#basically she powers the universe
dianessunflower · 1 year
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Michelle Yeoh for Harper's Bazaar China, March 2023
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pencildragons · 2 years
still insanely funny to me that ortus nigenad has canonically written 18 volumes of epic poetry about a bodyguard who was, in fact, Just Some Guy, and regularly quotes himself out loud in conversations on the regular. man had to die at the start of gtn because he was too fucking powerful to live
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puppyeared · 6 months
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throws oc lore at u <3 (anton belongs to @poicyss )
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wisebeth · 1 year
it's actually so funny to me when antis are like “oh annabeth is so abusive bc she judoflipped percy” it really shows how they have no clue how a different universe with different morals and dynamics can work. don't get me wrong im not a huge fan of that scene either but it's not abuse when the one getting judoflipped is a trained demigod-soldier who fought a war and equally physically strong as the one judoflipping him. percy carried a goddess and held up the weight of the world at fourteen. you think a judoflipp can actually hurt him? lmao. it can't do him shit, rick knew it that's why he wrote annabeth to do so. annabeth knew it that's why she did it w/o worrying about hurting him. and the fact percy's immediate reaction was laughing just proves my point. it didn't hurt him. he was completely okay. he's written to be a demigod for fuck's sake, can you stop applying the standards of real world to their fictional world of trained soldiers.
“but if the roles were reversed you'd have an issue–” no i won't. for the exact same reason. if percy judoflipped annabeth instead, i would still be okay with it because like percy, annabeth has trained all her life, fought a war, held up the weight of the world at fourteen. they're EQUAL on terms of physical strength and trained enough to know how to judoflip without the intent of hurting the other person. the only difference is if percy judoflipped annabeth, instead of laughing, she would likely judoflip him back because that girl doesn't like losing lmao but that's about it.
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morninkim · 4 months
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Olivia Hart
still on a high after reading MMPR The Return #1, so here's Olivia in the RotMMPR style :3
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static-martini · 7 months
i know "sorcerers" is the broad term for magic-users in DC, but it seems like "witches" specifically caters itself to the women of that category. which is always funny to me when i think of Klarion
because how awkward is that? his branch of magic could be too "witchy" to contribute to the other guys, but he can't really hang out with the girls because the magic they know lends itself to a sisterhood
no wonder he keeps to himself, all the parties he goes to must be super boring
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i am confusing kali and durga but you did make design of fgo her right? can i ask you to repost it bc i scoured your archive and i still cant find it
It was kali! The actual post is here but I’ll post some of the pictures here as well
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I’ve been planing on doing proper ascension-like art for her for a while now, just haven’t found the time between work and making my normal content for the blog ;v;
#tbh she is pulling from multiple versions of k/ali#more in line with a specific interpretation of her through shaktism#as a form of adi sha/kti#/mahadevi-which if I understand correctly in shakti/sm specifically puts her more at the level of Bra/hman#as the supreme ultimate reality of existence (bra/hman the principle not the god)#so she’s the source of all creation/it’s embodiment/the energy that animates it/and that which it dissolves into#and yeah I went with this in part bc I was so annoyed w how they made par/vati -_-#look if we can have characters be the personification of planets then the personification of the cosmic force of the universe should be doom#I’ve like. thought abt how to work it into nasuverse#it’s like ka/li is one form of the main goddess who’s like the universe#similar to how ameratsu can send out bunreis on a larger scale#except in this case it’s more like ort w the planet thing only on this case it’s the universe#I’m not explaining this well but it made sense to me lmao#basically#the servant form is an avatar of kali in that it’s less powerful than her#and kali is also mahadevi#who is the universe#‘what’s par/vatis deal then?’ she got overzealous making her servant vessel and overcorrected#ik I’m not explaining this well I attempted to write lore for her ONCE and exploded#she’s interesting tho. she tends to be impartial (except w kids) but represents change and destruction#and is constantly updating and changing her views based on her children (followers) world#(like with the sacrifice thing which is interesting bc I’ve seen things saying she never wanted human sacrifice but it DID still happen)#she requires sacrifice which often nowadays is interpreted to mean things like negative energy and the like#or like the sacrifice of your ‘ego’#she’s also a goddess associated with anger#idk I’m getting all over the place again which happens when I start#getting into it lmao#my asks
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thyfggfy · 27 days
Me after creating a mental list of my favourite characters from certain medias :.... I may have a type
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Female characters that constantly have to prove themselves cuz no one believes in them and there is always someone who surpasses them get behind me.
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birdinabowl · 7 months
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Doodling some concepts of Lapis for pms of my aus
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laugtherhyena · 5 months
Lf new year celebrations 🎊
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A few months back me and my friends brainstormed what new year celebrations would be like in the lf, i can't think of a better time to post these! Happy new year everyone :]
-Every year the Forest kingdom organizes a huge parade for the new year, starting at 10pm with a message from their current ruler, after that the members of the manticore guard will march through the streets of Greenbourn as many Dawn magic users will use their powers to launch countess of flowers in the night sky.
Forest kingdom
-Its a very hyped up event and many people from different towns go to Grenbourn on new years even just to see it.
-the other towns tend to have their own parades/street parties as well, while they're not as big as the one in Greenbourn, one thing is certain; on January 1st there will be flowers and petals scattered everywhere from the celebration of the past night.
Mountain kingdom
-During the new year an enormous aurora borealis can be seen in the night sky pretty much everywhere on the Mountain kingdom, it's a once a year event no one wants to miss. During it families tend to organize their supper on tables or picnic blankets outside their houses so that they can watch the aurora.
-Since everything is outside it ends up becoming a collective banquet, with people sharing food from each other's tables, kids running around playing and bards singing through the night as couples dance happily. Some people even challenge themselves to stay awake the whole night to not miss a second of the aurora.
-The festivities are a bit different at the Cult of the frozen guardian/Hidden salvation. While its members still watch the aurora outside their houses, this is done with everyone in a circle while they collectively pray for the frozen guardian to bless the year to come. This praying section lasts several hours and anyone who disturbs the celebration will be punished accordingly the next day.
Desert kingdom
-The Desert kingdom has the most diverse amount of new year celebrations. For the Phoenixes who are monarchy and members of the high society, an enormous gala is hosted by the queens in their castle followed by a banquet of the best food you can imagine. It's a very fancy celebration where the queens share their plans for the years to come and business deals can be made.
-Meanwhile, the rest of the population has the habit of setting off fireworks in the night sky and watching them from outside their houses, many day magic users also use their abilities to make pyrotechnic shows in the sky as well. Despite the kingdom's usual mean nature, it's one night where everyone can simply sit together and enjoy the festivities.
-The spider's in Rockyashes and rebellion members who cannot go outside due to their faces being known to the public also have a different celebration. They tend to host a party on their bases where they will talk with one another, eat and dance the night away.
Ocean kingdom
-Similar to the Desert kingdom, in the Ocean a big fancy party is hosted by the ruler for them, the monarchy and high society to enjoy. This party lasts the whole night and the Ocean kingdom royal guard has to stay guarding the perimeter through the whole event to make sure everything will go perfectly. Richer Middle class families and citizens from Shining reefs tend to host their own new year parties as well.
-For the low class citizens who live in the provinces, or anyone who used to live there but managed to rise in status, the new year's celebration is not one or partying loudly on the streets. It's a simple dinner at their houses with friends and family, a night to be thankful for getting the luxury of having your family not have been taken away from you.
-Many families tend to bake sweets and hand them to other peers and friends on new year's eve who have their own celebrations to attend as a way to show that they do care for them. Parents who've recently lost their children to the takers tend to take the night to mourn them on this date, praying that they're safe on the depths.
-Sea serpents don't really celebrate the new year, most of them see it as just another night as everything always looks and feels the same in Roaring depths. At most they will get a pat on the back from their peers or caretakers for making it to another year and that's about it. Sometimes a few serpents will sneak to the surface to look at the night sky.
Shore kingdom
-On new year's eve, Shore folk from all across the kingdom gather up on the kingdom's beaches and set up towels all across the sand where they will sit with friends and family to have their supper, watching the tides as they eat. When midnight hits multiple fireworks will be launched from behind the people and will explode over the ocean, creating a beating pyrotechnic display.
-Many people tend to go out swimming on the beach or just play in the shallow water after the firework show, some will try to jump up seven waves, as they believe this helps wash out everything bad from the previous year and bring luck for the one to come.
-Finding a serpent scale on a new year's celebration is considered a sign that something great will happen to you in the upcoming year.
Sanctuary of peace + Land of no rulers
-Sanctuary guardians don't really celebrate the new years as they can't leave their duty to go join the festivities, most used to just take it as a day ro rest easy, some would write to their families if they were still alive, and others would climb up to the highest place in the sanctuary to try and watch the festivities from afar.
-There is no official celebration at the Land of no rulers, the few people who live there tend to just go be a part of the celebration of a kingdom nearby.
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true-blue-sonic · 9 months
Can i just say I love your takes on Silver and his treatment on idw. I need to rant.
His wholesome friendship with Blaze aside, the latest issue annoyed me so much. Especially those dirty looks Lanolin and Jewel were giving him like he’s scum, as if several issues ago it wasn’t SILVER who went super, wiped out the metal virus from the world and saved their ungrateful hides.
"I expected better from you, Silver" like excuse me??? No. Uh-uh. SHUT it. He has traveled through time and saved the world so many times, you do NOT get to talk down to him like he’s an untrained puppy that just soiled the living room carpet.
And Silver just stood there and took a verbal lashing from these self righteous jerks?! Ughhh like boy you’ve fought and defeated literal gods! These sheeplings have nothing on you (pun intended) okay rant over. Sorry I’m just so annoyed I needed to get that out. I think I need to watch a Rivals 2 playthrough for catharsis.
It's exactly this. Silver is both getting mocked by the narrative anyway, and then he's also written so highly OOC he doesn't even stand up for himself. Say what you want about his characterisation in the Rivals games: that Silver would never, haha. And in no other game has Silver ever let other people walk over him like this despite being far more mellow in the 2010s. I've said it before: thank god he's out of IDW for now, as he cannot be written so badly if he's not around. Lanolin is not going to apologise or even acknowledge he was right after all anyway, I feel confident in saying. And the "I expected better from you" is rich coming from the leader of whom most members of her team, including herself, got captured and one got ALMOST SHOT THROUGH HER HEAD during her very first mission in the field. Lanolin's credentials for being a leader are in the negatives whereas Silver's heroics are endless, and that is what makes it so annoying she's calling him out like a disappointed kindergarten teacher. With Silver written as hella OOC on top who listens and immediately folds, something he would never do IC, it's even worse.
Adding to that: the whole idea that everybody seems to think Silver is unreliable, an idiot, irresponsible with his powers, and whatever other negative trait you can ascribe to him comes undone immediately when you realise Silver simply has far too many powerful feats under his belt. Feats that the other characters know of, no less! So yes, I agree it truly just makes them all ungrateful in a way. And then if the narrative puts in a million should have but did not's that ensure Silver is painted as stupidly as possible while the dramatic irony plot keeps trudging on towards the end unchallenged, it certainly does not help.
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batcavescolony · 2 years
I feel like people forget that comics universes arn't the same as ours.
'child heroes are just child soldiers' .....Yeah by OUR definition but in that world are they?
'They should just [a thing that would work in our world because we don't have superheros]' ok but does that exist in their world?
'Why don't they just kill ____' ....because people come back and when they do they could come back WORSE.
comics don't make sense because they don't follow the rules WE know.
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mxalmighty · 4 months
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Birdie dump! This would be spoilers if I had even the slightest hint of ambition, but behold, a cheeky chimera!
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meet-cute universe snippet
"Most folks put their love in other people so it can't be used. You just get little scraps of magic from mementos, small stuff you own, things like that. It's some of the most powerful magics out there so even the small stuff does a lot but if you want it big-" Wyle stopped, looking uncomfortable. Isolde caught the end of the sentence without looking up from her work, as monotone as always.
"You want it big, you kill someone you love. Why it's hated so much."
"And that's also why Isolde's so good at what she does. She's a blood sorcerer, you see."
"I'm an engineer."
"Sure, but when you use magic you use blood."
"It gets the best results."
"So you kill people?" asked Anna, agast. She took a few steps back, fumbling for anything she could use as a weapon. Isolde looked up at her full in the face for the first time and Anna almost choked at the burning rage in the other girl's eyes. But when Isolde spoke her voice was, if anything, quieter, more level.
"Of course I don't. How dare you." She stood, slipped her work into her bag, and stalked out of the room. Wyle watched her go with his face all scrunched up into a tangle.
"Ooh, that's impressive, I haven't seen her that mad in a while!" He looked back at Anna. "Not to tell you what to do but you should probably apologize at some point."
"I mean was it really that unreasonable an assumption?" she demanded. Wyle crinkled up his face even more, if possible.
"I'd say it was but I guess you don't know her yet. Nope, she doesn't kill people, she just has a real knack for getting good power out of little things. We're not sure why but it's helpful, when we can convince her to do any, that is. She's got a weird adversion to it for some reason."
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pillars-of-salt · 7 months
what if canon time loop in the halite theorem
#SO i am not totally sold on this. but it makes sense it makes SO much sense.#like i wouldn't have to rearrange anything at all and it's pretty obvious where each character is in the loop and what the conditions are#Hail is definitely the One ACTUALLY experiencing and aware of the time loop. she sees it as a hail mary from the universe.#BITING this makes so much sense. and aki+aphra are key players in the time loop mechanics but aren't aware of it#maybe it triggers when they are both resurrected??#deep breaths. i just think time loops are so fucking cool. and of COURSE Hail's power is time related she's an ouranic undead#this makes further sense bc as much as i talk about aki and aphra. hail is the most important character in the story. if anyone is actually#the center of the universe it's her#in order of awareness of the loop: hail bex soph aphra aki#hail: fully aware and can manipulate some conditions of the loop. prophetic to others.#bex: vaguely pseudo-aware knows something's off but she's got other things going on and this may as well happen#soph: even less directly aware but is so drift compatible with bex that he gets the reading#aphra: in conscious denial of how wrong with this version of reality is. having a great time being in denial.#aki: she may be having the actual Visions and Symptoms of the time loop but my girl is so clueless 5ever#basically Hail is the one aware of and studying it. aphra is the one that caused it. aki is the one who breaks it#ohhhh and what if it breaks for everyone else except aki in the end. she just never resets it and continues in the singular timeline#but is still In The Loop technically
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