#art style change bc I’m sick
cxmembert · 9 months
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tinylittlelilac · 1 year
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god. this is my ultimate love mail to midoyuzu.
this is my first time typesetting and even just drawing something in a comic format like this so very sorry if it’s a little strange !
I am always hesitant to post bc I am so so nervous to mischaracterize any character, esp yuzuru because I know there are many wildly different takes and interpretations and ways to love his character! All dialogue here is taken from two stories (jingle bells and school trip) of which I read the same day when I was first getting into enstars and it changed my life seeing how much they contrasted with each other. And I wanted to share it! ╰(*´︶`*)╯ I genuinely appreciate every other one of their relationships and friendships but.. something about these two.. I just think they bring so much out of each others characters!! Obviously at this point in time midori was just interested bc of the art but slowly but surely their relationship develops ,, like encouraging each other in workplace survival rules.,, midori caring a little too deeply about the interest yuzuru takes in him (eg the most recent school festival story). They both take each other a step away from their rigid stereotypical character, with yuzuru not having to act like a butler and getting to explore his more childish and social side, and midori actually fawning over a person, getting to be so excited and happy!! They’re just. So much fun !!!!! Even not a romantic dynamic, I just want to see it develop even more than it has!!
I have been cooking this up for the past half month if not for anyone else other than my midoyuzu fellows and friends on here. Love you guys so much I haven’t been this motivated to draw in a long time!! Although I might have to force myself to do doodles or something smaller after this one ^
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Subject to change as is all my redesigns, but this is the vibe I’m going for for Aisha/Layla’s enchantix
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 2 months
17. talk about your writing and editing process <3
Man apparently I’m allergic to checking my inbox but HEY better late than never my love!
So my process, if you can even call it that, is chaotic as FUCK!!! I stare off into space writing it mentally first, type all my bullshit in my notes app like a heathen, don’t proofread, drop unsolicited personal lore in the notes, all that. Gonna use TWITR as an example again btw
I’ve said it before, but The Webs In The Rafters is based on a WHACK ASS DREAM I HAD. specifically chapter 17 and the climax of the story. Like I was the Kenny character, Sansa the dog was telepathically speaking in my mind, there were piles of cuddling cats everywhere, the sound of helicopter blades and a trail of spiders in the hay. I woke up like bro what the hell this is a story right here and I went from there. And in fleshing out the plot, pinning the story beats, the time I was writing it was PERFECT TIMING. Because I had a six hour drive to make for a friend’s wedding. And what did my insane ass do? I FUCKING RAWDAWGED that drive. No music, no audiobook, just silent highways and plotting TWITR. By the time I got home I had a very clear idea of where I was going with the story that at that point was only a few set up chapters and a title.
Speaking of titles, a lot of the time I have titles before I have plot, which is kinda weird bc I know a lot of people struggle with titles, but that’s one of the first things that comes to me. Especially with my one shots, like my kysterion fic All The Punches That I’ve Thrown. That lyric popped into my head and a fic idea with it. Song lyrics inspire a LOT of ideas for me.
So does art. Like with In The Truly Gruesome, I saw a drawing emilyartstudios did of Stan and Shelley working a booth for Tegrity at a fair and I was like YO WHAT IF I FUCKED THIS UP AND STUCK ZOMBIE ALIENS IN THERE lmfao. And ofc, the OrangeJuiceVerse wouldn’t exist if I hadn’t seen foxydodo’s art of basketball player Kyle and mascot Stan.
While oneshots come together pretty fast for me usually, being written out in my head to be typed out in the course of a day (back in the days of janitor Riley bored as shit at work and having the time and energy for that lol), multichapters are require more thought structurally. So what I like to do with a multichap:
Think of it in three acts. In script writing, there’s something called the “page 12 event”, the event that gets the plot rolling near the beginning of the film. And I like to stick an event like that at the end of chapter 1 of my stuff a lot of the time, like ITTG and uhhhh yeeting Stan into a mineshaft after we find out the boys are being chased by monsters (jesus what is wrong with me). What I’m getting at: I like to know where my beginning middle and end are, how the characters are feeling at each step, how their relationships change, all that. And a lot of the time I think of the end before I do the middle or beginning tbh. Like I said, chaos. I think of a random scenario (as we know usually someone is hurt and getting taken care of bc I’m fucking evil and that’s where my brain goes constantly), hence the WhumpShots.
And I do primarily operate in WhumpShots. I picture a scene with a character getting their injuries tended, sick and dizzy but having a friend or loved one at their side, etc, and BAM that scene becomes a oneshot. Even the REALLY short ones, like the sot bunny I did last summer called So Only Say My Name, was about 700 words and one sequence of events. That kind of to the point structure comes easy to me, which is why I loved doing Style Week so much; new oneshot prompt every day. And while I don’t usually proofread after I finish a work, I edit as I go, sometimes post random lines on here or send a screenshot to the R.A.N.T. homies (I’ve definitely done this more as of late, a habit from when I attempted writing smut for the first time and would send neen a screenshot all “IS THIS CRINGE?!?” lmfao I love the Idea Trampoline tho). And I can’t spell so autocorrect is fr my saving grace unless it betrays me. Off the top of my head I can think of 3 words in 3 separate fics that I need to fix but am simply not going to bc that requires effort and oh fuckin well.
And I say that, but I may be lax about the more fiddly stuff but I care SO much about the big picture. Like “does this convey the feelings I want it to? Is this going to be a bright spot in someone’s day? Is the vibe I want there?” That’s my priority. If I can leave an impact on a reader, entertain them, make them smile, that’s what matters to me.
Jesus sorry this was a convoluted answer lmao it’s 3 in the morning and I woke up all “hey I should actually check my inbox” and here we are
Thank u for asking abt my chaos melda tâe
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she has beads in her hair and they look fantastic. also she has brown eyes as does a fair chunk of the cast which is making me so happy because very few td characters have brown eyes :)
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it took me a bit to realize but this guy actually has a longass ponytail 
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i think this is a hockey shirt?
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she has an eyebrow piercing in addition to ear piercings and i feel kinda cursed saying this but she looks like someone combined courtney and duncan with maybe a splash of brick. regardless she is my fav character in terms of looks so far (little confused about what is going on with her shirt(s?) though)
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bleached blond hair and an undercut plus a purple shirt, what i’m gonna guess is a purple vest, and a cool necklace. loving the fashion sense. pretty sure ive seen one of my best friends in this exact outfir
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it might be the quality of the image but she looks like her eyes could be purple? maybe just an odd shade of brown though
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love the pleated skirt as opposed to those weird wrap things fresh used to do. glad we’ve moved on. the winged eyeliner!! also super cute sneakers which brings me to the observation that only one female character is visibly wearing heels which makes me SO happy. im so sick of girls on the show being designed with 3+ inch heels like how tf are they supposed to do challenges like that. but almost every female member of this cast is wearing sneakers and im so here for it
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THE CURLY HAIR WE LOVE TO SEE IT!! actually this cast has a fair amount of curly/textured hair it’s making my curly self so happy
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the first td character to wear high waisted jeans!! looks a little weird to me tbh but i get it considering how extreme the art style is when it comes to waists. anyways this character looks very sweet :)
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bonus: my guess for the gay couple is these two bc they’re looking at each other like this from across the campfire
in conclusion, while the designs aren’t as colorful/intense as, say, the pahkitew or roti designs, i love how natural/realistic they look and am super happy fresh changed things that bothered me in the past (heels, lack of brown eyes + curly hair) very excited to learn more about these characters!
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sloaaaa · 1 year
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MY POKEMON BRAINCELLS HAVE BEEN REACTIVATED!!!!!! i kinda wanna open trainersona + pokemon team comms but i still gotta finish my current queue shjkdfg n i would be posting this on my art acc but i made the draft in my main so :((
also watch me ramble about my dream team under the cut
alRIGHT YOU CLICKED THE READ MORE AND YOU’RE IN FOR A WORLD OF WORDS BABEY!!! let’s start w my trainer sona yeah? :]
enterr Sploo from Petalburg city! :D he/they. our trainer starts out in petalburg city of hoenn where his pokemon adventure begins! since the professor’s lab is just a few town away it doesn’t take much for them to get his hands on his starter pokemon treecko! the babey boy ;; he catches lotsa pokemon to fill out the dex, sometimes keeping them on his team, and other times letting them go. he doesn’t like having the pokemon all crammed in the pc boxes :( some pokemon stay for a few battles and others maybe a few days, but things change after defeating his first gym. he meets an electrike at route 110 under the seaside cycling road, she’s just a lil puppyyy a lil babeeeyyy ;;;; super fun playful lil guys sticks around the team! -w- after his fourth gym badge his parents give him a gift pokemon for making it halfway through the gym challenge! a klefki! :3 a tame n helpful lil guys who just enjoys holding keys -w- sploo then continues on to complete two more gyms before his family moves to alola.
now on the boat to alola with grovyle, manectric and klefki sploo kinda just stays by the side of the boat watching the waves go by -w- also trying not to get too seasick shjkdfgl a lone shiny fletchling perches by them and he tries real hard to keep the excitement in and offers the fletchling some sunflower seeds! and asks if the fletchling would like the join their team! i mean who wouldn’t wanna pass up the opportunity of having a shiny pokemon on their team? after docking at akala island sploo travels around and catches some more pokemon to register to the dex, releasing them after as usual. then upon exploring diglett’s tunnel he finds a cover fossil! after cleaning up the rocks and dirt off the fossil spectrobes origins wii style he brings it to the fossil restoration center just along the route and meets the fifth member of his team :] and finally the sixth member of the team! a jangmo-o found in poni canyon, sploo came across the jangmo-o with its head scale stuck in the branches of a fallen tree. he freed the jangmo-o and excpected it to run back to its herd but it kept challenging them for a battle. after a long fight the jangmo-o is worn out, and sploo helps it back up on its feet with some potions and a plate of oran berries. sploo sets up a little picnic in the canyon! :3 helping nurse the jangmo-o back to health -w- the lil dragon sneaks into sploo’s bag and brings out a pokeball in its maw, determination in its eyes. and that’s how the team get together! :D but if u think i am done u are soo wrong sjhkjdfgd now i’m gonna go more in depth with each team member >:]
let’s start with mister! the sceptile -w- he is a grass/dragon type even without the mega evolution bc we were robbed and it’s not fair that swampert and blaziken get double typings while sceptile stays just grass >:[ chill and laid back, my baby boy ;; starter pokemon! he has a sceptilite in the friendship bracelet sploo made for him! :3 when walking through forests and jungles and very tree dense areas he’s always out of his pokeball darting around through the trees while sploo walks through -w- sometimes sploo stops for a lil break so sceptile can take care of sick trees in the forets! when having picnics out in the wild he can be found sitting and photosynthesizing when not playing around the trees. and since sceptiles are cold blooded mister stays in his pokeball when travelling through colder icy areas and he also enjoys having flynt resting atop his head or nesting in his tail leaves -w-
next up is storm! the manectric! a playful steadfast and loyal companion -w- she likes being out of her pokeball a lot and walks with sploo through towns n stuff. she has the manectite embeded in her collar :3 and also sploo charges his phone, pokedex and pokenav+ by just stuffing the charger cable in her mane jshkdfg sploo keeps a pair of sturdy rubber gloves in his bag bc of her :P
steele! the klefki. a very mild mannered pokemon -w- the one who’s always out of its pokeball! other than holding sploo’s house keys it also holds his multitools! since they’re also made of metal and has more mass than keys it has more metal ions for klefki to feed on -w- sometimes sploo will punch holes in bottlecaps of drinks so steele can have more metal to feed on and to enhance its threatening jingle :] steele enjoys playing around with flynt a lot! flynt n steele ;-; they fly around a lot but don’t stray too far from sploo -w- steele does not participate in battles unless it’s to use fairy lock on a wild pokemon that sploo wants to catch
then there’s flynt! :D my shiny!!! >< flynt perches on sploo’s shoulder when travelling through frigid area to keep him warm ;-; also flynt uses fly to deliver handwritten letters to sploo’s friends! :D it lets flynt fly free and enjoy the wind when the pokeball starts feeling cramped -w- flynt finds an everstone as a fletchinder and starts sitting on it like an egg and gets really attached (like that eagle that’s sitting on a rock jshkdfg) so she just holds the everstone now :P
koopa! the tirtouga -w- a bit hard headed, koopa needs a while to warm up to new trainers. he was a bit hard headed to train but after a while things went more smoothly :] koopa loooves the beachside! :D he knows dive and surff and helps sploo travel through water terrain! it’s a lot like how koopa shells worked in super mario galaxy where you hold on to a shell and it propels you through the water :3 stays in his pokeball most of the time unless it’s by the beachside or lake or any body of water
and last but not least rookie! the jangmo-o, a trusty and honorable battler! >:D much like ash's riolu from pokemon journeys! it takes a bit for the rookie to get used to the feeling of the chip in his head scale. but sooner or later rookie gets the hang of it -w- rookie loves getting to battle, but since sploo is a casual trainer and more focused on completing the dex and dragon types need more battling than usual to evolve dragon types rookie just stays as a jangmo-o :c not that he minds but yeagh
mister, storm, and rookie are the ones usually out for battles, flynt and koopa sometimes come out for battle too either when they get the urge or when they’re needed for certain type matchups! okay thank you for reading about my silly little guys they mean a lot to me and means a lot that you’d wanna read about them ;-;
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so i’ve gathered my thoughts a bit and…i’m still in camp pessimism, though more in a call the family just in case but he may pull through kind of way rather than jumping straight to writing a eulogy, i realize that we only saw 15 minutes of gameplay and that’s hardly anything, but based on that here are some of my thoughts (i’m sure there will be more (both critical and praising) after i’ve had time to really ruminate)
(adding a cut bc this was LONG)
the art style doesn’t totally have me sold, i realize it’s probably for performance and longevity’s sake but i really liked the skin textures in dai (they felt more human to me w/ their flaws rather than everyone being smoothed) i also don’t see why we have to redesign the demons & darkspawn every single game but that’s nit-picky (the spells are also a nit-picky thing for me i think there are better ways to illustrate an ice spell than putting big snowflake graphics on it)
i really wasn’t thrilled about the voice acting and thought a lot of the delivery sounded flat, along with that i thought that the writing was kind of lackluster and kept some of that vibe from the cinematic trailer that was making me nervous, all of the “what are we some kind of suicide squad” and “he’s right behind me isn’t he” comments are resonating for sure and i hope there’s a little less of that than the clips we saw implies
there were a lot of cutscene shots that, are forgivable, but did make me kind of roll my eyes because it just felt like the game desperately pointing out look how epic and sick and cool and kick ass these guys are trust me bro these guys are mind blowing fr you don’t have any frame of reference yet but you really don’t need it bc just look at them :) (some of the combat animations felt this way too, it felt gratuitous to me and could’ve been toned down a little, to be fair they probably are cool guys but i don’t know them yet and it felt like the game was trying to push me or convince me to feel a certain way rather than letting me develop those feelings/ideas on my own, it’s a little patronizing though again this is forgivable, it was just one of my minor gripes so it’s going in the post)
another minor gripe is that the game felt a lot more mass effect-y to me than dragon age, i know what minrathous is and i know it’s basically their equivalent of a hyper modern city, but it didn’t feel like it was magic powered to me it felt like sci-fi tech? (specifically the spotlights and loudspeaker announcements) i just wish it didn’t have that sci-fi futurism feel to it it was odd, though maybe it is more of a fantasy setting in game as you explore or maybe i’m just used to ferelden being super backwater, i don’t know, the vibe change is giving me some crazy whiplash
i guess my biggest issue was the va work and writing, i’m worried everyone will sound flat for the duration of the game and the writing will keep that cheesiness (which is what made me so anxious after the cinematic, i thought that might not bode too well) this game may be more tailored for “modern audiences” but i don’t think that means it needs to patronize the players and dumb itself down for us we can handle heavy subject matter and complex story lines (i remember seeing this gripe about inquisition too nothing new here, just a steady progression from 1 to 4 it seems) i’m not ready to throw a funeral for bioware or anything but i am feeling pretty nervous, cautiously observing shall we say, ill be a pessimistic optimist about it how about that
i will say that the lighting and effects are beautiful and the setting is also gorgeous, i’m excited to see everything and spend forever exploring. all this being said i will be creating the most sad little fail guy ever and romancing emmrich, thank you
(i’m just glad to see solas again, smoothed and flat in his delivery as he may be..and apparently there’s an inquisitor creator! so maybe there’s still hope for solavellan closure? maybe? maybe not..(please please please please please please pleaspleadepleasepleasepleasepleasdpease i’ll be happy if there’s satisfying closure i promise i PROMISE BIOWARE ARE YOU LISTENING????? I PROMISE ILL NEVER GRIPE AGAIN!!!!!!!!! OR BITCH OR MOAN OR COMPLAIN EVEN A TINY TINY BIT I SWEAR 😭🙏))
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Listen listen listen
Hear me out
Assassins Creed college l AU
-Connor lives off campus with his mother and “landlord” Achilles (when in actuality his mother hasn’t paid rent to Achilles in ten years and Connors yet to realize that)
-Alexios and Jacob are what they call “bang bros” (fuck buddies but more manly according to them) who switch majors every other week
-Haythem is a professor and is by far the most hated, he’s been the target of the most amount of pranks from the school since year one of his teaching. He’s also had the most complaints about him to HR about his shitty politics and playing favorites in his students (yes his favorites happen to Hickey and Lee when they have the worst grades in the whole class)
-Shao is a transfer student who crotchets and paints in her free time. She’s primarily known as the lady who out drank party animal Bayek
-Bayek has a baby mama and visits his kids on all weekends and holidays. He’s known as one of the best students on campus. Who turns into an absolute party animal when drunk/high but deletes all evidence of it afterwards
- Everyone knows Edward’s password to his phone, cause he spends so much of his time drunk he either straight up tells people the password. Or they need it in order to call his buddies to pick him up
!!! I do have a college au I have a list of info of with my friend but I love these ideas and some of what we have is kind of similar !! I hope you don’t mind if some of these aren’t canon
-I still love your ‘landlord’ idea don’t worry it lives in my head rent free and it’s sitting in my ask box for when I could make a drawing with it
-Jacob and Alexios share dorms with Arno and Henry (I think I gotta check again). I can absolutely see Jacob changing his major a lot!! This kinda ties in w how I feel like he’s very indecisive and he’s intelligent in a lot of fields but he feels it’s hard to find a learning style that actually suits him so academics sucks like that (plus he has a poor history of constantly being compared to evie in school and having a bad rep in class with the teachers growing up). But he gets to explore and figure out what works best for him because everyone learns differently.
-Haytham isn’t a prof and the rest of his entourage is middle aged like him, however, William Johnson is one of the professors and I had a couple old doodles of him being at the receiving end of some pranks pulled by Connor’s friends :)) Haytham got Connor into this current college but he’s trying to get him to transfer to a “better” one (more private, one of those super elitist types, somewhere Maria Thorpe transferred out of because it sucked so much for her mental and social health). Connor’s friends hate Haytham and he 100% doesn’t live with Ziio (the request I’ve done with ziio and Haytham sending Connor off is unfortunately not canon in the au :(()
-I LOVE SHAOJUN CROCHETING AND PAINTINH,,, she’s maybe very secretive about her stuff but she loves making quick doodles of people around her in a tiny sketch book and has some really nice brush pens. I don’t know much about Bayek but my interest is piqued. It’s fair to note Shaojun is one of Ezio’s students when he eventually becomes a prof in my au! Along with Yusuf.
-LMAOO FUN I really really don’t know anything about Bayek but that fun side i honestly don’t see much in fan art so I’m curious ?? I always imagined him being the main gang’s philosophy professor and they love him.
-POOR ED LMAOSBKEV I love that I love Ed. Its super fun to hear other takes on Ed in modern au especially in relation to the other kenways bc I always pictured him in the au as an actual grand dad— graying hair, sick Hawaiian shirts collection, probably stole a yacht, tries and fails to regain a connection with Haytham and absolutely loves Connor and sees him as 100% part of the family
Please don’t take any of this the wrong way I love your ideas !! I thought it’d be fun to share and compare and contrast what I have in my head vs your ideas bc modern aus can be taken in so many different directions even in a college setting <:))
Thank you again though I love your thoughts !!
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I used to think I hated makeup bc every time I did it I got viscerally upset. Something was wrong. That person in the mirror wasn’t me. The weird goop on my face felt bad and blinking made my eyes stick together. My prom and homecoming photos still weird me out, because the person in those photos doesn’t seem like they’re having a good time, and they don’t look like how I looked in high school. I swore off makeup after my senior prom bc I was sick of feeling miserable and alien.
Turns out I didn’t like makeup when it was a specific style imposed upon me by my mother. My wonderful friend @fruitbatvampiresociety helped me figure out what I do and don’t enjoy about makeup, and now I know what I like!
My makeup rules:
- I have to look like me. If my face shape changes, or the color/reflective was of my skin changes, or my lip shape is different, I will get intense facial dysmorphia. Me with makeup should just be a more colorful version of me without makeup.
- I have to have fun. If someone else is picking my makeup, and I don’t get a say in it, I’m not having fun. If I’m doing my makeup just because someone else likes it, I’m not having fun. Makeup should not be a chore. I should be the primary audience for whatever is on my face.
- I have to feel comfortable. The texture of the makeup should not be distracting or distressing. If it’s gritty, chalky, or sticky, it’s not going on my face. If wearing it means I’m constantly hyperaware of how my face moves, or makes me feel like I can’t eat/drink/cry/etc, it’s not going on my face. Anything I put on should be able to handle being touched and getting messy.
- I have to be able to do it in ten minutes. The time interval here is a suggestion rather than a hard rule, but the point stands. If I’m spending more time putting on makeup than I am getting dressed, it becomes a chore. I don’t want an art project at 8AM. I have watercolors for those. I want to put glitter on my face that vaguely matches my skirt and be done with it. (If Lemony wants to do my makeup for me then that’s different bc I’m not the one putting all the effort in. Then it’s a friend activity I get to share with them.)
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cookii-moon · 1 year
Hello! Im cookii-moon, but most people tend to call me Cookie!
I’m an autistic artist who studies character design, and I’d say my style is most recognizable by my proportions and colors!
You may also have seen that I write on occasion, though honestly I’m not that good of a writer and it’s just another form of creative outlet for me. I do not post my fics here, but links to them can be found under my AUs!
I mostly participate in the Ninjago fandom with this account! It is my special interest so it has and will dominate this account.
AUs and other tags!
Crystalline Fragments:
Cole centric AU set after crystallized! Also known as the Villain Cole AU. After the overlords defeat, some of his power gets transferred to Cole, and begins to grow a consciousness of its own, resulting in a large scale.. problem.. for the ninja, and Cole gaining a very angry and vengeful twin clone thingymajig!
Tag: Crystalline Fragments AU
Unnamed Mutation AU:
Everybody gets a bit of focus! Not set in any particular time at the moment! A mysterious phenomena spreads across Ninjago related to the once dormant elemental influence in the world, causing sudden mutations in the residents. Currently all the mutations are based on real animals, but I’m thinking of changing that along with revamping and fleshing out this AU more in the future (alongside an actual name lol)
Tag: Unnamed Mutation AU
No, not the show, lol. A Nya centric (but everyone plays a role) AU set in a version of Ninjago where magic is a lot more important and utilized and the world is more medieval fantasy. Nya and Kai live in a small, poor village. After Kai falls sick to an illness, Nya sets out on a quest to find a cure. Currently a heavy WIP.
Tag: Arcane AU
Dragons Flight:
AU centered around the four og ninja and Lloyd! After the events of crystallized, the Ninja end up permanently stuck in their dragon forms (which are more unique than in canon bc I say so) while they try to cope on their own time, Lloyd starts to feel left out.
Tag: Dragons Flight AU
Amidst Sandstorms the Stars Dazzle:
Cole, Jay, and P.I.X.A.L centric AU. After the merge and a series of events, Cole and Jay become ninjagan pop idols and P.I.X.A.L is their manager. Shenanigans ensue
Tag: Amidst Sandstorms the Stars Dazzle
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48037030/chapters/121121026
Feel free to send asks, requests, or anything else about my AUs! I love talking about them!! Likewise, the request box for art/fics is always open.
Art tag: Cookie’s art
Thoughts tag: Cookie’s thoughts
Please note I will not make ANY content for ships or other things that I am uncomfortable with! If the ship is fairly popular rest assured I will respond with why I won’t do it for sake of transparency. This does not apply to any obviously harmful ships, as I will simply delete those asks. Thank you!
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buggyandthebartoclub · 6 months
Got distracted from working on gifts this morning to watch tutorials on color theory and composition.
Sick of watching them now hours later 😵‍💫😵‍💫. Going to practice w some one piece and Cupid parasite fanart
I feel like I just endured a week of school in one day why do I keep putting myself through this….. Bc my arts not where I want it to beeee that’s whyyyy but seriously I’m brain fried rn
Maybe I should just try to replicate some cupidnparasite att their hair and eyes are so pretty and then do some 1p carry over some style changes maybeeeeeee let’s see let’s see
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stellaeviventem · 10 months
Hello, this is going to be long :). going anonymously because I don’t want to be attacked by Mel,her fans or friends.
I was a huge supporter of her in her pastel asriel days. She was a huge inspiration to me and I loved her style so much I wanted to even copy it, I even made fan art of her and her OCs. I was there when she made NSFW of her characters and Omi. I was there when she randomly started saying that the earth was flat, I was there when she included r*pe in her storyline then made a “funny” video about it on her second channel ,i was there when she randomly started claiming she was a Cis gendered boy who was pretending to be a girl online (????idk either my memory is fuzzy but it was def a thing she did, even spoke about it on her old tumblr page) was there when she was publicly humilating herself when Omi and her first broke up (which I think made Omi feel incredibly guilty), I was there when she would be rude to people inspired by her and made a whole video/animation about it, I was there for all her darkest eras and shit she would spew infront of her fans and at people. but of course, this is all old and she was young right? Sure ig it could be excused. When I was young, I knew it was wrong some of the stuff she did wasn’t right but bc I looked up to her so much when I was like 13, I ignored it.
I Took a break from animation memes in 2020- to mid 2022 and now that I’m back, I find out that she’s the same weirdo and I guess she hasn’t changed. Seems like she hasn’t apologized for her past behaviors. She denies everything that was said on that WiKi was false, even though there is evidence, she lied about SA, which was a huge wake up call for me, she has a huge ego, she talks shit about people infront of her fans subtly in her server and thinks we don’t notice. Then she throws shade at people in both server AND her discord status, her friend (that pekopeach person or whatever) randomly accusing luvu for “copying” then deleting their comment. not to mention on her streams she subtly disses her past friends, Omi and luvu and it’s genuinely not needed or either annoying bc it’s really uncomfortable. i think the thing that gets me the most, is that if she just literally apologized for her past actions and her constant lying, people wouldn’t have a problem with her, but it seems like she hates being wrong or critized for her actions, so she acts like she is the innocent little bird who is being attacked by big bad wolves. I always believe that yes she has a right to talk about the bad stuff that happened to her, but she can’t pretend that she’s also the pure innocent one. We’re all human, admiting that you fucked up is fine. Her fans would still forgive her anyways if she owns up to the shit bc “omg pretty furries dancing and being edgy🥺”
To be honest, I just think she has a huge problem with lying, I dont want to use the term “psychological liar” but she definitely lies a lot and I’m not sure why since she was like a kid.Could possibly be that for 4+ years she has been infront of a computer screen since she was 13 , for HOURSS on end in her house, barely going outside and doesn’t have anything that socializes her , with barely any parental supervision. Her meltdowns online and publicly bringing up drama by being snarky and witty is going to be the downfall of her.
I’d like to apologize for believing her sick lies and twisted stories. I’d also like to apologize to all of you for not believing,laughing at her snarky comments and being quick to defend her, especially when she posted that “Honest” animation. she was (and is) making you guys seem horrible when she’s the horrible one. My inner child is broken but I’ll heal.
sorry this is long, I hope you guys keep doing what ur doing and speak out about her.
thank you for your kind message. i think i know who you are (i won't reveal anythin tho), and i just want to say that i'm sorry abt everything that mel did you. you didn't deserve that
you have no need to apologize. she's almost an adult and has been manipulating people for years on end. that's why all of her friends are her fans, because she thrives off of attention.
but, as you said, in the end we're all human. honestly, if she just apologized, genuinely apologized, i think most people would forgive her.
me personally? i wouldn't. she 'apologized' to me before, and it was empty and hollow. a paragraph sent to me to save face because i was 'too nice to her'. her actions are gross and i have no interest in hearing any sort of apology from her. i don't and won't believe her if/when she apologizes, because she doesn't even believe in herself.
i hope things get better for you.
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hagatha-christie · 1 year
Books in June, whatever
The bad:
Triple Duty Bodyguards by Lily Gold - I have to admire her “work smarter not harder” mentality because I have read two of her books now and every character is exactly the same from book to book with like 2 details changed about their physical appearance. I had essentially a 2 day long panic attack and my brain was on hyperdrive and this literally made me stop thinking any thoughts for the 5 hours it took to read this so like, do with that what you will.
Something Spectacular by Alexis Hall - the sequel to a pretty mediocre Alexis Hall book but in this one oh my GOD the romance didn’t work for me at all. We were constantly told how interesting and captivating the love interest was but I cannot tell you a single thing about them other than they’re an opera singer. V boring, only finished it because the friend group dynamic was fun
The fine: Killadelphia, Vol. 1-3 by Rodney Barnes - cool concept but it kind of felt like the author was like a 12 year old kid who didn’t know when to stop. “What if there’s vampires in Philadelphia right now and former president John Adams is one and so is his wife! And so is Thomas Jefferson! And Sally Hemings is too but she and Abigail Adams are in love! And then Tituba shows up and she’s a WEREWOLF.” These are all things that happened, I will not be continuing.
Radium Girls by Cy - another graphic novel bc I was on a kick this month? Anyway the art is cool but the translation from French to English is not great and kind of distracting!
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen - what if we pretend to date for Reasons and you’re the cheerleading captain and I’m a basketball player and we kiss and we’re both girls? V cute v fun
We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian - what if we’re best friends working at the same paper in the 1950s and I move into your apartment after my fiance leaves me for another man and then we kiss and fall in love and we’re both boys? V cute v sweet
The good/great:
Your Driver is Waiting by Priya Guns - viscerally sweaty and dirty and ANGRY but in a good way. Also made ME angry which I thought was a sign of good writing. Read for a little bit of catharsis if you’re upset that you’re fuckin broke and will always be fuckin broke bc nothing seems to get better and you kind of want to set something on fire, just a little bit, as a treat.
Pardon My Heart by Marcus Jackson - really honest poetry about Black masculinity that’s sweet and heartbreaking. Favorite poems were the title poem, and the three poems at the end that are about Jackson’s wife and how much he loves her.
The Woods, Vol. 1-9 by James Tynion IV - scratched the Stranger Things itch in my brain. Twisty and never went the way I thought it would. Loved these characters and their journeys!
Sweeney Astray, translated by Seamus Heaney - this weird-ass book from the 17th century was a WILD ride and I loved every second of it. Read it more for the historical info rather than its literary merit, if that makes sense? Sweeney gets cursed by a Christian king for being a dick and spends the entire book wandering the Irish countryside, eating watercress, and insisting that no one wants him around even when several of his family members say “WE WANT YOU AROUND”
Bitter Root, Vol. 1-3 by David F. Walker - read if you liked Ring Shout because the premise is so similar! The art style was great and I liked how expansive the world was. Great characters and a great storyline.
Electric Arches by Eve L. Ewing - fuck Eve Ewing for being so GODDAMN talented, it makes me sick, please read this.
Currently reading: The Devil’s Element by Dan Egan, which gave me like 4 more solid examples of the British Empire being fucking monsters (and American companies causing so much environmental harm and then saying it’s too expensive to fix)
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appreciatingtokrev · 8 months
i suppose it is normal then and the duration must be a factor too regarding the sadness. have you seen the film called loving vincent then? it's an biography of his life and it's animated in paint to reflect his art style.
i think it's mainly ios users that play it on their phones? but again, still need load of memory. does your laptop heat up when you play for a long time? my phone did despite being an iphone. i know nothing about hi3rd, i really thought GI was their first game lol. as students, we all have those moments lol.
i hope you get your meds soon then because that will probably help a lot, which style of studying do you prefer? where i live only marine biology is rare and that's a huge con :( but the sea sick might change over time. medicine is 5 years here, how long will it be for you? i dk what forensic medicine entails lmao. i'm sure you will be able to figure it out then.
i know stray kids belong to JYP and that's about it and that's cool but her playlist is probably longer lol.
oh, they are silver, my bad there is too many characters in TR that wear earrings ;-; what do you think of silver as a colour? apart from fanfic/cosplay, have you ever tried making anime edits? i started making youtube anime shorts yesterday and i like it where i do upload them online.
the power of self belief is everything! good luck but i think the quality of the wig probably make a difference? so might need to research beforehand so you can pick a good base.
yes, six months left to the big reveal ^^ no worries and oversided hoodies are cool.
oh, loving vincent! i’ve heard of it, but haven’t watched it (yet?), no. it kinda sounds like something i’d enjoy though.
personally i only know three people who play genshin on their phone, but two of them are samsung users lol. my old laptop would heat up like crazy (i mean... it’s like 8 or 9 years old at this point) but with my current laptop i hardly have any issues regarding that. that said i’ve still got to play on low graphics settings because it just lags a ton otherwise, but i hardly mind that. (tho i haven’t been able to play genshin in weeks bc it keeps crashing for some reason :( i’m waiting it out & hoping an update of my laptop will fix it but who knows. i might get a ps5 for christmas though so i’ll at least be able to play it on there ig? and maybe sooner on a phone bc i definitely need a new one even sooner.)
ah, my meds. i’ve got a prescription now, but they’re out of sale until at the very least january :') i really like studying with classmates/friends bc i hardly have the motivation to study alone tbh but if there’s at least someone else i do. i’ve p much got a study bestie tho and for most subjects we study together :D
well where i live i’m pretty sure you can’t study marine biology since there is no ocean lmao. so i might just study biology & then move somewhere for the specifics? idk. but i’ve got lots of time to figure it out still lol yep, hopefully it’ll get better,, medicine is 5 years here too! forensic medicine is p much examining dead (human) bodies, either bc they died in the hospital/in an accident (so for science) or because they died an unnatural death (criminology). tho the forensic medicine field entails more than just forensic pathology (doing autopsies), e.g. you could be working at a lab doing dna testing.
ngl i hardly know anything abt the few kpop bands i listen to, i just enjoy their music lol. but yeah i’m sure she knows more.
no no i get it, there truly are a lot,, i like silver as a color, especially in jewlery! tbh i prefer it over gold in most contexts.
ohh edits,, no, i haven’t done anything apart from cosplay attempts, making merch, writing fic & doing art for fandom so far lol. i don’t use tiktok & hardly use youtube for fandom stuff though (i usually listen to asmr or hour long explanation vids on yt, not much more adhkgdfjf) but if i do come across edits somehow, i’m always excited :D imo they’re very fun, but i don’t have the right apps or space on my phone for them to make any.
very true! yep, i’ll definitely do some research to try and find a rather cheap but still rather good quality wig,, bc it very much does make a difference.
only four more months.. 👀
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adiariesjournal · 1 year
50 Character Builder Questions for your Tabletop Character
by Ginny Di
Are you a morning person or more of a night owl?
Morning, she likes dawn and before dawn to start exploring the woods
What’s the first thing you notice about a person when you meet them?
Hands, if they are worn or smooth if they create or widdle if they are holding a weapon
You see a huge spider in your room. What do you do?
Scream then quickly try calm down Say hello and guide him outside
If you could go back and change one decision you made in the past, what would you change?
Ignored magic she felt inside her self, a connection, she ignored it bc of the way her mum raised her she regrets not hearing that call sooner
Tell me about your first kiss.
She hasn’t had it yet
Do you give people second chances?
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Both! But I like dogs energy
Do you think you’re attractive?
What’s your worst habit?
I lose my temper easily and can act before I think
When was the last time you cried?
Are you a good liar?
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes when my mother wouldn’t tell me what the necklace meant and my father agreed with her
Are you more likely to use your fists or your words in an argument?
What’s something you’re naturally good at?
Navigating the forest, it’s like it guides me
What’s something you had to work hard to be good at?
Art! Carving bone and flower crowns are hard!
Can you tell when someone is flirting with you?
Do you think money can buy happiness?
Do you believe in destiny?
Maybe ?
Are you a good cook?
Nope! Leave that to dad
What do you think happens after you die?
Ghost lol
Did you have to grow up fast?
Who do you look up to?
My mum and dad
When you go to a tavern, what do you order?
Mead lol
What do you like most about yourself?
I’m creative and kind
What do you like least about yourself?
Do you want kids someday?
Are you a planner, or more spontaneous?
Spontaneous !
Can you keep a secret?
Do you like being the center of attention?
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
Hug my parents lots
Do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion?
Yes ofc!!
Where do you feel safe?
In my bed
Do you love or hate being alone?
Hate it most of the time
What’s the last nightmare you remember having?
Do you admit to mistakes when you make them?
Do you want to grow up to be like your parents?
How do you deal with being sick? Are you stoic, or super whiny?
What did your parents expect from you when you were born?
I’m not sure, that I would sell game or my art in town
Do you have a strong sense of style?
Would you rather camp outdoors or stay the night in an inn?
Camp !
Is there a food that most people like that you absolutely hate?
Are you more of a hoarder or a minimalist?
Are you superstitious?
Yes, stories of the woods
Are you the kind of person who remembers people’s birthdays and pets’ names and stuff?
Yes !
What do you do to feel better when you’re sad?
Paint, climb trees
Is it hard for you to trust someone?
Are you susceptible to peer pressure?
If you decided to stop adventuring and settle down, what kind of job would you take?
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
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nacaharachuya · 1 year
boycaca: (Im hoping you can answer to my submissions now since im assuming the reason you weren’t able to previously was bc i had to verify my email… smh i sat there trying to figure out how to do it for a few minutes man I’m telling you I’m in my boomer era 😭☝️
ANYWAYS watching you talk about how the idea/possibility of dazai being fit is not completely bonkers since he’s not actually weak and how bones twinkified him and took away his broad shoulders on twitter gives me life. You’re so right. They made my guy SKELETAL (alongside every other character tbh) in the anime and i cannot forgive that
Listen i get the prettyboy dazai belief I completely understand it but.. aurgh HANDSOME dazai is sumn else… i will forever cling to the idea that dazai is more of a handsome prettyboy than a beautiful prettyboy like a lifeline (does that even make sense) like i want harukawa to draw dazai without his shirt off not in a horny way but because i gotta see his shoulders underneath those clothes PLEASE 🙏 (okay so maybe i do say this in a horny way… only a little)
Istg if i were to achieve my dream art style i would draw dazai all day everyday you dont even understand. I’d probably start drawing the mf on my walls at some point because the way i would draw him similarly to spike from cowboy bebop is insane. Spike is one of the very few fictional characters that i am actually attracted to and despite the fact that i am not attracted to any bsd character i am so set on believing that dazai has a similar vibe to him. I can just feel it in my bones my skin my soul theres something about dazai that COULD be like spike. If i just tweaked him a liiiiiittle bit… the dazai i imagine in my mind would end up as another fictional crush (delusional) )
boycaca i think we're like the same person cause I LITERALLY AGREE SO HARD??!?!?!?!?!?! They twinked a lot of characters because bones decided to animate it differently than they had other mangas at that point. Usually, they were super good with staying on point with the style of the manga like noragami or vanitas or fma but GODDAMN THEY DROPPED THE BALL INTO ACID OR SOMETHING WITH BSD. harukawas style is so fluid and beautiful so maybe it would be harder for them to animate, but the extreme body changing I just hate. It's not only dazai ofc there's several other characters that got nerfed but dazai they sillified and twinkified and that has made me so sad.
I also just want to see them all lined up with their body types and SPIKE SPIEGEL FITS DAZAI SO WELL?? COWBOY BEBOP IS ONE OF MY ULT FAVS AND DAZAI AND SPIKE ARE WEIRDLY SIMILAR YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!! The body type is broader shoulders and a slimmer waist (which tbh is just more of a masculine body type ik) is what dazai has but bones makes them look so...sick and skinny. I'm the world's biggest hater for them taking away the broad shoulders. like I think dazai has a natural classic beauty to him that makes him pleasant to look at because he's got an easy-to-digest face, but he is ultimately handsome. I have a few artists that have drawn him perfectly in my mind and it fits with his description of being a tall, lean, handsome man [look up @byuntaman on twt their dazai and chuu is perfect] I don't see him as very weak because there really is no basis to it when you are comparing him to chuuya. Chuuya's job was to bring the brawn and he was expected of that from the time of being with the Sheep, so naturally, when he's in the mafia he's going to keep up his reputation of being THE STRONG DUDE. It's unfair to compare Dazai to him tbh. Also, the pm trains their members, I'm guessing Dazai would go through that because Mori is not going to be willing to lose him from lack of prep. Yes, dazai is smart, but smarts don't get you out of a chokehold T_T.
I could rant about this all day long, but I think people just live with silly dazai too much and forget he's a capable person who can also defend himself and not just by manipulating the situation. It's a little far-fetched to think dazai can control EVERYTHING to the point of basically winning fights with his mind. like. no.
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