#autumn reading recs
zirielladior · 8 months
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autumn reading list !
the turn of the screw : henry james
girl in pieces : kathleen glasgow
frankenstien : mary shelly
if he had been with me : laura nowlin
the goldfinch : donna tartt
twilight : stephenie myers
little women : louisa may alcott
the vine witch : luanne g. smith
northanger abbey : jane austen
harry potter (series) : j.k. rowling
dead poets society : nancy h. kleinbaum
the secret history : donna tartt
a good girl's guide to murder : holly jackson
dracula : bram stoker
coraline : neil gaiman
the shining : stephen king
if we were villains : m.l. rio
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tenaciousgeckos · 8 months
What I thought the romance might be in the secret history:
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What it actually is:
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noahhawthorneauthor · 9 months
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solve problems and find home 📚☕🏳️‍🌈🍁
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kwc-reads · 9 months
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part one of my autumn tbr list (not counting upcoming releases)🍁
what would you add to this list?
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adharagranley-writer · 6 months
autumn book recs
Dracula - Bram Stoker
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
The Picture of Dorian Gray - OScar Wilde
The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgeralds
Carmilla - J. Sheridan Le Fanu
The crimes of morgue Street - Edgar Allan Poe
The Canterville Ghost - Oscar Wilde
Hamlet - Shakespeare
Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
Little Women - Louise May Alcott
Any by Agatha Christie
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mejomonster · 1 year
Okay so clearly I need danmei recs that are enemies to lovers or at least "mutually suspect each other" to lovers. I like the slow burn it creates, the suspense that their developing crush might be on the enemy/bad guy, that sort of thing. I think that's part of why I like Silent Reading Zhoudu (the possibility of Fei Du actually plotting crimes is delicious and i Eat Up that dynamic), Guardian Weilan (they're both feeling each other out and investigating), 2ha (Mo Ran starts the novel right off with: I died for this man but I also HATE him and that's a very intriguing hook for me)
So any other danmei that have this in the dynamic?
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sadgirlautumn · 2 months
I’m 5 books behind my reading goal 🙃
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hisiggy · 6 months
read more ramblings on my substack
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when you can't hear what they're saying but its too beautiful too stop
when you don't know what to say or sing or write but you do to anyway sometimes you look back the next day and its shit but sometimes.....
I found this album when it came out due to a post made by ergot records (shoutout Adrian and that crew) and was immediately drawn to to it. The spaced out airy vocals feel like a winters breeze.  The album has this weird melancholy about it that doesn’t bring you down with it but simply leaves you in peace. Maybe the best thing of the year. I love Joanne Robertson so much
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
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When scars turn from something abhorred and ugly (mostly in one’s own regard) into something beautiful and interesting just because someone had taken one look at them and decided so.
unconditional as quartz (part of the series sillage) by @thefangirlofhp
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nerdynatreads · 9 months
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end of year tbr || Textbook Overplanner -- End of the Year Book Tag
am I the only one who always makes an overambitious list of books I have to get to in fall? 🍂 thankfully, I’ve already finished Cherish Farrah and Legends & Lattes!
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doverstar · 10 months
October is coming so you should read The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman I don't make the rules I just inform
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kwc-reads · 9 months
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If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
I finished this book an hour ago and I still feel on the verge of tears. Not from sadness, but from some form of catharsis. I'm staring off into space like I'm in a thrall. I feel raw and aching. I'm trying to find the words but nothing I say could be as poetic as the prose itself.
At its core, this is a book about inevitability. The revelations of this book don't occur until the final act of five, and in hindsight, there was truly no other possible way for things to end. Or perhaps, this was always the way that things began. This was the way things were always going to be.
There is a discussion in the book about what makes the play 'Julius Caesar' a tragedy: is it simply the fact that the titular character dies, or is it the context in which he is killed - intimately, viscerally, by those who are both selfish and selfless, whose love and hate for the man are so tangled that the only clear emotion is simply passion? Clever foreshadowing from the author to include such a discussion, because it is the same question one must ask themselves about the events of this book - and there is only one right answer of the two.
My thoughts about this book could fill 300+ pages - but at that point it makes far more sense for you to just read the book itself instead of listening to me. I will never be able to put into words the scope of this story and the way it made me feel, but I certainly will be thinking about it for a VERY long time.
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thedrarrylibrarian · 2 years
Hello Librarian! I’m looking for some autumn vibes! Nothing spooky, just harvest and crisp leaves and the like! Please and thank you in advance!
Happy Fall! It's my very favorite season. I love the crisp, cool air, the brightly colored changing leaves, the cool mornings and evenings with warm days. Fall is back to school time, bake a pie time, cozy up with a blanket time. I hope you get to do all your favorite fall activities this year!
A Parade In Your Honour by @ladderofyears (100 words, rated G)
It is autumn and the leaves of wizarding London have changed colour.
He's a Catch by @motherbookerao3 (404 words, rated G)
It's Halloween, and Teddy has the best costume. Harry doesn't quite agree.
The Farmer and the Witch by @better-be-daydreams (436 words, rated G)
Harry and Draco dress up and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters, because why shouldn't they?
The Different Methods of Pumpkin Carving by QueenofRohirrim (859 words, rated T)
Harry just wants to carve a pumpkin by himself without using magic.
Home is a Feeling by @thesleepiesthufflepuff (1,247 words, rated G)
Growing up, home was a place. Now, Draco knows that home is a feeling.
In a Jam by @peachpety (2,624 words, rated T)
When the boys go blackberrying at Michaelmas, Draco discovers that magic and berries don’t mix, and all Harry wants is to snog him. If only Ron would let him.
Come as You Are by @peachpety (3,835 words, rated E)
If asked, Harry Potter would categorize his high school senior year as normal: football, friends, and one devastating crush on his tutor, Draco Malfoy. When presented with an opportunity to help Draco, Harry rises to the occasion. Unfortunately, so does his dick. Sparks fly and alarms blare… and the Hogwarts Owlz Gossip twitter feed blows up.
in between two tall mountains (there's a place they call lonesome) by @oknowkiss (8,291 words, rated E)
In the shadow of a mountain on the Oregon coast, there may or may not lie a shipwreck, on which there may or may not be a magical relic, lost hundreds of years ago. Harry's been tasked with finding it, and Draco is there to take notes, and they're stuck in a campervan pretending to be married, and it's all going to be just fine. That's what Draco's gotten rather good at telling himself, anyway.
The Cabin Trip by @gallifrey1sburning (23,832 words, rated E)
When Harry decides to swap his house in London for a cabin in the Catskill Mountains for a week, he’s excited for the chance to take a vacation with a group of his closest friends. He’s positive that his long-standing crush on Draco won’t be a problem; he’s been handling it just fine for years, after all. Unfortunately, he wasn’t counting on those tiny swim trunks. Or the way Draco licks melted chocolate off his fingers. Or having to rescue him from a rogue shower. And he definitely wasn’t counting on Draco deciding to sleep in Harry’s bed. But it’s going to be fine. Right?
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Reading!
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oldtvandcomics · 9 months
Happy Queer Media Monday!
Today: Nous Sommes la Poussière by Plume D. Serves
I found a book.
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[Nous Sommes la Poussière as seen in the queer bookshop in Paris, with the shop's recommendation still attached]
Nous Sommes la Poussière is a French novel written by LGBT+ and autistic activist Plume D. Serves. It is a magic realism story about people affected by a disabling condition that causes electric dust to gather around them. As a form of “treatment”, they are made to wear special chains with a magnet that absorbs the dust before it can become a visible cloud, which end up doing more harm than good. The main character, Elias, is one of these people. (She is also a lesbian.) The book follows her from the moment that she really started to feel disabled over years of struggle with both her disability and her fight for social acceptance, until the activist group succeeds in repelling the very restrictive law forcing them to wear the chains. While doing so, it touches on many aspects of life with an invisible disability.
I feel like I’ve never seen my exact life experience as a disabled person this well reflected in any story. Plume D. Serves doesn’t shy away from the complexities and the nuances of being disabled and of the disabled community, or the way it intersects with other marginalized identities. I also appreciated how the thing that brings change in this book is relentless, determined community organizing.
Nous Sommes la Poussière is written in French by a French author, and has not yet been translated to any other languages.
I have done a review about it in French, if that is a version you’d prefer. Also, here is Plume D. Serves’ webpage.
Queer Media Monday is an action I started to talk about some important and/or interesting parts of our queer heritage, that people, especially young people who are only just beginning to discover the wealth of stories out there, should be aware of. Please feel free to join in on the fun and make your own posts about things you personally find important!
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March Reading Wrap-Up
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Lots of fantasy and sci-fi to give myself the much-needed escapism as the semester picks up. Wasn't expecting them to relate to my courses as much as they ended up doing, but they were enjoyable nonetheless.
The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu - Incredible, like the artistic cousin of Ender's Game. 4/5
Emperor Of The Eight Islands by Lian Hearn - I enjoyed it while I read it, but it didn't feel very memorable. 3/5
Autumn Princess, Dragon Child by Lian Hearn - Started weaving together all the loose threads left floating around at the end of the first book. 4/5
Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo - So different from the first time I read this but just as beneficial. 4/5
Lord Of The Darkwood by Lian Hearn - Far more intense than the first two books in the series; it keeps getting better. 4/5
Shodo by Rie Takeda - As someone who has just started calligraphy and is really enjoying it, this book was great at laying out all the introductory techniques. 3/5
The Tengu's Game Of Go by Lian Hearn - It connects to the author's other series!! 4/5
Dogs Of War by Adrian Tchaikovsky - I don't have the words to explain what this book made me feel, only that it's an unsung work of art. 5/5
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