#anyway sorry i don’t know why I’m ranting tonight
wavesoutbeingtossed · 5 months
Not to talk about non-Taylor celebrities on my Taylor blog, but I just read that K*m’s daughter has a record deal and is in a role in a new Disney production at the age of 10 and I just… don’t understand how people in the industry exploit their kids like this. These kids don’t stand a chance and it just seems like watching a train wreck in motion. (I mean, I don’t follow these people and only came across this news by happenstance, but you know what I mean.) I know theatre kids would kill for this kind of gig but I just honestly don’t understand how parents who *know* what the industry is like would ever put their kids in that position, at least until they were of age and could make the choice themselves.
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aureatchi · 11 months
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˚୨୧ 。 ˚ IT WAS A NIGHT TO REMEMBER . — osamu dazai
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⟢ SYNOPSIS. after a long week of work, you and your best friend retreat to a bar to distract yourself from your responsibilities. however, you find it unfulfilling and decide you need to just go home. as you head out the door, you bump into someone more than familiar.
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a/n. it’s the way i immediately thought of him when i first heard this song. <3
info. fem!reader. exes to lovers!au. we have the full recipe…fluff; light angst; gets really sugg. mentions of drinking; scars. your best friend hates dazai. hc dazai doesn’t bandage his tummy. (ᗒᗜᗕ) ノ wc. 3.6k
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“It’s just a lot.”
You just finished the final shift of your job for the week, and you were more than exhausted and burnt out. You had called your best friend immediately after to get some comfort, and despite how busy she was, she agreed to meet you for some drinks and listen to you rant.
“My coworker’s getting on my last nerve,” you continued venting. You had already told her about select crappy people you had to interact with during the day and then your boss, who regarded you with no empathy whatsoever. “Today’s already been bad enough, and then she decides to just pile more stress on me.”
You swished the ice around your emptied glass, creating clanking sounds while coating the cup in water.
“Maybe you should just quit,” your friend replied, taking a sip out of her glass. “I would’ve been long gone if I had to deal with annoying people all around, nine to five.”
She looked up at you. “Besides, you’re well off anyway. I don’t see why you’re working. Are you…trying to distract yourself?”
You sighed. She knew you too well.
“Love, don’t tell me you’re still hung up over—“
“It’s not what you think,” you cut her off, yet you avoided eye contact. It was easier to lie that way. “I just feel I’d have too much free time on my hands. I’m not sure what I’d do with it.”
You let out a dry chuckle. That wasn’t wholly false in itself, either. At your age, everyone had their own things going on—your best friend being an example. Therefore, you couldn’t find much time to go out with any of your friends, and you weren’t interested in meeting new people either.
You could blame your job. Perhaps the ones you meet every day put a sour taste on your tongue, making you lose any desire to interact with strangers. You could blame your exhaustion. Or…
“Honestly, I think that calls for someone new in your life,” your friend replied. “That’ll surely cure your boredom.”
“No thanks. I don’t feel like dating anyone right now.”
“I’m just kidding,” she laughed. “But it’d help you feel less lonely, no?”
“…you didn’t believe my answer to your earlier question, huh?”
“No. Of course not.”
It had been over five months since you broke up with your boyfriend. You tried seeing people after that, but in truth, you were only using them to try to move on.
Once you realized that it wasn’t working and it wasn’t fair for others to play with feelings, you decided to take on a new job on the other side of the city so you’d still get out of your house and have a change of scene.
“…But you know what? Screw him. I will keep saying again and again, I hate that man. Suicidal maniac. I know it’s hard, but you’re too hot to keep dwelling on this. You need to learn to move o—”
Your friend’s phone suddenly buzzed, interrupting her little lecture.
She picked it up, and you waited for her to finish speaking.
“I’m sorry, I think I got to go. I left my boyfriend with my cat, and he just told me he lost her already…” she shook her head. “Have you gotten out everything you wanted to say?”
“Yeah, thanks,” you replied. “I think I’ll go home soon, too. Not really feeling it.”
She stood up, handing you a bill with a smile. “Drinks on me tonight. Don’t complain—I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer. And we didn’t order much anyway.”
“That’s okay; I appreciate you coming to listen to me anyway,” you replied.
“The offer is still open, by the way! If you want to find someone, I’ll schedule a date by this weekend.”
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever. Thanks.”
You only had one more drink before you decided to leave, still mostly sober—you figured it’d just be best if you’d take care of yourself at home.
Another thing your job was also distracting you from was witnessing all the relationships around you. Your friend had to go home for her boyfriend. You noticed a few couples at the bar you were at. You’d probably see more when you walked outside.
Not that you minded, is what you tried to tell yourself every single time. You didn’t have to be with someone. It’s okay to have a break.
But was it okay to still have a particular person at the back of your head all the time?
You stood up, leaving the bill and tip for your bartender before you walked toward the door. Opening it caused the bell attached to it to jingle. You were greeted by a cool, night breeze—and someone’s torso.
“O-Oh, sorry,” you replied, too tired to even catch the face of the person you bumped into.
But you had no choice when the man didn’t move out of the doorframe to walk in or allow you to pass.
So, when you met the almost-surprised, caramel-kissed eyes on a face framed with dark brown bangs and wavy hair, you felt your heart plunge into your stomach.
You whispered his name—almost scared to say it, the syllables feeling foreign from not having spoken it aloud for months.
He was halfway through saying your name when you dashed for the exit, shoving him aside and speed-walking out.
“Wait! Bel—“ he caught himself and shouted your name once more.
You started walking down the parking lot, unsure of where you were trying to go, except away—away from Dazai. You had forgotten this bar was in the heart of the city. You didn’t know Dazai came to this one, but you knew his work was somewhere close.
“Hey!” you felt a breeze behind your back, and then a hand gently land on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.
“What…why are you following me?”
You turned around, getting your second full view of your ex for the night.
His hair was a bit longer. He still had those bandages on his neck—did he bother to change them out recently? His scent was as still as you remembered—grassy and toasty, a resemblance to green tea.
“I’m not sure why I’d leave a girl I know to walk alone at night,” he shrugged. “It’s dangerous!”
You continued walking, not responding to his reply.
“Where are we going?”
“Who’s we?”
“Aw, that was really rude.”
You ignored Dazai, making sure your stroll stayed a few feet in front of him.
You then entered a park, him trailing behind you.
“Why were you at the bar alone?”
“That’s none of your business.” You walked down the path, trees casting dark shadows onto the grass under the moon’s light.
“…And I wasn’t alone the entire time. I was with a friend, but she left to attend something.”
Dazai nodded, trying to catch up to your face. You immediately gave him more than enough space when he reached you, not wanting any invasion of your personal space.
“But you usually don’t drink unless you’re either celebrating or stressed,” he said. “And from what I’ve seen, it looks like the latter.”
You stopped again. “Again, it’s none of your business. Maybe you should focus on yours. You go and drink tons when you’re stressed, too.”
“Hey, I’ve actually gotten better at that…”
“You still ended up at a bar midweek.”
“But I didn’t even go in, no? I’m with you at a park right now.”
You were silent once again. But now you couldn’t complain that he was following you.
Why do I care if he drinks or not?
No. It’s normal. You’d care for the well-being of anyone you know.
You approached a set of swings in the center of the park. It had been ages since you’d been on one, swinging back and forth in carefree.
“Want me to push you?” you heard Dazai over your shoulder when you examined the equipment.
“Heck no,” you responded.
“Why not? It’d be fun!” He moved closer.
“No! I’m not sure if it’d even carry me,” you laughed. “It’s for kids.”
“You can try it. Just sit. And I’ll catch you if it breaks—“
“Shut up. I can catch myself.” You lowered yourself onto the seat, seeing that the metal poles did hold. You swung yourself a bit to test if it’d keep up your weight.
“It works.”
“Great! Can I push you now?”
“I don’t trust you.”
“I won’t kill you, bel—I won’t! I promise.” Dazai childishly held out a pinkie toward you.
You sighed. “Fine. Just please don’t push me too high.” You clasped your pinkie around his.
“I got you!” You felt palms on your back, and then a light push that moved you forward, and then gravity pulled you back toward him.
Everything pulls me back to him—my mind and the universe both.
You were suddenly pushed higher, catching you off guard. You felt yourself fly multiple feet off of the ground, and you clutched the metal in panic.
“You’re fine. You won’t fall,” Dazai chuckled. He pushed you again, sending you even higher than the previous time. You wanted to scream, but it came out more as a laugh.
“Is the thrill fun?” he asked while you were in the air, noticing your smile.
“Yeah, it is—HEY!”
Dazai had pushed you hard, sending you swinging all around the equipment, in a complete three-sixty.
“Osamu!” you cried, the momentum spinning you around once more. You couldn’t stop it—it was too fast.
You were clutched from behind, arms tightly wrapped around your torso to stop the swing. You could hear the sound of Dazai being dragged through the rocks below, but he was able to ground the both of you before you went flying again.
And you felt warm. Despite the evening’s cool air, you felt like you were encompassed in a fireplace’s heat on a winter day.
“Got you.”
You let out a giant exhale of relief. And then, you turned around in anger.
“I told you not to push me that high!”
“But I didn’t kill you, did I? You stayed on the swing the entire time! You were safe! Plus, I think you enjoyed it.”
You stood up, causing Dazai to let go of his arms. “I’m dizzy now.”
“Do you need water? We can buy some. And did you drive here?”
“No, I took a taxi.”
“Let me drive you home then,” he said.
“I think I’m fin—“
“Please,” he cut you off almost urgently, but then he caught his tone and reverted.
“I mean, many kidnappers disguise themselves as taxi drivers. Especially at night.”
“You’re still so cynical,” you replied. “Stop being so protective. It’s not like we’re…nevermind, sorry.”
You didn’t dare look at Dazai’s expression.
You each got a yogurt drink, and it helped soothe your dizziness immediately.
You walked by Dazai silently, but compared to earlier in the night, you were no longer repulsed to standing by him.
He opened his car door for you before getting in his seat on the other side.
“What have you been up to these past months?”
You asked as he found his keys, turning them into gear.
“A case. It’s something huge going on.”
Dazai’s work accounted for part of your breaking up with him. He was too secretive—despite you knew that he trusted you so much that he explained to you exactly what his job consisted of, and he only left details out to protect you from getting involved, you couldn’t handle it.
Maybe you were selfish for that. But you needed to know what your boyfriend was up to—if he was safe. Perhaps that was another reason why. You would never let him go if you knew of the exact danger he was volunteering himself in.
“I see. Sleeping okay?”
“If I do, sure.” He was suddenly reaching over your body, grabbing your seatbelt.
Your heartbeat fastened as Dazai hovered over you, pausing to look at anticipating eyes and a risky glance at slightly parted lips.
He sighed before fastening the buckle and moving away, acting like nothing happened.
You two drove in silence, you gazing out of the car window to admire how the city looked in the absence of the sun.
A song was suddenly put on. You looked at Dazai.
“Do you still like this song?”
“Yeah,” you replied. He had put on your favorite song, indeed.
You silently thanked him for it. The awkward tension to speak to one another had vanished; you could indulge yourself in music.
Until it ended, of course, but by then, you could see you were almost home.
“This was a really bad idea. I hope I never see you again after this.”
“Probably, but maybe I wanted it to happen. Maybe I thought about you so much that I had to seize this opportunity.”
“What if I hope to see you again after this?”
“You can go flirt with any other girl for entertainment.” He did a lot of that, too. Even if it was Dazai’s most efficient tactic for getting information, he had also said he simply couldn’t help it sometimes.
“I don’t find that interesting anymore.”
You looked at his distant, faint reflection through your window.
“…you think about me?”
You were answered with a nod.
Dazai turned, pulling you into your driveway.
“I’ll continue to even more after tonight,” he said. “Whether we see each other again or not. It plagues my mind every day. What I could’ve done better—how much you deserve that I failed to reach.”
He parked. “Of course, I’ve tried to move on. It’s the most fair thing to do for you. But if someone were to ask me, bella, saying that I don’t still love you would be a lie.”
“You’re selfish,” you commented.
“I know. I’m very.”
You opened the door, stepping out of the car.
“Thank you for driving me,” you said.
You walked towards your front door and then looked back at Dazai, who was standing by his side of the car.
You contemplated for a second.
“D-do you have something to do for the rest of the night?” you carefully asked.
“Can you stay? Just for a bit. We can talk about things. And hopefully, you get some answers that will help you stop occupying your mind of me.”
You said that as if you were trying to convince yourself, rather Dazai.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” You pushed open the door.
Dazai followed you as you walked through the house—through the hallway and to the kitchen.
“Do you want something to eat? Or drink?”
“I’m okay, thanks,” he replied.
“Alright. Uh…feel free to make yourself at home. I’m going to change, I’ll be right back.”
You walked into your room, first washing your face in the bathroom. You stared at your face through the window, noticing how pigmented your cheeks were.
Why did I do this?
You were in the middle of changing your pajamas when Dazai knocked on your door.
“Can I come in?”
“Uh—“ you hastily buttoned two thirds of your shirt before, “Yeah.”
A smell of your favorite scent immediately flowed into the room as Dazai came in. It was of the candles you had around your house.
“You lit my candles?”
“Yeah. I got curious because the flavors looked nice. I like them. The scent matches you perfectly.”
“Oh…thanks,” you mumbled. You didn’t know how else to respond.
Dazai glanced around your room. Some things changed—you had moved some things around, redone the decor on your nightstands, changed your bed sheets…what he didn’t know was that you actually donated them after the break-up so you would never see them again.
“Did you need something?”
“Yeah. Do you still happen to have bandages?”
“Yes.” You had Dazai sit on the bed while you searched your closet for the box of bandages you would keep for whenever he came over. Unlike your sheets, you had kept them for your emergency first aid.
Or in case he happened to be in an emergency.
“What do you think you could’ve done better?”
There was a silence right after. You had hit Dazai with a hard question first.
“I’d stop disappearing so much without warning. I only realized how much I took that for granted when we stopped seeing each other. I would try to communicate better…” He looked down. “I’m terrible at it, I know, but I would try harder.”
“Why me? You could move on and find some other girl to treat right the first time.” You found the box, pulling it out.
“Because I would feel like a loser,” he added your name to the end of the sentence. “I was a total jerk to someone who loved me, and then I decide to switch it up for someone new and pretend to start on a clean slate? No, bella—I’m cursed with not forgetting and forgiving myself of the past. It feels cowardly.”
“Osamu, stop. You hurt me, yes, but you weren’t the only one in the wrong.
“I-I’m sorry.” You hadn’t apologized to him yet, through months.
You noticed his eyes almost widen, surprised.
“And I also forgive you. It took awhile, but I’m forgiving you of the mistakes that hurt me,” you continued. “And I’m apologizing to you too. So please forgive yourself. You don’t need to feel guilt.
“It’s only fair to you as well to move on.”
“Why, bella? How is it fair? How is it fair when the only person I want to see is you?”
You were right in front of him, the closest you’d been to him that night, discarding how he had tightly hugged you on the swing earlier. You were drowned in emotion that surrounded his desperate pleas.
“Can you please bandage me?”
“I miss your touches.”
You regret asking. He had no shame in expressing his thoughts, no matter what you two were going through. You regret asking, yet…
“Your coat.”
You climbed behind and rid Dazai of the top portion of his clothes—his vest and dress shirt. Then, you started unwinding the bandages on his arms, chest, and neck.
Gently, your fingers grazed the scars that hid underneath his attire, and his mind. Months ago, you had learned what every single mark came from after knowing where each one was—it was one detail Dazai fully opened to you about.
You were thankful you couldn’t see scars of the heart.
He would have thrice as many. Perhaps one of them would include you.
You rewrapped Dazai, leaving only his stomach unbandaged. You moved to do his neck when he paused you with his eyes, mere inches away from his face.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
You wish he weren’t so pretty. You would’ve been able to rationalize yourself quickly—you would’ve been able to give him a final answer without hesitating. But he ended up being the face of your dreams and the depth of your heart.
“I tell myself it’s fair,” you whispered. His nose was almost touching yours. “I tell myself it’s better that we’re done. But my heart isn’t so sure. It asks the same—how is it fair? To keep myself longing?”
Your arms were around Dazai’s neck with the bandage, yet you did not move to finish.
His gaze moved to your lips. A hand moved to your hair.
“Is it fair? If it truly is, push me away, bella.”
He didn’t force himself any closer, leaving you with the choice despite his yearning appearance. You could feel the warmth of his body on yours and the soft air of his breaths on your cheeks.
“Yes. It’s fair, Osamu.” You came to your conclusion.
Yet, you dropped the bandages, cupped his face towards you, and pressed your lips on his.
“But I’m selfish too.”
You moved your hands to waft through brunette locks as Dazai pulled you onto his lap. He held you tightly—desperate at the acceptance of your invitation.
Closer, along with the fresh scent of green tea, there was a note of sweetness as intoxicating as chocolate. You came to know this pleasant surprise every time you were pressed up against him, tucked well into his embrace.
A hand moved down your waist, tracing your curves. Meanwhile, his kisses became sloppier, changing course to your jaw.
“Bella,” he whispered.
“Too much? Just let me know.”
“Don’t stop.”
He planted his lips on your neck, leaving a mark when he moved to the next area.
“I don’t want to lose you again. I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” you replied, pulling him down over you.
“Everything about you,” Dazai continued. “It’s enchanting. How you smile when you’re flustered—like right now, and how you react when I touch you here…”
His hand found its way under your shirt, and you started laughing. He knew how and where to draw every specific reaction out of you, including where you were most ticklish.
“Osamu! Stop, hah-!”
You let him stay hovered over you and left his curious hands to wander your skin. Dazai looked free of emotional distress for once—being able to calm just by admiring you. It was like medicine.
“Do you still keep a spare pajama set?” he asked.
“Yes. However, the guest room is being renovated.”
“It’s fine. A couch was a luxury for me at one point.”
“Or you…could stay here. And you can have your favorite side, the side closer to the window.”
“Because I always see how the sun’s rays lay on your skin when I wake up,” he smiled. “And how spellbound your eyes make me when you open them and the light hits it.”
“You remember so much.”
“I told you how much I think about you, belladonna. I remember every night that I’m with you.”
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dazai listens to music w/ u if u rb. reblogs are cherished; they support me as a creator. <3
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© AUREATCHI 2023. no reposts or translations. do not steal.
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
thin ice — one
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part one | part two | part three
summary — she didn’t handle the sports section of the campus newspaper, but apparently, she did this week. interviewing hockey players was easy, though—unless one of those players happened to be peter parker.
pairing — uni hockey player!peter parker x fem!journalist!reader
disclaimers — i don’t own peter parker. and pls don't come for me with the accuracy of this situation i'm begging
warnings — reader is referred to as ‘kitty’ (there’s a reason, i promise), slight one sided enemies to lovers, sewer slide jokes (very briefly), possible maybe slightly ooc, and very unedited
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“You’re joking. You’re pulling the biggest prank I’ve ever seen, you are the impractical joker,” she huffs out, her eyes wide as furiously clicks her mouse, “I’m gonna die. I’m writing the note tonight—farewell, my lovely!”
“Woah, okay,” MJ, her roommate, had only just entered the room when she was bombarded with a sudden rant. She didn’t even have time to take down her ponytail of thin, red braids before her eardrums were assaulted.
“I mean it.” Spinning her chair, she meets MJ’s eyes.
“I literally just got here,” MJ plops down on the bed in front of the desk, “Care to tell me why you’re writing that note?”
“I’m a dumb, dumb girl, that’s why,” she groans in response.
“We already knew that.” MJ’s words only cause the girl in front of her to shoot daggers with her gaze; “Sorry, sorry. Why are you a dumb, dumb girl?”
“God, okay, so,” she lets out a loud sigh, “Eli is gonna be gone for the rest of the month—Europe or something, good for him. Anyways, they needed someone to cover his assignments for him until he gets back, and I volunteered, but, like, only to be nice, y’know? I did it as an obligation. But…”
“But?” MJ pressed.
“I just got an email, and it’s me,” she grumbled, “They’re putting me on Eli’s assignments.”
“Hm, I see,” MJ’s lips curl into a frown as she gently rubs the girl’s arm, “Too much work?”
“Oh, no, my stuff’s easy,” she waved her off, “Just reading the poetry submissions. I mean, it can be exhausting, but it’s not too bad.”
“Then what is it?” MJ cocks her head.
“Eli…Eli does sports,” she shuddered. MJ couldn’t contain the loud laugh that slipped out, clamping a hand over her mouth to stifle it.
“You’re worried about sports?” She giggles, her eyes twinkling.
“It’s not funny!” She smacks MJ lightly, “Sports aren’t unbearable or anything, but, like, why me? I don’t know enough! I’ll screw it up, I’ll lose my spot, they’ll stick me back in—”
“Relax,” MJ grabs her shoulders, bringing her closer, “First off, no, you won’t lose your spot, we both know they’d be losing their minds without you. Second, they wouldn’t just throw it on you if they thought you’d give them bad work, right?” She eyes MJ almost suspiciously. There’s a momentary stare-down before she relents.
“I hate that you’re right,” she sighs, spinning her chair around. MJ stops the spin by putting her hands down on the arms of the chair.
“Thought you’d be used to it by now,” she giggles, “So, what do you have to do?”
“I don’t know.” Is the mumbled reply.
“You didn’t even look?” MJ laughs again, “You were losing your mind, and you didn’t even know what you’re doing?”
“I’m sorry that I’m sensitive,” she huffs. Her gaze moves back to the laptop before her. The email is open on the screen, so she begins scrolling through it, MJ reading the words over her shoulder. Her eyes nearly bulge out of her head when she gets to the end.
“Fuck this,” she almost slams her laptop shut, but is stopped short by MJ.
“Slow down!” The redhead slaps her hand out of the way to read the rest of the email.
The ESU hockey team had made it to the NCAA Division I Men's Ice Hockey tournament for the first time in six years—and they were doing damn good. Eli had been tasked with interviewing the team captain as well as a few other star players, but, of course, it was no longer Eli's job.
"Oh, come on,” MJ rolled her eyes, “They gave you a Google Doc with questions, all you have to do is ask them and write down their response."
“That's the problem, I have to ask,” she shivered.
"You've done interviews before!" MJ was ready to smack her.
"With professors! And cool artsy people! Not hockey guys," she cringed, “I bet half of them are in a frat. They're probably gonna be assholes and tell me I have cooties."
“Are you twelve?” MJ groaned, “You sort of lucked out with this—half the work is already done for you! You don’t need to write up any questions!” A sigh left her lips as she took on a more comforting tone: “If it makes you feel any better, Harry is on the team.”
Ah, Harry. MJ had been seeing him for a little over a month by now. He wasn’t a bad guy at all. A little full of himself, but nice enough to talk to. Her eyes roved over the list of players she was set to interview. Sure enough, Harry Osborn was there. So was Miles Morales, who was described as an extremely promising freshman. Zack Coleson, who had the highest number of goals for the season. Last on the list was the team captain: Peter Parker.
“I can talk to Harry,” MJ offered, “I can let him know that it’s you doing the interviews. I’ll make sure he tells them to go easy on you—”
“No, no,” she shook her head, “That might make it worse. And they already know that it’s not Eli coming. Or they should, at least”
“You sure?” MJ quirked a brow, her features crinkling in a way that was only intelligible as concern.
“They’ll be walking on eggshells around me if they know I’m chickenshit, I won’t get a good interview,” she sighed. Even if the interview wasn’t what she wanted to do, she was going to have to. And she would do a good job—a great job.
“You got this, Kitty,” MJ squeezed her shoulders. The nickname pulled a smile from her, and she gave into MJ’s touch.
“We’ll see about that,” she relented. Her eyes traveled back to the computer screen. The interviews were scheduled two days from now at the Stark Memorial Rink.
“Hey, MJ,” she hummed, “Could you grab me my noose?”
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The rink was colder than she expected. The empty stands provided no body heat, not to mention there was a literal sheet of ice on the floor. Tugging at the strap of her messenger bag, she took slow, careful steps to the plexiglass.
Her eyes widened. There were around ten to fifteen guys in full gear out on the ice, and another ten to fifteen more on a bench near the glass or flitting around the edge of the rink. She was nervous, so she got there early. Now, she was stuck watching them practice.
Leaving was so tempting. She could go back to her dorm, or better yet, leave college entirely. She could just give up and fall off the grid, cut her credit cards, throw her phone in the ocean, sail off to Greece—
She cursed the muffled voice that pulled her back into reality. Blinking, she found that standing before her was one of the very hockey players she’d seen skating on the rink before her. He was tall, and gear under his black and purple jersey made him appear far more bulkier than she theorized he was. He slipped his helmet off to reveal brown, curly hair that was drenched in sweat.
“Hi,” she replied, trying not to sound as nervous as he would. He cocked his head at her as he popped out his mouth guard.
“This is a closed practice,” he said, though, he didn’t sound all too upset that she was here.
“Oh, yeah, I know,” she nodded quickly, her fingers toying with the strap of her bag again, “I’m a bit early, I’m supposed to be interviewing some people on the team. I’m—”
“Kitty?” She was interrupted by the sound of a voice as well as skates scraping across the ice. Glancing past the guy in front of her, she saw Harry slide off the ice and clomp to benches where they currently were.
“Hey, Harry.” Her lips were screwed up in a tight grin. He’d heard MJ call her Kitty once, and now it was the only thing he’d refer to her as.
“Kitty?” Mystery guy repeated the name with a hint of intrigue.
“It’s not my real name, my friends just call me that,” she shook her head.
“What’re you doing here?” Harry asked, swinging an arm around the shoulder of the guy in front of her.
“I’m Eli’s replacement,” she explained, trying to plaster a friendly smile to her lips, “I’m doing the interviews.”
“Aw, shit, why didn’t MJ tell me we got the cool Kitty-cat on the case?” Harry grinned.
“Could you try to never say those words again? Really hated it, thanks,” her nose crinkled.
“You got it.” He tried to point finger guns at her, but with the thick gloves on, it just looked like he was pointing his whole hand.
“Hey,” he started up again, “You’re a little early, so practice isn’t over yet, but we’re almost done. It’s just the four of us, right?”
“Right,” she nodded in response. It was a relief that they’d been briefed on the situation.
“Alright, well, I’m Harry, obviously, Miles and Zack are on the ice somewhere, and this right here—” Harry jostled the shoulders of the Mystery guy, “—is Peter. Oh captain, my captain!”
Peter chuckled as Harry clapped him on the back. The noise that emanated from the friendly hit was harsh, but Peter didn’t move a muscle.
“Right,” she nodded, “So, I figured we could do them individually? There’s some sort of specific questions for each of you.”
“Sounds good, Kitty,” Harry replied. She’d smack him if he said that name again.
“Sit tight for a bit,” Peter spoke up. Even with the stubble on his chin, his smile gave him a boyish appearance. He looked her up and down quickly, “We can try to wrap up practice early.”
'A bit' ended up feeling like forever. At first, she tried to distract herself with her phone, but it didn't work: she would open apps, scroll through them, then close them just to reopen them over and over again. So she organized her bag, which took about five minutes. Time seemed to tic by in a tauntingly slow manner. It was only when she saw a few of the players emerge from the locker room did she let out a breath of relief. She immediately sucked that breath back when she realized that she would actually have to talk to some of them.
Harry went first. It was easy enough to go through the questions with him. It was like talking to an over-eager relative at a family reunion, one who was just dying to talk about all the new things they're doing. Miles wasn't all that bad to interview, either. He was a lot more nervous than she was. His awkward pauses and constant strings of 'um' and 'uh' was almost comforting. Then came Peter.
"Kitty," he grinned as soon as he saw her seated on the bench next to the rink. He no longer wore his gear—just a hoodie and a pair of gray sweats. His hair, however, was still wet and tousled. She gave him a tight lipped smile in return.
"That's not my name," she replied. Before she had time to properly introduce herself, his raspy chuckle was already echoing through the open arena.
"You said that's what your friends call you, right?" He cocked his head as he sat down on the other edge of the bench.
"You're not—” If she could just make it through the interview without fuss, she'd be one person away from being free, "—right. That's what my friends call me."
"I'm going to be recording this, just so I can reference it later," she explained almost monotonously.
"This isn't my first time," he responded with another light laugh. She had to physically bite her tongue to fight off any comments. A soft click sounded from her phone as she started a new voice memo. Her eyes scanned the list of questions on the page before her. Some she'd already asked to Harry and Miles: How does it feel to make the tournament? What is the atmosphere of the team right now? She chose a fresh question to start with.
"What's it like to be the captain of this team? Are you proud? Overwhelmed?" She asked, her voice taking on a new tone closer to a news anchor than a regular person. Peter's lips curled up at the change.
"I'm proud, yeah," he nodded, his voice smooth, "This is a great group. But we all work our asses off, so I'm not surprised by how far we've come. Being their captain is really something."
"Do you normally do sports? For the paper, I mean." Before she could even get her next sentence out, he interrupted her. Her grip on the papers in her hand tightened.
"No, not normally," she grit out, "And going along with your thoughts on being captain, what about making it to the tournament this year?"
"It's the best feeling in the world. It's something I've been chasing after for years now, finally getting to it is just...sort of indescribable." Even when his tone is nothing but sincere, he can't wipe the cocky grin from his lips.
"I can imagine," she smiled tautly in reply, "What was it like working your way up to captain? Was it a personal journey, or did you get support from the team?"
"I'd say it was an even mix of both," he hummed, "Do you like hockey?"
"What?" She furrowed her brows.
"Are you a hockey fan?" He reiterated, "Because our next game is home, and it's sort of packed, but I could get you some tickets assuming you don't have some already—"
"No—Peter," she let out a frustrated huff, tapping on her phone to momentarily pause the recording, "This is an interview, not social hour."
"Aren't interviews inherently social?" His smirk was infuriating.
"I mean that I ask the questions, you answer them," she grumbled, "Do you act like this with Eli? Are you not taking me serious because I'm a woman?"
"What?" His smirk fell immediately, "What? No—no. I'm taking you seriously, I take women very seriously. I'm all for women. They're great."
"Then can we just do this interview and get it over with?" She sighed, her finger hovering over the unpause button. He nodded, but before she could resume the interview, he quickly added: "But do you want tickets?"
Ignoring the question, she carried on. Peter seemed to mellow out after a while and didn't interrupt again. It was almost surprising how well he'd listened: he was giving her real, insightful answers to her questions without a hint of flirtation. The final interview with Zack flowed easily, and she fled Stark Memorial Rink as quick as she could.
Transcribing the interviews was the easiest part. Days later, she would be hunched over her computer in the darkness of her shared dorm, playing and replaying the recordings and typing out the words onto the screen. Her concentration was briefly interrupted, though, when the door opened and a stream of light threaded its way through the room and onto the back of her head.
"Light bad!" She slapped her hands over her eyes, "Light very bad!"
"You're gonna go blind if you keep staring at your computer in the dark," MJ spoke in a warning tone, but ultimately closed the door.
"Then blind I must go," she sighed, swiveling on her chair to look at her roommate, "How was class?"
"Normal," MJ shrugged, sliding her bag off her shoulders, "But I have a little something for you."
"Something for little ol' me?" She gasped in dramatized delight.
"Yes," MJ grinned widely as her hand reached for the zipper of her bag, "Close your eyes."
She obliged immediately, her nose scrunched in anticipation, "I hope it's a million dollars. Is it a million dollars? Am I close?"
"Almost," MJ giggled. After a moment of anticipation, MJ gently grabbed her hands and place something into them. It was thin and papery and rectangular. Opening her eyes, she looked down to see a white envelope with 'Kitty' written out on the front. Her brows furrowed at the unfamiliar handwriting.
"Is there a check for a million dollars inside?" She asked as she cocked her head.
"No clue, it's not from me," MJ shrugged.
"Then who's it from?" Her fingers slid under the lip of the envelope.
"Harry gave it to me to give to you," MJ grinned, "He said it's from Peter."
She should've sailed to Greece when she had the chance. Inside the envelope were two tickets—Empire State University versus Pennbrook University this Saturday at seven. A long groan left her lips before she finally met MJ's eyes.
"You never got me that noose I asked for."
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a/n — not sure how i’m feeling abt this one guys. hockey peter has been causing me brain rot tho so i couldn’t help myself.
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ell-alexanderarnold · 9 months
Since day one
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Summary: There’s always been feelings lingering around between Y/n and Trent, and suddenly one night changes everything for the two best friends.
He never meant to make you cry, until he did. You stared at the raindrops on the car window whilst Trent tried to talk to you, but you just heard muffles of his voice. You tried your best to erase the memory of him kissing her, but it kept replaying in your head. You didn’t want to go back to his house, he didn’t even know that you witnessed the kiss.
He was confused, he asked and asked many times but received no answer. He wondered what he did wrong. Was it something he said? No.
Trent didn’t know he broke your heart tonight.
“Y/n talk to me, what’s wrong?” He asked once again. He looked over at you and searched for your eyes but he failed.
The worst thing about it is that you’re not even allowed to get this hurt. You were friends.
He can do whatever he wants and so do you. But your heart longs for him. To him you’re just his absolute best friend. But for you, he’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of. The sweetest boy you’ve ever known, and oh how much love you have for him that he doesn’t know.
“Can you just drop me off at my apartment?” You spoke up for once.
“Sure, you’re not gonna tell me what’s going on anyways.” Trent angrily said as he parked in your driveway.
Usually you two stay in the car talking before you leave, but this time you didn’t. You slammed the door and he drove off.
You got inside and dropped all your things on the floor, tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep.
Trent: You left me with no explanation at all
You left him on read, not bothered to answer him after what happened tonight. You felt bad, he didn’t deserve to be ignored like that, but you couldn’t help how you felt.
You laid awake in your bed, unable to fall asleep. And you wished that you could wake up in the morning and forget what happened but that would be impossible.
You opened your phone and saw a missed call from Trent, it was late as well so he must be up at this hour like you.
He called again.
“Hello? You there Y/n?” He started.
“It’s late why are you calling me T?” You implored as you got up from your bed then into your kitchen to grab a glass of water.
”Why’d you mean why did are you calling me? I’m worried about you.” He said and you sat down by your couch.
“There’s nothing to worry about Trent.” You firmly confirmed. But he didn’t listen, he never does.
“You’re my best friend Y/n, I know something’s wrong. Did something happen at the party?”
“Best friend.”
You wanted to cry, to rant out all of your feelings. Yes of course something happened at the party, your heart got broken, and he didn’t even realise it. Did he even think about you when he kissed that girl?
There was always this lingering feeling between the two of you. That you liked each other maybe more than friends. But then why did he kiss her? Was he lying about how he felt about you all the time? Was it was just like a game to him?
A while ago he confessed his feelings, and so did you. It was just something that happened and afterwards it didn’t lead to anything.
You found yourself waiting like a fool for him.
“I’ll be at yours in 10.” Trent insisted and you didn’t get to speak before he hung up.
Great, you tought.
It didn’t take long until Trent arrived at your apartment, you got up from your couch to open the door for him. You immediately met his brown eyes and smelled his familiar perfume.
“I just want to talk.” He started and walked with you to your couch.
“There’s nothing to talk about Trent.” You said, avoiding his gaze on you.
“Don’t shut me out, let me help you.” He sighed as he took your hand but you declined his touch.
“No.” You said almost in a whisper.
“She was really pretty.” You began, you didn’t hesitate to bring it up although you knew that it would probably hurt you if Trent was about to explain it.
“I’m sorry, who?” He inquired as he furrowed his eyebrows.
“The girl you kissed.” You revealed as you watched his face expression change.
“Look,” He says. “I know I should’ve probably told you before, that I was seeing someone.” He shared.
Trent wanted to tell you all the time, but he knew that he couldn’t do that to you. It would hurt him too but he didn’t know why exactly.
In the time you and Trent has been friends he never once had a girlfriend. And now you haven’t given much a thought to the fact that he might actually want one. Because you knew that he was interested in you, he always have been. He’s just not good to explain his feelings, afraid that the feeling isn’t mutual even though he knows it is.
“Alright, okay.” You answered and forced a smile.
“I’m sorry I should’ve mentioned it earlier.”
“It’s not that serious anyway Y/n.” Trent went on, still unable to figure out why you are upset.
“And do you love her?” You bluntly asked and faced your head down, afraid that you’ll cry and that Trent will notice.
“Y/n, why do you care?” He questioned and you felt tears running down your cheeks.
“I don’t know maybe because we both know well that we have feelings for each other?” You snapped and looked him in the eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Trent sniffled with glossy eyes, allowing his tears to run down his cheeks.
“I really like you Y/n,I really do. I just didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” He continued confessed as you walked away from him into your room. Trent followed you and watched as you walked back and forth, figuring out what to say.
“Then why did you kiss her Trent?” You said and stopped to look at him.
“I don’t know, it was stupid of me. And no Y/n I don’t love her because..” He explained then paused.
“Because?” You pushed.
“Because you’re like the only girl I’ve ever loved really.” Trent continued and you didn’t believe what you were hearing.
“H-how long?” You stuttered, and inside you wondered how long he’s kept this from you.
“Since day one.” Trent proclaimed and took a step forward closer to you. He knew that you were shocked, and he doesn’t know how long he’s been blaming himself from keeping this from you.
You decided to close the gap between your lips. Trent placed his hands on your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You’ve been dreaming of this moment since you were a teenager, falling in love with him for the first time.
It’s always been on the tip of your tongue, but you always stop yourself from saying it and tell yourself that it’s not the right time or something else. But when Trent kisses you like he do and confesses his feelings for you, you can’t help to admit that you love him. More than a best friend.
“Trent, I think I love you.” You whispered and he smiled against your lips, leaning in for a kiss again.
Trent’s shoulders relaxed as soon as he heard you say ‘I love you’. It was like everything in his life had fallen into place now that he got the girl of his dreams.
“Can you stay the night with me?” You asked him and Trent nodded in response, then you two immediately dozed off in your bed.
You found it funny how fell asleep with the boy who broke your heart only for him to win it back a few hours later.
The both of you loved each other unconditionally, since day one.
﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋ Thanks for reading 💜
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sleepanonymous · 5 months
Okay so. I have so many people to respond to and I promise I will, just not tonight. I wanted to give a quick update about the ritual below the cut (because I know some people like going in not knowing the setlist.) Again, typing this all on my phone so my apologies for heavy typos and any incoherence.
As a preface I just got back to my hotel, showered quickly, absolutely fucking sobbed in the shower for like two minutes, and I’m now eating uncle ben’s ready rice straight out of the bag because I don't have a fork or spoon. If that doesn’t scream hot mess idk what would.
First things first: the security/staff at Arizona Financial Theatre are all amazing. Literal fucking angels. Two of them hung out with us in line all day, letting us go inside to use the bathroom and refill water bottles and the guys at the barricade were so friendly and chatty and also handed out water. Literally everyone was so helpful and friendly and nice and they deserve all the good things in life.
Second: Empire State Bastard really wasn’t clicking with me until I saw them live. They’re an absolute vibe live plus the drummer and bassist are both babes. The band were constantly thanking us for showing up early and listening to them (tbh the venue was only half full until about 10 minutes before Sleep Token went on). Literally seemed like such humble and chill dudes.
Third!!! I almost don’t even know what to say about Sleep Token. There’s sooo much I could literally rant for hours but I also need to sleep so I can drive to Albuquerque in the morning. I recorded 5ish songs I think? Mostly the TPWBYT songs but I did get the summoning too. No idea if the footage is any good but we’ll see tomorrow. I made it a point not to have my phone out after finding out the setlist because there was no way in hell I was missing TNDNBTG live while on barricade. Maybe I should preface this next bit with I one hundred thousand present realize this sounds delusional of me, but everyone on the barricade had their phones out and Vessel fucking focused on me because of it. He was singing one of my favorite sleep token songs directly to me! There’s literally nowhere else he could have been looking! he was on the edge of the stage looking straight down at me and we were pointing at each other and I’m fucking dying reliving it because I was singing so horribly and cringy back at him. Like I’m so sorry vessel but my life was changing in that moment. I became a new woman the second you pointed at me.
I kept my phone away for the first several songs tbh and he kept coming back to stand in front of me but never made such heavy eye/mask contact (until Euclid). I actually almost feel like I disappointed him when I did pull my phone out to start recording because he practically avoided me after that. its actually why I decided not to record Euclid, though I knew it was coming and it was the song’s debut. AND IT FUCKING WORKED!! He came back around and was singing to me again, same stance, same obvious eye contact except this time I was literally Ugly Crying™️ at him. Tears were streaming, I had one hand holding onto the barricade for dear life, and the other clamped tightly around my mouth ugly crying. Even my buddies and the security were concerned that’s how bad it was.
In all honesty I can’t pretend that it wasn’t “scripted” like the band hadn’t planned every move on stage beforehand. They first and foremost are performers and Vessel literally sings to every girl on the barricade right in front of him. But it also felt so special and I feel so bad for breaking down like I did 😅🤣😭😫🫠
Okay I need to stop ranting, I’ve been up for 20 hours and this is most likely incoherent anyway. I love all of you and I hope everyone who’s able to get barricade this tour gets to experience the same thing I did🖤🖤🖤
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bad268 · 1 year
Liam lawson
I remember there one dtm video(red bull) being where alex and lily were in it and that was rlly cute
so hoow bout the reader coming to watch liam and they juts being cute throughout :)
Compilations (Liam Lawson X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Formula 2/3
Requested: Clearly (bruh I strayed so far but I think this is cute too. I rewatched all of the DTM videos and I was like *compilation*), (italics are clips from the video)
Warnings: Language haha
Pronouns: I/me/they/them
W.C. 3428
Summary: Liam and his significant other take a trip down memory lane for a video.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^Google/RedBull Content Pool)
It was two in the morning. My phone should not be ringing. Rolling over and answering it without looking at the ID, “Well, someone better be dying.”
“I’m dying,” the voice, who I was able to recognize as Liam, laughed on the other end. “Okay, I’m not dying.”
“Could’ve had me fooled,” I mumbled, burying my face into my pillow while keeping the phone to my ear. “Not that I’m upset that you called, well kind of actually, but what do you want?”
“Oh, do you not want me to call you?” He teased back.
“I do just not at two in the fucking morning, Liam,” I complained, “Especially when I had an alarm set at three for my flight. I’m not going back to sleep now, so I hope you’re happy with yourself.”
“I’ll keep you company,” He chuckled. “I was mainly calling because I wanted to make sure you were still coming this week.”
“You couldn’t have called me a couple of days ago?” I accused. I didn’t let him respond as I continued ranting, getting increasingly louder as I progressed. “Or yesterday? Or last night? Or fucking texted me because it is two in the morning?!”
“I mean, a reasonable time to call you would’ve been mid-day or something for me and I was doing car stuff,” He explained calmly, knowing that I was just moody because he woke me up too early. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” I grumbled, immediately switching the call to a FaceTime. “There, if you’re going to make me stay awake, the least you could do is let me look at you.”
“Glad you find my looks good enough to keep you awake,” He joked.
“Anyways,” I switched topics as I propped my phone up against the headboard, so I could use my hands to hold my head up, “I know you did not just call me to ask if I was still coming. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to make sure because the Red Bull media team wants us to do a video for YouTube,” He explained as he moved on his end to a corner of the trailer after being given the go-ahead to chill out until they went back to the hotel.
“But I’m not a driver?” I asked, confused as to why they would want me in the video.
“Never said you were, love,” He chuckled again. “They want us to react to some videos.”
“That makes me nervous,” I replied with a nervous laugh. “Do I get to know what videos?”
“I don’t even know,” Liam started.
“You are not going to break him that easily, Y/n!” Alex cut in from the background. Just then, Alex‘s head appears in the corner of the frame with an enthusiastic wave, “Hi, by the way.”
“Hello, Alex,” I giggled, waving back, “Do you know what we’re doing?”
“Do I look like I’m in Red Bull? No,” He laughed in response. “But hey, I need to steal your boyfriend. We need to do a final debrief before heading back to the hotel. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon,” I said, shaking my head at his nonsense. “Do I at least get a moment to say goodbye to my boyfriend?”
“Don’t keep him too long,” Alex says, leaving the frame and walking away, “The faster we do the debrief, the faster we go to sleep!”
“Huh, funny how you guys get to have uninterrupted sleep tonight, and I’m here bickering back and forth with my boyfriend and his teammate at two in the fucking morning!” I said sarcastically before dissolving into shouts toward the end.
“There’s no way it’s still two there,” Liam quipped back.
“Ah, you’re right,” I replied sarcastically after I checked the time before yelling, “It is three in the fucking morning now!” I stopped, taking a deep breath and calming down before saying, “I need to finish packing. I leave for my flight in a couple of hours, and I need to get ready and take a shower. I’ll text you before I take off, not call you because I value your beauty sleep. You need it.”
“Hey!” He objected. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I love you, and I’m hanging up now,” I smiled into the camera, pretending to not see his shocked expression.
“This isn’t over, but I’ll let you go,” He said while pointing at the camera. He put his finger down and just smiled at the camera, “I love you too, call me when you land please?”
“Of course,” I reassured, “I’ll see you tomorrow. Wait, today technically. I’ll be there by dinner.”
“Good, I’ll take you out,” He responded.
“I don’t know if that’s supposed to be a threat or an invite, and I’m not sure if I want to stick around to find out,” I joked quickly before saying bye and hanging up just as fast.
Landing in Italy was crazy because of the time change. Initially, I thought I would land in the late afternoon/early evening time frame but due to the difference, I was already getting to the hotel before lunch. Part of me just wanted to pass out from jet lag, but the other half wanted to go to the track to see Liam. Come to find out, they had free practice, so I wouldn’t even be able to see Liam until afterward anyway. Thus, I just decided to chill out, nap, and unpack a few things while I had nothing else to do.
At around two, I got a text from Liam, asking me to meet him in the lobby, so we could do the mysterious video.
“Do you know anything now?” I asked as soon as I sat in the car.
“Well, hello to you too,” he joked, waiting for me to greet him, and when I did, he continued. “No, all I know is they want you and me to do it.”
“That is definitely not suspicious at all,” I replied sarcastically before we pulled up to the track. We walked hand-in-hand to the AF Course trailer where we would be filming, and they already had the cameras and lights set for us. “Do we get to know what we are reacting to, now?”
“Yes,” one of them laughed. “Fans have been sending us these compilation videos of you two around the paddock, so you’re both going to watch it. Make it cute.”
“Oh, no pressure there,” Liam jested, taking a seat on the couch while I follow to sit beside him. They signaled that the cameras were rolling and that we could start the intro at any point. I decided to let Liam take the lead from the beginning since I wasn’t a driver and wasn’t social media trained. “Hi guys, welcome to the Youtube channel. Today, we brought in my significant other, Y/n, and we are going to react to the compilations you sent us.”
“Yeah, what he said,” I contributed quietly, causing him to laugh at my shyness.
It was the first race of the DTM season. Everyone’s nerves were through the roof, but it seemed like Liam’s were through the stratosphere. It was a new season, in a new car, and it was with a new teammate. It was safe to say that he needed all the support he could get, so I decided to surprise him.
With a little help from the crew, I was able to get an extra key to his hotel room and sneak in while he was doing media. I decided I would make myself comfortable, taking one of Liam’s shirts out of his suitcase and changing into it before pulling out my laptop to get some work done while I had the time.
I had my music playing, and I was in a groove, getting a huge chunk of my essay drafted. I took a little dance break when I spun around, and immediately started screaming, not expecting Liam or a camera to be in front of me. “Hey! There’s this new thing! It’s called knocking!”
“Didn't think I needed to knock for my own room,” Liam responded in shock. He slowly approached me as I caught my break before he wrapped an arm around my waist and grabbed my hand. “What are you doing here? You said you have an essay due.”
“Surprise?” I said while shrugging my shoulders, ”I have wifi here, so it’s fine.”
“Happily surprised, yes” He chucked back.
~ “I remember that,” Liam laughed as he paused the video. “I didn’t even realize you were wearing my shirt until just now.”
“Wait, actually?” I looked over at him in confusion. “I thought that was the first thing you noticed.”
“No, the first thing I noticed was my significant other singing and dancing in my hotel room,” He deadpanned before sarcastically adding, “Forgive me for not noticing what you were wearing.”
“Oh, what’s next?” I joked, “You gonna tell me that you didn't notice I cut my hair there either?”
“You cut your hair?” He asked genuinely, rewinding the video to see your hair.
“Oh, brother,” I rolled my eyes.
This was a bad idea. The worst actually. Why and how did I let Liam convince me to get in the car with him? I already hate seeing him race at these high speeds. I did not need to experience it, yet here we are. And he is fucking laughing.
“Stop laughing at my pain,” I shouted at him as we took the corner faster than I would have liked. My arm shot out to grab him out reflex as I begged him to slow down. “Liam, my love, apple of my eye, future husband, please slow the fuck down. I’m going to die.”
He just laughs in response, slowing down slightly, but not enough to make me let go of his arm. “If I slow down too much, I’ll get a penalty.”
“What do you mean a penalty?” I shouted at him, “There’s no fucking race!”
“That you know of,” he joked, slowing down even more so he could let go of the steering wheel momentarily to pry my hands off his arm. Once he gets them off his bicep, he just holds one of my hands in his. “Here, you can hold my hand, and I’ll go slower.”
“Not on my watch, mister. You put that hand right back on the steering wheel,” I protested, pulling my hand from his and pushing it toward the steering wheel. He kept laughing at my outbursts while glancing over at me from time to time. “Keep those hands on the wheel, eyes on the road, and get me back to the garage pronto.”
“Damn, so bossy,” he chuckled, proceeding carefully around the circuit, “Y’know, the fans are gonna love this.”
“Well, I’m glad they find my pain amusing,” I groaned, throwing my head back. Liam just laughed in response before I lifted my head, making eye contact with the camera on the dash, “You know what guys, just for my pain, I’m gonna need you to like and subscribe to the channel. Like this is horrifying. I will never do this again, so the least you can do is like and subscribe. Please.”
“Shameless promo, we love to see it.”
“And I never did it again,” I smiled at the camera. “I don’t trust him anymore, actually.”
“Hey, I got you back safely, right?” Liam asked, leaning into my side as he wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. I turned my head to nod and place a kiss on his forehead. “I haven’t pressured you to do it again either.”
“Maybe I’ll let you do it at the next race,” I whispered to him.
“Really?” he perked up.
“Fuck no!” I exclaimed. “You scared me half to death last time. Why would I willing do it again?”
We were in the Hitech trailer with Juri, filming something for their Youtube channel. I was behind the camera just minding my own business while Liam and Juri were arguing, like always, about something I didn’t care to figure out.
“Y/n/n, tell him I’m right,” Liam complained, pulling my attention away from the book I was reading. I look up at them, seeing Juri shaking his head ‘no’ while Liam’s eyes are pleading with me to side with him.
“I think you two can settle this on your own,” I sighed, going back to my book.
“Aren’t you supposed to love me?” Liam groaned, sliding down the chair he was sitting in just to be dramatic. “How can you go against me like that?”
“You’re teammates. Work it out,” I pressed, pointing between the two.
“Alright everyone, it’s official,” Juri starts, looking straight into the camera, “Y/n and Liam are breaking up. Sorry guys.”
“Cool, I’m single now,” I jested, “I’m gonna call Oscar.”
“You better not!” Liam shouted running over to me, grabbing my phone and throwing it to the side.
“Way to go dumbass,” I grumbled, watching my phone shatter against the wall.
“I’ll buy you a new one, just don’t joke about that,” He whispered, pulling me into his chest.
“You know I would never leave you, definitely not with Oscar of all people,” I whispered back, playing with his hair. I decided to tease him even more, “You’ve got hotter friends.”
“Hey you’re messing it up,” He whined as he pulled away to fix his hair. “And I’m gonna pretend I didn't hear you just call my friends hot.”
“You’ll live. Now, finish filming because we are going to get a new phone today,” I said as I pushed him toward Juri.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Ew, don’t ever call me that again.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he responded as he turned away from me, walking to Juri before turning back around to face me once Juri burst out laughing at my glare. “Wait, sorry. Won’t happen again.”
“It better not, Lawson.”
“No, not Lawson,” He whispered with a light chuckle, hanging his head to hide his smile.
“They resorted to your last name,” Juri wheezed but I didn’t hear either of them, “you’re in the doghouse.”
I wiped tears away from my eyes from how hard I was laughing, “You guys actually said that? I couldn’t even hear you!”
“Clearly the microphones did,” He laughed at my reaction. “Did you ever end up finishing that book?”
“I don’t think so,” I responded after a second of thinking. “I don’t even remember what book that was, to be honest. I was more focused on my shattered phone.”
“I said I was sorry!” He defended.
“Sorry doesn’t bring back my phone!” I retorted.
“I bought you a new one!”
“But my old one was red. This one is silver,” I complained with a pout.
“There’s a red case on it!”
“Doesn’t mean it’s the same.”
“You are unbelievable,” He rolled his eyes, jokingly before looking straight into the camera, “I can never win.”
“Nope,” I smiled as I popped the ‘p’ and moved to press play on the video, “Now, onto the next clip!”
Wet races always gave me anxiety, but they seemed to bring a lot of excitement among the drivers. Originally, it was only expected to rain lightly for the last couple of laps, but that was thrown out the window when the first drops started falling on lap 23 of 28 and the downpour began on lap 26. It felt and looked horrible, yet the stewards did not red-flag the race.
I couldn’t even watch the last laps. Last I checked, Liam was leading with Oscar right behind him, but the rain was making it difficult to see who was winning. It wasn’t until the team started cheering that I was able to let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Juri had an engine problem earlier in the race, so I knew that Liam finished the race safely.
Completely disregarding the torrential downpour, I ran out of the garage toward parc ferme where Liam had just parked his car and jumped out. I didn’t give him much of a chance to regain his surroundings before I jumped into his arms, hiding my face in his neck as I wrapped my legs around his torso and his arms held me close. I couldn’t stop the tears from collecting in my eyes, but no one could tell due to the rain.
“You did amazing, Liam,” I whispered after I pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes. “I’m so proud of you.”
“I thought you hated PDA,” he chuckled as he leaned his forehead against mine. “For once, I didn’t initiate this.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“That was our first public kiss,” I laughed, facing Liam who was still leaning on my shoulder. I leaned forward to place a light kiss on his lips then. “Now, I have no problem with kissing you in front of the cameras.”
“You were a lot more shy back then,” He pointed out, moving to kiss all around my face.
“You say that like it was so long ago. It was maybe a year or two ago,” I giggled, pulling away slightly.
“Actually, that clip was almost three years ago now,” one of the team members spoke up, making us remember that we were not alone.
“You’re kidding!” We both exclaimed.
“Wait, that actually makes sense,” Liam says after a moment of thought, “We’ve been together for almost four years now.”
“God, that makes me feel old,” I sighed.
“Old? We’re 21!”
“And your point?”
“You should be out celebrating your birthday,” I cried into Liam’s chest as we laid in his hotel bed. Liam had to travel to the Red Bull factory during the off-season for simulator work, and he brought me with him since it was over his birthday weekend. However, a bug had been going around the factory, and I was its latest victim. So much for celebrating his 21st. “You don’t need to take care of me.”
“What if I want to?” He comforted me, rubbing up and down my back in an attempt to calm me down. “Spending the day cuddling with you in bed doesn’t seem too bad.”
“But you’ll get sick,” I complained. “Then Christian will get made cuz you can’t do the simulator, and you’ll be upset cuz you’re a baby when you’re sick-”
“I am not,” He cut me off, offended.
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Are too.”
“Are not,” I replied quickly before realizing what he did and immediately backtracked. “No, you can’t do that. My brain is running at 900 ping right now.”
“Nope, you admitted I’m not a baby when I’m sick. Which I’m not,” He pointed out as he pulled back a little to check my fever, feeling no change since the last time he checked. “Why don’t we just chill out and watch a movie?”
“That sounds fun,” I mumbled, moving around to get comfy again as Liam laid back on the pillows. “But you pick the movie, birthday boy.”
“Oh, I was already planning on it,” He chuckled, smoothing out my hair that was all over the place. “I don’t think you’ll last 30 minutes.”
“That’s offensive,” I pouted, burying my face in his chest. I was going to complain more before a yawn cut me off, “Ok, you might be right.”
“Of course I am,” He joked lightly. My eyes were already shutting when he looked down at me, kissing my forehead one last time and pulling me in tighter as I fell asleep. “Sleep well, my love.”
“I didn’t even know this was recorded,” I said, eyeing the team that stood behind the camera. Conveniently, none of them made eye contact with me. “Huh, wonder how that happened.”
“You have to admit, we’re pretty cute though,” Liam chuckled.
“I wasn’t saying we weren’t,” I argued back. “We are always cute. I mean have you seen us?”
“I think this is a good place to end the video,” He laughed. “This has been my significant other and I reacting to compilations of us.”
“If you want to see more of me, like, comment, and subscribe,” I plugged. Liam and the crew started laughing as I once again promoted the channel. “Maybe I’ll come back for a part two of this.”
“That would be interesting,” Liam said, pointing at the camera. “Anyways, see you next time!”
“Bye!” We said in sync as we waved to the camera.
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hannahssimblr · 6 months
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Not coming anymore
Jen’s text message comes in when I’ve already left the house, and I groan as I pull my phone out to see it on the screen. 
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Are you serious? I’ve already left the house, you have no idea wh-
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I delete the message and phone her instead. She picks up after one ring. 
“Jen, seriously?” 
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“What the hell? My mom was going out again tonight and I had to sort a babysitter for Ivy. It took me an hour, and now I've already showered and changed my clothes. I'm on the way to the beach, are you seriously telling me I have to turn back and undo everything I've just done?”
A pause, “No, you can go. I just can’t.”
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“Wh-” I fling my arm up and sigh. She can’t expect me to hang out with the emos without her. What if they get peckish and start eating me? 
“Michelle isn’t allowed to go, so she doesn’t want me to go either.” 
“Oh I see, so Michelle just asked at the last minute. And was shocked and appalled that she’s not allowed? How stupid is that, my god, she isn’t allowed to do anything. Why would she think her parents would let her do this without advanced permission seventy-two hours in advance?”
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“Hey! Stop ranting at me! It’s not my fault! I told her I was going to go out anyway and she gave out to me and now we’re mad at each other, okay?” 
“She’s miserable so she needs you to be miserable too?”
“Yeah, apparently.”
I scoff, “that makes no sense.”
“Yeah well a lot of things don’t make sense in Michelle’s world.”
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I sigh and turn to face the sea. The sun has only begun to set and toss colour over the clouds. It’s a nice evening, the kind that makes you guilty about staying in, and so my annoyance at Jen morphs quickly into annoyance on her behalf. “Can’t you just come anyway?”
“No, I’m too upset now.”
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“You should go. I already told Evan you were going to meet him there, and you could probably use the fresh air and conversation… I can’t bear to think about you stuck in your room drawing your own fucking toes on an evening like this.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll still go.”
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“Good, I’ll talk to you later, and you can tell me all about what happened.”
“I’ll come over, yeah?” 
“If it’s not too late.”
“Bye, Jen.” 
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Speaking of Evan, I spot him up ahead, dashing over the grassy bank towards the path with his dirty old school bag bobbing on his back. I call out to him but he doesn’t hear me, so stuffing my phone back into my pocket I begin an easy jog toward him.
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“Evan,” I do a half jump onto his shoulders and he almost dies with fright, his knees practically going from under him, and twists around combatively to realise it’s only me. 
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“Fuck,” he wheezes, “Fuck sake!” He yanks his earbuds out, pulsing with the tinny beats of some pop punk song , “You fucking scared me!” 
“I know, I’m sorry, I need to stop doing that, it’s just a habit.”
“Yeah, God.” He combs fingers through his floppy fringe and sets it in place in a gesture, habitual and a bit compulsive, that he repeats constantly.
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I fall into step with him once he has gathered himself and I smirk, “Why are you so jumpy, Evan?”
“I dunno.”
“What do you think I’m going to do to you?” 
“Nothing, I just… This is how I am. I don’t like it when people sneak up on me, it makes me nervous.”
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“C’mon, it’s either that you’re afraid of getting beaten up or you’re afraid of getting caught doing something you shouldn’t, that’s what I think.”
“Wow, aren’t you full of theories?”
I laugh, “And related to all this, what’s in your locker, Evan? What are you always guarding it for?”
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The corner of his mouth ticks up as he glances at me, “My locker? Do you really want to know?”
It's not like I care that much, because honestly, how exciting can it really be? It's the locker of a seventeen year old boy, so it probably contains a mouldy lunchbox and the crumpled remains of last month's chemistry assignment, but Evan seems pleased that I've asked him about it. I feign interest for his sake.
“Well, yeah, of course I do.”
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He swings his bag off his back and fumbles through the front pocket. It’s got a huge ink stain on it and the zip has broken, so it’s just hanging wide open, “I’m showing you because I know you probably won’t tell anyone, you know, seeing as you don’t really have friends anymore.”
“Harsh,” I say, but not untrue. Even since the cowards from rugby took Fitzy’s side in our tussle over Alison’s nudes my lunchtime calendar has looked a lot emptier than it used to. Where there used to be banter at the picnic benches there is now... decidedly nothing at all, save, maybe, for a few unimpressed glances my way, an accidental or not-so-accidental shove against my shoulder in the hallway. Maybe my absorption in art is related to this somehow, but I haven’t been in the headspace to psychoanalyse myself that much lately. My mind is so full of values, tone, shape, and line quality that it has (blissfully) no room for other, less interesting things...
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But, as it appears, this is interesting.
Evan pulls out a bag of pills, about twenty, all blue with little batman symbols on them, then digs his hand back in for another, this time filled with green buds.
I look at him and say simply, “You’re a drug dealer.”
“Yeah, man.”
“That makes sense.”
“Yeah, I've been at it a while now, I think I have a pretty good business going with it and all... So if you’re ever looking for something, you know…”
“You sell to Alison.”
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“Uh huh,” He stuffs the baggies back into the front pocket after a rather over the top glance around him, like he thinks this empty street is suddenly going to burst to life with guards and sirens coming to hunt him down, throw him in handcuffs with a boot against the back of his neck and toss him in Mountjoy prison, like there are no criminals wanted more in Dublin city than Evan Henley and his fifty bag of weed. “She comes to me from time to time, not lately though.”
“Yeah,” I cough out a laugh, “I took your molly a few months ago. It was shit.”
He shrugs, “I get what I can get, not my fault.”
“You could go to someone else, you know, but there actually isn't anyone else in our school, is there? I have a monopoly.”
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“You won’t like, tell Michelle or anything though, will you?”
I stare at him incredulously, “Michelle doesn’t know?”
“No, she hates all this stuff, like, she’s really strict about all drugs and shit and I just know she'll blow up at me and start shouting and roaring if she knew about it. I’d just rather not deal with it.”
I pause to consider this. It probably isn’t any real harm keeping this from her, is it? It’s not like she needs to know, and realistically if she did she would only freak out and and tell Jen, and then if Jen knew that someone close to her was in possession of any of this stuff she might-
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“Yeah, no worries, I won’t tell her.”
He pats my shoulder in a gesture of camaraderie, so I guess we're real buddies now, “Ah, thanks Jude. Had a feeling I could trust you with this stuff.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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ashsostrange · 1 year
i’m (not) sorry to say, but miles is better off by himself.
idk if i’ve ever written a post this long, but i got energy tonight. y’all have been sucked into the black hole of shipping, so let me ground you and remind you of this amazing thing called being single. i’m gna talk ab margo and gwen, but mostly gwen bc she’s obv miles’ (main) love interest. i’ve said more than enough about why miles and gwen don’t work/make sense. if you wna be enlightened then feel free to click the links.
thoughts on ghostflower: here!
reblogging a moot's post w/ added thoughts: hereee!
i love ranting so let’s get it! 😛
i don't have much to say about margo bc sadly, she's barely there. what i will say though is that as cute as miles and margo would be together, there’s one more movie left lol. the third movie’s gna be busy as hell. there’s literally no time for romance, and to rush miles and margo (two people who just met) into liking each other in, like, a three hour timespan would just be terrible writing. plus, we all know she’s there for some bs having to do with miles nd gwen, which is literally soooooooo very lame, words can't describe. one, where are you finding the time to cram in jealousy/all this angsty romance mess when miles’ dad is ab to die and the universe is ab to collapse bc of a nigga that looks like the lovechild of a cardboard box and a cow?? two, is this really all margo is here for?? to make gwen jealous or “help miles realize he’s in love with gwen” ?? shameeee, like summer said. 😐 i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: margo could be SO much more than a disposable love interest!!!
gwiles/ghostflower fans, i’m going to tell you something that will make you upset. i said i was coming for you and i meant it 🗣️‼️
before you yell at me and push smoke out of your ears, i need you to put your right hand on your chest and close your eyes. you feel your heartbeat? good. now, count to three while taking deep breaths and remember that none of this shit is real so you’d look stupid af trying to attack me. 🙃 some of y’all are getting TOO comfortable being unnecessarily disrespectful and ion like that lol. don’t try it here bc i’m on another level of not gaf!
listen, even if (when?) gwen and miles team up to save his dad, it won’t change the fact that gwen was keeping some hefty info from miles, yo. she was smiling in jeff’s face and cracking jokes like she didn’t know he was bout to die. y’all gotta be so very real with yourselves. you wouldn’t wna date, let alone be FRIENDS with someone who kept something that big from you, regardless of the circumstances or lack of ill intent. one of the most important people in your life concealing the fact that you’re about to lose another important person in your life is insane.
i’m aware that gwen didn’t tell miles about his dad because she genuinely thought it’d cause mass destruction if he saved jeff. thing is, even if miles knew that, i think he’d still feel betrayed. that’s 100% valid because this is his dad we’re talking about. he just lost his uncle not too long ago, too. i wouldn’t blame miles if he never wanted anything to do with gwen again. i wouldn’t blame bro if he got sick to his stomach every time he saw her. it’d be justified, bc if he never followed her that night, then he wouldn’t have had the chance to save jeff.
my point is that you can be a “good person” and still fuck up bad enough to make someone never wna speak to you again. miles is a sweetheart so he’ll probably forgive gwen. my thing is, miles forgiving gwen doesn’t mean the two of them are obligated to be friends again. they can handle it maturely, go their separate ways, nd never speak again. it’s really not even gna hurt y’all cuz it’s the last mf movie anyway??? 😭😭
if it isn’t clear by now, i don’t want miles and gwen together at all. they have no business being around each other frl 🙃 not as friends and definitely not as lovers. like, sure, that one scene where they’re swinging/talking on the bank was my absolute fav. it was cute. i shipped them before i really thought about it. that scene is still my fav, but my adoration for it isn’t gna stop me from keeping it real.
i really don’t care what anyone says or how in love they think these two are, this isn’t a “forgive and forget” situation. if the writers truly wanted gwen and miles to be involved romantically, then not only should they have structured their dynamic better, they shouldn’t have made gwen the person she was in this movie. love, love, LOVE redemption arcs because it’s a reminder that we're human and we're flawed, but you can’t redeem yourself from that. sorry. (not) i say miles should leave that girl alone 🤷‍♀️ leave all potential girls alone ffs.
in conclusion, it’s okay for miles to be single. he's 15 anyway, it's not like he'll die without a girl. i’m the suckiest sucker for anything to do with romance, but characters in film/animation don’t need to have love interests for a project to be considered good. if you feel like it does, then maybe ts you’re watching just sucks, lmao. a girl and a boy can be friends without one having feelings for the other, or both of 'em having mutual feelings. (in the media idk ab irl..) it’s time to stop forcing ts. please.
and it’s okay y’all, i promise you. it’s okay if miles and gwen don’t end up dating. it's okay if they reconcile and stay friends. it’s okay if they reconcile and don’t stay friends. though unlikely, it’s also okay if miles doesn’t forgive gwen at all! resolutions like these go to show that you can “forgive” someone without letting them have access to you anymore. that’s what miles needs to do. straying away from the “happy ending” everyone is expecting would be nice. it’d be a different approach and a realistic way to complete the franchise. (i’m not just saying this bc i love angst)
but before the gwiles (ugly ass ship name btw) fans start throwing up and telling me to end my shit, it’s 99% unlikely that anything i just stated will actually happen. we’re more than likely getting a kiss between miles and gwen, nd that’s bc the writers are probably high off the same dope they were on when they wrote gwen sneaking in thru miles’ window, j for his parents to be way more calm about it than any other normal parent would be. i could say some more about certain scenes but that's for another night.
miles doesn’t need to be with anyone. especially not gwen when it comes down to it.
oh and i HATE peter b. fuck that nigga. he was nun but an extra in this movie and i know he’s an opp in the next. 🙎‍♀️
that’s all! if you read allat then thanks, cuz i wrote a lot. if you're feeling angry, then go for a walk. this isn’t a place for any typa criticism bc i am right, therefore, i am not requesting confirmation. 🙌 i said what i said. have a good night.
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cierraonline · 2 months
"I'm working late 'cause I’m a singer." 
"Oh, he looks so cute wrapped around my finger."
"Are you cooking tonight?" 
"Do you only ever think about food?" 
"Who's your celebrity crush?" 
"Oh... I thought you were going to say me."
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Whatever TF This Is Podcast 
Season 1 | Episode 5 
"Well, it's been a minute," Billie starts the podcast. "I know it's been like three weeks since you’ve last seen us, and we have a good reason."
"Not really," Siren shook her head.
"We’ve been in Europe for my mini press tour for Hit Me Hard and Soft, which was fun and way different than doing a press tour in the States."
"It’s less invasive," Siren clarifies. "I feel like European reporters ask appropriate questions, while American hosts and reporters ask inappropriate questions that are disguised as appropriate ones because Americans are obsessed with having to know every little detail about you, which is fucking weird."
"You guys! Literally after we left and went back to the hotel, Siren went on like an hour rant about the differences."
"Because it’s like, why are Americans like this?"
"Anyways, if you forgot who we are and what you are watching, I’m Billie Eilish, this is my beautiful soulmate Siren Vixen, and you’re watching 'Whatever the Fuck This Is Podcast,'" Billie does the infamous introduction of the podcast. "On the couch, we have Claudia and Finneas, and behind the camera, we have Rodrick."
"You guys were in Europe for only five days… what happened the other two weeks?" Claudia questions from the single chair.
"You see… what happened was," Billie trails, not spitting out the answer quick enough for Siren.
"We started watching Owning Manhattan on Netflix, and that just spiraled into a fixation on watching other real estate and home improvement shows," Siren chimes in.
"Is that why you guys haven’t been coming downstairs?" Rodrick questions.
"Ooh, I’ve been meaning to watch Owning Manhattan," Claudia shortly gasped. "Is it good?"
"It’s very problematic for no reason. It’s like if bad reality TV and the HGTV channel had a baby."
"Just know in this household we don’t like Jonathan or Chloe," Billie makes a disgusted look, just thinking about a few of the agents on the show.
"Are they that bad?"
"Jonathan is just a narcissist who thinks he's some god given gift who will bring young people into real estate, which he has the potential to do, but he just ruins it by being so fucking rude and exuding narcissistic energy," Siren was internally trying not to go on a full rant about the asshole.
"Oh my God!" Billie loudly groans. "I fucking hate him. He and this other irrelevant agent…"
"Jessica," Siren fills in the blank for Claudia.
"Those two dumbasses did a podcast with the company’s resources and basically talked shit about Savannah, who was an agent under apprenticeship. And when they were talked to about it and told they were fucking wrong which they righfully were, they made it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. As if they didn’t just publicly embarrass someone in the company who is learning and wanting an opportunity to show her talents. But when Ryan said something to them it was 'that was not my intention' and 'I'm so sorry,' but they didn’t say it to Savannah, the person that was targeted. And then this jackass, Jonathan, was told to apologize to Savannah just for him to not even apologize and tell her she could learn from the situation… Are you dumb?" Billie ranted, getting red and annoyed in the face.
"Anyways…" Siren side-eyes her wife, seeing how worked up she was getting. "After we finished watching the series, we watched other shows, and it just somehow weirdly led us down the path of looking into what properties we want to buy and try to sell."
"So you guys are going to do real estate?" Finneas asked.
"No." Siren turns her head to the left to look at her partner. "We are not doing real estate."
"I think we would be good at it," Billie shrugs her shoulders. "We can be a real estate couple like Trish and her husband."
“Let’s change the subject before it turns into another fight,” Claudia interjects. “Give us the timeline of your relationship,” Claudia requested, leaning forward with curiosity.
“It’s not going to make sense,” Finneas said, shaking his head, knowing how the story unfolds after years of observation.
“Yes, it does,” Billie said, getting playfully defensive. “It’s a beautiful story, as a matter of fact.”
“But very confusing to the average person,” Siren agreed with her brother-in-law. “Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to have crushes or boyfriends because of Billie.”
“Because you’re mine,” Billie shrugged her shoulders possessively.
“Didn’t you have the biggest crush on Justin Bieber and three boyfriends before Siren?” Rodrick interjected, recalling the brunette’s dating past.
“So you see how messed up the situation was,” Siren laughed.
“One, we all knew I was never going to get with Justin, and two… no comment,” Billie said, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
“You’ve always been possessive and obsessive about Siren, and I don’t think anyone knows where it comes from,” Finneas said, tilting his head with curiosity.
“Neither does our therapist,” Billie admitted, shaking her head. “I would say it all comes from this feeling that travels through my mind, heart, stomach, and other places I won’t mention in front of my brother…”
“Her pussy,” Siren said bluntly, not caring to filter herself.
“Anyways!” Billie exclaimed, blushing as everyone in the room laughed at her. “I just get this Joe Goldberg feeling when it comes to Siren. I’ve always had this deep need and dependency to know every thought, emotion, move, and decision Siren makes. It’s psychotic, but I mentally and physically justified it.”
“And that’s where the clinginess comes from,” Siren concluded.
“I lowkey don’t like when you say that because it makes me feel like it’s not reciprocated. As if you aren’t as clingy as me,” Billie pouted.
“Your habits when it comes to me caused you to be clingy. Conditioning caused me to be clingy,” Siren differentiated for her wife. “And these are the words coming from our therapist.”
“Whatever, I’m happy just the way I am,” Billie rolled her eyes. “Here’s the timeline of our relationship,” she said, looking to Claudia and transitioning back to the original question.
**YEAR 2001**
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“Billie, you have to stop crying. There is nothing wrong,” Maggie cooed at her newborn baby girl as the newly-formed family of four sat out in the front yard having a picnic.
“Do you want your rabbit, Billie?” A three-year-old Finneas tried to soothe his baby sister, holding up her stuffed brown rabbit. But this only made her wails louder.
“Maybe she’s just fussy,” Patrick suggested.
“Patrick, it’s been two hours,” Maggie looked at her husband with concern. “I’m surprised she hasn’t passed out yet.”
A few feet away, Enzo came running, carrying a six-month-old Siren towards the small family. “Hey Maggie, Patrick! My sitter canceled on me. Do you think you can watch Siren for an hour so I can pick up Travis from his play date and go grocery shopping, and head to my surrogate for a breast milk restock?”
“Enzo… breathe,” Patrick O’Connell, the 44-year-old father, guided the frazzled 25-year-old, standing up and gently taking hold of a giggly baby Siren. “We got her, you go do what you have to do.”
“Thank you so much, I owe you guys,” Enzo smiled with appreciation as he was a single father navigating parenthood alone.
“You don’t owe us anything, Enzo,” Maggie shook her head. “It takes a village to raise kids, and we are your village as you are ours.” She offered a gentle smile while still rocking a fussy baby.
“I know,” The Italian man took a deep breath. “I appreciate all the help you’ve done for me and my family. I’ll be back in an hour, and after that, I’ll help you with the fence, Patrick.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal,” Patrick smiled warmly. The Vixen father turned and ran to his car, leaving his baby girl with the people he trusted more than anything in the world. “Siren, do you want to meet someone new?” Patrick headed back to his spot.
“Meet the newest addition to the village, Billie Eilish Pirate O’Connell,” Maggie leaned over, showing the six-month-old the newborn. Like magic, blue eyes met blue and green eyes, and silence followed. “She stopped,” Maggie smiled, then went back to a comfortable position, only for Billie to wail once she lost eye contact with Siren.
“I think we just found a solution to the wailing,” Patrick chuckled.
“What?” Maggie furrowed her eyebrows.
“Siren,” Patrick said, holding the baby near Billie, and as predicted, the wailing stopped.
“Love at first sight, don’t you think?” Maggie smiled.
“Mama,” Finneas crawled closer to his mother and the two girls. “They have the same eyes,” he pointed out.
“You are absolutely right, Finneas,” Maggie smiled down at her son, then turned to look at the two girls’ eyes.
“Wait, you have two different eye colors!?” Rodrick and Claudia exclaimed simultaneously.
“You guys didn’t know that?” Finneas asked, his face scrunched up in confusion.
“No!” they replied.
“I honestly thought they were brown,” Claudia said, revealing her shock.
“And you always wear contacts around me,” Rodrick added.
“Wait, so you and Billie have the exact same eye color?” Claudia asked for clarification.
“Yeah,” Siren said in a ‘duh’ tone. “What do you guys think I mean when I say T’Challa is my biological kid?” She mentioned her pride and joy, a black Maine Coon cat that had her exact eye colors.
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“I just thought you were one of those strange cat ladies,” Rodrick shrugged.
“Can we see your eyes?” Claudia asked with fascination.
“Okay,” Siren shrugged, taking out her white-out contacts and revealing her natural eyes.
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“Awww,” everyone gasped in awe.
“Your eyes are so beautiful,” Rodrick gushed, looking at his best friend’s eyes.
“The right eye is literally a duplicate of Billie’s. That’s crazy,” Claudia said. “Your eye is literally proof that you guys are soulmates.”
“I can’t believe you guys thought her eyes were brown,” Finneas laughed. “Literally no one in the Vixen family has brown eyes.”
“Well, I just assumed her surrogate would have brown eyes, so she inherited that. Plus, let’s not act like brown isn’t a dominant eye color,” Claudia tried to justify her reasoning.
“Did we forget I have a pigment mutation?” Siren looked at Claudia like she was dumb. “Brown eyes mean more melanin, but with my mutation, I only have melanin in my skin and no pigment in my hair, body hair, or eyes. But at the same time, green is the brown eyes for blue, therefore one of my eyes is green.”
“Wait!” Rodrick exclaimed but didn’t say anything else as he pieced together the information in his head. “Your hair is naturally paper white? I thought you were just bleaching it.” This caused different reactions. Finneas burst into laughter, Billie looked at him with actual concern, and Siren was just over it.
“Stop talking to me.”
“I guess I will be finishing my storytime later since that’s all the time we have for today,” Billie said, still looking at Rodrick with concern. “Claudia?”
“Wait, before you start with the recap, I think you should have a theme song for it,” Finneas suggested, waving his right hand as he tried to calm down from his laughter.
“Is that you offering?” Siren turned to him.
“Yeah, why not?” He shrugged his shoulders.
“On today’s episode of ‘Whatever the Fuck This Is’ Podcast, we learn that the reason why you haven’t seen an update in three weeks is because Billie and Siren have been fixating on real estate shows. Will they go into real estate themselves?… Probably not. Shoutout to all the Sillie fans out there who asked for the timeline of the two… which Billie did not fully answer with her storytime.”
“Maybe because I was interrupted because you guys didn’t know Siren’s real eye colors.”
“In surprising news, Siren did an eye reveal showing the actual colors of her eyes and if you missed it, they’re not brown like the average person would assume. Finneas and I think they are beautiful and should be shown off more. And lastly, we found out Rodrick is a dumbass.”
“You all act like you didn’t know that already.”
“I’m Billie.”
“I’m Siren.”
“I’m Finneas.”
“I’m Claudia.”
“I’m Rodrick.”
“And that is it for today’s video. See you next week with another 'Whatever the Fuck This Is’ Podcast.”
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| welcome to the book I write & edit when high |
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ophelia-ophelian · 1 year
“Coffee calms me down” “...What?”
Summary: As someone who drinks coffee later in the day to calm down after a long day, the amount of people who have been bewildered by me are…a lot. So I’m turning the “people,” into the Brothers. And yes, some of the things the Brothers say are things actually said to me.💀 Also, I barely write kissy scenes, so I'm trying it out on this post, I'm open to criticism^^
You were filling out tasks and homework from RAD in a corner of the library at home, the click of the grandfather clock and the crackle of the fireplace left the place somewhat quiet. Of course, after years of living with the brothers, you’ve learned to drown out some of the more rambunctious noises. After finishing your last assignment, you put your stuff away and walked to the kitchen for some coffee so you could calm down and get a good night’s rest – without Mammon or Levi bursting in to talk or rant. As you get your mug and begin to walk out, you see him standing in the doorway with a curious look.
“Why are you getting coffee? Shouldn’t you be sleeping later?”
“Oh, I drink coffee to calm down. It helps me sleep, actually!”
…What? Was his first thought. Lucifer drinks – more like clings to – coffee everyday to stay somewhat awake and alert. How do you have the opposite effect? Is there something wrong with you? Or was that a normal thing for humans? Picking up on his confusion, you tell him that some people’s bodies process certain foods and drinks differently. As you two continue talking, your conversation shifts from Beel’s Fangol game, Asmo’s new vlog, Levi’s gaming channel, Mammon. 
“So, how are your tasks coming along, Dearest? Anything I can aid you with?”
“Not really,” you yawn and stretch, “It just gets boring sometimes, I don’t like sitting in class for hours and then doing assignments for a couple extra hours.”
“Well, if you would like, you can come to my office and you can work next to me. I can’t promise a conversation, but I can keep you company and on track.”
“You would do that for me?”
“Of course,” he moves to embrace you, “I could even get your own desk.” He brings you in closer and moves you on the counter top. “As long as you keep on task, you can stay,” he leans up to give you a chaste kiss. “And if you sleep in my bedroom more, I’ll let you use my coffee maker. But, now that you’ve finished your drink, come to bed.”
“Huh? Is something wrong with ya?” He exclaims. Quickly trying to swallow his words, he waves his hands around trying to explain himself. “No no no, I ain’t mean it like that. It’s just that coffee wakes every demon up! I know yer a human, but Solomon drinks coffee to wake up. It’s not like I’m sayin’ that yer a bad kind of weird – I mean ya not weird! But how does that even work?” 
You smile at him annoyed, obviously you weren’t weird, it’s just that not every human reacts the same way to the same food or drink. You just say that not every human is the same and he laughs as if he already knew that. You both continue a casual conversation as he walks you back to your room, except he doesn’t leave at your door, he follows you in. So much for having a peaceful night…But it’s okay, he’s your first demon afterall.
“Oh, okay.”
Huh? Levi wasn’t confused? 
“I mean, one of my gaming buddies does that. I drink energy drinks as well to focus during hours-long raids. It doesn’t relax me, but it’s easier to focus.”
Well, that’s nice. You didn’t have to explain to him or deal with him being shocked or even calling you weird.
“Well anyways,” he walks over to the fridge and grabs an energy drink, “I found this new adaptation of TSL and it’s airing at midnight tonight. You can join me if you want BTW…even if I am just a yucky otaku.” 
You sigh inwardly, “Levi, we have the same interests. If you’re a yucky otaku, what does that make me?” He quickly starts shaking his head apologizing profusely, exclaiming That’s not what I meant, and, I’m so sorry. You laugh to yourself and move to hug and shush him. “Come on, let’s grab some snacks and head to your room.”
After you settle into his room, he lays on your lap and you play with his hair. Midnight finally comes and he shoots up, exclaiming It’s starting! It’s starting! He looks to you to start explaining the behind the scenes of this adaptation, just to see that you drifted off to sleep. He sighs and takes in the sight, you’re quite peaceful when you’re not breaking down doors and going along with his brothers’ schemes. 
A couple moments pass as he decides to shake you awake, “Come on, it’s starting soon.”
“Hm, interesting. I read somewhere online that some humans and some demons don’t get energy from stimulants such as caffeine. Although, I do wonder if angels are the same, I’ll have to ask Simeon later.”
You smile, you don’t have to explain. He begins talking about how some stimulants work for some as a depressant and vice versa. You listen intently, even if you already know – it’s nice to listen to his voice. You sit up on the counter and begin sipping, the warmness of the coffee being soothing already. He grabs a snack from the cabinet and walks up in front of you. He continues talking and you continue listening. He asks if you want a bite and you nod. He offers it up to your lips. 
How corny.
You take a bite and he wipes the corner of your mouth. He smiles and presses a soft kiss to your cheek and leans on your shoulder. You place your coffee down and rub his back as he rests his hands around your waist. You both just sit there enjoying each other’s presence. He mumbles something about going to bed and kisses your jaw. He chuckles at you squirming away from him and he pulls you in, ghosting his lips over yours before smiling and pulling away. He squeezes your thigh and moves to grab your hand, leading you away from the kitchen and to your room. As you reach your bedroom, he kisses your knuckles and then your forehead, wishing you sweet dreams.
Occasionally, when you’re awake late at night, there will conveniently be a warm cup of bitter coffee waiting for you on your nightstand.
“Oh! You’re…interesting. Not in a bad way! But, you’re…different, aren’t you?”
You stare at him, is he being for real right now?
“Kidding! I love you matter what, babe,”
“I’m messing with youuuuuu. You can be weird in your own way, Pookie.”
You scoff, “You did not just call me that. I told you to stop calling me those weird nicknames.”
“But Shnookums…” Asmo trails on, elongating the ending syllables, beginning to hang on you. 
“Stop it, Asmo,” you say as you giggle, “they’re getting worse.” He leans more onto you and you try to push him off. He litters your face with kisses and traps you in his arms as you try to get away and laugh a bit harder.
“You can be my weird lover, you’ll balance out my extravagance. We can,” he squishes your face with his hands and kisses you, “be,” kiss, “the perfect,” kiss, “couple.” You laugh and cuddle into his arms. He sways and you laugh together.
“Although,” he continues, “you need a mint, you have coffee breath.”
“...Asmo I haven’t even drunk any yet,” you turn to him.
You swat at his arm and he giggles and exclaims that he was kidding as he tries to hug you again. He ends up backing you against the counter as he leans over and kisses you. Breathing out softly against your lips, he smiles and slides your coffee off to the side.
“I love you,” he whispers against your neck and he places yet another soft kiss to your neck, then your jaw, up to the corner of your lips, and then…he steals your coffee and takes a drink. “Mmm, this is too sweet, I’ll make you something really bitter and send you off to sleep,” he smiles and starts brewing you a new cup.
“Huh, cool,” he shrugs and moves to the fridge. “I used to drink coffee. Not for relaxation, but Asmo suggested it since it curbs hunger for some people. It didn’t curb my hunger, it just gave me a horrible stomach ache.” He shuffles through the shelves looking for nothing in particular. “I told him about it, actually, and he told me that no one should have coffee on an empty stomach because it makes you so prone to stomach pains,” he grabs a pudding cup and goes to the silverware drawer, “So, I stopped drinking it overall. But it’s cool that it works differently for everyone.
Lucifer uses it for staying awake, Levi doesn’t drink coffee but his energy drinks keep him focused I guess, I think Satan is more of a tea guy but I’ve seen him drink coffee. I don’t think Asmo drinks coffee anymore because it gives him such bad breath. Hm,” He ponders for a moment, “I wonder if Belphie will react like you. Can you brew another cup for him, please?”
As he begins eating his pudding cup and you go to brew another cup, Beel begins to talk about his Fangol game last weekend. As he recounts, you comment occasionally on what he looked like from the stands and how well he played. You finished the second cup and he grabbed it from you with a kiss on the forehead.
“Thank you, Love.”
He hums, “Can I have some?”
“Sure thing, Bubs, I’ll grab another mug.”
“Nuh uh, come here,” he walks over to you and takes the mug from you. He takes a sip, “Thank you. It’s a bit too hot for you still so I’ll hold onto it till it cools down.” He raises it back to his lips and takes a longer sip.
“Hey! That’s for me, Belphegor,” as you go to grab it, he raises his arm, “Hey! That’s not going to work on me, give it to me.” He chuckles and hands it back to you. “Thank you,” you raise the mug to your lips, “...Belphegor. This is empty.”
“Oh hey! Would you look at that! Guess you will have to come with me and I can put you to sleep,” He leans on you and nuzzles into your neck. He traces his fingers up and down your arms and smiles into your neck when he feels you shiver. You squirm as you try to pry him off you.
“I want my coffee, Love. Let me make another cup.”
“It’s fine, I’ll make you one.”
“No, it’ll be too bitter.”
“Aw, don’t worry, I’ll make sure it’s sweet.”
“Belphegor, out of all of the coffee I’ve had, I can barely drink the coffee you make me because it’s so bitter.”
“Oh hush, just come to bed and I’ll put you to sleep.”
“Ugh, you’re so difficult. Now get off, I want my coffee.” Several moments pass. “Belphie? Belphie!” You nudge him and he grumbles, “Wake up. Fine, I’ll go to bed with you.” He perks up and smiles.
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carahhhhx · 2 months
“i’ve had a stinker lads”- harry lewis
I heard Harry’s keys in jingling in the lock “You home lovely?” he shouted “yeah i’m in the bedroom H” i replied hearing the blonde boy close the door and started walking towards the bedroom, “i missed you today” he said wrapping his arms around my shoulders “i missed you too” i said turning around and pressing a light kiss to his lips “do you mind if i go out to simon’s tonight?” he asked “uh no i don’t mind” i said giving him a fake smile “you sure because you seem a bit unsure?” he asked “no no it’s fine you can go i don’t mind i’m going out with the girls anyways” i replied and with that the blonde boy pressed another kiss to my lips before walking off into the bathroom to sort his hair out.
“right i’m leaving now give me a ring if you need a lift home” he said “will do” i replied giving him a squeeze before he went “oh and you look beautiful” he shouted before closing the door “okay he really did forget” i mumbled well putting my shoes on.
Never ever would i imagine walking into a restaurant and asking for a table for one it’s not something i’d be comfortable with but tonight i felt like i had to treat myself.
Harry’s pov
I approached the Mar Minter house not expecting to see Talias car in the drive not even thinking about it i knocked the door and saw Talia “hi harry” she said pulling me into a hug “uh hi talia?” i said more sounding like a question “you alright?”she asked “i don’t suppose you’re going with Casey tonight?” i replied “no no casey said she was busy tonight why?” she asked “well i asked her if it was alright if i came here tonight with the boys and she said yeah she was going out with you and the girls” i told her “i don’t know harry she said she was busy tonight i’ll ring Frey, Faith and Ellie now and see what they have to say” she replied leading me into the same room as the boys “alright harry” behz shouted “yeah yeah” i replied sitting down and pulling my phone out to text Casey.
Casey’s pov
hi lovely you okay ?x
i’m good you.
not really Casey i’m really confused.
‘oh fuck oh fucking hell he knows i’ve lied’ i thought to myself switching my phone off in a panic and ramming it into my bag, feeling it vibrating multiple times but i refused to get it out regretting lying to him.
“Casey?” i heard a familiar voice say “Talia hi?” replied to her, seeing her sitting down opposite me “so you going to tell me why you lied to Harry?” she asked, i sighed “i didnt have the heart to tell him Tal he forgot about our date, the date HE planned” i told her “oh babe you should’ve told him” she replied grabbing my hand “you should’ve been honest with him Cas he’s worried sick back in ours assuming the worse” she spoke again “i’m sorry i lied and dragging you into this tal, i panicked” i replied feeling myself getting emotional “let’s get you back to ours so you can talk it out yeah?” she said looking at me with sympathy “i cant face him tal i’ve lied to his face” i replied she smiled pulling me up “lets go cas you can’t avoid him” she said pulling me to pay for the tab and leading me into her car.
Harry’s POV
“Tals just texted me she’s found Casey and bring her back to ours” Simon said “good i just don’t understand why she’d lie to me”i replied sighing “Sure you didn’t miss date night or something” JJ asked trying to be funny “oh boys i’ve had a stinker an actual stinker, TONIGHT was date night , oh my god that’s why she’s lied and that’s why she posed on her story a picture on her story of her in London, oh my god im an idiot and actual idiot how could i forget i planned the bastard date” i ranted on until Josh placed his hand on my shoulder “Harry breathe calm down mate take a breath” he said just as i calmed down i hear Talia shouting “we’re back” as she walked into the room, Casey trailing behind her “H can we talk?” she asked fiddling with her rings “yeah let’s go somewhere else?” i asked her “you can talk in our room” simon said “cheers mate” i replied heading to the couples room.
“Cece i’m so sorry i forgot about our date it’s been a such a long week and it completely slipped my mind, i’ll never do it again i swear i just can’t imagine how upset you were”i rambled quickly holding onto her hand “oh harry i’m so sorry i lied to you” she replied pulling me into a hug “i love you” i said “i love you too h” she replied kissing me.
hi this is my first post on here, i hope you enjoy it.
if anyone has any they’d like me write i’ll try my best to write them the way you imagine them!!
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Notices Another Idol Staring At You ~ SF9 Reaction
“Who are you looking at like that?” You enquired, taken aback by the blank stare that was in Inseong’s expression across the room.
“Just Hyunsuk,” Inseong shrugged without a care in the world, “if he wants to stare at you, then I can stare right back at him. Let’s see how long he can do this for.”
Your hand grabbed Inseong and turned him around quickly, “you don’t need to start playing any games like this, there’s no need for it Inseong.”
“Now he’s staring at you with no one staring at him,” Inseong tried to explain to you, but your head shook, refusing to listen to him rant.
“Who cares if he’s looking at us? Shouldn’t you be looking at me instead?”
“But I can’t ignore him, I want to Y/N.”
You took a look around the room, finding a quieter spot. “Why don’t we go somewhere where you can’t see him?”
“That’s a good idea,” Inseong agreed, allowing you to lead him. “I can’t stand people who do things like that to others.”
“He’ll know that he’s got to you tonight by staring at me.”
“That’s what annoys me even more!”
“Relax, what’s gotten into you?” You asked Youngbin as his head snapped around once again at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.
“Is it Yunhyeong?” Youngbin quizzed, tilting his head in all directions to try and get a look at who had suddenly shown up at the group’s table for the evening.
You looked quizzically at Youngbin as he settled after checking the area. “What would it matter anyway if it was Yunhyeong who was over here?”
“I don’t want him near you,” Youngbin bluntly told you, “I saw him staring at you when we arrived earlier so I’m keeping him away.”
“How did you notice that? We didn’t even get a chance to look around.”
“I’m just cautious when I’m out with you.”
You couldn’t help but sigh as Youngbin finally looked at you, “is there anyone in this room you haven’t looked at tonight?”
“Nope, I’ve spotted every single person,” Youngbin proudly sniggered, “and I’ve located the ones who keep looking at you.”
“Are they the reason why you’ve been so jumpy in your seat?”
“I’m only trying to keep you safe Y/N.”
“Are we leaving?” You suddenly quizzed Jaeyoon as you watched him stand up, keeping his back straight and his stance firm.
“No,” he cheerily smiled back down at you at the table, “I’m just watching something, you stay where you are,” he added as the members of Astro passed by.
As soon as they were gone Jaeyoon sat back down, leaving you perplexed beside him. “Do you fancy explaining what on earth just happened then?”
“I caught Sanha staring at you earlier so I was blocking his route to you…just in case,” Jaeyoon explained to you, his voice trailing off at the end.
“You really thought that he would come up to me or something?”
“Well, it’s obvious that he fancies you now.”
Your head nodded as you took Jaeyoon’s hand, “I also think that it’s obvious that the two of us are together, don’t you think?”
“Maybe,” Jaeyoon murmured, looking down to the ground. “I just hate knowing that there are others around here who like you.”
“But there’s no one else around here that I like other than you Jaeyoon.”
“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.”
“Can you breathe, just for a moment?” You asked Sanghyuk as he carried on talking to you, far too quickly for you to understand him.
“Sorry,” he breathed, letting go of a heavy sigh just like you had instructed him to do so, “I’m just trying to distract myself from something for a while.”
Your brows furrowed as you looked up at Sanghyuk in confusion. “What’s got you feeling like that?” You asked, clueless as to what was bothering him.
“It’s just that I keep seeing Hyunjae glancing across in this direction and if I don’t ignore it, I’ll do something,” Sanghyuk tried his best to explain.
“What could you possibly do? He’s allowed to look around Hyuk.”
“But not at you, and not like this too Y/N.”
A hum came from you, “maybe it’s best after all if we distract you, the last thing we need is you causing any trouble tonight.”
“If I did, he’d deserve it,” Sanghyuk justified, “surely there’s a code somewhere about staring at other people’s partners like that.”
“I thought we agreed that we were going to try and distract you.”
“Yeah, let’s talk about something else.”
“You seem a little quiet tonight,” you remarked, poking against Juho’s shoulder as he stared off into the distance again in a daydream.
“I’m alright,” Juho responded to you, forcing a smile onto his face as he glanced down and met your eyes, “are you enjoying your evening here?”
Your head shook honestly as you stared back at Juho, “how can I enjoy myself when I can so easily tell that there is something that’s on your mind?”
“It’s stupid,” Juho explained to you as he took a hold of your hand, “if I tell you what’s bothering me then you’ll probably just laugh at me.”
“Try me, I bet that I’ll be understanding of anything you tell me.”
“Sungjae keeps staring at you and smirking.”
Your head nodded as you managed to control your smile, “you’re not getting jealous that he’s looking my way, are you?”
“I’m wary,” he corrected, “I’ve seen how he can be around other people, and I don’t want him coming near you too.”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t come near me with you right here.”
“Yeah, I bet I scare him off.”
“Everything alright?” You asked Seokwoo as you suddenly felt his arm wrap around you, just as the members of NCT walked past you.
“I caught Johnny looking across at you earlier,” Seokwoo began to explain to you, “well, I say looking, it was more like staring and ogling at you Y/N.”
Your head nodded as his grip began to make a bit more sense, “is this you sending a message that I’m taken by you in that case then?” You asked, looking at his arm.
“It might be,” Seokwoo shyly admitted with a shrug of his shoulders, “I’m not going to let people stare at you and think that you’re single.”
“I think everyone in this room knows that we’re together Woo.”
“I’m just making absolutely sure of it.”
Your head shook at how defensive Seokwoo was, “they all know, I appreciate you being protective but it’s alright Seokwoo.”
“Can you just let me stay here until he’s gone?” He asked, leaning down so that he was able to whisper closely to your ear.
“Will it make you feel better if I let you stay here for a few moments?”
“I would feel tons better being here.”
Yoo Taeyang:
“Have you got ants in your pants or something? You can’t stand still,” you teased, resting your hand against Taeyang’s upper arm.
“I’m following someone,” Taeyang explained to you, keeping his eyes looking up so that he could concentrate on the person he was looking at.
Your brows knitted together as you tried your best to follow his gaze, “do I get to know what’s making you so  unsettled or is it a secret from me?”
“It’s just Hyunjin, I’ve noticed him looking over here quite a lot,” Taeyang explained to you, momentarily glancing across to you.
“You think that he’s looking across over here because of me, right?”
“I mean I can’t blame him, you look great.”
Before Taeyang could move again you grabbed his shoulders, bringing him face to face with you. “Can’t you just forget about him?”
“I’m trying,” he sighed across at you with a shrug of his shoulders, “but do you know how irritating he is right now?”
“Probably because he can tell that he’s getting to you too, Tae.”
“You’re right, I should be more subtle.”
“That look means one thing,” you commented as you noticed the pout that was on Youngkyun’s face, “what’s making you annoyed?”
“Stupid Jooheon,” he muttered underneath his breath, “everytime I look at him he’s staring at you with this creepy smile plastered across his face.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at how disgruntled Youngkyun sounded, “creepy smile?” You quizzed, deciding to look across and see for yourself too.
“Hey,” Youngkyun snapped as soon as he saw you looking though, clicking his fingers to bring your eyes back across to look at him again.
“I’m only looking at him, I mean that’s what you’ve been doing too.”
“Yeah but I’m trying to intimidate him.”
Before you could compose yourself, you scoffed in reply. “You’re really trying to intimidate him? You’re a sweetheart though.”
“Not to him,” Youngkyun confidently replied, “I’ll make sure that he knows that he’s not allowed anywhere near you.”
“You’re not trying to make Jooheon scared of you, are you?”
“That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.”
“Are you listening to me?” You asked Chanhee, waving your hand in front of his face as you tried your best to get his attention back on you.
“Sorry…yeah, what?” He stuttered, looking away from the other side of the room and back across to you by his side, “what were you saying?”
Your head shook as you noticed that Chanhee still looked agitated beside you. “What has gotten into you? You’ve been focusing elsewhere for ages.”
“I spotted Intak,” he explained to you, smiling weakly to try and reassure you, “I think he’s spent the whole night staring across at you Y/N.”
“You’re not letting him get underneath your skin are you Chan?”
“It’s too annoying just to ignore Y/N.”
You reached out and took a hold of Chanhee’s hand, “do you think you can try and ignore it for me? I’m trying to talk to you.”
“Of course,” Chanhee quickly agreed, “he’s not worth my time anyway, he can stare whilst I get to actually talk to you.”
“Exactly, and I bet I’m more exciting for you than he is.”
“Absolutely, you’ve got my full focus now.”
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quibbs126 · 25 days
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And now I’ve made this
I was going to go to sleep, but there’s a football game tonight, and I am now realizing that I happen to live in the dorm closest to the stadium, and this year on the side facing the stadium, and more importantly, the pavement everyone’s using to travel around at this time. With loud music. So eventually I decided “fuck it, I’m probably not sleeping anyways, I’m gonna go do Arthus justice with his sprite”
Hopefully this lack of usual sleep does not affect me tomorrow, as I have another shift starting at 9 and then after that, I have to actually do homework that I’ve been neglecting that’s all due that night. Which is a note for next week on how to not wait until Sunday
But anyways, back to the actual edit, it’s based on his card and intro designs
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I really don’t know why his original sprite looks like that, it’s just a cloak and some pants. He is the Demon King, as well as Menos’ father, if you aren’t going to give him the respect of a talk sprite, you can at least give him the decency of an accurate overworld sprite
You could say it’s because we only see him for like, 3 minutes, but I’d argue that there are other characters who have the same amount of screen time, if not less, and still get more. Young Prophet gets a unique sprite, old Dalkin (it’s not that special, but far enough, he’s retired now), young Reno and Ceres, the latter of which only shows up once for like, a minute, and most of those characters get a talk sprite with them. And sure, you could argue that’s because they’re important in other Eras. And fair, but as I’ve brought up time and again, Lothair, who has just as much relevance if not less, and he gets a talk sprite, and quite frankly, an awesome overworld sprite
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A character like him who literally does nothing should not get this cool of a sprite. Or at the very least, not without his counterpart also getting one
Anyways, sorry about the rant, I’ll stop now
I think the edit looks its best on the front sprite, I’m not so sure about the other sides. I guess I need more practice when it comes to sprite editing
I probably could have kept the hair color the same, but his hair’s a lighter, more warm shade of purple in the other designs, so I thought I’d change it. I did end up using his original hair color for his gloves though, since they’re purple in the intro and I can’t see them on the card, so purple they stay. Better than more blacks/dark greys
His outfit’s a lot of blacks, so I wonder if it all blends together a bit too much
He’s got a cape in his card but not his intro design, but I thought I should keep it because it might look cool. Also adds a pop of other color. Should probably do a capeless version too to see what it looks like
Anyways, I don’t remember what else to say, and it’s getting a bit late. Noise seems to have died down so hopefully I can get some sleep now. Meanwhile, hopefully you can enjoy this sprite edit. Provided you can see it
I need to figure out how to upscale sprites
Edit: I have found a way to upscale them, it’s just that I can only do it on my computer. But I have the power now!
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https-florian · 3 months
genuinely debating km$. Can’t tonight, when my dad’s gone I will. So for now I’m going to go on a huge rant.
first I can’t fucking stand my parents I wish they would just divorce already, they hate each other so why are they still together? And it’s not even a secret my dad had cheated on my mom more times than she can count, he’s a narcissist, alcoholic, verbally and financially abusive towards me and her. My mom is also verbally abusive. They both hate me so why am I even around?? They wouldn’t care. It would benefit them. I have been hallucinating bugs crawling on me and I can feel them, it’s awful I need it to stop. I don’t even know if I’m hallucinating atp. I have summer school and I just can’t with it anymore. I hate summer. I hate being home. I hate having to eat. I hate the constant binging. I can’t do this anymore. My parents genuinely don’t like me, they are constantly making mean comments to the point it’s not even “jokes” as they say. I hate that I’m not a boy I don’t want to be like this I can’t look in the mirror. I have extremely bad facial and body dismorphia that I can’t see what I even look like because my face just distorts but I know im ugly. What point in living do I have if I can’t be beautiful. For my best friend? He doesn’t care, he doesn’t love me. I love him more than anything but if he doesn’t care it would be better if I wasn’t there. If I did I would leave him my favorite sweater and stuffed animal, maybe my sketchbook too. I want to confess my love to this boy but he doesn’t love me, at least the same way I love him. He would be disgusted with me. I never had a chance. If my love doesn’t love me then what reason do I have to live? None. I hate how much I love him. I hate how much I love food. I hate that I’m like my dad. I hate myself. I hate everyone except for him but he would never ever love me even if it was me or death. I just want someone to hold me, tell me everything’s ok and let me cry. I want him to. He would never. I hate that I want the love that I will never have. I hate the fact that I feel like I’m going insane. I hate the fact that my mom sleeps with a knife under her mattress because of my dad. I’m also going to give my friend my necklaces I never take off. I hate everything. Not today though if you care enough to worry but I’m this fucking close. Anyway to the love of my life; I’m so happy that you are here and I’m so proud of you, you will probably never see this but I love you so so much and I’m sorry that I can’t care for you the way I should. I know you’ll never love me, that’s ok, I can’t be mad at you for something that isn’t your fault. I hate that I’m like this, you mean the world to me and I will never hate you. I know you wonder why I’m so jealous of him, well I think it’s obvious now. I hate how he’s perfect for you and I could never be that. I love you so much. -K
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matryx7728 · 4 months
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more ranting below the cut
got a windows surface tablet recently cause i needed a standalone drawing tablet and since i once had a display tablet that hooked up to my puter i’m most familiar with windows apps like firealpaca; my display tablet broke a while ago (also why i got the surface pro) and after readjusting to firealpaca (and drawing on a tablet again in general. i’ve been restricted to drawing on my phone since my display tab broke up until now) i decided v0 was due for a new ref
some things of note: this tablet only has like 4gb of ram. which works fine for what i’m using it for but that means it gets a bit slow if i have too many layers/too many tabs/try to do things real fast. this tablet also doesn’t have gesture comprehension so i cant do things like double tap/triple tap to undo/redo, i have to tap the buttons on the screen manually. i also don’t have a keyboard attachment yet and i’m not really looking to get one i just need that xp pen thingy that has all the button shortcuts but until i have that i have to manually select to and from each tool and i can’t use shift or ctrl which limits me from quite a few things (like straight line tool, the ability to select multiple things at once, etc). it’s not that much of an issue but it is a hinderance ALSO this things touch sensitivity is a bit high so even with my smudge guard, i accidentally tap on things all the time with my palm if i dare press my hand down with any pressure at all
(P.S. this isn’t to say the tablet is bad. if you’re looking for a windows drawing tablet or something it’s very nice and the one i have (i think it’s the 6?) was a very good price. would recommend. most the issues are circumventable)
anyways i was working on v0’s new ref right. that shit took me 5-6 hours for just the fucking sketch and lines the most i’ve done color wise is the clipping layer and that’s it. and i cant continue rn because 1: don’t have an image i can get v0’s colors from saved on my tablet yet (and i’m not currently at home so i have no wifi. cant get a ref image til i get home) and 2: i forgot i was supposed to be drawing it on vc tonight with another friend of mine (@cikdik) so i’m waiting til then anyways
mind you i have to color this thing lineless. i had to do actual lineart however becayse i needed the clipping layer to be seamless and also guidelines you know. so that’s another like 4+ hours at best
and that’s just for the fucking front facing view wgich i have also. yet to line its tail to and its wing things onto it so that’s not even done yet and whenever i do get done with that i have to then draw a side view and a back view and i’ve been holding my pen so long without break up until now my hand hurts just a little bit
anyways sorry about the impossibly long post i just needed to talk more so i didn’t get mad about it. thank you for coming to my ted talk and thank you @athiav2 for listening to the bullshit i was spouting
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kleoyeager78 · 1 year
10 things I hate about you | 15
I was woken up by my phone ringing, I was tired I didn’t even look at the screen I just answered hoping it was scam likely and I could go back to sleep, “Hello” I said yawning into the phone.
“Hey, y/n!” I heard Furlan,
“Oh um Furlan” I came to my senses very quickly.
“Are we still on tonight?”
“Tonight? What’s tonight?”
“We were going to hang out” he chuckled and I began to get embarrassed.
“Oh my we are!”
“Yeah, it’s okay if you don’t want to anymore though”
“No. I want to, my memory has just been hazy lately. I’m literally getting ready as we speak!” I said crawling over Angie and getting out of my bed.
“Great I’ll pick you up at 9pm” with that Furlan hung up.
“Shit what time is it?” I said to myself.
“It’s 7:50 pm” I heard Angie say, I turned around and she was up.
“I’m sorry did I wake you?”
“No, I've been playing roblox,” she said, turning her iPad towards me. “But you’re leaving?”
“Yes I’m going to hang out with a friend” I said searching in my closet for an outfit.
“Cool” Angie said, going back to playing her game. “Good luck sneaking past dad”
“Wait, he's home?” I said confused. My dad usually stayed at work until 11 on Fridays so that he could get all his tests graded by Monday.
“Yup. He came in here earlier and told me to tell you to stop talking back to my mom. Apparently she’s been ranting about your lack of help around the house.” Angie rolled her eyes, “ I told him that you did everything and that you deserved to rest, but he just told me to stop talking back”
I chuckled, “thanks for that Angie. But anyways, how the hell am I getting out of here?”
“Language. And I’ll pretend to be asleep and you can jump out the window.”
“That’s actually a good idea. You’re such a smart kid.” I patted her head and made my way to the bathroom.
I took a shower and did my skincare while in the bathroom.
I was going to do a bit of makeup and my hair but that had to wait until I got back into my room so no one would suspect anything.
When I got back into the room I went over to my vanity table and turned on its light. Then I went over to my closet to pick out an outfit.
That’s when I realized I had absolutely no idea what we were going to do so I couldn’t pick out an outfit.
I texted Furlan to ask what I should wear.
What should I wear?
Furlan 💛
Anything. We’ll probably be running a lot though😅
Running? 🥲
Furlan 💛
Yes but I could carry you the whole time if you’d like 😇
What a simp 😭
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With that I closed my phone and looked for an outfit. I settled on a pair of shorts and a tank top.
(Or you can wear what you want!)
I sat at my vanity and tried to decide on a ponytail. That way my hair wouldn’t be in my face while we did whatever running Furlan was talking about.
Then I moved on to my makeup, I didn’t do much just enough to not look tired like I always do.
As I’m putting on my lipgloss I hear the door creak open and when I look behind me it’s my dad coming into my room.
I freak out a bit but then go back to normal since I already have a lie in mind ready to spill from my lips if he asks me why I have a face of makeup and an outfit on at this late hour.
“Hi baby” he hugs me from behind.
I make a face in disgust but refrain myself from telling him to get the hell away from me because I know Angie isn’t actually sleeping. Instead I try to pry his hands off me,”hello”
“How have you been?” He sits on Angie’s bed looking at me.
I continued to get ready, “I’ve been just fine” I said not paying him any mind. I could tell he was drunk by the way he wobbled over to me, and the way he’s smiling at me while sitting on the bed. Not to mention he reeked of alcohol.
After what happened that night I was never comfortable around my dad while he was drunk or at all to be completely honest but when he was drunk It was worse. He would hit on me with no shame especially after I hit puberty and it absolutely disgusted me. I couldn't even be in the same room as him alone when he was drunk because I knew exactly what he would do if he got the chance.
Although I wasn’t showing it I was shaking right now.
“Look how much you’ve grown.” He said looking me up and down, “ you know you remind me of your mother when I first met her so much.”
“You first met mom in a party bathroom doing illegal substances, how is that a compliment?” I tried to not say too much because I knew Angie had to hear all of this but still he was making me angry and I was about to blow.”
He laughed, “I meant how she looked. She might have been an addict but she was still sexy”
“Get out.” I instantly snapped. I didn’t want to hear any of this.
“How about we do something tonight,” he got up and stood over me which made me even more uncomfortable.
I stood up and repeated myself, “get out”
He chuckled and surprisingly walked to the door, “you’re a teenager now so I guess that means you don’t want to spend time with your old man huh?” He said slurring his words.
I rolled my eyes and as soon as he closed the door I locked it behind him and scoffed.
“You really don’t like your dad huh?” Angie said from next to me.
“I really don’t understand how you do.” I replied.
“He’s very nice y/n. You should give him a chance. He just tried to give you a compliment” Angie sat up in bed looking at me.
“That wasn’t the type of compliment you think it was,”
“How come? My mom calls violet sexy all the time and violet reacts to it like any other compliment.”
“Well, when your mom says it she doesn’t have any other intent behind it.”
“Intent?” Angie asked confused,
I chuckled, “I’ll explain to you when you’re older.”
“But I’m almost 13. Why can’t you tell me now? I really would like to know” Angie pouted.
“I still think you’re a bit young.”
Angie sighed, “well will you at least tell me why you hate him?”
“When you’re older.”
Angie scoffed and rolled back into bed going on about how I never tell her anything.
I got up from my seat and sat on the bed next to her, “I promise that you will know someday. But for right now I don’t think it’s a good idea to tell you,” you patted her head and got back up, “how do I look Ang?”
She looked up at me, “okay” she said uninterested
“That’s it?” I smiled,
“I mean for a girl who’s going to sneak out, yeah.” Angie shrugged,
You started to tickle her to make her less mad with you, “don’t be mad at me please”
“I’m not” she laughed,
“Liar” I tickled her some more,
“I’m not.” She continued to laugh,
“It’s not good to lie y'know” I laughed myself and stopped tickling her, “I love you Angie”
“I love you too y/n” we hugged and I open the window and climbed out.
“Call me if you need me, or ring violet.”
“Why would I call her?” Angie said in confusion,
“Believe it or not even though she tried to act mean in front of her friends, she loves you more than anything,” you said before closing the window and making your way to your front yard we’re Furlan was waiting.
Tags: @phantomcookiedough
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