#bc he was so concerned about everything being just right with the restaurant like...this was not that
rogersstevie · 1 year
this season of ted lasso saying sam should forgive racists who vandalized the restaurant and  then you know, dropping anything to do with that storyline immediately afterwards
and the saying jamie should forgive his abusive father bc hating him apparently isn’t good for him or whatever
doesn’t feel great tbh
#ted lasso#like yes absolutely tbf for some people spending that energy hating their abuser doesn't work#and they ultimately decide to forgive for themselves which i get is what they were advocating for#in his and ted's convo#but it's also like i don't even think jamie HAS had a lot of hatred bc so much of the time has been trying to prove himself to his father#and with sam they had that weird bit like 'oh we'll keep the broken mirrors bc it doesn't have to be perfect'#bc he was so concerned about everything being just right with the restaurant like...this was not that#could've kept the mirrors sure but not comparing it to the issue from earlier like....it was intended to be a violent attack#and then ya know. just never mentioned again all wrapped up apparently bc he chose to let it go#which hey they can absolutely go the route of sam choosing to let it go but that doesn't mean the problem is gonna go away#it's just like the whole thing i get forgiveness is a big part of the show but these are two things that i just don't love to see#though at least with jamie they've dedicated a good amount of the show to that particular issue and it's not so with sam#and they gave so much to colin's story line?? which has been pretty well done ofc but they were really like#sam gets a single episode and it's all wrapped up in the end bye like WHAT#ik with so many characters they can't devote the same amount of time to everyone but like....they should've done better for sam#and now there's only one ep left so ya know. i thought they might come back to it but they did not
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m0uchie · 5 months
The urge to jerk scara off in a public setting... He tries to keep his moans down because if anyone found out what we were doing it would be so embarrassing that we wouldn't be able to show our faces in public ever again...
𐙚 an innocent date!
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— pairing : scaramouche x f!reader
— warnings : NSFW; m!masturbation; public; f!masturbation too at the end
— a/n : I just started playing “a date with death” and I love it :( but now I can’t play danganronpa bc my computer doesn’t let me, for some reason. I MISS HAJIME. Also, it was going to be gn, but I forgot???
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It's always like this when you and Scaramouche go on dates. You pick the restaurant, you insist for him to accompany you, you sit next to him at the table, and then slide your right hand under the table to feel his thigh.
His body shivers and his eyes widen in fright, giving you an accusatory look and seeing you laugh discreetly.
That’s not a matter to be laughing about! >:(
And despite everything, he can't stop you, because he knows he likes it, maybe even more than you. He agrees to go on dates together, already waiting for what you’ll do each time.
You want to suck his dick from under the bench? “This is so shameless!” He would think.
Cockwarm him during a movie session? “Absurd…”
Although not only you, but he himself knew that was a lie…
His dick was throbbing just from you asking him out again. When he saw you sit next to him at the table, he raised an eyebrow at you. But despite knowing what was to come, he couldn't be bothered to stop it.
Soon, your hands that were feeling his thighs move up a little to take up space inside his pants. His dick is taken out, but you are careful to keep it hidden under the table cloth.
“N-not here!—a-ah..!” He complained in a whisper, but couldn't stop the faint moan that left his lips right after feeling his cock being squeezed by your palm, and pumped up and down by your right hand in slow movements.
“Shhh… you don’t want anyone to hear it, do you?” You warn him. “And even though you deny, it seems like you’re looking forward to it much more than I do.” He shakes his head and sighs, closing his eyes and biting his lower lip hard, barely paying attention to what you were saying and just focusing on stopping his uncontrolled breathing.
It didn't do much good, as all you could hear afterwards were the small grunts of pleasure he made in an attempt to hide the loud moans he wanted to release.
With multiple eyes already on you and the conversation in the room calming down due to the spreading curiosity, you smiled gently in your beloved's direction and turned your body towards his. "Is everything okay?" He opens his eyes, your soft voice ringing in his ears. But instead of feeling concern in your voice, he knows you’re questioning him with the intention of mocking his situation and feigning regard for him.
“Hmm?” You persist, accelerating the movements with your hand and spreading all the pre-cum throughout his arousal. Scaramouche's eyes fill with tears and he begins to pant, desperately trying not to cry right then and there.
“Y-yes.” He responds briefly, without even looking up. His clothes and his own skin were stained by the tears that escaped. He was trying really hard to contain himself :(
However, as your fingers moved precisely along his length, scooping up a good amount of juices and bringing it to the tip with your thumb, he couldn't help but let out a needy moan. The lewd sounds of your fingers gliding over his shaft seemed so loud, but now no one was looking in your direction, which made the situation worse as you intensified the pumping on his dick.
Scaramouche’s breath caught in his throat when your hand moved faster on his cock, making him gasp and moan louder than intended. The couple seated next to you glanced over your direction, but quickly looked away in relief when they saw how sick the indigo-haired boy looked :( his face all red and sweaty, with a sweet girlfriend next to him who was helping him get better. Nothing to take out of context, right? It was so wrong of them to do that!
“…I don’t want anyone knowing what w-we’re- h-haa—! …doing..” Scaramouche whispers between gasps, trying to keep his voice down despite the urge to scream out loudly from the pleasure.
“That way, everyone will find out” you chuckled “and this is your favorite restaurant, isn’t it?” Your eyes stare at him, curious for his next answer.
“I know, but I need this” he exhaled, his breath loud and shaky close to your face, “I'm so close…” he loses himself and whimpers during the entire sentence, his body shaking with each passing second.
He looks at the food in front of him, untouched since the moment it arrived, perhaps even cold, and looks at his hand gripping the fork tightly, turning his knuckles white. Quickly, he drops the cutlery and lowers that hand to yours enveloping and working on his sex, guiding your movements with more intensity and humming with the more contact on his sensitive cock. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, and it felt like it was going to explode at any moment.
He couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if someone saw him like this. And the thought that should haunt him seemed to make his dick throb more than ever. Of course he didn't like the idea, the humiliation he would go through if that happened… but he felt strangely horny just imagining the eyes on him, watching him put on a show in front of everyone. This was so wrong.
“Ooh—mmmfgh..” he sobs, his other hand reaches your thigh, clenching into a fist around the fabric of your dress as he struggles to control himself. His face turned even redder, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer, but he didn’t want to lose control in front of others.
“You’re being really noisy, you know that, don’t you?” You whisper, but he ignores you, barely able to contain the sounds anymore, “Hmm that feels so good…!” His eyes roll back into his head as he gives up controlling the urge to cum, feeling his orgasm building up inside of him. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against your ear and whimpering like crazy “I think I’m going to cum soon…”
He gave a final shuddering gasp and arched his back, releasing a thick stream of his seed onto the expensive tablecloth beneath him and into your hand. His body trembled for a moment before he could catch his breath again.
“Fuck…” he muttered, looking down at the mess he made, “I hope no one saw that”. He looks away, a little embarrassed, and leans back in his chair, still recovering from his orgasm. “And don’t think you’re not gonna get punished after this” he scowled, narrowing his eyes at you.
You blush lightly, your hands sticky and slimy with his cum that you hid between your legs. “Yeah yeah, we’ll deal with it later..” you roll your eyes, unconcerned. “I’m going to the toilet. I’ll be right back.”
“W-what?! Wait!” He calls, but you’re already far away. He suspires, deeply annoyed, and decides to wait for you at the table while he discreetly cleans himself and tries to remove the stain from the tablecloth with napkins.
But he doesn’t know what you’re doing in the restroom. Your dress down to your feet, knuckles deep inside your clenching hole, fingers going in with the same hand you used to jerk off your boyfriend, swallowing his juices with your greedy cunt :3
Oh, but if you take too long, he might just get mad and look for you himself!
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spacexseven · 2 years
break the charm
NOTE: platonic yanderes are still unfamiliar territory for me but i love a challenge so i hope you like this anon :> everyone say thank you domi bc without their help this would be an incoherent jumble of words :O title from come to me by björk
SUMMARY: oda thinks you're drifting away, and it wounds his soul
REQUEST: platonic yandere! oda w/ gn! reader who gets a job at the ada, and he feels like they're replacing him
CW: (platonic) yandere character, manipulation, lying, deceit, unhealthy dependency, jealousy, oda considers himself to be a parent to reader
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oda couldn't just sit by and watch you waste away without feeling the guilt eat him alive.
you claimed that you were perfectly fine, but he noticed it, the constant unhappiness in your eyes. for the past few weeks, you had always seemed...bored and dissatisfied. like something pivotal was missing, the key to unlocking your bright-eyed expressiveness again. oda saw it in your new behaviour; the dragging of your feet when he watched you leave the restaurant, the uninterested response when he asked you to taste a new meal he had just cooked up, the empty gaze when you stared out the window in between bites. it broke his heart, to see you become a shell of who you once were.
he swore to do anything to make you happy again, but all his attempts were in vain. spending hours making your favourite desserts, offering to bring you on trips outside the dreadful concrete walls of yokohama, just...spending time with you—it felt like no matter what he did, it was never enough.
so when you finally came bouncing to him with joy, radiating all the wonderful enthusiasm you had been missing for a long time now all the while rambling about the super cool job you landed at some detective agency, he was crushed. he knew he should be happy for you, glad you were alright, but he was devastated that it wasn't him to relight the spark in your eyes and cause you to smile so widely again.
his disappointment turned into concern the more he heard about your new job; for starters, he didn't think you needed one. as far as he was aware, you were still trying to figure out what you wanted to do with your life, and you never told him anything about wanting to become a detective or working with the law. it wasn't like you had any financial troubles, and if you had he would have handed you everything you needed in a heartbeat. you used to be content with only him; hanging around him in the restaurant and going for walks by the river. but now you were seeking friendship elsewhere, and he didn’t know how to handle it.
and then he heard about the actual workplace—how would anyone in their right mind be at ease after hearing about it? you excitedly recounted your 'entrance exam' where you risked your life to be accepted into the agency. they already had you in dangerous situations before actually hiring you? you tried to reassure him, after sensing the anger simmering in the silence that surrounded him and the reluctance in his vacant gaze, that it wasn't that dangerous at all; you told him that everyone with you was very capable of stepping in and saving you if anything did go south, but he was already convinced that this new change, this job, it would bring you no good.
when you smile up at him expectantly after your long recollection comes to an end, he can only offer a forced smile in return. you, unaware of the storm brewing within him, take it as a sign that he was pleased. but he was numb to everything, haunted by the images of you hurt without him. his mind played a never ending loop of ‘what if’s’, all involving you being taken away from him. 
but your sudden excitement, it made sense to him now, after hearing you enthusiastically rave about the agency—you were obviously seeking out some thrill in your life. maybe it was just the foolishness that came with youth. the desire for adventure, and a fast-paced lifestyle that would only leave you hollow. he knew it would eventually die out as you realised how much nicer life was before the unnecessary risks and troubles, but he couldn't let it go on now, even if things would eventually sort themselves out.
he couldn't ignore the creeping feeling of dread and fear when you didn't pick up his calls and the hurt when you turned down his offer to have lunch at his workplace in favour of your new friends. resentment pulsed through his veins as you told him about how cool you thought that one detective was, how awesome everyone was with their abilities and the latest case you had worked on. the few times you could spend with him, and this was all you talked about? he would have been happy for any indication that you missed him, but there was nothing. not a single sigh, or frown, not a word about how much you miss his food and how you wish you had more time to spend with him. the only thing occupying your mind now was that godforsaken company. oda despised it.
he couldn't pretend like he was unaffected when you, in the middle of devouring a hot plate of curry rice—that he painstakingly prepared—told him that the president was almost like a father to you. he felt his heart constrict when you smiled at your food, thinking back on all his kind gestures that showed you he cared, even if it was so subtle and easy to miss. he felt his stomach lurch when you confessed that the care he showed you made you feel all warm inside. happy, you said, like you had a family. they all cared for you there. and with them, you were happy.
maybe you hadn't meant it like that, but he believed that this meant you were unhappy with him. had all his efforts to take care of you gone unnoticed? was he boring, compared to the dramatic companions you had made and the cool exterior of the ever-elusive president? what was wrong with his calm conversations and lovingly prepared meals that you found solace within such a reckless bunch instead?
he couldn't sit by unconcerned when he was aware of your new lifestyle. you were putting yourself in harm's way, chasing down criminals and the like. he knew what the armed detective agency did, and most importantly, he knew your involvement with ability users would only make you a target for their enemies. even oda had heard people grumbling and cursing out the ability users of the agency, all of who were infamous in the wrong circles. the new fear that you would leave him for them helped cement this idea in his mind. you might think you were happier now, but it didn't mean this was any good for you. it didn't mean you were safe. you were wasting away, and it felt like he was the only one who wanted to help.
he was the only one who could help.
oda fondly looks back on a certain memory with you, a year ago or so when you were tired and hungry and he had offered you a warm bowl of noodles and a promise that his doors were always open for you. to you, lonely, hungry and cold, he appeared to be an angel. you thanked him then with tear-filled eyes and a trembling voice. oda never realised how lonely he was until that day when just your presence by his side soothed his aching heart. he didn’t realise how wonderful it felt to save someone that depended on him so much.
back then, he knew that nobody would have cared for you. you were just another scruffy-looking kid with nothing to offer, just like every other child left by the streets. nobody would have looked twice at you, but he did.
he stopped beside your shrivelled-up form by a dirty wall, taking in your dishevelled appearance and the confusion in your eyes—realising you must not have been there for long. you were so trusting of him then, eagerly accepting his offer for dinner despite not knowing him. he had thought it was a good thing he came across you before anyone else. if it was anyone else, perhaps, you would not have lived for so long. you definitely would have never been as happy. all those faceless strangers walked by without a care in the world for you, but he saw you. he helped you, when nobody else did. he had always taken care of you.
so why did you want to leave him now?
oda speaks from experience when he sits you down with concern laced into his tone, gently explaining to you that this life wasn't for you. no, you were too young to be throwing your life away so recklessly. how was it right for you to be tasked with tracking criminals and dealing with whatever strange requests the agency received? what if you got hurt? would those coworkers of yours really have your back, then?
and then, you snap and tell him that it didn’t matter what he thought. you so cruelly rip apart his already bleeding heart when you tell him it was none of his business. as though he didn't save you all those months ago. as though he hasn't only wanted the best for you, treating you with so much love. as though...he meant nothing to you.
and that possibility, it's too much for him to even consider.
he knows now that this has gone too far. he can't let you walk away from him, not when you brought him so much joy and purpose. you meant so much to him; he had always put you first and yet, you were willing to toss him aside for a new job. the betrayal stung but he knew better than to blame you. you were gullible to the lies uttered by others. they had taken advantage of your willingness to trust them, and he was the only one who could bring you back home. 
he thinks back to how you used to hold his hand when crossing the street, relying on the steady movement of his feet and his firm grip to get you to the other side. now you scowl at him and turn away when he only wants to guide you to safety, as he always has. no matter how much your bitter words wound him, he knows it’s his duty to see that you don’t find yourself in harm’s way.
he had to protect you, no matter what it took.
it wasn't as hard as he thought it would be. regardless of how excited you were at first, it wasn't difficult to convince you into quitting. he was perched a safe distance away when the port mafia busted into the little office, shooting all around the place. sure, they were easily taken down by your coworkers within moments, but what mattered was the fear in your eyes. the single moment when you were terrified for your life, as those armed men stormed into the place. that one instant when your life flashed before your eyes and you realised how easily you could die. that was all he needed. 
he knew, for all your show of bravery and determination, that you were still a kid. rash, careless, and unheeding of advice because you thought you had nothing to fear. ultimately, you only needed to be shown a fraction of the real terror that awaited you, something more than the stacks of paper you had to fill out and the signatures you had to collect, to realize that you were wrong all along. he didn’t have it in him to be mad when your immediate response was to run back to him, just as you always had. regardless of your scornful words, you still turned to him when you were frightened. 
as he planned, you called him soon after, sobbing. your voice wavered pitifully over the phone, breaking as you admitted your fear, how you thought you were going to die. in between sniffles, you whispered that maybe he was right, about the danger. you weren’t cut out for this kind of life. you weren’t that selfless or strong. he didn’t let his pride bleed into his tone or the satisfaction show between his words, only promising to pick you up. he glances back at the message he received a few moments before your call, and buries the little inklings of guilt. this was better, he reasons with himself, than you leaving him. he couldn’t have borne that pain.
but when you run to him like he’s been away from you for years, holding onto his hand so tightly like you always did in his memories, his doubts are relinquished. as he looks up and locks eyes with the man he identifies as the president, he knows he didn’t imagine that flicker of recognition or that questioning look. but right now, he can care less when you are finally back in his arms. finally safe again. he had already considered the risk of a fellow employee picking up on his plan and warning you, but after weighing out the possibilities, oda had long concluded they couldn’t spend time trying to save you from the very man who wanted to keep you safe. there were few places better for you to be than in his arms right now, and there were more dire calamities awaiting them. nobody would do anything to take you away from him.
when you cry to him about the guns and the noise, the flying shrapnel and broken furniture, he squeezes your hand reassuringly. he doesn’t tell you he was watching as the incident went down, glad that you were finally going to learn. he doesn’t tell you, either, that it was him who gave that call to the port mafia, nor does he mention the favours he’s owed by them. he doesn’t tell you that he only did this for your own good, but he reminds you that he could and would always keep you safe. he would do anything for you. he loved you, after all, and he thought of you as family. 
what more could you want?
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chans-room · 2 years
Calling the Shots - 2
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Pairing: College basketball co-captain! Yoongi x college fem reader
Genre: tooth rotting fluff/college au
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: this is pure fluff, more Thotjin, long hair!yoongi bc that’s a necessary warning tbh, playful banter between Yoongi Seokjin and the reader, legal drinking (they’re not drunk just a lil tipsy), discussed daddy kink (I’m sorry i am the way i am), absolutely consensual smooching (although they are a lil drunk), Yoongles gives the reader a hickey. If I forgot anything pls let me know 🖤
A/n: I wrote this in an entirely coffee fuelled haze over the last ~8 hours. It has not beta read so she might be clean but if not pls don’t hold it against me lol I was very determined to finish this today. Also everyone can thank @haliiimede for choosing to have the kiss happen
She couldn’t quell the butterflies in her stomach as she sat next to Yoongi on the dim restaurant patio, Seokjin across from them, fully engrossed in whatever was happening on his phone, but she wasn’t sure she’d be able to look away from Yoongi if she tried.
It had only been a few hours since they’d met, but the way he looked at her made her feel electric. He was unbearably pretty with his wavy black hair that brushed the tops of his shoulders that she desperately wanted to run her fingers through. And the soft smile he kept giving her made her hands shake.
She’d found out he was not only the basketball co-captain, but something of a music prodigy who could play multiple instruments, who also wrote, composed, and produced all of his own music. It also turned out he was an absolutely abysmal student — he didn’t like to try very hard in most of his classes, despite being intelligent and incredibly thoughtful.
“Yoongs, you have to at least try,” she sighed, rolling her eyes as he smirked.
“How about this, you tutor me and I’ll try harder just for you, sunshine,” he smirked, his voice dropping slightly as he draped his arm across the back of the booth.
“Sure, I’ll tutor you,” she whispered back, feeling almost dazed by him. “The only thing I can’t help you with is math.”
“Perfect, I’m great at math,” he said, his cheeks pulling up to reveal a gummy smile that made her heart nearly stop in her chest. He was really too pretty — dangerously pretty. And if she wasn’t careful, she was sure she could fall for him without a moment of hesitation.
“Well, I’m glad to know you’re not good at everything,” she smiled, “How would I ever stand a chance against your charms if you had no flaws?”
“You’re trying to resist me? Damn, I need to try harder,” he smirked, heat blooming under her skin. She couldn’t tell if he was flirting; the three glasses of wine and tequila shot Jin had forced them into clouding her judgement, but she couldn’t help but let herself indulge in the idea.
Yoongi made it so much easier to let herself believe it was real when his fingers trailed across her bare shoulders, making her shiver.
“Are you cold?” He asked, concern painting across his face before he was taking action. “Here, take my flannel,” he said, shrugging it off his shoulders before wrapping it around her with a smile.
It smelled warm, like coffee and something distinctly masculine. It was different than Jin, or her brother. It swirled around her in an amber haze, making her mind even more foggy with the alcohol she’d consumed.
They sat in silence for a while, sipping on their drinks as the night bustled around them. “You think he’d notice if we left?” Yoongi whispered in her ear with a laugh, pointing at Jin. His cheeks were flushed from the scotch, scooting closer to her, their thighs nearly touching.
She giggled softly, shaking her head, “Not a chance; he’s probably setting up a booty call,” she whispered back.
“You realize I can hear you both, right?” Jin asked, looking up from his phone with a raised eyebrow, making both her and Yoongi dissolve into giggles. “You’re both so lucky I love you and decided not to drink. Now daddy’s gonna have to take both of you drunken messes home,” he sighed, shaking his head.
“Gross, Jinnie,” she whined, “Stop calling yourself daddy. I already told you I’d have to kill you if you kept doing it.”
Yoongi snorted, chiming in with a smirk, “Its like the fourth time you’ve done that tonight, man. I’m not one of your conquests.”
He gasped, setting his phone down and pointing a finger at both of them, “That’s funny, if I remember correctly, both of you have a daddy kink,” he said, making her choke. “That’s right. Now leave me and my booty call alone while we get some more food. Both of you gremlins need to sober up.”
“Ignore him, he’s just mad he can’t abandon us like he usually would to go fuck someone,” Yoongi rolled his eyes, scooting closer to her again — his whole body pressed against her before she felt his breath on her neck. “And he’s not wrong, I do like being called daddy.”
Her cheeks burned as she squirmed in her seat, arousal pooling in her core. It wasn’t fair how much of an affect he had on her, and the alcohol induced part of her brain told her she needed to even the playing field.
“Alright then, daddy,” she whispered back, turning to face him with a smirk. His cheeks turned a bright pink, it spread down his neck and to his ears quickly, averting his eyes with a cough.
Her phone lit up on the table in front of her with a text from Jin.
good job sunspot (; he likes u, i can tell
Her heart fluttered as her eyes snapped up to find Jin smirking at her knowingly. “Alright kids, time to put some bread into you so you can both regret this interaction tomorrow,” Jin said, locking his phone and slipping it into his pocket. “But first, cheers to my main man, Yoongo Boongo for bringing the team to yet another victory,” he said raising his glass with a smirk.
“You’re lucky I’m still your friend,” Yoongi rolled his eyes, raising his glass. She laughed, clicking her glass with them before downing the rest of her wine in one go.
“Alright, sunspot, where are your demon children tonight? I didn’t see them at the—“ Jin began but she cut him off.
“Those are my babies, Kim Thotjin! I will accept no criticism of them; they’re perfect, wholesome babies,” she frowned animatedly, brandishing a finger at him in warning.
“Your wholesome, perfect babies lit a science lab on fire, three weeks ago and are lucky they didn’t get kicked out of school,” Jin deadpanned, calling a waitress over with a flick of his wrist.
“Just because they lack impulse control doesn’t mean they’re not perfect, Thotjin! I mean, still love you, even though you’ll fuck anything with a set of tits and a firm ass,” she rolled her eyes.
“Excuse you! I have standards! I haven’t fucked you, have I?” He smirked, making Yoongi choke on his scotch as she narrowed her eyes at him.
“Aw, Jinnie,” she cooed, reaching across the table to take his face into her hands, “You know I’d rather fuck Yoongi than you. You remember the rule, I only fuck 10s,” she winked with a pat of his cheek before settling back into her seat, taking a peek at Yoongi, who was bright pink and hiding behind his hair.
“You’re lucky your brother isn’t here, he’d have a heart attack listening to you objectify poor Yoongo Boongo like that,” Jin scoffed, “Apologize to the poor boy, he doesn’t know you well enough to take your teasing even if you’re drunk.”
A flare of shame shot through her before Yoongi was speaking, “Don’t deflect, Seokjin, it’s a bad look. I’m having a great time over here listening to someone choose me over you,” he grinned, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his embrace.
Out of nowhere, a waitress appeared holding a tray full of food, giving Jin a wink as she set the various plates down before walking away. “Alright gremlins, eat up. I have a pre-booty call hookup waiting for me around the corner, and I told my actual booty call I’d meet her at her place in an hour so be quick about it. Daddy’s got money, but no time,” he said, standing up from his seat before turning to look directly at Yoongi, “Trust me, she knows I’m a 10, but fucking her would be like fucking her brother. And while I love him, I definitely don’t want him like that.”
Without another word, he was disappearing around the corner of the patio, pulled into the shadows by a hand that looked suspiciously like one of the waitress that had just walked away.
“God he’s such a whore,” she laughed, picking up a piece of bread, “I’m sorry for dragging you into our roast-fest, you didn’t deserve—“
“Don’t apologize, sunshine,” Yoongi smiled, “I’m just happy to be here. We are friends now, right?”
“Of course we are, Yoongs,” she smiled, “I already told you that.”
“Good, then you don’t have to worry about offending me,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “I know how Jin is, and I hope it’s not too forward to say that I like being around you, and I’d like to do it more.”
“Not too forward,” she shook her head, “I like being around you too Yoongi.”
“Great, because I’m gonna want to be around you so much more after tonight, you’re fucking beautiful,” he said seriously, “And smart. And funny? And you might be the first girl who’s ever looked at me when Jin is in the room and—“ She cut him off by surging forward, pressing her lips to his firmly.
She’d always heard people use the expression ‘time seemed to slow’ but she had never experienced it until right then. Yoongi’s plush, pouty lips on hers caused the world to tilt and spin on a new axis. Time ceased to exist entirely when his hand slid into her hair, cradling her head in his massive palm while keeping her exactly where he wanted. And she was pretty sure the world could end around them and she wouldn’t notice as his tongue pressed against the seam of her lips.
Her fingers tangled into the long hair at the nape of his neck as she let him invade her mouth, tasting the sharpness of the scotch on his tongue. It was unlike any kiss she’d ever had — instead of filling her with anxiety and the uncertainty, all she felt was a thrum of excitement with an underlying current of steadying comfort.
“God you fucking taste like sunlight,” Yoongi mumbled into her skin, pulling away only to drop his head into the juncture of her neck, pushing the collar of his flannel away with his nose before taking the thin skin between his teeth.
“Yoongs, we-we’re in-Jin is—“ she stuttered, eyes fluttering shut as he sucked on the skin, “Fuck,” she sighed, tightening her arms around him, tightening her grip on his hair.
He mumbled something incoherent, releasing the skin with a pop before pressing a soft kiss on the irritated skin, “‘M sorry, should’ve asked first,” he mumbled, pulling back from her embrace.
“It’s okay, Yoongi,” she smiled dreamily, “Just wanna take it slow.”
“I can do slow,” he agreed, taking her face into his hands as he stared into her eyes. She could have spent the rest of the night staring into his cat-like eyes, the warm brown reminding her of the rich amber liquid that had been swirling in his glass all night, “Just lemme kiss you one more time. Gotta make sure of something.”
She nodded softly, her eyes falling closed as he pressed forward, and for a second she was nervous that the second kiss would feel different, somehow lacking compared to the first. But when he slotted his lips over hers again in a slow, languid kiss, her fears fell away like the leaves of a cherry blossom in early spring.
“Just as I thought,” he sighed, pulling away with a dazed smile, “It gets better every time.”
Taglist: @eureka-its-zico @bibbykins @here2bbtstrash @bri-mal @paradiseyoonie @jalexad @tarahardcore @4evahevah @seokjinkismet @pasteljoonie @ninamitoo
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tyongf-nct · 2 years
Hellooo 2 and 33 huang RENJUN
holaaaa. so as I was writing this I realized I have written a similar piece for jaehyun where he gets touchy during dinner with the parents. forgive me daddy father for I have sinned. jfkshdka anyway I hope you like it and thanks for the renjun request bc I have been dying to write for him lately
2. “No panties?”
33. “Think anyone will notice if I start fingering you right now?”
dynamic: huang renjun x female reader
warnings/tags: public sex, oral sex (female receiving), eating out (literally and metaphorically), female-only pleasure, touching under the table
The restaurant Renjun took you to was fancy, much fancier than your usual choice. It was your birthday, after all, and you decided to choose a place that was different that the normal hole-in-the-wall you preferred. The small candle in the center of the table flowed gently in the dim lighting, soft and romantic. The two of you were even dressed nicely, though you were lacking one essential piece—your panties.
“I think I dropped my napkin. My dress is short, could you grab it for me please?” You asked sweetly. Renjun nodded, placing his silverware down on the plate with a soft clink before sliding out of his chair. The long white tablecloth went all the way down to the floor, essentially covering him entirely once he went under the round table. Perfect.
Just before Renjun had the chance to come up without a napkin, you spread your legs, showing your throbbing bare core to him.
“Oh fuck,” you heard him whisper. Suppressing a laugh, you reached to lift the cloth and make eye contact with Renjun. His face was flushed bright pink, pupils blown and mouth hanging open.
“Drooling over your meal already?” You smirked. His head whipped side to side, making sure no one was watching.
“It’s okay. Our table is so isolated. I went without them for you,” you spoke quietly. Renjun made a fist and shoved it into his mouth dramatically, pulling a small giggle from you.
“No panties? Are you trying to kill me?” He whispered. You spread your legs further, dragging his back to your center. You could feel that you were swollen, wanting to press your legs together to relieve some of the pressure but needing Renjun to be the one to touch you.
“It’s my birthday, you know.”
“Fuck. I need to taste you,” he leaned in, licking his lips before kissing you firmly on your pussy. You sucked in a breath, glancing to be sure the waiter wasn’t near before relaxing back in your chair. The rush of adrenaline made it feel all the more good, Renjun eating you sloppily and rather loudly.
“For someone so concerned about getting caught, you’re not exactly being discreet,” you laughed with a heavy breath. Renjun grinned against you, pushing his tongue into you suddenly. Just then, you noticed the waiter making his way over to your table.
You lurched forward, gripping the table and cursing under your breath. The tablecloth easily covered what Renjun was doing, as well as the wide spread of your legs, so you pasted on a smile and prayed to the universe that Renjun would be quiet.
“How is everything?” The waiter asked. You smiled tightly, tingles of pleasure traveling down to your toes as Renjun licked long stripes up your core continuously. He was using both of his hands to spread your legs now, thumbs working to keep your lips apart as he ate you out vigorously.
“Great!” Your voice squeaked, so you cleared your throat and tried again. “Just great.”
The waiter smiled warily, glancing at the empty seat across from you.
“Wonderful. Do you two…need anything?”
I need to fucking come, you thought.
“No! No, we’re alright. My boyfriend had to run to the restroom, but we’ll finish up when he comes back and then get the check,” you breathed. You were struggling to keep your face neutral; Renjun was fucking his tongue deep into you now, letting his teeth scrape against your clit and ripping a gasp from you.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” The waiter asked with a confused frown.
“Yes! Perfectly alright. Thank you,” you attempted to dismiss him. He seemed to get the hint, walking away too slowly. Once he was out of eyesight, you lifted the cloth to watch Renjun eat you. His eyes were closed, absorbed in what he was doing. You reached your orgasm quickly after that, watching his jaw work sexily and mirroring Renjun by stuffing a fist into your own mouth to stifle a moan.
Once you started to become overstimulated, you pushed Renjun away and he came back up to his chair, wiping his mouth delicately with his napkin. You made eye contact and both burst into laughter, faces warm and eyes watering.
“That was probably a little too risky,” you spoke with a low voice. Renjun leaned on his elbows, shit-eating grin and all.
“Think anyone will notice if I start fingering you right now?”
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upsidedowngrass · 2 years
one of my favorite details about liam is the fact that he is very nice!!!! but he does NOT seem to get manners
his whole motive thruout season 2 is that he wants to save the others. from the looks of it, he doesnt CARE about the revenge part that much. like yeah itd be nice to stop the guy that physically harmed and killed you bc he did that, but thats an afterthought really - and i didnt interpret liam trying to kill airy even as an attempt at revenge so much as an extremely irrational and extremely stress-induced method of trying to make sure his friend + the others DIDNT get sent to the plane. his main priority is repeatedly that he wants to stop this from happening to anyone else. the only time he mentions himself is when saying that he 'cant live the rest of his life not knowing WHY this happened' (thats paraphrased) but that is immediately followed up w concern for this happening to other people
ofc, he also thinks he literally Has Nothing so the lengths he goes to to save the others CAN be interpretted as not things he would do if he thought he could go back to normal but at that point, thats just extremely specific speculation and i dont think thats supposed to be whats conveyed. some situations wouldnt even be necessarily related to him not having anything, so much as related to helping the others. he still throws himself into everything after "remembering what its like to have a life again." even when he realizes that he doesnt HAVE to have lost everything, he still cared and wanted to help the others more
i think he wanted closure, yeah, but he really did want to save the others. the scene of him helping julien is there for a narrative reason, after all (though i dont wanna get into that bc id go on a tangent about narrative choices in ONE). hell, hes the only one to try to get charlie out of the way of the stakes! (not that the others didnt try, but i feel like the intended take-away of liams general nature is fairly clear)
anyway, liam is nice!! he cares a lot abt others and doesnt want bad things to happen to them, and hes ok with bad things happening to him if it can help them.
but he does NOT understand a lot of social etiquette, or the concept of being polite.
my favorite example of this is the whole discussion abt going to go see bradley. when the restaurant gets shut down, liams first thought is to go 'sooooo. you dont have work, right?' when liam realizes he cant pay for the laptop, he just kinda. 'i dont have any money.' and stares at bryce like a cat looking at your plate of sandwich meat, waiting for you to inevitably give them some
this isnt even ONLY after the 7 months, theres hints of this trait before then! when amelia is talking abt stone making her team when the challenge, he just goes 'yeah sorry.' then talks abt how texty won their teams challenge, pointedly when texty is RIGHT there. liam doesnt even say goodnight back to owen! (this ones less impolite than the others but i think its silly to include)
it should be noted tho, that while this ISNT present before and after the plane, it DOES show up more prominently afterwards, and this could very much be the stress! but looking at WHY its more prominent afterwards also feels like it points more towards this just being How He Is.
all of the things hes kinda impolite abt? are things where he is TRYING to be nice, or arent unkind inherently. hes going to talk to bradley? well, doesnt bryce want to come? driving him there is more efficient anyway. oh you have work? well now you dont! so now things are easier! staying here isnt gonna make the restaurant reopen anyway! (liam also probably does NOT have the same weight associated w jobs that bryce does, since liam hasnt had a job in a capitalist society in 7 months. its probably still subconsciously there, but not at the forefront when the plane is still out there). i crashed your car? well, i think the lives of others matters a little more. you can get a new car, but if something happens to airys contestants WHO KNOWS whatll happen to them
a lot of it, i think, is made more extreme by stress and trauma, yeah, but these are patterns in logic that seem to already discard manners as being that relevant. and i, autistic, chose to view that as something hes just Like. hes not a dick and he doesnt ever mean to be! but also if someone can do something fairly minor to do something more important, why does he NEED to be polite abt it?? whats the POINT you get the same message across! and thats assuming he even REALIZES these things are "impolite," based on a lot of his interactions w vryce, i legitimately dont think he realizes how he acts could sometimes be considered 'impolite'
where bryce is knowingly kind of rude sometimes and doesnt care (though is STILL kind, he is just more blunt and uninterested in sounding nice, which i could do an entirely different essay on the autism of), liam seems to not really notice manners, nor does he think theyre very important to consider, and i just. really love that about his character :)
this is the kind of guy that, if you stubbed ur toe, hed probably not say 'oohh, sorry :(' and hed just be 'dang, that sucks' and move on
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thatwildnya · 2 years
commission time!
thank you @thicity-dicity for that sweet succulent cash money i hope you enjoy the first batch!
general pre-relationship headcanons
Heartslabyul edition
this poor boy doesn’t realize his feelings until someone points it out
he’s so confused why he can’t stay mad at you
you keep breaking rules but he feels bad doing anything more than a slap on the wrist
thinks you put a curse on him
then Cater is like “maybe u r feeling sexual attraction?”
suddenly everything clicks
he starts screaming and is having a mini breakdown sir please calm down you’re scaring the hedgehogs
if you listen closely you can hear chenya falling from a tree
drew up a hypothesis and puts it to the test dear doitsu just confess you tiny horny teen
his confession is simple, asks you out for dinner and confesses with a bouquet of roses he grew and tended himself
he has an adorable blush and can’t look you in the eyes it’s so cute
when you accept he gets this huge grin on his face and gives your hand a kiss
if you give him a kiss on the cheek he’ll jerk away in surprise sputtering nonsense but he’s still got that adorable grin
will hide his face if you point it out, telling you it’s not true
kiss him on the mouth and he’s out for the count
spends the rest of the night in a daze and barely registers anything
will hold your hand for the rest of the night but only if you initiate
realizes his feelings fairly quickly but isn’t in a hurry to confess
he’s only 18 there’s no rush for him to find the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with
definitely one to test out the waters before confessing
flirts with you so much he’s bent on making you blush
instead of waiting for you to come to him for help he seeks you out
likes to show off for you (and of course teases you when he’s successful)
Purposely makes the kitchen warmer so he has an excuse to take off his shirt while he bakes OwO
feeds you sweets so much you’ll gain weight if you’re not careful
not that he’ll mind, he finds chubby people attractive he gets this weird urge to feed and spoil them with sweets whenever he sees them
confesses with, surprise surprise, a cake!
when you accept he hugs you and gives your forehead a smooch
glues himself to your side a week
good luck getting away he wants to make sure everyone understands you’re his
this man takes for fucking ever to finally accept his feelings
you won’t realize his feelings unless you squint
he’s either seeking you out or avoiding you like the plague
please see a therapist you depressed f♢ckboy
spends hours at a time scrolling through your socials if you post a lot
drags you out to visit trendy restaurants and stores
gets pouty if you ignore him
confesses on accident
you’re taking pictures and when he’s editing them you overhear him say ‘ugh I’m down so bad.”
upon realizing what he said he goes
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and tries to play it cool he totally planned this what are you talking about
this was the best image i could find through my laptop pls don't come for my ass
his face is red? it’s just a bit hot in here *insert nervous laughter*
you’re inside in the air conditioning. you become concerned.
gives you a suffocating hug when you accept and will pick up and twirl you around if you he can
he’s got a goofy grin and slight blush he looks so cute right now
smack his phone away if he tries to pull a ‘must blog this moment’
don’t worry his case is really sturdy you won’t break it
this asshat bullies and teases you like a child when he likes someone no questions asked
says the stupidest things to get your attention
‘you think beastmen have to deal with fleas?’ ‘ace you fuckhead it’s 1 in the morning go the fuck to sleep’
drags you to his club so he can show off
Jamil and Floyd see right through him and make it their mission to embarrass him instead
well Floyd is the one who’s mostly being an ass Jamil just gets dragged into his schemes bc he’s there
Ace better be careful if he gets too obvious and takes too long to confess Floyd will get bored and straight up out him
when he flirts it's 50/50 he either succeeds with flying colors or it turns into a dumpster fire
same goes for if you flirt back, he either plays it cool or becomes a stuttering mess and tries to escape
learned the hard way not to flirt during club time Floyd threw a basketball at his head and ended up with a bump that lasted a week
someone please put the bipolar man child in time out for that
if you’re lucky he’ll buy you a gift when he confesses
it’s cheap chocolates that were on clearance he doesn’t get much allowance cut him some slack okay
accept and he lets out a victory shout
he’s glued to your side from then on for at least a month have fun dealing his jackassery
ate half the chocolate he got for you this is what you signed up for
like Riddle someone probably needs to spell it out for him
it’s his mom that enlightens him
look he’s always gushing about you to her she sees right through him
whenever he sees you he comes up to you asking if you need help with anything
offers to carry your stuff for you or help you with any chores you have
takes you on a magical circle wheel ride weeeeee
please go watch him during his club practice and track meets you can practically see a tail wagging behind him
Jack helps him show off like a true bro would it’s part of the bro code okay
follows mama’s advice like the good boy he is and buys you flowers and chocolates for the confession
he wrote a speech but he keeps stuttering and at some point yells ‘fuck it’ and in the heat of the moment grabs your face and kisses you
please please please kiss him back he will be in an intense happy daze for the rest of the day and follow you like a lovesick puppy
he’s flustered for a month after you two become an item and is in disbelief you accepted please do your best to make him feel loved
Ace made a bet with Floyd and Jamil that if he could make a basket he would confess. he did not come close to making it. if you listen closely you can hear his senpai's making fun of him to this day.
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flockofdoves · 2 years
my day was like . awful stuff sandwiching a really nice time with friends
this was also after the frustration with medical care and trying to be able to hear normally again this morning
got in a car accident. id never done anything beyond bumping a car while parking before so that was really scary and i think will be shaking up me while im driving for a while. both me and the other person are totally fine and so does their car and mine just had my license plate have a bolt fall off so its crooked and bent a bit
but i just feel really awful and was so shakey earlier. my car has a bad transmission so sometimes if it gets stuck in a low gear when im merging onto a road or getting to speed after being stopped i have to really push on the gas for a second so i can make sure that cars behind me wont be at risk of hitting me
so i did that while turning right from my apartments driveway onto the one lane highway its right off of. but like 500 ft ahead of that there was a car and by the time i realized it was stopped and really pressed down on the breaks i still ended up hitting it (i also dont think my ABS started? which is a bit concerning i should look into that. but maybe my memory is being weird) and after getting out of the car i was like ‘oh my god im so sorry this is all my fault’ and also admitted fault when the cop came and gave the person my info but they didnt give me theirs.
and like. it definitely was the vast majority my fault i should have paid better attention and reacted quicker
but also the more i think about it like. this person said to the cop ‘i had my warning lights on to pick up food from the restaurant across the street’. in the moment hearing that i was like. oh my god how did i not see their warning lights and just think they were a moving car im so stupid’ but now i wonder like. maybe they didnt even have them on? literally no way to know and regardless i shouldve been more aware of my surroundings. but also like. regardless of if warning lights were on and that im responsible for the accident after the fact thinking about it im like. why the hell would you stop with your warning lights on in a one lane each direction road with a high speed limit just to pick up food when the restaurant to the left literally has a parking lot. wild choice to make.
also freaked out for a bit bc i didnt have my up to date insurance policy but ig its still the same i just had a print out from before it was renewed a couple months ago but nonetheless panicked in the moment
and then the cop said to go online to find the accident report so i did that right when i got home but it said it required a nonrefundable $20 fee to just search for a report with whatever info you filled out and no opportunity to give multiple options for what to search. and then after i promptly did that assuming hopefully since he told me to do it right after i got home its 90 day meant that it would update me over the next few months. but no lmao i got this email right after. feeling like the joker
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ig time to either continually pay $20 to do this promptly or call the police departments office which is closed til tuesday and i bet has hours similar to when ill be in work
oh also after id eased a bit at driving by being with friends in the car on me and my gfs way back from dropping off a friend at night then a cop in a nearby town pulled me over on an empty road like ‘your plate is crooked also your license plate light on the back is burnt out’ and the second part is likw. literally im from out of state as you can see on my license plates can you even enforce that here i didnt think that was a thing in every state and no ones ever pulled me over for it before
i was planning on going to drive 2.5 hours to rhide island tonight and then 2.5 back tomorrow to go see family since i have a long weekend at work and my brother and mom just got back to rhode island but obvs not doing that tonight now. i wanted to sleep on it to feel less shaken up about everything. but now after i got pulled over im not even sure about tomorrow. i guess that was my warning so i might get a ticket or whatever if i dont find out how to fix all that stuff asap :(
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slowparts · 2 months
sometimes i forget that this is actually a blog i can write about my life on. crazy right. anyways. this will probably be the first of many bc shits getting fucking insane in the membrane.
tw medical, cancer maybe, some vast unnameable fear saturday
gabriel has multiple masses in his neck and lymph nodes that we found out about on tuesday. one is nearly two inches long. he’s been complaining about neck pain for months. he had a regular checkup last week, his doc correctly noted his enlarged lymph nodes and ordered an ultrasound, he went for that on monday. on Thursday the (marked urgent) orders for the ct scan of his major lymphatic system + biopsy of his neck finally got sent to the hospital for scheduling. they haven’t called us yet though so i’ll be ringing them in the morning.
and like. yeah. i’ve felt his neck and i can feel it in there. this sounds dumb but he’s always had a big fucking neck. he’s just built like that, with a jawline that can retreat into his neck at a moments notice. he loves making people laugh with it. and yeah under his beard it’s obviously there. and i realize i’ve been staring at it for weeks, months maybe. noting something was off but not putting together what. even if i had, he’s a round soft boy. i’d never say a fucking thing about his chins getting bigger bc i know he feels self conscious about it sometimes. like i couldn’t have known. he’s been attributing his neck pain to his incredibly long working hours lifting things and working the restaurant. he’s been in pain for months and we still don’t know anything about it. i do not want to pre-worry about hypotheticals when we don’t even know what it is. and honestly, most of the time i fully believe it. i can usually talk myself (and often him, too) through a wave of fear about the not knowing, and the waiting. right before i am trying to sleep is the hardest. i dont want to take any meds to help at this point bc i need to be up in about 4 hours and be at work an hour or two after that, but the fear is eating me alive right now. so im writing this to hopefully exorcise some of it, maybe wear my brain out just enough to crash.
it might not even be anything as bad as all that. but it could be, and that’s going to be the rock in my shoe until we know literally anything besides how big the masses are. which coupled with the months of his being in neck pain—he is fucking averse to ibuprofen so whenever he complains about aching and i offer meds he declines 75% of the time, so i always just assume it’s because. he is lifting shit all day at work and when he’s not lifting things he’s at a computer doing other work things. he’s an achy boy and i rub his shoulders and kiss him lots and love him with everything in me. anyway i just assumed it wasn’t anything major. —so the size of the masses + the amount of time he’s been in pain = I’m Really Fucking Concerned. and i can’t fucking do anything about it right now so i should just go to sleep. but when i put my phone down and close my eyes and try to sleep, im more aware of him next to me. and i love him being there. but my brain is making extremely unsolicited leaps and bounds from “oh, my partner is next to me in bed, i love sleeping next to him” to “what if he wasn’t next to me in bed and what if he never would be again because he died from this thing” which is like. literally THE most unhelpful thought to be having while you’re trying to sleep. So i’m gonna ride it out until sleep comes for me like a brick, or until my shift ends tomorrow.
i am so fucking scared. i don’t think i have ever felt fear like this before. everyone in my family who died of cancer died before i was born. i have only ever seen this play out at arms length. if i dwell on that fear, if i try to say what it is i’m afraid of (because for me, naming it is the first step to working through it), its like something primordial in my brain takes over. tangle of eels, oil spill dark and swallowing. no language for it yet.
when he had appendicitis and was in incredible amounts of pain, he described his pain on the 1-10 scale as a 3, maybe a 4. Granted that was nearly 9 years ago and he’s more aware of the fact that he as a man is allowed to be in pain and express it and treat it. so tonight he described the pain in his neck as a 7 that went down to a 5 with the ibuprofen. when he said 7 i had to stop myself from putting him in the car and taking him to the hospital right then. but it was already down to a 5. and he’s sleeping, and has been for a while now, so well at least wait until the morning.
i know he’s scared too, and i truly do not want him to have to be thinking about my fucked up brain feelings in the insomnia hours on top of everything else right now. i will not be telling him about this bc i want to self soothe. its a great time for me to practice. tomorrow night with meds. bc tonight i genuinely don’t think im sleeping. the clock just keeps…. going. and i keep being here.
and the fuck of it all is i do not know. and we wont for days to come. and i just have to live with that and keep reminding myself that it might not be that bad, and that lymphoma has a really high survival rate if it is that, and at least we know about it now. and the hospital has the orders for the next steps and he or i will call tomorrow to see if we can get the ct scan + biopsy scheduled as soon as possible. and tomorrow night, instead of dreading bedtime and spiraling the second i put my phone down for the night, i will take one of my anxiety meds preemptively. if i took it now id be zonked by the time i have to be at work and i do better sleep-deprived and winging it utterly than i do sleep-deprived with benzodiazepines in my system. but tomorrow night i can plan better. and we will get through it.
i love him so much. i know i know i know he will be okay. i don’t need to worry about all that right now.
also somehow!!!! on top of ALL OF THIS!!!!!! my brain is somehow able to sustain a positively unhinged crush on a friend, who doesn’t use tumblr thank god. few truly safe spaces remain in this world for me to have a full on mental breakdown complete with insomnia and inexplicable horniness. sorry that’s more than you needed probably. no actually im not sorry it’s my blog. this is under a readmore. if you’re here you’re in it now.
i think i started writing this post like two hours ago. at least 90 minutes have elapsed. Anyways. i love you im kissing you on the forehead and thank you for reading this and being here with me in a way. i love you.
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tklpilled · 2 years
explain the plot of rune factory 4
major spoilers ofc
so its like. half farming sim half story game right. you start off on an airship holding these glowing blue stones and your main goal is to get them to selphia so you can deliver them to the dragon god who lives there. however the airship is attacked and the stones fall off the ship and you are knocked out. when you wake up you don’t remember anything but your name so they throw you off as well. you land in a castle on a dragon who is understandably concerned why someone just fell from the sky. her name is ventuswill (venti for short), you tell her your name and that you lost your memory. she decides that you must be the prince(ss) who was supposed to arrive that day and tells one of your butlers to prepare you a room. you go to rest and the next day you go see venti again when a guy shows up. his name is arthur and he’s the Actual prince who is supposed to arrive, but he doesnt want his prince duties so he gives them to you and you’re like great. sure. this is fine. you go talk to the other townsfolk, there are a bunch but the ones you need to know are
-illuminata, who runs the flower store
-doug, who helps run the general store
-porcoline, who owns the restaurant
-jones and nancy, who own the clinic
so you start getting accustomed to your life in selphia, you’re out exploring when you come across a forest called yokmir forest. you go inside and you fight all the monsters in there bc there are monsters in this game and once you beat the boss it transforms into a girl. doug shows up because he was walking by and noticed you and you’re both confused but you take her to the clinic. you go report it to venti and she acts a little questionable but she can’t explain why a monster turned into a girl. the next day you visit the clinic and see that the girl is awake now. her name is amber and she also lost her memory just like you. illuminata shows up and takes her to live with her since she has a spare room. amber’s a sweetheart and she becomes fast friends with everyone but her memory doesn’t come back.
a few days pass until you walk in on some people talking to venti about how they’ve been hearing strange noises at night. venti tells you to go and investigate a place called the water ruins, so you go there and fight all the monsters and this time the boss transforms into a guy. you take him to the clinic and jones and nancy are very concerned because this is really fuckin weird right. the next day you go to the clinic and jones tells you that the guy ran away, but since he was injured he couldn’t have gone far. you find him in front of venti, unconscious, and venti definitely knows more than she lets on but she won’t tell you anything. when the guy wakes up back at the clinic he says his name is dylas and just like you and amber he has no memory. this time he goes to live with porcoline and becomes a waiter at the restaurant.
some time passes and people in town start talking about seeing ghosts. you come across the ghost yourself, she’s a little girl and she tells you to follow her since you’re the one who “saved the other two”. her name is pico, you follow her to a haunted place called obsidian mansion and at this point you know the drill and it’s a girl again this time. pico drags her back to the town and you follow them, you overhear her and venti talking. venti erases the girl’s memory and they talk a little more until venti mentions that she’s dying. you rush inside and ask venti to explain everything to you. venti is getting more exhausted by the second but she stays awake long enough to tell you the story. the girl’s name is dolce, pico is the ghost that haunts her, and dolce and dylas and amber are all things called guardians. they sacrificed their lives to help venti stay alive longer, since she was supposed to die centuries ago, and now that they’re being saved because of your power she’s getting weaker. they were all venti’s friends, the fourth and final guardian is a man named leon and she begs you to save him before she passes out. you walk outside and doug is waiting. he heard everything and you ask him what he thinks you should do. he says you should save leon and let venti die, but he doesn’t elaborate on why he doesn’t like her and runs off. dolce wakes up and at this point the townspeople are used to this kinda thing so they don’t ask many questions and nancy shows up to take her to live with her and jones at the clinic.
you go to your room and as you’re about to go to sleep a monster shows up and steals a charm that venti gave you. you chase after it and it leads you to a cave in yokmir forest. in the cave you find a glowing blue stone that the monster seems interested in, so you take it. eventually you end up at the place you saved amber. you put it on the ground but suddenly the forest is filled with energy and runes, which are the things that keep the earth and everything in it alive. the monster gives venti’s charm back and the forest tells you to take care of venti. doug shows up and he calls the stone a rune sphere, there are four of them and they’re filled with an incredible amount of runes. you’re excited because it means you can save venti and free the guardians but doug gets angry and says that if you’re going to save venti, then you two are enemies and he says he’ll find the other rune spheres before you do. the next day you ask around town to see if anyone has seen a rune sphere, and dylas says he saw one at the water ruins. you go there and get it and place it where you freed dylas, and again there are a lot of runes that show up. doug finds you and starts to get nervous but he says he won’t let you get all of them. the third one is in a cave near the obsidian mansion, and when you put it in dolce’s place pico runs in and says that venti has woken up. she tells you that leon karnak, the tower where leon is, is in the forest of beginnings which is where all monsters come from. doug comes in and threatens to kill venti, because she’s the one who killed his family. she says she didn’t do it but she’s very calm about it all and tells him to do what he thinks is right. he’s very conflicted but in the end he gives the final rune sphere to you. venti is tired and falls back asleep, and when you leave the whole town is waiting for you. they say no human has ever come out of the forest of beginnings but theyll look for ways to try.
eventually they find a traveler named barrett who has a ring that can transport you out of the forest of beginnings, but you can only use it once. you go to leon karnak and make your way up, and as you go you get some of the guardians’ memories of their last moments. when you reach the top and defeat the boss, leon wakes up and starts to float in the air, so you can’t hold onto him as you teleport out. you finally decide to throw the ring up at him to get him out and you stay behind. act one ends BUT ACTUALLY IT DOESNT venti shows up and flies you out of there and back to selphia. leon is waiting inside for you and he and venti have a conversation. he ends up staying at the inn and is the only one with his memories. AND NOW ACT ONE ACTUALLY ENDS
act two starts a while later, after venti has restored the other three guardians’ memories, when the town is attacked by the enemy empire called the sechs empire who have stolen the rune spheres. they reveal doug to be a spy and say that they’re the ones who actually killed his family. doug is attacked and goes to the clinic while you fight the enemy. doug says that they have a hideout in a place called idra cave. you go there and make your way through and see the emperor named ethelberd. they’ve been developing clones of the four native dragons (who are basically gods in this world, venti is one of them) and when you show up they make you fight one of the clones. arthur shows up after the battle and tells you how to get to the sechs territory. along the way you have to fight another clone and once you reach their territory you have to fight the third and final one that they have. ethelberd tells you that you’re very strong and he admires it, and that he’ll be waiting to fight you somewhere. when you get back to the town you see that there’s a place called the floating empire, where ethelberd is waiting for the final battle.
so you fight him and then venti shows up but ethelberd uses the spheres to join them together so he can use venti’s power for himself. you nearly fail, but using power that venti and the guardians lend you, you’re able to win. ethelberd eventually dies, but as he does, venti starts to die as well but she manages to stay with you and take you back to selphia. the town celebrates at porcoline’s restaurant but when you go to visit venti, she says that she died with ethelberd and all you can see of her now is a spirit. she starts to fade away and in her final moments she asks you to smile so that it’s the last thing she sees, and once she’s finally gone, the guardians walk in behind you.
a year passes and the town manages to keep going without her, although they all still miss her. act two ends and you’ve beaten the game.
however there is still more post-game story. the guardians come up with a plan to go to the forest of beginnings and save venti and bring her back, so act three is doing that and bringing her back :)
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134340am · 2 years
hello yuna!! ur working on bnha stuff again? how exciting!! hmm, if i had to guess, is ur new drabble about shouto? 🙇🏻‍♀️
u r absolutely right todoroki shouto x gn!reader, 0.5k words warnings: no mention of gender-specific body parts, public sex, mutual loss of virginity, tender touches, nsfw — minors do not interact.
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you guessed, long before you even dated him, that shouto would consider his first time with his partner sacred and precious. he’d want a plush bed with silk pillows and rose petals, plenty of prep with more than half of his time spent between their legs, lots of sweet kisses and gentle affirmations…
too bad you don’t have the patience for that, not when your lover is looking like the dictionary definition of dashing in his loose button-up and wind-swept hair. and while the thought of having a bed to crash in after you were done with your anniversary dinner was nice, your sole focus right now is finding somewhere secluded—a dressing room, a toilet cubicle, or even the janitor’s closet—anywhere private enough for you to stick your hand down his pants freely.
shouto’s not happy, of course. he had this elaborate plan in his head of fucking you soft and slow into thousand-thread count sheets while the moon hangs high in the sky. but who is he to say no when you’re clinging to his bicep, all arched up against him with your puppy dog eyes just begging for him to be inside you? 
so here you are, pressed up against the cold concrete wall of the restaurant’s fancy washroom, moaning into shouto’s collarbone while he eases inside of you.
“you alright, love?” he asks, one hand pulling your thigh up over his hip while the other rubs soothingly at the small of your back. 
“it hurts,” you moan. “you—you’re fucking big. give me some time.”
he blinks. “sorry—“ he blurts out, choking when you squeeze around his cock.
despite everything—the astringent smell of lemon-scented cleaning product, the discomfort of not being able to move inside you, and the muted buzz of the dinner crowd outside, shouto drops your leg gently to embrace you sweetly. with one hand cradling the back of your head and the other rubbing circles into your overheated back, the tender gesture almost has you forgetting he has his cock in you. almost. 
“take as long as you need,” he whispers into your hair, then grunts when you spasm around him in response. “i’ll pull out if you want.” 
“i-it’s fine, just needa get used to the size.”
“breathe for me, sweetheart.”
you manage a shuddery inhale. your hands slip down shouto’s biceps to grip his forearms. as you try to even out your breathing, you start to feel the steady hum of pleasure stirring in your stomach, which makes you sigh contentedly against shouto’s clammy neck. 
“feel good?” your lover asks.
“yeah,” you whisper back. you clench around him again, intentionally this time, and giggle when his hips stutter into yours clumsily. “‘m fine. you can move now, shouto.”
“alright, love.” eyes still glimmering with concern, shouto hikes you further up against the wall before dropping a tender kiss on your cheek. when he pulls back, however, his eyes were clouded over with lust and want. “please stop me if i’m hurting you. but otherwise, stay quiet and let me do my job.”
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a/n: screaming bc the last time i wrote for shouto was 14 march... as a self-proclaimed shouto lover i m embarrassed pls don't look at me (masterlist)
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ravenrune · 3 years
Hi hello i have to ask bc this is all i crave right now... do you have any soft headcanons or scenarios for loving wesker?? Im love this man a lot and just... soft domestic stuff is my shit, man. Thank u!!
I like it! I'll keep him in character as much as possible, but soften him up a bit. So less psychopathic, I suppose. Warnings: Refers to sex once, but no actual sexual content. I got carried away again. Hope you'll like it, I gave it my best shot!
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∞ Since Wesker cares a lot about you, he does his best to be respectful, patient and attentive. Whereas normally he'd show people the door the moment they would test his patience, he doesn't do that when you disagree with him, or when take your sweet time getting something done. He may say something every once in a while that might be hurtful, but it's not his intention. So if you tell him he made you feel unsafe, uncomfortable or unheard, he will apologise and ensure it never happens again.
∞ Whatever you tell Wesker, he will remember it. He'll remember everything you like, everything you dislike, everything you ever want to try. He'll remember it and, when the time is right, use it to show you he cares.
∞ So you wanted to give that one hobby a go? Wesker will be on it real fast. You'll be trying something new in no time. ∞ You hate that one food item? He'll make sure you never have to eat it. He'll even complain at a restaurant if your dish contains said food. ∞ You want a specific pet? You'll have it, perhaps even more than one. That is, if it is responsible to keep it in the house, of couse. ∞ He cares about a pet's well-being too!
∞ He loves taking you out for dinner and introducing you to all the of the different cuisines the world has to offer. It makes him happy, because he feels like he gets to live a little more by spending time and sharing things with you.
∞ Wesker likes to fuss over you. He's concerned with your well-being and will make sure you eat enough and stay hydrated. He'll also make sure there is healthy food available at all times.
∞ Wesker will be affectionate. Not always in public, but definitely when you're alone with him. He doesn't mind if you sit in his lap when he's working at his laptop. He also doesn't mind cuddling on the couch. You will get random kisses throughout the day. He was never the type to watch a lot of television, unless it was educational, but if you want to watch a specific series or film, he'll happily join you if he has the time. Hell, he'll even try to play a video game with you, if you want him to! He's not very good at them, though...
∞ He won't leave you alone when you're sick. He will cancel whatever appointments he may have and just work from home. He'll make sure you take your meds on time, and that you have water and digestible food available at all times.
∞He'll also annoy you with random check-ups, like checking your pulse, oxygen saturation and temperature. If anything changes, he'll either take action, or take you to a hospital. He might be a bit extreme when it comes to this sort of thing...
∞ Wesker will be very supportive of whatever you decide to do with your life. He wants you to succeed in something you really enjoy doing, and will make sure to motivate you, help you out, and offer advice whenever he can. If you need some help achieving your goals, he'll happily be there for you. And if he can't help you, he'll find someone who can.
∞ When it comes to sex, he has his preferences. However, he's extremely open-minded and willing to try whatever you come up with. He will also respect you when there's something you don't want to do. No means no. Wesker not only understands it, he encourages you to be open with him about it.
∞ Really, he encourages you to be open with him about everything. He may not always know what to say or do, but he'll be there for you regardless.
∞ At the end of the day, when you're in bed before you go to sleep, he likes to talk. He wants to know what you've been up to, what's on your mind, whatever things have brought you either joy or sadness that day. He listens very attentively, lightly caressing your back while you lie snuggled up against him. He may share bits and pieces about his own days, but he does make sure to keep certain things a secret, as he really doesn't want to drive you away from him.
∞ He will continue caressing your back until you fall asleep with your head in the crook of his neck and your arm draped around his waist. When you've fallen asleep, he'll gently kiss your forehead and try to take a nap himself.
∞ However, even if he can't sleep, he will still manage to relax. The sound of your breathing is one of the very few things in life that makes him feel warm and comfortable on the inside. He's learnt to treasure those moments, as they're quite new to him, and he's not sure what he would do without them anymore.
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kissingnamjoon · 3 years
Forgotten | Min Yoongi x Reader (Part 1)
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader 
Genre: Its angst. did u rly expect anything else from me?
Summary:  “I don’t care about the clothes, Yoongi! I just wanted to see you! We did not have to set up these reservations for a fancy restaurant, I told you that! This was your idea! Why aren’t you listening to what I’m saying?” You spoke boldly into the phone. You knew Yoongi was stubborn and not one to let up easily, so you anticipated his response. “Because you’re not fucking saying anything worth listening too.” And with that, the phone clicked, and he hung up.
A/N: Hi I’m back after what seems like forever. Did you guys miss me? kadljflsjflks. Also, I really tried focusing on the readers perspective in this part, the next part will focus more on Yoongi’s. I’m hoping you guys like this bc I havent written in a while and I might be a little rusty. Okay. THATS ALL. ENJOY. FEEDBACK PLS
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Your back ached tremendously as you walked barefoot across the concrete. Expensive heels in your hand, that you bought specifically for tonight. Tear’s slowly flowing down your puffy cheeks, too wrapped up in your own thoughts to care what any by passers thought. You knew there was a cheapy motel down the street tonight, and that is where your feet started taking you. There was no way you were going home to Yoongi. Not after the way he spoke to you and made you feel. What were you ever suppose to say to him? You felt embarrassed that you were so excited for tonight, thinking about it all day and dolling yourself up, and he didn’t even give you the time of his day. Fuck, if he would even be home. He made it abundantly clear that he did not want to see you, or at least that is what he made you feel.
“Yoongi……where are you?” Your soft voice came through the phone. You were surprised he even picked up this time. It only took 4 text messages and 3 phone calls for him to answer. You normally would not call or text him so excessively, but tonight was supposed to be different. You thought, no, you KNEW he would make it to your date tonight. He promised you. Your guy’s relationship had been going through a rough patch, with Yoongi being consumed by work and BTS. You knew his job was demanding, but all you asked for was a little bit of his time. Hell, this date was not even your idea. It was HIS. He was determined to make up his recent neglect to you, and you were more than content to just settle on the couch for a movie night with him. But Yoongi thought you deserved more than that.
However, his actions did not match his thoughts. He did not make you feel like you deserved anything from him. As a matter of fact, right now, you felt the complete opposite.
You thought maybe he had just run into some traffic after it was 10 minutes past 8. You were very naïve and hopefully, and the thought of him standing you up or forgetting honestly did not cross your mind. Tonight, was going to be different. But then 10 minutes turned into 15 minutes. 25 minutes. 45 minutes. An hour. You started to feel nervous that tonight was going to be like the last several months. It would only be validation that whatever else was going on in Yoongi’s life, whether it be work or personal, was always going to take priority over you. When did your relationship become like this? When did Yoongi stop showing you he loved you? When did you stopped feeling loved? When did your relationship with Yoongi become so god damn ISOLATING and LONELY?
“What are you talking about? I’m at the studio.” Yoongi said. And with that, feelings of humiliation and sadness filled your veins as your heart pumped through your body. Of course, tonight was not going to be different. It had not been different for the last 2 months. But this time you had hope because Yoongi planned all this. Not you. Yoongi had always been a man of his word, especially when it came to you. Had your relationship come down to this? Did your relationship hold such unimportance that a simple promise really meant nothing to him anymore?
“What about….tonight? You know? The date you set up for us….” You do not know why you felt nervous responding back to him. Maybe it was because you knew he was at the studio, most likely working. But why should you feel bad? He was not supposed to be working. He was supposed to be with you. “Oh. That. Yah, we can just reschedule it.” Yoongi said calmy, with no concern or panic that he forgot, lacing his voice. Your heart just kept shattering, as you suddenly felt unimportant in Yoongi’s life. Something that he could just push to the back burner and forget about like it was nothing. Maybe you were nothing to him anymore. “B-but….Tonight was supposed to be different Yoongi. I was really looking forward to seeing you. I just want to see you.” Your lips started trembling, but you swore to yourself you would not let Yoongi know you were on the verge of tears. Besides, would he even care if he knew that he had caused the tears making their appearance in your eyes?
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you, Y/N. I got caught up in the studio. We can reschedule for the weekend.” Why was he being so cold towards you right now? This was not the Yoongi that you knew. The Yoongi that loved you. Sure, on the outside Yoongi seemed cold and distant, but with you, he was so much different. He was soft. He was deep. He was passionate and incredibly detailed orientated. He cared about you. Where was that Yoongi? “But Yoongi…. You planned this. I even bought a new outfit to wear for you and everything.”
Yoongi was getting annoyed. He already told you that you guys could go on the weekend. What weren’t you understanding? He snapped. “Well fuck, Y/N! I will repay you for the clothes and whatever the fuck else you bought for tonight. I told you we could reschedule for this weekend. Is it difficult for you to understand?!” He snapped through the phone. Why was he being so mean to you right now? All you wanted to do was see Yoongi? Were you such a selfish person for wanting to see your boyfriend, even if just for a few minutes? “I don’t care about the clothes, Yoongi! I just wanted to see you! We did not have to set up these reservations for a fancy restaurant, I told you that! This was your idea! Why aren’t you listening to what I’m saying?” You spoke boldly into the phone. You knew Yoongi was stubborn and not one to let up easily, so you anticipated his response. “Because you’re not fucking saying anything worth listening too.” And with that, the phone clicked, and he hung up.
You were so confused. What had just happened? Did you do something to Yoongi you were not aware about, why was he so angry at you? The motel you were heading to was probably gross and dirty, but you did not even care. You had spent so much time getting ready for your date with Yoongi, and then the argument, if you could even call it that. You were exhausted and you just wanted to pass out and forget about what happened with Yoongi. You wanted to forget about Yoongi. Just like he had forgotten about you.
If you liked this fic, please feel free to buy me a kofi! ❤
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
ding dong your daily hanma fluff delivered right to your doorstep!
hanma planning, with the help of his son, a date night for you and him just like in the old days. doesn’t matter if his hair is greying, his face is covered in wrinkles or his body being out of shape, he will take you out on dates like it was your first one because even now, pushing 40, he is still so very much in love with you.
comforted and almost lured out of a dark place always tormenting him in the back of his mind, here he is now, alive, 30 years later still holding the same hand.
the years may pass but his affection for you does not. he knows he may not always been the best partner, but despite what people expect of him and had the person they had assigned him to be, he still puts a lot of care and effort into those that truly matter to him.
you and your son. his son, his shining beacon of hope who made him realise so much, now already an adult he couldn’t possibly be prouder of.
the date is exactly how it is supposed to be. a bit messy, not perfect at all but filled with love and laughter all the same.
hanma is not the boy he once was nor the man he thought he would become; he is so much better than either and it is all thanks to you telling him that he can be exactly that.
date night with dad!Hanma 👉👈🥺 My heart cannot take it 😭
date night that is just a little more stressful than he remembers. Why is this causing him such a belly ache? As teens it was as easy as just getting on his motorcycle and saying stupid shit to see you smile until your cheeks hurt. That left butterflies in his stomach that he'd ride that high for days it seems. Now though nothing seems good enough. Or that he's done it all. He's said every joke. Taken you to every spot he can think of. Wowed you with everything he's got. Now he's worried that after all this you're the one who'll end up bored.
his son doesn't see it. Or get why his father is so concerned. Or keeps asking what you are looking at when you show your kid things on your phone. As far as his kid's concerned his parents are gross and in love. Which is cool now as an adult but made him gag as a kid. So when Hanma keeps asking what might impress you, all his kid can really say is do like he did when you both were dating.
but act like he did when you both were dating? That's a bad idea.
to him all he remembers is the bad shit he did. Focuses on the tears he made you spill bc he was a jackass. The fights that seemed endless. Just the raging hormones and growing up you both did as personalities crashed and love prevailed. Act like he did when you two were younger is off the table.
so he thinks critically. Or at least tries to. About all the dates through the years that did make you smile. When he wowed you and swept you off your feet. He's no mastermind but if he just shoves all the good things into one date, then you'll have to still be in love with him. Right?
and that's where it starts to unravel. Hanma sucks at planning. Gets dates wrong. Misses phone calls. Looses reservations. Worries at the florist. Suddenly can't remember what the perfume is in the cabinet above the sink. You've worn the same scent for over a decade now he's drawing a god damn blank like he has alzheimer's.
when it's all said and done it looks like he pulled it off. That when he finally takes you out things should run smoothly and he can be as suave and easy going as he was when you were younger. Play it off as the cool guy if only things didn't give way to a hiccup and road bump at every turn.
it's the right brand of perfume but wrong scent. The water in the flower arrangement spilled on the two of you. You're laughing making a joke about afterbirth and your son while he's feeling his stomach doing flips. The restaurants was crowded and he hated every second of it and your food was cold. By the end of the night you're both walking home and it looks like it's going to rain. He scrambled to put this together and yet fate is the cruelest inventor of them all. He feels like nothing but a failure bc you aren't acting like you did when you both were kids.
that's when you take his arm. Humming to yourself as the two of you walk. He honestly hadn't even noticed you humming. But he notices the way your hand feels when you slip it in his coat pocket. Warm. Friendly. Tender. Just like how when you were both young. It's enough to snap Hanma back to the moment at hand.
and there you are. Smiling at him. Brimming with joy. A wrinkle here and there sure. Swearing that dealing with him should have given you way more wrinkles than you ended up with. But you're smiling at him, squeezing his hand and leaning into him like how you use to when he took you out for a ride in the middle of the night. That's when those butterflies come back to life in his stomach. Tonight was supposed to give you those feelings and here he is. Greedy. Feeling it all as he stares at you with the most dumbfounded look.
"kiss me."
"just kiss me."
in that moment Hanma can't believe he feels like a nervous teenager. Was he even nervous as a teenager? Had he been nervous the first time you kissed? He couldn't even remember at this point. Because right now all he felt was the rawness of his nerves when he leans into you. Kissing you like he'd done as a gangly teenager, as he's done for the past thirty something years and as he's done everyday since you told him that you loved him back. Hanma kisses you like every other day but it feels like one in a million in that very moment.
where everything went wrong in one night. He's reminded all the times it went right. So very right as he holds onto you like a gangly teenager all over again. Kissing the love of his life like his life depends on it. Because maybe it did at one point. Probably really did save his life. For that he has a botched date to show but your smile that makes him feel a thrill like none other. You are the thrill he'll never tire of. Ever.
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laryna6 · 3 years
Hmm, Cha Hae-In... if she ran into Sung Jin-Woo at the sword school somehow and is ? that he smells good?
Sugar Mama Cha Hae-In + the Hunters’ Guild going ‘these two are adorable we are going to make this ship sail’
Also he’s adorable and her sword teacher tells her that he keeps getting injured but keeps going on hunts, people think he’s an idiot rich boy in it for the thrill but he doesn’t buy that, no defense and yet he gets wounded protecting their healer too.
Cha Hae-In using her vice guildmaster position to offer him a position on the resource gathering teams, and watching as he goes from shut down and dead inside to smiling and friendly and starting to actually talk to people. They’re like sure, he’s not the fastest/strongest worker, but he’s hard working and does his best and pays attention to instructions.
Meanwhile Sung Jin-Woo is ‘this job comes with medical insurance!’ and Jin-Ah is ‘I don’t have to worry about my brother dying anymore! The Hunter’s Guild would absolutely have like, whole guild social functions where you bring your family and Jin-Ah wanting to talk to Cha Hae-In and explaining the situation and being ‘thank you so much for saving the life of my last family.’
So Cha Hae-In is *manly tears* Such a wonderful big brother! So filial! So cute!
Sung Jin-Woo starts bringing her lunch to thank her and she’s ‘you don’t have to...’ (but it’s really good) ‘I am rich af let me pay you’ and Sung Jin-Woo is ‘sure’ because money.
... to skip ahead, shadow!Choi Jong-In continuing to do paperwork, corresponence and checking over payroll after death leaves him Not Impressed with Ashborn wanting to ditch Jin-Woo (especially after finding out Ashborn made Jin-Woo responsible for his army)
So like, the entire Hunter’s Guild is like, ‘Cha Hae-In has a boyfriend... but we already know him and he is a Good Kid not like, someone who wants to feel dominant over a powerful woman or any of that BS and oh hey this food is really good’ So Choi Jong-In goes ‘we’re going to have a cafeteria now and provide lunches for all the gate teams’ and puts Sung Jin-Woo in charge of it and people are like ‘this is why we call u a genius’
People are like ‘when are you going to ask him out’ and Cha Hae-In is ‘as vice guildmaster I’m his boss! I can’t hit on him!’ so Choi Jong-In is like ‘congratulations you own a restaurant in our guild building now with a lucrative contract with our guild’
Now it’s ‘i can’t hit on him at work! And he feels like he really owes me, I don’t want to make him feel like I was... expecting things’
They are like ah! She is such a good person for an s-rank! Ok, then they need Sung Jin-Woo to make a move! Plan 1: he seems to like watching her train even though he can’t follow a lot of her movements, so we’ll invite him along to watch a fight.
Next up is a double dungeon, but it appeared in a low rank dungeon and the measurements are still weak AF. So like, it’s a mission that the Hunter’s Guild can go on like, just to be sure! But almost certainly safe for an e-rank.
And then you have Choi Jong-In and Sung Jin-Woo scrambling to figure out the rules. Cha Hae-In carrying Sung Jin-Woo over her shoulder, someone else taking Choi Jong-In after he passes out burning up all his MP in the hopes of taking out the statue’s eye beams. 
So they’re around the altar with their unconscious boss and the e-rank up on it in the center to be safest, and they’re staring down the statues and debating ‘do we send Cha Hae-In out the door to carry the guildmaster and Sung Jin-Woo to safety, or does that door scream obvious trap because the rule is ‘prove your faith’ and wouldn’t leaving the temple be abandoning your faith?
And Cha Hae-In and Sung Jin-Woo are ‘that would leave you guys without any s-ranks against a very high a boss if not worse.’ and it’s the hunter guild’s duty to close gates first. This gate was counting down when it was reported as a double dungeon, they cannot let this boss gate breach.
The flames count down and, hmm, should the architect react like a thwarted bully or improv some new bullshit to act like everything is within his calculations? So he goes ‘to prove your faith you must now offer a sacrifice’ but instead of obviously giving up the weakling to keep the others alive they’re like yeah, fuck no (’if the porter/guest gets hurt the whole guild has failed’)
So he grabs Jin-Woo and unleashes the statues on the humans with orders to make it hurt but not finish them off, and tells him ‘get on that altar and you’ll be able to leave here with them.’
And Jin-Woo knew he was willing to die for Jin-Ah and Mom, but they’re safe now and he owes that to Cha Hae-In and everyone at the Hunter Guild’s kindness. so he’s ‘ok’ and they are ‘nonono’
He wakes up at the hospital, told he’s the only survivor and he’s been asleep for a month, which... he knew the boss was a lying bastard, monsters don’t spare humans, but he couldn’t just not even TRY/do anything.
...WTF is this? He thought seeing that screen before was some kind of pre-death brain screwery. Jin-Ah and the Hunter’s Guild b-team start coming in and he’s ?? are you guys seeing this? THey are ‘what did that thing do to poor helpless e-rank good boy?!’
Choi Jong-In measures him as an A rank, but instead of being happy Sung Jin-Woo is going through status screens on job class an abilities and...
And then he pales.
And summons the dead.
The boss said ‘he’d go home with them.’ Effing literal words... They can’t speak, but they touch his shoulder to say it’s okay.
Sung Jin-Woo ends up rejoining the Hunter’s Guild after leveling to S because without any S ranks it would have lost a lot of prestige and ability to take more valuable gates and pay for all the salary, benefits and expensive protective armor.
Doing the JeJu op and since he’s OP, replacing the Draw Sword guild as emergency call-in guild for southeast asia due to like ‘why would we charge you fees A rank gates are where the money’s at if anything we should be paying you for finding them for us’
But if Min Byong-Gyu does die and get turned into a shadow but talks to Baek Yoon-Ho re ‘hey I’m being forced to adore that guy his power is really creepy get me out of here’ and Baek is concerned about Choi Jong-In too...
Sung Jin-Woo’s reaction to the idea his friends are being FORCED to care about him/not be mad he was a useless e-rank and couldn’t save them...
Ashborn seeing Sung Jin-Woo with comrades that ~died with him, like he resurrected his fallen soldiers after did... even more ‘like me’ so earlier decision to not possess.
Ms. Selner going ‘there is great darkness in you’ and he’s ‘can you tell me anything else?’
Hunter’s Guild Shadow Squad wanting to powerlevel for Cartenon temple rematch and then they get sealed instead of getting to attack that bastard? FFFFFFFFFF
instead of ‘get necromancer class’ it’s ‘unlock a prestige class’ so he does get Igris.
He wants to get stronger so he can stop this from happening again, and making sure gates got cleared and people were safe is what they wanted... right?
More examination of using his power on humans/to preserve human souls since like, he can’t get valid consent NOW.
...Chairman Yoo going ‘those lizards killed my son, stole his equips, and made me pay them for being ‘kind’ enough to carry his body out, but I can’t do sh*t because the older brother’s an s-rank,’ and bowing his head.
So Sung Jin-Woo shadowing Jin-Ho, who gets adopted into squad happily. That way he can ask him to confirm ‘those guys did murder you, yes?’
Hunter’s Guild is guild conference rep for Korea OFC, people from guild helping Jin-Woo study up on who everyone is and the contacts they’ve got/are working on. Hwang Dong-Su kidnaps someone else.
During Ashborn meeting Choi Jong-In showing up to SHAME Ashborn for planning to sleep forever (suicide ideation) bc as a leader he should be more responsible than to ditch someone else to take care of the org he’s responsible for. If Choi Jong-In is doing paperwork from behind the grave, this guy isn’t going to get to lie around when humanity desperately needs more combatants at this level/Jin-Woo shouldn’t have to die alone.
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unknownwriting · 3 years
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Summary- going on a date
Character(s)- Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Mina Ashido, Aizawa Shōta
Warnings- just so one comes for me, everyones aged up!!, besides that none :)
Notes- ahh look at me trying to expanding my fandoms
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Kaminari Denki
Definitely an arcade date. A simple yet fun idea.
Of course when he invites you, it mostly as a joke. He’s not expecting you to actually answer. But when you did this man is like so excited. If he could he would’ve planned the date that day but of course he waits till the weekend.
It’s a casual date, nothing to fancy just the 2 of you enjoy the little things. It’s one of those dates that feel like a date yet at the same time doesn’t.
It’s like those dates y’all see in like those cheesy romance movies. It’s a very cute date 🥺💕
Of course y’all don’t spend the whole date at the arcade, it was just the first out of many spots. Y’all basically play till y’all can’t anymore then go out to eat.
Y’all end up chatting about anything and everything, whatever topic pops up yall talk about it. At one point you make him charge you phone, limited his ability to talk. But you end up talking the most anyways.
After y’all had eat and enjoyed a dessert or 2, the 2 of y’all go a goof off at some random park. Talking on the swings, climbing up the monkey bars, petting to local cats.
Over all the date was just a simple one but it was probably the best one Denki has ever had and will have.
Before the date, he knew you only as a classmate, not knowing the small things about you. After the date he learns and remembers all the little things about you.
Your favorite color, your dream pet, what you what to do as a side job, how you wanna help people. All the little things.
Denki felt so unbelievably happy when the date was over. He hasn’t be on many dates before more like none so going on a date with you, and it being an actual date made him so happy. Y’all are definitely gonna be going in more dates from now on
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Kirishima Eijiro
Unlike Denki, dates with Kirishima take a bit more time to plan. Kirishima loves to go hiking, so why not go on a hiking date with him.
You honestly had never been on one so you have no idea what y’all would even do but you decided to go along with it. It something new for you to try and plus Kirishima seemed really happy when he was talking about it.
You clearly underestimate him and the date. By a lot. To start of with, y’all met up together just as the sun had reached over the horizon. It was to early.
2nd, he just had to pick the most ‘manliest’ trail. It was an gorgeous trail, don’t think it wasn’t. There were so many animals, birds, and beautiful flowers. But also bugs, and awkward wooden stairs and rocks, and a lot of walking. At that point you weren’t sure if this was a date or extra training.
However, you went along with it. Although it wasn’t your thing, it was nice change of pace and something else fun to try. The date wasn’t bad either, the two of y’all cracked jokes, chatted about the latest gossip at the school and about y’all’s works study, and just talking about random topics.
At one point y’all ended up holding hands and walking shoulder to shoulder, until however the 2 of y’all didn’t even know how or when y’all did it. The only time y’all noticed it was when Kirishima tried to head off into a bush to pee but next he knew you just continued to follow him. His flustered face was so unmanly.
After hours and hours of talking, sunset came and you noticed that y’all weren’t near the entrance of the trail. You brought your concern with him, but he simply smiled, grabbed you hand once again and asked, “Trust me. You’ll love it.”
There was no way you couldn’t trust that smile. So you continued to follow him until the sun began to dip under the horizon. And an hour before the light had disappeared completely, Kirishima brought you to a lovely field and a small picnic area
You were speechless, you were definitely not expecting that. It was so strange yet cute. So while you stood there, speechless, Kirishima began to unpack a bunch of snacks, of course ones that didn’t need to be referated. Once he set them all out, he looked back at you and smiled sheepishly, “Hehe, I hope you don’t mind a pinic date.” 
and of course you loved it. The date lasted on for about 2 more hours before yall decided to head back. Although the walk back was scary and surprising a lot shorter bc he apparently knew a short cut, it was still fun. The date was very new and nice, it was very different from any date you went on before. So this just might become a regular thing for you.
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Mina Ashido 
a night out on the town all the way. Kinda like Kaminari but not at the same time...
Even though the date is technically at night. The 2 of y’all spend the day together anyways. Not going out and partying, but lazing around the house doing nothing. Mina liked to call it your girl time where y’all gossip, watch rom-coms, fantasize about the future, sending each other memes, simply stuff like that.
It wasn’t until around 5 when the date was finally starting. Y’all would get all dressed up, do each other’s make up, complement the hell out of each other, flirt, and try on like 5 different outfits before finally heading out.
The night started off relatively calm. The 2 of y’all would start the date off by going out to dinner at a somewhat fancy restaurant. Where y’all would continued to gossip and talk about random things.
After the dinner date the 2 of y’all would sneak off to an ice cream parlor and enjoy an ice or 2 together. Completely ruining y’all’s outfits. Besides the dinner date and the ice cream, everything after that wasn’t planned at all. It was all up to Mina where y’all would go.
To the club! Is the first place Mina’s gonna drag you too. It was popular club too where citizens, heroes and even villains would attend. The only rule that’s enforced at the clubs is: no sharing your real identity with a stranger. Besides that it’s a free for all.
Dancing, drinking, partying. They do it all, and y’all definitely do it all. Of course still having a sense of responsibility, y’all don’t drink too much but y’all definitely make that up on the dance floor.
While dancing you even ran into a few friends and decided to join their little party. Y’all did everything: drinking games, dance, encourage fights, ate till y’all couldn’t stand, threw it all up in the bathroom then did it again. You were pretty sure you saw some people from the league of villains but who cares. You were on a date not a night patrol.
Of course y’all aren’t super human well technically you are butttt so eventually even y’all had to call it quiets. It was around 3 am tho. It was a good thing that y’all didn’t have work in the morning. So the 2 of y’all said you goodbyes and slowly stumbled y’all’s way back to your apartment. Both of y’all took turned carrying each
As soon as y’all go home y’all had enough energy go pull off your outfits before crashing on the bed make up and all. The next morning, or next afternoon Mina was the first to wake up so she was quick to get dress and clean up before she began to make breakfast for you and a hot drink. When you woke up Mina was quick to check up on you and make sure you were feeling ok.
Once again y’all spent the day doing nothing and relaxing with each. And after a night like that, y’all couldn’t ask for more.
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Aizawa Shōta
This man is like so romantic...when he wants to be lol. It really all just depends on his mood. Normally a date with him would be a very simple and easy going one.
Because he is a teacher, there’s a lot of time where’s he stuck grading papers and when that happens, He loves to cuddle up with you under a blanket and while you watch a movie or read or play on your phone he’ll grade the papers. Taking many breaks of course.
Most of the time his breaks will consist of him complaining about how one of his students didn’t get a question right or didn’t even answer it or just put something crazy. Most of the time he’s not to talkative but when it comes to school, especially his students, he won’t shut up. So you let him rant, you enjoy hearing this stories too anyways. His students are amazing.
Occasionally if it’s a simple worksheet with an answer sheet he made before hand, He’ll make you grade the papers while he sleeps or does something else. You love when this happens cause then your can give them a few extra points just bc.
Of course the date is not grading papers with him. The date comes after. Once all the papers are graded, the 2 of y’all would put in some relatively decent clothes and head out to the nearest coffee shop. A chance to get y’all out of the house and a nice breath of fresh air. Normally it’s your idea to go on the date but Aizawa always loves it.
Once y’all reach the cafe that’s when Aizawa would normally take over the date. He’ll either find something else he wants to do like see a movie or take a walk in the part the. Something he’ll just want to go back to the appointment and just sleep and relax.
It really doesn’t matter what y’all do. Aizawa’s the type of person to just savor the time spent with you. As long as he’s with you he doesn’t mind what y’all do. With thag in mind, he would prefer to just lay around the house and cuddle but he’s also open to your date ideas.
Like I said before Aizawa can be one hell of a charmer when it comes down to it. So when y’all go on actually dates. He knows exactly how to dress, act, and what do it. It’s almost like a completely different person but his lazy reaction remind you he’s still the same man you fell in love with.
Even the romantic dates are simple, going out to eat at a fancy restaurant and going out for a walk hand in hand. If y’all do something too exciting, he thinks it will take away from your beauty and distract him so that he’a not focused on you. So he keeps the dates simple so that he won’t have any distractions from you.
To others y’all’s dates might be too simple and boring, but y’all love them. The dates aren’t about seeing how much y’all could do together, it about spending time with each. So if all y’all do it go off to some cafe that’s around the block and talk, y’all are completely happy and satisfied.
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