#ask: corroded treasure
rockybloo · 10 months
Do you have any "god" ocs?
Right now the most GOD OCs I got are Sol and Luna for Beanstalked who are literally the sun and moon and basically created everything.
There's also Loligo for Corroded Treasure but he got nerfed bad via a mutiny that led to one of his eyes getting stolen by his old crew. So he's basically an ex god. Of what specifically, he rarely tells.
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runninriot · 4 months
Small Treasures To Keep
inspired by the prompt 'Love is not in the big things but in the small ones' by @sidekick-hero written for @steddielovemonth day 9
wc: 1.472 | rated: G | cw: none | tags: Musician Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington has a crush, just sweet boys being sweet, friends to lovers
   “There were like, at least 200 people there! And they were actually enjoying our show! Can you believe that? It was amazing, Steve! They listened to us play, and banged their heads, and they cheered after every song. Some of them even asked if we had any merch with us and obviously we didn’t but we gave out autographs and- Oh! I almost forgot! I got you something! I’ll be right back.” Eddie nearly topples off the couch in excitement.
Steve watches him with a smile on his face, equally amused and charmed by Eddie’s dorky behaviour, and bites back a laugh when Eddie almost stumbles over his own feet as he hurries towards his bedroom.
Eddie is a menace. So strange and irritating at times but in such an endearing way it’s impossible not to like him.
Steve’s been listening to him talk non-stop since he arrived at his trailer about ten minutes ago. Talking himself breathless while recounting the events of Corroded Coffin’s first real gig, as Eddie calls it.
Steve can’t blame Eddie for being so over the moon, so overjoyed and proud. So thrilled to have gotten the chance to play as substitute opener for some Indiana metal band last night.
It must’ve been a blast, by the sounds of what Eddie’s been telling him. And Steve really is happy for him but somewhere deep down he’s still a little sad. Because he was supposed to be there for the show, to watch his friend perform in a venue four times the size of The Hideout, in front of an actual crowd. But Steve had been caught up at work because Keith called in sick last minute, leaving Steve in charge of the closing shift at Family Video which meant he couldn't make it out in time for the gig.
That really sucked.
Steve had been looking forward to the concert ever since Eddie asked him if he wanted to come see them play. When he told him it would mean a lot if he did. That he’d appreciate to have his emotional support there because he’d been so nervous about the whole thing.
It made Steve feel special, in a way. Like he’s important to Eddie, important enough for Eddie to want him there. For wanting Steve to witness the most exciting moment in the band’s history since Gareth’s mom had finally relented and let them use the garage for their rehearsals.
Steve had wanted to be there.
So, not being able to go was utterly frustrating. Not only because he really would’ve loved to watch Eddie play his guitar on a real stage but also because he kind of felt like he let Eddie down.
It was a miracle he even got a hold on him over the phone to tell him the unfortunate news. Eddie was just about to leave and make his way to the venue when Steve called him. (He would've already been out of the house had he not spilled a drink on his shirt and needed to change.)
Steve was gutted when he heard Eddie let out a heavy sigh, felt a pang in his heart at the defeat in Eddie’s voice when he told him that it was okay.
He felt horrible, like a bad friend. Unreliable and disappointing.
But then Eddie told him he understood and not to worry his pretty head about it. Said he wasn't angry, just sad because he wouldn’t be able to look out for Steve in the crowd when his nerves got the better of him.
    “Promise you’ll think of me?” Eddie had asked and the promise spilled easily over Steve’s lips because-
Well. When is he not thinking about Eddie?
The guy with the unruly mane and chocolate brown eyes. The guy with the cheeky smile and a passion for teasing words. Whose small flirty gestures get Steve’s blood boiling and make his heart jump.
He’s on Steve’s mind constantly because he’s a constant in his life now. A good friend, a kind soul. Annoying, and loud, and wonderful to be around.
Eddie is-
    “Ah, fuck!”
The clattering sound of something takes Steve out of his thoughts and he can’t help but chuckle when he turns towards the noise and his eyes fall on Eddie, helplessly fumbling with the chain hanging from his belt loops that got stuck on the door handle.
When he's finally managed to free himself, he speed walks over to Steve with a big grin on his face. Eddie comes to a stop right in front of him, expectantly looking down at Steve as he triumphantly holds up a crinkled piece of paper, waiting for him to take it.
   “What is that?” Steve asks, confused and unable to identify what he’s now holding in his hands.
Upon closer look he realises it’s a flyer, or it had been one before someone decided to tear it in half. Steve can barely make out some dates and half of the name of a venue, thinks it might be one for the show last night.
   “Look at the back,” Eddie says and his smile widens even more.
When Steve turns it around, he sees the Corroded Coffin logo scribbled on the backside of the paper. Beneath the band’s name, he immediately recognizes Eddie’s squiggly handwriting, thinks he can make out the names of the other band member’s too.
Steve looks back up at Eddie, returning the smile as he realises what this is.
   “You got me an autograph? That’s so cool! Thanks, Eds!”
   “Not just any autograph. It’s the first. When people came asking for autographs we panicked a bit because no one had ever wanted us to sign anything. So we practiced. What you have there is the first piece of paper Corroded Coffin have ever signed. Gareth wanted to throw it away but I saved it because I wanted you to have it. Y’know, uh, because you couldn’t come to the show and I, uhm, I still wanted to share the experience with you.”
Eddie’s face turns bright red and he seems nervous all of a sudden.
And Steve just... stares. Lets his eyes drift between Eddie and the small treasure he’s holding in his hands.
It might just be a piece of paper, some might even call it trash. But to Steve this is something precious. Something he’ll hold onto forever because Eddie gave it to him. Eddie thought about him when he should’ve been buzzing with ecstasy over their successful gig.
   “That’s-“ Steve doesn’t know what to say.
So instead of talking he stands up and pulls Eddie into a tight embrace, feels his heart beating like crazy when Eddie returns it with his own arms wrapped around Steve.
   “I love it,” Steve says, keeps other words hidden inside.
They tentatively let go of each other, still staying close, still standing toe to toe.
   “Maybe it’ll be worth some money if me and the guys make it big one day.”
It already is Steve’s most valuable possession.
   “When, not if,” Steve says matter-of-factly, holding the paper close to his heart.
   “You really think so?” Eddie asks, voice hushed like it’s a secret wish that might come true if he doesn't jinx it.
   “Mhm.” Steve nods. “But I would never sell this autograph. I’ll frame it and keep it forever.”
   “You will?” Eddie asks, a little disbelieving but also...
And for a moment they just stand there, looking at each other wide-eyed and red-cheeked, both flustered and shy. Smiling.
   “Forever,” Steve says honestly, more meaning to the word than he’s ready to admit.
A few months later Steve finally gets to see Eddie and his band play on a real stage, in front of an actual crowd. He’s there in the front row, cheering for Eddie, buzzing with joy and pride.
And when their eyes meet in the middle of a song Steve doesn’t yet know is about him, he decides he’s going to tell Eddie that he loves him.
And when years later a reporter asks Corroded Coffin’s manager – who’s known to have been close friends with the guys forever (there are even unconfirmed speculations about him and the lead singer being lovers) – at which point in life he knew they had made it, Steve smiles and says “When I held their first autograph in my hands”.
The reporter laughs and the other band members roll their eyes fondly at the cheesy response. But Eddie looks at him and returns the smile, unnoticable for anyone other than Steve. And in that moment it means more to him than the gold ring he's secretly wearing on a chain around his neck. It means more than success and what they've accomplished in life.
It's a small thing, a hidden 'I love you'.
Another small treasure to keep.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie starts a live stream by sticking his head into the living room where Steve is looking for something to watch on Netflix like, “Do you want to go on an adventure with me?”
Steve is reluctant to go because Eddie won’t give him any details about it but ultimately gives in because well, it’s Eddie. His reservations return when he gets in the car and Robin is sitting in the backseat, and when he asks about it Eddie just says that she’s there for ‘damage control.’
Like, “What the hell does that mean? She’s not calming and have you seen her walk? She is the damage.”
“Rob, I love you but that’s true. She’s here for emotional support.”
“What does that mean?!”
Eddie tells Steve to trust him and Steve gives in because well, again. It’s Eddie.
Steve would accompany Eddie to Mount Sauron, or whatever, any day of the week. So he puts his seatbelt on and gears up the playlist they made for when it’s the three of them in the car, and they drive.
Eddie explains to Steve and to his live-stream that he’s doing an impromptu meet-and-greet at a mystery location. He’ll drop some hints over to the course of the drive and if it’s your area and you can figure it out, come out and meet him.
Steve thinks that’s actually a pretty cool idea and thinks it’s great that Eddie is interacting with his fans again after all the death-threat drama. He pokes Eddie in the arm and tells him, “That’s really cool, babe.”
Eddie flashes him a grin that doesn’t quite gel with the nervous tapping of his fingers, but that thought slips from Steve’s mind when Robin punches him in the arm and points, “Look, cows.”
Steve smiles, “I’m naming that one Kirby.”
“It looks more like a Janine.”
Other highlights of the road trip live stream include the three of them absentmindedly singing along to Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, the three of them singing passionately to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, rest-stop stopping so Ozzy can get out and run around for a bit, and Steve outlawing Punch Buggy after Robin and Eddie punched him in the arm three times in a row.
The whole time Eddie keeps dropping vague little hints like ‘taking it back to where it all begins’ and ‘we’re treading old territory’ and Steve initially thinks that they’re heading to the bar in Indianapolis where Corroded Coffin was discovered. So maybe he didn’t really pay attention to the rest of Eddie’s clues or maybe he’s really bad at connecting the dots because he feels winded when they come upon the Welcome to Hawkins sign.
He feels increasingly more winded when they turn down streets that have changed a lot but feel the same. He doesn’t notice how the car went quite or how Eddie keeps sneaking glances at him, just the streets they’re taking. Every turn they take that he’d taken a hundred times before.
“Eddie,” Steve breaths out like he’s just taped the pieces to a treasure map together and discovered ‘X’ was home all along. He inhales in time with the click of the blinker as they turn onto Loch Nora, “What’s going on?”
Eddie doesn’t actually answer that question until after they’re parked outside of Steve’s childhood home. He doesn’t answer until after he gets out of the car and circles the other side, and he holds Steve in his arms.
He says, “You told me that you will never work through this thing with your mom until you understand why she’s like this. If she won’t come to you, babe, then you gotta go to her. You gotta do this to get peace.”
Steve is always shaking his head no because he can’t. He can’t just walk up to her door after twenty years and asks her for an explanation. He doesn’t even know how he’d – he doesn’t –
Eddie tilts Steve’s head up until they’re eye to eye and he tells him like he can hear all those half-formed questions in his head, “You are Steve fucking Harrington, baby. You fight monsters and you save the world, and you are brave beyond words. There are worst things out there than this, so you got this. You can do this.”
“It’s not going to be easy,” Eddie continues. “But it has never been easy, and… This is it, babe. This is the last battle you got to fight and then we leave it all behind. I’m sorry I tricked you, but you wouldn’t have come if I told you.”
Steve takes a deep breath and then another, and maybe a third. He shakes the nerves out of his fingers and he hugs Eddie as tight as he can without hurting him, and he says because he knows he’ll mean it later, “Thank you.”
“Take Oz with you,” Eddie tells him and kisses him in broad daylight like he was never able to do on this street. He tells Steve that his meet-and-greet is at high school, and that Robin’s going to stay here with the car, that they’re going to Hopper and Joyce’s after, “If you need anything, call me immediately.”
Eddie stays with Robin to watch Steve walk up to the door and knock. He doesn’t move an inch until the door is answered, and then he smiles at Robin, “That went better than expected, right?”
Robin asks, “Did you end your live stream?”
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thelastwalkingsoul · 1 year
Birthday post for my beloved B @stevesbipanic Eddie will never forget the day he found out Steve could sing.
He'd gone over to Steve's house to surprise him, using the key his boyfriend had given him not long after they officially started dating. Eddie had opened the door to music, loud and so very Steve. He'd walked into the kitchen to find Steve in the middle of cooking dinner, hips swaying. It wasn't an unusual sight. What caught Eddie off guard was the voice he could only describe as angelic. Something about it sounded so unlike Steve and it caused Eddie to stand still in the doorway, watching his boyfriend.
When Steve finally turned around, he jumped, face turning that pretty pink Eddie liked so much. He'd laughed awkwardly, clearly embarrassed. Eddie had simply walked over and pulled Steve in, complementing his voice between kisses. Steve later admitted that he never sang in front of anyone, too self-conscious of his voice. Eddie had stumbled across the magic of Steve's singing, meant for no one, but a gift he had all to himself.
Years later, he and Steve are happily living together in their cozy little house. Steve's a teacher at a local middle school and Eddie is riding the success Corroded Coffin has made for themselves. Their both content with where they are in life and sometimes Eddie can't believe he made it this far.
Steve is still just as gorgeous as the day Eddie fell for him. Robin constantly teases them for how grossly in love they are. And ever since Eddie found out Steve could sing he has treasured every little musical sound his boyfriend has made. Steve has a frankly adorable habit of subconsciously humming or singing whatever song Eddie's been working on recently and it makes Eddie positively melt. He tries his best to memorise the lyrics to all of Corroded Coffin's music and listens to every demo Eddie produces.
Eventually, Eddie manages to convince Steve to come and record himself singing in their at-home studio. Steve's still apprehensive about it, but Eddie promises it's for fun and drags him inside. They fuck around for hours, losing track of time as Steve sings through his favourite songs, then parts of Eddie's favourite songs, and then some of Corroded Coffin's songs. Eddie listens with a grin on his face the whole time, reassuring Steve when he needs it. Right at the end, Steve starts singing Eddie's newest work in progress. It's quiet and slightly slower than the original but it's sweet and Eddie eats it up. He sits, pretending to fiddle as he listens. It's his favourite sound in the world.
A month later, with an idea that's been brewing in his mind for several weeks, Eddie nonchalantly asks Steve how he'd feel if he could share his musical talent with the world, without anyone knowing it was him. Steve seems suspicious but answers anyway. It's all Eddie needs.
He secretly adds the small audio clips of Steve singing his newest work in progress, due to come out in the next few months. His bandmates pick it out, knowing it doesn't sound like Eddie or any of them but, despite knowing Steve well, can't pick that it's him. It's perfect and Eddie publishes the song like that. Steve's vocals are there, soft and airy in the background. Not too noticeable but loud enough that they add a little something extra to the song.
Now, Eddie knows Corroded Coffin fans are a little rabid. They're scarily observant, especially when it comes to picking hidden shit out of their songs. But Eddie didn't expect the insane reaction Steve's vocals have on the fanbase. People lose their shit. They love it. Love the tone and airy quality of it. They demand more. The best part is the mystery it creates around who it is. The fans argue over whether or not it's Eddie or the other band members. Some believe it's none of them, a secret 5th person left uncredited. Eddie stays silent on the discourse, absolutely loving the chaos it's creating amongst their fans.
Steve himself is confused. A small group of his students who he knows are fans of Corroded Coffin have been debating for days. He can't help but listen in, always interested in the little gossip he can gleam about Eddie's band. They turn to him one day as he's listening in and ask for his opinion, getting him to listen to the new song for the first time. He's sure he gasps when he hears his own goddamn voice singing back at him. It's quiet, sure, but Steve's surprised his students haven't figured out it's him yet. They seem to like it though, and while Steve's a little mad that Eddie put them in there without asking, he feels more than a little warm when he realises how much care Eddie put into including Steve in something he loved whilst making sure it wasn't too obvious. Still, though, Steve feels like he wants to simultaneously punch Eddie and kiss him till they’re both gasping for air.
Nobody can blame him if he goes home later that day and does both.
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Angry Sephiroth + nsfw + "On your kness. I want you to beg for forgiveness." + prideful darling.
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Something about Sephy domming the darling gets me swooning. Enjoy a Crisis Cutie Collection fic starring AC Sephy. Also, a HoS episode.
Pairing: AFAB Darling/AC Sephiroth (HoS AU)
Word Count: 2.3k
Content Warning: NSFW, Dubcon/Noncon, Fighting, Blood, Sadomachism. Mind Control. Mind Break.
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You and Sephiroth were surrounded by silence, broken only by the evening wind. The Sephiroth you were with was usually intense towards you and had been unpredictable in the past. However, recently he had been showering you with love. He had been there for you during your sudden and mysterious illness, giving you reassurance with every touch. He listened intently to your worries and aspirations for the future, without ever saying a word. Even now, he was spoiling you by taking you on a stroll. You were so far away from the house, it filled your adventurous heart with joy. You wondered if this newfound tranquility was because he was finally at ease with the other Sephiroths, and with the reality of sharing you. Suddenly, you felt a slight pressure from his grip on you. His gloved hand was firm and secure as he placed it just underneath your right breast. He began massaging the flesh slowly and methodically, as if he had a purpose in doing it.
This wasn't his sole oddity; this particular Sephiroth had been quiet during your time together. While you were busy studying the trees and taking in the natural beauty around you, he was silently observing you. It was strange how he had been so quiet. But, there was no point in worrying about it at the moment. Instead, you allowed yourself to be enveloped by the dreariness of the gloomy woods. It was such a liberating feeling to be away from that confining ethereal house. Through, you knew that you would eventually have to return.
As you walked alongside the river ravine, you felt mesmerized by the cool air that blasted up from its depths. However, as you continued further, you noticed that the water was becoming shallow and the river's depths were dwindling. Suddenly, Sephiroth came to a halt, his fingers digging into your delicate flesh as a signal for you to stop as well. You studied him, sensing the prickling energy around you two as you waited for his response.
“This could be our future together,” he murmured, pushing your petite body closer to his chest. As he looked up, his words continued to flow, you couldn't help but be captivated by his beauty. In the gloomy light from the clouds, his sinister nature was almost overshadowed by his angelic appearance.
"And what of the other Sephiroths?" You innocently asked, anxiety bubbled within you. He chuckled, his strong hands kneading into your soft flesh. It's starting to hurt a little bit. Why is he so insistent on gently stroking that area of your body!?
"They will join this planet's Lifestream. Girdle the planet — choking it; corroding it." His cool, deep voice echoed in the air. You muffled a sob, your gaze growing more frightened as he looked at you. Those words. It's as if you heard them before. And the other Sephiroths, you don't want them to go... You treasure them as much as you cherish this one. Why can't they just get along!? Sephiroth grasped your jaw firmly, digging his thumb and index finger into your soft cheeks.
"When you and Mother become one, our dream will be realized," his eyes narrowed and his lips twisted into a sinister and sadistic grin after his last words. When his slit eyes met your own, a chill ran down your spine. "It seems I won't have to do much after all... You already have her eyes..." He spoke in a low, sultry whisper. When you heard his last sentence, you were filled with dread. You had no more interest in talking to him, so you quickly turned your head away. But with his punishing grip on your jaw, he made you stare back into his piercing eyes.
"No, not yet! I need to know who I am..." You spoke, your voice becoming choked with sorrow and fear, but with a tinge of resolve. Sure, your hands were trembling, but the strength of your words was unmistakable. Your resolve will eclipse your dread.
"And for what? To learn of your past betrayals and your broken promise to join her? Your mission is fruitless. Make new memories. With me." His free hand rested it on your lower belly, where your womb was at.
Part of you felt drawn to his offer. The loving and familiar tone beneath his mockingly affectionate words was almost too tempting to resist. Yet a bigger part of you was consumed with an intense rage. No one will force you into this decision, not even him. You don't care, even if his lie about your consent to join Jenova is somehow true. That's a decision you won't be making for a long time, if ever. You may not be able to choose your fate of being confined in the house, or how the Sephiroths and Jenova view you, but you can always choose your identity.
This next move of yours is certainly foolish. But with every ounce of strength you had, you wrenched yourself out of his grasp and gave him a swift kick as a parting gift. You only saw his face for a moment, but you could tell your sudden show of resistance surprised him. He quickly regained his balance as his Masamune manifested from the air, and a twisted, wide grin crept across his face.
You won't last long, but at least you're defending your honor. You luck out as you narrowly miss a swipe of his blade, feeling the chill of the metal as it rushes past you. That swipe would've wiped your head clean off. Your adrenaline firing up as you watched some of your hair cut away from that. He then lunges his blade towards you again, forcing you to employ the evasive technique another Sephiroth taught you, the one who rarely visits the ethereal house.
"On your knees. I want you to beg for forgiveness," His voice was low and sultry, but the underlying anger was unmistakable. You shook your head, feeling the heat of your rage and the intensity of your arousal. You could feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you faced the danger. This is a nice change of pace, but why are you so energized? Perhaps it's the thrill of flirting with danger? Or asserting your identity?
A searing pain erupted when he dragged his long blade across your left abdomen, making you yelp in agony. His slit eyes constricted as he inhaled the strong, metallic smell of your blood in the air. You could tell by the intensity of his gaze that he was tiring of this mock battle.
You kept up your facade of resistance, evading his strikes with good effort, but each one made it harder and harder to stay standing. You attempted to charge forward, but his blade piercing your body forced you to come to an abrupt halt. His facial expression suddenly softened to a loving one, yet you could still feel his dark pleasure as he languidly lifted you up with his long blade. You forget that despite his lean appearance, he's as muscular and strong as the other Sephiroths underneath his trench coat.
"You've never looked so beautiful..."He uttered in his trance, as if this moment of cruelty wasn't really happening. You grimaced, but still managed to give him a triumphant beam. He may have wounded your body, but he hasn't wounded your spirit yet. After his loving expression wavered, his furious snarl came back, flinging you from his long blade. You plummeted into the shallow ravine with a loud thud, the hard ground sending shockwaves through your body, but your adrenaline rush made it easier to stomach.
You sat up on your knees and peered into the water's reflection, but you couldn't bring yourself to look into your own eyes. Your exhilaration quickly disappeared when a sudden, searing pain in your head took over. You saw a vision of yourself and Sephiroth. In it, you could almost feel the warmth of his breath on your cheek and see the curl of his lips as he smirked.
"You're just a broken doll, existing to be filled with whatever I choose," His voice was like a spell, calm and sadistic, it lingered in your mind. An unbearable sensation began in your right abdomen, even though he hadn't hurt you in that spot. You whimpered, the pebbles in the shallow water clattered against each other in your fists. You then ripped your dress open, observing the flesh of your skin underneath your right breast.
After it was gone for some time, you couldn't believe it. Your mysterious illness made its unwelcome return known, the symptoms making you weak in the knees. Could this Sephiroth be the cause of this overwhelming force? You reached to touch the flesh, but your hands recoiled. It's a thick, oozy blackness on your skin. Is that why he was kneading, probing, and squeezing this exact spot? You let out an agonized moan as another vision invaded your throbbing head. It was one of him tenderly holding your naked form, his gloved fingers stroking your enlarged clit as he murmured sweet nothings in your ear.
A gloved hand cupped your jaw, forcing you to gaze upon your own reflection in the glassy surface of the river. There was a faint glow radiating from your vivid pinkish-red slit eyes, just like hers.
"You were never in control... All you are is a broken doll," He said, now directly behind you. Those last two words bounced around in your head like a pinball. He gracefully lowered himself to your level, mounting your petite body. His lips were like velvet against your earlobe, while his other hand caressed the blackened, gooey flesh beneath your right breast. He used his thumb to tease your nipple.
You moaned, feeling both pain and pleasure, the goosebumps rose up on your skin. You should not be taking any pleasure in the suffering he's causing you... But maybe he's right. Maybe you're really just a broken doll, waiting for someone or something to breathe life back into you with a few strokes of a paintbrush. With the past behind you, why not create a brighter future with him? But these thoughts... AREN'T YOURS! ...right? His arousal pressed against you, igniting your body with desire as he filled your mind with increasingly sensual visions. The sky shifted from its once light and gloomy hue to a deep, inky darkness, leaving the two of you enveloped in shadows. Your hand instinctively finds his gloved one, clasping it beneath your right breast.
"W-what is this on my body? Why hasn't her cells cured me?!" you shouted, struggling to get the words out before the overwhelming sensations consumed you.
"Who knows? I'm delighted that my test run was successful. I wonder how far she will let me go this time..." He said it in a stoic yet joyous tone. His cock rested at your wet entrance for a moment. You waited with bated breath for him to just plunge into your depths. Instead, he goes for your ass, eliciting a surprised gasp from you. He filled your tight hole with his entire length, taking no mercy. The set pace was languid, but every slow thrust had the force behind it, like a hammer hitting a nail. It's a good thing that the water from the ravine eased his entrance, but no matter, you're still clutching onto the pebbles in the water for dear life. He still traced circles on your oozing, dark flesh, the sensation filled you with pain.
You almost want to reach for your neglected cunt, but his menacing gaze bore into the back of your head, daring you to defy him by pleasuring yourself. You then let go of all resistance, allowing your beloved Sephiroth to claim you. His pleasure is paramount, not yours. How can you be so selfish and forget your bond with him and the others? You will always have a special bond with the Sephiroths, as you are their beloved darling.
With his powerful thrusts, you can feel and hear your tight hole squelching, the sound of smacking flesh resonating. His languid pace is driving you insane. Like the other Sephiroth, he had already located your sweet spot that made your body quiver with delight, but he maintained a slow and steady rhythm. You know you've been a bad girl for him, but your body is aching for more of his touch, begging for him to increase his speed and attend to your cunt. He leaned down, his warm breath tickling your ear.
"Don't you see? Even Mother knows you belong to me," His composed tone was louder and more forceful. His thrusts increased in intensity as more of his passionate words filled your mind and his voice vibrated in your ears. You feel your knees shake, but his forceful presence behind you presses onward, refusing to give you a moment of rest. You are to sit there and take him, like the ungrateful traitor you are. His fingers dug into your jaw with increasing force while he slammed his hips into you.
After some time, your body shook with intense tremors as his corrupted seed infiltrated your guts. The overwhelming ache in your knees caused them to give way, and you fell face first into the water's icy embrace. He pulled out of your ass slowly, his seed still dripping down his member. When a few moments passed, you weakly lifted your head from his commanding voice in your head. Your clit was still erect and your needy cunt was still unfilled. You won't be able to reach your climax this time.
You gazed back into the flowing water and saw your reflection ripple back. You looked the same, but your eyes had an even more intense glow this time. A terrified whimper came from your lips when you spotted Sephiroth's reflection alongside yours, his sinister smirk on his face as he nuzzled against your warm cheek. Why is this your fate? Your eyes stung as a single tear fell while a strange, different voice reverberated in your head.
"Because...you are a doll."
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doll. Alternate title: AC Sephy Manhandles His Precious Doll. This is a pretty important entry in HoS, so I figured to make this into a fic. Also, I thought this would be a good opportunity to expand on the "doll analogy" for the darling. I love it so much... Thank you to the wonderful anon who first brought it to my attention. And thanks to the anon who requested this prompt!
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cherry-holmes · 3 months
Glimpse of a life with Javier Peña
Chapter 15
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Summary: Six months ago you spoke with Javi for the last time. Now, you tried to continue with your life without him.
Previous chapter
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Word count: 6.9k
Warnings: Angst. Talk of depression. Mention of daddy issues. Brief description of reader’s body. I decide not to give more warnings to avoid spoilers, so keep the reading under your own responsibility, but in general this contains +18 material.
I knew you
Leavin' like a father
Running like water, I
And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss
I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs
The smell of smoke would hang around this long
'Cause I knew everything when I was young
Finally, on December 2, 1993, Pablo Escobar died in Medellín, bringing an end to years of violence and fear to the country. Of course, the ghosts of evil would linger over for a long time. The narcoviolence was a vicious cycle that corroded everything it touched. But for now, the police of Colombia and the DEA had shown that there were still good people and hope. Even if ir wasn't completely true.
When you saw Steve's photo in the newspaper, you felt proud of him, of course, but you knew that Javier deserved to be there too. He had given many years of sacrificing his own safety and personal life to fulfill his duty. There was no other American who had done as much for his country than Javier Peña. He deserved recognition, he deserved to be decorated and rewarded for his years of service.
But instead, he was being judged for using unorthodox methods to do his job. It wasn't ideal, but it was effective in the end. Who hasn't looked for alternatives in their most desperate moments? They didn't deserve a man like him. And now he was paying the price.
You hadn't heard anything about him since that last call, six months ago. You didn't know if he had been judged or sentenced yet. And you weren't sure if you even wanted to know.
Days turned into weeks, and before you knew it, weeks had turned into months. While everything around you seemed to continue its normal course, you felt stuck in Bogotá. Memories of warm nights with him, hurried breakfasts in his truck, and cozy dinners at home lingered, haunting you like ghosts of a past life. You tried to distract yourself, to focus on the routine of daily life, but thoughts of Javier lingered like shadows in the corners of your mind. You wore the necklace he gave you on your birthday like a charm. It was your most precious treasure, the three pearls representing the love he had for you and you for him. Your fingertips sought it out every time you felt down, sometimes unconsciously.
You found it difficult to concentrate on something else, your thoughts constantly drifting back to him, to the uncertainty that clouded his future.
You started to think that maybe the problem lay within you, that you were somehow unworthy of having the man you loved beside you. Doubts ate away at your confidence, questioning your worthiness of love in any form. In the late hours of the night, you grappled with the echoes of your past, recalling the pain of your father's abandonment when you were just a child. That trauma left a deep hole of abandonment in your heart, a wound that never fully healed. And now, facing Javier's absence, it felt like history was repeating itself. The two men you had loved the most had left you, leaving behind a trail of broken promises and shattered dreams. Yes, you still had your beloved grandfather, José, but in those moments of anxiety and depression, you couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with you to not been worthy of love.
Your mother wasn't very helping either, as she wasn't very kind towards you. She never asked you how you were now that you came back or told you she missed you. And when everything with Javi happened, she made cruel comments, hinting that for him you were just another woman and that it was your fault for sleeping with him and not respecting yourself.
However, you had your sisters who supported you through the grief, and the love of your abuelo meant everything.
He was a lawyer, and he offered you a temporary job on his independent buffet while you find a job that suit your requirements.
Losing your dream job as a translator in a foreign country, enduring very difficult situations that put your life in danger, and losing the love of your life—all the trauma and heartbreak left a hole in your chest. It felt as though a part of you was missing, as though you were navigating the world with a piece of your soul torn away.
The Saturday sun bathed the cobblestone streets in a warm, golden glow as you emerged from the church, your heart still echoing the hymns of worship. Beside you, your beloved abuelo walked, his arm linked with yours, his weathered face radiant with the peace of faith.
"What do you want to eat, papá?" You asked him.
"Sarita told me about a new restaurant," he answered as your mother joined his side, "She said they have delicious barbacoa and consomé."
"I don't think you should eat that, papá," your mother intervened, her brow frowned. From the look on her face, you knew she was going to confront Sara for craving such food for grandpa. "The doctor said..."
"The doctor said many things, María," he replied firmly. "I'm going to die anyway, so I'm gonna eat my birria!"
You smiled to your abuelo's stubbornness, and although you knew that your mother could be right, you just couldn't help but want to fulfill his cravings.
"Okay, papá, we all going to have barbacoa," you promised.
Before your mother could say anything to you, your nephews and nieces ran by your side, pointing towards the churro seller.
"¡Tía, cómpranos churros!" they shouted, and you found yourself outnumbered by them.
"Okay, okay!" You smiled as you watched them bouncing in front of you. "Everyone line up by height and ask the señor de los churros nicely for yours."
Your nephews and nieces cheered at unison and ran towards the vending cart. Both your sisters insisted on pay for their own children churros, but you told them that you wanted to buy churros for everyone.
As your sisters and their husbands agreed with your grandfather and your mother to all go to eat to the restaurant Sara propose to your abuelo, you tried to help the churro's vendedor not going crazy with all four children. All of them were under ten years old, so you can imagine how noisy and playful – and troubling – they can be.
As the kids devoured their churros, you juggled between keeping an eye on them and ensuring they didn't wander off too far. Their laughter filled the air, echoing against the cobblestone streets as they ran around in playful abandon.
Guiding your nephews and nieces back to your family, you barely noticed the bustling activity around you until a familiar voice pierced through the chaos. "I've always known that you look even more beautiful around kids."
You froze in disbelief, your heart skipping a beat at the sound of his voice. You turned around and saw Javier standing there. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as you took in the sight of him. He looked different, yet somehow the same—the same rugged charm, the same warm gaze that had always captivated you. His mere presence was like a jolt of electricity, sending shivers down your spine and stirring emotions you thought long buried.
As the reality of his presence sank in, a whirlwind of emotions swept through you. Part of you wanted to run into his arms, to hold him close and never let go. Another part wanted to push him away, to confront him for leaving without a word, for breaking your heart with his silence.
But as you looked into his eyes, you saw the pain and regret reflected in his gaze—the same pain you had been carrying in your heart all these months. And in that moment, all your anger and hurt melted away, replaced by a flood of overwhelming love and longing.
"Javi?" your voice cracked, eyes inevitably flooded with tears. ''How...?''
"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "I shouldn't have left you like that."
Without another word, you closed the distance between you, your heart pounding with anticipation. Javier's eyes softened as you reached out, your arms trembling as they closed around his torso. The touch was electrifying, sending a surge of warmth coursing through your veins.
You couldn't understand exactly how he was right there, what happened during all those months?, how the hell did he found you? But he was there, he was between your arms again... His warmth, his scent, his beating heart beneath your ear, were things you thought you would never feel again.
"¿Tía?" you heard the little voice of Ana, the youngest of your nieces, as she pulled the skirt of your dress. "Is this Javi? The boy you always cry for?"
You glanced down at her, innocent eyes wide with curiosity, and then back at Javier, uncertainty clouding your thoughts. How could you explain the complexities of love and loss to a child?
"Ana, come here," Silvia, her mother, approached to grab her. She looked at Javi and then back at your watering, reddened eyes. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah," you answered, a smile prompting on your lips, blush coloring your cheeks. It was the first time in a long, long time that you felt a genuine sense of emotion and happiness since you arrived in your birth-town. "Silvi, this is Javi. Javi, this is my sister."
Javier extended his hand towards Silvia, a warm smile gracing his lips. "Nice to meet you, Silvia," he greeted, his voice gentle and sincere.
Silvia's expression changed upon recognizing his name. Her eyes softened as she shook Javier's hand. "Likewise," she replied, her eyes flickering with curiosity. Of course, she had memorized his name and appearance through the photos you had shown her and Sara of your time in Colombia with Javi. Your sisters had wiped your tears and listened to your heartbreaking cries for him.
You saw your family approaching you, everyone seeming curious and expectant. Your hands were shaking, your heart felt like it could punch through your chest. So had so many questions, so many things to say to him. Suddenly, you felt overwhelmed.
"Buenas tardes," your abuelo approached to you. You recognized that look on his face, the same he had every time you or your sisters met a new boy. Your abuelo had always been the jealous kind, but in a sweet way.
Javier greeted your abuelo, extending his hand in a gesture of respect. "Mucho gusto, Don José. Javier Peña," he said, his voice resonating with genuine warmth, remembering your grandfather's name.
Your abuelo's eyes twinkled mischievously as he shook Javier's hand. "¡Ah! So you're the famous Javier," he replied, his tone tinged with playful teasing.
Javi looked at you with a playful arched brow, causing your face turned completely red, like a tomato. You were the most gorgeous tomato he had ever seen in his life.
"Everyone, I want you to meet Javier," you said, gesturing towards him with a smile. "Javier, this is my family."
Your sisters and their husbands exchanged glances, their eyes bright with curiosity as they greeted Javier warmly. "Nice to meet you, Javier," Sara said, extending her hand.
Javier shook her hand with a polite nod. "You too. You must be Sara."
Sara chimed in, her excitement palpable. "Yeah, it's great to finally meet you in person."
Your mother, who had been observing quietly, offered a reserved nod of acknowledgment, her expression unreadable.
As the greetings subsided, Silvia turned to Javier. "Hey, why don't you join us for lunch at the restaurant? We'd love to have you."
Before Javier could respond, you interjected gently, "Actually, if you don't mind, I'd like to have a private conversation with Javier first. We can catch up with everyone later this afternoon at home."
Javier's stomach churned at your words. "Have a private conversation" sounded like you were about to have a serious discussion. He wasn't expecting you to receive him as if nothing happened, as if he hadn't broken your heart. He was surprised and relieved when you hugged him upon seeing him, but he thought it might have been just a quick reaction, an impulsive action prompted by the heat of the moment.
Silvia's eyebrows raised in surprise, but she nodded understandingly. "Of course, hermanita. We'll see you both at home then."
With a collective agreement, your family bid you and Javier farewell, dispersing toward the church's parking lot with chatter and laughter trailing behind them. You turned to Javier, a mixture of anticipation and nerves swirling in your chest, ready to finally have the private conversation you'd been yearning for.
"So, shall we take a taxi?" you said finally.
"Actually, I brought my truck," he said, pointing at the park across the street, where you saw a red 90s Chevrolet Silverado.
"You drove all the way here?" The thought of him driving three hours, crossing the border, just to see you stirred a whirlwind of emotions within you. It was both overwhelming and heartwarming to know that he had gone to such lengths to be with you.
"Of course, from Laredo" he confessed.
As you walked across the street towards his truck, the atmosphere between you felt familiar, bringing back a flood of memories. Javier unlocked the truck and held the door open for you, as you settled into the passenger seat, the scent of his cologne enveloped you, filling you with a sense of comfort.
Once you were there, feeling overwhelmed by his return, after everything you had been throgh being away from him, thinking he was even in jail. It was too much, you barely could process it... You finally broke, as soon as Javi closed the drivers door, you started crying.
Javier's heart ached as he watched you cry, his own emotions swirling inside him like a tempest. He reached out tentatively, his hand hovering over yours, unsure if he should offer comfort or give you space.
He called your sweet name in a way only he could. You felt shivers just hearing it, reminding you of the power he had over you.
You turned to him, tears streaming down your cheeks, your eyes filled with a mixture of sadness, relief, and confusion. "Why, Javi?" you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. "Why did you leave me?"
Javier's heart clenched at the pain in your voice, the anguish etched into your features. He took a deep breath, steeling himself to face the truth, to lay bare his soul before you.
"I thought I was doing the right thing for you," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I was trying to protect you."
You wanted to ask again "why?" but you knew it was unnecessary because you understood why. He was trying to shield you from becoming attached to a convict, a man who was not physically free. It had taken you a long time to grasp the magnitude of the situation and his sacrifice. Javier Peña wasn't a selfish man.
"It's important to me for you to understand that at that moment everything seemed to be against me," he continued, his eyes staring at you with longing and desperation, as he feared you wouldn't want to hear him or wouldn't believe him. "Don Berna betrayed me and forced Judy Moncada to leave Colombia and spill everything about the DEA agent who was foolish enough to trust them. I was told that I had committed a federal crime by getting involved with Los Pepes."
For a moment, the gravity of his words left you speechless, grappling with the enormity of what he had endured. You knew firsthand the dangers and complexities of his work, but hearing the details of his ordeal sent a chill down your spine.
"I had to make a choice," Javier continued, his voice tinged with regret. "I couldn't risk your safety, not when everything was falling apart around me. I thought I was doing what was best for you, even if it meant sacrificing my own happiness."
New tears welled up in your eyes as you reached out to him, your hand trembling as it touched his. In that moment, words seemed inadequate to express the depth of your emotions, the overwhelming rush of love and forgiveness that flooded your heart.
"I missed you," you confessed, your voice barely contained. "I was devastated. Not only for how things between us ended, but for thinking about what would happen to you..."
Javier's gaze softened as he listened to your heartfelt words. He reached out, gently brushing away your tears with his thumb, his touch sending a wave of warmth through you.
"I missed you too, every moment," he admitted, his voice filled with raw emotion. "Not a day went by when I didn't think about you. Te amo."
"Javi?" you spoke softly, wiping your tears and turning your body to fully face him.
"Yes, bonita?" he said, and your stomach fluttered with thousands of butterflies that had been sleeping, waiting to hear that word he used to call you. Bonita, you'll always be his bonita.
"Kiss me already," you whispered, the words escaping your lips before you could hold them back.
With a tender smile, Javier leaned closer, his gaze softening as he brushed a stray tear from your cheek. The air between you crackled with anticipation, the weight of months apart dissipating with each heartbeat.
As his lips met yours, a surge of warmth washed over you, igniting a fire that had been smoldering deep within. You let out a shaky moan when his tongue met yours, sending electricity to your core.
Javi growled at your reaction. He was so needed of your touch, your kisses; that skin-to-skin sensation he sink in when he made love with you. Cause even during the darkest moments when he feared he might spend the rest of his life behind bars, he couldn't bring himself to be with anyone else. He was yours, in body and spirit.
You and Javi were hungry and had so much to talk about. So you guided him through the city, searching for somewhere quiet to eat and converse. As he sat across from you at the table, perusing the menu, you still couldn't believe he was actually there—free and as handsome as ever. It felt like years had passed since Bogotá, the last time you saw him. Or maybe you suddenly died, your heart finally giving up missing him, and that was heaven.
Javi finally looked up from the menu, his gaze meeting yours. "Everything okay, sweetheart?" he asked, concern evident in his eyes as his broad hand reached across the table to touch yours.
"No... I mean, yes!" you said, your voice trailing off. "It's just... I'm so, so happy you're here, but I still can't process what happened."
Javi smiled, his eyes reflecting a mixture of tenderness and longing. "I promise, mi vida, I'll never leave you again," he vowed, his words a silent promise to cherish and protect you for as long as he lived.
The waiter approached, and you both placed your orders. After she left, you spoke again. "How did you find me?" you asked with genuine curiosity.
Monterrey was a sprawling metropolis, and in the '90s world, finding something or someone without an address or a phone number was no small feat.
Javier leaned forward, his expression radiating warmth. "It wasn't easy, but I remembered when you told me about going to church every Sunday with your family," he began, his voice low and intimate. "I recalled the name of the church and the municipality, so as soon as I arrived in the city, I searched for it. It took me all day yesterday, but I managed to get a lead, and it paid off. I found the right one."
You nodded, deeply impressed by his determination and resourcefulness. He was a proper DEA agent who spent years looking for and taking down sicarios. Of course, he was going to find his girlfriend on the first try. It was very sweet how he would do anything just to be with you, though, to have you back.
"I was fuckin' terrified that you were angry with me for leaving you like that," he continued, his voice tinged with regret. "Or worse, that you may have someone else already."
You looked at Javier, sensing the vulnerability in his eyes, and felt a pang of empathy. The thought of him fearing your anger or the possibility of you being with someone else touched you deeply.
"Javi, I could never be angry with you for trying to protect me," you said softly. "I was angry and devastated at first, I'm not gonna lie," you confessed, your chest aching with memories of those endless nights of overthinking and tears. "But it wasn't directed towards you, but towards life. I couldn't accept the decision you had to make, but with time, I came to understand that you only wished the best for me, and it was very sweet and unselfish."
You reached your delicate hand across the table to grasp his. "And as for someone else, there's never been anyone else for me. It's always been you."
His eyes softened, relief flooding his features as he squeezed your hand gently. "You're the only one for me, too, bonita. You're the best thing that could ever happen to this son of a bitch."
You leaned forward to kiss his lips. The familiarity of his touch was overwhelming and comforting at the same time.
When the meal was over and both of you were back in his truck, you asked him where he was staying.
Javier glanced at you, his expression thoughtful as he considered your question. He mentioned a hotel downtown, and you recognized it from what you had heard.
"You can stay a couple of days. I want to show you the city and introduce you properly to my family, if you don't mind," you proposed.
"Me encantaría pasar todo el tiempo del mundo contigo, mi vida preciosa," he said, and you flushed at the sweet nickname. "Actually, I was thinking about moving to a hotel closer to your house."
"That won't be necessary. You can stay with me," you offered without hesitation, feeling a rush of warmth at the idea of having him close again. "I'm living with my abuelo y mi mamá."
"I don't want to be a bother," he began, but you took his hand gently and looked into his puppy eyes.
"You're family now, and family never bothers," you assured him. "My abuelo has a spacious house, and you can stay in the guest bedroom. You know, we can sleep together..."
"That's okay, baby. I understand," he agreed, leaning over to place a kiss on your lips. "So, where do you want to go now? Wanna go home?" he asked, turning on the gear.
"Actually," you began, your cheeks burning and your heart pounding with anticipation, "I was thinking that we could go to your hotel."
With a mischievous grin, Javier glanced at you, his eyes alight with excitement. "Can we?" he asked, his voice filled with playful anticipation.
You smiled shyly, nodding as your cheeks turned cherry red. "Unless you want to spend the evening elsewhere."
Javier's eyes sparkled with amusement as he caught your playful tone. "Oh, I'm perfectly content to spend the evening wherever you desire," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of mischief.
You chuckled softly, feeling a rush of excitement tinged with nervousness.
"Be careful what you wish for, baby," he added, his voice filled with longing. "I've missed you so damn much."
The hotel room was nice, elegant and spacious. But of course you didn't noticed that at first, as you were very busy devouring Javi's mouth. He guided you towards the bed, hands squeezing the soft flesh of your hips; yours cupping his head.
"I love you," he muttered against your mouth, pausing briefly as you unbuttoned his shirt. "You don't have any idea how much I needed you. I couldn't breathe..."
His voice wavered with emotion, and you couldn't help but notice the vulnerability in his tone. Your fingers brushed against his lips, a silent gesture of reassurance. You still had a lot of questions, things that you would like to know, but you were sure that you had a lot of time to do it. For example, when his next move was to get rid of his shirt and you saw the scar on his side, where you knew he had been shot. Your fingers traced the damaged skin, your throat constricting at the sight of him being hurt, where he could have lost his life...
In that moment, you didn't want to cry anymore, to regret things that, fortunately, were in the past now.
"I'm here," your voice was barely a whisper, but he was close enough to hear every word. "I'm not going anywhere."
Javi nodded in agreement, leaning in to meet your lips once again. His skilled fingers unzipped the back of your dress, sending shivers all over your body as his fingertips met your skin. The light fabric pooled around your feet, his gaze darkening as it roamed over your body with desire.
His hands captured your waist, caressing the skin of your ribs and hips. His touch felt desperate, yet gentle. His fingers traced the exposed, soft skin at the edge of your bra, then smoothly moved to unclasp it, freeing the lace that covered your breasts.
You were hypnotized by the waves of heat emanating from both your naked torsos. Restless to relive that skin-to-skin sensation you longed for so much.
"God, how I missed your body," he whispered, almost unconsciously, as he devoured you with his eyes.
Your cheeks flushed even more, a shy smile appearing on your lips. "And I missed your touch, Javi," you confessed back.
With a mischievous grin, Javier glanced at you, his eyes alight with excitement. "Did you?," his voice filled with playfulness. "Did you touch yourself when you missed me?" He wanted to know. You nodded, an innocent gesture that made his cock throb on his pants. "C'mere. Show me," he ordered, leading you to the bed, where he had you lie back in the center.
Javi knelt in front of you, between your legs, your core aching with anticipation. "C'mon, take your panties off," he ordered, and you gladly obeyed.
Pushing your hips up, you grasped the edges of your panties with your fingers and began to slide the garment down your legs.
He couldn't help but hiss when he saw the glistening between your folds, where your honey pooled for him. "Touch yourself, baby, just like how you did when you were thinking of me," he whispered.
You traced a path on your skin, from the place above your belly button, down your body until your delicate middle finger met your slick. Javier was mesmerized as he watched you move up and down along your pussy, taking extra care every time you reached your clit, causing little whimpers to escape from your lips.
Suddenly, Javi felt his pants getting tighter; it was almost painful not to free himself. His hands went to his belt, and he started working on it. "Keep going," he encouraged you, as your eyes followed the glorious path of pubic hair that preceded his cock. You bit your lip, intensifying the movements on your pussy, the sound of your wetness filling the room.
"Don't be shy," he said, his voice thick with lust. "That little pussy looks so good."
You took his word and inserted one finger into your warm body. His breath quivered at the sight; he couldn't contain himself anymore.
"How does it feel?" he asked, as he took his hardened cock out of his briefs. You whimpered at the sight, your walls clenching, as if they were screaming to be stretched by its length. Javi took himself in hand and started jerking off to satisfy his own itch.
"G-good," you mumbled. It was true, but you knew it was nothing compared to the feeling of his cock inside you. So you added a second finger to try to calm your urgency, the gushing sounds surrounding you as you moved your fingers in and out of your pussy. But it wasn't enough. You wanted him.
"Javi..." you murmured.
"Tell me, bonita," he responded, his voice filled with anticipation. "Tell me what you want."
"I want you," you said, without stopping your movements.
"You want me? You want this?" he teased, showing off his cock right in front of you. A pearl of precum glistened on its tip, veins pulsating along its length. Your mouth watered at the sight. "C'mon, take it. It's yours."
He didn't have to tell you twice. You stopped what you were doing and knelt on the mattress to press your body against his. Your hand went directly to his cock, eliciting a growl from his chest.
Javi's cock fit perfectly in your tiny hand as you moved it up and down while kissing him passionately.
You let your body fall over his, and he didn't hesitate to allow himself to be placed underneath you. Your lips then moved to his neck, traveling down to his chest, his stomach... When he realized you were actually going south, he took your chin and made you look at him.
"That's not necessary..." he clarify. He wasn't expecting that.
"I want to," you insisted.
Without another word, you positioned yourself right over his cock, taking it in your hand and placing a kiss on its tip. "Fuck..." he reacted.
You were unsure what to do, as it was the first time you'd done it. You only wanted to make him feel good.
So you tried licking its head, the salty taste on your tongue making your pussy clench around nothing. Then, you attempted to take the head into your warm mouth. You had to open your mouth wider than you expected, your hand gently placed on its base. It was too big, hard, and too long.
You bobbed your head at a constant rhythm, encouraged by the moans and hisses he began to let out. Javi's hand went to your hair, gathering it into a ponytail, both to let you work easily and to clear his view. "Good job, baby," he praised.
When you tried to go further, its head at the back of your throat made you gag, so you had to take a breath. "Take it easy," he said reassuringly as he tucked a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. "You're doin' amazing."
You went back to it, but this time a little lower. "Holy shhh..." he growled, feeling the wetness and warmth of your tongue licking his balls. They tasted salty, heavy on your lips. You closed your hand around his length, moving it up and down to please him. Slurping noises filled the room, amplifying the intensity. "You look so pretty taking my cock like that baby."
You alternated between using your mouth and your hand on his cock and his balls, growing more confident with each movement, trying to take him deeper as you could. Your mouth felt like heaven for him, but he needed to stop. He wanted to fuck to you properly instead of just cum on your tongue. There would be another chance for that.
After a moment, Javi sat on the bed and gestured for you to do the same. You could barely catch your breath before his mouth captured yours, his arm around your waist. You knelt in front of him, providing easy access to your breasts, and he didn't miss the opportunity, capturing one of your nipples into his mouth. You threw your head back, moaning at the sensation, your fingers tangled in his hair.
He worshipped your body, squeezing your hips and back, massaging your ass with his broad hands. Then his fingers found your soaked pussy, taking advantage of how wet you were as he introduced one of them inside you. You whimpered, moving your hips over his hand, desperate to quell the need for him. He added a second thick finger, stretching you so damn good. They slipped in and out without effort, and Javi could feel your slick running down the bare palm of his hand.
Javi licked the sensitive skin of your nipple before shifting to your other breast. He sucked and played with the tip of his tongue on the nipple, just like he did when he played with your clit, like a starved man.
"Javi..." you whimpered.
Once he was satisfied with how wet you were, he guided his cock to your entrance as you instinctively lowered your hips. Both of you moaned as he made his way inside you, stretching your walls. The sensation was painfully familiar for both of you, the feeling of being connected in an intimate, raw way. It was as if you were born for each other, like you belonged together beyond the physical realm.
He didn't waste any time, going straight to help you move over him. Once you understood the assignment, your hips started working almost on their own. "That's it, bonita, give it to me."
You could feel him very deep inside you, his tip brushing against the entrance of your cervix, his balls thrusting against you every time you went down. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to kiss him, engaging in a battle of tongues and a tangle of legs.
"Your cock feels amazing, mi amor, la extrañé mucho," you whispered in his ear before you bite his earlobe.
"That's why you wanted to suck my cock?" he asked, his fingers gripping tighter on your hips, urging you to move faster. "My fuckin' dirty girl, so right for me..."
"Wanna see how dirty I can get?" placing your hands on his chest, you pushed him back so he could lie down again.
He was pleased with the view. The curves of your body, every roll, every pore, every freckle, every stretch mark. You were so sexy and gorgeous.
He tried to reach for your body, but you took his wrists and placed them over his head. You started moving your hips: up and down, front and back. At first, it was slow, savoring every inch of his cock slipping inside you. Then, you moved faster, riding him as whimpers escaped from your mouth, joining the skin-to-skin sound of your bodies thrusting together. Your hands went to his chest for more balance as you rode him.
"That's it, baby. Don't stop...fuck..." he grunted, his hands on your ass to help you keep going.
You slowed down when your legs began to ache, leaning down to capture his lips. His broad, warm hands caressed your hair, trailing down to your shoulders and back until they reached your waist. With a swift, smooth movement, Javi turned you around. Before you could process it, your body was beneath his, and he penetrated you again. This time, the soft moan you made when you felt him inside was silenced by his mouth.
"I love you, bonita," he promised, moving his pelvis against yours.
With your hands cupping his head, little whimpers escaping your lips, you echoed the sentiment. "I love you so much, Javi."
His thrusts grew harder and faster, his arms bearing his weight to avoid crushing you. His growls and whimpers were music to your ears. Your lips caressed the soft skin of his neck, your hands roamed everywhere along his broad back. He was lost in you, shivers crossing his entire being every time he reached that deep spot inside you, eliciting cries of his name from your lips.
"You like that, bonita? Hm?" he breathed out, his voice captivated by his own pleasure. "Fuck, I love your pussy."
Your orgasm was so close, he could tell by the way your walls clenched around his length, and the rivers of your nectar emanating from your cunt. You tried to warn him, but you could only mumble as your body shuddered beneath him. "I know, baby... Fuck, I'm gonna cum too."
You felt how he was doubtful about his next move. He wanted you to come, of course, but he was so dangerously close to his own release that he needed to be careful not to come inside you. But you were so horny and lost on the pleasure that you knew you want his load dripping out your pussy.
So you tangled your legs around his torso, forcing him inside you. "I'm gonna cum..." he warned.
"It's okay... I want you to fill me up..." you moan.
"Yeah? That's what you want, honey?" He cooed, his lips placing soft, wet kissed on your jawline.
You nodded, "Ye-yes! Fuck, Javiii!" that's the only thing you could say, as his movements were almost erratic, hungrily against you.
"I'm gonna fuck a baby into you... What about that?" he grunted, the mere thought of it made the both of you shiver with pleasure.
"Yes! Oh my... Yes! I-wa.... I'm wanna have your baby, Javi," you mumbled, so lost on the moment that you couldn't even think about the weight of the words you spoke.
"I'm gonna cum so deep on you that you're gonna smell like me for days, baby."
Those were the words that made you finally lost it. Your entire body seemed to implode for a moment before it exploded on a devastating orgasm. Throwing your head back against the mattress, your nails digging on the muscles of his arms and toes curling as your squirted on his cock. A silent scream of pleasure took the shape of Javi's name.
With one last final thrust, Javier followed you reaching his release between deep-voice whimpers and grunts of your name over and over again. You felt his warm load filling up, mixing with your slick, making you clenched even more, milking him so damn good.
As he felt himself softening, he pulled out and lay beside you as both of you tried to catch your breath again. Finally, Javi wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest, the warmth of his body comforting against your skin. You lay there together in silence, the only sounds filling the room were the rhythmic beating of your hearts and the soft exhales as you both recovered from the intensity of your lovemaking.
After a while, Javier felt your body shake a bit, and it wasn't long before he heard you sniffing. Were you crying? He tried to see your face, but you hid from him with your face against his chest. It was evident that you were crying. He felt a pang in his chest, concern washing over his face as he tried to make you look up at him.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice charged with worry and guilt. "Did I hurt you?"
"No, no," you rushed to say, wiping your tears with your fingers as his brushed your hair and placed it behind your ear. "You didn't do anything. I'm just so happy."
Javier's expression softened as he pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you protectively. "I'm here, mi amor," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'm not leaving you ever again."
You melted into his embrace, feeling safe and loved in his arms, the bliss of your orgasms still lingering on your bodies. After a moment of silence, he spoke again, his fingers gently tracing circles on your back. "I really meant it."
Struggling not to fall asleep, since you still had to return to your grandfather's house, you asked, "What?" Your voice was soft, barely audible above the hushed rhythm of your breathing.
"I want to have babies with you." His words hung in the air, tinged with both sincerity and excitement.
You flushed, a warmth spreading across your cheeks as you processed his declaration. Your heart started to beat faster, and you didn’t even think he was completely serious yet.
"Well, we have to get married first, then," you replied, a hint of playfulness in your tone.
"I know,” he added, determination on his tone, “I'm going to ask your grandfather for your hand tomorrow." His eyes meeting yours with unwavering resolve.
"Are you serious?" Your voice was tinged with surprise, a mixture of disbelief and anticipation.
Javier nodded, his gaze softening as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "Absolutely serious," he affirmed, his tone earnest. "¿Quieres casarte conmigo?”
Your heart fluttered at his words, a rush of emotions welling up inside you. New tears of joy fell down your cheeks as you nodded repeatedly. "¡Sí! Sí quiero, Javi. Quiero casarme contigo," you admitted, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Then it's settled," he declared, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead, pulling you closer to him again. "Tomorrow, I'll talk to your grandfather, and soon after, we'll start planning our wedding."
You nestled closer to him, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. You still couldn’t believe what was happening in that moment. Just that morning, your heart ached with his absence, and you couldn't imagine seeing him ever again. If someone had told you that same afternoon you would be in his arms again, making love with him, and practically engaged, you wouldn't have believed it. You would have thought it was a cruel joke. And yet, there he was with you, vowing to share a life together.
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shourin · 2 years
◇ tags ◇ yandere, word vomit, not proofread, head empty just zhongli™️
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thinking of —
yandere!zhongli who is basically him fighting his erosion, his mind slowly deteriorating as his consciousness shifts back and forth between his mortal identity and his younger, ruthless self.
he rarely dreams, if not ever, and yet now he's plagued with nightmares of all the souls he reaped in the past, moments of when his friends lost their lives, and the sight of you and your gruesome death - over and over and over again, in thousands of ways, each new vision worse than the last.
he wakes and internally panics when your arms aren't around him, when he can't feel your warmth or presence nearby. though in the end, he finds you pouring a glass of water for yourself in the kitchen, for once, your smile fails to ease his corroded heart.
he's a lot more silent, now, which is worrying. no longer does he talk about the beautiful sceneries of liyue - in his head, he sees the devastating scene of the battlefield of the archon war, of the blood staining his spear, and the bloodlust of the other gods.
he does not comment when you tell him about your day anymore - mind ringing, screaming, spiraling, alarm bells clamoring like a loud battle horn amidst the warzones when you remark about how someone was kind enough to give out flowers today on the street.
he fails to register the fact that they haven't just given it to you, but to everyone who passes by. all he heard was someone giving you a gift, you seem happy about it, and that won't do at all. someone is threatening his position, sniffing around his territory, eyeing his most treasured possession, and he does not appreciate it. the only way they'll manage to touch even just one strand of your hair is when liyue harbor has burnt down to ashes, when your soul has left your body, when he will surely follow right after to join you in celestia.
he doesn't seem happy when you confront him about how he has forgotten your birthday this year - he always had this bittersweet smile as he congratulated you whenever this occasion comes around... but for some reason, this year, the dark look that consumes his usually warm amber eyes strikes a chilling sensation in your chest.
he's silent as he steps forward steadily, eerily stoic with his eyes seemingly staring through you, despite your soft pleas and calls of his name. he corners you between his arms and the wall of what's supposed to be the safest place you could be - were those geo markings along his limbs always this dim? and was it your imagination or did it occasionally flicker to abyss black?
̷zhongli̷? looms over you, toweringly tall, suffocating, commanding, imposing—
"i have had enough of people leaving."
 — even bedrock can be turned to dust.
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© shourin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis
ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask or dm me!
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mothpawbs · 1 year
i've been working on lists of headcanons for how the different tribes approach accessorizing for quite a while, and I think my list is finally in a good place to post it! headcanons are sorted by tribe. These are free to use if you would like to implement them in art or writing! if you have any suggestions, inputs or questions, please comment, reblog, or send me an ask!
because of the mud they spend a lot of their time in, a lot of accessories aren't very feasible for them
like to use woven cords made of jute or other natural fibers. sib groups will often wear a cord around their neck with a coiled knot that has a ring representing each of their siblings.
higher classes wear jewelry made with gold and gems, and often inset gems into their scales so they're harder to lose in mud and water
textiles almost never used in accessories because of how hard they are to keep clean
love tattoos, like to get tattoos on their wings membranes and underbellies. clutches tend to get matching tattoos representing their group, and a first tattoo is considered a right of passage by mudwings
known for their opulent weavings and textiles, like to wear scarves, shawls, and capes for functionality as well as aesthetics. hoods, veils and masks are common to protect their faces from the sun and from flying sand
also wear a lot of gold, in the form of earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, septums, and tail rings
sandwings have very skilled glaziers, and often implement glass in their jewelry
occasionally wear gemstones, though not as common. onyx, topaz, sapphires, obsidian, and diamonds are popular
enjoy tattoos, often on the scales but especially on the wing membranes
dye their textiles and crests with natural materials, usually created from plants
motifs of desert animals, such as snakes, lizards, foxes, owls, and coyotes common in accessories
prefer more organic materials, such as pearls, coral, seashells, pebbles, bone, and even seaweed
use very little metal, but usually gold (as it doesn't corrode in water)
love piercings, but don't often wear necklaces (or anything that has to go around the neck) as they tend to constrict both the gills and the back frills, which can be very uncomfortable.
gems are less commonly used in jewelry and are often restricted to upper classes. sapphires, diamonds, and emeralds are favored.
try not to wear anything that may conceal their glowscales, as this can make speaking aquatic difficult
motifs of fish (& their scales), shells, ocean waves and currents, and aquatic mammals popular
LOOOVE treasure
wear lots of intricately wrought metal, usually gold but also silver and bronze. Skywings are famed for their metallurgy skills
during scarlet's reign/the war, accessories fashioned after armor (ex. scarlet's mail vest) became very popular
also very fond of gemstones, especially rubies, topaz, amber, and diamonds. the more, the better!
adopted gem insets in scales from the mudwings and consider them very attractive, in a "beauty is pain" kind of way, as it is a painful process to get them inset. as well as a symbol of wealth, it can also be considered a symbol of strength
sometimes wear capes or shawls, but prefer not to as they tend to restrict wing movement and can catch on fire if one is careless
prefer elegant, minimalist fashion
wear a lot of furs, including seal, polar bear, caribou, lynx, and fox.
often wear silver or black metal, as it compliments their scale colors.
gems are less common, but diamonds, amethyst, opal, crystal and sapphires are favored. glass imported from the sand or sky kingdom are also popular, but became less common during the war.
upper classes commonly display their circle status in the form of pendants, rings, earrings, or bracelets
don't really understand the appeal of jewelry, as they can make their scales whatever color they want and don't need jewels to add vibrancy to their appearance
like wearing flowers, carve wooden tokens and pendants that are made into earrings or hung from necklaces, and sometimes wear cords woven from plants.
ultimately pretty minimal accessorising, but then again they're pretty naturally flamboyant in appearance anyways.
textiles are beginning to gain popularity as younger nightwing generations explore the continent and return with fashions from all over
Nightwings (pre-darkstalker era)
nightwings had lots of skilled crafters who made fabric, crystal, and metal items, which were common in the tribe
metal items, such as earrings, chains, bracelets, rings, and armor, were often made of silver or platinum to complement dark scales
crystal, diamond, moonstone, amethyst, and opal commonly used to accent jewelry or textile pieces
motifs of moons and stars were very common, with the three moons being sacred to the tribe
textiles were often diaphanous material in cool tones, with scarves, shawls, capes, and veils very popular. fur was also commonplace, especially in lower classes, and are either from prey animals or animals specifically raised for that purpose. some of these include foxes, wolves, bears,
nightwings had skilled glaziers (learned from the sandwings), and glass was very common in jewelry and spectacles as well as in architecture
Nightwings (post-darkstalker/island era)
many materials became scarce, and lots of skills were lost to time and lack
jewelry was simple and uncommon, and rarely made from metal (which had to be imported from the mainland)
most jewelry is carved from aluminosilicates (especially kyanite) and obsidian
textiles are practically nonexistent, and very ineffectual, as they get singed and stained with ash.
used to wear lots of silk items, which they prized as an art form unique to their tribe
never really wore much in the form of metal or gems, basically had the same conclusion as rainwings that their scales were so naturally beautiful they didn't really need a lot of accessories
don't really have the option of owning much jewelry (if at all) under hivewing rule, the main exception being ornamental silkwings in the jewel hive
depends on the hive, but love jewelry and textiles.
wear gem-encrusted gold pieces and fine silk items woven by silkwings
jewel hive dragons are big show-offs when it comes to their outfits and accessories
multiple dragons seen to paint their claws, could also do this to their horns??
insect motifs common
almost never wear metal jewelry
often use organics for accessories, including carved wood, dried leaves, and woven cords
stones are sometimes used, with jade being prized for its color
amber very common as well
motifs of leaves, flowers, and fruits popular
non-useful accessories became uncommon post-tree wars, replaced by bags made from leaves and fibers (especially with the poisonwings)
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tgrailwar · 1 year
Tumblr Holy Grail War: Wave 7 - Day 3 (Masters from Beyond)
The Masters of Tumblr chose to summon a Foreigner-class!
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The Masters put out a call into the abyss… and the abyss SHRIEKED back. Happily. Gladly. The voices from beyond the void would gratefully lend any one of their treasured Servants for your endeavors. The abandoned church shuddered and quaked, the bounds of the Grail War's already fragile reality beginning to rip and tear apart.
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The 'Servant' set to protect the Grail, useless for all other things, stumbled forth as his perch began to corrode and twist.
"You geniuses decided to pick FOREIGNER? Listen, I can't speak for all Avengers, but at least they want to keep reality intact! I told Team Rider that Ruler was already waterlogged with data, and so you called up a virus? What exactly was the plan there? Remind me NEVER to ask you guys for computer help!"
Before the 'Nothing Servant' could complain further, a shape began manifesting. Not simply the Spirit Origin of a common Servant, but one that caused the fabric of reality and logic itself to crumble and twist.
It was shapeless, yet solid. Chaotic, yet aligned. Tendrils of smoke shot outward, draining away whatever it could from the dilapidated church, taking in magical energy as it hungered for an answer.
'Who will answer the call?'
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The 'Nothing Servant' drew a pair of reverse-fanged blades, clutching them tightly in his hands. His own mana signature- as pathetic as it was- began to flare up around him. A Servant worse than any other Servant, but greater than any human. Stuck in the middle of being 'something' and 'nothing'.
Of course, that made him a perfect match for a Servant that 'wasn't quite anything', at least for now.
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"...Her rule-- the ruling of 'Ruler'-- was that there were seven Servants, excluding herself. Two are out, so that means there's a gap left for this thing... and me!"
As confident as he was trying to sound, the pathetic Servant was already desperately trying to dodge out of the way of the incoming corrosion lest he succumb to it, trying to hide the clear panic in his voice.
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"Okay, we can't stop the summoning, but maybe we can mess with the connection a bit so that they don't crawl out of the summoning circle at full power. If at least half of you aren't total maniacs, I'll need you to lend me your mana in order to pull this off! Sorry, but I'm breaking my promise, Overseer! Guess I'll need to be somebody! Nice to meet you all! Just call me 'Avenger' for now!"
In order to survive, Avenger needs at least 50% of the total votes!
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aidaronan · 1 year
No one asked, but Steve/Jonathan established relationship. One day they're in the supermarket joking around about hall passes when Jonathan says like, "Okay if you think it's so funny that mine's Betty White, an actual national treasure, who's yours?" and Steve's just fucking around when he points to the cover of Rolling Stone and says "him." "Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin. You?" "That's what I said, isn't it?" It's all fun and games until Corroded Coffin's bus breaks down on their way to Indy and, oh, who's that walking into Steve's little bakery to ask to use the phone? Oh God, and now he's hitting on Steve. Cut to Steve hiding behind the counter on the phone with Jonathan like, "My hall pass is in my bakery and he's flirting with me. He called me 'big boy.' What do I do?" Jonathan doesn't believe him so of course he's like, "I think it's pretty obvious what you should do." "I'm serious. You have to come here. To the bakery." "I know where you work, Steve." Eddie's sitting quietly with his bandmates enjoying pastries and coffee, utterly bewitched by this small town baker who is the prettiest boy he's ever seen and oh, who is this coming in now with the adorable dimpled chin and hair that begs to have fingers run through it? What an interesting day Eddie's having.
At some point, the question "So, which one of us is gonna be the middle spoon here?" definitely gets posed. (Steve calls dibs so fast.)
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rockybloo · 2 years
I'm in love with Corroded Treasure, especially Loligo and Avis, can you tell us more about them? And how many people are gonna join their crew?
Gonna answer backwards since the first is def gonna be longer.
I honestly have no idea how many people will join Loligo and Avis' crew atm only because Corroded Treasure is lowkey a dumping ground for my old OCs that I still want to use. Which is why the whole world the story takes place in is based off toysets and such to make some sense in canon.
AS FOR LOLIGO AND AVIS-I have no idea how much anyone really reads lore wise but a quick run down is that Loligo is a god who achieved godly status by beating Davey Jones in a game. He enjoyed his powers until one day his crew pulled a mutiny and stole his eye, nerfing him and trapping him in a treasure box to be buried forever on an island unmarked by any map.
Avis is a avian sapient (winged race of people in Corroded Treasure) who is very much interested in pirates. She's honestly interested in the whole world but since she is an avian, they live high high HIGH above everyone else in the sky in lowkey isolation.
So she decides one day to bail and chase that pirate life after reading about the legend of a grand sea faring god.
And so Loligo became Avis's first treasure hunt. Something that should have ended with her empty handed as it was stated to be impossible for Loligo to ever be found but Avis is a master navigator and did the impossible.
And since she is such a good navigator, Loligo figured she would be perfect to find his eye and get his full powers back.
Initially he was just gonna use her an leave but over the course of his journey, he winds up growing attached because she is the only person who still sees him as some cool dude even though he's nerfed. So he winds up developing a crush.
He is very stubborn about this crush.
He would rather die than confess he is in love. He will, however, express affection but in such a way that he doesn't feel like a sap. He can't let the world know he's a simp.
Avis, on the other hand, is very obvious about her crushing. It is one of the first things anyone learns when they first meet the duo. She is Loligo's ride-or-die, even though he hates the concept of her being so willing to risk her life for him and scolds her every time. Ironically, she has no idea Loligo actually likes her. She just thinks he's being his flirtatious pirate self. Even when they get intimate together, she just thinks "Oh Cap'n is just being Cap'n~!" since he does flirt with others when parked at ports...but that's only so he can get people to do things for him. None of it is genuine unlike when he is with Avis.
So their dynamic is basically just Di$ney villain and his henchman but they both are crushing but henchman believes it's one sided when it's actual mutual.
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sparkling-ariaria · 10 months
Eddie Munson fics I read and want to keep...no°4
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*Complete fem or non-specific reader insert fics*Updated: 12.11.2023
Lose yourself a little by majestyeverlasting - gf!Reader Prompt: Tugging a flower onto the side of their head and, oh god, are they pretty.
Insecure blurb by bettysupremacy - gf!Reader Eddie feels insecure about the fact that Steve buys you a lot of things, because he can't afford to do the same for you.
Making paper rings for him by kaylawritesfics
Making flower crowns for him by kaylawritesfics
Pride and Plushies by kaylawritesfics There are two things Eddie treasures most in this world: his girlfriend and their crotchet dog.
Lovesick drabble by ddejavvu - gf!Reader He has talked Waynes ear off about you so much the man already starts saving for a wedding.
Hold me close by eddiebaghetti - gf!Reader Eddie letting you wear his accessories during very soft love making.
Late night stove light softness by myosotisa - gf!Reader
Him and a stuffed animal collecting girlfriend by eiightysixbaby
Watch and learn by magicchai - gf!Reader He holds his Hellfire Club meeting at your apartment.
Smitten by magicchai He returns to his trailer to find you playing his guitar.
Sweetheart by mellifluousart The only thing Eddie would be calling his sweetheart is his guitar that he doesn't let anyone near. Yet he teaches you how to play on it.
Who could be a more doting boyfriend? by bettysupremacy 10 times he showed just how down bad he was.
Hallways by springautumn Eddie was expecting the usual scorn from Hawkins High but he was not expecting his very own guardian angel.
Taking care of him drabble by luveline - gf!Reader He feels suddenly unwell after a long day with little to eat. You step in when he almost faints to take diligent care of him.
Laughter is the best medicine by thepastdied Eddie cheers you up after a panic attack.
Is it cool if I hold your hand? by luveline Eddie asks you out on your very first date, indulging you in huge philly cheesesteaks, a vanilla milkshake (with two straws), a largely neglected bucket of popcorn, and a sugary first kiss.
Separation anxiety by corroded-hellfire Clingy bf!Eddie blurb.
Kitten licks + Search for Ember by corroded-hellfire Eddie goes to feed the stray cats in the trailer park, but when he gets there, he finds a girl he’s never met before.
He brings you flowers by cinemabean - best friend!Reader Your best friend surprises you with flowers when you're feeling down.
Eddie's little somethings extra blurb by upsidedownmvnson - gf!Reader His reaction when he finds out that you keep all the things he's gifted you.
You hear a rumor that Eddie likes you blurb by familyvideostevie
He tries to distract you from homework blurb by familyvideostevie - gf!Reader
He catches you staring at him blurb by lilacletter
In the still of the night by carolmunson - gf!Reader Taking care of depressed Eddie.
Pretty girl and her hoodie guy by lokis-army-77 - gf!Reader It was supposed to be a sunny day until it wasn't, but that's okay because maybe love is right around the corner... or the bus stop.
Birthday gift by forever-rogue - gf!Reader It's your birthday and Eddie gifts you a mix tape of all your favorite songs. But it's not the original artist’s versions.
A helping hand by upsidedownwithsteve Just some friends pining over each other at a diner.
Pumpkin muffins by eds6ngel- gf!Reader To celebrate the new season, you and Eddie decide to tackle baking some pumpkin mufffins!
Birthday Gifts by jamdoughnutmagician - gf!Reader A cute drabble about how Eddie would spend your birthday with you.
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kp777 · 2 months
By Brett Wilkins
Common Dreams
April 17, 2024
Yanis Varoufakis hailed the effort as "a treasure chest of well-researched reports on how the reactionaries of the world unite."
"Coups. Assassinations. Riots. Detentions. Disinformation. We know the tactics that have been deployed to undermine our democracies. But who is behind them?"
Progressive International (PI) asks and answers this and other questions with an extensive new database published Wednesday that connects the dots in what the leftist group calls the "Reactionary International"—a loose global network of right-wing leaders and organizations working to subvert democratic institutions.
PI calls it an "illicit network undermining democracy around the world."
"Today is a mask-off moment for the Reactionary International and the parties, politicians, judges, journalists, foundations, think tanks, tech platforms, NGOs, activists, financiers, and entrepreneurs that comprise it," PI said.
"After a year of preparation, we finally open the doors to our new research consortium, exposing the global network of reactionary forces that corrode our democracies, destroy our planet, and drive us closer to world war," the group added.
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"The twin insurrections at the U.S. Capitol in 2021 and Brasília's Three Powers Plaza in 2023 left no doubt about the international coordination of reactionary forces," PI argued. "Yet far too little is known about the entities of this network, their sources of financing, and their institutional allies operating inside our political systems."
Ultimately, PI aims to "support democratic systems to become more resilient to their insidious tactics."
From leaders like Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and former U.S. President Donald Trump—the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee—to evangelical Christian groups influencing laws in African countries criminalizing LGBTQ+ people and tech companies empowering ubiquitous state surveillance, Reactionary International is a who's-who of the world's right-wing forces.
A cursory search of the database's contents shows users can:
Learn about Israel's NSO, Rayzone, and Team Jorge, and how a team of Tel Aviv tech entrepreneurs fuel unrest in Latin America;
Meet the Grey Wolves, Turkey's roving death squad with links to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the ethno-nationalists in his governing coalition; and
Explore the global network of the Falun Gong, its Trump-connected media outlet The Epoch Times, and its traveling dance troupe known as Shen Yun.
Yanis Varoufakis, a PI member and secretary-general of the left-wing Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, called the database "a treasure chest of well-researched reports on how the reactionaries of the world unite."
PI invites the public to contribute to the database.
"Together, we will not only name, shame, and expose the forces of the far right—but also dismantle their network of complicity," the group said.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
The prequel but technically after this
Steve might be sexually attracted to an instrument. He was taking baby steps with this realization. Because he was definitely attracted to the man playing the instrument. Whether Eddie was strumming during a hangout or up on stage shredding that thing, Steve felt like it was calling out to him. Like it was making him fall for Eddie even harder.
He thought it was impossible to be even more into his boyfriend than he already was, but it was like the guitar put a spell on him.
It was band practice time for Corroded Coffin and as always, Steve’s gaze was stuck on Eddie. He sat on the couch in Gareth’s garage and it didn’t always give him the best view, but it was comfy and nice to be this close to the band. Even when Steve tried to give a token glance to the other members, he always went back to Eddie.
Steve liked to put on music during sex sometimes, but the songs themselves never really turned them on until Eddie introduced him to some metal bands. Maybe it wasn’t the genre itself, but the man with the electric stare and fast fingers himself. Either way, coming to practice was a surefire way to get him in the mood.
He just knew that the moment practice was over, he was gonna get Eddie in his car, drive back to his place, and get his hands all over him. Steve bit his lip as his eyes dragged down, glued to the way Eddie’s crotch looked in those jeans, his guitar resting just above it. The song came to an explosive end and Eddie announced a break. The rest of their band made their way into the house to grab a drink or head to the bathroom. Eddie plopped down on the couch next to Steve. His guitar had been removed and set down on the floor, propped up against the arm of the chair.
“You like the show?”, he asked.
“You know I do. I always do.”
Eddie had an arm around the back the couch and Steve leaned into him. 
“You’re givin’ me dangerous eyes Steve.”
Steve snorted. “My eyes? Dangerous?”
“Cause I can tell exactly what you’re thinking.” Eddie’s voice got low as he leaned in and kissed him. Steve didn’t realize how keyed up he was until their lips touched and he had to bite back a moan.
“If you can tell what I’m thinking-”, Steve’s words were cut off by another kiss, “then why are you kissing me?’ Another kiss.
The arm on the couch came around Steve. “Why am I kissing you? Why do we breathe?”
Steve sighed against his lips. Somehow Eddie always had lines like that and they never failed to make him feel like a precious thing, something that was treasured. He grabbed Eddie’s face and deepened the kiss, pushing him back into the couch.
“Baby, what’s got you all riled up?”
“You Eddie.” And that might’ve come out like a whine as he put himself in Eddie’s lap but he couldn’t tell over his own breathing.
Eddie’s hands came to his hips and then slid down into his back pockets. Steve liked when he put his hands there. They fit just right.
“Think you can wait til we get home?”, Eddie asked while pressing little kisses to his jaws.
Unable to help himself, Steve rocked his hips once. “No”, he said honestly.
“Shit”, Eddie whispered. “Fuck it. We can get one off quick.”
Steve couldn’t help the soft moan that left him as Eddie changed their position, going from sitting to laying on the couch. The competition was fierce, but of the things that turned Steve on, how much Eddie wanted him was in one of the top spots. Eddie started kissing him like Steve truly was the air and breathed and Steve responded by rolling his hips into Eddie’s. 
Steve suddenly remembered a night where Eddie definitely popped a boner while performing and Steve gave him a handjob right after in the bathroom. The memory had him reaching down to touch Eddie through his pants. Once he felt it, Eddie wasted no time in opening up both of their pants and gripping their hard ons together. It was dry but the friction and the urgency had Steve leaking already. That both he and Eddie were so turned on that they couldn’t wait.
His hands went up into his boyfriend’s hair and he grinded into his hand while they were stroked together. Eddie said quick and Steve wanted to finish before the band returned of course but it was so hot and burning and he never wanted it to end and-
“Okay, finish sucking face so we ca-WHAT THE FUCK!?”
There was a split second, just a moment, where Steve looked over and met Gareth’s gaze. He’d need to unpack it later but that was the exact moment he came. The door had already slammed while Steve was still mid-orgasm but the idea of eyes on him....
He turned back to Eddie when he heard him laugh. “We’re in trouble.”
Steve bit his lip. The fire had been abated for now but there was still a dull buzz of electricity at the base of his spine. He and Eddie would be busy again later.
“It was worth it”, he sighed.
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undyingmedium · 24 hours
What an ugly sensation. Why was she so nervous despite the drug? Even after the second dose, her mind could not seem to subside, and negative thoughts raced one after the other. Anika and Ilori had been sent to follow the captain of the guards, but never had any further instruction about how the Red Watch would have acted. Where was Syndicate House? Did they take care of the Seraphim's ability to relocate? Did they just send them off to somewhere as a diversion, so that they could act undisturbed and make anything of Kairon once he was found? She couldn't stand the idea.
Dragging the cleric with her while she kept attempting to calm the medium down - to no avail - they went to find the leader of the guards, and behind a veil of illusion, they also met Evalith working on an even more complex sigil. The wait was corroding Anika from the inside; but, after an hour, it was finally done. The city was encapsuled under an invisible red dome, and a small division of the Red Watch appeared, led by familiar faces.
Huntmaster Amelia, priestess Carmille and Evalith opened the way. Amelia might have been able to single-handedly wipe the entire of the Sessorov's refuge alone, but Anika's fury was uncontrollable. Some of her blasts slipped through her fingers, and she was about to kill one of the brothers when she finally got a grip on herself. She asked about the hostage instead.
"Hah! I do hope you meet him!" The laughing mockery from Sergei, however, just earned him a death stare and one eye stolen. The same fate fell upon Alexander, who was caught and maimed in an even worse way by the Red Watch agents. The Huntmaster was extremely indulgent with her old acquaintance, and Anika couldn't be happier to exploit that.
And then, finally, the group was reunited.
A very drugged and confused Kairon was barely being kept alive in the farthest room of the house, but... he was out of danger. Much better than the warlock feared, too. A heavy huff and a breath of smoke later, when Ilori hugged him, she joined in too just for a few seconds before moving away to see what good treasures those criminals had in store for her, anywhere else but in that room.
The time ahead was certainly booked full: the Sessorov brothers would have been mind read soon after, and then would get publicly executed - apparently by Kairon himself, for his joy; Amelia needed a corpse of an enemy to talk, for which she asked for Anika's help, since the friendly Death Shepherd that Evalith had found moved before Nithmé could be locked; the bard called for a celebration night after a good restorative nap, during which Anika would have loved to get her second tattoo completed since she spent all of her money on it. But it was no time to care for it all at the moment.
Somehow, they all made it. The Seraphim nightmare was, hopefully, over.
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chicagognosis · 10 months
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Gnostic Commentary on a Buddhist Text:
On a certain day when the Buddha dwelt at Jetavana, a celestial deva (angel, master) came to him in the shape of a Brahman (priest), whose countenance was bright and whose (inner) garments (solar bodies) were white as snow (due to his perfect chastity).
The deva asked the Buddha, "What is the sharpest sword? What is the deadliest poison? What is the fiercest fire? What is the darkest night?"
The Buddha replied, "A word spoken in wrath is the sharpest sword (because it cuts both speaker and hearer); covetousness is the deadliest poison (because poison kills the entire body, not just the mouth that ingests it); hatred is the fiercest fire (the agony of hatred burns without rest); ignorance is the darkest night (lack of gnosis is the deepest suffering)."
The deva asked, "What is the greatest gain? What is the greatest loss? What armor is invulnerable? What is the best weapon?"
The Buddha replied, "The greatest gain is to give to others (this is the law of the Christ); the greatest loss is to receive (Kabbalah) without gratitude (those who receive wisdom and horde it, or who corrupt it, suffer the greatest loss, because the Christ will never incarnate in them). Patience is an invulnerable armor (patience is the secret key to initiation, and with it, one can never be harmed by any ordeal); wisdom (Chokmah, Christ) is the best weapon."
The deva asked, "Who is the most dangerous thief? What is the most precious treasure?"
The Buddha replied, "Unwholesome thought is the most dangerous thief (the mind is our worst enemy); virtue (vir- comes from virility: sexual potency) is the most precious treasure."
The deva asked, "What is attractive? What is unpleasant? What is the most horrible pain? What is the greatest enjoyment?"
The Buddha replied, "Wholesomeness (that which is in accordance with the Law; that is, it is whole in Christ) is attractive; unwholesomeness (that which is contrary to the Law) is unpleasant. A bad conscience is the most tormenting pain (that is, a consciousness trapped in evil deeds); awakening the height of bliss (ecstasy, samadhi, the clear perception of the awakened bodhicitta)."
The deva asked, "What causes ruin in the world? What breaks off friendships? What is the most violent fever? Who is the best physician?"
The Buddha replied, "Ignorance (lack of gnosis / da'ath) causes ruin in the world; envy and selfishness break off friendships; hatred is the most violent fever; the (inner) Buddha is the best physician." (These are the three poisons which are the axle of the wheel of suffering.)
The deva then continued, "Now I have only one doubt to be cleared away: What is it fire cannot burn, nor moisture corrode, nor wind crush down, but is able to benefit the whole world?"
The Buddha replied, "Blessing! Neither fire, nor moisture, nor wind can destroy the blessing of a good deed (right action); and blessings benefit the whole world." (Therefore, learn how to embody right action: the will of the Inner Buddha as performed by his human soul: Tiphereth.)
Hearing these answers, the deva was filled with joy. Bowing down in respect, he dissapeared suddenly from the presence of the Buddha. —The Sharpest Sword
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