#aurelia ig too
justaduckarts · 2 years
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Since an Anon asked for refs of Aurelia and Julian, here they are (plus Miland’r). 
These three are the closest servants of their respective gods! High Priestess Aurelia, Eclipse’s Assistant Julian, and Miland’r The Dream Weaver (she’s a little lesser goddess!) Millie’s not heavily involved in the Star Holder story but I adore her tiny mousy self so you get to see her in all her floofy glory. 
Peep Julian’s burn scar from Eclipse
Aurelia’s RBF too
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so i've been thinking and apparently came up with a way of linking the jack pack to the seven deadly sins (i have too much time on my hands and not enough sense)
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cornus27florida · 10 months
LambCat posting this on her twitter and IG account, a preview video of the might be the very final part of the CPC story
Buckle up!
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One thing to say is, thanks a lot to @saemi-the-dreamer as the news that CPC might have 3 fp
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Whatever that's the case or not, I really wish all the best for LambCat - even if not having 3 fp as making those ep as buffer is okay too!!!
So, based on the preview video - which I have hardtime to screenshootings, we have several characters in the preview as the following:
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First image is Lorena, who's the shoes is? Find out next time in the CPC
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Second image is Lance, bro get first aid first?
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Third is Blaine... Bro bro - who's you gonna stab?
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Fourth is Gwen, the big bad (wolf) reveal???
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Fifth is Frederick, lil bro running to the opposite direction of everyone? And aren't animals around - Maria's woodland creatures ensemble?
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Sixth is Whitney, horrified with -?
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Maria scene as the following actually before Gwen-Frederick-Whitney appearance, F####
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We have Maria, Syrah, the Beige Princel using catapult, Jamie and Leopold as well Monika
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Swish slash the nightmare apparition, Leland
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What Aurelia see? One thing for sure glad that Potrait mystery finally be out!!! The content is-
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This is Lilyth (Leelathae) because the reddish tint in her hair - continuation of her diary content?
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The last image, the hardesr to get - Prez with shining eyes in yellow and sweatdropped a lot
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I putting the preview image again, as the conclusion - and what we know so far...
Leland smiling creepily is similar to the scene at ep 133 where he imagining 'everyone' as his pawns
Frederick shocked, and you noticed that he's the only male character in the good side
Lorena ready for war, LITERALLY
Maria sitting to where Gwen is - with a leg of her being raised. Remember, she's on slumber induced curse but neither of her limbs raised
Prez with her sword ready to attack!
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acircusfullofdemons · 8 months
GARNET - Are there gods? -🐺👑
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[ ASK GAME ] || Eternal Labyrinth is FULL of Gods/Deities! Arcadia has the most by default, obviously, but Earth I & Earth IV have a handful, too. Warning, this got...a lot longer than I thought it would 😅
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Earth I
Theia Mortimer — goddess of death
Vitalus Zoticus — god of life
Eloise Jekyll — first angel
Ketrill Hyde — first demon
Josephine "Fifi" Allaway — goddess of time
Emory Warwick — god of space & knowledge
Lucien Jekyll — goddess of order/harmony
Vincent Hyde — god of chaos
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Earth IV
Prism — mother of the 7 Emotional Deities, encompasses all emotions
Ares — deity of anger
Hermes — deity of greed
Phobos — deity of fear (+ Harvest aka Harlow Spade, who becomes the new goddess of fear at...some point)
Hercules — deity of determination
Pandora — deity of hope
Eleos — deity of compassion
Aphrodite — deity of love
There's also the 7's first followers & partners:
Orion Guerrero aka The Butcher
Edwin Kramer aka The Merchant
Aurelia Crowley aka The Witch
Cleo Barsotti aka The Hero
Silas Roux aka The Hopeful
Grace Lovatt aka The Merciful
Amanda Lovatt aka The Lover
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Alcus (al•cuss) — god of the ocean, rivers, water.
Alia (al•e•ah) — goddess of puzzles, riddles. wife of zagreus. mother of elythia.
Bruma — god of winter, cold. sister of rythsti.
Bytris (bye•tris) — god of technology. often confused for or replaced by vyris.
Calypso — would-be god of imagination, theater. associated with music, dance. son of illulia and joylena. brother of reverie.
Cletho (cle•though) — god of darkness, the void. associated with leadership, fatherhood. father of viktoria and deimos.
Deimos — god of destruction. associated with fear, nightmares. son of cletho. brother of viktoria.
Delphi — goddess of intelligence, wisdom.
Direna — goddess of magic. associated with purple, demons, wolves.
Elliott — goddess of space. also referred to as Mother of the Galaxy, Keeper of Constellations.
Elythia (el•ih•thiea) — goddess of the dead / ghosts, ensures spirits travel to their respective afterlife. daughter of zagreus and alia. caretaker of emrits. commonly goes by “theia (mortimer)”.
Fifi — goddess of time. also referred to as Father Time, Josephine Allaway. has an apprentice, toby reynolds, who is often referred to/confused as the actual god of time. he is most well-known in Earth I/Wonderland and Neverland, mainly for never working properly.
Ignius (ig•nus) — god of battle, strategy. associated with fire, summer.
Ilullia (ill•oo•leah) — goddess of slumber, dreams, nightmares. mother of reverie and calypso. wife of joylena.
Joylena — goddess of holidays, celebrations, marriage. associated with trickery, music, bells. wife of illulia. mother of calypso and reverie.
Lullaby — god of lullabies. son of reverie.
Nynx — god of the moon, dusklight (nighttime). serves as solar's right hand, technically king of the gods but has more respect of a prince than anything else. brother of sola.
Reverie — goddess of daydreams, imagination. daughter of ilullia. sister of calypso. mother of lullaby.
Rythsti (ry•th•st•ee) — goddess of nature. also referred to as Mother Nature. associated with motherhood. mother to zagreus. sister to bruma.
Sola — goddess of the sun, dawnrise (daytime). queen of the gods. sister to nynx.
Viktoria — former goddess of space. see: elliott.
Vyris — goddess of reality. associated with fate, prophecy. often confused for or replaces byrtis in some myths.
Zagreus — god of death. son of rythsti. husband of alia. father of elythia.
Zerlo — god of the weather. associated with storms.
There's other mythological figures & deities but this is just about the Gods + this post is long enough lmao
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buffporcupine · 1 year
tell me abt kiyomi fellow Canada loather
why hello there 😋 it’s infodumping o’ clock ig ‼️
tws for death, abuse, descriptions of gore, all that
Kiyomi is an OC I’ve had for at least two years. She’s taken on several different forms and her design has changed a whole lot but she’s one of my favorite OCs!!
Her full name is Kiyomi Itō, and she’s this seventeen year old girl from Kyoto, Japan. Her mother was French-Canadian and her father was Japanese. She can speak Japanese, French, and English, and she learned them in the order they are listed.
Okay, the backstory stuff might be a bit confusing because I’m not good with the wording and this is actually the first time I’ve ever written out everything.
Kiyomi has a younger sister named Shoko who was five years younger than her. Kiyomi also had an older half-brother named Akira who is six years older than her. Kiyomi’s mother was named Sakura, and Kiyomi’s father was named Jin.
When she was a kid, her father was both abusive to her, her younger sister, and her mother. He had had an affair that resulted in the birth of Kiyomi’s half-brother, Akira. Akira’s mother’s identity is unknown. Jin, had a deep-seated hatred for his wife and his daughters, and he tried to teach Akira to hate them as well. This didn’t work though, and after deceiving his father, Akira was able to help his sisters run away. Their mother, though, died at Jin’s hand, and Jin was arrested and incarcerated. After running away, Akira, Kiyomi, and Shoko fled across the world to Canada to go live with their maternal aunt and uncle. By that time, Akira was an adult and he could have been able to keep living at the Ito residence, but taking care of Shoko and Kiyomi would be too difficult without assistance.
The move to Canada was when Kiyomi was fourteen. Now, she has graduated from high school and she’s studying for a degree in psychology. She also spends a lot of time with Akira and his wife, Aurelia.
Kiyomi’s interests include, but are not limited to, psychology, toxicology, entomology, and other things. She really enjoys watching children’s television shows, or reading books about bugs, or watching the night sky. She’s fascinated by activity most consider ‘childish’, and she’s very open and curious about new things. She isn’f very informed though, and she doesn’t get social cues very easy.
She’s fascinated by cute things, and she really likes to look nice. She puts a lot of effort into her appearance, and she prefers scene and grunge dress styles. She’s very naturally attractive as well, but she does wear lots of makeup.
Below are some drawings I’ve made of her. She’s really fun to draw. The first drawing is in my style, the second is in the DRV3 style.
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She’s also a bit like a punching bag OC, a bit of a Mary-Sue, but I don’t like to think of her as those.
She’s also schizophrenic, and she’s largely ashamed of that fact. She likes to hide it as much as she can, and she never mentions it to anyone that isn’t EXTREMELY close to her. She’s also got a bit of a fear of abandonment, and she fears that it was her fault what happened to her when she was a child.
She started out as a Danganronpa OC, for a Fangan I had been working on, but now she’s her own sort of character for now. I have the information necessary to insert her into any universe, like Death Note, Stranger Things, etc.. Now she’s just fandomless, and I have enough lore about her to give her her own category.
Below is some useless trivia about her.
She’s allergic to a lot of things, she loves strawberries, she has an obsession with MCR, and she hates it when people try to look smart when they really don’t know what they’re talking about.
She’s actually really short, like five feet and four inches tall. It’s mostly because of stunted growth due to childhood malnutrition.
She’s also a hopeless romantic!! She loves romance novels and movies. She’s very open-minded about who she wants to date, though, and she just hopes it’ll be someone nice and sweet.
There’s the end of the useless trivia.
Now, she spends most of her time studying, helping Shoko study, or spending time taking care of Aurelia. Aurelia is a former secretary turned housewife, well, she was, and then she got diagnosed with this really nasty degenerative neurological condition, and sort of just became a shell of who she used to be.. Yk? So Kiyomi also has to help Akira take care of his kids as a result of Aurelia’s absence.
Kiyomi is honestly living her best life, actually. And at a different, later point in her story, she meets her perfect partner!! I just packed her with trauma so bad I had to make up for it by giving her a happy adult life. Her and Aurelia also have like.. a super cute relationship, so there.
Kiyomi is my CHILD, definitely one of my favorite OCs. I have at least 100 OCs, though, so.. I have a lot of favorites, too.
Maybe I should make more posts about Shoko, Akira, or Aurelia sometime?? I dunno.
Thank you if you read this.
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pleiadianprincezz · 2 years
Intro Post She/Her. 33 (too old for this app probably). Bibliophile. Writer. I bujo, I journal, I take photographs. Mom of 4. Wife of 1. Spiritual. Intuitive. Witchy mama. Mother Nature. Gratitude. Words. Music. Frequencies. Energy. Unconditional love & acceptance. Introvert. Homebody. I live to take care of and make other people happy.
IG: samant.delvalle
BLOG: On Being Human
♋️ sun
♍️ moon
♏️ rising
Born on the 7th day of the 7th month at 7lbs 7oz. Ethereal. Soft. Calm. The Nurturer. Pleiadian starseed. And also just a regular elder millenial/emo trying not to lose my entire identity to motherhood. A constant work in progress. Healing is the 2023 theme. I am everything and everyone and every moment all at once. I crave change. I've never fit in here, i guess that's why I feel comfortable in lots of different skins. Be good. Do good. Remember who you/what you are, my little light babies.
Love you all,
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
From this:
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To this:
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I’m not completely finished with this yet (still need to add the oral arms, I’m not confident enough to add the tentacles) but I love how this turned out so far! 
I’m not the neatest person when it comes to sewing but I still like the idea of having a cute little jellyfish friend by my side haha
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chocogummiesx · 4 years
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Apprentice Tea Party!
This event is hosted by @rachel_doodles_ and @sadbeansoup on IG!
Just,, me showing my appreciation to all these wonderful apprentices and I wish I could include more,, but I love every single one! this, took me like a whole month FR haha gosh I'm glad I finished
short descriptions of my appreciation:
Maya (@blue.loves00) - I just love Maya’s aesthetic! Cute and glowing,, she’s stunning!
Izemrasen (@vkusnodonis)- my gosh,, words can not describe how gorgeous Ize is— style is immaculate! And I adore your art,,
Luc (@threateninglydarkpotato) - oh you know I love this man,, look at his gorgeous hair,, be my husband???
Eize (@eiizera) - ADORABLE, but could kick my ass???? The fact that she likes punching rocks?? perfection. Also green hair is amazing and iconic
Ash (@_savydigital_) - HER VIBES ARE EVERYTHING! She just looks so loving and approachable like,, look at her smile,, and her accessories are perfect.
Faye (@alonelylimes_) - where do I start with Faye,, she is just beautiful— and she is baby,, I love how curious and excited she is,, all around wholesome.
Isha (@bast_art13 / @bastart13) - Isha inspires me,, ajdksajfl i love their interactions with the main 6 and just,, let me share a cup of tea with them please,, it would be the most peaceful moment
Julianne (@timmys_and_scribbles) - Julianne is drop dead stunning and I am always shook when I see your cgs,, gosh her moments with Julian give me life!
Tatiana (@wackycherryart) - POWERFUL QUEEN! Her design is mwah gorgeous! Also she’s a wine girl,, ;) let’s share a glass~
Nell (@jammy_sketchbook) - just have to say,, god bless your cgs you feed me with wholesome dad lucio I— and Nell is just so beautiful and you can just feel her positivity!
Miss Prentiss (@arcanaprentiss / @wanlingnic) - I adore Miss Prentiss, I am always entertained by the thirst for Julian and I live for it—
Dekim (@angelinaavramov) - Dekim is classy and I want,, to brush his hair, it looks so silky ;w; be my husband
Miyara (@mimishadraw) - Miyara and Julian are a lovely mood and I love their banter,, and I admire your cgs and comics! 
Anaia (@galaxyon_) - your style is gorgeous and I can not describe how much I love your art and Anaia is stunning!
Lazarus (@soleiluos) - Laz is amazing and the fact that he loves lucio and portia is just everything— their dynamics are just explosive and I love dragon boy
Aurelia (@comet_vtfoe) - just discovered your baby Aurelia and I love her,, I still am in awe of your art from svtfoe! You inspire me~
Anya (@rumrumaart) - UM XCUSE ME SHE’S BEAUTIFUL please step on me,, belly dancing magic queen???? Yes
Venefica (@sadbeansoup) - their hair,, their moles,, they are stunning and I’m in love,, iconic style
Alma (@tamashi_arts) - Alma is adorable and I will fite anyone who comes for her— and the dynamic btwn her and Muriel is everything
Briar (@sadsoapbubbles) - Briar is a wholesome baby, I love her soft vibes,, moth child is cinnamon roll and your comic with Asra made me c r y
Emzy (@sallysoulx) - Emzy is lovely and I love her belts and pirate aesthetic?? Also your art is just everything please don’t ever stop <3
Dominique (@lucinaryy_) - DOMI IS MY EVERYTHINGGGG,, she is a queen and so are you— she’s strong and beautiful and I will FIGHT anyone who tries to bring her down
Rachel (@rachel_doodles_) - Rachel is that one girl to bring me out of my shell, like YES she is the friend that everyone just adores and wants to hang out with and I love her
Neah (@neahelendha) - I can’t get over how soft he is but also could destroy me in any competition because look at him he is amazing and he looks great with Asra
Polly (@galacticbill) - Polly and lucio give me joy and I love your stories with them,, and the editing skills are top notch— that silver prosthetic is everything 
Milo (@melodramaniacc) - Milo is baby and I love their chaotic energy,, your meme recreations are hilarious and I love,,
Zara (@pastelglasses) - of course Zara deserves all of my appreciation,, she keeps it real and just,, her vibes are everything and I love her teasing with Julian
Nix (@erratic_fox) - ALSO BABY! Nix is precious and her cat like design is just so adorable I can’t,, her magic is so interesting as it contrasts with her adorable everything
Clara (@dreamer.rena / @dreamer-rena-artz) - can Clara,, please take me away to a bar night blitz like gosh I am in love please, your art is gorgeous 
Nyla (@peachlemone) - Nyla is perfect heLLO?? Her new outfit design?? Stunning. This freckled beauty is just beautiful and I want to go on adventures with her
Valarie (@aaliyah_draws / @aaliyah-draws) - soft vibes~ I would just love to wander around with Valarie and just chill like I love her,, and your cgs are also everything,
Eris (@luc.eris / @savenkey) - ERIS IS MY LOVE AND JOY AND,, everything you do with her and lucio just gives me profound joy;; also my god your talent is off the charts, editing and cgs an d just providing resources to the arcana fandom,, you are too good to us <3
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nekomatexts · 5 years
about me, the admin
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imma be real chief. this isn’t gonna be formal like all my other posts, bc it’s just me.
“tHiS iSn’T gOnNa Be FoRmAl” i say, putting a gif on this one but not on the other ones...
anyways lesgo
this is honestly a mess, now that i look at this,, don’t feel obligated to read it all but if you do,, <3
my name’s rua (not actually but like one of those internet names lmao). i got the name from an older internet name i had: aurelia, but it’s reversed and i took the last three letters to make rua. Yeah, it’s Weird
17, soon to be jared, never learned how to read
i live on the east coast so i’m EST (eastern standard time)
if it wasn’t obvious, my favorite team from hq is... wait for it
I’M CAPPING, PLEASE. NO ROASTS,,, but eita semi?? shirabu?? goshiki?? my children
i don’t think i have favorites, but i do like nekoma a lot
idk why i was so formal when i dealt with asks in 2016. i’m prob gonna change that (idk when ur reading this but its jan 2020 rn)
headass is my main language, however i do speak english, tagalog, and french (un peu). i am currently learning japanese by myself. i’m in pain
i’m multishipper, but,,, im rare pair shipper too so,,,, im in more pain
OTHER INTERESTS (besides,,, yknow):
anime, easy one to figure out. i try to watch everything “mainstream” however i’m partial to idol anime, sports anime, and romance anime. isekai isn’t my jam but i’ll watch if it’s good.
MOBAGE; llsif? a3?? enstars?? shining live? obey me?? yea, i play that. feel free to hmu for friend codes
i’m a gamerrr. i PlAy LeAgUe. not really but i do with friends and just mess around. i also play minecraft lmao. 
i like utaite, so mafumafu,,, basically. no i’m kidding. i’m also an aspiring youtaite, but i’m waiting on my mic,, and a nice computer :-) 
go follow me on twitter: aileruua
honestly, i have so many interests that i could talk about anything so just hmu
for example: hypmic, mxtx (mdzs, svsss, i need to read tcgf), etc.
FAVS ig:
starting with haikyuu!! i can’t NOT mention the pretty setter squad, and by that i mean every setter. Every Setter ever. my favs for hq! are just the setters.
there’s also nishinoya, but that’s a Seiyuu thing. i love Noburin.
idk what else to say for hq! so we’ll leave it there
speedrun time:
a3: itaru chigasaki oshi, autumn troupe oshi
llsif: kotori, yohane
enstars: i quit enstars but pull every once in a while,, anyways, Kanata & ryuseitai & oddballs
anime is its’ own category:
bnha: ofc this is here, but bakugo for,,, obvious reasons (Noburin) but i do love Denki Kaminari with all of my heart
bungou stray dogs: ,,, my main is literally chwya,,, i love that funky short man
(donghua but) mxtx: i started with mdzs but i love svsss,,, but that’ll prob change once i start tgcf. hua cheng??? so attractive
i don’t want this to be too long, but if you made it this far, thank you so much. ily. i’m sorry that this was a mess. this is just my thought process in headass.
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aurailia · 6 years
i was tagged by @likepotato so tysm!!
drink: capri sun 😎
phone call: my mum bc she was supposed to be picking me up from college
text message: my friend jess
song you listened to: someone gets hurt (reprise) - mean girls musical
time you cried: idk actually
dated someone twice: yeah lol
kissed someone and regretted it: yeah bc it was gross and slimy ):
been cheated on: no lol
lost someone special: yeah ):
been depressed: not diagnosed but im sad a lot
gotten drunk and thrown up: no lol
fave color: pinkkkk
in the last year have you
made new friends: i think
fallen out of love: only with fandoms
laughed until you cried: yeah lol -- just today actually
found out someone was talking about you: yeah but it’s fine bc we hate each other and i do the same to her (:
met someone who changed you: no lol
found out who your friends are: ig??
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: i kissed them before i got fb but we’re friends on it now tho if that counts?
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them bc im safe
do you have any pets: yeah!! A cat called lilly who’s a brat and i love her
do you want to change your name: aurelia would be nice but i’ll stick with jess
what did you do for your last birthday: well u see that was 4 months ago and idk what i did yesterday so -- i think we just had a barbeque and a sleepover bc i got a phone instead of a sweet sixteenth thing so
what time did you wake up today: like 7:40am idk
what were you doing at midnight last night: drawing and watching youtube
what is something you can’t wait for: death
what are you listening to right now: hung up - madonna
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah lol -- one’s an absolute mad lad, the other one’s a vegan -- very different people, still both cool tho
something that gets on your nerves: everything lol
most visited website: youtube
hair color: pink
long or short hair: shoulder length
what do you like about yourself: i got pink hair
want any piercings: yeah i want a septum piercing but my mum says no ):
blood type: idk actually
nicknames: jess, bunger, thot, jessicat
relationship status: Single
zodiac: taurus
pronouns: She/her
Fave tv shows: Brooklyn 99, Community, X files
tattoos: none but i want a little kitty paw
right or left handed: left
ever had surgery: yeah bc the top of my finger came off and they had to put it back on, also my eyelid split open once but i think they just glued that back together
piercings: earrings
sport: used to do gymnastics?? Occasionally went mountain biking and walking with parents and even less occasionally went canoeing with them -- started going to the gym tho recently
vacation: yeah i went to menorca with two of my friends in june
Trainers: have i ever trainers???? what????
more general
Eating: rn?? nothing - tho i want party rings ):
Drinking: nothing rn
about to watch: im watching ATLA rn so i can watch Korra bc it looks good
waiting for: bed
want: tbf another cat
want to get married:  idk actually
career: smthn artsy
which is better
hugs or kisses: hugs
lips or eyes: depends on the scenario
shorter or taller: i mean im shorter so short ppl are better but if i was going to date someone i want them to be taller than me
older or younger: ,,,????
nice arms or stomach: ???
hookup or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
have you ever
kissed a stranger: probably??? Im not too sure actually??? Not on the lips i dont think
drunk hard liquor: tastes gross so no
lost glasses: dont wear them
turned someone down: yeah lol
sex on first date: no lol im 16
broken someone’s heart: i wouldnt say i broke their hearts but i just didnt date them
had your heart broken: no lol
been arrested: not yet
cried when someone died: yeah )))::: movies and irl
fallen for a friend: yep but we were like 10?? But then it lasted on and off again for 3 years so,,,,,,
do you believe in
yourself: no lol
miracles: where you from, you sexy thing (honestly tho idk rly,,,)
love at first sight: imo if ur dating it should be for personality and u cant tell that at first glance so no
santa: no ):
kiss on a first date: if u want to sure
Angels: hm
best friend’s name: i dont wanna chose between them ): the two ive been friends with for the longest are called Elin and Charlotte
eye color: hazel (so like brown in the middle, green on the outside)
fave movie: uh,,,,, like idk?? What We Do In the Shadows is good, Bridge to Terabithia always makes me cry so that’s good
fave actors: i rly liked aubrey hepburn as a person if that counts?? Havent seen any of her movies yet though -- other than her tho, Chris Hemsworth is a gem, so is Anne Hathaway and Helen Mirren
I'm gonna tag @rainbowdovelove @gallium-plus-yttrium-equals-gay @my-therapist-took-my-superpowers @kissa-bear @legitimaterock @nev-e-r-m-i-n-d @yovngjustice
and like legit anyone who wants to do this just go for it man -- esp if we're mutuals!!
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ask-minamikenjiro · 7 years
I was tagged by @ask-cgiacometti
A– age: 16
B– birthplace: Wausau, Wisconsin
C– current time: 10:06 pm
D– drink you last had: iced coffee (because it’s too hot for regular coffee (it was like 87°F and humid as hell I was not made for heat and humidity send help))
E– easiest person to talk to: I can narrow it down to two people that are the easiest to talk to. My amazing platonic spouse, @realisticallycynical (ilysm bby) and my irl best friend Molly.
F– favorite food: *internal screaming* if I have to choose, fettuccini alfredo, pizza, or legit anything with ranch or mayo (long story)
G– grossest memory: I was like 11 or 12 and my sister vomited everywhere on her shag carpeting, and my mom and dad and other sister all have really weak stomachs, and the sick sister was obviously sick, so I had to clean it up.
H– horror yes or horror no: horROR FUCK YES ALL THE WAY PLS AND THNK
I– in love?: I thought I was briefly, but I overestimated my feelings, things went tits-up, and it caused me a fuck-ton of pain (many can attest to this). Right now tho, I have a major crush on someone who I’ve gotten to know quite well that I dont have a chance with, which is fine ig. I do love them, but I wouldn’t say I’m IN love just yet.
J– jealous of people?: ……sometimes. nothing deep-seated, just situational
K– killed someone?: Not yet, though I don’t intend to. I’m a pacifist, so I don’t like violence as a method of dealing with things.
L– love at first sight or should I walk by again?: Yes and no. I believe in deep infatuation at first sight, bit to love someone you have to get to know them first
M– middle name: Renae (I hate the way it’s spelled it should be Renée bc proper spelling)
N– number of siblings: 5, I live with two of my sisters, and I have two brothers who I haven’t met, plus another sister who doesn’t remember me bc I haven’t seen her since I was four and she was two
O– one wish: not to end up alone or sad
P– person you called last: this is gonna sound really pathetic, but my ex girlfriend’s phone number. I wanted to hear her voice again. I won’t elaborate as to why she wouldn’t answer unless y'all want to know.
Q– question you’re always asked: “what are you doing? Stop that”
R– reason to smile?: That’s a hard one. I’ve said this before,.And I don’t mean to be so sappy, but really it’s people. My people, my group. I have a list. Honestly, Cass is at the top.
S– song you last sang: Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute
U– underwear color: blue mostly, they’ve got Thing 1 and Thing 2 on them
V– vacation: last time it was to Wisconsin for memorial day weekend to visit the family and such, my dream vacation is either Europe (all of it) or LA/California in general
X– x-rays?: My chest in fourth grade (pneumonia), and my left knee in 7th grade (dislocation)
Y– your favorite​ song?: Right now, it’s either Vivir Mi Vida by Marc Anthony, or Cough Syrup by Young the Giant (the Glee version where Blaine is singing it is 👌👌👌👌 mighty finee)
Z– zodiac sign: Scorpio, born in year of the Dragon
I am tagging @ask-aurelia @ask-crispisara @ask-leo-de-la-iglesia @realisticallycynical (ilysm bby) and anyone else who wants to really. You can say I tagged you if you’d like.
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cornus27florida · 9 months
CPC WIKI NEWS (reality check, basically)
We're the cpc wiki editors all over the place that gathered in CPC wiki server has things to pointing out I guess
First about naming conventions for images, I am still not sure how... but if relating to Frederick, I think we could find some ways... My idea of delegations based on likability is sound fire suggestions ^^ it's slow job but now not impossible to do! Also I am honestly in lose about naming as it's politic xD
I always hate politic stuff, I prefer to be biologist nerdy :3
I am very happy for the return of Peri, which gives light at the tunnel that we won't doomed for the Daily Pass! @cpcwiki
Hey, sorry I fell off the face of the earth for a few months… Life got busy and unfortunately some stuff happened that’s left me unable to really edit anymore, completely wrecking my plans of expanding more pages. I do wanna say, I know there’s been some concern about screenshooting Daily Pass being illegal? I wouldn’t be too worried about that. I think it’s more of a gray area thing, AFAIK it says that if you screenshot any episode in the app, even non-daily pass, and I’ve seen wikis for Daily Pass series that have uploaded screenshots post-series ending and they haven’t gotten in trouble. -> it's more about once series in DP, for most case of people (like me who using android phone, or accessing CPC on website as eben thou my PC is MAC...) - they can't screen shooting any panels of CPC webtoon anymore
DP does not prevent screenshotting -> for Apple only, likely
In the worst scenario as CPC truly goes DP and we can't do these impossible tasks.. At least people with iphone could still screenshooting CPC panels that necessary for wiki stuffs
So in nutshell, this gives some breathes for CPC wiki staffs to not obsessed with reaching the impossible task of images
Major character page editing espc about relationships basically the whole Plaids, then Pastel - thus the CPC
Leland is the hardest because he shrouded with the mystery and even the recent FP ep still not make sense of things - it seems if the CPC decide to make prequel story, I am gonna to hope it's Leland (fans in the past like it to be Aurelia, but she essentially a minor villain-turned to be supporter midway which her story likely only about her blood father and how exactly she got cursed) - that's not many engaging story for prequel unlike Leland - despite all the flashbacks so far and his interactions with everyone possible, he still shrouded with mystery. Yes, me and many others like @the-giggling-guava makes so many HC about Leland backstory but at the end it is just fanon theories that could be debunked ig
Close to the series finale, refreshment and transformation!
In the way of changing image and article preview there
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There's so many quotes in Frederick's page - but this one imho fitting the most as depicting him to be "the narrator"
"Just a few months ago, I would have never wished to encounter any cursed people outside of a story book. And when I did, I thought they were monsters at first. To be fair, they were attacking me... And yet here I am now... really happy to get to be their friends... I don't think any of that would have ever happened if I hadn't met Gwen..."
Prince Frederick of the Plaid Kingdom, also known as many aliases including called as "Sunflower" by his bullies, is the third prince of the Plaid Kingdom which formally engaged with the third princess of Pastel Kingdom - Gwendolyn. Initially against the idea of getting marrying with Gwendolyn because he both disappointed (as he mistaken Gwen with Jamie from the portrait, thoughts Gwen as haunted spirit instead) and scared (his first thought over Gwen is thinking her as a witch that will poisoned him with apple pie that she bakes after meeting with the real witch that poisoning Jamie) - to the point screaming in frustation to his oldest brother about his thought that Gwen is ugly. Gwen that overhears him feels so hurt and then running to the haunted forest which lets her to meet the CPC, the cursed royals that later on as the story progress - helps both Gwen and Frederick to healing from their trauma as living in their extreme abnormal family while having romantic relationship together.
this, I've shown in bare how flawed Frederick is - but he just human. I dislike anyone that can't understand that his mistake in the past which depicting clearly of his 'shallow' judgemental ice-cold Plaid Prince is just a mask. The mask that everyone in the CPC actually have, not only Blaine. Even sweet Gwen, the cinnamonroll sweet protagonist in her wrong take of selfishness - she hopes that she can skip to her happily-ever-after without the pain of hurt... When in reality, there's always gonna be "earn your happy ending". To anyone that wondering about what's CPC actual message is.. the means actually not simple notion of "Self-Love" - is always about the mask, our 2 faces
This page trivia literally the thing that make me fighting for the nail of preventing any character bashings in the fandom while stopping the infantilized of any characters espc the princesses... Everyone has flaws, mistakes, sins, shameful dark pasts or embarassed current self (like getting cursed) - but none depicted the character fullfily, it's more than that
this the hard job for us wiki editor, to put everything as objectively as possible - but I know I could manage! I just need more knowledges about things and understandings
I'm ceritified CPC deranged with no one yet breaking my record of rereading CPC... as rereading is so fun, on certain episode or scenes that we see again from another's person perspective.. we could get understandings of things. Nice example is Prez' backstory of getting cursed VS Whitney's backstory of nearly killed by someone that he accidentally cursed and meeting 'healer' like people which transform him
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The Closing, new image for "featured image" - Whitney!
there's so many contrasting groups of the CPC fandom regarding Whitney which in nutshell : I am simping for Whitney so hard as he's so hot which also I want him to be happy so please LambCat make WhitPelnia canon so this make ZuTara ship-like to be canon in the story VS are you guys are blind? He's literally the person that cursing Prez which makes her miserable to transformed as werespider every month.. Prez never entitled to returning his feeling after all, and Prez clearly never wants romance w anyone
Both of the 2 groups are valid tbh, in extreme 'ship wars' of wanting Prez with Whitney VS Prez as a true single girlboss
^^ but no matter what, let's love Whitney as a character and a justiable hunk to be simping as that image for feature? Dang so hot as he embracing his curse of tiger stripes (followed with tiger hoodie) while putting one of his leg in bossy pose. Whitney is so fine and as he's truly redeemed - anyone that simping him won't be part of hypocrite dual standards that put "still in villainy role era but put on pedestal" + "infantilized the main characters and believe they won't do any wrongs"
IMHO in the engaging retelling of Fairy Tales as CPC is... Whitney, the ultimate villain in his story at the past that didn't care of anyone as long as he could get what he wants... Also ultimate perfect example of the heel-to-face turn (is a group of trope, as Leland the secret fairy tale lover know tropes) as from villain role in the past he becomes the good guys allies - the main supporter for the hero wannabe role, Frederick. In the awkwardness of him, he's the catalyst for Frederick to transform to be a better person (that he knows he can, but just not sure how) - in the name of him getting healed from his past trauma(s) that solidified as his inner child, make self-questioning about himself espc his relationships with his brothers, and the most important one to realizes that he likes Gwen - as it's become the rationale depiction of the strongest power in the fairy tales stories.. the power of love
All of that just from one meditation session from Whitney! Although like Whitney say, it's need to be repeated ahahah.
I like to expand CPC wiki pages by taking deeper about physchology, as boy it's giving birth of so many things! Plaid Royals Family dynamic for example, is easily an example of abused family that could happen to anyone and anywhere - but most didn't notice, espc the victims
There's so many great quotes in the CPC but imho Whitney's quote to Frederick, my fave ever quote in the series.. Is basically telling the life message for everyone.
"Pain is not a competition. The painful emotions you feel are valid, Frederick. But you do get to choose when you’re ready to heal from them and change your story."
literally just ep 145 of Frederick's monologue...
"...I wasn't the hero at all. I was the one responsible for all for all of her sadness... ...and all of her pain ...But now, it seems like I've been on the wrong side the entire time. --Except I can't really say that either, ...because even they didn't want me!!" When will I stop deluding myself with these stories... I'm not a hero or a villain. I'm nothing but a loser. Just like Blaine said."
"If I just sit here... ...that means I don't get to see her again. And I don't want that!!"
"I get to choose my story! And in my story, I AM the hero, and I'm gonna pull myself out and reach Gwen!!"
this such a strong (shounen) protagonist moment from Frederick, which make me thinking that CPC delivered as shounen manga which making him as the protagonist (MC, ML) with Gwen as his destined love interest (FC).. nothing change from the overall story? It's also checking out itself as anti-mainstream shounen by making following things:
debunked protagonist trope to be an orphan, and gives interesting plot twist that the main bad guy is his father all along with his mother is the red herring villain
make the love interest role to be more powerful as to not make her just standing there awaiting for the protagonist to come - but her mere existence is the motivator for MC
..etc xD
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 years
twisted instincts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Om67ic
by bleuberri_smoothi
aurelia was a force to be reckoned with. but good thing damian was too.
(im bad at summaries please just read it.)
Words: 133, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Other
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois, Original Female Character(s), Classmates (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Lila Rossi, Alya Césaire, Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug), Barbara Gordon, Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Damian Wayne/Original Female Character(s), Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Original Character(s), Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Original Character(s), Chloé Bourgeois & Original Female Character(s), Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Lila Rossi Bashing, this book is gonna be long, Alya Césaire Bashing, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Lesbian Chloé Bourgeois, chloé bourgeois is a lesbian dont deny it, my oc? yes maam, please give adrien a hug, im too lazy to add more tags, ill do it later ig, Maybe - Freeform, Episode: s06e20 Three of a Kind, luka and kagami are amazing dont @ me, I'm Bad At Tagging
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Om67ic
0 notes
ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years
twisted instincts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Om67ic
by bleuberri_smoothi
aurelia was a force to be reckoned with. but good thing damian was too.
(im bad at summaries please just read it.)
Words: 133, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Other
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Chloé Bourgeois, Original Female Character(s), Classmates (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Lila Rossi, Alya Césaire, Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug), Barbara Gordon, Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Damian Wayne/Original Female Character(s), Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Original Character(s), Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Original Character(s), Chloé Bourgeois & Original Female Character(s), Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Lila Rossi Bashing, this book is gonna be long, Alya Césaire Bashing, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Lesbian Chloé Bourgeois, chloé bourgeois is a lesbian dont deny it, my oc? yes maam, please give adrien a hug, im too lazy to add more tags, ill do it later ig, Maybe - Freeform, Episode: s06e20 Three of a Kind, luka and kagami are amazing dont @ me, I'm Bad At Tagging
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Om67ic
0 notes