incorrect-losers · 2 years
Officer Bowers: Look at my son Henry
Went: Fine looking boy, nice eyes, well, one of ‘em anyway
Officer Bowers: That’s what your hoodlum did with his fists
Maggie *shocked*: Our son used his fists?
Went: All those karate lessons wasted
Officer Bowers: I say you both stop joking. My son has been sorely wounded and I demand an apology
Maggie *to Richie*: I think you ought to apologize to Henry
The losers:
Bev: I’m sorry I punched you in the eye, Henry
Officer Bowers:
Officer Bowers: She must have hit him when his back was turned
Went: In the eye?
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
partner and I watched the david tennant around the world in 80 days:
somewhat uneven opening act, was quite a bit of emotional stuff with passeportout that wasn't introduced aaaall that well and never really gets paid off either, and could have been better with a few tweaks
however each episode then got progressively better than the last
and was really into its final thesis, which was shockingly not about romantic love, even though there was a whole big setup around it, really appreciated that (I mean, sort of about romantic love, but not romantic love as the way to fix your life/the idea that you can just sort out things by being in love -- more about letting romantic love go actually)
literally a qpp type triad between fogg, passepartout, and fix??? you're waiting for the narrative to do the inevitably split in which fix and passepartout have their romance and then there's fogg's story next to it, but that... just doesn't really happen? and fogg explicitly compares his former great romantic love to the relationship he's built with the two of them???
whole episode dedicated to honouring bass reeves, former slave turned us marshal, on whom the western genre is basically based, and I'd say it's my favourite of the episodes overall
whole episode dedicated to honouring jane digby, english former aristocrat who scandalised everyone by having a ton of lovers and eventually marrying sexy younger sheikh medjuel el mezrab in damascus
really enjoyed the fact that it was an international collaboration, and you could tell. lot of fantastic actors from all over the world, lot of joy and respect given to their presence and said world
struggled a tad with being quite as open about the truth of english colonialism as I would have wanted personally, but it does speak to it, and it is a continued thread -- could have done more, glad it did some
there's an infuriating thread of how passepartout gets treated as a black working class man, but it's intentional, if not quite as acknowledged to his face as I wished (but then there's a thing that happens at the end which speaks to a delicious reversal of roles so all is forgiven -- well passepartout forgives them way earlier on, but me on his behalf)
abigail fix is a very well-written character. she gets to be good at the things she's good at, while also containing both the ability to be angry at the limitations pushed onto her, and have her own biases as a white upperclass british woman
all in all, it's got stuff that's wobbly for sure, but a lot of things that are annoying are also intentionally so (the fact, for example, that both fogg and fix don't initially take in passepartout's perspective and move through life with that blessed british "I can do what I want" colonialist attitude)
once the puzzle is complete it's so very very satisfying to have watched
loved the final scene with all my aroace qpp-having heart
david tennant spends so much of it being just the most miserable drippy former public school boy, he's drooping, he's sad, he's hurt and...
so spoiler for one scene here but:
he gets his shirt stripped off him and flogged which was also Pretty Neat.
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ambrosiaswhispers · 2 years
Get Lost; Be Found
Get Lost; Be Found
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It wasn’t the first time Seth Gecko felt like he was lost and it wouldn’t be the last time, well then again maybe it would be. He was fucking cold and there was no end in sight to snow falling around him. He knew better than to sit down, but he was so damn tired. His legs were stiff and fighting through the snowdrifts wasn't getting any easier. He kept moving toward the obscure light in the distance. He could practically hear Richie’s voice in his head yammering about the odds of survival being better if he’d stayed in the vehicle. But Seth couldn’t risk being found in a stolen car.
The ground under the snow was uneven and while he’d been stumbling for the last, for however long he’d been walking, he finally tripped. He hit the cold snow face first. Fuck him. He was done. He closed his eyes and hoped hell would at least be warm when he crossed over.
“Are you happy now? He’s in your truck. You don’t even know the guy. What if he’s some kind of criminal?” There was an angry, male voice muffled, but close.
Oh, he wasn’t dead. He was warmer too. The whine of a heater and the smell of flowers was all around him.
“Kyle, I wasn’t gonna leave him in the snow. He was facedown and there isn’t a car for miles! He could have died! I’m takin’ him to the hospital and that's that. It’s fine.” A woman’s voice, possibly angrier than the guy.
Seth wanted to raise his head and look, but also didn’t want to press his luck. A hospital wasn’t really an option. One look at his wallet and he was as good as handcuffed or worse in a small town. Backroads were good for avoiding getting caught, until you got caught.
“Katie, I know you said going out into the world was good for you, but you’ve changed and you’re taking risks that the girl I knew would have never.”
“First of all don’t call me Katie, it’s Kate. Second, I am helping someone and I learned that in church. And third, it’s none of your concern what I do, I just needed your help with his weight”
“Kate, I know you’re this angry with me. But this trip was your idea.”
“This trip was my idea for us! Until you and I quote ‘didn’t mean for me to find out about her’ when I caught you naked on the couch with a girl you were supposed to be teaching to play guitar.”
“That’s not exactly…”
“It’s exactly what happened. And now you’ve got the nerve to show up with her to a trip that I planned for us. What did you think was going to happen?” There was a long pause then an exasperated scream from the woman, “You're a moron! You thought it was going to be okay if you were sleeping with both of us? I’m going to stay at another hotel tonight and then I’m driving home tomorrow, alone. You made your bed now you can sleep in it, with her, because you’re certainly never getting into my pants again!”
Hmm. Seth couldn’t help the smirk that formed on his lips. He was a sucker for a spitfire. The truck door slammed and a small hand pressed against his forehead.
“A little warmer. That’s good. Let’s get this other blanket on you. I warmed it up on the vents on my side.”
A soft and warm blanket was tucked around him. He tried to stay relaxed to fake being asleep but it was getting harder.
“We’ll get you to the hospital and they’ll be able to thaw you out better than me.”
He grimaced so much for enjoying the warmth and peace for a minute. He shifted and while startled to be nose-to-nose with the kindhearted woman. Her eyes were hazel. Kate had hazel eyes and looked like the-girl-next-door from all the best Hollywood films. He tried to ignore her panicked expression and kept his game face on. He narrowed his eyebrows and did his best to sound threatening. “No. No hospitals.”
She blinked. “The hospital won’t care if you don’t have insurance. They need to treat you if you come in.”
Oh, that was adorable. She thought he was worried about money. He tried to move, but his muscles burned in protest.
“I can’t go to a hospital. Hospitals call the law.” He had a gun on him, but he really didn’t want to point it at her. However, he also really didn’t want to get caught.
“Oh. Oh!” She looked nervous and glanced back at the other car, which was already pulling away. “I can give you the truck and I have some money, but I did save you from the cold, so I think it’s only fair if you don’t leave me out there to freeze.”
She was practical. He’d give her that. “I don’t wanna leave you in the cold. I just need to warm up and call my brother to come get me. Hand over your cellphone, please.” He wasn’t taking the risk of her just bailing out and calling the cops.
“What did you do?” She folded her arms over her chest.
“What. Did. You. Do.” Kate spoke slowly pausing at each word before continuing, “If you’re a thief or someone just trying to make money that’s one thing. But if your a rapist or something, I’mma pepper-spray you and kick out you out of my truck.”
“You shouldn’t tell people if you’re going to attack them." He explained exasperated at her ill-advised warning. "That’s not a good strategy for dealing with a criminal.”
She arched her eyebrow. “Try to move right now.”
Seth ground his teeth and she was right. He could barely move.
“You sound like you’re from Texas. The winters are harsher up here in Colorado. I know how your body’s reacting right now. I don’t want to hurt you, but I also don’t want you to hurt me. What did you do?”
“Stole a bunch of cash with my brother. I was the distractions while he got away with the take.”
“Okay?” Seth was confused. She was okay with him? Just like that? Who the hell was this girl?
“Yup.” She buckled her seatbelt and the truck lurched back onto the road. “I’m Kate by the way.”
He should give her a fake name. But did it matter? Probably, not, so he opted for abridged honesty. “I’m Seth. Where are we headed?”
“Well Seth, since you don’t want a hospital I’m gonna take you to the local ‘no questions’ motel.”
“You seem like too nice a girl to know about places like that.” He noticed the snow had stopped. How long had he been face down? He licked his lips, they lasted like cherries. That was weird.
“Gotta have a spot to party after prom, for ya know.” She blushed and fiddled with the radio.
Seth barked out a laugh and immediately regretted it. He started coughing and folded himself into a ball to try and stop it. Kate put a hand on his back.
“There’s coffee in the mug in the cup holder, you’re welcome to it.”
She removed her hand and he instantly felt colder. He took a drink of the lukewarm, bitter liquid and shuttered at how cold he still was. They drove in silence for a bit then the motel came into view. Damnit he was closer to shelter than he thought. He should have forced himself to keep going, kept this girl outta his mess.
“Keep your head down. Sign says there are cameras so it probably points out at the parking lot.” She clicked on the turning signal and the truck began to slow down.
“You a secret criminal? Seem to know alot about this stuff, Princess.” Seth pulled the blanket over his head.
She chuckled, “Naw, just listen to a bunch of true-crime podcasts. And I'm no one's princess, Seth. Just ask my ex.” She was out of the truck and back in less than five minutes. The truck reversed and rolled slowly until parking again. Kate sighed heavily. “This weekend is far crazier than I planned it to be.”
He pulled the blanket down and made eye contact with her. “Why are you helping me? I don’t understand. It’s one thing if you just thought you were helping out some dumbass in the snow, but you know I’m dangerous. Why are you doing this?”
She inclined her head to the side as if considering his words. “I guess, I wanna help you. Come on we need to get you warm and dry.”
None of that was a real answer, but Kate was out of the truck and opening the door on his side before he could question further. He managed to get his feet on the ground but stumbled immediately. Expecting to hit the ground again he winced, but instead, Kate grunted and held him up.
“Just shuffle with me. It’ll get better if you move.”
They managed to get into the small room and Kate helped him sit on the bed.
“I’ll be right back.”
Every criminal lesson he’d ever learned was screaming for him to pull his gun on her and keep her in sight, but he flopped on his back on the bed. If she bailed and called the cops, so be it, at least he wasn’t gonna freeze to death.
The door opened and he pushed himself up on reflex but failed to pull his gun because it wasn’t there…How had he just fucking noticed that? His hand patted the back of his pants where he'd left it, but nothing. Fuck, had he lost it in the snow?
“Oh, yeah, I took that when I got you into my truck.” Kate kicked the front door closed with her foot and was holding an armful of what looked like Christmas presents.
“You knew I was armed and you still helped me?!? Are you insane?!?” Seth was freaking out. He wasn’t gonna hurt her, but he could have. Where was this girl’s self-preservation? He could have murdered her or worse and she just helped him anyway? What the hell?
Kate looked annoyed. “It’s Texas. I have a gun, but it’s at my house. Although, I have yours so technically I am armed at the moment and you’re not.”
He blinked a few times as the situation fully set in. Seth was going with it, whatever was happening, was happening, whether he got it or not. “What’s with all that?”
“Well, we need to get you warm and dry. So you’re gonna take a shower and we’ll lay out your things to dry. But I didn’t figure you'd want to be naked. So you’re gonna be stuck with the pajamas I bought my dad for Christmas.” She started unwrapping one of the boxes, unshed tears clinging to her lashes. “Frostbite is a bitch and you don’t want it. This is an object and you are a person, regardless of whatever, you were up to before. You shouldn’t be left alone to suffer and die.”
His brain short-circuited for a moment. Why was she so worried about him? “Did I miss something? You okay?”
“You were almost dead.” A single tear ran down her cheek, as she looked into his eyes. “I saw you in the snowdrift but I panicked. Thought it might be a trick to rob me, so I called Kyle, my ex-boyfriend, because I knew he close by. Then I sat there in the truck and watched you while I waited. I realized you were too still. I got out to check on you in spite of everything and you weren’t breathing. I almost let you die, because I was worried about getting robbed.” She drew in a shaky breath, “I was more worried about my purse than a person. What’s wrong with me?"
She was clinging to the white box in her hands like a lifeline as if she had something to feel guilty about. "I gave you CPR and thank god you responded. Kyle pulled up as you gasped and then I saw the gun. Everything just happened so fast.”
Her voice was barely above a whisper. “If you save someone’s life, you’re responsible for them. I couldn’t just let you die.”
Seth toed off his shoes and forced himself up to his feet, unsteadier than he liked. He paced over to the still-trembling girl, resting one arm against the door over her head. He leaned into her space and tipped up her chin, before kissing her forehead. “Thank you, Kate.”
The boxes clattered to the floor and she wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him tightly. Seth looped one arm around her, but the other arm he kept braced against the wall. He didn’t trust himself to hold his entire weight.
“This is so stupid.” She muttered into his chest. “I don’t even know you.”
“Just makes you a good person. I on the other hand am a bastard. But for the time being, I owe you, so I’m your bastard.”
Kate’s laugh was instant, which made him smile as she warned. “Don’t give me that much power.”
Mischief sparked in Seth’s eyes and he forced her to look at him, “Why? You wanna take advantage of me?”
“Um, you should get in the shower and warm up.” Kate’s cheeks instantly stained pink. “Get your wet clothes off for sure.”
“Okay.” He smirked and took half a step back shrugging off his coat and loosening his tie before dropping it to the floor. He didn’t miss Kate's hard swallow at his movements. “Might need help with the buttons. My fingers aren’t working all the way.”
“Sure.” She moved back into his space, biting down on her lower lip as she undid the buttons to his waist. “I’m just gonna untuck this okay?”
“Yeah. I trust ya. Thanks for the help.” He couldn’t keep smile off his face, not that the blushing woman could see it, as her eyes were on the fabric directly in front of her.
“You’re…you’re welcome.” She finished the buttons and went to move away, but he looped his arm back around his waist pulling her flush to him.
“Katie, I just thought of something.”
“I’m gonna need you to test the water before I take that shower. I might not know how hot it is, that would be bad.” He calculated the risk and cupped her cheek coaxing her closer, ghosting his lips over hers. “You wanna help me with that shower, Princess? I can show you how grateful I am for the rescue. No strings, no pressure.”
.:. 8am .:.
Richie Gecko knocked on the motel room door. Jesus, he hated the cold. Seth, missing a shirt and wearing the gaudiest pair of green Christmas-themed sleep pants he’d ever seen, opened the door.
“Did I miss something?” He adjusted his glasses as he entered the room and shut the door behind him. “You rob one of Santa’s elves for a new outfit?”
"Limited options available." Seth rolled his eyes and patted the suit hanging over the motel heater. “Almost dry.”
Richie was even more confused looking around room at the unmade bed and wrapping paper all over the floor. “Did you steal someone’s Christmas presents? That’s wrong, even for us.”
He might have continued his rant further but the bathroom door opened and a slip of a woman exited came into the room sporting a top that matched what his brother was wearing.
“Hi.” The auburn-haired girl offered a meek wave.
“Did you kidnap a girl?”
“I saved him from freezing to death actually.” She lifted her chin, “and my name is Kate.”
Richie was exasperated.“I left you alone for less than twenty-four hours. How did you almost die and pick up a chick in that timeframe?”
“I have a particular set of skills.” Seth bit into a piece of jerky and offered a piece to his brother who waved it away.
Kate giggled and covered her legs with the motel bedspread.
“Is this a thing now?” Richie questioned.
Seth shrugged. “If she wants it to be.”
Kate smiled as she braided her hair back.
“You are,” Richie smacked his hand on his forehead, growling at his brother, “as bad as a Disney princess. Five minutes and you catch feelings.”
“It was longer than five minutes.” Kate supplied then yelped and pulled the blanket over her head to hide in what was likely embarrassment.
“Great. Compliment him.” Richie deadpanned before admonishing, “I hope you’re happy, 'cause he’ll never want you to leave now.”
“She can cook and she has a truck we can use to get over the border.” Seth flopped on the bed next to Kate.
“And now we’re a trio.” Richie took out his pack of cigarettes. “I’mma go smoke both of you put on some more clothes while I do that.”
A gift for a friend. Listen, I don't know if this is what you had it mind. It went all off the rails. Anyways. I had a blast writing it and I hope you enjoy it.
Love to my Loves.
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christinered · 9 months
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I can't help myself. I'm so easily amused.
Lionel Itchy...Bah ha ha ha!
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liv45no · 2 years
Richie: someone’s trying to break in, call the cops!
Beverly, appearing with a gun: I got this
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thorstenlannert · 2 years
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Richy Müller als Thorsten Lannert im Tatort "Freigang", 2014
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jupiters-galaxy · 11 months
I've seen some people criticize how quickly Peter and Steph fell for each other (to the point of being the thing they treasure most), and while I do understand some of the criticism, I think there are a few key things that some people aren't picking up on.
-Treasuring each other IS NOT strictly romantic. While it's true that Peter is in love with Steph, and Steph with Peter, it goes deeper than their repressed love story. They ARE friends. They do genuinely like spending time together, although their connection is relatively new. They care about each other as people first; neither of them seem like they NEED to be in a relationship with the other. They seek each other out even when they're just friends.
-It's also important to remember that the lords in black only want treasured things in the metaphorical sense: they can't give up OBJECTS. It presumably has to be a person or a concept.
-It's important to remember that both of them have been through an unbelieveable ordeal. Peter's closest friends were murdered. Stephanie lost her DAD, and although they weren't close, that can't have been easy to stomach. I cannot stress this enough; Peter and Steph quite literally have no one else left. Peter has no other friends. It logically tracks for him to be attached to Stephanie, as she is someone who experienced the same traumas as him. From Stephanie's angle, she doesn't really like her friends, and since objects are out of the question, Peter is the only person who she feels truly knows her. He's really the only option for her, even if her feelings are confusing.
-I also want to point out that you can really kind of feel them falling for each other, although it is admittedly subtext. Peter is weak to Steph as early as the opening number. He does out of character things to make her happy; a compliment from her makes his day amazing; he faces his biggest fear in hopes of seeing her at Pasqualli's. Stephanie cares for him from the first day they meet, although her care is a lot more ambiguous. She teases him about how he's into her, but at the same time, she's protective of him, feeling horrible that he got beat up and wanting to stop it. Even beyond that, she's inclusive towards him, inviting him to hang out with her simply because she likes his company. Her attraction to him makes sense: we know that Steph has a thing for funny and smart guys, and Peter's geeky snarkiness ABSOLUTELY fits. Their relationship is one that just makes a lot of sense!
-Their relationship is actually portrayed really realistically near the end. They're not intense about their love, nor are they overtly sexual. In NPMD, they don't even kiss! The furthest they go is dancing close together and having conversations, cautiously stepping into a new relationship that they mutually want. Despite the heavy nature of their confessions in As Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise), the payoff is not drastic. The confessions were likely only so heavy because they both thought Peter was about to die. Of course he would go out detailing how he loves her, and of course she would say it back; their last memories together should be good ones. When faced with normalcy, they progress as most teens would.
-At the end of the day, they're two traumatized teenagers who already liked each other before the trauma. It makes sense that they feel like the other is the most important to them; after all, Grace is the only other survivor from their group, and they're thinking about her in a less than favorable way past Richie's death, if not sooner than that.
This is not to say they're perfect, but I think their portrayal was really sweet and a joy to watch. I think the implications are extremely interesting idk!! I love Peter and Steph, I think they're more nuanced than they're getting credit for. I love to see cringefail nerds getting badass and amazing girlfriends, let me have this!!!!!
Anyways yeah that's my hot take. One of many. NPMD is consuming me someone help
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apieceoftoastedbread · 5 months
i just finished working boys. holy shit??/pos
mentions of show spoilers under cut
SO. welcome to my ted talk. i just finished working boys. what. the. FUCK. but like in a good way. i loved it! i watched it with my dad kinda and i was giggling the entire time. i love rob as hidgens but if hidgens was anyone else BESIDES jeff i would have honestly not felt the same about it. jeff did great in the whole thing.
also, RUTHH!!.., MY BABY💔💔 SHE DID NO WRONG. IT WAS HER DEBUT☹️ she did great and i loved the few seconds of screentime she had.
the people in the audience were also making my tism alarm go off. if i can recall it was bill, ted, officer bailey, ms mulberry, richie, grace, gerald, linda, and brenda? those are all the people i can remember. seeing richie and grace go to see ruth actually made me go crazy i love them all SO MUCH. i wanna take richie and shake him. Ted was being a little asshole as always/pos. poor bill was abandoned. AND GERALD AND LINDA? oh my god i love them. i have a love-hate relationship with linda except she doesnt know who i am and would spit on me and i love her but also need her to suffer. I wanted to take the scene where him and linda are cuddling and just stay there forever. officer bailey made me laugh but also how is that man a cop. he just handed grace the gun?? ALSO GRACE IS SO BADASS BUT SHES CRAZY?? SUPPORT WOMENS WRONGS!! she started saying sumthing about the lord and i got chills.
the dead workin boys?? that was so sick what??
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uhm uhm im gonna shut up now because my brain is being overwhelmed by over analyzing this but please please please talk to me about this
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aestheticaltcow · 12 days
Wedding of the Year
Sierra and Carmy are getting married, and you and Richie play important roles in the ceremony. Of course, the two of you will find some time for some fun.
MDNI 18+
Previous Part
The Bear Masterlist
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“It’s so pretty! He has surprisingly good taste,” you gushed as Sierra showed you the shiny platinum emerald-cut moissanite ring with small pearl details on both sides, creating a unique yet classic three-stone ring.
“I don’t think he picked it out himself, but I do love it- and him.” she smiled as she ran her thumb across the stones. “And now you have something to fidget with.” you cracked, elbowing her before you hopped down from the low brick wall the two of you had been sitting on during her lunch break from the hospital. Sierra rolled her eyes, “Downside, Dr. Dunlap is being a booty hole about me ‘being engaged to her ex’, like girl- he never even referred to you as his girlfriend. Pull the stick out of your butt, and let me be happy and in love.” 
You shrugged, “Well, I should probably get back to work. See you tomorrow night for dinner with your fiance.” you teased slightly. Sierra laughed and nodded, “Hey, Y/N, just to let you know… Richie is gonna be there. If we do a traditional wedding, Carmy wants him to be his best man… obviously you’re my maid of honor. It’s not gonna be like weird or anything, right?” 
You shook your head, “Sierra, I couldn’t care less about what that man thinks of me. He called me a whore like six months ago; it’s ancient fuckin’ history.”
Sierra shot you a concerned look. The shitty part about being twins was the fact she always knew when you were lying, even if you didn’t know it yourself. It had hurt when Richie called you out six months ago, and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t something you’d thought about periodically here and there, but you’d do anything to make Sierra happy. She was your big sister- by 17 minutes- after all, and if that meant dealing with Richie for a few hours every so often, all be it.
Richie was frustrated about needing to go to your apartment that evening. Since he confronted you, he’s successfully avoided you like the plague, but when Carmy told him he proposed to Sierra, and she’d said ‘yes’, he knew he’d have to deal with you again at one point. “Let’s get this over with…” Richie mumbled to himself as he knocked on the door to your apartment. When you opened the door, you stood in awkward silence before moving to the side to allow Richie into your place. 
“Sorry about the mess.” you half-heartedly apologized as Richie removed his jacket and threw it on a small kitchen table separating the main room of your apartment and the open kitchen area. You crossed your arms over your chest as Richie looked around your apartment, “You have a Master’s degree?” he asked aloud as you moved toward your well-loved red couch. You nodded, “I’m working on my PhD in microbiology. I teach at The University of Chicago.” 
“That’s pretty badass… women in STEM and shit…” Richie awkwardly stammered as he noticed the pictures on the walls. He assumed some were science-related as they were rounded images of what he imagined were cells or something. He smiled when he noticed a picture of you and Sierra from what he presumed was high school or college graduation.
“Thanks. I’ve been told it’s impressive- but I’m also just a slut.” you rolled your eyes and moved to sit on the couch. You brought a box up from under the coffee table and waited for Richie to sit beside you.
“For what it counts- I’m sorry for calling you a slut. I have a daughter, and I-” You cut Richie off with a blunt scoff. “Fuck off with the pseudo feminism Richard. Let’s just go through these pictures and be pleasant for the sake of Sierra and Carmy.” 
Richie sighed, “Okay.”
Neither of you was sure how you’d gotten into this predicament. You’d gone from being at each other’s throats and looking through Sierra-provided/approved photos for some wedding slideshow to Richie being in your throat. Now you were laid back on the couch while Richie ran his tongue through your velvety folds. You pulled at the little hair he had as one of his slender fingers slipped inside of you, brushing places you could only dream of getting by yourself. You mewled at the sensation, bucking your hips against his mouth, desperate for more. Richie suckled at your clit, savoring the taste of your fluids. 
“F-fuck!” you exhaled as your legs shook as your orgasm had finally peaked. Richie hummed against your upper thigh before gently biting the sensitive skin just hard enough to leave a slight bruise. With that, Richie sat on your couch as you panted, attempting to catch your breath. He chuckled as he ran his hands over his mouth, wiping away the evidence of what he’d done. You moved to sit up and looked over at Richie, lustfully ready for round two, especially after noticing the lump in his boxer briefs. “Let’s go back to my room?” you whispered as you moved to rest your hand on his thigh.
Richie wanted to say ‘yes’, but when he looked at the clock, he remembered the babysitter was only booked until 10:30. He groaned and placed his hand over yours, “I want to, I really fuckin’ want to, but I gotta get home to my kid.” 
You frowned but nodded reluctantly, “It's okay.” 
Richie wanted you. He watched as you stood in a circle with some of the other bride’s maids; he breathed deeply as you brought your vape to your lips. Seeing your lips wrap around anything was getting him hot. “You okay there, Richie?” Pete bantered as he stood before Richie with one hand in his pocket and a cocktail in the other. Richie tilted his head to the side and waved off the man so he could continue staring at you, “Go for it.” Pete commented as he looked over his shoulder to see Richie had been starring at you. “You and Carmy could be brother-in-laws.”
You were talking to a group of your and Sierra’s high school friends when you felt a hand on your lower back. “Hey,” Richie greeted you warmly. You smiled in his direction and noticed one of your friends nudge the other before walking away. “Scarin’ my friends away old man.” you playfully teased as you turned to face Richie. 
“You look pretty…my kid is at her Mom’s place.” 
You clicked your tongue, “I don’t know Richie. Turns out Carmy has some REALLY hot friends… you’re not my only option.” 
Richie chuckled as he looked around the room, “Baby girl… they won’t fuck you right. Don’t you want a real man?” 
You felt your cheeks heat up as Richie’s hand got closer to your ass cheek, “You’re not wearin’ panties…” Richie mumbled into your ear. You playfully hit his chest, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” you teased. 
“Prove me wrong, Y/N.”
You looked around the room and ensured your parents were occupied before looping your finger around Richie’s belt, “Meet me in the bathroom…”
“Fuck your-” Richie grunted as he continued to thrust his hip into you, “your pussy’s fuckin’ perfect.” you met his compliment with soft mewls as your head bumped against the wall of the bathroom stall. Your dress was hiked up above your hips. Richie squeezed your thigh, pulling it up over his hips as he fucked you against the wall. You sank your nails into his neck as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten. “Feel good, baby? Cum on my fuckin’ cock.” 
“Mmm, yes, Daddy.” you whimpered as his thrusts started to get sloppier and shorter—the bathroom filled with the sounds of slapping skin and both of your moans. “I’m gonna cum- uh fuckfuckfuck!”
You stood in front of the bathroom mirror fixing your lipstick as Richie zipped his pants and wiped his brow. “Wanna come over tonight?” he asked as you moved to fix your hair, you shrugged. Richie groaned, “Y/N, come on.” he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the bottom of your stomach and leaned against your back resting his chin on your shoulder. “How bout I take you out for dinner some time?” he offered moving to kiss your jaw. You giggled and put your hands over his, “When?” you quiered putting your head back against his shoulder as he moved to pepper soft open mouth kisses on your neck. 
“Whenever you’re free.” 
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ideas-4-stories · 6 months
Cross Guild AU Romance Prompt: Mermaid Shifter AU where devil fruit users can still swim, everyone can shift into their mermaid or man form. Buggy is part of a pod with his crew and they live together in this wonderful reef. They all have these wonderful tails that fit their personalities, while Buggy's is extra special in that his is this bright white with these pearly scales and fins that no one else has. Yet his is not the rarest tail, the rarest tails are the black tails, and they belong to Mihawk and Crocodile, who live in the shadowy area beyond Buggy's reef. They guard everyone in Buggy's reef, but stay aloof and distant. No one goes near Mihawk and Crocodile's shadowy territory. One day Buggy hears a commotion or sees something off in the shadowy territory. Against his better judgement, Buggy swims to the area and is horrified when he sees Mihawk and Crocodile in a life and death struggle with a wicked looking sea creature, like a sea king or a kracken. Mihawk is fighting hard but Crocodile's hurt. With bravery he didn't even know he had, Buggy joins the fight and actually feeds one of his muggy balls to the creature and blows it up. He gets knocked out cold in the process. When he wakes up, he'd in the dark castle like reef Mihawk and Crocodile call home. The moment Buggy is coherent, his only concern is Mihawk and Crocodile, seeing to their wounds and even swimming out to get specially sea plants and anemones known for their healing properties. Mihawk and Crocodile are stunned when Buggy comes back with his arms full and sets about grinding up everything and treating them with tenderness they've never ever experienced before. This little red nosed white tail captured the hearts of Mihawk with his black and red tail and Crocodile with his black and purple tail and they mean to keep him. Mihawk and Crocodile try to intimidate Buggy, only for Buggy to yank them both with him out of their shadowy reef to his vibrant, colorful one, first for lunch, then the next day for dinner, then again and again until Mihawk and Crocodile are no longer the distant guardians in the shadows, but Buggy's badass mates.
Mermaid Shifter AU is quite interesting, I like that everyone has tails that match their personalities. I wonder types of tails that Cabaji, Mohji, Alvida, Galdino, and Daz have… OH! Richie can be a catfish or lionfish I don’t know.
Question, Mihawk and Crocodile has other colors on their tail, does Buggy have colors other than white?
I like to think Buggy having a clownfish-style tail, that’s probably from all the times in the past that I’ve seen Buggy being a mermaid and he had a clownfish-style tail and stuff. There are clownfish that are mostly white with tips being orange and/or black.
Is the shadowy part of the reef like Kuraigana Island? I really hope so, does that mean there’s fruitwanis or animals much like the humandrills there?
I’m just have so many ideas running through my head. Anyway, Buggy helping Crocodile and Mihawk fight off the kracken (I don’t why I like that better as the enemy) When you wrote ‘actaully feeds one of his muggy balls to the creature’ all I can imagine is Buggy shoving it down it’s throat and didn’t get out of the way in time.
Buggy waking up and only thinking about Mihawk and Crocodile (My heart! So cute and sweet!) I feel like he’s ignoring his own wounds, swimming out to grab the healing plants (probably went out with a gasp or something that makes Crocodile and Mihawk thinking he wouldn’t come back, BUT HE DID COME BACK!) Buggy coming back, treating them with such tenderness that both wouldn’t think of (MY HEART!)
Not the two trying to intimidate Buggy, as soon as both know they want him! Good for Buggy to yank them back to his reef. Buggy must of been quite scared but Mihawk and Crocodile need doctors help to make sure those wounds don’t get infected. Then going out for lunch, then the next day for dinner, what about the day after breakfast?
That must of been a shock for everyone, I see their faces now.
I feel like the shadowy reef would be added into Buggy’s domain now as how the colorful reef is now apart of Crocodile and Mihawk’s domain. Afterall they are mates in the end.
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miraclesabound · 1 year
Just What You Needed
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Summary: Your ex finds you while you're having a night out to yourself at The Bear. Thankfully, the staff, including a particular waiter with blue eyes, help keep you safe.
Pairings: Past F!Reader/M!OC, Richie/F!Reader, pre-relationship
Warnings/Tags: Past abusive relationship, attempted kidnapping, assault, Neil Fak being a brief badass, canon-typical language, mention of police, mention of alcohol, Reader getting nickname privileges, first kiss, plans for a first date. Set after Season 2
@grogusmum, @nolita-fairytale, @foreveraimingtowardsthesky, @phoenixhalliwell, @cinewhore, @pettyprocrastination
It's a sultry September night, and as your heels clack along the pavement, you breathe in the warm air. Taking a walk is just what you needed today, even if you weren't already on your way to have dinner at The Bear. Coming to the restaurant in question, you open the door and walk in.
A smartly dressed blonde woman greets you at the host stand, and when you give your information, she brings you to a table close to the door, where you can still enjoy the breeze as the door opens and closes.
There are amazing smells and sounds all around you, and you're thankful for the menu so that you can parse what you're noticing. After maybe two minutes, you hear someone walk up, and you can't help smiling when you see him.
You've never been to this place, you don't know any of the staff - but something about your waiter (he introduces himself as Richard) immediately puts you at ease. After making sure you have a bread plate, he runs through the menu and the specials list for you. His blue eyes are alight with his obvious passion for his job, and between those eyes and his fitted suit, he's making a delightful impression. After reviewing your options, you decide to get a soup appetizer to start and then you'll have a steak entree.
You've just finished your soup when you think you hear someone yell your name outside. You look up, and your heart pounds when you see your ex, Graham, peering into the window. What on earth is he doing here??
Graham throws the door open and storms past the hostess, who does her best to stop him, but he shrugs her off like she's a fly bothering him. He zeroes in on you, and you can smell the alcohol fumes off of him. "Where the fuck have ya been?" he slurs.
Even in your fear, you're infuriated at his assumptions. "Been???" you hiss. "We've been broken up three months, where I've been isn't your concern."
"We're gonna have a talk," he says, and before you can stop him, he grabs your arm and pulls you to your feet. With your heels on, you teeter, and you worry you're going to wrench your ankle. Where the hell is Richard??
Richie is in the kitchen with Neil waiting for your entree to come up when he hears you scream for help. Running out, they see you getting pulled away, and that the man who's grabbing you is swatting at Natalie when she tries to get in and help.
Richie wants to tear the guy apart, and Neil must see it in his face, because he puts a hand in front of him. "Dude, you can't catch another assault charge - I'll get the guy, you help Nat with the girl, yeah?"
No one can get to you and Graham, and you're genuinely afraid that he's going to take you somewhere and hurt you or worse. Suddenly, a large blur knocks into him, and when you stumble, two sets of arms catch you around the waist, helping you sit down. You realize it's Richard and the hostess helping you, and a large waiter who must outweigh Graham by at least a hundred pounds currently has him in a headlock. Other staff members have come out of the kitchen, and you see someone with a phone out, hopefully calling 911.
Richard taps you on the shoulder and you look at him, focusing on the sapphire flame in his eyes. "Hey, talk to me - is your arm ok?" he asks.
You roll up your sleeve and wince - you can see bruising. "Better wait for the paramedics," you tell him. You look back over - the big guy now has others helping him and you can tell they aren't going to let Graham get anywhere near you again.
"Think you could stand to eat? Your steak was just about ready before this all went down."
You nod. "Yeah, that sounds good - and maybe I should get another gin and tonic while I'm at it."
"I'll get those for you," the hostess says, "and I'll tell Carmy and Syd what happened. Cousin, you got her?"
"Yeah, Nat, I do." As Nat (you wonder if it's short for Natalie or Natasha) walks off, you find yourself leaning heavily on Richard's arm. Thankfully the police and paramedics show up quickly and it's clear who the aggressor was.
Richard stays by your side the rest of the evening, even when you know he must have other tables he's looking after. You worry that the other diners may resent you, but whenever you look around, anyone who sees you offers a look of sympathy.
Carmen and Sydney also come to check on you, and you promise them that you don't blame the restaurant for Graham attacking you. That said, you don't argue when Carmen tells you he'll comp your meal. The last thing you want to do is seem ungrateful, especially when so many people came to your defense.
After a luscious dessert, you figure it's time to get on your way, but when you tell Richard this, he says, "Tell me you're not walkin' home??"
"Richard, it's fine, I live close," you insist. "And the weather's still nice."
"Call me Richie," he says. "Please, sweetheart, humor me? We can get you a cab, no problem."
You've always liked the name Richard, but you can see now that "Richie" suits your blue-eyed friend much better. "Ok, Richie."
He helps you up and walks with you to the cab stand, hailing the first one that rolls up and arranging the payment. "Think you'd be willing to visit us again?" he asks. "I can promise it would be more calm."
You smile and kiss his cheek. "Well, Nat would have my reservation info - so let me know if something opens up?"
"Sounds like a date, sweetheart."
Once you're on your way, Richie heads back inside - and if the others see the faint print of lip gloss on his cheek, they keep their thoughts to themselves for once.
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mouseymilkovich · 1 month
Nicotine & Tangerines | Carmandy | Chapter One
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masterlist | playlist | pinterest board | next chapter
Fic Summary: Mandy always had one absolute top rule that sat above all else for her line of work — never fall in love with a client. Though when she gets hired to be a companion for chef Carmen Berzatto, that proves to be easier said than done.
Chapter Summary: Richie introducing Carmy to a mysterious girl he claims is a close friend, when in reality, Mandy was hired by Richie to keep Carmy company— what could possibly go wrong? | Carmy Berzatto x Mandy Milkovich — The Bear x Shameless Crossover
Content Tags: Claire mentioned a few times, lil bit of drinking, Mandy has a switchblade, anxiety Carmy duh
Important Info: Generally takes place in the time of The Bear S3 and onward (obviously a few years after Shameless atp)
Chapter One: Scar-Crossed Lovers
Word Count: 2.5k
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It was early in the morning, Mandy was on one of her days off. She'd just landed back in Chicago the night before, and was checked in at a nice hotel. She checked her business email, as she did even on her off days, and noticed an email from a Richard Jerimovich.
SUBJECT: New Client
Miss Milkovich,
My name is Richie Jerimovich, and I was wondering if you did long-term work in companionship? My friend's been lonely and frankly a little mean since his relationship ended and he stopped smoking. In short, he's been a fucking asshole, pardon my language.
I think you'd be excellent company for him. You seem, for lack of a better term, like a total badass. He needs someone like that, someone who won't take his shit like the big fucking baby he is — pardon my language... again.
Anyways, if you're interested, please get back to me ASAP so we can make our arrangements. I don't want him to know I'm doing this, I want this to seem like it's happening naturally. He'd probably ring my neck if he knew I was hiring someone for him.
Thank you for reading,
Richard Jerimovich
Well, that was certainly... odd. Still, a client was a client, so it was worth checking out. To be fair, she'd done weirder for clients before... so, this was one of the more tame requests she'd gotten... some people were absolute freaks.
Mandy looked into Richie online, he seemed like a legitimate person, so she emailed back.
SUBJECT: RE: New Client
Hi Mr. Jerimovich,
Thank you for reaching out! I'd be glad to meet up with you to discuss further details about being a companion for your friend.
I'm currently staying at the Ritz-Carlton, I would be more than happy to meet at the bar there to discuss over drinks. I'm free this evening around 7pm if you'd like to come then.
Hope to see you then,
Mandy Milkovich
So, the time was set. Richie had agreed to meet Mandy that night, and they discussed the details of the whole thing. The whole "being hired for companionship" thing wasn't a foreign concept to Mandy, she'd done it a few times before, but it like Richie mentioned, he was after something more long-term for this friend of his.
"You seem like a real classy gal, Mandy." Richie commented with a little smile, sipping a whiskey.
"Would you believe I'm from the south side?" Mandy asked with a little laugh.
Richie nearly spit out his drink. "No shit? That's impressive, seein' someone from the south side get to the level you have. Don't see that very often."
"I know!" Mandy laugh. "Usually all you hear about is the bad."
"Very true." Richie laughed softly.
"Especially with my family — christ, extra especially my older brother, Mickey..."
After some more small talk, it was time to make concrete plans for the next day. It was simple; Mandy was to go to The Bear as a "special guest" of Richie's, he'd introduce her to Carmy, she'd hang around for dinner service afterwards.
The morning of, it was go time. Mandy got ready, heading towards the restaurant. The area looked vaguely familiar to her — but, this was the city she grew up in, so almost everything looked vaguely familiar.
Inside the restaurant, Richie was hyping Carmy up to meet the "special guest" in question.
"What kinda special guest are you talkin' about, Rich?" Carmy muttered, prepping for the night's new menu.
"She's a classy gal, an old friend of a friend. You don' know her." Richie said with a casual shrug. "She'll be here any minute to meet'cha, Carm."
"If you're trying to set me up on a blind date, cousin, I swear to fuckin'—"
"Relax, cousin! Not a blind date." Richie replied, tossing his hands up in defense. It wasn't technically a lie.
Mandy was let into the restaurant, wearing a nice but casual dress, heels that would've made her tower over Carmy — though, she was already taller than him.
"Ah! There she is!" Richie said, waving to her from the window that separated the kitchen and dining room. "Mandy!"
The moment Mandy walked into the kitchen and saw Carmy, she practically felt her heart stop. No way.
"What the fuck?" She whispered, eyeing Carmy cautiously.
Richie and Carmy exchanged a glance, then Richie smiled nervously at Mandy.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Is this some... cruel fucking joke or something?" Her words were cold and bitter, something Richie hadn't expected, and it confused the hell out of Carmy.
Neither of them had any idea what she was talking about.
"Hello?! Seriously, what the fuck?! Lip, what the hell kind of shit are you trying to pull, here?!" Mandy demanded, eyes like daggers as she stared at Carmy.
"Um, Lip?" Carmy asked, sounding and looking so genuinely confused. "Who... what are you talking about?"
"Lip Gallagher, I know that fucking face anywhere." She spat back. "You're seriously telling me that you're not him?"
"Mandy Milkovich, meet Carmen Berzatto." Richie intervened, motioning calmy to Carmy. "We've never heard of this 'Lip Gallagher' guy, sweetheart, honest."
Mandy groaned and took out her phone. She dug for a minute, finding an old picture of her and Lip together.
Carmy's eyes widened in surprise when he looked at the picture. "That's... freaky. But, uh, I'm... pretty sure I was in Copenhagen, whenever this was taken."
"Well, this is sufficiently awkward." Richie muttered.
The awkwardness was broken by Sydney, who came with printed out versions of the night's menu and placed them in front of Carmy.
"Here you go, chef." She nodded, then looked at Mandy. "Who's this?"
"Syd, this is Mandy Milkovich. Old friend of a friend, I was introducing her to Carm." Richie muttered, then looked at Sydney for a moment.
"Seriously, am I on fucking Punk'd or something?" Mandy asked, reaching in the front of her dress and pulling something out—
Oh, that's a switchblade.
"Woah, woah! Sweetheart, no need to pull out the weapon, it's okay!" Richie responded quickly, putting himself between Carmy and Mandy. "You're not on an episode of Punk'd. I promise ya, we do not know who this Lip Gallagher guy is."
Mandy eyed Carmy carefully over Richie's shoulder. "What's my little sister's name?"
"Uh... what?" Carmy stammered, peering out from behind Richie like a scared little kid.
"Lip would know the name of my little sister." Mandy stated, eyes narrowed as she studied Carmy.
"Uhm... I... I dunno... uhm... Maxine?" Carmy stammered once more. His expression showed sincerity, he truly did not know the answer.
Mandy sighed, putting her switchblade back in her bra. "Okay, okay... I'm sorry."
"Hey, uh, Syd, come help me with somethin' in the back." Richie muttered to a confused Sydney, then ushered her out of the kitchen quickly.
The tension in the air was palpable once Mandy was alone with Carmy. She eyed him carefully, up and down, studying every angle of him that she possibly could.
"So... this... um, Lip guy... he, uh, really did a number on you up, huh?" Carmy asked, his tone soft yet curious. "Given the way you... reacted."
"You... could say that. Our history is a little... messy." Mandy muttered in response, then sighed. "Okay, a lot messy."
Carmy nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "So... seeing me..."
"A little fucking freaky, yeah." She laughed softly, then took a deep breath. "So you... don't know the Gallaghers... like, at all?"
"The name doesn't ring a bell... if Richie doesn't know them, then I definitely don't. Richie usually knows fuckin' everybody." Carmy shrugged, then scanned the table of food he'd made.
Mandy followed Carmy's eyes as he went over the dishes he'd prepared. She smirked a little bit after a moment. "Yknow, I guess I should've known you aren't Lip. He can't cook to save his fucking life. He can maybe operate a toaster, if he's lucky."
Carmy cracked a smile, then pushed a dish over to Mandy. "Here, taste this. Tell me what you think."
"This looks incredible. You sure you aren't an artist?" Mandy asked with a soft laugh as she took a fork to the plate of prepped food.
"Well, cooking is sort of an art, if you think about it. Presentation is a part of it, if you watch any cooking show, people are always docked points for bad presentation. It's part of the experience—"
Carmy's rambling was cut off by Mandy letting out a delighted moan from the food. His cheeks went a little pink.
"This is amazing." She commented, looking at him with a little smile. "Seriously, like... I think this is better than anything I've ever had before."
Upon Mandy naming a familiar restaurant in New York, Carmy smiled a little — only at the comment of the food being good, not at the awful memories of that place, the memories of David Fields. "I worked there."
Mandy looked surprised, eyeing Carmy curiously. "You worked in New York City?"
"I've been all over. Here, Paris, Copenhagen, California, New York... lot to learn about food, yknow?" He hummed as he carefully inspected one of his dishes closer.
"So... what the hell brought you back to Chicago?" Mandy asked, her interest was piqued beyond just getting to know him for the reason Richie hired her. "You've been so many beautiful places."
"My... brother... um, he..." Carmy trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.
Mandy's gaze softened a little as she looked at the way he'd reacted to the question. She knew all too well about the struggles of having brothers... "It's okay if you don't wanna tell me, yknow."
"Well, uh, he... kinda... killed himself." He muttered softly. "And this place used to be The Original Beef of Chicagoland—"
"No shit?! This place used to be The Beef? Your brother was Mikey?" Mandy asked, eyes going a little wide.
Carmy looked surprised, to say the least. "Um... yeah. You knew him?"
"Well, I met him like... once. One time, my brother Mickey went to juvie for a couple months cus he did some property damage at school. When I picked him up, we went to The Beef for lunch— and I'd completely forgotten my wallet." She explained with a little laugh. "And Mickey didn't have shit on him, he just got out of fucking juvie! So I was freaking out... and Mikey said it was on him. He could see we were a little... roughed up. It was really nice of him... I wish I'd gotten to come back before he passed away... I'm really sorry."
"I-It's okay— I mean, it's not okay, but I'm getting better every day... yknow, that one step at a time, day by day, kinda bullshit." Carmy muttered softly.
"I get it... mourning shit is hard." She reassured, gaze softening as her eyes met Carmy's.
He definitely looked like Lip, there was no denying that. But the longer she spent looking at him, the more she took in how different he seemed from her ex. Of course, Mandy knew Lip wasn't a totally bad guy, he wasn't the worst person in the world, she knew worse — but there was something in Carmy's aura and general demeanor that was different. She had to remind herself though, Carmy was a client.
"So, um, did Richie offer you a table for tonight?" Carmy asked, breaking the silence between them.
"He did. I'm really looking forward to what's in store." Mandy smiled softly. "He told me you changed the menu every night... is that... how the hell do you keep up with doing that?"
"Practice. Lots of practice." Carmy responded casually. It seemed like he really knew what he was doing, though on the inside he was an anxiety-ridden mess.
By the time everybody was calling for doors, Richie had Mandy seated at her table. She sat alone, but she was fine with that— she never minded a little alone time once in a while. Besides, it gave her time to think about Carmy a little more.
Meanwhile, Carmy tried to focus on the kitchen. He was doing expo tonight— but it was hard, his mind was now stuck on Mandy. She was... charming, in her own right, if a little intimidating. Something about the whole thing with the switchblade and her sense of self, something about their paths unintentionally crossing in the past without them even knowing it...
"Chef?" Sydney asked, nudging Carmy and snapping him from his thoughts. "You look distracted. Do you need me to take over expo?"
"Huh? No— no, I'm fine, chef, sorry." Carmy muttered softly. "Um, would anybody mind if I served a dish tonight?"
Sydney raised her eyebrow at Carmy. He hadn't done that since the soft open with Claire.
"Are you sure, chef?" She asked carefully, trying to gage his reaction.
"Yes. Yes, I'm sure." Carmy muttered. "Let me know when her dish is ready, I wanna serve it to her."
"Okay, okay— heard, chef." Sydney nodded, quickly going back to her station.
Mandy's order was up, and Carmy took a deep breath. "Sydney, on expo for a few minutes please."
"Yes, chef." She nodded, switching places with Carmy as he took the plate of food.
Carmy took a deep breath— he wanted to impress Mandy, but not make the same mistakes he made with Claire. Internally, he kept reapeating the same thing, "Don't fuck up, don't fuck up, don't fuck up—"
"Hi, Carmy." Mandy greeted with a little smile when she saw him arrive with her dish. "Didn't know I'd get the pleasure of having my food served by the man himself."
"Oh, um, yeah, I thought it'd be... nice..." Carmy muttered nervously, but forced a little smile.
"You, uh, seem a little nervous there, Carm. Everything okay?" Mandy asked softly as her plate was set before her.
"Last time I served someone a dish personally... things went south." He sighed softly, but smiled a little again at Mandy. "But, um, I hope you enjoy."
"I'm sure I will. I'll hang around after to give you my thoughts." She gave a reassuring smile, it sent a flutter to Carmy's chest— he hadn't felt that in a while.
Once he was back in the kitchen, he went back on expo, dismissing Sydney, determined to not have a repeat of friends and family night. "Thank you, chef."
Thankfully, the rest of the night went more smoothly. Carmy's mini-chat when serving Mandy her entrée somehow calmed him down enough for the rest of service. It was a difference that everybody noticed, especially Richie— his plan was working.
Richie brought Mandy to the back of the restaurant to clear her table, she hung out until everything was closed for the night.
"Um, does anybody mind if I cut out?" Carmy asked.
Richie perked up before anybody else could respond. "Go on, cousin. We got it."
Every single other staff member looked at Richie in absolute shock— what?
But Carmy just smiled at Richie, then grabbed his things from his locker. He went to where Mandy was waiting, by the back exit, and took a deep breath.
"Um, would you... like to... go on a walk... maybe?" Carmy asked bashfully, glancing up at Mandy.
Mandy smiled a little, and nodded. "I'd like that."
As they walked out, Richie silently celebrated— and Sydney looked immensely confused. What in the hell was Richie up to?
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
tags ; @thecapricunt1616 @buzzcutlip
click here if you'd like to be tagged in any future updates of my work!
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What would you guys do if someone puts an insect in your hand? Not like, a cute bug, more like a spider or centipede?
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Max: Pfft. Crush it. Like a bug, HA.
(Terrified of spiders, will scream so high-pitched only dogs hear it and leap on the nearest person)
Pete: *With a lopsided smile* Well, that would depend if it's friendly! Are we talking a venomous spider or just like...a sweet lil guy?
Richie: *Gulps* B-bug? W-WHERE? RUthIEEEEE
Finnley: *makes a goofy nervous noise and shakes the bug off his hand, then backs away slowly. Hides behind Richie who is also trembling, they cling to each other desperately while Ruth actively laughs at them*
Ruth: *chuckles, carries the spider outside like it's nothing*
Steph: *Shrugs, checks the bug out with an intrigued noise, searches by image on her phone to identify it*
(Is a badass. Literally nothing phases her except losing her phone)
Grace: Well hey little guy! You're pretty neat! Want to take a trip into a dirty dude's backpack? Yeah, come on then :))))
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genesis-otto · 3 months
My headcanons of the losers favorite animals because I can.
Richie : I think that all his childhood, his favorite animal was the wolf. I mean, wolves are badass and cool. And because adhd and autism, I'm sure that he had done many research on them and was an expert. Wolves was his hyperfixation when he was little and when he heard about werewolves for the first time he was so excited because like 'I could be a wolf?!!?' Being a werewolf soon became his new purpose in life and he was waiting for the full moon every month in hope that he would transform into a wolf. He was disappointed each month. But then he get to see the horror movie with werewolves that he craved to see since a long time. He saw it with the losers and was left with a fear of werewolves and the losers had to comfort him for weeks before he got over it. He decided that wolves weren't his fav animal anymore and turned to ferrets because 'Look at them they're just like me I love them!!'
Georgie/Bill : I don't think that Bill had a favorite animal when he was little, but Georgie's was definitely the turtle. And after he passed away, it became Bill's fav too. He just felt like this animal was one of the only things that could connect him to his little brother somehow. And after a moment he realized why Georgie liked them so much. They look like tiny dinosaurs no?
Stanley : Well birds? I don't know shit about birds so I can't go any further and it's horrible because Stan is my fav-
Eddie : I think that Eddie is a dog person and you can't change my mind. It's just a compatible match. They both have a lot of energy, they're playful and I don't know how to explain it but I'm sure that older Eddie would go jog with his future dog all the mornings. Plus dogs are cleaner and they LiStEn. I'm sure that he despises cats for the reason that they're the opposite of dogs. They go in the trash, attack you if they feel like it and don't ever move their asses. I think he's a little scared of them too.
Ben : If you asked that question to Ben, he would respond to you that his favorite animal is the phoenix. But the phoenix isn't a real animal? He DoEsN't CaRe. He likes phoenixes. It's pretty, it has a beautiful meaning and it shines just like Beverly Marsh. Winter fire January embers guys. (Get him out of the library please he read to much romantasy).
Mike : Mike hang out with a lot of animals at the farm. There are sheep, cows, chickens, maybe horses? But none of them are his favorite. Not even a classic like a dog or a cat. Not even a cool tiger or a shark. No. Mike likes fishes, especially jellyfishes. Of all the animals on earth, it's these little guys that stole his heart. It doesn't do much except turning around but it's his fav neitherless. It's just calm, pretty and funny to look at.
Bev : When her dad wasn't at home, Bev would go out as much as she could. But before meeting the losers club she didn't have many friends so she would just go in some alley, take a cigarette and sit there waiting for the time to pass. But then one day, she saw a stray cat and she tried to pat it but the cat run away from her scared. So after that she began to bring food with her for the cat. The cat eventually went to her with other stray cats that wanted to eat and this became a routine where she would always bring them something to eat. They would cuddle with her until she had to get back home and wait for her to come back. They weren't pretty, most of them were sick actually because nobody was taking care of them besides Bev. But they were there. And Beverly loved them with all her heart. They were a little like her. And she would always pinch Eddie when he talks shit about them. So yeah, Bev's fav animal is cats.
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darkcrowprincess · 5 months
The losers club parents:
*trigger warning use of homophobic words*
*their parents have all noticed their children have been missing together for hours. They start looking in all the spots the kids hang out.*
Mrs and Mr Uris calling out together, their voices echoing together out near the barrens: STAN!! STANLEY!
Mrs Denbrough freaking out and hyper ventilating: We cant lose another child Zack! I can't lose another baby!
Mr Denbrough tries to console her but it feels like empty words: We'll find him. He'll be alright. Its not like Georgie he's with his friends.
Mr and Mrs Hanlon yell out together next: MIKE!!
Sonia Kaspbrak: Your children are never going near Eddie again! You hear me!
Mr and Mrs Hanlon call out again: MIKE!
Maggie Tozier is unfortunately stuck near Sonia, her husband up ahead with Ms Hanscom so they both could call out for Richie and Ben together. The parents have spread out in a big circle near the woods of the barrens. Each calling out their childrens names hoping they'll hear it. Maggie was unfortunately left to deal with Sonia( who they were surprised that the hypochondriac actually agreed to look with them)
Maggie tries to be nice and puts a comforting hand on Sonia's shoulder: Sonia it will be alright. Well find them. It's not any of the boys fault.
Sonia slaps the women's hand away and goes on a horrible tirade: NO! My Eddie Bear is delicate. He should have never run off with any of these boys! Especially your son!
Maggie is finally pissed off(and protective): What do you mean by that?!
Sonia with a cruel smile on her face: You know what your son is like. The whole town knows what a dirty boy he is. But I will not have that little faggot infecting my son with his disgusting feelings!
Maggie slaps the woman hard across her face. Red is in her vision. Her long nails leave scratches along her fat cheek.
Wentworth, goes to stop his wife from full on beating the shit out of Eddies bitch of a mother: Maggie!
Maggie: Our children are missing and all you care about is saying hurtful things about my son! I don't give a shit if my son is gay or both our kids have feelings for each other! As long as they're happy!
Maggie is about to jump on the vile woman but her husband picks her up. She's still tries to kick and hit at Sonia (unknowingly, she looks a lot like her son in that moment).
Maggie: You are a vile woman and your son deserves better. FRANK WOULD HATE YOU, especially for what your doing to your son.
Sonia: YOU BITCH! You take that back!
Sonia is held back by Mr and Mrs Denbrough.
Maggie: Why its not like I'm lying, Frank if he was alive right now would take Eddie away from you and never look back! And it be within his right! Your suffocating your son!
Sonia screams in anger: I'm protecting him! Its because of all your kids!
The two mothers keep fighting. Which causes the other parents to come closer and try to help. Unknowingly their children are at the top of the cliff of the barrens hearing everything.
All 7 of the losers peak their heads over the cliff to watch everything. Like little animals popping their heads out of hidding.
Eddie and Richie both stare at each other in shock.
Bill: W-we need to get down there. I-I can't believe t-the-y ww-were looking for us.
Richie: Do we have to, I'm actually finding it really cool how badass my mom is being right now.
Bill: R-richie! What about Eddie?!
Eddie with a bit of satisfaction for himself: Give it a few more minutes. Mrs Tozier just tackled my mom into the mud.
The losers all look back to see the fight.
Eddie to Richie: Your mom is so cool.
Richie with stars in his eyes: 🤩 I know right.
Richie without thinking moves fully out of hiding to cheer his mom on: GO MOM!
Maggie who finally hears her son, looks up to see the kids on the cliff: RICHIE?!
The other losers: Richie! How are we suppose to explain this to them?!
*This being the fact that they just finished fighting an evil space clown*
Richie: Oops.
Maggie dropping Sonia Kaspbrak back into the mud, yells back up to her son: RICHARD WENTWORTH TOZIER! Get your ass down here now! You know how worried we have all been!
Richie nervous now: Ooooh full name not good.
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come-see-our-show · 14 days
starkid characters that are jewish
evidence: i’m jewish and i said so
the weasleys (molly sounds like my grandma)
vanessa and old snatch (the only canon jewish characters)
february (i just think she’s neat)
paul matthews (christmas hater)
mr. davidson (why the fuck not)
becky barnes (matrilineally)
howard goodman (somehow america still hasn’t had a jewish president so we’re getting a fictional one)
ethan green (always late for shabbat dinner)
richie lipschitz (j-boy swag)
detective shapiro (a badass, and jewish women are badasses)
also gary goldstein is NOT on this list. i just think it would be funny if the most stereotypically jewish character in the starkid canon wasn’t jewish. and he canonically celebrates christmas
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