#back to studying for university
axel-tiredstudent · 2 years
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hey dude sorry for interrupting your cool dance and your vengeance moment and all that but can I like bite your neck like you know like can I?
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nasa · 1 year
Top Study Tips from NASA
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Study smarter this school year! We asked scientists, engineers, astronauts, and experts from across NASA about their favorite study tips – and they delivered. Here are a few of our favorites:
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Study with friends
Find friends that are like-minded and work together to understand the material better. Trading ideas with a friend on how to tackle a problem can help you both strengthen your understanding.
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Create a study environment
Find a quiet space or put on headphones so you can focus. You might not be able to get to the International Space Station yet, but a library, a study room, or a spot outside can be a good place to study. If it’s noisy around you, try using headphones to block out distractions.
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Take breaks
Don’t burn yourself out! Take a break, go for a walk, get some water, and come back to it.
Looking for more study tips? Check out this video for all ten tips to start your school year off on the right foot!
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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sugar-grigri · 15 days
I think the biggest revelation will not be about what fear Pochita represents, but rather the fact that she's a "girl/female"
This information alone concludes a whole host of themes: the birth demon theory, Denji's search for maternal affection, symbolic as an orphan but also impossible because he has merged with the Supreme Mother, i.e. the birth demon, but above all the fact that in reality this dream has already been fulfilled.
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pagesofjasmine · 10 months
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cloudy-caspirations · 1 month
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Monday • August 19, 2024
The new semester starts this week, and I’m not sure whether I’m excited or terrified. I finally finished setting up my new desk, so here’s a photo of the new setup. I’ll probably end up moving stuff around once the semester actually starts and I start working here more, but until then this is fine.
My professors are finally opening up their class canvas pages, so I’ve been going through all of them and updating my planners. Looking at the sheer amount of assignments I’ve put into notion so far, I think I’m leaning more towards terrified than excited . I just hope I end up liking my major work as much as I thought I would a week ago 😵‍💫😵‍💫.
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learnelle · 8 months
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Home is where Marquis glares at me for not petting him lol
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octaviasdread · 8 months
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(don’t repost photos)
new modules, new reading lists, and new multi vitamins are doing wonders for my motivation
unlike the professor who released our class details three days ago - our books should arrive on time but how much we can read by next week is…questionable
at least the storms are over. storm isha tik toks were right, battling the wind as a student with no car is really not it
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the-chains-cafe · 5 months
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Lighting is hard, and don’t get me started on speech bubbles
@whiteperle3 tagging you because you won’t stop talking about me drawing comics :]
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theinsomniacindian · 7 months
In theory, I'm dark academia. In practice, I'm chaotic academia
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wecandoit · 1 year
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02092023 was meant to post this on saturday but forgot to queue it up oopsies. welcome to my mess of a workspace
🎧: die right here - david hugo
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nanthegirl · 5 months
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• Completed two online tests today and studied some Anatomy. I tried working on the report for the first physics lab I did but there’s so much info I don’t have and things I don’t understand haha. I’ll try again tomorrow morning. Also studied at the library for the first time in a while.
• I always think that watching a cartoon during my study breaks and while I eat would make it easier to stop and get back to work. But anything becomes captivating once I have to study. I’m enjoying Ninjago way more than I did when I was a child lmao.
• The past few days have been filled with hail and the thickest clouds ever but the sun finally came through today. Not too excited about the impending heat though.
• I sketched a lot today and I enjoyed it more than I usually do. I even tried drawing with a pen, which I find very daunting, but I made the mistakes, moved on and tried again. Very proud of myself for not dwelling on it too much.
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bluepickle36 · 1 month
War changed them all.
Polities couldn't wait to set out from Ithaca, eager for glory and fame. He bubbled with excitement, talking Odysseus and Eurylochus's ears off all the way to Troy. He understood it was war, he understood they were going to kill and be killed, but he didn't truly understand the gravity of what they were setting out to do, too wrapped up in tales of heroes and bravery.
Then he fought in the first battle. He killed. He watched others die. He was horrified. He realized there was no glory in battle, only blood and heat and death. That night he wept himself to sleep in Odysseus's tent, huddled in his friend's arms.
By the time the war was over, Polities was absolutely sick of bloodshed. He would never again pick up a weapon to attack someone else. Instead, he would greet the world with open arms, employing kindness and peace instead of hatred and swords.
Eurylochus was frightened. He kissed Ctimene goodbye and held her close as long as possible, afraid he wouldn't come back. Yet he trusted Odysseus. His friend, their king, would get them all home safely. It was with this optimism firmly fixed in his mind that he boarded the ship for Troy.
The war proceeded. Many of his friends, his comrades, died. He watched the leaders hatch plan after plan and saw them all fail, watched them make mistake after mistake. He saw how many lives were thrown away in pointless, fruitless endeavors, and he changed. Eurylochus became more cynical. He stopped putting so much blind faith in his superiors, trusting them less and less and questioning them more with every passing day.
Odysseus left Ithaca reluctantly. He was homesick from the moment he kissed Penelope and Telemachus goodbye, and he only became more miserable the longer the war dragged on. He argued against the other kings early on, refusing to participate in any actions he saw as inhumane, but the more time passed the more desperate he grew.
Finally, in a last-ditch effort, he presented the idea of the wooden horse, a trick that broke every rule of honorable warfare. He didn't like it, and he hardly slept that night, trying to ignore the little voice that sounded so much like Penelope, begging him to reconsider, to stop the slaughter before it began. It was the only way, unless they stayed here for another twenty years, slowly dying far from home. And then he dropped Hector's infant son from Troy's walls.
Because it was the only way he could go home.
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darkacademiagoddess · 1 month
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My pinterest lately~~~♡♡♡~~~◇◇◇~~~
I actually can't wait for back to school, I'm so excited to finally have a routine again.
I'm doing the 24h readathon with a friend and I've just finished Aristotle and Dante etc.
I'm positively devastated.
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inky-sun · 2 months
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pagesofjasmine · 1 year
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Back to Uni | Fall Semester
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bruwudershaft · 4 months
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...Poor children...
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