#bbc sherlock is the best
iamsherlocked1479 · 1 year
Chapter 12
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Warnings: 18+ smutty (very)
His hands moved from your back down to your waist, he pulled you in and tucked his head in the crook of your neck, you heard him quietly inhale, your scent was far more intoxicating than any drug or cigarette could ever offer him. You tried your best not to fall for his advances and pulled away.
“Why?” He asked, his brows furrowed with disappointment.
“Because its too-
“Dangerous I guess.” He interrupted you
“Why are you trying so hard? I thought you didn’t do relationships, I’m not going to become some kind of toy for you to play with whenever you want!” You yell as he just stood there watching you
“No you’re not, but you want to be.” He prowled closer. “You like danger don’t you y/n, you like the unknown your whole childhood planned out for you, and now you have the chance to expect the unexpected you attach yourself to it.” He smirked as he reached out, taking your hand. “I know this because you latch yourself onto dangerous things, it's so obvious in your writing and in the way you look at me, i know this.” He leaned into your lips leaving only enough space between them that paper could only just fit through, his nose brushing yours. “I know all this because i took your pulse.” He whispered with a smirk. You pushed yourself on him, lips crashing to his causing him to stumble, shutting him up. You kissed his annoying mouth hard, leaving your lips agape as his tongue slipped into your mouth. His touch felt desperate as he pushed you back towards your bed, pining you under him as you stumbled. He let out deep growls as you snaked your hands through his thick curl’s gripping them tightly as he nibbled the pressure points across your neck pulling your dress down to your waist. He practically ripped your bra from your chest exposing your hardened nipples to the air as he suckled on one and twisting the other through his fingers.
“Please Sherlock, touch me.” You beg as you felt his hardness rubbing across your thigh. He moved back to your neck allowing you to undo the buttons of his shirt so you would return the favour, sucking his beck leaving your mark. He pulled your dress off you, throwing it aside and rubbing your clothed cunt with his thumb.
“So wet for me already?” He smiled as he pulled down your laced panties and placed his head between your thighs. He worked his way up your leg taking care to kiss every part of you before stopping at your cunt.
“Please.” You begged feeling his breath inches away. His tongue made its way up to your clit, your skin burned at his touch beginning for more, his hand gripped your thigh while the other slid into your hole. Your body tensed, as you feel him slide a second finger into you. The pleasure builds, and tingles begin in your abdomen, working their way into your stomach as he worked on your sensitive bundle of nerves and fingers pushing deeper in you.
“You’re so close.” He smirks that dumb stupid look. “My favourite sight, look at you, drunk and I haven’t even fucked you, yet your walls are clenching on my fingers alone.”
“Oh god… Sherlock please” You cry out, as your orgasm takes you.
You whimpered softly as you felt his fingers run along your folds and then slowly entered into you. You moaned quietly as he continued to finger fuck you slowly and gently, his fingers rubbing against your gspot. You buck your hips onto his face more as you feel him increase his pace causing you to cry out in pleasure. He slid his fingers out easily and licked your juices clean before taking his tongue and exploring your folds. He was rewarded with another groan from your lips before he pushed his tongue deep into you flicking his tongue across your clit. you arched your hips as you exploded with his tongue in your cunt.
“Fuck yes Sherlock.” You exclaimed as the ecstasy rushed through your body. He leant back resting on his knees jerking his cock through his jeans watching come down from the high of your second orgasm.
“You’ve never cumed twice that closely before have you?” He smirked 
“N-no” you mumble through your breaths. “But you still haven’t cum yet.” You begin to crawl your way up the bed towards him snaking your arms around his neck, locking your lips once again, you paw at his cock trying to unbuckle his belt, trying not to make it too obvious that you’ve been longing for more all this time. You finally released the restraint and pulled his cock free watching as it bounced off his abdomen, he released a small sigh of relief. “I want you to fuck my throat.” You say situated below him looking up with puppy dog eyes.
“Are you sure?” He asks stroking your hair 
“Yeah, I like it. Most girls don’t, but I feel like you know what you’re doing.” Your hand jerked him as you pleaded
“Okay then, breathe through your nose and pinch my waist if you want me to stop.” He says as you open your mouth pushing your tongue over your teeth. He entered with a hiss before grinding his hips forward watching your eyes water below him. He continued this rhythm for a while making sure you were okay. He grew more confident as you choke him down, moaning and cursing as you swallowed the salty pre cum. He pulled away watching a string of saliva follow from your mouth.
“I’m so hard, i need to fuck you.” 
“I thought I was supposed to do the begging?” You laugh as he pushes you backwards.
“Shut up y/n. Or I'll make you.” He pinned you under him
How so- shit.” You wince as he thrusted in.
“Like that.” He smirked as he pulled out before thrusting in again the sound of skin on skin echoing through the small room. He pulled you in further so he filled you to the hilt. You clung to him for dear life as he pounded his way into you slowly but surely picking up the pace. He burried his face in the crook of your neck “Fuck, your so tight- feels so good.” Your legs wrapped around him and nails dug into his skin, his persistence began to build a third orgasm in you, this one feeling different. It was a slow release, your body taking its time to revel in the pleasure he brought you.
“Fuck, right there, please yes!” You cried, his cock rubbed against the right spot along with his pelvis pressing on the bundle of nerves now slick with his work. He gripped your sheets harder as he came closer to his climax. He managed to push himself up kissing you again.
“I wan-t to look at you, so cock drunk all for me. You have no idea how long ive wanted this “, knowing i couldn’t have you- fuck.” His hips stuttered as his thick white ropes painted your insides. He collapsed onto you, remaining inside you as he came down from his high.
“What if we kept this secret?” You finally break the silence. He pushes himself off of you and lays beside you.
“Well I wouldn’t want anyone to watch.” He says sarcastically. “But would you be able to? You’re very loud.”
“I’m being serious.” You sighed “but we have to make sure the safety of everyone else comes first. Especially now that Mary is eating for two.” Sherlock looks at you blankly.
“I told you I miscounted.”
“You’re seriously going to lie to me, how dumb do you think everyone else is?” You laugh. He paused for a moment before opening his mouth. “Don’t answer that.” You sigh
“Fine yes, I suppose she is. We can find some kind of an arrangement.” He begins to get up until he is stopped by you grabbing his hand.
“Wait-“ you pleaded as he turned his head. “Stay, please.” He watches you for a moment before getting back into the bed and laying beside you. You lay your head against his chest and close your eyes, he moves his arm away from you as he stares at the ceiling waiting for you to fall asleep, which didn’t take long. An arrangement?  He thought looking down at you, he shifted his arm towards you and hesitates for a moment , until finally making the decision to hold you close watching as a smile lands on your face. Maybe he could find a way to get used to this after all.
A/N: okay so the story is well on the way now, i got two words to describe this chapter: Nexus event.
hopefully you'll stick around to find out why, thanks for reading. As always, stay tuned :) X
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spooksicl-e · 2 months
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he was a man of habits, narrow and concentrated habits, and i had become one of them… i was a whetstone for his mind. i stimulated him.
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rowan-apollo · 2 months
i was so glad when in sherlock and co we find out john likes hot cocoa, he likes fun sugary drinks. in bbc sherlock in baskerville when he says he doesnt take sugar in his coffee or whatever??? BORING . wheres the whimsy. you took the whimsy out of john
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best-series-forever · 2 months
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fairybonesandstardust · 2 months
you can’t knowingly fuck a criminal and then turn around and get mad at them for doing something unethical, dubiously moral or illegal that directly involves you. what about this man made you think he follows the laws, is ethical or even moral? you knew damn well that he killed people for a living. how are you going to date someone whose probably on the FBI’s most wanted list (top 10) and then turn around and be surprised that he invaded your privacy? make it make sense. you can be mad at him all you want but shawty the man has proven time and time again who he is as a person. if this mother fucker is out here willingly killing bitches and has probably broken the geneva convention on multiple occasions what makes you think you’ll be exempt 😭? don’t be shy share with the class?
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disneyfanatic1993 · 12 days
Sherlock and Watson
I recently watched “Sherlock” for the first time. I absolutely loved it. Their friendship is everything.
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j-eryewrites · 3 months
Stressed Out
Word Count: 1.k <
Warnings: Not really any, kind of ooc Sherlock (but who cares)
Author's Note: Finally feeling like I have time to write and that the writing gods have been in my favor. This was a fun little one-shot to write. While I'm still trying to get back into my writing groove, this one shot definitely helped get some of the dust off my creative writing brain. So, thank you @my-dear-sweet-melody for requesting this one. I hope you enjoy it!
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You weren’t sure how you’d been doing it: managing the day-to-day lives of two people who also happened to be good friends of yours, assisting Sherlock with cases, seeing things you’d never thought you’d see in your lifetime (both good and bad), juggling relationships, your own well-being and health, and time to relax. Although it seemed like you had less and less time to do the things concerning yourself. You knew it wasn’t healthy, but when you were thrust into the world of Sherlock Holmes, more important things came into play.
Sherlock was the first to notice how the stress was weighing on you. It was a total shock when he casually announced your current state to John. The moment the words of concern were uttered from Sherlock’s lips, the puzzle in John’s mind had been completed. With the help of Mrs. Hudson, the two men began to conspire to make life easier for their dear friend.
At first, Sherlock’s conscious decision to wash his dishes and put them away in the correct cabinets struck you as odd. Sherlock’s mind was usually too busy for such arbitrary tasks, and such magnificent brain power couldn’t be wasted on such a thing. Then came the tidiness of his experiments. You could swear you hadn’t seen a stray finger or eyeball dissolving in vinegar for quite some time.
When you had asked Sherlock about his new behavior, he shrugged it off with some wildly strange research idea he had come up with. You tried to follow along, but your brain began to hurt after a moment, so you opted to believe him instead.
Meanwhile, John took extra care to charge his and Sherlock’s devices. He knew no matter how brilliant Sherlock was, the man seemingly ceased to forget that computers, phones, and the lot needed to be charged via a charging cord and port. On the other hand, Mrs. Hudson made the note to prepare extra tea and biscuits to save yourself the trouble of doing that for Sherlock and John.
Now, you felt no need to question John and Mrs.Hudson’s new behavior. It was in character for them to do small things like that. However, you continued to question Sherlock; he grew tired of it. Why couldn’t you see that he cared for you, too? That maybe he cared a bit more for you than he should. He was growing weary of the excuses he made to your insistent questions when all he wanted to do was throw them up and tell you the truth. Truthfully, the truth was something he insisted upon. Sherlock always found it one way or another. Yet, he could only fib when you had a new query about his altered behavior. Was it hard for you to understand that Sherlock could care? That he, too, could be human?
“Sherlock,” you called as you sat on the couch, pouring over the current case. It was usually your job to organize each thing into its Sherlockian category to save Sherlock his brain power. However, when you opened the file, it had already been done. “Did I happen to organize this in my sleep?” You raised the file and peered at him. Sherlock felt his mind conjure up the latest lie. Just before it left his mouth, he paused. He got up and marched to the window, where he began to gaze out onto the street below. He couldn’t lie anymore. He had to tell you the truth.
“I organized it,” Sherlock said.
You froze. Something was seriously wrong with the man if he was now organizing his own cases. “Sherlock, you never orga–”
“Why can’t I?” Sherlock’s voice grew tense. His eyes clenched shut, all while his back was still towards you. He wouldn’t dare look at you. He knew if he saw your eyes, he’d crumble and tell you everything, but everything was what you needed to hear. Everything was what he needed to say.
“I never said you couldn’t. It’s just,” you faltered, “…strange.”
Within a moment, Sherlock whirled around. His icy blue eyes began to thaw under your gaze. “I observed you have stressed: Your trousers falling to your hips instead of hanging snuggly on your waist, the dark circles under your eyes that only grew prominent by the day, the growing urge to sleep instead of join Mrs. Hudson for the weekly watch party of the latest soap opera,” Sherlock shut his mouth. He had said too much already; he shouldn’t say more, but his lips moved again. “I wasn’t the only one who noticed, John and Mrs. Hudson, too. We devised a plan to lessen the blow of our–my constant mess.”
As Sherlock spoke, you realized his words were only the truth. You had noticed you suddenly had more time to eat a meal, spend time with your favorite landlady, who was more like a mother, go on walks in the park with John, listen to Sherlock compose his latest piece, sleep, and live life as it should be lived. Amidst Sherlock’s rambling, you whispered, “Why?”
“Because we–because I care you for,” Sherlock choked.
Slowly, you remove yourself from the comfort of the couch cushions and find a place in front of Sherlock. You watch as Sherlock shudders from the touch of your hand on his cheek. “Thank you,” you said as a smile grew. “Thank you for caring when I forgot to take care of myself. Although…”
Sherlock frowned.
“…while I appreciate the sentiment of you organizing your own cases, John charging the computers, and Mrs. Hudson always preparing tea, I’d still like to be able to do my job. After all, the great Sherlock Holmes still needs to use his brain power to solve cases and save the day.”
Sherlock could only smile at that response for he'd give you anything you'd ask. "Of course. Of course, Y/N."
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detectivejigsawpines · 5 months
Dialogue from Sherlock that fits perfectly for Stan and Ford
"Punch me in the face."
"...Punch you?"
"Yes, punch me in the face. Didn't you hear me?"
"I always hear 'punch me in the face' when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext."
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yokelish · 3 days
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justanobsessedpan · 6 months
2023 Tumblr Top 10
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Created by TumblrTop10
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griseldabanks · 4 months
Let Me Count the Ways 48 for John and Sherlock? But make it kidLock!
--Rain on Main
Let Me Count the Ways ask game
Prompt: "We should eat something."
“We should eat something,” John said.
Sherlock merely grunted, adjusting the lens on his microscope.
John's stomach growled again. It was a Saturday, so he'd come over to Sherlock's house as soon as he'd finished breakfast. When he checked the clock on Sherlock's bedside table, it said 15:23. That meant he hadn't eaten in...well, he couldn't remember exactly when he'd finished breakfast, but it had been a long time.
“Aren't you hungry?” John prodded.
“Digestion takes blood flow away from the brain,” Sherlock said distractedly, jotting something down in his notebook. “Eating just slows down thinking.”
“Yeah, but your brain also needs energy from food to keep thinking.”
“I'm fine,” Sherlock said, picking up another slide and sticking it carefully under the microscope.
John held his breath and counted to ten in his head, like his mother always told him and Harry to do when they started arguing. Once he thought he could keep from raising his voice, John snapped, “Well, I'm hungry.”
Sherlock didn't even look up, just waved his hand absently over his shoulder. “You know where the kitchen is.”
With a huff of irritation, John dropped his own notebook onto the table next to Sherlock's and stomped out of the room. He didn't exactly slam the door, but he shut it with a satisfying snap.
Sherlock's single-mindedness was great and all; it was probably one of the main reasons he was so far ahead in school. John knew he would never be as smart as his friend, but one thing he did have Sherlock beat at was hospitality. If they'd gone to John's house today, not only would they have gotten a full lunch, but the second Sherlock mentioned feeling a bit peckish, John knew his mother would whip out a healthy snack for them. And Sherlock would eat it, whether it took the blood flow away from his stupid brain or not.
John strode over to the banister at the top of the stairs and hesitated, peering over them into the empty front hall. True, he did know where the kitchen was, after Sherlock had taken him there a few times, but John still felt a bit awkward in this huge, fancy house. He tiptoed down the stairs, then quietly walked down the hall, feeling as though at any moment, a maid or butler would suddenly appear and warn him that he was trespassing where he didn't belong.
But in the end, he made it to the large kitchen without incident. There didn't seem to be anybody about. Maybe he and Sherlock were the only ones at home.
John stood in the huge, immaculate kitchen for a minute, just looking around and trying to convince himself to make something for them to eat. Was he allowed to take anything? He opened the fridge and the pantry and just stared at all of the food waiting to be used—expensive brands he'd never even heard of, the kind of things his mother would never even consider buying.
After dithering about for far too long, John's growling stomach finally convinced him to make a choice. He decided to make cucumber sandwiches, and he found a package of biscuits that he sampled and decided would make a good addition. With the biscuits under his arm and the sandwiches piled up on a plate, it occurred to him that they needed something to drink as well. Hydration was important, after all.
After digging around some more, he eventually found some bottles of water, which he tucked under his other arm. Then, walking carefully with his precious load, he made his way back upstairs to Sherlock's room. At every step, the terrified thought plagued him of what would happen if he tripped and dropped the food. Crumbs and bits of cucumber would go everywhere, and he wouldn't know how to clean it all up in time, and then someone would come along and tell him to get lost, he was just a dirty little boy who had no right to come here and bother them....
But he made it all the way back to Sherlock's room without dropping a thing. He had to set the plate down on the floor to open the door, then pick it back up again to bring it inside, but then he was safe. Letting out a relieved sigh, John set the plate on the edge of Sherlock's desk, then unloaded the rest of his wares beside it.
Through it all, Sherlock didn't look up from whatever he was scribbling in his notebook. John was used to being ignored when Sherlock was focused on something, so he didn't mind. He just pulled his chair closer and started on the sandwiches, looking over Sherlock's shoulder and trying to decipher his complicated equations.
John had just finished his second sandwich and was opening a water bottle when Sherlock reached over without looking and grabbed a sandwich for himself. John watched in surprise as Sherlock stuffed the sandwich into his mouth in three impatient bites, still writing with his other hand.
“I've got it, John!” he cried through a mouthful of bread and cucumbers. “It was so absurdly simple, why didn't I see it immediately?” Springing to his feet, he began pacing back and forth across his room, and when he passed by his desk, he grabbed another sandwich from the plate. He didn't even seem to realize he'd done it.
As Sherlock excitedly explained why what was on the bottom of that shoe they'd found was crucially important, using words John could barely follow, John opened the package of biscuits. While nibbling on one himself, John pulled one biscuit after another and handed them off to Sherlock as he passed. Sherlock grabbed each one he was offered and shoved it into his mouth, with manners that would have appalled John's mother and earned him a scolding for sure.
John didn't care. He just listened to his friend talking a mile a minute, barely able to keep up. If anything, Sherlock seemed to talk faster and pace with a little more spring in his step with each biscuit he ate. So much for digestion slowing down his thinking.
John smiled behind the cover of taking another drink. Who knew it would be this easy to con Sherlock Holmes into taking care of himself?
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gabyy-norman · 3 months
Okay but imagine this song with Sherlock and John
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spooksicl-e · 3 months
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various personal references for funzies!
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mockups refs for various war wound circumstances ^^
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goofominides · 19 days
If I had a nickel for every time one of my Main Hyper Fixation Ships* featured one blond short kind of cutesy but also kind of bastardy no nonsense actor played by Martin Freeman paired up with a tall dark handsome blue-eyed kind of repressed stranger who crashed into Cutesy Blond's life like a hurricane and whisked him away to Incredible AdventuresTM only to end up addicted to some shit and almost completely lost their sanity and ruined their friendship... I'd have 2 nickels. Which is definitely TOO MUCH considering how specific this scenario is lmao. * (5+ years)
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 2 months
In my sophomore year, The Hobbit was on my summer reading list, and I honestly disliked it and found it irritating. One of the essay assignments we got when school started included 'what is the significance of Gollum calling The Ring, my precious?'
Tricksy, that teacher was, I'd say.
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helloliriels · 6 months
Gifts are meant to be shared! 💝and I couldn't be more grateful for each and every one these lovely gifts! THANK YOU BUNCHES FOR MAKING MY YEAR BETTER!!! 💋- Liriels
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💝 Of Scars and Revelations by @catlock-holmes for Holmestice Winter 2023 (I MaDe A BaNnEr FoR YoU!!!)
Sherlock has returned from his presumed death, but he isn't the same he used to be, after experiencing torture and trauma. His friendship with John isn't the same either, can they rekindle their friendship, or maybe even become something completely new? Maybe a stay at a hotel after a case could help them rediscover their bond. LOVE THIS SO MUCH !!!! 💖😍🎁 John & Sherlock finally GeT SoMe!!!! (SleEp ThaT iS!!!) haha, baths, only one bed, hurt/comfort, with plenty of feELs!!! 💋
🎁 Human Urges by @topsyturvy-turtely
John hated it. He utterly and truly hated it. Despised himself for it ... That stupid, always present, torturing urge to be kissed!
💝 The Case of the Serial Secret Admirer by @hasenkind687
It is seven days until Valentine's day. Humbuk - if you ask Sherlock. But then, anonymous gifts appears!
🎁 "John what the bloody hell are you doing?" by Atrocious_Magpie
Sherlock catches John baking cookies while listening to abba, what do you think happens next?
💝 This perfect JOHNLOCK IMAGE for 'It Belongs in a Museum', made by @a-victorian-girl
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🎁 Live from the Morgue by @disfictional from Holmestice Winter 2022. (i MaDe A BaNnEr FoR YoU!!!) 💀🎙️tysm!!!
A very special podcast episode 'Live from the Morgue' with Molly Hooper, featuring guest star Sherlock Holmes, discussing his years away (playing dead) - while John listens ...
💝 Mrs. Hudson's Crack Brew by @chriscalledmesweetie for 2022 Year of the Crack Fic!
Mrs. Hudson is beginning to regret the part she played in bringing Sherlock and John together. Not to put too fine a point on it, those boys are LOUD. Can she find a way to make things better? Or will she only make them worse? It all depends on your perspective…
🎁 Knitting Needles Out by @fluffbyday-smutbynight
Knitting. How hard could it be? Pretty hard, as it turned out. Especially cable knitting.
💝 This lovely GIF collab made by @liquor-liquor-lips for 'pack up the moon, and dismantle the sun' quote by WH Auden & all the reichenbach feels. 💋
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🎁 Shared Proximity by @fluffbyday-smutbynight for Holmestice Open Promptfest Winter 2021
“As ever, you see but you do not observe. Our respective lives are so enmeshed together, that such labels - like flatmates or colleagues or, yes, even friends - evidently fall short. Partners might do it, and it’s not a coincidence that it’s a stand-in for couple.”A definition might prove necessary, but still not enough in itself. What's the next step?
💝 (Full) Contact With Nature by @fluffbyday-smutbynight
Sherlock puts all his weight on him pushing him back on the ground, and simultaneously catches John’s arms and pins them down ...
🎁 A Story of Scent by maelle_lardeux & 💝Un affaire de sentur by malle_lardeux (french translation) 🥰 for @ohlooktheresabee & me
It's amazing how smells can affect people's emotions, in a good or bad way.C’est incroyable comment les odeurs peuvent affecter les émotions des personnes, d’une bonne ou d’une mauvaise façon.
🎁 The Mystery of the Red Pants by @simplyclockwork for Holmestice Summer 2021
A few spectacular laundry mishaps lead to revelations between Sherlock and John - and maybe a bit more ...
💝 Practice Date by Fantasy_Fan_26 (so brilliant!)
Sherlock wants to go on a date with John to figure out his feelings, but doesn't want to be rejected, this is the plan he comes up with ...
OMG I love them all!!!
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Plus these translated fics 💖:
🎄Шерлок – это женское имя [Sherlock is a Girl's Name] translated by Flamyenko_No_Kami 🎄Бутылочка [Spin the Bottle] translated by Flamyenko_No_Kami 🎄Таксофон [Payphone] translated by Flamyenko_No_Kami  🎄Эксперименты по проводимости [Experiments in Conductivity] translated by Little_Unicorn 🎄【福华福】[授翻]Kiss Me Now Before You Go/离开前请吻我 translated by 十三横夏 [Whale_Juan] 🎄Dawno utracone [Long Lost] translated by Tulippa 🎄Помни меня [Remember Me] translated by Little_Unicorn
Is there anything better than a fandom gift??
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