#bc i really liked it but now i think about that every time
moonstruckme · 23 hours
hello mae! I had a request I’d like to give you. I was wondering if you could write a poly!marauders x reader where reader has never slept beside anybody before bc intimacy isn’t something she’s used to therefore she’s not used to being that close to anybody. everytime she shifts she’s afraid to wake up the boys, or she just doesn’t know what to do.
I know you have “first night with marauders” so if this is too similar I totally get it. 🖤
Hello sweetheart, thank you for your request!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 990 words
You’re terrible at this. 
Each of the boys is sound asleep. Sirius has his leg hooked over yours and one of his arms tossed over James’ chest, Remus’ hand has to be halfway numb underneath your pillow, and James is snoring softly on the far side of the bed from you. They’re all so obviously comfortable, practiced in resting like this, whereas you started to get stiff a half hour ago and you’ve been unable to make yourself relax since. 
Every movement takes a year, you’re trying so hard not to wake them. You feel like the girl in a movie who’s trying to sneak out of the bed of a one-night stand, all taut muscles and bated breath, except you only want to roll over. Slow, microscopic movements have to be the key. 
Your back crackles softly when you shift your weight onto your other hip, and a sigh escapes you before you can stop it. 
A low, croaky hum comes from just in front of your face. Your brain is a tempest of expletives. 
“Hey.” You can nearly feel the gravel of Remus’ voice buzzing against your lips. “You’re up.” 
Muddled with sleep, you can’t tell if his tone is reprimanding or simply observational. “Sorry,” you whisper regardless. 
“Wha’ for?” Movement under the pillow beneath your head, and then a long-fingered hand is nestling beneath your cheek. His scars and calluses slide familiarly over your skin. “Can’t sleep?”
Nope, and now it’s two of you. Guilt grows vines around your ribcage. Remus sounds more awake by the second. 
“I’ll be okay.” You press a soft kiss to the corner of his lips, hoping to mollify him. “Go back to sleep.” 
Your boyfriend makes a half-aware disgruntled sound. “No, not without you.” 
As exhausted as you are, you have to bite down on a smile. When he’s uninhibited like this, Remus really is quite the flirt, all his dorky, sweet thoughts coming out before he can remember to stop them. He’s nearly as bad as James. 
You think he must see a hint of your smile in the dark, because Remus’ own lips tilt upwards. He leans closer to kiss the cool skin of your cheek, the only cold part of you thanks to a heavy duvet and the body heat of three lovely boyfriends. A kiss for a kiss. 
He leaves his lips there as he murmurs, “What’s wrong, dove?” 
Well, funny he should ask. What’s wrong now is the slight tickle of his stubble against your cheek, the hoarse quality to his voice in your ear. His breath warms your cold skin, and he slides a hand across the space between you to rest on your hip, layered in between the sheets and your pajama bottoms. 
But you know that’s not what he’s asking. 
“I can’t get very comfortable,” you confess, speaking so softly he wouldn’t be able to make it out if his ear weren’t two inches from your lips, “and I didn’t want to wake anyone up.” 
Remus hums, as though this is a prognosis he’d already reached and was merely waiting for you to confirm. You can hear Sirius’ voice as clearly as if he were awake: know it all. 
“They can sleep through anything,” he says. “One time the fire alarm went off, and James didn’t even stir. Don’t worry about them.” You must be emanating guilt, because he strokes his thumb over your hip pacifyingly. “And I don’t mind being woken up. I’m in and out of sleep all night anyway, it’s not hard for me to get back. You’re not used to sleeping with so many people, yeah?” 
Your face warms at his phrasing, though of course you know what he means. “Or with anyone,” you murmur. 
“Mm. I think I know what you need.” 
You don’t realize Remus’ plan until he’s already sat up. He reaches over you, rubbing James’ shoulder gently while you protest vehemently through whispers. 
James wakes with a yawn, taking Remus’ hand automatically and bringing it close to his face. “Wha’s’it?”
“Take her,” Remus requests drowsily. With his other hand, he nudges you forward. 
James starts to blink his eyes open, and you see no way out. You start climbing over Sirius as delicately as you can. “Sorry,” you whisper, to him, to them, to the room in general. 
Remus helps you out by tugging Sirius into your place. The other boy whines but settles quickly, rolling over to sling his leg over Remus’ instead. 
James welcomes you as heartily as his sleep-addled state will allow, adjusting the covers over you and smudging a few toothpaste-scented kisses onto your face. 
“Y’can’t sleep?” he asks. 
You shake your head. “Sorry.” 
He makes a soft dismissive sound. “C’mere, angel.” 
You refrain from telling him that you’re already here as his arms find their way around you, soft and firm in all the right places and deliciously warm. He starts to make slow, sweeping circles onto your back with his hand. 
“Jamie,” you murmur, grateful but embarrassed, “don’t stay up for me. Go to sleep.” 
“M’basically there,” he replies. “You first, yeah?” 
You can hear Remus’ breathing evening out behind you, syncing with Sirius’, and you’re suddenly sure that this is part of a routine he and the boys shared before you ever met them. That’s how he knew to hand you off to James, and how James knew exactly what to do. Something about that comforts you. And far be it for you to mess with tradition. 
You shuffle closer to James under the covers. He obliges you happily, adjusting his grip so he’s holding you more securely, with your leg resting against his and your forehead an inch from his nose. The shushing of his heavy palm on the material of your pajama top is the only sound in the world. 
You hear his breathing starting to deepen again, but James is right; you beat him there. 
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artdcnaldson · 3 days
im so glad youre matching my freak on this (patricks sister au) because im actually so not normal about it. i havent thought about anything else all day, many more thoughts are in my head about this, i need art so badly
his restraint grows wearier every time you're on his bed in your slutty outfits making puppy eyes at him. its only gotten worse since he let it slip that he does want you, but just cant. it seems like youre in his room every day now. tiny shorts or even worse, tiny tennis skirts. the kind where he can see another one of many lacy pairs of panties every time you adjust yourself. he makes it a point to always sit at his desk, or even stand, he needs the distance.
one night hes dragging you back from a stupid frat party, one of those with a dress up theme thats really just an excuse to have the girls dress extra slutty, and oh boy did you deliver. youre not too drunk, but hes carrying you over his shoulder regardless, its just faster that way. (youre not complaining, you get to stare at his ass the whole way back to his dorm) and maybe youre acting more drunk than you are, just so he wont bring you to your own room, but he'll have to let you sleep in his.
then you're laying in his bed, surrounded by his scent, maybe even dressed in another one of his shirts and maybe just a pair of panties. watching him as he gets ready for bed (he always refuses to share the bed with you but sleeps on thr carpet on his floor instead), brushing his teeth, changing his shirt, complaining about some guy who was trying too hard to flirt with you, getting too close to you. its all too much, you really cant help it, maybe you can even blame the few shots of tequila your friends had made you take earlier that night, but your hand trails down under the sheets. you cant help but touch yourself, gently, barely even feeling it. but youre just so turned on by him, being this close to him, his possessiveness. whats a girl to do!!!!
he hears the little moan you let out, he tries so hard to ignore it. to control himself. truly hes not surprised. he keeps talking, pretending he didnt hear you. but when he turns around, its just too much. he cant help but tell you how pathetic youre being, he means for it to come out sterner, meaner, it was meant to deter you. instead he hears you moan again, so pathetic. it shouldnt egg him on, he should tell you to stop, to leave, to pull your hand out of your damn panties. he should tell you to quit being such a slut. why is it turning you on when he tells you youre being pathetic? why are you moaning louder when he says you can never have his cock? he cant help but taunt you :(((
(i can keep going, just ask lol)
GODDDDDD this au has me salivating so badly it’s crazy like this ask made me go take a lap, had to walk on my treadmill and clear my head. I feel so insane rn
Bc why IS he getting so weird and protective over you? Why is he mad that you were practically dry humping some loser from the fucking swim team that you looked like a fucking slut out there, and you should be embarrassed, honestly.
And god, he really does sound pissed about it, and you’re still pretty buzzed from the party, too, everything feels really slow and hazy and there’s an insistent throbbing need between your thighs. you’re so wet it’s soaking through the skimpy, slutty panties you were wearing.
“You should really fucking have some standards.”
Mhmm. Yeah. You should. He should totally keep telling you all about it. You sigh, slip your fingers between your thighs— all wet and sticky and sensitive. You moan, just barely, but he freezes a little. You can see the muscles in his shoulders flexing as he grips the edges of the sink. But then he’s right back to bitching at you.
“What the fuck did you think was gonna happen, huh? Did you think I’d go over there and rip you off of that dickhead? That I’d get so jealous I’d finally fuck you like you want?”
You moan, louder, and that’s when he turns. His jaw is set, clenched as he watches your hand move beneath the sheets. You’re completely unabashed as he watches you, he watches your legs spread slightly, can tell your fingers have gone from toying with your clit to being stuffed inside your pussy.
And he laughs. “God, this is really fucking pathetic, you know that, don’t you?”
You nod, whimper out a, “mhmm.” You’re looking at him through half-lidded eyes, all hazy and soft. And your hand is moving faster beneath the blankets, and god, he wants to move it so fucking badly. Wants to watch, to see how wet you are for him.
It would be so easy to just rip that blanket off— his fingers are fucking twitching with the need to. He almost does, almost loses himself in it.
“Jesus, you’re so fucking desperate,” he says, arms crossed, trying to ignore how fucking good you sound now that you’re not muffling your moans. “You think fucking yourself in my bed is going to change anything? It just makes you look like a slut. You know how embarrassed I’d be if you were my sister? You’re fucking lucky I don’t tell Patrick what you’re up to.”
You whine, pouting as you thrust your fingers deeper inside your cunt. You’re so close already, just want to cum, want him to rip off the blankets and fuck you into the mattress. “Please,” you whine.
“Please? You think I’m going to fuck up my friendship with Patrick for pussy?” He’s being so mean, you’re fucking dripping down your wrist with how soaked you are. “I’m never going to fuck you. You just need to grow up and fucking accept it.”
You cum as he watches you, thighs trembling and closing around your hand. Fingers all slick and sticky when you finally slip them from your cunt. He’s staring at you, completely indiscernible. And he laughs again. Whatever. You can go ten more rounds if he just keeps talking to you.
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lycocarpum · 2 days
miquella thoughts bc i still love this kid no matter what the writing team does with him (this is not my first rodeo with fromsoft games lmao)
Major Spoilers (o゚v゚)ノ
i'm still not at all mad at the direction they decided to go with him, BARRING the retconning of his relationship to his sister and the entirety of the hailigtree. Those choices seem like late editions to tie up why things weren't being addressed in the dlc, and they're plainly stupid, so we just won't acknowledge that much further. I think the evidence from the rest of the game speaks more to the contrary than I could. I also think that Radahn should've been replaced with Godwyn for thematic clarity, buttttt I 'll get to that.
what i DO like about how he's handled is 1) the way he dealt with St. Trina and literally abandoning his sense of love in a hole in the ground, and 2) his choices re: Radahn from a sheer logistical point of view, or at least how I'm taking it.
Imagine for a second: he's tried basically everything to kill or revive Godwyn. Nothing has worked. He has a couple of plans left, but it's getting down to the wire. MAYBE if he could break his own curse, MAYBE if he could make some kind of curse-breaking needle, MAYBE if... etc. Now he's made his cocoon, but the tree is rotting without him. He needs an out, and decides to use Mogh for that (whether he was fully innocent at the time or not is debatable, we don't know). He's removed, tries to cure what he can for Radahn's rot on the way, but Mogh spirits him away to the palace and he's essentially forced to abandon the plans he has with his body. I still don't think ALL of that was intentionally planned, I think Mogh went off script a bit.
In this shadow realm, Miquella abandons every part of himself until nothing is left but the will to become a God. If he can ascend here, at least, MAYBE he can bring Godwyn and the others with him (there's a huge Godwyn face in one of the dungeons, so he's still present in this place, somehow). Maybe in THIS realm, all of his siblings can be alive and healthy. Meanwhile, Mogh is telling his corpse about Radahn's defeat. It's only a matter of time before this Tarnished comes to kill him, too... And there's a large, strong body available to be puppeted, and a good excuse to practice resurrecting one of his siblings. A god needs a Lord as a consort, right? That's how it worked for his mother and father... and considering his other half was stubbornly clinging to things like compassion and memory, he is now bereft of one.
He's using Radahn because he's out of options, out of places to run, and out of compassion to give. Literally, he left it a graveyard! He loved him in life, sure, but whatever motivates him now is not LOVE whether storge or eros or whatever, it's love as a justification. In truth, it's practicality. He is backed into a corner and convinced (rightly! by our inability to chose otherwise!) that we are there to kill him. It's love utilized as a weapon.
DO I WISH FROMSOFT HAD LET US TALK TO HIM god absolutely, yes. I miss Gwendolyn every day. However, I knew better to expect that. I wish we had gotten his perspective and justification for his actions, I wish we could've Felt the effects of him abandoning his heart and his love in pursuit of a hollow victory, and I really wish we could've put him back together-- but that is for me, and you, to build out.
he's still my favourite character and I love him dearly. girlboss failure. <3
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moonshine-dan · 3 days
Personal Headcanons:
Sakusa Kiyoomi
This is mostly to provide context for fics I write with him and how I interpret his character. I might add to this at random! NSFW below cut.
He's not an asshole for fun- he's brusque with people because he respects their time and wants them to respect his.
Similar to above- he's not an OCD germaphobe, he's just tidy and dislikes unnecessary mess where it's avoidable. He's got standards. And he doesn't like being sick! Is basic hygiene such a high bar???
It's really just high anxiety but he'd never admit to it
Not a 'dry' texter but he's not writing more than he needs to.
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Was told once as a teenager that he was a shitty boyfriend and he took that personally. He spent a month reading magazines and internet articles on how to be a better partner & now has a brain lobe dedicated to Cosmo and Buzzfeed advice that comes in varying degrees of handy at random times
He has hypermobile wrists; I think he does get the associated body and joint pain associated with them. He's not in agony, but he's dealing with low to midgrade pain almost constantly.
Part of why he's got a reputation for being short with people is that he's often kind of tired or in pain and is band at recognizing or expressing it. He wants to go HOME.
He's a goofball but in Strange and Offputting ways, not fun and endearing ways. Has his own sense of humor.
If he's being silly with you, he trusts you. If he's putting your stuff in his bag 'on accident' or pulling 'too slow' high five shit with you, you've fucking made it into his heart.
I don't think he's very experienced in sexual relations! He takes dating seriously & doesn't rush. Not many have stayed with him long enough for him to feel like sex is on the table.
Does not have a very high sex drive and is not super curious about exploring much about himself on his own- but he's more than happy to indulge your sexual fantasies if you ask.
Not huge on PDA but not shy at all about telling people you are together. Arm holder, not hand holder.
He runs warm and is always in shorts and short sleeves if he can help it.
Moles all over. Got a mole next to his dick. Self conscious about it even though it's irrational bc he's very pale and they stick out :(
Addicted to tiger balm and camphor spray. Huffs it like glue when putting them on.
Secretly thinks laundry soap and dishwashing powder smell good. Sniffs them every time he uses them.
While not a fan of PDA, he's on more than one occasion shown up to a date with a gift unprompted. He'd buy you one of those embarrassing and Huge stuffed animals and carry it for you.
He has very strong opinions on the use of sesame oil as a condiment. "It's overused. And it smells so strong. And they always put so much in."
He's not a hard top only dom. He's actually very happy to be the sub- he CAN switch, but he enjoys following the lead and reacting to your wants.
Bro is ALWAYS OUT ON A RUN. Morning? Running before breakfast. Lunch? Has a circuit by the river. At night? On a jog before dinner. He WILL ask you to join him once a week.
He knows how to cook but only the blandest meals known to man. He cannot handle spice at all and gets bright fucking red, it's lame as hell and he hates it
Average sensitivity in general, except for his sides and waist. He gets jumpy if you touch them. it's cute :)
He's also very tenderheaded. poor thang :(
There is nothing in the WORLD more erotic to him than a massage. Work the knots out of his shoulder and he'll fuck you till you pass tf OUT
Does not like used condom smell. at all. He's genuinely considered a vasectomy so he can hit it raw without consequence
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poppy-metal · 16 hours
the reader dbf patrick stepdaddy art is DIABOLICAL and i need it RIGHT NOW actually. crying on patricks cock for the first time while art watches like, "im sorry, daddy, 'm sorry, just wanted it so bad, so so badly, you understand, right, you get it?" and the funny thing is, he totally does, because its patrick, yes, he gets it, more than anything he gets it, but this is wrong, isn't it? this is wrong and fucked up and evil, but you're reaching for his belt with wide, wet eyes, begging, "can make it up to you, daddy, can make you feel real good, please, 'm sorry, let me show you how sorry i am" and his resolve just has to crumple.
(obviously there has to be about six million years of YEARNING in between but you know. the horny.)
-kit ♡♡♡
@gamesetart ur sick for enabling me. i slowed things down a little bc i was cooking but the outcome will probably eventually be this. LMAO
under a cut because like patrick, this is sending me straight to hell i fear.
skipping ahead a million years just to fuck stepdad!art who also happens to be patricks ex who hes never gotten over and has been friends with this whole time - maybe its his fault actually, that you fall in love with patrick at the tender age of 14 - because art loves him so much. hes around so much. like father like daughter, right? he might not be your dad by blood but he is in every other way that counts - he has full custody - your mom been out of the picture for awhile now. its almost like having two dad, growing up. you think art and patrick are closer than any two men you've seen before. but they date other women so you don't think much of it - you want art to be happy again. you dont blame him for leaving your mother, you're just happy he took you with him.
anyway - falling for patrick is inevitable - it burns inside you like a wildfire you have no chance of stopping, so you dont try.
and patrick..... maybe he's given up hope on art after all these years. they'd had something brief and tangible in college - but it'd fizzled out - art had pretended it didn't happen. and patrick loved art too much to press the issue. he'd been content to live forever being arts best friend and nursing a flame for him that would never be returned.
and then you'd come along - it'd been hell watching art get married - he never liked that bitch, anyway, for more reasons than sharing arts bed. she treated her kid like dirt. art even worse. it got to a point where the only reason art was staying around was for you - he couldn't leave you. you were just a kid. and art had only been with you for three years but it was enough. enough for him to love you. enough for him to martyr himself for you and stay in an unhappy marriage if it meant he could play the role of daddy for you.
it may have been him who planted the seed. he'd met you a few times by that point, but he remembers a pool party where you'd been sucking on a lollipop as you watched art work the grill - your mother somewhere inside - you were twelve then - old enough to have some brain cells, patrick figured.
"he'd make a good dad, dont you think?" he'd nudged you. "i mean look at him - already rocking the dad stance with a fucking polo to match. he'll be telling us it looks like a storms rollin' in any second now."
and you'd popped the lolly out of your mouth and showed him your teeth with your smile.
a raised brow. "really? does he know that? does your mother?"
"he already is my dad, though."
you'd frowned. stuck the lolly back in your mouth. he could tell he'd given your brain alot to think about that.
it was only a year later that the divore was finalized. and art was granted full custody of you as his daughter - full guardianship. patrick got him the hell out of that town shortly thereafter.
and that was it, really. that was the plan. just to live in peace. he didn't expect to grow so attached to you. to enjoy watching you grow up. to enjoy being there for your important milestones. he saw a bit of himself in you, too, that wild precociousness. that want to run free. saw how it fucking terrified art, who wanted nothing but the best for you after the life you'd had. always the hero.
so yeah, when you'd started your rebellious teen phase he'd helped you hide it. picked you up from parties when you couldn't drive home instead of calling your dad. because he didn't want to see art unhappy. he didn't want to see art look at you and see the patrick in you and hate it. he couldn't.
he didn't know you'd fall in love with him. he didn't.
and when he realized you had, he'd pushed you away. he had.
but the thing is - as much as you had patrick in you - you had art as well. your inherent kindness. your sweet open face. your determination and dedication. he saw it and then he couldn't unsee it. and as long as he'd held onto his love for art he was tired. he was fucking tired of being unloved and unwanted and here you were - a tether to art - his beautiful babygirl - and you were throwing yourself at him. loving him. wanting him. so fucking beautiful and innocent - just like art had been, all those years ago.
couldn't fault him for caving. he'd faught it, but patricks not a good man. and hes a stray dog at the end of the day, dirty and hungry and begging for scraps.
he fucking devoured you. took from you. took your virginity - just like he did your fathers - broke it on his cock and tried not to feel sick that the symbolic way your blood drenched his cock connected you and him and art in a way that was as holy and it was perverted. he fucked you and he fucked you and he fucked you. he had you whenever and wherever he wanted and he didn't allow himself to think about the consequences of it - because he was fucking greedy for it - you took everything he was and you bit into it and you bounced on his dick like he was a fucking god and he found himself falling in love all over again.
he'd find a way to tell art and make it right. he would.
but then there'd been that night when art asked him out for drinks and patrick would tell something was wrong. he'd been distant from art lately, if he was being honest, consumed completely by you. the only reason he was free was because you were at a friends.
when art had confessed he felt you pulling away the guilt had set in... because art looked so sad. so pathetic and lonely and patrick had never wanted this for art. his heart pitched and dropped in his chest and he couldn't tell art about you - not now -
and then art had looked at him and said "you know she reminds me of you -" and patricks lips had parted. the alcohol in his system warmed his blood, but so did the heavy weight of arts eyes on him. it was a look patrick hadn't seen in years. decades even.
It was how you looked at him.
that's all patrick thought as art drew closer and closer to him. fuck, when art placed a hand on his thigh. fuck, when his cock twitched. fuck, when art said he missed those days back in college. fuck, when art leaned in and patrick didn't pull away.
fuck again, when he came to and they were back at arts apartment - fuck when they passed your room and thank fuck you weren't home, thank fuck - fuck fuck fuck when art got on his knees and stroked patricks cock and patrick thought his first clear thought of the night -
fuck fuck and fuck again because he lost his mind a little when arts lips touched his. went a little dizzy with it.
fuck fuck fuck - because arts sinful pink mouth descended around him and he fucking moaned around it and in some twisted dark corner of patricks seedy mind he thought art must taste you on him - must know its you hes tasting and thats why he throats him deeper like a fucking whore.
i fucked her this morning. he's about to suck his daughter's pussy off my dick and he doesn't even fucking know -
patrick knows hes going to hell.
he knows it because he uses the same fingers he'd had inside your cunt to spread your dads ass open for the same dick he'd plunged into you - he knows hes going to hell because when he slides inside and art moans he thinks he sounds just as pretty as you do - they take me so fucking well - made for me - fucking made for me
and when he pulls out to come down and swallow arts cock down his own throat he moans when he thinks about kissing you later tonight with your fathers spunk on his tongue -
hes going to hell.
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deliriumbubbles · 3 days
After all the discourse about who was "more" wrong, It's exciting to see Apology Tour put the foot down and remind us that this is Blitzo's story. It's about how he changes and grows. It's not about just letting it go because we know he hates himself. You actually have to take steps toward improvement, and that's really fucking hard to do.
Are there psychiatrists in Hell? Cognative Behavioral Therapy?
So first off, anyone who was dying for Blitzo to be the one sending tons of text messages and coming back trying to talk to Stolas, congrats because he's definitely doing that. And annoying the crap out of Stolas and just hurting him more every time he talks to him because he keeps trying to make them revert their relationship BACK to "I'm just here as part of a transactional fucking." The big problem between them, that he can't believe that Stolas would like him even though Stolas has told him multiple times by now, remains because it's not something he can just hear once and get over.
Moreover, this is his story, so he's just going to say more hurtful things, but Stolas at least, this time, manages to use his own words (likely bc he's not triggered at that point and has some defenses up), and is able to tell Blitzo that his words are hurtful. Instead of magicking him out. Because Blitzo would just pop back over the wall.
So we get a brief, humorous montage of Blitzo going around and apologizing to everyone and not meaning it and he ends up at the Fuck Blitzo party and by degrees, and after Stolas singing a song that suggests that he still kind of blames himself for being foolish and thinking Blitzo cared, it does start to sink in and they talk a bit.
Interesting that this is the first time Blitzo has SEEN Stolas knocking it back because we the audience know he does this kinda regularly. Along with his own damn meds. Geez, these guys.
I also like that they didn't have to villainize Verosika in their conversation. She got hurt because it seems like their relationship was going pretty well until she let an ilu slip and that just sets Blitzo off because he can never believe that. It's like being compliment shy to a million degrees. And so he turned on her, he hurt her, on purpose, and she's angry because of what he did but also because he acts like it's her fault.
IS this party a monument to pettiness? Oh fuck yeah, it is. Maybe people should just learn to let go. I dont' think that's her entire career, but now whenever they're near each other, they both snipe at each other because she was hurt and doesn't feel like forgiving him when he's not sorry. But it was a good conversation between them. Blitzo hit another milestone, admitting out loud that he doesn't want to have to be like this forever. He does it deliberately, and it doesn't excuse it, but he's seeking change. He had to get here before moving forward.
So. Now he's had "a fucking minute" to process what Stolas said, has said, keeps on saying. He's heard that Stolas craves someone to love and want him. It's out there that Blitzo stopped Striker the first time. Unspoken things are moving forward.
I heard people fussing about this being their make up episode, but given the next ep (which probably will be in October), Blitzo needs to be at a low before he starts turning things around. It's his show and more than anything, the arc with Stolas is highlighting how he can't accept good things happening to him.
Stolas still has things he needs to work on as well. Highlighted in this episode is getting a more realistic sense of what romance is kind of like because he's basically a babygay rn. He doesn't have to have another full on relationship to realize that other people could want him. It could happen, but it's not necessary. He just has to recognize that he's not unlovable. That's not the problem with Blitzo. And for him to heal from his father and Stella he does need a little more experience.
Headcanon for me: Stolas and Verosika are gonna be besties after this until I'm proven otherwise.
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hanniedream · 2 days
promise ring with joshua hong.
a/n: at first i was like "haha shua brainrot" but now i don't think it's a laughing matter anymore. once again, i would like to blame this on @synthetickitsune bcs whose fault is it if not theirs?
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something feels different to you tonight. maybe weird, even.
it's close to 10pm when you decide to leave your room to see what joshua was up to and you find him in the living room, at the far end of the sofa with his back towards you. you see his box of colourful beads and various other materials laid out on the armrest and you know he's making more of his diy accessories again. that wasn't the weird part though, it's the fact that he didn't ask if you wanted to join him that felt off to you because he always does. or he'd at least asks if you want to watch him as you tell him about your day.
"what are you doing?" joshua jumps slightly when you appear behind him and tries to look past his shoulder.
he quickly lowers whatever was in his hands in an attempt to hide it with his body. "nothing," he twists around to look at you and he sees your eyes scanning the materials scattered before him.
"are you making something for the guys again?" your eyes leave the mess to land on his face.
you watch him knit his brows together like he's thinking hard about something then he's shoving the thing he was holding below his crossed legs.
"you should go to bed, i'll be done here soon." he says instead of answering your question.
"oh, i was going to offer my help." you try again but he's quick to shake his head.
"it's fine, i'm almost finished anyway." joshua silently prays for you to leave so he can go back to working on it.
you look like you're about to say something else but ends up only giving him a small nod and a soft mumble of "i won't get in your way then, don't stay up too late" that he almost didn't catch before heading back into your room. he doesn't miss the disappointment on your face and he can only hope that the finished product he ends up with will make up for it. once he hears the door click shut, he quickly goes back to what he was doing and he can't stop admiring his own work when it was finally done after nearly 20 minutes of threading tiny beads onto a thin wire.
by the time he was done cleaning up everything and ready to go to bed, it was almost midnight. he opens the door to the room gently, trying to make as little noise as possible in case you were already asleep and he knows you're still awake when he sees the dim light coming from your phone. you don't greet him or tell him to him to hurry up so you can cuddle like you usually would though, which was strange to joshua. instead, you just look up at him briefly then set your phone aside and goes to sleep with your back turned to him.
"hey," he murmurs behind you as he crawls into his side of the bed. "are you upset with me?"
"no," you mumble then turns to face him. "why? does my secretive boyfriend finally want to spend time with me now?"
joshua lets out a whine then he protests, "i always want to spend time with you, babe. you know that."
"then why didn't you want me around earlier?" you let out a dramatic sigh, "i always knew i wasn't as good at handicrafts as you are but i thought you appreciated my effort and enjoyed my company at the very least."
"i do! you have no idea how much i love it even when you're just sitting there and watching me," he rushes to tell you. "i just thought you should get some rest earlier since you had a long day at work today."
his arms wrap around you instinctively and he's relieved when you don't move away.
you tilt your face up to look at him and give him a questioning look, "really?"
joshua immediately gets up to turn the light on and retrieves his box of materials from the closet to lay them out in the middle of the bed. "let's make something together right now."
you start laughing at his reaction and joshua feels his heart blooming with every sound of it.
"fine, i believe you. put them away. it's getting late."
he packs them up and goes to sleep with you enveloped in his arms that night.
you wake up the next morning and everything seems normal until you finally notice it in the mirror as you're brushing your teeth. a small, beaded ring you have never seen before is sitting on your finger. you rush outside to find joshua in the kitchen preparing breakfast.
"babe, what's this?"
he turns around and sees you standing there with a very confused look on your face and your hand up. he quickly turns the stove off and sets the spatula down before making his way across the kitchen to stand in front of you.
his bright, glistening eyes meet yours and there's a small smile tugging on his lips, "a promise ring."
you don't say anything and the confused look is still on your face.
"you don't have to promise me anything back but i just wanted you to know that i want to be in your life forever, if you'll have me." his hands reach for yours and he brushes his thumbs against the back of your hands softly. "especially after last night when i thought you were actually upset at me, i started thinking about what would happen if i don't have you in my life anymore."
tears begin to well up in your eyes and you feel a lump in your throat. you pull a hand out from his to slap him lightly on the chest, "what the hell, joshua hong. you can't just make me cry right after i wake up."
he chuckles as he pulls you into an embrace then you feel him pressing a kiss to your temple before you hear his soft voice in your ear, "so what do you say? will you let me stay in your life forever?"
the smile on his face grows when he feels you wrap your arms around him.
"only if you let me stay in yours."
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ros3kill3r · 3 days
The Marauder’s Era characters as Uncles/Aunts
James Potter-Black - The Embarrassing Uncle
This man is giving that child ass loads of chocolate and sugar, and Regulus is watching from the side without a word.
Will hear the child fart and will start to tell everyone about what he heard without shame, thinking it’s something cute to say but it’s really not.
Will give you a 2 dollar bill because he thinks that makes him the cool uncle and that’s just even more embarrassing.
He will buy you a toy truck/a Barbie house when you’re 18 and think it’s cute because that’s what they played with “back in his day”.
Will pick you up from school and trip, grab the wrong kid, say hi to an old grandma and get whipped with her cane, cuss in front of a staff member, wear a cartoon t-shirt, etc.
Sirius Lupin - The Judgmental Uncle
Will talk about the wildest shit omd
He’ll be at a family gathering and start talking shit about everyone he can. “Yeah you know uncle Barty? Now, you know I’m not one to judge, but apparently his father whipped him because he fucked a man!” And Lily from 5 miles away is like, “SIRIUS BLACK THAT IS A CHILD!!”
Says the most out of pocket things, like it’ll be complete silence in the room and all of a sudden he says, “…I heard Marlene listening to Olivia Rodrigo, but the songs she made back in her Disney days-“
Remus repeatedly tells him to calm down with some of the shit he says because dear lord-
Was at a pool party once and Regulus got thrown in the pool and he went, “Poor boy can’t even swim, look at him he thinks he’s a mermaid…why’s he flapping around like that?”
Remus Lupin - The Wise ‘Old’ Uncle
Knows the weirdest facts? Like why does this man know how to hide a body (it helps uncle barty and evan at least?)? How turtles look like naked? What’s in outer space? How does he know we aren’t alone?-
Everyone comes to him for facts and studying and homework and he’s just a wise old man who looks younger than everyone else yet he’s smarter??
Will say some stupid quotes and speeches from books/theaters as ‘inspiration’ and he’d think he’s so wise and he just had a mic-drop moment.
Always tells Sirius to mind his own business and calm down yet he’s always being nosy and interrupting conversations with a new quote he heard.
Dedicates every single thing in life after something inspirational. This man is saying the goofiest shit like, “Oh c’mon don’t worry about those things! Hey, you know what I like to say? When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!!”
Peter Pettigrew - The Painfully Independent Uncle
He’s shorter than everyone else and people offer to help him when he’s reaching for the top cabinet but he always denies them bc one of the kids asked him for once.
Perhaps he’s independent because no one pays attention to him and that’s just what he’s used to.
Lily Macdonald-Evans - The Oversharing Aunt
No one knows why she shares so much about everything. She probably saw a poster that was looking for a missing dog and she’d talk to everyone about it.
This woman is yapping whenever she tells a story: “So I walked out of the house and I noticed the crunchy leaves and it reminded me of fall, oh did you know there’s a parade during fall? Crazy! Anyway, so I walked to a cafe and got my order and—WAIT so like the girl was really cute I asked her for her number, she was so sweet and so was the latte! Anyway--“
The type of aunt to order something with you and mention: “Yes that’s my order. I told ___ to order but they’re too embarrassed! Kids these days am’iright?”
Mary Macdonald-Evans - The Story Telling Aunt
This bitch be dropping some bomb ass lore every damn time there’s a family get together/gathering.
“When I was your age we used to go outside. There was this one time where I sliced my thumb in half when running! And then I saw the pope and he blessed me with a banana, and then I went back home and ate a knife—“
“You know, your aunt Lily murdered someone once—“ “did you know that uncle barty once beat me up—“ “uncle James ate 6 bees one time.” “I used to go outside and eat raw fish in the pond and I got salmonella. I could’ve died!”
Is making wild ass hand gestures at the table when telling a story and Lily repeatedly elbows her so she sits tf down.
Marlene Meadows-McKinnon - The unexplainably weird Aunt
Will sometimes approach you and smile at you for 5 minutes before walking away.
Will laugh at something so unfunny and will make a bored face when something is hilarious.
Will cut her finger and drink the blood and start hissing at everyone and will cackle to herself. People start feeling bad for Dorcas.
Will see a hot girl on screen and start barking and growling like a wild animal.
She’s just weird and the kids don’t get it, only the elders do.
Dorcas Meadows - The Artistic Aunt
Has thousands of tattoos that all mean something to her and it’s insane how many she has.
When you enter her house she has a whole room dedicated to her work and she does everything; painting, sketching, drawing, pottery, clay art, tattoos, piercings, etc.
Can look at your face and memorize literally every tiny detail.
Offers to do your tattoos/piercings when you’re older behind your parents’ backs because she gave ear piercings to all of the kids when they were little.
Regulus Potter-Black - The Stern Uncle
Won’t let you eat or drink anything sweet after 6 PM.
Will get upset when you sneak out or ditch school.
Very cold but when you know him very well you can tell his heart is made of gold—I mean seriously how can you think otherwise??? Uncle James is married to him!
Has favorites and allows them to do whatever they want. Will tell kids that if they don’t wash their hands the boogie monster will come and gut them. James told him to stop.
Barty Rosier - The Insane Uncle (duh)
Will casually announce to the whole table that he recently murdered someone. You would sit there in shock and look around the table, noticing that no one even batted an eye. Hell, uncle James asked him how it went!!
His and uncle Evan’s house is all dark and almost satanic. They have real skulls, blood and teeth in jars, they have a whole room filled with all kinds of weapons and body parts. You don’t know how they haven’t been caught yet.
They have a ‘plant’ room that they sell around.
For some reason he’s the best fucking uncle alongside evan and James bc he’s just so fucking funny and cool and chill and his kids are too and sometimes you wish they were your parents instead.
Right when you turn 18 he takes you out to make your ‘first kill’…and it’s not an animal. He also shows you how to defend yourself (if you’re a girl/weak especially), and shows you how to beat the shit out of someone.
Evan Rosier - The Crazy Uncle
Is the only one that manages to balance out barty.
Isn’t that crazy but whenever he is…it’s horrifying. (It turns uncle barty on for some reason?? Their kids hate it.)
Is so hot. Every time a friend is over they all fall in love with him. He notices this and he starts to feed their delusions. Every one hates it. You, Barty, and Sirius find it funny though!
One time he was so angry that he legit went out for a whole day, made Barty worried (which never happens), and came back 3 days later in the middle of the night drenched in blood and 50 murders circling the news.
Pandora does not support this behavior but evan got angry at her one time for bothering him about it and she let it go. They’re very stubborn which means he hasn’t apologized and she still brings it up to make him guilty.
Pandora Lovegood - The Adorable/Therapist Aunt
She’s just so whimsical and sweet and caring and nice and cute and pretty and and and
Always buys you crystals and spiritual things that she insists is very good for you and will protect you.
Surrounds herself with those blue eyes (?) to keep off bad energy.
Is covered in tattoos but they are small and meaningful.
Gives the best advice and her laugh is so fucking adorable.
She’s just here to show you that you belong, that you matter, and to include you in everything so you’re never left out bc she gets it. She’s the only one you can come to for anything.
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thecapricunt1616 · 18 hours
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Not me being Dad!Carmy mush (again!)
Not me really thinking about this in detail but -
Carmy being so supportive while your breastfeeding? He would after the breastfeeding class look up the most widely 5 star rated breastfeeding pillows, he would get on reddit forums - THE LOT.
He wants to be sure that his princess and his babe are COMFORTABLE.
He would be up in those forums being like
“my wife is a 36DDD (well- now. Before she was a 34DD but.. She’s 30+ weeks pregnant, I assume while she’s breastfeeding her breasts will stay the same size, if not lmk I guess??) are there any other fathers here who their wives have had experience with the boppy, or the ‘my breast friend’ nursing pillow - pls respond wife is 33 weeks, getting nervous we don’t have a nursing pillow yet…if she’s not comfortable while feeding im gonna feel bad. Help a dad out?”
If you wanted a home water birth? He would do absolutely ANYTHING in his power to make it happen. He is watching every YouTube video, he is buying every piece of supplies, he’s hiring a doula and midwife and he’s somehow gonna get a off duty L&D nurse to be there? Like he will pull out all the stops for the love of his life aka the mother of his child.
The second the baby comes out he was paying such good attn In birthing class he caught that slippery little berzatto and brought them out of the water on to your chest with a small sob and a kiss to their nasty slimey little head bc he doesn’t give af that’s his little slime ball ! He made that slime ball!!
The way he’d choke on sobs while the little angel feeds for the first time and he’s petting your hair with his forehead pressed to your temple whispering how that was the most insane but beautiful thing he’s ever been able to see and that you were the most sexy stunning perfect absolutely out of this world being because he watched you deliver HIS baby, his legacy, his little spawn - and it was all you. It was all your strength, your determination - he would sob at that and never live down how much he loves you and thank you on your baby’s every birthday.
Sorry it’s short but tis all the thoughts atm xoxo capri :)
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saintnovas · 6 hours
OPENING A NEW FILE...starting the morning off right
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NOTE FROM USER HALA ── hello! i posted this on my old writing acc like a twos years or so ago but then i deactivated so...here it is again! this is pure fluff btw bc i think i originally wrote this when i was in my feels bc kento :( ( also excuse any grammar or spelling errors pls )
WORD COUNT ── 481 words
WARNINGS ── none
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whether odd or not, watching nanami kento sleep was a pleasure. it was probably the way you and the peeking sun cautiously watched his chest rise and fall peacefully. his body shifting towards you every time you even thought of moving away. his serene expression was rare and you took full advantage of faintly tracing the scattered moles on his face and kissing the crown of his head. he smells as if warm vanilla and pomegranate placed sun kisses all over his body and wrapped him in a warm embrace.
an embrace he welcomes you with every morning and every night as he lays beside you. at night, he’ll listen to you relay your day as his chestnut eyes bore into your own. listening intently when you tell him about the gossip at your workplace. a soft tap on your thigh comes when you’ve stopped talking believing he’s asleep. he’s always there listening.
lost in thought, you don’t notice his eyes opening to meet the cause of the warm feeling on his face.
“good morning, you,” he hums, low with the gruff of the best nights rest he’s had in a while.
“mornin’ ken, did you sleep well,” you question, watching as he kisses the palms of your hands while sighing.
“always when i’m sleeping beside you,” he answers, lost in the sight of your soft hands compared to his.
they’re covered with some scratches of your days work and you have a hello kitty bandaid wrapped around your right ring finger, but he still thinks they’re delicate. soft as they hold his face and tangle with his own hands.
“what’re you thinkin’ of?” you inquire, an eyebrow raised at his eyes fixated on your hands. “i got the bandaid from a kid visiting the office with their parent.”
“oh, i think the bandaid is cute.” he comments, voice infused with adoration as he makes eye contact with you, “i just think your hands are gorgeous.”
“really?” you tilt your head away from the pillow.
“yes,” he nods, actions reflecting yours. “i think they’re lovely,”
you sit up beside him, fingers tracing the creased lines of his arms’ muscles. “don’t tell me you have a hand kink, nanami,”
he lets out a laugh from his chest. his face turning to hide the blush scattering across his cheeks like the explosion of a star. it’s now your turn to admire in adoration as the man you love dearly, vulnerably laughs like a child in front of you.
“i think your laugh is gorgeous,” you mimic, watching as he lifted himself to press a smiley kiss into your left cheek.
“thank you, darling,” he replies, wrapping you in an embrace. golden eyelashes coming into view when you turn your head away from the smiling sun.
whether odd or not, waking up with nanami kento is a pleasure both you and the sun enjoy.
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©SAINTNOVAS ─ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to saintnovas. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for any asmr. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
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lionhanie · 1 day
riwoo as your boyfriend! ♡
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fluff, boyfriend riwoo x gn reader!
word count: ~760
warnings: none
a/n: been having a severe case of boyfriend riwoo thoughts like i desperately need to keep him in my pocket
likes ♡ and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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never ending source of laughter and (really bad) dad jokes but he’s cute so you always end up smiling regardless
the effect he has on the members is practically ctrl c + ctrl v when he’s with you
nobody can deny that he has some BANGERRRRR jokes but when he’s always trying to make ‘em…. its inevitable that some will miss LMFAOOOO but he’s lucky to have you as his partner, because you always end up giggling when he looks to you when a joke flops
everyone will groan when you’re all hanging out and riwoo pulls the corniest play on words known to man, meanwhile you’re on the sidelines facepalming as you chuckle into your hand. “see, y/n understands how funny i am!” he boasts, feeling super full of love knowing he always has you to laugh at his jokes aw :,((((
i think he would literally have sparkles in his eyes every time you compliment him. he loves being praised by his partner!!!!! especially if we’re talking about something he’s worked really hard on or is particularly proud about 
you’re in the practice room with him, sitting on the floor and leaning against the mirror as you watch your boyfriend replay the same section of the song he’s been trying to choreograph for HOURS. even though it’s getting late, you’re completely mesmerized by the way he moves, his intricate facial expressions, and his (super cute) look of frustration when he isn’t quite satisfied with the steps he just made
“ah, this doesn’t look right. i feel like my flow is all off today,” riwoo groans as he lays flat on the floor next to you, splayed out like a starfish. “maybe i should just restart tomorrow. should we go home now, y/n?”
“mm, i thought you looked really cool though? that footwork you did for the chorus was amazing, it’s crazy to think you came up with it just now!” you’re deep in thought as you give him your two cents, finding it easy to compliment him when he’s just /so talented/ in the first place. “i don’t think you should get rid of everything you worked so hard on, but maybe you should get some rest so you can clear up your doubts about it!”
riwoo can feel his ears burn at your never-ending praise, cheeks starting to hurt from smiling too hard at your words. “okay, if my sweet y/n thinks i did a good job, then i must’ve really come up with a great choreo this time. come on, let’s go eat~!” 
methinks he’s big on rlly casual dates! stuff like staying at home and playing games, going on walks together, cafe hopping across the city, things along those lines :3
ooommmmfffgggg like. i’m thinking about enrichment time w riwoo LOLLLLL. it was a long day & you’re both just washed up laying next to each other on your shared bed just . scrolling on your phones. not a word said to each other for Lord Knows how long…except for the occasional poke to your shoulder bc riwoo wants to show you the funny dog vid he saw on his instagram explore feed… the two of you are just so content being at home together in comfortable silence that neither of you really mind that it may not seem particularly “exciting” to many
if you aren't staying in, riwoo loves going on walks with you, especially a little bit after the sun finishes setting. the weather’s a lot cooler without the sun, there’s less people out and about, and the mixtures of pinks, purples, and oranges from the sunset linger in the sky still -- and he has you! your fingers are interlocked as he swings your hands back and forth as you walk and talk about your days </3
okay…..now just IMAGINE what riwoo would be like if he had a s/o who worked at a bakery/cafe/pastry shop
first of all. riwoo would be all DOE EYED every time u left for work n just being like … “could you maybe… bring home any leftover pastries if there are any today? to make up for the fact that you're LEAVING ME ALL ALONE for a couple hours >:(” literally BEGGING u to bring him home something with his eyes awh
when you come home after your closing shift, he engulfs you in a huuuuge hug that lasts for maybe…. 5 minutes…. mainly because you smell like SWEETS and he literally wants to Eat You bc you smell so yummy LMAO 
im convinced this would be his DREAM PARTNER because wdym he can just waltz on into the store when 1) he misses you and 2) he can get his sweet tweat AT A DISCOUNT bc ur working… oh you're just so perfect for him! :,)
he is SO HAPPY to support you in any way that he can, without a doubt
i feel like you’d text him like “baby i’m really dreading work today :(“ and then when you’re on your break riwoo is there to visit! and he brought you snacks so that you aren’t too hungry by the time your shift ends; you can’t deny that his presence alone makes working a little more bearable, def gives you the motivation to keep going so you can quickly go back home to ur sweet boyfie
or if you’re feeling a little unconfident about the big test you have coming up, so you need to spend a couple hours studying every night-- i just KNOW riwoo is sat at the table with you for that mental support. you’d go through flashcards together, him quizzing you on each one and literally jumping in joy when you /finally/ get a term you’ve been struggling with correctly (he has no idea what he’s testing you on, but he’s just happy to be there for you!)
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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What if Altair and Ezio time travelled to just after the events of AC3 and landed In the homestead?
Also, thoughts on what each assassin would be like as a babysitter?
I’ll try to combine the two prompts!
Ratonhnhaké:ton would be a bit surprised at first bc hey these are the guys he learned about while Achilles was teaching him about the history of the brotherhood. Then, he gets them acclimated and situated so they don’t have to sleep in the stables or anything, and when that’s sorted out he encourages them to help around the homestead since they’re part of that community and family now for the time being + Connor places emphasis on communal work and everyone helping each other.
Ezio isn’t as stoked about it at first but he actually quite likes helping with agriculture and farm work I think (especially considering after Revelations he’d rather retire and tend to a vineyard than do assassin stuff again.
Altaïr is not the most sociable so he’s a little cagey around the new characters, but I think he’d admire the way Ratonhnhaké:ton runs the homestead as both a functional community built on mutually aiding one another as well as doubling as a secure hideout for the assassins that would be hard to locate and infiltrate. Altaïr has had his own history with reforming the Masyaf brotherhood to emphasize freedom of choice and love for one another to build a healthier community, so he’d be proud of Ratonhnhaké:ton.
Also, one of these tasks in the homestead for sure involve babysitting/looking after Hunter or any other youngling on the homestead. I feel like the Homestead would have a “It takes a village to raise the next generation” type attitude (majorly encouraged by Ratonhnhaké:ton and influenced by his own upbringing) where everyone would look after each other’s kids and help the parents in raising em.
Ezio would be really good with kids I think, so looking after Hunter wouldn’t be an issue— growing up he’s had to look after both Claudia and Petruccio, and I feel he prides himself on that as being a good big brother, so he’d know the signs and basics of babysitting and he takes his responsibility very seriously. He’d also probably get on the other assassin’s asses on certain particulars like how to specifically hold a baby or what foods to use. He’s been around this bend the most out of the three, after all. That overconfidence can cost him though since every baby is different but he’s a bit too proud to admit that what Petruccio liked as baby food wouldn’t fly with another youngling.
Ratonhnhaké:ton is good with kids too, but he’s a little more cautious and wary and can come off as overprotective (baby proofing every square inch of wherever they’re at, worrying over every little sign, etc). He calms down though and becomes more comfortable with the rhythm of it, but generally he takes this job very seriously as well, especially since the parents trust him so much, and keeping that trust is incredibly important. He’d also be up for playing some games here or there playing with the kiddo, and humming/softly singing some lullabies he can recall in kanien’keha. Mothers trust him the most with their kids and that’s a big responsibility to shoulder, and he doesn’t want to let anyone down.
Altaïr is the one that probably feels the most awkward around kids and small babies, especially because he has to reprogram and unlearn from a lifetime of viewing himself as only useful as an assassin and a killer. Handling something so small and delicate seems so more daunting than tracking and killing a templar. So honestly, Altaïr would probably go stiff just. Holding the baby and hoping it stays asleep. Like a feinting goat with its legs locked. He knows the basics of babysitting and caring for a baby but he still feels cagey about it— to make up for it though, I feel like Altaïr would do a lot of research and reading on babies, their development, and how to best take care of them (or if he can’t find good books he’d go around and ask and make his own notes corroborated from what he has learned). He wants to do the best he can in the end, and it’d be really cute if one day Connor or Ezio (or both) accidentally walk in on Altaïr playing peekaboo or making silly noises to make the baby laugh because that’d honestly be the first time they’ve seen him so relaxed and more comfortable.
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minimoefoe · 1 day
Rewatch Thoughts: Empire of Death
Looking back at it now, that final shot of The Legend of Ruby Sunday was actually crap bc the resolution is just.. Mel obviously just pulls the Doctor away lmao idk. I love the hype of those final couple minutes but it shoulda ended on literally anything else going on in that moment. Like ending it just close on the Doctor rather than with Susan leaning in woulda been better I think
‘The greatest monster I have ever fought’ feels very generous liike I know by name he is like he’s literally God of Death or whatever tf but idk about greatest ever icl
The idea of Sutekh clinging onto the TARDIS since Pyramids of Mars is actually very cool to me I’m just not sure it logistically actually works bc the TARDIS has been through absolute SHIT. I’m supposed to believe Sutekh just waited through/survived all of that? I GUESS
Also am not sure if Susan being in every place the TARDIS has landed and killing ppl actually works bc like. Surely if that’s the case then the time the Doctor etc are in rn wouldn't even exist bc the Earth was destroyed in 1539 or something yknow. Timey-wimey bs is defo not my strong suit so maybe it DOES make sense idfk
I also wonder about the Doctor being alive bc 14 is on Earth and presumably dead now so then how has 15 not faded out of existence or something like that
I thought after the first ep that Sutekh doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to set up a tech company or care about anagrams but like. I guess he is, I have bigger things to worry about than if that makes sense tbh
I’m not sure I think it anymore but for a minute I was thinking it woulda been kinda cool if Susan wasn’t just Susan and instead was named after everyone the Doctor has loved through their life and it just happened that the final one we see is called Susan (bc they obvs gotta do the anagram for the Sutekh reveal). Like maybe she was called Clara in one ep and Rose in another and Amy in another etc
‘One thing keeps living despite me’ ‘The Time Lord’ ‘No, greater than him’ makes no sense sorry, we know that woman is just some random 15yo and there is, when you really think about, NO REASON why her face is hidden like sure she has a cloak (which RTD has said in the commentary isn’t even a cloak and is actually just time shrouding her which is such bullshit), but I think you could see her face when she has a cloak on like. I feel like it wouldn’t be that hard actually if you THAT desperate and were a literal GOD
Skipped the spoon woman scene. BORING AF sorry
Someone pointed out that 15 has metal on him (his belt?) which I didn’t notice but it’s funny he doesn’t, as far as I can tell, have the ring Rogue gave him on, at least not in the spoon scene and right after it. Why?
Him being shady about Four and Sarah Jane is weird
Mel with 6’s outfit and 7’s vest she’s so cute
I can kinda believe that a guy (dog) who knows it all would go a bit mad when there’s one thing in the universe that he doesn’t know I’m just not sure that it fully makes sense that he couldn’t know and also the reveal being that she’s just some woman is really boring 
It would defo be better if there was some mention of the DNA testing thing in 73 Yards, make it seem more connected  
Sutekh saying he’s ‘waited for so long’ when Ruby is showing him that screen… is he talking about Ruby’s mum’s identity specifically bc surely he’s been waiting like a year at most which considering he’s been sat on the TARDIS for like a thousand years doing fuck all, a year is probably like a weekend for him. Or am I stupid?
What the hell does ‘she’s too cold’ mean?
Death plus death equals life.. I’m not fully convinced that makes any sense. Or that any of that time vortex stuff made sense but OKAY
I have so many issues with this ep that I don’t really have it in me to think about how dragging Sutekh through the time vortex when we know he’s managed to survive in there before doesn’t really work. I guess you can say he latched onto the TARDIS fast back in the day and that kept him alive whereas now he’s just being dragged along and isn’t be sustained by the TARDIS at all. Works for me whatever
Mrs Flood calling the Doctor ‘clever boy’ makes me think she’s old af like even if she physically looked 25 she would be talking to/about the Doctor as if he is a child yknow. Like how the confession dial woman in S9 spoke to 12 like he was young af even tho he visually and Actually wasn’t at all
‘And now I must become a monster’ you put a Goblin on a church spike in your first ep lad. ALSO I don’t think this is monster behaviour, it was defo deserved
‘I think UNIT can use you’ is Kate’s fave thing to say
She was important bc we think she’s important… an interesting idea I guess? but in this context it’s a piss take I think like it just does not land for me at all. A season of building up that Ruby and/or her mum are mysterious in some way only for RTD to turn around and be like ‘Well the only reason she was seemingly important is bc of all of you projecting the importance onto her’ bore tf off actually
What kind of freak points at a lamp post like that in the middle of the night when no one can even see it shut the fuck up
15 tryna convince Ruby not to go see her mum is.. Interesting? It must be his jealousy bc that’s kinda insane
I think Ruby’s ‘ending’ makes me sad for the Doctor more than anything else like him being left AGAIN while she gets to go basically live what he dreams of living, finding her family. It doesn’t make me sad bc I’m gonna miss her (and we know she’s coming back anyways lmao). I’m just happy for her and sad for him
Ruby calling her birth mum her 'real' mum is certainly a choice. Oomf said it was on purpose so we'll see if it actually goes anywhere I guess. I won't get my hopes up
I think I love that he doesn’t say I love you back like yeah he’s been far more open than maybe any Doctor but he does have his limits, especially in a moment where he’s feeling like shit
Kate and Ibrahim holding hands and looking lovingly at each other makes me feel a bit ill. I think some ppl have been a lil dramatic in response to it bc like. ultimately Kate has never been canonically anything sexuality-wise, and BF doesn’t ACTUALLY count for anything when it comes to the show and neither does the actor saying she has a lesbian Kate headcanon, so RTD can do what he wants but also yeah I do think Kate has lesbian vibes or at the very least has no business getting with this random UNIT solider out of nowhere. Strange choice
Don’t wanna get my hopes up for who Mrs Flood is bc I don’t want to be burned again but I fear I am intrigued
Overall, some fun bits, some absolute waffle. 3.5 stars for now. 3 potential if I’m in a bad mood the next time I watch it
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solarwynd · 2 days
I really hope this blows up https://x.com/buzzingpop/status/1805025956953813275?s=46&t=xZfMNrysfzaHDchIEDZ2ZQ
Thhat man needs to feel embarrassed for the shit he did and everyone involved needs to know that every time they try to fuck w jimin we’re gonna fight back letting everyone know what they’re doing, and even if it’s not gonna help jimin at the end of the day, we would be documenting everything they’re doing bc this is not okay in any way, they’re disrespecting an artist under their label, AND FOR WHAT??? just pure hate bc he gets support from his own fandom that has been building up ever since we saw the difference treatment that he gets in comparison with the others, and because he doesn’t really need the crazy promo someone else needed to achieve big things in america. Even rn his position in spotify US and Global is insane. And that’s exactly why they feel threatened by him.
Don’t think embarrassment is an emotion he’d take from this. I doubt he cares that he’s offended people and is being rude to Jimin. But I do believe that man is probably getting drawn and quartered in the bowels of the Hybe America building by Scooter while Bang watches on zoom. Cause I know the plan was just to keep ignoring us and those tags just like they did in FACE era. Now they have heat on them from the media criticizing them about the same thing HYBE had to put that statement out about treating all their artists equally since they had accusations that they don’t during the MHJ mess. Fucked up that plausible deniability for all of them lol.
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karmilli0n · 20 hours
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That's Not My Neighbor Head cannons I won't stop thinking about.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Arabella (oc):
Hopeless romantic
That one friend who's always dressed nicely even when having a breakdown
Would bail you out of jail
Easily flustered
Swears in french but says it in a sweet way, so people think she's complimenting them.
Can't pronounce "declaration"
Very insecure but acts like she's the best
Likes to be the dumb blonde because arguing with men is dumb
Dramatic queen
Marina and the Diamonds coded
Runs off of coffee 24/7
Forgets to eat all the damn time
At some point he stopped giving a fuck about doppels
MAN CANNOT FLIRT TO SAVE HIS LIFE (it's okay bc he's unintentionally hot)
Terrible at English (grammar, etc)
Some days just talks in mumbles, and no one ever knows wtf he says
Punched a doppel without realizing it (he thought it was his coworker who wouldn't leave him tf alone-)
Milkshakes are a guilty pleasure
Got chased by a dog during a delivery, and now hates them
Basically, the batman of the building
Bicurious fr fr
A girl's girl
Type of woman to have pads/tampons/liners, etc, in case anyone needs one
Drops off food for Francis because she knows he forgets to eat
Honestly the best mom ever-
She's actually not very good at baking
Her relationship with Francis was: the opposite eyes where one is like happy and the other is tired-
Or like: grew up with a big family x grew up an only child
The one who actually suggested the divorce
Left handed
Has an odd fascination with pears
She walked in on her parents once, and now whenever Nacha needs her, she has to go to Ana instead of Ana going to her.
Thinks it's cheesy her name is so similar to her mom's
Pretty close to both her parents
I think she'd really like The Addams Family
Good at math
Picked up saying "whatever" from upper classmen
Kinda hates the idea of romance
The type of person to just stare into your soul but in reality was zoning out (got that from her dad fr fr)
Likes picking flowers to bring to her mom after school
Bad boy with a heart of gold
Looks like a fboy but this guy got no bitches
Kinda dumb most of the time, but gets serious when it comes to piloting
The cool uncle
Wear sunglasses even if he can't see shit
Insecure about his eyes
Definitely the type to try and fight a goose
He's an only child and wishes he had some younger siblings
Doesn't like to drink all that much
Definitely knows how to play guitar or some sort of instrument
Most loyal man ever
His wife died before the doppelgangers, but once you get him talking about her he won't shut up
Taught Steven how to play guitar
Everytime he smokes he thinks of how his wife would nag him about it </3
A lot of the guys go to him for advice
I imagine he's got one of those warm hearty laughs
Was in the military for a bit
Worries about Steven everytime he goes out
Doesn't understand mental health, but does his best
Sweetest old woman, you'll ever meet.
Carries candy on her all the time
Loves roses so much
Her and her husband are definitely grumpy x soft
Can be kind of an air head sometimes
Had a dog named Puffles when she was young
Has at least 3 kids who write her letters with pressed flowers, which she keeps
Never really liked pearls until Roman bought her a pearl necklace
She's a bit tone deaf
Grumpiest man ever
Questions how he ever got with Lois
Knows how to play piano
Is very good with numbers
Hates he's balding but Lois reassures him all the time he's still handsome
Very uncoordinated man
Dislikes pomegranates for some reason
Loves his children very much and gives financial advice
More on the slim and regal side
Has begged Arabella for clothing advice
Loves matching with Elenois
Hates being separated from her sister
The friend who goes partying every night
Definitely the type to gossip with her sister
Cannot keep a secret to SAVE HER LIFE
Has the tendency to talk about topics she doesn't fully understand
Does Selenne's makeup because Selenne always begs her to
Definitely has accidentally called herself by her sister's name
Technically the older twin
Worries that she's not as pretty as her sister even though they look alike
A secret lesbian
Wears cherry chapstick
Hated yellow/orange at first and grew to really like it.
The type to scold you about doing something wrong, but in the process is giving you comfort items
If it wasn't for her sister encouraging her to join her in modeling. She probably would've been a sectary.
Loves the color red WITH. A. PASSION.
Loves receiving apples too <3
Probably smells like apple blossoms too-
Very good at English
Teaches third graders
Wants to be a mother with lots and lots of kids
Her relationship with Dr. W. Afton is literally gorgeous wife x dork
Loves her silly fiance
Dyes he hair blonde
Dr. W. Afton:
Man is clueless
Also has no idea how he bagged such a beautiful woman
Loves how smart Mia is
Does questionable shit all the time
Has a thing for bunnies that doesn't feel entirely normal
Has been mistaken for a doppel by neighbors because sometimes he creeps them out
He gives me quiet kid
Definitely grew up with no siblings and extremely awkward around other women
Looks like he would freak out over a bug
This man MOST DEFINITELY knows how to dance
He reminds me of Waluigi
He looks like he enjoys pineapple on pizza
A lady's man fr fr
Would treat you so well
A romantic
Smokes a lot, though, because work is hard
Drinks red wine
Has a fancy ass bathrobe that lowkey Slenne is jealous of
Peaked in highschool
Nosiest mf ever
He's somewhat sweet
Very good at his job
Likes Selenne and gives her all the gossip
Has flirted with all the women in the building at LEAST once (shoot ur shot ig)
He's most proud of his jaw line
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Author's note: Someone should lmk if I should do more :P also I might do something with Arabella more dive deeper into her- I'm just doing this for fun, for myself really because I was just gonna wrote most of these in my notes app. I doubt many people will read this so-
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outmakingmoonshine · 2 days
(Some of) my hopes (and some theories) for S3
The number 1 thing I want is a scene after Nat's had her baby where Carmy sees Syd holding the baby and his entire world stops bc that's all he wants for his future 😭 If Sydcarmy kiss or something I'll be happy and I'll reblog every single gif of it like a normal person BUT if we get a Syd holding the baby scene I'm gonna be uncontrollable on every social media platform available. I might even post it on Reddit and watch the meltdown! This is where the bar of my expectation is for S3. If we get this (or anything remotely like it) I'll be so satisfied, any other good thing that happens between Sydcarmy will be a bonus for me.
We know we're getting a Syd x Pete scene and I want a Carmy x Pete scene where Pete's talking about how great Syd is and Carmy can't help but warm to him a bit more. The potential relationships between Syd x Pete and Pete x Carmy are so important to me 🥹 my three awkward, anxious lonely babies (Pete's not lonely now but I think he probably was once upon a time and the Berzatto men singling him out of the family must make him feel lonely and not good enough :( I love Carmy but I will fight him for Pete's dignity and honour!)
Putting the rest under a cut because it's mostly just my musings and ramblings
I want Nat to say something to Carmy about his relationship with Syd. Nat saw their dynamic before Claire came, she saw Syd's reaction to Claire, how sydcarmy's dynamic changed when Claire was around and how Carmy ditching her made Syd feel. She didn't witness all of that for nothing. Someone's gotta tell Carmy how he's been (unintentionally) making Syd feel and I doubt it'll be Syd.
I need to see Richie start respecting Pete at least a little bit. Carmy's already kind of made a step towards respecting and even appreciating Pete for who he is a bit more but I need to see it from Richie too because I'm pretty sure he's the one who leads that little mob mentality against Pete. Even if it doesn't actually happen this season, I need to see it heading in that direction because Pete doesn't deserve all this slander 😭 I need Richie and Carmy to start seeing that the only difference between them and Pete is that he's mature and confident in who he is. They're both not confident in who they are so their only way of feeling like they're above him/better than him is to make fun of him for it. (IRL grown adults with this infantile mentality get on my last nerve so I need to see them come to a realization soon.)
I want Donna to make amends and start finding peace. I know she's technically an antagonist in this story but it really bothers me the way people dismiss her as if she's some monster like we aren't watching Carmy treat the people he loves the exact same way she does. If we can empathize with a man for his toxic behaviour we can empathize with a woman who was going through her own trauma and loss while she had 3 kids (plus Richie) to look after. Any parent who welcomes another person's child into their family unit for years and makes them feel like part of the family despite whatever she's going through, isn't a monster imo. I know she traumatized her kids but honestly, most parents do that and have no remorse about it. Donna has remorse for her actions and the effect it had on her kids. And what is Carmy doing to Sydney's self-esteem and confidence right now? He's definitely not helping it! l If I can forgive Carmy because he's acting on his trauma and I understand he's not just a horrible person by choice, I can do the same for Donna. I know some ppl just don't like JLC because she's pro-zionist (idek I just saw this online somewhere?) which I understand but at the same time, the actress is seperate to the character. Donna's favourite person in the world is gonna be her beautiful black daughter in law! She's gonna love and appreciate Syd so much.
I want Donna's story to end with her starting to heal so people watching this show know that even late in life when you've made all the worst mistakes and inflicted your pain on others you can still heal and try to right those wrongs. It's never too late to start being a better person. This wasn't meant to turn into a rant about Donna but I think the way some fans talk about her character is so unfair and narrow minded because they don't keep the same energy for Carmy.
Some of my theories for S3
I know no one wants to hear this but I think 3x09 Apologies will be an apology to Claire where Carmy finally comes clean about why he gave her a fake number and why he can't be with her, putting an end to romantic Claire/Carmy for good. If we see the end of Claire in the first few episodes I'll be happy but I doubt they'll waste the "suspense" of Claire/Carmy vs SydCarmy by ending it 3 or even 4, 5 episodes in. I don't think she'll be in all 9 episodes leading up to it tho (please no, I love Molly but that's way too much of Claire.)
JAW said during awards season "Claire deserves an apology" which seemed random to me at the time because no one asked him that, he just brought it up and we all know Syd is the one who deserves the biggest apology from Carmy. Idk if they were filming S3 yet when he said that but he already knows where the story is going. Actors don't just play character's "blind" without knowing something about where their story is leading, especially main characters.
I think they'll do the Syd/Claire switcheroo and make it seem like Carmy's going to apologize to Syd (because it will be glaringly obvious he needs to) but it'll be him telling Claire the truth and ending things with her. Idk if Syd will get an actual apology (it would mirror 1x08 where Marcus got the actual apology and Syd didn't even though she probably deserved it more) but I think we will get some kind of super intimate heartwarming/heartbreaking scene from sydcarmy in that episode, just like 2x09.
Also Ayo said something like sydcarmy fans won't get what they want in S3 and it's the one time I actually believe her.
I think we're going to get some amazing sydcarmy scenes in S3 but I don't think it's going to end well for them. I think S4 will mirror S1 and build their dynamic up again back to what it was before Claire came in 2x03. I think S4 is gonna be THE sydcarmy season.
I'm in two minds about whether Syd will sign the contract or not. I'm leaning towards no because despite it meaning Carmy can't just leave again, going off to do whatever he wants with "wHoEvEr" and she'll have his full focus, I just don't think she wants a legal contract to be the basis of why they're committed to working together. Syd's never tried to tie Carmy to her so I don't think she'll appreciate him doing it to her. Carmy's doing this out of desperation, not out of purely wanting to collaborate with her and Syd will sense that. I think Syd wants him to want to work with her. That's why she never actively tried to get him to stay and work with her in S2 and she could've been way more direct and harsh than "I need your focus like you need mine", Lord knows he would deserve it but she isn't trying to force him. That's why she never made him feel bad about being with Claire either even though he ditched her for Claire right when they were getting closer. She doesn't want to guilt trip him or make him feel like he owes her something, she wants it to be his own decision. She wants him to show that he wants it just like she does. And he does...but he just doesn't know how to show it in a healthy way and toxicity raised him so I can't blame him.
Idk what's gonna happen between Syd & Marcus or Syd & Luca but I don't think it actually needs to be romantic to make Carmy jealous, especially if he and Syd aren't seeing eye to eye. I don't think it's necessarily gonna be romantic for Syd either, even if they see her that way. Just like Carmy didn't really see Claire romantically (in present day anyway) and I will die on that hill. That man had zero romantic interest in her despite literally kissing and having sex with her. It was more like he was just going through the motions of a "normal" relationship than it being something he genuinely wanted. Why does he show SO MUCH want and desire for Syd but not a single iota of the same for Claire?!
Seeing Syd get close to any other man is going to bother Carmy regardless, especially if he knows the man is attracted to her. But I feel like Syd is a 'connection before anything else' kinda girl (Carmy is too, that's why having sex with Claire literally sent him into a spiralling panic attack the morning after) but Syd doesn't have the exact same issues and trauma that Carmy has so I can't see Syd being with or sleeping with someone she doesn't feel connected to like that. I could be wrong but I can't see her changing her mind about Marcus and suddenly dating him at this point. She seems like someone who knows what she wants and won't settle for less just because it's available. (Not that Marcus is "less" than anyone, my sweet little cherub.) I could see her feeling a connection to Luca though, he's basically a calm version of Carmy that pays attention.
Ayo basically saying in an interview that Will Poulter pays attention to her instead of his phone was such a random piece of info imo. I get it made context in the story she was telling but it just seems like such a deliberate pointed thing to bring up knowing right now in the show Syd doesn't feel appreciated or listened to by Carmy. She could've answered the question without mentioning Will at all tbh, and even if she did mention him she didn't need to mention all of that, give us a whole backstory and everything, idk. This might be a reach but I'm pretty sure they give out of context clues like this in interviews, they definitely do it in the show so I wouldn't be surprised.
I think it was a clue about the dynamic between Syd and Luca in S3 and the difference between Carmy and Luca is Carmy's unfocused and makes Syd feel like he doesn't listen to her but Luca makes her feel like he pays attention to her. I still don't think this needs to be in a romantic sense but I'm happy for Syd to get some TLC from a hot blond guy with tattoos before Carmy sees sense.
Idk we'll see how that story plays out in S3 but if the fact Luca pays attention to her is a plot point (even a subtextual one) I'm taking that story from Ayo as an out of context spoiler.
I love Marcus and I adore Lionel BUT I just can't see Marcus and Syd being together. Their vibe is so brother/sister to me that it would just be weird at this point in the show imo. The same way sydcarmy ending the show only ever being "platonic co-workers" would give me weird inappropriate vibes about their dynamic throughout the show. The romantic dynamic between sydcarmy and the platonic dynamic between Syd x Marcus are kinda set in stone imo, especially after S2. It'll be very difficult from a literary standpoint to drastically change those dynamics in a believable way and keep the quality of storytelling and integrity of the show intact at this point. It's not impossible, I just don't think it's likely at all.
I'll be honest, I'm not looking forward to Marcus's storyline in S3. My mum died when I was young so seeing kids (even if they're adults) attending their mum's funeral on shows/movies always makes me emotional, especially when it's a character I care about. (If we get a flashback of Syd at her mum's funeral I might actually die of sadness bc I'm not ready for that! I've had enough time to accept I'm gonna see Marcus's mum's funeral but if they spring Syd's mum's funeral on me too it might actually break me idk.) I am looking forward to seeing him be supported through it though and other than his mother's funeral storyline I'm excited to see where his story goes in S3. I feel like Carmy's gonna be an asshole to him if he starts getting closer to Syd and while I love the angst and jealousy of SydCarmy he better not hurt Marcus's feelings or be too hard on him. I can't wait for some Marcus x Luca scenes too.
I nearly forgot the loml, Tina! I'm so excited to see her story in S3, idek what to expect other than her backstory episode that Ayo's directing 🙌🏽 but I'm sure I will love it. Liza does so well in this role at making me feel things (all of the cast do tbh but Liza as Tina just plucks my heartstrings on a different level.)
If you read this far, thank you I appreciate you 💛
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