#background: me screaming and crying and curling up into a little ball
my brain: we are feeling the bads, time to cope! grab your favorite form of internet and seek validation!!!
me: dude idk if this is healthy like maybe we should see a therapist
my brain: yeah but that simple tiny little thing currently requires overcoming a really bad trigger without help
me: so Tumblr it is, huh?
my brain: text your best friend first and seek validation for very dumb reasons
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randomperson3736 · 11 months
It's all my fault
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Paring(s): Lo'ak x twin! Reader, Neteyam x sister! Reader, Neytiri x daughter! Reader, Jake sully x daughter! Reader, Tuk x sister! Reader, Kiri x sister! Reader, the sully's x reader
Genre: angst, kinda fluff
Warning(s): Character death, wounds, blood, crying, sad, fighting, get punched, swearing
Word bank: Y/N- your name, Ewya- great Mother
Notes: I am so sorry that this has taken so long for me to write/post and the reason for it is because I've been having some trouble finding ideas on how this part 2 is gonna go but thankfully I found some and I really hope u enjoy. Also I put a link to part 1 if Ur new to this mini series. P.S it was kinda rushed so it may suck.
(Listen to this while reading)👇👇👇
Part 1
TAG LIST: @sully-stick-together , @users09, @bobojojoba69 ---- I am so sorry I couldn't add some of the people who asked to be added 🙏
Y/N ran for what felt like forever, even though in reality it was just a few minutes. Tears stained her face but she didn't care about that since more kept rolling down from her yellow eyes. Her heart was pumping in chest, shallow breaths could be heard. She tripped on a fallen tree branch, her body trembling to the floor. Y/N didn't bother getting up, so she just curled up into a ball and sobbed. She thought back to the earlier event with Lo'ak. Never in her whole life had she seen him so angry, and never has he ever snapped at her once not even when she was annoying.
She felt like she had pushed too hard on him but deep deep down she knew it wasn't his fault, it was his. Soon her red, puffy eyes started to close as sleep took very quickly. Y/N could hear the soft breeze flowing though the trees and brushes, it also tickled her skin as her neck hairs stood up. But little did the young girl knew a massive Strom was coming and it wasn't just any ordinary Strom, this Strom started long before any one of her siblings were born this Strom has been going on for a long time. And it was ready for its revenge.
Lo'ak didn't know where his twin was, no one did. His mother and Neteyam had been looking for her for atleast 2 hours and there has been no sign of her anywhere. Worry and guilt started to fill his stomach as his mind conjured up the worst case scenario. Her dead. Non-breathing Unmoving. Her blood everywhere. He tried to shake that thought off but it was still there lingering around the back of his mind.
In the background, he could hear Tuk crying as Kiri tried to comfort her but he knew she needed to be comfort juts as much. He knew it was his fault. He knew what he did was wrong and that he shouldn't have done it. He knew he needed to find her cause somewhere deep down in his stomach he knew where he was. So he slipped away making sure no one saw him as he ran off into the forest to find his twin.
~back to Y/N~
When she woke up again, she hadn't realised how long she had been asleep. Y/N didn't even know where she was. Suddenly large hands grabbed her, pulling her roughly up on her feet. She tried to scream but before she could cold metal touched her skin.
"You so much as scream or yell out for help... I'll blow your brains out" his voice was deep, sounded like he had no soul. Y/N just nodded not wanting to provoking him and possibly getting killed. She looked up to see atleast a glimpse of her so called kidnapper. She noticed the human like clothing he was wearing. He was an avatar. Probably from her father's past. She just hoped her father and mother or someone would find her before it becomes too late. But she knew that if someone didn't find her in time the worse will happen. So, she did the most stupid thing she has ever done. She bit down on his arm, hard. Very hard. The guy yelled out in pain before he turned around to face her. "You fucking bitch!"
The next thing she knew a loud bang could be heard and then everything went black.
~back to Lo'ak~
He could hear someone yelling in the distance, sounded human? He been in contact with fake Na'vi before and he definitely didn't like them. Lo'ak pulled at his knife, grip tight around it. He prayed to Ewya that Y/N was okay, she had to be, she needed to be. He couldn't lose her. She was the only one who understood him and never thought of him as a fake.
His head moved towards the direction of the loud bang, his briads covering his eye. His heart was beating so fast and so hard against his chest he thought it was going to pop out. He started to run towards the danger not caring about the out come he just needed to know that his twin, his ride or die wasn't at the end of that bullet.
A body soon came in view, it seemed to be covered in blood. As he got closer he finally saw who that body belong to. It was Y/N. His twin. His best friend. Tears started to form in his eyes as he pushed his legs faster. Faster to get to her. Faster to make sure she's live and not dead.
"Y/N!" Lo'ak's voice was shaking, fear feeling his stomach. He dropped om to his knees hard. Probably gonna leave a couple cuts on it but he didn't care all he cared about is her. "L-lo'ak?" Her was so quite, also like a whisper. He carefully moved her head onto his lap, making sure to put pressure on the gun shot wound on her lower abdomen. She let out a pained sob as more pain shot through her body. "Sorry, sorry. I know it hurts but I have to put pressure on it"
Y/N just started up at him still trying to process what happened just a few minutes ago. Her eyes slowly started to feel heavy but she tried to fight it just for a little longer. "Keep your eyes open" he spoke sternly, panting as he desperately spoke to her. Fixing his hand on her bleeding wound to try and stop the blood from leaving her body. Not once had she seen him look so vulnerable, so desperate. "Stay with me, don't-don't close your eyes" his voice was laced with something unfamiliar, a tone which Y/N had never from him before. Desperation was it? No, it was something more, something more painful.
"Y/N damn it" he cursed under his breath, holding her limp body now on his lap. His voice now filled with panic, "Please" that one word. That very word seemed to be so much more painful than the wound on her stomach, was it his tone? Was it the way he said it? Or was it the way his eyes looked, the way his eyes stained with tears.
Y/N could barely think, but everything looked clear despite the tears that clouded her eyes. The pain in her heart was greater than the pain from her stomach. Y/N wasn't ready, she wasn't ready to leave him, not ready to leave her family, not when she still had so much to live for. "Lo'ak" her weak voice called out for him. Perhaps his mind was playing a trick on him but he saw that same old smile om her face, a weak smile but it was still the same. "No" he cuts Y/N off, he couldn't hear what she was about to say, he refused to. Lo'ak knew exactly what she was planning in saying and he's far from accepting it. "Save your energy, don't-"
"I'm sorry, L-lo'ak"
"Y/N you can't, I can't" tears started to fall faster down his face now. "I'm the one who should be sorry, you have nothing-" Y/N cut him off by placing her hand on his cheek, wiping the tears that slipped away. "No. You don't have to apologise, Lo'ak" he cried quietly, but he felt everything all at once at that moment. Nuzzling his face into her now cold hand, weeping uncontrollably, no caring about who saw. "I can't do this without you. I-i'm so sorry about yelling at you, I d-didn't mean too just please don't leave me"
"Y/N please" he pleads, but he knew she was growing more weak by the clock. "Lo'ak. Y-you have to let me go" her hand slipped from his face as her eyes relaxed as her pupils widened, the blood stopped gushing out from the wound on her stomach and her heart stopped just as her chest went flat with her very last breath. "Y/N?" He looked down at her now limp body. "Y/N?! NO, NO, NO! PLEASE!" Lo'ak let out a pained scream, a scream that could be heard from the village. That scream got the attention of his family, making them run off into a sprint trying to find the source of the pained scream.
Neteyam and Jake were the first ones on scene and the site in front of them made their whole worlds come crashing down in one blow. Jake's body went numb, his expressen was emotionless, but his eyes told another story as tears rolled down his face. He started at his daughter, he couldn't except the fact that his babygirl was gone for good. He could hear his family's sobs from beside him, as he watched Lo'ak pulled his twin closer to his chest begging for some sort of sign that she was still alive but he knew that she was with Ewya now. "Y/N NO PELASE! OH, GREAT MOTHER PLEASE!" Lo'ak's voice was scratchy, shouting Y/N's name over and over again. His sobs were loud and controllable, he cried out for their great Mother begging her to bring his twin back. But deep down he knew she was never coming back. Neytiri moved closer to their son and fallen daughter, taking her limp hand into her own trying to find that familiar warmth that was always there but it cold.
Neteyam moved to sit next to Lo'ak with Y/N's unmoving body still in his lap. Neteyam knew that he and thier father had to move her body but he was frozen in place. He couldn't process it, no one could. He watched his father moved slowly towards Lo'ak to try and get their sister out of his grip. But surprisingly Lo'ak let go without trying to fight it. He looked so empty, almost like a shell you find at beach. It broke Neteyam's heart to see his brother like it but he knew he couldn't do anything to help with the pain Lo'ak was feeling m.
Neteyam watches as his mother sobs and screams over their loss as his tears fall onto his little sister's thigh. He places his hand on lo'ak's shoulder trying to comfort him in some way, but he knew that even himself couldn't stop the feeling of emptiness in his heart cause he too had that exact same hole in his. Lo'ak started at his shaking hands that were covered in his twin's blood. His head tilts back as he realised he just lost his twin sister, the one person who was always there for him when he had a nightmare or when their father would yell at him. She was the one soul that never thought of him as a freak or as an outcast and now she was gone. All beacuse of him. She was died because of his stupid mistake.
~sad bonus~
(Set four weeks after Y/N's death)
Lo'ak barely slept or ate, and even if he did he would just wake up screaming or throw up the food he actully ate. Neteyam and Kiri had tried over and over again to try and get him to atleast sleep for a few hours or eat something even if it was small. But everything they tried didn't work. Lo'ak just stayed in the same stop, staring out at the ocean, not moving an inch. This concerned the whole family but they knew in time that he would heal.
After everyone had left Lo'ak tried to get some sleep knowing that Y/N wouldn't want him to do this. He smiled for the first time in weeks at the thought first her yelling at him about this is unhealthy and that he could die too young. His eyes soon fall as sleep took over his mind. When he woke up he was in a dark room with only one bit of light and under that light was a young women just around his age or maybe Neteyam's.
"Hello?" He called out to the mysterious lady but only to get ignored. Until she turned around. Lo'ak's eyes widened in shock as tears started to form. His legs started to move on their own as they walked towards her. Y/N. His beloved twin.
"It's not your fault, Lo'ak"
"..." lo'ak looked down at his feet and stared to play with his finger, a trent he had picked up from her when she died. "You have to let me go"
"I can't- I won't hear you out"
"Lo'ak, please"
"Just- just a little bit longer. Let me hold onto you for just for little bit longer. Please" the tears he had been holding onto finally fall, rolling down his cheeks. He didn't want to let her go cause if he let her go he wouldn't be able to see her smile or hear a laugh again. "Lo'ak I'm dead. Let me go"
"No, no, no please- please don't let me leave. I need to be here with you" his voice held so much pain as his spoke. Y/N just turned her body to the face the other way and started to walk away. "Wait-" before he could get the words out a strong wing started to blow him away, pulling him back into reality once again.
Neteyam had just came back from the beach to check on Lo'ak and see if he had moved from his spot. He was just about to walk in when he heard a loud sob from inside. Without thinking Neteyam ran inside to find lo'ak gripping his chest, his breath heavy, tears rolling down his face. Neteyam felt his heart break even more from the site infront of him. He couldn't stand to see his little brother like this. None of them could.
Without thinking he moved towards Lo'ak and pulled him into his chest, hugging him tight. He shushed his brother and whispered sweet things in his ear trying to calm him down. Lo'ak just held onto his brother as he cried out for his twin to come back. But he knew she was never coming back.
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littledollll · 1 year
🕊️Another for you darling 🕊️
Prompt aka part two for sweet angel ~ once r is okay again, lucifer leaves to find the demon who hurt their little. They were gone for a while so r goes looking for them and then r overhears lucifer punishing the demon (from the sweet angel fic) which causes r to become scared and hide accidentally slipping back to their state. Lucifer panics not being able to find their angel. When they do the angel is curled up shaking in a ball absolutely terrified comforting luci ensured🥰 < shy anon🕊️
Don’t be scared, little angel (pt. 4)
Lucifer Morningstar x little!angel!reader
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Prompts: r witnessing Lucifer’s punishment to the demon that threatened them, rouge demon hurts R making them slip, Lucifer takes care and comforts r.
A/n: help this came to me while I was making the “Breathe” side shot so I had to run and make the pt3 category so I could save it.
Warning: descriptive violence, threats, r gets hurt by a demon, public hanging, Lucifer actually acting like they rule hell, hurt/comfort.
The second you walked in you ran away, you had just woken up to find that Lucifer wasn’t with you, causing you to get up and look for them. You when walked in to the throne room and witnessed the scene.
The demon was hanged and practically torn apart (much like they threatened to do to you.) in the balcony out the throne room, presented to the demons and lords of hell, it was a show of power, and a threat that needed no words. Most demons bowed their head at their ruler, probably most out of fear, but you had gotten to the hearts of some gained their respect even. Some, very few, stood proud and spiteful. In the background, one walked off.
Lucifer didn’t notice you had been there until one of the guards announced at the end that you had been briefly present. Of course you knew what Lucifer was capable of, you never feared it or cared for it. It was their job, and their business, but your pure heart fought against the thought when you came to the realization it at all happened because of you. Sure they hurt you, but the demon didn’t lay a hand on you, you were simply scared by their threats.
You ran without direction, the sight and guilt of being the cause of a demons torture and death eating you alive. You ran out the front doors, you deemed it safe since all subjects were supposed to be seeing the punishment anyways. You sat on the ground, curled into yourself and crying. You could feel yourself slipping again, it wasn’t the time to ask for Lucifer anyways so you did nothing.
You were approached by someone, you didn’t even bother looking up, opting to ignore them until they have up and walked away. You don’t remember anything but a sharp consistent pain around your neck and the feeling of loosing your breath.
You couldn’t scream, much less fight it, that didn’t stop the tears and sobs tearing though your throat.
Your pain didn’t last long before a hound appeared. Immediately attacking the demon, causing you to fall to the ground as you caught your breath. Somehow the hound seemed to be aware of your state, tilting its head at you and giving you a gentle nudge against your hand with its head before it ran off dragging the demon away.
You were utterly confused and definitely injured, but forced yourself to stand and drag yourself inside, it was too dangerous out there and you couldn’t stay in your room, it’s the first place Lucifer would come, it’s not that you didn’t want to be with them, you didn’t want them to see you hurt. You grabbed a blanket to cover yourself and made your way out to the gardens, where you were surprised to find your new hound friend, you sat next to it.
Lucifer was frantic, searching around every possible room for you, even assigned a few trusted subjects to go out in search for you incase you were outside of the castle. Then they would have an even bigger problem. You weren’t supposed to see this, see them. You never had, since even when you weren’t regressed Lucifer kept the gore and torture to a minimum, it wasn’t their assigned job, they gave the orders and others took care of it. But with this demon they took action.
The Gardens. They thought, and quickly made their way over. Sure enough there you were, a blanket draped over you hiding you mostly from view as your back was turned to them though they could see your arms wrapped around your knees and the way you tried to rocking yourself to calm down. A hound sat protectively next to you. Seeing this Lucifer calmed down, you were safe, a hound had chosen you.
“Little dove?” You jumped at Lucifer’s voice, it destroyed them to see you react that way to them. Their job was to care for you. Make sure you feel safe and loved. They had officially failed it. How could they make you fear the one person who was supposed to make fears go away. “Is it okay if I sit with you?” They were quiet, terrified, of the chance of you running away from them, of you screaming at them to get away, of you asking to be sent back to heaven.
When you didn’t respond they sat regardless, and you seemed to hide yourself away from them even more, something compelled you to hide your bruising, though you didn’t understand why, you went by instinct.
“you were never meant to see that.. I was reckless and angry, I can’t bear the thought of you getting hurt, by the very hands of the ones who are supposed to respect you as they do me.” Nothing. Just sniffles and struggled breathing. “Angel, let me see you”
You wanted to run away, but your body felt heavy, after what they just said how would they react to you actually being hurt? even if you didn’t understand how. Yet you also wanted to crawl into their arms and be soothed.
So you listened to the little voice in your head telling you that it would all feel better once you were with Luci. Truthfully you didn’t understand what was happening, all you knew was that your stuffies weren’t with you, but this big dog-like animal was, you really wanted to chew something, and that your neck hurt, a lot. You practically threw yourself in their arms and their eyes went wide once they caught the sight of you.
“Sweet one.. how did you get this?-“ you went to shake your head but flinched in pain when you tried.
Why were they asking so many questions? You just wanted to be held. The hound stood from where it was and moved closer to you, now sitting next to Lucifer and you on their lap. Lucifer looked at it questioningly before wrapping you in their arms and you happily snuggled into them, and after a few minutes of silence there seemed to be an agreement, like they understood eachother.
“da” you poked Lucifer to get their attention. Thats new. You’ve never used anything other than Luci. “Yes, my little dove, are you talking to me?” You nodded slightly. “talk doggy?” You seemed absolutely clueless, like you didn’t really remember the events of the whole day, Lucifer figured you slipped deeper than you ever had.
“Yes tiny” you were in awe. You looked at them with wide eyes and mouth parted in surprise. You excitedly waved at the “doggy” and did your little happy kicks. “da!” Lucifer hummed. This was adorable. “Yes tiny?” You giggled and shyly hid yourself in their neck. “Are you shy, little angel?” You nuzzled closer to them. “mm!” “Well aren’t you just adorable..”
You poked them again. “Yes, little dove?” you looked around you searching for something. “All your supplies are in your room, my little love, is that what you’re asking for?” of course you didn’t think to bring anything. You nodded. When they stood you hugged tighter around them and waved bye at the (not so) little doggy. You rested your head on their shoulder as you made your way in and when you finally reached your room you pointed at your box.
Lucifer sat in a thought as they watched you grab and hold up a teether like it was your most prized possession and you crawled back to them and curled up in their lap, chewing on the teether. “da?” They absentmindedly nodded at you. If your mind slipped you this far causing you to forget the events of the day they shouldn’t go against it. Your body showed this is what you needed, they decided then that it wouldn’t be brought up again, not unless you did it yourself.
They hugged you close their wings hiding you protectively, just happy to see that you were okay, kissing all over your face making you giggle and hide. “You are so precious to me, you know that, little dove?” You nodded, stimming happily. “I lovs!” Lucifer felt like they could cry. “and I you, my little angel.”
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jasminelee324 · 11 days
jjk rant
i am nooooot okay. Gege is an actual villain. I have been listening to nothing but deathbed by powfu, some song by Laufey with froyo edits on tiktok (song is Promise, aka "it hurts to be something, it's worse to be nothing with youuuuu), and Mr. Loverman ON REPEAT for THE WHOLLLLLLLLLE MORNING. i HAVENT EVEN HAD MY HEARTBROKEN (recently). FELL ASLEEP AT LIKe 4 am to fluff after the chp spoilers found on tumblr and even awoke to try to write some comforting fluff myself. like fr I don't even fw Gojo that heavy -nananim stans- but this stuff that mangakas are pulling is getting out of freaking hand. the day Yuuji dies I don't want anyone to talk to me bc if I'm not okay right now I have no idea what state I will be in. i have literally been snuggling with my teddies for 1/2 the morning trying not to cry. like seriously eyes were almost getting blurry as I type this and Loverman plays in the background. this is NOT okay. they are fictitious characters so why the actual fudge am I so sad.
and to make matters worse I saw a glimpse of a rumor on tumblr that satorou is dead but there going to put yuuta, who is also apparently dead, in his body to use him as a weapon to fight sukuna who has POSSESSED MEGUMI!!!!!!! And then someone had THE SHEER AUDACITY to create a post with Gojo, Yuuji, and Yuuta smiling on top, and Poor little Megumi curled up in a ball in some domain all by himself. And it read top: "and tell your 'babies' bottom: that I'm your 'baby' too" and after that I had to go to bed bc this is not alright. idk what type of pain Gege is getting off to but this has got to be sick twisted and ILLLEEEEEEEEEGAL. AND MIND YOU I'M NOT EVEN WATCHING THE ANIMEEEEEEEEEEE! Virtually everything Ik ik ik against my will thx to edits and genreal content floating around online and yes ik "the algorithm yada yada" but RIGHT NOW I DO NOT CARE bc this level of international cruelty should not exist. yes ik there are really issues going on and I cry myself to sleep about those other days of the week but rn the wave of grief I'm feeling over all of this screams to be attended to.
literally got a call today and will have to call them back bc if I picked up the phone my voice was gonna sound sore as if I were crying and how THE HEY HEY HEY am I supposed to explain to him that I've been in bed rotting for hours and watching edits of heartbroken lovers that met tragic ends, on the brink of bawling my eyes out over people THAT AREN'T REALLLLL!!! Yeah, I'm in no mood for a psychiatric visit, so yeah no<3
Gege when I Catch you. No bc AOT was one thing. That beach was sad af. but this is a whole other story. in the aot verse there were so. many. characters. There were nations at war, factions, squadrons. they were AT WAR. there were hundreds, thousands, millions, but this is just sick and twisted bc I feel like the jjk storyline is slightly less character dense and so you truly have an opportunity to find a sense of intimacy in the relationships that you have the opportunity of viewing and getting to know and EVERY TIME GEGE BEARS THE DEPTHS OF A CHARACTER'S HEART, WILL, AND SOUL TO THE AUDIENDICE THEY WIND UP DEAD !!!!!! this is no longer ok. call help. SOMEBODY PLS GET HELP. Gege has to be held accountable bc this is getting out of handddddd😭😭😭😭(yes I am aware that I am griping and moaning and that realistically speaking artist reserve every single right to do whatever the heck they want with their art and don't owe anyone ship. A girl is simply in her feelings and will continue to do so until further notice.)
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kirakiwiwrites · 10 months
This one was kind of tough, not going to lie! Not sure if the word was right of not, but we still had fun writing this. Thanks for all the nice comments on our first one! For this entry, we are going back to before Kurt and Blaine had children. This one is slightly longer. Enjoy!
Thanks @klaine-word-scramble for the fun!
Don’t Know Whether It’s Morning Or Night:
(Aug 3 entry - 2151 words)
“Rachel Barbara Berry. Do you know what time it is?”
“I’m sorry Kurt! I need you!”
“Well, I need sleep. I have an early dress rehearsal in the morning and the rest of my day is packed.”
“And I don’t need sleep? You think it’s easy for me to function like this?” She shrilly continued to rant as Kurt pulled his phone away from his face, nose wrinkling. He knew he wouldn’t get a word in edgewise until she tired herself out. Plus, there was all the background noise. Crying and screaming rang in his ears, causing him to want to end the call.
His husband stirred in the bed beside him, blinking owlishly and rubbing his eyes as he groaned at what time it was. “Who is that?” Blaine asked, his voice raspy from sleep.
“Guess,” Kurt replied grumpily as he smacked his forehead repeatedly with his phone. Rachel’s tinny voice squawked from it.
Blaine huffed and fell back into his pillow. His breath blew his loose curls from his forehead. “Does she know what time it is?”
“You should never have done it in the first place,” Blaine said ruefully. He got really grumpy when he didn’t get sleep.
Kurt sighed and slipped from their warm bed and trudged into his living room, knowing if he lingered he would keep Blaine awake. One of them should get to sleep. He stared at the rain that pattered on the windows as he got comfortable on his couch. She was still going. “Rachel! Shut up!”
“Kurt! Pleeeeeease! Just do it one time! I won’t call for the rest of the night! I’m desperate here!” She sounded on the verge of tears, but to be fair she could cry on command so he wasn’t really moved.
“This is your crotch goblin,” Kurt snapped. “We are not co-parenting! Why should my sleep be interrupted?” Now, he truly loved Rachel’s son like he was his own blood, but two weeks of having his sleep disrupted made him a little grouchy.
“Hey! You love Brice! This is just the tiredness talking,” she soothed. “Now, I’m going to do a voice call and if you reject it, so help me Kurt Hummel, I will come over there.”
Kurt rolled his eyes, wishing she could see him do so already. “Where is the child’s father?”
“It’s okay. Shush, now my angel. Uncle Kurt is going to make everything better,” she said to the wailing baby on the other end. Little Brice didn’t even acknowledge her as he screamed again. “Jesse is working on that movie and won’t be back until next week. Now pick up!”
Kurt stabbed the answer button on his screen when it showed up. His screen was immediately filled with a harried Rachel, dark patches heavy under her eyes and hair a rumpled mess twisted up into a lopsided bun. Her nail polish was chipped and unkempt, unusual for her. She looked worse than she had that time in high school when she had gotten sick and depressed because she thought she would never sing again. His sour mood softened at the way her lip quivered as if she was seconds from crying and then he melted at the scrunched face of her four month old. Brice’s chubby cheeks were red and slick with tears and snot from all the crying. Rachel bounced him fruitlessly as he wailed, his little fists balled up and his feet kicking in his footed pajamas. Kurt smiled despite the late hour and ignored how terrible his own hair looked in the corner of the screen.
“Brice? Hey buddy.”
At the sound of his name, Brice immediately ceased his screaming and stared at Kurt on the screen. He hiccuped pitifully and reached for him.
“Hi. What’s the big deal?” Kurt asked softly as he wiggled a finger at the boy. He blinked big, shining brown eyes and babbled something they were convinced was Kurt’s name. “Why are you so upset? Mommy needs sleep and so do you, sweetie. And Uncle Kurt reeeally needs sleep.”
Rachel looked relived the crying had stopped. She kissed his head tiredly and began to wipe off his face with a soft cloth. Brice screeched and tried to twist his head away. “I’m telling you, it’s all the time we spent together when I was pregnant. He learned your voice and now you are the only one he wants.”
Kurt grinned. “Look at you, taking after your mommy and daddy and being the most stubborn, dramatic boy in the world! Yes you are!” He used a light tone and Brice smiled.
“He likes you better than me,” Rachel replied, her voice wobbly. Then she started crying into the cloth she had just used to wiped Brice’s face. He giggled and clapped his hands at her sobs.
Kurt tried not to laugh. “Rachel, that’s not true! Hey, don’t cry! Listen, you’re just tired and alone. It won’t be for much longer. How about I come over tomorrow evening and let you get a nap?”
She sniffled into the cloth and wiped at her face. “If I last that long.”
“You will.” He yawned suddenly and covered his mouth. Brice found this hilarious and cackled, seemingly at how he was making all the grownups in his life miserable. “I’m going to bed, Rach. I’ll check with you on my lunch tomorrow, okay?”
“Wait! You have to sing!” Rachel said desperately. Her voice was still croaky from crying. “Please, Kurt! He won’t sleep otherwise!”
“I thought you could sing?” Kurt asked with a superior look down his nose. “You never skipped an opportunity to tell me you were better.”
Her eyes started to fill like she was about to cry again. Kurt instantly felt bad. “He likes it when you sing. Please?”
He had been planning on making her beg and say he was better than her, but she was about to break and he knew he couldn’t do that to her. So he nodded much to her immense relief and gave Brice a stern look. (But not too stern. He was kind of a sucker for the kid.) “I’ll sing one song and you will go to sleep and stop giving Mommy a hard time. Got it, Brice?”
The baby just smiled at him like he wasn’t being given a talking-to and squealed happily. This was definitely the child of Jesse St. James and Rachel Berry. He did what he pleased.
Kurt cleared his throat and opened his mouth to sing. “‘Bout—“
“Wait!” Rachel interrupted. “You have to do the dance too! He loves the dance.”
“Rachel, it’s too early for choreography,” Kurt replied, exasperated.
“Please?” She gave him a dazzling smile and cuddled her tyrant of a baby who garbled his agreement. “You have to commit to it!”
“Fine,” Kurt hissed out through gritted teeth. “But I’m billing you when my back needs to be realigned from over use.” He stood, his muscles protesting greatly and positioned the phone so that his whole body was in the frame. He grumbled about how Rachel better not say anything negative or else and got into position. He remembered most of the choreography from back in glee club, but he didn’t worry about making it look good this early in the morning. “'Bout twenty years ago, way down in New Orleans. A group of fellows found a new kind of music. And they decided to call it... JAZZ.”
Brice giggled madly and clapped his little hands before wrapping his small arms around Rachel’s neck and snuggling into her neck. Rachel smiled and rested her cheek on top of his downy soft head. As Kurt went through the whole of Le Jazz Hot, the baby’s eyes glazed over and slid closed. By the end, he was fast asleep and Rachel snuggled him close. She looked as if she had started to doze off herself.
“Thank you so much, Kurt,” she whispered. “I have no idea why he won’t do that when I sing it. I even dance for goodness sake.”
Kurt smiled and his heart flipped with fondness for the sleeping boy in her arms. “The boy knows talent, what can I say?” He chuckled at her answering glare. It was a testament to how exhausted she was that she didn’t even argue. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
She nodded and started to say goodbye, but a violent yawn consumed her as his screen went dark.
He really did feel for her, even if it was ruining his own sleep. He had no idea why him performing that particular number put the child to sleep, but it did. He did it one time a few weeks ago and nothing else since had worked quite as well.
Rubbing his face tiredly, Kurt shuffled back to bed and was happy to slip back under the covers next to his snoring husband so warm and comfy. He tried not to wake him, but Blaine was a light sleeper. He snuggled up closer to Kurt and sleepily smacked his lips. Kurt got into his favorite position, Blaine’s head tucked under his chin with his arms around his shoulders and a leg hooked around Blaine’s. He closed his eyes, willing sleep to swallow him up again when he heard Blaine’s quiet murmur.
“Le Jazz Hot?”
“Yes. Le Jazz Hot.”
“Why don’t you just record it?”
“We tried that. Rachel says he knows it’s not authentic and starts crying again as soon as it’s over.”
Blaine puffed a soft laugh against his collar bone. “That kid is too smart for his own good.”
Kurt had nearly drifted off again when Blaine wiggled a little.
“What do you think about us losing more sleep?”
Kurt kept his eyes closed, but scratched lightly at Blaine’s back. “Honey, normally I would be right there with you, but I’m so damn tired. Wake me up thirty minutes early and I’ll blow you in the shower.”
“Well, now I’m a little turned on, thanks. But I meant like… what if we had our own little Brice to make us lose sleep?”
At this, Kurt’s eyes popped open and he looked down at Blaine who was smiling up at him from his chest. “Seriously? You want a baby?”
Blaine laughed with way too much sunshine for whatever beastly hour it was. “Yes I do. We’ve talked about it before. We both have good jobs now and I don’t know… seeing how you take care of Brice just makes me fall more in love with you.” He toyed with the collar of Kurt’s silk pajama shirt. “You are just so good with him, I know you’d be such a good dad to our own. What do you think?” He smiled up at him hopefully.
“I don’t know…”
Blaine’s smile began to fade away.
“What if they sleep even less than Brice?”
Blaine’s sad frown twisted into annoyance and he playfully poked Kurt’s chest. “Don’t scare me like that. Seriously, what do you think?”
“I think you will be a great dad too and I would love to have a baby with you.”
The sunshine was back full force as Blaine crawled up and kissed Kurt’s lips softly and deeply. Kurt caught his face in his hands and held him there. Even when they pulled back, Blaine stayed close to Kurt’s lips. “I’m so excited I don’t know if I can go back to sleep.” Kurt adored how happy he looked and was certain he was going to approach fatherhood with as much love, enthusiasm, and care as he did everything else in his life. Kurt couldn’t wait.
“Well, why don’t you come up with some names you like and I’m going back to sleep.” He shut his eyes again, intent on doing just that.
“Kurt! Stay awake and dream with me!” He bounced the bed a little so that Kurt bounced with it. “Should we name our child after our favorite musical like Rachel? Hmm. I suppose Moulin Rouge isn’t a great name for a baby. Elphaba is too much, isn’t it? I don’t know about Glinda. It’s not a bad name, but is it our baby? There’s always Fiyero. Eh. No. What about—“
“Blaine, dearest, when I said come up with names, I meant in your head,” Kurt mumbled, eyes still closed.
He heard Blaine sigh and felt him burrow into his chest again. He was quiet for approximately thirty seconds before he whined and fiddled with Kurt’s top button. “Kurrrrt. Kissing you and talking about our future and you telling me you’ll give me a blowjob made me kind of horny…”
“Ugh. Fine. But don’t think I’m not waking you up like you said.”
Kurt didn’t reply since he fell asleep in the middle of what Blaine was saying. Blaine just grinned fondly at him and closed his own eyes, dreaming about what the close future would hold. He couldn’t wait!
Words used:
Linger (lingered)
Realign (Realigned)
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luna-argenti · 2 years
Writober day 2: the tradition
Nullune walked into the cave surrounded by screaming of all the kids who had gone inside before her. They weren't here anymore, but the ghostly voices never ceased. All the children from the Congregation feared it.
Several hooded people waited for her inside, illuminated only by a few candles. One of them went to grab her and dragged her to the center of a drawing on the floor.
- Where's my brother... - She sobbed.
The people ignored her. Five of them stood around her at the edges of the drawing; the sixth one stood a little far away, and started chanting. The others joined in a chorus that, mixed with the screaming background, hurt Nullune's head.
Her legs gave up under her and she curled into a ball, covering her ears and crying.
- Bael... Help me! Please!
Nullune slowly tried to drag herself towards the entrance of the cave, still pleading. However, before she could move much, dark tentacles rose up from the floor and pulled her to lay down where she was.
The man who had been chanting with book addressed her.
- The Ancient God will be awakening tonight. Accept him into your flesh! We, your devout followers, offer you this young flesh, this fresh blood!
At his words, the people chanting around Nullune all took out a knife and stabbed themselves. The girl watched as the blood, instead of dripping down, started floating towards her. At this point, she could not cry anymore. She watched, shacking and sobbing, and knew she was going to die.
Nullune woke up covered in blood and bits of flesh. Around her, all was carnage. She felt dizzy. She tried to remember what happened, but it was all a blur...
- Well well... What do we have here?
The voice sounded like metal scratching glass. Nullune looked around, but there was no one there.
- H-hello?
- Nullune?!
That was a different voice, one that she knew.
She tried to get up, but her legs were not responding. Still, the sight of a familiar face was priceless to her. He was at her side in a moment, his big, strong arms wrapped around her.
And she started to cry.
- I've got you, okay? It's over now, I'm here...
- This is quite amusing. Hahaha, we'll have some fun...!
Nullune looked up, confused.
- What's fun, Bael?
He returned her stare.
- What..?
Then he turned, startled by some noises outside. Without effort, Baelashk got up, carrying Nullune in his arms.
- We have to go, now. We'll be free, Nullune, to go anywhere, like I promised. What do you think?
- Ah, freedom... YES! Let's go!
- Let's go! - repeated Nullune.
Her brother gave her one last smile, then carried her to the entrance, careful to not make noise. Some members of the Congregation were coming from the left path, but on the right there was nothing but forest. Nullune looked back at the approaching figures, till the greenery swallowed them.
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superseggsygurl · 3 years
𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐲
WARNING: 18+, smut, swearing, daddy kink, choking kink, and some degradation
Vinnie could tell from the moment he woke up that today was not going to be his day. It first started out when he woke up without his girlfriend next to him because she had to go into work early. Then when he was out with Jett running errands, his car completely shut down on the side of the road, and he was stuck there for about 2 hours. Prior to that, he had also spilled coffee all over himself this morning and had to change clothes, but the coffee smell still lingered on him.
After a horrible day all he wanted to do was see you, he needed to relieve his built up stress and anger somehow.
Just as he had gotten out of the shower, finally getting that annoying coffee scent off of himself, his phone started going off, with your name flashing on the screen.
He sat down on his bed and answered the facetime call, just to see you cuddled up in your own bed with the tv playing in the background.
“Hey baby” you spoke softly, making him feel slightly better, just from hearing your voice.
“Hey babe” Vinnie spoke in a low voice, making you furrow your brows in confusion.
 “What’s wrong Vin, why do you sound upset?” You asked worriedly, sitting up in your bed.
“I’ve just had a really shitty day.” Vinnie sighed, running his hand over his face,as he began to explain to you what happened.
“Well if you want you can come over here and I can make us dinner, and we can watch a movie or something.” You said, trying to make him feel better. “I’ll even cook your favorite.” You added, chucking, making Vinnie laugh slightly.
“Okay, I’ll be there in a few.” He spoke. You exchanged ‘I love you’s’ before hanging up.
It took Vinnie about 25 minutes to get to your apartment, and by the time he arrived you had just finished dinner, setting it up nicely, with candles. You even put on your satin nightgown, Vinnie’s favorite.
Right as you set down the last plate, a knock was heard. You speed to the front door, opening it to see Vinnie with grey sweatpants and a tight short sleeve white shirt.
“Hi my love, I missed you.” You spoke wrapping your arms around his neck, as he stepped into the apartment.
“Missed you too babe, haven’t seen you in like a week.”
As you were about to answer, he interrupted you, attaching your lips in a passionate kiss.
You pulled away before things got heated.”Well dinner’s ready, let’s eat before it gets cold.”
You took his hand, and guided him to the kitchen. “What do you think?” You asked looking over at him to see his reaction.
“Oh my god baby, this looks great.” Vinnie gasped and kissed your cheek.
After an amazing dinner, you made your way into your room, and you sat down on your bed, looking up at him.
“I really missed you babe” Vinnie said walking towards you, breaking the comfortable silence.
“I did too, so glad you're here” You whispered, looking up at him innocently, stroking his thigh softly.
“I had such a fucked up day, and you made it so much better.”
“So what can I do to make it even better?” You eyed him up and down, tugging on his shirt to make him come closer. The both of you don’t say anything for a few moments, then Vinnie reaches out to grab your chin and brings you into a rough, needy kiss. Pushing you down on the bed. Vinnie takes off his shirt, and climbs on top of you reconnecting your lips.
 He then goes down to your neck, sucking harshly, causing you to softly moan, grabbing onto his curly hair in the process.
 Vinnie pulls off your tank top, throwing it somewhere else in the room, to be faced with your perky tits. “Fucking beautiful baby.” He mumbles, taking your hardened buds in his mouth. You whimper, arching your back into his mouth. 
“Mmm, please Vin” You whine. 
“What do you want, baby? Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.” “I want you to touch me Vin, p-please.” You breathe out, desperate for the feeling of his hands on you.
“ Where baby, right here?” He whispers in your ear, as he grazes your thigh. You shake your head no, as he moves his hand up to your stomach. “Here?” He teases you. “No Vin, I want it here” You say, guiding his hand under your nightgown. 
As he makes contact with what he expects to be your clothed pussy, instead  he feels your bare, wet cunt.“No panties baby?” He ask’s, looking down at you. You giggle and shake your head no. 
He starts teasing your pussy, making slow strokes on your clit, making you whine softly. 
“Vin please I-” 
“Who?” He asks, slapping your thigh, making you moan slightly.
 “Daddy please, I want it so bad, please touch me.” You cry desperately.
 “You gonna be a good girl for me?” He asks, and just as you’re about to respond, he slips his fingers into your warm walls. You cry out, at the feeling of his thick fingers stretching you out.  He almost immediately starts hitting your g spot, curling his fingers perfectly.
 “Oh my god, r-right there dad-dy” You scream, as his pace gets faster, making your eyes roll back.
 “Oh Fuck, I’m gonn-a cum” You squeal as your hips buck up slightly, until Vinnie pushes them back down. 
“Yeah baby? You gonna cum for me?” He grunts in your ear, only driving you closer to your orgasm. 
“Fuck yes I-I’m gonna cum, please let me cum” You practically beg, looking up him with the most innocent look possible. 
“Cum on my fingers baby, make me happy.” He spoke, biting and sucking on your neck, making you reach your climax. 
“I wanna make you feel good too, daddy.” You breathed out, giving him one last kiss before flipping you guys over and leveling yourself with his hardened cock, palming him through his sweats, causing him to groan, bringing his hand up to grab your hair. You pulled off his sweatpants and boxers, looking mesmerized at his hard cock springing out hitting his stomach, making him grunt lowly. 
Then, you slowly started to stroke his dick, licking from the base of his cock to his red, angry looking tip.
“Don’t be a tease baby.” Vinnie mumbled, trying to control himself from shoving his dick down your throat. 
After you decided he had enough teasing, you took his cock in your mouth, jerking off what you couldn’t fit. You took as much as you could, the tip of his dick hitting the back of your throat, making him moan loudly, only encouraging you to go faster. 
“Just like that sweetheart, suck my dick so good for me baby.” He mumbled, throwing his head back, biting his lip. 
You took his cock out of your mouth, jerking him off in your hand, making him whimper slightly.
“I want you to fuck my throat daddy” You whispered, putting his cock back in your mouth, looking up at him innocently, making him groan at the sight of you.
He then slightly bent his legs, and began thrusting his hips up, fucking your mouth roughly. His dick hitting the back of your throat repeatedly making you gag, but you loved the feeling.
You started playing with his balls, knowing how much he likes it. “Oh f-fuck y/n just like that sweetheart” Vinnie moaned, thrusting his hips a few more times before spilling his cum into your mouth.
“Such a slut for my dick hm baby?” Pulling you up to him, and kissing you roughly.
“Turn over for daddy” He said lowly in your ear, making you whimper.
You turned over, sticking your ass up in the air, just how he liked it, shaking it slightly to tease him, causing him to smack it harshly.
“How bad do you want it baby, hm?” He asks, rubbing the tip of his dick through your folds, making you cry out.
“I want it so bad daddy please, please fuck me!” You begged, pushing your ass back on him.
“Yeah? My little whore wants my dick?” He questioned, making you even more desperate.
“Yes I want your cock so bad, please fuck me-” before you could even finish your sentence Vinnie was pushing his cock inside you making you groan, barrying your face into the sheets, to make less noise.
“Don’t you fucking  do that, I wanna hear you scream for me.” He says, smacking your ass in the process.
“Daddy, it f-feels so good, I love when you fuc-k me” You moaned, barely being able to get out your sentence.
“Turn around baby I wanna see your face when I fuck you” Vinnie spoke as you turned around, and spread you legs, to give him a good view of your glistening cunt.
He lined up his cock with your pussy, once again and pushed it in, fucking you hard and fast. He then wrapped his free hand, that wasn’t holding up his body weight, around your throat and your eyes to roll back.
Vinnie immediately notices, making him chuckle. “You like when I choke you baby, my little slut likes this?” He asks, making you nod your head repeatedly.
“I wanna hear you say it” he whispers in your ear, softly biting on your lobe, causing you to moan.
“I love wh-en you choke me d-daddy”  You screamed as he lifted your leg onto his shoulder, hitting your g spot.
It was only a matter of time before you were cuming, clenching around his dick triggering Vinnie’s release.
“That definitely made my day better.” Vinnie chuckled as you laughed along with him, both of you falling asleep moments later.
Didn’t proofread so hopefully there are no errors  😋😋
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joyaphoria · 3 years
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the five chances you give him (5)
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pairing: suna x f!reader
note: this is the last chapter! i hope you all enjoyed :)
summary: suna knew that he was doing something wrong, but he refused to acknowledge it. therefore, you slowly dropped five major hints for him, hoping that he would notice them and take action to fix your broken relationship. suna really did notice them, he just didn’t figure out in time that you were actually going to leave.
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© 𝘫𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘢
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part five: rin became rintaro; then it became suna
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"oh baby... nobody said that it was going to be easy." mei cooed, her voice softer than usual. she repeatedly kissed the top of your head as you cried into her lap.
"i k-know but.." you spoke through your sobs, snot along your sleeves. "i-i really hoped t-that he would ch-change.."
it's been just over two months since you've started changing your behaviour around rin, but he didn't seem to react to it—no, he may have changed, but only a bit. it wasn't enough.
you knew that this was unavoidable, and that it had to be done. the longer it takes for you to get this over with, the longer it will take for you to get over it.
so when mei sent you home that night, she reassured you that it will all be worth it in the end, and that you will find someone better.
but the fact that he was waiting for you at the same table that you used to wait at, every single night, didn't help at all.
"where were you?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
you stood there for a second with your shoes still on, and folded over with laughter.
his heart flutters. whens the last time you laughed in front of him?
"sorry," you sniffled through the laughter, the aftermath from crying earlier doing you no justice. "it's just that i used to sit in that same chair, waiting for you to come home, you know?"
hesitating for a moment, he decided on getting up and walking over to you, although he didn't know what to do.
"y/n." he's looking down at you now, resisting the urge to reach out and take hold of your hands.
now that caught both of you off guard.
it slipped out without a second thought on your end, and you were visibly shocked.
as was suna, except he was more afraid than anything else. he knew what this meant—he was no longer rin to you, but rintarou.
he should be grateful though, because he knew what eventually might come next. he knew that it wouldn't be rintarou for long, and that as soon as it changes, it would be over; everything would be over.
"were you crying?" he whispers, reaching out to wipe at your tear stained cheeks. except you wouldn't let him, grabbing his wrist in time. God—mei would be so proud; as would that kind lady from the cafe.
"why should you care?" you spat, letting go of his wrist to remove your shoes.
"because im your boyfriend." he said, although you didn't miss the quiver in his voice from that last word, as if he wasn't so sure anymore.
you move past him and head straight for the bathroom; but suna didn't miss it. he heard what you mumbled on your way out—and it had him slumped against the wall (when you were out of sight, that is)
his fists are clenched and his heart is beating a little too fast, but he can't get his mind off of what you said.
"yea, well not for long"
five words, and yet they seemed to foreshadow his future.
there were two possible reasons that you could be waking him up at 10 in the morning.
you were either waking him up to tell him that it was over, and that you were leaving, or that it was over, and that he had to leave.
turns out there was a third reason.
"do you have practice today?" you asked, your voice a whisper.
"yeah.. why?" he got up into a sitting position, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. its been a while since you last entered this room, moving all your things to the guest room.
"oh. nevermind." you make a gesture to leave but he panics and grabs your arm. this could be an opportunity, and he wasn't about to lose it.
"i could um.. take the day off." he nods his head.
"are you sure?" when he nods his head yet again, your features soften.
"okay, well get dressed. i feel like going to a theme park."
you leave the room before he has a chance to answer, but he complies anyways.
his mind wanders to the picture that he broke in the heat of the moment awhile back—the one where you were both smiling at an amusement park, kids laughing in the bakground.
"let's go on that one!" you exclaim, pointing at the rollercoaster.
a soft grin takes over your face—and while it may not be your typical energetic one, at least it was still there.
now, suna wasn't a big fan of rollercoasters. he prefered to have you go on them, while he took the photos, but today's been the first time in a while that he's actually seen you happy, and he wanted to keep it that way.
you've been here all day, and it was already pretty dark, so they might be closing soon anyways.
when the cart had finally come back around, you and rin got on, with a guy slipping in on your side.
"you guys here together?" he asked, looking over you to make eye contact with suna.
you nodded, and he chuckled.
"im here with my girlfriend, but she doesn't like roller coasters as much as i do."
now you and him are making small talk, and suna is resisting the urge to tell the guy to shut up, and to go back to his own girlfriend.
when the ride finally starts, he feels relieved, even slipping his hand into your own.
your hand tenses, and he looks up to find a look of guilt soaked into your features.
he quickly unravels his hand from yours, settling it into his lap and looking away. he got too carried away to remember that a day of rides and fun wasnt enough to fix his mistakes.
as the ride starts climbing upwards, fear pumps through his veins.
he shuts his eyes, dreading the fall.
when it finally came, he opened his eyes and hugged himself to keep from screaming.
he looks over to you, and his heart does that thing again—it flutters.
with your hands in the air, your screams adorning his ears, he fell in love. all over again.
the moonlight caressed your pretty features as your eyes shut in pure bliss, and suna found tears falling out of his own.
the tears fell but he didn't sob—not once. you didn't look his way either—not once.
instead he looked away, quickly wiping the tears before someone could catch him. he missed this; he missed you.
when you two got off the ride later, he wonders if you would ever go to another theme park with him.
when you decide to leave, suna finds an employee walking around the park with a polaroid camera.
he asks him to take a picture of you, and places it in his wallet. he can't break it this time.
suna misses the look of guilt that slips past your face, as if it were never there.
when the car pulls into the parking lot, and you both get out, suna realizes that you weren't walking beside him.
he panics and turns around, where he finds you smiling. tears in your eyes.
"thank you for today, suna."
he freezes. he can't move anymore. he can't think.
"don't be silly. let's go inside." he's walking again, but when he doesn't hear a second set of footsteps, the tears wash over him.
"why aren't you coming?" his voice cracks as the tears stream down his face.
"i'm going to mei's. it's-it's over." you smile, wiping continuously at your eyes.
"y/n please, we can talk about this." he's running over to you, taking hold of your shoulders as he bends down to make eye contact. "we're fixable, okay? i promise we are." he doesn't make move to wipe away the tears that are falling.
you wipe away his tears, pulling him into a hug. "i'm so sorry."
he wraps his arms around you and holds you tight, afraid of having you slip out of his grasp. "please, don't leave me. i'll do anything, just give me another chance. i need you."
you wriggle out of his arms, and his fists clench at his sides.
"i gave you chances. i gave you too many. i have to go."
you're running now, and he can't decide if he should run after you or not. has he not caused you enough pain?
instead, he falls to his knees and cries.
that was it. he lost you—he lost everything.
the polaroid picture was burning a hole through his wallet.
when he finally musters up the courage to check the guest room a few days later, he sees all your things packed up in boxes.
you had it all planned out, didn't you?
when mei comes later that day to pick up your things, she finds suna curled into a ball on the guest room floor.
"suna. wake up."
his eyes open slowly, and she finds them red, his eyebags puffy and cheeks tear-stained.
"is y/n gonna come back?" he asks, his voice nothing more than a whisper.
mei shakes her head, and suna cries again.
she looks away, thanking the heavens that she wasn't in a relationship. she couldn't help but pity him as she collected her best friend's things, suna's sobs as a sort of background noise.
she couldn't be surprised—the lost of your entire world was enough to make any grown man cry.
heartbreak isn’t easy, but suna’s heart hurts without you. where he sleeps, where he bathes, it all reeks of your touch.
you’re everywhere here, all memories playing back to him like a movie. he’s reminded of you, and recovering addicts don’t test themselves; they dont stay around said addiction to see if they can restrain themselves.
and so suna moves out, running from the place that you’ve drenched in your presence.
he leaves the polaroid picture on the table.
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emile-hides · 3 years
Crybaby imagines
I can’t find any BNHA X Reader blogs with their requests open, so heck it. Make the content you want to see in the world.
MHA Blonde boys react to reader crying (for various reasons)
Characters: All Might, Present Mic, Fatgum, Aoyama, Ojiro, Kaminari, Bakugo, Honenuki, Monoma, Mirio
All Might
1-A is an amazing bunch
It sort of just all hit you like a truck, really
How much 1-A had grown, how much they’d overcame
You’re not even entirely sure what sparked the thought process
But once it stared, you couldn’t stop
You were just so?? Proud??? Amazed???
Suddenly you were crying at your desk in the teacher’s lounge
Quiet, heavy tears
Your co-workers took notice, but it was Toshinori who approched your first asking what was wrong
You hadn’t even noticed you were crying
When you get into the why he’s all ears
He sits next to you and is soon joining in on the kid’s progress
He talks mostly about Bakugo and Midoriya, you go on about Asui and Koda
It turns to laughing and quietly bullying the kids for a moment as you two enjoy some of the sillier memories
Soon Toshinori, too, has tears in his eyes
He sobs more than you did
He’s just so proud of these kids!!
You feel like an old married couple talking about their 30-something kids living far from home
Kind of silly considering they’re all 15 and currently in class right down the hall
You two have to go see them during lunch break
Present Mic
Crying in Solidarity
You stood with Hizashi in front of a grave of a kid you never knew on an overcast day
He’d normally make a comment about the weather matching the mood but...
Not now
His fists were clenched, and though his smile stood strong and his glasses hid his eyes
They couldn’t catch his tears
You held his hand in silence and pretended not to notice the falling of his facade 
It happens very seldom
He was shaking, you could hear his breath hitch hard despite his attempts to remain calm
You didn’t know this Shirokumo kid, you’d never met him, you couldn’t pick him out in a crowd if you had to
You didn’t even know who he was to Hizashi
But you knew it tore him up inside that he was buried here
You knew he kept his emotions well contained for everything else but him
You pulled Hizashi a bit closer, letting him lean onto you as tears began to run down your cheeks
The two of you stood in silence and cried on this, an overcast day
The weather really did match your mood.
Crying in relief
The hospital door opened with a loud slam
You didn’t really mean to slam it so hard but now wasn’t the time to go apologizing to inanimate objects for being a little rough
Your voice shrilled even louder than the door the name of the patient laying on the bed in the center of the room
Taishiro looked up with a face of ‘Oh shit’ which was the correct face to have
You were mad for all of the time it took to yell about how worried you were
FIRST OF ALL he didn’t even call to tell you he was in the hospital, you got that information from Tamaki
Second, you barely even know what HAPPENED to land him here
Nope. Anger’s gone. Evaporated like a puddle in mid July.
Taishiro had sat up in his bed with a nervous smile, peppering in the nicknames and speaking in the gentle voice as he reached out to console you
Just seeing him sit up, his arms bandaged lightly around the wrist
It all just came crashing in
He was fine. 
Tears over flowed as you cried a bit louder than you had yelled previously
Hiccuping and gasping out how worried you were and how mad you still wanted to be
Taishiro just laughed an apology as he hugged you, thankful for your concern
He promised to call next time
You found yourself yelling at him to never do this again
Crying on command
Acting was something you had mastered
More or less anyway
You dove head first into a role and you were damn good at it
But everyone has weaknesses
You’d locked yourself in Aoyama’s room, going over lines and choreography for some little play in the park you two had signed up for
Now you sat on his floor as he painted your nails, glaring daggers into the script
You had to cry. 
It seemed so easy. Think of something sad and cry over it on stage. Simply.
and yet your eyes remained dry, your stage make-up perfect
Aoyama had been couching you, weeping all sorts of tears for your amusment
It wasn’t helping
You turned your glare to Aoyama, who was completely enthralled in drawing tiny art pieces into your nails
God he was bright
You looked directly up at the light on the ceiling and stared
Your eyes wide you forced yourself not to blink
It hurts
And it worked
You looked back to Aoyama with tears streaming down your face and searing pain in your retina
He applauded your dedication
It’s all just a lot
You weren’t really sure when it all became so much
But everything you’d been working at and training for suddenly weighed more than you could bare
You found yourself in the middle of the UA empty halls, flat on the ground on your stomach
Tripping was the breaking point
The straw that broke the camel’s back, as they say
You just started sobbing
When you heard footsteps coming you just kind of... wiggled out of the way
Pressing yourself to the wall you just continued to cry to yourself, curled in a ball, expecting the other person to just pass you by
Instead a soft white handkerchief gently pressed to your cheek, followed by a quiet “Are you okay?”
You were not okay.
Ojiro sat himself beside you as you wiped your face, continuing to sob
You didn’t offer an explanation, he didn’t ask for one
He sat in the hall quietly with you, his tail giving the occasional swish to brush your cheek of tears
The silence gave to time to catch your breath, and realize class probably started a long time ago
When you got up to be on your way, he joined you
He didn’t offer to walk you where you needed to go, he simply did
His quiet wave, his silent smile, his patient glances at you
It all made everything feel just a bit lighter
The next time you’d see Ojiro in the halls, he’d smile at you
And he’d be delighted if you could smile back
Crying from shock
It was just a little zap to the hip, a little bee sting
He’d been doing it to everyone in class, learned it from some stupid tiktok
When it was your turn to get stung, you let out the loudest yelp in the class
He laughed at first, proudly proclaiming how he’d gotten you
Until you whipped to him with fury in your eyes, along with tears
His panicked “Shit, wait, I’m sorry” fell on deaf ears as you quickly gave him a return jab in the hip
Without the actual shock part it probably wasn’t as painful
So you did it a few more times for good measure
Then he jabbed you again
And it was on
Jabs to the hip turned to jabs to the gut, armpit, neck, even right dead center in his chest
You were both in pain and sure to be covered in bruises when Iida finally separated you two
It was hard to see with the tears swelling in both your eyes
But when Denki made direct eye contact with you before giving a glance to Iida, you knew
You nodded, an evil smirk crossing your face
The two of you took your index and middle fingers, driving them quickly and roughly into the class rep’s hips simultaneously
His yelp had the entire class laughing
It then also had the entire class in study hall for the rest of break
He’s just kind of a dick
Standing outside of class 1-A you felt as though your heart was beating in your throat
When the door opened you jumped out of your skin as a green haired boy came out at full speed
He managed to stop on a dime before slamming into you though
You choked out the courage to ask him if Katsuki Bakugo was in class
The kid before you stared in shock before turning around and calling for a “Kacchan”, telling him someone was here to see him
You glanced in the door and watched as several people pried the man you wanted to see from his seat, shoving him forcefully to the door
They all then slammed the door behind him, keeping the green haired kid who seemed in a rush to leave trapped inside
He barked a what at you that made you reconsider all your choices
Still. You swallowed all your courage, and said what you came here to say.
You confessed your feelings to Bakugo, bravely. 
He stared at you with a face of utter confusion, and it managed to catch you a bit off guard
He looked like he didn’t know how to respond
Which he, of course, didn’t.
So he responded the only way he really knows how
He called you some background extra. What gave you even the slightest though he’d want to be with some nobody he didn’t even know the name of
Within seconds of his screaming the 1-A doors slammed open yet again
The group who’d peeled Bakugo from his seat before jumped from the room and began wrestling him into submission, berating him for his treatment of you
But you were inclined to agree with him
You told them it was fine. He was right, you were just some nobody
You couldn’t stop your voice from shaking, tears streaming from your eyes as you gripped tightly at your shirt
Not knowing really what else to do, you turned and ran away
It was well over a few hours later, and you were still crying alone in the court yard
You flinched at the sound of footsteps approaching you. You closed your eyes and planned to make a run for it somewhere else to avoid bothering anyone
“Hey, dumbass,” a hand placed on your forehead, pulling you back to lean on the person behind you, “You could do a lot better than an ass like me.”
You glanced at Bakugo, who was looking far into the distance, his ears red
You cried and apologized. He didn’t say much else, but his hand remained on you, keeping you in place
You found yourself invited out more, running around with Bakugo and his friends, being rowdy and dumb as teens should be
Your crush on Katsuki Bakugo soon became a distant memory as he grew to be one of your closest friends
You flopped dramatically onto the common room couch and let out the loudest, most drawn out sigh you could muster
This act of pure drama drew the attention of Juzo Honenuki, who simply chuckled at your antics
You stretched like a cat across the couch, reaching for him lazily with one hand, you swatted at the book he’d been comfortably reading
He gave another chuckle and inquired what you were after
You answered with an equally dramatic and drawn out yawn, bringing tears to your eyes as you again stretched to him
You then closed your eyes and snuggled into a couch pillow
Honenuki’s hand stretched across the couches and found itself on your head, giving gentle pets back and forth
Once he found himself a good stopping point, Honenuki put his bookmark in place and snapped the book closed
He gave a stretch and a yawn before encouraging you to your feet
You lazily tangled your arms around one of his and draped yourself over him
The two of you walked to your separate dorm rooms arm in arm, occasionally letting out more and more exasperated yawns and sleepy giggles
Crying from pain
This was... probably your fault?
You remembered running into Awase from class 1-B while going a bit too fast though the halls
Next thing you knew you were in front of him, on your ass, staring up at him upside down
It took a minute for the pain to register, but as soon as it did tears stung your eyes
You couldn’t even really say anything as Awase’s eyes filled with panic when he’d realized what he’d done, quickly dropping your arm and stepping back, probably planning to make a run for it
The is until his blond classmate came up behind him, pressuring him to apologize in a loud, negging tone
When Awase again avoided your eyes, opting to shove his hands in his pockets as he glared at the wall, Monoma dropped to his knees and offered you assistance
The question of “Do you need to go to the nurse?” was accompanied with a handkerchief dabbed at your eyes
Monoma helped you to your feet, apologizing for his classmate, assuring you you were fine and didn’t need to report this to a teacher because you were clearly fine look at you you’re fine
I mean you weren’t bleeding so... Yeah? You were fine.
He sounded like he’d be the one in trouble if you told someone about Awase self defense flipping you over his shoulder
When he offered again to walk you to the nurse, you declined
He was right, you were fine, just a bit sore
You wiped the tears from your eyes and thanked him for his concern as you walked passed him
You also apologized to Awase for bumping into him, though he just huffed a response
You didn’t get very far when you heard quick steps following close behind
Monoma was just checking in to make sure you for sure weren’t going to tell anyone class 1-B’s Awase threw you like a rag doll
He also just figured while he was here he’d ask if there was anything he could do to make up for this incident
Like... buy you lunch sometime.... Or take you out to a nice cafe he knows after school... maybe...?
He just. Didn’t want you to think class B does hit and runs like this on all the pretty students
Crying from laughing
Your sides hurt
You gripped onto yourself as you leaned onto Mirio, cackling harder than you had in a while
He was retelling some jokes he’d gone over with Sir Nighteye at his internship today, regaling you, Tamaki, and Nejire with perfect one-liners and horrid puns
You all were laughing far too hard for this late at night
Tears pricked your eyes as you slapped at Mirio’s leg, gasping for breath you begged for a time out
You have the most contagious laugh, Mirio was positive his jokes only ever landed because you laughed at them so easily
When you finally caught your breath you sat up, rubbing giggly tears from your eyes
You gave a glance around the room and found Tamaki doing the same, though his tears were from the yawn he’d just given
All three of you watched Tamaki adorably shifts as he rubbed the tired from his eyes, something he flushed over when he’d finally noticed the attention
Nejire declared that meant bedtime and hopped from her seated position, pulling Tamaki along with her
In a matter of moments she was dragging the tired boy out of the room to their own dorms
You and Mirio chuckled at her antics before you too got up to get going
Mirio offered to walk you to your dorm, which wasn’t far down the hall, but he made such a show of it how could you say no?
Of course he spent the whole walk telling even more terrible jokes that continued to crack you up
By the time you’d gotten to your dorm you were so giggly you couldn’t see straight
Mirio waved as he turned and walked the 5 feet back to his own room
He then turned around and waved again, claiming he already misses you
You giggled at him and returned to your own room
He loved your laugh.
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megchanowo · 3 years
Hiii! I really loved the yandere great_day x reader! And if you can,would you write another one? But the reader snuggled up against him while he's doing his work? Thank you~ ♡°♡
A Break in the Clouds
Great x Reader
| Yandere; one-sided(transitioning into two)
| TW: Kidnapping, forceful fluff
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After many, long weeks, you stopped your attempts to escape. There were no more scampering down the halls, prying at the windows, or begging the Operative on duty to let you leave. Now, you sadly sulked on Great’s huge bed, one that you both regularly shared. 
You only listened to the clock tick, or focused on the typing from the other room. Whenever it would stop, you shrunk into the sheets and shut your eyes tight, hoping he wasn’t coming to find you. 
He never was super violent toward you, only claimed he could be. He never hit you, or broke any skin, just would aim to intimidate you. And, it worked like a charm. 
Lately, he was in a better mood, on accord that you weren’t trying to escape. He left you alone for the most part, allowing you to brood wherever you needed to. 
The sound of typing halting caused you to flinch and curl into a ball in the gold sheets. His heavy footsteps made you shut your eyes tighter, and soon he was in the doorway. His gaze casted down on you, and he gave a gruff sigh. 
You felt the weight of the bed shift, and at this point you had learned that it wasn’t worth fighting, and you allowed yourself to be lifted up into his large grasp. 
He carried you a few doors down, into his study, where he sat down with a grunt, and held you in his lap. You shut your eyes against his chest, wanting to just disappear from the world altogether. However, you found yourself calmed as you listened to his heartbeat. Before, you would cry and kick and scream, but this time was different. 
He looked down at you and smiled when he felt you snuggle up against him. You both sat in a silence, but this time it was comforting and for the first time, you found him endearing. 
Sure, you had been one of the many civilians who dreamed of this very moment, but of course being held against your own will wasn’t apart of that dream. But, you tried to shake the thought of your head and enjoyed the moment the best you could. 
Sorry it was short! I tried to add a little background to this little saga, lol. Let me know if you guys want more of this!
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
An Alternate Path
Genre: Angst
A/N: Originally this was supposed to be a two-part mini fic but people asked about a part three. I wasn’t sure where else to exactly go from there since the end of the second part felt so final for me. But then, inspired by a comment on the 2nd part, I began to think about how it would have gone if Arella hadn’t been revived with Mammon’s blood. Think of this as the bad end to the AU. This is the final part.
obviously spoilers for the lesson 16 incident and for lesson 50 (i think… correct me if Im wrong)
Replaced part 1
The Good/True End
He sits in his room starting at the dried blood on his hands, heart aching from the loss of his mate. It had only been mere hours since Barbatos had taken her body to prepare for funeral rites but to the Avatar of Greed, it had felt like centuries. Why? He’s asked himself this question over and over. Why didn’t you check on her sooner? Why didn’t you call or text? Why didn’t you notice? Why didn’t you feel something was wrong through your pact?
As much as he wants to, Mammon has no more tears left to cry. His human is gone, never to return and it was the fault of him and his brother. He should have been there sooner. Should have reminded her how much he cared. Should have done a lot of things. He had every opportunity to, but he squandered all of it.
He rakes his hands through his hair as they whys replay in his head. The demon doesn’t have an answer for them- none that would satisfy them, at least. He lets out a yell as grief turns to rage and nothing of value is spared from his violence. Items and trinkets knock from their shelves, furniture overturned, by time the second-born was done, his room looked like a war zone.
It’s only then that Mammon collapses to his knees and lets out a broken wail as he can hear the restless cawing of his crows outside.
Levi is alone in his room, having shut himself away hours ago. Laying in his bathtub bed, the Avatar of Envy loses himself to his thoughts and the view of the water above him. He can’t help but think about what would have happened if he had put his foot down when Asmo approached him to recruit him in helping his little matchmaking plan for Melissa and Satan.
And then his thoughts focus in on the other human. If she had never come, if they had never welcomed her into their lives through the exchange programme... Arella would still be alive. She’d still be sitting here, playing video games and helping him decide which anime he should choose to watch when there was a conflict of time slots. They’d still be talking about their Husbandos and Waifus just as they always had. But she’s not here. She never will be anymore. All because he didn’t have the spine to act like the older brother and tell Asmo no. Because he allowed his younger brother to monopolize his time.
His best friend is gone and he was part of the problem that led up to that. Levi has never felt so much self-hatred before and, just like with Lilith, he doesn’t know how to come to terms with the loss of another person so dear to him. For now, he’ll just lay here and waste away like the filthy, yucky otaku he is, wishing there was a way he could go back and undo it all or hoping that this was all just some horrible nightmare that his brain has conjured up.
“She’ll be back in the morning... right? She’s just sleeping over at the castle, right?!”
Beel just eats. He eats and eats and eats to make the pain go away but just like his endless hunger, the pain never stops. He feels so empty inside that the only other option is to gorge himself until he physically can’t hold it anymore and vomits before he goes back for more until the cycle repeats and he runs out of food. The loss of their favorite human is killing him now- the grief of it squeezing his heart like an anaconda.
If he would have just gone to invite her to that new café she had wanted to visit with him only an hour sooner, this could have been stopped. But he didn’t. He didn’t and that’s what cuts deepest. He should have noticed when she stopped coming to dinner, or skipping breakfast, or not joining the student council for lunch day after day. He should have realized something was wrong then. But he chose to ignore it, thinking it was just one of those ‘moods’ Arella had told him about human women experiencing at certain times of the month. He thought he was helping by giving her space these last few weeks but Beel knows now that he was dead wrong.
Who would be his food buddy now? Who would let him drag them all over town in order to try out restaurant after restaurant, café and café? Sure, he had Belphie to take with him but his younger twin never really showed the same excitement when it came to trying out all the different food and drink options on the menu. The demon doesn’t realize he’s crying until the tear drops hit his hands. She only needed one of them to take a moment to see her and none of them could be bothered do just that.
Belphegor only wants to sleep. He wants to sleep and never wake up again. In his dreams is where Arella is, happy, smiling, laughing. That laugh will haunt his waking moments forever as he realizes that for the second time, the Avatar of Sloth has caused her death. Belphie was only one of two brothers who rejected Asmo when they asked him to help with that damn plan of his. It had been too long since he and Arella had napped together after school or plotted something with Satan as part of the Anti-Lucifer league. How he missed those days.
He can feel the tears pool in his eyes as he curls up into a ball on the bed in the attic. He wonders if he had just stayed up here forever instead of trying to trick Arella into setting him free, would this hole in his chest disappear? As he buries his face into the body pillow Arella had gifted him for his birthday this year, he cries himself to sleep- indulges himself in all the good memories they had made together after she had forgiven him for everything he had done to her.
Asmodeus is lost. They stare and stare at their skincare products trying to will themself to start their nightly skincare routine. How could they have been so foolish? The passage of time is so different to humans than it is to demons. They had only meant to take a month to match Satan and Melissa up so how had it turned to eleven already?! The Avatar of Lust wants to scream. Both at themself and no one at all. Hot tears still sting their eyes as they shapeshift. They change and they change and they change forms- any number of features forming and then shifting away as they try to find a look that they won’t recognize themself in but it doesn’t work. Asmo’s not able to look themself in the mirror for the rest of the night as they just crash down on their bed. They want to mark up their beautiful body into some hideous to match the feelings crushing their heart. Asmo wants to do something- anything- to themself to experience even a fraction of the pain Arella must have felt but all the demon feels now is just hollowness.
Their phone is vibrating on the bed next to them- a call from Solomon. No doubt he could feel Asmo’s distress through the pact they share but the Avatar of Lust is too tired from hours of ugly crying and most certainly not in the mood to speak to anyone- pact master or otherwise. The phone goes unanswered.
Satan has his head buried in the books. He’s been at this for hours- there must be a way to bring her back to them! Melissa is with him, bringing whatever books he asks for in his search as she too is eager to bring the lost human back to this plane of existence. There was so much they wanted to do with her. From watching cheesy mystery dramas together to forming a small book club consisting of just the three of them, none of that would come to pass now.
As book after book turns up dead ends, the demon just buries his head in his hands. It feels pointless now. Who was he to play God with life and death? The thought of never seeing his friend alive once more is enough to break the Avatar of Wrath as his shoulders shake with violent sobs. He wants to go on a rampage- destroy the whole city but what would that fix? It certainly wouldn’t bring her back.
As the demon continues to cry, Melissa only wraps her arms around him and he returns the gesture. She runs her fingers through his blonde hair in an effort to calm him and it seems to work, if only for a little while. She pulls a chair up to sit next to him as she holds his hand in hers.
“Tell me about your favorite memories with her,” They girl begins, “We can’t undo what was done, but we can keep her memory alive by sharing the good times.”
And so, they talk late into the night, Satan smiling at all the memories of Arella that he holds close to his heart.
“Hi this is Arella! I’m sorry I can’t get to the phone right now but leave a message after the beep.... Beeeeeeeeeep”
The sound of his brother’s laughter followed by Mammon calling Arella a dork in the background can be heard at the end of the greeting on her D.D.D.’s voicemail. The Avatar of Pride can only smile with tear-stained cheeks. He was beyond intoxicated, having just finished his fourth bottle of demonus for the night. He can feel the anguish his brothers have been going through all night and it only makes his sorrow deeper.
When Arella first arrived, all Lucifer cared about was keeping her alive long enough to make it through the year. She was unimportant to him outside of the viability of the exchange programme. Back then, he would have laughed at himself for the state he was in currently. She was just a human. Why did it matter if she lived or died if it didn’t affect the exchange programme?
But she wasn’t just a human. She was their human. She was special to him. And now she was gone. There was no second chance. There would be no merging of timelines to keep her alive. Fate was cruel, but sometimes Diavolo could be crueler.
Lucifer knew his longtime friend had a reason for this. He was teaching the brothers a lesson with her death. As much as it hurt now to lose another part of this family, things would get easier as the years went on regardless of how horribly they all would miss her. This was a lesson he and his brothers would not soon forget.
Cracking open his fifth bottle of demonus, the first-born scrolls through devilgram, saving pictures on her profile to be used in the memorial service. One of Arella with each of his brothers and himself and multiple pictures she’d taken with all eight of them from their adventures throughout the years that they’d all been together.
He lets his mind wander back over the last eleven months. All the red flags he had missed with his rose-colored glasses. They all made sense to him now. All the time she spent isolating herself from them, skipping meals, leaving either incredibly early for school or incredibly late for school. She was trying to get them to notice her over Melissa. He regrets their last interaction from a few months back. The way there had clearly been something wrong, yet he chose to lecture her about attending RAD on time as to not disgrace Diavolo. How he wishes he could take it back.
As the only brother save for Belphegor not conscripted to help Asmo in his ridiculous plan, Lucifer should have been the first to reach out to her. He may have been buried under paperwork, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t just sit and talk while he worked. He regrets not calling or checking up on her.
A video plays on her devilgram. It was from one of the nights they had spent up in the human world last summer.
“Awww, come one, Lucifer. It won’t be that bad. We’ll have those flowers from the fairy rings and make it back in one piece. I promise to keep Mammon under control so we won’t cause any trouble.”
The Avatar of Pride clicks out of the app as he feels more tears gather in his eyes. He can’t do this right now. Not tonight.
Her service was beautiful- Or at least that’s what Lucifer tells Mammon as he and the rest of their brothers return home. Mammon wanted to go, he really did, but with it only being a few days removed from her death, the second-born couldn’t bring himself to go. It wasn’t because he didn’t love her or didn’t want to celebrate his mate’s life but it was still far too painful for him.
Part of him was still in denial over it too. Somehow, he’d managed to convince himself that she wasn’t gone. She was just stuck up in the human world and had forgotten her D.D.D here so he couldn’t call her. The logical side of him knew it wasn’t the case and every time he was reminded of it, it threw the Avatar of Greed into a deeper pit of despair. He’d spent some nights since she’d passed alone, crying himself to sleep begging for his human to come back to him others he would just lie awake, tracing over where her mark from their pact had been etched into his chest, set right over his heart.
Suddenly years have gone by now. His brothers have made peace with her passing but Mammon cannot. Visiting her grave never helps to ease the pain either, but still he goes. If Arella’s spirit still lingers, no doubt she would be upset if he didn’t go. It would only serve to prove her dying thoughts true when they couldn’t have been further from the truth.
“Hey, Treasure... Miss me?” There’s no one here but Mammon and a tombstone. “I miss you... everyday... So much changes every year... Both Asmo, Levi, ‘n Satan got kids now... little girls for them and Levi has a boy...” He pauses to take a shuddering breath as the cold wind blows. “Can ya believe it? The first kids born ta this family and their both girls and then we got a boy... sweet little things too- alla ‘em.  I wish ya coulda been there ta meet them... Actually, looking at my brothers with their kids, it makes me wonder what ours woulda been like, ya know? And I wish none of this woulda happened... you deserved so much better than me ‘n I knew that. We all knew that. But ya chose me anyway and look where it got ya... Six feet under... If I could go back and do it all over again I would. I woulda told ya what was goin’ on. I woulda spent more time with ya. I woulda... woulda proposed... made sure you knew how much I loved ya everyday... I know ya probably can’t hear me, but I’m so sorry... for everything! I love you so much that I can’t move on and I won’t. If I die single then that’s fine by me.”
As he cries, thinking he’s alone, Arella watches from her seat on her tombstone. None of the brothers knew it but she’d been watching all this time. It wasn’t until she passed that she realized how deep their feelings ran and part of her wishes she would have waited just a bit longer before leaving for the human world that night.
She tries her best to let them know she’s there- that she loves them and is watching over them with Lilith, but she’s not strong enough to do more than move small objects around. She hopes that they’d notice but they never do.
As she hops off of her tombstone, Arella crouches down next to her mate. The best she can do for him is conjure a warm breeze as her spirit leans over to press a kiss that he’ll never feel to his cheek. Upon the breeze, he can hear a soft whisper of a reply.
“I love you too.”
And it's that reply that reassures him she’s there and she always will be. He hopes maybe in another life they’ll meet again and get to have the happy ending they never got to have in this one.
taglist: @gayassfuckinghomosexual @joyvlee
find more on my masterlist
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Pilot’s Hands (Frankie Morales x f!reader)
Summary: Frankie takes you up flying in his helicopter. You can’t help but focus on those goddamn hands of his.
W/C: 2.4K
Warnings: SMUT (18+), finger penetration/fingering, language, lots of dirty talk and innuendos, please forgive the multiple puns I made, a singular smack to the ass. afab reader. talk of flying in helicopters and being rlly high above the ground. reader is nervous about heights.
A/N: Frankie smut is the best smut. This was requested by @notabotiswear!! I hope it’s what you were feeling, love!
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Your hands grip the chair as the helicopter slowly lifts from the ground. There’s an urge deep inside of you to jump from it now, while you’re low, so that nothing can happen, that you can’t be lifted up. You want to scream and shout and rip these headphones from your ears and make it all stop, but you don’t. You grip the seat even harder and squeeze your eyes shut as you feel the pressure in your ears start popping and changing.
The anxiety eases instantly as you look to your left. There sits Frankie, guiding the helicopter. He looks absolutely fucking gorgeous, as usual. Today he wears a warm flannel over a t-shirt with his favorite beer’s logo. On top of his brown waves, which were extra unmanageable this morning, sits his favorite ball cap. He’d spent an unhealthy amount of time picking out just the right outfit today, since it was technically a date.
You smile a little at how focused he is. There are lines of concentration between his two thick eyebrows, his stubbly jaw clenched in concentration. His large hands navigate around the dashboard, controlling the massive machine as it pushes you up into the sky. It’s soothing when he’s the one doing it.
Frankie has always talked to you about his love of flying. It’s something you’ve never quite understood. He talks about it like it’s beyond any other experience. Flying is his happy place. He’s never more content than when he can control the big machine and soar through the sky. You’re the opposite. Flights usually required you to take an anxiety med and pass out. The feeling of being so far above the ground makes you panic and fills your brain with the worst possible scenarios.
There’s something better about it when the man you’d trust with your life- are trusting with your life- is the one piloting the machine. He sneaks you a smile as he notices you staring, but in an instant is back at the controls. You giggle and lean back in your chair, enjoying the view. Frankie’s got you.
The ascent continues. You’re still gripping the sides of the chair with all of the force your hands can create, and the anxiety seeps in. You close your eyes and force yourself to focus on your breathing. Even this high in the air, Frankie is your solid ground. You reach over and grab his thigh, knowing his hands are too busy to hold. Your fingers dig into his leg, but it’s no distraction.
Finally, Frankie slips one hand beneath yours and laces your fingers together. “Open those eyes, baby,” he asks, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “We’re at the cruising altitude.”
Your eyes open and are filled with nothing but blue sky surrounding you. Looking to the sides, you can see your city surrounding the two of you. Everything looks so small. You’re unconsciously beaming, and when you turn to look at Frankie, he’s grinning back. “Cool, right?” He asks with an equally big smile.
“The coolest,” you nod in agreement and laugh. It’s astounding, really.
“Just one second, babe,” he tells you and drops your hands, pressing some buttons and flipping some switches. His hands are skilled, flying across the controls with practiced ease. His voice is smooth and even in tone as he talks to someone in his headset. He continues even as he talks to the controller, reaching over you to hit a far button.
He’s good to just steer now, you can tell, and you wrap both of your arms around one of his. He signs off from the call and looks over at you, then down at the arms on your hands. “You need something to hold onto?” He asks, leaning over and kissing your head briefly.
“You look sexy flying,” you chuckle and slide your hands down to his, holding it happily as you look around. “You’re just… so good at it,” you shrug and look around the cockpit.
He laughs softly. “I wonder how it happened,” he teases, pulling his hand back to he can use it to navigate. “Are you okay? Sure you’re not too anxious?” He asks. His eyes aren’t on you- they can’t afford to be right now, while you’re in the air- but his words are sincere.
You nod, beaming. “I trust the pilot more than I ever have.”
He shakes his head and smiles, adjusting his cap before flipping a few more switches. “You just keep telling me, okay? Let me know if you wanna be done early.”
“I think I can handle thirty minutes in the air, watching you be all cute and smart.”
“Smart? I don’t know about that one, baby,” he shakes his head but smiles down at the gauges he checks.
For a few minutes, it’s silent between the two of you. The hum of the engine and the spinning blades fills the space between you. You’re content to look around while Frankie pilots the two of you, snapping photos. At one point, you sneak a few photos of him, giggling at how cute he looks. You lean over and kiss his jaw through the stubble, which makes him grin and blush slightly. “Babe, I’m working,” he whines, but it’s all teasing, you both know. Frankie loves nothing more than some physical affirmation.
You chat quietly when he has the time to do so, when the machine doesn’t require as much of his attention. He’s fantastically skilled at multitasking, you notice, which makes you smirk a little. He’s so fucking good at what he does, those calloused hands dancing around the dash like a skilled piano player reciting a sonata, like an artist creating a masterpiece. And you suppose, to Frankie, flying is like an art.
“Do you know any tricks?” You ask at one point.
Frankie nods. “I can do barrel rolls and shit. I don’t think you’d want to feel that,” he chuckles, his hand resting on top of yours, which sits on his thigh.
“Oh fuck, not now,” you laugh softly. “But that’s really cool.” And hot, your primal brain, the one that seeks the best mate, tells you.
As the time in the air dwindles down to a stop, Frankie once again has to pay full attention. You return to your previous position: gripping your chair. Your hands aren’t as forceful now, far more trusting of Frankie and his skills. You can even look around as the world grows bigger and bigger as you approach it. Not long after, the helicopter lands, and you let out a deep sigh of relief. “Wow,” you laugh, a little bit of anxiety still in your voice. “Now I can tell you everything that I wanted to say in the air.”
Frankie looks over at you, tilting his head in confusion. “And what was that, exactly?”
“That you look so fucking hot,” you grin at him. “You do, really. You know what the fuck you’re doing, and that’s hot. And your hands, you’re so good with them,” you muse as you pick one up and play with the thick fingers attached.
This time, Frankie’s smiling. “Oh yeah?”
You nod happily. “Mhm. Just look so good when you’re using them. Makes me think of other things they’re good at.”
He’s a little red, but he grins. “Really?”
“You know that. I’m never quiet about how good you are with them, am I?” You tease and laugh.
Frankie’s face tinges with red, and his Adam’s apple bobs hard with a gulp. “Don’t do this to me yet, baby,” he chuckles and shakes his head. He removes your headphones once the blades have stopped rotating, then his own, and unstraps the both of you.
Frankie gets out then helps you down from the chopper. One of the other men who works at the field comes over to say hello, and he snaps a photo of you and Frankie for you.
The picture is perfect: the blue skies in the background contrast the dark metal of Frankie’s helicopter. He has both arms around you, and you have one hand pressed to his chest. You’re both grinning, both wearing flannels and each in one of his ball caps: you stole one this morning before you left his house.
He walks away after you both thank him, and Frankie leans in close. “Gotta get some shit done in the hangar. Won’t be more than ten minutes. Go wait for me in the car, baby girl,” he murmurs in your ear. He gives you a little smack on the ass, which makes you start to scamper off.
You grab his keys from his pocket, then toss a flirty smile over your shoulder as you walk to the parking garage.
Twenty minutes later, you’re sitting shotgun in Frankie’s truck. He removes his cap and runs a hand through those curls before putting it back. You watch it, noticing the way the knuckles bend and fold. He looks over at you and notices the expression on your face. “You still thinking about them, baby girl?” He asks with a growing smirk.
You nod, the wetness in your panties growing. “Mhm. Think you could pilot me?”
Frankie rests a hand on your thigh, tracing circles into the skin. “Unzip those jeans for me, baby. Let’s find out.”
You’re in a parking garage, and no one else is around. It’s early on a Saturday morning, but the risk is just as exciting. You do as he says, and Frankie slides his fingers beneath your panties.
The pads of his ring and middle fingers start at the top of your folds, tracing down the damp skin until they reach your entrance. “Fuck,” he groans at how wet you already feel. His fingers swirl around just millimeters inside of you, taking the wetness and removing his hand, bringing it up to your mouth. “Gotta get them ready for me first, honey. You’re already plenty wet, but I wanna make it good for you.”
You oblige and take his fingers in your mouth, sucking on them dutifully and moaning around them. They’re so thick and strong, and the thought makes you spread your legs wider. “Good girl,” Frankie almost growls before bringing his fingers back down to your entrance and slipping them inside of you.
You cry out, your hand gripping the side of your seat once more; this time, it isn’t from anxiety, but from pleasure. They scissor you open slowly, those thick digits reaching deep inside to that spot you can never quite reach with your own. “Ah, fuck,” you whimper as the heel of his palm grinds against your clit. “I was thinking about this the whole time we were flying, Frankie. Your fingers and how good they feel inside me.”
He bites his lip, curling his toes in effort to not get hard right here and now. As much as he loves doing this, loves the risk, this is all the two of you can afford. It’s too late: he’s already got a semi tenting in his jeans.
“Yeah? That’s what you were thinking, dirty girl?” He almost purrs, his voice deep and desperate. “I’m trying to keep us from falling and dying, and all you could think about was how good it feels when I do this?”
As he says this, his fingers curl deep inside you and brush against your g-spot. “Fuck, yeah,” you nod, panting now. You’re sweating, probably through your t-shirt, but you don’t care. It feels too good. One hand of yours grips his wrist, as if it could keep him from pulling away. As if he ever would in the first place.
“Such a good girl, so wet for me,” he groans as he forces himself to stop his hips from bucking into the air, against nothing. “I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to you and you’d let me, couldn’t I?” He murmurs. “You’d even let me fuck you in that helicopter. No anxiety when you got my dick inside you, huh?”
You nod. “You could, yeah,” you groan, your other hand digging into the leather seat. “Anything you want, you got it,” you nod. “Feels so good, anything you do does.”
He smirks. “Maybe I’ll have to try that sometime, huh? Have you keep my cock warm while I fly?”
“Anything,” you repeat breathless, shuddering beneath him. The heel of his palm grinds harder into your clit and it’s all too much. “Frankie, baby, gonna cum, almost there.”
“That’s it, baby girl,” he nods, working his fingers harder. “Cum for me,” he demands, and who are you to disobey such a wonderful order?
Your walls clamp down hard on his thick fingers, the pleasure overwhelming you. “Frankie!” You cry out, head falling into the headrest of the seat.
Everything in your body is pulsing, desperate, pumping red-hot blood that feels like it’s infused with some kind of illicit drug to produce such a high. You whine his name again and again until it’s all too much, and you squeeze his wrist gently, asking him to be done.
He complies, tracing his fingers through your folds before they press against your lips again. “Clean me off, baby.”
You nod and take them in your mouth, lavishing them with your tongue the way you would with his cock, which you’re now growing more and more desperate for.
He pulls them out with a pop and dries them on his flannel, smirking over at you. “Goddamn, honey,” he murmurs as he looks at how wrecked you are just from his fingers. Before you can say anything, Frankie whips the truck into drive and peels out of the parking spot.
The sound of squealing rubber startles you, making you jump and squeal as you button your jeans and zip them. “Frankie!” You gasp and smack his arm. “What the fuck was that?”
His eyes are dead-set on the road, determined not to look at you, not to detract from his mission. “I’m getting us home as soon as I physically can so I can feel that around my dick,” he says, teeth grit in concentration.
He’s rock hard, you can see, and you offer a soft rub into his crotch. “Oh, baby,” you chuckle excitedly, staring at the road ahead of you. It’s going to be a long ride home for the two of you.
It’s safe to say that your anxiety over flying has lessened.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
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The tl:dr (and also the mandatory content warning) is Bela's biological mom was an abusive piece of shit and the hallucinations don't hesitate to dig that up from her subconscious. And then she panics.
But without further ado, here's the short little thing i wrote for this:
There was a gentle sense of calmness in working inside the greenhouse. Soft chirping from the birds outside provided a much welcomed background noise as Laura was repotting the… fifteenth plant? Maybe sixteenth, if the group on her left, on different shelves or the stone floor, was anything to go by.
She let out a sigh, choosing to take a break and roll her shoulders for a bit, her back having gone stiff from the position she was standing in. She stretched her arms high in the air, flexing her hands still covered in the thick gardening leather gloves. They were slightly muddy and definitely needed a wash.
A faint buzzing of insect wings caught her attention. It stopped right outside the glass doors, and then got replaced by the sound of heels against stone, coming in her direction.
Laura paid it no mind, busying herself with a pair of shears and realizing that they needed to be sharpened.
A small chuckle escaped her lips when a pair of hands suddenly found their place around her waist. The hands were promptly followed by Bela's chin resting on her left shoulder, complete with a curtain of blonde hair.
"Came to distract me?" Laura asked jokingly.
"I would never," came the reply, although Bela's slender fingers were already hooking around the bow at the back of the dirty leather apron she was wearing.
Laura let her work her way through the double knot she had tied there, even letting out a small laugh at an almost inaudible huff of frustration.
Soon enough though, the bow was undone and Bela spinned her around, placing her hands on the desk Laura was working at, one on each side of her hips, effectively trapping her in place. Not that Laura had any complaints, she simply leaned back against the wooden edge and pulled the apron over her head. It fell on the floor when Bela decided to not grant her the grace of hanging it on a hook, instead tilting her chin upwards and capturing her lips in a hungry kiss.
The kiss was broken as soon as Laura's hand came close to finding its way on her lover's back to pull her closer. Bela grabbed her wrist and gave her a smirk.
"Not looking forward to getting mud all over this."
"Then maybe you shouldn't be in the gardens," Laura matched her expression with a devious smile, but started to pull off her gloves at a tortuously slow pace. One finger at a time, while not breaking eye contact.
Bela wasn't about to let her win their little teasing game however. Her mouth was not needed in pulling off a pair of gloves after all. She leaned down again, lips meeting in a tender kiss that soon turned more passionate when her teeth nibbled on Laura's lower lip, eliciting a small groan.
Any kind of will to tease flew out the window then, the gloves off and thrown somewhere to the side where other tools had been left. Laura pulled her closer by the waist, bodies now almost flush against each other, while Bela was busy leaving a trail of kisses along her jaw. Her hands gingerly made their way up, across soft black fabric and a frilly collar. Fingertips finally found their place on a pale cheek, thumb caressing the soft curve of the jawline.
It felt like getting forcefully yanked backwards only to hit a brick wall, the impact leaving Bela dizzy and disoriented. The abyssal darkness that surrounded her like a black heavy fog, suffocating and oppressive, did not help either. The ground underneath her knees felt soft and mushy, almost like walking on moss in the dead middle of the night. Unseen but it's tendency to give way underfoot more than felt.
A choked groan flew past her lips. She felt breathless, like the unneeded oxygen she dearly craved at the moment refused to make its way into her lungs. All she felt was the heavy drowning taste of the darkness around her that seemed to settle in her very bones. It was sending a sensation of pure dread down her spine, panic threatening to take over.
Bela shook her head. Once. Twice. Three times, in an attempt to cast away the lightheadedness but it was all in vain. She wasn't sure if her vision was slowly overtaken by black splotches or it was just that dark.
Her eyes uselessly snapped to the sound of booming footsteps coming directly from her right.
The darkness parted in swirling ashy mist to let the figure step closer, and the sight made Bela scramble to get away. She didn't know the woman, but she seemed so painfully familiar that, were it not for the terror that seemed to grip her heart and cruelly squeeze it, she would've groaned in frustration. Looking up, her blurry vision went over the black attire and rigid posture, with squared shoulders and hands clasped at the front. Further up, blonde locks were held back in an intricate hairstyle, and icy blue eyes looked down with nothing but hatred.
The woman's features were twisted in a deep scowl, nostrils flaring in an angry exhale and lips almost parting in a snarl. It made Bela gulp and muscle memory screamed for her to shield her face.
"Why are you here," the woman's booming voice came out more like a statement than a question. She shouldn't be there. She was in the way.
Bela stumbled on her answer, trembling voice betraying her. "I don't- I don't know-... I'm sorry," the words came out wobbly and barely above a panicky whisper.
Then hands were on the collar of her blouse, disregarding the tearing sound as she was lifted to her feet only to slam backwards into a wall that she could've sworn wasn't there before. "One thing you have to do. Just one," the words came out from between gritted teeth as the woman held her in place, fabric held into a balled fist and squeezing Bela's neck uncomfortably. "Just stay out of my way," she continued, using the other hand to grab her face, nails digging into the soft skin and making her eyes prick with tears. "And you can't even do that right."
Bela shut her eyes when tears started to threaten falling out and took a shuddering breath that came far too close to turning into a pathetic sob. She tried squirming her way out of the vice-like grip the other woman had on her, but that only gained her another angry slam against whatever unseen surface she was being held against. It made her see stars for a moment and she almost missed the next words thrown at her.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you."
She snapped her eyes open on instinct, tears flowing down her cheeks and blurring her vision. Even through the tears however, she saw the woman's features change and morph, blonde locks darkening into black and the skin slowly taking on a far more ashy and pale tone. Even her frame had gotten taller, much taller, dragging Bela up with her and scratching at her scalp as it moved against the rough surface behind her.
The only thing that stayed the same, was the disgusted scowl cruelly thrown her way.
"You can't even do that right," her mother repeated, voice almost unrecognizable from the dripping malice that was usually reserved solely for the vermin that was about to be thrown in the dungeons.
"N-no mother, I'm sorry," Bela choked out, hands grabbing meekly at the fist holding her blouse.
The hand on her face slid down, leaving bleeding stinging marks on her skin. Bela's eyes widened with horror when she heard the tell-tale metallic sound of her mother's talons, together with a glint in the corner of her eye.
She had no time to react before the five sharp claws plunged into her flesh, tearing their way through skin and organs and cracking the bones of her ribcage. She tried to curl in on herself, as much as her position allowed. The searing pain made her choke out a sob that came threateningly close to a scream. She could feel blood starting to coat her skin and soak into her clothes, even making its way into her lungs and suffocating her. A violent cough sent a small crimson rivulet flowing down her chin.
"-'m sorry. Sorry," she slurred, voice warped by the pain and the crying and the now choking sensation of blood stuck in her throat.
Laura jerked her hand back in a moment, ony to feel Bela stumble backwards into the wooden desk placed on the other side of the small, hall-like greenhouse.
Bela bent her body forward, blonde hair almost hiding the tears streaming down her face, and slowly slid down onto her knees on the cold stone underneath. Her shoulders shook jerkily with sobs as she all but clawed at her sternum, the pain from her mother's claws seared into her mind.
The scene made something in Laura's chest snap painfully, a river of apologies flowing from her lips. Before she could do anything however, grab for the previously discarded gloves, try to comfort her, anything, Bela's form broke apart into a frenetic swarm of flies. The buzzing felt almost deafening now, but the sound soon died down as she flew out of the open doors.
It left Laura speechless for a moment, another apology frozen on her tongue while tears were starting to blur her vision. The few seconds it took her to move felt like eternities washing over her. She bit down a small sob while looking down at her hands, the black fingertips that turned her skin a dark ashy color almost down to her wrists seeming more disgusting than ever before.
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mintjamsblog · 3 years
Does Alfie ever demand that Tommy calls him Sir?
Okay, this is so late, (I'm sorry, I have sat on this answer for literally weeks). It also answers another ask I seem to have lost/deleted, which simply said 'sub-drop?' So, here you go, it turned into 1600 words of smut, I'm afraid. (Set in my Mistakes AU, but can be read without that background).
"How many fingers Tommy?"
Tommy lifts his head but it drops back immediately.
"Tommy, love, how many fingers am I holding up?"
"Ten," Tommy says, without even looking. "Everyone has ten."
"Alright, love, up we come."
It's no wonder, really, Alfie has toyed with him mercilessly for — he checks his watch — fuck, well over two hours, has brought him to the brink of orgasm over and over again, watched his face flush and his thighs tremble and his stomach contract in anticipation of the release he's repeatedly been denied.
Tommy's so fucking pretty when he lets himself go (when he's made to let go) and Alfie, well, he's always been a sucker for pretty things, ain't he? Beautiful things.
Tommy finds it so hard to relax that once Alfie gets him loose, persuades him into handcuffs or a spreader-bar or, immobilises him somehow, his inclination is to make the most of the situation, to wring him out like a wet towel, count every last drop of resistance as it splashes onto the floor — a puddle to be licked up and savoured (metaphorically speaking, of course, there's no way Tommy's licking anything off any floors with his arms and legs fastened securely to the straps of a leather sling).
The silly boy still approaches these scenes as if they're a test of his fortitude rather than a willing exchange of power and trust. And that's fine, mostly. A click of his fingers or a safeword could end it all, but Tommy'd far rather grit his teeth and pretend he don't want this at all. Alfie can allow that for a while, can give him something to bite down on until he's too far gone to care about giving a voice to his plight.
Usually it takes some impact to get Tommy to give up his sounds. He needs to be pushed past some physical threshold. A firm hand, a paddle, a whip — they each make him sing different notes, eventually, but always the same fuckin' undertone. Anger. Whether Tommy's angry at Alfie (likely) or at himself for needing this (even more likely) is neither here nor there. Tommy has plenty to be angry at; the world ain't always been kind to him and he's even less kind to himself.
But anger, well, it's corrosive innit? Useful when controlled, maybe, when mastered effectively and released into the world in small bursts that serve a purpose; to warn or threaten or reinforce the hierarchy. But not when it seethes in your blood, pumps through your heart and into each artery like slow-acting poison that seeps through veins and capillaries, reaches the tip of every extremity, hides beneath every thought. That sort of anger, the sort Tommy lives with, that anger needs to be let. Like blood.
Not that Alfie's some antiquated physician restoring balance to the humors. Nah, he fancies his particular form of therapy's far more effective, even if his tools are barely less crude than the old-timers' scalpels and leeches. Alfie prefers to mix things up, to intersperse the blows of a bullwhip with the soft, wet heat of his tongue; to lash Tommy with a folded belt, then hold his cock like a delicate creature he's trying to stroke back to life. He'll pinch and tease and whip and probe until Tommy rails and rages, fists balled, teeth bared, every muscle pulled taut as tension wire. Eventually he'll scream at Alfie, at himself, at the universe, then let the breath shudder out in increasingly shaky increments, like he's tumbling down the stairs.
The journey to that point is best travelled slow. Given time, Tommy's tight grunts and growls always soften into something looser, gentler, pain still evident in the pitch of his voice, but threaded through with desire and resignation and something else entirely ... an underlying need to give up or give in. To please, Alfie flatters himself.
That medley of sounds, the unwinding trajectory of 'em, awakens some possessive creature in Alfie. He can feel it uncoiling inside him, muscles sliding and flexing as he drives Tommy towards an apex neither of 'em can see — a pinnacle of endurance or restraint beyond which Tommy simply is. Or maybe isn't. Beyond which he is merely a consciousness, untethered from any worldly woes and oblivious to the sensations of his own flesh. Or perhaps oblivious to anything but the sensations of his own flesh. Either way, Alfie knows to watch when the sounds turn animalistic, when the groans are so low and feral that they peter out into breaths. Into nothing. Into rolled-back eyes and gaping mouth and climaxes so molten they look more like pain than pleasure.
"Come on love, that's it, down we come."
It's a struggle getting Tommy out of the sling, he's too exhausted to cooperate, to untangle his own limbs from the leather, so Alfie releases the two lower straps and pours him out like water. Like water he slips through Alfie's waiting arms and pools at his feet on the floor.
"Up you get," Alfie says, hoisting him under the arms, and up Tommy comes, unsteady but obedient in his altered state of mind.  Alfie braces him for a moment, waits for Tommy's body to harden, for a flicker of conceit to return to those down-cast eyes. Now is when Tommy should swipe a hand down his face, curse under his breath and huff an almost laugh, a poor disguise for self-consciousness, but a sign he's aware at least.
But Tommy offers no such reassurance, regains none of the control that usually washes back as soon as he's up on his feet. He's deep, Alfie realises. Deeper than usual.
He whispers into Tommy's ear, small praises that have no place in any moment other than one such as this. His fingers run down Tommy's back, tracing small paths through sweat that's turned cold, an attempt to distract and reassure, but already he knows it's too late. He's left it too late. He can feel the distant vibrations and knows they'll soon take Tommy's legs.
By the time Alfie gets him onto the bed, onto his side, the trembling has tipped into shivering, a violent reflex that even the finest goose-down duvet fails to subdue. Alfie curses himself for missing the cues, for pushing Tommy too hard. "S'okay," he whispers, "you were beautiful."
But Tommy is straining against the hold, against Alfie's leg wrapped over his own. "I need ... I'm gonna be sick," he says, and throws himself into a sitting position with a violent retching sound. The purge that follows isn't from his stomach, it pours down his face in scalding tears that drench Alfie's waiting hands. Tommy throws his arm up and buries his eyes in the crook of his elbow, taking frightening gasps after every few breaths.
"Come on, now," Alfie says, entirely at a loss. Sure, he pushed Tommy hard tonight, but it seemed like what they both wanted. Needed. "Please, don't," he whispers, hands searching beneath Tommy's forearm to thumb away some of the tears. He wants to tell Tommy he doesn't mind, he can cry as much as he likes. Alfie don't see this as victory; Alfie's not him. But he says nothing, afraid of dredging up ghosts as he coaxes Tommy back down to the mattress, runs fingers through his hair, holds him tight against his chest and lets him cry himself out till the tap runs mercifully dry.
"Why?" Tommy says, eventually.
Fucks sake, why what? Why anything? Why do they do what they do to each other? Why does Tommy allow it? Allow Alfie to pull the meat from his preverbial bones? Alfie's asked himself the same question often enough. Not why does he do this, exactly, he's well past shame over that, but why did he get this lucky? Why does he get to do this with Tommy? To see what no one else sees?  Why did he push him so hard tonight? Why did he think Tommy could take it?
"Why did you spend so long ... you know ..." Tommy sniffs, "when there's nothing in it for you?"
Alfie pulls Tommy out from his chest enough to look him in the eye. "Nothing in it for me? Are you fucking kidding me, Tommy?"
"You didn't even come," Tommy says.
At that, Alfie grabs Tommy's arm, fumbling to open the top button of his jeans and force Tommy's hand inside. "There," he says, in his sternest voice. "Nothing in it for me, hmm?"
"Oh!" Tommy says in surprise.
"Yeah, oh, you blithering idiot. Twice. No fuckin' hands."
He watches Tommy swallow, feels fingers flex through the undeniable evidence soaked right through Alfie's boxers.
"Why?" Tommy asks again.
"Why what Tommy? Why does God allow famine and pestilence? Why do good people die? Why didn't I meet you ten years ago, hmm?"
"Why did you fucking come?"
"Because you’re sexy as all burning hell, aren't you? Turn me on like a switch."
Tommy curls into him tighter, buries his face again, and it dawns on Alfie that he really and truly doesn't get it, does he?
"The first time, right, you wouldn't lay back." He keeps his voice low, strokes Tommy's perfect little ear. "I'd fingered you till you were leaking all over your stomach, all over the marks I'd left with the flogger. You should've been way past defiance by then, but you just kept trying to sit up ... your mouth hanging open, like you were trying to fuckin' kiss me." Tommy burrows further still. "So I slapped you," Alfie continues. Maybe that was a bit cruel. "And you only tried even harder. Lay your sinful tongue on your lower lip and strained up out of the sling." Alfie's hardening again at the recollection, at the way he'd thought Tommy was acting, playing the little minx, struggling to reach forward with his wrists and ankles bound to the straps above him. Only Tommy'd never appear so needy, not in his rightful mind, wouldn't chase Alfie's mouth like a newborn pup seeking out its mother's teet. And he'd gazed at Alfie through half-lidded eyes, in that way he had no right to do, like Alfie was the only face he knew in the entire unholy world, like Alfie could fuckin' save him, reach inside his body and take all the pain away, maybe, or make it ten times worse. Like whichever option Alfie chose Tommy'd fucking let 'im.
"And?" Tommy says, when Alfie falls silent. God, he really doesn’t remember, does he?
"And I leant down and kissed you, you silly boy. And I came in my pants, like a teenager."
Tommy makes a wet sound that could be a huff, or could just as easily be more tears.
"Weren't my fault," Alfie adds, defensively. "Your mouth was so fuckin' soft, despite what I'd done to you. And you. You mewled like a Siamese kitten..."
Tommy squeezes him, through his pants, seemingly soothed by the hard line he's holding, proof, perhaps, that Alfie is part of this.
"And the second time ... the second time ... fucking hell. Right at the very end. The last time you came. You looked so fucking fucked-out, love," Alfie's hands are roaming now, sliding over the marks he's left all over Tommy's skin. He seeks out the curve of Tommy's throat, presses kisses there. "All the fight gone out of you. Covered in sweat and welts and come, so exhausted you were trembling ... and please, you kept saying please." He cups the back of Tommy’s head, pulls him closer still. "And I didn't know what for. And I kept asking you, please, what, Tom? but you wouldn't answer. Couldn't, maybe. Too far gone to know." He bites gently on Tommy's ear, at the little crease where it joins his jaw, the tiniest sign of age on his otherwise youthful face.
Tommy's hand is working now, struggling to find its way beneath the fabric of Alfie's underwear. "Then what?" he breathes into Alfie's ear.
"And then you said please, Sir."
Tommy's hand stops dead at that.
"I ... I didn't--"
"S'alright, love, you were under, weren’t you? Too fuckin' deep to know." And there might be a tiny part of Alfie that wishes that weren't the case, that would like to hear that word on Tommy's lips again, but not at the risk of a drop. Hurts too much to see Tommy so upset.
He removes Tommy's hand from his trousers and laces their fingers together, pulls them up high enough he can kiss every sticky knuckle.
"You want me to clean you up, love? Tommy barely shakes his head; his fingers clench around Alfie's hip. "Okay, in a little while then."
Ain't right to feel so tender about being stuck to someone with come. To like the smell of their sweat so much you don't wanna wash it off. Hell, he'd sleep like this all night, in jeans and boots an'all, if it gives Tommy the reassurance he'll so surely claim he don't need.
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kouomi · 3 years
Summary: Atsumu looks back on your relationship and finds himself longing for the person he called home (Miya Atsumu x f!reader)
Warnings: lil bit of fluff, heavy angst, mentions of death, fighting
Word count: 2,708
A/N: italicized parts are in the past! lil heads up this is not edited!! Someone please hug Tsumu cause I made myself sad writing this
My Masterlist
Posted: March 14th 2021, 8:30 AM EST
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“‘Tsumu!” You gasp as your flung onto the couch, a chorus of laughter following your cry. The two of you tumbled around for a few moments before Atsumu pins your hands to your side, a leg on either side of your hips as he grins at his victory.
“Don’t you dare.” You warn, knowing all too well what the mischievous glint in his eye meant. Your warning is too late, however, as his hands move to attack your sides sending you into a flurry of laughter. Tears pricked at your eyes as he mercilessly continued to tickle you, his own laughs of amusement being heard over yours.
“What was that? I don’t think I heard ya.”
“You win! Stop!”
Seemingly satisfied with your call of forfeit Atsumu draws his hands away from your sides, only to fall on top of you making a squeal pass your lips. His arms loop around your waist as you tried to shove
Atsumus eyes nervously scanned the large crowd as he stepped out on to the court, the loud cheers and blaring band falling upon deaf ears as all he could hear was his thoughts whizzed by faster than he could focus on one. It was his first game of high school and while he was able to hide it well, below the surface of his facade he was swelling with nerves and worries. What if he messed up his serve? What if he did something to lose the game for the third years? What if something he did this game made the entire team turn on him like they did in middle school?
Before he could fully process what was happening the referee passed him the ball, hundreds of eyes following its course into his hands. Taking a deep breath, Atsumu spun the ball in his hands.
Don’t mess up.
How many steps do I take?
Is this too far?
What if I throw it up wrong?
Don’t. Mess. Up.
“Go Atsumu!”
The sudden call of his name pulls him out of his thoughts, his attention being drawn back towards the crowd. After a few moments of searching his eyes meet yours, a sense of calm washing over him as you smile back at him. She came, he thought to himself, his own smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. With you there, surely everything would be
“Y/n, can ya please let me in?”
“Go away!”
Atsumu sighs as he leans his head on the bathroom door, his hand once again trying the handle though the lock prevents it from turning.
It was a stupid fight, one that’d been building up over time that suddenly boiled over causing you both to explode at each other. Both of you had said things you didn’t mean, harsh words being thrown at each other since you arrived home. Your throats had gone raw from trying to speak over each other but you both refused to back down, tunnel vision preventing you from hearing one another out as you pressed to prove you were right.
Looking on what you’d said now having been sitting outside the bathroom for about an hour he understood why you’d been upset and, while he didn’t quite want to admit it, you were in the right.
While he knew this now, it didn’t help what had gotten him in this situation in the first place. At the peak of your screaming match he found himself blinded by anger and words he’d never thought he’d ever say to you passed his lips, rolling off his tongue before he realized what he was saying.
“All I’m saying is I want to spend some more time with you! Is that really too much to ask?” You asked, exasperated.
“Ya knew when we started dating how busy I am!” Atsumu exclaimed, “Why are ya suddenly so mad about it?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s because you spend more time with your fan girls than with your actual girlfriend!”
“Really? Yer pulling that? It’s not my fault yer so needy Y/n, I’m not gonna drop my practices just to make ya happy all the time!”
“If you think I’m needy why don’t you go date one of the girls who keep throwing themselves at you?”
“Maybe I should! They’d probably be less annoying than ya!”
“‘Tsumu, wait-“
“What? Finally realizing how easily I could replace ya? Yer the one who suggested it, remember?” He scoffs, ignoring how you’d shrunken, “Ya should be thankful for the time ya get with me, cause if not there’s other girls who could take yer place. I don’t need ya.”
As soon as he said it he froze, almost not believing that those words had actually come out of his mouth. The look on your face unfortunately proved it to be true, however, as he could see the way it seemed as if all of the fight and anger had been drained out of you leaving you with a hollow expression. You but your lip as you shook your head and shoved your way past him, ignoring all attempts he made at stopping you as you slammed the bathroom door in his face.
“Baby, I’m sorry okay? Can ya unlock the door so we can talk?”
“Leave me alone, Atsumu.”
He felt a pull at his heart at the slight crack in your voice followed by quiet sniffling, guilt threatening to swallow him whole as he realized you were crying because of him.
Unable to put up with you locking yourself away any longer, Atsumu grabbed a bobby-pin from your room and got to work unlocking the door with it, successfully doing so after a few minutes. Almost as soon as the door swung open he’s kneeling on the ground beside where you were curled into a ball, frantically scanning his mind for something to do.
“Y/n...” He says, reaching a hand out to brush your hair away from your face.
He cringes when you flinch, temporarily drawing back before reaching out again this time wrapping his arms around your shuttering frame. Though you temporarily resisted, ultimately you found yourself melting into his embrace as you adjusted to wrap your arms around his torso. Atsumu pulls you into his lap, one of his hands cradling the back of your head as you cried into his shirt while the other ran up and down your back. The two of you sat there until your tears slowed to a stop, Atsumu not daring to move a muscle in fear of scaring you off.
“You really are an asshole, Atsumu.” You mumble, your grip on the fabric of his tshirt tightening.
“I know.” He sighs, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, “I’m so so sorry. I didn’t mean any of that. Yer the best girlfriend I could ever ask for, no one else even begins to compare. And yer right, I’m not spending enough time with ya but I’ll try to, okay? I love ya so much.”
The two of you lay on the couch in your living room, the only sound being that of the TV you’d turned on for background noise when your boyfriend had appeared at your front door. You’d anticipated his arrival, having watched the game against Karasuno on your phone the day before and such expected the defeated and angry atmosphere that surrounded him.
Atsumu lay on top of you with his arms wrapped firmly around your waist, holding himself in place against you. One of your hands rested on the back of his head that rested on your chest as the other ran up and down his back, paying attention to rub in the patterns you knew he liked. He hadn’t said a word since he arrived other than a short “missed ya”, having passed all welcomes in favor of clinging to you, his body melting into yours. After the loss at nationals he had wanted nothing more than to curl up in your arms, the long trip home seeming to go slower as he counted down the seconds until he could finally be here.
“You did really good.” You whisper, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he tensed slightly. “I’m proud of you.”
“It wasn’t good enough.” Atsumu says, voice weak compared to its usual light hearted tone. “I lost the game for everyone.”
“You weren’t the only one playing, ‘Tsum. It isn’t all one person’s fault. But you are one of the reasons you guys were even able to get that far, yeah? Don’t beat yourself up over one play.”
It’s quiet for a moment as he processes your words, as if trying to decide if he’ll believe you or not. He moves his head upwards so he can nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, the feeling of a tear falling onto your skin pulling at your heart as you give him a small squeeze.
“It’s just- it was-“ He stutters, his words shaky and ultimately cut off by a sharp intake of breath as he tries to hold back his tears.
“I know.” You murmur, “But you’re still the best setter there is, y’know? And the best boyfriend, best teammate, best looking; you’re so much more than that one game.”
“...Best looking twin?” He asks quietly.
You laugh, “Yes.”
The sound fills his ears, providing him with a sense of comfort no words or actions had been able to. You always knew the right things to say, to do, to comfort him and make him feel better when he was at his lowest and felt ready to give up. Something about you warded off all of the negatives and filled the air around you with warmth. Something about you felt like home. Something about you made him sure that one day, he was going to m
that’s how things between the two of you went, always being cut off too soon. All of his memories with you, each I love you, each kiss, each quiet afternoon spent cuddling on the couch watching movies, everything was ended before it was supposed to. Even your relationship went that way, being cut off, suddenly forced to a stop before it could even really begin. Each memory was halted right in the middle, part of each story missing making them feel impartial and almost fake with holes in their plots and the endings missing. Everything was so vivid, yet so vividly fading at the same time it terrified him that he was losing what little left he had of you. Details faded away so all he was left was glimpses of a memory that didn’t even feel like his anymore; left looking through a foggy window on to a life he wished he still had.
Every day without you felt bland. No longer did he have your soft voice scratchy with sleep whispering in his ear in the mornings; your fingers lacing with his as you wandered around the shops; your body searching for his warmth during the night. The apartment that had once belonged to the both of you was now void of your glowing presence, the air stiff and too quiet without you. His happy, care-free smile had faded from his face and become less frequent as he found himself wondering what he was supposed to do without the one person he could call home.
“I got invited to play for the Olympics next year.” Atsumu says, not quite as enthusiastic as it should be, “Ya always said I’d get there one day.”
No response comes.
“It really sucks without ya here, Y/n.” He continues, feeling his throat start to constrict, “I miss ya. A lot.
It’s already been a year, can ya believe that? I don’t want to believe it. A whole year with ya gone. It’s just... not right.
Sometimes I forget for a few minutes, and I think yer gonna be there when I open the door just like ya always were. It scares me, cause I can’t remember everything, even yer voice is a little gone without the videos. I could never forget yer smile though, even with all the pictures. I think that’s my favorite thing about ya.
I really took everything for granted. I wish I could go back and just hold ya, one more time. One more kiss. One more time hearing ya say I love you. Just something to hold onto. It’s not right, nothings right without ya here. Ya were the reason I was always so happy, ya made everything seem so much brighter, but now it’s just... bland. It’s like I can’t be happy without ya, I don’t wanna be happy without ya.” He stops to wipe his face of the tears that’d begun to fall, though new ones quickly slip into the tracks of the old.
“I wish you’d just come back. Sometimes I get mad at ya, for leaving me here alone, but ya know I can’t stay made atcha for long. It just hurts, knowing yer not coming back... Yer not coming back.”
He hits his lip, the air in his lungs feeling to heavy as if it’s trying to suffocate him from the inside. Everything falls on him at once, like a thick sheet of snow covering everything in sight and leaving him cold and numb yet burning and screaming at the same time. You’re gone. His Y/n, his beautiful wonderful, amazing Y/n, was gone. Everything hurt, every breath, every small movement of his body as it shook with sobs, every nerve; everything hurt as he longed for something that was so painfully taken away.
“Please Y/n/n... I don’t know what to do without ya.” He cries, eyes squeezing shut, “I miss ya, just please... come back to me.”
Still no response. The only sound being Atsumus cries muffled by the snow he sat buried in.
Atsumu barely notices the hand placed on his shoulder, only acknowledging the other person when they call his name.
“Hey.” Osamu starts, glancing down at his brother with eyes heavy with concern before flickering back up. “Do ya wanna minute?”
He doesn’t respond, another cry being answer enough as he feels his body collapsing in on itself. Risking his legs giving out beneath him, Atsumu stands and throws his arms around his twin, desperately clinging to him as if trying to find an anchor to the world. Osamu didn’t say anything as he held the blonde, feeling his own tears prick at the corners of his eyes at seeing his brother so torn and distraught.
He’d known this was going to happen today, that no amount of words would even begin to fill the void within him and every attempt at comfort would fall upon deaf ears so he didn’t try. Instead, he sat there. For a time unbeknownst to the pair they sat on a bench Osamu was able to coax Atsumu towards, no words daring break the silent agreement they’d made to not speak. They sat there until Atsumus heavy sobs eventually eased to a dull crying and he pulled away, eyes meeting his brothers for a moment as if to thank him before he let his head fall back on to the bench to face the sky.
“Come on.” Osamu said quietly, standing and waiting for the other to follow. He does after a moments pause, eyes lingering on the grave he’d sat beside and tracing over your name before he lets out a heavy, shaky sigh and started walking away, ignoring his mind that screamed at him to stay.
“Let’s get ya home.”
Atsumu obliged but he knew that part of him lay within you, that where ever you went, no matter how far was where his home was; that, without you, away from you, he’d never truly be home again. So he left, leaving with you the pieces of himself he’d given away and the memories that failed to fully reanimate with hopes that maybe, if he couldn’t be with you now at least you could find your way back to him, waiting for you to fall into his arms and bring him wherever you had settled; the place he so desperately longed for: home.
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Childe x reader ~ “Why’d you only call me when you’re high?”
Details: Modern AU!, Soulmate AU!, F!reader (if anyone would like a male reader I can rewrite it to be with a male reader instead and post that too)  Character: Childe/Tartaglia (Genshin Impact)  Trigger Warnings: A very toxic relationship in the beginning (not with Childe), mentions of the mafia, mentions of attempted kidnapping, childe literally breaking into your house(?).  A/N: I love Kaeya but I couldn’t think of a better name so I just used his name for the ex. In now way shape or for is this how I see Kaeya or want others to see Kaeya so please keep this in mind when he is mentioned. Thank you <3
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“The mirror’s image tells me it’s home time,” 
The music blared from you phone as you curled into a tighter ball, pulling the polyester material closer to your face as it soaked up the stray tears. Why were you crying over him again, Kaeya, he wasn’t even your soulmate... Where was your soulmate? You’d been on this earth for twenty-two years yet you hadn’t heard a peep. Not a single word, tattoo, flare of pain. There was no red string tied around your finger like so many others had. Did you have a soulmate? Surely he would have shown up by now, or at least made his presence known. 
“But I’m not finished ‘cause you’re not by my side.”
The song was little more than background noise now as you found yourself stuck in your own head. After coming to the conclusion you were one of the unfortunate people born without a soulmate, you had turned to meaningless relationships. You had thought they were meaningless, until you had began a relationship with Kaeya.
“And as I arrived, I thought I saw you leaving,”
It had started off beautifully, everything perfect and as it should be. You weren’t sure what had changed within the time you had been dating but at one point the magic of a new relationship had faded and the curtain had dropped. Not once has Kaeya made an effort to show he cared about you, all of the effort had stemmed from you. You were the one who woke up each day and texted him good morning, you were the one who would listen to him rant only to be shut down when you were crying and in pain. Every phone call revolved around him and what he had to say while you could do nothing more than offer up how you agreed with him.
“Carrying your shoes, decided that once again I was just dreaming of bumping into you.”
You had thought it was normal at first, you were both in a happy and loving relationship so why should it matter if he listened to you or not. He didn’t have a soulmate just like you, so why did it matter? You were meant to be together, this was the universe’s way of giving you a soulmate. Right?
“Now it’s three in the morning, and I’m tryna change your mind.”
It took you longer than you’d like to admit to come to terms with the fact you didn’t have a soulmate. Having someone else who shared the pain with you, the feeling of losing something you never had to begin with, was the best feeling. It had filled what you thought to be the gap of your soulmate, like fitting a piece into a puzzle that wasn’t from the same set. It wasn’t supposed to work but it did. You were so happy to have someone like you, or so you had thought.
“Left you multiple missed calls, and to my message you reply”
He had a soulmate. That piece of information had snapped the last thread holding your relationship together. You had clung to the hope that there was someone else like you, but there wasn’t. You two had been arguing, over what you couldn’t remember, but things had gotten heated and he had screamed that he should have never dated someone who wasn’t his soulmate.  “You don’t have a soulmate though, you’re just like me! We’re meant to be together because of what we lack!” He had laughed cruelly, “You really think we were meant to be together? What are you stupid?”  You watched in horror as he pushed his long sleeve up his arm to reveal a gorgeous tattoo of a bundle of yellow carnations. You couldn’t hear him anymore, you couldn’t see anything except for that bundle of carnations inked onto his arm. There was no doubt that it was the mark of his soulmate.  “Get out of my apartment.” That’s when the tears had started falling. 
“Why’d you only call me when you’re high?” Childe muttered as he walked down the bustling city street. “She’s listening to that song again? What is it now, the third time this week?” He thought, pushing his way through the crowd that blocked the entrance to the subway. Childe had ignored his soulmate for as long as he remembered. He refused to communicate in any way, never drawing on his skin, never singing to a song no matter how catchy (ahaha for ✨plot✨); not once had he tried to reach out. It wasn’t because he didn’t care about them, oh how he longed to hold you in his arms and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, it was the exact opposite. Childe cared deeply for his soulmate and, in his mind, being the soulmate of someone deeply rooted in the mafia was more of a blessing than a curse. The Fatui were feared in most towns, known mainly for their debt collection tactics and their deep roots in politics at a national level. Childe had been taken in at a young age, handed over by his father in hopes to pay off his debt to the Fatui (yes I know in his actual backstory his father sent him to the Fatui in hopes to change is attitude, sorry I couldn’t find a way to fit that in properly). Childe had grown up, and soon rose up the ladder that was the Fatui, eventually becoming a so called “Harbinger,” one of the highest ranks within the Fatui. So, deciding that living life constantly worrying about his soulmate was not one he wished to live, Childe had decided to ignore his universe given other-half. That is until the universe had other plans. 
It was supposed to be a simple job, to give someone in debt a little bit of incentive to pay the Fatui back. They had found that Kaeya was close to a woman named Y/N. After a little bit of digging they had found out that Kaeya was in a relationship with Y/N, and that he had constantly been in and out of her apartment until a few days ago. Despite his recent break in the pattern of visits, his calls to Y/N’s number had remained more or less the same. Stepping out of the subway car Childe found himself running through the job once more. Break into the apartment, kidnap Y/N (yes, I know it’s cliche), leave a note for Kaeya and leave with you until he payed back his debt. It’d be quite a bit easier than most of his previous jobs, shouldn’t take him longer than two hours; the majority of it being the drive. What Childe hadn’t been expecting when he picked the lock and opened your door, was to see the very person he was supposed to kidnap cocooned in blankets, sobbing, and listening to the exact song that had been playing in his head the entire way here. Raising your tear stained face the two of you made eye contact, your red and puffy eyes meeting his wide and terrified ones. There was no denying it for either of you, the syncing of your breathing, the song that was now playing through both of your heads, you two were soulmates. Childe wasn’t sure how to react, halfway through the door and unsure if he was supposed to come any closer, he just stood there, unmoving. A pure mixture of fear and joy was pounding through this veins as he stared back.
You on the other hand, had no idea how to feel. You had spent your entire life believing you didn’t have a soulmate, and yet here he was half way through your door and a very bewildered look on his face. He was handsome, there was no doubt about that but you couldn’t say that your first impression of him was the best- seeing as that he had picked your lock and broken into your apartment while you were crying your eyes out. The circumstances of you meeting him had been less than ideal, as was the history of your relationship with him. You were so happy to have finally met him, that gap in your chest finally filled... but that wasn’t the only thing that filled your chest at the current moment; pure, burning, unbridled rage pooled in your chest and spread through out your body. You had a soulmate, but not once had you heard from him. Not a single sung lyric, not a single doodle on your arm, no tattoo or shared pain, nothing from the man who now stood fully in your apartment. Before you could process what exactly you were doing a harsh smack echoed through the space of your apartment.
Childe wasn’t sure how to feel now. After finally walking all the way into your apartment he had watched as you sprung from your bundle of blankets and stormed towards him. Apparently your way of greeting your soulmate wasn’t a hug or a handshake, it was to slap him straight across the face with surprising force. Childe was now looking at your wall with a stinging cheek and a blank mind.  He found himself speaking to you before he could think about what he was about to say “Well that’s one way to greet your soulmate.” Perhaps that wasn’t the best thing to say to you. “Greet your soulmate? Greet your soulmate! ‘Greet your soulmate’ my ass I think I have every right to greet you like that when I didn’t know you existed until a couple of minutes ago! Keep in mind I have lived a soulmate less life for twenty-two years and here you are waltzing into my apartment after you picked the damned lock!” “At least I know you aren’t younger than me...?” And that’s how Childe found himself with not only a hand shaped mark on his right cheek, but a large goose egg on his forehead from the book you had unceremoniously flung at his face.
The two of you now sat on your couch, you with a freshly poured glass of wine and Childe with a bag of ice pressed to his forehead.  “So you mean to tell me that I have spent twenty-two years believing I didn’t have a soulmate, because you were part of the mafia and didn’t want to put my life at risk.” “That’s exactly what I’m saying, I’m so glad you under-” “God nobody told me that if I had a soulmate he was going to be such an idiot.” “-stand... I’m sorry what was that just now?” Of all the responses Childe had expected, yours wasn’t one of them. “I know you heard me perfectly fine.” You snapped back, reaching for the book that now sat on the coffee table. The look of pure fear on Childe’s face was one you wouldn’t forget as he raised the hand that wasn’t holding the ice pack in surrender.   Letting out a small huff you instead opted to grab your wine glass and drink the rest of the nearly full cup. “Look I could care less that you’re part of the fatui. While I don’t appreciate the fact you were going to kidnap me in order to get my ex to pay back his debt, I do understand why didn’t make yourself known all these years.” A guilty look overtook Childe’s face, one that made your heart ache, but you kept going. “We could have worked things out, I could have learned to protect myself better and you could continue to do your job. I understand you wanted to protect me physically, but you gravely miscalculated when it came to mentally protecting me.”  There was a beat of silence before Childe spoke, his words carrying an emotion you weren’t sure you could identify. Three words that carried so much meaning and heart, there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that he didn’t mean them. “I’m truly sorry.” 
Silence overtook your apartment once more, yet it was somehow lighter than the last wave. A mutual understanding, and forgiveness. Sure your soulmate was an idiot for not contacting you, and sure you could have not thrown a book at his head, but he was there. And so no words were exchanged as you rose from your chair and sat down next to Childe, leaning against his chest as he wrapped his free arm around your waist. You would figure the rest out later, but for now it was just the two of you- and you were perfectly fine with that.
“So would it be too much to ask for a kiss?” “Don’t push your luck pretty boy.”
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