#as i always had but HMPH. having friends convinced me to stay up later lately
renthebee · 17 days
skater blues chapt 1
Chapt 1- dashi
summary- Go through Dashis routine through her visits to the rink!
Note- I know literally nothing about roller skating and ice skating so things might be wrong. Cross posted on AO3 link at end of chapter
Dashi loves two things. Photography and rollerskating.She was proud of her skill. It took her years to learn. She's taken to teaching her...less than graceful friend/roomate.
Dashi walked into the building her bag slung carefully over her shoulder. She walked to the rinks locker room; took her skates out of the bag and shoved her stuff into the locker.
Shellington, Dashi's best friend, watched her skate trying to figure out just how she stays standing on the skates.
He could barely handle getting into the rink without falling flat on his tail(ouch!). How could she possibly stay up when moving. Maybe it was the way she moved? Because her tail was a lot smaller than his?
Ugh he was more cut out for sitting in the college library studying the rows and rows of biology books. Or in their shared apartment watching crappy sitcoms.
Meanwhile Dashi was wondering how to convince Shellington(or as she dubbed him Shelly) to just try one more time.
Dashi skated over and stopped by Shellington. "C'mon Shelly you won't get better by just sitting and sulking! Practice will help, especially with help from someone who knows their way around what they're doing!" Dashi tries to sound enthusiastic so that he wouldn't see how nervous she was about both teaching and how Shellington seemed terrified at even the idea of the skates.
"You make it seem so easy. Like you're not supposed to fall or be bad at it."
"Practice helps trust me I wasn't as good when I started. I'm sure either ma or Koshi has a video of how bad I was. But that was when I first started." Dashi encourages hoping he'd understand how no one starts perfect.
Dashi helped him up(not without a few slips on Shellys end) and scooted them over to the inside of the rink. "Alright champ you ready to give it a whirl?"
Dashi got back to the apartment while Shellington wandered off to one of his later classes. Classes she believed seemed boring. She could admit the topic might be interesting but the actual act of learning all that stuff seemed tiring. 
Not that she doesn't like learning but biology isn't her thing. Having Shelly ramble was enough.  She learns so much just from that so why sit in lecture after lecture when she gets a compact version at home. 
She loves his rambles and he loves hers. She supposes that it's the reason they're friends.
Every night for the past few years the routine is similar.
1 Shelly goes to afternoon classes
2 they try(key word try) to cook a good meal
3 shitty sitcoms or whater mind numbing thing they find
4 study and homework (ugh) 
5 bed
They were in a bubble of their own and they were happy not that they didn't have other friends or things the did without each other.
Days after rink always kinda sucked no matter how fun it is. She woke sore and worn out. I mean she did move a lot almost twice a week. 
"Ugh " her alarm always seemed louder.
"Hmph" she had trouble getting out of bed
Eventually she triumphantly got up and over to the rest room. 
Dashi wouldn't say she's crazy about skincare or her fur.(she cared more about her fur) BUT she had a routine. [Insert whatever dog fur/skin care would be]
She got dressed today a blue dress, some sneakers and her typical pink headband.(iconic she knows)
She ran for it. 
Late and on a field day. Damn this sucked. At this point she was ruffled up and just ready to go off on her own.
Luckily Mr owens[random name],a fox with a few patches of gray fur, wasn't all that strict. Sure he hated trouble but not slight lateness.
Going out to take photos was one of her favorite parts of her major. She loved documenting things she found interesting or just capturing the world as it passed by.
Dashi loved her life as simple as each day seemed as of now she loved it. Waking up, doing photography for class; working at the skating rink. 
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How am I supposed to not wake up my whole household when it's past 1 am and all I can read is "Vexen fucker", " Dragon ansem fucker' and the logistic of the latter in my notifications. I'm suffocating (not in the nice way) (just dying)
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i got another brand of fucker to add to your woes anon #1
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danger-noodle-uwu · 3 years
I'm new to tumblr so is this how you do request? May I request the brothers forgetting mc's birthday and later remembering it. How would they react? Maybe they were busy or something. Your choice if you wanna do the dateables too.
Trigger warning
Mentions of Angst/sad/slight comfort
Busy almost all the time, the first-born barely spent time with our dear Mc. He would try to finish the work only for more to be slammed on his desk.
Never would his brothers acknowledge his efforts or the sacrifices he made for them. Instead they'd mock him. Mock him for being absent at all family times. Mock him for doing what he does.
It was once again such a time, such a day. They didn't bother to care what the day has held for his beloved. It was their birth.
The birth of the one who truly changed his life along with his brothers. It was such a blessing yet he forgot about it. Entirely.
The Avatar of pride was strong, Lucifer wasn't. He was weak. Vulnerable. Especially against his brothers whom he adored with his entire being.
And the mocking words had stabbed him deeply, which made his current state as to how it was. Drunk. Wounded. Crying.
Rubbing his eyes, he awoke to a mess of his office which screamed the need for cleanliness.
During the process, he found the calender. A sweet calender gifted him by his doll.
A smile had crept on his face as he lifted it for what? Perhaps to calm the unsettling feeling in his bones that told him to run but where he didn't know?
While their lover was, Mc wilted much like a delicate flower would if the sun stopped shinning, they were laying curled on the floor of his room. Mc needed him.
How could he forget his own lover's birthday?! even after he promised... it hurts.. so much...
Yesterday. The poor human cut the cake wished themselves a happy birthday when he didn't...crying...in pain...
The realization hit hard. He ran to Mc's room as fast as he could. A shiver ran his spine and the horror in his stomach grew as each and every step was taken.
Yet could not find them, so he went over to his office expecting a fuming Mc.
He was once again not right, for his beloved was breaking down as he took them into his arms. Consoling.
He apologised and comforted them. Reassuring them over and over again. Reminding them his heart still is with them and no-could ever take it away.
He later threw a party, just like how you wanted. You. Him. And the growing fragrance of the candles surrounding you both.
Though late as it may have been, it was the best birthday the innocent human had. Smiling while he kissed your knuckles, he asked for your hand in marriage.
Never had you expected this...
"I Found the reason for my smile, the day I found you. Will you let me be the reason for your smile and marry me, my love?"
As most had expected, he forgot your birthday due to witches or the modeling gig, he did not.
Instead he forgot about preparing your birthday gifts. His excitement had always gotten the best of him.
The Avatar of greed did not have enough budget to prepare the gift you dearly wished for, therefore multiple part-time jobs and skipping RAD became more often.
Despite the scolding, he didn't bother and worked on, just imagining the smile you'd make once you saw what he got you.
''I'll make Mc smile. Just one more hour extra and the budget would be*chef's kiss* '' he thought as his co-workers packed their belongings up.
It was late night and the moons shined brightly over the streets of devildom however he wasn't much worried because it was not like your birthday the next day. (it was)
Stretching his arms, he woke up around 1:35 pm due to his fucked up sleep schedule, only to be greeted by your excited figure cuddling him.
Grey-haired demon thought it was the Delirium before the day itself. He was wrong.
At first he acted totally oblivious to the fact any special day was just around the corner. He knew that surprises even more better!!
And then your great mammon ignored you for a while to rid of the risk of you following him to the destination.
Though his plan was to get your hopes down, he ended up making you cry. It hurts a lot especially when the love of your life forgets your birthday afterall you gave him everything he wanted on his.
The visit was successful. He even had extras left to treat you!!!
The was big achievement for someone who hated working to the slightest, to work for 3 weeks and multiple jobs!!!
But before he left, the seller mocked him about being a damned day late for this gift could have been sold at a better price if not booked.
That is when it all clicked and he panicked. Today was your birthday! Oh shit!!
He rushed home back to you. As he ran, he planned how to ask for your forgiveness.
" Oi Mc I'm sorry!--Oh hell no!!" "Mc I fucked I am sorry, please forgive afterall I'm your first man.--fuck this shit imma just play smooth."
Panting, he paused right before the door of your room and knocked lightly. Seeking your permission to enter.
You lazily opened the door for him, tired after shedding many tears for him.
Mammon instantly knew what to do. "Oi Mc I'm sorry for not wishing ya' a happy birthday earlier but I was busy buyin you somethin', here darlin' close your eyes."
Hearing his apology, you felt oddly happy and followed his request. Soon you felt a soft cold metal cling to your wrist. A bracelet, huh.?
"Open y'er eyes, human." On your wrist was bracelet that said 'His human' and another matching one was on his wrist which said 'Their stupid' . (Now isn't that adorable?)
"I was savin' up for this, so ya' better appreciate it. Hmph!" Giggling you yelled 'I love you' at him making him blush immediately.
However, when he spoke, he spoke genuinely and not in tsundere.
"Ya' make my life worth living. You bring smiles to my face, and y'er touch shows me how much you love me and care for me. Y'er my friend and my lover. Happy Birthday!"
With envy filled to the brim, Leviathan was very focused upon you and having your attention only for himself. To not let anyone snatch you away for they could better be than him, he'd make notes to treat you like royalty and improve his guilt-tripping habits.
Guilt, regret, shame. His heart screamed within the confines of his chest, as he rubbed your back assuring you that he still loved and will continue to do so.
It was his envy. It had always been his envy. Who always held him captive like a bird in a cage, he struggled to break free. He just couldn't.
The fault was his for if he hadn't given in to the jealousy named poison, you would be happily celebrating your birthday rather than crying in his embrace.
The fault was his for if he hadn't screamed at your friends who just came to congratulate you about getting in a relationship with the demon you very much loved and to wish you a birthday.
They left because of him. Not because he humiliated them but he forgot his own lover's birthday and called them a pathetic cheater, as they didn't feel like reminding of what the day was. They had left off with their friends, returning at HOL at night only to get yelled at.
Caring friends as they were, they tried convincing Mc to leave which his love refused. So, they left pitying the poor human.
No-matter how much Mc begged her companions to stay, they didn't.
Oh the suffering for His Normie, they ran upto him vulnerable-ly and started hitting him weakly, breaking down. Why was he? Why was he like this?! Why must he always leave you crying due to his envy?!
"Hey easy...calm down please, I'm sorry. I really am sorry, please forgive me and I promise I will make everything right. Please." "How..?" "Please trust me. My love." "Are you sure..?" "Yes...yes...I love you..."
Could you really trust his statement? You wondered. He could forget his word much like how he forgot your birthday.
The great admiral of hell's navy was true to his word, and successfully united you again with those who almost abandoned you or it seemed like--but no they were just disappointed. They were never going to do such a thing.
The meet went smoothly, and soon the the sun was setting casting shadows along with dying light, it was a dreamy sight for anyone.
Leviathan had known that he still had to make upto you properly and therefore, he took you to the cosmos of frodane.
Red, blue, yellow, any colour you could possibly think of was there, shining as brightly you were.
Taking in a shaky breath, the Avatar of envy gave you a bouquet, each flower consisting different scent which complimented the other.
The shimmer in your eyes gave you away and he gave you a sweetly addicting kiss while mumuring...
"I always cause some mess. It is never your fault. I’m sorry for making you feel unhappy. I cannot believe that I cause hurt to you. You are my only hope for my life. I promise you that I will do my best to make a better version of myself for you, my 3rd waifu~"
And here we go... the pain and the suffering. Lol
Hope you like it and stay safe everyone. ♡♡♡
Have a good day!
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cvtqr · 4 years
we only have 15 minutes, sugar
pairings; eren jaeger x reader
content warning; mentions of past jean x reader, oral sex, masturbation, recording, manhandling?
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february 19th
you always found eren jaeger attractive, especially tonight at this party. his long hair thrown up into a messy bun, his white shirt with water split on it - making it see through. god you were about to start counting his abs. but who you were really here for? jean. you guys weren’t in a relationship or anything, just friends who liked to help eachother. it started off when you guys would go to eachother for advice or he would find himself in your dorm room ranting to you. just helping eachother with little problems of course. that doesn’t mean sucking his dick was that much of a stretch from it, right?
anyways jean was in a frat house, along side eren. they were throwing a party, and somehow jean convinced you to stop by. you didn’t know if you were regretting it or not. jean was no where to be seen so you just sat yourself on the kitchen counter drinking some punch you found in a bowl. you were admiring eren from a far, remembering all the bad things jean had said about him. how he just annoys the living shit out of him. but god, how attractive he was. you could’ve sworn you looked down at your phone for not even a minute when you heard someone clear their voice right in front of you. you looked up to be met with eren.
“uh hi?”
“hey hey! erm- y/n. we had physics last semester together. eren, eren yeager.”
yeah, i already know your name
“oh hi!”
“my friend reiner over there says he knows ‘ya too. wanna come play truth or dare with us in the backyard hm?”
slipping your phone into the pocket of your shorts, you jumped off the counter, centimeters away from eren.
he let out a low chuckle, placing his hands on the counter, trapping you inbetween the granite and himself. he looked you right in the eye before reaching one of his hands back to grab a chip in the bowl behind where you were sitting. your breathing shakened a bit and you rolled your eyes at him, looking down.
he let out another chuckle before grabbing your chin and tilting it up, forcing you to look at him. “no need to roll your eyes sugar. if you were expectin-wanting something else, just say it. i’m not a mind reader baby.” he gave you a little wink before letting you go and backing up.
“i erm- i gotta pee i’ll meet you guys outside.”
he gave you a small head pat before running towards the back door.
right when you turned around to head to the bathroom you crashed right into jean, stumbling back a bit.
“oh hey jean!”
he sent you a blunt hey and started walking to the back door with an annoyed look on his face.
tch, what’s his problem.
your little bathroom excuse wasn’t actually an exuse, the amount of punch you were drinking finally caught up to you. right after you sat down your two best friends since birth, sasha and connie came bursting through the door, hysterically cracking up.
ignoring your comment they both collapsed onto the counter laughing their asses off.
you lightly smacked sasha on the back of her head, since she was the laughing the closest to you. “i swear if one of you idiots don’t tell me what the problem is-”
“YOUR BOYFRIENDS ARE OUTSITE FIGHTING OVER YOU-” connie said between laughs practically screaming.
“my who?”
“SORRY, sorry y/n. apparently jean saw you and eren in the kitchen and well, tried beating eren up.”
letting out a sigh you pulled up your pants and ran out of the bathroom.
running outside you found jean knocked out in the arms of marco and eren standing up, wiping some blood out of the corner of his mouth while winking at you. walking right up to him you slapped him right across the face.
he let out a deep, long chuckle.
“i need to talk to you.”
“lead the way sugar.”
you grabbed his arm and pulled him inside while feeling every single pair of eyes on you.
“where’s your room.”
“if you wanted to get me in bed you could’ve just asked baby.”
god can anyone be that full of themselves
“no - no. i don-”
“i’m just joking sugar. follow me.”
he grabbed your hand and led you up into his room, closing the door behind him.
“what the hell was that all about.”
“for the record he started it. he got jealous for no reason and i wasn’t going to let him use me and his rag doll. and you shouldn’t be with someone like jean anyway. you should hear the way he brags about you being his bitch whenever the house is hanging out.” eren plopped down onto his bed
with that you didn’t know who to be mad at this point. he patted his lap signaling you to come over and sit on it. ignoring him you rolled your eyes and sat down next to him, causing him to chuckle again.
“you should clean your wounds that looks pretty deep on your cheek. and take a shower you smell like dirt and grass.”
he got up and headed over to his bathroom door. leaning on the door frame he turned back around.
“only if you stay.”
“hmph, i’ll think about it.”
15 minutes later eren walked out of the bathroom. you were no where to be found. he did know that he’d get back to you one day, considering you left your phone number on a gum wrapper in place of where you were sitting.
february 26
friday strolled around as quick as ever. this week you talked to eren a few times. he texted you on sunday night to have a good week. sicne he was being nice you replied with a “you too:’)”
after that he texted you yesterday afternoon asking if you wanted to come to another party. you never responded, and now it’s friday, 2:05. you just finished all your classes, and you’d be lying if you said you had anything else to do. well except for the pile of homework you usually wait until sunday to do.
sighing you texted him back saying you already had plans and wouldn’t be able to make it. after that you decided to take a short nap. what you thought would be a short nap turned into you sleeping until 6:30. you figured you should get up and get some dinner. you decided to grub hub some taco bell and eat it in the dinning hall. after getting your food you sat down in the corner of the room. it was pretty empty since it was pretty late for dinner.
“ouch, i’m offended.”
you turned around at the familiar voice
“even jean could convince you to come out but i get some lame exuse.”
“it, it wasn’t an exuse. i do have plans.”
“yeah with yourself.” he pulled over a nearby chair and sat next to you.
“i ditched the party, it was pretty boring.”
“so you came to bother me?” you said while still stuffing your face with your food
“yeah pretty much, you wanna hangout?”
“i mean do i really have a choice?”
he leaned over and grabbed one of your nachos, shoving it in his face.
“no not really sugar.”
rolling your eyes you threw out your garbage and led him to your dorm room. since it wasn't that far of a walk, neither of you said anything on the way there. he just simply followed you. 
once you got into your room you shut the door behind you. 
“if you’re sitting on my bed then shoes off.”
“demanding” he said while slipping his shoes off and plopping onto your bed
“soo..” he said as you sat down next to him.
“wanna watch a movie or something? i see you have a tv in here.”
“sure, let me just fix my blankets so get up.”
he nodded and chuckled, getting up. you pulled down your comforter so there was room to get in, and threw all your blankets into the corner before grabbing your remote and slipping into your bed.
“is this an invitation to come lay with you under your blankets.”
“shut the light.” you said while pressing power on the remote. 
the last thing you remember from that night was cracking up with eren over some stupid movie the two of you put on. before you knew it you woke up with a tight grip around your waist. you look over to see eren, still sound asleep. he was so pretty. you figured the two of you just fell asleep while watching movies yesterday. moments like these you were grateful your roommate was on back at home for family issues.
you tried slipping out of his grip before he pulled you back in and groaned. he was still sleeping so you figured you weren't getting up anytime soon, so you closed your eyes and drifted off back to sleep. you woke up about two hours later to find no eren, but a note.
forgot i have to work on a project with floch. i had fun last night, lets do it again soon :)
you were in a good mood the rest of the day. 
may 15 
its almost been four months since you've met eren. you also cut off your contact with jean. he was a good fuck while it lasted. over the last four months you and eren got closer than ever. hanging out almost everyday, going to parties together, falling asleep cuddling every weekend, you name it. yet again, friday came around. instead of cuddling, you and eren decided to go to a party at some sorority house. 
three hours later you were sitting in a circle with a bunch of people you recognized / were friends with. you were all playing a game of truth or dare, cracking up at each other. everyone’s secrets were coming out and people were doing some crazy things. and the list of things we had to do on campus was piling up. for example, connie has to pull a prank on professor ackerman during class on monday. until it was sasha’s time to ask you.
“hmmm. OH Y?N! truth or dare babes!”
you really had to think this one over. sasha had the power of exposing every single one of your secrets if you picked truth, but she's also kind of crazy so who knows what she would dare you to do. after a small debate in your head you went with dare.
“i pick dare.”
“alright! hmmMMM. i dare you to go into an empty room with eren for 15 minutes.”
you felt the heat rush up to your cheeks when you stood up and stretched your arm out for eren to grab. 
you both left the living room and headed up to a room while hearing the small, faint giggles from your friends.
entering the room eren shut and locked the door behind the two of you.
“so.. what do you wanna do?”
“hmm. we only have 15 minutes, sugar.”
this is it. the moment you've been waiting for. you had eren right in front of you. just go up and kiss him already! 
as you slowly walked up closer to him. he flipped the both of you, pinning you up against the wall. 
“let me see if you taste as sweet as I've imagined, sugar. pleaseee you don't even want to know the amount of times I've fisted myself to the mere thought of it.”
you gave him a nod and that was all he needed to pull you off the wall and push you down onto the bed. pulling up your skirt and pulling down your panties, he grimly smirked. 
“don't you dare cum without my permission.” was all he said before going between your legs and flicking his tongue onto your clit. your breathing quickly became heavy and irregular before he shoved two fingers, palm deep into your cunt. 
“ahh~ f-fuck eren-” you blurted out while starting to move under his touch, slightly bucking your hips up. 
that was until you felt a strong pair of hands hold your hips down. 
“stop moving or i’ll stop.” he hissed out before going back down on you, eating you out more forcefully than before, brining you right to your climax.
“f-fuck eren i need to cum- please let me cum. pleaseee~”
“no.” he said while pulling his fingers out of you.
“the only place you’re cummin’ is on my cock. you hear me?”
you wiped away the slight tears forming in the corners of your eye while nodding.
“that's a good little girl.” eren said while smirking
he swiftly grabbed you and flipped you over onto all fours, while shoving your face into the mattress. your first reaction was to perk your ass up for him.
“well someones eager aren't they.” was all he said before pulling down his pants just enough for his fully hard cock to spring out. he could've came just to the feeling of eating you out. 
he leaned down into your ear while whispering, “as sweet as sugar.” he started jacking off while still leaning down, before quickly cumming all over your ass. 
did he just?
he pulled up his pants before getting up and heading up towards the door. 
“well sugar, looks like our time is almost up. we should get back to the ga-” he was cut off by you running up to him and clinging right onto his shirt. practically crying you were blurting out small no’s.
“f-fuck the game, er - eren please just fuck me.” you were so desperate to the point where you were choking on your words. 
“aw, i’m sorry baby i didn't mean to make you cry.” he said while stroking your hair and patting your head. “come suck me off in my car and maybe if you do a good job i'll take ya home and fuck you, yeah?
may 18
sitting in your first class of the morning you were bored out of your mind. getting some lecture from professor ackerman after connie drew all over his desk.
that was until you got a snapchat notification from eren. opening it you were oh so grateful you had your headphones in. it was a video of eren cumming all over his laptop with a video of him shoving his cock oh so deep into your pretty little cunt. 
with the caption of missin’ the taste, sugar :’(
you’d be sure to pay him a visit during your lunch break.
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storybookstalker · 4 years
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. Riddle Rosehearts 
Main Yandere Type → Controlling | Obsessive 
♚ Riddle has been taught from a very young age that rules are a necessary part of life. Rules keep you safe, they offer a cold, guiding hand to those who might not know how to properly handle themselves otherwise! These are the morals instilled in him, and just as they extend to his dorm, they extend their icy grip to his darling as well. 
♚ Riddle’s descent into obsession goes mostly unnoticed by himself, believing that he’s simply worried for their well-being. Afterall, they have that empty dorm all to themselves, what do they do all day? Just sit around? That won’t do! Aren’t they bored? 
♚ He takes it upon himself to create a small schedule for them to follow! It’s just for their mental health, you see, just to give them things to do. He reassures that having a schedule, even the “small” one he gave them will help keep them sane. Don’t worry, Riddle will even update it according to the things they want to do! Just make sure to keep him updated on their life so he can update it on the fly. 
♚ By the time he realizes his feelings, he panics and tries to shove them down. He can’t be in love! What would his mother say!? He tries to brush it all off but soon enough he’ll fall off into the deep-end, after-all, who cares what she thinks? Maybe indulging himself, every now and again, isn’t such a horrible idea.
♔ → “Hmph, Really now, I don’t mind doing this. Don’t worry so much, I can take care of this for you.”
♔ → “Oh? You’re joining a club? Why not join the horseback riding club? It’s very fun, there’s a perfect time slot for it so I don’t have to move anything around on your schedule.”
♔ → “If you ever need help controlling that cat of yours, I’m happy to lend a hand.”
. Trey Clover
Main Yandere Type → Possessive | Manipulative 
♣ Trey is overly calm about his obsession for the most part. He knows it’s wrong but he just takes it in strides, reassuring himself that he has control over his emotions and actions. He’ll charm his way into his darling’s heart, working his way out of plain friendship and into the passionate affection he wants from them. 
♣ He takes all of his obsession in stride, including the increasingly intense desire bubbling in his chest. If he’s losing his mind over them hanging out with the other first years so much, then he’ll just have to gently guide them away from doing that! Trey is much more fun than all of them combined, believe him! When it’s one on one there’s no worry of being left out or leaving anyone out, besides, shouldn’t they be studying more? He’ll help! Trey can help them fix those grades while having fun!
♣ He’ll showly convince them that their “friends” don't actually care about them, ever hear of pity friends? I mean, they haven’t really reached out to darling, now have they? Not that he had anything to do with it, but really! Trey is way more reliable than any of those kids, why does darling even keep them around? As with his obsession, he’s pretty relaxed about getting rid of issues. Slow and steady, he’ll worm his way into isolating them, into being the only one they trust or adore. 
♣ Trey will eventually come to confess, but he’ll make sure there’s no way they’ll even think of rejecting him. He’s clearly the best option for a romantic partner, who else knows them so well? Just stay with him, he’s all they truly need anyway.
♧ → “You seem pretty tired lately. Let me know if you need help with anything, you can lean on me.”
♧ → “Isn’t it exhausting to hang around those guys? Come by if you need a breath of fresh air.”
♧ → “Oh, are you in a good mood? Could you help me with something?”
. Cater Diamond
Main Yandere Type → Obsessive | Stalker 
♦ Cater, while hard to attract, is a rather discreet yet intense yandere. He fights his feelings more than riddle does and fights it for longer. He does what he can to try and shove his feelings down, burying his face in his phone whenever he sees them. But sooner or later, he won’t be able to ignore the urge to angle his phone just right and snap a quick photo. 
♦ At first, he’s tempted to post it as a joke but the idea of sharing such a special picture with anyone else just makes his insides churn. So he starts a private collection, full of photos, videos of his darling. He finds himself staring at them, analyzing any detail he notices. Cater is quick to fall after his breaking point, obsession keeping a tight hold on his heart and head.
♦ He makes an extra effort to keep smiling in front of them, Cater thinks that if he seems happy, then his darling (and others, but there’s a strong focus on darling) will like him more. Cater attempts to flirt with them at times, but the sheer weight of having their full attention is almost too much for him to handle; he usually backs out of it as casually and quickly as possible. 
♦ Cater will probably need some reassurance to approach his darling, or at least time. He doesn’t really feel like he deserves someone like his darling, hell, just looking at them makes his heart jump into his throat. Not that it bothers him too much, stalking them is good enough for him. 
♢ → “You look super pretty today, we should pose for my magicam~!”
♢ → “Ah, you’re always so interesting! Let’s talk more often~”
♢ → “Are you bored? Wanna help me with my magicam? It’ll be fun~”
. Ace Trappola 
Main Yandere Type → Manipulative | Cruel
♥ Ace blames them for making him feel the way he does. He fully embraces his emotions and teases his darling for it. Not that he outright confesses to them, in fact, he’s pretty likely to hide that his feelings are romantic; at least for a bit. Darling will probably assume he’s just a mean kinda person. He’s just teasing, no need to get worked up about it... right?
♥ Of course, he doesn’t constantly tease. If they need help with something, leave it to Ace! He’ll show them just how reliable and trustworthy he is! Sure, he’s immature, but he’s still totally better than any other guy! Geez, they make him feel all intense and gushy, yet don’t even make an effort to make him their number one? What the hell’s wrong with them?
♥ Don’t worry too much about it, Ace is happy to show you how to act towards him! He’s not the most patient person, so they’ll probably get out of it in favor of doing something fun with Ace. Do better next time, okay? 
♥ He likes the idea of being around them 24/7, if not just to make sure he’s the only guy on their mind. Ace probably thinks about stalking them if they’re doing something without him, but where’s the fun in that? If he’s going to stalk them, he’d rather just waltz up to them and start up a conversation or something else fun. He has to talk to them to woo them after all! 
♡ → “Why’re you just standing there? If you’re not busy, let’s go do something fun!”
♡ → “Did you miss me? Ha! I knew it! You’re so easy to read.”
♡ → “You should come to Heartslabyul! It’s a lot more fun than Ramshackle.”
. Deuce Spade
Main Yandere Type → Protective | Delusional 
♠ Deuce doesn’t have much experience with the feelings his darling gives him, so he’s rather possessive, and protective, of their “relationship”. He does understand they aren’t really dating, but he can’t help but feel like they feel the same. The side glances they share… It must mean something! He can’t help but feel like they’re hiding their feelings behind a friendly mask. They must not want the others to feel awkward, that’s all!
♠ He makes extra steps to make sure they feel comfortable coming to him for help. He’s very reliable! Deuce is happy to assist with what he can, that’s what boyfriends do, right? Deuce will especially want to know if anyone’s bothering his darling, he’ll take care of them. All darling has to do is ask for help, Deuce is happy to set some asshole in their place.
♠ Need help with a subject? Well, he’s not the best at doing schoolwork but he’ll encourage his darling! Deuce will do his best, even if it’s a subject he’s horrible at. If they haven’t joined a club, he’ll ask (beg-) them to join Track and Field! It’s fun, and they’ll get to spend more time together, doesn’t that sound great?  
♠ He’s also likely to attempt to stalk them, only to just approach them instead. Though he’ll try to back off some, as much as he’d love to spend every second of every day with them. Though, if he gets some “hints” that they want him around more, he’s more than happy to oblige. 
♤ → “Where are you going? Let’s walk together.”
♤ → “Ah- Sorry about that! I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”
♤ → “I want to be dependable, so don’t be scared to rely on me.”
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- Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia -
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sckyie · 4 years
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song: driver’s license by olivia rodrigo
word count: 2.5k
genre + warnings: angst; swearing, fear of driving, reminiscing in old memories
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: this was orignially supposed to just be an imagine inspired by the song, not apart of the song series but it fits too well to not change oikawa’s song. i also wrote this for @kybabi​​ bc i love her :D n e wayz enjoy :) (part 2)
"So here you're going to turn and he'll make you do a parallel park in the street. You remember how to do that right?" Oikawa asked as he guided you to the next turn. As you turn the steering wheel, you spot a crowded curbside.
"No, can you please please park for me? I hate parallel parking," You pleaded.
"Only because you asked so nicely," He teased.
Ever since you told your best friend that you wanted to learn how to drive, Oikawa never let it go whenever you wanted to hang out. Having you drive him around for practice and giving you tips as you went. He's helped you a ton while you drove around, the only issues you had were parallel parking and merging onto the highway.
"Maybe we should try the highway again," Oikawa said after you two switched seats.
"Are you asking for a death wish?" You joked. "I drive too slow and I'm scare to merge into lanes."
"We can practice on smaller freeways if you want," He asks.
"No," You growled.
It was always a terrifying thing to drive on the highway. You always saw those horrid accidents and feared being in one. Oikawa would always put his hand on your thigh as you merged to calm you down. Just having him be there was enough to get you to get onto the highway. All your fears just faded with him beside you.
Just having this intimate driving lesson with him was enough for you. You grew to fall in love in your best friend. A cliché thing, yet you couldn't say anything. Only you and your girl friends knew about your big crush. It was a funny thing, falling for your childhood best friend. Iwaizumi always joked about you doing so but you never admitted to liking Oikawa. What would that do to your friendship?
Today was the day, it was your test day. The scariest thing you anticipated was finally here. The thing you practiced days on end with Oikawa. The thing that could either make or break you. Today, you'd either come out with your license or you'll be walking home.
The nerves crept up your body like spiders leaving a trail of anxiety webs. You bounced you leg as you waited in the lobby looking out for your driving instructor. As your sweaty palms go to check the time, you notice a text message from Oikawa.
butthead: hey! good luck on your test today!
That's what cooled you down. A simple saying of good fortune will help, right? Sure enough, the test was a breeze, minus the parallel parking as it was the one mistake you got. You happily drove home to tell the news to your parents.
"Have you told Tooru yet?" Your mom asked.
"I'll wait until my actual driver license to prove to him I got it," You smiled.
"You like him don't you?" Your mom gestured to the joy on your face. "I can tell."
"No," You looked away from your mom as she raised her eyebrow. "Okay, maybe but you can't say anything. I'm going to my room now." She chuckled as you dragged you feet to your room.
Two weeks passes and you finally received your license in the mail. You smiled happily down at your new card as you walked outside the school building. You looked up to search for your best friend. Your eyes scanned the courtyard before landing on Iwaizumi. Assuming Oikawa was nearby, you headed towards him.
"Hey Iwa, where's Oiks?" You asked. Iwaizumi raised up his hand and pointed across to the gate. You looked over to find Oikawa talking to Kasumi, a classmate of yours.
"He's asking her to go on a date with him again," Iwaizumi says.
Again? He's done it before?
"Are they dating?" You ask.
"Not yet, Oikawa wants to ask her to be his girlfriend on the date," Iwa explains. "What's that?" He points to your hands as you fiddled with the corner of your driver's license.
"Oh," You said solemnly. "I got my license."
You waved goodbye to your childhood friend before going into he parking lot. Without thinking, you started the car and just began to drive. Out of the school and onto who knows where. Your mind grew blank as you drove.
How could he not mention Kasumi to you? He used to tell you everything but lately he'd been so distant. Maybe that's why he hasn't texted you all week, you thought. Who could blame him for liking Kasumi? She's so pretty and not to mention how smart she is. She's the class representative and she's one of the nicest girls around.
You fell for the one man you shouldn't have. It was too late to even confess how you felt. He was already falling for another while you were left behind. You felt a sharp pain in your chest as you drove by familiar buildings.
The laundromat where you and Oikawa would go to help with the laundry. You both would end up messing around and your parents would have to kick you two out. You and Oikawa would go across the street to the convenience store to buy steamed buns.
He doesn't like you.
The library where you would wait for Oikawa to finish practice so you two could study together. He'd bring you a bottle of tea and some sort of snack to keep you from burning out. Those study dates where you'd stay until the library was closed.
Give up, stop thinking of him.
The ramen restaurant where Oikawa would take you if he won a game. It was a great celebration and you two had made so many memories there. You two had gone there so often, he convinced the owner that you were his girlfriend.
Let him go.
All the feelings you had for him began to ache in your heart as you reminisced in the memories. You gripped tighter on the wheel as you saw an highway exit. "Fuck," You whispered as you merged into the fast lane. Suddenly all those fears you had of driving, just disappeared. You felt this peace as your eyes locked on the long highway. It was like, nothing hurt anymore. Your tensed shoulders relaxed, yet you felt tears roll down your cheeks. You took deep breaths as you drove attempting to stop your tears.
Soon enough, driving on the highway had shifted from a phobia to an escape. Everyday after school, rather than meeting up with Oikawa and Iwaizumi before practice, you'd drive on the highway and on backroads. It was the only thing that kept you sane when you see Kasumi with Oikawa together.
You became accustomed to the fast pace of the highways. Occasionally you'd speed if you felt some type of pain grow in your chest. You'd blast music to drown out any thoughts or feelings you had. You knew Oikawa could never be yours, so why bother crying over him, right? The thought of being around him began to make you uncomfortable. If you kept your distance, you wouldn't get hurt. You wouldn't be considered a distraction.
butthead: hey?
you: what's up?
butthead: it's been a while since i've seen you :( i miss my best friend
you: are you sure you mean to text me or iwa?
butthead: you, y/n i miss hanging with you
butthead: you didn't come to the restaurant after our game
you: i was busy, sorry
butthead: :(
you: i gotta go, ill talk to you later
Oikawa sighed at his phone and looked across the table to Iwaizumi. "Have you talked to Y/n lately?" He asked.
"Yeah, she borrowed gas money from me," Iwa says before slurping his noodles.
"Gas money? She got her license?" Oikawa tilts his head. "How long has it been?"
"A month? You got caught up with Kasumi," Iwaizumi says.
"Hmph," Oikawa huffed as he sipped his drink. He'd been spending so much time with Kasumi that he forgot about you. Or was it, you started to forget about him? He glances at the window behind Iwa and noticed a familiar car parking.
You parked your car across the street of the restaurant next to a convenience store. You quickly got out and went into the store looking for something to drink. As you began to scan the fridge, you heard the door open. "Y/n?" You turned to find Oikawa.
"What are you doing here?" You turned back to grab a soda.
"Iwa came to eat with me since you didn't make it," Oikawa says. "He's still there, did you want to join us?"
"No thanks, I'm kinda busy at the moment," You say dully. Oikawa goes to speak but you had already walked to go pay for your drink. "Later Oikawa."
"Oikawa?" He watched as you left the store and into your car. He follows suit and watched you speed off. Oikawa quickly makes his way back to the restaurant and seats himself disgruntled. "Y/n called me Oikawa..."
"That's your name isn't it?" Iwaizumi raised his eyebrow.
"She always calls me Oiks or Ru, never Oikawa," He says. "Did I do something wrong?"
Iwaizumi shrugged even though he knew the answer well enough. After Oikawa had asked Kasumi to be his girlfriend, your demeanor had changed. Iwa was the first to notice too. Typically, after school you'd see the duo before practice started, yet since you learnt Oikawa had eyes for another, you stopped.
One day, Iwaizumi decided to follow after you when school was over. He trailed behind as you walked to your car door. You pulled open the door handle only for Iwa to shut the door immediately after. You turned to find Iwaizumi with scrunched eyebrows. "What's wrong with you?" He asked. "Why haven't you came by before practice?"
"No reason, I'm just busy," You lied.
"Liar, what's wrong?" He asks yet you remained silent. "I won't tell Shittykawa just tell me why you're being so distant...and also why your eyes are always puffy."
You paused before answering, "I'm just...upset with Oikawa...and Kasumi.."
"Do you..?" Iwaizumi implied. You nod and looked at the ground. "What have you been doing since you found out about them?"
"Driving," You sighed. "Just driving...It's keep me off my mind all week. I bear the fact that he looks so happy with her and not...me. God I'm so stupid."
"Don't say that-" Iwa started but you immediately lashed out.
"It's true! I was too late to confess! And I fell for the one boy I can't have!" You felt tears well up in your eyes. "I can't even drive by certain places without getting upset. I take backroads and I avoid them completely. I hate driving by his house but it's the only way to my own. He just treats me like another fucking fan girl! I'm just so stupid for falling for my best friend." Since that day, Iwaizumi kept to his promise. Not word about your feelings were said to Oikawa.
butthead: hey are you busy right now ?
you: no, what's up?
butthead: can you help me with something?
you: depends
butthead: meet me at the library so i can tell you more :)
You locked you phone and tossed it into your passenger's seat. You looked up to see the light change to green, allowing you to speed into the highway. Your hands rested at the bottom of the wheel as you drove. The slow, lo-fi music surrounded your car as you drove which let you get out of your trapped mind.
It was a crazy thought to think that you and Oikawa were so excited to drive together. Yet now all you want to do is drive alone. You turned up the volume of your music as you merged into your neighborhood. You leaned further back into your seat as you were driving around the suburbs. You glance at the white cars lining one street leading to the library. You scoffed at the sight as a repressed memory resurfaced.
"Why do you like white cars so much?" You chuckled.
"Because they look clean and nice? Sorry I don't like your basic silver car," Oikawa raised his hand to block your face.
"I'm basic? Says the one who wants an automatic," You pretend to throw up to mock him.
"For someone who can't drive yet, you talk big," Oikawa pats your head only to be smacked a few seconds late. Oikawa drapes his arm over you as you walked down the street to the library The entire walk was filled with mocking and talking about the future. "Let me teach you how to drive, that way we could go out together more."
You finally arrived at the library, spotting Oikawa before parking the car. He watches as you easily parallel park and is stunned by how casual you are as you drove. You set out and approach him. Oikawa holds out a snack to you but you politely refuse.
"Let's go inside?" He asks. You shrugged and followed him in. Rather than sitting beside him like usual, you sat across from him. You still had those feelings for him but you couldn't stand sitting next to him. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as you anticipated his next words. "I was wondering if you could help me with Kasumi?"
"With what?" You ask.
"I want to give her a gift, right?" He starts. "A gift that goes along with me telling her I love her."
He loves her?
Your heart aches but you decide to move past that. "Isn't it a bit early to say I love you?"
"Well, we were long time friends before we started dating and I feel like it's the right time to, y'know?" Oikawa leans forward on the table. "Can you help me find a gift?"
This feels familiar. Helping him find a gift for a girl that isn't you. It seems like anytime he does have a crush he'd come to you for advice. This is the first time that you didn't want to give into his favors.
"No," You sighed.
"No? Wait why not?" He raised his eyebrows at you.
"Because," Say it. "Because I-"
"Because?" Oikawa tilts his head at your response.
"Because I can't keep doing things like this for you," You stood up and began heading for the entrance. Oikawa followed afterwards as he could see the pain in your voice.
"Y/n, talk to me, we haven't talked in forever. Tell me what's wrong," He says as you exit the library. You ignore his voice and reached for your car door. He grabs your arm but you shove him off.
"Would you just- leave me alone?" You snapped. "I don't want to help you, okay?"
"What did I do?" Oikawa was beyond confused at your response.
"I- You- Ugh! Just go away, I don't want to see you!" Your voice cracked as the suppressed feelings began to rise again.
"Why not!" Oikawa grabbed your arm again, this time you weren't able to break free.
"Because I fucking loved you idiot!" You yelled. Hot tears streamed down your cheeks as you stopped struggling in his hold. Oikawa paused and stared at you in wonder.
"You...loved me?" He asked.
"I still fucking love you! God, I hate you- I just- Let go!" You pulled off him. "I'm leaving. If you try to stop me, I'm never speaking to you again." You wiped your tears as you entered your car. Driving off into the neighborhood, crying at the red lights knowing you could've ruined your whole friendship.
Oikawa watched as you sped off. Those words lingered in his ear as he stared down at his hand where you let go. His mind was lost in thought, how could his best friend love him? Was he that blind that he couldn't see your admiration? "She...loves me?" He thought.
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme​ @d0llpie​ @elianetsantana @joy-laufeyson @kac-chowsballs
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Feelings- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
  Request: Is it possible to request a Draco x Reader x Harry love triangle? The reader is Harry’s ex. Where the reader ends up with Draco. Thank you! I love your writing 😊
  Kody: Very short
  Year: 7th
  House: Slytherin
  Possible Triggers/Warnings: cursing, out of character Harry, protective Draco, fluff, slight mature themes cause Draco is a horny bastard.
   falling out of love was something you had never imagined would happen to you. Two months ago you were head over heels for the chosen one and he was too. He was everything you wanted in a relationship, but everything is never as it seems.
   as your relationship went one you began to notice that he didn’t look at you the way he looked at her. Ginny Weasley. At first you ignored it, because what girl would want to think that there boyfriend is in love with someone else, but eventually you were brought back to reality.
   you spent a month watching as Harry chose Ginny over you multiple times and slowly but surely, you fell out of love with him. You no longer held those romantic feelings you once did. Every time you saw him it was just a numb feeling. You decided one day to confront him.
   Two Months Ago
   you had Ron let you in the Gryffindor common room and were now standing in front of Harry’s dorm. You reached up and knocked three times then returned your hand to your side. A shuffling sound was heard and footsteps came closer. The door opened and there stood Harry, with a bright smile.
   “Ginny you came- Oh Y/n, what’re you doing here?” his expression changes from excited to confused. You gave him a half smile and looked to the left then right, there were boys in the hall “Can we talk for a moment?” you say. He nods slowly moving away from the doorway so you could walk in.
   you step into his dorm and hear the door close behind you “I have somebody coming in a bit so-” “-I’m breaking up with you” you say, stunning the chosen one to where his green eyes were wide. “I- what? Why?” he asks, stepping closer to you. You narrow your eyes “You know why Harry. You don’t love me”
   he opened his mouth, going to protest “Th- That’s not true” he sputters, which only confirmed it. You sigh deeply, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. “You were so excited when you thought i was Ginny Weasley a second ago. Harry i know your in love with her. I’m not stupid”
   he looks up at you, his expression saddening “I thought the feelings would go away, but it didn’t. How long have you known?” he takes a seat next to you. You exhale, clinging onto the fabric of your sweater “About a month. Harry if you didn’t love me why did you ask me to be your girlfriend?”
   he sighed as well “I did, at the time. I should of told you, but we were best friends and i didn’t want to break your heart” he spoke, reaching into your lap to grab your hand. You hesitantly interlock your fingers “It’s okay Harry. I’m just glad you know what you want now” you smile lightly.
   Harry didn’t seemed pleased with your answer, thinking there was more to say “You seem oddly okay with what’s going on right now” he questions. “That’s because i realize i fell out of love as well” you explained, his mouth forms an ’O’ shape as he looks at his lap.
   you unlace your fingers and stand up “I believe this is the end Harry” you stood in front of him, looking down as he sat. He purses his lips into a thin line and nods “I’m sorry Y/n” he stood up and reached his arms out to embrace you, but you held a hand out, stopping him. “Too soon?”
   “Too soon” you repeat, he nods and steps back. You gather up your thoughts and make your way to his door. Opening it, you glance back at the chosen one “Take good care of Ginny. I wish you the best” you smile at him. He nods slowly and returns your smile “Of course Y/n”
   during those two months spent without Harry you confided in a childhood best friend. Draco Malfoy. When you started going out with Harry, Draco pretty much avoided you like the plague. You knew he wasn’t avoiding you per say more like Harry because they despised each other.
   after the breakup you went to Draco’s dorm and told him about Ginny, everything that you had said as well as what Harry said. He told you that you shouldn’t have dated ‘Famous Potter’ anyway and that he was a giant git for taking advantage of your kindness.
   but you were happy to have your best friend back anyway.
   “It’s late. I’m going to head to my dorm” you spoke, standing up from Draco’s bed. He sits up, his face turning into a pout “You can’t stay over for the night?” you chuckle, going to grab your Slytherin house sweater. “We aren’t kids anymore Draco” Draco reaches for your sweater just as you grab it.
   he pulls it towards him and you with it. Landing on Draco’s chest. He smirks down at you and glances a your sweater “Did you need this?” he asked, his hand landing on your waist. What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening. You feel your face heat up severely.
   “I- uh- Draco stop” you mumble, clearly flustered by his actions. He sits up so your sitting in his lap as he leans against the headboard of his bed. he had been acting like this recently. Flirting and teasing you with small touches. At first you thought it was just Draco being Draco. He flirted with girls all the time.
    but he had never done it to you before. So it was strange, but you liked it at the same time. Harry had never shown that kind of affection towards you. Draco spent almost every living moment with you and was always there when you needed him. Oh shit. 
    how could you not notice this? You wonder why you didn't see it there before. Draco Malfoy was all you ever wanted and more. “Do you really want me to stop Y/n?” he asked, his head tilting as he leaned in close to your face. You drop the sweater from your hands, interlocking your fingers with his.
   the Slytherin seems surprised by your actions since he was always the first one initiate anything between you two. “Well this is first” he says in a low whisper, his platinum blond hair falling in front of his grey eyes. “I think it’s my first time seeing you differently” you spoke.
   his eyebrow raises in slight confusion at your statement “You’ve always been there for me since we were kids. Seeing me with Harry must of been dreadful for you” a grin made your way to your face. You could tease too. A growl came from his throat as you mentioned the chosen ones name.
   that was. Attractive.  “Don’t say his bloody name. He doesn’t deserve that” he snaps, his grip on your waist tightening. You were shocked at how defensive he got just by the mention of his name. “Sorry” you mumbl, feeling small under his gaze.
   Draco shakes his head and pulls you flush against him so your chest to chest. “Why did you go out with him anyway when i was right here the whole time?” his voice full of melancholy. You frown at his words “I wanted someone to love me i guess. I thought i was in love with him too”
    he holds your waist as he lays you back onto the bed, hovering over you. Oh no. “Screw Potter. He could never love you like i could. I just wish you’d give me a chance” his voice went lower and lower as his head dipped into your neck. You could feel his warmth breath against the sensitive skin.
    “I- I’ll give you a chance Draco” You mumble, feeling the smile he had against your neck. “I’ve wanted nothing more than to hear you say that to me” he says, his grey eyes twinkling with glee. He moves his head to face you and leans down to capture your lips.
   a spark ignited within you. One that you had never felt with Harry or anyone else before. Draco deepens the kiss enjoying the feeling of his lips against yours. “Hmph- Draco” you said in between kisses. He pulls away and looks down at you “Hm what?” he replies, clearly inpatient.
    you chuckle at his eagerness “I’m tired. Can we just rest for now?” you ask and watch his eyes light up again “So you are staying over? I guess i thoroughly convinced you” his smug tone made you roll your eyes. “You indeed have, now let’s head to bed. No funny business okay Malfoy?”
   he sits up, grabbing your hand to pull you with him “I promise darling. No funny business” he smiles lovingly before standing up to take off his sweater and place it on the nightstand next to his bed. You look at your clothes then up at him “Can i borrow your shirt? I want to sleep in something comfortable”
   he blinks mindlessly before grinning, clear intent behind his grey eyes “I take back my promise”
    Two Weeks Later
    being with Draco felt refreshing in a way. Constant love and affection was the best thing in the world. You were riding on cloud nine and did not want to come down. It’s too bad that a dumb friend would bring you back to reality. Right now, you were sitting in the great hall next to Draco.
   you were munching on some cherry jello as a snack. Once you look up Draco glances at your face and snorts “What?” you question, eyes narrowing into a glare. He reaches his hand to your face and wipes your lip with his thumb “There was jello on your bottom lip” 
   “Oh, thank you” you say, chuckling softly. Draco grins and leans down to kiss your temple. “Woah” you look forward and look at your three shell shocked. Theo, Blaise, and Pansy. “Are you two- like?” Blaise started, but Pansy slammed her hands on the table “Merlin your dating! Finally! I told you it would happen. Suck it Theo!” 
   Theo sighed, crossing his arms “Dammit” he huffs. You and Draco look at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. “We’ve been together for two weeks, it’s not like we weren’t trying to hide it.” you look at them. “I can’t believe we didn’t notice” Pansy shook her head and scoffed.
    “I’m super happy for you guys. Y/n, you seem much more happy with Draco than Harry- Oh. I’m sorry!” Theo quickly shook his hands, a look of fear on his face. You shake your head, keeping your smile “It’s quite alright Theo. Your right i am happy. Really happy”
    Kody: I’m sorry this is so short i just wasn’t feeling super inspired with this request, but still wanted to make whoever sent it happy.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
May I request cute Tails and Amy friendship? You can choose which version just them being cute friends? Maybe they defend each other when someone tries to mess with them? Love your writing
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Watch 18:19 of Pajama Blogs - Prompt Requests - Ep 1 for juicy first thoughts on this prompts! (I may divert away from it, but we’ll see :3c)
Thank you so much! I try hard to stay pumped with energy so that I can give you all reading material during these trying times, lol. So let’s hope and press our hands together in a prayer that I’ll entertain, satisfy, and bring joyful feels to everyone through my prompts and fanfiction updates :Db
“Still working on that observatory, eh, Tails?”
As Tails was about to hammer in on his half-finished ‘dome-effect’ he wanted for his upper-level room, he blinked a moment at the familiar voice and excitedly looked down.
“The one and only.” She winked, grinning widely.
He had managed to get half the curve of the wall done, a dark, steel grey for it’s base color as it held a half-finished walled hole where the large glass would be for viewing the stars. He would insert a self-made telescope between there, and design a way to bring the view as though a holographic light performance right into his ‘black room’ when he wanted to personally ‘sit among the stars’.
“Permission to come aboard, captain?” Amy joked, placing a hand on the ladder and saluting him.
Tails’s twin namesakes wagged in joy, smiling and closing his eyes as he nodded, “Permission always granted! B-but be careful of the rickety-”
“Ah!” the ladder seemed to tilt as a piece of metal began to bend.
“Amy!” he was about to fly down but she summoned her hammer, wedging it into the place where the metal was bending.
“Phew~” she sighed out in relief, having some sweat trickle down the side of her face before climbing up again.
She removed her hammer and used it to place the metal back into the proper alignment again. “You might have given me permission, but did you consult your ship on that decision?”
The two laughed.
“Sorry about that. Everything is still a work in progress, and honestly, it’s kinda revolutionary if this actually works.” Tails scratched behind his head, then explained how new this technology and optical illusion trick really was.
“Yeah,... kinda amazing, Tails.” Amy admired the work already done to give Tails a space to mediate and enjoy the nature of wonderful night sky above him. “I remember when I first met you, that the dark used to be such a scary thing for ya.” She kid, looking to him kindly but nudging him with a tease.
He blushed slightly, looking away, “Well... then you and Sonic showed me how beautiful it was! A-an-and besides that, I’m too old for a night light.” he tried to seem so mature... but that pout made it obvious he just didn’t want to be looked down upon.
“Right. So a big sky-show isn’t the same thing?” She looked over to see he had already marked a place with some cushions, a reading-outlet to the side of the wall imbedded in with a shelf for the books, and a big fuzzy blanket. The tape read: Second Bed.
It all made her smile, “What a lovely little R&R space...” she lowered her eyes, wondering if he still got lonely like she did... and this was his way of coping.
He lived far away from the city, and although Amy lived down a winding road, she would visit the city often enough for groceries and other fun shopping sprees.
What did boys do to occupy their time?
“Heh, I wouldn’t say a 3D projected model of a precisely positioned magnifying glass and hyperized telescope make for a sky-light.” he tried to defend himself, and it was rather cute to Amy.
“Well, I bet Sonic’ll love to bunk here more often.”
The tone suddenly shifted as Amy and Tails both looked down, away from the other.
“Have you... heard from him lately?” Amy asked, almost worried that she already knew the answer to that question.
“No.” Tails sighed out, before dramatically leaning back and letting his head fall back on his shoulders, “Not since Eggman last showed up.”
“Yeah... he’s been rushing off more and more lately on some daring-dos that apparently don’t require any of us to come along...”
There was a quiet somberness...
“Yeahhhh...” Tails once again leaned properly back in place and dipped his head, scratching it softly...
He seemed friend-sick... and as Amy observed him more, he even looked starved for conversation.
“Hmph!” She puffed up the side of her cheek, “Well, we’ll have to give him the ol’silent treatment when he gets back this time too! Serve him right for all those times he’s left us behind on all the fun!” Amy rambled off, but Tails perked up a bit, looking over to her with a slight turn of his lowered head.
“Yeah! Just you wait! He’ll come back ready to tell us all his cool stunts on his new latest adventure, and we’ll be just chatting it up about your awesome star project!” She posed with her arm out and her hand upon her muscle, as though Rosy the Riveter. “That means we should wrap this little project of love up and really see what it’s made of!”
“Y-you mean it?” Tails looked thrilled by her offer. “I-I mean, if it’s not too much trouble... I could use your hammer for a few things.” He looked down at the metal that had bent out of place. “You’re strong arm means I could patch the rest of this in one hammer hit! It’ll remain sturdy if you’re strength! Ah...! Sorry!” he looked back over and saw Amy frowning embarrassedly, pushing her fingers together. He wagged his arms out to the side of her, apologetically. “I forgot... how you sometimes take the praise for your strength a little...” he felt awkward now, seeing her begin her usual spiel.
“But I’m... elegant... A-and lady-like when I do it... right?” She looked over to him as though pleading for his approval.
“O-O-of course, you are! I-I even remember Sonic saying something about it! Your hammer is super cute and only adds to your-! Uhh... c-charms!” Tails bundled his fists up and started shaking them profusely around, not sure how to convince her a ‘giant hammer’ was somehow ‘girlish’ but he did his best. “And besides, I don’t care what anyone else says, Amy! You’re super useful thanks to your strength! Just like I am with my brains.”
He was so determined to succeed in cheering her up that Amy couldn’t bear to disappoint him.
She took in a deep breath and got over herself, straightening up. “Yeah... well, I have to be strong, to look after and protect you and the others.” She ruffled up his hair and he laughed lightly, slightly moving away from her touch as a brother would to his older sister.
“I’m sorry that you’re sensitive to that.” He admitted, “You really are super cool when you hit a robot miles away!”
She flinched.
“I-I-I meant that in a good way!” he shook his hands out again, “Honest!”
Amy just laughed, “I can cook too, you know. Why don’t we finish building this thing and then I’ll make us something good to eat. We can turn it off with some smores and maybe crackers or something too later tonight!” Amy’s usual optimism was restored and Tails immediately caught on to it’s wave.
“Woah! You mean it! T-that could take all day...” His ears lowered just slightly.
“Pfft!” Amy turned with a proud look upon her face, placing one hand to her hip as she sat off the edge with him and then slammed her hand to the top of his head again, making him flatten slightly as he was sitting slightly on his knees. He looked uncomfortable, like her force had made him do an unwilling ‘split’ sort of with his knees being parted and he looked as though in strained pain. “Think nothing of it, Tails! As you said before, my hammer strikes are good on one blow! We’ll have this done in no time, so..? Can I stay the night?”
He continued to flinch and twitch in the pain, “S-sur-sure, I-I-I don’t mind... mmm...” he had a small tear forming at the right of his eye.
A few hours passed as the two worked hard, and finally, the dome was done and the telescope he had already completed for the room was successfully moved up to the upper-room... with a lot of back-strain and power from the two working together. Tails had to really test his twin-propelling tails’s weight limit on how fast they could twirl to lift something, and Amy’s powerful arms and back were put to their ultimate test as well!
But somehow, the two worked great together, though bickered and taunted the other at times...
“You can fly higher than that, Tails!”, “D-don’t act like I’m the only one lifting my weight here!”, “AH! What is that supposed to mean!? I’m as light as a feather! And this is... nothing... compared... to what I can lift!”, “Then push harder!”, “You fly harder!”, They both ‘ggrr’d and finally got the massive telescope up that ladder...
When everything was set up, Amy put on a movie for Tails to rest and started cooking up some dinner. She wanted to leave room for the late-night snacks, and coming back in, noticed Tails wasn’t watching the television.
“Huh?” She looked up the ladder to the room and smiled, seeing the computer light on as he must have been programming the telescope and other functions. “He works so hard... he must be excited to show it off to Sonic.” she felt a slight bit of envy. She sighed, “Not like girls and guys can have that strong of a bond... botherhood and sisterhoods are really exclusive, huh?” she frowned, not liking the idea that she could never be as close to Sonic or Tails as the other was with them.
She called down Tails though, and they had a nice dinner together, complimenting their success as Tails hoped it would all work, but Amy told him not to worry.
“You’re incredibly good at designing these technological masterpieces, Tails.” Amy scolded him for about to open his mouth to answer with food in it, and seeing her hand raised and her eyes closed while one opened slightly, he chewed and swallowed before continuing.
“W-well, that doesn’t mean that their isn’t going to be some error on my part involved...”
“I’m sure Sonic will love it. I know I’m excited to see it.” She picked up his finished plate, going to wash them and as she removed her apron...
“Sonic? I was building this for us to view it together, tonight.”
Her face shot up, touched.
Her heart seemed to rise up as though being elevated to a status it thought unattainable.
“R-really?” She always had felt a distance between the boys, and found it just seemed easier and less forced when interacting with Cream... but Cream was still so young too. She loved picking flowers! Don’t get her wrong! She had just gotten really, really good at making flower crowns for so... long...
She placed her apron that she had borrowed from him down, planning to wash it if needs be as well, but turned back to Tails.
He didn’t seem to notice how much that meant to her, already wiping his hands on his white fluff like he would if he was greased up in oil or gunk stains from working on his pet-projects like the X-Tornado and this Observatory. She puffed up her cheek, “I still need to teach you proper manners, huh?” she whispered under her breath, but smiled and touched her heart.
He was already racing up the ladder, and she immediately went into mother mode.
“Ah! Tails! D-don’t move so fast after eating!” she reached a hand up but he called down to her.
“Bring up the treats! I think it’s loaded all the settings in by now! ... Yeah! Yeah it has!”
His excited voice sprang her into an excitement, “W-well, hold on! I’m coming!” It was like he just called out that the fireworks were gonna start...
She rushed through the cleaning and threw the plates into the dishwater, a little rougher than she usually would like to and washed herself up before charging up the ladder. “Don’t let it start without me!”
“Hurry!” Tails called, and she immediately started to leap passed rings on the ladder to just reach out and jump pass a few steps.
“I’m here!” her quills looked a mess as she clung to the edge of the room, Tails rushing over and helping her up as she huffed and puffed in her strain to get there in time.
“Haha, and you tell me not to rush.” He teased her back.
“Hmph.” she blew up her bottom bang of the three quills on her forehead and then smiled to him, cheekily, “If I get stomach cramps, I’m blaming you!”
“Over here!” He laughed a moment at her response but was too excited to show her what he had set up.
“Ah... Tails...” Amy felt so important and loved then, seeing he had taken the large fuzzy blanket and got in it, opening a space for her to join him.
“S-sorry, is this too... um... close?” He squinted an eye, lowering his arm that was gesturing for her to intimately cuddle up within it and watch the show together.
She shook her head, holding back tears and hoping to not confuse him. “Absolutely! I-I mean, it’s perfect! Don’t change a thing!” she crawled down and got into the blanket, taking the other side as she felt Tails bouncing in his seat.
“Okay, good. Three... two... one... Ehem,” he cleared his throat, like a child about to press ‘liftoff’ on a rocket. “Computer! Activate Spatial Definity Mock 5 Advanced Overhead Project 3.2.7.”
Amy blinked her eyes rapidly at such a long line...
“What? You couldn’t have called it, Sky-light?” she teased again, “For nightlight?”
“Quit it...” He nudged her lightly, embarrassed she kept teasing him on that one. “It sounds cooler this way... and it reminds me how long it took to set up the program and make it run right. I haven’t tested this final version yet, so SDM5AOP 3.2.7 is a perfect name for-!”
“O-okay, as long as it makes sense to you.” she decided not to question it.
The whirling of a computer was heard and the two waited anxiously for the results...
“It has to take a second to go through all it’s processing. Lots of... kinda like doors to hurdle through and collect data for.” He explained.
“...Do you... wish Sonic were here instead of me?” she looked away from him for a moment. “I mean... not that you would have a preference b-b-but...” she thought this was a bad, killing the mood he had tried to set up and wish she didn’t say anything. “Nevermind.”
“No, I think you’ll appreciate it more than he will.”
She felt that ranking skyrocket again, as though her tiny significance in life was suddenly bumped up again to a higher sphere of importance in this little fox boy’s life.
“W-... What makes you say that?” she was trying so hard to hide the sparkles in her eyes, but her quivering voice gave away how happy she was to hear that. No, not happy, overjoyed to know she was considered such a special friend to him.
“You actually helped me complete it!” He spread his arms out as the first little light formed in the blackened room.
“Ah!” Amy saw it first, marveling as it faded and then grew brighter and brighter to show the actual dimensions of the star that was currently in the sky, or at least, the radiance of it.
She marveled as he continued to talk, not noticing multiple other little constellations starting to form over his literal head and scattered all throughout the room. Accurate and pronounced, their distance was a miniature diorama of the actual space of the universe...
“I knew you’d want to see it... I’m sure he would too, but Sonic would rather be in the stars then just viewing them... though he does all the time. Heh, I guess you’ll be able to brag about how you were the first to see it! I-if it works or not... It’s still a longshot, s-so... don’t get your hopes up too hig-”
His face was yanked towards the direction of the star, then Amy started shaking his arm. “Ah-AH-AHHHH!!!” she freaked out as a very distinct cosmic entity was defined in the space.
“AH-! AHHH!! IT ACTUALLY WORKS!” Tails flipped out as they both cried out-
Then, one after another...
 “The Milky Way!”, “It’s the galaxy from Chris’s world... and look! Here’s our constellations!”, “Ohhh! It’s our solar system! Ahhh! It’s so bright!”
“...Do you think Cosmos seeds found good land to grow on?”
The two suddenly stopped gawking...
Amy couldn’t even look to him, and him the same.
Instead, she scooted closer to him in the blanket, felt his tails solemnly wrap around her for support and comfort, and placed her arm to his opposite shoulder to pull him into the gap of her neck.
He laid his head on her shoulder, tearing up.
“Is... is that why you made all of this?” Amy’s heart tugged on her vocal chords, making them choke slightly.
“...Yeah.” he admitted. “If this was Sonic, I don’t think he’d be willing to talk about it... not like you.” he looked down a moment.
“No, don’t look down.” Amy’s voice plucked up an octave. “Look at your amazing work, Tails. Look at how vast... how beautiful the universe is... I’m sure you’ll see evidence of Cosmo’s seed blooming all over the place. You know why?”
She ducked her gaze down slightly, moving her head to make sure she didn’t obstruct his view.
He smiled lightly through his tears.
“Because life never quits, that’s why!” She pulled him into a half-hug and continued to snuggle up in the blanket. “Hehe, because Cosmo would want you to look at these stars and know that she’s everywhere. Smiling just as brightly as any of these ol’stars and wishing you the best forever!”
She felt his shoulders bounce a little...
She knew Sonic would have done an alright job if he were here too, but...
She was so glad...
Holding him and tucking him in better into the blanket...
That she was the one he shared this whole project with.
That she was the one... who could dry his tears tonight.
-Author: And now I cry, wow, hands slapped together in a prayer really did wonders for myself in this prompt, how about you? lolol To those of you who actually did the gesture and wished me the best, this one’s for you.
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lovelyirony · 5 years
'i’m the best worst thing that hasn’t happened to you yet' - for winter13 please? :)
Winter Soldier is a freelancer now. It’s surprising given the ironclad grip that Hydra had held over him, but it was...nice. To escape from their grasp, to be on the run and choosing jobs for himself. There was no RSVP checkpoint, no orders that had to be exact. 
He got a job, executed it well (forgive the pun), and sometimes had coffee afterwards. 
Of course, he took jobs from all over. As long as payment was discreet and so was the job, people were happy to pay a man who had once been a machine. 
Jobs from all over meant that there were always requirements. He had no problem disposing of members of Hydra, but SHIELD was a bit trickier. Winter Soldier reserved the right to refuse a job, and had countless times now. 
(Countless. Almost made him giddy.) 
Agent Thirteen. The newest assignment. 
The hit came from someone inside SHIELD. Which isn’t as suspicious as most would think. SHIELD is many things, but thorough is not always one of them. There are people that slip through the cracks because they get a second chance, something that Barnes thinks they could learn from ever since Jasper Sitwell has become...ill-disposed of. And Pierce has died mysteriously with files about Hydra’s involvement plastered to his chest. 
But Agent Thirteen is born-and-bred into SHIELD. Her great-aunt was the leader of it all, and she ruled with iron in her bones and a heart that cared genuinely. She stayed late nights at the office, kept a knife on her at all times, and was...surprising. 
There was a reason Hydra laid as low as it did throughout the years. 
He had heard that Agent Thirteen lived up to the expectations set upon her. But he wasn’t sure that she was deserving of the fate that someone else had in store for her. 
So he decides to move next door. Whoever was living there has moved out, so he’s moving in as Jim Wetzel. Typical first name, not last. SHIELD is the absolute queen of taking generic names, having a “just-moved-in” neighbor that’s a little too tense, a little too observant. 
Jim Smith wouldn’t do. Jim Smith is too generic. No one names their kid Jim Smith anymore, it’s like sirens wailing loudly. 
So he’s Jim Wetzel. He shakes with his right hand, smiles at the woman who says her name is Kate--it most definitely isn’t--and they exchange pleasantries. 
“When did you hear about the place? It seemed awfully...fast,” Thirteen says. 
“A friend of a friend knows some people a couple floors down, got the message from them,” Jim says with a shrug. “And now here I am. How long have you been here?” 
“Almost a year now,” she responds kindly. “Keep an eye out for the washer on the left, I don’t trust it.” 
“Good advice,” Jim says with a laugh. “See you around, Kate.” 
Kate. What a bad name in the mouth. He’s not sure if it just sounds fake or if it’s because he knows she’s not a Kate. 
He has never really moved in before. Not at this level, not for this long. He has furniture, and he went to the thrift store and bought an eclectic collection of plates and mugs, most of which are very weird. One mug might be cursed, he’s not sure yet. 
Then he sets up shop. SHIELD’s hours run from six a.m. to about eight at night, or later if you’re a very good employee. Or a very bad one. Either way, Sharon may stay later. So he has ample time to place bugs. 
The problem is that she will know all the typical places. Under the television, underneath the bed. (Which he wouldn’t do anyway, because you get...interesting noises.) 
So he has to be sneaky with places, think outside the box. 
Her apartment really is quite nice. Tasteful decorations, small portraits that are obviously faked. He finds her guns and knives, and one set of poison darts that are innocuously disguised as toothpicks in a jar. He thinks it’s cute. 
Meanwhile, “Kate” is pretty fucking sure that her next-door neighbor is either a spy or a model. Potentially both. But no one that hot just “surprise” moves in, and no one can hold two boxes with one arm unless they’re Natasha, but Natasha would be smooth if she was struggling. This guy didn’t even look like it was a problem. 
So she is suspicious. 
But she is also interested in this guy. He’s her type: a little bit dangerous, nice smile, and probably looks good in navy blue. 
So when she comes home at eight-thirty, she does check her home. 
She finds one bug. She’s sure there are more in places that she would never check, and this means that this guy has been in the business a hell of a lot longer than she thought. It also means she’ll have to run facial recognition on any chance that he’s recognizable, and those chances are slim. 
But she cannot dismantle the bugs yet. She has to leave them there until she has enough evidence to be a nice neighbor and confront him with a nice dish of brownies. 
It’s odd, living in a place that you know is bugged. She knows that he didn’t touch the bedroom. Hmph. She would have. 
She smiles at him in the hallway when they wake up the same time. 
“Where you off to, Jim?” She asks, holding her briefcase. 
“Gym,” he answers. “Gotta get it in somehow, you know? What about you, work?” 
“Boring office job,” Kate answers easily. Kate does have a boring job. It’s all paperwork and accounting and the classes she would have failed if she had taken them in college. “Where do you work?” 
“Private security firm,” he answers. Which is kind of true. He is independent. “Just making sure people stay safe from threats.” 
“Important work,” Kate says lightly. “Ever go wrong?” 
She nods, stepping forward as the elevator door opens. “Good luck today, Jim. Hope the workout goes as planned.” 
Okay. Bucky knows she’s onto him now. 
Sharon has important shit to do. 
But she is not an art student. 
So she is trying to convince Agent Jenson to draw someone for her. 
“I will buy you the good donuts,” Sharon begs. “You know I wouldn’t be doing this for any other reason.” 
“One time when you were bored you made Thea on third floor photoshop Clint into a McDonald’s ad just to see if you all could get it to Times Square and you did,” Jenson says, deadpan. “I’m not sure how Barton doesn’t get recognized, he’s gotten on national news twice.” 
“The marketing team describes him as a Florida man, we got lucky,” Sharon argues. “And Barton isn’t involved in this.” 
Agent Jenson cannot be convinced. 
But Sharon gets lucky because Coulson loves history. 
James fucking Barnes. 
Goddammit. She’s screwed. And it’s only Thursday. 
When she comes home at ten o’clock (yes she did procrastinate going home, it’s not like you can’t procrastinate death), she has a gun trained on her door. 
Right on Jim, who has a knife raised. 
“You know, why aren’t we both rational about this?” Sharon asks. “I’m sure you can talk diplomatically, Barnes.” 
“I can. But I find more truth in threats and statements rather than diplomacy. Politicians aren’t known for telling the truth.” 
“Good thing I don’t have a plan to go into politics,” Sharon says. “So let’s sit down. I’m not gonna hold this gun for twenty minutes.” 
And then they sit. That’s awkward. 
“I need to know something,” Barnes says. “And I’ll know if you’re lying.” 
“Of course you will. I’d be concerned if you didn’t,” Sharon says. “So. Why were you sent to kill me?” 
“There are rumors of you being disloyal to SHIELD. I need to know if you’re working for anyone else.” 
“No. Not ever.” He nods. 
“Who hired me?” she asks. 
“A man who goes by Crossbones,” Bucky says. 
“Oh my god,” Sharon groans. “Of fucking course it’s Rumlow...” 
Bucky freezes. He knows that name. He remembers that man. 
“New plan,” he says. “You’re gonna help me get rid of Rumlow.” 
Sharon blinks. 
She’s used to decisions being made over a series of days. This is...this is new. 
“This is personal, isn’t it?” 
“You’re smart,” Bucky says bitterly. “He’s an asshole. And I hate him a lot.” 
“Got it,” Thirteen says. “Then let’s switch it up. Draw him to where I am. I’ll take care of the rest. You’re on clean-up.” 
“I’ve never had a team-up before,” Bucky says. “But I usually think we know each other’s names.” 
“Sharon,” she says. “Bucky, right? Or do you seriously go by Jim?” 
“Not like Bucky is any better,” he mentions. “But yeah. Bucky. Pleasure doing business with you, Sharon.” 
“Better get started,” she says. 
(Oh, he’s in love.) 
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youremeimyou · 5 years
Promise Me(pt.1)
Part 1 - Part 2
pairing: Park Jimin x reader (ft. Kim Taehyung) genre: Fluff, angst and just drama.. word count: 5k warnings: alcohol consumption
Description: Y/N is Jimin’s longest and best friend. Certain feelings are caught and meanwhile, Jimin accidentally sets Y/N up with his other best friend. But not before getting her to make him a promise.
A/N: Lately, The image of Jimin being all tipsy in his ‘Saint Laurent’ t-shirt in that bring the soul episode has been either leaving me sleepless or appearing in my dreams. Gosh, whatta man.. So that infired me to write this story:) I hope you enjoy! I’d be really glad to have your feedback. Here, bless your eyes with the image I’m talking about:
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The boy’s dorm building was only across the road from the girl’s. And that wasn’t exactly a long walk for Y/N on a normal day. But this freezing winter night couldn’t be considered that normal. Plus, Y/N had to fight against the strong wind that nearly knocked her out of her feet more than once. All of the snow piled up on the ground wasn’t helping either. Again, on a normal day she would’ve loved walking on snow. But at that moment, she just wished to somehow activate her inner mutant so that she could teleport there or something.
If only she wasn’t too lazy to tidy up her room a little bit, it could be Jimin who was trying to make his way to her place right now. Maybe a bit of a selfish thought. But on the bright side, he would have the wind on his back, maybe even help him move faster as it blew from behind him.
It was then that Y/N felt a presence, swiftly moving towards her. Or rather, running up at her. She couldn’t see much through the huge scarf covering most of her face. So, assuming the presence would be a stranger, she engaged attack mode. As she was flopping her arms and legs without even managing to land them anywhere on the guy, the guy easily held her arms in place, not applying much force.
“Relax Y/N, it’s me.”
Ah.. the sweet, soothing voice of Park Jimin.. A little shakey probably from all the cold, a bit small and hard to hear through the blizzard. Nonetheless, it still made Y/N’s worries go away.
“Oh, sorry Chim. I couldn’t see it was you. Did I get you?”
Jimin laughed a high pitched laugh.
“Well, you hit me pretty hard but I guess I’ll live.” he teased her. Meanwhile, Y/N adjusted her scarf to be able to see him properly. His cheeks were all red and his lips almost went purple. Thankfully he had a big beanie with ear flaps to protect his sensetive little ears, Y/N thought. Although an ill and whiney Jimin was cute, exams week was closing up on them. Y/N made plans in her mind to prepare some of her mom’s magical power up soup for both of them, just in case.
“C’mon let’s go inside.”
With Jimin’s arms wrapped up around her, the wind didn’t stand a chance. They quickly went through the door and ran up the stairs to his room. As soon as they were inside, the warmness of the room welcomed them. Y/N loved and despised this room at the same time. Because it smelled way nicer, was way bigger and way warmer in the winter than her own. Well.. Jimin always was the lucky one of the duo. And Y/N had been taking advantage of that for over a decade.
“So, what were you doing outside in this blizzard?”
“I saw last minute that I had lots of booze and very few snacks. And I know better than to not give a certain snack monster what she craves. So I went out to quickly take care of that.” He sent a wink her way. Little action, but a power move.
Y/N saw him taking off his backpack and appreciated the apparent fullness of it. She couldn’t hold herself back from reaching it to grab a starter. Somewhere along the movements their hands came into contact with one another.
“Woah Y/N, you’re freezing! Come here.”
Jimin led the both of them to the couch where a blanket was already present. They wrapped it around themselves and Jimin took Y/N’s hands in his, rubbing them gently. Blowing his warm breath on them every now and then. Looking at her with the softest eyes. It was moments like this that reminded Y/N how she was a doomed, doomed girl. Jimin was maybe the biggest tease she knew. Used on others, it was flirtation. On her, it was the affection he had for his longest, most valued friend. Y/N knew the difference between the two situations. But that just didn’t help the way she felt.
“Booze’ll help us get warmer faster. Let’s get this party started already.” Y/N made an escape towards his mini fridge to get the drinks. “Did you pick a movie yet?”
“No.. I thought we could just chat tonight. We don’t really get the chance to have our customary deep conversations that much anymore. You know, just the two of us.”
“Oh? I thought it made you upset when the gang leaves you alone like this.”
It was true that Jimin didn’t like being alone the least bit. After their meet-ups with their friends when everybody would leave at some point, Jimin would whine and beg Y/N to stay more. “C’mon, a bit more.. let’s lay down.” he’d say. “Wait till I fall sleep?” And of course she would. Everytime.
“But I’m not alone, you’re here. Besides, Christmas Eve kinda became our thing by now, didn’t it?”
For the last two Christmases, both of their families were always either working or on vacation somewhere. There were no gatherings to celebrate the event. So, they didn’t go home for the holidays and spent it in the dorms. And since all of their close friends went back home, Y/N and Jimin were left on their own. They decided to have their own little celebrations where only themselves were invited. This year was also the same. It was starting to become tradition at this point.
That was actually how it all started for Y/N. The first Christmas Eve they spent alone, something happened. A wire in Y/N’s mind changed. And she was trying to deal with that ever since. Hoping tonight wouldn’t make everything worse.
Y/N was setting up the coffee table with the drinks and snacks. Jimin had already started with some champagne. He downed the first glass in one go. Then poured another one for himself. After that he opened up a bottle of soju for Y/N, as he knew she liked starting off with that. They could both hold their liquor but Jimin was drinking even faster than usual. And after a while that made him get very tipsy very soon. He was going all out tonight.
“Hey, I meant to tell you. I signed us up for the Spring Musical Project. Since we’ll be self producing most of the parts, I thought you’d want to know early on. Maybe you wanna get started on the scores.”
“Wow there, Chimmy! I thought we had to audition for that. And also why am I the one working on the scores may I ask?”
Jimin giggled when he noticed her glaring at him with squinted eyes.
“Hmph.. Not after I convinced Mrs. Bora we don’t. And I’ll try to help you out in anyway I can but music making’s your specialty, sweety. We’ve been partnering in crime for like 15 years. I thought you knew by now that I’m the charm and you’re the brains.”  
Jimin reached forward to tweak her cheek. Because of Y/N’s sensetive skin, the spot immediately turned red.
“Did that hurt?”
“Nope, not a bit.”
Jimin smirked.
“Good. Let’s even out the colors, then.”
He slided down from the couch to the floor, next to where Y/N was sitting. He was now pinching both her cheeks, making cute incoherent sounds. Annoying the hell out of Y/N.
“Cut it out Chim, or else.”
“Or else what?” he teased her.
She countered the attack by tickling him. His tummy and waist were his week spots and she knew that. It turned into a playful scuff and after some time Y/N won by pinning Jimin lightly on the ground. With the help of her body on top of his, of course.
“Okay, okay hahah.. you win ah- just stop tickl-“ he hiccuped suddenly from all the laughing. “..tickling me.” That was when she spared him from the torture. And that hiccup had to be the cutest thing she ever heard. Plus, his eyes had dissappeared from laughing too hard and he looked so… Then she realized how she was on top of him, completely pressed against his body and it was all too much. She tried to get up but her balance was off because of the alcohol in her system. As she stumbled between falling and standing, Jimin managed to get a hold of her from where he was sitting.
“You’re about to face-plant on the floor, Y/N. C’mere.”
He pulled her back on the ground and sat her between his legs. Y/N was tipsy but Jimin was drunk. He put his chin on her shoulder as he backhugged her. His speech was sluggish by this point.
“No one else has this, do they?” His hands went to her arms, then down to her hands to link them with his own.
“This.. what we have, I mean.”
“Jimin, what-“
“Even couples don’t have.. this. I’ve never been this carefree with any of my girlfriends. I could never have this much of a good time without thinking about anything else. We become very aware of our actions and like.. what they could mean or something, in a romance based relationship. But I don’t even think with you. I just know you get me. I dunno- does that make sense?”
Y/N could feel the air around them getting thicker.
“Yeah, but why-“
He turned her head slightly so that he could look her in the eyes.
“Y/N. This is serious, okay?” When he didn’t continue, Y/N slowly nodded so that he would.
“Promise me you’ll never have this with anyone else.”
“Jimin, why-“
“Do you promise?”
It was suffocatingly silent. Y/N knew what her answer was instantly. But she had no clues as to why Jimin would ask that. Or why he was being like this tonight…
“Okay, I do.”
Jimin’s stiffened look slowly softened after that. He wasn’t staring at her dead in the eyes anymore, either. Instead he had averted his gaze to the wall across the room.
“Taehyung likes you.”
Y/N jumped up with shock. A few seconds later, she sat back in front of him. This time facing him with a look that screamed confused as fuck.
“Jimin, what are you talking about?”
“He’s liked you for a long time now. He’d murder me if he knew I told you. But I had to. He might be my best friend but you’re my- well, bestest friend. Just don’t say anything to him about it.”
Taehyung was Jimin’s other best friend. He came into Jimin and Y/N’s lives in highschool. And after the two boys moved in as roomates in freshman year of college, they had become like brothers. Their characters were weirdly compatible. Jimin liked to be teasing and flirty but he was actually just cute as hell. Taehyung was shy and giggly but unknowingly he was sexy as hell. And Y/N did have an undeniable crush on him during the end of highschool and the beginning of college. But ever since things changed for her on the Christmas Eve of freshman year, she had forgotten about that.
Christmas Eve, two years ago was a night just like this one with Jimin and Y/N drinking and alone. Except, the faint sound of Empire Strikes Back could be heard from the TV. They weren’t exactly paying attention to it, both had seen it billions of times.
Jimin was nearly falling asleep with his head on Y/N’s lap. And Y/N had her attention on his hair. Running her hand through it in hopes to help him relax. Because Jimin had broken up with his girlfriend, earlier that evening. When Y/N asked if he’d wanna talk about it, their conversation went a little something like this:
“What’s there to talk about?”
“I mean, you guys didn’t really look like you were having issues. And you never told me that something was wrong. I just don’t get why you’d call it quits.”
“I didn’t wanna reflect this on you. But I guess it doesn’t matter anymore.” He sighed and continued. “The fact that I have this close of a relationship with you had been bothering her for a while now. You know, because you’re a girl. And I’m tired of trying to explain it. Maybe no one but us can understand this.”
“So, you dumped her?!”
“No! I wouldn’t do that, you know me. I wanted to work it out but she.. asked me to choose her over you. And when I couldn’t, she just ended it.”
She wasn’t actually the first girl to ask that of Jimin. But it was the first time he talked to Y/N about it.
“Jimin.. I’m so sorry about that. Look, I’ll be more careful in the future. I’ll talk to her if you want-”
“No, Y/N. It’s okay. I already let her go.”
“But I thought you said you loved her.”
Jimin closed his eyes and turned away from Y/N before he said what he said next.
“I don’t love her as much as I love you.”
And that sentence made Y/N lose her shit. She was freaking out, trying not to take it the wrong way. And she knew that Jimin probably meant it in the most innocent way but her stupid heart wasn’t getting it. It didn’t make her think Jimin was in love with her. It just made her realize that maybe she wanted him to be. And so, her life had been very complicated after that night. Everything was the same except she now had feelings for her best friend. Perfect…
Tonight though, she just learned a brand new information and had no idea what to do with it. Also, she couldn’t make sense of the way Jimin delivered that information either.
“Jimin. If that’s true, then why are you telling me? And why now?”
“I guess the answer to both is because I’m drunk enough right now.”
Jimin got up, walked to his bed and plumped down on it.
“I wanted to say that- ugh I don’t wanna sound awkward.”
He just cared about her more than anyone. Because Y/N didn’t really find dating around easy or preferrable, there haven’t been any serious situations where he’d have to worry about her being hurt. But this time was different because he knew she had liked Taehyung in the past. The idea of things changing was stressful for Jimin. At least he got her to promise that they wouldn’t change.
“I guess I’ll be okay with it if you guys ever progress into anything.. more? Yeah.. Let’s go to bed. Tomorrow’s Christmas!” And with that, he lied down, loudly yawning and getting ready to sleep.
Normally Y/N would lie down next to him and cuddle. Jimin was a natural hugger. And although Y/N made it look like she didn’t like skinship at first, there was no way Jimin would buy that. He always remembered a little girl who’d come to him for hugs when she was sad, not caring about seeming strong around him. 
But tonight, Y/N went to sleep on the other bed instead. Because frankly, Jimin had annoyed her. He had just told her she was allowed date people, as long as she promised not to care about them more than Jimin himself. That was just selfish and inconsiderate in Y/N’s eyes. Cuz it wasn’t like he ever asked Y/N’s consent when he was the one dating people.
She decided to just sleep on everything that happened. So she closed her eyes and pulled the covers over herself. That was her first time falling asleep on Taehyung’s bed.
The next morning –afternoon, really- she was being called back to consciousness by a deep but muffled voice with a tall figure hovering over her. But she didn’t wanna get up yet. That’s why she closed her eyes that were barely even opened in the first place and burried her head under the sheets. Only to be welcomed by the balmy fragrance belonging to the owner of the bed she was in. The scent could easily pull her back to dreamland but the deep voice just wouldn’t go away. Then a hand softly made contact with her shoulder, nudging it only a little.
“Yeah, what?”
“Y/N, wake up it’s me.” Y/N’s brain slowly started to decipher the deep voice. It sounded more and more familiar until it clicked. Taehyung.
She made a quick move to turn around and straigthen up on the bed. But since Taehyung was hovering over her and didn’t expect her to get up so suddenly she crashed into him. They bumped heads and it was both an embarrassing and a slightly painful experience.
“Sorry I- I’m so stupid-”
Taehyung couldn’t help but giggle.
“No, it’s okay. Are you okay?”
Y/N was also smiling. “Yeah..” Then she remembered who she was talking to and who’s bed she was in. Panic crept up to her brain in mere seconds. What was he gonna think about finding her in his bed, all messy and obviously hungover?
“Sorry I woke you. Your mom called. She couldn’t reach you. I guess Jimin was M.I.A for a while too, so she tried me. Lucky I came back early and found you. She sounded worried, maybe you should give her a call.”
Y/N’s mom had a habit of making a fuss when she couldn’t instantly reach Y/N. She searched for her phone, scanning through the bed with her hands. Until Taehyung reached over to the nightstand behind his bed. Doing this made his chest hover over Y/N once more, but this time at a much closer proximity cuz he was now sitting on the bed. He looked at Y/N and saw her stiffened posture because of that closeness, as he was pulling back.
“Oh, sorry.” His face was visibly getting redder. “Here.” He held out her phone. That’s right Y/N thought. She had put it there before going to sleep. As she was taking it from his hand, she saw how he was staring at the ground, timidly. He even scooted over to the other side of the bed to put the distance he unknowningly closed, between them again. And that summarized his sexy but shy character up perfectly, Y/N thought.
She decided to just text her mom instead of calling. It might’ve had something to do with being a little bitter about how her mom was always busy with other things on mostly every Christmas. Meanwhile she glanced over to Jimin’s bed and found it was empty. She thought about texting him. But then, her eyes landed on the coffee table and saw his phone was still there, where he left it last night. She found it to be strange. Why would he be in such a hurry that he’d forget his phone, on a free day like Christmas day?
What she didn’t know was Jimin had woken up in the middle of the night, feeling cold. When he realized the space next to him was empty, he looked around to find Y/N sleeping soundly on Taehyung’s bed. So that’s why he was cold. She had never slept anywhere but next to Jimin in all the times she stayed over. But as soon as he revealed Taehyung liked her, there she was, under the covers and all that. He hadn’t been able to sleep until the morning after that. So he had just up and left to clear his head.
“By the way, sorry for crashing on your bed. I uh- I know it looks weird-”
“Wha- No, it’s okay.” Taehyung could only appreciate the sight in front of him. “I knew you were gonna spend Christmas Eve with Jimin again, I knew you’d be here.” The twist was, he expected to find them curled up in Jimin’s bed as usual. But with him gone and with Y/N on this bed, he could sense something was up. He wasn’t gonna press about that, though. And Y/N appreciated it.
“So, why are you back so early?”
“Well, my parents planned a trip for three days including Christmas. But since we have exams coming right after the holiday, I thought I’d skip the whole thing. So we had a very early Christmas breakfast just before they left and I came here.”
“Oh. So you’ve joined the rest of us losers who get to spend the holiday here?” She joked around bitterly.
“Yeah. Kinda sucks how I spent 8 hours to go to and come back from home but I’ve only seen my parents for like 6.”
“At least you had breakfast with them. I haven’t had a proper breakfast since forever.”
It wasn’t like Y/N couldn’t cook or something. There just wasn’t much time for breakfast in their busy lives. With school, part time jobs and always getting up super early, days went by so fast. But today was a free day. And Taehyung had an idea.
“Well, we can actually make breakfast.. right now. Well, it’d be lunch but I’ve been grocery shopping before I came here.”
The offer put a smile on Y/N’s face, exactly as Taehyung wanted to achive.
“Can we make pancakes?”
They started off by searching for a recipe online.
“Got it. Pancakes for 2 persons-”
“We should probably double everything. Since we’re three with Jimin. Three with big appetites.” Y/N was proud of how much they all loved eating to be honest.
“Right, yup. Oh and by the way, do you know where he went off to?”
“Uh.. no.” She was starting to think Jimin left becuse he was upset with her for some reason. Her guess was close enough.
“Well, I’m sure he’ll show in a bit. And we’ll have breakfast ready for him.”
That cheered Y/N up a little. They were now trying to cook with two people in the very cramped up kitchen part of the room which only consisted of a stove, one counter and a mini fridge. It was a mess with Y/N bossing Taehyung around telling him what to do. Taehyung being mischevious and getting flour all over Y/N. Constantly bumping into each other and laughing like crazy. Total chaos but too much fun. And they were getting good looking pancakes as result.
All of this was helping Y/N remember why she had a crush on Taehyung and how it made her feel back then. Between all the giggling, they didn’t hear Jimin opening the door. They did hear the loud bang that came out when he shut it, though. Jimin was obviously not expecting such a view in front of him. He had a confused and somewhat hurt look on his face until he saw that the coffee table was set up for three people. He also saw his phone was there which was another relief for he had thought he dropped it somewhere.
“Taehyung, you’re already back?” He was talking to Taehyung but looking at Y/N.
“Yeah. No Christmas at home for me either this year. C'mon let’s dig in before the pancakes get cold.”
Only two types of conversation happened as they ate. Between Taehyung and Y/N. And between Taehyung and Jimin. Until Y/N decided to break it.
“Chim, where were you all morning?”
“I couldn’t really sleep from the cold all night. So I went to the coffee shop as soon as it was morning, to get warmer.” That was a figurative rock thrown at Y/N for not cuddling him, despite knowing how sensetive he was to cold. She rolled her eyes. But even though she had done it to kinda punish him last night, it still made her feel bad.
“Guys I should get going. Gotta take care of some school stuff.” Y/N said as she got up to walk to the door. “But tonight, I’m hosting Christmas dinner and you both have to come, no excuses.”
Jimin smiled sincerely -for the first time that day- at how she could easily get bossy and motherlike.
“You’ll also be required to have some of my mom’s magic soup I’ll make to protect us from the cruel winter, so be prepared.” And with that, she walked out. Jimin’s eyes watched her with adoration as she left. But his face dropped when he saw Taehyung had the same expression.
“Bro, I wish you were here this morning when I came in.”
“Cuz I kinda freaked out when I saw her all snuggled up on my bed. I hope she didn’t notice.”
“I think it went okay, Tae. You guys had alone time like you wanted.”
“True. I just get so nervous, man. But I think there was something there while we were cooking together. I hope I’m not being crazy.”
There was something, alright. And it was all thanks to Jimin and his big mouth. But why was it this hard to even think about these two people he cared deeply for, becoming closer?
It was nearly evening when Jimin saw Taehyung getting ready, trying extra hard to look good. While Jimin himself was relaxed on his bed.
“Dude, going somewhere fancy?”
The confident Taehyung posing stiriking looks at the mirror, instantly turned into a giggly kid at Jimin’s comment.
“Well, dinner time’s closing in. I thought I’d go over to Y/N’s a bit early and maybe help out?”
“Oh..” Jimin got up at once. He was quickly getting ready, putting some casual clothes on in a rush and talking at the same time.
“Uhh, actually I’m supposed to go earlier because we were gonna work on some moves for the Spring Musical thing. I should probably hurry over there.” Jimin moved at lightning speed towards the door.
“O- Okay.. I should let you guys focus then, I’ll be over later.”
He was thoughtful despite being dissappointed so Jimin turned back just as he was about to leave.
“Sorry, bro. Thanks.” he said and darted out.
When Y/N answered her impatiently knocked door, she didn’t expect to find Jimin, looking soft in his oversized hoodie but staring her up with a fierce demeanor. Curse and bless that duality.
“Hey, angel.” He let himself in. “Do you need any help with the dinner?”
“No, I already have everything ready. But you can set up the table, Chimmy.”
Y/N was glad they didn’t seem to be at odds anymore. Neither of them was good at staying mad at the other.
Jimin went over to the little cupboard where he knew the utensils were and brought two sets of everything to her little table. Y/N thought of it to be habit, as it was just the two of them mostly. So she grabbed and placed another serving on the table, herself.
“Hey we should call Tae over before dishes go cold.”
Jimin rolled his eyes. “Right, I’ll text him.”
“Can you check if the soup has enough salt?” Y/N was holding out a spoonful of it for Jimin to taste. He leaned in with his mouth wide open but Y/N stopped him suddenly.
“Wait! It’s hot you silly.” She blew on the spoon. “Now you can have it.”
Jimin looked at her fondly before tasting it.
“Mm~ it’s perfect.” He booped her nose and she scrunched it. But she actually loved it when he did that.
“Did you text Tae yet?”
“I’m about to, woman. What’s the rush? Sick of me that easily?” He was whining and complaining like a child, Y/N loved it when he did that, also.
“What’re you talking about? Meals are gonna get cold.”
Jimin did text him finally, but not without frowning.
“Did you and him talk about- you know..?”
“Wh- No! Why would I bring that up? You shouldn’t either. Ever.” Y/N felt flustered enough as it was. After finding out about Taehyung’s feelings, she had become confused about her own.
“Why? Don’t you like him as well?”
“Jimin- Can we drop the topic? He might walk through the door any second!”
“No, he’d knock first. Even I knock.”
And he did knock. Right at that second. Y/N ran to answer it, all the while sending Jimin implying looks to get him to keep his mouth shut about the subject.
“Am I late?”
“Nope. Actually right on time.” Right on time for Y/N to escape Jimin’s interrogation.
“I was surprised when Jimin texted this soon. Did you already decide on moves for the musical?”
Jimin’s eyes went wide with panic. Caught in a lie. Fortunately, Y/N caught on quickly and didn’t want any fuss.
“Uh.. well no, not yet. What Jimin came up with was no good.”
Hurtful.. But Jimin let it go because she did just saved his ass there. Although he was sure she’d question him about it later.
Dinner went great with everyone having fun. Then, they were about to move from the table to where the small, shit TV Y/N brought from her family’s old house was. As mentioned before, Y/N’s room was smaller than Jimin and Taehyung’s. So was her couch. If they were gonna watch Home Alone as planned, one of them had to sit on the floor cushion.
After losing rock-paper-scissors Jimin was stuck doing the dishes. Y/N went to the TV to put the movie on and Taehyung took a seat on the couch, waiting for her to join him when she was done. But Y/N sat on the cushion instead, trying to be polite to her guests. As Taehyung was contemplating on how to get her to come up to the couch, Jimin appeared and went straight to sit next to Y/N.
“Guys, isn’t it cold to sit on the ground? Maybe we can all squeeze here.”
“There?” Y/N looked up to him over her shoulder and joked bitterly. “You don’t even believe that.”
“Alright but at least one of you can come up here. Y/N?”
“Nah, I’ll warm us up. C’mere, panda.” Jimin pulled Y/N to him until there was no more space and trapped her in his embrace. Taehyung wasn’t supposed to get jealous. They’d always do that. Cling onto each other any chance they get, casually hold hands and even sleep next to each other. But the eyeing look Jimin occasionally gave him over his shoulder made it seem like all this wasn’t just bff stuff. Taehyung felt that maybe Jimin was trying to keep Y/N away or even, to himself.
After the movie was over, Taehyung excused himself, saying he felt exhausted. He was awake since before sunrise, after all. Actually, so was Jimin but he on the other hand didn’t plan on leaving any time soon. Y/N was seeing Taehyung out, with a smile on her face. Taehyung returned it shyly, eyes on the ground until he gathered the courage to look up at her through the fringe of his hair.
“Thanks for everything. Especially the soup. I had a bit of a sore throat but not anymore. You’re my hero.”
That last part came out with so much meaning, words dipped in his velvety voice. And it made Y/N beam at him.
“You wanna hang out tomorrow?”
Jimin stopped breathing. Of course he was listening in before, while pretending to be on his phone. But right now, they had his full, undivided attention.
It came as a bit of a shock to Y/N as well. It wouldn’t sound like a big deal -just hanging out, if it weren’t for the eager look on Taehyung’s face.
“Yeah..” The word just slipped out of Y/N’s mouth before she could even think.
It was Taehyung’s turn to beam. “Great.” With that, he bid his farewell and left, all the while grinning like a fool.
Y/N was also smiling while closing the door but that was only until she turned around and saw the we’re about to have a serious talk face Jimin had.
“You do know he meant that as a date, right?” Jimin had gotten up from his seat, panicked and jumpy.
“Why did you lie to him about coming here early?”
He scoffed at her attempt to change the subject.
“Because I wanted to talk to you alone, about all this. Would you rather I brought him along?” His voice was loud.
“What more is there to say? You’ve already told me you were okay with it!”
Jimin dropped all of his defenses at that. Because it was true. Why wouldn’t he be? Taehyung was maybe the only guy he could trust with Y/N. So he wasn’t really worried. What was the name of the feeling sitting heavily on his chest, then? He didn’t know.
“I know.” he said in a low voice that sounded like a whisper and sat back down on the couch. “And I want you to feel- I dunno.. happy. I see how you smile at him, too.” He was more mumbling than talking. Because it was hard saying all this, for reasons he didn’t understand. “You know I love your smile.”
Y/N blushed out of nowhere at his last comment. And the upset state of him softened her so she went over to him. Jimin continued:
“I just, I guess I don’t like sharing your smile.. or you.”
Y/N brought her hand on his chin to pull his head up and make him look at her.
“Chim Chim.. you’re worried about nothing.”
He tried to avert his gaze once more but Y/N held it in place.
“Hey, I mean it. Because it’s not even a big deal as you make it out to be and even if it was.. I already promised you, didn’t I?”
Jimin wanted to be relieved. And he pretended to be in that moment and said goodnight shortly after. But as he strolled outside in the cold he felt like there was more he wanted to say to her. He silently promised he would, as soon as he figures it out himself.
Author’s note: Hello:) That was long, sorry. I just can’t stop writing this one. Thank you so so much if you bared with me and read it, I hope you liked it. I’ve got more intense stuff planned for the story so this will have at least one more part for sure. What do you guys think? Who should Y/N end up with?
173 notes · View notes
Lady’s Almanac
When Ru’Yi entered the offices for Lady’s Almanac she couldn’t believe her eyes.
Tiled floors, a professional reception area, and enlarged covers with famous Cassell women on the walls. It looked more like Vogue magazine than a humble college publication.
“Smells good in here.” Tom mumbled. It took some convincing to get him to come. He wasn’t sure what popularity would mean for him. Ru’Yi just wanted people to say hi to him on the street. He was worried about people finding out about his past history and avoiding him.
“Chu Ru’Yi? Thomas Allman?” A tall woman in high high heels, a short-skirted business suit clutched a clipboard and held out her hand. “I’m Maria Hernandez. Welcome to Lady’s Almanac. We’re running on a bit tight schedule so let’s get you back into hair and make up.”
“Uhh.. make up?” Tom asked.
“Yes, every interview comes with a photoshoot.” She frowned slightly when she looked at him, but didn’t comment.
Ru’Yi thought she probably was wondering how a photoshoot with a blind person would go. But if the professional nature of the office space was any indication, the photographers should be top notch and able to work with him. Still, she reassured him. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay nearby.”
The makeup room was amazingly crowded. Every seat was filled save two and staff wandered about like cattle milling in a pen. “Just take a seat here and we’ll get started.”
“Don’t worry, there’s no one here but professional people. It looks way nicer than I expected!” Ru’Yi said, sensing Tom’s nervousness. “It’s not like a doctor’s office at all.”
She looked to the cosmetologists. “Do you guys mind introducing yourselves first?”
These poor people looked a little amazed to be working on someone who couldn’t see. She imagined they just worked on head after head and face after face and may not have even been aware that they were coming.
“I’m Richard. I’ll be your hair dresser and this is Monica...”
Tom wasn’t sure where Monica was but she just stood there, arms crossed frowning. 
“She’ll be doing your face...” Richard finished the sentence. 
Ru’Yi swallowed.
“You’ll have to trust me, I guess?” Monica said with an incredulous laugh in her voice.
Ru’Yi’s hackles rose. She addressed Tom. “Don’t worry, Tom. I’ll be next to you in the chair to your right! Let me know if you need any help!”
Already, she was starting to doubt her decision. Not everyone was nice or discreet. She tried to cut ‘Monica’ some slack. Maybe she was having a rough day.
Under the bright lights and the noise of the makeup room, she had her hair washed, dried and styled. Even though she took care of it well enough, the quality of the products and the expertise of the staff made it shine and gave it bounce. Each dark curl was gloriously defined! 
While her make up was being applied, she glanced over at what they were doing to Tom. Her eyelids flew open. He was just sitting still. He couldn’t see himself in the mirror. He was completely expressionless. They had swept his black hair to one side, expertly gelled it there. That removed the shadow of his bangs from his face and let the violet hue of his eyes shine even more! 
They applied a little highlighter to even out his skin tone.  Other than that, only moisturizer was needed. She always thought he was nice looking enough, but now?
He looked amazing!
Once they were done with hair and makeup, they were led to wardrobe. Tom was fitted with a button down shirt, slacks and a sports jacket. Ru’Yi got a summery yellow cotton dress. “Weird. It’s so cold outside...”
“This is for our Spring Issue.” The Wardrobe lady commented, not even glancing at her.
On set, they were on a backdrop of a greenscreen. Their pictures would be taken and set electronically on the page later. they had to wait for everything to get set up. Meanwhile, they to sit in a chair and eat snacks.
“You look really good.” Ru’Yi said.
“Is it just me? Or is everyone here miserable?” Tom asked quietly.
Ru’Yi looked up at him. He wouldn’t be fooled by the glitz and the glamour of the place. She turned and looked and she didn’t see a single smiling face. Everyone looked incredibly stressed out. No one was laughing.
“You’re right.” She murmured. She let out a little sigh. “The job seems... hectic and there’s a lot of pressure. But no one is looking at us like we’re a problem. We’re just one more in a parade of people.”
“I see. Well, I guess that’s comforting. It’s not like we’re going to ruin anyone’s day.” He bit into a potato chip.
“Oh! Haha. You’ve got a little on your face.”
“Huh?” He looked in her direction.
“Here let me...” She reached up to wipe it off.
“Oh that’s perfect!”
Ru’Yi froze. A photographer had snapped their picture! “I love it.” She said.
“Um... did we start?”
“No. But I’m your photographer and I’ve been wracking my brain for ideas. I’ve never photographed a blind person before. I wasn’t sure how to give direction, but the truth is, you two look so good together, I figured I’d get some candid shots just in case the actual shoot didn’t work out.”
She laughed when we both sat up, overwhelmed with nerves. “It’s too late now! It’s your turn on set! Tom, I’ll let you go first!”
“Oh boy...” He groaned. 
“Hey at least you get it over with.” Ru’Yi walked to him on set standing him where there was an X on the floor and then turning him to the myriad of cameras. She gave his hand a squeeze. “Just do your best and focus on the here and now! I’ll be rooting for you!”
She let him go and walked off to watch.
“Try to visualize in your head the pleasantness of spring, waiting for your favorite person to meet you under the cherry blossoms...”
Interesting way to do it. He couldn’t see the studio, or the people around him, so visualizing in his head would allow the photographer to paint any picture she wanted. Ru’Yi watched as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
When he opened them again, she could almost see the bright pink flower petals swirling around him, feel the gentle spring sun, and smell the freshly mown grass. A man on the phone talking about some sort of deadline, paused midsentence and focused his attention on what was happening in the studio.
That distant, subtle looking of longing. The poignant wistfulness of his smile. He was in the background all the time. But now he was front and center and everyone else had faded into the scenery.
“Hmph... incredible.”
In her daze, Ru’Yi hadn’t notice anyone come to stand beside her and was shocked to see Grant Baldwin, the head of the Executive Department! What was he doing  at the Lady’s Almanac studio?
“It’s nice seeing you’re doing alright since your ordeal yesterday.” He said, his brown eyes casting down at her, flashing a bit of a smile. “Your report was impressive.”
“Oh... uh... thanks. Are you here for the magazine?” She asked, confused.
“No. I’m actually here to check up on our rising ‘campus star.’“
Ru’Yi gave a little gasp. “Are you listening in on me?”
Baldwin endured her fierce glare with an air of weary boredom. “Hybrids over fifty percent dragonblood purity can lose control at the drop of a hat and require constant monitoring. Yesterday was stressful on him. That’s why I sent agents to watch him for any signs that he was turning servitor.”
Ru’Yi’s heart dropped in her chest. She chewed her lip.
“Hmph.” He gave an amused snort. “I’m glad you finally appreciate the gravity of his situation. Fortunately for him, the minute you showed up he immediately relaxed and calmed down. And... now this. Who would have thought that a simple makeover and pleasant visualization could create such a change in a person? At this rate, he might actually survive.”
Ru’Yi could feel her emotions rising in her chest and her eyes started burning as she watched him continue to pose for the shoot. She brought him here in hopes to get him more friends, to cope with living without her. However, he couldn’t escape his unfortunate genetics. It was just like David said. The cruel world of hybrids lay just underneath the peaceful surface.
“I also came here to ask you to send me reports on his mental state. You have a knack for seeing people in a positive light.” Baldwin was also watching him, his expression calm.
She looked up at him. “Wouldn’t that make me the worst person to report to you?”
“I have my agents to give me bad news. I need someone to balance that out.” He handed her a piece of folded paper. “Shred that when you get that in your phone. It’s my personal contact.”
She accepted the piece of paper, reverently.
“You told me I’d regret expelling him. You were right.” Baldwin turned on his heel and headed for the exit.
Ru’Yi watched him leave, jaw dropped in amazement.
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apotatomashedbybts · 5 years
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[Genre: Fluff; slight angst
Pairing: Jimin×reader
Soulmate!Taehyung; BestFriend!Yoongi
Word Count: 4145 words]
[Summary: When Y/n met Jimin she knew that it was a love at first sight. But she didn't expect the consequences that came with loving him. After their unwilling separation will Y/n be able to do what it takes to get him back?
A story of love, loss, fight, dreams, and friendship...]
Chapter XII: Too Happy Too Soon
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"The stars... Aren't they so beautiful tonight?"
"Yes.." Jimin paused for a while, "they are."
"I gaze at them every night. But tonight they seem more meaningful. May be it's because I am with you. You make the stars feel more beautiful."
"It's nothing like that!" He blushed.
"Everything is like that! The moon, the stars, the breeze, everything seems so beautiful and perfect. I do this everyday but today they do feel different. You make everything around you worth it. And I am telling the truth." I replied.
I scooched closer in his arms as we were lying down on the rooftop and gazed at the endless stars. With Jimin so close to myself it was hard to control my feelings and the words came out spontaneously. He made me feel so happy and the butterflies in my stomach were having a party.
"The same goes for you. I have always wanted to tell you these but you beat me to it. You always mesmerise me. I never knew what it would feel like to love someone and to be loved back. But now I know and I will tell everyone that it's the most wonderful feeling and I am the luckiest man in this world, to have you by my side." Jimin pulled me closer to him.
"Now you are exaggerating! I am the luckiest one. And you are not a man, you are still a baby." I nudged him playfully and the constant smile on my lips became wider.
"May be I could show you that sometime later what this baby can do." He said pulling off a perverted grin. Seeing him like that it was hard to control my laughter but I did it anyways and replied pinching his nose slightly, "Ooh naughty baby, no no, don't be so naughty." And we both burst into laughter. I felt content and my heart was full. I just wished for everything to fall into place so that Jimin could stop leading this life of always on the run and also I wanted Tae to gather the courage that he needed; he too deserved the happiness that I was feeling right now.
This made me remember the thing that I was thinking of doing for sometime now and this felt like the right time. I sat up and turned towards Jimin; I could sense that my expression was somewhat serious because his face turned into one after seeing me.
"Chim, I have something and I need you to wear it." I said taking out the chain from my neck that I had always wore .
"It's the chain that you always wear! Wait! Tae and Yoongi hyung wear the same chain! Why are you giving this to me? Isn't it like some kind of friendship bond chain? I have always thought of it as one!" He said with a worried curiosity while looking at the chain in his hand.
It was a normal platinum mariner link chain but the thing special about it was its locket. It was a big almond sized black opaque stone which was rounded by a thin line of diamond.
Jimin looked up at me and asked again, "Why are you giving this to me?"
I took the chain from him and explained, "This chain isn't a normal chain as it may seem. This stone is actually a protective metal. Inside this stone there's a tracking device specially designed by uncle, I mean Tae's dad. When we were in the last year of middle school there was a huge terror caused by a group who were kidnapping kids. That's why as a precaution he made these for us. But that's not important now. Your safety is my first priority. Until any of these get solved I want you to wear it. Please?" I requested him with the puppiest eyes I could pull off.
He giggled and taking the chain from my hand he put it on.
"It suits you!" I exclaimed and looked at him. I felt this wave of emotions that swelled up inside my chest and I couldn't help but tear up.
"He makes me happy," was the only thought that was swimming through my consciousness and I knew that I would go to the end of the world for this man.
He noticed me looking at him and waved his hands in front of my eyes, "You're drooling."
"How can I not when there's such a tasty full course meal in front of me?" was my reply which caught him off guard and made him blush. Before he could make a comeback I went on top of him and cupping his face in my hands showered it with innumerable kisses that made him giggle like a happy baby.
This was one of those nights that I wanted to last forever - us, in each others arms, comfortably sharing our feelings and loving each other without any worries.
The loud ringtone of my phone woke both of us up from our sleep but we were too reluctant of letting each other go and also to leave the warmth of the bed. On the third call my consciousness alarmed me that it may be something important so I got out of my bed and went towards the sideboard by the door while whining about why I kept it there last night. My groggy hello was met by a mad Jinnie's voice who would have totally threw his hands at me if it was possible through the phone.
After a series of sorry-s he calmed down and said smiling, as I could feel it, "Listen, I want you two to come to my café today at lunchtime. My cousin is coming from Seoul to visit me! And he is going to be a great help for us. So don't laze around, okay? I am hanging up. Bye!"
I looked at my phone, taken aback as he hung up so suddenly without letting me say anything. Sighing I turned around at Jimin who was sitting up on the bed - face puffy because of sleep and messy bed hair - looking as adorable as ever, clearly not planning to leave the bed anytime sooner.
Hopping over the bed I ruffled his hair some more and hugged him. He smiled lightly and leaned his head over my head. The moments passed by as we looked out the window and stayed in that position soaking ourselves in each others embrace; it was perfect.
Another ringing sound from the phone made us wince and it was Jinnie again. As soon as I received the call he shouted, "You are still on the bed, aren't you? Get. Your. Asses. In. The. Water. I told you, didn't I? That my cousin is a high ranked police officer? He will shoot you in the head if you make him wait! He has the permission and I'll be completely fine with it! Hmph!" And just like earlier this time too he hung up the call without listening to anything in reply.
"Looks like we have no other choice. Let's get ready." My words made Jimin groan and he hid his head under the blanket. I couldn't help but smile and wondered if I deserved all of him.
The café seemed busy as it always did but Jinnie was nowhere to be seen. We were afraid about being late though we arrived just before the time he told us to. He had always told me scary stories about his cousin like how he treated criminals, how he got angry when he had to wait and how he liked everything to be in order. We didn't know what Jinnie was thinking when he thought that it was a good idea to meet such a person when I was clearly not a well-mannered 'lady'.
"Relax y/n, relax. He is not going to eat you alive and even if he wants to Jinnie won't allow it so you are totally fine." I convinced myself and held Jimin's hands in mine after sitting on Jinnie's soft cushiony bed.
He convinced me that it was just a simple meeting and I should consider him as a friend as I considered Jinnie. Along with a few other words he took all my nervousness away. Leaning my forehead on his I calmed down and for a moment it felt like we were totally alone in an unknown island where no one had set foot before.
The creaking sound of the door and the loud shriek freaked us out and we looked at the door like a deer caught in a headlight.
"Geez! Wasn't the whole night enough? Now you are ruining my pure home too!" Jinnie walked through the door, right hand still over his chest.
We breathed out a sigh and I asked him, "And where are your manners of knocking the door before entering?"
He made a done face at me and said, "Why would I need to knock to enter my own house, dumbhead?"
I was going to retort something back but my words got lost before they arrived at my tongue as my eyes landed on a really small cute yet handsome face poking itself inside from outside the door frame. Following my gaze Jinnie turned backwards and almost instantly facepalmed saying, "Aish! Because of you two I totally forgot about him. Come on in!" Jinnie made room for him to enter and we stood up to greet him. I was sweating internally until his voice hit me like a million ton truck, "Hello, nice to meet you. I am Kim Namjoon, Seokjin's cousin."
I was totally fuming inside and was about to punch Jinnie whenever I could get him alone because he totally wronged me. He filled me in with the wrongest information possible about one of the sweetest person who goes by the name of Kim Namjoon. All the things about him being cruelest, angriest and an uptight being just flowed away into the drain once we started talking and I knew almost instantly that Jinnie was just messing with my head.
"You seem so different from what Jinnie had told me about you!" I said with a smile, low-key trying to threat Jinnie side-eyeing him who was clearly not scared because he knew his cousin well; the only loser seemed to be just me!
"Different? How so?" Namjoon asked keeping the coffee mug on the table after taking a sip from it.
"Well..." I looked at Jinnie as if asking for permission but in reality I was just contemplating whether I should add some more things or not to worth my panic.
"Nothing much. Just that 'Kim Namjoon can be pretty reckless and aggressive when it comes to security of nation. So please refrain yourself from securing his hate spot. He is a nightmare to his enemies, the cruelest ever. And he never likes things being messy.' - a gist of what he said." I replied doing a quoting gesture.
Namjoon covered his face with his long palm and smiled shyly, "He put my reputation in a quite high position I see." He laughed, "I am not that bad. But, yes, I do take my nation's security rather seriously and I don't like someone messing with it! And don't worry, the messy part is rather an unnecessary addition to my 'reputation', I am a messy person myself and a lot clumsy too."
"Yeah we know that very well Mr. Youngest major of the South Korean S.W.A.T team!" Jinnie laughed.
"What? You are already a major? Should I be scared?" I asked with my eyes big.
He looked at me - his sharp eyes invading the deepest corners of my soul - and asked, "Well, should you be?"
There was a strange energy in those eyes that reflected reliableness which made me answer automatically, "...No."
"Let's get into business then? I especially wanted to meet you after Jinnie told me about what happened back in Seoul! The Seoul Police Department had been on a chase behind them since long I can remember. But there's nothing as a solid evidence that can prove their involvement in any of the crimes. And I suspect that many from the police department itself are involved with them too. Jimin, I need you to be careful and on alert every moment of the day. You are now a subject of superior priority to us." The seriousness that was radiating from Namjoon reflected on us and we knew that it was almost like a national emergency. We could sense that the situation was graver than we had fathomed earlier. When Namjoon turned to Jimin and looked into his eyes telling him to be careful I could feel the dryness in my throat and the fear in Jimin's eyes. I held his hand into my warm ones as a gesture to relax him but it felt like I was consoling myself in the process and it was difficult. Namjoon paused for a moment and after looking at our tensed faces he leaned back on his chair in a relaxed position and said, "You don't have to be tensed, don't worry. We'll try to sort this out as quickly as we can. Jimin I need you to inform your father about my arrival and arrange a meeting tomorrow at around 2pm. I'll depart the day after. Don't worry much. Everything will be fine. I'll get going now. See you later." He stood up while speaking to Jimin and gestured Jinnie to see him off. Amidst all the thoughts that were running around throughout his mind Jimin could only muster a forced nod and that even while not looking at Namjoon. All of us knew that every word of comfort now was just like splashing water on a very old stain - of no use.
"Why don't you move in here?" I asked while running my fingers through Jimin's hair. He leaned in a bit more with his head resting on my chest and smiled, I couldn't figure out what that smile meant but as he shifted and switched his position with me, the proximity of his lips near my neck and the warm breath that touched my skin made the organised rhythm of my heart a bit louder - loud enough to make him whisper, "I can hear it..". There was something in the depth his voice held, in the closeness of our breaths that made this immense desire to close all the distance between us boil inside me. May be that was the first time we kissed so breathlessly but I didn't want it to be our last. There was a strange sweetness that made me want more of those lips, something that I could never get enough of. I could see his face make that expression that I had never witnessed but had imagined countless times - his chest heaving up and down, those eyes locked into mine that held desire to never let go, those plump redder lips - yes, I had imagined them innumerable times but never thought it could be this tempting. My heaving chest made a harmony with his as I laid under him, the trails of kisses along my neck making me squirm. He stopped for a moment and looked into my eyes as if his thoughts were running in the same way as mine. I touched his cheeks lightly with my left hand and then pulled him in for another kiss.
"If I can get kisses like this everyday then I have no problem moving in here." Jimin smiled mischievously while maintaining an eye contact with the ceiling.
"Oh. Is that so? But what if I don't kiss you anymore? Won't you move in then?" I asked fake displaying how hurt I was.
"Then may be I have to think of some alternative way..." He words trailed on at the end as he played along.
"Like?" I looked away, surprised at the little wetness at the corner of my eyes. Was I really getting into the trap of believing his made up playfulness?
"Like staring at you all day long and loving you endlessly..." He held my hand into his warm ones softly.
My heart did a somersault. Turning towards him I hid my face in the crook of his neck, "I hate you.."
My warm tears hit his skin loosely and he hugged me more gently whispering, "I love you more.."
The first rays of the sun made its way through the window and I felt like there was a lot of work that had to be done today. I gently nudged Jimin with my nose and kissed him gently on his cheeks - a more natural way to wake him up.
Seeing him shifting comfortably in his sleep I got back beside him, into my comfort zone. We still had time before we had to get ready and for the first time Monday didn't feel so awful.
"Aren't you going to go to class today? Why?" I asked Jimin with confused eyes.
He smiled broadly and pinched my cheeks, "In case you forgot, we planned yesterday that I am going to move in with you! So I have to talk with my dad and pack my stuffs. It's going to take a handful of time!"
My mind went blank as I processed everything he said just now. It put everything into a serial inputter and put out the conclusion that Jimin was moving in with me TODAY!
"WHAT?" I didn't want it but the word came out of my throat in the form of a scream.
"That is some late reaction." He burst out laughing, "You are so cute." He was still laughing while I watched him with disbelief.
"You are not kidding, are you?" I asked him holding him by his shirt's collar, looking into his eyes.
He stared into my eyes with the most sincere feelings he could convey as his laugh faded away and he replied, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and if I could I would put my heart in the palm of your hands to show that my feelings are always sincere when it's about you. I am so sorry that I left you to suffer for such a long period.. I will never leave you ever again."
My heart played this known rhythm that it always played whenever my feelings for Jimin got overwhelmed which shook the inside of my chest. Before my tears could fall down I placed my lips on his lightly and whispered, "I know. I believe you."
Dropping me off at college Jimin went to his house to talk to his dad about us and also about the meeting with Namjoon.
I wished everything to go on smoothly and waited impatiently for Jimin to call me to let me know about everything.
After settling on my seat inside the class I texted Tae to tell him about everything that is going on here.
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I guess soulmates have that kind of power where just there presence, just talking to them makes your heart feel the peace it always longs for. A faint smile lingered at the corners of my lips as I absent-mindedly opened the page of the textbook we were told to.
Forty five minutes have already passed in the class and I seriously had no idea what was going on because, come on, how can you study when your boyfriend is going to move in with you the very day? It was not possible, not even the slightest bit.
The momentary vibration of my phone made me jump on my seat. Jimin had texted me...
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There was no way I could continue my class with the rate my heart was racing. For the first time I felt my legs do those continuous shakity steps underneath the table and I knew I would just burst out of the class if I get another text from Jimin. Yes, I would definitely do that.
Despite of how difficult it was to continue being inside the university, I successfully passed another two hours attending two more lectures. The credit for that goes to, of course, Jimin, for not texting me once in the middle. And this is me not so praising him! I was so ready to burst out of this damn university the second I received his message! 
I sat down at my favourite spot in Jinnie's cafe and took out my phone. I still had one more lecture left to attend but I was in no mood to do so.
Absent-mindedly I fidgeted with my phone thinking whether I should call him or not while waiting for my cup of coffee to arrive. I wanted to talk to Jinnie too but I guessed he was in the backyard tending his small herbal plants.
At last accepting my defeat to the itchy heart I decided to bunk my last lecture and finished my coffee quickly, almost burning my throat. The impatience growing inside me was too much to handle and I knew Jimin too would love it if I go and surprise him. By this time he might had already transferred his belongings to my apartment so I decided to go there directly. I hoped the landlady helped him as I had informed her about Jimin moving in earlier in the morning while leaving for uni.
"Why isn't he texting me though?" I thought and texted him first – "Hey Chim! Are you done transferring? Where are you now? Text me back as soon as you see this text. I miss you. Love you ♥️"
I checked my phone again before knocking on the landlady's door in the ground floor but Jimin had not seen my message yet. My stomach crunched as I prevented myself hard from imagining the worst possible scenarios. I shook my head each time something bad crossed my mind and tried to focus on meeting him as earliest as I could.
          The landlady, Mrs. Brook, opened her door and smiled at me warmly inviting me inside but I politely refused so that I can go find Jimin quickly. 
– "Mrs. Brook, sorry to disturb you and I am afraid that I have to decline your request today but did Jimin come here?"
– "It's no problem dear. Don't worry! And yes, he had already placed his stuffs in your apartment. He told me to tell you that he forgot to bring his phone that's why he won't be able to text or call you for awhile. He left about 15 minutes ago saying he is going back to his home to bring his phone and he'll return after meeting with his dad."
– "Oh thank you so much Mrs. Brook! If you would excuse me I'll take my leave. Thank you once more."
– "Mention not. I am always here to help you. Now get going. Have a safe journey. Bye!"
I skipped towards the bus stop rather happily realising I was worrying for nothing. Near the bus stop my steps got interrupted by a phone call and almost quicker than my expectations I picked it up without paying much attention to the fact that it was not from Jimin but from Jinnie.
"Hello! Jimin?" I exclaimed.
"No, y/n/n, it's me Jinnie." A somewhat disappointed "oh" came out of my mouth instantly after he said that.
"Yes Jinnie what's up? Done watering your babies?" I chirped, correcting my behavioral demeanor.
"Where are you now?" He asked – his voice expressing emotions that were rather opposite of mine. In fact that were quite unusual of him to begin with.
"At the bus stop near my apartment. I am going to meet Jimin at his house. Why?" I asked, question laced throughout my whole face.
"I need you to stay there. We are coming to pick you up. Stay there. Don't go anywhere. Okay?" With each passing word Jinnie's voice took more serious turn and an unfamiliar fear grasped my heart.
I didn't know why I stuttered while asking him, "Jinnie, i-is everything o-okay? I-is Ji-jimin okay? Nothing has happened to him, right?"
There was no answer from the other side of the phone and each fraction of passing time felt like a torture. A dry scream came out of mouth and I repeated the same question, "RIGHT?"
I could feel Jinnie was trying his hard to control himself as well as struggling to find the right words to say to me, "Listen y/n/n, we are already on our way. Please stay calm and don't do anything reckless...."
"FOR GOD'S SAKE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" I shouted, not letting Jinnie avoid the subject.
An audible sigh came out of Jinnie's mouth and he replied,"Y/n/n, Jimin has been kidnapped. The Yuhaehans got him." 
A/n: I have updated the previous chapter like a million years ago! Please forgive me! I'll try to complete this series as soon as I can! I hope you like it! And if you haven't read the series yet I hope you do.. thank you again for being patient!!! Love you all so much 💜💜💜!
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urdearestmom · 6 years
Airport Ballrooms | Sylvia Is Bae
Here’s part 2!
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13332432
(part 1)
Hey :)
Mike has sent the same text every afternoon for the past year. It’s after his last student leaves at five o’clock, and it’s when the clinic El works at closes. She’ll undoubtedly respond within minutes.
Hey loverboy :)
It never fails to make him smile. Everything she does makes him smile, even when she’s not there. Tonight, however, he has plans.
Do you wanna see a movie later
The greatest showman is still in theatres and I know you wanted to see it so
If she says yes, they can go see the movie and then come back to one of their houses and order a pizza or something. Then he’ll have to work up the courage to ask her about a thing he’s been considering for a while.
Ya def
What time
There’s a showing at the Greenwood cinemark at 7 is that enough time
Then we can come back here or to yours and get a pizza or smth
Sounds good
I’ll go home and shower then meet you there at 6:30
Love you <3
Love you too <3
He turns off his phone and puts it down with a smile, getting up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. He almost trips on his cat, who is sitting in the doorway. She does this at least once a day, refusing to let him pass. When Mike tries to step over her she hisses and throws up a paw to claw at his pants, or if he’s very unlucky, his bare legs.
“No- come on, Sylvia! I just want some water,” he says, looking down at the fluffy mass of grey fur on the floor. She looks up, and he notes that she looks deeply unimpressed (she always looks like that). She gives a satisfied meow when he huffs and walks into his bedroom instead.
Stupid cat, he thinks. But then he feels bad. Sylvia has been with him for the last five years since he brought her home from the shelter. He’d originally gone in to look at the dogs, but he had to walk past the cats first and something about Sylvia had spoken to him. He never realized it, but it was probably the very same deeply unimpressed look that he sported himself quite often that he noticed on the cat. They have made use of the same living space since.
Most days she’s like any regular cat, minding her business and sleeping, only coming to bother him when she’s hungry and doesn’t have food. Other days all she does is be bothersome, meowing at Mike’s feet every three seconds for no discernible reason. But the days that really count are the days she can tell he’s upset.
Those are usually days he talks to family or friends, hearing from his older sister about the state of their parents’ marriage, his younger sister about the latest idiot she dumped, his friend Will or cousin Richie about someone who’s told them they deserve to go to hell for being who they are. Sometimes it’s when he himself is having a bad day, either a student isn’t putting in enough effort or he’s frustrating himself with his own shoddy practice. Somehow, Sylvia always knows, and that’s when she comes to curl up on his stomach while he couch surfs at night.
Now that he has El in his life, though, he has a human to confide his deepest secrets in instead of his cat. Still, because his girlfriend doesn’t live with him, Sylvia gets to hear the most. It’s nice to know that she’s judging him but won’t talk back.
Mike flops onto his bed and promptly registers that he hadn’t made it that morning. Gross, how am I gonna convince El that it’s a good idea to move in together if I can’t even make my own bed?
Considering this, he thinks about the rest of his apartment. He lives on the second floor of a duplex, the upright piano he gives lessons on sitting in the room right off the staircase. At the end of the hall is his bedroom, which has a large window in it and is, objectively, the best room in the house. In front of the stairs is a tiny bathroom, and beside that is a doorless doorway that leads to the kitchen, which is open to the living room and back porch. It’s small and cozy, and he likes living there. The problem now is that he’s considering all the flaws. It’s narrow, the shower will boil you alive if a faucet gets turned on somewhere else, the window frames are chipping, and the entire apartment is banana yellow. The floors are also quite hideous, a combination of old linoleum and old wood, as are the pink tiled walls and floor of the bathroom.
None of this is even considering the fact that the place is a mess. Mike has books all over, never quite being able to organize them by level (or by who uses them, really). When a student needs one he always spends about five minutes looking for it because it’s never where he last left it. Their stuff frequently gets mixed up with his, and he’s always surprised he hasn’t managed to forget a recital or competition.
This, coupled with the anxiety he’s felt since morning when he decided that today will be the day he asks El to move in together, catapults him out of his bed and into the bathroom, taking his dirty clothes with him to the hamper. Mike takes the quickest shower he’s ever taken, totalling a whopping three minutes under the water, then rushes back to make his bed the neatest he’s ever made it. He shoots into the piano room and does his best to pick up after his teaching method, although the room looks almost the same after he leaves it. He then makes a running jump over Sylvia, who hisses angrily and turns to look at him as he starts furiously washing dishes.
“Stop looking at me like that,” he says. “I’m cleaning up so if we come back here it’ll be good to ask El to move in.”
Sylvia turns away, and Mike thinks that if cats could snort, she would have. It’s a very derisive head turn.
After the dishes are in the second sink drying, Mike makes his best attempt to fold the pile of blankets that he left on the couch the night before. He’s just grabbing a wet cloth to scrub at a cup stain on the table when Sylvia comes over and sits on his feet.
“Are you serious?” He groans, looking down at her. “I’m trying to make this place look half-decent!”
His cat gives him a look as if to say, you’re an idiot. It’s then that he remembers that El has actually been to his apartment before, so he’s stressing over nothing. This is another of the good things about Sylvia; she knows when he’s being stupid, too. She moves off his feet when she decides that he’s calmed down enough, and he sits on the floor with his legs crossed. She comes to sit in the space created, and petting her fluffy body calms him further.
“Thanks, Sylvie. You’re a good cat, you know?” She purrs in response, as if she comprehends what he’s saying. “Do you like El? I think you like her. Would you like it if she lived with us?”
Sometimes he feels stupid talking to a cat, but there’s something about Sylvia that makes him feel like she understands. She purrs again. In fact, Sylvia likes El more than she likes him, Mike thinks. She’s never an asshole when El is over, and never even once has she accidentally scratched the woman. It’s unfair. Maybe she’ll be nicer when El moves in. If! Don’t get ahead of yourself, here.
After a few minutes, Mike realizes he has to go if he doesn’t want to be late, so he puts Sylvia gently on the floor outside of the cradle of his legs and gets up before pouring some food for her. “I’ll be back later, okay?”
Sylvia meows and pads over to her favourite spot, the middle of the couch.
Leaving now! Sylvia sat on my feet lol
Mike gets to the theatre around six-forty to find that El is in line to buy their tickets. “Hey,” he says, pressing a kiss to her cheek and grabbing a hold of her hand.
“Hey,” she says back, smiling. “I love your cat so much, by the way.”
“Hmph. I’m pretty sure she likes you more than she likes me,” he answers.
“It’s okay, at least I like you more than I like her.”
“I’ll be sure to tell her you said so.”
They start to laugh, but quickly shut up before attracting too much attention.
The movie turns out to be pretty interesting, but Mike likes the soundtrack best because he’s a music nerd (as is made blatantly obvious by his profession). It’s phenomenal!
El definitely agrees, but her favourite thing is the love story between P.T. and Charity. “Come on,” she says, tugging on his arm as they walk down the street to where her car is parked. “You can’t look me in the eyes and tell me that that was not the cutest love story you’ve ever seen! They fell in love as kids and they stayed together even through all the shit they went through!”
“I don’t know,” he laughs as they reach the car. “I feel like meeting the love of your life in an airport at three in the morning because you decided to play some Chopin is pretty cute, too.”
She grins at him over the roof. “Yeah. That’s pretty special.”
Getting in, she turns to him. “Yours okay?”
Mike rolls his eyes. “Yeah, Sylvie’s probably dying to see you.”
“Again, I love your cat.”
“Yeah, yeah, Hopper, just drive.”
“COME ALIVE! COME ALIVE!” El is screeching and Sylvia isn’t even hissing or anything. It makes Mike more bitter than he should be, to be honest. Like, he gets that El is literally the most wonderful human to ever grace the planet Earth with her existence, but Mike’s the one who feeds the goddamn cat and lets her live in his house. It’s shameful.
“GO AND LIGHT YOUR LIGHT, LET IT BURN SO BRIGHT!” She’s doing karaoke and dancing across the carpet from the table to the TV and back. She’s not a bad singer if she tries to sing, but what she’s doing right now is exactly the opposite. She’s trying to get her boyfriend to sing with her, but there’s a reason he’s a piano and not voice teacher, as he always says. El finishes the song with an exaggerated bow. “Thank you, thank you!”
Sylvia meows from her place on top of Mike’s slippers. El glares at him. “Jesus, Wheeler, even your cat appreciates me more than you do.”
“I’m eating and my hands are full,” he says, picking up another slice of pizza from the box next to him. “Bite me.”
El laughs. “I would, but you always go off about not letting your students see inappropriate things like hickeys.”
“It was huge and it was visible! She was seven!” He drops the slice on his shirt, leaving a nice grease stain. He groans. “Look what you made me do.”
“Whoa, there, Taylor Swift,” she giggles, dropping onto the couch next to him and grabbing the last slice.
Mike throws her an irritated look. “We may both be musicians, but I am not Taylor Swift. And now my shirt is dirty.”
“So?” She bites into the pizza in her hand. “It’s not like it was gonna stay on you anyway.”
It comes out garbled because of the pizza she’s eating, but he still understands and he flushes. He’s gotten somewhat used to her bluntness over the course of the year they’ve been dating, but sometimes she still says things that make him feel hot all over. However, it means he’s mastered the art of answering her with a straight face.
“You are disgusting.”
She shrugs as he gets up to throw the box out, shoving the last of the slice in her mouth and following. “You love me, so… I’d say that sounds like a you problem.”
He doesn’t turn around for a second, bracing himself on the lip of the sink before whipping around and pulling her up onto the counter, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. She breaks it a few moments later, breathless. “God, I love you,” she says.
Then she hops down and drags him away to his bedroom, ignoring Sylvia hissing in the background.
It’s after, when they lie tangled in his sheets, still ignoring Sylvia who is now scratching at the closed door, that Mike remembers what he’d meant to ask.
“Hey, El?”
“Yeah?” She murmurs. Her hands are cupping his face as she runs her thumbs softly over his lightly freckled cheeks.
“I have a question.”
“What is it?” She presses a tender kiss to the tip of his nose and pulls back, smiling.
“Do you- um- would you, maybe… want to move in together?” There, I’ve said it. God.
She looks into his eyes, and he thinks he’s about to get a yes when she turns over and says, “Good night, Mike.”
“El- what-” He splutters, heart sinking. Fuck, was I too soon?
El flips back, starting to laugh, but then sobers up at the look on his face. “Sorry, that was a little mean. I’d love to. I love you, and I love Sylvia, so getting to see you both all the time doesn’t look like it has any negatives.” She snuggles into the crook of his neck and kisses his collarbone. “But we can talk about that tomorrow. Good night,” she yawns.
Mike feels warm all over, and sighs contentedly before shutting his eyes.
Outside the room, Sylvia purrs. She’s excited too.
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sweetpxsin · 7 years
Park Woojin Bestfriends to Lovers
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I have mix emotions about how I wrote this..but I hope you like it tho <3
•okay okay so basically this friendship started sometime during middle school
•Woojin had transferred to your school and introduced himself as a Seoul Person
•You had only giggled because his satoori accent was so obvious and you personally thought his intro was cute/corky.
•you actually were the first person to ask him if he  was from Busan but he firmly stated that he was a Seoul Person
•You would have respected his answer wholeheartedly if it hadn't been  for the fact his lips were pursed into a pout, with is his arms crossed and that his satoori accent had managed to slip out
•Both of you exchanged looks before bursting out into laughter
•from then on a beautiful friendship began to grow
•you guys would make funny faces, inside jokes, and even had a special handshake
•oh and you both were those two students the teacher would never seat next to each other and if they did on accident they would immediately change one of your seats
•But you still managed to stay the best of friends and were practically a pair, attached at the hips
•It was literally the rarest sight to see either of you without the other and if that happened it was because one of you were sick or you guys got into a petty fight
•Sooo you basically knew Woojin since his very… very dark past
•Which you actually didn’t mind and quite matter of factly enjoyed it since he was very entertaining and well because he was your best friend
•And also  besides his dark past, Woojin never failed to entertain you with his dance and had actually sparked your interest in it
•When both of you went to highschool nothing really changed for either of you
•Ya’ll were both lovable goofballs
•Oh and well Woojin doesn’t come to school everyday anymore because he became a trainee and you were uber happy when that happened but that’s another story
•But that immediately changed when both of you joined dance club and suddenly went from “are they siblings” to “are they couple” Which you didn’t mind *cough*
•The first dance routine had required each person to have a partner so only naturally Woojin paired together not really caring what the genre was because both of you had done collabs before (OhMAGaH FRiEnDsHiP GOaL please excuse me I just want a friend i can do/ learn dances with)
•The dance was rather *ahem* touchy like more touchy than any of your other collabs
•Although you didn’t seem to care you were slightly super shy because you maybe had a crush on Woojin
•Woojin on the other hand didn’t seem to really care and seemed more interested in getting the moves down correctly
•And you were lowkey all in for serious looking Woojin and tried your best too, just so you could continue to sneak glance at Woojin in the mirror
•In the end the dance club named ya’ll the power couple behind ya’lls back
•It didn’t affect your guys friendship that much and if anything Woojin had began to act nicer and clingier
•He would hold your hands when you both walked in the halls
•Twice a week he’d leave your favorite snack inside your locker with a cute note
•normally he was  shy with showing affection but he’d start to openingly hug you now
•He even went as far as to start complimenting you and not in a teasing way
•You actually started to think Woojin had felt the same for you as you did for him but you were awfully wrong
•One day while you were at your locker Woojin asked if just the both of you could talk
•Of course you said yes
•so he took you from your locker and pulled  you to an empty part of the school because he wanted this just to be between the both of you
•Both of you were super nervous but for completely different reasons
•you thought Woojin had the same feelings for you
•I mean how you could you have not, he practically led you on
•So your heart began to beat faster as he brushed his hand against yours before holding it
•”I think you’ve noticed by now...I’ve been acting nicer to your as of lately and I don’t want you to get the wrong idea or hate me… but my company wants me to enter into the survival show Produce 101. I won’t be seeing a lot… or anymore because of that fact. B-But I promise I won’t forget you.”
•You weren’t going to lie you were completely heartbroken but happy for him at the same time
• So throwing your feelings a side you put on a smile and playfully punched him
•”You better not forget about me punk.”
•It hurt your heart a little more when you saw Woojin smile like a little kid again, probably because he was happy he had your approval
•After a week had past Woojin was no longer attending school and had no way of contacting you
•You weren’t gonna watch the show because you didn’t think your heart could handle such a show but you did because you wanted to support Woojin and his dream
•There was some tears and you always voted for Woojin when you had a chance
•But at some point you became convinced Woojin had forgotten about you
•He had created new best friends
•Not that you could blame him he practically spent most of his time with the other trainees
•but occasionally he would have the free time to text you
•In that time you still pretended you had 0 feelings for him like you would text him
•”man I love the cube boys they're so funny and adorable”
•and Woojin would reply
•”You spelled brand new music or more specifically park Woojin wrong.”
•but still some part of you just couldn’t  help but feel guilty because you were being selfish with your feelings when you should have been happy Woojin was fulfilling his dream
•and the feelings only intensified when you watched the final line up and Woojin had been ranked 6th
•You weren’t planning on texting him because you wanted him to celebrate with his family or new members
•but Woojin’s mom had ended up texting you that Woojin was super down because he missed you and your heart Lowkey melted
•So instead of waiting to text him the next day you instantly called him and he almost immediately picked up
•You couldn’t help but laugh a little because he sounded like a little kid
•”Nooo I wanted you to celebrate with your family and friends and I would have texted you later.”
•”You're my best friend you're practically family idiot. Man I can’t believe you didn’t even come to congratulate me in person. Hmph”
•”Hmph?” *laugh* “look I’m sorry we can meet up later ok? Now go celebrate idiot.”
•”Actually I was wondering if we could met tonight?”
•Woojin told you where to meet him and as soon as the call ended you got dressed and left excited to see Woojin
•You didn’t really think much of it this time because well you thought it was just gonna be two best friends hanging out
•Once you got at the place you noticed Woojin standing alone and once you tapped his shoulder you were surprised to your favorite flower in his hand
•You swore even though he just said hey with a smile your heart went soring a thousand miles
•”Did you miss me?” Woojin continued twirling the flower in between his fingers
•”Of course I did, who else was I supposed to be stupid with in class and spill my secrets to?”
•”Aye come on, you can’t say anything sweeter?”
•You rolled your eyes playfully expecting the joking banter to continue
•”Remember the day I told you I was leaving for produce 101?”
•”I forgot to tell you something that day?”
•”What is it?”
•Woojin shot you his awkward smile before lowering his head in shyness while grabbing your hand
•”I forgot to tell you that day I really liked you more than just as friends. I was nicer to you because I liked you but I didn’t wanna tell you that I liked you the same time I would have to tell you I was leaving….I thought the feelings would disappear but I just missed your more. I knew this is kind of out there but I still really like you (y/n)... So would you be my girlfriend.”
•You stood there frozen because you weren’t not expecting it
•Woojin looked up because of your sudden silence and instantly breaks out into laughter upon seeing your face
•Like he’s never seen you so red
•”Hey~ Cutie answer me please?”
•”Woojin I-I… UGH how could you do this to me.”
•Out of a mix of emotions you pull him into a hug and start crying
•Woojin rubs your back soothingly waiting patiently for your answer
•”Y-Your so mean. Of c-course I-I’d love to be y-your girlfriend, H-how could you leave ad than s-say you m-miss me and then j-just confess!”
•Woojin couldn’t help but smile as you continue to ramble and even confess your own crush on him
•He pulled back and brushed your tears away before brushing your hair out of your face
•”Aye come one don’t cry cutie. You’re so sensitive like Jisung hyung~”
•He kissed your forehead right after and handed you the flower before grabbing your hand again
•”Come one let’s go hang out like before but this time as a couple, How does that sound?”
•You nodded in agreement and allowed him to lead you to your apartment where you two watched movies in each other's arms before falling asleep
•Dating Woojin would consist of:
•Him knowing what exactly to say half of the time and then being a shy awkward bean the other half of the time
•Woojin being an absolute sweetheart with you
•Random adventurous dates
•Oh and cute dates where you guys learn dances together before just chilling in each other arms
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