#anyways there's a shirt he really wants but it's 20 fucking dollars -_-
The Ra urge to buy another graphic t-shirt
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divinelolita · 1 year
YKKKKK i was gna make this happy but i lowkey got bored cuz fluff gets boring sometimes...gender aint mentioned cuz im amazing
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You sighed as you flopped on the bed, letting out a breathy sigh with a small giggle following it. Soo after, Tom had joined you, laying next to you in the bed. You really couldn't forget a night like this.
The Tom Kaulitz slept with you! Oh, how lucky you were!
You turned so you could see his face, a grin spread across his cheeks. He was so damn handsome, you could feel your heart melt. You loved him, even if this was the only time you've ever touched him. Sure- you held his hand at a concert once but that was nothing....he didn't know you existed then, he had held so many other hands that day.
Okay, and maybe you only liked him for his looks in the beginning. Yet being with him this night, seeing how he truly was...it made your stomach do flips. He was so sweet..maybe a bit rough yes, but he was extremely kind. Behind closed doors he wasn't as cocky and perverted, he was a normal guy. A normal guy obsessed with sex? Maybe...
But you loved him, more than you have ever loved anyone. Even if he didn't know you existed until now, you loved him so fucking much...
"I love you, Tom."
You muttered, glancing over at the dreadhead at your side. He froze, looking back at you. His eyes had slightly widened and his mouth was slightly agape. The hand on your shoulder that had been soothingly rubbing you stopped immediately, like he had been frozen in time.
".. Oh." he responded, blinking a few times. His cheeks had flushed a light pink color, and his eyes were huge. He didn't say anything else after that, just turned his head away from you and stared into space.
"What does 'oh' mean?" You ask, trying to sound like you were amused, but it instead came out slightly shakily and quiet. You lean forward a bit to try to look at his face, yet to no avail. He continues to be quiet, not turning his head to you. It was like he was embarrassed to meet your eyes.
Other than the occasional chrip outside from birds and the common whistle of the trees blowing in the wind, the room was dead silent. The only sound that could be heard from Tom was his breathing, which was short and almost sounded ragged.
You thought the subject would be dropped, so you turned to your side. It only took a few seconds before Tom began to speak again.
"I think...you should leave. I'll pay for your cab."
Your heart stopped as you immediately turned to him, your head whipping so fast you almost got whiplash. Why did you have to leave now? What had you done? Couldn't it wait until morning?
"What..?" you rasped, face scrunched slightly in confusion as your eyebrows furrowed. He rubbed a hand over his face, acting like he was annoyed and tired. "I think you should leave now. Really, I think it's for the best."
You couldn't help but feel offended...tonight had been perfect! Okay, yes you were some random person sleeping with him, but still! He was acting fine a few minutes ago, what changed? You sighed deeply and stood up abruptly, stalking off to get your clothes from off the dresser where you had previously left them.
He watched in silence as you finished putting your shirt on, tossing your bag over your shoulder. He felt awkward as he watched you from his bed, sitting on the edge as he watched you put your shoes on and get ready to leave.
"Here.." he muttered, going to his wallet in his bag and taking out two 20 dollar bills. You huffed in annoyance, but took the money anyways. "Thanks." you grumble, packing the money in the side of your bag as you opened the door of his room.
If only you knew how much it hurt him watching you walk out the hotel room. He had instantly regretted letting you leave, he wanted to rush out the room and follow you, begging for you guys to talk. As he watched you get into the cab from his window, he sunk to his knees and sat on the ground.
He had done this before, with many people. So why did he feel this way?
The words "I love you, Tom." echoed in his head again and again. He didn't know why he was so afraid to tell you how he truly felt, how he wanted you to stay with him forever.
If only you knew just how much he loved you.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 12 days
Wrote about how Rick got Morty's picture in his wallet!
Tw for slight self harm under the cut!
I was sitting on the soft yet stiff couch, how could it be both? I don't fucking know, shit, I could run a whole experiment on the cheap fucking budget ass furniture Beth buys. I was surfing through channels on the TV, we have literally every fucking channel in the universe and nothing interesting was on. I rested my cheek on my hand. 
"Of fucking course there's nothing interesting to watch." My inner voice oh so kindly butted in "You really think you could do anything useful in your life? Don't make me laugh." I clenched my teeth so hard I swear I heard a crack. 
Then I heard the door creak open, my head immediately snapped to the direction on the door, and not too long after I saw Morty. Poor kid, he had massive eyebags, walking slowly. His usual dumb sunshine yellow shirt replaced with a white button down with a black bowtie. He looked so fucking fancy. He tilted his head back as he yawned. Rubbing his eyes with his fists afterwards. I held back a yawn. Not wanting that little shit to know I was staring at him
"This is because of you, you fucking piece of shit, you could let Morty have a goodnight sleep but noooooo. You need him for adventures, you fucking selfish piece of shit." 
I clenched my jeans. Hard. My knuckles white. Hands shaking. Morty saw me "Rick...are you o-" I answered before he got the full question "Yep." Morty looked at me for a bit, I hated the trust in his eyes. I hated the voice in my head reminding me how little I deserve it even more. I hated how fucking right it was sometimes.
"You don't deserve it. You don't deserve to have him trust you. You don't deserve to have him see you as his grandpa. You aren't even his grandpa."
More like all the time. Morty then shrugged and began walking down the hall. I overheard him talking to Beth 
"H-hey Mom...it was picture day at school...I-I think the pictures were like...20 dollars?" I hated how my ears perked up at that. 
As Beth replied, I could basically hear the eyebrow raise in her voice "20 dollars for pictures? How many are there?" "I-It's 20 dollars per picture..." "Why are they so expensive?" Morty mumbled something I couldn't hear. Ugh, I hate when that brat does that.
"Wow, insulting him in your mind, great grandpa, really." I looked down, my unibrow furrowing. 
"You're such a piece of shit."
I fucking know that. Shut up. I rubbed my temples. Eyes shut tightly.
I felt a weight shift on the couch. I turned my head and saw Morty. "W-what are you watching?" "Noth-*burp*-ing." I grumbled. "So your school took some pictures?" Morty nodded "Y-yeah...I don't think I look good in them though..." Morty muttered, rubbing his arm. God I hated how innocent he looked like that..it only made me hate myself more. I was traumatizing this boy all because I was a selfish piece of shit.
My inner voice laughed, the bitter sound of it echoing in my head "Now you're getting it!" I groaned and Morty looked at me "Are you-" "I'm fine." I growled out, voice rougher than I intended. Morty looked down, his hands gripping the couch cusions. I hated the chruning in my stomach. "I gotta g-" Before I could get up, I felt a weight on my shoulder. I quickly glanced at it. Ugh, Morty. I sighed as I leaned back on the couch.
"Wow, went from being the smartest man in the universe into a teenager's pillow! Great upgrade..." Wow, I'm letting a kid sleep, I'm suchhhh an asshole. "Ugh, when did you get so weak? Caring about people...remember that Diane-" I clutched my stomach as I jolted forward. The mention of Diane hitting me like a punch to my stomach. I quickly got up, seeing the kid's head fall on the couch. I clenched my hands into fists.
Ugh, I shouldn't give a shit.
Morty's just a stupid little shit anyway.
I walked over to the kitchen, seeing something on the counters. It was a flyer, Beth probably left it here. She was pouring a glass of wine and her gaze fell on me. "Oh hey Dad, did you know Morty's school expects us to pay 20 dollars for one pictures of him?" She giggled. I snarled as memories of my original Beth's giggled echoed over and over again in my brain. Beth tilted her head "Dad...?" I shook my head, wanting the sound to fucking stop. "Are you-" She reached for me and I slapped her hand away without realizing it. 
Beth jolted back, eyes wide, burning through me. I hated the gasp that escaped my throat when I realized what I did. I ignored the sickening feeling in my gut as I grabbed the flyer and stormed to my garage. 
Fuck it.
Fuck everything.
Who the fuck cares?
Beth will be fine.
It's not my Beth anyway, why the fuck should I care?
"It's your fault Beth died anyway, all you did is stand there while she-" I tugged at my hair, hoping the voice would stop. I glanced over and saw the flyer. Morty was smiling like a fucking idiot. He looked so awkward. 
I hate it.
I hated the smile and laugh that escaped my lips.
Why the fuck did I react like that?
This is just a stupid kid.
I shouldn't even-
"It's because you're weak."
Ugh, fucking shut it already.
"Nope, can't have you forgetting how worthless you are."
Gee thanks, I love getting reminded of that every fucking second of everyday.
"You're welcome."
God that fucking voice was so smug.
"You know I'm right."
It was right.
I looked at the top of the page, it was the school's number.
Ain't no fucking way I'm about to do this.
I took out my phone and reluctantly punched in the school's phone number, a girl with an annoyingly obviously fake honey-like voice answered the phone 
"Hi! This is Harry Herpson High School! My name is Lilly! How may I help you?" 
 I rolled my eyes. Hating what I was about to say.
"You hate everything except..."
Don't fucking finish that sentence.
"I want to buy school pictures."
The chick replied quickly "Oh! Wonderful! Are you a parent or guardian?"
"I'm Rick...uh...Sanchez..." I blurted out, wanting to sink into the ground.
"Oh! So your Morty Smith's father?"
I flinched, father? The hell...
"Hah. Last time you were a father you-" 
I slapped myself. 
"No. I'm his grandpa."
My inner voice cackled "Ohhh that's what you're calling yourself now? Not 'random guy that crashed into his house so you could kill his actual grandpa'? Guess that doesn't
roll of the tongue that well."
I stomped the ground, growling lowly in my throat.
"Okkkayy! Would you like to buy his pictures?"
Why do you fucking think I asked about them genius?
"Okay Mr. Sanchez! What background would you want?"
I shrugged "Just a grey one I gue-*burp*-ss."
The voice on the other end hummed happily "Ok! Would you like to buy with cash or credit?"
Oh yeah, I'm gonna waltz down to the school to buy the picture despite the fact I called you.
I heard clicking. "Ok! Please share you credit card details!"
I flipped my wallet and said my credit details.
"Alright! It should ship by tomorrow!" 
"Wow, paying 20 fucking dollars for a picture of a kid. How the fuck did you become so fucking soft?"
I gripped my phone so tight that, if I hadn't reinforced it 20 fucking times, it would've cracked. "Great." I answered through clenched teeth before hanging up the phone. I
groaned, throwing my head back.
I'm fucking weak.
I fucking hate myself sometimes.
"More like all the time." My inner voice commented casually, as if it's normal to have a voice in your head that always reminds you how you are a big piece of shit and should
just put a bullet in your brain already. "Not that you shouldn't."
Who the fuck cares?
The next day I checked the mailbox before anyone else. I opened up the envelope and saw the picture of Morty awkwardly smiling with one shoulder raised. I couldn't help the fond laugh that escaped. That fucking adorable idiot, I thought, rolling my eyes with a smile on my face. I folded it and put it in my wallet. 
"Wowwwww, actually acting like a grandpa, what? You think this will make up for killing his actual grandpa?"
Fuck my stupid life.
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humanransome-note · 2 years
Today at work
let us set the scene
Michael's arts and crafts, early afternoon.
The main cashier (me) looks like he took a few laps through the lukewarm florida rain, but that is in fact not the case, the AC is on the fritz and has been so for months. And this cashier (hi, me again) has been standing in this exact spot for at least 3 hours, having barely moved since opening the register.
enter, customer. White woman, mid to late sixties possibly early seventies, looks like she has not known anything close to real joy since the moment before her torrid love affair with a married man ended and he told her he would be staying with his wife. She purchases a baker's dozen set of bright yellow party bags, and some paint. And throws onto the table, a crumpled "20% off all regular priced items" coupon. The one that comes attached to the bottom of every Michael's receipt.
her total is $13 and some change.
she gives me a $100 and three $1 s.
Now I have not just had a day... I have had a week. (my first week of work in fact!) From sunday to today (friday) I have spent no less then 4.5 hours on my feet every day,
sunday was passable because the cashier on the other register was actually helpful
monday I was alone and almost began crying at the register
tuesday i found a very painful blister that has yet to pop and an ingrown toenail that had to be removed by me with a pair of nail clippers and cheap thread snips.
wednesday my barely there afternoon plans were shot
thursday was filled with glitter and wrapping glass christmas ornaments even though halloween hasn't happened yet
and by today, I was just hoping to get through it.
all of this, mind you, was done in the exact same shirt, which I have been forced to wear for six days straight. (yes I washed it, but I feel like it adds some flavor to this story so I'm telling you anyway.)
the woman, whose total is again, $13 and like 24 cents, gave me a 100 dollar bill and some ones. (with exact change)
Now, this is a Friday afternoon at an art's and crafts store, in october. Have I mentioned that all halloween items are 60% off as well? (because of christmas. yes i know. you, me, an eight yr old girl and her little brother are all fucking mortified by the absolute ignoring of the sacred candy holiday)
so, middle of october, halloween items are 60% off, and most normal people are just getting their decorations now, meaning this art's and craft store is brimming with people trying to get what scraps of halloween decor they can, interspersed with the christmas fanatics getting a head start on that decorative shopping.
there is a line.
so I process this woman's purchase, put in that she handed me cash, check the bill for fraud on the little beeper thing that only works if you have the bill facing the correct side, and put in that she gave me $103.24. for a just barely over 13 dollar purchase
her change is $90 even
I've got her minuscule purchases in a bag, I'm asking if she wants a receipt, and she stops me.
"did you scan the coupon?"
now dear reader, I did not scan the coupon, and that was entirely on me, I will fully own up to that. and in fact I did so once I realized what I had missed.
the face this woman pulled, you would have thought I keyed her car and pissed in the gas tank.
"could you add it now?"
"Ma'am to do that I would need to void the transaction, and I do not have the authority to do that."
she somehow pulled an even worse face before grumbling and taking her bag and receipt.
if I had added the coupon?
a bit over 2.50 would've been taken off.
look, I get it, you like your savings you really do and so do i and the guy behind you.
but ma'am
there are things in this world that you can be much angrier about than the 2.50. and the fact of the matter is you handed me a crispy fresh 100, like im talking it still had that bank fresh crunch to it. and I'm being paid $11 an hour to stand in shit AC on hard tiled floors, mainlining arthritis strength tylenol because of my flat feet and it takes about $13 dollars to Uber here during the week so while it isn't a net loss, per say, the fact is a 10 minute drive from my house to work is a bit over an hour's worth of my time and the fact I am here to process your transaction in the first place is frankly a service to you.
you are not the only old white lady who shops here, you, in fact are not the first old white lady I have seen today, let alone this week, so I'm sorry you didn't save the 2.50.
choke on it.
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lapismoontide · 1 year
I get catcalled basically everywhere I go.
I am a woman, I live in a remote area, and men catcall all of the time. I'm so used to it, that I don't pay any attention to it anymore. At all. I don't even notice it if it's happening.
I went to Walmart with my boyfriend yesterday, and I walked past this younger man. He was probably about 20. I'm 32, so that's young to me. He was visibly young, lol. I didn't pay no mind to him, and when I walked past him I heard a whistle. It wasn't a "you're sexy whistle", it was just a whistle.
So I go inside of the store, and my boyfriend sent me a text. He said he got that guys license plate. I said, "what?" I said, "what guy?" He said the guy that had whistled at me, and I said I didn't even realize someone had whistled at me. He said that the guy couldn't keep his eyes off of me.
My boyfriend should take that as a compliment really, that he has something that other men stare at. Ya know? I didn't pay any mind to any man that I passed.
Anyway, we got to talking about it when I got in the car, and I told him what I just told you. That I was used to things like that. I said I could look like a piece of trash that day, and I'd still get catcalled b/c men don't care really what you look like.
So today, we go to the store. I'm in a t-shirt, and some cloth shorts. We were going to the dollar store below our house, and he asked me if I wanted him to go inside for me. I said no, that's okay (b/c I wanted to look at stuff). He said, "is it b/c you want men to look at you?"
What kind of statement is that? Literally blaming me, b/c I got catcalled. Are you insane?
So we go to the gas station later, and there's a girl with a really big butt in the parking lot. He saw it when we pulled in, and I even mentioned it saying, "danggg that girl has a big butt". He of course goes inside for me again (b/c there were men in the parking lot and he didn't want them looking at me, and he said that he doesn't stare at women like that). Tell me why when he's walking inside, he makes it almost to the door, and he turns around to stare at the girls ass. Hahahaha!! So fucking hypocritical. Idk, I'm just sick of shit.
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kkusuka · 4 years
Dating Kenma and he’s playing video games but y/n is ✨horny😳 so she keeps trying to seduce him but he’s just not budging cause he really wants to play so he texts kuroo to come to his gaming room and when kuroo gets there he says “fuck y/n for me will ya? They’re horny and I’m in the middle of a match” y/n is just a whining mess and kuroo is like bro what are you serious and Kenma is like yes now fuck them to sleep please 🥵🥵🥵 -✨Puppy🤩
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Fuck ‘em to sleep <3 
Kenma Kozume x reader x Kuroo Tetsuro 
genre: smut 
words: 1.1k 
Cw: fem anatomy, gn pronouns, a little degradation for the soul, slight choking
a/n: funny because i was just thinking about this-  
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Professional gaming is not easy.
Yeah, it’s flashy and gets you a large platform and millions of dollars, but the end result is a lot considering the price you pay.
Hours upon hours of sitting behind a screen, always acting like you're happy and positive, longer hours than you could think. (filming and editing are at least 12 hours a day. )
And Kenma Kozume is no stranger to the ups and downs of professional gaming.
Sleepless nights, low morale, major digs to his self-esteem. But definitely the most important, his relationship with you. He’s missed more than a few dates, got distant and angry, but they’d be lying if they said he didn't love you.
If he had it his way, he’d be with you all the time, tending to all of your needs. But that’s just not possible and right now. He promised his viewers the 12-hour stream for 10 million followers, and that happened.
“Ken, come on! Just a quickie, we’ll be done before the stream, please, please!”
He really would like to, but he was getting warmed up for the stream. This was the fifth? No, the sixth time you’ve pleaded with him for sex. But he was so close to leveling up and that’s just what he needed to launch him into his real quest.
He just couldn’t leave his game, and he definitely couldn’t leave you hanging like this, it would be miserable for the both of you.
“Hold on- KUROO! GET IN HERE!” yelling, Kenma has had many great ideas, his best friend living with the two of you was one of his best, but this one may just top all of them.
Throwing him out of his mind was Kuroo running through the door, frantically looking over the scene before him. You, practically throwing yourself over the blond’s lap, and he, not even looking your way focusing on the team slowly closing in on his position.
“What’s wrong? What’s happening? Are you guys ok?” he rambled making his way towards you two.
Finally, Kenma looked towards the ravenette, “Can you do me a favor?”
“Uh, I guess, yeah. Yes, I can.” relaxing back, leaning on the wall, eyes following as you stood over your boyfriend's chair.
“Can you fuck ‘em for me? They keep whining and I have no time. Just fuck them to sleep please?”
Shockingly this was not the first time Kenma had asked something like this but it was always for him to join, never you and him alone. And hell, Kuroo wasn't about to let you down.
“Aw Kitten, you need some help over there?” he mocked, stalking over to where you stood. Guiding your hips towards him pressing you against his body.
“He won’t” you pouted, wrapping your arms around his neck, “he won’t even look at me! I’ve been begging for almost an hour!” Kuroo could see Kenma rolling his eyes at the claim.
“Has he? That’s so mean Baby, you want some help?”
Pulling you to your shared bed in the corner of the room, far out of the view of Kenma’s camera. Tucking his head into the crook of your neck, pressing kisses to your skin, hands moving to your hips.
“We’ve got a few minutes Kitten, let's make them worthwhile, shall we?” With that statement, he began pulling your shirt over your head. Once he disregarded your shirt, throwing it to some unknown corner of the room, beginning the work on your pants.
“You get prettier every time, don't you?” he purred into your collarbone leaving a trail of saliva and bruises down your body. Pulling away from your skin, he sat back to admire his work before tugging your panties along with your shorts down your legs.
Sharp eyes following the string of wetness connecting your lower lips to your red panties. His face split into a feral grin, running his pointer finger from your clit past your belly up the end of your bra. Circling a pebbled nipped through the thin fabric of your bra.
This was unfair, you were naked and he hadn't even taken his shirt off. Noticing your dilemma, he pulled his shirt over his head revealing his tight stomach. At that moment you could feel two pairs of eyes on your dripping cunt.
“Kuroo, I asked you to fuck them not tease them to tears, you have like 20 minutes until I have to start.” Kenma’s voice drawled from his chair, clear distaste for his best friend rings through his statement.
“Dude! You called me in because you were too wussy about the time and ‘couldn’t fuck them right!’” Kuroo laughed, thumb attaching to your clit, letting a moan escape.
You could practically feel Kenma’s eyes narrow onto your face, Kuroo had a nasty habit of riling people up at the worst times. And right now he displayed his destructive talent. In a hazy of pleasure, you couldn't hear Kenma rise from his chair, pausing the game on his PC.
Within what felt like a second, Kenma was over where your head lay, still engulfed by Kuroo’s fingers, pulling your chin to look up at him, glare focused on your flushed cheeks and ‘“o” ’d lips with disdain.
“Kuroo’s calling me a wuss and you're just gonna sit here and moan like a bitch? You want something to moan about? Keep your mouth open, whore.”
Pulling his half-hard dick out of his shorts he hooked his thumb around your bottom lip, pulling your mouth wider to accommodate his length. Letting your mouth settle on a part of his cock, Kuroo barks out a laugh while removing his boxers, hand never leaving your weeping pussy.
Once Kuroo set his tip at your entrance Kenma shoved the remaining part of his member down your throat. Kuroo, only a moment later, pulling your hips to meet his, nestling his cock in your pulsing walls.
Kenma’s hands finding the back of your head, fucking your throat with a purpose only he can express, and Kuroos hand moving to your hips the other continuing his assault on your clit.
“You look so cute, Kitten. Slobbering on his dick like that, so good for us.” Kuroo cooed. Watching as Kenma fucked his dick into your throat, his head was thrown back using your mouth for his pleasure.
Kenma cum’s first with a groan about how wet your mouth is, pulling out he demanded you swallow, opening your mouth to see an empty cavern before patting your cheek and slouching back into his chair, eyes glued onto where you and Kuroo connect.
A particularly sharp thrust into your g-spot brought your focus solely back on the black-haired man. Taking his hand from your hip repositioning it onto your neck, pulling your back into an arch.
“Eyes back on me Baby, let's give blondie a little show ‘k?” he growled out, speeding his thrusts pulling moan after moan out of your sore throat.
Continuing his assault, an alarm broke you out of your Kuroo induced haze. Before you could question your mind went white as your orgasm overtook you, Kuroo following only a minute after.
“What the hell was the alarm for?” Kuroo flopped back onto your chest, dick plugging your hole keeping his cum from dripping out. 
“Stream time. Anyway. clean them up and let them eat, aaaaaaaaaand, they’re asleep” Kenma laughed, his idea worked, at least.
He’ll have to ask Kuroo to help put more.
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creepytoes88 · 4 years
Let me spoil you, baby
Y/n’s Pov
Dating Vinnie wasn't what I expected I never was a big social media person but everyone and their uncle has tiktok. Chances are if you have tiktok you have seen Vinnie so needless to say I had a major crush on him. After seeing all the seemingly “Perfect” girls he hung around with. I never thought I had a chance, ya know besides the fact that I was a nobody. However living in LA is never boring and it never disappoints I saw Vinnie's cute ass on melrose, I'm not what you would call a “skinny” girl I have relatively small breast and a pleasantly plump butt as my mother would say. I'm not ashamed of my less then flat stomach either I don't need anyones approveal to be happy with myself. However back when I first met Vinnie that was a different story I was too shy to come up to him and say hello so I just admired him from where I was standing before walking away right passed him and his friends.
I walked into the nearest store and began to look at clothes picking out a pair of nice mom jeans and a vintage Cheech and Chong shirt. I heard the bell attached to the top of the door jingle as I walk to the jewelry part of the store I began to look at the earnings and necklaces. “How’s your day been so far beautiful?” I look up towards the voice ready to tell them to fuck off but I look up to see Vinnie Fucking Hacker. I quickly recover and Smile pulling myself together “I've had a great day! how has your day been?” I smile at him “it was alright but like 10 minutes ago I think I saw the most beautiful woman in my life walk into this store so I had to pray and hope that she didn't leave.” I widen my eyes looking around seeing no one “Did she leave?” Vinnie let out a laugh “No I'm actually talking to her, if you have time I would love to grab coffee or lunch with you, right now, on me of course!”
I drop my mouth a little before looking around for the cameras “um I would love too... My names Y/n by the way, I won't lie to you I know who you are Vinnie.” I say with a sad tone half expecting him to cancel “good now I don't have to explain why people are taking pictures of me” he says as he holds out his hand “are you ready to check out or are you still shopping?” he says with a small smile “Oh yea I'm ready I can always come back anyway” I smiled back at him as I grab his hand and walk towards the cashier setting down my clothes and jewelry she quickly rings then up “That’s gonna be $357.45.” I smile and start to take my card out when suddenly Vinnie hands her 400 hundred dollars I turn to him with my mouth wide “Why did you just do that please get your money back” Vinnie laughed at me grabbing his change and the receipt “you can pay it back to me by going to dinner with me again tomorrow?” I look at him we haven’t even gotten food yet and he’s trying to schedule another date “your not paying for my food this time or next though you just lost those privileges” I say with a sassy attitude grabbing my bag and walking out Vinnie following close behind.
Fast forward to now we never really tried to hide our relationship we just let it grow naturally and didn’t speak on it. Everyone has recently been hating on me jealous girls calling me ugly and fat, at first it didn't even affect me. I know Vinnie love me but in the back of my mind it bothered me it hurt my feelings. I didn't tell Vinnie, I don't want him to feel bad or worry there is nothing anyone can do to make them stop so I just lived with it. It's been 3 weeks since I've been getting hate in my DMs on every platform everyday I wake up and it keeps piling up. I look at them again before clicking my phone off and getting in the shower to release some tension and stress.
Vinnie's Pov
“Alright ill see you guys later!” I yelled at the boys running up to my door step we just got back from the skate park and I was so Gross and sweaty. I open the door and make my way upstairs as I walked into Y/n and I’s room slipping off my shoes and stripping myself of all my sweaty clothing except my boxers I fall flat on the bed. “Ouch” I said as I felt my forehead connect to a hard surface “what the fuck” I said in a soft voice holding my head I look down and see Y/n phone a smirk spreading across my face. I'm gonna tweet weird things off her twitter I think to myself as I open her phone I see her DMS are open and people are saying some pretty nasty things I look at the other social media platforms. I'm shocked and I'm pissed how could they even say such thing about Y/n the sweetest, most humble and beautiful person I have ever met or seen for that matter. I click off the phone and place it on the bed side table hearing the shower turn off quickly I pick up my clothes off the floor and shut the door I watch as my beautiful girlfriend comes out “boo.” I say behind her seeing her jump in the air slightly “fuck baby you scared me” she said turning around kissing my lips before turning and grabbing her lotion. Now usually when Y/n gets out of the shower she drops her towel and puts on lotion before getting dressed this time she picks it up along with her clothes and speeds off to the bathroom quickly shutting the door. “What are you doing sweetie?” I ask softly before tapping on the door “n-nothing...just getting dressed”
I bit my lip slightly “baby this doesn't have to do with what I saw on your phone does it?” no reply so I tried the doorknob and it was locked “baby let me in please” I hear sniffles and shuffling “let me g-get dressed fir-” I growl slightly not even noticing “now princess” I once again her shuffling before the door clicks. Pulling the poor open I rushed in seeing Y/n naked and basically covering herself looking at the ground “oh no baby look at me” I say softly walking over to her “please beautiful” she sniffles before looking at me I see tears are running down her face. I simply kiss them away “please don't hide yourself from me baby” I kiss her cheeks and her forehead “I love you and I care about you I think you're perfect” I say before kissing her lips. Slowly she dropped her arms kissing me back harder I take my hands to her thighs picking her up which we usually don't do she would always complain and get uncomfortable. This time was no different “mmm no vinnie put me down” I kissed her lips squeezing her thighs “i got you I promise baby just to the bed” she finally wraps her legs around me her arms leaving the wall going to my hair. She wasn't even hard to lift let alone carry 20 feet I wish she didn't think and feel this way about her self. I walked her straight to a wall completely skipping the bed.
“I'm gonna show you how beautiful and amazing you are my sweet girl” I began kissing her lips and grinding against her my hard shaft against her bare clit moans spilling out of her mouth immediately. I grab her full breast in my hands playing with her soft nipples as I kiss down her neck whimpers coming from her mouth. My hard cock grinding harder against her as my mouth attacks one of her nipples my hand attacking the other pinching and pulling. Her moans get louder as I switch nipples I leave little hickeys on her boobs and chest making my way up her neck. I could feel her legs gripping onto me and her hips thrusting against mine “oo-ooh shit Vin... I'm gonna cum” she says in a hot breathy tone I kiss her lips pulling one of her knees up onto my shoulder and gasp leaves her mouth letting me enter my tongue I grind faster as I abuse her sweet mouth with my tongue swallowing her moans and pants. Her thighs shaking slightly pulling away I kiss her cheeks grabbing her other leg tossing it over my shoulder so her full body weight was against me and the wall. Her sweet pussy staring me in the face I could smell her and I moaned spreading her legs wider hearing her gasp I smirk “you smell so good baby mind if I have a taste?” she just whines and kicks her legs slightly “mmm I'll take that as a yes baby.”
I say with a smirk dropping my head slightly my nose poking around her clit and my tongue plunged as deep as I could possibly get in moans spilling from my mouth as her taste fills my mouth. Clouds cover my brain all I can think about is making my baby cum. I was making a deep growling sound in my chest and didn't even notice it everytime she tried to pull away from my mouth and nose it got louder almost like a warning to stay still. “Ahh Vinnie baby please” I started to get curious and before I know it I feel my tongue swipe across her pink button and load moan and gasp along with her grinding her hips into my face I assume she likes it. I do it again this time swirling around it making it known I'm doing it on purpose “Vinnie why are you doing that?” she say grinding against me “Do you want me to stop?” I answer her question with a question she throws her head back and moans “noooooo please more!” I pull her from the wall walking to the bed I drop her. Y/n spreads her legs apart looking up at me “butt in the air Princess spread your legs as far as you can get them.”
She flips over her hands and elbows holding her up that's not exactly what I want tho “spread your ass and pussy for me baby” I say with little smirk she lays on her face and knees as her hands pull her butt cheeks apart with a little moan. I look down admiring her sweet little holes staring at me I let out a wolf whistle “damn beautiful....i can't wait to taste you again” I grab ahold of her soft asscheeks in my hands as hers fall to her sides. I lick a thick stripe over her clit all the way to her button slightly entering my tongue before licking around it again “please daddy” I look up at her pushing my thumb in to her greedy pussy “yess daddy more please” I chuckle “what more could you want baby?” she slightly blushes turning her head the other way “mmmm baby Daddy isn't a mind reader if you want something you have to speak up.” I say with a smirk “p-please ea-” she shakes her head and takes a deep breath “please eat me” I chuckle she's so cute “eat what baby?”
I rub her thigh with my other unused hand and kiss her squishy butt cheeks definitely enjoying myself “God I love your bubble butt princess it's amazing If I had my way I would sleep on it, roll on it, and most definitely eat it” I say giving her the ok to ask biting down on her ass “YES YES DADDY EAT MY ASS PLEASE” I laugh before spreading her open and I lay a kiss on her wet hole as a moan leaves her mouth I lick around for a second before slipping my tongue in slightly before pulling out. Her moans and whimpers music to my ears I repeat this a few times till I think she's loose enough to put my tongue fully in “ready my dirty little girl” she moans in response and I slip my tongue fully into her as both my thumbs attack her clit and slit “FUCK DA-ADDY MORE PLEASE” I eat her like crazy shaving my tongue in between both holes as I slap her ass and clit “OOOOH FUCK IM CUMMING” she yells as I feel wetness on my chin and fingers.
I pull away dropping down next to her before turn my head to meet her gaze “sit on my face Princess” I say as I pull her hand she slowly moves over to me with wild eyes I pull her over me before pulling her hips down to meet my face she was completely sitting on my face with all her weight as I dive my tongue in for a third time occasionally slipping it in her butt making her moan and grind against my face “Daddy I'm coming already” she says humping my face with her hands in my hair “MMMMM” she gasps as she cum on my face for the 4 time “fuck princess you ready”
I say as I pull my boxers down she nods as she lays down spreading her legs for me “such a good girl for Daddy” I pick up one of her legs wrapping it around my hip tossing the other over my shoulder before slipping into her. I grunt as her walls squeeze around me I hear her moan “shit daddy your so big” I give a breathy laugh “i think your just tight baby” I say before I thrust into her. Moans leaving both of our mouths as I pound into her I pull out flipping her over and push back in “AH” she groans “you good baby” I say as I thrust softly “ye-YES” I smirk pushing into her as deep as possible “can I put my babies inside of you baby” she gasp and turns her head to look at me “i wouldn't want anyone else to spend my life with and I can't think of ayone I would rather raise my kids with then you baby” she drops her head moaning as she thrust her hips back in to me “flip me back over so I can hold it in Daddy we might not get lucky the first time but it's worth a shot.” Y/n moans grabbing my hand I flip her over putting her legs on my shoulders fucking into her “mmm baby I'm gonna fuck my baby into you honey” I bite and suck at her neck “would you like that?”
She moans and throws her head back moaning “hold it princess please just a little longer” I pant kissing her neck quickly I grab my pillow and shove it under her ass before stuffing my entire length inside of her moaning. Releasing my load deep inside of her before pulling my hips out almost all the way fucking my cum inside of her till I couldn't feel it sloshing around anymore. “Do you wanna cuddle baby” she nods her head I turn her to her side putting her under the cover getting up to turn the light off climbing back in behind her “stay still princess I wanna make sure nothing comes out tonight” she smiles holding out her hand. Knowing she was going to be sensitive I grab it kissing her shoulders and back as I slowly slip my limp cock inside of her before it hardened back up “oo-oh shit Daddy I love your big cock” she says sleepily I pull her close to me kissing her lips “well we love you too” she opens her eyes “ew” she laughs making me laugh too “go to bed brat I love you beautiful” “I love you to handsome I'm very excited to have a mini you running around”
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forestwater87 · 3 years
Okay, for all of you who don't feel like watching Miles RP as David
Here are some of my favorite quotes. Context may be added if I feel like it. Reactions are my goblin brain screaming. All of these came from a discord so if they don't make sense . . . see goblin brain comment.
(That link should start directly at the point where he becomes David; if it doesn't, skip to 1:40:33)
In roughly chronological order:
David: "Teachers are sort of like camp counselors during the rest of the year."
The thing is David is absolutely up his own ass enough to think this.
David: "Trail mix is expensive!"
^ said to show he understands why not everyone can donate to the charity for teachers. Very adorable, am crying.
David's "ooooh" seeing one dude was extremely non-heterosexual. Fucking bicon. Him losing his mind that one of the arenas is called "Survey camp"
David: "A person's hitting me -- I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry this is just pretend!"
This is just canonically how David plays video games. Either this or he's unwilling to commit violence at all, but I'll defer to Miles.
David: "That's very goat of you!"
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Spencer: "Is David popular amongst his campers?"
David: "I like to think so! There's only 3 staff members, so I'm definitely in everyone's top 3."
"That also means you're in the bottom 3."
David: "Well, I choose not to think of it that way."
(I have to keep adding reacts so you can tell when one quote ends and another begins. Judge not lest ye be judged)
I think the other person in the stream is named Spencer. Friend of Miles. I know literally nothing else about him and am not even confident on those facts.
Every time he says something so non-David in his David voice I die: "I have a lot of grenades!"
David: "Oh my goodness, would you look at this beautiful scenery! Can we hike that mountain?"
This is so goddamn cute. I am dying. Miles looked at his fans and said "they will eat tonight" and I am so relieved.
David: "Not to be a couple of Greedy Garys, but I say we get this [care package] and then I'll drop another one!"
The fact that Miles is grinning like a lunatic the entire time is very good. (Also if this is formatted badly then I'm sorry but not all that sorry. I'm doing my best and David would be proud of me.)
David: "Didja getim? Didja getim? didja getim? How 'bout now?"
Spencer: "I didn't get 'em."
David: "Well, you tried your best and that's all that matters."
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He calls healing "a little health kiss." I'm not sure why but it's very important to me.
David: [while jumping to murder someone] "Hi! Scuse me!"
(i just need something to separate the quotes okay)
David: "Well you know what gang, we did our best. You don't always win the 3-legged race. You did a wonderful job!"
Then there's a bit where they talk about Spencer's time at summer camp:
David: "ooooh hand-holding's pretty serious!"
David is too pure.
David: [dreamily] "Did you fall in love, Spencer? A summer love?" [puts hands up to his face]
Then there's the fact that David/Miles gets to pick where they play each round, and he keeps insisting on going to the one called "Survey Camp" every single time because it has the word "camp" in it.
David: "Now, I don't like to disagree, but . . . I was thinking we could go . . . to Survey Camp!"
Spencer reminds him that technically since David's the one with the power to choose, his opinion is the only one that matters:
David: "Everyone's opinion matters. And my opinion is we're going to camp."
David just steamrolling over Spencer's interests is very good. There are these little selfish nuggets sprinkled in among the wholesomeness that really capture the full David experience.
David: "Well, he's climbing up . . . he's coming my direction . . . oh, he looks scary . . ."
Spencer: "Is he coming towards me?"
David: "Oooh, I don't know. I'm dead!"
The positivity is relentless. I think Miles said on twitter afterwards that this whole thing was exhausting and I can see why. Being David is no picnic . . .
David: "I have a question: do we have to shoot each other in this game?"
And then a few seconds later:
David: "I'm just wondering if maybe there's a way we can, you know, help others. Talk through our issues."
And a few seconds after that:
David: "I was asking if they wanted to be friends in the game!"
I believe that moved killed him, too. Precious.
Also we're interrupting the real Miles!David content to share something my friend suggested to me while I was watching this and giving her quotes; she said that maybe David just calls everything camp to make life more fun, and then sent me this imaginary exchange that actually killed me all the way to death:
David: Gwen Santos would you go to marriage camp with me
Gwen: I'm going to have to change this story when I tell everyone
It made me laugh quite a bit.
Anyway, back to the video!
Spencer: "How do you sign up for [Camp Campbell]?"
David: "Well, um, you can fax, uh, an application to [email protected]. And . . . you can know that myself and Gwen and Quartermaster and sometimes Mr. Campbell will do our best to make sure they get what they need! Which more than anything is love and support. And friendship."
Spencer: "How many dollars does this camp cost?"
David: "You know . . . it is, um . . ."
And then the conversation switches subjects and David breathes a sigh of relief.
Very shortly after this he changed his character from a woman (she was wearing a yellow shirt, which he liked because the campers wear yellow shirts) to "a Forward Scout with a positive attitude!"
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"I like his style."
Spencer: "Does everybody abuse David verbally?"
David: "You know, sometimes people have harsh words. Mostly Max, and Neil, and Gwen, and Quartermaster, and Nurf."
Spencer: "Did you just list almost everyone?"
David: "Mmm . . . I'd say maybe a third."
Poor David. Somebody please protect him.
Spencer: "Yeah, I think people abuse David. I get that vibe. Or at least, I feel it in my heart. Like I wanna put ants in your bunk or something."
David: "Well, I think that says more about maybe some of the hurt you're carrying with you. And sometimes when people don't know how to process that, they act out. Do you want some trail mix?"
David just said his favorite part of trail mix is the raisins which is so cute. "They have a little bit of salt on them, which isn't typical for a raisin."
And he keeps telling chatters to watch their language.
David: "Who is my favorite camper? Aww, you know I couldn't pick a favorite! . . . But I know who has the most potential, even if he doesn't want to admit it."
I KNEW IT!!!!!
I've been saying for years that David doesn't have a favorite and gravitates towards the ones he thinks need him the most AND I FINALLY GOT ONE RIGHT!
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David: "Well you know, Gwen swears and that's okay."
shipping intensifies
David: [gasp] "The moss is growing on the north side of the rock!"
Every time he nerds out about weird shit in the game I gain 3 seconds to my life.
Spencer: "Did you get teabagged?"
David: "What's that?"
Spencer: "It's where somebody places their most intimate bits on you for . . . friendship."
David: [softly] "Oh, I don't know about that."
Also David confirms that the whole show has been a single summer, so please see the "vindication" gif above.
David: "I know a lot of fun camp songs."
Spencer: "Sing 3."
David: [starts singing] "Bum-bum-bumblebee, bumblebee tuna, I love bumblebee, bumblebee tuna . . ."
Spencer: "Okay, please stop. I immediately regret this decision."
David: "Max said the same thing! One of my campers. And, uh, and my co-counselor, Gwen."
He's literally made of sunshine. I would die for this fictional man.
Spencer: "Are people at camp against their will? I feel like they are."
David: "No! . . . They don't always like it immediately, but it grows on them."
Spencer: "It sounds like they're there against their will."
David: "Well I just think that's a negative way of looking at it."
FWIW Spencer makes an excellent foil to David. Not as aggressive as Max or as dour as Gwen, but he brings a very . . . like, straight-man energy to the conversation. Like how a normal person would react to David IRL. I'd enjoy seeing these two interact more.
Spencer: "It's like your overpositivity is wanting me to balance it out with negativity."
David: "You know, I feel like that dynamic's pretty popular with me."
eeeeeeee <3
And the last one that I personally found noteworthy:
David: "One day we'll be able to afford safety equipment. Until then, we'll just have to deal with Quartermaster's Ropes Course. And a lot of pillows."
There's point near the last 20 minutes where either it got kinda boring or I just got too tired to keep track. But if there are any quotes you think I missed, please share them! This was a really lovely bit of content to feed our starving maw, and I appreciate Miles very very very much for taking one for the team.
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thetriggeredhappy · 3 years
recently rediscovered your blog and read the fic from your dad spy au where scout starts out as the "guard" and then becomes scout from there and lemme tell you that shit put me on some s-tier brainrot. like a cranial decay type beat.
i had a concept in my head that instead of being hired as a guard, he could have been hired as a right hand man to the administrator like pauling, because i think hed be awesome in that position. like imagine having a personal merc who can get in fast and out even faster. but maybe he would stay in the base like the rest of them, sort of like a secret on call intel gatherer, who also maybe sometimes has to dig a couple graves. and also like, nobody on the team expects anything from him at first because its this 20 year old newbie kid. hes dressed in his formal clothes and he talks like somebody from relatively around boston but not quite. i can just imagine one day he comes back during a team dinner with his shirt half untucked and stained with blood, hair disheveled as he asks soldier if he can borrow his shovel, or him debriefing them for a mission when miss pauling is busy. same vibe as the fic i mentioned before but scout gets to have a job as cool as miss paulings. honestly id write it myself if i didnt have the attention span of a fly
anyways your scout content gives me life thank you
scout teamfortress but 20% more competent standing next to miss pauling teamfortress while she's doing her job and doing like silly quips and otherwise contributing nothing like it's a buddy cop film is literally my fucking ideal
(warnings for some canon-typical violence)
“Oh, Pauling, it’s good to see you again,” greeted the chairman, smiling in an imitation of a grandfather and clasping her hands perhaps too-kindly considering she barely knew him. “Young as ever, and still so stylish, I see. And who’s the new fellow?”
“He’s just here to help with transport, Mr. Montgomery, nothing unusual,” Miss Pauling replied, returning his smile and adjusting her glasses. “Heavy cases, you know how it is.”
“Of course, I remember you almost toppling clean over last time we made a trade!” Montgomery agreed, frowning at the memory. “You’ll pull a muscle that way, better to be careful. It’s a pleasure to meet you, young man. And your name?”
“Mr. Normandy, sir,” the new kid replied easily enough despite his slight East Coast accent, giving the man a firm handshake, expression neutral and stony, the picture of professionalism. Internally, Pauling breathed a sigh of relief.
“Firm grip there, young man,” Montgomery praised, nodding approvingly. “Tennis player, perhaps? Or golf?”
“Baseball, sir,” he replied, still evenly. “First baseman.”
“Ah! Of course! Were you any good?” Montgomery joked.
“At everything but playing in front of the crowds, otherwise I’d be in the major leagues,” he replied, tilting his head just slightly to imply that he was joking, his sunglasses glinting at the movement, and Montgomery barked a laugh.
“I like this one, Miss Pauling!” Montgomery said, and Pauling just barely caught herself from physically relaxing at it.
“We do too, Mr. Montgomery,” she agreed. “I was under the impression that you’re very busy today, so we won’t keep you for too long, we just wanted to sort out the final details surrounding the manufacturing rights for the—“
“—Pacific Northwest branch, up into British Columbia and Alberta, of course,” Montgomery agreed, nodding faintly. “Of course, of course.” He turned to regard his own man in a dark suit, the one standing to the right, who appeared to be unsuccessfully trying to stare down Normandy, who was completely ignoring him. “My briefcase, please.”
The man handed over the briefcase, and Montgomery put it on his desk, opening it and pulling out a sheaf of papers. “All our requests are submitted and approved, at this point we just had a few dustbins to take care of regarding initial percentages and making sure everything is wired to the correct accounts, which names are undisclosed, things like that,” Pauling explained as he glanced through the papers.
“Right, right, everything looks good here,” the man murmured, nodding to himself, sending his long-white hair just ever-so-slightly out of place. “I’m assuming these more sensitive documents should be sent some way besides through the mail?”
“If you finish them today I can take them with me, otherwise either me or Mr. Normandy can return to pick them up at your convenience,” she replied, to which Normandy gave a singular nod.
“Oh, it would only take me a short while,” Montgomery said, waving a hand. “We have a lovely lounge just down the hall from here if you’d prefer to wait there, it should only take me ten, fifteen minutes at most. In the meantime, I do believe there’s also the manner of payment for services rendered.”
Miss Pauling tilted her head just slightly to one side, confused.
“I arranged with Helen already,” Montgomery explained, not looking up from where he was initialing a few things. “The payment, rather than being wired, she asked to be made in material investment. A venture of mine from years ago that she’s willing to sit on. Rather than gold or bonds, she agreed to take some old currency of mine that my family collected, from early 18th century New Zealand and Australia. Monetarily it’s worth around the same, and I’m quite a bit attached to it to be entirely frank, but it was at her request to buy the whole collection from me, and after years of the work we’ve been doing together, well, I’d never trust it with anyone else.”
He gestured to the other man, the one on his left, who stepped forward to hand him a manila envelope, which he passed to Pauling.
“Inside is both keys, the door alarm codes, and all other security information for the building where the collection is being stored. They’ll ask for a few codes and confirmation of identity, only because several other art collections and artifacts are being stored there by other affluent individuals such as myself.”
“Thank you, Mr. Montgomery,” Pauling said, taking the envelope gratefully.
“Think nothing of it, my dear. Helen talked me into it all her own,” he said easily enough. “Now, gentlemen, if you would let Miss Pauling and Mr. Normandy into our lounge? I should have these wrapped up before any of us can even think about lunch, eh?”
One of the suits showed the two of them through the doors and down the hallway, through two doors bracketed by similar suits who simply nodded politely at Pauling and ticked their chins at Normandy as they passed them.
Normandy posted up beside the door for all of three seconds before they shut and Pauling pulled her glasses up, rubbing at the bridge of her nose and making a vaguely distressed noise. He then promptly relaxed, instead leaning his hip against an armchair probably worth the same amount as a small car. “So, uh, we’re glad that he’s giving us a bunch of commemorative coins from when dinosaurs still walked the earth?” he asked just below normal speaking volume, eyebrows raised.
“Yes. Very glad. Because unlike about six people total on the planet, he hasn’t figured out yet how valuable those are.”
“What, is a picture of a kangaroo on some copper really gonna make up for a couple hundred thousand American dollars?” Normandy asked, sounding doubtful.
“Not copper. Something else,” she replied. “I can’t tell you much more about it other than that, but these coins are made of something priceless to us. And to the Administrator.”
“…Love? Memories? The magic of family?” he joked, cracking a smile, and she rolled her eyes, moving to open the envelope and start reading the papers inside. “Hey, uh, not to question whether my job should exist, but what the hell am I doing here, exactly? Besides carrying a briefcase. Like, chivalry isn’t dead but I really don’t think you need me carrying your bags and holding the door for you.”
“You’re helping with security, basically,” she replied, adjusting her glasses to squint at tiny handwriting about the collection. “Mr. Montgomery is trustworthy, but he mostly hires out to… well, people like us. His security detail is mostly people we’d rather have screened, freelancers, stuff like that. A lot of people we contract out to are like that. Most of them have heard about me and know better than to try and pull something, since I can hold my own pretty well, but if they haven’t, seeing a second person might persuade them to think it over again.”
“Oh, so I’m like, uh, when it says ‘tow zone’ next to the no parking signs even though nobody checks, or when they’ve got a camera in the corner of the store that isn’t even plugged into anything,” he said, and the looked up at him, confused. “Like, uh, what’s the word… I’m a casual deterrent.”
“Sure,” she said, because it sounded like he knew what he was talking about, shuffling the papers back away and closing the envelope again, making a note to ask the Administrator if she should change their current containment procedures to be closer to Mr. Montgomery’s. “Just… if there’s a fight, you deal with it, otherwise you just stand there and look like you’re paying attention.”
“That’s what the sunglasses are for,” he agreed. “I was blinking morse code at the guy across from me literally the whole time.”
“You know morse code?” Pauling asked, surprised.
“Just the alphabet, ‘S.O.S.’, and ‘ass’.”
She rolled her eyes again, and that’s when the door opened.
She expected Mr. Montgomery, not one of the men in suits. “Excuse me, both of you, if you don’t mind,”the man said, accent having the slightest English tilt to it, a Londoner if Pauling had to guess. “You’re Miss Pauling, the Mann Co. affiliate, yes?”
“That’s me,” she agreed, hesitant, and glanced at Normandy.
“I’m afraid there’s been a mistake. Mr. Montgomery have you the wrong envelope on accident,” the man said apologetically, extending a hand forward. “We apologize for this unfortunate mix-up, it’s really quite embarrassing, but those documents are sensitive and we’ll be needing to see them back now.”
Pauling looked at him, and within a moment, shifted her expression. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” she agreed, nodding. “No, right, of course. These aren’t the papers for the currency collection?”
“I’m afraid not,” the Brit agreed, head tilting just slightly, hand still extended, moving a fraction further forward.
“Well, thank goodness we figured out now and not with us halfway back,” she joked, and moved to hold the folder closer to her body. “I’ll take this right back to Mr. Montgomery, then.”
“He’s sent me to correct the error,” the man explained simply.
“Right,” she said, and saw in her periphery that Normandy had already started sneaking a hand in towards his primary, clearly having pieced together something she was only suspecting. “We can bring this to his office, then, right down the hall.”
“You misunderstand,” the man said, taking a step forward again. “I’ll be taking it to his office myself.”
“That’s funny,” Pauling said. “I didn’t realize you had clearance to be in there. Or to be carrying a semi-automatic instead of a standard handgun.”
The Brit reached for the semi-automatic, and before he could even get it out properly, Normandy hit one clean shot to the side of his head and another to his thigh, sending him crumpling to the ground.
Pauling had only as far as pulling her own handgun free, thumb on the safety, and breathed a sigh of relief, glancing over at Normandy, shifting to more comfortably hold her gun. “Quick reflexes,” she noted.
“Just noticed a lot sooner, maybe,” he shrugged, stepping forward to glance over the body, tucking his gun back away.
“What was your hint?”
“He’s here to give us the right folder, yeah? Well, why were his hands empty, then?”
She was just starting to nod and realize that as well when a second man shouldered through the door, holding a gun at the ready. Normandy scrambled to draw his own, but Pauling fired a shot into his knee, shoulder, and neck to send him dropping before he was even close. “There’s quick on the draw, and then there’s prepared,” she said pointedly. “Gotta think of if there’s more than one, new guy.”
He nodded, and drew his gun again, bending to hit the guy on the ground at the temple hard enough to knock him out if he wasn’t unconscious already. He then glanced up at the sound of a shout from the other side of the door, two men shouldering through, guns drawn but lowered. It was only the firm eye contact they made with both her and Normandy that made her pause the millisecond it took to realize these ones weren’t trying to kill them.
“Pauling, what on earth is going on here?!” Montgomery demanded, entering the room and staring with wide eyes at the bodies on the ground. “What could’ve possessed you to—“
“He was trying to run off with these documents,” she explained quickly, gesturing with the envelope. “He knew whatever was in here was valuable.”
“He drew his gun, sir,” Normandy added, tipping his head down towards the body, and Pauling glanced down as well and found herself a little surprised. He’d rearranged the man just slightly, apparently, adjusting the arm to be holding the gun a bit further outward. “Other one was aiming to kill.”
“My, my,” Montgomery tsk’d, shaking his head as he surveyed the scene. “What a mess. My apologies, Miss Pauling, Mr. Normandy.”
“It’s alright, but you need to start doing more thorough checks on your staff, Mr. Montgomery,” Pauling stressed.
“He’s only been here two weeks, sir, he was one of the men we hired in a hurry after the incident last month,” one of the bodyguards said, and Montgomery shook his head.
“Thank goodness nobody was hurt,” he sighed. “Mutiny, and besides that, they’re bleeding on my carpet. Here are those papers, Miss Pauling—what a day, eh?”
“It’s really alright, we handled it,” Pauling assured him, giving her bravest smile, a little exasperated now.
“Right, right, you and the first baseman,” he agreed, and Normandy fought back an actual smile.
“If you’d like, we can take care of those for you,” Pauling said, gesturing at the bodies. “To pay you back for the carpet and the scare.”
“Sounds fair to me,” Montgomery agreed, clearly relieved.
“My dad’s gonna be pissed, by the way,” Normandy was so helpful as to say on the way back up the path to the base. “And you’re fielding that.”
“About the suit, or the fight?” she asked, glancing at his clothes where he was somewhat covered in a fine dusting of mud and grime from the gravedigging, shovel still in his free hand.
“Both. Mostly the fight. Your fault for saying it’d be an easy one to start with,” he said.
“If it was going to be that much of a problem, you wouldn’t have gotten this job. I’d just have made you go do dishes all day or something,” Pauling replied.
“Point taken,” he said, walking ahead to get the door, holding it open for her. “Wait, we’re allowed to mention what we do, right? Just not names?”
“Or locations, even with travel distance. Round up to the hour if it comes up,” she replied.
“Sure, sure,” he agreed, trailing a step behind her as she led the way through the base.
In the common area, there was a bit of a ruckus happening. Soldier, Heavy, and Demo appeared to be having some kind of arm wrestling competition on a rapidly-toppling table, the Engineer was on a stepstool trying to fix the ceiling fan, and Sniper appeared to be half-watching the beginnings of an argument between Pyro and the Spy regarding use of the oven as Medic patched up a burn on his arm.
“Hullo,” Sniper greeted the two of them, sounding a little bored, Medic giving them a brief, polite nod. Normandy’s eyebrows were raised pretty far as he surveyed the room.
“Hi, Sniper,” she greeted in return, then cleared her throat, raised her voice. “Team meeting in five minutes! New mission for next week!”
Groans from the room at large, the eight mercenaries starting to finish up what they were doing and filing out. Spy moved over, glancing over Normandy and starting to talk to him in rapid-fire French, picking smaller bits of gravel off of his suit as they walked.
“Alright,” she addressed the room, Normandy peeling off from getting mother hen’d by Spy to stand next to the blackboard with her. “Monday, you’re all going on a transport mission. Getting the truck from point A to point B with everything in the boxes intact. Already we’ve had to put up with some people trying to get ahold of these things, so bring your guns.”
“Oh, our guns, you said? Lads, this is a serious one, keep your heads on a feckin' swivel, she’s sayin’ we might even need guns, can you believe it?” Demo faux-gasped, and chuckled when Spy bopped him on the arm, rolling his eyes at the Scot's theatrics.
“Yeah, yeah,” she waved off, flipping through the papers a bit. “So Engie, I’ll need the keys to the truck, me and Normandy are going to be loading those tomorrow, all of you need to be at this drop point bright and early.”
“How early?” Heavy rumbled.
“Six. Hour and a half of drive from here.”
Some complaints from the room that she sighed at.
“Hey, hey, calm the hell down,” Normandy cut in, and she glanced over at him where he had his arms crossed and a stern look on his face. “You chuckleheads get to have all eight of you to unload the damn thing, me and Miss P gotta do all the rest of this on our own and probably kill twenty guys on the way there and back. She had to be up at 6 AM, workin’ since 7 AM, lunch break at noon and nothin’ else, and we just got back now at, what, fuckin’, 10, 11 PM? Any of you work her shift and then see if you even got the energy to complain about wakin’ up early, how about that?”
The room went utterly devoid of complaint or backsass. “Thank you, Normandy,” she said politely, and he just nodded once, glancing off to the side. “Anyways, anything new on this end? Spy, how are you adjusting?”
“Very well,” he said simply. “I have nothing pressing to say. Once I’ve been updated from the stock weaponry provided here to my requested preferred weaponry, I believe I should do just fine.”
“I see you already have Herr Normandy digging graves,” Medic chimed in. “Straight into the hard labor, ja?”
“Eh, hey, y’know, it’s why they keep us young people around,” he shrugged, grinning, and there was a brief uproar to drown out Medic’s entirely offended scoffing and Spy’s snort-laughing.
“Get ‘im, lad!” Demo cheered, and Normandy indeed looked fairly proud of himself.
“Monday, transport mission,” Pauling noted over the noise, writing it up on the chalkboard to hide her own smile from the room. “Normandy, you and me are doing the boxes tomorrow. Everyone on the same page? Good. Dismissed. Oh, and Pyro—stop taking the fire alarms down when they beep. They’re beeping because you light things on fire in the base. Do that outside.”
“Oh, hey, uh, helmet guy, All-American Beef,” Normandy called, and Soldier straightened up. “Here’s your shovel back. Gettin’ my own tomorrow.”

Soldier walked directly over to him, clasping a hand on his shoulder. “That’s a high honor, Cadet,” he said, tone grave. “Do not take this responsibility lightly.”
“I, uh, I won’t?” he said hesitantly, and blinked a few times as the shovel was carefully taken from him before it was promptly marched from the room in double-time. Only then did Normandy look over at her. “So he’s always like that?”
“You’ll get used to it,” she assured, dusting chalk from her hands. “You should get to sleep soon, we have to be up early.”
“Sure thing, Miss P.”
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ateezinmymind · 4 years
Rocker! Hongjoong x reader
angst, fluff ending
tw: smoking, drugs, alcohol, foul language, vomit, depressive symptoms, sexual harassment and toxic behavior—please don’t read if sensitive!! I don’t condone these acts <3
~you wanted to be more like him and less like you
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~“fuck off! I don’t want to see that shit-face of yours again!!” ~
Tears streaming down your face, staining the flesh with a trail of black from your running eyeliner. You can’t get those last words out of your head, taking in a breath of smoke, and exhaling through your nose. Trying to ease the pain of abandonment—you contemplate what you’re going to do now.
Standing up from the concrete staircase you’ve been sulking on for the past 15 minutes,, burning out your cigarette—you make your way down to the only place you can think of..
The blaring sounds of screams and cries piercing your ears—the smell of alcohol and smoke,, bodies together,, this...this was it. This was where you could let go...let loose..and live.
“I am a cancer. I am a creep. I am the black sheep”
Hearing those booming lyrics-you look up to the stage. Finding the lead singer screaming into the mic—and bouncing with his guitar. From the eyeliner to his ripped-chained pants..you were sucked into a void. Eyes burning from the atmosphere,, head pounding—now heart aching. You couldn’t stand it any longer.
“Hey baby..can I get you something?” —snapping out of your self destructing trance, you look up to the raspy voice speaking to you.
~“Let me buy you a drink...you here alone?” ~
The buzzing effect in your body-taking you away..you felt numb. You didn’t feel right,, blurred vision, limp body—you were useless. Feeling your head being shook and lightly slapped, trying to blink your way to clear sight—you started to fade..
hearing the lone sounds of laughter and booms—everything felt underwater. You couldn’t quite see, hear or breathe. Maybe this was what you needed..no one loved you anyway. For fucks sake-you got kicked to the curb tonight—by your shitty once called boyfriend. Who which you caught cheating—and to which led to you being pushed out the door-with nothing but a pack of cigarettes and a twenty dollar bill.
You were drowning,, choking, needing air. Desperate..everything turning black,, it was what you deserved... until—
“Hey bitch!!”
jerking conscious from the ice water—wet, cold and vulnerable..you’re surrounded by big figures. Your body finally awake, the smell of the place hits you like a truck. Only causing your body to respond naturally—meaning dry heaving. Choking—you weakly stand up to be towered by the looming men. Clutching your stomach—you needed the bathroom, slapping your hand over your mouth to control the potential mess. You wobble forward..clearing a path to your destination— All while the lead singer watches you from afar....
Barging into the bathroom you’re met with a couple making out by the sinks, and the stench of regurgitated essence. Only causing the feeling in your stomach and throat to worsen..abdomen convulsing you knock through the stall—and spill your guts. Face flushing from the lack of air—your nose and throat burn, and your stomach churns with sickness. Flushing your vomit down the toilet—your mind hazes once again...and soon enough you black out against the stall wall—helpless.
Hongjoong hasn’t seen you come out of the bathroom for the past 20 minutes..he was starting to get anxious himself. But he still had to finish his last song before ending tonight’s show-
“You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick”
The bright lights—beaming all different tones of red and blue. He lived for the stage, the rush of adrenaline when the whistles and screams came. Hongjoong was meant for the spotlight—his soul voice, talent for the guitar-and his aura in all. He was a performer,, meant to please his audience—and when he saw you come in tonight, all ragged, sad and helpless. He couldn’t stop watching you, you were everything he wasn’t. And when those men spiked your drink—he wanted to kill them so badly, but he didn’t want to risk his place.
Sweat pooling down his face, hongjoong finishes the last song—
“Everyone wants a ride. pulls away, ooh—from you”
The screams from people lungs, the jumping of bodies close together, and the sweet sweet feeling of glory—all lasts for a second....
Jogging down the hall towards the women’s bathroom, Hongjoong gets stopped in his tracks. A girl extremely tipsy, reeking of alcohol puts her hand on his chest. “Heyyy..youurrr, yyou’re that s..singer guy...” trying to push her away—she only falls to her knees. “Excuse me—move” not understanding his words she squeezes hongjoongs thighs, then wraps her dirty fingers around his pants chain and pulls him forward. “S..Stop being sooO difficult..lemmeee make youu feel g..GOood” rubbing him she fiddles with his zipper
“What the fuck! Get off me bitch!” Pushing her head back she lands on her ass, and hongjoong steps over her with disgust. “Go give some other fucker a blow” taking a deep breath, he tries calming his raging thoughts of the drunk woman. Speed walking to the bathroom, barging through the door he screams at the couple grinding on each other “GET THE FUCK OUT!!-“
sending them running away, he sees your bare legs from under the stall. Pushing it open-he wants to hurl, but seeing you unconscious he swallows the urge down. “Hey-babe?” Shaking your limp body, causing your head to slide off the wall and hang down. Quickly hongjoong holds your neck in place and examines your face and body.
Your damp hair and top-makes him curse under his breath...how dare someone put something so fragile through hell? Why did he feel the need to help you so bad? Was it because of your differences...that he felt the need to protect you. And harm all the people who decided to put you down, and treat you like shit..
Trailing his eyes down, hongjoong sees your legs-scraped, cut and bruised, then he can’t help but notice your attire. The big T-shirt dress wasn’t doing its job in covering your lower half well, when sprawled on the bathroom floor, so he decided to help,,picking you up and taking you to somewhere safe...
The shooting feeling of your head pulsing caused you to wake finally conscious.. not knowing where the hell you were. Under the sheets of an unknown bed, surrounded by band equipment-you started to panic. Breath staggering-heart racing, eyes tearing up you quietly sobbed.
What did you do?? You’re in a strangers bed, and who knows what they did to you. Wiping your eyes you look down—dressed in a loose navy shirt, and boxer shorts...definitely not what you wore yesterday. Sniffles fill the empty room, and the smell of your hair comes to realization. Shit..someone really cleaned you up..
Heaving in a sharp breath—you feel your heart speed up..shit~not now..you can’t lose your mind right now. Someone can come get you-and you’ll be defenseless and weak against them. Ripping at your legs—trying to feel your way back to yourself through pain..you just whimper. Taking your head between your hands, hanging low—tears fall on the bed covers. The sounds of your sniffling cancel out the foot steps advancing your way through the hall-
“Hey~you’re awake”—jerking your head up to the mans voice..you immediately regret it, because your skull jolts in a jabbing pain. Making you cry out and curl in a ball, holding your head. “Wo..woah,, you okay babe?!” Hongjoong speeds to your suffering self. He didn’t know what to do..looking at the sheets and seeing your tear droplets..he can’t help but scoff. You have problems, it’s unreal...how can someone be so destroyed—physically and mentally??
Unscrewing the lid to the cool water bottle he brought in, he sits himself next to your hunched self. Placing his hand on your soft hair, he gently brushes strands out of the way..so he can see your face. “I know you probably have a million things on your mind right now..but I need you to drink some water-please” the mans voice somehow soothing the tightness in your chest, you open your eyes
His damp hair covering his eyes, his gentle hands gripping the water—you weakly slowly started to make your body lift.. eyes continuously leaking tears, you gently reach for the bottle. Slightly grazing his hand, you quickly look into his brown orbs in apology. “Sorry—” Just from talking to him out loud you feel pressure coming up again. Heaving in a deep breath-trying not to crumble again already just in the span of minutes, “what am I doing here?”
As Hongjoong watched you take a swig of water he softly reached his hand with nails painted black to wipe your cheek of tears. “Well...you were unconscious—so I wasn’t just going to leave you there like a shithead..” gulping, and putting the cap back on the empty bottle you take in his words. Your body being overwhelmed with awkwardness, you cover your face and whine. “You b-bathed me..and put me into n-new clothes..”
hearing Hongjoong chuckle out, you quickly uncover your face with shock. Why was he laughing at you?!! What did he do?? “Don’t worry~ I didn’t do anything to you,, just cleaned you up...I wouldn’t make moves on a someone not aware of their own decisions..” looking back down to your legs your mind begins to turn against you once again...
~Of course he wouldn’t do anything to you..no one would want to anyways. You don’t deserve anything, because you’re no good for anything.~
“Are you okay??” Cupping your head, you slowly give him a nod..eyes pooling with warm fresh tears. You blink away the blurriness, trying to calm down and speak again. But all you do is choke out a broken cry, “I s-shouldn’t be here...I don’t even know you, I don’t know where I am...and I-“ looking away from him, staring at your bandaged legs. Droplets falling onto your skin, you sniffle and realize your once broken skin that was decorated with cuts and bruises were now covered and protected.
“I understand..please forgive me, I’m hongjoong..I’m the lead singer and guitarist from the band you heard playing last night-“ lifting your head by your chin, he gives you the softest look. “y-yes I recognize you..I’m y-y/n-“ finally giving you a bright smile, and taking the bottle from your grip Hongjoong slides off the bed. “So what’s your story?-“
Walls broken down—exposed to the male you only just met a week ago...you’re starting to feel not so drifted from the world. Slowly regaining and healing...all thanks to him, all thanks to the person who is the complete opposite of you. He’s given so much to your little self, and you took the time, to breathe....take in the good and actually find meaning to live. Overcoming cruelty that fed the blazing fire which spiraled your self valuing into the pits of hell..
he saw you when you were drowning, in need of help.. and made you feel worth living for. With Hongjoong, there would be no more doubt, he..the man in the spotlight, chose you....
Who would’ve thought you’d turn up here.
Where this new beginning started....
But only this time, you weren’t in it alone....
“Before we start up tonight, I want to introduce an important person.” adrenaline coursing, blinding lights, aggressive shouting and screaming filled the hall... “Everyone, this is Y/n...”
tagging my wife @hongjoong-a-holic 🥺
~this is kinda a mess...don’t really know what I was doing....I’m sorry
lyrics from: black sheep by palaye royale + black sheep by kailee morgue!!⭐️
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divinelolita · 1 year
ik u sleep but i gotta send this before i go to bed cuz its like 5am(almost six am)
lemme um
lemme get sum headcannons(full band seperate) with a male reader who is a stripper(bro busting on them poles) and is kind of the type of stripper to wear more feminine outfits yk? cuz the club be needing that money fr
and ngl the band would prolly visit but literally hates it when reader got clients other than them
like bro wants reader to give em that lap dance like fuk r u doing😪🤞🏾
ofccc you can throw in obvious nsfw like???(bro u should know the positions we talk abt it like all the time😞)
and duhh u can add other ideas if u feel like it tf🙄
hii babe 🙈 ummm my cat was sitting on my lap while writing this so if there's typos no there's not 🤞 had to do research on this oml
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・oh god he loves watching you.
・He never really knew he'd have a thing for a person swinging their ass on a pole, but baby he fucking loves you.
・Just continuously looking you up and down
・He can't help but moan if you give him a lap dance oml, holding a hand on your waist kinda guiding you 🤭
・You leaving soft kisses on his jaw and neck, moving your hips on him...
・He's so turned on WHATT...
・Gets jealous if you give others a lap dance or just feel 'em up
・He gets that it's your job but goddamn he's envious 😭
・hes paying for vip idgaf.
・He knows y'all can't have sex there but oh my god just being able to touch you more, running his hands up your back without anyone watching oh my GOD
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・teehee omg
・Seeing you all dressed up as you dance.. oh my god that's all he needed.
・He's throwing MONEY at you babe. I'm talking 20-50 dollar bills omg.
・getting a lap dance from you is like heaven to him.
・Can't keep his hands off you, rubbing down your waist and thighs. He knows he has to be careful but he can't resistttttt
・He'd get slightly possessive, glaring if you give another person a lap dance.
・He loves you too much..
・Groping you, pulling you close as he rests his head in your neck, letting you work your magic 😋
・UGH he wanna fucks you so badly but he can't due to health risks and allat
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・You got him wrapped around your finger babe.
・He feels his heart beat faster as he looks at you, not being able to take his eyes off you
・You were his bi-panic idgaf.
・Looking at him, touching his arm or some shit like that? Oh my god.
・He loves that shit 😻
・Getting a lap dance just makes him feel like he's dreaming.
・Having you right there infront of him while you look so damn good...
・Taking him to vip as you remove a layer of clothing (maybe it's a shirt, dress, vest, whatever!)? He's so turned on...
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・He'd be a little shy at first
・Like oh my god... just looking in his eyes while your spinning? His knees buckle.
・If you give others a lap dance or just touch their arm he feels covetousness.
is that the right word omfg
・I feel like hes not very touchy when you give him a lap dance, he leans back and just watches you with a lustful look
・He loves the clothes you wear omggg
・Just seeing you wear anything makes him so nervous yet zealous
uhm he's paying for vip cuz this is MY story and I choose what happens 😇
・anyways..Just being there alone with you? that's enough to make him horny.
・Oh my god he can't help but grab you and pull you close
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tonesplash · 4 years
Edward x Alt!Reader headcanons
a/n: listen, i know i just answered this ask but headcanons are much easier to write and i have a problem @highkeyholly i hope u enjoy :)
warnings: blood and swearing mention, and i think thats it
i kind of did this in my first fic, but he would totally help you dye your hair.
let him pick a color he loves to think of you and be able to measure time by the color of your hair
this is entirely based on him offering to buy a bike to ride w bella even though he didn't wholly approve but
he loves seeing how your makeup changes your face, like the difference between your bare face and then your face with 2 inches of eyeliner? fascinating
if you are a piercing enthusiast,,,,i think edward would learn to pierce just for you because he's exceptionally anxious that some stupid human is going to fuck up and give you nerve damage or something
let him do it its kind of hot
will wake you up in the middle of the night and tell you your piercing is bleeding
he is not going to let you wake up with your ear plastered to your pillow with blood, no ma'am
buys you the most opulent bullshit to wear, and if that isn't your taste, please tell him he just wants you to be a happy girl
he did watch you do a stick and poke tattoo for a few hours after school when emmett asked you offhandedly when you would graduate to tattooing
edward did, in fact, beat his ass when he got back home, but he did sit there and mommy you over sanitation or the occasional wobbly line for an entire afternoon, and that's all you could ask for, really
he did try to be annoying if you're the type for crop tops and fishnets, but that quickly ended bc you'd ignore his ass and rosalie told him to get tf over it or leave you alone
now he will just accept that sometimes his gf will give him a boner, and he just has to live with it
listen,,,, we know stephanie had no clue what she was doing writing these books, but im going to say it
edward should have been actually emo
like im not saying anything extreme rawr xd shit
he wants to blend in after all
but cmon this man would not just wear button-ups and v necks every day
he sits in his car and cries to linkin park; we know he's all about it
he WILL add stuff to your cart if you're shopping online, and he just happens to be perusing with you
he'd probably want to pay for your broke ass anyways
edward deserves the dark shirt+multi necklace combo
give this man some rings, PLEASE
he will share your less extreme jewelry
likes you'll be looking for a necklace in the morning before school, and there will just be a 20 dollar bill with a frowny face and sorry scrawled on it
motherfucker this probably can't even be used now
despite his prudishness when it comes swearing himself,
he doesn't mind when you do it
he lives w a himbo and his wife who are both extremely vulgar and no mental or verbal filter, he doesn't mind if you say the fuck word
he never understood emmett's immunity to roses vocabulary until he met you, and now he lowkey likes it when you swear at him 😏
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hpalways · 3 years
Mickey Donald’s || Zhongli
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A/N: Small Zhongli Crackfic oneshot for the new banner teehee. 
The bustle of the rowdy restaurant this Friday night was enough to give anyone a headache. Teenagers lounged in the corner, families ate their favorite meals, and there even seemed to be a meeting held for a school club. Behind the counter was the staff, running around to fry food or pack meals to send out to customers. 
"Welcome to Mickey Donald's," a tall, slender man said. A deep voice laced his words, captivating you instantly. His golden, amber hues dug into you and a patient smile colored his lips. Different from the usual worker seen at Mickey Donald's, this person looked almost regal. Dark strands in a ponytail draped over his shoulder when he bent his head down to touch the electronic screen before him, causing your heart to race. His cap sewn of the yellow 'M' logo covered almost half of his face, which annoyed you. Why he worked here when he could easily woo better paying businesses with his gorgeous face would forever remain a mystery. "What can I get you?"
You almost replied with a "you," but had bitten your lip down in time. That would be the embarrassment of the century. Instead, you told him your order. "Hello, yes. Um, can I get a cheeseburger, a large fry, and a small drink?" 
He nodded obediently, tapping his finger on the screen. Suddenly wincing, he placed a hand on his back. 
"Oh... are you okay?" you asked him in worry. 
"I apologize. I didn't realize how difficult working could be. Long hours are taking a toll on the back pain," he explained. "Thank you for your concern though."
Brows were knitted together; back pain already? He only appeared to be in his 20s though...
Before you could dwell on it too much, he was finished with ringing the order in. He told you the cost and you hurried to fetch your wallet. A 20 dollar bill in your hand, you were about to give it to him when he added something, "Oh. I forgot. We're having a sale. Would you like to get a discounted Happy Meal? It will contain one of these." He reached down to grab something and held it up for you to see. It was a little guy figure -- hold on... He looked exactly like this handsome worker in front of you!
"I-Is that you?" you gasped. 
He tilted his head in confusion and peered at it closer. "Huh. It does kind of look like me, doesn't it?"
Jaw dropped, you let out a hysteric laugh. He didn't even realize that it was him? Wait. What was his name anyway? Your eyes dropped to his shirt, where a tag was pinned on the front. It read "Zhongli". 
"So. Would you like an order of the happy meal?" so-called Zhongli inquired. 
Slowly, you nodded. Maybe he was a little strange, but you'd like a mini Zhongli... It was like love at first sight; And yes, you were shallow enough to fall for his looks. 
"Great!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together once. Seeing his expression was worth it. He seemed to be so happy for something so small. He entered the newly added order to the rest and told you the total. "Name for your order?"
"[Y/N]," you responded shyly. 
"Beautiful name," he murmured, instantly causing you to fluster. What a flirt!
After paying him, he gave you the change and you exited the line to let the next person go. Leaning your body against the wall, you crossed your arms together and waited patiently. Okay, fine. Maybe not so patiently. Your stomach was growling like a monster by now and you needed to have your own Zhongli figure in your hands. It made you jittery, with feet pacing in place. On the other hand, you admired the dark head man from the distance, watching him take in orders and waltzing through the backside to fetch food and whatnot. He had... nice assets. Like... he was thicker than you. He had a dumptruck any girl would die for. It was really hot and you found yourself allured by him even more, if that was possible. 
When your name was called, your ears perked up like a starving dog. Hurrying up to the counter, a different worker handed you the bag. Snatching it from him, you eagerly poked your head in to see... a purple bitch.
It was not of the brown theme Zhongli bore, but a pastelly based off of a female character. You reached in with a scowl and took her out. Underneath the figure was her name: Keqing. What the fuck. This wasn't who you wanted. 
Stomping out of the Mickey Donald's with hands clenched tightly in anger, you got into the parking lot. Dammit. You had to pay this place another visit. No matter what, Zhongli was going to come home.
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Dork (Kaminari x Reader)
Pairing: Kaminari x Reader
Anon requested: “Not sure if u are taking requests but if u are could you do a Denki x reader imagine where he likes them so he keeps breaking (y/n) phone chargers without her knowing so she has keep asking him to charger her phone, but one day she catches him... or something like that. Sorry if this is unclear This is my first ever request. THANKS!!!”
Genre: Fluff
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
Word count: 1,241
a/n: First Denki fic! Admittedly, I didn’t give him much character in this, but I hope this is okay!  Thanks for the request and I hope to see you again in my ask box soon!
"Damn it!"  I purse my lips as I constantly plug my charging cord into my phone.  As it did the last time, the device keeps barely keeps the charging icon for long before it disconnects and reconnects, vibrating like it's having a seizure.
"What's wrong?"  Denki comes up behind me suddenly.
"My charging cord's broken again!" I lament.  "This is my third one this week alone!"
"Oh, that sucks."  He rifles through the large pocket of his shorts.  "You can borrow mine again if you want, I'll charge it for you."
Reluctantly, I take the end of it.  "I feel bad, I've been asking you to do this all week."
He tugs the USB end to lead the two of you to the couch in the common room.  "It's cool, I don't mind.  I'm basically a walking talking battery pack anyway."  He flashes his finger guns at me cheesily.
"You're such a dork."  
We sit down in front of the TV while my phone charges.  Since the cord is short, our bodies end up closer together, my legs sprawled out on top of his lap as I scroll through my phone.
"I can't believe I have to buy another cord.  Why do they keep breaking?!"
"Maybe you keep buying the really cheap convenience store ones?" Denki offers, still keeping the cord end between his teeth.
"Yeah, but there's no visible damage to it, I don't know where exactly the break in the cord is.  If I knew, I'd try to remedy it."  A braided cord comes across my screen.  "Maybe I can get one of these?"
Denki shrugs at the screen.  "Maybe it'll work, I'm not too crazy about braided cables, it seems unnecessary to me."
"It's only a few dollars more, maybe it'll protect the wires inside better?"
The boy snorts at my suggestion.  "I don't think a little bit of braiding on the outside will protect what's inside, even I'm not dumb enough to believe that."
"Maybe you're just too dumb to accept the benefits."
The next day, I buy the braided cord, thinking it would be good enough to last me a while longer than the cord I already had.  However, the next day, the braiding had already started unwinding from the phone end.  At first, it didn't affect the charging, but the braiding steadily wore off the wire more and more each day, poking me uncomfortably until I eventually decided to throw it out.
"Well, that didn't work either," I pout, my head resting on Denki's lap as he charges my phone again.
"Told you so, but you called me dumb!" he points out smugly.
"And you still are, but you're a helpful idiot at least," I shoot right back at him playfully.
The boy fakes a sniff.  "I see how it is.  You only like me for my talented mouth."
"Ew, don't say that again, that's just weird."
"Yeah, sounded better in my head, sorry."
We grew more comfortable with each other because of these small moments.  Little talks here and there about our interests and other things, mostly because sitting so close to each other allows us to see each other's screens easily.  I'm closest to him out of all the other boys in class, in more than one way of course.  One secret I found out about him is that he's a closeted Selena Gomez fan (I caught him listening to the "Rare" album as he tried to hide it in his notification center, but he didn't realize it was playing too loud from his earbuds).  He's a dork, but he's my dork I guess.
I ended up giving up on charging cords.  Since there's 20 of us in the same building, I figured just using someone else's cord with my own charging brick would be fine.  Until a week later, my charging brick also went out of commission.
"What the actual fuck?!"  I'm frustrated at this point.  No matter who's cord I plug into the adapter, it just doesn't charge my phone at all.
"Come on, I gotchu."  Denki already wraps his arm around my shoulders, cord in his free hand.
"I'm just sick of it!  I don't understand why this is happening to me!" I groan, clenching my fists.  "Why am I so unlucky?!"
"The universe must be telling you that I'm your designated battery charger, sweetie."  The flirty line comes from his lips easily as he tries to massage my hands open.
"The universe hates me."
As Denki tries to comfort me, I get to thinking.  There are at least a handful of people who have the same phone and charger as me, so there isn't an issue with the building itself.  And considering how these events only happen to me proves that these aren't coincidence.  Someone's doing it on purpose, and I think I know who it is.
To test my theory, I buy a new wall adapter and leave it on the common room table, announcing I'm gonna use the bathroom and fetch someone else's charging wire.  Ducking behind a wall, I spy on the room of only a few people.  No one is hovered around the couches, just a few boys sit at the table.  Sure enough, Denki gets up from his seat and heads for the kitchen.  On the way over, he casually swipes the adapter off the table and buries it in his pocket.
I knew it! I quietly follow him into the kitchen, only to catch him overloading the poor plastic with his electricity.  "I was wondering what could've possibly broken my wall adapters," I state, making my presence known.
The blond jumps ten feet in the air and turns to me.  "Aw shi-"
"You mean to tell me," I start walking towards him, "All this time, you've been breaking my cords, watching me waste my money every week, and for what?"
Denki's body backs up into the counter as I gain on him, nervous laughter the only thing he emits.  "I-It was just a joke!  Harmless fun!"
I grab his shirt collar and glare at him so his eyes screw shut and he whimpers.  "You better pay me back all that money I spent, clear?"
"Crystal," he squeaks.
I smirk, done messing with him.  Pulling him closer to me, I join our lips together in a short yet powerful kiss.  I can't tell if the sparks between us come from him or the built-up chemistry between us finally releasing.  The bewildered blush on his face is priceless.  "If you wanted to spend time with me, you should've just come out and say it, stupid."
The boy gapes like a fish out of water.  "How-Why-What-"
"You're so easy to read," I roll my eyes playfully before letting go.  "If you were a dog, your tail would wag constantly around me.  But it's cute."  Holding his nape, I press another kiss to the corner of his lip before letting go and strolling out of the kitchen and stopping at the doorway.  "I want my money and a replacement adapter before you take me out on a proper date, dork."
Looking back, he's practically drooling with cartoon-ish heart eyes despite the red still coating his cheeks.  Little sparks start flashing around his body.  "Sure thing," he agrees dumbly, giving me two thumbs up like he's short circuiting again.
With a final wink, the electricity envelopes his entire body as he yelps in glee.  Oh this dork.
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anthonyed · 4 years
stevetony + no. 99 (“I fell in love with you, not them.”)? only if you want to, of course. no pressure! :)
ive said this before: i LOVED writing this. hopefully you like cats ♡
Tony says it started like this: 
One afternoon, Tony barged into Pepper’s office because he conveniently forgot how to knock and caught her rolling a miniature lint roller up her suit sleeve. 
She startled with her high pitched, “Oh my god, Tony!” But, Tony was too fascinated by the lint roller that he kept advancing with a singular focus.
“What is that?”
Pepper bristled, “It’s a lint roller. Why are you here? I told you I don’t want to see you for at least four hours.”
Oh. Right. She was still upset about something Tony did during the board meeting. Menial stuff, unimportant, anyway -
“I know what it is, what I meant is, why are you using that in here?”
At this point, he’s close enough to catch the very fine blonde hair stuck on the roller. “Are you trying to bury the evidence of your boyfriend, Miss Potts? Because while that is very thoughtful, I have a feeling he’d be -,”
“It’s not a boyfriend,” Pepper rolled her eyes. “With you as my boss I don’t have such time -,”
Tony on the other hand, while Pepper was talking, snagged the roller from her hand, “This is - This is not - Ah CHO!”
Pepper winced. 
Tony’s jaw dropped. 
“Miss Potts,” he asked, deadly calm. “I thought you read and signed all the clauses when you agreed to be my personal assistant.”
“I did, Mr Stark.” Pepper's lips thinned.
Tony dropped the roller on her table; the miniature thing completing two circles before stopping in front of her.
“Then why are there cat hair all over you?”
Despite what Tony likes to think, according to Pepper it started like this:
"Who is that?" Tony asked, low whisper, eyes like hawk fixed on the blonde man with a pink cap - 
"Oh!" Pepper exclaimed, leaning sideways and waving to catch the guy's attention. "That would be my lunch."
From the cat cafe, Pepper didn't say. Instead, she hurried out of the room to meet the delivery staff before he could enter; didn't want to risk putting the man responsible for her paycheck in close contact with the one thing he's allergic to: cats' fur. 
Now, Pepper doesn't know exactly what Tony thought that day, but when she reentered the room after shoving a 20 dollars bill into the guy's hand, she found Tony to be in some kind of… stupor. 
She stopped where she stepped in. The door closed behind her and she asked, "Tony?"
Tony startled. "Is that your boyfriend?"
"What? No!"
"Is he single?"
"Tony -,"
"Who is he?"
Pepper paused. Then she promptly decided to play hard - because secretly she is a menace and Tony is right. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Fast forward the next day; she saw Happy exiting her beloved cat cafe and entering the limo he drives to drop Tony off at work.
She didn't even hesitate; she pulled open the passenger door and slid into the empty seat.
"Fancy seeing you here," she cocked her head, smiling syrupy sweet. 
Tony Stark stared wide eyed, like he'd been caught red-handed with a cookie jar.  
"Ah HAH!" Pepper pointed at him. 
No matter how much Tony denied: "It is not what you think it is!", don't believe him. 
It was exactly what it was. In fact, that was how it started.
But Steve never talked to Pepper as much as he talked to Tony. So he obviously thought what Tony claims is right.
That the reason the wildly famous Tony Stark started frequenting Bucky's cat cafe is because he loves cats, and the moment he learned his PA had been hiding this cafe’s existence from him, he bribed her with fancy shoes to get the address. 
Happy would say, bullshit. 
But as it is, Happy works for Tony and Tony bribes him with a free sandwich of the day every time they visit the cafe to keep his trap shut. 
(What can Happy do in the face of excellent sandwiches and delicious Caramel Macchiato? They do say it’s hard to get the caramel swirls on top of the whipped cream right, and whoever makes his drink does it perfectly each time. So at least for the love of that talent, Happy keeps his mouth shut.)
So, when Bucky taps the caramel bottle on the counter and grumbles, “Are you gonna ever ask him out?” - Steve blushes the deepest shade of pink and pries his eyes away from Tony.
“Why would I ever do that?” He busies himself with… nothing.
“Uh, I don’t know Stevie, maybe the fact that he keeps coming back here asking for this vile shit," he pauses to press the cap delicately over the large Caramel Macchiato. "Or that he’s giving you pathetic googly eyes all the time?” 
Bucky glares at Steve then he directs that glare at the drink he loathes making the most with all the venom in the world. 
“Wherever he’s putting this cursed thing into," he shoves it at Steve. “Here. Go call for your knight in… whatever the fuck he’s wearing.”
Steve turns to look at where Tony’s sitting; in the far left corner in the back of the cafe; in his pinstripe suit and daisy dotted tie paired with white, also daisy dotted, sneakers and a pair of orange-tinted glasses. 
Alpine - Bucky's white Turkish Angora - sits pristinely on the table in front of Tony looking like she’s giving him a lecture on something - like father, like daughter - while Tony stares right back at her challengingly. 
Liho, who’s Natasha’s favourite kitten (no matter how fervently Natasha denies having a favourite at all) is lounging next to Tony, tail draped lazily over his lap. Mrs Berry in all her tortoiseshell glory, is licking her butt on Tony’s left. Grey Mr Goose is sniffing Tony’s shoes and rubbing up his shin. 
Behind the cash-counter, Steve sighs like the hopeless man he is. Bucky’s bemused gaze bores into him steadily.
Steve bristles, “I don’t see what’s wrong with what he’s wearing.” Because as much as Bucky’s wrong about Tony being interested in Steve in any way, he is right in assuming that Steve is. 
As a matter of fact, he’s balancing precariously between sanity and lovesick insanity and with every visit from Tony, he’s tipping dangerously towards the latter. Fantastic.
“Idiot,” Bucky snorts, turning to the kitchen. "At least ask him to change the fucking order. For fucks’ sake.”
Which leaves Steve alone with Tony, since it’s 8.30pm on a Tuesday and the cafe would never see a slower business hour than that.
Heaving out a heavy sigh, Steve puts the drink on a tray and checks his reflection on the microwave’s shiny surface - courtesy of Phil, their clean-freak coworker - before he moves.
It’s both scary and amazing how each time he makes his way to Tony, his heart would pitter patter and trip in its running behind his ribcage. So is the way he’d inhale sharply, lashes fluttering when they lock eyes and Tony smiles and -
Steve could just die right then and there. 
The first time Steve talked to Tony; he vividly remembers it being a horrible day. 
Everything had gone wrong from when the alarm went off that morning - A series of misfortunate events, and he’d just bribed Clint with a promise of dinner from his wallet in exchange for his extra shirt because an idiot on the freeway had driven through a puddle of rainwater soaking Steve dirty and wet. 
Then, he’d stepped behind the cash counter for his turn at taking orders when a rich-looking asshole in a gaudy get up started yanking on Steve’s already frayed nerves. The man, with his stupid beard and flashy glasses rattled off what he’d probably thought an impossible order.
But Bucky was the barista for that hour and Steve had never come across an order Buck couldn’t whip up till this day. Right then though, he was calmly speckling cocoa dust on a mocha, letting Steve face their new customer who had evidently walked in to test their capability. 
Unfortunately for all parties involved, it was just not Steve’s day.
“Do you want anything else?” He’d asked, after dotting pointedly on the cup. 
Tony had leered at him, saying: “Maybe a little smile for the service,” and Steve fucking snapped.
“I’m sorry. But we don’t serve that for assholes.”
He could see Bucky freeze next to him. Tony, on the other hand, looked fully offended. “Excuse me?” he started, peering above his purple glasses, gearing up for a fight and Steve wasn’t going to back down either - putting the empty cup aside as he inhaled and squared up his shoulders. 
But Bucky broke it off before it could even begin.
“Rogers, go make sure Barton is not ruining my sourdough,” he spoke up, flat toned, and he squeezed Steve’s arm warningly before offering his best smile to Tony. “I’m sorry, sir. We just ran out of cardamom so if you don’t mind excluding that from your order, I could whip it up for you just fine.”
The sudden professionalism was so jarring for both men that they each stuttered out an affirmative response and that was that.
Steve went into the kitchen, finished his shift, put an end to his awful day and he forgot all about the asshole customer. Until a week after when he returned.
“One caramel macchiato with perfected caramel swirl for Happy Hogan,” Steve places the tray in front of Tony. 
Alpine hops down and leaves, bringing her gang with. Tony’s eyes trail after the number of swishing tails, as well as Steve’s. 
“They really do like you,” Steve tells him, turning back to Tony with a teasing glint in his eyes; cheeks straining hard to keep a happy smile inside. "Nobody gets that much attention all at once."
Tony snorts, leaning forward in his seat, and he looks up from the rim of his glasses. "Pretty sure it's an intimidation tactic," he squints his eyes at Steve.
"Whatever for," Steve chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck and he looks down at his feet before looking up at Tony. “Are you gonna stay here longer? I was wondering if I should make yours to go or to have here.”
“Oh,” Tony glances at the tray, “So that’s why my drink is not here then,” he grins at Steve.
“You didn’t even notice.”
“Too busy noticing you.”
Steve blinks, “What’s that?”
“To have here,” Tony declares loudly, his eyes flicker as if they’re hiding something, and his next words come out softer, “If you don’t mind having me here for long, that is.”
Steve’s pretty sure he’s blushing; at least his ears must be the shade of tomatoes in the Spring. At least. “No. I - Of course not.” Could have said, stay forever please but luckily for Steve even his self-deprecating tendency has mercy on him. “Shall we?” He signals.
Tony’s eyes go wide as a saucer. “You’re letting me watch you make it?” And there’s excitement in there, Steve could taste it, even if Tony is trying so hard to keep it contained.
“I mean, we’re not busy now,” he shrugs and the doorbell dings, seeing the only couple who was there out. “And we’re closing in fifteen minutes so…” Steve turns back to Tony, mouth stretching slowly into a smile, eyes twinkling and he could see Tony’s face wearing his reflection as he stands up. 
“Lead the way, fine Sir.” 
Changing opinions is not an easy thing to do; especially those cemented so strongly from first impressions.
Seeing Tony the second time immediately made Steve’s spine tense up. But he’s been on this job for a very long time and he knows how to keep feelings away from his profession. He looks Tony straight in the eyes and beamed at him like sunshine.
“Hello! Welcome to Purricano, what would you like to have today?”
Steve distinctly remembers Tony’s eyes going saucer shape wide that day; two rapid blinks and a slack jaw which required Steve’s arched eyebrows to work. (If you ask Tony, of course he’s going to deny that.)
“You’re smiling today,” he squinted. “Why are you smiling? Do I have something on my face?” His eyes flashed towards the nearest reflective surface and Steve swallowed a bubbling laugh. 
“Except for your fashionable pink sunglasses, I assure you, there is nothing on your face, Mister,” (and your stupid goatee), Steve kept smiling creepily. 
Tony’s eyes grew narrower, and he glanced over his shoulder once - making sure no one else was waiting in line - before leaning close to the counter. He beckoned at Steve with one elegant finger, and he hushed, “Do you really think it’s fashionable?”
And the first bubble of laughter escaped out of Steve’s chest that day.
Never stopped ever since.
Tony makes him happy. There’s no denying in that. 
It’s probably why Bucky keeps pestering Steve to ask him out; because it’s been years since Steve last laughed. Genuinely, and this loud.
“Oh god,” he clutches his stomach, wiping tears from his eyes. 
The horrible latte art Tony attempted stares back with ugly googly eyes when he looks down and he bursts into another fit of laughter. 
He could feel one of the felines’ tail curling around his ankle curiously, and a pair of large green eyes peer up at him longingly with an accompanying pitiful meow.
“Not,” Steve tells her. 
None of the cats are allowed on the counter; even Alpine doesn’t get the pass. But she likes to try the most out of them all. The rest are already settled for bedtime, and Steve briefly thanks his quick wit to flip the sign close on the front door before he starts showing Tony around.
He turns to him with aching cheeks, tingling skin but the remnant of his grin dies when he sees Tony’s face. Something else takes residence in his belly instead; wings flapping neurotically, lifting to fly away.
“What?” he asks, lashes fluttering, breath sticking like glue on the lining of his throat. Because Tony looks dazed, like he’d just witnessed something divine but got no vocabulary enough to describe what was that.
He shakes his head, inhale sounding sharp, and he tries to bury his words under a chuckle but Steve hears him this time. “You’re beautiful.”
Loud like a Church’s bell, echoing even after and Steve’s heart stutters in his chest. Hope, blossoms like Queen of the Night; rapid and shy. Would die with a single ‘no’ from Tony, would probably never bloom again after this, but the hope is heavy as well as pretty; pushes Steve to ask Tony, “Did you mean that?”
Tony’s eyes snap up and Steve could see the same hope growing in them. “Are you kidding me?” he asks, voice high with a nervous tremor and it comes out like a breathy bark. His shoulders come loose, all limbs as well, and he reaches out for Steve before he stops himself. 
Can I? His eyes ask, and Steve takes a step forward. Of course; his gesture screams. Of course, you can.
Tony's hand touches his cheek and Steve thinks maybe this Queen of the night would live to see daylights. 
He shudders, full body. Closes his eyes tight and wills those butterflies in his belly to calm down. He smells Tony before he hears him; spice and a spilled can of cinnamon from just now. "Shh," Tony tells him. "Shh," and Steve sighs into his palm. 
His thumb drags a stripe under his eye, and Tony says, "God, Steve… Can't you see how bad I want you?"
The truth is no. Steve didn't see it. He shakes his head.
"Why'd you think I keep coming back," Tony asks, so close now that Steve swears he could hear the rumble in his chest even if their bodies are not touching. Yet. 
Feeling somewhat more grounded, he guesses, "For the cats?"
And Tony laughs. 
Not just a little but a full hearty laugh that makes him wheeze. 
"Oh no," he splutters, trying to gather himself apiece while Steve's surprise slowly shifts into a scowl. 
"No, no, no," he chants, reaching for Steve again, catching his face with two hands, cupping and Tony's so bright with joy when he presses their foreheads together. 
"Steve, Steve, Steven," he breathes. "Honey, I can’t go near a cat without popping twenty antihistamines."
"I'm allergic to them."
"What?" Steve pulls back. More shocked than surprise now. "But -,"
"It's you," Tony cuts him off, pulling him back by his hips, and he butts his head into Steve’s breastbone. Buries his next words in there; "I fell in love with you, Rogers. Not them.”
And he sounds almost whiny but Steve can see now, why; can’t believe Tony’s been inhaling allergy medications to see Steve - 
“Jesus Christ.” A little frustration seeps into Steve’s own voice as he buries his fingers into Tony’s hair. “I can’t believe you’re allergic to cats.”
A betrayed meow sounded from below and both of them look down to find Liho, gazing expectantly at Tony. “Meow,” she says again. 
“Think you got some explaining to do,” Steve smirks, looking at Tony. As if on cue, Tony sneezes so hard that Liho jumps a foot in the air before scrambling away in fear. 
“Oh uh,” he cups his mouth and nose, blinking at Steve, lost.
And Steve knows it’s bad to laugh, but he couldn’t help it. At least he saves himself with a smooth invite when he’d calmed down. “Wanna wait outside? Let me close the shop and we’ll…”
“Great!” Tony grins at him so prettily and Steve, with his heart fluttering in its cage, leans in and kisses him sweet. 
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dis-easedfairy · 4 years
Impulsive Decision Pt.9
Male Path | Female Path
Chapter 9 : Just A Normal Day At The Office
Warnings!: Swearing
Genre: Poly!au, angst, fluff, eventual smut, yandere!au 
Pairings: BTS x Reader / Kim Taehyung x Reader / Kim Seokjin x Reader / Jung Hoseok x Reader / OC x Reader / Park Jimin x Reader / Min Yoongi x Reader
Summary: M/n is the owner of a very wealthy and successful company, Barnanby Inc. M/n attends a BTS show, since they happen to be a fan. They make a very impulsive decision to show a loophole in BTS’s security and end up kidnapping BTS and 2 girls. In a fit of panic M/n stashes BTS and the girls in a very luxurious bunker for the time being, but M/n’s world slowly starts to crumble the longer the boys are out of the public’s eye,
Word Count: 8,349 (roughly 30 minutes of average reading time)
A/N: The boys aren’t in this chapter that much purely so I can develop plot and give background info. So, filler. (the gif is basically a hint to next chapter)
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Spending my morning on Jason’s couch wasn’t the plan, but the break was almost too sweet to give up. I sat up, reaching over for my turned-off phone. I could hear muffled talking coming from down the hall. I looked over, seeing Jason holding a laundry basket, his phone pressed between his face and shoulder and he came into the living room.  I grabbed his laptop off the chair just in time for him to sit on the said chair. He dropped the laundry basket on the floor and got a better hold of the phone.  
I reached over to get Jason’s laptop off the coffee table. I opened his laptop and began looking up a few things.  
“Listen, we had a plan for the character model! I understand when you program something, something else can mess up but it’s YOUR JOB to fix it! I’ll extend the deadline but that’s it, good-bye!” Jason hung up with a groan.
“I haven’t even had my damn morning coffee yet and these people are going insane.” He grumbled, beginning to sort through his laundry.
“Yeah, sorry about that, but it needs to happen,” I muttered, still researching.
“So your plan is to what? Get Jill’s help but keep the company anyway? How will that work? I get you ARE the owner, but she now has the upper hand to destroy you…” Jason trailed off, folding a pair of pants.
I scoffed, “She THINKS she can destroy me, but if she helps me avoid punishment and makes her lawyers paint a pretty picture as truth, then she’ll HAVE to run with it. If she turns on me and says it was all a lie and I’m a criminal, then she is too, then she gets nothing either. The only one with us listening to the WHOLE conversation was my nephew and no one will take his word because he still thinks Santa Claus can come through the furnace vents in their modern home. ”
“He’s really are losing his mind oh my God.” He mumbled to himself, trying to seem interested in his laundry.
“I love my sister, I really do, but last night… She showed me that she would sacrifice everything if it meant keeping the company and her status. She doesn’t care what I want and isn’t doing this out of the kindness of her heart. She’s doing it for my spot. She’s doing it because she doesn’t want to be removed from the high pedestal my father put her on.” I argued, shutting the laptop.
“What about the guys? What if your sister gets access to the bunker?” Jason questioned.
“She won’t. It surprised me when she knew about it, but the location, locks, and layout will be foreign to her because she doesn’t have access to those. I’m assuming she only knows because our accountant slipped up. The only one who knows the location is you and I. The locks are designed by me and you barely even got the keys last month. The layout is only known by twelve people, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, RM, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Seongmi, Linza, Jeonghun, and only you and I REALLY know the layout of the bunker. ”
“I feel as though you being there with them was a bad idea.” Jason shook his head, judgment was written on his face.
I exhaled, leaning back into the couch, “It really was. ”
“Well, If I would’ve known you had so much shit going on I wouldn't have invited you for a night out with Daisuke and me!” Jason threw an article of clothing back into the laundry basket roughly.
“If anything, it’ll get my mind off everything for a few hours,” I stated bitterly.
Jason let out a sigh, almost irritated, “We can’t be teenagers anymore, M/n.” He said, his voice was too serious for my liking.
I rolled my eyes, “Jason, I know. I get so much crap for being uptight. Maybe I should actually live like a 20-year-old CEO.” I smirked.
“Oh God, please no.” Jason made a face, going back to sorting and folding his laundry.
“Yeah, overpriced alcohol and drunk people telling me I’m attractive aren’t really for me.” I chuckled, sitting up to get the laptop again, this time to check my e-mail for work.
I started replying and even turned on my phone.
“Your sister….” Jason began, making me look up.
“…She used to wear really nice things, yes, but she would’ve never done that to her little brother. She loved you too much for that.” He stated sadly, looking at a single shirt like it was able to replay memories.
I frowned, sighing, “It happens to those who are in power enough, Jason. It happened to my brother, then to my older sister. I hope my little sister doesn’t catch that bug. Lord knows my mother is secretly becoming like that as well. I understand it a little bit. There are competitors who want our company forgotten, so we have to protect our image, but for her to ask for my place instead, just…” I trailed off.
“I just hope it’s because she has kids to think about now. My brother just wanted to be on top. Maybe my sister wants it so her kids have an assurance that they’ll have something too.” I reasoned, going back to my e-mail in hopes to end the conversation there.
Jason scoffed, “As if you would ever cast out your nephews. Lord knows you spoil them even if they aren’t yours.” I felt a twinge of pain in my heart.
“I mean what would your father say about your sister getting the company?” Jason prompted.
“…I have that decision for a reason, so let that reason play out.” I muttered, no longer interested in the work I was doing.
We fell into slightly uncomfortable silence.
“Can you take care of the boys and girls? With my dad’s party coming up and setting everything up for the future, I will be busy and my family will expect me to stay by their side. They’ll know something is up if I’m constantly leaving.” I explained, pulling out my phone and turning the screen on.
“Uh sure, I’ll try to work and things from there. Maybe I’ll set up a tent there or something. ” I chuckled at his response.
“Why a tent?” I questioned with a smile.
Jason smiled, letting out a chuckle of his own, “So I can get cellphone service.”
I only shook my head, I was about to open my mouth to speak but the doorbell rang. Jason looked at me puzzled for a bit. I only shrugged, leaning back into the couch. Jason stood and opened the door.
“I have your truffle pizza and 20 hot wings. Your total is 66,000 won.” The delivery man stated quickly.
Jason looked over his shoulder at me with a glare. I only smirked with a shrug. Jason grumbled something under his breath and took his wallet out of his pocket. He swiped his card in the delivery man’s card reader and took the pizza and wings.
“Have a nice day!” The man said, quickly taking his leave.
Jason mumbled something along the lines of, “I won’t while he’s here.” as he closed the door.
Jason turned to look over at me, eerily calm for a few moments.
“6,510 yen.” I helped him out.
“EXACTLY!” He exploded.
“58 U.S. dollars to be exact. ALSO, it was actually 50 U.S. dollars, however, it was an extra 4 for 20 wings since it was on sale I figured why not?”
“…4 dollars for 20 wings? Holy shit that’s a good deal.” He muttered, moving his hands to open the container with wings.
He made a face as if to say ‘not bad’, “They are pretty meaty too, what the fuck.”
“The pizza has a lot of truffles. Never had it before.” I shrugged.
“Then why did you order it!?”
“…I feel like ordering you the most expensive pizza I could find last minute was doing someone justice? Like I personally don’t think I’ve ever said that, but I’m sure someone said they would. Figured I’d be petty for them.”
Jason looked at the pizza then at me, “You’re so fucking weird. If this tastes bad then that someone is getting coal for Christmas.”
Jason walked over to place the food down on the coffee table. I happily helped move things out the way and opened the pizza box and Jason decided to go for the wings first.
“What’s the game plan for today?” Jason asked, mouth slightly full as he spoke.
I gave him a look and shook my head as I picked up a slice of pizza, “You know I hate when you do that.”
“Why? No food is going to fly out and you understand me.” Jason said after he swallowed, shrugging like it wasn’t a big deal.
“No one wants to see your chewed up food, Jason.”
“Then look at my eyes, not my mouth.” I sighed.
“Stop talking about things that annoy you! What’s the game plan?” Jason pressed, his hand moving to get a slice as well.  
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I ended up at the office, but instead of working, as usual, I was only lost in my thoughts.
I thought if I was far away from my problems, it would just solve itself.
I had to deal with Daisuke.
I had to prep for my father’s party.
I‌ had to deal with nine people in my bunker.
I looked over at my sad excuse for a couch setup. A pillow and a fluffy blanket folded over the armrest. I was going to be beyond busy and I‌ need to avoid the boys for a bit to get things sorted out.
I let out a sigh, “How long will I‌ be here?”‌ I‌ asked myself as I made my way to my desk.
I sat down and tried to focus back on writing out what I could have planned for the game and if there would be more.
It suddenly hit me. I launched myself up from my desk and ran out of my office to find my sister. It might have been easier to just make her come to me but the idea suddenly coming to me clouded any other thought as I ran as fast as I could to the broadcasting department.
Once I got there I could see my sister talking to employees and making sure everything was in order for the new animation to be aired.  Some who were talking a small break immediately got to work when I entered.
I proudly went next to my sister and blurted “I‌ can have the game department only.”‌ in an out of breath tone.
Her eyes grew wide, “Excuse me?”‌ She seemed more concerned than confused.
“You have broadcasting, Jae has the toys and shit, Eun will have food and drinks and I’ll have games. We’ll all just decide together!”‌ I couldn’t suppress the excitement in my voice.
Jilly took a quick look around and grabbed my arm to lead me to the hallway.
“What’s going on in that over-active brain, huh?”‌ She asked me while folding her arms.
“We won’t have to fight for the top if we’re ALL‌ at the top. Jieun isn’t old enough yet, so I’m not worried about that side of our company for at LEAST 2 years!‌ Jae has a thing for money but loves the designs we all come up with. You love the bustle of the broadcasting. You are literally our voice, and it’s good that way. I can be in charge of the game department. Any videogames are managed under me and no one will have to come to you about my bullshit because it’s MY bullshit.”
“This isn’t the four kings. This is a company.”
“A‌ company that will work as long as we all stay in our fucking lanes!‌ Jae is too stubborn to evolve with the company. You won’t take too many creative risks that we need. Jieun will crack under the pressure of handling EVERYTHING. I’m too impulsive or too stuck in my head. But if we all work together we’ll check each other. No fights for the top, no one coming to just one of us for decisions on something the other is working on. No pressure to hold the entire company on our backs. We get our zones and stay in them!”‌
Jilly seemed to look down at the floor, letting my words absorb. After a few long moments, she finally spoke.
“I remember sitting down on the living room floor during Dad’s days off. Our sister helping our mom, Jae being pissed off because Dad just wouldn’t give him a win, and you sitting at the table always learning something new.”‌ Something about her words caused a weight to form on my chest.
She let out a sigh and looked up at the ceiling, “Our father was a strong man. After his will, I tried so hard to understand why he left the company to you. You were so young when he wrote the will. You were still young when he passed. Our mother got into a few fights with him before he died,”‌ She let out a scoff, “Like she was just TRYING to find a reason to be mad at him. And when you got the company, Jae was so angry at you, at Dad. I want it to stop. All the fighting. ”‌ Her eyes landed back on me.
“I‌ even went after you, and I shouldn’t have. This isn’t a competition. I was so upset that you kept it from me and that you would even find yourself in that situation. But yesterday night it finally hit me on how you might’ve felt. I‌ just know you went in with it being a joke that you thought wouldn’t be too serious, and when it was, you weren’t sure what to do. If you reached out to our brother, you would go to jail. He’s too into old-fashioned justice. If you went to mom, she would hide you, but her mouth was too big. Eunnie is still a child. And I‌ would’ve done what I did yesterday. You HAD‌ to hide it.”‌ Her voice seemed to waver as she went on.
I tried to remain completely silent. I could feel a sting behind my eyes, she was starting to understand what kind of stupid I was. Yet there was always a method to my madness.
“I‌ judged you, and thought of our image rather than thinking of you as my brother. I‌ thought of you as a reckless child rather than an adult who was afraid. Our mother wanted you to be a pushover, someone she could dump her problems on. Our brother wanted to knock you down to get to the top and I‌ made you feel like shit when I was supposed to help you.”‌ Actual tears began to run down her face, “You’re my little brother, not my child, and not a fucking punching bag. I shouldn’t have made you feel so judged for something that was an innocent mistake, I’m so sorry, M/n-ie.”‌
She bit her lip, seeming to take a moment to control her emotions before finally saying, “It’s your call. I’ll help, but please, don’t do anything stupid.”
I left a large weight lift off of me.
My sister wasn’t against me. She could never be.
My eyes watered as I waited, wanting to see if maybe she would change her mind.
Her features softened even more, “Oh, M/n-ie. I won’t take it back, I promise. Come here,” She held her arms out and I immediately went into them.
Pressing my face into her shoulder and wrapping my arms around her. As she embraced me back I could smell the comforting scent of her jasmine perfume that she’s been using since middle school. Her hand went up to pet my hair soothingly.
For a moment it was as it should be. A little brother being comforted by his big sister.
“What are you two doing in the hallway?” We heard.
Before I could pull away Jillian held me closer, “Hugging. Like family.” Her voice was almost cold.
“He’s the owner of a company, you shouldn’t be holding him like that. He’s not a child.”
It made sense who it was now.
“Jaeseok, he’s our little brother. It doesn’t matter if he owns a company or not. He felt under the weather so I’m helping.” Our sister shot back, keeping a firm hold on me.
“He’s an adult. If he has problems he needs to deal with them on his own, Jiann.”
Great now my brother and sister were bickering in the hallway. What made this worse was I couldn’t really say anything, due to my face being in her shoulder.
“Family is supposed to help!”
“Family is to help expand the name.”
My sister let out a frustrated groan. I lightly pushed on her hip and she let me go.
I was met with the sight of my brother. He looked well-kempt yet so unkempt. He had on his usual suit, wrinkle-free, and lint-free. His hair looked like he had run his fingers through it repeatedly, and the dark circles under his eyes were impossible to ignore.
“Jae, when is the last time you slept!?” I asked, genuinely concerned.
Jae scoffed, “We don’t all get day-offs whenever we want. ”
I frowned at his response, of course, he would turn this into a fight, “But you should still take breaks. Your hours should give you plenty of time to sleep.”
Our sister tsked, “Don’t snap at our brother because you’re working overtime.”
“You’re working overtime!? I told you not to!” I exclaimed.
Our brother rolled his eyes, “If I don’t do it then who would?”
I scoffed at his clear delusion. These next few days would be hell.
“Why did you come over here for?” Jiann changed the subject.
“Right, our mother wishes to reserve a large building for our father’s birthday. She also would like to invite some of his family to our childhood home.”
There was silence.
“Well tell her she’s out of her fucking mind. The party happens here. This meant everything to Dad. The party happens here and we go back home for the night. Like always. I don’t care who she invites to the party but no one follows us back to our childhood home. That’s for family only. My sons and husband don’t even join us and neither does your wife, what makes her think they’re invited? No.” Jiann was firm, crossing her arms, just waiting for someone to defy her.
“They’re even lucky to be invited to the party itself. They call us entitled pricks but want to be part of us when it comes to social events.” I muttered.
“Exactly my point. No. They don’t get to come back to our family home. They also don’t get family passes as they are here. They don’t get special treatment.”
Jae seemed to nod thinking it over, “I agree. Having them think they can do as they please won’t be good for our company’s image. Or our family’s image. I’ll let security know of their names and faces. I’ll also brief them on how to properly handle them if they cause a scene.”  
Like I need more problems.
“What will they do if they DO cause a scene?” Jiann asked.
“Well, we can’t have them be loud, they would draw too much attention we’ll just–”
“CEO-nim!” I heard, making us jump a little.
A woman, looking highly professional jogged up to us, holding documents to her chest.
“We have another problem. Some of the computers in the game development floor have been damaged. I attempted to get ahold of Mr.Katashi but was unable to.”
Oh great, more problems.
My favorite.
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I somewhat had everything under control by lunch. Someone had corrupted a few computers. I had to emergency order new ones and help transfer the files over and had the corrupted computers stored away as evidence. I was walking around the programmers, making sure I was there if there were any signs of any glitching computers.
I was pretty sure that whoever was doing this was selecting a special set of computers, the ones with all the character designs and code that took too long to recreate at this point. I made sure to tell Jason to find the best cybersecurity team he could. I needed to guard this project with my life and I wouldn’t let my father’s dream die with me.
I was pacing back in forth between the row of game developers when I was approached.
It was a nice looking man. He seemed small. Not in height, but in the way he presented himself. He was dressed in a simple dress shirt, straightened pants, and tie. His dark hair was covering his forehead and he looked out of place. Afraid to meet my gaze, afraid to catch too much attention. He was holding files and USB drives but looked like if I said “boo” he would drop everything and run.
He must be new.
“Hello, how can I help you?” I asked in the nicest voice I could.
He played a little bit with the edges of the folders before speaking, “I’m with the cybersecurity team… They sent me to…,” He seemed to be stuck or thinking of what to say, “To set up.” His voice sounded like it could be attention-catching if he tried. Not too high-pitched and had a certain roughness to it.
“Ah! Of course! We had computers and space for your set up in the room next to the security room.” I informed, moving to borrow the post-it notes from one of the developers to write down the code to the mostly empty room, “If any of you have any questions or needs, feel free to call my personal number. It’s close to us all ordering lunch so call the front desk if you have any differences in dietary needs.” I handed him the post-it note with a warm smile.
He quickly took the note, gave me a small bow, and rushed off.
Poor dude.
I moved back to my work at hand, making a mental note to visit them later.
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A little later into the afternoon I was in my office, trying my best to look over the security footage. It didn’t look like the files were corrupted manually. No one was there in person but it still gave me a strange feeling. This obviously wasn’t just some teenagers just goofing around. I let out a loud groan, knowing this would kill me until I figured out who did it.
I got up out of my seat and gathered the papers I needed to sign off on and approve. I shoved them all into a folder, grabbed a couple of pens, a few stationery items for organization reasons, and headed off to the cybersecurity room.
Upon reaching the room I began to think about how they would all react seeing their boss watch over them as they worked.
Would they feel pressure?
Would I make them uncomfortable?
I decided to just knock on the door. If I made them uncomfortable they could tell me and I would leave.
As soon as my knuckles hit the door it flung open to reveal the guy before. This time his hair was a little ruffled, pushed back to show off his forehead, and his tie pulled loose.
“Good! Saves me the trouble of having to find you, come in!” He gave me a smirk and went back into the room.
Well, that was a turn of a personality.
The room we had set up for them was all set up into cubicles. At first, I was against it but they had large whiteboards on the cubical walls and had their own privacy. The guy before led me to the end and sat down at his new desk, his screen was pulled up to a jumbled mess of codes that hurt my eyes to look at for too long.
“You were definitely about to be hacked. I’m not sure what they did that they ruined it so badly but we can try to trace him in a few moments.” He explained.
“So what's the next step I should take after this?” I questioned, putting my hand on the back of his chair to lean forward and look at the wall of code.
The man seemed to be thrown off by my question. I wasn’t going to be confident if I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing or what this all meant. He was a professional. I saw it best to ask for his opinion.
“Uh…Uhm…W-Well, the next step is to contact the authorities. This is a crime after all.”
“Isn’t tracing them a crime too though?” I asked, genuinely curious.
“Eh, not really. If I was hacking into their computer for private information then it would be a crime. Like they tried to do here. But I’m just getting the general idea of their location, its pretty public despite what everyone thinks.”
There was a pause.
“…..So how much can I pay you so we aren't public?”
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“Hey, dick, we need to talk.” Jason busted into the once quiet cybersecurity room.
I had taken up an empty cubical that was at the very end facing the other cubicles. I could see the door and only the sides were up. I had papers scattered around in semi-neat piles, my hand starting to cramp from all the signing and notes I’ve made.
The small cybersecurity team almost jumped out of their skin upon Jason’s entrance.
I let out a large sigh, “If it has anything to do with I.P. Addresses, VPNs, or how I’m a fucking idiot, I already got that talk, and I don’t want to hear it.”
Jihun, the man who did a fucking 180 in personality held back a laugh at my irritation.
“Do I look like I know anything about computers? It’s not about that, the police are in your office right now waiting for you. ”
“Police? I requested only one detective?” I looked up from my papers.
Jason let out a sigh, “I tried to tell them that but he insisted that he needed his partner.”
I let out a groan, “Fiiinnnne.”  I stood up reluctantly and shot Jihun a quick, “I’ll be back.”
As soon as we were out the room, Jason shoved me into the wall.
“Ow! What the fuck was that!?” I asked, my voice higher pitched in shock.
“This is by far the dumbest thing you’ve ever done!” He hissed.
“That’s not true! I’ve done far more idiotic things in my life!” I defended, standing straight in protest.
“You asked for the detective working the kidnapping case to work your hacking case!”
I let out another sigh. I should’ve known he would lose his mind.
“Seung Eunsuk isn’t going to link the two. Relax.” I rolled my eyes.
“And if he does!?”
“Then it’s your fault for being so jumpy. He was pretty opinionated and since he’s newish, he’s going to be fair.” I reasoned as I pressed the elevator button.
“You think that now, but when he has cuffs on you I will be there to say I told you so.” I gave Jason a side-ways glance in judgment.
“…He’s not going to solve THAT problem. You dirty-minded jerk.”
Jason’s eyes widened as I stepped into the elevator, “…You kinky bitch.”
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“Detective Seung! I’m glad you can make it.” I announced as I entered the room.
Sure enough, there were two officers in the room. The older officer was the same from last time, only this time he looked more fidgety. Like something was off.
Eunsuk was looking at a paperweight I had on my desk, completely calm. Upon seeing me a small smile lit up his face, “Mr.L/n. Glad to be here.”
I could feel Jason roll his eyes behind me at our teasing remarks, “Please, have a seat. We have a few things to talk about.”
Eunsuk put down the paperweight and patted the older officer’s arm like he was telling him silently to do so as well.
“So, we heard you had a hacking?” Eunsuk questioned, pulling out his notepad and flipping to an empty page.
I made a hum of confirmation as I began to pour them water, “It wasn’t too long ago. They somehow messed up so badly that they corrupted a few of our computers.”
“Any idea where the hack came from?”
“Not yet. Our CyberSecurity team is working on it.”
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to have a few programmers from the police department to come down and check it out as well.”
“I don’t have a problem with that. Just be sure to ask our teams leader, Jihun about it as well.”
“Jihun? May I have his full name?”
“He just goes by Jihun and doesn’t seem to fond of formal speech.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. May we take the corrupted computers in as evidence? That might help.”
“Jihun had the computers sent to their room. You should be able to get at least one or two from him.”
“Understood. Lastly, do you know anyone who would think to do this? Any enemies recently for  Barnanby Inc? Piss anyone off?”
“Eunsuk.” The older detective’s voice sounded like a warning. Like I was going to rip Eunsuk’s head off for asking such a question.
“Our company is now the third biggest in South Korea. We have many people jealous, but no one has threatened us or made their hatred obvious enough for us to see.”
Eunsuk nodded as he wrote one last thing then closed his notepad, “Alright, I have a feeling the cyber people will point us in the right direction. It’ll help us narrow it down so much more. We’ll keep in touch?”
I nodded extending my hand out to shake his, “We will, Jason will give you my number as well as escort you to our CyberSecurity room. If you should need me or have any questions, don’t hesitate to call!”
Eunsuk happily shook my hand, “We’ll figure this out, M/n. I promise.”
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I had worked well through the morning. When lunch had swung around I was planning on putting it off in all honesty. I hoped the lunch break time would be put to me making a serious dent in my work.
I still had several things to go through and about 3 meetings scheduled back to back. I had been neglecting my work for a little too long that it came back to bite my ass. As I was calling an investor things took a turn, however.
“You want the first-ever game my father developed? May I asked why?” I was taken aback on why this would even be asked.
Ever since my father started to company, his game developing had been long forgotten since he wanted my mother to be the spotlight. No other investor or partner has asked about his work. They were more interested in how well we would market the game and how much income would come from it.
“You said that most games would be inspired by your father’s ideas and unfinished projects. I’d like to see what he had in mind.”
“I understand. If you could, may I have a few days to get it to you? They’re all in our family home, I’m just unsure of where.”
“Of course. I’ll give you a week. That will give me enough time to look over what else you have to offer me.”
“Thank you, Sir. I’ll be sure to make sure your time is not being wasted. I hope you have a great week.”
As soon as I hung up I let out a groan.
I had to go through everything in my father’s office. That didn’t seem too hard, however, my mother just gathered almost everything my dad had and just stashed them in his office. An out of sight out of mind tactic that would be my doom.  
As I cussed under my breath I reluctantly grabbed my blazer to pull on like a child who got yelled at his mom for not wearing their jacket outside and made my way to the elevator to go to the parking lot.
I didn’t even know where my father stashed all his games. I just found one of his notebooks with ideas inside of it. Even then I didn’t feel right reading it. Like it was a private thing. Now I had to look through EVERYTHING.
Out of irritation I began to press the parking lot bottom harshly and was jump scared by the doors opening at the lobby.
At the door stood Jason with a cooler bag slung over his shoulder, looking irritated and tired.
“Hey there, Loser. Got any lunch money?” I teased.
Once he looked up he seemed relieved and rushed into the elevator to push a random button to make the door closed. As soon as the door was closed he shoved the bag into my hands with a sigh.
“And this is?” I asked, not fully understanding what was in the bag.
“If it’s body parts, there are better ways to get me to dispose of a body for you,” I added.
He only gave me a tired glare, wordless.
My eyes widened, “IS it body parts!?” I quickly unzipped the bag.
No body parts. Only tupperware with food inside of it.
“It isn’t. That’s disappointing.” I mumbled.
“It’s from the guys. They were worried that you’d skip lunch.” Jason grumbled as he leaned against the wall.
“Oh. Well, that’s nice. I was about to head to grab something then go to my mom's. One less stop.” I smiled, feeling warm inside with the thought of them making my lunch.
“What? Why?”
“I have work still. But an investor asked for my dad’s earliest game, so I have to go through his office to find it. ”
Jason only nodded as the elevator doors opened.
“I’ll be sure to stop by the bunker to talk to the boys.” I promised as I began to exit.
“Good. They ask too many questions. I’ll get a few things off your desk to take to the bunker so you won’t miss work.”
“I appreciate you!” I called as I began to jog to my car.
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I let out an irritated sigh as my third call to my mom when unanswered. I wasn’t going to play cat and mouse all day because she never liked to be home. So I walked off the porch and to a certain bush to get the spare key.
Once I opened the door I made a b line to my father’s old office and immediately opened a window. The room was almost foggy from the dust in the air. Like an ancient tomb that was too precious to open.
I let out a cough and tried to cover my mouth and nose with the neck of my shirt as I began to search through his desk.
I let out a groan once I realized NOTHING was organized. My mom must have gone through it when he passed and didn’t even consider that anyone would come back in here. I looked around the cluttered room in horror.
Books were thrown about. Papers scattered. Boxes loaded with everything from clothes to old computer parts were placed around the room.
Knowing there was no way around this I began to clean.
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Once I had almost everything in its rightful place I still hadn’t found my dad’s games. I figured I wasn’t looking hard enough and began to load everything into my car to look through at the office since I had been there for longer than needed.
I made sure to sit on my office couch as I went through box after box.
It was pretty mundane. It was starting to get really boring until I came across a book. It was a book about animation which was to be expected but a few of the pages had marks in the corner, like quickly scribbled numbers. A few pages were torn out and torn in half.
I frowned as I began to flip through, not really noticing a pattern in the numbers or even knowing what the numbers would be to.
“I HAVE MADE AN ENTRANCE!” A loud booming sound came from my office door.
Out of pure reflex, I chucked the book I was holding at the door.
A loud thud and screech rang through the room as my eyes began to focus on who came through the door.
It was my little sister, cringing away from one side of the door that the book seemingly hit. Her eyes were wide and her mouth parted open in shock.
I let out an almost snort as I held my hands out, “Jieun, my bad! Don’t do that! I get you wanted dramatic effect but holy fuck give me a warning.” I complained.
“Give YOU a warning!? You threw a book at me!” She got out of her shocked position to clench her fists at her sides.
“I thought you were a monster!”
“HOW OLD ARE YOU!?” I giggled at the question.
“Will you forgive me if I eat lunch with you?”
“…It’s 2 pm.” I rolled my eyes.
“All you had to say was ‘no’.” I pouted as I got up to look for the bag Jason gave me earlier that day.
“I dropped by to see how my amazing brother was doing,” I could practically hear the sugar drip from her lips as I began to unpack my food.
“Cut the uwu crap and tell me why you’re really here.” I sighed as I opened the larger container that had rice in it.
She let out a groan and stomped over to plop herself on the couch across from me, “Mom didn’t like that you guys cut Dad’s family out of visiting our childhood home so she’s inviting them to our apartment. One of their brats already occupied my room.”
The irritating thing about this was the fact that our childhood home was already paid for, but my mother refused to live there because it was too much of a reminder to what was. So she insisted to move into a luxury two-bedroom apartment in Gangnam.
I let out a scoff as I poked at the fried chicken that had gone soggy in a container covered in some kind of sauce. Jae was paying for that apartment, yet even HE couldn’t enforce anything, “I bet Jae would love to know that.” I smirked.
“I tried to tell her we don’t want them around us be she went on and on about how we were family and how I should be nice! Can I just please stay with you?” She whined.
I began to think it over as I chewed, “I don’t think you can.”
“Why nooooot!?” I tried not to enjoy her misery.
“I’m not staying at my apartment. So you can stay there, you’ll just be alone and then our siblings will chew me out for leaving a 17 year-old girl alone in an apartment in Gangnam.” I muttered, shoving my face with more food, and then moved to open another container.
“We can just keep a secret!”
“I doubt that.”
“C’monnn! Pleasseee!”
“How about this, you go ask Jilly and Jae about staying with them, if they both say no, then you can have the keys by tonight.” I bargained.
She lit up, “Seriously!?” I nodded, “ILLGOASK!” She nearly yelled and bolted towards the door.
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I quickly finished my work to look through old floppy disks and USB drives my father had stocked up. I had told my assistant to push everything back that day.
It was around dinner time when I found a flash drive that caught my attention.
Most of them were files for unfinished games, ideas, and a mess of coding that didn’t make sense to my idiotic brain. But this USB drive had only two folders.
Both were password protected.
Once I clicked on them the command prompt on my computer popped up asking for the password.
I let out a sigh as I entered my mom’s birthday.
Access Denied. The command prompt closed.
I opened and tried my twin sibling’s birthday.
Not it.
I let out a groan and began to enter mine, trying to get it out of the way before I entered Jieun’s birthday which I was SURE was the password if it wasn’t my mother’s.
Upon pressing enter after the last digit of my birthday year the words ‘access granted’ appeared in the command prompt, the small window closed up, and the file opened.
There were 4 documents there.
My fingers itched to click on one of the other files. Two were popular in media. Lee Animations had rebranded to Lee Entertainment a few years back. They hired idols and actors. Their animations were no longer being made by them, they chose to switch to the idol and film business pretty late. Everyone thought they would go bankrupt.
Gwan Broadcasting was a thing before my father even went to America. Years and generations in the company as well as very good dramas and sub-networks under their belt.
An Haewon. The name didn’t even begin to register in my memory.
Against my impulses, I clicked on the ‘READ FIRST’ file.
You’re reading this because you snooped in my things… OR I handed you this after you finished college but let's be honest with ourselves the first option is more likely.
I hope by now you’ve grown and I’ve handed the company over to you. So just have a drink with me after this because I have a few things to get off my chest.
I didn’t get this company JUST through hard work. I hope as time goes on you begin to understand the circumstances that led me to make the decisions I made and the actions I took.
I won't ask for forgiveness.
Just understanding.
I’ve made the three other files to explain why these three people, these three companies want to see you suffer. To see us suffer.
Against my instinct to be the father you respect and admire, I tried to explain the truth and not what would make me look good.
The second password-protected folder is of the things they wanted from me. Either wanting them back or wanting to steal away.
I love you. I hope by explaining these things you can learn from them and make better decisions for the company and family.
Whatever you decide, just know I fully support it. I would never be disappointed in you. You’ve been the most hard-working out of all my children. You were quiet but your drive to achieve was always there. Even as I write this you’re at our dining room table studying. I still don’t know what the fuck twelve times nine is and to be completely honest I couldn’t care less.
Take care, Mn-ie.
Your Reckless Asshole Father,
L/N Jaeseong
I could feel tears trail down my cheeks as I quickly closed the document and raced to click on the one under it.
“M/N!” The sudden sound of my office door flying open again made me jump.
My siblings have arrived.
Jiann was now in front of my desk, arms folded in anger. She looked like my mother ready to rock my shit.
Jaeseok was holding firmly on our younger sister’s arm as she was pouting, looking at the floor.
“Why are you crying?” Jae asked, making my older sister’s face soften.
“It’s over my dick size, what do you all want?” I quickly replied.
My older sister’s face hardened again, all business, “Did you tell our sister that if we both said no to her staying with us that she could stay at your empty apartment!?”
“I did. Jae, don’t hold too tight her skin is sensitive.” I frowned.  
“Exactly, she’s sensitive and you want her in an apartment by herself!?” Jae threw back in my face.
I rolled my eyes, “That apartment is more than secure. It’s not like I live in a crappy apartment give me SOME credit.”
“She’s going to be seventeen soon. I know that’s not an adult at that age but I was that age when I started taking care of her and started getting ready to take over the company. She’s not a child.”
“Yes! She is! And so were you! Don’t make this a toxic cycle, M/n!” Jiann snapped.
“Don’t be dramatic. It’s not like I have a kid and handed it to her like ‘you’re the mom now’, it’s just a few nights in a secure apartment that she wouldn’t HAVE to stay in if you two got your mother in check. ” My voice was filled with irritation that began to build.
I closed pulled the USB out and put it in my desk as Jiann began her verbal assault, “She’s OUR mother. Just because you helped raise our sister doesn't mean you stop being her son! We’re getting the situation handled.”
“Well until you do, I want my baby sister comfortably living in my apartment.” I snickered as I stood up to try to pry Jaeseok’s hand off of my little sister.
“She can put up with it for a day or two.” Jaeseok growled.
I shoved his hand off and turned Jieun towards the door to leave, “She already did put up with it for a day or two. My sister shouldn’t HAVE to put up with anything uncomfortable in her own fucking home. So I’m taking her to mine since our mother STILL isn’t a considerate enough parent to care about her child rather than fucking leeches. Now if you would excuse me, I’m going to go have dinner with my PERFECTLY CAPABLE sister and then show her where she will be staying. I want you out of my office when I get back and I want the situation handled within 48 hours.” I ordered as I guided Jieun out the office.
“They’re going to get mad at you for talking to them like that.” Jieun warned.
“They’ll have to deal with it. I’m their boss until we split the company. I give orders not sympathy.” I grumbled as I pushed the elevator button.
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I had taken Jieun to my apartment. I had ordered us dinner while she unpacked.
The mood was light but had a dark undertone.
It was oddly nostalgic. My sister moving things in my closet to make space for her things because she didn’t feel safe in her own room.
Us alone in the apartment getting our own dinner because we didn’t expect our mom home until the very early hours of the morning.
“I ordered fried chicken. The app said it should be here in a few minutes. I hope that’s okay with you.” I called over as I began to clear off the coffee table.
“Is it yangnyeom?” She called back.
I couldn’t help the smile that came onto my face, “Yes. I even asked for extra sauce because you like the spice.”
“….what about beer?”
I rolled my eyes, “I have some in the fridge you delinquent.”
She let out an excited ‘yay’ and began to put her clothes in my closet in a more excited manner.
“How is school going?”
“Alright, It’s pretty boring though.”
“Boring, how?”
“Well, I only have one true friend and days just repeat themselves.”
“Then join a club.”
“I DID.” I let out a chuckle at her outburst.
She skipped out of the bedroom and bounded over to the fridge, “Who would’ve thought at 16 I would be drinking a beer with my older brother in a penthouse apartment in Gangnam that he’s going to leave me with.” I only shook my head at her.
“Please don’t filter yourself when you tell me how living with mom is REALLY going.” I began as she made her way to the living room with two beers.
“Well, mom is just like she was before. Never rhere. Sometimes she goes out with friends or she just kinda leaves and doesnt say anything.”
“…Does she at least make dinner?”
“Nope. She barely speaks to me unless we’re all gathered together.”
I knew this was going to be a mistake. One that would make my sister and brother furious. My mother would kill me. I knew if my dad were here he would understand at least.
“Okay.” I sighed as I fished in my pocket.
I pulled out the apartment keys and placed them on the table.
My sister looked at them then back at me in confusion, “You can have it. Don’t worry about rent, or money. I’ll handle it. Just please be safe and stick to studying and working hard. The last thing I want is you deciding to fuck off instead of go to school.”
“YOU’RE GIVING ME AN APARTMENT!?” Her eyes twinkled with tears and excitement.
“Yeah, everyone will kill me if they find out so move in slowly. Act like you’re just staying here for a few days. I’ll tell security that you’re staying here now. Just please don’t burn the place down.”
“I would NEVER.” Jieun gasped dramatically.
I gave her a pointed look, “Remember when you tried to be nice to me and make curry and yo–”
I only shook my head and reached over for the remote.
Even when I turned on the TV I didn’t focus on it. My mind only wandered to what the following days would be.
After all I left 9 people alone in my bunker with no contact all day. I mean they could wait.
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