#artemis devotional playlist
My unhinged devotional playlist to Lady Artemis
Do you have any specific songs you associate with your deities? 🎶
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mars-and-the-theoi · 11 months
Devotional playlist to Artemis is up! Had a lot of fun with this one.
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god-blog · 15 days
Mother, make me, make me a
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celestialdeadpoet · 3 months
Little HelPol Tips
Having a himalayan salt lamp as an eternal flame for Hestia
Candles and incense are good low-energy offerings
Dedicating baths/showers to Aphrodite
If you have pets, devote taking care of them to Artemis
Do what you can and what feels right!! Each person's practice is different
You are in fact allowed to make mistakes
Making a snack/beverage and offering it to a deity/deities, or inviting them to share it with you
If you're learning a language (or multiple!) dedicate it to Hermes
Make playlists for your deities
If you make art/ play any musical instruments, dedicate those activities to Apollo
Try to look for the theoi in your everyday life, even in the mundane things
If you workout, dedicate that to Ares
Similarly, if you play sports, dedicate that play to Hermes
If you have a garden or plants, dedicate taking care of them to Demeter and Persephone
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travelingthief · 1 month
Apollo Resource List
Apollo: The Complete Guide to the God of Light
Apollo in the Odyssey 
Birth of Apollo
Homeric Hymn Translation
Homoerotic Themes in Greek and Roman Mythology
LGBT Themes in Mythology
Oracle of Delphi
Orphic Hymn
Timeless Myths
World Sites
Zeus and Apollo
Tumblr Posts
Apollo Offerings
Small Daily Devotions
Deep Dive
Devotions and Offerings
More Offerings
Offerings, again
Subtle Apollo Worship
Apollo: The Far-shooting God
My Experience with Artemis and Apollo
The Very Messed up Origins of Apollo
Working with Apollo
The Ancients - Apollo: God of the Sun
Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! - Far-Shooting Phoebus Apollo
Styx and Bones - Apollon the Greek God and the Oracles of Delphi
Apollo/Apollon Devotee Playlist
Apollo Playlist
Children of Apollo: Cabin 7
Playlist for Apollo
Herbs of Apollo
How to Worship
Prayers to Apollo
Subreddit for Apollo
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gothicaphrodite · 1 month
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Artemis 🏹 goth playlist
Insect Switchblade Symphony
A Forest The Cure
Innocent Child Arcana
Orion Lycia
Wild in the Woods Dead Can Dance
Hunt Me Crucifix Nocturnal Christians
A Fairytale About Slavery Miranda Sex Garden
Prey Diva Destruction
She Will Destroy You Cocteau Twins
Naturally Cruel Mors Syphilitica
Chameleon binzatina
Midnight Queen Inkubus Sukkubus
Moonbath KUKL
Keep Your Eyes Peeled Ultra Sunn
Night Gild the Mourn
YouTube playlist 🏹 Other devotional goth Theoi playlists
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moonlight1237 · 1 year
Apollon basic offerings and associations
Song and Poetry
Prophecy and Oracles
Healing and medicine
Plague and disease
Protection of Children
The sun
number 7
The sun
Page of wands
The Chariot
Apples/apple trees
Oranges and Lemons
Sun Flowers
bay leaves
Poplar trees
Laurel wreaths
practicing archery
Solar magic
Sun water
Olive oil and olives
Honey cakes
Yellow, gold, and white or orange candles
Bird feathers(Ethically sourced)
practicing divination
Singing and dancing
Make a playlist
Wake up early to watch the sunrise or watch it fall
Learning healing and basic first aid
Learn about his lovers
Learn about Leto and Artemis
sit out in the sunlight
Learn a new instrument
Go for a walk in the golden hours
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thegodsaremyhome · 2 years
hello, hope you're having a great day. i really want to follow this religion, but i don't know how to convert and since my parents are strict christians i won't be able to worship daily and give lots of offerings. and i'm afraid that the Gods and Goddesses might get offended or slightly annoyed that i don't worship them a lot. so, in short, my questions are: how do you convert? and what are some ways to worship for closeted worshippers? have a great day <3
Hi, darling! I hope you’re having a great day as well, so sorry that I’m getting to this a little late.
So, one thing that’s very important to remember is that our Gods are very understanding. If you are physically unable to give frequent offerings because of your life situation They understand. That being said, there are a lot of options for offerings and devotion that can be covert, so no stress!
Becoming a Hellenic Polytheist is really simple. Just choose a deity to worship(and I’d just start with one for now. It can be overwhelming to immedaitely jump into worshiping many,) introduce yourself and begin worship! I even feel like the introduce yourself step is an unnecesary one, but it feels nice and polite to do it that way lol!
If you’d like to have an altar, a common solution is to get a box, like a shoebox or something easy to hide under your bed or a closet, and put all the things you want to use for an altar inside. Whenever you wish to give a little offering, take it all out, give the offering, then put it all inside and hide the box until you’re ready to use it again.
Offerings luckily don’t have to very obviously be offerings. An offering could be something as simple as water, either on your altar or as a form of libation(which is basically when you pray and then pour the water out onto the ground or in the sink.) Food is another one. if you leave a bit of food out and offer it, you can eat it, toss it, or bury it(if it’s safe for the enviroment to do so) when you’re done with it. Anoffering could even be a drawing! So if you like to draw, you could keep a sketchbook for your worship and draw something that reminds you of your deity as a form of offering. I also like to make playlists. I have one for Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Artemis, and I like to listen to them whenever I want to feel close to Them. Jewlery or clothing is another covert option, as you can offer it and then wear it whenever you wish to show devotion.
Devotion can also be shown through various activities, called devotional acts. I love devotional acts because, if you don’t have the energy to give an offering, or you’re worried about getting caught, you can just do something that reminds you of the deity! For example, devotional acts i have for Aphrodite are showering, working out, cleaning my room and other self care acts and beauty routines. For Apollo, it’s crafty stuff like, drawing, writing, crocheting, or also listening to music. For Hermes, it’s stuff like writing, learning new languages or coding. All I do is pray(could be in your head if there are others around and you don’t want to be heard) to Them and let Them know that you’re doing this act for them! I often find that when you do this, they like to join you, so you may feel Their pressence nearby.
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mt07131 · 7 months
solanine and minthara, ardanthe and wyll, artemisia and gale, please!
Alright buckle up sit down we’re gonna be here a while
Send me a 🎵 + character/ship
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Obviously Solanine and Minthara are toxic as hell. Not between each other no for everyone else. They are FIERCELY devoted to each other and that is a Problem for everyone else. Plus, poison girl specifically being a moniker for Minthara because y’know drow, poison etc etc
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Alright don’t laugh here just hear me out. This started out as a joke but TELL ME it doesn’t fit That dance scene SO WELL and just the reassurance and the comfort they bring each other,,,,,, yeah it’s cheesy but they’re cheesy romantics so it works
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I’m gonna be so real their playlist is SPARSE as in this is the only song on it because her playthrough is barely started 💀. Regardless, it works, one her name is Artemisia so it fits but also in a way she saves Gale from his hubris y’know she’s WAY more down to earth and that kinda keeps him humble and in that she saves him. Plus, buff barbarian queen is literally keeping her squishy wizard boyfriend safe
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Blessed Full Flower Moon!
Tonight on the 5th of may we celebrate the full flower moon. 🌕🌺
The full moon will be in the water sign scorpio and is also influenced by the planet Pluto going retrograde. This is a time of transformation and intuition and inner wisdom.
One night later on may 6th/Mounykhion 16th in hellenic polytheism we also celebrate the festival of Mounykhia, a day on which to honor the goddess Artemis and her connection to the moon and role as a moon goddess.
Two days ago I started preparing by researching the full flower moon and Pluto going retrograde and I chose which oracle cards would fit nicely with this full moon to put on the altar to Nyx, especially since the full moon would happen during the evening and night time. Yesterday before leaving my apartment I re-organized my altar, brought an offer and put up the altar cards, one to show of my gratefulness to Nyx, the gods and the moon because I received a lot of signs, consultation, guidance, strength, positivity, happiness and luck since the last full moon so this full moon it was extra important for me to show that gratitude. The rest of the cards were to really tap into the specific themes and energies of this full moon and to manifest good upcoming things for this month and the near future. I also put up the oracle card representing the element water since the full moon will be in scorpio, a water sign.
I spend the day of the full moon by wearing a shirt with the moon on it that says "tonight is the night", and went to buy cake with my mom to celebrate. Mom actually came to get me to go outside and watch the full moon, but at that time the moon was still rising. So later in the night we went outside again to watch her shine really bright and beautifully. We stood outside for a while looking at the moon and focusing on the silence of the night and the beauty of the moon and her light. During the night I also listened to my devotional playlist and watched an interview with my favorite band and they actually also mentioned that it's the full moon today and that we should do a little ritual ;)
Blessed be!
"I do not steal the night, I just reveal the beauty of the darkness" 🌕
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thespacelizard · 2 years
i have no idea how a pinned post is supposed to work but anyway, here's all my stuff!
i'm on twitter sometimes (it's just dnd shitposting and sometimes writing shitposting)
AO3 | tumblr fic tag | writeblr is @space-writes for original work
Current wips:
Obedience (M/M, D/s, dungeons & dragons series about drow wizards having kinky sex and feelings)
Tag for it is obedience fic blogging & the tumblr masterpost is here
Obsession (M/M, canon/OC, darkfic, war of the spider queen series about a sorcere apprentice who's obsessed with Pharaun Mizzrym.)
Tag for it is obsession fic blogging & vizaeth's tag also has fun stuff
Fic Permissions:
Podfics, Translations & Fanart: Hell yeah! Let me know with the 'Inspired by' function on AO3, or drop me a message
Written works based on mine (same characters, universe, remixing ideas etc): Please ask permission first, especially for Obedience.
💖art 💖
art blog: @incoherentmuses
art twitter: incoherentmuses
deviantart: flailingmuse
⭐tags of interest⭐
playlists / fanmixes
dnd prep (aka campaign posting)
baldur's gate posting
💜 oc's 💜
Ashenivir Zauvym - from the Obedience series | drow wizard, recently-graduated the Arcanum of Mythen Thaelas | sweet trans-masc nerd, love of my life, probably has ADHD, chronic people-pleasing overachiever, born submissive and Ra'soltha to Rizeth Velkon'yss who he's definitely not in love with
Rizeth Velkon'yss - from the Obedience series | drow wizard, former Menzoberranyr, current Master of Arcane Theory | closed off, hard to read Dom, refuses to talk about his feelings, high standards and stupid handsome | also stupidly in love with Ashenivir (not that he's saying anything about it)
Vizaeth Xunhrae Thaezyr - main character of Obsession | drow wizard, Sorcere apprentice, trans-masc nightmare boy | devoted Lolthite and Pharaun Mizzrym's #1 fan | has a necromantic rat familiar with an eyeball he acquired through Definitely Normal Means in her ribcage
Zeth'rinn Baenre - Jarlaxle fankid, originally an NPC from my d&d campaign | transmasc idiot, got ill-advised top surgery via Lolth | not nearly as suave as he thinks he is, still one of the hottest boys in the Underdark | grew up in Bregan D'aerthe and has Weird Family Relationships with half of them (by which I mean he is not fond of uncle Kimmuriel, adores uncle Valas, and is in some kind of undeclared War of Fuckery with Artemis)
Rune - half-elf warlock Dark Urge | feral dog of a man | violence is his love language and fortunately for him Astarion is into that | man of few words and much aggression | ended the game a free man who can occasionally be talked into behaving like a civilised boy
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Here's some ways to connect with deities
pray to them
straight up just talk to them, tell them about your day
offer some of your meal to them (or alternatively, the steam from your meal)
cook with them and/or for them
pick a movie to watch with them, especially if it connects to things they rule over (i.e. a romcom with hera or aphrodite, a documentary about the sea for poseidon, etc)
give them the first sip of your morning drink, or even make a cup for them
assign them a stuffed animal and take care of it as a devotion to them (bonus points if that animal is sacred to them or if you associate it with them)
say good morning/good night
thank them for the things you see (i.e. thanking apollo when you see a pretty sunrise/sunset, thank hypnos for a good night’s sleep, etc)
blow kisses to them
wear devotional jewelry (typically a symbol that is associated with them, but can be anything as long as you designate it)
create something with them/for them (poetry, drawings, cook or bake, build something, etc)
research their myths
create playlists for them and listen to those playlists
do you like sandbox games? create a shrine, temple, altar, etc for your deities in those games (like minecraft, terraria, stardew valley, etc)
go on a walk outside and invite them with you
thank them. thank them for anything and everything
take care of yourself as a devotion to them. if you want to specify, you could do this with a deity that is more closely related to self care (my mind immediately goes to Aphrodite or Hera), but any deity would appreciate you taking care of yourself; they love you
set aside a day of the week to be “their” day and spend time with them, give them offerings, etc that day (some deities are associated with days of the week; apollo for sunday, artemis for monday, thor and zeus for thursday, to name a few)
be creative! above all, the gods like to see that you put thought and effort into your worship. it doesn’t have to be grand or expensive to be thoughtful, just heartfelt. may the gods/goddesses be with you.
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mars-and-the-theoi · 1 year
Low energy Devotional Acts for when you have no energy (or time, or money, etc.) pt. 4
- eat some grapes or have some grape juice or sparkling grape juice (or wine if able and of age)
- listen to party music
- read plays
- try your hand at writing your own play! Doesn’t have to be good or anything! So long as it makes you happy it’s good enough!
- watch musicals or plays
- listen to musical soundtracks
- learn about the history of theatre
- learn about viticulture and vineyards
- wear something tiger or leopard print
- take care of your mental health
- listen to a devotional playlist for Him
- do things that bring you pleasure: eat your favorite food, have your favorite drink, engage in an activity that you enjoy, listen to your favorite music, etc. it can be anything doesn’t have to be something huge
- listen to party soundscapes (may sound odd but it’s something and it works)
- watch documentaries about any of his sacred animals
- watch documentaries or do a deep dive about plagues and diseases
- learn about archery
- watch archery competitions
- learn about hunting
- learn about national parks, national forests, state parks, nature reserves, and the like!
- do nature and/or animal related coloring pages
- listen to nature soundscapes
- learn about deer
- read up on herbalism
- learn about the moon! It’s phases, it’s importance, etc.
- listen to a devotional playlist to Her
- learn about animal conservation efforts
- watch nature documentaries/shows or animal documentaries/shows
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god-blog · 2 months
I’m starting a tag game!
People are always saying they need more witchy/pagan mutuals so I thought this would be a fun way to find them while getting to talk about your practice!
Who, if anyone, was the first deity(s) you worked with?
Hermes was the first deity that I made the conscious decision to worship though I had always been drawn to paganism. I made a tiny altar, devotional drawings, playlists, and a journal to him. I quickly added Athena and Apollo after that, but it became too overwhelming, and I got burnt out. I stopped practicing for about four years until I started again this year.
Who, if anyone, is the deity(s) you’re working with now?
Artemis was the one who reached out to me this time. She had been sending me a bunch of incredibly obvious signs that took me abt six months to finally notice (my bad lol) but I'm very happy with her now. Athena has also been more present, whereas she was more in the background the first time I tried Hellenism, and now she sits with me at work. Hermes dips in and out and Apollo's the one who's been more in the background. I would like to strengthen my relationship with them because I miss them.
What’s your favorite aspect of your practice? (Ex: doing tarot, celebrating holidays, casting spells, etc)
I like getting things for my altar. It makes me so happy knowing that my gods will like whatever I'm getting; I love getting presents for ppl I care abt. I haven't collected everything into one central altar yet but I'm very excited for when I do.
What’s something you want to get better at?
I want to get better at tarot. I've been doing it for a few years now but I'm still 100% reliant on the guidebook the cards came with and am not very good at making my own interpretations. I'm hoping I'll get better at it with time but it has been quite a while...
Tagging: @buriedpentacles @kore-siciliana @anne-the-witch-ish @serpent-among-vines @khaire-traveler @princesmeadow @hunters-moonlight-serenade @huntingkyrie
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Intro post! 🌙
Welcome to my digital altar!
- I’m Mari
- I’m Hellenic Polytheistic
- +18
- she/her
- Mexico 🇲🇽
- Lady Artemis is my patron, but I pray to Lady Athena, Lady Aphrodite, Lord Apollo, Lord Hermes and Dionysus as well.
- I’m trying to get more involved in with Lord Ares and Lady Selene.
- Here link to my devotional playlists post:
- Main non-religious blog:
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moss-spun-jasper · 9 months
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Artemis Hartlan (he/they)
Dreamy. Pretty boy. Charming man.
Circle of Dreams Druid • Satyr • 28 yrs
Agent of the Elven Kingdom
Friendly, good natured, emotionally intelligent, dad friend. Devoted to serving the Elven Kingdom that took him in at his lowest. Abandonment issues!
Artemis grew up with his mother, a satyr gatekeeper who tended to a fey portal in the woods. Their childhood was happy and carefree, until his mother was mortally injured defending the gate, and although he tried everything to save her, she withered away and died from her wounds. In the dead of winter, Artemis was left stranded in their family cottage, starving and dissociating until spring broke and an elven diplomat from the nearby Elven Kingdom stumbled upon the child during her yearly venture to check-in with the gatekeeper. She took the kid home with her and cared for him until he was healthy again, and over time, the two grew closer – a mentorly, and perhaps even parental, relationship blossomed.
Over the years, the elf took Artemis on some travels, and he even got a job at a local apothecary in the kingdom. The elf, being a diplomat, also trained Artemis in the importance of reading people and schooling one’s emotions to deal with people. Although this mentality is now ingrained in them, their connection to their fey heritage and natural magics means there is an emotionality and a wildness lurking under the surface, and they mean to keep it down.
At the start of the campaign, the elf sends Artemis across the continent on a reconnaissance mission to the Human Kingdom in hope of gathering information for an oncoming war. On their way, they meet a bastard half-elf of the human royal family, a mysterious tiefling warlock, and a slime girl unwilling wrenched from the Astral plane. Together, they travel the land, adventure, and uncover secrets that threaten to tear the continent – and perhaps the world – apart.
Artemis Spotify Playlist
Active (Sept 2023 – Now)
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