#bad at socializing because i literally. barely had friends until like the last 2 years of high school
princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
I think Adrien always being on time, Akumas or not, is more indicative of the writers not wanting to do anything with him than it is of Marinette's character with her always being late
Realistically, who should have a harder time balancing their super and civilian lives timewise, the intended to be average girl from a middle class working family, or the teen model who's been well known since he was very young, is the son of a former film star and the fashion designer who's outfits he models, who's super busy and restricting schedule is constantly mentioned? Adrichat.
Except, of course, Adrichats super busy schedule, his controlling father, and the two fully grown and very competent adults who's literal jobs are 'get this kid to this place at this time and don't lose track of him' never actually matter when he needs to be Chat.
But hey, an actual story arc where something like, idk, Adrichat being stuck at an event for so long he completely misses an Akuma fight where Ladybug is barely able to scrape by without him happens long before episode 100, and Adrichat realizes 'oh, this is gonna happen again if I can't figure something out' and he spends a season going back and forth with his father until he finally manages to get Gabriel to drastically cut back on his modeling, which then opens Adrichat up to being involved in his own civilian plots that don't just involve Gabriel being a dick would be ... a fun and interesting use of the characters.
Let's point and laugh at Marinette being late bc she spent so long drooling at...an add of Adrien in his normal civilian outfit.
Bc that's better writing!
(i know we've all pointed out on this blog that Mari getting in good with a bunch of celebrities in the past year kinda defeats the point of her being a 'normal girl with a normal life' but the writers never address that, so I believe they do intend for Mari to be seen as a mostly average teen with a talent for fashion and a secret identity, so thats how I talked about her in this)
Oh yeah no like.
It's absolutely a thing where they should focus on both of them but they just don't.
Because yeah it's. Logically: Adrien /should/ be having far more trouble than Marinette if only because even his free time should be accounted for. While Mari has some genuine free time where she doesn't have anything planned and can do whatever she wants last minute and off schedule and just say to her parents 'hey I'm going to go out' and they're like 'okay cool be back by curfew', Adrien has to request hangouts 4-7 business days beforehand and is often told no because Gabriel is a controlling fuck.
And there's multiple potential stories with this!!
As above: Adrien is having trouble sneaking away to be Chat Noir. Either he ends up being unable to leave and Ladybug suffers for it, or he does leave and ends up missing/late/etc. for his other duties and he's punished for skipping out. Maybe even accidentally making his friends look bad because Gabriel thinks they're bad influences encouraging him to skip out. This forces Adrien to either figure out better ways to sneak off, or he manages to get Gabriel to relax his schedule to allow for 'more social life', or hell maybe we have a Gang of Secrets situation with The Gorilla as the confidant and he helps convince Gabriel that Adrien is where he's supposed to be.
OR! Or! Let Adrien lie. We've already had one or two instances where Adrien sneaks out/lies about where he is. Go full force on it. Sneak around Gabriel by pretending to be where he's supposed to be. Forge notes and gaslight Bustier into thinking his father pulled him out of class. Might be a little tricky since this is a kids show to teach good morals but 1.) HA! 2.) they have Adrien break these rules on occasion anyway and 3.) just have an exchange with Plagg where he suggests sneaking out again for fun social friend things, and Adrien goes 'no, that's wrong. I only break the rules because I have to be Chat Noir and save people! I'm not going to do it for fun!' This could even set up for the Lila plot as a narrative foil in someone who lies because they have to vs. someone who lies for fun and profit. Even hammering it home with Adrien feeling guild despite his situation.
Hell, you could even set up other plots like the Chloé stuff! Have the school staff not report Adrien's absences. Either because they think he'll be like Chloé and demand daddy fixes it, or even have Chloé cover for him by actually playing the card. Whether you see this as her using her abilities for good to help out a friend even though it's still 'wrong' she's trying, or any abuse of power is bad and therefore more proof she's a dick depends on the season.
Just. Could've done plenty with it.
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perverse-idyll · 7 months
Writing patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern! Tagged by @yletylyf - thank you! Most of these are itty bitty fics and out-takes, but here we go.
1. The headmaster of Hogwarts, as yet unaware he had entered upon his last day on earth, raised his thin hand to stroke the unsmiling face of the woman who had afforded him so much unlooked-for happiness. [Year of the Thestral, HP, Minerva McGonagall/Severus Snape. An excerpt from a quasi-romance novel written about them after their deaths, a fact the reader won't understand until the end of the fic.]
2. Sometimes all Severus had to do was turn thirty-plus years of repressed hunger upon him, and Harry would start shaking. [Snake Charmer, HP, Snape/Harry. Out-take. A line signaling the co-dependent and sexual nature of the relationship.]
3. When Harry made his way out to the reception desk, there was barely a trace of almond left on his skin. [Coda to "Soft Touch," HP, Snape/Harry. Afterthought to a pre-existing fic. If I'd thought about it, I might have punched up the opening line by combining it with the last sentence in the paragraph, making it both clearer and funnier to readers who hadn't read the main fic: "When Harry made his way out to the reception desk, he didn't look like a man who'd just let Severus Snape bite his arse." Oh well. Missed opportunity!]
4. At around four in the afternoon, with three chapters to go in the espionage novel she was reading – since popular thrillers provided not only diversion but an eye-opening refresher course on Muggle slang and cultural attitudes – Minerva glanced up from the page to find Wil leaning in the doorway, watching her. [Candles Lit Against the Dark, HP, Minerva McGonagall/Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank but heavily featuring Snape. Scene- and relationship-setting, basically.]
5. It was possible none of this would have happened if not for Hermione. [The Afterlight, HP, Snape/Harry. A simple declarative sentence appears! Mildly mysterious, but since we as fans know this is a ship fic, the mostly likely suspect for the category of "this" is a relationship Harry's friends consider a mistake.]
6. Severus persisted in accompanying Harry to public events, in part because the wizarding world still needed it shoved down their throats that he and Harry were a couple. [Social Lubricant, HP, Snape/Harry. The premise in a nutshell. The rest of the ficlet just embellishes it.]
7. "You need to choose wisely when to be a dick, Potter." [Bad Manners, HP, Snape/Harry. Teensy fic. Sets the mood. Makes it clear who's speaking.]
8. Into the lives of all upstanding citizens, an occasion must fall where we fumble the biscuit and end up owing an undeniable debt to mankind. [Jeeves and the Secret Society, crossover between HP and Jeeves & Wooster, Jeeves/Wooster, Snape/Dumbledore. Establishes a different narrative voice from my usual, hints but doesn't confirm a first-person POV - although fans of Bertie Wooster will probably guess.]
9. Radiant in the wasteland of a European battlefield, the vessel of Clara's memory shrugs. [Truce, Doctor Who, Clara/Twelve-ish. Drabble. Scene-setting, suggests this isn't literally Clara but a (precious) memory.]
10. For one of her first acts as headmistress, Minerva shatters the Mirror of Erised. [Spirituous, HP, Minerva, Albus, Severus. Drabble. Establishes a postwar timeline and implies Minerva's state of mind.]
Patterns? Hm. Well, anyone who's read anything of mine, even the drabbles, can already guess I'm fiercely wedded to compound sentences and fond of opening with dependent clauses. I also default to narrative prose over dialogue. And most of these first lines have some degree of hook to them, whether I planned it or not. Otherwise, um ... I think you need more to go on if you want to analyze the more interesting kinds of authorial habits and themes.
Does anyone else want to play? Tagging @danpuff-ao3, @ripeteeth, @saintsenara, @squibstress - and anyone else, because I have to be good now and go back to work!
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dragonmistressivy · 3 months
Today went even worse than yesterday. We did so must walking my legs are in so much pain. My back is in so much pain. I had packed the wrong type of clothes for the weather so my mom yelled at me multiple times. I was bored out of my mind for most of the day and i can’t remember what we were told on the guided tour even tho i was paying attention. Also a bunch of the girls who most are my age or younger got drunk(which they were not supposed to do anyways) which was illegal for them because all but one is under 18. They were so loud and it was one of their birthdays so they were celebrating it and being obnoxious because drunk. Also they are so fucking pretty and hairless. How the fuck can i be so pretty and carefree?. Also i was deadnamed and misgendered so much today. Also i hate that i look like a guy. I am literally unable ro socialize with anyone here not that i will probably be going to that school again next year. I am going to go to a different school for my senior year. There is groups of friends on the trip and i barely know of 2 people(who i last talked to years ago) and know literally no one else. I am all alone. Also my dysphoria was hitting me so strong earlier today. If it weren’t for the fact that i wouldn’t die but just be extremely hurt, someone would probably try and rescue me, and i would traumatize everyone i would have just jumped off a bridge we walked on. I want to go home but can’t. I wouldn’t be home until late on the 15th. Also i can’t shave my body hair here because i do that in the bath because otherwise i will fall and probably hit my head. I hate being disabled. Why must i be disabled? Also why can’t i just have been a cis girl? I want to die so bad. I will never be happy in this body. It is impossible. There is too many issues to list and some can’t be fixed. I wish i can just die and be reincarnated as a able bodied cis girl preferably a fairy princess or at least filthy rich, also aro ace. I just can’t be happy in this life or even just not wanting to die. Bottom surgery is probably like more than a decade away and besides i am terrified by surgery i have already like like 5 that I remember and more than that. I am going to need surgeries to just reverse or prevent my body from getting worse which will take all my money and time away from getting the surgeries i want. I also can’t be made shorter or have my shoulders made narrower. And those are two major issues i have with my self image. If only i wasn’t disabled i would be able to get the surgeries that are possible quicker and possibly in my life. Why did i have to be disabled and trans? One was enough of a curse but both. What did i do to deserve this? I have tried to a good person. I am nice to everyone as much as a can. I am so bitter and hateful of anyone happy or having a better life than me or at least a life that i want. I want out of this world. I don’t deserve to suffer 24/7 all because my bio parents had sex ine night and my bio mom did drugs and got sepsis and me being born like 5 or so weeks early and me having had when i was born or not long before it. Why of all disabilities do i have to have cerebral palsy. The doctors say i am luckily because it could have been way worse like me being unable to walk or talk but this isn’t lucky this is just less unlucky. I am unlucky but not insanely unlucky. Why did i get do fucked up when my younger brother is mostly fine if evil. I want to just die. I don’t want to walk more tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and so on. If i get slone time with something that has a high chance of killing me i am doing it. That will probably not happen. I mean no one here knows i am suicidal almost 24/7. The only time i am not is when i am asleep or somehow distracted but the distractions are working less and less. I am getting closer to my limits. I have lost my will to life a long time awgo and whenever there is something that adds even just a ember to it it is tsken away from me as soon as i start thinking life will get better.
I can’t think life will get better because if i do it will all get worse because i will be in a weak state and fate hates and wants me to suffer especially at my weakest moments. I want to go home. Why did we ever sign up for this. I can’t go home until the trip is over and even if i dis my mom would have to miss the rest of the trip which would be a waste of like 16k(8k for each of us). I am wasteful and all i do is waste and be an annoyance. I don’t deserve to have been born. I would be happy if i drop dead from like heatstroke. My mom is worried that i don’t realize i am overheating but i am very aware of it. I sm doing it on purpose. I am trying to get my body to fail so i will die. I want out of just world one way or another. If only someone could and would help me.
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folkloreguk · 3 years
💌🧸 Brother's Best Friend
A/N: Got this request a while ago and now I'm wondering why I've never written this trope before bc this was so fun??? Lmk how you liked it! x
genre: optional bias (m) x reader (f), smut, size/strength kink??, choking, dom!bias (it’s kinda playful tho), brother's best friend!au, sneaking around, play fighting, lowkey getting caught but not directly?
words: ~ 4.1 k
disclaimer: I don’t mean for the age gap to be gigantic…I’m talking about anything from 1-2 years maximum tbh!!! Anything else would be weird and I’m not about that! They’re also both obviously consenting adults!
[H/N means 'his (bias) name']
In youreyes, your first meeting had been a disaster. The new spider man movie had been released only days ago, and you were adamant on seeing it. And to your luck, your older brother and his best friend had already made plans to watch it together. As a little sister, you were treated like the baby of the family, and it didn’t matter that you were far from being an infant anymore. So naturally, your brother had been condemned by your parents to bring you along. He declared his distaste in your presence by attempting to ignore you, but you were used to that. Just like you were aware of his bad moods, you knew he could change within minutes and magically turn into the sweetest, most caring big brother you could wish for.
Whatever. You didn’t need his approval to enjoy the trip to the movie theater, you told yourself. Had it not been for his best friend, who you hadn’t seen in ages. H/N and you had never properly spoken before, and the last time you saw him he had been an awkward, prepubescent boy who had appeared at your door to pick up your brother for a playdate. There was no trace of immaturity now. Instead, it was you who had morphed into an awkward, shy mess at the sight of him.
His ‘hello’ had a warm and deep melody to it which swooped you up in his aura so suddenly, you had no time to prepare. Had his smile always been this stupidly charming? Hell, it was so bright, you had to meticulously inspect the ground every time he sent a grin your way. When before you hadn’t felt guilty for being a bother, you now sure did. What impression would you leave, trailing behind the older boys like a lost puppy? What would he take you for? The annoying little sister who didn’t have friends of her own? The mood-killer, who wouldn’t understand any of the boys’ inside jokes? The anti-social, weird girl who was obsessed with fictional men, like people loved to belittle teenage girls with normal interests?
As things turned out, his initial opinion of you was quite the opposite. If only you could have spied into his brain, it would have saved you a landslide of worry. Although your brother took up all of H/N’s attention before the movie started, he noticed you a good amount. To be precise, you blew him away at first sight. Your cute laugh won him over in a matter of seconds and he liked that your merch sweater could have been stolen straight out of his own closet. He didn’t want to feel too smug, but the way you diverted your eyes away from him whenever he looked in your direction only boosted his confidence further.
Your brother might have warned him. Stay away from her. She’s off limits for you. But not a thousand vicious, older brothers could have kept him from trying to get to you. It was up to you, after all, whether you wanted him around or not, and not to your brother. From that day on, H/N didn’t skip out on a chance to see you, even if it meant merely an exchange of a few words, or a simple greeting. And to his luck, you turned out to be equally as enraptured by him.
There was something about the untouchable, the forbidden, that attracted him to you even more. Plus, you were simply too precious to forget about. One morning, you dropped off a beanie at his place, which he had left at your house after meeting with your big brother the previous day. When he had asked if he could drive you to school as a thank you, you happily accepted. You had marked that day as the first day of your new life. First, it was harmless flirting. To be honest, you were under the impression he was merely messing with you. Because you were the cute little sister of his best friend. Because you would turn into an awkward shell of a person who had lost all ability to articulate, and your cheeks would burn as if they were on fire, whenever he charmed you.
But the flirting slowly reached newer levels, and before you knew it you were discussing your sexual fantasies over text messages and giving him bedroom eyes as you opened the front door for him. “H/N’s here!” you would then shout to your big brother. Then you would watch the two boys walk off to your brother’s room, pondering why life had to be this way for you. It wasn’t fair. Siblings were supposed to share, right? Why did you have to wait your turn until after midnight, when no one would notice, to spend time with H/N?
But to H/N, the sneaking around in the middle of the night and the secret messages you sent to each other, it all added to the excitement. Surely, there were days on which he wished he could just break the truth to your brother. The impact it could have on their friendship was enough intimidation for him to refrain, though. Things were better off this way, for now.
Today was no exception to your usual lies. When your brother asked if you would go out with him to do some shopping, you had played the victim and feigned a stomachache. Your parents wouldn’t be home all weekend. You’d have been stupid to waste a perfect opportunity like that. Who knew when you could have H/N in your bed the next time? Normally, you were restricted to his car, or to his bed in the dark of night. Yes, those places had something enticing at first glance. But the backseat of a car was only enjoyable for so many clandestine meetings. So today you notified him of your golden opportunity before your brother had even walked out the door.
The moment H/N texted you that he was outside your home, you opened the front door and dragged him to your room.
“Are you in control today, little one?” he asked, closing the bedroom door after you.
“Why are you asking that?” you replied, not wanting to talk at all but rather do so much more productive things.
“I don’t know…perhaps because you haven’t let me say a word since I came through the door,” he said.
“Right. Maybe I’m planning on tying you up, blindfolding you, and torturing you with ice and wax,” you joked in a casual tone, despite not usually requesting such graphic ideas.
“I don’t know if I’d let you do that,” he grinned with raised eyebrows. “Besides, I know you’d rather be at the receiving end of that. It’s a sweet idea, though. If we had some more time…”
“Think you could get away from me if I tied you up?” you said, but he was towering over you with the calmness of a king who knew he reigned over the situation.
“We both know I’m stronger than you, doll,” he said. You didn’t like it when boys called you weak. But you’d let it slide, knowing he was only joking and would never underestimate you outside of the bedroom. He put his lips right up to yours, so you felt his breath on them. His fingers came up to cup your face, but then slowly inched to your neck. When they closed around your neck, putting the slightest amount of pressure on your skin, you whimpered quietly.
“Need reminding?” he asked. As much pent-up frustration you had, and as much as your stomach was flipping upside down from how badly you needed him, you just had to play with him. You knew it would make for more fun.
“I think- “ you started, with a grin. Then you grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pushed him backwards, until he was stumbling. Although caught off guard, he was quick to pull you along with him as he fell onto your bed. You landed on top of him with a small squeal.
“Go on, let’s see who can throw the other off the bed first,” he teased with a superiority that only spurred you on. Then again, you would always be in the mood for the oldest childhood game you had ever known. Only now it wasn’t your brother, but his best friend you were playing against. It added a layer of excitement, and after only seconds, giggles had overtaken you as you struggled in his grip.
“No tickling is allowed,” you said. He nodded obediently with a smirk that told you he might not abide by your rules.
At first, you had attempted to hold him down by his arms. But your legs tangled, and he pushed his chest up against yours, like he was about to flip you over. Your plan seemed to be working only momentarily. You groaned a little as he grabbed your wrists swiftly and held his stance against your attempt to pull his upper body to the side.
“Cute,” he said. That’s when you realized, he was barely struggling, barely trying, even. While you were giving your most, he smirked like he was watching a kitten trying to fight a lion. It was child’s play to him, keeping you in check. Literally. With an annoying expression of amusement on his face, he let you have the upper hand for a while. Then, as if you had never had an ounce of advantage, he turned it around and pulled you into him. His eyes suggested he might just send you tumbling down onto the floor any moment now. Nonetheless, you weren’t going to give up so easily. Taking your chances, you let go of his arms and moved sideways, so you could have your go at pushing him towards the edge of the mattress.
“I don’t think so,” he said. Suddenly, he bear-hugged your body and rolled you both over. Before you could protest or defend yourself, your arm was dangling off the side of your bed and if you had moved a tiny bit further, you would have slid off the bedsheets and right onto your carpet. It was his turn to straddle you now. As if his actions hadn’t been enough declarations of his strength, he pinned your wrists to the bed above your head and gave you a challenging smirk.
“I was going to let you win, doll. But you weren’t trying hard enough,” he said. “What are you going to do about it?”
What were you going to do? He had you completely immobilized. “Just let it go, then. We get it, you’re super strong and super big and the coolest,” you said.
He seemed to take an instant liking to your declaration. “Say it again. This time minus the eye-rolling, sugar.”
“You’re stronger than me,” you said, trying to avoid the laughter that was threatening to come out. Could he read in your gaze how badly you wanted him to kiss you already? If he could, he wasn’t acting on it. Instead, he bent to the crook of your neck and spoke.
“Does it turn you on that I can overpower you?” his breath fanned your ear and you had to close your eyes to control yourself.
“Yes. Because I trust you,” you answered truthfully. The corner of his lips curled into a cocky grin.
“You know what? I think I’d rather you stay in bed with me instead of throwing you on the floor. There’s so many things we can do up here, isn’t that right, little one?” His lips brushed over your cheek and then over your lips as he spoke. The nickname had always made you weak in the knees and he knew it. When he finally enveloped your lips in a kiss, you swore you could feel an electric spark jump between the two of you. The mellowness of it turned into hunger rapidly, and as soon as his tongue flicked over your bottom lip, you whimpered like you hadn’t seen him in a year.
“Needy, are we?” he asked, running his hand up your sides and underneath your shirt. He could say that again. “Let’s get these off, then.”
The seconds in which you pulled off your clothes and couldn’t hang on his lips and feel his skin on your body should have been considered a form of torture in itself. Then, time always went by so much slower than usually.
When you had both shed off your clothes, he climbed back on top of you. Instead of straddling your hips he was now resting between your legs. There was nothing separating you from him, and it was apparent not only through the body heat that radiated off him. He reached down and whilst peppering kisses on your chest, slid his fingers through your slick arousal that was pooling in your core.
“You’re so wet,” he said in surprise, but couldn’t hide his approval and self-confidence in his voice.
“I know,” you said, rolling your eyes but simultaneously fighting the urge to moan at the smallest of touches he was teasing your with. “I’m so horny. Can’t we skip foreplay?”
“Poor doll,” he said. “I should’ve come over earlier, huh?”
“You know that wasn’t possible,” you said. With a desperate look, you pleaded him silently.
“I wanna taste you,” he said, but your put your hand on his cheek softly.
“Maybe later?” you said. “Please, I need to have you inside of me. Now.”
“You’re extra cute when you’re this needy,” he smiled. “Are there still condoms in your nightstand?”
You nodded and had never moved so fast to open a drawer in your life. Pretending to have any patience left, you waited for him to roll on the rubber.
“I love the way you look at me,” he said. “When you’re waiting for me. Could watch you for hours.”
“God, I hope you won’t. Come here, please?” you replied, making him chuckle. He lined himself up with your core, but then made no inclination to move ahead. His dark eyes and little head tilt told you everything.
“Don’t mess with me anymore,” you whined, reaching for the back of his neck to pull him closer. “Do it. H/N.”
“Beg for it.” His words twisted something in the pit of your stomach. Although you were burning with hunger, you could never say no to him. Then again, you were curious to see what would happen if you did.
“What if I don’t? Don’t you want to fuck me as much as I want it?” you challenged him. Something glinted in his eyes, and you knew you shouldn’t have even brought it up.
“I can always do this,” he said, and you followed his eyes down his body and to where he had wrapped his hand around his cock. Slowly, he jerked himself off, and you weren’t sure he was biting his lip because of the feeling or to discompose you. His small sigh should’ve been caused by you. This wasn’t what you had wanted. His tip was right by your slit. He could’ve pushed his length in so easily, and yet he wasn’t. Debating what to say, you kept your eyes trained on his hard member that looked so delicious in his hands. His deep groans rang in your ears. It didn’t take long for you to cave.
“Fuck. That should be me around you,” you said. “That should be my pussy you’re fucking and not your hands. Please.”
“Isn’t that right?” he said.
“Yes. Please, fuck me. I would feel so much better than your hands, and you know it. Please,” you whined. “I need you right now H/N. Please.”
You added another ‘please’ – for good measure – because the way his tongue darted out and licked his smirking lips could make you say anything if it would get him to fuck you.
“It’s okay, I’ll take care of you,” he said. “Think you can take me?”
“Yes, yes-, I can! Please, fuck me,” you said in a waterfall of words, and he chuckled handsomely.
“Good girl,” he said, running a gentle hand over your head. “If it’s too much you let me know.”
“As always.”
The tip of his cock gently pushed into your core, making you hold your breath as he entered you slowly. It caused you to feel every inch with every second. Your brain felt fuzzy, and you sighed gratefully at the relief.
“Fuck, you’re so perfect,” he moaned. The carefulness in his thrusts paired with his moon eyes at you only remained that way for a few seconds. Then, he straightened up and grabbed your hips to drag you in closer. You moaned helplessly when he almost pulled out completely, so slowly it almost made you crazy, only to slam his length into you until his tip brushed against the deepest spot inside of you. It was an action he repeated over and over, until you were reduced to a puddle of desperate whimpers, and you clasped the bedsheets in your hands tightly.
“You like it this way, little one?” he asked. He was apparently finding enjoyment in your reaction. How you could barely keep your eyes open, and when you did, your eyeballs threatened to roll to the back of your head. How your fingers clenched around the closest plushie, and you cradled it against your chest in bliss.
“Yes- fuck,” you said. “Feels so good.”
Of course, right as you said this, he had to change things up. His thrusts turned lazy and messy as he leaned backwards slightly. With an equally lazy demeanor, his thumb flicked over your clit, rubbing circles on it.
“Let me hear you. Say my name,” he said, and you quietly moaned his name. You adored the way it sounded, voiced like this, with barely more than a breath underneath your soft tone. Now and then, his cock slipped out of you, making you clench around nothing and furthermore had you going completely out of your mind. When he would push himself into your opening again, it felt as if it was the first time he was entering you today. Except you felt it repeatedly, each time as incredible as the previous. Your mouth hung open, rendered speechless except for the little moans and whimpers sounding from your throat. There was a familiar knot beginning to form in your stomach, tying firmer with each passing minute.
As if he could read your mind, he decided then he was done with his sweet torture of teasing you to an orgasm. You couldn’t be mad at him, though, because what he had planned was just as perfect, if not better. His hands wandered to their original place on your sides, and he began to snap his hips into yours at a faster pace. A small cry of surprise left your lips, while he only smirked at you through heavy-lidded eyes. Impulsively, you lifted your legs a little, intensifying the feeling of his member roughly dragging through your velvet walls.
“H/N, I’m so close,” you whimpered.
“Me too,” he replied, not slowing down for a second.
His broad frame towering over your body was a sight you would never get enough of and his gazes at you were hot enough that they could have stopped your heart in its tracks. A few strands of hair stuck to his forehead and there was a thin sheet of sweat on his neck. It all just made him more breathtaking to you. The slight pain from his nails digging into the skin on your waist was staggering, and you could barely wait to see the masterpiece of marks he would leave tonight.
You were a moaning mess, flying on cloud nine and simultaneously overwhelmed by his treatment of you. It clouded your mind at took over your whole body like you were made for him to fuck you. His length filled up your tight hole and he did it with such force that your whole body rocked into your mattress in a steady, fast-paced rhythm. He let go of your waist then and supported himself on his arm by the side of your head. When his other hand went to your neck you shuddered in anticipation.
“You should see yourself with my hand around your throat,” he said. “So pretty, little one.”
“We can do it in front of a mirror sometime- ,” you suggested, but were cut off at the end of the sentence as his fingers tightened on your neck. Instantly, the effect of it hit you. The lack of oxygen made your head swim in a sea of pleasure and the unrelenting desire to come. Through fluttering eyelids, you peeked up at him. The way he licked his lips and then clenched his jaw, the gorgeous shape of his collarbones and shoulders – you sometimes wondered if he was even real. Every so often he loosened his grip on you. When he did, you took gulps of air and then instantly whined for him to choke you again.
“Let go for me,” he said. “Show me your pretty face when I make you come. I’m fucking you well, aren’t I?”
You nodded as well as you could when he was gripping your throat and you couldn’t breathe properly at the moment. It didn’t matter you couldn’t talk. He was probably not expecting you to answer, either way. In a pleasure-induced trance, you closed your eyes and let it happen, like he had asked it from you. Your hazy consciousness barely registered that he was reaching his high with you. Too overcome were you, with your thighs trembling uncontrollably and your back arching off the mattress. He had let go of your neck and was riding out his own orgasm with sloppy thrusts that only sent you into another frenzy and had you whimpering his name softly. When he had finished too, he slowed down and pulled you into a gentle kiss, rubbing his nose against yours sweetly.
“That was amazing,” he said, and with a blissful hum you nodded. Your lips changed into a pout when he rolled off you and got up. You were tired of sending him back home so quickly. As he discarded the condom in the bin, you put on your most enchanting eyes, so he would have no other choice.
“Stay a little longer, please,” you asked. You knew he wanted to, as well. So although he was aware that your brother could return at any moment, he tumbled back into bed with you.
“Just for a little while,” he said. “Mhm…you’re so perfect to cuddle, baby.” His embrace was warm and his scent comforting, as he hummed a lovely melody. The soft touch of his fingers running through your hair lulled you right into a light sleep. You were awoken rather abruptly, and with half a heart attack.
“Hey Y/N, have you seen my charger- “ your brother’s voice suddenly broke through the silence and you wondered if you would have to pack up and leave the country after this sort of embarrassment.
“It’s not what it looks like,” you said, knowing well enough it was the dumbest thing you could have said. But who could blame you? You had only woken up two seconds ago.
“Really?” your brother asked. “Because I hear H/N sneak into our house so often lately, I’m starting to wonder if his parents threw him out.”
His tone was surprisingly calm.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve told you,” H/N said to your brother. “I thought you’d hate me and that we’d be over as friends.”
“I know I told you once to leave Y/N alone. But now…I guess it’s cool. She’s been in a great mood lately, and if that’s thanks to you, I think I can approve of you two. Although I’m not looking forward to being a third wheel, I think I can get used to it if I try hard enough,” your brother said. You couldn’t believe your ears, and involuntarily smiled like a fool. No more hiding. No more secrets.
“I stole your charger. I’m sorry,” you said then, making your brother roll his eyes. “It’s by the sofa in the living room.”
“Great. I needed a reason to leave anyway,” your brother said. “I might approve of you, but this situation is still too awkward. I’ll see you tomorrow, then, H/N?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” the boy in your bed said.
“You’ll see me too!” you added as a joke, as your brother already walked away from the door.
“Unfortunately I will!” your brother shouted, with the unnerving tone only a big brother could possibly muster.
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copperbadge · 3 years
How did you get started with investing? I've seen you talk about it before and I know that's something I need to do, but I feel so lost in terms of which companies to invest in and how much money I should put in. I have retirement accounts but nothing outside of that. And really, I feel like I can't talk to anyone IRL about this because I'm too embarrassed - I'm literally a CPA and do corporate taxes for a living but still find investing to be so intimidating 😞.
I mean, when people say "you should be investing" often, until you reach a certain wealth level, they are actually referring to your 401K. This is more general advice for the readers, but don't feel bad if you're not investing outside of retirement, especially if you're early in your career or if you're in a job where you don't have much disposable income. Don't feel bad in general, honestly, even if you haven't got a retirement fund at all; life is hard and money is necessary but stupid.
I only really started to invest invest in the last two years and even then I'm pretty conservative about it. On the plus, as a CPA, you will probably have a leg up in terms of knowing a lot of financial terms and kind of...understanding how money works in at least some sense.
I actually got started studying investing with my retirement fund. I was young and broke and mad that a chunk of my paycheck was going into my 401K when I could use that money NOW (see Sam Vimes Boots Theory for more on why ready cash now can often beat more cash later). I didn't know much about finance but I knew that a) I was basically being forced to play the financial markets with that money and b) the fate of our country's economy is tied to the stock market which is a mood ring hooked up to a roulette wheel. Being the Oldest Living Millennial I also understood I might not actually ever get to retire, so I decided to treat my retirement fund like Monopoly money: real but meaningless. And so I thought, well, let's Learn About Investing with it.
When you invest with a 401K or IRA usually you're not buying straight stocks; you're buying some conglomeration of investments bundled together as a fund (this is not a technical term, fund has a specific meaning in the technical sense, but it's easier to just use fund as a shorthand so I'm gonna). These can include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other more esoteric vehicles. So I started looking into the funds available to me -- there's the "retire in this year" fund that most people just dump all their money into, but there were also ways to invest in small businesses abroad, in health care or in funds that are "socially responsible", ways to buy into funds that did nothing but attempt to keep up with inflation, and on and on.
I didn't know any of that, of course -- I just saw something like "International Explorer Fund" and decided it sounded interesting and I'd learn what it was and what it did, and when I was satisfied that the reward was worth the risk, I'd dump some cash from my 2045-Retirement investment into it. While "past performance is no indication of future success" past performance isn't a bad way to at least pick something to research, and usually there's an earnings graph on the fund's prospectus page. I'd start reading prospectuses and looking up every word I didn't know or felt had a specific context I was missing (mostly on Investopedia, a GREAT resource). I'd take the term, add it to a vocabulary list, and rewrite "what is this and what does it do" in my own words. Eventually I internalized a lot of the terminology but I still check my notes once in a while.
There are financial literacy courses you can take, of course, and I don't think you should be AT ALL ashamed about trying to find a good one (lots of scams out there) or asking colleagues about them. "Hey, I'm not comfortable with my level of literacy about investment vehicles; do you know of any good educational material or class that would fill in the gaps?" is a good way to go about it. Very few people know jack shit about investing and my level of knowledge is just BARELY above jack shit, to be honest, so no shame, my friend. It is also totally fine to find a financial planner or investment advisor outside of your work and have a sit-down with them to get advice, which is what my parents do. Many banks offer that kind of service, so check with wherever you do your banking, and almost any retirement fund administrator (like Vanguard or American Funds) will be happy to send someone to meet with you and advise you. I was never prouder of my financial self-education than the one time I met with a guy from Vanguard who said, "Basically, keep doing what you're doing, this is a model portfolio."
Once I was investing in my retirement funds more confidently, I got the RobinHood app and started studying stocks, which is really just like, "find a stock and do a book report on it". Look at past earnings, who the CEO of the company is, what their board makeup is like, what they're doing in the news. And of course the most important advice: Never, ever invest money in the stock market that you aren't prepared to lose.
Aside from my stock adventures on RobinHood, which is about five hundred dollars that I turned into a thousand dollars over a couple of years, I have money in a few savings accounts. I don't have CDs or money market accounts or any of that, because I still don't have quite enough cash to make it worth it. I just parked some in a credit union that pays 6% interest on the first $1K you put in, and the rest in Betterment, which had a 2% interest rate when I started but now is down to .3% which is a bummer. But I haven't found another vehicle like Betterment which allows you equally easy access to your money while having as intuitive and modular an online interface.
So overall, aside from retirement (which is at $116K, which seems impressive until you remember you're supposed to retire with 25x your yearly salary in your 401K) I have a grand in the stock market, a grand in a 6%-interest savings account with a credit union, a grand in an emergency-only savings account attached to my checking, and roughly five grand with Betterment. It's a fairly conservative setup but I'd like never to be poor ever again, so I'm hedging carefully :D
Some great resources that I've used include:
Planet Money podcast by NPR and its sister podcast, The Indicator
The Financial page of the newspaper (I used to read NYT, now I read Tribune)
Rankandfiled.com, a free stock filings resource site that basically scrapes the SEC for financial data -- this is for if you really want to do a deep dive once you've got more experience
Good luck! It's a slog at first, but eventually it gets kinda fun :)
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
53 from the angst list for Spencer (either Moreid, Hotchreid or y/n whichever you want)
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gif by eyelovemgg
Pairing: Reid x reader
Warnings!: Angst, Death, Readers death, more angst, kinda graphic, literally the entire fic is angst, sorry guys
Promt: Angst #53 Dying Confession
Authors Note: AHH, I have never written for Reid before, I'm so sorry if this is bad.
Spencer Reid was a smart man. Well, he was more than smart, he was a genius. With an IQ of 187, the guy had 3 bachelors degrees and 3 PhDs. But he was absolutely clueless when it came to social cues, or even flirting. You would know, you've been trying for months.
You had fallen for Reid rather quickly when you think about it. Most people would probably have gone for Derek Morgan. But Reid captured your attention the moment you had met him.
His hair had fallen over his eyes and he, of course, didn't shake your hand. You knew he was a genius the moment he spewed off a fact about the book he could see peeking out of your bag. Being almost the same age you became fast friends, which led to the development of feelings. Which led to the pining, and the flirting with the oblivious man. Which eventually all led to the moment you were in now.
The unsub was pointing his gun at his latest victim. She was shaking and sobbing as the man held the gun to her forehead. You were desperately trying to talk him down, but he wasn't listening. Suddenly Reid stepped forward, and a flash the gun was pointed at him. The unsub pulled the trigger and Reid waited for the pain, but it never came. Another shot went off causing Reid to open his eyes as he watched you fall to the ground, the unsub soon joining you.
"No, no, no, no!" Spencer fell to his knees leaning over you instantly applying pressure to your wound. You yelled out in pain.
"Why would you do that?" He said to you angrily. "Reckless and stupid. Why?" He applied more pressure to your wound trying to stop the bleeding.
"Noo, please, it h-hurts." You slurred out. Spencer's face softened. He didn't know what to do, he tried comforting you the best he could.
"I know, but I need you to hold on. Hotch and Morgan are almost here. EMTs are almost here, just hold on." You tried taking a breath, but a sharp pain erupted from your chest. You knew you didn't have much longer.
"M'sorry Spence." You breathing began to slow, it was barely there. "I love you, I always have." Tears filled you eyes.
"Y/n, I love you too. So you can't leave. We-we have to be together." He pulled you impossibly tighter, applying more pressure.
"Tell me." You coughed, red seeping out of your mouth. "Tell me about-" you cut off into another cough, but he understood what you meant.
"We can go to a nice restaurant, eat a delicious meal, or we could stay in and relax, watching your favorite movie, dirty dancing, of course." This earned a laugh from you, as best you could. "We'll go out for a year or two until I work up the nerve to propose. You'll of course say yes and we'll get married in the fall, your favorite time of year. Hotch will ealk you down the aisle because he's like the father you never had. Then we'll have kids, 1 or 2, maybe more. And we'll eventually retire from the BAU and grow old together." The tears were cascading down his face now.
"S-sounds bueatiful Spence." He could tell you were leaving. You couldn't hold on much longer. So he made you comfortable, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his lap.
"We'll wake up in each other's arms everyday." He paused leaning down to press his lips to yours for the first and last time. "And we'll give eachother soft kisses as we wake up." You smiled up at him. It was time.
"I love you." Your eyes drifted shut as your chest deflated. He felt your body grow cold, it was almost lighter. And he knew you were gone.
He let out a heartbreaking noise and pulled your body closer. He cried and cried and cried.
And that's how the team found him. Hunched over you, the woman he loved. Hotch almost couldn't handle it, seeing the girl he thought of as a daughter lying on the ground, dead.
The worst part is they all knew how you and Reid felt about eachother. And they all knew how this would tear Reid apart. They all knew how heartbroken he was.
You were gone, and there was nothing they could do to fix it.
Oh my gosh, I swear I cried writing this. Hope you guys like it. Like I said its my first Reid fic so any feedback is super appreciated.
Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years
Hallo! I return! I loved the Jay/Reader post so much!!!! I wanna keep the Jay love ball rolling with a new ask!
Possibly Jay/Reader headcannon/oneshot about Reader being a game creator? They love showing Jay their work and let him have first dibs on demos and builds they make! A particular game they're in the middle of making has the hero bearing a striking resemblance to the Master of Lightning...
lol this reminds me of these headcanons where reader plays video games. Just a few headcanons, then a small oneshot at the bottom like last time, I assume?
Player's Creator
You met each other at a video game convention. "No way, you're the creator behind Skippy Punch?!" He was so excited to meet you, that you were sure someone was just trying to pull a prank on you. After all, you just built a small platformer game about punching bad guys and barely charged anything for it. You had a small stall to yourself where you answered questions.
To your surprise, Jay was genuinely excited to see you. He told you he liked to support younger game making studios, since the bigger ones would get lazy in their game making once they built a loyal fanbase. "But you, you're genuine!" He told you.
From that day on, he found your social media and started to message you, and you found yourself actually asking for advice from him on what to add to your next game, Skippy Punch 2. "Oh, I can hire animators for you if you want to add cutscenes!" "But Jay, where would you get the money?" "Did I ever tell you I was a TV show host? I have plenty!"
Within a few years, and with your best friend's help, you had gathered a small team, and made a studio of your own; Zippy Studios. You wouldn't admit it, but maybe the lightning master had a little to do with the inspiration behind the name.
When a bigger company offered to buy out your studio for a large sum of money, plus 5% of the profits, Jay was surprised when you turned them down. "We're a small studio because we don't care about money or profits. We care about making a livable wage while creating games with our full effort, because we like making games people want to play." You explained.
So you and your studio of 10 people would continue cranking out well made and lovable games, with your new, loving boyfriend at your side.
You sighed happily, pulling the flash drive out of your computer. "Thanks Ty, I'll tell you what happens tomorrow."
Said coworker in front of you chuckled, "I don't know why you can't do it like a normal person."
"Shh! I dunno, I just...wanted it to be special, you know?"
They nod. "Okay, okay. But if it doesn't work I don't want you to be sad. There are lots of ways to do it."
"Uh huh. Okay, see you tomorrow!" You waved and left the room, heading home.
"Jay!" You cheered, hugging him when you got home. There haven't been any missions for him lately, so he was free to stay at your house until he was needed again, or when he needed to train, but that was while you were at work, anyway. "I've got a new game for you to play!" You held up the flash drive, waving it in front of him before downloading the game into the computer.
"Already? But your last game was just a month ago. How did you make one so quickly?"
"Ep-pep-pep! Shhh! Just play!" You were quite literally bouncing with excitement; how could he resist?
He started the game, smiling at the blue character in the center of the screen. "This guy looks pretty familiar." He smirks. You don't reply, and he continues playing. He laughs when he finds out he can shoot electricity from his hands by pressing the button you usually assigned the attack button. A message popped up asking him to collect the hearts and defeat the monsters. He went around doing as he was told, "gee, (Y/N), this seems pretty simple, even for a demo."
You giggled like an excited little kid, "no, it's a finished game. You just gotta get to the end."
"If you say so." He killed all the enemies then went around the level collecting the hearts. When he did, a new character appeared on the screen, one that looked like you. It began to talk.
"Jay, We've known each other for a long, 7 years, huh? And we've been dating each other for 5 of them. I know playing games means just as much to you as making games means to me. It's like we were meant for each other, doesn't it seem that way? You've been there for me from the very start, and I'm glad for it. And I want to be there for you for the rest of it. Jay..."
His head shot up as he whipped around to face you on one knee. "Will you marry me?" You asked, ring in your hands.
He let out a small gasp, then screamed excitedly, "yes, (Y/N), of course I will!" He began to laugh and scooped you up, spinning you around tightly in his arms. "I was, haha, I was actually gonna propose to you over the weekend at a fancy restaurant, but your idea is so much cooler." He gushes. "I have the coolest partner! The coolest future spouse!"
"Oh," you grinned, "give me the ring! I wanna match." You slip his ring on his finger first, then let him scamper off into your shared bedroom to grab the ring he was going to propose to you with and put it on your finger as well.
The two of you chuckled, holding your fingers to each others to compare. "We got each other the same ring."
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stayndays · 4 years
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𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐬! - 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧
part of my anime!skz series, this story is based off of “Toradora!” and will include spoilers on the plot of the show.
genres & tropes: fluff, minor angst (mostly at the end), high school au, love triangle/square, enemies & neighbors to lovers au, tsundere!jeongin (i guess?), gender neutral reader, reader is misunderstood as a cold person
disclaimers: drowning (but no death), mentions of rumor spreading & outcasting, mentions of anxious feelings/actual anxiety, one or two swear words, i have not proofread this so if the last few episodes seem really wonky that’s why
word count: 11k... we don’t comment on that
summary: “Y/L/N Y/N. Yang Jeongin. Kim “Chuu” Jiwoo. Kim Seungmin. You like Seungmin, Jeongin likes Chuu. You’re best friends with Chuu, Jeongin’s best friends with Seungmin. You don’t like Jeongin, but you know about each other’s crush. It’s time to play a game of Cupid, while being struck with Cupid’s arrow yourself.”
a/n: happy valentines day and belated jeongin day! this is the first story i’ve decided to tackle for my anime!skz series as well, so i get to hit three birds with one stone with this fic. also, i decided to take out a couple elements in the original anime (such as the addition of a character that’s like ami, taiga’s family issues, and some events) just so it’s simpler and totally not because i’m on a time crunch. i hope you enjoy reading this! <3
taglist: @skzwriternet​ @dayawantstosleep​ @desertofdessert​ @mr-jisung​ @dreamylunarnight​ (sorry if i forgot you i’m running on 0.2 braincells)
anime!skz masterlist is here!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Episode 1: Collision Course
“Psst, look over there!”
“Huh? What?”
“The fennec fox is about to face off against the dark delinquent!”
You turn to face the two students after overhearing the words “dark delinquent”, making the duo back away in fear. Cursing your parents who gave you these intimidating genes, you heave out a breath out of annoyance, and continue walking down the hallway.
Alas, maybe your appearance is the reason why people never approach you unless it’s absolutely necessary. You still manage to give off this dark atmosphere despite how much you try to change your appearance. 
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” your best friend, Chuu, attempts to reassure you. “It’s only the first day of school! You still have an entire school year to prove them wrong.”
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t envy your best friend, who basically embodies the definition of the sun. Always smiling and having a positive attitude regarding the situation, you just so happened to be the exact opposite of her. Boys are constantly crushing on her, she’s one of the most popular girls of your year, but she just so happens to be buddies with you. 
“Oh, watch out Y/N!” Distracted by your thoughts, you process Chuu’s warning just a second too late, and collide with a particularly tall boy, somehow smacking your face right into the torso part of his male school uniform. The force manages to knock the both off you to the ground, sending your papers flying all over the place. 
Oh, that’s right. That’s what the two girls were talking about. You’ve heard rumors of who this “fennec fox” person is, and how he has a really bad temper when you push his gears. But this guy you just bumped into? A fennec fox?
You guess you can see some resemblance of a fox in his facial structure, but his figure literally towered over you, making you feel like an ant standing next to a tree. The small crowd of passing students trying their absolute least to hold in their giggles make you feel even smaller, your neck growing hot because of how embarrassed you are.
“Watch where you’re going next time!” the boy scolds you, brushing off the paper that landed on top of his head. His voice makes you flinch slightly, and it’s only in that moment that you realize the rumors, so far at least, were true. 
“Er, sorry,” you quietly mumble out, scratching the side of your face. He definitely looks pissed, you thought, smoke practically fuming out of the guy’s ears. “Here, I’ll help you gather your stuff.” 
“I’ll help you guys out, too!” you hear a familiar voice, and meet the eyes belonging to a face you know all too well. 
Kim Seungmin: your secret crush that nobody truly knows about (you’ve tried approaching the topic to Chuu multiple times, only to be interrupted by her other friends). He’s the vice president of your school, a role he’s gained through the student body president herself. The definition of hardworking and kind at the same time, who would you be not to fall for a guy like him?
Your breath gets caught up in your throat as you try to answer him. “Oh- Uh- Thank you, Seungmin.”
“Of course! Wouldn’t hurt to help out my best friend, too,” Seungmin replies.
Best friend?
“Thanks..” the boy simply mumbles in response, and you almost did a double take on what you just heard. Seungmin and this guy... best friends? Before you can dwell on it long enough, however, you’re already being pulled to your feet by Chuu, and your papers are back in your hands. 
“Let’s go, Y/N!” Chuu beams with enthusiasm, and you could only afford a small smile in return. “Say, which class are you two in this year?”
“2-A,” the boy answers in a composed manner, the anger he released on you must’ve vanished by now, and you could almost see the pink dust coating his face. “What about you, Chuu?” 
You can’t even process the way the guy completely skipped over you to only ask Chuu personally before you blurt out, 
“We’re in the same class?!”
Episode 2: A Bold Strategy 
Bad news: your love letter is gone. 
That bastard fox dude, Jeongin, you learned his name was, must’ve taken it when you bumped into him in the morning. Not that you blame him entirely, because how could you remember to grab your letter in the ocean of textbooks and notebook paper?
Good news: you have his own love letter.
Why good news? Well, that just means he’s in the exact same boat as you, and now you can call yourself even with him. An exchange of love letters, it almost makes your heart calm down for a split second.
Until you read who the letter was addressed to.
There’s no way in hell this guy could get with your best friend. Jeongin, based off of first impressions, is a literal firecracker (who, for some reason, shouts at people he just met), while Chuu is a ball of sunshine. You don’t blame him, though, as almost every male classmate you’ve had has taken some sort of interest in her at some point, and you guess he’s no exception.
Then again, you’re in the same situation as him, crushing on somebody way out of your league.
While Seungmin is a star student, always willing to help people out and socialize, you’re a total outcast who can barely get average grades in school. Seungmin just so happened to be one of two (the other being Chuu) who’s approached you willingly, and that’s why you fell for him. That charming smile of his, and his caring nature. It was all too much for you.
As you thought about it more, flipping Jeongin’s love letter to Chuu between the flesh of your fingers, it’s not a terrible idea to help out Jeongin. He may currently have a 0% chance of getting with Chuu, but if you succeed and play a bit of matchmaking, he could return the favor to you.
You like his best friend, he likes your best friend...
You gently rip open the envelope encasing Jeongin’s letter, and start reading.
Episode 3: The Cupid Game Begins
“Uh, Jeongin-” you tap the boy’s shoulder once, which was conveniently right in front of your desk. He continues to talk to the people around him, which makes you tap his shoulder harder.
Jeongin whips his head around to meet your calm eyes, only turning slightly frightened when you flinch at his sudden movement. “Wha- Ah! What do you want?” He says in an aggravated tone.
“Sorry,” you apologize quickly for making him jump, not wanting to cause another scene like yesterday. “I just need to talk to you about something for a few minutes.”
Jeongin lets out a groan, fixing his position so he can look behind him more comfortably. “What exactly do you want to talk about?”
“Something I’m sure you don’t want your friends to hear,” you respond casually, picking at the skin on your fingers. The boy’s eyes visibly perk up at your reasoning, and finally nods. “Thanks,” you say to him and stand up, pushing in your seat.
“Careful Jeongin!”
“Fight back if they hit you!”
You let out a deep sigh at the comments directed towards you, not even bothering to shoot them a glance in response. It’ll only make the rumors worse, you think as you walk out of the classroom, Jeongin trailing behind your footsteps after closing the door.
The hallway was silent once you stepped out of your class, no longer hearing the chattering of your fellow classmates about the latest gossip and homework. You could only hear your very own footsteps, along with Jeongin’s feet, which were behind you. Once the two of you made your way to the vending machines near the school stairs, you take out the coin you were holding in your hand and insert it into one of the machines.
“Which drink do you want?” you ask the boy without turning to face him, fishing out another coin in your mini wallet.
“The melon one-” Jeongin does a double take, not believing what he heard as he watches you insert another coin into the vending machine. “Wait, why are you buying a drink for me?” He questions your antics, slowly sliding down the wall to sit on the floor.
You stick your hand into the machine to grab Jeongin’s drink, making eye contact with him as you hand it over. “Why not? Is there a reason I should be buying you a drink?”
“Well, I mean,” Jeongin scratches the back of his neck in confusion. “Aren’t you supposed to be... a delinquent?”
You chuckle at his explanation, “Does that mean you’re a fox? Our nicknames in this school are only based off of our appearances, isn’t that funny?” Joining him on the floor, you crack open your own drink. “So no, I’m not a delinquent, and I’ll never be one.”
“That’s not what I’m here to talk about anyways,” you don’t bother to check Jeongin’s facial expressions as you continue, starting to take out his envelope before you’re stopped by him.
“Wait! I have something to give you too,” Jeongin stops your movement, slipping out something from his pocket as well.
“Is this yours?” 
You both say at the same time, revealing each other’s envelopes. There’s yours, with a tacky, red heart sticker stamped onto the envelope to seal it. Then there’s Jeongin’s, with only the word “To: Chuu” on the back.
Jeongin quickly snatches his letter from your hand, and quickly throws your own onto your lap. “Uh, thanks for returning it. You didn’t- Give it to Chuu for her to read... right?”
“Of course not.”
“And you didn’t read what’s inside?”
“..You got me there, I’ll admit it,” you chuckle slightly, raising your hands in defeat as your face starts to grow hot. Jeongin hums a bit, surprisingly not even a tad bit angry at your confession.
“Well,” Jeongin leans back against the wall. “I guess we’re even then.”
“What?!” you exclaim in surprise. “I mean- Yeah, cool. Actually, this works out perfectly.”
“I have a proposal for you,” you start. “We both like each other’s best friend, right? So we could be each other’s wingman and try to get with our crush. It’ll just take a bit of cooperation, though.”
Jeongin scoffs, “You made me look like a fool on the first day of school, why should I?”
“Well, besides being the apparent ‘delinquent’ of this school, I’d say I’m quite good at matchmaking thanks to Chuu, a cupid, you could almost say,” you cross your arms in defense. “Then again, since I’ve already read your sappy love letter to Chuu, I could always tell her that-”
“Fine!” Jeongin finally gives in. “I’m in, I’m in. I have absolutely no idea how I could get somebody like Seungmin to like somebody like you, but if you’re able to get me and Chuu into a relationship, I’ll try my best to play cupid. Okay?”
“I’m just going to ignore that comment about me and take it,” you shrug, standing up after checking the clock on the wall. “I’ll give you my address on a piece of paper later, so we could meet up and start planning.”
“Yeah, sure,” Jeongin follows your actions, standing up and tossing his drink into the trash can. 
“Remind me to pay you back for the drink, by the way.”
Episode 4: His Angelic Neighbor
“How ironic.”
“How ironic, indeed,” Jeongin agrees with you, the two of you standing at the entrance of Eda Apartments Complex, your backpacks on your back.
The studio apartment complex the both of you just so happen to live in, that is.
Part of you is relieved that you live near Jeongin, so maybe you could get to know him better (not as a friend, of course, but to see if Chuu would actually like him), and of course to work out your cupid plans together. However, the other part of you is confused as to why you’ve never even seen him around your apartment until now. 
These thoughts run through your head as Jeongin leads you to his apartment, walking up a lengthy three flights of stairs, as opposed to your usual two. 
When he’s about to open the door to his place, Jeongin turns around to face you, key in hand. “Whatever you do, don’t comment about my place.”
“Okay...?” you comply with an incredibly confused tone, but it seems to be enough for Jeongin, as he swings the door open.
Soda cans upon soda cans are messily piled up near a trash can, which was overflowing with paper plates and tissues. His bed, which is in the corner of the room (which, to be fair, it’s a studio apartment, and you have the same bed layout as him), wasn’t even made, and what you could assume to be a dining table had leftover Chinese takeout boxes on it.
When you peered into the sink after reluctantly placing your belongings near the door, it’s almost clogged up with muck and filth, making a shiver run down your spine. Not to mention, when you asked Jeongin if you could have a drink from the fridge, all your eyes could see were frozen meals & rows of soda and juice. How long has Jeongin been living this way?
“Uhm, hate to mention this to you,” you close the fridge gently after grabbing a can of soda. “but your place is really-”
“What did I say to you before I opened the door?” Jeongin fires back before you could finish.
You stay silent.
“Exactly. Now can we please start talking about our ‘Cupid Plans’ as you like to refer to it?” Jeongin raises an eyebrow at you, taking out the items in his backpack. 
“It’s a cute name, okay?” you respond, making your way to the table as Jeongin pushes the takeout boxes to the side. “And we’ll be studying too, we have a quiz tomorrow, remember?”
“I’ll rather do the studying later,” Jeongin. “So what does Chuu like?”
“Hmm...” it takes you a moment to think about what your best friend likes when it comes to love, which is a bit strange, because you’d think you’d know what Chuu likes after watching people confess to her after all these years. “I think she’d prefer something planned? Even extravagant, if you really push it. She likes plushies and small gifts.”
“What about Seungmin?” you ask Jeongin.
It also takes Jeongin a second to come up with an answer. “He’s always been into nerdy, yet bubbly people, I guess? Since you’re so antisocial, though, he probably won’t like somebody like you right now.”
“Wow, thanks.”
“I’m only trying to help!”
The conversation shifts slightly, and to your surprise, flows well despite your polar opposite personality. You and Jeongin discuss possible ideas as to how both of you could help each other out while studying for your upcoming quiz. 
“And for equation 17, would it be-” you lift your head up from your math textbook, only to see Jeongin using his arm as a pillow and sleeping on his own book. You blink a couple times in disbelief, but remember that you’ve been over at his house for a little over three hours at this point. Shrugging, you gently close your textbook and decide to call it a day at Jeongin’s place.
But then you go back to your senses and remember how filthy of an apartment you’ve been at this entire time. The more you look at your surroundings, the more you desire to clean up the place.
A neat freak, that’s what everybody calls you. It’s what your mom taught you all throughout your childhood, and it’s a trait you’ve kept until now.
Your mind goes into autopilot mode as you start moving around his place left and right. Somehow, you were able to find a box of plastic gloves stored in the back of the sink cabinet, so you put a pair on and start cleaning. Tying up garbage bags and cleaning out the sink, you also make the effort to place the leftover Chinese food into the fridge after checking if it’s spoiled or not. Most people would stare at you in confusion, but you shake your head at the thought, only hoping that Jeongin would at least appreciate your efforts. 
By the end of your cleaning session, you could now call the studio apartment an apartment, and not some kind of swamp. Pleased at your work, you take out one of your notebooks and rip out a piece of paper, grabbing a pencil along the way. You write a quick note for Jeongin to read when he wakes up:
“Cleaned up your place while you were asleep, I could also cook for you and teach you how to cook? (Chuu likes food) text me: xxx-xxx-xxxx”
Swinging your backpack onto your pack, you leave his apartment and make your way to your own.
Later that night, your phone dings with a message from an unknown number.
[Unknown: i’m so tired of frozen meals and takeout, please cook for me (and teach me how)]
Episode 5: However
“Here’s your lunch, Yang,” you pass your spare lunchbox to the seat in front of you, which Jeongin takes gratefully. Chuu, who was making her way over to the seat next to you, catches sight of your interaction with Jeongin.
“Y/N’s food is good, isn’t it Jeongin?” Chuu strikes up a conversation right away, leaving Jeongin flustered, and most likely burning hot.
“Y-Yeah, it is.”
“Say, you two have been talking a lot lately,” Chuu starts talking as you tilt your head up to take a sip of your drink. “Have you two been, or should I say, has Y/N finally gotten a-”
You choke on your drink, almost spitting it all over Jeongin’s back before catching yourself. Jeongin has almost the same reaction as you, only choking on the food you prepared for him instead. It had only been two weeks of school; two weeks of talking to Jeongin solely about each other’s crush, and yet Chuu believes that you two have something going on.
“Absolutely not, Chuu.”
“Yeah, no way.”
You exchange a glare with Jeongin, almost in a panicked manner. If Chuu believes that you two are dating, that would practically be the end of your chances to be with Seungmin, same going for Jeongin with Chuu.
“Alrighty then, I trust you two,” Chuu leans back in the chair she’s sitting on, before promptly getting up and making her way to the door of the classroom. “I’m gonna use the bathroom.”
As soon as she closes the door, Jeongin immediately leans over to your desk, ignoring his bento box. “We have to do something about what Chuu said.”
“Duh, there’s no way we could let her think that about us,” you agree with him. “What are some solutions? We could try to be more distant with each other, which honestly I don’t think either of us would mind too much. I could simply tell Chuu that we aren’t even close friends, or-”
“You need to confess to Seungmin,” Jeongin bluntly tells you, catching you off guard. 
“What- why would I do that?!” you almost yell at the boy in front of his face. His plan is all kinds of crazy, you would’ve never thought of it yourself.
“You’ve known Seungmin longer than I’ve known Chuu, so you have a lower risk of being rejected. And if you actually end up dating Seungmin, then Chuu would know that us two aren’t a couple,” Jeongin crosses his arms over his chest. “It’s a win-win situation.”
You scoff, “And if I get rejected?”
“I’ll like- I don’t know, buy you ice cream?” Jeongin attempts to persuade you, to which you sigh as a response. 
“I guess I’ll trust you on this.”
The day passes by without a hitch, to your utter shock, as the churning in your stomach says otherwise. The thought of impulsively confessing to your long time crush makes you feel lightheaded and dizzy, as it was something you’ve never done before. However, your stubbornness is refusing you to back down from Jeongin’s wild plan, so here you are, face to face with Seungmin at the roof of the school.
“Erm- So-”
“The weather is pretty nice today, isn’t it Y/N?” Seungmin casually breaks the ice wall between you two.
The sudden question catches you off guard. “Ah, yes.. yes it is...” Already, you could feel the heat rising up your body, even when the weather today was particularly cloudy. “Uhm, I brought you here to tell you something, Seungmin.”
“Oh, what is it?” Seungmin seems surprised at your statement, but the voice in your head tells you otherwise. He’s smart enough to look through people, you know that already, so why are you trying to hide your feelings when you’re already this far?
It’s time to take a leap of faith, you think, as you take in a large breath before telling him everything. “Uh, you see.. I’ve always appreciated you ever since you approached me that one day. Nobody’s ever done that for me except for you and Chuu, and because of that I think you’re a.. great person... What- What I’m trying to say here is-”
“I like you, Seungmin.”
You tilt your head downwards, almost in shame as you play with your fingers anxiously. Letting out a shaky exhale, you can’t believe that you just confessed all of those things to your own crush. Your heart beating a thousand miles a second, it felt like you were about to explode from either embarrassment or anticipation; quite possibly even both at the same time.
“You, know, Y/N..” Seungmin starts to chuckle, grabbing onto his left wrist with his right hand.
“I used to like you.”
That made you look back up at him in shock, blinking a couple times out of disbelief. “Really?!”
Seungmin simply hums, confirming what he just stated. “That’s why I approached you in the first place. There was something about you that drew me into talking to you. And of course, you didn’t disappoint me,” he flashes you a comforting smile, but it soon goes away at his next word.
Seungmin leaves you hanging after that one word: however. His mouth opens and closes, most likely trying to come up with the right words to say. You wobble your feet back and forth, becoming more and more impatient.
But then, he says something. A simple, ten word sentence. Not a compound nor a complex sentence. Easy for a little kid to understand.
“I hope we can be good friends in the future.” 
And yet it cracks your heart.
In a blink of an eye, Seungmin has disappeared from your view. An unexpected wind blows through your body, almost feeling like a comforting pat on the back after being rejected; friend-zoned. 
You make your way to the front of the school, dragging your feet in a lazy manner. Jeongin’s head perks up when he nears footsteps, only to gaze down at your slumped figure. Letting out a deep exhale, you give Jeongin a glare that could cut him in half; one of disappointment and exhaustion.
“You owe me ice cream.”
The ice cream place is about two blocks away from your apartment complex, decorated in obnoxious pastel colors that make your eyes squint. Jeongin is relatively quiet throughout your walk there, only offering to carry your backpack if it’s too heavy for you, to which you declined quietly. You can feel the burn of his eyes on top of your head, anticipating for you to let out a scream in anger, but you’re simply not that kind of person. 
You remain deep in thought even when you sit down, grabbing a menu to cover your face. Jeongin’s eyes remain on your figure, and you wonder if he’s actually, genuinely, worried for you.
“Er, what do you want to order?” Jeongin asks you in an attempt to break the tension. “I’ll pay, since you seem a bit heartbroken right now-”
“Hi, welcome 901 Freeze Treats Parlor-” you look up from the menu at the sound of a familiar, cheery voice.
You forgot Chuu works here.
And you forgot to tell Jeongin that information.
“Oh, Y/N! And Jeongin, hi guys,” Chuu flashes a grin at the both of you, and you can’t help but smile and almost giggle at how Jeongin grows beetroot red. She’s sporting a pair of pigtails in her hair, and the striped uniform topped with a cute hat on top. “What can I get you guys?” “I’ll- I’ll get the banana split Chuu!” Jeongin exclaims a bit too loud, attracting the rest of the customers at the parlor. Chuu, although a bit confused, seems to enjoy Jeongin’s enthusiasm for ice cream and writes down the order.
You set down the menu and point to what you want with a hum, to which Chuu bends forward slightly in order to see what you want. “You always order that, Y/N! Don’t you want to try something else?”
“I’m good, Chuu, thanks,” you give her a gentle smile, praying that she won’t comment about how tired and defeated you look. Fortunately for you, she leaves you alone, and you’re left back with just Jeongin.
“How have my letters been doing?” Jeongin blurts out before he could stop himself, covering his mouth with one of his hands soon after. “I- I mean, I shouldn’t.. really ask when you’re sad.. but I mean I might as well ask you since we just talked to her, right? Sorry-”
“They’re doing good, she likes them a lot,” you reply softly to the frantic boy, and he lets out a sigh of relief at your answer. You’ve spent the past few weeks helping Jeongin write love letters to Chuu, even decorating them with cute stickers. For once, your writing skills can come into play, and you haven’t let Jeongin down yet. “And it’s okay, my head is just in the clouds. At least he let me down gently.”
“What exactly did he say?” Jeongin eggs you on, wanting you to elaborate further.
“Something along the lines of us being good friends in the future,” you explain to him. “He even said that he used to like me, but I don’t know-”
“Then you still have a chance, right?” Jeongin doesn’t wait for you to finish your sentence before jumping in. “He left the door wide open for you to walk into, or- something like that at least. And, now thinking about it, I actually do think he used to like you.”
You roll your eyes, “You’re only saying that to make me feel better about this.”
“No, really! He mentioned that he liked somebody quiet and mysterious, and that he was gravitated towards that person. He told me that he would approach that person someday. It must’ve been you! I’ve known Seungmin for years, and this is one of two times he’s told me about his crushes,” Jeongin carries on with his own explanation. “So, in conclusion, I still believe it’s possible to win over his heart.”
Your lips press into a thin line, “You sure? Like, you’re absolutely positive about this?”
Jeongin nods, and for the first time since you’ve met him, he sends you a genuinely positive smile. It’s not like the annoyed snarks or the cheeky smirks he gives you all the time, but rather, something you could find comfort in. Just like Seungmin’s smile.
“Okay then, I’ll trust you.”
Episode 6: Swimming Lessons 
“Did you guys hear that the school’s swimming pool is opening next week?” A masculine voice you know all too well, yet you wish you didn’t at the same time, is heard from behind your back. Seungmin locks eyes with you as he tosses an arm around Jeongin’s shoulder while you continue walking down the hallway. 
It’s all too weird in your opinion that Seungmin is actually even friendlier after rejecting you. Because, shouldn’t the two of you be distant for at least a week or two? You guess that’s just not how Seungmin operates, then, as he dove right back into talking with you after that dreadful day on the school rooftop. 
“Yeah, Seung!” Jeongin answers with a joyful tone, giving you the chance to break your eye contact with Seungmin. You, on the other hand, were not a swimmer whatsoever.
Being submerged into a body of water to the point where your toes can’t reach the ground has never been ideal for you. Any kind of physical action required to even survive in the water is off putting in your option, so you’ve always stuck to dipping your feet into the water and nothing else.
But you guess that changes starting today.
“You know Seungmin,” Jeongin starts to say, “Y/N is actually a pretty good swimmer! I think they could even beat you in a swimming race.”
Your head jumps up in surprise, eyes widening when Jeongin turns to you. He mumbles the words “trust me” before going back to Seungmin. How many times will you have to trust Jeongin and his crazy schemes?
“Oh, really?”
Jeongin hums in confirmation, ignoring the side nudges coming from you. 
“Then we should race once the pool opens, Y/N!” Seungmin suggests with visible excitement beaming from his face. 
Your gut immediately tells you to deny, but then you have to consider Jeongin’s “trust me.” He seems fairly confident that everything would work out, so is the risk worth the possible reward?
“Oh- Uhm... Sure! Sure, let’s.. let’s race, yeah,” you manage to let out before you could change your mind. “Just give me time to prepare, I, uh, haven’t swam in a while.”
“Of course!” Seungmin grins. “Let’s do it in two weeks, okay?
All you could respond with is a nod, which Seungmin takes without anymore questions. He bids the both of you well, and makes a left to the student council room. 
You feel like a puddle of mush, waiting to collapse onto the tile floor of the school hallway. “I. Hate. You,” you scowl harshly at Jeongin.
“What?” Jeongin is caught off guard at your sudden hostility. “You never mentioned that you were afraid of the pool, and I don’t think it’s that bad of an idea. This is your chance to impress Seungmin!”
You scratch your head in confusion and denial. “Isn’t this a bit much, though? And who’s going to teach me how to swim?”
“You could always get me back with any ridiculous idea on how to get Chuu to like me,” Jeongin suggests to you. “And I’ll teach you, I’m a decent swimmer.”
“Sure, sure. Thanks for the idea, by the way,” you comment with a smirk, watching as Jeongin’s expression turns into one of regret.
“Now, teach me how to swim.”
An entire two weeks pass, and with those two weeks, comes the opening of the school pool. Although the vast majority of your classmates are genuinely excited to get a chance to cool down in the recent, scorching weather, you’re visibly less enthusiastic about it. You still try to keep a smile on your face with Seungmin is around though, so he doesn’t see through the lie Jeongin spontaneously made up.
“Y/N!” Chuu approaches you after exiting the changing room near the pool; you’ve already changed prior to her. “Your race with Seungmin is today, right? I see you’re all decked out in floaties.”
“Yeah, I’m just, uh- using them for safety purposes.” you give her a short and sweet response due to the churning in your stomach after being reminded of the event happening today. It’s a shame that your entire class knows what’s going down in just a few minutes, because they’re all anticipating your match with Seungmin. “The Delinquent vs The Student Pet” is what they’ve dubbed the match.
Also, Seungmin was generous enough to add onto the rules that floats were allowed to be used. So now you have floats all around your figure: some attached onto you, some you have to hold. 
“Hey Y/N-” Jeongin stops walking towards you after noticing Chuu, her hair in a braid and only wearing a casual swimsuit. “Oh- Hi Chuu!”
Chuu acknowledges Jeongin’s presence, but quickly turns back to you. “I hope you win the race, Y/N. I have faith that you could do it!”
“Y-Yeah Y/N! We didn’t train all for nothing,” Jeongin adds onto Chuu’s comment. Thankfully, although Chuu doesn’t even know that you couldn’t swim prior to now, she doesn’t question Jeongin’s extra addition of training. “Let’s head over to the start of the pool? Seungmin’s already there, I’m just here to fetch Y/N.”
“Okay! I’m referee as well, so I have to be there too,” Chuu claims, and the three 
Seungmin turns around from a group of boys to greet you, “Hey, Y/N! Ready for our match?
“H-Hey Seungmin,” you greet him with a friendly, yet shy tone, along with a nod.
“Okay!” Chuu gathers everybody’s attention with just the sound of her voice. “We’re here today to watch the race of Y/N vs Seungmin. On the count of three, I’ll blow my whistle and they’ll start swimming. You must go to the end of the pool, and right back to where we are right now. Ready?”
“Also, just to calm your nerves a bit,” Seungmin whispers to just you right before the race begins.
“I already know that you didn’t know how to swim before this. It’s okay if you fail, I’ll make sure nobody makes fun of you. Just stay safe, okay?”
Your breath hitches for a split second, but before you can fully process what Seungmin just confessed to you, the whistle blows. 
Seungmin dives into the water head first, while you jump in measly with your feet touching the water before the rest of your body. By the time you’re able to start kicking your legs, Seungmin is already ahead of you, so you push against the wall using your feet and start doggy paddling. It’s quite pathetic, and you’re sure that’s what everybody is thinking as they watch you swim, but it doesn’t matter at this point. 
Or does it?
Because while you’re swimming across the pool, your brain just had to remind yourself about what Seungmin said seconds before the race started. He already knew you couldn’t swim, so it’s not really about impressing him anymore. 
Then again, it’s not necessarily about winning, but about showing Seungmin that you’re dedicated enough to try new things to have fun with him.
That’s why it matters now.
However, it feels like you’re sinking.
Throughout the race, you’ve lost float after float, and now you only have the two floats that wrap around your arms. The water is slowly starting to touch your lips, and falling into a standing position, making your situation even worse. Your heart pounds faster and faster in a panicked frenzy, struggling to comprehend what to do.
Thankfully, cupid comes to rescue you.
He jumps into the pool like a lifeguard, placing his hands near your armpits before pulling you out of the water with a surprising amount of strength. Despite the midst of chaos you were put in, you’re able to hear cheers and applauds, signaling that Seungmin must’ve finished the race. Once again, you’re left to vanish, with the only other misunderstood student to help you.
You feel the surface of the concrete outside of the pool on your bottom as you cough out water. Yet, Jeongin is nowhere in your sight.
That’s when you realized. He’s submerged under the water.
You assume that he must’ve lost energy while saving you, resulting in the two of you swapping places. Eyes widening at the sight, you sprint across the flooring of the pool site, screaming your lungs out for somebody to help.
“Shit!” you curse yourself when you finally get the an adult’s attention after being unable to get a classmate to help you. All of your classmates ended up next to Seungmin, aka, the opposite end of where you stopped swimming. It’s only when the teacher pulls Jeongin’s unconscious body out of the water for it to lay down that it grabs everybody’s attention, swarming to see what was happening.
That’s when you snap.
“I’m disappointed in all of you right now!” you scold all of your classmates, something you’d never think you’d get the courage to do until now. “All of you were focused on that stupid race, but you never bothered to check on Jeongin. He could’ve died because of your ignorance! I hope you all know that.”
After leaving your classmates’ mouths agape, you storm out of the crowd, and make your way to the changing room. Nobody, not even Chuu or Seungmin, bothers to approach you.
Later that day, after some of your classmates apologized for not noticing what was happening, you, and a now in-stable-condition Jeongin, walk home after an exhausting day. Not many words are said, just like your regular walks after each school day, until Jeongin turns to you.
“Uhm, I just wanna say..” Jeongin starts to speak,. “Thanks for defending me earlier after I drowned.”
You blink in surprise, “Wait, you heard all of that?”
“Yeah, I was already conscious for a few seconds before you started going off on them. But thank you, seriously. I appreciate it after being misunderstood by our classmates for all these years,” Jeongin sighs, and then gives you another one of his kind smiles.
“Of course...” your mouth forms a thin line after you mumble out those two words.
Why is your heart fluttering like Jeongin’s pair of cupid wings?
Episode 7: All For Your Happiness 
“Hey Chuu, listen to this!” you hold your phone right next to Chuu’s ear, which was playing the sounds you’d find at a haunted mansion. She yelps once she realizes what she’s listening to, and pushes your phone away with her palm, making everybody laugh.
Never in a million years would you find yourself sitting on a train with Chuu, Jeongin, and Seungmin all at once. The four of you were on your way to Chuu’s beach house, a place you’ve been to before during every summer break prior to this one, but it was always just the two of you. Now, however, you have your very own crush tagging along, plus his own best friend (and you don’t exactly know what you should call him anymore... Friend? Good Friend? Partner in Crime? Cupid Partner?). 
And you and Jeongin have a plan. One time, for once, you came up with, and you believe that it’s less traumatizing than nearly drowning in a pool.
It just so turns out that Jeongin is a horror movie enthusiast, so he slipped multiple DVD sets of horror movie classics into his suitcase to do a watching marathon at the beach house. It also turns out that Chuu is terrified of anything that could scare her, like jump scares. So, the plan is for Jeongin to become Chuu’s knight in shining armor for whenever she gets scared during this trip.
“Why are you making me listen to all of these things?” Chuu whines with a pout. To be fair, you’ve been making her listen to these chilling noises for the entire train ride, to the point where you’re almost at your stop.
“It’s kind of funny to watch your reactions, that’s all,” you semi lie, because while it is a bit hilarious to see Chuu’s dramatic reactions, you’re waiting for the moment for Jeongin to strike. 
And it’s at that moment when Jeongin finally speaks up, “Er- Chuu! If you ever get scared during this trip, come to me and I’ll-”
You mouth the word “protect” to Jeongin once he stops speaking.
“Uh- protect you!” Jeongin finishes after looking at you.
“Oh okay!” Chuu gives Jeongin a heartfelt grin. “I’ll make sure to go to you then, thanks!”
Jeongin nods eagerly, something Seungmin chuckles at, and you lean back in your seat at ease. If you’re able to successfully help Jeongin be Chuu’s knight during this trip, you’re certain that Chuu will at least take some interest at Jeongin. 
The train reaches your destination swiftly after Jeongin’s interaction with Chuu, and after a quick bus ride and a trek to the beach, you’ve finally reached Chuu’s family beach house.
“Wow, this is awesome Chuu!” Seungmin shouts gleefully as he looks at the house. The house is relatively small and gives off a modern feel, but it’s fortunately enough to fit four people in.
Chuu smiles at the compliment, “Thank you! My family is fortunate enough to own a place like this for the summer. But since my parents are always overseas when summer rolls around, this place turns into a paradise for Y/N and I!”
“Anyways,” Chuu continues. “We should probably clean up the house since it hasn’t been used since last year, but I say we go play on the beach first!”
While Seungmin and Jeongin nod their heads eagerly, a lightbulb is turned on in your head.
“Actually,” you speak up. “I’ll go on ahead and clean up the house first. It’s probably messy inside, and you guys know how much of a ‘neat freak’ I am.”
Jeongin seems to catch onto your idea, his eyebrows rising, “Oh, then I’ll clean up with Y/N too!”
“But you seem really excited for the beach Jeongin,” Seungmin questions, but Jeongin waves it off.
“It’s okay! You two can go play first,” Jeongin insists, and the other two don’t ask anymore questions, heading towards the ocean. “You really are a smart person, aren’t you Y/N?”
There it is; that fluttering in your heart again, but why now? “Well, you’re smart for catching on. Let’s go place scary traps all over the house?”
“Heck yeah.”
After some time cleaning up the house (and making what would be Seungmin and Jeongin’s room especially clean) and placing various objects around the rooms to create a horror effect, the two of you had finally joined the others at the beach. It was then that the “Scare Chuu Montage” officially began.
During your time at the beach, you attempted to kick some seaweed at Chuu’s legs to make her jump, but the ocean water never agreed to your intentions and spared her. That night, Chuu walked into the dark bathroom only to meet eyes with a reflection in the mirror. But when Jeongin came rushing over, Chuu had already turned on the light and saw the makeshift face you created on the mirror using face cream and cotton balls. 
The second day, Chuu woke up to the sound of being a woman screaming her head off, making her jump out of her bed in alert. It was simply a sound you found on the internet, but at least it woke up her up. The day was spent shopping at the nearby mall, so you couldn’t do very much to scare Chuu other than to hide at various nooks and crannies. You also ordered for Jeongin to stay by Chuu’s side at all times, but he didn’t do very much other than attempt to hold her hand (which was a very poor attempt, so of course, he failed). At least you and Seungmin talked individually while getting some ice cream, and to your utter surprise, it wasn’t that awkward.
The third day, you finally got Seungmin on board with your plans. Although a bit skeptical at first, you insisted that it would be a fun and harmless prank, and counteracted him by saying he laughed when Chuu got scared during the train ride. With Seungmin teaming up with you and Jeongin (without knowing your real intentions with the pranks), the horror movie marathon started despite Chuu’s pleads (to ensure that Chuu didn’t find any other movie disks around the place, you hid them all on the first day in a location she’d never look). 
With Jeongin and Chuu on the couch and you and Seungmin on the floor, you don’t think it’s possible for the two to still be away from each other after this marathon ends. The first movie starts off generally slow pacing, but it’s enough for Chuu to mutter out pleas of worry for the characters. Jeongin quietly laughs at her antics, telling her once more that he’s there if she needs to be comforted, and you give Jeongin a mental high five. 
By the end of the night, the two were cuddling, Chuu’s face looking especially scarred, while you and Seungmin finished the massive bowl of popcorn. When the lights finally came on, Chuu and Jeongin finally realized the position they were both in, and quickly scurried away from each other to your amusement. 
The fourth morning came shortly afterwards, and with that morning came the end of your trip at the beach house. Although it was spent mostly with your attempts at scaring your very own best friend, you still had fun yourself, and even spent some time with your crush.
And it seemed like your efforts finally paid off, because Chuu wanted to talk with Jeongin privately. 
After Jeongin shoots a glance at you while walking off to a private room of the house with Chuu, you quickly shuffle your feet over when Chuu’s not looking, placing your back against the wall. You hear footsteps inside the room before they suddenly stop, and then hushed whispers are all you could hear.
But then, Jeongin’s voice increases in volume. 
“You.. You knew that we were pranking you?” 
Your next breath gets caught up in your throat once you realize what exactly that meant. 
You failed?
Chuu hums, “I did, but I didn’t bother to tell you because it looked like you and Y/N were having so much fun. Actually, I was only guessing that you were pranking me this entire time, until Seungmin came and confirmed it with me.”
“Yeah, Seungmin! I guess he played you guys,” Chuu laughs. “At least you had fun on this trip! I actually did, too, because I love scary stuff. I’m not afraid of it at all.”
“Hey, cheer up! You made me happy, and you’re happy too, isn’t that what matters?” Chuu reassures Jeongin. “Anyways, we should continue packing. I just wanted to get that off of my chest.”
You hear more footsteps, and then something that sounds like a cushioned thud.
“Thank you, Jeongin.”
You must’ve heard Jeongin squeak, because he has to clear his throat before answering. “S-Sure, Chuu. Yeah, of course!” Jeongin says the last few words more confidently as Chuu giggles.
That’s when you rushed into the nearest bathroom moments after the door swings open. The shuffling of footsteps is heard again, until they stop once more, and then somebody knocks on the door.
“I know you’re there, Y/N,” Jeongin claims, and that’s your signal to open the door.
“Yeah, but that’s not what matters here!” Jeongin’s eyes are wide open as he lets out wheeze after wheeze. “I- No- We made her happy, Y/N! She really enjoyed these past couple of days! And, and! She gave me a hug, Y/N!! I don’t think I’ll ever get over this, seriously. I’m falling for her more and more.”
It’s the first time that you’ve seen Jeongin as giddy as this, in the several months you’ve known him. Is this what love does to people? Is it supposed to make their heart burst like what you’re seeing right now?
Because, if so, why don’t you feel like that for Seungmin anymore?
Note to self: Jeongin, out of all people, loves hugs.
Episode 8: And He’s Gone 
Seungmin has been acting.. rather odd lately. 
To be fair, the school festival had just ended, plus the student council election was about to occur, so you’d reckon he must be exhausted as vice president of the council. Perhaps he must be busy thinking of ways to campaign (not that he needs to, everybody agrees that he’s the best person to become the next president) or maybe he’s just getting a good rest.
But that’s not what Jeongin claims.
[Jeongin: he doesn’t want to run for president]
[You: really?!]
[Jeongin: yeah, but he won’t even tell me the reason]
[You: ahhh what do we do now T-T]
[You: on one hand we should respect his decision]
[You: but on the other, the school will crumble without him]
[Jeongin: idk y/n]
[Jeongin: i could try to explain to him why he should run or at least try to get his reasoning]
[You: yeah you should do that]
[Jeongin: cya]
You drop your phone down onto your chest, sighing heavily. Rolling over on your bed to face the window, you ponder as to why Seungmin would make such an impulsive decision like that. He was always so passionate about being a member of the student council, so why is he backing away from it now?
“Bad news: I wasn’t able to get any info from Seungmin,” Jeongin confesses as the two of you walk to school for another day. “Good news: I have a plan in case Seungmin truly doesn’t want to run for president!”
“It seems like all of your plans are either dumb, crazy, or both,” you retort back at him. “But shoot.”
“One of us runs for president!”
“Don’t shoot, nevermind.”
“No no no, you have to listen to me for this,” Jeongin attempts to persuade you. “Because after you hear my explanation, you’ll probably think it’s a good idea.”
You stay silent.
Jeongin continues though, “So, if one of us runs for president, and campaigns really bad, we’re talking ‘I’m going to give everybody six ounces of homework when I become president’ bad, then Seungmin would want to jump in to save the school!” 
“Why don’t we make somebody else do it? Like- Chuu for example!” you insist, but Jeongin’s not having any of it.
“Chuu’s too popular, she might actually win. So it has to be one of us.”
“Then you do it because it’s your idea.”
You sigh in defeat, “Rock paper scissors?” Jeongin nods, and gets his hands out. You’re quite confident that you’ll win, as you’re somehow incredibly good at rock papers scissors. Jeongin seems like the type of person to throw out scissors as a first move, and since this isn’t a best out of three game, you have to take your shot.
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
Your rock is meant with his paper as Jeongin chuckles, covering your fist with his hand.
“Looks like you’re running for president!” Jeongin beams at you.
It’s now a week after your rock paper scissor match with Jeongin, the reason you’re even here in the first place. Next to you is a set of speakers, and in your hand is a megaphone. Taking a deep breath, and taking the time to glance at the boy behind you, you put the megaphone next to your mouth.
“Listen up you morons!” you shout at the confused crowd of students beneath your feet, trying to ignore the burning of your face. “I, Y/L/N Y/N, am running for president! So unless any of you cowards decide to run as well, I’ll be your new president! Get used to it!”
“Y/N’s running?”
“Out of all people?”
“Gosh, why isn’t Seungmin here when we need him?”
You continue on with your speech, going on and on about how you’re basically going to rip this school into shreds. You start to worry that you’ll be doing this until the school bell rings for first period, starting to question how much courage you have left to not collapse out of embarrassment, until he finally shows up.
“Excuse me! Sorry, I need to get through!”
“Why are you doing this, Y/N? And why are you helping them Jeongin?! This isn’t like you guys,” Seungmin demands with a worried expression on his face.
You and Jeongin look at each other, before you decide to answer. “We’re doing this because you weren’t running for president for some dumb reason. This school needs you, Seungmin!”
Seungmin’s mouth forms on “o” shape as he realizes your intentions, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight.
He chuckles, “You really are something, aren’t you Y/N?” Seungmin’s expression softens when he meets your eyes, showing gratitude. He gently takes the megaphone from your hands, and clears his throat.
“My name is Kim Seungmin, and I will be your next student council president!”
An uproar of cheers follow his announcement, and you let out a laugh of relief. Now you could bail out of the election, leaving Seungmin as the only person the school could vote for as president. It’s a win win situation.
Until the election ceremony rolls around.
All of the students are packed into the gymnasium, each class standing in rows. On the stage you could see the current student council members, along with Seungmin, and your heart races for him. 
He’s called up to the front of the stage after being announced as the school’s new president, and a thunder of applause booms through the gym. Seungmin stands in front of the microphone.
“I’m Kim Seungmin, I’m your new president, and... and-”
“I am in love with our former president, Park Jihyo!”
He’s in love... with Jihyo?
Jeongin immediately turns to look at you, his mouth agape just like yours. The rest of the audience starts murmuring to each other in disbelief. Seungmin, out of all people, pulling a stunt like this? 
Oddly enough though, you don’t feel the same heartburn that you felt the first time you were rejected. It’s almost as if... you’re okay with this.
“You’re the reason why I’m standing here today; because you gave me a purpose at this school! And I know that you’re leaving to study abroad right after I take your role of president, so that’s why I’m shooting my shot today!” Seungmin explains loudly to the microphone, right in front of Jihyo, who’s standing there with an unamused look on her face. “Do I have any chance to be with you? Any chance whatsoever?!”
By the end of his speech, Seungmin is out of breath from shouting so much, and Jihyo seems to be stunned. She quickly shakes her head to clear out her mind, though, and takes the nearest microphone into her hands.
“And here, ladies and gentlemen, is your new student body president,” Jihyo calmly announces to everybody, not even acknowledging Seungmin’s confession at first. 
“I taught him how to be a good leader, and that’s how he ended up on this stage today. I have absolutely no doubt that Seungmin will do an incredible job as body president. I care for him quite deeply, and I hope you will help him succeed at his duties of being president.”
“Please look after my good friend, Kim Seungmin, while I’m gone. Thank you.”
Rejection: unrequited love, but confirmed. To some, it may feel like a glass filled to the brim with water suddenly shattering onto the floor. To others, it’s a gentle, yet brutal, falling of a feather, easing its way to the ground.
While Jeongin thinks that two hearts were broken in that gymnasium, only one truly was.
And it wasn’t yours.
“So you’re saying you’re over Seungmin at this point?” Jeongin’s voice goes higher in pitch when he asks you. “Did I shoot my cupid’s arrow at the wrong person or something?”
You walk in silence for a few moments, letting the both of you ponder for a bit. How do you answer that question without obviously revealing who you truly like?
“Yah,” you ultimately avoid the question. “You never paid me back for that peach drink I bought for you.
Episode 9: Shot an Arrow at Each Other
[Chuu: i think i like him]
[You: who?]
[Chuu: jeongin]
You suck in an unexpected breath, and it’s almost as if your heart stops. Valentines Day is tomorrow, so it’s no wonder that Chuu’s coming to you for love advice. When you don’t reply, Chuu keeps sending texts.
[Chuu: i think i might confess to him on valentines]
[Chuu: and i have suspicion that he’s the one who’s been sending me love letters, but im not too sure]
You gulp, turning over onto your side and tucking yourself further into the sheets of your bed.
[You: then go for it!]
[Chuu: i would but]
[Chuu: i feel like somebody else would be happier with him]
[You: care to elaborate?]
[Chuu: i know there’s somebody else out there who could treat him better than me]
Does Chuu know? Are you that obvious?
[Chuu: y/n]
[Chuu: you have a special connection with jeongin]
[Chuu: you like him, don’t you? ^_^]
That damn emojicon. You could imagine that if this conversation were to happen in person, she would smile at your real big before dropping the bomb.
And you wouldn’t know how to respond. Because she’s right.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. Jeongin wasn’t supposed to be nice to you. Jeongin wasn’t supposed to save you from drowning. Jeongin wasn’t supposed to encourage you to confess to Seungmin when you still liked him, and he wasn’t supposed to buy you ice cream
But at the same time, you weren’t supposed to buy him a drink. You weren’t supposed to clean his apartment. You weren’t supposed to cook him meals willingly. You weren’t supposed to help him that much during summer break.
The two of you were supposed to just be each other’s cupid, but because you weren’t, you’ve fallen for him.
[You: but jeongin likes you]
No, you refuse. You refuse to let your emotions get in the way of Jeongin’s and Chuu’s happy ending. You refuse to let your emotions get in the way of what you and Jeongin have been striving for this entire school year. You’re better than that, stronger than that.
But why does it hurt so much?
The next day, Valentines Day, comes faster than you would’ve liked. Normally, this would be your favorite day of the year, because you liked seeing other people happy despite you being alone yourself. The outcasting you’ve put up with for the majority of your school life doesn’t bother you on this day surprisingly, as it’s always fun to see Chuu’s desk swamped with candies and anonymous letters.
It’s fun watching other people be happy.
This year, however, you’re left with a stain in your heart that you’re constantly reminded of throughout the day. Jeongin raves on about how he’s thinking about confessing to Chuu, yet you don’t have the heart or the energy to tell him that Chuu is thinking of the same thing. Then again, it’s better not to get in the way of love, right?
Chuu hasn’t spoken to you much ever since she read your final message to her last night. You don’t blame her, really, but she should do what’s best for her, not what’s best for you.
And Seungmin, to your utter shock, has been pretty chill this Valentines Day, not making a fuss over being rejected by Jihyo. Jihyo has already been abroad for several months at this point, so it’s given time for Seungmin to heal.
You make it through the day without too much distracting you, other than those thoughts buzzing in your head. The bell rings, signaling the end of the draining school day, but Chuu grabs onto your wrist and drags you into an empty classroom.
Your stomach starts churning once more when you see Jeongin and Seungmin in the room. Flinching when Chuu slams the door close a little too hard, you watch as she walks to the center of the room.
“Seungmin, you’re only here if I need backup, okay?” Chuu eases down Seungmin’s nerves, to which he responds with a nod.
“So,” Chuu takes a deep breath. “Don’t you have something to say to me, Y/N and Jeongin?”
You’re caught off guard by the sudden question. “What- What do you mean?”
Chuu only laughs, “You and Jeongin teamed up to make sure I fall in love with Jeongin this year, right?”
You and Jeongin freeze.
“And also, you tried to make Seungmin fall in love with Y/N, yes? But it didn’t work out, which brings us here,” Chuu crosses her arms over her chest. “You know, you almost did make me fall in love with Jeongin. Remember our conversation yesterday, Y/N? About how I was gonna confess to Jeongin?”
You don’t bother to move a muscle, but Jeongin, across the room from you, looks stunned.
“Well, I never bothered with that plan anymore. I realized that I only merely had a crush on Jeongin, and crushes never go that far. So with that being said-”
“Why are you... ruining everything now?” you take the chance to ask Chuu, but your question comes out in a more timid tone than you had anticipated. 
“Ruining everything, you say?” Chuu scoffs. “That’s not what I’m doing here! I’m making sure everybody gets the ending they’re happy with.”
“But this isn’t how it was supposed to go!” you finally yell at the top of your lungs. “Jeongin liked you, and now you like Jeongin. The two of you already have a happy ending, why do you need to push this further?”
“Because you like Jeongin, that’s why!”
You shut your mouth before you could utter another word, panic spreading all over your body. Not even making the effort to look at Jeongin’s current expression, you raise your head up to look at Seungmin, who looks like he could offer you no help whatsoever.
It’s all falling apart.
“Y/N-” Jeongin attempts to speak, but you cut him off without realizing.
“I.. I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“You’re running away, Y/N,” Chuu states, which makes you grit your teeth.
“Wait, Y/N, just listen to me-”
“Please, not now-”
Once Jeongin shouts your name, Chuu accidentally releases her grip on your wrist, and you flee the classroom, sprinting as fast as you could in your school shoes. Chuu stares at Jeongin once you swiftly exit the classroom, to which Jeongin responds by running after you, Chuu following behind right after after thanking Seungmin for being there.
“You can’t force love! You can’t make two people fall in love with each other!” Chuu tries to tell you while running through the hallways. “Love happens naturally. I might love Jeongin, but Jeongin only had a crush on me, that’s not the same!”
“So I’m willing to put aside my feelings to help two people who truly, genuinely, love each other without any doubt in their hearts! Can’t you see? Jeongin loves you, not me. And you love Jeongin, not anybody else.”
And then Jeongin snaps.
“SHE’S RIGHT!” Jeongin booms. “Y/L/N Y/N, you’re the one I love! I love y-”
But you’re already gone from their sight. The school entrance has no people around, not even a silhouette of you running in the distance. The two catching their breaths at the entrance of your high school, their shoulders slump over in defeat.
Of course, it doesn’t end there.
Hours after the incident, hours after crying over the mixed emotions you experienced this Valentines Day, your doorbell is rung. You hesitate on whether you should even answer the door in the first place, sifting through the possible scenarios in your head. Your feet answers first, though, making your way to the door before your brain could even stop your motions.
It’s a letter, and you know that handwriting.
“come upstairs!”
And despite how reluctant you are, you still head to his apartment.
Jeongin greets you at the door, still wearing his school uniform just like you. In his hand is a rubber spatula, which is somewhat odd because you’ve never seen him hold kitchen utensils unless you were teaching him how to cook.
But there’s the aroma of food coming from the kitchen, one of various vegetables, and even the smell of meat. When you turn the corner, you infer that Jeongin was attempting to cook one of your one pot pasta meals, and it seemed to be almost done.
“Honestly,” Jeongin quickly goes back to tending to his cooking. “I wasn’t even sure if you were going to come, and that would be bad because this is two servings of pasta. But I knew you wouldn’t left me hanging.”
You hum, taking a seat at the dining table that was sparkling clean (something Jeongin kept up with even after you cleaned his apartment). Jeongin brings over two plates of pasta, steam still coming off of them. 
“Try it! It’s your recipe, so unless I messed up something, it should be good,” Jeongin dives in with a fork, slurping up the noodles eagerly as you do the same.
“It’s good, really good, actually,” you compliment him. “But why did you invite me over here?”
“Well,” Jeongin says with food still in his mouth, but he swallows shortly after. “This is a date.”
You almost choke on your food at the word “date” coming out of his mouth. “But what about Chuu-”
“Didn’t you hear Chuu while we were running earlier? She’s content at the fact that we’re about to become a couple. She told me that she rarely ever saw you as bright and as happy before you met me, that’s a good sign, right?” Jeongin smiles at you, and it’s that smile again.
“A good sign that...?”
“You love me too.”
You pause your movements for a full three second, before you laugh tiredly. The realization hits you while you twirl your pasta with your fork. “This is weird.”
“What is?”
“That we tried to be each other’s cupid, but ended up falling for each other instead.”
Your analogy makes Jeongin burst into laughter, nodding his head excessively. “Yeah, you’re right.”
The two of you eat Jeongin’s food in a comfortable silence for a few moments, before Jeongin speaks up again.
“Does that mean that I shot an arrow at myself then?!” Jeongin gawks at you comedically, almost making you choke on his food.
“Perhaps,” you simply shrug, leaving your, what you assume you could finally call your boyfriend, up to speculate for himself.
The cupid game was finally over, after many, many months of pinning.
And it ended with a pair of cupids, in love with each other.
it’s promo time baby!
follow my networks @fluffyskzclub​ and @/angstyskzclub, our members provide you with sfw fluff & angst content for you to read!
i’m starting an official taglist for my fics! there’s one for oneshots like these, and one for my stray kids ot8 reactions & scenarios! (not gonna bother with one for my blurbs, don’t waste your time on a 2 minute read fic LOL) just let me know through my inbox as to which one(s) you’d like the join.
thank you so incredibly much for reading “a pair of cupids!” this story was physically and mentally draining. i wrote the first 3 sections last week, took a 3 day break because my family visited another state, and then wrote these last 6 sections in a span of... 5 days? it was NOT FUN my back is killing me oh my gosh have mercy on me if you think this was bad
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Interdimensional Moms pt3
Part 2 right here! <-
Team RWBY continue their interesting chat about their respective worlds. After the emotional roller coaster that was Weiss’s, a bit of light hearted stories would be welcomed.
Yang:Okay, does anyone have some real feel good things to talk about for their world? Just run of the mill pleasant life?
Ruby:Guess I’m going last....
Yang:Oh no!
Weiss:We’ll circle back to you then. Blake, I guess you’re up.
Blake:Wouldn’t you want calmer stuff at the end?
Yang:Blake, I would very much like to go at least ten minutes without wanting to cry.
Blake:Hmmmm I can guarantee you like...six I think.
Yang:I’ll take it! Blake Belladonna, tell me about a world where you and Jaune Arc are happily married. How did such stars align?
Blake:You make it sound crazy?
Weiss:Blake, there’s list of people I could see you with. Now I’m not saying Jaune couldn’t be one of them, but he’d have to fight his way up that list.
Blake:You...that’s kinda fair. It’s a bit hard to explain really. It happened back at Beacon initially, or our bonding did. Some days his team was busy and I didn’t tag along for the crazy antics you three wanted to do all the time, so we occasionally bumped into each by circumstances. He’d go to the library for a book, I’d do training and he was there, or sometimes he’d knock on our door and not realize I was the only one around.
Weiss:Was he trying to sing to me?
Blake:That plan did show up at our a few times, yes. One of those times I asked him out of nowhere to sing the song anyways because I just had to know if it was any good. Hehe, it wasn’t sonically pleasing at times, but you could tell it was genuine. Eventually though...he just sort of gave up on you. It was actually a little sad to see, even you thought so. It was strange. Jaune was definitely stumbling through his flirting and it came off as childish, yet the day he gave up, it was easy to see his heart was breaking a bit. Like all his insecurities ate even the faux confidence away.
Yang:Ma’am, it has barely been three minutes and I’m getting sad about thinking of Jaune being sad.
Weiss:Yeah don’t tell me I broke his heart!
Blake:Whoops, sorry. It’s important though. Jaune kinda kept to himself a little more after that. He still chatted pretty regularly but it was easy to tell he dived more in studies as a way to keep his head clear, which lead to us being on a project together. I was the only person in our friend group that wouldn’t actively try to make him open up about how he feeling. At first I thought it was a bit rude when he told me that, but I didn’t room to talk when it comes to socializing.
Yang:One more time for the people in the back.
Ruby:I’m the back.
Blake:*smirks* I was very against socializing about my feelings at Beacon.
Ruby:Yeah you were.
Weiss:I couldn’t even ask if you slept well without a lukewarm answer sometimes.
Blake:I’m better now. That’s all that matters. Romance and feeling love is a personal thing and talking about it is uncomfortable. I think we both recognized that in each other during our project. Trouble is, there’s only so many conversation starters and small talk subjects. Talking only about the project was dry and eventually all the facts a person could say about themselves ran out. Favorite food, color, hobbies, etc. We eventually had to dig a little deeper into those topics. To our surprise, we actually more in common than we thought when it came to how we felt about certain pieces of literature and music.
Ruby:Awwww, bonding over smut.
Blake:*red* It wasn’t all adult literature! Some were poems and stuff. Even when the project ended, we began being less formal around each other and hanging out. We went to the bookstores we mentioned and he even got us tickets to bands I liked. It...it was nice. I never really got to have just a normal teenage experience before without it being political. He always felt bad about being average compared to everyone but average was so foreign to me that I welcomed it. I liked having a normal time out. It was a thing we all took for granted. Especially when Beacon fell.
Yang:Yeah, that probably put a real bind on your relationship.
Blake:Actually....we technically never officially started to date.
Ruby:What? You courted each other all of Beacon.
Weiss:Ruby, who the heck says courted? I’m a Schnee and even I have never used the word courted.
Ruby:Hush, I read a lot of bed time stories to a five year old.
Blake:We were a bit shaky on labels. Me for obvious reasons. As for Jaune, it’s really true about what they say about guys when they get heart broken.
Yang: “Never again.”
Blake:Hehehe, it’s funny to look back at it but he’ll tell you it’s a bit cringy. He was so on gaurd. I could tell all the time when he was mentally telling himself to not be excited whenever we hung out or I complimented him.
Ruby:Hey it takes guts to shift feelings to a teammate of your first crush. That could blow up in your face.
Blake:Yeah...about that. *looks at Yang* you...were another reason why nothing was official. You uhhh, we actually had some jumbled up emotions.
Weiss:*sarcastic gasp* You and Yang, liking each other? Who could’ve seen that coming?
Yang:Was it mutual or...
Blake:Very mutual. Also...intimate at times.
Yang:*red* Oh....yeah. Yeah that tracks.
Blake:That jumbled mess was only more confusing after you got hurt trying to rescue me from Adam. Meeting up with-
Ruby:Question, so was Sun just not on your radar?
Blake:Sun? We’re just friends. He’s cute and I’m glad he was there for me when I needed help but things between us were always pretty calm. I think he noticed how confused I was with other people in my life and chose to not add to it.
Ruby:Bless him. Please continue.
Blake:Learning about Salem and reconnecting with you all was a lot. I’d really been out of the loop and my Yang and I were on....shaky ground.
Yang:That’s what happens when you leave someone who’s been left their entire life.
Blake:Sigh...yeah. It was a trying time, but not with JNPR. It’s funny, Oscar and I also hit it off quite well from the jump. I think we were both glad to have each other learn on the craziness at once. Even with readjusting, Jaune and I fell back into a groove naturally. Instead of doing average things we day dreamed of the things we did. Once again we become this little slice of simple life in this crazy adventure. Still didn’t date.
Weiss:What is this, a slow burn!?
Yang:Weiss, you literally didn’t date your Jaune until Atlas.
Weiss:There’s a difference. I didn’t make any heart eyes at him until around Atlas. I say I may have been a little quick. These two were “courting” for over a year at this point.
Ruby:Stop making fun of me!
Blake:Well anyways, I wouldn’t say much was too eventful in terms of romance with world destroying things happening. Salem, she was way too much to deal with. Every move age did was calculated and unrelenting. Keeping our head above water wasn’t easy. In fact, it was boarder line impossible. Yang and I barely beat Adam after all.
Yang:How’d you two feel about that?
Blake:Relieved. Huge weight off my mind, and yet...a piece of me still wishes things never got so dire. At least now I know that in another world, things aren’t.
Ruby:Sounds like your world was put through their paces? You survived though.
Blake:Not conventionally. I gotta say, hearing the ages and how you beat Salem so far makes me feel more than a little embarrassed. To be frank, we didn’t have this grand battle that involved the entire world making a final stand. We had Atlas, and then we had Haven. With their might and a plan to gain more time, we managed to seal Salem in a vault.
Yang:*chokes on water* Y- cough what!?
Ruby:You put her in a vault!?
Weiss:Thah sounds harder than a last stand honestly.
Blake:No matter what way we looked at things, we just weren’t ready for her, so we locked her away until we were. Two years on constant defense from her followers and grimm until Ruby had trained enough to use her silver eyes and we were all strong enough.
Ruby:Two years!? How old was I then?
Blake:Twenty I believe.
Weiss:Hey, you beat mine by a year.
Yang:Not mine, I think we either tied or just narrowly beat yours by like a year. Honestly it hard to keep track of birthdays and stuff.
Ruby:Wow. No offense to myself, but that’s a little disappointing. I guess being the same person really doesn’t mean we were all at the same level.
Blake:Hey, my Ruby put everything she had into saving the world. There wasn’t a second she wasn’t trying her best to defend it!
Ruby:My point exactly. If that was her at her absolute best then by all accounts, she doesn’t hold a candle to me; at least back then anyways. But I have no reason to believe she would be at my level now.
Yang:Okay little miss prideful, care to tell us when you saved the-
The reaper took a long swig of coffee while the others processed that information. It took a her a couple of seconds to realize she may be acting just a tad bit arrogant.
Ruby:Uhh, sorry. I think I was tooting my own horn a bit there.
Weiss:Seventeen....why so soon?
Yang:Why? Don’t you mean how?
Blake:That’s....almost unbelievable.
Ruby:Really? I don’t think so. I’ll dive into it when it’s my turn but for now all I really gotta say is people needed help, and I was going to answer those cries. I bet your Ruby had a similar urgency in her, but for some reason or another just had different limitations. I got hurt a lot as a kid. Maybe an injury did more damage in one universe than another? Who can say?
Blake:I...wouldn’t know. Odd, I know if my Ruby heard this, then she’d probably be more than a little upset. Saving lives is still what she’s all about. I know when she put everything she had into fighting Salem when the day came. All that training paid off. Her skills were polished and her silver eyes eradicated the grimm essence in Salem.
Ruby:Wait, she’s not dead?
Blake:No. Salem roams Remnant with Oz keeping an eye on her until one day she can finally grasp the lesson the gods wanted her to have.
Yang:That uhhh sounds risky.
Weiss:Yet oddly okay?
Blake:Funny, my Weiss said that too. Those two get checked on in secret. Can’t be too careful. With Salem beaten though, Remnant entered a state of...let’s call it average chaos. All in all, it’s way more peaceful but you know, people will be people. Downside about a secret war is you don’t get the unity of the masses. Atlas and Haven working together was still a great step in the right direction though.
Yang:Woah, I’m a little jealous. My world felt like a race against the clock. The pressure either broke you or made you harder than diamond, with most people crushing under it.
Weiss:Yeah. The tension and meet of extremes I had on the frontlines was beyond imagination. The unity was great, but to feel it on the battlefield against the odds was feeling with way too much adrenaline and stress. Can’t say I enjoyed it. I simply lived through it.
Blake:Well it isn’t like I had a walk in the park. But I guess in comparison, my experience was a tad more mellow. Still, people were lost and hurt. Oscar isn’t himself anymore, don’t have Penny, former classmates and a few enemies turned allies fell in battle. Family.... it took a bunch to get the plan of containing, then it took a lot more to do it. In a way though, the two years of training is time I can’t regret. It tested bonds, strengthening and reestablishing others.
Ruby:I take it since love couldn’t bloom on the battlefield, it bloomed in the training yards?
Blake:*red* You can say that. That’s when Jaune and I got serious. *frowning* But.....
Yang:We fell apart?
Blake:Yeah. I didn’t learn my lesson well enough the first time about the potential problems of dating a partner. Only difference this time was I felt like I was the one being cruel. We had gotten into arguments and apologized more than once. Your fear of being left and my own insecurities just kept butting heads. I’d cry, you’d cry, our friends would be concerned. Then the day came where you put it all on the line. You confessed genuinely how much you loved me and how you felt a bit jealous when it came to Jaune. I had never seen you look so vulnerable; letting your gaurd completely down. And though a piece of me loved you and wanted you in my life for ever....this sense of genuine comfort Jaune gave was something I want-needed for so long. So I did the one thing I didn’t want to do. I broke your heart. I hurt you again.
Yang:Sigh....*leans back in chair* Okay, let’s see how well I know myself. My eyes went red automatically, followed by tears. I lashed out at you angrily out of pain and embarrassment until I was probably blue in the face. But to take make things worse, somebody probably overheard. No matter who it was, I yelled at them too for trying to calm me down and then I eventually run off leaving everyone unhappy. A good old meltdown. Sound about right?
Blake:To the letter. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so distraught.
Yang:Of course not, I’ve never been in love before meeting you. I....did a similar thing with my Blake over the stupid Adam shit. *covers face* of all the things to be similar, it had to be my temper. Please tell me our team didn’t suffer too harshly?
Blake:The good thing about two years of training was it didn’t have to be together all the time. Team RWBY didn’t fall apart, but it didn’t feel comfortable either. Outside of missions, the four of us didn’t hang out as much. It was three at the most. Nobody pinned blame on me or Yang for it but it was obvious.
Ruby:I mean how can you blame someone for feeling sad or not in love with someone? Pointing fingers doesn’t do anything. However, I bet missions were rough.
Blake:Bumblebee was shelved. We did any other team up we could. When push came to shove, Yang and I did put feelings aside. Neither of us wanted our feelings to get anyone killed. That’s probably what kept us connected for awhile, especially with Salem. I don’t think we questioned each other when it came to watching one another’s back. Slowly, our relationship got a bit better. Until....we stopped speaking to each other altogether about a couple years later.
Yang:Wait, why!?
Blake:I got pregnant.
The three listeners’ faces scrunched up and they let in a sharp breath like they just got cut. No one had considered that bombshell.
Blake:Marriage was rough enough. Having Jaune’s kid and starting a family just...cut deep I guess. You didn’t make a scene or anything if that’s what you’re worried about. One day you told me “I just can’t do this” and exited my life. I wanted to keep you close to me, but you wanted to be closer. That was a thing I couldn’t do. Hehe, I can’t tell you how weird it is talking to you like this again.
Yang:So that’s it!? We just don’t see each other at all!?
Blake:Certain events and celebrations have us in the same room, but that’s all. Ruby is the only thing that regularly links us, but she’s busy living life too.
Ruby:Is it a good life?
Blake:The best. You’re the huntress you always wanted to be and a hero to many.
Ruby:*smiles* Really? That’s good. May she ride that high for as long as she can. Though I bet she wished she had a special someone to share that with.
Blake:Huh? Oh, you married Weiss.
Weiss:*red* What!?
Ruby:Aye, nice.
Weiss:Weren’t you upset about thinking of other people with Jaune besides you!?
Ruby:Yeah, but I won’t deny if I am going to be with someone that isn’t him, I’m very happy it’s the other special person in my life. I mean come on, the only reason we don’t get weird in your universe is because I married your brother and you already invited my sister.
Weiss:I mean...it’s mainly the brother portion. The second part...
Ruby:Weiss, that’s weird.
Yang:*sips coffee* Eh.
Blake:Anyways, Weiss, you’re running your company. The Schnee Dust Company was scrubbed top to bottom to remove as much corruption as possible. No department was overlooked. In times of money, there’s a notable decrease in how much the company used to make.
Weiss:Gee, I wonder if that’s because the other me is doing oh let me guess, paying all their workers and not cutting corners in safety?
Blake:The SDC people approval has gone up considerably, just so you know that too. Turns out people like it when the company they buy from have good morals.
Weiss:Am I happy though? I make time for my social life and hu- I mean wife?
Blake:Yea, you’re happy. In a way I think we’re all happy, but....
Yang:We’d be happier if we were all happy together? Yeah, that’s how it works. You’re only as happy as the most miserable person in a family or group; if you all care about each other that is. Ugh, I wanna punch the other me. I get how she feels but it’s fucking immature to just ignore years of teamwork and family. At the end of the day, team RWBY is a family! Can’t believe I’d runaway from it instead of figuring out...I don’t know! Something!
Blake:*small smile* Well if you feel that way then there’s no reason to believe she doesn’t. My Yang just struggles with it more I guess, but I hope she can come around one day. Not really for my sake, but for her own peace of mind. As well as Lucas’s.
Ruby:Lucas? Your son I take it?
Blake:Mmhmm. My strong and lazy young man. He got his father’s hair but my eyes and ears. I can’t think of a person who warms my heart quite like him. He acts uninterested in a lot of things, but his heart is so big.
Weiss:Ah, so he’s just you?
Blake:More or less hehe. Though I’d say I was passionate about things all my life. Lucas will sleep all day if he could and doesn’t like going out without a reason.
Weiss:Still sounds like you if I’m being honest. Teenager?
Blake:Seventeen, almost eighteen.
Yang:You said he’s need peace of mind too? I’m not...hostile towards him am I?
Blake:No, not by a long shot. On the occasions you two have meant, you were polite. It’s just he knows why you don’t visit or talk to me. That’s rough, knowing your parent’s closest friend stopped being apart of their life because you were born. I think sometimes he believes it’s actually his fault.
Yang:I really, really want to meet this other me and have a few words. She needs to know she isn’t trying hard enough. I’m proof.
Ruby:Yeah, but you’re only well off because the person that helped you get over Blake, was Jaune. Yeah she still can find love, but who that person will be would be uncharted territory for everyone.
Blake:Also I’m not entirely sure exactly if my Yang is even bi like you.
Weiss:As long as a person shows your Yang genuine love and a place in their heart where she’ll remain forever, Yang would fall for them. They just have to make it a point to make her feel like they’ll stay. Yangs are softies like that.
Yang:Wow, you an expert on me and all the versions of me now?
Weiss:No, you’re just a bleeding heart that’s super emotional. Let me guess, you fell for Jaune the moment you realized just how relaxed and vulnerable you could allow yourself to be around him.
Yang:*red*.......he holds me when I’m overwhelmed.
Yang:Shut up! Blake, take the heat off me.
Blake:Not too much more. Lucas is a smart kid who generally stays out of trouble. Unfortunately, trouble finds him. Mainly because of his semblance.
Ruby:Don’t tell me...
Blake:No no, it’s not bad luck like your uncle, but Lucas can’t always control it so their similar in that regard. Premonitions, that’s his semblance.
Weiss:Like...the future? You child can see the future?!
Blake:Yeah. *sips drink* it’s terrible.
Ruby:What? That sounds so handy! Man, if I could someone fighting me before it happened, I’d be a monster on the battlefield.
Blake:Lucas isn’t a fighter. Well, he’s not aspiring to fight. He can fight, pretty dang well in fact.; but randomly seeing the future is not a gift. Imagine picking up a book and you suddenly know the ending, or watching a movie and you start seeing the middle of it right after you press play?
Yang:Ahhh, that’s why he’s lazy and unmotivated. His semblance is massive spoiler alert. Half the fun of new things is not knowing what will happen.
Ruby:Oof, you have a point. I’d be paranoid to no end.
Blake:To a point, he was. Ever since he was ten. Disasters happen at the drop of a hat. Lucas isn’t the kind of person to watch bad things unfold, so whenever it was possible or even if it was risky, he’d do whatever he could to prevent said disaster. But.....there’s only so much anyone person can do. There’s only so much information he sees. The constant strain and guilt that came from failing ate him up. The. There’s the incidents he’s seen that didn’t show him how it began or how it will end. *rubbing her hands* It’s bad...
Weiss:Hey, I...I’ve noticed your hands and frankly even your face are a bit....slim. Your skin isn’t as colorful as I’m used to either. Almost like it’s regaining color.
Blake:Hehehe.......I guess you were bound to notice of all people.
Weiss:Of course. I may not run a a company in my world but I keep tabs on my brother and have had my fair share of visits to a doctor. Why wouldn’t I notice.
Yang:So can we talk as if there are people who have no clue what’s going on?
Weiss:Blake has had one of two things happen to her. She’s either worked way too hard to the point she’s not taking care of her health, or she’s fallen very ill and her body is still recovering.
Blake:Yeah, it’s more of the second one, but probably because of the first one as well. Forwarding equality, I was overzealous with it. One day Lucas just started shaking and crying when he was twelve and I couldn’t understand why. Turns out he kept seeing me bedridden and unconscious without a reason. Day in and day out he simply cried and tried his best to get another premonition to learn more, but couldn’t. A week later I started feeling a little dizzy, and then blacked out after vomiting. At first I thought maybe I had the flu or something. Nope, a tumor.
Yang:Oh shit, are you-
Blake:Perfectly fine! *smiles* I’m fine. Liver cancer, but it was caught early. No more tumor what so ever, but the meds and the entire process was really draining. Got sicker a couple of times. Not once did I feel like I was dying necessarily, more like...slipping? I felt myself getting drained. The whole time Lucas was so scared; blaming himself for not preventing this or knowing how to fix it. Though simply knowing he saw me like was a warning most people wish they got. I know I said seeing the future is terrible, but the scariest part through all of this was not knowing how it ended. Choosing medicine, doctors, surgery possibilities, it made me crack under pressure a little. I think he noticed that. I wasn’t sure if I picking an option that lead me dying or getting better. The stress alone may have killed me. Ever since then Lucas hasn’t been so outgoing.
Yang....It was already said, but there was no way this wasn’t going to get sad was there?
Blake:Take it from me, there’s joy in pain. So many people came to visit me when I was recovering. Even Yang dropped by for a bit. After I got out, I don’t think Lucas ever hugged me so hard. Jaune tried to stay calm through the whole ordeal but it was rough for him too. He was all but spent emotionally when I came home.
Weiss:I’m surprised Lucas didn’t become an older brother.
Blake:The last thing a recovering patient needs is a pregnancy, but as far as missing me goes...
Ruby:You can stop right there with that tangent.
Yang:We’ll talk about that in private. I wouldn’t mind that story.
Blake:*playfully rolls eyes* These days I try not to over do things. I’ve only officially been deemed completely cured for about a year. I can feel that I’m still not entirely up to strength. It’s fine though. It gives me an excuse for Lucas to dote on me a little. He’s a mama’s boy at heart. My biggest worries these days is peeling him out of this shell his semblance had put him in. At the very least I want him to smile like he used to and find away to live in moment when possible. His entire life is ahead of him. Hopefully he doesn’t see all of it.
Ruby:I guess too much of anything really is bad. Knowledge included. I hope things work out.
Yang:Me too. A happy life is something you definitely earned.
Blake:Thanks. That seriously means a lot, which is why I made sure to not end this on a sour note.
The happy faunus pulled out her scroll to scroll through pictures and her friends eyes lit up. The first one was a beach photo. This Jaune was different from what they were used to. He let his hair grow a little bit longer and the back went down his neck, but it was definitely still him. This jaune was pretty toned and went for a lean look than bulky like Weiss’s, but a tad slimmer. On his shoulders was an adorable toddler with wide amber eyes and big blonde cat ears. Both men were enjoying the sunset on the waves.
The next photo was more recent with Blake right in the middle of hopping into Lucas’s arms. Weiss noticed the girl still had on the hospital bracelet. She must’ve just gotten cleared. Lucas had grown like a weed. He was now roughly Jaune’s height. His hair was messy and looked like Jaune’s in his younger years. Also like his father, Lucas was jacked! His sleeveless purple shirt should off his biceps as they wrapped around Blake’s torso for a hug. His baggy purple shorts had black and gold trim through the seams and the shorts stopped right below his knees; but showed of his well defined calves. A smile of pure joy and what could’ve been a few tears were visible as he looked lovingly at his mother. It warmed all of the ladies hearts. Still, the girls also could tell under his eyes were a little dark. Lucas must’ve been very tired.
The final picture had to be the most recent. It was Blake and Lucas sparring. Both looked at each other with excitement and ease as their wooden blades clashed. Their clothes mirrored one another by being black and white kimonos. They even wore the traditional shoes and everything.
Weiss:Yeah, that’s your kid.
Blake:Damn right. Unfortunately that makes him a little too stubborn. But I guess that’s okay. Without a doubt, someone’s gonna break through that shell of his.
Yang:Oh? It sounds like you already know who?
Blake:Well....I have a hunch.
RING! RING! RING! Lucas’s scroll chirped, in the middle of the night. The boy let out a long, agitated groan of sleepiness as he rolled over in bed; reaching for his scroll on the nightstand to answer.
???:Did you know you are mathematically more likely to choke on a hotdog than get attacked by a shark?
Lucas:....Serenity, who gave you my number?
Serenity:Your parents, and it’s Serendipity!
Lucas:Too many syllables. Also a bit ironic given who you are. With the way you act though, my name for you is better.
Serenity:Ooooo so we’re moving on to pet names? How forward of you.
Lucas:Five seconds before I hang up. Three...two-
Serenity:You’re late! You promised to guide me around the beach at twelve. That’s now.
Lucas:.....P.M. Twelve P.M. Serenity. Why in the world would I mean midnight!?
Serenity:It’s romantic and personal. Nobody else is around. I thought you were trying to use that Belladonna magic on me by acting all cool and aloof in the moonlight.
Lucas:Please delete my number.
Serenity:Not on your life, my whiskered bodyguard!
Lucas:Don’t have whiskers-
Serenity:If you don’t wanna move that butt of yours to hang out with a pretty girl in a floppy hat and sundress with a bikini underneath, that’s your loss. I’m still going for a dip.
Lucas:Do not go in the water when nobody is around.
Serenity:Pfft, I’m a strong swimmer.
Serenity:It’s more dangerous to eat a hotdog.
Lucas:Sharks feed at night.
Serenity:Are you trying to tell me the statistics aren’t as reliable just because it’s nighttime.
Lucas:That’s exactly what I’m saying.
Serenity:Then you better move your butt just in case. Either you get a snack or the sharks do. Either way, I get attention.
Lucas:Difference is one wants to eat you.
Serenity:My goodness Lucas, oh brazen of you.
Lucas:Tell the sharks I said hi.
Serenity:Okay! Byyyyyyeeeee! *hangs up*
Lucas:(She’ll be fine.)
Lucas:*putting on shoes* This is bullshit. Who thinks midnight!? *walking down stairs* Can’t have a peaceful day or night....
Jaune:*watching tv* Hey Lucas, going some-
Lucas:I’m giving out your phone number to a homeless man the first chance I get! *walks out door*
Jaune:.....(Whatever gets you outside more.)
It took about fifteen minutes of aggressive walking for Lucas to wrap around to the back of his house towards their section of the beach. Where Serenity walked around humming and collecting seashells without a care in the world.
Lucas:The next shell you grab will have a crab in it.
Serenity:Huh? Oh hey you’re finally-ahhhh! Ow ow ow ow ow ow!
Lucas:Should’ve listened.
Serenity:Have a better warning!!!! It won’t let go!
Lucas:Pull it off.
Serenity:That’s hurt!!! Lucas, help!
Lucas:Fine, if you delete my number.
Serenity:*sniffling* Stop being mean!!! This really hurts, it’s breaking the skin. Isn’t a young and pretty girl’s tears payment enough!? I thought you were getting paid to-
Lucas:Oh my goodness! Okay, just shush. I’m too sleepy for this.
Serenity:You’re mean when you’re sleepy. At least your waking up voice sounds handsome though.
Lucas:Please....stop. Stop everything. *removing crab* Happy?
Serenity:No, you’re not happy. Also my finger is bleeding.
Lucas:Yep, looks like you can’t go swimming now for real.
Serenity:Eh, I lied anyways. I’m not getting in that water. There are sharks in that watery grave.
Lucas:So. Why. Did. You. Wake. Me. Up?
Serenity:....*red* I...don’t really, have friends here. Besides you. Umm *points to pail and shovels* sandcastles?
Lucas:*inhales*......I’ll get the water.
Serenity:*smiles* Yes! I’ll delete your number later.
Lucas:*red* You....can keep it of you really want.
Serenity:....Kek, okay Mr. Tsundere
Lucas:You can remove the next crab alone.
Serenity:Don’t joke like that! That was a joke, right?
Lucas:Welp that pail isn’t gonna fill itself. *leaves*
Serenity:What!? Lucas!!! You were joking right!? Right!? *looking around the sand* you’re a lousy bodyguard!
Lucas:Good, fire me.
Lucas:Cheer up, I’m happy now after all. *smiles*
Serenity:*pouting* This is why I’m a dog person.
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I deleted last night's personal post, but I have had time to think and I'm ready to talk about it, again. If anyone has experience with narcissists, please chime in, because I'm convinced my brother legitimately has NPD.
These are the signs:
Centers himself at the expense of others.
No empathy. None. Like, my Dad sobbed "He wants me dead" and "*brother's name* hates me" and he doesn't care and is unmoved. Even walking around happily like he got what he wanted. Mind you, my dad JUST got out of the hospital on Christmas Eve and has pneumonia. (He said "If he dies, it won't be my fault. Dad made poor food choices his entire life." ... Pneumonia isn't caused by fatness, my Dad isn't fat, and my brother is a former fat kid, so it's sick that he'd even say something so callous.)
Plays the victim even while actively causing harm, and frames himself as righteous for the pain he is inflicting.
Uses eternal victimhood to get what he wants from my mother, who desperately loves him and would do anything for him, then flips on the entire family when he doesn't get his way (Dad asked him to return their second car back in October.)
Silent treatment for months so he can make someone confront him and then proudly announce that he is doing it because he's "setting a boundary" against the family, even though he lives in my parents' house. (Took this so far that my dad was in the hospital and he would go sit in the hospital room with my dad when no one else was there and purposefully not speak to him for hours. My dad was cognitive and able to speak the whole time, and me and my other siblings would go and keep him company. He stole time we could have had just to show my dad that he still wouldn't talk to him. Like an asshole.)
Accusing people of being abusive and irrational for having emotional responses to his mistreatment of them.
Accusing our oldest brother of being abusive for begging him to speak to him on Christmas day. (Our oldest brother has 2 kids who are teen and young adult, he's never even spanked them, doesn't really yell at them, nothing. They're both well adjusted, and his son, who is a few years younger than me, has a salaried job at a mortgage company and he's only 23.)
Very all or nothing. Very "you're either good or a monster". He pretends not to remember heartfelt conversations my Dad, my Mom and I have had with him. Only pretended our second oldest brother was good because he was trying to be on his side (he doesn't live in the same state and barely has contact with narc brother, so hasn't experienced any of this.) Refuses to see my Dad as good, because he's framed Dad as the monster, and me and my Mom are now bad because we don't hate my Dad with him.
Frames himself as more enlightened than everyone else and refuses to take responsibility for the pain he causes, or even care about us.
Embellishes how awful we have always treated him and even slanders us to his friends (which I've always suspected... and didn't have proof of until he started telling me that I treated him poorly, when I've spent most of my life desperately trying to make him happy, all while feeling his disdain towards me.) Also uses this to make you feel like you have to do things for him because he's so traumatized and hurt. He's also gay (I'm bisexual, btw) and uses it as a weapon, which is so gross. My parents accepted him like 15 years ago. My siblings and I are Gen-X and Millennials, and so are already super pro-LGBTQ+. Even though my other siblings are heterosexual. Like, our second oldest brother makes pro-LGBTQ TikToks (as well as other social justice stuff.) Our oldest sister is the first person he came out to and has been in his corner from the beginning. But he still uses this as some kind of leverage "You guys never accepted me! I'm always treated differently!" ??? Literally no? And I've called him out before for treating me like a homophobe when I've been out since I was like 19, but he still uses that shit to manipulate sympathy. My parents LET HIS BOYFRIEND SPEND THE NIGHT. IN HIS ROOM. They wouldn't even let my straight siblings do that with their opposite sex partners, because they didn't want him to think they didn't approve of him having a boyfriend. But I digress.
I spent last night begging him to let me have a relationship with him, but afterwards, I realized that that's how manipulative, abusive boyfriends act. They want you to plead with them to love you. And I started to realize he was showing what seem like signs of narcissism.
Does ANYBODY have any advice, or has anyone experienced this? Most people talk about narcissistic parents or partners. But what about siblings? I don't want him around my parents. I don't want to speak with him ever again. He's still in their house, but swears he's leaving. I don't want to know someone who says "If he dies he dies" about my father, and who invents a false abuse story (he told us that my Dad would come home from work in a rage and beat everyone. Y'all. My Dad literally never did that. Never. And he NEVER hit my Mom. We had a relatively fun childhood. I don't know how to make it clear that this is made up so that he can play the victim. It's like he saw this in a movie or on TV and was like "yeah, my Dad did that." I'm almost sure he believes it, too.)
I also feel like he's trying to blame his lack of success on my parents. He tried to say all of my Dad's 5 kids are failures. It's literally not true. We're all doing pretty well, and even when we've struggled, we've been pretty resilient. Between us we have 3 BAs, 1 MFA, 1 JD, 1 cosmetology license. He's literally the only one that hasn't settled on a path or even completed undergrad (my oldest sister did cosmetology instead of college, but she also finished!!!)
I mean... is this narcissism? Is it just lashing out? Either way, I'm not going to talk to him again.
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multifandhoem · 4 years
Okay hear me out: being a yankee or something and fighting kyotani but like the sexual tension is hella high and you moan when he chokes you and he goes fucking feral. Female or g/n reader (If you are taking requests, if not ignore my thirst)
heyy 🙆🏻‍♀️ yeah i take requests (kind of) but at the moment only those where i know what to write in an instant bc exams got me stressed af (don‘t be like me - go to your lectures or start revising earlier than 2 weeks before)
I never wrote for Kyotani before so I’m just gonna do headcanons :) I hope you like it!!
Genre: smut
Warnings: exhibitionism, cursing, mentions of smoking, public sex, unprotected sex, humiliation, slight violence
Tumblr media
You and kyotani didn’t get along
That was not really a secret
It’s been that way since your freshman year when he commented on your smoking habits
You lashed out on him
And since that boy is easily aggravated, too, he shot back
And you hated that
And made it your personal mission to make his life harder
Because who did he think he was?
You were the one in command here, there was no wannabe tough guy who could just come and tell you to change your life since it annoyed him
Like what the fuck
Kyotani wasn’t one afraid to hit a girl
Not when that girl was annoying him to no end
And hit back
So more than once you found yourself shoved against a wall or the floor, if you tried something stupid like tripping him
And that made you hate him even more
It was humiliating lying on the floor, with him staring down at you with furrowed eyebrows
“Sexual tension” your friends called it and you wanted to sock them in the mouth the moment they mentioned it
Sure, Kyotani was hot
 But there was no way in hell that a single molecule in your body was attracted to him
“Fucking stop that shit already!”
He, once again, had you pressed against the wall, after you shoved him definitely unintentionally with your shoulder
“Then stop being in my way!” You spat back
He just shoved you against the wall again, making you hit your head
And then he had the audacity to walk away!
Stupid fuck
Little did you know that Kyotani didn’t hate you
On the contrary
He liked you
And he liked your attitude
That you didn’t take any shit from somebody
So back then he wanted to talk to you he just didn’t know what to say
And poor socially awkward boy said that smoking was bad for you
He didn’t expect the slap that followed right afterwards
He really seemed to have fucked it up
The way you would glare at him the second you spotted him somewhere
Going out of your way to make his life harder
He honestly just wanted you to stop doing that so he could try and get over you after obviously ruining his chances
But you never stopped
And his attraction to you never faded
You were kinda hot tbh
Especially when you would stare at him full of those emotions
He would lie if he would say he never thought of your glare late at night when he was pleasuring himself
He wanted to stay out of your way
But he became addicted
All those emotions in your eyes when you were beneath him on the floor
It did something to him
So it was a blessing and a curse that you didn’t stop
You just kept getting on his every last nerve
And one day
He was already in a bad mood
His professor talked to him that he had to quit volleyball if his marks weren’t up to par
So he was angry
At himself and the world
And then you came along
And fucking tripped him
Usually he would catch himself after a couple of steps
But today he fell face first onto the floor
You couldn’t believe your luck
For once in your lifetime it was not you on the floor, but him
You felt kind of accomplished, seeing him with his scuffed cheek
But he was quickly back on his feet
His hand closed itself around your throat, dragging you behind a corner where no people were
And you found yourself pressed on the wall again, with his face incredibly close to yours
You tried fighting against his hold, but quickly came to the conclusion that he was too strong for you
 “You fucking bitch. You need someone to teach you a lesson?”
You weren’t sure what did it for you
Being choked, his words or the fire in his eyes
But when he tightened his hold against your throat you couldn’t hold that moan in
Kyotani couldn’t believe his ears
Did you just moan
such a desperate sinful sound
all self-control went out of the window
“Slut.” He spat out, before he pressed his lips against yours, his other hand already shoving itself into your pants
It was embarrassing how wet you were already
But you still couldn’t stop bucking your hips into his hand
 His grip around your throat got harder again
And your knees literally gave out, eyes rolling into the back of your head at the wave of pleasure
“Want your cock”
The words almost didn’t come out of your lips
Pride was holding you back
“I should make you beg.”
You didn’t know if your ego could take it, begging practically in public to be fucked
But he just stopped choking you, making a whine escape from your lips
But then he pulled your pants down to your knees, turning you around, to shove his cock into your cunt
“Wait, wait, stop! People will see!”
You literally were only around the corner
But here you were
Completely bare from the waist down
Moans only suppressed by the three fingers he had shoved down your throat, as he fucked mercilessly in your cunt
He pulled you back against his chest, not minding the saliva that dropped from your spluttering lips down his arms
Then his other hand moved down to rub your clit
And you were done for
He came as well, shooting his seed deep inside you
He held you up for a bit, slowly pulling out and tucking your panties back up
You felt his cum seep out of you, dirtying your underwear
But you couldn’t bring yourself to care
He let you down on the floor, your pants still pulled down
It was the hottest sight he had ever seen
Especially with the knowledge that you had his cum in you
Sitting on the floor so exposed
Staring up at him with big eyes
He almost was ready to go again
But this time he would take his time with you
Make you succumb to his wishes until you were chanting his name
“Come with me.”
He didn’t say more
He didn’t need to say more
He turned around, not caring about the classes he still had this afternoon
He needed to get home now
Kyotani heard you scrambling to your feet behind him, grinning as quick steps followed him soon
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doyumacy · 4 years
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gif not mine
pairing: taeyong x doyoung x reader
warnings: 「dotae x reader, smut (stimulation, orgasm denial, unprotected sex, threesome, oral sex m and f receiving, anal sex, ) polyamorous relationship, language, a bit of strangulation, mentions of an abusive relationship 」
word count: 「 6k 」
You give yourself a last glance in the mirror: one shoulder black dress, diamond earrings that Doyoung gave you on your last birthday, a classic makeup look and red lips.
You feel Doyoung’s arm wrap your waist and he rests his chin on your bare shoulder. He smiles and looks at you in the mirror. “You look so good, love.”
“Thank you,” you kiss his cheek.
You turn to him. Doyoung is dressed in a black tuxedo, crisp white shirt, and black bowtie. And his locks are slicked back with gel. He looks so handsome. "The things I'd do to you right now, Kim Doyoung."
Doyoung chuckles and he gives you a devilish smile, already knowing he has turned you into a complete mess. "Yeah? Why don't you show me better?"
One of your hands immediately rubs his leg, inching towards his inner thigh.
Doyoung stares at you and grins, “Wanna suck me off?”
You keep one hand on his leg and the other one reaches up and touches his face. “I do want to suck you off” You press a kiss to his cheek. “But we don't want to be late for your own party, right?"
He glances at you. There’s a gleam. "I don't care."
You kiss him in return then pull faintly away. "Okay."
Doyoung smiles and you get on your knees. Your fingers undo the leather belt he’s wearing then swiftly undo his pants as well. You push his pants and underwear down as you lean and free his hard cock. Your hand strokes it, pumping it slowly before you dip your head down and take the tip into your mouth.
“Fuck," Doyoung hisses sharply as he feels your tongue licking the tip of his cock like a lollipop. He has both hands on your shoulders so he doesn't ruin your hair. He smirks a little, letting you have your fun because when you two are back home, he'll get his fun.
You move your head up and down Doyoung's swollen and hard cock, lathering it with your saliva. Your moans are unstoppable as you take him in, the tip hitting the back of your throat. You hear Doyoung's plea of “let me feel your throat” on a hushed pant. You don’t decline his request as you move your head slowly down his cock, feeling his cock slide down your throat. Your gag reflex kicks in as you keep going, making sure to breathe through your nose.
“Oh, love. Fuck. Yes,” Doyoung huskily rasps, squeezing your right shoulder. “Your mouth is perfect. Taking every inch of it.” He pauses as he runs his fingers on your cheek.
You slowly lift your head up then wrap your hand back around his cock. You pump it lightly before running your tongue around the tip then placing it back into your mouth. You take all of him once again, enjoying how he tastes and feels sliding into your mouth and down your throat.
“Such a good girl, aren't you, baby?” He hears your eager and needy moan in response and smiles while he rubs your shoulder. He feels you begin to move your mouth up his length. “Oh, not yet." Doyoung coos softly. “Keep your pretty mouth on me. You wanted it, you’re gonna have it.”
You take his cock on your mouth again and bob your head up and down, until he comes in your mouth. You swallow your thick and salty cum and you look at him in the eye. Doyoung growls, almost moaning. He notices his cock is stained with your red lips.
He helps you to stand up and then he pulls up his pants and does them, redoing his belt as well. You while your mouth using the back of your hand. He pulls you by the neck and kisses you. "I'm gonna fuck you senseless when we are back home."
"Looking forward," you bite his lip, pulling it with your teeth.
"Stop fucking or whatever you two are doing!" You hear Taeyong screaming downstairs. "We're late!"
The party you three are heading two is being thrown by KILEE Company. -Doyoung and Taeyong’s company - They are celebrating their expansion to China and invited some of their closest partners and friends. You’re so proud of everything they’ve achieved the past years.
Your boyfriends introduce you to one of their business partners, or potential clients, and you go along with it just to be ignored right afterward while they engage in another round of inane conversation. You never get upset.
You are standing alone in the illuminated ball room, the champagne glass on your left hand almost empty. You spot Taeyong and Doyoung talking to Kun and Johnny.
You are waiting for Jaehyun to come out from the bathroom and sigh. Well dressed couple passes by you and you greet them with a small. You wouldn't lie if you don't feel weird surrounded by billionaire people.
You drown the rest of the champagne that is left and notice Jaehyun is talking to someone. Great. You're alone for at least 15 minutes.
You walk to the bar and ask for another glass of champagne. While you wait, someone stands next to you. You don't recognize the black haired man that asks for a whisky on the rocks. Soon as he gets his whisky, he has a sip. He seems to be having a hard time there.
“Slow down or you might leave the place crawling,” you say to him.
He laughs. “I’d love that, actually.”
You smile. “I’m y/n y/l/n,” you extend your hand.
He takes your hand, shaking it. “Mark Lee.”
“Nice to meet you, Mark Lee,” you grin. “I have never seen you before.”
“I just came back from Canada to take care of my dad’s business and he wants me to socialize,” he sighs. “I don't know anyone here.”
“Firstly, welcome back,” you smirk. “Secondly, I can introduce you to my boyfriends.”
“Thanks,” he smiles and then frowns. “Boyfriends?”
You nod and point at Doyoung and Taeyong who are chatting with two old men. “Lee Taeyong and Kim Doyoung.”
He almost chokes on his drink. You laugh. “I love the reactions.”
“You’re dating the hosts?” He gives you a surprised look.
“Yeah,” you have a sip of your champagne.
“Wow, that's… weird. I mean,” he shakes his head. “I don't know anything about poly love but if you guys have found a way to have one thats amazing. I could ne-”
“You’re rambling,” you chuckle.
“Oh shit. I’m sorry. I’m being rude,” he sighs. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you assure him.
On the other side of the room, Doyoung excuses himself to the restroom and when he comes back, he sees a man around his age talking to Taeyong.
“Ah, you're here,” Taeyong places a hand on his shoulder. “Doyoung, this is Jackson Wang, a businessman interested in investing in our company.”
Doyoung smiles and extends his hand. Jackson shakes his. “Nice finally meet you, Mr. Wang.”
“Oh please, just call me Jackson,” he smirks. “I hope you don't mind that one of your guests invited me. I literally begged him.”
“Oh it’s okay,” Doyoung grins. “So tell me Jackson, what do you do?”
"My father founded Systems Integration Solutions, the big  cybersecurity firm based in Silicon Valley, and I'm currently the CEO," he smirks.
“Oh, your father is Wang Ruiji?” Taeyong asks, surprised. “I had the pleasure to meet him last year. He’s incredible.”
“Thank you,” he grins. “Yeah. Right now I’m interested in investing in more Asian companies and since yours is big here and China, I thought it would be a great idea to get to know you better.”
“We can definitely arrange a meeting next week, Jackson.” Doyoung informs. “Thank you so much for coming tonight.”
“Thank you for letting me in… technically.”
The three men chuckle.
Back to you, you’re still at the bar with Mark. He so far has told you how he hates socialising, but here it is. He also lets you know that he's having a welcoming party next weekend and you and your boyfriends are invited as well.
Mark is nice. He’s 2 years younger than you and you kinda feel bad that at such a young age, he has the world on his shoulders.
You’re about to ask for your third glass of champagne when you see Doyoung and Taeyong chuckling with a man you have never seen before. He then turns around, facing you. He raises the hand where he has a glass of champagne and smiles at you.
Even though it has been years and you've changed so much since then, you can't help feeling like ice is pouring down your back.
You drop your glass realizing who it is: Jackson Wang. The man who almost beat you to death once.
"y/n?" Mark looks at you. "Are you okay?"
You gulp. You thought you'd never see him again, after all he put you trough years ago. You want to throw up.
"Excuse me," you say in a low tone.
You walk so fast to the restroom, not wanting to cause a scene. When you're there, you lock yourself in one of the hardwares and try to breath.
"Fuck," you whisper.
The door suddenly opens and you see beneath the hardware door a pair of shiny shoes walking to where you are. You're pretty sure those aren't Taeyong or Doyoung's.
There's a slight knock on the door. "y/n, I thought it was you. How the hell have you been?"
Somehow you manage to breathe. "You don’t even have to answer that, I just met the two lovely men you are fucking. I knew you were always a greedy slut, but this is a new level of greediness."
You stay completely silent. Jackson laughs. "I'd pay billions just to see your face right now, sweetie."
"Get out," you order him.
"C'mon, I want to see you up close. Doyoung wouldn't shut up about your beauty," he mocks him. "I wanna see if it's true."
"Get the hell out, Jackson. Or I'll scream," you warn.
Jackson laughs again. "As if anyone could ever touch me."
He fixes his suit jacket and sighs. “Okay, fine. I’ll go. But we’ll be seeing each other around, sweetie. I’ve been waiting years to see you.”
You watch his feet get away until he's out of the restroom, and as soon as he's gone, you burst out crying.
When you were with Jackson, the first months everything was great. But he suddenly changed and turned into a person you thought you'd never deal with. You tried your best to fight it. You wanted to get free and live a good life, but he manipulated you to the point he made you feel guilty. To the point you didn't feel good enough.
And after everything that happened, you promised yourself you would never put yourself in that situation ever again.
You exit the restroom and run into Jaehyun. “Hey, I was looking for you.”
You dont look him in the eye. “I uhm… think I had too much champagne.”
“I saw Jackson leaving the restroom,” he cups your face. “Are you okay?”
You sob. “What is he doing here?
Jaehyun hugs you. “I don't know, but I won't let him get close to you ever again.”
You hug Jaehyun tightly. He is the only person that knows about what happened with Jackson.
“Come on,” He takes your hand. “Let’s go back.”
“I can't. Jackson was talking to Taeyong and Doyoung,” you sigh.
He frowns. “About what?
“I don't know… what if he told them something?” You run a hand through your hair.
“Doyoung would kill anyone who dares to speak badly about you,” Jaehyun calms you down.
“It’s been 6 years, why is he back?” You cradle your face.
“I wish I know,” Jaehyun says. “You need to tell Taeyong and Doyoung.”
“Tell us what?” Doyoung’s voice startesl you.
You turn to see him walking towards you and Jaehyun. “I uhm… I think I’m drunk,” you lie.
Doyoung frowns. “But are you okay?”
You nod and then giggle. “I just threw up and Jaehyun wants me to tell you and Taeyong, but I’m fine.”
Doyoung cradles your face. “Are you sure you’re okay? I can end the event and take you home?”
You shake your head. “I’m fine, I can go home by myself. I don’t mind.”
Doyoung shakes his head in disagreement. “I won't let you go alone.” He looks at Jaehyun. “Do you mind going with her? The chauffeur will take you back to the party.”
Jaehyun nods. “Of course. Don’t worry.”
Doyoung gives you a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll have my phone with me every moment, okay? Call me if you need anything, love.”
You nod and smile. “Please tell Taeyong I’m sorry I left early.”
“He’ll understand. Now go. Get some rest,” he gives you a peck. “I love you.”
When you return home, you change your clothes into Doyoung’s pajamas. You love how soft they are and that they smell like him. Jaehyun insists on staying with you but you tell him you're fine and he should return to the party with Johnny and enjoy what's left of the night.
You lay on Taeyong’s side of the bed and sigh.
It’s been two years since you three are together and you never mentioned Jackson. You never talk about it.
You roll on the bed for what you feel like hours without being able to sleep. You glance at the watch on the nightstand and it marks 2 am. Taeyong and Doyoung should be coming soon.
"Love? We're home," You hear Doyoung call, entering the penthouse.
You stand up from the bed and go downstairs. You see Taeyong unloosing his suit bow. You run to them and kiss them both. "Someone missed us," Taeyong mocks and kisses you back.
"I always miss you," you pout.
Doyoung smiles. "We missed you, too, love."
"We decided to invite someone tonight, I hope you dont mind." Taeyong smiles. You frown and see the door opening. It's Jackson.
"What?" You look at both of them. "Why is he doing here?"
Suddenly, Taeyong and Doyoung aren't in the penthouse anymore and all you can see is Jackson's hand wrapped around your neck. "I've been wanting to do this for so long."
He adds strength and chokes you, the air stopping going to your lungs. "I'm gonna make sure I'm the last person you see when I kill you, whore."
You startled awake, a loud gasp escaping you. You could feel your shirt cling uncomfortably to your back with sweat and your legs are tangled in the sheets, only worsening the feeling of being trapped.
You are breathing harshly, your chest heaving with choked breaths. You whimper, feeling your eyes start to water.
"Just a dream," you try to tell yourself.
It's 5 am and Doyoung and Taeyong are sleeping peacefully next to you. With shaking hands you reach out, trying to switch on the small lamp on the nightstand table. The dim light illuminating the room does nothing to calm your anxiety.
You touch your neck, wanting to make sure his hand isn't wrapped around your neck. He's not there. He doesn't know where you live.
The horrible picture plays in your head on loop and you know you won't be able to calm down. You shakily get out of bed and try to wipe the tears off your cheeks as good as you can and make your way towards the bathroom door of the bedroom.
Once inside the bathroom, you wash your face with cold water. You're still shaking. You sit next to the bathtub and start crying.
You hear someone enter the bathroom and hope they don't see you. But it doesn't work, it's Doyoung's eyes who finds you sitting next to the bathtub. He approaches you and kneels in front of you. "Love?"
You don't move and just look at him with wide eyes, he gently takes your hand. "What's wrong, love?"
You shake your head and cry again. "Did you have a nightmare?“ Doyoung asks. You nod and bury your face on his shirt.
"Oh love. It's alright. Nothing happened, it was just a dream. I'm here,“ Doyoung murmurs, tightening his hold on you. You clutch onto Doyoung's soft sleeping shirt and continue to cry.
"Do you want to talk about your dream, love?" Doyoung asks quietly, stroking your hair.
"I-I dreamed...," you look him in the eye. "I dreamed I lost you both."
Doyoung cuddles you close again. "It was just a nightmare, love. We're here, we're gonna be here always."
You peek up at him and nod. "I love you so much."
"I love you," Doyoung plants a kiss on your forehead. "Come on, let's go to bed."
Doyoung helps you to stand up and go back to the bed without waking Taeyong up. You are cuddled in the middle with your head pillowed on Doyoung's chest. It doesn't take long at all for you to fall asleep, feeling safe and warm his arms.
A couple of days later, Jackson shows up at KILEE. Doyoung is fascinated by him but to Taeyong, there's something strange about him. He's nice.
Too nice.
Maybe Taeyong thinks he's overreacting and Jackson is in fact nice.
Jackson tells them he's good friends with Mark Lee, the heir of one of the wealthiest and biggest companies in Canada and South Korea. So there's no reason to think he's gonna play them.
They later find themselves having lunch with Jackson and Mark.
"I met your girlfriend last weekend," Mark has a sip of his drink. "She is really nice. Although she disappeared."
Taeyong and Doyoung smile. "She had too much champagne and had to leave." Doyoung says.
"Oh well, it happens right?" Mark chuckles. "I've been there before."
"I didn't have the pleasure to meet her," Jackson says, "I hope I can next time."
"I invited her to my welcoming party this Saturday, are you guys coming?" Mark stares at Doyoung and Taeyong.
"Of course, we'll be there," Taeyong nods. "And I hopefully can greet your dad. He's an incredible man."
“Thanks, dude,” Mark beams, “so glad you all are coming.”
“But… Saturdays are only for us,” you pout, looking at Doyoung.
“I know, love. But I promise I’ll make it up to you next weekend,” He says, looking at himself in the mirror.
“I don't wanna go,” you say, leaving the walking closet.
Doyoung sighs. “Everyone’s gonna be there.”
“Well, not me,” you sit on the bed turning the TV on.
“White or black shirt?” Taeyong asks, entering the bedroom. “I’m still undecided.”
You shrug, trying to find something to watch on Netflix. Taeyong frowns, looking at you. “Why aren't you ready?”
“Because I am not going,” you reply.
Taeyong looks at Doyoung confused. “Mark is expecting to see you there.”
“Well, tell him I’m sick or something, Taeyong,” you rest your back on the headboard, watching the movie you picked.
Doyoung sighs, losing his patience. “You have been acting bratty all week and you're making me lose my patience. Get up and get dressed.”
“Didn't you hear me?” You look at him. “I-am-not-going.”
Taeyong rolls his eyes and walks to the walking closet, but Doyoung grabs his arm. "What do we do to brat girls?"
Taeyong smirks and you feel both of their gaze on you.
You don't know how you end up crouched low on the ground with your knees digging into the modern grey carpeting, you are tensing your thighs together and twisting your body every which way for the past ten minutes.
It doesn’t take long for your deep, frequent groans of pain to become loud enough to be heard around the make-shift gag that stuffs your mouth;  a pair of your black lace panties. "Be quiet, love. Good girls don't make a sound," Doyoung tells you.
“I think our princess is done, Doyoung,” you hear Taeyong say, his voice thick from immense pleasure.
You can see one of Doyoung's legs twitching and where his pelvis meets Taeyong's hips as he pulls forward and back again on his cock. Doyoung's loud moans reverberate against the walls, and you can picture his head thrown back in ecstasy as a strong smirk crawls across Taeyong's face.
“How much longer do you think you can hold it, baby?” Doyoung asks. You know he’s looking at Taeyong but talking to you, and as you try and scream, another jolt of displeasure courses through you. Not long, you want to say. Please, please let me go.
Doyoung pulls out from Taeyong (ignoring his hearty protests) and pads over to you, naked and his dick dripping.
The first thing you feel is his presence, the second thing you feel is his lips on your earlobe, biting it as he asks you to roll over. You do.
The third thing you feel is his right finger touching your aching clit. You cry in pleasure. He passes his fingers down your wet silt and then takes his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean. "So good. As always." You concentrate everything you have not to release everything right there.
Taeyong stands next to you and takes you in his arms in bridal style. Then he leaves you on the bed. You spread your legs for the two men you have in front and you can tell they're enjoying the view. You bite your lip.
"Teasing us, huh?" Doyoung smirks at you. "Let's play then."
Doyoung finishes taking his shirt off and throws it somewhere in the room. "Get on all fours," Doyoung orders, "Taeyong, get in front of her."
You do as he says and get on all fours. You feel Doyoung blowing gently in your core and you moan. He slaps you in the ass. "What did we say about sounds?"
"Sorry," you whisper.
"I want you to suck Taeyong off while I fuck you from behind, okay?" Doyoung asks, softly.
You nod. Taeyong takes his dick on his hand and strokes it, you open your mouth to take his cock. As you are licking his tip, Doyoung lowers his head down into it and closes his hot mouth around your wet pussy. Gasping, you groan on Taeyong's cock. Doyoung eagerly laps at your clit. You want to moan, but if you make the slightest noise, he won't let you.
You proceed to lick up the side of Taeyong's cock again swirling your tongue around it. Taeyong grips your hair, throwing his head back. "Oh fuck," he groans.
Yo smirk and lick him again when you feel him tense up. You suck even harder. Taeyong bites his lip; you look gorgeous taking his cock so well.
Doyoung is still focused on your clit, lapping at it continuously until your hips are jerking, and you cry out his name. Fuck.
Doyoung stops and slaps your ass again, making you whimper. "Bad girl. Finish Taeyong off."
You keep bobbing your head up and down until Taeyong explodes into your mouth. He rests a hand on your jaw. “Swallow for me baby” you do as you're told, making sure to maintain eye contact with Taeyong.
Doyoung grabs your waist and lays you on your back. He takes his cock in his hand and rubs the pink head between the lips of your flushed pussy, drawing a pleased moan from him. He pulls in, all of his bare length entirely inside of you. Doyoung grunts and tenses up, curling his fingers tightly around your soft hips. Taeyong watches you and he is getting hard again.
You turn to Taeyong and Doyoung moves his cock slowly dragging out of your cunt until only the tip remains. He drives into you and, as a groan bubbles in your throat, your eyes roll back. You are so full, that it feels as if you’re being ripped apart from the inside out. Taeyong stays crouched by your side, whispering soft and gentle reassurances in your ear, and kisses your face.
Doyoung's mouth is on your breasts, marking you with his teeth and lips, metal and flesh fingers digging into your hips and sides. “She’s so fucking tight, Taeyong.”
“Of course she is, she’s a good girl. Aren’t you, baby?” Taeyong's tongue is in your mouth before you can answer and he’s growling against your tongue as he sucks it into his mouth.
Taeyong slides his hand between your breasts and down your belly as Doyoung pushes up, giving Taeyong room to find your clit. Doyoung is growling, pounding you into the mattress as Taeyong assaults the throbbing bundle of nerves. It feels like lava is scorching through your veins as you cum on Doyoung's cock. You want him to join you, but you know he won’t, he wants to save it for when both he and Doyoung are fucking you at the same time.
With your heart hammering in your chest and bursts of static in your ears, Taeyong rolls you to your stomach and pulls you to him; knees on the edge of the bed, your ass up. Before you know what’s happening, Taeyong slaps your ass. You cry out and push back, seeking out more of his touch.
“You like that, don’t you?”
You whine pitifully. “Y-yes."
He caresses the reddening skin before slapping it again, and again, and again. Just when you think he’s done, he surprises you with a slap to your cunt, leaving you shrieking and writhing at the pleasurable sting. The wide head of Taeyong's cock is pushing in, slower.
“What do you want, baby?"
You whimper. “I want you to fuck me."
Taeyong's demeanor changes and he slams into you with a snarl. You bury your face in the bed and cry out. Taeyong is relentless, his thrusts tight and controlled as he fucks you, his balls slap your clit and every time they do, it pulls a moan from deep within.
You try telling Taeyong that you’re going to cum, but you don’t get the chance; it hits you like a runaway train. As you’re shouting and pulsing around his cock.
With a growl, Taeyong pulls out and smacks your ass again. You fall to your side where Doyoung peppers your face with kisses as you gasp for air. He’s stroking your hair.
Taeyong pulls you off the bed and kisses you thoroughly. His hands are on your thighs and he’s lifting you off the floor while Doyoung repositions himself on the bed; back against the headboard, legs drawn up, heels planted in the mattress; all while spreading lube on his cock.
Taeyong sets you between Doyoung's thighs, watching as Doyoung works with you until you’re straddling his lap and his cock is pressing into your tight hole. With Doyoung's hands on your hips, you pull in slow, deliberate breaths as he fills you. Doyoung is moaning as he bounces you on his cock, slowly, working the lube back and forth until finally, chestnut curls are biting into your ass.
You’re leaning back against Doyoung hands on the bed by his hips, shoulder blades against his chest when he’s whispering in your ear, “you got a sweet ass, love,” before nipping at your neck. He’s working you up and down on his cock, gasping every time you clench around him, the intense desire surging through you a million miles a minute. You’re so very full, but your pussy is aching for Taeyong as it clamps down around nothing, the opaque cum spilling down onto Doyoung's balls. Taeyong has his bottom lip between his teeth and he’s staring at you with dark eyes as he strokes himself in time with you and Doyoung. Without a word, he kneels on the bed and moves between your legs. The wide head of his cock is at your entrance and your chest is heaving in anticipation.
“Just fuck me, Taeyong.” you manage to rasp.
There’s no way to describe the feeling of being filled with two cocks. All you know is that you love it. Every inch of their thick cocks in your ass and cunt. The way one cock curves left and the other curves right. How they drag against the other while one pushes and the other pulls. It’s in the way they each grunt when they hit home, when they can’t drive into you further.
You’re cumming fast and hard, your toes are curling and your knuckles are turning white as it tears you apart from the inside out; screaming noiselessly when Taeyong flicks your clit. Both men are quick to follow suit; Doyoung first, then Taeyong. They’re grunting and cursing, almost in sync, their cum mixing with yours as it leaks out, spreading onto the sheets.
Taeyong, hissing the entire time, withdraws first and heads into the bathroom to clean up. While he’s in there, you fall back against Doyoung, writhing in his lap as he begins to soften. You turn your head and kiss him slowly, tangling your tongues together and moaning into his mouth as an unexpected aftershock rolls through you.
“Jesus, love Take it easy.” Doyoung squeezes your hips before gently pulling you off of his lap. You fall to your side and snuggle into the pillows, giggling playfully as Doyoung stands on unsteady legs.
Taeyong is behind you, lifting one leg so he can clean you from front to back.
"Fuck, we're so late," Doyoung runs to the walking closet.
You groan. "I thought we weren't going anymore."
"This was convincing sex, so get your beautiful ass up and get ready," Taeyong gives you a peck.
You three are 20 minutes late to Mark's party. He doest care because he's happy you're finally there. Mark introduces you three to some of their friends and family members. They all are so nice.
Unfortunately, you don't know anyone in the party and Taeyong and Doyoung do, they seem comfortable talking to pretty much everyone.
You're at the bar and order for a gin and tonic. As you wait for your drink, you give a glance to Mark's house roof: it's unbelievably high and the paintings are absolutely beautiful.
You feel someone's hand on your shoulder and smile when you see Mark. "My mom painted them."
"What?" You asked, shocked. "How did she get up there?"
Mark laughs. "No, I mean, my mom painted them in a regular size and someone professional then came and did it."
"Oh," you nod, embarrassed. "Not my brightest moment."
Mark smirks. "You got me rambling when we met, so this is my revenge."
"We're even now," you giggle. The bartender leaves your drink on the counter and you have a sip.
"Not yet, you abandoned me in that party where I didn't know anyone," he sighs.
You bite your lip. "I'm sorry. I had too much champagne."
"It's okay, I went to have lunch with your men the other day and told me," he grins. "Go easy with the gin, you never know when it's gonna betray you."
"Bad experiences?" You cock an eyebrow.
You both laugh.
Jackson arrives at Mark's house and after greeting some people, he goes to where Doyoung, Taeyong and other people are. After chatting for a couple of minutes, Doyoung and Jackson excuse themselves to have a conversation with the two of them.
As they're chatting, Doyoung spots you talking and giggling with Mark. He doesn't like it. Why, from all people you have to be laughing with him? Maybe you two liked each other from his company party.
"What do you say?" Jackson asks.
Doyoung shakes his head. "Excuse me, what?"
"Are you okay?" Jackson looks at him.
"Yeah... just," he presses his lips together. "I was looking at my girlfriend."
Doyoung looks at you again and Jackson follows his gaze. "You know, I once fell for a woman like her; all shiny, beautiful, polite..."
"She's everything to me," Doyoung says, still looking at you.
"She was my everything too," Jackson nods, "Until I wasn't enough for her."
Doyoung looks at Jackson. "What happened?"
"She met someone richer than me and left," Jackson shrugs. "Mark's my friend, but he's richer than everyone in this room and he is a charm. So I'd be careful, you know? She seems to like him... very much."
"Oh, my God, did you see the roof? I felt like I was in a castle," you say in excitement to Taeyong as you three are on your way back to the penthouse. "It was beautiful."
"I know, and the bathrooms are... out of this world," Taeyong laughs. "I mean, we're rich but Lee are disgustingly  rich."
You and Taeyong make most of the conversation until you finally arrive at your place. As Doyoung is pressing the code to the elevator, your phone rings and you smile. "It's Mark, he wants to check if we made it home safely."
"He's so nice," Taeyong smiles. "I'm gonna hang out with him more. We should, the three of us."
"Yes! He only has 2 friends here so it could be cool," you say.
You three enter the elevator and the closes door. "Do you like Mark, y/n?" Doyoung suddenly asks.
"Yeah," you giggle. "He's awkward but in a nice way. He could be a good friend."
Doyoung nods. "He's also way richer than Taeyong and I."
"Yeah..." you frown. "What about it?"
"Well, you were very flirty with him tonight," he glances at you. "Perhaps are you thinking of fucking him now?"
"Doyoung..." Taeyong grabs his arm. Doyoung yanks himself free.
"Excuse me?" You stare at him. "Who the fuck do you think I am?"
"You tell me," Doyoung leans close to you. "Are you perhaps a gold-di-"
You don't even let him finish when you slap him. "If you think I am a gold-digger then you don't know me at all. I don't care about you damn money."
"You're very impressed with Mark's life," Doyoung grips his jaw. "You want him and his money. We're nothing to you anymore."
The elevator finally stops on your floor and you get out of there. Taeyong and Doyoung follow you. You stop in the middle of the hallway and you start taking the jewelry you have on and throw the items to Doyoung. Then you proceed to take your phone out and winnow the expensive wallet to the floor. You take off your shoes as well.  "You bought all of that. Keep it. I don't want it or your money."
You walk to the elevator and press the code and Taeyong follows you. "Where are you going?"
"Apparently to fuck Mark," you say and enter the elevator. "Fuck you, Doyoung"
The doors are about to close when you stick your arm in the middle of them. "By the way, the dress I'm wearing I bought with my own money and if you don't believe me, my bank statement is on my desk."
And you're gone.
Taeyong sighs and stares at Doyoung. "What the fuck was that?"
"You don't think I'm right?" Doyoung scoffs.
"Of course not!" Taeyong shakes his head. "She's been with us for 2 years and you know she has never cared about our money."
"Or that's what she made us think," Doyoung says as he opens the door of the penthouse.
"You better shut the fuck up because I will punch you," Taeyong warns him
"Get inside," Doyoung stands next to the door.
"No." He says.
"Whatever," Doyoung says and shuts the door behind him.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Intense Years)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: y/n is 16-17, also ive really never written anything about team iron man so this was weird, someone needs to tell me i dont need every single movie detail in here
prompt: takes place from cacw and smhc
The Early Years (1) The Teenage Years (2) The Aftermath (4) Continued (5)
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after the events in sokovia, you set up the relief fund for displaced sokovians and dealt with physical clean up while the avengers...
well, they had to deal with the press—and the governments of the world
getting to know your new suit AI, JOSHUA
briefly looking for bruce; no luck there
you ended up doing the MIT september foundation presentation with tony
and ending the presentation after pepper’s name popped up on the screen
“it’s probably best we get out of here”
you were his entire support system while he was going through his break with pepper
meeting charles spencer’s mother, who really gave your dad a piece of her mind
“my son died, but your daughter gets to live on. if you lost her, maybe you’d show some sympathy for murdering my child”
*awkward silence from you*
*awkward silence from tony otw to the compound*
HATING the sound of the sokovia accords, yet understanding why they’re being ratified
being torn between signing them or not and having a huge argument with the other avengers
“y/n, why dont you listen to your dad for once and sign the damn thing”
“uncle rhodey, you know why i dont want to sign. if they have us, they have access to our suits. you really think the UN should be telling us how to use them?”
“your defense doesn’t even make sense. i had the war machine or iron patriot or whatever the hell you want to call it, but the military was calling the shots”
“and look where you are now”
“right, well i wouldn’t expect a kid to understand”
“are you kidding me, rhodes? you’re gonna play the ‘im older than you’ card?”
comforting wanda while she feared being taken
and as soon as you heard about what happened in lagos
“think about it, maximoff. if you didnt do what you did, do you know how many more casualties there may have been?”
“but i killed innocents”
“no, rumlow killed innocents. you contained that blast better than anyone else could have and you prevented a whole bunch of deaths, give yourself some credit”
okay, so you weren’t the best at talking someone down while they were upset
staying in berlin with your father while the whole bucky thing began to get sorted out
but he sent you out to stay with nat while he had some “private time” with steve
tony keeping you close to him during the power outage at the base
until it turned out you brought your suit and tony did not!
everyone was looking at you to take down bucky, but it just seemed like a bad idea, you didn’t want to hurt him because you didn’t want to hurt steve
stalling to try and buy steve time to subdue his friend
“y/n, come on, for christ sake!”
“got it, dad! i know what im doing!”
“i dont think you do!”
feeling your stomach drop when bucky shot into your dad’s hand, if it wasn’t for his latest invention, he may have gotten seriously hurt
you had a slight change of heart after that, you couldn’t bare to lose your dad. not after all those close calls...
getting yelled at by secretary ross and the wonderful 36 hour ultimatum you, nat, and tony received
“i have a plan”
“don’t say the spider boy”
“fine, i wont say it”
a nice trip to queens :)
when this parker kid finally got home, tony left you to socialize with his aunt
small talk is sometimes unbearable
“so, what’s it like being tony stark’s daughter?”
“honestly? im always tired”
peter becoming a tagalong on your mission, which you didn’t really think was appropriate
“dad, i dont really think we should’ve brought the kid...”
“why? you’re about the same age as him, its not much different”
“um...no, i meant this isnt his battle. i don’t care how old he is”
face off between tony and cap where you literally just swallowed all your pride and apologized because you couldn’t handle the fact that the team was being ripped apart like this
team ups with Spider-Man
“so, uh, do you hate me or something?”
“hey, kid? we’re kind of in the middle of something, i’ll get back to you on that”
“it’s a yes or no question, y/n”
so, things didn’t exactly go as planned...
your (former) teammates were taken to the RAFT and you couldn’t pull it together in front of them
they were pretty pissed at you
“im sorry, im so sorry, i should’ve done better”
they ignored you (up until scott lang)
“all you stark’s are the same”
“stay out of this, bugboy”
taking to the remote hydra base in another famous father/daughter teamup
“just like the old days, right kiddo?”
“i guess so”
“hey, cheer up, it’s not all that bad”
waltzing right in there to meet your friend and foe
seeing the video of your grandparents dying
*being killed
absolutely stunned by seeing such a gruesome thing
even after all you’ve seen, this really got to you
you were robbed of ever meeting them, which made you angry, but you couldn’t stay angry because there were so many things out of everyones control
realizing that this was a good time to hold tony back
“JOSHUA, lock down y/n’s suit. protocol: baby gate”
apparently your dad still had some old protocols in your suit that you hadn’t found yet
“JOSHUA? reboot! override protocol: baby gate”
“i’m sorry, miss y/n, but i cannot do that”
watching your father attempt to get revenge
and get critically injured
simultaneously working on opening the suit back up for a bad plan
finally getting the emergency release and stumbling out of your suit, rushing towards the conflict and throwing yourself in the middle of it
“please, dad. enough damage has been done.”
“y/n, get out of the way”
he saw you shaking and crying and he realized what he was doing
attacking the only family you guys really had
getting shoved out of the way so that they could end this fight once and for all
JOSHUA finally rebooting and bringing the suit over to shield you while you helplessly watched the end of this fight
when bucky and steve left, your suit disarmed and you crouched down beside your father
“come on, let’s just go home”
“im sorry”
“i know, it’s okay”
trying to comfort your dad after his defeat
you picked up cap’s shield and returned to your suit, it was time to go home
after a brief time of recovery (while you helped work on uncle rhodey’s prototype prosthetics), there was a slight change of plans for you
“okay, so for your punishment after what you pulled during my...divorce with cap, you’re going to babysit the spiderling so you gain some perspective”
“hold on, what?! what do you mean ‘perspective?’”
“i mean you dont know what it’s like to be in charge of the life of a teenager, so now you get to find out! congratulations on your promotion!”
it was not fun at all because peter kept blowing up your phone and you kept having to tell him there was nothing for him to do
Y/N: I’ll let you know when there’s a spider-level threat, kapeesh?
P. Parker: Yes, ma’am, sorry.
peter going behind your back to do some “superhero work”
and you having to swoop in to fix everything last second
“come on, you stole my thunder, y/n!”
“no, peter, i saved your life. next time you have a lead, call me first”
and then he didn’t 😌✨💕
“Y/N, incoming call from ‘big fat meanie’”
“put him through, JOSHIE...hey dad, how’s dubai?”
“taking care of a kid is harder than it looks, isn’t it?”
“don’t start with me”
damage control ahahah 🤡
“peter, why cant you just call me in? you don’t stop texting me for months but for this you go radio silent? you almost died. and you put a bunch of lives in danger! do you want me to have to go to your aunt and tell her you died?”
“im sorry! i just...i dont want to be a sidekick”
“kid, you’re gonna have a long time to make a name for yourself...but not if you’re dead!”
he started crying and you were very uncomfortable so you tried to hug him? it helped.
letting him off easy (just like your dad did to you growing up)
but apparently tony came back and took the suit anyways and you were pretty pissed about it
avengers moving day :) yes, part of your punishment was helping happy with moving day and hearing him gush about how you were “growing into such a responsible adult”
“happy i dont know if you noticed but ive basically been an adult since i was 12”
“keep telling yourself that, kiddo”
seeing an explosion and immediately knowing it was peter
“i’ll see you later, happy, love you!”
investigating the crash site and whaddaya know, there’s peter and his first bad guy, you were kind of proud
“peter, you okay?”
“okay, cool”
more damage control lmao (a/n: yall sick of damage control yet?)
a congratulatory call from your dad
“hey! you did pretty good, all things considered. why don’t you take the kid to the avengers compound for his special surprise?”
“aye aye, see you soon.”
“love you, kiddo”
“you too, dad”
quick fast forward to peter rejecting the position as an avenger while the press was outside, yes, you were surprised
but then your dad finally proposed to pepper, it was a pretty cool engagement announcement
“y/n, will you be my maid of honor?”
happily ever after (a/n: until the next part is up)
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violetwolfraven · 3 years
Willie Headcanons
So I actually came up with this like a month ago and forgot to post it. Anyway enjoy my headcanons about our favorite sk8er boi. Be ready for feels.
Tw: death, car accident mention, emotional manipulation.
In my mind, Willie had a good relationship with his parents. They were supportive and everything. They both loved Willie very much.
And Willie has youngest child energy so I’m saying he has a sister who’s 2 years older and a brother who’s 5 years older. Their names are Delilah and Austin.
Seriously imagine the worst possible combination of head empty only skateboarding and you’ve got Willie, Delilah, and Austin.
Austin started skating when he was 7 and got Delilah hooked on it a year later.
Their parents kinda didn’t like the idea of it but those two had already started teaching Willie basic stuff by the time he was 3.
But... the other two had other interests. Delilah was into art (painting) and Austin played piano (like, really well).
For Willie, skateboarding was his thing. And it always was.
He had fun with it when his big brother would put his hands on his and teach him to play a bit, or his sister would give him some paint and a spare canvas and they’d doodle together, but it wasn’t like skating.
As far as I’ve seen (which admittedly isn’t that far) it’s widely accepted that Willie has ADHD so I’m leaning into that here.
And Willie inherited his brain from his dad, who had a bad experience with meds and so wouldn’t let any of his kids go through it.
So Willie grew up unmedicated but probably better off for the time period. His dad taught him coping mechanisms. Him and Austin. Delilah didn’t inherit it but she was taught to empathize with her brothers and recognize when they needed her help with something.
She’s a badass who can and does beat up anybody who’s mean to her brothers for missing social cues.
But anyway while Austin had piano (and skating as a side thing) Willie got even more hooked on skateboarding than either of his siblings because his brain latched onto it from a young age and couldn’t let go.
We all have our outlets. The chaos in our brains has to go somewhere. For Willie it goes into skating.
When he’s young he and his siblings will skateboard to school and then after school they’ll skate all around Hollywood for hours.
They do their homework in random McDonalds and Denny’s and tbh become local cryptid customers. Like they’re just these 3 super friendly skater siblings who tip really well and visit every fast food place within a 20 mile radius of their house with varying frequency.
They also find e v e r y skatepark, empty pool, and vacant lot in that 20 mile radius that they can possibly find.
Their parents have to bail them out of jail for trespassing and the occasional vandalism every so often.
Sometimes one of them has stuff to do and it’s just two of them out skating but if two of them are busy the other one never goes out alone cause it’s dangerous. We’ll get back to that later.
So anyway when they’re 17, 14, and 12, Delilah comes out as a lesbian.
And the family is supportive of course because they’re a good family.
But her coming out gets Willie thinking. About how some of his friends have crushes on girls but he just... doesn’t see the appeal.
Like he has a couple friends who are girls and they’re great and he likes hanging out with them at recess but he doesn’t get the hype. They’re just more friends. So he doesn’t really see what his big sister is so interested in either.
In my mind Willie actually is from around the same time as the boys (dying in like 1999) so one day while nobody else in their house is home he and Delilah are watching Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and Willie’s again wondering why people think Leia is so hot cause she’s cool and all but Luke is right there and he looks really good and—
Willie: I think I might be gay.
Delilah: Yeah I know.
They talk about it and Willie does decide to tell the rest of the family but he’s a bit wary about anyone else because he saw how some of Delilah’s friends turned on her after she came out. He doesn’t want that to happen to him.
He does end up telling a few of his friends but he doesn’t quite not care what people think of him the way his big sister does.
Austin is the only straight one and he’s like. So awkward about it but in a sweet way.
Austin: So, Britney Spears is hot, right?
Delilah: Stop.
Austin: So I saw you hanging around Chris the other day are you two..?
Willie: ...no...???
Austin: Cool, yeah I didn’t think so. Just had to make sure. Not that I’m doubting your ability to get boys but I’d have to shovel talk him if you were.
Willie: If I ever do get a boyfriend, please don’t.
He tries. He’s a himbo if that wasn’t clear. Where did you think Willie learned it?
So anyway fast forward a couple years and they’re 22, 19, and 17. Austin and Delilah are both in college and Willie’s the last one left at home and things between their parents start getting... tense.
Like they don’t fight exactly but they’ve fallen out of love and things are awkward.
Even Austin and Delilah can tell and they’re only home on breaks and some weekends but for Willie it’s right there and he’s watching it happen. He has no option but to see.
They used to have a rule that they don’t go skating alone because it’s dangerous but Willie just can’t make himself stay home so he goes out skateboarding.
At first it’s never too far from home or anywhere where there’s too much traffic but as things get increasingly awkward at home he goes out farther and farther, chasing the adrenaline high he used to get from going anywhere and everywhere every day after school with his siblings.
Then his parents officially tell him they’re getting divorced and
And it’s not like he couldn’t see it coming, but... it still hurts.
And neither of his siblings are coming home any time soon so
So he goes out skating on his own, way too far from home. He keeps going until he doesn’t even know where he is anymore.
He isn’t really paying attention the way he should but that’s not why he runs into trouble.
The driver of that red pickup is drunk and he rounds the corner out of nowhere.
If Delilah or Austin had been there they could have yelled for Willie to jump out of the way, or maybe up on the hood so the impact wouldn’t be as bad, but he’s alone.
So he gets hit, and the car was going fast enough that he’s dead before he even hits the pavement.
After that there’s a lot of confusion but once Willie figures out he’s a ghost... it’s too painful to think about going home, so he just... doesn’t.
He doesn’t want to see his family mourning him, so he just distracts himself, skating everywhere he couldn’t before without getting busted.
Plus some old routes where he used to go with Delilah and Austin, just for something that’s familiar but not too familiar.
He’s on one of those more familiar routes a few weeks after his death when he’s skating down Sunset Boulevard one night, singing along to Toxic by Britney Spears blasting from a nearby club and a man dressed in a purple suit comments on how he’s got a good voice.
Honestly Willie is just so relieved to have someone to talk to that he forgets about stranger danger completely.
Plus he recognizes an Elder Gay in Caleb and assumes he can trust him because the Elder Gays he met at pride that one time he went with Delilah were so nice and understanding of how reassuring it was to see queer people of older generations who got a happy ending.
Caleb barely even has to try. He just lets this 17-year-old obviously-queer ghost rant at him for a few minutes, asks a few questions and finds out that he also can play piano, and convinces him to come to the Hollywood Ghost Club the next night.
From there it’s not like Willie has anyone to save him so of course he has to join the club.
At first he’s completely alone because the other performers scare him almost as much as Caleb does.
Then slowly, he sees how they give him space because they know he’s scared of them. How they turn a blind eye when he leaves the club without permission. How they don’t critique his mistakes with the same sarcasm they show each other.
Willie starts to realize that the other performers are doing their best to look out for him, and he starts being less afraid.
They’re all too concerned with their own survival to really protect him but if they draw some attention to themselves occasionally so Caleb doesn’t notice Willie being slow to pick up some tricky choreography, that’s not too risky.
The others are all like 21 at the youngest and they really don’t appreciate Caleb tricking a literal child into working for him no matter how talented said child is. (Cause Willie is good at singing and piano. It’s just not his passion.)
The twins are 22 but they died in 1925 and before that they were performing to support a younger brother who they never got to say goodbye to so maybe they see Willie as a kind of second chance.
Lyssa (what I decided to name drummer woman because I don’t know her real name if she has one) is 25 and she died in 1984. She had a daughter who’d be about Willie’s age now and... who knows? Maybe they were friends.
Fuego is 24 and from 1951 and he had a childhood best friend who enlisted and died in WWII that he thought he might get to see when he died but that boy moved on and so... well, Willie’s just a little younger than his friend was the last time he saw him.
In short Willie becomes everyone’s baby brother and they do what they can to look out for him even if they’re just as scared of Caleb as he is.
And the better adjusted Willie gets to (after)life at the HGC and the better they get to know him, the guiltier the others start to feel about him being stuck there.
Eventually a combination of guilt and worked-up courage leads Fuego tells him about the whole unfinished business thing, in hopes maybe he can figure his out and get away from Caleb.
It doesn’t take Willie long to think of his family, how hopeless he felt about the divorce, how worried he was it would change everything and then how scared he was to see his family in pain because of his death.
He realizes his unfinished business is probably seeing them. Letting himself say goodbye.
He almost gets away with it.
Caleb catches up and stops him in the driveway of his house and poofs them back to the HGC.
He convinces (gaslights) Willie into believing that saying goodbye was never his unfinished business and even if it was it’s not like it would matter because Caleb wouldn’t let him do it.
The next morning he ships the HGC out to Tokyo. They stay on the move for a long time and when they are in town, Willie is basically locked in his room.
The next time he’s allowed out in Hollywood, his parents don’t live in their old house anymore and he has no way to find them.
As a coping mechanism, he just starts making the best of a bad situation. Becoming better friends with the other ghosts. Helping soften the blow whenever someone new comes along.
None of that means he stops checking the faces of passing skaters or keeping eyes on restaurants his folks used to like, but it does mean he more or less gives up hope.
That’s what he’s doing when he bumps into Alex.
Look, Willie loves his friends at the HGC. He really does. But there’s a big difference between 17 and 20-something. Like the others will drink alcohol some nights and technically Willie was born over 21 years ago but he still feels weird enough about it that he doesn’t drink.
He hasn’t talked to anyone his age in a long time so Alex is a breath of fresh air.
Also he’s like. Really cute. And sweet. And funny. And shit, Willie’s fallen for him before he even has time to think about it.
He keeps thinking about how Alex doesn’t seem like he’d be physically capable of hurting someone on purpose so Austin would approve and every once in a while there’s that sarcasm that pops out which means he’d get along great with Delilah.
In general Alex is the kind of guy he would’ve loved to take home to meet the family. Them not included, he’s kind of... everything Willie’s missed about Hollywood in the form of one person.
Then they hang out more and Alex is still everything he’s missed but he’s also so much more than that and...
It almost feels like a part of Alex is still alive. And for the first time in years, a part of Willie feels alive, too.
They’ve known each other for like a week tops and Willie is already in love.
Not that he’s admitting that to anyone, because he’s learned the hard way that anyone you care about can be used against you.
Still... when Alex asks for help getting revenge on Bobby, he can’t bring himself to say no because he needs to keep Alex in his (after)life and the only way he knows how to do that (or to make people be nice to him in general) is to be as useful as possible.
That turns out to be a big mistake, because Caleb sees right through him in an instant, targets Alex to confirm it, then immediately starts the process to trick the boys into committing to eternity at the HGC.
Willie feels like an idiot for thinking he could actually get away with it. Doing something good for someone he cares about.
He hadn’t thought Caleb would be interested in them because he’d never actually heard them play. The assumption was that he’d make them do some small favor and then let them talk to their bandmate for 5 minutes. A clean deal where they never have to commit to anything. Willie forgot to take magic into account.
He almost manages to convince himself it was all a bad dream, but when he seeks out Alex and his friends to check on them, he can almost feel the jolts himself, and seeing Alexthem in pain feels terrible.
Willie knows that theoretically they could figure out their unfinished business and cross over, but that all depends on finding it and doing it fast enough and if they failed...
People you care about can be used against you. And Willie does not want to be used against Alex again. He doesn’t want to see Alex used against him.
So he keeps his distance, in hopes Caleb will think he lost interest. He’s pretty sure once the boys find out about the stamp they’ll hate him, anyway.
And plus, as he’s been taught by his friends at the HGC, you have to look out for yourself because no one else will do it for you. Maybe you hurt somebody by not standing up for them, but you can apologize later and hope they forgive you. You can’t apologize if you’re gone, and it’s not like it would make a difference anyway because Caleb is too powerful for anyone to beat.
The thought of how spending eternity with Alex might not be so bad even if it has to be at the HGC does come up, but ironically that’s what makes Willie decide to screw his courage to the sticking point and tell them.
Because he has seen what decades at the club has done to his friends.
They’re all great performers, and they perform happiness well even to each other, but Willie knows them enough to know how tired they all are. How they have been doing the same thing over and over again for decades and they are sick of it.
They’re young, talented tragedies lost to drug overdoses, or AIDS, or accidents, or suicide, and they should’ve gotten to rest after everything they went through in their lives. Instead, they got a curse disguised as a blessing. They got to stay on a stage, got to keep performing and soaking up applause, never got to stop.
Willie has been there a shorter time than most of them and he feels it. The exhaustion, because ghosts are supposed to haunt for a few years then figure out their unfinished business and move on. They’re not meant to be trapped for decades, used as party tricks.
A part of Alex still feels alive and being trapped in the Hollywood Ghost Club for years on end would kill that part of him.
Willie can’t let that happen, so as hard as it is...
He tells the boys what’s wrong with them. And by that hurt, betrayed look in Alex’s eyes, he’s honestly expecting him to never forgive him.
But then Alex does. And that almost hurts worse because whether he figures out his unfinished business or not, Willie doubts he’s ever going to see him again.
He honest to God almost cries when Alex hugs him because... shit, he hasn’t gotten a hug since he was breathing.
He goes back to the HGC and tries to go about his day, and keeps replaying how good it felt to have Alex’s arms around him, hoping that memory will get him through the next few decades on his own.
The ghosts at the club do actually gossip a fair amount and by this point all of them know about the 3 dead members of Sunset Curve.
So when Willie admits to Helen (what I’m calling one of the twins) that Alex hugging him was the first time he’d gotten a hug since he died, she hugs him tight for a good 20 seconds, telling him she’s sorry he has to lose him, and if Willie closes his eyes he can almost pretend it’s Delilah.
The next thing he knows, he’s locked in a closet.
Caleb comes to talk to (intimidate) him a few hours later, saying he knows what Willie did.
He’s magically locked in his room alone for a couple weeks after that and it’s essentially psychological torture.
Helen, Anna (what I decided to call the other twin), Dante, Fuego, Lyssa, and everyone else tell him not to test Caleb for the next couple years, but Willie has a heart full of love and a head full of fuck it, so he doesn’t listen.
He gives it exactly one day of being/acting scared and obedient, then goes out without permission again, fully intending to scream in a museum alone to let out all his feelings.
Remember: Willie didn’t see the Orpheum performance. He doesn’t know the boys didn’t cross over but by Caleb’s mood he has a feeling the outcome of that scenario was not in the magician’s favor.
He gets there and it’s literally this comic by the very talented @williessweatycherrysocks
He can’t stay long but he and Alex scream in each other’s faces, talk a bit, maybe sing a duet.
After that, they sneak to see each other when they can but don’t get to see much of each other for months.
It’s hard on both of them but they don’t give up on their relationship.
Through long and complicated events which I will outline later, Willie eventually gets free of the HGC, hugs his friends goodbye already making plans to take down Caleb for good to free them, too, and promptly declines an offer to stay in the Molinas’ garage.
As much as he wants to be close to Alex he’s done being confined to one place.
He still comes and visits like every day tho.
He knows a lot more about ghosting than the other boys do so he and Carlos get along amazingly like:
Carlos: So do you know who Jack the Ripper was?
Willie: No? How old do you think I am?
Carlos: I dunno but I thought it might be Caleb cause that would explain how he never got caught.
Willie, taking notes in his Things To Potentially Use To Take Caleb Down notebook: You’re a tiny genius.
No one was expecting it but everyone is in awe of how well he and Carrie get along. Between the two of them they know so much celebrity gossip. (and it’s definitely a good thing he’s on good terms with her cause she and Alex are close)
On the angsty side, Willie also bonds with Nick over how they both know how it feels to be manipulated and used by Caleb.
Also it takes a long time before he’s able to trust him, but he does get adopted into the Molina clan by Ray.
Ray reminds him a lot of his own dad, once Willie’s able to see that he’s nothing like Caleb.
Ray’s honestly just 100% happy to Dad™️ anyone who needs a dad so it works out great once Julie and the boys figure out how to make Willie visible.
But anyway back to important stuff.
Now that they don’t have to hide for any reason, Willie and Alex can both breathe a little easier. Or... they both feel better. Ghosts don’t really breathe.
Willie can finally let himself get used to feeling alive again.
The whole ghost gang goes (invisibly) to the Los Feliz Homecoming dance and maybe it should make him feel a little on-edge with the kind of club-like environment but...
He’s got Alex there, and they’re dancing to some corny pop love song from the 90s that Flynn probably put on because she knew the ghost boys would be there so how could he feel anything but safe?
For a minute it almost feels like actually being alive and there’s yellow and pink and blue lights coming from everywhere reflecting in Alex’s eyes and Willie is suddenly very aware of the fact that though they’ve been together for a long time now, they haven’t had their first kiss.
Then the Cha Cha Slide starts up and the atmosphere switches and Willie totally forgets about the whole romantic tension thing because it’s the Cha Cha Slide everybody has to dance along.
Dirty Candi performs towards the end of the night and the ghost boys cheer the loudest despite how Julie’s laughing at them. They don’t care that Carrie can’t even hear them, they’re being supportive!!!
Everybody screams even louder when Flynn runs up on stage and kisses Carrie and Willie feels a big burst of affection at how Alex shouts ABOUT TIME!
Then he gives Willie a quick hug and leaves cause he and the rest of Julie and the Phantoms have to go get set up for their performance.
Since Alex was able to flip Carrie’s hair in All Eyes on Me I’m saying that ghosts can touch lifers if they focus and believe it will happen hard enough, so the ghost gang has developed a system for alerting their non-Julie lifer friends to their presence.
So while they’re waiting in the crowd Willie taps Carrie on the shoulder like: • - - one short tap, two long taps, a Morse code ‘W’ and Carrie lets Flynn know that he’s there.
(Nick can see him too but Nick’s off somewhere with his date {one of his lacrosse teammates you know the one})
Anyway so Julie goes out and starts up the song and then the rest of the band poofs in but
Something’s unusual.
Cause it’s not Luke on the lower main vocals.
Singing while he plays the drums and fucking killing it.
Willie totally bluescreens for a second but then when he actually focuses on the lyrics...
It’s a new song about beating the odds and being with the person you love in spite of the challenges that come with them.
And yeah there are Julie elements in there, (and she’s definitely making heart eyes at Luke even as he sticks to backup vocals) because of course there are since she has to start the song up, but
But Willie might not have any formal music training, but he was at the HGC long enough to know his stuff about music and recognize different artists’ styles.
And there’s a time signature switch on the bridge that’s a little off from how Luke would write it. There’s a swing to the melody that’s a bit more ‘pop’ than the band’s usual songs. Julie’s harmony doesn’t go as high as it normally would, as if whoever wrote the song didn’t have as high of an upper range to work with as she does.
The song is so unmistakably Alex that no one else could have written it.
Flynn and Carrie are quietly making smug comments on what they bet his face looks like right now but Willie’s not listening to them.
On the last chorus, Alex fucking winks at him right before poofing out.
Willie has whiplash like how did they go from him having to psych Alex up to break into a museum even when there’s zero chance of getting caught to Alex openly flirting with him from the stage?
He poofs backstage right as the boys get back from dropping their instruments back in the Molinas’ garage and he honestly doesn’t know what he even wants to say to convey how amazing that performance was.
Then Alex just smiles at him.
Alex: So I take it you liked the song?
Willie: Can I kiss you right now?
They both kinda freeze after he blurts that out and Reggie goes wow really quietly before he and Luke poof out to give them some privacy and whoops now they’re both flustered but
Alex: Wow, didn’t expect that. That’s... um, wow. But yeah.
They kiss and it’s a total romcom moment.
And the story’s far from over, but to Willie this definitely feels like happily ever after.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Build Me Up Buttercup *Part 5*
WARNING: This chapter contains mention of sexual assault, please read at your own discretion. Also, I’m sorry these last two chapters have been kind of dark but next chapter will be super fluff I promise!
If you need to catch up:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Tag List: @wanniiieeee
....And you just ran out?”
Your roommate’s judgement came through loud and clear, even through the phone.
“Yes! What the hell was I supposed to do?!” You tried defending your actions. You called them to feel better, not worse.
“Well, first of all you shouldn’t have LIED,” They kept their snarky tone.
“I didn’t LIE….per say,” You paced back and forth, twirling your hair in your fingers nervously. The silence after your statement was like you could SEE their faces just giving you “that” look.
“Oh okay what was I supposed to say? ‘Oh hey yeah you’re right Fin, I was an absolute party wreck until I couldn’t be anymore’?”
“I mean I don’t--” You heard footsteps coming up behind you, so you swung your phone to your side, cutting off their sentence.
You turned to see Rafael standing there, that permanent concerned look for you pasted on his face.
“Hey...are you ok?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I just needed some air,” You tried your best to stay calm and nonchalant.
“Are you sure? Because you--” He started to say something but you quickly interjected.
“Actually you know what Barba I’m kind of on the phone right now, can I meet you back inside?” You motioned with your phone, kicking yourself for being cold to him right now but you couldn’t deal with anything else at the moment.
“I...uh...yeah, sure,” He shook his head with an awkward smile, and walked back inside. Relieved, you put the phone back up to your ear.
“Aww, how cute. Barba cares!” your BFF’s voice cooed through the speaker.
“Yeah, in like a ‘dad caring’ kind of way,” you rolled your eyes.
“Oooof, I wouldn’t start throwing that term around, we might have to start talking about ‘daddy issues’, Y/N,” they giggled.
“SERIOUSLY?” You practically screeched into the phone, thanking every god you could think of that Rafael had gone inside before that comment.
“I’m just sayin! I’m ALSO saying that you need to go back in there and tell your squad the truth,” they returned to a very serious tone.
“Yeah I guess…” You sighed, knowing they were right.
“And I’m sorry I can’t be there with you holding your hand while you do it babe. But…”
“But what?”
“But maybe Rafael can?”
“Jesus, can you please be serious right now?”
“I am being serious! You just told me he helped you calm down earlier, and that wasn’t even half traumatic as this is gonna be,” They insisted.
“I don’t….how…?” Your face scrunched up trying to think of NON creepy ways you'd ask for someone's hand.
“Whatever, do what you want; But I do suggest telling them. Clearly you're not going to be able to keep this under wraps, and I doubt you want to keep freaking out on your co-workers. Trust them, trust RAFAEL,”
You sighed again, you knew they were right. Olivia said it herself, it was important to have a squad you trusted.
“Alright I’ll call you later,”
“You better!”
You took a deep breath and walked back into the bar, your hands shaking as you reached your booth. The group all started to speak, but you put your hand up.
“No just-- Let me talk. Fin, I am so sorry,” You addressed Fin, who shook his head in a “don't worry about it” manner.
“No, I really am. I’m sorry I freaked out on you and I’m sorry...I lied. Kind of,” the squad again looked at you in total confusion.
“God….okay, how do I….? Um….”
You started trying to form sentences in your head, words jumbled around in your brain. You started to panic again, when you felt a hand grip yours under the table. You snapped your eyes open and looked next to you where Rafael had taken your hand. He gave a small, supportive smile making you suddenly feel at ease.
“Okay. So, like I said I was pretty much a ‘caged’ child. I was homeschooled, I didn’t have any friends, just academics. Being born a ‘prodigy’ sounds good on paper, but I just always felt like a show pony. Or an alien experiment. People were always coming by to check out the ‘genius 5 year old’ play Mozart, or ‘the brilliant 10 year old finish calculus problems in under 30 seconds’.”
You took a deep breath, watching their listening faces. Too much detail hon, get there faster.
“Um, anyway. I graduated ‘high school’ at fifteen years old. I had barely made it through puberty, and I was already done with my academic childhood. Obviously, I wanted to immediately enroll in college, if for no other reason than to get away from my insanely controlling parents. But big surprise, they had a problem with it. It took me a minute to convince them that it was the right next step, full ride scholarships to literally any school in the country helped. And I mean, ANY school. All the Ivy leagues sent out their top recruiters to speak with my parents about having the ‘prodigy’ attending their establishment.
So with that, I was able to convince my parents that I knew what was best for me. I told them I was smarter than them, so clearly I could parent myself better. And God help them, they believed me,” You had to pause again, tears catching your throat. Rafael gently started rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
“So, I started at NYU that fall, just after my sixteenth birthday. Sixteen years old, the only child in a university full of adults,”
“I don’t like where this is going,” Sonny whispered to Amanda who nodded in agreement.
“So I got paired with this room mate Layla, who was the polar opposite of myself. She was gorgeous, totally socially gifted, but dumb as a rock. Her daddy had paid her way into the school,” you rolled your eyes just thinking about her.
“And truth be told I loved her at first, because she was the sweetest girl. My first ever real friend. She took me under her wing and gave me a complete makeover; socially and physically. I had NEVER had guys look at me the way they did after she helped me. It was....intoxicating.” You paused in shame, picking at your jacket.
“So, naturally, I wanted to hang out with my friend. My ONLY friend. And hanging out with her meant going to all the coolest parties, frats and sororities. I was SIXTEEN, I didn’t….I didn’t think,”  You bit your lip and stared at the floor for a moment before continuing.
“I lost my virginity at those parties,” you muttered quietly, and to your surprise the team started reacting.
“Wha-- Wait wait wait, guys that’s….that’s not even the bad part yet,” you gulped. Jesus the judgement was quickly getting real.
“Anyway I...was pretty much a huge party girl slut,” you shrugged. “I’d go and party, and hook up with random guys, and never thought twice about it because I thought ‘that’s what college girls do’,” You scoffed at your younger self for even having that notion. How could you be that smart and that stupid at the same time? It was baffling.
“And one night, it bit me in the ass,” You sighed, here comes the hard part.
“I don’t...I usually got so wasted that I didn’t CARE who I was having sex with and most of the time never remembered WHO it was anyway but-- but I’m pretty sure that night I didn’t want to,” You breathed out and looked up, willing the tears on the rims of your eyes to go back in where they came from. Rafael’s hand gripped yours tighter, making you feel safe.
“But it is what it is, this guy did what he did and left me on the floor in a frat house,” You scoffed again, this time tears dripping down your face. You couldn’t believe there was a time that you had been that pathetic, to just be left laying on the floor like a blow up doll.
“I guess Layla found me and took me home, because I woke up in my own bed. But I had bruises and hickeys ALL over my body, and just….brutal stuff,” You trailed off while you picked at your food, not wanting to go into any more detail.
Suddenly, as if turning on a light switch, your entire demeanor snapped back into ‘normal mode’, you wiped the stray tears away and cleared your throat. You were
“AHEM So...anyway, after….that, I told Layla that I couldn’t hang out with her anymore if that’s all we were going to do, and she understood. She didn’t like it, but she understood. The next semester I got a new roommate who was pretty much like myself, boring and socially inept, so I went back to the thing I knew best-- academics. I changed my major from biochemical engineering to law, because I didn’t want anyone else to go through what I went through without a voice. And after that, and a WHOLE lotta therapy, I just pushed that whole semester I lost deep, DEEP down, you know like a totally healthy person,” You tried playing it off with a laugh, but they weren’t amused.
“But...just thinking about Mary Fahey,” you sighed. “That girl had everything going for her, she was probably really smart and had a whole life ahead of her. She made the bad decision ONCE, to go to a frat party and she’s DEAD. Meanwhile, I was a stupid slut for a whole semester and the worst I got was bruised up and a pregnancy scare.”
“Please don’t tell me you’re saying what I think you’re saying,” Amanda gave you a look.
“What? That I should have been killed? Well why not? Why HER?” You protested, sipping your hurricane. It was unsettling to the squad how little you seemed to care about yourself.
“....I knew there was more to it in the bathroom,” you heard Rafael’s soft voice beside you.
“I’m sorry...I didn’t know how to tell you,” You looked at him with apologetic eyes. “I didn’t want you to think I was...trashy,”
“Ok now hold up” Fin interrupted.
“First of all, you need to stop throwing words like ‘slut’ and ‘trash’ around, especially about yourself, Y/N,” he took your hand.
“You said it yourself, people make mistakes. Hell if I worried about the amount of dumb shit I did when I was a kid I wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning,”
You had to break into a small sad smile after he said that, nodding your head in an understanding manner.
“And whether or not it was a one time thing or a ‘phase’, no one ever deserves to be assaulted for overdoing it at a party, or anywhere else,” Olivia chimed in. “EVER.”
“Exactly what the Sarge said. Assault is NEVER ok, in ANY circumstance. Even when you think you were ‘slutty’ by sleeping around, those guys are accountable too.” Sonny added. “Taking advantage of an inebriated woman is not okay,”
“AND it was statutory!” Rafael finally spoke up, his fists clenched. It was as if it had taken this entire time for him to fully process your story, and now that he did he was PISSED.
“Okay, Rafa, calm down,” Olivia placed a hand over his.
“No Liv, these guys should all be in prison for having sex with an incapacitated SIXTEEN YEAR OLD”
“Will you knock it off, counselor?” You hit his arm. “I didn’t tell you that story so you would go after a bunch of random idiots for something that happened over 10 years ago!”
“Well they should pay!” Rafael yelled again, but after you softly stroked his shoulder, he seemed to calm down.
“I appreciate the sentiment, Rafa,” you warily threw out the pet name, happy when he responded with a small smile. “But I’m over it. Mostly. On days that aren’t like this,” you added with a joking laugh, trying to ease the tension.
“Well, I really appreciate you telling us the truth, N/A,” Olivia nodded at you, the others followed suit. 
You gave the first genuine smile since you came back in, looking at Rafael. He took your hand once again under the table, giving it three small squeezes. Before you knew what you were doing, your head was dropping onto his shoulder and you were scooting closer into him.
“Get a squad you can trust, right?”
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Act 1: While We’re Young
Chapter 5
Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Black OC
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January 10th 2005
Last night was the only night I'm allowing myself to cry over him and his 'return'. What good would it do me? No, I was gonna take Erik and whatever he had to throw at me by storm.
Waking up the next day, I feel refreshed. Like a brand new person with a more positive mindset. Today I had 3 classes and I'm determined to have a good Erik free day.
That whole Erik free thing went out the window as soon as I got to my first class.
Double O Computer Programming 1 was a junior class, however I'd taken it during the summer during my first year at UC Berkeley. DOCP 2 wouldn't be available until next semester but I needed to have a class since this was my first year on the actual campus. Thankfully Miss Hill really needed a T.A and the fact that I could help with an algorithm that tied into thermal nuclear astrophysics had her sold.
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Right after I finished taking attendance, she barely got a word out before the door swung open revealing Erik as our late comer. I quickly glanced at the sheet in front of me, scanning for his name. I was so use to calling him N’dajaka when we were kids, I completely skipped over ‘Erik Stevens’. I huffed rolling my eyes, arms crossed over my chest. His timbs were the only thing heard shuffling across the room making hid way toward the front of the class. Wordlessly he handed Miss Hill before his eyes were on me. They scanned me from top to bottom, before locking with me a smug grin on his lips.
"Hey Lona," my jaw dropped.
Before I could get out a word, Miss Hill opened her mouth, looking up from the paper he handed her.
"Welcome Erik, sorry for the confusion."
"It's all good," he shrugged.
"Im Miss Hill, and I see you already know my aid. As I explained to the class prior to taking attendance, If I'm unavailable feel free to email or call her during the hours listed on the sheet." She is then took a sheet from me and handed him to me. "Other than that, find a seat."
He nodded pretending look over the sheet before averting his gaze back on me.
"I'm definitely gon do that."
Fuck my life right?
Well, Erik just so happened to be in the Calculus class I skipped two days ago. I thank God my record was squeaky clean and Mr. Kennedy accepted my poor excuse before I was quickly reminded the man upstairs has a sense of humor as the only available seat was next to Erik.
"The person next to you will be your partner for the remainder of the semester so let's take the next 15 minutes getting know one another hmm?." Mr. Kennedy instructed.
I couldn't suppress the groan that slipped as Erik casually leaned back in his chair, examining me.
"You heard the man, get to know me."
"I know all I need this know about you Erik."
"Oh so I'm Erik now? Like that?" He spoke cool, calm, and collected like our exchanged was normal.
I gripped my pencils tight, my knee bouncing up and down my body tense.
"Let me set things straight now. We don't need to talk to one another. If it doesn't have anything to do with any of the classes we take together, don't want to hear it. When you see me act like you don't know me. We clear?"
The expression on his face was unreadable before his lip twitched slight him responding.
January 24th, 2005
It had been two weeks since Erik showed up here.
Ok that's a lie.
Apparently this man has been here. And to top it off, this mans name was in every bitch mouth like the second coming of Jesus Christ. From what I've observed though, he doesn't say much, or gives any of these broads much attention. He don't say much in general actually, he's really good at blending in. He got that laid back, mysterious, bad boy vibe going for him and these females out here hella into that.
But when he opens his mouth, that cocky bastard sure knows how to disrupt my entire soul at least while we're in class.
Outside of class though, he acts like I'm invisible.
It was like he never knew me. And honestly, I don't know how to feel about it. I know that's what I said I wanted but it bothers me just the same.
Today in particular though, he argued me down during our Calculus class. We had one problem to figure out before we could leave class today. You and your partner were supposed agree on the answer, and heaven forbid he just agree with me so we can get out of here. Math was always my subject when we were kids, nothing has changed. I was damn near about to say fuck it when he started laughing.
What in the entire fuck it so funny?" I was fuming.
"You," he shook his head. "You really hella mad."
"Um, YES!" I damn near shouted fed up. "You literally been tryna convince me it's 5 when it's-"
"Chill. I know the answer is 3 girl. C'mon, let's go." So smoothly he closed the book, grabbed his bag and headed to the front.
I was so upset, I had to let him do all the talking when it came to explain to the teacher I'll answer and how we got there. I know I open my mouth I wasn't going to say anything nice.
"Girl what crawled up your ass and died?" Donise questioned with a stank look as we sat at one of the benches outside of the library.
"Yeah What did Erik do now," I could hear teasing in Tatiana's tone so I flipped her off.
Only giving a brief explanation, I went on a mini rant about what happened in class 20 minutes ago. Donise's thought it was funny, while Tati just shook her head.
"I still can't believe it him," Tatianna glanced as a group of guys from across the quad headed our way, Erik included.
"Yes, and I wish it wasn't."
Tatianna was the first real friend I made in a while. I was actually tutoring her online for a while before she found out I was 4 years younger than her. Our friendship started off as a trade. I was her tutor and she both convinced and enrolled in a mentor program to help me with my social skills. I didn't speak to anyone much when Erik left, but I got into a lot of fights. According to the school counselor I was taking out my anger and abandonment issues on.I have meds to tame the anger, and while I haven't had to take them in a while Eric definitely bring that anger out of me.
"Girl that's just sexual tension. You got to fuck all that out." Ashley put in her unwanted two cents.
"Trust me when I tell you on God it isn't."
"Well if you out to holla, then trust and believe I will." She tossed her hair over her shoulder
I didn't really mess with Ashley like that, but she was Tati's frat sister which made them 'friends'. That little thot pocket will screw anything with legs, D, and a pulse and I'm not bout that life. Plus she messy as fuck and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her.
"I don't doubt it," I smirked as Donise said exactly what I was thinking.
Donise was coo' though, I meet her when I first got here 2 months ago. Believe It or not she was apart of the welcome comity for MIT and turned out her and Tatiana were already friends. Once she figured out  who I was, I was shot to the front line during registration and everything.
"Anyways, y'all going Ant and them party tomorrow?" Ashley questioned probably tryna bum a ride.
"What party?"
"The Que's," Donise answered. "The dudes with Erik are frat."
Now this was news to me. I met most of them before but I had no idea there were in a sorority. Examining them, I guess it all made sense. Most in the clique sported some sort of purple and yellow lanyard either around their neck or on their keychain that hung from their jean pocket as if  they wanted everybody to know who they were. Which I wouldn't doubt.
"Ladies! What we chattin about?" Moses questions every bit of his thick English accent tapering off every word.
"Our plans for mañana," Tati answered l
"Word. Y'all coming to the party tomorrow?" Jay spoke playing with a few strands of Donise's curls.
"Tomorrow? It's Thursday." I said confused. "Ain't there class the next day?"
"What's the matter, you can't hang?" I glared at Jay, knowing he was only chastising me because him and Erik were close, according to Tati.
I swear to God men gossip more than women do. Rolling my eyes I spared Erik a glance and he looked like he was waiting on me to respond.
"Oh, I can definitely hang."
I couldn't hang.
Around midnight I was  in the bathroom throwing up everything, damn near hug in the toilet as my surrounding looks so blurry and I can barely function. Im not sure when I'd finally finished, but I could feel someone picks me up and out the bathroom and soon everything goes blurry and then black.
Tag list: @kitesatforestp @xsweetdellzx @justgetitoverwith0 @letsshamelessqueen-m @cmkcolove @readingaddict1290
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