#applying to university
feelo-fick · 29 days
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...i promise i take him seriously i just keep finding shitposts that fit soooo well... i have folder with just shitposts that fit ominously well with him that i keep wanting to draw and then i never get to them HAHAHA
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pandadrake · 3 months
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Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Post-Credits Scene (Colorized)
Been wanting to draw a thing including that cursed MCU Peter photo for a while.
Tumblr ate the image in my last post so here it is again.
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booasaur · 2 months
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Venmo @ bcabolitioncollective
[Edit: don't donate anymore, they have enough, as per
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Incidentally, they also suspended Ilhan Omar's daughter.
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Edited on the morning of April 19th to no longer be rebloggable because of the venmo change above
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clingyduoapologist · 2 years
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cascadiums · 2 years
Jonathan Harker knocked me flat with this one. his speculation that vampirism spreads because people willingly follow their loved ones into damnation is so affecting. and it's an insight that's so uniquely him. the gothic heroine in him can see Dracula's world in a way the others seemingly can't. he can look at the situation without any concerns of rationalism, honour, god, or any other facet of Victorian society, and reach this truth: we will walk into any horror for love
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pseudokap · 11 months
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variations of slimecicle (Happy birthday to the gunky man himself!)
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tekikato · 4 months
Outfit Swap (kinda)
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cfserkgk · 1 month
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I had a thought --- You know how Conan and Haibara are also the "same age" as Anya and the Eden kids in spy x family? So hence here's Conan and Haibara in the Eden uniforms since I can allow myself to fantasise.
I don't know if this has been done before, but I like coai a very lot, they're my childhood. There's just something about their camaraderie and mutual trust that makes me so happy.
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i get that many aroaces experience their aromanticism and asexuality as connected in some way, but it's still important to acknowledge that "aroace" and "aro/ace" are not umbrella terms for the entire aspec community. as somebody whose aromanticism and allosexuality are inextricably intertwined and can't be fully separated from one another, you don't see me using "aroallo" for all aspecs - that clearly wouldn't be an accurate reflection of the whole community! "aspec" is a good term that includes all of us - please consider using it when referring to the general community.
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stevesbipanic · 6 months
Daily reminder that fic writers work for free, yes every fic writer, the fic writer with bad grammar, the fic writer that writes characters ooc sometimes, the fic writer that takes awhile to update their works, the fic writer that has a different headcanon to you, they all work for free, they put out works for themselves and give them to you to read FOR FREE, so do not complain about something they wrote jfc, don't like don't read applies to everything not just kinks or dead doves ok EVERYTHING, don't like that Steve cries in this fic MOVE ON, don't like that Eddie is bi in this one MOVE THE FUCK ON, don't like that Steve is a bitch or Eddie is too ok with hard drugs JUST DON'T READ IT, the beauty of a large ship is that their truly is something for everyone NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO READ IT, and if you truly can't find anything you like write it yourself so maybe you can understand that it's not easy being a fic writer ok.
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learnelle · 5 months
I would LOVE to hear from anyone who went through university studies in a language that isn't their native one! Share your experiences! How did you manage ? What was the most difficult part ? What language learning level were you at before you started the course ? I am so curious about all of the details !!
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murderandcoffee · 5 months
okay so I know we're all aware that alice is starting off with some strong spiral energy (pranks, ridiculous lies, teasing, "time isn't real", etc.), but consider--the dark
the way that she deals with the horrifying nature of her work is by ignoring it. she's turning a blind eye. the major symbol of the dark is the closed eye. she refuses to engage--she keeps herself in the dark
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baaad-omens · 2 months
doing some research on parapsychology as a field. in short, it's the study of how the supernatural relates to psychology, and is largely regarded as pseudoscience with only a handful of people studying it, and very very few universities will even offer a parapsych program.
so… martin, buddy, did you just google 'what degrees do people get for paranormal research' and go with the first one that popped up? you did didn't you. idiot.
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raycatz · 2 months
You ever think about how the chain has to change their step sizes and like general gait in order to stay together as a group?
Like, I imagine Four walks with purpose. He's a focused lil guy- he's got places to be. But Time's strides have got to be much larger than his. When traveling as a group they must have all had to readjust.
Four and Time side-by-side walk animation but every couple steps Four has to do a skip hop or a lil jog to catch up. Also consider Four walking normally but Time is taking itty bitty steps.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Good news! You aren't required to make your hobbies and passions "marketable." In fact, your crafts, hobbies, and passions don't even need to be public if you so choose. You don't have to spend all of your energy becoming perfect if you aren't enjoying the process. You are not a product, you are a person, a creative, and your work also does not need to be a product.
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lily-s-world · 8 months
Something I found hilarious about AFTG, is how Neil will totally respect people's boundaries except for Kevin. He will never ignore a negative answer, unless it comes from Kevin.
It is even funnier when you realize Kevin was the one trying to take control of Neil's life in the Exy court.
Neil: Would you?
Any other Fox: No.
Neil: Totally understand.
Neil: Talk to Jean.
Kevin: No.
Neil: Did I stutter??
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