#anyway idk this was supposed to be a little warm up but now my wrist is sore and my legs are asleep and my back hurts so i dont know
2dieavirgin · 1 year
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barbie boy. to ME
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I'm here to voluntarily admit myself to horny jail.
Idk if you write THIS spicy but here goes: Dom top villain bottoms for the first time...
I'm sorry
The hero grinned when they felt the hand around their throat.
It was pitch black in the hero’s bedroom — it had to be or else the hero couldn’t even close their eyes. Often they felt like a trained animal, a lab rat that had been drilled to only fall asleep when there was no light. A silly thought but they believed their wounds could heal better in the darkness. Maybe that was just them trying to deal with the physical trauma.
Deep sleep was a rarity for them anyway.
“You shouldn’t leave your window open.” The villain’s warm breath hit the hero’s lips and for a second, the hero debated if they should just go in for a kiss. But, no.
“You shouldn’t try to assassinate me all the time,” the hero whispered. They knew the villain wasn’t that far away. “Especially with your bare hands. It does things to me.”
God, the villain could be such a little pest. At this point, this was beyond obsession, this was beyond the little cat-and-mouse-games, this was beyond a work relationship. Being close to the villain was like breathing in the thick air of fog, lingering, begging to be noticed, heavy somehow and above all drenching the hero.
It drove the hero insane. The villain was a tease, for sure, and a mean one at that.
Flirting hard enough for the hero to be close to losing their balance. No one had ever dared to question the hero, no one had ever dared to be on their level and yet, the villain was clever and dangerous.
A month ago, they had broken the hero’s arm without hesitation and right now, they could squeeze and squeeze until the hero’s neck cracked. It was thrilling, it was a challenge and power was exactly what the hero was thirsty for.
“All of your assassination attempts end poorly. Time for another job?” the hero added. They had the tiny suspicion that the villain was hesitating — just like them — when it came to the fulfilment of their true desires.
“Do you want me to break your bones again?” the villain asked. “I don’t think you liked that.”
Oh, how wrong they were about that.
“Then end this.”
“As if I didn’t notice the dagger.” The villain shifted and the hero was truly impressed. Without seeing it, the villain was aware of it. Relying on their senses that well…The villain’s free hand found the hero’s wrist and they closed around it, leaning into the blade as if to demonstrate how little they cared about it.
They leaned over, lips against the hero’s neck.
“I usually kill my targets on my first try. But you’ve survived for months now…” They felt the villain’s smirk against their neck and the grip around the hero’s throat softened. The hero’s dagger stayed where it was. “You’re truly remarkable.”
“Oh, darling,” the hero answered, “you’re not supposed to say those things to me.”
“Who else is gonna say this?” And then, the villain’s lips were on the hero’s neck, warm and wet as their tongue followed. The hero closed their eyes and tried to get their self-control back. Hell, the other hand was still around the hero’s, going up and down their forearm.
The villain was — surprisingly — a little shy. They hesitated, were slow and careful, not even paying any attention to the dagger.
“Take your clothes off,” the hero said. Their voice was low and controlled, as if they were giving a command at work. “Now.”
“Shit…” The hero felt them move, felt the absence of their body and loathed it. They discarded their dagger on the nightstand, in case they needed it.
“Wait.” The hero grabbed blindly into the dark and caught fabric. They pulled the villain — who groaned — down and searched for the zipper of their suit. “Let me help you.”
They found it quickly and pulled it down until there was resistance.
“God, you’re a menace,” the villain laughed.
“Oh, you have no idea.” The hero knew exactly where to pull and where to push and their knowledge was, in fact, very useful as they turned the villain around. They seated themselves on top and finally decided to turn on the light on the nightstand.
All they could think was holy fuck when they saw the villain under them. Because the villain was strong and determined. They were smart and stubborn.
And they were under the hero right now, basically drooling.
Their suit was pulled down until right above their hips.
“I have neighbours,” the hero said, as if that wasn’t obvious. “So, you better be quiet.”
“I’m never quiet.” The hero pushed their hips deeper into the villain’s, making the other gasp.
“I’ll gag you if I have to.” The hero drew a line from the villain’s chin, all the way over their chest and down to their hips. The villain squirmed a little.
However, the hero realised as soon as they kissed their enemy how cocky the other was. They truly were a pain in the hero’s ass: letting out high-pitched moans just to tease them.
Unfortunately, the hero couldn’t think of anything that could work as a gag to silence the villain.
Fortunately, as the night progressed and they got more frustrated, they pushed their fingers into the mouth of the (surprised, yet oddly satisfied) villain. Watching their eyes roll back into their head gave the hero a random burst of energy and they knew being rough was the only option.
They had no choice but to be mean.
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thedvilsinthedetails · 4 months
rosekiller band au microfic pt2
yayyy part 2 is here! (Again if there’s any typos lmk ty)
(also yeah I changed their ages slightly, the skittles r now 23 not 25 what r u gonna do about it?)
anywayssss here’s the ppl that asked to be tagged/said they wanted more so im tagging them anyway (sorry if u didn’t want that): @always-reading @lady-stardust-incarnate @lulublack90 @idk-what-to-put-here-123 @weirdtinkerbellversion @depressedtheatrekiddo @blu3stars @nikholascrow @good-oldfashioned-lover-girl @picklerab23
(As always if u wanna be tagged or not tagged pls lmk I won’t mind at all <3)
Link to Part One
Link to Next Part
Evan woke up the next morning to the harsh bleep of his phone that always managed to elicit pure terror in his body. He groaned and rolled out of bed. He’d forgotten to turn off the alarm and of course he was awake at six in the fucking morning on a Saturday.
He threw on a dressing gown over his tank top and plaid pyjama bottoms, slipped into his fluffy slippers and trudged to the kitchen for some coffee.
Once he got to the kitchen he saw Dorcas was already sat at the little island she passed him a warm cup of coffee as soon as he sat down. Dorcas had always been the earliest riser of the band, always eager to get ready quickly and get the hell out of the house, he supposed that’s what growing up as the eldest sister to four brothers did to you. 
“Heard your alarm go off, figured you’d forgot to turn it off.”
“Dorcas you lifesaver. And I mean seriously a lifesaver, I might have murdered someone without this coffee.”
Dorcas laughed.
Evan rubbed his eyes.
“Barty probably. He’s fucking annoying.”
“Any excuse to get up close to him then more like.”
Evan’s head snapped up.
Dorcas rolled her eyes.
“Please you’re shit at hiding it.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking ‘bout Cas.”
Evan mumbled, taking a long drink from his mug. 
“Please, save the crap. If you don’t have a crush on him, why do you get so worked up by people calling you a couple. It consumes your every waking thought, now why is that? Tell me.”
“Ughhh I don’t want to think about it.”
He groaned and stared into the brown murky depths of the mug he was cradling close to him.
Dorcas softened.
“Look, Marls and Barty are really close, our next tour stop is London which means she’ll obviously drop by rehearsals. I can get her to ask him if he-“
“He doesn’t.”
Evan ran his thumb over a tiny chip in the ceramic. It was a mug Barty had painted around four years ago, Dora had decided for her sixteenth she wanted to go to a pottery painting place like when they were little. Barty was- honestly pretty shit at painting. The background was covered in vast uneven strokes of black. He’d tried to paint a white ferret on it - ‘Ev this one is for you, if you were any animal I’d say you’d be a ferret.’ - thing is it looked more like a snake with legs that was also, well, a zombie. It was Evan’s most prized possession. He’d be taking it to the grave. He turned it to look inside the handle. Barty had been too lazy to paint that part so instead he’d just written crudely with the brush - ‘B + E forever bitches!’. His eyes crinkled fondly as he read it. 
“I just need to get over it.”
His expression hardened and he looked up at Dorcas again.
“Get over what?”
They both turned to find Barty in the doorway. His hair was sticking up in all directions. Fuzzy spikes of green and black. He stretched his arms all the way up as he yawned, flexing his wrist so his ‘SKITTLES’ tattoo was on full display. He had one of Evan’s jumpers on over his pyjama top. Evan really wanted to reach out and hold. Why’d he have to go and look so soft? Wasn’t fucking fair. 
“Nothing Jr.”
Barty nodded in response as he padded over and sat himself in the chair next to Evan.
“Why’re you even awake?”
Dorcas asked.
Barty dropped his head down onto the island counter dramatically.
“Forgot to turn off my alarm.”
Dorcas laughed out loud, fully threw her head back and everything.
“Two birds of a fucking stupid feather you two are.”
She got up and put her mug in the sink before heading out of the kitchen. Barty turned his head up to look at Evan as soon as she was gone.
“You don’t have to tell me anything Evan, but if you want to you can. You know that right?”
Barty lifted his head and propped it up on his hand as Evan nodded.
“Yeah. Yeah I know Barty.”
Barty shuffled his chair closer before dropping his head onto Evan’s shoulder and falling quiet. It was instinctual, the way Evan brought his arms up around him. After a few moments he looked down though, Barty was suspiciously silent.
He whispered.
“M’awake. You’re just comfy Ev. You’re really good at hugs.”
Might be ‘cause I was built to hold you.
Damn that’s a fucking stupid thing to say. Fuck I’ve turned into Reg whenever he’s around James.
Yeah Evan needed to get over this like fucking yesterday.
Barty breathed in deeply, face buried in the crux of Evan’s neck. He couldn’t help it really. Evan smelled like home. Probably a creepy thing to say, oh well wasn’t like he said it out loud. Evan was home though, plain and simple.
He didn’t want to move, probably ever. Still eventually as the rest of the group came pattering into the kitchen and things got livelier he had to shift away.
They got on the train at noon, ready to head to London. Evan took the window seat watching as the city turned to rolling hills turned to city again. Barty kept sneaking glances over at him, wasn’t really sure what he was looking for honestly but-
Evan asked finally, tone irritated.
“Nothing, just bored.”
“Oh um-“
Evan glanced around, he and Barty were in a two seater while the rest of the band sat around the table in front of them, chatting animatedly.
“S’fine Ev, not anything you can do about it, I’m gonna be bored till we get off this bloody train. Fucking buzzing.”
“Excited for tomorrow then yeah?”
Barty turned to him with shining eyes. 
“D’you remember when we were eighteen? First time at the O2 for a concert? Fuck d’you remember seeing it like that, covered in all the lights ‘n shit. Eventim Apollo doesn’t even compare.”
Evan chuckled. They’d gone to the O2 for the first time June 2019 to see a concert when Evan was still in his backstreet boys phase, something no one was allowed to talk about now under any circumstances.
“D’you remember what you said to me?”
“Look at that stage Ev. Imagine playing there. For all these people.”
Evan turned to Barty and ruffled his hair.
“One day Bee, we’ll be playing here. I promise you yeah? We’ll be playing here and it’ll all the fucking sold out.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. Yeah I do.”
AHHH I HOPE U LIKED ITTTT (idk when part 3 will be coming but hopefully soon <333333)
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to6ge · 10 months
★ Gojo satoru x gn!reader
★ IN WHICH ! your lover, Gojo satoru woke you up in the middle of the night just to ask you to ride a bike with him. He took you to a nearby river, just to stargaze and admire you the moon.
★ WARNINGS ?? SFW, pining..?? Cursing, Non Proofread, other than that, none.
★ AUTHORS NOTE : Yall, idk how much times im gonna be changing my theme, but I changed it again 😁😁.. ANYWAYS!! was supposed to be studying, but felt the motivation to go write sooo here we are💀
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“Wake up” - “Wake up!!” Gojo said, on top of you. Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of his voice, you were worried that something had happened.
You groaned, still super groggy. “Huh?? Whats wrong??” - “Its really late, you know?” you said with a worried but irritated tone. Why did he have to wake you up in such a sudden??
“Lets go biking” He said with a wide grin. You sighed and turned to the side “Im laaazyy..” you said “Please?? I reaaally wannaa..!!” He pleaded, and you just couldnt resist “Get off me first then!” You scolded him.
You slowly sat up as he got off from you, rubbing your eyes. You checked the time and saw that it was just 1am. The night was cold, breezy and it felt like it was about to rain.
“do i need to change my cloth—” you got rudely cut off by your beloved, he took your wrist and was practically skipping to go outside and ride a bike.
The moment you stepped into the outside, you were hit by the strong, cold wind. You both were in your silly, matching pyjamas. Your teeth almost immediately started clattering, he seemed to notice it but he was cold as well.
You were about to continue walking to your bike, when you felt gojo's warm embrace. He didnt know how to warm you up, so he just thought of this. “I know it wont completely warm you up, but thisll do. Right?”
“thank you, satoru” you smiled so warmly at him, he felt like he was also already warm just because of your mesmerizing smile. He returned the smile, but it was cocky and teasing now.
“You cant live without me, can you?” he playfully asked “Hmm, maybe i can maybe i cant” you returned his teasing demeanor “oh please, ofcourse you cant. Im your amazing, sweet and caring boyfriend!!” he said, grinning ear-to-ear.
You giggled out of his silliness, “i suppose so, i cant disagree with that statement” you were still smiling. “see? Im so cool right!” he was getting even more annoying by the second.
“yes yes, whatever you say satoru” you replied. He finally let go of you, the embrace surely kept you both warm. You continued to walk over to the bikes, one for you, one for him. You were kind of annoyed that there was 2 and he couldnt just bring you with him, but you decided to go along with it.
The both of you hopped onto your own bike, “you ready, [name]?” you nervously gulped your spit down. You could ride a bike, but you werent too good at it. But regardless, you put on a tough face “hell yeah i am!” Gojo seemed to notice your nervousness, he didnt think much of it, expecting that youd be good. I mean, to him, you were good at everything.
He started biking first, and god damn was he good. He was so stable and fast, you were breath taken by the sight of him doing things just so..... Utterly perfect. You tagged along, but when you tried to get fast you started to get unstable.
Gojo laughed and decided to tease you “Pfft! Youre so fucking bad at this!” he chuckled “Youre acting as if you dont suck ass at this too!” Obviously, you lied. He was amazing at this. Then he purposely crashed into you. Both of you shared happiness and laughter. This scenario could be a little more romantic if Gojo wasnt such a tease, but it was a cute “date” for now.
He started speeding up faster into a route you had never been to, you felt a bit suspicious but decided to catch up with him anyways. Turns out, he had taken you out to a lake. The moon was very visible, the sound of the water flowing was so..relaxing. There were a bunch of stars, everything looked so pretty. Even Gojo looked prettier right now!
The both of you parked your bikes and sat down on the grass near the river. The sight was so heavenly. You raised up your head to see the stars,, and they were breath taking. Your attention immediately redirected to the stars and the view, but Gojo? In this pretty place? He was still staring at you, admiring you, yearning for you.
“Even in the prettiest place, id still stare at you. Even in a room full of people, id still stare at you. You bewitched me, and youre so absolutely mesmerising.”
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
~𝓐𝓷𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷 w/a Darling Who Praises Him~
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Note: Some of the word coloring is black to match Anakin's theme. I suggest turning on a lighter theme if you use a darker one. Note 2: NO THIS ISN'T SMUT I have to keep my blog (mostly) safe for the kiddos. But, like, it might be a bit suggestive in some places? idk have fun
Anakin's Playlist:
𝓐𝓷𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷 𝓢𝓴𝔂𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓮𝓻
~Oh Maker. This is all he's ever wanted.
~He isn't used to getting so shy and flustered. Usually, he likes to make you all flustered. This is new for him.
~Being a slave, he didn't have much love from anybody other than his Mother, so having somebody to motivate him and love him so much makes him almost want to cry.
~Tell him often that you love him, but tell him in different ways, so it doesn't get repetitive. Creative compliments and praise surprise him.
~You always get the cutest smile from him 🥺
~Or just having a hand on his back, holding onto his arm, ect. Feeling a gentle loving hand on him makes him so happy.
~Knowing that you're just as in love with him as he is with you?
~Yeah he's emotional
~One of his favorite things is when you cup his cheeks between your warm hands and just stare into his eyes while talking to him.
~You totally have him all mushy now
~Little lingering kisses on his soft lips while you tell him that he did a good job in training and stuff shfjkdjfjdjf
~Hearing it from BOTH you and Obi-Wan build his confidence up. He's like
~they said i did a good job
~i must be a badass
~Careful though bc he might get annoying and egotistical at some point. He's a smug bastard 🙄
~Like I've stated before in my Anakin fanfiction thingies, hand kisses make him W E A K
~He likes when you kiss his knuckles and wrists
~STOMACH KISSES okay. okay so stfu darlings hold on it's a bit suggestive here
~He's so strong and it's obvious but he's also so SOFT you can squeeze his thighs 🤩
~You know you've gotten to him when you can see him trying to control his breathing. wtf are you doing he's supposed to be doing this to YOU
~You make him feel so special 🥺 He loves to know that you love him so much, and having such praise from someone so special gives him such a warm feeling in his chest. He's used to pampering you, so having you do the same for him leads him to understand your love for him. And really, that's all he wants. For you to love him.
~He takes everything to heart, and replays it in his mind all the time.
I HAD TO CUT IT SHORT AGAIN DUE TO STUPID SHOULDER INJURIES >:( So just like I said with the 049 headcanons, when my shoulders are healed, I'll be writing more of this. Because I had more I wanted to go into with this but I need to rest 🙄 UGHHH BODIES ARE SO ANNOYING
just kidding sweetheart you should love and be proud of your body it's always working for you and never against you
How on earth do I get off on these little rambles
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Join my chat/roleplay server! Here, you'll be able to roleplay, make new friends, and get updates on my fanfiction and upcoming videogames!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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yannymg · 1 year
fake sympathy
what poor girl, she didn't deserve such fate, it's so tragic that it's almost amusing..
and you wish that girl was you.
so beautiful, so cheerful, so charismatic, so dead and so calm now. Maybe she wasn't so smart, but she sure was herself and that's what mattered, but now, nothing matters, your good friend, you thought you very only friend, is no more here now. but she wasn't your friend, my sunshine. she was a fucking little two-faced bitch, i just saved you~! now, where's my 'thank you'~? those words, those awful corrupted words they went through your head, but they came out the other ear, you couldn't even get mad at them, all that was in your head was dead view of her that was just breaking your heart, she will never smile at you again, hug you, make you find a reason to keep getting out of bed, no, no more. you fell to your knees, literally howling in tears. you heard a quiet, pleasant to the ear giggle, the only fact you hated is that, that it was actually so warm to hear it was almost comforting, you almost could feel that somebody actually tries to calm you down, to say that's everything is gonna be okay, that they're sorry for your loss. but it's just not that, you know them, they couldn't never comfort you.
ahaha..h...my, my, i can't... i just can't stop looking at you, my dear. something grabs your hair tightly pulling your head up, just to meet his eyes full of desire, and weird combination of glances you couldn't read, but there's one thing you could definitely tell from his expression. he did really fucking enjoy what he sees right now. he grabbed you by the jaw and lifted you close to his face so he could see every little detail of your pitiful little face, your salty but for him for sure sweet tears. he did it. you know he fucking did it. you don't know how but he could be only one who was able to make someone commit suicide in no time. he's fucking monster, you hate him so much. you want him dead, not your dead dearest friends. you grab his wrists tightly, digging your nails into them, you want them to hurt, you want him to hurt, even you know you can't do that, you only made him annoyed. what's that? you trying to stop being adorable? that's okay, i'll make you again~
something starts to choke you, it's his hands that left your face alone and now they're going to punish you for your resistance. he's not strangling you with the intention of killing you, you can feel it. it's too light yet enough to scare you again, stress you out, and make you shed tears again. it's suits you, you know, these tears, and my hands around your neck... ahhahh... i could just break your fucking spine in half within a fucking second, you know, but your pathetic little expression, i just love it so much... i love you so much, ahahah... you shiver as you feel something warm on your cheek. his tongue licks up your tear, you feel so grossed, you want to die, you wish you never met him, you wish you never trusted him. he pulls you in tight embrace, you hate it, why it feels comforting? you don't want it, you don't want his comforting, he's to blame for all of this. yet your exhaustion with all this despair won't even let you fight it, you just let him hold you, let yourself feel loved in some weird way, accept his fake sympathy. after some time in his hands you actually forgetting what you were crying all about. 🤯 HAHASDSA ok it's end here i think hehe it's sorta just my own work, it's not for any fandom really,, sorry- i pretty much keept information to a minimum here i hope it wasn't annoying ;] but yea the characters here are my ocs :D the reader is supposed to be one of my oc also and uhh yea idk i talk too much anyway i hope you enjoyed thank you for reading and have a great day!!<3
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reiverreturns · 1 year
us 🤝 gratuitously talking about our wips instead of actually working on them
i NEED to know about this ac/pacrim nonsense 👀
it's a hard life in the trenches (doing nothing productive whatsoever)
EHEHEHE okay so my nonsense file is basically all @alethiometry's fault and is more or less a dumping ground for assassin's creed PacRim AU stuff that i write odds and sods for when i don't feel like writing anything serious. it's mostly hytham/jacob frye where hytham is an ex-ranger who designs jaeger weaponry and jacob is an active ranger alongside evie. idk i think they'd have SUCH good chemistry and i know in my heart i'm right on that one. i have zero intention of ever making a real publishable story out of the stuff in there but i have lots and lots of little bits! it's very much ignoring quality, just having fun stuff.
anyway for context i've pulled a bit where jacob gets injured before the big mission to close the breach. furious and upset that he'll be sidelined, he ends up running his mouth to the press about how the world governments and their wall building plans are all stupid as hell and hytham sneaks him out into a hong kong hotel to screw some sense into him before marshal aya can find jacob and beat his ass six ways to sunday. i'm also dropping a cut in because it's a chonky bit!
send me a title from my wip list and i'll post a snippet and some thoughts
“Where will you go when this is all over?” Hytham asks.
Jacob turns, attention turns sharp, but Hytham isn't looking at him. He’s leaning against the edge of the window, arm resting across the top of the frame, eyes locked on a lonely hulking mass fuzzed in the heavy, sodden mist of the bay. A Jaeger on reconnaissance and repair. Odin’s Sight, if Jacob remembers the assignments. He can’t think of anything more pointless than checking the walls now.
You pilot a Jaeger for long enough, you come to understand that Rangers come in two flavours. The first are the sort who fight for an after. Eivor and Vili, with their dream of a patch of land and animals aplenty in the far flung reaches of Norway. Connor being reunited with his family back home. The second kind of Ranger fights against. ‘After’ isn’t exactly a worry when you're trying to wrestle a Kaiju’s lower mandible from the rest of its jaw. ‘After’ doesn’t mean anything if the chances are you’ll end up going down with your Jaeger. 
Before today Jacob had always considered himself firmly in camp two. Even now, with his Jaeger miles away, he can feel the mechanical click and whirr of the gears in his wrist as he sits up on the bed, pneumatic pressure falling when he adjusts his bad leg. It’s raining and the machinery aches. Evie's running through her tests with Henry. She's worried about him. His mind is hers and hers is his; no start and no end, a complex knot of flesh and metal that cannot be divorced. Jacob's future is a blue-tinged meld of past and present. It does not - can not - exist without Evie or Rook Empire in it.
But that had been then. Hytham turns, sighing, and the realisation hits Jacob like a bullet to the chest.
Jacob might die. He might live to see the whole world fall. He might be crushed beneath a warm body like he was half an hour ago, panting into Hytham's mouth, sweat-slick and needy for more time. But he also might live. There might be an ‘after’ after all.
More silence. Jacob wishes he had Hytham’s comfort in it. Maybe the roar of blood in his ears wouldn’t feel so intrusive.
“I hadn’t thought of it,” Jacob eventually says in a voice that doesn’t sound like his own, hands absently gripping the sheets, mind scrambling and overshot to somewhere far, far away. “I could go back to London, I suppose. Would be nice to go somewhere where I could pretend the world didn’t completely go to shit. But it’s…” He looks at the condensation on the windows, mouth dry. “I don’t think there will be a place for me when I go back.” 
Stupid thing to say. London’s a big fucking city. It still is, despite the attacks and riots and civil unrest that has destabilised its boroughs over the years. Hytham tilts his head thoughtfully.
“There will be no Rangers anymore,” he says, and Jacob nods.
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voidbeomgyu · 1 year
7:06AM: ive been so inactive bc classes just started again, but ive come back to release my anxiety ab this man at the bus stop. im literally in the bus rn but at the stop i was waiting and then some man ive never talked to before pulls up and starts talking to me. ((for context my class starts at 7:15am and i take the 6am bus bc the next bus is at 7am and id be late by a few right but sometimes idc ab being late cos im tired so i take the 7am bus, like today))
so ive seen this fool like mayb two times before ,i cant remember but he never talked to me until today when he walked to the stop and asked me "arent you cold?" cos all i have on rn are my sweatpants and a tshirt over a white longsleeve cos my first class is a body conditioning class im gonna warm tf up right. but i was like "uh aha a little" and he laughed or whatever and then just kept talking like bro im literally trying to text my "more than friends" friend rn leave me alone. he asked if im going to school rn and BRUH MEN MAKE ME BLANK OUT LIKE MY MOUTH GOES ON AUTO PILOT SO MY DUMBASS SAID YES.
ive had some not good at all experiences with men and boys around my age before so idk, ig over time my axiety just got worse? anyway he was like "college? [state] state?" and i omg i was like "no just college ahah" and the nearest one is like the ONLY ONE SO HE CONNECTED THE DOTS TO WHICH SCHOOL I GO TO OBV. i even told him my name bc im DUMB. but like im wearing my bracelets rn right (i make and wear kandi ((pony bead bracelets))) and the one on my wrist has my name on it and so does the phone charm thing i made. so i like noticed him eyeing it and was like FUCK I CANT EVEN LIE ARRGRGRHHR COS LIKE I COULD SAY IT WAS A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER NAME RIGHT BUT WHY WOULD I HAVE MY PHONE CHARM SAY SOMEONE ELSE'S NAME RIGHT GRRRARRGGRGSGR
after he would finish a thought id turn to look forward to the road again and look down at my phone to text my friend right so it would be silent for like 2 second and then BOOM HE STARTS TALKING AB HOW HE GOT HIS LISENCE SUSPENDED FOR THREE YEARS BC HE KEPT BREAKING THE LAW AND GETTING TICKETS IM LOSING MY MIND WHY WOULD I NEED TO KNOW THIS??!??? he was like yea thats why im taking the bus now and have to wake up so early and im sitting there like 😀👍
i had my mask on bc paranoia yardy kno (tmi i have the covid vaccine and two boosters and i still got sick but i didnt die so cool it did what it was supposed to ((tmi tmi my body is so weak when i was in 5th grade i almost died from an infection spreading up my arm to my heart from a PLAYGROUND WOODCHIP SPLINTER IN MY FINGER...))) so like i wear masks bc i dont wanna get sick by ANYTHING EVEN JUST A COLD OR SOMETHING IDC IDC im happy for that tho cos 1. man does not know what my face looks like and 2. face warm
OKAY ANYWAYS when he found out my name he paused for a second and asked who my dad was and i was like ...what so he said something like his ex's brother had a daughter named [MY NAME BRUH] and i was like 😀👍 aaahawggagwggs so he thought i was her or something. i was like oh okay haha and then turned back around like ive been doing to try and end the conversation right, but like we are waiting at the bus stop yk so theres gonna be cars that pass by and its gonna get loud especially rn everyone is going to work. but since it was loud ig i didnt hear him?? cos suddenly his voice is like way louder than before right so i turn and hes like A FOOT AWAY FROM MY FACE IM AARGRHEGR WHY. he said his name i forgot what it was i wasnt paying attention cos i was like 😦 but it think it was michael, so michael if u ever see this ur weird.
anyway then he said something like "you know what's cool?" and bruh i literally saw my life flash before my eyes. why? idk but that sounds so ????? like scary ???? but i was like "uh sure" and then he went on this tangent about being in the navy and that he got to travel the world like three? idk how many times but he was telling me wheres hes been like naming the countries right
i was just sitting there being my polite little self bc i was raised to no matter what respect when someone is speaking to you in a conversation even if u dont wanna be there. like for when someone older than you is speaking to you i mean and this guy was OOOOOLDER THAN ME faded brown hair covered in grey, brown grey fluffy stash, he looked like maybe early-mid fifties but could pass for being like 70 im being so fr. anyway yea im being polite even tho im like so uncomfortable bc thats just what i do idk😭 it was def obv how uncomfortable i was tho i was fidgeting SO much like shaking both my legs, picking at the skin around my fingers, and trying to end the conversation multiple times. but he just kept going😭
but after that whole idk how long tangent ab navy stuff he suddenly asked (after i turned around to stop talking to him ofc) how old i was like "how old are you if you dont mind me asking?" and so i was like scared but also kinda relieved cos i get comments a lot about how much younger AND how much older i look bc ig i just present myself more mature??? even tho my style and stuff isnt like super mature or anything ppl ive talked to like teachers/parents/classmates who are older than me, like mid twenties to late thirties tell me that they thought i was so much older when im actually like a baby. its only ppl my age that say i look younger right, so i was like oh maybe he thinks im like way older or something?? like im wearing a backpack and a little tote with stuff so it looks like im going to school, but he asked if im attending college or a four year uni meaning he thought i was a little older (or at least he just didnt mention a thought of me being in high school? mayb cos im taking the public bus and not a school bus idk). i said the truth bc I HAD HOPE IDK BRUH LIKE IKKKK I RLLY SHOULD NOT HAVE HAD ANY HOPES BC A MAN IS A MAN AND IF U GET WEIRD VIBES THEN THEY ARE PROB VERY MUCH CORRECT BUT IDK😭😭😭
anyway i told him like yea im 18 and when i tell you his face lit up like LIT UP. i was gonna be sick like why are you smiling so hard at me being so young like he was giddy ab it too like STOPPPP. he was like "woww getting your education earlyyy thats awesome" and tbh idk how to take comments like that bc idk hs at least in my state is like "go to college or university immediately after highschool" and during senior year we have stands up to help us apply for schools and stuff so i dont rly see me being 18 at college early or anything so i just sat there like "😀👍 thanks" IM USING THAT EMOJI COMBO A LOT BUT DAWG ISTG THAT WAS LITERALLY ME THE WHOLE DAMN TIME IM SO FR
i was thinking to myself like WHY IS THIS BUS TAKING SO DAMN LONG PLEASEEEE😭😭😭😭😭 but it arrived eventually and he got on first and sat allllll the way at the back. i always sit near the front bc its just easier ig idk but i was like so relieved bruh while i was sitting there listening to him i was thinking like oh my god P L E A S E do not sit next to me to keep our conversation going i want to sit in silence and be CALM. IM LITERALLY A BROKE COLLEGE DANCE MAJOR STUDENT IM SO PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY TIRED AND I CANT EVEN DRIVE SO IM TAKING THE PUBLIC BUS AT 6AM EVERY MORNING SO I WAKE UP AT 4:30AM TO GO TO MY 7:15AM BODY CONDITIONING CLASS.
maybe i am overreacting and it was one of those things thats like a fatherly kind of thing. like how sometimes you might meet a nice man who works at a shop and you see him as like a father figure of sorts yk. but like i really REALLY was not getting that vibe. like at some points i was 'like yea cool okay mayb im wrong and ur just a wise man talking life to a kid you met at the bus stop', but then he'd just keep talking. and yk how theres like a line of where something is like too much to say right. like its a common sense thing to know when you're a GROWN person and you first meet someone who is damn younger than you and could pass as a minor, you dont ask like where they live what highschool they went to, (i forgot to mention but yea he asked me that) or dump a bunch of your life on them. like he told me what highschool he went to, what elementary school he went to, what state it was in, and how he was born and raised there, where he used to work, how he had a motercycle and went 160mph coming off the freeway like an idiot, what car i should get when i decide to start drive instead of taking the bus, how cute it is that my name is so similar to a brand (like a one letter difference so he noticed it right away and was like "ohh thats so cool, you're so unique thats cute"), and that whole ex's brother thing was weird too like idk i feel like you wouldnt ask "who's your dad?" but rather ask like "does [name] happen to be your father?" or something yk. NOT TO MENTION THE LISENCE SUSPENDED FOR THREE YEARS NOW ONE YEAR LEFT THING TOO LIKE 😭 OKAY WHY WOULD YOU TELL ANYONE YOU JUST MET AB THAT😭😭😭
anyway yea i just didnt get the friendly older man you see in those heart touching movies kinda vibe. more like grown man finds a young girl sitting alone at the bus stop and dumps his life story on her to hopefully rush into some sort of relationship with her kinda vibe. (like those situations ((a lot of the time in fiction lol)) where you meet someone for the first time at a bar or something and you talk the whole damn night and either go home knowing everything ab eachother and planning on meeting again or having fucked in the backseat of one of your cars kinda rush i mean) IDK MAN it was like a scary unsettling kinda vibe yk. it was obv he had so much more he wanted to say bc he was like ig stopping himself?? idk how to elaborate on that but when the bus finally arrived he sighed like "aw the bus is here" so i feel like he wanted to talk with me more.
TL;DR im never taking the 7AM bus instead of the 6AM bus again because of a man i met on a cold wednesday morning 😀👍 happy day everyone
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kaepop-trash · 2 years
I just read volleyball player johnny and sports caster yn and omg I died.
Man if there was one drabble that I could ask you to continue (truthfully there is no one drabble, I want all of them) but this one in particular !!!@
Anyways congrats on your milestone! Always wishing you the best 😊
Well, idk what came over me when I wrote this.
Summary: After having the world find out about your little crush on the volleyball captain, you think the right course of action is to avoid him till the day you die. But it wasn't that easy when Johnny seemed to always have one lingering eye on you at all times. This is part 2 of this drabble.
WC: 1.8k
Warnings: suggestive content
"Why are you avoiding him?" Haechan asked (Y/N) when she ducked right as Johnny entered the cafeteria.
"Because you," She lifted her head from under the table just enough to glare at him, "Went and announced to the entire stadium plus all the people watching on live television that I want a chokehold from him. What am I supposed to do?" She whisper shouted, knuckles white from holding onto the table for balance.
"Let him give you a chokehold." Haechan shrugged, grunting when she threw her juice box at him. "Why are you assaulting me? If anything I helped you." He rubbed his arm, pulling the juice box away when she tried to grab it again.
"Help? People watched this happen on television." She reminded him, groaning when the pain of crouching got too much.
"Who even watches volleyball, really?" Haechan mumbled, focusing on his tray.
"I was trending on Twitter!" She snarled, "They made a hashtag!" She lamented, putting her hands into her face.
Haechan giggled, "Yeah that clip of Johnny turning to the box in shock before being hit by the ball is pretty funny. If it helps, nobody knows what you look like." He offered.
"No, that doesn't help." She looked up at him, feeling increasingly incredulous. "I still have to go out there tomorrow and do my job. This is a nightmare and it's all your fault." She groaned, dropping her head into her hands again.
Haechan flicked his wrist in dismissal, "He keeps looking at you all the time now. Ever since the tour started, you've gone from eyeing him occasionally to outright pining over him. Just go say hi, he's clearly waiting for it." Haechan pointed behind him without looking, where Johnny sat with his team eating lunch. When she looked up, he was, in fact, watching her. His lips twitched with a smirk when their eyes met, giving her a wave that made the other boys at the table turn to look at her.
When they all cheered, her face warmed and she looked back down to her food quickly.
"I think I'm done eating." She groaned, getting up to leave.
Her face was so warm from embarrassment that she thought she might break out into a sweat as she made her way out of the commentator's box. The moment she was on the floor, enough people in the crowd pointed at her that it got more people's attention.
When she felt Haechan's presence by her side, she grabbed his arm and squeezed.
"God, you're famous." He whispered, half in apology and half in awe.
"My parents are going to kill me." She groaned just as someone called her the 'chokehold' girl again.
While looking around the stadium, her eyes met Johnny's. He gave her an extremely apologetic look, looking around at the crowd with a sigh. She gave him a smile, it's not like it was his fault.
On the bus back to the hotel, Johnny came up to where she sat with Haechan.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked the guy. Haechan, who was usually quick to say something, just gulped and nodded. (Y/N) raised a questioning brow at him but he just scurried away.
Johnny stood in front of her for another moment before sitting down with a sigh. Both of them stayed silent for a little longer, fidgeting before she turned away from the window to look at him.
"I'm sorry about–" They began to say at the same time, stopping.
"It wasn't your fault." She grimaced.
"It's not yours either." He responded.
"If we're being honest, it's Haechan's fault." She scoffed. Both of them turned to where he sat, finding him sitting up on his knees with his chin on the backrest to keep an eye on the both of them. When he realised he got caught, he sat back down with a yelp.
"All those people at the match today were out of line. I totally get why you were avoiding me now." Johnny spoke, fiddling with the drawstring of his team hoodie.
"No," She turned to him, confused by the meaning of his words, "What?" She sounded perplexed. "I wasn't avoiding you because I'm scared of a few volleyball fans." She scoffed, amused by the idea.
"Then?" He asked, anticipation written all over his face.
"I just, you know." She looked down to her lap as her cheeks heated. "I was embarrassed about the whole thing. Haechan made me sound like a total creep. I was sparing you the whole 'letting me down easy' conversation. I just admire your talent, really." She tried to give her badly plotted excuse. "You're really good at the sport and it's kind of my job to keep an eye on you. It's not a big deal or anything." She shrugged, looking out the window to avoid his gaze while it burned against her neck. "We don't need to think about it anymore."
"That's kind of a pity." Johnny hummed, "Because I lost that match thinking about you." He clicked his tongue. "And then I kept doing it, so now I don't know how to stop." She heard the sound of him shuffling, "I thought since I won today, I'd do something about those thoughts." His voice dropped to an unassuming murmur.
"Do what?" She questioned, still not ready to turn and look at him. Instead he leaned a little closer, his breath brushing against the shell of her ear.
"You tell me." He whispered, still far enough to be polite but close enough to make the hairs on the back of her neck rise. "Your last idea sounded good to me." He sighed, the brush of his warm breath on her neck making her shuffle back a little, closer to him.
Johnny hummed with approval at the movement, "What do you want me to do to you?" His fingers brushed over the back of her neck, pushing her hair back in a gesture that felt like a tease.
She took a deep breath, mustering every ounce of courage she could find to turn with a resolute gaze aimed at him. When she met his darkening gaze she almost lost her nerve, needing another breath to steady her voice.
"Nothing you can do here, Captain." She breathed out the words, biting down a stutter when a smirk grew on his lips in response, a brow raised in what looked like pleasant surprise. His eyes dragged down to her lip, using his thumb to pull it out from between her teeth.
His eyes stayed on her lips, "You better hold onto that look till after dinner, (Y/N). If you run away again I just might come catch you." He brushed his thumb over the soft flesh with languid strokes.
"You should have done that already." She pouted, his thumb pressing into her lower lip till his thumb was cushioned against the protruding flesh. "I was under the assumption that you weren't interested."
Johnny finally pulled his hand back before he got ahead of himself, looking back to her eyes.
"After dinner." His words were more of a warning to himself than a promise to her.
As the celebration went on, all Johnny was really focusing on was the table on which (Y/N) sat. He couldn't possibly explain what had happened to him. He'd seen the girl around a lot, their new sportscaster for the season with a smooth voice and a quick wit to bounce off Haechan's more blunt one. He'd also seen her during practice sometimes since the tour began.
But since that day at the match, there was seemingly a part of Johnny's brain dedicated to thinking about her only.
When he walked into breakfast the day after that match, he was rather mad at himself from having lost it. As he walked around to fill his plate, catching her from the corner of her eye was enough to make him turn.
He found himself staring at her for a moment too long, taking in her features with an increasingly shallow breath.
She looked a little tired, he had noted. And when Haechan came up to her to say something in his usual energy, she gave him a frown that made him stop immediately.
That alone could have impressed Johnny. But then she aimed a gentle smile at the boy and Johnny found himself wanting to be on the receiving end of it immediately.
The moment he caught his gaze lingering on her neck though, his face seemed to warm up at the memory of what Haechan said. At that very moment she looked up to meet his gaze and feeling like he'd been caught, Johnny scrambled away before she could somehow realise what he was thinking.
From that very moment, Johnny had sealed his faith. A faith that led to this very moment when she walked out of the ballroom where the celebration was happening to make her way upstairs. Johnny got up on his feet in a flash the moment she turned to give him a look before leaving.
"Where are you off to?" Mark asked him.
"Back to my room. Feeling a little tired." He shrugged at the guy who nodded.
"By the way," Mark grinned. "Have you seen (Y/N)? She looks really good tonight." He laughed.
"Of course I have." Johnny muttered, slipping out from behind his table. "Don't drink too much. There's practice at noon." He reminded Mark, walking away before the guy had a chance to complain.
Johnny walked swiftly across the room, walking out in hopes of catching sight of her. He turned the corner to the elevator, stopping when he saw her. She stood leaned against the wall, playing with the hem of her dress.
"I thought you left." He said, pretending like he wasn't rushing through the corridor.
"I thought you wouldn't come." She answered, standing up straight.
Johnny slowly tried to regain his composure, "I had to prove my interest after all." He smirked, taking a few steps closer. "Tell me." He hummed, stopping close enough to hear her inhale as her lips parted. "How long have you been having such filthy thoughts about me? Looking at you, I'd never assume that you would have any." His voice dropped to a low whisper, enjoying the way her eyes widened in remote panic as she tilted her chin to look up at him.
"I–" She stuttered, "I mean." He watched her throat bob as she swallowed.
Johnny clicked his tongue, "So it's true?" He shook his head. "Here I thought you'd say that Haechan was lying. Or at least exaggerating." He bit back a smile when her eyes only grew wider, cheeks visibly pink under the lights.
Johnny's eyes slipped from hers to drag over her lips, taking in the way she licked them nervously. Then he dipped his head out of curiosity, assessing her neck.
"You have such a pretty neck too. I'm almost wary of touching it." He took another step closer, reaching out to brush his knuckles from her collarbones to her neck. When her breathing turned restless, Johnny was about done teasing.
"Want me to be gentle?" He questioned, bringing his thumb to her lip, giving in to his previous urge and pressing against it till she parted her them. He watched her lips wrap around the digit. With a wide eyed gaze that looked deceptively innocent, she shook her head at the question. Johnny smiled.
Send me an ask with a summary of the fic you wish I would write and I will write a tidbit
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zodiyack · 4 years
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Female!Artist!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, me not proofreading + this probably sucking idk
Words: 951
Summary: Just a soft ol’ time with Sherlock under a tree. He’s like a Greek god, beauty gracing his face and body, and Y/n can never resist the urge to draw him. Only this time, he catches her.
Note: So this is honestly just a thought I attempted to turn into a story. Anyhow, I’ve wanted to write for Henry for a while now, so while I have a draft for Benedict’s Sherlock, I thought I’d write for Henry’s... Also please be nice this is my first Henry fic lmao
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​, @thewarriorprincessxo​
Masterlist | Henry Cavill Masterlist
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The air was chilled, but also held just enough warmth to not be considered unbearable. Y/n seemed content with the weather, and she was, but it was the wind she couldn’t stand. It rustled through her papers as she drew, a groan escaping her parted lips every time she lifted her utensil and readjusted the sheets.
Sherlock only chuckled. He had told her before, sitting in the tree wouldn’t help her situation with the wind, yet she found her usual spot anyways. Stubborn as she was, he thought the frustrated knitting of her brows followed by agitated groans was cute. The man did not comment, however, with the knowledge that his teasing would only upset her more.
“Bloody wind.” Y/n muttered bitterly before continuing her sketch as if the wind disrupting her focus had never even happened. Sherlock leaned forward, tilting his head at the tree with a grin. The sight of his Y/n ever so focused, smudges of ink slightly littered among her face, was one he could look at forever.
He returned to his position against the base of the wood, redirecting his attention to his pipe again. Unbeknownst to him, Y/n did as he was only previously doing. Sneaking peaks at the detective as he smoked his pipe, a warm feeling of admiration and other feelings making home in her belly as she did so.
Her own artwork made her heart race and her palms grow sweaty at times. She drew a variety of things; humans, creatures, inanimate objects and more. But of all her muse’s, the unknowing Sherlock was her favorite.
Not only was he fun to draw, but every portrait served as reminders of her favorite thing in life, the thing she loved the most in the world. Moments captured as if time was frozen and spread over a canvas or paper. They held her favorite memories with the love of her life; ones she knew she absolutely loathed the thought of forgetting.
The time he fell asleep by the fire. She happily began the work, stopping from time to time to admire the way his beauty shined even through a resting state. Then there was when he and Enola were catching up with each other in the library, the smile on their faces immediately sparking inspiration. She even drew him without reference, his face the one thing she never grew tired of looking at nor drawing.
Y/n herself got lost in the euphoric bliss, ceasing all movement in her drawing hand and reclining back against the wood. Her arms lifted off the paper at such unfortunate timing. The wind attacked her papers for what felt like the thousandth time, releasing her from her lovestruck reminiscence as panic flooded through her body.
“No!” She collected all but one last sheet, not realizing her lack until the very last second. Counting the pages, she noticed one was missing, the sheet falling in the air seen in her peripheral vision.
As Sherlock snatched the falling paper, Y/n’s eyes doubled in size. She felt herself swallow thickly, silently pleading for him to just hand it back up without taking a single look. It wasn’t anything she should’ve been ashamed of, they were together after all, but the thought of him figuring out she’d been at it for so long was a little scarier than if he found out at the first work.
But his reaction wasn’t entirely what she’d imagined. He held it by the the bottom and straightened it with a flick of his wrist before furrowing his eyebrows as he inspected it. A smirk was quick to grace his lips and replace the inspecting expression.
Y/n’s face scrunched and her eyes snapped shut, her entire form tensed with fear. “Did you draw this?” She took a second, slowly calming as she registered his inquiry. 
“You’re quite skilled, Y/n. Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I would’ve willingly modelled for these, you know?”
“I...” Her entire fear seamed just as meaningless as it originally had been. Now that Sherlock had asked, she found her reasons to be silly. “I’m not sure. I suppose I was a little embarrassed.”
“Embarrassed? Of what? Your art? Your love for me? Darling, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, you should embrace your passion.” He stood up, pipe set aside sometime ago, and handed the paper to his lover. “Don’t be afraid to ask, I’ll gladly do anything for you, beloved.”
“It’s- I- I can explain-”
“There’s nothing to explain.” He didn’t move, arm still extended. “I’ve already told you my thoughts.”
She looked down at the paper, taking it with a shy smile. “...Do you mean it?”
Sherlock chuckled. “As long as my heart should beat and my lungs breathe, I would go to the ends of the world for you.”
“I- ...And I, you.” Y/n hopped out of the tree, finding Sherlock’s arms a comfortable and safe landing spot. She returned her supplies to the bag beside the tree, lifting it over head and resting it safely on her hip before turning to Holmes. “I love you, Sherlock.”
“And I you, Y/n.” He grinned once again. The couple walked away, heading towards the home with clasped hands and starting on discussing Sherlock’s new model occupation.
Enola would soon hear of his side-career and the detective would never hear the end of it. Nevertheless, he wouldn‘t hate the teasing; the same smirk appearing on his face as the one he wore upon discovering Y/n’s hobby, each poke of playful mockery a reminder of the very day he swore he’d marry Y/n L/n, and a reminder of the day he finally followed through with the promise he made to himself.
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justice4canyonmoon · 3 years
harry x youtuber/influencer y/n ? pls idk but i am obsessed with like famous y/n😂love your work❤️
Hi!!! I ended up going with YouTuber y/n (specifically a beauty guru) because it's an area I'm slightly more familiar with!!! I don't wear makeup, though, so I'm not totally sure how well it turned out, but I had fun writing it either way!!! I hope you enjoy it!!!!
Warnings: none!! just fluff!!!
WC: 1.3k
Ever since your 7 million subscribers had discovered that Harry Styles was your boyfriend, they had been begging you to have him appear in a video. It wasn’t that easy, though; he was constantly busy, between tours, recording, promo, and filming movies, it was difficult for you to snag a moment where you could sit him down and slather makeup on his face. But your first makeup line had just come out, and, of course, you had to make a video to show it off. Harry took a little bit of time off to come to your release party the night before, and he agreed to appear in the video you were filming the following day before jetting off to tour rehearsals.
“I’m sure it’ll be fun, lovie. Jus don’ ruin this pretty face.”
You rolled your eyes, “Won’t be that tough to ruin.”
“Hey! What’s tha’ supposed t’ mean?” he exclaimed with a pout on his face.
You giggled as you prepped your filming space, making sure that the lighting was perfect, the cameras were in the right places, and the makeup was placed on the table in front of you.
He grabbed your wrist, making you stop in your tracks.
“Nothin,” he said with a smile, “‘m just really proud of yeh. Got y’ own makeup line and everything. You’re amazin. ‘M sorry ‘m not around more to celebrate your achievements, but I am incredibly proud of yeh. Always.”
You felt your cheeks grow warm, “Thank you, Harry. You’re such a sweetheart.”
You pressed a soft kiss to his cheeks before walking over to the camera, “Ready, babe?”
He grinned, “Yeah. Can I make a dramatic entrance?”
You rolled your eyes again, “If you’d like.”
Harry settled himself under the table, giving you a thumbs up when he was ready. You turned on the camera and walked over to him, sitting in one of the empty chairs. When you saw the red light on your camera flicker on, it was go time.
“Hello, my lovelies! It’s time for another makeup tutorial, and today is gonna be a special one!”
You brandished your eyeshadow palette and gestured to the other products lying on the table, “I’m going to be using products from my first ever makeup line, Ice Queen!”
The palette in your hands was filled with cool blues, greens, and purples, as well as neutral colors and a bit of sparkle. The packaging was blue and silver on the foundation to the concealer to the lipsticks and everything in between!
“I’m so excited to finally release this! I’ve always wanted my own makeup brand, and now I have one, with products that are cruelty free, vegan, and just plain awesome! But for such a momentous occasion, I’m not going to be doing makeup on myself. Instead, I’ve brought in a special guest! Would you like to introduce yourself?”
It was then that Harry made his presence known. He popped up from behind the table with a cheesy grin and waved at the camera.
As he settled into his seat, he said, “Hi! ‘M Harry Styles, singer, actor, entrepreneur, and makeup model.”
You sighed, “And drama queen.”
“‘M a musician, darling. We always have a flair for the dramatics. Don’t you beauty Youtubers also have a lot of drama?” he quipped.
“We do, but I’ve always tried to stay out of it. They don’t call me ‘The Unproblematic Queen’ for nothing,” you replied.
“Tha’s true. Y’ literally the nicest person ‘ve ever met. Lucky I snatched yeh up, t’ be honest.”
Your cheeks grew warm at that, “You’re too sweet, babe.”
It was his turn to kiss you on the cheek, “So are yeh, m’ love.”
“Anyway, we should probably start with the meat of the video,” you said.
Harry clasped his hands together, “Yeah, baby, make me look pretty!”
“You don’t need much help with that,” you flirted.
He blushed a little, but still managed a reply, “And you say I’m the flirty one.”
“I have my moments,” you quipped, “anyway, first we’ve got to put on foundation. Since Harry’s whiter than a ghost-”
“-we’ll be using one of the lightest shades, but there are 60 total to choose from! We’re all about inclusivity here, and everyone should have a foundation that matches their skin tone!” you explained as you opened the liquid foundation.
“It’s cold,” Harry whined as you began applying the foundation with a beauty sponge.
“Stop squirming,” you scolded, “this is why I only put makeup on myself.”
He pouted, “But I like when you put makeup on me.”
You couldn’t help but smile, “I like it, too, but only when you stay still.”
Harry willed himself to keep still throughout the use of the foundation, concealer, and blush painted across his features. You two threw in plenty of jokes and teasing that you knew your viewers would enjoy when the video came out. Sharing in this moment with Harry really was special to you; you loved bringing him into your world just as much as he loved bringing you into his when you went on tour with him.
“Okay, now for eyeshadow! I’m really excited to make looks with this palette because blue is by far my favorite color. Let’s see what we can do.”
You dusted silver in the corner of the lid, followed by blue more toward the center and black at the edges. You finished the eyes by sweeping black eyeliner at the bottom of the lid, highlight at the corner to accent the silver, and black mascara on Harry’s already annoying long lashes. You also added highlight to his nose and his cheeks, making him sparkle.
“So now all we need is a lip color. I feel like using this beautiful metallic blue.”
“Blue lips? Tha’ sounds kind of weird,” Harry questioned.
You shook your head as you uncapped the lip gloss, “Not weird at all! People wear ‘weird’ lipstick colors a lot now. I think you’ll look great.”
“Okay. I trust y’ judgement, Beauty Guru.”
You smiled as you applied the gloss to his pretty lips. Soon, they were coated in blue, and your work was done.
“And I think this look is complete! You wanna take a look, Har?”
He nodded, “Yeah! Wanna see if I look like an ice queen!”
You giggled as you pulled out the mirror, allowing him to take a look.
“Oh, this is really cool! I actually really like the blue lip! Y’ so talented, baby!”
You giggled again at the compliment, “Thank you, baby! I’m glad you like it! So, I think that’s it for today! Thanks to Harry for being a wonderful model, and thanks to all of you for making it possible for me to finally have my own makeup brand! Ice Queen will be out in beauty stores across the world, so make sure to keep an eye out for it! I’ll catch you all in the next one!”
You and Harry both waved goodbye to the camera before you got up and stopped recording.
“Now for the fun part: editing.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Don’ yeh get someone else t’ do it?”
“Usually,” you said, “but he’s got the flu, and I’m not about to put that on him. So, I’m going to do this one myself.”
“Can I help?” he asked.
You agreed, and the two of you sat down to edit. It was honestly really fun having Harry around to help, and he gave some good suggestions! You didn’t quite finish it that day, but you definitely made some good headway. Unfortunately, Harry had to leave for rehearsals.
He gave you a tight hug, “Today was so fun! Thank yeh f’ lettin me be a part of y’ video.”
You smiled, squeezing him back equally as tightly, “Thank you for being a part of it. I love you, Harry.”
“I love yeh too, baby. I’ll see you again soon.”
Harry pressed a quick, yet sweet, kiss to your lips before heading out the door. A few days later, the video was ready to post. It quickly became your most viewed video yet. Not only was the makeup look stunning, but your viewers loved the chemistry between you and Harry. You definitely needed to have him in another video.
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jungshookz · 3 years
teeny tidbits: namjoon and y/n can’t get enough of each other & it shows
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➳ pairing; kim namjoon x y/n
➳ genre; lveb!universe!!! smaybe/smalmost/smerhaps smut?? slightly suggestive is what i’m trying to say idk!! namjoon and y/n are obsessed with each other and yoongi likes making a big deal about it because both their faces get really red and it’s funny to him 
➳ wordcount; 1.7k
➳ gif sourced from here but please note that it still remains property of its original maker!
                                      »»————- ♥ ————-««
“hello, hellooo!” yoongi kicks the door shut behind him as he steps into your apartment, tossing his set of keys up into the air before catching it and shoving it into his hoodie pocket, “let’s rock n’ roll, y/n! i’m ready to raid the supermarket!” he claps his hands as he enters the living room, turning to stare down the empty hallway before pausing
the most exciting part of his week is when you guys go grocery shopping together?
there’s really no way to make that sound even remotely cool 
“…anyone home?” yoongi’s brows furrow in concern when he’s acknowledged by nothing but the sound of silence, “y/n?”
you’re usually sitting on the couch buzzing and ready to go when he gets here so it’s a little concerning that you weren’t the first thing he saw when he got here
he turns back to look at the shoe rack, everything suddenly clicking into place when he sees that there’s a pair of larger, definitely-not-y/n-sized sneakers sitting neatly on the top shelf
now he understands what’s going on
no wonder you barely responded to any of his texts yesterday
you were too busy getting busy with-
“yoongi! good morning!”
“morni-” yoongi turns his head back towards the hallway quickly, his brows practically stretching up to his hairline at the sight of namjoon’s current state
first of all, the man is wearing nothing but a blanket around his waist and it’s pretty clear to see that he’s not wearing any briefs underneath 
second of all, his cheeks are flushed, his hair is ruffled, and his skin is glowing
and yoongi isn’t a self-proclaimed genius but he knows that two plus two makes four 
“wow, wow, wow! good morning indeed-” yoongi whistles, immediately looking upwards as to avoid accidentally making eye contact with namjoon’s… fifth lim- “i’m hoping that’s a cactus under your blanket and that you’re not just ecstatic to see me-” 
“oh-!” namjoon gasps lightly, quickly pulling the blanket up a little higher before turning his hips in the other direction, “i, um, i didn’t know you were coming over today!“ he chuckles awkwardly, his grip tightening on the sheets, “i just came out for some water so i wasn’t expecting to see you- uh, did you have plans with y/n today?”
“yeah, it’s sunday, so… grocery shopping and stuff.” yoongi looks back down before holding his hand up to shield namjoon’s lower half from his poor, innocent eyes, “you’re welcome to come with us, but i’m definitely going to need you to at least put some underwear on-”
“today’s sunday?” namjoon breathes out, pausing for a second before blinking quickly and shaking his head, “jeez, i thought it was saturday! time flies, huh?”
“it sure does…” the corner of yoongi’s mouth twitches in a smirk before he pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek, “…especially when you’re spending most of it railing y/n into oblivion-”
“speaking of y/n!” yoongi claps his hands and rubs them together, “is she ready to go?” he hums, leaning over slightly so he can peer into the hallway over namjoon’s shoulder 
“she’s, um, she’s actually still in bed but but i’ll go and tell her now that you’re waiting for her-” namjoon smiles sheepishly before pointing towards the kitchen, “do you want coffee or anything? i can make a latte for you! i’ve been practicing a lot with my frother- y/n really likes my milk foam-”
“oh, i bet she does-” yoongi snorts, leaning against the back of the couch before crossing his arms, “maybe next time, my man. you just go and get y/n for m- holy shit!” his eyes widen as soon as namjoon spins around to head back down the hallway, namjoon immediately turning back to glance at yoongi over his shoulder in concern
“your back!” yoongi gawks, getting up from the couch to go over and force namjoon to turn back around so he can get a better look, “jesus, it looks like you got into a fight with like, ten cats!” he exclaims, his eyes glued on the fading red claw marks that start at namjoon’s shoulders and end at his lower back
he brushes his fingers over the (obviously fresh) half-crescent nail marks embedded on the tops of namjoon’s shoulders before wincing to himself, “maybe i should’ve gotten y/n a nail clipper for christmas-”
“o-oh-!” namjoon whips back around so that his back is facing the hallway before he reaches up to rub the back of his neck, offering yoongi a nervous smile, “i, uh, it’s- i’m totally fine, don’t even worry about it-”
“joonie, i-” yoongi perks up when he hears your voice only for you to pop out from behind namjoon a second later, “yoongi! ...you’re here?” you ask, ducking behind namjoon slightly and peeking at him over his shoulder
“it’s sunday, moron.”
“oh, dear god-” yoongi gasps suddenly, eyes widening as he brings a hand up to cover his mouth, “namjoon fucked you dumb, didn’t he? i bet that banging your head against the headboard multiple times made you lose a bunch of brain cells. now i'm going to have to be the smart one out of the two of us??”
you roll your eyes immediately at yoongi’s sarcastic remark, though his comment about namjoon makes your cheeks warm slightly 
last week you slept over at his apartment so this week it was your turn to be a good host
and naturally…
let’s just say that you showed him how good of a host you were on the kitchen counter,,.., in bed,,.. on the couch,.,. in the hallway,.., in bed again.,.,
“anyway- how long do you need to get ready? twenty minutes?” yoongi pulls his phone out of his back pocket to check the time, “i wanna get my hands on a fresh, warm loaf of sourdough so we have to leave soon otherwise they’re all going to be gone and we’ll have to wait, like, five hours for the bakery to restock.” 
“right! yes! sourdough!” you clear your throat, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as you sort through your thoughts
you didn’t know today was sunday so you weren’t ready to go grocery shopping at aLL 
 “okay! coffee first, then i’ll change, then we go-” you nod, nudging namjoon aside so you can brush past him 
“yeah, i think i’m gonna pop in the shower-” namjoon clears his throat, pulling the blanket up again before gesturing back towards the hallway, “i’m happy to stay here if you guys wanna go off and do your yoongi-y/n-only activities-”
“woah, woah-” 
you don’t get the chance to walk past yoongi before he’s reaching over and pinching the back of your shirt to keep you from going anywhere
you let out a little yelp when he tugs you back abruptly before twirling you around so that you’re facing namjoon 
“kim namjoon, you naughty, naughty man! what did you do to y/n??”
“wha- what?” namjoon blinks owlishly, yoongi tsking shamefully before wagging a finger at him 
“look!” yoongi gasps, hooking his finger into the collar of the shirt you’re wearing before yanking it down so he can expose more of your skin, “what, were you trying to suck the blood out of her??”
heat immediately rushes up namjoon’s neck and up to his ears when he realizes that yoongi’s referring to the multiple blotches of purple and red staining your skin 
maybe he got a little carried away last night 
but there were no complaints on your end so namjoon was more than happy to mark you up!
“he-” your face flushes and you slap yoongi’s hand away before pulling your shirt up to hide them, “they’re just hickies, yoongi-”
“first of all, only horny teenagers give each other hickies- second of all, hickies are supposed to be sexy little secrets-” yoongi hums, seemingly uncaring of the way that you wince as soon as he jabs his pointer finger directly into one of them (ow!!), “and these practically scream I’M GETTING LAID and every single single person that we pass by is going to glare at you-”
“why don’t you go and make us some coffee while i go and get changed?” you turn to give yoongi a warning look before pointing to the kitchen door, “go!” 
“i’m just looking out for the two of you!” yoongi raises his hands in defense, letting out a laugh as when you start kicking at him gently all while slowly nudging him towards the direction of the kitchen, “is it so bad of me to want to protect you from mr. mosquito over ther- ow, okay, okay-!”
you close the kitchen door shut with a breath, rolling your eyes at the sound of yoongi still babbling away to himself (“i’m realizing now that a vampire would’ve been a sexier example but mr. mosquito was the first thing that came to my head-”)
you turn your head slowly with your hand still on the doorknob, you and namjoon exchanging glances before bursting into giggles 
“sorry... you know how he gets.” you mutter sheepishly, making sure the door is closed properly before making your way back over to namjoon
“it’s all good!” he flicks his wrist at you before reaching up to rub the back of his neck sheepishly, “sorry about the, uh, the hickies.”
“it’s okay... i like ‘em, so...” you confess quietly, your stomach fluttering at the memory of namjoon’s soft lips pressing against your skin, “sorry about the scratches.” 
“no, i like them too... they remind me that i’m probably doing a good job-” namjoon grins as he slips his free arm around your waist before pulling you towards him, another soft giggle bubbling from your lips when he swoops down to give you a kiss, “guess i’ll hold down the fort while you’re gone… i’ll miss you.”
“i’ll only be gone for a couple of hours…” you tease, reaching up to pinch his cheeks together so that his lips turn squidgy, “needy.”
“for god’s sake, i’m taking her grocery shopping, i’m not sending her off to space!” the kitchen door suddenly swings open as yoongi busts through, clapping his hands loudly to break the two of you up before he flicks his wrists to get you to move, “c’mon, let’s get a move on- i want my sourdough!” 
✨why don’t you explore the rest of the library while you’re here?
💫or perhaps you want something shorter to read?
🌟or something even shorter? 
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mxtcha-tea · 3 years
malam di bulan penuh.
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⊹summary; suna crashing into your house because he can't sleep
⊹pairing[s]; suna x f!reader
⊹genre; fluff, crack
⊹word count; 980 [not proofread]
⊹flight details; lmao, only the title is in malay, not the fic itself. Also, the title translates to 'night on a full moon' from malay. also, idk what ya'll expect from this fic, it's literally just them wrestling at the front door, talking about their future and fall asleep. enjoy ig
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it's almost perfect. he's cozily tucked in his blankets and the pillow is cold enough for him to sink in it. suna's currently scrolling through his phone, changing from one app to the other, ready to sleep. except he can't.
he doesn't have the feeling of closing his eyes yet even with the preparation nicely done. it's just doesn't feel right.
suna stopped his finger from scrolling as he stare up at the ceiling, a familiar and comforting image fade into his mind,
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"what the hell, you're coming this late?"
your boyfriend had called you a few minutes ago when you're about to tuck in, "then what're you doing up this late?"
"i have extra work, that's why. i already finished it tho, don't get worried about it," "well yeah, but i do know that you tend to overwork at times, just to make sure,"
a small smile graced your face at his words and just sigh. suna wasn't the most expressive but he still cares, and it shows by how many times he asked you questions. simple ones, such as,
'have you eaten?'
'are you feeling good?'
'do you need anything?'
and so on, "enough about that, back to my previous question- why're you even coming to my house,"
silence greeted you for at least a couple of seconds before a cough was first heard,
"my bed's all wonky," "what," "lemme just go to your house bye," "hey wait-!"
click. he literally just hung up on you after giving a horrible excuse, but it's pretty obvious on what intention he had. you look out from your window as the sight of the cloud covering half of the moon.
but it's pretty visible that it's a full moon tonight.
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"you actually came?"
"am i not suppose to?"
suna rose a brow, hands tucked in his jacket and the glimpse of his phone peeking out from his pant's pocket. just like always when he asked to stay at your house for the night,
"well no, but you've come more frequently than before," "wow, you could've just said no when i asked to come," "do you really think i would say no to you?? cause even if i did say no, your stubborn ass would still walk all the way here," "isn't that the point? if you say yes, i'll come. you say no, i'll still come,"
you try to hit playfully but he caught your hands and passive aggressively push forward.
now you two are pushing each other's hand in front of your doorway. you can already hear your neighbor's complaint about having your 'creep' of a boyfriend over and do shits with him. but it doesn't matter anyway.
you pushed his hand to the side and let go off your grip, almost making him trip over his feet, "just, come inside, i can't with you right now,"
he rubbed his wrist and followed after you, closing the door behind him, "thanks for having me in ma'am, and that was a warm invitation just now,"
"shut up before i kick you out again,"
"wait no, don't. i was freezing outside, you can't throw be back there,"
"this isn't your house, so you can't do whatever you want,"
"tch, harsh,"
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both of you are laying on the bed, doing nothing but staring at the ceiling. just a gap of silence between you two but it's nice. that, is, until suna started talking again,
"have you thought what our future would be?"
you made no move to look at him and instead, rose a brow, "as in?" "y'know, our life together under the same roof, kids, jobs, ho-honeymoon,"
he stuttered a little before continuing on, "and maybe vacation plans," "well, vacation plans sounds nice," "yep, i already planned not one, but TWO earlier this month," "two?? let's hear it then,"
suna cleared his throat, slowly turning his head towards you and as if in command, you did the same.
and as expected, a shy smile's evident on his face, "we can either, a) have a nice cottagecore life in new zealand, picking flowers, making bouquets for each other and falling asleep under a tree with the sun shining above use. and if you didn't know, i've actually got into cottagecore recently too,"
he proudly said with a lazy expression as the finger he's holding up falls down to your shoulder, rubbing it slightly. he doesn't seemed like a guy who would be into cottagecore to be honestly but would you look at that.
suna always managed to surprise you everytime, even if it's the dumbest thing he ever think of, it always put a smile on your face. how could you not,
"that's cool, didn't think you're the type to be interested in it but go on," a chuckle escaped from his lips as the gap between you two started closing in,
"or b) we have a vacation home at langkawi. tropical vibes and just us having a good time. watching the waves and sunsets while walking through the beach. we could also explore around the city using a bicycle, wouldn't that be romantic you think, and don't worry, i won't make you fall down from it,"
you let out a quiet laugh, tangling your fingers in his hair. running through it in a slow manner, "sounds like two good plans to me, but i think we should keep it in the book for the moment,"
"okay," it's quiet response, but enough to fill your stomach with butterflies. suna put a hand behind your head, touching foreheads with you,
"are you going to sleep now?" you asked, only a mere whisper while he just nodded. your smile widened, kissing the corner of his lips in a slow pace. and with that, both of his eyes are shut.
suna can always sleep better with you next to him,
"good night," "good night,"
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fumingspice · 3 years
kiss me hard before you go
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Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x Reader
Angst because someone (not naming any names) *cough* @lilypadscoven is too happy to write angst. Such a strange excuse, i know. Like whose even happy anymore? That’s so 2014, Freya.
Warning: Angsty as shit! I think. Idk im usually a happy person. Mentions of cheating, mentions of smut etc. 
Requests are open!
taglist: @sarahp-stan @jumpoffabridge-t @sarahpaulsonsoftie @definitelynot-a-writer @bottom4delia @delias-bitch-craft @creepingwolfberry @thesapphictimelady @goodeday2u @that-fucking-error @saucy-sapphic @sarahp-stan @winters-witch-bitch @rainbow-hedgehog @pearplate​
You frowned to yourself, flicking through the endless posts on Instagram. It was some godforsaken hour in the morning and no matter how hard you tried or how deeply you tried to ease your restless mind you could not fall asleep. You scrolled on social media endlessly. 
God, what time could it even be? 04.27.
You gave a defeated chuckle. Even time was in on the universe’s cruel joke. She exited Instagram and went to messages. You couldn’t count the number of unsent messages and thrown out speeches you had started and couldn’t bring yourself to finish.
Billie Dean Howard.
The contact had found itself hidden deep in the archives of old messages. You hadn’t contacted her since December when you had walked away. 
Walking away was better that being the one left behind, or so you had tried so hard to tell yourself. In hindsight, the truth was that Billie Dean was going to end up leaving you anyway. Was it courage of conviction or just the simple knowledge that you couldn’t live knowing that the only person you had ever opened your heart to was going to leave you?
What was the last thing she said anyway?
Goodnight :(.
Always with those stupid text faces. Those stupid, adorable text faces. How did she have such a powerful effect on you that you could see Billie’s face in a colon and a bracket? Why hadn’t you blocked her yet? What was left to hold onto other than movie-like memories that had slipped away like the changing of seasons.
You slipped from beneath the covers, Your hair tickled Your shoulders. There was no one beside you for you to reach for in your infinite loneliness anyway. It wasn’t infinite. Why did it feel infinite? Why did you allow one person to waltz into your heart and make you home there? You reached for an unopened bottle of wine and paused. Billie had left this bottle there. You never drank unless it was around Billie. 
“Dom Perignon,” Billie told you. You were never interested in the details of fine wine. All you knew was that the older it was the more people liked it.
“Isn’t that expensive?” The brunette asked, reading the label.
 Billie nodded with a throaty chuckle. “Only the best for my girl. I thought I would save it for a special occasion.”
A special occasion. You chuckled in spite. The occasion in question was supposed Billie’s birthday. A party with many guests. One too many. The house was brimming with sets of both of your friends. You could recall reaching for the same wine all too well before being stopped by your friend’s girlfriend. Erin took you by the wrist and guided you out to the garden. 
“No one’s out here,” you protested. Erin’s face was almost forlorn. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
Sorry for what? You snapped out of your confusion. You could see the side of Billie’s body. Pressed against the wall beneath someone else. The anxiety had somehow eased when you watched Billie kiss another, fading into nothing because you knew that there was quite literally nothing that could get even worse than what you were watching.
You pursed her lips. When you imagined these moments, you had always imagined screaming bloody murder. You imagined punching and yelling. You couldn’t move. No tears. Hell, you couldn’t even feel. Erin grabbed your arm and trailed you back, but not before the sight of you, heartbroken in a red dress. had registered in Billie. She barely had time to pull away from her kiss and have the shock of what she was actually doing register. 
It was always a red dress. Red dresses end up in heartbreak. A goddamn blaze in the dark.
Now, you found yourself standing at the window that looked out into the garden. Looking at the spot where you had seen her lover betray every bit of trust that you had. What would have happened if you didn’t see? What if you had seen but Billie didn’t? Would you have said anything? Would Billie have said anything?
It doesn’t matter anyway.
Billie was wine. Aromatic, warm in her stomach. She was a magnificent swirl. She was the impossible to hide stain on your favourite white dress.
Every inch of this house had Billie in its essence. She was inescapable. 
It got even worse when a buzzing noise brought your attention to your phone. “Who the fuck could that be?” you asked yourself. Your heart dropped at the contact.
Billie Dean Howard is calling...
Your world collapsed for a moment as you stared at the phone buzz. Your head told you not to answer, your heart launched for it like a desert oasis. You let it ring a moment too long. You barely managed to blurt out a cracked, “Hello?” when Billie hung up. Presumably giving up.
You bit your lip. Your thumb hovered over the redial button as you fought with yourself. Maybe she’ll call again. That’s a huge maybe. Your finger jolted down unintentionally. Billie picked up on the third ring.
“Y/N?” Her breath hitched. “Y/N, can you hear me?”
You swallowed hard. “I’m here,” you stated flatly, “I can hear you.”
“I didn’t think you’d answer.”
“Honestly,” you replied. You felt no need for warmth. “I don’t think I meant to.”
“Oh. Uhm, how- how are you?”
“What do you want, Billie? It’s five in the morning,” You cut off. You could hear Billie’s breath falter a little.
“To be honest, I just wanted to see if you would pick up.”
You shook your head, cursing how well you knew the medium. “Don’t lie to me, Howard.”
Billie chuckled. “How can you tell?”
“You were the medium, but I was the human lie detector.”
“You’re a lawyer with an Irish mother and Scilian father. It would be more shocking if you weren’t one.”
You smiled, before catching yourself in an eyeroll. “Don’t change the subject.”
“I’m in town. I wanted to see you.”
“It’s five in the fucking morning.”
“You’re telling me that I actually woke you up? You were sleeping when I called?”
You bit your lip. “Yes.”
Billie chuckled again. Like it was a fucking game to her. “Well, now who’s lying?”
“What do you want, Billie?” You scoffed.
“I already told you. I want to see you.”
The audacity of the last sentence. The fact that you knew Billie Dean would come whether or not she was invited boiled your blood.
“Why.” It was more of a flat remark than a genuine question. Why. Why now.
Billie was silent for a moment. “I just want to see your face.”
Your groaned internally, another eyeroll coming into play. You scoffed. “You know the address. Find your own way over.”
And she did. The door knocked almost immediately.
You opened the door so quickly that it creaked aggressively.
“You have some fucking nerve. You know that right?” You snapped. The medium’s eyes widened in shock.
“Nice to see you too.”
You stepped aside and ushered her in, cold from the whipping air. Refreshing if you weren’t standing in shorts and a cardigan.
Billie turned around to face her. Tension grew, like insulation keeping everything in. You could choke on all the words you never said. 
“You look beautiful.”
“Je vais te tuer avec mes mains nues et dormir comme un bébé après.”
“I’m flattered.”
You groaned and walked away from her and into the kitchen. You didn’t know if you would slap her, kill her, or kiss her. You were just as prepared to strangle her as you were to fuck her hard on the kitchen floor then and there, kissing every single freckle and mole on her skin. “You have three minutes,” You muttered, pouring yourself a cup of coffee to stop yourself from looking in Billie’s direction. Your heart raced at a thousand miles a second.
“I just dropped in to say hi.”
You were unamused. “Is that it? Are you going get out of my life again?”
Billie frowned. “Am I? Y/N, you left me.”
“Because you fucking cheated on me, Billie Dean! What? Did you want me to pretend I didn’t see it? Pretend nothing happened? Do you want me to pretend that you didn’t rebuild my ability to trust people just so you could knock it down yourself?” You shouted. The words were coming out thick and fast now apparently.
“I was so drunk, Y/N,” Billie whimpered, her eyebrows furrowed. She was in genuine pain, you could see the guilt right in her brown eyes.
And you couldn’t give a shit.
“I’ve heard this a hundred times.”
“How many times do I have to say sorry for this?”
You raised your mug to your lips. “You can say it until I’m dead.”
You met the medium’s gaze. Brown eyes waterlogged with tears. Billie dipped her face in her hands. “I don’t know if I can go through with this again.”
You snapped again. “Good,” you said. “Because I’m done.”
“You can’t be serious.”
The pair met, closer than you had in months.
“No matter what stupid, thoughtless, selfish, idiotic, drunken things you said or did. No matter how many times. I have never stopped loving you. I’ve never fallen out of love no matter how many times I told myself I had. I haven’t gone to sleep without imaging your goddamn mouth on my lips and hands on my body and I fucking crave to hate you for it,” you spat, venom on you tongue and tears spilled down your face. “I don’t sleep, Billie. I don’t sleep because I know your arms aren’t there to hold me when I’m still awake at four in the morning. Because I can’t reach across the bed no matter how angry I am at you and feel your hair. I fucking love you goddammit. You threw that away. Not me.”
 Tears streamed down Billie’s face. “I regret what I did every. Single. Fucking. Day. I miss coming home and seeing you writing those stupid fucking reports that I know you hate writing because I know you hate your job. I miss seeing your face when you’ve won a case that has been scratching you for weeks,” she inched forward once more, her hands close to Mallorie’s face. “I miss seeing you reorganising the goddamn silverware every few weeks to keep the Fair Folk happy in the same way I miss seeing the way your mouth curls when you come.”
 You scanned Billie Dean, searching despreately for a bluff, something that would give way to the fact that this was all a lie; a gimmick for a one night stand so that you could just shut her out and go back to hating her. Hating the person you love is so much easier than having your heartbroken again. You couldn’t find that bluff. Even your gut-instinct that panged you when someone lied to you wasn’t alerting anything. Billie’s words were as genuine as her tears and it was killing you to see that Billie loved you. The lawyer had hoped- prayed even- that the medium’s words had been bullshit, sweet nothings that could be whispered into the ear of any lover that had fallen into her bed. But you weren’t just a one time fling that had walked into a casual meet. You had walked into her long-term girlfriend with her tongue down another’s throat. You had stashed that little red box with a diamond engagement ring inside even further into the closet that night, and that’s what had hurt you.
A raw truth in her words soaked into you. Refreshed you. They were the words that the ocean screamed back at you when you stood on the cliffside begging for a reason to go on.
And so you gave in. Almost, at least. You stepped forward into Billie and allowed her storm to engulf you. There was no calm here. There was a raging appetite for destruction and creation. What was that lyric? A tornado has met a volcano. Her lips ravaged yours to the point of being rubbed raw, the type of sting that bothered virtually every moment of your waking day, one that went on for days. You bit down on her lips, her tongue, her chin and cheek. Whether in was in spite or the desperation to seek and find every single piece of her that you could was unclear. 
Those fateful memories crept back, and you pushed hard against her chest. Billie’s lips, now red, white and swollen, pressed against yours again, retracting when there was no return.
“I’m sorry,” you lied. “I think there’s a possibility that I don’t love you.”
Billie’s eyes resembled a broken mirror, or maybe the view of a dying star. The thing about dying stars is that they died a very long time ago and you only notice years later. She nodded with a weak smile. “I understand,” she whispered, pressing her head against yours. She picked up her bag and turned to leave.
You stopped her. What on Earth were you doing? Let her leave so you can hate her in peace.
“Kiss me. Before you go,” you pleaded. “Hard.”
Billie shook her head, her face scrunched before throwing her face at you. The force drove you into the counter sending a glorious shock of pain up your back. Billie was doing what you had asked.
“Fuck you,” you pulled away and muttered, as if she had gonr too far in teasing you.
“What did I do?”
You raised your hand and slapped her face, lightly. “Fuck you for proving that I still love you.”
A rush of relief knocked Billie, visibly. She returned to your lips, much more gently this time, as if she were savouring every part of you.
“I told you to kiss me hard,” you whispered, although not necessarily opposed to Billie’s touch.
“I’ll do anything you really want,” she replied.
You paused for a moment. “Anything?”
Billie smiled. “Anything.”
You kissed her once. Soft. Tentatively. “Fuck me. On the table.” 
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Innocence - Spencer Reid x Reader
Agegap!femreader w post prison Reid One of the agents suggest the team go clubbing & Spencer was all like nahhhh man I’ma go home but reader isn’t all like “please Spencer, I want you to come so badly” w an innocent look on her face & he’s like fuck fine I’ll go idk if that makes sense lmaoooo
so uhhh you mentioned age gap and so i made that kinda intrical bc i LOVE a good age gap. anyway porn below!! 
“Are you really not coming?”
You heard Garcia’s voice walking down the hall towards you.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m just gonna head home for the night.”
You peeked around the corner and Garcia noticed, calling your name and frantically motioning for you to come over to her.
“Y/N, you’ll come to the club with us right?” She asked excitedly.
“Uh, yeah!” You smiled. You figured you deserved a nice night out. “Who all is coming?”
“Everyone.” Garcia turned to Spencer, glaring jokingly. “Except for our resident genius over here. He’s turned me down twice now.”
You raised a brow, turning to face Spencer, who was putting his hands up and shaking his head. “Clubs just aren’t my scene,” he explained. You pouted. You wanted Spencer to come. Not for any particular reason. Of course.
You considered for a moment and Garcia nudged you, asking for you to help her convince him.
“Spencer, you really should come,” you met his gaze, the height difference forcing you to look up quite a bit, and frowned. “I really want you to come.” You spoke softly, feigning innocence, utilizing your young age to your advantage. You looked so pure. How could he say no?
“I-I really don’t know…” you could tell your plan was working, he was already giving in.
“Please please please.” You continued over-dramatically. “Who’s gonna make sure I don’t drink too much and get home safe?”
He rolled his eyes, sighing. “I’m sure Morgan would be more than happy to do that, but if you really want me to go then fine.”
You and Garcia squealed with excitement, high fiving each other for your success. “Hell yeah!” I’ll see you tonight, then!” You grinned.
Spencer just shook his head in defeat. “See you tonight.”
When you arrived at the club you saw your co-workers huddled around a table. And fuck, you couldn’t help but notice how good Spencer looked. You were glad you convinced him to come. “Hey!” You said loudly ad you approached your friends.  
“There she is! I’m surprised they let you in, you must have a pretty convincing fake ID.” Morgan teased. You were of age, of course, but you were pretty young and you definitely looked it, and he never missed an opportunity to make a joke out of it.
“All I had to do was show them the identification.” You joked back. “Told them it was for a super secret FBI mission.”
You gave everyone a hug, leaving Spencer for last. “You look good,” you said sweetly as you wrapped your arms around him. He chuckled and you could feel it reverberate through his chest. “You too.”
As the night went on the group separated a bit, each person going off to flirt or dance with a stranger, except for you and Spencer. You had kept close to him and you weren’t even sure if it was intentional or not. You were seated at the bar together, exchanging casual conversation.
“This is our first time out of a group since you left,” You told him over the music at some point.
“Yeah? I didn’t realize you were keeping track,” he replied, leaning down a bit to hear you better.
“I missed you, you know,” you admitted, face turning a bit red. Had you drank enough to be telling him these things? No. It was normal. Everyone had missed him. He wouldn’t find that strange. “Thought about you a lot.”
He didn’t speak for a moment and you were scared you might’ve said something wrong. When you looked up at him you saw his jaw was tense. Was he upset? “I thought about you a lot, too.” He said eventually. “Sometimes I think I thought about you too much,”
You almost choked on your drink. “Oh, really?” You questioned. “What, um, what type of things did you think about?” Why were you doing this? What were you implying?
He coughed a bit, readjusting himself. “Things I definitely shouldn’t have thought about. Especially not about you.”
“Why is that?” You asked, using the same innocent voice you had used to convince him earlier.
“You’re my colleague. It’s unprofessional. And you’re… young. It’s fucked up.”
You nibbled your bottom lip, suppressing the surge of heat that was forming in your belly. “Does that mean that I shouldn’t have those types of thoughts about you, either? Am I doing something wrong?” You poked at his chest, the collar of his shirt, the buckle of his belt, fingers wandering absentmindedly.
“I suppose it’s not wrong as long as we don’t act on them.” He was watching your every move, trying to maintain composure. But he wouldn’t last for long, you knew, because you had already proved your abilities to work your magic on him.
“So, it’s not wrong that I would think about you late at night while you were away?” You prodded, pushing him further over the edge. His hand was in a fist and he was tense. You held down a smirk. He was flustered, you could tell. “I guess it’s just.. I can’t help it. When I see you, when I think of you, my body just… reacts on its own.”
Before you could recognize what was happening you were being pulled off of your seat by your wrist. “W-Woah, what are you doing?” You were shocked by the switch in his mood. He looked hungry. Starved even.
“If you’re going to tell me all the dirty thoughts you’ve had about me, I might as well tell you what I thought about, huh?” He was weaving through the crowd at the club, pulling you towards the bathrooms. “Sometimes I would think about fucking you for hours on end. I’d think about how tiny you are. I’d think about how I could ruin you, strip you of that innocent little act you always put on and watch you become the greedy little slut I know you are.” He was practically growling, and when you arrived at the door to the bathroom he took a moment, taking you in, eyes filled with desire. After he was done, though, he pulled you inside, locking the door behind him.
“You like it, don’t you? You like the power you have over me. Bigger, older, stronger, more mature. It makes you want me more.” You scoffed. “You’re right. That is pretty fucked up. Preying on me just because you know you can.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, searching for something in your face. He knew you were just saying things to heighten the situation. He knew he was letting you win, but you were right. He knew it was wrong, he knew that you calling him out on it should’ve made him uncomfortable, but it didn’t.
“I guess you’re lucky, though. Because I like it too.” You crashed your lips onto his and he responded by cupping your face in his hand roughly, his fingers squeezing your jaw tightly enough that you couldn’t move if you tried.
You used your hands to unzip the dress you had thrown on for the club, and he let you go to allow it to fall down your body and pool at your feet.
“I knew you were a slut.” He groaned, undressing himself from the waist down as well. He pushed you up against the wall, hands roaming over your bra and down to the waistband of your panties. “I bet you’re so fucking wet.”
“Find out for yourself.” You challenged, panting, and he did, dipping a finger underneath the fabric. You arched your back, moaning, as he ran a finger over your clit. You were grinding your hips into his hand, desperate for more.
“I thought you said we shouldn’t act on our dirty thoughts?” You panted out.
“You were practically throwing yourself at me. If you’re going to act like a whore then I have no choice but to fuck you like one.” And with that he was pushing your panties to the side, lining himself up at your entrance, and thrusting his hips against yours. You were absolutely paralyzed, the pain and pleasure of him stretching you out overwhelming you. “You’re so fucking tight,” he breathed out.
You moaned in response, one of your hands reaching behind him, nails raking down his back over the fabric of his shirt. “Fuck, is this what you thought about while I was gone?” He whispered in your ear. “You think about me fucking you? Did you think about me throwing you around and calling you mean names?”
You didn’t reply, opting to moan instead, and he slowed. “Answer me.” He placed a hand on your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes. “Is this what you wanted?”
You whimpered, nodding, your hips moving to meet his in an attempt to urge him to keep going. “Y-Yes.”
“Good.” He smirked contently, thrusts picking up speed again. You were close, your moans loud enough that you figured someone walking by the bathroom might hear, and he was relentless in his pace.
“I’m g-gonna..” you whined, and his hand shot up to your throat, wrapping around it and cutting off your oxygen. You sputtered, a hand moving up to pull his away but to no avail.
“Cum for me, slut.” He commanded, and your body responded quickly, moans catching in your throat as your orgasm washed over you. Only a few thrusts later Spencer was pulling out, his grip around your throat easing up, as you watched him finish himself, the warm substance coating your stomach and chest, dripping down. He let go of your neck completely, focusing on your body like he had just created a masterpiece.
“Let me clean you up,” he said after a moment, grabbing some paper towels and wetting them in the sink. You rubbed your face in your hands, in shock about what had just happened.
“Aren’t you glad I convinced you to come tonight, Spencie?” You asked sweetly as he wiped you down.
He chuckled. “Definitely. Your methods of persuasion never fail to impress.”
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minyoongiest · 4 years
Sole || MYG (M)
Tumblr media
• pairing: Yoongi x reader
• rating: 18+
• type/genre: smut, fluff, idol!au, established relationship
• word count: 4k
• summary: While Yoongi is recovering from shoulder surgery, things are a little different in your relationship as you help him do things he struggles with while his arm is in a sling, and there are some needs that have to be met in more creative ways.
• contains: explicit sexual content, explicit language, vaginal fingering, showering together, hand job (in shower)
• note: I had another fic in mind for a long time, but I can't just pretend like his shoulder is fine?? idk. I mean, I know he's okay, and I'm so glad he had surgery finally, but I miss him, and I want him to heal and recover and be back with us soon. Anyway, I wrote this because I wish I could help him more, but I can't.
And as always, translations are at the end
|| ao3 ||
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I wake up when the bed moves and groan into my pillow. Rolling onto my side, I look up to see Yoongi turning the lamp off before getting back in bed.
“Where did you go?”
“Bathroom. Did I wake you?”
“Only a little,” I answer around a yawn.
“Mianhage. Did you sleep okay?”
“Mmmm. I miss you.”
“Mwoya?” He laughs softly. “I’m right here.”
“No, you’re right over there,” I mutter. “I miss cuddling.”
He sighs, and I bite my lip. I know it’s not his fault, and I’m not trying to complain. I’m glad he had the surgery to fix his shoulder, and I do want it to heal well so it’s not a problem ever again. I’m not about to guilt him into cuddling with me and risk messing it up. I just also miss things being how they were before. Cuddling and snuggling and holding him, not his shoulder being in pain and him constantly worrying about injuring it. I definitely don’t miss that.
“I know,” he says quietly as he lies down awkwardly beside me, his injured shoulder leaning on an extra pillow.
“I’m sorry,” I murmur. “I’m not helping.”
“You’re very helpful,” he assures me, reaching out with his good arm to push a piece of hair behind my ear. “I miss it too.”
“I have an idea to make it better.”
“What is it?”
“Move up here,” he says before dropping his voice even lower, “and I’ll finger you.”
A flash of heat races down into my panties and up my neck as I gasp.
“You can’t say things like that,” I whine at him. “That’s just mean.”
“You had surgery like two weeks ago,” I remind him, even though neither of us need to hear it. “I know you can’t have sex, and I don’t want you to do anything that’ll hurt or mess up your shoulder anyway, so don’t tease me.”
“Closer to three weeks,” he points out instantly in his stupid sexy morning voice, “and I’m not teasing. I can get you off without moving too much, and my shoulder will be fine.”
I give him a skeptical look, and he holds up his good hand.
“I’m right-handed,” he points out. “And it’s my left one I can’t use. All you have to do is move up here so I can reach, and I can do it.”
I bite my lip because…I’m getting turned on by this idea, and then shake my head because it’s crazy.
“What if you move wrong and it starts hurting?”
“Then I’ll take a pain killer.”
After he finishes getting me off.
He didn’t say that part but I already know it’s implied. Which is very sweet of him to always take care of me, but I don’t want him to ignore his shoulder if it’s hurting.
“Stop overthinking it.” He reaches out and flicks the pad of his thumb across my exposed nipple, making me jerk. “I’ll be fine, and I’ll get to make you feel good which will make me feel good.”
I shift my legs under the sheets.
God, he’s basically begging to finger me, and I’m arguing with him. This is the most ridiculous morning ever. I have to be some kind of nuts.
On the other hand, if this somehow causes him pain, I will never forgive myself for letting him do it.
His fingers trail up my arm, and I shiver.
“Come on, I know you want it,” he coaxes with that stupid grin.
I reach down and grab his wrist, before looking at his very kissable face.
“Are you sure?” I whisper. “It won’t hurt you?”
“Ne,” he nods. “Yeogiwa.”
“Okay.” I shift onto my knees and move up the mattress, stopping when his hand brushes my hip and I hear him murmur, “Stop, stop.”
I take a slow breath and exhale, stopping in the middle to look down at him and say quickly, “If I think for a second you’re uncomfortable or in pain, I’m stopping this.”
His eyebrows rise, and I jump as his hand slides up the inside of my thigh.
I hold my breath as his fingers reach the edge of my panties. My hands fist the pillow under me, and I swallow a whimper. He dips one in, barely, and strokes the outer skin of my lip with one rough, guitar-calloused fingertip.
“Yoongi,” I gasp.
He pulls his hand away and slides it over my hip, tugging at the hem of my panties.
“Ssibal,” he mumbles.
“What?” I look over my shoulder at him.
“I want them off.”
Normally, he could take them off himself, but of course, nothing about right now is normal. Sitting up on my knees, I slide my underwear off my hips and off each leg before putting my hands back in the pillow.
“Good thing you sleep naked,” he rumbles as his fingers tickle across my hip and slip between my legs.
“Except for panties,” I amend, my eyes fluttering shut.
“Still easier than my clothes.”
I look over at his buttoned sleep shirt, or rather, unbuttoned sleep shirt, since he woke me up in the middle of the night to undo the top three buttons because he was too warm. I catch a glimpse of his dark nipple and bite my lip before my mouth falls open and my head drops down to the pillow, leaving my ass in the air as he drives two long fingers deep inside me.
“I thought we talked about this,” I hiss, licking my lips. “You’re supposed to warn me before–”
“I told you I was going to finger you,” he interrupts, very slowly pumping his digits into me. “You’re already wet.”
“Are you surprised?”
He grins and twists his hand, making my hips jerk.
“Do you want me to do all the work?” he asks as his thumb rolls over my clit and my knees spread wider. “Or do you want to ride my hand?”
“You’re so good at it,” I gasp. “Play with me a little more.”
My head pops up. “Unless it’s bothering your–”
His eyes narrow and he rubs my clit harder, making his point.
“Okay,” I choke out. “I won’t mention it again.”
He does as promised, sliding his fingers out to stroke around my lips and up and down my thighs before rubbing my clit lazily.
“Yoongi, more,” I moan, my entire body begging for his touch.
“You close?” He glances over at me, and I nod slightly against my pillow.
He makes a growling sound low in his throat, and I take a short breath before he suddenly fills me with three fingers.
My back bows, and my legs start shaking before he’s even moved.
“Oh my God,” I whimper. “Yoongi.”
He’s quiet as he begins thrusting in again and again, faster and deeper. Curling one arm around my pillow, I shove the other down under my body to grab his wrist between my legs.
“Don’t stop,” I whisper, shifting my head to his pillow so my lips are practically brushing his ear.
“Fuck yourself,” he grunts.
“W-What?” I blink.
He looks over at me and jerks his head. “Ride my fingers. Need you to come.”
Even as he says it, his thumb moves to stroke my clit again sending tiny bursts of heat into my pussy and belly and nipples and—
“Move,” he groans.
My legs are trembling as I slowly lift up higher and start rocking against him as he buries his fingers inside me.
“Oh God.”
I immediately move faster, my walls clenching at him, wetness trailing down my thighs.
“I’m so close,” I whisper in his ear, desperation threading every word.
“Harder,” he bites out, and I grip his wrist tighter as I roll my hips against his hand.
“I can’t,” I whimper.
He rubs my clit again, and I cry out, but my orgasm slips away.
“Yoongi, I’m so close,” I echo pitifully. “Give it to me.”
He looks surprised for a split second and then heat flashes in his eyes. Turning toward me so his lips graze my earlobe, in a very soft, low tone he starts rapping in time with his thrusts. The faster his hand moves, the faster I move, the faster he raps and then—
“Yoongi!” I sob into his ear as I come.
My whole body goes tight and his fingers slow, but don’t quite stop entirely as my pussy spasms around them. I feel it everywhere—blasting through my belly, my legs, my nipples, my spine. I’m holding his wrist so tight I’m afraid I might break it, but I can’t relax my grip. My throat locks up, and tears slip down my cheeks before it finally recedes and I collapse on the bed, panting in Yoongi’s ear.
“Gwaenchanh-a?” he murmurs, sliding his wrist out of my grip and his fingers from between my legs.
“You feel good?”
“Very,” I gasp.
“I’m gonna go shower.”
“Wait.” I shift back down the bed and onto my side so I can face him. “I can undo your shirt. I just…need a second.”
My cheek lands back on the pillow because my arms feel too weak to hold me up. I feel his fingers trail up my spine, and I peek over at him.
“Your shoulder is really okay?”
“Ne,” he mumbles. “I’m fine.”
After I catch my breath, I push up on one arm and reach for the first button on his silk pajamas, which is pulled to the side under his pec. Reaching with my weight-bearing arm, I use both hands to slide the plastic circle through the slit in the fabric. I move to the next one when his hand slides into my hair.
“What? Why?” I look up at his face and frown.
“Kiss me.”
The air stutters in my lungs, and I lean forward a little, the hand on the back of my neck pulling me closer. I kiss him softly at first, barely touching my lips to his. I gasp when his grip in my hair tightens, holding me to him as his tongue slides over mine.
“Yoongi,” I whimper into his mouth.
My hand on his stomach fists the fabric of his shirt while my other hand slides off and lands on the mattress, bracing against the pure heat in his kiss. His hand holds me tighter, and I fight the need to climb on him.
Oh God. His arm.
“Stop,” I gasp, pulling away. “Stop. Let me go.”
“One more,” he murmurs.
He pulls me down again, pressing his lips to mine, and I sigh against his mouth before lifting my head again.
“No.” I reach up and grab his wrist. “You’re making me worry.”
“Okay. Okay.” He relaxes his hand on my neck, his thumb rubbing small circles against my skin. “I like how you kiss.”
“Me too.” I exhale. “But let me just do your buttons so you can shower.”
He nods, and I take a slow breath before I turn back to his pajama top, quickly undoing each button. He’s quiet until I reach the last one, and then he tenses suddenly, a short hiss slipping through his lips.
“Are you okay?” My eyes snap to his. “What happened?”
His face is pinched when I look up at him, but he relaxes it quickly.
“I’m fine,” he says in a low tone. “Don’t worry about it.”
I look back at what I’m doing and then inch the sheets down, instantly biting my lip. He can say he’s fine all he wants, but there’s no hiding that bulge.
“Yoongi,” I whisper, “you’re hard.”
“Ne,” he grunts.
“Is that from…”
“Fingering you? Yeah,” he finishes brusquely. “You made a lot of, uh, noises…in my ear.”
“Right.” I guess that makes sense. “Are you going to take care of yourself in the shower?”
“I can.”
“If you wait, I’ll help you,” I murmur, reaching up to stroke a piece of hair on his forehead.
“I mean, I know you can do it, but it would be nice to make you feel good like you made me feel,” I point out. “And I can use two hands.”
I watch his pupils darken with arousal, and I bite my lip.
“I’m done with your buttons, so why don’t you go get in the shower and I’ll make some coffee and then join you in a little bit?”
He starts to sit up slowly, and I move to exit my side of the bed. I stand and watch him while he removes his sling and shirt, my heart squeezing at the grimace of pain on his face.
“I’m okay,” he says softly when he catches me staring. “Go make coffee.”
“Sorry.” I shake my head as I grab fresh underwear from the dresser and step into them. “I know you’re a grown man and you have a high pain tolerance, but I still wish I could take your pain away.”
“I know.”
His good arm slides around my bare waist, and I gasp at the feel of his skin on my skin.
“I’m okay,” he repeats.
His lips brush my neck, and I turn in his arm to kiss his cheek and then his good shoulder.
“Okay. I’m going to make coffee. For real.” I grab one of his big t-shirts off the floor and slide it on.
“Oh, wait.” I pause and look back. “Do you need me to put the waterproof things on your incisions?”
“I think they’re mostly healed,” he shrugs. “Go on.”
I nod and leave the room, going to the kitchen to start the coffee maker with some of his current favorite blend and also grab the box of cereal off the top of the fridge as well as some bowls and spoons for when we get out of the shower. Sometimes we cook actual food for breakfast, but I can already tell this is a cereal morning.
Once the kitchen is set, I head to the bathroom, stopping to throw his t-shirt back on the floor in the bedroom on my way. Steam is already starting to fill the room when I walk in. The glass door is partly open, so I drop my underwear next to his pajama bottoms on the toilet seat and step inside, closing the door behind me.
His back is to me, so very carefully, I slide my right arm around his hips and press my lips against his spine just below his neck.
“I’m stiff,” he says roughly.
My fingers slide down his lower stomach and curl around his hard shaft.
“I can see that,” I whisper.
“I meant my shoulder.”
“Oh.” I release him and start to step back.
“No.” He grabs my retreating hand and puts it back on his dick as he looks at me over his good shoulder. “It’s okay.”
“Do you want me to do it from behind you? Or do you want to face me?”
“Whichever. I don’t care.”
“Turn around.”
I keep my hand on him as he moves, my fingers memorizing the feel of him. When we’re face-to-face, I reach out and take him in both my hands, sliding my palms over him, trailing my fingers up and down his rigid cock.
“Ssibal,” he hisses.
“Are you ready?” I whisper.
His forehead drops to mine, and I lick my lips as I squeeze him gently in one hand and slowly begin sliding my fist up and down.
“Faster,” he grunts, his arm curling around my shoulder as his fingers slide into my hair.
I jerk him quickly, holding him tighter, steadying myself with one hand on his hip. He growls into my ear, and I feel it in my nipples. Fuck, I’m getting wet again.
“More,” he mumbles.
“Do you want my mouth on you?” I choke out. “It would be faster.”
“No,” he groans. “I’m close.”
“Okay, do you want—oh!”
I gasp as his hips jerk forward, thrusting into my hand. He moves suddenly, forcing me back against the wall, his hand releasing my hair only to land next to my cheek as he braces himself against the tile.
He hisses my name like a swear word, his head dropping to my shoulder as I hold him tighter, his hips moving again and again, fucking my fist.
“I’m close,” he pants in my ear.
“Okay.” I nod, my left hand sliding into his hair.
I jerk him faster and harder, feeling his veins pulsing against my hand as I try to draw out his orgasm. His whole cock is red and angry, and it’s so hot and throbbing and swollen, he should burst any second.
“Ah,” he moans suddenly. “Ahhhh, ung, ah, aishhhit!”
I feel it happening and turn my face into his neck as he explodes, streams of hot fluid hitting my lower stomach and thighs as his cock twitches in my hand. When he’s spent, he straightens before leaning in to kiss me again.
“Saranghae,” he murmurs breathlessly.
“I love you, too, Yoongi.”
He kisses my forehead and leans back, glancing down my body.
“Wash you off first,” he announces, pulling me under the spray.
I grab a washcloth and some soap and quickly clean off the mess he made before rinsing the cloth out thoroughly and turning back to him.
“I’m here. I might as well help you shower,” I point out.
“Start with my hair then.” He tilts his head forward, and I kiss the top of it before grabbing the shampoo.
After the soap is spread through his hair, I use my fingertips to massage his scalp how I know he likes, making sure to keep any from getting in his eyes. When I’m done, I move away so he can rinse while I shampoo my own hair. While the water is washing the suds down my back, I watch as he gently washes his stiff arm and shoulder. I reach up only once to very lightly rub the back of his arm and shoulder blade he can’t reach before he lifts his arm slightly away from his side so I can rub soap over his ribs.
“See,” he says in a low tone. “I told you you were helpful.”
“As long as you think so,” I murmur. “That’s all that matters.”
“Here, you can keep helping if you want,” he announces as he hands the bottle to me so I can wash his right arm and shoulder and back and side and most of the rest of him since he can’t reach any of it or it’s uncomfortable for him to do if he can.
When I’m done, he moves back under the spray while I quickly wash myself and then trade places with to him to quickly rinse before shutting off the water and reaching out the door to the hook for our towels. I dry myself first before towel-drying my hair and then turning to see if Yoongi wants anymore of my help.
“Can you get my back?” He turns away from me as he pats his left arm gingerly, wincing a little with every touch.
Carefully, I move my towel over the larger portion of his bare back and then lower, biting my lip as I spread the fabric over his ass and give it a tiny squeeze.
“Hey,” he says softly, looking over his shoulder.
“What?” I look up with big eyes. “You told me to dry your back.”
“Mmm.” He presses his lips together and shakes his head, turning away.
Standing straight, I slide my right arm around his stomach, taking care not to bump into his left hand. Pressing my cheek to the side of his neck, I confess into his ear. “I like your butt.”
“I noticed.”
“It got rounder than before.”
“Aish,” he mutters. “I ate too well before my surgery.”
“I like it like this.”
“Hajimaaa,” he whines instantly, but I ignore him.
“These too.” I lean forward and kiss his right cheek.
“Wae, wae, wae?” he pulls his neck to the side.
“They’re soft,” I explain instantly.
“They’re chubby.”
“Okay, okay.” He nods. “But I’m going on a diet before I have to get back on stage.”
“That’s fine,” I murmur. “Whatever you need to do is fine. I love you no matter how you look.”
“I love you, too,” he rumbles. “But I’m also getting cold.”
We finish drying off, and throw the towels in the hamper before I slip back into my panties and help him into fresh pajama bottoms.
“Are you going to the studio today?” I ask as he uses my shoulder to balance while he slides one leg in.
“If I do I’ll need to change pants before I go,” he says softly. “But I don’t know. This weather isn’t my favorite for going out in.”
“I made coffee. It just needs ice,” I tell him. “I thought we’d have cereal for breakfast, but if you want me to make American pancakes or something, I can.”
“Diet,” he reminds me immediately.
“One pancake won’t kill you. I can also cut up some fruit or something.”
“Mm. Okay.” He nods.
Then he turns on the blow drier to fix his hair while I pull a comb through mine. When we’re finished in the bathroom, he leads the way down the hall so we can finish getting dressed.
“Whenever you decide what you want to do, let me know,” I speak up as he turns the light on. “Also, if you want anything from the market because I was thinking I could go later and make something for dinner. Or, if you feel like it, you can teach me how to make something new, and I’ll be your hands.”
“I like that.” He grins, and my stomach gets all fluttery. “But for now, I need a shirt.”
“Right. Me too.”
He goes into the closet and picks a button-down for himself before grabbing his grey Fear of God sixth collection t-shirt and bringing it to me.
“You can wear this today.”
“You mean you wish you could wear it today, don’t you?”
“Ah, so soft,” he mourns in a low tone. “Go on. Gwaenchanh-a.”
I slide the shirt on and find a pair of sleep shorts while he sits on the edge of the bed and slowly slides the left sleeve of his shirt over his arm. I wait until he has both his arms in and he looks up at me before I move.
“Do you want to button me?” he asks quietly.
“I can.” I nod. “Unless you want to do it. I don’t want to make you feel like I have to do everything for you.”
“It’s faster when you do it,” he sighs. “Please?”
I close the distance between us and lean down to reach his chest. His right hand slides into my wet hair as my fingers work on the buttons. When I’m done, I lean my cheek against his palm before tuning my head and kissing it.
“Done,” I whisper.
“Can you hand me–”
I pass him the sling from behind him on the bed, and start for the door.
“I’m going to make you an iced coffee,” I tell him, “if you don’t need me anymore.”
“I always need you,” he mumbles, sliding the shoulder strap over his head, “but I can do this part on my own.”
“I love you, Yoongi,” I whisper.
He looks up at me and blinks. “I thought you were going to make coffee and pancakes and fruit? Why are you standing there?”
“Okay, okay, I’m going.” I start for the door and stop to look back one more time. “Still love you.”
“Nado saranghae,” he mutters in a deep tone before looking up at me and waving to the door with his good hand. “Now go make me a pancake or something.”
I roll my eyes as I move close again to kiss his temple lightly before turning toward the kitchen.
“One pancake coming up.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mianhage – sorry
Mwoya? – what?
Ne – yes
Yeogiwa – come here
Ssibal – fuck
Gwaenchanh-a? – okay?
Choayo - good
Aish – an almost-swear
Saranghae – I love you
Hajima – don’t
Wae? – why?
Nado saranghae – I love you, too
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