#at least they got some more Spirit Squad points
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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Well, Alice was mostly wandering around outside, dealing with the full moon and her rapidly-building Fury. While Smiler worked on their Inner Peace with some yoga, and Victor worked on his by trying out the flower arranging bench for the first time, Alice worked on hers by indulging in some howling, some more scavenging, and a milk, honey, and oatmeal soak. Hey, given she was guaranteed to rampage that night, I felt she deserved it.
Before rampages, though, we had an important event to attend -- the Spirit Squad bar night! Because I was in a race to see if I could max out Smiler’s Spirit Squad rank before they graduated, and hanging out with their fellow Squad members seemed like a great day to do that! Smiler started things off by giving everyone nearby a boost of happiness and doing a few cheers. . .
And then the “Erratic” trait kicked in, and they started showering in the rain before trying to lead another Foxbury cheer while still naked. As you can see, their fellow patrons kind of objected to that. XD The animation never completed, though, so I was able to get Smiler back in clothes to continue the night. They had a pretty nice time, overall -- goofing around with their friends, Detecting Personalities on people they didn’t know very well, and taunting rival students before instantly making friends with them because they’re just so lovable when they introduce themselves. :P Didn’t get as much progress on the organization’s membership bar as I hoped, but completing the “Taunt Rival Student” task and a few cheers did move it in the right direction. At least there’s still a chance of maxing it out while Smiler’s still a student!
But the bar night didn’t last forever, and soon Smiler had to go home and face the full moon. . .
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atarathegreat · 10 months
ZombieLand Tokyo Revengers
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ft: Takemichi Hanagaki, Ken Ryuguji, Izana Kurokawa, Manjiro Sano
Because when the end of the world takes your lover from you, what else can you do but search for her endlessly?
"I just need help!" Takemichi yelled at the men on top of the makeshift gates. Cars, trucks, even porches were used to create the effective barrier. "Look!" He held up a photo, "I just need help finding this woman!"
The men laughed at him and told him they weren't some search and rescue team. Of course they'd say that, Takemichi thought, why should they risk their lives to help solve my problem? He'd never been in lower spirits and it made him want to curl up and die. His wife, his beautiful wife, was gone. Taken and never returned by the stupid circumstances they found themselves in. The end of the world seems so impossible until you're staring down the maw of another human who's brainless and wants to eat yours.
Months passed, the cold weather setting in and making his hope of finding you shrivel up. Japan was huge, but maybe word could still get around, maybe you'd still come back to him. Or at the very least he could find your corpse wandering around searching for an arm to gnaw on. Hell, maybe he'd even let you take him out. That didn't sound like such a bad way to go. Lost in his thoughts, Takemichi didn't notice the group of survivors circling him in the department store. Or maybe he had? He couldn't tell anymore, all he wanted was his wife.
"Hey." He jolted at the sudden hand on his chest, "Our boss wants you."
Takemichi scoffed out a laugh, walking around they guy while saying something about minding his own business and not pissing anyone off. "Seriously?" Another person came from the shadows, gun to his face, "You're coming with us."
"I've had more guns pointed at me than I care for." Takemichi slumped and let his body hit the floor, "If your boss wants me that badly, drag me."
He hadn't expected them to, but they grabbed his arms and legs and carried him through the infested city. For once, Hanagaki was able to rest and sleep. He dreamed of finally finding her and holding her, crying into her lap as he always had before when it got to be too much. He missed her gentle hold and the way she just knew how to comfort him. As the two struggled to carry him up the stairs into another building, he heard snickering.
"Michi, get up! Stop making them carry you!" There she was, sitting amongst a bigger group of people and children. He didn't care who he fell over, screaming apologies as he crashed into her. She laughed as he stumbled, holding him close as he wrapped around her like a child, crying into her oversized coat. "A winter coat, anyone." She called, her hands rubbing at him to heat up his body, "It's getting colder, Michi. Haven't you tried to keep warm?"
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Group after group, camp after camp, and yet Kenny couldn't find her anywhere. He kept his search to himself, he didn't need people feeling bad for him if it turned up that she was dead. Mitsuya knew, of course, because Kenny couldn't just let his brother deal with this shit alone, especially when his sisters were with him.
"She's around somewhere." Kenny sighed, downing a beer they'd managed to scavenge. He hadn't wanted to search the liquor store, but they were running out of options anymore. "If she's alive, she's searching for us, right?" He looked to his friend for assurance. Kenny needed for her to be looking for him, too. He needed to know that she was trying to get back to him. Mitsuya patted him on the back, but said nothing. Last time he tried to comfort his friend it ended in them fist fighting and attracting the attention of a local camp. A camp that, from what they heard, was ruthless and wouldn't hesitate to use them as walker bait.
Kenny looked around the small, four person squad he was leading around. Two women and Mitsuya, all depending on him and he was more worried about finding someone that might be dead. He sighed again, his chest feeling tighter as he cracked open another lukewarm beer.
Luna and Mana hit the ground as Mitsuya and Kenny stood to aim their own weapons at the intruders. A feeling of pride filled Kenny as he realized the cohesion of his miniscule legion. "Who's there?" Mitsuya called, his eyes trained on the shadows.
"Guns down!" Another yell came from behind them, "I said weapons down! I won't have any qualms shooting any of you!"
Kenny's wife stepped from the shadows and around them all with a gun trained ahead, a gun that was definitely too big for her, "Down, damn it! Lower them!"
"Down!" She screamed and the sound of many, many weapons hitting the ground followed before she turned to them again, "I found you."
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Izana was an unbothered man on the surface, but Kakucho knew his friend was slowly losing it. He was more reckless, less attentive, and overall a danger to the survival of their group as a whole. More than once had the Haitani brothers debated Izana's ability to lead them safely. It wasn't something Kakucho was proud of, but he was also second guessing it. How were they to survive in this hell if the one leading them didn't seem to care anymore?
He didn't know, but he wouldn't stop following.
"She's been here, Kakucho." Izana smiled, his sharp canines showing dangerously in the dim fire light, "I know it sounds stupid, but she's been here. Don't you see how everything is wiped clean? Nothing of use left? She's resourceful."
"Or it's a busy area and other survivors have stripped this bitch clean." Shion scoffed, "Are you really staking our survival on the idea of finding a woman when she's probably dead?"
Kakucho should've broken up the fight, he should've helped Izana and kept him from injuring Shion. Should've, could've, would've. "Izana," He started, "maybe we should focus on ourselves for a while?"
That was almost two weeks ago. None of them had seen Izana since. Until there was a commotion too close to their current shelter and they all hurried to help Izana. Forty against one wasn't fair and they weren't gong to let their friend get killed. Izana was holding his own well enough, but not good enough to beat off the whole town that was surrounding him. And Kakucho was great at using his gun as a club.
"Easy, Kaku!" That voice, could it be. It was! She was blocking his hit, glaring at him as if he had started this fight, "Help me calm Iza down!"
"Just go to him and he'll be fine!" Kakucho yelled, pointing to where Izana was laughing like a mad man and gaining the attention of walkers, "Do it fast or we're all puppy chow!"
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How could he have lost her? How had she managed to get so far away from him that he couldn't even whistle and her whistle back? It was getting to Manjiro that he didn't have her at his side while he walked. He stayed holed up in his brothers old shop, waiting for her to come back. That was the deal if they ever got separated, they would meet back at S.S. Motors. It wasn't hard, not by a long shot, but it had been forever and she still wasn't back.
He'd never thought he could miss the nagging and the way she clung to him, but he did. Manjiro would give anything for her to be running up to him after a decent race, her hug suffocating him in his racing jumper even if he was far too sweaty underneath. God, he'd let her smother him to death if only she was right there with him.
"Don't you dare!" Manjiro remembered yelling at her as she went to open a door, "There's a bell on the door, you'll wake anything up that's in there!"
He'd take all that aggravation and fear if only it meant she was with him. Manjiro missed her so damn much. Every little sound was her coming back to him, so he stopped responding to them. He didn't move when his mind created the sound of the door opening, but he jerked around when a body pressed up against his.
"S'just me, Manji." Her voice was tired, hoarse, "Rest, yeah? We'll eat in the morning."
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thisisnotthenerd · 2 months
active stat tracking for never stop blowing up: episode 7
systems of die types in spreadsheets, oh my
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another incredible episode folks. we saw all of their new group abilities come into play, had some fantastic character progression, and some truly absurd scenes. quick note: ally said they only had 2d20, but by my count they have 3, so there may be some discrepancies. as always i am one person, watching and trying to catch as many rolls as i can.
everyone is up to a d20, so the final ability, dark night of the soul, will be unlocked. can't wait to see what that is. on that note, we saw some crazy progression this episode, notably, jennifer drips going from a d4 in stunts to a d20 in a single progression, and benefiting from the double explosion twice to end up with 24 tokens. absolutely crazy.
at this point average progressions are out the window, given that they're working their way up so quickly. everyone still has at least 1d4. jennifer, g13, and greg all have multiple d20s. we're at the 70% mark and things are looking crazy, people. everyone progressed at least one skill, with vic only getting 1 (d12 in hot), and jennifer getting 4 (d20 in stunts, d20 in brawl, d12 in tough, d20 in wits)
we saw two impossible dc skill checks: dang farting people into unconsciousness, and liv crushing usha back into g13's body. insane asks turning into insane moments. this season is a distillation of ostentatia's divine intervention, markus' fog of war, kristen's ribbon dancing, daisy shitting out a window, conrad's appeal to spirit, and jacob wysocki, all chucked into a centrifuge and then distributed into every single moment.
we've now gotten our final interface, with jennifer and russell, and russell finally understanding feminine rage.
no big mechanical changes, save mentions of the wildcard strength, which rekha is allowed to use once in the season. i don't know what it will do, and i'm afraid to ask.
also, we got confirmation that the system combines kids on bikes and murph's increasing dice game, with tokens to make it a little more reliable.
paula donvalson / jack manhattan
abilities: duelist, relentless, studied (brawl), quick healing, protector
stunts: d8
brawl: d4
tough: d10
tech: d4
weapons: d20
drive: d8
sneak: d6
wits: d10
hot: d8
liv skyler / kingskin
abilities: wealthy, trouble maker, demolitions, quick healing
stunts: d6
brawl: d20
tough: d12
tech: d10
weapons: d8
drive: d10
sneak: d4
wits: d10
hot: d10
andy 'dang' litefoot / greg stocks
abilities: trained (brawl), mastery (weapons), smokin', quick healing
stunts: d12
brawl: d0
tough: d20
tech: d8
weapons: d6
drive: d12
sneak: d4
wits: d8
hot: d20
wendell morris / vic ethanol
abilities: transporter, protector, trouble maker, quick healing, resilient
stunts: d10
brawl: d12
tough: d12
tech: d6
weapons: d6
drive: d20
sneak: d4
wits: d6
hot: d12
russell feeld / jennifer drips
abilities: trained (hot), neck snapper, quick healing, inspiring
stunts: d20
brawl: d20
tough: d12
tech: d4
weapons: d6
drive: d4
sneak: d12
wits: d20
hot: d8
usha rao / g13
abilities: wildcard, hacker, stealth, quick healing
stunts: d20
brawl: d4
tough: d10
tech: d20
weapons: d4
drive: d20
sneak: d6
wits: d20
hot: d6
group abilities:
la familia (stepping in for a tough roll, lending tokens at a 1:1, sharing skill dice for optimization)
diesel circus (doubling number of tokens on a double explosion, roll 2x on first roll after injury, successful drive check allows a second skill check on top)
alpha squad (gaining 2 tokens when the group suits up, reduce explosion range by 1, two characters roll and add the result)
the ones (reroll a nat one with a different skill, take a nat one as a max roll and blow up, accept a nat one and get 1/2 the tokens of the die value)
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kozmicmizuu · 4 months
guys please PLEASE here me out on this kny au idea
ok yall watched Puss in Boots the last wish?? and have seen the 2019 kny halloween costumes???
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guys…. them as puss and death…
idk how this cooked in my head but i can’t get it out after rewatching the movie
so obviously the others would be in this- i’ll get there don’t worry let me cook
tengen would obviously be a bit of a cocky bastard because he’s never been caught or killed, being the successful pirate he is, he considers himself almost untouchable. but he’s avoided death too many times— he was supposed to be dead ages ago. and then giyuu comes in.
giyuu was of course pissed off and agitated that some albino lil pirate bitch kept avoiding his clutches, so he decided to take him himself
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then this scene is probably gonna be the first scene of this au, just them meeting in a bar
and the sizes would, of course, be swapped. tengens a big guy who is currently sitting next to the embodiment of death and the purge of the sea and doesn’t suspect a thing— because no way he’s taller than death! he’s not looking up at death, he’s looking down
just like he has been for his whole life
giyuu didn’t say anything (typical) and simply drank with him until tengen got a bit suspicious and felt uneasy about him. giyuu then pulled the same thing death did and told tengen “i’m a big fan- could you sign this for me?”
then pulls out the “wanted- dead or alive” thing and points to dead. then the whole fight scene happens, but it’s a bit different. tengen did land a hit on giyuu, successfully cutting giyuu in half at the stomach. but nothing happened. giyuu just simply put himself back together and acted like nothing happened, he simply said “you do live up to the legends.”
of course, tengen was confused and a bit worried now, giyuu didn’t care, he had an objective and he would complete it
the famous scene of puss actually getting touched by a blade would be blue, a bright yet dark blue— like the seas tengen rules, he just didn’t know that they’d be ruled by someone else (giyuu). also another overall headcanon for giyuu is that he’s a scary guy when he really wants to be
as for the others, i do have some ideas for them
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these two are giyuu’s angel and devil on his shoulders, throughout the au, these two are helping giyuu with his decisions and even with fights! they’re like giyuu’s lil summons
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i had to add genya my beloved
but yes, giyuu’s lil hell hound babygi— i mean super tough and cool is sanemi ft. two other lil hounds. genya just came along because sanemi made him(he couldn’t find a babysitter). but genya is very determined to impress his big brother.
instead of death being alone i just thought it’d be cool to have a little team for death hehe
also just found out i have a limit of ten images so ima just let yall find the 2019 halloween pics for kny (can be found of pinterest and google!) sigh 😔
but yeah, the rest of the hashira are helping tengen! most of em at least. himejina, kyojuro and muichiro are spirits that are simply wondering around, kinda sorta avoiding being put in the underworld (giyuu is going insane because of that)
and shinobu is a witch! she’s a very talented (and scary) one at that, she’s more than willing to help(may or may not have questions for death about a certain sister of hers)
mitsuri and obanai come together DO NOT SEPARATE! mitsuri is a kitsune while obanai has a big old snake buddy (with kaburamaru) (long ass name for a snake) also obanai did NOT want to go.
the kamaboko squad id also here!! but they’re the comedic breaks for this au, god bless their souls for that
and yes, giyuu shall speak spanish in this too, cause why not
wowzers this is long (that’s what she said)
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acediaedeus · 4 months
a little afterthought from the last post about Ichigo, which I didn’t want to leave as a tag, cause it felt kinda unrelated, but yeah: the amount of existential and identity crises this boy had to go through is astounding.
he sees ghosts;
he killed his mother;
finding out he’s a shinigami;
finding out he’s a hollow;
finding out his father is a fucking liar (that one was a banger, straight up A+ parenting, give it up for Isshin);
finding out his whole life was planned and orchestrated by Aizen (I know Eren would go mad if someone pulled this shit on him);
finding out the spirit he thought was his sword wasn’t his sword all this time and actually is kind of the god he’s supposed to go defeat (casually, yk, like we all do on a nice Tuesday morning), and his actual sword is the Hollow he thought he needed to fight. but oh no, wait a moment, BOTH of them are his swords:
and oh yeah, he’s a quincy;
also don’t forget his mum dying wasn’t his fault, but wait no, it kinda was??
and of course that time he lost his powers aka the only thing allowing him to fulfil what he sees as his purpose in this life;
and then that one time a random dude pulled up and started gaslighting everyone around him, to the point that Ichigo started thinking HE was the one going mad (all that while still being powerless, so his sanity was already nonexistent);
and yeah, don’t forget the training with squad 0 when he got kicked out no sword, no nothing! (and was so ashamed and afraid of his father’s reaction he couldn’t go home, so he went to his boss???)
I could probably add some other stuff, but it’s not really canon, so let’s settle on these 11 points. obviously not in chronological order, bc I have memory issues and haven’t re-read the manga in a while, so don’t hold that against me, pls.
also, if this seems a little bit erratic, manic and unhinged… it’s bc it probably is, tbh. so I’m putting down tumblr before I write more bs.
aand last, but not least, I must thank @kingofanemptyworld , you are truly a darling and I couldn’t agree with you more, you never fail to validate my delusions!
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bozawarriorsposting · 5 months
The Damned Four Warriors AU
You know all those cats that everyone in the fandom always asks how they got into Starclan, what if Starclan themselves started asking that same question?
This AU follows four cat's that were let into Starclan originally now being put into 'probation' after they don't improve as people in the slightest. Four spirits get sent back to the mortal realm and do Starclan's (Clear Sky's) will or get booted to the Dark Forest. I am not entirely sure what that 'Will' is mind you, but things from fighting back Dark Forest spirits (which are a bit more "dark nightmare creatures" in this AU) and orchestrating some of Starclan's less ethical mortal meddling. Essentially, every time Starclan begins to screw cats over and random events happen that allow for prophecies to succeed, these four are the ones sent to do it. Suicide Squad but with Ghost Cats if you will.
Now, you might say that throwing a bunch of already angered and restless spirits who all died violently into situations which will only further anger and hurt them isn’t a good way to make them better, and you would be right.
The line up:
Mudclaw: His coup attempt enraged Starclan and there was a lot of debate, but his life of being basically a model Warrior: traditionalist, brave, ready to fight, and reverence for Starclan got him enough good boy points for them to let him in. Also his 'lawyers' (spirits on his side) basically just blamed Hawkfrost for everything. However, he was not content with this, and as Mudclaw increasingly began to stew in rage and bitterness over his smiting and Starclan's intervention in Windclan, they started getting nervous. Starclan spirit's do have some power over the real world, not a lot, but enough to where one rogue Starclan spirit could cause a lot of problems. So they kicked Mudclaw into this group to keep him under control and generally just give him something to do.
Ashfur: Was let in for generally the same reasons as Mudclaw, but slightly less so. He wasn't that exceptional of a warrior, but Starclan was currently still panicking over the existence of The Three. Ashfur was convincing enough and the Higher spirits didn’t really want to deal with anything regarding any of the three for now (also they don’t particularly like Squirrelflight) so they generally just gave him the benefit of the doubt. As his obsession continued in Starclan however, the powers that be basically saw the plot of TBC coming. Ashfur is here so they can keep an eye on him and keep him away from anything important.
Needletail: Out of the four, she is the one that Starclan came closest to just chucking into the dark forest. The whole “Kin” incident angered them greatly, as Clancats betrayed their own at the whims of rogues. Her heroic sacrifice won them over enough to let her in, but Needletails general aversion to authority and caustic side remained. Basically, when they got this idea, she was already on the short list of cats they wanted gone.
Appledusk: After Mapleshade went on a rampage (which was partially their fault) they wanted someone to blame alongside Mapleshade, so they settled on Frecklewish. However, as Maple then became a major river demon that drowned apprentices and inflicted generational curses, fingers started pointing again. With everyone else involved being either a leader or a medicine cat (both of which would implicitly lay blame on Starclan) Appledusk was the next one up to get thrown under a bus.
The four are thus no longer Starclan cats, they have been cut off from the stars and their connections to the ancestral plain (I will go more into that later). They can freely roam the earth and each have certain powers that let them influence the mortal world. Also, due to them not being associated with Starclan, at least officially, they can be made easy scapegoats if things go wrong and either the mortals or other Starclan cats start having questions.
This is all overseen by Clear Sky, (if this is a suicide squad anaology, he is the “Amanda Waller”) who was ‘chosen’ (decided) to guide them and punish them if necessary. He is essentially a lesser god and the one that gives them their orders. The question of what is Starclan’s will and what is HIS will is one that tends to pop up.
Overview of all the characters, subject to change based on how I think they would act and also on any new ideas
Feel free to ask questions and also suggestions, this is very barebones so I would be happy to develop it. The cast is not set in stone, or the lore, or the story, or much of anything.
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twstmagica · 5 months
Fetch Quest part 1
From the way Crowley had hyped it up, Yuu had expected acquiring a new magic gem to be an epic quest. She envisioned delving deep into the earth, scaling treacherous caverns, and narrowly dodging ferocious beasts. What they got instead was a relatively peaceful stroll.
Yuu says relatively because her company was totally dragging down the vibes.
“Myah! Are you crazy! It’s pitch black in there!” 
Fire Catcoon, don't you have literal flames coming out your ears?
“I can't believe I’m stuck with a literal scaredy cat! This is pathetic.” 
Stop egging him on Ace. That attitude is literally how you got here in the first place. 
“You – !”
“Shut up! Both of you!” Fed up, Yuu seized them by an ear each.
“What the fuc – !”
The brats struggle but there's no escape. “We’re here because the two of you couldn't handle one day without starting a fight that destroyed seven hallways!” Also Deuce’s shit aim but he wasn't being a problem right now.
 The duo tries to protest but Yuu digs her nails into their ears.
Deuce watches in discomfort but doesn't actually try to stop her. Good.
“From now until we get back, I’m in charge, and I won't tolerate any more arguing. Are. We. Clear.” Yuu practically hisses the last part.
“Like I'm gonna –” Yuu pinches harder and twists. “Okay!”
Satisfied that order had been restored, Yuu surveyed the trio. Grim was still nursing his sore ear, Ace had retreated a few steps, shooting daggers with his glare, and Deuce was standing ramrod straight.
“So what's the plan then O’ mighty leader.” 
Ace's sarcasm was thick, but Yuu ignored it. She had a job to do.
If she was being honest, Yuu didn't actually have much experience with leadership. Still, she could improvise. Channeling her experience teaming up against fiends, Yuu tries to imitate some of the squad leaders she's worked with. 
“We go in staggered column formation. Myself at point, Grim and Ace take left and right respectively, and Deuce at the rear.” Yuu glares at them, daring anyone to interrupt.
“In the event of a hostile encounter, I’ll engage because I’m the only one with actual combat experience,” – Fire Catcoon starts to speak up but a pointed look silences him – “while Grim acts as my backup,” thanks to that night in Ramshackle she at least has an idea how he fights. “Ace and Deuce will provide cover fire when needed. Any questions?”
Deuce nervously raises a hand. “What's a staggered column formation?” Shifting in place he follows up, “and, uh, cover fire?”
Yuu blinks. Oh, right. Despite this world's freaky magic these people are still basically civilians. Glancing at the other two Yuu suspects they didn't understand much more than Deuce, but were too proud to admit it.
Motioning them over, she kneels down and starts drawing in the dirt.
 “So we are going in with a four point zig-zag pattern,” Yuu starts, drawing four circles connected by a line.
“I’m this dot at the front, then Grim is a little behind to my left, Ace will be further back at Grims right, and we end with you at the back on Ace’s left.”
Deuce is looking avidly at her crude sketch and nods. Despite his aggression from today's earlier fiasco the blunett was being surprisingly cooperative. 
“Cover fire means that if we get in a fight, while Grim and I move forward, you and Ace will use long range spells when we knock an enemy back.” I stand up and dust off my pants.
Fists clenching in determination Deuce looks in my eyes, “Got it!” 
That's the spirit!
Too bad Ace has to speak up. “You're putting the weasel before us? What the hell?”
“Grim is my backup because we’ve fought together before and know how to avoid getting in each other's way.”
At this Grim puffs up with pride. “Yeah!”
“And I've been in combat situations since I was ten. So I’d say I'm qualified to decide this stuff.”
“Wait what?”
Ignoring Ace I summon my scepter, “Alright, nothing else? No? Great.”
“What's that about you fighting since you were ten?”
“I’ll tell you later. Now squad, get in formation.”
“Yeah!” Deuce and Grim cheer. Ace is still looking at me dubiously but he gets in position. 
“Hold still, I'm going to cast a support spell. Grim, we did this before with the dorm ghosts.”
Grim’s tail wiggles as eyes light up with recognition. “The butterfly thing that made me stronger!”
“That's the one. Now, [Dreamer’s Blessing]!”
Shimmering butterflies spiral gently from my scepter and envelop the trio in a gentle glow.
“Alright, let's go!”
I've got this and the end sorted but the fight scene in the middle is giving me trouble so I'm just splitting the mine into three parts. Part three is the start of where this au really diverge but it doesn't feel right to just 'yada yada' away the things that lead up to that.
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phantomphangphucker · 6 months
Phic Phight - Add Some Spirit in To Better Cheer It!
@thesilentbard @lavendarlily @Silverwing013
We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do! We've Got Spirit’s, More Than Two! We’ve Got Enough Spirits, To Beat The Shit Out Of You!
Paulina had had her curiosities peaked back when Ember McLain, oh my GOD, and the strange pirate child had abducted all their parents. The weirdo trio were not as pathetic as they often acted.
Sure that goth girl -why? Does that girl still think those clothes somehow look good? Ew- was always known to be fit and whatnot, but Paulina hardly cared about that stuff. Strength didn’t equal balance or grace. There was nothing graceful about the goth, the techy, or the freak.
Or so she had thought.
All three moved so well during that invasion, sure it could have been dumb luck, or whatever. But now she was sure it wasn’t.
Freaky Fenton had just done a triple backflip spring off of a wall and into a tree… He did it like it was nothing. Now he’s staring down at her from the tree, with her staring up at him from the base of the tree.
All she had been doing was working on clothing design sketches, she hadn’t expected someone to come bolting out across car roof tops; much less the Fenton boy of all people. She blinks at him before putting her hands to her cheeks, “that was a-mazing, oh mi god!”.
Fenton physically winces, “we’re… having a race”.
Both of them glancing up at the roof tops when a motorcycle zooms by, that greasy-haired -ew- biker ghost flipping them off, “ha! Suck on the distraction, dipshit!”. Fenton standing up on the tree branch without so much as a wobble and sticking his hands out to the side, “go crash into a wall!”.
Paulina shakes her head out, “you were racing a motorcycle on foot?”. That shouldn’t be possible right? Oh whatever, Fenton doesn’t even wobble when he bends down to look at her again.
She’s decided.
She must have him.
“Uh. He gave me a head start? A head start I totally wasted”.
She pouts at him, this was such a waste! “If you can move like that why are you wasting it so much. That’s not cute you know”.
“Paulina, do you think I give a single fruity fuck?”.
Then the Manson girl comes sliding down a pipe from the rooftop, the techno one following while fiddling with a pda.
Oh this was just perfect! She could fill up so many holes!
Jumping up and pointing at both teens, startling them a little, the tech actually walking into Manson’s back.
Poor awareness, but she could work on that.
Paulina making sure to put on a pretty pout, the kind that makes her eyes twinkle, “you absolutely must join the cheer squad!”.
“Hell no”.
“A group filled with cute girls? Count me in!”.
Paulina skips over and pinches the techno one’s ear, “no, bad, teammates are off limits”.
Danny groans from the tree, flopping over on the branch, “you’re talking like this is already decided”.
She turns her head back to the boy, oh silly silly boy, “it is”, and nods curtly to herself. Who were they to deny her? She was moving them up in the world, they should feel honoured.
Manson walks over to Fenton, without even looking at Paulina, how rude. “Says who? You? Like miss shallow puddle? As if. And shut up, Tucker”.
Riiiight. That was the techno one’s name. Silly her. Well why would she bother remembering the names of the lower class? Though if they were going to be her teammates, she should at least try…
Fenton drops out of the tree, humming, “will it get me out of Tetslaufs stupid sports class?”. The goth sounds mad, “Danny! Don’t humour her and her shit!”.
Paulina huffs cutely, “oh let him, I don’t know why you’re not. I’m-”, putting a dainty hand to her chest, “-asking… you-”, gesturing around at the goths… everything, “-to join the cheer team. A privilege”.
The goth snarls, “take your privilege and shove it”.
The tech-Tucker pouts, it’s not a good look. She’s going to have to work on that with him. “Aw but Sam, being surrounded by cute girls sounds very privileged to me”.
“You disgust me”.
Paulina doesn’t not agree with that… he was a creep. But he was a creep that could nearly walk down a rooftop pipe without looking where he’s going or wobbling. Huffing softly at the techno boy before looking to Fenton, “of course, Testlauf will do anything for the team. The cheer squad keeps the jocks happy and entertains everyone, she loves us”, humming, “and Lancer loves cheerleading too”.
Fenton makes a few faces, “right, he used to cheer. Very weird”, leaning back and groaning, “he’ll be thrilled about this, damn it”.
Oh that’s right! Mr. Lancer -most boring teacher evar- had a major soft spot for Fenton. Why? Who knows. She doesn’t care. “Well then do it for him”, fluttering her eyelashes at him when he looks back to her, “pwetty pwease?”.
Sam groans and buries her head in her hands, “we’re doomed”.
Fenton sighs, eyes Manson who glares at him, eyes Tucker who raises and lowers his eyes brows creepily (ew); and sighs again. “Ugh, fine. Why am I like this?”.
Sam smacks him, “dumbass”, then glares at Paulina and crosses her arms, “fine. You win. Happy?”.
Paulina beams at the goth, giggling happily, “yes, very much”.
Dash was going to freak, she can’t wait. She ignores Tucker doing… some kind of ‘dance’ thing. It’s creepy, it’s embarrassing, it’s pathetic. She almost regrets incubating him, almost, but she will make it work!
Paulina practically skips over the Star, “girl you will never guess what”. Star smiles softly at her, so Paulina continues, “that weirdo trio? Yeah totally agile. Like balancing in a tree agile”, putting a hand to her chest, “and I wasn’t going to waste that so guess who’s joining the team?”.
Star gasps, scandalised, “You didn’t”.
Paulina giggles, “I did”.
“Oh mi Zone girl”.
“I know right?”.
Star giggles, “Dash is going to cry”.
Paulina nodding back rapidly with a bell-like laugh, “totally”, waving a hand around, “that Tacket, I think that’s right, is still creepy though, so like, ew”.
“Well no one would date him anyway, so whatever”, Star pushing Paulina’s shoulder gently, “you finally snagged miss ookie spookie, got her to cave instead of being all ‘I am to dark for that’. She’s been perfect cheer material since we were kids!”.
Paulina pouts, that had always bothered her, she had tried many times to get the goth but she finally won! “I know! It was so sad”, pouting more, “there’s no way we can get her to pretty up tho, dios mio”.
Star grins and wiggles, “think we could get Fenton to pretty up”.
Paulina gasps in shock, “don’t make me even picture him in a dress! He has way too much muscle for that! Even if he is still skinny”.
Mr. Lancer startles her a little. Not that she lets him see that. “So I heard you girls recruited Daniel?”. Star jumps a little though.
Paulina turning a blinding smile on the teacher, “yup! He flipped into a tree without even stumbling! I was suuuuuuper impressed!”.
Mr. Lancer blinks and grins, “I’m not even a little surprised by that, good for the team”, grin growing, “hopefully we’ll win cheer state this year”.
Hmpf. The only reason they didn’t last year was because of stupid Emilie, Ellen-high had found a diamond with that girl. Why couldn’t she go to Casper-high instead. Rude. Well whatever, at least no one on of her team was some druggie loser.
… even if the whole weirdo trio were total freaks.
Paulina is almost squirming with joy waiting for the weirdos to show up, the rest of the team can obviously tell she’s excited; which obviously means there’s new members.
Or she was dating someone new, which she obviously was not. She’s preparing for fashion school after all! She has better things to do than boys. Such a sad thing for so many silly boys.
The doors open, the trio walks in, and Casey huffs, “um why are they here?”.
Paulina grins, rounding on Manson, “throw Fenton at the basket ball hoop”.
Sam grins meanly, grabbing Fenton, “now that you don’t have to ask twenty times for”, and hurls Danny at the hoop. He just twists in the air to land on top of the hoop part in a crouch and pouts at Paulina.
Paulina turns back to her cheerleaders, and hums proudly, “see?”.
Bailey puts a hand over her mouth and squeals, “oh my Zone! We are so winning state side!”, running over and poking a slightly wide-eyed Tackor?, “and I totally saw you juggling a laptop! You can so totally lift me!”, putting a hand to her chest, “I only weigh one hundred pounds”.
All of the cheer team responding in unison, “you need to eat more”. Making Bailey squirm, she was much too skinny there was no way it was healthy; and Paulina was having none of that on her watch. Thin may be pretty but bones were not. Plus! You need energy to be pretty and to cheer.
Though there was that one skeleton ghost with stellar hips. But that’s a ghost. Very different.
Manson rolls her eyes at Bailey, “and I agree with all of them”. Bailey pouts more. Mason sighs, “I… have tons of healthy recipes if you care”.
Paulina grins to herself and multiple girls giggle. The goth would come around yet. Plus Bailey looks to actually think about it. Good. Oh yes, very good.
Teckur grins, whispering, “this is gonna be awesome”; Manson swats him over the head.
Fenton flings himself down off the hoop, landing in an easy crouch and sauntering over. If he was a girl and had good hips…. “Okay so look”, making a weird gesture with his hands at them, “I may have done one too many feats of skill, one too many times”.
Sam quirks an eyebrow towards the boy, “‘may have’? Danny?”.
Danny rolls his eyes back, “shush you”, looking back at the cheer team, “and yeah, maybe I just want out of Testlauf’s Hell class. So anyways, hi”, pointing at his face, “Danny. Not Daniel or Fenton”, pointing at Manson, “Sam, not Sammy or Samantha or Manson”, pointing at Tracker, “Tuck or Tucker, not Foley”.
So maybe they didn’t love being called by last names. Fair enough, and she had decided she’d at least try. But did Tucker have to have such a weird name? ‘Tuck’ could be like tuck and roll though so maybe….
Sammy was sooooo much cuter than Sam though, but Samantha was just an old lady name; who names their kid that? Ew.
And Danny was Danny. She only really called him by his last name because the football boys did. Because Dash and Kwan did.
Paulina turning to the team, “okay girls, let’s show the newbies how it’s done”.
What follows is a lot of practice jumps, flips, lifts, simple tosses, splits (that Tuckar winces over), and precisely one double down. It takes almost nothing to convince Tacker and Danny to get involved; even it the techno geek had pouted after being told the girls wore shorts under their skirts (ew), at least Danny smacked him. Then, eventually, Mans-Sam sighed and joined In.
Watching the three of them do a three person human tower, or physically throw each other around seemingly carelessly was a bit scary to everyone though. The level of trust was so adorable! But no way was she letting Danny throw someone twenty feet in the air and having them land on just one of his hands, that would probably get them banned from competitions.
Tracer’s reaction time was no where good enough to be thrown by anyone else though, her having watched Sam intentionally let him land on his butt more than once. Chelsea got kicked in the face and was going to complain about the bruise for weeks, Paulina would too. Very little was worse than a scuffed up, banged up, face; the horror. Danny was going to have to work on getting banged up less, it was so not pretty; he was a boy though so he could get away with it more.
Sam also kept pretending she wasn’t going to even try to provide support or catch and just would not stop frowning… except when someone messed up. She was not going to be great for moral.
Danny though, Danny would be their Emilie… so long as he watched his obviously weirdo strength. Anyone who could lift Charlie one-handed was to be feared. Charlie was charmed, which was bad, Paulina had to glare at the blushing startled poor girl. But also, Danny weighed nothing, actually nothing. Her mom’s crockpot weighed more! He got the same lecture from everyone as Bailey. He blamed his ‘ecto-contamination’ thing, she didn’t believe it, he threatened to eat eighteen mighty meaty hamburgers a day to prove it…
Paulina’s pretty sure that was not physically possible for someone to do. Like, evar.
But he looked like he meant it (he did, he did not gain weight. The second to the top of the tower position was very officially his).
Paulina claps her hands together after about two hours, “okay, great work everyone”, pointing at Danny with a playful smirk, “you can be anything, cool right, totally. Flyer, base, or spotter”, pointing at Tuller? Tucker? Tucker, “you are banned from being a flyer”, pointing at Manson, “and you’re too mean to be a spotter”. Sam flips her off, so unlady-like. Ugh.
Chelsea huffs, crossing her arms, “if Tucker is ever a flyer, I’m quitting”. Earning more than a few giggles and laughs.
Tucker shrugs, “I think I’m good staying on the ground”. Sam glaring, “and I’ll beat you into it if you even try hiding all the uniforms shorts”. Ticker glances away like he actually thought about that, so ew so so ew. Paulina’s putting in an order for spare shorts. Ew.
Star finally, hurry up gurl!, shows up, “speaking of uniforms-”.
Multiple squealing girls interrupt her to run over and hug her; Manson fake gags. Tuck just looks uncomfortable, right didn’t they date for a while? As pity or something? Not that Paulina actually remembers that, since a ghost possessed her body to date Danny. So freaky, so ew, so not worth thinking about. At least he didn’t get awkward around her because of that, hmpf.
After Star’s done patting all the girls aand doing hugs, “okay okay, I love yall too! But we have things to address”. The group gives her room and she eyes Danny and Tucer, “so what are you boys wearing?”.
Sam snorts, “if you think these two idiots are getting away scot free for dragging me into this, forget it. They’re wearing the normal, skirt included, uniform”, waving a hand, “besides, it’s not like they’ve never cross-dressed before”.
Everyone, which was fair because what?, give the two boys weird judgy looks.
Tuck sputters, gross, “hey! That was because you wanted someone to pretended to be you so you could run away to the circus! And I rocked it, I’ll have you know!”.
“Purple is not your colour”.
Tuck makes more ugly faces.
Olivia tilts her head, “but she’s pale and you’re dark, how would that have ever worked?”. Getting three, “people are blind”, replies in return.
Paulina could agree with that, boys especially were very blind; that’s what made them so much fun to tease!
Casey snickers, one hand over her mouth, “so we’re going to get the boys in skirts. Ha”. Sam pointing at her, “hey, clothes have no gender”. Casey rolling her eyes, “riiiight, toootally”, and snickering more.
Danny chuckles, “hey I’m pretty sure last time I went to one of Vlad’s stupid galas in a ball-gown in an attempt to embarrass him, I got more compliments than he did business offers”.
Olivia blinks, “you go to galas with the, like, super rich mayor”.
Danny raises an eyebrow, giving the girl one of those ‘are you dumb’ looks. Paulina’s confused too though, “well yeah? He’s my uncle? I co-own all his businesses? I’m the only recipient on his will?”.
Paulina is shook.
How and why?
Sam face-palms, “oh my Zone, really?”, sighing and giving everyone a very judgy, mean popular girl worthy, smile, “how have you not realized that? Even his parents are rich, not Vlad rich but whatever. Heck, all of us are filthy stinkin’ rich”.
“Then why do you hang around with the lower class?”.
“Shouldn’t you be all popular then?”.
“Why don’t you, you know, brag about your money? I’d brag”.
“So you all dress this way by choice?”.
Tuck bends over laugh wheezing, “wow! Honest or what!”.
Danny putting a hand to his chest, “hey, I like my dumpster-chic. It’s comfy and it’s makes Vlad’s left eye do that twitchy thing”.
Casey looks pleased, “wow, you are so petty. I like it”. Danny gives her a goofy thumbs up.
Sam points a thumb at Danny, “the only expensive clothes he wears is tactical Kevlar”.
“Well it’s very good to have, you know, in case I get abducted to be hunted for sport in the wilderness again”.
Bailey blinks, “Again?”.
Right, Paulina kinda forgot that Danny had had a very weird life, and really weird things just kept happening to the boy. This was totally another weird thing in his mind, the lesser class could never appreciate a good thing… even if they weren’t really lower class or whatever. If they didn’t want to be assumed to be lower class then they would act like they were! Hmpf.
Sam sighs, “to get this out of the way, nice to know how little your type pay attention to us, I’m the only heiress of the Manson family fortune since nana Ida hates my parents so they’ll get nothing from her. Tucker is the only descendent of a very wealthy Egyptian Pharaoh that actually looks like said Pharaoh meaning he gets the money. And Danny’s Danny, the weird hyper-fixation of one of the wealthiest men on the planet”.
Danny does jazz hands, “go me! Woo!”, putting a hand to his chest, “we’re rich and we’re hot”.
Sam and Tuck joining it, “they want our money and our bodies”.
At least that gets them some laughs.
Looks and body fitness was, like, ninety-nine percent of cheer after all. So of course she was absolutely after them for their bodies. Wealth never hurt though!
Star shakes her head, before smacking her fist into the palm of her hand, “right, you guys totally haven’t met the team pets yet, have you?”, looking to Paulina, “they totally haven’t right?”.
Paulina almost forgot about that! If Danny was like his freak folks she’d be worried, and she totally needs something to help her ignore them being rich but too silly to be smart about it. Flaunt it! What is wrong with them??! “Nope!”.
Tic tilts his head, “since when did the cheerleaders have pets?”.
Paulina waves him off, “oh only since the last big game, they just showed up and they’re close enough to ravens that we claimed them. Even if they talk funny”. Chelsea could nevar figure out what they were saying half the time, it was so cute.
Danny makes a face, “so that’s a yes to them being ghosts and a no to any of them being a green dog”. Sam smacks him, “oh you’d just love it if it was your stupid puppy”.
Charlie squealing and running over, “you have a puppy! Show me right now!”. Paulina smiling to herself as basically everyone crowds around the weird boys phone. Cujo was absolutely adorable, very green, but adorable with its little floppy tongue and big eyes.
Star laughing, “okay okay, adorable dog, but it’s decided that we’re sticking with everyone wearing the standard uniform, yeah?”.
Sam’s ‘yes’ is mean. Tuck’s is pitiful. Danny’s gets followed up by a finger snap and wink.
And then everyone pulls out their phones to bombard the trio with pictures of the vultures. They just had so many silly ones!
Danny bursts out laughing, falling over, Tuck right behind; even Sam bends over laughing. Sam explaining while the boys die on the floor, “how! How did you! Did you guys! Adopt Vlad’s minions?!”, the goth is actually tearing up, “oh this was worth showing up for”.
Basically all of the team shouts, “THEY BELONG TO THE MAYOR!?!”.
Danny cackles, “oh they’re gonna be so mad! What? Did they get bombarded by Vlad’s obsession with the Packers one too many times? Ha!”.
A grinning Casey just eggs them on, “yes actually. They were curious about the sport, the guys liked their merciless bites, we think they’re better than a raven fursuiter; they didn’t get a say”.
Harley waving a hand, “oh whatever, they keep showing back up anyways so it’s fucking mutual”.
Danny pushes himself up, making Tuck flop over on his side still laughing, “I have absolutely used each and every one of those fez wearing fucks as a piñata”.
Most of the girls swat at him, “stop that!”. Good, they’re bonding. This might work yet.
(The later meeting of weirdo trio and three fez wearing vultures did go less than well. The vultures threatened to peck out Danny’s eyes? He threatened to use their feathers as pillow stuffing. Tuck openly debated how they’d taste with bbq sauce, ew; he was scolded utterly. Sam just glared. The vultures were offended by the weirdo trio joining the team, the team -Paulina- defended their reasonings, Danny gave the vultures noogies, they seemed to accept their fate. Paulina felt very proud of herself).
Ms. Testlauf bursts in, in the manly way she does, with the foot ball team following her, “now this I had to see for myself! You tell me those two pip-squeaks actually agreed to do something physical?!?”. Multiple guys are jeering as well, because of course they are. Tuck scrambles up out of clear fear.
While Danny is busy waving awkwardly Paulina saunters over to Dash and Kwan, who look just so confused, “so? Apparently everyone is still wearing skirts and halter tops”.
Kwan beams, “rock on. The tank tops and men’s shorts ones look awful”. Paulina nodding readily, “I know right?”. Dash actually pouts, “how could you do this to me, Paulie?”; she only giggles at him.
His little ‘crush’ might not mean anything to her here but she will absolutely use this as an excuses to help make a cute little couple. So adorable. Danny would be absolutely swimming in Dash’s varsity jacket.
Testlauf crossing her arms at Paulina obviously wanting her to just get on with it, so Paulina sighs, looking back to her team, weirdo trio included, “alright everyone, time to show off, and I mean everyone you three”. All three groan dramatically. At least they knew how to overact so that people can actually see their faces from thestands. Pointing at the three, “do that really scary double single handed rewind toss”.
Sam and Tuck doing backflips to land in Danny’s separate hands, then he physically throws both of them up in the air, them landing together on one of his hands, each with one hand interlocked letting them both lean sideways. Very illegal. So dangerous. So worth it.
Testlauf points at Danny, “I am mad with you”, while all the boys shout and cheer much at the now blushing teens embarrassment. Adorable. Multiple jocks laugh about how Danny could probably, throw them; Dash looks like he wants to scream.
Sam grumbling as she falls down into a handstand before upright again, “yeah well, I still say black would be a better uniform for a team called the Ravens”.
“Dios mi, never!”.
Testlauf huffing, “why do you never show this skill, pathetic”.
“Don’t like sports”.
“Gym being mandatory is a waste of my free time, I exist out of spite”.
“The entire notion of a graded gym class and the high value placed on physical capability is inherently ableist”.
Testlauf growls at them, they smirk back. Paulina shoos them to go practice/show off with the rest of the team, since their agility and whatever had been shown already. Her then elbowing Star, whispering while eyeing Dash, “you should totally go get some of the spare uniforms”, and wiggles her eyebrows at the other girl.
Star giggles, “oh totally”, and waves meanly at Dash as she heads over to the gym storage closet. Meanwhile, Bailey lands on Tuck’s head, Charlie having to catch both of them; Testlauf barking out a laugh at them.
Paulina nodding at the third successful tik tok move in a row, clapping her hands together as Star pops out of the storage closet with a wide grin, “alright, take five. A few someone’s need to put on a fashion show”. That gets a ton of cheering from the team, the jokes whistle… only the weirdo trio stays silent. Star walking the outfits over to them and shoving them to their respective changing rooms; Sam literally growling the whole time. That girl was such a freak, but she was the teams freak now.
The jocks all start elbowing Dash and laughing at him as soon as the trio are all out of sight; Dash actually shouting, “Damn It Fentwink!”.
All three come back out, wearing the uniforms; Sam looks sooooo pissed that Paulina has to giggle at her with one hand daintily over her mouth to ‘pretend’ she’s trying not to laugh. Tuck is trying to act like he’s rocking it but it’s… alight she guesses? Danny… just looks like he’s used to wearing it, it fits him way too well for a boy.
Dash buries his face in his hands and groans, cheeks a bright pink.
That silly boy was soooo screwed.
(Dash was, in fact, screwed. He stood precisely zero chance against Danny in a cheerleading outfit)
Then Paulina sees Sam see Dash’s blush and the goth grins meanly, “never mind, best worst decision ever”. Seems tormenting a Jock and his silly little crush was all it took to get the goth on board. Good. And incredibly cute. Sam smacking Danny on the back, “go get ‘em, tiger”.
“Sam the only thing I’m gonna get is Vlad trying to get me into college football cheer leading”.
Tuck pouting, “what about me?”.
“I hope an actual tiger is all you get”.
Tacker shrugs, “I mean, if they’re actually a fursuiter…”; multiple people smack him.
Sadly, poor girl, Olivia actually asks, “what’s a fursuiter”. With everyone shouting, “NO!”, at Tuck; Tatslauf laughing loudly.
Fez-wearing Vulture no.1 lands down on Vlad’s desk, “ya shoz watch te next Cazper game”. Vlad barely acknowledges his minion, “as much as I would love to support the locals that have taken you lot in like strays and their not so pitiful attempt at my preferred sport, I am still trying to figure out how to get Fizztle’s stock shares somewhat legally”.
The vulture inspects its claws, “Phantom’z in itz”.
Vlad stops immediately, Daniel was participating? In football? When? Why? How even? Could he use game talk as a bonding experience now? Standing up and pushing the papers aside, “change of plans, there’s a game I clearly must show my support for. I am the mayor after all, and foot ball is a very important sport for voter support and good faith”.
“Yaz, surez. Ya tellz ya self that”.
“I will incinerate you”.
“Ha! I’d like to see’vez youz try!”. Vlad does try it, Vulture no.1 flees, “hmpf. That team treatz uz far better than yaz”. Vlad just rolls his eyes at that.
(Vlad was baffled and utterly filled with disappointed disbelief when Daniel waved to him in a cheer leading outfit. Vulture no. 1 looking very smug from one of the cheerleaders arms, Vulture no.3 looked more murderous when the gunner threw It at the opposing teams costumed mascot.
Vlad spent almost as much time watching the cheer routine, that was needlessly dangerous, as he did watching the actual game. Apparently the crowd loved that even Daniel and that techno friend of his were wearing the female uniform, Vlad had been more so wondering how to explain this to investors someday. The potential bonding with his vulture minions was a net positive, of course.
Daniel also still somehow managed to get hit by a football, him not dropping the brunette girl during that was at least somewhat impressive though. The star quarterback though…. kept fumbling the ball every time he looked the cheer teams way…. young men and their ever distracting crushes messing their lives up. Vlad would place money on the teens ‘crush’ being a member of Daniel’s little group, since being the star player meant he wasn’t normally like this, Vlad pities the boy immensely.
The Raven’s absolutely do not wind up winning, but Vlad could tell the boys were all teasing the quarterback mercilessly; Daniel’s goth friend starts a fist fight with Vulture no.2. But both teams cheer teams all swarm Daniel’s little trio with clear praise. Good, his little heir deserves to bask in praise, regardless of it being from cheering and wearing a skirt… and teaming up with the peons who stole his minions).
Prompts: After a display of physical prowess, Sam gets recruited to the cheer squad. This might be the best, worst thing that's ever happened. Who knew Danny Fenton was so agile? Paulina makes it her personal mission to get him on the cheer squad. The ghostly vulture trio heard enough about the Packers and got curious about the sport, next thing they knew…they've been adopted in by the Casper High football team and cheerleaders.
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themimsyborogove · 3 months
@celias sent me the prompt “It’s nice to be safe, but why does your guardian angel have to hold your hand all the time to keep you safe” for the TID squad + Mina
It got both easier and harder every time, pulling the energy from the world around him just enough to make himself the slightest bit solid, just enough to–
Will caught Mina under the arms just as she tripped over a tree root, saving her from a tumble. “There you are Miss Mina,” he said, once she had regained her footing to the best of her two-year-old abilities, and for a moment he was sure she looked right at him, her bright, curious eyes so much like Jem’s, the inquisitive tilt of her head exactly Tessa’s. He smiled at her, and hoped she could feel it even if she couldn’t see it.
And then the world melted away and reformed into softer shades, the gentle burble of the river he spent his afterlife haunting filling his ears. He lay on his back in the grass, staring up at the forever-pleasant sky–always with just the right amount of fluffy white clouds floating by–letting the sensations of Heaven slowly return. The sound of the river, the prickle of the grass underneath him, the warmth of the breeze in his hair.
Gabriel Lightwood’s unwelcome face hovering over him and blocking the view.
“You’ll get stuck there if you keep trying that,” Gabriel warned.
Will sat up with a groan. Cecily plopped down in the grass beside him.
“Well, how is she then?” Cecily asked.
“Saved from grave peril, right in the nick of time. Possibly even from a splinter, which could have led to a deadly infection.”
Cecily rolled her eyes in the most sisterly fashion, and Will gave in to what she really wanted to know. “She’s growing up beautifully. She looks more like Jem every time I see her. Her hair was done up in braids like Tessa used to do for Lucie, and her shirt had some kind of sparkling cat on it, which I believe must have been a gift from Magnus. She was exploring the yard with Church.”
“Did you see Tessa this time?” Will turned to see that Sophie and Gideon had joined them.
Will shook his head. “Only Mina. I am sure someone was nearby keeping an eye on her, but I was not there long enough to see them.”
“I can feel it when she writes to me,” Sophie said, and Gideon put an arm around her. “I wish I could do as you do and cross over to reassure her.”
“Some things are not meant to be possible,” Will said gently.
“Yet you continue to do them.”
“Ah, but I am quite the expert in impossible things.” He, Jem, and Tessa always had been. It was risky for a spirit who had moved on from the world to attempt to cross back into it, but something in their bond allowed him to do it. Not as freely as he would have liked, but sometimes, at moments when he could feel that they needed him, he could let his spirit slip past the veil that separated the dead from the world of the living.
Cecily nudged him with her shoulder. “I do wish you would be more careful,” she said, like she hadn’t been the most eager for news just moments ago.
“I only go when I feel that I am needed,” Will protested.
“With the same definition of ‘need’ you used to apply to summoning Jem from the Silent Brothers,” Gabriel added.
Will shrugged. “Those were all moments of desperate need as well, and I stand by every one of them.”
“Mina cannot have a guardian angel hold her hand at every moment to keep her safe,” Cecily said. “She will have to learn how to keep herself safe from bumps and bruises at some point.”
“She will still learn,” Will insisted. “Not even a guardian angel of my caliber can protect her from every pain of the world. But why shouldn’t I protect her as much as I’m able, or at least as much as Jem was able to help protect James and Lucie? Fate owes me that much.”
Cecily shook her head. “Very well then, I shall stop admonishing you. Now tell us more about this cat shirt.”
Will leaned back on his hands in the grass by the riverside, where he waited for the ones he loved most in the world to eventually join him, and told their friends what he could about the child they could not meet, but still loved like one of their own.
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So...... Erwin went all that trouble to get Levi, even risking his own life knowing how dangerous Levi is, and....... to do what exactly? What did he actually gain? Because every time it feels like Levi can make a huge difference, he's not there. The plot always pushes him out of the story. He's only allowed to come back when our main characters are truly cornered and instead of creating a plot hole or weakening the storytelling by "conveniently" saving them, Yams uses his OP captain to save the day and then pulls a "my job here is done" act & disappear. It feels like Levi didn't really live up to Erwin's expectations or at least how he imagined to use his strength because was Levi even useful to Erwin's plans?
What did Erwin actually gain from Levi?  This. 
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Levi doesn’t just contribute his strength to Erwin’s cause by fighting, he also provides stability and support. Agreed, there are numerous times when Levi swoops in to save the day with his extraordinary speed and strength, but more often than not his most important role is to inspire courage and resolve in others, whether it’s Historia, Hanji, Gabi, the 104th, or Erwin himself.  Levi is a constant; he embodies the spirit and the heart of the Survey Corps and the cause that their fallen comrades died for.  He is there to remind them what they are fighting for and to give them the strength to keep fighting. 
Erwin himself explains this beautifully in the Smartpass Close-Up Interview:
Erwin: Starting with Levi…I think he is excellent at shouldering important duties. With the title “Humanity’s Strongest” as part of the SC, our reputations have also been elevated. On the battlefield, he has also faithfully completed the tasks I have assigned to him. Despite his warmhearted nature, I’ve asked him to carry out some cruel missions… Journalist: Is Captain Levi very…”warmhearted?” E: You’ve already interviewed his subordinates, right? Then you must have heard just how much they trust their captain. J: Indeed. I even heard the same thing from new recruits who are not from his squad. E: He just has a rude attitude…but he cherishes his comrades’ life more than anyone else. His reputation cannot be established based on strength alone, Humans can subconsciously detect how much concern others have for them… and when they notice this kindness, it inspires power…That is something that I can’t do.
You ask if Levi was even useful to Erwin’s plans. My question would be how far would Erwin have got with his plans if he hadn’t had Levi by his side?  Levi was his most trusted comrade, his steadfast right-hand man and, perhaps more importantly, his friend. He helped Erwin to bear the weight of all the lives lost under his command, and of the dream that drove him to the point of despair.  And when it all became too much to bear, when Erwin faltered and almost succumbed to guilt and despair in Shiganshina, Levi was there to lift that burden and to help Erwin to summon the courage to sacrifice his own life for Humanity.  That is Levi’s real strength.
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ebony-underscore · 3 months
I got exactly 1 note on that other post and I feel like thats enough to enable me to curse the internet with some character concepts for a star wars sequel au. Still vaguely follows the canon plot though, haven't thought that far ahead
Ray is part of a big scavenger found family. Her force powers manifested at a very young age, and while she appears to be a charming and naturally talented jack of all trades, the force does the heavy lifting. Good with tech/engineering. Loves her family. Who are her parents? Doesnt matter
Her first real struggle is when she starts training as a jedi under Luke at some point. Also the fact that Poe and Finn aren't as easily persuaded by her. This annoys her quite a lot because she's meant to be good at everything. She can come off as arrogant and self-assured but she has a big heart
Finn deserves better. We all know this. A medic who witnessed a massacre of a village and refuses to kill, his story mainly revolves around spurring an insurrection of stormtroopers against the empires brutality. He will not compromise on his beliefs. Ordered to be executed but his squad refused to kill him, giving him a chance to escape. Probably a scenario at some point where in order to pull off a disguise he'd have to kill someone but refuses to do it. Maybe force sensitive
Poe is at odds with his family after abandoning his spicerunner roots to join the rebellion. They don't care about the outcome of the war as long as they keep making profit. Poe unfortunately has a moral backbone. Great flyer, terrible shot. Not force sensitive just very stubborn. He and Ray butt heads over plans fairly often. He knows a few maneuvers. Also skilled in the art of negotiation and avoiding getting killed for a late delivery
Phasma lost everything to the rebellion. Her home, her wife, her family. All lost after a rebel supply raid of her home planet. She's driven almost exclusively by rage and desire for vengeance. She views Finn as naive and foolish for believing in peaceful resolutions. Maybe he reminds her of who she used to be. Or her kids. Or her wife. And she can't handle any more reminders of that. She has to crush his spirit to teach him that the universe is cruel and unkind. Finn does not break.
Han & Leia are still together and help lead the rebellion. Well, Leia is in charge, but Han still holds a fair amount of sway, especially amongst pilots
Ben is believed dead after the Knights of Ren raid the jedi temple and kill Luke's padawans. He isn't, but it's better his family think he is. Ben wasn't good enough to live up to the Skywalker legacy anyway. Joins the Knights of Ren instead forge his own path (this is not a good way to go about it).
Luke is still grieving the loss of those kids, guilt weighs heavily upon him and he can't face Leia and Han after failing their son. He retreats to an island and hopes to find peace and the strength to carry on. He also communes with the force. The force tells him Ben isn't dead. That scares him. Absolutely senses Han in danger at starkiller base and tries to save his ass. Jumps at opportunity to train Ray and 'redeem himself'. He's still old though, and he's not as nimble as Yoda was
Hux is still a petty little bitch and rebel spy deep undercover. Friends with Kylo. Or at least the only person able to talk him down who he wouldn't immediately slaughter. Gives good advice. He thinks Kylo should probably go see a therapist for his anger issues but he knows that ain't happening
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 years
Gangs of Paradis...
Unpopular opinion alert. Some may call it sacrilegious to say this, but if it were up to me on who got the focus in this series.....
I would rather take these guys........
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And certainly THESE guys....... (Lynne’s my spirit gal.....) 
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Or even THESE guys........! 
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Instead of having been forced to put up with.......
These assholes. 
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139 chapters and the famous EMA trio just does NOT deliver on the promise of their long journey. And most of the fault lies with the goddamned timeskip. 
I mean sure Armin’s fine, he was certainly the most sympathetic and the wisest of the three even if I’d say he also didn’t escape the timeskip unscathed......
But Eren Motherfucking Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman are the main heart of this story........and it is nothing but pure cringe at the end. 
Mikasa NEVER develops into a truly three-dimensional character, again due to her singleminded, one-sided obsession with Eren in a relationship that no sane individual would actively choose to pursue. To say they had one is being generous, character-killing love confession be damned, shippers. But Eren may very well be the weakest link, remaining a largely uncoordinated and mindless killing machine through the earlier seasons and never really developing believable relationships with his main circle OR with Mikasa. Worse still, his motivations are completely subverted by the final act, with him committing to possibly the most idiotic revenge plot in recent memory. I mean what else can I say about how fuckular Eren’s scheme is? Between the time loop, orchestrating his own mother’s death, eliminating the world but still leaving Paradis open to attack later AND the fact that it took a massively contrived final confrontation with Mikasa to help some long dead ghost snuff out the Titan curse......Just thinking about it pisses me off, it’s beyond comprehension. 
Yeah, Ymir Fritz, that’s another one I’ll have to get back to later, she’s another can of worms entirely.....
There isn’t much I think I can add about everything wrong with Eren and Mikasa’s toxic relationship and how the story’s final resolution literally hinged on that finding resolution, but the story of Attack on Titan continues to age badly the longer you reexamine their respective arcs long before Marley was ever a whisper in the series. 
Meanwhile.............You had these AMAZING squads that gave us the likes of Petra Ral, Oluo Bozado, Lynne, Gelgar, Miche Zacharius, and of course Levi Fucking Ackerman himself.......Who WOULDN”T want to see more of those respective bands? 
The minor characters of the series left far more positive impact on me than any of the EMA trio ever did. And I’m far more heavily invested in them than I am in a trio that simply did not justify their critical involvement in the series.  I want to see more of Petra, more of Lynne, more of Miche, more of Thomas, I want to see those who had the skill and character to really carry themselves and the story further, possibly with a more positive impact than the main trio. And I’ve been very busy lately ironing out their personalities and arcs they could’ve enjoyed. 
And let’s not forget others worthy of mention....
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You could’ve had the entire series focus on Ymir and Historia and that could’ve sufficed all by itself. It certainly is a far more compelling pairing and a more complex one than Eremika ever was. Both of them got dealt a raw deal, so much potential here just was never taken advantage of. 
And of course....
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Honestly without Sasha, Connie and Jean really struggled to find ANY place in the remaining portion of the story, I am still convinced Sasha could’ve carried this as the actual main girl over But at least with the three of them their relationship felt far more organic and real than EMA’s a lot of the time.......at least until the timeskip. I think you all can sort that one out for yourselves. 
Any of the aforementioned groups could’ve easily been greater than EMA. EMA got 139 chapters of development and in the end it just does NOT warrant it. 
But everyone else who was there at one point or another along the way before the timeskip...........they are worthy of another chance. 
In summation guys.........EMA sucks ass. Armin gets the least of the blame but Eren and Mikasa are just not the strong characters the story wants us to believe they are. And Hajime Turdyama should’ve given all the aforementioned the space to be even greater. 
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Everyone Deserves Better. Just not this A-Team. 
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drakor127 · 1 month
This is the Veraxiouz Colony, aka my solution to making my own version of the Overtakers from Quite A Glittering Assemblage (which is a GREAT FANFIC SERIES YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT), once I actually get around to writing my fanfics.
Here they are:
Slyckalak/Frowny Fox
From: Poppy Playtime Logic (Very Loosely Adapted)
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The certified ringleader of this circus, an ancient and powerful Chimera Bug (more specifically, Chimera Beetle, and yes, there are more Chimera Bugs then just Chimera Ants in my fanfic series) that used to rule a dimension based on PURE 80'S AESTHETIC called the Rad Zone and seeks to destroy B.E.R. to rule the land once again. He'll take every avenue to rule if possible, even destroying the omniverse, with his loyal generals Neferpitou, Shaiapouf, Menthuthuyoupi, Cheetu and Zazan staying by his side.
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Midnight Sparkle
From: My Little Pony: Friendship Games
Prison Number: 63910-MLP
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For a time, this version of Twilight Sparkle was thought by many to be a weak link by her now-former classmates at Crystal Prep, but once she got her hands on some Equestrian magic (and thanks to the peer pressure), she snapped and started wreaking havoc before being locked away in Breaking Point Maximum Security Prison. And once free, she won't rest until she gains all there is to know about magic.
Wade Wilson/Dreadpool
From: Marvel comics
Prison Number: 19972605-MRVL
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A Wade Wilson from an alternate timeline where the mad genius Psycho-Man broke his mind even more than usual, Dreadpool is locked away in Breaking Point Maximum Security Prison for the safety of the omniverse after he slaughtered everyone in his dimension, at least, until Slyckalak inevitably breaks him out. With his skills and regeneration, this guy will be hard to kill.
From: Murder Drones
Prison Number: 081823-MD
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A cruel and rather....country voiced Worker Drone, after Nori Doorman broke out after being possessed, Alice lived in Cabin Fever Labs for a time until she was inevitably arrested for cannibalism and mass murder. But once she breaks out of Breaking Point Maximum Security Prison, everything's good as boned once she gets her mits on some Sentinels.
Hunter J
From: Pokemon Diamond And Pearl
Prison Number: 060907-PKMN
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A ruthless Pokemon poacher, she's been kidnapping and selling Pokemon on the black market for a while until her and her henchmen were fished out of Lake Valor and taken to Breaking Point Maximum Security Prison, but once Slyckalak liberates her and her henchmen, the Pokemon of the omniverse better watch out.
From: JoJo's Bizarre Adventures
Prison Number: 010906-JJBA
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The former don of Passione, a ruthless mafioso that wouldn't let anyone know his identity, and as such, would kill anyone who searched for it. After being sealed in Breaking Point Maximum Security Prison, he's itching to retake his throne. He has the power to skip time forward ten seconds, thereby skipping the cause and leaving the effect.
Wicked Witch of the West
From: Wizard of Oz (1930s)
Prison Number: 092539-WOZ
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After being melted by a certain X-Squad, the Wicked Witch’s spirit survived and was swiftly arrested and dragged into Breaking Point Maximum Security Prison, but once she reclaims her sister's slippers and escapes, the omniverse is definitely in for a bad time.
From: Power Rangers Mystic Force
Prison Number: 060506-PR
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A flamboyant and power-hungry mummy wizard, Imperious was sealed away in Breaking Point Maximum Security Prison for his crimes against humanity and magic-born, until Slyckalak inevitably breaks him out for his plans, but his lack of loyalty is infamous, and he might get too big for his boots.
From: Phineas and Ferb
Prison Number: 090109-PAF
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Dennis was a star OWCA agent until he decided that fighting mad scientists was too easy, and so decided to take his skills against OWCA and became a deadly freelance mercenary, at least until he was transferred to Breaking Point Maximum Security Prison, and let's just hope he can't weasel his way out this time.
J.S. Steinman
From: Bioshock
Prison Number; 092107-BIOS
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An accomplished surgeon, Steinman rose to a degree of prominence throughout Rapture, and came to the place to practice his morbid, twisted view on physical beauty on unwilling patients, but ADAM abuse caused him to lose his grip on reality, resulting in him becoming a demented and twisted doctor, who was inevitably arrested and taken to Breaking Point Maximum Security Prison. Let's just hope he doesn't run wild, or we'll all be patients for his twisted art projects.
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aberooski · 1 year
Random yet brilliant GX/Avatar au thoughts I had after rewatching ATLA and watching LOK for the first time:
Idk if I'll ever actually write this but if I did I'd use the Japanese names because obviously they'd fit in better here but for the purposes of my random bullshit and by being my default names I'm still using the dub names in my notes lol
- Obviously Jaden's the Avatar lol. Avatar Jaden of the Fire Nation (since he's a big fan of red and all 🤭)
- Fire Prince Chazz, Lightningbender ⚡⚡⚡
- Dragons are a thing so Light and Darkness Dragon anyone?? 👀👀
- Atticus is a Waterbender, but Nightshroud is a Bloodbender 👻
- Atty and Lex are prince and princess of the Northern Water Tribe
- Alexis is also a Waterbender but since in the North it's forbidden for women to learn Waterbending except for healing purposes (at least it is in ATLA, clearly that's not the case anymore in LOK since y'know, Eska. But this is my brain I can use whatever lore I want aksksk), Atticus taught her how to Waterbend himself in secret 🤫
- Zane and Syrus are mixed nations like Mako and Bolin, Zane is a Metalbender but Sy is a Waterbender
- Syrus specializes in healing, not combat. I imagine Zane treats him basically like he's a helpless non-bender as a result. But in that mean basically telling him he's useless way that he would, not in a protective brother kind of way. He understands it's a very valuable skill but really wished his brother could fight and fend for himself so he didn't have to be protected all the time.
- Very high concentration of Earth Kingdom squad members lol
- Bastion gives me Earth Kingdom vibes but also I feel like he would be a Waterbender because Water Dragon 🤔 can't decide 🤔
- Jim's Earth Kingdom but a non-bender. I imagine in the equivalent to the accident that lost him his eye as a kid he just went blind. Shirley is his seeing eye Crocogator 🐊 (y'know, since basically all the animals are hybrids 🤭 i know Catgators and Crococats exist but this is funnier and I can make jokes about her totally just being a normal Croc that Jim's passing off as a cross between a Catgator and a Crococat 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭)
- Jim's a mega badass swordsman though even with the blindness. Wouldn't be surprised if he had some Earthbending power lying dormant inside him, like a fossil waiting to be unearthed (no pun intended 🤭), but he's more than content to be a regular human, he doesn't need bending to enjoy his life.
- Hassleberry's 100% an Earthbender. Dude can probably even Lavabend but that's a big maybe. (I mean volcanoes helped kill the dinosaurs and all too so)
- My guy Crowler teaches at the University of Ba Sing Se and if he's a bender he's probably a Metalbender (cuz y'know, Ancient Gears. I am taking their decks somewhat into account here 🤭), probably a member of the White Lotus
- Sheppard's got that Airbending Master status babyyyy, also the current Grand Lotus, just chilling with his non-bending wife Dorothy 😌
- Slade vs. Chazz in a fucking Agni Kai, a la episode 35 !! (🤜🔥 🔥⚡🤛)
- Jaden has a Firebending block similar to Zuko at some point, but because his fire comes from his passion, not hate. In his emo era his passion is gone and he has to find it again and reignite his inner fire!
- Jesse's got those Earth Kingdom green eyes, probably from the Earth Kingdom, but I think he has some Air Nomad heritage in there. He's very connected to his spirituality and the spirit world. Kinda gives me Jinora vibes in that area, he definitely is a very spirit heavy guy. Crystal Beasts, am I right?
- Jesse could've been the Avatar if the cycle wasn't up to fire at the time. (Literally forget any and all timelines none of that matters this isn't a crossover we're talking about. Full au so continuity be damned! All that matters is that the Avatar cycle is now at fire 🔥)
- Axel's Fire Nation I mean c'mon his whole thing is fire aksksk, strong Firebender and probably in the Fire Nation Army too somewhere. A good man though, a very honorable and just guy, not a shitty shitty bad Firebender as is the general consensus in the world about Firebenders most of the time it seems.
- Aster also gives me Water Tribe vibes but like only kinda, he's hard to nail down element wise...... 🤔 he's got the blue eyes so I'm gonna say Water Tribe atm we'll see if my brain agrees with that later. Whether North or South idk, I'm still on the fence about him being a Waterbender but water is my favorite so not gonna complain about making more Waterbenders..... 🤔
- His dad was a non-bender and was 100% killed by a Firebender though. That would cause issues with him and Jaden since Jaden is a Firebender Avatar. Oof there you go, Aster's whole like fucking "you can't hide from destiny" batman era bullshit?? He's going around beating up Firebenders because he doesn't know who exactly killed his father ooooooooo 👀👀👀 (I guess kinda like Katara I guess in a way but also not really I mean she saw the guy who did it, not that she knew exactly who he was without Zuko's help figuring that out but shhhhh remember none of that's important right now 🤫)
- Dark Spirit Yubel ???? 👀👀👀👀👀
- Winged Kuriboh spirit guide 👀👀👀
- oof Adrian as a bad guy Airbender now that's a yikes idea. Sorry Air Nomads, somebody's not a good noodle.
- Chumley once again representing the Earth Kingdom
- Bro not sure about Banner..... so many options.....
- Earth King Kagemaru (bro those guys are almost always shady bitches whether it's the Earth monarch or the Dai Li bro we can NEVER trust the Dai Li)
- y'all Banner is so Earth Kingdom but he's also giving me Fire Nation, like aesthetically and vibes wise he could be either. But also because of his like alchemy background and straight up making a homunculous for himself and shit like that he's also giving me secret Bloodbender I'm literally on so many fences with this guy I can't decide 😭
- Also totally in touch with some spirits and stuff, totally dies and passes into the spirit world to continue existing there like Iroh did so Jaden can talk to him like the ghost we all know and love like another sort of spirit guide and Pharaoh can follow Jaden and crew around afterwords aksksk
- Stormshipping and Spiritshipping all over the damn place! It's me. You knew that was going to be a thing here.
That's all I got at the moment. Like I said I don't know if I'd ever actually write this, I know I have way too much on my plate right now to even think about this in a more on the table way than this but my brain won't stop so I have to indulge aksksk
Let me know y'alls thoughts if you got any I'm just messing around here really so lord knows 🤭 anyway if I come up with anything else maybe I'll add it later but for now holy shit guys isn't my mind a wild and crazy place??? 😜😂😅
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ashtoberr · 1 year
Hi hi I loveeee your csm oc / insert ♡♡ THEYRE SO COOL Her lore is so interesting 💭💭 At least. The lore that I've seen so far is so interesting. AND HER DESIGN IS SO CUTE I ADORE IT SM 🏂🏾🏂🏾🏂🏾
I always love it when ocs break the "norm" of their universe (idk if that makes sense but her being a vampire when most, if not all of the supernatural entities are devils/Devil adjacent is so swag and cool and based I LOVE SEEING CHARACTERS LIKE THAT 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽)
Her and Aki seem so cute too :3cc I don't think you understand how STOKED I was to see them in the selfship tag. Saw it and ran around my room screaming (in spirit not in action) because YES !!! FINALLY!!! IM STARTING TO SEE MORE PEOPLE W/ CSM SELF SHIPS / OC X CC SHIPS !!!!
I wanna know all ur thoughts about Ashuta 💭💭 She genuinely seems like such a cool character they're so epic and awesome n cool n swag ((o(^∇^)o))
OMG HI!!!! IM SORRY I JUST SAW THIS Ahhh thank you so much!!! It's super exciting to met another CSM selfshipper!!!! :DDD I'd love to hear abt ur self insert omg I'm so glad you like her!!!!!!! It actually means a lot, she makes me really happy to work on :D
And trust me I will provide on Ashuta lore >:3 Here is The Food For Today. I didn't include art this time bc I have been eepy. I have ideas for long after this, but this is the general gist. I plan to eventually draw a lot (if not all) of this out. Here's her concept for her first appearance and mission (Chapters 14 to 20, or up to episode 7 in the anime):
So, after being found by Makima:
She is added to the team briefly after Denji and Power. I'm currently undecided at which point she should enter the story; I'm thinking about prior to Chapter 14.
Makima helps her find a place (up until this point, she's been homeless since becoming a vampire) near Aki's apartment, encouraging her to make friends. She suggests Denji could use a friend since he's similar to her (not fully human, rough background).
Ashuta believes that since she'll be on a team of devils and humans, she would be more likely to make friends since they should be more accepting, right? She shows up to the Hayakawa apartment with some food, trying to introduce herself as a new member of the team (and not disclosing herself as a vampire yet- Power can tell, but doesn't care enough to point it out).
Denji thinks at first she's friendly, but a bit too polite and wonders how someone like her got chosen by Makima. Power doesn't initially feel strongly about her either way, though she's delighted to meet Meowy.
Aki thinks she's polite (and finally someone easy for him to get along with on his squad), but questions why she became a devil hunter after a couple hours of them hanging out. She briefly explains that she's a vampire, and that her life was ruined by the Vampire Devil. Aki's tone quickly changes knowing she's not human, and the night is sort of abruptly ended.
She's integrated into the group with Chapter 14's mission in the hotel being her first (could be retconned later.)
She's a bit hurt with the talk of Aki and Arai not trusting "non-humans" and saying they don't have human rights, so she's quick to become very quiet since she assumed Makima's team of devils and humans meant she was more likely to be accepted.
Himeno can quickly tell that she looks upset and comes over to strike up a conversation, and the two make small talk throughout the mission. She tells her to not mind Aki, that he's just had bad experiences with devils. Ashuta protests that she's not a devil, but a devil makes an appearance before Himeno can respond.
Himeno discusses with Aki later in the mission that she's surprised Ashuta is so conscientious for a vampire- Aki shrugs and believes it's her being deceptive. Himeno goes to suggest he give Ashuta a chance.
Ashuta does bond a bit with Denji over the mission, both of them asking each other questions about their respective species ("So are you allergic to garlic?" and "Does it hurt when your chainsaws come out?")
In hopes of winning Aki's approval, Ashuta offers to help Aki hunt for the devil. She explains that since vampires don't really need to sleep much, she could help him all he wants.
Aki, unimpressed, asks why she's so hellbent on trying to please him when he doesn't care about wether she lives or dies as a non-human.
In the hysteria of facing the eternity devil, Ashuta finally snaps at Kobeni after trying to keep everyone calm the entire mission, telling her she's going to be a shit devil hunter if she freaks out at the slightest inconvenience. Kobeni yells back that it was easy for her to say, that she'd been calm and collected the entire mission because she can't die. Ashuta yells at her that pussying out and turning on her teammates made it more likely for all of them to die, and to shut the fuck up and help if she was going to stay a devil hunter. It certainly doesn't make Kobeni like her, but it shuts her up.
Ashuta joins the newbie welcome party. Denji questions how she can eat if she's a vampire, and she shrugs and explains that it's the same way devils eat- the only difference is human food isn't of nutritional substance to her and she doesn't retain any energy from it, she eats it for nostalgia purposes and the taste.
Ashuta lightens up when Makima joins the party, glad to see someone familiar- she considers Makima a friend, being the first person who was nice to her.
During the party, Makima asks Aki how Ashuta's first mission was, and wether she had done satisfactory. Aki admits that she did well, and Ashuta can't help but be a little happy at his approval.
As the night progresses, she gets drunk enough where she feels less afraid to approach Aki again. The two actually end up talking some. While drunk, Aki apologizes for the way that he had regarded her earlier in the night, and that she handled her first mission well, remaining composed in such a stressful situation .
Ashuta shrugs, and says it's fine- when she was turned into a vampire, she'd been shunned by everyone she once knew. She explains she still considers herself the same person she was before, but she fears rejection from humans more than she fears injuries from devils. He suggests she come stop by their apartment again sometime (more out of drunken guilt than actual like for her, but it's a start to them becoming friends).
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tricos-here · 1 year
🎶💯🔱🐉💔💘🖤😞 for myrnahhhhhhhhh
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
She's not much of a music person but she does like the typical, Tavern/Inn Music - Fantasy Medieval Music (No Copyright) Vol. 2 kind of music , if for nothing more than background noise, though she won't to out of her way to listen to some
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
- Allegedly had awakened around 1320AE, but the fact that by then she'd already been not only part of the Vigil, but also part of an all revenant squad in the Mists Wars who owned and utilized warclaws, when supposedly none of those had been discovered at that time, makes her origin and timeline a little dubious. Not that the Vigil is going to talk about it any
- Her warclaw's name is Radha, she disassembled its armor and stashed it away after she was discharged from the Mist Wars around 1324AE, only reassembling it again sometime in 1330AE (PoF)
- (you already know this but for the sake of the people) as a revenant instead of channeling legends she channels her fallen squadmates (renegade spec style), she was the only one to survive a mortar strike while they were fighting in the Mists Wars - something about them being in the Mists and all of them being revenants ended up getting their spirits attached to her
ps she's not having a good time with it
pss she's chugging that krait oil to keep them at bay
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
She sure can swim (see: at least two fics of swimming with Ganieda) and she's quite good at it too, swimming in general but also being able to hold her breath for a considerable amount of time and could potentially swim with her heavy armor on for a time. She does enjoy swimming as well, or just being in water in general, finds it quite relaxing after a long day
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
What's a mythical creature when you're fighting dragons and their minions for a living tbh.... but she's quite fascinated by the Great Giants (giganticus lupicus), coming upon their skeletons a lot throughout her travels prompted to read into them, even though there's not a lot of information on them
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
she's quite blunt and often speaks before she really thinks about niceties or consequences, sometimes she'll catch herself and snap her mouth shut because she says some shit (or halfway through) but it's not often
will literally never not ask for help, she'd rather let a wound or thought fester than ask for help (case in point: the krait oil)
honestly, got a little too militaristic/ tactical of a mind, too often gets caught up in seeing people as just pawns on a war map. also social cue who
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
literally Ganieda above all else but you didn't hear the from me
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
considering she'd taken part in the Mist Wars, working as a bodyguard and then joined the Pact with the Vigil she's definitely killed and wounded her fair share of people
as for broken hearts and trust, not intentionally but, who's to say
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
she does attract others, she is attractive looking (my words not hers) and cuts a striking figure with her height and armor and typical straight backed soldier poise etc but if they stick around is a whole other subject
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