when i was a kid i always just found my repulsion normal, to the extent that i thought everyone else was like that. and yknow what. screw the allos. i am normal
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osintelligence · 1 year
https://bit.ly/42UMe5H - 📊 ASEC Weekly Phishing Email Threat Trends (April 30th, 2023 – May 6th, 2023): AhnLab Security Emergency Response Center (ASEC) has released a report on phishing email threats from April 30th to May 6th, 2023. The most prevalent threat type was FakePage (44%), followed by infostealers (40%), and Worm (6%). The distribution methods of these threats included web page scripts, compressed files, and various file extensions. #ASEC #PhishingEmailThreats #Cybersecurity 🔍 ASEC identified specific distribution cases and classified them into FakePage and malware types. These threats targeted both global and local users. The analysis team suggests users to exercise caution and look out for specific keywords in email subjects, such as 'Plane Ticket.' #DistributionCases #CyberAttack #CyberThreat 🛡️ To prevent phishing attacks, users should follow email security guidelines: avoid executing links and attachments from unverified senders, do not enter sensitive information on unverified sites, and use security products such as antimalware software. According to MITRE ATT&CK, phishing email attacks correspond to techniques like Phishing for Information, Phishing, and Internal Spearphishing. #EmailSecurity #PhishingPrevention #MITREATT&CK 🔑 Keywords to Beware of: 'Plane Ticket' - Attackers use phishing emails disguised as plane tickets, prompting users to enter their credentials, which are then leaked to the attacker's server. Be cautious when opening attachments and verify the sender before providing any personal information. #KeywordAlert #PhishingEmails #OnlineSafety 💻 FakePage C2 URL: The list below shows the threat actor's C2 addresses of fake login pages distributed during the week. Exercise caution and avoid entering sensitive information on these sites. #FakePageC2 #PhishingURLs #CybersecurityAwareness 🌐 Stay vigilant and refer to recent cases of distribution to protect yourself from phishing email attacks. Follow email security guidelines and use security products such as antimalware software to minimize the risk of being a victim.
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elhadjlirwane · 2 years
LDC CAF : le Horoya douche l’ASEC à Yamoussoukro
LDC CAF : le Horoya douche l’ASEC à Yamoussoukro
Grâce à un but de Pape Abdou NDIAYE, buteur à la 57e minute, le Horoya Athletic Club a remporté la première manche de sa double confrontation face à l’ASEC Mimosas (0-1) à Yamoussoukro. Exempté du premier tour préliminaire de la Ligue des Champions grâce au forfait des gambiens de Hawks Football Club, le Horoya Athletic Club doit se défaire du champion ivoirien, l’ASEC Mimosas pour accéder à la…
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actualiteenguinee · 2 years
LDC CAF : le Horoya douche l’ASEC à Yamoussoukro
LDC CAF : le Horoya douche l’ASEC à Yamoussoukro
Grâce à un but de Pape Abdou NDIAYE, buteur à la 57e minute, le Horoya Athletic Club a remporté la première manche de sa double confrontation face à l’ASEC Mimosas (0-1) à Yamoussoukro. Exempté du premier tour préliminaire de la Ligue des Champions grâce au forfait des gambiens de Hawks Football Club, le Horoya Athletic Club doit se défaire du champion ivoirien, l’ASEC Mimosas pour accéder à la…
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mosthuggableffxiv · 5 months
Most Huggable Job Trainer (Tank)
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carsmg · 5 months
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my postal 4 lesbian pride flags after making a really specific realization about this cover art
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wammypilled · 16 days
is it me or there are so many new cool dn and especially wammy trio blogs around??? either way ilyallllllll
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jimmyclueless · 5 months
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iamvery much late again but it looks pretty neat i thiunk so worth it</3
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boygirlctommy · 7 months
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whopprr · 1 year
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mooonzyyyy · 5 months
mister @danielhowell you don’t open tumblr i know (you should come back) but i despise twitter so i’m gonna be sappy here in a not so parasocial way lmao
i just want you to know that when the first WAD whole livestream happened i was going through so much and though we are all doomed i couldn’t have literally handled anything without your show so thank you for providing such a safe place for me even though it was virtually somehow you always do that so just know that it’s appreciated and i know you are so proud of it you should be <333
besides wad i also got access to ywgttn which is so rare considering i literally live somewhere ppl don’t know and that book not only helped me just at the moment where shit was going on it changed my whole perspective on alot of stuff when it comes to the way i deal with mental health so thank you for that too (this is so sappy but hey i’m vibing)
keep doing what you are doing coz you are literally changing ppls life, you should be proud of yourself , you are very loved <333
okay bye i’m done
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megasportsmedia · 6 months
Ligue des champions CAF, 2023-2024 : Le calendrier confirmé des quarts de finale
La Ligue des champions de la CAF saison 2023-2024 est sur le point de reprendre ses droits après la phase de groupe. La première manche des quarts de finale prévu à partir du 29 mars 2024 est la prochaine étape. Cette phase de la compétition promet d’être intense, avec des équipes en grande forme et prêtes à tout pour décrocher le titre tant convoité. La CAF a récemment confirmé le calendrier…
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Me getting this reveal and realizing that Something is about to Happen
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v-anrouge · 1 year
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Rook and Vil
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violetncee · 1 year
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“ –oh! oh, goodness, you’re asking what i’d suggest? well, um. oolong tea is a personal favorite, and jasmine, of course. how ever, i think black teas would be a good place to start, too. ” 🔪
“ after all, they’re fairly easy to brew properly, plus they’re much more sweet and flavorful compared to say, green teas or something similar, etc etc. ” she nods to herself as her words trail off, satisfied with her chosen recommendation. 🔪
yuri settles comfortably into the natural lull in the conversation, pausing as she runs a finger circling the rim of her tea cup. that is, until a thought seemingly comes to mind. then, a slight smile begins to bloom in place of her previously musing expression.🔪
“ if i may be so bold, i’d say they’re very ‘taste-tea’. uhuhu~ sorry, sorry! i simply couldn’t resist. ” (i guess sayori’s antics have really started to rub off on her!) 🔪
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mosthuggableffxiv · 5 months
Most Punchable Job Trainer (Tank)
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