#because these annoying repeated asks like this ARE harassment!
amazingmsme · 5 months
Isn’t it funny how badly bambinellas fics are doing?
No, what’s funny is how you sent this ask immediately after sending this one
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Like idk if you thought you should reword it after you already sent it, or if you actually thought I’d be stupid enough to think it’s 2 different people. Either way honey, you look like boo-boo the fool 🤡
Seriously, it’s soooooo funny how you think people actually listen & care about your pathetic attempt to drag someone else down. I didn’t even really know her until you started all this, but now I can confidently say she’s a sweetheart who’s just minding her own business while you continue to act like a rabid dog chasing its tail
You really out here like
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bunnypansy · 5 months
Whiskey, Neat
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Rated E, for EVERYONE!
Boothill is the most annoying customer you have to deal with.
Featuring: Boothill and YOU!
Beware! This film contains: Probably OOC Boothill (made before his release), gender neutral reader, the reader doesn't like straight whiskey sorry guys, not quite frenemies to lovers....? more like two ppl annoying the fuck outta each other, Boothill threatens to kill you once or twice, but he also flirts, a touch of angst at the VERY end, mention of sexual harassment but it's just the reader calling Boothill a creep I repeat there is zero sexual harassment in this fic
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Boothill is a thorn in your side. No, no; you find yourself thinking that comparison is too tame. To you, Boothill is a girdle made of barbed wire. You thought it impossible to hate a man at such a depth until you met the outlaw. He always smelled like hot pennies and diesel, never paid his tab, and harassed the rest of the bar staff to such a degree that none of them would serve him. Except you.
For the first few months of your “relationship”, you were only acquainted with Boothill from the countless times you had to drag him away from the bar top and throw him out the front door. Shortly after that, your boss said you should learn a thing or two about bartending for “no good reason”. You were starting to catch on. Soon enough your position as security faded away and was replaced with “the guy who dealt with Boothill”. You can't complain, the pay is better and you have the eternal gratitude of your coworkers.
In a matter of mere seconds, the front doors swing open, and three deafening gunshots shatter the eardrums of everyone in the bar.
“Alright, everyone out.” Just like that, you watch all the good tips run right out the door, along with the rest of the wait staff. Now left in an empty bar, Boothill throws his arms wide, gun still held tight in his metal fingers. “I'm back, baby! You miss me?”
The revolver takes a seat at the bar top before Boothill does, slammed down hard against the wood, its barrel pointed right at you. You're not worried, Boothill doesn't shoot on accident.
“Like a hole in the head.” You quit cleaning a glass and glance at the new bullet holes placed just above the door. “Or the ceiling… order your drink and get the fuck outta here already, Boots. You're killing business.”
“Keep mouthin’ off and I'll be killin’ more than business, sweetheart.” As if to prove his point, the freak of nature spits a few bullets onto the bar top and starts reloading his gun.
You can't help but roll your eyes at Boothill’s threats. The man offers to shoot you every other breath, but he'll never do it- if he was going to kill you, you'd already be dead. You're the only man still alive who talks to Boothill like that. Probably because you're the only man alive who’ll still serve him a drink. “You're not gonna kill me, Boots. Piss off any more bartenders and you're gonna have to get your fix from the hand sanitizer in public bathrooms.” 
A deep scowl takes over Boothill’s face. “You're just askin’ for me to hop this counter and kiss you right on that pretty mouth of yours.” He stops then, equal parts embarrassed and furious as a hand comes to grasp at his own throat, surely cursing his internal censor system.
“Wow, sexual harassment, that's a new low, even for a hunk of junk like you.” You snort and a short glass finds its way into your hands. You're already pulling the strongest whiskey you have from beneath the counter, knowing Boothill will ask for it any second.
As if intentionally subverting your expectations, the outlaw kicks his feet up on the bar with an amused chuckle and a smug smile that makes you want to punch his teeth right out of his face. 
“You just call me a hunk?” Six words in and you're already exasperated beyond belief. He's leaving crusty speckles on your clean bar. “Darlin’, if you wanted to take me out so bad, you coulda’ just asked.” 
You elbow Boothill right in the ankles; it brings a mild ache to your arm as bone meets unrelenting metal, but the pain is worth it to watch the self-satisfied prick lose his grin and nearly fall out of his chair. “I’d rather drink a pint of sand and chew the glass it came in, take your drink and get outta here.”
The glass slides across the bar just a touch too fast, the liquid fire inside threatening to slosh over the sides; if Boothill's hand hadn't shot out to catch the glass, it surely would've sailed right off the bar and shattered on the floor. 
“Come on now sweet thing, don't act like you hate me.” He recuperates much too fast, already leaning on his palm. There's a horrible, discordant shrieking emitted by the friction of metal against glass; Boothill running his fingertip around the rim of the glass. “Can't deny we’ve got some kinda chemistry.”
“Oh, it ain't acting, trust.” You snort at Boothill’s shot at… Well, you're not sure; could this be called flirting? If so, it's a laughable attempt. “We've got chemistry like bleach and ammonia.” 
You know he's got some smart-mouthed response when Boothill bares his pointed teeth in a massive grin. “Could say we'd be… breathtakin’?” 
It's horrible. That joke is worse than any sugar-coated insult Boothill could toss your way. One hand shoots out to grasp Boothill’s glass, the other going to grip his chin. 
“Agh- what the-” You don't give Boothill time to finish, wedging your fingers between his razor-sharp teeth to pry his mouth open and dump the glass of whiskey down his throat. He gargles once, coughs twice, and swats at your hands furiously. 
“You had your drink. Now run off, you robotic trash-eating vermin.” Fresh bruises are purpling on your wrists from Boothill’s strikes. It could still be worse. He could tell another joke.
Boothill is still sputtering like a drowned rat, grasping at his throat and swearing- or doing his best impression of it. “What in heaven’s holy gates, darling!?” He coughs again. “You tryna’ give me a heart attack you cute little minx?! Who just pours a drink down a man's throat?!”
“Someone who's trying to get the man to leave. You had your drink, now scram before I call animal control.” You reach to take away Boothill’s empty half-glass, only to get caught in the outlaw’s iron grip.
His spare hand slams down against the bar top, a cacophony of delicate tinkling ringing out as glassware rattles and bumps against itself. “Oh don't pull that cute crap with me, sweetheart! Pour me another one, so I can drink it nice and slow.” 
“You're a jackass, you know?” The words come out hissed between your teeth, roiling with barely concealed hatred, but you’re already moving to pour him another. Every time you encounter Boothill, you curse his stubbornness. 
“Watch your mouth.” His grip relaxes slightly, but he keeps his stern expression as he sits back down. “Whiskey, neat.”
You almost laugh, jerking your wrist out of his grasp- does Boothill seriously think you need a reminder? Though you’d much rather kick him to the curb with a few extra bullet holes in his ugly hat, you pour Boothill a second drink with an insulted scoff. “Yeah, yeah, I know what you fuckin’ drink.”
When Boothill takes the drink this time, he tilts the glass towards you in an encouraging motion. “Pour one for yourself, too.” The look you give him must be an incredulous one, because he scowls and waves a hand at you dismissively. “Aw, Pete's sake. Just do it!”
The sigh you heave is so heavy that Boothill briefly looks for an open window, thinking there’s a draft coming in. You drag your feet through pulling down a second glass, lamenting that now you have two dishes to do when the outlaw leaves. The pour you give yourself can be more accurately called a sip, barely coming to the width of your finger. When Boothill shoots an exasperated look your way, you already have a retort prepped for him.
“Not all of us can drink in the middle of the damn day, Boots.” You stare down at the drink, swirling it lightly with a disgusted grimace. “Besides, I’m no fan of straight whiskey. I’m more of an Old Fashioned kind of guy.”
The way Boothill smiles smugly makes you wanna punch dents into his metal chest. “Oh, bless your heart, that’s cute. Stuff’s too sweet for me, personally.” He lifts his glass to you, asking for a toast.
“Too sweet? Hell, Boots. Maybe hand sanitizer is a good match for you.” Reluctantly, you tilt your glass towards his, the rims letting out a high ringing as they meet.
This time Boothill pulls an exasperated face, raising the glass to sit just in front of his lips. “Just drink already, I’m tryna’ be nice, and you’re out here ruinin’ it with your smart lil’ mouth.” 
After a second of hesitation, staring into the amber, you tip the glass back and let the drink slide down your throat. It burns, chemical and hot, like sandpaper tearing through your esophagus. It’s all you can do to not dry heave at the feeling, but you can’t stifle a coughing fit. “Fucking hell- how can you drink this shit?”
The drink came much easier to Boothill, nursing his whiskey as if he were only sipping on tap water. “Guess I just got a more refined palette, sweet thing. Thanks for sharin’ a drink with me anyway. You make a guy feel less lonely.”
For once, Boothill seems strangely earnest and you can’t help but be put off guard. You suppose, with such a polarizing personality and by the very nature of outrunning the law, Boothill must live quite the isolating life. Then again, if he wanted to be less alone, he could simply stop getting himself kicked out of bars. Still, you stumble over your words for a second, looking for a proper thing to say, and in the end only muttering out a sorry; “Yeah, sure, no problem.”
Even to you, that doesn’t quite make you sound like yourself. Dishes, you have dishes to do, a distraction that can carry your mind away from Boothill’s odd shift in demeanor. You’re expecting a snide comment about how quiet you’re being, but when you look back at Boothill, he’s fixed his gaze on an empty wall; clearly, he’s far away from here. You’re trying not to think about it too hard- Boothill’s seemingly flirtatious remarks, asking you to drink -but in the empty bar, it’s silent, and it’s almost… nice.
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I SWEAR I'M WORKING ON REQUESTS. I PROMISE. the Barbatos fic is coming out to be twice as long as just about anything else I've written so it's taking a long time. I saw Boothill things and was possessed by spirits to make this. Also. Yes inspired by the Hozier song
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updatingranboo · 1 year
tips and tricks for ranboo fans to make chat (and the community) a better place!
hello! since the rebrand is coming up i decided i wanted to make a list of certain things ranboo fans should be discouraged from saying/doing, to keep chat/the community fun and keep from pushing ranboo back into the box of a streamer they no longer are. i personally don’t believe in cringe culture, i think everyone should be able to have fun, but at this point certain jokes and comments restrict ranboo from growing as a person and do reflect on the community. this got a lot longer than i was expecting, apologies! lets begin.
gender jokes (“genderman”, you stole my gender etc)
a super obvious one. getting gender envy from ranboo is normal and super awesome! nothing wrong with that. but the jokes have been overused. the genderman one specifically has ties to minecraft which, while ranboo doesn’t care about being associated with minecraft, it’s still a tie to their past content they would prefer to leave behind. this is the same level as calling them an “mcyt”, while there’s no harm in it and ranboo really doesn’t care, it’s also just.. not really true anymore and hasn’t been for years. let them grow!
2. *blank*boo/general spam
*blank*boo is nothing but spammy. all it does is fill up chats and replies and brings no substance to anything. spamming “tiredboo” when they yawn, “madboo” when they yell etc. is not contributing anything meaningful to a chat. it’s annoying and drowns out actually fun and interesting comments. as for general spam, you can use a few emotes here and there! but when all you do is spam emotes it again just floods the chat. when ranboo tells chat to stop spamming, you stop. don’t take it as a challenge, you will just get banned. yes there is delay, but you can see what other people in chat are saying too. spamming lag, telling them they missed a dono, anything where you find yourself repeating what other people are saying to either get their attention or just because (except for using bttv emotes) just don’t. i know most people are used to speaking in a fast chat, but the truth is chat doesn’t have to be fast! if you don’t have anything to say, you can just stay quiet. even spamming the PETTHEMODS emote defeats the purpose !!
3. telling off chat
slightly related, you don’t have to tell off chat either. going “chat stop” “oh my god chat” just adds to the spam. change the subject! ignore the spam and let the mods take care of it. focus on reacting to the stream and being silly, not being backseat mods.
4. the swearing obsession
ranboo is almost 20. they make so many innuendos every stream. they are heavily considering adding a mature warning to most streams from here on out, and as we have seen they no longer are the “family friendly” kid who they used to be. he can say shit and fuck and people can be normal about it. you don’t have to say LANGUAGE or go THEY SWORE ?????? he’s an adult and can swear. all of his friends swear and a huge portion of us in the community do too. it is not a big deal
5. telling ranboo what to do
back seating in video games, as well as in other situations when it’s NOT ASKED FOR is not fun. let ranboo do what they want. this applies to just general things too- you don’t need to tell ranboo to go to sleep. they can make that decision themself. again, he’s almost 20.
6. assuming ranboo is uncomfortable with something
it’s always good to be careful about respecting boundaries! but don’t confuse your own boundaries for theirs. ranboo has said many times that if something bothers him, he’ll talk about it! it’s safe to say they are more uncomfortable with you harassing an artist for drawing something you personally don’t like, over the actual art itself.
7. the chat hopping/mentioning ranboo unnecessarily
we all love ranboo. that is very obvious. their friends love them too! but when you go into one of ranboos friends chats or comment sections and start either asking about ranboo, telling his friends to play with them, or making unnecessary references to their content, it makes their friends want to do things with them less! streamers are their own people. there’s nothing wrong with watching one of ranboo’s friends streams because ranboo is there, i do it all the time. a lot of us do. the biggest thing is to be RESPECTFUL to the person who’s stream you are watching. if you chat, chat to the streamer! you don’t have to mention ranboo. or, just stay out of chat if you don’t think you’ll be able to stay on topic. you don’t have to speak in chat! there is the flip side of this, don’t bring up other streamers in ranboos chat unnecessarily either! no one cares if you saw two colors and it made you think of something unrelated. it’s so disrespectful to the streamer to do this.
8a. unnecessary negativity
the internet can be a very negative, reactionary place. seeking out negativity just for the sake of an argument is unhealthy and can also expose others to arguments that they wouldn’t have had to see. bait, obvious unchanging bigots, and also people who just don’t like ranboo (which is valid!) don’t need to be engaged. in the case of trolls, bait and bigots, they only bring negativity and are there to cause arguments. don’t give them the attention they want. As for people who just don’t like ranboo, you can leave them be too! Not everyone has to like ranboo. he can handle it, you don’t need to defend him or try and change someone’s mind. now, unnecessary negativity does not equal call outs/criticism!
8b. please criticize !
if something happens in the community, or from ranboo directly that hurts you or makes you uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to say something and help make us all better people! ranboo wants criticism. if it’s purely in the community, try reaching out to the other person first! often things can be settled privately so as to not hurt others by dragging them into the conversation or making things heated and causing people to attack each other. on the other side of this, if you see criticism from someone and feel the need to defend ranboo: don’t. if you are affected by something (ie. you are a person of color and the topic is racism) feel free to add to the conversation! if you do not have an opinion on something (ie lesbians call out lesbiphobia, and you are straight) keep it to yourself. let the people actually affected by something talk and have an opinion, and support them. it may feel like people are “attacking” ranboo (or you!) but they are not. they are real people with real, valid feelings, who want to feel safe in a community when in real life, they may be constantly victims of horrible things. listen first. if you still have your own opinions, reflect on them and why you feel the way you do, and dissect any implicit bias you may have. these are all important things that keep a community safe, happy, and mutually respectful!
ranboo encourages everyone to be good people and use common sense. remember when you say something, people other than ranboo see it too! every account has a person behind it, so treat each other with respect and help make the community a more fun and safe place for everyone to be in. ranboo has no tolerance for bigotry, racism, misogyny, antisemitism, ableism, and so on. remember to be aware of the things you are saying, and if you don’t know why something is wrong, look it up or try asking someone politely!
thank you for taking the time to read all of this! this list is non exhaustive. there are plenty of other things you can do in the community to make this a better place, from uplifting the minorities in the community more, to supporting artists by reblogging/sharing and commenting on their art, and more. at the end of the day though we are here because we love ranboo, so by following guidelines like these and putting in the effort, you show ranboo and the other people in the community you care and make everyone proud.
that’s all for now! keep boobing!
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lionlena · 1 year
Unforgivable mistake (JoelMillerxreader) Part 7
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Summary: Reader is much younger than Joel and is in love with  him. One night, after arguing with Tess and getting drunk, Joel spends  the night with a reader, but in the morning he breaks her heart…  She  runs away from Boston hoping that she will never meet this cold bastard  again in her life. But almost six years later, she unexpectedly sees  Joel in Jackson. She decides to hide herself and her little secret from  this asshole.
Warnings: age gap (reader is about 28 years, Joel 58),  strong language, swearing, past trauma, bullying, attempted rape, memories of sexual abuse, unprotect p in v,  dom!Joel, Joel is asshole, ANGST, hurt, sadness and heartbreaking, sexual harassment, women abuse, violence, injury, sickness.
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Part 7
"Are you serious?!"
Joel stared at you with surprised eyes. You bit your lip and nodded, and he smiled, though he still looked unsure.
"But why? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd love to, but you made it very clear a few weeks ago."
You sighed heavily and looked around the meadow you were standing on. You asked Joel to speak privately with you, to let him know that you've made the decision to tell Teddy who his dad is. It's been a week since your accident and the whole time you thought about how upset your son was.
"I know what I said," you finally spoke. "But it's been a while and... I see you've changed and how Teddy has become very attached to you and... He needs to know that he has someone else besides me."
Joel looked at you carefully and frowned. "What do you mean?"
"The accident at the stables made me realize that Teddy needs to know that if he loses me he will have another parent."
You saw Joel immediately tense up. He seemed nervous. "Don't say that. You'll be fine. I won't let something happen to you."
You smiled slightly. It was nice that he wanted to protect you from everything and at the same time naive that he believed it. You calmly replied, "You can't know that. You don't control the whole world. I might just get sick, choke... Or get struck by lightning and..." You swallowed. "Same goes for you. Something could happen to you too, and Teddy deserves to get to know his dad while he's still alive." You saw that your last words went to him, but you decided to convince him even more. "Besides, let's face it. Half the town already knows something. You want Teddy to find out from someone like Barbara?"
Joel winced and hissed, "No."
"Right, then let's do it. First, we'll go to the town hall, to have you sign the Birth Register." Seeing his surprised expression, you added: "Yes, we have something like that here. We don't live in the Middle Ages."
"Okay, but you want it to be like this... You know, official?"
You looked at him slightly annoyed. "Do you want to be his father or not?"
"Of course I do. I'm his dad, I always will be... I mean you can't take it back and I don't want to force you to do anything."
"I already told you. If something happens to me, I want you to take care of him without any problems."
He winced and looked at you with those sad puppy eyes. "Please stop repeating that."
"I'm not saying anything will happen to me. It's just a precaution. Come on."
You were sure of your decision, but not everyone agreed with you. Maria looked at you like you were crazy.
"Are you sure?"
"For the second time, yes I am."
Maria rolled her eyes and glanced at Joel, who was trying to stand aside. You sensed his anger, but you knew that because of the woman's pregnancy, he was trying not to upset her.
"You know what kind of man he is. Your decision will change your son's life. Possibly for the worse."
"What are you saying?!" You felt your blood boil. You always respected and liked Marie, but it wasn't just about Joel, it was about your son. "Are you suggesting I'm a bad mother?!"
Joel gently grabbed your hand. You looked at him and saw that he was confused.
"Let's leave it at that. Maybe she's right."
Oh no, you weren't going to let it go. He didn't want to argue with his brother's wife, so he couldn't defend himself, but you weren't so reluctant.
"No, she's not right. She doesn't see what kind of dad you are." You looked at Maria. "I remind you that Joel and your husband are brothers and they share the same blood. Tommy traveled with Joel and probably did the same things as him." You looked at the man. "Yes?" Joel nodded slightly and you smiled in satisfaction and added, "I know what's best for my son. Just like you will know what's best for your child."
Maria looked at you with an unreadable expression on her face. You didn't know if she was angry, but she finally brought the Birth Book and handed it to Joel. You noticed how his eyes lit up when he saw your son's name. But before writing his name in the 'father' box, he looked at you. He don't signed that until you nodded your head.
"Alright," you said happily. "Now it's time for Teddy."
Before entering your house, Joel began to have doubts again.
"Wait," he murmured.
You looked at him and want to laugh. Who would have thought that rough, tough Joel Miller could be so insecure at times?
"What happened?"
"What if he starts asking questions?"
You rolled your eyes. "What questions? Joel, he's a baby. He won't ask us how we conceived him."
"I know," he murmured. "But he may ask why I wasn't all this time?"
You shrugged. "Simple. I left Boston and I lost you and you didn't know where I was."
"Okay, what if..."
"Joel!" You cut him off and grabbed his shoulders. It was funny how more and more often you unknowingly crossed that line and gave him a touch. "If he asks a really hard question, leave the answers to me. Okay?"
He nodded and you finally entered the house. As soon as Teddy saw you, he ran towards you two.
"Mommy, Joel!"
You took him in your arms and kissed him on the cheek. "Hi, honey."
The baby boy giggled and hugged you, but after a moment he extended his hands towards Joel.
"Hey, 'bear cub'." Joel took him from you.
Ellie, who was watching you with a smile, said: "Now that you're here, I'm leaving. I promised to help Dina with the sheep."
"Dina, huh?" Joel spoke up and winked at the girl, who blushed slightly.
You tapped him lightly on the shoulder and made him understand not to tease the teenage girl.
"Come back for dinner," you said.
You didn't even think about the fact that you've been having meals together as a family.
Ellie nodded and ran out of the house, and you looked at your son.
"Teddy, we need to talk."
The boy tilted his head slightly and asked, "Have I been naughty?"
Joel spoke first. "No. You haven't done anything wrong 'bear cub'. Mom and I just want to tell you something."
"Something cool," you added.
This immediately brought a smile to his little face and made him squirm uneasily in Joel's arms.
You sat next to your little one on the couch, and Joel knelt across from the boy. The little one was getting impatient, so you decided to get it over with quickly, like ripping off a band-aid.
"Honey, we have something important to tell you. So, Joel is your dad."
The little one jumped up a little and looked at you with his big brown eyes.
"The real one?" You nodded your head and he turned his attention to Dad. "Really?"
"Yes, son," Joel croaked.
You saw how hard it was for him to say the words because his throat was choked with emotion. Meanwhile, your son was happily swinging his legs and smiling broadly. Sometimes you saw how enviously he looked at the boys whose fathers took them on horseback trips. There was nothing You could do about it then.
"And can I call you 'daddy'?"
Joel's eyes glazed over slightly. He bit his lip and nodded.
"Even when we are around other people?"
"Yes, son..." he choked out, and the little one pounced on him with a squeal of joy.
Joel hugged him tight and you noticed a single tear rolling down his cheek. You put your hand on his shoulder and squeezed it lightly to reassure him. Meanwhile, your son stepped back and frowned. And you knew questions were coming.
"Why didn't I know before?
You pulled the little one back on the couch and said, "Because I wanted you to meet Joel and like him first."
"Oh... I already like him," he said happily, then found another question. "Why weren't you with us before?"
To your surprise, Joel decided to answer himself. "Because I let your mom go on a trip with Aunt Claudia and I lost her... And I couldn't find her for a long time."
"But now that you've found us, why don't we all live together? Like Mummy Bear and Daddy Bear and Two Baby Bears in my book?" he asked sadly.
You stroked your son's brown curls. Joel decided to answer again. For someone who wanted so much to avoid childish questions, he was doing very well.
"Not all mums and dads live together," he said calmly and grabbed the boy's hands. "It's only in fairy tales that it's so easy. Sometimes adults have different problems, but hey, don't be sad. After all, we live so close to each other and see each other so often, and now we will even meet even more often."
Teddy seemed comforted. "Shall we ride on a trip to the dam together?"
Joel smiled. "Sure, but only if mom agrees."
You knew in advance that you were in a loss position when two pairs, of puppy eyes, looked at you.
"Mommy can I?"
You smiled and nodded your head. Teddy stood on the couch and started jumping happily. You and Joel smiled at each other.
In the days that followed, Teddy's behavior only reassured you that you had made the right decision. The boy was so happy and nonstop told that Joel was his dad. And he started calling Ellie his sister. Even if you and Joel explained to him that Ellie wasn't related to him. The teenage girl herself didn't mind either, so you finally let it go. So you thought you had everything under control and the deal between you and Joel was clear. But life likes to get complicated.
It was a warm summer day when the city began to be in turmoil. Everyone started walking towards the gate and you heard people shouting "The Wolves are back!"
Joel and Ellie found you and Teddy in the crowd. They stood next to you and looked at you questioningly.
"Wolves are a group of residents who have decided to roam the wasteland. Sometimes they visit other settlements. They collect information and hard-to-find products. Sometimes they return to Jackson. Once every six months, sometimes more often. They stay a week or two and go again. They can't stay in one place," you explained calmly, though you were really nervous.
The reason for your nervousness approached you with a wide smile and open arms. He ignored other people and looked at you with his blue eyes. His blond hair was slightly messy and he had a slight blush on his cheeks.
You couldn't resist his charm and ran over to him. You snuggled into his wide chest and he kissed your head.
"Steve," you murmured. "I'm glad you're okay.”
"I'm happy to see my favorite girl!"
Joel and Ellie stared at you in shock. It was impossible not to notice that you had some relationship with this man. Joel tried to control his emotions, but he felt something tighten in his chest. This unknown man was at least 15 years younger than him, taller, and more muscular than he was.
You pulled away slightly from Steve and looked at your son in surprise. The little boy looked unsure. Just like Ellie and Joel. You decided to somehow reduce this distance.
"Steve, meet the new residents, Joel and Ellie."
"Hi," he said with a smile, but the other two only murmured what was supposed to be a hello. You wanted to roll your eyes. You smiled at your son hoping that he would be sweet as always.
"Teddy, won't you say hi to Uncle Steve?"
The blond knelt down and smiled at the child. "Hey, tiger. I have a new book for you."
Your son winced and muttered, "Now I'm a 'bear cub'."
You sighed heavily and squeezed Steve's arm. "You must be hungry. Why don't we go to the dining room?"
Steve stood up and nodded eagerly. "Sure!"
You held out your hand to the baby. "Come on, sweetie."
Teddy, however, ran to Joel and grabbed his hand with both hands. "I want to stay with daddy!"
You didn't know what to say. On top of that, you felt Steve's watchful gaze on you, and you murmured, "I'll explain later."
Joel, meanwhile, picked up his son and replied. "No problem, I'll take care of him."
"Ok, see you later."
You started to walk away with Steve, and he tentatively put his arm around your waist and asked, "Is that okay?"
"Yes," you replied quickly. "Joel is Teddy's father, but we aren't together."
Steve nodded. "If you think so, but if anything changes, you know what the deal we have."
You nodded your head and smiled.
You and Steve weren't a couple, and certainly not in the traditional way. You were more like friends and lovers. You befriended him 3 years ago. You knew right away that you weren't "the only one". Steve had a few girlfriends in other towns. He was handsome, gallant, kind, and caring, but he refused to settle down. You didn't mind. At least once in a while you felt loved. Steve always took you on romantic dates and treated you like a princess. He also liked your son, but he never tried to be a "dad." Your arrangement really suited you, and yet you couldn't get the sulky look on your son's face out of your head. You haven't done anything wrong. Did you?
Joel sensed that his son was nervous. He was afraid it might be his fault. Maybe his mood affected the child?
"Teddy, what happened?"
"Why does mommy like Uncle Steve? She should like you," the boy replied and pouting.
"Because that Steve is quite handsome," Ellie muttered, and Joel gave her a reproachful look. The girl just shrugged and backed away slightly.
Joel adjusted his grip, holding the baby closer to him.
"Mom has the right to like who she wants, and you can't be mad at her."
The little one groaned unhappily. "But you are my daddy, not him."
Joel sighed and stroked the little boy's back, trying to comfort him. "Sometimes it's not that simple. Remember how I explained to you that not all moms live with dads?" The little one nodded and Joel continued: "Sometimes moms find someone else and that's okay. It doesn't change the fact that I'm your dad. Mom has reasons to like Steve more than me. And you know… If you start liking, something that Mom doesn't like, she would still love you. Don't be mad at her, okay? Can you promise me that?"
The little boy nodded and rested his head on his shoulder. Joel sighed heavily. He actually felt the same as his son, but he couldn't use him against you. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to do anything.
You were close to home when Joel left and closed the door carefully behind him. His mouth was pressed into a tight line, and you could see a flash of anger in his eyes. Before you could ask anything, he said, "Teddy is busy playing."
"Okay... Then what are you doing outside?"
"I wanted to talk without him being there." You raised your eyebrows. "Who is this Steve? What do you have in common? Is it serious? How long have you been together?"
Every question that came out of his mouth made you even more surprised and angry. You couldn't believe your ears. Plus, you saw that Joel held a grudge against you. You crossed your arms over your chest and growled, "Excuse me! You are the last person who has the right to ask me that!"
Joel took a step back, his stance becoming more submissive. "I... I'm just worried about Teddy and you. He can be dangerous like..."
"Steve isn't like Anderson or..." You stopped, but Joel understood what you were implying. "Go to your house now. I'll say goodbye to Teddy from you."
Before he could say anything, you brushed past him and quickly entered the house. You felt the rage radiating from you and decided to give yourself a few minutes to calm down before going to your son.
What the hell was Joel thinking?
You went to the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of cold water. He had no right to act like a jealous husband. Sure, maybe you should have told him about Steve earlier, but... You didn't know how. And what moment to choose? At first, it didn't make any sense at all when you treated him like an enemy. Then you had other problems: Anderson, the accident... Finally, it happened. Joel found out about Steve and he was turning into an asshole again.
Joel was walking around in the living room. He was furious and... Jealous. He knew it was an ugly, debilitating feeling, but he couldn't shake it. Because what did this Steve do for you? Did he know about Anderson? If yes, why didn't he do anything about it? If he didn't know, then you obviously didn't trust him enough to tell him about it. So how did he take care of you?
And then a small, malicious voice in Joel's head asked, "How have you taken care of her all these years? Where were you when she needed you?"
He stopped in place and sighed heavily. He wasn't with you. He had no right to be jealous, you weren't his and you never will be. And from the way you hugged Steve, he knew you trusted this man. Clearly, he's never hurt you the way, he did.
When you heard a soft knock on the door, you instinctively expected who you would see. You looked at Joel annoyed and gasped, "What?"
"Sorry," he replied quickly. "Really... I..."
You tilted your head to the side. "What, Joel? Talk while I have the last bit of patience to listen to you."
You saw that he was remorseful and nothing was left of his anger from a few minutes ago.
"Because I was a dick who hurt you, now I see every man that way. I'm really worried about you and I want to protect you. You and Teddy."
You rolled your eyes. Joel sometimes surprised you with his twisted logic. He was worried, so he made a quarrel. However, you saw that he was sorry and decided to forgive him for his previous behavior. "Okay, I think I understand, but you really don't need to worry. Steve is a good guy. He would never hurt me. He treats me and Teddy very well." You saw Joel get sad at the mention of your son and added, "But don't worry. He'll never replace you, as a father. Steve isn't the parenting type." You smiled and nodded your head. "Come on. Play with Teddy for a while before you go back to your house."
He nodded and looked at you gratefully.
Even though Joel seemed to realize what you said, you noticed that he was starting to pull away from you. He avoided touching you, he didn't stay at your house for long and he didn't come to dinners. It annoyed you. You wanted it to be like before. You felt guilty for his disturbing behavior. No matter how hard you tried to convince yourself that you weren't hurting Joel. One look into his sad brown eyes was enough to make you feel worse.
When Steve asked you out, you hesitated. At first, you wanted to tell him you had no one to leave Teddy with, though of course that was a lie. So you finally agreed and asked Joel to take care of your son.
You were never nervous before a date with Steve. You've always felt joy and excitement, but not this time. You got ready and put on your prettiest dress, tied at the back with a ribbon. But when you looked in the mirror you felt disappointed. You thought about getting changed when you heard a knock on the door. After a while, Ellie and Joel were in your living room greeting Teddy. The girl looked at you and smiled.
"You look wonderful!"
You shook your head. "Thank you. I made sandwiches for you and Teddy for dinner. They're on the table."
Your son grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her toward the kitchen. You were alone with Joel, and you couldn't help but feel that he was looking at you with delight, but also with sadness.
"Are you sure it's okay?" you asked. "I can cancel it and leave him with Claudia next time."
"It's okay," he said with a noticeable stiffness in his voice. "You know I love taking care of him. When they finish eating, I'll take him to me."
"Okay. Bye," you said and quickly left the house.
Joel, however, ran after you and shouted "Y/N wait!"
You tensed automatically and turned to him with an angry look on your face. "What now, Joel?! I'm not supposed to go on a date?! I'm supposed to stay because you're jealous?! Maybe I should dress differently?! I don't care what you have to say! It's none of your business!"
Joel looked at you in complete shock. Clearly surprised by your outburst of anger, he muttered, "Your dress came untied."
"What?" You wanted to hide underground. All of a sudden, you didn't understand why you were yelling at him. You felt like you were really angry at yourself and not at him.
Joel meanwhile came over to you and gently turned you around. You felt his strong, large hands on your back and swallowed. He brushed his rough fingertips over the skin of your back, and you bit your lip. It only took him a moment to fix the binding, and something in you missing his touch, when he pulled away and said, "Done."
You turned to him and mumbled, "Sorry."
He smiled softly at you and shook his head. "Okay. You're absolutely right. It's none of my business. I understand that. Have fun."
"Thanks" you whispered and walked away.
You couldn't get his sad look out of your head, and no matter how hard you tried, you didn't give Steve your full attention. You went for a long evening walk, and several times you found yourself enthusiastically telling him about Ellie and her bond with Teddy, and mentioning Joel once or twice.
You ended your walk in your favorite place, at the back of the stables. Steve sat you down on the straw bales and stood between your legs. He started to place gentle kisses on your neck, then brushed his nose against your jaw.
"I missed you. You are my favorite girl."
You smiled and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Did you find a new one? How many women does your harem already have?"
He chuckled and stroked your cheek. "Only five, but you, you're my favorite."
"You say that to everyone girl, right?"
He shook his head in 'no', and his hands traveled to your back, but the moment he started to undo your dress, you flinched. He noticed this and immediately moved away.
"What's the matter, little flower? You know I'll never make you do anything."
"I know and I appreciate that about you."
"What happened?"
Part of you wanted to say "nothing" and encourage him to continue, but you felt your body was uncooperative. Steve's touch used to turn you on in five minutes. But this time you felt tense. You sighed heavily and quietly replied: "I'm sorry but... It doesn't seem to work anymore. You and me."
Steve pulled back and nodded. He looked like he expected it.
"It's okay. You don't have to apologize to me. I understand."
You looked at him surprised: "You're not angry?"
"I always knew it would end someday. You have a child and a home. You need something permanent. I am an adventurous person and I do not shy away from the company of women. You are special, you will always be and that's why I want the best for you. And the best thing for you is to come back to your little family."
You frowned. "Joel is not my husband. Ellie is not his daughter, and she isn't Teddy's half-sister. We are not family."
Steve looked at you indulgently. "You know very well that family is not blood ties. You take care of each other, you worry about each other, you help each other. You are family. The truth is that it doesn't work between us anymore because you want to go back to your family. You talked about them all evening"
"I'm sorry" you whispered and felt tears gathering in your eyes.
Steve cupped your face in his hands and leaned forward. He placed a gentle kiss on your lips and whispered, "Don't apologize. You haven't done anything wrong. Just promise me you won't forget about me. I want to have a friend here."
You nodded and smiled through your tears. "You will always be my friend."
He stepped aside and helped you down to the ground. "Okay. Rush to your family."
You walked into Joel and Ellie's house without knocking. Another thing you started doing unconsciously. But the living room was dark. You felt a little uneasy, but then you heard the soft sounds of a guitar. You silently walked to the door to the yard but stayed on the threshold. Ellie and Teddy lay together in the hammock that Joel had made for them. He was sitting on a garden chair with a guitar. You've never heard him play or sing before, but you've heard a teenage girl teasing him about "I'd be a singer." Apparently, the kids managed to get him to play on guitar. You leaned against the doorframe. You didn't want them to see you. This scene felt so intimate that you felt like an intruder. You focused on the words Joel was singing.
'When you lose your way and the fight is gone
Your heart starts to break
And you need someone around now
Just close your eyes
While I put my arms above you
And make you unbreakable '
You had to admit that Joel had a nice voice and could play. But more than the music, you focused on the words.
'She stands in the rain, just to hide it all If you ever turn around I won't let you fall down now I swear I'll find your smile And put my arms above you And make you unbreakable
I'll make you unbreakable
Cause she's the girl that I never had She's the heart that I wanted bad The song I heard on the radio That made me stop and think of her'
With every word he sang, your heart beat faster. You felt like Joel was singing about you. Was it even possible?
'And I can't, I can't, I can't Concentrate anymore
And I need, I need, need To show her what her heart is for It's been mistreated badly
Now her world has started falling apart
Falling apart '
You weren't even aware that you were crying while listening to him. You listened to him like hypnotized.
'You need to know that somebody's there all the time I'd wait in line, and I hope It's yours
Can't walk away 'til your heart knows
That it's beautiful
Oh, I hope you know, It's beautiful
And put my arms above you And make you unbreakable
Cause I love, I love, I love I love you darling
Yes, I love, I love, I love
I love you darling
And I'll put my arms around you
And make you unbreakable
Unbreakable '
You didn't even notice when he finished the song and put the guitar aside. He walked over to the kids and said, "Teddy, it's time for bed."
"No," the baby boy moaned. "I want to look at the stars with Ellie."
Joel ruffled slightly boy's hair and replied. "Fine, but I'll bring you a blanket."
He started walking towards the house and you panicked. For a moment you even thought about running out of the house, but it seemed silly to you. So you stepped back into the living room and turned on the bedside lamp so that the darkness wouldn't make Joel think you were an intruder.
As soon as he saw you, worry flashed across his face.
"Y/N, what happened? Did he hurt you? If he did something to you, I swear I'll kill him."
He quickly walked over to you and cupped your face in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. You mentally cursed yourself for your own sensitivity. You put your hands on his and replied, "I'm fine. I broke up with him, but Steve understood it and didn't make any trouble."
Joel let go of your face but stayed close to you.
"Why?" He asked. "You seemed happy with him."
"It's just... I've never had anything serious with him. Steve has other girlfriends. I guess we always knew we'd break up someday."
Joel nodded but still looked concerned. "Then why are you crying?"
You decided that there was no point in lying to him and replied: "I think I got emotional when I listened to your song."
Joel's reaction surprised you. He pulled away sharply and looked as if he was about to pass out. "I'm sorry," he whispered.
"I'm always the reason you cry," he whispered.
You couldn't see him like this any longer. You quickly walked over to him and hugged him tightly. You buried your face in his chest.
For a moment, Joel was paralyzed. He didn't know what to do. Eventually, something clicked inside him and he hugged you tightly.
"It's not tears of sadness this time," you said quietly. " Just tears of emotion."
You felt Joel relax under your touch. And although on the one hand, you wanted this moment to last longer, you remembered about the children. You pulled away and muttered, "You were supposed to bring a blanket for Teddy."
"Ah, yes."
Joel awkwardly walked past you and grabbed a blanket from the couch.
"Will you be mad if I come home and take the evening off?"
He smiled at you. "Run. Before Teddy notices you."
But before you left, you spoke again. "Joel?"
"Will you sing me this song someday when we're alone?"
You giggled as his eyes widened. He looked like a puppy who had been given his favorite treats.
"Of course," he finally choked out.
You nodded and ran out of the house. But outside you stopped and put your hand to your chest. Your heart was beating like crazy. You bit your lip lightly and felt your cheeks heat up. You really needed a moment to yourself.
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Song: Jamie Scott - Unbreakable
Part VI
Taglist:   @ajeff855, @anislabonis-love,  @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi,    @i-workwithpens, @milla-frenchy,  @quality-lust    @liatome  @sarahhxx03 @creedslove @jojo-munson @pascalislove @sofiparallel  @goldenhxurs     @elliaze      @aestheticangel612  @cheyxfu  @orcasoul  @misshoneypaper  @prestinalove  @yourusername1 @stevengmybeloved   @faith-alons26​  @harriedandharassed​   @this--is--music​
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
Hi,I hope we are not too annoyed with all our questions.
I'm new to the fandom,and after watching the show I really thought that Loustat would be the popular ship.I know most people are multi-shipper here,but it's funny how Louis and Lestat are not popular together. It seems like you've been here longer than many of us (books and Tv show)from you observations do you see major differences between fans favorite in the show and the books?
Also,have you changed your opinion on a character because of the show?
Not really to the latter.
I think the show cast the characters perfectly, so they fit for me. :) I like this Louis more, if anything. They enhanced him (though they did enhance them all, imho).
We lucked out so badly.
As per Loustat... *sighs*
You have to understand that Lestat is seen by many as the big bad abuser ™, and nothing else. No matter how often cast, crew, writers and creators have said that we have seen only half the story, no matter how often errors in the tale have been pointed out, no matter how often I have dug out the episode insider with Rolin pointing out the "tinkering" even then... anyone who doubted Louis' tale in any kind of fashion was met with accusations of racism and slurs.
I'm not kidding. I wish I was. I still have comments on my fics that I left there, on purpose. I have the asks here. There are people who call themselves my "number one hate blog".
I don't want to rehash all that now.
But imagine trying to write coming from the books, knowing what will happen, seeing the "seeds" in the show (as Assad called it), reading the interviews, knowing the tale will shift... and being met with something like that.
And now imagine not having the book background, and being harassed on anon, or with comments. And not having the background to defend your ship.
And I don't even mean actual criticism here, if valid or not.
No, I mean harassment. Accusations, death threats. Comparisons to the KKK. Whole campaigns against me, and others. Not kidding. I put my rants into my bio if you're interested, lol.
This is the fandom where I started blocking in earnest, and I come from friggin' Hannibal.
A tale like this, with racial changes in a color-conscious way (which actually brought the difficult topics into play (and I love them for it!)), left hanging for 18 months... that didn't do the fandom any good.
And some of the comments in the podcast didn't do it any good either with the expectations it raised, and which will be now... well. Not wholly disappointed, but... some took that as gospel. When it's not. It will be a bit messy soon, and with what's to come wrt to Claudia, too.
Soooo... that is why Loustat isn't particularly popular right now.
That will change though.
Rolin, as well as Sam and Jacob keep repeating that this show is built around Loustat.
Loustat are at the heart. They are the heart.
The books start and end with them.
The show foreshadows their dance at the end.
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I for one am continuing to write for them, even if I have currently hit a wall on my current fic, but I was mightily distracted by all the new content^^ (like everyone else I think^^).
I love that they are so complicated, and messy, and petty, and so, so IN LOVE.
Jacob called it that, too. "Petty and in love".
And they are.
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PS: And no worries re asks :) I love talking to you guys^^
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kitkatopinions · 3 months
Anti-rwde posters saying that since we block them, we're 'cowards' who 'just don't want to be called out' or whatever the fuck is really funny, because I've been in a lot of debates with a lot of anti-rwde people in the past and it usually goes one of three ways.
1. They come out swinging almost always on anon (cowardice right off the bat) with heavy handed insults while saying nothing I haven't heard before. We get in a debate, but they're ignoring the majority of the points I make and are refusing to answer anything I ask them, until I finally say something along the line of "answer my questions or I'm done with this conversation" or "stop just repeating yourself and address what I say or I'm done with this conversation" and they CAN'T, so I stop responding to them.
2. They come out swinging going on about how stupid we all are or how bigoted (with no proof) or something like that, I've then engaged, being like "Why do you think that? Do you have proof? Why are you so venomous?" And then they BACK DOWN and are like "Honestly I just don't like feeling bad for liking Rwby" or something along those lines.
3. They come out swinging with insults and unjustified accusations, but they actually do try to present an argument and 'prove' things and say we're stupid if we don't agree, and then I've engaged by addressing their points, explaining my side, etcetera, and then they're like "I'm not reading all that," or "Stop trying to change my mind" or something (usually when they came to me or rwde in general.)
Like, I block people for my own sanity because I've been sent tons of horrible anons including bigotry filled comments, right-wing propaganda, death and rape threats, and slurs. I used to be very choosy about who to block until I realized that it wouldn't stop the harassment, and now with almost two thousand people blocked, I only get attacked and sent hate like twice yearly! I can't recommend blocking people enough, because anti-rwde is as close to a cult without being a cult as Harry Potter and most of them are in way too deep to listen to me or have a rational discussion. But no, it's not because I'm afraid of having people disagree with me. I literally have disagreements with my own sister I literally live with, as well as plenty of my mutuals.
We're not against disagreeing or afraid of anti-rwde posters, I just think they're annoying because they don't actually debate, lol.
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deceitfuldevil · 2 years
Hi! I'm so excited for your Sleepover writing and was wondering if I could request the fluff prompt “Your cheeks are really soft.” . . . “Stop squishing them!” with the loml Pietro maximoff (but like- reader squishing pietros cheeks yk) (STOP THAT SOUNDS SO DIRTY BAHAHAHA)
Not that there's a need to title this but I'm giving this one a title anyways.
Freshly Shaven
Harassing Pietro was just about your favorite downtime activity at the avengers compound, I mean how could you not love annoying him when he just made it so easy.
Like today.
You were sprawled out on the couch waiting for the day to get less dull, and then your favorite person walked in. Pietro was patting down his jaw with a towel, tossing it over his shoulder and leaving you to gasp in awe at the sight.
"No." Pietro said with a wavering tone, but you sat up and turned around on the couch with a wide mischievous smile. "No no no." he repeated himself.
"You shaved!" you nearly shouted, and Pietro quickly stepped forward to clasp his hand over your mouth to hush you. Flashing his icy blue eyes at you as if so ask "are you going to be quiet?" and a moment later, unclasped his hand from over your mouth.
"You shaved." you said in a tone barely above a whisper now. Silently reaching your hands up to feel his cheeks, and Pietro only noticed right before your palms came in contact with his skin; leaving him no time to protest.
You let out a soft and quiet gasp as you ran your fingers over his clean, smooth cheeks. "Your cheeks are really soft." you said, pinching and poking at them a bit.
"Ah, stop squishing them!" Pietro said with an annoyed tone, bringing his hands up to push yours away. Grasping your small hands in his much longer ones as he lowered your hands away from his face, you went silent as soon as his hands came in contact with yours. Tension building in your check as Pietro still maintained a upbeat and unaware attitude.
"How would you like it if I did it to you huh?" Pietro said with a light chuckle, only igniting a fire inside of you as he took one hand and firmly grasped your jaw and squished your cheeks. Was it such a crime that a small whimper fell from your lips because of his actions?
"Oh, I see." Pietro said with a dark grin. "Maybe I do know a way to keep you quiet..." he said lifting your jaw up so you were looking at him, leaning in slowly. "Listen dragâ, I think I already know the answer to this but, can I kiss you?"
At a loss for words, you nodded frantically. Prompting Pietro to smile wide and for the first time, press his soft lips to yours.
Ironically enough, his cheeks feel softer against yours than they did in your hands.
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miyuuuki · 1 year
Kinda Crazy…
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SYNOPSIS: Dating vic was a roller coaster, more-so considering his violent and cunning nature.
PAIRING: Victor Criss/Masc!Reader
WARNINGS: slut shaming, body shaming, misogyny, slightly toxic relationship.
A/N: quite different from usual content, but I still very much love IT. This is kind of loosely based off of Selena Gomez’s Kinda Crazy song. Really trash but hope y’all enjoy loll.
You and Vic were a fling, a couple who lasted first semester and barely making it to second.
you did love him, but truly, you couldn’t handle his violence and his behavior.
Even though vic was the “least toughest” or “nicest” member out of all the bowers gang, he was still cruel.
He posed as though he had strong morals, but you knew it all to be untrue.
You’ve noticed how everyone you were once so close to distanced themselves from you, and how anyone who looked at you wrong, always seemed to be hurt.
You’ve even witnessed the countless acts hes done. Burning kids with cigars, jumping people who either wronged you in the past or touched you.
Being misogynistic out of the blue, screaming insults at the losers, especially to both Beverly and Richie.
Calling Beverly, insults such as “skank”, “slut”, “whore”, and many more.
Beating or humiliating Richie, with insults.
You felt as if you couldn’t even touch, speak, or even look at someone without them getting hurt. And you were tired of it, because no matter how much you tried communicating with him, he’d repeat the same empty promise.
“I promise I’ll change, I’ll try.”
So eventually you were fed up and ghosted him, and not too long, broke off the relationship.
By now you still have lingering feelings for him, though barely. At least that’s what you think.
Though you couldn’t say the same for Vic. He’d been calling your phone line, harassing you at school and so on.
And the fact your houses were opposite of each-other, didn’t help at all either.
He could see through your window, and easily visit your house. Though he hadn’t done that, yet.
Right now you were in your bedroom, doing a school project with a classmate.
And it also so happened to be Greta. A girl who slept around, especially with that Patrick guy. It’s rumored they first slept together in 5th or 6th grade.
Greta, was a bitch. No sugarcoating, right now she was barely doing anything. All she had tried to do was you.
“Greta, just go home. I’ll finish the project.”
“If you say so.” She says with a wink before leaving.
You sighed before continuing, you were disturbed by a phone call, once you answered a familiar voice appeared.
“Why did I see Greta fucking Keene coming out of your house?” You heard Vic’s voice.
“What’s it to you?” You said with a annoyed tone.
“Did you do something with that fucking whore!? If so, (name), I’ll fucking kill her! Do you hear me!?” He screamed into the microphone.
“Fucking shit, vic. Do you hear yourself!? You sound like Henry! Fuck off already, it’s been months. Move. On.” You said anger evident in your tone.
irritated, you pulled out the plug of your landline as that wasn’t the only call you received that day.
Though you failed to see Vic watching you through his window.
“Vic? The fuck are you doing here?” Greta said, angered that she was interrupted from harassing beverly.
“What did you and (name) do the other day at his house?” He asked with a shallow tone.
“What’s it to you?” She said.
“What did you do, Greta.” He demanded.
“Why the fuck do you need to know? Don’t tell me you’re still not over him. It’d be pathetic if it’s true.” Greta said laughing.
“Did your whore ass sleep with him!? if so I can gut you like a fucking fish right now.” Reaching into his pocket to hold the switchblade he stole from Henry, though not yet showing it.
“If I said yes?” Greta said with a laugh.
“I’ll make you regret even looking in his direction.” Vic said, grabbing Greta’s hair with a tight grip while grabbing the switch blade.
“Hey!! L-let me go! What the fuck are you trying to do!!?” She screamed.
“Teaching you a fucking lesson, goddamn whore.” Vic responded.
Here you were, in history class watching everyone present, one thing you noticed was Greta not being fucking present.
‘Where the fuck is this bitch, I didn’t fucking write shit for her to read off of just so she can be fucking absent.’ you bitched in your head.
You rose your hand, and asked to go to the bathroom. The teacher agreed so you went out.
“Is she skipping..?” you mumbled wondering.
she said she’d be here today, now where the fuck is she.
You went into the bathroom and was about to go in a stall before someone grabbed the jacket you were wearing and slammed you into the wall.
“What the fuck-! Vic!? You’ve got to be kidding me..” You said, already annoyed.
“Tell me. What did you and Greta do!?” He said.
“Why the fuck do you need to know, leave it alone Vic.” You responded.
“Fine then. You made it easier for me.” Vic said before walking out.
“Easier, how!? Vic!” You said confused.
You thought wondering what he could mean by that.
‘Holy shit.’ You thought before running out after him.
@akiraackerman19 @lizzhearthz @call-me-nev
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you'd write a Marilyn x bad girl student reader? Bad girl like motorcycle riding, ripped jeans, don't adhere to the dress code or turn in assignments on time, most of the other students scared of her, all around bad ass reader. When Marilyn finds out reader is in her class she dreads it because reader has always made it hard on the other teachers but she's pleasantly surprised when reader does well and never disrupts class. In fact reader has helped her out from time to time, just quietly moving heavy stuff for Marilyn and picking up things Marilyn dropped for her. The only time reader causes a disruption is when another student harasses Marilyn for being a normi and reader punches his lights out. They get into a relationship where Marilyn is all mommy dom with spanking and choking tied up reader smut. Not sure how to end this request lol
Yesss!!! Here it is!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))))))
A very, very bad girl
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill x Fem, Student! Reader
Warnings: Smut, strap on, bad girl reader, fluff?, spanking, kinks, dom! marilyn
Word count: 5,715
Summary: You were a very bad girl at Nevermore, but when you met her, you changed a bit… just for her…
N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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“Ms. (Y/N), for the last time, please take your feet off the table,” your math teacher said. You smiled and shook your head.
“I don't feel like it,” you said, looking at your nails with indifference.
You were that way, you had no remedy. When your parents sent you to Nevermore, they thought you would finally become a good girl. They were wrong. That school had too many rules and these were your worst enemies. You had no intention of obeying, of dressing in that hideous uniform and of stopping terrorizing others with your haughty and almost violent attitude.
“Don't make me have to repeat it to you…” Your teacher said, tired of you.
“Does anyone mind if I put my feet on the table?” You asked the rest of your classmates out loud. Logically they all shook their heads. “You see it? You can continue.”
“I’m sick of you, (Y/N)…” The old woman hissed, crossing her arms.
You laughed out loud and held a defiant look.
“Please, shut up, I’m sick of your annoying voice,” you said whispering. Obviously the teacher heard you and banged her fist on the table.
“It's over, (Y/N), to the director's office, now.”
You raised your eyebrows, lowering your feet and dragging the chair so that it made an excruciating creak.
You were used to visits to Weems's office. You could almost say you lived there.
“Principal Weems…” You crooned as you knocked on the door. Immediately Larissa opened it and peeked in, puffing at the sight of you.
“You again? What have you done this time?” She asked listlessly. You shrugged.
“Nothing, it seems that Mrs. Redfield doesn't want my back to stop hurting,” you said going into the office.
“What am I going to do with you…”Weems sighed. “Sit down.”
You slumped back in the chair while Larissa searched for what looked like a file bigger than the entire Harry Potter books saga.
“Let's see... Misconduct, swearing in class, flagrant violation of the Nevermore’s dress code...” She said that last sentence looking you up and down. There was no sign of the regulation uniform. Just a black top and a too-ripped jeans. “Fights with classmates, reckless driving on the grounds, destruction of gardens and school property... My God, (Y/N), I assure you that I have never seen someone with a file like yours.”
“What prize will I get?” You asked amused. Weems rolled her eyes and sighed in despair.
“You're playing with fire, (Y/N), if your parents weren't my friends you were out of Nevermore a long time ago.”
“Oh, I love privileges,” you said laughing, with a cocky and defiant posture.
“I'm glad to hear it, because as a privileged girl that you are, you're going to serve a privileged punishment…” Larissa told you, smiling with satisfaction, looking for a stack of papers. “I've seen your handwriting and it's pretty decent. You are going to transcribe all these documents to make them readable.”
“All of them?”
“All of them.”
“But I have to clean the bike and…” You said, starting to regret it.
“Oh, I'm so sorry, (Y/N),” Larissa said wryly, putting all that stack of papers in front of you.
Naturally you already had in mind to duck, but when you raised a hand she grabbed your wrist.
“Do you think I'm dumb enough to let you go? You underestimate me, (Y/N). This time you are going to fulfill your punishment here, with me,” she told you with a gentle smile. You pursed your lips and grunted, carrying the stack of papers to the table the principal pointed out to you.
“Shit…” You whispered, sitting down at the small desk.
“What have you said? I'm afraid I didn't hear you correctly...” Larissa said, blinking rapidly.
“Nothing…” You said, picking up a pen, ready to carry out your punishment.
The seconds seemed like minutes, and the minutes seemed like hours. You've never had the opportunity to fully serve a punishment. Of course, you would make the  time unbearable for the  principal too.
“I'm boooooored,” you crooned.
“Poor thing,” Larissa said without looking at you, while she leafed through some papers.
Someone knocked on the door, interrupting the tedious punishment.
“Can I come in?” A voice you didn't know said.
“Oh, Marilyn, of course, come in, please,” Larissa said, smiling and getting up.
An unknown woman entered the office. The first impression for you was very important, and that red-haired woman impressed you. She seemed shy, putting on her glasses in an amusing move. You followed her with your eyes, without saying a word. Curiosity invaded you.
“I'm glad you've arrived, let me be the first to welcome you to Nevermore,” Weems said, shaking her hand.
“Thank you for this opportunity, Larissa. I know it must have been difficult to be admitted,” the woman said, sitting in front of the director, who made a gesture to play it down.
“Oh, it's nothing. You have the honor of being the first normi to teach at Nevermore, and I sincerely want you not to be the last one.”
The redhead nodded and looked at you curiously.
“Who is she?” She asked. You remained silent, noticing how your cheeks blushed. You were unable to utter a word, to make a joke. That woman had caught your eye and no matter how hard you tried to give an explanation to that reaction, you couldn't.
“Oh, she's (Y/N), she has the great achievement of being the most troublemaker student in Nevermore,” Larissa said, getting up and walking towards you. “Be careful with her, she's a time bomb, but they forgot to put a timer on her,” she said amused, placing a hand on your shoulder, which you pulled away with a grunt.
“Eh, I can introduce by myself,” you said, looking at the redhead, who kept looking at you curiously. “I am (Y/N), the most beautiful, nicest and coolest student of Nevermore, and you? Who are you?” You said, extending a hand towards the woman.
She laughed softly, shaking your hand.
“I'm Marilyn Thornhill, the new botany teacher,” she told you. You nodded amused.
“Plants, how funny,” you said sarcastically. She kept smiling, apparently she had not understood the meaning of your words.
“Be very careful with her, Marilyn, she is the terror of the teachers. And you, (Y/N), could you do me a big favor and be nice to Marilyn?”
You ignored the director's comment and looked back at Marilyn, winking at her.
“If you behave well, I'll be good…” You said with a suggestive voice. She laughed, as if she didn't get the point of everything you were saying. She seemed very innocent, and you liked that, you liked her a lot.
Larissa's hand went directly to the back of your neck, giving you a soft smack. Surely she had understood what you meant.
“Keep writing, (Y/N)…”
Two days later, your first botany class finally arrived. You were expecting to see that woman in action. She naturally attracted you, she was the type of woman you liked. She's innocent, without malice, the kind of woman your brusque and rebellious personality could corrupt.
You sat at your desk and to your own surprise, you didn't put your feet up on the table, you sat down right. You took out what little was left of your books and put them on the table, under the strange look of your classmate.
“What are you looking at?” You asked rudely. The boy shook his head and looked away.
“Good morning guys, my name is Marilyn Thornhill, and I'm your new botany teacher,” the redhead said enthusiastically. You could see how her eyes were looking sideways at you. Surely Larissa had filled her in on all your antics.
“They say that she is normi, that she has no ability,” the girl next to you whispered. You looked at her, annoyed at listening to her more than to Marilyn.
“Oh, really? Weems must have gone crazy,” another girl answered.
In a few seconds the murmur became more present. You couldn't hear the class, you were surrounded by sarcastic comments and various gossip from your classmates.
“I would appreciate a bit of silence, please,” the teacher said, sighing.
You glared around you. It was her first class and your classmates did nothing but annoy you. Unlike you, who was silent, behaving like an exemplary student.
“Please…” Marilyn insisted, starting to get desperate.
“Shut up, damm it!” You yelled, getting up from your chair. They all looked at you stunned. “Shut up or I'll shut up you.”
Silence fell. The redhead looked at you with wide eyes. She wouldn't expect the Nevermore trouble factory to have silenced her classmates.
“Please, continue,” you said with a wide smile, while all your classmates lowered their heads.
Marilyn shook her head and pretended nothing had happened, giving you a strange look.
When the class ended and all your classmates left the conservatory, you smugly approached the redhead, who seemed to be organizing some boxes.
“Aren't you going to thank me?” You asked, tapping her shoulder. Marilyn jumped and smiled at you nervously.
“Oh, (Y / N), I… Well, thanks I guess,” she said shyly, as she placed a box on her desk and emptied its contents.
“I guess? Come on, redhead, I've done you a favor,” you said, pretending to be offended. She glanced at you briefly, but then she turned away. It was obvious that your presence made her nervous. You began to wonder what Larissa had told her about you. “Are you afraid of me?” You asked mockingly.
“Well, I…” Marilyn said, looking for a way to dodge your question. “Honestly, I don't know what to tell you. Larissa has told me a lot of disturbing things about you.”
“Yeah, Larissa, of course,” you said, leaning against her desk and picking up a very small pot and looking at it curiously. “What is this?”
“Be careful with that, please, it's a rare specimen of a miniature carnivorous plant,” Marilyn told you with fear in her eyes.
You smiled and began to play with the pot, carelessly passing it from one hand to the other.
“How funny,” you said, seeing the horrified expression of the redhead. “Surely now you expect me to set it on fire, or break it, that's what Larissa told you, right?”
“Please, (Y/N), give it back to me, it's a very delicate plant,” she told you nervously, reaching out her arm to take the pot. You stepped away and took advantage of the fact that you were taller than her, raising your arm as high as you could.
“No way. First I want you to thank me for having shut those pesky ones’ mouth,” you said amused, seeing how the redhead tried to reach the small plant, without success.
Marilyn snorted and shook her head, crossing her arms.
“Okay, (Y/N), I appreciate you letting me teach the class in peace, are you happy?”
You smiled widely and returned the plant, which the redhead quickly took, looking at you over her glasses.
“Have you ever been told that you shouldn't judge someone before you meet them?” You said ironically. She closed her eyes and nodded.
“You're right, (Y/N), I'm sorry. Larissa warned me that I should be careful with you. I'm having a bit of a hard time getting used to this place and I wouldn't want you to give me trouble.”
You laughed out loud.
“Calm down, Marilyn, I don't give trouble to attractive women like you…” You whispered in her ear. She looked at you surprised, but she didn't say anything, she just continued with her boxes, glancing at you from time to time.
“Don't you have class right now?” She asked, obviously uncomfortable with your presence.
“I'm not going. I hate maths,” you said indifferently, while you watched how the redhead seemed to suffer when picking up a box that seemed heavy. “Hey, don't try too hard, redhead,” you said, helping her to catch it.
“Don't call me redhead, (Y/N), I'm your teacher. I'm assuming you're not going to call me Miss Thornhill, but I'd appreciate it if you would at least call me Marilyn.”
You rolled your eyes, placing that box where she indicated.
“Fine, Marilyn…” You sighed.
The teacher's attitude towards you was abrupt, fearful, nervous. Larissa should have told her you were little short of the devil. You didn't want to have that fame, at least with her.
The days passed like this. You were the terror of the teachers, but not of all. With Marilyn you were an angel. Even your fights and punishments had lessened. Your attraction to the redhead increased so much that it was impossible for you not to say suggestive phrases about her while you helped her after class. She was skilled at dodging hints. It was already impossible for her to be as innocent as you thought. Her smile and the slight blush on her cheeks told you that she perfectly understood what you wanted to say.
Little by little, that absurd fear that she had of you disappeared and her attitude towards you was much calmer. You weren't sure, but somehow you sensed that she had some interest in the naughty bad girl you were. For some strange reason, she was always there when you got into trouble.
One afternoon, you were going for a motorcycle ride to loosen up a bit. You had class works to do, but you didn't care, you never did.
“Hello, precious,” you said tenderly to your motorcycle, which you loved above all things.
You were going to start the engine, when you heard some desperate screams.
“Start damn it!”
It was Marilyn, who seemed to be having trouble starting the little beetle. You were going to ignore it, but the situation seemed too funny to you. You got off the motorcycle and approached the car, leaning mockingly out the window.
“Any problem?” You asked with a wide smile. Marilyn looked at you and, resigned she nodded.
“Well, yes, many problems, (Y/N). The car won't start and I have to go to Jericho to look for the seeds I need for... Well, for my classes...” She told you, turning the key over and over again.
“Well, well, let me take a look,” you said with the same mocking tone. “Open the engine, redhead.”
“Marilyn!” The redhead yelled, opening the engine door.
“Yes, yes, whatever you say…” You whispered, taking a look. “Oh oh…”
“What's happening?”
“I'm afraid someone has had a little fun,” you said, reaching into the engine and pulling out what looked like a broken belt. “This should be there, see?”
Marilyn got out of the car and was horrified to see that you were right.
“It is difficult for the car to start without this. I'm afraid you'll have to call the tow truck, redhead,” you said with a pitying face, handing her the broken leash.
“Oh, shit…” Marilyn sighed. “I'll ask Larissa to take me to the town and…”
It was the best opportunity of your life. You weren't going to waste it.
“No way, redhead... Marilyn. I'll take you,” you said, pointing to the motorcycle.
Marilyn looked over your shoulder with raised eyebrows.
“Are you going to take me... In that thing?” She asked you. “No way, there's no way I'm going to get on that thing with you.”
You shrugged and walked away.
“As you wish, but I think Larissa is not here…” You crooned. “Surely those seeds can wait until tomorrow…” You looked at her, smiling, while you got on the motorcycle. She rolled her eyes and cautiously approached.
“Okay, okay,” she said. “But be careful, please. I never liked these things,” she said with a voice of having given up.
“Calm down…” You said, taking another helmet out of the small compartment and tossing it to her.
“Oh, God…” She sighed as she got on the bike with you.
“Hold on, redhead,” you said, tying her arms around your waist.
“Please, (Y/N), I only ask you not to ruuuuuun,” she said, too late. You had already started, and you used to go fast. “Please, (Y/N), stop!”
You laughed while she, scared, clung to you with all her strength.
It seemed unlikely, but from that day on, the strange relationship you had got closer and closer.
Little by little, the redhead responded to your advances. Never in the way you expected, but it seemed to amuse her that you flirted with her in such a shameless way. Sometimes you got the impression that Marilyn dropped things on the floor for you to pick up, you'd soon find out why.
You were there as always, helping Marilyn with her plants. Not that you were a good girl now, quite the opposite. But with her you were, you were the kindest girl, but also the cheekiest girl of Nevermore. As you put down a large pot in the ground, you looked at Marilyn. You didn't believe what she was seeing. She was looking at you, but not at you, she was looking at your butt. You were wearing a very short skirt, and surely it wasn't exactly your skirt that she was looking at.
“What? Do you like what you see?” You asked, getting up. She looked away quickly.
“I don't know what you mean…” She said, pretending to take care of one of the plants. You bit your lip and ran to get behind her and lean into her ear.
“Yes, you know, redhead, you were looking at my panties…” You said humming, brushing the hair away from her ear. She jerked around, pushing you back a bit.
“Don't talk nonsense, (Y/N). If you have already finished with the pots you can leave,” she said, pretending, very badly, by the way.
“Okay,” she said, making an unexpected move. You grabbed Marilyn by the head and pulled her up, planting a kiss on her lips. She didn't resist, but she did stay wide-eyed. It was your first time taking that step and to your delight, she didn't seem to mind at all. “See you tomorrow,” you crooned, walking out of the conservatory and leaving Marilyn gaping.
After stealing that kiss from the redhead, you got used to doing it all the time. She never complained, but she never kissed you back either. It was weird, she seemed blocked whenever you zoomed in. It was as if he really liked you, as if the little suspicion you had ceased to be, to become evidence. Soon the occasion would come that would make everything clear.
“And for this reason, these little wonders can survive weeks without a drop of water…” Marilyn explained, under your watchful eye. You heard murmurs next to you. As much as you ordered them to shut up, your classmates ignored it.
“Look at her, she tries to be cool but she can't, deep down I feel sorry for her,” a boy behind you said. You concentrated to listen better.
“It's pathetic. I can't wait for her to get out of Nevermore. The normies have no right to be here,” his classmate said.
You had a serious face, you stopped listening to Marilyn a long time ago.
“Just wait and see, I have prepared a little surprise.”
“What have you done this time?”
“Watch and learn. This is how normies are treated in Nevermore,” one of the boys said, moving his hand towards the redhead's desk.
From the wall, what looked like a tarp was unfurled, with some horrible words written on it. Marilyn froze as she read the message.
The best normi is the dead normi
The entire class erupted in laughter, as Marilyn struggled to maintain her composure. You had heard the conversation, you knew who was to blame.
“Damned bastard!” You said, getting up from the table and turning around. “Hey, it was him!” You said, grabbing the collar of her shirt. Marilyn didn't say anything, she just stared at you.
“Let me go, I'm just saying what we all think,” The boy told you. Your blood boiled
“Apologize right now, Fred…” You hissed, grabbing his shirt tightly.
“I'm not even going to do it, that damn normi has to get out of Nevermore…” He said you in a mocking tone.
That was too much for you. With all your might, you pushed the boy, making him fall to the ground, knocking over several chairs and tables along the way.
“Stupid!” He yelled. No one seemed to care that you were in class.
“You're the stupid one, you're going to find out!” You yelled, throwing yourself on top of him and starting a fight in the middle of the conservatory.
“Stop it!” Marilyn yelled, approaching you with fear. You looked at her, causing your partner to punch you several times.
“Damn imbecile,” you said, putting your hand on your nose, which soon began to bleed. “I'm going to destroy you!” You said hitting her with all your might.
“For God's sake, (Y/N), stop it, stop it!” The redhead said, trying to separate you from him, who already had his hands in a surrender position. You kicked, but you let yourself be dragged by Marilyn.
“Everyone out, class's over!” She yelled, checking that, despite the beating, the boy could get up. You stayed there, held by Marilyn on the ground.
“You'll see when I catch you,” you said, passing a hand across your nose, pointing threateningly at your partner.
“Why did you do it, (Y/N)?” Marilyn asked you, while she healed your wounds. “If I tell Weems what happened, she won't hesitate to expel you.”
“What did you want me to do? You don't deserve that,” you said, hissing when the cotton touched one of your wounds.
“I don't need you to defend me, (Y/N). I just overlook that kind of things, I'm used to it,” she told you, caressing your cheek. You smiled mischievously.
“Did you like to see me give that idiot the beating of his life? Confess it, redhead...” You sighed and rolled her eyes. She looked like she was going to deny it, but quite the opposite. She came up to you and kissed you on the lips. A slow, tender kiss, that had nothing to do with the ones you stole from her.
It might seem like a simple gesture, but it was something else, it was the beginning of a real relationship, one in which words were not needed.
“You're a bad girl, (Y/N),” she whispered after kissing you. You widened your eyes and bit your lip. “I like bad girls...”
“I won't be so bad when I've defended you,” you murmured, grabbing her waist. She laughed, putting both hands on your chest.
“We all have defects…”
You were kissing the redhead with passion, with desire, as you entered her room. It had been a while now, and it seemed like the right time to turn up the heat a bit.
“You should be in class, (Y/N)…” Marilyn gasped, between kisses. You laughed, attacking her neck unceremoniously.
“I don't care about classes…” You said. Unexpectedly, she grabbed your hair.
“No, no, no (Y/N), I can't allow you to continue being a bad girl…” She whispered in your ear. “If you don't go to class, I'll have to punish you...”
You opened your eyes. Of all the people you knew, she was the least likely to behave that way. You didn't like to feel dominated, but you already made several exceptions with her, it was okay to make another one.
“Are you going to punish me?” You asked pouting. “Look how I’m shaking.”
The moment you said those words, you received a slap on the cheek. It was not a soft one, it stung.
“Shut up, bitch…” The redhead said, grabbing her hair. “Don't try to be cool with me, I think you don't know me well...”
You shook your head and bit your lip. You wanted to keep teasing her, you wanted to see what she was capable of.
“I do what I want, redhead…” You said, earning another slap. Marilyn sighed and shook her head, shoving you roughly onto the bed.
“You have to learn manners, (Y/N). Maybe I have to teach you a lesson…” She said, sitting next to you. “Come here,” she told you, patting her lap.
You looked at her with a frown.
“Have I not spoken clearly enough, (Y/N)? I told you to get on my lap. Mommy is going to teach you to be a good girl...”
You backed away smiling, surprised by your lover's domineering attitude. Seeing that her gaze became more and more dangerous, you decided to obey, lying on her lap.
“That's how I like it, an obedient girl…” Marilyn said mockingly. “Now mommy is going to teach you to treat her with respect… To behave properly.”
“You like that I’m a bad girl. You can't help it, "mommy,"” you said joking. Her hand fell on your buttocks with a painfully pleasurable force.
“Mmm…” She murmured. It wasn't a yes, but it wasn't a no either. “I like to teach good manners to bad girls like you, (Y/N). Stupid girls who think they are the coolest in school for wearing ripped pants, riding motorbikes and talking back to the teachers...”
Saying those words with a lusty hiss, she pulled down your pants and underwear, exposing your butt.
“You have a beautiful ass, (Y/N), it's a shame that I have to punish it…” She told you between laughs. You just nodded. You couldn't see what was happening, but her touch was tense, you knew what was coming, and it turned you on. “Come on honey, be a good girl... Count with me...”
“One!” You yelled as you received the first spank. It itched, it stung, but you had to fight back a moan. “Fuck…Two!”
“That's it... What a good girl...” The redhead whispered, relieving your injured area a little. “Come on, come on, we're not done yet. You have to be punished for everything you've done. I'm sure the rest of your teachers would really like to see you like that... So submissive, so... obedient.”
“I thought you were a sweet and innocent spinster and it turns out that you're vicious woman... I like it,” you said, earning another strong spanking.
“Shut up!” She yelled at you, grabbing your hair and pulling it hard. “Haven't they taught you not to judge people without knowing them?” She repeated mockingly, just like you did in her first class. “I just want you to open your dirty mouth to count…”
You nodded and closed your eyes. The heat that was building between your legs was already almost unbearable, and it hadn't even started.
“Five! Six!” You counted, following the frantic rhythm of her whipping. Your butt hurt, surely it was completely red. She laughed with every hit, she surely was enjoying on almost as many levels as you.
“Twenty!”  You counted. Marilyn chuckled.
“Okay, (Y/N), we're done with this. Now I want you to undress and lie down on the bed,” she said, moving away from her lap. You looked at her with a smile camouflaged in a grimace of pain.
“Why don't you undress yourself?” You asked, grabbing her blouse and undoing its buttons. She looked at you, blinking repeatedly, before giving you another slap.
“You may be the queen at school, (Y/N), but in my bed I'm in charge, and you're going to do what I tell you…” She told you with a natural smile.
“Very, very good,” you said, getting rid of your already half-down pants. She looked at you with desire, while she searched for something in her drawer. It looked like a rope.
“Lie down,” she told you, once you were naked. “Mommy hasn't finished with you yet...”
You nodded, obeying.
Marilyn got up and undressed little by little. You tried to touch her body several times, but you always received a slap.
“You are so desperate, (Y/N), so anxious for mommy to fuck you…” She said to you, climbing on top of you and grabbing your wrists.
“What are you doing?” You asked when the rope was tied to your hands and the redhead took them to the headboard. “Hey, untie me.”
“No, my love... I'm not going to untie you...” She told you, giving you a tender kiss on your lips. “You're not so brave anymore, are you? Now you are at my mercy, (Y/N)… But don't worry, mommy will be good to you, as long as you obey.”
“I think I can get used to being tied up…” You whispered, fixing your gaze on her breasts, salivating from having them in your mouth.
“I'm glad you think so…” She said, caressing your cheek. “Look at you, you're so wet,” she said while with her other hand, she caressed your between the legs, slipping between your folds.
“Yes…” You said, gasping at her touch. “Please, mommy… I liked that spanking a lot, I want, I want you to fuck me.”
She laughed outrageously, as two of her fingers played at your entrance.
“My bad girl… Look what you've ended up with. In a silly girl, begging me to fuck her... How cute... It's a shame...”
“A shame?” You asked, panting and shifting, struggling against your restraints.
“Honey, you don't want to get away with it, do you?” She asked, removing her hand. You protested.
“What? Oh, come on…” You said, moving your hips, fighting for the contact you had before.
“Shhh, shhh,” the redhead whispered, moving a little above you. “Use your mouth for something else than to complain, (Y/N)… Now you have to please mommy… Then we'll talk…”
You nodded unable to speak, because she sat on top of you. You couldn't breathe, you didn't feel the air entering your lungs, you could only feel her.
Your arms moved as she moaned and rubbed against your mouth.
“Can't you breathe, my love? Oh, poor thing,” Marilyn said petulantly, letting you catch some air. “That's enough, (Y/N), stick out your tongue and make mommy happy…”
You obeyed, taking in all the air you could. You ran your tongue up and down, when and licking everything you found in your path. You were short of breath, but you were full of passion, of involuntary movements of your hips.
“My bad girl... I hope, ahh, I hope that's how you learn to... Oh... To behave well...” Marilyn moaned, moving faster against your face.
You moaned too. You were desperate, unable to move your arms, barely breathing, but the heat you felt between your legs managed to hide those inconveniences. Little by little, the redhead's movements intensified, becoming abrupt and disorderly, until finally, with a heartbreaking and very indiscreet moan, her entire body tensed, and you could feel how her humidity began to run your face.
“That was good, honey… Your filthy mouth is so good with mommy…”
You caught your breath.
“Yeah, I've done it, mommy... Now, please, I need you,” you said shaking your body. That didn't seem to matter to her, as she got up from the bed, reaching for something in a drawer of her dresser.
“Oh, fuck,” you said as you watched her putting a rather sizable strap on to her waist. Spreading a slippery liquid on her dildo, she approached you, with a tender smile, but also disturbing. “Hey, hey, that's really, really big, isn't it?”
She shook her head, saying nothing as she climbed back onto the bed. Your eyes lit up when her hands went to your restraints. When you felt released from the headboard, you sighed and smiled.
“Why are you smiling, bad girl?” She asked you, pouting.
“Because you've come to your senses, and you're going to untie me…” You said. Her face told you that this was not her intention at all.
“You're so sweet… Of course not, honey. You have to be tied down like the bad girl you are. I just want you to suffer your punishment from behind... Until you're a good girl I won't give you the pleasure of watching me fucking you.”
Saying that, she grabbed your waist roughly, turning you on the bed and tying you back to the headboard despite your resistance.
“Shhh…. Don't worry… Mommy will take care of you, honey,” she told you, lifting your abdomen, exposing you completely. “Mmm, how I like your body… I would be looking at you all day… So exposed, so defenseless.”
“Oh, fuck, Marilyn, do it once and for all,” you said, when you felt the tip of that huge object against your slippery folds.
“Careful what you wish for, honey…” She said, thrusting herself inside of you. You opened your eyes, noticing how your walls narrowed with difficulty, accommodating to size.
“Ah, damn, don't be so abrupt… It's… It's big… It hurts me…” You said hissing. Deep down, that little pain you felt only made you more aroused.
“What’s wrong, dear? Can't your little pussy handle mommy's dick? Oh what a lying girl... You're very brave on the outside, (Y/N), but you can't even stand me...”
“Shut up, I'm not used to something so... So...” You said, running out of voice when the pleasure began to run through your body. “Okay, okay, don't stop, keep going…”
She laughed, picking up her pace, gripping your hair tight as she moved with ease. The moans became more and more frequent.
You were completely at her mercy. Marilyn enjoyed, moving her hips gracefully against yours, guiding your body with her hands, digging her nails into your thighs.
You couldn't take it anymore. After a few thrusts and a few reminders about who you belonged to, you snapped, twitching and eyes squeezed shut.
“Damn… Marilyn, you're incredible,” you said, while the redhead untied you. She leaned over you and kissed you tenderly. Her expression was no longer that of the crazy domineering woman who took you mercilessly, it was the one she always had, the one you fell in love with.
“You know, (Y/N)? I don't want you to ever change…”She told you, bringing your head closer to her chest, letting you rest on it.
“Change what?”
“The way you are... I don't care how rebellious you are, I only care that you have a good heart... And I know you have it...”
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arkhamabyssfiles · 3 months
Arkham Abyss Files: Robin_MEMORY_01 Loading FILE... JASON TODD: AGE, 16 TIM DRAKE: AGE, 15
Tim was used to the collective cesspool of niceties that Gotham elite kids were, but the new kid wasn’t. Tim felt for him, but so far hadn’t tried to approach him, not for fear of being targeted alongside the new kid –he already was targeted for being a year ahead–, but because it was exams season. And that he was Bruce Wayne’s new protegee… He had nothing against the Waynes, but they had a reputation for being wild and troublesome.
It wasn’t because of what he read on the news, of course, he’d seen it firsthand in one of the many parties he’d been forced to attend with his father or in his stead. Tim winced at the memory of Mr. Wayne jumping into a fountain with some models or something, calling Gale Patricks a pussy in many other words, gifting a giraffe to one old lady whose name he didn’t remember right now and that had died two months ago… The point was, Wayne and Eccentric came hand in hand. His previous ward had done some rather dubious things as well, but nothing as flashy as his protector.
But this kid—he didn’t seem to be like that at all. Tim had read the article that detailed some of his background, if it could be believed of course. But for the few weeks he’d seen him, Tim knew that it was probably right. So now as all the kids were milling through the doors and into the yard of the Robinson Academy, there were the five bullies, some a year or two older as they had repeated a year or were just about to graduate–which usually made them more eager to harras and being a nuisance, as if this was their last chance of making miserable someone else. The thing was, the Wayne kid wasn’t taking their harassment as meekly or frightened as they’d been expecting, in fact, he was showing no sign of anything but annoyance, so they’d gotten ticked off.
Tim paused, he shouldn’t get himself involved as long as things didn’t escalate—
Of course, Gavin Bevan would take Wayne’s backpack and turn it upside down, spilling everything on the floor. Some other kids froze as well, waiting to see what would happen next. Tim was sure the bullies were about to meet their maker by the murderous look the Wayne kid shot them, and Tim had seen that kid’s strength at basketball, he was just built differently. Even if they were five against one—maybe he wouldn’t win, but he’d give a hell of a ride to his opponents.
But then Wayne took in a breath and relaxed his shoulders, then said something that dissuaded the bullies from taking things further. They laughed mockingly, said some other pejoratives kicked lightly some of his stuff around then left.
Tim walked over as Wayne started gathering his things around and the rest of the students moved again, disappointed nothing interesting had happened. He helped him gather his books and other stuff.
“Thanks,” Wayne said gruffly.
“No problem… I’m Tim Drake by the way.”
“Jason Todd,” The other answered as both straightened and started to walk in.
“So—you’re good at basketball.” Tim couldn’t think of anything else to say, besides, they both were on the team, even if they hadn’t talked at all before now.
“You’re not so bad yourself. Though you’re a bit short.”
“I’m a year younger,” Tim defended.
“Another year skipper? Figures…” Jason muttered.
“Who else skipped a year?”
“An annoying cat. But you’re not as bad as her,” Jason explained, not very illuminating.
“Thanks, I guess?”
Jason grunted and smiled shortly.
“Want to eat lunch together?” Tim asked, because why not.
“Sure. That way we’ll make those idiots happy to pick on us both at the same time.”
“I like efficiency.” Tim shrugged.
Jason huffed, “That’s one way to put it shorty.”
“I already said I’m younger,” Tim complained.
END OF MEMORY... For more FILES check previous entries...
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 4 months
Stranded Chapter 2
Summary:  Tossed overboard and lost at sea, Bucky washes up on an uninhabited island.  Injured, lost and scared, with little to no wilderness training, he fights to survive.  But is he really alone?
Warnings: bodily injury, mentions of sexual harassment/assault, eventual smut
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Bucky was woken up by someone shaking him.
“Bucky, you need to wake up,” a voice said. 
Bucky groaned, his body feeling heavy.  He vaguely remembered a woman…Y/N… stranded….  He tried to open his eyes but his head was pounding.  He felt like he was boiling, his body covered in sweat but shivering violently.  
“You’re burning up, we need to cool you down,” she said, trying to pull him off the bed.  He finally peeled his eyes open, looking into a pair of worried eyes.
“Huh, pretty,” he mumbled, a goofy smile on his face.  
Y/N scoffed before tapping his cheek firmly.  “Come on, Bucky!  Get up!”  He groaned as he slowly lifted himself.  Y/N put one of his arms around her shoulders and led him out of the plane.  He trudged next to her back to the waterfall, his steps clumsy and his head leaning on top of her head.  Once they reached the rocks Y/N turned to him and started unbuttoning his shirt, pulling it off then reaching for his pants.
“Hey now,” Bucky giggled deliriously, “take me out first at least.”
Y/N didn’t say anything and pulled his pants then his underwear down, helping him step out of them before stripping herself.  She pulled him to the water and had him step in, submerging him up to his neck and having him lean his back against her front.  She positioned herself against a wall of the pool and wound her arms around his shoulders to keep him afloat. 
Y/N cupped some water in her hand and ran it down the side of his face and repeated it all over his face, neck and hair.  As she ran her fingers through his hair he hummed.  The cool water was helping his body temperature regulate.  
They sat in silence for a long while, listening to the waterfall until she started humming again.  Bucky was slowly becoming more aware, his mind finally catching up to what was happening.  He felt her breasts against his back, his butt nestled in between her legs.  He tensed, making her tilt her head to look at him.  “You okay?” she asked, her eyebrows furrowed and a small frown on her lips.
“Yeah I’m…” he stared at her.  “I’m sorry,” he sat up and floated away from her.  Y/N watched him worriedly, following him in the water.
“You were burning up, let me see,” she said, holding her hand up to check his forehead again.
“I’m fine,” Bucky waved her off, continuing to move out of her reach.
“No you’re not,” Y/N said, sounding more annoyed.
“Y/N,” Bucky held his hands out to her.  She stopped.  “I can’t…I can’t do this,” he said and hauled himself out of the pool, quickly grabbing his clothes and heading back towards the plane.  He heard Y/N get out of the pool as he staggered back to the camp.  She quickly caught up to him as he was buttoning his shirt back on.
“What is your problem?  I was just trying to help you.  You’re fever spiked and the only way to cool you down was in the water–”
“I know!  And I appreciate that,” Bucky grumbled as he reached the plane.  It was dark out, the only light coming from the fire outside.  
“Then what’s going on?” Y/N asked as she followed him into the plane.  He headed towards the back.  “Don’t you dare think that you can sleep on my bed after this whole weird interaction!” she yelled at him.  Bucky stopped and looked at her surprised.  “I was just trying to help,” Y/N sighed exasperatedly.  “If you don’t want my help, then you can go fend for yourself.  I just didn’t want to watch another person die.  But fuck me, I guess.”  She walked around him to the back room and closed the door behind her.
Bucky rubbed his face roughly with his hands.  Being stranded was making him insane.  She was just trying to help, the only help he was going to find, and he had to go making it weird because they just so happened to be naked.  His body still felt heavy, but the cool water had helped clear his head and made him feel a lot better.  He walked to the door and knocked on it softly.
“Y/N, I’m sorry.  I…I appreciate your help, I’d probably be close to death if it weren’t for you helping me.  I was just…being naked kinda freaked me out, I’m sorry.”  He listened carefully but heard nothing.  He sighed heavily and as he turned to sleep in a chair the door opened.  He looked back and saw her peering around it.
“You’re going to have to get used to being naked around here,” Y/N said, an amused smirk on her face.  “No other options really.”
“You’re right,” Bucky laughed.  “I made it weird, and I’m sorry.  Thank you for helping me,” he said as he leaned against the door frame.  
Y/N opened the door wide and stepped closer to him.  “Look, we’re both stuck here.  And to be honest, it’s nice to have someone else.  But we’re both going to have to work together and get past the weird stuff quickly.  Can you do that?”  Bucky nodded.  “Okay then.  Now get back to bed.  You still need to rest,” she pointed to the bed, moving out of the way to let him lay down.  He did as she said and got himself comfortable again.  Y/N then moved to lay next to him, keeping some distance between them.  “Goodnight Bucky.”
“Goodnight Y/N,” he yawned.
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vodika-vibes · 11 months
thanks so much for answering! In that case, might I request something for Mereel skirata? Like he is always flirting with the reader and the reader is kind of annoyed because they think he’s not serious while also having a massive crush on him and then sth happens that prompts them to kiss and turns out he is serious about them? You don’t have to do/follow that of course 🙈 thanks so much!
Not A Toy
Summary: Mereel is a walking, talking headache. But when the base you live on is attacked, you realize that there's more to him than that.
Pairing: Mereel Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 1257
Warnings: innuendo, but nothing too bad
tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: I've never written for Mereel before, but his wookieepedia page was actually useful as to his personality. Thank you for the request! I hope that this is sort of what you were looking for!
Divider by Saradika
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“You alright, Doc?” Your nurse asks as she nervously flutters around you.
“I’m fine. I just have a headache that comes and goes,” You reply as you pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Oh! I can get you some medicine if you want-?”
“That won’t be-” You pause when the door to the infirmary slides open and a grinning man walks in, and you sigh, “And it’s back again.”
“Hey doc!” Mereel Skirata, like all of his brothers, is incredibly handsome. Unlike many of his brothers, he’s also got the charm to back up his good looks. He’s also incredibly clever and calm and funny…the bastard.
He winks at your nurse, and she blushes red and giggles.
“If you’re here to harass my staff, you can see yourself out-” You say sharply.
“I’m not feeling harassed,” Your nurse says, almost dreamily.
“Don’t you have work to do?” You ask sharply. You’re not jealous. You’re not. You just don’t appreciate him flirting with your staff and distracting them. 
If you keep repeating that to yourself, maybe you’ll believe it someday.
The nurse blanches white, and turns and scurries out of the room.
“That wasn’t very nice,” Mereel chides with a broad grin on his face.
“Do I look like a nice person?” You ask curtly, “What do you want?”
“Why do I have to want something?” Mereel asks, his grin growing as he crosses the room and leans his hip against your desk, “Maybe I just want to see your smiling face.”
“Do I look like I’m smiling?”
“Maybe I can put a smile on your face,” He offers quickly, “I’m very talented in many areas-”
“If you’re not dying, get out of my office.”
“Ner cyare-”
“Do not.”
“The love of my life-”
“Get. Out.”
“But Doc,” His voice has a distinct whine to it, and you glower at him, “I’m in pain.”
“Walk it off.” And then you sigh, “Fine. What’s wrong?”
“Well you see, there’s this pretty doctor I keep talking to-” He says with a sly grin.
“You do realize that I’m not a toy for you to play with, right.” You snap.
“But doc, I’d play with you so good,” He almost coos, his eyes alight with mirth, “Uh…doc…You’re holding that syringe kind of…threateningly.”
“I’m wondering,” You say through gritted teeth, “If I sedate you, it might give enough time for that hole in your face to heal shut.”
“I don’t have a hole in my fac-ohhh…you’re talking about my mouth.”
“Yeah. I am.”
“Aww,” He coos at you, “You’re adorable when you’re threatening me. Super hot. Very attractive.” You click your tongue at him, and he laughs and moves away from your desk, “Alright, alright. I’m leaving. I’m sure you have very important doctor work you need to do. I’ll see you later, ner cyare!”
“Please don’t.” You sigh as the door slides shut, and you drop your head on your desk. You need migraine medicine. 
An hour later, the base is rattled by an explosion.
You immediately jump to your feet and grab your med bag and head towards the explosion. There has never been an explosion so close to base before, but you don’t think about the potential danger to yourself. 
You let out a startled noise when a strong hand wraps around your upper arm and jerks you back. “What the hell are you doing?” Mereel rips his helmet off, “Where are you going?” He demands.
“There was an explosion, which means injured people.” You say as you try and pull your arm from his grip, though you’re not able to, “Which means, Mereel, that they need me.”
“You-” For once, he seems to be at a loss for words, “Are you fucking stupid? You don’t even have armor! You’ll be killed.”
You scoff, “Please. That’s hardly a concern. You and your brothers are here after all.”
“Holy shit.” Mereel shakes his head, “I am flattered at your faith in us, but I am not allowing you to run into an active battlefield.”
“I wasn’t asking.”
“Oh my god, you’re so stubborn! Why am I in love with you?” He rubs the back of his neck, “Fine! Fine. But you are going to go to the medical tent and you are going to stay there.”
“Can we rewind to the point where you said you’re in love with me?”
“No. Yes.” He pauses, “Later. We’re being attacked. Priorities, Doc.” Mereel drags you down a different hall, “There. Medical tent. With the red symbol on it.”
“I know what a medical tent looks like.” You snark.
He stares at you, “Then get to it.” He pulls his helmet on as another explosion rocks the base, “Now! And stay there.” He warns as he jabs his finger in your face.
“You’re not my mother,” You grouch as you hurry over to the tent, while Mereel hurries in the opposite direction towards the explosions. 
The fighting continues for hours, though the explosions stop after the first thirty minutes. At least, you think they have, you’re rather distracted with trying to save the lives of the people in your care.
And by the time the fighting is over, you’re sore and exhausted, and you just want to sleep for the next week or so.
You check on your patients one more time, making sure that they’re stable enough to be moved to the infirmary to receive proper medical care, and then you step out of the tent and roll your shoulders. You stop at the medical droid and give the order to start moving the injured, and then you step away to head back to your office.
You don’t make it to your office. Instead someone tugs you into a supply closet, and before you realize what's happening, you’re pressed back against the door.
Mereel looks down at you, caged between his arms. There’s something warm and soft on his face, and it makes your stomach flip nervously. “You’re filthy,” You say softly.
And he is. His armor has dirt and dust covering it, and his hair is laying flat, from wearing his helmet for so long. “Wanted to see you before I shower and crash,” He replies easily.
“Are you hu-”
Your question is cut off when he crashes his lips against yours. His gloved hand comes up to cradle the back of your head as he presses himself tighter against you.
Mereel’s armor presses against you uncomfortably, uncomfortably enough that you’ll probably have bruises if he doesn’t pull away, but you don’t care as you reach up and wrap your arms around his neck.
He groans into the kiss and then he effortlessly lifts you so that you’re able to wrap your legs around his waist. And only then, when you’re in his arms, does he break the kiss and bump his forehead against yours.
“I hope,” Mereel says quietly, “That this is proof that I mean it when I flirt with you.”
You smile at him, and lightly press one of your hands against his cheek, “It’s a pretty good hint, yes.” You slowly trail your thumb across his cheekbone, “You know…I’m not much of a cook, but I do make a pretty good cheesecake.” You whisper.
“If you want I can make us some tomorrow. And we can talk and figure us out?” 
“Are you asking me on a date, ner cyare?” Mereel asks, delight on his face.
You smile shyly, “Yeah. I guess I am.”
He kisses you then, soft and sweet, “It’s a date.”
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xxduncandonutxx · 1 month
Anon asks has been disabled due to proshitters abusing it
So I'll repeat myself again, if you proshitters hate the fact I rant about you guys being freaks of nature then simply block and move on instead of getting piss off because I rightfully call disgusting behavior out or call certain freaks out for ignoring my DNI by commenting under my work just to be annoying or try to say "But I'm in the right to enjoy pedophilla ships!" And before you say "Then ignore us." I do, I block you guys, I censor the word on my posts on Twitter and avoided using the tags on twtter.. the only time I did use the tags was for that post on that one moron who went after me for rightfully calling the ship 'BilDip' a proshit on twitter (and reminder, I did NOT use any tags or the word prosh**p or anything and yet, I was still found). If you guys are truly Anti-harassment then maybe DON'T comment under my post or reblog it... it's like what you guys say "If you don't like it, just block and ignore it."
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swanpit · 1 year
starlightmeadowbloom has a tendency to hound people to read their fanfic so that people can make art of it. Just so you are aware.
It’s in all likelihood that they are constantly asking you to read their fanfic so that you can make art if it
i've heard and in that case, i regretly gonna inform that kind of approach is just going to put people off, and totally will backfire the more people are hounding me about something like this the LESS i want to do it. in that case, my advice is, Please FUCKING DO NOT. CEASE. unless you wanna get hated so fucking badly for some reason.(not you twilight, it's for those who still think being pushy like this is ok, no it is not, it's fucking annoying) dont chase people, let them come to your work first, DONT FORCE YOUR WORK ON OTHERS. lack of interest doesnt mean "i should try harder", NO that means leave them alone!, they can turn from just neutral to dislike very fast especially if you're not the kind of person who can take a NO. i know it feels like you're really made it when famous big name artists are drawing and liking your fic. if you're lucky, they will but realistically that cant always happen. I assure you the fic isnt worth any less if it's not drawn by more popular artists, hell if you already have close friends constantly drawing for your fic, cherish them! are their contributions not enough??? (why even me i dont even think i am that popular anyway! i hope she doesnt do the same to other artists, we hate it if we were made to feel like we're NOTHING BUT drawing tools!) i have personal experience with someone in the past who gets super pushy with their fic, and whoo boy i do wanna give benefit of doubt at first and in the end it just got worse and worse, the persistence become more desperate and annoying and all the guilt tripping comes out and my only regret is that i didnt destroy this person any further. (fyi i just got more info that this person is still doing their shit, and even worse, good fucking grief) also ps : this person i met before has a "loyal army" of "friends" that will HARASS anyone who doesn't like their fic so yeah that's hmmmm. is this post of mine here gonna lead to a repeat of that? sadly i don't think the probability will be zero…but absolutely NOT the way to make people gonna suddenly like your friend's fic, kiddos~ i DO NOT appreciate being pushed, pressure or harassed and guilt tripped to liking something that i am not into. it might not be at that point yet for now in this situation but how am i gonna know that it wont escalate to that level? NO is NO even in this situation. if people are not interested, do NOT force it. being desperate is only gonna make people hate you , is that what you want? ask yourself, is that really what you want?
please understand that not everyone is gonna like what you put out there and that is ok. it doesnt always mean what you make is bad, sometimes because it's just niche and not people's cup of tea. if you make it personal i guarantee as fuck we're gonna make it personal too. so i'm warning you and others who still think of doing this shit now. CEASE. FUCKING CEASE. STOP
i am feeling still neutral at her fic she's trying to push constantly on others at this point, i admit i dont know enough about the content to judge, just doesnt feel like my cup of tea. nothing personal. (disclaimer this doesnt mean bad, just doesnt feel like my thing) BUT if the pushiness is still persists, that might change...and NOT in the good direction. i am truly SICK at this attitude at this point but i also know that if it was never told, no one will know and nothing will be learned. i know sometimes there's no malicious intent and it's not something people are aware on how other people take it when they're acting like this. so i have to tell now why all this "i should try harder to make everyone like my fic even if they arent interested yet i should try harder till they will" is NOT GOING TO WORK
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How to catch (my pookies) inosukes eye
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For Inosuke i feel he would prefer a s/o who's a little weaker then him but can still keep up because:
If you were stronger then him, he would constantly ask you to fight him (casually harassing you) then he would get all pissy after you beat him avoid you and the cycle would repeat. Youd probably never get to interact with him outside of him demanding a fight and annoying the shit outta you, you wouldn't ever get to see the soft side of him and prolly wouldn't be able to develop feelings. But he would probably grow to admire you a lot he doesn't know it but he would have a crush on you but he would be to proud to tell you and you can't tell since you barely see him so it wouldn't be reciprocated.
If you were significantly weaker then him, he would get annoyed with you real fast and you wouldn't be "flashy" enough to catch his eye but there is a way! (Will be explained later on) But he does want to be a traditional type man ex providing and protecting. He will pride himself on being your protector.
So being on (almost) the same level is the perfect balance cause you get the best of both worlds because he will admire you a lot for your skills but his ego will also be stroked and fed.
His ideal personality would be.
Playful: He NEEDS someone to do his shenanigans with. An example would be someone who goes along with his king of the mountains gag.
"Underling fetch me some food!"
"Of course my lord!" Bro is blushing under his mask but blames it on the fact that its hotunder his mask.
I am a firm believer that he loves playfighting especially wrestling. You will be rolling around on the floor for HOURS.
Competitive: He LOVES competitions so you better bring that energy back, eating dinner? No. Eating competition. Find a flower on the ground? Now It's a flower finding competition now. He doesn't realize it but he constantly one ups you any chance he gets so if you're not competitive it'll get annoying pretty fast.
Motherly (Stern, caring and kind): We all know he goes CRAZY for any sign of kindness especially compliments. I'm 100% sure he would go for someone who's practically the opposite him it helps balance the chaos. He needs someone to tell him where the boundaries are, someone who will drag him back to a person he insulted and make him apologize but also someone who shows immense care for him, someone who only wants the best for him (its hard for him to see it though)
(A motherly persona is honestly perfect for him because of how stubborn he is)
Adventurous/Fun: Since he fights demons for fun, I feel he would get really bored in his downtime, so keeping him entertained is a must. I feel as though he LIVES for adrenaline so its a bit hard to keep him focused and entertained with simple conversation so you have to take him on little adventures so he doesn't go absolutely nuts and starts wrecking things
Patient: He doesn't understand some of society's customs, so you have to be patient with him and explain slowly. He's impatient as hell so when he doesn't get something first try he'll get mad for a bit so you have to wait for him to cool down before restarting (He actually appreciates this a lot)
Also having something your really good at (hobbies like paintings, sculpting crocheting) and he isn't, at first he'll get pouty but then he'll be determined at becoming better then you. You'll teach him and if its something with his hands like crafting chances are he'll like it and you guys will get to bond.
Brave: This is just another way of saying you gotta be a demon slayer lmaoo. (I honestly can't see him with a civilian)
Good cook: Actually you don't have to be a good cook as long im pretty sure he'd eat anything smash up some bugs and grind them into juice and he'll eat it with a smile
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If you like cooking you get extra points because you could give him extra food or teach him how to cook properly.
You have two options for your first meeting
Option 1 (the short one where you are a demon slayer)
He comes in, in the middle of the battle with a demon which you were struggling with and he comes along and anihalites it. You very obviously thank him and he gives you a bandage since your bleeding (He might even apply it depending on how much you're complimenting him)
"Wow! I've never seen anything like your breathing style! Whats it called?!"
"Its called Beast Breathing i made it myself!" He brags
My vision is that you gas him up so much, you somehow become his understudy. Now thud is a DREAM COME TRUE for him because he finally gets an "underling" (its kind of like a tsusuko for the hashira) Now be warned he's the world's worst teacher he explains like this ⬇️
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So you won't learn much but the moment you use something he taught you he's over the moon and takes all the credit. (This was more just a cute idea then something that could be developed but whatever 🐗)
Option 2: ( where you're a helper/ nurse at the butterfly mansion)
A couple hours ago your crow had informed you a big battle with a powerful demon was just starting so naturally everyone started preparing. Beds were made, medicine on stand by and everyone waiting by the front door.
"Injured demon slayers approaching!" Your crow cawed. With you at the head all the girls ran outside. A couple Kakushi were running towards the mansion people hung limp on their backs as blood dripped down. Aoi and the others rushed beds with wheels outside, the only person still conscious was a boy with yellow hair, he was bawling.
"We have to go back for Tanjirooo!!" He whined draging out "Tanjiro" like a toddler.
"I'm sure Tanjiro will be fine!" Aoi scolded as she pushed him down onto a bed, she seemed to know who Tanjiro was. "Now rest up." Suma begun wheeling him inside to the infirmary so they could start on treatment.
"What about Inosuke?! He was right behind me, where is he!?" He screamed at you as he was dragged away. "The demon must have got to him!" His tears really started to come down now, it was a good thing he was gone. His cries were quite annoying.
You now started to take notice to something in the distance a Kakushi practically wrestling something to the ground.
"That idiot." Aoi scowled, pinching the bridge of her nose as she sighed heavily. "We're going to be swamped. I need you take care of him." She pointed to the Kakushi and the person struggling? Usually you would be tending to multiple people at once but he seemed like a handful.
"Of course. I'll get him in here as soon as possible." You rushed over, you could see more clearly now a Kakushi was practically dragging a demon slayer to the butterfly mansion. The demon slayer was yelling and trying to squirm free, he wore a boar mask. How odd.
"What seems to be the problem?"
"This idiot-" Before the Kakushi could finish answering your question the demon slayer started yelling at you two.
"Take me back goddammit! Kentaro can't fight it alone!" Wasn't it Tanjiro? No that didn't matter he was extremely hurt and he was failing around, if he continued he'd lose even more blood. It didn't seem possible since he was drenched and caked in blood but whatever.
"Sir you need to relax."
"No!" As the poor Kakushi (+you) desperately tried to drag him into the mansion, he was only losing more and more blood, you made an executive decision to knock him out. A quick blow to the back of the neck and he was out and foaming at the mouth.
Surprisingly the only two people that were conscious were the ones with the worst injuries. Tanjiro came in about 30 minutes after you and the girls stiched everyone up. It seemed that those 3 boys were the ones who had fought the hardest and in consequence had the most injuries a total of 36 different stiches were spilt in between them. They had to have their own individual rooms and the 3 young girls were assigned to them You finally got to bed at 4 am, you were completely exhausted unfortunately you weren't allowed to rest because at 6 Naho, Kiyo and Sumi came bursting in.
"Y/n!" They cried out, you were so tried you hadn't bothered changing to go to bed.
"Yes?" You tiredly called out to them.
"Were sorry for interrupting, but the boar demon slayer is going crazy Aoi-san is out and we need your help." You grumbled before getting up fixing your hair and walking to his room.
The few Kakushi that had stuck around were now forced to hold down the crazy demon slayer. You threw the door open, storming in.
"Whats the issue?" The Kakushi quickly stumbled out the door.
"Where's Kentaro?!" He yelled at you jumping out of bed. Huh no concern for the yellow haired boy.
"Tanjiro is in a different room due to the intensity of his injuries. Now if you want to see him i suggest you get back in bed so you can heal faster."
"No! It's boring." You both went back and forth the good news about arguing was that he was only focusing on winning the argument instead of going to find his friend and tearing his stiches.
"Look, you're bored right? How bout we play a game. I win you go rest and you win..."
"I'll get extra food."
"Yeah, I challemge you to a thumb war hows that sound?"
As you thought he was keen on the idea, by using how weak he was to your advantage you won. He was pissy and demanded you do a best out of 3. You did and you won. It turned into a best out of 5 then 10 but after 20 minutes you worried you were wasting time on trivial matters so you wrapped it up.
"I won, so now you've got to rest up alright?"
When you delivered his food he challenged you to another game, you won.
He was a terrible patient honestly Aoi couldn't get him to take his medicine without shoving it down his thoart, he wouldn't rest, he'd fight anyone and everyone and he was loud as hell.
Aoi and Sumi couldn't deal with him anymore so she passed him down onto you. Getting him to take his medicine was easier you just had to win a simple game. He still gave you the stink eye but it didn't matter.
Time skip to a couple days later.
"Hey I got your breakfast." You layed his tray down on his bedside table.
"How long until I get out of here?"
"In a couple weeks but with you resting so well you're sure to be able to move around freely soon. As soon as you can walk we'll set you up in a new room with your friends." You sat down on the side of his bed laid down the bandages and extended your hand.
"One two three four i declare a thumb war." He won. Dammnit.
"So whats on the menu for tonight?"
"Tempura!" He energetically responded, how were you going to get him to change his bandages now?
"Hey I tell you what if you let me change your bandages ill get you extra food."
"No fair we had a deal!"
"Thats true. So what about we do best out of 3?" He won all 3 times.
"Guess you really are regaining your strength i guess ill have to stop betting for it."
"What no! They're the only fun thing around here!" You now made a new deal, youd spend a certain amount of time playing games with him each day, bring his favourite food and he would let you change his bandages and take his medicine.
Before you knew it Inosuke refused to be treated by anyone else and you were spending most tof your time with him even though he wasn't that injured anymore
Even though this was supposed to be an inosuke appreciation account I haven't posted him until now :((
I got kinda lazy at the end lolll
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Unforgettable past part 2
Here's part one:
Mentions of emotional and physical abuse, self harm, sexual harassment, panic attacks, traumatic moments, self hate thoughts, thoughts of suicide, anger, bad language and curse words, smoking, heavy drinking... Tell me if i forgot anything.
I warned you. The responsibility is now yours.
Summary: Jay and Kai are best friends and they haven't realise that the are actually in love with each other. Jay had a really hard time in Nadakhan's ship and although it never happened after his last wish, for him it was real. It happened. He can't forget it or get through it. It affects his everyday life and everyone notices, especially Kai. So he asks Nya (Jay's girlfriend) but the best option is to actually talk with his friend.
• The unforgettable past can be considered a second chapter for this:
Although it's not mentioned but both of them are in my script so... Yeah.
It's been three whole months since Jay made his last wish. You think he got better? You think he forgot? You think it didn't affect him just because of that wish? You are wrong. You are so wrong... Jay remembers everything. Every. Single. Thing. And it slowly eats him, it slowly destroys for good whatever left from his soul, his heart, his honour, his sanity... If there's anything left from those... He isn't sure. He doesn't even know if he is alive anymore. What is this state? He feels nothing and everything. He has never been so confused before. No hope is left for him. That's what he repeats to himself every night when everyone falls asleep and he is crying his heart out. Alone.
"A little weak,
Jay is strong. He stronger than he looks. In some people's eyes he is an annoying boy. A small, fragile, dump boy, the weakest ninja of them all. The one who didn't actually deserved to be a ninja at all. The anxious one who was panicking even with the smallest things.
That's all you've got?! I expect more... You really disappoint me little canary..."
No matter how hard he tried to hide his feelings, to bottle up all his emotions, he failed. Like always, he failed once again. He was never good enough... He was just a failure... That little "adventure" made him become his own greatest enemy. But what else could he do? What was the point of believing in himself when no one believed in him? What was the point of living when he was only annoying, unwanted... A burden.
Even for his own parents who eventually left him. He was unwanted to them.
Even for his own family who raised him when it wasn't their responsibility to do it. He was a burden to them.
Even for his girlfriend who was spending all day alone in her room. Could he blame her though? No, he couldn't. It was all his fault.
Even for his own friends who were done with him and his strange behaviour those three months. He was annoying to them.
He felt guilty. He felt deeply hurt every single time someone was talking to him and he couldn't pay attention. Every time they told him to help clean the Bounty and he had to find excuses to avoid it. Every time they asked him "what's wrong?" and he simply said "I'm fine". "I'm fine"... Ha! From all the lies he said that was his favourite. "I'm fine". Bullshit! He wasn't. But Jay was proud. Too proud to admit it. Too proud to seek help. Too hopeless to try for something better. He even avoided Master Wu's questions and ignored his wise advice. He was a coward! A liar! He didn't even deserve comfort. He was a terrible person and a bad friend. He should be ashamed.
No matter how hard he tried to hide his pain, he failed. And eventually everyone noticed that Jay wasn't himself. They didn't know why though. Obviously. They didn't remember a thing. Only Nya remembered but she didn't knew exactly what he's been through. Oh, how bad he wanted his memory to be deleted too... But the universe didn't pity him. So he was left in that world to suffer alone until his death. A death no one would remember... Why would they? He wasn't someone important anyway.
But his heart was broken. When he and Kai decided to start smoking after Zane "died" to defeat Overlord, they made a deal. But Jay broke that deal and instead of a very small amount of cigarettes, he was smoking all day. Every day. He ignored everyone's warnings. They could clearly see him change... The master of lighting lost himself eh?
If they only knew...
Kai couldn't stand watching his best friend sinking deeper into that mud. He wanted to help him get to the right path again... But how could he help someone if he didn't even knew the problem? He was the first one to notice his sister's and friend's changes. He wanted to help both. With his sister it was easier. But with Jay? Kai desperately wanted to know what happened while Jay was captured in that ship. He knew Jay wouldn't open his mouth no matter what though. He could be stubborn af sometimes.
Nya actually talked to him. She told him all the things she knew and all the things she'd been through. Kai was worthy of her trust. He believed her of course. And he was shocked, sad... Angry. He should have remembered all this. He should be the one to suffer instead his loved ones... No! He managed to get rid of those thoughts. He had to support his sis and his buddy, that was his first priority. After giving all the comfort he could to Nya, he left her rest and finally get some sleep after many sleepless nights. Was it too late for him to find Jay? Nah... Jay was a night owl. He would probably be awake, especially those days. But was this the right time for that talk?
Was Kai himself ready to hear Jay's pov and deal with it?
It was late... Morning was coming soon. Every morning since Nadakhan was just "another day i sadly woke up instead of dying" according to Jay. Another day to suffer. Oh, how badly he wanted to just fall off of the Bounty's deck... Or take a dagger and... Just a few more pills... All these thoughts were crossing Jay's mind as he was sitting in Bounty's deck, smoking and staring at the night sky. Or the void, he didn't know. They looked the same to him now.
Kai quietly left Nya's room and slowly closed the door behind him. He decided to not bother Jay for now. Yet, he had a strong feeling that Jay needed him right now. It might was his worry for his friend but what if his instinct was right? Nah... He definitely just needed some fresh air himself. The last thing he expected to see in such a cold night was the lightning master standing alone in the deck, smoking again, and just staring... Somewhere far away from this world.
His instinct was indeed right. Now, it was the right time. He shouldn't wait anymore. Kai approached Jay. He was standing so close to him, yet Jay didn't even notice him until he spoke.
Kai: Jay? We need to talk.
Jay: Kai! Hey. What is it bud?
Kai: Come on, stop acting. It's been three months man. Three fucking months! And you didn't say a word! Why?
Jay: A word about what? I don't understand you.
Kai: ... I talked to Nya. She told me what happened.
Jay: You mean- What exactly do you know?
Kai: Definitely not enough. I want to hear your side of the story.
Jay: No.
Kai: Come on... I want to help you. I want-
Jay: You can't help me Kai. It's over now, isn't it? I made the last wish. None of it actually happened, I'll get over it.
Kai: You don't seem like getting over it. Jay, please. What happened while you were captured in Nadakhan's ship? I've never see you like this before... You changed... I barely recognise you anymore!
Jay: I am the same Jay you knew! Don't worry about me, I'm fine.
Kai: Stop lying! And stop this (takes Jay's cigarette and burns it to dust). We made a deal!
Jay: (Looks directly on Kai's eyes giving him a death stare) ...Go get some sleep and leave me alone.
Kai: Look, as much as i don't want to push you i must do it. I can't just stay back and watch you destroy yourself anymore!
Jay: Why do you even care?!
Kai: Wha- What type of question is this?! You are my best friend!
Jay: Then give me some space! End this conversation and get some sleep. Leave me alone already! (Turns his back to Kai)
Kai: What about stop running away from your problems just for once in your life and talk to me instead? Even if I can't help, i might make you feel better by listening to you. Give me a chance, damn it!
And that was it. After so much time, the man with the mask, finally... Broke. Jay started crying and he would have fall on his knees if Kai wasn't there to catch him. Jay tried to push him back, but he didn't want to hurt his friend, not that he had the strength to do it anyway. His attempt to push Kai was too weak and obviously that wasn't enough for the fire master to loose his tight grip. In the end, Jay hugged Kai back and buried his head on his chest. Kai, who usually hates physical touch, couldn't care less about it. His friend needed him.
Jay's legs were shaking, his heartbeat became faster and louder, he couldn't breathe. He wanted to scream but he held back or else he would have to explain everything to everyone. Kai kept him close, hugging him tightly and trying to comfort him and help him relax. None of them noticed how long they stayed like this. None of them cared. Eventually, Jay controlled his breath and he managed to speak. But when he started speaking... He started to say things Kai didn't expect to hear. Or he didn't want to expect them.
Part 3 will come soon i hope.
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