#anyway it hurts that we couldn’t do it but we’re the best in the east baby
preciouspatriots · 2 years
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jackiehicks · 9 months
Spyder Johnson x Platonic!reader
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request: none! this came from my very own brain.
A/N: happy birthday pearce!! it’s officially september 6th in the uk so i’m posting a piece about my favourite pearce character (sorry wyatt) i have had this idea in my head for literally a year now and it feels so good to put it into words. this is also Heavy on the ‘projecting onto my oc’ thing so sorry about that. enjoy!!
content warning: mentions of bad home life, homelessness, potentially death? injury, etc.
words: 1.8k
“sorry im late!” y/n shouted as the elevator door opened, then realising she did not need to be shouting, “sorry i’m late.”
“you’re good, y/n, no worries. we wouldn’t start without you anyway.” veracity reassured her.
y/n was the medic of mech x-4. she was still relatively new to the team, having only joined a few weeks ago alongside her best friend veracity. the other guys said it was good to have a designated medic on the team; usually harris would do it all, but if harris got hurt then the others were generally a bit clueless. y/n was tight with the team since the boys transferred to bay city east - especially spyder. the two sort of understood eachother in ways that the rest of the team didn’t quite catch on to.
“yeah, we literally couldn’t start without you. ryan isn’t here yet, or mark. and we’re testing the x-weapon today so you need to be here in case ryan explodes.” spyder explained to y/n. he received a look of concern from the rest of the team, y/n included.
“not that he’s gonna explode,” spyder corrected himself hastily, “i just mean like… what if he gets a nosebleed or a… a brain bleed! no, that’s also bad. yep, ignore me. giving you permission to ignore me now.”
“whatever happened to positive mental attitude?” harris muttered under his breath, shaking his head in disappointment. spyder looked dejectedly at the buttons in front of him. y/n had noticed that he seemed to do that a lot.
“hey,” she whispered to the boy on her left, “5 bucks says ryan gets zapped by the x-weapon’s power.” that seemed to perk spyder up by a lot.
“10 says he gets fried”
to say the x-weapon test went poorly would be an understatement. ryan and mark showed up, about 20 minutes after the team had arranged to, with their mother in tow. after a tour of the robot, plus a quick joyride just outside of bay city’s limits, the test begun. not only did it almost blow veracity up, but the test had ended with ryan unconscious in the harness with a sizeable cross burnt into his chest.
everyone was in the medbay, y/n running a scan on ryan’s injuries. luckily, the burns weren’t too severe; the x-weapon had been shut down just in time.
“he needs to go to a hospital!” grace exclaimed, worry wrinkling her face.
“no! no hospitals. besides, y/n is more than qualified to attend to ryan’s injuries.” leo countered.
“y/n is 16! what medical qualifications could she possibly have?”
“uh, my mom’s a veterinarian?” y/n admitted, unsure of how grace would react.
“oh, great. that’s just wonderful. i need to take my son to a hospital!”
“mom, i’m fine. please.” ryan pleaded.
“no. you will not argue with me on this. get up, we’re going. mark, you’re coming too.”
the walkers dejectedly got up and left the medbay, presumably leaving the robot too.
after that, the rest of the gang split up to head home. harris and veracity left to do some more research on gigawatts or whatever sciencey stuff they talked about after team meetings and weapons tests. spyder had gone home for dinner. leo disappeared too, doing whatever the hell he does when he’s not throwing himself into his work, and ryan and mark were at home, packing for miami. the only person left in the robot was y/n, who was researching the best ways to care for minor second degree burns from home and sending her findings to ryan. she was in the middle of telling him to dress the burn with sterile bandages when she heard someone walking around in the hallways.
still new to the dangers of the job, y/n started to panic. what if it was traeger? or grey? what if someone had come to destroy mech x-4 while it was seemingly empty? what would they do to her if they found she was there? not wanting to risk anything, she grabbed the nearest weapon she could find: a steel tray. usually it carried all the tools that could have been used as better weapons, but they were all being sterilised. steel tray would have to do. cautiously, y/n opened the door of the medbay. she walked out into the hallway, keeping a close eye out for villains. she turned a corner and saw a figure in front of her. in a panic, she threw the sheet of metal at the mysterious figure. the figure fell to the floor and let out a high pitched scream. y/n screamed in response, although not quite as high as her victim. she edged closer, and noticed that the figure was wearing a snapback hat.
“y/n! what are you doing here? i thought everyone left.”
“i had some research to do for ryan’s burns - what are you doing here?”
“uh… weapons checks?” y/n checked her phone, seeing through spyder’s unconvincing excuse.
“it’s almost 9pm, weapons checks couldn’t have started a bit earlier? don’t lie to me, spyder.”
spyder stayed on the floor, looking down sheepishly. y/n sighed and offered him a hand up, which he took.
“have you been home since the test?” y/n asked, walking into the hangout alongside spyder.
“uh, no.”
“have you eaten?”
“yeah, i… uh. yeah. i ate.”
he looked down at the floor again. he seemed nervous, shy… ashamed? y/n had never seen him like this before.
“i did. went to the soup kitchen.”
“spyder…” y/n was planning on comforting her friend, when he started to turn down a corridor - one that would not lead to the couch.
“spyder, where are you going? the hangout is that way.” she said, gesturing down the hall.
“can i show you something?”
y/n sighed, looking at her friend. he had never been so sincere towards her before. she had no choice but to trust him.
after a few more minutes into the corridor, spyder opened a door that led into what can only be described as…
“is this a bedroom?”
“uh… kind of? i sleep here sometimes.”
y/n looked at spyder, concern visible in her face. her eyes drifted to the mattress on the floor, blankets, pillows, empty soda cans and discarded candy wrappers on the floor, a nintendo switch lying haphazardly on a makeshift bedside table, and an absurd collection of hats.
“spyder, do you live in the robot?”
it was nearly 11pm, and spyder and y/n were sitting atop mech-x4, looking over bay city. spyder had confessed that he had been living in the robot for the last couple of weeks. the two had had a hearty conversation after that, with y/n simply trying to understand spyder’s reasoning for not going home.
turns out, his parents argue a lot. like, a lot. his house seemed to be a constant screaming match between his parents and spyder always being caught in the crossfire. he was the only child of two people that should have split up a long time ago but didn’t for the sake of their son, but now their son didn’t even want to go home for fear of what his parents will be like when he gets home.
“i’m serious, y/n, it’s awful there. they hate eachother.” he let out a long sigh, his breath visible in the cold air, “families can be so messed up sometimes.”
“yeah, i hear that.”
“what’s your family like?”
“i mean, i don’t think it’s as bad as yours…” spyder let out a light chuckle and playfully elbowed y/n’s arm. y/n smiled and continued her piece.
“…but yeah, my family’s a little messed up too. i mean, i’m the eldest of four kids - all girls, a full sister and two half sisters - my parents are divorced, we fell out with my dad about two years ago and i haven’t seen him since, my stepdad works away a lot and my mom works so hard and sometimes pretty late. my eldest sister is in her moody teenage phase at the moment so it’s on me to look after the younger girls a lot of the time. then when my parents do come home… they’re just so tired and stressed, i sort of get the brunt of all of those feelings they’ve got built up. my sister gets it too sometimes but the little ones can do no wrong in their eyes, so it’s usually me. i feel like i’ve had to grow up pretty quickly to be able to do all these things around the house on top of school, and i’m old enough to get a job now too so i’ve got that weight on my shoulders…” y/n snapped out of her rant, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “sorry. i’m rambling. you’re the one who’s essentially homeless, i don’t know why i’m complaining.”
“no, it’s alright. it’s kinda nice, talking to you like this. no one usually takes me seriously enough to have a real conversation with me.”
y/n placed a gentle hand on spyder’s arm.
“you’re more than people take you for. you’re really funny, and kind, and smart-“
“i’m not smart.”
“yes, you are. don’t be like that.”
“no, i mean it. i’m not smart. i’m failing almost everything in school, i can’t do any sciencey-techy-buildy stuff like the others can…”
“you’re smart in other ways, spyder. you saved veracity from that plant thing like, a week ago, right? harris didn’t figure that out. you did.”
“yeah,” spyder sat up a little straighter, “yeah, i did.”
“oh, before i forget…” y/n reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill. spyder looked confused.
“the bet. you were right, ryan was fried by the x-weapon. see what i mean? you guessed that it would fry him. you’re smarter than you think, spyder.”
“my name is connor.”
y/n smiled, letting the name roll off her tongue a couple times.
“you suit connor.”
they both looked ahead at bay city in the dark, illuminated by the streetlights and lit windows of people that haven’t settled into sleep yet.
“do your parents know where you are?” y/n asked.
“told them i’m crashing at harris’ place.”
“why aren’t you staying with harris then?”
“dunno. don’t want him to find out, i guess.”
“but you told me?”
“yeah… i don’t know. i trust you. you treat me like an actual person. makes a nice change.”
y/n threw an arm around her friend. she could feel spyder - connor - melt into her touch slightly.
“you know you can always stay at mine, right? my parents don’t mind having guests over, as long as we stay out of mom’s way when she’s working from home.”
“you sure? i don’t wanna cause any trouble.”
“of course i’m sure. you’re my friend.”
“thanks, y/n”
“no problem, connor.”
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rendevousz · 3 years
avengers x gn!teen!reader
platonic!peter parker x reader
requested by @sunflowerbecca : "hey! a request with the whole teen avengers thing you got gotten on haha, anyways something where the reader gets hurt or faints etc etc and then the rest of the avengers are all worried and frantic as they care for them"
summary: there was a consequence of going on a mission while you were sick
warnings: mentions of throwing up and a tiny fight with bestfriend!peter, avengers babying you as usual
word count: roughly 5k words of utter bullshit me thinks but pls do give this a read LMAO
notes: i'm sorry this took longer to write i was unexpectedly busy on the weekends but here i am i hope you enjoy this <3
"stark, you sure about this?"
"of course i'm sure, capsicle. the kids have been bugging us to let them go on a mission together. i know it's because they just want to mess around without being scolded but this is the easiest mission we've ever gotten since the avengers. besides, they've been pretty good lately so i think they deserve it. don't you guys think so?"
his question was met with approving looks all over the room, except from steve. the whole team except the teens —you and peter— were having a meeting about a simple mission that was supposed to happen that night. you and peter weren't in the meeting because you two were still at school.
it had been months since you and peter started asking the team to let you guys go on missions alone without "adult supervision". it was true that you guys wanted that just so you could do missions without feeling like you were being babysat but it was also because you guys thought that you weren't kids anymore; you could handle simple missions.
"c'mon cap, don't you want to see their face light up when we tell them they can go on this mission together, without us?" clint urged. he knew steve loved the kids, especially you, and he especially loved seeing the way your eyes would light up first before you whole face did.
"okay, fine. but if anything happens to them, you guys are to blame for."
school had just finished and you were walking back to the tower with peter. you've been having a killer headache all day and you felt nauseous. you even went to the washroom to throw up twice today. of course you didn't tell peter because he was that type of overprotective best friend who would make you get home if you sneezed more than three times that day. all you wanted to do today was get home quick so you could sleep the sickness away.
yes, you knew you were sick. but you didn't want to tell anyone because like peter, the whole team was overprotective over you and they usually did too much when you were sick. so you avoided that by just acting like you were okay. that was going well so far since all you had to do when you get home was go to your room and tell them you stayed up late last night and needed to catch up on sleep.
of course that didn't go well.
"y/n!" you groaned when peter entered your room uninvited, immediately jumping onto your bed. "yes, pete?" you croaked. his joyful expression turned into a frown when he heard you. "what's wrong? are you okay?"
"yes, pete, i'm okay. just super sleep deprived." you lied, cringing when you felt your head throb once again. "oh.. did you..did you want to sleep? am i interrupting?" he asked, feeling bad. "no, no. it's fine, what did you want?"
"i just came to tell you that mr stark and the team are finally gonna let us go on a mission without them! there's one tonight and they're letting us go alone!" he announced excitedly. you couldn't help the small smile that appeared on your lips when he said that. his happiness was just so contagious.
"but if you wanna sleep then i'll just go with any one of them, i guess," he shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant face but you knew he was internally begging you to come with. after all, you guys have been asking for this for the longest time.
you look at his hopeful face —one that he thought he was concealing very well— and sighed, flashing him a small smile. "fine, it's friday anyways so there's no school tomorrow. but you're buying me food tomorrow for postponing my catchup on beauty sleep," that is, if you can stomach the food, considering how you've thrown up almost anything you had for the past two days.
the thought of this mission going awry because of you being sick was almost immediately forgotten when you saw the huge smile on peter's face. he pulled you into a tight hug before letting go to jump on your bed. "we're finally gonna go on a mission alone!"
you laugh at his excitement though you wished he could lower down his volume because it was making your head hurt.
later that evening, you were in your room, sitting on the bed after having just finished putting on your suit when a knock was heard. after telling the person to come in, you met eyes with a certain blond haired super-soldier.
"hey, y/n." he greets, sitting down beside you. "hey, steve," you responded with a weak voice. he turned to you with a frown and you knew what was coming. "i'm fine, steve. i already had this conversation with pete. i just need sleep but i can get that after this mission. i'm not gonna be fine though if you wake me up at the crack of dawn to train when you know i just had a late night mission." you sassed, causing him to chuckle.
"okay, fine. i'm just worried about you two. you sure you're gonna be fine? don't need me to come along?" he asked, concern written all over his face.
"yes, steve. pete's been wanting a mission without you old folks for the longest time and i'm not gonna disappoint him by making you come along. we'll be fine, stevie. we're not little kids, we're avengers. we can handle finding a random chip in an abandoned building," you reasoned with him.
"it's not a rando— you know what? just be back home safe, okay kiddo?" he ruffled your hair, earning him a playful glare from you.
the swing trip to the mission location had you even more nauseous than you were earlier today and earlier today was worse than yesterday when the symptoms of your fever all started. you almost let go of peter because your body felt weak and now you were getting an earful from the boy.
"y/n, what were you thinking?! you could've gotten hurt!" he scolded you. you only looked down in guilt, biting the inside of your cheeks. "can we not do this now? let's talk about this back at the tower tomorrow," you waved him off, already beginning to feel the pounding headache getting worse. you started to walk ahead but then he gripped your upper arm, effectively halting you in your steps.
"y/n, if i hadn't grabbed onto you tighter the last minute, you could've plummeted 100 feet down to your death! did you know how scared i was?" his voice cracked and you immediately felt bad.
"you know you need to hold on too when i'm swinging us both! why'd you do that?" he yelled at you and you had to press onto your temple because of the headache that was steadily getting worse.
"look, pete, i'm really sorry about that, okay? that was unintentional but if you're gonna berate me over that, can you do that back at the tower?" you sighed, trying to shrug his grip off your arm but he kept it.
"you don't know the true weight of your actions, do you? you could've died, y/n! how do you think i would feel? being the reason my best friend died? having to go on with life without you? i can't lose you, y/n!" at this point, you could tell he was crying under his mask.
you felt bad. you knew you shouldn't have agreed to go on this mission knowing that you had been sick for the past two days. but you couldn't have let the opportunity pass. you couldn't bear to see peter disappointed after waiting for this moment for the longest time ever. but standing here, looking down as peter yelled at you while crying, you were starting to think that it was better to just see his disappointment. anything was better than seeing your best friend cry.
"pete, i truly am sorry. i love you and i would never leave you. but can we please get this mission over and done with so we can get back to the tower as soon as possible? we'll talk about this later," you told him and you immediately felt him let go of your arm.
"okay, fine! since you wanna get the mission done so bad, let's do it! i'll take the east side of the building and you'll take west. we'll split up so can find the goddamn chip quicker. that's what you want right?" and before you could say anything, the boy was already out of your sight.
you tried to keep your tears at bay but when that was the first huge argument you had with your best friend, it was kind of an impossible task.
so with your weak muscles and a breakdown that caused your headache to get even worse, you slowly trudged the west side of the building, looking for that stupid chip that the team wanted you to find.
you were beginning to think that the only reason the team sent you both here was because to find a tiny little chip in a huge abandoned building was like finding a needle in a haystack; definitely not something adults like them could bear to do.
but it obviously wouldn't have mattered to you and peter since you guys could do it peacefully without being pestered every two minutes about your whereabouts during missions. it obviously wouldn't have mattered to you and peter because if that argument hadn't broken out, you two would be enjoying each others company as you looked for the chip together. you could've been singing and joking around like you two wanted to. but of course that couldn't happen because of you.
you stopped in your tracks when a particularly harsh wave of migraine hit you, causing you to lean against the wall. your vision blurred as you tried hard to clear it but it wouldn't. your throat was dry and it made you think; when was the last time you drank water? you barely had energy in you from skipping meals due to your inability to stomach them.
now you were actually regretting coming on this mission. the last thing you saw was the dirty walls decorated with spray painted graffiti.
"oh my god, is this it? KAREN, is this it?" peter asked his built in AI. "yes, peter, this chip matches the picture that mr stark sent you."
"yes!" he cheered, grabbing the chip and storing it safely. "this mission probably would've been a lot more fun if y/n and i weren't fighting. we would've had so much fun. these walls had countless of stuff we could've laughed and joked about." the boy sighed before pressing a finger to his comms.
"hey i uh, i found the chip. where are you? we can go now." he said, waiting for you to respond. but you didn't. "c'mon, y/n, it's been two hours. you can't still be giving me the silent treatment, are you?"
"look, i'm sorry for lashing out on you but like you said, let's settle this at the tower. tell me where you are. i'll come get you and we can swing back as soon as possible."
"goddamnit, y/n! answer me!" he huffed out in annoyance. and when he was met with silence once again, he decided to have KAREN do a scan.
"y/n is at the exact same spot you landed on two hours ago." KAREN showed him the scan of the building and highlighted where you guys landed on two hours ago. he felt his heart race when you seemed to be lying on the ground, motionless.
"what's wrong with them, KAREN? why is y/n lying on the floor?" he asked in concern as he sped up to where you were. "y/n seems to have lost consciousness. according to FRIDAY, they have been showing symptoms of a high fever since yesterday."
peter cursed as he ran towards you when he saw you from afar. how could he have not noticed that you were sick? and it wasn't a simple cold but a high fever. now he was the one who felt bad. he should've suspected it from how different you had been acting since yesterday. that must've also been the reason you couldn't hold on to him properly.
he immediately crouched down to you when he reached you, examining your body for any external injuries. he cringed when he saw dried blood on the side of your forehead. you must've scraped it upon impact on the rough concrete.
"how long have they been out?" he asked KAREN as he picked you up. he proceeded to web you onto his body as extra precaution in case he accidentally let go while he swung. "approximately 2 hours, peter. right after you stormed away angrily."
"okay, KAREN, there's no need to make me feel bad. can you call mr stark?" peter asks the AI as he frantically swings you both back to the tower.
"kid? what's up? did you find the chip?" peter could hear the background rock music being lowered down and from the metal on metal clanking, he could tell tony was in his lab.
"i did but can you, uh, please get medic ready?" he was breathless as he kept swinging from building to building all while holding onto your unconscious body. immediately the metal tinkering sounds as well as the music completely stopped.
"what happened, kid? are you alright?"
"i'm okay, mr stark. it's y/n. they fainted." he told the man. "fainted?" the man exclaimed. "what happened? how long were they out?" he urged the boy and peter could hear that he was walking quickly and he assumed it was to get the medic team ready and to inform them of the situation.
"2 hours," he admitted quietly as he landed on the tower's hangar. "i'm here. i'm bringing them down now." he ran down towards the hospital wing with you in his arms.
once he reached down, he was met with the team waiting, worry etched onto their faces. wanda was the first to notice him and peter saw that her eyes were teary. before he could say anything though, the medic team appeared and proceeded to cut off his webs wrapping you to him. they immediately put you onto the stretcher and they wheeled you into the room, peter's gaze lingering on your unconscious self once he took off his mask.
"what happened out there, kid?" sam asked softly when peter slid down against the wall, staring expressionlessly at the wall across of him. "peter."
"we had a fight, okay!" he let out, taking the team by surprise because he was always such a calm and patient boy. they had never seen him this angry or upset since they first met him.
"we were swinging and their grip on me loosened so i got mad at them. but they kept pushing the matter aside like it wasn't a big deal, like it wasn't a life or death situation so i lashed out and decided that we should split up to look for the stupid chip since they wanted to get back to the tower so bad." he explained, eyes red as he had been crying a lot that night.
"i tried apologising like ten minutes after but y/n didn't respond so i assumed they were giving me the silent treatment but i found them unconscious two hours later. i'm so sorry," he apologised, breaking down as he put his face in between his knees to avoid looking at the team. they were probably mad at him for letting this happen to you.
"kid, why are you apologising? it's not your fault,"
he slowly lifted his head up, to meet the kind smiles of the team. "because the only reason y/n probably went on this mission was because they knew how much i wanted this. they put their own well-being aside just to make me happy and all i did was lash out at them."
"how were you supposed to know y/n had a high fever? we all didn't know either. it's not like we spend every waking hour with th—" clint was immediately cut off when nat nudged him with her elbow. peter had an unamused expression on his face. everyone knew you and peter were practically attached at the hip, always having training, and not to mention, school together. you two even spent your free time together.
"what clint means," nat glared at the archer. "is that it doesn't matter how much time or how little time we spend with y/n. that kid is stubborn as a bull. they could literally have been shot and we wouldn't know until we actually see the wound. my point is, y/n's the type that doesn't want to worry us. and you're their best friend, they knew how much you wanted this mission so that's probably why they didn't tell you. you can't blame yourself for this, peter."
"i know but they did this for me and i got mad at them. they're a much better friend to me than i am to them." peter dropped his head back down between his knees.
before any of them could respond, doctor cho approached them. "as you all know, they have a high fever. i suggest you all come visit tomorrow because they most probably won't wake until then."
"okay, will do. thank you, doc." the doctor smiled before excusing herself. peter then got up to go back to his room to wash up after handing tony the chip.
tony could only sigh when he looked at the boy's back that was growing smaller as he walked farther away.
the next day, you woke up with a terrible headache but you had gotten used to it from the past two mornings.
"good, you're awake. how do you feel?"
you squinted to get used to the bright lighting and your gaze settled on the female doctor by your bed with a clipboard. "like shit." you croaked out. she chuckled. "that's expected. your fever has calmed down now, do you feel anything else?"
"this headache makes me want to rip my head out and i feel weak." she nodded, jotting down on her clipboard. "okay. that's all i needed to know. you should come to us if you're ever unwell, y/n." you gave her a guilty smile before nodding.
"there's a glass of water on the table if you want. the team wants to see you so i'll send them in?" you nodded and she left to bring them in. you looked at the bedside table, seeing the glass of water she mentioned and only now you realised how dry your throat had been. how you managed to verbally respond to doctor cho, you didn't know.
you slowly reached out for it, struggling because your whole body felt weak. "y/n! stay in bed, i'll get it for you." you heard a stern voice scold and you immediately fell limp on the bed.
before you knew it, steve was already by your side with the glass of water. he held your face in one hand while the other held the glass near your mouth. you smiled gratefully and took your time drinking the water, having been dehydrated before you passed out.
"you're still burning up," he noted, settling down on the chair beside you. the rest sat down too and you couldn't be bothered to ask how the heck were there so many chairs in the room. "how are you feeling, y/n/n?" bruce asked, sitting down across steve.
"like shit." you repeated your answer to doctor cho. before steve could open his mouth to tell you to watch your language, you turned to him with a bored look and a raised eyebrow, causing him to close his mouth immediately. boy, were you scary when you weren't about to take anyone's shit.
"why didn't you tell us you were sick, bubs?" wanda pouted, fixing your hair that you were sure looked like a bird's nest at the moment.
"i didn't want to worry you guys. you're adults who have much more important things to worry about. a kid throwing up and experiencing headaches shouldn't be your priority." you admitted, subconsciously playing with nat's fingers. she had gotten used to you doing that when you were nervous or overwhelmed so she let you.
"what are you talking about, y/n?" she held onto your hand, stoping your movements. "anything related to your safety and well-being is a priority to us. you had us worried sick last night, bub." she looked down at you with soft eyes, releasing her grip on your hands so you could continue playing with her fingers.
"yes, you worried us lots, y/n. wanda would not stop crying last night when she heard what happened." vision said, prompting a smack from said woman and a hushed 'vis!'.
"i'm sorry, guys. i initially was just going to stay in my room until i got better but when peter told me about the mission, i couldn't bear to say no to him. he was so happy about it and i didn't want to disappoint him. and i thought i could take it because it literally was the simplest mission ever. but the breakdown i had after our argument was physically draining and i guess i couldn't take it. i'm sorry. god, i only didn't want to disappoint peter but now i've disappointed you guys too." you bit the inside of your cheek to control your emotions, not wanting to seem even weaker in front of these adult superheroes.
"you didn't disappoint us, y/n/n," bucky started. "you've done so well, you've made us proud and you keep making us proud. we just wish you would tell us when you're sick or you just need someone. you don't have to keep everything to yourself. what are we here for? we love you and we're willing to do anything for you. you're our baby." he ruffled your hair and you give him a tired smile. "i'll keep that in mind."
"do you want anything to eat?" sam asked and you paused, trying to figure out whether you would be able to stomach some food or not. "you know what? i'm gonna go and make you some porridge right now. don't move." he told you, as if you could move with these overprotective heroes surrounding your bed.
almost immediately after, wanda got up too. "i'm going to make sure he doesn't burn the kitchen down." she said, leaving the room after a small peck to the side of your head. vision then left too after wishing you a speedy recovery. only bucky, steve, natasha and bruce were left.
"y/n, you know you can come to us if you're sick, right? i know you and you probably think you're troubling doctor cho if you go to her despite it being her job. but we're family, you can come to us anytime. you always help me when with 'the other guy' and you help everyone with basically anything they could possibly need so why wouldn't we do the same for you? you out of everyone in this tower deserves the most." your eyes watered at his speech. you pouted and looked at him with your doe eyes, making the rest of the team internally coo at how adorable you looked.
"bruce," you lower lip jutted out even more as you opened your arms for a hug which he happily accepted. "hey where's clint, tony and pete?" you asked them once you let go of bruce.
"clint went out to get your favourite smoothie from that place you always talk about even though i told him already that you probably don't want it since you're sick." natasha explained. "aw, i think i'm gonna drink it solely because clint made an effort to get it for me."
"you're too nice, bub. but expect it in an hour or so because i know for sure that idiot somehow got himself lost trying to find that shop." you chuckled at this, leaning back against your propped up pillow. "what about tony and pete?"
"peter feels really bad about this whole situation so tony is trying to cheer him up. wait," steve stopped mid-explanation, turning to the rest. "stark told us to get him when y/n's up..." he trailed off and bucky's eyes widened. "he's gonna kill us for him not being the first person y/n sees when they wake up."
"FRIDAY, inform stark that y/n is awake."
"oh yeah he has an AI why couldn't he just tell the AI to inform him instead of us forgetful humans?" bucky questioned rhetorically and before they knew it, they heard frantic screaming and thudding of footsteps before the door was open.
"my baby! you're awake!" was the first thing you heard when the door slammed open. tony rushed in, pushing bruce away as he immediately pulled you into a hug. "you're still burning up, cupcake. have you had anything to eat yet? drank any water yet? here have some water," he grabbed the glass of water steve helped you drink earlier and did exactly what steve did. you had no choice but to drink.
"sam's making them porridge," nat told tony and he turned to her with an incredulous look. "wanda's helping." she added and he sighed out in relief before turning back to you.
"cupcake, you had us all worried last night. please don't ever do that again, okay?" he said, gently caressing your cheek. you gave him an awkward smile. "where's peter?"
"he's taking a swing. he says it helps clear his mind," tony said. "how are you doing here? nice room? comfy bed?" he pointed to the bed you were on.
"i'd much rather be in my own room, on my own bed." and without a warning, steve already had you in his arms while tony went to go tell doctor cho that you were being moved. the blond super-soldier started walking while natasha walked closely behind, dragging your IV drip along so it doesn't get ripped out of your arm.
when you reached your room, you were gently put down on your bed and steve fixed your blanket so it was covering you. "comfy?" he asked and you nodded with a big smile.
"i have to finish some stuff up down the lab," bruce said and you nodded at him with a pout. "i'll come back sometime later, though. you better be resting up all day." he warned jokingly. he ruffled your hair, planting a kiss on your forehead before leaving your room.
"can you tell pete that i want to see him when he comes back?" you told tony and he immediately sent out a text to your best friend.
after about an hour of just steve, nat and tony entertaining you, sam came back with wanda with the porridge and tony insisted that he feed you or you he wasn't going to let you see peter.
"alright, bub, i think you should really get some rest now. you can barely keep your eyes open," nat says, already getting up with your empty bowl of porridge. "we'll tell spiderboy you're asleep."
"okay," you mumbled, eyes already fluttering shut. you felt every single one of them give you a forehead kiss and then you were out like light.
when you woke up later that day, you felt much better than you did the last time you woke up. you decided that you now had enough energy to take a quick shower so you did. once you were done, you dried your hair while humming to a random song before the door opening interrupted you.
your eyes met with peter's guilty ones. "h–hey, you're awake," he stated and you nodded with a small smile, sitting on your bed and peter doing the same.
"look, y/n/n, i'm really sorry about what happened. i shouldn't have lashed out on you witho—"
"pete," you cut him off. "don't apologise. i'd be mad too if you did something as stupid as that." you reasoned. "yeah but it's not like you did it on purpose! you had a valid reason and i got mad at you for it." he spoke in frustration.
"dude, stop. i'm the one who's supposed to be sorry. i should've just told you i was sick. but i didn't want to upset you because you've been waiting for this for the longest time. but i ruined it for you. i'm sorry, pete." you rested your head on his shoulder and he rested his on top of yours.
"i wanna say that i'm the one at fault but then this conversation won't end until like next week so let's just say we're both at fault, yeah? you need to start telling people what's happening with you and i need to be better at reading you." he said, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into a hug. you hugged him back. "okay."
the door then opened, revealing bucky with his stupid shit-eating grin and you knew what was coming. you let go of peter and immediately you were lifted off the bed and over bucky's shoulders as he excitedly chanted about team movie night.
the night was spent watching a movie with the team you considered your family and them pampering you even more than they usually did (which, frankly, was still too much) since you were sick.
and right when the movie ended and everyone was preparing to head in, the door to the common room slammed open and a disheveled clint entered, holding a single cup of smoothie.
"got your smoothie, y/n/n!"
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ayamturd · 3 years
brother│sbi family
summary: y/n will always stand by their brothers no matter the hardship or challenges they should overcome in the end.
song: Brother by Kodaline
warnings: angst to fluff(?), cursing, blood/gore descriptions, death, slight spoliers for dsmp
pairing: in-game platonic!sbi family
a/n: i heard this song the other day and knew i had to give it a try (give it a listen!). also, each section/scene change is supposed to show a period of growth for the reader, both in age and confidence wise. as always, pls feel free to comment or give feedback!
wc: (4.1k) - m.list
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When we were young we were the ones
The kings and queens oh yeah, we ruled the world
“Techno, wait!” 
“Keep up then, slow poke!” 
Technoblade and y/n were running through the village, laughing like madmen while jumping over the hay bales serving as their mini obstacle course. They were passing the time while Dadza finished his tradings with Wilbur, him volunteering to assist in hopes of exploring the market place. As they continued their chase, Technoblade began to gain a lead; his long limbs giving him a far unfair advantage against his smaller sibling. He was nearing the local well in the town square, and y/n knew they would have to take drastic measure before he could claim victory. 
Quickly assessing their surroundings, y/n grabbed the first product they could snatch off the closest stand. They beamed it at Techno, the potato hitting him on the back of his head, causing him to falter and trip over his hooves. Y/n leaped over him, grin wide when hearing the vendor and their brother yell after them.
“Y/n! What gives?!” Technoblade scrambled up in a hurry, rushing to meet their stride. Y/n only cackled, shouting back, “hey, it’s like you once said, ‘What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.’”
The sun beamed down in the late afternoon, yet y/n was too driven to notice. They reached the center square and rang the bell, signifying their win. “I regret teaching you the ways of Sun Tzu.” Technoblade was panting with his hands on his knees; he had tried to catch up given his fall slowing him down, but ended up running in vain to his defeat.
“Ahh you don’t mean that now, do you?” Y/n climbed up the well and jumped on Technoblade’s shoulders, forcing him to adjust to the sudden weight while they gripped his pink hair. He grunted, “I do if it means you beating me.” Y/n giggled. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll always remember your miserable loss as the origin of my success.” 
“Gee, thanks.” Despite their bickering, the two children held large smiles, snickering while spinning carefree and contently. They tuned out the world, purely existing in the moment while conquering each trivial challenge at a time.
We've taken different paths
“Come on, y/n, you’ve got to let go some time or another.” Y/n clung onto Wilbur’s side, curled into his chest while the lanky man hovered his arms above them.
“Not until you hug me back, you jerk!” Wilbur sighed, pulling them in again. “I already hugged you in the house. We’re not gonna be here for another 10 minutes, right? You know how impatient Tommy can be.”
“Alright, fine you dickhead. I’ll let you go. See if I care the next time you want a hug,” y/n huffed. They pulled away in haste and crossed their arms, turning away from him completely. 
“You’re such a cry baby, s’not like we’ll be gone forever. Can visit and shit,” Tommy spoke up, walking towards the pair with his saddle in hand.
“Shut up, bitch. I won’t miss you anyway, I was talking to Wilbur.”
“Like hell you won’t!”
Wilbur stepped between the two, hand on Y/n’s shoulder and a push to Tommy’s face. “Maybe it’s best that we’re leaving, y/n. Tommy’s obviously influenced you too much.”
“Why the hell you say that like it’s a bad thing?!”
“Ugh, God please no.”
Despite all odds, y/n was the shortest in the family compared to all the boys. They were forced to look up at Tommy while he glared down at their smug face. 
Phil came forward from the house and chose to stand besides y/n. “I’ve only just gotten them to leave, don’t tell me you’re holding them down any longer.” Y/n muttered a small no. Wilbur and Tommy looked offended at the comment, and Phil only chuckled at the sight. “You’ll see them soon, y/n. You know they’ve been waiting for the opportunity to explore, and one day you’ll take your chance too.”
“Yeah, I know,” y/n sighed and leaned into Phil’s side. They were openly pained to have their brothers leave their home, disliking the idea of their family separated, yet they knew they didn’t have the right to stop them from their ambitions.
Phil checked over their supplies once more before patting their shoulders with encouraging words. Giving them room, the brothers mounted their horses and pulled the reins to the East, taking one final glance at their home. They both waved and rode off. 
The sun laid above the horizon, strips of color spread across the sky as night began to fall. Though they were too far to hear, y/n waited a moment before speaking. “Till next time.” 
And travelled different roads
“You can’t be serious.”
“You rather I leave them to die?” Technoblade was packing, grabbing his best weaponry and stuffing rations into his satchel. Although contemplating to bring his armor, he opted out of it in favor of traveling light. Y/n was trailing behind the large piglin, eyes irritated and upset. 
“How can you say that? I’m only concerned on why you think a revolution is what they need right now!” Technoblade spun around at their words, standing above them menacingly. Any rational person would be afraid if it weren’t for the fact that they grew up together. 
“Y/n. You and I both know there’s a reason they called me and me alone. I’m going there to help and do what is ask of me. What else do you expect from all of this?” Technoblade spoke steadily, his chin still raised while his eyes looked down at them. It only angered y/n more. 
“What I expect, Technoblade, is for you to be their brother and help them! Be their brother for once and not just ‘the Blood God’!” Y/n emphasized each point with a jab to his chest. It was rare for the two to fight at all, them being considerably close and maintaining the same idealization for the most part. 
Techno only narrowed his eyes before grabbing y/n’s wrist. “We’ve talked about this, y/n. Don’t act like you don’t understand the difference between ‘the Blood God’ and myself. Don’t act like there is a difference at all.” There was a slight pause as y/n’s eyes widen at their close proximity, Technoblade having had moved closer towards their face.
“… you’re hurting me, Techno.” Glancing down at their hands, Technoblade immediately let go and grabbed his crossbow behind y/n, leaving the room as if the conversation never happened. Y/n was quick to follow him before he left the house. 
They screamed out, “This isn’t right, Techno! For their sakes, you and that tactical brain of yours should realize that at the very least!” Technoblade stopped near the exit and tilted his head to the left, a brief silence before speaking. “If you weren’t so afraid of the world, you could always go save them yourself.”
He slammed the front door close at that, leaving a still y/n in shock at his words. The night was dead quiet as y/n stood there for some time, a ringing silence impeding the air. Phil came down the hallway from his room, tired yet aware of the situation; he was admittedly awake during the argument. “Are you alright, dear?” His voice was soft as he was unsure of y/n’s current emotions, their back to him while facing the front door. Y/n turned towards him with teary eyes.
And when you're in the trenches
And you're under fire I will cover you
“Ya’ know what, Wilbur?” Tommy was sitting on a furnace, Wilbur leaning against the cavern walls across him. They were both eating dinner together in the dark, dimly lit and empty space, the only sound coming further down the cave where Technoblade farmed until Tommy spoke up. Raising a hand to chew, Wilbur swallowed before asking a what?
“I’m getting real sick of potatoes.” They both laughed at that, temporarily finding joy in the small joke before fading back into a helpless silence. They were still reeling from their situation; no home, no friends, no government to stand with. While they were in the presence of their brother, Technoblade was focused on their main goal: revolution. Even through perseverance, the brothers couldn’t help but feel exhausted from the efforts, the previous war having taken a toll in spite of the approaching age of a new one.
“I miss home,” Tommy expressed, eyes trained to the ground. Wilbur stared at the boy before looking down at the baked potato in hand. “Me too.” 
A sudden noise came from above, as if someone broke down their stone entrance. Although Pogtopia had gained an underground support from the citizens of Manberg, their location was still undisclosed to the others, secret letters and Tubbo being the only communication. Grabbing his sword, Tommy nodded to Wilbur and headed up the steep stairway. Wilbur briefly looked up and ran to warn Technoblade of a possible intruder. 
Weapon in hand, Tommy creeped up the path determined. Footsteps echoed underground and Tommy paused to push himself against the wall. The light of a lantern glowed ever so brighter with each approaching step behind the corner above. Right as he rose to strike, a familiar voice spoke out. 
“You’re not seriously going stab me now, right?” Tommy’s gaze shot up to see his sibling smirk at his surprise. “Cause that would suck after traveling this whole way to see you idiots.”
Tommy laughed breathlessly in disbelief before shouting their name for all to hear. He ran up to quickly embrace them and pulled them down to meet the rest. Technoblade and Wilbur visibly relaxed at the sigh of the two, weapons dropping to their side.
“You’re here,” Technoblade stated, his eyebrows raised unexpectedly. Expression neutral, y/n only spared him a glance before looking to the side. “I’m here.” 
Wilbur ignored the small tension and walked forward, a soft smile at the sight of them with his arms raised. “Am I still allowed to ask for that hug?” Y/n grinned and let him engulf them in a hug. They squeezed his torso tight while they swayed slightly side to side. Tommy, elated to see his sibling for the first time in practically years, vocalized his excitement loudly behind the embracing pair.
“Are you here to help us fight?!”
Y/n hesitated before turning back to smile wearily, “I’m here to help you in any way I can.”
If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
“You want to be a hero, Tommy?”
The battlefield was suspended in apprehension, everyone amassed on the small platform above the caved in trench. Standing before them, separated by the broken landscape, Technoblade held large, black skulls in each hand. In front of him, two structures of sand guarding his sides. He was perched over them, eyes red in blood-like fury with tusks that pointed in pride and determination. Y/n gaped in horror at the sight, whispering a small no that fell on deaf ears. 
“Then die like one!”
A sudden light blinded the field, Technoblade having had completed the ancient ritual due for destruction. Before anyone could collet their thoughts, a small force pushed everyone back. Strong winds blew as dust covered the the terrain, and from the ashes of white fire rose two mythological beasts with holo eyes and a grotesque body of dark bones. There was a beat of stillness before chaos erupted.
Yelling and panic ensued as some began fighting the monstrosities while others worked to kill those preventing the end. Y/n felt lost as others pushed and pulled them every way. They tried looking for their brothers, crying out their names in the frantic space, but could no longer define anyone in the tumultuous crowd overwhelming them. 
By the time they were able to separate themself from the group, a building hum penetrated from above. Explosions descended around them as they became trapped by the blasts. Arms covered and crouched close to the ground, Y/n was helpless to the wither, and they stared in dread as the creature began to glow to attack once more. 
Before they met their final end, however, colors invaded the sky and erupted against the wither’s side. It roared in rage at the measly ambush and turned to find the source. Y/n was still frozen in the futile position, but was hoisted from behind and dragged up the small crater entrapping them. 
Technoblade let go of their weight once on solid ground again and stepped away immediately. Y/n, wheezing from the realization they could have died, turned to look up at their brother while still laying on the ground. Arms beneath them, they struggled to raise their head to him. 
“Why, Tech,” y/n exasperated, eyes begging for a justification for more destruction beyond that of their recent brother’s death. Tears fell in anguish of the devastation around them. “Just why?”
“Not everyone can be saved. Not everything is worth being saved.”
And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe
“Come on Toms, stay with me now.” Pulling with all their might, y/n grappled the thin boy through the water as they fought to swim against the current in the rising dawn. As they crawled onto the sandy shores, the heavy weight of being completely soaked left them restless on the beach. Taking a moment to breathe, y/n gathered their strength before rushing to Tommy’s side.
“Come on, Tommy. You can’t do this to me now.” Y/n laid him completely flat and started to push his chest in rhythmic beats, shoving down as hard as they could to save him. 
He was already incredibly pale from the cold depths of the water, and y/n could only assume he had been in the water for some time before they arrived. 
Every so often they would glance to discern any movement or change but would go back to focusing on reviving their brother entirely. As more time passed and Tommy refused to move, Y/n grew frustrated and speed up their pace harshly, tears clouding their vision despite their resolution. “Please, Tommy. Please. I can’t lose another one of you. Not again.”
With a sudden twitch, Tommy jerked before coughing up water and trembling with the rush of air to his lungs. Y/n looked up to the green horizon and closed their eyes in relief, tears streaming down their cheeks before they reached down to hold the boy close. Gently bring him into their arms and caressing his long wet hair, Tommy continued to draw breaths with his arm hung limply around them. He clutched the fabric on their shoulder, whimpering in a small voice,
“Y/n? Are you really here this time?” Y/n squeezed him tighter.
“It’s really me, Toms. I’m here. And I’m never leaving you again.”
And if we hit on troubled water
I'll be the one to keep you warm and safe
“This is not a trial, Technoblade.” Quackity motioned to the anvil strung above the stage, beaming at the seething piglin through the bars of the cage. “This is an execution. We are going to kill you.” 
Hidden beneath the breath of night while under the effects of the invisible potion, y/n observed from the roof of a nearby house. Although they kept their distance from everyone in their family besides Tommy, y/n couldn’t ignore the apparent ‘Butcher Army’ when they passed through the forest where they were collecting wood, their brother strung behind them as if on a leash. 
Y/n glared at the immaturity of the young boys, despising the belief that more death will create peace in a land built on bloodshed. While their relationship with Technoblade was rough considering their last encounter, they couldn’t deny the fact that he had a right to hold his certain principles and acted out in aggression to the others’ mistreatment; though arguably to an extreme.
Their gaze shifted when the mercenary, Punz, announced his arrival with thrown snowballs and began spreading TNT as an apparent distraction. Deciding to aid in the diversion, y/n pulled arrows out of their quiver and aimed to target the boys when they tried to assault him. 
“Where the hell did that come from?!” Fundy screeched out in revelation after barely managing to dodge an incoming arrow to the leg. Despite all efforts, Quackity realized their intentions and ran to pull the level. As he let out a joyous shout, y/n dropped their bow in fear, eyes trained on the falling anvil before it was meant to strike and scrambled to their feet. To their astonishment and utter relief, a faint, green glow emitted once Technoblade was supposedly killed. The Blood God had escape death. What a surprise.
Y/n watched as Technoblade climbed swiftly out of the cage and followed a green figure mounted on his horse through a tunnel hidden beneath a stone hill. They knew from pass whispers and Tommy’s harsh words that it was the warrior, Dream, having had only seen the daunting smiling face in a blur during the war. They were aware of the torment the man had caused to their family, both in the war and in Tommy’s exile.
Sliding down the tile roof, y/n jumped off the building and maneuvered their way down, ignoring the stare of their imprisoned father on top of the nearby balcony as the potion’s effects started to fade. They noticed Quackity trace the foot steps of Technoblade’s hooves, and stalked behind him as he entered the small hole. Pausing before leaping in themself, y/n looked up to see Dream already staring down at them, arms crossed and in wait. 
He stared at them expectantly, which made y/n’s patience wear thin once hearing Quackity lowly state how he planned to kill Technoblade then and there. Narrowing their eyes in annoyance, y/n gave Dream a final glare and blocked off the entrance once entering. 
They pulled out their axe and treaded quietly down the tunnel before pausing behind the broken wall to an old vault full of chests. 
“—nd I don’t care how long it fucking takes me, or what I have to do to get you, Techno. I’m going to fucking kill you.”
“I just have on question, Quackity.” Technoblade paused as Quackity asked him to continue.
“Do you think you’re enough, to kill me? Even unarmed, with iron armor?” They both ever so slightly gripped their weapons tighter, stance shifted as they prepared to fight.
“You know what? Let’s fucking find out, you son of a bitch!” Their weapons clashed as they dodged the blow from one another. Quackity delivered each blow with blind determination while Technoblade played defense with each graceful side step. Eventually, Technoblade knocked his pickaxe into his face, Quackity yelping in pain and holding a hand to cover the wound. 
When turning his back to move further down the tunnel, Technoblade risked leaving himself vulnerable to the crazed butcher. Quackity stood despite his injury and tried to attack him from behind.
Y/n took the opportunity to run towards him, axe prepared to strike. Before Quackity could turn to defend himself, y/n swung the axe into his neck. Blood instantly pooled at the cut as he struggled to breathe, and y/n ripped their blade from his flesh. He fell to his knees while grasping helplessly at his wound, choking on his blood before falling to the side. 
While they had a distaste for violence, unlike their brother, y/n couldn’t excuse the attempted murder of their family by any means. 
Technoblade stared in reverence, eyes darting between Quackity’s slump figure and his sibling covered in an excessive amount of blood from the attack. Y/n stepped forward and grabbed a lead from their belt, having previously found it abandoned in the snow. No words were exchanged as they silently pulled Carl through the sewer system, blood casually staining the water as they walked through. Technoblade only spoke once they reach the surface.
And we'll be carrying each other
Until we say goodbye on our dying day
“Are you alright, y/n?”
Broken sobs become shuddered breathes as y/n hears the voice of their late brother. They lifted their eyes from beneath their arms that held their legs together while pushed against the very corner of the room, their current position reminding Ghostbur how small anyone could look when upset. Ghostbur slightly frowned at their lack of response, floating closer to them to observe their tears, lighting the space slightly with a soft glow. 
“What’s wrong?” Despite the innocence behind his echoed voice, y/n couldn’t help the pain from hearing his concern. “Nothing that matters, Ghostbur. Nothing that anyone could fix anyway.”
Ghostbur didn’t like that response, refusing to believe that sadness could exist without a solution to bring an end to despair. He reached into his pocket, hands carefully holding some dye out towards y/n.
Y/n tilted their head in confusion, tears having stopped running but still present. “What is it?”
“It’s blue! Here, here, take some.” Ghostbur placed the colored substance into their cupped palms, explaining its significance with a gentle smile. “See, when someone is very angry or sad, the blue sucks away all your sadness and turns blue! And what you can do, is you can throw the blue away, and that’s all your sadness gone.”
Although strange and futile, y/n couldn’t help the smile form on their face from Ghostbur’s clarification. Ghostbur gasped excessively, causing y/n to chuckle lightly. “It worked! Do you feel better now, y/n? I have more blue if you need as well!” Pulling an incredible amount that began to pile on the floor in front of them, y/n giggled at the sight.
Y/n wiped their eyes with the back of their hand, breathing in and out to recollect themself. “Thank you, Ghostbur. Never change your wonderful self.” The ghost grinned brightly at that.
“Of course, Y/n! Never change your caring self either!”
Oh brother, we'll go deeper than the ink
Beneath the skin of our tattoos
“I have to ask, Y/n. Why choose them?” Y/n stood before Dream in their kitchen, the man having had shown up unannounced at their front door and began asking vague questions. 
“What do you mean?” Y/n was unnerved by his demeanor, never having held a conversation, let alone utter a word, with him before despite small, yet silent encounters. They refused to show discomfort, though they didn’t have a mask to cover every waver in their voice or their jaw visibly tighten.
“Oh, you know.”  He turned to walk around the small living space, hand skimming over a chest surface before continuing to speak ominously. “Time and time again, I’ve seen you run and fall to your knees for your so-called family. Yet as time continues on, I’ve seen them give you nothing in return.” He paused and faced them again. “What’s the point of saving something that does nothing but hold you down?”
Though we don't share the same blood
Y/n crossed their arms in defiance, finally understanding his intentions and glowered at his objective.
“You wouldn’t understand, Dream. Even if you tried.” He looked confused at their response, tilting his head slighting while his masked continued the same haunting smile. Y/n smirked.
“Your seen weakness gives me strength. I fight for everything because of them. Your lack of attachment leaves you nothing to gain.” Dream bent forward in mocking interest, though y/n knew better than to give in. “Is that so?”
“You tell me. Who will come running to your aid when your lies eventually catch up, and everyone realizes the things you’ve planned behind their backs?”
“I have my ways. Ways that insure I’ll have people on my side when I need.”
Y/n scowled before stepping forwards, leaning into his face. “Say whatever you need to say to comfort the idea of your downfall. I don’t care about you or your motives, leave my family alone or I will personally see to it you meet your expected end before its fated to happen.” Dream let out an amused breath in response. “Is that a threat?”
“It’s a promise."
You're my brother and I love you that's the truth
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Prologue (OHTY)
Open Heart: Third Year Rewrite
Book: Open Heart, Book 3 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Words: 1K Premise: A new year, a new relationship, and a new Edenbrook. Will everything go as smoothly as they had planned?
Author’s Note: That summary sucks but this is my OHTY rewrite. I plan to make it dramatic. And angsty af. Here we go! Hope you like it. 
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Prologue: His Beloved 
Caroline's eyes roamed the cavernous space, taking in the upgrades with something akin to wonder. Even from afar, he could see that sparkle in her eyes, the curiosity that was ever present whenever she beheld his newest innovation. It was enough to inspire anyone to conquer the world itself. 
Now more than ever, something burned in his stomach: The urge to hold her. The despair and rage at being unable to. 
As the seconds ticked by, his wife remained silent, nodding and humming here and there. Her soft, expressive brown eyes fell on the new kiosk at the reception desk and she quietly chuckled. A delicate, gloved hand hovered over the gleaming surface, almost as if she was afraid to touch it. 
“These are the same ones I suggested for the Princeton tech lab.” 
With the words, came a memory, unfurling before Leland's mind like a heavy mist. Their last trip to Paris, gazing at the Eiffel Tower from the patio of a small but elegant café. Caroline's hand in his from across the table as they talked about the Princeton project, her smile far more beautiful than the whole city in Springtime. 
“You thought of everything, my love.” Her eyes met his with such sadness, he was certain she remembered too. 
“We will be the prime research facility on the East Coast by the time we're done with the renovations,” he told her, willing her to understand he was doing everything to remedy their situation. 
At this, her smile turned genuine, shining with pride. “You're going to help so many people.”
Leland almost scoffed. He didn't give a damn about other people. 
Before he could blurt out the bitter words, however, Arthur, his driver, approached with a single nod at Caroline. She sighed, returning her gaze to Leland. 
“I must go if I am to board the train on time.”
“If you miss it, you can always just take the jet. It's much faster and comfortable anyway.”
Her soft laugh was the best thing he'd heard all day. 
“You know me, my love. I will enjoy the view of the countryside any opportunity I get.” And this time, when she paused, there was undeniable misery in the way her eyes shone. “Plus, you know I'm a nostalgic old woman. Train travel will always have a special place in my heart.”
They had met on a train for the first time many years ago. 
The words hurt more than the prospect of not seeing his wife for months. They had mutually decided that time in the serene seaside town of York would be beneficial for her. Rather, Caroline, unable to bear their forced distance much longer without breaking down into tears, decided this was the best temporary solution. 
“Shall I wait outside?” Arthur asked politely. 
With a start, Caroline seemed to wake from a reverie. “I'll be right out, Arthur.”
After the driver disappeared through the glass doors, Caroline turned to Leland, her body almost quivering with the restraint of keeping its distance. Instead of the customary kiss and hug goodbye, they simply gazed at one another, Caroline with palpable despair, Leland with renewed determination. 
“Goodbye, my love,” she murmured, the sound almost lost in the hubbub of the atrium. 
Leland heard it, though, as loud and final as the clashing of iron bells. 
“Goodbye, Caroline.”
Before long, she turned on her heel and walked out the doors with as much dignity as a broken heart allowed. 
Leland, meanwhile, remained fixed to the spot, watching her go. The pain of his own suffering was muted by the fierce rush of conviction. The determination to find a cure was the last tether holding him to sanity. 
Before he could move or even think about anything else, a note of delighted laughter echoed nearby. His eyes fell on a couple, traversing through the atrium hand in hand. The lively brunette gazed up at the tall and seemingly brooding man, her eyes sparkling with adoration. When the man finally submitted to her teasing , it was clear that he, too, was completely besotted by her. 
“... not a hospital. More like an Apple store,” she was saying. 
“What the hell is an Apple store?” 
“Oh, that's right. You're a sworn Android user, I forgot.”
Ethan Ramsey rolled his eyes. 
“They're phones, Lilac. The rivalry between the two is absurd when people use them equally to waste their lives away.”
This time, it was Lilac Allende who rolled her eyes, but not without a loving smile. “You're such a senior citizen sometimes.”
Ethan halted his steps at that proclamation, tugging at their joined hands and pulling her close to him. Lilac's small cry of surprise melted into one of knowing amusement under the intensity of his roguish smile. Without much preamble, he leaned in and whispered something that made her both blush and nod, impressed. 
“You're an incorrigible flirt, Ethan Ramsey,” she tried to admonish, but the effect was tarnished by how pleased she sounded. 
Ethan, undeterred, murmured something else into her ear. With a very serious expression, he pulled back to look into her face. There was no humor left in their expressions as they gazed at one another, only pure longing and affection. Then, he held the tip of her chin in gentle fingers, like the most delicate of songbirds, leaned in and kissed her. 
Leland glanced away, unwilling to accept there could be love and affection in the world. Teeth clenched, his eyes returned to the couple before he could avoid it. It was almost as if they were flaunting their romance for everyone, including Leland, to see. 
They couldn't do anything for Caroline and now they taunted him. 
The bitter burn of jealousy and rage pumped through his veins like a poison with every beat of his heart. 
That  the two doctors could touch and love so unabashedly was…unacceptable. 
“Have a good day,” Lilac whispered to her beloved before moving away. 
Their hands were still clasped and Ethan seemed unable to let her go. He tugged her again and Lilac looked at him curiously. The man looked on the verge of saying something, his throat working in the small pause. Then, appearing to change his mind, he kissed her forehead instead. 
Ethan Ramsey didn't have to say a goddamn thing for Leland to know. Leland had looked at his Caroline the same way before uttering the three words.
Ethan was in love with her. 
The solution struck Leland with such intensity that he remained immobile. It was so simple, he felt like a fool for not having thought of it before. At last, he knew of a surefire way to secure Caroline's cure. 
“Sir?” His assistant, Parker, enquired when Leland silently beckoned. 
“Have Ethan Ramsey meet me in my office this afternoon,” he commanded simply. “Make it clear the meeting is not optional.”
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Author’s Note: The following chapters will be longer! I won’t have a posting schedule. I think I’ll just post these bad boys as they’re ready. Approximately weekly? Thank you so much for reading this far!
As a side note, this will be Ethan x MC centric. I will try to include other characters but I can’t promise you much. Also, I’ve kept some things from the original mess that is book 3, but the overall plot will differ. (Hey crazy idea but if any of my mutuals wants to write for other characters, hit me up?)
Chapter 1 coming soon!
*Tagging in a reblog*
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pillage-and-lute · 3 years
(For next time you’re looking for prompts) I really like your writing, and when I thought of this I wondered what you’d do with it: Geralt and Jaskier are together, but agree to pretend not to be for their next stop. Maybe one of them wants to win an old bet, or Jaskier’s not 100% sure his betrothal to a local noble has been officially dissolved, whatever, (not homophobia), fluff and high jinx ensue. Anyway I hope something unexpectedly nice happens to you today.
Hi Dahliavandare! Thanks for the blessing in my inbox  🥰
This ran away from me, tons of backstory about Jaskier’s family. Just, way too much.
“Geralt, darling,” Jaskier said hesitantly. “I have an errand we need to run, and I’m not sure you’ll like it.”
Geralt hummed noncommittally. They were resting at their camp outside of Hagge and the warm summer air and the feeling of Jaskier curled against him had lulled him into a warm, fuzzy stupor.
“You see,” Jaskier continued, fiddling with the buttons at his cuffs. “I’m a noble, and you know that of course.” He laughed awkwardly. “And I’ve been lucky enough to pawn most of those responsibilities off onto my much savvier sister, but there are certain niceties that landed families observe that--”
“Spit it out,” Geralt grumbled, although not bad naturedly. 
“I’m betrothed,” Jaskier said. “And we need to go to Gwendeith to break it off.”
Geralt turned to look at his beloved. “You’re engaged?”
“Betrothed!” Jaskier yelped, then saw Geralt’s expression. “Oh, dear heart, there’s a slight difference in meaning, especially to nobles. Engaged implies an intent to marry--”
“And betrothed doesn’t?”
“Well, sort of, but I’ve been betrothed practically since I was born, engaged would imply I’m sort of planning the wedding. It’s a contract, a social contract. My family and my betrothed’s are pretty minor nobles, so really it’s just a way of saying ‘maybe someday our kids could marry’. It isn’t the hard and fast marriage it might be if I were, say, a prince.”
“Then why do it?” Geralt asked. Most of the time he was happy to understand as little of the lives of the gentry as possible, but Jaskier was important.
“Honestly,” Jaskier sighed. “I think Papa arranged it because he cared for me, Mama too.”
“It takes away your choice,” Geralt began.
“It doesn’t. A betrothal like mine and... Iliana, that’s her name, only met her twice, it’s sort of social insurance. Especially for her, but for me as well. Nobles are supposed to marry, so, if at some point neither of us had found love we could marry one another. For Iliana there’s the security of having a husband, although from what I’ve heard she can handle herself fine, and for me its assurance of heirs if that sort of thing concerned me, and companionship for us both.”
It sounded...mostly sort of logical to Geralt.
“But I love you,” Jaskier said. “And I don’t want to be betrothed to anyone because I love you and, someday, whenever you get over you allergy to the concept of commitment, I’m going to put a ring on you.”
Geralt hummed gruffly but said nothing. There was a slim golden band hidden away in his bags and he be damned if Jaskier got to propose first.
“I will. Anyway, I need to tell Iliana. I’m sure she won’t mind. I met her once when I was seven and again when I was nineteen.”
“Nineteen, when?” Geralt asked. Most of Jaskier’s nineteenth year had been spent at Geralt’s side. Most of every year after that too.
“Just before I met you. I had travelled east to meet her originally, and was going back west when we met.”
“Tell me about her?”
“Illiana? Oh, well, she told me that she was fine leaving the betrothal in place because it’s standard, but that she doesn’t care for men in that way so she’d never give me heirs and would have my balls nailed above her door if I ever told her she had to.”
“Sounds like she’d get along with Yen.”
“I fear they’d take over the world,” Jaskier said. “Anyway, I told her no worries since, honestly, heirs just aren’t important to me. Then we agreed that when either of us found love we’d break the betrothal and that would be that.”
“No, Geralt, tell me what that means. Is that a ‘okay, let’s go to Gwendeith’ hum? A ‘I’m angry that you’re betrothed’ hum?”
Geralt shifted to poke the fire. “It’s a ‘I think there’s more you need to tell me’ hum.”
“Ah,” Jaskier rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s the thing. We have to go in person because a letter would be rude, but also...we have to pretend not to be together, while we’re in Gwedeith.”
“It’s politics, dear heart. It would be shaming to Iliana, socially. Personally, I don’t think she’d care, but it’s a courtesy thing.”
“I don’t do a lot of lovey stuff anyway,” Geralt said. 
“You think you don’t,” Jaskier said. He began to unroll their bedroll.
“What do you mean, Jaskier?”
Jaskier turned to him, smiling indulgently and gilded in the firelight. “Our lives have molded around one another, my love. When I stand beside you your hand goes to my back or my shoulder. You order dinner for me because you know just what food I like. When I’m tired you don’t have to ask what’s wrong, you just lift me onto Roach behind you.”
Geralt hadn’t even realized he did, but he knew it was true. Jaskier leaned over and pressed a kiss to Geralt’s slightly furrowed brow.
“When my boots are wearing thin you buy me new ones before I even notice. When I’m cold you give me your cloak. If I fall asleep with my head on your shoulder you’d rather sit like that all night than disturb me.”
Geralt shrugged awkwardly. “You buy me beeswax,” he said. It seemed a fair retort. Jaskier bought him beeswax to put in his ears when cities or sometimes monsters were too loud for Geralt’s senses. “You only buy light scents, even though I know you like bolder perfumes.”
“Yes,” Jaskier said, taking one of Geralt’s large, scarred hands. “We love eachother very much, and it’s obvious to people who care to look.”
“That could be dangerous,” Geralt began, his head spiralling towards worry for Jaskier’s safety, but Jaskier cut him off.
“No, dear heart. It’s obvious to those who care to look. The sort of people who would hurt me for loving you, well, most of them think you can’t love, so they don’t look for love, and they don’t see.” 
Geralt sat back. People saw what they expected to see, it was true. 
“We’ll travel to Gwendeith,” he said. “And unbetroth you.”
Jaskier kissed him and his lips tasted like the jerky they’d eaten for supper.
-- -- -- -- -- --
The trip to Gwendeith was long. It was at the very edge of any map, past Posada to the east, tucked into the Blue mountains.  They traveled along the Dyfne river, taking the occasional contract but making good time. This far from anything, there were few people to be troubled by monsters. 
They stopped in Posada one night, eating dinner in the corner of a familiar tavern. This time, however, Jaskier was much better received and the bread ended up on the table rather than down his trousers.
Past Posada, and almost to the end of the Dyfne river, Geralt asked, “Why did your parents pick Iliana? How did they know of her?” Lettenhove was entirely the other side of the continent, a tiny island off the coast of Poviss with two villages and a couple flocks of sheep. 
Geralt only knew of it from Jaskier’s descriptions, which were mostly stories of the ice cold sea and rocky cliffs. He tended toward calling it ‘idyllic’ and ‘picturesque’ altough occassionally ‘the arse end of the world’ and ‘colder than an ice giant’s ballsack.’ The first time Geralt had taken Jaskier to Kaer Morhen he’d feared for his bard’s safety in the cold of the mountains, but Jaskier hadn’t even blinked an eye, merely bundling up in a hugely wooly cloak and mittens. 
“Ah, well,” Jaskier said. “Long story, but Papa was in Temeria, see, since nothing ever happens in Lettenhove, because we have more people than sheep, he get’s sent on diplomatic missions a lot. He’s good at it, and he can be spared. He loves it too, even though he’s sort of retired he still does them. Takes Ma, calls the trips his little “sunshine vacations”. 
“You get your personality from your father, then?” Geralt asked. Jaskier didn’t talk about his family much, and Geralt got the sense that, rather than this being because they were horrible, Jaskier simply missed them too much. 
“Definitely. Ma’s lovely, and brilliant with just everything to do with her hands, but she’s not good with people. I got her looks, though.”
“I should thank her, then,” Geralt said, smiling. 
Jaskier chuckled. “Yes, she’s the reason for the long lives, too, fantastic story.”
“Finish the one about your father and Gwendeith first.”
“Right, so Papa was in Temeria, and so was Iliana’s father, sort of the mayor of Gwendeith, as I understand, although not back then. He’d gotten robbed, though, and Papa had won a horse and quite a lot of gold in a card game. It might have been Gwent, I can’t remember. If you ever meet Papa you should ask him. Anyway, he gave the extra horse and gold to Iliana’s father.”
“So your betrothal was a debt?”
“Goodness, no. This was years before I was born, Papa hadn’t even met Ma yet. No, they struck up a friendship, because when Iliana’s father got home he had a mage send a message to Papa to thank him and they struck up a friendship.”
“Sending messages by mage? That’s expensive for a penpal.”
“Ah well, that actually ties in to the story about Ma. Ma’s got magic, just a little, she’s a hedge witch of a sort. The issue is, hedge witches mostly use plants, and Ma couldn’t grow grass, so she mostly works with wood. Anyway, she has a friend, her very best friend, is a mage. They grew up together, and my Auntie Szarlotta sent my Papa’s first few messages back to Iliana’s father.”
Geralt smiled atop Roach. Jaskier’s storytelling pace was as familiar as Roach’s saddle, and it was calming in a way. 
“So, Auntie was sending Papa’s message when Ma came in to visit. That’s how she met Papa, because she’d only just moved to Lettenhove. Auntie says it was love at first sight, but Papa insists that Ma turned up her nose and ignored him for months.”
“Which one is it?”
“Knowing Ma, probably both. She’s a little like you, so the second she realized she liked Papa she ignored him so she wouldn’t have to deal with it.”
Geralt huffed good-naturedly.
“Anyway, Auntie Szarlotta agreed to send Papa’s messages for free, and she even included a way for Iliana’s father to send them back, so long as he wrote his response on the back of the same paper. She always timed it though, so that Ma was over when Papa was there. And I guess the rest is history.”
“Except the immortality.”
“Right, well, Ma got really sick when she was pregnant with my sister, I was little so I barely remember but Papa was so worried, and Ma looked really pale. Well, Auntie got really worried, freaked out a little, and she found all these old spells to try to make Ma well again. I remeber the light, she was working in a room of the old lighthouse and I could see the light of her spells from my window. Anyway, eventually she tries some on Ma, but they don’t work, and she just keeps trying.”
Geralt had an image of a frantic sorceress being watched by a young Jaskier through a crack in a door. 
“But I suppose some of those old spells need a little time to work because nothing at all worked and then they all sort of worked at once. There was this big, bright light and then Ma was well, and she and Papa haven’t aged a day since then.”
Geralt glanced at his lover, who looked the same at fifty as he had at twenty. “And you don’t age? What about your sister?”
“Ksenia hasn’t aged either. She looks like Papa, just so you know, grey eyes, blonde hair. She’s got two kids, now, but I haven’t met them.”
“Do the kids age?”
“Right now they’re very young,” Jaskier said. “I didn’t stop aging until nineteen or twenty, so I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.”
“How do you know she has kids?”
“Oh, well, Auntie Szarlotta sends letters to me, but we travel and it’s hard to send them right to me, so I just pick them up at Oxenfurt.”
“Hmmm,” Geralt said. He needed to go to Lettenhove. Jaskier had met his sort-of-family, he should meet Jaskier’s. 
“I’d love to go see them...” Jaskier said, wistfully. 
“My niece and nephew, they’re almost two and three years old now.”
Geralt picked Jaskier up by the collar of his doublet and placed him onto the back of Roach. 
“We’ll spend the winter in Lettenhove this year,” he said as Jaskier wrapped his arms around Geralt’s waist.
Geralt needed to ask Jaskier’s father for his hand in marriage, anyway.
-- -- -- -- -- -- 
They made it to Gwendeith just after mid summer, riding into the little town at noon. Despite the season, the little mountain valley was shaded and cool. Jaskier shivered slightly and Geralt had to resist the urge to pull his cloak from his pack. From that point forth, they weren’t supposed to be in love.
They had to request a meeting with the mayor, which didn’t surprise Geralt. In a town such as this, logging and mining were the main industries. Trading for food to last over the winter began early and was of the utmost importance. That left Geralt and Jaskier, unfortunately, sitting with a man who introduced himself as Sir Boris.
Apparently he was a retired knight who acted as a sort of captain of the guard, except there wasn’t much of a guard. His wife Lady Olenka joined them and the two of them talked about their grandchildren until Geralt could feel his eyes rolling back in his head. 
At any other time, Jaskier would have placed one gentle hand on his wrist, which would have fortified Geralt, but they couldn’t. 
“But you’re here for Iliana,” Sir Boris was saying. “Dreadfully sorry you can’t see her today, I’m afraid there’s been an issue with the lumber trade to sort out. You’ll just have to have my darling Lenka and I as company until that’s done.”
He sent a huge wink to his wife, a slim, elegant woman, who chuckled and playfully hit him on the shoulder, to which Sir Boris pretended to be wounded before throwing back his head and laughing hugely. Everything the old knight did was huge, he was a large man with a round, red face and large belly and a laugh that could shake walls. 
“It’s no trouble,” Jaskier said. “I’m sure preparing for winter is a year round project here.”
“Oh of course,” Lady Olenka said. “But once it’s here we can all relax, and spend time with family.” She leaned forward as if imparting a delightful secret and said in a stage-whisper, “Boris has been our town’s Father Winter for the last four years.”
Jaskier made impressed ‘ooh’ noises and Geralt tried to at least look like he understood that. 
Boris laughed again. “It’s this lot,” he said, slapping his round stomach. “Better than some old geezer with a pillow down his shirt, eh?”
Geralt hummed in agreement. 
“And you must make a lovely Mother Winter, Lady Olenka,” Jaskier said politely.
She smiled, lines crinkling around her eyes as if drawing a road map. “It’s not as important as Father Winter, of course, but I rather pride myself that I plan a very good Midwinter festival.” Geralt got the sense that behind the modesty she was quite proud, and, he suspected, with good reason.
“But, you must tell me,” she said, modestly changing the subject. “Is there to be a missus Pankratz, now that you’ve come to see Lady Iliana?”
“I am a man in love,” Jaskier said. “And I am hopeful that an engagement will come soon, yes.”
“Oh dearie that’s just lovely,” Lady Olenka said, patting Jaskier’s cheek. “And you’re such a nice boy too, little young looking to be betrothed to our Lady Iliana anyway, although she’s a very dear woman.”
“We just love her,” Sir Boris said. “She’s a great mayor, not keen on marriage, but nobody minds, she just seems to have adopted the whole town as family.”
Lady Olenka patted her husband’s broad shoulder. “It was smart of you not to bring your love here, though. There’s some nobles here from Lyria, that’s who she’s been trading with, and I think they’d like any excuse to disparage here.” She lowered her voice again. “You know how those lot are about having women in charge.”
“I can’t relate,” Sir Boris laughed. “Lenka’s the ruler in our house.” That got a laugh because it had to, and because Sir Boris’s laugh was surprisingly infectious. 
“Good on you bringing a bodyguard too,” he said once the laughter had abated. He slapped Geralt companionably on the back, which was like being hit by a friendly battering ram. “Witcher too, don’t get many up here, but I bet you’re the safest man in a hundred miles.”
“Oh, dear, don’t you know?” Lady Olenka said. “Lord Julian here is a bard as well, he goes by Jaskier and sings all about witchers.”
“Really?” Sir Boris said, looking at Jaskier. “Blimey, imagine that. Good on you, finding a niche in the market.”
Geralt’s ears were beginning to ache. Friendly though Sir Boris might be, he didn’t seem to have a volume level below ‘deafening’. He was tired and overwrought and he just wanted to cuddle up with Jaskier in a bed. It wasn’t even suppertime, though.
They sat through another hour of hearing about Boris and Olenka’s eighteen grandchildren. 
“And three great-grandchildren,” Boris added proudly.
Geralt was thankful Jaskier could carry the conversation. He longed for a kiss, though. Now that he knew he couldn’t have one, his lips fairly ached for one.
Supper was a large affair, with one of Boris and Olenka’s children’s family over for dinner as well. Geralt was seated across from Jaskier between two small children who, apparently, needed to be separated at dinertimes to prevent bickering. They contented themselves instead by asking Geralt every question they could think of, often making him wrack his brain for child appropriate answers.
It wasn’t just witchering questions, either. He answered such questions as “Why is the sky blue?” (Because it’s Melitele’s favorite color). Immediately before answering “How big are dragon scales?” (The small ones are like pebbles and the big ones are like shields.)
Jaskier smiled at him over his bowl of stew, eyes sparkling. Geralt loved children, and Jaskier loved seeing them adore Geralt.
“So, Lord Julian,” Boris and Olenka’s daughter began. “Your lady love, tell us about her?” She smiled Lady Olenka’s warm smile and Jaskier did a good show of seeming bashful. 
“My love is unlike any other,” he began. “And if you’ll pardon my saying so, I’m a poet, and so must wax poetic.”
“Wouldn’t settle for anything less, lad!” Boris bellowed cheefully.
“My darling has fair hair, like moonlight,” Jaskier said, and the table oohed appreciatively. Geralt felt his ears get hot.
“And eyes like summer,” the bard continued. “I could get lost in them. No eyes could compare.” Geralt kicked him under the table, but Olenka was sighing sympathetically.
“But of course,” Jaskier said slyly, my heart is best held by my love’s lips.”
Boris chuckled knowingly. “I’ll bet it is, my boy,” he said, winking. Olenka slapped his arm, but she was smiling. Geralt felt hot.
“I’m afraid, however that my lover is quite modest, and won’t appreciate me extolling too many virtues,” Jaskier finished. “So I must finish with, I love them very much, and it is for them alone that my heart beats.”
Therewith leaving every person at the table (those above the age of twelve, at least) with misty eyes, Jaskier helped Lady Olenka clean up supper. Geralt helped put the dishes away.
After dinner they were led back to the mayor’s house. “I’m afraid the negotiations don’t seem to be finished,” Lady Olenka said. “I had hoped they would be quick, but it seems not. If the issue wasn’t resolved today, I wouldn’t bet on them being resolved too early tomorrow, either. You two don’t have pressing business elsewhere?”
“No, my lady,” Jaskier said, although if they lingered too long they wouldn’t make it to Lettenhove for the winter, as it was, it would be close.
“I’m sure she’ll be able to see you soon,” the lady said. “Here’s your room, and Master Witcher, your room is just at the far end of the hall.”
She said goodnight and Geralt hoped she couldn’t see the slump of his shoulders.
Separate rooms.
Jaskier smiled ruefully at him and they parted for the night. Geralt’s bed was large and comfortable, with clean linens and feather pillows, but he barely got a wink of sleep.
-- -- -- -- -- --
The next morning found Jaskier and Geralt breakfasting in the tavern, owned, apparently, by another of Boris and Olenka’s grown children.
“Did you sleep well?” Jaskier whispered over a plate of sausage and eggs.
“Fine,” Geralt grunted.
“I couldn’t sleep a wink,” Jaskier said. “Want my last piece of bacon? I’m stuffed.”
Geralt took it gratefully, slipping Jaskier his fried slice as a trade. No matter how Jaskier protested that he was stuffed, he always had room for a fried slice.”
“Terrible woman,” said a nasal voice at the next table. “Just impossible to do business with.”
“I agree, overemotional, you know how they get,” agreed another voice. Jaskier made eye contact with Geralt. The accent was Lyrian.
“Not even married,” said the first speaker. “What a disgrace. If my daughter got to her age without children I’d just die of shame.”
Geralt pitied his daughter.
“Oh of course,” said the second man. “Attractive, though, for an old maid.”
The first man snickered cruelly. “Thinking a little wooing might soften her up?”
“It always does, women like that, they’re just angry because they haven’t found a man.”
“Won’t your wife mind?”
“Are you going to tell her?” Both men laughed unpleasantly.
A serving girl, maybe sixteen or seventeen, came around the tables, presumably one of Sir Boris’ many granddaughters. She took their plates onto a tray and smiled when Jaskier slipped a few coins onto the tray as a tip.
At the next table  one of the Lyrian’s snapped their fingers impatiently. The girl rolled her eyes. Geralt was pleased to see that, although she served him professionally, as she walked away she ‘accidentally’ tread on his foot.
“What pathetic pieces of shit, the pair of them,” Jaskier said as they stepped out into the sunlight. 
“Hmmm,” Geralt agreed. Then he looked around quickly and pulled Jaskier into an alleyway, urging the bard deeper into the shadows. 
“What? Geralt di-”
Geralt smushed his lips gracelessly to Jaskier’s, crowding him up against the wall. Jaskier’s hair between his fingers was so familiar and comforting, as was the little sigh Jaskier let out.
They pulled apart and Geralt rested his forehead against Jaskier’s. “That’ll tide me over for a while,” he whispered. Jaskier smiled.
“Are you master Julian?”
The pair sprang apart, looking in alarm at the red headed boy at the far end of the alley. 
“Yes...?” Jaskier said.
“Only, Pa said to come find you, and he said you’d be with a big man dressed all in black.”
“And you found us here?” Jaskier asked.
“Didn’t know you’d be here, did I?” Said the boy, stuffing his hands into his trouser pockets. “It’s the shortcut through to the tavern, but then, I figured he’s the only big man in black around.”
Geralt inclined his head, feeling his ears go hot.
“Lady Iliana has time to see you now,” the boy continued, oblivious to the awkwardness. 
“By all means...lead the way,” said Jaskier.
They were led out of the alley and back to the mayor’s house by the messenger boy.
“Out of curiosity,” Jaskier asked. “Is your grandad Sir Boris?” 
“Yeah, that’s him,” said the lad. “He made me a toy sword for my tenth birthday too.” He pointed proudly to the wooden sword tied at his hip with some string.
“It makes you look a proper hero,” Jaskier said. Then he pulled out his coin purse. “A copper for bringing us the message and...another to not tell anyone what you saw.”
The boy looked between the two of them shrewdly.
“Not even my best friend? I tell Mikhail everything.”
“Not until Geralt and I have left.”
“Three coppers total,” the boy said promptly. Jaskier handed them over good naturedly and the boy flashed a gap toothed grin before taking off.
Geralt and Jaskier shrugged at each other, before finding their way to the main room of the mayor’s house. A broad shouldered woman of about fifty poked her head out of a door.
Geralt and Jaskier went inside.
“You look well,” Iliana said, sitting behind a large desk and gesturing to a couple chairs. “You havent’ aged a day.”
“And you look as lovely as I remember,” Jaskier said.
“Flirt. Come to ask me for heirs?”
Jaskier shuddered. “No, my lady. I remember your threat well. I think you know why I’m here.”
The two Lyrians barged through the door. 
“Did I ask you to enter?” Iliana said, coldly. Geralt felt an unusual curl of fear set up in his stomach, she was a distinctly fearsome woman.
“Well,” said the first Lyrian.
“You were so beautiful, I couldn’t wait on seeing you again,” said the second, slimily.
“Oh I say!,” Iliana said, standing. She placed her hand over her chest in a delicately offended way, which was ill suited to her. “You sir are too bold, and in front of my betrothed too!”
The Lyrians looked, panicked, at the people sat in the chairs. As Geralt was seated in the chair nearest the door, and therefore nearest them, they came to the wrong conclusion. The blood drained from both their faces.
“What an insult!” Iliana continued. “You should be ashamed! What a lack of diplomacy!” 
Beside Geralt, Jaskier snickered. She was laying it on a little thick. 
“Why,” she continued. “I ought to write to your king! I’ve never been so insulted. And I’m sure my beloved will want to sort out this insult too.” She fluttered her lashes at Geralt. 
Geralt nearly jumped out of his seat, but thankfully his brain caught up. He stood, growling a little theatrically and placed one hand on the hilt of his steel sword.
“Our apologies my lady,” the first man said hurriedly.
“Our mistake, we’ll just--” they dissappeared out the door.
“What a fearsome couple,” Geralt heard whispered as the door swung shut.
Iliana sighed satisfactedly and kicked her feet up on her desk. “It seems I should thank you,” she said. “That is going to make negotiations much easier.”
“I’m sure you always get good deals,” Jaskier said.
“Yes. I get the deals I want.”
“You know why I’m here,” Jaskier said.
“Do you agree?”
“To disolve the betrothal? Of course. Never found a lover for myself so I never bothered but, well, I just don’t do romance.”
“Some people don’t,” Geralt said, thinking of Eskel.”
“Indeed,” Iliana said, smiling warmly at him. “Not all of us have a soulmate to sing us songs.” She laughed at their surprised faces. 
“Oh you fooled them, and you may have fooled Boris and Olenka, but I’ve heard your songs, Julian. It’s written right into everything you do.”
She began rummaging in one of the drawers in the desk. “I don’t mind, of course. So few people know we’re actually betrothed...there it is.” She pulled out an old piece of paper. “I’ll just rip it up if that’s fine by you. You’ll have to do the same to yours of course.”
“We’re going to Lettenhove this winter,” Jaskier said. “I’ll do it as soon as I find it.”
Iliana smiled again. “Father always did say that your dad had a horrible filing system.”
“He filed all his papers on the floor, yes, although I imagine my sister is neater.”
Iliana tore the paper in half without ceremony and placed the contract in the waste paper bin. “Lettenhove is very far away, Julian, will you get there in time?”
Jaskier glanced at Geralt. 
“I don’t know,” Geralt said.
“No matter,” said Iliana. She began writing something on a new sheet of paper. “Our logging teams float lumber all down the Dyfne and Pontar rivers. Show this to the dockmaster at the tip of the Dyfne and our riverboat captains can get you to Novigrad.” 
She pulled out another sheet of paper. “Once you’re in Novigrad, show this to the harbormaster and he’ll get you to Lettenhove.” She looked at their shocked faces and smiled. “Our lumber is the best, and it’s used in everything, including ships. I’m willing to cash in a favor in order to get rid of a useless betrothal.”
“Thank you, my lady,” Jaskier said bowing deeply. “I’ll have my Aunt Szarlotta send a message once our betrothal is fully extant.”
Iliana stood and shook his hand. “I’d appreciate that.”
“Our fathers were penpals,” Jaskier said. “Perhaps we should keep up the tradition?” 
The mayor inclined her head. “I’d like that. I may be too busy to write often.”
Jaskier waved a hand. “I can only pick up messages when I pass through Oxenfurt, but I like to make friends with powerful people.” 
The two of them shared a smile.
“Not to rush you out my door,” Iliana said. “But I do have a lot to do, winter comes early up here, and I know it does as well in Lettenhove. even with my help, you two should leave soon.”
Geralt and Jaskier left that afternoon, just after a hearty meal at the tavern.
-- -- -- -- -- --
Across the continent and some weeks later, Jaskier and Geralt stepped onto the docks in Novigrad.
“I don’t think Roach liked the river boats,” Jaskier said as Geralt led her off. Roach whinnied and shook her mane emphatically.
“Sorry, girl,” Geralt said. “You’ll have another long boat journey, and this time I doubt we’ll stop so you can run about on land.”
“Nah,” Jaskier said, as they walked toward a tavern for supper. “Boats from Novigrad to Lettenhove stop around the coast on the way, she’ll get plenty of exercise. It’s something to do with the currents.”
He petted Roach’s muzzle softly as they stabled her at the inn beside the tavern and Geralt felt his heart go out to his bard. Jaskier cared so much for Roach. Geralt thought again of the gold band in his pack.
“C’mon,” he said. “Let’s eat.”
-- -- -- -- -- --
Slightly more than a month later, after a slow, coastal boat journey, and then another between Inis Porhoest and Lettenhove, Geralt, Jaskier, and their faithful horse, stepped off the final boat.
“Welcome home, Master Julian,” said a fisherman on the dock.
“Does everyone here know you?” Geralt asked.
“Pretty much, there’s only about three hundred people here.”
News spread fast among three hundred people and Jaskier and Geralt were greeted enthusiastically at the door to the very small castle. A blonde woman who could only be Ksenia, Jaskier’s sister, flung her arms around him, and withing a moment Geralt was being gathered into the hug by a slightly older looking couple.
“Julek,” said the blonde man, pulling back. “My boy, you’re home, and you brought this stunning man, wow, what a looker.” 
“Papa, don’t be embarrassing,” Jaskier said. Geralt flushed clear to the roots of his hair. Apparently when Jaskier said he had his father’s personality he meant all of his father’s personality.
They had dinner as a family, including Jaskier’s niece and nephew, Cecylia and Prot. They had questions for Geralt, and he was grateful for the practice he’d had in Gwendeith. It was an enjoyable meal over all, and afterward Jaskier was distracted by his Aunt Szarlotta while Geralt slipped away to ask Mr. Pankratz a very important question.
The two of them returned to the main hall to see Jaskier pretending to be a dragon, while Cecylia and Prot bravely fought him with butterknives, but he straightened up when he saw the look on Geralt’s face.
Geralt took his hand and Jaskier squeezed it three times, it was their code, asking if Geralt needed to go somewhere that wasn’t so hard on his senses. Geralt smiled and shook his head, swallowing nervously around the lump in his throat.
He got down on one knee and pulled out the gold band. “I’m...I’m not good with words.” Geralt swallowed again, wishing he could borrow Jaskier’s eloquence for five minutes or so. “Marry me?”
The words were barely out from his mouth before Jaskier was tackling him to the ground, pressing kisses all over his face.
“Oh Geralt!” he said. “Wait--”
Jaskier looked up at his mother, who smiled and was handed a paper by his Aunt Szarlotta. Mrs. Pankratz ripped the betrothal contract in half.
“Yes,” Jaskier said, laughing. “I will marry you!”
Then they kissed on the chilly stone floor.
-- -- -- -- -- --
Dear Lady Iliana, Mayor of Gwendeith
The former contract has been voided. 
Szarlotta of Lettenhove
P.S. Geralt and Jaskier are engaged and send their love.
Holy Cow. 5603 words. I...I don’t even know what to say. I hope you like it.
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munsonsduchess · 3 years
Hello there, lovely duchess <3
I'd love to see what you come up with for prompt #8!
Take care! :)
summary: You and Bucky are FWB and you've been together for a while now but that's all about to change warnings: kissing, fluff, swearing, gambling (don't do it kids), mentions of smut a/n: yeah so this took an age and that's because my motivation went on vacation and i had to wrangle it back through customs
Prompts from this list
»»————- ♔ ————-««
You’d met the Avengers when Tony had finally had enough of your constant nagging and had agreed to let you meet the team he always spoke so much about - not to mention you wanted to see the people he couldn’t stop complaining about in the flesh - so he’d finally relented and introduced you to everyone as only Tony knew how. With a party.
You’d been so excited to meet everyone you hadn’t even minded when the dark brooding man at the bar had spilled your drink on your dress, he was too handsome for you to be mad and with the gleaming metal arm on his left side there was only one person he could be,
“It’s perfectly alright Sergeant Barnes, it’s just a drink” you’d given him your best smile and offered to buy him a drink instead but he’d refused and you hadn’t seen him the rest of the night. Much to your dismay, he’d been someone you’d been looking forward to meeting the most.
In Bucky’s mind anyway he wasn’t planning on getting too close to you, figuring that if you were Tony’s friend there was a high chance you were just another upper east side park avenue princess. A socialite who only cared about wealth and who she could be photographed next to in newspapers and he didn’t have time for that anymore. He was a different man now.
Then you were around more often, spending time at the compound with Natasha, getting lunch with Wanda, offering to bank roll the team since you had “more money than I know what to do with” and it didn’t seem fair for Tony to have to do everything when he had a family to support as well.
Slowly but surely you wormed your way into the team’s hearts and it got to the point where everyone was asking Bucky what his issue was with you, why did he not like you? Had he even spoken to you?
Bucky had brushed off every question, he’d just ignored the needling and the nagging until finally he couldn’t. He’d blown up at Peter who’s eyes had gone wide as the teenager stuttered out an apology. Bucky hated himself for it, even more so when everyone was walking on eggshells around him afterwards, even Steve and Sam who knew him best.
He’d gone out to clear his head and off all the gin joints in all the world you had to be in the one he chose. With your warm smile and offering to buy his drinks, telling the bar staff to put everything on your tab despite Bucky’s protests that he could buy his own drinks. You just rolled your eyes at him and moved to sit next to him instead.
It ended up with just the two of you in the bar that night, your cheeks rosy from the alcohol and your eyes glassy with tears of joy as you listened to his stories and laughed at his jokes. Maybe you weren’t as bad as Bucky originally thought but he still wasn’t planning on getting closer than he needed to, until you’d put your hand on his thigh when you settled the tab and offered to split a cab.
You’d both ended up tangled in your bedsheets, laughing and joking, gasping and moaning well into the night. It had been a while for both of you and this release was definitely needed, plus you’d ended up teaching Bucky a few things when the initial groping like horny teenagers had worn off.
You’d also introduced him to the term ‘friends with benefits’ which is where you found yourself currently. Of course you both went on dates separately but you found yourself cancelling plans more and more to spend time with Bucky instead. To be curled up on the couch watching a terrible movie which was usually forgotten about halfway through for other more entertaining activities that could be partaken in on a couch.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Maybe it was silly of you to think you could resist having feelings for someone like Bucky, someone so kind, caring, funny and someone you felt so comfortable around but that’s exactly what happened. You’d woken up one morning with the smell of him cooking in your apartment kitchen with the radio playing something you didn’t really care about. You’d curled up in the blankets on the bed and revelled in the domesticity of the whole situation and it had struck you. You really cared for this man and not just as a random hook up.
The only problem was, did Bucky feel the same? Everyone else seemed to think so, when you’d spoken to Steve and Sam and Natasha and Wanda and even Scott they’d all seemed to think you and Bucky were already a couple. So you’d enacted a plan, was it your smartest plan? Probably not. Were you going to do it anyway? Damn straight.
You’d created a new tinder profile and specifically matched with the most boring man you could find. The poor bastard had no idea what he was in for or why you’d decided to go out with him but you needed him to be the human equivalent of the colour beige for the plan to work.
Bringing the man around the compound to meet the team, telling Bucky you couldn’t spend time with each other sexually anymore since you and … Dave were serious now and it wasn’t right to cheat on your boyfriend.
Bucky to his credit had wished you well and was happy you’d found someone, outwardly anyway. He’d known the ‘relationship’ the two of you had couldn’t last, that of course you’d move on and find someone worthy of your time and attention. Did it hurt? Like a bitch but he was going to be the bigger man.
Or at least he had wanted to be. The more you brought Dave around the more Bucky wondered what the hell you were doing with a man like that, he couldn’t make you laugh the way Bucky could, where your nose would crinkle in the middle and you’d gasp for breath. He didn’t know how you liked your coffee in the morning, iced usually and loaded with sugar. He sure as shit didn’t know how you liked to be touched.
It had come to an ugly head one evening when you and Dave had gone for dinner, in a restaurant you and Bucky would hang out in all the time. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back, that and the asgardian mead that Thor had left on his last visit. Bucky had taken a shot for some dutch courage and driven his bike straight to the restaurant pushing past the staff who tried to stop him,
“Y/N” he yelled, causing you to look at him with wide eyes and a surprised expression.
“Bucky, what are you doing here? Is everything alright? Did something happen to Steve or Sam?”
“Forget them and forget this guy too, you’re coming with me” he reached down to where you were sitting and wrapped his metal hand around your upper arm, “come on”
“Bucky no, I’m on a date I can’t just leave!” you protested, “David, I'm so sorry about this”
David opened his mouth to say something but a glare from Bucky told him that wasn’t a wise move. Instead he seemed to shrink back into his seat under the weight of Bucky’s icy glare,
“Come on doll” Bucky said again, hoisting you up from your seat by his grip on your upper arm, “we’re leaving”
“James Barnes! I am not your property, let go of my arm right now! If you have something you want to talk about we can talk about it later, I am with David and you have no right to barge in here like this!”
“The hell I don’t”
“Leave James, we’ll talk about this later”
Bucky was about to rebuke you again but was interrupted by a man in a fancy suit clearing his throat, apparently you and Bucky had caused enough of a commotion that several guests had complained and now both of you were being asked to leave. Which suited Bucky just fine. He grabbed you and pulled you from the booth ignoring your cries and protests and simply pulled you along with him until you both were stood at his bike,
“Come on”
“No! You do not get to manhandle me like you own me and then act like nothing is wrong, if you had something you wanted to talk to me about we could have done it like grown ups”
“Oh yeah? Like Dave? Is that what you do with him? Talk like grown ups?”
“What David and I do is none of your business Barnes”
“It is my business cause you’re my business, you’re my girl not his!”
You blinked at Bucky a few times before you huffed out a laugh, that was definitely confusing. Why were you laughing?
“Oh my god! You couldn’t have said something earlier? You had to make a scene? How am I supposed to come back here now?” you were still laughing, “not to mention I owe Steve $50 because he bet you couldn’t last the month”
“Wha? You and Steve had a bet goin’ about me lastin’?” Bucky was beginning to get agitated now, what the hell were you and Steve betting on?
“Yeah! I mean honestly Buck did you think I really liked David? He’s the most boring human being alive! I mean yeah he’s nice enough but oh my god of course I wasn’t serious about him!”
“Then why were ya out with him?”
“To see what you would do!” you said exasperatedly. Bucky raised his eyebrow, what the hell did you mean by that? “Oh my god how can you be this dense, it’s you I want to be with Barnes, not David. You! So I picked David to see if you would just let me be or if you felt the same way!”
“Wha? You couldn’t have just asked me?” Bucky shoots back, “you had to make this whole convoluted plan?”
“Right because if I’d asked you you’d have said you wanted whatever was best for me and if I wanted to see other people that would be fine and you’d never tell me what you really wanted. At least now I know” you said batting your eyelashes at him “you like me, you called me yours”
Bucky groaned and ran a hand down his face. He’d been an actual idiot. He’d told himself he was fine with you seeing other people, that this was just how the modern world was like. He couldn’t expect to hold onto someone like you forever. Now he’d gotten you kicked out of your favourite restaurant and had put his hands on you in a way he swore he never would. That being said, none of that would have happened if you’d been honest with him, no matter what you thought he’d say to you. Now here you were batting your eyelashes at him like nothing had happened,
“Don’t you dare give me those sex eyes right now! This is a serious situation, here!”
“Oh shut up and kiss me Barnes”
That he could do. Repercussions from his actions be damned. You were his. All his.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Taglist: @metalbuckaroo @doasyoudesireandlive @spicynudlesoup @calisamcro
93 notes · View notes
Hanahaki Disease AU
Word Count:1096
Warnings: death
I know this one is really bad and really doesn’t have too much with it but I also have another, slightly different ending. If ya’ll would like that, I can post it too
@abouquetfullof-whoopsie-daisies​ asked for this one! I hope you like it!
Main Masterlist
MCU Masterlist
Y/N laughed, "Pietro!”
He smiled, “You’re pretty when you laugh.”
She felt her face heat up, “You don’t mean that.”
“But I do! you’re face crunches up at all the good places! And your laugh is adorable.”
“You’re lying, but whatever.”
He moved a hair from her face, “When do you leave?”
“In the morning, I probably should head home.”
“Yeah and I should head back to base.”
“You always call it base, but never say what is it. I thought I was your best friend.”
The last part hurt saying, but it was true. They were just friends. “I can’t. I want to, believe me! But I can’t!”
She sighed, “Fine.” She wrapped her arms around him, “I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.”
“Learn to wear something besides tracksuits.”
He laughed, “Well, if my best friend asks me to do so, than I will.”
She laughed and pulled away, “Bye Pietro.”
“Bye Y/N.”
Y/N had been living in the U.S. for just over a week. What she thought had been a small cold had grown to be something else entirely. She was mad at herself for allowing herself to slip. What was worse was that she couldn’t even tell him. He was all the way in Sokovia while she was stuck here in America. She didn’t have enough money to fly out there to tell him.
The actual worse part was that it was progressing quicker than she could deal with. She had no one to go to. No one to talk to. Barely had enough money to pay for the shitty apartment she was in. Barely enough to survive, if that was even possible.
She groaned as she walked over to the kitchen. She could barely breathe and whenever she did it hurt and she ended up coughing and sometimes even vomiting. Unfortunately, the latter of the two happened as she took a sharp breath, but fortunately she was near a small trash can. To be honest, all that came out was blood and small blue flowers, but she still felt fucking weak afterwards.
She wished that she knew how to somehow get to Sokovia. It would make everything so much easier to do. To go and tell him and maybe, just maybe, he would feel the same. Or she could get the procedure done easier. But hey, this is what she gets for being a 17 year old trying to escape.
Pietro handed the girl a dress an rolled his eyes when he heard Wanda’s voice getting mad at him. He technically didn’t have to listen as he was older. Even if it was only by 12 minutes. Besides he only flirted with these girls so he would not miss Y/N. It was east to do so, but none of them were Y/N. None of them were the girl he grew up with and teased mercilessly. The one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but was too scared to tell her. 
“You have to be careful. Avengers could still find us.”
“You’re just upset that I didn’t buy you a dress.”
“I’m sorry?”
“What? You’ve been in a grouchy mood sense we escaped. What’s going on? Is it because you have nothing new? I can get you something--”
“You mean steal.”
“I’ll pay when I get the money!” He quickly defended himself,
“Yeah? And when will that be? Who would hire you? Or really just us in general? Tell me, we’re 17 Pietro. Most won’t.”
“Oh lighten up!”
“Anyways, if anyone has been ‘in a mood’ it’s been you. Why?”
“I have not!”
“Actually, I haven’t seen Y/N in years! I wonder what happened to her.”
“She’s in America.”
“I--how do you know?”
“I used to sneak out all of the time. She left about a week ago.”
“And you didn’t tell me?!”
“You would get ma at me for breaking the rules! You always do!”
“Yes but this is Y/N! We’ve been friends since we were children! Since before mama and papa!”
“Well, I was I meant to know? Really Wanda?”
“I know, I know,” She sighed, “I’m sorry for getting and at you.”
“It’s fine. I’m used to it.” He placed a hand on his sisters shoulder. “Are you okay though? You keep touching your head.”
”Just a headache Pietro. It’ll go away.”
“If you say so.”
Pietro saw as Clint was about to get shot at by Ultron and so he did the first thing that came to his head and ran over to cover him. He felt the sharp pain of the bullets go into him. He gave a small smirk as Clint turned around, “You didn’t see that coming.” As he fell to the ground, he thought of Y/N for a quick moment and how Wanda will keep her company after this.
“Thank you for letting me do this Natasha.”
The elder girl just shrugged, “It’s no problem Wanda. You’ve been cooped up in the compound. You deserve to see an old friend.”
Wanda smiled lightly, “You know, Pietro had this crush on her,” She laughed, “He told me, when we decided to help you guys, that after everything was done, he was going to find her and finally ask her out.” She sighed, “He adored her so much, I’m surprise he never go Hanahaki.”
“It is always a surprise to see those you care about not get it, especially when their in love.”
“Perhaps it was because he never admitted it?”
“It could easily be, here it is.”
The two stopped in front of a door that definitely fit how the rest of the building looked. Wanda knocked on the door, “Y/N? Y/N, it’s Wanda!” When Y/N didn’t answer, Wanda tried a few more times.  “Y/N? C’mon silly, it’s me!”
“Maybe she’s not in?”
“No. The lady at the desk said she was! She--she has to be.” She looked at Natasha, “May I please?”
“You promise she won’t be mad?” Wanda nodded, “Then fine, just don’t tell anyone I let you. I’d rather not get chewed out by Steve.” Wanda lifted her hand and waved it over the lock until she heard the click of it unlocking.
“Y/N? Are you--oh my gods!”
“What--oh dear.”
Y/N was home, just unfortunately, she look too much like Pietro laying there dead. The pool of blood and flowers surrounding her face told the whole story. Wanda ran out of the place, unable to see her oldest friend dead. But for some part of her, she was happy because it meant Pietro wasn’t alone.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Change of Heart
Pairing : Taehyung x OC
[ Summary :
Times are changing.
After years of being oppressed, werewolves are taking a stand against humans , demanding equal rights and fair treatment. Heading the movement is Kim Taehyung, the breathtaking heir to the Kim fortune and one of the few remaining Alpha werewolves in the country. His disdain for the human race is well known and well warranted. They killed his family after all…..
He wants to change the world , to put humans in their place but when his five year old daughter takes a shine to their very human neighbor , maybe he has to start with a change of heart , first.  ]
Pairing : Taehyung x OC
Genre : Romance, Explicit Content.
Warnings : None. ( Some mild violence but mostly off screen )
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
Chapter 4
The Preserve had originally been an isolated island about 50 miles off the coast of the mainland.  Over the decades, the land had been expanded with man made floats serving to support the extra buildings and complexes that cropped up to cater to the small human population that stuck around to help out. 
The wolves still kept to the interiors, most of them having built huge cottage-villas which could house the entire pack, territories marked out clearly to avoid disputes. A few of the very traditional ones lived on the huge mountains that lined the northern end, opting to stay in their wolf-forms most of the time. 
The island itself was beautiful, rich vegetation , a thriving fauna and a landscape that was lined with beautifully stark cliffs up high and private little coves and beaches scattered below. 
Taehyung and his daughter lived on a beautiful beach side villa, which had its own vegetable garden , a staff of over 8 to take care of everything, a private jetty for trips to the mainland and a helipad/ airstrip. 
True to his word, Taehyung did not stay around most days. He was busy with his campaign and I spent the first week recovering. The doctor visited everyday and by the end of the week, most of the internal injuries were healing well, the pain well managed with meds.
Luna had moved into my room, pretty much and I spent the days with her curled into my side, reading from her favorite books, stopping when she encountered a particularly difficult word, ebony eyes turning to mine for help. We read countless books, and she introduced me to all her best friends : Mr. Ted the bear, Kihyun the bunny and Momo the panda. The stuffed animals had a small baby carrier of their own and she liked carting them all around the house. 
“She was really pretty. Mama....” Luna whispered one night, as we lay curled on the window seat in my room, a fur throw covering us up as we stared out into the rocky beach far below. 
I felt my heart lurch in shared grief. 
“Was she? What else do you remember about her....?” I asked softly.
“Her scent. “ Luna said quickly. “ She smelled just like you. Like home and fresh cookies with sugar sprinkles. And rainy puddles you can jump in.” 
I bit my lips, mindful that Luna was just listing her favorite things. I didn’t know much about how weres scented other weres or humans. But i supposed it made sense that her mother’s scent should remind her of things that offered her comfort and joy. 
But her next words threw me for a loop. 
“Daddy didn’t like her much....” She said suddenly and I felt my throat close up . 
“Oh-Oh?” I was genuinely shocked. Taehyung had looked devastated when he had told me about his wife’s passing.... 
Luna shook her head. 
“My friend from school, Mina? Her mommy’s still alive and her daddy likes her. They kiss and stay in the same room. Mommy and Daddy never kissed. Mommy lived on the east wing.... That’s on the other side. Near the rose gardens.”
I bit my lips, feeling incredibly guilty for some reason. This information felt somehow private and not for stranger’s ears. I didn’t want Luna to get into trouble for saying this to me . 
“I miss her sometimes. I’m glad you’re here.” She sniffled and i felt my heart crack in two. The girl was replacing her mom with me, I thought miserably. I couldn’t in good conscience let this happen. 
But as the days stretched into weeks, with Taehyung out and busy most of the time, i couldn’t bring myself to leave. Luna did appear to be calmer, more grounded and happier with me around. She liked staying close to me, at touching distance and she often buried her nose into my neck, sniffing till I had to gently pry her off. 
Although, absent physically, Taehyung called every day. He facetimed his daughter twice at least and I got a call every night at exactly nine. It was usually curt and formal but he did tell me what he was upto.
“The elections are coming up soon.... I need to work a bit more on the immediate reforms we’re planning to launch...I won’t be available this week, Luna’s keeping well?” 
“Yes, she is. We made a modern recreation of red riding hood and the wolf today with play dough.” 
“Interesting choice of fairy tale, Mi Rae ssi...” He drawled. 
I flushed at how my name sounded in that voice.
“It’s a bit different plot wise. In this case, the granny is just a meanie who likes to order Red about and the wolf is the one who rescues her.” I grinned.
He chuckled amicably.
“Bit of a stretch , that. But I’m glad you’re happy. I didn’t want to pressure you too much and i know its asking way too much of you . But Ms. Lee says that Luna is happier than she’s ever been and I do believe you’re the one I have to thank for that. “
I bit my lips. I wanted to tell him that Luna was getting way too attached. That I was afraid of what would happen when it was time for me to leave, but already i could hear voices in the background, people calling for his attention and I remembered that he was doing something important.
 He was trying to build a better world for his little girl. 
In the long run, all of this would be for Luna’s benefit only. 
it had been nearly a month since I’d last seen Taehyung . A whole three months since I’d moved into his villa. My paycheck as a nanny was three times what I was paid as a lab tech. But I hadn’t stopped working at the research facility either. I spent the days there, when Luna was busy with her school work . The vaccine had been successful but somehow, my father’s company had pulled some sort of nonsense with the patenting and not everyone had got the shorts. 
I stared out into the murky blue waters as they crashed into the jagged black rocks that lined the private beach. The huge bay windows in the living space offered an unfettered view of the rocky beach. 
Next to me, Luna was pretty much bouncing around, trying to find all her beach day toys. I watched her fondly, feeling something squeeze my heart when I thought about not seeing her again. The elections were done, the results were due any day now and Taehyung had already told me that he was looking to end this arrangement soon. 
Luna had a mind like no other. A vibrantly curious child with the most incredible questions, it was clear that she adored her father more than anything else in the world. In the evenings, she liked to play near the small water inlet that fed into the Ocean. The water was shallow, barely an inch or so deep, the terrain covered in small smooth pebbles in every shade of brown of grey.  
Luna and I  spent most of the weekends exploring the small beach around the villa, foraging around in the coves while her caregiver watched me covertly from a distance. She clearly didn’t trust me much, but I tried not to let it get to me.
I wasn’t here to stay. Taehyung had sent me a mail the previous week, letting me know that I was no longer had to babysit, because he was planning to move to Seoul himself. He would be renting out a condominium there and hiring a full time nanny. 
And that was fine. it wasn’t like i hadn’t seen that coming. I had a life of my own and i had to get back to it. My cottage near the research facility was fixed now and I was looking forward to getting back to my life, no matter how much it hurt to leave Luna behind. 
 I was a little upset that he had sent an impersonal mail to me instead of talking to me in person. Or maybe spoken about it over the phone at least. But I knew that he was just trying to make it easier for me to cut all ties. 
Okay, fine, maybe I was a little bit bitter that Taehyung hadn’t even offered to hire me to take care of Luna .  I wasn’t qualified , yes, but so far Luna had been a dream to stay with. She was so inquisitive and bright, so full of sunshine and happiness. 
After three months of her unconditional love for me,  the idea of not coming home to her vibrant laugh and endless giggles, it just felt so painful. 
“Rae Rae, let’s gooooo....” Her voice broke me out of my thoughts . Despite endless protests from Ms. Lee, Luna insisted on calling me Rae Rae and I found it adorable. 
I jumped a little, hastily moving to grab the sunscreen, the hat and gloves. While Luna did heal quickly courtesy her wolf-y genes, she was also incredibly prone to sunburn. The first few times, she had promptly shifted into her wolf form when i tried to put it on her, snipping my fingers angrily. The chemical was supposed to be unscented but her sensitive nose had clearly picked it up anyway. 
It took a lot of bribing with delicious meat patties and steak bites, for the girl to shift back and let me apply it on her.
But now she was comfortable with letting me apply it on her when we went to the beach. 
She picked up her backpack, a baby blue fur lined affair with twin bunny ears near the handle , and the small tote bag full of her collection of seashells and skipped out of the room happily. I finished packing the rest of her beach stuff : towels, napkins, hair pins and a change of clothes just in case. 
We were just climbing down the huge stairwell, when Taehyung’s voice rang through the foyer, startling me badly. i hadn’t seen him in a long time and against my better judgement I almost half ran back to put some make up on at least. I probably looked like an ogre with smeared sunscreen and my hair uncombed and in a bun. 
“Lu - Lu? Baby???” He called out, his deep voice pretty much reverberating off the walls .
I watched her almost tumble headlong the stairs in her rush to get into her father’s arms and I hung back, letting them have their reunion. 
I waited till Taehyung called out for me, before moving to greet him as well. 
The first thing that stuck me was how incredibly handsome he looked, hair now fully black, swept straight back from his forehead. He was dressed in skinny jeans and a loose black shirt, buttons undone to show the lines of his pecs and a pair of dangly earrings caught the light as he turned to stare at me. 
“Mi Rae ssi....i see you’re all ready for Beach day?” He grinned softly.
There was something radiant about him, a definite lack of anxiety. He looked relaxed almost.
“You won?” i blurted out. “ You won didn’t you?”
Taehyung’s eyes glinted .
“Its not officially announced yet, but yes, the Commission called me today . They think I’ve won by a landslide.
Before I could rethink my impulse, I flung myself into his arms, genuinely thrilled beyond belief.
“RThat’s so incredible, Taehyung ssi...i’m so happy for you and-”
“Tae? Should I get the other suitcase?” 
The female voice made me jolt, and I pulled away, arm still arapped around his neck, intensely aware of his hands on my waist.
Three feet away from us , stood an incredibly beautiful young woman. She was almost as tall as Tae, probably the same age as him and her eyes flashed red when she looked at me. 
I flinched, stepping back like i’d been scalded.
“Just leave it sweetheart, one of my men will get it. Come meet my little girl.” Taehyung said casually, shooting me one brief intense look of.....anger? annoyance? I couldn’t figure it out.
 Sweetheart? did he just call her-
Luna had shuffled to hide behind my legs now, her fingers gripping my waist as she refused to greet the newcomer.
“Luna, this is Ms Jihyun. She’s a very good friend of mine.”
Jihyun dropped to her knees, eyes flashing red again as she smiled a tight lipped smile.
“Hello, Luna. How are you doing?” She said seriously. Luna’s grip on me tightened.
“She’s a little shy.” I choked out, trying to tamp down the rising sense of heartbreak. No. i had actively fought against feeling this way. Every night here, I had told myself that I would not think about Kim Taehyung. Admiring him for what he did , for how hard he worked for his kind....that was one thing ....but this. This was madness. 
Taehyung reached out around me to lift Luna up into her arms. 
“How about we go to the beach with Jihyun and Ms Lee today?” He said casually, holding his hand out to me.
I almost did something stupid, like press my hand into his before realizing that he was asking for the bag i had over my shoulders. Wordlessly, I handed it over. 
“I want to go with Rae Rae....” Luna said sharply, lips jutting out in a petulant little pout.  
“Well, Appa and Ms. Rae need to talk about something and once we’re done, I’ll join you there okay?” He ruffled her hair softly and then gently placed her back down. 
Luna gave me an imploring look.
“Are you leaving me?” Her lips wobbled.
I shook my head instinctively.
“Of course not baby, I’ll be right there. Just a few minutes, okay? Don't forget your sunscreen.” I smiled and Luna pouted again but moved to Ms. Lee’s side hesitantly. 
Taehyung waited till the three of them began leaving before turning to me. 
“Thank you.” He said quietly , gaze moving to me with the same intensity, and this time I knew what he was doing. He was trying to gauge what I was thinking and I remembered, weakly that Alpha wolves could sometimes sense moods, changes in a person’s body temperatures and things like that. It wasn’t like mind reading or anything but a perceptive enough werewolf could definitely guess what kind of mood someone was in.
I fought to keep my face neutral. There wasn’t much I could do about how clammy and cold my entire body had gone after meeting Jihyun. It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to guess why I didn’t l;ike Jihyun there.
“It’s not you.” He said gently.
I swallowed.
“You’re beautiful. If we were.... the same kind of people.....I wouldn’t be saying this. But because of who we are.... I’m going to say it. It’s not a good idea.” He whispered.
I flushed, feeling like my entire body had been dipped in ice cold water.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said evenly.
He hummed.
“If you leave today, there’s a job waiting for you in the Research Center. It’s a level up from what you’re doing right now. I’ve asked them to put up extra security around your cabin and I’ve talked with the wolves here. No one will come anywhere near you. “ 
I nodded bleakly.
“Thank you.” I said quietly. 
“You’re going to forget me and Luna in a few weeks. And I would rather that things end now, before Luna becomes more attached.”
I nodded.
“Can i talk to her before I leave?” I asked softly.
He hesitated. 
“I don’t.... I mean, I would rather not have Jihyun be present for that. She’s.... well she’s someone I’m getting to know and she may feel -”
I wanted to kick myself in the face for ever having agreed to this whole thing.
“I understand. I’ll be back tomorrow morning to get the rest of my stuff and to say goodbye to Luna.” I said shortly. 
Before he could reply, I brushed past him and ran up to my room. I had to get out of here as soon as I could.
Luna cried inconsolably and I was eternally grateful that no one else was there when I carefully unpacked the huge carton of snacks and toys , I’d packed for her. Taehyung had made things a little easier, by telling Luna that it wasn’t me who was leaving but it would be them. They were going to a new place so they would be leaving me behind because I had stuff to do here. 
“I’m not going to be gone completely. I’m going to come visit you as often as I can alright and look....” I pulled out the small phone I’d brought her.
She stopped sniffling and held her hand out. I placed the flip phone in her hands.
“Theres just two numbers there. See the picture of the wolf? Thats daddy..... And see the one with the flower.....that’s me. If you want to talk to either of us, all you need to do is press this button.”
Luna hesitated.
“Daddy said, I can’t have any phones.” She said hesitantly. What a wonderful child, i thought fondly.
“Yes, but this isn’t the kind of phone that could hurt your eyes. It’s just a talking phone. Besides, your daddy already knows and he’s okay with it.” I smiled. 
She nodded, turning the little device over and over in her hands.
“Daddy say’s we’re going to the city. Why don’t you want to come?” She said angrily and i sighed.
“Its not that I don’t want to come, baby. It’s just that my home is here. I help take care of the little pups here remember? Some of them get sick and I help make them better....” I smiled, ruffling her hair. 
She nodded.
“Good girl...Now how about we go see the sandcastle you built yesterday...? See if it’s still there?”
Life went on and I found myself busy enough to not dwell on Taehyung too much. The vaccines were rolling out much faster now and most of the cases were milder . i spent the days in the research center and went home to my cozy cabin. Taehyung had been true to his word an an electric fence ran around the perimeter , twelve feet tall . A security guard stayed near the gate at all times, a beta werewolf named Minjun. 
Two weeks after Taehyung had moved out of the island, a distraction arrived in the form of one Jeon Jungkook . He was a year younger than me and finishing his internship before becoming a radiologist. He was smart , handsome and an alpha wolf with a deceptively cute bunny like smile.
Jungkook liked following me around when we had free time and I found his incessant noona , noona...endearing. But I was also not an idiot. 
Jungkook was looking for a fuck buddy and I was convenient. The only female in the research center. Werewolves didn’t do one night stands with each other, because being intimate always left a scent and it would make things messy. So weres  generally went to humans for no strings attached sex. 
It wasn’t that I minded , but a part of me was terrified i would do something stupid. Like call him Taehyung in the middle of us fucking. 
But of course, stupid decisions were my forte. 
So I did end up sleeping with him. 
“Well, you look miserable.” Jimin commented mildly, as I stumbled forward to the counter. I hadn’t slept much the previous night and had nearly missed the ferry to the mainland in the morning.
“I’m fine oppa. Just frazzled. Give me something strong but sweet...” I begged, riffling through my bag for my wallet. Outside, the rain poured in torrents. I was still dripping water from my hair and my jacket, although I’d been out of the rain for a whole five minutes. 
“Taehyung’s been asking about you....Why don’t you pick his calls?” Jimin said casually and I flinched. 
“I did pick his calls. a couple of times....” I muttered . 
That had been a whole experience. Taehyung had called me two weeks back, frothing at the mouth about something. 
Apparently, Ji Hyun the lovely girlfriend that Kim Taehyung like flaunting all over town, was also the older sister on one Jeon Jungkook. And because we had had sex the previous night, Jungkook had smelled like me when he visited Taehyung and Ji hyun. Even Luna had picked up on the scent.
How on earth was i supposed to know? 
Taehyung had been so furious that I’d hung up the phone midway through. 
“And, what happened?”
I shrugged.
“And then I got busy. Why? I’ve been talking to Luna... I even met her a couple of times. It’s not like I have any other reason to talk to him.... “ I protested.
Jimin hummed.
“He’s still seeing that model. Jeon Ji hyun? I heard her brother works in the Research center?” Jimin raised an eyebrow, sliding my drink across the counter. I stepped out of the line but stayed near the counter, staring at him. Damn it. Had Taehyung actually told Jimin about it? 
“Jungkook? Yeah. He’s a doctor... He’s doing his MD , radiology and he’s here for exposure , apparently...”
“Alpha?” Jimin continued flitting about, making orders but his tone held a note of sympathy. 
I shrugged.
“Yeah, he is. But we don’t talk much. We went out one night but then he’s been aloof ever since.” I shrugged again hoping that Jimin was buying my nonchalant act. i still didn’t know how much he knew. 
Jungkook was a nice guy and I was a little peeved that he didn’t seem to want anything more than a friends with benefits thing. But that had less to do with him and more to do with the fact that men, in general, never seemed to consider me as a potential girlfriend. 
But then, the poor guy was in probably the most crucial part of his education. Relationships were probably the farthest thing from his mind. 
Jimin stopped when the last customer in the line left. He stared at me. 
“Taehyung told me Luna called you one morning and Jungkook picked the phone.” 
I froze.
“What?!” I hissed, completely thrown. This, I hadn’t known. 
“You went out? With Jungkook?  And he stayed over , I’m guessing....I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you guys did not play Jenga all night?” He glared at me. I flushed.
“Fine. We slept together. We are sleeping together....its just consensual sex between two willing parties,  . It’s no big deal.” I said flippantly.
“You don’t think that’s why Taehyung has been calling you? That’s his potential brother in law right there. It’s too messy. I think you should stop. ” He frowned. 
I rolled my eyes.
“Listen it has nothing to do with me. I’m not going to marry Jungkook okay? I’m not going to be calling Taehyung my brother in law either. Its not going to happen. i just had this...stupid king of crush on him and he knew about it. He turned me down too, did he tell you that. He told me him and I were too different.... meaning I wasn’t a were so he wouldn’t consider being with someone like me. ”
Jimin groaned. 
“you know why he feels that way. Don’t make this about you. It’s not personal.”
“Then why is it spilling into my personal life? I have no obligation to him. I can sleep with who I want.....”
Jimin rolled his eyes.
“Taehyung’s a were. He’s not going to see it that way.” 
“Well, I don’t give a damn how he sees it, I’m having sex with a handsome young man who is attracted to me. That’s a good time, right there and I’m not going to stop having a good time just because it offends Taehyung’s delicate sensibilities.” I snapped. 
Jimin shrugged.
“Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” 
When I went back to my cabin that evening, I found Minjun missing from his usual place near the gate. The gate was still locked so I didn’t think too much about it, merely slotting the rusty old key into the huge lock and prying it open. 
I made my way to the door, opening it carefully. 
i nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw who was there. 
“what the- Seo Joon?” I said in disbelief, stumbling back when the tall alpha stumbled to his feet from where he was lounging on the couch. 
“Well, look who’s here....if it isn’t the slutty little bitch who wants to sleep her way through every were on the island....First Taehyung and now Jungkook.....you sure know who to pick, huh.....? All powerful, influential wolves..... “ He slurred.
I stared at him. This wasn’t good. I turned on my heel, ready to run back out but he was faster than me. I groaned when he slammed into my back pinning me to the door with so much force that the wood splintered,. 
While my bruised ribs had healed, they still hurt a bit. And the force of his actions left my mind reeling from the pain. 
“Get off me!! “ I screamed, “ MINJUN!!!!! MINJUN HELP!!!” 
He slapped me right across the face, the strength of it sending me crashing into the side table. I whimpered as I tried to get on my feet, fingers fumbling for my phone .
“it was you wasn’t it? I was supposed to be the deputy minister.... Taehyung’s supposed to be my fucking friend. instead i got fired like some lowly runt ...... It was you wasn’t it? you convinced him that humans are our fucking friends....” 
I shook my head, frantic.
“No...i swear I’ve not spoken to Taehyung...i didn’t say anything... Seo Joon please don’t...” I screamed when he reached down and grabbed my hair, yanking me to my feet till my scalp felt like it was on fire.
“Maybe I should fuck you too....since that's the thing people seem to be doing these days....Its because of your father isn’t it? That bastard has been all over the news,  talking these past few weeks about how his precious daughter is doing a lot of work for the welfare of wolves....Maybe I should fuck his daughter too....  ” He began, reaching for my blouse. 
I barely registered the nonsense about my father before a loud sound broke through the din. 
The door swung open and the sound of gunfire made me scream.
 I stared at the door only to see the security guard staring at us with wide eyes. 
Minjun , panicked and completely overwhelmed , had blindly opened fire on both of us. 
I felt the touch of the bullet to my shoulder, before the blinding explosion of pain.
 But he seemed to have hit Seo Joon as well, enough times for the were to let go of me and I crashed to floor, clutching my shoulder in agony. 
The sound of gunfire had attracted more people and through the throng I heard Jungkook’s voice.
“Noona.... Mirae noona is that you----???”
“Kookie!!” I croaked out desperately. Jungkook’s eyes went wide when he saw, me, pushing his way past the other wolves before letting out a snarl. The sound seemed to make the others cower and I remembered that he was an alpha too. 
I gripped his arms when he reached me. 
“Don’t tell Taehyung...” I gasped out, still clutching  my shoulder. 
“God, what the fuck.... We need to get you out of here...” He was already dialing for the ambulance. I waited for him to finish, gasping from the pain. Fuck, it hurt like hell. 
“We’re going to get you to the research center first.” Jungkook said frantically.  
I nodded, stumbling to my feet when he tried to lift me up. 
“It’s okay...just...get me something to …” But he was already peeling off his shirt, wadding up to press against the bleeding bullet hole .
“Hyung is going to kill Seo Joon.” He said grimly. 
For once, I didn’t particularly care. 
My mind raced because I hadn’t thought about my father in years. 
What did that tyrant want with me now??
Author’s Note : Me trying to finish all my fics and not lose my mind in the process :’( 
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agathasangel · 3 years
leave everything behind but me- part 1 (diane sherman x fem!reader)
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Warnings: Diane is still extremely dangerous, TW for stalking, drugs, and illness (also brief vomit mention), hurt/comfort with a bit more hurt, this series may end up going in an NSFW direction but there isn’t any here, I really don’t know exactly where it’s going.
AU where pretty much everything in the movie is the same except the very last scene. Diane gets out of jail but isn’t able to find or contact Chloe. This is gonna be a series and probably way too long (I’m already writing part 2). Also I know there are a lot of Diane fics that are like this, sorry about that. But this is really fun to write so oh well. 
Summary: You finally got the courage to run away and start a new life. Diane gets out of jail. She can’t find Chloe, but created a bond with another girl, you. And she would never, ever lose you. After all, you need her.
You were finally doing this. You were leaving your home behind and never looking back. You never had a good relationship with your parents, and now that you had graduated High School your parents were constantly threatening to kick you out. So instead, you decided to just leave. You had found a town on the east coast (across the country from your home state) and you had saved all your money from your job for the bus tickets, and found a roommate online, Anna. until you had finally announced to your parents that you were moving out. They acted relieved, like a huge burden was just taken off of their plate. But you knew they were secretly upset that they no longer would have someone to blame every inconvenience on.
You sat on the bus, listening to music and looking out the window. You noticed a silver minivan that happened to have been following you almost all day and on two different buses. You wondered where the driver of the minivan was going. Maybe whoever the driver was was running away too, but was lucky enough to have a car.
The bus stopped in Chicago, about halfway to your destination, and you had an eight hour layover that you had to manage to stay awake for despite the fact that you hadn’t slept in the past 24 hours. You decided to go to a cafe that was next to the bus station to get some coffee to pass the time and keep you up.
“I’ll just have a large coffee with cream and 1 sugar, please.”
“Great! That’ll be three-fifty.”
You searched in your wallet before realizing that you were completely out of cash that wasn’t going towards your bus ticket or room.
“...never mind”
“Hey, I can pay for you, don’t worry about it.” Said the woman standing behind you.
“Oh, you don’t have to-”
“Don’t worry, its no big deal. Just come and sit with me.”
You had time. Besides, you wanted someone to talk to and this woman was quite attractive.
“Sure. Thank you.”
The woman ordered and led you to a table.
“So, what’s your name?”
“I’m (y/n). And you?”
You heard the barista say “Two coffees for Diane?” and the woman got up
“I guess that answers that?” you said.
Diane walked over to get the coffees and stirred in the cream and sugar into both of them.
She gave you one of the coffees and said “Yes, my name is Diane Sherman. Are you from around here?”
“Oh no, I’m from the west coast. I’m on a bus trip, moving across the country. Fresh start, you know. And you?”
“I have been too, actually. Well, except I’ve been driving. Why do you need a fresh start?”
“My parents and I have a rough relationship. I just graduated High School and I didn’t feel like there was a reason to stay. What about you?”
“I’m sorry about that, (y/n). I actually lost my daughter recently, I’ve been incredibly lonely. I’m hoping for a new start, and some new connections.”
“I’m sorry to hear that Diane, that’s terrible.” You wondered what happened to her daughter, but thought it was best not to pry into this woman’s life.
“I’ll get through it. Maybe I’ll find someone else I can take care of. Someone who really needs it.”
Diane asked you more questions about your family, life, interests, everything. You felt like this woman had a genuine interest in you that you never felt from anyone else. You liked it. But as you talked you realized that the coffee wasn’t waking you up, if anything you felt even more tired. Maybe you just had to wait.
“I haven’t slept in so long, I’m so tired. Thank you for getting this coffee for me. It was nice to meet you, Diane.” You said, sad that your paths may never cross again.
“(Y/n), wait.”
You turned back to her.
“I have an idea. I have a motel room with two beds for tonight. Why don’t you sleep there and we forget about the buses, you can just ride with me.”
“Where are you going?”
“I’ve bought a house and I’m going there, but I can take you wherever you’d like, there’s no rush. I understand you may be suspicious as a younger woman when an older person asks you to ride with them and stay in their hotel room but I promise I only ask because, well honestly, I’m lonely and need someone to take care of.”
It was probably the sleep deprivation, but you believed her. You got into her silver minivan and drove to a nearby motel. When you got in the room you immediately dropped all your stuff and flopped down onto the bed, exhausted.
“Hey, sweetie, you can shower in the morning if you want to but you should at least change into pajamas.” said Diane. You found the energy to take your clothes off and put on an oversized t-shirt as you listened to Diane sing in the shower. You fell asleep to the sounds of the running shower and the older woman’s slightly off-key singing.
When you woke up, Diane was reading and sipping some coffee. You noticed she had also gotten you one.
“Morning, sweetheart. Now, I’m not in much of a rush to get out of here so just take your time. Drink your coffee and then take a shower, alright?”
“Sounds good!” You said, starting to drink your coffee.
“Great. I’m looking forward to spending more time with you, (y/n). I think maybe we were destined to meet. You without loving parents and me, in desperate need of someone to love and care for.”
You couldn’t explain why, but you did like this strange woman. She seemed kind, and she was very pretty, which couldn’t have hurt. The only reason you said yes to her last night was because you needed sleep so badly but now that you were fully rested, you couldn’t say you regretted it. You walked to the shower and felt a bit lightheaded. While you were in the shower you started to feel weak and you finally fell over.
As soon as she heard the thud of your body to the shower floor, Diane ran into the bathroom.
“(Y/N)? What happened? Are you ok?”
“I... I fell... I don’t know why.” You said, a bit embarrassed of the woman seeing your naked body like this
“Ok, let’s get you dried off and dressed, then I think we have to get some food into you.” and Diane helped you up, helped you dry off and took out your most comfortable-looking clothes and put them on you. This whole thing made you feel like a child, but you almost didn’t mind. It’s not like you’ve ever been taken care of like this before.
“Lean on me if you need to, I’ll come back for the luggage after you’re in the car.” You held onto Diane’s arm all the way to the front seat of the car.
“Just wait here, okay love?”
She got both your suitcase and hers and but them back in the car. You noticed that her suitcase that was in your room was not the only one she had, and she in fact had several suitcases, and lots of bags. She was older and more established than you, of course she had more things than you did.
She drove until you found a diner where the two of you could get breakfast. She helped you out of the car and told her to at least hold her hand while you walked.
“I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, maybe eating something will make you feel better.”
“Yeah, I hope so. I’ve never felt like this before, I really hope I’m not sick.”
“I don’t think that’s it.”
While you ate you talked, and Diane gave you a pill that she said might make you feel better. You took it and you did start feeling a little bit better. 
“Is it working? Do you feel ready to go?”
“I think so”
And so you left the diner with Diane feeling a little bit better. She kept her hands on you to guide you as you went to the car, just in case. 
“I’m ok now. But thanks, Diane.”
“Of course.” She grabbed your hand for a second and smiled at you and your heart skipped a beat. Why did you feel this way?
Diane drove for several hours until you fell asleep again. When she woke you up you were in a hotel parking lot in a small town you didn’t recognize.
“Where are we?”
“I think we’re somewhere in central Pennsylvania. We have a lot more driving to do, but it’s getting late. Let’s get some dinner and get you to bed.”
That night was relaxing and easy. Diane ordered room service and you ate while sitting on her bed together and watching a movie. The two of you began to cuddle and you ended up falling asleep in the older woman’s arms. When you stirred early the next morning she was still holding you.
When you woke up for real, Diane brought you some coffee. 
Diane got back on the road and she asked you where you planned on staying. You told her you were going to stay with a girl named Anna who you talked to online. As the car ride progressed, the weak feeling you had the other day started to come back.
“That’s ok. You can stay with me tonight if you want.”
“You really don’t have to-”
“Yes, I do. I want to make sure you’re ok, let me take care of you.” You figured that if Diane were dangerous, she would have tried to do something to you by now since you’ve basically been alone with her for almost two days. How bad could it be?
It turned out that the house Diane lived very close to Anna anyway, so you decided why not.
You drove another seven or so hours from the hotel all the way to a small house in a very cute little town not too far from where you had planned on settling in.
“This is it.”
You got out of the car and brought your stuff into the house. It was a cute, small place that was already furnished. You and Diane both looked around. There were two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a living room and kitchen.
“It’s a good thing I got a two-bedroom, I guess. You can stay here as long as you’d like.”
“Thank you”“
“I’m gonna go out and bring some more stuff in and then I’ll make us some tea, does that sound good?”
The two of you sat on the couch and talked while you drank the tea Diane made you. The tea didn’t taste bad, but it didn’t taste like anything you’ve had before. You told her more about your family life after she asked.
“Your parents were so lucky,” said Diane, who was getting a bit emotional, “to have a child as healthy and beautiful and sweet as you. There are so many people who would give anything to have what your parents took for granted.”
“I don’t know, maybe it is my fault. Maybe I was just a bad kid. Maybe I was hard to like, or dumb, or-”
“I don’t think you’re any of those things. And I’m sorry that you believe that, because it’s not true.”
“You think so?”
“I do.”  
You went to bed that night in your room and Diane in hers. When you woke up you felt weak and sick to your stomach. You guessed that Diane was wrong and you were in fact coming down with something.
“Diane!” You felt bad for possibly waking her up, but you’d feel even worse if you threw up on the sheets, and you didn’t know if you could make it to the bathroom. So you did it. She immediately came running to you.
“Are you ok, sweetie? What’s wrong?”
“I think I’m sick. Do you have a bucket or something?”
“Yes. Just one second.”
She left and very quickly brought back a bucket for you.
“I hope I haven’t gotten you sick too.”
“Don’t worry about that, I rarely get sick. Just let me take care of you.”
And you did. For the next few days as she looked for teaching jobs she nursed you back to health. Well, almost-health, at least. You weren’t having stomachaches or throwing up anymore but you still felt weak. She gave you pills and lots of them, and some might have had some bad side effects. All the pain medication she gave you almost had a numbing effect on your body. Anna had completely stopped responding to you and you worried she didn’t want to be roommates anymore, not like you could be on your own right now anyway in the state you were in. You needed Diane to take care of you. She was being interviewed for a position as a science teacher at the local High School but other than working on all of the application material she had all the free time in the world to be with you.
“Anna said she found another roommate.”
“Hey, don’t worry about that alright? You’re still sick and I really don’t mind you just... staying here and living with me. Besides, I really think I’m going to get this job and if I do I’ll easily be able to support the both of us.”
“Diane, you don’t have to... I applied for some jobs already.”
“None of which you can do when you’re sick, now please lie back down. I know you feel bad for letting me take care of you and baby you so much, but you don’t have to. I’ve already told you that I like having someone to take care of. And I know you like it when I take care of you too.”
And you hated to admit it, but she was right. Despite how horrible you felt physically, you enjoyed your time with Diane. You started doing a lot of fun things together. You both enjoyed yourselves, and Diane sometimes told you that she felt like she had a daughter again. She made you feel loved. You still had your own bed, but you often fell asleep on the couch or in Diane’s bed while the two of you cuddled.
“I love you, (y/n). My baby.” Diane said as you started to drift off on the couch with her that night.
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agwitow · 3 years
Alpha Wolves
content warning: swearing, mild violence
Marcus yawned, his jaw cracking, and shook out his pants. It had been a long night, helping two pups with their first change. They were already packed into their parents’ SUVs, fast asleep, and on the way to their homes. In a few months they would be good to join a pack. It wasn’t always as simple with new shifters, but those two each had a parent who was one as well. Even at eight and ten, they knew a fair amount of what it meant to be a lycanthrope.
Dressed in sweats and a light cotton long-sleeved shirt, he ran a hand over his jaw and sighed. Full moon changes always made his hair grow. Even though he’d been clean-shaven before the change, he had what felt like two-days of growth now. Shaggy hair didn’t bother him nearly as much as a beard did, though by the end of the three days he’d need to get that trimmed as well.
He padded barefoot into the little cabin that served as his base of operations while helping new shifters and started a pot of coffee brewing. He hated the stuff, but it would be at least a couple hours before he could head home to sleep, so he needed something to keep him awake.
While it percolated, he checked his phone. Three emails from work, two from the pack, and some spam. He’d just opened the first email when the phone rang.
“Porter Consulting.”
“Mr. Porter, it’s Deputy Palerma from the EKSD,” a male with a pleasant tenor said.
East Keddol was a small town several miles from Hapburgh, the city Marcus lived and worked in. It was in the interesting position of being almost perfectly between Hapburgh pack territory and Redview pack territory. Surprisingly few places fell into the odd in-between spaces between packs, and, as far as he knew, no one had developed any specific protocols for dealing with them.
“How can I help you today, Deputy?”
“We have a shifter—twenty-three-year-old male—who attacked his friends when he shifted for the first time. Miss Davidson recommended I call you.”
Kaelyn Davidson did for the Redview pack what Marcus did for the Hapburgh one. She was, if he remembered correctly, also a month or two out from giving birth. Handling an adult shifter who’d already hurt people was probably not high on her list of ways to spend her time.
“I see. Is your new shifter awake?”
“No. We had to hit him with a tranq to be able to bring him in. He’s changed back, but hasn’t woken up yet.”
Marcus snorted. Safety Departments were, mostly, better than the old police system, but sometimes they were still a little too trigger happy. At least it was a tranquilizer dart instead of a clip of bullets. “I’ll send someone to pick him up. He’s going to wake up before they get there, and he’s going to be cranky and hungry.”
“I’ve taken the class on shifters, Mr. Porter,” Deputy Palerma said, sounding offended. “There is a post-shift recovery kit in the fridge.”
He stifled a sighed. “If that’s all you have, that’s fine, but it would be better if the new shifter could get freshly made food. Eggs, nuts, oats, cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, and pumpkin seeds are best. Avoid meat, if possible, especially red meat.”
“I thought shifters need protein the morning after?”
“We do, and the foods I listed are all high protein items. New shifters can find meats to be… an issue at first. As I’m not able to speak with your young man at present, it’s better to be cautious.”
There was a moment of silence on the line before Palerma said, “Alright. Who will be coming, and when should we expect them?”
“It’ll depend on who is free.”
“Can’t you just tell someone to do it? You’re the alpha, aren’t you?”
Marcus had to grit his teeth to keep from groaning. That damn study from the 40s. “That’s not quite how things work. All pack members have proper ID.”
“Fine,” he said, the word ending with an annoyed click of his tongue.
“Thank you. Someone will be there between 10:30 and noon.”
Once they’d said their farewells, Marcus sent out a quick message through the pack’s group chat.
New shifter, East Keddol holding, possible alpha complex. Any takers?
He set the phone down and poured himself a cup of coffee, adding enough cream and sugar to make it mostly palatable, before settling on a stool at the tiny kitchen’s bar-height table. He’d drunk half the cup before a chime indicated he’d gotten a response. Two more chimes rang out before he’d picked the phone back up.
Eddie: I’m free but never handled an alpha complex b4 wdin2k?
Ksenia: lol take a muzzle
Julianne: y can’t the Reds take em?
Marcus rubbed the bridge of his nose, sighed, and replied: Kaelyn’s 8 mo. Pregnant. Take the green SUV, put him in the back, and keep the divider up.
Eddie: is it that dangerous?
Thomas: alpha-complexers are just assholes
Julianne: TOM! There are CHILDREN in this chat
Thomas: no regrets!
Marcus temporarily turned notifications off for the group chat, replied to the most important of the work emails, set up reminders for the other two, then headed for the cabin’s futon. By the time he’d make it to his apartment in the city, he’d barely have any time to sleep before he’d need to head back out to meet the new shifter. So he’d nap on the futon and feel stiff for most of the afternoon.
A little after 2pm, the rumbling and crunch of a vehicle coming up the gravel drive to the cabin announced the arrival of Eddie and the new shifter. Marcus set aside his laptop and headed out to the porch to greet them. He was still barefoot and wearing sweats and the long-sleeved shirt, but he’d run a trimmer through the beard so he felt less like a back-woods mountain man.
The car had barely come to a complete stop before the back door opened and a young man stepped out with a glower. He was around average height, with enough muscle mass to indicate he worked out at least somewhat regularly. Dark blond hair hung to his shoulders and a thick beard wrapped his jaw—though whether that was a stylistic choice or the moon driven change accelerating his hair growth even more than it did for Marcus was unclear.
“You Marcus?” the young man demanded.
He raised an eyebrow, crossed his arms, and leaned against one of the porch supports. “I am. And you are?”
He nodded and shifted his gaze to Eddie, who’d stepped around to the front of the SUV. “How was the drive?”
Eddie shrugged, his gaze darting to Joseph and then away. “S’okay. Wouldn’t want to do it again, though.”
“Don’t blame you. Thanks for doing it, though. See you next week for a run, okay?”
His shoulders relaxed and he smiled. “Of course. Later, Marcus.”
Joseph scoffed. “Like he would be any good.”
Marcus shook his head and stepped down off the porch. He was a little shorter than the new shifter, though broader in the shoulders and with more muscle mass. “You will respect each and every member of our pack, or you’ll be sent to Palstead Institution. It is not a pleasant introduction to being a shifter.”
“Whatever, man. Just give me whatever stupid speech you’ve got so I can challenge you.”
“There will be no ‘challenging’ here.”
“Fuck that. I ain’t no submissive bitch.”
“What you do or don’t do in the bedroom has no relevance to this situation.”
Red flooded Joseph’s face a moment before he took a swing at Marcus. He’d obviously had a little bit of training, but the movement was still too big to be truly effective.
Marcus side-stepped and twisted a little so that he had more leverage as he placed a palm against Joseph’s arm and pushed. It wasn’t a big push, but the kid had overextended himself and it knocked him off balance enough to make him stumble. He took a step back and waited for the next attack he knew would be coming.
Joseph didn’t disappoint. He came up swinging wildly, rushing toward him as if he couldn’t decide whether to beat his face in or tackle him to the ground.
Marcus calmly deflected each blow, leading Joseph in a circle as he side-stepped and backed away from the attacks. Less than a minute later, Jospeh was panting and struggling to even come close to landing any blows.
“Have you finished with your temper tantrum, yet?” Marcus asked.
Joseph glared at him but stopped, bending over with hands on knees as he panted.
“You seem to be under the misunderstanding that pack members fight each other. Different packs rarely even fight each other.”
“How…how do you know who’s alpha, then?”
“There is no ‘alpha.’ Not the way you’re thinking, anyway.”
Marcus sighed and took a seat on the ground. The grass was soft and, thanks to a sunny morning, contained no hint of dampness. After a moment’s hesitation, Joseph slumped down as well. “Pack is family. Would you pick a fight with your dad to try and take over the family?”
He shrugged. “Picking a fight with a pack member makes about as much sense. We each have a role to play, and that role is based on our skills and personality and knowledge. Not on who we’re able to beat up.”
“Aren’t we wolves? At least partly?”
“Yes. And that’s how wolves behave.”
Joseph stared at him blankly.
He sighed again. “Come inside. I’ll make you a tuna sandwich and you can read one of the brochures.”
Joseph followed him inside, silent, but with a simmering edge of anger beneath his exhaustion. Once the full moon was over and the forced changes weren’t sapping his energy, he would be a real pain in the ass if Marcus couldn’t nip the problem in the bud.
“Here,” he said, picking up a glossy tri-fold and handing it over. “Have a seat. Read. I’ll make the sandwiches.”
He settled onto a stool, shoulders hunched and brows drawn. “Why Alpha-Dog Theory is BS,” he read. “Seriously?”
“Mhm,” Marcus replied. “Some of the pack wanted to title it It’s Not Your Inner Wolf, You’re Just an Asshole, but that seemed a bit confrontational.”
“… Oh.”
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(Moon-Bound - part 2)
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aadmelioraa · 4 years
Take Two
A Happiest Season Abby x Riley fic (2.4k, T)
It had been one year since Abby had left. One year since they’d called it quits. One year since their engagement was over.
And now it was Christmas time again, only this time Abby was more alone than ever.
She’d been on a few dates since they’d broken up, but no one had stuck around. Probably more her fault than theirs. It had been good to get back out there, but it still hurt to remember how things with Harper had ended.
It was a pretty big shock at the time, but looking back it had been a long time coming. Abby and Harper were on different paths and it just wouldn't have worked, no matter how much they loved each other.
“It’s not you,” Harper had insisted. “It’s me, and I’m so sorry.”
That was one of the last things Harper said to her.
They’d been talking wedding plans that morning and by evening Abby was packing her bags.
Harper had been so desperate to make her happy since they got engaged, but her constantly bending over backward wasn’t what Abby needed, and it was stressing Harper out. Neither of them was their best self together, not anymore. Rather than bringing them closer, in the end, that Christmas with the Caldwells had exposed too many rifts in the relationship to salvage.
Tagging @mego42 @endlesslychildish @arcane--soul @skittles321
Read the rest below the cut or on ao3
“I want you to be happy without trying so hard to satisfy the idea of me in your head. You’re such an amazing person—“ Abby had started sobbing here, “—but I can't give you what you need either.”
She’d moved out that night. Harper hadn’t accepted the breakup at first despite sort of initiating it. The conversation had lasted for hours, but eventually, she acknowledged the inevitable and left Abby alone for a few hours to pack. John, thankfully just a text away, had helped her drive everything over to his place.
It had been the second-worst night of Abby’s life.
She’d moved to Philadelphia two months later. She’d grown up there, technically, but without her parents, it didn’t really feel like coming home. New neighborhood, new apartment, new job. If that wasn’t proof she could get over it, what was? But when the holiday season came around again a lot of memories, once happy, now painful, resurfaced.
Waking up alone on Christmas Eve that year, in a word, sucked.
Abby was awake at 6:30 am for some reason. She checked her phone. She’d missed two non-emergency texts from John last night after she’d taken melatonin and passed out. He was definitely still sleeping; she’d text him back later.
She made a pot of coffee and stood in the kitchen in her pajamas wondering what she was going to do to keep herself occupied all day. John, who was living with his boyfriend in New York now, had invited her to stay the night and spend Christmas with them, but Abby wasn't sure if she was feeling up to it. She kinda wanted to sit the holiday out completely this year. She opened her phone and jumped aimlessly between the same three apps, then finally forced herself to take a shower.
At noon she decided to get dressed and go for a walk. That ought to keep her distracted enough. She put on jeans, thick socks, and her warmest sweater under her coat and started wandering.
There was nothing quite like Philly at Christmas. Still brash, loud, and occasionally vulgar but now decked to the nines with tinsel. She was glad to have new haunts to discover along with revisiting old haunts.
The snow from the previous day had turned to slush by the time the sun was at its peak, but that didn’t stop the kids in her neighborhood from spilling out into the streets to play football and tag under the grey sky. She waved at her upstairs neighbors and made a mental note to try and get to know them a little better in the new year.
It was a nice enough day. Maybe she’d head to Fairmount Park. Wherever she ended up there were sure to be plenty of frantic people coming to and fro, finishing last-minute Christmas shopping.
A wave of mixed emotions washed over her as she passed by a jeweler. Harper had given back the ring, of course. It was with John for safekeeping. Abby couldn’t return it, but it felt really weird to have it at her new place. Fresh start and all. Maybe someday she’d be ready to sell it. For now, she didn’t want to think about it.
She continued on at a brisk pace, stopping at a street cart for a lunch of falafel which she ate standing over a trash can, then continuing on.
It was after four o’clock by the time she realized how far she’d walked. Her hands had grown pretty chapped, she should probably go inside for a minute. There was a bar up ahead that looked open, and she could definitely use a drink.
It was fairly empty when she entered which made her instantly relax. She sidled up the bar and took a seat, rubbing her hands to warm them.
“Hey.” There was one bartender working, a curly-haired woman wearing a bandana headband, fitted flannel, and impeccable winged eyeliner like some kind of femme Luke Danes. “What can I get for you?”
“Vodka tonic?”
“Not feeling the Christmas spirit today, huh?” the bartender asked, grabbing the well vodka and rimming a glass with a wedge of lemon.
“Not really.”
“Yeah me neither. Anyway, name’s Gem,” the woman said, setting the cocktail down with a gentle tap. “Yell if you need anything.”
She smiled and walked to the far corner of the bar, a towel draped over her shoulder. A tall redhead and a petite girl with shoulder lengths locs raised their glasses at her.
Even if Abby wasn’t feeling it today, she’d picked a good spot.
She’d just started to feel the effects of the booze when she heard a familiar voice.
“Hey, I thought that was you.”
Startled, Abby nearly dropped her drink.
Riley, Harper’s Riley, slid onto the stool next to her.
“Hey!” Abby said, “What are you doing here?”
“Nice to see you too,” Riley laughed.
“Yeah, I mean—great, great to see you.” Abby couldn’t help from grinning. She probably looked like an idiot but she didn’t care.
“You look good,” Riley said, subtly sweeping her eyes up and down in an appreciative manner.
“Thanks, thanks.” Abby was glad she’d foregone the beanie with the hole in it. “You look good too.”
She really did. Her hair was a little shorter now, though it still framed her face perfectly. Otherwise, she looked exactly the same as when they’d met two years ago. She was wearing a black mock neck sweater and a pair of perfectly tailored wool pants. Her boots had a slight heel, not too high to be practical in an East Coast winter. The hem of her sweater pulled up a little as Riley leaned over the bar, exposing just a sliver of skin. Abby tried not to stare too obviously while she ordered a drink.
“I moved to Philly last month, to answer your question,” Riley said. “Got a fellowship at Kensington, I start in a week.”
“Oh, cool. Congrats, that’s awesome.”
“Yeah, thanks,” Riley took a sip, glancing over at Abby in a way that made her face grow slightly warm. “What have you been up to?”
“Finished the doctorate and got a job as a curator at the PMA. It’s going well. I mean, relatively.”
“Well, look at you!” Riley raised her glass. “Doctor.”
“Doctor,” Abby echoed, laughing, as she knocked her glass against Riley’s.
“Glad to hear that.” Riley took another sip of her drink and paused, mouth pulling to one side awkwardly for just a second.
Abby knew the question that was coming.
“So,” Riley was looking straight ahead into the mirror behind the bar, “how’s Harper?”
Abby grimaced.
Riley’s eyes widened. “Oh, shit…”
“It’s ok! It’s ok,” Abby could feel herself overcorrecting. “It’s been about a year. But yeah, we’re not together anymore.”
“I’m really really sorry, Abby.”
“It’s fine, really,” Abby shrugged. “I mean, if anyone knows how I feel, it’s you.”
Riley exhaled and leaned over the bar, her elbow just barely touching Abby’s. “Yeah, that’s definitely true.”
“So what are you doing in a random bar on Christmas Eve anyway?” Abby asked, ready to change the subject.
“I live up the street, actually. I’m heading to Pittsburgh to see family tomorrow, but that’s going to feel like work, so today I just wanted to relax.”
“Totally,” Abby said, watching as a party of college aged kids spilled in from the street and headed to the high top tables towards the back of the bar. “I’m just taking it easy today, too.”
“Big plans tomorrow?”
“Might see John. I think you met him…when we met.”
“Yeah, I remember John. How’s he doing?”
“He’s really good. Thinks I need to get out more, but otherwise he’s very happy.”
Riley laughed. “I’ve been out exactly three times—wait, no, this makes it four—since I moved here in November so clearly I have no idea what that’s about.”
“You liking Philly so far?”
“Yeah, I do. I mean, don’t get me wrong it’s weird as fuck, but it’s got some really great people. The doctors I work with are whatever, but this kind of place has a good vibe.”
She smiled at Gem, who was rolling her eyes as she made Long Island Iced Teas for the group at the high tops.
“You two know each other?” Abby asked, internally cringing at how un-cool about it she sounded.
“I’ve been here three of the four times I’ve been out, so you could say that,” Riley said. “Nice people usually.”
Gem dropped off the tray of Long Islands and brought Abby and Riley another round.
“They tried to order mojitos,” she sighed, rolling her eyes.
“Fucking kids,” Abby said. Riley laughed. That felt good.
Another large group came in, middle-aged couples this time. It had grown dark outside, it must be after five by now.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, listening to the conversations happening around them. Old friends were reuniting to the right and left of them, the chatter that filled the air was starting to make Abby feel a little claustrophobic. She shifted towards the edge of her seat, tapping one foot nervously against the floor.
“Hey, do you want to get out of here?” Riley asked, raising her hand to catch Gem’s attention. “It’s getting a little crowded.”
“Yeah, that sounds nice,” Abby said, relieved. “I’m just gonna run to the restroom.”
She threw a slightly crumpled pile of bills—mostly fives—on the bar and made her way to the back.
By some good luck, the bathroom was free with no line. The space was cramped and not overly clean, and the small black and white tiles that covered the lower half of the walls created a frantic pattern that did nothing to help Abby’s nerves. She exhaled a deep breath, fixed on her own gaze staring back at her from the mirror.
You’re fine. You’re just hanging out with a girl. A friend, even. Stop being so fucking nervous.
She rolled her eyes, annoyed at her own pep talk, then made her way back to the bar.
Riley was waiting with her hat on, hands thrust deep into the pockets of her dark green coat. Her face broke into a smile when she saw Abby returning.
“Anywhere in particular you want to go?” Abby asked.
“Not really,” Riley said casually. “Lead the way.”
“You got it,” Abby said, and Riley followed her outside.
The air was brisk, and snow had just started to fall as they left. There were Christmas lights everywhere, garlands wrapped around lampposts, a tree decked to the nines in nearly every window.
“Philly really gets in the holiday season, huh?” Riley asked dryly, then pointed up at a stuffed orange mascot that hung from a wreath on someone’s porch. “What the hell is that thing?”
“You really are new here,” Abby laughed. “I don’t know if you’re ready for me to explain Gritty tonight but I promise he's worth the wait.”
They continued up Broad Street, gradually making their way away from the noisy crowds. It had started to snow, which helped muffle the sounds of passerby and create a more mellow but still festive atmosphere.
“So, I’m glad I ran into you,” Abby confessed, breaking the silence that was lingering between them.
Riley’s shoulder bumped against hers as she sidestepped a puddle. “I am too. I have to ask though, is it because we’re both members of the Harper broken hearts club, or something else?”
“No, I’ve been trying not to think too much about that,” Abby said.
“Sorry to bring it up again.”
“I mean, it’s kind of unavoidable. That’s not what I meant, sorry. I’m glad because I really liked you when we met, and I kind of regret not realizing that at the time.”
Riley glanced over at her, genuine surprise etched on her face. “I liked you too, Abby. A lot.”
Abby smiled into her scarf and shook her fingers through her hair the way she always did when she was nervous. “Really?”
“Yeah, past tense though,” Riley added.
“Asshole,” Abby laughed, and Riley’s mouth twitched in reply.
They had paused on a street corner. The snow was falling around them in big flakes, Riley’s hair glittering in spots where it had landed and begun to melt.
Riley cocked her head, lips slightly parted, and stepped a little closer. Her brown eyes sparkled in the light of a Christmas tree peeking out of a nearby window.
“You good?” she asked.
Abby hesitated, chewing her lower lip.
“I can head home, if you’re not feel—“
Abby didn’t let Riley finish. Surging forward on her toes, she kissed her.
Rile tasted like the old fashioned she’d been drinking, smoky and slightly sweet. She kissed Abby back, running a hand through the hair behind her ear, and Abby could feel her smiling as their noses bumped together. When she pulled back Abby caught her breath and realized she was grinning too.
“I’ve wanted you to do that for a really long time,” Riley breathed.
Abby laced her fingers through hers and they kept walking. She wasn't feeling alone amidst all the holiday revelry any longer.
“Do you want to grab dinner sometime, maybe?” Abby asked tentatively.
Riley squeezed her hand. “How about now?”
Abby grinned. “Now is great.”
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kairos-polaris · 3 years
Eris (Demon's daughter) Chapter 2: Travelling around the world.
Marinette has a mission and she will do everything to succeed.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Escaping from the League of Shadows wasn't an easy feat to achieve. The grounds of Nanda Parbat were heavily protected and Marinette had to be extremely careful to not be noticed by other assassins. 
After almost an hour of sneaking around, she finally left the compound behind. The first part of her plan is completed.
The second part of her plan was... slightly more complicated. Crossing an ocean was expensive and took some time. She had to perfect her plan. 
She had an easy (meaning it took less time) way to get to Gotham. Go to the east and find a ship to the USA. Then a road trip across the states would wait for her. 
Unfortunately, this plan made her more vulnerable. The most important part was traveling across the ocean. She wouldn't be able to hide on the ship or protect herself if she were found. 
That's why she went to the south. Adani port in Mundra, India, was her first destination. 
After leaving Nanda Parbat she found a small village name of which she couldn't be bothered to remember. 
Her father made sure she had a flawless education and driving different types of vehicles as part of her skill set. “The only good thing he did for me” she murmured while stealing a car. She was sure nobody would catch her. She knew how to leave no trails. Also, for safety reasons, she would leave that car behind. It wasn’t that good anyway. 
Her age made everything harder. Marinette could travel only during the night or on the abandoned roads. She couldn’t let anyone notice her. 
She had passed the Indian border before someone asked about her parents for the first time. It happened in a small town in Punjab. Marinette deeply regretted leaving her first car behind. Hiding from the police and military was easier by herself.    
“I don’t mean to intrude but you don’t look like you live here. I wanted to ask why you are alone? Where are your parents?” Asked a woman.  Her blonde hair nicely framed her pale face. Her emerald green eyes shined with concern for Marinette.
“You don’t live here. You’re a tourist, miss. You can’t be sure I don’t live here.” Marinette answered defensively. The hurt look on the woman’s face made her feel bad for a moment.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you.” The woman rushed to apologize. “You just looked so tired and I want to help you.”
Marinette wasn’t sure what to do. She was exhausted and hungry. She slept only two hours a day to protect herself and her money. And you can’t exactly find restaurants high in the mountains.    
What did the woman expect her to say?
“My grandmother lives...I guess I should say lived here. My parents lost contact with her years ago, so we didn’t know about her death. I decided to meet her and find out what happened.” Her imagination never let her down.  
The woman was still concerned. She was certainly the type to put her nose where it doesn't belong.
"But are your parents not worried? I have a son your age and I can't imagine him going so far by himself." The woman looked even more worried. "Are you hungry? You know what? It’s obvious you are tired and hungry. There is a cafe over there. We're going to order something there and I will pay for you."
Marinette was suspicious. Who in their right mind would feed an unknown child? But it saved her money and trouble explaining why she is alone. She reluctantly agreed and let the woman lead her to the cafe.  
The interior didn’t look half bad. Everything was done in soft, pastel colors. Green plants in pots made the place look fresher. On a closer inspection it became obvious they were fake, but Marinette agreed they looked nice.
The woman led her to a secluded table near a window.  At Marinette’s questioning look she giggled: “I found this place with my husband and son. We usually borrow a chair so we can all sit together. Do you want to move?”
“No, I like it here.”
The owner soon came to take their orders. Marinette let the woman choose for her as she didn’t know half of the items on the menu. After the man left they continued talking. Mainly the woman was the one to fill the silence. She told Marinette about her family. She doted on her son who was only a year younger than Marinette.
"And my son really likes playing the piano... I just realized that you don't know my name!" Exclaimed the woman. "My name is Emilie. I’m an actress. My husband, Gabriel, is a fashion designer. My son's name is Adrien. Now, you know a little about me. Can I have your name now?"
"Marinette." She answered softly. 
It made the woman's, Emilie's, smile even wider. "It's a very pretty name, Marinette. I like it very much."
Marinette muttered thank you and that really surprised her. She wasn't soft-spoken and didn't trust anyone she met. But Emilie..she made her feel safe and loved in a short period of time. The woman seemed to have enough love to share with an unknown child.
"Why?" Emilie seemed as surprised with the question as Marinette felt. She tilted her head silently, asking to elaborate. "Why are you feeding me? Why are you telling me this? I'm a stranger and you're sharing with me so much information about your family."
Emilie smiled sadly at her and took her hand. "I know who you are, Amira. My husband was the one you failed to kill." At these words Marinette tried to pull away her hands, but Emilie stopped her. "I don't blame you, Marinette. It was obvious it wasn't your choice and someone forced you to do this. You deserve a normal childhood."
"I'm running away from that life." Emilie grinned at her confession. "I know I can be more than the Demon's head daughter. I am more than that."
They sat in silence for some time. Finally they were brought their food. Marinette felt her mouth water at the sight before her. Unfortunately, she didn't know how to eat some of the dishes. Emilie noticed her distress and started eating slowly so the girl could teach herself.
"Come with me." Marinette's confusion must have shown on her face, because Emilie continued: "I want to give you a place to call home. It won't be hard to find a room for you. Adrien would love to have a sister."
Marinette would forever deny crying then. She wouldn't mention flinging into Emilie's hands. And Emilie would smile and think about consoling the crying girl.
Several minutes later Marinette stopped crying and leaned away from Emilie.
"Won't your husband be against it? I tried to kill him, after all." Emilie shook her head at that.
"He is bad with remembering faces and I will introduce you as Marinette, not Amira. Marinette is your real name, right?"
"My name is Marinette Amira al Ghul and I would love to go with you." Emilie sighed and asked why Marinette couldn't go.
"It will make you a target and I don't want you and your family to get hurt. And I have to do something." Marinette suddenly looked nervous. "I promise to find you again after finishing my mission."
"I will wait for you." And that was all Marinette needed then.
The following silence wasn't uncomfortable. Emilie knew that no matter how much she wanted to help Marinette she wasn't the right person to do so. She could only offer a temporary solution, but it wasn't something Marinette needed. 
"What is your first language? Because your Hindu is very good." The compliment made Marinette smile.
"It's Arabic. Then I've learned Cantonese and Mandarin. Hindu, Italian, Russian, and French next. I've almost perfected my English." Marinette was surprised with sudden change but didn't mind talking with Emilie a little bit more before continuing her trip.
"You are really smart. I know English, French, Hindu, and Mandarin. My son started learning Mandarin to be closer with me." This prompted Emilie to continue talking about her family. Marinette just silently watched her and wondered whether someone would care about her like that one day."
Only three hours later they left the café. The sun was setting down and colouring the sky. 
"It's really pretty, right?" Marinette nodded silently. The pinks, and violets, and reds were beautiful. "Can I hug you one last time? I've got a feeling we won't meet again for a very long time."
Marinette didn't see the reason to refuse her request. At her nod Emilie wrapped her hands around her. It felt...nice.
But eventually they had to part. They both had to finish their travels. And, maybe, one day, they will meet again. "Highly unlikely," thought Marinette bitterly.
Emilie's face would stay with Marinette forever. And, maybe, in the darkest time, she would think about her and find the strength to move forward.
The happiness of arriving at Adani port was mixed with sadness of leaving Emilie behind. Logically, she had to move on already. It was almost three days and she still regretted not going with Emilie.
There was a very long road ahead of her and she couldn't afford any distractions from her mission. One must not forget that trained assassins are after one.  
Finding a ship to Shuwaikh port would be her first task. The best choice would be a cargo ship. Hiding there would be easier. Plus, she didn't need to eat much due to Pits' effect. She wouldn't need to steal much and would be able to stay alert. 
Sneaking into the ship wasn't hard. Marinette scoffed at their awful security. But, it did work in her favour, so she didn't complain.
It took three days to arrive at Shuwaikh port. Fortunately, they arrived late at night, so Marinette had time to sneak away. It certainly didn't mean she couldn't escape in the morning. It was easier to breathe at night.
Nighttime made it easier to steal a car. She would certainly leave it before crossing the border with Iraq. It certainly wouldn't be a piece of pie to cross it. That's why she needed to get weapons. Marinette didn't take any from the League, fearing they were bugged. 
Stealing from a weapon store was an interesting experience. But she finally had weapons and felt saver than before. "Why didn't I do this before?" Marinette thought. "My hesitation will have consequences."
Having weapons with her didn't help her anxiety. No matter how good she was at hiding her trails, someone would find her soon. It was unpreventable, but she could try to win some extra time.
Her escape might seem spontaneous, but she had planned for two months before running away. The timing was perfect: the next day she had a mission in France. Gabriel Agreste, the designer she failed to kill, made a deal with her father. He became their spy and in turn reserved a right to ask for the League's help three times. 
"They won't notice anything wrong for three-four days. Then, the next two days they will try to contact me. After that they will start looking for me. I'll give them a week to find my trail and a week to predict my next destination." 
The last part was particularly dangerous. Her route was too obvious, so she had to go in circles. While losing some time, she ensured her own safety. "As if giving them more time to find me is a good idea," she thought bitterly. 
Water was still a bad idea. There was little to no protection or places to hide. The League had enough technology to ambush any ship. It made her next destination obvious: Istanbul, Turkey. Crossing the border with Iraq would be extremely dangerous. She barely avoided being caught the first time. If she didn't have enough skills, she wouldn't get out. 
Three days later she was in Istanbul. If she had to cash out several favours to get there so fast, nobody needed to know. The beauty of the city made Marinette stay there for several days. Just to be a tourist for a change.
Visiting museums and palaces set her mind at ease. It reminded her about life behind the walls in Nanda Parbat. It gave her another reason to destroy the Light and their associates. 
Two days in her stay in Turkey she received a message from Cheshire. They were to contact only if the League was close to finding her. With a hard heart she left the city. "One day I will return here without my father on my tail. One day I will return to stay. One day."
The good thing about European Union? No borders. The good thing about Europe? Travelling from one side of it to another was easy and fast. It took Marinette less than two days to arrive in France. Was it reckless? Without a doubt. Was it necessary? Unfortunately. 
Jade promised a safe ship. It was waiting for her in Spain and going through France was easier than Italy, because it included crossing the Mediterranean sea.
Driving to Spain in her (stolen) car was supposed to be easy. She wasn't supposed to be stuck in Dijon for almost a week. She wasn't supposed to find friends there. But she did and regretted it immediately.
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kingreywrites · 3 years
Fandom: Tangled
Word Count: 2920
New Dream Appreciation Week Day Two: Royal Duties
Summary: "If you were in danger, I would do everything for you too, you know? I… Maybe that makes me a bad Queen, but there's not a lot I wouldn't do to save you."
"That's the thing, though," he smiled, something wistful about it. "You're not a bad Queen."
[Or Rapunzel remembers that sometimes, being Queen meant being able to do what she must, not what she wants.]
Note: i feel like this is super rushed (i did write it really quickly asfgshd) but i hope you’ll still enjoy!!
Read on ao3
@gleamful-lanterns @autumn-ravenclaw
Rapunzel's meeting with foreign dignitaries had been going for half an hour when they heard it - the loud, distant sound of an explosion, powerful enough to shake the walls around them. Everyone got up in panic, their personal guards swarming in the room, but Rapunzel didn't try to regain the calm immediately. Instead, she rushed to the window, opening it in a big movement that let the cold air enter. Then, she leant out as far as she could, looking for-
There. A huge column of dark smoke was rising from the west wing of the castle. Even from here, she could see the little silhouettes of people rushing away from it. Her heart skipped a beat, and she realised that it was coming from the exact room that had been the original location of this meeting, until Eugene and her decided to change it this very morning.
The dignitaries were already trying to leave when she turned back, cold wind biting at her neck.
"Everyone!" she called, immediately gaining their attention. She knew she had to seem calm, so even though she could feel her hands trembling, she tightened her fists and kept talking. "I know you're scared, I know you want to be safe, but I'd rather not let you all get dispersed in the castle as long as I'm not sure what kind of threat we're facing. Please follow my guards, they know exactly how to handle this."
Despite the please, it wasn't really a suggestion. Her eyes met the ones of the oldest Corona guard in the room, Henri, and he gave her a little nod, taking over with his own instructions. Now that she was sure her guests would be safe, Rapunzel's eyes strayed back to the window, and the smoke that was now visible even without leaning out, thanks to the wind. Rapunzel's first reaction had been to act as a Queen, but the dread in her heart was all her own - someone had attacked the castle. People might have been hurt.
Eugene might have been hurt.
"Your majesty?" a guard asked her, and with a start, she realised that she was the only one left here.
"I'm coming," she exhaled, voice shaky, mind swirling as she tried to remember Eugene's schedule, and their conversation from this morning.
"I still don't understand how you can like these meetings so much," Eugene said as they walked through the hallways together, early in the morning. "I'd hate having to play nice with all these stubborn people."
"Aww, you're being mean Eugene, not all of them are stubborn! Most of the time, they just want what's best for their kingdoms," she smiled, pushing her short hair back behind her ear. "And it's actually quite fun to try and make everyone agree on something, especially when you know what kind of things each of them like."
"I'm sure you're amazing at that," he grinned, "but yeah, I definitely couldn't do it."
"It's okay, I couldn't do your job either."
"Are you joking? You'd be the most amazing Captain of the Guard ever!" Eugene exclaimed passionately. "You've got the brain, the brawn-"
"The brawn?" she laughed, blushing a little at how eager he was to compliment her.
"I've been carried by you, I know what I'm talking about!"
They kept joking about how amazing of a Captain she could make, until they arrived at the room where her meeting should be held in the afternoon. They both wanted to check it out, Eugene for security reasons, and Rapunzel because she wanted to make sure that everything was in order for her guests. However, they hadn't expected the room to be freezing cold when they opened it.
"Geez," Eugene grumbled, immediately going to hug himself.
"Someone forgot to close the window," Rapunzel noticed. They exchanged a look, because honestly, no one on the staff would forget to close it - not in the meeting room, and especially not when it was the middle of autumn, and the air outside was too cold to simply be unaware of an open window.
Eugene went to close it, as Rapunzel surveilled the few documents that stayed here, trying to see if anything had been stolen. He started looking around with her too, when the window opened slowly again.
"Huh." Eugene tried to close it again, and the both watched as it opened, again. "Well, mystery solved, the lock is broken," he announced, a shiver running through him.
"I can't have the meeting here," Rapunzel sighed, already trying to think about another room which could do the job.
"Clearly not. Maybe you could take it to the east wing? It's basically the same layout, and that way I won't have to change the security's planning too much."
She nodded, thinking that it was the best course of action. Eugene promised that he would get someone to fix the window in the afternoon, and they went to check out the new room, making sure that it had no issues.
The dignitaries had been comfortably installed in a giant bedroom, turned into a sort of living room for the occasion. Some were already complaining loudly about not being able to go where they wanted, and Rapunzel started to think that she had been too nice earlier - Eugene was right, some of them were very stubborn. It was the third time she had to remind them that maybe the threat of a loose bomber wanting their deaths should be enough for them to understand that they couldn't visit the royal gardens right now.
It also felt very hard not to burn circles into the ground with her pacing. Rapunzel knew, as Queen, that she needed to put these people's lives first, and her own too. It was her duty, then, to stay with them, and show them a good example by staying put…
And she absolutely hated it.
There was little to no information on what happened right now. The explosion had definitely been targeted, it had caused a lot of damage and a fire that the guards were trying to put out. Thankfully, for now, the reports she got seemed to say that no one had been too seriously wounded (or worse, her mind whispered). But that didn't mean she felt better about staying there. She was practically in the dark, and the only thing she wanted to do right now was help.
All she could do was pace and worry. And try to keep scared people calm. And try to make them understand for the fifteenth time that screaming at the guards would not help. Did Rapunzel say already that she hated it? Because she did, oh she did.
(She didn't know where Eugene was right now. She tried not to think about it, but her mind kept reminding her that he said he would find someone to fix the window, window that had probably not been broken by mistake, and that was right where the explosion took place. What if- What if he had been there? What if the reason she hadn't heard from him was because- because he was wounded, and bleeding, or worse, and she couldn't- she couldn’t-- She couldn't think about it. She had to focus, focus on her guests, on her duty, because she trusted Eugene, and she knew he would be alright.)
(He had to be.)
"Your majesty?" It was Adam, a young guard she knew quite well, who had called her from the door quietly.
Rapunzel immediately went at his side, desperate for news. There was soot on his uniform, and she could guess that he had been near the explosion site. "Adam! Are you okay?"
"I- yes, thank you your Majesty," he smiled. "I was just in charge of moving some of the rubble. I came here to tell you that the fire is out, and that we searched through the castle, and found no one suspect. We think the bomb was planted during the night, and that the bomber isn't in the castle anymore."
"That- That's good, that's good," she nodded, feeling a little shaky. "I guess that we're still staying confined here a bit more, though?"
"Uh, yeah, that's the orders I've received," he agreed hesitantly. "I'm sorry your Majesty, it's just to be safe."
"Don't worry, I know how this works." Her smile was tight with worry. "Say, Adam, did you- did you see Eugene? Was he the one to give you these orders?"
She could see from the corner of her eyes the other guards, who had been protecting the door ever since they started to hide here, turning towards them to hear Adam's answer. But he didn't even have to say anything - he grimaced, and her heart dropped in her chest.
"I- I'm sorry, no. I don't know where the Captain is. No one has seen him since…"
He trailed off. Rapunzel closed her eyes tightly, until she was sure she wouldn't cry.
"Thank you," she said faintly, trying to gather herself against the dark thoughts in her mind. (He hasn't seen Eugene since the explosion. No one has. Eugene is dead.) "I- We'll stay here," she nodded, "at least until you make sure there's really no threat."
She didn't meet Adam's eyes, or the ones of the guards around them, but she could feel their pity anyway. (Eugene is dead.) Her heart was in her throat as she raised herself up again, trying to look a little more queen-like before addressing the dignitaries. (Eugene is dead.) She needed to do her best so there was no panic, because that was her duty as a Queen.
(Where was she when Eugene died? Was she smiling, pretending that nothing was wrong, because that was what a Queen should do?)
"Alright," she said, turning back to her guests as if she didn't feel like a sword was going through her heart. She didn’t know that Eugene was dead. And she… She knew he could handle himself. She knew he would do everything to stay alive, so she would trust that he was fine, until- He was fine. And the Kingdom needed her to stay focused. "Here is what we're gonna do."
"You know, I'm kinda glad you're Queen sometimes," Eugene had whispered once, tracing mindless patterns on the skin of her back as they laid together on their bed.
"I mean, there's definitely advantages to being royalty," he said, and she could hear his grin in the tilt of his voice - could feel it when he kissed the nap of her neck, making her laugh and turn towards him. His eyes were soft as he looked at her. "But I… you know, I'm glad that if they're something wrong or- or if there's any chance that you could be hurt, I can do everything in my power to get to your side and make sure you're okay, and no one is gonna try to stop me. You're the Queen, after all. That's kinda selfish, I guess, but I couldn't-- you're always my priority, Sunshine."
"And you're mine," she answered with a frown. She hadn't thought about it that way, but she didn't like the idea that she couldn't do the same for him. "If you were in danger, I would do everything for you too, you know? I… Maybe that makes me a bad Queen, but there's not a lot I wouldn't do to save you."
"That's the thing, though," he smiled, something wistful about it. "You're not a bad Queen."
He pushed her hair back, but she didn't let him, instead raising herself on her arms to really look at him. She wanted to protest, to say that she truly would do anything for him, but she couldn't find the words. She remembered all too clearly sending him to a possible death to save her parents the first time she acted Queen, because she knew the Kingdom needed their guards. She had… She had put his life second to her duty before. Would she do it again?
"Hey," he said, raising his hand to her cheek again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."
"I'm… I don't want you to be right," she sniffled, eyes prickling. "I- If anything happened to you, I don't know what I would do."
"Well, I'll make sure nothing happens to me then. I'll always do everything in my power to come back to you, be it to make sure that you're okay, or so you can make sure that I am. I promise," he whispered, knowing how much weight these words carried.
His smile was hesitant, and she leant down to taste it, feeling his arms envelop her again. She'd hold him to that promise.
An hour passed. The black smoke from earlier had disappeared entirely, when the guards finally told her that they could start evacuating the guests. She accompanied them all outside, making sure that they had all they needed to have a safe travel back, promising them to make light on today's events, and to keep them informed. Thankfully, as annoyed as some of them seemed, no one looked like they wanted Corona to owe them a debt. The problem might pop up later, but Rapunzel would take any victory she could have.
"Your Majesty!" she heard someone yell as she watched the last guest leave. It was Adam again, running towards her at full speed and stopping right next to her.
"I saw the Captain!" he exclaimed. "He's fine, he was stuck because of the explosion but he's okay, and he told me to tell you that- your Majesty are you okay?"
Rapunzel wondered if she had visibly paled, because the relief crashing over her certainly made her feel faint. She put her hands over her heart as she breathed in, head buzzing as she closed her eyes.
Eugene was fine. Eugene was alive, and he was fine, and he had talked to Adam, and he was alive- he had kept his promise.
"Thank you, Adam," she breathed out. There were tears in her eyes when she opened them again, but she didn't bother hiding them this time. She had been the Queen for long enough - now she was Rapunzel, and she wanted to make sure that the love of her life was alright. "Where- Where is he?"
"He went back to your bedroom, he, uh… He needed a wash."
That was all she needed. She thanked Adam again, exchanged a glance with the other guards in charge of keeping her safe, and ran back towards her bedroom, anxious to actually see Eugene - to touch him, too, and make sure that he was really here.
Honestly, she didn't think she had ever ran as fast.
She opened her bedroom's door quickly, letting the sounds coming from their bathroom guide her to Eugene. There he was, kneeling in front of their bathtub, his jacket and his gloves off as he seemed to be washing his hands.
There was red in the water.
He didn't answer. He wasn't even moving, just looking at his hands blankly, his back to her. She walked over him quietly, unsure of his state of mind.
"Eugene?" she repeated, her voice softer to avoid startling him. This time, he heard her. He turned his head, and his eyes widened when he met hers.
"Sunshine," he breathed, and just like that, his eyes were filling with tears.
She got on her knees next to him in one swift movement, in time for him to throw himself at her, hugging onto her dress tightly with his soaked hands. She hugged him back just as harshly, feeling something in her heart settle for the first time since she heard the explosion. Eugene was here. He was… he was alive. Maybe not okay, given how much he trembled in her grasp, but here. His saccaded breathing, his tears, his skin… She could feel him in her arms, and she never wanted to let go.
"Are you… Are you okay?" she asked, knowing the answer would be no. She felt his head move, his soft hair tickling her chin.
"I-" he tried, before interrupting himself for a few more seconds. "I didn’t get hurt. Just- Just a little burn, and some bruises, nothing bad, but… Lucas- the guy fixing the window, he-- We were stuck together, under the rubble, and he was losing so much blood I thought- I can still feel it," he whispered, trying to get even closer to her.
"Oh Eugene," she murmured, feeling lost. "Is Lucas...?"
"He's alive, thankfully, he's… They got us out, and they- they told me- he should be fine," he stuttered, "I just can't- I- I--"
I was so scared. Eugene didn't have to say it, because she heard it anyway. So she held onto him, ready to do so forever if he needed, because she knew she needed it too.
"You did everything you could, and you probably saved his life," she said, feeling how he melted against her. "I'm so glad you're okay."
He probably could hear the emotion in her own voice.
"The- the only good thing down there, was the fact that I knew you were okay," Eugene answered, voice so quiet she barely heard him. "I- I love you, Rapunzel."
"I love you, Eugene." Her tears were falling too, landing on his hair. He was here. He was fine. They were fine, and though they had faced a lot today, they had survived. That was all she could ask for.
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realtacuardach · 3 years
Anger and Release
Here's my entry for Match 2 of Obiyuki Madness 2021 @snowwhite-andtheknight : Roaring Rampage of Rescue. Many thanks to @jhalya for her beta reading. I hope y'all enjoy!
Steam curled out from Shirayuki's mouth as she peered through the frigid dimness of the morning towards the fortress. In her current frame of mind, she could almost imagine that the steam was actually smoke pouring from the maw of an enraged dragon who had had treasure stolen from her.
She didn't like being angry. Anger clouded the mind, affected the senses, and she liked to be in control and sensible at all times, especially in times where a cool head was needed.
On the other hand, though, the anger that was not at all going away was fuelling the adrenaline coursing through her blood, and she would need that adrenaline for what she was about to do. 
So, she let herself be angry.
Angry at the renegade soldiers for capturing her and Obi in the middle of the night without provocation. Angry at how they savagely beat Obi after they'd already mobbed him and restrained him when he tried to rescue her. Angry at how they had been thrown into the back of the wagon like sacks of potatoes, the pain of his fresh, brutal wounds showing through his bruised eyes and stabbing her in the heart. Angry at how he managed to undo only his hands before removing her bonds instead of untying himself totally. Angry that, instead of saving himself, he'd given her an apologetic look before pushing her out of the cart and then collapsing himself. 
The apology frustrated her almost more than anything else, because she was certain he was not apologetic for the right reasons. 
"When we get back," she muttered to herself in the lessening gloom, "we're going to have a long talk about not sacrificing yourself for me. Again."
Truthfully, she didn't have much faith that this talk would stick any better than any of their previous similar ones, but that wouldn't prevent her from trying. 
You idiot, she choked back a sob, don't you know how much it hurts when you do this?
She forced the tears away. There would be time for tears later, when he was home and safe and so bound up by her healing that he would have to stop and listen to her.
And he'll smile up at me and shrug and say he couldn't make any promises...
She shook her head. Focus.
Squinting, Shirayuki looked around the fortress and saw only one sentinel standing guard at the entrance. That seemed a little lackluster as far as security went, but she wasn't complaining. 
A murmur like Obi's echoed through her brain. Miss, you can never be too careful. The ground's not the only place the enemy can be.
As though on cue, she heard a slight crackling of tinder above her as though a squirrel was making its way through the limbs. She craned her head upwards to see a man in the tree besides the one where she was hiding, well camouflaged against the gnarled bark.
That wouldn't do.
Looking around surreptitiously, Shirayuki saw a jagged stone on the ground. She reached out and took it, its roughness grounding her and steeling her resolve. After a quick glance towards the sentinel at the door, Shirayuki crept a few trees away from her hiding place and looked up towards her target.
Practice with both Kiki and Obi had served her well; the rock slammed into the back of the tree dwelling soldier's knee as she'd planned, forcing his knee to bend and for him to lose his balance. He fell to the ground with a heavy thud amidst all the dead leaves.
Even in her haze of adrenaline, she could see his chest rise and fall, and felt a traitorous sense of relief.
The sentinel ran over to check his fallen comrade, his face showing first alarm, then irritation. He nudged the fallen man none too gently in the ribs and cursed. Shirayuki reached into her satchel, the glass jar solid in her hand.
"Fool," the guard grumbled, "falling asleep in a -"
The glass jar cracked across the back of his head, the potent herbs smearing across his skin and hair ensuring that the blow would knock him out. There were a few beads of blood where the glass scratched him, but she recognized him as one of Obi's attackers and couldn't bring herself to care much. 
She stalked across the grass quietly and quickly, her ears attuned for any small sound, but heard and saw no one as she made her way to the door. Despite herself, her hand trembled a moment as she grabbed the door handle but she swallowed it down. She couldn't hesitate.
Obi needed her.
Years of having to deaden old soldier's wounds and to temporarily incapacitate stubborn, hardy patients who would not listen to her and stay in bed were serving her well. It meant that she knew just the right herbs to use, even if she had to grab them on the fly from the surrounding forest and unattended cupboards. It also meant she knew just where to dig and press her fingers to weaken muscles and render others unconscious. 
She moved through the halls with almost clinical efficiency. Guard in west wing, herbs. Guard in east wing, pinch at the neck. Guard on the staircase, jar of herbs to the back of the head. 
For once, she was grateful for her small size, it allowed her to creep and duck around the shadows. Because she had to take everyone out on the way to Obi, otherwise she knew their chances of escape were slim. 
Especially with Obi as injured as he is. 
Shirayuki gritted her teeth, forcing her feelings to fuel her rage. This was not the time to falter.
It was best to be quiet, the element of surprise was key. But she noted with alarm that her attacks were getting more reckless the deeper she went into the fortress, whether that was due to her desperation and anger, she didn't know.
She didn't care.
As she crept past the guard who had been watching the dungeon door, she heard voices and scowled. 
A dull slap of something against flesh. "Where is the girl?"
A hollow chuckle. "What girl?"
Wind whistled as something was swung through the air, ending with a muffled thud and a deep groan. "You know what girl we're talking about!"
"Can't say I do," Obi groaned in response.
There was a sound that sounded sickeningly like a blade being drawn from a scabbard. "I won't ask again."
"Good, because I won't answer again." Obi clicked his tongue, the sound strangely garbled. "Not good at taking no for an answer, no wonder you can't get a girl-"
Don't provoke them, Obi!
Usually, if Obi was still being snarky and insolent, things were okay; it was only when he reverted to death glares that things were serious. However, that was when others, especially Shirayuku and Ryuu, were at stake. He was annoyingly flippant when it came to his well-being, so Shirayuki had no way of telling how bad it was without seeing him. She pushed up on her toes and stared through the bars.
Her blood ran cold, then hot, then boiling.
Her knight was shackled to the wall, looking even more bruised and battered then she had seen him before. Blood ran in a stream from the corner of his mouth, his limbs were contorted where they were shackled with blood plastering the material to his skin, and his glare was lessening to a slit of golden, blood-shot eyes as his face swelled from all the bruising. 
And there was a blade held to his neck.
Rage filled Shirayuki like a beaker overflowing with viscous, corrosive liquid and she felt herself grabbing a rusty bar that had fallen in days past from the door. There were two people with him, the element of surprise would be almost useless here.
And it was overrated anyway.
She only made one sound before she dropped her cover entirely, just enough to surprise the brute holding the blade to Obi's neck and have him facing her.
With that, she cast aside all secrecy, let out an unholy shriek that she hadn't known herself capable of, and pounced. 
"That," Obi huffed besides her as they struggled into the clearing, him leaning heavily on her shoulder, "was something, Miss."
Shirayuki gave something like a nod in response, but kept going. Her adrenaline was just about running out, and she could feel all the aches in her body starting to emerge. Just a little further. 
Along with the aches, the reality of what she had just done was beginning to sink into her thoughts as well. All those guards slumped unconscious, their wheezing both reassuring and terrifying. The bruises and scabs forming on the backs of heads and necks. The pained groans of Obi's tormentors as they faded into delirium, clutching most likely broken legs or arms. It looked terrible and daunting in her mind. 
And she couldn't really bring herself to regret it. 
"Miss, are you okay?"
It wasn't until she felt his fingers brush the dampness of her cheek that she realized she'd been crying. "I'll be fine."
He had no right to sound admonishing right now. None at all.
"Miss." He sounded gentler, although the admonishing tone still lingered in the back of his voice. "You're bleeding."
"Sure it's mine and not yours?" She shot back, and immediately regretted it at his wince. 
"Miss, we're far enough. You need to rest a minute."
Acquiescing, Shirayuki maneuvered them to a small cave. She lay him down and sat beside him, hugging her knees to her chest, the fear and fatigue and anger and anxiety all curdling at once in her gut. She was doing a poor job of hiding it, given that Obi reached up to brush his fingers against her face again. "Miss, please…"
Something about the touch and tone undid her, and she began weeping. "Don't," she choked, "don't ever do that again."
Obi frowned. "You know I can't promise that."
"Why?" She demanded, "Why can't you? Don't you realize how much you matter? Don't you realize how much it would kill me if something happened to you?"
He swallowed hard. "Not as much as you-"
Shirayuki glared down at him. "Don't. Just, don't."
Obi sighed and forced himself into a seated position. With a slight noise of distaste at his bloodied clothes, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She hugged him back fiercely and cried into his shoulder. He rubbed her back soothingly. "Thank you, Miss. I'm so sorry."
"Not as half as you'll be if you scare me like that again," she sniffled.
"Yes, Miss," she could feel his smile in the breath against her neck, warm and close and reassuringly alive. 
She would need to talk with him more about this later, they were both well aware. But for now, they were both alive and safe.
And for now, that would have to be enough.
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You kbow, when you start to see thing in other angle, you start to realize that max let a 10 years old keep the most powerfull weapon in the universe and fight aliens that could kill him easy
Hell, max even knew vilgax and still let bem keep it! Since he was a pumbler, he could at east tried to remove it
Yeah there are. Things I want to address on some of that? I mean obvs the Doyalist answer is "if he did something we wouldn't have a show".
But we're here for the Watsonian explaination!
So I think, initially, Max likely tried to do what he could to get the Omnitrix off Ben, but they clearly needed some kind of fancier tech that he doesn't know how to get. So all he could do was monitor the situation as best he could.
In Canon for at least the first series and some of Alien Force, it kinda seems like the Plumbers are mostly disbanded. The other members having either died or retired like Max did. Which is why he doesn't report this.
Of course in The Crossover there's people other than the Plumbers but I'll cross that bridge when I lead the horse there.
Max definitly wanted to keep the kids out of all this as best he could. He knew he couldn't run forever, especially because the kids are already the "sprint into danger to help people" type. But he is trying to keep them out of it.
Then there comes the "how to explain it" thing and. Well. Before he can figure all that out, they get into a bunch of danger and he just has to drop all that info on them at once.
Another reason Max puts off explaining is kinda.... Remember how I mentioned Halloweentown a while ago? Ben and Gwen's parents are like the mom in Halloweentown. Their dads grew up with all this craziness, met normal human girls, and they want the kids to be 100% normal Humans too. And they forbid him from telling the kids about any of this. Max respects that decision, but does end up going over their heads when he knows it's officially safer for them to know than to be left in the dark.
By the time Max does find a way to get the Omnitrix off Ben, there are a few reasons why he doesn't.
It's kinda painful to remove. Like, I'll go into that in something later, but the Omnitrix is really part of Ben now and it really fucking hurts and fucks him up a bit. He'd recover, but no one wants to make him do that.
Speaking of it being a part of Ben.... Yeah it kinda is. You can't really have something fucking with your DNA without it being super connected to you.
The kids know about all this now anyway. There is no going back to pretendijg that aliens and magic don't exist.
Speaking of. By this point, Gwen has begun using Magic. Ben knows he could do Magic too. If Max did take the Omnitrix off of him, Ben would just learn Magic himself and keep being a Hero. So they might as well let him keep the thing he already knows how to use effectively
I said this before, but Ben is technically using the Omnitrix for its intended purpose. Like sure he's also being a Hero, but he is becoming and learning about the Aliens he becomes.
So yeah there's complicated reasons and Max definitly made a mistake or two in there. But it is a wack situation.
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