#anyway there's not much that i've missed honestly so i'm just gonna take the wins i have
hotdyke-hardstyle · 5 months
I am sooo happy I found a bunch of må videos from stuff i've wanted to gif but initially couldn't find anything for~
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holidaywishes · 1 month
lilacs and ice cream
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Requested: 👍
Summary/Request: Idk if your taking requests but, If you could (if your doing it) write something about Bo Bichette again please, preferably with a gn or fem reader. I’ve read everything that I can read about him that also applies with me.
Author's Note: Alright, @goodiesinthecloset21, I'm gonna do my best with this one. I want to add that I know absolutely nothing about baseball so any terminology is the work of a quick Google search or something I've heard in a movie. Anyway, I know that you sent your request like a million years ago so I hope after all this time, it gives you a bit of what you're looking for. I decided to do something softer this time, more fluff, since the last one was smut but let me know if that's not the way you wanted it to go and I can give it another shot. Thanks babe! Love ya, stay golden!
P.S. some of this is kinda giving “strained family relationship” which was unintentional, so I’m sorry about that. Hopefully, that doesn’t take away from the story.
the other masterlist
Summer in Toronto was beautiful. You loved the way the flowers bloomed, the bright purples popping against the bright green grass; even on the smoggiest days. There was only ever one thing missing - someone to share it with. That is, until Bo came into your life. You had gone to the baseball game with your family begrudgingly, but the seats were good and you knew it was something that your dad had wanted for a long time
“I just want to be in that stadium,” he’d say at least twice a month for most of your life, “just once. To see a game and watch the Jays win”
It was nice to see him, and the rest of your family, so happy. You watched the game, intermittently laughing at your dad as he tried to start a wave that barely made it past your section, or when he spilled his popcorn after jumping up in excitement. You really started to get into it around the 3rd inning, the crowd was getting loud and rowdy and it started to rub off on you. By the time the game ended, you were beaming with excitement, so much so that you weren’t watching where you were going and you somehow walked right into a crowd of people.
“Oh my goodness I’m so sorry!” you laughed, “I guess that’ll teach me to watch where I’m going next time”
“That’s alright,” one voice said, “are you okay?”
“I’m fine. A bit embarrassed maybe,” you added before finally looking up to see who you’d bumped into. Speechless when you saw Bo Bichette smiling back at you, “but you know…” you continued, trying not to blush as you stared, “fine”
“Glad to hear it,” he said cheerfully before his teammates called him to the bus that was waiting for them, “don’t go running into anybody else now.” You watched for a second while he hopped on the bus, feeling a small tug on your arm from your mom pulling you towards your family
“(Y/N), come on, what are you doing?” she laughed
“Yeah, yeah,” you answered distractedly, “I’m coming.” Your mind wandered to that encounter all through your family meal and you weren’t sure you could ever forget it - or that you wanted to.
It had been nearly a week since you bumped into Bo Bichette at the Jays game. Honestly, it kept you going during your boring serving shifts at the pub you worked at.
“I mean it was a fun story,” your co-worker, Brit, smirked as she leaned against the wall where you were cleaning a table, “but don’t you think you should be over it by now? I mean.. it was a chance encounter,” she teased, “we don’t live in a rom-com”
“I’m sorry,” you laughed in return, “but it’s one of the more exciting things that have happened in my life. And.. yeah, maybe I’ve been single for a little longer than I would like.” Brit gave you an almost pitiful look before the door was burst open by a loud crowd of men, laughing amongst themselves before stopping at the host stand to ask for a table; you could only watch for a moment as they were directed to your section before you were pulled away to run food. When you finally got to the table of boastful boys, you noticed who exactly they were
“Well, hello again,” Bo smiled as he greeted you, “I was hoping I'd see you again. Maybe get a name this time?”
“H-h-hi,” you stammered, as you looked at him until you realized you should probably be professional, “hi, I'm (Y/N),” you course-corrected, “I'll be your server today. How is everyone doing today?” It was an awkward segue but you didn't know what to do
“Hi, (Y/N), I'm Bo. Nice to meet you,” he said, introducing himself in return and it calmed you down enough for you to... not look like a complete moron when doing your job, “officially.” You felt a blush creep across your face as you continued to take everyone’s orders. When you finally left the table, you exhaled sharply while your co-workers giggled
“I can’t believe this,” you whispered to yourself, “this is insane”
“It’s gonna be fine,” your friend said with a smile, “think of it this way: you’re finally continuing your rom-com”
“Come on, Brit,” you replied, hanging your head, “this isn’t funny. I’m too flustered to give them… to be a good server”
“You’ll be great!” she continued, “just be your bubbly self. They’re just people, don’t think of them otherwise”
“Yeah, just people,” you repeated, “incredibly well-known, well-recognizable, wealthy people”
“You know you also have other tables…” one of your other co-workers, who had been listening to the entire conversation, interjected, forcing you to snap out of your pity party
“SHIT!” you said quietly, rushing out to check on your tables, refilling water glasses and clearing plates where needed, all the while keeping an eye on the players of the Toronto Blue Jays. At some point in the night, the host came to grab you
“(Y/N), they’re asking for you,” the host said, “I don’t think they’re upset but they don’t want to talk to anyone else. Not even the managers”
“How long ago did they ask?” you asked
“Like less than a minute” she answered
“And they’re not upset?”
“No.. I mean I don’t think so but maybe they’re pretending? Being ‘polite mad’?” You chuckled a bit before thanking her and heading back to them, greeting them happily, making sure everything was alright
“We just wanted to ask you a question” Bo smiled
“Bo wanted to ask you a question,” one of the others clarified, and your interest was suddenly peaked
“Ah, okay,” you returned, placing your hand on the back of Bo’s chair, “what’s the question?”
“What are you doing after your shift?” he asked
“It’ll be late,” you admitted with a chuckle, “so I’ll probably be going to bed”
“What time are you off?”
“I’m on a split tonight, so I’m here until at least 10pm” you replied
“Do you work tomorrow?” Bo continued, earning a shy smile from you
“Tomorrow’s my day off. I hardly ever work Sundays”
“Are you free around.. noon?”
“Sure,” you said, “for what?”
“There’s this path I love hiking, how do you feel about that?” you said that would be great, both of you smiling at each other, almost completely ignoring everyone at the table. It took you until you got into the kitchen that you realized you had just been asked out on a date - ‘I guess it has been a while’ you thought - and now you didn’t know how to act. Bo was the one who confirmed the date, leaving you with a blush that covered your whole face; you were sure it looked like you were having an allergic reaction but you hoped he wasn't embarrassed of you...
“I'll see you tomorrow” you managed to get out after what felt like an eternity
“Tomorrow,” he said with a smile, walking backward as he left the pub, keeping his eyes locked on you until one of his teammates turned him around so he didn't hurt himself by running into the door.
You woke up the next morning and practically hopped out of bed, immediately texting Brit
“Did I dream Bo Bichette asking me out on a date?” you asked
“No,” she replied plainly, after about 10 minutes
“I'm going hiking with a professional athlete today?”
“First of all,” she started a string of texts, “it's 8 in the morning, calm down.” You chuckled at her text, knowing that she had probably bitterly rolled out of bed after hearing the chime of her phone, “second, what do you mean what do you do? You go on a date with Professional Baseball Player, Bo Bichette”
“Okay.. sure," you typed, “but what do I wear?”
“You're going on a hike. Don't wear jeans”
“Thank you for that”
“Always here to help”
“I should start getting ready...”
“Again, it's 8AM” she repeated
“And the date is at noon...”
“You don't need four hours to get ready”
“I need to shower”
“20 minutes”
“I have to find an outfit”
“5 minutes, 10 max”
“I have to do my hair and make myself look presentable”
“We'll say 30 minutes to be safe”
“I have to eat something...” You were grasping now but what could you do, you were nervous
“Maybe he's planning on taking you somewhere after the hike?” she countered, "I don't think eating before a hike is recommended”
“BRIT!” you text-shouted, "I'm freaking out. I don't want to be freaking out but I am. I don't want to make a fool of myself. Or him...”
“Okay, okay, okay,” you could practically hear her sigh through the screen, "you're not going to make a fool of yourself or him. No one's gonna be made a fool today. But you don't need to worry so much. Wear a pair of shorts, the ones you really like, bring a bandana or something - to get your hair off your neck a bit but also to get rid of any sweat you don't want him to see - and make sure you wear sneakers. Don't wear boots or flip-flops. And sunscreen. Always wear sunscreen!” You thanked her quickly, jokingly saying that you were glad she was finally getting on board, and placed your phone back on its charger before hopping in the shower.
“Maybe Brit was wrong. Maybe this really was a mistake…” you grumbled to yourself as you fixed your outfit in the mirror, nearly jumping out of your skin when the doorbell rang. You tried to be as calm as you could, letting out a deep exhale before answering the door
“Hey!” Bo said with a wide smile
“Hi,” you said simply, any doubt you had was now replaced with butterflies in your stomach - being nervous was so basic but you couldn’t help it.
“I.. you ready?” He stammered. It made you feel better that he seemed a little out of his element as well
“Let me just grab a water bottle” you smiled, leaving the door open as you ran to the kitchen; a way of saying ‘you can come in, judge my apartment a little if you want,’ but you were maybe just a little too quick.
“Let’s get going then,” he remarked happily and the two of you were on your way. You weren’t sure what to expect with this hike but Bo using the word path led you to believe it wouldn’t be that bad - which would be ideal since the last time you properly went hiking would be at least 5 years ago. However, it turns out, you forgot to take into account that Bo Bichette was, in fact, Bo Bichette: Professional MLBer. In the middle of the hike, you leaned against a tree, claiming you needed the shade
“I forgot to put on sunscreen and I don't want to burn,” you falsely claimed, catching your breath as Bo leaned against the tree with you
“Sure,” he smirked, bringing out his water bottle to take a sip, “I mean I don't burn as easily but we can stay in the shade.” Once you had finally evened out your breathing, you took a sip of water and looked out at the path that you were about to continue walking
“It's beautiful out here,” you smiled, leading both of you back onto the path at a slower pace now, “I can tell why you like it so much”
“I almost brought you flowers, lilacs,” he gestured to the flowers on the path, “but I knew the path and I knew there would be lilacs here, so I decided against it”
“Aww,” you said, pouting slightly to hopefully show how cute you thought it was, “that's really sweet. I would've appreciated it either way but I'm glad I got to see this first”
“I chose right then?” he asked eagerly
“Yes,"”you smiled, “you chose right.” Bo kept your pace for the rest of the walk but you could tell it was not what he was used to and you felt a little silly not telling him you hadn't been hiking in so long. “I'm sorry that this wasn't a very.. exciting hike,” you laughed uncomfortably, “I haven't been on a trail of any kind in about 5 years. I used to do a lot more physical activity and then I guess I just kinda... stopped”
“That's okay,” he smiled in return as the trail came to an end, “it was nice to see it at this pace. Yes, I do typically go a bit faster,” he laughed to himself, “but I don't always take in the beauty of the actual walk. So, I guess I should thank you”
“You're very welcome,” you returned jokingly and he bowed to add to the humour. The two of you finally got to the car and you hesitated as to what was going to happen next
“Everything okay?” he asked, noticing your reluctance to open the door
“I just... had a really good time,” you admitted, “I'm wondering, I guess, what's next?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are we going somewhere else or should we end it here?” you said, “I mean, sorry,” you continued awkwardly, “I don't want to be presumptuous. I'm just flushed”
“What would you like to do?” he smirked
“Whatever you had planned” you admitted
“Then, I think we should go get some ice cream,” he offered, “I know a great place nearby.” You happily agreed before hopping into the passenger seat of the car. You felt butterflies the entire car ride to the ice cream shop and tried not to stare at him too often but would occasionally catch him looking back at you.
“Is Rocky Road your usual choice?” you asked, as you scooped a bit of your favourite into a spoon and bringing it to your mouth
“No,” he admitted, “I’ve never actually had it. I just wanted to try it”
“And…?” you giggled, “what do you think?”
“It’s okay,” he laughed, “I’ve had better but I’ve also had worse.” You smiled at his words and continued eating your own ice cream, taking in the pastel colours of the parlour at the same time, when you heard Bo giggle slightly; your attention immediately drawn back to him
“What?” you blushed
“You just have…” he began, gesturing to his mouth and it took you a minute to understand that you must have ice cream around your mouth.
“Oh,” you said in surprise, tinged with embarrassment, but his finger soon grazed your lip, wiping away the small mess there. “Thank you,” you whispered in this unbelievable rom-com moment, his finger lingering slightly before he cleared his throat and removed it
“My pleasure” he grinned. You wondered if there might be a kiss but let him take the lead - you didn’t want to set expectations. As he drove you home, you couldn’t help think how sweet this all was - the walk, the lilacs, the ice cream, the moment - but the one thought that kept sticking in your mind was: I really hope there's a second date. He walked you to the door to your apartment building, stopping short of entering the lobby, “I had a really nice time”
“I did too,” you returned, “thank you for… everything. It’s been one of the best dates I’ve had in the city”
“I’m glad,” he smiled, reminding you of your first meeting, “maybe we can do it again?” You felt giddiness take over you and you rushed to agree, hoping that did not throw him off. “Perfect,” he finally said after what felt like a long pause, “then I think the lake is open. It’s another physical activity, I know, but paddle boats are always fun. What do you say?” The smile that spread across your face felt like it might consume you and all you could do was nod your head in agreement, “I will pick you up tomorrow then, same time?”
“I’ll bring the sunscreen,” you joked, “I wouldn’t want to burn.” He smiled at you lightly before placing a small kiss to your cheek, a feeling you’d think about until the very moment he picked you up for each and every date.
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alitgblog · 6 months
volume vii thoughts
as per usual I have complaints about the missed opportunities of casa
first things first, the casa boys' sprites looked bad to me when I saw that post fusebox made but after playing for like a minute, I was like nah actually they're quite fine. However, prettiest sprites they're competing with are Jin, Claudia, Oakley, Tyler, and Bea so the competition is rough. Also idk something is throwing me off with Shawn and especially Kyle's face shapes.
I think last post I made I said Hari at least got more of a chance than Tyler, but scratch that actually, it feels like they got the same chance because suddenly we're in casa and hardly any mention of him, even though he and my MC have kissed a few times already and she hasn't really rejected him fully over Jin yet? Don't know if anyone's in the boat of going all in with Hari but I'm curious what the gameplay is like for them.
So Emel has randomly decided to be annoyed at Oakley again (I'll replay for you next time Oakley 🥺) and it's clearly because the routes are merged now, which is such a shame because I do think Emel and Oakley could've worked it out and become a fun couple to watch on the real show (probably a boring one though that the audience would dump until after the show ended that their real personalities come out on social media and the public like them individually or at least understand why they were together so long). And I know it's not the most in character thing but I so appreciate it not being a complete 180 for the sake of plot because I'm trying to imagine this with all the couples given what I know about them from my playthrough and Emel/Oakley always have problems because she's uptight and wants more dramatics in their romance and he's chill so any little thing he ends up doing sets her off, sure, I can buy that Emel is a little delusional. Then Luna/Jin would have problems because Luna is less extroverted than Jin, serious, and irritable (which honestly, relatable) and so Jin does things for a laugh and she doesn't get it. So maybe he didn't wink at Bea or did it as a joke because he's being cheeky and she takes it as flirting and starts an argument. And from my playthrough, Sophie and Jack always feel like they're looking for an argument so that checks out too. It's not perfect, but I can feasibly see how one could justify this plot point.
absolutely living for flirting with Claudia in casa
pet peeve subjective raunchy races is back 😠 at least a couple of them are better, like they did have oldest boy in there at least. everything else though, I don't care that much to listen to them argue about who's the most well traveled or stylish.
I love Bea's personality, she's so fun. And tbh, I'm kind of liking her and Liam together. He's forward and she's into it, and it seems like he can keep up with her for now so I'm happy with that couple and I hope it doesn't turn to shit (it probably will).
also pay to win when losers are gonna throw a part anyway ok sure 🙄 I think I've mentioned this before but like personally I think if they're gonna do gem scenes, there has to be a logical ways out of it rather than just MC being like "nah I don't feel like it" and then they lose?? at least for other gem scenes it's like "tell Sophie off 10 gems" or "stay silent" like sure that's fine I guess.
anyway the chats with the boys were actually all pretty fun and short. I, as per usual, have immediately gravitated towards the foodie/chef character but I'll admit I see what y'all are saying about Kyle. Tbh even Max isn't too bad but I'm cautious bc I'm getting Eddie vibes (it's the blond and the gossip lol). And I like Liam, he's like a less cartoonishly silly Hamish (so he reminds me of Felix).
I really like the free party wear dress and this is the second volume in a row MC has accidentally matched with a boy not her partner lol
Bea first mentioning she was bi but not flirting, I just thought maybe they were setting her up to partner with Claudia/Theo depending on who you couple up with/if you're on one of their routes. But then oh the tension at the party when she's staring at MC saying she wants to turn heads and Claudia getting nervous??? loving that.
I don't know what it's like for the other boys but it seems like Shawn and Kyle are drama averse, which I think could be an interesting plot point for later coming back from casa of course, but I also don't know if I believe in fusebox's ability to incorporate that in the story. (once again, the day I write a fic and learn to code its all over for you fusebox)
I didn't pay for the Bea talking about Jin scene but I saw yall talk about Sienna and like I doubt it's going anywhere if it's behind a paywall? it's like the Brad and Christy stuff tbh like unless a bunch of dumped islanders are coming back at the end, I'm ignoring it.
anyway it truly is missing Jin hours again 😔
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find-roronoa-zoro · 3 months
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Roronoa Zoro X CisFem Reader
Four rounds flew by with each team claiming two, though honestly, you and Zoro barely scraped by with your wins. The two of you worked smoothly together alternating and aiming without much vocal communication. Your opponents on the other hand grumbled and argued with each other every time Kid stepped up to serve.
Birdie never missed a shot. Not once - not even with her enormous half drunk boyfriend looming over her. This changed when it was his turn. She would try to guide his eyeline to an easier shot and help with his trajectory.
"Shut up will ya?!" he held the ball out in front of him.
The brunette rolled her eyes in frustration, "No wonder you lost before."
"Not the time, Kitty." Killer muttered from the sidelines.
"We didn't lose!" Kid's eye twitched as he tossed the ball too hard over shooting the edge of the table.
She was already pouring his shot when he turned back to her.
The crowd was definitely amused, you could say the same for yourself.
"You drink it." the redhead snapped as she held out the glass.
"You're the one that missed."
"It was your fault!"
"How was it my fault?!" she stood on her toes to meet his annoyed gaze.
He bent down close to her face, "Lotte."
She almost visibly shuddered as he growled her name, "Fine - this one time - to shut you up."
She took the shot and slammed the glass on the table.
"If you two are done flirting..." you chuckled as Zoro handed the ball to you.
"You don't want to know what their flirting is like." Killer shook his head.
"Gross." you and Zoro muttered in unison as he nudged you and nodded toward the table.
There was still an easy shot left in front of you. You were certain you could make it even as you swayed.
"After this we just have two more." Zoro murmured tipping your elbow up as you got ready to aim.
"Don't help her." Kid called, "That's cheating."
"Let them," Lotte smirked, "cheating won't help them anyway."
"Ignore them." Zoro leaned in so you could hear him.
"Right," taking a deep breath you aimed and exhaled as you tossed.
The ball circled the rim and plopped into the cup eliciting a cheer from the small crowd.
Kid cursed and chugged the beer as he handed the ball off to Lotte - who immediately, without a bit of showmanship or hesitation sank her shot.
You sighed and reached for the cup.
"I've got it." Zoro's fingers brushed over yours as he took it from you and downed it.
Now one cup remained in front of you.
You had to hope Zoro would make this next shot and Kid would miss on his turn. The room was starting to spin around you while also buzzing with excitement. This round would determine the winner.
Bets were floating around with Shanks who graciously offered the winners a cut. Still upset over the spat you had a few nights ago, he bet against you.
Zoro let out a soft breath as he centered himself and took aim.
Another cup down.
Unbothered Lotte grabbed the cup and guzzled the beer wiping her wrist over her chin and lips as she finished.
Tension filled the air as the room fell silent. Everyone watched Kid stumble to the table and squint raising the ball.
With a hollow thunk it bounced off the rim and rolled across the table earning some groans and cheers.
The pressure was on, you had to sink your shot. There was no way Lotte would miss.
Sensing your drunken distress Zoro leaned in putting the ping pong ball in your hands.
"There's no rush if you need a minute."
"Thanks Tiger." you murmured , "Ah, sorry....habit."
He smirked, "We'll talk about it later."
"Are you ever gonna go? I'm sobering up over here." Kid interrupted.
"Shut up," you snapped and glanced at his brunette, "I dunno how you put up with him."
"He is a handful." she agreed.
"Thin ice Birdie." he warned.
She only chuckled apparently amused by his annoyance.
You sighed and closed your eyes trying to steady yourself and tune out the throng of party guests watching. Opening your eyes again you focused on your target and tossed.
The ball floated right over the brim of the cup once again filling the room with noise.
Zoro handed off your shot. You gulped it down thankful that it would probably be the last one. As you set the shot glass down Lotte ended the game.
The crowd closed in on the four of you patting your back to comfort your defeat. You could hardly keep your attention on anyone for longer than a few seconds. The alcohol pumping through your system was finally settling in and it was getting harder to stand still.
"Hey, good game." Lotte held out her hand with a cocky smile.
She really did pair well with Kid.
"Yeah, no fight this time either." you chuckled, "It's almost like everyone wins."
"Except ya didn't, squirt." Eustass rumbled winding his arm around her waist.
"There's always next time."
"Right." Kid laughed turning toward the porch to get some food.
As the crowd dispersed you realized your partner had vanished. With a small pout you chuckled sadly to yourself.
This was stupid.
What were you expecting?
Most importantly, you needed to sit down and sober up.
After letting Marco check on you he helped you into the den and drew the curtains.
"Just rest in here for a while, I'll get some water, yoi."
"Such a good twin I have." you chuckled plopping down on the floor.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
You hummed struggling to remove you're shoes, "Jus' gonna lay down."
"You have your phone?" he watched you pull it from the pocket of your dress before lying all the way down on the rug, "I'll be back but call me if you feel sick, yoi."
"Yes mother." you chortled sprawling out as he exited the room shutting the door behind him.
Left with your thoughts you tapped your feet together keeping time with the tune in your head.
"...Thinking maybe these
Stupid whiskey dreams
Are gonna to kill me soon,"
You chuckled to yourself as you aimlessly murmured the lyrics and closed your eyes.
"Tried my best
To go out last night
Saw some people, didn't care, couldn't even try
Thinkin' darlin' that
You should take me back
Before I loose my mind.."
The door clicked shut.
"Welcome back mama bird ~." you giggled keeping your eyes closed.
"Mama bird?" Zoro's confused tone sent all of your blood to your face.
"Ah - I thought you were Marco, he hates being called that." you dared to glance up at him as he crossed the room with a cold bottle of water.
"He sent me in with this for you." he sat down next you and touched the bottle to your neck making you shiver.
"Hey, rude." you brushed him away as he chuckled lowly, "Thanks for stepping in earlier. Ya didn't have to."
"I wasn't gonna let you have a rematch by yourself." He watched you sit up and lean against the sofa next to him.
"I'm mad that you aren't as drunk as me."
"I just handle it better." He smirked but you didn't miss his slightly rosy cheeks.
For a few moments you sat and took in each others presence.
"Look, I wanted to apologize fo-" before you could finish your sentence he tilted your chin to look you in the eyes.
His thumb traced your bottom lip, "Shut up."
That tone sent your heart racing, it was somehow stern, sultry and playful. You'd experienced it many times.
You weren't sure of the tiny string of moments that led up to it, but suddenly your lips were connected in a desperate kiss. You shifted to face him moving your hands up the back of his neck into his hair. Quick soft smooches allowed you to catch your breath between long deep kisses.
He pressed his forehead to yours, "I missed you."
"I missed you too, Tiger." you caressed his cheek and nuzzled his nose.
A/N : The song reader was singing Whiskey Dreams by Wild Child
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Do you guys know that thing about creative writers with ideas (plot bunnies) and how they always seem to multiply one after the other? That's me with Twisted Wonderland AUs. I can't help it! The series just reminds me of all the stories I loved as a kid, with characters that had depth and / or developed or we got to learn more about--even if it was stupid little things they do in their everyday life! I've grown to appreciate it in ways I never imagined I could any form of media. ;;v;;
To be honest...this game has given me the creativity to consistently create and build upon ideas, and the support you all have given me has meant so much. I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me for so long, and for sending me all the ideas or scenarios you all have been daydreaming of. ;;v;;
So I wanted to give a bit of an update on a few things I'm going to do with the blog:
1) Create a rules page. I've gone far too long without updating my original set, and I feel it's long overdue 😂 Plus, it'll help me keep track of certain things!
2) Go back through and update the links on the Masterlists with posts I may have missed. I didn't realize that some things I was referencing in some of my latest posts (aka the grape incident in the monster!AU) were missing, so I'm gonna comb through my posts and make sure I label and organize them easier for you guys to find (and for me to refresh myself on what I write)!
3) Answering asks (of course). Things are a little slow going and my muse has been getting finicky with me, but I will make sure I get to everyone's asks! Some I may answer because they're quick and easy, others...I may end up getting an idea for something more expansive, so that'll take a bit longer. 😅
And finally, 4) Introducing a(nother) AU:
Twisted Wonderland!Mermaid AU!!!
Honestly, this started because I got inspired by the artwork by this artist here where they drew the characters based on Floyd's nicknames for them, and it started as a Marine Biologist AU where Yuu is a marine biologist and taking care of the mermaid bois (all 22 boys + one fire-breathing cat) buuuuuut...at the moment, Yuu getting shipwrecked and living on the island with the mermaid boys wouldn't leave me alone. 😂
As well as an idea where Yuu is a full-blooded Kaiju/born a Kaiju and has Land Before Time like adventures because I got emotional at baby Littlefoot hatching, but who's counting the ideas? Certainly not me!
Anyway, I wanted to share a snippet of the prologue I have written that's currently under construction, so the final product may differ. I'm honestly really excited about this AU too, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do~ ;;v;;
Snippet under a read-more because this post is going to be long anyway 😂 Enjoy!
Oh, and if I need to tag it a certain way for future posts, please let me know and I'll be sure to add them!
If anyone were to ask Yuu what they were going to be doing over the summer, they likely would have told them: catch up on their reading, or playing video games, or any number of different things they had planned. Even just relaxing at home or on the beach would have been an enticing offer.
A scuba diving trip was not something they expected to get dragged into.
“First time diving?”
“Was it that obvious?” Yuu asked, one hand gripping the bar on the seat next to them until their knuckles were white while the other kept hold of the oxygen tank sitting in front of their flippered feet.
“Yeah…kinda obvious for a first timer,” the instructor said with a chuckle, the man giving them a reassuring pat. “It can be a bit nerve-wracking for new divers, but you’ll be fine. You’re one of the contest winners, right?”
“I put my name in as a joke, I didn’t think I’d actually win!” Peering over the edge of the railings, Yuu couldn’t make out anything in the dark water. “I…thought we were going to dive near the shallows closer to land. What are we doing so far out?” they asked, swearing they saw a big shadow pass by…only to realize it was the ship’s frame reflecting on the water.
“I know we’re a lot further out than we normally would for first time divers, but we had problems with our normal ship and the only one that was available was this ship a couple of marine biologists were using.”
“…why didn’t you just cancel and set it for another day?”
“Try telling that to my bosses,” the man muttered under his breath before the smile was back on his face. “Anyway, I think this will be a fun change to the program! These biologists are actually working to explore the reactions of marine life to musical instruments, and we’ll get to see it firsthand ourselves!”
Before Yuu could respond, the ship came to a stop and the driver said, “We’re here! You folks ready to go diving while we get set up? There’s a coral reef not far below us, so you’ll have plenty of time to sightsee.”
“Yup! Okay, so let’s go over the basics again, and I’ll make sure your gear is on properly.”
Yuu listened nervously as the instructor walked through each procedure and rule of diving, the wetsuit sticking tightly to their body as the tank weighed heavily on their back. This was not how they imagined their first time scuba diving would be—they could barely even make out the shore from a wave in the distance. Finally—with mask secured and breathing apparatus in—the instructor gave them a reassuring nod…before falling backwards into the water with a  ‘sploosh!’. For a brief moment they froze, but the motion of the ship and the weight on their back knocked them off balance and forced them backwards.
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 𝑈𝑃𝐷𝐴𝑇𝐸𝑆 ꒱
Tumblr crashed and this time I wasn't able to restore what I wrote so here we go again, sobbing but at least I could possibly write everything better just incase I missed anything. At this point I'm going to save everything I type to a draft every few minutes, kidding but who knows.
So I finished the Wallace X reader fic which I hope Wallace lovers and people in general love as this is some content I wanted to give since everyone is gonna be waiting for requests and other fics, I've decided I'm gonna finish all the the requests on my planned list and then post it all at once so people don't have to wait individually.
I have some plans for future fics, headcannons and other things that will be posted in the future after I finish the requests on my list. I am still taking requests of course, it's just they're gonna be a bit postponed but I'll definitely get to those once I can. I'm going to work on a masterlist and my pinned page soon, so people can keep track of things with specific pages and not have to scroll as I figured out how to do the word link thingy!
Anyways, that is all and I hoped you enjoyed the Wallace fic as well Todd one. I'm definitely going to write another Todd fic with better writing as I was really tired when I did that one, it's definitely lacking but I'm kinda proud of it. I just feel like I didn't do the request justice, so I'll probably write a continuation or work on rewriting Comfort Crowd. But I hope you all have a nice day or night! ^^
Also here's some images from the show that I found on Pinterest and really liked, as well as some rambles.
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Gideon looks so dorky, I'm sure everyone and me loved seeing this side of him. His downfall was truly the best thing to happen to him, he met Julie again and this time formed a relationship with her. Then created or developed a friendship with Lucas Lee, which I absolutely adore. Overall he had a few wins on his part, oh and the little hug with Matthew at the end. So cute, but Gideon definitely needed this. I don't know if there will be a season two but if we get one, seeing Gideon back in business along with Julie is gonna be so awesome. I need to read the comics as well so bad.
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Stephen and Neil, two characters I want to desperately write for and can't wait to do so. Stephens stance and expression is just everything to me in this scene for some reason, I have headcannons and fics planned in the future for both him and Neil. I actually haven't checked if there's any Stephen fics or headcannons out there so I definitely need to get to searching.
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Lastly, Ken catching Knives! The image is so wholesome and honestly makes me want to write headcannons where the Katayanagi twins are like older brother figures to Knives, maybe give them a little redemption arc for what they did in the past and show that they've matured since college (I swear it was college from what I remember, correct me if I'm wrong.) We didn't get much for them really in the show but at least more than the movie, still I'd love more of the twins and I can't wait to write for them. Again I really need to read the comics as I don't know a lot, just some partial information from online but I just read the wiki and should check the others most definitely! ^^
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invinciblerodent · 11 months
I know it's not really a popular interpretation that's gonna win me a bunch of brownie points (from what I've seen many seem to like him more as a tortured romantic or a "crouching grouch, hidden softie"), but I personally am growing to really like characterizing Astarion as a... a weird, selfish, jealous little chaos gremlin that, while he of course has his reasons, is just kind of a crappy person, even when he's in love.
Like I can fully see him as someone who, as time passes between the first proposition and the commitment scene (and you're still not throwing yourself at his feet, blubbering and sobbing about how much you love him????? the audacity??????), starts to get annoyed at you every time you talk to someone a bit too long for his liking. Like I have a veritable plethora of shots of the amazing stankfaces and unimpressed scowls he makes over my girl's shoulder (I know it's probably because he's the second in the party lineup, but in-fiction it's still funny), and some of the stills I grabbed from his comment on fixing -and hugging- Karlach are... actually kind of incredible.
Like, if I presented to you with this screenshot:
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and told you this is one of the faces he makes when he says "So, the untouchable Karlach is untouchable no more"? You'd probably assume that he's furious about it for some reason.
And there is a part of me kind of thinks he is, at least in a way, furious, because it takes him a few frames to compose himself, and put his pleasant smile back on:
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-which is something I saw him do before. Making a very obviously blank/angry/sad face, taking a moment, and putting on a charming face right away. It's not new, really.
These three shots above were taken over the course of like 2 seconds, tops. It's a very subtle, "blink and you miss it" type of thing, but that's.... honestly all I need to think that Karlach suddenly being an actual option to you (in his weird, at this point in time very "physicality first" POV) is pissing him the fuck off. Like you doing that for her, collecting and lugging scrap metal around, and seeking out Dammon, means that you care for Karlach in some way. Which, then, makes her an opponent in his vying to be the sole recipient of your attention, and he won't suffer even an unknowing adversary. (And in my case, the object of his slowly blooming affections even hugged Karlach! Like right in front of his face!! What arrogance!!!!!! That's just rude, frankly!!!!!!)
I totally can imagine him being the type of person who, before starting a relationship, would use his lack of a need for rest to snoop through your belongings.
As someone who would casually violate your (and others') privacy in little ways, while holding his own sacred.
As someone who'd spy on your interactions with all the other companions from a crack in his tent's opening, and grip his bedroll in anger watching you dance with Wyll ("don't kiss him, don't kiss him, please don't kiss him, if you kiss him I'm fucked"), or steal your journal and get actually mad at you and be unreasonably acerbic to you the next day if it's in a language he doesn't understand.
This kind of also extends to me kind of imagining him as a boyfriend who, once he gets a bit more comfortable with physical affection, will just casually step up to you, and drape an arm around your waist or shoulders while you're talking to someone, to signal almost a sort of ownership. Someone who will make goading faces at anyone who dares look at you too long, or pull you against him in a brazen display if he catches someone checking you out. Like he'd piss on your leg to mark his territory if he could, but he'll settle for leaving a very obvious, crusted over bite mark on your neck if he must.
And yeah, that would get very annoying to any real person, but like I said about Gale before.... I think your character has got to be at least slightly not normal about them, just to match how profoundly not normal they are about you.
... Anyway, do carry on, I just like this edgy dumbass, I like him being both edgy and a dumbass, and him trying to slowly be better about this whole "~~relationship~~" thing is making my little heart happy
(yes, there's the Halsin thing. I have thoughts. But I won't kick the hornet's nest lol.)
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lizbot · 1 year
what is your ship about pk
His Wife and his Watcher :), and now you are gonna make me talk about them :)
This post is a bit longer than usual, so I'm gonna cut it with a "keep reading" thingy.
PK/WL is great not only because it's canon, but because it implies a lot of cute stuff about them. PK before Hallownest was the bug equivalent of a kaiju, and we also know that he is not what you would call a people person, so he probably just roamed the world as a nomad wyrm. Probably lived a more leisurely life too: if someone was causing him problems he could either eat them, roll over them or just go away. 3 easy solutions to most of his problems.
The fact that he ended up married says that he gave all of that away because of his wife. When he decided to stay with the White Lady, he also decided to leave his old body and bachelor lifestyle, lol. Also, when we take into account that they are both immortal beings, it means that they willingly committed to each other for all eternity so they obviously love, respect and trust each other. I see that a lot of people see him as cold and feelingless, but I dunno, he changed a lot just to be with his wife.
With Lurien, it's basically all headcanons, lol. Basically, they met when lurien got (along with other bugs) a job as an advisor or something similar at the White Palace, and Lurien became one of the few that PK actually listened to for advice. This remained the same for some years, totes professional relationship without any romantic interest (yet...). They do become sorta friends, Lurien was the guy that PK tasked to do important stuff that he didn't have time to do because he knew that Lurien would do a good job, so PK ended up talking with him more than most other bugs.
When the City of Tears started to need more direct supervision, he ordered the spire to be built and Lurien became the City Watcher. PK got some extra time to work on other projects now that he didn't have to manage the city, Lurien became the most important mortal bug in Hallownest and got the power to generate real change in the hallownestian society and the common bugs got a new governor that as a mortal, better represented them. Big win for everybody.
The only problem is that they now lived in different places and they started to miss each other friendship. When Lurien started his new job as a watcher, they just communicated through reports and letters. PK missed his friend (probably would not admit it tho), so he started to make excuses to create meetings with him. "I got to review your work", "I've got to check on the city" yeah, right. PK even believed his own excuses.
Over the course of the years, the respect and care towards each other just grew naturally, they got similar personalities but were different enough to make it interesting. Anyways, those professional work meetings slowly became friend visits and eventually, they just started dating without really putting too much attention to it, like, it became common for PK to go visit Lurien at his spire and have a private dinner with him. Later on, they did notice that they had become more than just friends, but to vocalize "hey, we are dating now, right" was not that easy for them, lol. And yeah, they eventually did start dating for realsies.
WL is totally ok with them btw, (an eternal commitment like the one between her and PK needs to have certain perks to work properly), so when she noticed how much her husband cared for Lurien, she wasn't gonna interfere with them and honestly, she probably helped them get together lol.
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antrea · 6 months
this is a ramble but i just wanna write down my thoughts
i'm a new hockey fan as of february so this was my second flyers game ever and first flyers game at home (now i'm like as being 'born and raised' in nj/philly area god i've missed out on so much)
ivan played so fcking amazing for literally just being thrown out there after what like 1.5 weeks stateside? like what on earth
i still wholeheartedly believe in sammy and i cannot take this slander bc if he is so bad then the whole team is worse and cannot provide offensive support (see habs, hawks games)
tipp is soooooooooo fast. i think there were 2 separate isles breakaway chances where thankfully he was actually the only one to catch up with the dude and the pressure he created was enough to totally erase the chance. there were so many times that i thought he was gonna score bc of his sheer speed :(
morgan had some brilliant moments but i think around 2nd period i was sure he was on torts' doghouse bc he just gave away (flag) a lot of pucks lol and he started to move more slowly and then i think that's also when torts moved tippy up and shuffled some lines and i was sad - but honestly he was still injecting so much speed and creativity and he was actively winning back pucks he lost so yeah!!!
i will never forget that final 10 seconds goal for the rest of my life. the farg ERUPTED and i was just like non stop screaming and JUMPING UP AND DOWN for like 5 whole minutes. i didn't even know who fcking scored, it was so chaotic. when they said frost i nearly expired on the spot
i think frost giving away the puck during OT was like the saddest thing ever but i think that line should've started OT anyway........
about refs: since i'm so new to hockey i wasn't sure what was a missed call or just philly fans yapping lol. it's definitely much harder to tell from 200's level what is a foul and what is not
i don't know if i was just like clued in to looking out for cam atkinson mistakes but oh he lost the puck a lot :/ and when he had it he never really did that much with it
whew PK was actually back today i think and i totally attribute it to seels. i think there was one PK where he and garny blocked consecutive shots and you could HEAR it ooft
on the flip side i hate our PP so much and i quote the woman behind me but "it doesn't even look like we're on a power play"
wells fargo center is nice. for some reason before 2024 i went to 0 hockey/ice arenas and now i've been to 4 (blue jackets, caps, habs, flyers) and flyers is by far the nicest
gritty is INSANE energy man we are so lucky to have gritty
due to driving in (ugh next time i'm taking the train) i only had time to speedrun one of the shops on the concourse and there were 0 frost jerseys broooooo. they had like every other player. i was trying to figure out which of the like 4 jerseys we have this season to get anyway and i still don't know...
i was just reflecting all the way home that like i've started seriously following sports since 2010 with german football/bvb and since then i've hardcore picked up ravens nfl, orioles baseball, and figure skating, and i've just never felt this kind of high in-stadium until flyers hockey. and maybe it's just bc i've never been to like orioles playoffs or bvb in germany (i've only been to bvb friendlies in the states) but like i feel like hockey should be more popular lol
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beardedjoel · 1 year
girl i just have to gush on you for how amazing ch. 20 of closer was. idk what switch flipped in joel’s brain during the night between ch. 19 and 20 but i am SO glad that this man is finally admitting his mistakes and actively trying to win her back.
the way they were texting each other this chapter, slowly building their relationship back up? i smiled every time reader did, like dammit i am falling for joel again too. you perfectly captured what it is like to be in that stage with an ex, where there’s still a lot of shit to unpack but right now you’re just taking it slow. it feels like having a crush again, waiting for their messages and getting excited when they call. i 1000% got that feeling reading this chapter and i loved every second of it.
i also am soooo proud of reader for not immediately taking him back, even though she wants to. i know joel is really trying but he hurt her sooo bad and he needs to really show her he’s all in this time before she gives in to him again. i love how you showed her struggle between missing him & seeing that he’s trying but also remembering how it felt when he left and wanting to protect herself. the phone sex with the guilt afterwards was soooo real, also so hot, i was obsessed with that part hahaha.
lastly i just want to say that i LOVE the way you have written joel in this arc of the story. i read a lot of fic where joel is an asshole and hurts reader in some way and tbh i feel like i am never satisfied with the way they end up getting back together. i love how you have made joel actually apologize and put in the work (for weeks!!) of trying to win her back and actually grovel a little. it will be so satisfying when they finally are back together bc we’ve had so much build up now.
OH WAIT sorry one more thing — i almost forgot about the letter in ch. 19!!! are they gonna talk about it at all? i hope they do, i was about ready to cry along with her when she read it 😭
anyways i’m sorry this was so long, but this story is so amazing and the last chapter especially was so good. i can’t wait to read the rest of it!! love you! 🫶🏻💕✨💖
omggggg ok SO MUCH to address here!!! thank you sooo much, i love hearing that you were feeling the emotions and feelings and everything along with the reader, that makes me so happy to hear omg. i've honestly been going through it with her while i'm writing too lol. and for the letter!!! i am definitely hoping to bring that back up again cause it was so sweet and important to reader so i wanna make sure joel hears about it 😭 aaa but yeah thank you again so much!
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Good afternoon/morning to me
I started writing this yesterday evening and I finished now so yea.
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She blocked me on discord I think. I can't see our message history anymore and she doesn't come up with I try to search her user.
I didn't expect her to do this or this to hurt this much, because I honestly feel like I'm OK most of the time just with sudden spikes of sadness or anger. But this sudden inability to refer to our previous messages hit me right in the gut.
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But... Well... Anyway.
I've been spending a lot of time thinking the past week. Obviously, I suddenly have a deep expanse of "talking energy" to fill, so yea.
I've identified that I'm not really missing a person that exists in this world, Rather, I'm missing a concept of a person, or at the very least, just a part of a person, and definitely not the whole individual. I don't miss my ex, I miss an idealized version of my ex, basically. But honestly even beyond that, I don't even really super miss the girl. What frustrates me about this relationship ending isn't the loss of the girl, but the loss of the space that the girl represented.
You see, I'm fairly religious, and so was she-both of us in our church choir and attending regularly + doing the church events. And we also didn't take it so seriously that we couldn't joke about church things. However we also had a lot of similar interests outside of our church: anime, games, etc. And another thing is we were both just really horny.
The resulting venn diagram of a human being feels so rare and was so comfortable to me that I don't know I'll ever find it again. A person who I could joke about a bible verse in today's service, then pivot into sexting just like that. And we had so much in common we fell in love so hard so quickly. Like we were already talking about engagement rings.
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I might just be attached to the relationship, but I'm scared the next relationship I build will take a long time to achieve that depth. And I'm sure that it will lack that same dynamic that I loved about talking to her.
But to be positive, maybe that dynamic is a property of me myself. And the girl I'll love will be someone who is willing to accept that part of me. And we'll be able to pivot between all the random things we like freely.
I sure hope so.
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Now of course, I'm romaticizing this. She was only really like this with me the first month of our relationship. Afterwards, I know now that she was already cheating and, from my perspective, it was a lot of ups and downs. The downs made her feel so so far away, as she would just blow me off and ignore me. I'm trying to focus on that to attempt to get over her.
She wasn't a very good girlfriend, so I feel like getting over her should be easy. Especially nowadays I have a much stronger support structure than I did back 8 years ago. Additionally, I've spent a lot of time just building myself. This break up almost feels like a test for my mental stability. I feel like I'm winning.
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Another thing is that I think I'm gonna be touch starved for a while now. This is crass but it came to me when I was trying to finish deleting all the photos I had of her, and I saw a nude in the recycle bin as I was trying to delete delete everything. It made me realize that I probably won't have that for a while, as I don't really subscribe to one night stands anymore.
But not just intimacy. I probably... Won't have many just... Hugs for a while. Guys don't really get hugs unless girls offer. I distinctly remember getting attack hugged by her when I first visited her and thinking, ah this is the first hug I've had all year? And it was September 30th.
I hope it doesn't take that long again.
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But yea. I'll be ok.
I just feel kinda lonely right now.
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
groupie anon is back to say that that seonghwa fic.... ngl I was so anxious about them going at it in reader's workplace but you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. ALSO I READ THE YUNHO ASTRONAUT ONE- I... that was not very cash money of you ngl.
You deserve to be hyped up um??? giving us all this for FREE?? (my broke uni student self thanks you, on my knees, bowing to you like the angel you are).
also don't mind if you find this account hahah, i just like being groupie anon hehe. I already made my kpop account but I'm waiting to write that fic first before I start being active on it!
honestly, your response to my idea was so wholesome, I might cry. I planned on going home and watching the lectures I've missed while I was in class, but uni can wait. sannie sick fic cannot. I will birth it today no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT.
I got into ateez a bit late but they're one of my ults along with seventeen, but sannie has been a consistent bias. I like to say I don't really have biases and it changes everyday, but san.... he's... yeah. he's made a home for himself in my head. living rent free. slay. but no seriously I'm dtf any day, any time, anywhere. however he wants. I would do questionable things for that man. ehem. moving on. I'd crawl on the floor like a dog and- ANYWAY... other than san though, the rest kind of fight for the bias position everyday.
us as public penpals??? shut up that's so fjfufbhs CUTE im melting. I can't wait to write that fic now hahaha.
thank you for your kinds wishes, I really hope uni goes easy on me this year :").
I hope all is going well for you!!! until next time :* (maybe next time would be through my actual account, rather than as groupie anon! ^^)
heyyyy yeah i feel like the reader’s going to be having a meeting with her boss whenever she gets back sjhsdgd ohhh the astronaut yunho one 🥺 yeah that was the exact opposite of cash money i hurt my feelings so much after i wrote that ;;; but that kind of angst hurts just right sometimes 💔
it may be for free but i get paid in praise so that’s a win in my book 💕 hshdhd don’t awaken anything in me nowww and i’m def not an angel in any capacity more like a goblin that sits in its den and writes filth in the darkness loll.
i have some ideas but i’m not completely sure! oooh okay i can’t wait till you start posting! awwh haha i just really liked that concept you came up with it’s just so insanely fluffy and domestic i want to cry happy tears 🥹 ahhhhh sick sannieeee i can’t wait to read it!! i’m so excited dude
ooh seventeen i like a lot of their music! i can’t pick a bias tho there’s just too many and my mind can’t make a decision jshhs but vernon tho… that man could get it. who’s your seventeen bias btw? yeah i feel that in my bones like san is just something else like i could write a 10 page mla essay on why i love him and how delusional i am for that man but i won’t for everyone’s sake 👍🏼 “crawl on the floor like a dog” FOULLLL but same like where’s the leash? it’s time for walkies - i’m just gonna stop talking now… but same i can’t pick where it comes to the rest of them they’re just too powerful ���
it is really cute huh??? i’m so glad you decided to send me an ask bc i’m loving this! but if you wanna dm too i’m 100% down for that <3 you’re welcome and i hope it does too hang in there and just take it one day at a time <3 it’s def not the best but it’ll get better soon! oooh sounds good i’ll be looking forward to your next ask 💕
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arlecchno · 2 years
YES OMG THE POISONED DREAMS SERIES (from what ive read so far) IS SO SCRUMPTIOUS - the print copies have art in them and im just so obsessed teehee . summers fic and MA over the past few months have been the things i looked forward to in the then - futures . cova is srsly taking all of our hearts hostage w that blessed fic LOL its also real fun that the reader in fic has a hydro vision (this doesnt count as spoilers right ?) because ive always personally envisioned (haha) myself with one too . cova also has other works w alhaitham in it that are like kinda sorta connected to summers fic , my favorite being this one , i love the fic description LMAO
dude ive done so much random bullshit because i used to have SO MUCH extra free time on my hands ??? and , honestly dude ive really been wanting to get back into writing on a regular basis but i have such terrible commitment issues with my personal projects its insane . also if you dont mind could you share some of your a/n that you find particularly silly ? i honestly live for memey authors notes
ive also taken that quiz ! multiple times actually (and many others) LMFAO , it was a different answer every time but its mainly a tie between ei and albedo . which is . heavily ironic . because all my close friends call me a scara kinnie which is like . ah yes another artificial human and then throw a creator of one at me like ??????? atp ive just come to embrace that i might be a little artificially flavored in the brain (/hj) . ive also been called a cyno kinnie sometimes because of the terrible puns i make (they laugh anyways though so i mean ..) anyways yeah so if you wanna assign me a genshin character too feel free to i guess , its honestly fun for me to see people assign me a genshin character they think im similar to .
heres …. a spoon i accidentally drew while trying to draw a fish
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- jellyfish
i've only read the summers fic until chap 4 (currently reading chapter 5) and it's so good. the mc and alhaitham's dynamic is so funny HAHA i keep laughing every time they have their stupid banters especially in the middle of fighting/interrogating people.
mc having a hydro vision is actually so nice too!! in chapter 4 at the part where they were sitting by the water and mc was playing around with the water by morphing them into dolphins and such was a nice addition to them. having a hydro vision sounds so fun and honestly i kinda want it too now LMAO
i'll also be sure to check out the other fic you've linked! cova's work with the summers fic is truly good and they're hella good at writing, so i'm not gonna miss the chance to not read their other works 🥹
and wow!!! i think you'll do a great job at writing again, and if you ever decide to get back to it, i would drop everything to read your work. no really, you're good at drawing, you make poems, you like solving out stuff, you make your own games— what can't you do???? you have such amazing skills and talents, i'd drop on my knees to see more of your work 😵‍💫
i won't deny that writing is such a big commitment and it takes such a huge effort to get back on your feet, and that's okay!! i think it's really neat that you have your own personal projects, i would say that's a total win!!!! hehe
google docs has this section where it lets you add comments in the words you've highlighted and i took every opportunity to make the silliest ones in some lines i've written for ma (would we consider this as proper annotations? i don't think i would...), here are some of them
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i like adding my own author comments in my google docs because personally— it feels like a wattpad comment section, except that it's only visible to you, y'know? pretty silly, exactly, but i like annotating my own work for some reason... i think i'm just hella weird
i kinda see how you'd be an albedo kinnie, actually. well, one, you're pretty artistic, but also, i have a feeling you're kind of a quiet and reserved person irl. i hope i'm not wrong because then i'd be a total fool HAHAHA but anyways... hm... cyno kinnie... you know i can't disagree to that when you've already slipped in a pun on your first paragraph 😔 ngl i giggled when i first read it so... another win for you?
thank you for the spoon jellyfish haha it's so silly that it made my day 😭
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend and beginning to think the fates are conspiring against me to get the episode well-wishes out in time this season (that and the onset of the cold leading to people getting colds in the era of "we don't need masks anymore" 🙄). Anyway doesn't seem like I've missed much but the next episode is certainly looking interesting 😯😯😯!! I'm loving the Hen content, though I feel like we're still missing Chim content this season 😒😒😒. Anyway hope you enjoy it, cheers friend 🍷🍷!
Well the fates A.K.A having to go back into the office for work every day have conspired against ME having energy to do anything and to answer asks during lunch since I prefer to type them on a keyboard instead of do them on my phone.
I am once again a little lost on how to feel about the episode. It was fun, I (mostly) had a good time, but I got to the end and it was just like...that was it? I think on top of my irritation with the way they handled the Noah storyline, not getting much else left me feeling a little, honestly, bored? The dog bit was fun, and the Henren stuff was *chef's kiss* but...no one else really did anything? We got little blips of Eddie and Buck and Bobby and Athena, we saw Madney talk about the "house manager" and Maddie mention the case at work but no deeper talks or mention of Chim getting abducted at work, it's like since they cut the "couples therapy" scene they are just totally back to normal which is a shame. I mean, I ADORE Madney but if they were going to (stupidly) break them up AFTER the big speeches in Boston instead of showing them working through things together from that point on, then we need to see them actually working on stuff together!
The fist call was fun (detective Buck for he win!) but that DIY call was...a bit of a mess. Oh, lets just stab around until we find something like no?? Maybe we shouldn’t?? and Buck and Eddie coming back felt weird and out of place because it wasn’t like the broke down a door and knocked a hole in the wall! That kind of damage probably needs assessing by someone who actually knows what they are doing and what building codes are, plus if she has insurance or anything it could get messy if the people fixing it are licensed because if there are issues later she could still be at fault for not having it fixed professionally. It all would have been weird enough but also the weird vibes from those two supposed siblings was...sure something that happened. Nice to know I wasn’t the only one who felt weird about all that. I’ve already talked about the Noah stuff but boy that choice is gonna haunt me for awhile.
Mostly, I’m confused about how all these scenes are going on but like, nothing much is really happening and despite all the potential, things have been boring and I don’t like that. BUT they are boring with cute firefam scenes instead of infuriating with BT or L scenes so I’ll take the improvement! And on the bright side, next week looks like it’s going to be An Event and I’m really excited for the potential in this one too. Fingers crossed they don’t let us down!
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Kyotani YN:
Being Seijoh's Manager
and Dating Terushima Yuuji
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Terushima Yuuji (featuring Seijoh) x Kyotani YN (fem! Reader)
Warnings: Terushima and Oikawa in the same piece, probably Swearing (its me)
A/N: This is a request from 🦎 anon! This one got long 😅 I have no self control
Terushima is like the Oikawa x Atsumu collab nobody asked for
There I finally got it out 😅
I feel so much better
N E WAYS let's get on with this one
Kyotani YN... God I can already tell I love you
A female versions of THE maddog ✋🏻 say less
Now I feel like you would be alot like your twin brother
Except that perhaps you are better at masking your delebrate hate for Oikawa 😃
Like Maddog always looks grumpy
But 🙌🏻picture this 🙌🏻
You are just as brass and blunt as your brother but not to everyone
Except Oikawa
You hang around with the boys volleyball team alot
Already hate you YN 😑
You grew to love and care for the guys
Except Oikawa
Like Kentaro, you looked up to Iwaizumi
I mean, also maybe but more like probably had a huge crush on Hajime 🥵
I feel like Iwa was that guy alot of people had crushes on but he never dated anyone 😒
Like he's just out here flirting but never dating
Because of Oikawa 🙄
Anyways as well as hanging out with the guys at practice, you sort of became their unofficial Manager
Mostly because you got along with everyone
Except Oikawa
Always a win in the Aoba Johsei book YN 👏🏻
Tournaments were always fun for you because you got to hang out with your brother and the team
Except Oikawa
You also got to meet alot of amazing players from other schools 👀
Like the weirdo duo from Karsuno
Or the big stoic tree man from SHIRATORIZAWA 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
But it wasn't those guys that interested you, oh no no no
You were filling up water bottles
Again with the water bottles 🙄 I know I know
Honestly Seijoh wasn't worried about leaving you alone
Like nobody in their right mind would mess with Kyotani YN 🤣
Good thing Terushima Yuji isn't known for his brains 😃
"Excuse me miss?"- Terushima says
"Yes?"- You say looking at him
You know exactly who he is
I mean people talk... because Oikawa talks... A LOT
And Oikawa definitely knows all the tea about Terushima 👀
"Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes"- Terushima 😏
You 👉🏻😐🙄 dear God-
You just go back to filling up the water bottles, hoping Romeo will leave
Too bad that's not gonna happen YN 😅
"I'd like to take you to the movies but unfortunately they don't let you bring your own snacks"- Terushima 😜
Please he's so proud of those YN give him something
You smile a little trying not to laugh
That little action encourages Terushima
"You are quite annoying you know"- you say, rolling your eyes
"So does that mean I've annoyed you enough to get your number?"- Terushima smirks
"Sure"- you
"Really???"- Terushima 😱
"No 😃"- you say
"You wound me !!"- Terushima says dramtically
He reminds you of someone 🤨
"Yoooohooo YN-chan"- Oikawa screeches from the end of the hallway
Oh yeah 😐
You roll your eyes and walk by Oikawa straight to the real caption
"Hajime, do you need me to do anything else?"- You ask
"YN-CHANN"- Oikawa bellows 😱
"Nah we are good thanks YN"- Iwa says as you smile and wave to your brother and the team
You exit the gym, accidently running straight into a giant yellow wall
"Oh I'm so sorry"- you say, falling back as a hand lands on your waist
"Hey look who is is"- Terushima smirks
You 👉🏻😐🙄 dear God
"Couldn't resist my magnetic pull could you?"- Terushima
"I guess not, I do tend to attractive negative energy"- You
"Why must you be so mean to me!"- Terushima says, hands clenched to his chest
Drama king istg-
You just walk away again, unfortunately this time big bird follows you
"You know I'm not going to leave you alone until you give me your number"- Terushima says
This is when I would punch him YN
Go ahead, nobody is looking 😏
You just roll your eyes and keep walking
And Terushima keeps pace, talking to you the entire time
This is literally an Iwa and Oikawa situation 🤣 you being Iwa and Terushima being Oiks
"You know what, fine I'll give you my number"- you finally relent
Terushima smiles, taking out his phone
"Wait- I'll give you my number and you text me. That way I know your number isn't fake"- Terushima
"Do you get fake numbers alot Romero??"- You smirk
Terushima glares at you as your roll your eyes, taking your phone out to text him
"There"- you say, sending him a text
"Hey thanks! I'll text you this weekend and maybe we can chill?"- Terushima
"Sure"- you say, shrugging
Terushima waves goodbye while reaching into his pocket to check his phone
Unknown number: BTW my name is YN dumbass
"I FORGOT TO ASK HER NAME"- Terushima screams as you giggle to yourself from down the hallway
After the catastrophe that was meeting Terushima, he IMMEDIATELY started texting you
Mans has less chill than I do 🤣
However, I fully believe he's not as annoying over text as he is in person
So he's actually kind of... sweet?
Sure let's go with that 😃
Anyways he manages to persuade you to "hang out" with him
We all know "hang out" means date
Terushima takes you out and you actually have an amazing time
He asks you about your brother and the Seijoh team
"Somethings are best left unsaid Yuji"- YN, quote of the century
I'm not going to go into a ton of detail but after your first date, things started progressing nicely
You actually enjoyed the Oikawa/Atsumu crossover alot 😅
However, all good things must come to an end YN
Per the rules of my headcanons, we must now destroy all happiness we have thus created
You knew it was only a matter of time before someone figured out you were dating Terushima
However what you didn't expect was an entire team intervention 😃
You see, your twin brother was completely on to the fact that you were dating someone
Well he was like 99.9% sure
Because before this, you basically never left the house
And suddenly you were never home??
That's suspicious, that's weird 🤨
But your brother knew if HE confronted you, that he would probably get his ass handed to him on a silver platter
So instead, he asked Yahaba for help
Because Mad dog and Yahaba are bros
So he tells Yahaba about his plight
Unfortunately, Oikawa has the hearing of bat and overhead
Kentaro decides to ask the entire team for help
"Why not have Iwa ask her? She loves Iwa"- Makki suggests
"I'm not asking YN anything"- Iwaizumi says
Our biggest support system 🥺
"But what if YN-chan is in danger Iwa-chan!"- Oikawa, whining
Iwaizumi 👉🏻 😐🙄 fine
However, one thing about Iwaizumi is that he has zero chill as well
Seriously Oikawa has wore this man down 👏🏻
So he's going to ask you like right away
Unbeknownst to Seijoh, you were actually on your way to introduce Yuji to the team
No time like the present to change your mind YN 😐
Because secrets like this are best left in the open YN
Too bad your brother and body guards go to Seijoh and you can't have nice things 🙃
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Oikawa saw you walking in with Terushima and pretty much announced it to the entire Miyagi prefecture 🙄
Kentaro and Iwaizumi were running 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ towards you
Terushima was semi hiding behind you
You just stood there, glaring with your arms crossed
Luckily, Kentaro and Iwaizumi saw your stance and stopped short
Kentaro and Iwaizumi are both growling at Terushima 😐
"Will you idiots stop it! Yuji and I are together and istg if ANY of you ruins it, I'll personally make sure you disappear without a trace"- you 😡
On que, someone comes to ruin it 🙃
Kunimi whips out his phone to live stream Oikawa's impending murder
Kageyama is the first to tune in ✋🏻
"YN why didn't you tell us?"- Mattsun asks
Meanwhile Oikawa is having a legit fit
You 👉🏻😐
"Nevermind"- Mattsun 🙄
"This is so stupid! YN is he treating you well?"- Yahaba says
You nod, till in a stand off with Iwaizumi and Kentaro
Please my money is on you YN 😫
"Ok well then I guess that's it"- Watari says
"I care about YN and I promise I'll do whatever I can to make sure she's safe"- Terushima says
"More like YN will keep you safe"- Makki chuckles
"Well I don't have to like it"- Kentaro growls
"Yeah well you don't like anything. And hey, it could be worse, I could be dating Oikawa"- you say
Iwaizumi and Kentaro 👉🏻😐 you right
Oikawa 👉🏻😱😱😱
After that, the boys respected your relationship
They may not have liked it but again, at least you weren't dating Oikawa YN 🥰
Oikawa rn after all the slander 👇🏻
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
Can you do a cyan reader from show by rock for twst boys. also what animes have you watched I’d like to know?
Twisted Wonderland with a Cyan!MC
notes: •honestly i don't watch anime much since i kind of lose interest easily KSKSKS (i might missed some but) i think I've watched owari no seraph, bungo stray dogs, yuukoku no moriarty, vanitas no carte(?), assassination classroom, fairy tail, death note and karnival(i think I'm missing smth so I'll be adding if i remember)
•and i honestly read manhwas more (e: the return of the 8th class magician, who made me a princess etc)
•pls tell me i got her character right
as soon as cater mentioned abt being in a band, your full attention is on him and he had never been more than happy
will tell u abt the club and will ask u to consider joining them (since they're in desperate need of a new member)
immediate relief when u actually join them not too long after
the one who spread you were an idol in ur world (probably how a certain someone finds out too)
tries to get a pic with u EVERYTIME
#withmyfavidol #chilling #theysofab😘
someone pls stop him
that someone being trey and riddle so yey⁉️
trey is more than happy to have u around
he knows cats have bad breathe (my cats.) so he made sure u took care of that
would take away ur pastries privileges if u refuse to take care of ur mouth
riddle is quite curious abt u
and he really likes ur style too!!
ur personality is smth he really likes and appreciates
tho, it would get on his nerves if you're against him since he's not really good with retaliation
ace and deuce experiments on u
actually, it was all ace's idea
deuce thought it was bad but got convinced into ace's plan
yknow that one grass that people wave around for cats to play with? yeah thats them
guess who lost their heads btw
you have animal ears, they have animal ears
kinship???? /JOKE
anyways u probably have ur cat nap with leona sometimes
cat things ig
ruggie shitting tears bc now he have two people to wake up
well at least u dont take a nap every second and is hard to wake up unlike a certain someone
sometimes takes advantage of how you never suspects anyone but shh🤫 u didn't hear that from him
Jack is the one who suspects people for u
will be the one on the lookout for anyone that's trying to take advantage of ur gentle personality and how u never suspect anyone of anything bad
sometimes prays that u will so that u won't get into anything bad (COUGH COUGH azul's deal COUGH COUGH)
insists that he's only doing this for repayment of that thing with savanaclaw evil plan to win some sports
he lied, we all know he did, he actually enjoyed ur company
cheers u on abt u being in a band
in his own way ofc, he's not gonna be THAT obvious🙄🙄*proceeds to be exact that*
sometimes if u invite him, he will actually make time to attend one of ur concerts
u didn't hear this from me tho
leona? leona.
he doesn't care much
just a fellow cat, nothing much here
tho u are a breathe of fresh air from what he's used to
he quite enjoys ur company too but he would rather die than admit it
he especially enjoy ur afternoon cat naps together
doesn't matter what species u are, floyd will always want to squeeze u /pos
/neg if u hate being squeezed or just dislike physical touch
azul is like 🤔 hm. maybe we need a performer in here don't you think?
and then stare right into ur soul👁👁
fret not, he'll pay you!! will even prepare anything necessary for ur performance!
the deal is set and now u occasionally perform in monstro lounge
sometimes floyd tried to join in but jade grabbed him by the collar and made sure he does not step foot on the stage
jade is the mad scientist that tried to study u
u are technically a cat🤔do u play what cats play? do u eat those cat foods? can cats like u perhaps... eat mushrooms?👁👁
oh no run
don't worry! azul is here to save u!
by grabbing u by the collar and running away from jade who have his mushroom food in one hand
even floyd ran away, sometimes he'll hoist u up in the air and just carry u like a sack and run like that
speaking of which, they, azul specifically, likes ur personality
esp if u gave a honest feedback on smth for the lounge or them as a person
and ue gentleness is more than welcomed‼️
floyd specifically liked that abt u‼️
HELLO‼️‼️‼️‼️- kalim to you
jamil trying to shush him bc he's yelling too loud in the hallways
kalim tried to get you to join the light music club!
he even gave u a tour and introduced u to who's the members‼️
he even tried to state the pros and cons of joining them‼️
which doesn't really take much convincing bc u literally said yes
one performance in and so suddenly yall got famous
so famous, other schools even heard of y'all and majority are yalls fans🤔
kalim is more excited than the whole group combined about that
now he believes you're their lucky charm
uh oh
better start asking jamil to turn that belief around
speaking of jamil, he's more than happy to have u around
you're not too loud and is up to troubles like a certain someone he knows and is actually prettu gentle
you're a breathe of fresh air
tho your straightforwardness might get on his nerves a bit🤔
just a bit tho
mostly when u disagree with him
other than that, totally no problems with u
more than happy to leave kalim in ur capable hands as he go and get his rest for once
also!! he's really happy how u still see him as him and not as kalim's shadow
it was really much appreciated that he just
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oh vil and rook loves your style
gothic lolita??? and u look SO good in it???? MMM.
maybe u wanna join their dorm? hahaha that was a joke that was a joke
or was it.
if u asked, they'll be more than happy to dress u up😁
they got all the frills and ribbons here just. just come over.
don't play with the ribbons tho, this is a warning from vil
he appreciates that you're honest and would give a honest feedback abt smth he asked or with how he dolled u up
he's a celebrity and you're apparently in a band with the light music club that got so popular so suddenly so he can understand if u feel stress etc and would actually offer a spa day‼️
rook watching u from above the trees almost everyday like👁👁
u wondering why is ur senses tingling like someone is watching u or smth🤔
rook actually wrote u a poem sometimes to just appreciate u
someone needs to drag him away bc his poem seems like it will never end
felines(?) should be strong too right??🤔 - epel's first impression
you're strong or not, who knows. just show epel and we'll know ig
actually had his eyes on ur ears like 👁👁
like father like son ig (rook is the dad, no u can't argue with me on this one)
it looks soft so like uh one soft pat?😁pls?😁
likes ur gentle personality actually, that way, he can look and be manlier next to you
when uh, vil isn't around ofc
idia going ballistic bc omg!! someone who's in a band who's actually good at singing and actually had sone experience and is actually really good and is ac-
we get it idia:/
actually vibrates in his seat when u turn to look at the tablet he used to go to school
like wow! his idol is looking right at him!
yes, it's a tablet but it's his tablet so you have technically noticed him;D!
don't even ask how u became his idol so quick
probably the one who spreads about u that u just became so popular even outside of school
you're welcome btw
ortho is happy to have a new friend!
he doesn't have many felines or beastman friends (since the savanaclaw people are not really the friendliest), so he's happy that he got u as a friend!
he sometimes watch some youtube videos abt cats and what they play and test it on u🤔
like laser? those feather on a idk string???
probably a bridge for u and idia to start talking too
since he noticed how much of a big fan his brother is of you🤔
idia at first was a mess, he can barely get a word out
but at least he got that autograph💪‼️ (and picture he screenshot from the cctv HELP)
u might need to give him a few weeks for him to even start talking to u normally
goth with the goths
you were in a band back in ur world? kewl, how about u join the light music club and be in another band with mister lilia vanrouge over here;D~?!
definitely tries to get u to join the light music club, which does not take long bc u said yes abt it right away to being in a band🤔
since u like to shop for antiques, he is more than happy to indulge u in it!
lilia had lived for thousands of years, of course he have seen and own some antiques himself!
he's even more than happy to explain their history if it have some or maybe the artist if its a piece of art
since you're a cat, lilia had so much fun playing around with u
literally tried to test if you're just like a cat by pointing laser so u can chase it
sebek does think you're talented and made sure you know of it
may or may not have tried getting u to write a song about malleus but shh
he appreciates talents and is not afraid to let you know of it, even as an anti human
he also appreciates that you're honest, that way he can trust u more🤔‼️
i legit do not know how to write more for sebek
just think of sebek as a big chunky protector of his cat friend prefect with their cat monster
silver? silver (silver coloured emoji)
he likes your gentle personality
sometimes, he fell asleep in ur presence
like "oh its prefe- zzzzz"
can u blame him? it's soothing and a breathe of fresh air from what he's used to seeing and tolerating
malleus? over the moon.
like you're gentle and straightforward? 🤩🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
he is just so happy to have u as a friend that he almost brought u a new instrument as a gift
oh he's more than happy to indulge u in some antiques he personally knows too
while he has not live for as long as lilia or travelled the world like him, he does know his fair share of antiques stuff in his long life
would even gift u them if u asked
if you allow it, he'll pet ur ears😁pls.
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