#b pro thrive
oneesanmarket · 2 years
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***RESERVED*** B-Project: MooNs - Masunaga Kazuna; Nome Tatsuhiro; Onzai Momotarou; Osari Hikaru; Sekimura Mikado - Valentine New York in Joypolis - Candy Container Tin Box
Size:7,5 cm
Price: 4€/9 USD
(Shipping price Not included)
Units Available: 1
(Send us a message or comment if you’re interested!!)
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hadukilina · 5 months
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the-bird-and-the-flute · 11 months
no they didn't!!!!
I swear!!!!! when I saw their outfits during the photoshoot first thing that came to my mind was that the outfits were similar to wrap wrap single. Then they show the cover and I couldn't believe it! Thanks for that <3
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look look! if this is not wrap wrap cover than idk what to say hahahah. The same poses!!!! the jackets are a bit different and kento and goshi are not wearing a scarf while yuta is.
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nevermore-unknown · 2 months
I feel lost. Like I’m trapped in this dark space. I don’t really know how to go about this. Sometimes I wish I knew how I really felt. Instead of feeling stuck in this place I don’t fully comprehend. Stuck in past mistakes and regrets. I think I just want people to chat with. I lost my group of friends, and nothing hurts me more, knowing I might never have a group of friends to hang out with again. I’ll never be a part of group chats, or hangouts, sleepovers, and travels. I guess it’s not like we’ve had a lot of hangouts though. I feel like I wanted to do something with friends but it never really happened. I feel like they only started hanging out places when I left, which made me unbelievably sad, so much so that my sadness was only shown through frustration. I know that it was years ago, and they all probably moved on and are genuinely happy without me, but no matter how much time has passed, to me, that time never feels that far away.
I know I probably wasn’t a great friend, but holy shit, I feel like I tried to be. I’m such a people pleaser. I would do so much for my friends if they asked. I stayed after school even when I didn’t have any classes, just to ride the bus with them. I talked about deep conversations and things that made me upset or sad. I guess I never realized that maybe I had talked too much. That maybe all my negative emotions and thoughts should have stayed with me. And even if I wasn’t meant to take it that way, I did feel, after reading a certain letter, as though because I spoke about my problems so often, that I brought the group down every time I opened up. I don’t really know what to say to that honestly. I suppose I don’t remember complaining so much that it could be seen as a problem. But I only have one view, and I can’t see from their perspective. Now I can say I complain a lot though.
I feel so bitter. In high school I felt like I was a really bad person. I hated myself so much and thought so little of me that I wanted to end myself. I only ever told one of my friends, of course when some time had passed. I fought with my family and was called a bitch often by them that maybe I just believed them so much that it came to be. Maybe I just really was one and that was that. Looking back to how I used to be made me realize that I wasn’t even that bad of a person. I just internally thought so, and therefore I believed it was true. Now though, I really do believe I’m a terrible person.
All the people I lost, all the words said to me and said from me, I feel like a bad person. I don’t feel good. I just don’t feel good. I really don’t want to be such a horrible person but I can’t change who I’ve been. I can’t change how I have interacted with others in the past. And I know people say that if you’re scared to be a horrible person, clearly you care and that means you’re not necessarily one, but that doesn’t help me. That doesn’t change the fact that I still believe I’m this awful, fake person hurting people I’m supposed to care about.
I lost people that probably didn’t even know they meant so much to me. I was so upset, and hurt, and frustrated from not feeling like my voice mattered and nobody really cared that I lashed out in desperation and lost them all. I may not know what familial love feels like, but I know what I thought good friendships felt like, and I know that when I lost that, I lost it forever. I’ll never be forgiven if that’s even the right word to use.
I can write down all these thoughts but I still feel so distant. Distant from what, somehow it feels like everything. It’s all so faded and I don’t truly know what to do. I can’t erase anything but if I could, I would have just kept my mouth shut and continued to be friends with the only people I thought would stay with me a little longer.
Maybe one day I’ll create another blog so I don’t have to occasionally bother this one with useless thoughts and words that only make sense to me. I have someone on here I know irl. I would rather this blog not be shared so but who knows if they’ll even see this. Who knows if anyone will actually see or read this. It is quite wordy, and about a person you won’t ever care about. Maybe this blog and its occupant were meant to speak to the void and wait for an echo back that will never be.
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One of my favorite B-Project performances is still up 👀 I want Kazuki's (with the blue) outfit
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bpro-fantasia · 2 years
⪢ Please try to be detailed when requesting!
⪢ Character x Reader only for pairings
⪢ Heavy/Dark themes (abuse, mental health, etc.) are okay and will be tagged accordingly. I will also note any possible trigger warnings at the top of each scenario/headcanon <3 ⪢ NSFW is okay (and will be tagged accordingly), but only for characters who are 18+ (also keep in mind, I’ve never written NSFW, but I will try lol)
⪢ Will NOT write for Yandere, dubcon/noncon, Incest, or Pedophilia 
⪢ Will write for Tsubasa as well ⪢ I will not limit the number of characters per scenario/headcanon request, but keep in mind, the more characters, the more time it’ll take. So try to just pick your favs and such ⪢ Please be patient with me! I’m doing this in my free time so I apologize if it takes a while to get to any certain requests/ask
I will try my best to write everyone as true to their character as possible, but for somethings I will have to wing it lol I’m most familiar with MooNs and Thrive, but I will of course still write for Kitakore and Killer King. You are free to send more than just requests in my ask box, if you want to know any of my personal favs or just want to discuss B-Pro, I’m always 100% down.
~ Mod CB
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watcherintheweyr · 3 months
where the fuck did people get the idea that aegon2 and sunfyre have ‘the strongest dragonrider bond’
this- this is not a thing. it is not in fire&blood. it’s pretty explicitly just something states by the most pro-green F&b source to try and lend more legitimacy and mysticism to aegon2 as a ruler and a targaryen
like, ok, Sunfyre came to Dragonstone ‘sensing Aegon2’s need’. … Or, a deeply injured dragon just wanted to go home, to where he hatched, to where dragons thrive best, to try and heal. And even if it WAS that… We see that with multiple dragonriders and dragon bonds. We see it with Dany and Drogon- it’s heavily implied with just about everything about Daemon and Caraxes, and none of the sources were ever there to report on Rhaenyra and Syrax’s bond- but it’s not insignificant that Rhaenyra was the youngest dragonrider to known history.
Like, sorry not sorry, but no. Aegon2 does not have the strongest bond. Please reread F&B - because as soon as he’s done crying about the death of the dragon who died due to HIS choices, Aegon states “I shall have a new Sunfyre, prouder and fiercer than the last.” with his intent to hatch an egg. That dragon was a tool to him more than anything else. And that’s… deeply sad. Sunfyre deserved so much better than that.
For all that Rhaenyra intended to hatch eggs, she never is reported to start she’d have a ‘new’ or ‘better’ Syrax.
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siapom · 5 months
Okay, people. I need to soapbox for a hot minute.
My favorite fandom worlds are imploding on their own people, and it’s fucking ridiculous.
1) Lockwood and Co.
I hate to point this out, but I’m gonna anyway. There is no Locklyle WRITTEN ship in the books. There is an implied ship. The author confirmed that it was intentionally implied. But it wasn’t written. So you know what? There is NO canon ship.
You know what that means? People can ship whomever the fuck they want without “breaking canon”. If you write Locklyle, fine. But that makes you no better than people who are enjoying other ships. And even then, it’s a fandom. It’s imaginary shit. The way to keep the fandom alive and thrive is to NOT PUBLICALLY CASTIGATE AND PUT DOWN other shippers and their ideas, works, or conversations. If you do that, it’s YOU who is poisoning the fandom.
2) Stray Kids
Holy fuck, people! Can’t we all just be adults?
a) Do not attack people who interact with our boys in a professional capacity. It’s not helpful to the group to give them a reputation for having an out of control fanbase. It could cause their opportunities become limited just because others are scared that Stay may get offended by something.
b) If you don’t want to support the new song, don’t. Don’t buy it. Don’t stream it. Don’t get it off of a secondary site just because you can listen without supporting the collaboration.
DO keep your choices to yourself. Your choices are not supposed to apply to other Stay. We can make our own decisions. Other Stay are not lesser, wrong, unethical, Zionists, pro-genecide or any other thing you want to call them. They are simply supporting SKZ their own chosen way.
In closing, this is simple. Do what you want for yourself. Stop thinking your decision has any bearing on other people. Your ego is showing. You aren’t that fucking special. Check yourself.
Thank you.
*steps down*
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genderlessghoul · 1 year
I'm sick so this is purely self indulgent
(Please be nice, I don't usually write but I have a lot of ghoul thoughts)
Summary : Phantom gets sick for the first time, Dewdrop decides to take care of him. Nothing more than Ant being an oblivious dumbass and Dew turning into his mom.
Since his first day Top Side, Phantom was always one of the first ghouls awake. He'd already be sitting down at the kitchen table eating his toast when the others would start to slowly appear one by one for eggs or coffee or whatever they needed to start the day.
That morning, Phantom was not up before everyone. In fact he did not even show up at all for breakfast. The unusual change in behavior had one particular fire ghoul worried enough to pay him a visit after his meal.
Dew finds himself in front of the young ghoul's closed door, no light coming from under it and no noise coming from the other side. Maybe Phantom's still asleep. But he's never still asleep at this time.
The fire ghoul knocks after a few seconds of consideration. A small, almost inaudible whimper answers him. He turns the door knob and walks into the room.
The curtains are still closed. There's a faint halo of light emanating from the edges, just enough to cast a dim light on the bed. There lies a truly ridiculous pile of blankets, the only sign of the quintessence ghoul burried within being the gentle rise and fall of said pile. The room, which usually carries Phantom's scent of sunlight and chamomile, smells of something sour.
"Hey..." Dew starts, not quite sure how to handle the situation. He walks closer to the bed as he speaks "What's going on, what's wrong?"
"I don't know" the younger ghoul's voice is shaky and coarse "I just woke up like this. My head feels dizzy, I'm so cold and my nose" he sniffs loudly "it just won't stop leaking."
Now sitting on the edge of the bed, Dew is able to push away enough of the blankets to be able to see Phantom's face and make up the outline of his body. He's curled up on himself, completely shivering.
"Oh shit, I think you might have caught a cold for the first time. I told you to dress up warmer yesterday, it's getting chilly outside."
"How can I catch a temperature?" the tone of absolute confusion in his voice makes the fire ghoul chuckle against his better judgment.
"No baby, it's just a way of saying you got sick. One of the joys of living amongst humans, you can get diseases like them too. It's just a little virus, it'll pass."
"What's a virus?"
Dew's not sure how to answer that question. He's never been one to get into the sciences of it all. He's never been sick himself, one of the pros of being part fire ghoul is that his body runs too hot for most uninvited guests of the sort to thrive.
"I don't... Really know, I've never been sick... I guess it's a thing that lives inside you and tries to like... Kill you?"
"What???" Phantom gives out a truly pathetic squeak and another loud sniff "Am I gonna die? Is that why my nose is leaking, are my insides slowly liquifying?"
"Naaah, takes a whole lot more than a cold to kill a ghoul. But it's gonna royally suck to be alive for a couple days."
"Please just kill me already" the request is accompanied by a series of sad groans as the sick ghoul turns around to bury his head in his pillow.
"Oh don't be so dramatic" Dew gets up the bed and heads towards the door "Stay there, I'll be back."
He hears more groans as he heads into the halway towards the kitchen.
Phantom doesn't move after Dewdrop leaves. His head is in too much of a fuzz, it feels like it's about to explode. He feels truly pathetic and quite frankly gross, laying there with his snot slowly soaking into the pillowcase. When the fire ghoul emerges back in the doorframe, he's carrying a tray with a bowl, a cup, a box and a small container.
"Whas all that?" the quintessence ghoul inquires.
"Sit up" the older ghoul orders. Phantom obeys without arguing but not without a few pathetic whimpers. How dare he be asked to move when he's on the brink of death?
Dew walks back towards the bed and sets the tray on the nightstand before sitting next to his protégé. "That's chicken noodle soup in the bowl. It's the fake kind that come in an envelope but I swear it's just as good. I think the yellow powder's slightly radioactive, it might help kill the virus."
Phantom's eyes go wide and he doesn't have a choice but to explain to him that it's not, in fact, radioactive. The new ghoul is so gullible sometimes. It's adorable.
"The cup's mint tea. Real kind tho, Mountain would probably skin any of us for make tea the wrong way. But you know that. Box is just tissues, it's for your runny nose."
"I thought you said you never got sick?"
"I don't... Why?"
"Well there's a box of it by your bed. Is it in case Rain gets sick?"
"Yup that's it, it's for Rain, enough questions. And that small thing" he grabs the container from the tray and unscrews the lid, putting it directly below the other's nose. The smell is strong, Phantom throws his head back in surprise. "It's to help you breathe better"
Dew dips his fingers into the mixture and rubs it lightly on between the sick ghoul's collar bones. "Thank you"
"You're welcome. Now move over, I need space in there too."
"Speaking from everyone else's experience, the best way to get over a cold is to cuddle up next to somethin' extra toasty" the quintessence moves enough to allow the older one to settle right next to him. He takes the bowl of soup from the side of the bed and places it carefully in Phantom's lap. "Eat it while it's still warm. Then we can spend all day napping and watching stupid movies, sounds nice?"
"Yeah... Sounds real nice" there the hint of a purr starting up in his chest. Maybe it's not all that bad if he gets the fire ghoul all to himself for an entire day.
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adh-james-version · 1 month
you're argument is so fucking stupid because a) nobody who understands the characters and ships jily is pro-snape. Snape is as disgusting as regulus and actual intelligent people know that and b) the marauders fandom is not by nature anti-canon or whatever the fuck you said. it is derived from canon and has been thriving since PoA came out. and no, not everyone ships wolfstar and in fact tonnes of people don't because it's NOT CANON. and the new fans who clearly haven't even read the books and dont understand the characters at all are shitting all over remus and sirius routinely with atrocious, disgusting characterisations like the one in atyd.
you new fans are ruining the fandom by turning beloved characters (the ACTUAL marauders and Lily - not the fascists you freaks simp for) into pathetic OCs.
if you don't like this canon get the fuck out of this fandom and find a different one to ruin. james potter would never date a blood supremacist and youre a fucking idiot for acting like he would
Okay so first things first , if your gonna be such a horrible person be brave enough to say it with your chest 😂😂 posting its as anonymous is embarrassing and shows that you have no dignity😂😂 at least I spoke my opinions without shame😘😘
Two, you are proving my point of people taking it too serious 😂😂
Three, I have read the books, multiple times as have most of the fandom, and I have said before that I believe that not reading the books and then hoping into the fandom is weird, so let’s not be ignorant, if ur gonna come for me do your research babygirl😘😘
Four, I said in my post that people hating on other people’s head canons is messed up, thank you for proving my point once again love 😘😘😘
Five, there is no such thing as ruining the fandom which again I said in my og post once again do your research 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
Six, you are also furthering my point by hating on characterization 🫶🏾😍
Seven, the new fans are evolving the fandom, which i said, in my previous post (starting to wonder if your reading comprehension is up to par🧐)
Eight, I’m not gonna argue abt hcs w a person who has such strong hateful opinions. Invest in therapy💋
And lastly don’t play with me, calling me a “fucking idiot” just shows your lack of vocabulary and your ignorance so if you want to have a civilized conversation my inbox is always open if you want to try again.
Have a good day🫶🏾🫶🏾
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oneesanmarket · 2 years
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B-PROJECT~ Kodou *Ambitious ~: Kaneshiro Goushi - BRILLIANT*PARTY BRILLIANT Bracelet
Size: 7cmx3cm
Price:7€/12 USD
(Shipping price Not included)
Units Available: 1
(Send us a message or comment if you’re interested)
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hadukilina · 1 year
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
Shoutout to the lovely @archerons-elain for inspiring this post thanks to their genius comments, shared theories, & fun fandom appreciation🥰
This started out with the note/theory of Elain & Aelin as an Anagram
(among other fandom theories I’ve started looking into for funsies while reading TOG & waiting for (what I’ve started calling😂) ACOTAR 5 & 1/2) as they are both great characters, that on first glance feel like such opposites… yet when I think about it… they actually feel more like a “what if” of similarities.
I think Elain is what Aelin would have been had she not lost her parents, kingdom, (& most crucial to this point) Aedion. — Vice-Versa— I think Aelin is what Elain might have been under the same circumstances, or if left without Nesta. The paralells between both young Aelin & Elain, and grown Elain & Aelin (while trapped in Celaena).
Though a character/person’s credit is to their own, and their are always pros & cons without “what if’s”; I do think without Nesta, Elain would be a drastically different character: Nesta was Elain’s shelter, her ever-fighter, her great love, her best friend. Nesta fought & fostered Elain to bloom; she gave Elain the chance to grow up, to know some semblance of safety, to have any ray of light among the gray dark winter, and the room to be that beautifully resilient demandingly bright light even amid gloom.
In contrast, sometimes I think of Elain’s upbringing like a potted plant: Created to be beautiful & seen; yet never its full nature or heard. Safe & surviving, but never alive & thriving. Seeing the whole world from a point of beauty; but always through glass. Safe from the storms but deprived of the rain, dosed with sunlight but never in all its unabashed rays. Never to know thorns but left defenseless without them, unable to recognize weeds yet always to grow upon false impositions. Rooted in place with such strength, yet tethered to that place; able to tone the brightest of blooms, but never the room to take full shape. — I always find it interesting that she loves the gardens & yet never entered the woods; I think it serves her character well, soft, overlooked, cultivated, pruned, beautiful, & earthen in home; but never wild, always grown, always made to bloom never to just be; and yet the places she loves most are that.
If put into Aelin’s position; if stolen from her sisters & home; or without her person & protector (Nesta) I imagine Elain would have been used & shaped like a tool, beautiful but without room to breathe. Never witnessing the truth of pure innocence & never knowing the undying ferociousness of love.
Meanwhile you have Aelin & Celaena.
Aelin of the wildfire; because she was wild like the flowers covering Terrasens emerald green & thrown at her feet in adoration, because she was abundantly unstoppable yet always caught before she could make her leaps (safe, but never soaring), because she was bright, free, & simultaneously a cloistered wild-thing signed up to be something before she learned to breathe; she was always the fire heart of a nation; but above all the costs & heavy crowns she was happy, she had something a family a home, a protector best friend fierce love to adore her as she did in Aedion; and she was learning, she would have been given the chance to grow & cultivate into more, to remember & know what it is to be so loved (As Elain knew without doubt). Instead, she was stolen. Aelin, who he even Aedion says he wishes he would’ve been taken with, while he may not have been able to save her from Arobynn, she would have grown up knowing more than just that; the loss of love, the empty colorless world forever in winter without flame; she may have never needed to be Celaena. She would have at least grown up period, instead of being frozen in time, burned alive again & again until there was nothing but ashes to forget or die with, forced to be a phoenix; rising over & over, but with a price. As they say “she became death, to escape it”; where she had been all things alive; she became cold as the river in which she drowned, foreign as the new land, gone with her world. She was shaped into a tool, a weapon, an assassin. Celaena survived, but at all costs; she paid every price for it (without even signing up).
— Then you have these key character points that survived in them both —
They both have similar core motivators/“dreams”:
They wish for peace, for a “normal” life (while this is general enough that it could be applied to many characters, there is a specificity to its value they carry far more; especially in what they are willing to give up to achieve it; and the mundanity they would take with it). They wish to run away from all the chaos of their world & just be in love (or even alone) & just be happy; (once again, while many may have this wish) the difference is they would (& have tried to) actually run away for it. Not many people carry that kind of bravery; fierce, wild, untamable joy.
They have the same line “in the sand”:
They have a line (even to their own dreams); best summed up as love & loyalty (they will be stubborn for) their people; and all that sweet idealism will burn if it is crossed. Let us not forget; Elain made the first true strike on Hybern (not some naive innocence; but painstakingly, heart-torn, brutal, filled with rage & vengeance, & a fierce sort of love that endures) much like Aelin’s many decisions shown to parallel. While, that love also does not easily blind them (let us not forget despite the many “oblivious” accusations Elain receives; she is called “the seer” for a reason ;)
… if anything it is that loyalty & love that makes their line so messy & misunderstood. On occasion it manages to seduce them; the sense of comfort, of defining one’s self as someone else’s, the ability to fall into it & no longer carry the weight of every decision upon your presence in the world; the loyalty to disappear within. — But even that; fiercely loyal as they are, their morals & love carry a torch too (though this can flicker more visibly in Aelin; remember I’m saying they are like versions; not identical, but twin souls).
For Aelin her love & loyalty begin and end with everything she has become because of her people (or lack thereof), her family, (her own being) was stolen from her; sometimes it makes her confuse morality & justice with the vengeance of survival becoming her only true consistently loyal ally. Or the times her loyalty becomes stubbornness (a trait often overlooked in Elain) but very clear in Aelin’s light of such similarity.
In Elain I think it is both best seen & misunderstood in her love for Nesta. Elain loved Nesta period. Even when Nesta could be cruel, she was loyal in that (not because Elain was naive to it; she just knew her sister; beyond the bristling thorns, and loved her enough not to care; Elain has never seemed to mind the thorns that accompany roses. She stubbornly does not garden with gloves). She was still loyal to loving her sister when she drew that line in the sand (that seemed to break it into misunderstanding) but it was because Nesta’s self-loathing was destroying them both; Elain loved her enough not to allow it out of fear of a fight; she would rather her sister hate her and survive, than play nice as she drowns herself in sorrow and alcohol. Just as Elain loved Feyre before the woods AND after; she may have made mistakes (love doesn’t fix all things; Nesta felt abandoned because something did change (however she did not leave Nesta; not in her heart; she loved her stubbornly & without reason). Elain has never been “perfect” as people pretend; honestly, it’s part of her beauty, the actual truth of it), but she loves her sisters (that is important; it’s not a fix, but it is a key). She was loyal to that; the way she loves (and stubborn in it). — Buying paints when they were poor (perhaps privileged, maybe ignorant) but still kind nonetheless. is something else there within them. And then there is that stubbornness (even when imperfect) Elain was stubborn in her love for their father; while it may have been given to her further than the others (fostered to begin with as opposed to forgotten or never given) she must have felt it; Nesta’s resentment, Feyre’s desperation, her fathers own heartbreak, the grief of her mother, the failure; and yet she remained adoring (possibly a fawn response) but also a stubborn loyalty determined to prove goodness true. Feyre reminds it, too; how strong it was to hope and be kind. There’s a poem like that, to remain soft among such cruel, sharp things. Elain has that piece (Aelin in contrast had it stolen) as I said, they are not the same). However, in that morality to love & loyalty…
… Aelin can be viewed similarly, loved Dorian & Chaol; long after they were “in love” (partially as she learned to reshape it; with Dorian becoming her friend, and Chaol & her learning to forgive their pasts). It’s messy though; as I mentioned, her loyalty does not leave easily. It’s why she keeps making promises to a love she knows she cannot be with. She didn’t know how to keep the love & have it change, how to hold many loyalties at once (she apologizes for that later too) for making it sound like she’d come back to Chaol. But she does stay loyal to both; the truth that she could not be with Chaol anymore, & the ring she wore for months after; because she meant it when she said it as much as she meant it when it ended. It reaches the greatest conflict for her when it snaps; when her “sister” is taken, & those loves & loyalties are all pinned against her; she falls into a habit, the practice of “justice” & the seduction of a loyal vengeance (that has kept her alive; even if at a high sometimes called “selfish” price; it is survival). — And in those aforementioned traits; Aelin often gets told she is stuck-up, privileged, ignorant, selfish (and maybe at times she is; though it never sums up a person) I would say the key lies in what she loves & appreciators, her will to live & be more than an existence, much like Elain.
They both however, try, continue, keep doing it when it comes to learning, giving, & building more than existences.
They have a similar gift trait:
They both have an ability to understand people, to “see more” (young Aelin fought the Valg king without even knowing it) & even see those shrouded in shadow (both literal & metaphorically speaking; Azriel & Rowan as primary examples). And with it carry an ability to reach out, to have kindness that endures (often Aelin’s ability to laugh, to smile, despite it all is mentioned; the way she cares for Evangeline & Fleetfoot as reminders of it) & Elain’s quote (once again) about having a different kind of strength; the ability to remain kind & hopeful among tragedy & hardship. They have an attention to detail; Elain notices what makes the man of shadow laugh, she gives him a truly thought out gift, she saw beyond the dark masks and facades enough to note & notice. Aelin saw Chaol, the guard beneath the mask, his favorite poem, his favorite meal, she remembered his birthday, she made the cake.
They have similar coping mechanisms:
They keep the fire burning, hope & heart in hearth. They disappear for a while, they go into their own world. They cling to the known, to the souls they remain loyal, to the familiar. They have their little moments of normalcy among their world to keep a grasp on sanity; both go to the earth, one to the gardens & one to the woods. Elain goes out in her best dresses onto to kneel in the dirt, to spend hours baking, or convincing moments of peace & celebration into existence. Aelin goes to the woods, to the grounds, to her other worlds of books, to the city, to the stores, to take time & take care & primp proper, to dance, to compose, to be a “normal” girl; neither princess nor assassin. As mentioned before, they both have the need to be more than existence and retain some normalcy within it.
They get viewed poorly for certain stereotypical “girlie traits”, or being called “selfish”, “dumb”, or “ignorant”:
The amount of hate I have read toward Celaena’s sass, love for fashion, appreciation of perfumes & nice things. For calling her selfish, temperamental, ignorant. Or Elain’s softness, kindness, warmth, gentleness, love to bake or garden or wear nice dresses. Calling her ignorant, naive, or just plain stupid… It saddens me… Everyone has a right to their opinion, there is argument and validity to it; however, I think a character can be a kick-ass assassin and also love pretty ballgowns without becoming “unfeminist”, I absolutely do not think Elain is a “damsel” or ditsy idiot. I think there is something lovely to representing all sorts of female characters for all sorts of people! I think the two of them carry over some traits and possibilities while being so different that they are a great reflection of that. They have a great deal of difference (obviously) and I quite appreciate both the crossover and uniqueness!
For all they are “alike” they are also different :-)
(As I aside ⬆️)
They both love pretty dresses & nice things.
They have a call to nature.
They are beautiful. And they use it as a weapon.
They are underestimated and carry a power in that.
They are women & can be “stereotypically feminine”. They they are bad-ass.
They know the power of sisterhood. They are loyal. They are compassionate. They are loving. They are stubborn as hell.
They notice details. They see more. They keep track. They carry wit. They do not fear the shadows.
They are bright. They have a levity even after living in the heavy. They are expected to be “one thing” (the “happy one” the “hope” the “chosen perfect” the “invisible”) and it can be exhausting. They can fade into backdrops, sometimes they need to hide, they aren’t fully seen. Yet, they are never becoming less. They have a right to the trauma they carry. They remain more than it, refuse to just be that. They long for domesticity, for freedom, for wild & peace. They have more than what meets the eye.
They were sweet children, protected, gentle, bright. They went through hell. One had a shelter in the storm. One had to become the storm. One kept everything, even so far as to not see the world to believe they kept it. One lost it all, and stopped believing in the world at all. One learned forgiveness, one learned vengeance. One knew love, one knew loss, they both grow to know each.
Where Elain was soft, Celaena grew sharp, learned she had to be.
Elain can bake, Aelin has a whole chapter dedicated to how she cannot. 😂 While Nesta is the dancer, not Elain, Aelin is (actually I think Aelin is a good blend of Nesta, Elain, and even some Feyre (though the latter contrasts match the extremes a little more interestingly)). While Elain’s face was a prize to be paraded Aelin’s was a secret to be masked (I know these are getting silly, I’m just listing😂). Aelin/Celaena seem more Extroverted or Ambiverted (as she rarely gets to pick for herself; I think her love for books & piano, time to eat her cake alone leans more toward the latter) Elain is more introverted (though I do think she also has lacked the ability to have room for presence). Their love stories have differed yet been VERY similar; both had love & lost it, both lost a dream in it, both ran out of time and fate; and while one had their mate and could not face it, the other was the opposite.
Where Celaena ran, Elain stayed. Where Aelin fought, Elain could not. Both have had to play many games, wear many faces to survive/exist in their societies.
Where Elain was allowed not to see Aelin had not choice, and where Elain was thrown into the world Aelin got to choose what part to play.
Without Nesta, without room to grow, Elain might’ve drowned, might’ve had to claw herself back up and back together until she grew thorns. With Aedion Aelin might’ve stayed sheltered, might’ve become more princess than warrior, might’ve gotten to grow up and be herself, become a diplomat, become a hearth instead of wildfire & hellfire.
I think she would’ve resented being quiet and tame. I wonder sometimes if Elain does; if she’s sick of being “the happy one”. Of being everyone else’s and having none of her left for herself. Of not getting choices, just getting thrown in and around. I wonder if Aelin is sick of the definition too of being too wild or too tame, of being the bright hope or tragic grief, of being used or things for other people, of knowing herself and yet not knowing.
And while Celaena’s story becomes Aelin’s and eventually (when I read it) has her full circle & end. Elain has yet to have her story told. I look forward to seeing it. And have enjoyed looking at these pieces… they are drastically different and drastically similar, I think it’s a cool what if to compare… so there’s a random ramble of little things about two characters I’ve really grown & continued to love.
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burning-academia-if · 4 months
re: internet speed: hang in there!! your update will save me🙏🏻
I just got done with a long road trip (Massachusetts to North Carolina; about a 12 hour trek!) to visit family, and am physically drained but mentally wide awake- which is why I am up at 3:15am, excited to start a new save when it drops!!
to bring this back to the game- if you don't mind- would the RO's (poly included) ever do a road trip of this length with MC, while dating? would anyone overprepare, or outright refuse, perhaps unless MC genuinely couldn't fly for some reason?
(... dare I even consider what chaos would unfold if they managed to get like, a party bus for a group trip lmao)
Hi sorry to the prompts in my inbox the past week, got obviously sidetracked by the update lol I hope you got some rest after that trip!
also imagine all the ROs+MC going on a road trip together? 52 killed and 138 injured
Rook: He would thrive on a roadtrip, even if you threw him in the most cramped car imaginable and made him drive (pro tip: don't let him drive). He is chronically under prepared but he manages anyway. Hopefully MC is better prepared then he is
Beck: Over packs as a "just in case" type of thing. Stops maybe a little too frequently for gas as a just in case kind of thing. Is pretty comfortable throughout the trip and knows when to rotate driving as needed so neither of you feel too awful
Rhea: She would do her best but I don't think she'd fair well lol she hasn't ever driven so long so she has no idea how to prepare for it and would be asking you constantly before the trip. This is one of the few planning things you'd have to be in charge of
Zoe: They might be reluctant at first, especially since they're not the most comfortable driving and have really only driven locally. I imagine they'd accidentally get you both lost at one point and you're both just bent over the phone like "??? Where are we???" Very stressful but it kinda becomes a funny memory later
Lars: This has got to be the most serious roadtrip you've ever been on. He's focused only on point a to point b. You'll stop to grab food or gas, but doesn't spare a moment for sight seeing unless you pull out the Annoying Tactic (or just look really sad about it lmaO). At least you're guaranteed to get there safely
???: They have no idea how to drive or what a roadtrip even is so that's all on you lol. I think they'd make so many comments throughout that it makes the time go by fast though, and they'd probably be playing like word games with you or things similar periodically throughout the trip
Rook/Beck: Beck makes up for Rook's carelessness. There's the occasional bickering along the way (kinda like a married couple lol) but it all feels light hearted and goofy and time goes by surprisingly fast.
Rook/???: This is the most chaotic roadtrip you'll ever be on. A whole lot of detours and distractions and wondering how you made it to your destination alive (it was because of you, probably). Despite the chaos it's also very fun and like an adventure
Rhea and Zoe: The two actually figure out the roadtrip thing a lot better together then they do apart. It's a very cozy trip with the occasional stop and sight seeing, with conversations that ebb and flow. It's a fine time
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3rdeyeblaque · 10 months
On November 26th we venerate Elevated Ancestor & Hoodoo Saint Mama Sojourner Truth on the 140th anniversary of her passing 🕊
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An abolitionist, Womens’ Rights activist, & itinerant evangelist, Mama Sojourner Truth truly lived up to her name as one of the fiercest, relentless, & unstoppable pro-abolitionist voices of the 19th Century.
Given the name, Isabella, at birth, Mama Truth was born around 1797 to Dutch-speaking enslaved parents on Colonel Ardinburgh Hurley's plantation in Ulster County, NY. The actual date of her birth remains unknown. At the age of 9 she was sold away from her parents. She was passed through the hands of several slavers across NY State before ending up with the Dumonts. As was the case for most enslaved folks in the rural North, Isabella was forcibly isolated from other slaves and suffered physical & sexual abuse at the hands of the Dumonts.
Alone in the nearby woods, she found peace. Here, she'd speak to Spirit/God. Inspired by her many conversations with Spirit, one day in 1826, she walked away from Dumont Farm to freedom. Although the journey tempted her to return to the Dumonts, she stayed the course after she was struck by a vision of a man she identified as Jesus, during which she felt "baptized in the Holy Spirit," and thus gained the strength & confidence to push on. Like countless Ancestors before her, Isabella called on Spirit & supernatural forces for the power to survive her conditions.
Eventually, she married & birthed 5 children. On July 4, 1827, the NY State Legislature emancipated the enslaved, including Isabella & her children. Yet the Dumont family who "owned" her, refused to comply. Before dawn the next morning, with her youngest baby cradled in her arms, she sought refuge 5 miles away with an abolitionist family. During her time there, she converted to Pentecostal and joined their local Methodist church.
She later then moved again, this time with one of her eldest sons, Peter, in NYC wherein by day she worked as a live-in domestic. Here she found & joined a religious cult called, The Kingdom. It's leader, Matthias, beat Isabella and forced her to take on the heaviest workload. Soon thereafter she became a Pentecostal preacher. Her faith and preaching along with her life story as an emancipated slave drew the attentions of abolitionists & women's rights crusaders. Her speeches were not political by nature. They were based on her unique interpretation - as a woman and a former slave -of the Christian Bible.
On June 1st 1863, Sojourner Truth was born. Isabella took on this new name for herself as she headed East to, “exhort the people to embrace Jesus, and refrain from sin". She lived in a utopian community called, The Northampton Association for Education & Industry, which was devoted to transcending class, race, & gender. She preached at camp meetings for a few years before the community was dissolved. Even though the community lasted less than five years, many highly influential & reform-minded individuals visited the Northampton community; including prolific abolitionist leaders such as Frederick Douglass & William Lloyd Garrison.
Through these connections, she began to speak at public events on behalf of slave abolition and women’s rights. Eventually, this compelled her infamous 1851,“Ar’nt I A Woman” speech at a Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, OH. This was a significant moment in the sociopolitical climate of the country at the time because, for the first time for most, "slave" became equated to women & "woman" became equated to Black. She became increasingly involved on the issue of Women's suffrage, but eventually separated her voice from leaders such as Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton one they asserted that they would not support the Black vote if Women were not also granted the same right.
In 1857, Mama Truth purchased a house with the help of friends in a small Spiritualist community called, Harmonia, near Battle Creek, MI. Here she lived thriving the years of supporting hwrself thrift paid speaking events, selling photographs of herself, publishing her book titled, "Narrative of Sojourner Truth" which was written by an amanuensis, as she was illiterate.
Once the Civil War began, Mama Truth pushed for the inclusion of Blacks in the Union Army, which was not intitially the case. She then poured her energy into gathering food & clothing supplies for the underserved volunteer regiments of Black Union soldiers. This is when the plight freed slaves captured her attention, as many of whom were living in refugee camps in Washington D.C.. Mama Truth embarked on a round-trip journey from her home near Battle Creek,MI to D.C. to meet with President Abraham Lincoln to discuss the conditions of the freedmen refugees in D.C. & across the North.
After the Civil War, she championed the idea of a colony for freed slaves out West where they could galvanize their desires to become self-reliant. Mama Truth garnered numerous signatures for her petition urging the U.S. Government to provide land for this endeavor. Although she presented this petition to then President Ulysses S. Grant, her mission never materialized. Nevertheless, in the Fall of 1879, a large migration of Southern freedmen ventured westward to start begin life anew. Mama Truth saw this as God's Divine Plan for our people. Despite her old age, Mama Truth traveled to Kansas to help them. Four years later, Mama Sojourner Truth passed away at her home near Battle Creek, MI. She was believed to be 86.
"How came Jesus into the world? Through God who created him and woman who bore him. Man, where is your part? But the women are coming up blessed by God and few of the men are coming up with them. But man is in a tight place, the poor slave is on him, woman is coming on him, and he is surely between a hawk an' a buzzard." - Sojourner Truth @ the 1851 Ohio Women's Convention.
We pour libations & give 💐 today as we celebrate Mama Truth her selfless service and pioneering vision for the freedom & self-determination of our people. May her life be a reminder of: the power of stillness & deep meditation, to lead with Spirit, & the grit of perseverance that's alive in our blood.
Offering suggestions: woodland soil, water, Pentecostal prayers/ scripture, read/share her speeches & written words.
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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verdemoun · 2 months
I'm legitimately thinking about the gang witnessing big events. Bessie was probably there when USSR collapsed. The gang and 9/11. Big advances in queer rights in general (I can definitely see Bill telling someone to turn up the radio after he hears a snippet). Covid, fucking covid. And that's just a few. That must've been wild. I can see some of the newcomers getting overwhelmed - the world has never seemed like this in their first life. There was never so much happening.
(i can also see Lenny fucking thriving; boy loves studying. I can DEFINITELY see him asking Bessie about events she witnessed before anyone arrived.)
Side shuffling around the gang living through 9/11 as a non-American who was alive but too busy shoving crayons up my nose to fully understand the devastation from 9/11 from a global perspective I am not going to attempt that But a) it definitely contributed to Arthur's fear of flying b) it was the first time the gang were seriously agitated by Bessie's no guns in the house rule because all the safety they had worked towards finding in modern era was ripped away from them and c) they would have been very bothered by the sheer amount of racism it inspired they did not go through 1899 bigotry just to watch it be born again.
The gang were all over that shit they may still have a bit of that 1899 assumes pronouns and don't fully understand some LGBTQIA+ identities but most of them needed a hobby and keeping up to date with how queer rights were being adapted into civil rights was a whole gang affair.
Arthur hot for voting rights Morgan out there accidentally intimidating people to vote for parties that openly supported pro-lgbtqia+ agendas.
The number one thing Isaac never got in trouble from the gang for protesting no matter how much actual legal trouble he got into. He was wearing skirts and dresses to school to protest gendered uniforms, he was punching protestors in the face (maybe a lil trouble for that one but not nearly as much as he probably should have been), vandalizing homophobic signs and billboards he was out fighting.
Arthur picking him up from holding after teen Isaac got caught vandalizing a homophobic billboard and instead of a lecture Isaac gets McDonalds on the way home.
Bill didn't say outright it was to celebrate gay marriage finally being legalized but the day it was confirmed gay marriage was going nation-wide he invited everyone over for the biggest boozy cook-out ever and internalized homophobia be damned my boy can work a grill.
Also poor Bessie having to be the one to explain to the 1899 gang when they timewarped in 1999 that same-sex intercourse was still technically a crime and if anything the laws around it had gotten more explicitly anti-gay since 1899 when every single one of them was a little slice of fruit cake - the absolute riot she had to deal with in her living room.
Arthur was a nervous wreck. He died of the last plague and is absolutely convinced covid-19 would be his second demise. Comes off as really aggressive about people wearing masks and sanitizing their hands but in private Charles is fully aware he is absolutely terrified. Like paling as the death toll rises Charles having to convince him to turn off the news before he has a meltdown.
Arthur was living lockdown style even before lockdown was announced would not leave the house, sprayed any groceries left at the door with disinfectant, insisted Charles get changed out of outside-contaminated clothes before he walked into the house ect.
Charles had to be a very patient, loving supportive husband. Many bird houses and loafs of bread were made.
The gang very nearly shackled Hosea to the couch because his attitude was 'bah how many epidemics have i survived already' despite being an elderly smoker with pre-existing lung issues.
On his way home the day lockdown was announced Lenny bought as much gym equipment as he could fit in his car and while Sean absolutely went insane not being able to go out and do things he did accidentally get shredded because he would spend hours in the temporary home gym trying to burn energy.
Jack immediately dipped. Grabbed a suitcase and moved into Isaac's because being trapped at home with John, Uncle, Abigail and Addie would have resulted in someone being sent to hospital for grievous bodily injuries.
Kieran thrived. Objectively the peak of his neurodivergent and mental health. No cars? Reduced people in stores? 3ft apart? It was the first time he could leave the house without noise-cancelling headphones (still took them but wore them around his neck in bliss upon realizing how quiet it was). Jumped at the chance to go to the store or drop off things because he loved leaving the house when the world was so much more quiet.
Also little people-watcher knew exactly what things to drop off to just make someone's day a little less bad. Favorite snacks, fidgets, movies they'd love, craft kits. A lot of the gang were really grateful for how well Kieran actually knew them and looked forward to the random texts of presents left at the door-step.
Sulked when restrictions were taken away he was glad the pandemic was considered over but also having to retreat to those supports because outside was too overwhelming again. (i'm projecting)
Micah got covid twice during peak pandemic, was almost hospitalized the first time, and still anti-vac.
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