#anyway kon probably freaked out when bart came to him
sophiasrant · 1 month
The batfam aren't allowed to play hide and seek with each other bc it will get dangerous and life threatening very quickly.
They aren't allowed to play with other people bc the one time they did, all of the bats went missing for a week. The supers ended up having to be called in so they could track heartbeats.
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
Look, I don't want this to sound bad or be misinterpreted, that's why I'm writing it to you, who are one of the few human beings in the fandom who take more than 5 seconds to think before speaking.
Look, I think I'm just sick of the timkon, I've never been one of those who ship but I just don't care, everyone can imagine what they want, it's just that in this case, it's just on another level.
I'm not homophobic or anything annoying like that, I was among the first to jump with excitement when the first Urban Legends request came out hinting at Tim's reveal.
It's just that I'm fed up, since it became official about Tim it seems that everyone only wanted it for their ships, it doesn't help that the timkon really is one of those ships maked because two characters are close so they should automatically be a couple.
The ship stems from Geoff Johns' TT era where none of the characters were particularly well written, I've seen people who literally only like that run because of the moments they assigned to the ship.
And the worst and what has bothered / surprised me the most at the time of writing this silly complaint, I really just cannot process that there are really people outraged and spitting billis at DC for not putting a ship that is not canon in any way in Titans , that simple, as if it were something real or elemental of both characters.
At the same level of those same people who want to make Kon homosexual from one issue to another just to stick him with Tim and throw the narrative sense in the trash, I don't know what to say anymore, thanks in advance.
Honestly, I'm right there with you.
I'm not sure I can say I'm sick of it. Cause really I'm sick of most of the fandom's stuff.
Because so much of the things are popular is just bandwagoning and that's it. Like I bet you, without finding whatever it is to jump on online, they would not still like it as much and may have a total different view even.
Some of the hills people die on are freaking crazy cause I read a lot of comics and they're often so off the mark it's honestly, so so honestly head scratching.
And I'm not saying this to be like, "yeah screw you TimKon stans", cause legitimately I'm not. People enjoying whatever is good as long as it's not morally wrong. Cause that just means people are enjoying themselves. Which is good in the end.
But boy, do I not get it from a fuller perspective. They were just suddenly best friends in a series without much good characterization. During Y.J. they got on better terms...but not really best friends.
Why...would they be? lol
Neither of them are into the same things. They're quite different. Barely shown just hanging out.
Kon was closer with Bart if I had to compare.
But ships and stans generally speaking. Always have insanely loud, insanely toxic people.
They lie, gaslight, bully, exaggerate, and go into denial about stuff to create this preferred image for whatever it is. Not limited to TimKon. Cause I mean in literally every fan base. In that way.
It's why I stopped being on as much. There's too much about stuff people don't know a lot about and won't let go of. And again I get it. But when you really care about them cause it's a comfort thing or that's just how your mind works, odds are you really won't like it.
I don't find the fun in lying to myself or pretending I find the same jokes funny time and time again.
Like, no, that's exhausting lol
Idgaf about some random dude with a strawman argument online tryna make me feel like a crap person.
"Oh so you prefer when Batman hits his kids huh??"
Like, uh, nah. lol
Just exhausted of fanon. Why do people forget there's a gray area? Sheesh. I'm not into stuff that comes from a janky source at best. I want to like actual content.
Anyways I find people that want Kon to be gay, as in loud ones not all of them, literally just want it for their ship. They don't actually care about the character/characters. They got obsessed with it so much that it's probably not healthy. I've yet to see someone that actually seems to genuinely like the character get so stressed about the ship.
Most of the ones that care about Kon aren't stressed about the ship being canon. Some ship it. But barely nuts about it. Some may want it. But they aren't acting as if they are canon and it's imperative.
That's my experience at the very least.
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miss-choco-chips · 5 years
Put a ring on it
I’m not sure what this is, everyone. Had it on my docs for a while, got bored during work and thought ‘what if I just post this?’, and here we are. Basically the Core Four being loving and caring (and spiteful).
Shout out to @animemangasoul who pumped me up about this and @the-quiet-carrotcake and @iphoenixrising for letting me cry to them the Titans loving Tim.
Can be read as either ship or friendship
When shit went down, Wally and Roy made sure they were nowhere near the planet. A nice little interplanetary fuckery called for anyone free, and both of them had magically clean schedules, so off they went, praying to every god they knew about (and, with how many holy disasters they had faced between them, there were a lot) to be back after the worst of the mess had blown over.
Even if it meant missing the undoubtedly hilarious face Batman would make when he found out. Not even the chance of witnessing that was worth staying and waiting with bated breath until someone pointed out that, in the end, it was both their faults.
-So let me get this straight.
-Difficult for me, but go on.
Wally rolled his eyes, chucking a pillow at his little dude, wondering how Nightwing could do this with not one, not two, but three badly adjusted little brothers (and that without counting the girls, though, to be honest, they already had Babs). Truly, a hero of the ages. Arsenal just cackled from his place in front of the coffee table, where he was keeping them company and cleaning his equipment.
-I’m serious. I’ve never seen you this mad without a bad guy to blame for it.
-As furious as you are at them, Bart, they are still the good guys.
Wally threw another pillow, and Bart, arms crossed and all but vibrating on the couch, didn’t even bother on dodging. Just moved his particles quick enough that the thing went straight through him. 
Arsenal raised an eyebrow at them- It’s scary when you do that. Like a freaking ghost.
-It’s scary that Tim’s whole family can be this level of neglectful, but you don’t see me bitching at them.
-Only because you know they’ll give you your ass back to you in a silver platter after they are done whooping it -interjected the older speedster, snack bag on his lap, a few more by the ground at his feet, sitting as close to Bart as the whole ‘don’t touch, I bite’ aura he had around him would allow.
This time, Wally’s pillow was aimed at the archer. Roy just dodged without looking, still cross legged on the other side of the little table facing the couch.
-Real talk now, it’s not like they are jerks on purpose. We all know the Bats are on a whole new level of ‘always busy’, it’s to be expected they wouldn’t have time for social niceties.
Wally winced, scooting a little further away from Bart when he looked up to glare at Roy. That wasn’t a nice look. That was a ‘I can take you to someplace no one would hear you scream in less than ten seconds’ look.
-My seventeen year old best friend managed to finish high school after having to take a year off to go look for his missing mentor, going through several different mourning processes and dodging a frankly creepy cradle robber of a ninja terrorist, all while kicking ass and taking names, taking care of a huge as hell company, and keeping up the intel guy work for the rest of his shitty family. And he still graduated early. The least they could do after the fuckery he was put through by their collective stupidity would be go as moral support, but no. No, other things are more important than such a big milestone on his life. Fuckers.
Wound down after the rant, Bart dropped back on the couch, shrinking in place, oozing contempt from every pore.
Roy raised his eyes to share a look with Wally. Even if the bro code meant they were contractually obligated to defend their respective best friends, there was undeniable truth to Bart’s statement. Jason had gone on killing sprees for far less than Tim’s situation, and God knows Dick would have showed a big  middle finger at his mentor and go off world with the Titans as a protest at the slightest fight. All in all, Red Robin was taking it like a champ.
-Jason’s busy with the Torinelli drug cartel thingie -tried Roy nonetheless, loyal as one could be. 
Wally nodded- And Dick had already promised Damian to go on a camping-training trip that weekend...
-Great. So criminals that aren’t going anywhere and the ‘favorite’ demon child are more important than my best friend’s graduation, which isn’t even a long thing, just a couple hours and a few photos. Awesome. Do you happen to know Batman’s excuse? I mean, I’m sure is equally as shitty as his sons’ excuses, but, you know. Variety and stuff.
Wally sighed, because yeah, point. Were it Bart’s graduation, nothing short of the end of the world would have kept him from going, but, again, he only had one little dude to worry about. Dick’s house was full.
-You’ll be there -tried Roy, dropping his arrow back on the table and resting his crossed arms next to it, leaning forward to look straight at Bart-, you and the rest of the brats, right? Supes and Diana’s babies. You guys may not be related like that, but that’s not necessary for you to be family.
Like the Teen Titans were, went unsaid- the older heroes exchanged a glance, reminiscent of their days fighting side by side under Dick’s unwavering leadership. No matter where they were now, that’s where they both came from.
-Yeah -accepted Bart, but the frown hadn’t left his face-. It’s just. His parents are dead, his ‘foster’ bat-family are dicks. He has us, yeah, but… I wished he could have his family there, you know. Like, if I could adopt him, I would, just so he can have that.
Wally dropped the empty snack bag onto the ground and took a new one, tipping it in Bart’s direction as a peace offering- I mean, it’s still a month away, maybe one of them would clear his schedule and go? Probably not all of them, but anything’s better than nothing, right?
Bart harrumphed, hunching even lower in the couch, pout still present.
-If anything else fails -joked Roy, going back to cleaning his stuff-, I hear Kara’s single right now, and Tim’s an emancipated minor. Get them to marry each other, and then your Super friend is technically his brother- or something like that. Political families still counts.
Bart went still for a second, and if Wally were less invested in his snack and more on the thoughtful expression on his face, he might have known ahead of time that his next words were a bad, bad idea.
-And if she’s not on board, you could always ask someone else on your team. Team as family and all that shit, Tim would literally be marrying into the fam. Want some chips?
But Bart was already gone.
-Huh? -blinked Roy- Where'd he run to?
-...You don't think he…
-What? No. No, of course not, they aren't so dumb...
For a horrible second, Roy and Wally crossed eyes again, both remembering the stupid shit they got up to when they were seventeen, and replayed the conversation. Their jokes, that anyone with half a brain would take as that, as silliness. Then came the thought that being stupid was almost a requirement for being a Titan. 
With the kind of synchronicity one could only have after fighting side by side for years, they both jumped to their feet at the same time.
-I’ll hit Kori up, maybe she has some alien fuckery to deal with and we can tag along.
-Imma call Supes and let him know we’ll be off planet for a while. Shit, Dick’s gonna flip. He was the big B for a while, he knows stuff. Painful stuff.
-Dude, he at least doesn’t kill. Jay has guns, and it’s his favorite brother we’re talking about.
A shiver went through them when Batman’s reaction came to mind.
-If Kori’s not dealing with something, I’ll ask her to start shit up somewhere far, far away to give us an excuse to leave either way. She’s a goddess like that, she’ll help.
-Good thinking. I’ll start packing.
The secret meeting was held at one of Tim’s safe houses, because it had enough lead on the walls there was no risk of Superman overhearing them. Not that the owner of the place was aware of it; no one was, besides Cassie, Kon and Bart themselves. Keeping it hush hush was vital for the success of the mission.
-All on board then?
Kon’s smile could light up a town- Hell yeah dude. I’ll take care of getting Tim time off from work. Tam knows me and I’m fairly sure she doesn’t hate me as strongly as she does the bats. Fair warning though, she might ask to come with.
-She’s cool, so I’m in. We’re gonna need a witness anyway.
Cassie nodded, fierce smirk and challenge in her eyes- This is gonna piss so many people. Hey, do you think if we let Oracle in the know she’ll give us footage of the bats' faces when they find out?
Bart bit his lip- As crash as that would be, I don’t think it’s worth the risk.
Cassie deflated, but then shrugged it off- We’ll ask Tim, then. He’s as good as her with hacking, I’m sure he’ll figure something out.
-If he doesn’t kill us first, you mean.
-Don’t be a coward, Kon. I thought you were in.
-I’m not saying I’m backing down, just that we should put our business in order in case he snaps and murders us in cold blood. I know he has it in him, if pushed the right ways.
She nodded, because point. The almost feral look on her face wasn’t gone, though- Worth it. I'll be in charge of clothes. You reckon there's any chance I can get a dress on him?
-Sure, if you want him to actually break his no kill rule. 
-Fine, but he's wearing white anyway. It goes well with his skin tone.
Bart extended his first for her to bump- Now you're talking. I'll be the extraction man and take him to the place.
Kon crossed his arms, looking conflicted for the first time- We can't go the classic way about it, because a fake name would mean he won't take seriously what we're trying to do, and if we use his real one in a formal document, it'll hit the news before the ink has a chance to dry. And then he'll kill us for sure.
-You're awfully worried about him drawing blood, Blue. What gives?
-He's scared shitless of Cassie and you're too adorable to hurt, but me? I'm the one he's gonna focus his rage on, and you know how he gets when at his limit.
Cassie snorts- He can't live without you, you dork. I think we are all safe. And anyways, the plan is to make him too drunk to walk on a straight line, he wouldn't be able to hurt us.
-You say that -interjected Bart, getting up from where he was crouching above their carefully spread, color coded sheets of plans; Tim would be so proud- but I've seen the dude drop kick someone with a broken leg once. He can fuck shit up no matter the situation.
-True… still, we are doing it, right?
-Oh yeah, for sure, I just wanted everyone aware that it might be our last big bang.
-Then we better make sure it's one hell of an explosion, am I right?
-Hell yeah.
-This is gonna be so crash!
The entire thing had gone something like this.
On friday, Tam made Tim turn around and head back home the second he showed his face at the office, claiming the bags under his eyes clashed terribly with her new Prada handbag and she’d rather had it than him around. In Foxspeak, it meant ‘go the fuck to sleep or so help me God’. Tim would have fought back just on principle, but Tam had him at a standstill, because the spleen thing could very easily reach Alfred’s ears if he crosses her, and no one (him) wants that. As if to make sure he would obey, she demanded they share the car that would take her to the airport (did she have some meeting out of Gotham? He couldn’t remember) and dropped him at his Perch on her way there.
He wasn’t actually planning on sleep, maybe work some of his cases from home, start patrol early, possibly tracking Jason down to offer his help for the drug cartel thing. Confused by the unexpected way his morning had gone so far, he was woefully underprepared for a flash of red and yellow to whisk him from his living room the second he put his carrier bag on the ground. 
It was only years from using his team as glorified uber drives what kept him from nerve striking Bart on reflex. Knowing whatever he asked would be lost to the background sound of super fast travelling, he merely slumped over the thin shoulder he was thrown over and waited till they reached their destination.
Which… he wasn’t expecting Vegas.
The next few hours were a blur of his team explaining they had planned this gateaway as an early graduation party,  hugs and a few grateful tears on his part, and booze. So much booze. He was trained by Batman, he had a bigger than average resistance to… well, everything, and still, he got so, so wasted. 
Saturday’s hungover was cured with more booze. They hit casino after casino, danced over tables, payed a bar owner to close for the night and let them work their way through his entire supply, went to some neon party at someone’s exceedingly large hotel suite (the guy wasn’t getting his deposit back), his cellphone was thrown on a fountain after Cassie got sick of it going off again and again with Dick’s predetermined ringtone, drank some more, were kicked out of yet another casino... 
At some point Tam appeared (a very drunk Tim had hugged her and spun her around so fast her stilettos went flying and almost blinded someone), and they all went back to the hotel, where  Kon basically manhandled him into a white suit. More booze when Tim started asking questions, followed by a  two hour long stay at some park were Cassie, Bart and Kon took turns holding his hand, and then each others’, with Tam saying something about bonds, and family, and sickness, and health in the background, Kon muttering something in kryptonian and making Tim repeat it, Cassie dropping to one knee and sprouting some Amazonian speech, Bart jumping on his back after his own speech (futuristic laws and all) was done, then more booze, partying and….
Well, everything was a blur, before and after that.
They woke up saturday morning with the worst headache, in a undignified puppy pile back at their suit, minus Tam who apparently had her own room. Kon’s TTK took care of the blinds and Tim blinked awake at the sound (Robin instincts), looked at his sleeping friends and then went back to sleep, head pillowed by Bart’s butt, with Cassie’s knee denting his ribs and Kon’s arm thrown over his neck, completely disregarding the three rings hanging from his shiny new necklace.
That was a problem for sober Tim to solve. 
Monday morning, Tim went back to the office, Tam by his side, acting like everything was perfectly fine. 
Dick called after lunch asking about his whereabouts that past weekend, claiming he was missed during patrol, but backed down when informed he was actually relaxing with his friends. Bruce didn’t ask, probably had tracked him down the second he couldn’t find him and let him be after realizing he was at Las Vegas.
Everyone that saw them walking down WE’s hallways would have swore a trail of classic music followed them, graceful and elegant.
In Tim’s mind, however, the background sound was the kill bill sirens and blaring red lights.
Tam felt like a queen, coming back after conquering treacherous lands.
Tim felt like Jason may have been onto something when he died.
When the Big Day (capital letters included) arrived, and Tim got into the stage to accept his diploma (Honor Student, of course), his eyes automatically went to the loud, rowdy teenagers, sitting as close to the front as possible, cheering and smiling.
He was far enough that it could’ve been a trick of the light, but he thought he could see all three of them going misty-eyed. His own eyes watered when he shook the headmaster's hand and posed with his diploma for the cameras (Wayne Heir Graduating would be trending on every magazine by dinnertime), his friends never stopping yelling his name.
When the time came to throw the little hats, he catched by the corner of his eye how Bart held both Cassie’s and Kon’s hands, keeping them from flying in their emotion. If one paid close attention, their feet actually were floating juuust above the ground. They were just so genuinely excited for him, it was… it was amazing.
After as little smalltalk as possible with his classmates, he sneaked away into some hidden spot, away from prying cameras, and waited. Sure enough, his best friends were there barely ten seconds later, and using that same speed, they swept him off his feet. Bart was the first, latching to his front, Kon a close second jumping on his back and hugging his head. Cassie, ever the showoff, threw her hands around the three of them and spun them around as if they weighted nothing to her. That was probably the case.
-You did it, you did it, you did it!!!! Oh my god, this is so crash!!!
-Not that we had any doubt, with that big brain of yours. Making a girl so proud.
-Speak for yourself. Personally, I feared the worst. This is Gotham, after all.
-But nothing happened! And you GRADUATED!
Tim let out a laugh, allowing himself to just feel joy. Letting them see him like that, as payment for being the most awesome friends (family) in existence, he returned the hug, squeezing back as strongly as his non meta arms could.
Then, a voice behind them that he absolutely didn't expect- Congratulations, Master Timothy.
Without letting any of them go, Cassie turned around, so they could all see Alfred Pennyworth, in his Sunday’s best, looking proud and warm, his eyes glazed over with nostalgia when they landed on his young charge. One of the young men he had the honor to watch grow into the amazing person he was today.
Even more surprising, he held a tablet on his arms, screen facing them, with a familiar figure there, white streak and leather but no firearms, probably cautious of possible civilians around.
-Hey, baby bird. Sorry ‘couldn’t be ther’ p’rsonally. Hope ya don’t mind me an’ Alfie crashing like this.
-A-Alfred? Jason? What… I thought you were in Russia!!
The man on the screen scratched the back of his head, visibly uncomfortable but determined.
-Am, actually. But it’s yer big day, babybird. Wouldn’t missit for the world.
Tim’s already watery eyes just overflowed.
It took a month for shit to hit the fan. Tim was honestly impressed, because things rarely went his way, and getting more than a few hours to mentally prepare for Disaster? Unheard of. What a shocker.
When it did went down, it was in large part because he was milking the ‘no metas in Gotham’ rule that kept his team at bay and allowed him to go days without sleeping. Kon would say it was karmatic retribution for ignoring their orders to relax and take it easy. He would protest, but really, how to deny the truth; if not for his sleep deprivation, his secret would have gone a lot longer without being unveiled.
 Between hacking into Lexcorp, running the dna samples he took during patrol half an hour ago on the database and finishing his report of the night, he was out of fucks to give. Damian bitching on his ear was the last drop.
-...And your mere presence here is an insult to Grayson's legacy. He founded it, Todd died for it, what did you even contribute to it?
A slow blink. Tim was aware his brain to mouth filter was as good as gone, but tired as he was, he just didn't care.
-Besides providing the brains on this whole fucking operation? Pants, I guess. Common sense. Ninja skills commended by your own grandfather, the king of ninjas. Virtue, too, since Dick is a verified hoe and Jason slept with your/
-C'mon Timmy -cut in Dick, Nightwing suit halfway down his chest, when Damian's face was turning an alarming shade of blue- aren't you a little old to be fighting a kid?
-Who are you calling kid?!
Typical, big bro to the rescue. Tim was too tired to be disappointed that once again Dick was siding with an eleven year old bully that kept harassing Tim. Never mind that he had been minding his business before Damian came to bark at him.
-Boys -chided Bruce and, huh, Tim had said that out loud. Whatever, not like it wasn't true. Fuck them.
-Fuck you -he told… Bruce? Dick? Definitely Damian, too- all.
-Tim! -gasped Dick. Still half naked. Standing right by Damian's side. 
That kid was going to have a very uncomfortable sexual awakening any day now.
Wow he really needed to stop talking out loud.
-Tim -And now Bruce was walking towards them, frown firmly in place- you are obviously too tired, if you can't control what comes out of your mouth. Go to sleep.
Tim hissed at him. Dick looked too shocked to answer but Bruce, somewhat used to that reaction of the sleep deprived teen, loomed even more.
-I'm an emancipated adult. I control your company. I live on my own. You're not the boss of me. 
Now even Damian was looking at him open mouthed. Whatever. The computer pinged with his results, just as his phone did with his  'The hubbies and waifus' group chat.
-What's gotten into you, kiddo? -now Dick was worried, throwing an arm around his shoulders. Still half naked, that was an important detail.
Tim shrugged him away.
-Fucking demon spawn coming from nowhere to fuck with me just for the hell of it puts me in a bad mood, I'm weird like that -he deadpaned, replying to the group chat one handed- And the rest of this fucked up team siding with him just because he's a bad word away from a violent psychotic break doesn't help. Fuck off and let me do my shit, and I'll be out of your hair before you know it.
And then, with a sneer, ignoring both Bruce's and Dick's flabbergasted expressions, Damian said what would be Tim's down fall.
-Go to hell, Drake.
A ping made Tim look down at his phone and he replied without thinking, one hand tapping away at the screen- Wait, let me ask my wife.
A beat of silence. One sneer, one grunt, one surprised gasp.
Bruce made a half step towards him- Tim, what/?
A ping.
-She says no. Hang on, let me get you a second opinion, just to be safe.
-Timmy, what do you mean/?
Another one.
-Husband number one says no, too. Husband number two hasn't replied, probably asleep or traveling somewhere, but two already win by majority. It seems it's a ‘no’ on going to hell for me. Bummer, it would have been funny seeing your homeland, brat.
-Aaaaand that’s my cue to interrupt -announced a new voice above them all. Kon, phone at hand, looked down with half amused, half guarded expression-. Someone hasn’t held their end of the deal and slept eight hours, huh, bud?
Tim, ignoring his family that hadn’t yet recovered from the bomb, shrugged- I slept eight hours. This past week. You never said they had to be consecutive hours.
The super just sighed and landed long enough to haul a too tired to resist bird in his arms- I can see you aren’t getting any sleep in Gotham. Let’s go back to the Tower, Cassie wants us to see The Princess Bride with her again.
-Don’t lie to me, you liar.
-Bart wan/
-Look at my face and tell me the truth.
-Okay, I want to see The Princess Bride again -he conceded, taking flight towards the closest exit, sleepy bird cocooned in his arms and TTK- Later, bats!
Finally, Dick snapped back to reality, although the background noise in his head was one would expect in suspense movies right before the assassin jumped a unsuspecting protagonist- ...did he say ‘husbands’? As in, married?
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drawingsanddrabbles · 5 years
Two Bros, Sitting in the Candlelight
Happy timkon week! So today was free day and I can’t make desicions to save my life, so I had @timdrakeothy help me pick prompts. So today’s prompts were picked from the extra prompts on @timkonweek2019‘s page: Wingfic and Romantic Dinner
betaed by @breadmould/Tanya on discord (sorry if you have a tumblr and I didn’t link it it wasn’t in your discord description)
To say Tim was uncomfortable would be an understatement. However, it was really unfortunate that he was, because Jordan was a really nice girl. She was pretty and sweet and funny. 
But Tim was moulting, and he couldn't stand the itch anymore. 
"'Scuse me, Jordan. I'll be right back, just need to powder my nose." He said and hurried to the bathroom. 
Tim made it to the bathroom but unfortunately wasn't able to lock the door. People, there were people everywhere. People who were rich and therefore, knew who he was and God that itching on his back hurt, he wanted to just rub his back up and down on one of the fancily textured walls until his old feathers came out. But he couldn't. He had Tim Drake's reputation to consider. 
He'd planned this date with Jordan before he'd been in a battle with Klarion where the asshole had cursed him to grow wings. He'd already cancelled on Jordan more than once due to hero things, so he hadn't cancelled this date. He'd figured that the wings wouldn't be seen and it was a first date anyway, no way Tim's shirt would be coming off. Also, if he'd cancelled Jordan might have thought that Tim wasn't interested, and that wasn't even remotely true. 
It was hard enough to find someone to date who actually seemed to like him, much less someone who could distract the media. And ever since Tam and Steph had started dating Tim hadn't had anyone for the rumor mill to latch onto. Jordan didn't mind any of that. 
Pretty, funny, smart, and she wasn't scared of the media. Really, what else could a guy want? Well, besides a superhero, but frankly those were hard to find. 
So Jordan didn't know about his latest magic mishap, which was all good and well and wouldn't have been a problem had Tim not fought Klarion during moulting season. 
At least it wasn't mating season. That would have been a nightmare. 
Tim dashed into a stall and unbuttoned his shirt as quickly as he could, trying to reach down to his wings, which flexed when his back muscles did.
No, no, no… come on…. He couldn't reach. 
He couldn't rub his back against the stall, there were people here. He couldn't find anything to help him reach, and last time he had scratched his back with a batarang it had… ended badly. 
He pulled out his phone. Dick was in Bludhaven and wouldn't be able to get to Metropolis in time, Cass, Bruce, and Damian weren’t even in the country. Duke couldn't get here from Gotham either. 
Steph and Tam, however, were both in Metropolis with Tim on the W/E business he was, but might have been busy doing…. what they do together. 
Steph, help
Im moulting
Steph this isnt funny
Steph answer please
Steph clearly still hadn't seen his text. He waited a full minute. 
Time for the cavalry. Bart had taken a trip to the future with Wally, which meant: Conner. Tim just hoped that Conner wasn't busy.
Conner help
The response was almost instant. What's up dude?
Im moulting
You're… what?
Dude i just need ur help
Tim's phone started ringing and Tim cut the call. 
Im on a date and i need a way out, one that doesnt make me look like a jerk. Eduardos, Peach and Devon
Now please
The itching was becoming unbearable. He'd make it up to Jordan, he would. 
He heard a boom and someone outside his stall said: "Must be Superman, I hope everything's alright."
Where are you?
Come out, ive got an excuse
Eduardo's was a high class establishment. Mainly for business deals, rich people, and romantic dinners. Candles lit the tables, flowers decorated as centerpieces. It was one of those restaurants where any talking was done in hushed voices simply because no one wanted to break the illusion. 
Jordan looked beautiful. Tim felt even more guilty as he sat back down. "So," Tim said when he returned, "you were saying about your major?"
"Right!" Jordan hummed. She opened her mouth to continue her story about how she chose Metropolis University for her biotech degree when Ivy was a more prestigious school when there was a commotion outside the restaurant. 
"What on earth…?" Jordan asked as Tim turned his head to the entrance as he saw Kon push his way through the waiters and ushers shouting Tim's name. 
"Mr Drake-Wayne! Mr. Drake-Wayne, Simmons will be so glad I found you! I know you said you didn't want to be disturbed-" Conner ran up to him, fake-panting. He'd decided to dress up for the occasion it seemed, a loose tie over a button down shirt and slacks that he no doubt stole from Clark's closet. His large glasses were askew on his face. Tim raised a hand to stop the security that was called to escort Kon out. "There's been an issue, you know, with the-" He shot a suspicious look at Jordan and lowered his voice, "-project. I know you want to finish your date but this is… you know." 
Tim held in a laugh at how Kon's eyes were sparkling. He was clearly enjoying this too much. "Of course, I'll come right away. Jordan, I sincerely apologize but-"
"No, it's alright Tim. We'll reschedule, I understand."
Tim patting himself for a pen and Kon produced one from somewhere along with a sticky note. "Order whatever you want, I'll pay-"
"Um, Mr. Wayne sir, we don't take… IOUs…" the Matre ‘D said but Tim shoved it into his hand. "My phone number is on there too, I'll pay for whatever her bill is. Excuse me-" 
"Sir-!" The Matre ‘D tried to say but Tim was already rushing out of the restaurant with Kon, apologizing to Jordan as he did. 
As soon as they made it out of Eduardo's, Kon was giggling. They turned the corner into an alley and Tim slipped off his jacket. "Thank you." He laid his back against the brick and began scratching it against there, not caring what dirt that got on his stupid expensive shirt, sighing as he felt the old feathers begin to losen. He shot an accusing glance at Kon who was grinning stupidly. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
Kon was clearly amused. "Moulting, huh?"
"Apparently." Tim grit out as he tried to rub his back a little harder, trying to knock loose some of the feathers. One was sticking him painfully just on the underside of his wings. 
"Here," Kon immediately pulled Tim into his arms and took off. Tim didn't hear the boom when they reached high enough in the air but he was sure there was one. 
Tim yelped as Kon's TTK pressed against his wings uncomfortably, but within less than a minute they were in Lois and Clark's apartment. 
Tim wanted to ask Kon how living with them and Jon was going but he was more distracted by his wings. As soon as Tim touched ground, he ripped off his shirt, buttons flying. Tim looked around for some type of back scratcher or something when he felt Kon's TTK begin ruffling through his feathers, scratching like nails on his skin but soft through the pinfeathers. 
Jon's mouth dropped open. "Tim has wings!" He shouted, jumping up from the couch as Tim sagged slightly under the TTK. That felt good. 
"Mm, a little to the right-yeah right there." He hummed, going a little weak at the knees because of the relief.
Tim stretched his wings, shaking them slightly and old feathers fell to the floor. Jon gasped as he bent down to pick them up. 
"Wow! What happened?" He asked. 
"Thanks for now, Kon." Tim said, pushing himself out of Conner's grasp. 
"Tim's cursed for-" he turned to Tim, "how long?"
"A month." Tim grumbled. 
"To have wings. But why are you… shedding?"
"Moulting. Birds do it to grow in new feathers and get rid of old ones." Tim corrected. "And according to the ornithologist I went to-" 
"Bird scientist." Kon whispered to Jon who nodded sagely. 
"-this month is moulting time for North American robins."
"Don't robins have red feathers though?" Jon asked, twirling one of Tim's between his fingers. 
"Adults and only during mating season. Most of the rest of the year they're spotted." Tim said. "God, I'm starving, you guys have anything to eat?"
"We were just about to order pizza when you texted." Kon said, closing the window behind him.  Tim folded his shirt in his hands and bent down to pick up the rest of his feathers from the floor. "Lois and Clark are in Hub this weekend."
"Can you fly?" Jon asked, skipping behind Tim as he went to go sit on the couch. "Do you have any other bird characteristics? If I pull out one of your feathers does it hurt like when you pull out a nose hair or when you break a bone? Not that I would know because I've never broken a bone but Damian says it hurts so-"
"Hey Squirt! What do you want on your pizza? Tim's treat!"
Tim raised an eyebrow at Kon, who sat in the kitchen, leaning against a countertop. The phone against his ear. "Pepperoni and barbeque chicken!" Jon chirped beside Tim.
"My treat?"
"Well, I did just save you in a rather spectacular display of acting, if I do say so myself. I say I deserve payment for my performance. Be lucky I only demand pizza."
"And ice cream!" Jon added. 
"And ice cream."
Tim rolled his eyes and dug out his wallet. "Fine. But we get Hawaiian."
Kon glared at him and was probably about to say something about it when the pizza place picked up. "-Yes hello, I'd like to order two large pizzas…One double cheese with mushrooms and the other pepperoni and barbeque chicken." Tim walked over to give Kon his credit card. "Yes, I'm sure I don't want anything else-" Tim punched his arm and Kon laughed, floating out of his reach. "Yes, I've got the credit card right here- Ow! Fine. Three large pizzas, make the third Hawaiian, you freak." The last bit was directed at Tim who made a rude gesture at him and Kon laughed again. 
Jon fell asleep around ten, ice cream sundae half eaten. He snored, face lying on Kon's thigh. Kon's fingers scratched through Tim's feathers as they watched Wendy. Kon had been slowly introducing it to Jon, well the more PG13 aspects, and Jon was just as obsessed as his older brother. 
"Right there." Tim said, and Kon's TTK dug into his wings, pulling out the old feather. Kon put it in the small pile accumulating on the table. "Jeez, how much can you shed?"
"Moult." Tim corrected. "And apparently moulting season is about five weeks for robins. I'll have a little bit every day or so."
"I guess that means no more dates with… what's her name?"
"Jordan." Tim mumbled relaxing as the TTK spread out over his shoulders, massaging them some. "Yeah, I guess not. It's really unfortunate. I really liked this one."
"Yeah, and Eduardo's is like, a three week wait. Even for Waynes." Tim said as he ripped off the crust of his pizza. Kon took it from him and munched on it as Tim ate the rest of it.
"Aw, are you sad because you didn't get a candlelit dinner?" Kon teased.
Tim rolled his eyes. "Yeah well, it's not like I get to relax like that often." 
"Ew!" Kon jumped and glanced down at Jon who was drooling onto his pants. Kon poked him hard. "Okay, Jonno. Time for bed." 
"No…" Jon whined as his eyes blinked open. "I'm awake! I'm awake!."
"Nope. Come on, I already let you stay up an hour later than Lois does. Brush your teeth and get under the covers. I'm gonna come check in a moment."
Jon whined about it but he sulked off to the bathroom anyway. Kon paused the TV and began cleaning up. 
"Hey you want to stay the night? Lois and Clark won't mind." Kon asked as he shoved the empty pizza boxes in the garbage. 
"Yeah, I think so," Tim said, toying with his phone. 
"What were you even going to do with Jody-?" 
"-Like, you've got wings, dude." 
"I wasn't planning on taking off my shirt, dude." Tim said, placing lids back on their containers of half melted ice cream. "It was the first date."
Kon snorted. "Sure you weren't."
Tim rolled his eyes. "Is a nice dinner and a goodnight kiss not enough for you?"
"Sure, but only if I get a walk in the park with it."
Tim stood and walked into the kitchen, tubs of ice cream in each hand. He put them in the freezer. "You're such an ass."
"And you're such a romantic."
"So?" Tim asked. He leaned against the fridge as he watched Kon wrap the stray pieces of pizza in tin foil and put them away for leftovers. "What's wrong with that? I never get anything nice and fairy-tale-like in my real life."
"Being cursed with magic wings isn't fairy-tale-like enough for you?" 
Tim rolled his eyes. "You know what I meant. Sometimes it’s just nice to be pampered, you know?"
Kon made a face that Tim couldn't read and shook his head. "I'm going to check on Jon. You can borrow my pajamas. You know where they are. Feel free to shower and stuff if you want."
Tim decided to take a shower. The day had been long, and his feathers felt a little grimy. After a thorough shower and a dry towel (a clump of pin-feathers stuck to the towel as he dried his back, but that seemed to be all of the moulting he had left for the day), he borrowed a pair of Kon’s pajama pants, deciding not to wear a shirt because of the wings and headed back out into the living room. 
Kon had a stupid smile on his face. Tim frowned. “What...?” He asked suspiciously. 
“I have a surprise for you.” 
Tim raised an eyebrow. Kon held out a hand. Tim laughed at him but took it, and Kon flew back out the window and up to the roof. And yeah, the cheesiness made Tim laugh but nothing could have possibly prepared him for what he saw on the roof. 
Small electric tea-lights speckled the roof, surrounding a blanket on which soder-floats in wine glasses had been settled. 
“What…?” Tim was giggling uncontrollably now. “What is this?”
“Well, you said that you missed having candlelit dinners and relaxing and stuff. I figured, well we already ate dinner but there’s always room for ice cream. And we didn’t have any candles but Clark and Lois had-”
“Oh, Conner you’re such a dork.” Tim laughed, clutching his belly. 
Kon grinned at him. “So you like it?”
Tim fell onto the blanket. He looked up at the sky and then rolled over, careful not to upset his drink. “Conner, this is the nicest but dorkiest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
Kon sat next to him, petting his pinfeathers gently. Tim raised an eyebrow at him. “They’re so soft.” Kon said defensively. 
Tim snorted. “I think I’m done shedding-”
“Moulting.” Kon corrected with an easy smile. 
“-yes, for today. Thank you for everything you did for me tonight.”
“Of course.” Kon said softly. “It’s what bros do. Plus it was fun.”
“Yeah, I guess it was, in a way.” Tim shrugged, sitting up. He and Kon were so close. The electric candlelight flickered shadows across Kon’s face. And maybe it was how late it was, or that Tim was missing out on his date with Jordan, but he bent over and pressed his lips to Kon’s. 
And Kon didn’t kiss back. Tim pulled away, startled and flushed. He’d thought-Had he read Kon wrong? Had-?
“Candlelit dinner and a goodnight kiss, huh?” Conner breathed. 
Tim blinked. 
“Your version of a first date sucks.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because I'd much rather another kiss than a walk in the park,” Kon pulled Tim closer, “but your shirt’s already off, so really, who's version does that make this?” Kon waggled his eyebrows.
Tim rolled his eyes and pushed Kon away, pelting an electric candle at him. He held in a laugh as he said back: “You’re such an ass,” and in return, Kon kissed him again.
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awhitehead17 · 6 years
Ocean Man
TimKon, Mermaid AU, Mer!Tim, Angst, Fluff, General Rating.
Summary: The Titans find out Tim’s biggest secret. 
Enjoy! :D
They weren’t supposed to find out like this, hell they weren’t supposed to find out at all. Tim hadn’t planned for this. He was at a loss for words as Kon stares at him in shock, possibly even horror.
“Dude, you have a tail?” He asks bewildered.
“Kon, I can explain...” Tim says weakly, wanting to disappear. He self-consciously swishes his tail side to side underneath the water.
“Since when?”
“All my life...” Tim admits quietly looking away from his boyfriend in shame.
Kon goes to say something but stops. He turns around and looks at Bart and Cassie who are stood on the shore. Kon raises a thumb up at them yelling, “We’re good!”
Cassie yells something back but it’s muffled for Tim to make out the words, Kon on the other hand has no trouble understanding it with his super hearing.  
“We’ll be right over!” Kon turns back to Tim giving him a sharp look. “You have a lot of explaining to do when we get back to the Tower. How do you...” He gestures to Tim’s body underneath the water “Undo that?” 
Tim nods in understanding, that is certainly a conversation he’s dreading for various reasons. “I have a thing in my belt which helps, but I need to get on dry land to do it.” He answers Kon.
Kon looks at him for a long time and Tim starts to feel uncomfortable. Conner’s going to dump him now, isn’t he? He must think that Tim is such a freak.
“Okay, well you’re going to need to tell Cassie and Bart anyway. Let’s... let’s go.”
Kon turns around and starts to swim to shore. Why he doesn’t just fly Tim’s not sure, he’s probably going through several things in his head and trying to get around the new information that he’s just discovered. Tim sighs and starts to follow Kon to shore making sure to keep a grip on all his gear that he was forced to strip off during the transformation.
He usually doesn’t mind his tail, the sparkling blood red changing to midnight black was a sight he likes to see but right now he wishes he didn’t have it. It certainly isn’t the first time he wishes it gone.
Up ahead he sees Conner reach the shore. He climbs out and approaches Bart and Cassie. Tim guesses that Kon is telling them about his tail because the three of them begin to watch Tim approach.
Tim feels his stomach drop and tries to ignore their stares. Its unsettling and makes him want to vanish. A secret he’s kept away from his friends for years has just been revealed in the worst way possible.
What had happened was the Titans were busting a drug cartel in one of the warehouses along Gotham’s coast line. It was all going well until they realised there was a bomb. They’d managed to get everyone out and away, unfortunately except for Tim. By the time the bomb reached the end of its count down Tim was still very much in the blast radius. He had ducked behind the closet thing and wrapped up in his cape to try and protect himself as much as possible.
When the explosion happened Tim was struck by a different force than he expected, instead of getting hit with smoke and heat he got hit by a body. Superboy had come crashing in and picked him up. But as Superboy went to fly away, the explosion caused him to go off route and they ended up heading towards Gotham’s bay. Being disorientated from the blast, Superboy was unable to get his co-ordination right and they both crashed right into the water.
Tim didn’t even get the time to prepare himself for the transformation from human to merman. As he plunged deep into the river his body instantly began to change, he was forced to strip from his boots and leggings as his legs fused together and became his tail. He had to remove his cape and cowl so they don’t irritate his gills as they appeared, his gauntlets had to go as his hands became webbed between his fingers.
To say that Conner was surprised as they both broke the surface was an understatement. His boyfriend stared at him in shock for a good few minutes before blurting out the obvious.
Tim sighs as he reaches the edge of the shore, he swims up until he can put his hands on the sand bank. He chucks his gear further up the shore and starts to shuffle up the bank away from the water. He tries to ignore the gasps of shock coming from his team mates as his tail emerges out from Gotham’s river.
Tim winces as the sand comes into contact with his tail and as it sticks to him. It’s itchy and irritating. Once he’s far enough away from the water Tim stretches out and grabs his utility belt and starts digging around to find what he needs. Going to the right pouch he pulls out a compact towel, opening it up he spreads it over himself and wraps it tightly around his tail.
The towel was something he and Bruce had developed when Bruce found out about his… heritage. The idea of it is for it too suck out all the moisture from his body, having no water on him means that he’ll change back to human quicker. It’s special because it works quicker than the average towel, it’s packed in a special seal to keep it dry until it’s opened to be used.
He gets out the second one and wipes it over his upper body. He strips out of his armoured top and wipes the towel over his hair, chest and back. He’s well aware about how exposed he is, there’s no mask hiding his face and his body is on full display, but he knows the area he’s in has no cameras and if any one was looking over the river they wouldn’t see much anyway as it was dark out, if they were even looking Tim bets their attention would be on the warehouse fire far behind him instead.
The towels do their job and Tim feels the transformation back to human starting. The gills on his neck disappear and his fingers return to normal. Underneath the towel, he feels scales of his tail disappear back into his skin, his fin turn into his feet and as his legs split apart. Tim can’t help but let out a pained noise as his legs come apart, it’s always painful when it’s forced like this.
Once done, Tim reaches for his cape and covers his lower half of the body, just because there are no cameras doesn’t mean he wants to be stark naked out in the open. He looks at the gear he was able to save, his cape, bandoliers, armoured top and utility belt. His boots and gauntlets lost at the bottom of the river, but at least he has the main things.
He looks over at his team mates to find them still staring at him, mouths open as they gape. He sighs, “Guys, I know you all have a lot of questions but here isn’t the time to ask. The authorities will be dealing with the fire right now and we need to go, come back to my apartment and there you can have a go at me all you like.”
He glances at each of them in turn, Bart looks like he’s about to explode as he tries to keep back all of his questions, Cassie looks curious and also is holding back on the questions and Kon looks betrayed. Tim’s heart breaks when he looks over at his boyfriend, he hates that look Kon is wearing, betrayal, anger, worry, all mixed into one.
“Please, let me explain. I – I just, it’s… Kon…” Tim can’t even form a sentence. He shifts uncomfortably, the weight of their stares getting to him and because of the sand he’s sat on.
“Come on, the quicker we go the quicker we get answers.” Cassie says, she jumps up in the air and floats over to Tim, she leans down and grabs his belts before taking off in the direction of his apartment. Bart wastes no time in leaving, his exit sprays sand everywhere.
Tim shifts around, making sure the cape is wrapped tightly around his sensual areas, not that he was shy because Kon has very clearly seen everything Tim was packing. Kon walks over and bends down, he puts one arm under Tim’s legs and the other at his lower back and lifts him bridal style. Grabbing his armoured top he gives it to Tim before taking off in the air. Out of habit Tim wraps one arm around Kon’s neck, he’s able to refrain himself from placing his head on Conner’s shoulder like he normally does, with the way Kon’s jaw was clenched Tim believes that intimate gestures are best kept limited.
The flight was short and the entire time Kon hadn’t even looked at Tim. That alone made Tim feel even worse than before. His own boyfriend unable to look at him. Kon enters the apartment through the window while being mindful of Tim’s neighbours, but he’s done it hundreds of times before, Tim probably could count the amount of times on one hand that Kon had actually used the front door to enter his current home.
Kon walks over to the living room and places him on the couch before disappearing towards the bedroom, Tim keeps his eyes down towards the ground not wanting to look at Cassie or Bart who are also in the room. He does look up however when soft fabric collides with his head, frowning at Kon he grabs the items of clothing and puts them on. Some sweat pants and a jumper. He then tosses the cape and armoured top to the side where the rest of his gear is.
He sighs and buries his head in his hands, “So, what do you guys want to know?”
When no one answers he looks up to see his team mates having a silent conversation between themselves. Tim waits patiently, trying to not let his nerves get the better of him and also uses Batman’s training to stop himself from fidgeting.
The three of them seemed to come to a conclusion and turn to him, “We want to know everything Tim. Why you kept this secret from us, after all these years. How long have you been like this? We’re assuming that Batman knows. Just why you couldn’t trust us Tim.” Kon says looking at him with that same look from earlier, hurt, betrayal, anger.
Tim rubs his hands down his face and takes a deep breath, “Everything. You want to know everything.”
“Yes.” Came the sharp reply, “You owe us at least that.”
“I’ve been this way all my life. I was born with it, inherited it from my father. He left the sea life behind due to wanting to explore the surface, he met my mother and settled down. When I was born he didn’t want that part of his life to be in mine, growing up he dismissed everything about his heritage and refused to tell me about it. As a child I was curious, I have this amazing gift but I wasn’t allowed to know anything about it and my dad made it out to be so bad. One day he snapped at me and it scared me so much that I never asked him about it again.” Tim tells them. He glances at them to find them staring at him with interest.
Taking another breath he continues, “You’re right in saying that Batman knows. I was able to hide this… ability for about a year after I became Robin. There was a mission and Nightwing ended up unconscious and was thrown into the bay, Batman was on the other side of town and I was Nightwing’s back up, after knocking the criminals out I stripped and dived in after him not caring about the consequences. I brought him back up to the surface and brought him back to us. Batman found me with a tail over Dick’s breathing but unconscious form.
He was so furious after finding out. It took me ages to convince him to let me carry on being Robin, I only convinced him with the help of both Alfred and Dick. After that we came up with some alternatives, the towels for instance, it’s specially designed to suck the moisture out of my body quickly. We never manged to find a way to stop the shift completely but that’s just that.
How it works, um, I only transform fully when submerged in water, so like the bay or a swimming pool, the sea or even the bath. I start to transform if I’m under a shower for longer than 5 minutes-”
“Is that why you never want shower sex?” Kon blurts out of nowhere.
Tim looks at him and raises an eyebrow and can’t help but laugh, “Yes Kon, that’s why I’ve never had shower sex with you. Trust me, I very much would like to but after 5 minutes I change.”
Kon frowns and looks away, and Cassie pipes up, “No need for details about your sex lives, thanks. Tim continue…”
Tim clears his throat as he feels a blush creep up on his face, “Uh right, sorry. Anyway, so I have to have quick showers because I start to change after 5 minutes. The rain is sort of similar, that’s why I didn’t patrol very much as Robin when it was absolutely pouring down, however if I kept most of my skin dry then it wasn’t too bad. My second suit, the red and black one, wasn’t as bad because it covered most of my body, Red Robin is the easiest to go out in because it’s only my mouth on show, so I don’t transform as quickly when that’s only wet, of course that doesn’t apply if I’m completely submerged underwater like tonight.
The reason I didn’t tell you guys I guess is because I was ashamed or I just simply didn’t think to tell you about it. My dad had drilled it into my head that what I am is a terrible thing, that it’s something to be ashamed of. I don’t know why I didn’t tell you, I just didn’t…
I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you, and I’m sorry that you guys had to find out this way.”
After Tim had finished talking there was complete silence in the room, each of them taking in what Tim had told them. Tim doesn’t look up from where he was fiddling with his fingers, he doesn’t want to see their faces.
“Are you afraid that we’re gonna judge you Tim?” Cassie asks him gently. Not looking up Tim shrugs his shoulders, he doesn’t have an answer for that.
Cassie speaks again, this time her voice is stern and Tim makes it out to be her leader voice, “Well, I’ll tell you now, that is complete bullshit.”
Tim frowns but doesn’t look up, that’s when a hand appears under his chin and forces his head up. He’s forced to look at two blue eyes, “Tim you are going to listen to me right now.” She shakes his head with her hand still on his chin, “We will not judge you, we’re the last people who will judge you, you wanna know why, it’s because we’re all different. You just fit right in. I’m a demi-god, Bart’s from the future, Kon’s a clone and you’re a mermaid. So what? It doesn’t make you any less you, any less bat like, you’re fine as it is.”
When Tim doesn’t say anything Cassie sighs and let’s go of his chin, “Look Tim, we’re not going to judge you. Okay we’re all annoyed at you for not sharing your life’s biggest secret with us, but then again that’s just you, as long as you’re not hiding anything else major I’m sure we can forgive you.”
Tim snorts, “There’s nothing else, I can promise you that.”
Cassie smiles and pats his cheek, “Good. Now that’s all over, I’m heading back to the Tower.” She heads for the window and steps out, “Tim you better show me what that tail of yours really looks like one day.” With that she slips out into the night sky.
There’s a pause after she’s left, but it doesn’t last long as Bart speeds in front of him, “By the way I think it’s super cool that you have a tail and how you’re a mermaid. Can I touch your tail? Does that mean you can breathe underwater? What would happen if I chuck a jug of water over you?”
Tim blinks at his friend, letting his mind catch up with what the speedster was asking, “Thanks I guess? Yes you can touch it, when I show Cassie my tail you can see it also. Yes I can breathe under water and I would get wet but nothing would really happen as it’s not a constant flow of water like rain or that I’m not surrounded by it like the sea so I wouldn’t transform.”
Bart tilts his head to the side in a cat like manner, “Oh okay! Awesome. Look I gotta go but let me know when you meet with Cassie because I want to be there!”
“Yeah that’s fine.”
Then just like that he’s gone.
Tim turns to the last person in the room with him, his throat now starting to dry out and his heart beating faster. What’s Kon going to say? What’s he going to do?
Tim gets up off the couch and stands in front of his boyfriend, “Kon…”
Kon puts his hand up to stop Tim from talking, “Look Tim, I’m pissed at you. You kept this secret away from me, for all the years we have known each other, all the years we have dated, I thought we trusted each other Tim, and you couldn’t trust me with something like this.”
“Kon please, I’m so sorry… I do trust you, you know I do.”
The look Kon gives him makes him feel sick, “But not enough apparently.”
Tim opens his mouth to beg Kon more, but once again Kon cuts him off, “Look Tim I get why you didn’t tell me. Your father obviously played a major impact in what you think about yourself and how you feel about your… abilities but you should have still told me of all people.”
Tim wants to cry. The way this conversation is going is breaking his heart and its making him want to cry. He can’t lose Kon, not again.
Kon opens his mouth to say something but seems to think it through and closes his mouth again. Tim decides to take the weight of his shoulders and ask the dreaded question, “Are you, breaking up, with me?” He hates how weak his voice sounds and how shaky it is.
Kon’s face turns from hurt to shock, “What? No! Tim, I’m not - no. No no no.” He steps forward and takes Tim’s face in his hands and cradles it, with a firm voice he tells Tim, “I am not breaking up with you, you idiot.” As if to prove his point he bends down and captures Tim’s lips in a passionate kiss. Tim doesn’t miss a beat and instantly kisses him back.
They split apart and Kon tugs him into a hug, “Look Tim what Cassie said was right, we’re not going to judge you.”
Tim hugs him back and buries his face in Conner’s chest, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Conner makes a humming noise before saying, “I know you are and I accept your apology.” He then pulls Tim away and cups his face once again, “I love you, okay. That hasn’t changed wonder boy. This is just going to take a little time to sink in that’s all. I’m not happy that you kept it a secret all these years but I’ll forgive you soon enough.”
“I’ll make it up to you.” Tim declares firmly.
Kon cracks a smile, “I know you will, and me being the moron that I am will fall into that trap.” That brings a small smile to Tim’s face, “Look I’m gonna go for the night, I’m going to spend some time on the farm, think over all this okay. Then you can work on making it up to me.”
Tim nods, “Yeah okay. So you’re definitely not breaking up with me?” He asks sheepishly.
Kon lets out a laugh and squishes his cheeks together, “No you idiot, I’m not breaking up with you.”
“Okay, good. I was worried.”
Kon snorts, “Clearly.” He leans in and steals a kiss from him again. They pull apart and Kon lets go of him and moves towards the window, “As I said, I’m going to spend some time at the farm to think everything over, then you can get to work winning me back.”
Tim sends him a small yet relived smile as he disappears out into the night. Once he was gone Tim slumps on to the couch and groans. That was not supposed to happen like that. God, he’s so lucky to have such understanding friends and a fucking fantastic boyfriend.
What he needs to do now is come up with a plan that will blow Kon away. He’s got a lot to make up sure so he’s gotta make sure that it’s something grand, something special. He’s sure he can do that. 
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angel-gidget · 7 years
Fire At My Feet Again (Tim/Cassie, post-Red Robin)
Title:  Fire at my Feet Again Fandom: DCU, Teen Titans, Red Robin (preboot)     Rating:  PG-13 | Words: 4.6K  | a03 link Summary: Tim and Cassie have been assigned to mentor the upcoming new version of Young Justice. Cassie isn’t drunk enough yet to process this turn of events properly. But if she has her say, with Tim’s help, she soon will be.
Set a handful of years after Red Robin. Contains miscellaneous comic references including 90’s YJ. Yet also borrows an element or two from the Young Justice cartoon. Bc I do what I want. Also unbeta’d. Bc impatience.
Note: Also using this fic to fulfill prompts/days 1-3 of Tim Drake Week (First & Lasts, Childhood & Adulthood, Dreams & Reality) bc this sucker took me long enough that I say it counts and I’d like to catch up.
The déjà vu was murder. Cassie wanted to scream at the Justice League that they had the wrong girl, she wasn't a MENTOR, if anything, she was still a MENTEE, but Tim was standing right next to her, giving his Serious Business head-nod, and Cassie realized that if she did, in fact, start screaming at the JLA, she wouldn't be screaming at strangers.
Because screaming at Aquaman and Superman and Batman was one thing, but the NEW Batman was once Nightwing and she didn't really like the idea of screaming at him. She would also be screaming at Vic, who was her friend. And--sweet Hera--she had FRIENDS in the JLA. You're a grown-up now, Cassie. You're a MENTOR now, Cassie.  So is Tim, for that matter. Hell. She didn’t want to admit out loud how familiar it was. How, in the last days before she gave up the Titans, she’d had trouble remembering the names of multiple team members; they had come and gone so quickly. So playing chaperone to a bunch of kids she didn’t know was actually way more familiar of a feeling than it ought to have been. But they weren’t asking her and Tim to be team leaders. They were asking her and Tim to play Red Tornado to their new batch of kids. Not to lead. Just to make sure they didn’t break anything. To help them with reporters.  To save their asses if things got out of hand. To be around if they wanted advice. "You start on Monday." Vick told them. "We start on Monday." Cassie repeated in a daze. When the rest had left, and it was only her and Tim, the feeling that it was real began to press on her lungs. "We start on MONDAY. Oh God." "Cassie? Are you o--Um. I can do it. You don't have to help. I--" "Do you remember what we were like?! You'll need my help. WE may need help. What if they have their own Kon? What if they have their own BART?" "Or Slo-bo." "Oh God." "It'll be okay. They're just as likely to have their own Secret, somebody they'll band around to protect. Or their own Anita, who can radiate reason. Or their own YOU, somebody smart who can represent the team and keep them in line. Ultimately, they'll be themselves and we can just give them the benefit of the doubt. It'll be okay." Maybe it was the truth of his words, or the blatant compliment, but Cassie did feel herself begin to calm down. This wasn’t history repeating itself. It was just a few parallels here and there. And the history wasn't all that bad anyway. When did she get so good at only remembering the rough parts? "I'm good. I swear I am, but I think I need a drink." Tim's smile was weird. Like he was about to be nostalgic, but it was 50/50 whether it was going to be a good idea or not. "I know just the place." She half-expected him to take her to the same zany hole-in-the-wall they went to for his 21st birthday years back, but he surprised her with a Gotham spot she had never seen before. It was kind of on the (conventional) sporty side, and kind of posh. Not really the sort of place she had expect him to go. "This was my dad's favorite place." Cassie shook her head to clear it. She could count on her hand the number of times Tim has talked about his dad with her, and four times out of five, he had been in tears while doing it. "Do you remember Klarion?" Tim asked. "Bum, bum, bum… The witch boy." She wanted to slap herself for completing the obnoxious little tune on autopilot, but decided not to be too hard on herself. It WAS catchy. "Well, when he had us stuck in adult bodies, I got the bright idea that I should go check on my dad in his natural environment." "There is no way that went well." Tim nodded, "He said I reminded him a bit of his son, and he invited me to sit down and have a beer with him." Cassie felt a smirk coming on. "And you had never had a beer in your life." "Correct. I spit it up all over him. And he never learned that the weird guy who chilled with him and wrecked his night was me.”
Cassie chuckled, “So, do you want a beer?”
“Hell, no. Can’t stand the stuff.” It might have been the funky lighting, but as Tim scratched the back of his head, she could swear he was blushing.
“Me neither. Good thing we’re old enough to admit it. Hey bartender!”
Cassie waved at the old man behind the counter. He seemed to be hard of hearing, as he kept cleaning the other end of the bar. She sighed, “Go over the new roster with me.”
“They haven’t got the official—“
“I know you know the biggest candidates for this thing, and I’d like to have a heads up, please and thanks.”
Tim nodded, as he waved his own hand in the old man’s direction to help her out, “Okay. So Lian has already said yes, and if there is a god, she will hopefully end up being team leader…”
Cassie smiled, “Roy Harper’s kid would be good at it. Though Robin will probably fight her for it…”
“Damian will be there under duress. Dick thinks it will be good for him, but the chances are that if he gets out of line…”
“He absolutely won’t listen to you, so I will have to do it. Uhgh.”
Tim gave her a pained laugh, “Thank you in advance?”
Cassie shrugged. She was already beginning to understand why the League was insisting on both of them. There had been some rosters of the Titans that were like that, some deferring only to Robin and some only to Wonder Girl. But by that time, she and Tim had mastered being in-sync to the point that it was a (mostly) doable nightmare.
“Who’s the heaviest hitter we’ll probably have to clean up after?”
Tim steepled his fingers thoughtfully, “That’s a toss-up between Damian’s friend Colin, who is actually an incredibly nice kid, and Jon Kent: our new Superboy-to-be.”
Cassie frowned, “Wait, I thought… what happened to Christopher?”
“You didn’t…?” Tim’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Um, a lot of things happened to Chris. But when he came home from the phantom zone a few months ago, he… well, it wasn’t like when a Robin gets replaced, but he told me it took a lot of adjusting to the fact that an entire time-line crisis had given him a baby brother that was already twelve years old. Last I’ve heard from him, he’s trying to decide on a new code-name and … well, he’s too old for the team.”
She felt her draw drop. “Chris Kent, who was like barely past my hip last I saw him, is TOO OLD for this team? What the hell?!”
“Cassie, the last time you saw him, I was babysitting him because he was ten. And with the phantom zone, well…”
“Well how old is he n—wait. Don’t answer that. Not until I’ve had whiskey, because this  now officially calls for whiskey. BARTENDER. WHISKEY.” The time for being polite and patient had officially passed.
Cassie cradled her head in her hands as she listened to Tim placate the offended bartender, and modify her order. Apparently whiskey wasn’t specific enough. Apparently the brown-eyed little boy she’d last seen wearing little boy shorts and a cartoon character wristwatch was now too freaking old to join Young Justice 2.0.
“So help me, Tim, if you’ve ordered something crazy-expensive, you are buying.”
Tim sighed, and Cassie felt a twinge of guilt. This wasn’t any easier for him. Hell, it might be harder. She knew Damian always made things harder for Tim.
Cassie was both boggled and somewhat grateful that she didn’t have a new Wonder Girl to contend with. Though, now that she thought about it, it did seem almost a shame for one to be missing from the roster… No.
No, she was still too young to be getting mopey over legacies. Not that she hadn’t always dug the idea of an Amazon legacy, but it was supposed to be, like, a general legacy. Not hers. Not yet. And yet…
“I am buying, and you will like it. I promise. It’s only a little expensive, but trust me that you don’t want the default of anything in this place.”
The next thing she knew, she had a strong-smelling double-shot over ice in front of her. It tasted like honey. If honey weren’t made by bees, but instead made by kangaroos kicking her in the face. She decided she liked it.
“Cassie, you’re supposed to sip that.”
She smirked at him, “I’ll sip the next one. Better hope our tab’s on your platinum card.”
He snorted, but didn’t really protest, taking a taste of his own glass.
She observed him.
He closed his eyes and tilted his head as he drank, though not with the speed of someone rushing a shot. It took the shadows off his face for a moment, so she could clearly see the tiredness around his eyes and the faint stubble around his jaw. She faintly recalled that said stubble had come very late in life to him. At the very tail-end of puberty.
She remembered that the first time she had kissed him—mourning Kon’s death in a sea of shattered glass in the Titan’s sublevel—the line from his cheek to his adam’s apple had been completely smooth.
Don’t go there, Cassie.
That was a long time ago, Cassie.
“So… um. So how’s Kon taking the whole codename thing?”
Tim shrugged, blinking his eyes open as he continued to hold the glass near his lips. “You know about as much as I do. He can’t decide what to pick. That is, he agrees that he’s years overdue to shelve “Superboy”, but replacing it is giving him conniptions.” Tim gestured the bartender back to refill her glass.
“That’s about what I know,” Cassie conceded, “But somehow, you always know a little more. So spill.”
As promised, she sipped the next glass. Sipping was like getting kicked by a baby honey-making kangeroo. It was still pretty damn good. She raised her pinky jokingly, which finally got a smile out of Tim that went up to his eyes as he spoke.
“He’s actually been trying to pick Chris’s brain on the matter. While Kon can hardly think of anything, Chris’s knowledge of Kryptonian language and mythology is giving him a ton of ideas and he just can’t choose.”
“Yeah, well. Kon’s gonna have to get used to choosing names in general. And soon.”
Tim’s puzzled expression stopped her cold.
“Oh Hera. He hasn’t told you yet.”
Tim similarly froze, “He… told me there was something he though he’d tell a lot of people in person. Said it wasn’t bad news. But with his new off-world mission, and how, um, busy we both will be… “
Cassie nodded. If Kon wanted to protest, he could blame her.
“M’gann is pregnant.”
It was always fun: managing to surprise Tim with something he’d clearly had absolutely no clue about beforehand. So fun. So rare. He was even choking a bit on his own drink.
“You’re serious. Kon’s going to be… a dad?”
“Wow. He’s got to be over the moon. Both in a happy and terrified way. I’ll be an honorary uncle. Heh…”
He went serious then, totally quiet. Sometimes Cassie didn’t dig the reminder that she didn’t really have the full specs of the brain of Timothy Drake. But then again, did anyone?
She held back a tiny flinch as Tim set down his drink and put his hand over hers…
“Are you okay?” he practically whispered.
“Yes…?” she mimicked his low voice.
“Because I know you’ve never liked talking about how things ended, but it’s alright to…”
Gears clicked into place.
“Omigod. Tim. I’m fine. Kon and I are both totally over each other. Promise. Seriously, have you been worrying about that for the past five years?”
His face didn’t turn red, but his ears did.
“Hey, you wouldn’t talk about it, okay? And Kon may be my best friend, but… he’s not my only best friend. You and Bart… you can’t think I love you any less. Do you?”
Holy shit. The L-word. From TIM. In a totally platonic sense, of course.
As it should be, Cassie.
She knew Tim had been trained to resist truth serum and torture since his Robin days. Apparently, his own taste in alcohol was considerably more effective if it could get talk of actual feelings out of him.
Focus, Cassie. He asked you a question.
“I know you love me.” She squeaked.
A distinctly fraught look pulled his eyebrows together, and it occurred to Cassie that her assurance didn’t sound very believable.
So she tried again, “I’m serious. I don’t mean that in whatever placating double-meaning Bat-way you guys usually communicate in Gotham. I mean it. I know. You love me. I love you too.”
Those burning ears of his were back, but at least the distressed twist to his forehead had gone away. And that… Cassie knew she’d said enough. Her brain knew, anyway. Her tongue didn’t. “If… if a burning building had you and my mom inside and I only had time to save one, I’d save my mom because she didn’t sign up for the life we did. But I’d be every bit as devastated over losing you as if I had lost her.”
What the hell, Cassie?! Dark escalation much?
She spared a glance at her drink as though it had betrayed her. Was she on glass number two or number three?
Tim just snorted with a smirk, “Me too.”
He took another sip, which seemed to oddly sober his face again, “Though… I’d probably be more devastated if it was you. I… I sometimes wondered if there was something wrong with me considering how fast I recovered from my mom’s death. We weren't  close. I… I wanted us to be. So much. But we weren’t.”
Cassie held her breath. She… she had known that Tim’s mom was out of the picture. That when his dad died, that was it. Officially one of Batman’s orphans. But she’d never…
Apparently, it was Tim’s turn to look at his drink as though it were up to shady behavior.
“I’ve never admitted that out loud to anybody. Not in so many words, anyway.”
They both let the silence breathe a moment, before Cassie tentatively let her curiosity get the best of her.
“What was her name? Wanna tell me about her?”
Tim didn’t look her in the eye, preferring to keep his gaze pinpointed on the single oversized ice cube in his glass, but he nodded.
“Her name was Janet. She um…” A tiny strange grin quirked the side of his mouth and he finally looked up at her through messy black bangs, “Remember that time when your mom invited me and Bart to dinner with you, and she complained for half an hour about the ‘jet-set’ archaeologists who have all the money but half-assed dedication to historical findings? Who are all about the fun and polish?”
“Um, yes?”  Oh gods. Helena Sandsmark’s fifth favorite rant topic. She had hours of material on the unfairness of wealthy socialites’ interaction with the archaeology scene. Cassie always died of embarrassment anytime someone she knew was exposed to even a fraction of it.
“My mom was one of those.”
Cassie slumped in her chair, beginning to feel her own ears turn red.
“Oh gods, I’m sorry—”
And Tim giggled. Giggled. It was… stupid but nice and he kind of sounded like he hadn’t taken in quite enough oxygen at first to do it properly.
“Don’t be, Cass. Your mom didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. I wasn’t mad. It was… nice remembering her. She was spoiled, but in a classy kind of way. At least, that’s what my dad would say about it. But he might have been biased. Considering.”
“Considering.” Cassie let a relieved giggle of her own slip.
The silence that followed wasn’t a bad one. She eventually realized that Tim was faintly tapping on the edge of the bar to the tune of the music softly playing over he speakers, though she didn’t recognize the song.
At some point in their conversation, he had let go of her hand, and she tried not to overthink her awareness of that. She also tried not to overthink the fact that she was mentally listing the different ways she might get him to put it back.
She was startled from carefully not contemplating these things when his finger tips continued tapping, but this time against her own fingers lingering on the bar. She saw an expectant expression on his face, and it took her a moment to realize that the music had changed.
Cassie’s eyes widened. Was that.. Mmmm Bop? It was. The one hit from that stupid band that every member of Young Justice has solemnly sworn to hate into eternity was dancing over the speakers.
Some members, however, had been lying through their teeth when taking said oath.
Cassie had been one of them. Apparently, so had Tim.
Their moment of mutually tapping to forbidden tunes was interrupted as the old bar keep slammed a giant pink drink in front of Cassie’s nose.
“From th’ gentleman.” The man muttered, tottering away.
Cassie frowned. Tim seemed to be on the case, however, as he made a subtle pointing down the bar. She looked over her shoulder and saw the guy. He was tall and broad, with a lear and patch of scruff on his chin that reminded Cassie of Tim’s old Mr. Sarcastic disguise. Just… without the sarcasm. His target of choice hadn’t accepted the drink yet, and he was already elbowing his buddies and preparing to stand.
“He looks like the pushy type to me,” Cassie muttered, “Mr. Detective?”
Tim gave a small sigh, “I’m inclined to agree. How do you want to play this?”
There were a lot of correct choices. Not the least of which was taking the drink and pretending it meant nothing. Making eye contact and firmly pushing the drink away was a fair call too. If Mr. Pushy pushed, well… It would hardly be any skin off her back to return the favor. But a hero was always supposed to avoid escalating the situation or provoking it. Such was the correct choice.
You’re going to be a mentor, Cassie.
Meaning—she replied to the voice in her head— that if she was going to do something wild and on the side of crazy, it had to be tonight. So, she grabbed Tim’s hand and whispered in his ear.
“Pretend to be my boyfriend.”
His eyes went comically wide for a fraction of a second, but the next instant, he was giving her a succinct nod of the head.
She felt his fingertips slide up to her jaw, pinpricks of cold from the condensation of his drink. She barely registered the procession from one moment to the next as his lips were suddenly touching hers.
Barely touching. Very lightly.
But staying. Not a peck.
Rather, a quick brush followed by a very slow second brush.  
Her eyes slipped closed, acknowledging that the feeling was nice, if unexpected.
She held still everywhere save her mouth, mimicking his movement until she could breathe in the honey-tang from his breath instead of her own.
She then set her icy fingernails against his cheek, as was only fair.
He gave a quick inhale that let her know she had startled him back.
“Two for flinching.” She chuckled against his mouth.
In an instant, she wanted desperately to see his expression, but he ducked his head to whisper in her ear again.
“Why go back to competing when we’ve gotten so good at teaming up?”
Tim thought he was so clever sometimes. She wanted to agree and roll her eyes at the same time. She was about to reply when something in the shift of his shoulders told her they had trouble.
“What is it?”
“Pushy Type has strolled out with his friends, but they went around the alley area of the building without grabbing a ride and none of them had car keys.”
Cassie hissed, “They wanna jump us? Are you serious? This neighborhood sucks.”
Tim pulled back far enough that could see his face. There was some uncertainty there that he was doing his utmost to hide, but Cassie was too familiar with it to be fooled by it anymore.
Goddess. He liked it. He liked it as much as I did.
And now he’s wondering if he messed up.
“I know the corner they’ve picked. No cameras, no witnesses. They’d be… very surprised to not have the advantage. We could change into uniform in the restrooms and sneak out the back of the kitchen. It’ll be fun.”
And… he was off. He even left the barstool he’d been sitting on spinning.
Stupid bat-birds and their emotional issues.
She’d let him get away with it for now.
Two hours later, they stumbled into Tim’s apartment dripping wet, with an unanticipated number of cuts and bruises.
“Fun, you said. We intimidate them and they’ll re-think their life-choices, you said.” Cassie scoffed.
Tim clutched his bruised rib, “I didn’t know C-listers were developing their own knock-off venom pills these days. It’s a recent development.”
His other arm was over her shoulder, keeping weight off his bruised ankle. If knock-off venom could punch her right into him, she didn’t want to think about what the original Bane could probably do.
But it probably didn’t help that they were both a little tipsy. While Tim might not have guessed that Mr. Pushy—who had wanted to be called The Dejector, of all things, yeesh—would be carrying supervillain steroids, they both would have resolved the fight a lot faster if they had both been sober and had their minds off… well.. The Thing they were avoiding talking about.
After they had the perps bagged and tied for the Gotham PD, Tim had decided to play it safe and not drive his motorcycle back. Cassie had similarly decided against flying.
So they had walked.
And then it rained.
Because Gotham.
Cassie carefully set Tim down on his couch. She then followed his directions to find the first aid kit as he began to check himself for damage.
“Just so we’re clear: I’m not actually mad, Tim. Just grumpy. I had plans for tonight. They didn’t involve this many scrapes.”
“I… Oh.” He froze, “I didn’t know I was keeping you. Sorry.”
“You’re not,” Cassie corrected, setting the kit down by his foot and she cinched up the leg of his jeans. (The nice thing about his crazy expensive wardrobe: there was some extra stretch to the denim.) “You were at the center of the plans.”
“Oh.” He tensed again, and Cassie worried for a moment that she had hurt him just by applying ice. But as she looked up, she realized his ears were red again.
Okay, Wonder Girl. Time to be brave.
“Confession time. So… you already know I love you. We got that out of the way. The big secret is that I also might… kinda like you on top of that.”
Tim snorted, but it was with a tiny hopeful smile on his face that quickly smoothed itself out to boarder-line sly.
“Oh really?”
If he was gonna be that way about it, there was no need to be delicate with the application of the ice. He flinched for real.
“Yeah,” Cassie muttered, meeting his eye, “Funny how that works.”
“Funny how it’s mutual.” He panted.
Cassie blinked. “Does this mean we…?”
“If you want.” Tim whispered.
She kissed him.
Sweat, rainwater, scrapes and all. She had wrapped her arms around his neck, and even when she bumped his foot and his leg tensed, he still clutched back.
It was hard to tell who’s idea it was to lean back into the couch. Definitely her idea to start lifting his shirt off. His hair was just long enough that damp tendrils lingered where his neck met his shoulders and she didn’t resist the temptation to run her hands through it. He rolled into the movement like a cat with his eyes closed, and something like déjà vu struck her for the second time that day.
For all that Tim’s everyday body language exuded a polite distance, actually touching him was so very different. Kind of like a sunflower desperate for a hint of light. As if no one had held him for years. Maybe no one had.
Rain still clung to her own hair as well, water droplets shaking loose from assorted strands of her blond hair. They splashed onto Tim’s chest, making him shiver.
She knew he could resist the cold, if he wanted. He could use a simple stretch of his own self control to curb his reactions, but he chose not to. Chose to let her see it, and the thought lit something warm in her chest.
She leaned in close again, feeling her own shirt slide up, enjoying the contrast of warmth where their stomaches touched and cold where their hair got in the way. Tim was the one doing the kissing then, returning to that slow brush he seemed to have perfected, only against her neck instead of her lips. His arms held tight, tighter. And she gladly returned the favor until—
His whole body tensed, but Cassie knew it was the foot.
The Achilles Heel, as mom would say.
“Guess it would be more fun to save the rest for when we’re both in one piece, huh?”
Tim sighed, “‘Rest’ implies a finite amount. Was going more for an indefinite sort of plan.”
Cassie grinned.
“I’ll remember that. Now where are your towels, Young Man Wonder?”
He scowled at her, but he gave up the location of the towels. And the location of his popcorn machine. And blankets. And spare pyjamas. And dvd collection.
I could get very used to this.
She was cuddled in his arms on the couch again, but this time calm and dry with antibiotics gently applied to her minor scratches.
“It’s different this time, you know. I can feel it.” She whispered.
Tim stirred beneath her, though he took a moment to speak.
“You mean… us?”
She nodded against his chest, “Us. The vibe of it. The… the kissing. It’s different. We’re different.”
She didn’t have the energy to lift her head, but she felt him nod all the same.
“Last time, we were in a bad place. Now we’re in a good one.”
She smiled against him and trusted that he could feel it, “Even if you have to face down the Damian squad on Monday?”
“It won’t be Damian’s squad. Not immediately, anyway. But yes. Even then. We can do this. Together.”
Cassie threaded her fingers through Tim’s as her eyes fluttered shut for the night.
She believed him.
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