#are basically the living version of chaotic neutral
bluetortoist · 8 months
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Showing off another Batman OC. This time, its my own Alice. I know. So original 🙄 but I can't help myself. She's a very accomplished chemist who crossed paths with Mad Hatter and later on became his lover.
(More info of her down below! History kind of dubious, be warned)
Name: Alice (real name: Eleanor Carole)
Nickname: Alias "Dear Alice"
Age: 29
Gender: Cis Female
Identifies: Demisexual
Race: Human
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Birth town: Lansing, Michigan
Current Living: Gotham City
Allegiance: Chaotic Neutral-Lawful Evil
• Being a chemist, she has experimented and perfected two different formulas to mutate one's body to grow bigger or smaller. They can be ingested as is, or injected/mixed in with various ingredients. She uses this as both a defense (Bigger) and stealth (Smaller) strategy. However, she can't use it too much or else has negative effects on the body.
• She has a few versions of long armed, Horse's Hammer formed in the shape of a pink flamingo, one heavy, the other light; It, no doubt, causes pretty hefty damage.
• Even though she has become more physically strong since working with Tetch, she still only knows basic self defense and fist-fight combat, but has always (and always will), kept a knife on her body since moving to Gotham.
History: Eleanor was born into a family of domestic abuse but doesn't remember too much from that time other than that they were clearly unhappy together. Luckily, she didnt get to experience that environment for long because both her parents died in a car accident when she was 4. She was sent to live in an orphanage until she was 10 and was adopted to a family of doctors and physicians. It was through them she found her interest/obsession with chemistry. Even though they try, Eleanor rarely get to see both her parents at the same time since both had conflicting work schedules at the time, and spent a good chunk of her school years making and losing friends and putting more effort in her hobbies. This was about the time (10-13) her emotional detachment problems for people started to develop. Graduated top of her class with her Chemist degree, no friends, but got a boyfriend in a one-sided relationship. They started living together once they moved to Gotham. Got a job at a chemical reasearch facility that was a branch of Wayne Labs, but wasnt that well liked; was considered a "cold genius" among other coworkers. Decided to go see a therapist to help with herself as well (much to her boyfriends chagrin). Both those took all of her time that it was putting a strain on her relationship with her boyfriend. Somewhere around this time was when she was feeling at her lowest and also when she met Jervis and soon became friends (whom she already knew was the Mad Hatter). She begun seeing him a lot more after venting her personal and emotional troubles to him (quite literally saying that she wishes she was born as someone else) and he suggests his own kind of hypnosis therapy to help bring feelings up to the surface, all while conditioning her into a version of Alice. She consented to this kind of therapy, desperate to feeling anything like any sort of person at this point. (Basically: delusional man teaches girl how to manifest a new persona to actively dissociate 💀). This continues on and eventually (and quickly) start to form a relationship. The boyfriend, already pissed enough, already suspects she is seeing someone else. Confronts her one night about it, says hes kicking her out and almost turns into a fight, but she manages to beat him unconscious in self defense. In a panic, she runs right back to Jervis, and he offers to let her stay. He goes out and kills the boyfriend himself before finding out the boyfriend had made a report on her to the police. She stays in hiding for a couple of weeks afterwards. In that time, she and her Alice persona has become one in the same and doesn't even remember her old name anymore and only small bits of her early life. Alice finally felt like a person, regardless of whether those feelings were in the right place or not. They were at least real and her own now, Jervis/Hatter was real, and she can finally say, without faking, that she loves both of them for it. It wasn't until later on in the future that Hatter and her got involved in a criminal incident that she decided that she would need to protect herself and her precious Hatter (much to his dismay, not wanting her to get involved at all, but was pushed to believing its for the best). She started learning how to use weapons and self defense and creating more of her own chemical formulas inspired by Alice in Wonderland. She eventually started gaining a name for herself as Hatter's lover, right hand, and mad genius chemist, "Dear Alice"
• She has two snaggletooth upper-canines and a small birthmark on her upper right cheek.
• She used to have a therapist she would go to to help with her apathy and general difficulty with forming attachments with other people, due to some emotional damage back in childhood.
• She used to volunteer to read to children at her local bookstore. It was something for the community that her therapist encouraged her to do to help interact with other people. It was the one thing she missed before going to crime.
• She has never read a lot of classic children's books as a child, including Alice in Wonderland until it was suggested to her for her next book reading. Thus, how she will soon meet Jervis Tetch.
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sampofan28 · 4 months
Aventurine and the Masked Fools: An Uncut Ramble of a Mad Man With Bad Sleep
OKAY I'VE WANTED TO TALK ABOUT THIS FOR AGES SO HERE GOES: Aventurine being invited to join the masked fools is so awesome. Like just, genuinely so so so awesome. I LOVE THE MASKED FOOLS, THEIR EASILY MY FAVORITE FACTION IN GAME, AHA IS MY FAVORITE AEON. I've been big into their lore since 1.0 but for a lot of non-masked fool fans Penacony was an introduction to the masked fools for a lot of people.
I think they did great, AND HERE'S WHY. During Penacony we get to see Sampo and Sparkle, what I'd say are the two opposite ends of the masked fools:
Sparkle is a genuinely chaotic evil type of character; she enjoys suffering, she finds pleasure in the pain she causes right. She just likes messing with people in often the most cruel ways, and revels in the chaos. She is the most heinous and evil type of masked fool (and its really cool I love a good chaotic evil). She also appears to be how a lot of the Galaxy views the masked fools: as these evil weirdos who make no sense.
On the other hand, you get Sampo. Now, big lore enthusiasts have been theorizing he's a masked fool since like day 1, and it was confirmed back in the version Topaz came out in (I wanna say 1.4 but I might be wrong). But he's the exact opposite: he views those who find their elation through suffering (like Sparkle) to be distasteful. He doesn't like them, and it almost seems like he looks down/dislikes MOST of the other masked fools. Sure, he is all for going against the law, a little petty crime, some fun chaos, but he clearly has boundaries; he never seriously harms anyone, he never does any really horrific crimes, and we know he's good with kids. In fact, he enjoys playing with Hook and the other moles. He's a chaotic neutral sure but overall he's probably a positive force to Belobog. (Also I have a theory that he orchestrated most of the Belobog plot to take down Cocolia and save it but its not technically canon so yknow).
Now I'm gonna explain something a lot of people don't get about the Masked Fools; they are not purely chaotic, they do have a basic ideology, they believe life is meaningless and thus one should have as much elation in their lives as possible. BASICALLY: LIFE IS POINTLESS, HAVE FUN. Which each Masked Fool we've met interprets differently. The other aspect of the Masked Fools is often, NOT ALWAYS BUT OFTEN the ideology attracts people desperate, depressed by life, destroyed in some way. And they tend to reach out to these people as well; it makes sense, if your life has been miserable suffering for no reason, then yeah that would appeal.
AND AVENTURINE IS ONE OF THE BEST APPEAL TO SHOW THIS WITH. His life is horrific, tragedy after tragedy, loss after loss, his freedom almost always out of his hands; he's lived a terrible life that he really never had control in. And prior to the ending of 2.2 he didn't believe he had anyone like truly anyone there for him.
So the Masked fools call out to him, and I think this was a great way to show the masked fools to a lot of more casual fans too: immediately you can connect the dots a lot of them probably were miserable or had horrible lives. Hell I haven't read Sparkle's lil character stories but from my understanding her life was/is pretty damn terrible. It also helps with Aventurine's character; he doesn't want to view life as meaningless, despite the fact he's clearly suicidal, he clearly sees a point in life. My mutual has much better explained it but yeah he connects much more to the preservation than you might initially think. Also ignoring the iffy elements of it I think having Sparkle and Aventurine interact so much was a smart decision thematically, as though this hopelessness the Masked Fools embrace is clawing at Aventurine, trying to lure him in, encapsalate him, and yet it doesn't. He finds a purpose, a will to live, he realizes he does have people who care for him ITS GREAT.
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cartoon-buffoon · 2 months
Random rambles from Toon Buffoon time! So for no particular reason at all I'm gonna go on about an Epic Mickey AU idea I've been planning yet will probably only fully commit to writing once I play Epic Mickey Rebrushed as I actually have no formal experience with Epic Mickey—1 and 2—as I've not played them and know only the surface level plot, crucial events, and characters. Sorry, I'm a classic Oswald fan (disgusting I know)
Anywho the actual AU name is named "Blood & Ink"! And originates from a fic of main from the same name, the fic itself is a setup and an introduction to the AU and tells some crucial details of what's going on in the world. For instance the world of wasteland is going into ruin, Mickey has mysteriously "abandoned" Oswald and wasteland for quite some time, Oswald has the magic brush, and he ventures out to a land tucked away in the deepest corner of wasteland in order to call on the help of powerful creatures to save his world from total disaster only for said creatures to quickly go "lmao, no" and turn on him.
Now for a quick briefing on the AU as I'll avoid going super in depth and I'll hit the key things: The antagonists species' name is called "Terrors", and there are 4 (technically 5) of them. Also wanna note the Terrors aren't original characters and are just my favorite rubberhose horror characters as this is kinda a crossover AU. The 4 terrors are the Cartoon Dog & Cat, Skitzo the 1920s Killer Bear, and Bendy/The Ink Demon and they are neither toon nor human, they do have hearts but not normal ones due to their fame being dark and they aren't made of paint or thinner—like the name of the AU their bodies and hearts are made of blood & Ink, two substances which puts them on a higher plane of power making them effectively godlike compared to toons. Each of them have a unique ability exclusive to them whilst also having some sort of basic toon force like squash and stretch and exaggerated physics. The powers themselves come from a mysterious force in this AU (and this is an original idea!) which are basically corrupted versions of the tints and turps in EM, these malicious trickster spirits are called clots and clods which are red and black respectively representing blood and ink and are chaotic neutral, they give the Terrors powers because it entertains them and nothing more and just like to watch chaos be sown. The idea behind Terrors is also something I came up with where instead of being forgotten and ending up like Oswald and the rest of all the Wasteland denizens who are forgotten toons, the Terrors are creatures—once toons—who are unwillingly remembered by people. People wish to forget them yet can't due to the atrocities behind them, they unwillingly live on in the psyche of the public being not exactly popular but CERTAINLY not forgotten. Said atrocities are also caused via them becoming hateful and bitter, this kinda gives them a parallel to Oswald who was also bitter yet the difference is Oswald resented his brother who he believed took his spot meanwhile the Terrors resent their creators and the people who watched them. Each of the Terrors do have an original backstory for this AU yet that's way to complex to talk about and super long winded.
On the other side of the coin this AU also has Oswald be the main character where he's extremely bitter since the events of this AU take place after the first game (maybe after the second one as well yet I haven't fully decided?) either way he believes that Mickey left them since he's been gone for so long and things mysteriously started to fall apart abruptly. All that progress from the first game effectively means nothing and does little more than sting Oswald since he firmly believes that despite going through EVERYTHING he was still inevitably left to be forgotten which is kinda why he seeks out the Terror's help in the first place. Seeking out their help goes horribly wrong however and in this AU Oswald effectively gets murdered by them only to come back to life with the power of the clots and clods and he's given powers which are basically toon force except suped up and there's no limit to what he can and can't do. The only draw back being he feels EVERYTHING that his body goes through and has no actual resistance, for example he can stretch his limbs yet he physically feels like his skin and body is being stretched out. He can do basically anything as long as he can tough it out for the sake of finishing a fight. Also as part Terror he gains the ability to actually hurt the creatures he summoned and this is where the main part of the AU starts where it's a quest to stop the chaos he awoke.
Alright ramble over, this is a stupid overly edgy concept that only exists because I like crossovers and apocalyptic scenarios/scenes. There's a lot more to talk about such as Oswald's personality shifting due to his new powers and body, Mickey's role in the entire thing and why he "left", the Terror's unique backstory and lore explanation on why they do what they do, the Terror's personality and dynamics with one and another, their powers. As well as a few side characters who are kinda important in helping Ozzie. Idk I'm tired now AU ramble over.
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pinkopalina · 9 months
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hello if I was a batman villain here's the basics!
name: the author
alignment: chaotic neutral. wanted to be a hero, a long time ago. has long since accepted that that's just not who she is. looks up to both batman and the joker as role models but more often than not sees joker's way of life better than bruce's
weapon: giant lollipop from a cosplay she did once that can turn into whatever weapon she needs at the time. her favorite is the heart shaped hammer, but she has been known to slice and stab occasionally.
powers: is a cosmic entity in comic canon, but doesn't want to be. can break the fourth wall. is a mary sue and proud of it. whatever she writes in her journal she can make happen in "real life" (comic canon). she often uses this as a means to ignore her own problems and potentially even make them worse. two versions of her exist - The Author, as in the pinkamena diane pie batman villain, and then the author, who is the actual human in the non fictional realm writing her story and using her as a vessel to carve out a place in the world (me).
story: has struggled with existential crises since she was young. she is constantly in anguish over what it means to be alive, and why she specifically is here, and it has given her a god complex. lifetime mental, behavioral, and emotional issues have caused her to distance herself from most people and to act in self defense at all times, leaving her alone and feeling invisible. she believes she is a fictional character living in a simulation and since she's aware of the fact that she's fictional, she is a wall-breaking cosmic entity but is not interested in the actual real world (our plane of reality) or breaking through to it. she would rather use her powers to play with batman and joker and ignore her problems, but because of who they are, they eventually force her to face reality - her own.
at first she uses her powers to stay in her realm with batman and joker. she writes stories about them and it makes them do it in "real life" (comic canon), like a living death note. joker is inherently aware of this ability and lets her use him as she pleases, as long as it's funny (or sexy!)! batman is a more structured and disciplined character so he would take more convincing in the comic universe but since he's seen multidimensional stuff before, he would eventually come to understand the nature of their meta world and how he can help the author. both of them.
after batman catches on, knowing he needs to stop her before she messes with canon too much and loses herselves completely, she would eventually use her powers to look around at what's going on, the effects she's had on everything despite feeling invisible, and she'd look inward and realize nothing is getting fixed because of this. being a Mary Sue with all the magic powers in the world doesn't stop you from hurting. her problems are still there even though she can do whatever she wants. she never does what she needs. during the climax she'd leave the comic panel or start talking on her own in writing, and she would reach out to me -- the actual author, outside of the fictional realm, and help me learn to love myself and stop putting her (and me!) in awful self sabotaging situations.
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magicrots · 6 months
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( jack falahee / 35 / he, him ) — it’s been a while since we’ve seen tyler guillory in the shadow world. the witch ( siphoner ) resides in new york and reminds us of the constant feeling that something is going to go wrong. the air is heavy, the lights are dim. there is an eerie heaviness in the air, something is wrong, something is going to go wrong it’s a modern gothic tale, being unsure of who you are, what your purpose in life is, you’ve been told you were the bad seed, there's a shadow lurking in the corner of your heart, and you can’t hide the sliver of light remaining from your youth, you can’t snuff the good all the way, but you can try, you will try. rumor has it that they might have an affiliation to no one, but only time will tell where their loyalties really lie. until then, only one thing is certain : the descent into hell will be easy for the charlatan.
birth name, tyler alexander wolfe. known name, tyler guillory. date of birth, november 4th. zodiac, scorpio. age, thirty-five years old. gender/pronouns, cismale/he&him. species, witch (siphoner, but this is unknown). sexuality, pansexual. occupation, owner & shop attendant of the hexe. witch for hire.
faceclaim, jack falahee height, 5'10" weight, 157lbs hair color, black eye color, russet build, like a boxer. think at his center. slight muscle definition. notable attributes, faded scar across his left eyebrow, jagged diagonal scar above his navel, binding sigil burnt into his left pectoral ( magic enhancer, bound to a secret consort ). always wears a tarnished wedding ring around a chain. tattoos, ouroboros on the base of his neck, abstract ink tattoo ( it seems to move if you stare at it for too long ). piercings, tongue piercing, double earlobe on left ear, single lobe on right. both ears antihelix and triple helix.
MBTI, entp-t. moral alignment, chaotic neutral. temperament, phlegmatic-choleric. intelligence, above average. phobias, thanatophobia. stability, volatile. mental disorders, bipolar 2, cptsd ( all undiagnosed ) sins, lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath. virtues, chasity / charity / temperance / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice. traits, mischievous, obstinate, egocentric, passionate, determined, loyal ( once earned ).
BASIC INFO : trigger warnings, familial death mention + brief alcohol.
tyler guillory's exact origin is unknown, but it's clear he's a new york native by his accent alone. will claim to have lived here for the entirety of his life, but has few close relations and even less familial ties to lean on.
for a snippet of family information: comes from a rich and persuasive family ( a tie between the guillory and wolfe family coven members ) and is the middle son of three. has one deceased older brother, keegan wolfe, and a living younger brother, jacob wolfe. he has no contact with jacob, his father and his mother is presumably dead.
puts off an intense, magical signature to those sensitive to it. almost engulfing, as if he's something more than meets the eye. there's a darkness carried with him. this is not exactly true, but the reason behind it is currently unknown.
lives above his shop 'the hexe' for ease of access and his own version of security.
doesn't align with any coven or witch community and the chances of this changing is extremely low.
notoriously is known to have a multitude of affairs and one-night stands, thanks for frequenting bars. however, longstanding relationships are few and far between.
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nerd-at-sea5 · 11 months
okay so a quick rundown before we begin, this overall fantasy story dosent have a name yet, so for now im just going to have the tag as 'my kids' (bc like. yes) but heres what you need to know (youll learn more as i post abt them more lmfao)
ripley (rip) ashtaul (rip-lee ash-tall): - they/them - lesbian + (ace? idk still debating that) - short wavy blonde hair, brown eyes - human barbarian, chaotic neutral - ran away from home at 13 and came back for one night at 15 to ask aeron to come with them (they ran bc they're parents *sucked* along w other reasons) - one of the most golden retriever people you'll ever meet but also has the most debilitating anger and temper issues you could imagine - dating aeron (since they were 16 but that might change) and has been in love w/ her since they met (only realized it during their 2 years away from her) - pintrest board / spotify playlist
aeron (aer) alianc (air-on al-een-ic): - she/her, transfemme - pansexual - long curly red hair, blue eyes, - half elf fighter, true neutral - her brother killed himself when she was 12 and she's been mad at him for it ever since, but she'd also let the world fall apart if it means having just one more minute with him - incredibly smart and loves doing art, is also extremally level headed and asks first, hits second (but if she hits you and means to kill you, you arent surviving. if you do it's bc she wanted to let you live.) - dating ripley and has been in love with them since ripley left, and realized it after seeing how much happier they are now that they're away from their parents - pintrest board / spotify playlist
azrael (az) deo (as-ray-eel dee-oh): - they/them, nonbinary -queer - medium length brown hair, dark brown eyes - changeling warlock, chaotic evil - they were tortured and abused for religious reasons and then accidentally killed their entire town as a result of their magic spilling out and then they ran away (this is what the play im writing is abt) - has a very shaky moral compass and really only cares about aeron and ripley (and their dragon lazarus) but will step in and help anyone being hurt for an unjust reason (abuse, religon, sexuality, ext.) -is mainly nonverbal and communicates primarily through HSL (human sign language) (basically just a fantasy version of sign), they only speak to the other party members and even thats a rarity. like. massive rarity. - pintrest board / spotify playlist
here is the spotify and pintrest for aerley (aeron/ripley) and here is the spotify and pintrest for the party as a whole
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ka-go-me · 2 years
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NAME:   Minamoto Kagome (formally Higurashi) 源かごめ (日暮)    NICKNAME(S): Kags, Neko Miko, Koishii. AGE: 15-39 (verse dependent) SPECIES:   Human   
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MORALITY: lawful / neutral / chaotic ||| good / gray / evil RELIGIOUS BELIEF:   Shintoism   VIRTUES: chastity / charity/ diligence / humility / kindness/ patience / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: To live with her mate and children, protect them and love them and to keep saving the world when and as she can LANGUAGES KNOWN:    Japanese, and some English SECRETS: She has one that she will take to her grave and tell not a soul. Ever. SAVVIES: Kagome is kind, and caring, open minded and excellent with a bow-after much training and time. She can play the flute and cook,
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BUILD: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other HEIGHT: 5′1″ SCARS/BIRTHMARKS:   Kagome’s got several battle scars all over her frame...and she has a tattoo of bat wings with red tips on her shoulder blades. ABILITIES/POWERS: Kagome has the standard miko purifying ability, plus a list of offensive and defensive reiryouku spells that she’s trained herself up to use at her disposal. She also has healing white magic, with limitations, and a certain spell that can kind of transform her so that she can use dark abilities rather than her light ones.  (See the Abilities section on my HP/pinned rules post for full details)
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FAVOURITE FOOD: Sukiyaki,  FAVORITE DRINK: water, or green tea. FAVOURITE PIZZA TOPPING: She’s had okonomiyaki--which is sort of the Japanese version of pizza-- and she likes buta-dama on hers. (pork belly strips) FAVOURITE COLOR:   Blue, Green, Yellow    FAVOURITE MUSIC GENRE: Her mate’s koto playing, and some J-pop FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE: .Fantasy Romance FAVOURITE MOVIE GENRE: Action Comedies. FAVOURITE SEASON: Summer. FAVOURITE BUTT TYPE:  Her husband’s FAVOURITE CURSE WORD: She doesn’t curse that much...Mostly because cuss words aren’t really a thing in Japanese. FAVOURITE SCENT:  Lily of the Valley and strawberries. QUOTE:    ❛ 私はそばにいる、永遠に。 ❜  
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BOTTOM OR TOP: She’s a sub---and wants to be a sub. She gets anxious when she doms. LOUD BURPER OR SOFT BURPER: swallows it SINGS IN THE SHOWER: She doesn't shower, she bathes. Onsens man~ That’s what she’s got! And no, she doesn't sing in them...She talks to her hubby LIKES BAD PUNS: Depends on the pun and when it’s used. THEIR OPINION ON THE MUN: She thinks the mun could stand to come out of her shell and talk more to the RPC as a whole.
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tagged by: @adversitybloomed​​ (thanks sweetie~ Lub chu!  ♡♡♡♡) tagging: @senpujin​​, @holified​​, @rebcrnmiko​​, @ofukurc​​, @slayersaided​​ (whoever~), @windxdancer​​, @bstkng​​ (Takumi~!), @chxmpionofjustice​​ And you~!
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deliveringcandypizza · 4 months
Stuff to know! Marco version
Repost. Don't reblog.
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name. Marco Garcia
nickname(s). Mr Scarecrow, Walking Bad Luck, Gayass
title. The Mailman
P E R S O N A L .
morality. lawful/ neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
religious belief. Somewhat Christian
sins. lust  / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride /envy / wrath
virtues. chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
primary goals in life. To live a somewhat normal life
languages known. english, and somewhat ASL. Kevin is teaching him
quirks. Paces back and forth, tugging on his jacket pockets, tugging on his hair when stressed and rocking back and forth
savvies. Comforting others, Delivering things, making food out of small things, saving money
P H Y S I C A L .
build. slender/ fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other
height. 5'6.
weight. arounddd...170 pounds
scars/birthmarks. two big ones on his waist. got those from eyes and one big patch on his arm from mr billy bob
abilities/powers. None! at least for right now
F A V O U R I T E S .
favourite food. Streber's brownies. He loves it very very much
favourite drink. MOUNTAIN DEWWWW
topping. just cheese. hes a basic bitch/silly
favourite colour. TEAL!!
favourite music genre. Lofi
favourite book genre. History and Horror
favourite movie genre. Horror...
favourite season. Fall and spring
favourite curse word. "Fuck" "God damn it"
favourite scent. Cinnamon!
F U N   S T U F F .
bottom or top. //Im only saying this once lmao.// Switch prefers bottom though.
loud burper or soft burper. Soft and will always apologize for it
sings in the shower. Sometimes
likes bad puns. Most of the time!
their opinion on the mun. "He's alright! I don't mind him that much i just wish he behaved himself a little more and stop being anxious."
tagged: Stolen it :3 Tagging: Whoever wants to do this lol
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asvterias · 6 months
𝖬𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅 ~ 𝖢𝗅𝖺𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾 𝖫𝖺 𝖱𝗎𝖾
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clarisse masterlist || summer’s version || robyn’s version
warnings: just minor cursing!!
pairings: clarisse la rue ✘ black!fem!demigod!reader (neutral cabin)
genres: very clingy!clarisse x very!clingy!reader, kinda naive!reader, smitten!clarisse, wholesome fluff between clarisse’s family & reader, chaotic family goals, reader is considered a sister/daughter-in-law by clarisse’s close family, reader is indecisive (LIKE ME Y’ALL 🤞🏾😘), mentions of marrying, clarisse is VERY DOWN for reader, camp half blood does have internet service & the teen campers own phones, overall sweet aching fluff
summary: in which, spending the christmas holiday with your girlfriend’s family takes a surprising outcome.
word count: 3.1k+
tag list: @lvrue @kyuupidwrites @xanasaurusrex @urdeadpoet @aurorailvsm @quinnsadilla @st4rzl7 @p0rkbun @aphroditesmoon @sinmalssimp @lcvved @tinytea-biscut @dearlydarlings @rocknr0ll @nvirskies @k4zuhas-visi0n @urbisexualfriend @marlswhore @anominous-writer @lovelyy-moonlight @thegiganticgirlkisser @thewritingbarbie @apocalypticlibrary @solecitoszn @mira-belcul18 @ampitrit3 @mthefae @sleighingstella @korizzybee @hoku-k @lacytalks @liv444me @lila-went-missing @mariposa555 @cherriesnbutter @justintinderlake4 @natasha-took-fall-damage @b0ok-lover @novastarrs @urfavefag @babyzzlove @importantpotato @laughingcheese037 @iheartamberfreeman @karslyn @haerinfrr @gianni7867 @jimfiqs @4evafvctional @glwmcres
author’s note: i didn’t know which character to write it for so decided to do both alternate versions.
Song Playing — Margaret by Lana Del Rey (just the main chorus is used)
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‘Cause, baby, if your love is in trouble
Baby, if your love is in trouble
Baby, if your love is in trouble
Visiting your girlfriend’s family for Christmas was an occasion you dearly anticipated. It was great reuniting with her family for the holidays and relaxing from the stress of camp.
Clarisse’s mom was a single parent and wonderfully nurtured an all-girls family, who had later married Carter Williams. Her mom, Irene, and stepfather, Carter had three younger daughters, assuming they were twins named Kayla and Maya, now 13 years old, and Jada, now 10 years old.
Right now, they had just gone errand shopping, leaving you and Clarisse alone in the house, and wouldn’t be back until a few hours later. Deciding to take advantage of your alone time, you two made it quite worthwhile, firstly unpacking your suitcases. Every moment spent together was precious and memorable so you made every time unforgettable.
When you know, you know
When you know, you know
Soon after, you two did each other’s hair, wore matching clothes, horribly danced and sang, watched your favorite movies, cooked lunch together, and made out all in the span of five hours.
By evening, her family reached home, hands filled with Christmas-related supplies, some being groceries. Guess they also did some last-minute grocery shopping as well. While everyone was decorating the Christmas tree, all humming along to Christmas songs and dressed in matching Christmas pajamas, including you. Irene never singled you out, you were her eldest daughter’s girlfriend, a huge reason why Clarisse’s smile brightened immensely for the past 2 years. You felt grateful to be a part of such a loving family, and they never let you forget it. Her siblings admired you, especially Jada, the youngest one, she was very shy, unlike her older siblings who were all brazen and outgoing. Jada loved the attention you gave her, aware she was your favorite.
Later that same day, the La Rue family was arguing over which Christmas movie to watch, many voices overlapping with different opinions in mind.
“Y/N should choose, she’s our guest.” Carter bargained with his daughters.
“Yeah, Dad, because all of our guests basically live here and are dating Clarisse.” Maya sarcastically replies.
“Young lady, you better watch that tone!” Her dad, Carter warns.
“Hey, don’t be an asshole,” Jada shouts at Maya.
“Language, Jada!” Irene chastises her youngest daughter with a firm look.
“Did I lie?! Exactly, I never lie.” Maya taunts.
It kinda makes me laugh, runnin’ down that path
When you’re good as gold
“Y/N’s basically our sister-in-law at this point, we don’t have to sugarcoat it anymore.” Maya points out. “Or did I only see Clarisse’s pinboard with all things wedding-related, alongside a picture of her and Y/N?”
“Shut up, you little snitch,” Clarisse flings the mixing spoon in Maya’s direction, “What the hell were you even doing in my room?”
“Ummm we’re siblings, I needed some jewelry and I politely took some without your knowledge, it’s not a crime...”
“Yeah, it is a crime,” Kayla chimes in, crossing her arms, “It’s called stealing,”
“And you’re suddenly lacking jewelry?!”
“Ehh not really,” Maya shrugged nonchalantly, “You weren’t home so the opportunity kinda raised itself.”
“But I locked the door!”
“And I opened the door with a bobby pin, it’s not rocket science!”
“Mom!” Clarisse yelled, resorting immediately to discipline, “Aren’t you gonna say something to them? This is a complete invasion of my privacy!”
Irene looks at the triplets, “Girls, it was very wrong to sneak and snoop through your sister’s room.”
“Me! I never participated in such activities,” Kayla defends herself, “That was all Maya and Jada.”
“Jada, you were in on too?”
“Like I said I got bored and called Jada,” Maya grinned.
“Jada!” Clarisse shouts betrayed at her youngest sister.
“Sorry, Maya was very convincing.” Jada murmurs, too ashamed, avoiding making eye contact with her eldest sister, “Besides, I think the pinboard was very lovely. Are you guys really getting married to each other or is Clarisse just manifesting?”
“The truth comes out once and for all,” Kayla laughs, eating the spare marshmallows.
‘Cause when you know, you know
When you’re old, you’re old
“Shut up Kayla!” Your girlfriend yells at her sister.
“Don’t tell Kayla to shut up!” Maya exclaims.
“You can’t tell me what to do!”
“But Y/N can!” Maya concluded and turned to you, “Y/N shut Clarisse up! She’s puppy-dog whipped for you, we all know it!”
“See the kind of family you’re marrying into, Y/N, enjoy it while it lasts.” Kayla teases you, nudging your side slightly.
You paid no attention to Kayla’s comment, eyes glued on Clarisse as she consistently argued with her sisters. Everything was hectic right now, and your reaction towards it certainly wasn’t helping anyone, especially your girlfriend.
“What is she talking about?” You turned to your girlfriend, watching her shoulders tense up as she awkwardly shuffled on her feet.
“Nothing important,” Clarisse dismissed with a wave of her hand.
“Nothing important,” Maya mocks her eldest sister, “You basically planned the rest of your lives together, I wouldn’t classify that as nothing.”
“I’m gonna literally kill you,” Clarisse fiercely glares at Maya, “Mark my words!”
“Wow, I’m so scared,” Maya rolls her eyes.
“Imma show you scared, alright,” Clarisse began to venture towards Maya but her father’s reflexes were quicker, and grabbed his daughter. Carter keeps his grip strong, stopping Clarisse’s actions of attacking her younger sister.
“How about we all go bake some cookies to settle down?” Carter suggested, still holding his eldest daughter, waiting for her to calm down. Maya stuck her tongue out, spurring Clarisse’s annoyance, who struggled to escape her father’s strong grip. You could tell that Clatisse was restraining from using her demigod powers against her stepfather.
“That’s a good idea!” Irene agrees, clapping her hands.
Clarisse’s parents made all of you settle into the kitchen, tasking each sibling with various tasks of baking gingerbread cookies. Luckily, you were given the easiest job, icing them after they cooled down whilst Clarisse made the hot cocoa. For the rest of the night, Clarisse and Maya were distanced furthest away from each other, hesitant if another sibling fight was to break out.
Your girlfriend’s irritation at her sister simmered down at the sight of you. Keeping her close to you made her mind hazy, forgetting all about the earlier argument and focusing all her affection on you. Being clingy with each other, Clarisse hugged you from behind, kissing your neck as you giggled at her actions, miserably failing to put the icing on the gingerbread cookies.
Like Hollywood and me, the diamond on your ring
The soul that you bring to the table
“Stop doing that, babe.” You squirm from her kisses, an easygoing smile evident on your lips. “I don’t wanna mess up the gingerbread cookies,”
“Why should I? You clearly love it.”
Her hands wander onto the inside of your pajama shirt, lingering her soft touch across your stomach, kneading at the flesh. Your girlfriend stares at you, viewing your side profile, observing your cute mimics, and admiring your beautiful melanin skin.
“I do, but the gingerbread cookies—“
“Will be fine besides everything you do is perfect,”
“So will you let me focus?!”
You thought so; it was worth a try.
“Nope.” she squeezed your waist tighter, resting her head against the back of your shirt, “Just pretend that I’m not here.”
“That’s quite impossible, I could never fathom you not being here.” She presses light kisses on your shoulders as her curly hair tickles your neck, giving you tiny goosebumps.
“Stop being so sappy!”
One that makes me sing
In a minor key
She gently pecks your lips, and feeds you a marshmallow, both smiling in contentment at each other’s presence.
To end the night off, her parents stuck to their created tradition. It was a tradition in the La Rue household to watch Christmas movies every night in December, to keep the winter season alive. You thought it was cute, and instantly adored the little family tactic. Clarisse didn’t mind her family’s tradition, quite accustomed to it from a toddler, and now since you were dating, no complaints left her mouth. As long as you were beside her, or holding her, she slept like a baby, comforted in your arms.
Eventually, on Christmas Day, extended family is invited over and that hassle is settled down again with the same method.
After hours of incoherent curses and overlapping yelling, the classical ‘Home Alone’ movie was finalized and everyone was huddled up on couches in the living room. Her siblings took the bigger couch, sitting directly in front of the television whilst you and Clarisse sat on the right couch, partially facing the television and her parents sat opposite.
The lights were dim, giving the room a much cooler vibe to drift asleep in. Munching down on cookies and drinking hot chocolate as you snuggled up with Clarisse with a fuzzy blanket wrapped around you two.
“I wish we could be like this forever,” she whispers in your ear.
“Me too.”
There were some beats of silence, canceling out the movie sound effects as you remembered the huge sibling dispute, regarding the topic of marriage, and Clarisse wanting to be your future wife.
That innuendo Maya had teased you about clawed at your mind and made you anything but curious. Since it stemmed from a whole argument from Clarisse, this discussion wasn’t a light topic to handle, but you wanted answers! You wanted answers and you wanted them now. Hopefully, there aren’t limited answers to the questions you desire to ask, which will leave you irritated. You want the whole truth, not the half or a quarter, you just want the full truth and if your girlfriend knows what’s best for her, she’ll be completely honest with you.
‘Cause when you know, you know
When you know, you know
Certainly, you misheard what your girlfriend’s sister had so brazenly said to you. Clarisse wanted to marry you, sure it was a little stretch, you’ve been dating for 2 years now, so you didn’t think that thought would cross her mind. It didn’t even cross your mind. Never mind, that was a fucking lie, seeing as your Pinterest board is mostly dedicated to wedding-related content but you kept that private. Well, you couldn’t have been more wrong, apparently, that thought had crossed her mind, and it remained there.
So asking the question couldn’t hurt, right? Not that it was a complicated question which depends on your girlfriend’s response. Or maybe confirming your assumptions would end your overthinking once and for all.
“Wanna ditch my family?” She whispers in your ear. Her question pulls you from your train of thoughts and you blankly stare at her.
“Your mom will notice.” You inform her.
“No, she won’t,” Clarisse disagrees, shaking her head, “C’mon let’s go.”
Hesitantly you accept her hand, following her lead as you two sneakily get off the couch. You two were so close yet so far away.
“Clarisse La Rue, sit your ass down. You’re not ditching us to go makeout with your girlfriend, Y/N.” Her tone was cold and demanding, stopping you both in your tracks. Irene must have that freakishly third mother sense.
“Nice try,” you patted her back, gesturing to her to sit down as she groaned in defeat, crawling back into your embrace.
Clarisse winces, “It was worth a shot.”
“A terribly failed stupid shot.”
She snarled, “Who’s side are you on?”
“Yours, always, but your mom is one scary woman. I’m still surprised she talks so highly of me.”
“Because you’re a wonderful girl who deserves appreciation.”
“If anything, I would think you got your intimidation from your mom, not your father.”
“Trust me, I do.” Clarisse reassures and you smile at her.
“Hey, babe.”
And when you’re old, you’re old
Like Hollywood and me, that diamond on your ring
“Yes, gorgeous?”
“About Maya’s earlier statement, is that true?”
At first, she stayed silent, contemplating her upcoming words. She exhaled slowly, nodding gently, and whispered back, “Yeah, it’s true.”
Your eyes sparkle in astonishment, “Really? You want to marry me?”
“I’d be crazy not to…and I know that might be moving too fast but I’ve never been so certain about anything else in my life..well besides dating you. You’re my absolute dream girl and someday I wanna make you my wife.”
You giggle, hiding away your flustered face, “But I don’t understand, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I was kinda embarrassed,” she sheepishly admits, “Scared kinda.”
“Scared?!” You shake your head. “You?! The most confident girl I know was too scared to tell me this?!”
That soul that you bring to the table
One that makes me sing
“I was scared of your reaction; that you’d possibly freak out thinking I’m moving too fast in this relationship and end it all.”
“You’d really think I would break up with you over a future reference?” You inquired, raising an eyebrow, “It’s not a crime to think about those things, even I thought about our marriage from time to time.”
Clarisse stared at you, shell-shocked as she stammered on her words, “You thought about it too?” Like she couldn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth.
“Of course, I did.” You reassured her, bringing your interlocked hands to your chest, and squeezing her hands tightly.
“No bullshitting, right?”
“No bullshitting whatsoever.”
All Clarisse did was flash you a toothy grin and briefly peck your lips.
“Guess what, then?”
“What?” She bites her lower lip, brown eyes glowering at you.
“I wanna marry you too.” You stated.
“Why not we get—“
“Hey, hey!” This time it was one of Clarisse’s younger sisters, Jada. Although she was only 10 years old, her sassiness was impeccable at such a young age.
“What?” Clarisse grew agitated by her sister’s interruption.
“Enough smooching during the movie! You have enough time to do that after the movie!”
Clarisse throws a nearby pillow at her sister, chuckling slightly when it hits her.
“Mom, Clarisse hit me with a pillow!”
“No, I did not, she’s lying!”
“Both of you shut the fuck up and watch the movie.”
“Me?! I did nothing!”
“Clarisse you’re not too old to get an ass-beating, remember that.” Her mom points out with a sharp glare. Your girlfriend huffs quietly and nuzzles her head further into your chest.
She began to mumble, “I swear to Hades, I hate this fam—“
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Clary!”
Clarisse lifted her head, gazing up at you. “Only if you give me a kiss.” She puckered her lips, awaiting for your lips to reconnect as a small smile littered her face once you gave in to her demand.
“You’re really a fool in love,” You chuckle.
“Only a fool for you, mark my words!”
“You’re a lovesick fool regardless.”
In a minor key
Diamond on your ring
This time she shifts her full attention onto you, eyes sparkling in admiration as a warm smile lingers on her face, “Now, my darling wife, where were we?”
“Oh, so we’re starting the names early then?”
“Well, I definitely intend to make you my future wife, why not get a headstart?” You bit your lip, gazing at your beloved girlfriend.
You pressed her lips against yours softly, seemingly making the kiss sweet and innocent. Tugging one of Clarisse’s loose curls that dangled in her face, you pulled it behind her ear as your lips moved as one. You adored Clarisse’s hair, thick voluminous curls flowing down to her neck and you couldn’t resist playing it in when she was close.
“I think that’s a great idea, my love.” You sigh, finally pulling away from the kiss, your thumb gliding across her soft cheeks as she smiles lovingly at you. Every day you wake up, guessing how truly lucky you are to be dating her, to be her forever girl, to be her future wife. Instead, she always reassures you that she’s the only lucky one to be dating such a unique woman as yourself. You two made each other complete, like pieces of a puzzle, longing to be together, destined to stay together forever, to overcome any obstacle thrown your way made to test your love.
Clarisse didn’t know what it was like to be truly in love and experience severe heartbreak whenever you’re not around, and now she understands why couples are so clingy with each other. Now she fully comprehends why love languages are important to express, if not some, maybe all of them. Love is deemed too powerful, and the stability depends on both partners’ perseverance to keep their relationship thriving for the better. Clarisse knew love changes a person, whether it is for better or for worse, weighing on the aspects of a healthy or unhealthy relationship. Without a doubt, Clarisse knew you were her soulmate, from the moment everything connected with you two, and how perfect your kisses were, she couldn’t find a more perfect girl anywhere. You were her girl, her only girl, her perfect girl, and hopefully her forever girl.
Either way, you two were utterly obsessed with each other, and nothing or nobody could ruin it, not if both of you had anything to say.
‘Cause when you know, you know
When you know, you know
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likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works onto any other platforms without my permission.
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mysticallty · 9 months
Until I finish the official lists
Have some of my most prominent characterz
Blaze Luminae - overworked god of Balance, and secondary god of Death. Leader of the Celestial Pantheon. She/they
Dawn Shadow - strict god of Death who has little control over her powers. Part of the Celestial Pantheon. She/her
Clara Ventus- blind god of Magic & secondary god of time. Very motherly, and bakes a lot. Part of the Celestial Pantheon. She/her
Nox Ventus- god of Redemption & Creation. Clara's younger sister & is a human-draconic hybrid. Celestial. She/her
The Fallen Elites
Vizerxa Mortem- god of Observation and Strategy. Leader of the Fallen Pantheon, and killed the previous leader (Light Song). Very secretive, but one of the most empathetic gods. She/they
Star Seer- Vizerxa's advisor, and god of Prophecy & the MindScape. Only is in the Fallen Pantheon because he follows whoever has the longest lifespan, and he is the oldest living deity, being the Grandson of the original Salhan god of Death & Destruction.
Amatus Maren- god of Weather , Life, and Loyalty. Sadistic & playful, is often called the Storm King due to his power. Fallen. He/him
Genesis Ventus- God of Hopelessness, Pain, and Vengeance. Has very poor eyesight. Very sarcastic and somewhat hostile, and has no understanding of morals. Fallen. She/they/it.
Snow Sky- God of Knowledge. Fun-loving and suprisingly chill for one of the main followers of Light Song. Fallen. She/her.
Videns Luminae-Mortem- secondary god of Chaos and the MindScape. The Guide of the Vengeful/basically controls Salha & Abyss's version of hell and tortures horrible people. Very playful and chaotic, and loves science and art. Has no understanding of morals. Is Vizerxa's younger sibling, and adopted by Blaze. She/her
Mendacium Deorum- god of Lies. A war general & mercenary who's known for being unkillable, since no one's figured out how they lost their mortal life. Neutral god. They/them
Verum Deorum- god of Peace & Truth. Mendacium's older sibling. Rather quiet and kind, though is cursed to be completely unable to lie, forcing them to say everything on their mind & their true thoughts. Neutral god, they/she.
Evex Quili - god of Weather and Promises. Leader of the Abyssmal/Vixeran Pantheon, and the cause of the current severe drought & famines in Abyss.
Voru Ceveru- god of Life and Light, and Evex's main follower. Highly sadistic and egotistical.
Cobra Sequix - god of Victory and Courage. Energetic and pretty socialable. Has a habit of befriending people others are scared of. She/her
Viper Sequix- god of Death and Magic. Cobra's younger sibling, and very reclusive and shy, partially because of Voru. They/them
Ceriex Saecula- current ruler of Origins. Seems really regal and kind, but is very uncertain of themself unless stability is actively needed. Any pronouns.
Exeveru Saecula- Ceriex's nephew. Known across the M.M for being rather helpful and calm. He/him
Sidera Noctis- Exeveru's younger sibling. Chaotic, unpredictable, and highly sadistic. Pretty flirty, and tends to focus on beings they find pretty. They/them
Mutari Mundi- the Technology Spirit, who controls most of Other-Realm's internet. Very glitchy, thanks to Sidera. Any pronouns
Dominus Flammis- harsh and cold, and tends to be rather aggressive, especially if Sidera is involved.
Amaranth Adams- a normal human who's more or less dragged into chaos by others, but wants no part in it. Unable to feel fear, and is just done with life. She/her
Magnus Sentry- a magician, who's also one of Amaranth's good friends. Likes playing tricks on others, but is rather calm.
Pandora Siqrae- A sorcerer apprentice who is forced to work for Sidera. Hates their job, and is terrified of Sidera. Pretty socially awkward, and easily startled.
Venenum Herba- a rather calm and uncaring(?) Spirit(human???) Who's almost completely unknown. She/her
Vizerivu- Ruler of essentially the equivalent of Hell. Pessimistic and quiet, avoiding most people. Can be rather snarky. they/them
Klerkure- ruler of essentially heaven. Rather optimistic, welcoming, friendly, and calm. she/they
Caul- the ruler of the in-between/neutral Afterlife. Is deaf. Really just doesn't care about anything anymore. Used to be one of the Sorcerers for the Ruling Gods. They/he
Major Gods
Zenza Vezexe- god of Order and Tragedy, ruler of the Megaversal Pantheon. The Dying God, and is pretty faded from being forgotten. Strict but kind, and generally very contradicting. they/them
Zelura Vezexe- Incarnation of Chaos and Karma. Zenza's first creation(?) and does anything it takes to make them suffer. She/they
Merivu Vezexe- Incarnation of Time and Death. Ruler of the Afterlife. Calm and curious, and doesn't quite understand mortals. They/them
Doomsday- The Incarnation of Destruction, but pretty chill. One of Zenza's best friends. They/them, responds to he/him too
Life- Incarnation of Life and Creation. One of Doomsday's closest friends, and always tired . Is rather kind, but tends to drift asleep during conversations from exhaustion.
Inxau- incarnation of Insanity and Madness. Zelura's main creation. Just a sadistic shit, honestly, and the ruler of the MindScape, sealed there by the rest of the Pantheon. Technically serves an important purpose. They/it.
Z- God of the Archives, and head Historian. Can manipulate reality in the Archives, making it whatever they want. Z is incredibly unnerving to most people, even with their mask, inexplicably triggering an Uncanny Valley effect for anyone that interacts with them. They/them
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acent-four · 2 years
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Cant believe they labelled four as ‘Pushover’ 💀
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On the other hand this basically makes the bg i came up w for my 4 oc canon 👀
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livi-the-writer · 2 years
Questions for creating an OC!
1. What’s your character’s name? You may want to choose a name based on its meaning, or simply choose a name that you personally like. You may also create your own name! You can also use random name generators -  I’ll link one to my pinned post.
2. Does your character have any nicknames? Who gave them these nicknames? (these nicknames can be shortened versions of the character’s name, descriptive nicknames, or any alias that your character uses)
3. How old is your character? When is their birthday?
4. What is your character’s gender? What are their pronouns?
5. What’s your character’s sexuality/romantic orientation?
6. What’s your character’s role in the story? (e.g. protagonist, deuteragonist, antagonist)
7. Where was your character born and where do they live now?
8. Does your character have any physical or mental health conditions? These could be disabilities, injuries, illnesses, allergies, mental illnesses, neurodivergent conditions, phobias etc. 
9. Optional - what is your character’s typology (MBTI type, enneagram type etc.)?
10. What’s your character’s species?
11. What’s your character’s race/ethnicity?
12. What’s your character’s occupation/job (if they have one)?
13. What’s your character’s moral alignment? (e.g. lawful good, chaotic neutral, neutral evil)
Personality, fears, motivations etc.:
1. What does the character value/What things are important to them personally?
2. Where do they get their self-worth?
3. What are they confident about in themselves? (e.g. their intelligence, their bravery, their appearance, or a particular skill or talent they have)
4. What are they insecure about? This could be a personal flaw that the character has, or it could be something like their appearance, a habit or mannerism, or being unable to do something that others find easy. 
5. Is there anything/anyone the character would die for? (e.g. would they die for their beliefs or sacrifice themselves to save a loved one?)
6. Is there anything that would make them go against their beliefs/morals?
7. How empathetic is this character? (remember that empathy =/= compassion/kindness)
8. What does this character want? Is there anything in the way of them getting what they want?
9. What are the character’s strengths? These can be personality traits, skills, talents etc. (e.g. they may be very good at a particular school subject, they may be a good fighter, or their strength could be something more simple such as kindness or selflessness). Think about how your character’s strengths would help them within your story. 
10. What are the character’s weaknesses? What do they struggle with? (e.g. they may struggle with a particular skill that others find easy, or lack qualities such as kindness, bravery etc.) Think about how your character’s weaknesses would hinder them within your story. 
11.  How good is your character at acting on their intentions? Do they tend to be active or reactive?
12. What would the character’s fatal flaw be? (e.g. ambition, hubris, naivety) 
13. What is the character’s greatest fear?
14. What is something the character should fear, but doesn’t? Do the other characters fear this?
15. What things does your character like? What things bring them happiness?
16. What things does your character dislike?
17. What is your character’s deepest secret? What lengths would they go to in order to keep this secret?
18. What is your character’s worldview? Is it realistic?
19. What are your character’s hobbies? 
20. What activities does your character take part in? Do they play a sport or a musical instrument? Are they part of a club or organisation?
1. Does your character have a love interest(s)? If not, do they want a love interest or not?
2. If they have a love interest(s), what’s their relationship with them?
3. Who does the character consider to be their family? Is this their biological family, or a found family?
4. Does your character have any friends? What are their relationships with their friends like? Who do they consider to be their best friend?
5. Does your character have any enemies? Why are they enemies with your character? (for example, this could be due to a difference in beliefs/values, due to one of the characters betraying the other, due to one of the characters being rude to/mocking/bullying the other etc.)
6. Does your character live with any other characters? 
7. Which characters has your character known for the longest?
8. Which characters does your character interact with most often?
9. How did your character meet the other characters? 
10. What criteria does your character use to judge others? Is it the same criteria they use to judge themselves?
11. Does your character have good social skills? Do they find it easy to talk to people they don’t yet know?
12. Does your character have any pets?
1. Where did your character grow up? What sort of neighbourhood was it? How did this affect their upbringing and who they are as a person?
2. What are the character’s favourite memories from their past?
3. What are the character’s least favourite memories from their past?
4. Did anything happen in the character’s past that changed them forever? What was it, and how did it affect them?
5. Who did your character live with? Did they live with their biological parents, other relatives, adoptive parents, friends etc.?
6. How did your character come to be involved in the events of your main story?
1. How tall is your character?
2. How much does your character weigh?
3. What’s your character’s skin tone?
4. What’s your character’s facial shape?
5. What’s your character’s eye colour and eye shape?
6. Does your character wear glasses/contact lenses etc.?
7. Does your character have any other facial features? (e.g. acne, scars, freckles, birthmarks?
8. Does your character have any distinguishing/unique physical features? (e.g. an oddly shaped scar, heterochromia, physical deformities)
9. What’s your character’s hair style and colour? Is this their natural hair colour or is it dyed? Do they cut their own hair or get someone else to do it?
10. What’s your character’s body type?
11. What’s your character’s posture like?
12. What sort of clothes does your character wear? Does your character dress for style or for comfort? Do they have a particular aesthetic?
13. Does your character have any accessories they often wear? (e.g. a watch, jewellery)
14. Does your character wear makeup? What sort of makeup do they usually wear?
15. Does your character have any piercings or tattoos?
Habits and mannerisms:
1. How does your character talk? Do they talk quickly or slowly? What sort of language do they use? What topics do they usually talk about?
2. If your character is non-verbal/doesn’t talk, how do they communicate? (e.g. sign language, using an AAC device, writing etc.)
3. What mannerisms does your character have? (e.g. tilting their head when they’re deep in thought, biting their lip when they’re nervous, steepling their fingers, crossing legs when sitting)
4. How does your character walk/move? Are they fast or slow? Do they normally look upwards or do they look down at their feet?
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Modron, General Info
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“The Great Modron March” © Wizards of the Coast
[As an experiment, I’m putting the general info for a new subtype in its own post, and will then be posting the first monster for this subtype later.
The modrons have been around for a long time, being introduced in the AD&D 1st edition Monster Manual II. They feel a bit like escalation from the Fiend Folio. A non TSR employee, Charles Stross (yes, that Charles Stross), invented the slaadi as the chaotic neutral exemplar race, and some TSR employee decided to top it in weirdness for lawful neutral. I cannot find who designed the modrons specifically--it might have been Gary Gygax or Jeff Grubb.
Now, the modrons really came into their own in Planescape in 2nd Edition, but I have some issues with the Planescape presentation of them. I’ve mentioned before that D&D tends to have difficulties making lawful creatures and characters interesting, and Planescape definitely had an issue with Law.The lawful factions are at least not boring, but they’re all fascists, buffoons or both*, and the modrons are decidedly leaning buffoonish. The idea that a modron literally cannot conceive of other modrons of a rank higher than the one immediately above theirs was introduced in Planescape, for example.
Another issue with the modrons in general is how samey they all are mechanically. The only differences between the different hierarchs devolved to how many natural attacks they get and what level of spellcasting they have. They’re so monotonous that, even though 5e brought back the modrons to the core Monster Manual (they appeared only on the fringes between 2e and 5e--a web enhancement here, a Dragon or Dungeon Magazine article there), they left all of the hierarchs out completely, and not a whisper of them has appeared since. The most mechanically interesting version of the modrons to date are the ones from Dragon 354, which also only covered the drone tiers.
So I’m going to take a stab at the modrons. I’ll be releasing them in batches of five each with breaks in between, so as not to completely overwhelm the blog or my patience. The drones will be drawn primarily from Dragon 354 as a source, and the hierarchs will be built basically from the concept up. My inspiration to do this was really flavor text forward. I was ruminating on the Pathfinder 2e canon that the aeons created the inevitables, and how much I disliked that idea. So what if some power in universe disliked it as well?]
Modrons The aeons have proclaimed themselves the true creators of Axis, the Eternal City, and its inhabitants. Most axiomites and inevitables bowed to the new order of the cosmos, accepting the aeons as their peers and superiors and following the directives of the Monad. Some, however, rebelled against this. Denying the claim of aeon primacy and seeing the Monad as irrecoverably tainted by neutrality, they forged their own path. Their leader, an axiomite declaring an unbroken line of succession from the creation of the universe, declared himself Primus, the One and the Prime. Primus’ followers were reshaped into beings of perfect geometric order, the modrons.
For the moment, the modrons live in Axis in an uneasy peace with the inevitables and aeons. They occupy a continent-sized district named Regulus, centered on the Modron Cathedral. The Cathedral is the home of Primus and the source of the Energy Pool, a nexus of quintessence and mathematics that new modrons are born from. Despite their existing territory, the modrons are on the search for a new, permanent home, one where perfect law without the demand for balance can be supreme. To find a place to inhabit or the tools to create a demiplane suitable enough for Primus’ needs, large swaths of modrons are on expeditions across the planes. This Great Modron March has seen vast armies decamped and spread throughout reality, periodically sending messages back to Primus to analyze and consider.
A modron appears as a mixture of clockwork and organic components. The body and limbs are gleaming metal, but they have eyes and mouths like those of living beings. Modrons are divided into a number of castes, and these castes themselves are subdivided in ways reflective of numerical sequences. The drone modrons are much more numerous than the hierarch modrons they serve, and often are designated for very specific tasks. Hierarch modrons are more flexible in their behavior but just as rigid in their thinking. Everything modrons do is filtered through a dense bureaucratic process, and the chain of command is seen as absolute. Rumors persist that a modron drone cannot conceive of modrons of any rank higher than the one immediately above its own, but this is a simplification. Rather, higher orders of modron delegate rapidly to the ones immediately below, tailoring their commands to be better understood by the more rigid, less complex programming of the lowest drones. Modrons typically refer to themselves in the plural, as “we” or “us”. Drones rarely have individual names, but instead numerical designations, although they acknowledge names given to them by outsiders. Hierarchs do have names, usually ones that are short and easy to pronounce in a wide variety of languages for maximum efficiency.
Possibly because of their origins in rebellion against the aeons, rogue modrons are more prevalent than fallen angels or risen fiends. A rogue modron can be of any alignment other than lawful neutral, although most of them end up true neutral or chaotic neutral. A modron drone may go rogue if it does not understand its orders and interprets it in its own fashion, infecting them with a dangerous sense of individuality. Modron hierarchs go rogue less frequently, but it has been known to occur. Finding and destroying rogue modrons is a preoccupation with much of modron society, particularly among pentadrones and nonaton hierarchs.
“Modron” is a subtype of outsider with the following characteristics:
Low-light vision
Constructed (Ex) Although modrons are living outsiders, their  bodies are constructed of physical components, and in many ways they function as constructs. For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger's favored enemy and bane weapons), modrons count as     both outsiders and constructs. They are immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). modrons are not subject to   nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or     energy drain. They are not at risk of death from massive damage. They have bonus hit points as constructs of their size. Modrons do not need to  breathe.
Resist acid 10, cold 10 and fire 10
Coordinated Ally (Ex) Modrons excel at cooperating with each other. A modron increases the bonuses gained by an aid another action or flanking by +1 if the creature providing it the bonus is another modron.
Fixed Initiative (Ex) A modron’s initiative is always set. Its initiative is calculated as if it rolled a 10 on its initiative roll, adding its Dexterity modifier and other bonuses as appropriate. A modron gains a racial bonus to this fixed initiative score equal to ½ its Hit Dice (minimum +0).
Modrons gain a +2 racial bonus to all Perception checks.
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 3 years
PLEASE explain your Magnus moral alignment post lol 😭 if you want to
okokok so this turned out longer than I wanted it to be, and I kinda put my English-professor glasses on. But basically, Magnus was morally complex in book 1, he was not morally complex in books 2 and 3, and it may or may not be Alex Fierro's fault.
In the first book, Magnus was primarly motivated by one of three things: a) his mother, b) altruism, or c) survival.
The beginning of the novel leaned hard into c) survival. Magnus was presented as a desperate homeless kid with a moral code: he could steal from people, but only the people he thought were rude or rich. Now, this was not a Robbin-Hood situation; he'd pickpocket money off of jerks he met on the street and then he'd use that money to buy things for himself. He wasn't exactly giving the money out to those in need. He lives by his own rules, and those rules are "Keep living, and screw over a couple douchebags in the process."
This lands him purely in the chaotic neutral category: he is motivated by his own selfish desires and needs, and he had no regard for the law or for the well-being of the (assumed-to-be) rich folks from whom he took money. Later, when Magnus breaks out of Valhalla, he does so with the intention of finding his mother— though he is helped by Blitz and Hearth, so he goes along with what they want him to do for a while. Again, this is a selfish motivation resulting in a neutral action. He is willing to risk his floormates' heads to achieve his own self-centered escape (I'm using very negatively connatative language, but I really don't think he was that bad. He was just normal.)
Later on, though, his motivation becomes more focused on the greater good. The most notable shift in the character is when Hel offers to reunite him with his mother and he refuses because he knows she has an ulterior motive that would screw over the rest of humanity. On the Island of Lyngvi, Magnus watches Gunilla die, but she dies peacefully, knowing that it's for the greater good. He even caps off the story with threatening his own life to heal Halfborn. Magnus is still skeptical of authority, and he still plays by his own rules, but his priorities have changed; he's now chaotic good.
BUT in the other two books, Magnus is remarkably more reluctant to step outside of the mould. He no longer makes sacrifices for the greater good; he's never forced to, since no other major characters die after Book 1— which is sorely disappointing. On the narrative level, it kinda makes sense. The way had to be paved for Alex Fierro to stand out as an unconventional and exceptional protagonist— and boy, did she! For Alex and Magnus to be character foils (for the uninitiated, the short version is that "character foils" means "opposites in some significant way"), Magnus's moral complexity had to be eradicated, which is really a shame.
Hammer of Thor and Ship of the Dead do not feature Magnus making hard decisions. They do not feature Magnus chosing to be selfish. They do not feature Magnus's violent traits. They do not feature Magnus defying authority in any significant way. This lands Magnus in the "neutral good" zone.
But why?
Chosing to be selfish, being violent, and defying authority are Alex's jobs now. And as much as I adore Alex, it's a little upsetting.
See, character foils can work in many ways. If characters are very similar but one aspect of them is very different, that one aspect becomes hugely significant. RR actually used his foils pretty well, but if they had been a little more similar with one giant, notable difference, it would have been just as effective, and it wouldn't have compromised Magnus's character.
WOWZA that turned out a lot more in-depth than I wanted it to! I hope I answered your question somewhere in all the chaos!!
I suppose this is a bad time to tell you I've never played D&D.
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
So I saw somewhere a post that talked about how some fictional characters just have a divorce vibe going on, like, at no point in time were they ever married but they just give off that feeling that they got divorced
And now I can only think of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor having that vibe
And I spent close to an hour talking about this to my sibling and how it would be a good idea for a new DC show like, you can make so much money off of just the main Batfam alone and there are literally so many people in there that it’s just an amazing idea to have them all in a show together but kind of like a Good Luck Charlie kinda thing because there’s more than enough angst in the world
But in the case of not having enough of a budget for so many characters in one show I turned to the Superfam (Batfam is Huge like, I don’t even know half of the extended family version and that’s like at least ten characters so I could see why it wouldn’t be entirely feasible to have a show that included everyone while still being good with nice character development without having a billion dollars for the budget)
The Superfam, in my personal experience, is composed of Ma & Pa Kent (farm vibes plus I refuse to have either of them die in my AU), Clark Kent (main Superman), Lois Lane (Lana? was Smallville Lois i guess??? But idk enough about her so she’s not here), Jon Kent (Superboi II), Kara Danvers (Supergirl) & Conner Kent (Superboi I)
Now I’ve stopped watching CW shows like, forever ago??? But my brother kinda keeps up with them and basically the gist is that the ratings of every other show suck Except for the Superman & Lois show (because it’s 💫new💫) and I saw the cover of the poster like “Ah, the werewolf dude. . . mmmhhmmm that’s Lois yes, yes that’s Johnny boi, and um is that???? Nooooo, they wouldn’t do that to Conner right???? Please tell me they didn’t make Conner blonde” and I was informed that the blonde teen is Chris???? Like
Whoms’t do ye speak of
I’m not even joking but the only way I even know of Chris is from a random fanfic I read where Dick Grayson gets his own super from an alternate reality named Chris, that’s my only point of reference for this character
But let’s talk about how Conner Kent (OG Superboi) was excluded
Now I haven’t seen any episodes of this and I probably never will (no hate I’m just really unmotivated to start new shows at all) so idk if they might mention Conner or even allude to him in one scene or something
But this was my main motivator as to my new Superfam TV Show Idea
Have Lex Luthor not be a Superman villain, he’s mainly a successful businessman, a little shady but who isn’t, and he doesn’t want to Kill Superman, he just wants to be able to have some sort of viable protection against a Kryptonian in case of an invasion (see Man of Steel + CW’s Supergirl) or suddenly having a mind controlled Superman on their hands (see Justice League series or just look up what Red Krytonite does) so he makes it like his side thing to figure out ways to neutralize or hold back a Kryptonian, Clark totally thinks that Lex is obsessed with finding a way to kill Superman because they had a bad end to their friendship in high school so he’s always suspicious of Lex, Lex hasn’t really ever tried to kill him though because 1. It’s not that deep Clark ok? And 2. He’s a busy busy man with a very important job position and a company to run so does he look like he has time to harbor an obsession over someone who rejected him back in high school??? You’re more of a constant side quest Clark, so stop trying to put him on the JL watchlist ( btw ik about Lena Luthor, haven’t forgotten her but she doesn’t really play a part in this AU so let’s just have her and Kara off to the side doing their own thing ok? Ok)
Lex, Bruce & Oliver all knew each other when they were kids and went to the same school, this is just an extra detail I wanted to happen because Lex and Ollie definitely know Bruce is Batman and absolutely HATE having to deal with Brucie Wayne because “I know you’re just doing this to irritate me Bruce, you just want to see if you can make a vein throb in my forehead but I will valiantly ignore your dumbassery because I know you hate being Brucie just as much as we hate having to put up with Brucie so suck on that you petty bitch” because they bonded in ye olden days, childhood friends so to speak
Anyway so Cadmus tries to get Lex to make an investment in their company, seeing as Cadmus is shadier than Gotham when it rains Lex is basically like ‘no ❤️’ and doesn’t make a deal with them, Cadmus gets mad at not having Lexcorp financially backing them so Lex has an ‘accident’ and they steal his DNA, then they steal Superman’s DNA somehow and *boom* a Superboi is formed
Because I don’t know much about how the Core Four became friends in the first place (Robin Tim Drake, Impulse Bart Allen, Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark & Superboy Conner Kent) I’m just gonna go with what happens in the show Young Justice except it’s the Core Four becoming the Core Four when they liberated Conner (who at this point believes himself to be a clone of Superman and has only been given Superboy as a name) from Cadmus, same shit goes down meaning that Clark is just straight up NOT vibing with Conner, Conner just wants a mentor please, and the Bats kinda give Clark a passive aggressive treatment for not taking Superboy under his wing or at least agreeing to teach him how to control his powers, especially Tim because that’s his Bestie so yes
Anyway, YJ saves ppl and is on the news or whatever and Lex finds out about Superboy’s existence that way, so he researches this new super on his free time, finds out that he came from Cadmus and claims to be a clone of Superman, yet doesn’t have the whole power set Superman has??? Wait, didn’t Lex reject Cadmus’ proposal and the got into a mysterious accident??? Long story short Lex goes connecting the dots, hacks into Cadmus’ files, finds out he technically has a son with Superman and decides to take Superboy under his wing (I’ll go more in depth as to why Lex would want to do this in this AU later but the abridged version would be that he wants a kid but doesn’t have the time nor interest in finding a wife??? Also the radiation that made him bald as a kid also affected his reproductive system so while it’s not impossible for him to conceive kids he would have a very hard time actually getting to father a kid)
Him and Conner, who still goes by Superboy at this point in time, meet up and Conner finds out that here is a parent figure that is both available and actively wants to be a part of his life, so he agrees to get to know Lex and the series would focus on them becoming a family, with a special episode when Conner asks Lex for help in choosing a name for himself and it ends up with him agreeing to become Conner Luthor, it would be heartwarming and Mercy would make sure it happens within a day (Mercy is Lex’s bodyguard/PA but they’re also besties and she becomes the Responsible yet Chaotic Aunt as Lex and Conner’s father-son relationship progresses)
Obviously Clark becomes super suspicious of Lex getting close to his ‘clone’ and when Conner decides to go public as Lex’s son he’s like *GASP* and calls up Bruce because we need to get on this Bruce, Lex is a villain and blah blah blah but Bruce would be over Clark’s shit and hit him with that “actually, Lex was also an unwilling genetic donor to Superboy, who actually is not your clone either, and has agreed to take him in, I’ve been on this shit since they first met and the kid is doing just fine so if you keep poking your nose in their business then that’s your problem but you better be ready to pay child support bitch . . . have a good day ❤️”
The series would just focus on Conner getting to have a good parent figure in Lex and go more into their civilian lives rather than focusing on the superhero thing, Conner, Bart, Tim & Cassie have a sleepover at Lex’s house at one point, Lex totally Knows what’s up but it’s all good because these are his baby’s friends and they’re good people who are more than willing to prank Superman for rejecting his kid and giving his baby self worth issues (Mercy supports them)
Anyway, that’s basically the idea for a new Superhero Show
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anemoarchonhoe · 3 years
DnD and Pathfinder are both tabletop systems with their own lore and everything.
I haven't played 4th edition DnD just 3/3.5 and some 5th edition. I haven't played 2.0 Pathfinder, just the original one.
Now there's standard races that every fantasy game has - Human, Half Elf, Elves (of several varieties), Dark Elf/Drow, Dwarf (with subraces), Gnomes (with subraces), and Halflings. There's some others too but I don't have the player races in front of me.
DnD also has basically what is 'outsider blooded' races. Some have changed how they came to be between editions.
Aasimar are 'good' outsider blooded - basically angels/devas/celestials. I don't remember what 5th had listed for them but in 3.5 it's possible that you had a good aligned celestial in your family history at one point.
Genasi are the genie-blooded (Elemental) race. There's a subrace for each elemental - Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. Each subrace has unique features. Fun fact I played a Wind Genasi in 3.5 DnD who was named Wendy Hills and was a Rogue. Absolute gremlin and a bit of an airhead who owned a mule.
Tieflings used to be like Aasimar and had a devil/demon as an ancestor/cause at some point but that's changed in 5th edition. Now tieflings are the result of an ancestor striking a pact/deal with Asmodeus (or one of the other Devils) generations ago and people really don't like tieflings. Devils and Demons are actually different beings that absolutely hate each other.
Devils are Lawful Evil - A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts.
Demons are Chaotic Evil - A chaotic evil character tends to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel.
A later book allowed you to play as a tiefling of demonic descent instead of a devil. Technically there's also a 'third' group of evil outsiders.
Yugoloths are Neutral Evil - A neutral evil character has no compunctions about harming others to get what they want, but neither will they go out of their way to cause carnage or mayhem when they see no direct benefit for themselves.
Pathfinder has their own version of Aasimar and Tieflings - both with a ton of subraces.
Typically tieflings look well, demonic? Unnatural skin colors (red, orange, blue ect), have horns, and often have eyes with black/dark sclera and tails.
Aasimar look more like humans, though Pathfinder's tend to have metallic hued hair, the ability to turn on and off a light halo, and sometimes glowing eyes.
Warlocks aren't in Pathfinder (that I know of but there's probably a similar class) but they are one of my favorite classes in DnD. There's several options for who/what you made a pact with to get powers. Celestial pact would be good beings like angels. Fiend is well demons, yay! Great Old One is Lovecraft/Eldritch Abomination/Kyubey from PMMM, Archfey is the Fair Folk, Hexblade (obviously the best) is possibly cursed sentient weapons - You have made your pact with a mysterious entity from the Shadowfell – a force that manifests in sentient magic weapons carved from the stuff of shadow.
HOLY FUCK. Thank you so much for explaining to me!! It makes a lot of sense to me now.
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