#avery james
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The Cowhands
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[I drew this as a gift for my friend Ricola/LvEx over on Toyhouse and on Discord!
We have a couple of characters who are cowboys! Avery is an enby cowboy, so I call them a cow-by!
The guy on the left is Catrimul, Ricola's GalaxyBaby cowboy!
I wanted to post it here since it has Avery and I'm very proud of how it came out! :D]
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lovekaikim · 5 days
Aftermath (Part VI and Epilogue of Painful Feeling of Revenge) - MI11
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Synopsis: Taking place one month later, MI11 deal with the aftermath of the "London Disaster"...
Note: No, I won't be doing Joe/Ming's version.
Note 2: This is very short
Third Person POV
Avery James had been talking to Suho about what they should do next. They had just saved the King of England and chased away two psychopaths. Avery said that they needed to make sure that this doesn't happen again, so they need to set up a new team.
"We could call them MI12, but I'm not sure if the Uk would want a 12th MI squad," Avery pondered. Suho came up to them and smiled. "What about...MI-X? Like the X-Men? But instead of mutants, we have supernatural beings?" Suho asked.
Avery chuckled at the latter, and grinned in his face. "Yeah, why not?"
With Joe and Ming no longer a problem, MI11 were heralded as heroes. But they didn't want that. They felt stupid.
They genuinely thought that Ming was a victim, and in doing so, they almost put a country into turmoil, and nearly killed some of their own. Why would they be proud of that?
They were created to stop these kinds of threats. And they almost screwed it up.
But there was a silver lining to all this. They had scared them off, and the team had proven themselves to the world asbeing able to stop these threats without needing to be human.
At least Joe and Ming were no longer a problem anymore. And that was all MI11 could be thankful for.
End Note: Thank you so much for reading. I have been wanting to make a series for quite a while now, and now that I've finally done it, I can offically say that I am a good writer.
Also, I'm nearly on 20 followers! Thank you so much for your support throughout these months. I wish you the best!
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unwriteamber · 3 months
New Slang
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authoraveryjames · 7 months
I will eventually connect more deeply with readers but currently I'm using this as a space to immerse myself in what the world of Black mermaidry (yes I'm making up words) would look like. The things I want to imagine. For now I have a lot of anxiety around people getting to know me, even in this context, so please forgive me if I'm not as interactive as you'd like, charge it to the game, not my heart.
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sozenrightnow · 1 year
Until We Get There
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#Remus commentating quidditch
"Hello everyone. Welcome to the 4th match of the season. Griffindor vs slytherin."
"Alright the match is starting. Players are in position. And WE'RE ON"
"Chaser Mary MacDonald almost got hit by a bludger launched at her. Honesty, what the fuck are griffindor beaters doing? That's like their only job." Everyone can hear sirius' fuck you on that.
"Oo, griffindor seeker has spotted the snitch. She's going for it. She's going to get it. And.. she's a lump on the ground. Honestly McKinnon, you can see the bloody snitch from half way through the pitch but you can't see the ground in front of your FUCKING FACE"
"god that must've hurt. YOU FUCKING DESERVE IT AVERY-"
"Any ways back to the game. Where is that fucking quaffle".
"Seems like james potter has finally took a break from swooning over slytherin seeker black and is speeding towards the goals with the quaffle."
"Let's see if slytherin keeper dolohov has the skill to block the goal or if he's just a useless dick".
"AND TEN POINTS TO GRIFFINDOR. That just proves that dolohov *is* a useless dick"
"McKinnon spots the snitch again. Black would've too if he wasn't so busy staring at james thighs. Like man we know how good they are, but FOCUS ON THE FUCKING GAME. Honestly you both are pathetic".
"slytherin wins, yay I guess. Looks like he took those words personally.
"Anyways griffindor lost, that's gotta suck".
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rhinexstone · 7 months
Everyone knows that Jim kirk would wreck William Shatner, but I argue that if Benjamin Sisko and Avery Brooks met even just once they would both have little shrines of each other in their office and try to live up to what they thought of the other
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akonoadham · 3 months
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theallegedbird · 7 months
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halloween wasn’t 3 days ago. you’re just crazy.
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lulublack90 · 12 days
Prompt 23 - Desk
@jegulus-microfic May 23, Word count 773
Previous part First part
Regulus had spent so much time in Gryffindor Tower this last month and a bit, that he might as well swap his green and silver tie for a red and gold one. He clamped down on that thought. James could almost read his mind and if he even caught a whiff that the thought had flashed through his mind, James wouldn’t let him leave the dorm room without one of his ties around his neck. It had been bad enough last night when James had suggested to the others that they should make Regulus a marauder after helping with the prank. 
The common room was eerily quiet, even with a handful of Gryffindors milling around. No one batted an eye at Regulus appearing at the bottom of the spiral staircase. Another sign that he was spending too much time there. Strangely, no one in Slytherin had said anything. He was finding it hard to believe that no one had mentioned it around the school. Something like this should have spread like fiend fire.
Sirius finally joined them in the common room, and they headed towards the portrait hole. 
Regulus’s hands instantly snapped up to cover his ears as the fat lady’s portrait swung open. People were shouting and screaming in the corridor. But when Regulus looked out there was no one there. He blinked and looked again. There must have been at least twenty invisible people there. Something clicked as the fat lady’s portrait closed behind them. She’d disappeared, but there were three of Sirius’s pigs rutting up the grass in the garden behind where she usually stood.
The five of them walked forward. Remus passed around fluffy earmuffs he’d conjured and Sirius immediately snatched the pink ones from Remus's hands. The first portrait they got to was a landscape of a Scottish farm house. The farmer and his wife were outside with their giant scraggly dog herding six of the pigs into a large pen. The farmer and his wife were shouting at each other loudly. 
“Hamish, they need to go to the left.” The wife told her husband as the pigs went the wrong way. The scraggy dog was having the time of his life by the looks of it. 
They moved on to the next painting. Seven astronomers brandished their wands at the pig blocking the staircase out of their tower. The pig seemed quite happy where it was sleeping and for some reason their spells had no effect on it. The wizards yelled and threw their telescopes in annoyance.
In the next painting, they watched as a knight on a squat pony raced across the grounds of a ruin with about fifteen of the pigs charging after them. 
“Back, back you mangy curs!”
The grand staircase was even more chaotic. There were hundreds of paintings hung there. Regulus and the others hand to press the earmuffs into there ears to block out the deafening sounds of the pig squealing. 
The great hall was blissfully quiet, there were no paintings or portraits there. For once, the doors were kept closed for the whole of breakfast. Regulus had had to wait for a few moments before he followed the marauders in and had pulled off his earmuffs as they were all still sporting theirs, and he didn’t want any of his fellow Slytherins to make the connection. 
“It’s nuts out there,” Avery grumbled as he ripped a bite from his toast. 
“My money's on Potter and his disciples,” Snape sneered in their direction. Regulus had to work hard to keep his face blank at how spot on Snape was. He tucked into his porridge and checked he had everything for the day ahead. 
He had Charms first, so at least he wouldn’t have far to go, but he couldn’t deny the thrill he felt at the chaos that had taken over the entire castle that no one would ever think or believe that he’d been a part of it. 
He sat at a desk at the back of the Charms classroom. Silencing charms had been put on the door so they could learn in peace. It wasn’t long into the lesson when a piece of parchment appeared on Professor Flitwick’s desk. 
“Ah, yes.” The tiny professor exclaimed as he scanned the note. “Right students, Professor Dumbledore has cancelled classes for the day, you are all to go back to your common rooms and wait there until your head of house gives you further instructions.” Regulus couldn’t hide the grin that spread across his face. His first prank had been a complete success. He headed up to Gryffindor Tower without even thinking. 
Next part
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oakendesk · 7 months
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book cover - The Murder Of Ann Avery - 1956
James Meese
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lovekaikim · 13 days
Found Out - JoeMing + Avery James and Suho (part 2 of painful feeling of Revenge)
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Synopsis: Avery and their new friend, Suho of EXO, have found out about Ming's disappearance. But Joe's prepared...
Warnings: Kidnapping, mentions of murder
Avery-James's POV
I had gotten a text from an old friend that someone called Ming had mysteriously vanished after another man called Tong was murdered in his home. This was confusing to me....because I knew that Ming didn't kill him.
Why would Ming kill the man he loved?
So, whilst I was pondering all of the possible scenarios, Suho came towards me. And he got a newspaper down about Ming. "Thanks pal," I said, before reading it. Another man connected to Ming, known as Joe, had also disappeared. And thats when I knew....
Ming had been kidnapped.
Although I knew that, I also knew that I couldn't just send in the rest of MI11 to barge in. I had to get more evidence...but it seemed that Suho was way ahead of me. "Joe was Ming's stand in. Also, at the crime scene, there was left over rope on the floor, and a note written by Joe saying, "If you try to find us, you'll regret it," and...yeah," He sheepishly explained.
I called up Melanie with the evidence we had. "It's 3 in the bloody morning!" She complained. "It's important, Mel!" I tried to reason with her. "Okay...fine...just try not to get yourselves killed out there. Bring 2 others with you."
Now we had to get the squad together to find them. And it was a good thing we already had 2 people on the case. Ironically, they were people we would not normally use...
Their names are Lee Minhyung and Lee Jeno. And no, they are not brothers or husbands or what not. They are 2 separate people. Minhyung, or Mark, is the supervillain mastermind known as "200", and Jeno is a...well...a demon who works in...well...
Let's just say that Jeno is a romantic demon.
And so luckily, thanks to Mark's new devices, we finally found the location of Ming and Joe. It was time to finally confront them...
Timeskip brought to you by Donghae of Super Junior
It took us about 5 hours to get to the place, but here we were. Back home in London. This was the location where Joe was hiding Ming, and was my old home before joining the MI11.
Although MI11 was originally based in London, they decided to move to Seoul in 2015, 6 years before I joined. And the way I entered the squad was actually pretty funny, but that's for another time.
Me, Jeno and Suho had rushed into Westminster Abbey in a frenzy, as this was where Joe and Ming were located. But before we even blinked, I felt something knock against my head, and I fell down on the floor.
The last things I heard before I blacked out were from two people. Two people I recognised.
"I told you...if you came for us, you'd regret it..."
"Avery?! Suho?! Jeno!!?? Guys?? Melanie! Call for back up! Now!!"
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seleneprince · 3 months
If Severus had been a girl, her story would have been mostly the same as canon, except that the Marauders maybe wouldn't have been so harsh with their bullying because "she wasn't a threat to James' crush on Lily" and "she's just a girl, girls are fragile". However, she would have still been in love with her and James knew that, so he still despised her, thinking she was holding Lily back from him.
Now unto my personal headcanons (because they fit and they make me happy):
- Fem! Severus wouldn't have shared a room with Mulciber and Avery, so she would have befriended her female roommates instead. I believe the fanaticism for the Death Eaters cult was more prominent in boys than girls, because society expected them to stay at home and raise more purebloods than participate in battles. However, she would've still hung out with them because they shared the same interest for Dark Arts.
-Her roommates would be Dorcas Meadow, Pandora Rosier (Evan Rosier's cousin) and Theresa Flint (the last one is an oc of mine)
- She would be a tomboy for the first few years, having her hair cut short and wear the male uniform instead of the female one. Partly because she's used to wearing boy clothes and partly to avoid embarrassing pranks from the Marauders. Due to this, she's often mistaken for a boy and fits in better with her male classmates.
- She knows wizards are more respected that witches, so she strives to imitate a masculine appearance to earn that (at first). It's not a case of "I'm not like other girls". She wants to survive.
- She's been infatuated with Lily since they met, but this crush wears off as Snape sees Lily's selfishness and hypocrisy. By the time their friendship is over, Snape is already disillusioned with her but still tries to hold into their old bond out of emotional attachment rather than love.
- She faced her own prejudice and hardships in Slytherin for being a poor half-blood, with a disgraced pureblood mother. She only earned her place when she showed off her talent and bested a few of her housemates. Basically, she had to win fights, physical and magical, against her own housemates until they deemed she deserved to be in Slytherin.
-In canon, Lucius took Snape under his wing and treated him like a brother in Hogwarts. In this, it's Narcissa who sees the potential in Snape and practically adopts her, and Lucius follows her example. Thanks to the older girl, Snape experiences nice clothes and good school tools for the first time. Narcissa is quite her sugar mommyl, but Snape is also her pet project.
- She's a bit of "one of the boys", although they're not really friends until fourth year. The boys were Mulciber, Avery, Wilkes and Rosier. They accepted her because they didn't really consider her a girl and they begrudgingly respected her skills. It was a mutual understanding that they used each other for their own benefits, Snape helping them with her intellect and spells while they helped her into getting assimilated with the other Slytherins. As they grew and got to know Snape beyond her blood status, they became protective of her and started to cherish her truly as a friend (althought Rosier took it to another level)
-Which brings us to my next headcanon. In my au, Rosier and Snape had a nice connection on first year when they sat together during History of Magic. He's one of the few that was welcoming of Snape since the start and always treated her like an equal. She's very fond of him because of it, and they grow to be very close friends.
-Regulus still looked up to her when they were students. He didn't trust her at first, because of her blood status and all, but seeing she had Narcissa's favour, he decided to look past it. And after witnessing her talent, he decided he wanted to learn more about her, so he began to follow her around to know her better. Snape was annoyed initially, but she eventually appreciated his company.
-She showed some genuine kindness to Barty Crouch Jr on his first year at Hogwarts, and the boy latched unto her like an eager puppy since then. That's how he befriended Regulus, with both of them following her around so often.
-They were both her little brothers, her precious babies, who couldn't do nothing wrong even if they tried. She was patient and permissive with them in a way she definitely wasn't with her other friends.
-She's the brain of the group, so she's usually saving their asses from the consequences of their actions (Mulciber, Avery and Wilkers) and helping them with their schemes (Dorcas, Rosier and Narcissa).
-In her desire to remain in Lily's life and have the girl's love, Snape repressed herself and kept her Slytherin friends at arms' length, which caused many arguments. When she and Lily had that fallout, Snape fully embraced her identity and, in return, her housemates embraced her too, as if they had been waiting for her.
-She was a natural Occlumens, unconsciously developing her ability while she learnt to mask her feelings and thoughts, product of the abuse and harassment she went throught.
-Her boggart used to be her father, Tobias Snape, but after "the prank", it became a werewolf instead.
-After what happened in the Shrieking Sack, she inmersed herself in researchs about lycanthropy and possible cures in order to forget her fear.
-When she experimented with potions, she tried them first on small animals, mostly rats and birds. Then bigger animals, like owls and cats. And lately, in the final phase of testing, she tried them on herself. Only her friends knew about this practise, since Snape made them promise to not tell a soul, since she didn't trust the Hogwarts staff to be understanding about it.
-When something goes wrong on the final test, she heals in the privacy of her bed while her friends take care of her, lying to the teachers that she's sick. They dread this practise of hers, since they can't stand seeing her in pain, but also had mad respect for her because of it.
-She was a control freak, obsessively cleaning and arranging her stuff with systems only she understands. She always knew when someone touched her things, just by seeing them moved the slighest bit to the different position she left them. Her housemates knew better than disrupt her order.
-Her talent with potions surpassed even Slughorn himself, but he preferred to praise Lily because her looks and attitude fit more in his club. He came to regret that decision years later, but Snape knows how to keep grudges.
-She considered Mulciber, Avery, Dorcas, Pandora, Rosier, Regulus and Barty her closest friends within Slytherin. The rest were just acquaintances. She was also close to Aurora Sinistra, from Ravenclaw, and Charity Burbage, from Hufflepuff.
-She and Charity danced around the lines separating friendship from romance for a while, but Snape wasn't ready for that step and Charity moved on. They remained good friends.
-She was a raging bisexual, because obviously.
-She didn't support the Death Eaters' beliefs, but she really looked up to the figure of Lord Voldemort. A poor half-blood like her, who paved his way to the top of the hierarchy with his charms, wit and power, making all the pureblood families submit to him. He was everything she aspired to be, everything she wanted to have. However, she soon realized her vision didn't exactly match reality...
And that's all. I have more but I wrote too much already. I'm on a hyperfixation, so I'll definitely write more about her in the future.
Feel free to tell me your own ideas or headcanons. I'll love to discuss them.
Tagging @love-the-purple-cat because she's also a fem! Snape stan. She has an amazing au, so go and check her!
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babyjapril · 5 months
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One Tree Hill 4.10//Grey's Anatomy 14.23
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atlasdoe · 4 months
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Hi. So it's been little over a year since i started the masterlist so i reckoned I'd post about it again and make it all pretty with the pictures!
So if anyone is interested here is a google doc master list of every character who could possibly be from the marauders era. It included everyone who went to Hogwarts with them, a handful of adults that they could've known and the portraits and ghosts in Hogwarts.
It also includes everything we know about them in cannon and some have a few headcannons of mine but i haven't really gotten to that yet and it is very clear on what is cannon and what isn't.
It's not finished yet. I still have a lot more people to add but there are currently over 200 characters listed so if you're interested feel free to check it out :)
here's the link :)
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