#anyway if anyone wants to argue with me about this please feel free maybe there are things i haven't considered!
emo-trash101 · 6 months
Hello hello my darling!! (/P)
How are you,good? I hope you are!
I was scrolling through for some hazbin-writing blogs and saw that you were,but didn't have any works yet!
"preposterous!" I told myself! "Such a charming blog without any writing? Allow me!"
And here I am! Nina or Weewoo,you may call me!
Now that my big flamboyant intro is done (i do this all the time for my fun,don't mind it-),May you indulge me in some nice platonic headcanons? (If you do those! If not,a single oneshot would be swell!!)
You see,the self-proclaimed platonic asker is thirsty for some platonic!
Anyways,you're probably getting bored,so allow me!
May I please have a platonic! Vox/Husk/Alastor/Lucifer/ anyone you wish to write for (I honestly don't mind anyone,just pick peoplef from Hazbin you feel you want to write for! You can put as many as you want!) with a gn!child!reader (my favorite/p) that's really sweet (even a bit of a pushover) but has a really bad argument with their parent (the characters) for x reason (maybe because the child is too kind?) and runs away for some air,but later,as the characters were looking for them because they're worried or we're forced to (ahem,Vox and Alastor,AHEM) the character finds them all injured and crying somewhere because it's hell and there are bad people there? How would the characters react? Would they do something?
I think that's all for me!
I hope you enjoy writing this dearie! Don't forget to drink,eat and have rest!
Stay proud darling!
-Nina <33
Omg, I really hope you end up enjoying this! I actually really like this idea, and I live for platonic relationships. Also! Feel free to request whenever, I really need something to do with my life 😭
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Vox, Husk, Alastor and Lucifer x Child! Reader
Pronouns: Second person, gender neutral
Tw: Arguing, Vox and Alastor (Yes they are warnings), general Hazbin Hotel-ness
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Vox -
- In all honesty, I'm so sorry you ended up with this man 😭
- But (as many of us know) he is not a nice person, if anything he's more so the opposite. He would probably take away your toys just to see you cry.
- However, he is very good at faking it, which makes him a very confusing person to be around.
- The argument most likely starts because you end up being too sweet and it ends up pissing him off. He'd probably try to be passive aggressive or ignore it until it makes him so mad he just yells.
- He seems like the kind of guy to be like "Well thats how I was raised." And just see nothing wrong with it. But after seeing you be so upset after the argument, a small part of his almost nonexistent humanity feels bad.
- Considering how busy he is, he probably wouldn't notice you were missing for a good while. Even after he does, he doesn't go after you himself, he sends one of his workers to get you.
- Once he does find you injured, he's undoubtedly mad. Not exactly because he cares too much for your wellbeing, but because he considers you a pet of some sort, and people should know better than to hurt his pet.
- Doesn't really learn much from the experience, however does avoid bringing up the topic of you being too kind simply because another argument like that could provide similar outcomes
- In all, probably the worst of them all generally. (Can you tell who my least favorite is?)
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Husk -
- Honestly, he's not that bad of a caretaker, and it's primarily because he has strong morals and tries to teach you that as well.
- However, because of that, he views your kindness as a kind of weakness that needs to be fixed. Which is almost exactly what he tries to do.
- He attempts several times to make you "stronger" and less kind to protect you. He obviously has good intentions but goes the wrong way about it.
- This obviously results in an argument where he refuses to admit that he was incorrect which leads you to try and chill yourself out by going on a walk. He would probably be too heated to even really care about you walking out. That is until later.
- After you eventually don't come back for awhile he does become anxious, but he knows that he taught you to take care of yourself and that you'll be fine.
- Once you do come back he feels hella guilty, nit only for letting you walk away, but arguing with you in general. He resorts to trying to help clean your wounds and provide you with the best comfort he can (which honestly is not a lot but it's the thought that counts)
- He does let up on you having to be less nice, it does get brought up ever so often, but after a few minutes he just lets it go.
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Alastor -
- This man is a little special brained, as in he is extremely apathetic to the point where he doesn't comprehend you being kind aside from it being for ulterior motives.
- Which honestly makes sense if you think about how he acts, so it's not like it's a baseless accusation. But after he's taken you under his wing and is trying to teach you he feels almost undermined by you constantly being kind.
- This obviously turns into an argument (more like you being defensive and him just accusing), and you eventually give up and go on a walk.
- He considers this an admission of guilt and doesn't go after you or anything and just lets you do your own thing until you apologize to him.
- When you do eventually show back up to the hotel, he does tend to your wounds, but he approaches you with condescension until you eventually apologize purely out of exhaustion.
- He doesn't really feel any guilt towards it, and will definitely ice you out until you stop being so "manipulative".
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Lucifer -
- Now Lucifer himself is at least a people pleaser, so he understands the feeling and actions that you do take.
- However, having seen his daughter take similar strides that he had in the sense of caring for others, he ends up worrying about you being used for others benefit, especially in a place like hell.
- This kinda causes him to try and course correct aggressively, deciding that if he were to act more cold it would rub off on you and work (surprise surprise, it didn't).
- It just turns into you getting upset and while trying to have a serious conversation about the issues (or as serious a discussion that a child can have), he tries to keep up the cold facade.
- This just upsets you more and you end up going on a walk to clear your mind, and that makes him feel terrible.
- He contemplates running after you but decides that it's for the best, it could even help you with being so kind.
- Well that whole thought process changes once you don't come back for too long. He almost turns the entirety of hell upside down just to find you.
- He finds you just as your assaulters are leaving, and let's just say they don't leave in one singular piece.
- After that the guilt almost eats him alive. He feels terrible for not only letting this happen to you, but that he also caused this whole mess. He takes you back to your home and helps clean your wounds (He 100% uses hello kitty bandages).
- He tries reaching out to other people to try and find better ways to teach you more about boundaries and everything just to keep you safe, and takes almost all the advice to heart.
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This took less time than I anticipated, but I feel like it turned out good nonetheless. I hope you enjoyed it and have an astounding day!
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howlsofbloodhounds · 8 days
hello! i am brand new to everything about undertale au's, by so i mean maybe two months in. it's quickly become one of my favorite things, and while i mostly focus on the apple twins, i've grown to love killer a lot. i thought this might be a good place to ask, can you explain him to me? from backstory to what the the different stages are (this mostly). i know very little about him, and this is an issue, so feel more than free to go into crazy detail if you want, or even throw in personal thoughts. learning about him pleases me
Hello! I will try to answer, but i feel it is first important to state two things.
1. Killer has a lot of lost media, a lot of his canon information and materiel was deleted—including an entire ask blog. So if someone ever claims something about Killer is true, it’s probably best to ask for some sort of proof for this. Such as a link or a screenshot from his creator, rahafwabas.
2. Rahafwabas has also said that every interpretation of Killer can be canon. She was very loose and free with her character, and just wanted people to have fun. So don’t worry too much about sticking close to what little remains of canon.
What we have of Killer’s canon now is basically his Something New comics (origin), a few more scattered comics and drawings here and there, and some fun facts.
I have links to some of Killer’s canon stuff in the top of my pinned post if you want to give it a look, but if not, here is a link to a Google Doc someone made about canon Killer (I didn’t make it.) It’s also no guarantee that every single thing has been found and archived.
That being said! I will give a summary of the first origin, before the updated one that involved the Player and how we altered Sans’ codes to create kill_sans. Undertale: Something New has multiple endings as well, but I won’t get into that just yet. Because this is just about Killer, not how he met Nightmare or Color or any of that.
In Rahafwabas’ own words, Something New was described as something along the lines of how, after going through so many Resets—being constantly killed, fighting, watching everyone die, repeating multiple different days and outcomes over and over—Sans eventually shuts down emotionally and stops caring, loses hope, and becomes like the human.
The human notices, and starts proposing something new. A deal. Sans joins them on a Genocide, and they’ll stop Resetting and let the world move on—Sans wants to continue, or stop (die, erase the world), is what the human says he wants.
Sans spits in their face and refuses. The human brutally and violently murders him in response.
Rinse and repeat for a couple thousand unknown Resets—and something changes one day. Suddenly, Sans is thinking about something new. He’s thinking about how everyone deserves to die anyway—they’re all weak, he can’t save them, Papyrus is so fucking lucky.
Who cares anymore.
The thoughts happen so slow he doesn’t catch it—so focused on trying to tune the kid out, even as their words work their way into his mind and nothing feels real. Sometimes he catches his thoughts, confused and distressed—because it’s not true. He doesn’t hate Papyrus, he doesn’t want to join the kid or kill anyone.
And yet something in his minds insists he does, in his own voice, in his own thoughts. Perhaps it wasn’t uncommon to find Sans arguing to himself with increasing distress and confusion, even. Arguing as if he’s two different people.
His mind starts slipping, he can’t tell what is and isn’t real anymore. Is he going insane? Is he losing his mind? Has the kid done something to him?
Or is this just genuinely what he wants. He didn’t think he was like that. He’s not, surely.
“Am i going insane?” “Heh. Yeah.”
“This isn’t right..” “But we don’t have a choice.”
“I don’t want to do this anymore..” “Yes I do.”
Whatever. Who cares anymore. Not him. Not him.
Eventually it all comes to a head when Sans, all big dead eyes and empty smiles, shakes the devil’s hand and gets to hunting. We don’t get to see all of the first Genocide route, but we see Sans kill Flowey, Grillby, and eventually..Papyrus.
I won’t spoil the entire scene because I personally find it devastating enough to read on your own. The moment where we see how manipulated Sans has become—manipulated into hating and despising his own brother, enough to gleefully reveal he has been dreaming about this moment. Where he gets to make Papyrus experience even half of the pain Sans went through.
It isn’t until a broken, bloody, battered Papyrus opens his arms wide and tearfully declares that he’d happily die if his presence was causing his brother so much pain, that Sans snaps back. He remembers who he is, and more importantly, he remembers who Papyrus is.
It was never an enemy. It was never his tormenter, mocking him with his happiness and safety. He was his little brother, and now he’s dead.
Because of him. And he can never undo that.
We get to see how truly fragmented and disoriented Sans has become after this—too busy arguing with himself to truly notice when Chara skillfully slides in, offering comfort and reassurance to their new partner, their new best friend, as they welcome him to the Genocide run.
From here the Genocide route continues—with some of the dialogue up above happening. We see Sans and Chara having fun with it now—tossing around a monster’s hat, laughing and cheering as they kill Undyne. Sans is confused as he laughs and smiles and giggles—he hates himself. Why is he doing this again.
he doesn’t know. He smiles as he gifts Chara a knife, and their happy surprise is perhaps enough to make him feel.
…They put on Papyrus’ scarf. He can’t help but stare. But they are right—he’s being ridiculous. He has killed his brother before.
…at least they take it off.
He confronts Alphys. But then she confronts him—…Sans, why are you doing this? Is the human making you?
Sans is confused. He’s doing all this of his own free will, right? Of course the human doesn’t have any control of this. Of course not. He’s doing this because he wants to feel something.
…Why is he even explaining himself. None of them will understand. Only Chara does.
Then there’s suddenly a feeling of someone standing behind him, watching him mournfully, when Alphys mentions him. No, he’s not real. He’s not real. He’s not real. He’s not—
Alphys is dead.
there’s no going back now, and Chara insists on just one more route. Just one more. And another and another and another and another and another and another—
He’s having so much fun! So much fun. So much fun. Chara watches on with a smile as Sans just hysterically laughs and cries and laughs and cries and laughs and—
…San is tired. He’s…exhausted. He feels drained, and empty. why is he even still here. how did he get here.
…The two continue on. There’s no more laughing or cheering or crying. It is what it is.
..Sans notices some type of black sludge sliding down his cheek one Reset (how many has it been now?…who cares). He dismisses it. Who cares.
There’s a growing, burning ache somewhere in his chest yet another Reset. The sludge slides down more frequently..
..The pain keeps growing with every single Reset. He can’t take a single step without this black sludge sliding from his eyes, his nose, his teeth. What’s happening to him? What’s happening what’s happening what’s happening—
..It hurts. It hurts so much, make it stop, please. He turns to Chara one Reset. What’s happening to me? What’s happening to me? Please, it hurts.
He can’t see Chara anymore. His vision is so blurry, they look so different. He stumbles and falls to the ground, frozen with pain and fear—unable to realize that he has fallen into a bed of golden flowers.
His SOUL hovers outside his chest, a black spot slowly, painfully growing and expanding in the middle as if a parasite is wiggling its way inside. Curling around, eating everything it can and burning away the rest. Forcing its victim into the desired state.
The only explanation Chara has for him is something along the lines of, “Your soul is becoming like mine. Neither beast nor man, and you will feel nothing. Wait here, and I’ll go deal with that stupid flower.”
Sans is left to ponder those words as he starts fading in and out from life. But then he hears laughter, someone calling his name.
Sans’ last words—his last thoughts—are of Papyrus.
“Papyrus..I’m sorry. I will miss you all.”
His SOUL is filled with DETERMINATION as it snaps into the target shape. Sans dies with a pathetic mournful whimper, as Killer silently takes his place.
{ @lucid-cups }
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sugurufic · 7 months
What are your thoughts on the reader and teen nanami attending an improv comedy show…
Oh this is so interesting! I am not funny, like at all, so please don't judge my terrible jokes T^T as always, its not proofread
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Nanami, Haibara and you had a lot of fun planned for the weekend, but Haibara had to return home to his family. His sister had gotten a bad fever and he was worried sick about her.
So you and Nanami still went about the plans, going to the mall for some shopping and to the city center to eat, and then return to your respective dorms. The two of you hadn't hung out much without Haibara, his absence weighing you down. With Haibara it was easy to ignore how Nanami's presence made you feel, but now it was practically impossible, with him walking beside you in the mall, dressed in normie clothes.
"Hey ma'am, hey sir!" an attendant at the mall greeted you cheerfully. "We have a free of cost improv comedy session going on, would you care to join us?"
You have always loved improv comedy, watching videos on the internet, but you've never seen one in person. Besides, how bad could it get? It's not like you were wasting any money this way.
"Nanami, can we go, please?" you plead, batting your eyelashes at the blond man, who doesn't even argue.
"Thank you for joining us!" the attendant yells behind you.
"I really hope that it doesn't turn out to be a waste of time," Nanami says as you sit beside him. The room still has some empty seats, but it's a great news that there are people to see a new comedian.
"I don't think it will be," you say, scooting a little closer to him as the air conditioning sent a shiver under your skin.
The empty seats fill up quickly, and the lights are dimmed, waiting for the comedian to take the stage. You are unfamiliar with the man who comes on the stage, viewing his audience with a smile on his face. "Hey everyone! Thank you for being here. You really are helping me convince my parents that maybe I can pull this comedy thing off," He starts of with a jolly voice. "You know, after I wasted four years of my life on an engineering degree."
You chuckle, having heard something similar from plenty of comedians. the man looks over his audience, eyes flickering to a stop to someone on the other end of the room. "Oh, I have a young crowd with me. I really hope you don't get influenced by me. it's not my fault if your mum slaps you with a slipper for not wanting to go to college."
"How old even are you?" he asks the same person. "That young! Now I will feel guilty about making the jokes I had planned." The man shakes his head. "Anyways, you know I am not entirely upset that i did college. I now have more things to make jokes about. Anyone who did CS and now everyone is suddenly asking them to fix computers?"
A surprising number of people raise their hands, and you chuckle once again. Nanami fixes his bangs beside you, trying to hide his rolling eyes. But you know him too well to know what he's doing.
"My parents forbade from speaking to the opposite gender all throughout school. And now that I'm an engineer by degree, they want me to get married." He sighs. "You are too young to understand this. How many of you have partners?" a good number of people raised their hands. "And how many of parent's know?" most hands went down.
The comedian's eyes fall on the pair of you and he asks Nanami, "Hey, blond guy! Is that pretty lady your girlfriend?"
Your face heats up and you can barely look at Nanami, who has gone pink. "N-No," he manages to say.
"Your face tells me otherwise," the comedian laughs. "For those of you who cannot see, Mr. Blond Guy has turned red. The lady seems flustered too. You two did come together, right? Or did I just embarrass two strangers sitting next to each other."
"We go to the same school," You manage to say, despite your flustered state. "And we're friends."
"Miss, maybe you should ask blond guy. He seems very shy." the comedian chuckles.
"I don't think I'm her type," Nanami mumbles in a small voice, and you give him the biggest side eye you have ever given to anyone.
"Judging by the lady's reaction, I'd say you are wrong, buddy." the man laughs. "See people, please tell your friends I helped set up a relationship. If any of your friends need a wingman, please join me on my next shows."
When you leave the mall, you walk together in silence, not even getting the courage to look at him. But you bite down your fears and say, "What gave you the impression that you aren't my type?" You still don't look at him, but your hands are in front of you, trying to grasp the air. "Because then I'd have to fix that. You are exactly my type."
Oh no, you think. You may have spoken to much. "Please ignore what I just said if you don't like me back."
"I do," Nanami softy says, and you whip you head towards him, seeing a rare smile on his face. His cheeks are still dusted a light shade of pink and he looks so cute you could kiss him. "I never thought you could like me like that."
"OH you blind man," you sigh, intertwining your fingers when his hand reaches for yours. "Let's just do this again later, okay?"
"Okay," Nanami says, the smile not leaving his face.
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dckweed · 1 year
Can you write a fic about Hangman and his friend from childhood and when she found out she was pregenat, her (former) bf broke up with her? You can make it as angsty or fluffy as you want.
absolutely love this! i had a couple of ideas and i hope you love the one that i landed on for this prompt! again guys, feel free to send in more, i love new ideas! this is honestly alot longer than i anticipated it to be and im so so so sorry but i got so wrapped up in it for some reason but hi how are you? also, would we want a part two to this maybe? make Jake and Babygirl a series? idk man i could vibe with it. anyway, comment, reblog, send in asks <3
warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of abortion and guilt and shame.
disclaimer: I did not add in abortion to make a stance on pro choice, nor did i add it in to make a stand off to pro lifers. Please do not bring the matter of pro choice or pro life into my comments or you will be blocked from my blog. This is a topic that makes me incredibly angry as a woman, abortion may not be something thats for you or that you'll ever find yourself doing, but that doesn't mean that its not an option for other people. Not every person will make the same choices as you, can we please remember and respect that? Everyone has a different stance on this topic and that is okay, but theres no need to argue.
part two
'YOU'RE NOT ALONE, OKAY?' jake seresin.
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When Jake had called you last week, he had heard it in your voice immediately, even though you tried so desperately to hide it. The sadness, the fear. Before you had even finished telling him how much you missed him, he had cut you off with a: "What's wrong, babygirl?" Babygirl. He had called you that from the day he'd met you, and it had annoyed you greatly at first but over time it came to be second nature to respond to it and you had stopped rolling your eyes after a year or so. You and Jake had been stuck together like peanut butter and jelly from your very first day together. You were 13 when you had first moved into his hometown, your family had bought the ranch right next to his and his mama had made her happy way over to come say hello, a grumpy and annoyed Jake in tow.
You often laughed at the memory, Jake had come off as he usually did, ego-fueled and jackassy, though you later learned that it was just a front to survive in his big family of all boys, where he just happened to be the youngest and treated like the baby. You had even called him a jackass on that day, and he quickly followed it up. "Babygirl, has anyone ever told you that you're a brat?" Even at 13 he had the playboy names that he'd learned from watching his older brothers. He was appalled that you swung your arm back and popped him one right on the cheek, leaving his eye black for the next two weeks. He was enamored by you immediately and from that moment on was by your side every waking moment of the day.
Relationships had come and gone for both of you, both of you having your hearts broken more than once and seeking the other out for comfort, there had been many a night spent on one of the others living room couch with fuzzy blankets and cake while one of you cried. You and Jake were so bonded that most of your partners took it threateningly, girls he liked enough to bring around his family (including you) took offensively to you almost immediately, and your boyfriends took his presence in your life personally, and this time? Well, this time was no exception.
"..you still there?" You sobbed out a terrible cry that had him sitting up straight on his couch. You felt terrible immediately and tried to reel it all back in, you were calling to congratulate him on the permanent placement after the uranium mission, all of which you had heard details about every single night. "Y/N, what happened?"
"Jake..he left me.." You cry, trying not to snot all over yourself as you looked down at your bathroom counter, panic flooding your tone. It had been two weeks since he'd been gone, and you had been fine because you knew you didn't need him, but you were scared now. Scared for your future, scared to tell Jake about the two positive lines on the two pregnancy tests sitting on your sink, because what if he left you too? "I dont even remember what it was over," Him, always him. "but it just hurts so fucking bad because it's like two fucking years of my life wasted on this goddamn asshole and he went and..just..left."
He had left. Had taken every single one of the things he had kept at your home, and had even gone as far as blocking your number, all because you said you had wanted to go take a trip to see your best friend Jake when he was finished with his detachment, even though you had just seen him two months before. He had called you a whore when you first told him you thought you were pregnant, it hadn't been more than two weeks since you'd last seen Jake and he was absolutely convinced that you two had fucked, even though he had been with you the whole time. You couldn't understand why every guy you dated thought that there was something between you and the man who had always been your best friend, or why his girlfriends treat you the way they did, but you tried not to dwell on it for too long.
"Y/N." Jake sighs, the sounds coming from your end of the phone absolutely tearing him apart. It always tore him apart, the way that you would fret and cry over these..these boys that hadn't ever treat you in the way that you needed to be treated, or let alone loved you in the way that Jake knew you needed to be loved, because he did love you in a way that you would probably never know. He had always been to afraid to tell you, too afraid of it making you uncomfortable enough that you would leave his life. Maybe not immediately, but over time, and that thought scared him even more than telling you how he truly felt because goddamn he couldn't and wouldn't ever imagine a life without his babygirl in it.
Two hours of crying on the phone, of convincing you to calm down and to take your damn vacation like you had planned, because you deserved it, and 14 hours later, Jake had you in his arms, held tightly to his always muscular chest as he basked in the feel of you, the scent of your hair and perfume. You looked a mess, you were a mess he knew, but he didn't care.
"I missed you so much.." You sniffle, pulling away from him. You wipe your eyes as you look up at him, his usual charming smile plastered across his stupidly handsome face, you couldn't help the smile that spread across yours at the sight.
"No tears, babygirl, no tears.." He says, bringing a thumb up to help you wipe your eyes. You lean into his touch, as if that was all the comfort you needed in the world and you watched the way his face softened, you loved that.
"Happy tears, i promise." You chuckle, leaning against him as he lead you to the baggage claim carousel for your flight. Your suitcases were easy to see, he'd seen them a million times before and didn't even need to double check to make sure he was right, he recognized the small stain on the bottom by the wheel that had been his doing. "You don't have to carry my bags Jake, you've already done enough by coming to get me."
"I always pick you up from the airport whenever you visit," He says, looking down at you as if what you said was absolutely insane. He grabbed the cases with ease and started wheeling them away, letting you carry your carry on bag. "Besides, if my mama ever found out i didn't carry a woman's bags for her, she'd drag me out of work by my ear and give me a talking to." He says only half jokingly. Mama Seresin had been a strict woman, but a loving one and had instilled all the southern gentlemen charms in all of her boys, quite proudly she liked to say.
"I know, and i feel like it's alot to ask, I dont mind carrying my own bags, Jake.." You say, following after him. You wore a baggy sweatshirt and some shorts, you knew it was hot in the San Diego area but you weren't wanting to risk Jake asking if you'd gained weight if your normal clothes looked different, you weren't ready to tell him yet.
"And i feel like it's the least i could do, you literally sat on an airplane for four hours just to come see me, you dont need to carry your bags to the truck too.." He says in a way that told you not to argue about it any farther, so you don't.
The trip to his truck isn't too long, he managed to find decent parking not far from the arrivals gates and you had planned your flight for a time when you knew it wouldn't be massively busy, but the drive to his off base apartment felt like it took hours. Jake talked most of the time, making sure the A/C was blowing on you at full blast because you looked sweaty, telling you about his friends and how they couldn't wait to meet the girl he was always talking about, about how he was looking forward to having a permanent position at the TOP GUN academy, even though it meant he couldn't be close to you at home anymore.
You listened the whole way, but your mind was on the little thing in your womb now, growing by the moment. Your mind was on the man who had up and left you as soon as you said it might have been a possibility because he swore you were a whore. Your mind was on your own Mama, who had passed away many years ago, you wished she was here to tell you what to do. You knew you could go to Jake's mama, she had always been like your own in some ways but you also knew that she couldn't keep a secret to herself, Jake would be the first phone call as soon as you were out of earshot and you didn't want him to find out in that way. You didn't want him to find out at all, afraid of what he would say, of disappointing him, you hated that thought more than you hated the thought of your Daddy being disappointed at you.
You had contemplated making an appointment at planned Parenthood, you knew you weren't too far along, it was still a possibility for you, but you couldn't bare the thought of it, as upset as you were. The universe had given you this curveball for a reason, you had to believe that, even if you didn't agree with it. You had to believe that this accident had a purpose.
You hadn't noticed that Jake had pulled into a small parking lot, or that he had even parked the car at all until his hand waved in front of your face, snapping you out of your reverie. "...Earth to Y/N..." You blinked rapidly a few times, taking in a deep breath as you turned to look at him. "You good?"
You smile forcefully, and his eyebrows furrow. "Sorry, i spaced for a minute. It's been a long couple of weeks, my brain wasn't all the way with it.." You say, looking outside the windshield. "Why are we at the beach?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowing now. A sandy strip of beach was in front of the truck, you could see the waves crashing against it and you could make out some people milling about, birds flying over head. If you squinted, you could make out a couple of surfers on the water, waiting for a decent swell to ride in.
"Because i live in the building right over there." Jake says softly, getting the feeling that something other than the breakup was bothering you. You were usually full of chatter, typically, jake couldn't get a word in edgewise when you were around, and he loved that about you, but today? Today it was all him and that worried him.
You glance towards the building to your right, confused. "Oh.." You shake your head and unbuckle your seatbelt, opening the door to his truck to get out when his large hand on your elbow stops you, his fingers wrapping around it and pulling you back towards him. "...Jake?"
He sighs, looking at you with that stern, but probing glance, as if he were looking into your soul. "..Are you sure you're okay?" He asks after a moment of hesitation, he wanted to know what was going on but he didn't want to push it too hard.
You could have cried right then and there, and you almost did as you could feel the tears welling in your eyes, your chin quivering as you tried desperately not to let them fall. You could only hope that he didn't notice. "Yeah," You nod, giving him the best smile that you possibly could, putting your other hand on top of his and giving it a squeeze. "I'm okay Jake, i promise.."
Jake doesn't believe you, not one bit but he knows that he'll figure out whats going on eventually, or you'll break down and tell him. You always did. He nods once, letting go of your arm before taking the keys out of the ignition and hopping out. You follow suit, having to jump down before joining him at the bed of the truck, where he lifts your bags out and sets them down.
The rest of the day goes smoothly, you settle into the guest room that he had made up for you, and you catch up with him on what he hadn't filled you in on over the phone. He made you lunch, and took you for a walk on the beach, letting you lean against him as you enjoyed the smell of the ocean.
Jake couldn't help but wish that he was able to do that with you all the time, hold you while you guys walked on the beach, or make lunch and eat it with you. He loved being with you all the time, and he always had, he just had never realized until it was much too late that it was because he loved you. He didn't like to dwell on it too much though, he didn't like the yearning and the sadness and anger it brought him. There was no need for it when you were with him now, even if only for a little while.
By the time sunset comes around you're starting to turn into the you that he's used to, the happy, goofy babygirl he had always known, and he can't help but think it's because you're happier here with him than you were with your ex, wishful thinking, he knew. But alas, a man could dream, couldn't he?
You were sat on the couch in Jake's living room, watching a game show like you used to when you were kids when you heard his phone ping with a text message. You chuckle as he groans grumpily, half asleep with your legs in his lap, and shifts to reach for his phone on the small table next to the couch.
You watch him roll his eyes and poke his tongue out as he types out a reply to whomever it was, you grin before poking him in the chest with your foot. "What was that eyeroll for?" You ask, half amused and half curious. You always were the nosey type. "Was it Rooster?" He had told you about how rocky their friendship was, but that it was getting better, you knew that Rooster could annoy the hell out of Jake without even trying and you thought it was absolutely hilarious because you knew that you used to do the same thing.
Jake sighs, looking at you with that million dollar smile of his. "If you must know, Babygirl," He starts and you cant help but giggle a little. "It was Phoenix, the squad are all heading to the Hard Deck and they wanted to know if I was coming." He says and you hum at him in response. "I'm telling them no, I'm sure you don't want to go and i don't want to leave you alone."
You think on it for a moment, staring at him before making your mind up. "Lets go." You say, sitting up and swinging your legs off of his lap. You miss the pout that he makes, his eyebrows furrowing at the loss of your touch. "I want to meet your other friends, i bet they could tell me some stories." You say with a giggle, going towards the guest room to change into better clothes.
Jake watches after you and stands with an exaggerated sigh after a moment. "Fine, but I'm only going so they tell you the good stories!" He says and you cackle knowing damn well that they would probably spin you some tales about the man you've known for a good portion of your life, you didn't mind because you could tell them some things that would make them piss themselves in return.
It wasn't long before the two of you are out the door, Jake locking it after you before walking with you to his truck. You were honestly feeling alot better about things with your ex after only being with him for a few hours, Jake always had that affect on you to make things feel better when it felt like the world was tumbling down around you.
You sing along to the country station as Jake drives, the windows down in his truck letting the ocean breeze flow through the cab as you guys go along the coast, and within a few moments you see the lights of the Hard Deck through the windshield and take note of the full parking lot.
"Damn Jake, is it always this busy?" You ask, slightly on edge by the amount of people that were probably in the bar, you put your hand on your tummy subconsciously, which Jake caught out of the corner of his eye as he found a parking space. That struck him as odd, you had never been the socially nervous person before.
That was Jake's first clue. You declining a chilled tequila in favor of water was his second, and honestly it was the only one that he needed to make the assumption. You never turned down tequila, especially after a breakup like this. Eyebrows furrowed in thought as he introduces you to his friends, Jake watches you throughout the night, merely sipping on his beer as he did, keeping an eye on you as moved throughout the bar.
Phoenix and Rooster absolutely loved you, they couldn't believe that you and Jake had been friends for as long as you had, or that you could stand to be around him and his ego. Bob had thought you were his long distance girlfriend from the way that he always talked about you, and the fact that he rarely every called you anything besides Babygirl. You chuckled at the trio, about to tell them that he had never once in your entire friendship called anything other than Babygirl if it wasn't absolutely necessary, when you felt your stomach lurch as Penny brought a plate of seafood around your area of the bar. Quickly, you excuse yourself, just barely making it to the bathroom before the vomit spews out of you.
Jake was hot on your tail, had even followed you into the bathroom to dutifully hold your hair for you, his large hand rubbing your back as you heaved the contents of your stomach into the toilet. "Jesus Y/N.." He says, a serious edge to his voice. He wasn't sure what he was upset about, the fact that you hadn't told him immediately, or that your boyfriend had left you. "How long?" He asks when you stand up, wiping your face with a paper towel he had handed you.
You let out a soft sigh, making your way to the sink where you splash your face with water, hoping that if you delayed the answer he would go away. He catches your eye through the mirror, arms crossed over his chest as he gives you that look of pure concern.
"..Two months, i think.." You finally say and Jake's jaw clenches. Your lip quivers, terrified that he's angry with you as scared tears well up in your eyes. "He..he called me a whore..he thought i slept with you and he called me a whore and he left and he took all of his things and he blocked my number and jake i dont know what to fucking do because this wasn't part of my plan!" You wail in one breath, completely breaking down in the bathroom of the bar.
Jake is almost startled by your outburst, but it quickly turns to anger at the words that left your mouth, at the accusation that your ex had made towards you. Jake knew you were a fiercely loyal person, you wouldn't have ever cheated on him, but he was more than certain that he would have cheated on you, how else could he have called you that so easily?
Jake swallows his anger, noticig your tears coming harder and faster down your face and crosses the small bathroom to pull you into his arms, letting you rest your face on his chest as he holds you, letting you sob all over his shirt. "It's okay, Babygirl.." He says, looking at the sight in the mirror. If there was one thing Jake Seresin knew for certain, it was that he was going to make sure you were cared for, it may not have been his baby but you absolutely weren't on your own in this, he wouldn't let you be. "You're not alone..i promise you.."
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jinnify · 11 months
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stray kids as your halloween costume partner 🎃🕯️
disclaimer: the pictures are just meant as a reference ^^ feel free to alter it to your liking~
bang chan: the corpse bride and victor
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sauur :( 
you were balls-deep in some Loving Chris Juice when you suggested this
dude had NO IDEA how in love with him u were
so you kinda just
“haha we should dress as the corpse bride…jk…but we should”
Chan didn’t really say anything he just kinda shrugged his shoulders and agreed
you guys ended up going to a party chan had been invited to earlier in the month 
which honestly kinda annoyed you since you had wanted to go trick-or-treating but didn’t say anything
The entire night you kinda just hovered around chan, inwardly crying whenever a person came to flirt with him
“you good?”
“yeah, just kinda bored since I don’t know anyone here”
“wanna go trick-or-treating? instead”
lee minho: gomez and morticia addams
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Minho took it seriously when you told him the addams family was your favourite movie
he promptly suggested you guys dress as gomez and morticia
even going as far as dyeing his hair black that night
“babe, c’mon. you know i’d look amazing in a suit,” he winked
there was really no arguing with minho once he had made up his mind about something
plus, he really did look good in a suit
cue you staring at his ass all night
you had both opted for giving out candy the entire night, dramatically opening the door together whenever you got a knock
halloween night was chill for the pair of you
you gave out candy
you made out a bunch
and you were knocked out in bed by 10 pm
seo changbin: rapunzel and flynn rider
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you have had a vision since even BEFORE you started dating changbin
Changbin was the absolute embodiment of flynn
The Confidence? Check
The Charms? Check
The Face? Check
The Body? Check
The Absolute Need to be flirting with you? Check
not to mention how much of a softie he truly was
Changbin was absolutely perfect as flynn, you will not be taking any objections
he was absolutely down to wearing matching costumes with you
maybe even more excited than you to be dressed as flynn but anyway
you spent your night with your friends, having fun trick-or-treating and trading candies together
“you already know i hate reeses cups why are you trying to trade them with me!!”
one thing about changbin
he was going to whine about nothing
“Fine! Here! take me snickers!”
hwang hyunjin: howl and sophie
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I mean hello
Who are we Fooling here
Hyunjin Is Literally Howl
it was actually hyunjin that came up with the idea to dress as howl and sophie
He had started to grow out his hair the year before when you watched the movie to be able to dress as him
He wouldn’t stop hugging you
or shaking you by the shoulders
You were a little scared he was going to end up hurting you by accident with how much he was shaking you
“Hyunjin please let go of me”
pls help idk why hyunjin’s is so hard to write for im sorry my hyune likers i tried
han jisung: raven and beast boy
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ok look
Jisung is a certified Alt Girl Lover™️
and who is more of an alt girl than the og raven
he couldn’t wait to bring the idea up to you
boy was literally shaking while explaining his idea to you
he was so excited lmao
As his best friend, you had no choice but to follow along
“Only if you go as beast boy”
“bro are you kidding? I’ve had the costume for like a week already?”
“did you buy me mine?”
“uh, no. get your own shit”
You did in fact make him buy you your costume on halloween night
He got it off craigslist and only washed it once :/
You ended up going to a club and getting drunk together
“Haha wouldn’t it be crazy if we kissed?”
“jisung , it this your way of asking to kiss me?”
lee felix: beauty and the beast
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“I think felix would look prettier as belle”
seo changbin how could you
of course felix suggested you to be belle but your pride had already been hurt by then
so you just let him go as belle
He really did look prettier 😔
It was actually really fun going out in these costumes
A lot of little girls came up to take a picture with him
It was the cutest thing
He did end up asking you to change into your original belle costume you guys ended up going to later on in the night
“Y’know changbin was wrong, right?”
“Nah, you really are so pretty lix.”
suddenly you guys were all sappy for each other
How could u not when felix was dressed like a literal prince
You left the party early to go home and cuddle <3
kim seungmin: ghostface and michael myers
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The only one taking this halloween shit SERIOUSLY
at this point in your guys’ friendship, you knew better than to deny seungmin the pleasure of causing chaos
ofc being seungmin’s best friend meant going along with his shenanigans
No Questions Asked
so when he got to your apartment with a ghostface mask and black robe in hand you already knew what was up
“what are you going to be then?” 
“your mom”
“Do Not speak on my mother you bitch”
anyway he didn’t end up telling you lmao
he waited until halloween to show you instead
“aren’t you a little too short to be michael myers?”
“I’m going to kill you with a rock”
seungmin spent the entire night terrorizing people like the menace he is
“just so you know, if you end up getting jumped I'm not helping your ass”
yang jeongin: papa smurf
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“Is this a bad idea?”
It Was A Bad Idea
the blue facepaint stained your face
for Three Days
you had to walk around campus with a blue face
because jeongin wanted to dress up as smurfs
You didn’t really think much about it the day of halloween while jeongin was painting your face
But afterward, you tried beating jeongin’s ass
You got made fun of by the rest of your friend group for being dumbasses but beside that you were pretty okay
All you can remember from halloween night is daring jeongin to climb onto the roof of the house you were at and cannonball into their pool
He missed by a few inches and broke his fibula because of how drunk he was
No regrets
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bloodsbane · 1 year
Adventure Time Watch List
With Fionna and Cake currently airing, a lot of people have gotten interested in possibly watching Adventure Time lately - either for the very first time or returning to the show after having dropped it at some point. I've already started helping a friend watch through the show with me and have talked to other friends who expressed interest in doing the same.
For the above reasons I thought it would be fun and helpful to create a watch list, and then I thought it might be of use to others! It's a list I'd describe as lightly curated, but keeping things extremely easy for anyone to choose how they, personally, would prefer watching the show by leaving all info/options available.
Personally, I think Adventure Time is a show worth watching in its totality! At least once, anyway. But I acknowledge it's intimidating to get into a show with 10 seasons and over 200 episodes, plus some people are mostly interested in specific characters or plots, or have watched through most of the show before and want a faster way to catch up on 'key info' without running through the first five seasons with a fine-tooth comb.
So, the document! It includes:
A key for how I marked every single episode (based on their necessity for understanding the overall plot, which eps introduce and expand on recurring concepts/characters, which are arguably "totally skippable", etc.)
Highlights marking all F&C episodes and each of the mini-series arcs.
Colored hearts which mark major character appearances (Ice King, Princess Bubblegum, Marceline) and significant episodes that center on/continue the arcs of Finn and Jake respectively.
>>> You can view it here! <<<
(if any of my choices on this doc are ones you disagree with, that's fine! but please don't try to argue with me or complain to me about anything if you think something is marked wrong or missing. this was mainly done for personal/friends use. feel free to take this list and use it as a base to make one of your own!)
The idea is that you can use the list to curate your own experience in watching through the show. If you want to watch everything, you can! But maybe you only want to refresh yourself on the main plot, or maybe you only want to watch all of Marceline's episodes, etc etc.
I would like to emphasize one more time this was very casually made. Hopefully, if nothing else, it works for anyone who's interested in AT but doesn't know where to start beyond just watching the show from the beginning.
I also wanted to put out a list like this because I've heard of the existence of watch lists that will recommend skipping a majority of episodes outright, including entire seasons, which ??? sounds absolutely insane to me! Even the earliest seasons of AT contain episodes absolutely crucial to the overall plot!!
(This probably comes from the idea that the earliest seasons of AT are "worth skipping" because they're "not as good" as later seasons, or that early AT is only okay but "gets better" around the middle. I heartily disagree with this; some of my favorite episodes are within the first three seasons. I will of course acknowledge that some of the earliest episodes probably won't suit some folks' tastes even if what comes a little later on definitely will; hence, this list.)
Anyway, I hope this helps anyone interested in watching! If you do give Adventure Time a try, I hope you have a great time with it! It's a fun show and I think watching the whole thing is definitely worth it~
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
I don't mean to pile onto your bad day but I've been seeing a lot of creators on tiktok complain/compare the bucktommy and henren tags/fic count on ao3 because there's almost more bucktommy fics then there are henren fics. The number one claim is always that bucktommy writers are racist because we don't write for henren. But like, that's not correct at all? People can write fanfiction for whatever they want to. If they want to see more henren stuff then they can write it on their own.
We can coexist without fighting each other. I'm just tired of people screaming about how bucktommy is anti this or anti that, when we're just vibing by ourselves and don't want the drama but the drama finds us anyway because Sucky People are loud and get heard the most.
You’re good, anon. It actually gave me something to think about during work.
As a quick disclaimer, before we begin, I’m not a POC. I am not speaking for anyone in the Black community and am not attempting to speak over them. My following thoughts are as a queer woman-ish who is also a writer.
I think it must be noted that Hen and Karen have been overlooked since day one. The fact that Buck coming out made it the “gay firefighter show” when we’ve had a beautiful canonical lesbian couple since the very beginning? Is only proof. Is this proof of racism in the fandom? Maybe. Quite possibly. I would argue that it comes from a misogynistic point as well.
If you look in any fandom, regardless of the color of their skin, any wlw ship is horribly overlooked. I’ve done some tag searching on ao3. Straight and mlm ships battle for dominance while there are canonical and fanonical wlw ships that have a drastic difference in numbers. This isn’t a good thing. But it’s an experience that spans fandoms.
I find it sad that BuckTommy has almost more fics, with only two episodes under their belt, than Henren with 7 seasons. However, this isn’t a reason to hate on BuckTommy. The ship didn’t do anything wrong. Comparison is the thief of joy and it’s also rage bait. I think that some creators simply are using anything they can to hate on BuckTommy. Which that makes it sadder, that they aren’t concerned about Henren other than pushing their own agenda.
This isn’t to say all creators who are speaking about this are doing this, but I guarantee some are.
Now, let me speak as a writer.
As someone with 62 published fics on ao3, I write almost exclusively mlm ships. This isn’t because I hate women. And as a queer woman-ish, don’t even start about homophobia. But for some reason, I find it so much easier to write men than I do to write women. This is true for straight and wlw ships and also just in general. I love Henren, but I don’t have the faintest idea about how to write them.
It’s hard enough to write as it is and I’m already writing on ships that are easy for me. I try to write women and it just hasn’t come out right. I want to challenge myself, branch out, and maybe I’ll write for Henren to do that. But I say all this to point out that for some people like me, writing some ships and demographics of ships are just a little more difficult.
That leads me into something else.
I, as a white person, worry about accidentally writing non-white characters wrong. And this was reinforced not too long ago when we had that whole thing on ao3 with deliberate racism in 9-1-1 fics. If anyone has resources or advice for writing non-white characters, I would love to hear that! The last thing I want to do is cause any harm.
I feel like I’ve spoken a lot about me, but that’s because I can’t really speak for anyone else. I can only speak from my experience.
We already have a ship war between BuckTommy and Buddie. We don’t need to pit more people against each other. I think we can love BuckTommy while agreeing that Henren needs to be seen and appreciated and treated equally.
End note to say: I tried to speak as delicately and as sensitively as I could, but if anything came out wrong, please feel free to point it out (kindly). Again, I speak for no one but my very little section of the world. I’m interested to hear what people of other backgrounds have to add!
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lostonehero · 4 months
This is stupid and I just really love Martin ok?
In which I make Martin's mother even worse
Tim sighs. "Why are we even here?"
"Because it's mandatory fun." Sasha snickers.
Jon crossed his arms. "Martin's running later, which isn't a surprise."
"Dude, chill out he literally just moved flats." Tim raised his brow, realizing Jon was saying this because they should all be together.
Jon sighs, his hair tied up in a bun. The heat outside was a lot for summer, and he would rather be inside.
Sasha points to a man with red hair, and his back turned to them. "Tim, where's your bidar?"
Tim followed her, pointing, and he could feel himself grow red in the face. The man was tall and chubby, but the fat was hiding muscle underneath and had intricate tattoos littering his body that poked out from the tank top, and they covered his legs that were shown from his shorts. "What department does he work in?"
Jon swallows that man could crush him, and he just wanted to be carried by him. "I'm not sure he must be a new hire."
Sasha rolls her eyes and approaches the man. "Hey, so my... oh!"
"Oh, Sasha! Sorry, I got turned around in the crowds, and I may have missed the train this morning. I made it, though, and I feel a bit underdressed, but it is quite hot today." Martin looks over and waves. "Oh, hey!"
Jon physically pales he just assumed Martin wasn't.... He wore big clothes and his face was soft. He makes his way over, and he can see the tattoos close up, and he furrows his brows. "I didn't think you would be one for tattoos."
Martin's face falls for a moment. "I didn't get them on purpose, but that isn't important. I'm glad I managed to find you guys. I ran into Elias and his ex husband that wasn't a fun conversation to get away from. Elias did look confused when he saw my tattoos he didn't even say something about being unprofessional. Anyway, I also passed some fun fair food they got from America that looked cool."
Tim nods. "I didn't know you worked out? You could have said something we can go for a run together, maybe even go on a hike."
"I just do some free climbing. It's nothing special, but hiking sounds fun." Martin smiles as Sasha grabs his arm.
"Ooo, show me the booths and spill the tea on what the big boss man was arguing about." Sasha chuckles.
"Oh, alright, yeah, so it turns out Elias's ex-husband is Peter Lukas. You know the Lukas family...."
Martin sighs as he returns to his flat. He's incredibly embarrassed. Everyone saw the carvings, well they called them tattoos. He knew they weren't tattoos. His mother wasn't a kind person and used him as an experiment of sorts. 3 fears all across his flesh, he was an avatar of all of them. Jon was becoming the archivist, and Jonah was keeping him unaware till he couldn't. He knew it wouldn't work out well.
He served the Web the End and the Vast. Not really serving, they treat him like they are coparenting him, not their true nature but due to his mother they were infected by humanity and all three worry for him and don't want him hurt. He likes to think they don't want to lose their capacity to learn and understand. He actually doesn't know the reason, but he really doesn't think it's because of himself. He sighs and takes out his phone.
Martin: Anyone still awake?
Oliver: Late shift?
Martin: Not really.
Annabelle: Martin, don't be upset your marks are beautiful. Mother loves you dearly.
Mike: Stop.
Martin: Thanks, Mike, and I mean I know they're a part of me and everything, but also my coworkers saw.
Oliver: Did they push? I know you're working with the new archivist.
Martin: No? Tim asked me to go hiking with him, and that's not an invitation Mike to fuck with him.
Mike: :)
Martin: Mike, I'm serious, or I'll make you share bodies with Gerry again.
Mike: :(
Oliver: To be fair, Gerry does like being out of the book like that. He won't accept my offers, I don't think he likes me.
Mike: That is not the issue.
Martin: I can house Gerry for a bit.
Annabelle: Please do he promised to come to our knitting club
Martin: Are we still good for Saturday?
Annabelle: 👍
Mike: Yeah, promised Simon I make him a hat. Don't know why he asked for eyes on it.
Oliver: Oh yes, I'm working on my crochet plush, and I've made Oliva a little sweater.
Martin: Oh! (He sends a photo of a cat sized spider in a little nest she's wearing a crochet hat, and a little crochet eye is hugged by one leg.)
Annabelle: Such a big baby. I love her.
Oliver: I'm so happy she likes the little eye.
Martin: I think she thinks it's her baby she's got a mind like a cat.
Mike: she won't let me pet her :(
Martin: You tried to toss her in the air
Mike: I was just playing.
Martin: You're lucky she didn't bite you.
Mike: I love her, though she has to know that.
Annabelle: You can tell her on Saturday.
Mike: fuck you I will.
Annabelle: (a photo of Mike curled around a broken spider web, obviously drunk, and Olivia blurred skittering away)
Oliver: :)
Martin: :)
Mike: fuck all of you I'm going to bed.
Martin smiles as he shuts his phone off. At least he could trust them with his secrets. They were his family more, so then his actual family was. He shudders, and he knows some his carvings are glowing as he hears a soft oof.
"Sup, Martin." A skinny goth floats above him.
"Hey, Gerry, feeling better?" Martin smiles.
"Anytime out of that book is great. Oh, right, congrats on the new job. I hope you're being unhelpful as shit." Gerry smiles, showing off his tongue piercing.
"I'm trying not to be awful, just clumsy. Besides, Gertrude is dead, and the new archivist is kind of cute. He was also a part of that band we looked up." Martin hums sitting up.
"Dude, no way the Mechanism?" Gerry floats eagerly around Martin.
"Oh yeah, but he completely shuts any of that down. He totally thinks he has to be professional like all the time. He wasn't expecting the promotion, so he's over compensating." Martin hums. "Tim and Sasha are great too, but they treat me with kid gloves in a sense since Jon yells at me. I honestly don't mind it, but I just wish I could tell the truth, but nothing freaky has happened yet, and so they will just think I'm crazy and Jon is playing super skeptic."
"Ooo sounds like an office comedy in the Magnas insistute. I bet Jonah is having a field day." Gerry smiles. "I wanted to ask if I could stick around longer this time. I want to help you out, and I have experience dealing with Jonah."
"Gerry, you don't have to do anything for me. I'm happy to keep you around as long as you like. I know the book is painful, and I don't mind sharing my body." Martin hums. "Just don't borrow it while I'm working, please."
"Oh, absolutely not. I don't want Jonah knowing I'm hitching a ride." Gerry hums. "Anyway, what I want to do is sleep. Oh, how I miss being able to turn my brain off."
"Yeah, yeah, your flimsy excuses for me to practice a normal sleep schedule are getting worse." Martin hums, stripping off his clothes to put on pajamas.
"I thought that was pretty good." Gerry chuckles, tossing back his black hair. "You know I'm so happy I dyed it before I died, and my tattoos perfect also the piercings."
"I'm not getting any piercings." Martin rolls his eyes.
"Damn, I'm 0 for 2 now. Eh, at least you're taller than I was." Gerry chuckles. "Alright, time to sleep, and I'm going to make breakfast, I'm dying for an egg sandwich."
"America ruined you." Martin snickers crawling into bed.
Gerry gasps. "Take that back."
Martin chuckles. "Good night, Gerry."
"Goodnight, Martin." Gerry smiles. "Happy to be back."
"Why are we sneaking into a random basement?" Gerry floats next to Martin.
"Because it's a progression, Jon asked me to look into the statement so I am. I highly doubt I will find a ghost spider, but it shows initiative." Martin sighs as he drops down from the basement window. "I'm also channeling my inner you."
"I'm touched, Martin. Now let's get a matchbook and burn the place down." Gerry chuckles at Martin's eye roll.
Martin turns his flashlight on his phone on. "Besides, we have to find evidence so I can eventually come clean. I don't want to lie to them forever, and I don't want them to end up like Gertrude's assistants."
"Understandable, and honestly, I don't blame you. This stuff is tricky, and I know your three patrons sure as he'll don't want what the Beholder does. I just hope things don't go sideways...." Gerry stops and looks at Martin. "Are you even listening? What has your attention... over..... fuck me."
Martin's light is shining at a woman in a red dress her skin is open pours full of worms. A hacking sound is heard from her. He steps back, and he knows he stepped on the silver worms because the woman cracked her neck to stare at him. "Hey, I'm sorry about that."
"Do you hear their lovely song?" The woman steps forward as worms spill from her lips and her body directly at Martin.
Martin steps back and looks to the window and focuses on the sky, and suddenly, he's in the air flying. "Fuck!"
Gerry takes a breath for his dead lungs. "I would of said warn me before you fly up but fuck I rather this then the worms. I don't even have my body, and I can feel it in my very core. Fuck the corruption."
Martin groans as he flies through the air. "Should I even go home? I don't want Olivia to eat those things if she follows me."
"Fuck no, and I can't believe I'm saying this but go to the archive, make up a story please." Gerry shudders. "I fucking hate the corruption."
Tim intercepts Martin. "Dude, you look like you fell from a building. Are you ok?"
Martin gasps. "Tim, I saw Jane Prentiss. I was investigating the ghost spider, and she was there, and she was like a living hive. I need to find Jon, I I have to make a statement."
Tim grabs his arm. "Martin, breathe, please. If you're ok with that, come on." He leads Martin's to Jon's office.
Martin hopes he isn't laying it in too thick, but again, he is panicked from the worms. "J-jon I have to make a statement."
Jon looks up a frown on his lips. "What happened to your investigation?"
Tim huffs. "Dude seriously?"
"Tim, it's fine." Martin sighs. "I went to investigate, and uh, Jane Prentiss was there. Yeah, uh, she was like a living hive." Oh, he just realized the patrons are going to be pissed when this gets back to them.
Jon nods. "Ok, I believe you are you ready to make a statement?"
Martin nods.
The tape clicks off, and Martin sighs. He's so grateful Jon doesn't have the compulsions yet. He would have had to explain everything with his mother and the other avatars.
"Statement ends...." Jon takes a breath and slams a book down on a lingering worm. "Martin, I uh I'm sorry."
"It's ok, I mean, it's not, but you didn't try to fill me with worms." Martin frowns. "I don't want to go home. I'm worried that if I do, she'll find me."
"I have a cot here." Jon gave a rare smile.
Martin smiled back.
Jon nearly crashed into Tim. It was late, and it's only been a week since Martin started to live in the archives. He could hear him talk, and he knew Tim heard him too. "I uh you're never here this late."
Tim sighs. "I was dropping off clothes for Martin he wasn't wrong his flat is surrounded by those worms. It's also cobered in cobwebs." He pauses, staring at Jon. "I won't say anything if you don't."
Jon frowned but nodded both men, leaning by the door opened by a crack listening to Martin talk.
"I don't know. I just panicked!" Martin was pacing, but they couldn't see that.
"Panic is such a strong word when dealing with the corruption. I say you acted accordingly." A male phone emitted from the phone neither Tim nor Jon recognized.
"I mean, it does suck we have to reschedule our sewing day until further notice. Actually, the craft club sounds better or avatar tea time." A soft, nervous, sounding male voice answers. "I uh actually it would be good timing they changed my schedule at the hospital and have me working more doubles because suspicious deaths. I can't exactly tell them about fears because I'll be sanctioned."
"Why do you still have a normal job, Oliver? Mother would gladly accept you." A female voice interrupts.
The nervous voice Oliver sighs. "Because I have a doctorate, and I'm not going to waste it because I'm an avatar of the End."
"Fuck off Annabelle." That was Martin's voice but something was off. "I swear you're the definition of insanity."
"Gerry!" Three voices overlap.
"Man, I don't even care if Jonah sees me. Fuck the corruption, also fuck Gertrude while I'm at it." Not Martin chuckles. "Anyway, I'm the one to convince Martin to hide away here so Olivia doesn't eat the worms."
"Oh, that's good. I wouldn't want the baby to get an upset tummy." The unidentified male voice responded fondly. "I will get her to love me."
"She won't." Annabelle chuckles.
"Right, well now, the words out the corruption well attacked, so what have the patrons said?" Not Martin gave a heavy sigh. "Martin won't tell them even though he knows they could feel it when one worm got to him."
"Mother isn't pleased.... you really shouldn't go into the tunnels." Annabelle hums softly.
"Simon isn't worried because you know Jonah and everything, but the Vast gave me a heads up to drop in. I fucking swear if The Vast makes me join the fucking archives I'm going to be pissed I fucking hate being underground." The male voice groans. "Shit I'm giving them ideas. I dunno fuck it I'll visit tomorrow. I'm sure the new archivist would love a statement.... wait is he even that far yet?"
"No." Oliver speaks up. "He's still quite human."
"Huh." The male voice pauses. "He's also still in the dark so..."
"Don't you fucking dare." That was the real Martin.
"But it could be fun." The male voice chuckles.
"Mike, I swear, I will send Gerry to you right now." Martin huffs.
"Oh fuck yeah I'm the threat." Not Martin finishes right after. "We're totally going to paint our nails."
"Almost worth it." Mike huffs. "If it happens, I'll take Gerry."
"I don't understand why you hate it so much, Gerry seems quite nice to spend time with." Oliver seems to have returned to his phone. "Sorry, but would you rather I come by? The End isn't pleased and doesn't mind rushing things with Jane... if you get what I mean."
"Of course we do Oliver, but man fuck I never thought I would ever see the End get upset." Mike whistles. "Anyway, I'll show up tomorrow , and uh, I'll return your scarf. I finally made a new tackier one. I put clouds and stars on it, a pretty fun project."
"Guess I'll have to try harder next time." Martin chuckles. "Annabelle, if you come by, you'll give Jonah a heart attack, which please don't, it's bad enough that we have Peter in our group I don't want him to force himself in." Martin sighs.
"We can watch them divorce live." Not Martin snickers. "Serious though, does anyone know if Peter is ok?"
"He's fine he doesn't know how to accept group calls." Annabelle hums. "He's gotten better at texting, but it's still awful."
"For a man stuck in his 20s, he sure does act his actual age." Oliver hums. "Do you think if I'll ask hell, bring some fish from his boat?"
"If you're willing to listen to him talk about his ship." Mike adds dryly.
"Oh, of course, we love chatting about the sea together." Olivier hums.
"That can mean so many things, and I don't want to know any of it." Not Martin mutters.
"I still haven't convinced him to our crafts yet, but he is making them." Annabelle sounds giddy. "He made Mr. Spider a lovely jumper."
"Pics or it didn't happen." Mike interrupts.
"Already sent in the chat." Annabelle chuckles softly. "Are you sure you don't want a job working with Mother?"
"Oh, he hung up." Oliver hums. "Annabelle, you shouldn't tease him. He likes spiders like Martin does."
"They are cute." Martin adds. "But I have to go, it's late and I have to make sure Jon isn't staying late. He needs more rest than he gets. He has the right to enjoy being human while he is."
A noise of agreement, then Martin hangs up his phone. And the abundance of the door opening and two falling men.
Martin gasps. "Fuck."
Tim and Jon look up at him.
Martin sighs and pinches his brow. "You're both supposed to not be here." He sighs again and shuts the door behind them. "I'll explain, but no interruptions."
The two men barely nod as Martin begins his story.
"So the not you speaking is a dead guy that we have statements on called Gerald Keay." Jon blinks.
"Fuck that, Elias is Jonah Magnus?" Tim interrupts.
"Uh, yes, to both er kind of." Martin hums not elaborating, scratching his chin. "I'm sorry I've been in this mess for a long time, so I'm used to these things. My mom did carve my skin as a toddler..."
"That's really fucked up." Tim frowns. "So why here? Why are you pretending here?"
Martin sighs and frowns. "Jonah has this idea of the Watchers Crown, which will be a disaster sure the fears will have a feast, but it will come to an end. It's not some renewable apocalypse it's finite, and honestly, the fears fees are better here than there, but the eye watches and never truly learns, which again is stupid. I don't fault Jonah he is going off what his patron desires, but you can't exactly confront an eldrich horror on why its desires are bad for everyone."
"Could I? I mean, you said it yourself the archivist is more than a job." Jon bites his nail in deep thought.
Martin chuckles. "Jon, you're still human barely touched at this point. You can barely get through one statement a week. You can try to force yourself, but you have to let yourself adjust. You don't even have a hunger yet. Mike will be coming by, and his statement can help since he is another Avatar, but again, you're still so early that being touched by any other power can lead you to be an avatar to them. I never have a choice, and well, you kind of don't unless you want to gouge your eyes out."
Jon shudders and Tim looks a bit sick.
"So if you want to discuss things with the Beholder, keep moving towards becoming the archivist, or you can tall to Jonah, but I don't think he'll be much help." Martin frowns. "I'll try to keep you both safe, but it's not going to be an easy task, especially here."
Tim had a conflicted look before settling on determined. "Fuck it I'm in. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want the world to end either, and I think I would like to pick one of the fears that are infected, as Martin said."
"Oh you have a options then, The Web, The End, The Vast, and The Forsaken but that one happened by accident they have basically bonded to Peter in such a complex way that they are intertwined. All have pros and cons. Mike likes to joke that Peter is Forsaken's special little man." Martin smiles.
"Can I talk to the other avatars first?" Tim hums. "But thank you for not hiding."
Jon nods. "I appreciate not being kept in the dark."
"I'm glad I can help. Anyway it is late and I need to get some food." Martin sighs.
"Monster food or actual food." Tim raised his brow.
"Actual food." Martin rolls his eyes. "And I promised Gerry to grab kebas."
"Is it weird sharing a body?" Jon vaguely motions to Martin.
"Not really. Gerry's a cool guy, and I met him when I was 18. He didn't exactly get a choice on being stuck in the book. Sharing a body gets rid of the pain of existing in that book. I'm happy to help him out." Martin smiles. "It was weird in the beginning, but it's not so bad anymore."
"Can I ask Gerry questions?" Jon leans forward.
"After dinner. He's getting a bit impatient." Marrin chuckles. "He knows I'm hungry and can be little like a mother hen for whenever he is possessing." He laughs softly. "He's like a brother to me at this point."
Tim chuckles. "That sounds about right."
A man with black windswept hair and a large scarf covering his neck and lower half of his face. He has a pair of aviation goggles on his face. "Hey, I'm here to make a statement to the head archivist."
Rosie blinks and can smell ozone oozing off the man and a feeling of vertigo making place in her mind. "I uh... i"
A man stepped out behind hee coming from the hall. "It's ok, Rosie. I can handle this." The man smiles and motions for the man to follow.
The man sighs. "Fuck.... fine ok." He follows behind the shorter man, by an inch.
The man sits behind his desk and smiles. "Care to explain why you're here?"
The man rolls his eyes and pulls his scarf down to reveal his scar that travels down his face to his neck, then chest and arm. "I'm not here for you, Jonah. You should already know why I'm here."
"Enlighten me." Jonah continues to smile.
"Fine. Martin got attacked by the corruption following a lead, and he asked me to come by to make a statement and introduce myself to everyone, but you already knew that and wanted me to tell you the actual truth because you can see Martin due to the web." He smirks, knocking the nail on the head.
Jonah scowls. "Will you be interfering?"
"Depends on my mood. I can always ask Simon to drop by." The man smiles wider.
"The Beholder hasn't changed, and I will do my best to complete their desire." Jonah sighs, leaning back. "But you aren't here for that. I suppose I should be happy, but I can't say that I am. Don't kill my archivist." He pulls out a vistor badge. "This should get you inside. Please don't kill any of them they are still new."
The man smiles and takes it, and adjusts his scarf. "Pleasure as always, Jonah. It also makes me so happy to know you still haven't figured out what Martin is." He chuckles as he leaves.
Jonah rubs his temples.
"I'm excuse me unauthorized people aren't allowed down here." A woman with coffee colored skin and long curly hair and large glass puts on a polite smile.
Mike pulls up his scarf and holds up the visitor pass. "Oh right, sorry. I just got my pass from Mr. Bouchard, I'm here to talk to Blackwood and uh the archivist."
"Oh! My apologies, my name is Sasha it's nice to meet you." Sasha smiles and hums. "Jon's in his office with Tim and Martin like a little boys club."
Mike nods. "I'm Mike, by the way. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, Mike." Sasha smiles and guides him to Jon's office, then knocks on the door.
Jon opens it, revealing Tim crossed his arms and Martin eating a kebab in the corner. "What is it, Sasha?"
"I have a person who is here to see you and Martin." Sasha motions to Mike.
Jon nods. "Oh uh hello come in."
Mike nods and waves to Sasha before the door shuts behind him.
Martin gives a warning look. "Mike."
"Martin, you told them?" Mike raised his brow and lowered his scarf.
"I didn't have a choice." Martin sighs. "Why are you here? Are you still going to give a statement?"
"Maybe." Mike sighs, sitting himself down in a chair. "Honestly, I was worried. The corruption is expanding into the buried territory, and that's a nasty fight happening. Thought you got caught into that."
Martin looks between Tim and Jon, then shakes his head. "No, it was a woman named Jane Prentiss, just a lone hive, but I don't exactly come off as an avatar unless I'm using my abilities. She would have followed me home so I just came here. Well, it was Gerry's idea, and I couldn't argue with logic."
Mike sighs. "He's right. This place sucks but it can survive an attack. Anyway, I'm here, and they probably want answers. I don't know how help -" he clutched his head, then scowls. He huffs. "I was joking!"
Tim raised his brow. "What did you do?"
Martin smiles. "Gerry wanted to say hi."
Mike leans back, and his shoulders slack as he kicks his feet up. "Dude, stop shouting. we both know that doesn't do shit. Besides, we both warned you." He rolls his eyes. "Anyway, hello again, it's Gerry, and I'm basically keeping Mike from feeding on either of you. We both know you are not hungry, and if you do it to Jon, you're playing into the Beholders' hands. Yeah, jokes can wait until the Beholder gets common sense."
Martin sighs. "Gerry, you can let Mike back out."
Mike sits up straight and huffs, crossing his arms. "Fucking goth bitch. As I was saying, the in fighting is getting annoying, and The Vast is strictly neutral until well that happened." He motions to Martin. "I'm not exactly good underground, but I'll help out. I'm trying to keep Simon out of the loop, but thankfully, he's busy with his space projects."
"Simon Fairchild?" Jon raised his brow.
Mike nods. "Yeah, he's one of the first Avatar of the Vast, well before they figured out consciousness and whatever and won't exactly let me keep aging like him. Don't really know how it's going to go. I'm still young." He frowns. "However, I am here to help so when the worms do come use, co2 kills them pretty well."
Tim hums. "Could you explain your patron? Martin went over all of them briefly, and if I'm going to have to lose my humanity to keep up with this and stop the end of the world, I would like to know my options better."
"You are not showing him an example." Both Martin and Gerry using Mike's body says at the same time.
"Fuck you guys are no fun." Mike sighs. "Think the sky the vast openness then falling or just too much space no end to it no matter how far yoy go you're still to far from anything. Don't get us mistaken for the Lonely. Even if we are similar, we are quite different." He frowns. "But you have three other options, and you don't seem like the type for the Forsaken. The End might suit you but I don't know enough about you."
Tim furrows his brows. "Alright, I don't know how I feel about following something that sustains off death."
"Oh, Oliver would hate that you said that." Mike snickers. "He would be too polite to say anything, though. Our patrons feed on fear and the emotions surrounding what they are well, the four that have mentioned do the others are strictly fear since yaknow no pretense of a thinking mind. The archivist here might be able to change that for the future of the Beholder, and before you ask, why not Jonah? Because the man is at the mercy of his patron, and is strictly being used as an eye the only reason why the Beholder hasn't tossed him aside is because he's useful and the Forsaken has an invested interest because they adore Peter and they know Peter likes Jonah. Also, I think the Beholder enjoys picking out new bodies for the man, but I'm probably projecting."
Jon frowns. "So I'm the only hope?"
"No." Mike rolls his eyes. "You're a good chance, but not the only option." He sighs. "Whatever, let me give you a statement, and I'll be out of your hair."
Martin gets up and taps Tim's shoulder. "We should give them privacy. Uh, wait, before I go, I can take Gerry back."
Mike shakes his head. "Nah, I'm fine..... please don't tell Oliver." And Martin couldn't tell if it was Mike or Gerry speaking or both.
Martin smiles softly. "You're going to have to tell him." He guides Tim out and sighs.
"So what's up with the Oliver guy?" Tim raised his brow as the door shuts.
"They both have a massive crush on the man, and neither of them are able to confess. Hence why Mike is always adamant to keep Gerry out." Martin snickers. "It's really funny Oliver is completely clueless."
Tim smirks. "Ok, tell me all the freaky tea like now."
Martin nods.
Eli: Jonah's busy being pissy about Peter
Martin: Welcome back
Annabelle: Jonah has not figured out your passwords yet?
Eli: Oh, absolutely not, nor has he found any of my hiding spots.
Annabelle: Mother would love to have you.
Eli: That isn't possible. Also, Jonah is terrified of you.
Annabelle: ::::)
Peter: Elias.
Eli: My sailorman! How much longer till we get you back?
Peter: Forsaken is being picky.
Eli: Ah.
Mike: Oh, let me tell him.
Eli: We've tried Mike.
Peter: The Forsaken does not want me to be with you. That is entirely the opposite of my patron. You and Jonah have these debunkabke theories, and I keep..msjeih
Annabelle: Rip
Mike: rip
Martin: Rip
Eli: Proof Peter! Everything you argue, you lose control and phase through objects. Just come home. I already put the marriage papers in our normal spot. Besides, Jonah is insufferable and refuses to admit he misses you.
Peter: A week.
Peter: Elias?
Oliver: Oh, welcome back, Peter.
Mike: Old Jonah took back control.
Peter: Can you let them both in here?
Annabelle: Before Mike answers, I believe the answer is still no.
Mike: This is Gerry, and as much fun as that would be, we've agreed that Jonah can join when the corruption is out of the archives.
Peter: I'll handle that.
Oliver: uh
Annabelle: That wasn't supposed to...
Martin: fuck
Mike: Oh fuck is he there?
Martin: Gerry isn't leaving you for the next three years.
Oliver: I think that's a sign I need to sleep.
Mike: Fuck.
Annabelle: Mother is very confused.
Martin added Tim, Sasha and Jon to the chat.
Martin: Ask them questions
Tim: Spooky Discord
Jon: Tim be polite.
Oliver: No, he isn't wrong.
Sasha: Someone explain why the archives are trapped in a dense fog
Mike: Ah we fucked up.
Oliver: No shit. Peter doesn't get sarcasm or your jokes.
Mike: I knew I was forgetting something.
Sasha: Peter, as in Peter Lukas?!
Mike: Yeah, the one in the same married to Elias.
Annabelle: Currently divorced, nearly married again.
Tim: I'm sorry what
Sasha: Someone preferably not Mike explain. I literally have no idea what's going on.
Mike: Fair
Oliver: Oh, I'll explain. It's good to be distracted when surrounded by the lonely.....
Voice call ends
Sasha: Ok, that makes sense.
Tim: Who's Eli?
Jon: Yes, everyone else has been accounted for.
Oliver: So funny story...
Mike: Wait, wait, WAIT.
Mike: Don't tell them - Gerry
Martin: I mean, you're probably right.
Tim: Now we have to know.
Sasha: What is Eli, Elias, or something?
Annabelle: ::::)
Jon: Please tell me you're joking.
Mike: I get why he didn't make Sasha archivist.
Oliver: Honestly, she would probably become Gertrude 2.0
Sasha: Why would that be bad?
Mike: After I died, she trapped me in a book im in constant agonyif im nit sharing a bkdy woth someone. -Gerry
Oliver: She has more blood ok her hands than I do, and I'm an avatar of the End
Martin: She did attempt to kill me, but I was a teenager.
Jon:.... I'm sorry, what?!
Martin: I mean it wouldn't be the first time.
Tim: You get how that's worse, right? Right?
Sasha: Ok, not going to be Gertrude.
Martin: I'm fine, my mom didn't kill me, and neither did she.
Jon: Martin, how many people have tried to kill you?
Oliver: I have a spreadsheet
Martin: Oh, update it Jane needs to go on there.
Oliver: I knew I was forgetting something.
Tim: Why the fuck do you have a spreadsheet?
Oliver: It's better so our patrons don't go on rampages. They tend to be quite protective of their avatars. I guess that makes us possessions.
Mike: fucked up but true
Annabelle: Mother loves us in a way that isn't human.
Martin: To be fair, it's more love than I've ever received from my own family.
Jon: Oh lord.
Eli: Oh boy, new people..... anyway, the old man is pouting because Peter messed up his archives, so I'm back, also because Jurgen Leitner is hiding in the tunnels.
Mike: Fuck me that's where that asshole has been hiding? -Gerry
Mike: I will suffer underground to watch you beat the shit out of him.
Oliver: Bring a camera
Annabelle: I'll let you keep one of my babies if you sent me video.
Mike: kk already on it.
Sasha: Who are you, Eli
Eli: Technically speaking or literally? Because both are loaded answers.
Jon: literally?
Eli: Elias Bouchard, the actual one.
Tim: what?
Sasha: wtf
Jon: bullshit
Eli: To be fair, Jonah has been in control the majority of the time. I'm a passenger in my body during work hours for the most part. Anyway, Martin, can I get a picture of Oliva? I wanna make her out background to piss off Jonah.
Martin : (a picture of a cat sized spider in a green eye jumper seemingly sleeping in a giat web nest)
Eli: Perfect cheers, and I'm out.
Jon: first what the fuck is that Martin, and second what?
Sasha: That looks oddly cute, Martin.
Tim: So Jonah Magnus and Elias Bouchard share a body?
Oliver: Basically, hit the nail on the head.
Oliver: However, just because the Beholder did this for the first time, we still aren't certain that the Beholder is sentient enough to understand that the Watchers Crown is an awful idea.
Annabelle: Normally, the people Jonah possesses are already dead.
Oliver: Fun fact the End doesn't hate this it thinks it's really amusing to watch. The original body of Jonah Magnus lived till 100, which is quite impressive considering the time period.
Martin: To add, Jonah doesn't actually get to choose his new body. The Beholder dies, and it seems the Beholder has a specific type picked out.
Mike: assigned twink at swap.
Mike: fuck I was going to say that - Gerry
Tim: that's hilarious in a fucked up way
Sasha: is Elias ok?
Martin: As far as I know, he's happily married and actually enjoys Jonah's company
Annabelle: it's a polygamous relationship and Jonah is the only reason Elias ever figured out his sexuality.
Jon: huh I don't know what to do with that information.
Tim: that's one way to accomplish that.
Sasha: good for them.
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stranger-angel0401 · 1 month
Love Me Like a Sailor
Pairing: Soren x Reader
Description: While Soren searches for the princes, reader is left in Katolis with Viren. When reader runs away, their relationship with Soren is strained. A song fic based off of Sailor Song by Gigi Perez.
CW: Canon-typical violence, mention of death, Viren being Viren
WC: 3.2k
So apparently I can only write angst. Anyway, I'm pretty sure no pronouns are used for reader, pls let me know if there are. Feel free to request, hope y'all enjoy!
I saw her in the rightest way, looking like Anne Hathaway.
The first time Soren sees you, he makes a fool of himself. Trips over his cape, nearly drops his sword. He can’t help it. You’re beautiful. You laugh at him, and immediately it becomes his favorite sound. He’ll do anything to hear it again, even if it means making a fool of himself. When you shake his hand, he brings your knuckles to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to them. You assume this is a common occurrence for him. He’s never done that to anyone else.
Laughing while she hit her pen and coughed.
The two of you become fast friends. You sneak around the castle grounds at night, giggling like stupid teenagers. One night, you collapse to the ground in the garden. Soren is concerned at first, until he leans over you and you start giggling. You reach out for his wrist and drag him down next to you. He lands over you, holding his weight up with his hands on either side of your head. He scolds you about how his sword could’ve impaled you. You grin at him, and he can’t find it in himself to be mad.
And then she came up to my knees, begging ‘baby won’t you please do the things you said you’d do to me?’
When you find out about his quest with Claudia, you beg him to bring you with them. 
“I can fight!” You argue. 
Soren knows this. You’ve quickly become a top Crownguard. Maybe better than him. He won’t risk your life. He asks you to meet him in the gardens that night. You oblige. You always will. There is fire in your eyes when they meet his, he’s almost intimidated. You stomp right up to him, poking him in the chest. 
“I can fight as fiercely as ten soldiers. I can help. Please, Soren. Take me with you.”
He sees the desperation hidden behind anger. You are dealing with the same pain as him. A failed Crownguard with no king to protect. You will do anything to help your kingdom. You will risk your life.
Soren won’t. 
Tears fall down your cheeks. There is so much more to your desperation than obligation. You are scared, you’re terrified Soren won’t come back to you. You’re afraid you’ll never see him again.
Soren steps towards you, towards the tree behind your back. He places one hand next to your head. You are not cornered. You don’t move.
He leans in and presses his lips to yours. 
Oh won’t you kiss me on the mouth and love me like a sailor? And when you get a taste will you tell me what’s my flavor?
You whimper and slide your hand under his chestplate, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and pulling him into you. The kiss is full of longing and fear and joy. He is yours. He may not return.
I don’t believe in God but I believe that you’re my savior. And when we’re getting dirty I forget all that is wrong.
You find him the night before he leaves. You are standing at his bedroom door, fist raised to knock. You consider going back to bed. He needs rest for tomorrow. You need him.
As you finally build up the courage to knock, his door swings open, and he nearly walks straight into you. You stumble backwards, and he reaches out to gently grab your shoulders. He steadies you.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I shouldn’t be here,” You ramble.
Soren shakes his head.
“No! N-no, don’t be sorry. I sort of kinda was..maybe on my way to go see you,” he admits.
He rubs his arm sheepishly, embarrassed. He is strong, he is vicious. You so desperately want to break down the walls his father has forced him to build.
You smile at him and take his hand. He gently tugs you into his room, shutting the door behind you. You stand awkwardly, unsure what exactly you’re allowed to do. Soren sits down on his bed, extending an arm to you. An invitation. When you take his hand, he pulls you forward into his chest. He lays down, shifting to make sure you’re comfortable. He holds you close to him, you can hear his heartbeat. 
“I promise I will come back to you,” he whispers.
You sob.
When he leaves the next morning, he holds you tightly. He almost reconsiders bringing you with him. Almost.
You watch them go from a balcony until you cannot see them anymore. You watch a little longer, just in case. 
I sleep so I can see you cuz I hate to wait so long.
You last all of two days under Viren’s reign. He is a tyrant, you understand. And he is especially abusive towards you. He is on his third trip of the day down to that stupid mirror. You can’t stand to pass Gren each time you accompany Viren. He insists you come down with him, simply because “With my son gone, you are the top Crownguard.” You want to roll your eyes. 
Your breaking point is on the evening of the second day. He insists you come down to the dungeon again, and you refuse.
“Viren, there is no reason for me to go down there. There are other guards there, and you are at no risk.”
He rolls his eyes at you.
“Maybe so, but as my guard, you will accompany me if I so request.”
“Respectfully, Viren, I will not go back down there to watch you speak to your reflection again. I am needed up here.”
You wonder if he only wants you near him to keep an eye on you. 
“I am your king! You will serve me!” 
You flinch at his sudden volume.
“You are not my king.” 
“If you will not serve me,” he sneers at you, “then you are of no use to me.”
Viren crushes a small piece of coral and begins chanting. Particles swirl around you, freezing into ice. It envelops your legs, and you feel icy spikes digging under your armor and into your skin. The process repeats with your torso and arms, until finally the ice raises. A single spike threatens to poke into your throat. You squirm, trying desperately to break free. You cry out as the spikes rip open your soft skin. 
Viren sends a sick smile your way, mumbling something about returning for you later, before swiftly leaving the room. As your struggle, a new horrifying truth comes to light. The more you fight, the closer the spike grows to slicing your neck. You continue fighting anyway. If this kills you, you decide, it will still be better than whatever Viren has planned. 
After what feels like hours, you finally realize Viren’s mistake. He has trapped you against the wall, directly next to a mounted torch.
Despite the pain it causes you, you struggle until your right arm is free. You cry out as a particularly large piece of ice digs into your skin. When your arm is finally free, there is a large gash in your skin. You ignore the blood streaming down your wrist as you grab the torch, and begin the slow process of melting your prison. 
By the time you escape, it’s the middle of the night. You are bleeding in too many places to count, the gash on your arm still aches, and you are shivering. You run, with no real plan on where you’re going. You try to run in the general direction you think Soren and Claudia took. You hope you remember correctly. 
You run straight into a body. When strong arms wrap around you, you thrash and scream.
“Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!”
“Hey, hey hey hey! It’s okay, it’s okay! It’s me, it’s Soren!”
His gentle voice fills your ears, and you nearly sob. He steadies you, glancing over your form. You are filthy, bleeding, and pale. 
“Hey, what happened to you? Why are you all the way out here, and why are you so hurt?”
Just as soon as he takes his hands off of your shoulders, your knees buckle. Your adrenaline has run out. He catches you before you hit the ground and calls out to Claudia. Your vision blurs as you feel him guide you down to the ground, concerned eyes staring straight into your soul. The last thing you hear is Claudia chanting, and Soren whispering that you’ll be okay. 
When you awake, you are on the back of a horse, held in place by strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind. Soren, you recognize. You groan, lifting your arm to get the bright sunlight out of your face. Soren shifts behind you.
“You’re awake!”
“Unfortunately,” you mutter.
Your body is sore. Your arm is wrapped in bandages, it still aches a little. You shift to sit up and awkwardly crane your neck to look at Soren. He is battered and bruised. You wonder what happened. 
“Where..where are we going?”
“Home!” He grins at you.
Your eyes widen, panic setting in.
“No, no! No we can’t! I-I can’t go back! Not now, Soren, please don’t make me!”
Soren halts his horse at your rambling, sliding off the back of his white stallion. He offers you a hand, pulling you gently down next to him. He rests a hand on your shoulder, speaking softly.
“Why don’t you want to go home? What happened to you, who- who hurt you?”
You shake your head, looking to the ground as your eyes well with tears. How can you shatter his world like that?
She took my fingers to her mouth, the kind of thing that makes you proud that nothing else has ever worked out.
With his free hand, he grasps yours, bringing your fingers to his mouth for a kiss, just as he did the day you met. You want to scream. Claudia stays a few feet away. You appreciate it.
“Sweetheart, look at me.”
Your eyes meet his, and you have to look away again. There is so much innocence behind his eyes. He places two gentle fingers under your chin, lifting your eyes to his.
“I can help you, I want to help you. But I can’t do that if you won’t tell me what happened.”
There is so much earnestness behind his expression. He is dead serious, something you don’t see from Soren often. 
You wonder if he really will help you.
In a leap of faith, you take a deep breath.
“V-viren..Viren trapped me. He was going to kill me, Soren.”
Soren’s expression shifts to something not quite readable. You can’t meet his eyes.
And then he laughs.
He laughs so hard he nearly falls over, wiping tears from his eyes as he recovers.
“My- my dad? Good one, love. Now, who do I need to go after?”
Your heart shatters.
“Soren, I- I’m being serious. He trapped me in ice, said he’d come back for me later. I- I had to run. He would’ve killed m-”
“Yeah, right,” Soren interrupts. “You must have misunderstood something. My dad would never hurt anyone, not like that. Especially someone he knows is important to me.”
He pulls you back towards his horse, frowning when you resist.
“Come on. Come home with us, we’ll sort everything out. I know he wouldn’t have intentionally hurt you.”
And lately I’ve tried other things, but nothing can capture the sting of the venom she’s gonna spit out right now.
You shake your head, ripping your hand from his.
“I can’t, Soren. He will kill me.”
Hurt flashes in his eyes. He steps forward, starting to argue. You step backwards, looking at him as if he’s a threat.
“I’m sorry, Soren. I can’t. I won’t.”
You stare at the ground, hoping you aren’t making the wrong decision. Hoping he won’t.
You step forward, pulling Soren into one last kiss.
Oh won’t you kiss me on the mouth and love me like a sailor? And when you get a taste can you tell me what’s my flavor?
You release him, whispering a soft apology as you turn away, running away from Katolis. Running away from Soren.
The elf, whose name you later learn to be Rayla, nearly kills you when you catch up with them. Hesitantly, she lets you stay when you explain yourself. You are a Crown guard, you are here to protect the true king and Prince Callum. When you explain how you ran from Katolis, and from Soren, Callum trusts you implicitly. When the kids explain how Claudia and Soren betrayed them, and how Soren lied to them about their father, you understand you have made the right decision.
You wish you hadn’t.
The next time you see Soren is at the top of the Storm Spire. He coughs and sputters as Callum performs the breathing spell. When he finally inhales, his eyes look straight to you.
“Is this the afterlife?”
You nearly cry. 
Instead, you raise your sword stepping in front of Callum and Ezran. 
“Don’t- don’t come any closer.”
Your voice trembles. 
Soren tries to rise. You step forward, raising your sword higher.
“Take one step closer to the princes and find out what happens.”
He raises his hands in surrender, dropping to his knees. You hate this. You hate what Viren has done to him.
His hair is grown out and messy, and stubble dusts his chin. He looks older, sadder. You’ll kill Viren. 
“I’m here to help,” Soren whispers. 
You lower your sword a fraction of an inch.
“How can I- we, we, trust you?” You ask. 
Your sorrow is not lost on Soren. Ezran’s voice sounds from behind you, commanding you gently to stand down. Hesitantly, you sheath your sword and step back. Soren reaches out, but you dodge his grip, opting instead to lean against the wall at the back of the room. He looks like a kicked puppy. An apology dies in your throat. 
Dread settles over your shoulders as Soren explains his father’s plans. You glance around at the room, deciding you’re doomed. A child king, a baby dragon, a Moonshadow elf, two sky mages, and two failed Crown guards. You’ll never stand a chance.
You look up to see Ezran whispering in Soren’s ear. It’s an interesting sight. Ezran is standing on his tip-toes, while Soren is hunched over, his back bent in an uncomfortable looking way. Despite yourself, you smile. When Soren stands back up, you see him take a deep breath. He turns and begins walking towards you, looking nervous. You don’t walk away. When he reaches you, he offers his hand. In his palm is a small Xadian flower in your favorite color. When you look at him, his eyes are apologetic. 
“Can..we talk?” He nearly whispers.
You nod lightly. You surprise him by taking his hand and letting him lead you outside. His grip is gentle, but feeling his touch again nearly has you in tears. The scar on your arm shatters his heart. He knows now who gave it to you.
Soren doesn’t take you far, just a little ways down the steps to a small platform. He releases your hand, and you sit against the rock. Soren paces in front of you, and you sigh.
“Soren, whatever you have to say to me..just say it.”
He freezes, staring at the ground.
“I uh- I owe you an apology.”
You motion for him to sit beside you, to which he happily obliges. He’ll take any excuse to be near you.
“When..when Claudia and I were on our mission, there was an accident. I was hurt, I couldn’t walk. I wouldn’t be walking if it wasn’t for Claudia. When we got home, my dad was..cruel to me. To everyone. The things he did..”
Soren is crying now. You reach up to brush a tear off his cheek, and you hate the way he initially flinches at the contact. 
“The way he talked about you, I- I left his army. Left him behind and I came all the way here just for you. I just- I need you to know that I believe you about- about what he did, and I’m so sorry for not believing you, I- I couldn’t imagine my dad doing something so awful but- but I believe you now, and I’m sorry.”
You respond not with words at first, but by letting your head drop against his shoulder. He tenses, and you wonder when your life fell apart so horribly. You reach for his hand, dragging his arm around you and over your shoulder. He finally relaxes, leaning against you. His thumb rubs gentle circles against your shoulder, and you wonder how long you can milk this moment for. 
You find yourself unable to sleep that night. The threat of the battle to come is simply too much. While everyone else sleeps, you find yourself wandering over to where Soren sleeps. His blonde hair is a mess, falling over his eyes and mouth. His breathing is soft, and you suddenly doubt yourself for walking over here. Just as you turn to head back to your makeshift bed, he shifts, and his arm reaches out for you. 
“Come here,” he whispers. 
When you hesitate, he shifts to face you. He looks tired, but you realize he hasn’t slept either. He lifts his blanket, motioning for you to lie next to him. 
“Don’t wanna bother you,” you mutter.
Soren frowns. With a surprising amount of gentleness, Soren tugs on your arm, dragging you to lie down next to him. You practically feel your body melting at the warmth he provides, and you shift to press your body closer to his. He stiffens as you move, still afraid to mess things up again. He won’t lose you again, he’ll give you all the time and space in the world. Once you’re settled, you tug on his arm. He obliges and wraps it around you, pulling you against his chest. You exhale softly, and Soren could cry right there. You’re so perfect, he realizes, and he nearly lost you. 
“I won’t let him hurt you,” he mumbles. “Never again.”
“I know.”
You admire him, the stubble adorning his chin, the way his hair has grown out ever so slightly. You reach one hand up and twirl the soft strands around your fingers. He hums contently.
Subconsciously, you lean closer to Soren. His breath hitches in his throat, but he waits, allowing you to make the decision on your own. You close the distance, gently pressing your lips against his. A muffled cry escapes Soren.
We can run away to the walls inside your house, I can be the cat baby, you can be the mouse.
When you pull away, he is smiling softly. You shift, tucking your head under his chin. He holds you protectively, and for the first time in weeks you feel safe.
And we can laugh off things that we know nothing about, we can go forever til you wanna sit it out. 
Something shifts, and suddenly you feel like you can win the war. Zym will be safe, Ezran will take the throne, and Xadia and the human kingdoms will be at peace.
And with Soren by your side, that will be enough. 
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Spoilers for MadK!
I will never get over how short this manga is! On the one hand, I appreciate the story's length as is, it says everything it needs to and doesn't endlessly drag on. But come on!! Yes, I know we didn't need it, but I would sell a kidney to learn more about Makoto's home life because I'm a masochist and would've loved the pain of learning more about his lack of love from his entire family. His father is obviously awful and I'm glad he died but I want to know more about his mother and brother!! I would've loved to see initial reactions to their son's depravity, I just adore conflict. Imagine Makoto and his brother, I think they were supposed to be opposites with Makoto's brother being a lawyer or doctor? I know it's cliche but I would've liked to see just how isolated Makoto was, perhaps one night he confided in his brother. I like the idea of them always being different but always loving each other, so Makoto goes to him to find comfort, only to be rejected. Perhaps his brother lashes out, maybe he tells their mother and then he's isolated from the family, being told they're son and brother solely in name and blood.
Is it necessary, absolutely not. Is it filler, absolutely. Is it deliciously tragic, yes.
I also would've loved to see Makoto's development of his fetish, I know it's called a kink but from my research kinks aren't always sexual but fetishes are (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong please!) so I'm going to call it that for now because it's always shown in a sexual light, from my interpretation anyways. I would've liked to see the gradual development of his fetish and the complicated feelings that came with it. I adore inner turmoil and I would've loved to see Makoto breaking down as his fetish fully hits him. A slow spiral as he grapples with how disturbed he truly is, then decides to get rid of himself before he hurts anyone. Again I know this isn't necessary, you could argue this would fluff up the plot and I agree, I just think it'd be an interesting extra chapter or something. Psychology has always been interesting to me, especially kinks and fetishes. How they develop, why, common ones, etc. I'm asexual so sex and sexual attraction are often viewed through a scientific lens for me, and honestly, I just find them interesting since I can't really understand them personally!
In a way the first chapter of MadK is comforting, hang on hear me out. I'm not saying J is a good person, but it was clear how safe Makoto felt with him. He summoned J to kill himself and to indulge himself before dying, but even so imagine how good he felt to just let go, to enjoy something he hated himself for enjoying for years. I mean we read it but still. I know that's the point of J's manipulation but it's still acceptance. Considering J wanted to make Makoto like him I like to think J truly accepted the part of Makoto none did. I don't know, I just think that's kind of sweet in a sad way. But that's probably just me projecting ehe.
Anyways! Not sure what I'll post next, J has been on my mind lately so maybe something about his design, it's one of my favorites! Or maybe more hypotheticals, who knows.
Sorry about the random uploads, fixed schedules tend to demotivate me but I'll do my best to be semi consistent, hehe.
Have a good weekend <3
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shackledaces · 2 years
i’m pulling an all nighter and in the midst of said situation i have decided to refute popular “points” that i see people use to say that komahina is one-sided and/or toxic.
(this is my own opinion!)
1. “hajime hates/doesn’t care about nagito”
okay, let’s take lines from the actual game.
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as you can see, hajime doesn’t hate nagito. in fact, it’s pretty fair to say that hajime just wants to understand him, and is probably the only one in the game who doesn’t hate him. arguably, the screenshot is taken from Island Mode, but I’m pretty sure you get my point; hajime voices his want to understand nagito in the actual game.
and plus, if you really hated someone, would you be worrying for them like hajime does with nagito? i mean just look how much he cares about him:
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even again
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and again.
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and again…
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… yeah.
okay, i think you get my point. even i’m getting sick of hajime’s unending care for nagito (and this is AFTER nagito’s betrayal, if i may point out).
so it’s pretty safe to say that hajime doesn’t hate nagito, right? great. next point.
2. “komahina is one sided/hajime doesn’t love/like nagito back”
to be fair, this is one of the strongest arguments i’ve seen that goes against the ship itself—but let me try to change your mind if you believe that hajime doesn’t have even the slightest bit of feelings for nagito (i do believe that this point is mainly based on your interpretation of the evidence i’m about to give you, so you are free to your own opinion!).
so here we go!
hajime definitely had a crush on nagito at the beginning of the game.
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(ignore the bright sun)
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and then, the infamous stuttering:
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hajime definitely stutters when he’s embarrassed/nervous. he does it with chiaki when she wore a bikini before Mahiru’s case (and it’s pretty obvious that he at least had feelings for her canonically. love our bi protag <3).
at the beginning of the game, nagito and hajime don’t know each other that well, but it’s pretty obvious that they create a bond quicker than anyone else does in the game. it’s not out of line to think that hajime probably felt close to nagito, let alone had some feelings for him.
it would explain why hajime was so hurt by nagito’s betrayal while everyone else was angry/confused.
3. “nagito is just obsessed with hajime because of his “hope”/nagito doesn’t like/love hajime”
alright, it’s pretty much canon that nagito has feelings for hajime, but another mini argument i’ve seen is that “nagito is obsessed with hajime for his hope.”
…okay what.
slow your roll; who said that nagito was obsessed with hajime? the only thing nagito is canonically obsessed with is the idea of hope overcoming despair. sure, when he said “i’m in love with the hope living inside of you” you can argue that he was sincere about it, but in the way the Japanese ver of the game puts it, it’s actually a cover up for “I love you.” and even if it wasn’t, the exact word that nagito uses (aishiteru) is a passionate love; or even a love built with time.
either way, i thought it was pretty obvious that nagito loves hajime for hajime, and maybe his hope was a strong personality trait as to why nagito has feelings for him, but that wasn’t the full reason — that’s probably why nagito still calls him Hajime instead of Izuru/Kamukura.
and plus there’s really no uh denying nagito’s side of the ship.
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anyway, i can’t really think of any other points so maybe I’ll add onto this later, but my point still stands that KomaHina is by far one of my favorite ships ever, if not my otp in general. the friends to enemies/rivals to lovers trope and the “i didn’t understand what love was until i met you” trope is still in my top five.
if you have any points you’ve heard that you think i can retort, then please do comment them <3
as of right now tho idk so
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yourlocalderp · 1 year
A very long and angry essay that will put my head on a guillotine but who cares.
Now before I start, to anyone I may offend or anger in this, I just want to say that I don't care. Call me evil, say I'm bad, announce me the Tumblr fun police, whatever just keep it to yourselves. (Don't actually, I'm bored. Write paragraphs about me on TikTok and slander my name please.)
Also, I'm going to be brutally honest in this, with my genuine feelings out there for the world to hear. If you don't want to read a bunch of words written by a mentally ill teenager who just hates something in the world, then feel free to move on with your life. For all those who don't want to leave/ are actually interested/ readying their pitchforks, then do I have a treat for you.
Now, onto my actual topic. The Marjorine Scotch headcannon fucking sucks and makes no sense.
Let me tell you why.
First of all, it came out of nowhere. She appeared in one episode, and everyone decided "Hey, let's get rid of Butter's and put Marjorine instead mhm mhm definitely a good idea!" Y'all flocked to Marjorine quick as fuck, and I bet a rat ass some of you don't even like her and just want to jump on that bandwagon of the random ass uprise of a character which is a COSTUME of a literal existing character.
Second of all, you all act as if she's been here the whole time. She hasn't, it's BUTTERS who was here, not Marjorine. I keep seeing replies on comments asking why Butters is always replaced with Marjorine going "Well Butters and Marjorine are the same people blah blah blah" as if those same repliers wouldn't go "Marjorine>>>>Butters" like what happened to the "same person" mindset you had before hm? Anyways Butters>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Marjorine like there is no doubt about it if you argue you're wrong and a hypocrite. Third of all, why Butters? Isn't he the most misogynistic, hater of all women, had an episode where he stuck his wee wee out to prove a point, kind of boy? Why suddenly all that is thrown out of the window for some girly girl MaRjOrInE with an unhealthy obsession with hello kitty? He didn't even enjoy being a girl for fucks sake he threw off his wig the moment he stepped his ass out of the girl's slumber party. (Btw feel free to correct me with this part because I refuse to watch the Marjorine episode out of spite.) Why not Wendy with Wendyl? She seemed pretty chill with being a guy. What about Princess fucking Kenny.
Topic 4. Princess Kenny and why she'd make more sense for a fandom to headcannon as mtf.
Maybe it's just because I'm bias to her, or magical girls in general, but why DO I never see anyone headcannon Kenny as anything other than genderfluid? Why does Butters, who dressed as a girl for ONE EPISODE, get the mtf hammer, but Kenny, whom basically EVERYONE called a girl for A LITERAL ARC FOR SOUTH PARK and A FUCKING GAME. Is it because you find Butters more, I don't know, feminine?
Disclaimer, this is where I start going into conspiracy type of shit. Don't take it too seriously because it really ISN'T that serious, but just an FYI, I mean it all.
This brings me to this point; I have a strong belief that some Marjorine people only do the Marjorine headcannon because they see Butters as more girly. Y'all know the ship Bunny? Y'all know how people usually see Kenny as "the man" of the ship? (Yes, I've seen people say that in Youtube comments. Get help.) Well, this makes Butters "the woman" of the ship now doesn't it. Yes, that's right. I'm accusing.
Take that word in.
People who ship fucking Kenjorine as to make them your average "UwU boy" and "Mf alpha demon thing who smokes like 30 cigars an hour" but it's straight and Marjorine is your petit anime girl and Kenny looks like he came out of one of those yaoi mangas from back in the day. Like, why is Marj always this cutesy kawaii girl like at least make her crazy?? (And sapphic. Don't be shy, why not make sapphic bunny with Princess Kenny and Marjorine? Then I can at least stomach SOME Marj content.)
I also think Kenjorine is just an excuse to make a gay ship straight. The number of comments I see that go "Omg!!11!!1 I love Kenjorine because it fits soOoOOOoO well with Kenny's character cause he's SO StRaIgHt>.<<<<<<" is annoying. Imagine that with Creek. I know it's a bad comparison with Creek since both boys are gay, but Kenny and Butters don't have confirmed sexualities, maybe Kenny does like dudes, we'll never know. All I'm saying is that why is it that y'all get so pressed when someone turns the "uke" of the ship (Like tweek or butters, lord have mercy i'm going to cry a river.) into a woman, you're only mad about one? (Aka Tweek ones, which is understandable.) At least the Creek people have gotten past that phase of feminizing Tweek to the point he's not even proportionally accurate, the Bunny fandom though.....
Speaking of Kenjorine once again, can you kenjorine motherfuckers get out of the Bunny tag on tiktok? I can't scroll 5 tiktoks without seeing Marj's face and it's gotten to the point that I just had to mention this in here. Y'all have a tag with over 40 million views go use that, after all isn't Kenjorine the "superior" ship to you guys? (After people see this, I bet multiple kenjorine tiktoks are going to appear in the bunny tag and I'll go into a deep depression because I just can't enjoy Butters x Kenny anymore.)
Anyways, last point I'm about to make before I wrap things up, you know those crappy edits of South Park oc's in South Park? That's what Marjorine feels like. She doesn't fit in, she's too "perfect" or whatever, she basically has no flaws to me. Every time I see a Marj headcannon thing, it's always along the lines of: "Marjorine. (insert age). Gets bullied by Eric but stands up to him or whatever like a girlboss yada yada. Epic bf (and it's just Kenny on steroids). Hello kitty enthusiast. (insert a bunch of facts I do not give a shit about)" Like damn girl what about your PARENTS??? Would your parents APPROVE of this? I don't fucking think so, I doubt they'd not ground Butters for even thinking about being trans.
That wraps up everything I have to say so far, maybe I'll come by to update this, maybe not. Either way, here's some final thoughts, as well as my contradictions to every reason I know of why people use the Marjorine headcanon because I'm petty and angry that I keep seeing her.
"She looked happy as a girl!" Did you watch the episode, or did you just see what you wanted to see? He was happy because he was being ACCEPTED. That doesn't mean he liked being a GIRL.
"He wore a skirt that one time!" What happened to "Clothes have no gender?" There's a difference between dressing in "the opposite gender's" clothing, and actually being the opposite gender. If I wore a tuxedo, does that make me a man? No. I'd like to dress up as the genderbent version of myself, but I'm still not a guy. Therefore, this argument is fucking stupid and goes against a lot of shit that people are saying.
"He likes hello kitty!" Again, liking hello kitty doesn't mean you're a girl or something, you're not suddenly a boy if you play Valorant or whatnot, and you are most certainly not a girl just because you play something inherently "girly."
"She's just a girl!!!" He's Butters, get over it. Just plain old simple Butters, leave him be. You people are like the mfs in the exact episode Marjorine was in. You aren't happy with how he was before; you want him to change just to make yourselves happy. Remind you of something in the episode? Where Marjorine cried in the bathroom because no one liked her, and the only reason the people did was they gave her a makeover and made her more girly? You're all just reenacting that episode but pretending that Butters would be happy with it.
Final words
Princess Kenny is better. Also if y'all are gonna type angry paragraphs about me, please send them to me so I can argue with a wall cause it's pretty damn entertaining. I'll even do the courtesy of ranking your insults/comebacks out of 10. I'm so fucking tired of seeing this bitch everywhere it's driving me to the brink of insanity. I know I'm weird and crazy but the Marjorine Stotch headcannon is like a leech in my brain and I can't get that mf out I want her gone she's a genuine thorn to my spine. Out of the courtesy of my own heart, I must say. This fandom truly made me lose all respect I had for a character, and this character wasn't even relevant to anything. She's useless, brings nothing to the plot, and should've stayed a one-time joke. Everyone who says otherwise like "Marjorine is SooOOoOooOO much better" needs a reality check. This isn't fucking "girl power" to you this is the removal of a character for a fandom oc.
Bunny supremacy, stop putting Kenjorine into it's tag, get the fuck out my ship you have your own tag, bye.
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NEVER apologize for all caps and excitement!!!! in this house we lose our minds over found family dynamics TOGETHER and we are NOT calm about it lmao
under the read more because spoilers and also i got long winded (shocker)
ugh but literally. i need to do a rewatch because fallout is definitely one of those "watch once to get your brain blasted, watch a second time to catch all the little hints you missed the first time around" kind of shows, and also i just. NEED to watch this again with the full knowledge that cooper's been hunting down his family this whole time. yeah we knew cooper was a dad from the beginning but for us, at first, the logical assumption is that his wife and daughter must be long gone by now! it's been 219 years! it's not until the last episode or two that we start realizing that a lot of people from Before are still kicking around, and that cooper KNOWS that, and that the one thing keeping him going for longer than anyone else is the fact that he wants to see his wife and daughter again. the angst potential of this has me foaming at the mouth, by the way, and that's without even considering lucy yet
like, what's his plan? find janey and barb and... pick up where they left off? maybe two centuries of nuclear fallout will patch up his relationship with his ex-wife? how does he even know they weren't both unfrozen and lived their whole lives without him and died already? (i'll argue that he has not even considered that possibility, and will not, because that'll break him.) and say he does find them, and they're alive. maybe they haven't even been unfrozen yet and he can be the one to wake them up. ideal scenario, right? but will they even recognize him anymore? not just by his physical appearance, either! he is not the same person he was before the bombs fell, not by a longshot! janey's dad wasn't a ruthless mercenary bounty hunter who does what he has to do to survive and makes jerky out of human meat and sells random women to organ harvesters to get drugs! he was a guy who loved his dog and loved his family and who was so morally upright that he didn't even want to fake shoot a guy in a movie, because he believes that's not who his character is. and don't even get me STARTED on the fact that The Ghoul is a character to begin with, it's an act, because he's an actor who fell into this role because i guess it was easiest to survive that way, which means that at heart The Ghoul is also not someone who should be shooting guys. the kindheartedness is there under about 219 years of irradiated, decaying skin. but it's there
and then we get lucy, who's very deliberately written as his echo, a kindhearted morally upright person who doesn't want to let the wasteland change her, and i'll bet MONEY that as the series progresses cooper's gonna have to watch as it really doesn't change her. sure, she'll bite a guy's finger off in self defense, and yeah, she'll mercy kill a ghoul that's way past saving. but through it all she's going to try so hard to do the right thing, every single time, and i'm TELLING you, it's not so much that cooper's gonna get dragged back kicking and screaming into being a good person again, but it's more like he's gonna just start being better. it'll be kickstarted by lucy's influence and the fact that he cannot suppress the dad instincts to save his life, but the reason it'll really stick is because that's his natural setting! whether he wants to admit it or not!
anyway. uh. i ranted about this more than i meant to LOL but please always feel free to shout at me about grumpy morally gray old men allowing fatherhood to gently tug them closer and closer to the neutral good square on a dnd alignment chart. gets me every time
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faterpresources · 1 year
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Sᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-Mᴀɴ : Aᴄʀᴏss ᴛʜᴇ Sᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-Vᴇʀsᴇ (2023) - Pᴀʀᴛ 1
A collection of random lines compiled from the Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Feel free to change the pronouns in order to better suit the parts involved.
❝ Is the song over? ❞
❝ Will you adopt me? ❞
❝ I don't feel grown up. ❞
❝ God, I need a raise. ❞
❝ You hit me with a bagel! ❞
❝ I've hit a lot of different villains with a lot of different food! ❞
❝ Do you speak Italian? ❞
❝ I am basically an adult! ❞
❝ You don't even have a driver's license! ❞
❝ We saved the multiverse! ❞
❝ I'm telling ya, I can feel it. ❞
❝ Okay. Knock yourself out. ❞
❝ I'm going to rob your face! ❞
❝ Just breathe. We got you. ❞
❝ Great. Is this your goose? ❞
❝ I don't know how to fix this. ❞
❝ I'm from another dimension. ❞
❝ Everything's gonna be okay. ❞
❝ You leave... everybody leaves. ❞
❝ I've leveled up my whole thing! ❞
❝ I can hear you being quiet, ___. ❞
❝ Oh, wow. Is this curry powder? ❞
❝ This should be simple enough. ❞
❝ I just saved a bunch of people! ❞
❝ For you, it's just a Tuesday night. ❞
❝ I'm not your guy/girl in the chair. ❞
❝ I think they look great, I dunno. ❞
❝ Sir, please! Just let me rob you! ❞
❝ This job is so dumb sometimes! ❞
❝ Okay, let's do this one last time. ❞
❝ Is this... that... dangerous mask? ❞
❝ Did you order the cake for tonight? ❞
❝ We're talking about it, aren't we? ❞
❝ He/She's really corny. But so hot! ❞
❝ Having a story at all seems gross. ❞
❝ He/She... kicked his/her own butt. ❞
❝ How's the manhunt for me going? ❞
❝ You don't look like a good guy/girl! ❞
❝ Branding was never my strong suit.❞
❝ Let's do things differently this time. ❞
❝ Hey, where'd the goose come from? ❞
❝ Maybe he/she didn't have a choice. ❞
❝ We'll say I'm a scientist. I was. I am! ❞
❝ I'm going to put my head in that hole. ❞
❝ Can't have your cake and eat it, too. ❞
❝ Unless you bake two cakes! ❞
❝ Uh... I don't wanna argue about this. ❞
❝ Alright, no politics at the dinner table. ❞
❝ I didn't wanna hurt him/her. But I did. ❞
❝ Well... why are you saying it like that? ❞
❝ I thought I knew the rest, but...I didn't. ❞
❝ How long have you been lying to me? ❞
❝ I really would've come to see you sooner. ❞
❝ Who laughs in the middle of a fight? ❞
❝ You think you know the rest. You don't. ❞
❝ What? How many of these did you take? ❞
❝ Hey, don't try to wow me with big words. ❞
❝ We're gonna need all the help we can get. ❞
❝ I'm just trying to lighten the mood, y'know...? ❞
❝ So, you want me to handle this one, or...? ❞
❝ I don't think I want this costume anymore. ❞
❝ Yeah, I don't know what any of that means. ❞
❝ Well, screaming their name usually works. ❞
❝ You're just gonna have to shut up and trust- ❞
❝ That's your story! Now, just stick to the script. ❞
❝ Ohh, I'll take the mic. No more mics for you. ❞
❝ Yeah, I'm smiling like it's a joke, but it's true. ❞
❝ What cursed world have you brought me to? ❞
❝ I never really made another friend, after that. ❞
❝ Who are you running around with, anyway? ❞
❝ What'd you call me? You realize I'm right here. ❞
❝ Ohh, this here is why nobody likes us, man. ❞
❝ Why would anyone be scared to talk to me?! ❞
❝ Hey, it's New York. Everyone's got their thing. ❞
❝ Never did come up with a cool name for that... ❞
❝ I joined it so I could hit my feelings with sticks! ❞
❝ I'm just... a really emotionally intelligent guy/girl. ❞
❝ Why wear a mask if you've got nothing to hide? ❞
❝ Nothing is more important than management. ❞
❝ I'm sorry, who exactly are you supposed to be? ❞
❝ Your costume's too tight in the back, by the way! ❞
❝ Oh, yeah. That sounds like a really good fake job. ❞
❝ You're in this to help people, right? Right? So am I! ❞
❝ Bad guy/girl? He/She's barely a villain of the week! ❞
❝ Sounds like he maybe shouldn't practice medicine. ❞
❝ You know, it really is always so great to talk to you. ❞
❝ I didn't join a band so I could talk about my feelings! ❞
❝ What do you mean I don't know that? I do know that. ❞
❝ Take a good look at my great fire from my backpack! ❞
❝ The power of the multiverse in the palm of my hand. ❞
❝ How much longer can I keep lying about who really I am? ❞
❝ Which is it? Hands in the air, or get down on the ground? ❞
❝ Dude/girl, you don't hang out, and you don't wanna talk... ❞
❝ It's really fun cleaning up your shocking mess, by the way. ❞
❝ I mean... how many people can you talk to about this stuff? ❞
❝ I was actually considered handsome, by scientist standards. ❞
❝ It was inconsiderate and super rude! ...And a little cocky... oof! ❞
❝ I wouldn't play with fire, dude/girl, you're kind of made of paper! ❞
❝ Can't you just act like a regular super villain so I can catch you? ❞
❝ Yo, if you don't tell someone what's going on you're gonna snap.  ❞
❝ He/She hasn't always had it easy. And he/she's not the only one. ❞
❝ You're acting like weird stuff like this happens to you all the time. ❞
❝ I lead an elite strike force dedicated to the security of the multiverse. ❞
❝ I always wanted to be in a band. Guess I just never found the right one. ❞
❝ Can we focus on the big fire-breathing threat to time and space, please?! ❞
❝ I've never robbed anybody in my life, please don't make this a bad experience for me! ❞
❝ Can you stop talking about your holes? You're making everyone uncomfortable over here. ❞
❝ I mean, it's more of a meta-commentary on what we call art, but it's... it...it's also...art? ❞
❝ Look, there is a big flying turkey from the renaissance I have to bring to justice, so if you don't mind. ❞
❝ Now I'm stuck putting everybody back where they belong before all of time and space collapses! ❞
❝ You left a hole wide enough for guys/girls like him/her to randomly get shot into the wrong dimension! ❞
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anti-endo-safe-space · 7 months
I am for real over all this syscourse bullshit. I’m not even going to argue with endos on whether they’re valid or not, idc. What I’m sick of is endos inserting themselves into our spaces, co-opting the language we use, and making every goddamn thing about them. We started this account just to find community with other CDD systems so we didn’t feel so alone and can escape the constant cycles of denial. But it seems like every other post is endo this, endo that no matter what filters we use and accounts we block. Endos whine about how they are so oppressed when in reality they are the ones invading our spaces and making shit about them. So many of us struggle every day with CPTSD symptoms and triggers and just want to build a community that understands us and our disorder. But then endos bust in and call everyone “sysmeds” (not a thing) for wanting to remain in traumagenic system spaces only. At first we wanted to be pro-endo because we didn’t want to deny anyone’s experience, and also somewhat believe that some endos are in denial about their trauma. After having enough with all the endo bullshit we decided to consider ourselves endo neutral. But endos consistently throw a fit if you are let adamantly in support of them, thus once again making everything about them. So now we don’t know. “Anti-Endo” seems so harsh to us, when we want to accept everyone. Honestly, if they didn’t actively cause harm to CDD systems and our spaces, we’d have no issue with them. While logically a system forming without trauma doesn’t make any sense to me, I’m not going to argue with them over their validity. I don’t know everything and don’t understand their experience so who am I to say shit. I just wish they could keep to themselves, create their own community, make up their own terminology, and not force their way into spaces not meant for them. If that makes us “anti-endo” so be it. We’re sick of it.
Anyways this is just a straight up rant, so feel free to ignore it. We just had to get some things off our chest and thought maybe this was a good place to do so. If not we sincerely apologize.
Hey we fully get you. We wouldn't have even made this had our main blog not started getting hate from endos all the time, we were content staying out of it until endos started coming after us.
Endos do tend to have an issue of claiming their some of the most oppressed meanwhile if a system mentions they have trauma they ignore them and steal names used for transphobes/radqueers as a "haha fuck you" thing.
No issues with not wanting to argue, the arguing can take too much stress to do.
Hey this account exists for anything system related, especially vents because sometimes we need them.
Please take care
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louisisalarrie · 7 months
Ooh, please tell me more about how Shiall today might relate to Larry? I’ve been keeping an eye on Niall, and I have so many thoughts, but I’m mostly just confused!
heya anon, and welcome to the show!
now, I want to start this off by saying I haven’t had much to do with the Shiall stuff, so I’m not an expert on it. But, here are a couple of my thoughts as to why this is an interesting turn of events, and what this means for larry.
so, it’s been pretty interesting seeing all the Shiall stuff online since the show happened. And well… I’ve seen a lot of larries/ziams also now start shipping Shiall, which is interesting, and while Shiall has never been as big as Larry or even Ziam, it blew up the fandom and even got headlines in the press. So… let’s have a deeper dive.
Now… people have believed in Shiall or at least entertained the idea of them together since at least 2017. It’s not a new thing whatsoever. But since the show of them performing together, it has become pretty huge. And there are a lot of solos reaaaaallllyyyy hating that, and it’s becoming a bit beefy between the niall girls and the shiall believers (which is yikes because can everyone just be nice to each other for a god damn second Jesus Christ) so it’s now dividing nialls otherwise pretty chill fandom. Which is new for him, and will be interesting to see how it’s handled. But so far in the press? It’s going well for him.
He’s gotten a write up in a few outlets which all have a similar headline of “Niall Horan Surprises Fans by Bringing Out Shawn Mendes at London Concert” (US Weekly). But, Rolling Stone really went all out here:
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Now, I dunno about you… but adding “fellow lover boy” and “that’s my boy” to a headline 100% grabs attention and maybe implies a bit more than just pals. In my marketing and journalism experience/study, this would absolutely fall under seeding and somewhat subconsciously sways the reader into further curiosity about Niall and Shawn’s relationship.
What’s funny about this, is 1 week prior to the show, Elle posted this article out of quite literally nowhere. Shawn and Camila haven’t been spotted together since (to my knowledge) April of 2023 when they were photographed kissing at Coachella. So… why was this dropped a week prior?
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Anyway, Niall is still signed to Modest mgmt, who we’ve watched control narratives and PR ops for the last 13 years. So, it’s safe to say we can see a bit of a pattern here, but it feels different this time too… right?
Niall’s mgmt would 110% know about the Shiall rumours. They’ve been around for over 6 years, and have continued to grow in popularity over the past couple of years particularly. It’s very obviously a topic that the fandom talk about, and that a lot believe in. So, to allow niall to bring on stage someone who his fans believe he’s actually dating as opposed to his “gf” who was also in the crowd that night (not that literally anyone cared lol) feels very freeing. Do modest and Niall not care about the rumours? Is it actually true and he managed to convince his team to let him do it in exchange of staying with his gf for longer? Or is it something entirely different?
Well… it’s a tricky one.
Modest have been well known to closet artists for years. We’ve seen it with larry, and other young men too. So, why the change of heart? Essentially encouraging rumours by giving this the go ahead, and rolling stone weirdly quickly posting that article with those particular words in the headline, why now?
It’s good PR, sure. It’s beneficial for Shawn to get back into the headlines more after not performing for 12 months, and gives nialls tour a bit of a boost. But i would argue that it’s encouraging Shiall. And I would also argue that modest have actively tried to squash gay rumours for years with larry (we will talk about the Union J shit show another time and just stick with larry for this) so it’s interesting that they’re encouraging it. But it’s been a pretty nice little test drive for larry, hasnt it?
In no way has Shiall divided the fandom to the same point as Larry, but the love we all saw for shiall (whether we believed in them being romantically linked or not, it was incredibly wholesome) from around the fandom was very loud. I saw a hell of a lot more positive chats than negative (and I looked deeper than just my timeline) and so it was pretty safe to say that it went well for the most part.
People are saying that niall might have done it behind his team’s back because Shawn was placed in Paris hours earlier, but that’s just a reminder of something we already know that we can’t trust photos to be released on the same day at the same time they are taken, but I think he’d get in a hell of a lot of trouble for that. So I’m not on board with that idea.
So I guess to put it down to a couple of options to sum this up:
a) modest has flipped the script and is okay with Shiall because they’re actually not dating (unlike how they handled larry because they were) and it’s all just rumours and niall and his gf aren’t bothered from it so it’s fine because it’s some good publicity
b) niall and Shawn actually are dating and his team is seeding a coming out, testing the waters with the fandom, perhaps try to encourage larry to sign with them again due to how “free thinking” they are now
c) nialls contract allows him to have more control over different aspects of his career so he was able to just invite him up there no matter what narrative is being pushed in his personal life
So… what’s this mean for larry and why have I rambled on for 3-5 business days?
Niall is dealing with the same rumours with Shawn as H and L do with each other. He is actively showing the fans that believing in a relationship between two dudes in fact doesn’t ruin their lives and families and their girlfriends are crying all the time, and he’s also showing other mgmt teams that you can do this shit without the world falling to pieces (aka the V*nes and Az*ff losers) whether or not it’s true. It’s a very small step in the right direction, but it’s a really good one. So I think yeah it’s important to see what this means for Larry and their next steps, because niall has made it look pretty simple. But I think we should keep watching this all very closely.
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