#autism and spirituality
firestorm09890 · 1 month
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it's the end of Canto III. you're Ishmael. Heathcliff is seated behind you, eating chicken kebabs at an alarming rate and being extremely loud about it. "At least you're normal, Meursault," you sigh, rolling your eyes and turning to look at your seatmate. he's dumping an entire bottle of ketchup onto his kebab. sauce everywhere. all over his clothes. it's like a crime scene. he has not taken his gauntlets off. the bottle's been obliterated. his expression is stone cold. this is canon
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creature-wizard · 4 months
How the mythology of starseeds, indigo children, crystal children, rainbow children, etc. harms kids
Something I didn't talk about in my last post is how New Age is often harmful to young children, so I'm going to talk about it here.
Here's a quick rundown on terminology for anyone who doesn't already know:
Starseed: An alien soul incarnated in a human body, typically for the purpose of "raising the Earth's vibrational frequency" (read: convert people to New Age beliefs).
Indigo/Crystal/Rainbow Child: A child born with a spiritually advanced soul, whose life purpose is to bring the New Age into being.
If you do a quick websearch on any of these terms, you'll find that the alleged signs of being one of these overlaps with traits associated with autism and ADHD. Many websites will just straight-out say that these children are commonly mistaken for having autism or ADHD. Sometimes you'll find people who claim autism and ADHD don't actually exist at all, but were created by the conspiracy to control and suppress these kids.
What often happens is that New Age parents see their autistic and ADHD children displaying these "signs," and decide that their kids are one of these special souls. So rather than giving their children the help and support they actually need, they project and burden them with incredibly high expectations. We're talking about parents expecting their kids to be able to work miracles or have access to all of this incredibly advanced wisdom that they simply just don't.
Various people I've seen on this website who were raised by New Age parents have spoken about how this kind of thing messed them up. They basically have religious trauma from it. Deciding that your kid has special powers and a special purpose because they meet a very spurious criteria is not okay.
When I was a kid, I absolutely would have fit most definitions of a starseed. I believed in magic, fairies, aliens, and psychic powers. Sci-fi and fantasy was my jam. I loved to draw and play elaborate games of pretend. The idea of helping and healing people appealed to me majorly. And, well, I had undiagnosed autism and ADHD.
But you know what I didn't have?
The kind of special spiritual gifts and innate wisdom people associate with starseeds and the rest.
In fact, as far as I could tell, everyone around me seemed to be more psychically and spiritually gifted than me, for no reason I could ever work out. It was actually kind of traumatizing, because I felt like something was wrong with me.
So yeah, deciding a kid must be some special, extra-magical kind of soul because they have certain characteristics and interests is really not good. Parents who do this are essentially forcing their own egos onto their children, who will very likely end up traumatized from the whole ordeal.
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beaft · 2 months
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@staff i am begging you to start vetting the ads on your site
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blueapplesiren · 6 months
I’m about to go on a rant about infantilization and growing up in the modern world, so if you don’t feel like reading it, feel free to scroll on.
I refuse to accept the narrative that gen Z has “Peter Pan syndrome” or that we “can’t seem to grow up.” I refuse. I KNOW it’s wrong, because I AM growing up, and so are my friends and peers. I’ve participated in elections. I have worked several jobs at this point; when I messed up at those jobs, I faced the consequences and made them right to the best of my ability. I’ve made good decisions that helped me grow as a person. I’ve made BAD decisions that helped me grow as a person. I’m learning to care for my body and mind. I’ve cared for the young, the sick, and the elderly. I am actively integrating myself into my community and society as a force for good.
Yes, I still live at my parents house, but so do many functioning adults of modern day, and people have continued living with their families as adults for CENTURIES. Moving out is not the end-all-be-all of adulthood that many Boomers and Gen X’ers think it is.
Yes, I read fiction, play video games, watch animated movies and cartoons. SO DO MILLIONS OF FUNCTIONING ADULTS. Can you imagine what it would be like if as soon as you turned 18 you were only allowed to indulge in media deemed “mature enough” for you by other people? That would SUCK, and that would be STUPID.
I’m just so sick of being infantilized from so many angles by people who don’t even know me, and I’m sick of my peers being treated the same way. I reject the attempts to belittle and infantilize me because of circumstances outside of my control. I reject the narrative that I am doomed to be helpless and childish forever. I am growing up. I am getting stronger and smarter every day. That is my right and my destiny, and I claim it as mine.
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astrosouldivinity · 7 months
Astrological placements in a natal chart that may indicate OCD or Anxiety
+ Autism/ADHD
Part 2:
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⚠️ Disclaimer: I am not saying these placements have AuDHD/Anxiety/OCD. But they may be more prone to certain behaviors relating to the disorders. You can use astrology to observe your subconscious patterns. Essentially, you can use it for shadow work. But these may not apply to everyone so take what resonates and leave what does not
I was requested to do Schizophrenia so I will be doing that after this part and then I will be done with this series ❤️
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Cancer Sun/Moon/Venus/Rising/Mars: OCD regarding their emotional environment. They need to feel safe, in control, & secure in their feelings. If they are not able to do that it can be stressful/anxious for them to navigate & just find emotional balance overall. They give off neurodivergent vibes too because of their heightened sensitivity. They are sensitive individuals who can easily pick up on the emotions & energy of their environment + others.
3H Stellium- Gives off ADHD vibes. They may also be prone to anxiety because of their active mind. They are mutable air so they can be multiple different people at once while feeling multiple different emotions, & perceiving multiple different perspectives & realities. Their mind is rarely still for long.
Aries Moon/Mars/Mercury: They can be impulsive & brash. I think they unintentionally anger a lot of people because of their brutal honesty. But they are authentically themselves & refuse to settle for anything less than that. Honesty or just being a truth seeker in general is commonly associated with Autism, & impulsivity is a symptom of ADHD.
Scorpio Sun/Moon/Mars/Rising/Mercury/Chiron: They are sensitive individuals but don’t show it at all. They might mask their emotions out of fear of being vulnerable. Similarly to Cancer/Pisces they will pick up on the emotions of others & they may need time to themselves to recharge their energy. I think their energy is pretty intense, it has a mirroring effect which unintentionally triggers a lot of people. Mirroring is a symptom of Autism/ADHD.
Pisces Anything: They are mutable water so they are quite adaptable. They can easily morph into the emotional energy of their environment. They are creative & intuitive which naturally makes them sensitive individuals. Autism can show symptoms of having heightened sensitivities. So like sensory issues & needing to stim which stimming for a Pisces could be their creative outlet.
Honorable Mention: Aquarius + Capricorn, 12H Stellium or 12H Moon/Mercury/Mars
~Part 1~
AstroSoulDivinity on TikTok 🤍
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magdaclaire · 9 months
hi question for my autistic besties of the dashboard
this is the autism website so reblog to spread or honestly don't i'm just curious this has little to no actual importance or weight to it
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edynsgardensnake · 6 months
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andtheyreonfire · 4 months
goro akechi has been dead for 7 slutty, slutty years
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spacebugarts · 3 months
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Finally watching @markiplier play Garten of Ban-Ban chapter 4 and I was possessed to draw this pathetic creature that will Definitely Not Die
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purple-cray0ns · 6 months
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Here comes the booyyyy I finally finished yipeeee
Edit: I moved the infodump to a reblog so its less cluttered heehee
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nova-alien-rants · 2 months
sometimes it can be really fucking scary to achieve the things you've always wanted.
i think i need to put this out there not just for myself, but for anyone else who may be having a hard time coping with change in their lives, even if it's for the greater good.
this past wednesday was genuinely a really hard day for me. like, really really fucking hard. one of my best and oldest friend bailed on me along with her entire family which i considered to be my own, my parents acted disgusting toward my brother and tried pulling the same shit on me, i came back to my dorm after 40 minutes of driving to discover someone came into my room and touched my shit, and then had some stupid freshman act like a brat when i brought it up to the RAs. i haven't felt as low in a LONG time as i did by the end of that day.
but while i was driving back to campus, feeling completely alone and like i had no one to talk to, my grandparents ended up calling just to chat. i was crying so hard that i couldn't stop myself and spilled everything that had happened to me that day, and to my surprise, they were... really nice. they comforted me and even offered for me to move in with them once they get settled in their new house. i told them i felt really worried about how my parents would take the news of me moving, but my grandma said not to worry about that and she'll take care of it. for once i'm actually glad the people in this family are crazy.
all i've ever dreamed about for as long as i can remember is getting away from my parents. no longer living with them, no longer being controlled by them, no longer being physically and mentally broken down by them. my life goal has been to break free from my parents permanently. not a career, not material possessions, none of those things can ever come close to that goal. but now that it's happening, i'm filled with a kind of fear i've never experienced. there's so much uncertainty about literally everything in my life now.
will this thing with my grandparents' house even work out? how will my parents react to it? how am i going to manage to move all my shit into my grandparents' house even if i am able to stay there? what will happen when next semester starts? if i move in with my grandparents, my parents will cut me off financially and i won't have any help paying for my university tuition and/or housing. how will i finish my degree? how will i be able to afford going to graduate school? how will i pay for my medical bills?
i know in time all of these questions will become trivial, and i'll be able to look back eventually and be able to laugh about the fact that i was ever worried. the universe always works in my favor, even if i can't see it at the time. things always seem to have a funny way of working out but it's scary in the moment to not know what's going to happen. i'm a person who desperately craves stability and concrete plans in order to function, so all this uncertainty is... a lot to deal with.
but i think all this is happening so i can shed my old life and start another chapter in which i can finally heal for good and stay that way. even if our old lives suck, we can get used to them anyway and changing them can be absolutely terrifying. i think that's why leaving one's comfort zone can feel so hard. we don't know what to expect, so how are we supposed to protect ourselves in the event that something goes wrong? but i've come to believe that things don't go wrong, they simply don't go the way we expected them to. and that's scary, but it's also okay to sit with that fear. everything happens for a reason.
i'm not one of those people who will say to just "be happy" under circumstances such as these, even when your feelings may seem irrational and/or confusing to you. we're human, we're not fucking robots. we can't go through life stone-faced. change is hard. it's scary. it's overwhelming and full of so many questions no one may ever have the answers for. it's okay to take some time to cry, to scream, to get those feelings out. our brains are trying to keep us safe, and it's our job to let our brains express themselves. not every feeling has to be rationalized. it doesn't all have to make sense. sometimes it's okay to Just Be.
i personally believe that the world would be a much better place if we all took more time for ourselves to really feel our shit, because that's the only way it's going to get processed and let go. if you're someone like me whose BPD makes every feeling seem like a nightmare straight from hell, or whose alexithymia confuses you about what you're even feeling, that's okay too. again, you don't have to have all the answers. let yourself cry. let yourself lie on the floor. let yourself engage in your comfort activities. let yourself rest.
change isn't supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows. it's hard work, but it will all be worth it in the end. after every single one of my darkest times, i found myself shining brighter than i ever did previously. i don't know why we have to go through certain experiences, but it will all make sense one day. every single person on this earth has trauma, even if they may not have been abused or deal with a form of a post traumatic disorder. we're all just oversized children who are scared and need a hand to hold as they navigate life. we're human, and we're allowed to feel. we're going to get through this.
there's a reason why people say bravery is being scared while doing it anyway. change really is fucking scary, regardless of how good it may be for us. i'm going to keep saying it. hold your breath and do the thing anyway. let yourself be scared. feel that fear. make room for it and live with it. your brain loves you and is trying to protect you, even if it seems misguided. it's doing its best to be there for you, so you may as well at least humor it, right? how beautiful is it that your brain loves you enough to constantly try and protect you, regardless of the circumstance? i think it deserves love back. love those parts of you which have always loved you.
you're going to make it. you love you.
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creature-wizard · 2 months
Seriously, before trusting some self-proclaimed spiritual expert or website to tell you what flavor of funky soul you supposedly have, please take the RAADS-R autism test.
If you have ever been told that you're "wise beyond your years" or have an "old soul," please take the RAADS-R autism test.
If you feel like you just don't belong, or feel drawn to nature, animals, space, or ancient history, please take the RAADS-R autism test.
If you often feel overwhelmed by negative energies, please take the RAADS-R autism test.
If you feel like you're not quite human, please take the RAADS-R autism test.
Seriously, please take the RAADS-R autism test before deciding to believe you're a starseed or angelic soul or whatever.
(Also, BTW, all that starseed stuff is inherently racist and ableist.)
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bigenderrevert · 30 days
Allah is everything, extending Throughout and Beyond their Creation out to infinity, her Hands have fabricated and guide everything, he has written the rules of Creation that we decode
The Chaotic Orderliness of the Universe is their Design, natural algorithms arrange things in complex yet predictable patterns, all living things created from a single being which itself was created from dust and water, and those Atoms which had been forged inside the Hearts of Stars, all of it by Allah's Design
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monkee-mobile · 8 months
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I made a thing….
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astrosouldivinity · 7 months
Astrological placements in a natal chart that may indicate OCD or Anxiety
+ Autism/ADHD
Part 1: ⚠️ Disclaimer: I am not saying these placements have AuDHD/Anxiety/OCD. But they may be more prone to certain behaviors relating to the disorders. You can use astrology to observe your subconscious patterns. Essentially, you can use it for shadow work. But these may not apply to everyone so take what resonates and leave what does not
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6H Stellium- OCD regarding their perfectionistic nature. They need things to be exact & orderly. Change in routine may be difficult especially if they have already established a routine that makes sense to them. This placement gives Neurodivergent vibes as well tbh. They need some type of structure/routine to feel secure.
Mercury Aspects: if negatively aspected these individuals may struggle with communicating their innermost thoughts. Their thoughts/communication often get muddled which can make it difficult to understand them.
Mercury Square Venus: relates to Mercury aspects but I wanted to go into detail with this specific placement. They may be awkward in social settings & have a hard time connecting with others overall. They could say the wrong thing or just make someone feel some type of way but it’s not on purpose.
Virgo Anything: OCD regarding their physical environment. I didn’t put any specific Virgo placements because I’ve observed that the placement truly doesn’t matter when it comes to these behaviors. Since they are an earth sign they are pretty grounded. However, they are ruled by Mercury & are a mutable earth sign which affects their stability levels. They need their environment to be perfect & make sense to them at a mental level. So they may be control freaks. They give off restless anxious energy similar to Gemini. They are sensitive & feel things in their gut due to Virgo being ruled by the abdomen. Digestive issues are a common symptom in autistic people.
Libra Sun/Moon/Mars/Mercury: They are likely to have a strong sense of justice which is common for people with Autism. But they are also an air sign too so I think it makes it more difficult for them to stay grounded in general. They pick up on many different frequencies which I think makes them very intuitive. They may have pattern recognition which is another Autistic trait. They like to weigh their options and see things from different pov’s before coming to a decision. But they can be indecisive & value their freedom a lot. It’s giving PDA (pathological demand avoidance).
Gemini Anything: I didn’t put any specific Gemini placements because I’ve observed that the placement truly doesn’t matter when it comes to these behaviors. Their brains tend to be scattered & they are usually all over the place. They have a restless/anxious energy to them. It’s hard for them to stay still for prolonged periods & they need lots of mental stimulation or they will get bored. They are good at retaining information & sometimes have a good memory. But they can be forgetful too. They may remember their special interest in detail but everything else is debatable.
~Part 2~
AstroSoulDivinity on TikTok
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coven-of-genesis · 11 months
Affirmations for the parents of a child with autism
1. You are a loving and dedicated parent, doing your best to support your child's unique needs.
2. Your unwavering patience and understanding make a significant impact on your child's growth and development.
3. Each day, you're learning and growing alongside your child, creating a strong bond that will last a lifetime.
4. Your commitment to advocating for your child's needs demonstrates your exceptional parental love.
5. Your child's progress, no matter how small, is a testament to your consistent efforts and encouragement.
6. Remember that it's okay to take breaks and care for yourself too - self-compassion is essential in this journey.
7. Your unconditional love and acceptance create a safe and nurturing environment for your child to thrive.
8. Celebrate the small victories and milestones, knowing that every step forward is a significant achievement.
9. Embrace the uniqueness of your child and the joy they bring to your family.
10. You are not alone in this journey; there is a supportive community of parents and resources ready to assist you.
11. Trust your instincts as a parent, and know that you are making a positive difference in your child's life.
12. Your love and advocacy are helping to break down barriers and promote awareness about autism.
13. Embrace progress, even if it comes with challenges, and remember that growth takes time.
14. You have the strength to overcome obstacles and create a brighter future for your child.
15. Your dedication and love as a parent are making a lasting impact on your child's life and well-being.
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