#arsenal are fucking massive
chrlvctius · 1 year
she's back at it 😭🤍 I'm so proud of my girl, omg:(💗
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blushweddinggowns · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about Eddie having a massive bitch fetish for mean girl Steve, especially after they get together.
Like before, sure, he was just as much in King Steve's thrall as every other high school girl was, even if it was a secret he had planned on taking to the grave. Every time he'd hear him make a snappy comment to one of his friends or say something particularly cutting when he talked back to the teachers was enough to make Eddie flush.
But now that they're together it's even worse than high school Eddie could imagine. Because Steve Harrington is protective as fuck and when you mix that with being gay in small-town Indiana with a boyfriend whose the town pariah for murders he didn't commit, you get a lot of opportunities for bitchy Steve.
The check-out lady at the grocery store scoffs when she sees them holding hands? Steve's jumping in, "Wow Linda, guess you're not a champion for love huh? Is that why your husband left you last year?"
An ex-jock and current gas station attendant makes a comment about how Eddie should be in prison? "Weren't you the guy who shit his pants at Carol's party freshman year? Honestly, I feel like that's a worse social crime than anything my Eddie ever did."
An old teacher comments on how he's not "surprised" that Eddie never graduated when they run into him? "I guess that just goes to show how shitty of a teacher you were doesn't it? He passed his GED test on the first try, maybe you should just think of a different career option?"
He has an arsenal of embarrassing stories and tidbits for almost every person in Hawkins, courtesy of his near-daily gossip sessions with his mom. Even when they move in together, those don't stop, they just switch to weekly three-hour phone conversations. (The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?)
And Eddie loved how willing Steve was to stand up for him, he did, really. But every time Eddie had to bear witness to Steve tearing someone down for his benefit, it felt like he was losing his mind.
He'd flush, go bright pink, get weak in the knees, everything you would expect from a love-struck sixteen-year-old girl, not a twenty-one-year-old drug dealer. Half the time he had to drag Steve to the nearest unoccupied space just to kiss him, and the other half he was too busy trying to hide a humiliating hard-on.
Eddie keeps that specific obsession to himself, but he knows he doesn't have much time left before he figures it out. There are only so many impromptu make-out sessions mixed with snide comments before Steve puts two and two together.
And Eddie just knows that he will never let him live it down, which will only add fuel to the fire if he starts doing it on purpose to tease him. Steve already had him wrapped around his finger enough as is, he didn't need another thing to make him realize just how gone for him Eddie was.
No, this one was going to stay with him, a secret that he'd actually manage to take to his grave.
Or so he thought.
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avaf00rd · 8 months
Little shits pt 2
Kyra Cooney cross x teen!reader (platonic)
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actually finished this shockingly quick. (Not proof read). Submitting it now and going to sleep. So it’s bad.
I had a Leah fic that was pretty good but then half didn’t save in the draft. And rewriting is the worst. I’ll try to get back into it tomorrow if I can promise.
Enjoy bbys
“shit.” Kyra blankly said as she made a huge dent in the mcfoord new fridge. Don’t ask how.
“How the fuck did you manage that!” You exclaimed checking out the massive mark left right in the middle of the fridge.
You and Kyra had been in Baylor against Katie and Caitlin for a few weeks now. It was hilarious to all of you. You were also all getting great content for the Arsenal new YouTube channel where different players would do vlogs of game days and other activities.
“Ok everyone Kyra just broke the fridge” you sighed running your palm over your forehead looking back into the camera
“It’s not definitely broken. We can just undo it” she said. You grabbed the camera to point it towards her raising one eyebrow.
“It’s as big as a bowling ball” you said. Kyra turned to you and the camera with a blank expression.
“I say we grab the toilet plunger.” Before quickly getting up to find it.
“If I were Katie I would rather have massive dent on my fridge then have the fridge smell like my own shit.” You sighed as u sat down on the stool. You two were truly truly fucked this time. Some of your pranks included putting pictures of drunk Caitlin all around every second cubby at the training grounds. This round it was slightly lighter by super gluing the lids to their foods in the fridge. Lame right? Kyra somehow managed to pick up a random pot and accidentally charge it straight into the fridge. You forgot about the camera as you were lost in thought thinking about how badly you fucked up this time. Brand new fridge for their brand new place. It was over.
“Ok no plunge but I did some googling. We just need an ice cube” you guys were the definition of blind leading the blind. So of course you grabbed an ice cube and placed it on the large dent 10 times its size. “Is it working” Kyra asked holding the camera towards you and the ice cube. You slowly turned your head around to face her wiht a blank expression reading no you fucking idiot.
A knock on the door made you both share a look of panic. “The pantry” Kyra pointed intending that you just run away from this problem.
“No dumb ass” you said before getting up and walking to the door. You were nearly 100% it wasn’t Caitlin and Katie as you walked the hallway before twisting the handle.
“Hey tiny” Leah said in surprise to find you here.
“Hey Leah”
“What on earth are you doing here” she questioned
“We need your help” you said hopefully. Kyra peaking around the corner to be seen with a sad smile and a nod. Leah slightly chuckled before following you down the hall. Where you stood from afar with Kyra pointing to the fridge. Leah just bursted out laughing.
“Shit you did this” she chuckled checking it out.
“Yes what do we do!” You slightly yelled. Kyra still in shock from what happened.
“Don’t worry about it. They might be mad but Katie was telling me a new fridge and oven was arriving so it doesn’t really matter-“
“This is the new fridge!” Kyra exclaimed
Leah jaw slightly fell “you’ve truly done it again children”
“Leah please answer. What do we do?” You asked desperate for help.
“We wait until they get home” she said softly before filling up a cup of water for herself and sitting at the dining room table on her phone.
You waited around 20 minutes doing nothing. Kyra on her phone, probably researching how to fix it. And you now just sitting next to Leah looking out the window. It might not seem like a big deal. But a brand new expensive fridge, with a possible non-fixable problem was defiantly a big deal to your young minds. You just had a plan in your mind. Offer to pay to fix it. If you can’t fix it. You and Kyra will go halves on a replacement. Kyra tried to rebuttal when you brought up that plan, but quickly shut up when she realised it was the only option.
This was amusing to Leah. The panic in your faces made her laugh. The whole team was just waiting for something to go terribly wrong.
“Let me get this straight you were trying to superglue all of their food? Aha! That’s good” Leah exclaimed with a goofiness in her voice. You and Kyra just sat their blankly. Kyra soon chuckling at the thought of how this whole situation is kind of funny.
A rattle of keys on the front door made your heart completely stop. “Oh hey Leah. And girls. Oh shit what did you do” Caitlin asked with a smirk on her face kind of ready to see the next prank. Just so she could then plot her next one.
“Ok ok so” you put your hands on both their chests before they could walk much further. “We were doing a light hearted prank right. Then we made a mistake. Dear Kyra here-“
“-we both made a mistake ok! We are very very sorry and we will pay for this.” Kyra said. You both stood in front of the three older girls with your hands behind your backs. Apologising like a five year old who just stole lollies.
“Huh” Katie said confused towards the girls, while Caitlin walked into the kitchen to put her bags down.
“Kyra Cooney cross!” There was a yell across the flat. A somewhat fuming Caitlin voice coming from the source. Katie quickly following to see.
“It wasn’t just me!” Kyra quickly defended in panic.
“You did this!” You said to Kyra . Then looking at the two other girls
“I’m gonna head” Leah waved before leaving behind all of you.
“I’ll pay to get it fixed. Even though I didn’t do it” you said to them. Mumbling the last part, targeted towards Kyra.
“Bet your ass you guys will” Katie said
“This is new” Caitlin said looking at the fridge
“That we both know. And we are very very very very sorry a million times” Kyra said pointing between the two of you. You just nodded next to her.
“Sleep with one eye open. Next one will be serious” Katie said smirking. Plotting her next prank.
“You two can go” Caitlin waved you and the 21 year old off. Kyra nodded quickly zooming down the halls.
“Send me your bank details!” You said before walking out. Forgetting the camera on the bench. You went to grab it before heading out again.
“Bye gooners!” You said. Before turning the camera to Kyra who was waiting for the elevator next to you. Who turned around and poking her tongue out.
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lovinpelova · 9 months
stargirl | a. russo
summary; alessia plays really well against chelsea, so you reward her. [SMUT]
🎵 collide - justine skye
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north london was officially red - once again.
a massive 4-1 win over chelsea proved that, beth opening the scoreline before amanda followed with a header, then alessia after making a perfectly timed run. but she wasn't stopping there, claiming a penalty from a miscommunication on chelsea's behalf and burying the ball confidently, arsenal's defense picking up afterwards to shut down all of chelsea's attacks when both teams started using substitutes. yourself being a gunner too meant you weren't able to properly congratulate your girlfriend as you were too busy delivering all you possibly could in midfield, victoria being a massive help as you both put down masterclasses alongside each other to aid in any mistakes that were made.
eventually the full-time whistle blew and a roar of applause soon followed, blues booing loudly or shaking their heads in defeat as gooners celebrated with singing and dancing. you shook hands with everyone and made your rounds of the chelsea team, saying they played well until the last second before running off to find victoria - your best friend - and jumping onto her back. you yelled in her ear as she flinched with a grin, looking back at you as you kissed her forehead sloppily before wrapping your arms around her neck whilst hoisting you up further onto her back.
"north london is red baby!"
"fuck yeah it is!"
you joked about with the dutchie for a couple more minutes with leah and beth joining in, loving how your childish sides came out around each other although you were both twenty-four and strictly professional when it came to anything else.
"beffy, i'm so proud of you!"
you wrapped your arm around her shoulders as she slung hers around your waist to pull you closer, kissing your temple affectionately whilst you all waved to fans and looked around in awe of the atmosphere.
"it's about bloody time i've scored here again."
the blonde joked, both of you laughing lightly before you felt a pair of hands grab your shoulders with a yell accompanying them, the accent telling you it was a certain left-back you couldn't help but adore.
"shit, mccabe you nearly gave me a heart attack then!"
"i'll be having a heart attack if she gets a yellow next game."
"we all know that's gonna happen."
katie retaliated, confirming she was planning on playing dirty against spurs like usual. you and beth rolled your eyes at her as she grinned in response, leah soon coming to take her away as viv did the same with beth, yourself turning around to spot alessia yelling your name and jogging after you.
"there's my stargirl!"
you opened your arms wide for her as she collapsed into them, stumbling for a couple moments before picking you up and spinning you around, yourself squealing in fear of her dropping you before she put you down and kissed your forehead affectionately. she wrapped her arm around your shoulders as yours went around her hips, head leaning against her to stay comfortable and in her hold whilst making your rounds of the pitch.
"you know that article i found yesterday? the one about me not scoring goals but making a bigger impact literally anywhere else on the pitch."
you scoffed at the italians petty tone but hummed in response anyways, not wanting to tell her you'd read it in your own time and there was nothing bad about it. all it was saying is that she wasn't a prolific goalscorer for the arsenal yet the same way stina or bunny or sam or rachel were and she made a bigger impact with her recovery rates, possession, passes and assists.
"i wonder how that writer is feeling right now."
"okay petty girl, calm down. i'm sure they didn't mean any harm by it."
you chuckled whilst placing your hand on alessias chest and lifting your head up, watching her look down at you with an unimpressed expression that quickly melted away when you kissed her cheek sweetly.
"plus, you woke up and told them 'hold my beer' today, didn't you?"
"guess i did. player of the match to prove it."
the striker lifted up her trophy and wiggled it in your face like a child excited about a new toy, a cheesy grin covering her face as you responded with a proud look.
"my stargirl."
you mumbled so only she could hear, a bright red blush covering her cheeks as she chuckled nervously and looked at the ground, thanking you shyly.
"come on then, lets get home."
alessia responded after she gained her confidence back, practically dragging you to the changing rooms as she was desperate for a shower and to get out of her dirty kit. music was blasting from the moment you both walked in, vic and noelle following closely behind as they egged you on to walk faster so they didn't miss out on the fun- so obviously you had to walk slower just to take the piss. after an hour or so of dancing to beths music choices you were packing up your matchday things alongside a couple of the other girls, majority already having left to go home or greet their family that had made the trip to watch.
whilst zipping up your back and searching for your boots you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist, a familiar scent accompanying them as your girlfriend kissed along your neck sweetly. you quickly fell back into her embrace and held her arms there for a moment, turning your head to kiss her cheek before she spoke.
"i'll be waiting in the car for you babygirl."
"okay. won't be long beautiful."
alessia snuck in a peck to your lips before playfully smacking your bum as you scolded her, the italian out of your reach before you could retaliate and already on her way to your shared car. you looked around for your boots before finding them in vics cubby, looking at the woman unimpressed as she smiled sheepishly at you.
"it was leahs idea?"
she hopelessly tried to persuade with a shrug, yourself turning to the england captain as she smirked in response, quickly smacking you away when you went after her.
"hey, acl squad members are ruled out of catfights when in recovery! besides i thought it would be funny to see how much less distracts you."
"turns out you don't even notice someone sneaking your boots when you're loved up."
victoria explained before you retaliated to leahs teasing, holding out your boots for you as you took them from her.
"thank you vic, at least someone here has maturity- more than what can be said about you lee."
you grinned at the blonde as she scoffed in mock offence, sticking your tongue out at her before grabbing your things and heading out of the changing room after a final check for everything. spotting alessia waiting in your car you speed-walked over to get out of the cold, opening the backdoor and placing your things in with hers before settling in the passenger seat. even though alessia had very sadly departed with her beloved merc after the three-year lease she signed was up, she still insisted you be her passenger princess in your newly shared car.
"you take forever sometimes."
"vic and lee stole my boots! blame them."
you retorted as alessia laughed whilst pulling out of the parking lot to start the fairly short drive to your shared flat, staying in a comfortable silence until you collapsed on the couch after practically dumping your bags on the kitchen counter with a long sigh.
"that much of a shift in midfield, huh?"
"ugh, you don't even understand how hard jessie is to mark! it's like she channelled her inner iniesta today."
alessia sat down on the couch next to you and opened her arms wide, a shocked noise leaving her mouth when you moved to straddle her lap but she clearly wasn't complaining by the way her arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. you kissed her deeply for a moment before she pulled away to peck your lips once more, responding to your rant about the canadian you went to ucla with a fair few years ago.
"but you played with her in the states so you know how to deal with her. you played well today baby, doesn't matter if jess challenged you 'cus you showed up on that pitch every moment we needed you. i'm so proud of you."
"speaking of people who played well today..."
the blonde groaned and threw her head back at your change of conversation topic, a small blush covering her face as she grinned up at you after moving her head to face you normally again.
"my stargirl got player of the match!"
"really? i didn't notice."
you smacked her chest lightly for the sarcasm before laughing together, your arms moving to wrap around her neck and pull her closer.
"you deserve a bigger reward than a small trophy for how you played today."
alessias eyebrows raised as you watched her lips curl up into a smirk, the grip on your hips tightening whilst she moved to sit up properly and adjust so she was more comfortable, suddenly far more interested in the conversation.
"oh yeah? like what?"
you bit your lip playfully whilst pretending to be in thought, humming lightly as she patiently waited for your answer, knowing what she wanted wasn't going to come without a little bit of teasing on your behalf.
"maybe you don't sleep on the couch tonight? wait no, that's too nice. you can lie with me until i fall asleep, then you come sleep on the couch."
"oh wow, that's a great deal. but..."
the italian trailed off suggestively, carefully moving so your back was pressed against the couch and she was above you, slowly kissing up your neck before she reached your ear.
"i do have a better idea. i think you'll like it too."
"hmm, i wonder what it could be?"
"you want me to show you?"
you grinned up at alessia as she smiled in response once you nodded your head, dipping down to kiss you passionately with her hands trailing underneath your shirt and tracing your toned stomach, your own moving up to tangle in her hair and tug on it lightly. the blonde groaned lowly as her hands impatiently trailed up towards your breasts, smiling into the kiss when you moaned softly once she started massaging them slowly, eventually pulling away to take off your shirt for you. she pulled hers off soon after and threw it across the room with yours, careless on where it landed as she leaned down to kiss you again with her hands moving towards your breasts to continue their movements, her hips readjusting in a way that told you to move your legs around her waist.
you quickly followed her silent command as she deepened the kiss, hands trailing across her muscular back as her lips moved down your neck and began sucking marks into your collarbone. your hips bucked up into hers as she gripped your thighs and pulled them tighter around her waist, wanting you as close as possible whilst you pushed her head further down towards your stomach. you felt her grin against your abs and scoffed at her cockiness, lightly slapping her muscular shoulder as she chuckled with you whilst kissing along your stomach, hands taking off your joggers slowly.
"less, please hurry up."
your girlfriend lifted her head up with one eyebrow raised, pulling off your joggers and throwing them carelessly across the living room, smirking down at your needy state with her fingers teasing the waistband of your underwear.
"what if i didn't?"
you looked up at her, unimpressed, crossing your arms over your chest as she mocked your moody expression.
"okay, okay baby, you know i was just joking."
the blonde quickly apologised as you grinned victoriously, watching her shake her head in disbelief whilst pulling off your underwear and trailing kisses along your hipbones. alessia moved her lips across your thighs to leave her mark, dipping the tip of her tongue in the crevice of your thigh before lifting your legs over her shoulders, broad hands gripping your thighs without a problem as yours moved to tangle in her hair again. a gasp left your lips when she finally got to work, tongue licking a long stripe from your entrance to your clit before she fully dove in, flicking her tongue across your clit at a godly pace and smirking against your heat at the immediate moan you let out in response.
you squealed in shock as she began sucking on your clit harshly, looking down to see her eyes already locked onto yours as you moaned at the sight. her veiny hands keeping your thighs in place, legs over her muscular shoulders and toned back as she buried her face into your pussy like you were her last meal, eyes boring into yours as she worked you towards your high. she trailed her tongue down to your entrance and dipped it in to test the waters, taking note of the way your back arched - a miniscule amount - but still enough that she noticed it from her position.
alessia moaned into your heat and pushed her head further down, nose bumping against your clit slightly if she moved enough with her tongue burying itself inside you, thrusting in and out the way her fingers would be if she didn't have those stupid nails on. she curled her tongue slightly upwards in an attempt to hit your g-spot, grazing over it and earning a broken moan with your hands tugging her hair to push her further into you. her eyes rolled back at the sensation of her hair being pulled at as she ate you out, loving the way you tasted and wanting so much more.
"alessia- so good baby keep going."
you murmured out breathlessly, her tongue coming out and flicking over your clit in all different directions and speeds to make your back arch inhumanely, a guttural moan leaving your throat as the italian tightened her grip on your thighs. if anyone told her she would be having you as her post-match meal she would've rushed home a lot sooner; alessia loved eating you out.
"m'gonna cum- god baby, i'm gonna cum!"
alessia picked up the pace of her tongue as much as she possibly could, flicking it back and forth before flattening it out against your heat completely and trailing back down to your entrance, teasing a couple times before moving to suck your clit into her mouth again. she moaned at the taste of your wetness all over her mouth, some of it trailing down her chin as her eyes rolled back with yours, your orgasm soon coming over you and flooding into her awaiting mouth.
the italian felt you whine and tug her hair gently when her tongue didn't let up, her thumbs stroking over your thighs gently as she looked into your eyes deeply and winked cockily, moving back to the task at hand as she closed them. your thighs tightened their grip around her head as she continued flicking her tongue over your puffy clit, moaning into your pussy as you already felt another orgasm coming.
"less- are you- oh god don't stop."
alessia felt your juices running down her chin with how lazy she was being, not caring if she missed any because she just wanted to taste your cum again. her jaw fell slack for a minute as she moaned shamelessly against your cunt, hips grinding down into the couch below with her eyes rolling back as she sloppily drove you towards your orgasm. she wasn't going to stop until she got another high out of you, that was her reward, she deserved it.
that and she was clearly pussy drunk.
who doesn't love a bit of messy head anyways, right?
your orgasm approached out of nowhere as you tugged on her hair with your thighs spasming against her face, the blonde gladly licking up your juices as they burst out into her awaiting mouth for the second time that night, cleaning you up carefully and stopping her hip movements after she realised what she was doing. she didn't care about herself, she needed to make sure you were okay after such intense orgasms so soon after the other.
"you okay-"
"take these off right now."
you demanded as your hands pushed her shoulders until she was laying on her back, the blonde caught offguard by your stern tone and desperate lips against hers but moving to take off her shorts anyways once you tugged at them to let her know what you wanted off.
"y/n/n i'm fine you don't have to-"
"less, i just watched you grind against the couch whilst eating me out because you're so horny. i'm gonna fuck you, okay?"
the blonde nodded her head shyly in response as you smiled down at her, watching her throw her clothes across the room whilst trailing your fingers down her stomach with your lips marking across her chest.
"plus, don't you think my stargirl deserves a special reward too?"
you teased before biting down on her earlobe carefully, chuckling at the breathy moan she let out when your fingers reached her heat and began gathering her arousal, trailing up to circle her clit whilst she desperately captured your lips with her own. her legs opened wider for you on instinct as you pushed a digit in and slowly began thrusting, curling it slightly to work her up as you brushed against her g-spot and prepared her for a second finger. she grasped at your shoulders hopelessly whilst attempting to keep up with the kiss, breathing and moaning heavily into your mouth once your thrusts gradually sped up.
"babygirl, i need more."
she whimpered desperately against your lips, pushing her waist up into your hand and groaning when your palm hit her clit at the perfect angle. your lips trailed lazy kisses down her neck whilst you slowly pushed in a second finger, moving back to slow thrusts as she adjusted to the stretch before speeding up again and curling your digits further, relishing in the moans she was shamelessly letting out.
"y/n/n- baby, just like that. god don't stop!"
alessia threw her head back as her thighs began to tighten around your waist, back arching lightly and nails digging into your shoulders as she repeatedly chanted your name, eyes closing in pleasure as her jaw slacked open once again.
"that feel good lessi? you like that?"
"yes, m'so close baby. oh god i'm gonna cum!"
the striker thrusted her hips up to meet your hand as she rode out her high, arms wrapping around your shoulders to pull you into a passionate kiss that she was uncontrollably moaning into. her back arched into your chest as you smiled against her lips at the pleasure she was experiencing, knowing she must have needed it judging by how fast she finished and the way her orgasm was still dragging out nearly a minute later with her hips still pushing against your fingers.
your girlfriend eventually calmed down from her high as you pulled your fingers out of her, quickly sucking them clean before she could move to do so herself and smirking at the way she bit her lip unconsciously.
"you okay?"
you asked thoughtfully, brushing some of alessias messy hair out of her face as she grinned up at you and nodded her head in response, too fucked out to even form a coherent sentence. chuckling at her state you got up and headed to the kitchen, getting her a glass of water and placing it beside her before collecting your clothes again, putting them on and helping her after noticing she was struggling to lift her legs.
"shut up."
she mumbled once she spotted your cocky grin, shoving your shoulder lightly before laying down again and opening her arms for you, sighing when she had you in her embrace and kissing the top of your head sweetly as you both fell asleep in each others arms.
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kar1nsworldx · 1 month
Chrismd with a massive crush on arsenal or Chelsea super league player 😩
Eyes on the target
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pairing: ChrisMD x f!reader Instagram!AU SUMMARY: fans slowly realise that a certain youtuber has a crush on their favourite female football player requested: yessir! my apologies anon that it took so long to post, but I really hope that you like this! I tryed to write it as long as i could x AUTHOR'S NOTE: loved writing this and I hope anon that you got what you wanted! Please do send more requests, I'd love to write more <3
ˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 🧸ྀི
y/n l/n
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liked by arsenalwfc, ksi and 67, 552 others
y/n l/n: what a night to be a gunner 😍
tagged: @arsenalwfc
leahwilliamsonn: get it ❣️
bethmead_: iconic night? I think yes xxx
ksi: went to the game, absolute banger of a goal
y/n l/n: haha tysm, big fan of your lots videos x
use4r: lmaoo did not expect ksi to be here 💀💀
kimlittle1990: a screamer was scored tonight 💋
y/n l/n: all thanks to you 😍😍
katie_mccabe11: ❤
caitlinfoord: ❤
laiacodina5: ❤
y/nily: what a player
user101: were so happy to have you y/n, welcome to the club <3
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y/n l/n
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liked by caitlinfoord, chrismd10 and 72,832 others
y/n l/n: thank you everybody for such a wonderful night and season!! much love for you all - 24/25. see you soon ❣️
tagged: @arsenalwfc
drinkprime: 🔥🔥🔥
caitlinfoord: 🫂🫂🫂
user777: y/n do you accept my hand in marrige? 🤲💍
y/n l/n: mmmm maybe one day, but atm I think I have someone on my mind, I'm sorry 🫂
useroo: who is on your mind exactly miss y/n?? 🤨🤨
y/n l/n: mmm i don't know, I think I'll keep that a secret for now 🤭😚🤫
y/nmarryme: y/n i love you 🗣
arsenalwfc: thank you y/n!
chrismd10: miss l/n everybody 💪🔥
y/n l/n: chriss 💪😍
xeuserxe: umm.... okay 🤨
us3r: the emonji combo????????
katie_mccabe11: the woman herself, y/n l/n 💋😍
y/n l/n: katie my love 💋💋💋
katie_mccabe11: 🫂🫂🫂
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y/n l/n
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liked by chrismd10, miniminter and 56,892 others
y/n l/n: just because the season ended dosen't mean my love for football did ☺️ new youtube video coming out in 3 days everybody xxx 🌟
xeuserxe: AHHHH can't wait to see it!!! 😚
user111: mmmmmm whos that in the third picture? 🤨🤨🤨
y/n l/n: you'll find out soon enough xx
user111: 🤨🤨🤨
drinkprime: 🔥🔥🔥
y/n l/n: prime 🤝 me
ksi: hell yeah ❤
us3r: sidemen x y/n video when???!???
sidemen: 👀🤫
useroo: WAIT WHAT
chrismd10: sick video coming out soon 🔥
y/n l/n: yessir 🗣
userly: chris how would you know that its a good video 🤨🤨🤨
usermybeloved: something is going on between them I just know it
laiacodina5: you just can't stay away from the stadium can you?
y/n l/n: you know I can't lovely 😚
user505: MOTHERRRR 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
y/n l/n: CHILDDDD 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
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liked by y/n l/n, georgeclarkeey and 562,777 others
chrismd10: England's national darlings and @y/n l/n
tagged: @bukayosaka87 @y/n l/n
y/n l/n: Christopher count your days
chrismd10: yes dear, of course dear ❤
useredup: istg somethings deffinitly up theyre fighting like an old married couple
bukayosaka87: ❤
y/n l/n: my photo creds??? where????
chrismd10: sorry gorgeous, forgot to mention that ❤
y/n l/n: mhm, sure sure 🙄❤
useroo: this was not on my 2024 bingo card
miniminter: lucky bastard
theobaker_: @y/n l/n be advised that prick never gives photo credits
y/n l/n: thank you for the information theo x
chrismd10: mate shut up
arthurtv: can I come next time? I want to met y/n too :(
chrismd10: no
y/n l/n: christopher you better bring him too next time
chrismd10: yes ma'am
arthurtv: yay!
y/n l/n: 🫂
user505: y/n is becoming arthurs parent confirmed
us3r: I love them
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liked by georgeclarkeey, tobjizzle and 102,732 others
arthurtv: mama y papa - chris actually took me to meet the legend herself, y/n l/n!! 🎉
tagged: @y/n l/n @chrismd10 @mycoffee:)
y/n l/n: ARTHURRRRRRRR :))))) 🫂🫂🫂🫂
arthurtv: Y/NNNNNNNNNN :))))) 🫂🫂🫂🫂
chrismd10: why are you never this nice to me
y/n l/n: fuck off chris
chrismd10: ...
chrismd10: yea yea youre welcome mate
georgeclarkeey: boyfriend come see me soon :(
arthurtv: george were not boyfriends! but yes i'll come over tomorrow (:
reevhd: cuties
useredup: arthur became chris's and y/n's offical child, its confirmed
y/nily: arthurtv thank you for this beautiful pictures of y/n
user777: y/n once again I am asking, do you accept my hand in marrige 💍🤲
chrismd10: she does not.
xeuserxe: JELOUS CHIRS????? HELLO????
useroo: I love how Arthur tagged his coffee in the 3rd picture :((((( 🫂
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y/n l/n
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liked by jackgrealish, laiacodina5 and 102,652 others
y/n l/n: to my suprise my photographer isn't such a shitty photographer as I thought he'd be
chrismd10: 🔥🔥🔥
useredup: chris youre so real for that
y/n l/n: 😍
useroo: and may we know who this photographer is?
useroo: and do we know of him by any chance???
y/n l/n: 🤷‍♀️🤫🤭
y/n l/n: nuh uh
useredup: @useroo is having a mental breakdown, love to see it
useroo: 😐
laiacodina5: pretty girl
y/n l/n: says you! xxx
katie_mccabe11: literally marry me
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
chrismd10: im suprised hes even dealing with you considering youre quite a prick
y/n l/n: oh fuck off ya twat
chrismd10: my point has been proven ladies and gentlemen, goodnight
y/n l/n: shut the fuck up (affectionate)
userly: #fav-old-married-couple
user444: i love them
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liked by calfreezy, behzingagram and 232,752 others
chrismd10: theres a silly goose in the last picture, spoiler alert; it's not me!
behzingagram: peng
y/n l/n: 😍
useroo: hm.. 😶🤨
chrismd10: 🔥🔥🔥
calfreezy: brother ditched us
userly: ARE YALL SEEING THE 3RD PIC?????????
theburntchip: what a man
y/n l/n: I feel bad for that poor girl, because shes the one dealing with YOU, ya fucking twat
chrismd10: shut up ya prick
userly: as I said, their my #fav-old-married-couple
wroetoshaw: nice mate
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chrismd10 added to their story;
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⤷ y/n l/n liked chirsmd10's story! ♡
⤷ y/n l/n: twat
y/n l/n added to their story;
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⤷ chrismd10: I literally hate you
⤷ y/n l/n: Ily2!
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liked by vikkstagram, calfreezy and 532,477 others
lionesses: we proudly announce that the lionesses have qualified for the euros, thanks to y/n l/n's hattrick! ❤
tagged: @y/n l/n
arsenalwfc: y/n l/n everybody! ❤
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
chrismd10: LETS GOOOO Y/N!!!! @y/n l/n 🔥
y/n l/n: CHRISSSSSSSSSS 😚❣️💋
behzingagram: get inn 💪
arthurtv: Y/NNNNNNNN 🌟
y/n l/n: ARTHUR 🫂🫂🫂
calfreezy: thats how its done 💪🙏
katie_mccabe11: MISS Y/N EVERYONE
y/n l/n: love ya irish 😚 🇨🇮
leahwilliamsonn: love ya @y/n l/n ❤❤❤
y/n l/n: love you too bae 😍
laiacodina5: thats my girl!!
y/n l/n: 🫂🫂🫂
theburntchip: yes lass 💪
georgeclarkeey: yessir
ksi: 🙏
tobjizzle: ❤
philfoden: congrats! 💙
jackgrealish: well done ladies 💙💙
rico.lewis: 💙
wroetoshaw: very nice
kylewalker2: 💙
johnstones5: 💙
miniminter: 🔥
drinkprime: thats how its done 🔥
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y/n l/n
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liked by arsenalwfc, arthurtv and 60,854 others
y/n l/n: Pre-season in the states 🇺🇲
tagged: @arsenalwfc @kyracooneyx
usermybeloved: y/n in her editing era 🔥
user007: lets goooo
arthurtv: good luck y/n!
y/n l/n: thank you arthur!
arthurtv: :)
chrismd10: yea yea good luck ya prick 🔥
y/n l/n: thank you twat 😚
kyracooneyx: 💪💪💪
arsenalwfc: glad to have you back l/n! 😉🙌
theobaker_: lets gooooooo arsenal ❤
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y/n l/n
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liked by chrismd10, drinkprime and 91,576 others
y/n l/n: Third kit is a charm ❤ #coyg
tagged: @arsenal @arsenalwfc @adidasfootball
userly: stunning stunning girl xx
useredup: ahhhhhh you look so good!!!
adidasfootball: 💪😉
chrismd10: fucking peng
y/n l/n: 💋💋💋
user101: OH???!?????? 🤨👀
user2.0: OHMAGAWD
drinkprime: 🔥🔥🔥
arsenal: looking good miss l/n 💪
y/nily: y/n look bad in a kit challange (impossible)
user777: y/n pls marry me? 💍🤲
chrismd10: she says no xx
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y/n l/n
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liked by chrismd10, georgeclarkeey and 78,237 others
y/n l/n: is mister pickles 🥒 an icon? sources suggest that he is (sources; me, chrismd, arthurtv, georgeclarkey)!
tagged: @chrismd10 @arthurtv @georgeclarkeey
chrismd10: hes more iconic than you thats for sure
y/n l/n: youre going to lose your privilege to see pickles if you continue to do this christopher
chrismd10: yes ma'am, sorry ma'am
arthurtv: I'd say the sources are correct!
georgeclarkeey: that dog is one sassy little dude. i love him
caitlinfoord: pickles is the best (:
user505: "all hail pickles" we say in unison 🗣🗣🗣
useredup: PICKLEEEEES 👹👹👹👹
y/n l/n: back off, pickles is scared 🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺
theburntchip: what a distinguished fellow
arsenalwfc: were missing the lil man on the pitch
chrismd10: btw i will be stealing him
y/n l/n: cunt
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y/n l/n
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liked by chrismd10, chloekelly and 137,699 others
y/n l/n: oui oui bonjour 🧸☁️
chrismd10: do you even know what that means?
y/n l/n: En fait, je comprends ce que ça veut dire, espèce d'idiot - TRANSLATION; Actually, I understand what that means, you idiot
chrismd10: hot.
xouserxo: AHHHHH PARIS 🎀🎀🎀🎀
user111: are we not going to talk about the fifth picture...?
useroo: mmm y/n whos that in the fifth picture? 🤨
y/n l/n: mmm i thinks it's..... nonya business 🤫😍😍😍😍
useroo: 😐😐😐
useredup: @useroo is so done w y/n's shit 💀😭
chloekelly: pretty ♡
user007: y/n youre so real for that xjxnc 😭
user444: paris is really the city of love, right @y/n l/n ... 🤨
y/n l/n: deffinitly!! 🤭🤭🤭🤭
kyracooneyx: happiness is a good luck on you. so is being in love
y/n l/n: off with your head, youve already said to much
kyracooneyx: well you deffinitly know him
chrismd10: 📸📸
y/n l/n: 💋💋
y/nily: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
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liked by behzingagram, wroetoshaw and 206,554 others
chrismd10: as the missus said, "oui oui bonjour 🧸"
y/n l/n: do YOU know what that means? 😐🤨
chrismd10: oui
theburntchip: smooth fella smooth
calfreezy: nice going mate
behzingagram: happy for you ya twat
tobjizzle: ❤
y/n l/n: ily
chrismd10: ily2
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y/n l/n
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liked by chrismd10, zerkaa and 707,633 others
y/n l/n: god its so hard to be in a relationship with such a lovable twat ❤
tagged: @chrismd10
y/n l/n: love ya @chrismd10
chrismd10: even more than pickles?
y/n l/n: know your fucking limits.
bambinobecky: 🥳🥳
caitlinfoord: ❣️❣️❣️
laiacodina5: whoooooooo 🌟🌟🌟
katie_mccabe11: happy for you doll xxx
y/n l/n: @useroo so it looks like nonya business was actually mr. chrismd (: sorry for all the caused breakdowns xxx
useroo: fuck me im so happy but also fuck you coudn't you have announced this before all my breakdowns miss y/n
y/n l/n: nope! 😛😝😜🤪
useroo: 😐❤
xouserxo: HELL YEAAAAH
arthurtv: mama y papa
y/n l/n: hello child <3!!!
chrismd10: hello.. child.
arthurtv: 😄😁
theburbtchip: about damn time
tobjizzle: soo happy for you guys ❤
y/n l/n: thank you tobi!!! ❣️
user777: oh.. so thats why you wont take my hand in marrige :( BUT YAY SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS
user101: *screams in single*
usermybeloved: BEST COUPLE IN 2024 CONFIRMED
y/nily: ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
chrismd10: love you too darling ❤
y/n l/n: YAYAYAYAY
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liked by miniminter, arthurnfhill and 1,572,684 others
chrismd10: love you to ya prick
tagged: @y/n l/n
ksi: congrats bro
chrismd10: thanks ksi
tobjizzle: ❤
theburntchip: as I written before, about damn time
callux: 🎉🎉
wroetoshaw: im suprised ya fucking bagged her mate, bloody hell well done
chrismd10: thanks harry
zerkaa: 💚
arthurtv: my parents are finally together :)
arthurnfhill: im impressed
miniminter: 👏👏👏
behzingagram: how the fuck did you bag her
chrismd10: actually quite easily for your information you fat prick
vikkstagram: 🌟🌟🌟
calfreezy: sap
chrismd10: shut the fuck up ya long dick
calfreezy: midget
georgeclarkeey: sigh, ive lost another boyfriend 😞
y/n l/n: it's okay pookie we'll share ❤
chrismd10: ...i did not consent to this.
us3r: my childhood youtuber getting together with my favourite female footballer was not on my 2024 bingo card
useroo: about fucking time.
s1demenl0ver: 🥳🥳🥳
useredup: congrats guys 👏
user111: ❤
user777: @chrismd10 will you ask y/n if she'll take my hand in marrige 💍🤲
chrismd10: she says no, AGAIN.
user444: YASSSSSS
user101: nahh but honestly chris takes really good pictures
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y/n l/n added to their story;
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�� chrismd10 liked y/n l/n's story! ♡
⤷ chrismd10: I literally posted a cute little photodump of you and you're posting this??? Ya fucking prick
⤷ y/n l/n: l love you too ya twat! Also let me post our child ❤
⤷ chrismd10: yeah yeah whatever. i love you too ya prick ❤
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liked by georgeclarkeey, arthurtv and 876, 543 others
chrismd10: it's possible that she likes her caps more than me..
tagged: @y/n l/n
chrismd10: just so you all know I am not a sap, I did not know she'd post arthur on her story the moment id post her okay?? fuck off ya twats
behzingagram: sap
chrismd10: shut the fuck up
Comments have been restricted.
y/n l/n added to their story;
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107 notes · View notes
celestialprincesse · 7 months
I JUST SAW YOUR POLY 141 AND UGGH IT WAS SO GOOD! If you’re interested! Could you do like poly 141 with an angst- hurt/comfort! Where supposedly one of the boys said something and the reader took it in a negative way? I liked to think that this reader is a more sensitive reader, maybe something some of us can relate too (cause I know I can <3)
with lots of love and positivity! - 🩰
Warnings: afab reader, mentions of periods 💕🎀
Cooking is your safe place. The bubbling of pots and sizzling of pans gets you out of your head. Working to delicately lattice the tops of pies or pipe cakes keeps your hands busy and your mind elsewhere. Today, the kitchen is less of a safe place, and more of a war room. The snap of your meat cleaver down onto the chopping board echoes through the house like a death knell, and the boys convene on the porch to work out what the hell happened.
"Mate, she sounds like fucking Hannibal in there." Kyle huffs, fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose to soothe the building headache that stress has dropped upon his temples. Simon is already looking at Johnny, who looks like a guilty child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Johnny." Simon murmurs, surprisingly warmly, in that way he does to coax someone to talk before he resorts to his 6'4 arsenal of intimidation tactics. John and Kyle proceed to look his way, his captain's eyes blazing with embers of fire just ready to spark. "I did no mean to say anythin'." His thick Scots accent drips with defeat as he looks at the other men around him. "But.." Kyle nods slowly, a comforting hand placed on Johnny's shoulder, giving an encouraging squeeze. "I said she was acting pissy." He huffs, running his hands over his face in frustration. "She was bein' all huffy an' puffy, tried to ask what was wrong and she went off." Simon immediately has his phone in hand, scrolling through their shared calendar until he comes to the date, and a little blood drop emoji a few days later. "Ah." Simon sighs, followed by a chorus of "Oh's" From the others.
Halfway through cooking whatever it is you'd stormed in here to make - you weren't really sure what - You'd managed to elbow a bowl full of eggs on the floor, and now, sat in a mess of egg yolks, shells, flour and porcelain, you sniffled pathetically into your hands.
"Hen?" Johnny calls softly, a quiet knock on the kitchen door, which he opens slowly, shuffling in with your three other massive soldiers shimmying into the kitchen at his back. "Oh, no." He coos, taking your cheeks in his palms, dropping a kiss to your forehead as he helps you up. "I didnae mean to make you cry, love. I was jus' being an idiot, yeah? Insensitive an that." Simon is at your back, gathering your hair away from your face, leaning the reassuring weight of his head into the crook of your neck, whilst John helps you out of your apron and Kyle grabs cleaning supplies for the mess you'd made on the floor. "I'm sorry for being pissy." You sniffle, stuffing your head into the ever warm skin of his chest, breathing in the scent of his cologne as your residual tears soak his shirt. "Ye was no bein' pissy. Ye jus weren't as chirpy as usual, eh? No problem with that, was jus surprised is all." "You know we all love you." John coos, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder as you're left smushed between four huge bodies. "Love you too."
350 notes · View notes
olivia2arsenal · 1 month
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Lia Walti x Williamson! Reader - Everton
a/n: did say my other fic would be out on sunday but life’s just got really hectic so here’s a smaller one while i finish up with the other one
warnings: none!
i’ve known wally since forever, her and my older sister, leah, have been best friends since i could remember
just like my sister i had worked my way through the age ranks at arsenal before eventually making my debut at 18
i played along side leah as the cb duo and learnt so much off my older sister
there is a massive gap in our age difference between us two but that’s never really been a problem and if anything made our friendship stronger
wally and i had been seeing each other, much to leah’s dismay, off and on for a few months a couple of years ago before i eventually found the nervous and asked her to be my girlfriend
that’s how we found ourselves here today in a two year relationship and happy as ever
“i’ve got a bad feeling about today” wally said as she came and sat herself in my cubby, myself just finishing getting ready to go out into the tunnel
i knocked my knee against hers
“you’ll be fine wally, what’s making you feel like that?” i asked softly as i slipped my match shirt on
“someone’s going to get injured today” she shook her head, i placed my hand into hers and nudged her chin to look at me
“if it’s really distracting you then tell jonas and i’m sure you can sit this one out” i said softly as she shook her head
“it’s too soon until the match kicks off, i’ll be fine” she said as she pushed herself up and out of my cubby, making her way to the changing rooms door
yet she was far from fine…
i remember every single detail of the injury
we were in the second half, lotte and me as the centre backs because leah was out with an injury
everton were on the outskirts of the box when lia pushed out too apply pressure
i watched her get the ball and start to dribble before aggies went studs up into her ankles
i winced at the tackle, wally immediately collapsing to the floor and letting out a scream
i was still far back from eveyone and could see everything going on, i watched how lotte and katie push aggie while other shouted at her
i got it, if it was another day with a player that wasn’t so young i probably would have done the exact same thing
but this was different, aggie was still learning, she didn’t mean the tackle and clearly was inexperienced
i’ve played with aggie at england and she’s the nicest person ever, she didn’t purposely mean to hurt lia and was just eager to prove herself
i also knew that she was most likely going to receive a lot of hate on social media from this
of course the first thing i wanted to do was make sure lia was alright but i had to make sure aggie was okay and take her away from this situation
i pushed katie and lotte out of the way while also pushing the few others that were letting their anger be known from their words
they had every right to be mad, as a team we were already struggling with injuries and this was another one added to the list
i wrapped my arm around aggie’s shoulder
“come on” i said sofltly as i walked her away from the situation, i could see the tears building up in her eyes as we separated ourselves from the massive group near the box
“i didn’t mean to y/n” she shook her head as she bent down and covered her face
“ay i know aggie, i know” i said as i pulled her back up and pulled her into a hug
“it’s a learning experience okay, wally will be okay and the girls are just caught up in the moment” i reassured her as i felt her nod against my shoulder
“you’re eager to prove yourself, that’s it, you weren’t purposely going for her ankle okay” i added as one of her teammates walked over and smiled gratefully at me
i let her take over as i jogged back over to wally, now my whole attention was on her
“where the fuck have you been?” katie snapped as i bent down next to lia and held her hand, trying to get her to take some of the pain relief
“not the fucking time katie” i said sternly back as lia looked up at me, my face softening when i saw her looking for reassurance in my eyes
“we will get through this together love” i said softly as i brushed some hair out of her face
“lia we are going to have to put you on a stretcher” the physio said as they started to move her onto the stretcher, wally wincing as they did
eventually they lifted her up on the stretcher and started to walk her to the tunnel, fans clapping for wally
aggie received a red card, as expected, and started to make her way to the tunnel- head down clearly still upset from it all
i patted her on the back as she passed me before the match continued, now having to fight the mental battle of wanting to go and see lia
i burst into the medical room where wally was, her eyes shooting up to mine and face softening once she saw it was me
“careful you’ll take the door of its hinges” she teased as i made my way over to her, eyes never leaving her ankle
“fuck wally” i muttered as she placed her hand under my chin and moved my eyes to hers
“i’ll be fine” she said softly as there was a knock on the door, both of us turning to the door
“hey, is it okay if i come in?” aggie asked as she popped her head into the room
“of course” wally smiled softly at her
“i just wanted to say sorry, i really never meant to hurt you” aggie apologised as she walked over
“i know you didn’t, i know you eager to prove yourself that’s all” lia reassured her softly
“that’s exactly what y/n said to me” aggie laughed slightly
“great minds thing alike” wally teased
“well i’ll leave you two alone, i just wanted to say sorry” aggie said while wally nodded with a soft smile
i walked aggie to the door, patting her on the shoulder and praising her for how mature she had been with the whole thing
i turned back around once she left and made my way back to wally, finding her hand with mine as we talked- trying to distract ourselves from her injury
“i’m proud of what you did today” wally said softly to me as i gave her a puzzled look
“instead of doing what the rest of the girls did, you looked after aggie and made sure she was okay before you came to me” wally said as she squeezed my hand gently
“i was once in her shoes, having done the exact same thing with the exact same reactions from the other players and it didn’t feel nice at all” i said shaking my head at the memory of when i was younger only just starting my professional career
we could only hope the hate aggie received online was going to be small…
a/n: hope you all liked this, it was short but just wanted to get something out quickly!
82 notes · View notes
kieran-granola · 10 months
Identity Porn AOB scenario in which alpha Roy and omega Jason work together but they don't know each other's real ID.
Jason has a massive crush on Arsenal but there's no way he's outing himself as an omega to anyone from the cape community. He'd rather pine. Meanwhile Roy is VERY bisexual and crushing hard on Red Hood... but he doesn't want to jeopardize their relationship with a one night stand, and he's not getting serious with anyone he's not sure he could introduce to his baby girl.
So, they both repress their feelings. They bury them deep deep into the dark recesses of their minds and stick to friendship.
...Then a hot single alpha dad moves into the flat next door to Jason's.
It's nothing serious at first. They're just neighbors. Then they start spending time together. They invite each other over for dinner, they help each other build furniture, they share tips about the neighborhood and go grocery shopping together. Stuff like that.
And the more they hang out together, the more they resonate... and both of them start to fall for each other in their civvies.
They hide it, of course. Jason because he doesn't want to expose an unsuspecting child to the risks that come with being a vigilante's stepkid, and Roy because he's pretty convinced he's totally out of the bombshell omega next door's league.
Then Roy's season comes around. He leaves Lian with Ollie and Dinah and holes up for his rut. He does his best to be a considerate neighbor. He spends a week alone, getting re-acquainted with his hands and humping his bed, smothering his growls into his pillows.
Unfortunately for Jason, despite Roy's efforts, the noise and smell of his rut carry. It wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience for anyone else, but Jason is already attuned to him, and that combination triggers a sympathetic heat.
This means that Roy comes down from his rut after a week — exhausted, missing his kid and just looking forward to denning down and sleeping — only to smell the last days of Jason's heat. Roy hears the desperate cries for pack that Jason just isn't able to suppress anymore after days of heat fever when he walks in front of his door on his way to go pick Lian up. His wires get crossed so bad because fuck, he wants this omega in his den with them, bracketing Lian with him, safe and comfortable instead of in pain and lonely... And so when Jason's heat ends, Roy awkwardly shows up to ask for a movie night with the three of them, just to soothe his need to comfort and protect.
Jason is like... he waited for the end of my heat to knock at my door AND he's offering platonic affection? With a PUP when Jason's paternal instincts are still raw from heat? Be still his beating heart.
Arsenal: "I won't be around for patrol on Friday. Don't miss me too much, yeah?"
Red Hood: "Don't worry, I won't even notice."
Arsenal: "Oh, I see. Let me get my Bat-translator... Yeah, I love you too, buddy."
Red Hood: "Fuck off. I meant that literally. I won't be patrolling either."
Arsenal: "Ooooh. Hot date?"
Red Hood: "Hotter than your dumb ass, that's for sure."
Lian falls asleep between them during the movie, and they stay cuddled up together for a while after, just enjoying the feeling of safety. Eventually, Roy puts her in bed, before offering Jason a drink.
Jason is more relaxed than he's ever been, and agrees. Roy gets them both a beer, and goes to sit at a respectable distance, but Jason holds him back by the wrist because, "C'mon, alpha, hold me? Those arms have gotta be good for something."
Roy blue screens for a second thinking of all the things he could do to the cheeky O on his couch before sitting down like, "If you're gonna objectify my arms, does that mean i have permission to talk about your thighs?"
"Only if you're offering to let me wrap them around your neck."
Roy bursts out laughing. "I don't know if you're threatening me with violence or if you're asking for head."
"Hmm..." Jason settles into Roy's arms. "I haven't decided yet. Ask me again when I'm done with that beer."
Despite Jason's brazenness, they don't fuck that night. Even after a few days of rest, they're both exhausted from their seasons and not actually up for anything. Instead, they fall asleep intertwined on the couch.
The next morning, Roy wakes up to Lian poking his cheek. He's surprised and disappointed when he realizes Jason isn't in his arms anymore, but he's also a bit relieved that Lian didn't catch them in an awkward position... And then he smells coffee and breakfast, and all of the negative feelings are replaced by affection and lust when he spots Jason cooking.
Fast forward to a week later. Roy begged the fam to babysit, and invited Jason out to dinner "to repay him for breakfast". They go to a restaurant and spend the whole meal flirting, then they both head home together. That's when the two of them fall into bed.
Sex with Jason is a lot wilder than Roy expected, and holy shit Jason's muscles definitely aren't for show... But hey! He's not complaining. Jason's pussy feels even sweeter after a bit of wrestling, and Roy is perfectly happy to get pinned down and ridden within an inch of his life if that's what his omega is looking for.
That is... Until he notices a VERY familiar scar that he remembers seeing when he was tending to one of Red Hood's wounds in the field.
Every single one of their interactions comes rushing back to him. Their camaraderie in the field, the fun they've had as civilians... It all flashes through his mind as he finally connects the dots and realizes how similar Red Hood and Jason are and why.
"You're Red Hood," Roy blurts out.
Jason frowns and slows his movements. "Seriously? Did you have to wait to be balls deep in my cunt to be delusional?"
"I'm not delusional. You're Red Hood. And I'm Arsenal."
"Is this a kink? Are you into rolepla—"
"Jason. I know that scar. I saw it when I stitched you up after Clayface threw you into that fucking piece of rebar."
Jason tenses, and goes still. Roy bites down a groan at the feeling. "How long have you known?"
"About 30 seconds."
"For real?" Jason growls low in his throat and makes a move to dismount. "And you couldn't have waited 10 minutes to have this conversation?"
Roy whines and holds him back by the hips. "In my defense, my brain isn't getting a lot of blood right now. Please don't stop, you feel amazing."
"...You're a fucking dumbass, Harper."
"Maybe, but I'm your dumbass. Come on, please—"
Jason snaps his teeth in annoyance and presses him down into the pillows by the shoulders. "Fine. But if you come before me, I will shoot you."
By the time the two of them are sated and lying next to each other, Roy is feeling a little bit more normal about his discovery. It's an unexpected but not unwelcome development. They share a cigarette and talk about it, and they both agree to keep dating. There's nothing left to hide between them after all, and it's not like they can uncross the lines they blasted through in their civvies. Their friendship has already been changed. They just have to hope that it's been changed for the better.
(Years later, sitting next to each other at Lian's middle school graduation, they'll thank the Universe for pushing them together despite their hang-ups. Friends, lovers, husbands... their titles in each other's lives have changed over the years but one thing hasn't: the complicity and love they share are still as bright and warm as they were when they first learned to trust each other.)
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morporkian-cryptid · 4 months
I'm rereading Feet of Clay, and something I love about Pratchett's writing is that you keep discovering new things with every reread. This man is a fucking genius; and I say is because we all know a man is not dead while his name is still spoken, and I am very much speaking his name, very loudly and with an undertone of exasperated delight.
(MASSIVE spoilers for Feet of Clay, obviously; do not click if you haven't read that book)
Okay, so the poison was in the candles, right? We all know that, and when you reread the book with that knowledge, you notice all the clues that Vimes will later put together. "Une mèche en métal gris" (a wick of grey metal) in the candlemaker's coat of arms. "Art brought forth the candle". Vetinari doing a whole infodump about arsenic and to "put it where no one will look" (the bastard already knew). The emphasis on the candle being the last sentence in the scene where Vetinari's writing, right before his condition gets worse.
A good writer knows how to sprinkle foreshadowing in ways that are just obvious enough to pick up after the fact.
But you know what a great writer does?
Spread false leads.
I honestly don't remember what I deduced the first time I read the book; I was in high-school and tearing through it without stopping to really think about the clues, and also I had little to no knowledge of the cultural stories around arsenic. But on reread, I keep noticing remarks about the wallpapers.
And if you know anything about the Victorian era, the combination of arsenic and wallpapers will immediately make you go "Pass me a towel!!".
And it's not just once, no. There's Vimes' remark about "That seemed to be about it, short of stripping the wallpaper off the wall", which make me chuckle and mutter "oh come on!". But then later on there's "You might as well accuse the wallpaper of driving him mad"... with the added detail that THE WALLPAPER IS GREEN. IT'S FUCKING GREEN. Pterry KNEW what he was doing.
It takes a third mention of the wallpaper (the fact that it's the same in all rooms and Vetinari's condition hasn't been getting better) before Vimes actually consider it; but we the reader would have been yelling "It's the wallpaper!! It's the wallpaper!!" since the first mention of green.
And this is exactly what you expect from a good writer, right? Give you enough clues to figure out the mystery yourself and feel smart.
And if you didn't notice the wallpaper, or dismissed it in the same way Vimes eventually does (it's been there for years and Vetinari has only just started getting sick), then there's the ink on the journal.
(Spoiler for "The name of the rose" by Umberto Eco)
If you've read the book or watched the movie "The name of the rose", the second Vetinari is described licking his fingers to turn the pages of his journal, you should have been screaming "THERE'S ARSENIC IN THE INK!!!" (or at least giving very heavy suspicious side-eyes at the journal and at Pterry).
This is Terry Pratchett's genius, to me, in this book. Sprinkling false leads that seem like solutions to the reader because of our culture, of our knowledge of history or other works of literature, to make us feel smart for having figured out the mystery from the contextual clues before the characters do, and enjoy the fun frustration of watching them bumble around and miss details that we picked up on because we have context that they lack...
And then turn around and pat us on the head and say "Well done, but I played you, you picked up exactly the clues I wanted you to, and ignored the real ones", and you can't be mad at him because the real clues were there! In plain sight!!! The goddamn coat of arms were presented literally within the first twenty pages! We get to feel smart for about half the book, before we realize we've been played, just like Vlmes.
I fucking love Terry Pratchett so much.
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waxingrunes · 7 months
your art is the most realistic art i have seen this fandom spit out i really wish you would make remus shorter and stop making oc’s
This is why I lose enthusiasm for you cunts.
Sick of defending a fucking drawing, a fictional character. Sick of the same agendas in this online world where Remus has to be this fucking wet mop of a man who has one singular personality trope of being obsessed with Sirius Black and wouldn’t say boo to a goose. Have you met real men? You ever interacted with your average Joe, who is a bit shy, bit awkward, bit of a weirdo but he doesn’t have to come with a pre installed stutter and helpless heart eyes and no other arsenal but a goo goo gaga state of mind for his love interest. You lot are unhealthily obsessed. Daily, fucking, bullshit, daily headcanons, daily this, daily that.
My Remus and Sirius are never going to change. What’s insane is the amount of ‘heteronormative’ claims I see attached to this debacle of height and size. I know a man, who is exceptionally tall, built, has had a boyfriend, and topped him the entire way through the relationship. He did not enjoy bottoming, and yet is a bisexual individual, nothing ‘stereotypical’ homosexual about him or his appearance whatsoever. In fact, he’s very much a Remus variant in my eyes; he is softly natured, introverted, and selective socially and STILL A STONY TOP. Real life, real person, not curated from a thread you found on Twitter and have swallowed up whole.
What happened to coming into a fandom space, making something and going, “that’s hot”. When did it become a space to make sure every representation was ticked, to make sure one character isn’t too this or too that. I’m not here to read the same stories or see the same art 100 times over. I fell in love with these two men and have since had a very solid image of them in my head and create art based off of those ideas. I don’t feel pressured to make sure I give my Remus certain soft traits to justify making him look the way I do. I don’t feel the need to advertise Sirius being this massively charismatic guy just to give him a personality because otherwise you might think he doesn’t have one, because of the slightly more feminine light I draw him in (which is misogynistic you dumb fucks). Just because, I draw my Remus tall and a buffed out lank, does not make him an ultra turbo Alpha. Just because I draw my Sirius smaller, does not mean he is a helpless twink. But here’s the secret nobody’s telling you— even if I did draw them like that, even if those were my holy canons and preferences for these boys, that’s okay. I’m here to create things that make me go, “fuck yeah that’s hot”, “hell yeah I want to see Sirius get pulverised by Remus and no I don’t want to see Remus get pulverised by Sirius and no I don’t feel the need to defend that”, “yeah I prefer tough love over easy love”, “absolutely love it when one of them is a dick to the other and there’s heaps of toxic tension, or maybe they’re both like that and they’re both sarcastic pricks that have to work it out”. I’m never going to adhere to the obsession of character moulds you lot have created.
Sick of this space being turned into a political pansy parade. It’s alright if you want to draw this gay couple with any features you want, hyper masculine, hyper feminine, somewhere in the middle, trans, prefer one of them topping, prefer them to be asexual, prefer them to be toxic and have grit (that’s my trope), or just want easy fluff. And it’s also alright if you’re just in fandom because you’re a bit perverted (like me) and wanted to explore that in a couple you found super fucking hot. Don’t let people use the word fetishise, don’t let people use the word heteronormative, don’t let people bamboozle you with big words and reams of bullet points to incite shame, don’t let people box you in, just keep watching the porn, keep consuming the porn, keep avoiding the shit you want to avoid, and enjoy what you want without shame.
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chrlvctius · 1 year
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they didn't win champions league but atleast we won't have to worry abt our girls getting acl's 😭😭 AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA look at the bright side ‼️‼️
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 years
yesterday i shared this set of screencaps of meng yao and the world’s shittiest nie sect officer with a canon-blind friend who promptly lost her shit over that flipped switch expression on meng yao’s face
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and afterwards i was trying to explain how fucking absurd meng yao’s post-murder last minute scramble to explain himself was in cql and ultimately just made some visual aids from my massive arsenal of screencaps
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“nailed it”
this whole show is a hot mess but this moment will never not be comedy gold
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I don't know if this was asked before, but could kaijus realistically exist in the Twilight world? Or would Aro have considered them too much of a threat and wiped them out alongside other threats to humanity?
Man, I remember seeing this, but for the life of me I can't find it on the blog either so I may have just let it rot in the inbox. Oh well, we can do this now.
Can Kaiju Realistically Exist
Yes. Absolutely
The thing about the whole backdrop of Kaijus (I'm assuming from Pacific Rim) is that they're extradimensional creatures designed for warfare. They're not the true enemy but also they're not from here. The aliens showed up during the Triassic Age, looked around, went "ah shit, we can't actually survive here" and then waited for millions of years until we'd polluted the planet and made it habitable for them.
Namely, they showed up before human history, and the kaijus only appeared extremely recently in history (2013) with no way of the Volturi having been able to predict their appearance or close the interdimensional portal deep at the bottom of the ocean where they purposefully put it to avoid discovery/closure.
Aro would certainly have considered them a massive threat, especially since we find out their M.O. is actually to wipe out the dominant sapient creatures (humans) in order to colonize the planet and that these creatures are actually just designed weapons. The entire point of Kaijus is to exterminate mankind. That's a big no for the Volturi.
Would Pacific Rim Happen?
I imagine Aro's funneling all the money he can into the R&D efforts to stop these fucking things and would very well be trying to figure out where they're coming from, what are they, and how the hell do we get rid of them?
The Volturi may or may not find out about the rift as humanity does and they may be able to survive getting much closer to it without equipment than humans can.
Pacific Rim ends the Kaiju attacks initially when they nuke the portal, so the Volturi may be able to send someone to the other side before this point and kill everyone over there but given that the environment is likely markedly different (as the whole point is earth had to be polluted to a certain to degree to be remotely livable) I don't know if even vampires could do well over there.
But I imagine there's a lot of looking for "close the fucking portal" gifted vampire on Aro's end or "blow up giant lizards" gifted vampires. Both of which, sadly, Aro does not have in his arsenal (I doubt Jane and Alec would be effective as Kaiju brains != Human/Vampire brains at all)
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isa-ghost · 1 month
You know why I’m here. Give me your hot take of FitMC and Missa dynamic. 👀 I’m gonna enable brainrot.
Obviously this applies to their dynamic in AMFMN AND my take on what Would Be in canon.
Fit and Missa seem like mega opposites on the surface, but in reality, there are a couple things they're on the same page, same paragraph, same letter on. One such thing is how viciously they'll protect their loved ones. You fuck with their partner, their closest friends, or their kids and you're getting unbridled rage the likes of which you'll never want to be on the receiving end of again.
In complete tone whiplash, they're also both fantastic flirts. Will they fumble a little maybe? Oh yeah. Fit having rizz let alone an extensive social network is hella new to him, and Missa is, well,,, Missa. Exploding with energy and too in love with the target of his affection to keep all that energy contained. And that's assuming the self-worth demons aren't beating him to death with hammers but I digress. When they're both confident and whatnot, Fit & Missa have hella flirt game. Phil would know.
They both put family first unconditionally. Fit puts Pac & Ramon before anything, and Missa puts Phil, Chayanne & Lullah before anything including himself. They will both kill AND die for their families.
Given they're so similarly motivated, they work together seamlessly. Fit might be a bit more quick to act or opt for violence sooner than Missa, and Missa might be easily consumed by anxiety or a fear of failure, but really there's not much that sets them apart.
Getting silly here again: Fit 🤝🏻 Missa -> Big Fuckass Weapon. Missa has his reaper scythe, and Fit has a whole arsenal; the trident, his plain scythe, his potato cannon, and I personally love to headcanon him with a massive fuckoff warhammer.
Okay so bear with me here, this one's VERY headcanon but I'd like to apply it to canon bc we're never getting deep Missa lore like this so Let Me Cook: Fit and Missa both have "superiors" looming behind them that would fuck a Lot of what they have going for them on Quesadilla Island up. Fit has Madagio, obviously. Not much else needs to be said about that. Missa, however, has his grim reaper "superior(s)." I haven't worked out the details of how they function, but grim reapers take their job of reaping & guiding passed souls very very seriously. It's a demanding job, which is why Missa is away so often, frequently with little to no notice to anyone, even Phil. Well, what Missa is doing (falling in love, making mortal friends, a mortal family, etc) is pretty risky for a reaper. He's living that Doomed To Lose Everyone trope and the fact that Phil is immortal and therefore he won't lose him is a huge reason he fell in love with him. WELL, obviously living through repetitive inevitable loss like that can take a HUGE toll on someone mentally & emotionally. For a reaper, potentially to the point of being incapable of doing their job when the time comes. By doing what he's doing on QI, Missa is risking exactly that. Reapers have a major "rule" of Don't Get Attached, and ya boy is VERY VERY attached to a lot of QI residents. Death Themselves would not be very pleased by that and would perceive it as a threat to Missa's ability to do his job in an instant. I'd like to think he's been keeping all his QI shenanigans on the downlow to any & all reapers, for the sake of keeping heat off himself & his loved ones. So yeah. He and Fit both are hiding attachments they shouldn't have from their superiors.
Both Fit and Missa are simultaneously "kick ass first, ask questions later" and "this is something we need to plan carefully" people. How does this work, you ask? Well. They're both strategic people who know a lot about fights and tense situations, not to mention the Federation isn't a case where they can stomp their shit in and then get what they want. But they're also both heavy hitters when it comes to PVP and a lot of times it's easier to bonk a motherfucker and Then get answers. No Thoughts Only Eliminate Threat.
When something goes wrong, if it isn't a personal matter, the first thing they do is consult one of the people they trust most. This could be Phil, Pac, or Roier. You can guess who would go to who (they'd both go to Phil).
Missa is often susceptible to anxiety & mental spirals. It's not like Fit isn't, but he's had loads of experience learning to keep a level head no matter what and knows better than most that being pragmatic is what'll keep you alive longest. In other words, in times of crisis, Fit is excellent at grounding Missa and getting him to lock in during moments that call for it.
I feel like both of them have garbage sleeping habits. Be it because they stay up too late bc they're busy with something, can't stay asleep long, or some other reason, they just both strike me as night owls, potentially against their wills.
Which is funny because I can also see them both being early risers who appreciate the morning. Fit and his routine with Morning Crew, Missa and his Grim Reaper Appreciation for the small things in life, like the peaceful quiet of early day, the sun only just starting to warm things, etc etc.
Something something don't bring up Spreen when they're both around because that'll get tense and awkward Quick.
I don't know if I'd consider Fit loud, but I feel like he has this accidental habit of jumpscaring the shit out of Missa by simply existing one way or another because Missa can be so easy to startle sometimes. It's a running joke between them.
I am an unapologetic believer that Fit and Missa both have nasty tempers when you REALLY piss them off, even if it takes a Lot to push them to that point.
Just sayin', Phil and Pac would NOT be able to contain themselves if they watched their partners spar.
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hippolotamus · 3 months
Hii for the make me write game 🪩 🪩 🪩
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Hi, hi, hi! Thanks for your patience. Combining this with an ask from @theotherbuckley and using it for Tease Tidbit Tuesday
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Eddie is lost. Gone. Ascended to another plane of existence. Arsen’s — no, Buck’s — hands are tangled in his hair. Buck’s tongue teases at his lips and he doesn’t think twice about letting him in. The world around them, outside of their little bubble, has melted away into a fuzzy, staticky otherness. As far as Eddie’s concerned there’s where Buck is touching him and where he’s not. Everything else is inconsequential, its very existence up for debate in a René Descartes kind of way.  “Can I- does this mean- can I please touch you?” Eddie gasps between kisses, using his last functional brain cell to ask permission first. “Fuck. Yeah. Yes.” Buck guides Eddie, whose hands have been alternating between gripping the chair and hovering near Buck’s body, to touch his sides, just below his ribcage.  His fingertips skim hesitantly at first, overwhelmed by the flood of new sensory information. By mostly smooth, warm skin, broken up by the occasional freckle or scar. The available options are dizzying to say the least. He continues stroking up and down, unsure where to go next. It’s not like Buck is small. The guy is fucking massive. Of course that was obvious before. But now that Buck is sitting on his lap, kissing Eddie within an inch of his life, Buck’s weight and how extremely solid he is are much more evident. It’s as if there’s no end to where Eddie could explore in the finite amount of time they have left.  Which brings up a whole different set of questions in his mind.
tagged by @actuallyitsellie @wikiangela my love @bidisasterevankinard @tizniz @theotherbuckley (go check their incredible words if you haven't!)
because it's late and tuesday is basically over, just going to tag a few beloveds @stereopticons @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @loveyouanyway @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
@saybiwithme @evansedmundo @your-catfish-friend @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck
@bucksbiawakening @steadfastsaturnsrings @watchyourbuck @kitteneddiediaz @spotsandsocks
@elvensorceress @monsterrae1 @wildlife4life @diazheartsbuckley @dangerpronebuddie
@lemonzestywrites @bi-buckrights
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hardtchill · 4 months
Feels like the consensus amongst not only fans but actual professionals is that this is a fucked up move by Arsenal. Something about it just doesn't sit well. It's leaving a really bad taste in my mouth towards the club.
I get business and i get football, i know it's incredibly harsh at times, but this just doesn't feel okay.
Looking at it logically i can understand Arsenal saying they want to play differently and i can even understand them saying they want to refresh. But you got Vivianne FUCKING Miedema in the house. She is not just any player you can replace with the next young thing that comes around. She is a world class player with a massive history at your club.
Give her a year to truly recover from her ACL and then decide wether you can fit her in or not. Be fucking fair towards a player who gave the club multiple chances when the club wasn't performing as they should.
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