#bad father
the-broken-pen · 2 months
hey i recently found your work and love your writing. Can you write something about a supervillain dad and a hero son??
“Hands up,” the super villain motioned with his gun, face impassive. The hero swallowed as he complied.
“You won’t shoot me,” the hero said, but it was too hesitant to come out as confident as he wanted it to.
His dad raised a brow. “Won’t I?”
The hero sucked in a breath. Held it in for three. Out for three.
“Do it, then.” He was proud of how steady his voice was. “Shoot your only kid.”
“You say that like being my child means something.”
“If it didn’t, I’d be dead already, dad.”
His father’s face was weary, but the gun didn’t lower.
“I’ve let you have your heroics. I’ve been very generous, actually. Do you know how many plans you’ve fucked up? Plans I gave permission for?” The hero didn’t respond. “It ends, now.”
The hero steeled himself.
His dad lowered the gun, but he suspected it was more out of surprise than anything else.
“No,” the hero repeated more firmly. “You heard me. I know you did.”
“I heard you,” his dad agreed. “I was giving you the chance to change your answer.”
The hero grit his jaw, shoulders set.
“It won’t change.”
His father sighed, rubbing a hand over his brow.
“Why must you make things so difficult?”
“I’m sorry my morals are getting in the way of your hobbies,” he snarled. “Here, let me move out of the way of your most recent murder attempt.”
“Don’t take that tone with me,” his father snapped. “Have you forgotten that you’re my most recent murder attempt?”
“How could I?” He scoffed. “Kind of hard to ignore my father’s attempts on my life.”
“And yet you still insist on playing hero—”
“Because it is the right thing to do,” the hero interrupted, hands clenched. “And I will never stop trying to do the right thing so long as you are doing all the wrong ones.”
His father looked like he didn’t have a clue what to say to that.
They sat in silence.
“Does family mean nothing to you?” His father said finally.
“Family is not an excuse for bloodlust.”
“Your mother—”
“Do not.” His gaze darkened, and his father shifted uncomfortably. “She is not a scapegoat for your actions.”
“She died—”
“And how many mothers have you killed trying to soothe the pain of her death?”
His father lowered the gun.
“I will not let my son continue to play hero. It is a sign of weakness, to have you out here undermining me. I won’t tolerate it.”
He realized, then, that there was only path out of this moment. There was one solution. One chance.
“Whoever you are, you are not my father.” The blow struck true. His father flinched. “And if that’s the case, if the choice is being your son or being a hero, then here’s your answer.”
Power began to crackle up his arms, reflected in his father eyes.
“It’s a shame, dad,” the hero said, eyes glinting. “You lost your only son, and you didn’t even have to kill him to do it.”
The supervillain paused, for a second, just one, pain flashing across his face, before he raised the gun once more.
This time, the supervillain didn’t hesitate before he fired. Didn’t bother to watch if the hero got out of the way in time.
The supervillain would never kill his son.
But if his son—the hero. But if the hero had decided he would rather be dead than family?
Well, who was the supervillain to deny him that?
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ep2nd · 1 year
There comes a time for every mcyt Tumblr person to make an AU.
That time is today.
And this AU will be from Empires smp season 1 and I guess HBG(just the characters).
Flower and Sea Family Mafia AU
Yes, it is a Mafia au, I have no regrets.
Human AU
Modern AU
Mafia AU
Flower Husbands
Rivendell Elf brothers
Scott and Xornoth's parents
Lizzie and Joel on the side
Some other Esmp characters on the side
Good brothers Scott and Xornoth
Follows my family headcanon with Jimmy and Scott adopting Illumina
It's set with Jimmy, who is poor and needs money for his sister's medical bills, who finds a job as a hit man for a really big, fancy company. Reluctantly, he takes it.
He ends up having to work with Scott Major, unknown to Jimmy that he is the youngest son of the lead Man who owns the whole operation.
Scott doesn't like how his father is basically putting a bodyguard on him, and Jimmy doesn't like Scott.
Eventually, they realize they have things in common and Jimmy helps Scott through his daddy issues, kind of.
Scott's father thinks he's useless and weak and Scott just wants to impress his father, willing to do anything to get his attention.
Xornoth is their father's favorite but working in a different city. They really love their younger brother and visit him to give him the familiar love that their father would never give Scott.
Now how does Illumina play into this?
Well, if this post gets at least 10 notes I'll continue this AU.
If you have any questions, just go to my ask box.
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If my parents left me behind because of their incompetence and lack of organization. I would hold the biggest grudge and resentment and never let them live it down.
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redjaybird · 3 months
[o.zai is such a dick]
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I dont feel safe I don't feel okay I hate him I absolutely hate him I hate him i hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him j hate him I really hate him I don't want to hear his voice I hate him
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buckcluck67 · 2 years
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Buck Cluck and Jimmy Crystal feeling remorseful
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anyone got some tips dealing w homophobic/transphobic parents when you still live with them? I’m having an especially bad month, and my dad is being unbearable
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lgbtlunaverse · 9 months
Obsessed with characters who portray themselves as worse than they are. Who are lying to everyone including themselves about it. People generally assume if someone's lying about themselves they're trying to look better but sometimes they're trying to look worse. They attribute agency to where they had none, add intend to accidents, try to convince everyone that this is something they did instead of something that happened to them.
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vanilladrizzlequeen · 3 months
bro my sister is actually so smart
so yknow how Zuko’s scar is worse directly around his eye?
and there are a lot of reasons that could be but also consider this (and this is what my 12 year old sister came up with)
Zuko was sobbing and refusing to fight his father when Ozai burned him
his tears literally became boiling water against his eye.
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dawnstar137 · 3 months
The audacity of my father to respond to my 13 year old self saying dreads were beautiful with "those people rub shit in their hair and roll it to get it that way. Do you want to put shit in your hair?" Like what the fuck is wrong with him literally nobody is doing that???? Nobody.
To be clear, it is not a new revelation to me that he's absolutely an awful person (or that this is not in any way how this is done) . I was just thinking about this a lot today for some reason. He really just walks around saying out of pocket shit like that and believing it.
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mydairpercabeth · 5 months
Ares saying he hates his own kids and the worst day of the year is when they visit him makes my heart break for Clarisse more. Clarisse fights so hard for scraps of her father’s attention and Ares sees her as just another nuisance. He doesn’t care about her unless she’s able to serve him. But Clarisse (like Annabeth) thinks she just has to work harder for him to love her. In her mind, it’s all her fault. Which is why she is so angry when little punk Percy strolls in at twelve years old, no training and unclaimed, and immediately defeats the minotaur. In three days hes already got the gods attention and his father claimed him. Of course she’s angry.
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FNAF movie Vanessa out traumas Michael Afton
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agingerpanda · 4 months
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Niffty’s favorite bad boy.
I wouldn’t be surprised if at the end Niffty turned out just to be hanging around Alastor (instead of him owning her soul like Husk) just because he’s the ultimate bad boy.
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rokagomba09 · 1 year
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snowberryc · 8 months
When you remember that paintings can talk in TWST:
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You can't forget about Rosalia from Cater's vignette, she's lonely too.
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