#as an asexual i really really appreciate good omens
twilightcitysky · 8 months
This post is less Good Omens- related and more personal, but there's been a lot of arguing over "representation" in the fandom the past few days. The strong feelings people express are awesome but ALSO I really want us in the community to appreciate and listen to one another.
People want to KILL queer people. There are still many, many places where it is not safe to have any identity other than cis het. Fighting that means sticking together, not tearing each OTHER apart. Allosexual, asexual, lesbian, gay, cis, trans, nonbinary, gender queer, GNC... we're all part of this community and we're stronger together.
In Good Omens, Neil Gaiman gave us a glimpse of what a world could be if people got to decide for themselves how to present and who to love without the hate and prejudice that inevitably comes along with that in the real world. I know people are questioning exactly what Crowley and Aziraphale are and how they identify, which is fine (honestly I don't know that we'll ever find out for sure. It may be something private between the two of them). But saying things like "it's homophobic" (for them to be ace), or "it's acephobic" (for them to be gay) sort of defeats the purpose of "it's a love story", doesn't it? At the end of the day, maybe it doesn't matter what EXACTLY they are. They're unapologetically QUEER and their story is for and about all of us.
It's okay to disagree. It's okay to ask questions. I mean, that's the moral of Good Omens, isn't it? We don't have to be the same; we SHOULDN'T all be the same... there's strength and beauty in our differences. But even if we don't all agree with one another, let's support each other.
I see them as gay male coded beings who have chosen that identity for themselves and would enjoy sexual pleasure as much as any other earthly pleasure. If YOU see them as agender or nonbinary sexless entities who are QPR or ace or aroace and would never have sex, I SUPPORT THE HELL OUT OF YOUR RIGHT TO DO SO. I'm in your corner and I will fight for you.
Love you all. Love that we love the ineffable love story of Good Omens, whatever form that takes, and let's lift each other up rather than tearing each other down.
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ober-affen-geil · 2 years
It’s ace week again and I want to start by saying I appreciate the constant and consistent rise of overt queer representation in media. I really, really do. This post is not about that, but I did want to start by recognizing that we are definitely seeing a positive trend of queer rep and I’m not begrudging anyone that.
On the other hand.
Why is it that Sex Education, a show lauded for its depictions of teenage sexualities of all kinds, only openly discusses asexuality in one Very Special Episode?
Why is it that Brooklyn Nine Nine, a show respected for its diversity, only mentioned asexuality once and it was clearly meant as an insult?
Why is it that Faking It, a show inclusive of many teen sexualities and groundbreaking in its inclusion of a main intersex character, only references asexuality in a single throwaway line meant as a “we’ve collected them all” joke?
Why is it that Heatstopper, a show that gently yet explicitly includes all sorts of different identities in its main teen characters, doesn’t have a single reference to asexuality? And if Isaac or Tori were meant to be included as ace rep, why weren't they identified as such the way the rest of the characters were?
Why is it that Jughead, a character known in the entire run of comics going back to 1941 as having two defining characteristics: a disintrest in girls/dating and an obsession with food and who was made explicitly asexual in a 2016 run, was not made asexual in Riverdale when the opportunity presented itself?
Why is it that when fandom was presented with Good Omens they chose to call it “not queer enough” when the option to see Aziraphale and Crowley as ace or aro was very obviously there?
Why is it that I’ve seen BoJack Horseman, a show that has earned every Emmy it has won, praised as groundbreaking for having main reoccurring character Todd Chavez’s asexuality be a part of several different storylines only ever from asexual sources?
I know why. Do you?
Happy Asexual Awareness Week.
Edit: I did address this in a reblog but since a lot of recent people seem to be finding this through the tags and this is happening with enough frequency I will add it here.
To all the helpful people in the notes telling me that a) Alice Oseman is aroace or b) that there are plans for explicit ace representation in season 2 of Heartstopper or c) that there are other publications within the Heartstopper universe that examines aspec characters...thank you. I know. That is actually most of the reason Heartstopper made it onto this list.
Because what that means is, a creator that *has* explicit aspec rep in other works, *has* explicit aspec rep in the main work that is the subject of the adaptation, and *is* aspec themselves made the choice to relegate explicit aspec rep to a second season that had not yet been secured at the time of writing season 1.
Setting aside that I know fuckall about what the adaptation/creative process was like or what TPTB were like during said process, from my perspective that fucking sucked. A lot.
Happy Asexual Awareness Week.
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neil-gaiman · 11 months
Mr. Gaiman,
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate how the characters and relationships in Good Omens are able to encapsulate such a wide range of representation. I don't think I've seen a piece of media that was so vast that I felt like I could see my own identity represented back to me but then also those of others close to me. I look at Crowley and Aziraphale and see lesbians, queer men, genderqueer or genderfluid people, a non-binary couple, and a aspec asexual partnership all in one and so much more. There's something so beautiful and special about that. Thank you for that. And Happy Pride 🌈
Thank you. I hope that will increase in the next Season.
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ingravinoveritas · 9 months
How do you feel about the fact that angels and demons are non-sexual beings in Good omens?
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Anon #1: Well, this is a great question and I appreciate you sending it in for me to answer. Including the other Anons here since they are relevant.
I actually have a lot of feelings about angels and demons being non-sexual beings in Good Omens, which I will do my best to explain. I think the first thing I have to do is make sure I understand what you mean by non-sexual. I know Neil has said that angels and demons do not have genitalia "unless they make an effort," so by that measure, we can say angels and demons are genderless beings (agender or genderqueer perhaps as well, depending on the angel or demon). That, to me, is distinctive and not the same thing as non-sexual, which I consider to be beings who--by design or choice--do not engage in sexual intercourse.
The other thing we have to consider is the distinction between book!Good Omens and TV show!Good Omens. I have not finished reading the book, but it is my understanding that Neil (and Terry, of course) established the angels and demons as genderless in the original text. When the show was adapted for television, 30 years had passed since the novel was published, and so much had changed in that time, so a lot of things were updated to have Good Omens more align with the sensibilities of the modern era (one example is Neil talking about Crowley's aesthetic as an early '90s "Wall Street" type and how they had to figure out what the equivalent of that would be in the present day).
One thing that hasn't changed very much, however, is the portrayal of gay/queer people in the media. For much of those intervening 30 years, gay and queer people were shown as stereotypes--flamboyant, one-dimensional caricatures who existed as "sidekicks" (the "gay BFF") or object lessons for the straight characters (I would say this was especially the case in the late '80s and '90s with the AIDS crisis).
By this time, gay and queer people could exist on TV, but only if they were non-sexual/sexless. One example of this is Blanche's brother Clayton on The Golden Girls. After he comes out to Blanche, he brings home his fiance Doug in a subsequent episode, which has Blanche indignant. "I don't really mind Clayton being homosexual, I just don't like him dating men." Another example is Will & Grace, which aired in the late '90s. Will was a gay man who was one of the main characters, but while we constantly saw Grace falling into bed with random men and all sorts of escapades related to her sex life, we were never shown Will in any sort of similar situation. He could be gay, and he could be Grace's BFF, but he couldn't have a sex life of his own. It was this idea that gay people could exist in abstract terms, but not in the concrete reality of what it meant to be gay. Homophobia disguised as "acceptance."
So when I see/hear the word "non-sexual" in relation to gay and queer people, this is what comes to mind. What I also think of is that the absence of gay male sexuality (as for the majority of the show, Aziraphale and Crowley are male-presenting) is not the same thing as the presence of asexuality. I think it's been remarkably easy for Neil to take credit for that when it doesn't seem to have been his actual intention, and it also removes from him the responsibility of portraying that specific aspect of a non-heterosexual love story.
One thing I want to be very clear on is that I am in no way trying to put down anyone's head canon or what any reader or viewer may see in these characters, and I will never say that anyone's head canons are not valid. But when we are talking about the canon--in other words, what is actually on the screen--I feel like there is a tendency to overlook what Michael and David are actually doing with these characters.
In addition to what I mentioned above about gay characters on TV in the '80s and '90s, the other thing you absolutely could not do as a gay or queer person was fall in love. This is alluded to more in the example above from The Golden Girls, where Blanche is horrified that her brother wants to marry a man, until Sophia finally helps her understand:
Blanche: "Oh, look, I can accept the fact that he's gay, but why does he have to slip a ring on this guy's finger so the whole world will know?" Sophia: "Why did you marry George?" Blanche: "We loved each other. We wanted to make a lifetime commitment. Wanted everybody to know." Sophia: "That's what Doug and Clayton want, too. Everyone wants someone to grow old with. And shouldn't everyone have that chance?"
Here we are now, over 30 years later, and some people still don't want everyone to have that chance. Some people think two people of the same sex can't love each other the way a man and a woman do. Because queer love--and especially love between two men--is still looked at as "less than" and inferior to straight love.
This is the world Michael and David grew up in. This is the social and cultural climate they saw and navigated their own sexuality and identity in--'80s Britain, Margaret Thatcher, Section 28. Where being gay or queer wasn't just immoral, it was illegal. Your very existence alone was stigmatized, pathologized, and criminalized. And they are bringing that lived experience into the roles of Aziraphale and Crowley, albeit in different ways.
To me, Michael is playing Aziraphale as a repressed gay man. A man who--much like David--grew up in the faith and was made to believe that his natural feelings, attractions, and desires were wrong, shameful, and disgusting. We see this with Gabriel deriding Aziraphale for eating sushi and enjoying other Earthly pleasures, and it would be logical to think that it's taken a long time for Aziraphale to feel comfortable with the foods/drink/books he likes and the pleasure they bring him. Similarly, it's taken Aziraphale a millennia to find the one being who makes him feel comfortable with the desires he has. The being who is the exception to every rule Heaven ever laid out, who encourages Aziraphale to be himself in every respect. And that's Crowley.
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In this scene in the Bastille (which I know has been analyzed a thousand times and a thousand ways), when Aziraphale looks at Crowley like this, the desire rising up in him is more than obvious. The wide eyes, the heaving bosom, and of course the smoldering up-and-down glance all speak to this--he is, quite literally, checking Crowley out, without shame, possibly for the first time ever. Even though that desire is not outwardly expressed in GO season 1, it does not mean it doesn't exist--only that Aziraphale letting himself feel this (and Crowley being the one entity who allows him to feel this) is the first step in a very long journey away from that lifetime of repression.
In terms of Crowley, I feel that David is playing Crowley as a gay man who is afraid of commitment because he has been hurt in the past. There is a feeling of impermanence to Crowley--that, despite being a celestial, immortal entity, he doesn't like to hold onto things because deep down, he believes they will eventually be taken away. He knows who he is, but is all too aware of the consequences that come with it. So he does not get attached, because to him, attachment equals pain, and he believes nothing is worth that risk.
In the church scene in 1941 (which, again, so much has already been said), Crowley saves Aziraphale's books from the wreckage. It's been said by many that Crowley fell in love long before this (which I do think is true), but for me, I feel like this was where we saw that Crowley was truly "attached" to Aziraphale. He rescued Aziraphale from the Bastille, and he saved Aziraphale from the bombs of the Blitz, but in grabbing the books, Crowley isn't just saving Aziraphale's body--he's holding onto a piece of his soul. For the first time ever, Crowley has found something that isn't temporary, and after a millennia of cynicism, Aziraphale is the one entity who makes him feel fully and wholeheartedly ready to commit to something.
This is what I have seen and perceived in the portrayals of Aziraphale and Crowley that Michael and David have given us. I absolutely do 100% believe that asexual folks deserve representation--representation that is clear and specific, not just a side effect of Neil not wanting to show these characters expressing outward sexual desires--but I do not believe that is how Michael and David are playing the characters. It's not enough--or at least it shouldn't be--to have characters of marginalized backgrounds just standing in the room, or to say, "This one's gay," "This one's nonbinary," "This one's asexual." Including these identities in the fabric of the story means doing what Michael and David have done, which is showing these people or beings as three-dimensional, as fully realized characters who happen to have that identity, rather than as ticked boxes representing a certain identity on a checklist.
And to the Anons mentioning the Radio Times article (which seems like it came out a hundred years ago now)--Anon #4 particularly--I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me, but I could not disagree with you more.
First of all, I have no idea where in the world you got that Aziraphale and Crowley's romance was explicit in season 1, because it was absolutely anything but. Three days after they posted that, RT posted another article seemingly backtracking on everything they'd previously said (as if we'd all somehow pulled a Gabriel Jim and forgotten everything about the first article). The phrase "Could romance be on the cards after all?" is in the bloody headline of article #2, which to me says that RT is going to go in whichever direction the wind blows--to create engagement and generate clicks--but also that it is very clear what they meant by "conventional" in the first article. I do not get the feeling that Radio Times--a mainstream publication that seemingly publishes any story they can farm from social media--was thinking of ace or aro identities or relationships when writing that. Even a tiny little bit.
Even a queer-centric media outlet like Pride today published an article saying the first season of GO lacked LGBTQ+ representation. Obviously, I do not at all agree with this or with several other things mentioned in the article. But what I am challenging folks to do is think about what this is really saying. By the end of GO 1 season, everyone accepts and assumes that Madame Tracy and Shadwell are a couple. She makes eyes at him, they have dinner together, and no one questions them being a couple, even though they are not shown being physically affectionate. Aziraphale and Crowley do exactly the same things, but no one (speaking of the larger public, outside the hardcore fan base) assumes they are a couple.
Maybe what that means, then, is that "representation" that requires you to squint and turn your head in order to see it--like Aziraphale and Crowley holding hands on the bus--isn't really representation at all. And by Neil "not wanting to label" something, it seems to suggest that committing to a label or embracing that gayness is something he is not comfortable with--for any number of reasons--and is why we could have a meaningless love scene with a straight couple that does not have a real connection (Newt and Anathema), but couldn't have a meaningful love scene with a gay couple that does have a devastatingly profound and powerful connection.
So yes, those are my thoughts on the angels and demons in Good Omens being non-sexual, and what that means in a larger cultural/societal sense. I know that when GO season 2 comes out in a week, I could be proven completely wrong about everything I've just said, and I will have no problem with that at all. I fully trust what Michael and David will bring to the roles of Aziraphale and Crowley, but my hesitation stems from the limitations they will potentially be up against, in terms of the script/storyline (and is something I have felt from the interviews we've seen with them this past week).
I'm hopeful for the best, though (as always), so we'll just have to see what happens...
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def-not-kaz-brekker · 6 months
(Also pls sign petition to save shadow and bone!! Link)
[please please please send me asks I love interacting with y’all I’m really sorry if I don’t answer right away but I love you for being here and I love you in general ok ask away]
Name: Andi (you can call me ands as nickname)
Pronouns: they/them (maybe he/him??? Idk I won’t get mad if you use he/him I think)
Sexuality: complicated so let’s just say aromantic asexual (I would be honored to answer ur questions regarding aromanticism or asexuality as long as they aren’t hate ofc)
Age: wouldn’t you like to know weather boy
Fav color: probably like black, green, and purple
Godly parent: Apollo
Hogwarts house: slytherin (technically ravenclaw but that test can go fuck itself)
Grisha order: Fabriktor (I’m a Durast)
Languages: Italian and English fluently, learning French and I’m pretty good at it, can sorta understand Spanish, not really German but kinda, like a song and a sentence in Japanese, one Latin song and an exorcism (I had a supernatural phase ok), the Ancient Greek alphabet (percy Jackson phase), a few words of Luxembourgish, did a bit of Indonesian and Chinese when I was in first grade so I know a few words there, and that’s about it
Fandoms: lots of musicals (mostly Phantom), hazbin hotel, helluva boss, grishaverse, Riordanverse, good omens, sandman tv show, our flag means death, the owl house, neon genesis evangelion, Harry Potter (but I do not support jk Rowling, I just like the marauders), Superwholock, keeper of the lost cities, others that I’m probably forgetting
Music taste: musicals, random shit idk mostly musicals
Side blogs: @freshavocado-croissants, @thechroniclesofdepression, @inej-ghafa-appreciation-posts
AO3: def_not_kaz_brekker
Pinterest account: https://pin.it/22TYpze
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kedreeva · 11 months
i read all your good omens fics on ao3 (yes, every single one, though i realized midway that i forgot to kudos them all and bookmark my favourite ones and write comments so. i will do that soon! you'll know!) before i realized that i know you from tumblr!! you're the cool animals human! it was so surreal
anyway i just wanted to stop by tumblr once to say that my newly-discovered ace ass very much appreciates the asexual stories. idk how to navigate fandom anymore now that i want to consume more ace content but your stuff really helped, so thank you.
P. S: the snabies are my favourite i love them i love them i loooove them
That's amazing!
Fandom is a little scattered these days! If you'd like, you're welcome in the Ace Omens server I run, there's 700+ folks there and PLENTY of ace folks creating fic and art and such!
Here's an invite (and anyone else reading along is welcome to click to join, too!)
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elistodragonwings · 6 months
Repression, sexuality, love, identity, and religious trauma in Good Omens
I know this is a minority take, but I still question whether Aziraphale fully recognizes that he loves Crowley and what it really means to love someone in a human way.
He loves human everything, but he also seems to see himself as above and separate from humans. Does that extend to human emotions too? Does he recognize that what's inside himself is the same thing?
Because as much as he loves and feels other people's love, his own engagement with it feels superficial. His attempt at a big romantic climax is...to cosplay a scene from a book. Acting. Really, acting out what he read in books is a common pattern for how he engages with human things.
Despite all that he says and does, the suggestive lines and flirtatious behavior, his time at the gentlemen's club, all his connections to humans throughout history, I think he is still very, very emotionally repressed.
Crowley is too, but it's coming from a different place. Crowley is simple - afraid of opening up and getting hurt and has very good reason to be - he's been hurt for expressing himself before, hurt in ways targeting the very things he loved about the world. Acknowledging his own feelings even to himself is very dangerous. The book describes him as pretending to be the type of human he would like to imagine himself being, and indeed, pretending might be all he feels safe doing. Like Aziraphale and his Jane Austin cosplay.
Aziraphale is aware of Crowley's history of course, but hasn't experienced it directly and doesn't seem to ever think to hard about it. That's not his primary wound; instead it's something more complicated. Aziraphale is an angel and believes in angels' inherent goodness, inherent moral superiority, even when he thinks they're misguided. They're the same as demons, he knows, but also somehow better. Cognitive dissonance he still hasn't worked through. That's why he went back.
And if he's an angel, if he's morally superior, he should be above it all, above worldly human things. He does enjoy food and alcohol, dancing, music, books and art, things the other angels have made it clear they think all this makes him too soft and human and hedonistic for heaven. Yet those things aren't what got him kicked out, so he can justify them to himself as appreciating the beauty of the world, something the others just need to learn.
But love? Of the deep, personal, type? A connection to and desire for another person? That's not appreciating the world, that means being very much like the humans angels are above, having feelings centered on yourself and not god's creation. To actually acknowledge that he is capable of that kind of love, to allow himself to embrace them fully, means rethinking his whole identity.
Everyone else can see that he has these feelings, except for the two who need to see it most, himself and Crowley. Because seeing it is dangerous for both of them.
I see fans debate whether these characters are asexual or not because of how clueless they can be about sex. I think what we're seeing is actually repression so deep these characters can't possibly truly answer that question for themselves yet.
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offbranddrpepsi · 2 years
hi! can i request valo men (or just yoru, chamber, omen, cypher if all the men r too much) headcanons with an asexual s/o? thank you so much!
you absolutely can!
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Omen, Brimstone, Kay/o, and Breach would care the least. Omen and Kay/o can't really preform that way as one typically would and take no offense you not being sexually attracted to them after all they probably don't feel it either. Brimstone wouldn't get it at first but once he understood it wouldn't be a big deal. Breach is incredibly comfortable in his own sexuality so he is just happy you told him and may pick on you a little as he does mostly everyone.
Cypher and Sova would be absolutely respectful although semi confused at first. Sova is the sweet kind of confused that is initially alarmed but relieved once you come out to him. Once he is made aware of it he may be a bit intrusive so he can fully understand what you feel as well as the boundaries you may have. Cypher is taken aback by you coming out until he understands you aren't unattracted to him, you just experience little to no sexual attraction to anyone. Once he understands how it works for you he really couldn't care less and treats you no differently. He, however, is incredibly touched as he takes it meaning you like him regardless of how he is physically which is all he could ever ask for.
Chamber is the one who at first misunderstands then accepts it without asking any questions. He thinks that you are trying to break up with him by letting him down gently until you say you're asexual. At that point he just nods and goes, "Alright, i appreciate you telling me. Are we still good for dinner?" and rarely ever speaks of the topic again. Its not that he doesn't care about your sexuality, he does care and wants to understand you, but he would rather do that gradually and at his own pace than all at once.
Yoru and Phoenix have the biggest reaction out of the entire protocol. Yoru has a pretty bad but very on brand reaction. He gets offended off the bat, assuming you are insulting him by saying he isn't attractive or that you want to break up, and blows up at you. He walks off before you can fully explain and throws a tantrum over the coming days until either it hits him or someone hits it into him that you in fact were not being mean to him. At that point he googles what you said while planning an apology and pretty bluntly asks you if you are asexual then gives you whatever peace offering he's gotten. The following discussion is him asking far too many questions while also reaffirming you do still find him attractive. Phoenix isn't the least bit upset but is an extreme himbo that keeps making assumptions or interrupting you as you talk. After you very loudly telling him to let you speak he sits down and shuts up. Once everything is done and said he very politely asks any questions he still has then just shrugs. Your sexuality doesn't change your relationship with him and to be better safe than sorry he is going to ask your consent for even the smallest things going forward as to not make you uncomfortable
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massharp1971 · 1 year
For the fic writer ask game!
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
New Beginnings, the second fic in my Found Family series. I love it but it was really hard to write because people had raved about Awakenings and this was the sequel. I think it's been overlooked somewhat but maybe at another time I'd have not struggled with the writing process or been hung up on replicating it and working through all the things that needed to happen to get to where the end of Awakenings was pointing.
Although I'm not getting much time to write it, the third (well, fourth, because there's a short smutfic in there now) installment is much more its own thing, and it's also got much more of a Pegasun perspective, which I like. I think people will love it.
I also give Kanaan a proper speaking part, finally.
🌻what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?
Being intimidated by the quality or artistry of the really good cake - reading any fic by @wonkyelk, but particularly The bakery in the woods which blew me away as a concept, or the sheer cuteness of @spacecadetdhdly's baby dragon fic The omen on offer, @logicgunn's gorgeous The Long Dark series, or @gingerpolyglot's sublimely hot Put yourself in my hands. Lots of @salchat's stuff, but I particularly loved Kiss me in the rain. @dedkake's astonishing impact in few words, particularly the incredible It could've started like this series, which was an incredible feat of writing and perseverence. @halestrom's gorgeous The doctor and the Sheppard...
Okay I may be using this as an excuse to go all fanperson. I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting to mention, because all those are off the top of my head - this fandom is so blessed with good writers. Stuff like that is aspirational but also a little intimidating to a very workmanlike writer like me - I'm good at making words do what I want them to do, but it's a far cry from artistry like that. I'm gonna have to be content to be Salieri to their Mozart and not be all bitter about it. On the other hand, writing a drabble series or a quick, throw-away fic about body-switching (Bodyswap) or cuddles and asexuality (Ace) and people enthusing about it, or keeping coming back to it. That there is saying "yeah Mas, sometimes you make someone's day a little better". The long comments saying how someone personally connected to a fic are the best. Sometimes I say stuff people needed to hear, and that's nice.
So, I try to remind myself it's cake and it's got its own flavour. My writing would probably be one of those wierd-ass cakes - apricot, chilli and lavender or something daft that not everyone is gonna try but turns out better than you expect. I can live with not being a master baker if a few people find my stuff unexpectedly tasty.
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
See above - although looking at it from times perspective people not going nuts over New Beginnings doesn't mean it hasn't been appreciated. There may be some genderqueer insecurity in there for me somewhere because I leaned into the non-binary McKay story a little harder.
Gotta say, though, people have been nothing but nice about my wildly queer takes in this fandom. It's been a complete haven to me in an otherwise stormy world.
Love this fandom 💜💜💜Thanks for the asks.
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cassolotl · 9 months
Good Omen 2, my first impressions
The Coffee Shop Lady is clearly the Crowley and the Record Shop Lady is clearly the Aziraphale, and I love them both, and I want them to be in season 3.
Also, Coffee Shop/Record Shop is such a fanfic-sounding situation, very bold of you to put the AU in the thing itself, I appreciate you taking that risk for us Mr Gaiman, thank you.
I don't know what I'm more boggled by, Metatron suggesting that Muriel, a being who only just discovered books literally that very day, be in charge of a hundreds-of-years-old bookshop whose contents are literally priceless, or that Aziraphale agreed to it????????
And finally, That Kiss. I've managed to avoid screenshots and gifs and whatnot by blocking the #GoodOmens hashtag for like three months, but I still managed to find out that they were gonna kiss from a real human whomst I know in person, because life just comes at you sideways like that sometimes, but that was the only thing I knew, really. Anyway I've got two thoughts:
I agree that Amazon shouldn't have put it in a trailer, but I can see why they did - if it was a straight couple in a full on romance show that everyone knew would get together eventually, it would be totally unremarkable. Whoever put that trailer together, they were being pretty right-on and queer-friendly on the surface of things, but they were also maybe missing some nuance there.
I've seen a lot of takes analysing the kiss and the motives and whatnot, but I think at the end of the day Neil G probably just wanted to give us the shove-against-a-wall kiss that would've happened in the convent hallway, you know the one. What with the Coffee Shop/Record Shop AU and Ineffable Bureaucracy, I feel pretty okay to hazard a guess in the fanservice-flavoured direction. And Crowley and Aziraphale are a bunch of doofuses, their first kiss was always going to be Crowley initiating and absolutely furious about it.
I'm kinda sad in a way, because us asexual aromantic queers have lost our representation a little bit. But also yeah they should just be kissing each other together if they want to, isn't it?
Anyway thanks for your time, carry on~
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pidgydraws · 5 years
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i really like the idea that Crowley sometimes turns into a snake specifically because he has a hard time acting on his affection~ (◕ ///w///◕) 💖 physically communicating how much you love someone can be hard!
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freyjawriter24 · 3 years
Here’s my fic from the @oursidezine Pride 2021 zine! Thank you to everyone involved for making it such a fun and rewarding experience!!
Aziraphale and Crowley, who have been together for several years now, try kissing for the first time. Maybe it's not for them, but that's okay.
I've been planning this fic for a long time (since 2019!), and I've written and rewritten it many times in attempting to do this important story justice. I’m so pleased it's finally out in the world, and I really hope you enjoy it.
You can still download the full zine here, but donations closed at the end of Pride Month - final amount raised to be announced shortly!
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boozedcowboy · 3 years
Let’s talk about Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship
And basically just how gay they are.
I want to start off by saying that I haven’t watched the entire Good Omens tv show but HOWEVER  I got a little too obsessed and watched all the scenes I could find. And by all I mean all. And some clips on it. And the thing that made me want to write this were the quite concerning amount of people categorising it as queerbaiting. 
I won’t say anything related to the book because unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to read it.
Okay so first of all the author confirmed that Good Omens is a story about two people in love. I do not have the time nor dedication to find where this was first mentioned but trust me on this one. But like I get it why people say it’s queerbaiting. I mean there’s no romantic interaction and all we have is subtext, right?
well I, personally, wouldn’t say so. I mean yeah all we have in the actual show is pretty much subtext but there are also things that we have to take into consideration. First of all we have to remember that they are both (former or not) celestial enitites. They were both angels at some point. And what have those random posts and tiktoks taught us? Angels don’t look the way we think they look. Angels aren’t what we really think of them. 
Crowley and Aziraphale are spiritual entities, only having the bodies we see ,as some kind of vessel to help them integrate in human society. Therefore they are only human (biologically, we aren’t here to get into the entire moral structure and stuff, maybe another time idk???) by the way they look.
Now, why does that matter? Because the way we express love and the way we think about it is entirely a human thing. We basically created it, somehow, based on our biological desire to procreate. Spiritual beings don’t have the desire to procreate, cuz they don’t need to. Therefore they haven’t really evolved a way to show the romantic love, and at first or even always will be reluctant with the human ways. 
How do we know our ineffable husbands (they’re non-binary most probably, spiritual entities don’t need gender) are actually in love? OHH BOYY I haven’t even watched the show and it’s obvious that they truly share a profound bond (destiel reference to mourn after sp’s ending). I mean there are a lot of scenes, but I decide to be less professional and just say exactly why, not when.
1. I meannn the amount of times Crowley made compromises for Aziraphale and for him only, and just those sweet little things like always asking him for lunch or dinner or whatever and being careful with his books. I mean not to be sad but like my best friends wouldn’t have really been that careful with the things I appreciate. There gotta be something
2. Aziraphale was always telling Crowley (sooner or later) what he had found out and what he should do. He always wanted him to be on the right path, despite him being a demon and by definition being on the wrong path, a fallen angel.
3. Just Aziraphale being worried about Crowley and vice-versa. I mean that’s clearly a thing friends share as well but like they are basically on opposite sides. They should be fighting each other but, instead, go on cute little lunch dates together for like 6000 years???
4. Also this is a when one, but remember when Crowley asked Aziraphale to run away with him? Running aways is a gay thing, I’m sorry I’m not accepting any criticize on this one.
Anyways what did I try to prove with this long post? That love can be shown in many forms, some being sexual, some being romantic and some just being slightly romantic but not in an obvious way. Our little angle x demon ship does not do harm to the LGBTQ community, it does not practice in queerbaiting either, it just shows another way of showing love, a love that is so strong it doesn’t need to be proven. They both know it, it’s obvious, and they love each other in their own way.
Basically they’re asexual because they’re angels and honestly I am yearning for a relationship like theirs.
Anyways I’m down for any other opinions, this was just one out of hundreds.
anyways look at them I love them
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infinitevariety · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag
Thank you @teslatherat for the tag <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
Total-total, across both pseuds, is 79.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Erm, three I guess. Good Omens is my main fandom. I wrote one crossover with Donna Noble from Doctor Who. And I used to write Harry Potter fic, but drifted away from that, and then JK Terf happened so I’m not about to drift back.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m only gonna talk about my Good Omens fics, because that’s what we’re all here for.
Angel Wiggles™
Crowley wants to make Aziraphale happy enough to wiggle.
Taking Some Pictures or Something
On a road trip to the South Downs Crowley gives Aziraphale his phone to take photos of the views. However, Aziraphale doesn't know how the phone works and spends all day accidentally posting to Crowley's Instagram story.
Like Any Rose It’s Not Itself
A single white rose grows from one of Crowley’s plants. Which is weird, because none of his plants are rose bushes.
Find It in the Dictionary Under ‘L’
Demons can’t feel love, but Aziraphale can’t help noticing how much Crowley’s suddenly flinging the word around.
(Probably Something That Shouldn’t Be) Said Out Loud
Crowley hasn’t been sleeping well since the world didn’t end, but when he falls asleep on the bookshop sofa he’s not the only one who has to deal with his nightmare.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
To comments on my Good Omens fics, yes. Because it’s the fandom I’m active in, and I want commenters to know I see and appreciate them! <3
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Erm. I don’t really do angst. The ineffables are my happy place, and I pretty much only write fluffy shit (sorry not sorry). About the angsiest I get is bickering, and even then it doesn’t end on a bad note.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I wrote a short Good Omens crossover with Donna Noble from Doctor Who. It’s called Come and Meet Us. It’s not crazy at all I don’t think?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate. I’ve had a couple of rude or obnoxious comments, but I just delete them because they are not worth my energy.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Not for the ineffables I don’t. I’ll read it as part of a larger story or if it’s an interesting concept, but the ineffables I write are asexuals. I rarely even have them kiss, tbh. (Though my best friend and beta is always pushing for a lip smack!)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A couple of times, way back in the day on an old account. It was a lot of fun.
What’s your all time favourite ship?
The ineffables. They just… have that ying/yang dynamic while also being soft as fuck, and it’s just so wonderful to me.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Hmm. Probably ‘Aziraphale is Oscar Wilde’. I get really tired of (at this point) even seeing Oscar Wilde’s name in fics. Aziraphale having slept with/been in a relationship with/been friends with him. At some point I wanted to do something different, so I played with the idea that Aziraphale was Oscar Wilde, writing under a pseudonym. But I’m not likely ever gonna follow through and actually write it.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. At least, I tend to write a lot of dialogue. Where are the characters and what are they doing? Who knows! But they talk a lot.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Description. I dislike superfluous descriptions when I’m reading, and I’m exactly the same when I write. Possibly to the extent that I don’t write enough. Look, they’re in a kitchen—imagine whatever counter top and colour scheme you want, it has zero bearing on the story.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don’t often do it, because I’ve never really had the need. Especially with Good Omens, where in the show, even when they would’ve been speaking another language, they’re speaking English for the sake of the audience.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. We’ve been here, it’s tainted by that terf-bag now.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
My favourite, because it was entirely self-indulgent and fun and needed hours of “research” and note-taking, is You Know the Answer (So Scream It Out Loud).
Tagging? Ugh. I hate this popularity contest. I’ll tag folk I’d be interested in reading the answers of, if they wanna do it and haven’t already… @hope-inthedark @morosexual-aziraphale @cheeriosandwine
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alphacentaurisys · 3 years
[OLD] pinned post - NO LONGER APPLICABLE!!
yo, i'm prince! i use he/they pronouns as well as a. very long list of neos (link here)! i'm cupioromantic and asexual, genderqueer and transmasc :)
in case anyone wonders- my big 3 r sagittarius sun, pisces moon, and scorpio rising (yes its terrible /j)
big fan of genshin impact (!!!), tma (!!!), owl house, she-ra, danganronpa, good omens, and many many others (though i don't really associate with some of the fandoms bc. yeah)
i use tone tags a lot!! and i would appreciate it if you did too in interactions because tone via text is hard ADSHFBJDSHB
i try to be punk, but also a plague doctor, so like,,,crowcore? i have no idea. but it's cool, we're cool, yeah. i'm still in the process of figuring that whole thing out LOL
i also cosplay on occasion! currently in my arsenal are scaramouche (genshin impact), xiao (genshin), ibuki mioda (danganronpa 2), nagito komaeda (also dr2), and tsuchigomori (tbhk),but i'm hoping to expand it to more characters from other fandoms soon!
anywayyys thats me! if u have questions or wanna talk feel free to dm me or send an ask!
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Hi! I started following you for cockles but regular and prolonged exposure to Good Omens content made me finally watch it (I have no idea why I'd been resisting for so long!) and oooh my goood, they are sooo married! like knew it, I was prepared for it and it still took me by surprise! And from what I've seen, the creators/cast are for once very nice to the fandom? (or maybe just spn broke my perception of reality) Anyway this show is a gift, so thank you <3
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getting people to watch good omens is one of my missions on this website (along with getting people to watch the untamed and ship cockles), so thank you for fulfilling my purpose! i’m so glad you enjoyed it.
and yes, the creators are far, far more fan-friendly than spn lmao. neil gaiman has said a few things that irked me, but iirc he said that he wrote the show as a love story, and he has a very hands-off approach - like, these are yours to do whatever you want to, you can view them however you like. 
some people got angry because he said that crowley and aziraphale aren’t gay - but i think what he said is that they’re not gay because they’re not human men. he once said something explicitly about wanting to leave room for them to be interpreted as asexual, which i really appreciate, and he mentioned once how crowley was presenting female at the crucifixion, with the implication that crowley is canonically genderfluid. neil is on tumblr and he often answers fan questions and gives advice, he seems pretty cool. the other day he retweeted some fanart that included aziraphale kissing crowley, so i think he’s supportive.
michael and david are also super supportive, especially michael. he was a fan of the book for years before the show, and said that he portrayed the moment crowley gives aziraphale the rescued books in the church as the moment that aziraphale falls in love with him. he actually reads crowley/aziraphale fanfic and retweets fanart, frequently interacts with fans and alludes to the story being a romance. he might even have a tumblr based on a screencap he tweeted once.
last year they recorded an adorable conversation in-character as crowley and aziraphale talking on the phone during quarantine as a treat for fans, and of course they’ve done two seasons of staged. they’re really good friends and so cute together. 
good omens has been one of the most pleasant, wank-free fandom experiences i’ve ever had, it’s really delightful. 
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