#at least this family :D
chaoseclips · 2 years
CheesePie stuff cuz I love them💕💕💕
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Also their son Lil Cheese:>
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humans-are-tasty · 1 year
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finzphoenix · 5 months
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Some of todays Batman drawings! ✍️💪
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zaacoy · 1 year
request; season 4 mk feels genuine joy for once give the sadboy something to feel happy about
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we get a little bit better everyday (or at least we try)
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dootznbootz · 7 months
I think people sleep on this moment in the Odyssey...
If I'm wrong, not getting full context, or see something that isn't there, feel free to give evidence to explain why.
Here he crept under a pair of bushes, one an olive, the other a wild olive, which grew from the same stem with their branches so closely intertwined that when the winds blew moist not a breath could get inside, nor could the rain soak right through to the earth.
(Book 5, Rieu)
I think this is about Penelope and him.
Obviously, their marriage bed is made from an Olive tree. If it's just about Athena then why are there two mentioned? Why did Homer mention two when he could've just said he took refuge under one? Or a completely different type of tree? Why mention them being intertwined?
One an olive: Penelope, who has been with society and "safe" in Ithaca ("Safe" because of the suitors)
One wild: Odysseus, who has dealt with literal monsters and immortals and has just escaped from Calypso. Literally naked and filthy, a "wild man".
"which grew from the same stem with their branches": Them both being together at first, before being separated.
"so closely intertwined that when the winds blew moist not a breath could get inside, nor could the rain soak right through to the earth.": Despite being separated, they are still "intertwined". Whether you want to think of it as them being likeminded or simply connected, even though they are apart, nothing could get in between them. 🥺
I don't know what else Homer could be referring to other than them.
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ancha-aus · 23 days
RealAgeAU Drabble - Meet Up
We are so close you all! So so so close :3 @spotaus get in here friend :D
It is so nice to just uplaod the first drafts of these drabbles! :D Makes them so easy to make and finish <3
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Killer runs straight home and doesn’t bother to act as if he has a normal monsters stamina. He needs to get home now and warn the others.
He is so lucky that Ellie kept him out of sight from Dream and Blue.
Because apparently those two are here now!
How did they even find them?! Especially as Ellie told him that she thinks they are looking for them.
Yeah no kidding! Killer didn’t even bother to deny it as he muttered he just needed to get home. Ellie advised him to go behind the buildings as that is mostly out of sight and should keep him hidden and out of sight.
Killer quickly set off to get home.
He is by now just running through the forest and going full speed. The LOVE in him making it easy to keep running for long times and boosting both his speed and his stamina.
He gets out of the forest in their area and rushes into the house.
Killer searches and relaxes as he sees Nightmare right in the nest where he should be. Nightmare seems to be scribbling in his little journal.
Horror walks out of the kitchen and he looks around worried himself “Crop just called.”
Killer nods as he pants “Dream and Blue are in town.”
Nightmare freezes and looks between them panicked.
Killer goes to Nightmare’s side and looks at Horror “Cross and Dust?”
Horror speaks “should be in the garden. I will get them.” and he goes outside.
Nightmare whines softly and Killer quickly pulls Nightmare close “It is okay tiny boss. No one is going to get you.” No one. Killer is going to allow anyone to touch their baby. Nightmare is their just as much as they all are Nightmare’s.
Horror returns with Cross and Dust and they all sit in the nest as they discuss what just happened.
As expected Dust immediately went around to close all the curtains and check the locks while Cross looks anxious “What if they find this place? I know we are hidden but everyone in town knows where we live. What if someone believes them and sends them our way?”
Horror shakes his skull “They won’t. Crop and Straw are going to make sure people don’t say stuff and they know not to talk about other people’s personal stuff.” Horror has yet to stop rubbing Nightmare’s tiny skull to reassure him.
Nightmare just stays plastered against Killer’s front. His souls is getting slightly squished between them but Killer doesn’t mind and it feels nice to feel Nightmare that close.
Dust nods “We stay inside. Stay quiet and lay low. Keep an eye out. We already did the big harvest and sale anyway. We can afford to hide before we need to prepare the farm for winter.”
Killer nods and grins at Nightmare “That sound okay baby? Just relax and cuddle in the nest together?”
Nightmare looks a bit unsure still but nods as she nuzzles closer to Killer and a part of Killer melts at the sight. Killer holds him close and purrs softly “That is it baby. Just let us worry about these type of things okay?”
Their phone rings in the kitchen and Dust stalks over to it before picking it up but not saying a single word. He listens for a moment before speaking “Crop.” He listens again and gives a small nod “You two can come by.” And he hangs up quickly afterwards.
They remain near each other as they talk about possible ideas on how to keep an eye out but not run the risk of being spotted. They quickly settle on that Cross can go around to check things while invisible but that he shouldn’t engage any combat. They are just discussing if Cross can keep someone else with himself invisible for long times when they hear a knock on the door.
A quick check later and they invite Straw and Crop in.
The two brothers tell them what happened with Blue and Dream in town and confirm that they are very obviously looking for them.
Straw slowly holds up a package of papers “I do think you may want to read these.”
Dust frowns and takes them to read through quickly together with Cross.
Straw nods “For what we could see. They seemed honest about it all! Even if they are rather pushy in the way they go about it.”
Crop walks out of the kitchen where he cleaned up some groceries “The others in town all agreed the two are shifty and not to be trusted.” Then a bit more amused “Heads up. They also kinda assumed that either or both of them are Nightmare’s other parent.”
Dust freezes and makes gagging noises at the very idea while Horror chuckles and pats his back.
Cross pouts as he crosses his arms and mutters about Dust being way out of their league and Killer snorts as he nuzzles Nightmare “Better for us. Makes everyone want to keep the two away from us with all the ground work we laid concerning the ‘other parent’ and how they were messed up.”
Nightmare just shrugs as he stays close with Killer.
Dust focusses back on the papers and frowns “Are they for real with this?”
Crop shrugs “We aren’t sure. They seemed honest but we can’t check the multiverse stuff easily.”
Killer frowns as he takes the paper to read through it with Nightmare as the others discuss ways to check if they really are truthful about it.
The announcement that Dream hadn’t done his job right. How Nightmare had been right. That Nightmare had never been a danger to the multiverse. How Dream had made things more complicated and how he should never have involved others into the mess.
How Dream never was a god of positivity and that he misunderstood his job. How the balance has been restored and so Dream won’t interfere with it anymore as it also is no longer his actual job.
Just lists upon lists of him going around and making sure everyone who knew about them knew the new truth.
It is so much.
Killer frowns as he sneaks a look at Nightmare. Nightmare just stares at the reports. His face blank.
Oh no.
Killer frowns and pulls him close “Nighty?”
Nightmare just stares at the reports “I told him this so many times… So long ago… why… why didn’t he believe me?” and he just looks at Killer sadly “Why did he never believe me?”
Killer frowns and holds their babybones close “I don’t know Nighty. I really don’t know.” He doesn’t have an answer. He doesn’t know what Dream was thinking or why he did what he did. All Killer knows is that their baby needs support and love and he can give that.
Dust joins their side and holds Nightmare’s hand silently. Just being there.
Cross looks at Horror “So how do we keep them away?”
Horror frowns as he clearly thinks before answering “We can’t. If they are still doing this after all this time? There is no dodging this. We will need to at least meet up to get them to stop.”
Cross looks deeply unhappy and Killer agrees.
Cross sighs and nods “How do we want to do that?”
Horror thinks before getting a small smile “I have an idea. We will also need to contact Error.”
Killer watches the empty road a few cities further along. He checks his phone for any new messages. It is still just the message he send the two Stars with this location and them sending back they are on their way.
Killer looks back at the street and quickly hides further behind the tree.
Dream is rushing up the road as he looks from side to side. Blue close behind him.
Killer mutters softly “They are here. You ready?”
Cross answers from wherever he is hidden “Ready.”
Killer would do the talking and Cross will be his backup in case he needs it. While they confront the Stars Dust and Horror will talk with Error about hiding this universe.
Easy does it. Blue and Dream walk by his hiding spot and Killer goes to the other side of the tree and just leans against it. His knife out. “what do you two want?”
Dream turns quickly and smiles “Killer! I am so happy to see you!” he takes a few steps but Killer holds his knife out aimed at him.
“Yeah. I can’t say I feel the same. What the fuck do you two want with us? I thought we made it clear that we didn’t want to see either of you the last time we met up?” Killer twirls his knife around as he makes sure to look unimpressed.
Dream frowns but takes a deep breath and steels himself “I want to see Nightmare. I want to see my brother. And I know if anyone knows where he is it is you four.”
Killer laughs and shakes his skull “Nah. You can go back to sniffing and shitting out good deeds. You are not going near boss.” Like hell Killer is going to allow Dream to come near Nightmare.
Dream glares at him and takes a step closer. Killer can hear Cross get his knife out somewhere near him. Dream clearly can’t see him as he glares at Killer “I know things have been rough. And I know I made mistakes. But I have been fixing those and actually making things right. I want to make things right with Nightmare. But for that I need to see him.”
Killer snorts “Just because you are selfish we should just lay over and let you get whatever you want? No.”
Dream glares at Killer “Really? What if Nightmare actually wants to see me? What if he actually also wants to talk about what happened? He wanted before. I am late and I know I was blind and acting stupid. But I want to listen. I want to hear what he has to say.” Dream takes a deep breath to calm down again as he keeps looking determined “I need to see him.”
Killer glares and hisses out his answer “No. You are not going near him.”
Dream glares right back “Like it or not but we are brothers. We are twins. We are both gods. We are always going to be connected in some way. Keeping us separate may just cause more trouble.”
Killer glares as he holds out his knife “Are you seriously trying to threaten me?”
Dream shakes his skull “No! I am not trying to do that! I just…” he holds hugs himself close “Don’t you sometimes wish you got a second chance? To make up for what you did wrong? For the pain you caused?”
Killer feels himself freeze. He has no doubt that Cross isn’t doing much better.
Dream just keeps talking “I know I messed up. I messed up badly. I just… I just want a chance to make things right. And I have done that for the multiverse… but I haven’t apologised yet to Nightmare. That is all I want Killer. I just want to see my brother and tell him I am sorry. That I am sorry for everything.” He looks desperate “please… You guys have to understand that feeling.”
Killer doesn’t like this. This still seems like such a bad idea… Cross holds his hand and squeezes it. Full trust in his decision.
Killer groans as he looks to the side “We can discuss stuff… See if he even wants to see you or prefers to just keep you as a thing of the past.”
Dream smiles and moves closer “Thank you! thank you so much-”
“I am not promising anything.” Killer glares “I will ask everyone. However. If he says no. If he says he prefers to keep you as a thing of the past. We will respect that. And you will have to respect that as well.”
Dream looks pained and shakes his skull “But… But I want…”
Killer glares “I don’t give a flying fuck about what you want or how you feel. You abandoned him. You betrayed him. You hurt him. You never listened to him. Just because you now finally got your head out of your own ass doesn’t mean he owns you anything. Least of all a second chance.” Killer keeps glaring at the god. “Am. I. Clear?”
Dream looks pained but he nods.
Killer nods himself “Good. Now leave. You are causing more problems for this universe than you are worth.” He turns and starts to walk away “When we made a decision I know how to contact you.”
A moment of silence until “At least tell him I am sorry… please… I need him to know that I am sorry and I want to do better…”
Killer stops but nods “Fine.” And he keeps walking.
This meeting could have gone better… Now to get home and let Nightmare decide what he wants.
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bruciemilf · 6 months
Okay but TJ being a doctor like Thomas but an at home one and he would be Batman when desperately needs him to be (Bruce is sick or hurt or away on business for example)
This makes so much sense for some reason and it seems canon to me
I hear you but chaotic deli owner TJ is so near and dear to me, — don’t get me wrong, guy is canonically a genius, and he FOR SURE hooks Bruce up with the latest tech (thanks to Lucius too, ofc. They’re science bros)
I truly do think TJ wakes up every morning , and his first thought is “hm how can I make Pop twist in his grave today” and just. Does it. Alfred has to live with the fact that his boys are walking disasters, and he wouldn’t change them for the world
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w1lmuttart · 2 years
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Omake that keeps me up at night redraw 🕺✨
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saltynsassy31 · 20 days
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Frye Fest - Final Countdown
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👪Team Family👪
Splatfest 12-01-2024
[Master Post - coming soon]
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
Don’t know why it just occurred to me that the east blue bring considered the weakest of the blues is probably because it’s been a victim of government propaganda like how gol d Roger be some gold Roger and they wanted to take the D. Out of Luffy’s name after he beat kaido.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
Random thought of the day: It would've been very awkward if anybody got bitten by a werewolf at Cazador's place.
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bubblegumflavor · 1 year
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Part 2 of Something strange is happening in the Valley ☺️ (Part 1) for @ckhalloween23 Mad Scientist prompt!
Daniel wanted to keep the dog.... for science... 😏
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fluorescentbrains · 6 months
people bringing up “but a multi family home could get so noisy :(“ are living on a different planet to me like sorry but when you live in civilization sometimes other people exist and are mildly annoying and you need to just cope
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andromeda-galaxy2877 · 6 months
Okay this has been driving me CRAZY since I watched the movie almost two years ago so I gotta talk about this. I haven’t personally seen anyone make a post about it but I did see this in a fanfic once (I unfortunately forget the name) which just fueled the fire for how crazy this drives me, so here you go!
I know people love the idea that Leo was in the Prison Dimension longer, that maybe the dimension’s time works differently than it does on Earth. That is insanely creative and really cool to see, the Prison Dimension has so much potential to be explored but…what if it was even more plausible that Leo was in there longer? But it had nothing to do with the dimension itself or its properties?
So at the beginning of the movie, we see Future Mikey make a time gateway into the past to the day the Key got stolen, right? He stretches out his arms, and rips that hole in the fabric of time and space, and sends Casey to the past. And then, y’know, explodes, but that's besides the point.
What does Mikey do to save Leo from the Prison Dimension?
He does the exact same pose, the exact same technique. Of course this was probably just done for the parallel, but…what if Mikey can’t open regular portals?
What if that was another time gateway?
Obviously it couldn’t have been as much time as Future Mikey did, since Leo didn’t look any older. So what if he was in there for just a few extra minutes? A few extra hours? Maybe a few extra weeks, or even a few extra months?
None of them would have any idea. Only Leo would. If it were just a few extra minutes, no one would have any way of knowing. If it were a couple days or weeks, maybe Leo thought it took them awhile to actually get him out and didn’t realize it was the same day. (Sure he could’ve figured it out from the scenery after getting out, but like. He got beat up pretty bad, he could’ve been too out of it to realize)
It doesn’t really make sense to me either to have Mikey be able to make portals like Leo does. I adore Mikey, he is INSANELY powerful and I love all his crazy abilities, but Leo’s like. One thing is that he can make portals and teleport. It feels strange to me to have Mikey also have that. Like it’s cool, but at the same time it would be the EXACT same power then. 
So, in other words for all of this, oh my god I cannot wait till I’m done writing my current fanfic and can move on to the next one. 
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starfyhero2 · 7 months
These Show That We're Brothers! (Harmonic Heroes AU)
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Branch studied the younger twins closely.
"What we need is something to show that we're a family. Something like..."
His eyes glanced over to a vest sitting on top of his small bedside dresser. That vest was Floyd's old vest that he left behind in favor of his red puffy vest the day the rest of his family left to fight their parents.
It was the only thing Branch had left of his dead family. But now, Cooper and Darnell were like his family.
Looking at the leafy vest again gave him an idea.
A few days later, he approached the twins with some green cloth in his hands.
"So, guys, I went over to talk to those fashion twins the other day and got them to make these pieces of cloth for us."
Upon showing them the fabric, Darnell's eyes widened.
"Wait B, isn't that your dead brother's vest?"
Cooper let out a gasp.
"That's the only thing you got of him left!"
The gray trolling gave them a small smile.
"That vest was a way for me to hang on to what was left of my family. But we're brothers now, and as brothers, I thought it would be cool to wear something that shows that!"
He tied the cloth to the pair's necks in a triangle bandana fashion.
"The vest represented my family then, and it still does now; it just looks different!"
He tied the last remaining cloth to his wrist.
"By wearing this, we'll never be apart!"
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kronofobia · 21 days
Tw: vent
I started drawing a scene with my oc (Homuko) and Morro, where Homu, being the good dad he is, makes Morro's favourite food. And as I drew them both smiling and being a happy family and shit... and I broke into tears, because WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T HAVE WHAT THEY HAVE??
I thought making a cute happy family art about them would be comforting, but no, it just made me fucking envious. Why can't I have a normal, supportive family? Why couldn't I have a proper childhood? Why do I have to be the most responsible one in the family? Why do I have to be the fucking mediator? Why am I my siblings parental figure? Why am I the oldest child? Why do I have to be my mother's psychologist? Why do I have to have daddy issues? Why do I have to have PTSD? Why am I never enough no matter how hard I try?
I had to take a break from that art, because... their joy is so painful to me. I want to be Morro. I want to have a loving parent, who tells me there's nothing wrong with me. I want them to tell me that the pain I've experienced wasn't my fault. I want to hear them say that my feelings are valid. I want to know that I'm not alone and I always have someone to comfort me.
It's so funny to remember why I created Homuko in the first place. I felt sorry for Morro, so I gave him a parent who could help him overcome his gifted child syndrome. Homu was never a self insert, but I made him act the way I would, if I was a father. He tells Morro the things I always wanted to hear as a kid.
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