#as you can tell i am REALLY enjoying this reread. i love feeling like my brain has been blended into a pile of goo
hella1975 · 4 months
Hi hella!!!
I feel like i always start these off or end them by saying that these things are going to be incomprehensible in some way, mainly bc i have trouble translating whats going on in my mind into written words so i really dont know how much of my list thingies make sense to you but this one is especially probably going to not make much sense. (also bc i send them a lot when im either very tired or not sober, but i am sober and wide awake rn so this might be a different kind of incomprehensible)
I found one of my old drafts for an ask from around a year ago and it was a follow up response to the last chapter you posted at the time, so im not sure how its going to sound without the context of that specific chapter, but i also mentioned in one of my other asks that i add stuff in last minute and that ask i added a shit ton of stuff so i dont have any of that pretyped out so im going by memory.  But im sending it again bc i havent seen you answer it 
(please do not interpret this as ‘why didnt you answer my ask >:/’ or me rushing you to answer asks or anything like that, but like I said its been a year so im assuming tumblr ate it.  If not and you just havent cleaned out your ask box and you find the original, congratulations you’ll know what i originally said.  Bc idk how accurate this will be)
Theres two different ways that you seem to write metaphors (idk if thats what theyre called im not caught up on my literary terminology)
 (im scrolling through your blog rn looking for my other asks and tumblr really did you dirty in your asks system like i started scrolling and the third one down was from 2021 and im fighting for my life trying to find my tag (thank you for my tag btw its very useful to me))
Anywho, most of your metaphors ( to me) can be split into two categories.  Theres the simple ones and the complex ones.  Now this might seem obvious but im going to explain to you how these have different effects on my brain.  
An example of the ‘simple’ ones is  
““If Nanook’s tone had a note of seriousness, then Zuko’s was the entire orchestra.”” (idk what chapter this is from its been a while)
You have a lot of these kinds of whatever the haick kind of literary technique this is (is this a metaphor i’ve been trying to google it for like ½ an hour and i cant figure it out) BUT these type of things that are simple and easy to process is one of my favorite things about the way you write.  I think this is a very common technique but the way you do it to me is just a lot more unique than the ways ive seen it done before.  Its extremely fluent with the voice of the characters and brings a perfect kind of vibe to the ‘conversation’ (or story, text, whatever) and it paints the picture of what your trying to say perfectly.  I also really like how these types of things arent ever in Zukos pov a lot (sometimes it is, but not nearly as much, I’ve noticed) and its not in the more serious like revelations that you drop these in.  Like I said, it adds to the voice of the characters, bc of the contrast of Zuko constantly having revelations and dramatic archs and stuff, and the other characters just in general being a lot more calm.  Its like when youre listening to a song and you have the lyrics and the like ‘main’ music behind the lyrics, but then when you listen to the song a lot you notice the smaller, like backup music that adds a lot to the song and makes it a lot more enjoyable than if it was just the lyrics and the louder more up front music.  
Then in contrast you have the bigger ‘metaphors’ 
An example of this is ‘You curse in words already invented’ 
When I tell you I could not figure out what this meant for months I am AWFUL with stuff like this and interpreting it my english teachers hate me bc of it.  Id have the question ‘why were the curtains blue’ and my answer would be ‘bc the people who decorated the room like blue maybe theyre interior designers and it goes with the room 😊 and thats so hot of them bc i love blue too’  
But even thought i couldnt figure it out it stayed in my head and i probably thought about it once a day (i mean this literally, i think about that part all the time) and i cant remember the context for that or anything but i do remember that i knew it was a wonderful phrase.  
I’ve mentioned in my other asks how whenever im reading anything at all that you’ve written (whether its tams, or toab, or in the tags of something even if its like 10 words), everything you type comes out so fluidly like a formula or a color wheel or however i put it last time i talked about this.  And this is on the prodigious end of the spectrum of this.  
But phrases like that are another part of the fic, theyre like the lyrics of the song.  Like the phrases that gets all the attention and gets put in fanart and that gets quoted in comment sections because they deserve that recognition and you deserve that recognition and are just a reminder of how incredibly talented you are.  
I mean that in the most sincere way that i know how to express.  
I am constantly in awe of you and your writing style, and i really do think of you as one of the most talented writers of everything ive ever read.  
And something else worth mentioning is that it isnt just your ao3 that portrays that.  Like if I were to just read your ao3 I’d be like ‘oh wow this person is an amazing writer’ But your tumblr persona plays into it a lot more (In my opinion).  Because then you see like more ‘backround’ stuff on ao3.  And more of your system (im not articulating this in the way i mean it very well) and you get privy to the fact that you’re not a 30 year old with a masters in english and that you’ve never had any formal education on writing.  I vaguely remember you talking about a story about a sailor (??? i might be misremembering that) that you wrote when you were a child and thinking ‘oh wow so she’s always been like that’.  And its stuff like that that you dont get on ao3 that kind of reaffirms how incredible of a writer you are.  
And this (to me) makes you a really easy person to admire.  (ik i touched on this in a different ask but i dont remember if it was one of my list asks or not) but as someone who probably isnt going to ever be able to get an education around writing, it kind of reassures me that i dont need that to be great at it.  
(i kind of feel like a lot of the stuff in this ask is too like ‘simple’ or obvious to be given a lot of weight, but this whole thing is about the kinds of things you do that brings me personally joy and the metaphors are one of them so)
Also on an off note when i was looking through your asks to try to find my tag, I noticed that i send you a heavy percentage of your anonymous asks (mainly without my alias) and I thought that was funny.  But also i hope it doesnt come across as obsessive or weird, I swear i do that to a lot of people on here, I’m just a very social person.  .😂
Also Im in your tbos server (lurking in the shadows) and someone pointed out that whenever you do the reaction emojis you always do the white ones, and thats going on the official ‘my favorite things about hella’ list because that was genuinely one of the funniest things ive seen. 
Also the ‘anytime you type its very fluid (im too lazy to scroll up and see how i put it rn) also carrys on to discord.  I think that i could probably block out the user names and be able to figure out that its you talking every time, you have a very distinct way of talking.  
Also i wanted to mention that every time you answer these i read them again and i want to say like 1/3 of what i sasy, i have no recollection of. And i never have any idea what im talking about. so i think thats funny.
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piningeddiediaz · 2 years
Hey tas bestie aha you are driving me crazy with your your reread posts lol. Don’t get me wrong I love it but also akwjqbqb brain just keeps crashing
no trust me same!! i haven’t done a full reread since call down the hawk came out in 2019, and turns out the trc memory loss is real because i don’t remember half of this, and the half i do remember is so insane i almost convinced myself it’s not real. this series is insane i cant believe it exists. literally my most favourite thing in the world 🥺
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daisies-daydreams · 4 months
Heyy, I absolutely love your fics and the way you write so I wanted to submit a request if that's okay! I was reading your fic 'the first step' and got the idea from there coz I'm always rereading that fic it's really good
Could I request a ghostxfem!reader where reader is a doctor and her and ghost have been married for a couple of years now which ghost has still kept a secret, and she recently starts as head doctor at his base where she finally meets 141
But soap, not yet knowing that she's married to ghost, tries to flirt with her for sometime and ghost just gets really jealous and protective and finally tells the truth to everyone and they're just all like '😧' coz who the hell would marry some broody guy loll it can be a little lighthearted if you like
Sorry for the long message😭 thank you so much and I hope you keep doing what you're doing coz I'm practically in love with your writing❤️❤️
Lovely (Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Doctor!Reader)
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Doctor!Reader Category: Fluff/(Some) Angst Warnings: Swearing, Flirting, Jealous!Ghost, Slightly Suggestive Content Word Count: 2.8k+ A/N: Hi there! I love it when Simon gets so protective/jealous. 🤭 Thank you for your request and sweet words, and I hope you enjoy!
“Have you been up all night?” you asked as you stepped into the kitchen. Your husband, Simon, flinched as your soft voice carried through the room. He sighed and rubbed his hand down his face, the bags under his eyes already confirming your suspicion. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” you breathed as you laid a hand on his broad shoulder.
“It’s alright, hun,” he grumbled. Your heart skipped a beat as he rested his lips against your wrist, his warm skin lingering against yours as you rubbed his other shoulder.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked as you took the seat beside him. Simon sighed heavily as he bit the inside of his cheek. A heavy silence lingered between the two of you before he leaned back in his chair.
“I just…you know how I feel about keeping these parts of my life separate,” he spoke up. You looked down.
“I know,” you swallowed as your hand fell back into your lap. Simon sucked in a sharp breath as he slid his hand over his mouth.
“Then why did you take the position as head doctor?” he murmured while gazing into your eyes. You paused for a moment, your eyes slightly wide as you rummaged through your thoughts. You took a deep breath.
“Because I wanted to be closer to you, Simon,” you confessed. Simon blinked as he stiffened in his chair.
“Baby, you already see me when I’m on leave,” he said while laying a hand on your thigh. A lump swelled in your throat as you nodded.
“I know…I just-I miss you, Si,” you sniffed. He immediately pulled you onto his lap before wrapping an arm around you. Your heart skipped a beat as he lips pressed to the crown of your head.
“I love you, (Y/N). I just want you to be safe,” your beloved replied. You pulled back a little before gently cupping his cheek.
“I love you, too, Si. But you’ve told me that the people you work with are trustworthy, right?” you asked. He glanced away before silently nodding in agreement. You smiled softly and let your hand slide down to his shoulder. “And you’ll always know where I am,” you added with a soft chuckle. The corners of your husband's eyes crinkled while you pecked his lips.
“I’ll be fine...we’ll be fine,” you beamed while sliding your hands over his rugged cheeks. Your love's face softened as he took a deep breath.
“Thank you, love,” Simon smiled as he rested his forehead against yours. You sighed as he splayed one of his hands across your lower back. The two of you held each other as the golden sun peeked over the roofs of your neighborhood.
“Have any tips for my first day?” you murmured. Simon hummed as he pulled back, his lips pursed as he thought for a few moments.
“If Johnny tries to flirt with you, let me know,” he said. You chuckled and pecked his lips.
“Yes sir, Lt.,” you winked with a small salute.
"Think you dropped this, dolly," the Scotsman behind you drawled. You blinked and turned around to find your phone in Johnny’s large, calloused hand.
"Goodness - my first day on base and I'm already losing things," you laughed. The corners of the Sergeant's bright, blue eyes crinkled as he chuckled.
"No worries. Always happy to help," the man winked as he slid your phone into your palm. You noticed how his hand seemed to linger against yours as he took a step closer. Your brows knitted together as he tilted his head down.
"I hope I'm not bein' too forward, but would you like to grab some drinks later?" he said while flashing you a bright smile. You felt the tips of your ears burn as you looked down at your shoes.
"No, thank you," you said while gripping your phone. Johnny sighed and slid his hands into his pockets.
"Right. Next time, then," the Sergeant winked. You had to refrain from rolling your eyes as you gave him a small, tight smile.
"Have a good day, Johnny," you said before he waltzed out of your office. You shook your head and sighed as you finished up your notes.
“Prescribing patient with 50 mg of Androcur* - take twice daily,” you joked to yourself.
“Better make it three times,” you heard your husband murmur from the doorway. You squeaked and nearly threw your pen across your desk as you gasped.
“Simon!” you whisper screamed as you laid a hand over your chest. Simon uncrossed his arms as he lumbered towards you, letting the door shut behind him. You watched as he paused right, his shadow looming over you. He suddenly reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a little container containing a cupcake.
“Thought you could use a little pick-me-up,” he said, the dark fabric of his face mask billowing as he talked. Your eyes lit up as he handed you the plastic container.
“Thank you, baby,” you cooed. Simon sighed heavily as you set it aside while finishing up your notes.
"What did he say to you?" your husband asked, his voice a low yet gentle growl. You hummed before spinning around in your chair.
"Who? Johnny?" you blinked. Simon nodded as he shifted in place. "He just wanted to get drinks with me," you shrugged. You saw your love narrow his hickory eyes, his gaze even darker beneath his skull mask. "Don't worry, I told him no," you smiled brightly while cupping his cheek. Simon slowly relaxed and took a deep, long breath.
"Good. Wanker needs to learn his place," he huffed. A small smirk danced over your features as you giggled.
"Honey, don't worry about it," you said as you rose to your feet. Simon tilted his head as you pulled out your wedding ring from your pocket. "Even though this isn't on my finger while I'm at work, I'll always act like it is," you reassured him as you laid your other hand on his waist. Simon grunted, his gaze softening as he pulled you close.
“You’re too good to me, lovie,” he murmured. You smiled as he slid his mask down and captured your lips in a sweet, tender kiss. You squeaked as he reached his hand down and eagerly squeezed your bum. “And I’ll make sure to be good to you later,” he rumbled with a hint of mischief in his voice.
“Simon,” you whined as he chuckled in your ear. The two of you paused when you heard another knock on your door.
“That’s my three o’clock,” you sighed. Simon frowned, his lips parted ever so slightly before he pulled his mask up. You grinned ear to ear as your husband slid his hands into yours and gave them a gentle squeeze.
“I’ll see you after your shift,” he rumbled with a soft look in his eyes. You slowly nodded, your heart aching that he had to leave so soon.
“‘Kay,” you replied before pecking his cheek. The knocking grew louder before Simon strolled over and nearly ripped the door from its hinges. The soldier’s eyes widened as your beloved stared him down.
“S-Sorry,” the man squeaked before walking past him. You gave Simon one last grin before he disappeared down the hall. Your mind began to wander for the rest of your shift, the thought of Simon acting defensive when it came to Johnny making you hide a smirk.
The Sergeant was just infatuated with you - he'd probably grow bored the next time you said "no" to him.
Johnny’s flirting continued for weeks since you started working on base. Each time you told Simon about it, you could see a vein pop in the side of his head or his fists clench...and each time, he'd say that he's "fine".
"Thanks again for the check-up, doc," Johnny beamed as he held his hip. You were pulled out of your thoughts as the man rose to his feet.
"No problem, Johnny," you replied as you gave him his diagnosis sheet with instructions on how to treat the black and blue mark on his hip. You noticed that, despite the bruise on his waist, he was wearing more tight-fitting jeans today and a black, tight workout shirt. You paused when you saw him linger in the doorway his eyes locked on your pensive expression as you crossed your ankles.
"Is there anything else you need, Sergeant?" you asked with a raised brow. Johnny slightly bit his lip as his eyes were filled with desire.
"Just wonderin' if you'd like to take me up on my offer from a while ago and get some drinks with me tonight?" Johnny asked with a sparkling smile. You gripped the ring in your pocket as you kept yourself from sighing too loudly.
"Johnny, while I admire your...persistence, I'm not interested. Thank you, though," you explained with a firm voice. The Scotsman's lowered tensed a bit as he rubbed his arm.
"Right," the Sergeant replied while averting your gaze. There was still a determined twinkle in his eye as the two of you said your goodbyes. You sighed and shook your head before finishing up a few more tasks before your lunch break. Your body slightly ached with exhaustion as you glanced down at your watch.
"Thank God," you breathed as you shrugged your lab coat off of your shoulders. You hung it on the back of your chair before clocking out and heading over to the food court. You perked your head up when you saw your husband sitting at one of the tables. You noticed how tightly he was gripping his drink while Johnny motioned with his hands wildly. As childish as it seemed, you slowly inched towards them and hid behind a pillar nearby.
“I’m tellin’ ya, Lt. - that new doc is an absolute fox,” Johnny said. You could practically hear your husband’s eyes narrow and jaw clench.
“Surprised she hasn’t fallen for you, yet,” Kyle said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Johnny rolled his eyes.
“I’m sure she’ll come around,” he said optimistically. "She said I was persistent," the Sergeant added.
"I don't think that was meant as a compliment," Kyle muttered. Simon gripped his plastic cup so hard you thought he could crush it with his bare hand.
"You alright, Lt.?" the Sergeant hummed. Simon straightened his posture as if squaring up for a fight.
“Peachy fuckin' keen," your love droned. Your eyes widened as you watched him bounce his leg beneath the table. Johnny raised his brows as a smirk stretched across his face.
“My my - are we a tad bit jealous, Lt.?” he chuckled. You saw the fire dancing in Simon’s dark eyes as he drummed his fingers on the table. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you have a turn when-“ Everyone flinched when Simon suddenly slammed his fist down on the table. Johnny’s smile immediately fell while the Lieutenant leaned over the table and stared him dead in the eye. You rushed towards them as your husband seethed.
“Don’t you fucking dare talk about my wife that way, Sergeant,” he snapped. The men’s jaws dropped while you froze where you stood. "You're to treat her with respect, do you understand?" Simon bellowed as he loomed over the Sergeant.
"Si, baby?" you cooed behind him. Simon suddenly whipped his head around, his brown eyes widening as he stiffened beneath your gaze.
"Sweetheart," he sucked in a sharp breath as you stood before all three of them. Time seemed to slow before you took a small step forward.
“S-Sweetheart?“ Johnny stammered as he pointed between the two of you. Kyle’s mouth remained wide open as you gently placed a hand on Simon's forearm and rubbed it tenderly. Your husband looked down at you, his body relaxing beneath your soft touch as you smiled up at him. Johnny’s face instantly grew pale as his lips drew into a tight line.
“Shit, man. What the hell were you doing flirting with a married woman?” Kyle whispered loudly as he shifted in his seat.
“I didn’t know she was married!” Johnny said, his voice cracking as heat filled his cheeks. “Did you?”
“Of course not! But I did think it was weird how often Ghost was around her,” Kyle replied. You smiled and rubbed Simon’s burly arm while the two men spoke as if you weren’t standing before them. Your beloved sighed before clearing his throat.
“I suppose now’s a good time as any to explain ourselves,” he spoke up. Kyle and Johnny shifted in their seats, their faces slightly flustered as they moved their gaze between Simon and you. You gave your husband a reassuring smile as he exhaled sharply. "This is my wife, (Y/N)," Simon stated matter-of-factly as the two of you held hands beneath the table. You grinned as you held your free hand out.
"Nice to finally meet the two of you properly," you chuckled. Kyle took your hand first, shaking it firmly while Johnny stared on in disbelief.
“Y’alright, Johnny?” the Lieutenant drawled with a raised brow. The Scotsman snapped his mouth shut as he blinked several times and shook his head.
“I…you…how?” he stammered. You giggled at his dumbfounded expression while Simon groaned. “Did Price ever know about this?” Kyle piped up, the two men now acting like curious schoolboys wanting in on a secret. Simon nodded as he ran his hand down his face.
“‘Course he knew - man’s the one who helped us stay covert this whole time,” your husband muttered as his hand fell back down to his side.
“Until now,” Johnny said with a small smirk, already back to his old self. “Back to what I wanted to say earlier: how the bloody hell did a bonnie like yourself end up marrying a bloke like him?” he asked.
"Be careful what you say, Sergeant," Simon warned. You rolled your eyes and playfully flicked his arm.
“We actually met in the park,” you said as your eyes lit up. Simon glanced away and you stifled a giggle - you knew how red his face was getting beneath his mask. “I was riding my bike and he was out for his morning jog. I was rounding a corner and my brakes stopped working,” you said. You turned towards him, bouncing a little in your seat as you anticipated for him to continue the story. Simon remained silent for several moments before he sighed.
“She crashed right into me,” he murmured before looking up. You heard Kyle snort across from you while Johnny hid a cheeky smile.
“I was panicking, asking if he was okay - checking for any injuries,” you continued. Simon chuckled a little.
“You were the one with a concussion,” he pointed out. You blushed and bit your lip. “If anything, I’m the one who destroyed your bike, not the other way around,” Simon mused. You laughed and nodded.
“So, the rest is history then?” Johnny chimed in. You hummed in reply.
“Yep - he found it ironic that he was talking a doctor to the ER,” you said with a bubbly giggle. Simon shrugged.
“Had to do something,” he replied bluntly. You smiled as you leaned over and pecked his cheek.
"To me, it was everything," you said while lovingly stroking his arm. Simon purred lowly while he stared into your eyes.
"Well...you're my everything," he whispered softly. You flinched when the alarm on your watch suddenly went off.
"Ugh, lunch break's almost over," you frowned before slowly rising to your feet.
"Wait-" Johnny began. The three of you eyed him as he swallowed thickly. Simon tensed as he stepped towards you, your bodies only about a foot apart as the Sergeant parted his lips. "I-I just wanted to apologize for all the things I said," he muttered as the tips of his ears burned with red. "Had I known you were married, I wouldn't have been more...persistent," he winced at the last word. You gave him a small grin while you tilted your head.
"I forgive you, Johnny," you replied. He closed his eyes and sighed with relief. "This time," you added before turning on your heel. Simon chuckled quietly while Johnny's jaw dropped. You smiled as you brushed your fingers through your beloved's dirty blonde hair.
"I'll see you after my shift, yeah?" you beamed with a wink. Simon slowly nodded, his eyes half-lidded and mouth parted beneath his mask.
"Yeah," your husband simply replied. You grinned and pecked his forehead.
"See you later, boys," you said with a wave. They all waved goodbye as you hummed to yourself, walking towards a vending machine for a little snack. You heard Kyle say something just within earshot before you left:
"You're a lucky son of a bitch, Riley," the Sergeant said. You cracked a smile and turned to meet Simon's loving gaze. He rested his cheek on his fist while sighing happily.
"I sure am, Garrick," he replied.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
*Note: Androcur is a medication used to regulate high libido.
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webslingingslasher · 7 months
heyyy I was just wondering WHAT THE HELL DO YOU PUT IN THIS FRAT!PETER FICS BC I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT TROUBLE AND PETER! I just melt for them together😭😩❤️
I swear when I'm about to fall sleep he just pops into my head and HAVE to grab my phone to reread some of them. Your writing is just soooo god and I wanted to thank you for creating such a work of art🥵🥵🥵
Also I can't stop thinking about frat!peter being jealous like finding a guy talking who hooked up with trouble and overthinking how different they are from each other? and if the ex fling keeps trying to talk with trouble in a friendly way, he would play it cool? i feel like he would look at them talking and he knows about what happen between them but is kinda nervous? idk
first, peter and trouble are crack. second, thank you very much for enjoying!!!
peter knows what it looks like to awkwardly chat with an old hookup, he’s done it more than a few times. so, when he watches your eyes dance around the room while you politely laugh in response to the guy in front of you, he just knows.
he’s taller than peter, and he’s not one to be self conscious about his height, but he might now. and he’s got bigger biceps, peter’s spider-man and doesn’t have the build this guy does.
and he’s got nice hair. really nice hair. the kind of hair he knows you love. it’s like peters, but longer and a bit more curly. peter pats the hair on the back of his neck, he’s been growing it a little longer, but apparently not enough.
in a desperate attempt to keep your attention on him tonight, he takes his hat off to throw it on top of the fridge. you always beg him to take it off, it’ll work. he’s sure of it.
it doesn’t. you’re unable to stand still, if he was projecting, he’d say you went from awkward to uncomfortable. peter’s not going to be the guy to barge in, but he takes a step forward, just in case.
it’s like you can feel him, your eyes shoot to his across the room. no words are said or mouthed, but your eyes said enough. ‘help.’ its all he needs.
peter cuts the guy right off, slinging an arm low around your waist. a kiss to your temple, ‘hi, trouble.’ you relax into his touch, you hold on tight to his arm. ‘have you met tanner?’
he hasn’t, and he really doesn’t care to. it looks like tanner doesn’t either, they’re both sizing each other up. peter’s putting on a brave face, but he knows tanner's thinking he’s no competition, and peter can’t help but feel the same.
still, he throws a hand out. ‘sup, man. i’m parker.’ tanner shakes it, ‘sup.’ peter holds his hand a bit too tight, he’s trying to subtly prove that even if he was smaller, he could kick his ass if needed.
tanner asked peter how he knew you, he had to bite his tongue on the disrespect. he knew exactly how peter knew you, his possessive hold tells it all. ‘i’m her boyfriend.’
you dig your nails into his arm, you were caught off guard with the statement. he said it like it was obvious, tanner smirked. ‘ah, lucky man.’ peter really doesn’t like his face.
‘yup. sure am.’ you nudge back against him, peter takes it as a hint to get out of there. he couldn’t agree more. ‘wanna get a drink?’ you nod quick, 'yes, please.'
your 'boyfriend' made a small show of spinning you in his hold, you laughed at the twirl and balanced yourself on his shoulders. 'nice seeing you again,' you forgot who you were with for a second.
'you too, tanner! have a good night.' peter nudged your lower back to get you walking, you didn't make it four steps until you were pulled in for a bruising kiss. every thought melted away, there was only one person on your mind.
'peter,' it puffed out, just like your lips.
'trouble,' he said it like a greeting. you shook your head, leaning in for another, you were lucky tonight, he supplied.
'thanks, boyfriend.'
'that was a typo.'
you scoff. 'no it wasn't, that was you acting like you have one foot up so you don't feel as threatened.'
the choice of words make his skin crawl. peter knows it's not exclusive, exclusive. but he at least thought you both were on a similar page, one that didn't include saying 'so you don't feel as threatened.'
'what the fuck is that supposed to mean, trouble? so i don't feel as threatened? i was doing you a favor, but feel free to go entertain whoever you want, i'll do the same.'
peter's sudden aggression had your head spinning, you tried to grab onto his arm before he left you entirely. 'did i say the wrong thing? i didn't mean to say the wrong thing!'
'i didn't feel threatened until you said i should be. i just really don't like being reminded that i'm a choice you can change your mind on at any time, it's not a good feeling.'
sometimes when he says something to that effect, you want to tell him he could do something about it. sometimes, you let it go and remind him you're not looking for anyone else, if you were, you would've stopped putting up with his shit ages ago.
this is one of the times you put his fears at bay.
'look, peter, that guy, tanner? he's all talk, he seems like some cool guy but he really kind of sucks. in the least commitive way possible, boyfriend, there are no threats.'
'you keep talking about threats.'
'cause you have none!' you exhale deeply, 'i don't like anyone else, okay? and talking to other guys makes me wanna bash my head into a brick wall.'
'you talking to other guys also makes me want to bash my head into a brick wall.'
you grin and smooth out a wrinkle on peter's shirt. 'good, we're on the same page, then.'
peter throws an arm around your shoulder while he guides you to the kitchen.
'i'll deny it if you say anything, but i quite like reading at the same pace as you, trouble.'
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baby enemies to lovers stories? i loveeee them, dont know whats wrong with me bestie
nothing is wrong with you babe, you just have taste!
I'm a sucker for a good enemies to lovers story too so dkjhjshdf I'm so happy for this! Anyway let's begin!
My forever and always favorite enemies to lovers story is "404" by my beloved @freedomfireflies When I say I need 404!harry, I couldn't mean it more! I had a dream about him for real 😭 It's so well written and you can literally feel the tension between the two characters. 404!harry is my baby and I want to put him in my pocket and have him there forever. It's everything you could ask for in a story with that trope. 🙌 😍 (personal fav: a-mazing and jealous - I was on my knees)
Also please do yourself a favor and read @harrys-titties "Harry's a dick and Y/N hates him for it". It's really amazing! The way she built their relationship was precious 🥰 And I loved that Harry's best friend was Sarah, it was a beautiful touch. When you will start reading it, you will find yourself unable to put it down. (um also I have the "y/n and harry hate each other, until they don't" in my "to read list" and I'm sure it will be amazing)
Additionally "grumpy h" by my favorite @cupid-styles is *chef's kiss* seriously. I really liked how their dynamic began to change and they were so soft for each other 😇 so cute 🥰 Oh and I almost forgot it! "You're my last shot" is an enemies to lovers story too and believe me it's so sweet, I loved it. I was reading the blurbs until 3 AM in the morning hehe 😇
Of course it's not a proper rec list for enemies to lovers stories if I don't mention "aster" by @moonchildstyles ! It is really good! Like reallyyy good😍 It's the cutest thing ever hdshgjghshjg Now I'm thinking about it, I will reread it 😍 I was obsessed with this the first time I read it.
Also "Ballerina Y/N and Ballerina Harry" by @jawllines ! Oh my God, it's so good! Actually I can't express how good it is, words aren't enough! I just love it. I started rereading it actually the other day and I couldn't stop myself. I have a soft spot for it 😇 Their chemistry is everything! 😍 The characters are amazing and Y/N is a queen! Also Ballerina!Harry is exactly my type so 😇
@be-with-me-so-happily has a great enemies to lovers story too! "Not what we bargained for" is freaking good 😍 Had a great time reading it!
Oh and of course "Harry is Y/N's producer & she doesn't like him" and "Y/N & Harry kind of hate each other but have to walk together in their friends' wedding party" by @0nlythrowharrybeaux ! Her stories are so addictive 😍 Her writting has an incredible flow 😍
One last thing: it's not actually a story but @justlemmeadoreyou ' headcanons are crazy and I guarantee you that the mean!friends with benefits!harry headcanons are so f*cking hot 😱check them out 😍 (also she's making a series based on them, part 1 is out and I'm telling you it's so good! Cant' wait for the next part! - it may be a friends with benefits trope but they started as enemies, they didn't like each other much so yeah that's why I put it here)
I'm 100% sure I'm forgetting many other stories I would love to include in this but I can't think of anything else right now sorry 😭 If something else comes up to my mind, I will add it ❤️ Enjoy ❤️
P.S always grateful to the authors 😊
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hey fam, welcome to the April 2024 roundup of the best hannigram fics i've read this past month! i read over 100 fics total, and these were the cream of the crop.
as a reminder: the ingredients for a five star rating typically (but not always!!) include some combination of a.) believable characterizations of both Hannibal and Will, b.) compelling plot and/or character arcs, and c.) high quality smut.
that being said, my judgment of the aforementioned ingredients is powered almost exclusively by vibes and as such, is incredibly subjective.
you can find past recs below:
February March
and if you have any recs of your own for me, PLEASE SHARE.
anyway, in no particular order, let's go!
A place you can never go by det395
Word Count: 84,596 Summary: When things don’t go according to plan, Hannibal makes a wish. He finds himself a year-and-a-half in the past and seemingly given another chance with Will. His feelings about the situation only get more complicated when he realizes he may not have completely lost access to his old timeline after all. A Digestivo canon divergence.
If you follow me, you probably saw me already raving about this fic. This was so fucking good, holy fucking shit. And also heartbreaking. Made me think a lot about the nature of reality and what does it mean for something to be "real." Plus, I really love fics that explore their shared mind palace because I genuinely think that is one of the more underexplored aspects of their relationship. Definitely heavy on the angst, but there is a happy ending!
even though our love is doomed by bleakmidwinter
Word Count: 82,427 Summary: Hannibal solves the mystery of time travel and he and Will decide to go into the past and take opportunities previously missed along with rewriting the regrets they each hold. Changing the past does not effect the future and they have free reign to play as the please.
GIVE ME MORE THAN FIVE STARS PLEASE. I am obsessed with this fic. I've mostly stayed clear of time travel fics (aside from, you know, the one right above this) because the execution can be hit or miss, but let me fucking tell you. This was a god damn home run. There's a little bit of angst, but then there's also a chapter where Will challenges Hannibal that he wouldn't have been able to seduce him while Will was still working in Louisiana fixing boat motors. And obviously Hannibal decides to take that challenge.
Railroad Romance by OneWhoSitsWithTurtles
Word Count: 12,400 Summary: Hannibal is still Hannibal, and Will is still Will. Except Will is not part of the FBI and they meet on a two day train trip from New Orleans to Baltimore.
Dirty. Talk. In. FRENCH. Holy shit. Okay this was excellent. EXCELLENT. Perfect characterizations, and wonderful dialogue. Wow. Also, I love trains. Who doesn't love trains?
patroclus in furs by bleakmidwinter
Word Count: 130,185 Summary: If Will and Hannibal hadn't gone into their respective careers, they would have become porn stars.
I had my doubts about a pornstar AU, but I've really enjoyed everything else by this author and it was over 100k, so I gave it a shot! And WOW. The characterizations of both Will and Hannibal were spot on and believable. A good mix of fluff and angst, and the author clearly put a lot of thought into the porn scenes. Tbh I'm probably going to reread this shortly.
Pavlova by nbcravenstag
Word Count: 33,369 Summary: It’s not like Hannibal didn’t know that Will was hiding something. It was after the third body drop a week ago that it became clear that Will had a secret that somehow involved the case, one he wasn’t willing to share yet, not even with Hannibal. At 6:43 AM, Will had texted Hannibal that a fourth body had been found and that he was on his way to the scene with Jack. At 8:06 PM, Will had stepped into Hannibal’s office, thirty-six minutes past his appointment time, and practically shouted “I used to be a stripper!” as loudly as his hoarse voice would allow him to. Hannibal Lecter, though not phased by much in life, has never been entirely able to predict Will Graham, but this is just… getting out of control. Alternatively, the FBI is hunting a serial killer targeting male strippers, and Will decides to throw himself into the fray. Hannibal is beyond pleased.
An AU where Will was a stripper in college and now he's working a case where he can be live bait as a stripper? Shut the fuck up. Mostly told from Hannibal's perspective, and it's just *chefs kiss*. Who knew Will giving Hannibal a lap dance would be so HOT. (I could have guessed.)
Lessons In Submission by wyldefire
Word Count: 5,173 Summary: Hannibal was stubborn, independent, and Will had always loved that about him, but there were times, times like these, in the midst of heat, in the midst of such a thorough breeding, when lessons in submission were necessary.
My only thought at the end of this was, "Shut the whole fuck up" in the best way possible. Smut. Just all smut.
A Very Special Guest by LesBeanBurrito
Word Count: 56,660 Summary: Season 1 AU in which Will stays for Hannibal’s dinner party after bringing the bottle of wine at the end of 1X07 Sorbet. Embarrassed and Sassy Will Graham meets Smitten Hannibal Lecter.
I LOVE a good season 1 AU and this was checking all of the boxes for me! There's a secret relationship, Hannibal actually gets Will treated for his encephalitis, Will finds out about Hannibal, etc. Very much loved the plot, and the characterizations were spot on.
lover to your nightmare (look what you made of me) by merrythoughts and ReallyMissCoffee
Word Count: 123,367 Summary: Driving back home, it’s then he reflects on Hannibal asking him to run away that night. To forgo their plans altogether, to slip away. [Canon divergent. Will confesses his betrayal and asks Hannibal to run away with him, but Will has a plan of his own...]
You want dark!Will mixed in with some incredibly jealous and possessive Hannigram? Hooo boy do I have a fic for you! The ending was a little abrupt, but it was the perfect mix of gut-wrenching angst and toxicity + smoking hot smut. I genuinely had to stop and focus on my breathing more than once.
On the Lam by shotgun_sinner
Word Count: 63,992 Summary: Post-Fall (Hannibal)season 4Crack Treated SeriouslyOn the RunWill Graham Discovers FanfictionExplicit Sexual Contentsexual identity crisisThat's Not Really A CrisisWill Graham is HannisexualMurder HusbandsHomophobiaMurder of a HomophobeHannibal Lecter Loves Will GrahamWill Graham Loves Hannibal LecterPower Bottom Will Grahamthey love each other your honorvery meta
This was such a fun read – I love the implication that hannigram fanfiction exists and it's all there for Will to accidentally discover. I adore this author and just thoroughly enjoyed how Will learned a thing or two about himself by reading smutty fics (same dude).
Golden Promises by shotgun_sinner
Word Count: 68,488 Summary: Hannibal (TV) Season/Series 01Alternate Universe - Canon DivergenceEpisode: s01e07 SorbetHallucinations?Will Hopes SoLELOplugSexuality CrisisThat Ends Up Not Being A CrisisWill Graham Has EncephalitisHannibal Gets Will TreatmentDeveloping RelationshipWill Graham's Dogs - FreeformBonding over fooddoting hannibalEventual SmutHannibal Lecter Loves Will GrahamWill Graham Loves Hannibal LecterAlana DisapprovesRimmingOral SexBottom Hannibal LecterTop Will GrahamBottom Will GrahamTop Hannibal LecterWill Graham KnowsNon-Consensual Drug UseWill Gives Him Shit For ItMurder HusbandsCannibalismis that tag even necessary?Hannibal Lecter Loves Max
This was fluffier than I typically read, but I told y'all I love this author. Pretty much no angst, and the smut, as always, was next level. Also, the idea that Hannibal would wear a solid gold butt plug to his dinner parties had me laughing before I even started reading.
What Hatches by HotMolasses (@snazzymolasses here on tumblr)
Word Count: 107,847 Summary: There is a village, nestled on the edge of an ancient forest where it is always winter. Few of the townsfolk ever venture into it, except for one lonely hunter named Will Graham. A loner who makes his living selling stag meat and spends more time with dogs than people, he finds his life changing when he comes face-to-face with a magical beast, one that he cannot get away from, and isn’t even sure he really wants to.
What started out as a curiosity about the monsterfucking tag on AO3 brought me to one of the most unique and interesting hannigram AUs I've read??? I'm as surprised as you are, if not more. I adored this fic and I loved how both Will and Hannibal were characterized and the plot and the smut (oh my god, the smut) and the ending? Phew. Go read this.
lay like a flood spills away by bleakmidwinter
Word Count: 35,733 Summary: Will starts going to a nude beach that happens to be for gay men, even though he considers himself straight.
This was highly enjoyable. I LOVE AUs that manage to keep the characters true to canon. Also nude beaches. Hannigram and nude beaches. Eating ass and public sex with some actual plot sprinkled in. Say LESS.
Now, What Should We Do Next? by HigherMagic
Word Count: 51,116 Summary: Kinktober 2018
Smut. All smut. I showed this fic to a friend who has literally never read fanfiction, let alone Hannigram, before and she is now hooked. So. Do with that what you will. And it's so clear that this author has actual, real-life experience with kink and it comes across so well! Bonus point: there is also an equally good sequel.
To Mend With Gold by beforethedawn, ConstructFairytales, Destinyawakened
Word Count: 98,863 Summary: Will and Hannibal have been living as a gay married couple for three years, but they haven't slept in the same room let alone the same bed. Will Graham has a reckoning, one way or another.
THIS WAS TENDER. Fluffy, angsty, smutty, I loved it. Molly showed up with Will's dogs and decided she wasn't going to turn them in, which was a little weird, but I really loved this fic. Just them learning how to be with each other. Also EXCELLENT marathon smut scenes. Like yesssss, of course they can each cum like three times in a row.
A Clutch at Balance by Deverauxs_Disease
Word Count: 25,466 Summary: When Will Graham storms into Hannibal's house muttering about kissing Alana Bloom, the good doctor makes Will an offer: Pretend to date Hannibal in order to prove to Alana that Will is not only stable but capable of being in a relationship. When Alana is convinced Will is the man of her dreams, Hannibal will step aside and Will can get his girl.
Y'all know I love fake dating that all of a sudden, whoops! Isn't so fake anymore! Sprinkle in some jealous and possessive Hanni and Will? I'm sold. Say less.
And that's a wrap on this month! See ya next time!!!
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tetheredfeathers · 3 months
My favourite post Mockingjay fics
@notafraidtodissapear since you asked 💕
One shots
making a blank page bloom: drabble collection by songbirdheart
A writer I have discovered recently, I cannot emphasize how much I love her writing. If an angel could write it would be her. This fic is sweet and short. Katniss sings her poem to Peeta.
eden by songbirdheart
Another one by the same author. Can you tell how obsessed I am?!!? Dw you'll understand her genius when you read it. A poem about everlark growing back together.
What's In A Name? by Joshs_left_earlobe
Everlark's first fight, lots of fluff and angst.
Fighting the Rain by starsmahogany (Jodalyn)
Cute fluffy fic of Peeta taking care of Katniss after she comes homes soaked from the rain.
The Unexpected Message by Diana_Flynn
Years after the war has ended Katniss has a fight with Peeta, but she finds an a gift that changes her perspective.
Multi chapter fics.
Baby Steps by Ronja
Growing back together/pregnancy fic, goes back and forth between her pregnancy and their initial growing back post war. Delves into some of the political aspects of Panem, and Katniss and Peeta's involvement. Enjoyed reading this alot.
When the Red X is on the Door By: MADAM BETH
A growing back that fixates more on Peeta's episodes, very realistic and perfect characterization. Timeline goes back and forth from initial post war to their with children. Loved this, it's also 57 chapters so might as well think of it as the 4th missing book.
Growing New Wings By: SkyLark89
Very accurate to the book, I always come back to this fic after my rereads. They rewatch the games to help Peeta's memory and work on the book. Starts off after Peeta's arrival and ends with "real".
A Little Drop of Hope By: Chinchilla17
In Peeta's pov, most growing back fics are in Katniss' pov so it was quite interesting to be in Peeta's mind after the hijacking.
The List orphan_account by silvercistern
This one is a must read, I'm sure everyone has heard of this one. Like if Collins were to write another book it would be this one.
Back to Twelve igsygrace
Another popular one, by the same author who wrote Peeta's games. I don't even need to tell you how good this. I will admit though I had some mixed feelings about the ending, because the author makes them go through another war. I'm not really sure if it's war tbh, but someone is trying to overthrow the government typa shit..
I have a problem with canon divergence so I didn't read the final chapter. idk why canon divergence just feels so wrong to me. But if you do like canon divergence this one could be really good. Anyway it's only the last chapter that is like that, the rest are all regular growing back material.
Synchronicity by ashyblondwaves
A collection of one shots and stories examining Katniss and Peeta's relationship post-Mockingjay. Peeta's POV. Pretty long but I really liked it. There's something about the writing that drew me to it. The problem is I have read a lot of these along time ago so I can't remember the exacts reasons any of these fics stuck out to me, I just remember they did.
Worse Games to Play By: Belmione
How Katniss finally decides to have children. Read a long time ago, but it's really sweet.
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dumbkiri · 7 months
𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕎𝕒𝕣
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ: ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴀʟʟ
[Name] Jaeger was present for the fall of Shiganshina. She saved many lives of the mass, but couldn't save her own mother. Despite all that, she was charged for abandonment by a Garrison official named Woerman.
ʟᴇᴠɪ ᴀᴄᴋᴇʀᴍᴀɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Leave a request in my inbox, comment down below for more! I'm going through some and editing as we speak. Series do come first though!
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Dear Eren,
In a week’s time, I will be heading outside the walls. When I do I have to tell you the story about Captain Levi and how he saved me from five titans! One day, I’ll make sure to introduce you to him, wouldn’t that be amazing? Would I be the best sibling then?
Anyways that’s not why I am addressing you. I got a very angry letter from mom saying that you wanted to join the Scouts and follow in my footsteps. She warned me that if I don’t stop those “reckless” ideas from forming she would personally drag me off my horse by my ear the next time she sees me to give me a lecture. Surely my ears would fall off for two different reasons! 
So little brother, what makes you want to join the Scouts? Aren’t my stories of the outside world enough for you? It’s beautiful out there,but Eren, you do not want to venture outside the walls. Not now. The way it is, you won’t be able to survive. 
Titans are exceptional beings that are made and subjected to eating humans. You do not want to see that, I promise you. I have seen plenty of my comrades die in front of me. And I know you have seen the men and women come back with gruesome injuries before. Most don’t make it back home. 
I apologize if this scares you, but that’s the point. The world is a cruel and scary place. You know nothing about it and I’m trying my best to keep you hopeful. But titans are ten times bigger and stronger than you all. 
I know what that helpless feeling feels like. I almost lost my life until Captain Levi saved me from an awful death. You don’t want to see what a titan can do to a person you love. 
With that being said, Eren, you should enjoy the peace in your life right now. Hug mom more often, treat Mikasa nicer, fight harder for Armin and dad? Well you know how he can be sometimes. 
He loves us though. He loves all of us, that’s why he keeps fighting. It’s why I keep fighting. I will do everything in my power to keep my family safe this time that includes little Mikasa. 
I’ll see you soon, Eren. Give mom a big hug for me, will you? And tell her that I love her too. 
Sincerely, [Name] Jaeger
This was Eren’s fifth time rereading the letter his older sister sent him. And today was the day he, along with his mother and Mikasa, were going to send [Name] off with a good luck goodbye. He was going to see her again! This was really the only time he got to spend with her. Before she was sent out of the walls to go exploring. 
But something was different today. There was a knock at the door and his mother approached it with a giant smile on her face and a pep to her step. He slightly pouted wondering why she was like that when not even a minute ago she had scolded him about joining the Survey Corps again. 
Then his eyes widened in surprise when he saw who exactly was at the door. His smile is uncontainable just like his mother’s. “[Name]! You’re home!” He shouted happily as he ran to his sister and jumped into her awaiting hug. 
“Eren, it’s nice to see you again,” Her voice was just a tad bit softer than their mother’s. Her arms squeezed him in a tight hug as she laughed about his struggle to breathe through it all. 
“He couldn’t even wait for me to greet you,” Carla sighed and [Name] dropped Eren on the floor as she went to hug her mom. The women laughed about something [Name] had said and Eren blushed when his sister teased him about his excitement for seeing her. 
Then a question popped into his head, “Shouldn’t you be gone already? The bells should be ringing any time soon! What if you-”
[Name] looked down at Eren with a gentle smile on her face, “Calm down, Eren. I was given the day off today to speak with Commander Pixis about…politics. Really boring stuff, I tell you.” Eren could see that his sister was just trying to change the subject. 
“Oh yeah! I promised Hanji and Levi that I would introduce my kid siblings to them on their way out! Say that you two wanna tag along!” [Name] shouted enthusiastically, her hands on her hips with a proud stance. She knew her brother would be stoked to see his idol and his reaction proved to be correct. 
“No way, really! I can meet Captain Levi!” Eren shouted back with the same amount of glee in his voice. His sister nodded her head and gestured outside where a big black horse was standing in a prideful manner waiting for his rider. 
Mikasa awed at the sight of the horse before quickly reverting back to her state of neutrality. This was noticed by both of her female guardians and Carla, despite being against the idea of her son joining the Scouts, allowed for this to happen. 
“Be safe out there and listen to [Name], got it?” She asked the children with a stern voice and both of them nodded their heads. 
[Name] gave a quick kiss on her mom’s cheek and bid her farewell saying, “We’ll be back before supper! I missed your cooking so much!” 
Carla laughed and waved her kids off, “Don’t worry, I’ll make plenty for you to take back to your friends too.” The woman closed the door and [Name] laid her hands on the small backs of her siblings. She led them to the calm and quiet horse that patiently waited. 
“Let’s do this, yeah?” 
Eren watched as [Name] effortlessly picked up Mikasa and sat her in front of the horse’s back with her hands gripping tightly on the silver colored mane. Then [Name] swung herself onto the saddle with a huff steadying Mikasa so she wouldn’t fall. 
Eren stepped closer to the black horse and set his hand on the strong hip, petting it softly. “He’s very pretty, [Name],” Eren complimented and the horse trotted in place with a proud neigh. He looked at his sister who extended her hand out to him, “Reaper says thank you for the compliment.” 
He knew his sister was strong, but to pull his weight on top of the horse was cool. She used to be so weak back then, but the military must have changed her strength. He was placed behind his sister with his hands clenching on her brown jacket that had the Survey Corps emblem on the back. 
“Alright, kids! Hold on tight! Reaper will lose you in the dust if you fall!” [Name] joked lightheartedly and pulled the reins for her horse to go running to where the citizens meet up with the Scouts. 
This had to be the best day for Eren, he thought.
Hanji was patiently waiting. At least, that’s what she thought she was doing. But her legs couldn’t stop shaking from anticipation. She couldn’t possibly wait to be introduced to her best friend’s siblings! She casually looked to her right and saw her comrade, Levi Ackerman, looking around the crowd that formed on the sides of the path. 
His eyes flicked from person to person as if he was waiting to see a specific person. 
She wanted to tease him, but first she had to pull him in. 
“Aww, I’m gonna miss [Name] on this expedition!” Hanji pouted as she hung her head back in exasperation.  Then she straightened out her back and she shouted ahead of her comrades, “Hey Erwin! Why did you let [Name] have to speak to Commander Pixis! It literally could’ve been anyone else in this regiment!”
“Shut it, four-eyes. You’re already giving me a headache.”
Hanji looked to the right and saw Levi giving her a glare already. She smiled and pulled her horse to get closer to Levi’s. “Come on, I know you feel the same, Levi. I know you were looking at the crowd to see the familiar [h.color] hair and beautiful [e.color] eyes. I noticed how close the two of you have been-” 
“You’re annoying as ever,” Levi grumbled looking away with a scoff of irritation. 
Hanji opened her mouth to retort, but she heard her name being called out with excitement. She whipped her body around as best as she could and saw a woman waving at her with a giant smile. 
“Hange~! Levi~!” 
Her energetic voice was loud as ever and it brought a smile to the crazy scientist’s face. Then Hanji focused on the kid [Name] brought with her. There was a little girl with long black hair sitting in front of her with stone cold eyes. 
Hange recalled that her younger sister went through a lot of trauma as a kid, but they didn’t know how much. The little girl’s eyes reminded them of Levi’s. 
The citizens made way for the giant horse [Name] rode on and Reaper casually walked in between Hange’s and Levi’s horses. Upon meeting, the two black horses nudged their faces against each other as their greeting while the humans greeted each other. 
“[Name]! I thought you would never come! Both Levi and I were searching for you!” Hange shouted and immediately took notice of hands holding onto [Name]’s vest. “Oh and who is this?” 
Hange leaned backwards and saw a boy with brown hair and very pretty teal eyes look at her with a certain shyness in them. 
“Hange, Levi, this is my little brother, Eren! Levi, he’s your biggest fan!” [Name] gleamed and pulled a nervous Eren to the front, his bottom resting on her left thigh while Mikasa rested on the right one. 
The boy and the man were face to face with each other. Levi being taller on his horse was glaring down at Eren with his neutral look on his face. 
“H-hello…sir, I mean, captain!” Eren stuttered out then shoved his face into [Name]’s chest with a quaking smile. Mikasa noticed that Eren was a bit out of his comfort zone and she glared at Levi for the stare he directed at Eren. 
Hange laughed and jeered, “Geez, Levi, would it kill you to smile? Hey, Eren, I heard you wanted to join the Scouts!” 
This made Eren pick his head up and with a smile, he nodded his head, “Yes, I do! I want to see what’s beyond the walls!” His smile went away and with gloom, said, “These stuffy walls…we’re just like cattle stuck in here waiting for the titans to pick us off.” 
“Oh,” Hange said softly and looked at [Name] for some continuation. 
“Yeah, Eren, is determined to join the ranks. But mom is strictly against the idea for obvious reasons,” [Name] drawled out and she moved onto the next topic. 
“Anyways, this is our sister, Mikasa Ackerman. She is very protective of our Eren which should be my job, but hey! Can’t always be there!” [Name] laughed and Levi caught on to her last name. 
“Ackerman?” His eyes lingered on the foreign girl and she nodded her head slowly. They both had the same last name, but didn’t know who connected them to each other. 
[Name] watched Levi carefully waiting for more of a reaction than the one of curiosity. Then she continued, “These two love to get into fights with other children. Mikasa is super strong and fast while Eren is very determined! He never knows when to quit!” 
Levi hummed in response and focused on the task ahead. He had to get his head back into the game of this cruel world. It was a good thing [Name] wasn’t joining them today. Hanji was right about them getting closer in a relationship. 
He didn’t want a distraction on the field and this mission prolongs his feelings for the woman. But when he glanced at her from the side, holding those children in her arms protectively with a smile on her face while talking to Hanji made him question his life with her. 
Could they- No, could anyone in the Scouts have a family knowing that they could die outside the walls and never come back? Was it possible to protect one another from the titans? 
He couldn’t even protect his friends. Isabel barely made it with [Name]’s help. Even he didn’t know how the two of them survived the abnormal titan. 
“[Name] tells me about the outside all the time, but really! How is it?” Eren asked with enthusiasm that broke through his shy shell. Hange laughed at his question and opened her mouth to respond, but Levi beat her to it with his soft voice. 
“It’s beautiful out there.” 
This silenced the three loud people as they looked at him with shocked expressions. But Eren was the first to break the silence as his hands clenched in anticipation, “It really is, isn’t it? I want to see it! I want to see it all!” 
Levi’s eyes widened for a fraction seeing the pretty eyes that belonged to Eren remind him of Isabel. Even his attitude that [Name] spoke of reminded him of the red haired woman. 
“Just be patient, Eren,” [Name] said with a gentle voice and a certain sadness in her eyes. Hange and Levi knew that look all too well. [Name] had a point in saying that the boy needed patience. Not everyone was willing to sacrifice their life just to see what was beyond the walls. She wanted to keep his innocence in place. 
Levi looked from [Name]’s face over to her brother, he said, “You’re sister is right, brat. Enjoy the life you have now before you dedicate it to the Scouts.”
Then the five of them shot their heads forward when Erwin began his speech for the next expedition. Levi and Hanji shifted in their saddle while [Name] put her siblings back into their respective places. 
Levi heard [Name] whisper to her siblings, “That is Commander Erwin, he’s very motivational. Do you guys wanna feel the rush of riding beside the Scouts?” 
“Yes, I do!” Eren whispered with excitement and Levi rolled his eyes. This kid was a different breed for sure. 
“Okay, hold on tight and make sure to give Hanji and Levi the best “see you later”.” 
See you later? Not a goodbye. 
Levi looked ahead with a newfound motive. That’s right, he’s coming back to see her smile. To hear her imaginative stories of the outside wall that were lucrative to speak of. 
The gates opened up and everyone began riding out to their mission. The five of them rode next to each other for another 30 seconds until [Name] stopped her horse at the entrance. He kept his eyes forward while hearing the voice of Eren Jaeger shouting at them. 
His voice was surprisingly louder than the horses running. 
“Hanji! Levi! We’ll see you later! Mom has the best food waiting for you!” 
Hanji turned around with a smile on her face as she waved at them, her horse continuing to make the distance bigger, 
“See ya guys later! I can’t wait to taste it!” 
Levi split off from Hanji and his squad followed closely behind him. He already said his ‘see you later’ to [Name] earlier. But he must admit that Eren’s was a bit better with that childlike excitement in his voice. 
Little did he know, Levi would come back hearing that the town his friend lived in with her family was destroyed by titans. The terrifying news the bearer held was enough to make him charge straight into Shiganshina to see the destruction. 
“A fucking hole made by a Titan that was bigger than the walls breached?” Levi questioned angrily, not believing a single word the messengers relay to them. 
He stood among Erwin Smith and Hange Zoe along with their respective squad mates. 
“Y-yessir! It came down with a single strike of lightning and it peered over the wall! Then it just kicked a hole in and titans started coming through!” 
Erwin Smith hummed and stepped up, “What about the Scout that was left behind. She was ordered to speak with Commander Pixis about the Garrison Regiment.” 
The lead messenger nodded his head, “Y-yeah, of course! You’re talking about [Name] Jaeger! She granted the civilians of Shiganshina a lot of time by killing the first titans that came through! But then…” 
The messenger stopped and thought about his words. The silence was enough to stop the heart of Hange as she grabbed the soldier by the shoulders, “Hey, don’t stop in the middle of explaining like that! She’s not dead!” 
The soldier said a small ‘okay’ then resumed his sentence, “But then her family was in danger. She abandoned her post and left to save them. I heard that her mother was terribly injured and her kid siblings just weren’t strong enough to help her…I-I don’t know the whole story. But she’s being held accountable for abandonment.” 
“How much time did she grant the civilians?” 
Erwin’s question stunted the man and his blue eyes were hauntingly glaring at the messenger. 
“He asked how much time did she give the people to escape? How many shitty titans did she kill by herself?” Levi reiterated in his own words. 
The lead messenger looked back at his colleague and they brought out a piece of paper. Their eyes scanning over the account of witnesses and Garrison soldiers about the woman who wore wings on her back. 
“[Name] Jaeger gave a whole seven minutes and 19 seconds of time to run away. She proceeded to kill 27 titans by herself and assisted the Garrison soldiers with many more. Yet she abandoned her post and left an abnormal Titan to burst through the interior wall which she could have stopped.” 
The Scouts were silent with the account. 
Levi huffed out in annoyance, “You’re telling me, she helped the Garrison soldiers fight and reduced the amount of lives lost only for you guys to put the blame on her for another abnormal Titan bashing in? Isn’t it the job of the Garrison to help evacuate citizens? Why wasn’t anyone helping her family?”
“No disrespect to you all, but you guys weren’t there. The silence that engulfed Shiganshina…the cries of terror after the hole was created…the titans walking- The fear was enough to stun us!” 
“Not enough to stun [Name] Jaeger,” Erwin spoke up with his naturally deep voice, “it seems to me she was the only one who responded accordingly to an attack. She’s not a Garrison Soldier, but she did the job of one. Explain to me why that is.” He demanded the shorter man before him and the messenger shook his head. 
“I’m not sure why,” The man said quietly nervously looking at the intense eyes Erwin had that made him submit to an actual answer, “M-maybe because she’s braver than me, okay! Maybe I was afraid of losing my life! She’s used to seeing titans, she’s a Scout for crying out loud and one of the best! I’m just a messenger, I never fought a real titan and she has that experience!” 
“She was amazing out there,” The second messenger, the one with the witness statements, said out loud for the scouts to hear. The female continued on with a certain spark in her eyes, “[Name] Jaeger had killed so easily that it looked like anyone could do it. She gave me the confidence to kill two titans by myself even with my heart racing in fear. But when I stopped, she didn’t, she continued onward and she thanked me…me for helping her out even though I only killed two.” 
Hanji smiled softly and said, “Yeah, that’s what she does best. She lets you know that you did good even if you don’t think the same of yourself. But please, tell me why the Garrison is charging her for abandonment, but none of you are facing the same consequence.” 
The female looked at her partner and she sighed, “Captain Woermann is the one charging her because he believes she could have stopped the second titan from blowing another hole.”
Erwin hummed and asked the woman, “Do you think he’s right?” 
“No,” she shook her head, “ the cannons did nothing to stop the second titan. It had armor all over his body. I’m one hundred percent sure that her blades couldn’t have pierced through the plates at all.”
The topic changed immediately when Levi asked an important question that can change the charges against his friend, “Was anyone with her when she tried to save her family?”
The woman’s eyes widened and she nodded her head, “Y-yeah, actually, it was Hannes.” 
The male messenger rolled his eyes and scoffed, catching the attention of the scouts. 
“What’s with that reaction,” Levi questioned, his eyes narrowing into a glare. 
“Hannes is a drunk,” the man replied with a sneer, “all he did early in the day was drink with his buddies. That man can’t guard shit and-” 
“Good,” Erwin smiled and looked at Levi and Hanji, “that’s good. We can use his story to get [Name] out of her trial without any punishments given.”
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citrusses · 4 months
I have reread Löyly twice already :D I even make up little headcanons about Drarry visiting London and Harry just turns up to this friends group + potentially Theo, with his new man Draco Malfoy
Thank you so much for this!! I am so happy you enjoyed the fic. I love the sound of your headcanons!!! You inspired me to write a little micro sequel… some nsfw dirty talk below the cut. Unbeta-ed and unfiltered!
“Did you see their faces?” Draco asks him, low and secret. Harry shivers.
“Yeah. Think they were surprised?” Harry jokes lightly.
He had meant to tell Ron and Hermione at least, before, but Iceland had flown by, and the travel back was stressful, and then all of the sudden they were home. And they only had one night in London before their Portkeys to Tokyo left the next day, so it was easier just to…. Show up together at the pub.
Draco on Harry’s arm (and a bruise he’d “forgotten” to heal on Harry’s collarbone) had done the explaining for them.
Harry really hadn’t counted on Theo being there, and with a date, no less. Harry feels mostly awkward about the whole thing.
Draco, on the other hand, is feral. He hasn’t stopped touching Harry since they got there. Nothing too overt; just a possessive hand on Harry’s waist, or picking the lint off his collar. Straightening his glasses when Ron’s hug knocked them crooked. Little things.
But Harry can see what’s simmering beneath the cloudy cover of his eyes. He knows Draco well enough now.
Harry loves it.
Draco is currently glaring at Theo, whose back is very deliberately turned to them. Harry wishes he’d just leave.
Draco puts his mouth against Harry’s ear and whispers, “I’m going to suck your dick so hard tonight that he feels it.”
Harry laughs, though his cock is stirring with interest in spite of it. “What? How? That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Oh, yes it does,” Draco says, his voice that odd combination of obstinate and sultry that makes Harry want to latch onto his neck with his teeth. “Underestimate my dick-sucking prowess at your own peril, Potter.”
“And how will anyone else be impacted by this dick sucking, monumental as I know it to be?” Harry murmurs back, breath ghosting over Draco’s cheekbones. His fingers have found their way to the hem of Draco’s shirt.
Draco brings his hands on either side of Harry, pressing him against the bar. “Because,” he says slowly. “It’s going to be so good. I’ll make it so wet, and I’ll take you so deep. All you’ll know is me, and my mouth, and my fingers in your perfect little arse. And when I make you, you’re going to come so hard that the earth’s gravitational axis will shift, and they’ll all feel it. Keep up, Potter.”
Harry laughs again, though it comes out breathy and high. “That’s so cheesy,” he says. It sounds like a whine.
“If you don’t want me to—“
“Shut up,” Harry growls. He glances around for Ron and Hermione. They’re both preoccupied in conversation—and they’re all having breakfast tomorrow anyways. Leagues better than yelling at each other in a crowded pub.
They won’t mind.
“Okay,” Harry says, putting his own possessive arm around Draco. “We’re leaving now.”
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affixjoy · 4 months
I’ve been trying to bookmark the fics that I like more often so I can actually remember where to find things, but I like the idea of talking about them here more too. I’ve been blown away by the talent and creativity in this fandom and I want to shout it from the rooftops!
With that in mind, here are some Spirk fics that I’ve loved lately!
Time After Time by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin)
Sam Kirk’s younger brother James is posted to the Enterprise on a six-month rotation. Spock, preoccupied with thoughts of his sister, regards this as an unique opportunity to study another pair of adult siblings in their natural habitat.
That is very much not what happens.
My thoughts: guys I feel absolutely insane about this one. It’s just so, so good. It was one of the first Spirk fics I read when I started getting into it a few months ago, and I just reread it last week because I wanted to know if it was as good as I remembered. It very much is!!!
Highlights: sibling feelings, horny mind melds, THE DINNER TABLE SCENE, dungeons and dragons.
Entering Orbit by museaway
Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch.
My thoughts: this was great to read after watching Star Trek (2009) a few weeks ago. I don’t love the Abrams movies but there is some really spectacular fic out there for them that almost makes up for it.
Highlights: Bartender Jim and cooking for each other.
Not in Front of the Klingons by @android-and-ale
Summary: Our beloved Old Married Spirk have been sent off on yet another diplomatic mission. They’re an (in)famous presence in Federation politics, so really, everyone should know what to expect from them. If you bug their rooms you deserve what you see and hear.
Enjoy canon level “diplomacy,” the eternal mediocrity of conference centers, and lighthearted middle aged sex.
My thoughts: this is DELIGHTFUL and I adore it. Old married Spirk has become one of my favorite things to read lately and this nails it.
Highlights: the way they banter and laugh during sex. They’re so comfortable and happy together, it’s lovely.
The recitation of names by Moreta1848@jennelikejennay
Two hundred crew members died in the attack on the USS Farragut by a sentient cloud creature. Now the ship has to limp home with traumatized survivors and a borrowed crew. Lieutenant James T. Kirk is doing the worst of anyone, but he won't admit why and doesn't want help.
One of the borrowed crew is Lieutenant Commander Spock. He feels a strange magnetism toward the troubled lieutenant, but the chain of command and his duty to the ship must always come first.
My thoughts: I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the idea of the recitation of names. It’s a beautiful way to grieve, and having Kirk and Spock do it together here is such a moving way for them to get to know each other.
Highlights: unplanned roommates, a lot of feelings about therapy/healing, just a lot of FEELINGS.
the yeomen of the garden (and laundry) by @cicaklah
“So you and El-Tee Kirk?” Greig said as Spock came to collect his clothing again after yet another incident. “Is something going on there?”
Spock just blinks. “Which Kirk brother are you referring to?”
Greig shrugs. “I didn’t know there was more than one of them.”
Spock nods. “I am not in a relationship with Sam Kirk, if that is what you are asking.”
Greig gives him the finger-phasers. “Oh cool, cool, that's what I thought. Sweet. Tell your buddy to get better okay? His chest must be so raw after everything he’s been through to damage so many tops.”
My thoughts: this whole series has been a blast to read, but this is probably the one that has stuck in my head the most. There’s something about seeing what other people are up to on The Enterprise that hits me in the right way, and I love the laundry guy here.
Highlights: the garden, laundry workers having all the best gossip
K'diwa: A Steamy Novel of Interspecies Romance, by Jim Kirk by branwyn
Jim wrote a romance novel just to prove he could. Then someone leaked it on the public Starfleet server, and suddenly his embarrassingly smutty and sentimental Human/Vulcan love story is all over campus. Luckily for Jim, no one knows that he’s the author. Unluckily for Jim, someone forwarded the novel to the staff of the Vulcan embassy. Now, every Vulcan in San Francisco is reassessing the logical merits of taking Human bondmates.
Spock reads a Human/Vulcan romance novel because he can hardly avoid it. Suddenly, he is consumed by the need to locate the author, ascertain their wellbeing, and instruct them in the way of Vulcan mating bonds. Luckily for Spock, it doesn't take long to identify the author as Jim Kirk. Unluckily for Spock, Jim is unconscious and surrounded by interested Vulcans who also read the book.
My thoughts: this was so fun to read! I love Jim writing a romance novel, I love how they set up all his friends at the Academy, and I love Spock falling in love with him through reading his work.
Highlights: all the Vulcan culture stuff was interesting, and I really love Gaila in this one.
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Finished heaven official’s blessing and I really enjoyed writing an analysis on helluva boss I want to make this a regular thing because it’s fun so here’s my thoughts on
Heaven Official’s Blessing
Spoilers (duh)
I think it’s incredibly impressive when someone can make an overarching narrative in which different seemingly disjointed events are significant without A) putting a giant exclamation mark on top saying “REMEMBER THIS IT WILL BE IMPORTANT LATER” and B) Significantly over or under emphasizing the importance of the scene in the moment. Each event stood on its own and I liked that.
There were several janky sentences and word choices but that’s a translation issue, this writer clearly knows what she’s doing.
Characters were a lot of fun and distinct, my favorites were Feng Xin, Pei Ming, Qi Ying, and Ling Wen whenever they were on the page I was like Ah yes, these pages are gonna be enjoyable and I was right, they’re all delightful (cept the brocade immortal stuff, but like I don’t care, Google assistant is fun) Xie Lian and San Lang are delightful, love them, and San Lang is so effed in the head it’s enjoyable to try and imagine what unhinged thing he’ll do next
Tbh there isn’t much plot breakdown I want to do with this series because it knows what it is, it’s a fanfic ass book with good times, trauma, gay fluff, and fights. Need I say more? That’s not a detractor, it’s a strength. Be what you are and own it because a house with a house’s foundation is a great house but slap a building on that house’s foundation and it fails in both regards.
The only aspect I’m going to analyze is the narrative voice the books are written in because holy crap is it super impressive. Xie Lian is a super mature (or ditzy, depending on your point of view) character, he doesn’t dwell on things, doesn’t hold grudges, doesn’t really care that much about people’s histories or even their present, doesn’t focus much on externals and it comes through in the way the book is written. I noticed this when throughout the books San Lang would do fucked up stuff like make it rain blood and kill a pit’s worth of people and Xie Lian kinda didn’t really seem to care and at first it pissed me off, why isn’t the author letting consequences occur because of these peoples’ actions, but then as it held consistently throughout the book and other people kept being super concerned about stuff, like Pei Constantly asking after Shi Qingxuan (I don’t know how to spell their name, it’s so hard to keep track I’m so sorry) or people bringing up Banue, I realized this is just Xie Lian, other people in the book are regular people like me, this one guy is just experiencing things, going “Well, ain’t that something” and then just moving on. Honestly iconic, but also I was halfway through book six when I realized. Especially since whenever they do flashbacks Xie Lian does all normal stuff. He describes settings he’s in, he mentions events that happened a few pages ago, he tells the reader how he feels, it’s after he experiences all his shit he goes through that this all kinda slips away. In “present” scenes he’ll reference things as they come up but like in the flashback after Mu Qing leaves they talk about it a few times and I find that aspect of acknowledgment to be noticeably absent in the “present” scenes. After the black water arc there is a complete lack of discussion about the frankly trauma inducing event that just transpired but sure Cie Lian, you and San Lang have to not hold hands for the billionth time. At first I thought is this author high but then I realized what shes doing is characterizing through prose which is IMPRESSIVE AS HELL. This may be a point I noticed and am now misremembering the entire series just to bolster my take and if that’s the case then I shall sheepishly shrug and say I’m sorry. I’m not rereading 8 books to write a tumblr review. Maybe if I ever start a YouTube channel
I don’t know, I just find it to be an incredible feat of actually good writing when a story is being told through the lens of the main character and you can characterize that character by simply reading the story and seeing how it’s written, not even through dialogue and action. It’s kinda like the Great Gatsby or a Separate Peace, and it’s super cool that a book like this can accomplish the same thing that makes those classics great. There isn’t as much symbolism or analytical potential but those books wouldn’t be nearly as impactful as they were without great execution, which this book pulled off in spades.
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jeonghaniehaee · 4 months
svt reblogs
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master post
reblogs consist of various fics i’ve found that i personally enjoy and hope you do too 🦢
read at ur own risk! some works are 18+ and not meant for younger audiences
there will be some bias towards other members mainly cause i personally read theirs more
order will go: name/link + author, synopsis, and my notes
please support the writers by reblogging their works! everyone in general would appreciate 🕯️
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dad of the year @/wondernus
seungcheol accidentally reveals he has a daughter on a first date and doesn't know how to tell you that his daughter is a dog
notes: i loved this one so much it was just so 💕💞💘💗💓💖
your cherry flavored kisses @/hannyoontify
as his mom always said, kisses are the best kind of medicine for boo-boos
notes: omg sosososo cute 🥹 i loved this one oh so much you can’t believe it 
hello tutorial @/97-liners
it’s your final year of college, and you’ve been elected president of your sorority. this is all great and fine, but as the semester goes on, you find yourself having repeated run-ins with the president of the fraternity next door in a series of unfortunate coincidences (that might not actually be coincidences, as you come to discover). 
in which you’re trying to deal with your crush on seungcheol in a normal way, but the meddling kids are making it harder than it needs to be. 
boyfriend texts @/lololololchips
notes:so cute and sweet ☹️🫶
fifteen to forever @/gyuswhore
Fifteen was the age you had met Choi Seungcheol at a school hockey game. Forever was the age you would find yourself spending with him. 
nothing new @/luvhhannie
no one would’ve thought that unspoken feelings would’ve been the best for you and jeonghan
notes: hanahaki is such a painfully good au and this fic just perfectly captures it!! i would recommend it wholeheartedly
to live again @/viastro
it’s been years since your last milestone birthday; a time when everything still felt right in the world with youth and ambition. now that you’re older and times have changed, would you dare take a chance to save someone else in the past at the cost of your own future?
notes: oh. my. GOD. this fic is oh sosososo good and i loved the slow burn too. i never expected to have such a lasting impression on a fic but this one is just *chefs kiss* i love it so much, it’s definitely somewhere at the top of my fav fics
ode to you @/lovelyhan 
if there's one thing you've learned from all the lives you've spent together, it's that jeonghan isn't always someone you'll end up wanting. he can be crass. he can be secretive. he can be nothing short of vexing. but in the end, he's everything you need him to be. or:  25 lives in which you find and don't find jeonghan.
notes: this story was so cute and i love how it was created 🥹 i really liked it and i hope yall will too cause this is a great read, and every single life was so good 
proud @/blue-jisungs
hi this is a req ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ i am SUCH  a strong believer that jeonghan babies u no matter what or when. even in front of his members n theyre js like erm get a room?
notes: this is super cute and fluffy, also scoups 😭😭 so funny
my heart is beating for two @/seuonji
you’re a worker at the daycare and of course, your main priority is the safety of the kids. how’d you deal with an unfamiliar face trying to pick up one of the kids one day? 
jeonghan becomes fond of the daycare worker he met the other day, seems like fate is on his side through this journey, or is it?
jeonghan becomes fond of the daycare worker he met the other day. they finally exchanged numbers! how does it go on from there?
notes: all three parts are all sososo good and i loved reading each one. this story is so cute and i just loved reading it and i reallly recommend it🥹
daisies @/viastro 
the best type of revenge is to hurt the person that means the most to them. aka, in which jeonghan is in charge of making you fall in love with him, just to break your heart. 
notes: OMG THIS IS SO GOOD!! i really enjoyed this and i loved reading the whole thing 🫶🫶🫶
beef @/wondernus
in which yoon jeonghan (the random guy you gamed with) found your twitter account, prompting the largest and ugliest twitter beef you've ever been in.
notes: this is so. incredibly. funny. i literally never knew i needed this fic in my life its just so good 😭
the selfish dilemma @/joonsytip
It was love at first sight ever since you laid eyes on Jeonghan. To him, you are the annoying co-worker who keeps asking him out. No one is new to your courting agenda which only pisses off Jeonghan but what happens when you stop, all at once....
notes: this series is incredibly good and i loved. reading it. i really recommend cause it was a great fic and it still stands as a great one
love café @/chocosvt
while you’ve spent the last few months pretending the love café doesn’t exist, you realize you need its services now more than ever. this brings you face to face with jeonghan, the son of a luxury fashion designer who’s got money to burn. your exchanges are strictly business. until they’re not. 
the long way @/trblsvt
 it was just like any other shoot. go in, pose, drink water, don't get food on the clothes, and don't joke around with the staff. easy. except it wasn't that easy.
notes: i loved this one so much it was a perfect read and it’s just 😭🫶
the christmas boyfriend @/rubyreduji
when you tell your mom the little white lie that you have a boyfriend, you don’t expect it to evolve into bringing your friend with benefits home for christmas. what can go wrong?
notes: this is actually one of my TOP favorites of all time and of jeonghan fics. if it’s not even first, that is. i loved this so stinking much it’s not even comprehensible. PLEASE im begging you read this. i loved it so much. even if you aren’t reading this at christmas time, it is still a perfect fic and i absolutely love it. one of my first (maybe also my last 🤭) top fics
iris beauty @/wonunuu
you and mina have been best friends for as long as you remember. after your parents passed from a horrible car accident, mina’s parents kindly took you in, tending and caring for you as their own. at such a young age, you have learned the meaning of debt as this is your constant feeling towards your best friend and her parents. to compensate, you have showed them undoubtable loyalty, respect, love and kindness, just as they have showed you; you do everything they tell you without question. so when your best friend asks you to pretend to be her in meeting a guy she has been talking to online, your loyalty and trust are tested when you unintentionally develop feelings for him. 
notes: this smau is genuinely so good and one i will read over and over again no matter how long it is. the storyline is mapped out PERFECTLY and i mightve read this all in one sitting…
how many times does it take to get smarter?
how many chances are too many chances? @/veethefreeelf
Jeonghan and you start a fwb relationship after years of being best friends. He only has two rules: no feelings and no kissing. Who’s going to break the rules first?
It’s been 6 months since the night you and Jeonghan went your separate ways. You’re sure he has moved on and you… are working on moving on. Nothing can go wrong, right?
isohel @/toruro
fairytales can be rather misleading, can't they? when you and your mother are ripped away from your life at the castle, you spend over a decade resenting the royalty. so naturally, when you find prince joshua at your doorstep, you’re more than eager to shut the door on him. but as your life takes twists and turns, you happen to find yourself in the arms of a man you never thought you'd have to see again.
notes: THIS MODERN ROYALTY AU IS JUST. PERFECTION. i believe this is a must read for all carats🫡 i loved it so much!!
untitled @/som1ig
you waited for him, and he still came, unbeknownst all odds
notes: ong this is so sweet and i loved reading this. it’s so good 🫶 (short but sweet)
you were beautiful @/viastro
a modernized cinderella au. in which you and joshua meet through your love for boba popsicles, but end up living out your very own complicated, mess filled, cinderella story.
notes: ONE IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND EACH MOMENT MADE ME WANT MORE. the angsty parts.. the fluff.. this one is defff a top read!! i recommend it to all (even non-joshua stans but idk if i trust u if u arent one even in the slightest 🤨)
so beautiful @/blue-jisungs
whipped prince!joshua
gamer bf! wonwoo hc @/blue-jisungs
notes: ngl i thought it would be how he would be like a discord mod bf.. (💀) but in reality it was vv cute and nice 🙌
for the books @/trblsvt
wonwoo's students seemed intent on matching him up with a fellow teacher. he didn't really want to stop them, it was too funny for him to break up their fun. plus, he didn't mind the certain someone he was being "set up" with. 
notes:this one is a good one!! very nice and the students are 💯 top tier
take it easy (slowly carve out my heart) @/savventeen
wonwoo's assignment: become your husband and bide his time until given the command to kill you. a simple mission, really — one that shouldn't have been hard. except, he never accounted for the fact that he might actually fall in love with you. too bad he's the perfect little soldier.
notes: in my own words, “this made me truly sob. made me wrench my heart out. this is amazing angst. this is the only kind of amazing angst i want to read now ♾️♾️♾️” 
to my youth @/viastro
in a world where everyone finds out who loves them within a 10 meter radius through the app love alarm, confessing your feelings without the use of the app is no longer considered normal. however, you refuse to download it in hopes that you’ll be able to fall in love without being dependent on love alarm.
notes:ngl in general ALL of viastro’s smaus deserve to be read fr.. like this one is so cute!! wonwoo in some of the moments just make me 😍😍 also the angst was fr sooo good 
camp half-blood @/som1ig
the camp half blood is a greek demigod training facility located on the north shore of long island. this series is about thirteen of its residents.
notes: i was SUCH A PJO FAN that these fics like actually cured me. i love every single one!! another must read fr 🤭
svt reaction to having a gf that’s cold on the outside, sweet and caring on the inside @/haecien
notes: this one is so cute! i loved each one and i thought it fit them well too 💕
thoughts ??? @/hanggarae
one shot smau’s about svt being horrifically down abysmal in chronological order 
notes: naw these are all super funny and great to read and support when you want to have a good laugh 💯
bf texts from maknae line when they’re on tour @/holdinbacksecrets
notes:overall just vv comforting texts between reader and maknae line 🫶
it’s complicated @/lovelyhan
one commoner, two princes, and three tales far too complicated to comprehend.
notes: currently only the dino and joshua one are uploaded (waiting SO painfully for the jeonghan one) but even though them being long might make you not want to read them, every single word was chosen perfectly and both stories just blew me away i loved them so much, definitely in my top 10 fics
you still sleep with plushies (vocal team) @/blue-jisungs
notes:what can i say these hcs are just really cute 
untitled @/nonranghaes
jihan finds you bundled up
notes: LMAO this one is just overall cute and some parts are def funny too
take a pic! @/cheolism
text messages of u asking ur boyfie (hyung line) for a pic <3
notes: these texts are soo funny and the pictures are chosen with care, i legit could tell, AND YOU COULDNT HAVE STARTED WITH THOSE CHEOL PICS LIKE WHAT 😫
inflection point @/lovelyhan 
you love yoon jeonghan. no, scratch that. you fucking adore yoon jeonghan; so much that the moment he asks you to be in an exclusive set-up with his current partner, you accept the offer in a heartbeat. what you fail to consider, however, is who your boss’ boyfriend actually is.
things make a turn for the worse (or the better?) when jeonghan leaves you with the most insufferable person on earth. but maybe a few weeks alone is exactly what you and seungcheol needed after all.
after reconciling with your first love, all seems well in your relationship thus far. but when you notice jeonghan distancing himself from you and seungcheol, you're determined to get to the bottom of it.
notes: AHAHAHHAHAHHHHHAHHHHHH INFLECTION POINT IS SO. GOOD. I RECOMMEND EVERYONE READ IT CAUSE I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! the story is great, the story writing is even better, and it is just overall a superior fic 🙏
svt when you call them a new pet name @/lovingseventeen
notes:i actually adore this fic so much it is so cute and it’s just 🤧🥹
“saw this and it made me think of you” @/babyleostuff
notes:this one is GENUINELY so funny like how’d you find all these pictures 😭😭🫶
teasing you over your crush on them - hhu, vu, pu @/hanniehaee
notes: i loved each one and especially the style they were wrote in 🤧🫶
accidentally ditching you on your bday - hhu, vu, pu @/hanniehaee
notes: THE ANGST IS ACTUALLY SOOOOO GOOD OMG. idk if yall knew this but i used to be a diehard straight angst fan and this really reawakened that part of me. i loved how it went and the part 2 was definitely great also. (p.s. the first time i read i cried, and it’s been a while since ive cried cause on angst so i loved the pain🙏)
amortentia @/http-mianhae
love stories at hogwarts with 13 particular people
notes: currently, only 95 line is there, but each fic is perfect. it’s a hogwarts au love story, and i especially love each one. every single one is perfect and captures everything oh sosososo well. i’m really excited for future updates !!!
svt hospital @/taeyegu
four different departments, four different love stories, all in one hospital; hospitalplaylist!au
notes: omg.. this sooo cute and super funny!! i loved each one and they genuinely made me smile and laugh
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have something to add? send in a request and i’ll put it in 📦
want me to make a different groups recommendation list? add in an ask too 💌
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Ok just finished monstrous regiment today. I’m gonna dump some of my thoughts, will post fanart sometime this week.
First of all, I’m a little surprised people are shipping Polly and Maladict? Like in my mind there is a significant age gap lol but if you read them closer in age I guess I see it
Ok I know Maladict is canonically a woman but I still read him as a man. Like He/They maybe because who really knows about vampires you know?
Jackrum being a trans man makes sense to me. Literally said “I am your dad now” in more ways than one 😂
Honestly I read Polly as gender fluid? I haven’t seen many people talking about this. Like, there are moments, at least two, where she feels like she’s dressing *up* as a woman, not just dressing *as* a woman, and I guess the end where she tells the girls they can choose might indicate this but also I guess was more there for plot reasons but still.
Ok, also I absolutely love Otto the Vampire?? What a character entrance 😂😂
I haven’t actually read many other discworld books. I wasn’t aware until after I finished this book that some of the side characters in here are major discworld characters, and I’m excited to keep reading it!!
Oh more about Maladict. I also didn’t reread the physical description until the end, and I view him as very short and not actually really skinny like it describes him oops. But it’s too late I already have my image of him. Anyway I love how in discworld the vampires are like, middle aged men, rather than sexy Twilight high schoolers forever 😂😂
Also Igorina is so cute??? I’ll never get over characters who are like aliens or something, enjoying something that tastes bad to other people. It’s always so wholesome 😂
Also Blouse!!! Super fun! I love him. He’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit. And also he is actually really smart! And he sticks up for them when it matters :) Good for him.
Ok I think that’s it for tonight oof
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personasintro · 1 year
I would like to express my genuine and serious opinion about MH and the relationship between Y/N and JK. Let's start with the fact that this book needs to be reread few times, to understand better the dynamics between the main protagonists. I'm convinced that reading it one time it's NOT enough to understand what's actually happening. MANY and MANY people comment on it about JK seeing Y/N as a fuck buddy at this point, and nothing more. That he will never see her as a potential girlfriend. The first time I have read it, I got really annoyed and frustrated about this slow burn, like many others who write you these annoying asks. I thought that after so many chapters, basically nothing really happened, that he wants her for sex only. HOWEVER, when I started ready it for the second and third time then + read MH JUNGKOOK'S POV, my jaw dropped, because I began seeing and understanding things I never noticed before. My perspective of the situation COMPLETELY CHANGED . Now, I don't know if you study psychology/are interested in it, or if all of this is just a coincidence made up me and my analysing everything habit, but rereading it carefully, we can notice how well, subtle but clear you're trying to portrait the feelings of both of them towards each other. Let me explain it better.
(THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS) Correct me if I'm wrong, but now that my perspective changed, I see MH JK as a guy who basically craves for reciprocated love, cuddles, attention and mostly important, who can't stay single or alone for too long. Not because he's desperate, but because he's a hopeless romantic who likes to give and receive love. The thing is, if in the very beginning I found very annoying his obsession with Kiko, now I think I understand what actually happened. He is attached to her for the good, old memories she brought him. He wants to bring the nice feelings he had back. In which he truly felt loved and understood by someone. But this doesn't mean he needs specifically Kiko. He loves her, is attached to her, but it's not the same as before. Sometimes we want our ex back because we want the good memories with them back and not specifically them now. More specifically, we want their old selves with us because we romanticise the memories a lot, but in reality we don't want to be with the person they are now. Does it make sense?
Why am I so convinced about this? Because of the fuck buddies deal thing. If he truly still loves Kiko and wants nobody else, in his mind NEVER EVER would have blown up the idea of having sex, and more over, REALLY ENJOYING it with his best friend. If someone is THE ONE for you and you're 100% serious about them, you don't act like a freaking husband with your bff. You made very clear his feelings by his actions. His actions and words speak for himself. He's attracted to Y/N right now, mentally and physically. He doesn't have romanticised old memories with her, so this means he's living the moment NOW and the feelings towards her are new. I can't say he's in love yet, because again, if you're in love you don't go to your ex. However, I'm truly convinced that in the last chapters we can absolutely tell he likes her now. Seriously likes her, but still denies it to himself, because he deeply knows that Y/N is his dearest best friend. It would be messy to date her, because this implies ruining the friendship in case something goes wrong and also she is in his main group of friends. Can you imagine breaking up with her and seeing her in your homies circle? And not having her as your beloved best friend anymore ? Hell no. And mostly important, she NEVER explicitly said to him anything about even the slightest possibility to want him a boyfriend. The dude basically automatically suppresses the thoughts about dating her, because unconsciously he knows it's not worthy and that he still receives the love he craves for from Kiko. She's basically the "comfort zone". Why risking to lose it to try dating someone who doesn't guarantee you anything (for now at least) . But objectively speaking, his words and body already behave like they are almost in love. I'm 100% sure that if Y/N confesses now, he would accept right away to date her. He's too whipped for her. Can't say the same about Y/N, who is the less considerate about her own feelings. No, SHE IS, because she overthinks it A LOT, more than him, but she's worse than him in suppressing the feelings for the same reasons. She tries to gaslight herself even when she perfectly knows it , and she literally goes to tue swimming pool.
that's it for now. I have more things, but let's stop here.
HI you again!
This will be nothing new for some readers, especially to those who have been here from the beginning and has read my responses for quite sometime now (you guys can skip this response because you probably know it all by now hehe) ; you're right. I think too that for some people, it might take more reads to understand the little things that are not so obvious. Again, I'm gonna repeat myself but MH is a story where you should read between the lines. Not everything is clear and obvious. There are little easter eggs throughout the story. It causes people trying to get answers directly from me, since they haven't gotten it in the story. But I do not want to spoil anything, I prefer readers knowing the real stuff from the story. Until the story is not finished, I'll keep my mouth shut and enjoy the chaos 😁
I actually did study psychology, had it as a subject in my school and it was my favorite one. I think my writing mirrors me. I do tend to get very deep and analyze certain situations and people. I think that's what's happening in this story as well (and in my other ones too). That's a very good guess you made here!
It is a very interesting take that you have of him and the situations in the story! I cannot confirm nor deny. All I can say is that Jk really did love Kiko. I've seen in my life people that started hooking up with someone else after their break-up. That's how some people cope with it. Or even if they're fine after break-up, mostly men, think of sex a lot. It's a part most of them do not let go. So in this case, I wouldn't exactly say he didn't love her because he came up with the idea of them hooking up. We all know it was way deeper and complicated than this. It's also fine to enjoy the sex with someone that isn't your partner + when you're still heartbroken and love with someone else. He was surprised himself that he truly enjoyed it. But then again, he didn't exactly tell her to have sex. It's something that happened naturally and overtime. It showed off the beginning of their chemistry.
You've made some good points! I truly liked this analyzation (it's one of the best things about writing, to receive long messages/ask with analyzation!!) and I enjoyed reading it very much! I do have to stay neutral though and I hope you understand that 😁 Thank you again for this message/feedback. It was truly fun to read (I did read it the first time when I was on a walk with my dog and I tried not to trip 🫠). I had some cool responses prepared but I forgot them lolol but I think I covered everything I wanted!
Thank you, sending you lots of love and a huge hug, July! 🩵🫶
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thedrarrylibrarian · 2 months
Hosting Happy Hour is always an opportunity for me to read a fic - whether it’s a new fic or a reread, just like with the lists I make, I read each Happy Hour guest rec before it goes up. I knew I wanted my good friend, @stavromulabetaaa, co-founder of @lostdrarryfics and one of the mods for @unleashed-fest, to give this month’s rec. I hadn’t read it, but Stav’s description made me so excited, and now that I have read it, I couldn’t agree more about this recommendation. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did!
I am so thrilled to be a part of Happy Hour this month! Thank you to the Librarian for inviting me, and for being such a lovely friend ❤️
For my Happy Hour rec I chose With Love in Her Luminous Eyes by @starquestingfordrarry, a fic that absolutely stole my heart when it was submitted for Unleashed! Fest 2023.
With Love in Her Luminous Eyes by @starquestingfordrarry (30,153 words, rated T)
The Demiguise lived in Grimmauld Place, and she lived all alone.
Being a fest mod meant that I got to read it before it was posted, but I wasn't allowed to shout about it from the rooftops for ages. With Unleashed! Fest 2024 coming very soon (!!!) and because I just re-read it, I thought this was the perfect fic to feature.
Written in an outsider's POV, this fic tells the story of a lonely creature and how she finds her family. Lenore feels so real to me and it's really special experiencing the world through her eyes, and to witness the care and compassion she has for all beings that cross her path.
I can only imagine that writing this specific kind of POV might be difficult to balance, but Star gives us exactly the right amount of details and insight into Harry and Draco's relationship. The bond Lenore forms with them is so endearing, and we get to experience all three of their lives weaving together through forgiveness, trust, and comfort.
It's fics like Luminous that keep me around for years and years. It demonstrates the magic we have in this fandom and why we got hooked on it in the first place. Lenore is one of us, rooting for Harry and Draco just as much as we are.
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sweetbottletops · 2 months
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Neat little interview with Arai Sumiko.
(Bad MTL below the cut. Especially note already nuanced love talk in the original language further removed by MTL)
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── What was the idea for the story of two girls, Mitsuki and Aya?
I've always wanted to draw a story between girls. I also like the story of two people from opposite worlds with gaps, and I think that's where I came up with the idea. I love to draw, and I used to post things like two-page comics with no dialogue on social media from time to time. I thought that if there were no lines, it would be easier for people overseas to spread the word, and even if they didn't understand Japanese, they would enjoy it. One of them is the source of 『気になってる人が男じゃなかった』.
──『気になってる人が男じゃなかった』 received a great response when it was announced, and now Arai's X has more than 1 million followers. Was the announcement on social media also due to the ease of communication overseas that you just mentioned?
I didn't think it would be like this, so I didn't think too much about it (laughs). I was very happy to be able to connect with people from overseas through SNS. There was a time when I lived abroad, so I feel that spending time in a completely different environment has made me who I am today. Perhaps, the number of stories between women in the world is not as large as that of love stories between men and women, or between men, so it may have been suitable for social media.
── Why did you want to depict the relationship between two girls?
I think the relationship between women is very intimate. That feeling when we got really close…… They wear matching clothes, listen to the same music, and spend hours together without talking. It's not like love, it's a love that has always been there. Isn't love over when you break up? I have a bit of a prejudice in me, and I want to draw something that transcends it. If we can be together even if we don't have a relationship title, I think that's love. I'm sorry, it's hard to understand.
── I've always longed for a relationship that can't be named, or a relationship where it's just two people, so I feel like I understand it.
We all have a lonely part and loneliness that we can't share with others. Especially when you're young, everyone has a lot of different feelings. However, I think that if I can create an existence that resonates with such a soft part of my heart, it will last a lifetime.
── How did you come up with the character of Mitsuki, who was thought to be mysterious older brother, but was a cool girl? It's completely my preference, but I love people who are women but can see the masculineness, so I created the character of Mitsuki from there. What if a sober girl actually has a tattoo? And such? I also wanted to depict her kindness. Mitsuki is unconscious, but she is naturally compassionate.
── Handsome and gentle, isn't it? As a way of depicting sexuality, the feeling that the existence of the person is affirmed as it is, including the fact that she is a woman, is conveyed from the drawing, and it is exciting.
Thank you. I'm happy because I'm particular about the shape of Mitsuki's slightly bony wrist line, fingers, and nails. There are parts of the picture in Volume 1 that make me think, "Wow" when I reread it now, but I did my best to make Mitsuki's expression when she tells Aya that she wants to be friends. From the time of the name, I drew a lot of facial expressions (laughs). I've improved a bit at drawing, so I've been drawing a lot lately, and I think I'm good at it a lot.
── It's a memorable scene where the two become friends at school.
I love the American TV drama "Glee" (a music-comedy-drama about a high school choir where minorities gather), and I grew up watching that show. I was moved by the story of a sparkling person who seems to have everything, but in fact has emotions that cannot be told to others, so I wanted to draw it myself. Aya has that element in it. Aya is feminine on the outside, but she is shy. When it comes to other people, she's the kind of girl with a lot of grit who confronts her with a "huh?"
── In the second volume, the individuality of each of them became more apparent.
Mitsuki hides herself at school, but the way she hides her personality is actually very attractive. It's fun to depict how talking to Aya brings out more and more of her true self at school.
──It's so nice to be the most yourself when you're with the people you love. Being able to be yourself means having confidence in yourself. By not worrying about what people think, you will be able to see what you care about and the right person for you. Like Mitsuki brought Aya closer. The person who is most saved by being dignified is yourself. That's why I want to value my own individuality, and I draw manga with the hope that I will be able to do so.
── Music is also an important element of this manga. It is colored in two colors, yellow-green and black, which are rare in manga, and when I first read it, I thought it was rock.
Actually, I chose yellow-green 15 minutes before the first episode was posted on social media (laughs). I didn't think it would go viral, and I thought it would be nice to have a rock feel and a slightly dangerous color, so I put it in on a whim. That Last Minute Decision (the last minute decision) may have been a good one.
── NIRVANA and other music are featured in the film, but what is Arai's own musical journey?
When I was little, I loved BECK's album "Guero" the most in the world, and I remember dancing to it at my father's office. That's where my love for rock music started. NIRVANA's music is exceptional, but I also sympathize with frontman Kurt Cobain's feminism and pushing the boundaries of gender. I was an only child, so I spent a lot of time alone, and I moved to a place where I didn't speak the language, so I feel like I was able to cultivate my imagination while filling in the silence with music.
──Even in 『気になってる人が男じゃなかった 』 the music connects the completely different worlds of Mitsuki and Aya and expands them even further.
Let's see. The last scene of Volume 2 is very memorable for me. Aya stops Mitsuki from getting off the pedestrian bridge that can be taken as a stage, but I think it's a friend, and I think it's love. There's also a love for the music that Mitsuki makes.
── "This song connects the world!!" I was also fascinated by the straight line. Is there anything you keep in mind when drawing music?
In my case, I'm completely self-satisfied and just put in the music I like, and I can't say anything admirable, but I think a lot about which songs go well with each scene. There are scenes made from music, and the scene where Aya and Mitsuki hold hands in Volume 2 came to mind when I was listening to The Shins.
──Official playlist But it's also fun to read while actually playing music.
I'm a little embarrassed because I choose it myself (laughs), but I'm happy. I didn't tell anyone, but the official playlist is trying to arrange the songs that Mitsuki and Aya each chose so that they alternate as much as possible. Of course, the flow of music is the most important priority.
──Knowing that changes the way you listen even more! I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for them. Thank you very much.
(Is she a Dianna Agron stan? This is the second connection after this earlier in the year. Also I think this Glee thing gives her an honorary Tumblr diploma too.)
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