#bay knit hat
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Glacier Bay Beanie designed by Nancy Bates. I made these for friends who are going on an Alaskan cruise in May, out of a book called KNITTING THE NATIONAL PARKS, which has a lot of cool things in it! You can also find the standalone pattern here, if you’re interested. I used Woolstok Worsted from Blue Sky Fibers (in Spring Ice, Highland Fleece, and Cast Iron). It was my first time doing stranded colorwork, and my first time doing duplicate stitch, and I’m super pleased with how they turned out!!
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logansargeantsbabymom · 4 months
(BRIEF) Lance Stroll x Singer!Fem!Reader, Carlos Sainz x Fem!Reader, Grid x Singer!Fem!Reader
warning: douchebag lance, cursing, briefly mentioning the Stroll/Ricciardo accident
summary: Y/N is a world famous singer who's madly in love with her Formula 1 boyfriend Lance Stroll but he doesn't reciprocate her feelings. So what happens they break up and she drops an album about their relationship and the grid blasts her songs especially when Lance is around?
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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Watching the screen with my hands covering my mouth, I couldn't believe what just happened. My boyfriend (and Formula 1 driver) Lance Stroll just crashed into Daniel Ricciardo and it looked like Lance wasn't even paying attention.
After Daniel had to retire the car, I felt bad so I made my way to him to apologize on behalf of Lance given that he was still in the race.
"Danny!" I shout as I jog towards him
Hearing his name, Daniel turned around in complete shock seeing me as no one knew I was there beside Lance, Fernando and the rest of the Aston Martin team.
"Hey Ms. Global Pop-star! What're you doing here?" Daniel asks as he pulls me into a hug, the frown once evident on his face now formed into a huge grin.
"I'm here to see Verstappen win, like always" I chuckle as I watch Daniel playfully roll his eyes "I'm taking a quick break from tour, I missed my boyfriend and my best friends" I playfully punched his arm
"I'm really glad to see you. I thought you forgot about us since you just keep adding tour dates. Thought we'd never see you again." Sadness appears in his voice again as he voices his thoughts
"No, never Danny! I can't go too long without seeing my favorite Aussie, please don't tell Oscar." I see in the background Danny's team needing to have a talk with him "Oh, before I let you go back to your team, I wanted to apologize for the accident on behalf on Lance. He's totally in the wrong" a sincere smile plastered on my face as I apologize.
The frown that was one gone from his face reappeared at the mention of the crash.
"Yeah, yeah no it wasn't your fault. Lance should be the one to apologize, but in this sport accidents are bound to happen. But uh listen, I've gotta run my team need me!" Daniel says as he starts jogging away, prompting me to make my way right back to the Aston Martin garage.
After the race ended and the drivers were doing interviews, word got out that Lance was blaming Daniel for the crash and oh boy was Daniel not happy, that was evident in the way he walked over to me.
"Hey y/n/n, I don't ask for much but could you please talk to Lance and make him own up to his own mistakes? Blaming me for an accident he could've avoided." Daniel asked, trying to keep his temper at bay no to no avail.
"Yeah, I was just on my way to him. I'm sorry again, he's ridiculous." I pat his shoulder before jogging over to my boyfriend, whom just finished 1 interview and was on his way to the next reporter.
"Hey babe, I heard what you said about the crash. Why are you saying that its Daniels fault?" I ask running my hand through damp hair before taking the hat out of his hands, placing it on his head.
"Because it is?" Lance replied as if it was common knowledge
"But it's not..? We all watched the replays, you weren't paying attention before making that turn. You rammed right into him." I clarify, wiping some sweat from his face with a face towel I pulled out of my little Kate Spade bag Lance bought me 2 months into our relationship.
Me wiping his sweat away didn't last however because Lance swatted my hand away in disgust.
"Don't touch me. Why are you on his side?" My eyebrows knit in confusion.
"Sides? There are no 'sides' when it's evident that YOU crashed into Daniel. Lance why are you being this way?"
If people weren't paying attention from our interaction then, they certainly were now given that both of our voices went up a few octaves.
"I could be asking you the same question! Y'know what? I don't have time to deal with 'Pick Me' bitches as a girlfriend. Life was so much better when I just fantasized about you. We're fucking done Y/N. DONE, I'm breaking up with you!" as that last sentence came spilling out of his mouth, you can audibly hear the gasps from the news reporters, fans and the rest of the grid.
Words escaped me as I just stared at Lance with tears forming in my eyes. I wanted to scream, cry, hit him, throw things but I couldn't physically bring myself to do any of them. I blinked my tears away as I faintly see Oscar and Lily make their way to us, Oscar confronting Lance as well as the rest of the grid once word got out to the ones who weren't within earshot, and Lily brought me to the McLaren garage where the other WAGS were. All of them tried their best to comfort me saying things like "Lance was so out of pocket with that", "You deserve so much better than him" and "You're way out of his league, he should've been grateful that you have him a chance." but that didn't stop the tears from falling and a sob from escaping my lips as I shook from heartache.
It had been 3 months since Lance broke up with me and I hadn't had time to grieve the heartache because I had to fly out to Brazil for another tour stop. In the 3 months following the breakup, between traveling and performing, I couldn't stop writing. I was writing song after song after song, and now I was determined to ruin Lance's Reputation .
I thought about randomly dropping a single but my manager and record label advised against it so I haven't. The past 2 and a half hours, I've ben brain storming different ways to release a single but I had to make it in the most Y/N L/N way.
Heavy footsteps and my make-shift studio door opening is what broke me out of my trance, looking up I'm met with the eyes of my manager, Jamie. Jamie randomly barging into my studio Isn't necessarily unusual but the little white envelope in her hand was.
"You, ms Y/N L/N has just been invited to the Canadian Grand Prix, and surprise surprise, Aston Martin wants you to stay in their garage." Jamie says as she waved the white envelope in the air.
A scoff leaves my lips as I roll my eyes "Is it Aston Martin or Lance that wants me in the garage?" I say as I take the envelope from her hands to open it. Shock written all over my face as I stared at the envelope before me as I search Jamies face for answers
I watched a smirk forms on her face "Oh, sorry. That's the Ferrari invite courtesy of Carlos Sainz , I didn't think you'd want the Aston Martin invite. Which in fact was from Lance and that's not even the first invite he's sent." she states matter of factly.
More disgust coats my face "How many has Lance sent?"
"A total of 6 and I have a feeling he's not gonna stop until you're at a Grand Prix."
I should've known that Lance has been sending me invites, that explains why he's always texting me asking where I'm at. Damnit Lance, just look on any social media platform, I'm on tour!
I contemplated throwing away the Aston Martin invite until a thought popped in my head. I looked at Jamie with a smirk forming on my face and by the look on hers, she knew I was up to no good.
"Just by your face I don't like where this is gonna go" Jamie said
"I'm accepting the Ferrari invite," I start as I got up from my place on the couch to leave the studio and into my room, Jamie following suit "I'm gonna start packing, given that the Grand Prix is this weekend. I need you to book me a place to stay and get the jet ready for take off tonight. I'm gonna call Carlos."
My phone call with Carlos was brief, I just called to tell him that I was accepting the invite and that I was leaving in a few hours because I wanted to spend the whole race weekend with him. No matter what it was, Free Practice, Quali, Interviews, Race day or dinner. It was all gonna be me and him together.
I was currently in the jet as it was landing at the airport, it hadn't been too long of a flight seeing as I was at my one of my homes in Philadelphia. The jet door opened and the very few people I brought had started making their way out, I was the last passenger out of the jet and I locked eyes with someone I didn't expect to see.
"Hola Mamacita, How was your flight?" Carlos said as he made his way to the bottom of the jet steps before embracing me in a tight hug
"Carlitos! What are you doing here?" I was surprised Carlos was here, we both had made plans to meet at the hotel and then stroll (pun intended) around the surrounding cities before going to the track and letting Carlos do whatever he had to while I waited for him in the Ferrari Garage.
"I thought I'd just pick you up since we're gonna be together this whole weekend." Carlos said as he was putting my suitcases in trunk of his Ferrari as I patiently waited for him to move so I could put my backpack in the trunk as well. After I placed my bag snug in the trunk, I closed it before making my way to the passenger seat, surprised to see already open with Carlos standing there with a smile on his face as he gestured me in.
"Watch out Carlitos, keep doing nice things like this, I might fall in love with you" I said with a smirk on my face as I looked in his eye before stepping in the low sitting Ferrari before muttering a thank you before he closed the door.
I watched as Carlos walked around the car to the drivers seat and I stared at his ass as he sat down, I tried to look away before he caught me but I was unsuccessful.
A few tsks left Carlos' mouth before he confronted me "Princesa, let me take you on a proper date before you start drooling over my ass." something about the nickname made a small blush creep up on my cheeks and I attempted to bury my face in my hands.
I felt a pair of hands on my wrists, pulling them down to unveil my face before I felt a hand on my chin forcing me to look at Carlos in his face. Making eye contact set off more blood rushing to my face as a small shy smile crept onto my face. My eyes flickered to Carlos' lips before going right back up to his eyes.
We stayed like this for what felt like hours, just looking in each others eyes in a comfortable silence. The space between us getting smaller, I couldn't tell who was the one leaning in but none of us made a conscious effort to pull away. The closer we got, the more I felt his breath on my lips. My eyes flickered to his lips once more, I was determined to close this gap but before I could a blaring sound ricocheted off the walls of the Ferrari.
The sound jolted us apart, and a small awkward chuckle left our lips before Carlos answered the call.
"Aye, cabrón, Que? We're on our way! Stuck in traffic, what do you want me to do about it? Aye Cállate cabrón, adios!" with that Carlos hung up and we shared an awkward glance before he drove off.
20 minutes later we arrived outside a fancy hotel and Carlos got out and tossed his keys to the valet girl waiting before he jogged to my side and opened my door.
I stepped out and thanked him again before attempting to grab the bags from the trunk before Carlos pulled me away.
"No, that's my job" he told me in a stern voice
"And what's mine?" I ask as a smile forms on my face and I crossed my arms
"To stand there and look pretty. And by the looks of it you're already doing it." he says as he winks in my direction.
As son as the bags were out of the trunk they Valet lady, who's name tag read Susie, took the car away and the people at the front took my luggage and promised to send it up to the room so we didn't have to take it.
Carlos had a hand on the small of my back as he led me to the elevator and pressed the 'up' arrow and I checked my instagram while we waited for the elevator. My mouth fell agape when I saw what was trending
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I felt Carlos' stare from over my shoulder and just as I was about to turn around and start profusely apologizing, his phone went off and I looked over at him while he checked his phone.
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"I think Lando believes the rumors now." Carlos said with a chuckle as he flips his phone allowing me to read the messages. A chuckle of my own left my lips but the chuckles were short lived seeing as the elevator dinged and opened and an old elderly couple waddled out.
"Oh dear, look at that. Young love, I remember when we were like that" the old lady said as she laid eyes on me and Carlos, I almost corrected the lady but given the way that me and Carlos were standing, it didn't stand a chance.
"Yeah, she's mi vida" Carlos said as he pulled my closer to him before planting a kiss on my temple.
The nice old couple smiled at both of us before walking away. Carlos led me into the elevator, his hand still resting on my back as he turns to face me
"Why didn't you correct her?" I whispered to him as we locked eyes. The gap between us slowly disappearing. I watched as Carlos's eyes flickered down to my lips and stared at them. Getting a little self conscious, I bit my lower lip but quickly felt Carlos' thumb pull my lip from teeth. The hand that once rested on my lips moved to the back of my neck, mine quickly followed suit.
“Have I ever told you that you look beautiful?” his voices soft whisper, like if he spoke any louder that it’d ruin the moment. In reality, nothing could ruin this moment.
“Shut up and kiss me” I said, the eye contact between us burning the atmosphere around us.
“Gladly” the gap between us thinning. We were so close I could see every little speck on his face, the way his eyelashes fluttered with every flick of his eyes, I could see every different shade of brown in his beautiful eyes.
Our eyes closed as our lips barely brushed together, I was getting impatient with him so the hands I had around his neck I was gonna use to pull him closer and finally close the gap for once. The elevator abruptly stopping is what pulled us apart before we could kiss, quickly thinking of a way to pull apart with looking suspicious, I pulled Carlos into a hug, after a second or two I turned around to see the two girls that walked in. Both quickly recognizing us and started asking for pictures.
after we took pictures with the two girls, they started berating us with questions.
“Oh my god!! Are you guys dating??” one girl yelled excitedly. Before we could answer the other asked another question
“Shut up!! Are you staying with Carlos in the Ferrari garage!!??”
The look that me and Carlos shared as they kept talking over each other screamed ‘Oh God please open elevator’ we just wanted to get to the hotel room in peace and so far peace was what we weren’t getting.
After what felt like an eternity, the elevator opened and the girls left but not without snapping more pictures of us, that would surely make it on the internet and low and behold, before we actually made it to our hotel room his phone started blowing up.
“Ay, look. They posted” Carlos said showing me his phone so I could see what he saw.
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“How are they that fast? Those girls JUST took the photo” I said with a sigh as I pinched the bridge of my nose. Before Carlos could answer me, my phone started blowing up with texts from… Lance.
“Lance keeps blowing up my phone and I knew he won’t stop until I answer him.” I told Carlos because the look he gave me asked ‘who’s that?’
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A scoff left my lips as I kept rereading the last sentence Lance sent me. ‘Carlos won’t treat you better than how I treated you. I treated you like a queen’. Yeah right. Maybe for two months after we got together but after? You didn’t really care, I was just something you looked good with.
I was so deep in thought that I hadn’t noticed a tear slip from my eyes that was until I felt a warm hand brush the tears away from my cheek.
“Princesa, what happen?” his tone sincere, when my eyes looked up to meet his I could see something in them. Was it hurt, hate, disgust? I couldn’t tell. Maybe it was all 3, Hurt because I was crying, Hate because of everything Lance had did to me and Disgust seeing as the girls posted private intimate photos on instagram.
it had been 15 minutes since my little breakdown in the hallway and Carlos was still comforting me.
“We don’t have to go to this team dinner, I can cancel on behalf of us and we can watch tv” Carlos’ hand rubbing circles on the small of my back. A small smile creeps on my face at the kind gesture.
“No, let’s go. I have to distract myself anyway, plus I miss the other drivers” I said with a small laugh leaving my lips too.
By the time we had arrived at the restaurant we’d already been 15 minutes late. Walking in we were greeted with a whole bunch of “Finally” “About time” “I’m starving” along with some applauses.
Carlos sat down right away muttering a few ‘shut up’s before he did while I made my way around the table saying ‘Hi’ to everyone until I got to Lance.
“Hello Lance.” it came out colder than intended but I couldn’t care less. Lance quickly stood up and grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the corner of where the rest of the grid and WAGS were sat.
“Lance, let go of me” I said sternly, I peaked behind him to see Carlos staring in my direction asking me if I was okay with his eyes.
“No. We need to talk, I’m tired of you ignoring me.” A cold icy look lingered in Lance’s eyes before I tugged my wrist back.
The look I gave Carlos told him all he needed to know, ‘save me’ and in about 10 seconds, Carlos was nudging me behind him
“Aye, Cabrón. Leave her alone, I’m asking one time and one time only. Leave. Her. Alone.” those last three words dripped venom as he spoke.
With a scoff and rolling of eyes, Lance reluctantly went back to his seat, complete opposite of mine. The few moments I had standing there before Carlos gestured me to the seat, I had a thought.
I waited until we sat back down and ordered before I pulled out my phone and took to twitter.
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The tweet blew up in a matter of seconds and my single shot up to the top 10 of hot 100s in that same amount of time.
Everyone’s phone got a notification that I had posted a tweet and with a few faces casting questionable glances at me
“SHUT UP Y/N! A SINGLE? RIGHT NOW???? AT DINNER???” Lily, Oscar’s girlfriend whisper yelled and a petty smile made its way on my face.
I watched as half the people at the dinner whipped out their phones and went straight to spotify to give my song a listen and as the other half just pulled up the lyrics so give them a quick read.
“SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPPPP!!!!!! THE ASTON MARTIN LINE IS CRAZY” Alex, Charles’ girlfriend screamed as she continuously hit my arm in excitement.
The mention of the Aston Martin line is what got Lance’s attention.
“There’s an Aston Martin line? Play it out loud. I want to hear.” His voice a mixture of hurt and anger, like he was disappointed that I made a song about our breakup. What did he expect breaking up (very publicly might I add) with a singer who is known for writing breakup songs?
The people around the table all gave eachother uncertain glances before I pulled out my phone and let the whole table hear my song.
“Just for clarification, i DONT feel this way anymore.” was all I said before I pressed play. I contemplated not pressing play and just taking the song down because the look in Lance’s eyes but he shouldn’t have broken up with me because I asked him to take accountability for his mistakes and he shouldn’t have done it so publicly and they way he did.
I shook away all the thoughts of regret I was having and pressed play
“I’m an Aston Martin that you steered straight into the ditch, then ran and hid”
My words his Lance like a truck. He looked like a dear in headlights, but he continued listening nonetheless.
Once the song finished, the look in Lance’s wasn’t what I thought it would be. I thought it would be Sad, Mad, Disappointed, I wanted an angry reaction out of him but I got just the opposite. He was smiling.
“You want me back?” A smirk on his face. His reaction got everyone upset with people spewing ‘you don’t listen’ & ‘no she doesn’t’ & ‘oh my god’
“No cabrón, she doesn’t want you back.” Carlos’ accent grew thicker with each word he said.
“And why do you think that” snarky. Lance has always been a douche but right now he was the ultimate D-Bag.
Carlos didn’t respond. Well, he did, just not verbally. Instead what he did was he turned to face me and pulled me into a searing kiss. The kiss was so passionate that I’m pretty sure I felt some tongue action but that didn’t stop us. Instead the only thing the pulled us apart from each other was the slam of fists on the table and stomping feet echoing away from us.
I pulled away and looked in Carlos’ eyes
“You know that’s gonna be on instagram soon” I whispered against his lips before capturing them in another kiss
“I’m counting on it”
And to no one’s surprise, that picture was in fact all over instagram.
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@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99
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lxvvie · 9 months
So your Knitting!Simon AU got me thinking🌝.. as someone that loves making scarves, sweaters or hats as gifts, imagine the rest of 141 on Chrismas day seeing gifts for them in the forms of such handmade goods and they're SURE it's gotta be you, Simon's sweet and caring partner who did it..
BUT they didn't even know that you can barely hold onto the knitting needles without accidentally stabbing someone in the eye or something. and you KNOW he'd tell you to just keep up the ruse so the rest never finds out that Simon actually has such a sweet habit instead of lurking and being shower creature number 2 or sometjing
This is so sweet and it's totally him.
But I'm crying at 'Shower Creature Number 2'. 😂 😂 😂
Simon figures he should give them proper gifts this time instead of gag gifts.
He bought Soap some Axe once because "What better way to help keep the birdies at bay, yeah?" and Soapie-Doapie was not amused. Gaz and Price were tickled, though.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 8 months
Burning Hearts Chapter 2
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) FemOC 
Word Count: 2500
Summary: You were teleported across the globe in an instant, away from your crew. Your body was badly broken and beaten, thrust into the harsh landscape of a Northern island. You are discovered by the Heart Pirates and brought back to health. Startled upon waking up in a foreign place with an unfamiliar crew, you are shocked with the news that you’ll be spending two years there. Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates has made a promise to train you, but will it become something more than a mentor relationship?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Burning Hearts Chapter 2: The 2 Year Sentence
— — 
“So would you rather eat 200 spiders… or spend a week in Impel Down?” Shachi asks his cohort from a desk chair as he flips through a News Coo. 
“Spiders for sure. I’m not built for prison.” Penguin responds as he lazily tosses a tennis ball against the cold, steel walls of the surgical bay. 
It had been 4 days of keeping the new mysterious patient sedated while her body healed from its grievous injuries. Shachi and Penguin took shifts watching over her during the night and double teamed the job during the day, all while administering the necessary sedative drugs. The boys were the only two crew members occupying the safe house while the rest of the Heart Pirates accompanied their Captain to the crisis at Marine Ford. 
Shachi sips from a can of cola and flips the page. Several minutes of silence go by, the only sounds to be heard were the slow rhythmic beeping from the winged girl’s heart rate monitor and the sharp thumping of Penguin’s tennis ball against the wall. 
“Would you rather have crayons for teeth or live shrimp for nipples?” Shachi asks, desperate to fill the hours with some sort of entertainment. Penguin holds onto the tennis ball and thinks for a minute. 
“Could they be white crayons?” Penguin follows up. 
“Sure. But they’d still melt if you ate hot foods.” Shachi flips another page. 
“I’d still pick the crayons. I think you’d be able to see the shrimp through my jumpsuit…” Penguin looks down to his chest. “Ok my turn.” Penguin sits up straighter and turns towards Shachi. 
“Fuck, Marry, Kill… pancakes, waffles, French toast.”
Shachi looks up from his News Coo finally, his eyebrows knitted together. 
“Dude that doesn’t even make any sense, how am I supposed to-“ 
“Wait why is its heart rate increasing…?!” Penguin sits up on the heels of his hands and looks at the monitor. 
Shachi puts down the News Coo and rises from the chair. He approaches the monitor. “It shouldn’t be… we just injected her 30 minutes ago…” Shachi checks the IV line to make sure it was still clear and functional. It was. Shachi’s heart dropped into his stomach. The patient was waking up despite the heavy dose of sedatives. The patient who had broken a cabinet and two steel medical carts the last time she decided to-
“Oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck-“ Penguin’s eyes widen as he panics, standing up. 
“Calm down.. Don’t freak… the Captain put her in sea prism shackles this time… she can’t break them…” Shachi tries to calm his crewmate. Penguin would have maybe believed him if he didn’t notice Shachi’s obvious shaking and heavy breathing. 
The woman’s eyes flutter open.
“Whhdsshhshhh hnnnn..?” Garbled nonsense slipped from the woman’s lips. Her eyes were fully open, but they struggled to find something to focus on. “Whrr mmeye? Why cnteye moovvvv?” The words come out in drunk, mushy syllables. 
The woman, Daisy, as the Captain had insisted they call her, was weakly pulling at her restraints but failing miserably. Unlike her impressive showing before, the sea prism stone had sapped all of her energy. Upon realizing they still had control of the situation, Penguin and Shachi move to flank the body on the operating table. They stare down at the woman’s wide, panicked eyes, unable to find a target to look at fully. One eye was brown and one was grey. The way the eyes frantically searched for something made them seem like two different people were occupying this body.
Shachi and Penguin looked back up at each other before looking down at the confused, bound woman. 
“Um. Hi. So, this is probably really weird for you but-“ Shachi nervously starts. 
“Nnrfffffhh? Lufffnnuyy? EWrhrrhrwrrss louuuffyy?” 
“I have no idea what you’re saying. The sea prism stone around your wrist is probably melting your brain right now. I’d love to take it off but you tried to kill us last time we did that, and the Captain has specific orders.” Shachi explains the situation to the disoriented patient. “And until he gets back we have to keep you out, little bat.” 
Shachi sidles over to the steel medical cart and retrieves one of the emergency sedative syringes. 
“Mmmpph!! Nhhh!! Lsssttnn luffnnn!! Kzzrroo hrrrmppp!!” The girl huffs out as her head lolls to the side, body completely limp due to the sea prism. It was clear to both men that she was trying to resist. 
“Shach maybe we should hear her out.. I don’t know if we shoul-“ Penguin moves around to the other side of the operating table to stand beside Shachi. 
Shachi readies the emergency syringe. 
“Since when are you a vampire sympathizer? You were calling her an “it” five minutes ago, I don’t want to hear the savior act now.” 
Penguin sighs at Shachi’s response. He backs off. 
“NNPNNHH!! WATTPHHH!!” Daisy groans out as Shachi delivers over 100 cc’s of sedative right into the her exposed thigh. 
“Lufffy!! Hrrlllp...” The woman’s eyes roll back in her head and her body becomes limp against the operating table once again. 
— — — 
*We’re too weak! Run away!* 
You were awoken from your nightmare by a violent heaving in your throat. 
You push yourself up as far as you can go before turning yourself to the side and letting go of the tension. Your stomach contents are heaved forward into the conveniently places trash receptacle on the side of the surgery table you were strapped to. Your body lurches against the restraints involuntarily. After a painful few moments of heaving, you feel the shackles on your arms and legs release.
You didn’t care how it happened, you were just happy that you could fully hold yourself over the trash can to vomit. 
After the wave of nausea passes, you slump down on the cold, metal floor and try to catch your breath. You allow your eyes to close as you relish in the feeling of being unrestrained. 
“Rito Daisy…” A deep, booming voice comes from the darkest corner of the now dimly lit operating room. 
Your eyes snap open. You wipe your mouth. Your head whips towards the sound. 
“I’m not going to hurt you. I’m-“ 
“That ‘Surgeon of Death’ guy. From that shit at the auction house. I know who you are.” You state in between labored breaths, finally regaining your mental clarity. You back yourself up against the wall of the surgical suite, putting the metal barf bucket in front of you. 
Law steps out of the shadow and stands before you. 
“Then you know I don’t take the news of an enemy showing up in my camp lightly.” Law sets his large sword down against the medical cabinet. You notice that someone has repaired it since you had destroyed it with your wings during your last attempt to break out.  
Your wings. 
You realized now you were in your full human form. What good could your wings do here? Always able to carry you away from any problem… but not now… you were trapped… again… 
“Miss Rito my name is Trafalgar Law and you crashed into our base camp several days ago. Your body was badly damaged. I sewed your…” Law swallows.  “…appendages… back together. Your bones have still not yet completely healed, which is why I’ve had you sedated.” Law explains methodically as he sits down in the desk chair. 
You couldn’t escape. This asshole was so confident in his ability to best you that he was lounging in his office chair while you were completely unrestrained. You weren’t an idiot, you knew that you were at the mercy of this strange man. You had no idea where your blades were anyway. Probably lost in that avalanche. Shit
“Where’s my Captain?” You asked blankly. 
There was a long pause. 
“He is alive.” Law eventually states. 
You stare at each other. 
After a few moments, Law pulls a News Coo from his jeans pocket and tosses across the floor of the surgical suite at you. 
You refuse to break eye contact with Law, still suspicious of his intention. You pick up the News Coo and open it in your lap. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, Rito Daisy.” Law cocks his head at you, prompting you to begin reading the article. 
You keep your gaze on on the ice grey eyes of Trafalgar Law. This tense stare lasted for a few moments before you decide you had no choice but to peruse the article. 
The air in the med bay became so thick you could eat it by the spoonful. 
“Ace is dead… Two years… Become stronger…” You sigh and gaze absently at the newspaper. “What the fuck am I supposed to do?” You close the newspaper and look up at your captor. 
“You’ll stay with me. I will train you.” Law meets your gaze. 
You furrow your brows. 
You burst out laughing. 
“HAH! Yeah I don’t think so.”  
“Your captain ordered that you stay here.” 
You were in shock. There was no way Luffy would ask you to spend any amount of time let alone 2 years with an enemy pirate captain. You must have heard him incorrectly. There must be some mistake. 
“… What?” You look up into Law’s frigid, grey eyes. 
“I saved your captain’s life after the battle at Marine Ford. Once he regained clarity, I told him my crew mates had found one of his. He made me promise to not allow you to try and find him or the rest of your crew. I promised him that I would train you and give you access to the strength that will prepare you for the New World.” Law explains. 
Your eyes widened further. 
“You can either stay to train,” Law reaches an arm towards you to help you off the ground. “Or you can go against your Captain’s orders.” Law raises an eyebrow. 
There was a long pause. If this was truly what Luffy wanted, you didn’t have much of a choice. Without breaking his gaze, you clasp your hand around Law’s elbow and allow him to pull you up. 
“We are not allies. We are not friends. I am here at the orders of my captain.” You state as you rise to your feet. 
“Understood, Miss Rito. It may help you to know that I'm not pleased with the situation either. I’ll show you to your room.” 
— — —
You walked through the unfriendly, unfamiliar metal halls of the Heart Pirate’s base with your new mentor leading you. After several minutes of silence, Law arrives at a steel door and opens it. Inside the room was a small closet, single bed, desk, and half bookshelf. There was a small window behind the bed. The bed had two white pillows and a grey quilt. Not only did this place feel like a prison, it really looked like one too. You grimaced as you looked over the sterile environment before noticing something laying on the bed. It was your bag and blades. 
“My stuff!” 
You pushed past Law who was still in the doorway, bumping him into the frame in the process. He straightened himself and watched you rip open your tattered, filthy backpack and empty it out onto the bed. You sift through the contents to make sure everything was still inside. 
You brush your hands over each item. Hope flutters in your heart at the sight of familiar things. Your sword sharpening stone, your botanists notebook and pens, a spare set of clothes, a pink hairbrush and hair elastics, and an empty glass container that had been previously been filled with banana pudding. Sanji always made sure to slip your favorite treat in your bag before leaving the ship for the day. You smiled remembering how lush it tasted, feeling glad that you had eaten it on Sabaody so it didn’t go to waste. 
You come across a crumpled paper. You flattened it out to reveal a photograph of You, Nami, Robin and Chopper. Nami was pinching Chopper’s fluffy little cheek, the blush evident on his face. You and Robin were arm in arm and laughing. A third hand was behind your head making little bunny ears. You all looked so happy. Your smile faded. Were they okay? And everyone else? There was no way of knowing… 
Tears started welling in your eyes so you put the photo down. 
“Wait where’s my-“ You realize that your personal bag of herbs was missing. 
You turn around to face Law. He was holding a small, red woolen satchel in his hand that you knew contained your stash along with some paper and a butane lighter. The drawstring bag dangled from his tattooed fist. 
E, A, T, H. 
“That belongs to me, give it back.” 
“I do not tolerate illegal drug use in my base. I’m disposing of it.” Law shoves the bag back into his jeans pocket. 
“I’ll smoke outside then, shit. Just hand it over. Also, illegal drug use? We’re pirates… isn’t everything we do technically illegal?” 
Law ignores you and turns to leave the room. You were irritated by his refusal to answer you and refusal to return your bag. You grab one of your twin blades that were resting against the bed frame. As you unsheathe the blade, a shooting unbearable pain throbs in your shoulder causing you to drop your weapon onto the floor, the metal hitting metal making a loud clatter. 
“Fuck!” You cry out and grab your arm, head beginning to spin from the pain. 
“Your body is still healing. You’re in no shape for a fight. Training begins when you’ve recovered.” Law heads out of your room without closing the door and is already halfway down the hall. “Bathroom is down the hall. Dinner’s at 7.” 
You hear his footsteps fade away as he disappears deeper into the base. You were alone. You look around the bare bedroom and reality sets in. You were going to have to be here for 2 years… 
You flop down face first onto the bed and begin to cry. 
Authors note- thank you to anyone who is reading this self indulgent series. Sorry if it’s weird, gotta set up the story before we get to all the smoochin. Are you guys into this? It’s my first real series so I’d love feedback. Love y’all :)
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slippinninque · 9 months
Winter With Fontaine
The feeling of your finger tips dusting cinnamon and sugar away from his lips is just as addictive as all the sweets you make. He also takes his baking assistant duties very seriously, everything must be tasted.
Despite the chill that overtook most during the winter season, he was shocked to see you get a near boost from it.
He loves the excuse to put his cold hands beneath your big-ass sweaters, holding onto you as you squirm and squeal.
Helping you deliver scarves, hats, and socks that you've begun knitting/gathering up to those who need them. Fontaine discovered that he likes giving gifts to the elderly the most.
Winter used to be bad for him. Cooped up in his darkened home, kept at bay from his only family by a single door. Cold from the drafts he never bothered to fix. Now he is excited because your home has become a winter time oasis, filled with warmth and new beginnings.
He woke to the feeling of your icy little feet sliding back into bed. He tucked closer, pressing his face against the softness of your breasts and inhaling the warm vanilla. He curled up and around you, throwing a leg over for good measure.
"Who said you could leave the bed?" He could feel you laughing as your arms came around him, "You took my heat, woman."
Your answer was to pepper his face with slow, soft kisses until the frown on his face turned into a sleepy pout.
In this little wonderful space of calm, the sounds of rain and wind dancing outside his window, Fontaine hoped you knew he loved you before slipping back into sleep beneath your lips.
"You're still laughing."
"I have been sitting here in literal silence."
"I see it in your eyes."
A snicker rocketed out of Fontaine's mouth and your whined, trying to move away from where he was so tenderly disinfecting your knees.
"Don't be like that, I fell too, baby!"
"Yeah, 'cause yo' ass was laughing so hard at me!"
There you were, trying to mind your business and be a good girlfriend to take out the trash! Then an ice patch purposefully formed right in front of your trash can.
One minute you were admiring the frosted branches, the next you were on your stomach Family Guy Style both of your knees on fire. Before you could clear your dizzy, you heard a terrible yelp and the ground near you shook as the love of your life slipped and fell right onto his ass.
And here he was again, laughing again in your face. You tried to repress the urge, but the memory of seeing Fontaine lift his head and look around as if he were pushed...
You curled in on yourself, holding in your snickers as best as you could.
"I should be the one up on the sink, g'damnit. Fell all on by back an' shit, trying to make sure yo' lil' ass was okay." Fontaine shook his head and went back to dabbing your knees.
"You did fall kinda hard, didn't you?" You straightened back up with a sigh, "How fast were you walking down the stairs, anyhow? You should know better when it's icy like that."
Fontaine's head tilted to the side and he stared up at you so miffed that you lost it again. He slapped on the band-aids and began packing up the first aid kit, only adding to your amusement.
"My black ass was only out there 'case someone just had to take out the trash! What do I tell you?"
After tossing the first-aid kit beneath the sink, he put his hands on either side of you. All trace of humor has left his face and to anyone else, he would have appeared thunderous.
You hopped off the sink to go toe-to-toe with him, wearing your own sneer.
"I couldn't leave it, I was the last one to stuff something in it!"
"What do I tell you, woman?"
Fontaine was now nose to nose with you. The sudden eye contact was going to trigger your giggle and the fucker knew that was the only way he could win.
"You claim...that bad things happen when I take out the trash."
"You got chased twice. By the same racoon, mind you."
You took a deep breath to extinguish your laugh, hiding your smile behind a dramatic frown.
"Way to bring up my trauma. Why don't ya just tell me to stay in the kitchen and make sandwiches while you're at it?!"
Fontaine's expression rippled, you nearly had him, "Women ain't supposed to take out the trash, I been told you that. It's bad luck!"
Your expression slipped at his theatrics and you couldn't catch it. Fontaine broke quickly after with a snort. Your own chuckles flowed out and you eventually admitted,
"I was scared of that raccoon, though. That's why I only take the trash out in the daytime now."
Ever the gentleman, Fontaine turned away but you could still see the bastard's shoulders trembling in the mirror.
"Baby, if you could have heard the-the way you said--
You already knew what he was going to bring up your panicked cry of old and you confirmed,
"It came straight at me!"
Fontaine laughed. Folding over you so you both leaned against the sink. You laughing into his crewneck, unable to stop yourself from hugging him. If he laughed like this every day, you'd get chased down by every raccoon in the Glen
In there, that small upstairs bathroom with the loose tile, with the snow falling steadily on the world outside, you understood devotion.
Together you sat on the front porch of your home. It was getting rather chilly, but Junebug insisted that you 'witness greatness'.
"Our block's kids got winter beef with the kids a few blocks over, 'specially with Maeve's boys." You explained to Fontaine who only got up to make more hot chocolate.
It was rather great, though. Once school was let out, it was like a great battle of old. Next Block Kids vs. June n' Da Gang. Snowballs and kiddie curses went flying, but by the time Fontaine returned with enough hot chocolate for a hockey team--a truce was reached.
You passed out the mugs together, enjoying the sounds of the tired but delighted little warriors that defended your home turf. Fontaine tucked you closer to him, pressing a kiss to your temple.
He looked as happy as you felt, watching as one of Junebug's friends gleefully broke the peace treaty by shoving snow down one of Maeve's boys pants.
end notes: thank you for reading! I needed to get this out to make room for my other fics lmao.
Tell me what you think! (More to come? 🫣)
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ksnfangz · 1 year
I WISH YOU KNEW ( How much I love you ) | P.S.H
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paring : Sunghoon x fem!reader
word count : roughly 3.0k
A/N : This is pretty much just sunghoon missing his ex girlfriend… while thinking about how his childhood fucked up his view of love… ( Also this is just Do it all again but I turned it into an xreader and it’s no longer multi chaptered since i’m discontinuing the series… sorry ) This hasn’t been proof read/edited and sorry if the writing his shit ( what’s new tbh 🥲 )
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As he opened the familiar black door the brunette was instantly swarmed with a sense of relaxation as he stepped into the warmth of the small coffee shop.
walking up to the counter he was greeted with a kind smile from the cashier who quickly took his order before going to hand it off to the barista.
A few minutes later his name is called, the brunette carefully grabbing his hot beverage mutters a thank you to the worker.
Moving over toward the bay window where he'd usually find himself sitting, Sunghoon was surprised to see his usual spot occupied by someone .
Though something about the girl seemed familiar, the bucket hat she was wearing hid her eyes as she peacefully read the book resting in her lap. Wired earphones plugged into her ears.
Despite not being able to see her face the yellow sweater she wore looked all too familiar.
It was your favorite sweater. . .
The one you wore on the day you first met, and the same one you wore the day he called things off.
It couldn't be you the boy thought as he seated himself at a table not too far away from the window. Hands shaking as he lifted his drink to his lips letting the hot liquid overflow his taste buds.
Why was he nervous just thinking about you? It's been about 3 months since you guys broke up. You're probably already over him.
The sound of the bell above the door ringing catches Sunghoon's attention, the boy's hopes of talking to l
you faded as the girl in the yellow sweater exits the shop. Sunghoon caught a glimpse of her face.
It wasn't even you.
If you asked Sunghoon the last time he'd heard the words I love you leave his parent's mouths the boy would stare at you and say nothing. Since according to him they never did.
Not during his birthday, Valentine's day, or even when Sunghoon said it first. The only time the park boy had ever heard somewhat caring words come from his parents' mouths was when he was skating on ice.
So in a search for the attention and love he craved when he was younger Sunghoon continued to skate just to earn his parent's approval. Though the older he got the more tired he grew of their lack of attention.
Why couldn't they treat him the same at home or before he even started skating? Why does he have to give 100% every day only to receive a small nod and a forced smile. Did they truly not love him? Or was he just not worthy of their love?
And to this day Sunghoon still wasn't exactly sure about the answer to that question.
Good thing skating wasn't all that bad. It gave him something to do and he was able to keep himself busy. Like an escape from the realities of his life.
It was also the reason he'd met you.
You and Sunghoon met during his 2nd year of college and it was safe to say that you were like a breath of fresh air. Your kind smile, and captivating eyes that turned into crescents as you laughed, and the soft voice that spilled from your plump lips.
Sunghoon had first spotted you at the ice rink while you were teaching a group of younger students to skate to help your friend earn her community service hours. Your hair was covered by a knitted blue hat that matched the gloves shielding your fingers from the cold. Your cheeks and nose tinted a faint pink due to the crisp air.
Sunghoon was surprised to see anyone in the rink since it was usually empty in the afternoon, so he just decided to practice another day since one day off wouldn't hurt.
As he was in the middle of unlacing his skates another pair of united skates stepped into his vision. Followed by a soft tap on his shoulder.
" Excuse me, sir, could you help me tie my skates?" A slightly deep voice asked, causing Sunghoon to look up only to see a young boy with blonde hair staring back at him. He looked to be about 15 or 16 at the most. Sunghoon couldn't help but notice his accent seemed much different. Maybe he's foreign.
" Oh, um sure!" sunghoon says guiding the boy to sit down on the bench before he began tying the boy's skates properly. " There you go." Sunghoon goes to stand but the boy pulls his hand.
" Wait, can you also walk me over to that girl over there, I would go over by myself but I don't wanna fall." The boy says pointing towards the girl who was currently helping two other children stand up.
" is that your teacher?" Sunghoon questions as he adjusts his own skates receiving a nod. " Alright, come on." Sunghoon says holding out his hand to assist the kid as he stepped onto the ice.
" Y/n look I tied my skates all by myself!" The boy shouted holding onto the sunghoon for dear life as he tried not to lose his balance.
" Niki, what are you doing now?" The girl questions skating over to the pair. " You said if I tie my skates properly all by myself I can take you on a date." The boy— Niki says causing sunghoons eyebrows to raise in surprise and your eyes to harden into a, not at all intimidating glare.
You looked more like a mad toddler and Sunghoon couldn't help but smile.
" Niki how many times have I been over this... you're too young for me, I don't date children." You remind Niki to frown.
" Hey, you promised! plus it's only a 4-year difference that's better than Jongseob's parents and I turn 18 in a few years." Niki whined. A faint shout of 'Hey!' could be heard from who Sunghoon assumed was Jongseob, but no one looked to acknowledge it..
" You didn't even tie your skates yourself," y/n claims gesturing towards the neatly tied skates as she comes a little closer. " I can tell." the girl adds tiling her head. She was prettier up close, Sunghoon thought.
wait what was he thinking?
" What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying I'm not capable of doing it myself?" Niki gasped dramatically, placing a hand over his chest.
"Yes Niki, that's exactly what I'm saying."
"Whatever... I'm out of here. I won't listen to your accusations, you hear that? Jungwon needs me." Niki says despite Jungwon being across the rink skating alongside Soul.
" Hey sir do you mind helping me over to that boy over there," Niki asks, making y/n burst out into laughter.
" Nevermind I can do it on my own, y'know since I'm independent!" Niki exclaims before attempting to skate away on his own only to fall a few seconds later.
" You didn't see that." The boy says standing back up and wobbling his way over to his friends.
" Sorry about him, he's a bit of a handful." Y/n apologized now, turning her attention to sunghoon who had been staring at her pretty much the whole time.
" Oh, no worries, he seems very dedicated." Sunghoon chuckles, snapping out of his trance as an awkward silence falls over them.
" so, what's your name?" She asks boldly, catching Sunghoon off guard. " Oh um it's Sunghoon. Park Sunghoon." He replies, trying to avert his eyes away from the girls stare.
" Well, it's nice to meet you! I'm Y/n... Y/n L/n." Y/n says and when she smiled Sunghoon knew he was long gone.
That was probably one of the best days of Sunghoons life, or maybe the worst since it led him to where he was now.
Sitting alone in a coffee shop filled with couples and families after having a mini-eternal panic at the thought of seeing you again.
His drink had now turned cold and tasted much more bitter than it did just minutes ago yet he still drank it. Honestly, Sunghoon was a bit annoyed with himself.
Why was he so hung up on some girl when he was the one who ended things? Why is everything affecting him so much?
He didn't notice it at first but as the days went by after their breakup he started becoming more and more aware of how dull his life was without his sunshine ( you ) in it.
There was no one for him to wake up to every morning and fall asleep next to every night.
No one was waiting for him in his apartment after practice and forcing him to watch a new episode of a drama while eating ramen that they made together.
No one was singing obnoxiously loud in the seat next to him as he drove to the mall earning stares from the people in the cars next to them.
No one there for sunghoon to drag into every store that caught his eye.
No one there for sunghoon to argue with about the best ice cream flavors.
No one was there to eat dinner with.
There was just no one there.
And it sucked.
But what really bothered Sunghoon the most was that he'd never had a problem with being alone before meeting you.
Hell, he'd even purposefully turn down friendships just so he could keep to himself only making 3 friends just to keep his parents off his back. So why did it bother him now?
Fuck, Y/n what have you done to me?
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" BUT YOU PROMISED YOU'D COME HYUNG!" Niki yelled, causing Y/n to flinch and pop the balloon she was holding. It was December 9th, Niki's 18th birthday.
" come on hyung just come by to say hi at least it's my 18th. I've been waiting for this day since I was 14," Niki says and 14 just so happened to be how old he was when he met you.
" talking about how you've been waiting to be legal to date my ex-girlfriend isn't gonna make me wanna come to your party." Sunghoon complains to Niki, rolling his eyes at his stubbornness. Why did you and Sunghoon have to break up before his birthday?
" You think that's all I've been waiting on? It was a kiddie crush. Okay I've already moved on and honestly you should too." Niki admits, whispering the last part as he walks into his bedroom, locking the door behind him to prevent the girl from hearing more of the conversation.
Sunghoon scoffed, slightly offended by the youngers words. Despite how true they were.
" Who are you to tell me to move on from her? We've only been apart for a few months. It takes time, Niki." Sunghoon explains, it had been 3 months and 5 days to be exact though, he wasn't counting.
"Fine, then what if we make it a duo party? you didn't even let us throw you a party yesterday."
"I don't like celebrating my birthday." Hoon dismissed flatly.
" Well I guess you won't be here to try and stop Theo from asking her out then, y'know he's been flirting with her a lot lately. " Niki lies.
" Niki I'm not falling for your dumb trick Theo and Keeho are practically married there's no way he's into y/n." Sunghoon recalls causing the boy on the phone to whine once again. Keeho snapped his head toward him at the sound of his name.
Sunghoon could hear the sound Niki's feet stomping against the wooden floors. He's such a baby.
" So what if Jake asked her out, would you be okay with it?" Niki questions raising his eyebrows, a smirk making its way into his lips. "Doesn't matter who asks her out, it's none of my business! even if it's. . . jake"
" Hoon, just come to the party so you guys can kiss and make up like you always do. I'm sick of this whole being apart thing getting on my nerves. You two usually only break off for a week or so. I preferred when you guys were all annoying and clingy." Niki states Sunghoon shaking his head.
" You think I don't miss that too ?" Sunghoon mumbles to Niki, unable to hear him. " Listen, Niki, I know you're trying to make things right but, we're better off apart."
I wish we weren't.
Though Niki disagrees he doesn't say it he just responds with a short ok. " Happy Birthday Niki,I hope everything goes how you want it to," Sunghoon says before hanging up. Looking over at Wonyoung, keeho, and Kai who were sitting beside him shamelessly listening to his conversation. Sunghoon already knew what the trio was about to say.
" You should go to the party." keeho blurts
" I'm not going to the party."
" Come on, it's Niki's birthday. You're gonna look like an asshole if you don't go. Y/n definitely won't take you back if you upset her best friend." Wonyoung says looking at an unamused Sunghoon.
" Why does everyone assume I want to get back together with her? I mean I'm the one who ended things, why would I want her back?" Sunghoon groans
" Because you love her... duhhh." kai said as if he were stating the obvious. ( he was )
yeah, but I never told her that
Sunghoon could tell you a lot of choices he'd regretted making in all his 21 years of living. but if he had to choose his biggest regret it'd be not saying those three words that he'd craved all his life.
It was honestly shocking to Sunghoon when Y/n told him she loved him in the middle of one of their movie nights.
Sunghoon remembers how he tried to stutter out his reply and how scared she looked when he struggled to reply. Sunghoon had never heard those words before, nor did he feel he deserved to hear them at all.
He hadn't done anything to earn the three words though he couldn't exactly ignore the way his heart jumped when the words fell from her soft lips.
" It's okay if you're not ready to say it back. I'll be here when you're ready." Y/n reassures her soft tone calming Sunghoons nerves as he tucked his head further into her neck.
But what if he was never ready to say it back? Would she still love him? Was she willing to wait for him? Sunghoon knew deep down that he wasn't worthy of someone's love. Especially not yours.
You deserve someone who could shower you with endless 'I love you's, you didn't deserve to wait for someone like Sunghoon when there were so many other options out there. Like jake. . .
The sexy australian guy who had transferred to l your college and never tried to hide his crush on the you. He was smart, also played soccer and had the personality of a puppy. And when it really comes down to it Sunghoons always wondered why you choose to stay with him.
" Why?" Sunghoon asked pausing the movie. You sat up to look at him.
" Why what?"
" Why do you love me?" Sunghoon questions as if he couldn't believe the idea that someone would truly love him. The truth was he didn't.
" I mean everyone usually has a reason. My sister loves me because I take care of her and buy her snacks, my grandma loves me because I help her fix her phone 10 times a week, and my parents... they like me because I skate. So why do you love me?" Sunghoon questions, failing to see how the girls eyes softened as he mentioned his parents.
" I love you because you're you, Sunghoon. Not a skater, or someone who buys me things, helps me fix something, or because you're my boyfriend. You don't always need a reason to love someone, sometimes you just do." Y/n explained but her answer only confused sunghoon more.
Noticing the boys confusion she quickly spoke again
" But that's just how I see it, and that could be completely different from your opinion and that's okay," she adds, toying with Sunghoons fingers.
" wish my parent thought the same way you do." Sunghoon blurts out. " They only love me when my feet are on the ice, as soon as I step off th–they couldn't care less about me," Sunghoon mutters, letting you pull him into a warm hug, your hands softly rubbing the back of Sunghoons hair.
" Well just know that I'll always love you whether there are skates on your feet or not." She declares placing a quick peck on Sunghoons lips.
Oh, how sunghoon wishes he would've said it back.
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" Dude you're making me sad... it's a party have fun!" Jay says approaching sunghoon who was currently sitting by himself on the couch in the living room.
" I'm only here because Niki begged me to come, as soon as the cake is cut I'm out," Sunghoon stated, his eyes filtering over the people inside the house, some students from Niki's school and others some of his older friends.
" So you're telling me you haven't been eyeing Y/n and Jake this whole time ?" Jay asks, Sunghoon tensing beside him, of course he has but jay didn't need to know that.
" I didn't even know Jake was here actually but now that you've announced it I think I'll heading out early," Sunghoon claims, starting to stand up to go and find Niki so he could say his goodbyes properly.
" Hoon, you can't keep letting this stuff affect you. We're all friends and I'm not gonna let you throw that away because of a dumb breakup."
" It wasn't dumb, and I'm sick of all of you telling me how to deal with my breakup. You guys weren't the ones in the relationship." Sunghoon sneered, growing tired of everyone's input on his life and coping mechanisms. He knew he wasn't the best at dealing with his emotions and he'd never really gone through a breakup before, but their constant nit-picking wasn't exactly helping him either.
He'd get over y/n eventually, he just needed time, even if he missed her more than he wanted to, that was his business.
And as he watched you laugh and hit Jake's arm, the colorful lights reflecting in your eyes, your smile enhancing the faint dimples on your cheeks he knew that getting over you would probably take him more than a few months.
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© KSNFANGZ. please do not plagiarise, repost, copy or translate any of my works!
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queeniecook · 1 month
January 18 - Part 3
Dakota had given Jillian some space - they both needed time to calm down. Jillian threw on some warm clothes and headed outside for a walk. The snow began to fall rapidly but she kept walking.
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She found a pond, the water providing a peaceful presence, even half covered in ice. She knows she should have told Dakota sooner, he has a right to be upset but the way he handled it - she didn't like it. Jillian has never been good with confrontation. Most of the time she doesn't fight back but she couldn't stop herself tonight. Normally she would have tried to talk to Dakota calmly, even while he was mad. She knows she need to go back and apologize for not telling him but first, she knows she needs to calm herself down, otherwise they might end up yelling at each other again.
She takes deep calming breaths, the cold biting at her lungs a bit but it helps to soothe her. She turns to head back and begins walking.
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She cries as she's hit with a sudden pain in her abdomen. This hurts far more than any twinge or cramp she's felt before, it almost brings her to her knees. She manages to stay up right and looks around in panic. She suddenly realizes she doesn't know where she is. She starts to cry and tries not to have a full blown panic attack. She feels her pocket for her phone. Curse words slip from her lips as she realizes she left her phone at home in her haste to get out of the house.
Jillian beings to make herself walk forward, she has to get help.
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She sees an unfamiliar house come into view, there's lights on but doesn't look like anyone currently lives in it. She keeps moving slowly towards the house. Maybe she can find help there? Maybe she can get inside out of the weather?
Jillian manages to make it to the house and after some jiggling with the front door knob, she gets the door open.
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Another pain hits her after she closes the door and she ends up on her knees this time, cradling her belly. "Slade...not yet." She whimpers to her unborn son. She feels more tears getting ready to fall, she doesn't think anyone is here. She doesn't know what she's going to do. Jillian prays, it's the only thing she can think of as she tries to lean back onto her bottom and maybe pull herself onto the bed. 
Then arms hook underneath her and lift her up. She gasps and is stunned by who is there - she feels relief that she is no longer alone.
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"What are you doing out here?" James asks her. He actually feels concerned. It's a feeling not totally foreign to him but he still doesn't like it. When his informate had called him and told him that Jillian had left the house, James had used a spell to transport himself to Brindleton Bay from Windenburg. It's not like he could just call Dakota and tell him to go find his girlfriend, he doubt Dakota would take a call from him. Thus he took it upon himself to find the pregnant woman. 
"I was stupid." Jillian whispers, grasping her stomach. Her brows knit in discomfort and James puts it all together. He helps her over to the bed.
Jillian feels a little relief getting to lie down but suddenly feels like she's burning from within. She starts frantically removing her hoodie and tosses stocking hat aside. She can feel James' eyes on her. "Do you have a phone?" She asks quietly, the pain seemed to calm down a little but she still knows she needs to get to a hospital.
James pulls out his cell phone and sees he has no signal due to the weather. "Bloody hell."
Jillian looks at him wide eyed and feels panic set back in. She's about to ask him just to poof her out of there when the pain hits her again. She realizes she's most likely in labor at this point. She grabs James' hand without his permission, needing something to ground herself with.
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James is out of his element and Jillian is stronger than he thought. His hand hurts but he says nothing about it because he's pretty sure his pain pales in comparison to hers at the moment. If he hadn't used so much magic today traveling between Forgotten Hollow, Windenburg and Brindleton Bay, he wouldn't be overcharged at the moment. He could just use Transportalate to get her back to her house or to the hospital.
"It's too soon." Jillian whines in pain. She's worried about her son. She was supposed to have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. She was supposed to not go into labor yet but it seems her son and her body have other plans. 
"Most babies' delivered at eight months are fully developed." James comments, that's what he's heard anyway. He's trying to comfort her. It feels weird to him but he's the only one here so it's up to him. 
Jillian still feels hot and can feel herself sweating even though she knows it's not warm in the room. She feels James touch her cheek and she blinks at him.
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"Can you..." her voice is getting a bit hoarse and she's thirsty. She feels tired. "Transport me....to the hosp..ital?"
James frowns, almost ready to tell her he can't. Another spell could fry him to a crisp or worse. He watches her eyelids grow heavy and looks down at her swollen stomach. There's a chance if he doesn't take her, that the baby could die or everything would be fine. This isn't his problem. They're both nothing to him.
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He bundles her back up and walks to the front door, heading outside. "I can't believe I'm doing this." He says through gritted teeth. He's annoyed with the situation but uses a spell to transport them to the nearest hospital, hoping he's not the one who dies in the process. 
<-previous/next ->
Lot is "Abandoned Home" by SavannahAS is up on the gallery.
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tomatocages · 7 months
sdgjkal idk if this is the type of meta you'd want to write but I admire so much how knowledgeable you are about GROWING STUFF and about BAKING and I love the fandom's penchant for giving Shiro post-war hobbies to keep the PTSD goblins at bay so like, aside from strictly building headcanon situations i would love to hear your thoughts on his hobbies as META, like, thematically speaking, what will heal, how does he approach it, how does it relate to creativity and growth !!!!!!!!!!
I have been ruminating on this a lot and I hope my answer is something that actually answers your question! it's at the very least the start of a conversation. I give Shiro the same hobbies that I have, in many ways - fiber arts and baking and gardening - because these are the things that I use to hold on to living in a physical world, sometimes by the skin of my teeth. by my fingernails. It's hard to have a body and to be a person, and I always have the haunting sense that Shiro struggles with that in the wake of the war: in the wake of being a prisoner, who had to fight to survive; in the wake of having died and been caught inside the astral plane, becoming a ghost to himself and to others. I don't actually relate to Shiro very much, which is funny because in many ways I think I have a similar approach to responsibility that his character demonstrates (slightly resentful, but determined to do as good a job as he can, given the circumstances, even if that job is sometimes done poorly). The reason I grow a garden, or knit, or bake croissants, is because going through the motions is ultimately convincing to me. I am convinced that this action holds weight. The hat I knit for someone is a commitment I have made to keep them warm, the quilt I sewed when my nephew was born as a way of saying that I wanted to welcome him into a world that was more terrifying than not. These things take the burden of living off my shoulders and grant me some small measure of satisfaction, and I hope that in my writing I'm able to convey that Shiro is open to and deserving of this kind of satisfaction. That he is willing to put in the work that will help him survive and thrive. It's not a sense of ambition, exactly - I get the sense that pre-Kerberos, Shiro was very ambitious and somewhat idealistic - but it's a a kind of hope that has to be held in gritted teeth. Sometimes those teeth are gritted in a smile, sometimes not. But it's the process that matters. It's notable too that even if these hobbies are considered creative, they still have a quality of repetition and practicality; it's following a pattern. Directions for being a human person. Soup is either very creative or very boring, but either way, you'll be fed. Part of this too is my resentful, core belief that I am here on this earth and I should help other people while I walk up and down in it! And sometimes the only way to do that is to make someone dinner. I think that having some small kind of saving-the-world task to fall back on, after being a DEFENDER OF THE UNIVERSE, after being a champion of a gladiatorial arena, after being a star student in a quasi-military space program, would be a relief. Domestic work feels meaningful to me because it is the scaffolding of everyday life. (I'm not going to go into the religious baggage that I have from my upbringing here because it is too much, but I think these things are important even though for many years I was told domestic labor was the only gift I had to offer. And it was not a gift I wanted to give.) Still. There's something comforting about making something new out of very insignificant parts. I want that little bit of comfort to be present in Shiro's postwar hobbies, because I want all of the paladins to have that mundane experience of grace. Of waking up and getting on with things, not because the universe is at war, but because -- I don't know. You love someone so you're going to knit them a hat. And they're alive to wear it.
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themanwhomadeamonster · 5 months
5 Character Associations ft. Carwyn, Seresa, Siel because I'm greedy LOL
it said save draft but it didn't!!! RAGHHH but oh well it's all complete now. (tagged by @arisenreborn THANK U MWAH MWAH)
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The endlessly following bitterness of regret
Resentment, if not for the exhaustion of it
Scales as hard and cold as stone
A jolt of life from the sting of pain
Heartache in realising you're loved
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Rotting plants
Bay leaves
The wind by the beach
His kris dagger
A very disorganised diary
An Adept's Hat too large for him, which he took from a fallen Arisen in the Isle
Wooden figure of a rabbit
Cured meat
Fists constantly closed, shoulders always tense
Furrowed brows and an intentionally unfriendly glare
Arms crossed, his body never facing towards you
A brash attitude to hide the insecurity of his appearance
Occasional attempts at hiding soft smiles
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Apocalyptica - Poseidon's Rage
The Cure - The Same Deep Water as You
Emilie Autumn - Dead is the New Alive
Selofan - I'm Addicted
Kate Bush - Waking the Witch
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The sun hitting your skin on a winter afternoon
Realisation of longing when you see someone again
The euphoria in belting a high note
Drinking ice-cold juice on a hot day
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Fresh bed sheets
Homemade sweets
A bouquet made from your garden
Her pocket mirror
A long piece of red ribbon
Ice cream
An empty wallet
Eyes darting around in curiosity like a child in a toy store
Animated hand gestures that instantly catch your attention
Always on her tip toes trying to reach things
Adjusting her glasses - they don't sit well on sloped noses
Humming to herself
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Cueshé - Ulan
Hands Like Houses - Through Glass
The Cranberries - Dreams
Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels
Ingrid Michaelson - The Chain
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A wet and cool surface of otherwise warm flesh
Denial as those thoughts creep closer
Blood flushing through your cheeks
Gentle hands cupping your own
Satisfaction on another's behalf
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Metal on your hands from handling a doorknob
Ethanol in a hospital
Sweat after a long day of work
Noodle soup
Honey with the faintest bitter aftertaste
A teacup
His green knitted jumper
Bar of soap with an incredibly strong fragrance
Their collar
Eyes that avoid your own
Stretching their back every once in a while
Fidgeting with their hands
Always smiling with his mouth closed, otherwise hiding a grin with his hand
Arms that don't know whether to reach for a hug or not
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Fear Cult - If You're Watching
London After Midnight - Kiss
INKUBUS SUKKUBUS - Vampyre Erotica
Yann Tiersen - The Waltz of the Monsters
Depeche Mode - Master and Servant
tagging @beastren @edgier-than-a-diamond @wainwrightjakobshammerlock i wanna munch on your funky blorbos!!
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for @wolfstarmicrofic
The small but mighty tree shoved in the corner next to the bay window, just as Remus' mum had done it.
Warmly scented candles in ornate candle stick holders littered through the home, but mostly taking up residence on the mantle, just as Sirius' Uncle Alphard did around the holidays to spread some warmth during the dreadful Black family gatherings.
A fresh, bright red pointsettia serving as the centerpiece of their table, a nod to the ones Lily had used to decorate their home with.
And of course, an ever present and growing platter of sweets, lovingly baked from the recipes of Euphemia Potter's cookbooks.
Harry knew all these traditions, the amalgamation of family members gone and past, but he wanted more. Wanted to make new traditions with his Moony and Padfoot that were his. Theirs.
So that's how they found themselves down at the pub in the nearest Muggle town, the one that sits across the street from the bookshop Sirius and (mostly) Remus run, the front windows foggy but brightly lit from the twinkle lights within.
Harry had heard the other kids he played with in town some days talking about a town holiday celebration that they went to every year with their parents. Music, dancing, food, handmade sweets from old Ms. Bethan! It had taken him almost three whole hours to convince Remus and Sirius to go, but they finally agreed.
From the outside they could hear a chorus of a traditional Christmas folk song being sung, one Harry recognized from Remus' humming around the cottage.
"You ready to go in Haz?" Sirius said, his tartan scarf flapping in the wintry wind. Harry looked up at him, then over at Remus, whose pompom hat (loving knitted by Mrs. Weasley) was slowly disappearing under a layer of fine snow.
"To new traditions?" He said, grasping each one of their hands in his small mitten-clad ones.
"New traditions." They said warmly, in unison, stepping over the threshold into the bar, already on the receiving end of several Merry Christmases!
cross-posted on A03
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katlakitty · 10 months
N7Month Challenge - Day 16: Storm
The ice cracked dangerously as the Tempest set down on Voeld, Sara held her breath as the entire ship shifted. Kallo's worried expression didn't reassure her that their landing spot was safe or stable enough for the small ship. Sara couldn't stay and find out if they needed to return to orbit, she had to find the resistance to help them.
She put on her suit and armor and joined the rest of her crew in the loading bay. None of them looked very eager to leave the ship. Jaal, as far as Sara could tell, was tense and Peebee was mumbling something about knitted scarfs and mittens.
Sara doubted they would have helped against the raging ice storm outside, but she made a mental note to get a scarf and mittens for her. If there was any wool in Andromeda she could even knot them herself, a matching set of a Remnant hat, scarf, mittens and socks. Lexi would be happy to find she had found something to occupy herself with during her downtime.
"Oh, fuck no..." Sara cursed as they set foot into the storm.
"Or a hot water bottle, is there a sauna on the Hyperion? That would be a-awesome." Peebee said and started shivering.
There were cold warnings popping up on the display of Sara's suit too and SAM urged her to hurry.
"The resistance headquarters on Voeld are just up this way," Jaal announced and gestured into the turmoil of snowflakes up ahead.
"Right," Sara was shivering now too. "Do they have a Sauna?"
"No, but they have heaters."
"B-better than... N-nothing." Peebee said and started jumping.
Sara agreed with her and they slowly made their way through the snow. She only slipped once and Jaal caught her before she could fall down a cliff. Up until this point Sara had loved the cold season on Earth and the snow. But she had never experienced a snow storm or temperatures like this before and was tempted to change her mind about it. They arrived at the Resistance outpost before she could declare her newfound dislike though.
You can find a collection of all my N7 Month drabbles on AO3.
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Thrice Prophesized
CisFem Reader x Roronoa Zoro
Summary: Strap in for an isekai that doesn't involve Earth! Reader is a knight from a different world, yanked into the Grandline Metro AU against her will. Follow her as she learns about the world, the One Piece, and the Straw Hat Pirates - specifically a one-eyed green-haired "demonic" swordsman.
CW: In-Universe levels of violence, amnesia, romance, reader gets some good bad-ass moments, but shouldn't feel Overpowered if I did my job well, surprisingly no smut in this one loves, but it's book 1 of 2.
18 + only please -- 59k words - Completed - Read on Wattpad if you want or Ao3 \o/
Chapter 1: What's My Name Again?
“Heeeeeeey! Luffy!” Usopp yelled as he was coming down from the crow’s nest on the Thousand Sunny. “Luffy! There’s a person floating on a barrel!” He pointed after he was sure he had his captain’s attention. “I saw her cough so she’s still alive!”
Luffy leans over the rail and puts his hand over his eyes, scanning in the direction Usopp pointed until he saw the same thing, or enough of the same thing to know he was looking at it.
“I got it!” Luffy’s arm stretched out across the sea, and he flinches a bit. “Oh. She grabbed my hand! Chopper!”
The commotion had been enough to get the attention of the rest of the crew, as Chopper came up from the boys’ room, Sanji came out of the kitchen. Nami and Robin were coming down from the garden, while Brook, Jinbe and Franky came from the helm.
“Careful Luffy! If she’s hurt a rough landing won’t be good!” Chopper explains as Luffy’s arm begins to return.
“Eh?!” Luffy’s arm twists before he can reply to Chopper, and the person he’s reeling in slams into him.
The two go head over heels a couple of times before Luffy is pinned to the grass, his arm twisted behind his back. A woman has him pinned down, her legs over his, his arm in her grip, and a broken and jagged piece of wood in her hand. Her long hair was plastered against her from the sea water, and fierce focused eyes were fixed on Luffy.
As soon as she seemed to register him, she released her grip and dropped the jagged piece of wood.
“My… apologies.” She took a deep breath and shifted off of him, sitting on the grass. “You saved me, and I reacted poorly.”
Luffy smiles. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not like you were going to hurt our captain with a piece of wood.” Robin muses.
The extra voice causes the woman to look around and take in the crew. Her brows knit at the sight of Jinbe and Franky, and she pales when she notices Brook.
“You’re bleeding.” Chopper says, coming over to her.
“I -.” She freezes for a moment, before relaxing. “You’re a… forest spirit?”
“Chopper’s our doctor.” Luffy explains.
She seems to process this information for a moment before peeling her shirt off. There’s a moment’s commotion before everyone sees the state she’s in.
There’s extra binding over the bra she’s still wearing, but her clothes, or lack thereof, are hardly noticed, even by Sanji. Bruises and small cuts litter her body, the deeper cut on her arm that Chopper noticed is hardly the worst injury among them.
“I am in need of a doctor.” She admits, holding the sopping shirt against her chest. “I am in your care, Dr. Chopper.”
She bows completely to the ground, having already been on her knees.
“Ah! Don’t do that, you could hurt yourself worse.” Chopper grows larger and gently picks up the surprised woman. “It’s okay, I’m just going to take you to the sick bay so I can tend to you.” He explains as he carries her off the deck and up through the kitchen.
“Oh, we didn’t -.” Nami starts but is interrupted by Usopp.
“MARINES!” Usopp yells pointing out across the water. He lowers his goggles and gets a better look. “Oh no… Luffy it’s your grandfather’s ship!”
“I’ll prepare a Coup de Burst!” Franky announces.
“Nami!” Jinbe yells and the navigator nods as the two head to the helm.
“The rest of us will keep the cannonballs at bay until we can take off.” Zoro says, putting Wado Ichimonji between his teeth.
“I’ll let Chopper know we’re going to burst,” Usopp says, taking off as the rest of the crew keeps their eyes to the sky.
Cutting through the kitchen, Usopp enters the sick bay and freezes in his tracks.
Chopper is on his butt, small sized again, looking in shock at the woman that he had brought in. A few feet off the bed she’s frozen in place, literally incased in ice that has taken over a section of the room, there’s a peaceful look on her face.
“What happened?!” Usopp looks back and forth from the frozen woman to Chopper.
“Aaaaahhh! Usopp! I don’t know!” Chopper’s surprise is shattered by Usopp’s question, and the small reindeer starts to panic. “I set her down to get my stuff and then it started to feel cold, and when I turned to look at her, she was coming off the bed and just – just froze in the air!”
“M-maybe she’s a devil fruit user.”
“… Wait, Chopper, look! Is she healing?”
“EH?!” Chopper grows bigger to get a better look and gasps. “She is!”
“Oh that’s- OOF!” Usopp’s statement is cut short, and he and Chopper are tossed back as the Sunny bursts forward.
. . . . . . . .
The cold biting winds didn’t bother you. This was your country, and you took pride in that. Protecting the Archduke and the northern border of the kingdom was a great honor, and being one of the Winternight Knights was an even greater honor.
The ancient magic of the family flowed through your veins. Not only did its defensive capabilities keep you safe, but the offense capacity of the bloodline’s magic was second to none. It needed to be, in order to keep winter from consuming the world.
But you could feel the cold pulling away from you. You were too far from the Duchy, too far from the Archduke – too far away from winter to be able to call on your powers. But you shouldn’t be able to be too far away. The size of the world shouldn’t be big enough. You wouldn’t be able to travel fast enough.
Where were you?
Who are you?
Your foot lands on water. It’s warm, and clear. There’s a well-manicured man looking at you, sitting at a well-manicured table, on a well-manicured lawn. Wherever this place is, it’s clean to a point that makes you uncomfortable. The man’s hairstyle isn’t right for the kingdom, his hair is pulled up into an odd sort of tower bun, and as you look closer there’s something around his head, separating him from the world around him entirely.
“The Empty Throne shall crumble to dust, and the terrible curse of this world will be undone. The seas will swell in bounty and the ruler of the shadows will be brought to burn into the light of the Sun.” The words spill from your lips, but you don’t know that you’re saying them.
Light pours from you and you cannot even see the strange man and his strange clothes, though you can hear him screaming for guards. You repeat your words again, and again, rising higher and higher into the air.
Further from the water, further from winter.
But where are you?
Who are you?
“She prophesized the fall of the Empty Throne! Capture her!”
“Did you see that pillar of light?”
“How dare such blasphemy be uttered in the Red Line!”
“Capture her! What if she knows more? What if she knows where the One Piece is!?”
“What do you mean the light’s reverting devil fruit users? I don’t care for your excuses, get the Hero of the Marines here then! He doesn’t use a devil fruit, he can capture her!”
“Look out!”
“Is that ice?”
“She can’t have that devil fruit ability, Kuzan’s still alive!”
“She’s not turning into ice, she’s creating it – is it a new Paramecia type?”
“Don’t get distracted, stop her!”
“Don’t kill her, the power of prophecy must be contained!”
“She’s getting away!”
“Prepare the ships, Garp will need to pursue her!”
The voices fade as the comforting cold of your home country moves you forward through the air. The power is immense, beyond any application you had known it capable of prior. As though it carries a will of its own, you feel no more in control of your rampage as you did of the words that fell from your lips earlier.
You had no desire to be caught, so you had no concern for the damage you were causing. This land was not Winternight, and you had no loyalty to it. In order to figure out what was going on you needed to be free, and these people were already ready to slap you in irons. The choice was easy.
The immense power propelling you away was also draining your reserves at an alarming rate. Nothing was around you but vast open ocean. You’d only seen the ocean once before now, but you knew that this had to be it.
As your strength faded your memories faded. Falling through the air you wondered idly why you had decided to run away? Why were you in need of freedom? You had come from somewhere, but what was it called again?
Where are you?
Who are you?
. . . . . . .
Heaving in a breath you sit up in bed. It feels like you had just pulled yourself up from the bottom of the ocean and you’re panting trying to pull air into your lungs. A strange sensation tickles at you, and you look over, locking eyes with a small deer-like creature standing on two legs, and wearing a hat.
It’s looking at you in surprise as much as you’re looking at it.
“… Are you-.”
“AAAAHHHH!” You scream at the noise and scramble out of the bed, as you head out one door you can hear the small creature screaming and heading out the other door.
You come out onto the deck of a ship, and bright warm sun overhead. You skitter off to the right, only vaguely aware that you’re wearing something like night clothes, and run down a set of steps onto –
“-grass?” Your mind breaks for a second and you look around at your surroundings again. There are doors, stairs, two trees, a bench wrapped around the mast and railings on either side of you that look out into the endless ocean.
That itchy feeling pulls at you, and you look over to see a skeleton in a suit with puffy hair come down the stairs across from you. He appears to be drinking tea. He turns to look at you and speaks and you scream again, causing him to scream as well. You dart across the way and go through a door, slamming it closed behind you.
You mean to catch your breath, and gather your wits, but a heavy and oppressive air sinks into you. For the first time since you woke up you feel like you might just die.
Turning toward the feeling, you press your back to the door, eyes focused on the blade leveled at you. The man holding it has the aura of a demon, even if his appearance is certainly human. You don’t notice much else about him, except that his one good eye could melt your bones to dust if you weren’t careful.
“Stop. Screaming.” He growls, pulling the sword away from you and sheathing it. You notice there’s three swords at his waist, and the air in the room shifts back to normal as though he hadn’t just been glaring at you like that.
“I… uh. Sorry.” You manage in confusion.
He grunts, walking to you and opening the door, walking back out onto the grass and leaving the door open. You follow behind him, ready to ask him questions when there’s suddenly several people on the deck, surrounding you.
You’ve moved before you know why and you’ve pulled one of the demon-man’s swords free, holding it up in front of you and making sure your back is to a wall and not another door.
“Oi! Marimo, how could you let her do that?” A blonde man in a suit with a cigarette in his mouth was yelling in your direction, but not at you.
You look over to the demon-man and see surprise scrawled on his face before it turns to irritation.
“Give that back!” He snarls, and your body moves automatically as he reaches for you. Moving the hilt out of the path of his hand and stepping back you pivot, and tense the muscles in your legs, jumping much higher than you expected and landing half-way up the stairs next to the mast.
You can’t stop the look of surprise on your own face as you look one way and then the other, standing defensively on the stairs with the sword still in hand.
Your new vantage point, and the space between you and everyone else gave you a chance to take in the people around you more completely. There was a young boy in a straw hat with an impressive scar on his chest who seemed to be dressed like a farm hand. Two women were near the blonde man that had shouted earlier, one of them wearing a bra for a top and the other with her shirt tied in a knot just under her chest. Something about their manner of dress seemed wrong to you, but you couldn’t remember why.
The little deer creature was back, hiding behind a man with curly hair and a fisherman’s hat. He wore pants and suspenders, but no shirt, and looked like some sort of foreign appraiser. The animated Skeleton was standing next to two more people who looked just as impossible. One of them appeared to be a large fish man with white streaks in his black hair, and the other looked only vaguely human, his aqua-blue hair and a metal nose the least strange things about him.
“Shi-shi-shi-shi, Zoro, how’d she steal your sword?” The farm boy laughs, and something about his demeanor makes you feel at ease.
“I think she’s wondering the same thing, Captain.” Zoro says evenly, and you realize his eye has been fixed on you this entire time. You might’ve kept the sword earlier, but you couldn’t match the focus that was staring you down right now.
Not in your current state of confusion, at least.
“W-Where am I?” You ask finally, still hiding behind a sword that’s only yours because the demon-man hasn’t decided to take it back yet.
“You’re on our ship, the Thousand Sunny.” The young girl wearing the bikini top answers you, her orange hair framing a disarming smile on her face.
“B-But where are we? I can’t feel… can’t… what. I can’t feel what?” You shake your head; you’re forgetting something, and you only know that you’ve forgotten it. “What am I forgetting?”
Realization dawns on you as you try to run through what you do know, and you pale.
“Who am I?”
“Amnesia?” the blonde man in the suit questions.
“I… I’m…” Your legs buckle and your knees hit the stairs hard. You barely steady yourself before you nearly topple onto the sword on accident. Holding onto the rail with one hand you turn the hilt of the sword back to the demon-man. You were in no condition to defend yourself and being armed would only make things harder for you. “Done… I’m done. I don’t know who I am, where I am, or who is friend and foe. To fight in this state is dishonorable.”
The green-haired demon-man grabs the hilt and carefully takes it back from you.
“Will you let us help you?” He asks, his voice is almost as sharp as the sword.
“I pointed your own sword at you, why would you help me?”
He just looks at you in silence for a long moment. It feels like the entire crew is holding its breath waiting for you to answer the original question.
“… Yes. I have nothing else, please help me.” You say, sinking back against the stairs.
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novastaar · 30 days
I didn't want to bother you with questions while you were working on the Angel drawing (thanks again for that!) and I'm struggling to find ones I haven't asked already, but here we go!
Ribbon 🎀 - Any accessories?
Gulp 🐋 - What would they do if swallowed by a whale shark?
Ba-dum 💗 - Who’s their absolute favorite person on the ship, and why?
Bonus: How often do they cry? What would they do if they saw someone else cry?
Aw, thanks for the consideration! I absolutely love getting asks about my ocs 😃
🎀: Trixie has a few accessories. Her cloak, earrings, boots, and a weird scarf thing around her waist that my friend suggested I add. Also, her cloak has pockets on the inside bc my girl carries a LOT of stuff. Frog has their knitted frog hat and a belt bag thingy. I am planning on giving them pins or something in the future
🐋: honestly, Trixie would probably be totally freaking out on the inside, but when the Octonauts show up to rescue her, she's just like, "Nice of you to drop in. It was getting a bit boring here." For Frog, though, this actually has happened (it just feels right considering the show did it TWICE). Turns out, metal isn't very easy to digest. The whale shark had bad tummy ache, but Frog was unscathed. She was a hazzard to touch until all the stomach acid was scrubbed off of them, though.
💗: Trixie has some trust issues, so it took her a little while to warm up to most of the crew, especially since she hasn't really been exposed to creatures other than one's in the desert. The first two she warmed up to, though, were Peso and Kwazii (with Shellington being a close third). I'd say those two are the ones she's most comfortable with since she's spent the most time with them. Frog was even slower with warming up to the crew. They're not good at talking or holding conversations, and since they had very few memories left after however long they were left to rust, they barely ever left the launch bay. So, obviously, her favorite crew member is Tweak, since she was the one who spent the most time with Frog and worked with them to get them back into working shape
Bonus: Trixie doesn't cry often, or at all, really. She's good at masking her emotions, and it takes a LOT to make her cry. When she does, she always does her best to make sure it's in her room or a more secluded spot. The crew didn't see her cry until... (redacted bc lore stuff >:3). When she sees someone else crying, it's really awkward for her. Her first reaction is usually to give the person who's crying a bottle of water or something since crying dehydrates you. Frog does actually have a programmed crying emotion (she has a set amount of emotions her face can express due to programming and stuff), but they don't use it much. Usually, just when they get overwhelmed. When they see someone crying, they do their absolute best to stay out of the situation since they tend to accidentally make it worse.
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madanimalscientist · 7 months
Nothing like sitting down to knit the colorwork bit of this hat and then realizing 2.5 rows in you added the wrong color entirely and having to tink back the whole way to the start of the colorwork.
At least I caught it in time but tinking back 2.5 rows x 156 stitches = OOOOOF.
But now I have 1/3 of the hat done -properly- and can maybe even finish the rest of the colorwork tomorrow. It's https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/ridgeline-5 in Green Bay Packers colours as a present for my dad ^_^ I very rec this pattern, second time I've knit this hat and it turns out great! Tincanknits in general has great patterns, my next hat is adapting their Anthology hat pattern with a Legend of Zelda motif!
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Phic Phight Phic 6
Title: Tuesday Night Knitting
For @phicphight
Words: 1145
Prompt: Danny is forced to get a hobby. By @brokeitwiththepowerofmathamatics
Summary: Danny is bored. His friends suggested that he get a new hobby. Guess he'll try knitting.
Warnings: Off screen major character death
I know technically no one forced Danny to have a hobby, but his boredom did.
   "Since the ghosts haven't been attacking lately, I've been bored. I never realized just how much time I spent keeping them at bay," young Danny Fenton said to his two best friends before grabbing his Nasty Fries out of the bag. Tucker Foley paused on eating his burger to reply.
  "Maybe you need a new hobby?"
  "You could try gardening!" Sam chimed in.
  "No offense Sam, but that wouldn't work. I kill pretty much any plant I touch."
   "What about programming?" suggested Tucker.
  "Not really my thing. I need to find something nice and relaxing, but also useful.
   "My Grandma Ida knits," his goth friend mentioned as she brought her tofu sandwich to her mouth.
   "Yeah, but knitting is for old ladies," Tucker argued.
   "Knitting and crochet are both relaxing and useful. You could make literally anything. And who knows? Danny might enjoy it!" Sam defended.
   "I mean I suppose I could give it a shot. How hard could it be?"
  "Great! I'll get in touch with Grandma Ida and see when she's available to teach you," Sam replied.
   The trio spent the rest of the evening chowing down on their food and talking about various things and tea from school. Before they departed, Sam told Danny she'd text him the dates and stalked off into the night.
   The date was set for Danny to head over to Sam's house to see her grandma. Danny's nerves acted up when he arrived at Manson Mansion. Sam's parents still disapproved of him. Thankfully, Ida had picked a day when the Manson's were out on business. He rang the doorbell.
   Sam's grandma answered the door and sweetly beckoned Danny in. She brought him to a cozy sitting room (one of many in the house) and showed him to a chair next to hers. Danny sat down as Ida pulled out needles and yarn. She gave Danny a bluish-grey skein of yarn.
   "Now, what should we make first?" Grandma Ida asked, tapping her chin. She brightened up.
  "I know! How about we make a scarf?"
   She showed Danny how to cast the first stitches onto his needle. After he finished casting on twenty stitches, her frail hands guided his own in the motion of a standard knit. It was a bit hard at first. He would sometimes lose the stitch by pushing it off the needle too early, but Ida patiently helped him and offered bits of advice here or there.
   The afternoon flew by and Danny made a lot of progress! Grandma Ida brought him some tea and a snack from the kitchen. She had started a scarf of her own shortly after she helped Danny, and she was a lot further along. The two of them swapped stories over tea while Danny finished up his scarf. Ida taught him how to close it off and sew in the loose ends.
   He held the scarf up in pride. It was very uneven and had a few holes from missed stitches, but he was happy with it. Grandma Ida smiled and patted his head.
   For the past three years, Ida and Danny had been knitting and crocheting over tea every Tuesday. Danny learned that homemade scarves and hats and sweaters make good presents. He also liked to make some to donate to charity.
    One Thursday he got a call from Sam.
    "Hey Danny? I got some news," she started, "Grandma Ida is in the hospital."
   "Is she okay? What happened?"
   "She's fine. She just wasn't feeling too great. The doctors are holding her overnight to run some tests."
   "Okay. Well, I'll go visit her. Love you lots!"
    "Love you too. See ya at school tomorrow."
   "See you then."
   Danny hung up the phone and prepared to drive out to see Ida. He grabbed his coat as well as a small parcel.
  After checking in at the front desk, he walked over to her room.
  "Hi Grandma!"
   "Hello Danny!" Despite her sickness, she was just as cheerful.
   "I just wanted to see how you were doing. I brought you something!"
   "Oh let me see!"
  He handed her the parcel and she unwrapped it. Inside was an uneven, blue-grey scarf with holes in it. She looked over at Danny and smiled.
   "I remember that day," she spoke fondly, "Now, Danny, I need you to take care of something for me. I need you to take these."
   She held out her favorite pair of knitting needles. Danny looked up at her in confusion.
   "Why do you need me to take them? Won't you need them for your projects?"
   "Ah, alas, I fear my time is almost up. And, well, I can't very well leave them to my daughter. She'd just throw them away! I wanted to leave them with someone special who'd actually use them."
   Tears stung Danny's eyes as he responded, "But… How could your time be almost up? Sam said you were fine! You're gonna be fine, right?"
   "I have lived a very long and content life. Eighty-five years is a lot. I'm not scared of death. It was bound to happen at some point. It's part of being human."
   Danny stared at her contemplatively. Ida patted his hand.
   "Besides, I'm sure we can still have tea and knit. It'll just be different. Now, take good care of these needles and take good care of Sam. I always knew you two'd end up together."
   Danny smiled and gently took the needles. He said his final goodbyes and walked out to the car. He sobbed all the way home.
   Grandma Ida died in her sleep on Friday night. The following weekend, her funeral was held, and Danny put the scarf he gave her by her grave. Later that day was the reading of her will. Her family, as expected, got most of everything, but there were a few items listed for one Daniel J. Fenton. He was to receive all of Ida's knitting needles, hooks, and yarn, as well as a small parcel with his name on it.
    Danny loaded the yarn hoard into his car. Man, she really had a lot of yarn. He closed the trunk and swung into the driver's seat. In his hands, laid the small parcel with his name scrawled on it. He carefully opened it to reveal a note.
'Incase you get cold'
   Behind the note there was a lime green scarf with the Phantom logo added to it. He cried. It was the same scarf she made the first night they sat for tea while her frail hands guided him into making his own creation.
   The following Tuesday, Phantom walked into the Infinite Realms towards its newest lair. An elderly ghost answered the door and let him in.
   "Now, what should we make today? I know, a scarf!"
    Danny smiled as he pulled out some yarn. The two sat down and began their work.
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tony-veis · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Thank you for marking me, I enjoyed reading all the answers to this list so much!   @kestrelteens​ @kayleigh-83​
Are you named after anyone?  My parents only called me that because it wasn't a popular name in the 90s
When was the last time you cried?  In February, when my friend left. In fact, I cry very rarely because I have problems with experiencing deep emotions. When I really cried, it was probably February\March of last year. For obvious reasons.
Do you have kids?  No, but I'd like to one day. I feel too young to have children yet
Do you use sarcasm a lot?  Not very. Usually it annoys me if I think that the interlocutor is saying something stupid and then I use sarcasm. Otherwise, I rather prefer to talk directly about my irritability.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Clothing and accessories. One day when I was approaching the place of the date, I thought, "Oh my God, I hope it's not him in that ugly hat"
Eye colour?  I just found out it's called Hazel. Most of my friends think that I have brown eyes, but in fact it's just dark green. I myself thought for a long time that I had brown eyes, until I found out that this was impossible for genetic reasons in biology class. Lol.
Scary movies or happy endings?  In fact, I really don't like horror movies, as I am extremely nervous, but paradoxically I like Stephen King horror books, I also like to watch reviews of scary games, and at one time I also read a lot of SCP. And some of my favorites are La Favorite and Spencer. But I also like TV series, for example, Sexual Education, The Handmaid's Tale, Euphoria And a lot of animated series
Any special talents?  I can push my shoulder out of the joint and move my eye asymmetrically (but this is very dangerous because it occurs due to excessive blood pressure in the eyes and head). Also, I'm never late even if I'm late. For some reason, it always happens that I come before everyone else.
Where were you born?  Russia, in a small provincial town of Samara. (A million and a half is a small town?) This city used to be a pirate bay, then a fortress, then a merchant hub on the Silk Road, and therefore the city center is located near the Volga River and a beautiful long beach is a 5-minute walk away. Sometimes I think it looks like Miami, but with beautiful wooden architecture of the XIX century
What are your hobbies?  My hobby is art and it encompasses too many areas ranging from crafts and Craft and Art, and ending with the study of the latest fields of art. My professional activity is contemporary art, but I also draw, knit, embroider, sculpt, 3D model and much more. Now I'm finishing sewing another blanket, until recently I completely made my room, I redid some furniture, I really like to change spaces. I also like baking and now I have my own garden and I love messing with plants so much! But I don't perceive it as gardening, for me it's performative practices. And of course I really love sims and now I play sims 4 too much. A very important addition, I completely forgot to write about the TAROT. I started studying tarot since Halloween, but in general I have always been engaged in magical practices
Do you have any pets?  No, I like to communicate with animals and I've always wanted to get a cat, but now I understand that this is a very big responsibility
How tall are you?  182 cm, quite tall and thin
Fave subject in school?  I never liked school, but I liked Social Studies, Biology, World Culture and Art. At the university it was Art History, Psychology and Painting
Dream job?  Don't work. I burned out a lot after working at the museum and could not start a new job for 5 months. I would just like to please you with Sims content and get enough money for a living from it. Now I work remotely and I am most comfortable that now I can wake up, take a laptop and, lying in bed, perform work tasks without communicating with people. Sometimes I feel so bad that it turned out to be the optimal format for me, so as not to overexert myself. I would like to tag all the English-speaking bloggers I subscribe to, so feel free to tag me. @lowedeus @greatcheesecakepersona @jellymeduza @alexbgd @lamare-sims 
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