#bad batch season 2 ep 14
blustalker · 1 year
FUCKING HOWZER, GREG AND ECHO IS BACK hit me hard there and ngl I'd sacrifice my life for riyo chuchi i love her she can step on me
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and man i couldn't watch crosshair getting tortured and fucking when we warned his squad FUCK man
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i must admit this dude is pretty good looking if he wasn't a dick💀
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one last thing LOOK AT THEM i want to hug one of them too so fucking bad
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bonbonsandbeskar · 1 year
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Jfc… I need a moment
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donut1642 · 1 year
Low effort memes to help me deal with episode 14
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yukipri · 1 year
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I know the episode titles for the Bad Batch Season 2 were already up before, but Star Wars Twitter just tweeted them!
The full list + schedule typed out:
January 4
Ep 1: Spoils of War
Ep 2: Ruins of War
January 11
Ep 3: The Solitary Clone
January 18
Ep 4: Faster
January 25
Ep 5: Entombed
February 1
Ep 6: Tribe
February 8
Ep 7: The Clone Conspiracy
Ep 8: Truth and Consequences
February 15
Ep 9: The Crossing
February 22
Ep 10: Retrieval
March 1
Ep 11: Metamorphosis
*NOTE: The Mandalorian Season 3 also starts on this day
March 8
Ep 12: The Outpost
March 15
Ep 13: Pabu
March 22
Ep 14: Tipping Point
March 29
Ep 15: The Summit
Ep 16: Plan 99
I am so anxious, Please don't kill Cody
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questforgalas · 11 months
Sibling moments in the Bad Batch that live rent free in my head
S1E16 "Kamino Lost"
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No those aren't tears on my keyboard, it's its weekly salt bath
Here we are, the end of Season 1. You thought "Return to Kamino" was an angsty sibling machine? Buckle in kids
So so so many protect Omega moments just in the first 2 minutes
Crosshair waking up to them in a wrecked Kamino City has to be on similar energies as Obi-Wan waking up on the back of Anakin hanging from a chord in an elevator shaft with an elevator barreling down at them
Crosshair's "the audacity" face when Omega starts shooting the debris 😂
Crosshair gets a Wrecker shoulder shove 🥰
"Aha our old room! Wai-what happened to it?" "At least the smell's gone" Echo's the neat freak sibling who won't stop shaming everyone
"All those missions together, and you threw it away" Crosshair, babe, you are literally trapped in a city underwater, now is NOT the time to hold a grudge
A+ "check your attitude" shoulder shove by Hunter to Crosshair
"You done complaining?" Wrecker squaring off against the hangry sibling
"All that time, you didn't even try to come back. We still would have taken ya" and the camera pan to the rest of the group sharing looks with each other 😭
Crosshair's face when Tech is explaining his nature to Wrecker is so soft (for Crosshair) and hopeful that someone is finally getting him but also so shocked that someone is actually giving him somewhat of a defense (even though Tech clarifies after with one of the best lines written by Star Wars)
Ep 14-16 are just Hunter's no good very bad day when you think about it
AZI is the best part of this episode I swear
Until they show me the head scan there is nothing that will convince me Crosshair had his chip removed this episode makes me believe that tenfold
Hunter and Crosshair's get along pod 😂😂
"I barely fit in this thing." "Quit complaining! At least you're not doubled up" Echo is so done with everyone
Hunter frantically looking for Omega 0.5 seconds after their pod surfaces
The AZI part makes me ugly sob every time
The firepuncher didn't have the suction cup attachments already in place before they got in the pods which means Crosshair realized Omega wasn't going to make it, went into action to put on the attachment, and then saved her
"You coming with us?" said with so much hope and Echo's face is cautious but curious
It's such a serious moment but Crosshair answering Hunter's final offer by just looking to the side, arms crossed and hips cocked is peak grumpy sibling who knows they're wrong but don't want to admit it and are scared of going back to either option so they go with what they're most recently familiar with but can't look anyone in the eye while he realizes
Me? Overanalyzing Crosshair? Shocking
"You're still their brother, Crosshair. You're my brother too" followed by Crosshair's dejected sigh as he hears the Maruader power up and watches it fly away someone shove me off a cliff honestly it would hurt less
Well babes, this was a fun run. Going to take a little break and then pick this up again with Season 2 mid-August! Hope you all enjoyed the reminiscing and taking in all the sibling moments - I know I certainly did
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Thoughts On Negative Feedback About TBB
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
So once again I am going to give some thoughts on some Bad Batch opinions I've seen floating around on Twitter. Just like last time, I want to preface this by saying that I mean no disrespect to the people who wrote these posts, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I actually agree with them in some way but we'll get onto that.
I've seen some main points going around (and some slightly less common ones) so I'm going to break those down. But one of the running themes I see through a lot of opinions is this idea that this season has introduced a lot of plot threads that don't seem to have gone very far. Now I understand where this is coming from but I don't want to get too sidetracked by this because at the end of the day, we still have 6 episodes left and there will be a good chance that things will become more relevant by the end. Saying that, I do understand the frustration that comes from an interesting plot thread being dropped and then hardly (if even) addressed for multiple episodes.
But let's get more into the breakdown.
What's Happening With Cid?
Now this is one I can understand the frustration of because I'm still trying to wrap my head around why the Batch still choose to work for her. I can understand if they see it as their only option, but she's been untrustworthy from the beginning and it's getting worse this season, even if she hasn't appeared as much.
The Batch aren't stupid, we know this, but they still don't seem to be addressing the fact that Cid is screwing them over and has been doing so the whole time. Especially since Ep 10, where they were faced with an entire group of people being manipulated by their employer and no-one in the Batch went "oh hold on, this scenario seems familiar". Employers screwing over their workers to keep more profits with very little concern for their welfare? I wonder where we've seen that before.
They've even addressed the fact that Cid is untrustworthy multiple times this season and yet none of them seem to be doing anything about it. Also, that whole thing from Millegi about Cid having a dark past and not being one to trust? When are we going back to that? I assume that it'll be covered in an episode like "Tipping Point" if them realising that they can't work for Cid leads to them joining the Rebellion (remember, this is just a theory).
But why has it taken the Batch so long??? Cid has been untrustworthy from when she first appeared in S1. Is it really going to take until Episode 14 of this season for them to actually do anything about it?
Like I said, for them it may be because they see this as their only option, that without this they have nothing to live on, but I totally understand how frustrating it is to see them being manipulated like this over and over again and have nothing be done about it.
Episode 10 Goes Round in Circles
I do kind of understand this one as well. For me, this ep didn't really add a whole lot and there were some interesting plot ideas that could have been addressed that weren't. But I'm not going to pile on it too badly because I also understand that this episode was supposed to be a breather and it's always unlikely that every episode is going to be incredible. So I'm just going to touch on what I've seen other people saying.
The main complaint I've seen about this episode is that it doesn't really give us any development with anyone. Tech has some moments of just being Tech (although one of his lines from the end is another point I'm gonna touch on), Hunter is just his usual self, Omega is being Omega but it's not really adding a whole lot, and most of Wrecker's dialogue this episode was him growling at people (some more lines would have been great).
I think a big part of why this isn't working for people is because some of the other episodes (including Ep 9) have been very emotionally driven and this one just falls a bit flat in comparison. Not every episode is going to end up being really deep and complex though so I can understand why the creators have done this. But I also don't think that there's anything special enough about the plot of this episode to make up for it.
I've already touched on the whole "manipulative employer" thing so I'm not going to go back over that, but one of these other ideas I saw people bringing up was how interesting it could've been for the Batch to talk more about their lives as soldiers, especially when faced with a bunch of children who have been manipulated into thinking that the people they work under actually care about them. The Batch were raised to be soldiers by Kaminoans, meaning that they didn't get a chance to really be kids (key message throughout this season) and these workers have spent their childhoods being manipulated into thinking that they're doing a good job and are being cared for because of it.
I do think that it would have been an interesting narrative to delve into and maybe would have given the episode more weight. But it would have also been quite heavy for a "breather" episode.
Selfish Batchers
This is an interesting point that I didn't necessarily clock onto while watching the episode but totally got it when I saw it on Twitter.
At the end of the episode, Omega is talking about how there are so many people in the galaxy like Mokko and like the Empire, to which Tech responds that there are also a lot of people out there like the Batch (i.e. people who can help others). Except this line feels a bit arrogant considering the fact that in this episode (and I don't want to sound like a hater here) they literally did the bare minimum.
They didn't go in to try and save the miners, they went in to get the Marauder back. The kids were just helped in the middle of that. Tech almost acts like they saved the kids when really, if they could've avoided going anywhere near Mokko they would have. Killing Mokko to save the miners wasn't in the plan, he was just getting in the way of them escaping. And really I think this is interesting to talk about because a lot of what the Batch does is for their own self-gain. We know this. But it's interesting to see that that hasn't necessarily registered with them.
I don't have an issue with flawed heroes, but so far the Batch are yet to acknowledge this flaw. The Batch are constantly portrayed as heroes, which in some ways they are, but labelling them as heroes because some people happened to be helped when they were saving themselves is a bit odd. Omega is the only one that actually asks the kids what they're going to do next. The guys are just happy the ship is back.
It's interesting that aside from Omega, the only person who has very clearly shown a desire to help anyone but himself is Echo, who left.
Once again, this may become a part of a realisation for the Batch later down the line and they are driven to join the rebellion. But really, a lot of the "saving people" that the Batch does is because it happens by chance (like in this episode) or they get paid to do it (aka some of the missions they do in S1). It's slightly odd that they are constantly lorded as heroes (and somewhat see themselves that way) when a lot of what they do is with selfish intentions.
(I didn't expect to write that much in that section. Oops.)
Focus on the Batchers
This actually ties into something I was going to make separate post about so I'm just going to drop it all in here!
One of the complaints I'm seeing is that some of the Batchers don't feel like they're getting much development this season, mainly Wrecker and Hunter. Now obviously this is interesting to me because these two are really the only ones who got much attention in S1.
One of my biggest gripes about S1 is that it felt more like the Hunter & Omega Show rather than The Bad Batch, so I actually like the fact that we've been given more focus on the other Batchers this season. Really, the focus feels a little more spread out in some episodes, rather than every episode seemingly revolving around either Hunter or Wrecker.
But I can understand where some of the frustration is coming from. Personally, I actually prefer Hunter this season but that's because giving the other members some time to grow has given us a chance to see how they all influence each other and where Hunter plays into all of that. It feeds into the idea that they're a team and not a bunch of stragglers following around this one person.
I do wonder how much the disappointment comes from the fact that we got so much Hunter in S1 that any less than that almost feels like nothing. Sure, I don't necessarily feels like there's a whole lot of growth but I think there have been some really interesting moments with Hunter this season, like Ep 5 giving us a chance to see his growing insecurities about Omega no longer relying on them as much as she once did.
Wrecker has also had some time to shine this season, but I do agree that it would've been nice to see him have some more dialogue in Episode 10. Him being reduced to mostly growling at people for a chunk of the episode was a little tiring after a while. He can be scary with words!
Really, I'm not totally mad about this but that might be because Echo and Tech are two of my favourites, so I'm just glad to see them getting some more love this season.
Although I feel like this entire debate over whether characters are getting enough focus does suggest that there's a struggle to give every character their due focus when they're all together.
Hunter vs Echo Conflict
Finally onto the last point!
This is one that I actually kind of agree with and I think it has something to do with what we were teased before the season came out.
Echo's goodbye was obviously very moving and there seems to be decent number of people that agree that it was a good episode. But some people felt like there should've been more of the Hunter-Echo conflict before that happened and I partially agree. Personally, I think that the little details throughout each episode help indicate what Echo is thinking and where he's planning on going. Little looks at Hunter, brief comments on certain missions, it all makes sense that he was going to go.
However, I do agree that there wasn't as much of the actual conflict between Hunter and Echo as I expected. In an interview before S2, the creators said that there would be a lot of conflict between Rex, Echo and the Batch and this gave me the impression that we were going to have more actual disputes than we did. Other than the spat they had in Episode 1, there hasn't been as much back and forth between Hunter and Echo as expected. They clearly have different ideas of where they want to go but it's more a conflict of interest than actual conflict.
I don't think it helped that Echo didn't do a whole lot for some of the episodes. We were told that Echo would be given more focus this season and that his disagreements with Hunter would be at the forefront of that. But then he disappears for 2 episodes and doesn't do a whole lot in Episode 5. He's got some more stuff in Ep 6, but the conflict isn't really addressed a whole lot there and then he leaves in Episode 8. And I find it a little odd that they specifically mentioned Rex as well. The Batch don't really have conflict with Rex. Sure, they don't go with him, but that isn't really what I'd call conflict. It feels like we were promised more conflict than we got.
And maybe that's the issue here. We set our expectations too high. We had all this time to concoct an idea as to what was going to happen this season and then it didn't do that. The bits that did address the disagreements were good, but did we maybe hope for more than we were ever going to get? For me, I feel like the interviews were a little bit misleading, but that may just be because I set myself up to expect more.
This may be another thing that gets addressed later on but I'm not entirely sure where more of that conflict is going to come into play. Maybe Rex, Echo and the Batch teaming up to help people like Crosshair but still being at odds? I don't know. I'm not sure where that bits going tbf.
Concluding Thoughts
Overall, I think that there are some interesting points that have been made about Episode 10 and the series as a whole. I definitely think that it's going to be a collection of opinions that people may disagree with here or there but that's the nature of the show. It's interesting to see what people think.
A lot of it may just be a case of having to sit on it and see how the entire show pans out because at the moment we still have 6 episodes to go. But it'll be interesting to see what points of contention will be addressed/sorted. I also think a lot of it is down to expectations. People set their expectations too high and now that they're not being met, it's influencing their enjoyment of the show. I also want to add that I am saying that as someone who has also had to put their expectations aside to truly appreciate some of the episodes.
This show isn't perfect, but no show ever will be. Personally, I prefer this season to the last, but I do still have my issues with it here or there. I'm curious to see where people's preferences end up by the end of the show.
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writingforfun0714 · 1 year
Hey everyone,
So I was going through a Bad Batch trailer analysis I had made before S2 premiered and saw something. The trailer is from about 8mo ago and I managed to get this screenshot.
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Omega is shown briefly with this boy, who appears to be about 3yrs older than her (anywhere from 2-4yrs older tbh). This is the only time we see him and the only convo/dialog we get is Omega telling him ‘let’s go’. I can’t tell what the light source is in the background, but they are clearly inside somewhere.
Here’s the same shot only I messed with it a bit in Procreate to try and make it brighter.
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There appears to be some kind of doorway or something behind Omega on the right, though it’s barely visible and I could totally be wrong. Despite the low quality we can see that the boy has a scarf, fingerless gloves and a casual tunic (nothing like what the rich/senators/powerful people wear). I haven’t really seen this kid discussed but I have 2 theories about who he could be.
**I HC the Clone War lasted about 4yrs. Idk how accurate/concrete the years are for SW**
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Theory 1–This boy is Petro, one of the padawans from Gungi’s group (the cocky kid). Considering we’ve seen Gungi already and knew for a fact he was gonna show up, it’s not entirely impossible that we’d run into the others. Personally, I was really sad we didn’t hear a thing about them from Gungi the whole ep (and that Echo didn’t even suggest contacting Rex?? Like yes Gungi belongs w/ his people, but Ahsoka!!! The others!!! I honestly thought that was how the padawans would tie into this season, though so far only Gungi is confirmed). While Petro is about 12 during the padawan/Hondo arc, this boy appears to be about 14/15, meaning about 2-3yrs of the war go by. If BB S2 is about 6mo after O66, that could work out (I think. Cuz Ahsoka would be about 15 during her time with the padawans and about 17/18 during O66). While Petro’s hair color is darker in CW, hair can change color over time. However, the texture of this boy’s hair is more wavy than Petro’s and his nose is straighter (Petro’s nose curves in). Yes we’ve seen Anakin’s straight golden hair turn to a long, curly chocolate brown, but usually facial features stay the same. All facial features ‘shrink’ as we age so yes, they do change in size, but they should still be the same shape, just proportionally smaller (unless surgery or something).
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Theory 2–This boy is Lux Bonteri. Lux is about Ahsoka’s age when they meet. Because CW is an anthology series, the only linear time progression we get is through Ahsoka aging (though there are some stories w/ out of order episodes). Since the padawan arc and Ahsoka training Lux happens in the same season, it’s possible that she met Lux after her time w/ the padawans. If so that’d put them both at about 15. As stated in Theory 1, this boy in the screenshot appears to be about 14/15 (Lux’s age in CW). Lux would be about 17ish in BB S2 which doesn’t really line up with the boy in the picture. However, we have already been introduced to Saw Gerrera in S1. It’s possible Lux returned to/stayed with Saw and the rebels on Onderon after Steela Gerrera’s death. That’d be a way to bring Saw back in since we just saw him that one time in S1E1. Also, Lux’s hair texture and color line up better with this boy and while his nose still has a bit of a button shape at the tip, the bridge of his nose is straighter than Petro’s. Only the ages don’t quite line up.
There’s also the possibility that we’ve never seen this boy/he is a new character. I could be totally wrong about my theories. We’ve gotten 2 new characters so far (Phee Genoa and Tawni Ames) so it’s not impossible to have another. I must admit that while both Lux and Petro check similar boxes to this mystery boy, neither match him completely. Lux would be almost an adult (17/18) while this boy looks to be 15 at the oldest (I HC Omega is 12 in S2) though his hair texture, color and nose shape matches this boy more than Petro. In contrast, Petro would be the right age (about 14/15 during BB) and we’ve already got confirmation that Gungi is alive.
I just wanted to bring this up cuz I rewatched S2E6 ‘Tribe’ and was going through some of my previous posts. Thanks for reading 💕
*Edit—I had a thought that it could be Kanan as well. We haven’t seen him since he ran off in S1E1 and because Omega knows Hera, she could set up their meeting. His nose shape and hair color are a match along with his age, though I think the hair texture is a bit different. However, given that he mistrusted CF99/Hunter the last time he saw them, I highly doubt he’d trust Hunter again.
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happytroopers · 1 year
Mando S 3 Ep 1 shit post!
back and hornier than ever !! Me trying to control my reactions as I watch the sexiest motherfucker in the galaxy do silly little tasks !! Spoilers below. duh.
1.) me watching Mando before I've gotten past episode two of Bad Batch?? yeah I'm also disappointed
2.) tiny helmet??
3.) YOUNG DIN????
4.) him needs a hair cut
5.) issa gator!! Gator needs his gat- punk ass bitch!! love that this just takes place in fucking Florida
7.) not baby din I was so very wrong
8.) not the entraiLS
9.) DIN!! and son!!!!
10.) he's so,,, shiny. Mirrorball type beat. I wanna string him up on the ceiling fan and put a flash light on him.
11.) but it's pretty!
12) ok getting strong baptizing vibes... maybe its my southern baptist upbringing
13.) THEY NAP!!! cute
14.) squiiids
15.) hate to see him go love to watch him walk away
16.) gentrification??? on my Navarro??? more likely than you think
17.) not the droid memorial ;'(
18.) why is he swaggy now
19.) love him spinning he's gonna get sick tho !!
20.) "if you say so." love that Disney knows that we all hate that name
21.) snamcks!!
22.) hondo!!! please!!! no hondo ;////
23.) love when he crosses himself like that.
24.)quick draw McGraw my love
25.) love that he's so picky about droids
26.) Din fiddle with my insides like that
27.) throw the boy!!!
28.) babu frik???? we're really trying anything to make the sequel trilogy relevant huh.
29.) wow already with the side quests
31.) AVAST!!! AVAST!! A V A S T !!!
33.) tbh I love the new ship but I miss the razor crest.
34.) Disney saw too many cohabitating fics and said they're too horny! destroy the one bed trope! fuck it! no beds!
35.) swamp thing????
36.) thinking obitine thoughts
37.) lemme get a good look at those banners
38.) oh its this bitch
39.) Jesus its really tent revival this season
40.) wow we set up like four side quests in one episode that's got to be a record
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tvrundownusa · 2 months
tvrundown USA 2024.04.24
Wednesday, April 24th:
(exclusive): Wonderful World (hulu, Korean drama, all 14 eps), Deliver Me (netflix, Swedish teen gang drama, mini-series, all 5 eps), Talking Sabor (hulu, Latin restaurants travelog, four cities, all 8 eps)
(streaming weekly): Sister Boniface Mysteries (BritBox, season 3 opener, first 2 eps), House of the Owl (hulu|dsn+, Japanese crime drama, first 5 eps), Under the Bridge (hulu), Blood Free (hulu, next 2 eps), Sand Land (hulu, penultimate), "X-Men '97" (dsn+), Star Wars: The Bad Batch (dsn+, penultimate), LOOT (apple+), Palm Royale (apple+), The Big Door Prize (apple+, season 2 opener, first 3 eps), The Circle (netflix, next 4 eps), Don't Hate the Player (netflix, next 2 eps), The Challenge: All Stars (Para+)
(original made-for-TV movies): "The Man in the Guesthouse" (LMN, 2hrs)
(hour 1): Walker (theCW), The Conners (ABC) / . / Not Dead Yet (ABC, 60mins), The Masked Singer (FOX), Survivor (CBS, 90mins), "Changing Planet" (PBS, nature documentary, 3rd annual special)
(hour 2): Sight Unseen (theCW), Not Dead Yet (ABC, contd, season 2 finale) / . / Abbott Elementary (ABC, preempted), Animal Control (FOX) / . / Family Guy (FOX, repeat), Survivor (CBS, contd) / . / The Amazing Race (CBS, 90mins), Top Chef (BRAVO, 75mins), The Black Hamptons (BET), "A Brief History of the Future" (PBS)
(hour 3): grown-ish (Freeform), Chucky (USA|SyFy, penultimate), American Horror Story (FX, season 12 "Delicate" finale), The Amazing Race (CBS, contd)
[repeats, resuming next week: Chicago Med (NBC), Chicago Fire (NBC), Chicago P.D. (NBC) ]
0 notes
disneyschedules · 3 years
Coming to Disney+ in July.
Here's a look at what's coming to Disney+ in July 2021. Source.
July 2
Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures (S3)
Raven's Home (S4)
Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (S3) "Lush And Wild Puerto Rico"
The Sandlot (1993)
The Sandlot 2 (2005)
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - Episode 208 "Most Likely To"
Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Episode 110 "Common Ground"
The Mysterious Benedict Society - Episode 102
July 7
Breaking Bobby Bones (S1)
Loki - Episode 105
Monsters at Work - Episode 101 "Welcome to Monsters, Incorporated" (Series Premiere)
Marvel Studios Legends
July 9
Flicka (2006)
Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (S3) Ep. The Great Smoky Mountains
Miraculous World: Shanghai, The Legend Of Ladydragon (2021)
Orca Vs. Great White (AKA: Killer Whale Vs. Shark)
Rogue Shark (AKA: Rogue Jaws)
Shark Beach With Chris Hemsworth
When Sharks Attack (S7)
World's Biggest Bullshark
Black Widow (2021) - Premiere (Disney+ Premier Access)
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - Episode 209 “Spring Break”
The Mysterious Benedict Society - Episode 103
Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Episode 111 “Devil’s Deal”
July 14
Disney Junior Minnie's Bow-Toons: Party Palace Pals (S1)
Loki - Episode 106 (Season Finale)
Monsters at Work - Episode 102 “Meet Mift”
July 16
The Croc That Ate Jaws
Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (S3) Ep. Incredible Iceland
Shark Attack Files (S1)
Shark Attack: The Paige Winter Story
Shark Gangs
We Bought A Zoo (2011)
When Sharks Attack (S7)
World's Deadliest Sharks
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - Episode 210 "The Transformation"
The Mysterious Benedict Society - Episode 104
July 21
Meet Spidey And His Amazing Friends (Shorts) (S1)
The Owl House (S2 Ep. 1-5)
Turner & Hooch - Episode 101 “Forever And A Dog” (Series Premiere)
Behind the Attraction - All Episodes Streaming (Premiere)
Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of Loki
Monsters at Work - Episode 103 “The Damaged Room”
July 23
Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (S3) "Ep. Holy Mole Mexico"
Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)
Shark Attack Files (S1)
Walking With Dinosaurs (2013)
Playing With Sharks (2021) - Premiere
Stuntman (2021) - Premiere
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - Episode 211 “Showtime”
The Mysterious Benedict Society - Episode 105
Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Episode 113 “Infested”
July 28
T.O.T.S. (S2)
Chip ‘N’ Dale: Park Life - Episode 101 “Thou Shalt Nut Steal / The Baby Whisperer / It Takes Two To Tangle” (Series Premiere)
The Wonderful World Of Mickey Mouse - Batch 2 Premiere
Monsters at Work - Episode 104 “The Big Wazowskis”
Turner & Hooch - Episode 102 “A Good Day To Dog Hard”
July 30
Garfield (2004)
Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (S3) Ep. Michigan’s Yooper Cuisine
Built For Mars: The Perseverance Rover
Jungle Cruise - Premiere (Disney+ Premier Access)
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - Episode 212 "Second Chances"
The Mysterious Benedict Society - Episode 106
Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Episode 114 “War Mantle”
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brandywine-tomatoes · 3 years
✨ Star Wars Masterlist ✨
Main Masterlist
About Moi
Blog Recs
Beetlejuice Masterlist
Marvel Masterlist
. . ✹ . .
coming soon
The Bad Batch:
Orange and Shady CT-9903 'Tech'
Innocent Omega
Dark Omega
Blue and Teal Ct-1409 'Echo'
Red and Grey CT-9902 'Hunter'
Blue and Turquoise CT-9904 'Crosshair'
Grey and Black CT-9901 'Wrecker'
Aqua and Light Blue Clone Captain Howzer
The Clone Wars:
Orange and Blue Ahsoka Tano
Leia Organa in White and Beige
Queen Padme Amidala in Green and Yellow
Ord Mantell at Sunset
Tech's Light Device
Fennec Appreciation Post #84394127 [gifs]
TBB Ep. 14 - CT-9904 'Crosshair'
TBB Ep. 14 - CT-7567 'Captain Rex'
TBB Ep. 14 - Omega and Hunter Twirling Things
TBB Ep. 14 - Tiny Cadets of Kamino
TBB Ep. 14 - The Golden Trio
TBB Ep. 14 - Blue Visors of Commandos
. . ✹ . .
Star Wars Favourites in Gifs - Series
The Bad Batch
S.1 - Episode 1 S.1 - Episode 2 S.1 - Episode 3 S.1 - Episode 4 S.1 - Episode 5 S.1 - Episode 6 S.1 - Episode 7 S.1 - Episode 8 S.1 - Episode 9 S.1 - Episode 10 S.1 - Episode 11 S.1 - Episode 12 S.1 - Episode 13 S.1 - Episode 14 S.1 - Episode 15 S.1 - Episode 16
. . ✹ . .
Clone with a green lightsaber
Clone commando with a couple lightsabers this time
Head Cannons:
coming soon
The Bad Batch
The Bad Batch as Cats
Wrecker Head Canons
Crosshair Head Canons
Tech Head Canons
Edgy Omega Head Canons
The Batch and Co. Fav Sweets
Showers FT. The Batch Head Cannons
Omega Cuts Hair Headcanon
Couple of Cross Headcanons
Couple of Echo Headcanons
Where would Omega Live?
The Bad Batch's Favourite TV Shows
Echo Bad Batch Au I WISH
TBB Members as the Firefly Crew
The Clone Wars:
Ahsoka Tano Head Canons
The Jedi and Co. Fav Sweets
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The Bad Batch:
Red Soaked (angst)
I'll Forgive You (angst)
Imperial Darkness (angst)
Dreadful Black (angst)
Lightsaber Trials (fluff)
One of the Bad Ones (female!oc and Crosshair [platonic])
Only the Beginning (Cap. Howzer Part 1)
Only the Beginning (Cap. Howzer Part 2)
Hope was a Dangerous Game (male!oc and Crosshair [romantic])
The Kamino Power Supply (WIP sharing)
Imagine... (Kamino)
Omega's Sixteenth (99 FOLLOWER SPECIAL!!)
The Clone Wars:
A War Without a Winning Side Pt. 1 (Ahsoka, Rex, Maul series)
. . ✹ . .
Hot Takes/Shit Posts/ Theories/Thoughts:
Hot Takes:
The One with the Cuffs and Rampart/Cross
Omegas First Driving Lesson
Shit Posts:
Howzer My Beloved
The Clown Getup for Bad Batch
When Lucas Films Leaks their own Promo
Omegas First Driving Lesson
Manifesting for Ep. 13
Kiners Bros back on their bullshit pt. 1
But we love our composers nonetheless
Kiner Bros back on their bullshit pt. 2
Spoilers for Ep. 8 TBB (Omega realization)
More Enhanced Clones (The Bad Batch Theory)
More Enhanced Clones Debunking??
Theory for Ep. 13 TBB
Episode 13 Thoughts
Dark Ahsoka Thoughts
Season 2 Announcment Day+Theories
Episode 14 Thoughts
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darkelite020 · 3 years
Bad Batch thoughts & predictions Ep 14
Continuing these written reactions/predictions somewhere cause itd be fun I think to see what actually ends up happening and remembering what I thought at the time so im dumping it here, youre welcome. (Feel free to discuss if you want) if you want to keep up with it im gonna be tagging these as #jay rambles about bb
Couple days late this time but whatever: - The immediate forest scene is super pretty and im loving it - IDK WHOS RUNNING BUT RUN BOY RUN - New clone owo -- oh no he got caught :( - omega copying hunter again is still super cute - Rex? My beloved? -- wait old friend? Whomst? >> tbh I didnt get a super good look at their face so maybe its someone I shouldve recognized but still! >> - Wait isnt that gregor's number??? - I mean... why would they not get paid if they deviated from cids job? Couldn't they just do both? - So I doubt its what they mean but what if "the operation" was them taking the insubordinate clones and making their chips work(or be put in or something if removed maybe..? idk) like how crosshair did at the beginning of the season? -- I do assume thats not it but could you imagine >> - oh sis... the young clones look BADLY whitewashed... I am pretending they are clones of someone else...cause that is bad - I mean its smart of the kaminoans to run away and everything and yeah they obviously cant take their facilities with them, but they know how cloning works and stuff, that knowledge is still valuable... - THANK YOU ECHO. Its not even nearly as much as I wanted but FINALLY a little glimmer of Echo showing some sort of care for the 501st. - Ok I know hunter is... "hunting" him but bitch I literally can't take him smelling a fucking stick seriously. - BB: "Whats in that mountain?" Me: "Krayt dragon 2.0 baby lets go!!!" (lol I know its not but I amuse myself too easily) - Commandos? Show me delta squad >> (But also now I'm pretty sure it is something to do with gregor cause he's a commando too..?) - Aw Echo... I appreciate him caring about that other clone. - IT IS GREGOR!!! THE BOY IS BACK!!! -- What... is it just me or does he sound.... weird. I don't remember him sounding like that lol - Like yeah they kill or hurt some but it still hurts my heart every time they *stun* people... like them not wanting to hurt/kill fellow clones is sad - I get why the bb can't but why doesn't gregor take some of the stunned clones armor... like if they got split up or something they wouldnt know its him right away - IS THAT SCORCH OH SHIT I WAS KINDA KIDDING ABOUT DELTA SQUAD THATS SO COOL -- but also OH GOD DONT KILL HIM PLEASE --- Give me republic commando 2 please - Ok just stunned thank god - I'm starting to love and appreciate Tech's flying more and more. Last episode with the drifting and now this. - I THOUGHT HUNTER PUSHED ECHO OFF FOR A SECOND I WAS GONNA SCREAM GRFJGHKFHG - WAIT WHAT THE FUCK HUNTERS FUCKING DEAD WHAT - Oh no... hunters going to get caught... oh no...fuck... -- He's going to be turned like crosshair I bet cause they talked about that earlier :'( - The end of the season supposedly hurt the creators like the ending of clone wars so I super doubt hunter won't be turned, HOWEVER, I think if there is a glimmer of hope, its good hunter was the one taken. He was the one that looked to howzer when howzer said he didn't want to leave his squad behind, and I think that is going to inspire hunter to try to help crosshair. I doubt he can, but its rather a situation of them both being turned, or hunter being able to help crosshair and them both leaving/being saved. I doubt hunter can talk his way out of this also but another thing to consider is its super possible/even likely that crosshair isnt necessarily following his chip now (especially with the head injury!) but more so doing it out of revenge for being left behind.
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donut1642 · 1 year
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yukipri · 3 years
Bad Batch 14 spoilers
It occurs to me he probably got his throat damaged in the rhydonium explosions he caused on Abafar, which is why he sounded like most other clones in the clone wars, but has a scratchier voice like he does in Rebels in this tbb ep. I love how they gave him so much personality way more personality than some of the Batch orz, and I love knowing that he always had that fun part to him, even when he was younger and not quite as adorably loopy as he in Rebels.
I really hope he sticks around for at least another ep if not till the end of the season, and maybe we get to know whether he just rebelled like Howzer, or if he was able to rebel due to presumably damaged chip the same time he got amnesia.
(also Echo, you are my absolute favorite Batcher bc u actually Care and thank you for showing it this ep)
I still feel it's likely the show (or season? Can it really end in 2 more eps when they haven't done anything for most of the season?) will end with Rex, and possibly Ahsoka or Boba appearing for the finale, but man please just give us more regular clones ;A;
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Disney+ New Releases: July 2021
July is the month that North America goes back to the movies in earnest. There have already been some theatrical release of note this summer, but as everyone knows the blockbuster movie season doesn’t get started until a Marvel movie premieres. Thankfully, with its list of new releases for July 2021, Disney+ is offering up some options for those who prefer to stay home.
In addition to arriving in theaters on July 9, Black Widow will premiere on Disney+ as well. Disney+ subscribers can purchase the first Marvel movie released since 2019 for $29.99. Judging by the early buzz, that “Premier Access” price may be worth it. Disney+ is keeping the original summer movie parade going in July with The Rock’s latest action film, Jungle Cruise, premiering on July 30.
Read more
Summer Movie Preview: From Black Widow to The Suicide Squad and Beyond
By Rosie Fletcher and 3 others
How Black Widow Could Build The MCU’s Future
By Kayti Burt
It’s a good month for TV-watchers as well on Disney+. July 14 will be the finale for Marvel series Loki. Pixar gets the Disney+ ball rolling in earnest when Monsters at Work premieres on July 7. And if that’s not enough, the reboot series of Turner & Hooch premieres on July 21.
Disney+’s library titles aren’t particularly impressive this July. It’s worth noting though that baseball classic The Sandlot arrives on July 2. Disney+ is also a part of National Geographic’s ninth annual SharkFest. All shark programming from the summer event will eventually make its way to the streamer.
Here is everything else coming to Disney+ this month.
July 2
New Library Titles Breaking Bobby Bones (S1) Disney Junior Mickey Mouse  Mixed-Up Adventures (S1) Disney Raven’s Home (S4) Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (S3) Ep. Lush And Wild Puerto Rico The Sandlot The Sandlot 2
Disney+ Originals High School Musical: The Musical: The Series – Episode 208 “Most Likely To” Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Episode 110 “Common Ground” The Mysterious Benedict Society – Episode 102
July 7
Disney+ Originals Monsters At Work – Episode 101 (Premiere) “Welcome to Monsters, Incorporated” Loki – New Episode Marvel Studios Legends – Black Widow
July 9
New Library Titles Disney Junior Minnie’s Bow-Toons: Party Palace Pals (S1) Flicka Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (S3) Ep. The Great Smoky Mountains Miraculous World: Shanghai, The Legend Of Ladydragon Orca Vs. Great White (AKA: Killer Whale Vs. Shark) Rogue Shark (AKA: Rogue Jaws) Shark Beach With Chris Hemsworth When Sharks Attack (S7) World’s Biggest Bullshark
Disney+ Originals Black Widow High School Musical: The Musical: The Series – Episode 209 “Spring Break” The Mysterious Benedict Society – Episode 103 Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Episode 111 “Devil’s Deal”
July 14
Disney+ Originals Loki – Finale Monster At Work – Episode 102 “Meet Mift”
July 16
New Library Titles The Croc That Ate Jaws Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (S3) Ep. Incredible Iceland Meet Spidey And His Amazing Friends (Shorts) (S1) Shark Attack Files (S1)  Shark Attack: The Paige Winter Story Shark Gangs We Bought A Zoo When Sharks Attack (S7) World’s Deadliest Sharks
Disney+ Originals  High School Musical: The Musical: The Series The Mysterious Benedict Society – Episode 104 Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Episode 112 “Rescue On Ryloth”
July 21
Disney+ Originals Turner & Hooch – Episode 101 (Premiere) “Forever And A Dog” Behind The Attraction Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of Loki Monsters At Work – Episode 103 “The Damaged Room”
July 23
New Library Titles Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse (S1) Ep. Mickey The Brave! Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (S3) Ep. Holy Mole Mexico Ice Age: The Meltdown Shark Attack Files (S1)  Walking With Dinosaurs (2013)
Disney+ Originals Playing With Sharks Stuntman High School Musical: The Musical: The Series – Episode 211 “Showtime” The Mysterious Benedict Society – Episode 105 Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Episode 113 “Infested”
July 28
Disney+ Originals Turning The Tables With Robin Roberts  Chip ‘N’ Dale: Park Life – Episode 101 The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse Monsters At Work – Episode 104 “The Big Wazowskis” Turner & Hooch – Episode 102 “A Good Day To Dog Hard”
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July 30
New Library Titles Disney Junior T.O.T.S. (S2) Disney Sydney To The Max (S3) Garfield Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (S3) Ep. Michigan’s Yooper Cuisine Built For Mars: The Perseverance Rover
Disney+ Originals Jungle Cruise High School Musical: The Musical: The Series The Mysterious Benedict Society – Episode 106 Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Episode 114 “War Mantle”
The post Disney+ New Releases: July 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3AqJJuD
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faboover · 7 years
RWBY Vol. 5 First Impressions - First Half
So we have just passed the halfway mark for the season, and so far it is OKAY. 
But after a whole season prior that mainly acted as setup, to have continued attempts at setup being the main thing that is still going on creates a real slog of a story.
BTW, I’m happy that the first batch of episodes were almost 30min TV standard episode length and that the Volume is confirmed to be 14 episodes long. But episode 7′s length and content looks like it will have the same problem that Volume 4 episode 5 had. Episode 7 is even similarly structured as Ep 5 of Vol. 4.
Characters sit at a table and have fun dialog.
They get interrupted by a separate party that then gets into one of the important plots.
The episode ends with a small look at what the main villains are doing.
I felt like the first half of episode 8 for Vol. 5 should’ve been in episode 7.
The only major problem, story wise, that I have with Volume 5 is how Sienna Kahn was handled. If I remove skin color and gender from the equation, Sienna only acts as a stepping stool for Adam to gain power. That’s all her inclusion did for the plot. I still ask, if this is how it was going to be, why not make Adam the leader of the White Fang from the get go? Again, Hazel almost saved that moment, which I really want to see more of him.
Minor issues i have story wise:
There is human press at Menagerie for episode 3, how did they find out about Ghira holding this meeting when communication between Kingdoms is incredibly difficult?
I thought Watts wasn’t going with Cinder and her crew to Raven’s camp because Salem told him to make Tyrian a new tail.
Things I’m disappointed about:
Ozpin didn’t ask RNJR about Pyrrha when he first talked to them.
No Team SSSN. They are supposed to be students at Haven, but I do know that school is not currently is session. But, RNJR asking about them would’ve been a nice acknowledgement of their existence, as well as a good indicator about their current status.
We’ve only seen Ruby and Oscar train and not Jaune so far.
The Action:
The action is once again the weakest part of the animation so far. I don’t see a lot of the technical issues that Volume 4 had. (Teleporting characters/objects and really odd physics) The main problem for the action animation is that it gets really slow and awkward at times. Sun saving Blake being really bad in this aspect. How the animation just awkwardly stops for a second. Cake’s video talking about rhythm, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY9f7BSYbdw, describes this problem really well. The way to solve this is to better manage the momentum of the character’s actions and movements and actually have them move with a sense of urgency.
Things I’m happy about:
Story wise, they are addressing the problems and criticisms that a lot of people, myself included, had with the story of Volume 4. 
The main ones being a lack of focus on Ruby and Yang’s PTSD.
Ruby talking to Oscar about what she has lost in episode 5 is the type of conversation that Volume 4 needed to have done with her. For example, Ruby could’ve talked to Jaune about Pyrrha and the guilt she feels about not being able to save her.
Yang having her left hand shaking during moments of high tension/emotions/adrenaline is a good way to show that she isn’t completely well yet, but its lack of being there during the last half of her story in Volume 4 created the wrong impression on her recovery.
Characters I want to talk about:
Illyia being revealed as LGBT - you can read my reaction to that here, http://faboover.tumblr.com/post/168236840899/my-response-to-the-illyia-confession
Raven does not have anything to like about her. Her conversation with Yang and Weiss was her moment to have us understand why she is doing what she is doing, but Raven just comes off as cowardly, hypocritical, selfish, and manipulative. Raven, “You can’t trust Ozpin because he gave me the power to freely turn in and out of a bird. He’s awful and untrustworthy.” 
That and her clan of bandits doesn’t look all that formidable. The only strong people in the group is Raven and Vernal. Everyone else is just an expendable non-important character (NIC). I wish Raven had two other people in her group that we can tell she trusts and are dependable in a fight. Continuing that motif of Teams of 4 the series has.
The only question I have about Raven is this: What is up with the mask?
(She really is a weaker version of Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill)
Also, I’m happy that we now have an explanation about Raven saving Yang back in Volume 2, but we still haven’t gotten anything about the after credits scene of Volume 2. Someone should really ask them about it during a Q&A and panel.
This volume has so far been in the range of a 3 out of 5 for me, not sure where I would exactly place it yet. Hopefully things will pick up for the rest of the Volume with action that is as good, but hopefully better than, Tyrian vs Qrow from Volume 4.
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