#anyway if you ever show me a cool bug and i get grossed out start asking security questions
jumbletea · 1 year
watching the princess switch got me thinking about unconscious behaviors and like. if i was replaced by a doppelgänger (willingly or otherwise) the things that would clue my loved ones in probably wouldn’t be random vocabulary or forgetting a handshake—let’s be real, people say weird things and forget stuff all the time, especially me. it would probably instead be things like specific ticks or stims, weird vocal mannerisms, or, like, my opinion on lime green kia souls. there’s so many habits and ingrained behaviors we have that would absolutely set off alarms in people who know us well if they suddenly disappeared
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sojournerstales · 1 year
Works In Progress
So much of my writing is wrapped up in various WIPs that have been slowed by the usual winter-lull that sits into my fingers and brain. Which is to say: I haven't had much to show lately!
If you're new here, I highly recommend checking out my horror short The Long Fingers, go in armed with a warning against psychological horror and gross garbage bugs. [blog link]
I'm still sort of experimenting with how I want to present things on Tumblr. I'm not a huge fan of huge-huge posts, and I like the formatting freedom that Carrd offers when hosting short stories. We shall see.
Anyways sometimes I find it helpful to just unroll everything I'm working on so it is not trapped entirely in my brain so here it goes:
KALIEDOHOUSE - A Haunted House Stories. This is my novel, progress is very slow as when it comes to long-form projects like this I prefer to nail down the structure and key ideas before work proper. That is to say I know entirely what it's about now, I just need to start the chisel work. The idea is how stories and memory inform the sort of anxieties and fears we might project on a house, and what a house might do with those feelings were it - say - impassively evil.
It disguises itself as an anthology, and the deeper we explore the more we see how these separate haunted house stories relate, reflect back on, and influence each other. Right up until the fire starts, and everything that burns up with it.
SHE, NO.99 - Hyper-indulgent cyberpunk trans action heroism. Everyone needs a project where they do not attempt to quality check themselves. This is where I've been focusing all my But It's Just Cool energy, I enjoy writing action and rarely find the space for it, so here we have a cyberpunk setting and a canonically trans action hero who happens to be an amalgamation of all my favourite badass women characters.
It's also framed around this idea of being recovered episodes from a TV show that was cancelled before it ever got to air. A Saturday morning cartoon that was defunded as soon as the producers realized what it was really about.
'GIRLS,!' - Single scene sapphic love stories. I write a lot of horror and this exists for me to just make something nice and softly sapphic and indulgent. I hope to be finished with it by January, at which point I won't shut up about it for another month or two. It's just girls loving girls in all the configurations that can take.
FIELD. - In the dead of winter a heavy blanket of snow settles over the towns that exist along the stretch of A30 road. Except one field. A woman's father becomes obsessed with finding the cause of this anomaly. Why did snow refuse to settle in that square of land?
THE RETURN OF THE JUNIOR CRYPTID SOCIETY - Years after leaving high school, ex-club leader Fizz resummons the members of the Junior Cryptid Society for one last investigation. Safely returning a landlocked mermaid to her ocean home.
It's sort of about having that one shared interest that bonded you to those adjacent in your school years, where your social circle was restricted to who you were in proximity with, and then how those people change from what you remember. It's also about that odd melancholic feeling of growing up and realizing your social circle was almost entirely queer and maybe you'd have more time and better memories if you had known sooner.
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That's everything with a name anyway - I've also been passively working on a fantasy anthology because, c'mon, like I'm not going to write sword lesbians at some point in my future? I also want to work on my Sojourner's Tales volumes, which might be where TROTJCS ends up (how about that for an acronym?). I also want to do a volume about queer slasher horror stories.
In general I would like to figure out Blogging more because I just want to get my stuff seen. I intend on posting another personal essay, this time about my stay in hospital post-The Big Surgery. I also intend on trying to interact with the community more in general, alas when it comes to others I often have the constitution of a startled rabbit.
What are you all working on?
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Into The Unknown, Part 1
... I have no self-control do not perceive me
Marinette stared at the pile of bright red, yellow, and green clothes on the ground. It was all she’d done in the five-ish minutes since she’d portaled onto the scene. Just… stared.
It wasn’t like there was much else to do, anyways. Red Robin was currently beating the absolute fuck out of the person that had the audacity to disintegrate his brother right in front of him. It wasn’t like she could even fix it because the witch had been out cold before she had been able to pull Red Robin off to get a hit in so she could use her lucky charm.
So, she stared.
It was weird. She could almost feel a person inside the clothes but… maybe that was the residue or the ashes or whatever gets left behind when you zap a person out of existence? She didn’t really want to check, to be honest. Gross.
Eventually, though, she hesitantly leaned down and brushed her hand over it, trying to find the energy and get rid of it because it was really uncomfortable --.
… oh hell no that pile of clothes did not just fucking giggle at her.
She narrowed her eyes and carefully lifted up the bottom of the shirt, only to yelp and fall back. She scrabbled on the gross Gotham alley ground until her back hit Red Robin’s arm and he was forced to pause or risk hitting a meta (which would not have been good for his health).
“What?” He hissed.
She swallowed thickly. “That’s a child.”
“... what?” Red asked, all the anger bleeding from his tone in his confusion.
“We let Batman’s kid turn into a baby,” she whispered… then, it sunk in more. “We let Batman’s kid turn into a baby.”
He straightened on top of the thing that was really more bloody pulp than person at this point. “What do you mean ‘we let Batman’s kid turn into a baby’?”
But she didn’t really get a chance to answer because the baby chose that exact moment to be sick of being suffocated under all the armor and pushed it off.
Red Robin gulped. Because, yep, that was Robin as a baby. Batman was going to kill them.
Except he wasn’t going to kill them. Because Batman doesn't kill. No, Batman would find something even worse and that would suck.
The baby -- Robin? Should she still call him that mentally? -- giggled at their pain. Like an asshole.
They were so fucked.
He’d let B’s favorite kid get turned into a baby. Was there a way to get unadopted? Because if there was it was totally going to happen. Or maybe his dad would just cut him off because he was 19 now and could just get kicked out.
No. Nope! Not going to happen. No. He could fix this.
“Okay. Okay okay okay. We need a plan,” he heard himself saying.
Ladybug scoffed. “We? I was barely even here, this is on you.”
“Leave me alone to deal with this and I swear to god I will tell B that you did it.”
She paled. “You wouldn’t. No way.”
“Yes way. So, help me think of something.”
The baby giggled and started crawling over and both of them averted their eyes because, unfortunately, the child did not get baby clothes to go with his random transformation. Baby Damian didn't seem to care as he reached them and started climbing on Ladybug since she was closest. At least it wasn’t him. He did not want to see his adoptive brother’s… ew.
Ladybug made a gagging sound and then quickly summoned a lucky charm. She kept her face turned away as much as her neck would physically allow as she fumbled her way through swaddling the child in a polka-dotted blanket.
And then her shoulders slumped a little. “Great. Great. This is… great,” she muttered, picking up the bundle o’ baby.
He let himself look down now that it was safe.
“Alright, we need to go to another dimension where time moves faster,” Ladybug said after a few seconds. “And then we wait for him to age… fifteen-ish years. Best way to not make Batman notice.”
“... what about us? We also age.”
“Huh…? Oh. Right. You’re human.” She pulled off the glasses she was wearing and blinked a few times before handing it over. “Congrats on your upgrade. The tiny horse god is named Kaalki. She likes cake.”
“The tiny --?” He let out the world’s manliest screech as his eyes landed on the floating bug horse hybrid thing holy shit no no no no no the sci fi movies didn’t prepare him for this shit.
Kaalki looked a little offended but then her eyes landed on the baby and she gasped. “Aw, baby humans are always so cute.”
“Great, Kaalki, you take it,” said Ladybug.
Kaalki did try, to her credit. It just so happened that the approximately one-year-old baby was a lot bigger than the… whatever she was. Tim was refusing to believe that this was a god. Too many implications. He already had something to have a breakdown over, he didn’t need another thing right now, thank you very much.
Tim rested his head in his hands but he had more things to worry about than the blood that he was accidentally streaking through his hair.
“Okay. Okay. We can go to another dimension and try and raise him. Maybe we can make it have a ratio of one month here for every year there so any differences could be blamed on that.”
“Ya!” Said baby Damian. He probably didn’t actually know what was going on but he sure seemed excited so that was cool.
Ladybug sighed and nodded. “Great. You get food and money and clothes and I’ll take this lady to the cops… and I guess I’ll watch the kid until you get back because your dad cannot know.”
They shook on it.
This may be the dumbest idea that she’d ever had, and that was saying something. She didn’t know if she could trust Red Robin on this one, they hardly ever worked together. What if he just left her alone with this kid and let her try and figure this out on her own?
No. He wouldn’t do that. He was the last person known to be with Robin. Robin going missing would be bad for him, too. And, besides, she was pretty sure that he was a duty-driven person based on what she’d heard, she just had to hope that he saw this as his duty, too.
She turned the baby in her arms to get more comfortable as she waited for him to (hopefully) come back.
Part of her wanted to try and find someone from this world to reverse this but she didn’t know any outside of her, Adrien, Alix, and (now) Red Robin. Not on a personal level. Not enough that she knew for sure that they wouldn’t blab to Batman about it.
So, no, this is what she was doing.
But she had things to do. So, she pulled out her yoyo-phone-hybrid-thingy and wedged it against her ear.
“Chaton,” she said the moment he picked up. “You’re alone, right?”
“Uh… yeah?”
“Great. I, Ladybug, relinquish the Miracle Box and name Chat Noir the new guardian.”
“WHAT --?!” He didn’t get to finish as a box dropped on his lap and knocked the wind out of him.
“Just for, like, a year and a half. Sorry. Bye!”
She hung up and closed the yoyo, hooking it back to her belt and ignoring it when it started buzzing again.
She looked down at Robin, who was squinting up at her. She returned the squint. Why was this baby so quiet? She didn’t get it. Surely, he should have been crying at this point.
“Do you still… remember things?” She asked, hoping against all hope that maybe he had retained his memories at the very least.
Robin smiled at her, but it was the blank-eyed baby smile that meant he wasn’t really understanding her. She bit down a curse.
Great. So, she’d not only gotten a baby but she’d gotten a fucking weird one. Great.
Tim left a note for his family saying that he, Damian, and Ladybug were bored and were going dimension hopping. His family would probably be suspicious but, hey, at least it wouldn’t be his problem for a good fifteen years on his end.
And, yeah, he knew this was probably one of his dumber plans but… it wasn’t the dumbest. And he was always one to commit when it came down to it. One time he had faked being shot and dealt with crutches for an entire year just to convince Vicki Vale that he wasn’t Red Robin. He had no fears that he couldn’t see this through.
Ladybug, though? A total mystery. She did nearly everything on a whim as far as he knew. She hopped from city to city fighting crime for absolutely no reason outside of boredom and made up all of her plans on the fly. No, he was a bit concerned about her ability to keep doing it.
So, he went as quickly as he possibly could. There was no rhyme or reason to what he was grabbing. He was just… putting stuff in there. There was money and three watches to help them move between dimensions, yes, but there was also a fanta orange and a copy of Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy and exactly seven pairs of socks.
… yeah, he had the necessities. Probably.
He nearly got out the door before he realized he was still in his crime-fighting gear and he quickly shucked it all off and tossed it into the tub so the blood wouldn’t track any more than it already had. He did not need to avoid Batman’s wrath only to end up on the receiving end of Alfred’s.
He pulled on the first hoodie and jeans he could grab and looked around to make sure he hadn’t left anything of importance.
Okay. Now he was ready to go.
Marinette was awkwardly bouncing the baby when Red Robin finally showed up.
… not that she would have recognized him if she hadn’t felt Kaalki hovering in his pocket. In her eyes, he was just a random white guy wearing shades in the middle of the night.
She glanced up at him and gave him an awkward smile.
He smiled back and held out two watches. Neither fit baby Robin so she prepared herself to choke out a literal baby holy fuck what even was her life.
“Which dimension should we go to?”
“Preferably one without miraculi,” Marinette said. “I don’t want to know what happens if there’s two of the same god in a dimension.”
He nodded slowly. “Probably best if Batman doesn’t exist, either, he’d probably notice my existence.”
“... so… no heroes at all?”
“Looks like we’re going cold turkey,” Red Robin said in a tone that was probably supposed to be joking but just came out flat.
She pushed herself to her feet and waited as he scrolled through the millions of dimensions.
Finally, he came upon one and she added the coordinates to her and Robin’s watches.
She readied Robin’s watch against his neck and tried to ignore the kid’s sudden squirminess.
“3… 2… 1…”
They were gone in a whirl of blue light.
@nathleigh @peachmuses
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yeahimaloser · 3 years
Stuck In An Elavator With You
Shy!Hawks x Reader
Hi, so this story is about a headcanon I have about Hawks secretly being shy around his crush! 
I don’t usually make x readers were the reader has a backstory/background, but I liked this backstory for the reader so I hope you enjoy!!
. . . 
Keigo tapped his foot anxiously on the ground, heart thumping and practically racing.
He had a good reason to be this riled up, he really did.
For whatever reason, Keigo Takami, also known as Pro Hero Hawks, had a particular repetition of being a flirtatious man, always seeking a new companion. He, nor his agency, knew where these rumors came from, but his press advisors told him that; “People will eat this up!” “This’ll be good for business!” And although he did nothing to refute those claims, they weren’t exactly true.
The truth was, his love life was practically nonexistent, he hadn’t really dated anyone before (not seriously anyway), so when he began to develop feelings for a certain someone, he was surprised, to say the least.
But, he didn’t get flustered around just anyone, he was a hero, a spy, he knew how to keep a clear head. The only person he would ever get flustered around was you.
You would think that pro hero Hawks would have some natural charm to him, but no, he becomes a mess around you. He felt pathetic if he was being honest.
You worked at the HPSC, which were his bosses, the people who helped to train him to be their personal hero, so of course, he got well acquitted with you. Whenever he entered the building he would usually be greeted by you, smiling at him, making conversation of any kind.
He liked how easy he found talking to you, he loved it really, the way you didn’t mind his bluntness, the way you would laugh at his crummy jokes, it made his day easier, it made going into the HPSC building feel more bearable.
He had known you for about a year, talking to you when you came to drop off documents, when he came in you always made sure to greet him with his favorite canned coffee in hand.
He didn’t remember when he got like this when he started to get flustered by you all the time, when he talked his words would come out all jumbled up when he talked to you, his face becoming red whenever you so much as touched his elbow. But, he still loved seeing each time he had to come in, it practically made his week each time.
Of course, luckily, he always had an excuse in hand. That he had stuttered out of exhaustion, that he blushed when you taped his shoulder because that’s where a villain had hit him.
Yet today, he didn’t see you. And he had been prepared too, washing down his nerves and trying to make himself the calm, confident, pro hero people loved, he knew he could swoon you if he acted as the charismatic hero he was. But you weren’t there, and he didn’t like it.
So, he patiently waited for the elevator to bring him up to the higher-ups, looking around the building's main corridor, expecting you to turn the corner any moment, and to smile at him, making his wings sputter and his mind race.
He bounced his leg up and down, seemingly unable to stand still at all when he felt a small tap on his arm.
He was prepared to turn around to offer an autograph, but the words stuck to his throat.
Whatever nerves he had thought he had taken care of re-surfaced, making his mind bubble and his tongue feel numb in his throat.
You were right there, only a few inches from him, smiling, your presence alone throwing him off guard.
“Jeez, you really can’t sit still can you,” you said in a teasing tone. “I suppose I should expect that from the man that always moves fast, huh.”
Keigo didn’t know if he would call you a friend, although he did have feelings for you, he knew they were most likely one-sided. So, he just called a work friend (although he desperately wished you two were more). 
Of course, that's when his mouth decided not to work, “O-oh, hi there Y/N, you look- how are- did you,” he mentally cursed himself, wanting desperately to have a disappearing quirk right about now. 
But luckily, before you could even say anything, the elevator dinged loudly, the people on board quickly got off, seemingly in a rush to get out.
He made his way in, letting you go first like a gentleman, yet, he managed to trip when he entered, looking like a fool. 
Yet, to his surprise, you just giggled, “I suppose even top-ranked heroes lose their balance.”
Keigo nodded, looking anywhere but you in order to get his red face under control.
“I’m guessing you're on your way to the top? To the higher-ups?”
This time, he had collected himself enough to look at you and smile, “Yup, that's the one.”
He gave himself a little pat on the back for not screwing that up. 
You pushed the button to the top floor, giving him a small smile in return.
The elevator was extremely pristine, the carpeting was soft, the walls of the elevator were lined with some sort of expensive metal. Paintings hug down, making the elevator have that rich sort of feel.
He anxiously looked around, desperately trying to find the courage to speak, but none came to him.
Luckily though, you spoke first, “I saw you on TV the other day, beating up that nomu must have been tough. You gotta work with Endeavor though! And I know he’s your favorite.”
His ears turned pink, did you really remember that from that throwaway conversation you two had about heroes?
It had been about a few weeks ago, maybe three he really couldn’t remember, but he did know he still got extremely flustered around you at that time. 
He was waiting in the lobby that most had to sit in to meet with the higher-ups, he had gotten a coffee, waiting patiently when you sat down next to him.
You made a bit of small talk, him listening closely, chiming in so you wouldn’t lose interest in him, yet not being able to find his voice all that well.
It had started when you commented on Gang Orca coming in for a visit, you told him how cool you thought he was, with his different kind of hero aesthetic, saying how, “You don’t really see a lot of scary-looking good guys, but I met him, he’s actually pretty polite.”
He knew it was stupid, but he couldn’t help but get jealous. He wished you would say how cool his quirk was, or how you thought he was ‘pretty polite,’ he just wished he could have the guts to say something, anything flirtatious to you to show you how interested he was in you.
It bugged him, who many heroes you probably knew. He wasn’t a special case, he knew that.
You weren’t at all in the high up of the HPSC, you barely knew anything about what was going on in the commission. You were just someone who ran the errands of the HPSC, giving paperwork to heroes and police, it was probably a very taxing job.
But Keigo liked to believe you two had a special bond, maybe....maybe you even felt the same way he felt about you.
“How about you, Bird Boy? Got a favorite hero,” you asked, a lightly teasing tone in your voice.
He wanted to refute you, saying something quippy like he normally would. But the way your eyes shone with genuine curiosity, the way your face was limited by the light of the lobby you both waited in. Even if you were just in your normal, everyday state, you still made him flush with nothing but a glance.
He managed to sputter out, “Endeavor, I’ve liked him since I was a kid.”
You grimace, “I don’t like him all that much, he's very rude and mean when he comes in or I drop something off for him. He's not like you, you're nice and easy to talk to, he always seems to have a problem with anyone he sees as unworthy.” 
You rolled your eyes at the memory of the flame hero, but you didn’t notice how his hands had griped around his coffee can. 
You thought he was nice and easy to talk to. He wanted to echo the sentiment, he wanted to say that he loved talking to you and maybe, if he had the strength, segway into asking you out for coffee at a real cafe.
Of course, that's when he was called into his meeting.
 He smiled fondly at the memory, and how it was so cute of you to remember. 
“Yeah, I can't believe you remembered,” not being able to keep the light edgy of nervousness out of his voice.
You nodded, “Well yeah,” you leaned carefully against the railing of the elevator, picking at your nails, “I like talking to you, Hawks, you're a good guy. You come in and actually treat me like a decent person, you wouldn’t believe how many heroes get such big heads, thinking that the person dropping off their paperwork is, well I don’t really know how to describe it really,” you paused for a moment, “they think that I’m not worth their time I guess, it's kinda gross if I’m being honest.”
Hawks frowned, “That's not fair, I’m sorry. That's really rude of them, they should treat you better than that.”
You looked up at him, and his breath caught in his throat, “See? You’re so nice to me, even if you don’t have to, I enjoy talking to you Hawks, thank you.”
You neared him, his body stiffened as you did so, “I was actually wondering if you would maybe wanna grab something to-”
A loud thud and an ear-piercing scratch cut you off, the elevator floor jiggled and slowed, the fast pace stopping and becoming slower and slower.
But the elevator gave a strong jolt, and before Hawks could even think, his hero instincts kicked in.
He grabbed you, pulling you against him, his wings (or what was left of them) wrapped protectively around you and him. 
He pulled you down to the floor with him, wings blocking out the lights flickering above you two, his body taught and waiting.
After the elevator had come to a complete stop, his brain had caught up to the realization of the piston he was in.
He quickly leaped away from you, moving off the floor.
“I-I’m so sorry! It-it’s just, the elevator made my hero instinct act up! A-are you ok,” he reached a hand out to you, watching you breathlessly panting.
“Y-yeah I’m ok. What happened? A villain attack,” before he could answer, he heard the intercom speak before he could.
The robotic voice spoke, “Please stay calm, we are experiencing technical difficulties, please stay inside the elevator as we are sending help. Thank you for your patients.”
His body stiffened. Trapped, in an elevator, with you. He didn’t know if this was his worst nightmare or a dream come true.
You sighed, “Damn, seriously? Stuck in an elevator was not how I wanted my day to go.”
He gave a nod, trying desperately to calm his nerves.
He could do this, he had the chance to flirt and ask you out, this was a blessing in disguise, he knew it. All he had to do was get his act together, calm himself and make a few flirtatious remarks, and not get flustered.
But he couldn’t, his heart was beating out of his chest. He wondered for a brief moment if you could hear it in the silence of the elevator, the music had stopped, casting a silence around the small space.
“So, I guess we’re gonna be here for a while,” you shivered, “why is it so cold in here?”
It was as if his body thought before his mind did. He shed his jacket, walking it over to you, placing it on your shoulders lightly, “U-uh, h-here, don’t wanna catch a cold.”
You looked at him, eyes wide, “Oh, I can’t take this, what about you? Aren't you cold? I can’t let you give this to me.”
He held out his hands, shaking his head, “No, just take it, I insist, really.”
You hesitated for a moment before nodding, looking around you said, “I guess we better get comfortable.”
You slid down the wall of the elevator, sitting against the wall as you lay your legs on the red carpeting of the elevator.
He mimicked your actions, flowing you down on the opposite wall.
His nerves picked up again, suddenly at a loss for words. He had had plenty of conversations with you, yes, but his feelings for you had gotten worse and worse over the months. At this point, he became tongue-tied just by looking at you, worrying he would say the wrong thing and making you hate him.
Luckily, you broke the silence, “I wonder why this happened, maybe a mantis issue? Hang on, maybe my phone works,” you reached for your pocket, pulling it out and giving it a few clicks as your brow furrowed and you sighed.
“I just got a text from my boss, he said help is on their way. He says he doesn't know how long we’ll be here, could be 10 minutes for could be a few hours.”
He hoped you thought the gulp that he had done was out of anxiety of getting stuck, but in reality, it was one of worry about you being in an elevator with him. 
He didn’t say anything, nerves pulsing through him. Although he desperately tried to come up with something to say, something that would make you blush instead of him, nothing came to mind.
He mentally cursed himself. This was the perfect opportunity to be the dashing hero that everyone adored, to show you that he could protect you and calm your nerves. He desperately tried to think of anything to say, but his mind was muddled with the thought of sounding ridiculous.
What if he sputtered over his words? What if he said something to make you uncomfortable? What if you hated him?
Those thoughts caused him to tense up, the air feeling heavy around him. 
“You know,” his head snapped up, looking back at you, “I think there wouldn’t be a better person to be stuck in an elevator in!”
He gulped, his nerves shot firing, his throat constricted to where he couldn’t even say anything in response.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” you said, flashing him a light smile, “I wanted to thank you, that nomu attack almost hit this place, I’m sure if you weren’t there, we would all be in big trouble. But what can I expect from the number 2 hero.”
Keigo continued to look down at the floor, refusing to open his mouth as he was sure he would say something to ruin this moment.
You just kept complimenting him and he really didn’t know what to say back, or if he could say anything at all.
He could feel his face heating up every second, his hands becoming more and more clammy against his pant leg. 
He didn’t know if he wanted you to stop or continue.
You soon noticed the silence, confused and worried etched onto your features.
Slowly, you made your way over to him.
“Hawks,” you said lightly, “are you feeling ok? Your face is really red.”
You reached out, almost stroking his cheek, and before he could even think, he snatched your hand away.
“I’m fine!”
You backed up, feeling pain shoot through your heart.
He cursed himself. Why would he do that! He was an idiot, he was just so worried you would see him flustered and well…
 The air around you two became thick with tension.
Keigo felt as if it was difficult getting air into his lungs, he felt like he could barely move.
Slowly, he could feel the air around you two become more and more uncomfortable, and all Keigo wanted to do was roll in on himself.
Of course, you felt it too. 
You knew something was off about him, he had been acting strangely around you the last few months. 
When you had first met Hawks, his charismatic and charming nature made you gush over him immediately. The confidence that oozed from him was so compelling, you were mesmerized by him.
But know? With the way, he had been acting recently? You worried if he was mad, or maybe even hateful towards you. You had grown anxious of that very thought, wondering if you had said or did something that he disliked.
When you two first met, he had easy, flowing conversations with you. But now, he was like a sputtering child. Shy and quiet, slinking away from you, even scared of you it seemed.
You sighed, feeling even colder although Hawks had given you his jacket.
Finally, as if your heart and body couldn’t take it anymore, you spoke, breaking the suffocating silence, “Is something wrong? You keep acting so weird around me.”
His head shot up, looking you over, his mouth sputtering words that didn’t fit together. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes had grown wide, his hands frantically moved, but you cut off his actions.
“We used to have such nice and casual conversations. But lately, it's as if you hate them as if you don’t wanna talk to me. Did I do something wrong? If I did, can you tell me? I promise I’ll stop doing whatever it is!”
This time, he was surprised to find his words coming easily to him, “No! You didn’t do anything at all, I promise! I love talking to you, I love walking into the building and seeing your face, watching you talk is....mesmerizing,” you watched him with wide eyes, and a part of him wished he could stop talking then and there.
But he continued.
“A-and you're so cute with the way your eyes sparkle in the sunlight, and you always make my week whenever you come in, I always make sure to be in the office when you're around because I know you’ll come and talk to me. I love seeing your smile when you see me, the way your face brightens up. I don’t hate you, I…”
The words stuck to his throat, but he was unable to get them out.
Your face was twisted into one of shock, still staring at him you said, “You really think all that stuff about me? You really get excited when I come into your office?”
He nodded, looking anywhere but your eyes scared he would confess more to you if he did.
You neared him, hesitant at first, scared he would lash out at you again. Nevertheless, you persisted.
“Hawks,” he could feel your warm breath near him, making him tense, “do you...do you like me?”
It was an embarrassingly childlike thing to say, almost as if you were to children admitting crushes to each other. 
Yet, you couldn’t find the best way to fraze it.
With the way Hawks’ body froze over, the redness of his face spreading to every part of his ears and down his neck, you were fairly sure you were correct.
Yet, you waited for a moment for him to confirm or deny.
“Y-yeah, I’m s-sorry.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, which made Hawks lookup with fearful eyes.
“Oh! I wish you would have told me sooner! Hawks,” you looked back to him, “I like you too stupid!”
If you thought his face couldn’t become redder, you were sorely mistaken. His whole body stiffened, eyes widening, he gaped at you.
“Yes,” you giggled, “for the longest time, too. I believe I’ve liked you since the first time we’ve met. I kept wanting to ask you out, but I guess I was just worried about how you would react, but this whole time you’ve liked me too. I guess we both suck at the romance thing huh.”
He nodded, unsure what else to do.
“And now here we are, admitting our feelings in an elevator, geez, this is beyond cheesy.”
A small chuckle escaped him, “Yeah I guess it is huh. All this time I’ve been nervous for nothing.”
You giggled, “Yup, for nothing. You acted like a scared schoolboy afraid of telling his crush his feelings.”
He smiled, “Well that would make sense, I’ve never been in a relationship before.”
You froze, brain stopping as your heart quickened its pace, “What? Never?”
His body went rigid with the realization of what he had admitted, “No. The commission didn’t want me to get distracted I guess. So I never made any effort to find one, so- um,” he looked away, “Yeah…”
You looked up at him in shock, and before you could stop, the words poured out of your mouth, “What? But you’re- you’re Hawks! People would die to go out with you, your young, nice, charming.”
He scoffed, “Come on, do you really think me acting the way I have been has been charming? And I’ve been so busy...my whole life I guess, so having a relationship has never really been in the cards for me I guess.”
You couldn’t help but slump at his words, “So, you still can’t have a relationship?”
He looked up at you, frantically, “No no! Now I can! I was um…” he was at a loss for words, looking down again.
“I was actually wondering…” his words stopped slowly.
“You were wondering if…” you said slowly.
“If maybe...you would...want to…” god he just couldn’t get the words out, “want to...go out with me?”
He held his breath, till he felt your hand run through his hair.
He looked back at you, seeing you smile before saying, “Well, how can I say no to the number two pro hero? And the guy that I’ve had a crush since… forever.”
He felt his heart leap, his nerves settling, his face coming laxer. He felt like pinching himself, thinking there was no way this was right, no way you had actually liked him back, yet here you were, telling him you wanted to go out.
He felt like he could do anything at that moment like nothing was holding him back.
You brought your hands to his cheek, making him come closer to you.
“Hawks, have you ever kissed anyone before?”
He was thrown off by the question, face, yet again, becoming a scarlet red like his feathers.
“I- well...um,” he nervously scrambled for the words that couldn’t be found.
You just smiled reassuringly at him, gently creasing his face, “It’s ok, Hawks, you can breathe now,” you giggled a bit.
He let out a shaky breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Slowly, he leaned forward, looking desperately into your eyes, as you looked desperately back into. 
Slowly, your lips met, soft and subtle. Gentle, and light, Keigo thought there was no better sensation. The way your lips shaped around his felt like pure heaven, he chided himself for not kissing you sooner.
You brought a hand up to his hair, running your hands through it, pulling him more into you. And boy, did he want to get closer.
If it was up to Keigo, he would have spent his whole life kissing you, but alas, you pulled away.
“Wow,” he didn’t mean to say it, it just sorts of slipped out.
You chuckled lightly, “Not so bad yourself, huh.”
As you two laughed, you both felt the elevator slowly rise. 
“Oh well,” you sighed, “looks like they figured it out.”
“Um so,” Keigo commanded himself to be steady, “I know a pretty good cafe. Would you...want to come, with me, together, as a-” you cut him off.
“It’s a date.”
. . .
Hawks tag list
@under-the-clouds @shylesbiannerd @roko-ppk @Mikazuki @1small-frogs
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fukurodaze · 4 years
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pairing: third year!tsukishima kei x third year!fem!reader genre: fluff, suggestive word count: 2.7k warnings: cursing, mentions of hickeys, makeout session hehe synopsis: “tsukishima” and “high school sweetheart” are a unique combination of words
LISTEN TO: lowkey - niki; used to you - mxmtoon
lowercase intended!
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nobody knows about this.
nobody knows about his offhand banter and longing gazes. if you and kei go back exactly five months from today, you’d be asking him a question about the research assignment as you were about to leave the library and he surprisingly follows his answer up with “i’m going home too. come with?”
nobody knows him on facetime, staying late until his eyes can barely open after a blink. you’re used to his texts, somehow so much funnier and warmer than everyone seems to know him. and maybe one day he’d kissed you; on the right temple, as you fell asleep on your bed; on the back of your shoulder, when he did it subconsciously during a movie. and maybe you kissed him too; a short peck on the lips when he went home through your front door; another on his calloused and bandaged hands after a block had left it bruised. 
nobody knows that now, you’re straddling the boy you’ve known for a while as you suck his tongue until he gets breathless. his hands roam up and down your body, finding themselves under your shirt and holding onto the bare skin of your waist like he can never let go. when he tugs on the hem of your shirt, bunching it up your torso, you let him take it off, the moment away from his lips making you realise his lips are swollen and his glasses have been thrown somewhere on your bed. you freeze for a bit when he spends a little too long staring at your body, and you freeze even more when you realise you’re not wearing the bra you would’ve liked for this occasion, but you’re cut off when he starts nipping on your neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses as he mumbles, “you don’t have to suck in your stomach.”
you relax a little, small whimpers coming out of your mouth as he continues to work on your neck, the little shocks of pleasure filling your senses as hands on bare skin start to feel more familiar than foreign. you could get used to this. 
“wait, don’t leave any, uh, marks or hickeys or whatever,” you breathe, “people might see.”
he hums, and yet his grip on you tightens as you think he’s coming back to your lips, but he doesn’t. he just stops there, face inches away as his lips barely ghost yours. he purses his lips for a second, like he’s thinking of something to say, but the microwave makes its strange appearance when it beeps loud enough to make you jump a little in his lap. he still holds you close. 
so, so close. and nobody else knows.
“i’ll get the popcorn.” right, because tonight you had planned to watch a movie with him. like the usual - talk, cuddle, whatever. 
come to think of it, your relationship with kei sounds weird; feelings so well understood without ever being spoken. you liked it at first, when he told you he liked you on a saturday morning, your reciprocated feelings tasting of warm rice and milky eggs and an unspoken convention that this stayed between you two and you two only. but as the days passed, and the thrill of a secret relationship wore off, you’ve started to wonder how it would feel like to be able to show people that, yes, tsukishima kei is your boyfriend, and yes, you like him very much.
when you take your shirt, he says, “wear my hoodie. it’s cold.”
you grin when you hear that, opting to simply wear his hoodie without a shirt underneath. it’s the same black hoodie he wears literally all the time and probably doesn’t wash regularly (which is gross) but if there’s one thing you learned about these feelings is that you couldn’t care less.
when you pick up the popcorn, kei only lays against the headboard of your bed, feeling slightly empty at the words he’d heard from you. serves him right, he thinks as he picks his glasses back up; this relationship, or whatever it is, isn’t something both of you wanted everyone to know. he’d get sick of all the attention, and there was probably no need for the two of you to share everything. it’s high school anyways, who knows how long it’s going to last.
yet, when you come back into his room, lips soft and hair tousled, holding a bowl of fragrant popcorn, kei finds himself letting go of those thoughts.
you take a seat on the floor against your bed frame, already having set up the laptop in the middle of the floor. you motion to the boy on the bed to come down, and he brings your entire duvet with him.
as he settles next to you, your shoulder touching his upper arm, you set the popcorn in the space where your knee meets his thigh, over the blanket. the movie you two had decided on earlier tonight starts playing, and you feel your head slide into the crook of kei’s neck, like it always does. 
the night starts off slow; just the two of you making remarks at the movie, laughing at plot holes and cliches. then, by halfway, the bowl of popcorn is empty; as the protagonist kisses their love interest, you feel a flush up your cheeks; and as the movie ends, kei’s arm is around your waist, pulling you into his side. it’s a pretty shitty movie.
“well, that was a shitty movie.” 
“agreed,” you grunt as you stand up to place the bowl of popcorn on your desk, to be taken out at a later time. you fold your laptop onto your desk as well, and kei gets the cue to sprawl your duvet back onto your bed. it’s only nine pm. you climb back in your bed, motioning for him to come with you, too.
slowly, his tall figure holds yours in an embrace filled with something you could only identify as care and affection. and here, especially with his glasses off, sight blurry and only really being able to see you in full focus, it makes you grin at how strikingly different he can be in your room and at school. not that you had ever seen him at school very often, as most of your relationship was crafted of video calls and secret little dates in the night. 
you wonder if he’ll grow out of this.
“oh my god, something kind of funny happened today after the english exam,” you chuckle, your head resting comfortably on kei’s chest. he lets out a questioning hum.
“the girls in my class thought i was seeing osawa,” you stifle a laugh, “at me they were like, you’re definitely dating a guy from the basketball club.”
“wait, how’d they know you were dating someone?”
“word got out. they asked for details, and i told them he was in a sports club.”
“they didn’t think about the volleyball club?”
you shake your head, “they did, but they literally went - ‘we know it can’t be kageyama or tsukishima, so, yamaguchi?’” kei snickers at those words, remembering that even the boys in the volleyball club don’t know about you.
“i love how they just glossed over the chances of you with either me or kageyama,” kei tsks, “and who’s osawa?”
you roll your eyes, hearing his voice tinted with a bit of jealousy when he hears other people think you’d go better with this random guy at school. “he’s a guy i partnered up with for biology. why?”
“nothing. just good to know.”
“alright, whatever.” you flip over, your chin now pressing on the backs of your hands on his chest. your grin is wide. 
“your hoodie smells like sweat,” kei says, trying to divert the topic away from your eventual accusations of jealousy.
“it’s your hoodie, asshole!” you jokingly exclaim, and he pulls the hood up to your head. you look cute, he thinks, even with his over-worn hoodie and messy hair. it’s in moments like these, when the both of you let go of the fronts you put up at school, and just live like nobody else exists. of course, it will all be over in a few hours, but that’s not to say he doesn’t secretly text you under the desk during class or that you don’t have the liberty of an extra pack of chips in your locker from the early mornings kei has practice.
“okay, but, hoodie aside, you could’ve just said i was your boyfriend.”
you like the sound of it; something so distant yet so close. so you make him repeat it again, “wait, what did you say?”
kei exhales through his mouth, “you could’ve just said i was your boyfriend.”
“would you like a boyfriend badge with that?” you tease.
“shut up. at least it sounds better than you and osawa,” he mumbles, sitting up, leaning on his arms. “not that anyone would ever know about us.”
your arms wrap around your boyfriend’s neck. his eyes stare straight into yours, and though he still feels uneasy at first, he likes the feeling of you so near him, so warm and fluttery in his stomach. it makes you hope, at least, in the way he’s looking at you, that he might want to show you off more than he lets on. 
“you know, kei, it wouldn’t hurt for some people to know about us,” you mutter, almost a whisper, and he catches your words perfectly.
“but i hate how everyone shits on couples all the time.”
“no, you just shit on couples all the time.”
he sighs defeatedly, “okay, but everyone’s just gonna be annoying when they know. like they’re shoving their noses into our business.”
“yeah, but-”
“on top of that, my mom would constantly nag me about the details of our relationship. i don’t need everyone knowing so much about us.”
you fall silent, running out of things to say. admittedly, the way he’s so quick to shut down all your reasons is getting to you.
“see? there’s no point in other people knowing.” kei’s hands run under your hoodie to caress your bare skin. he likes the way you shiver slightly from the sudden coolness of his fingers, but it does give you an idea.
“i’ll let you leave marks under my school blouse.”
“as hot as that is, no.”
you groan, slouching against his larger frame. you shift your weight onto him, making him fall back on the bed, and you settle with lying beside him. kei, like the reluctant cuddle bug you’ve found him out to be, immediately wraps an arm around your torso, like every second spent at your house that doesn’t involve his limbs intertwined with yours is a second wasted. 
you exhale through your mouth, “kei, i just wanted to be proud.”
his grip tightens.
“like, we don’t have to tell everyone what happens between us every single day, but, god damn, i don’t want to keep sneaking you in like this, or having to send you off at like, four in the morning so nobody knows you were here.”
“do you care more about what other people think than how i feel?” now you’re letting it out. you realise you’re frustrated - so fucking frustrated - that you barely even get to see him every week because of school and clubs, and that you don’t even get to save his contact on your phone under his own name in fear that people might find out. all because nobody knows.
“no, i care about-”
“i want to hold your hand in public, kei. is that too much to ask?”
you take a deep breath, sitting up against the headboard, “my friends think i bail on them all the time. i want to tell them it’s because i’m going to see my boyfriend instead of some lame excuse, kei. and i want to cheer you on at the spring high nationals in january, because you talk to me about volleyball so much and i want to see my boyfriend do what he’s been working so hard for.”
there’s a hanging silence in the air, coupled with the whirring of your heater. you can’t make eye contact with him - what if he gets mad? your fingers fiddle with the string of his hoodie, knotting it and untying the knot. and it’s only then that he sees you, gaze unsure and lips pursed, that he knows what to do.
it’s not so bad, kei thinks. he wouldn’t have to save your number under a name that’s not exactly yours, and he wouldn’t have to always rush to leave because he has “something coming up”. he can walk you to class in the mornings when you arrive after his morning practices, and it’s like he can imagine the way he’ll hold your hand and make sure everyone knows you’re with him. his train of thought might have gone a bit too far, but he can’t deny the thought of wanting to show you off as his. hell, he’s had a crush on you since your second year (though he’ll never tell you or anyone), and now that he’s got the girl, he might as well be proud of it, too.
so he comes up and kisses you. chastely. “okay.”
you give him a flick to his shoulder, earning an ‘ow’ from him. “that’s it? okay?”
“you said i could leave marks as long as it’s gonna be covered by your blouse, right?”
another finger flick, to his forehead this time, “you asshole.” but you smile. you know him.
when you pull his lips to yours, this time, he makes sure to keep you busy with his hands around your body and your hands in his hair, shirts and hoodies being pulled up to eventually be taken off. suddenly, he stops, and it’s only then that you hear something that you’ve only barely heard once before, on a warm saturday morning when it was summer, months away from today’s october.
“i really, really like you, y/n. and i’m not afraid of that.”
as he cradles you in his touch, kisses trailing down your jaw and beginning at your collarbone, you make sure to ask if he’s okay with reusing the same uniform he wore today for tomorrow. his answer slips out easily; yes.
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“is it always this cold in the mornings when you practice?” you tighten the scarf around your neck, shoving your hands into your coat. kei hums in response as you two near the gym.
“to be fair, you could’ve worn tights. doesn’t help when you’re basically half naked in the winter.”
“wearing a skirt does not mean i’m half-naked, kei.” you scoff, but you do take a mental note to start dressing warmer for the coming seasons. 
“i’m just saying, the wind can just go up your skirt-”
his sentence is cut short when a louder, higher-pitched voice runs through.
“woah! tsukishima’s with a girl?” you recognise it as one of the kids in class 3-2, hinata shoyo. his orange hair isn’t exactly easy to miss. behind him is the boy you recognise as kageyama tobio, remembering the way kei would sometimes slip in a snarky mention of his name on the nights he’d call you from his training camp in tokyo. you introduce yourself to the two boys.
“why is that such a surprise to you?” kei points out sharply. a number of second and first years pass by the three of you, and they exchange casual good mornings.
“i think i’ve seen you around. are you friends with kana-san?” hinata names one of the girls in your class, and you nod, telling him you’re pretty close to her. 
"are you going to be watching us practice?” hinata asks, and as you look frantically between kei and hinata, you tell him, “yeah, is that okay for you guys?” kageyama and hinata nod.
you don’t miss it when kei takes your hand and intertwines your fingers with his. it makes you feel a little warmer in chilly weather. it makes you smile.
“go ask team captain over there,” kei shrugs, cocking his head at yamaguchi, who currently has a content smile on his face.
“so this is your girlfriend!” 
you immediately snap your head at kei, as if silently telling him no fair, how come yamaguchi knew all along?! kei shrugs, “he saw me going to your locker one day.”
you roll your eyes before introducing yourself the same way you did to hinata and kageyama, and you hear kageyama huff out, “she looks too nice for you.”
kei scoffs, “well, that’s rich coming from you. maybe you’re forgetting how-”
“alright, tsukki, let’s just go up to the clubroom first.” yamaguchi thankfully cuts in, letting hinata and kageyama go to the gym first.
“oh, y/n-san, you can go to the gym first, too, since we’re going to be changing in the clubroom. we don’t want you to wait outside, after all.” yamaguchi adds, and as you let go of kei’s hand with a reassuring smile, hinata takes it upon himself to make even more conversation with you on the way to the gym. you find his and kageyama’s company entertaining.
“if he’s you’re boyfriend, does he, like, insult you all the time?” kageyama blurts out, his words making you break into smiles.
you giggle, swatting your hands, saying no, no. it makes you realise how different he really is when he isn’t with you.
your hand wanders to the uniform bow around your collar, and you play with the ends of it, the area of your body reminding you of the hickeys you saw littered around your chest and collarbone this morning. when you told kei about it, he only shrugged with the most smug face you’ve ever seen. thank god for collared uniforms.
“so, y/n-san, how’s tsukishima as a boyfriend?” hinata chimes in.
you catch your lip in between your teeth, sucking in a soft inhale. you wonder if you could tell them that he’s the guy that buys you your favourite snacks on the way back from volleyball practice, or that he puts all your favourite songs into his daily playlist so that he can sing along with you when he comes over. still, even after the news about your relationship, you think there’s no harm in keeping some things private. so you exhale.
“he’s an asshole,” you laugh, gleeful, “such an asshole.”
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Obey Me Brothers Wedding HCS
Just some wedding headcanons for the boys bcuz i’m soft for them, Gn MC
Thinks about marrying Asmo => 😡💕💕
I can not stress how much this man would be a bridezilla
He’s probably the MOST high maintenance demon when it comes to this, even over Asmo
He gets so stressed over it too and when he's stressed he gets extremely snippy
It takes you knocking a little sense into him to get him back on track
He just wants your day to be perfect and with his brothers causing trouble it's hard to really focus on choosing a tablecloth
He won’t be any nicer to his brothers but he will try to avoid causing fights at this time simply because it's really important to him that ALL of his family is there. 
The night after proposing you find a beautiful envelope on white paper with gold trim in your room you realize it's a congratulation note from the celestial realm, presumably from the big man upstairs, it's still a heartstopping realization when you realize who your father in law technically is
Are you committing a sin marrying a fallen angel? Do you care?
It’s easier to ignore it than do anything else, although you do appreciate them registering for the coffee maker you had on your registry. You needed that. Mammon broke the last one.
Kindly begs asks you NOT to do anything crazy in the week leading up to it
Please MC his heart he's about to explode from stress please don't add to it, just for one week
Diavolo plans his bachelor party at the Fall with Barbatos. Invites you along and you have to explain how bachelor parties work
If it’s up to him the wedding will be all black with red accents eDgY mUcH?
At the altar he kisses you twice, first to show everyone that your his, the second time is just for you two, he hides you away from sight curling his black wings around you and holding you as close as he can bear
In the end it's a very happy celebration filled with good food, family, and friends
When you cut the cake feel free to smash a little bit in his face, this is your only chance, he'll be in too much of a good mood to retaliate...much
Luxury luxury luxury
He wants solid gold altars, diamond encrusted bouquets, jewels imported from every corner of the world
He has so many plans (as well as a ridiculously long wedding registry)
But the moment you say you want anything he abandons them 
Whatever you want he wants, but if you wanted some diamonds too that would be great
He absolutely would be down for a wedding bouncy castle
He gets you the biggest diamond ring ever that he buys with his own money from a lot of shifts at Hell's kitchen and modelling gigs
He totally believes in the tradition of not seeing you until your wedding day but he also forgets so he walks in and as soon as he realizes you're getting ready he shuts his eyes and tries to run out. He'll only talk to you from behind the door. 
When he sees you walking down the aisle he falls in love all over again. And he feels like that a hundred different moments. It doesn't matter what you're doing, playing with your veil, wiping cake off the corner of your mouth, yawning, he loves you and loves that you’re his.
He could get married to you in a ditch and still be the happiest man in the world.
He's an absolute goofball and is smiling the entire time
The couple that during their wedding night end up jumping on the bed and having pillow fights while play wrestling
You really want to marry a gross otaku like him??? Why??
Not that he's complaining! He just doesn't get it. His brothers are so cool and Asmo is so much prettier than him and he doesn't have anything to offer.
It takes a lot of reassuring to convince that this is what you want to do
You two have this same conversation about a million times before the wedding. He just doesn't get why you actually like him. Once it finally sets in that this really is happening and it's not just some big joke he gets really into it and definitely puffs up around his brothers to show off
His first thought is a cosplay wedding and he'll beg for it to be Ruri-chan themed
Good luck getting Lucifer or any of his brothers to agree to dressing up, as funny as it may be
If you shoot that down it's pretty easy to convince him to do something else since mostly he's just excited to be with you
He still has a little Ruri pin on his suit collar and cufflinks
When you walk down the aisle he feels like he’s going to faint from nerves and when it’s time for vows he pulls out a huge list of all the reasons he loves you and why your his Henry, although about half of it compares things you’ve done to things in TSL
He only makes it through a quarter of the way before he gets embarrassed
When he lifts your veil he panics because your so pretty and he can’t handle it
You have to initiate the kiss and when you do he turns as red as a tomato
He tries to play it off but keep a strong arm around his waist unless he really does decide to pass out
He cools down once you guys are at the reception and gets especially excited the little custom made toppers of you two in cartoon form
He's a bridezilla but in the lightest sense of the word
He won't get upset over mix ups or even really wedding stuff like Asmo or Lucifer but his temper will be extremely fine during this time, especially when it comes to his brothers.
Throws an entire table through the window when Lucifer asks him if he knew where Mammon was
It’s a lot of stress to create the perfect wedding and he buries his nose in different books that can help him
He’s a bit of a perfectionist
The most classic and elegant wedding ever and he’d want to be involved in every step of the way
Very interested in your opinion and if it compares to human weddings
He flushes with pride whenever you compliment something he picked out
Includes casual literary references in his wedding but only so people who really know will realize
Wears a navy suit 
Also a bridezilla and a petty one at that
There will be drama, there will be tears, there will be a part where he cries off his mascara because Andrealphus of the damned brought the white bouquets and he wanted the PINK ones. This is HIS day why is she trying to ruin it.
It’s a lot of work trying to keep the damage to a minimal
Part of the reason he gets so upset is because this is your day too and he wants it to be perfect. 
Prepare for a million dress rehearsals.
He wants to help pick out your outfit and makeup! But he also doesn't want to break human tradition...But he wants to help pick out your outfit and makeup so bad!!
If he manages to restrain himself he picks out the makeup artist and the stylizer because he knows what makeup you like and what looks best on your skin.
Most likely tho he'll want to see anyways and bugs you to let him in
You compromise by going shopping with him as he tries on a million dresses and suits
MC the suit on the right or the one on the left?
They both look exactly the same.
"...Left love." "That's exactly what I was thinking. I knew I could trust you to pick out the right answer!"
Even though he's very good at fashion your opinion matters a lot to him. Sure he could make himself look perfect but he wants to look perfect for YOU. He wants to be your version of perfect and if that means he picks the high cut dress instead of the low cut which flatters his waist better then he'll do it. For you.
He's the type to want to have all the spotlight on him so if you're walking down the aisle he's going to do it too! He does it first. HE says for the attention. In reality he wants to be able to see you the moment you step out the doors and down that hall.
Looks super perfect as he waits for you at the aisle but the moment you get married he starts ugly crying. He throws his veil back on so no one can see it but you just lift it up and kiss away his tears.
Even though it's a lot of work it's worth it to be with the demon you love...but if you shove cake in his face he'll seriously kill you, MC do you know how long this took?!!!!! :'(
He’s more than happy to do whatever you want
Whatever vision you have he's willing to make happen
He does his best but feels a little useless since keeps having to break for snacks
Wonders why you’d want to be with him when all he ever does it eat but he tries not to bring it up in case it would upset you
He honestly does have a lot of fun planning with you and his favorite part was when you got to taste test different cakes because he got to impress you by explaining all the little differences between each one
He ends up being in charge of everything food related and it helps him feel a bit better
Barbatos ends up cooking the dishes 
During the rehearsal he falls in love with you all over again and doesn’t want to let you go the entire time
He gets especially nervous during the month of the wedding
He starts stress eating, going through even more food than normal, but then he gets worried about fitting into his suit and starts working out even more than normal, which makes him hungry again. It’s a terrible cycle
Belphie manages to break him out of it by reminding Beel that you love him more than anyone else
Even though its his wedding he starts setting up just to get out some of his nervous tension until the others shoo him back inside
A huge 20 layer cake each tier a different flavor
He has his own personal cake that's even bigger than the other cake but he’s more than willing to share with you
You two do the cute bit where you smash cake in each others faces
Beel still eats it tho
As much as he loves his family he's so happy to be able to steal you away at the end
Planning a wedding is sooo much work
He lets you choose whatever you want as long as you let him sleep
if it was up to him he'd want a small informal celebration with his family but if you want something bigger than he guesses it's fine. As long as he doesn't have to talk to anyone like Diavolo 
He uninvites Lucifer like three times, each time using extremely formal paper with beautiful cursive that must have taken hours. When Lucifer confronts him Belphie just says that it’s too late because he already gave away his seat. 
He only brings him back when you make him
He sleeps more than usual in the weeks leading up to the wedding. You think it’s because of the stress but in actuality he’s trying to save up his sleep so he’s more awake for the ceremony
As much as he may act like he doesn’t care, he really does want to marry you and it makes him happy to think that you’re going to be all his
Beel is obviously his best man and while Belphie waits for you to come down the aisle he leans against him to take a small nap. Or that's what he had planned. The moment the music starts he perks up and finds himself unable to even close his eyes, too fixated on the doors about to open. 
Feeds you the first bite of cake and then just...doesn't stop
He’s so in love with you all he can do is stare
Gives his slice of cake to Beel he'd much rather pay attention to you than eat
However he does smash a little in your face but it’s out of love <3
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andvys · 3 years
You will be my girl
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Warnings: alcohol consumption, a bit of a steamy scene towards the end
Pairing: Rockstar!Ellie Williams x Reader
You just got done with your shift at the small cafe you were working at. You went into the break room, taking off your apron, laying it on the table, you heard Dina walking in behind you.
Dina was your best friend and your coworker, you’ve known each other since elementary school and you were attached to each other ever since. You even lived together. She was basically your sister at this point, with how you close you are.
“So.... you coming tonight right.?” She asked, looking at you with hope in her eyes.
She was referring to a bar, where a concert was supposed to be tonight. You knew she only wanted to go because of Jesse, he was a regular at your café. Always coming in to get coffee for him and his band. He was nice you liked him and Dina was crushing hard on him. You constantly tried to encourage her to ask him out on a date, knowing that Jesse would agree right away but she was stubborn about it, wanting him to make the first move and he did, inviting her to come see him and his band play at the towns bar tonight and to hang out later with him, playing it cool she agreed to it only to completely flip out once he left the café. You were excited for her, happy about seeing her finally liking someone this way.
“Of course, Dina. Can’t let you go there by yourself. We don’t want you to do something you’ll regret later on.” You winked at her.
Teasing her was your favorite thing to do.
“Ugh you’re the worst (y/n).” She rolled her eyes at you. “Make sure to look hot tonight, maybe you’ll find yourself a hot lady friend.” Now she was the one teasing you. “I’m not the one going on a “date” tonight.” You replied.
“Whatever.” She said before walking back out to the counter.
Putting your jacket on, you grabbed your stuff and went over to the counter asking Dina to make you a coffee before leaving. You would surely need it, knowing you’d be at the bar till late in the night. You talked to Dina for a while longer before leaving to go home, not noticing that a stranger was admiring you from afar.
You got home, took a shower and started to get ready. You wanted to look good tonight, you rarely went out so you might as well put some effort into your outfit.
By the time you got to the bar it was pretty crowded already. Some loud rock music playing. Dina was holding your hand pulling you towards the bar to get some drinks.
She waved the bartender over. “Hi, can I please get two Long Island iced teas?” She yelled over the loud the music. The bartender nodding at her, starting to mix the drinks.
“You’re not planning on getting drunk tonight are you Dina?” You asked.
“Umm of course I’m planning on getting drunk, come on (y/n) it’s Friday night, loosen up a little we’re gonna have a good time!” She was so excited about this night, it was kinda cute.
“Alright, how am I gonna get your drunk ass home if I’m gonna be drunk myself?” You questioned.
“Who says we’re going home tonight?” She smirked at you.
You gasped, “Dina you dirty girl, planning on keeping Jesse some company tonight aren’t you?” Smirking at her.
“Yup and we are going to find you a hot girl to hook up with, trust me you need it when was the last time you had sex anyways?” She asked you.
This girl was really testing you tonight.
“Dina!! I’m perfectly fine alright? Plus if you go home with Jesse tonight, I’ll have the apartment to myself, not having to deal with your drunk ass seems pretty nice to me.”
“That’s exactly why you have to find yourself a girl tonight, apartment is free you can be as loud as you want to.” She winked at you.
“Oh my god, okay whatever.” You gave in knowing it was a lost cause discussing this with her, she would bug you as long as she had to till you’d agree with her.
Just when you got your drinks you saw Jesse coming up behind Dina, motioning for you to not tell her he’s behind her.
He put his hands in front of her eyes, “guess who?” He smiled standing close to her.
Dina started grinning, “ummm is it the weird guy from the café who keeps ordering the grossest drinks ever?” She started teasing him.
She was not wrong about it, Jesse did order the weirdest drinks ever.
“Hey they’re not gross”, Jesse protested.
Coming up from behind her he pulled her into a hug. He turned around also pulling you in for a quick hug, ruffling your hair.
“Hey (y/n), nice seeing you here. I hope you enjoy our music.” He smiled at you.
Smiling back at him, “Hi Jesse, I’m sure I will!”
Wanting to give them some privacy you decided to go sit at one of the free tables close to the stage. You watched the rest of the band setting up some stuff, preparing for the concert. You noticed a girl amongst the other people on the stage, strumming her guitar. She was hot, the way she had half of her hair in a bun, she was wearing a plaid shirt that had the sleeves cut off, showing off a tattoo on her arm. She was definitely your type. You couldn’t help but stare at her, looking her up and down you didn’t realize she catched you staring at her until you looked back at her face, noticing how her eyes were on you now. Your eyes widened, embarrassed about her catching you shamelessly checking her out. She smirked at you, challenging you to keep looking at her. You suddenly felt shy under her gaze not able to look at her anymore you tried distracting yourself with your phone, switching from one app to another. You didn’t even know why you had your phone in your hand, you couldn’t distract yourself not when you could still feel her eyes on you.
Was she actually still looking at you or was your mind playing tricks on you? Looking up to where she was, she was indeed still staring at you. Giving her a shy smile you didn’t notice Dina sitting down next to you. She watched you and the stranger sending literal heart eyes to each other, she started smirking remembering how you just told her minutes ago how you were perfectly fine on your own and now you and the stranger were practically undressing each other with your eyes.
“Hah, look at you eye fucking the singer, didn’t peg you for a groupie (y/n).” Dina laughed at you.
Shocked at Dina’s words you snapped out if it, “Dina!!”. You were embarrassed, not only did the hot girl catch you staring at her Dina did too, she was going to be so annoying about this now.
“I mean, she looks pretty into you too. Guess you won’t be going home alone after all.” She smiled, taking a sip of her drink. She noticed how shy you’ve gotten, deciding to spare you from her teasing right now she told you how they were going to start with the concert now, she took your hand pulling you away from the table and towards the stage, you suddenly got nervous. Noticing how close you’ve gotten to the stage, meaning you were closer to the girl too. Trying to avoid looking at the stage before they start playing you were making small talk with Dina over the loud chattering of all the people that gathered around the stage.
A few minutes later the band finally started playing. Jesse being the drummer, two other guys both with electric guitars, similar to the one the girl had, she was standing at the front fixing the mic before she started singing.
Her voice was just as beautiful as she was. The crowd going wild when the first song started playing. Dina grabbed your hands and started dancing to the music.
You haven’t felt this good in such a long time. The band was amazing and you had so much fun, forgetting everything for a moment. You asked yourself why you didn’t go to concerts more often.
The girl kept staring at you throughout the whole concert, occasionally looking away only to have her eyes back on you a moment later. Smirking and winking at you at certain parts of the lyrics she sang.
You were a mess under her gaze but something about her pulled you in, you were intrigued.
You noticed her flushed cheeks and her face covered in a thin layer of sweat from performing all night.
The concert was coming to an end, currently playing a much slower song, her voice getting a little raspy now. It was raw and beautiful and she looked even prettier now, her eyes currently closed she enjoyed the last song of the night.
When she was done, she said a quick thank you into the mic and the crowd started clapping and whistling for the last time that night. She looked at you one last time before disappearing behind the curtains.
Jesse waved Dina over, motioning her to follow him to the stage room. You started smirking at her.“Go get him tiger.” You laughed when you saw her starting to blush.
“You’re the worst (y/n).” She said. Playfully rolling her eyes at you.
You pushed her towards were Jesse was waiting for her, telling her you were going to get some drinks at the bar. She finally started walking towards him.
Watching how Jesse smiled at her and took her small hand in his much larger one was so cute, you were happy for your best friend. You had to admit Jesse and Dina would make a good pair.
You sat down, ordering yourself another drink. You looked around, noting how it was getting a little less crowded now, some 60s rock playing in the background.
The bartender putting down the drink in front of you, he gave you a small smile and went back to his other costumers.
You took a sip of your drink, feeling someone come up beside you, you realized it was the girl from the band, she ordered herself a whiskey. She turned to you finally seeing you up close, she looked you up and down and sat down on the bar stool next you you. She was bold, you liked that.
You turned to look at her and gave her small smile “hi” you shyly said.
“hey, I’m Ellie.” She confidently said, looking into your eyes.
“I’m (y/n).” God you were so nervous, you don’t remember ever being this nervous before talking to someone.
She smiled at you, “So... did you enjoy yourself tonight?” She asked. Taking a sip from her whiskey.
“Yes! All of the songs you performed tonight were amazing but the last one was definitely my favorite.” You were talking about ‘through the valley’ by Shawn James. You definitely preferred Ellie’s version of the song, loving her voice and the raw emotion she put into it.
“It’s my favorite too.” She added. Her voice was going to be the death of you, it was so raspy right now and she looked so hot. Your palms were getting sweaty, she was making you nervous.
Ellie wasn’t stupid, she saw the effect she had on you and she enjoyed it. She felt the same though, she was just better at controlling her emotions.
She was enamored with you the second she saw you at the café this morning, she knew you didn’t see her but she desperately wanted to ask you out but you left the café before she had the chance too, so seeing you at her concert tonight was a surprise, she was excited to see you here and she had to take a chance and talk to you. Ellie wanted you, bad.
You kept some small talk going but that quickly turned into some flirting from both sides, you noticed how hot it’s suddenly gotten. You needed to splash some water on your face, your cheeks felt like they were on fire. Your skin was so hot, it was just Ellie’s effect on you. This sensation was new to you, you haven’t felt this way before, not even with your ex girlfriend. You excused yourself to the bathroom, telling Ellie you’d be right back. She bit her lip, watching you leave.
You went into the bathroom, splashing some water on your face you looked into the mirror. Telling yourself to get a grip, she was just a girl. No she wasn’t just a girl, she made you nervous. You were totally at her mercy, you didn’t even know her, she was a stranger but she gave you a such comfortable feeling, letting you know you were safe with her. Hearing the door open behind you, you saw Ellie through the mirror. You turned around staring at her as she was slowly making her way towards you. You stared at her. You knew she wasn’t here to make conversation and you were totally fine with that. She was so close to you now, her nose almost touching yours. Feeling her breath on your skin. Your heart started racing. You were looking at her lips, boldly you decided to make the first move, you got closer and brushed your lips against hers, testing the waters. Looking into her eyes, giving her a teasing smile.
She smirked at you, grabbing your face she closed her eyes and smashed her lips against yours. You gasped in her mouth, closing your eyes as well you put your arms around her neck and started kissing her back. You tasted the whiskey she had earlier. Staying like that for a while, kissing each other, her hands left your face, she grabbed you by your waist pulling you even closer to her, her grip was tight. You liked the way she was holding you against her.
Pulling away from each other you were left breathless, Ellie started kissing your neck, teasing you, her hands going lower she grabbed your thighs putting you up on the sink. She got in between your legs, going in for another kiss. This one being more heated, she brushed her tongue on your bottom lip, asking for entrance, which you granted her. She softly put her hands around your throat, squeezing slightly causing you to let out a moan.
She smirked into the kiss. You put your legs around her waist grabbing her face you pulled her closer.
After what felt like forever of making out, she pulled away looking at your disheveled hair and your puffy lips from all the kissing, she gave you a sweet kiss.
Brushing some hair out of your face. “So do you want to...” not even letting her finish “yes” she started grinning at you “my place?” She asked you.
“We can had back to mine, my roommate isn’t home.” You smirked at her
She gave you a devilish smile, “good, we wouldn’t want to wake up your roommate, babe.” She whispered in your ear, giving you another kiss, she grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers she guided you out of the bar.
@twdimagining your wish is my command, here’s the first part to rockstar ellie!! Hope this is what you imagined it like to be!! Second part is going to be a steamy one 👀💕
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pips-fics · 3 years
ask: Hi! I have a request too, if you have time. 👉👈 Chan and Changbin having both an stomach ache. (I’m good with any reason). Just those two need more attention 🥺
ask by @sickminnie - be sure to check out their blog if you enjoy bts, txt, or ateez fics!!! they have an impressively varied list of things that they'll write within the sickfic uhhh genre (?) and also one of the most aesthetic blogs i've seen! thank you for the ask 💛
tw: vomit
from then to now ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
the last time changbin had been sick was predebut. he’d been pretty new to the company and very young - he hadn’t been nervous about any of it up until that point, but something about the fever or the chills or the nausea or the loneliness had welcomed the homesickness that, up until that point, he’d had no trouble shutting out.
now, years later, he felt just as small sitting there on the bathroom floor, stomach aching. he was determined not to cry this time. it’s not like it would help, anyway. what would help, he hoped, was medicine, so he forced himself to his feet, and scoured the bathroom cabinets for something to help his stomach. he came up empty, nothing but a spinning head to show for his efforts.
changbin thought to himself that he should look harder, or go out to a convenience store to get something, and then he sat heavily on the ground in front of the toilet again, right back where he’d started. his ears felt so much like they were stuffed with cottontails that he actually stuck his finger inside to be sure. it wasn’t just that, though - everything felt fuzzy, and weighted down. he didn’t feel strong enough to carry himself, so changbin laid his head on the cool toilet cover, thinking, as he drifted off, about how gross it was, but also how convenient.
changbin woke up to his stomach muscles clenching and ready to forcibly eject anything in his belly. he scrambled desperately to open the toilet lid and jumped at the noise it made when he succeeded, but he stayed firmly put. changbin didn’t have much of a choice. his body’s actions were out of his control for the next five minutes, dredging up more and more vomit. he shuddered during one of the few breaks he was awarded, wiped the mess off of his face using toilet paper, and had just a few seconds to wish that someone would wake up and help him. even as he thought it, changbin felt guilty; first and foremost, he wanted his group members to be healthy, and that included receiving a proper amount of sleep.
of course, he couldn’t linger over the thought for too long, as he was promptly being sick once again, but the sense of loneliness pressed on, more present than before, and he felt tears - not just of exertion - prick his eyes. he’d wake up tomorrow to a house full of too-loud boys, but for the time being, changbin felt really, truly alone for the first time in a while.
so, when a blanket fell on his shoulders, he just about jumped out of his skin.
“sorry,” a voice said, and changbin immediately relaxed, and then almost felt like laughing.
there was a part of the past that he’d forgotten. when he’d been sick all those years ago, he hadn’t been alone. chan had been there, the whole time, and here he was again.
“hyung,” changbin said when he was able, throat raw and tasting of bile, “you’re here again.”
changbin didn’t realize he’d been expecting chan to read his mind until he saw the confused look on the older man’s face.
“you must have a sixth sense for when i’m sick,” he explained - and then he hesitated. chan looked… well, regretful wasn’t quite the right word, but something about his expression made changbin feel bad. he cringed, and wiped tears from his cheeks.
“sorry, i mean– you’re always stuck taking care of me. you don’t have to, hyung, you should get some sleep.” the words pained changbin to say, even though they were entirely true. chan seemed to feel similarly, sitting ramrod straight, suddenly, face crumpling into an expression that was, very clearly, regret.
“oh, no, bin, no. i don’t–” chan hiccuped, and something suddenly clicked in changbin’s fevered brain, the final piece of the puzzle of the past coming together. chan kept talking, explaining how he couldn’t sleep anyway, and changbin nodded, but his mind was on a different timeline.
not long after he’d been sick, back when he was still a trainee, he remembered hearing that chan had caught his bug. back then, changbin hadn’t had a clue of chan’s illness until well after he was healthy again. he’d felt infinitely guilty for it - for not returning that favor - but chan himself and some of the other older boys had reassured him that it wasn’t his fault. chan was just really good at hiding things like that.
pushing his own nausea as far away as possible, changbin inspected chan closely. he really was good at hiding things, changbin thought. still, there were cracks.
in the dimly lit room, changbin couldn’t hope to tell whether the other man was sweating, but he did catch him wiping his brow. he caught chan shivering, once, his whole body shaken by a tremor, and after that changbin could see that the trembling never really stopped. and then changbin noticed chan’s hand moving to his stomach, hesitantly.
changbin spoke with every ounce of tenderness his body possessed. “why are you still up, hyung?”
the words came out sad, concerned, and warm, but chan didn’t seem to notice. he simply shrugged. “couldn’t seep,” he said, eyes darting away from changbin. “you know, the usual - i told you before.”
changbin thought that was probably part of it, but highly unlikely to be the whole story, especially when a heady belch escaped chan’s lips. he covered his mouth, quickly, with the back of his and, but there was really no way for chan to hide that once it had happened.
feeling nauseous once again at the sickly noise but determined, changbin stood, and walked over to chan. he put an arm around the older man’s shoulders.
“c’mon, hyung, i think i’m done. let’s switch.”
finally, chan relented, kneeling in front of the toilet. he was shaking, still, more now, but he turned towards changbin again, shaking his head.
“you don’t have to stay here, bin. you should get some rest.”
“hyung!” changbin scowled. maybe it was his fever getting the better of him, but he felt tears of frustration wet his eyes again. “let me help you,” he demanded. “please.”
a lot was the same now, as it had been. chan had always been a steadiness, not just for changbin, but for all of the members. he did have a sixth sense for when any of them were sick.
but some things had changed. changbin had gotten older - more stubborn, some would say, but he just wanted to do things right, this time. he wouldn’t take no for an answer.
he couldn’t tell if chan understood, or if his body had decided he’d run out of time, but it didn’t really matter. changbin stayed stubbornly where he was, kneeling next to chan as the older man threw up.
changbin’s own stomach flipped immediately upon seeing chan be sick, but he repressed the urge to vomit by sheer force of will. chan kept mumbling silly things, like “i’m okay,” and “don’t worry, bin,” in between possibly the most violent rounds of puking changbin had ever seen.
it wasn’t like he didn’t get it, though. watching someone he loved suffering like this - it was hard for changbin. every time chan gasped for air, changbin felt like he was drowning with him. every time chan whimpered at the force of a heave, changbin felt a little bit like crying.
he would have felt very useless, if he hadn’t felt the comfort of chan’s presence in the past. it felt odd, to changbin, to stand there and just rub chan’s back, but he knew it meant something.
he felt it, later.
when chan was about finished, just about ready to lean back, relax, and then try to sleep off the remnants of the bug, chan’s stomach rebelled one last time. it was an inopportune moment, and chan was too slow to get back over the toilet in time, so when his stomach muscles tightened, he curled over himself. the very little that was left in his stomach ended up as a dark brown stain on his shirt, and even after that chan kept retching. when he finally was done, for real, chan’s eyes were scared and pained and open, vulnerable in a way changbin hadn’t seen before.
shaking, chan reached for changbin. “bin, what– what’d i do,” he said, looking his shirt. “i can’t - what do i do now? i–”
“hyung! hyung, it’s okay.” changbin had the urge to laugh, once again. “do you remember what a mess i was, a couple years ago?”
chan’s lips twitched uncertainly. “but you’re sick, too.”
changbin snorted. “yeah, and you just barely stained your shirt. you don’t even like this shirt, hyung, take it off and we’ll go to bed, come on.”
and that was really all it took. it wasn’t easy, of course, getting themselves settled - they ended up on the couch in the living room, not wanting to disturb the others. by the time changbin gathered water for them to stay hydrated and trashcans - just in case - he was bone tired. but then, by the time he got back, chan was already asleep. conscience just a little bit lighter, changbin was soon to follow.
no reader survey this time, too tired and my computer is breaking but please feel free to send in any thoughts you'd like to share, about the fic or otherwise!
feel free to send more asks! / rules
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curiousscientistkae · 3 years
Another thing that has been bugging me
So once again, I have to start by saying this. All of this is under the cut. It is tagged. Yall do not have to read it so yall can ignore it. This is not made to be argued with. The show is nearly one year out since the ending so my stance won’t change. I doubt anyone else’s will but I still want to put this post out as why so many people are still upset about c/a and s/pop. If you are willing to just listen to the other side and then just move on, cool. If you are looking for a fight, please leave. You will be blocked if you start shit. I, and many other abuse victims, are allowed to be upset and criticize this show that once made us really happy. Please understand that. 
Anyway onto something that has been bugging me for a long long time:
There are many things I am upset over in s5. I and others have talked about many before. Today, I am gonna focus on the line Catra said about “I have always loved you” to Adora. 
This line is, bullshit. I could write a book on why and give examples for days. However, I will be sticking to five main points. In no order:
            1.Season 3 Inside the portal. 
Let’s start with this doozy. We know this is a perfect world, so to speak, and Catra and Adora are together. However, things start to fall apart quickly. Adora keeps wanting to figure out what is going on and Catra brushes her off. This keeps going on until a breaking point. The scene I want to focus on:
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[cue fight]
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Right off the bat, Catra is blaming Adora for something. It does not help that right before this scene, Adora is asking Catra to come with her, saying she won’t leave her again, yet Catra refuses. This is a topic for another day but in s5 Catra also had said “stay just this once” which is a lie since Adora kept asking for Catra to come. This is a topic for a different post. Moving on. 
“I won’t let you win. I’d rather see the whole world end than let that happen.”
This line is uncomfortable. One of the biggest red flags for an abusive relationship is the line of “If I can’t have you, no one can.”
This line mirrors that line. Catra does not want Adora to win. She would let the whole world, millions of people, die then allow Adora to save them. This is NOT love. It’s toxic and dangerous and mirrors the biggest red flag on earth for an abusive relationship, for someone who is controlling. 
              2. Season 2 White Out
Oh boy. This is also a doozy. Let’s hit the ground running for this. After capturing Adora, right after infecting her with the First One’s tech, this happens:
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Catra then laughs after this. She is gleeful at the thought of using Adora to attack Adora’s friends. In a point we will get to next, Catra knows Adora loves her friends. That hurting them, hurts her. She knows this and is using it against the person she later claims she has always loved. Now the second scene:
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Oh boy. Where do I begin with this? It speaks for itself really. Catra does not want to give up controlling Adora. She WANTS to have control over her. THAT is abuse. That is NOT love. Hell, Catra was telling Scorpia not to destroy the disc. This is not good at all.
             3. Season 1 Going for the Heart. 
This one is more brief. But as said above, Catra knows about Adora’s love for her friends. How? She says it herself.
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Following this, she attacks Princess Prom and takes away Adora’s friends. She knows Adora’s weakness, she is AWARE of it, and uses it to HURT Adora. Love is not supposed to harm, especially going out of your way and knowing the other’s weakness to hurt them.
            4. Season 1 Battle of Brightmoon
 More on Catra knowing what hurts Adora and using it against her:
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Catra is putting Adora down. She is cutting deep into Adora, pretty much going for the jugular. Adora wants to protect others, it's part of her abuse and guilt complex. Catra knows this, she knows where to strike. She wants Adora to hurt. This is abuse, putting someone down, making them feel weak, blaming them for something. It’s horrible.
(not to mention here this the scene where Catra cuts Adora up like on the back which people seem to love to fetishize)
And this is in SEASON 1
               5. Season 5 Double Trouble
I was having some trouble finding caps for this but all in season 4 we had DT fucking with the Rebellion. Who sent them?
Now thanks to a friend, I was able to find this. We all know Adora and Glimmer had problems in s4. Now it was starting before but who made it worse tho? DT was fucking with them, making them fight more. They added fuel to a fire that was burning, yes. But this scene just is gross also.
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Once again, Catra knows Adora’s weakness. She is once again using it to her advantage. She is telling DT to go fuck with Adora’s and Glimmer’s relationship. This also can mirror the idea of in abuse, the abuser not wanting the person they abuse to have other friends. Catra was always mad Adora made new friends (another side note which can be its own post, again Adora asked Catra to come. Adora left an abusive household and asked Catra to come but Catra refused. And in the s5 flashback, we see Catra get mad and lash out that Adora is being friends with Lonnie). 
I can keep going on. Honestly. Hell in s5, if we should add more since I have at least one thing from every season, Catra did tell Prime about Adora’s ship. Like oof fam. 
So much is just not great. Now, I will give some credit. In s1, we do see Catra giving Adora the sword back and Adora and Glimmer are trying to get out of the Horde. She does say later something to the degree of “you think I would let Shadow Weaver erase your mind like that”
But honestly, that is all I can remember that can be argued for the “I've always loved you”.
Now, people will yell and scream at me that Catra changed. This is yet again, a whole different post. But like, she did not start really changing into s5. S5 had 13 eps and so much else going for it. That is TOO short of a time. Not to mention, everything above and more, that is HEAVY STUFF. It is not simple ‘I hurt you by mistake’. 
No, it's Catra wanting Adora to hurt. She wanted Adora to suffer. That is NOT love. I myself have had to suffer through mental and emotional abuse. I have had to suffer with someone putting me down, manipulating me, making me feel worthless but being told they love me. I hate this person and even if they ever change, I will never forgive for the years and years of abuse I had to and still do suffer from. I cannot fully get away from them as they are a family member. 
Catra never loved Adora. This is just a lie because so much of the above is not love. Even if I  missed this that could be in favor of the line, again, everything I have shown is really bad. Things that cannot easily be forgiven. So please understand why people are so upset and triggered by c/a.
S/pop and c/a could have been something but the crew really dropped the ball and just made it a horrible ship. And this mind you is coming from someone who used to ship it.
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queenofimagines · 4 years
Deny Deny Deny
Request: “can I get a jj x reader where jj shows signs of liking the reader, but whenever the pogues point out he has a crush on her, he denies it. thank you :)”
Warnings: None
Read Part 2 here
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It didn’t take long for JJ to realize that he was completely and totally fucked. Since the day you walked into his life, all sunshine and laughter, JJ understood what his friends meant when they talked about love. Now he understood why John B and Sarah went to such great lengths to protect each other and why Pope and Kiara would always hold each other close, even on days that were so hot that sitting out on the marsh didn’t seem so desirable. JJ understood now what it felt like to be around someone 24/7 and never grow tired of them. It scared him, how totally into you he was, and even though he basked in the feeling for a while he soon realized that he’d have to shake whatever love bug had bit him. His plan? Well, he didn’t really have one, but he knew that in these times of uncertainty he would have to stick to what he already knew how to do: deny, deny, deny.
It was a bright and beautiful Sunday when you and your friends decided to take the HMS Pogue out to sea, a little farther from the marsh but not so far that the boat would be at risk of capsizing. With the sun beating down on the Outer Banks, all of you decided that the best course of action would be to take a quick break from your every day routines and relax. On the way out the boys had talked up near the driving console while you, Sarah, and Kiara stayed in the back, the sound of the boats engine as well as the waves making your respective conversations hard to hear. Every once in a while, the boys would erupt in laughter, looking back at you all as if planning something sinister, but all of you brushed it off as them just messing around. When you finally anchored, you figured out just how wrong you were. You barely had time to scream when you felt JJ’s arms wrap around you before your entire body was thrown into the cool waters of the Pamlico Sound, Kiara and Sarah following you after having been thrown by John B and Pope. You all resurfaced, glaring at the boys and promising to get back at them before dissolving into laughter as they jumped in with you.
After hours of swimming about you had grown hungry, along with Sarah and Kiara it seemed as they both began to swim back towards the boat, Kiara immediately rummaging through the snacks and drinks she had brought for your trip. You moved, following Kiara and Sarah onto the boat, not realizing that JJ had stopped partaking in a splash war John B had started to watch you. As you ascended onto the boat, JJ couldn’t help but think of how perfect you looked. There you stood, confident as ever in your swim suit wringing out your hair, haloed by the sun behind you, almost angelic. Hell, if JJ didn’t know any better, he probably would have thought you were an angel. You were way to pretty and way too nice and way too smart to be anything else. Before JJ could even scold himself for thinking of you that way he was hit in the face full force with a wave of water created by Pope.
“You’re drooling,” was all he said when JJ looked at him with wide eyes.
“Am not,” JJ childishly answered. Pope raised his hands in surrender, barely struggling to tread water with just his legs while John B snickered at JJ’s reaction. Not pushing the topic anymore the boys decided to follow your lead and head onto the boat to join in on your little snack break. What was supposed to be a quick break turned into the rest of your afternoon, all of you sitting in a circle and talking well into the night. As the sun set, the temperatures cooled and you soon found yourself shivering at the cold wind that had begun to pick up.
“Cold?” JJ asked, simply.
“Yeah,” you replied, eying the sweatshirt that JJ had abandoned early in the day. “Can I have your jacket?”
Without so much as a second thought JJ reached over to grab his sweatshirt before turning back to you, tapping your arms as a signal for you to raise them and slipping his sweatshirt onto you. You smiled at the warmth, even more so when you smelled his cologne. From the other side of the boat, John B made a whipping motion, making eye contact with Pope as they began to laugh, Kiara and Sarah soon joining in. Neither you nor JJ knew what was so funny. Scratch that, you didn’t know what was so funny, JJ on the other hand knew what was happening and could only hope that you didn’t. You quickly let it slide though, being distracted by the moon and realizing that it was about time you all headed back.
When you reached the mainland, you were quick to say your goodbyes. JJ insisted on walking you to your bike, offering to let you keep his sweatshirt until the next time you saw each other so that you wouldn’t be too cold on your way home.
From inside the Chateau, the Pogues could hear your soft conversation, all of them listening as if it was their favorite TV show. When JJ came back with a wisp of a smile on his face and flushed cheeks they knew they had get you two together somehow.
“So...” Kiara started, not knowing where to start. “Y/N’s bathing suit was pretty cute today.”
“...Yeah? I guess,” JJ answered, confused as to why Kiara would suddenly bring up your bathing suit. Truth be told, Kiara didn’t want to outright say anything about JJ’s feelings towards you. While all of the Pogues were aware of them, bar you, none of them had explicitly mentioned them, all wary of how JJ might react. Sarah, having only just recently joined the gang, didn’t share that worry.
“You guess? She looked hot as fuck and you know it JJ. You know how I know you know? Because you like her.” Sarah stated, a triumphant grin on her face.
“What? No! No, it’s not like that. I don’t like Y/N.” JJ rushed his sentence as if his life depended on completing it. He was so sure he was hiding his feelings pretty well, none of them had said anything about it before, at least not so boldly.
“Yes you do.” Pope added, beginning to gain confidence that they could get JJ to admit that he was in love with you.
“No! I don’t! She’s not my type, anyway.”
“She’s exactly your type,” John B said. “She’s funny and adventurous and can even keep up with you at keggers. She’s exactly your type and you are so smitten with her that you’d be willing to let her take home your favorite sweatshirt even though you once almost threw me into the wall just for moving it off the couch.”
All at once everyone began listing reason JJ was, in fact, in love with you. The sound of everyone’s voices and the fact that so many different things were being said at the same time caused JJ to become overwhelmed and snap.
“Alright! Enough already! I don’t like her, okay? Did she look hot today? Sure, but I would have said that about any one of you if you’d asked. And yes, I let her use my sweatshirt because she was basically freezing her skin off. And John B the only reason I almost threw you into the wall was because you had gross cheese dust all over your fingers when you moved it and stained it orange when I was planning on wearing it to a party later. See? There’s an explanation for all of it, so I’ll say this one last time. I am not in love with Y/N!” JJ ended his rant by defiantly crossing his arms.
“We never said anything about love.” Kiara replied. JJ’s eyes widened, immediately realizing his mistake.
“W-well you didn’t have to, it was implied.”
“Mhm.” Was all Kiara said before switching the conversation to a different topic, sensing that if they continued on the current path, none of them would be having much fun anymore.
JJ finally took a seat, fully admitting to himself once and for all that he was in love with you, that he wanted you to be his and his alone. He thought about what it would be like to be your boyfriend; what it would be like to kiss you and cuddle you and hold you. He couldn’t stop the smile from forming as he thought about taking you on dates and celebrating your anniversaries. He thought about what it would be like to be the reason your eyes lit up or what it would be like to fall asleep next to you and wake up with you still in his arms.
So yeah, JJ knew he was completely and totally fucked, but the more he thought about it, the less he seemed to mind.
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hey-there-love · 3 years
Summary: Being the new kid is hard right? Try moving across the world to attend the elite hero course at U.A. Unfortunately following the path of straight and narrow is difficult when you find a blonde ball of death throwing twists in it. Nobody said it was easy. New experiences, new friends, new interests...what could go wrong?
Chapter 2: Oh You’re Feisty
Content Warnings: Adult Language, Cringy Situations
Word Count: 2.2K
Once you gathered yourself, you opened the door and peaked around, searching for any sign of life. Grateful you were by yourself, you began to search for towels. After they were located, you washed the grime from the long flight away.
Quickly you got dressed, brushed your hair, and began to apply a light coat of mascara. You began to sing to yourself to calm your nerves about meeting your new class mates.
“Are you singing Ariana Grande? I love her!” Someone squealed, rushing into the bathroom. You jumped at the voice and managed to hit your lid with the whole mascara wand. You clutched your chest and whipped your head around.
“Hey look! Twins!” The pink girl cracked a joke. You embarrassingly horse laughed because she wasn’t wrong. She had sweet deep eyes that were black and brown.
“I swear I think I’ll have a heart attack before I even start my classes here.” You shook your head and inspected the damage to your makeup. You ran your finger under the faucet and began to scrub your eyelid making the simple error into a huge smudge. You groaned and glanced back to her with pleading eyes.
“Here,” she began digging into a drawer, pulling out a pack of makeup wipes. “Uraraka usually keeps these in here.”
“I’m assuming you’re Mina, my new neighbor right?” You questioned, thankful as you wiped the makeup off.
“You’d be correct! It’s good to meet you Y/N. I can already tell we’re going to be fast friends. Cute jeans by the way.”
“Thanks! I got these from H&M. I literally bought every color , so if you ever wanna borrow a pair let me know.”
“I’ll definitely take you up on that offer! Are you ready? Dinner is almost done and I figured I’d come check on you.” She responded, taking a seat on the counter top next to you.
“I am. Just let me drop my stuff off in my room.” You said opting to give up on the mascara after your incident. You finished primping and picked your things up.
As you walked back to your room she began to question your previous statement. “Who else gave you a heart attack? You’ve only been here for an hour!”
“Oh, actually I was heading into the bathroom and I guess I wasn’t paying attention and I crashed right into a guy. I felt so bad.” You said, unlocking your room and setting your things down on the desk.
“It was probably Kirishima! He came back downstairs whenever I got up. ” She giggled and leaned against your door frame.
“Well he definitely laughed at me after he pulled my underwear off of my shoulder!” You said slapping yourself in the forehead.
“Oh my gosh!” Mina squealed. “He never said anything so I guess your secret it safe. I hope they were old lady underwear for his sake. He definitely gets flustered easily.”
“He didn’t blush in the least and it was a thong! I don’t even think I could look him in the eye! Wait what does he look like?” You asked examining yourself for a final time and spraying a little bit of body spray.
“Spiked red hair, sharp teeth, the cutest boy wonder smile ever.” She gushed. That definitely wasn’t who you encountered.
“No it wasn’t him then, he had a permanent look of disgust. ” Her eyes grew wide and your face dropped. “What?”
“KATSUKI FREAKING BAKUGO TOUCHED YOUR PANTIES?” She hollered, making your ears ring. You shushed her not wanting to relive the experience.
“Not so loud! I don’t need everyone to know about my underwear!” You cried out , cheeks heating up.
“That’s hilarious. King of Murder and Destruction Bakugo. Laid hands. On. Your. Thong.” You swore she was about fall over laughing.
“Do you think he said anything?” You covered your face, completely and utterly mortified.
“Maybe just Kirishima because they’re best bros, but he despises everyone else so you have nothing to worry about!”
You groaned. “Can we please forget that ever happened and go?” Pleading as you pushed her out the door.
“Sure thing bestie my lips are sealed.” Mina replied, mimicking a zip and locking her mouth. She then looped her arm through yours and made you skip to the elevator.
“Can you give me a quick run down of what I’m about to walk into?” You questioned as she pressed the button on the elevator.
“Well, the girls are the most awesome people you’ll ever meet. You’ve met Momo, but there’s Jiro, who has a great taste in tunes but kinda moody. Uraraka, the biggest ray of sunshine on the planet. Hakegure, who has the best personality ever. Tsu, is a little different, but is hilarious, and of course the greatest person you’ll ever meet...me!” She laughed, squeezing your arm.
“And the guys...well they’re guys of course. Kirishima, a total sweetheart and a feminist might I add. Midoryia, nice kid but villain magnet. Ayoma, he’s from France and I think he’s on the DL if you catch my drift. Absolutely at all costs stay away from Mineta. The little grape asshole with give you permanent taste of vomit in your mouth.” You crinkled your nose at the last comment. She continued, “Todoroki, which is the number one pro her Endeavor’s son and a total hottie.” She wagged her eyebrows making you laugh. “Shinso, who is the strong quiet type. Tokoyami, very respectful, the type you’d take home for Sunday dinner.”
“There’s Sero, he gives great advice he’s almost like the class therapist. Koda is a modern day Snow White and has the cutest bunny ever. Sato bakes like it’s nobody’s business and will literally make you gain 10 pounds. Then finally there’s the angry Pomeranian Bakugo.” Mina finished finally. You were pretty sure she just ran out of breath after trying to explain to you quickly before the elevator doors opened.
Mina guides you through the threshold where a bright banner read ‘Welcome to Class 3-A Y/N!’ “That’s so nice!” You said excitedly and pulled out your phone to snap a picture. Low music flowed through the large room as people mingled. No one seemed to notice that you two had joined the group. “Hello? The guest of honor is here!” Mina called out. Soon there were eyes centered on you. You waved slightly to the crowd.
You were met with bright grins and greetings. “Well hello gorgeous.” Someone spoke, you began to search for the voice. “Hey, I’m right here!” You looked slightly down and discovered a...vertically challenged boy staring at you. Well he was actually trying to stare at your boobs through your baggy sweatshirt.
“Um...hey? My eyes are up here dude.” You grimaced. Mina rolled her eyes.
“Oh I know this view is much sexier. I’m Minuro Mineta, class 3-A stud. What’s your name babe?” He wiggled his eye brows and blew you a kiss.
Ugh gross. You thought.
“This is Y/N. Back away now maggot or I’ll crush you like a bug.” Mina hissed.
“Ooooh. I’ve never been stepped on before, but if you’re doing it Mina I’d love to try.” He smirked back licking his lips. A blonde quickly rushed over and pushed Mineta back before Mina lunged at him.
“Whoa dude chill. Let her acclimate before you start being gross. I’m Denki Kaminari by the way.” He said sticking out his fist. You extended yours and fist bumped him.
“Hey, I’m Y/N nice to meet you.” You replied.
“Weren’t you interning with Hopewing back in the States? She totally rocks, I actually got her autograph whenever we went to the I-Expo a few years back.” Kaminari seemed pretty interested in the Pro Hero so you indulged him a little.
“Sure did, she taught me a whole lot about quirk control and management. Hopewing was a great influence on me, she’s kinda like my All Might I guess.” You laughed and scratched the back of your head.
“Super cool,” Kaminari replied, “Come meet the guys we were all actually interested in your quirk. Maybe you could show it off?” He grabbed your hand and lead you over to the couch where a few people sat talking. You looked over your shoulder at Mina who gave you a thumbs up.
“Guys, this is Y/N! She’s pretty cool!” Kaminari said eagerly. A chorus of greetings rang in your ears. “Kirishima, Sero, Todoroki, and Bakubro.” He pointed to each one of them and sat down on the arm of the couch, leaving you awkwardly standing infront of the group. You met Bakugo’s eyes for a split second before gaining a glare and quickly averted your eyes.
“So where are you from?” Kirishma questioned.
Before you could answer Bakugo spoke up, “The states dumbass where else?” He crossed his arms across his chest. His friend glanced at him and stuck his tongue out.
“Ignore him, he hasn’t eaten since this afternoon. He gets a little cranky when he doesn’t fed around the clock.” He reached across and pinched Bakugos cheek lightly.
“Remove your hand Shitty hair before I blast your ass.” Bakugo scowled.
“Shitty hair...” He warned and his hand began to heat up emitting a small cloud of smoke. The group rolled their eyes.
“Anyways, I’m from Chicago, Illinois.” You answered before Bakugo could make his threat a reality. You weren’t really scared, but slightly intimidated by the man.
“Is that kinda like New York City?” Sero questioned thoughtfully.
“Kinda. Chicago isn’t nearly as big.”
“You must be tired from the flight over.” Todoroki spoke up noticing you were getting standing uncomfortablely. He stood up from the love seat he sat on, offering you his spot.
“It’s no biggie. I’m just over this jet lag.” You said, ushering him to sit back down.
“Well at least sit with me then? I’m respectful.” He continued before you took him up on his offer and sat down on the arm of the chair.
“Of course you are Icy-Hot.” Bakugo mocked. The comment being brushed off.
The hell was this dudes problem?
“The jet lag is kinda awful, but it’ll be nothing compared to this time change. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep much tonight, I might just finish unpacking everything.” You said leaning back and closing your eyes for a second.
“Well if you need some help I’d be more than happy to assist my floor neighbor.” Kirishma offered.
“I’d actually really like that I have a book shelf that needs to be put together and I have no handiness what so ever.” You smiled. You felt eyes on you and peaked at Bakugo from your peripheral.
“So, like I saying earlier...this quirk?” Kaminari spoke up breaking the encounter with Kirishma.
“Kaminari why do I feel like you only friended me for my quirk?” You joked sarcastically.
“I did not! I’m just saying I think you owe me a demonstration since I practically saved you from Mineta humping your leg.” Sero fake gagged.
“Fine fine. Todoroki, I’d scoot over just a little bit I don’t want to ruin your vision like mine.” You said. His eyes grew wide and squeezed himself into the opposite arm of the chair. You closed your eyes and began to relax your body then staring at your finger tip. Your finger began to glow.
“That’s it?” Bakugo said, unimpressed. All of a sudden your hand began to glow blue before plasma rose through your skin. You began to use your other hand to shape it into a sphere. You tossed it slightly in the air and caught it before absorbing it back into your hand. You smiled
“Whoa...” the group responded. “What’s that called?” Sero questioned.
Just as you were about to share a guy came running over. “You have Ultra Violence?” He yelled and planted himself sitting across from you on the edge of the coffee table.
“You know my quirk?” You asked propping your elbows on your knees.
“Of course! I can’t believe I didn’t put it together before you got here! You’re the daughter of Stage Four! The plasma hero! His whole body can change into plasma! Can you do that too?” He said as he pulled a notebook out of seemingly thin air.
“Damn Deku. I thought I burned that thing?” Bakugo said, nostrils flaring.
“Oh you did Kachan...multiple times.” The guy said showing off the burn edges. He nervously smiled.
“Put that weird shit away before I finish it.”
“I think it’s cool. I’d like to see it sometime.” You said motioning to his prized possession.
“Just cause you’re new doesn’t mean you have to kiss everyone’s ass, you know.” Bakugo retorted.
“Are you just jealous because I’m not kissing yours?” You countered, a sly smile spreading across your lips.
He paused, thinking of a response. Obviously flustered, “Tch, screw you newbie.”
“Jeez Bakugo, if you suck your teeth anymore they’ll go straight down your throat.”
It looks could kill, you’d be 6 feet under. A small amount of smoke began to rise from him until he huffed and stormed away.
“Well shit, I think she just might make it around here. She defused the bomb!” Kaminari clapped and grinned ear to ear. You sat back down feeling completely flushed.
“Dinner is served!” Iida called from the kitchen.
“Midoryia right?” You asked. The green haired boy nodded his head quickly. “We’ll talk later and I can answer all your questions.” You smiled kindly and placed a hand of his arm, squeezing lightly
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
The Demon Next Door, Chapter 9
Previous / Next
A week had passed since marco had heard the "Conversation", between Tom and Star.
And while janna's theories were in the back of his mind, that wasn't his main focus.
No, his main focus was to keep being a good friend and not act like he had just heard something personal and private that he wasn't supposed to know about. He needed to get back into spirits, hang out with his friends, and be as supportive as possible for the two of them until they were comfortable talking to him about whatever it was they weren't sure about mentioning to him.
They were his friends after all, he didn't want to lost them due to being a terrible friend.
But while he was ignoring janna's ideas, as anything janna claimed was really never true, and as much as he tried to keep happy, he still somehow felt irked and he didn't fully understand why. He was trying to come up with reasons, maybe he felt his friend liked each other more then him? Well he knew that wasn't true, tom almost always seemed to hang out with marco when he had the chance, so did star.
Maybe he felt this way because tom was really succeeding with his crush and marco wasn't? After all marco already had gotten upset about tom being so good at karate when it took years for him to even break a single board.
But somehow it didn't feel that way, marco had already squashed that bug, especially when he realized how much it hurt tom.
So what was it?
What was it really that was bothering him so much?
"Marco? Hey dude, did you hear me? I got the tickets!", tom waved his hand in front of marco's face, waking him up from his thoughts, Tom was smiling and laughing at him, playful as ever. "Dude, you alright? You're so spaced out", marco shook his head, he really needed to start paying attention to his best friends, especially if he wanted to not come off like he was suspicious or anything.
Thankfully tom didn't seem too bothered, probably chalking it up to marco thinking about school or jackie.
"Uh sorry, yeah, that's really awesome tom, i can't wait to go with you!", marco was actually genuine about that, he was pretty excited to go with tom. He'd never been to a concert in person and he was sure if he did he'd go with star, having a guy friend who liked the same band was not something he expected to happen so quickly. And they were going to hang out and sing together? God it was the best thing marco had ever gotten in awhile.
Well, hopefully it would at least.
"Me too, i've never been to a concert before...", he said, voice wandering, "I never really got to y'know "Hang out" with people much back home. So...I'm actually really kinda excited to just do stuff like this with a friend.". He smirked a little, "Besides, maybe after we can go get some tacos and smoothies and just hang out for a bit...maybe i can sleep over at your house if you want?".
That sounded...amazing.
"Yeah! I'll ask my parents, but i know they'll say yes anyway...we could even try and get justin tower's autography while we're there...maybe...hopefully".
"Yeah of course, i think i can do that".
"You can?", marco asked, puzzled and ecstatic.
"I've never been to a concert before, but i did meet him in person once, when i was back at my old home...so he might remember me and meet us or something", wait a second, tom had MET the lead singer of their favorite band?! And never told marco about that!? Was tom some celebrity or something secretly?! How in the heck was tom so lucky-
Tom must've seen gears turn in marco's head as he quickly stepped in.
"Sorry, i wanted it to be a surprise before but i guess i might as well spill the beans on that one".
He seemed actually a little sheepish about that one, but marco patted his back, "Tom, you don't have to go so overboard for me but...it all sounds like a lot of fun, i really appreciate it. I'm probably gonna have to owe you for this one, like majorly, though i'm not sure what can beat meeting one of my idols in person, a sleepover, and a concert...".
"Dude, you don't have to-".
"I know, but i want to.".
Tom seemed to blush a little at that, touched at marco's words.
"So yeah, i'm excited...big ole hangout, just you and me. Consider it a big thank you for y'know...not making me feel alone or weird out here. Then tom let out an oo as marco hugged him tightly, almost knocking the wind out of him. "No one has ever done something that nice for me before, god, i'm gonna have to work to one up you after this whole thing".
Tom laughed, "You don't have to...".
"But i want to", marco replied, repeating tom's words teasingly.
"Very funny...but yeah...oh and maybe we can make cookies during the sleepover, something fun...could top it off with movies or games if you're still awake by that point", he winked, "Make it the best night ever". He bumped marco's shoulder as they disbanded, noticing people were staring, Mostly a lot of his classmates. Marco nearly forgot they were still in school, simply waiting for the bus to take them home.
That reminded him.
"So uh...where's star?".
She usually was here by now, unless she got held back to be scolded or something, or maybe star forgot something at her locker perhaps, she never ran late to get out of school with her friends. Mostly because these days star was pretty happy to avoid having to do schoolwork and deal with people like Brittney, though her not being here seemed to leave marco and tom both super worried.
"Should...we look for her?".
She was going to miss the bus if she didn't make it here soon and marco didn't want to leave her here. He gripped his backpack strap a little tighter in nervousness, tom trying to reassure him before star made her way around the corner in a hurry. Clearly knowing how late she was to meet up with her friends and tugging them onto the bus before they could even ask what happened.
Both letting out a small noise as she did so.
Marco felt the wind knocked out of him being thrown onto his seat and tom on the opposite one, star breathing faster then usual.
"H-hey guys...sorry i'm late and everything I uh...got caught up in stuff", the boys looked between each other and she quickly ushered them to the bus so they could get home, "C'mon, we need to get home...". Marco felt her squeeze his arm rather forcibly, and he wondered just what star got herself into. He had the impression whatever it was, it might've been...well, bad.
And Star confirmed this for him the moment they sat down in their seats, the girl trying to fix her hair and huffing.
"Star...what happened?".
"I-...i was talking to jackie and ugh...brittney passed by".
Oh, oh no.
"Apparently her stupid birthday is coming up and of course none of us are invited because of course and jackie told her off for acting so mean and said if none of us were coming, she wasn't interested in coming either", star sounded so irrtated by that but that seemd very in character for jackie to do. Marco had to admit, the fact jackie stood up for them like that was actually...it was rather sweet, especially since jackie was considered decently popular among the school.
"Well that's cool of her...it's ok, it would've been a boring party anyway".
"Marco, you don't understand...brittney told us to come!".
"Apparently she'd rather we show up then have jackie not show up, because the scene she made when defending us got a LOT of people's attention, that's why i was late, we got sent to the principle's office and in the end...she said we're coming", she seemed to be resisting the urge to stab someone at the moment, her anger searing through her teeth.
Even Tom looked baffled and grossed out, "Then why bother showing up, let's bail, ruin her party...like i care".
"Except she called our parents already to make sure we couldn't back out-".
"She didn't".
"The principle technically made the call...but..."
He couldn't believe this, they got themselves roped into a party with the girl who was spreading lies about them and being awful to them? Why? Why even bother, they had better things hey could do then hang out with someone as awful as Brittney, but somehow by a stroke of luck they seemed to get themselves roped into going to her party anyway.
There was an inkling that brittney almost planned this, like she had malicious intention with them coming, she would really rather have them there then not jackie? C'mon, there had to be something up.
"Pfft, we'll just pretend to be sick that day then...".
"Our parents aren't that stupid tom...we just all conveniently get sick? On the same day of a party of a girl we don't like? Ha, right", tom hated to admit it, but marco was right about that, there was no way they'd buy into that no matter how convincing they might make their sickness. Tom felt a wave of anger and frustration hit him, his good mood with marco suddenly ruined.
"Fine, but if we're going, i'm not speaking to her".
"Don't worry, we won't either".
This seemed to make tom a little better, a smile, faint as it was, appearing on the corner of his mouth for a split second.
"I'm glad to have you guys around as my friends, ugh...i hope jackie knows what she got us into-", it wasn't jackie's fault of course, she was trying to help, but seems it only led to more problems in the end. Star sighing, "She told me she was really sorry about that, she'll probably text you guys soon about it...i think she's hoping to make things up to us later if she can", that sounded like jackie alright.
At least she was taking responsibility for it.
But being sent to a party of the biggest bully in school? That sounded like there was no way it could end well.
Especially with all the rumors being spread around, and marco felt his chest stop when he really thought about it. A lot of the rumors around came from him hanging out with tom, what if they got worse? There was a real chance of it after all. Tom could get teased about their relationship and tell everyone off for it and...well, he could tell everyone that he didn't feel that way for marco.
And that seemed to sting to marco for some reason.
What if this ruined their friendship?
He didn't want brittney to tease tom, it could ruin tom's social life entirely and their friendship and-
"Marco? Everything ok?".
Star and Tom were staring at him, both highly concerned for their friend.
And no wonder, marco looked like he might burst from all the anxiety building up inside of him right now, all this stuff that was getting to him even though nothing had actually happened yet. He needed to pull himself together, calm himself down, do what tom did when he had moments like this, take a breather and remind himself nothing bad had happened yet.
"I'm ok, i'm sorry, i'm just worried what's going to happen if we show up...i don't trust brittney, she might take advantage of us being there or something.".
"You're not wrong about that marco, she always looks like she's up to something bad".
Star then grew a grin on her face that marco didn't like, the boy quickly snapping into her face to get her out of it, "Hey uh...don't, we could do without being banned from school or sued...instead of causing trouble let's maybe just be super careful around her instead".
Star looked sad, but she didn't seem surprised either.
Next time.
As they were dropped off, they were quickly surrounded as both marco and tom's parents left their respective houses tp give the kids large hug, as if somehow this situation was something to actually celebrate. "Oh KIDS! I heard you got invited to a big PARTY with your friends! That's so wonderful! It's been so long since i saw you go to a friend's birthday party like that marco!", marco was embarrassed as he was squeezed tighter by his father.
Gee, tell the whole world why don't ya?
"Tom's never been invited to a party before, that's wonderful!".
"DAD!", Tom blushed, him and marco both uncomfortable and humiliated now.
At least tom understood his pain, even if they both wanted to be out of this as soon as possible. Their parents eventually let them go though, noticing their kids didn't look nearly as thrilled as they did about this whole thing. They had to know what brittney was like at this point from how much their sons complained about her, there was no way they didn't.
And yet this thought this was a good idea?
They had to be desperate to get their kids out of the house at that point.
"Sorry sorry sorry, i'm just happy to hear about you being invited to an outing with a lot of kids, your mom is already considering what you should wear so you look good for it". His mother nodded and tom felt even more embarrassed, he wasn't dressing up for the meanest girl in school, he would for star, marco or even jackie but not for the girl who glared at him during lunch.
"Ooo! We'll help!", and marco grumbled as his father approached tom's parents.
He desperately hoped they didn't give the three of them matching outfits.
Because if given the chance, they would.
Star motioned to the boys, and pointed down the road and marco was quick to put the pieces together.
"C'mon, she's inviting us to her house tonight to uh...,avoid...this", he motioned to their parents talking and tom shrugged, maybe star's house was a better place to hide right now, at least star's mom might actually see the problem with all of this. The three heading down ways to get to star's house, a place marco had been a few times but tom had not been inside yet.
In fact, he'd yet to even see what it looked like.
It was a nice blue house, white door and windows, with a well maintained garden in the front and well kept lawn. You'd never think it was the kinda place someone like star really would live in if only because star would never have a house this nice looking if she actually owned it. Her parents must've really put in the effort to keep it this good looking.
And upon further inspection there was a lovely butterfly print on the door.
Tom was taking it all in but none of this was new to marco, he'd been here before enough times, and star's messy room contrasted this nice looking house to the extreme. He also remembered it because jackie lived on the next street, he remembered when star moved in and he felt slightly jealous how lucky she was to be so close to jackie, though really it was a blessing to have an excuse to wave at the girl when visiting star and she was riding past them.
"Up to my room, c'mon...before mom notices", star motioned for them to enter, not wanting to deal with her mother and her strictness, Marco couldn't really blame her, her mom always seemed a little too uptight, even if she was cool with her having friends over, he tended to make a lot of rules himself but Moon was on another level of strictness to make sure stuff didn't get out of hand.
It was like she thought star was a bomb or something that could explode any second.
But it seemed neither of her parents were back yet from...wherever they actually worked.
Their house was...mostly tidy, and it seemed rather elegant from the inside, thought that probably came from moon more then anything. The rest of her family were way too rowdy to have a place looking as nice as this. If river and star had in their way the place would probably look like a giant mess with several animals running around and only moon kept this place together.
But overall, it was nice.
Nearly the opposite of tom's much more gothic type home.
Star dragging the boys to her room, wanting to avoid her mom as much as possible and to hang out with her friends, the two finding themselves in the messiest room in the house. Star's clothes were everywhere, so were her books, and trash and so much more. Another thing she and tom had in common, they both weren't the peak of tidiness, though tom seemed marginally better in comparison.
Usually when marco slept over, he tended to sleep downstairs, both because River tended not to trust marco to sleep in star's room and both because it was too messy for him to sleep up there anyway.
Marco wasn't mad about that though, Star's room was a safety hazard.
Even now he and tom had to carefully step over the girl's trinkets and clothing to take a seat on her fancy canopy bed. Star dropping her backpack and items just on the floor without much of a care in the world, before falling on her floor, tuckered out. "Y'know, i've never been invited to a party since i've moved in here...well, aside from marco's at least, i just wish it wasn't brittney's of all people", she pouted, looking at the ceiling.
"You really think we're gonna be forced to go?", marco asked, star nodding.
"Yeah, we're stuck now...you know your parents aren't going to let you back out...".
Tom laid back on the bed, annoyed, " I can't believe that, it was so embarrassing, announce my partylessness to the whole world why don't ya dad...", tom covered his face, blushing under it as marco tried to calm him down. "It's ok tom, lots of teens don't go to those kinda parties, you aren't alone...it's not that embarrassing, and it's totally cool".
"You don't get it marco...i already feel anxious enough from barely talking to people...it's like rubbing it in my face".
"I'm sure your dad had no ill intent...if it makes you feel any better though, i usually don't get invited to parties either, i usually throw some but never go to much myself", tom was quiet, leaving marco wondering if tom was comforted or not by his words. But he kept talking, just in case he may of stepped out of line, "I know it's lonely and everything...not having fun with the others...i'm sorry this had to be your first party here...".
"That's ok marco...i guess at least, i get to go with you".
Marco felt his face grow warm rather quickly, turning away to hide it, though unfortunately turning away from tom...meant looking at star.
Star smirked, seeing marco's face as he turned away.
If star and tom were dating in secret he didn't want either of them getting the wrong idea.
"Uh yeah, that at least sounds like a lot of fun...i'd rather go with you both then...alone".
"We'll just stick together so that leech doesn't mess with any of us...", tom hissed, "I might have to wear my good suit and everything, just in case...get a little tired of everyone acting like i'm some criminal or something because of how i dress.", it was really a shame the rumors were starting to spread like this, tom was still fairly new, well...not THAT new anymore but he'd hadn't lived here long and everyone was judging him.
it really made marco mad.
How was tom supposed to fit in if everyone was treating him like a danger to society for no reason?
Ok sure, maybe tom had well...scared jeremy half to death, several times, but he hadn't actually done anything criminal! He hadn't robbed anyone or attacked anyone or even harmed anyone for the sake of it. Jeremy was also being a bully during those times as well and tom hadn't even really laid a finger on him either, he came out unhurt...well...his social standing might've been hurt...
No, tom protected him and stood up to a bully, that wasn't the same thing.
These accusations were done to slander the boy.
Really it might've been possible with how tom had stood up to jeremy he might've been getting some attention Brittney didn't like, she hated attention being driven from herself after all, which was why Star bothered her so much. Now there was another strange new student getting the attention of others for her to scoff at, and with him even spending time with star and her best friend she might've felt more threatened.
Of course the new kids who got people's attention were friends, of course they were.
At the very least, that sounded like the reason Brittney was like this.
She could never just handle people taking attention away from herself.
Which then gave marco an idea, something he seemed to share with both his friends in the room.
"Y'know what, i think going might be a good idea, don't you think so?".
"Yeah marco", tom said with a grin that janna would envy, "Y'know something, maybe we HAVE been too hard on her, we should do to her party and give her the BEST birthday she could ever get from someone like us!". Even Star actually seemed delighted, rubbing her hands together, "Ooooo, yessss, i'm already gonna get started working on my gift".
Their smiling faces were quickly wiped however, at the sound of an opening door downstairs.
It seemed star's parents were finally home.
Which naturally starting sending star into a mood, quickly getting up and placing her ear at the door to hear how close they were and if they were talking about her or anything important. Though marco noticed she was glancing back to him more then anything as she listened in, like she was worried he'd hear something he shouldn't for some odd reason.
"Shhhh, my parents are home, keep quiet!".
The boys exchanged looks between them, waiting for star to stop...whatever she was doing, a few minutes passing before she headed outside her room to greet her parents downstairs. Hearing her mother ask if she got detention again and her father erupt in laughter, but overall they both seemed happy. Tom and Marco waiting just in case star didn't want them to come down yet.
But sure enough they heard star coming back up.
"Star? Is everything-?"
"Mom knows you're here...she's asking for you two to come down".
The two boys looked at each other before getting up and heading down the stairs carefully, hoping they weren't in trouble.
Tom actually looked really nervous all of a sudden and marco felt a bit concerned, was tom just nervous to meet his crush (Possibly girlfriend) 's parents? He seemed to look that way, guess he was so eager to get away from his parents he hadn't really taken the time to think about the fact he might of been going to run into star's own parents by being here.
Marco felt a sudden urge to comfort him.
Star's parents weren't THAT bad...but granted, Tom's look might give them the wrong idea.
Especially to someone like Moon who Marco and star both agreed seemed to be a bit more uptight.
But as the boys finally made down moon and river looked upon them pretty normally, the woman wearing a suit and river wearing the most dad outfit you could imagine someone who liked hunting and the outdoors would wear. Though before the boys could relax they were fixated on Tom, and that seemed to make marco really worry, were they judging him?
But they didn't seem mad...they seemed...surprised? Worried? Like they wanted to say something but couldn't?
Marco couldn't read their minds but something felt off when the couple looked at tom.
Like they'd seen him before.
But marco didn't even have much time to really ponder any of that, before River pulled him into a hug that crushed his bones. "MARCO MY BOY! GOOD TO SEE YOU!", this was how the guy usually greeted marco whenever he saw him but marco would prefer to just shake his hand...actually, maybe less then that. River was so strong marco wouldn't be surprised if he could punch a hole in the wall at this point.
Jesus, where were all these super strong people even coming from?
At this point maybe they all came from the same place and everyone was secretly superheros.
"Yeah...good to see you too...", marco managed to get out despite being crushed in the man's arms.
He fixed his clothes as he was let go and noticed moon had pulled tom aside to talk, though marco couldn't even tell what the two were saying to each other, peaking his curiosity even more as star stood nervously by.
Something was going on here and it was super weird, that was for sure,
Though star quickly dragged him into the kitchen to offer him some cereal, away from tom and her parents, only making marco more suspicious of what exactly was going on around here. It was like everyone was in on something he wasn't allowed to know about, and it gave him an uneasy type of feeling as he looked at star skeptically, not buying her attempt to change the subject and distract him.
Before he could even call her out on what was happening she was already making him cereal and answering his question, "Don't worry marco, it's all good...they uh...they just know about the rumors about tom and stuff...so they're nervous...that's all".
Was it though? Would star's parents really care about those rumors that bad? Especially since they were started by a bunch of teenagers?
Star could tell marco wasn't buying it, and she nervously poured him some juice, clearly regretting the choice to take the boys here. She quickly tried to change the subject again despite marco's clear uninterest, "Anyways we could do homework and stuff...come up to my room later so we have some quiet time away from my parents and everything.".
Yeah something was wrong alright, considering star NEVER wanted to do homework.
What the heck was going on?
But whatever it was, it was clear he'd have to push star on it later when she wasn't being...well...however she was being right now, There was no way she was going to tell him what was actually going on when she was like this, he was just going to have to wait. Though he could hear tom talking to star's parents outside, left wondering what they were talking about.
He felt so...left out.
And he really didn't like this feeling.
He never really felt this way before when it was just him and star, but something about tom since he arrived seemed to have marco more on edge, thinking about things he never really had to before.
Was he really overthinking all of this?
He doubted it.
His feelings right now just were...confusing, he didn't know what to think right now and suddenly the comfort he had just a few minutes ago in star's room seemed to have left his mind. Star went back outside to where the others were as marco sat alone, before tom came in to see him, smiling a little awkwardly and trying to brighten marco up, as unsuccessful as it was.
Tom wasn't dumb, he could tell this was all really strange to marco.
"So uh...i'm guessing you might want some answers to-".
"Yeah", marco said, not even needing tom to finish his sentence.
"I'm...gonna have to wait and tell you sometime later...maybe, if i'm allowed".
If he was allowed? What did that mean? Tom wasn't allowed to talk about what was going on? By Who? Star? Her parents? His parents?
Tom could only send him a reassuring glance to help him relax, though marco was having a hard time doing so...his mind swirling with questions, only making tom more worried.
"Marco...please don't-".
"It's fine...it's fine...", marco said, huffing, he needed to pull himself together, if tom was going to tell him what was happening he was just going to have to wait and hear about it, he couldn't lash out at his best friends without knowing what was going on. He felt tom trying to comfort him and reassure him nothing was worth worrying so much about, and marco finally cooled off.
He didn't meant to get so upset but something about this...bothered him.
These were his best friends, the people he should be trusting the most of anyone.
And yet they were keeping secrets from him and leaving him out, he just couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal.
"Marco...i can tell you're not fine...and i'm really sorry, but please...can you trust me on this...when there's a good time...i want to talk about it with you.", marco turned to look at tom directly, into his green eyes before turning away, feeling his face get warm. He really couldn't stay mad at tom for long could he? Tom was being way too nice to him as per usual.
"I...hope you have a good reason for all this", marco mumbled.
"I do...i promise".
Marco munched on the cereal star laid out for him as he felt tom comforting him, "Hey...for the record...we didn't talk about anything you need to worry about ok? Star's parents just had some things they needed to say to me in particular". He was trying to ease marco and marco took a few long breaths to weed out the last of his pent up anger, he'd never been so moodly before.
Was he sure he wasn't the one with the anger issues? Not Tom?
Tom seemed usually very cool and Marco felt he was the one with so much...frustration.
Tom was here, trying to get him to cool down, not the other way around.
Why did om give him a reaction like this so often? First karate now this?
Marco slumped his shoulders, he felt bad now.
"Hey, i'm sorry, i don't know why i'm so moody lately...i didn't mean to take it out on you and star...", his voice change turned tom more towards him, worried, "Hey it's ok, i get what you mean...i get moody too...my parents always say it's hormones and everything but i know it's inherited...my parents have their own anger issues and everything...they're just better at dealing with them then i used to".
"Hormones?", marco now felt REALLY embarrassed if that had been the case, shaking his head and changing the topic.
"I just want to know i can trust you and star...ok? You're my only friends and it feels like you're not telling me something because of...", he didn't finish his sentence and now it was tom's turn to feel bad, "I know...and i really want to tell you...but not right here...it's not a good time...but i will tell you marco...don't think this means i don't trust you or anything".
"I'll take your word for it...ok?".
That was enough for tom, looking rather relived.
"Ok, thank you marco, i promise...i'll explain when i can".
Star suddenly headed back in, relieved, "Ok, think everything is back on track...sorry about that, i really should've thought a but more about bringing you over to my house when my parents might of stepped through the door. ". She actually did seem rather anxious, like this whole thing stressed her out more then usual, it seemed to soften marco just a little more.
"It's ok star, don't worry so much, you got everything under control".
Those words seemed to send a wave of relief to her, "Yeah, yeah i did".
"You think we outta leave before things get more awkward?", star's eyes wandered to marco and back to tom, "Uh...well, maybe for now let's stick around, don't wanna risk getting into another situation or something".
"Actually, good point".
Last thing they needed was to add to the already tense situation they were currently under.
And marco didn't need any more stress placed upon him then he had already placed on himself. Star headed back out of the room and marco finished eating, waiting in silence for star's return, glancing at tom every once in awhile. Sometimes he caught himself looking a little too long, carefully looking anywhere else he could, not wanting to look like a weirdo.
He swore tom had glanced at him a few times though, even if he was trying his best not to think about it too hard, tom was probably just feeling as awkward as marco was. Marco wasn't even sure he knew how to make light conversation right now, he had pretty much all but got into a serious fight with tom and tom was probably being careful not to freak marco out more.
Earlier that day they were talking about how excited they were to hang out at a concert and now marco was freaking out about tom keeping more secrets from him, it was such a long range of emotions that he couldn't fully figure out. He felt sick to an extent, though he knew he was probably exaggerating the situation worse then it already probably was.
"Hey tom i-".
"Tom, marco, your parents are looking for you", moon wandered in, fixing herself up, "I know your visit was brief but you should head back and see them, i think they're worried about you since neither of you told them where you were going and it'll be dinner soon". Tom nodded and stood up, marco doing the same, actually happy to be leaving and getting out of this awkward situation.
Star sending them an awkward wave and promising to text them later so they could figure things out when it came to Brittney's party.
Leaving Tom and Marco to walk together.
"Marco, your friendship means a lot to me...", the tall boy mumbled, "I don't want you to ever doubt that...".
Marco nodded as they walked side by side, "I know, i didn't meant to freak you out, i guess...tom i know something is off, and i know you're not being completely honest with me...star's parents looked at you REALLY funny, like they wanted to say something. I don't...want to pry and stuff, i just...i don't want to feel like i'm being lied to either...like i want you guys to trust me".
"Yeah, i know...", he brushed at his hair, sighing, "I figured something like that would happen eventually...it was nothing against you marco, i promise...".
"So you'll really explain this to me?".
"I will, when i can, i promise...", tom stopped their walk, they stool on the sidewalk between their homes, knowing they needed to part ways and move on for the night, "I really care about you marco, this stuff is just...private...and i need to think about it...before i can consider it.". As much as marco wanted to know what tom wasn't telling him, he had to admit, tom didn't HAVE to tell him anything, this was personal to him and he had a right to talk when he wanted.
Marco gripping his backpack and letting out some air, "Alright, i'll respect that, i'll text you later tonight ok?".
Tom smiled, "Yeah, and we can plan our gift for brittney and our love sentence stuff!".
Marco smiled back, "Yeah, sounds good".
They stood there, as if wanting to hug or something before they parted, but instead, they awkwardly shrugged and avoided eye contact, both a little flushed before marco headed to his house. Tom stood there a second longer before heading to his, marco turning to see the boy wave at him as he closed the door, waving back meekly. The relief of home hitting him.
After dinner, and a long conversation about marco running off to star's without telling his parents, followed by discussing what he should wear to a teen party. Marco was happy to be in his room, getting ready for bed and ending this long day. His cell phone sitting nearby as tom started texting him, the phone constantly buzzing with energy over and over again.
Marco grabbing it and sitting on his bed.
Tom sending him a few pics of him and his rabbit, next to some clothes he wanted to wear for the upcoming events.
He looked so happy.
and marco quickly felt himself blush a little at seeing him before realizing the warmth and shutting it down, thinking about what tom said earlier.
"Hormones...yeah...", he mumbled, texting tom back for a long night of chat.
He'd have to check in with a doctor later...get that sorted out.
Something was up with him and the sooner he fixed it, the better.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Rundown Job
leverage 5.09
the HEART EYES in parker and eliot’s eyes as they watch hardison crack the code of the vault is my religion
- - - - -
Hardison: Kiss for luck?
Parker: Who needs luck?
confident baby
- - - - -
(Parker begins doing elaborate moves and turns to get through the lasers, quickly reaching the far wall)
Hardison: I never get tired of that
- - - - -
Parker (opens a case to reveal it is full of diamonds): Oh! Bup-bup.
(Eliot snaps at Parker to get her attention)
Hardison: Eight new schools. Okay, take care, sister Agnes. (hangs up)
(Parker closes the case and gives it to Eliot for mailing as Hardison dials the phone)
Hardison: Hey, Nate, we’re done in D.C. We’re flying back tomorrow. See you.
Parker: They’re so shiny. Couldn’t I have just kept one?
Hardison: Road to redemption, Parker. Just think how good it’s gonna feel when you get that Christmas card from those orphans. Hell, we may even get Eliot to smile.
parker deserves all the shiny things
“the road to redemption” THEY CHANGE TOGETHER
- - - - -
Riley: Why’d you quit, anyway? (pushes button again)
Eliot: Started running with some different people...
(Riley pushes button again but it doesn’t seem to be working)
Eliot: Like a hacker...
(Hardison enters room and nods. Riley pulls a gun from his drawer and shoots toward Eliot, but the gun is empty)
Eliot: And a thief.
(Parker taps on Riley’s head. He turns. She is holding the clip and a bullet from his gun)
Parker: Click. (tosses clip and bullet on table)
eliot “I started running with some different people” spencer loves his partners and I adore that with my whole (whole) heart
- - - - -
Eliot: Good night.
(Parker stuns Riley, who slumps on the desk)
I’m glad they’re enabling her tasering obsession
- - - - -
Eliot (checks his watch): I’m gonna keep her alive. You guys find a way to get her out of here.
Hardison: With what? I…
Eliot (walks away): You stole a Michelangelo with tinfoil and chewing gum. Figure it out!
eliot is like bitch please you’re smarter than this
- - - - -
the way the three of them back up to each other, covering their backs ,,,
- - - - -
Hardison: This is a violation of my constitutional rights.
Vance: You’re Alec Hardison. You cracked the Pentagon servers when you were 12. N.S.A. has a file on you a mile long.
Hardison: Do they? What do they say about me? I hope they gave me a cool nickname.
Vance: Parker here... No file on you, which is...
(Parker appears to be sleeping)
Vance: Is she asleep?
Eliot: She bores easy. What do you got on us?
hardison probably does have a cool nickname
also I LOVE how they still have no clue about parker
eliot being like “she bored easy” 🤷🏼‍♀️ the MARRIEDNESS
- - - - -
Hardison: Y-you’re talking about stopping a terrorist attack in an afternoon. We’d need all your intel.
Vance: That truck back at the crime scene... It’s an N.S.A. Mobile response intelligence unit–
Hardison: With the Schneier cryptography system and the j-dam satellite uplink? That... I know nothing about, ‘cause that would be treason and wrong. (to Vance) Are you for real
hardison: I wouldn’t know anything about that because that wouLd Be TrEaSoN
- - - - -
Vance: So, you grab the truck... (moves to sit by Eliot) Hell... Your girlfriend’s already out of her cuffs.
(Parker sits up holding the handcuffs and tosses them to Vance)
...they didn’t deny that parker was eliot’s girlfriend. they didn’t bother to correct him because it is, in fact, true that she is both their girlfriends. in this essay I will-
- - - - -
Agent: No, I can’t let you in the truck.
Hardison: A gigabyte gone... your job, gone.
Agent: Security clearances.
Hardison: You’re not gonna let who...
Eliot: What are we, terrorists? Okay, that was my plan was to come here, show you a real badge that I somehow got, and then bring somebody crazy to break into a secure vehicle? We’re gonna move this down the block. He’s gonna spend about an hour doing spot-checks on databases. I showed you my badge. Man, here, take my badge. (tosses it to Agent) Call it in. I got to deal with this guy
it’s funny because it’s true
- - - - -
Hardison: It’s got every database... N.S.A., CIA, FBI. It’s got hard backdoors into most commercial systems, live feeds into every security camera on the grid. Man, if this wasn’t such a gross violation of our civil liberties, I would be in love right now.
they never stop calling out the government and I’m Here For It™
- - - - -
Parker: Where do we start?
Eliot: We start with getting you two on a plane out of here. You didn’t sign up for this. Trust me.
Hardison: And you? You’re going to handle this by yourself? Come on, she’s a lady, man. She needs the right touch. What you gonna do with your big punching hands... Punch the screens? No.
Parker: We agreed we all change. Better or worse, we change together.
Eliot (after a moment): What do they got on the gunman?
also,,, for better or worse, we change together??? BITCH THOSE ARE WEDDING VOWS
- - - - -
Parker: Do you know why you bring a cooler full of ice to a robbery? No? I do. Everything we need to know is in that basement. I’ll drive.
Hardison: Hold on.
Eliot: Exactly.
Hardison: No, hold on. (holds on to table)
Eliot: Oh, you... oh, hell, man (sits down in chair across from Hardison. the van horn honks twice and eliot looks around, fumbling) No seat belts up in this thing- (looks at Hardison) d-do you got a seat belt?
Hardison: No, uh-uh, hold the wall (holds the wall)
eliot and hardison being exhausted boyfriends at parker’s reckless driving, I love this song
- - - - -
Parker: How do you lose track of a whole laboratory?
Eliot: There’s over 200 tons of uranium missing from the United States nuclear storage.
Hardison: The air force lost a hydrogen bomb off the coast of Georgia.
Eliot: Countries are big things, Parker. A lot of secrets slip through the cracks.
wow I love knowing these things and having to live with it
- - - - -
Hardison: The Spanish flu killed 50 million people during World War I, and now somebody’s got it. (opens door)
Parker: Look, we can do this. Just treat it like any another job.
Hardison: This isn’t just any other job.
Eliot: All right, all right. Stay focused.
Hardison: I focused! That bug in there killed 50 million people! 50! And that was when the population was lower.
Parker: Now?
Hardison: Now? 150 million people. 150 million dead. Hey, we’re thieves, man, and we’re good at what we do, but this is way, way out of our league. And you expect us to go catch some psycho with a city killer? A country killer?
Eliot: You scared?
Hardison: You’re damn right.
(Hardison turns to enter the truck but Eliot grabs his wrist, holding him back)
Eliot: I’m not. I got the best thief And the smartest guy I know chasing this guy.
(Hardison looks at Parker, but Eliot grabs his head and pulls him back)
Eliot: Hey, listen to me. You’re smartest man I’ve ever known, Hardison. I need that brain to get me to him. ‘Cause you know if I lay my hands on him, it’s done. Get me to him. (lets Hardison go)
tHe WaY hE gRaBs HaRdiSoN’S fACE
eliot knows hardison is spiraling but he also knows how to get him out of it because he knows hardison like the back of his hand and knows how to get through to him
- - - - -
there are so many good ot3 shots in this episode it brings me so much joy
- - - - -
parker climbs hardison like a T R E E to turn off that detonator as eliot provides counterbalance
- - - - -
Eliot: Did it work?
Hardison: I... I don’t know. I’m trying to get the phone speaker.
Vance (on phone): Move, move, move! Get to cover! Pull everyone back to the perimeter!
Eliot: Ohh! My boy! (hugs Hardison) That is what I’m talking about!
tHe HuG, yOuR hOnOR
- - - - -
they really be playing grand theft auto in this one
- - - - -
(Udall fires toward the trio and they dive for cover. Eliot and Parker look at each other and nod. Parker looks at Hardison)
Parker: For luck.
(Parker kisses Hardison, then she and Eliot nod at each other. Parker grabs the briefcase and runs off the train while Eliot runs toward Udall. Hardison goes after Parker, and Udall shoots Eliot in the leg. Eliot reaches Udall and punches him, knocking him out. Hardison continues after Parker, who stops and opens the briefcase)
also high key the look parker and eliot share? it had the same vibes as “we do the things that they can’t, won’t”
parker high key kissing hardison “for luck” but also kissing him because eliot can’t
- - - - -
Hardison: Yeah. Yeah, that’ll do... that’ll do it. (he pulls her into his arms) Don’t do that to me. I can’t lose you. Do you understand? I can’t lose you. Don’t scare me like that.
Parker: Yeah.
Hardison: I can’t
he loves her so, so much
- - - - -
Vance: Promise you’ll at least consider working with us again.
Eliot: I work with them now.
Vance: Honor among thieves?
Eliot: Something like that. (walks away)
something like that,,, HE LOVES THEM, YOUR HONOR
- - - - -
Vance: World can always use some more good guys.
Parker: Yeah, well, too bad we’re the bad guys
smh, “sometimes the bad guys are the best good guys”
- - - - -
Parker: You’re shot. You should go to the hospital.
Eliot: I don’t do hospitals. (drops crutch)
Hardison: I told you. He takes getting shot very lightly
he drops his crutch to lean on parker and hardison THIS IS NOT A DRILL
- - - - -
after watching this episode, I agree with y’all wholeheartedly that this was an ot3 GOLDMINE
edit: also, notice how much is written in pink (the colorcode for ot3 notes and meta). like, more than half of it. because LITERALLY ALL OF THIS IS OT3 MATERIAL
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thetierdslytherin · 4 years
The Avatar’s sister pt.2
Bolin x reader
this is a continuation of the avatar’s sister and it’s also based off of  season 1 eipsode 2 of lok
2.2k words 
        I'm woken in the morning by an incessant knocking on my door. I try to ignore it by pulling a pillow over my head but after the knocking doesn't stop I'm forced to get up and answer the door “what!” I throw the door open coming face to face with.“Korra! You better have a good reason for getting me up before the sun is up.” I cross my arms standing in the doorway waiting for her explanation
            “I do! I have training in 30 minutes and you know Tenzin's rule I can't leave unless your with me so we gotta go so I can be on time, get dressed” Korra pushes me out of the way entering my room “come right inthen” I say sarcastically shutting my door following her to my closet as she goes through it throwing clothes in my direction “Now get dressed and cleaned up. We don’t have a lot of time. Plus the sooner we get there the sooner you get to see Bolin” My heart beats a little faster at the mention of Bolin as I change into some of my water tribe clothes then brush my teeth and fix my y/h/c hair into a braid.
           “Well even Bolin isn't enough to make me move fast this early in the morning and I just met the guy. Besides you only to see Mako” I tease as we head out of the building to the shore “Korra i’m well aware i'm not your mother or in charge of you but please be careful I don't want to see you get hurt” 
          “psh y/n i'm gonna be fine your making a big deal out of this”
           I sigh and stop walking, Korra stopping with me. I look into her eyes before saying “Korra I know guys like Mako, i've dated too many guys like him I just don't want you to get hurt”
           “Yeah well maybe you just start minding your own business like you said you're not my mother and you're sure as hell not in charge of me so let me live my life for once!”Well,That could have gone better. We spent the rest of our journey in silence only speaking when we ordered breakfast. Maybe I am being too controlling. Korra deserves to live her own life and make her own mistakes. But we did just meet the brothers yesterday and know literally nothing about them. But I know Korra and if I push the issue any more she’ll just cut me out of her life until she's over it. 
          “Your late” Mako doesn't even turn to look at us when we enter.
           “Okay yeah true but we brought food so lets call it even then?”
            I move to one of the tables setting their food down “yeah Mako look at this y/n was nice enough to bring us food so let's just take a break and enjoy the food” Bolin says starting to make his way over 
          “ we haven't even started yet so let's not. C’mon on Bo, Korra we have a lot of training to get through” The three of them run through drills for the better part of an hour before moving to the cool downs.
           “What's the big idea making me train this early in the morning? The morning is evil” okay dramatic much Korra? The three of them move into a triangle passing a weighted ball around.
          “Were the rookies so we get the worst time slot in the gym” Bolin passes the ball to Mako
          “And you're the rookiest of us all, we gotta get you up to speed if we want to survive in the tournament deal with it!” he passes to Korra 
          “You deal with it” she passes the ball back to Mako sending him flying backwards 
          “Children, children can you please not hurt each other this early in the morning. Alright let's not make this any more unbearable then it has to be” I pass by them to check on Mako and other than a sour look on his face he seems perfectly fine.
          Bolin pipes up “uh y/n not that i'm not happy to see you I really am it's just why are you here? you're not on the team?” 
          I glanced at Korra and said, “you didn't tell them?” she shakes her head I guess she just thought I would “tenzin's one condition for her joining the team. Wherever she goes I go so that means you're stuck with me, pretty boy. and you too mako… I guess” I go moving to stand by Korra. 
          “There are my hard working street urchins, it's an honor to finally meet you avatar” a muscly man in his mid thirties approaches us.
          “And you are?” Korra says crossing her arms.alright then just go ahead and pretend like i'm not even here.
          “Butaka I run this whole pro bending shabang. Anyways here your winnings from the match” Mako goes to pocket the cash but before he can Butaka stops him. 
          “First you owe me for the avatars new gear, gym and equipment rentals for last month, rent on your apartment, and a personal loan on groceries” By the time he's done there no cash left. Is it always like this for them?
          “Oh uh one more item of business the Fire Ferrets need to ante up 30,000 yuans for the championship pot” Damn ok that's more than I make for 6 months at my job and the brothers definitely don't have that kind of money just lying around.How are they gonna come up with it?
          “30,000 yuans!” My thoughts exactly Bolin
          “Sorry kids you have till the end of the week to pay or your out” with that final statement Butaka leaves along with the fire ferrets chances of playing in the championship.
          “The two of you wouldn't happen to have a secrets bank account filled with gold would you?” Mako and Bolin look at us with hopeful eyes 
          “No sorry boys I mean I have some money I could pitch in but not 30,000 yuans”
          “I've got nothing. I've never really needed money, I've always had someone taking care of me” Korra shrugs, giving a small smile. 
           “Then I wouldn't say you've had nothing then” Makos words carries no venom though, just distant sadness packing up his gear throwing it into a duffle bag.
           “I'm sorry I didn't mean-” “no its alright its just ever since we lost our parents we've been on our own” Bolin says giving Korra a sad smile shuffling towards us
           “Bolin, I'm so sorry that you had to go through it” I put my hand on his shoulder trying to offer some sort of comfort.
         “So anyway how are we gonna come up with the money?” 
“Ooh ooh I got it. I've been training pabu to do circus tricks now people would pay good money to see that” Bolin raises pabu into the air twirling him once.
          “C'mon bolin we need serious ideas” the smile immediately falls from bolins face and I can't help but stand up for him “that is a serious idea Mako. When we first came from the water tribe I know I would've paid to see pabu perform” 
          “ don't worry about it, I'll figure it out. I always do” and after that Mako walks out of the training room presumably to ‘figure it out’.
          “Hey korra why don't you head on back to the island bolin and I are gonna hang out for a little bit” he looks at me confused“we are?” I give him a nod “we are”. 
          “Yeah okay y/n just don't stay out too late you know how Tenzin gets” I give her a smile and a ‘of course’ then it’s just bolin and I left. 
          “So Bolin, how about you show me some of pabus tricks and you help me eat the rest of breakfast that Korra and I brought?” “um yeah but can i get a quick shower first im kinda gross?”
          “Only if you let me join you.” spirits his eyes almost bugged out of his head at my comment stammering to get an answer out before I take mercy on him “i’m teasing you Bo” 
          He clears his throat “right right yeah totally know that” That leads me to where I am right now Bolin and I on their couch eating cold pastries.
           “Hey Bolin” he pauses his eating for a second to look at me “why don't you tell me something about you. I mean we basically know nothing about each other except our shared love of pro bending and food” he looks thoughtful for a moment “Pshh not true” I shoot him a look saying ‘you sure about that’
            “Well I know you're a waterbender and that you have a sister and where you live...and that sounds way creepier than I meant it. I just mean you know you live with Tenzin who lives on air temple island not like I've been stalking you because that would be weird...” i've noticed he does this thing whenever he's embarrassed he’ll scrunch his whole face up for a second and start playing with his hands, which he's doing right now
          “Well okay but I don't know any of the important stuff” I say leaning in propping my chin on my hand 
          “What's the ‘important stuff?’”
          “Like your favorite color. You know a person's favorite color will tell you a lot about them”
          “Whoa hey now you just stepped over a line. I can't possibly tell you that” we make eye contact bursting out laughing at the notion.
           “ok fine I don't really have a favorite color” he scratches the back of his neck giving me a half smile
           “well maybe instead of telling me your favorite color you tell me about your parents” after seeing the look in Bolins eyes I quickly backtrack “you don't have to though I imagine it's a touchy subject I was just curious” he sighs setting his food down turning to me
           “no it’s not that it’s just not a very fun story to tell” he takes a deep breathe grounding himself “when Mako was 7 and I was 5 we were at home with our parents one night and a fire bender broke in trying to steal from us… he killed them right in front of us y/n, after that it was just mako and I. It's been that way ever since” he looks down trying in vain to keep me from seeing the tears in his eyes. I grab his hand running my thumb over his knuckles. 
          “Hey bolin why don't we go and set up for pabu to do his tricks” he glances at me “we could set it up under fire lord zuko's statute?” he laughs wiping the tears from his eyes
           “yeah y/n that sounds perfect” 
          We're both sitting on the base of zuko's statue on a carpet with two cups and a plank for pabu to walk on.Bolin and pabu have matching get ups and bolin has a fake mustache. while I sit beside Bolin bending water into different shapes to amuse myself. “Come one come all see pabu the fantasstic fire ferret as he crosses the ladder of peril upside down” Pabu then crosses the plank and flips landing on one paw which i'll admit is cute but not 30,000 yuans cute. “Thank you folks you are too kind too kind” Bolin says as a man passes by dropping 1 yuan into the cup. 
          Bolin looks a little upset by how far we still have to go “Hey Bolin look its a start you don't have to get all the money yourself i'd be happy to pitch in and i'm sure mako found a way to make some money” he sighs “yeah i'm sure mako has” that's the problem isn't it? I bet bolin is tired of his brother always solving his problems or better yet being the one who gets them out of ruts. 
          “Hey bolin is that you?” I Look up to see a well dressed man with urban water tribe clothes on getting out of his sato mobile 
           “oh hey shady shin” he waves at the man and I urgently whisper to bolin “by any chance is this leader of the triple threat triads shady shin?”
           Wow since when did bolin run with gangsters? “I hear you're a big time pro bender now. Not bad.Anyways lighting bolt zolt is looking to hire some extra muscle” 
           “I don't know shin Mako told me to stay away from the triple threats” 
           “it's just some security work nothing crooked” he pulls out a fat wad of cash and throws it in Bolin’s cup he's about to agree before I cut him off before he can agree “double it and were both in i'm a water bender and a healer plus i'm good at ‘security work” 
           “Alright kid deal don't make me regret it” he puts another was of cash in the cup “now let's get going” Bolin and I follow him and get in the back of his sato mobile. What a mistake that was.      
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kayrogers · 4 years
to all the girls i've loved before ][ p.  parker
a tatbilb au
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Paring(s): LJ!tom holland x PK!reader
Inspo: TATBILB cause Peter is a total soft boi and also I'm a slut for rom-coms
Word Count: 1700+
Warning(s): cursing and awkward kissing
Part: prologue | part ??
A/N: this has literally been a draft in my notes for like over a year, but college has been creatively hitting me in the stomach with a baseball bat so I only wanted to start it when I got a semi-break. Obvs updates will not be regular just like everything else I write because I am the worst, but I mean thanks in advance if ya read it!
‘ Dear [Y/n] [Y/l/n],
First of all, I refuse to call you [Y/l/n]. You think you’re so cool, going by your last name all the sudden. Just so you know, that only makes you one of the guys. That’s it.
Did you know that I didn’t stop thinking about our kiss every time I saw you in school for at least the rest of seventh grade? Sometimes I think you do. Because you always seem to know everything. And you always smile when you see me blushing like you know you’re the reason why. That’s what I hate about you. Because you do just know, or at least you act like it. You’re too cool to be bothered by anything, or be wrong EVER.
Well here are some things you don’t know that I think:
You swear all the time and say the grossest things. I’ve heard every dirty joke Flash has ever made, and you beat him without trying! And you just assume everyone will think it’s cute cause you’re a pretty girl and you curse. And if they don’t, who cares, right? Wrong! You care. You care a lot about what people think of you.
You always show us bugs you think are cool and it’s gross. That’s terrifying and I hate when you stick them in my face cause I’m grossed out. It’s rude.
You’re so good at everything. Too good. I have to try harder around the guys to be half as cool as you.
You kissed me for no reason! You knew Flash wanted to kiss you. Everyone knew that Flash wanted to kiss you. He made all of us spit-shake on not kissing you if we ended up in the closet for 7 minutes in heaven because he liked you. But you still did it. Why? I wanted my first kiss to be special, and with my future girlfriend. All romantic, you know? That’s what it was supposed to be. And it wasn’t any of that. Thanks to you it was the most un-special kiss it could be AND I got my ass kicked by Flash!
The stupidest part is, that kiss made me like you. I never did before. Didn’t think of you as anything but one of the guys. Flash has always said you’re the prettiest girl we know. And yeah, that’s true. But I still didn’t LIKE you. Missed the hook that every other guy was on in middle school. A lot of people are beautiful. Doesn’t make them interesting or intriguing or cool.
Is that why you kissed me? Cause I was the only one who wasn’t wrapped around your finger? Well it worked! Ever since then, I saw you. I mean really looked at you. Behind every scratch, bump, and bruise from whatever sport you were playing, I saw you. How you weren’t just beautiful, that word isn’t good enough. You just exist effortlessly.
And yes, I did go through the thesaurus for that adjective. You’re hard to describe, [Y/n].
After you kissed me, I liked you for the rest of seventh grade and almost all of eighth. It’s not easy watching you with Flash. It’s also not easy when he shoves it in my face all the time cause he doesn’t like me anymore. So thanks for that! But I get it, if I had you I wouldn’t be able to shut up about you either. You make him feel special. Because that’s what you do, right? You’re good at making people feel special.
But not me anymore. I haven’t really seen you over the past year. And any time I do, you’re with Flash. Your spell has worn off [Y/n] [Y/l/n]. I am proud to say that I am once again the only boy in school to not be hooked into you. All because I got too much of you at once and now I don’t think I’ll want to be under that spell ever again.
What a relief!
Peter Benjamin Parker ’
You felt your brows furrow, cheeks equally red from a shyness you hadn’t felt in years and slight anger. Clearly he wrote this years ago, but why send it now? Right after Flash cheated on you?!
Did he like you? Did he hate you? Why did you care? It was just Peter-fucking-Parker.
You purse your lip, placing the letter back on the desk. Your blood boiled, heart skipping a beat. Every single reaction in your body was opposing and you hated how much it affected you.
So what would be the best course of action? To act like it didn’t effect you at all. At least, that’s what you saw as the right decision. It’d be easy, just let Parker down and tell him you didn’t feel the same. Because maybe that’s what this was? Maybe Peter did fall back “under your spell” and now that you were finally single he had to tell you? That was the only idea which came to your mind anyways.
You looked over at your closet, eyes focusing on your favorite shirt. It was a white crew neck sweater decorated in the entomology of beetles, and you decided you would be wearing that to turn him down.
“Don’t like my bugs? Yeah okay, Dickhead.” You muttered and pulled the item out before forming the rest of the outfit which consisted of running shorts and sneakers. Classy, right?
You took a picture of the letter before folding it back up and placing it into the envelope. Why? Well not that you’d admit it, but you were never complimented like that before. And that part of the letter made you feel kinda nice actually. He paid attention to you back then, which could have been sweet once upon a time. Now? Now you didn’t know how to feel about it and that bothered you immensely. 
Later, in school, You mulled over how you would confront the boy. It was weird, really weird. You and Peter hadn’t really talked since middle school and the most the two of you interacted in high school was you apologizing for Flash being a dick to him about 24/7. And now he was apparently infatuated with you once and you had to tell him that you didn’t feel the same. But as the clock ticked on, you knew you had at least one class with him and that was gym.
 You anxiously gripped the letter in your hand, jogging along the track and looking for a familiar set of brown curls. It didn’t take long for you to catch up with him, spotting Peter and Ned half-walking the whole thing while the gym teacher wasn’t looking.
“Yo Parker! Wait up a second.” You called and his head whipped around, his eyes instantly going to your sweater.
‘Do bugs really bother him that much?’ You thought and held back a frown before shrugging it off. There were more important matters.
“Nice shirt! Is it accurate?” Ned instantly chirped up and you let yourself smirk, he always had such an excited demeanor in a way that could light up a room if anyone bothered to notice him.
“You think you’d catch me wearing pseudoscience? What the hell do you take me for?” That smirk grew into a smile as you spoke to Ned, not noticing the pale color staining Peter’s face. Because while you were focused on Ned, Peter was focused on you. 
Specifically, the letter in your hand.
“You’re right, I apologize. What brings you over here anyways? You usually lap us twice by now.” You looked over to Peter while Ned talked, watching how he was unable to even look up from your hand.
“I wanted to talk to Peter, actually…  alone?” You scratched the back of your neck while Ned let out a big ‘ohh’ and quickly made himself scarce.
The boy looked more nervous than you had ever seen him, running his hands through his hair so much that every knot could have been plucked out by now. 
“What um- what’s up, [Y/n]?”
 “Listen, I’m gonna make this quick to save both of us the awkwardness. I think it’s really nice that you think I’m one of the prettiest girls in our grade and stuff… but me and Flash just broke up and I really don’t see you that way-”
The only thing you heard from him was an exasperated ‘what?’ before practically watching the boy fall in slow motion. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and you gasped out loud when his head hit the ground.
“Oh my god, Peter!” Dropping to the ground after him, you immediately move his hair from his eyes and wave your hand in front of his face.
“Are you okay? Parker? Do you know your name? What day is it?” You gave a choppy version of the concussion questions your coaches asked after a particularly bad hit to the head, panic evident in your eyes.
‘Did I just concuss this kid?!’ you thought wildly.
Slowly, he sat up, taking a couple breaths while you kept your hand on his shoulder. “You weren’t supposed to see that,” he said exasperated and you watched his eyes grow twice their size as he glanced to his left.
Storming towards the two of you was a recognizable scowl, an envelope in her hand. Michelle Jones. She was MJ to you, once upon a time, but you couldn’t think of the last time the two of you said a word to each other.
“Oh god!” Peter rolled his eyes, grabbing your attention yet again.
In a blink, the boy had managed to grab your waist and pin you underneath him, one hand was gently caressing your head while the other wrapped underneath you. You couldn’t even take a breath before his lips were on yours, surprise flooding your system. His lips were soft and you hadn’t even realized how your body instantly reacted to him as if you had done this a thousand times before, kissing him in a quick but simple rhythm. But once your brain did register it? You grabbed his face, separating the two of you.
“Parker, the fuck?!-”
“Bye!” He blurted out before letting go of you and running off at a speed you didn’t even think was possible for him.
So this left you, alone, confused, and strangely breathless on the ground.
tatgilb -
permanent - 
@ultrunning​ @jesseswartzwelder​
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 1 Draculaura Diary
Another great day to be alive... okay technically it’s a great day to be undead but it’s still a great day and I’m going to enjoy it.
It rained today which means I didn’t have to wear so much sunscreen when I went out for a walk. It’s also nice for my garden. Mmmm fresh tomatoes, carrots and lettuce. Count Fabulous loves it too - not the vegetables but all the bugs they attract, it’s like a bug buffet for a bat.
Father “surprised” me by buying my school clothes this year. I love my father but you’d think after 1,599 years he’d realize there’s more to fashion than whalebone corsets and black velvet lined hooded capes. At least he left the tags on everything this year so I can return it all for something splashed with a little color. I reeeaaallly hope he didn’t bite the clerks this time. That’s sooo gross and embarrassing. 
We got new human neighbors today which I thought was a little strange cause my father is kind of intimidating to humans... and monsters too actually, but it doesn’t seem to bother Mrs. Jekyll, and her son Jackson Jekyll who is my age... well, I mean technically he’s really not but we’re going to be in the same class. When he gets moved in I’m going to give him the entire lowdown on Monster High. 
I took a casketberry pie over to the Jekyll’s today as a haunted house warming gift and Jackson answered the door. Wow! He is scary cute and really sweet. I got bats in my stomach an ghost bumps just standing there talking to him. I don’t know what it is but there’s something a little mysterious about him.... I like it!
Clawdeen Wolf came over yesterday. We were supposed to be going through my closets to collect some of my out of date fashion and give them away to Ghoul Will. It also gave me a chance to give some of them away to Clawdeen. She has a big family and I have almost 1600 years of clothing - it would be selfish of me not to share with my best friend. Clawdeen has a lot of pride though and so I had to combine the two. After we pulled out a bunch we cranked the music and started trying outfits. We had such a good time that it woke father up. What a grump! Anyway, I can’t believe chain mail was ever in style. It’s so 15th century. Of course Clawdeen looked fabulous in it.
Jackson came over tonight to return my pie plate. Father got to the door before I could and totally went all Transylvania on him. “Good evening. Vat can I do for you?”
I was like “Oh no!” but then Jackson asked to borrow a hammer cause he needed to drive a stake into something. It flustered my dad so much I think he turned a shade whiter. Then Jackson said, “Gotcha!” and my dad regained his composure, barely. “Draculaura you have a visitor!” Later on I heard father muttering something about Jackson being more than he appears to be. I don’t know about that but he is sweet, funny, cute and not afraid of my father! Perfect!
I went to The Maul with Clawdeen Wolf today to exchange some of the new school clothes father got me. We met Mrs. Stein and her new daughter Frankie Stein while we were there. Frankie is going to be in our class at Monster High and her mother was taking her back-to-school shopping. Mrs. Stein is really, really sweet but her fashion sense is well... not really current. Anyway, we were able to rescue Frankie for a couple of hours and show her the best of what this century’s fashions had to offer. We had a great time and Frankie Stein is definitely built for fashion. I think Clawdeen might have even been a little jealous... I also suggested that Frankie should try out for the fearleading squad! She was really excited about that and I think we’re all going to be great friends.
Cleo de Nile was unhappy with me because I had to miss fearleading practice this morning =( but Count Fabulous got another mothball and I had to take him to the vet. I scolded him for being such a pig but he looked so miserable I couldn’t be mad at him for long. If he’s not going to be a vegetarian he should at least stick to eating something smaller like gnats or mosquitoes.
So my Sweet 1600 birthday is coming up soon which I’m really looking forward to but it also means something I am not looking forward to and this is having “The Talk” with my father. We do this every year around my birthday and it usually bums me out for at least a couple of days. “The Talk” goes like this, “Draculaura I have been extremely tolerant of your keeping daytime hours, our friendship with that pack of mangy werewolves and your insistence on being happy. But I believe it is imperative that you return to your roots and give this ridiculous idea that a vampire can be a vegetarian. It is unnatural, un-monster like and I think it is time you return to what you once were.” Then he stands there with his arms crossed looking very serious.
I used to get mad and tell him that it was my life and I could choose to live it however I wanted to, which caused an even bigger fight, but then I started just giving him a kiss on the cheek and big hug which totally disarms him and he doesn’t bring it up for another year. My father is the most scary cool monster ever and I know it’s hard on him, but being my own monster makes me happy and I’m never going back to the way I used to be.
Jackson Jekyll asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him today which was totally creeperific until he asked me to bite him! I thought he was just kidding but he was totally serious. When I asked him why, he said it was because he didn’t want to be the only human at Monster High and that if he were a vampire he would fit in and we could hang out. He was so sweet about it but I told him why I became a vegetarian and how that meant I couldn’t possibly bite him. I could tell he was disappointed but I told him just because he was human didn’t mean he wouldn’t fit in or that we couldn’t hang out. That seemed to make him feel a little better but I don’t think he’s giving up on the idea of me biting him.
I just finished working on a newsletter for V.A.M.P. which stands for Vampires Advocating Meatless Proteins. I put in some recipes, a short story and some poetry. I think it’s a great organization although I’m the only member so far. I even gave a copy to father who circled some spelling errors and gave it back to me. Well, at least he read it close enough to find mistakes!
Clawdeen Wolf’s family always has an end of the summer boo-b-que and they always invite me even though, in the past, our families haven’t always gotten along but since Clawdeen and I are like best monster friends forever I always get invited. Of course they are all like total carnivores so I usually bring my own food. At least they don’t tease me... too much... about the tofu dogs and veggie burgers I bring =). This year I invited Jackson Jekyll to go with me and I think he had a good time although Clawdeen has a really big family and they can be pretty rowdy when they’re all together.
As much fun as I had at the cook out yesterday, it was still a sign that summer is ending and school is about to start. I mean I don’t dislike school and I love seeing all my friends every day but there’s nothing like summer time and the freedom of just being able to do whatever I want whenever I want to. 
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