#anyway. thanks for coming to my ted talk i love my boyfriend
butchdykekondraki · 11 months
honestly wild i managed to even have someone as nice as my partner love me in the first place . wild
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virahaus · 7 months
Okay so a new little idea of mine
You know how in fics where Obi-Wan and Anakin are already married/together, the twins are all grown up and they start to bring home their first boyfriends/girlfriends?
Well Anakin is usually portrayed as the one who disapproves of it, especially regarding Han as a possible love interest for either of the twins but,,, I'm thinking.
Anakin is a romantic to the core. He loves love, and perhaps in a better life for himself he'd delight in watching corny romantic films and swoons over period dramas (his whole speech to padme when he confesses? Please he was Like That for a Reason ™).
He's an incurable romantic, and now that he has the love of his life Obi-Wan by his side always, I bed he'd love to see his children find the right person for them (tho I don't ofc dismiss him being protective over them or giving the possible love interest a stink eye).
But this is more about Han, specifically.
Usually in fics where he's a love interest for either Luke or Leia, Anakin disapproves of it while Obi-Wan is more encouraging and I'm like,,,,
No, sirs. No, madams. No, non-binary folks.
Han is a pilot and a good one a that. He loves his ship and he's a proficient mechanic too. Anakin would prolly be a bit wary about his past but they'd bond about their shared passion sooner or later. Not saying they'd be buddy buddy but the possibility is there.
Obi-Wan tho.
We have canon material about his interactions with Han! And if y'all don't think while watching their interactions that Obi-Wan is so over Han's bullshit I dunno what film have you watched lol
Their first encounter and this is Obi-Wan's face.
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He's literally like: this dude is only trouble. I won't let him date my son. Absolutely not. I veto this.
And it continues when Han speaks of the force.
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For Anakin I think it would be even more hilarious to hear him dismiss the Force as something that do not exist, since you know it's his second parent... But Obi-Wan's face? His little smirk? He's like please. Please let me out of there before I become uncivilised ergo juggle him around using the force.
Anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk about why Obi-Wan would kick Han's ass both physically and verbally if he tried something with his children. Honestly Han was lucky Obi-Wan was dead in the later films 😂
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buck-up-buck · 5 months
Canon Events that have happened over the three episodes that have me going INSANE (like, these actually happened and are not Fanon.)
Buck asked Tommy for a tour of Harbour, not because he wanted to consider learning to fly, or leave the 118, but soley because he wanted to hang out with Tommy.
Buck used Christopher for information on Tommy.
Buck pretended to suddenly be into Basketball so that he could go to the game, just because he knew Eddie and Tommy would be there.
Buck body slammed Eddie while playing Basketball (honestly, I still cannot get over the fact that he YEETED THIS BOII).
Tommy got Buck's address from Eddie and chose to come around to apologise to Buck even though, TECHNICALLY, Buck was the one acting like a spoilt brat all episode.
BUCK WAS KISSED BY A MAN. SPECIFICALLY, BUCK WAS KISSED BY TOMMY. And then proceeded to be swept off his feet by this man and was left starstruck in his apartment, after Tommy openly communicated that he had to go to work and wasn't just kissing and bailing.
"I'm an Ally."... Need I say no more.
Buck acted like a totally fucking idiot on his first date with Tommy, and proceeded to have Tommy cut the date short because of how unready he seemed. WHICH BY THE WAY, TOMMY AGAIN COMMUNICATED SO BEAUTIFULLY WITH BUCK AND PROCEEDED TO STILL CALL THIS MAN ADORABLE. HE CALLED HIM ADORABLE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.
Buck accidently outed himself to Maddie because he was doing a ramble ramble about his lil buck'ed up date.
Buck told Eddie he was on a date with Tommy, and Eddie proceeded to be the bestie of besties to Buck and told him, they all loved him anyways. HE USED THE WORDS. Bucks face in that scene will forever make my lil gay heart WEEP.
Buck told Eddie he couldn't stop thinking about the hot pilot that kissed him. CRYING.
Buck proceeded to grow the fuck up and apologised to Tommy, face to face, out in a public space, knowing full well that Tommy could have dropped his ass there and then, but still wanted to show him how sorry he was, and that he was, in fact, ready.
Buck also then invited Tommy to Chim's bachelor party, HELD HIS ARMS OPEN ACROSS THE ROOM READY FOR A HUG, told Tommy off for his outfit, showing off true Clipboard Buck form, AND THEN TOUCHED HIS PECK.
Eddie, the bestie of besties, got all sappya and jokey when he saw Tommy and Buck together.
Buck got all pouty when Tommy had to go to work, BUT TOLD HIM TO BE SAFE. HE SAID BE SAFE DAMNIT.
Buck got all goofy and smiley when he saw that Tommy had arrived at the hospital, MEANING, that he was most likely texting Tommy all day updating him on everything that was going on, even if Tommy couldn't respond while attending to the fire.
Buck, the idiot that he is, proceeded to out himself, to his entire family, by coming back into the room, most likely 15 to 20 minutes after leaving, covered in soot because he had been uncontrollably making out with his hot pilot boyfriend.
Hen, the queen that she is, has most likely spoken to Karen about her suspicons of Buck's sexuality, and procceed to say ABOUT DAMN TIME. SHE KNEW THIS WHOLE TIME. HER GAYDAR IS ON FIRE. I LOVE HER.
Again, all of these events happened IN ACTUAL EPISODES, not in a fanfiction. I am FERAL over this. Bi!Buck is the best thing to ever happen to me.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk and if you don't ship BuckTommy, leave.
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Gregstophe is technically canon and here's why:
Ok so Christophe and Gregory are based on the characters Enjolras(Gregory) and Grantaire (Christophe) from "les miserables"
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Ok now you're probably thinking "ok cool fact but what does this have to do with them being together?"
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(I'm so happy for them SKSKS)
BUT ANYWAYS this sparks up a new theory for me *throat clearing sound*
WHAT IF Gregory and Christophe WERE dating but they had a fight and broke up (you know like how 10 years olds break up every time they get into small fight and then get back together like two days later I like to imagine there were like that for a while until they got older) and as attempt to make Christophe jealous so they would become boyfriends again...he started "dating" wendy which would explain why he didn't put a giant fight when she left him for stan and omfg then after finding out Christophe temporarily died due to being fatally attacked by dogs they had a big ass fight about Gregory not being there but it ended with them getting back together and promising eachother not to break up anymore......,....and then they get married just like Enjolras and Grantaire ahbswhwhd
OH and fun fact: The song "la Resistance" from South Park: B.L.U.C. is a parody of "one day more" from les miserables
Ok but anyways thanks for coming to my Ted talk good bye and have a wonderful day 👋
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I love these two so much 🟩🟧
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wisekiwi123 · 11 months
The parent wars
Ok I love how this fandom ships Lilia and deduce’s mom because they are both single parents with adorable sons.Then someone else recommend Vil’s dad (I think his name was Eric)since he is also single and might be ready to mingle.
But you know who else the fandom has dubbed as a single adoptive parent of our dear m/c?! DIVUS CREWEL!!!
And now imagine all the dads end up meeting Ms Spade (maybe on parents day at school) and end up falling in love with since she is so HOT , BEAUTIfUL aNd WONDERFUl. So they are now love rivals and they each want to win the Ms Spade heart. Now because the dads are rivals their kids are now rivals since they all want their dads to be happy and let's be honest deuce would make an amazing brother so it is a win win.
But now imagine the CHAOS and DRAMA that will unfold since the kids will battling each other in order to convince deuce that their dad is the best fit for his mom. Like imagine Vil stealing deuce away to his dorm and gives him a list of benfits that he will get if they become sibling (examples: getting tutoring from vil to become an honor student, how there might be adverts about flash bikes (you know those magical motorbikes in their world) or compitions that he can get front roll seats to and most importantly his mom would be set for life).He might have got Rook to do a quick background check and integrated Epel on deuces’ like/dislikes before the meeting.
Then you got M/C who will be normal but say things like how deuce is more then a best friend and that he is a brother to them (insert a very insulted ace who m/c would have explain the situation to later) then u got both ace and m/c start bragging about how crewel is best and if he does hypercritically marry Ms Spade not only will he help with his studies but they can have so many sleep overs at crewel’s house since they will be living together.
Then you got Silver who is a bit confused but got spirit. He might honestly think that he and Deuce are brothers now from the way Lilia talks like he and Deuce’s mom are already married plus Silver would be happy if there were more humans in the family. I honestly think that Silver would be the most chill not that pushy but teach deuce things like how to sword fight and help him with his homework(if he doesn't fall asleep)
But the most funniest thing about this love square is that it would turn huge very fast because of Vil , M/C and Silvers friends will get involved. Like you got M/C with the first years supporting team Crewel. Vil and his entire dorm on team Eric and then you got Lilia being backed by the Prince of Briar Valley and his people. Not to mention the potential traitors *cough* *cough* Sebek or even Epel (btw I am not saying that they both are not loyal but Sebek’s heart belongs to Mallus and Lila first before anything else while Epel might get threatened with more makeup routines or something but properly not actual betray m/c since he is a ride or die but instead become something like a double agent.) Some of the dorms would be on the m/c side while others would stay neutral (the fish mafia might start a betting pool while Cater ends up posting the situation on Magiscram making the entire internet spilt between who would win the single mother’s heart ) Majority of the staff try stay neutral but are all on team Crewel and situations ends up becoming like a huge source of entertainment better then any reality t/v show (some producers ended up coming and asking if they can make it a show since Eric and Vil are involved but the got told to buzz off since this is a private matter)
Meanwhile, poor Deuce is lost on what to do and only wants his mom to be happy and is not sure how to deal with all this. Let's not forget that he also has to deal with his mom’s potential boyfriends trying to win his favour which is a whole other situation.
Anyway that's it folks thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
(also this is my first time contributing to a fandom. So Hi I am Kiwi and I give my greetings to the people of tumber. Please let me know if I make any mistakes and I wish you all a goodnight/day)
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steviewashere · 3 days
Okay, I'm going to ramble to you about a theory I have, please excuse me.
So, a couple years ago when Letterboxd was reaching peak interest among people, Netflix made an Instagram post about each of the Stranger Things's characters top four movies.
Steve's top movie, I believe, was Animal House. Eddie's was Spinal Tap. Dustin's was The Neverending Story. Just so you know what I'm talking about.
Right. Anyway, they said Robin's number one favorite movie would be The Apartment (1960). This makes sense for her, as she likes black and white film, she's obviously big into film. So, kudos to Netflix for being on the dot, I suppose. Now, I just watched this movie tonight, I totally see the appeal. It's my favorite now, too.
But...I noticed something.
This is the main love interest in The Apartment, her name is Fran Kubelik:
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She falls in love with the wrong guys, she's unhappy in the relationship she's in (I won't spoil the relationship she's in, so go watch this or look up spark notes or something), she's in love with the guy, but the guy doesn't love her. She tells the main character, C.C. Braxter, that she wishes she could love somebody like him because he's so nice. He rambles a lot, knows a lot of (almost pointless) information, feels hopeless in his romantic endeavors, is on his own—no family, no spouse, not a lot of friends—ultimately very unhappy with how his life is going.
Anyway. I, for one, think C.C. fits Robin's description quite a bit. Not in a lot of ways, but some key components of the character's personality and life match Robin's outlook on her own life. And, I got to thinking, well, who does Fran remind me of...
May I present Vickie, Robin's crush in season 4:
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Now, Vickie is stuck in an unhappy relationship. At least from what I remember. She loves her boyfriend, her boyfriend isn't very into her...that kind of thing. She gets caught out by Robin in the military surplus store, which semi-resembles a major plot point in The Apartment (seriously, go watch it or look up what happens; I'm not spoiling it for you). But then, at the end of the season, she talks to Robin about being happy because she broke up with her boyfriend, and that makes Robin even more interested in talking to Vickie (which resembles another big plot point in The Apartment).
Another thing I noticed, though, is that Vickie and Fran resemble each other physically. The makeup, the fucking hair, even the facial structures are very similar. I mean...if The Apartment is Robin's favorite movie of all time...then, Fran has to be her lesbian awakening—yeah? Or maybe even first celebrity crush? Or maybe she just likes Fran because Fran reminds her of Vickie? Or what if she likes Vickie because Fran is her type?
My theory is that Robin loves The Apartment, yes absolutely, but also she likes Vickie because she has a fangirl crush on Fran.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, apologies for the ramble. I will go now.
Also, again, go watch The Apartment, it's free on Tubi with ads. (Everything on Tubi is free with ads. All you need is an account with an email and password. Go watch the damn movie.)
Also, also, I will say trigger warning for The Apartment if you do decide to watch it, there is a suicide attempt (that isn't shown, but the aftermath of that is), and a discussed suicide attempt. That's the only plot I'm spoiling. Now go watch it.
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wistfulenchantress · 5 months
went down the byler rabbit hole this morning. here are my thoughts that nobody asked for but also it’s my blog, so…
some of the “look at the way he looks at him” stuff lost me a bit. like, mike can just be expressive without being in love.
however, here is what i do believe. first of all that whole mike trying to call will thing but he can’t because of joyce’s job. because he CANT CALL EL so he was trying to talk to Will.
secondly, that whole scene at the roller rink where will thinks he is being ignored but then mike has been analyzing everything will did the entire time.
also, the ronmione parallel is valid.
also the whole mike knew about the painting thing is accurate, and i do like what that one person said about mike trying to change himself for el in california.
the coming out subtext in some of their conversations is real, but i don’t think mike knows, necessarily, that is what he is feeling.
also, and here is my sticking point, will is NOT sabatoging mike and el. sure, he is sad because he loves mike in a different way, but he never tries to ruin their relationship he HELPS them constantly because i lives el like a sister and wants her and mike to be happy, even if it hurts him.
also, “tender, emotional music plays” “tender music continues playing” and some of those song titles…
the constant parallels to other couples also makes sense.
also that episode of season three where mike and lucas are fighting their gfs and will is like can we please just play dnd and they are all lame ab it and then they actually go too far and immediately start apologizing and then mike is an asshole but he realized IMMEDIATELY and not only tries to apologize but bikes after will immediately. he has been fighting with el for a while now and hadn’t actually gone after her but the second it was will…
ok. idk if it WILL be canon, (i doubt it), but i do want to see el become her own person.
however, even when i ship something, i don’t always think that if the characters were suddenly cool at the current spot in canon would work.
personally, i need some jealous mike. i need will to like get a super hot boyfriend or something. i know that won’t happen, but still.
anyway, in conclusion, this has been an erratic chaotic brain stream thank you for coming to my ted talk
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
Stuck Between a Jock and a Metalhead
Summary: Nancy, on a whim, decides to visit Steve at Scoops Ahoy, which leads to her overhearing confessions from Steve that leads her to think about the decisions she's made. A few days later, she decides to come back. She finds him being hit on by the town freak. What's a girl to do? Oh, get stuck in a freezer with the both of them.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve - Chapter Thirteen - Chapter Fourteen - Chapter Fifteen - Chapter Sixteen - Chapter Seventeen - Chapter Eighteen - Chapter Nineteen - Chapter Twenty - Chapter Twenty-One - Chapter Twenty-Two - Chapter Twenty-Three - Chapter Twenty-Four - Chapter Twenty-Five - Chapter Twenty-Six - Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Nancy walked through the door and was immediately pulled into her mother's arms. Wayne and Claudia were in the living room, saying their goodbyes and talking to the Sinclairs. She had hoped that they would be gone by the time they got back to her parents' house. She knew that Wayne was going to freak out about what Eddie had done for her. It seems odd that it was only this morning that they had gotten pulled into the Upside Down. It seemed much longer than that and now it looked like Tommy Hagan as well as his boyfriend had been pulled into all of this.
"Oh my God, your face," Karen sobbed.
"Mom, I'm fine. Steve has it worse," Nancy said, and Karen gasped before going over to Steve. "Mom, gently."
She smiled as Karen pulled Steve into a hug before hugging Eddie as well. Ted came over to Nancy and pulled her into a hug. He cradled the back of her head and kissed her hair.
"I'm fine, daddy," Nancy said.
"You may be fine, but I am not," Ted replied.
Suddenly, Holly bounded down the stairs with a bag and her doll in her arms.
"I'm ready to go, mommy," Holly said.
"What's happening?" Nancy asked.
"I'm going on a special trip with Aunt Claudia and Uncle Wayne," Holly said. "I love Uncle Wayne! He's funny!"
"He sure is," Eddie grinned.
"And I'll be taking Erica to Sue's parents," Charles said.
"That's bullshit, why does Lucas get to stay?" Erica asked.
"I can't drag him away from Max nor do I want to," Sue sighed. "I just need to know that one of my children is absolutely safe. It's bad enough that I have to worry about Steve and Lucas."
Nancy watched Erica study her mother for a moment before accepting the fact that her mother needed to depend on her to stay safe. Erica sighed.
"Alright, fine, but I'm going to complain the entire time," Erica said.
"I except nothing less," Sue said pinching her cheek and hugging her. "Thanks, baby, I know how hard you're trying to hide the fact that you're worried too. We're going to fight like hell to make sure we come back to you."
Erica hugged her mother tightly, sniffingly. She hugged everyone else before she went off with her father. Nancy had noticed that she had lingered a bit longer with Lucas and Max.
"You're both staying?" Nancy asked her parents.
"We argued about it and debated with ourselves, but we just can't leave you guys, especially with Mike somewhere out there," Karen said. "We trust Wayne and Claudia to look after Holly."
"May I ask why Tommy Hagan is here?" Ted asked.
"Jason and his crew got out of jail. They came after us at the hospital," Nancy replied. "They would have killed us if Tommy and Lily hadn't showed up in time. They had guns and they were ready to kill Eddie."
"Now, where did they get the guns from?" Ted asked.
"Probably from the War Zone," Eddie said. "Just outside of Hawkins. I've been there before."
"Let me guess, with Al?" Wayne asked, and Eddie looked guilty for a moment.
"Anyway, they saved our lives and Eddie's. Lily caught them up on the way over here," Nancy said. "I think they're still in the disbelief stage."
Walter was a man of few words, a shy man who saved his words for the people who were important to him. Tommy had said so many times in his phone calls and letters sent to the apartment. He was even more silent than Tommy had described, not even leaning to whisper in Tommy's ear. Tommy was just as silent as they both thought about what Lily had told them. To be honest, as much as it would have pissed her off before about people not believing them, Nancy realized now that it was a normal reaction when people heard shit like this. You really couldn't believe it until you saw it, and even then, your brain tries its very best to make shit up in order to protect you from the trauma.
"You okay, son?" Wayne asked Eddie.
"I'm fine, Uncle Wayne," Eddie said.
"Do you need me to - "
"No, you need to get Aunt Claudia and Holly out of here," Eddie said. "They need you more."
Wayne pulled Eddie into a tight hug before doing the same with Dustin and Steve. Claudia burst into tears before pulling Eddie into her own arms and giving him kisses before moving on to the others. Claudia hugged Nancy tightly.
"Keep them safe," Claudia said as she kissed her cheek. "And yourself too, dear."
"I promise," Nancy said.
"Bye, Nancy," Holly said.
Tearfully, Nancy scooped her little sister into her arms, wondering when or if she was ever going to see her again. Eddie and Steve thought the same thing, too, because they suddenly joined in on the hug. She eventually had to let her go, though, and set her back down.
"Stay safe," Nancy said tearfully.
"Don't worry, Nancy, I'll protect Uncle Wayne and Aunt Claudia," Holly said.
"We don't doubt that you will, darling," Wayne chuckled as he took her hand.
Claudia's eyes twinkled at the sight of them, and Nancy smiled. She was definitely picturing them having a little girl. Eddie smiled and rested his head on top of Nancy's as they watched them leave.
"I definitely feel better now that I know that they're in good hands," Eddie said.
Once they all left, Nancy took a mental headcount of everyone in the living room. Lily and Agent Stinson were leaning near the door. Tommy and his boyfriend were sitting on the fireplace. Robin was once again wedged between her parents, but she wasn't complaining this time. Ted had one arm wrapped around his wife as she stood behind the recliner that Dustin was sitting in. Sue was sitting on the other couch with her son, Max, and Susan. Fourteen. Add Nancy, Steve, and Eddie that made seventeen. Nancy moved to the middle of the room and cleared her throat. Everyone's attention was now on her.
"We have to go back to the Upside Down," Nancy said.
Like she thought they would, everyone exploded into anger and confusion. It was mostly the parents. Nancy rolled her eyes, crossed her arms, and waited for them to calm down. She shared a pleading look with Steve. He walked over to her and stood by her side. He whistled loudly and clapped to get their attention. Everyone quieted down.
"Everyone should listen to what Nancy has to say before yelling," Steve said.
"Thank you, baby," Nancy said. "Look, I know we don't like it, but Vecna needs to be defeated before he gets to Max. This isn't just about her anymore. This is about the entire town, the world. There isn't a choice here if we all want to continue to live. He has to be stopped. I know right now we don't have the power, but we have to at least try, right? If we don't do everything that we can to stop him then there's a greater chance that he wins."
"Okay, but how would we even get one chance to stop him? He's going to see us coming," Robin said.
"Unless he doesn't see us coming," Dustin said.
"How would that happen?" Steve asked.
"Well, if he's like El then there's a chance that he has the same weakness, right? When El remote travels, she's in the same weakened state as Vecna," Dustin said. "We go after him then."
"How would we know when he does that?" Robert asked.
Max stood up, drawing everyone's attention. Susan looked at her daughter curiously.
"We draw him out," Max asked.
"And how would we do that?" Susan asked, guessing what Max was going to say next.
"We use me as bait," Max said.
"NO!" Susan yelled out and stood up.
"You don't get a say in my decision, mom. I'm sorry but you don't. No one does. This is my choice, and this is our only chance without El to save the world," Max said.
"It shouldn't be you," Susan said, tears welling in her eyes. "It should be me."
"None of this should be happening. This is going to work and when we do make it out of this, we're going to have plenty of time for you to make it up to me," Max said.
"I love you so much," Susan said and hugged her.
"I love you too," Max said.
"We're going to need a lot of weapons," Nancy said.
"Well, Eddie mentioned the War Zone," Ted sighed. "And we have plenty of vehicles."
"I let Wayne take my car, and he gave us the keys to his truck," Karen said.
"The War Zone it is," Nancy said, and her eyes widened as everyone stood up. "I guess everyone's going with."
The War Zone was exactly what Nancy expected it to look like, a perfect place for rednecks and survivalists. It was exactly what they need, and she hoped that since the jocks had already stopped there, that they wouldn't run into them again. They were piling things into the cart when Steve's eyes spotted something, and his eyes lit up. He grinned as he held up a bullet belt.
"I don't think I'm going to pull that off," Nancy said.
"No, for Eddie," Steve said. "They would look great on his hips."
"What's for me?" Eddie said as he walked away from Dustin and Lucas.
"This. I'd be so metal," Steve said.
"God, I love it when you talk metal to me," Eddie said. "Do it again."
"The first time you started playing Master of Puppets, I couldn't look away from your hands. The way you played. . .it was so hot. . .so metal," Steve said, biting his lip as they moved closer. "James Hetfield's got nothing on you."
"Woah, I was totally into it until you said that," Eddie said. "I've got nothing on James Hetfield."
"Well, it's a good thing that he said that. You guys do realize that this is the most conservative place in Indiana?" Nancy asked. "As hot as that was. Steve's right, that bullet belt is going to look totally hot on you."
"Like I'm your very own Eddie doll," he cooed at them. "I have to get this now."
"You don't have to if you don't want to," Steve blushed.
"It's a must," Eddie grinned. "It's going to go great with my pink fuzzy pajama pants. Ooh, Steve!"
He grabbed a brown leather jacket and shared a look with Nancy.
"For you?" Steve asked.
"For you," Nancy and Eddie grinned.
"Alright," Steve said and pulled it on. "What do you think?"
"Very hot," Nancy said.
Suddenly, Robin came up to them wearing a red beret. She plopped a matching one on Nancy's head.
"I got one to match with my sister," Robin said and bumped her hip with Nancy's.
"Are we playing dress up here? I thought we were getting weapons," Ted said as he passed them by.
"Dad!" Nancy exclaimed, but she was grinning.
"Busted," Eddie said, cackling.
"No, but he's right. We should focus," Nancy said.
She looked over to find Robin and Steve striking a pose with each other like they were models. They finished by standing back to back with their arms crossed. Eddie wolf whistled while Nancy giggled. Idiots. They continued with their original goal, Eddie leaning on the cart with Nancy's arm through his while Steve and Robin discussed their potential future in modeling.
"And here I thought he was going to reopen Otis's salon," Eddie said.
"He still is, and he could do both if he wanted to," Nancy said.
"That's true. You know, Jerry's talked about selling the music store one day. I mean not now, but one day, and I think if I started to really save up, then it could be mine one day," Eddie said.
"That's nice. Maybe I'll take over the Hawkins Post, make it more balanced," Nancy said.
"Me owning the music store, you owning the Hawkins Post, and Steve owning the salon. . .hell, I think we can work together to make this town a little less conservative. . .through the power of love!" Eddie grinned.
Suddenly, Steve popped his head in between them.
"Then, one day, we get an RV, pile up the kiddos, and take them anywhere. Maybe up the coast to California, and we can teach them how to surf," Steve said. "Kind of had that dream when I was little, I was hoping to share that with someone I loved someday."
"It sounds very nice," Nancy said.
"And very doable," Eddie said.
"God, I want that," Nancy said.
"Me too," Eddie said.
Once they bought the weapons, ammo, and gear, they packed it all up before heading back to her parents' house. They quickly got to work to plan and make the preparations that they would all need to head into the Upside Down. They gathered ammo, loaded guns, and made spears and shields. The spears and shield would be for Eddie, Dustin, and Agent Stinson. Steve would be wielding his bat as well as an axe. Robin and her parents would also carry a spear as well as handle the bag with the Molotov's. Ted had his own rifle and a machete. Tommy would be continuing to wield the bat and carrying some Molotov's. Walter also had a shield and a machete, but they also had several bottles of hairspray along with several lighters. Everyone was dressed in thick vests with hoods and hats to protect their faces as Nancy started going over the plan again.
"Okay. Phase one: we meet Lucas as the playground. He'll signal Max, Sue, and Susan when we're ready. Phase two: Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her which'll put him in his trance," Nancy said.
"Phase Three? Me, Eddie, Agent Stinson, Tommy, and Walter draw the bats away," Dustin said.
"Four," Robin said. "Ted, Karen, Steve, Lily, Nancy, my parents and I head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and . . . flambe."
"Nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied," Nancy said. "Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?"
"I don't know why you're looking at me, sweetheart," Eddie said. "You know me, I'm no hero."
"Your dream, remember?" Nancy said. "I think we're getting closer to it. I think it's here."
"I won't be a hero, I promise, I'll do everything that I can to get back to you as long as you do the same. The both of you," Eddie said taking her hand and Steve's. "If anyone's more likely to make the sacrificial play, it's you two. Isn't that right, General Nancy?"
"I can't believe my dad told you that nickname," Nancy groaned and glared at Ted.
"It's cute. You were his little general," Eddie grinned.
"Let's move out," Nancy said.
"Yes, sir!" Steve and Eddie saluted.
"Idiots," she said affectionately.
Nancy, Eddie, Robin, Steve, Dustin, and Robin's parents took Nancy's car. Steve let Susan, Sue, Lucas, and Max to take his car. Everyone else would be following Nancy to the Hendersons'. By the time that they had moved out, night had fallen which felt ominous to Nancy. Steve was in the seat next to her while Eddie sat in the back with Dustin while Robin was once again wedged between her parents. As much as Robin had complained about it, Nancy knew that Robin was really grateful for their presence. As they drove to Dustin's, Nancy couldn't help but think of Mike and Holly. She hoped they were safe. They were doing this for them. . .for all of them.
Here we stand
Worlds apart, hearts broken in two, two, two
Sleepless nights
Losing ground, I'm reaching for you, you, you
Chapter Twenty-Nine
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urmomw4ntsme · 7 months
ahsei thoughts on frazel jason/piper and caleo GO
Okay SAW THIS AND WAS LIE. i need to mswer tjsi and. frazel didnt make me feel thst jason/piper didnt make me feel that CLEO CALEO IT FCUKIGN SUCKS EW I WIL TEL MORE.
um so jsson/piper NO jiper. hehehehe or better yet pason ehehhehe idk what to fee about them tbh thty lowky give steggy vibes mainly cus jason gives me stvve vibes hes also stronh soldier traumatised asf. :( and piper is js like peggy badass gorgeous beautiful shud be with me i shud be kissing her rn alexa play boyfriend by dove cameron :( and I knwo the futjre i readspoilers so now its js there in my brain can do noting about it
omg this fucjing shitp. shit? ship? who knwos i literally adore calypso okay i love her sm but i just fucking hate it that they made her fall inlove with leo?? like this is wrong (to me) on so many levels a. she was CURSED to fall in love with every single demigod who ever went to ogygia or wtv. and it was devastating obvs that she had to go thru tht heartbreak again and again but !!!! IT WAS LITERALLY NOT HE. FAULT THE STUPID FUCJING DOGS sorry gods CURSED HER CUS SHE WAS. R E L A T E D. TO A TITAN. HOW IS THT FAIR. HOW .
and ir was literally. bound to happen. there was absolutely no way that be it percy or leo or whomstever thw fuck went to that god forsaken island SHE COULD NEVER EVER HELP BUT FALL IN LOVE WITH THAT PERSON SHE WAS CURSED. i js googled it btw in case i was wrong or misinformed BUT NO. SHE WAS CURSED. SHE . HAD. TO Fall FOR THAT PERSON EVEN IF SHE DIDNT WANT TO EVEN IF SHE HATED THEMM how is that fair to EITHER LEO OR CALYPSO??? I LOVE LEO SM HE IS MY BABY I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS?????. this IS SOOOOO REMADORA CODED DONT EVEN GET ME STARTEDDDDD like. it felt liek the author wamted both of them to be in a romantic relationship ANY romantic relationship and then was js like ok well theyre byh single lets do it. NO??? NOOOOOOO AND IF U SAY ooooo bu. they spent like 1000 days on the island tgt they developed chemistry NO BITVH THEY DIDNT. LEO WAS 16 YEAR OLD TEENAGE BOY WITH NO ROMANTIC EXPERIENCE EVER. like tell me u have never ever thought u have a crush on someone of the opposite gender while spending time with them even if u probably didnt have a crush on them??? if u haven't thats fine BECAUSE I HAVE and its Normal very many people go thru that u see perosn of opposie gendrr u R FORCED !!!! TO SPEND TIME WITH OERSON OF OPP GENDRRZ and u think omg ...... do i .... Like? them. WHAT. and u probably dont ur js a loser (like i was , like leo was) who has never spent tiem with someone of tbe opposite gender (wa. raised in an extremely 'conservative' read: boys and girls cannot ever just be normal friends household also wen to all girls elementary and high school , leo was js a loser thsts my excuse for hmm) OKAY GET IT???? THEY DID NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER WHILE MAKING MECHANIC PARTS TOGETHER at least leo didnt AND I LOVE MY GIRL CALYSO AND I LOVE ADORE LEO BUT I FUCKING BET IF CALYPSO WASNT CURSED SHE WUD NOT LOOK TWICE AT LEO HE IS LITERALLY JS A LOSER GUY PATHETIC (ADORABLE AWESOME AMAZING FUNNY BUT SRSLY LITERALLY NAM ONE GIRL WHO TOOK HIM SERIOUSLY OUT OF ALL THE GIRLS WE SEE HIM INTERACTING WITJ IN THE SERIOES) anyway thanks for coming to MY ted talk its MINE dont get offended love yall stay safe muah muah
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
Spencer and Socko def had some kinda relationship I was sure of that from the very beginning. But your posts made me think that maybe he probably might've brought him around and introduced him to the gang properly had the episode where the grandpa nearly took Carly away not happened. Like as far as I can remember, none of the other characters met or knew Socko very well, and Spencer managed to meet with most of Socko's family members? Idk if I was going anywhere with this
I really love Socko as a character (as you can tell from the over 2500 words of meta I wrote about him and his family)
I would have loved an episode where they're actually dating and Spencer gets to introduce him to everyone as his boyfriend, but alas, it was not to be.
though, personally, my opinion is that Socko and Spencer have the sort of relationship where it's just never been the right time for them to date. they've known each other since at least high school, so I imagine it being a situation where they've both had crushes on each other, but at different times, and it just never really worked out.
like, Spencer worshiped Socko when they were in high school because Socko was The Weirdest Guy™, but Spencer was still set on going to law school because of what his dad wanted - but then Spencer ditched law school and became Pretty Weird™ himself, and Socko was like "oh no he's hot". but at that point Spencer was fully parenting Carly, and relationships were on the back burner for him, so nothing really happened about it.
like, I'm picturing a fun and deeply loving friendship where maybe they hooked up once or twice, but they were never in a relationship. and now that they've gotten to this point, both being adults with complicated lives and artistic careers, it almost feels strange to talk about trying it again.
(this is all headcanon of course, I have no sources or anything that would imply this. I just...think it'd be nice)
anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk, please somebody write more Socko/Spencer fic, I am dying of thirst in a desert of my own making
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thoseyoulove · 2 months
@gayboymolloy thank you for tagging me! And let me say, your taste??? >>> I've been listening to Chappell Roan lately and her music is sooooo great. I've basically only listened to 3 people since 2021, but I have opened an exception for her because she's that awesome. ^^
Tagging: @jaypentaghast, @unhinged-nonsense, @hearfrost, @waterghoulcalamity, @andy4yippee, I tried to tag more people here, but it didn't work so... If anyone sees this and wants to answer, consider yourself tagged because I love finding more about y'all. :)
Anyway, this got too long because whenever I'm given an opening to talk about things I love I lose control... But here we go. :p
9 People You Want To Know Better!
Three ships: I'm terrible at picking a favorite anything, or even a top 3, I have like 12 or 13 ships that I'm equally obsessed with... But these are *SOME* of them. <3
Emisue (Dickinson)
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Is it a gay thing to have beautiful kisses that look like a Renaissance painting? They're such a beautiful ship, but they impacted me on a personal as well. This was the first time I saw a queer ship that was beautifully written, had loads of chemistry and was executed with care (the fact they had so many queer people and women on the show, specially Ella - who played Sue - made everything even better). They weren't your subtle and digestible queer ship for conservatives and they weren't overly sexualized for straight people with a fetish. They were something else. The way their problems weren't really about being queer/internalized queerphobia and even individual things like Emily's 'coming out scenes' being full of acceptance, support and even celebration were SO FULFILLING. It was amazing to watch from a viewer point of view, but also really formative to me as I came to find and embrace more of myself.
Malina (Shadow and Bone)
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Mind you that they aren't even together here, they're just imagining each other, it's just that the chemistry was THAT awesome. First love. Childhood love. Friends to lovers. Linked by destiny. Can just sense one another. They'll always find each other. But they also chose one another and made their own story in a way destiny never could do it for them. The world against them and them against the world. "It was always you". Malina mixed all my favorite tropes and some that I hated with a passion and created a masterpiece.
Royjamie (Ted Lasso)
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A lot of their problems stemmed from the fact they were thirst for each other and they would've fixed things sooner if they'd just been grown ups about it and fucked yk. These two were meant to be a big part of each other's arc, but the fact they got even bigger than what it was initially planned because the actors were inseparable and crazy about each other? And the chemistry was that amazing? And how they grew so much as individuals and boyfriends through the seasons? And 3x06 that was basically the cutest and longest date ever with them exploring Amsterdam from morning to late at night, opening up, trying new things, riding a bike together etc? And how Phil and Brett are just one of the cutest, messiest, most insane and chaotic best bros in real life who kind of lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship just makes everything SO MUCH BETTER.
First ship: I can't remember for sure, but if this wasn't the very first, it was the second, tops.
Villadero/Cordueva (Jane the Virgin)
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Jane and Michael are really special to me because I think so often couples are about the flirting, sensuality and physical attraction, and it's not that they don't have that because they definitely do, but I think ships usually lack more. And when they do have more, it's usually a will-they-won't-they, on-and-off, love triangles, fights etc, because apparently writers believe dragging things out to the point it gets unbearable is better than just letting them have a stable and deep relationship? Specially back then, now things are getting better (I still think we're taking baby steps, but at least there's some progress), but Jane and Michael were the VERY FIRST couple I saw having that kind of relationship and it was a life-changing moment in television for me. That's not to say they didn't have some of those problems, they did, but they actually worked on them and evolved as people and a couple. I got to see them from their first meet cute (and it was the BEST meet cute ever), him getting a noise complaint about her 21st birthday party and a drunk Jane confusing him for a stripper, grabbing and shooting his gun, only to find out he was a real cop and then not only he didn't arrest her, but spent the whole night talking to her while she sobers up, getting to genuinely know her until it was morning?! Really, doesn't get more wholesome than that. And I saw them become full committed adults who grew together through the years, them working on their careers, Jane starting her first book, Michael getting his first medal, Michael being a close friend to her parents instead of just being a son-in-law to them, the two getting married, living together, being a family, going back home to each other at the end of a long day, going out to have some fun time... Being more than just two people who are attracted to each other, but two people who loved fully each other in every aspect of the word, who were best friends, confidants, who genuinely enjoyed each other's company, who would crack up out loud together, that had a life inside and inside and out of home. It was a gift. And so much of it was the natural chemistry of the actors that got along so well and loved that pairing, too. No wonder the entire cast rooted for them.
Last song: Fur Elise by Faouzia
There are ONLY THREE singers/groups in the world that I'm truly obsessed with and Faouzia is one of them. Her music is out-of-this world, specially her powerful voice and beautiful melodies (she has my favorite melodies ever). Tomorrow she'll be on the finals of a singing competition and she really deserves to win, specially after working herself like crazy making, recording AND releasing new songs, music videos, commercials, doing full concerts and even learning a bit of freaking Chinese ALL IN JUST *TWO* MONTHS! As I get ready to vote like crazy for her tomorrow, I'm listening to all of her songs for good luck. :p And Fur Elise is one of my favorite songs ever and a true masterpiece.
Last TV show: Interview with the Vampire.
Currently reading: Six of Crows by Lady Bardugo, but I'm gonna start The Vampire Chronicles soon. I have no idea if I will like them, let alone love it as much as the show (it's my favorite show in the universe), but I'm so curious to get to know the characters, be able to fully talk about the universe with other fans and know what can possibly happen in the future seasons that I will do it anyway... I just need to figure out where to begin, because I want to skip the first book (for now) since the show has already covered it. I hope it's possible to start with a book that has all the main characters that appear on the show, but I'm still gathering information to know what's necessary to read and what isn't, the best order to do it etc. :p Anyway, I have attention issues so that will surely be tricky, but I'm just so curious about IWTV that I have to do it, lol. And I also can't drop SoC or I'll forget it and will have to start it from scratch all over again... I've read like 3/4 of the book so I can't let that go to waste either lmao. I'll just give certain days of the week to each book and eventually finish them (hopefully in time for season 3), lol.
Currently watching: Still Up, Silo, House of the Dragon, The Purge, The Lazarus Project. I'm pretty early into these shows and don't really know what to think about them yet, though. I do have a soft spot for Antonia Thomas because she played one of my favorite and nicest characters ever (Claire Browne, The Good Doctor), so it's good to see her face. And Silo has Chinaza Uche, who had a supporting role in Dickinson, but he was so charismatic that I wanted to see him have a longer screen time somewhere else. I hear he's been promoted to a bigger role on season 2, so let's hope I make that far and get to see him shine lol. I also have some shows with sapphic and/or non-binary/androgynous/fluid characters people recommended that I'm gonna try. :)
Currently eating: Nothing, but the last thing was steak, rice and potatoes. :p
Currently craving: Also nothing, but the last time I craved anything was a cheeseburger with cheddar. Not even joking when I say it's been over a year since I had one lol. #fml
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Oooh my god finally re-watched the death cure and good god. (Mild mentions of the books)
Teresa is so fucking overhated for what? If you can forgive Aris in the books for his betrayal then you can forgive Teresa too. Also, yes, Newt's death was sad but I think that it could have been made more sad if minho, Brenda, Jorge etc had arrived just as he had stabbed himself and had grieved with Thomas it would've been a lot sadder because it shows how much they all care for him rather than just Thomas who obviously cares about him but I think as a fandom we majorly overlook the fact that he was also best friends with minho (who also deserved a letter) and alby and gally and the rest of the boys from the glade, not just Thomas. I know that that's not how it goes in the books but to see that on screen I feel like it would've made for a much more emotional scene rather than just Thomas grieving alone. Back to teresa, I personally think that her death was a lot more emotional than newts for many reasons.
1. She didn't jump onto the ship because she knew that minho, gally, newt (maybe Thomas) hadn't forgiven her for her betrayal so she couldn't forgive herself until she had their forgiveness, therefore, her death was her final act of duty towards them to show her love for those boys, even if she didn't go about showing it in the best way all of the time.
2. She had only just gotten Thomas back when he was shot and almost died in her arms which you can see the love in both of their faces and the passion in their kiss from pure relief and love for each other which is obviously both romantic and platonic (idc I will never be a newtmas shipper sorryyyy).
And I know that people are going to whip out the 'BUT SHE BETRAYED THEMMMMM' she thought that it was for the greater good and in the end, it kind of was because they found out that Thomas was the cure, they got all of their friends back and only a few extra people died in the process that probably would've gotten bitten anyway, which saved many more lives with finding the cure. After everything she went through, WCKD saved Teresa and there's no denying that, they saved her from her mother who ripped out her own eyes due to the virus, they saved her from the virus and they gave her somewhere to live. I'm obviously not excusing WCKD's acts but for the most part, their intentions were there but weren't laid out in the most humane way possible but in the end, they did actually get what they needed and what did help the world.
My next ramble is about Sonya, Aris and harriet. Good god. I love them, I love their dynamic, I love their relationships with each other. I just love them, they're my favorite characters.
I think that newt is heavily overrated and, to be honest, the fandom is incredibly weird about him. Newt has been confirmed as gay, he's not straight for you, he's not your little newtie, he's not y/ns boyfriend. He's a gay man, accept that. You can think he's attractive but for the love of all things holy, respect his sexuality. There are so many other straight characters in maze runner, please leave the only canonically gay character alone and stop being fucking weird.
I can't think of anything else to say but if I do I'll add it. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk 🤗🤗
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aroacesigma · 6 months
Sigma right back at you :)
Sexuality Headcanon: i feel like this one is obvious at least on a base level by the username 😭 but more specifically oriented aroace with ??? orientation . bro has not had time to figure that out yet
Gender Headcanon: cis 🤩🤩🤩 just kidding everyone knows hes literally the trans guy ever to me 😭 bc i never shut up about it help me
A ship I have with said character: sigskk <3 and like sigzai and sigchuu also . him and dazai were so cute in the prison arc and i think him and chuuya have a lot in common and foaming at the mouth i need them to properly interact . anyway theyre all trans boyfriends in my heart
A BROTP I have with said character: please i need sigma and atsushi to be bffs so bad you guys dont understand i need them to interact again im gonna be ill when they reunite because they WILL or i will personally show up at asagiris door and threaten him into it
A NOTP I have with said character: fyosig . sorry the fanart is great but i love sigma too much to put the poor guy through all that 😭
A random headcanon: hes the type of guy to pour energy drinks into coffee and call that a meal methinks . sorry i know everyone loves the sigma baking headcanon but thats a stressed out dysfunctional idiot realistically hes drinking straight rocket fuel and calling it a day
also i like to give him religious trauma in my head . as a treat .
General Opinion over said character: hes everything to me i love him so very much he makes me completely ill occupies my every waking thought if he dies you will see me on international news he better live and thrive i love him so very much did i mention i love him very much . if sigma has 1 million fans i am one of them if he has 1000 fans i am one of them if he has 100 fans i am one of them if he has one fan that is me if he has no fans its because im dead . thank you for coming to my ted talk . i could probably talk about him for hours but ill shut up now
ok now look at him
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he only smiles 6 times both genuinely and happily in the whole manga btw <3 i say genuinely and happily because i dont think its fair to count when he let go of atsushis hand as a proper smile
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sihakadan · 2 years
Ooooh jealous Arcane cast headcanons?
I am eating TODAY. Yes, my dearest.
If you want to make requests or are looking for something? Here is my master list. Gonna keep this one SFW, with some implications and language but not enough to be too bad. If you are wondering why there is no Caitlyn or Vi? I am in denial about the break up in the rain and I refuse to see them with other people because they are perfect together, thank you for coming to my TED talk
-Not a wise idea because he will have the person 'taken care of' if they get too fresh
-If you are the flirter, he will lay down the law, by showing you who is boss...if you know what I mean
-Loves you dearly, so please don't make him jealous, it hurts deeply
-That is the last thing who ever flirts with you will hear
-Sweet baby already thinks she is a curse, is scared you will leave her
-Will give you very visible hickies so you are marked and EVERYONE knows that you are not single
-Will get an inch from you and glare at you if you even look at anyone
-Not a very jealous guy, he is very confident in your and his relationship
-Do not touch anyone else, like putting your hand on their arm or drape your arm around someone's shoulders. It makes him so green with jealously because he likes to be the only one you touch
-Will butt into the conversation and introduce himself as the boyfriend to make sure they know to STOP
•🦇Scar (bat guy from the Firelights)
-Very easy to make jealous. Very insecure because he looks different from everyone else. Not so much about you being unfaithful.
-Looms behind you like a shadow and glares at anyone who gets 'too friendly'
-Will pout if you get too friendly, even with friends. He can't help it, he is working on it, really
-Someone got punched once because they accidently touched your ass and you squealed in shock. Was and still is not sorry.
-Another very confident that the relationship is strong
-Will beat drunk to a pulp who gets handsy with you
-Everyone knows better than to mess with Vander's family because it is straight up suicide.
-Likes to make you jealous, pretends he doesn't
-Goes to show you off, but he gives a mean mug to anyone whose look lingers way too long on you.
-If they touch you, immediately they are dead. Done for, no longer of this earth. Goodbye.
-Same will happen if you get flirty with someone. That person is a goner.
-Poor pouty baby. He knows you love him, but what if someone better came along? Someone who could give you more attention?
-Will sulk, sigh a lot while messing with something in the lab
-Will need lots of reassurance that nothing was happening. Cuddling and neck kisses fixes it quick.
-This poor skrunkle punkle is already insecure because of his failing body and other physical limitations
-It's hard not to get jealous because he is always wondering why you would want him anyway.
-Throws himself into work and shuts the world out. You can get him out of it with sweet milk and a real good hug. It'll get him talking at least.
-You know what else gets him to look up? You, walking naked into the lab.
-RUINS them
-Straight up will interject and lay it down. They dare show their face here AND in that outfit? Pathetic.
-You are going to get a cold shoulder until she is ready to talk about it
-Paints her frustration away. If you sit with her while she does it, she will talk it out with you
-Bitch, bye, you better not even think about it
-That arm of hers gets all glowly and her glare is so cold it will stop the offender in their tracks.
-A bit pouty, but more annoyed that you would even entertain the cretin
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi Shaz,
Since you seem mature and open to talking about mature content ie sex, i would like to express myself. I don't ever like celebrities enough to want to date them or fuck them but I am obsessed with Jimin. That fucker is so naturally sexy, it makes me angry. Anyways, don't want to be too crude but also I would love to be fucked by him. I think he would be a beast in bed. Obviously it would never happen because of his boyfriend but imagine holding onto his delicious ass while he is fucking you. The way he moves his body is insane. I remember I saw his Tomorrow fancam and oh my God, I was dead. Okay I am done, thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.
KY literally praised Jikookers for not self inserting and then u come here and send this?
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I can't defend you. You're guilty as hell. Stob it!
This isn't me encouraging you. I just saw a chance to share Jimin rolling his hips and I took it
Get your shit together anon! 🤭🤭
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4gem · 1 year
I was just watching the our skyy 2 trailer on repeat because thats all I'm living for. And idk, there's just something about the look in Gun's eyes. Even Tinn in his peak loser in love era was never confident enough to look at Gun like that. Baby was a blushing mess even after they got together, okay. So... Either Gun is just that confident and in love (ps. love that for him). Or, taking inspiration from Never Let Me Go's seperare trailer for Our Skyy 2, Gun from the My School President reality, ends up in a reality where everything is similar but just different. So everybody is swapped.
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I mean, just look at him. How is Gun so in love already? So I personally like Gun going to another reality better. Like doing everything Tinn did in MSP but more efficiently because he has literally seen it all. Wow, this is turning into a Chinese rebirth redemption webnovel, love that from them.
No but Gun putting in dreams on hold because this version of Tinn loves music just as much as him. And because he has done it already, he just wants to support his boyfriend this time. Even if said boyfriend in question doesn't know that they are boyfriends. Yet.
Oh there's definitely some Vice Versa concepts as well where Gun will never to figure out if this universe's Tinn is his Tinn even if they don't have the same memories. And Gun finding out that this Tinn is just like his boyfriend Tinn except he has extra musical abilities. Which is actually interesting because in MSP, Tinn always wanted to be of more help to Gun.
Anyway as long as I get my band leader Tinn and that drunk scene from MSP Tinn version, I can sit through anything.
No I'm kidding, or am I? But I know it'll be great because I have faith in my MSP team. Just need that season 2 announcement and we're golden. Thank you for coming to this ted talk.
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