“Killer Cowboy outfit what show or movie are you from?” he asks in English. I am not surprised by this being one of the few “black” people present at that party. It made sense everyone assumed I was American. I was, but it was still interesting to see the assumptions made.
“Django from Django unchained,” you say. Max’s eyes light up with elated recognition
“I love that movie!” he exclaims to me. I crack a smile.. as I do I notice his eyes narrow and his gaze focused more intensely, “So who invited you? I'm pretty good friends with the hosts so I'm curious how you got in because I haven't seen you before.” Max added. His tone was pleasant but his energy was defensive. I deduced that he was asking because he was wary of me. Which fair? A big burly black man at a party full of very wealthy and famous people could be a red flag. So I take out my phone and show him the video of a very drunk Vladimir and an equally drunk Galahad inviting me to the party over social media. Following that I showed Mr. McDaniels the string of text messages of them becoming progressively sober and still asking me to come through. The implication was a lady was dying to meet me. Being a sucker for that sort of thing I made a mad dash.
“Oh, you're the videographer and stuntman Vlad mentioned. He called you Dangerfield, but he called you Danger in these videos.” Max questions.
I nod and explain to Max that Danger is my nickname. Max nods in understanding. “I'm sorry that makes so much sense now that I hear it sorry for commenting on it.”
Max and I share a chuckle over some of the messages of their apologizing for their drunk antics. After that Max became noticeably more relaxed around me. At this point, I feel comfortable enough to joke with him.
“So I know you are “Mr. Tough as Nails paleontologist who protects his people” but I would like to point out that you do know me.”I teased. Max looked at me confused before asking “Oh really from where?”
“You’re last two paleontologist digs,” I reply
Max looks at me confused. So I wait 5 minutes then another 2 before he finally recognizes me.
“Oh my God you're our videographer… the rugby dad hat guy. You always wear your college rugby “dad” hat,” he says excitedly. I nod
“I mean I do other things besides that. Like I filmed 2 out of your last 3 seminars. I also did a minor recording and B-roll for the last two digs” I teased further. Max's eyes widen even further as his face goes red.
“You are so right my bad. You're always so professional and don't speak much. Thank you so much for all the impressive work you do. I didn't realize never knew or asked your name. I'm also not used to you not wearing a dad hat,” Max says to me. I chuckle and before the friendship can take root Max is taken by his girlfriend. A pretty little thing named walks by us, “Hey honey who is this?”
“Oh, this is Dangerfield our videographer,” Max answers
“I thought Vlad did that?” the lady asks
“No, he does photography and records collection. Danger specifically does video.” Max replies
“Oh okay. He's handsome. I think she’ll like him.” the lady responds she turns to me and says hi
“Hello Mrs Jimin” I respond. Her eyes go wide.
“You know me.” Mrs. Jimin asks.
“Well yeah, you're a famous pop star,” I reply trying to be witty but not standoffish. Mrs. Jimin smiles and then says
“Well then call me Karina. We're friends now aren't we?” she said pleasantly. I give her a thumbs up and she laughs before turning back to Max focused “Babe we still have the drinks in the car we need to get.” she says. Max nods and goes with her
As he walks away he promises to talk to me later. Karina needed help as it was a lot of drinks according to her.
I was alone again. As I stand there alone I consider leaving until a slightly sober Vladimir crashes into me this time he is already with his girlfriend Natty whom he has met once before under bizarre circumstances. I smile at the couple wearing matching vampire costumes. Having done this dance already I decided to tease them
“Hey, Vlad are you also going to talk to me for a short bit then leave with your girlfriend?” I ask teasingly. Vlad looks at me confused before saying
“No that would defeat the entire purpose of why we invited you here. There was someone we wanted you to meet.” He says matter of fact before leading me to where she was
“Oh okay,” I say as I follow them
“So Danger Vlad tells me you’re also (insert cool term for half-blood here) .” I stop in my tracks and resist the urge to grab one of my revolvers and shoot both of them right there and now. Throwing that term out in the open always left me to trouble me. So I kept my identity and powers hidden as best as possible from those I didn’t know. Vlad notices my dead stop and clenched fist, and readily begins to ameliorate the situation.
“Yo Danger it’s cool she’s one of us. She’s a daughter of Vasundharā” Vlad explains, I scowl but relax. I begin to follow the couple as Natty says how much you’ll (me) love “her” ( the girl they are setting me up with). She also mentions how she is also an ascendant. It was then that I realized that Natty doesn’t know how different ascendant culture is in America. I groan and turn to Vlad
“Yo, she’s very liberal with her identity.” Vlad nods then remembers how I feel about secrecy
“Oh don’t be a scaredy cat nothing bad is going to happen.” As soon as Vladimir said that a loud boom echoed throughout the building I rolled my eyes at him and ran to the area where I heard the noise. The space is the front door and an Oni has appeared, and he is angry. He eyes me out of the bunch and points his kanabo at me.
“You. Thief” The one says slanted. I shrug.
“You dare mock me, thief. You stole the Yomi flames.” The one growls
“Mocking would require me to care. I don’t. Also, I didn't steal anything they were given to me voluntarily.” I replied the one slammed his weapon on the ground.
“You expect me to believe that you a puny human were given the flames of our land by my queen?”
“Well not given per se but I was allowed to learn them so I could copy them later, but that explanation makes less sense so can we skip the banter and just get down to fighting? I’m already bored.” The one charged. My response was that I took out one of my revolvers quicker than a blink and shot the creature in the head. The green eldritch energy flowed through me as it created the blast for the weapon. Which in turn creates the sickened bolt that tears through the Oni’s skull. The party was dead silent. Realization hits me as I remember this wasn’t a dig site I could just talk my way out of so I decide it’s probably best to not be here anymore. I spin the revolver out of habit before holstering it. I tip my hat
“Have a good night y’all,” I say as I leave. As I was racing to the front door I bumped into another person dressed as one of my favorite video game characters. She also seemed to be on her way out. I would later find out that her friends had convinced her to meet this guy but they had left her alone to find him leaving her at the mercy of a bunch of “weirdos” (her words not mine) who made her uncomfortable so she was desperate to get out. She sees me and smiles politely before saying “Nice cosplay.” hoping I wouldn't also be a “weirdo”
I nod back then respond “You as well…wait is that Tifa?” I asked the lady as I recognized the outfit. The young lady smiles with eyes brighter than the sun
“Yeah good eye, you’re the first one to recognize it. Good job.” the girl responds with two thumbs up. She looks up at me with a smile.
“How could I not?” she's like one of my favorite characters in all of gaming”
The Tifa cosplayer smiles, “well then you have great taste then.” she says
“Me? look at you (I walk around her to get the full view) This quality is insane.” I reply hyping her up. The Tifa cosplayer smiles brightly and turns to me with a cocky smirk.
“Oh, flattery will get you everywhere. So what’s your cosplay?” The lady asks
“Oh, I’m Django. The D is silent” I say. Before taking out a revolver and spinning it around. The young lady laughs
“Like from the movie,” she asks I nod surprised. She smiles and adds “I love that movie.” I smile back dumbly admiring her taste in quality Westerns. The two of us stand awkwardly trying to figure each other out before deciding to get back to what the two of us were doing which was leaving the party. We do our awkward goodbyes and prepare to go our separate ways. as we are about to part my brain tells me if I don't ask her out now I'll never get another chance to. I take a chance. I ask if she’s hungry and knows any good food spots around here. The girl gives a hearty chuckle as she gets her car and gestures for me to get in.
We arrive at this small little fried chicken spot.
“Oh just because I’m black you assume I like fried chicken?” I say feigning offense. The lady looks at me in my face and says
“Fried Chicken is delicious I thought everyone liked it.” Her tone is flat as she stares at me confused. She then smiles and laughs making me realize she got I was joking. I joined her on laughing as well. I mean she got me fair and square after all
As I laugh I say “I can’t argue with that.” The lady smirks before saying “Good,” and we walk in.
“Oh hey Sejeong good to see you again. Your usual order I assume?” The person behind the counter says. Sejeong nods. She puts up two fingers. I'm guessing to order two of whatever her normal is (I'm assuming she never told me what the two fingers meant). I turn to the gorgeous (I forgot to mention that she is drop dead 2 gorgeous) lady and say
“Huh Sejeong like the…” and then it all clicks. I pause and get my bearings before repeating “Cool, cool, cool.” As I try not to fanboy over the megastar. Sejeong smirks and says
“Not so witty now huh?”
I pause before reflexively saying, “Hey it’s not every day you meet a K-pop megastar and go on a date with her.”
Sejeong laughs which I learned then is contagious, “Oh so this is a date?” She questions
I nod and fire back, “100% we are at a restaurant hoping to get to know each other. That’s the textbook definition of date.”
Sejeong playfully rolls her eyes laughs and says, “That's true. I’m glad I met you. My friends wanted me to meet this guy who they swore I’d love. They left me at the party to find him leaving me to deal with weirdos like you.” Sejeong says wistfully. “I should have figured their last recommendations have been okay at best” Sejeong adds
I nod and explain how I was at the party to be introduced to someone.
“Oh really what’s your name? If you say Danger or Dangerfield. I’m going to laugh.”Sejeong teases
In kind, I responded, “How did you know my name lady?” Sejeong’s eyes flickered with excitement as they widened. as she compartmented my existence in her mind. Our food arrived. After she’s done processing she asks me a simple question.
“So now that you’ve met me what do you think?” She said with a serious tone.
“Do I include Samantha and Rachel in my evaluation?” Sejeong stares at me wide-eyed. I laugh because see her trying to hide a bemused smile. Feeling a little miffed She goes to smack me but I just smile and take the hit.
“You’re lucky you’re funny.” She says. Sejeongg gestures for me to continue.
“Well, my heart tells me you’re amazing and I already have a crush on you despite knowing you personally all of (I look at my watch for added comedic value) 86 minutes. You’re witty, fun to be around, gorgeous, and overall a great time.” Seeing smiles blushes but then says
“What does your head say?” as she speaks her eyes narrow gauging my response. I decide to have fun with it.
“That’s less glowing. It's telling me that it would never work.“Dude, she’s a superstar what would she ever want from a guy like you? She just likes the attention.” is what my head says.” I respond
Sejeong nods and then asks, “So which will you listen to more?” I pause and respond
“If history is any guide then my heart, but I don’t know guess I’ll have to wait and see. I mean I’m open to anything from a one-night stand to a 100-year relationship. The only thing is it’s a two-person job.” Sejeong nods then says
“well I'm not looking for a one-night stand but I'm also not looking for a relationship right now, but you're pretty cool and I like your humorous honesty.” I smile and thank her. The food arrives. I pray before I eat which Sejeong comments on, “Oh a church boy.” Her tone is seductive and flirtatious but my brain automatically jumps to oh it’s a dealbreaker for her
“Is there something wrong with me being religious?” Momo shakes her head but then clarifies, “That depends on you. You’re not one of those weird religious people right?”
“I believe we have established I’m weird and a Christian so you are going to be a bit more specific as to what you mean by that.” Sejeonf laughs and does the sexiest eye roll I have ever seen.
“Ugh, I hate you.” She groans, “But you are correct. What I mean is the type that uses their religion as a weapon against others.” I shake my head before explaining to her the following
“The only thing I battle with are revolvers wits and the grit of a honey badger, and the occasional staff but that’s when I have to get serious. Also, I only really fight when I have to do am training which is a lot” Sejeong laughs at my statement and then says,
“Well then you should be fine, but it was kind of annoying how you asked that question about “weird Christians.” She teased with an adorable pout.
I chuckle and say, “Sorry that’s my A.U.H.D. talking. I should have figured out what you meant.”
“No you’re fine I should have figured you would be weird and very precise with your language since you are good friends with Vladimir” she relents. I smile and we begin eating. At one point I feel a hand slip in mine. I look up to see her giving me the brightest smile. I smile back “How is it?” She asks. Based on the way she’s holding my hand I can tell she’s nervous so I tell her I like it and that’s my final word. Sejeong rolls her eyes and then smiles again as we continue eating. After we finished she asked me how long I was in Korea and I explained to her a while due to working with Vlad, Max, and Gally.
“Oh okay, so another week?” Sejeong asked. I nodded but counteracted with
“However if something comes up that’s worth the time I’ll stay,” I responded Sejeong chuckled
“Oh, and I’m supposed to convince you?” She said in a challenging tone
“I mean you can if you want to this was mostly an economic choice.” I teased back. Sejeong smiled. As we were finishing up a guy approached us. He had blonde hair and storm-grey eyes.
“Aye Collector.” He said menacingly in English. I turn slowly to the young man. I gesture for Sejeong to get behind me but she stands by my side. I see her ready a knife that I hadn't seen earlier
“ People don't usually call me that with the intention of peace. So I am going to ask are you here to kill me?”
“I don't have to kill you just return what you stole?” the young man said
“And what did I steal?” I asked curious
“Don't play dumb you know I'm after Death’s draw.” the man said confidently
“Yeah, I don't have that. All my stuff are cheap copies.” I replied
“You expect me to believe that especially given your reputation?” the man asked taking out an arching javelin.
“I guess a demonstration is in order then sadly,” I reply. I turn to Sejeong, “I'll handle this .” I say to her. She shakes her head and stands in front of me.
“Look I'd appreciate it if you do not attack my friend. I know he looks scary but he's a sweetheart,” she says sweetly
“A sweetheart who turned an outer being into a divine Treasure.” the young man says skeptically. Sejeong looks at me with surprise as I nod to confirm the story.
“Look dude my Ascendant Ability is called the “A Reveler’s tool kit, is often expansive.” A major part of it allows me to emulate other divine treasures and arts.” I explain, but the man only grew more aggressive. He pointed his javelin at me and in a flash, I shoulder-charged him back to Long Island. Sejeong eyed me intrigued
“How did you do that?” she asked
“I used Lugh’s Long Lunge and made it nonlethal.” Sejeong eyed me and then said, “Tell me everything”
In her car, the first thing Sejeong asked about was my Ascendant status,
“So what type of Ascendant are you; Direct, Legacy, Trance, adopted, or avatar?” she asked excitedly I squinted as before I never really considered it.
“Hybrid I guess,” I answered.
“Interesting, wait how?”
“Um, would it be a bad time to explain that I was never exposed to “proper Ascendant” procedures due to my Christian upbringing, and am only now coming to a fully developed understanding of it?” I asked. Sejeong stopped in her tracks and looked at me then began laughing. I sat in awkward silence for a moment then. She turned and smiled at me.
“That's okay,” Sejeong said with a gracious smile. “It's just I have heard stories of Ascendants reaching adulthood and then becoming claimed and I always wondered what that looked like. Now I know and honestly it's pretty funny.” Sejeong smiled as she spoke. I turned back to her
“So you're also an Ascendant?” I ask. Sejeong nods then replies
“I am a direct one and my parent is Seokga.”
“Oh that's super cool tell me more.” I say
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drsbutmakeitspicy · 2 months
Hi! I would love to know more about that arranged marriage carcar idea, if you want to 🥰🧡
(I'm sorry about any mistakes, English is not my native language and my autocorrect can also fuck it up)
About the arranged marriage Carcar:
(non F1 driver Carlos, Oscar need sponsors for F1, Mark Webber has a good network okay ? He only wants the best for Osco)
Part I here (it's more like an idea thing)
Thanks @seasidefae for plating this on my brain.
I can see Oscar arriving at the restaurant wearing a new suit Webber got him just for the occassion
He sits at the reserved table, which is located separately from the others, in a balcony like structure.
It's a nice night to be out, too bad he will spend little time in this place.
The plan is:
*Introduce yourself
*Apologize and explain mark is absolutely crazy, he doesn't want to marry right now
*pay for whatever he had
He forgets the plan as a handsome guy introduces himself while sitting down BY HIS SIDE - Mark didn't say is was Carlos Sainz JUNIOR - he read the 'Carlos Sainz' had kids but didn't click on more info.
Carlos asks him if he have any food allergies and if they could order the food before they talk - Oscar is glad he doesn't show much emotion on his face, the man smell so nice he wants to eat him.
While they wait for the main course they enjoy some drinks, they talk about formula 1 and their thoughts on the current championship. They get deep into talking about life, he learns about Carlos Karting days and how now he has his own Kartódromo. They talk about video games, sports, ciclying.
Oscar is enjoying his night.
And then after they finish their food Carlos apologizes and proceeds to explain that his Father is crazy, he goes own on how he didn't really want to marry someone he didn't really know, that his dad has been searching for the perfect bride for him for years now but Carlos doesn't like women. And as he tells Oscar some funny stories of past experiences he had in dates like this the Aussie feels a little something, maybe a bit upset, he was really having a good night with the guy.
"You know, my Dad never told me you were a guy, I was relieved to see you here."
"He didn't told you anything? At all?"
"Huh. Well, my manager didnt tell me your full name so I was a bit worried you were a 62 years old Rally legend wanting a Sugar baby."
"But you came anyway?"
"I came to reject him properly. No offense to your dad but he's not my type."
They laugh about it, order desert and while enjoying it Oscar realizes they are sitting really close, he's looking at every detail of Carlos face while he's talking about a funny family story.
His lips are very distracting.
"I wouldn't mind getting to know you better." Oscar says it out loud and is surprised to see his date blush
Carlos was thinking the same thing
They agree to talk about the sponsor part another day, wanting to focus on knowing eachother first and by the end of the night Carlos drives him back to Mark's apartment and Oscar is feeling too many things as he sits down at the sofa with Mark walking around the living room asking how it was.
"It was nice. He's hot. Thanks Mark."
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Professor Trein: Let me say this again, headmaster. I'm glad to see you back.
MC: Thank you, Trein. Ah... Times have really passed.
MC: But I could still remember when you were still a teenager and courting this beautiful girl. *chuckles* Is she your wife now?
Professor Trein: *clears throat* *blushing a little* Yes. I wished you were able to witness our wedding.
MC: Ah, yes... Unfortunately, I just had to leave at that time.
Professor Trein: Don't worry. We completely understand. It was a serious matter and you had no choice.
Crowley: ...
MC: Anyway, *smiles* how has been Crowley as the headmage?
Professor Crewel: I'm afraid to say that he's been a deadbeat.
Crowley: Excuse me?!
MC: Oh dear.
MC: ...
MC: Anything else?
Professor Trein: Professor Crewel, the headmage isn't all that bad.
Professor Crewel: Which means he's 90% bad and the remaining 10% is his good side but with a hidden agenda.
Crowley: ...
Crowley: I would like to believe that I'm being practical at all times.
Professor Crewel: I'm going back to my class. And welcome back, headmaster. I hope that we would be seeing you around.
Professor Trein: I'm taking my leave as well. Have a great day, headmaster.
MC: Thank you, Trein. And you see you later, Crewel. Have a great day.
*the two left*
Crowley: ...
Crowley: I have things to do so if you would excuse me—
MC: Stay, Crowley. I would like to take a walk together.
Crowley: I don't usually walk around the campus—
MC: Then I'll carry you around just like the old times.
Crowley: N-No... That would be embarrassing.
MC: No one would know, Crowley. Though you're the cutest crow I've laid my eyes on.
Crowley: *pouts* Headmaster...
MC: *chuckles*
Ace: It might be that my eyes were playing tricks on me but I've seen the former headmaster carrying a huge crow, which I'm sure, was the headmage.
The first years: ...
The first years: Where?
Ace: They're walking around the campus. They're petting Crowley.
Ace: Headmage was like "Kraa..." whenever the former headmaster gently strokes his head.
Ace: I've taken a video as proof—
Crowley: *confiscates it* Trappola, you're going to my office.
Ace: H-Headmage!
Crowley: You have no right to spy on us.
Ace: But you two were in the public. That ain't spying. I was just simply watching.
Crowley: Do you want me to call your parents, Trappola?
Ace: No.
Crowley: Hmph! *then leaves*
Ace: ...
Ace: *turns to his classmates* *smirks* He doesn't know I've already posted it on Magicam.
The first years: *laughs* You're going to be in trouble, Ace!
Riddle: Headmaster? Why are you alone?
MC: Crowley flew off somewhere. He must've been tired from all our chat.
MC: How about you, Riddle?
Riddle: Ah. I'm on way to Science lab. *then realizes that he hasn't introduced himself yet* Eh?
MC: Housewarden of Heartslabyul, isn't it?
Riddle: Y-Yes...
MC: *smiles* You're still young, Riddle Rosehearts. You should be making friends at your age and enjoying your life.
Riddle: ...
Riddle: Thank you, headmaster. But your advice isn't needed. As a housewarden, I am enjoying myself.
MC: Oh?
MC: ...
MC: There's a leaf on your hair. Let me remove it for you.
Riddle: Th-Thank you, headmaster.
MC: *lets out a sigh*
Riddle: Headmaster?
MC: *smiles softly at him* It's nothing. Oh, and it seems I have taken too much of your time. *chuckles* Run along.
Riddle: Thank you, headmaster.
MC: *watches him walk away*
MC: *smiles* *black ink dripping from their hand*
MC: Maybe I should stay here for the time being.
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operator-report · 6 months
do you have any ideas about the undersiders music tastes. your other posts are so beautiful and true
aaah i'm so glad you liked my silly music posts! after some thought this is what i've landed on for the undersiders: taylor: in my heart taylor's mom did this to her, which is why taylor has a better-than-average teen girl knowledge of blondie, neil young, and the police. i think taylor's taste is a mix of dad rock and alt-pop rock hits. she likes the strokes and arctic monkeys. maybe a little mgmt. after her mom dies she stops listening to music that reminds her of her mom, so much less 70s/80s rock, but i don't think she switches to sadder music or anything like that, i think her taste just skews more contemporary after that. after the bullying started she tried out heavy metal really early on because she figured angry music might help her vent but it wasn't her thing. taylor does not listen to radiohead but she's the undersider who would like it the best i think. karma police is a taylor song send tweet
brian: there's a post out there somewhere that talks about brian listening to imagine dragons and that is SO real to me. he listens to imagine dragons. he listens to "tough" guy music that sounds like it could be in car commercials. he also listens to dudes rock music he hears at the gym. brian and taylor both like to match their music to their workouts and they have an immensely geeky conversation about matching bpm at one point. taylor matches it to her running brian matches it to boxing they are in nerd-jock heaven
lisa: she's a tricky one, because the music industry is one that both values authenticity and yet is extremely manufactured. i think that means that lisa finds music in which rich musicians make music about how hard their life is immensely grating. i think sarah livsey's taste was influenced by her brother, and much like how taylor does not listen to music that reminds her of her mom, lisa does not listen to music that sarah used to like. another smugbug yuri of absence moment if you ask me. anyway all that means that lisa listens to three kinds of music: downtempo instrumental electronic, classical, and We Are Up Partying In The Club Tonight Ooh Girl Oh Yeah. i think she finds, e.g., pitbull and eurotrance endearing. if you ask lisa what her favorite kind of music is she'll say something obnoxious like IDM or some shit just to see what the reaction is
rachel: i looked up "do dogs listen to music" and google says they will listen to classical sometimes, so! there you go. if worm took place a little later i think taylor could have introduced limited doses of lofi hip hop study beats to rachel and she would be ok with that too but also like. why listen to music when she could be outside listening to her dogs
aisha: the undersider with the best taste! we know that early worm aisha is a bona fide scene teen, and i think she consequently likes blink-182, pierce the veil, 3oh!3, cobra starship, and maybe a little bring me the horizon. in later worm aisha's taste gets less pop, like deftones, odd future, etc. she's a supervillain who would actually listen to madvillainy. aisha is also probably the only undersider who actively seeks to cultivate her own music taste! a good chunk of the undersiders have trauma that separate them from their interests and/or feelings, but aisha is an undersider who i think is both self aware and also true to herself, as well as being genuinely interested in art!
alec: speaking of undersiders who have a difficult time developing a defined music taste due to being cut off from a strong sense of self. alec in early worm is too depressed/apathetic to seek out music for himself, he'd rather be playing video games or watching movies. which is a shame because disassociating to music is one of the depressed activities of all time! alas alec's vision of a person with Taste is like. cherie. rip. however, aisha completely turns his life around into a guy who likes...................... soulja boy
there you go! tried to keep this period typical and also didn't include bands we know for sure didn't exist on earth bet (such as mcr). however i am very sad aisha and alec didn't get to listen to 100 gecs together. can you imagine. i can imagine and that's why i have a beautiful aishalec amv set to doritos and fritos in my mind
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uhohwhathaveidone · 2 years
Can I request a Sebastian sallow x reader fic that would be about the reader and Sebastian being childhood friends that have feelings for each other the reader and Sebastian both yearn for affection from each other but they are scared that the other doesn’t like them so they both started avoiding each other in hopes the feelings goes away but every situation and class finds them reuniting again the reader secretly holds Sebastian hands during charms class and Sebastian is just shocked (uhhh you can decide what happens after!! My dumbass really hasn’t thought much about it but I can’t wait to see what you do)
You called? I'm here with a gift!
Here With Me (S.S)
I accidently got carried away with this and turned it into a hurt/comfort, i hope you're ok with that! I didn't really put any spoilers. Also I know you didn't specify like what house the reader was in, so I put them in Slytherin! This is also gender neutral, just so we all know. More to come soon, maybe even withing the next few hours, supply and demand, am I right? Anyway, enjoy! (Part 2, Cardigan)
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You had been friends with the Sallow twins for as long as you could remember. You were especially close with Sebastian, whom you spent most of your time together with. You remember walking over to Mr. Sallow’s house one day with a small basket of treats made by your mother, who had asked you to walk them over as a gift. Anxiously, you walked along the dirt path, watching as leaves floated past you in the breeze. It was a nice fall day, the apple tarts were still warm, but you had to get to their house quickly to keep them that way, so you were unable to enjoy the day for too long. As you neared the house, you saw a young girl with brown hair playing in the front, a boy about the same age and with brown hair as well sat under a tree with a book in hand. Squinting, you could make out the drawing of a wand on the cover, and you understood why your mother sent you out to Mr. Sallow’s house. The town was mainly a wizard only area, but every now and then a muggle would move in. Some of the neighbors would play pranks on them to try to drive them out, and your mother did the same thing once before to an elderly couple that came to retire. Scared them near to death.
Mr. Sallow usually lived alone, minding himself as he always did, but he never had kids. You slowed your pace, wondering if you had started to walk toward the wrong house, until the girl looked up at you, shouting toward the house as she ran inside. The boy looked up from his book and looked at you curiously. You froze, caught in the act of walking to the wrong house. Wide-eyed, you slowly walked towards the boy. “Um, hello.” You said, quietly. The boy stood a bit taller than you, and had chocolate brown eyes, ones that matched his hair. He smiled, “Hello there, I’m Sebastian. Who are you?” You fiddled with the basket, “My name is-.” The door to the house opened, Mr. Sallow walking out with the girl behind him. “Ah! Hello there, y/n! It’s nice to see you!” He greeted, walking over, and patting your head. Your face brightened, glad that you hadn’t stumbled upon the wrong house. “Good afternoon, Mr. Sallow! My mother made some apple tarts and asked me to bring some over for you.” You handed the basket to him and he grabbed one, taking a bite. “Your mother is a saint. Why don’t you come inside? You haven’t met my niece and nephew yet, no?” You shook your head.
The inside of the house was cozy as always, maybe a little cramped by boxes, no doubt from the two new kids. He introduced you to Sebastian properly, and to his twin sister Anne. They were the same age as you were, as well as magically gifted. He didn’t go into details, but he told you that the twins would be living with him from now on, and that the three of you should get along well. Anne had reached to grab a tart, eyeing it curiously. Mr. Sallow motioned that she could have one, and she took a bite. Her eyes seemed to glow as she hurriedly bit into it again. Sebastian watched his sister as she ate the tart, bits of apple sticking to her lips. It seemed to convince him they were good, as he grabbed one as well and took a bite. “Merlin’s beard! These really are good.” You shuffled your feet as you watched the two devour half the basket in minutes.
“Do tell your mother we appreciate the gift.” Mr. Sallow said, placing the rest of the treat on a plate and handing the basket back to you. You nodded and started out the door, the twins quickly meeting your side. “So, show us where your house is!” Sebastian said happily. Anne walked on your other side as you nodded, walking back in the direction of your home. They asked many questions for such a short walk. “Have you lived here long?” “What’s it like here?” “Do you have any more of those treats?” You smiled and answered their questions, reaching your house and turning around. “This is where I live.” You said, gesturing to your door. Sebastian nodded, “Got it. We’ll be seeing you soon then!” He said, grabbing Anne’s hand as they walked back to their house.
The next couple of days the twins would be at your door, asking if you wanted to go play with them. You agreed, of course, and found that they were lots of fun to be around.  One night, they had invited you over for a sleepover, and while Anne had fallen asleep ten minutes into the activities you had planned, Sebastian was still wide awake. He grabbed a book from one of the shelves and sat next to you in the blanket fort the three of you had made. You had to carefully set a candle in the middle of the fort, so you were able to see the words. Sebastian would read to you until you fell asleep, then he would extinguish the candle and grab the blanket, snuggling up to you and falling asleep as well.
When winter came, the three of you were always outside. Sebastian had wanted to make an igloo one day, and it took you two whole days to even get halfway done. When it was finally done, you didn’t know what else to do. Any blanket you put in there would get very cold, and maybe even freeze, so you decided to deem it as a landmark, and began building other snow structures around the yard, making a small snow town. Anne had made a snow man and said it was going to be the minister of the town, in which Sebastian had to remind her that the Minister didn’t have time to watch over a small town, and that a mayor would be a better fit.
Another time, you had been playing with Anne’s hair, braiding it, and putting it up in all sorts of different styles. You even began to teach Sebastian how to do hair so he could give Anne any hairstyle she wanted, but since you were already practicing on Anne, he could use your hair. That was a mistake, as minutes later Sebastian had tried to braid a section of your hair, only to fail. He swore that he could fix it, and tried to untangle the strands and try again. It resulted in a huge knot that couldn’t be saved, and your mother ended up having to cut your hair. The next day you showed up, Sebastian apologized while Anne could only giggle at the whole ordeal.
When you turned 11, an owl showed up with a letter attached to its leg. You had been invited to Hogwarts, and you ran over to the Sallow’s place in excitement. The twins also got their letters, and your mother offered to take the three of you out to get the supplies required, along with your very own wand. When you made it to Hogwarts, you fiddled with your fingers, anxious about the sorting ceremony. Sebastian tried to sheer you up, stating , ”We’ll all be in the same house, there’s no way we aren’t.” You nodded as you held onto his arm, watching as Anne was called up and the hat was placed on her head. Wide-eyed, you watched as she was sorted into Slytherin, and she smiled at the two of you as she walked over to her new house. Sebastian was next, and he flashed you a smile as he walked up, hat placed on his head as well. The Sorting Hat mumbled to itself before placing him into Slytherin as well, and you clapped as he walked over to his sister. The names were being called out and you stood there, anxiety growing. When you were finally called up, you walked up, shaking. The hat sat upon your head, asking you questions and seemingly just having a conversation with you. Eventually, the hat came to a decision, and you smiled and trotted over to Sebastian and Anne when the hat yelled Slytherin.
Over breaks, the three of you were able to practice together on your magic, and found ways to do things that you had done when you were younger much easier. Reading when you were supposed to be sleeping had become less of a fire hazard and more of a hand cramp activity, finally able to cast Lumos to use as a light to read with. You had also sent owls to your new friend, Ominis, offering to let him stay for a day or so to hang out. Snowball fights had become more like a warzone as you began to learn charms and hexes, able to make the snowballs throw themselves now.
You were sleeping one night during your break back after you finished your third year, excited to wake up in the morning and hang out with your friends. You had gotten up to get a drink sometime in the early morning, the moon was still up and the birds hadn’t begun to sing yet. There was a strange noise outside as you poured a glass of water, but you didn’t seem to notice. More sounds began to emerge, and you made your way upstairs to your mother’s room to ask her about it. Half asleep, your mother brushed it off as some dogs getting into a fight and told you to head back to bed, so you did. When you woke up, you quickly got dressed and grabbed a basket for the fresh apple pie your mother had just finished baking. She looked tired, maybe worried, you noted, but headed out.
As you neared the house, you noticed a lot more people around than normal. There was even a police officer heading towards Mr. Sallow’s house. You picked up your pace as you weaved around your neighbors and made it to the front door. It was a mess, splinters all over the porch and ground, and the windows were broken. You looked around, not seeing Sebastian or Anne, and tried to get into the house. Mr. Sallow sat in a chair at the kitchen table, muttering to the officer and wringing his hands. You looked into the living room, finding Sebastian and Anne sitting on a couch, a medic kneeling down and looking over Anne. You placed the basket on a corner table and slowly walked over, examining the room. The place was a mess, some chairs were overturned, portraits were thrown off the wall. Sebastian sat there, a blank stare as he watched the medic look over Anne. “What happened here?” You asked, standing in front of Sebastian. He looked up at you and jumped off the couch, enveloping you in a hug. He explained that the house had been raided, and that they had done something to Anne. The medic had been checking Anne over for any signs of injury, yet there were none, which didn’t explain the agony she was in. The medic said that he didn’t know what was wrong, and said there was nothing he could really do about it, and he left. Sebastian stood over Anne, cursing the medic under his breath.
Anne was in too much pain to return to Hogwarts, and you and Sebastian sat with Ominis on the train in silence. The whole year, the three of you tried to find a way to help Anne, but to no avail. Sebastian began to keep to himself around you, and you began to feel inside that something was different.
You walked down the hall to your Herbology class, alone. Sebastian had withdrew himself even more, and would sometimes not even look at you. You felt like you did something wrong, but Ominis had assured you it was not your fault. You didn’t believe him, of course, as you watched Sebastian be himself around everyone but you. Your heart hurt to see it, it felt like you were losing your best friend, yet you were partially glad for it. You had no idea when it began, but you had started to harbor feelings for Sebastian, and you had fought those feelings, telling yourself that you were wrong to have such feelings while still unable to find a cure for Anne. You knew Sebastian wanted nothing more than for Anne to be cured, and you knew he would put everything aside until he reached that goal. Sighing to yourself, you walked through the grass to Professor Garlick’s class, adjusting the strap of your bag and moving your hair away from your face. The breeze was soft and warm, fall hadn’t arrived yet and the summer was still in full. The air wasn’t too hot, but you knew that, when you walked into the greenhouse, you would miss the summer breeze, being replaced with humid air and the smell of plants to fill your senses. You walked in and greeted the professor, taking your usual seat.
Sabastian walked with Ominis, talking about his excitement for charms. He heard that they were going to go over some healing spells, and that it would be a big step in helping Anne. Ominis nodded as he walked beside him, mindful of his surroundings. Sebastian had been searching for a whole year for ways to help his sister, alongside you and Ominis. Sebastian knew that you wanted to help Anne just as much as he did, and his mood dropped a bit. Ominis had mentioned to him about your concerns for him, and Sebastian had felt guilty for avoiding you. While you were his best friend, one he had known for years, he couldn’t help the feelings that had begun to grow, and knew that now wasn’t the time to go after them. He was worried you would reject him, telling him that being best friends was enough, or even asking that they no longer be friends. He was also worried that you might scold him for trying to pursue a relationship when he should have been looking for a way to help his sister. Either way, he didn’t see a happy ending if he confessed, and the only way to keep his feelings at bay, he thought, was to avoid you in hopes that they would go away. He was brought out of his thoughts as he neared the greenhouse, and his heart began to beat at a faster pace. All his attempts to lose those feelings he had for you would be broken down each time he walked into class, as he had to take his seat next to you each day. There was a moment where he would be more than glad to have all his classes with you, but when he was trying to get over you? It was torture. He sighed as he walked in and took his seat next to you.
When the time came for Charms, Sebastian had forgotten the whole “Avoid your best friend” mindset and walked happily with you and Ominis, talking about what he was expecting from the class. You smiled as he talked, heart doing backflips every time he looked over to you with that smile. You became excited as well, hopeful that you would find something to help. As you took your seats, you and Sebastian grabbed your books out quickly, turning to the chapter you would be going over. So far, the spells you were reading about were only ones that could heal wounds like broken bones, split lips, etc. Nothing that Anne was experiencing. You had begun to lose hope, until the professor turned the page. “Reprifors is a spell often used to heal other ailments, like those that had been caused by magic itself.” Your eyes widened as you read the page, looking over to Sebastian, who had seemed to freeze. Without even thinking, you grabbed his hand under the desk, your eyes bright as you gave him a wide smile. Sebastian stared at you, still frozen. His mind was going faster than a Hippogriff in flight. This could be what he was looking for, a way to save his sister. If the spell worked, not only would he have his sister back, but maybe even his best friend. He would be able to finally share his feelings with you and you could accept them. He didn’t even realize that you were holding his hand until you gave it a squeeze, and he finally looked down. He felt his cheeks flush, and when you followed his gaze, your face heated up as well. You quickly let go, clearing your throat and returning to your book.
The two of you began to get close again after that, meeting up and practicing the spell, trying to perfect it. “This is it. This spell is clearly what we’re looking for!” You said happily, trying the spell once again. You didn’t really have a way to know if the spell was working at first, so you and Sebastian took turns taking a jinx or hex to the face, and then trying the spell. You had both done it right three times in a row, and had deemed that you were ready. All you had to do now was wait for a chance to make it home.
As you trudged through the snow toward the village, you conversed excitedly with Sebastian. “We’re finally going to do it! Isn’t it exciting?” You asked, taking Sebastian’s hand, walking faster. Sebastian could only nod in response as he felt his cheeks flush once again from you grabbing his hand. You had been extra affectionate to him since the two of you learned the spell. Sebastian even began to think you started to share the feelings he had for you, but part of him kept telling him it was because you were happy to help Anne. On the other hand, you had begun to let go of hiding your feelings, believing that once Anne was okay you would be able to tell Sebastian your feelings, and you slowly began to warm up to the idea.
The cold breeze made your nose cold, and brought back memories of when you were kids, a smile growing on your face. “Come on!” You shouted, beginning to run. The snow crunched under your feet as you dragged Sebastian behind you. Desperate to catch up, Sebastian moved faster, slipping on a patch of ice you somehow managed to dodge. He fell, and you took the moment to turn and laugh. Suddenly, a wave of cold contacts your face, and you wipe away the snow. Sebastian laughed this time, readying another snowball.  You run behind a tree and start to make your own snowballs, launching them in Sebastian’s direction, not caring if they hit or not. A snowball hits you in face, even from behind the tree, no doubt from Sebastian. “That’s cheating!” You shouted as you watched him enchant the snowballs he made. He only shrugged and laughed as they flew towards you, with no sign of stopping. Shrieking, you drop to your knees, covering your face. The snowballs pelted you, and you counted about ten of them. Looking up, you could see Sebastian start making more snowballs, and you took the chance to jump him. You ran after him, jumping a little as you grabbed him, pinning him to the ground. You took his wand and stuffed it into your pocket, smiling in triumph.
Sebastian looked up at you, cheeks red from the cold and closeness. He studies your features, memorizing how your face had droplets of melting snow, and how you breathed heavily after the small battle you just had. He felt as if he was back home, playing in the snow with you a year after meeting you. You had done the same thing, pinning him to the ground, not letting him go until he surrendered, which he always refused to do. If he took too long, you would even grab snow and threaten to smother him, but you weren’t doing that this time. Instead, you sat there, trying to catch your breath. Sebastian watched as you shivered, your nose had gotten extremely red, and took the opportunity to try the move he did when you were kids. Quickly, he grabbed your waist and pulled you down on top of him, wrapping his arms around you and locking you in. Usually, this would end in his rolling over, pinning you to the ground, but instead, he kept you there, sharing the warmth his body was kicking out. He sighs and nuzzles into your shoulder, muttering, “Thank You.” You smiled and raised an eyebrow; one he couldn’t see. “For what?” “For everything.”
You followed behind Sebastian as he stormed out of the house, cursing to himself. You had made it to Anne and told her that you had a spell that would help her. Yet, after trying the spell over five times, she didn’t feel different. Anne was still in pain. Sebastian was distraught, watching his hopes come crashing down into the ground. You ran after him, now, trying to find a reason as to why it didn’t work. He makes it to the tree, where he sat when you first walked to his house, basket in hand. He drops into the snow, throwing his wand in anger. You slowed your pace and watched intently to see what he would do next. His shoulders shook once, and he sniffled. You made your way to stand in front of him, looking down to see his face wet with tears, brows furrowed in anger and annoyance. He looked up at you, his brown eyes seemingly darker than what you’re used to. “Nothing is working how I want it.” He heaved, “Anne is still sick. She’s still in pain.” You knelt down, placing your hand on his shoulder. He continued, “The spell didn’t work, my plan didn’t work.” Your gaze softened, watching as more tears slid down his cheeks. “My plans never work.”
You pull him into a hug, wrapping your arms around him and rubbing his back. He buried his face into your shoulder, muttering. “And I tried to stay away from you, and here you are. You’re being the caring person that’s been by my side.” You listened, your own tears beginning to pool in your eyes. “I thought, if I stayed away from you, my feelings would go away. At least until we helped Anne.” Your grip tightened around him, your tears finally falling as you realized that you had been doing the same thing. You had been protecting each other from your own feelings. More tears spilled from your eyes as you tried to convey your own feelings back, unsure if you would be able to talk. “And my feelings didn’t go away. And you’re still here, even after all this.” You nodded, moving your head from his shoulder and pressing it against his own. “Thank you.” You hummed in response. “Thank you for being here with me.”
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141trash · 8 months
What's a girl gotta do to get more of that dad!Simon you've been hyperfixating on? 👀👀👀
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Ooh bestie I'm SO glad you asked. I was going to post it anyways once I found a good spot to stop. But since you're here I'm ready to share. Thank you for the ask much appreciated
-Dad Simon whose at the toy store nervously trying to figure out what to buy his kid. The daughter he never knew he had until now. It's her fifth birthday and sure he'd had a little nephew before, but what do little girls like? -You at the same toy store to pick up a gift for your neighbor kid's 5th birthday. You see Simon, a big hulking man dithering among the brightly pink splashed aisles and offering to help, but he looks so desperately lost and out of his depth -Simon looking at you this tiny short af woman with bright curly red hair (you've got a Merida wig on, but he doesn't know that). You don't seem intimidated by him in the least when you offer to help and he really just wants to do right by his daughter so he sucks it up and agrees that yes he really needs help picking a gift for his daughter -He awkwardly explains that he's military and hadn't had any idea that he had a kid up until now, but he wants to get her something to make up for the fact that he's been gone.
You purse your lips in thought, "I don't know that there's anything that could make up for absence."
adding quickly when you see the way his expression falls a little, "But if you're not too sure what she likes yet and you still want to get her something maybe get her something that she can hold if she miss you. Like a soft toy and then add something of yours to it so that it's personal to you both. Extra tags if you have them or a shirt or something."
Your voice trails off for a moment and then it's like a light flips on. in your excitement you grab onto his forearm and had it not been for the sheer surprise of how pretty the expression is on your face, he would have flinched. He doesn't like people touching him.
"Do you have time?" You ask almost breathless in your giddiness.
He raised his brows wondering if he should feel apprehensive.
"Don't need to be there till the afternoon."
"Perfect! Let me buy this and I know the perfect place to go."
Somehow he finds himself following you to check out and then over to your car. As you walk you introduce yourself, and manage to extract, "Simon." from him as a response.
"It's a couple blocks down, at the mall. Do you want to follow me in your car or come with me?" you ask popping the trunk and dropping your purchase among the other bags inside.
Under normal circumstances he would say follow, but with the way you're buzzing with energy and just how unthreatening you seem, he agrees to go with you.
The regret is almost immediate when you turn on the engine and nearly burst his eardrums with how loud the music is blaring from the speakers. He flinches and lets out an expletive while you rush to turn the sound to a more palatable level and smile sheepishly at him.
"Sorry. It gets me sometimes too." you laugh at the incredulous look he's giving you, "I like to have a party to up my mood when I'm driving tired."
-You towing the hulking man through the cheery warm yellow entry of the build a bear and waving to a friend of yours whose at the counter. After showing him the basics you leave him to choose and go speak to your friend. -Finally after a while you find him staring at the little section of army uniforms frowning at the green camo uniform. it takes you a second to see that even though he clearly wants to choose it there's something bothering him about it. The American flag patch on the sleeve His accent was clearly English of some sort.
"Is the American flag the only reason you're hesitating?" You ask him quietly. His gaze moves to you when you speak and he nods.
Grinning you pull one off the hook by the cardboard hanger and dig through you purse to find your to go sewing kit. He starts to protest when you immediately go to work using your seam ripper to get rid of the patch.
"There." You proclaim.
"Yer gonna get in trouble." He grumbles, but seems thankful as you hand it to him to go with his other choices.
"It's fine. You're buying it and I know the people who work here. The girl at cash and I went to college together." You gesture over your shoulder at her and when he makes eye contact with her she gives a friendly wave.
-You don't even question when he ends up with a pochacho dog with the army uniform and surprisingly a helmet that has a skull and flames on it instead of the matching army cap. You also hadn't heard the message that was added, but knew he'd done it because he'd leaned down by the station and spoke in his low gruff voice.
Simon on the ride back to his car with the paper bag on his knees glancing at you humming happily and finally getting the courage to ask why you bothered to help him
You glance sideways at him and give a shrug.
"Some dads don't even try. Some kids don't have dads. You clearly want to try and make up for last time. Why wouldn't I want to help?"
He wonders if you had a shit dad too or if what you'd been buying a t the toy store was for your own kid and the father was a piece of shit. It wasn't his business though so he didn't ask. Luckily for him, he doesn't need to.
"Listen. It's not really my business and I don't want to overstep, but just don't make promises you can't keep okay? Since you're military you're probably going to be gone a lot. Kids aren't dumb. They understand a lot more than people give credit for. I think if you really want to have any sort of relationship with her and you don't want her to hate you then be as honest as you can. She deserves that yeah?" There's a slight tremble in your voice that tells him that it's personal.
"Yeah." He agrees and he means it.
When you make it back to his car he lingers trying to think of what he could say to thank you. Because more than anything his daughter meant hope. A tiny spark of hope that he could have a family even after everything that's happened, that he's done. And in his head you've just given him the best chance at not fucking it up. He almost wants to ask for your number.
But he doesn't. He just memorizes your smiling face as you wish him good luck with meeting his daughter before he ducks his head and shuts the passenger door, gripping the bag tightly. He watches your car disappear feeling oddly disappointed to be doing so.
Tiny info dump beneath the read more bc I felt the need to add it in haha :)
-Why are you wearing a Merida wig? In this reader/you are a cosplayer influencer, but also do Princess Cosplays for little kid birthdays on occasion. Your neighbor's kid is suuuch a sweetheart that you absolutely want to do a cosplay for her birthday and were half getting ready before remembering the thing you wanted to get her for her birthday (honestly I really just wanted the moment where you and Simon are talking and where he sees you in the full cosplay and of all the things he could say to you he has to tell you that your scottish accent sucks because ofc he works with Johnny so he knows what the accent should sound like. and i didn't even put that in this part orz)
-This is in my head set in the USA and his daughter is a product of a one night. He doesn't find out until after the mother dies and is contacted by the grandmother. Literally could write a whole ass one shot smut of this because i have thoughts SO MANY THOUGHTS
I made a quick image of the build a bear he chose :) because I spent hours thinking about it and it needed to see the light of day. if i wasn't on a spending ban my delulu ass probably would have considered making a physical one because think of all the COD outfits I could sew for it
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
I remembered something about the Monkey King's sticks, most of their staffs can only be held by the Monkey King himself(In LMK MK he can also hold it and in Monkey King Netflix there is no such rule but he can only talk to his own stick)
What if Y/N can hold Monkey King's sticks, how would they react?(For the Netflix version it would be what if Y/N could talk to the stick too).
I'll be using monkey (Y/N) Because she is a whole ass enigma at this point😂
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(LMK Wukong) It all started when he introduces you too his successor Mk. You stood on the side and watching the two train when Wukong knock the staff out of mk's hands and sent it flying. Since It was heading towards you you quickly caught it in your right paw. It went to give it back to MK. I can tell you that his jaw was pretty much touching the floor. You should probably take another picture.
Mk: You didn't tell me she can hold the staff too
Of course he didn't because he didn't know either😱😱😱
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(MK Reborn Wukong) There was this demon that was harassing the both of you. Calling you both horrible names like Freaks, dirty monkeys or other Horrendous things that I don't want to say out loud. You were pretty sure he hit the demon was following you two because this's been going on for 3 hours. Just when he's had enough Ready to bash his face and you beat him to it by grabbing his staff from him And going absolutely Insane on the idiot. He was just gonna scare him off but damn. I don't believe he's gonna register that, You can carry his staff until after you create a blood stain on the grass. That's gonna be a fun conversation.
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(Nezha Reborn wukong) I honestly think you would use his staff more then him. He wasn't all that surprised To discover that you can use it I mean your are not to be underestimated as his monkey Queen. It would only make since if you can tap into his power
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(HiB Wukong) You had once literally pull his staff out of his head. Which stocked his times 10x. As far as he was concerned, he was the only one who can Summoned his staff. But here you are surprising him again by Yanking staff out of his head and going to battle with it.
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(Netflix Wukong) I honestly think the staff would rather have you holding it than him. He was shocked that you were able to hold and talk to it. And now you'll be here gossiping about him. He is so done but he's glad you get along together
Stick: Man you are so cool and powerful and you hang out with him what do you see him of anyway🤨🤔😒
Monkey Queen (Y/N): He's cute and he makes me laugh🥰🤭😘
(Netflix Wukong) Don't you talk about me like i'm not here😥😥😫😫
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j-nope-not-today · 2 years
Can i get a Tmnt headcanon where April introduces her friend (the guys’ future SO) and they are absolutely BREATHTAKING? Love your fics by the way🫶🏾🫶🏾
TMNT reaction to meeting their s/o for the first time
A/n: Thanks so much for requesting and I'm so glad you love my fics 🫶
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He literally forgot how to speak for a moment
Like your so pretty??
He gives April a small look.
Bc how could she have hide you from him for so long?
Instantly wants to know everything about you
And he spends the entire time your there talking with you.
Getting to know you
And he absolutely loves everything about you.
Your literally perfect?
Big boy is crushing hard and wants to know when you can come back.
He doesn't want you to leave 😩
But you have to leave with April and when you do
He makes sure to slip you his number.
"Y'know just in case you want to talk."
Acts like he doesn't like you. But he's so obvious.
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He didn't even realize you were friends with April at first
He thought 'What is this beautiful angel doing standing in front of me'
When you were introduced he was a literal mess.
Forgot how to walk and definitely ate dirt in front of you.
But he was cute. He was also very nervous
Doesn't know if you'll even like him
But he holds out hope that maybe you will
So he gets to know you although he's very shy at first
He doesn't want to mess up his chance with you.
But thankfully you talked with him the whole time you were there.
You were super sweet and so nice!
He definitely fell in love halfway through your conversation.
Boy fell hard and fast.
He didn't give you his number he was afraid you wouldn't take it.
But he did tell you to come back sometime soon.
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He saw you and his jaw dropped.
Your so small and cute?
He introduces himself. Get all shy and embarrassed and tries to disappear to his lab
But your a lot quicker than he thought bc you followed him.
You literally scared the shit out of him.
He turned to shut the doors turned back around and there you were.
You ended up coaxing him into having a conversation with you
Once you asked about what he was working on the conversation picked up from there.
He was so happy someone was listening to him explain about his project!
You were absolutely perfect to him.
It was as if he had hearts for eyes anytime he looked at you
He was really nervous to give you his number but he did anyways
"You don't have too, but you should text me sometime."
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Your beautiful..
Literally pushed all of his brothers out of the way.
"Hey angel cakes name's Michelangelo, but you can call me whatever you want."
He was such a flirt.
He made it so obvious he liked you and he hoped he wasn't being to much
But he couldn't help it you deserved to be told how much of a treasure you were.
He immediately found something for you both to talk about.
He really liked you..you were so fun to be around
He gave you his number halfway through your conversation
Didn't even say anything just gave it to you.
he had the feeling you would text him.
He was so bummed out when you had to leave bc why??
He gave you the biggest of hugs.
"Call me sometime angel cakes."
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