#because I'd like to get pregnant in the next 4 years
w2soneshots · 6 months
Labour -W2S
words: 1.6k+
warnings: pregnancy, birth.
summary: you and Harry finally meet your baby girl.
notes: I’ve never had a baby so I apologise if this isn’t accurate!! Also this was a request on wattpad. Hope you enjoy🫶🏼🧸
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 1,467,098 others
y/username: not long now🫣🤍 @wrotoshaw @freyanightingale
faithloisak: ❤️❤️😭
taliamar: you're so cute
y/nfanpage21: the bump!🥺
user31479682: still can't believe w2s is gonna be a dad
I met Harry in primary school. I always thought he was a little weird but just as high school finished I fell head over heels in love with that weird boy. That was 12 years old. We got married two years ago, it was a small wedding in Guernsey with only our closest friends and family. Just under a year ago we decided we wanted a kid, 4 months later I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant. I waited an entire week to tell Harry just so I could tell him with a little bag containing a mini version of his charity match jersey inside (that I'd had specially made). Then we told the boys, Faith, Freya and Talia at a special dinner that we arranged just so we could tell them all together. They were extremely excited, especially Ethan and Faith because there would now be another set of parents in the group.
We found out we were having a little girl when I was 21 weeks. That was also around the time I felt the baby kick for the first time, me and Harry sat in our bed absolutely freaking out about it. After we knew it was a girl I could finally start buying an unholy amount of baby clothes, teddies and things for the nursery. Me and Faith have become considerably closer, since we now have things to talk about, she's really been a great help when it came to little worries I had or if I just needed someone to rant to about back pain.
I'm currently 38 weeks. The hospital bags are packed and the nursery is completely ready. I am seriously getting bored of being pregnant and would really like to just meet my baby. Harry ran me a warm bath so I could relax. Then I dried myself, put on my current favourite pyjamas and slid into bed next to him. I struggled slightly getting to sleep since I was really uncomfortable. I tossed and turned until I finally drifted off to sleep.
I woke to the feeling of wet between my legs. Confused, I pulled the covers back. My eyes met a large patch of clear ish liquid on the mattress, barely visible in the darkness of the room. My brows furrowed then my face dropped, mouth turning into an O shape. My water just broke. I took a deep breath then turned to gently shake Harry awake, he groaned. "Haz, wake up" I whispered gently. "What- what's up?!" He said the last part with a little bit of urgency after properly waking. "I think my water just broke." I stated calmly. His eyes widened "what!" He jumped off the bed.
"Calm down. It's fine the midwife said we have time, remember?" His face calmed slightly then he took in a shaky breath "are you ok?" He asked, coming over to my side of the bed. "I'm fine." I replied. He helped me off the soaked bed and to my feet. "This is really happening, we're really going this." He said with slight excitement in his eyes. "Yes we are. Now can you grab the hospital bag while I change?" He quickly nodded then ran towards the nursery where the bag resides.
I got changed into a comfy sweat set, brushed my hair and tied it back into a bun. When I emerged from the bedroom Harry was stood by the door rapidly texting on his phone. "Ready to go?" I asked. He looked up "yea," he nodded "I was just texting the boys." I giggled "Harry it's 5am!" I said with a light shake of my head. "I needed to tell someone!" He exclaimed. "We're any of them even awake?" I asked as he unlocked the front door. "Uh- no but they'll see it in a bit." I laughed.
Once we got in the car I text my mum telling her what was going on, then Harry speedily started the car. We were at the hospital just 15 minutes later. Harry helped me inside and we were quickly taken to a private room. "What time did your water break?" The nurse asked. "Around half four." I answered. "Ok... and have you had any contractions?" She questioned while scribbling on her clipboard. "Uh no, not yet." She looked up "alright then, I'll get my colleague to come and attach you to some machines so we can monitor you and baby." She said with a kind smile. I thanked her and she left the room.
Another nurse came in soon after and wrapped my stomach with some monitors, she did some other general checks on me. Once she left Harry came to sit next to me and held my hand. I smiled at him but my smile was quickly replaced with a look of discomfort as I felt a small but painful cramp wrap around the bottom of my stomach. "Woah, was that a contradiction?" Harry questioned a few seconds later, once it had subsided. I nodded "ye I think so." I replied. "Should I go get the nurse?" He asked. "No I'm fine." I answered. He nodded and kept his hand firmly in mine.
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y/username just posted a new story!
Once it hit 8am I was having regular contractions that were lasting around 30 seconds each and were 7 minutes apart. The midwife came in and checked how dilated I was, 4 centimetres. Me and Harry sat on a FaceTime call with his mum, dad and Rosie, just a few minutes after we called my family. Then I got a call from Faith. "Hey! How's it going. How are you?!" She asked excitedly. "Hey, I'm okay." I said with a light smile. She returned the smile "I literally couldn't believe it when Ethan told me you were in labour this morning." She stated. Before I could say anything else I felt another contraction building. I quickly said goodbye and placed my phone next to me. I took a deep breath and squeezed Harry's hand. "You're doing so good, breathe." He said quietly. As the pain subsided I let out a heavy sigh. Harry squeezed my hand lightly "You're incredible." I looked to him and smiled "You're so cute."
After an excruciating amount of time I was finally at 9 centimetres. I stood with my arms wrapped around Harry's neck, swaying slightly and breathing heavily. "Not long now. You've got this. I love you. You're doing so good." Harry whispered in to my ears as I clung to him. He kept his hands firmly on my waist, helping me to stay up. "Ok y/n, It looks like you're ready to push!" My midwife said and I looked up to Harry with fear in my eyes. He helped me back onto the bed and cupped my face in his hands gently "you're gonna be fine, I'm here." He said with a comforting voice. To be honest I thought Harry was going to be an absolute mess when it came to me giving birth but I was pleasantly surprised on how strong he's been, for me.
I lay back on the bed, held up by a few pillows and Harry was quick to grab my hand, once again. With my legs propped up, my midwife sat on a chair in front of me. "On the next contraction push as hard as you can." she said through my legs. I nodded nervously and it wasn't long until I felt that now all familiar pain run from my stomach all the way round to my lower back. I squeezed Harry's hand so tight I thought I might break it as I pushed with all I had.
After almost 30 minutes of what felt like constant pushing I finally heard the loud cries of my baby. Tears immediately poured down my face and the last few hours completely left my brain. I looked over to Harry once they passed me my baby. I have only ever seen Harry cry once during the entire time I've known him, but there was tears falling down his face as he stared sweetly at me. "You did incredible. She's perfect. I love you so much." He choked out. I brought him towards me by fisting his shirt in my hand and pulling him so our lips connected.
Once Harry cut the babies umbilical cord, both me and baby were checked over and cleaned up and we informed our families and friends that we were both ok and that the baby was healthy, we sat admiring the sweet little baby peacefully sleeping in the plastic cot. "We need to name her." Harry said quietly. "Got any ideas?" I asked, realising I hadn't actually thought about the fact she'd need a name. "Uhm, I like the name Nova." He said. My eyes lit up slightly and I nodded "she looks like a Nova." More tears dropped from my eyes. Harry shuffled towards me "what's wrong? are you okay?" He asked softly. I laughed lightly "I'm fine. I just- love her so much." Harry giggled then pulled me into a warm hug "I love you." He said with a breathy laugh. I smiled into his chest "I love you too."
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Liked by wroetoshaw and 4,023,611 others
y/username: my baby girl Nova Lewis🤍
behzingagram: omg wow wow wow congratulations❤️❤️❤️❤️
ksi: congratulations🥳
faithloisak: OMG😭😭😭😭
y/nfanpage21: I can't cope🥹
user29473674: w2s is officially a dad woah
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eris-snow · 2 years
Tags: Midoriya x fem!reader, pregnant, hospital
Family is something precious.
You lay on the hospital bed, stroking your round tummy as you prepare to give birth to your 3rd child.
Deku checked you in yesterday because he was sure your water was going to break soon, and the doctors had confirmed his calculations by allowing you a bed in a shared ward.
The lady you're rooming with is pregnant too, but her situation is entirely different from yours. It's as if there's a party going on at her side of the ward. There were family, friends, extended relatives and so many more people you can't count that it made you feel like you were invading her space.
You suspected that this was her first child, considering how loud they were being, the raw excitement in the soon-to-be mother voice and the lack of screaming children.
On your side of the room sat your lonesome self, stroking your belly as you whispered soft coos to your unborn child. You weren't bothered by the noise as it gave you something else to focus on. However, on the off chance that you did look up, a pitied gaze was all you can see from the lady on the bed.
Her gaze was sympathetic as if saying, aww you poor thing, no one to celebrate with you, as her friends gushed about her very first child ever so loudly
You paid no mind to her.
You were content, and no matter how many of those looks she threw you, you wouldn't let her get you down.
"Mummyyyy!" Tiny footsteps thumped one by one into the room, making your head turn to the doorway. Your adorable 4-year-old stumbled in, arms outstretched high in the air with a heart-winning smile on her face.
"Is Mummy okay? Hiroko-chan's in there, right?" Your sweet girl has the most adorable voice, her tiny hands pressed against your stomach gently as she stands on her tiptoes to attempt to climb onto your bed.
"Kumiko, sweetheart, I told you not to run off without Papa, right?" A tuff of green hair pops into view by the doorway as Midoriya steps into the ward. His hair is in disarray, eyebags prominent under his eyes, but his smile was so bright it looked as if he was practically glowing. In his arms was your sleeping two-year-old, fast asleep against your husband's chest.
Your eldest blinks at her father, processing his words before bowing her head in shame. "Sorry, Papa," She apologised. The Number 1 hero smiled, bending down to ruffle his daughter's hair. "Don't do it again, okay?"
Nodding her head vigorously, Kumiko patted the mattress of your bed, signalling for help to get her on it to join you under the covers. With a small boost by Midoriya, the four-year-old successfully climbed onto the bed and curled up right next to your tummy.
"Hey, Y/n," Midoriya greeted softly, directing his attention towards you now. "How you holding up, hun?"
You mirror his smile, gently stroking your daughter's head as you meet his eyes. "Good. You?"
Midoriya blows out an awkward chuckle,
You raised an eyebrow. "Kids' got you running all over the place again?"
A nod from the blushing broccoli boy.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw people on the other side of the room with their jaws hanging ajar as Midoriya leaned in for a kiss.
You reciprocated happily, tasting the sweet flavour of comfort that you'd missed in the hospital.
The once looks of pity had turned to envy, seeing how the Number 1 Hero had chosen you as his partner for life.
But that wasn't the only thing that caught their attention.
The woman's eyes were fixated on your little girl, eyes wide with curiosity as she pressed her ear against your womb. "Hiroko-chan~" She sang, kissing your belly. "Onee-san's waiting for you...come out soon, okay?"
"'Zuku, could you draw the curtain for me?" You whispered, eyes wandering down to check if your youngest was still sleeping. "I'd like some time with just my family."
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Finn Shelby- Hungry
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This was requested and I absolutely loved this idea!
Finn and I married young, we were 18, but we were in love. 4 years after our wedding I found out I was pregnant. Both of us so excited to welcome a baby into our lives. Thankfully I barley had any morning sickness, however I'm so hungry, like all of the time. Today I ended up going to the nearby bakery to by cakes and biscuits to help subside my cravings.
It's now 9pm and I'm lying in bed with Finn, wrapped up in his arms. I sigh feeling hungry, even though Finn and I had our tea only an hour ago
"What are you thinking about love?" Finn asks rubbing his thumb over my tiny bump
"About how I could eat a whole fucking cow" I giggle. Just as I say that my stomach growls
"You hungry little one?" Finn asks looking at my tummy "shall I get you and mummy something to eat"
"It's ok. You've had a long day, go to sleep. I'll get myself..." I start to get out of bed but Finn pushes me back down gently
"I'll get you something to eat. You relax"
"Finn it's fine I...."
"Let me spoil and look after my wife" he leans down and kisses my lips sweetly
"Ok"  I watch Finn practically jump out of bed and run out of the bedroom making me giggle. How did I get so lucky?
In no time at all Finn has reappeared with all of my craved foods, chocolate cake with strawberries and cream. My stomach growls again making Finn laugh
"Ok ok I'm coming" Finn hands me a the plates and he gets back into bed "I know you hate eating in bed but I'll change the sheets tomorrow" I give him his plate and we both tuck in
"I asked Polly if the hunger would go, like the sickness did, but she said it's only going to get worse. Even after I have the baby I'll be hungry because of feeding him or her. I'm gonna be huge"
"No you won't" I look at my husband with raised eyebrows "Esme never kept the baby weight and she ate like she had been starved"
"I guess but her cravings were healthy foods not cake and chocolates and biscuits"
"Even if you do put weight on I'll love you forever"
"Promise?" I pout
"Promise. Now get that cake down you so we can cuddle"
The following morning I wake up to an empty bed, but the smell of bacon immediately makes my mouth water. I get out of bed and wrap my gown around my body. My stomach growls as I descend the stair
"I know little one. I'm hungry as well" I rub my tummy and enter the kitchen
"Good morning, I thought I'd let you sleep in this morning, so I've cooked you some bacon and eggs"
"Thank you" I give Finn a smile and kiss his cheek "this one is feeling hungry, let me know when I woke up this morning"
"Well then. You best sit at the table and I'll bring over your food" I do as Finn says and I sit down at our kitchen table. He puts a plate down in front of me and once again my stomach growls
"Told you. The baby is a true Shelby, always gets what they want. I hope they look like you"
"I hope they have your heart, your kind smile"
"I can't wait for next 5 months to be over"
"Neither can I" Finn kisses my forehead then joins me, sitting opposite me with the same food on his plate. My life will soon be complete and I can't wait.
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lightlycareless · 9 months
I don’t know if you’ve seen the cartoon King of the Hill but there’s this side character named Cotton Hill, father of the main character: Hank Hill. So Cotton treats Hank very poorly and is/was a horrible father but he has a soft spot for Hank’s son, Bobby. Idk if this is me craving a somewhat soft Naobito but I can imagine him having a soft spot for maybe one of the many kids Y/N and Naoya have.
Omg hahah I haven't seen much of king of the hill tbh, except when I was channel surfing and I'd see like a scene or two, but I searched it up a bit and that + a dream I got recently was exactly what I needed to answer this ask.
So, let's say that you and Naoya end up having... 4 kids. Planned, loved, cared for, so on and so forth. Some members of the plan push you to have another one (either because of the superstition behind the number 4, or because they want more strong sorcerers, idk) but you don't let them get to you because you and Naoya are happy with the family you have now.
Years pass, your youngest kid is like 10, and then... an unexpected surprise occurs: you're pregnant! Naoya wishes to say he didn't know how it happened, but you know, one day... both decided to... you know, why not, take a little risk...
And the rest is history.
Either way, both take this surprise very well and end up having one last child: a baby girl named Naohime. (don't ask why, in my dream it was like super cute and I'm going to take advantage of the fact that I rarely dream with Naoya, if ever soooo aajgkhkajgha)
So obviously because of your age (I keep thinking 40's but let's be real, somewhere around 30's mid 30's), alongside the fact that she's probably the last baby both are going to have, the two decide to spoil her even more. Like, give her even more things than what you gave your other kids, be a bit more lenient with being grounded and what not...
Because all of this, she grows up to be quite the troublemaker; always making her relatives upset some way or the other, constantly testing the limits of everyone's patience, with no indications of stopping, nor caring whenever you or Naoya try to correct her. Amongst other things.
And this... amuses Naobito to no end.
I have to admit that more likely than not, Naoya is the only one of his siblings that ends up having kids; I mean, the others are not really pressured to do so, and I don't think they're interested either, or didn't get the opportunity who knows,
Anways, Naobito, with the notions that he's not going to have any more grandkids + his age + his amusement for Naohime's antics, he quickly grows to have a soft spot for her.
The whole clan thought Naohime couldn't be any more spoiled when it came to her parents, but when the clan leader got involved, that's when they learned what spoiled truly meant.
Naobito would end up making lots of... questionable decisions because of his favoritism towards her. Like, placing lands under her name, gifting her cursed tools, or even asking her opinion on trivial matters relating to the clan.
Naoya attempts to put a stop to this, but all that he manages to do is... well, nothing, really. I mean, Naobito doesn't involve Naohime in important subjects anymore after Naoya spoke to him, but she's still involved one way or the other.
The other shocking thing he does is train her personally. That's like, wow, haven't seen that one since he trained Naoya, although the surprise here is that at his old age is still capable of moving haha. To Naobito's pleasant surprise, Naohime is an excellent student, so he ends up liking her even more.
"Maybe Naohime is a much better candidate to be the next clan leader." Is what Naobito would ponder about one day, much to Naoya's horror.
"She's—she's just a child!" he exclaims; although he won't deny that losing what was promised to him is quite terrifying on it's own.
Naobito just shrugs.
And obviously... the two watch anime together. Spend their time criticizing all the same things Naobito complains about, even though Naohime doesn't know much of it (does it look like a child would care about animation?) But she likes to parrot Naobito so there's that hahah.
"anime time" is scared for the two; no poor servant would dare interrupt them while they're watching their favorite series; truth to be told, all his schedule revolves around this.
"Will this meeting clash with the plans I have at 5?"
"Yes, but only because it's of utmost urgency."
"Then no."
"But it's important. It pertains to the future of the clan!"
"I said no—I'm not going to miss my anime with my granddaughter just for some stupid meeting."
"For your—you're avoiding this meeting to watch anime with your granddaughter?!"
Naobito doesn't like being questioned, so that man is never seen again.
So, there you have it. What I think a Naobito with a soft spot for one of his grandkids would be :>; I honestly didn't want to write something like "yeah he'd only like the BOYS" because idk, I've heard stories (and seen them first hand) of people being completely set on their morals, and then, when they grow old and have grandkids, they're like "oh that? idk what you talking about."
Also, I thought it would be cute for Naoya and Y/N to have one last little girl, you know? 🥺❤️ unnghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh one that everyone loves the most.
Anyways, thank you so much for sending in this ask! Y'all be asking the REAL questions I love day dreaming about 😈 (jk, I appreciate all asks ❤️❤️)
Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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all-pacas · 3 months
part one, part two
Hi! I was curious about who on House (besides House) gets the most diagnoses right. Other folks have already run a tally (it's Chase), but I was curious how other factors would influence the tally — whose ideas get run with, who manages treatment, who screws up… So I thought I'd keep score.
1 point for getting the answer. This is almost always going to be House.
.5 points for Valuable Contribution — stuff that isn't the final answer, but either is thought to be the final answer or is valuable to the solving of the case. Stuff like "noticing something on the MRI" doesn't count; things like "figuring out how to treat" does.
-.5 to -1 for Mistakes — stuff that delays or prevents diagnoses, injuring or killing patients, etc.
+1 House: Figures out it’s Cushing’s. Another episode more about Vogler than medicine.
+0 Chase: Is super gross and awful about the patient all episode, complains non-stop, and is in his Peak Rat Era, but he still works his ass off and doesn’t let it show when in the room with the patient. Probably because he's more worried about getting fired, but. Compare to Foreman in the Rabies episode, who dismissed and refused to look at the patient. It's not a high bar.
+1 House: everyone is super busy with drama, but House figures out the case in his spare time. COINCIDENCE STRIKES AGAIN: Chase, for the third time, accidentally says the right diagnosis immediately, only to be shot down because it made no sense at the time. This time he points out he got it right, but House is also right that when he said it it was dumb.
+1 Team: The patient is diagnosed very quickly; the conflict of the episode is much more about keeping both her and her baby alive. Which, uh. -5 Vogler: Crossing from interfering jerk into “actively killing people,” his stunt with the C-section killed the patient. He could have pulled her from the trial without stopping the delivery. Hope the husband sues!
+1 House: Realizes the patient is pregnant, and from there it all falls into place. +.5 Chase: Despite House doing his best to punish him all episode, he comes up with a way to scan the patient without a CT. This is also the second time he’s figured out how to do something with “old fashioned” tech — first x-raying the ham worms in the pilot, and now using an ultrasound to scan a brain. Did he go to med school in the 1950s?
LOVE HURTS DIAGNOSES: Infection under jaw
+1 House: Figures it out fairly quickly once he realizes the tic-tacs are a clue. -.5 Chase: Hiding his knowledge of the patient being into S&M was very much a good move when it comes to workplace bullying, but could have led to delays in treatment/diagnosis. Luckily, not five minutes later, the truth is revealed anyway. -5 COOL POINTS: Chase attempting to dom the patient was terrifying. Why do we give him shit for kissing the 9 year old when this is so much more cringe? +1 Annette: Cares about Harvey, does everything she can to help him, doesn't give up trying to help and support him. Nice to see her portrayed as a caring person and not just Sexy Dom Lady.
THREE STORIES DIAGNOSES: N/A. But also, -5 to House's backstory doctors.
HONEYMOON DIAGNOSES: Intermittent porphyria
+1 House: As is usual for season finales, it is not so much about the medicine. Mark Warner is sick, no one has any idea or good guesses, and the fellows mostly exist in the background for House’s development with Stacy.
Foreman's low score surprised me, but he tends to swing from "being really brilliant" to "being very unprofessional." He does well, but also gets demerits for his mistakes. He gets the most focus and character development, and that's only going to continue next season; I'm pretty sure he's going to pull ahead of the pack at some point.
Cameron essentially tying for second surprised me, because I remember her pulling a lot of dramatic stunts (spoilers, she doesn't start S2 strong), but she actually doesn't make a lot of mistakes that pull her score down. Sort of a "slow and steady" approach. She also, so far, is the only one to come up with a diagnoses (Wilson's Disease) on her own (even if House was only a second behind her).
Chase managed to guess the right diagnoses three times. He doesn't get credit, because they were guesses and he didn't seriously try to prove or fight for them, but it is interesting accidental foreshadowing. I do think Foreman was originally intended to be "House's successor," but there really is a decent case to be made, even in S1, that Chase has a shot.
Not much to say about House; his score is always going to be the highest, particularly in episodes more focused on character drama than "solving the mystery."
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The Eighth Child (~TUA AU~) - Season 4
Chapter 2: The Prodigal Daughter Returns
Warning: Strong language, mention of death and mental illness, talk of addiction.
(The Eighth Child Masterlist)
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A few days passed and they all forgot about Jennifer and the dry cleaner. Viktor decided to stay a few days to make up to Grace for missing her birthday, and Klaus was trying to be more romantic than usual.
"Was that good?" He asked, lying next to His wife.
"Yeah... yeah of course," Victoria nodded.
"You don't have to lie."
"It was okay. You're too soft."
"I can't be rough, you're pregnant!"
She turned her back to him and looked at the jar of marigold on her nightstand.
"I'm sorry," he said with eyes full of tears. "I don't know what to do anymore to save us. I don't know how to be different from what I am now."
"I know," she murmured. "You know how Dad took our powers and all? Because we kept ending the world, but that was because some of our powers were destructive. Allison can start and end wars and she's not mentally stable, Ben can commit a massacre without breaking a sweat, Five can mess with the timeline... but we're not destructive. You just become immortal and see a few ghosts. Alright you can conjure them and stuff, but you won't need to."
"Are you suggesting I drink this shit?"
"That would make you feel safer and nobody would have to know... then you could go back to being the man I love."
"What do you mean? You don't love me anymore?"
"How can I love someone who carries a gas mask to go places?" She snapped. "Who won't eat a runny egg yolk! Who needs to bathe in alcohol before getting in bed? Who won't buy used books because someone might have left fluids on them that could give you a disease? I can't stand your restrictions anymore and you're making our daughter into a fucking wimp like you! You're boring and your new haircut sucks! You getting sober was the worst thing that ever happened to me!"
A silence took over the room and he started crying, scared to wake up their daughter with all the screaming.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," Victoria quickly tried to take it back, but words are like bullets. They can't be unshot.
"Three years... you wanna throw three years down the drain because that's what you want, right?" Klaus sobbed. "You love our little parasitic relationship, the eternal screwup and his holy savior! I'm your charity case, I've always been and you feel so superior because you can smoke a joint once in a while, have a few drinks and you're fine! You can go back to being normal Victoria, but I have a disease! Once I start, I can't stop!"
"I know... I didn't mean to-"
"Every time I'd relapse back in the day, you got a glint in your eye! Oh, I get to save him again!"
"That's not true! You know damn well how hard I tried to keep you sober! I said it without thinking!"
"No, don't take it back. Dysfunction is what we do best in this family so how could we ever raise our children in a happy home? You need to traumatize them like Dad did you us! Because you think it made you tough, it made you interesting, it built character. Newsflash, sweetheart! You're just broken and full of Daddy issues!"
"How can you say that?" She started crying as well. They had not fought this badly since she left him to work in California.
"You're selfish and a big baby! You leave me when things get too hard or too boring, you did it when we were 25 and you're doing it now! I'm so done living cowering in your little bubble of superiority!"
"I took care of you your whole life! I made sure you didn't get in trouble, I made sure you were fed and healthy and safe! I was your shield for 30-something years! You know I'd take a bullet for you even now that I'm no longer indestructible! You think it was easy? You think I like picking your sorry ass off the floor when you hit rock bottom?"
"Bottom? Moi? There's no bottom here, missy, no bottom at all. I'm the goddamn Mariana Trench! Just wait till you see!"
"You're threatening me now? Give me a fucking break, I wanted to help you, you coward! So scared of a little itty bitty ghosts that you need to pop every pill on the planet. Your power is a gift!"
"You wouldn't survive a day with my power! So easy for you... I don't feel pain, nothing hurts me!"
"I'd thrive with your power, you're just too weak and cowardly to deal with it how it's supposed to be!"
"Thank you... you know truly thank you. Finally a grain of honesty. Feels refreshing! You wanted the old Klaus? You got him!" He reached for the jar of marigold but she took it from him.
"I'll put this away, nothing good is gonna come from taking this shit..." Victoria got up and grabbed a box from the top shelf to leave the jar in, but she found something that caught her eye. A card.
"Give it to me! You want me to so bad to be your pet junkie again!"
"No! I'll give it back to whoever gave it to us!"
"You'll return it to the man in the dry cleaner?"
"No, someone else... look after Fortune, I'll be back."
Victoria headed to the Hargreeves mansion, she had not been there in years. Not ever since she tried to get the location of their birth mothers, but Reginald knew nothing of it.
The guards were more than eager to let her in, they treated her like she was actually part of the family.
When she walked into the mansion, she heard the sweet sound of a violin being played by a beautiful lady who looked almost angelic.
"Hello, Victoria," she smiled, putting down the violin. "Long time no see! What brings you here today? I see you're glowing, when can we expect the second little one?"
"You forgot your jar of marigold," Vicky leaned against the wall in front of her.
"I'm sorry? I think you're mistaken."
"No, I'm not, step-mama. You know, I can't read minds anymore, but I'm not stupid. That whole Sy Grossman story was mighty suspicious. So I turned to the note you gave us to send the location of Viktor. Where had I seen that handwriting before? Oh yeah! The card you sent to us the day my daughter was born. I had to check it to make sure, and there it was... your handwriting. Now would you tell me why you gave us a jar of this stuff?"
"I synthesized marigold back in my world, but when I created this new element, another one was accidentally produced as a byproduct... Durango."
"Yes, and it's inside of Jennifer."
"Jennifer... as in Jennifer who got my brother killed?"
"I do not know about that... but when marigold and durango interact, there's a dangerous physical reaction."
"Makes sense. He touched Jennifer and started getting this weird rash, then his tentacles were out of control, and he ended up killing himself and the girl... but wait, you gave us Marigold and sent us to look for durango? Do you wanna fucking kill us?" Victoria grabbed Abigail by the collar.
"What is the meaning of this?" Reginald came into the room with a scowl. "Unhand my wife right now!"
"Your wife tried to end the world! I have a child and I'm expecting another! I have a nephew and nieces, how could you do this?"
"I never asked to be brought back!" Abigail finally said. "Reginald brought me back to life and I didn't ask for it! He unleashed this danger into your world after it destroyed ours, I just wanted to cleanse it."
"Very well, it's cleansed," Victoria opened the jar and tossed it in the fireplace. "Now don't you ever come near me or my family, with or without powers, I will end your sorry ass with my bare hands."
"There's no need for this sort of-" Reginald placed himself between them.
"Don't you miss being so strong?" Abigail held up a vial of marigold. "Nothing could hurt you, you knew what everyone was thinking and even controlled it, you controlled what they felt... wasn't it great?"
"I'm great without my powers, I'm a mother and a wife, a business owner... that's all I wanna be," Victoria sneered.
"What about your husband? Don't you miss him? Don't you miss the devil-may-care Klaus? Who jumped in front of cars and spent all night partying? The man you fell in love with is gone."
"Shut up..."
"This is the very last of the marigold in the world. Enough for two people... maybe three, if you want to make your daughter special as well. Protect her from the world."
Victoria sniffled and grabbed the vial, she looked at it and for a moment all the memories from her youth came rushing back.
She remembered crazy nights with Klaus, dance lessons, their mother's shoes, their college days, his face while getting his palms tattooed, the amazing girls she met in Vietnam, her life in the 60s, the cult, his proposal, their wedding, falling out of her window when he tickled her... and it was the concrete that shattered.
"It was the concrete that shattered," Victoria mumbled, opening the vial.
"All you have to do is to look for Jennifer," Abigail murmured.
"Will it hurt us?"
"You won't feel a thing. You and your family will be protected. You won't face the same ending as your brother."
"There's another thing I'm good at besides recognizing handwritings..." Vicky swallowed. "Recognizing liars."
She tossed the glowing liquid into the fire once again and turned her back to leave.
"Victoria!" Abigail called.
"Enjoy the rest of your life in our world and don't you dare create more of this shit. I'll come kill you myself."
Meanwhile, back at home, Klaus was pacing around the room. He kept replaying and replaying all the moments from the fight in his mind and it hurt more and more each time he remembered.
That familiar need started taking over and he knew he was about to relapse. He took the phone and called Claire, asking her to come over and pick up Fortune because he had to take care of an emergency.
After that, he started going through the house grabbing everything valuable he could get his hands on. First his own wedding ring, Vicky's collectible Disney music boxes, her jewelry, the Rolex she got him for their anniversary, and finally their daughter's piggy bank.
He smashed Fortune's porcelain pig on the floor and grabbed all the money inside before pulling their flat screen off the wall in the living room.
"Daddy?" Fortune stood behind him. "Why did you break the piggy bank? I'm saving for a Barbie Dream House!"
"Tunnie baby!" He tried to smile. "You're here! Claire is coming to pick you up so you can play at Aunt Alli's house."
"What are you doing, Dada?" She frowned, noticing something was clearly weird.
"You know this TV has been on the fritz for a while. Haven't you noticed, baby girl? I just thought I'd take her down to the old geek lab, let them work their magic."
"It's not broken, Dada. You're weird, I'm scared... where's Mommy?"
Fortune tried to come closer, but Klaus held his hand up.
"No no no! Your feet, sweetheart, you'll hurt your feet with the shards. Watch your feet, sweetheart!" He cried, covering his mouth in panic. "The piggy was an accident, Tunnie, I'll pay you back."
"I don't care about the money, Dada, I want you to be okay," the little girl looked down, tears running down her face. "I know something's wrong, please tell me so we can talk and make it better."
"I'll talk to you, Tunnie, I will. But Daddy has had a horrible day and he just can't... just can't have this conversation right now. I'm sorry."
"Claire said you were sick. That you needed help to stay healthy, are you not feeling well again? I can help you! I'll call 911, please stay with me!"
"It's too late, baby, I'm sorry. You stay put and wait for your cousin, okay? You need to stay on the couch waiting for her and when mommy comes back, she'll pick you up."
"No, Daddy! Don't go! You're sick, you need a doctor!" Fortune tried to stop him from going to the door.
"No, Tunnie, Daddy's gonna leave now just for a little bit."
"Please stay! It's dark and I'm scared!"
"I gotta go-"
"But Daddy...!"
The little girl was stunned into silence and her little pout quickly turned into panic as she started crying harder. She watched her father leave and sat on the floor sobbing quietly.
Not once had he ever raised his voice at his daughter, she was an easy girl and never got in trouble. She never needed to be punished or grounded, he always considered himself lucky... but now Klaus feared he was turning into what he hated most: his father.
"Hello," Victoria picked up the phone as she drove back home.
"Vicky, we need to get together right now," Five said. "Bring Klaus."
"I don't know where he is, he left Fortune at Allison's and disappeared with our TV and my jewelry. I'm looking for him right now."
"Shit... we need you! I think we have some more insight on the whole Jennifer situation."
"So do I, wait until I tell you who planted the marigold in that box and sent us after durango."
"What? What are you talking about? Ben is here! We're all at the old Academy."
"I know, he's an asshole. Big news..."
"No, not Sparrow Ben, our Ben."
"What?" She nearly crashed the car when she made a turn to head to the Academy. "How?"
"He found this sort of subway where the train takes you to different timelines, there's a crack in time and space which made several portals around the world to this station. The timelines are bleeding into each other."
"Please don't say another apocalypse is coming, I can't cope," she huffed.
"No, I mean, not if we find out how this is all connected. It's supposed to be one timeline, The Keepers, that group Sy mentioned... Lila and I have been infiltrated there for months and they know we're in the wrong timeline."
"Well fuck, that means the cleanse is a little more drastic than I thought."
"How do you know about the cleanse?"
"Abigail told me, it's a whole chemical thing with Jennifer. I'll explain better once I'm there."
"Jennifer? Oh, that makes sense why Dad is trying to keep her away from society."
"He is?"
"Jean and Gene, the leaders of that group I told you about were just murdered along with a bunch of their followers when they tried to kidnap Jennifer from the make-believe town where she lives. Everyone in the town is a Hargreeves soldier."
"Alright, I'm so confused. The Klaus hunt will have to wait, I'll be there in five... Five."
Tag List: @jozstankovich @firstpersonnarrator @salvador-daley
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Mon I hope you know this will forever be in my brain, all my thoughts, are going to be consumed by them.
Do you think inthe everyone lives au they'd want more kids or are they completely happy with their little surprise miracle? And in that vain, do you think Tim would yeet his uterus/ get his tubes tide after Birdie is born or like, again, maybe perhaps... holding out for the possibility of another....
(Don't mind me, I'm just a fiend with baby fever and the love of projecting onto my favorite guys)
Oh dude even in the 'canon' of Sorry, It's Locked Tim does end up with another kid.
The second kid is more planned than Birdie but still not entirely planned (as in, he and Brian have been talking about it and have been a bit less careful about using protection, but it still happens a lot sooner than they expected it to lol). They name this kid Jesse and it's a little boy, so Birdie gets a little brother.
In the 'everyone lives' AU I think I'd keep this. Around the time when Birdie is sorta 12-13 ish, after Brian comes back into their lives and eventually starts dating Lark and Tim, he and Tim have a kid as well, and again, that kid is Jesse.
Also Jesse is like, obsessed with his big sister when he's a baby. Like, he only wants to be held by her, he stares at her constantly, y'know? He just really loves his big sister.
Birdie is a bug autistic, she fucking loves insects of all kinds. Every type of insect, there isn't a single one she dislikes. However, Tim really doesn't like bugs much (blame that on waking up in the forest, lying on the floor covered in insects and insect bites) but he tries for Birdie. Like, she wants to raise caterpillars? Sure, they can do that... Except that Birdie releases the butterflies in his room one day and he almost has a panic attack so now he's gotta explain to 3-4 year old Birdie that she really "really can't do that because papa is very scared of bugs, even the pretty ones". Birdie gets it and is allowed to raise caterpillars again, but she does ask if that means she can't dress up as insects for Halloween anymore, if Tim is even scared of the pretty ones.
Obviously, Tim says she is the prettiest bug and only bug he likes. She is very happy and proceeds to dress as a shield bug for the next Halloween. Tim is just very confused by her choice 💀
Confused but supportive dad lol
I think I also forgot to mention some of how Birdie is in 'canon' S,IL while it's just her and Tim. Because even though Tim hides MH from her, he can't really hide the PTSD kinda stuff it left him with. He can't hide the nightmares that wake him up, he can't hide how scared he is when he forgets things, stuff like that. He and Birdie have this kinda routine where if he wakes her up with his nightmare she goes and sleeps in his bed with him. So she'll wake up because he's yelled or something in his dream and she'll go into his room (wake him up if he isn't already awake) and they'll cuddle until they both fall back asleep.
A lot of Tim's nightmares pot MH are about losing people, they're about losing Jay and about losing Brian, they're about killing Alex and lying to Jessica about what really happened and then never seeing her again, stuff like that. But they're also about losing Birdie. They're about sort of "what if" scenarios where he lost her before he even knew he was pregnant, where the fight with Alex at the end caused him to miscarry. They're about losing her to some horrible accident now that he actually has her to look after. They're about the Operator coming back and hurting her. They're about the Operator coming back and Tim doing to Birdie what his mum did to him, sending her away to a mental hospital and rarely coming to visit.
The ones about Birdie are the worst for him, the others he kinda knows how to deal with, he dealt with them during MH and also, they did happen. He did lose those people. In a way that makes it less scary, because it's just reliving the events in a way and he can kinda handle that. But the dreams about losing Birdie? They fuck him up. Some days even sending her off to school after a really bad nightmare about losing her feels like too much and can send him into panic attacks all day.
On days like that he and Birdie have an agreement with the school that Birdie can phone home at break and lunch, and if Tim really needs to he can phone and ask for her outside of break and lunch. He tries not to need that one, he doesn't wanna drag her out of class in front of everyone, he doesn't want the other kids to make fun of her for it, because kids can be mean like that. Birdie doesn't really care what the other kids think. She doesn't even realise that getting called out of class like that could be something to be embarrassed by. All she cares about is "my papa is sad and scared and I can make him feel better by talking to him about bugs" because on those phonecalls she literally just talks about bugs she's seen that day and Tim's just happy to listen and remember that she's alive and safe and strangely obsessed with bugs.
ALSO kinda on the same lines as this, even tho Birdie loves Brian as a teacher, she's kinda suspicious of him when he and Tim get together. Like, not massively, but the first time Brian sees Tim have a nightmare when he stays the night, he ends up getting kicked out of Tim's room by Birdie because she doesn't trust him to know how to help. She kinda gets one of those little kid power trips about being the only one who knows how to look after her papa when he has a nightmare, like, she feels all special because just being there or talking to him makes him feel better, y'know lol?
She gets all high and mighty with Brian and he tries to focus on how funny he finds it rather than panicking about whether Tim is okay.
When Birdie doesn't come out of Tim's room again Brian cracks the door to look in and absolutely melts because Birdie and Tim are sound asleep all cuddled up together. Brian sleeps on the sofa that night and ends up all manners of fucked up because it is NOT a comfy sofa to sleep on and his back is already fucked 💀
Many many spasms were had all the next day. That poor man was not having a good time. Birdie feels sorry for him and tells him that next time he can go and sleep in her bed instead.
He appreciates the offer 💀
It doesn't take much convincing from Tim for Birdie to let Brian stay after the first few times he has a nightmare while Brian is staying over, rather than her causing a whole palava kicking Brian out (cos that's not as simple as just, Brian gets up and walks out of the room, he has to transfer into his wheelchair and make sure he grabs his morning meds in case Birdie won't let him back into the room in the morning when he needs them, and make sure he brings his service dog with him cos she sleeps on the bed with him and Tim, y'know? A little less simple than "get up and walk out". Also his neck is also kinda fucked up from the fall so he has a specific pillow that he always uses, which if he doesn't he always finds his neck all kinda of fucked up in the morning, so he's gotta grab that too lol)
Anyway, eventually Brian just becomes part of their whole nightmare routine and Birdie realises that teaming up with him to look after Tim works way better than doing it on her own. So she and Brian cuddle Tim from both sides and he gets extra reminded that they're both still there. Also Brian's service dog is probably trained to help with PTSD, cos no way Brian isn't also a little fucked in the head after MH, so she can task and do deep pressure for Tim. She's a bit confused at first cos usually she does it for Brian, but she gets it very quickly. Birdie is delighted that a dog can be taught to cuddle on command.
Oh shit you asked about tubes tied and stuff as well lmao. Sorry I got so distracted.
I think after they have Jesse, Tim gets a hysterectomy and all that. He doesn't wanna go through pregnancy and birth a third time, so they get that done so he doesn't have to worry about it. He jokes that if Brian or Lark wants another kid they'll have to figure out which one of them is gonna carry it.
He'd be happy to have another kid, all three of them have pretty good jobs now (Lark's the big moneymaker for the family with Tim close behind, Brian's still a teacher because he adores kids) so they could support a third kid financially, but if they want another kid, they're gonna have to adopt or go through a surrogacy thing rather than Tim carrying it like with Birdie and Jesse.
Oh yeah also the kids names:
Birdie is "Birdie Amelia Wright"
Jesse is "Jesse Alexander Thomas"
Yes, I know it's dumb but I love it. Jesse for Jessica. Alexander for Alex. Amelia for Amy. Tim names his kids so that people who were lost to MH are still kept alive in a little way (yeah yeah Jessica is still alive, but Tim has no way of getting in touch with her so nyeh). In the 'everyone lives' AU that kinda doesn't work as well so Jesse's middle name would probably be different in that, cos Alex is still alive lol. But yeah.
@pianofirepirate helped me come up with the Kids full names :]
I've ranted to them about this shit so much recently lol.
SPEAKING OF RANTING TO THEM here's another thing we came up with:
In the 'canon' of S,IL Birdie does eventually find out about MH. Probably about when she's 15-17 I think? One of her friends tells her about it, like, mentions that her dad's look like two of the guys from this old YouTube horror series and shows her a couple things that people managed to save before Tim deleted the MH channel and all that, cos even in universe I like to think MH got relatively popular, with people thinking it was a fictional horror series. It starts a WHOLE conversation at home with Tim and Brian where they have to explain that yeah all that stuff happened to them, no they really don't remember a lot of it (especially Brian), yes people think it's fictional but it's not, etc etc etc.
Tim and Brian are upset that some 'random' kid at school showed MH to Birdie, but over all it's not a world ending thing. What it does do though, is open the floodgates on jokes about stuff that happened in MH. E.g. "can't believe you pushed me off a building" jokes. Brian uses that one so often and Tim just sighs dramatically and comes back with "First of all, you fell! And also YOU'D BEEN STEALING MY MEDS FOR YEARS AND I DIDNT KNOW WHO YOU WERE BEHIND THAT STUPID MASK!" And Birdie just sits back and watches in glee. She finds it hilarious.
Though the first time Brian accused Tim of pushing him she did go "you pushed him off a building!?!?" Like, completely taken aback and they had to explain the whole thing to her and they probably showed her the video so she could see what actually happened.
Honestly I think that maybe once Birdie is like, 18 they end up putting all the videos back up. Maybe they only privated them rather than deleting them idk. But yeah I think after a while they'd just silently put the videos back up and all the lost media people rejoiced, and there's just the unspoken thing that Birdie can watch the videos if she wants to.
She doesn't.
Like, she watches a little bit of it here and there. But she never actually sits down and watches everything, she just doesn't feel like it's something she needs to do. She watches enough to know who the people being talked about by her dads are (Amy, Jessica etc etc etc) and she watches a couple entries with Jay in them over and over and over again. But generally, she just doesn't want to watch the whole thing, y'know. She doesn't watch all of MH and she hasn't seen a single TTA video.
Wait that reminds me now again (sorry, I keep fucking doing this)
That whole thing with Tim sometimes needing to phone Birdie's school and just, like, make sure she's still alive. That doesn't fully go away when Birdie gets older and goes off to college/university. Tim's always been a bit of a helicopter parent and though he gets better at it, he and Birdie do make time to phone each other pretty much every night. Mostly it's just Birdie talking about her day and what she's been up to, and Tim listening. Occasionally he'll chip in with bits about his day, but mostly he's happy to listen to her talking about her studies. (She's gonna be a bug scientist. I can't remember what they're called. But she's gonna be a big scientist, specifically working in conservation of insects).
If Birdie misses a phone call one evening Tim will definitely start to panic a bit, but he makes sure he only sends her one or two texts to check in before he forces himself to put his phone down and go spend time with Brian and/or Jesse :]
Cos while Birdie's uni age, Jesse is only like, idk 10 at most? So Tim still has a lot to do, y'know? Jesse keeps him and Brian occupied and while he's looking after/spending time with Jesse, Tim manages to take his mind off worrying about Birdie pretty well.
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deadtiredghost · 4 months
I cant find the original image i wanted to post cause this theory is built on that, i think i found it on pintrest but u know how in the apocalypse timeline Leo has Raph's prosthetic arm? and how everyone theories that Raph dies first?
Right well. I prefer to think otherwise! (bear with me i have a point)
TW: death, apocalypse things, mourning(?), its rottmnt apocalypse angst you know what you'vs signed up for.
My personal headcannon of how things went down is that things went to shit but not entire shit at first. there was a healthy resistence and all and the family were skilled enough together to stay together. Yokai and humans alike had to team up and all, but couldn't do much against being Kraangified.
We know its 2044 when Casey Jr gets sent back so CJ can't be older than 22 canonically; personally I think he is around 15-17, same age as Leo and Donnie. this also means that Mikey is around 39 and Leo is 40.
I think the adults died first, Splinter would not live to see his sons die.
Whether CJ was an accidental pregnancy or Casey found him and adopted him, he came into the turtles lives when they were in their mid to late twenties.
the second i think is more likely personally but if Casey was pregnant or got someone pregnant then they had to have had a fighting chance that things would get better at this point for her to bring a life into the world - at this point they looked like they might win, and the next generation was their hope
"It's you! All of you, together! I never thought I'd see you again! I'm so happy, I could hug you!" - CJ, movie.
I believe that all of them got to know CJ as a toddler, maybe even until he was in his tweens, maybe not, but reguardless, they knew him as a child enough that he loves them and considers them his uncles (and leo his father-figure).
We know Casey knew Donnie enough that Donnie probably helped on their chainsaw hockey stick, but I believe that Donnie died second. Donnie's death is incredibly distructive because of everything he can do with his tech - there are other mechanics and scientists but not to the same level as Donnie.
I think that Donnie's death marks the dwindling of the resistence, it also irreparably damages the family. Maybe Casey was around 10-12 when Donnie died, not a fighter just yet but training to be - hence the weapon and "trademarked apparel".
I also think that Donnie's death triggers Mikey to practice with his mystics to a detrimental effect to try to contact Donnie's ghost and all, becuase Mikey is seen kinda decrepit at 39 years old, and while yet the apocalypse ages you, I think the last 5-or-so years of Mikey's life took a massive toll on his body so he cant do physical shit anymore (nor his razzmatazz *sob*) because his bones r brittle as fuck in return for his excessive mystic capabilities.
The reason I think Donnie died first is because of Leo's arm, which is Raph's prosthetic.
I've read fics where Donnie makes Raph a prosthetic and he rejects it because of his ninpo, for it to be repurposed for Leo, but I very much prefer the angst that surrounds the idea that when Leo lost his arm they had no mechanic to fix him a new one, that Raph's prosthetic was taken straight off his body to give to Leo who accepts it to keep Raph with him.
(this idea came from the pintrest pic i cant find, which was a tweet i think)
ya that. i have little more to say - i just eat up the angst i guess. I love all the animations on youtube, there are so many of Raph's death and I love all of the interpretations so much.
So ya. my theory: Donnie dies around 2040-ish, Casey and Raph the year after, then April at some point. It's all a load of shit in the last 4 years of the apocalypse where it's clear they can't bouce back from this so Leo comes up with the time-travel plan.
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deans-baby-momma · 1 year
Law & Love Chapter 15
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Life was good. Hell, it was great! For the first time in over two fucking years,  things were actually looking up for Y/N.
Yea okay. She got laid, fucked ten ways to Sunday, bent into positions she couldn't ever describe but that's not all. She had a friend. 
A bona fide, genuine friend. So what if they knew what the other looked like naked, what the other tasted like, Cordell was proving to be an integral part of her life.
For a few weeks now, they have talked daily and texted numerous times a day. She listened to him as he told her about his trouble with his daughter, Stella, dating the neighbor and family nemesis boy; about his son, August, being on the fast track to be on the national honor society for their school.
She listened to him tell all about his brother Liam being in the running for some political office; not that she really paid attention to, because she knows from previous experience, politics can make or break any relationship. 
He heard about her monotonous and humdrum days at the diner; the most exciting thing being the gossip of the mayor's daughter getting pregnant by the town's degenerate and running off with him.
"Order up!" Pops announces as he sits a plate on the order shelf but Y/N’s mind is stuck on something Cordi said last night. 
Was he serious? Did he actually think it was a good idea? Was he just horny and needed a good fuck and knew I'd be willing?
"Maybe you just need to get away?" he had suggested. "New place, different scenery. You could come to Texas and visit."
The consistent dinging of the order bell pulls her from her recollections and she turns to look at Pops. "Sorry," she apologizes and grabs the order, walking away to deliver it.
As soon as she comes to consciousness,  she knows something is wrong. Before Y/N even opens her eyes, she can sense something is different. There is a silence around her, a stillness like never before.
She slowly lifts her eyelids and is met with complete and utter darkness, not a light in sight. She turns to look at the alarm clock and can't see anything; the usual red glowing numbers aren't there.
Y/N realizes quickly that the power is out. Grabbing her phone and turning it on, she notices that it is 4:45 am; that explains the darkness, the sun has yet to rise. 
She rolls back over and tries to go back to sleep but Cordell’s words begin ringing in her head again. “"Maybe you just need to get away?" New place, different scenery. You could come to Texas and visit." “I’d love to see you again Y/N. Introduce you to my family.”
As she lays there contemplating his suggestion, the sun rises and not long after her phone beeps with a message. 
‘Power’s out. Won’t be opening the diner until it’s restored. And since tomorrow we’re closed anyway, have a good weekend!’
It doesn't take Y/N long to decide what she’s going to do with her free time. She’s going to Austin. 
Opening up a travel app on the phone, she quickly finds a direct flight out of Helena Regional Airport, straight to Austin-Bergstrom. She enters her card info and waits for the confirmation before she makes my next move.
As soon as the email arrives with the information she is seeking, she texts Cordell.
‘Up for a visitor this weekend?’
‘Depends on who is visiting ;)’ 
‘Well, thanks to the storm I didn’t even know rolled through town, I have a couple of days off from the diner. Thought I’d take you up on your offer…..if it’s still legitimate :D’
‘It’s legit and open-ended. Come on down. What time does your flight get in?’
‘I’ll be at the airport waiting. Can’t wait to see you!’
‘Can’t wait to see you either…….and meet your kids.’
‘Oh. Shit! I hope this doesn’t dampen your spirit but it’s just going to be me here this time. Fam’s gone on the annual Walker Camping Expedition.’
‘Oh. Well, if you don’t mind me impeding on your alone time. Why didn’t you go with?’
‘You aren’t impending on anyone’s alone time. I had to stay back because we are close to getting some imperative evidence that’s needed to make an arrest. Cap told me I was going to have to pull out of the yearly trip.’
‘Oh. Well, guess I’ll see you at 7 roomie.’
‘See you at 7, darlin.,’
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Packing for the trip is simple. A couple of outfits for the days she’s in Austin and her essentials. Y/N is packed and ready to go two hours before time to leave. She uses that time to shower and dress comfortably for the plane ride.
Knowing that the Walker family is out of town and it’s going to be just Cordell and herself in the house,Y/N  takes the time to shave everywhere and wash everything. She even gets the idea of the perfect outfit in her mind as she’s bathing. 
A cute little red and white striped sundress with spaghetti straps and a built-in bra. Y/N smiles mischievously as she decides to go bare under the skirt too. If Cordi gets too handsy, he’s going to be in for one hell of a surprise!
When the text comes through that her Uber has arrived, she grabs her bags and  purse and locks up before handing my luggage to the driver. Once she’s on her way, she grabs her phone and texts Cordell once more.
‘Just got in the car with a complete stranger, trusting them to take me to the airport and drop me off. If you don’t hear from me in an hour, send rescue. LOL’
‘Darlin’ that’s no laughing matter to a Ranger. Text me as soon as you get through security. Please. Be safe.’
‘My big Texan hero’ she adds an emoji with heart eyes to the end. 
The driver is quiet as they drive toward the airport and Y/N is thankful. How do you tell someone that you’re taking a 5 hour flight to Texas to hopefully get railed by a moose of a man with the cock to match. She’d probably look like a maniac….or a whore. 
As soon as the car pulls up to the drop off area, the driver stops the car and gets out to hand her her luggage. Y/N thanks with a sizable tip and turns to head into the airport. The terminal is busy but not bustling as she makes her way to the counter to pick up her ticket. 
Once through security and her bag has been checked and tagged and headed off to be loaded, she pulls her phone out and texts Cordell.
‘Safe and secure awaiting boarding call’
‘Good. See you soon.’
She doesn't even give another thought to the fact that only a thin piece of material separates her naked body from the others inside the building. She open a game on my phone and begin trying to beat the next level until her flight is called.
The flight from Helena to Austin is smooth and with no hiccups. A few minutes after 7 pm, Texas time, Y/N is walking down the boarding ramp, searching for baggage claim. She doesn’t even see Cordell standing there.
As she is watching for her luggage, a hand lands on her shoulder and she hears his voice.
“Excuse me Miss,” he says authoratively. “You look a bit lost. Do you need a guide?”
Y/N turns and looks up at the tall man behind her with a smile. “Why officer, that would be wonderful.”
They both laugh and then wrap their arms around each other and squeeze. “Good to see you again Y/N.”
“Same for you Gigantor,” Y/N giggles.
As soon as she gets her luggage, they take off toward Cordell’s truck to head to the Walker Family Ranch.
@spnbaby-67 @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @supraveng @deandreamernp @akshi8278 @lyarr24 @kazsrm67 @chriszgirl92 @deanwithscissors @raisinggray @fanfic-n-tabulous @hobby27 @stoneyggirl2 @brownbearhusky @purpleeclipseeggsland @kmc1989 @deans-spinster-witch @yvonneeeeeeee @tmb510 @globetrotter28
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*Anything I missed that you think I should add to the warnings? Horrific spelling/grammar error? Please message me, and I'll see what can be done.*
WC - About 5.5k
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Dr. Feel Good
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"Hi, Dr. S. I uh, well, I'm not going to be able to make my appointment tomorrow. I'm sorry this is technically less than 24 hours. Bill me for any time you may have lost. Whatev– thanks. Oh, this is y/n, by the way, and it's about 4 o'clock. Bye. You don't have to call me back. Bye."
You pressed the red button on your cell phone and hung up the call with Dr. Shinazugawa's voice-mail and climbed back into your bed. The rain beat against the windows in rhythm with the tears falling to your face.
It was November 1st. Fall was in full swing. And once again, you were not. Your 24th birthday was coming up soon. And you'd fallen into the same routine as last year. Going through the motions: work, family, the few friends you had. But you're fairly certain they were sick of you. So it was just a matter of time before they stopped calling. It's not like you're blowing up their phones to remind them you're still around.
The phone rang. You didn't even bother to see who was calling before you turned it over to silence the assault on your quiet cocoon. [Beep beep]. One more message you won't respond to. "I don't wanna talk. Go away." It started ringing again.
"Fuck, what, hello?" You sniffed and pulled the down comforter off of your face. You didn't want it to sound like you were still in bed as you squirmed around to get comfortable.
"Hello! Y/n? I just got your message." Silence on your end. "Are, are you there?" You cleared your throat. What's the point of talking anymore. "Ah, there you are." Dr. Shinazugawa said a little too cheerfully.
You're surprised by the inflection of his voice. You often thought he was like you; dark. But he was your therapist. You were not his. So you didn't worry about him like you assumed he worried about you. Like you hoped he did. More wasted energy.
"Y/n, c'mon. Will you say something to me?" Sitting up in bed, "Why." You said flatly. You could hear his breath slow a little, and you sort of wondered why his breathing would ease up when you spoke on the other end of the line. You wondered how someone like you could bring ease to anyone.
"Because I wa–" He stopped for a moment. "I need to know you're alright." There was a pregnant pause. "Y/n? Are you? Ok?" You sniffed again. Could he hear you crying? "Will you please come in tomorrow and talk with me?" He could hear the hurt in your words. "I'd like to see you."
"I'll see you next week, Dr. S. Have a nice weekend. Bye." You took the phone away from your ear before you'd even started to say you'd see him at your next appointment. You didn't want to give him that crucial second before disconnection to try and change your mind. He was just your therapist. Not Jesus. Though you could easily find yourself at his feet asking for miracles. No matter, you weren't religious anyway.
You blew your nose, turned your phone and laptop off, and tucked yourself in for the remainder of the day.
A loud knocking at the door woke you from another sleepless night. You glanced at the clock, 12:37. Afternoon. You stomped across your apartment to look through the peephole. "Y/n ... you awake? Are you home?" You rubbed the last traces of sleep from your face and contemplated not answering him. "I, I brought coffee. Y/n, please. And I heard you walking around in there."
"Shit. I need to get some rugs in here." He laughed at your grumble and started in again, "If you open the door I won't charge you for the late cancelation notice. That's $120⁰⁰ more you'll have to, hell, I don't know, buy hoodies with?"
A smile warmed its way across your face, and you unlocked the door. "You know me too well, Dr. S. It's a little scary." He handed you the coffee, trapping your hand in his own when your fingers stretched out to take the paper cup. You couldn't help but feel small when it registered that he was intentionally touching you. Your eyes met, and just as quickly, you pulled away from him. Nothing about that meant anything.
"They were out of the cups they usually use, so it's in one meant for hot drinks. But, caramel ribbon crunch, extra crunch. Is that right? That's your favorite, right? Anyway, I'm sure you're sick of hearing me ask you this. But are you? Ok, I mean. Why did you cancel the appointment? May I?" He gestured to the black leather couch in your dark living room, and you nodded. "Dr. S, are you trying to therapize me in my own home? Tch, on my couch, too. For shame." He sat down leaning back and casually crossed his left leg over his right, his ankle sat on top of his knee. "There are plenty of other things to do on a leather couch, y/n. Treating you is far from the worst of them." He smiled slyly at you. It made your cunt clench.
A weird look spread over his face. It started at his eyes and continued down to his mouth. Your paranoia and social ineptitude reared their ugly heads.
"Ex-excuse me for a moment, please. I …" You turned your palms over, raising them with your shrugging shoulders, "make yourself … comfy." He nodded, "By all means." You went to your bedroom and threw on something that didn't smell like it was a week old and checked your breath/hair/eyes/pits & tits. Fixing what was needed, you went back out to the living room.
You found Dr. Shinazugawa looking over the photos you had on the fireplace mantel. Pictures from your childhood to adolescence to last Christmas. "You look really happy in these photos, y/n." Dr. S said. You rolled your eyes and caught yourself immediately. "Shit," you said, rubbing your palms down your face.
"Y/n, what do I say about rolling your eyes?" You started to roll them again but caught it.
"There's nowhere more important to look than forward. Yeah, yeah, doc. Ok."
He smiled. Proud that he thought of something he felt was so profound (even though you thought it was cliché) and that you finally remembered the whole thing. "What are your plans for the near future? Anything exciting with friends, uh, how's the dating game – maybe a date?" He asked, the smile fading quickly from his face.
"Oh, well I am having high tea at The Ritz with Prince Harry and Meghan at 2. And then I was going to my guitar lesson with Jimi Hendrix at 3:30. Uhm, I had one more thing planned but I completely forg–"
Dr. Shinazugawa stood up and walked over to you. He was unnervingly close as you prattle on about your pretend plans. He looked at you like he was conflicted about what he wanted to say. What he wanted to do. He studied your face closely.
"Dr. S.?" You said, suddenly realizing how fucking attractive he is. His white hair was cut choppy and it was slicked back enough that it mostly stayed out of his way. Though some pieces fell in front of his face. He had muscle. He had tattoos. He had scars. All of which stuck out from the white v-neck cashmere sweater he wore. His black cropped pants hem sat a few inches above his ankle. He wore old-school Vans. The man was a walking orgasm. How had you never noticed this about him before?
"I wonder if maybe you shouldn't find a new doctor? I feel like more and more you've been canceling your sessions left and right and this chemistry spans beyond the typical doctor/patient relationship between us. Unless I've been imagining you undressing me with your eyes for the last 5 months?"
Ow. "Um, n–no. Pffft. And I don't want a new doctor. I want you. You're the only one in my life who gives a shit if I pick up the phone. You're so good you came to me. No one else would do that. I know they wouldn't." You could feel your heart snapping into pieces with each of his coercions to find someone else to hear your deepest and darkest confessions. "And I *scoff* heh, undressing you? That's highly inappropriate, doctor. But, um, why? Why ... would you have a problem with that?" Settle the fuck down, y/n.
"Do you want me to answer that from the perspective of me being a man in the presence of a woman? Or as a doctor? Your doctor?" He walked over to the couch and beckoned you to sit with him. Though it ought to have been pins and needles you were sitting on. It ought to have been him you were sitting on.
"What ... Dr. S?"
His face rested in his hands before he looked into your eyes. It was so hard to read his expression. His pupils were dilated. His lips turned to a frown and his brow furrowed creating deep lines in his perfect face.
Dr. Shinazugawa sighed and looked at you for a moment before reaching out to your face. "Y/n, I want you to know something." Your heart was starting to rattle against your chest. Fuck.
"What I'm about to do is not coming from Dr. Shinazugawa. It– it's coming from me, Sanemi. Ok? Is that ok?"
He picked a couple of pieces of your hair that had fallen from behind your ears and gently tucked them back into their tight little space.
"Ah, fuck." He said moving his hands to his lap and breaking eye contact with you.
You, on the other hand, had never wanted him to look at you more.
"Y/n." He said your name like it hurt his lips to let it slide past them.
"What is it, Jesus. Did my insurance not pay for the sessions or something? You're being weird."
He reached his hand up and ran his fingers across your cheek.
"Is this ok?" He whispered. His eyes were nearly all dark as he tickled the invisible hair on your face.
Your eyes shot open at the touch. "Doc–tor." Was all you could manage to say. He put his index finger up to your mouth and traced your lower lip. "Mm-mm. Not doctor. Just ... just Sanemi. If, if you'll have me.
"You're beautiful, y/n." He said that so quietly that you barely heard him. You're so shocked you can hardly speak.
"Pardon?" Your e/c eyes are huge, looking at him like you've never seen him before. "Did ... did you just say I'm beautiful?"
"I've tried everything to keep myself from thinking about you. I have to jerk off in my locked office before you come in for your appointment. If I don't – sweet Jesus, if I don't I have to keep my legs crossed for the full 55 minutes just to keep my cock from bursting through my zipper like a professional ball player pitched it. You have no idea how hard it is for me to sit there and listen to you talk about how you have no friends or hobbies. And how you despise the dating scene because all the guys you meet are morons. But you're so ... ahh, y/n. I can't see myself making it through one more appointment with you. You drive me up a wall. Just sitting there. Bitching about everything. I want to rip your pants off and make you feel something –! Shit. Shit!" He huffed out the air that sat in his lungs throughout his whole spiel. His chest was heaving as he tried to compose himself. Not doing a very good job.
"Holy shit." You sat there dumbstruck as you were so taken aback by his comments about your personal life – the truth he'd so cautiously worked out of your walled-in personality over the last 5 months. You couldn't think of a way to defend yourself against his stupid but keen observations.
"For starters, Sanemi," His eyes lit up at your use of his name. "I hate dating because men my age are all dipshits. My friends, I may not have a lot. But I prefer quality over quantity. As for hobbies, well ... well fuck you. That's my hobby."
"Well, that's one hell of a hobby, y/n." He laughed as he looked back and forth between your slightly open mouth, your tits, and your eyes.
You blushed, but it was more out of anger than feeling cute. "I know."
"Please, y/n. Dont hate me. This comes from a selfish place, but I really, really need you to understand. Please ..." Sanemi leaned over and pressed his lips into yours. So slowly at first. You wanted more. All of him. He put his hands around your thighs as he leaned more into you, and his tongue pushed its way into your mouth.
You moaned and kissed him back as every milligram of your better judgment told you not to. But his reciprocated moan snapped you back to your senses, making you pull away and wipe your mouth off, feigning disgust. More, give me more.
"What–what the fuck was that! Isn't this against the law or something? My god!" You moved to sit across the room on the floor. Follow me. Kiss me again. Pour yourself into me. Rip me apart, put me back together, and do it again.
"No." He was so relaxed about the whole thing. Him showing up at your apartment. Bringing you your favorite coffee. Waving the fee. It was like he'd planned this and he was testing the waters with you.
"Wh–what do you mean no?"
"It's not illegal. Not if you're not my patient anymore. If you don't find a different therapist then, yeah, probably. But–"
You cut off his defense. "I'm going to need a therapist just to work through this shit, Dr. S. Jesus."
He couldn't help but laugh at your theatrics. "I told you, call me Sanemi."
"What's so funny? Hm? Why now? Why me?" Not that knowing the answer to these things would help you understand any better why he was risking losing his license to practice just to profess his affection for you.
"I've tried to tell you before: You're smart and fucking hilarious. We have the same sick sense of humor. You're a mess, a hot fucking mess. You're the funniest person I've ever met, y/n. Why now? I don't know. Maybe I can't risk losing someone who makes me feel this way. Maybe I just want to hold you and be held by you. Maybe I'm attracted to damaged women and their ability to overcome. I don't know what else to tell you except that you're fired. I will no longer see you professionally, y/n."
"Damaged 'women'?" You glared at him and started to take a drink of what he brought you, then you stopped, "Wait ... you didn't, you didn't drug me, did you?!"
He smiled. "No. I prefer to have these types of conversations with conscious people. Not that I've had this conversation a lot! Or, or ever! This is the first time I've ever fallen for a p– well. For you. You're the first time. The first patient of mine I've fallen for. And I meant damaged 'woman'. Just you. My mistake." He smiled at you. Comfortingly. Showing off his perfect white teeth. Like he was drawing your focus from his argument to one more of his many good features. Take me away from here.
You wanted to feel his lips again. Is it that unheard of? People fall for other people all the time, regardless of social status. Regardless of their job. When it boils right down to it, we're just human. Right?
"Y/n, I know what you're thinking. And if you consider it, strip me –" his phone rang, and he pulled it out to see who was calling. "Ok, it was just an alarm. Sorry. Where was I?"
You sat there practically drooling, "The ... the last thing you said was 'strip me' and your alarm went off." Your face was not doing a very good job of hiding where your thoughts had drifted. You looked dizzy and hot. Your lips sat perfectly spaced apart and he couldn't help but notice how your body had changed in such a short amount of time. Please.
"Strip me? Oh! Yeah, strip me of my title and I'm just any other guy. I'm human. We're all humans. Just trying to find someone to climb into bed with at the end of the day."
"Yeah. Yeah, I suppose you're right." You admitted, still sounding unsure of the whole situation to his trained ears.
"I don't know how else to explain this to you. My mom is fucked up. My sisters are fucked up. They're the kind of fucked up I know and love. They're funnier than hell and they'd lay their life down for anyone they cared about. But are they ... shit. How do I phrase this? Are they mentally 'sound'? Mmehh. But they're some of the most amazing people I know. You'd fit in in our family quite nicely. My sisters want to meet y–"
He stopped himself and your ears perked up. "Your sisters want what? They want to meet me? Oh my god! How much did you tell them about me!" You stood from the floor to pace around. "Now that I know is against the law! You, you ... HIPAA rule breaker! I should turn you in!" What did you tell them about me?
"Oh ... no no no no! Please don't! I haven't told them anything specific about you! Jesus. Of course, I haven't. They don't even know that you're a regular ..." He couldn't bring himself to say the word 'patient' one more time.
"You need to find someone who, well, who isn't me. I have to see where this goes, y/n." He started at you like he was a statue. Molded and still. Concentrating only on what was in front of him and unable to let his attention fall anywhere else.
You took off your sweater and leaned against the wall in your black tank top and yoga pants. You didn't notice the thin strap hanging off of your shoulder.
Sanemi stood from the couch and glanced over your body for a moment before he took a step toward you. "So ...?"
"So ... what?" You said. "What do you want me to say, Dr. S? If that's even your real name."
"Y/n. You're acting craz–" You cut him off before he could finish the sentence.
"I thought that's how you liked your women!" He couldn't tell if you were being facetious or not. But he was having a hard time maintaining the small distance between the two of your heated bodies. Now or never.
Sanemi threw his hands up in the air and was in front of you in a heartbeat. "Why are you being so fucking obstinate! I'm standing here telling you how I feel and you're just ... you're so ... bahhhh! Fuck this!" He ducked down and flung you over his shoulder. "Where's your room. Where is it!" He demanded.
"What the hell do you think you're doing! P–put ... me ... d–" You lost any fight you had in you when his hand ran over your ass. "Fuck, Dr. ... S–Sanemi."
He flipped you over onto your bed and leaned over you. His breathing was heavy, his eyes were wide and hair had fallen into his face. You reached a shaking hand up to brush it aside but he grabbed your wrist and slammed it down on the bed.
"I. Asked. You. A. Question, y/n. Why do you insist on making this so difficult for me?" He slammed your hand down against the bed again and drove this muscular thigh between your legs, nestling it against your soaking cunt.
You didn't even flinch. You slid down a bit so you could feel the delicious pressure against your aching core.
"Like I have an answer for that, Dr. S." You spat out. You tried to reach for him with your other hand and he grabbed it, too. Slipping both of your wrists into his much larger hand and holding you down against the unmade bed.
"I'm sorry. I've just had these feelings for you for a long time. And they've been driving me up a wall. You're so completely checked out. It's frustrating and fascinating at the same time. You have no idea how much I look forward to seeing you come walking through my door. Your hair is in a fucking wreck of a bun on top of your head. No make-up. Stained sweatshirts and your black leggings with pockets. I fucking want you. Every broken little piece of you. I want to swallow it and make it mine forever. Open up. Here comes the airplane.
"I'm ... sorry?" You said quietly, looking over at your wrists in his hands.
"You should be." He growled at you. "I've been waiting months for you. Months. Months upon months of making sure I have enough time to squeeze out at least one load before you saunter in, completely oblivious to what I was doing."
He was so hard, pressing into your trembling thigh. Give yourself to me.
"Dr. Shinazugawa?"
"What!" He said, very clearly annoyed with your inability to see past the way things are.
"You've still got my wrists."
"I know I do. Do you want me to let go?" He said, but he was not letting go.
"And it's Sanemi." He corrected.
"Sanemi." You said his name and he groaned. He rolled his hips into your thigh as he pressed his face into your neck. The only reaction he got from you was you moving your body toward him.
"You smell so fucking good. Jesus I've been wanting to do this since the moment you walked into my office." His breath was shaky as he inhaled your perfumed skin. "What is that?" He asked with his tongue lightly grazing your skin as he took it into his mouth.
"Do you want the truth?" You asked as you tilted your head more to the side so he could stuff his face even deeper into you.
"Yes, yes. Always tell me the truth, y/n."
"Th–that's just me. It's been a day or three since I've showered. Sorry if that's too gross." You shrugged off any shame you had about this. Quite positive that he's both heard and seen worse than you in your somewhat dirty clothes smelling more like yourself today than any other time you've met with him.
He pulled back and looked at you.
"I don't care if you've not showered. I am not walking away from this. From you. I want you. Period. Full stop."
Your face flushed red. "Wh–what did you just say?"
"Fuck! Do I have to draw you a diagram? I want you. Showered or not." He let go of your wrists pulled his shirt up over his head and tossed it on the floor. "Is that ok?"
Your eyes shamelessly took in all of his exposed skin. The scars that spread across his chest were jagged and pale in comparison to the rest of the slightly more tan skin. The tattoos. The fucking tattoos. Large blacked-out pieces cover his muscular arms. There was a katana that started at his sternum and went down ... how far, you didn't know. But the way things were going, you had a feeling you'd soon be finding out where it ended.
"Y/n." His voice was rough and deep.
"Oh. Uh. Uhm. Wow. What did you just say? I ... sorry. I spaced for a second."
He sighed and asked you again if you wanted him to stop. You sat up right away and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Doct– I mean, Sanemi," You said, hesitating for a second as you traced the tip of your nose around his. Your breathing was getting heavy and your eyes were halfway closed. Your brows were pinched together so tightly that if something didn't happen, you'd end up with a massive headache from the unnatural amount of time they'd been like that.
Sanemi put his fingers to your face to massage the little forehead knot you wore. You melted forward into his hand.
"What's wrong? Do – are you ok? Fuck. Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Is this ok?" He lifted your shirt off of you and sat it on the bed. You blushed even deeper than earlier and covered yourself.
You shook your head, "I ... I need to shave. I wasn't expecting to be ... with someone today. God this is fucking humiliating. Why do you even like me?"
He grabbed your hips and pulled you up on his lap. His fingers ran over the skin on your ribs.
"I love that you're real. That you're so open and honest. You're beautiful and vulnerable, y/n. Stinky, unshaven and all. Ok?"
"I ... I stink?" You laughed and stuck your face down into the crease of your armpit and then laughed and stopped. The look in his eyes was like nothing you've seen before. It was wild and had a certain restrain all at once. Let go of the reigns.
You leaned in and kissed him. Slowly at first. But it quickly grew to sudden and sloppy movements around each other's bodies. Faces. Necks. Chests. Abdomen. You began to rub yourself against the bulge of his cock. It felt so good you let little noises dance into his ear. "Oh, god you feel s'good." Sanemi, I want to feel you everywhere around me.
"Sanemi, shit. I ..."
He pulled you closer to him and kissed your collarbone from one side to the other. His hands gripped the fat of your ass tightly like he was afraid you were going somewhere.
You shivered, his mouth was hot on your neck and the feeling of his breath against you wasn't quite scratching the itch that was growing under your skin. The friction of your bodies grinding against the other was a frustrating reminder that this all was just out of reach.
You ran your hands down his abs and back up onto his shoulders. He pulled back and looked at you. "Speak." He said with a hint of humor.
"You... you, with your shirt ... off. And, god I really want to know what the rest of that katana tattoo looks like," you said as you snuck a peek at the stretched fabric where his cock was hidden away.
"Take a look." You scooted off of his lap and sat down next to him on the bed as he lay down and stretched out. "Here. Have at it." He gestured to his belt and pants to be removed and he folded his arms behind his head, watching your every move and basking in your reactions.
You moved to his thighs and walked your fingers up to unbutton and unzipped his pants.
Sliding them down his legs, taking his boxers with them, you saw it.
"Fuck, Sanemi ..." You were struck dumb at the sight of his tattooed cock.
"I want to ... can I touch you? I mean, it? I mean, is that ok?"
"Yes. C'mere." He grabbed you and pulled you up his body and flipped you onto your back. "But I want to do this first."
"Do wh– ahh!" You weren't expecting him to completely overturn you. But he did and he let his fingers course up the front of your yoga pants. "Let me get a little taste, huh?"
"Oh! Well, I... " You blushed and watched as he pulled your pants down.
"You don't wear underwear, y/n? Or ... just ..."
Your hand flew to your face. "I need to do laundry. God. I could die of embarrassment right now!"
"Y/n. I don't care. It's hot as fuck. Now shut up and let me go down on you."
"But –"
He put his hand over your mouth. "Shut. Up."
"Hmmkm." You barely manage to squeeze your compliance through his warm hand.
"I have been dying to stick my tongue in this wet little pussy of yours. Can I?" He licked his lips like a starved man.
"Mhm, yes, please..." Your face was bright red, but you were not embarrassed. It suddenly felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. You wanted so badly to breathe, but there was only Sanemi. There is nothing else to draw life from. So you did what you knew you wanted to do all along and spread your legs for him in hopes he could renew your faith. In anything.
"I have to have it. I have to taste you. I have to feel you." He whispered as his hands moved up the insides of your legs, spreading them apart. He pushed your knees back against your chest and buried his face between your thighs.
His tongue ran the length of your wet slit and his groan was muffled. He held onto the back of your knees as his tongue lapped at the pool of your juices. He moaned, the vibration adding to the growing pleasure you were feeling.
"Ahh. S–Sanemi ..."
You could feel the heat growing in the pit of your stomach. You tried to close your legs but he wouldn't let you. He was leagues stronger than you. Your legs were no match for his arms.
"Sanemi! Oh, fuck! It - I - ahh god!"
You came all over his face. Your thighs trembled around his ears and your eyes were clamped shut as you tried to hold onto the moment, but you lost it.
You looked down between your legs at Sanemi. He wiped his chin off on his forearm and pushed his hair back from his forehead. His eyes were intense and focused.
"You're mine, y/n. Don't forget it."
"Sanemi." Your voice was so quiet. "I don't think I could ever forget that."
"Good." He slid his hands up your legs and pushed them back again. You could feel his tip press against your sopping entrance.
"Are you ready for me?"
"Oh, shit, Sanemi ..."
He pushed himself into you.
"Ahhh, fuuuuuck. Goddamn it, y/n. You're so fucking wet."
He bottomed out inside of you and groaned. You were so tight. Your walls were squeezing his cock so well. He pulled out and slammed back into you, burying his face in of your chest, nipping at your skin as he pumped his hips.
"S'nemi, fuck. That's ... hmm, so fucking good..."
"That's it, that's my girl, y/n."
His hands slid under your back and grabbed your shoulders. His pace slowed for a moment as he rolled his hips against you, grinding himself deeper into your body.
You had no idea this could feel so amazing. His body weight fell down on you. And the way his hands were holding you in place. It made your body tremble in his grasp. You were completely at his mercy. And you loved it. You wanted it all. You wanted all of him.
"More. God, Sanemi. Please, please. Deeper!"
He picked up his pace and fucked you with abandon, slamming himself into you without regard for anything but the pleasure you two were carving out of each other. His body was hot and he was dripping sweat. His balls slapped harshly against your ass each time he drove into you. Tiny droplets of your juices sprayed around on his thighs.
"Fucking take it, y/n. Take my cock."
"Yes. Fuck. Yes, Sanemi."
"Shit, I'm gonna cum."
"Hmm, me too."
"Yeah? Gonna cum on my cock?"
"Yes, Sanemi! FUCK!" You were so close. "Don't stop. Fuck, don't ... stop. Just... A... YES! FUCK!"
"Shit. Fuck! You're so fucking good, y/n. Cum on my cock, baby. All over me, cum."
You couldn't breathe. You were so full. He took up the space where every void resided in you. You finally felt something other than being put on pause. The world moved, and you wanted to move with it. You wanted to move with him.
The dam is cracking.
He looked at you with new wonder as the tears ran down the sides of your face.
"Are you ok, y/n?" He asked.
"I'm so, so good right now. You can stop asking me that." You half laughed/half sobbed.
"Y/n. My girl, I will never stop asking you that."
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Thank you – Sarah
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kvhasproblems · 1 year
The Boy Next Door Part 1
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Series Masterlist, Main Masterlist, Part 2
Summery: My whole life seemed to be perfectly planned out for me, the perfect family, the perfect house with a white picket fence, the perfect boy next door… the only problem is I can’t seem to take my mind off my best friend…
Warnings: Severe homophobia, reader has comphet, like hella slurs, a super shity mom, an attempted forced kiss.
A/N: This is my love letter to girls who had way too strong of a comphet phase and were always at war with their mothers. This fic also got so out of control it was supposed to be a oneshot but ended up being way too long so multi chapters it is lmao. I also love how when I started this I had an 1000 word essay due the next day and I couldn’t even get 500 words down but I sat and wrote the first 3000 of this so easily words so easily.
Word Count: 2,512
Very subtle background Nat/Lottie and Jackie/Shauna
It was like someone had carved out a path for my life. Perfectly sculpted, all pre-planned. Moving into the medium-sized blue/grey house with the stark white picket fence and large tree complete with a tire swing. It is the perfect neighbourhood for the perfect little family. My father, my mother pregnant at the time, my younger brother 4 and 7 year old me. Each house was similar, sculpted to fit a family just like ours. The house next door was no exception; it was about the same size and was a tan colour surrounded by the same white fence and even a similar tree. Later that first afternoon, after the movers had left and Mother had started to sort through the boxes of pots and pans, there was a knock at our door. My mother scurries from the kitchen, smoothing her hair and skirt. At the door was a young boy who seemed to be my age and a woman who I assume is his mother standing beside him; the boy held a casserole dish, and his mom had an extreme smile.
"Welcome to the neighbourhood! We live next door!!!" The boy's mother singsonged as my mother invited them in. Shyness overcomes me as I hide behind my mother's knee-length, perfectly ironed skirt. I try not to wrinkle it as I know I would hear about it later if I did.
The moms talk for a bit before my mother grabs my hand to pull me out from behind her.
"This is Y/n; she's never been this shy before." My mother lets out a strained giggle. "Why don't you show…" My mother faltered, gesturing to the boy.
"Steven," his mother filled in.
"Steven, where to put the casserole?" My mother phrases it like a question, but I know better than to disobey.
I give the boy a tight-lipped smile as I lead him to our new kitchen.
Growing up in small town Wiskayok, New Jersey, was exactly how you'd expect. There was absolutely nothing to do, and your business was everyone's business. Ever since I moved, it's been Steven and Y/n. One is never really seen without the other. Forever the funny boy next door and the sweet girl who moved there. When we were young, I never had a problem with it. Steven was funny and nice and my best friend in the whole world. Sure, when we'd play together at the street barbecues, everyone would make odd comments I didn't fully understand, but I didn't pay much attention.
Steven was the one who taught me to play soccer. His dad had enrolled him in the YMCA's soccer league for our age. Steven didn't care for it much, but he'd do anything his parents said, just like me. My mother just about had a heart attack when I came in from an afternoon with Steven with mud all over my face and her favourite dress of mine tattered and stained beyond repair.
She had been beyond herself at the sight and even more distraught when I told her I was playing sports. It took a lot of convincing before my mother agreed to enrol me on the same team as Steven, as soccer at that age is CO-ED. Mother had only truly agreed because Stevens's mom said something about us spending more time together and that I'd grow out of it. I didn't pay much attention; I was too busy celebrating.
At the age of 12 is when it first truly hit me that people expected me to like Steven. My parents, his parents, and the whole town seemed to "know" that we were gonna "grow up and get married." When my mother had sat me down and told me not to kiss any boy, even Steven, until I was older, I got upset.
"that is gross; why on earth would I want to kiss boys? They all have coodies!" It was one of the first times I raised my voice at my mother, which shocked me just as much as it did her.
I went over to Steven's that night to practice soccer with him. I was taking my frustrations out of the ball. Steven was getting more and more annoyed as I continued to dance around him and score easily. I was good at soccer. Like really good, the best on every team I play with. Steven's attitude only got worse when his father staggered out the back door to watch us practice; when he started drunkenly yelling for Steven to man up and to not be beaten by a girl, I knew it was time for me to go home. At 12, I really started to notice how awful Stevens's dad is.
At 14, I started to think something was wrong with me.
Girls started talking about boys, like really talking about them, and Jackie was no exception.
During the sleepovers (I was only allowed to go to if my mother approved of the family), Jackie would rave about how jealous she was about how I had Steven and how she wishes she had a Steven. And how she was jealous that he only had eyes for me and that I had such a handsome boyfriend. Shauna seemed to get as annoyed as I did when she brought it up, and no matter how many times I told her or anyone that we were just friends, no one seemed to care.
At 14, I started to realize I didn't like the people my mother said I could be friends with. I hated the way they talked about other girls or each other and how every day became a competition between us. The saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer seemed to dance around the forefront of my mind as I sat with them at lunch or at a sleepover. Shauna was probably the nicest out of everyone, probably because she didn't talk much, especially not about other people. She wasn't one to gossip, and she was the only person who ever told me it was ok if I didn't want to kiss Steven.
Speaking of Steven, he had given up on soccer and switched to baseball, which, luckily, he seemed to be much better at. My mother made me go to all his games, not that I minded, but what truly annoyed me was that he never really came to mine, and when he did, he spent the whole time goofing off with his friends…
The only good thing about being 14 is High School soccer. I could be on the team, and there was nothing my mother could do or say to change that. I was a star player right up there with Taissa, who had just moved here and Lottie, who, despite the people she hung out with, was also growing on me. The JV team became my closest friends even though not everyone got along. Tai and Jackie were constantly at each other's throats, and Mari seemed to manage to piss off everyone at least once a month. But when we put everything aside and got out on the field, we worked like a well-oiled machine. Sometimes, it feels like I've never been so happy in my whole life. Out here in the field with people who didn't care if I was proper, ladylike, or in love with Steven James Fraser, they just cared about fast footwork and winning, and she seemed to care about me.
It was at tryouts that September that I first noticed her. I've seen her around before, but she was on my mother's DO NOT ASSOCIATE list, so I had never really tried to talk to her much. She had grown taller over the break, and her freckles stood out more from the summer sun. She had the deepest, most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen, but the thing that stood out most was that she stopped my shot. My quote on quote unbeatable shot. In front of Coach, his first impression of me… Even Jackie seemed to stare in shock as Van reached the ball just in time.
When she called out to me, my cheeks flushed a scarlet colour, and I told myself it was because I was angry, not because her voice seemed to dance around every corner of my brain like a symphony.
"Ooooo so close… yet so far. Nice shot though lady, I like a good challenge." Van grinned from ear to ear as I moved to the back of the line. My heart was hammering in my chest, and I had trouble convincing myself it was because I was working that hard for this tryout; the redhead goalie had absolutely nothing to do with it. She also had absolutely nothing to do with the few times I fumbled the ball, either.
At 14, I knew that I would do absolutely anything to become friends with the one and only Van Palmer.
At 15, I knew I was broken, and I was terrified that I could never be fixed.
Steven had tried to kiss me at a party my mother didn't know I was at.
Lottie had somehow convinced the whole team (except for Laura Lee) to go. But as soon as we entered the mass of people, I was whisked away. He had his arm around me all night, keeping me with his friends and the few girls who stayed to try their best attempt at flirting. All I wanted to do was to go find Van or Shauna or even Jackie, for Christ's sake.
Steven had been drinking, and he pulled me to a corner of the house where no one else was around. He lightly pushed me against the wall, caging me in, and then he tried to kiss me. I don't know what I was expecting when he led me away, but it wasn't that. I push him back while yanking my head to the side, making some frantic excuse about my mother; I'm not entirely sure what I said because blood was rushing in my ears so loud that I couldn't even hear my own voice. I had fled from the house to the backyard, which was supposed to be off-limits. Tears held firm in my eyes as I tried to calm down.
I pulled in a deep breath, which sounded more like a sniffle, as I made the most normal face I could manage. I turn to see Nat, who is sitting on the steps of the porch with a cigarette in her hand.
"Hey Nat…" I moved to sit beside her.
She looked at me, concern only seen deep in her eyes. She opened her mouth as if to say something before deciding against it and instead reaching into her pocket.
"Wanna cig?"
Any other night, I would have said no. Mother's perfect girl would have said no. But mother's perfect girl would want to kiss Steven, and mother's perfect girl would like sewing and cooking instead of soccer.
Nat seemed slightly surprised by my response but passed me the cigarette regardless. She lit it for me, and it was kinda awful, especially at the start, but it was a whole lot better than going back in there and having to face my "best friend," who seemed more and more interested in becoming my boyfriend. We sat in comfortable silence for a while, and I kept waiting for her to ask me why I was out back here with her at a party I didn't even want to go to. The longer I sat with my thoughts, the more I felt them bubble up, and before I even realized I was saying it out loud, the words tumbled from my lips.
"I don't like Steven." It came out rushed so fast the words seemed to blend together.
"That's ok," Nat said quietly before taking a long drag.
There was a small pause before I spoke again.
"I don't think I'll ever like Steven." This confession was more of a whisper, like saying it loudly would seal my fate.
"That's ok, too." Nat didn't need to say more than that. I took in a shaky breath before opting for a drag of my cigarette instead, the harshness becoming grounding.
Say what you will about Lottie's absent parents; it's nice to have a butler to drive you anywhere no questions asked. I climbed in the car with Lot, whose bones seemed to be liquid and Nat, who, despite the amount she drunk, seemed oddly sober. My vision was slightly fuzzy, and my cheeks felt warm; the street lights strobed impossibly fast for the speed the car was moving as we drove back to Lottie's house.
We got back, and Lottie's maid, Ms. Abby, had left a note on Lot's nightstand with 3 bottles of water and a little container with what looked like ibuprofen. Lottie started to drunkenly cry as she read the message, and I realized that this was the first time I'd seen her cry.
"You'd think because my parents are this fucking rich that they would be able to spend time with me." Lottie choked out, mixed in her sobs. "The worst part is they could, they could be home with me, but they're not. Instead, they pay someone to be a better parent than they could ever be." She spoke the next part quietly. "Do they hate me?" Lot's big, tear-filled eyes started up at me and Nat from where she was sitting on the bed.
I was quick to try to comfort her, but Nat swooped in uncharacteristically graceful like she'd done this a million times. Putting her hand on her shoulder and looking deep into her eyes.
"Hey, Lot, come on. You know that they are just shity people and shity parents; it doesn't mean they don't love you." Despite Nat's words being short and sweet, they seemed to resonate with Lottie as her sobs slowed, and she nodded her head. "Let's get ready for bed." Nat pulled Lottie up before helping her stagger to her drawers so she could change into a pair of Pjs. Nat grabbed a pair for herself.
My bag sat in the corner of Lot's room as I planned to stay the night. As I changed, I wondered if my life would be better if my parents were never around; I immediately felt selfish and tried to banish the thoughts from my head instead of joining in on the conversation on whether or not Randy Walsh blacked out this time.
By the time we actually settled down to go to bed, my vision had mostly returned to normal, and I suddenly realized I hadn't seen Van the whole night. My anger at Steven only seemed to grow as I realized that not only did his kiss ruin my night, but I spent the whole beginning of the party with him and his stupid friends, who I could barely stand, instead of the amber-haired goalie who seemed to occupy my thoughts for most of the day.
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lilapxtts · 17 days
*:・゚✧ — plot idea dump *:・゚✧
Readding this with a better tag so if any of these plots/ideas appease you, come to mee.
So, my delusional self and I refuse to accept that all of the Hargreeves perished and died. I have a few ideas/plots/verses i'd love to do. This is absolutely cross-over friendly because of the way it's done. Like this post or better yet, message me so we can get started on one that you like.
Plot 1- The only way to save the world is to split up. A different timeline for each of the Hargreeves. Just for the sake of covering our bases, after taking the funky marigold, and getting their powers back, Five has a talk with himself at the subway, figures it out that they are the issue and goes back in time, because screw reality. He goes back to tell his family that the only way to save each other and the world is to go to a different time line. Well filled with angst and heart break, they all just spread out and separate. --Will they find each other at the end? Maybe figure out a better way? Or will they make sure that their past selves (if applicable) don't screw it up this time? We can discuss more.
Plot 2 -
You know that whole damn gap from 2019 and the 6 years that go by? Well guess what? I'd love to do just do a domestic Lila getting accustomed to pregnancy, being a mom, having children, her own parents, getting to know each of the Hargreeves more over the 6 year time span.
Plot 3-
Lila and Five take everyone to their strawberry farm. This can be talked about because I know we have many who don't like Five x Lila (which is fine, to each their own) so we can discuss the matters there. But they go to the strawberry farm (WITH Ben because they saved him. I don't make the rules) and start over and try to find others there. I mean, at this point what could go wrong?
Plot 4-
Five goes back in time once he finds out what happens because remember when he was able to rewind time in S2 and he saved his family? Well he saves his family again by keeping the Marigold hidden so Ben never spikes their drink and no one even knows it exists and they all live NORMAL lives being both miserable in the lives they live. Because why not have a normal life?
Plot 5- AFTER THE ENDING.... And completely AU here so don't come at me but the 8 Marigold flowers that grow beneath the tree is picked up by wonderful little girl. Let's say ironically, it's picked up by Allison's daughter Claire. She brings those beautiful flowers home and you know that magical little dust that spread from them? Well it is passed around and 8 very fortunate women are hit with the magical dust. They become pregnant the very next day and thus begins the story all over again. This one is like me on crack or something but i'm thinking futuristic-esque vibes.
Plot 6-
Reginald Hargreeves is a normal father who actually chooses these children with love and care and they protect the world as superheroes that are loved by their own father. Can you imagine that? No one has issues because Riggie loved them all. Five got his passion into music, Luther in Geology, Allison in acting, Lila probably music too because she was never stolen from the Handler. She was raised with the Hargreeves, Diego in education, Klaus in music as well, and Viktor exceptionally talented in multiple things.
Plot 7-
Resurrection/reincarnation plot really. She's reborn. She has dreams of her children. Of her family. Of everyone and they're both familiar and unfamiliar. But is she the only one that's reborn? Will she find her family? Will Lila find those that she lost? Will she have her powers? Can she truly help the world in this life?
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themultifandomgal · 8 months
Harry Styles- Midnight Feast
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Harry and I have been together for years. We started off as childhood friends, my parents and I moved next door to Anne, Gemma and Harry when I was 10. We ended up going to the same school together. When we were 16 Harry and I started dating. I went with him to his X-Factor audition, moved to London with him when we were 17. I went to collage then uni to then I traveled around the world with Harry after One Direction split up. I got a job as his assistant media manager. In 2022 we married after a 4 year long engagement and now with Harry taking a brake from touring we decided now would be the right time to try for a baby. Thankfully for us it didn’t take too long and I fell pregnant within 4 months of us trying.
I’m now 6 month pregnant and both of us are so excited to welcome a baby into our lives. Thankfully I barley had any morning sickness, however I'm so hungry, like all of the time. Today I ended up going to the nearby bakery to by cakes and biscuits to help subside my cravings. It's now 9pm and I'm lying in bed with Harry, wrapped up in his arms. His hand gently placed on my bump. I sigh feeling hungry, even though Harry and I had our tea only an hour ago
"What are you thinkin’ ‘bout love?" Harry asks rubbing his thumb over my bump
"About how I could eat a whole fucking cow" I giggle. Just as I say that my stomach growls
"You hungry little one?" Harry asks looking at my tummy "shall I get you and mummy something to eat"
"It's ok. You've had a long day writing. Go to sleep, I'll get myself..." I start to get out of bed but Harry pushes me back down gently
"I'll get you something to eat. You relax"
"H it's fine I...."
"Let me spoil and look after my wife" he leans down and kisses my lips sweetly
"Ok" I watch Harry practically jump out of bed and run out of the bedroom making me giggle. How did I get so damn lucky?
In no time at all my husband has reappeared with all of my craved foods, chocolate cake with strawberries and cream. My stomach growls again making Harry laugh
"Ok ok I'm coming" he hands me a the plates as he gets back into bed
“Your letting me eat cake in bed?” I raise any eyebrow. Harry hates food in bed, I often get scolded for bringing food upstairs with me.
“Just don’t drop any. I'll change the sheets tomorrow" I give him his plate and we both tuck in
"I asked your mum if the hunger would go, like the sickness did, but she said it's only going to get worse. Even after I have the baby I'll be hungry because of feeding him or her. I'm gonna be huge"
"No you won't" I look at my husband with raised eyebrows “even if you are your pregnant”
“What about if I don’t loose the baby weigh”
“Then I will still love you because you will have created our baby. Kept them safe for 9 months and worked so damn hard to look after yourself for those months. I have loved you from the age of 15 and I promise that won’t change ever”
“15? We stared dating when we were 16”
“I was to shy to tell you that’s why Gem had to set us up. Now get that cake down you and feed my child”
The following morning I wake up to an empty bed, but the smell of bacon immediately makes my mouth water. I get out of bed and wrap my gown around my body. My stomach growls as I descend the stair
"I know little one. I'm hungry as well" I rub my tummy and enter the kitchen
"Good morning, I thought I'd let you sleep in this morning, so I've cooked you some bacon and eggs"
"Thank you" I give Harry a smile and kiss his cheek "this one is feeling hungry, let me know when I woke up this morning"
"Well then. You best sit at the table and I'll bring over your food" I do as Harry says and I sit down at our kitchen table. He puts a plate down in front of me and once again my stomach growls
"Told you” I chuckle “I hope they look like you"
"I hope they have your heart, your kind smile"
"I can't wait for next 4 months to be over"
"Neither can I" Harry kisses my forehead then joins me, sitting opposite me with the same food on his plate. My life will soon be complete and I can't wait.
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captain-aralias · 2 years
My Year in Review (but i cut the giant gif)
summary is - my top posts this year are recs, discord links .... and a pregnancy announcement!
I posted 1,105 times in 2022
165 posts created (15%)
940 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 908 of my posts in 2022
Only 18% of my posts had no tags
#carry on - 700 posts
#carry on fanart - 277 posts
#fic rec - 235 posts
#my content - 177 posts
#unintended - 38 posts
#snowbaz - 36 posts
#restoration ecology - 31 posts
#simon snow series - 22 posts
#doctor who - 16 posts
#sort of - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#the ones i'm disappointed with didn't quite sell the premise or i had to write them too hurriedly or forgot to bring something in
I sent 3 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
life update
i'm 14-weeks pregnant 🎉
due date: 30th may
bit more info below the cut
i thought about making a lulzy WIP wednesday post (aka, "here is what i'm working on") along these lines a few times, but i didn't want to tag anyone into personal stuff they didn't necessarily want, and also i thought i miscarried almost immediately and that started me down a spiral of anxiety, so now it's not so funny. but anyway - i thought today would be a good day to tell people, since we're out the first trimester.
IVF - worked first time
my partner's egg
donor sperm - man it's weird buying sperm, particularly from america, although i only browsed. i bought from the UK. i do know men i could have asked, but in the end i thought... i dont know anyone well enough i'd want to have a child with them. at all.
happy to answer questions about any of the above, if you're interested. thinking of writing a blog about it in my work persona.
how am i?
fine apart from the anxiety!
my main symptoms have been exhaustion, leading to very little writing, and some nausea but pretty weaksauce compared to some
i've told most people at work, which is a very supportive environment, so all good.
my partner's therapist said (to her) not to make big life decisions so soon after the death of my mum/her dad on the same day about a year ago, but we are both in our mid thirties and at our most financially viable, so - hopefully it's fine.
how is baby?
probably ok! we've seen them on several scans, definitely have two arms, two legs, brain, etc
still haven't managed to do the test that tells you the likiehood of Downs etc, though, as the baby has refused to move into a position where they could get a good measurement. we may know towards the end of december - so that is making me More Anxious, but it's still fine
why am i putting this on the internet?
a few reasons.
firstly - i would've told livejournal. the same thing happened when my mum died - i wanted to tell the online community i'm part of, the same way i've told friends and people from work.
but also - because i've been saying i've been tired and that i'm not writing on here, and i wanted everyone to know... this is why. i'm not sick! i'm just pregnant.
AND ... i don't know what the next six months, and then the next.......... twenty years will be like. i'm hoping to write a few more Carry On things before the baby arrives, assuming the second trimester is less tiring (which seems likely so far), but who knows? and probably less after that. BUT WHO KNOWS.
my partner is also a fandom person. i have nine(ish) months of maternity leave (thanks, britain!) and she'll be around for most of that too, thanks to working from home. so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe i'll be writing a bunch of extremely realistic babyfics or something. probably not, but you never know.
that's the news.
it may all still go wrong, obviously. we haven't done all the tests, still six months to go.
i'll update with these same tags, if we lose the baby for whatever reason, and i'll update if we don't!
98 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
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Some 'Carry On' Recommendations for your Tuesday
here's some things i've been reading recently that i think other people should read too! thanks for tagging me @messofthejess!
N.B. this list is super long and also only scratching the surface... i should rec more often, anyway - if you see this, please read some of the things as you will really like them, and give the authors some love!
Teen or under
The Plum Tree by @otherpeoplesheartachept-2, under 1k
baz and malcolm talk (without exactly talking) about how baz is a vampire. great characterisation, really nice contained and different piece.
Eight Times Simon Couldn’t Stop Himself by knightinbrightfeathers, RainyForecast, steadfastasthouart (steadfastest) - 12k
just realised this has three authors! really brilliant fic, fangirl-era - but super worth reading, as long as you're ok with simon being smart, and also knowing he's into boys before he kisses baz. (why wouldn't you be?). this is all about simon and baz pranking each other/being generally awful, until they aren't - you see their relationship changing and simon gradually realising what he feels about baz, then there's a telepathy scene! this was recced recently in the discord* so probably lots of people have now read it, but it's seriously good!
Golden Boy by @spockzilla, 9k
magickal mishap, simon turns everything to gold by mistake! this author (also responsible for the fic where simon turns into a frog) is really good at making the silliest things sexy, and sexy things silly - which is a good thing.
end to begin by @tea-brigade, 4k
canon AU, simon and baz are exes, but simon needs baz's help..... really lovely, unusual, interesting and moving fic! i really like how it uses this inciting incident to let baz be kind (that's for me, the most important thing about them being together) and encourage the two of them to have the conversation they should have had a long time ago. works so well.
Trapped by @you-remind-me-of-the-babe based on art by taken_aback_by_Tuesdays,
penny/shepard get together, no snowbaz involved! this fic is criminally unread, because ... it's not snowbaz, but it is BRILLIANT. amazing penny and shepard characterisation, and it's so fun to see them get together a different way... that also involves her saving him.
This Will All Go Down In Flames by @facewithoutheart with art by @tea-brigade, 11/17 chapters, 40k, WIP (no sex yet, RIP)
obsessed with this fic right now! band AU where simon and baz briefly bacame friends at school, then became incredibly successful musicians before the band broke up... because simon and baz couldn't communicate about how they fancied each other. it's great! fun, funny, social media stuff, a malcolm trying to be down with the kids, texas references, shepard being a reporter - highly recommend.
Crosse My Heart by @creepyspice with art by @cutestkilla, 5k, brobelove not snowbaz
omg, this fic is so good. seriously - even if you dont think you're into brobelove, you should read this, as i dont believe you could like snowbaz if you don't like the competitive snarky action this fic has in spades, but also if you like brobelove, my god you should read this! such amazing characterisation and super sexy.
Here in the Dark by @artsyunderstudy, 5k
love this middle of the night sex - i'm repeating my comment here, but the whole mood is perfect: confused and dreamlike, you're locked out of baz's POV, entirely in simon's and it works so well for the mood. plus, it's sexy AND there's amazing art to go with it.
Two Heads Are Better Than One by @skeedelvee, 22k
omg, i am obsessed with this fic. it's so deeply strange (simon and baz share the same body, due to - magickal mishap!) AND SO AMAZING AND SEXY. and also romantic and fun. proper enemies to to friends to lovers action, a fantastic scene where simon and baz watch baz's vanilla porn, a bit where they defeat a unicorn together, sex as one person, sex as two people - it's got it all.
*if you're not in this discord, but you'd like to be, this is the link to get in: https://discord.gg/FJ8meVhr
that's enough - i've got more i should rec, but i'll do another post later.
101 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
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Thought it was time to bring this back. 
Discord is a chat room. This is a chat room about Carry On, etc.
Not the only one, but one of the biggest (there are 200+ members). The Discord has:
a strong, active moderator team, who make sure this is a safe space (not me, I’m just a helper)
adult-only areas, and a policy that NSFW stuff is not shared outside of these spaces
places to talk about and share fic, art, meta, fan theories, memes, etc
virtual outings, like fic readings
custom emojis
It’s very nice.
This link will get you in: https://discord.gg/8yZvQK7k 
(it expires in 7 days, so 6th May 2022, but feel free to message me if you see this post and the link’s expired)
You will have to introduce yourself before you’re given access to the server proper, although you don’t have to talk after that, if you don’t want to. You can just quietly vibe. Alternately, you can talk a lot and that’s fine too!
You will also have to sign up to the code of conduct.
If you have trouble getting in/speaking once you’re in, it could be because you haven’t verified your Discord account. There’s a clear prompt on desktop, but not on mobile.
I can confirm I checked with the mod team before making this post. It’s kosher.
Please share this post, if you want to.
108 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
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AU - Canon Divergence Recs
i couldn't think of a good title for this, but basically there have been a few fics recently where i thought: not only is this a great fic, but also this is something i think we could see more in other fics.
basically, they all do a thing that is a good tool to make new fics with. and they're all good fun. here we go:
Eighth Year AU but with Mage-mission
Shiver (rated E) by @facewithoutheart and, yeah, ok me - but not really
for me, an eighth year fic should be about baz being gone/the coffin, magic sharing (with simon and baz much more likely, therefore to be interested in each other quicker), or the plot events of carry on - this one does that. BUT ALSO the plot is driven by simon going on a quest for the mage, which is a classic seventh year trope. cool! (and not my idea)
Post Watford Get Together with Magickal Mishap
Come As You Are (rated E) by @facewithoutheart who sponsored this video
how genius is this? they've left watford, so they've both moved on but magickal mishap happens to simon and that's the plot instigator. simple, but genius.
Genuine new past for Simon and Baz, makes them the same but different
I Know What You Are (rated T) by @martsonmars
ok, other fics have done this too, but i really like this fic and i think the way it does this thing is perfect. simon's grown up with the mage and lucy as his parents; baz has been raised by natasha and malcolm. as a result, when we meet them in eighth year they have completely different histories. it's not only the way they interact with each other that's different, they're both much more confident, have different friends. they really are different people, but the same.
Carry On universe but no Watford
Pretty in Pink (rated T) by @arca9
i was re-reading this one (fake dating heist, love it!) the other day and thinking - this is pretty unique! baz and simon work for the coven, but only just met each other when they became partners, there's no watford. but they use the magic system - it's just a really fun view on what's necessary for your AU to work.
112 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Top 10 SnowBaz fics
I was talking earlier about how 'What's Left' is one of my top 10, which it is. obviously that made me think.... what are the rest?
i think it's probably instinctively these, these ones that influence me the most/that i've re-read the most/that i most wish i could have written, although i had to delete some real favs to get down to 10, and limited myself to one fic per author. and excluded 'your bloodied mouth' as it ain't finished, but kept 'northern downpour' as i believe it will be.
almost all canon divergence, most have plot and sex.
5 Times They Half-Arsed It by @krisrix
Bound and Determined by @fatalfangirl
Golden Years by @basic-banshee
keep on keeping on by waveydnp
In A Bind by @im-gettingby
Northern Downpour by @scone-lover
Remember the Magic by @sharkmartini
There'll Be Peace When You Are Done by somekindofpath
What's Left by @cutestkilla
When the Bells Ring by @phoxphyre
360 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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meg2md · 3 months
Yooooo it's so hot outside, and the only place in my entire apartment with AC is the small window unit in my bedroom, but I don't want to be in my bedroom because that's the ONLY part of my apartment I've "seen" for the past 4 weeks on nights because all I do is come home and sleep and I REALLY want to dick around on the internet and play video games and finish Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow for book club tomorrow but it's so damn hot I can barely concentrate!!!
One more week of nights. ONE MORE. And then I'm officially a third year, which kind of blows, especially because last night was terrible. Got gaslit by an attending and cried in the signout room, then had my first bad cesarean delivery complication. :')
One of the interns told my co-resident that she feels safe with me and trusts my clinical judgement and is excited to work with me in a chief capacity, but I still feel like the world's biggest dummy. And next week, god, I do two nights of onc nights. Just me and the onc service. Duuuuuuude I'm so scared. Like my medicine friends have all dealt with a lot of the stuff I'm sure I'll get paged about, but I've been exclusively in charge of labor, antepartum, postpartum, and benign gynecology, which is mostly healthy people. Or unhealthy pregnant people, but I'm more familiar with those problems. Now I have to navigate SICK PATIENTS. Which is WILD. Things I anticipate getting paged about:
N/V, especially post-op
Decreased urine output
Vaginal bleeding
Post-op pain
And then I may also have to fill in the ORs if cases run late. I talked over some of these with my chief last night and she made it sound more manageable, but wow. I'm intimidated.
And to have to do onc nights and then roll up to present my research proposal and get asked questions I probably won't be able to answer in front of a crowd!!! Wow, kill me now. I don't have any idea what they're going to ask me or how to be prepared to answer their questions. But it's Friday morning so I'd best buckle up.
And then after staying late for research day, to have to show up to graduation and then back to the hospital for a night call shift, where at least I'll be back in antepartum/benign gynecology land.
I'm exhausted thinking about it. About how I'm going to survive this last sprint when I'm already so worn down and exhausted.
And then on top of ALL OF THAT my sink overflowed and massively damaged the apartment below me. I love being an adult!!!!!!
& I have to start organizing this webinar that I'm doing, so probably tonight I need to watch a couple of the pre-existing APGO ones. It's 7/10 and June is almost over. & I am trying to get the ball rolling on medical student surgical skill education but I didn't realize people had already tried to implement something and just didn't have time to make it consistent so now I feel like I'm walking all over people's toes. IDK. The politics of residency still baffle me. Is it ok for me to take over a project that has fallen to the way side? Who knows.
I'm just tired, and really hot, and very grumpy, and I have no motivation to do anything but have somehow thrown my laundry in the dryer, which is usually as far as I get, and then it sits there for days
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landograndprix · 1 year
overcaffeinated anon here with her longass opinion piece on mini me, mini you🙋🏻‍♀️
so because I feel like it's been so long since I started it and I want to get all the feelings back I will be rereading it and adding my thought onto every part
Part 1: Lando saying 'get off your phone or I'll send you back home' -bestie the foreshadowing 😐 part 2: when y/n is telling her bff 'that's the man you're marrying next year..' - her bestie really wants them to break up 🫠 Lando saying 'you piss me off when you say that, stop thinking the boys are more important than you, they're not' -> hun if you leave four days early when you're having a hard time with your girlfriend, she will think that part 3: ahhhh the good old miscommunication trope mixed with the bestie not knowing when to stick to her best friend. rereading the text messages between yn and her bestie actually hurts (but hun you hit every note to make it angsty) bestie saying 'I asked you bcs I knew I wasn't gonna hear the truth from yn what kind of answer is this' actually is maddening Charles is flirting with her but girlie is staying respectful (I'm kinda split on how I want this to end sooooo excited to read both parts) part 4: bestie being a snitch (truly sick because I could never do that to my best friend- that girl is my sister) Lando and yn's text convo was truly heartwarming aaaaand Charles and yn talking about kids made me tear up a bit and her then posting him AND LANDO TELLING HER TO SHUT UP LIKE YES TELL HER OFF MAN part 5: the fact that they got a dog is kind of cute and solves her feeling lonely when Lando is away, but it isn't a bandaid to the whole baby-situation the only way I'd say 'a thing or two' to my bestie is like this 'bestie I love you and I may be overstepping but I feel like if I don't say this I'm disrespecting our friendship….' part 6: ahhh the england thing aaaaand he threw her out - ouch but I kind of understand where he is coming from part 7: ahhh the break up aaaaand Charles being nervous is cute part 8: (i think this is where I stopped and now everything is new to me) ahhhhh Landoooo you can't say that - hindsight is 20/20 and the bestie coming through at the end
Part 9- Charles' part: awwww Joris is mad as well 😂 I love Charles the pregnancy tests 😭 but CHARLES IS SO CUTE FOR BEING SO INSISTENT ON GOING TO THE DOCTOR WITH HER AND LANDO CONGRATULATING THEM AND THEY ARE HAVING A BABYGIRL 😍😍😍
Applause to you for coming up with that story it's so good and you did really well with all the angst, and fluff and the potential love triangle 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
ugh thank you for this, this made my night 😭 also;
Lando saying 'get off your phone or I'll send you back home' -bestie the foreshadowing 😐
bestie, you don't know how surprised I am by my own foreshadowing because I am in fact never foreshadowing anything considering I never know what's happening next, I barely even know what happened in the first part when I got to chapter 3 so.. 😭
'I don't think I can choose him over you' will forever be my favorite line in this story along with the "I'm freezing my tits off" "please don't, I love those two." Conversation between the gremlins 🥰
Thanks again for this, you're the best! <3
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