#anyway if ur interested in the rest of my comics
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Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 4.5 // Part 5 // Part 6 //
yes im back on my bullshit im picking up my modern ghost au again. check out the first part of this dumb au if you liked this and ignore the drop in quality thanks
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daphnalia · 1 year
the day the amount of dndads ao3 fanfics containing the tag yeet bigly goes from 17 to 18 is the day i lay down and cry of utter joy
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beatcroc · 4 months
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a year!!! as of today i have now been drawing these funny little pizza freaks, to the exclusion of almost everything else, for!!! an entire year!!! i wanted to do a nice group shot/lineup of everybody to compare to when i first started trying to draw them because oh boy were they bad. i never even posted most of them anywhere because they were so bad. but im posting them here, now, to see how everything's changed/evolved.
this is probably the hardest time i've ever had trying to figure out how to work with a style, but we got there eventually; i'm pretty happy with the handle i've got on everybody now...dont let ur memes be dreams. lots of unimportant journaling and idle thoughts abt it below.
older pics
the first one is the VERY first time i drew them, before i thought i was going to actually have any interest in drawing them [lmao]; it was just the one isolated image, for my friendserver, to illustrate the funney message, so there was no attempt to make it Good or actually understand anything going on w/ the designs or style.
second is the original run of practices sketches to start trying to figure them out for real; done after i started having ideas for the comics and such and realized oh god maybe i am actually gonna draw fanart for this. [again, lol, and lmao.]
third one is the first pt art thing i posted on here. there were a couple weeks of sprite studies between this one and the previous image. the one on the top right wasn't part of that post i just threw it on as space filler; i'd intended to shift to doing Sprite Redraws But Stylized to explore tings more, but that was the only one i did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
individual characters
peppino: by far the hardest dear god. bro what ARE your shapes how DOES your face work. jesus christ. everything i have trouble with this style for, peppino has it in excess. i draw in polygons! i need consistency! and that is the last thing this kind of style is concerned with. they are made of squarshy clay and i do not understand how to mold them. i was really hoping trying to learn this game's style would GIVE me that kind of flexibility for fun exaggerated facial expression but i don't think much came of it in the end 😔. anyway on the bright side all this means once i got peppino figured out a little bit everybody else clicked way easier.
fake peppino: honestly i never did anything with him on purpose except for how his eyes work + the perma-smile thing. i figured ok hes supposed to look weird and off model so whatever happens with him happens. and it did. and it kept happening. it is still, in fact, happening.
noise/ette: somehow, for every bit that peppino was the least natural thing i've ever tried, these two worked pretty much right off the bat. i still don't understand it, seeing as pretty much all the things at play for peppino are also at work for them. i think the new sketches are actually a little worse than older ones but not enough that i care.
gustavo: really funny bc i drew him on model twice and just went 'okay, cool nice, easy, um. he doesn't have any fucking legs?' fortunately he was the only one i had a strong idea for how to stylize him [square] and it worked exactly as i was hoping so wahoo.
brick: is an animal and therefore 5000x easier and more natural for me to draw/stylize than anything else in the cast. that is Just a rat bro. i can draw a rat.
gerome: i think the funniest one here. the most drastic and least necessary change imo. i was gonna have him be really small at first, like smaller than the noises, but then i just... didn't. he's just peppino-sized now. also i gave him like. actual human facial structure, which is funny bc in most cases i'd do anything to avoid, but it works well for his being A Rock to give him some angles and definition like that+ to differentiate his vibe from the rest of the cast who are all very squishy. also since he is essentially Just A Head it's good to emphasize that too ig.
john: i only drew john a couple times but he gets to be here because i like him. and because most of the stuff i applied to gerome was readily applicable to john, though i did try to keep him a little more uncanny because he is a Huge And Lanky Freak. i hate that he is barefoot btw but idk how to make his color balance look right with shoes.
pizzahead: i did not want to put him on here honestly but i Have drawn him a handful of times and more importantly i didn't know what i was gonna do with john's pose if i didn't have him there to be glared at. the only thing that's different with him is giving him wider-bottomed pants, which i got from when i tried to draw these guys in clone high style [i never posted that one either][i will eventually]
snick: he gets to be here because 1. he's like 6 lines 2. i like him and 3. ive scribbled him a few times offhand and it went pretty well
there are some guys missing because those are guys i didn't draw enough [or at all] to have gotten comfortable with them. sorry
i would have Liked to shade these but for the time being i have accepted that my grasp of light/shadow has decayed to the point im not going to be happy with anything i try there, so For Now i am working on my presentation with flats i guess. gerome has a shadow only because he's shaded like that ingame and looks naked without it
anyway if you are still reading [hi?] i get to shamelessly plug now. i'm over the hill of my pizza run now, and while i still have plenty of things i want to make here, most of the bigger more in-depth ones have passed. pizza tower was the first thing in THREE YEARS to get me out of my oc groove to doing fanart, and once i am done with my ideas here i will be going right back to it. if you like my art or how i write characters/interactions you should check out my oc/webcomic blog @jamverse . i can't promise people who like pizza stuff will be terribly into my designs, but i can guarantee i treat my guys with the exact same sort of tone i handle the pt guys with. and hell, i've mentioned it a few times before, but like 70% of my characterization for fake pep is just copied off one of my characters, so if u are going to miss him... he will still be there in spirit >;p
and if you dont care about any of that and are still reading thank you anyway. actually making these comics + seeing how shockingly well-received they've been has done a lot for my confidence, and for seeing that my kind of stuff IS something people enjoy :')
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chaoticedward · 1 year
Okay, sniper but autistic? I love to imagine if it gets too loud when everyone in the same room spy just goes over and like "here take this" insert earbud defenders
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LMAO colors the glove in the first panel and then doesnt bother coloring it in the rest. funny! also i fucking LOVE this headcanon have a comic
autistic sniper just makes so much sensse to me and honestly i have 1000000000 sniper headcanons bc i am a bit obsessed w him atm. hes sorta the whole reason i have not been posting mini comics actually! idk if ur interested person who asked but i have a tf2 retail au (actually i ahev 2 of them) and i think my sniper design in it is rly cool. ive basiclaly been doing art of it nonstop so heres one of my favorite pieces to compliment it lol
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this is actually just one of my best pieces of artwork in general so im really sort of mad its au content that nobody will care about dfjksjafksjfks. basically what happened is he sort of got his jaw shot off (i did a previous piece of art abt it) and then got revived by medic and pauling (theyre besties in this) so hes got the jaw of a random dead person sewn to his face + one of his eyes was ruined from the incident so he now has a robo one (thanks engie) to help him out.
maybe he is not the autistic one (he is) and i am (i am) because like wow. i have not only a 140k word long fic about him being a retail worker, but a second collaborative fic (fancy way of saying lit roleplay) about him being a retail worker.
when it comes to mick being autistic i really do think he prefers being alone outdoors quietly sniping people because he cant take the stimulation of close quarters combat on the battle field. i actually do think is quite shaken up when people intrude on his sniping (he gets hyperfocused on it) but luckily uses that frustration to kill the intruder. not great if its like... a friendly scout walking in on him.
i know the comic reads sort of shippy in 2 differrent directions but honestly take it as a friendly friends comic where theyre just being good coworkers lol
anyway sorry i really needed to share abt my retail au so im tacking it onto this post bc im obsessed w it and think about it every second of every day and havent been doing any art bc i love it so much i just want to work on it gdfkjgkdslfgjsdg pls lmk if youd like ot hear more (or less. this applies ot everyone who sees this post) sirry for the ramble erghhegahhag
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wily-art · 1 year
Been meaning to say this (if I have already said some of this in some form, I am sorry, hahaha), but I absolutely love ur portrayal of so many characters! Esp. Sans and Paps (Sans who is my favorite in the game, and Paps who is another one from the game I love very, very much. Though UT characters are generally just so good), Gaster, Frisk, Chara, and Alphys (been liking the stuff between her and Sans too)! U do them all so well!!
I also love Sans and Paps GB's and how they have personalities and stuff! Even though Sans seems to just think they are his magic and nothing else, while Paps, doesn't. Which is an interesting contrast between them.
The skelebros dynamic is also just so funny and on point. Frisk and Chara's dynamic is quite interesting (and the dynamic between Chara and Gaster puts me on edge. And the one between Chara and Asriel is just tragic like always). And Sans (both younger and present) and Gaster's dynamic is probably one of my favorite Sans and Gaster relationships portrayals I have seen so far. Like, they are such coworkers, and trust each other (to some extent), but there is also seems to be some tension going on w/ them. And Gaster is just terrorizing present Sans basically, lol.
And one of the most interesting dynamics to me, is the one between younger and present Sans. Idk, it is just so interesting and weird to see them interact. And it will always stand out to me younger Sans saying to older Sans that just because he stopped being him, doesn't mean he isn't Sans, in reply to older Sans wanting to give him another name. Idk, I just found that line interesting. And makes me wonder if older Sans will ever be more like younger Sans again.
On the topic of younger Sans. It is kind of heartbreaking to see how happy? (I say with a question mark, because like I said, Sans seems to kind of helping keep Gaster sane in some form, and I don't know how good that is for either of them, even though I love their relationship in this), and outgoing and just actually more enjoying life, to his present self, that is just so more worn down and tired, and depressed. It just makes me sad. Though it is also so interesting.
Saying that, I don't know if it is because younger Sans seems so happy and stuff; even more so in contrast to older Sans, but like, I don't trust him for some reason. I do actually trust older Sans; guarded and secretive as he is, but younger Sans, something about him. I just don't trust (I don't really trust Gaster either though). I love younger Sans, like I do older Sans, but he is suspicious to me for some reason.
Also, in reply to to another ask you did, I am very curious about Sans' yellow eye, and why that gets weird/messed up/whatever.
Last of all, ur animation looks great! Paps looks so awesome and expressive and badass so far in it. Though, it looks like in one of the frames, there is some geno stuff going on; which, oh no.
It is cool to see this comic; which already looks great, get an awesome animation like this. It is always cool to see gifs, animations, animatics, etc., sometimes like this with comics and/or etc.! Though, I also know they can take a lot of time, so take ur time and rest and stuff okay! Really excited for more of this series, but I can also wait!!
Oh man this gave me all sorts of warm feelings. It really hits me in the feelings when people enjoy my work especially the relationship exploration because its one of my favorite things to explore. Trying to find some key things about a character and see how they react and interact with scenarios and people that you haven't before.
For example the younger intern version of sans is, at his core, pretty much the same person. Just a version that hasn't "gone through" the same things yet.
And it sort of is an exploration of the relationship a person has with themselves and the people around them especially after they have gone through things and change.
But anyways thank you so much!
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asleepyy · 8 months
Hello! I just did yet another reread of your comic, so here's a list of random things I love about it!! Sorry if this is a bit uuuhhhh MUCH but I just love your comic a lot, and want to share some of that love, and this seemed like the best way to go about that. So:
-The way Azazel's wings are so fluffy and Jophiel's are so sleek! Your stylization of them is so pretty.
-How you draw Azazel's hands always folded as if in prayer, or fiddling...even though the rest of him is often so still. Very true to Aziraphale, of course, but also fitting of an owl - still and always observing. But still, something that betrays that vigilance.
-Jophiel's honest-to-someone mullet in Mesopotamia. I love him so much. His little curls give me life.
-How Jophiel is always moving, angling his head in funny ways, pulling absurd expressions! He's so fun and mobile, which is just perfect to contrast our very sad and stationary owl.
-just a second being overwhelmed again at the fact that Azazel risked and gave up everything for Jophiel and continues to do so after Falling for him I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine this is fine.
-The way they are so in character in this!! I love reverse AUs but it's very hard to keep them in character in them. You do so flawlessly, to the point that as I find myself trying to imagine future story beats, I struggle to because I just see them acting the way they do in the canon. Stellar writing.
-Jophiel's wink in Mesopotamia. This deserves its own point in this list. As does Azazel finally getting to look happy in the frame after, even if it doesn't last...oh sweet owl...
-Azazel tugging on Jophiel's abaya in Golgatha...completely unnecessary to get his attention, didn't need to pull him closer or anything, but it's like the fiddling of his hands wasn't soothing enough and he needed to reach out in this moment of fear for Jophiel, always asking questions.
-The return of Jophiel's mullet in Heaven! Hell yeah
-help you draw Muriel SO cute.
-Azazel's "I've personally witnessed an Angel become an owl" PLEASE it's so devastating yet so funny
-Every time we get a little frame of just Jophiel's eyes reacting with sorrow and anger at moments when it's so, so clear Azazel was never meant to Fall. His eyes are SO expressive. I don't think your future sunglasses are gonna hide the fact that you're constantly glaring at god my guy.
-I really love the way you draw Jophiel's nose, it's gorgeous!
-Jophiel. Calls. Him. Angel. Need to lie down
-Seriously, I should've anticipated it, and I didn't, that's on me, but my HEART was not READY and I'm obsessed with this scene and its implications. The way Jophiel, deep down, doesn't even see Azazel as a demon ("you were an angel once" "that was a long time ago"). How pleased and adorable Azazel is at being referred to thusly (the little hair poofs!!!). The care they have long held for each other, in its unique and strange manifestations, revealing itself as a tangible burgeoning affection.
-Jophiel's declaration on the most recent page to protect Azazel, having no freaking clue that he's frankly 4500 years late to the game. Glad to have you here, your demon friend has been protecting YOU since before time was invented! Woo...but seriously, such a powerful and touching moment all around.
Anyway, I know this is ridiculously long, but goodness knows long comments on my GO fics always make ME very happy, so I figured you wouldn't mind. ;) I eagerly anticipate every update and bit of art, and when you make this comic into physical form, I will be camping out front of the pre-orders like it's a Black Friday sale. Tent and all. And snacks.
Take care!
🥹🥹😭😭 THANK YOU!!! This is super super sweet thank you for taking ur time to do this!!! I think I’d create the first physical copy when we finish season one of the show in the story, and then if interest is still high, a second physical copy for when we tackle season 2!
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inhonoredglory · 1 month
i dont know if you partake in any of the doctor who comics at all - i certainly dont. i like keeping my sanity safe (its a mess of strange stories and paradoxes from what ive been able to tell. as are most comic series). but recently there was one that elaborated a bit on rose and the metacrisis’s life post journeys end, and its one of the few pieces of media we have for them. i didnt care enough to read the whole thing, the only interesting part to me was apparently they had a little girl named mia, and ive been thinking abt that dynamic nonstop since. cant decide how realistic it is for them, but on the otherside augh its so sweet. anyway, i just wanted to ask how you feel about rose and the metacrisis in general, and whatever that entails. curious abt ur thoughts on them!
- armin anon/lesbian anon/whatever you feel like calling me lol
OMGG my anon (of many names lol)! OK first off, I drafted some of this way back but forgot to add on and post, so in the words of our beloved Doctor,
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🌹 But onto the DW comics and Meta-Crisis/Rose!!
I only recently started reading the comics, starting with the ones about Gabby Gonzalez by Nick Abadzis, and I have to admit:
They make me yearn pretty fucking hard to run away and travel with the Doctor. There's some killer art by Elena Casagrande that feels so much like the Doctor we know and love (that kindness, that earnest love.... god!! my heart and soul!!).
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But I warn ye (any readers of this post), DO NOT TOUCH Volume 2 by Robbie Morrison. He takes Ten blatantly out of character, making him out to be an arrogant bastard who belittles his companion and is flippant in the face of suffering. (Morrison watched too much Eleven, methinks 🙈)
I haven't read the Rose/Meta-Crisis comic yet (part of the Empire of the Wolf series), but I did see the important panel from that series, showing Rose's daughter Mia:
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I think the Meta-Crisis settling down to have a family with Rose is pretty in-character and very much what the Tenth Doctor would have wanted, as much as it hurt him.
Because Ten fundamentally felt unworthy of Rose.
💔 The Doctor's Trauma
Rose was strong and compassionate and amazing, and Ten had done so much, seen so much, experienced so much tragedy and guilt. He's a man wrecked by PTSD, depression, shame, and self-blame. He felt like it wasn't fair to her that she'd sacrifice her life to someone who would go on living and changing and becoming a different person, while she grew old and died in a world without a home and away from everyone she knew.
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He didn't want her to become like him, homeless and without the love of friends and family, because to be him is to be alone. And he didn't want that for her. Because he wanted her to be happy, not just momentarily, but for the rest of her life.
Ten is a man who loathes taking life, and it weighs on him every time someone sacrifices who they are because they love him.
It's no surprise Ten's entire decision about the Meta-Crisis took place after Davros massively guilt-tripped him into thinking it was his fault that all those people died. (It wasn't.) But Davros played on Ten's depression and trauma, manipulating Ten into thinking he had done unforgivable things to the people he loved. (when in fact those people died because they were inspired to be selfless like him, or were killed someplace beyond the Doctor's reach)
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I've actually been doing a lot of research on Ten's trauma (including invaluable insight from Judith Lewis Herman's famous book Trauma and Recovery). This journal article about Major Depressive Disorder speaks so deeply to Ten's character, especially post-Time War and post-Davros:
"Guilt promotes altruistic behavior via acting out reparative tendencies, whereas shame reduces altruism by means of increasing social and interpersonal distance."
This explains so much about Ten's choice to sacrifice his own happiness and ask Rose to take his Meta-Crisis as her life partner. He's pushing her away, isolating himself. He's rejecting the people he loves the most because he's in a very, very dark place.
🖤🤍💜 An Asexual (Meta) Reading
There's so many reasons that Ten felt he couldn't give Rose the life she wanted (his trauma, his values). There's one angle I've been sifting around in my head in the past couple years, and it's more of a headcanon than anything: For me, because of the way the Doctor's character has been established since 1963, the Doctor's own asexuality is an almost meta-conceptual reason why the Doctor in general can't have a "normative," family life.
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He couldn't say "I love you"—not because he didn't love her. (He loved her more than he ever loved himself.) But also because he knew what saying those words would mean: the expectations, the responsibility, the behaviors he felt she deserved to have from him because those words carry so much weight in human culture. All those things he could not give her.
But the Meta-Crisis could. I personally headcanon that the Meta-Crisis is not asexual like the Doctor. (Just like John Smith may not have been asexual either.) The point of both John Smith and the Meta-Crisis is showing how much they differ from the Doctor—and I think sexuality is one of those differences. It's why it was so easy for John Smith to imagine a traditional life, why it was so easy for the Meta-Crisis to promise his entire world and his entire self to Rose on that beach.
🌹 The Meta-Crisis and Rose Tyler
Which brings me back to the Tentoo himself. He was born in battle and he can die, but what does that exactly mean for his life with Rose? It's fascinating because to imagine the Doctor feeling mortality and knowing he cannot cheat death anymore—that's a horrific, terrifying thing.
There are actually two Big Finish Audios that explore this traumatic realization for the Doctor, and what that does to him. (They're both one-shots from Jackie's POV and narration, and you can listen to them here: Part 1, Part 2).
It makes Tentoo lean into his Ninth-era darkness, a ruthlessness to villains driven by the fear that he cannot protect Rose because he is not indestructible. But luckily for him, there are people he loves around him (Jackie and Rose) who keep him from that darkness.
Additionally, the Big Finish stories lean into the fact that Tentoo and Rose aren't sitting idly by. Both of them work for Torchwood and are growing their own TARDIS to continue to defend the Earth.
They don't settle down into a domestic life, at least not right away, and I think that suits them both. We know how much Rose didn't want the life of eating chips and watching telly. But listen to what RTD's Doctor Who has always tried to say: How deeply important the everyday things are, how much the Doctor, for how amazing they are, craves for a life of simplicity and the stupid little things that define humanity.
Because here's the key: It wasn't the everyday things that bothered Rose. Like she told Mickey in "Parting of the Ways":
ROSE: But what do I do every day, mum? What do I do? Get up, catch the bus, go to work, come back home, eat chips and go to bed? Is that it? MICKEY: It's what the rest of us do. ROSE: But I can't! MICKEY: Why, because you're better than us? ROSE: No, I didn't mean that. But it was. It was a better life. And I don't mean all the travelling and seeing aliens and spaceships and things. That don't matter. The Doctor showed me a better way of living your life. You know he showed you too. That you don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand. You say no. You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away
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Rose didn't hate the domestic, everyday life. She hated how life had no meaning.
She hated how people let things happen to them, without challenging anything or standing up for anything. She didn't want to travel as much as she wanted to live, to be something and do something with her life.
And that's the magic of Doctor Who, particularly RTD's era. Because you can be amazing and you can have meaning even without the Doctor, but the Doctor shows you how.
You stand up for what you believe is right and you choose to give meaning to what you do in life. You don't need to travel the stars to do that. You can make choices that give your life meaning right here and now. You can believe in something. You can find meaning in your place in the universe. You can give your enthusiasm and time to something that is important. Meaning and purpose comes from how we see the world, and that change in perspective is what Rose finds with the Doctor.
If Rose is with someone who can fill her life with meaning, who inspires her to see life as a beautiful adventure, then it really doesn't matter what she's doing with them. In The Impossible Planet, Rose was completely willing to settle down with Ten to "find a planet, get a job, live a life, same as the rest of the universe." Why? Because she'd be with him.
ROSE: This lot said they'd give us a lift. DOCTOR: And then what? ROSE: I don't know. Find a planet, get a job, live a life, same as the rest of the universe.
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If I imagine Tentoo as a dad, I can't help but imagine him like Tennant himself. Kind, giving, selfless, and loving. I think Tentoo would be so afraid of letting someone hurt his child, because he hasn't had a family in so long, and he isn't the same man he was in those ancient days when, as a completely different man, he had a family.
He's a man still afraid of himself, still keenly aware of the inhuman things he's capable of. I think this fear would drive Rose and him closer together, like it did when he was Nine. But Tentoo is more self-aware now, more willing to grow and change and be different. Because he's the Doctor who was given a second chance, to live the life he thought he'd never have with the person he loves. He wants to be different to make this work.
I also think Tentoo would be the Doctor who passes on his title after he's gone. Not that I like to think about Tentoo dying one day, but let's be real: Where would his TARDIS go? As a half-human, I think Tentoo could imagine Mia taking on the role of Defender of the Earth when he and Rose have passed on. She would have been there to see it grow, and she would have been there when Tentoo and Rose first stepped out into the stars with this brand-new TARDIS. Because of his mortality, I think it would make Tentoo more open to sharing the secret, sacred things of his Gallifreyan people with the family he chose to start. He's not alone anymore, he has someone to share it with, someone who will pass it on after him and keep the world safe in his stead.
Which is all to say, I think it's a gift that Rose has the Meta-Crisis. Because when Ten regenerated and became, as he said, a completely different man, she was able to stay with the person she fell in love with and explore what that life was like, to have him with her for all of her life, and all of his.
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kindlespark · 4 months
omg i was just going through ur babel posts and i was wondering if u had any more details abt the cohortswap au, it looked super interesting! love ur art btw <3
cohortswap is basically an au eren @chromathesia came up with where griffin and robin swap places in the story; robin is now the older golden child gone astray, and griffin is now the younger second failure. and the rest of the cohorts get swapped with them!
we have a lore doc that is like over 14 pages long but we are keeping the full thing under wraps for now because eren is writing a massive fic they don't want to spoil too early lmaooo
some foundational deets:
ramy still dies... so sorry. except in this case he and robin planned to run and leave babel for the hermes society together (the um. romantic eloping is implied but unfortunately i don't think either of them get a real chance to act on it), and they plan for victoire to stay behind to keep leaking information out to them. letty finds out and betrays them the same way; calling the cops and barging in with a gun and. yeah. except this time, because it happens outside their dorm rooms, robin manages to escape, and drags ramy's body across half of oxford to bury him in the garden of the old library. he is deeply deeply fucked up from this
professor lovell doesn't die... so sorry. furious about robin's betrayal, he blames it on robin being corrupted by spending too long in his home country, and rips griffin out of china early. but he realises very quickly that griffin isn't fluent in chinese and can barely hold a candle to robin's talent. he never tells griffin about robin but very much takes it all out on griffin, who grows up feeling compared to a ghost his whole childhood. when he first meets robin it all clicks, and he can't help but resent his older brother for the hell he got put through
to save herself, victoire sucks up to letty, tells her that she almost got hooked by hermes and wants out and to put it behind them after everything, and letty is so desperate to believe it that she pulls all her strings to vouch for her and keep her safe. victoire remains at babel and she keeps working covertly with hermes under letty's nose. my comic was about letty and victoire first seeing griffin in babel, and mistaking him for robin. letty doesnt take it well lmao but also in her bullheaded stubbornness starts to treats griffin as her second chance to prevent robin's "mistakes" from happening again lollll
so that's like the general premise! here's some other fun deets:
robin is... severely depressed but is determined to follow through on hermes' work and not give himself an easy out like ramy implied. griffin is so desperately eager for more of hermes when he finds out, but robin keeps him at an arms' length for ages because he's literally been wanting to die for years and is not prepared or willing to have a little brother to look after now. they end up butting heads more often than not and it's a very strained relationship (as griffin and robin's relationship is in canon)
when griffin fails his silver-working test, it's because robin tries to help offhand by giving him a matchpair he came up with. griffin can't get it to work in the exam, but worst of all, chakravarti recognises it as robin's work. he doesn't report griffin for it since he's also a part of hermes, but he tries to give griffin a second chance to come up with his own, and griffin can't, so he fails. up until that point griffin had been trying to hide from robin how little he knew, so the look on robin's face when griffin next sees him is unbearable, like, the mix of pity and anger that griffin didn't tell him, the disappointment that griffin wasn't the connection to robin's culture he wanted, the guilt that robin let lovell rip someone else out of their home, and now griffin knows exactly what letting down an older brother feels like. but it all happens in the half second before robin squashes it all down and gets down to business because there are more important things to worry about and maybe it's good that can't get caught up in griffin's life like this. to quote eren: "i think the worst part to griffin would be that robin just treats it like a setback. like okay, that's one less tool for you to use, you'll have to make up for that deficiency somewhere, moving on, when he wants robin to react as though it's personal to him that griffin doesn't measure up because it should be, because griffin's not good enough for their father (and robin always rolls his eyes when griffin tries to claim lovell and griffin knows why but lies to himself that he doesn't) so he must not be good enough to this tarnished golden child, the prodigal son that lovell tried to recreate. but no, he's just slightly more ineffectual gear within the revolution now, that's a slight hiccup at best and not an entire childhood snatched away from a boy whose clearest memory of canton is the smell of sesame oil in a wok" 
robin warns griffin about recruiting evie very early on, but doesn't tell him about letty or ramy for a long while because the wound is still fresh. griffin still persists, and robin is forced to whisk griffin out of babel after he kills evie. and he's just a mess whispering "you were right you were right im sorry im so sorry" because robin told him this could happen, but he let love and idealism cloud his judgments with evie, and robin has NEVER seen griffin like this, and any angry berating about griffin's stupid misjudgments die on his lips
griffin/anthony is so so very real. anthony is recruited by victoire separately, so griffin isn't even aware for a while and i think anthony actually held off on telling griffin bc of how close he was with sterling LOL. griffin and sterling had something insane going on at first, with sterling trying to be genuinely sympathetic to griffin's plight as an attempt to distinguish himself from his uncle's legacy, before the years drive them apart and griffin becomes aware that everything sterling conceded to him was merely lipservice. anthony and griffin get really close after they realise the other is already apart of hermes and post-evie as well. eren writes sterling as a critique of armchair radicals who see a sliver of violent liberation in practice and easily revert back into believing that the oppressed are savages. evie is a critique of white woman tears <3 i do believe she cries every time someone called her out for saying anything a little racist
yeah um there is way more and we both have comic/fic wips we're working on for the au but i will end this post here because it got so insanely long christ above. thank you so much for the question though i have soooo many thoughts about cohortswap au it's been absolutely taking over my brain
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
hyped for claude story, just from the little blurb and ur tags it looks like its gonna be hysterical
I'm gonna be real man. Is there tight plot? No. Is there anything other than dialogue? Of course not. Is it fast paced? You don't even need to ask. But it is the unwilling recipient of months of my insanity, and for that purpose I admire its resilience. It works because it is also the story of one boy slowly descending into absolute insanity.
I think people sometimes think of Claude as the comic relief and 'only sane man' in the leaders. This is untrue. He's fucking nuts. Imagine if a Japanese-American read a lot of websites on Japan and decided to move to Japan, pretend he was fully Japanese despite obviously being half-White, had been there the entire time, and became Emperor of Japan. He's living his best Dancing With Wolves life. My first decision of the story was that Claude probably didn't call himself his white people name/alias in his head, and that ended up changing a lot. I think if you take a different perspective of him, and decide to understand him a certain way, he becomes absolutely the most bugfuck and interesting character in FE3H.
All three House leaders pretend to be good people and, in fact, are actually pretty shitty people (except for Yuri, who pretends to be a bad person and is an actual angel). Claude is selfish, self-centered, and apathetic. Claude here is actually worse than in canon - for actual reasons that will become clear around 75k into the story. Weekenders was about somebody who saved lives but doomed souls; Rosetta Headstone is about somebody who saved souls but doomed themselves. I think the ending of both stories reflects that.
Anyway, meanwhile Byleth is living her New Game+ and she is killing it.
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Also, transcript of that text under the cut - it's a bit long for alt text.
Byleth walked through the door. The bucket of water fell on her head. She had been absolutely drenched. 
Byleth had blinked at them, water dripping in rivulets across her hair. Most of the class was laughing their ass off, even Khalid. An absolutely atrocious first impression on their teacher, but the students had successfully won dominance. They had driven away their first teacher in tears and they could do the same to this one. Every student in the class either hated to work (Hilda and Marianne, for surprisingly identical reasons), hated being told what to do (Leonie, Lorenz, Lysithea), or went along with the rest (Ignatz and Raphael). There had been no intention of bowing down to an authority figure. What were they, the Blue Lions? Bootlickers?
“Is there a leak?” Byleth asked. 
The laughter died. Everybody stared at Byleth. Byleth tilted her head. 
Slow, tremulous, Ignatz pointed at the bucket. Byleth looked down, squinting.
“Oh. Why was that there?”
Straight faced, Hilda said, “Maybe the custodian left it.”
“Okay.” Byleth had walked forward, taking her place in the front of class. She bowed, a little stiff and awkward. “Hello. I’m your teacher. Please treat me well.” She looked up, eyes crinkling faintly in what Khalid would come to recognize as her edition of a smile. “I’m happy to be here.”
The tone was set. Byleth was unflappable. 
Salt in her coffee? She drank it all without flinching. Hidden alarm clock set to ring during class? She found it instantly. Frogs labeled 1, 2, and 4 in the classroom? Byleth sadly noted that 3 must have been eaten by a hawk, and she spent the rest of the class delighting over her shiny new frogs. Watching her feed the frogs little worms was adorable. It was so cute that the pranks stopped. Nobody could stomach it anymore. She was too innocent. 
Khalid, famous for his honest, straightforward, and upfront nature, hated liars. And Professor Byleth was stinking of deceit. Nobody was that adorable. She had a plot and he would sniff it out. 
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lazaruspiss · 3 months
your ship, character and fandom opinions are so based. i'm also a poly robin shipper so it's nice to see there are more of us here. anyway, i'd love to hear what are your all time favorite dc ships and why, and if you have any headcanons (sfw and nsfw) about them. or you can just ramble about any fic ideas you have, the ones you've mentioned already are very interesting.
thank u for the compliments and also the many things to talk about!! <3 mwah! (readmore added bc of length)
picking a favorite ship is so hard, because im a multishipper and real big on leaving my options open so that i have the most opportunity in any given story!! like, brudick and sladick are both ones i love for dark stories, but they each give such different angles and paths that you can take. all combinations of robins are dear to me for different reasons. and even within the context of one ship, i can usually come up with a lot of different directions that they can go it!!
i can't even say "X is my favorite for Y types of stories" because with a good pairing theres so much you can do with a variety of types of stories!! so. def cant pick a favorite, but i can list some that i like! they mostly involve Dick, bc my biases are quite obivious, lol.
Dick ships: Bruce, Slade, Talia, Slade/Talia, Tim, Jason, Steph, Damian (but it depends a lot on context, i see Dick as being very careful about not taking advantage), any poly robins combo, Slade/Rose, Tara
other ships: Slade/Rose, Slade/Talia, any robins together, Bruce/Talia (but only if Talia is having daddy issues about it), Nyssa/Talia (Nyssa repeatedly kills and revives her to make her understand her anger at Ra's. the rituals. they're intricate i swear-)(but also in arkham knight Nyssa compares her love for Talia to Bruce's explicitly romantic love for Talia and i've never been normal about that), any combo of the Al Ghuls tbh they're so mentally ill about each other
so uhhhhhh. really you could pitch any Dick ship at me and get me talking. if anyone wants to ask about that list ur welcome to lol
fic ideas!!! i have some shorter ones, like a Blackfire/Robin non-con based on that one scene from tt03, but i kinda wanna take this chance to ramble about my longer ideas!
u may have seen some of these, but i have a series called "days without incident" which is a bunch of shorter than usual fics stringing together random semi canon compliant scenes of Dick being in dangerous sexual situations, which are eventually going to end in a rlly angsty fic of Dick being assaulted and just accepting it. it sounds dark, and it is, but due to the length and format they really just serve as quick writing warm-ups more than anything.
DIDick AU. a friend of mine has been on the receiving end of so many DMs of me fleshing out these alter OCs, to the point that it would feel weird if I didn't write anything for it. the problem is that when I think about it, it all revolves around characters and there's no real plot line to use for it. I could just rant about it, bc figuring out what I want to do for a story about them is really tricky. it's also tough bc it's a teeny bit more personal than I usually go for. do /I/ have DID? unclear. I probably wouldn't tell you either way. anyways, it's an idea i want to more with but it's just more complicated to work on than most others.
suicide fic. "Where The Dead Stay Dead", title in reference to this being in a "Jason Stays Dead AU". i want to take a sort of dark comedy direction, but i have trouble controlling how the tone ends up when I write. Dick tries to kill himself post Jason's death + many other bad times but Slade just happens to pop in to try and bother him that day, and is uh. he doesn't know how to feel about it, the kid dying in front of him, but he drags Dick to a safe house and does some made-up comic book science fuckery to give Dick his healing factor. Dick is not very happy about this when he wakes up. the rest of the story follows an arrangement where Dick searches for a way to perma die and is generally a depressed grumpy bitch about everything, and Slade secretly tries to get him to stop doing that while trying to figure out a way to revive Jason. whichever ends up being easier. a lot of it would probably just be about Slade feeling lost with this "new" version of Dick, as well as the two of them swapping stories about dead loved ones and learning how to mourn.
timcel fic. that was the placeholder title, before i settled on "Nature's Order (As Told From Alpha To Beta)", but i still call it the timcel fic for short <3 the alpha in that title is Ra's, and the beta is Tim. the kick off for the story is that Ra's kidnaps omega Dick to use as a human incubator bc he and Talia had a spat that's left him heir-less, and he kidnaps Tim to make Dick more compliant. it's a really extreme take on "right wing alpha male pipeline, but omegaverse". it's gonna be a lot of bad times for Dick <3 i've talked about it so much with my friend that one time they mentioned basing smth partially off of Nature's Order Tim, and I think that's a good sign that I should really be writing this properly at this point. I have started chapter one! but bc it's gonna be a long one I want to get three chapters done before I start posting, bc having a few extra chapters written will help with my nerves a bit.
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pangzi · 2 years
THANK YOU for talking about pangzi in the tags of that post ur so right it makes me soooo happy to read fics where he's is fat and happy and hot and loved and it sucks when other people can't see that because of their bias
thanks again for bringing it up because i do think its something the fandom as a whole needs to look at more critically
I'm glad it's not just me and a handful of people close to me seeing that it's an actual big issue in the fandom! ♥️
Especially because so many people will say they love him, he's their favourite but then never actually include him or just treat him awfully.
I get very fed up about it quite often because it's just so obvious to me. I see a lot of people asking "Why is this idea about Pangzi so common it makes no sense" or "Why is this Pangzi ship not as popular as this one while it makes way more sense" and then never actually thinking about it while the answer is so obvious... It's also extra frustrating because none of the actors playing Pangzi are actually fat. They're completely normal men who are just surrounded by extremely skinny boys. I don't even want to imagine how Pangzi would be treated if he were played by an actual fat man. (The closest we get is Liu Tianzuo in TLT1 and it's not surprising to me that he's fandom's least favourite and most criticized Pangzi)
Because this bias also becomes most obvious in headcanons like 'I can only imagine Pangzi as asexual/cishet/in a QPR' (because they're so so fucking common and casually thrown around) it's really hard to point it out to people without them getting really defensive about it.
I have three separate posts about it in my drafts/notes app that I wrote after spending weeks and weeks working on video lectures about diversity and inclusion, many focusing on bias but I couldn't get the tone right so I never posted them.
I just want people to understand that everyone is biased and it's not something that makes you a bad person. Nobody wants to be biased, you just are. You get taught things by the world around you and your brain learns it whether you want it or not. It's up to you to look at what you have learned and think about it at least twice and then unlearn the harmful untrue things like gender bias, fat bias, race bias. It's not easy to address your bias but it does get easier once you accept you are biased and (not to use the terms I learned in my diversity lectures) start overriding your fast brain and start listening to your slow brain. I was once told that your first thought is what you have been taught by the world around you (fast brain) and your second thought is what you, yourself, actually think (slow brain). It's hard and a bit exhausting, especially with something like fat bias that has been so deeply ingrained and normalised, but god when i tell you it makes your world so much more beautiful.
Fat people deserve to be fat and still be loved and happy and seen as sexy and a potential love interest. Pangzi is fat and hot and a wonderful lovely competent man who is strong and funny and kind. He is extremely loved by the people around him, especially Wu Xie and Xiaoge. He has so so so many good and wonderful traits but he also has his quirks and he says the wrong things sometimes and he's impulsive at moments but that's what makes him so interesting and beautiful and dynamic! He deserves to be portrayed like that more instead of just the mother hen who cooks and cleans while the rest has sex or as the wingman for his two besties or the annoying clumsy fat man who once again triggers a trap because of his greed or just the comic relief or the creepy straight man.
ANYWAY I'll shut up now! If you ever want to talk about how how beautiful Pangzi is and how beautiful other characters think he is and how sexy it is of him to be fat, my DMs are always open!
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counterattacker · 1 year
so I like the art yo u made of um your monster say and arc AU or what not, and actually I saw them before and came back t olook again!! well, sorry that's probably not the right way to refer to them... uh anyway, um if you're willing to tell, do they have lore? or just silly versions ? either is good and any response of course is extra nice!!! annd.. this is my first time asking something to anyone. Anyways ur art is awesome thanks for reading!! <3
Oh man, thank you so, so much for the super-nice ask!!!! First of all, this absolutely made my day, and second of all, as for loooore...
(Long post, so it's going under a read-more!)
So, those Say and Arc designs, alongside a design for the Queen of Teeth (character from early Ghost songs/lore) that never saw the light of day, were for an AU that I've put on hold called Elegy for a Traveler. The basic premise of Elegy was that it was this giant crossover-but-not-really with vocal synths (primarily Vocaloid, SynthV, and UTAU, with a handful of fanloids and Cevio mascots), and characters from vocal synth songs (primarily Ghost, Masa's series, and Evillious Chronicles), all mixed together in this world where humans, gods, spirits and other strange creatures live! The few bits of it that were written were told in a sort of 'nested story' style-- part of Arc's story was being told by Say as a little tangent in their explanation to the main character as to why they're sitting in a tree in the middle of nowhere, while all of these stories are, themselves, being told to a gang of rowdy kids as a bedtime story. It's like nesting dolls, but for storytelling!
With that squared away, I can get to actually answering the question you asked: Say and Arc's lore! They were a Sikuvok (an original creature species created specifically for Elegy; I completely rehauled the species and made it its own thing after putting Elegy on hold, so I'd probably redesign Elegy!Say & Arc slightly if I were to pick the AU back up), living in the woods with their family and generally accepting the controlling behavior and strict nature of their parents & the other adults in their little group. That is... until Arc came along.
Arc was born in winter of the same year as Say, and was particularly strange and loud and spontaneous, especially for a Sikuvok. They often dreamed up new ideas that made no sense, provoked the adults into fights despite their youth and inexperience, and worst of all (or, at least, worst if you're a very traditional-minded cat-weasel creature that lives in the woods), they picked their own name. Say was intrigued by them, and spent a great deal of time with them, to the point where they thought of and treated each other as siblings. Say's parents, however, were deeply upset by this and, one night, after being lectured by their father and reasserting their position as Arc's brother, they gave themself what essentially amounts to a battlefield amputation except for top surgery and fled with Arc out into the rest of the world. There, they built their own little life, wandering from place to place in search of interesting secrets.
As for silly versions, I don't particularly have any official ones, but I did discuss the concept of a shampooed and blow-dried Elegy!Say and Arc with some friends once-- they would be extremely comically fluffy and lack any intimidation factor whatsoever, so, I don't know, but that seems pretty silly to me!
Thank you so, so much again for the ask-- I really appreciate it!
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what do you think of tfp and tfa
ok so my answer is kinda related to ur other question (what got me into tf) so im gonna answer them both at once!
tfp and tfa are the two shows i've watched the most i think? tfp i finished, tfa i finished, earthspark i finished the first season and rescue bots i've seen bits and pieces of.
see, my very first exposure to tf EVER was tfp when i was a kid! i watched it and liked it and then moved on and didn't think much of it. then in january of last year, i watched pacific rim and really loved the big robots aspect, so me and my mom watched the bay movies- and we were both horrified. both of us, horrified. honest to god maybe one of the worst big budget films i have ever seen. i was actually really bummed about it too cause i wanted more CONTENT!! so then i went looking and found out about the bumblebee movie! i watched that, and LOVED IT. that's when i got hooked.
after watching bumblebee, i went back and binged tfp in like 2 weeks, and then read the comics, and the rest is history :)
as far as my reviews of the shows:
tfp is really, REALLY good. it definitely has its problems (starscream's characterization is a lil problematic on... multiple levels) but overall i thought the plot and characters were really strong! i also super appreciated the more serious tone. it didn't feel like i was watching a kid's show at all, and i think that makes it sort of unique. uhh it was super fucking cool they got peter cullen to be prime again. the character designs i think did a great job modernizing the characters without making them terrible metal amalgamations like bayverse (sans maybe megatron... he's a little too comically evil for my tastes) also, i think the human characters (even w all the hate miko gets) were pretty likable! anyways, like i said, the series def has it's flaws, but tfp will always, always hold a special place in my heart, and it's absoltely my fav TF show.
tfa is a solid 7/10 for me. i think it has a lot of cool concepts, and the break from g1 lore in favor of a totally new universe was pretty interesting! also, the theme song is a fucking BANGER. character designs were pretty 50/50 on whether i liked them or not. and the overall plot was pretty alright! unfortunately, i think the episode-to-episode dialogue + scripts were pretty... weak. like "along came a spider" i think is the episode i noticed this the most on- where the story concept was there but the editing and execution just made it really hard to watch. which is definitely a symptom of it, yk, being a show made for children- but i feel like tfp makes an effort to be MORE than that and tfa doesn't. overall, i think i get more enjoyment out of fan content for tfa (which is always really good) than the actual show. so, it wasn't terrible, but i prooobably wouldn't ever wanna rewatch it.
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sw4tch · 2 years
u should info dump about smth, anything
(ali my friend my beloved my good time gamer and bestie HIIII!!!! 💕💕💕)
it's not like i don't have topics to infodump about, but the truth is that i feel like you've handed me a mic in the middle of karaoke and now it's my turn (oh god it's my TURN)
also 👉👈 um um i'm not sure if the info i'd be dumping would be NEW or interesting to anyone. why am i overthinking this. "I have no mouth but I must Rant" kinda situation over here.
Like I'd LOVE to infodump about my very, very personal deltarunesona au shenanigans I've been working on for like, a YEAR now- but that feels too PERSONAL to TALK about on my PERSONAL blog, gods forbid I show any kind of Intense Passion i have which might be deemed """""weird"""""
Same goes for my 4 DnD characters (DID U KNOW I RECENTLY FINISHED A WHOLE CAMPAIGN?!?!?! MY FIRST CAMPAIGN and my tiefling paladin got the happiest most lesbian ending possible, hell yeah) bcus i have LOTS of lore for them but i always end up. Not sharing it? Not even with my fellow players on the table bcus man i know they don't really care lol. Like, did u know i have Powerpoints of various lengths talking about them?!?!?!? For at least 2 of them. Eshuu (my most favorite warlock, my goat boy whomst i love deeply) got the 5 star treatment and his powerpoint has 40 slides of content. I JUST LOVE ALL OF MY CHARACTERS and i have been CURSED, cursed I TELL YA to play on tables that don't really. Have that same passion for roleplaying characters (acting wise, u know) or creating OCs. Like cmon guys i thought we all agreed dnd was for repressed theater kids (JOKE)
hmm hmm I MEAN my on rotation rants currently are:
Deltarune (just. listen this is MY BEHEMOTH talk about deltarune with me and i will just not shut up. mostly i like to talk about speculation of what will happen on the next chapters and my god. my god, toby fox when will ur brainworms end (never apparently)).
Star wars (THIS IS A SPECIAL ONE. OKAY??? BCUS I BECOME A FUCKING HATER WHEN SOMEONE EVEN BRINGS IT UP. Not because I don't like star wars per se, BUT I HAVE FUCKING BEEF WITH IT AS A FRANCHISE. This all started on the day i was born ON THE DAY they released that last trilogy movie and my life fucking ended. "somehow palpatine returned" I WILL NEVER LET THAT GO, THEY MADE MY BEAUTIFUL MAN OSCAR ISAAC SAY THAT LINE AND NOW HE'S THE FACE OF STAR WARS' SECOND GREATEST NARRATIVE SIN- HOW COULD THEY DO THAT!!!!! WHO WROTE THAT!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I MEAN. I MEAN. I'm always ready to list all of the reasons why i fuckin love Mob Psycho 100 but i don't think that's revolutionary. Everyone is doing it these days. Anyway I am in love with Reigen Arataka and my hot take is that HOW could you not love him. Also the Reigen spinoff is GENIUS bcus it's not even ABOUT him.
This is also a special case but it's not a rant im always ready to make but. Homestuck 2. The epilogues. Krusty from the Simpsons going "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT".gif As I'm sure you'd suspect I have STRONG emotions and OPINIONS about All that mess. What a trainwreck. They did ONE thing right but it did not justify the Clown Show it all was. My god. my god.
The legion of super heroes (and by extension, the CW and Michael fuckin' Bendis): Do you wanna know my complicated relationship with DC comics, my love-hate relationship with it, my love for supergirl, my love for the supergirl series which ENDED UP BADLY and also my deep deep love for one of the most BEATEN AND BRUISED hero teams in modern runs???? My god this rant is for YOU. But all u have to know is that I love Brainiac 5, he's my beloved, and i think my love cursed him to be the most DONE DIRTY character of all time. It is my cross, my burden to bear.
I'd add the magnus archives to that list BUT admittedly I still haven't finished the podcast and I have still a very loose grasp on the concepts they just introduced on s3. BUT. B U T. JUST KNOW. I love Elias Bouchard he's evil and he sucks and he made me listen to the brutal pipe murder of a man and i went "wow :) what the hell is his deal <3"
Well. Well I think that's my infodump about MY possible infodumps. Now that I think about it, i'm not sure if this is the answer u wanted. As in, was ur ask made in response to something else? Literally i dont know why i am once more overthinking about it. ANYWAY ALI ILU AND I'M ALWAYS GLAD TO HEAR FROM U!!!!!!! SORRY I DONT TEXT MORE LIFE IS HECTIC AND WHEN TOO MUCH TIME PASSES I START TO THINK I MIGHT BE BOTHERING PEOPLE, BUT ILU FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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0ccultist · 2 years
About Me
hi i'm ken! 23, he/him, studying art and film. i have strong feelings about physical media and preserving media. the hbo max animation purge is what pushed me to make this blog, burn DVDs/CDs, and start compiling everything i can.
Some notes about this blog:
- i RB all the media links i can find- meaning i haven't watched/read 95% of what you'll see here personally, in the interest of gathering as large of a collection as possible.
- i tag everything- tumblr search does suck, but give it a try! either by name of specific media, or by category (movies, shows, cartoons, comics, books, musicals, music [concert footage falls under this category too], and uncategorized [uncategorized is usually large fan-works])
- i personally collect HORROR DVDs, CARTOON DVDs, PUNK ROCK CDs and POP PUNK CDs, and i aim to upload the entirety of my collection and continue to as it grows. so look forward to those! (still trying to figure out the cheapest and easiest option for this)
finally, you can find drives of infinity train, mao mao, and ok ko here (edit- also close enough and uncle grandpa!) and hopefully the rest of the victims of the hbo max purge over time. will update
anyways, download and get physical copies of ur favorite media just in case whenever possible drink water and have a delightful time in this tumblr library
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
okay i guess i should do a thoughts dump post cause otherwise im gonna be spamming the tag with like a hundred posts lol:
warning, this is basically word vomit lol
first let’s get the non bart stuff out of the way:
- as much of an ass lor is he’s most probably the most insanely talented villain out there, his dad is a fool for not listening to him it’s gonna bite him in the ass !
- the zods tho r such a great couple LOL like they’re all so entertaining to watch, Ursa is unhinged we love to see it !! when they were in the solar pods i found it so funny they were like those cheesy couples that enjoy sunbathing together i’m sorry
- Kaldur showing sympathy to the kryptonians was needed tbh
- Dicks heartbeat thing? total throwback to Artemis faking her own death
- Rocket being caved in by the boom tube? messed up
- Also idk why everyone’s assuming team bioship kicked the bucket none of them were bleeding and this season has been very clear with having no problem showing gore and ur telling me Darkseids son, Martians and a Speedster were done by some blast? nah i don’t buy it
okay so moving on to our fave Kid Flash content 😁
- im sorry but bart calling supes big guy 😭 that’s so precious i love it
-in fact i really appreciate Clark looking out for Bart, tbh he must’ve been paranoid that his keeping secrets from the League could’ve (well, they have lol) endangered Dick, Zee and Bart. Like imagine if he was indirectly responsible for something happening to the Flash’s grandson, who is Kid Flash, who took up the mantle from the Flash’s nephew who famously died on a mission, like that is something that would weigh him down terribly for the rest of his life and i really got that impression since last episode and especially in todays. ALSO i love seeing bart as KF essentially working along side Supes on this high-stakes mission, like if we put it into perspective everything going on is really crazy it’s just that we’ve been kinda desensitised to it cause of the weekly release pace lol anyway now Clark is just left to worry about Dick and Zee (conner and earth and the galaxy being the obvious worry aside)
- the funniest thing was how all this was going down and Dick and Bart are just so unserious LOL we have Nightwing on one end quoting gandalf whilst Bart is literally a ball of excitement about LITERALLY everything and anything, they’re such dorks lol
- in fact, whilst ideally i would’ve preferred a bunch of other dynamics between bart and other characters to be explored this season, it’s interesting to see how he fits in within the older generation heroes and how they work together
- in fact x2 (lol), this whole arc is pleasing my lizard brain that finds both Conners and Barts classic comic involvement with both Legion and Superboy turned evil plots as so essential and how they actually are still connected in Earth-16 despite them being from different “hero generations” (both being part of outsiders aside, there wasn’t much of a connection between them prior to this plot). When I saw that detective board where they were both being investigated by Dick well let’s just say I literally screamed out loud LOL
- moving on, like i said in another post, i can’t believe this guy. He’s basically running (heh) on fumes but acts like nothing happened and just continues with the job literally immediately, someone get him to bed to catch some sleep (no bart laying unconscious doesn’t count as rest)
okay now on to some things that i’m annoyed by:
- i feel like the legion characters have been done kinda dirty this season, it was great until pretty much last episode but the thing is what we have had of them so far which i really enjoyed isn’t that much and has been so spread out thinly through out the season that i feel like their plot opportunity wasn’t fully taken advantage of
-whilst this main plot is objectively attention grabbing, i do think the pace throughout the season was a bit off and there really is a bit too much of telling instead of showing in terms of story telling technique, which is a bit meh. I think way too much time was invested in stories that really could’ve been tied up in significantly less time and could’ve been invested in more relevant stories
all in all, enjoyed it but i am annoyed with some stuff but oh well it’s okay, at the end of the day it gives birth to loads of head canons that i wanna write fics about
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