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Le aquile vivono 70 anni, ma a 40 anni devono prendere una decisione difficile, le loro unghie diventano così lunghe e flessibili che non riescono a trattenere la preda di cui si nutrono. Il becco, allungato e appuntito, è troppo curvo verso il petto e non è più utile. Le sue ali sono invecchiate e pesanti a causa delle grandi dimensioni delle sue piume e, a quel punto, volare diventa molto difficile.
Hanno due alternative: abbandonarsi e morire, o affrontare un doloroso processo di rinnovamento, che consiste nel volare verso un nido tra le montagne vicino a un muro, poiché é al sicuro. L'aquila inizia a colpire con il becco sul muro con forza finché non riesce a strapparlo. Quindi attende la crescita di un nuovo becco, con il quale si staccha uno per uno i suoi vecchi artigli. Quando i nuovi artigli iniziano a crescere, inizia a strapparsi le piume consumate.
E dopo tutti quei lunghi e dolorosi mesi di ferite, cicatrici e crescita, riesce a fare il suo famoso volo di rinnovamento, rinascita e celebrazione per vivere altri trenta anni...
Nella nostra vita, per continuare un volo della vittoria, molte volte dobbiamo proteggerci da tutto e iniziare un processo di rinnovamento.
Dobbiamo abbandonare costumi, tradizioni e ricordi, il cui peso ci impedisce di andare avanti. Solo liberi dal passato possiamo trarre vantaggio dal prezioso risultato che un rinnovamento ci porta sempre.
Rinnovare te stesso implica mettere ordine nel mondo mentale, scartare i ricordi di eventi frustranti o dolorosi, lasciando soltanto l'esperienza di ciò che abbiamo imparato.
Per mettere ordine, rinnovarci e prendere il volo, dobbiamo conoscere noi stessi, sapere chi siamo, quali sono le nostre potenzialità e dove vogliamo andare. Non è necessario adattarsi al problema; c'è la possibilità di liberarsene. Ma il percorso è un pò difficile, il percorso è impegnativo. È una tua scelta. Seguiamo il percorso delle aquile. Sempre su, sempre avanti.
[Leggenda popolare dei nativi americani]
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Nell'acqua cristallina del lago
Si riflette l'anima pura della natura
I pensieri cupi sono scacciati
Come l'expecto patronum
Scaccia i dissenatori
La pace regna incontrastata
Le anime sono più leggere
Come ali di aquile
Libere nel cielo limpido
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meditando-en-paris · 1 year
Odysseus: Do it or you're straight.
Achilles: *Loud gasp*
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sandratognarini · 2 years
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regulusdays · 3 months
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did something
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daknm · 5 days
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Achilles and Patroclus 🫀
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Do you think that when Chiron sees Will and Nico he remembers of Achilles and Patroclus because I just thought of that and now I do.
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babyrdie · 4 months
Only after drawing Achilles and Patroclus separately did I notice that the poses I used as references could match, so here we are.
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daniallh · 2 years
Do you want me to wear your clothes? The same thing that killed PATROCLUS???
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laadep · 2 months
This is the epilogue of the fancomic Paulo the villain.
← Part 3
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Official Artbook's data: Archie doesn't have a scar. It's a shadow.
(I always thought it was a scar.)
Translation of the Pokemon gliphs: https://twitter.com/Akilvers/status/1524018078534807552?s=20
More comic below.
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In this fancomic Maxie hurt his hands. That's why I drew him loose clothes.
Nemona is the representation of rivals and Red is rarely to hear him talk.
It would be hillarious if the first versions of Maxie and Archie appear in PokeMas. Imagine them interacting with their counterparts. It would be so interesting :D
Also, I would love if they make a Team Rainbow Rocket arc.
Versiones en español latino: DeviantArt | Instagram | Twitter
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meditando-en-paris · 11 months
Have you ever thought about the faith Achilles had in Patroclus? Achilles always waits for Patroclus.
Achilles waited for Patroclus to come to his palace. He waited for Patroclus to come closer to him to be his friend and right hand man. He waited for him to sleep together. He waited for their first kiss. He waited for Patroclus to reach him, for he was not going to leave with Chiron without him. He waited for him on the island of Skyros in order to be reunited one day. He waited for "his husband". Achilles waited to see Patroclus every evening or morning after the battle because he was his life breath. He hoped to be reunited with him because he was his home and safe place.
He waited for his return after Patroclus left in his armor for Troy. He waited for a sign or a message from his spirit. He wished that his wait would be short and that the gods would finally give his soul a rest so that he could be with Patroclus again.
He waited for Patroclus in the Underworld.
Achilles always hoped that Patroclus would find a way to be reunited with him. They are the eternal reunion.
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itheeaa · 1 month
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divider by bunnysrph
the song of achilles
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zipmoonchild · 2 months
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It is honorable for a young man killed and mutilated in battle by a bronze spear. In his death everything he has done sounds beautiful. – Homero
Paideia and Areté go hand in hand in order to achieve human excellence. The fundamental idea is the desire for beauty, associated with the concept of truth, goodness and excellence. In this way, in ancient Greece, heroism was differentiated from mere brutal disdain for death, thus generating the desire for death.
A beautiful death was an achievement, an eternal glory that was transformed into memory and poetry for those who were honorable in life, when they went through the formation of the Paideia and the conquest of the Areté. The greatest example is the warrior Achilles, who went through this educational transition and achieved great qualities, then became one of the main characters in the Trojan War, performing honorable deeds and making many sacrifices. Even though he was killed, hit in his weakest point (the heel) by a poisoned arrow, he was remembered in songs, poems and funeral rites. Achilles' glory was worth the life he paid, his honor prevailed with his beautiful death. Therefore, Areté is linked to honor, inseparable from the skill achieved in the Paideia and from merit. The denial of honor In contrast, the greatest human tragedy. This is where the Greek-Roman peoples concentrated their entire social order.
A Paideia e a Areté caminham-se juntos para ser conquistado a excelência humana,a ideia fundamental é o desejo pelo belo,associado a concepção da verdade,do bem,da excelência. Dessa maneira, na Grécia antiga,diferenciava o heroísmo do mero desdém brutal pela morte,logo gerando-se o desejo pela morte.
A bela morte era uma conquista ,uma glória eterna que se transforma em memória e poesia para aqueles que foram honrosos em vida,quando passaram pela formação da Paideia e a conquista da Areté. Exemplo maior,o guerreiro Aquiles que passou por essa transição educacional e conquistou amplas qualidades,então,tornou-se um dos principais personagens na guerra de troia, realizando feitos honrosos e muitos sacrifícios. Mesmo sendo morto,atingido no seu maior ponto fraco ( o calcanhar) por uma flecha envenenada, ele foi lembrado em cânticos, poemas e ritos fúnebres. A glória de Aquiles valeu a vida que ele pagou,a sua honra prevaleceu com a sua bela morte. Pois,a Areté está ligada a honra,inseparável da habilidade conquistada na Paideia e do mérito. A negação da honra é em contrapartida, a maior tragédia humana. Onde os povos gregos-romanos concentra-se toda sua ordem social.
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kuiyume · 1 year
Achilles and Patroclus in another life
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sutcliff1985 · 10 months
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Name one hero who was happy.
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evvvvv2 · 7 months
Patrochilles = Rosekiller
Can we talk about how much Barty and Evan are like Achilles and Patroclus????? For example, the relationship between Patroclus and his father is like that of Barty and his father, when Patroclus died, Achilles went half crazy until he managed to avenge him and they killed him for it, just like when Evan died and Barty avenged him, they said they were best friends and they were lovers, and many more things, they are literally the “they always met even not in the same life”
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