#because you know... that is also the point of the Great Game
arlathvhenan · 1 day
I know it’s pointless to try and win over the people who decided ten years ago that they hate Solas and he’s the worst despite never taking the time to actually *learn* about the character or understand why he believes what he does. Despite the theme of Dragon Age having always been good people resorting to horrific extremes for what they believe wholeheartedly to be a greater good, even at the expense of all that they once valued, because they truly believe there’s no other way. If you still hate Solas, if you absolutely *cannot* accept that there is good in him, then forget Solas entirely. Put him aside for now, and think about Varric, and what this whole journey means for him.
For all his wit, and cheeky humor, and roll with the punches attitude, Varric has suffered immensely in his life. This will be the third game we spend with him. The third time Varric is being asked to let the ugliness and brutality of the world poison and destroy what he holds dear. It destroyed his culture, his home, his family, and has taken so many of his dearest friends.
His father’s greed saw the Tethras family disgraced and cast out of Orzammar before he’d even been born. They found a new home in Kirkwall, the only home he’s ever known, and tried to rebuild, but the damage was done. Despair drove his mother to alcoholism, and so great was his brother’s desire to undo the damage his father had done, it ate him alive. Varric had to put his brother down like a sick dog with his own two hands. Then watched as ignorance and hatred ravaged his beloved city. And he watched again as his friend—a man he’d come to know for his gentleness and compassion—was driven to self destruction by despair.
But he kept living. Kept going in spite if it all. Then along comes Corypheus, and The Inquisition, and The Venatori. Varric has already been displaced and separated from the people he cares about. Even those who survived Kirkwall can’t be by his side because this sick and wounded world demands everything they have to keep it from falling further apart. But he finds a new home anyway, new friends, and that’s ultimately taken from him, too. If Hawke was left in The Fade, then he’s also had to watch his best friend of ten years become another victim of despair. Of the world’s demand for suffering and sacrifice.
Now here we are with Veilguard. Yet again, he must watch as someone he cares about is crushed under the weight of their own despair. Solas is doing what he’s doing for the same reason Anders did. Or Clarel. Or Logaine. Or so many others. Just like them, his actions are driven by a sense of despair.
I can’t imagine Varric doesn’t look at Solas and see every other person the world has taken from him. All the people he couldn’t save. All the death and failure that weighs on him, because he either couldn’t help them, didn’t know how, or just didn’t make it in time. Again, he’s been asked to just accept things as they are.
“People die. It’s what they do.”
This exchange was more than a grim and fatalistic quip from Solas. It’s Varric’s own words being thrown back at him. That is the very reality Varric himself once told Solas to accept. The man on the island lost everything and everyone, but so what? That’s life. That’s the world. People die and you can’t do anything about it. Except, he can’t do it this time. He can’t just sit back and let the world keep taking and taking. He’s reached the point where it’s just too much. Too much loss. Too many sacrifices. Too many good people eaten alive, spit out as monsters, and discarded as lost causes. This time, he can’t be content to sit in the sun. He’ll save the world AND save his friend.
No more passive acceptance. No more sacrifices. No more broken heroes.
That’s what this one means to him. Hate Solas all you want, but Varric’s not letting him go without a fight, and I feel like that should mean something.
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miss-musings · 3 days
"Can't You See They're Using You?": The Parallels Between Cid and The Empire as Exploitative Employers in "The Bad Batch"
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In rewatching "Star Wars: The Bad Batch" after the series finale, I've realized just how many similarities there are between Cid and the Empire as employers for the Bad Batch and Crosshair, respectively.
I know I'm not the first person to point out how badly Cid used and abused the Batch, even from their very first meeting in 1.05 "Rampage." In fact, @xylionet has a great post summarizing just how much Cid took advantage of the Batch's -- mostly Hunter's -- desperation and inexperience dealing with the galaxy's shadier people.
But, beyond that, the show ultimately drew a lot of parallels between Cid and the Empire as employers, from their attitude toward clones to their manipulative personalities. Even the timelines for the Batch's and Crosshair's employment align very well, even down to the conditions at which they start working for them and why they ultimately reach their breaking points.
Before we dive in, a few clarifications:
I'll mostly be focusing on Cid in this analysis, as I think the Empire's faults are pretty clear.
And, when I say "the Empire," I mean the Imperial officials Crosshair interacts with and takes orders from -- mostly Rampart and Nolan, but to a lesser degree, Hemlock and Tarkin as well.
Manipulative personalities
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From the beginning, Cid did whatever it took to leverage the Batch into working for her.
Once she realizes that they're 1) desperate for information/money and 2) inexperienced/gullible/etc., she very quickly works to get them on her side.
She offers an exchange of information and money if the Batch bring in Muchi, but she neglects to tell them Muchi is a Rancor, probably because she figured they wouldn't have accepted the job if they knew.
As she gives Hunter the information and 30% of the cut, she says that with a bounty hunter after the Batch, they'll need "friends and money -- mostly money." It's objectively not an incorrect assessment, and she offers them more work. Hunter says he'll think about it, and that's when she pulls out the blackmail card. She knows how valuable they are and knows people are after them. If they cross her, she can turn them in.
Cid ultimately uses whatever tactics she has to get the Batch to do what she needs, whether that's sweet-talking or strong-arming or leveraging them (either financially or via blackmail).
Likewise, Rampart especially gets on Crosshair's good side by initially praising him as an experienced clone and elevating him to commander of an elite non-clone squad. He also seems to give Crosshair plenty of clone troopers as well when needed. However, once we get to the Ryloth arc, we see that Rampart is more than willing to threaten Crosshair when he feels like he's underperforming.
Even in Season 2, Rampart continues to play this game with Crosshair by praising him just enough that he still feels valued, while also demoting him and then insinuating that Crosshair needs to continue proving his worth or risk losing his position.
Assigning morally questionable jobs/missions
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While this is obvious for the Empire, it's something I don't see talked about much regarding Cid.
Her clients are shady people, and she either doesn't ask her clients a lot of questions or doesn't provide that information to the Batch.
After she strong-arms them into working for her in 1.06 "Decommissioned," she sends them after a tactical droid. The information it has could be useful against the Empire, but it could also lead to the deaths of thousands of clone troopers -- the Batch's reg brothers.
This is something the Martez sisters point out to the Batch, and Hunter says they're "being paid to acquire and deliver," admitting that who the client is or why they want the information isn't a priority. The Martez sisters argue that it should be.
Granted, a lot of the jobs we actually see the Batch doing for Cid are later hand-waved as being a good thing. They deliver arms to freedom fighters on Ryloth, they reunite Ruby with her owner, they free Muchi from slavery, etc. But, there are plenty of jobs we partially see them do or hear about them doing, which could easily have been "bad" things, especially given how shady Cid's clients are.
Arguably, if Cid ever gave them information or the Batch guessed that a given job was a "bad" thing, they could just not do it for her. But, again, she has leverage over them, so I don't know whether they have much of an option.
Dislike of clones
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Basically all the Imperials we meet in the show don't like clones.
Rampart pretended well enough in Season 1, but we know from later episodes that he hates them. Nolan is very brazen in telling Crosshair how much he abhors working with clone troopers, saying he "doesn't like used equipment" and that the clones are ultimately expendable. And, obviously we know of Tarkin and Hemlock's hatred for clones.
But, Cid inexplicably hates them as well.
I think she was willing to bring the Batch on because she felt she could use them, but she's very rude Rex in 1.07 "Battle Scars" and apparently didn't like hosting Gregor in 1.15 "Return to Kamino."
She tells Rex and the Batch that she's "done taking in strays," that she's not running a charity, and that her parlor "isn't a clone clubhouse."
She could feasibly have concerns that, if enough clones start hanging out at her parlor, they'd get on the Empire's radar. But, if that was her concern, there were 100 better ways to say that.
We don't get to see her interactions with Gregor, but I don't understand why she was immediately so hostile to Rex. For all she knew, he could've been there to pay her for information or hire the Batch for a job -- something where she would've gotten paid. Shouldn't she have been trying to get on his good side and at least see what he wanted first? But, instead, she immediately and very rudely dismisses him.
Also, Cid has a clone trooper helmet on the wall in her office. (It's on the lefthand side as you look at her desk.) Considering she used to be an informant for the Jedi, I wonder how she got that helmet. Was it a gift? Why would a clone trooper give her a helmet? It seems more likely that it was a trophy of some kind. She seems to have a lot of strange items around her office, but a clone trooper helmet should've been a red flag for the Batch.
Asking a lot & giving little in return
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Cid ultimately had the Batch risking their lives for her and her clients, and was apparently only giving them 30% of the payout.
By 1.07 "Battle Scars," they're also in debt to her despite doing at least 10-12 jobs for her. In 1.10, Cid tells them that the Batch needs "a big score for us to be square," and Omega ultimately pays off the debt by hustling people at the strategy game.
So, even if after 1.10, the Batch renegotiated off-screen so that Cid started covering their expenses and that their standard 30% is pure profit, that still seems incredibly low to me. I would think 40-40-20, with the 20% going to cover expenses would be a decent starting point.
But, apparently, they're still doing jobs for her in Season 2 and still only getting 30% -- their standard rate. We're not sure what their success rate is, but they've been able to complete some big jobs for her. They definitely should've renegotiated up to at least 50% or something, especially considering how frequently they were endangering themselves and Omega on these jobs.
With Crosshair and the Empire, he doesn't really have much in the way of benefits, because the Empire ultimately considers all the clones their property.
They were never given a choice on whether they wanted to serve the Empire once it replaced the Republic. They're assigned these dangerous and morally questionable/reprehensible missions. If they question their orders or refuse, they're labeled traitors and arrested; and if they leave, they're branded deserters.
Crosshair at least gets room and board, but he probably isn't getting paid much or at all. Once Senator Chuchi's bill passes in 2.08 "Truth and Consequences," he might be eligible for a retirement/severance package like we see the clones talking about in 2.12 "The Outpost," but he likely wouldn't have a say on when he gets to retire/leave.
Meanwhile, Crosshair and the other clones are risking their lives for the Empire. We see in 2.03 "The Solitary Clone," that the clone troopers are sent in to complete the most dangerous work -- securing Desix and freeing the Imperial governor. But, once it comes to actually occupying the planet, the Empire assigns stormtroopers.
I also always found it interesting that the clone troopers bothered to get Crosshair medical attention in 1.08 "Reunion," but Nolan doesn't in 2.12 "The Outpost." I feel like the clones, at minimum, cared about each other even under Imperial command. But as more non-clones started taking command, they basically said, "Why bother? Clone troopers are a relic of the past, and we have millions of TK troopers who can take their place."
Lack of intel/resources to complete missions
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Speaking of 2.12 "The Outpost," we hear about Mayday's predicament: The Empire doesn't provide enough men to defend the oh-so-valuable cargo at the Outpost and doesn't provide the equipment needed to keep their troopers safe. They have to wrap their armor to stay warm; the conditions degrade the sensors; they don't have the tools needed to disarm mines; and so on.
Similarly, the Batch bring up several times in Seasons 1 and 2 that Cid withholds information about their jobs.
Wrecker in 2.11 "Metamorphosis": Limited intel. Huh. There's a surprise.
Maybe sometimes her clients or sources don't give her information as we see in 2.11 "Metamorphosis," but there are plenty of times where she purposely withholds information, like Muchi being a Rancor in 1.05 "Rampage."
Cid was either accepting jobs without much intel because she was getting overconfident in the Batch's abilities, or -- more likely -- she was getting greedy and sending them on as many jobs as possible regardless of the conditions.
The latter seems more likely, especially with how it aligns with how the Empire treats the clones. They're more than ready to put money into the TK trooper program -- and we know from the Original Trilogy that TK troopers are also essentially treated as expendable -- but the Empire clearly doesn't give a crap about the clones, especially after 2.08 "Truth and Consequences."
Ultimately, both the Batch and Crosshair and the other Imperial clone troopers have to make do with the little that their given, despite putting so much on the line for their employers.
“All you’ll ever be to them is a number”
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Something I haven't talked about much yet is how Hunter is so prescient about Crosshair being used by the Empire, but doesn't see how Cid is using him and his family to a similar degree.
This is something @xylionet pointed out too:
It’s rather ironic that Crosshair and Hunter are both able to see each other’s situations for what they are, but not their own.
One of the things that hit me during my rewatch of 1.15/16 was Hunter telling Crosshair: "All you'll ever be to them is a number" referring to the Empire.
Admittedly, Hunter isn't wrong. As we see, all the Imperial officials Crosshair interacts with only call him by his CT number, never by his name. (The only exceptions are fellow clones like Cody, Mayday and Emerie.)
And, in 2.03 "The Solitary Clone," when Crosshair asks Rampart about Commander Cody, Rampart acts like he's never heard the name Cody before in his life. He ONLY knows Cody -- one of the most famous commanders in the entire Galactic Army of the Republic -- by his number. Hell, even EMPEROR PALPATINE knew Commander Cody's name in "Revenge of the Sith."
But, while the Empire being a bunch of assholes makes sense, what gets me is that Cid is the exact same way:
She ONLY ever called the Bad Batch members by her little nicknames.
Cid absolutely knew their names. She would have to if she was ever planning to turn them in, as she eventually does. Maybe she didn't know their clone numbers, but she definitely knew what they called each other.
Yet, even in those moments where they came through for her like in 1.13 "Infested" and 2.04 "Faster," she never uses their names as a sign of respect or gratitude. Hell, even after Tech dies, she still only called him "Goggles."
Now, I'm not saying that nicknames are inherently bad. I have plenty of nicknames for people, and vice versa. But, I think there has to be an established relationship first, and then the nickname should be a sign of affection rather than a way to demean someone.
Cid calls the Batch mostly by their outward appearances or accessories -- Tiny, Muscles, Goggles, Bandana, Dark & Broody. (Note: she uses "Dark and Broody" for both Echo and Hunter on different occasions.) It just indicates how she sees them -- not as people but as objects. She's only looking on the surface because that's all she cares about.
“Blind allegiance makes you a pawn”
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It's obvious to see that Crosshair's misplaced loyalty to the Empire ultimately made him one of its pawns, to be used and abused.
But, as I've outlined, the Batch was in a similar position with Cid.
Hunter definitely sees that their "mutually beneficial arrangement" with Cid isn't great, but he doesn't really have much choice. They're on their own; they're deserters/traitors; and now they're in charge of a kid and being pursued by bounty hunters.
However, as I'll talk about more in a second, the Batch had several opportunities to walk away from her and try to find some other ways of "making a living." Yet, they continue to work for her despite all the red flags that they definitely see but choose to ignore. This is partly why Echo eventually leaves, because he disagrees with Hunter's decision to maintain this lifestyle rather than fighting for their fellow clones.
While Hunter is arguably the most at fault for letting Cid use and abuse them as long as she does, Cid takes advantage of Omega's loyalty the most.
Even as Omega is trying to convince Hunter and the others to -- and I can't believe I'm about to say this -- pit two crime syndicates against each other just to get Cid's parlor back ... all Cid can say is, "You tell 'em, tiny!"
Twice she asks/convinces her family to stick their necks out for Cid despite all the risks involved, and yet they get little to nothing in return -- including respect.
Despite all the risks they take for her and all the money they bring in, Cid doesn't give a crap when the Marauder gets stolen and the Batch are stranded on the mining planet in 2.09 "The Crossing." That's when the Batch -- particularly Omega -- finally reach their breaking point.
By 2.11 "Metamorphosis," Tech suggests that they only do this last job for her to ensure they leave her on good terms, because she knows so much about them. But, it's clear Omega and Hunter are fed up with how badly Cid used them, which happens to coincide nicely with Crosshair coming to the same realization about the Empire.
Which segues into the timeline analysis:
Reluctant employees (early S1)
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As mentioned, the Batch and Crosshair start working for their respective employers because they don’t have a lot of other options.
Crosshair is, of course, practically abducted by the Empire and forced to do its bidding under the effects of the inhibitor chip. This starts in 1.01 "Aftermath."
Meanwhile, the Batch do the initial job for Cid in 1.05 "Rampage." They do a one-off job to get intel on the bounty hunter(s) after Omega, as well as earn such much-needed cash. The Batch didn't really have much of a choice in either finding or working for Cid, because Cid was the only Jedi informant Echo knew how to find, and they were desperate for the intel.
Then, as mentioned, she subsequently uses strong-arming and blackmailing as needed to get them to work for her in 1.06 and beyond.
Falling into a routine (mid-S1)
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By 1.07 "Battle Scars," we can see the Batch has fallen into a routine of doing jobs for Cid. As she said, they need money and friends with bounty hunters after them, and they don't really have any other ready sources of income (as demonstrated in 1.04 "Cornered').
Yet, despite all the jobs they've done for her, they're also in debt to her. Meaning, they can't easily walk away without giving her even MORE reason to turn them in, so they have to continue doing jobs for her in hopes of paying off the debt.
Meanwhile, Crosshair and his ES troopers have been continuing to operate under Rampart, presumably carrying out missions under his command. Granted, we don't see any of these except the Onderon mission in 1.03 "The Replacements," but based on how effective they seemed to be in 1.08 "Reunion," I imagine they were doing missions together off-screen.
The first possible turnaround point (late S1)
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If we accept the fan theory that Crosshair's chip was removed or deactivated/damaged around 1.08 "Reunion," then Crosshair has regained his free will by the next time we see him in 1.11 "Devil's Deal."
Yet, despite the Empire hijacking his mind and body and forcing him to do all sorts of terrible things, he continues to work for them of his own free will. He has an opportunity to walk away, but he doesn't.
Likewise, the Batch have an opportunity in 1.13 "Infested," after Cid's parlor gets taken over by Roland Durand.
But, thanks to Omega's misplaced loyalty, Cid's blackmailing and other factors, Hunter decides to pit two crime syndicates against each other to get Cid's parlor back and continue working for her. (I cannot emphasize how stupid of a decision this was!!)
Even after Cid's schemes get the Batch in trouble with the Pykes to the point that Omega is taken hostage, the Batch continue to work for Cid. They're lucky this was a "family show," or the Pykes would've definitely killed them or injured Omega or something else just as bad.
If ever there was a time for the Batch to walk away from Cid, this would've been it -- either before the job or after. But, like Crosshair, they don't take the opportunity to walk away.
The second possible turnaround point (S1 finale)
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Crosshair had another opportunity to leave the Empire and rejoin his brothers at the end of 1.16 "Kamino Lost." But, instead he decides once again to double-down and stay with the Empire for a myriad of reasons that might have to be its own meta some day. (I touched on it a bit in my S1 Crosshair/loyalty meta.)
But what might be overlooked is that the fall of Kamino was another opportunity for the Batch to leave Cid.
Again, the reason they sought her out and one of the reasons they started/kept working for her was because bounty hunters were after Omega. The bounty was active through 1.09 "Bounty Lost.” At that point, the Batch learn that Lama Su put the bounty on Omega because she's crucial to their cloning operation.
But, as the Batch see for themselves, Tipoca City is decommissioned and destroyed. The Kaminoan cloning facilities are gone. The Kaminoans aren't in a place where they need Omega anymore, because the Empire has effectively ended cloning (at least for military purposes).
So, they could've left Cid after the events of Season 1. Maybe they could've even left her on good terms after saving her ass in 1.13 "Infested." But, they don't.
Starting to second-guess (early S2)
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Admittedly, Hunter was never super-comfortable about their arrangement with Cid, but he persisted because he didn't see a lot of alternatives.
But, Omega (and Tech and Wrecker) clearly start to have doubts about working for Cid during 2.04 "Faster." They once again stick their necks out for Cid by offering to clear her debt with Millegi. And, while Cid is grateful at the time, we see later that her gratitude is short-lived.
Based on what Millegi tells them, especially at the end of the episode, it's clear Omega (and the others) are beginning to doubt whether Cid is someone worthy of their loyalty.
Likewise, Crosshair's experiences in 2.03 "The Solitary Clone" start to plant doubts in his mind. He was stranded on Kamino for a month and comes back only to get demoted and sent on a dangerous and morally questionable mission. And while Crosshair and his squad complete the mission, and Rampart even praises Crosshair for it, we also see that Rampart really doubts Crosshair and the other clones' loyalty.
Ultimately, after his experiences with Cody and their mission on Desix, it's clear that Crosshair is beginning to doubt whether the Empire is worthy of his loyalty.
The breaking point (mid/late S2)
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As I've pointed out in another post:
Both the Batch and Crosshair fell into a routine that provided them security and stability in an otherwise chaotic time in the galaxy; and both only reached their breaking points when their employers left them for dead.
For the Batch, this is a combination of 2.09-2.11. The Marauder gets stolen while they're on a job for Cid. They ask for her help, and she doesn't readily or easily commit any kind of assistance. They get the Marauder back on their own, and Cid is more than happy to give them another job, framing it as: "Do you wanna make money?"
It's become clear to them that she views them as tools -- only useful to her, not the other way around.
Meanwhile, at the start of 2.12 "The Outpost," Crosshair sees that the Empire has started to retire clones, but at least he's still getting missions.
But, Barton IV ultimately becomes his breaking point when he sees just how expendable he and all clones are. Based on what he said in 1.15 "Return to Kamino," he thought he was "superior" to the other clones, but as Nolan proves, the Empire didn't care either way.
As Mayday points out, the clones sacrificed everything for the Empire while getting nothing in return. Crosshair and Mayday are essentially left for dead, and when they come back looking like absolute hell, Nolan first yells at them for not retrieving the cargo and then tells them to get to work.
As Nolan blatantly tells Crosshair, he and all the other clones are expendable -- only worth keeping around as long as they're useful.
Not out quite yet (late S2)
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By 2.13 "Pabu," we can see the Batch has completely cut ties with Cid and are working with Phee instead. Cid leaves them a message, saying that their absence has cost her a lot of money and she once again threatens to turn them in.
Despite emotionally cutting ties with her, they're still physically at her mercy to a degree. Plus, even once they made it clear they didn't want to work for her anymore, she still wants something from them and she's willing to hurt them if they don't cooperate.
Thankfully, Phee comes through for the Batch and introduces them to Pabu -- their future forever home.
Crosshair, meanwhile, is imprisoned at Tantiss. Despite emotionally cutting ties with the Empire, he's still physically at its mercy.
Hemlock offers him a deal: his freedom in exchange for helping him find Clone Force 99. Crosshair refuses to give up his family, even under torture.
Just like the Batch, despite Crosshair's attempt to "walk away" from the Empire, they still want something from him and they're willing to hurt him if he doesn't cooperate.
The fallout (S2 finale and beyond)
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Of course, everything falls together in 2.16 "Plan 99," as Cid sells out the Batch to the Empire. The Batch's and Crosshair's former employers temporarily join forces to screw everyone over in the worst ways possible.
Although it was clear to us from the get-go that Crosshair was wrong to trust the Empire, 2.16 confirms to us the audience just how wrong the Batch was to trust Cid. They came to her in a moment of need, and she betrayed them.
Granted, I think this was mostly Hunter's failing, as they never should've gone back to Ord Mantell. I understand they were hurt and desperate to have AZI heal Omega, but Cid told them multiple times she was willing to turn them in. Plus, they just showed on her doorstep after striking a high-level Imperial compound. They knew -- or at least suspected -- that they were already being targeted based on Crosshair's message, but after hitting Eriadu, they would've been on the Empire's "most wanted list."
Jumping to Season 3, Cid's nature is made even clearer as she gives up the Batch a second time.
It's unclear whether CX-2 bribed or tortured Cid -- probably the latter -- but Cid also sold out Phee. And Cid told the Batch she considered Phee a friend. (Although based on Phee's comments in 2.13 "Pabu," that feeling wasn't mutual.)
For all Cid knew, CX-2 could've tortured or killed Phee to find the Batch, and she still gave up the information.
Once again, the Batch's and Crosshair's former employers work together to screw them over.
One last thing I'll add is how the show gave us glimpses of Crosshair and Cid's true colors around the same time. Crosshair is first bribed and then tortured for information about his family, but he doesn't give them up; meanwhile, Cid sells them out after everything they did for her. And, if CX-2 really tortured Cid in Season 3, it just proves how little she cared about the Batch (or even Phee) compared to how much Crosshair cared about them despite everything that happened in S1.
I want to state for the record that, as frustrating as it is to see our favorite characters allow themselves to be used and abused by their employers, I don't hate any of them.
These characters are human. They're not perfect, and hindsight is 20/20.
I know several people who were hoping that Cid would come through for the Batch, that she would be a true ally even if she was grumpy and rude (and that's putting it mildly).
If anything, I think this all shows just how similar Hunter, Crosshair and Omega are. They share a lot of the same strengths and weaknesses. Hunter and Crosshair see just how terrible the other's situation is, but not their own; and Crosshair and Omega are loyal to a fault.
They all just wanted some security and stability in what was a very chaotic time for the galaxy and their family. I can understand, to an extent, why they made the decisions they did even if I find them frustrating.
If you want to take any of this meta and apply it to your own lives, by all means. Despite what some folks might think, Star Wars has always been political, and I don't want any of you to end up like our favorite Bad Batch characters.
At the end of the day, "The Bad Batch" is a family show with a lot of morals and lessons about the importance of love, hope and family -- whether blood relatives, adopted or 'found.'
But, it's also a show about the evils of political systems and corporate greed, and how the forces around us will profit off our blood, sweat and tears while giving us little to nothing in return.
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yanderes-galore · 10 hours
Ooh may I request some yan hcs for Adam with Angel! Darling who dislikes him?
I honestly like this idea due to how Adam is... here's my thoughts. @okchijt also helped with some ideas in this :)
Yandere! Adam with Angel! Darling who doesn't like him
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Narcissism, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Condescending behavior, Stalking, Implications of intimacy, Mind break, Forced relationship.
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Adam is a rather egotistical and self-centered character.
He expects others to worship him due to being the first man.
He's unsympathetic and expects others to essentially bow to him.
He no doubt tries to get with every angel that comes into Heaven.
He really does think he's just 'all that'.
He can pull any angel he wants.
Except you, apparently.
Your plan once entering Heaven is enjoying your afterlife.
Then suddenly you meet Adam, someone who has now made it his goal to pester you.
It's honestly not hard to hate him.
He can be annoying and often makes things about himself.
Your first meeting isn't that great as he immediately tried to flirt and bed you.
You rejecting his offer is almost humbling to him.
How... How dare you...?
Adam would have trouble accepting your decision.
Normally people immediately get on their knees for THE First Man.
But you?
No, you push him away and walk past him like he's hot garbage!?
He's insulted by your audacity.
A good challenge couldn't hurt, could it?
Yeah, rejecting Adam only makes him want you more.
After all, having other angels bow for him is nice and all...
But the thought of winning you over, of "courting" you?
He feels it'll make his win even more exciting.
Which leads to your time in Heaven often disrupted by Adam.
He refuses to leave you.
He pursues you because he just doesn't believe you couldn't want him.
Plus, he hates the idea that he needs you... but you don't need him.
Your rejection reminds him of his previous partners.
Deep down he yearns for that same genuine attraction he had with Lilith and Eve.
Then they left him... leaving him alone.
He hates feeling that pathetic.
Now with you rejecting him, the one he realizes he feels that same soft love with...
He can't deal with that rejection again.
How DARE you make him INSECURE!
As a result, he is determined to make you his.
He follows you around, inviting you on outings, and he even turns his attention away from other angels.
Why would he want anyone else?
He has his eyes on a much better prize.
You can try to avoid him all you want.
He'll find a way to follow you again.
I imagine Adam is relentless with flirting, all in an attempt to get you to like him.
As you can tell, he hates being told no.
He's so used to getting what he wants that he's just oblivious to why you don't like him.
In fact, it may start getting to him after a bit.
Courting you drives Adam insane.
He just... doesn't get it...?
At first he just thinks you're playing hard to get.
That's fine, he likes that.
Although, his patience only goes on for so long.
There's a point where he doesn't want to play this game anymore.
You should stop with the act... you know you like him~!
Why don't you just make up... maybe even bang, wink wink~?
Yet when you stand your ground and tell him off, he pauses.
Oh... you're serious!?
He's just... stunned...
"Oh, come on, baby... I can show you a good time! You don't really hate me... do you?"
Honestly, if you tell him off he sees it as... feisty.
It only makes him want you more.
Unfortunately, the more you turn him down, the more he gets irritated... yet also desperate.
He hates that he can't have you.
Who do you think you are? Some pure angel?
Oh please... you're both humans, why not indulge?
He's prideful but I think he can break at some point.
Fine, do you want him to beg?
God, you're such a handful.
If he was desperate enough then he'd probably try to win you over by being... nicer.
He hates that he has to be so pathetic but at this point he just wants one taste.
You'd make this man depraved if you neglected him.
He's possessive, hovering around you even if you don't like him.
Fine, don't like him.
He'll find a way to make you like him.
He's ADAM. The first damn MAN.
If you don't like him now, he isn't trying hard enough.
He'd cling to you, he lives off your attention, he'll do anything just to have you.
No other angel matters, Lute's concerned for his obsession, but he wants you too bad to care.
So, overall, if Adam's obsession didn't like him it would break him over time.
He starts wondering if you like making him suffer.
How sadistic for an angel! (he's one to talk-)
You aren't trying to break him.
You just want to enjoy Heaven, not be courted by Adam.
Even with him clinging to you as your feet, begging you to just praise him at least... you still won't like him.
That drives Adam to insanity...
He starts to think Lilith and Eve were right... and he hates it.
Your rejection makes him topple over the edge and break.
He really can't get you out of his head now...
But he'll get you to like him eventually, right? He needs that...
He just needs to show you what you're missing.
"Babe~ You can't ignore me forever! You're stuck here with me. Why won't you let me welcome you properly?"
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androdragynous · 9 hours
I know i complained about the stardew valley penny and George cutscene at length but the it really is fucking. bizarre the lengths people will go to defend it because "the game lets you pick to side with him" (please do literally any reading about wheelchair use and realize why it's a problem that the game rewards you for moving someone without their consent.) or variants of that sentiment but then it's like. the rest of the cutscene is also So Weird
Like. Penny moves an old man in a wheelchair without asking him. He gets upset, she asks if you saw what happened The game prompts you to select from;
"I was. You did a kind thing there, Penny." (+50 friendship with Penny)
"I was. You should've asked instead of assuming George wanted help." (-50 friendship with Penny)
"I'm just taking a walk, minding my own business." (No effect on friendship.)
And these are the REVISED options. Before 1.4, the second option wasn't"you should have asked", it was "You should've left him alone. Now he's grumpy."
So already it's kind of shit. The person she's upset - who's entire existence in the game is experiencing inaccessibility, let's be real - because he was shoved without permission just for being in a wheelchair doesn't have his friendship level affected at all.
Regardless of which answer you pick, George apologizes (Penny does not apologize in every choice! But the guy she shoved does!) and says she was kind.
Once he's gone, she talks about how hard it must be to be old. It's worth noting, for what it's worth, that George has been using a wheelchair since a mining accident caused his immobility; it's not a result of age, and you learn about this whole he struggles with a bookshelf in his own home, where presumably he has been living with a wheelchair for at least two decades (given how he talks about his grandson), which is a whole different can of worms because why is this never addressed in a fictional community with multiple craftspeople who frequently do projects for each other?
Anyways. So Penny's like, damn, sucks that he's old. And the options the game gives you - all neutral in terms of friendship points - are:
"I'd rather not think about it."
"It's just a different part of life."
"That's why we should respect our elders."
"I'd rather die young..."
Like are you kidding me? You have a cutscene that's about being disabled - it's not about aging, because his disability was not caused by aging, it is explicitly and directly about the fact that he is in a wheelchair. And the game assumes your opinions will be "Not my problem,", "That's an old people thing,", and "I'D RATHER BE DEAD"? And this is something people just... don't remark on? Even in conversations ABOUT this cutscene? Like, George's mentions of being disabled are already Constantly Miserable -able-bodied writer standard quality - but the game is just like. Yeah you can say you'd rather be dead rather than express any positive sentiment about this guy surviving a traumatic mining accident. You can't say it's great that he's able to still be a part of the community in his chair, or renovate his house to make it accessible the way you can build ENTIRE HOMES for other characters. The community center you rebuild in the Good Ending for the community is only accessible by stairs. The path out of his home is dirt. It's the little things, y'know, like... obviously he wasn't thought about as his own character. The game's writing sees him as a source of conflict for others, and down to the very tiles of the terrain, he's irrelevant.
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batsplat · 2 days
I saw the post about assen 2016 and Marc cutting the chicane and was wondering if Marc did that a lot to his competitors like the imitation of mind games. Cause I’ve always thought of Vale as the one who used the mind games more. Did Marc use mind games a lot and was just more subtle?
(assen '16)
if you're interested in reading more about marc marquez mind games, then boy do I have a post for you
anyway, I can't really think of anything that's all that similar to assen 2016 because that's such a specific situation... not every day that you have something as memorable and as easy to visibly imitate and as controversial as cutting the final chicane. of course, if we're talking about imitation, it's pretty hard to avoid mentioning how marc did infamously copy two out of valentino's three most well known career overtakes within half a year of joining the premier class, and was also pretty shameless about the whole thing. but at least there you can say it's all about the race situation marc happened to find himself in - and there will only have been so much premeditation possible with both incidents
more broadly speaking, then, targeted behaviour where he's trying to send a message to one of his competitors during non-race sessions... well, that's fairly common. he loves using non-race sessions to study and stalk and at times deliberately harass his competitors. I'll give a little more details on one specific incident here to demonstrate what I'm talking about. it's related to towing, as it so often is with marc, and I ended up only briefly mentioning it in the post linked above. for context, marc spent a fair bit of time in 2019 trying to mess with the rookie revelation fabio quartararo, sometimes during the races themselves and sometimes outside of them. nothing wrong with hazing your young challengers, right? so one of the more widely discussed incidents took place in sepang 2019 qualifying (tw crash):
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big fan of how the article very strongly implies that when marc says the words "honestly speaking", he was not, in fact, honestly speaking. did a single person on this planet believe marc when he said he just happened to end up right behind fabio? who knows, maybe there's someone out there, who knows...
obviously, marc and his team weren't really trying to hide what they were doing, which makes it even funnier that marc just goes for this completely shameless 'oh it was all just a coincidence' routine. and of course, this entire episode ended on a pretty sour note for marc. even though he tried to shrug it off in the moment, this incident did come with consequences for him:
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which, yeah. lot's to be said here, lots to be said. but let's return to the actual point of the post, the mind games
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in the end marc did do a rather nice salvage job in the race, p11 to p2 - and fabio didn't win the race, which I'm sure was appreciated. here's a nicely in-depth description of the incident that I'm going to liberally steal excerpts from. it's a good bit of extra insight on both the episode itself and what it represented in the broader context of the dynamic between the pair of them
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it's part of the established playbook when it comes to dealing with promising young talent: you try to rough them up in the races and you try to rough them up outside of them. you try to make them nervous, maybe you even try to scare them. and so the cycle continues
this is the thing, right, marc really does view all on-track sessions as time to 'work' on his rivals. he's never been focused solely on himself during these sessions - and the towing thing has never just been a matter of practicality for him. 'the race doesn't just happen on sunday' 'great riders, champions, are bullies' 'they don't just want to win, they want to rub the rest of the world's noses in it'... marc has always adopted that philosophy in his racing (and he learnt from the best). he's never been shy in his tactics of intimidation - in his efforts to undermine his rivals' confidence and make them suffer. it's all part of the game
and then, of course, there's the bit of insight we get about how marc was reportedly worried about fabio because of his talent and fearlessness... a rookie who hadn't even won a race yet. and yet marc's "been doing his best to instil fear" into fabio. unfortunately it's not always easy to spook young talent, especially when they're so very brave... it's a tricky line to toe - by marking out your rivals like that, you are also letting them implicitly know you see them as a threat. which if anything can help motivate them and make them more confident. inconvenient
anyway, l'll include some more of the description of the incident, which helps illustrate just how little effort marc was going to in attempting to hide his underhanded behaviour (and how that may have been the whole point):
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inherently, right, this 'battle of nerves' is a really important element of the whole towing strategy. it's about your read of the other rider, your analysis of their character, how you think they will play the situation... how much you think they're willing to risk, how much you think they'd be motivated to just fuck you over regardless, how prepared they will be to call your bluff. and in the context of sepang 2019, with that year's title very much sealed up, marc decided that he was prepared to play this game for as long as he had to. marc had won the last five races, fabio was still searching for his first ever win... marc knew young and hungry fabio would blink before he did
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which, yeah. less than ideal to engage in mind games in a way that ends up getting you injured. this whole incident does serve as a good illustration of marc's overall approach, but obviously this specific episode wasn't particularly successful or indeed wise from marc's side. all in all, it probably wasn't all that intimidating for fabio when marc crashed behind him
anyway, here's some more bits talking about how marc was perhaps not being 100% honest in his post-qualifying interview:
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even though in this specific example marc did admittedly fuck it, a lot of this kind of behaviour isn't bad long-term investment because it's meant to be cumulative, where you're just consistently putting pressure on someone... as it says above, "every ounce of energy spent worrying about you is one which can't be spent on trying to go faster". so you're hoping to distract your opponents, you're hoping that this constant tension will eventually unsettle them - or that you've spent so much time studying and analysing them that you can figure out how to bother them more effectively (*coughs* 2008 *coughs again*). or maybe you just can't help yourself in messing with your opponents and sometimes it is counterproductive because you've shown them how seriously you take them as a rival. maybe sometimes it's a bit of all of those things!
on fabio's reaction:
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which is a pretty friendly response, it has to be said! but anyway, of course 'if he wants to follow us we are doing a good job' is probably the most healthy and useful takeaway from the whole thing. that's the thing with bullies, isn't it, you do have to figure out a way to stand up to them. fabio might have been annoyed while marc was picking on him, but he's not picking a fight with marc after the fact. he's just making it clear that he's not been intimidated - and has bagged himself pole in the process while marc started from eleventh place. as fabio says, "it's a little bit part of the game". but it is a game, and it's one that marc has always been more than happy to play
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galadrieljones · 2 days
Gala! I need to hear all your thoughts about seeing Solas again!! (When and if you’re willing to share ofc) ☺️
Omg. Honestly, I don't know. It's been so long, and in so many ways, I've moved on completely, but also, like, no. I will never move on lol. It seems I will probably need to go back and replay DA:I this summer, which is perfect, because I'm just about done with Death Stranding, and this will be a great way to pass the time between now and the Fall (at which point Daryl Dixon season 2 also starts so idk how I shall survive the inundation with characters I love--I will just have to find some sort of balance LOL). I really do need to brush up on the lore and try to even remember what was happening, and also get back into Sene's POV, because I do believe the Inquisitor is going to make an appearance in this story, and I am very excited for that but also very anxious. I do actually trust Patrick Weekes to give closure to the DAI fans and Solavellan shippers, particularly knowing how hard he worked to give us that notorious "COLE GREATLY APPROVES" moment in Trespasser 😭 Tbh though, I'm just not sure entirely what that will look like. I'm nervous!
I will say that I am really very happy to see how Solas is portrayed in this scene with Varric. He's actually nowhere near as cold as he seems at the end of Trespasser. He seems much more reluctant than he did back then, like he legitimately doesn't believe there's a better way. He doesn't seem evil or beyond repair. I wonder if that's because he's spent so many years alone, plotting, and it has actually served to soften him. In those first two years, after Corypheus, it's clear he was able to scrub his experience with the Inquisition from his heart, but most likely what he's learned is that it was merely a cosmetic fix. The connections he made back then are still with him, and seeing Varric again bubbled them up to the surface, even if only briefly.
I won't lie when I say that I actually really did not like the reveal trailer at ALL, which came out a couple days ago. It gave me like, Fortnite vibes and I was really concerned, because I've been out of the loop and not paying attention to the development of the game at all. Like this came completely out of left field for me, and then the name change...yikes. BUT the gameplay trailer fixed all of that. The game looks dark, gritty, and EXTREMELY fun. I love that they will start us out with Varric and Harding. I love them both so much, like old friends I haven't seen in such a long time. It filled me with warmth when Varric tried to reason with Solas, because that is EXACTLY what Varric would do, and even just hearing his voice, and Harding's voice, and of course Solas's voice, it made me tear up. I cannot wait. I am SO excited!!!!!!!!
I'm also really excited to reconnect with some of our old crew on here. I know lots of us are still around to various degrees even as we've all dispersed to different fandoms and real life circumstances for years. But Solavellan was my first real ship and Dragon Age was my first true fandom, and in my heart, we and our Lavellans will always be the GOAT. 💫
HOW are you feeling about all of this @bearlytolerant??????
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e-vay · 2 hours
Evay QA Bulk Post 5
Here we go again! These do not include Domino or Phlox questions as I plan on addressing those in a separate post. I couldn't get through as many questions this time around but I did what I could. I'm sorry, I'm just a little mentally and emotionally overwhelmed right now so I can only respond to so many at a time.
Thank you all for reaching out ☺️ Despite my brain, I am always very appreciative to hear from you!
sayain-princess-vegenta asked: What is some original artwork or stories you've been working on lately? I know you probably get a bunch of questions for established fandoms but spoil us with your own thoughts! 😇
A: Well that's very kind of you to ask! To be perfectly honest, I mostly stick to fan art or creating original characters that exist in an already established world. I only have one personal project that is completely original, but so far it's only character designs. I don't have a full story or world built yet. I'm not sure if I'll ever share it on here.
Anon asked: Who or what made you wanted to do art?
A: There wasn't anyone or any particular thing that made me want to draw. I've just been drawing since I was able to grasp a pencil (or crayon) in my hand and I've never stopped! 🥰
Anon asked: Have you ever caught someone stealing or drawing your art?
A: Ohohoho, allllll the time
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Anon asked: Do you still like sonic boom or are you over it?
A: My love is everlasting!
Anon asked: Hello Evay_art I always wonder have you always thought doing Amy Rose game???
A: Hi! Do you mean for me to make an Amy Rose game? I don't have the talent to do that, but gosh do I want there to be an Amy game so badly! ☺️ She deserves it! I would love to play a game devoted to her. I thought The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog was especially great because she was a major character in it!
Anon asked: What is your opinion of Sally Acorn? Do you like the idea of her and Sonic have had a relationship? In fact, something I never got an answer for, is she considered canonical?
A: I'm not a fan. Plenty of people can argue for or against Archie characters, but Archie is not considered part of the game canon like IDW is.
Anon asked: I keep on hearing everyone talk about Hell Hath No Fury, so I finally got curious enough to read it! I have to say that it was coming out really good! Do you plan on working on it again any time soon?
A: Thank you for checking it out! I'm glad you were enjoying it. Yes I do plan on picking it back up eventually.
Anon asked: Does HHNF take place in Sonic Boom(Sorry if this is a stupid question)
A: It's not a stupid question at all. HHNF is a Modern Sonic story, not Sonic Boom. Also, it is not part of my AU. It's a completely separate story 🖤
fungus101 asked: Can you do more Werehog stuff
A: Oh I plan on it! I love drawing werehogs!
Anon asked: I have a question since sonic boom has been over for a while now. Do you still like the designs from it or have you moved on? Cause I know the sonic boom designs are somewhat of a future designs for some of your comics. I was just wondering if it would be Recon at this point
A: I still love the Sonic Boom designs and they're still part of my canon. I try to draw more than just Boom (I've been especially neglectful of the Modern designs and I need to do a better job of that), but the Boom designs are still my most favorite to draw.
sonicx1027 asked: Hey Evay, I’m curious if you are going to make another comic in the future, especially with the new Sonic Characters being added from the IDW series. If you are, have a story in mind?
A: I definitely plan on including IDW characters in future comics! I need to catch up on the IDW comics before I feel comfortable enough to write anything. I want to make sure I keep them as in-character as possible. But in the meantime I do have plans of having them make little appearances.
itsyourboysworld asked: on a scale of one - ten how made are you that we still don’t have a trailer for sonic the hedgehog 3 because for me it’s infinite
A: WHY ARE THEY TORTURING US?! GIVE US A TRAILER!!!! I am sure it will be worth the wait but it's killing me.
Anon asked: How do you feel about Mighty the armadillo?
A: It's funny because I think one of the Tailstube videos (or perhaps it was one of the Twitter takeovers) made the point that Mighty is basically just a more mellow version of Sonic and I do agree, I've always thought that. I actually think he's like a fusion of Sonic and Knuckles, but super chill.
emceevoices asked: In Boom Baby, what was the movie Sonic, Amy, and Eggman were watching? In my dub, I had them watch the 93 Super Mario Bros movie, but did you have any specific movie in mind?
A: I believe you're talking about Chapter 5.1 of My Gal. They are watching my own make-believe Overwatch movie lol I just wanted an excuse to draw Mercy as a Mobian
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toonfan91 asked: Oh my gosh I thought your tumblr was dead, as a fan of your work it is stellar seeing new Sonic art from you again, or art at all really. I do have one question, if you were to have the time and willingness to, would you draw designs for the Freedom Fighters (Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor and Nyx) that fit in your AU and try to work them subtly into it?
A: I'm still alive! Haha 😄 Thank you so much, I'm really glad you are enjoying my new work! I'm sorry to disappoint but I was never a fan of the Archie comics or characters, so no I do not include them in my AU. Sorry!
milangakokoros asked: Has pensado dibujar a whisper y tangle como si fueran parte del AU donde Aurora existe? Como serian sus vidas? Dime que estarian casadas jajsjj
A: I do plan on adding Tangle and Whisper 🥰 I need to get caught up on the IDW comics to make sure I'm writing them in-character, but they will make an appearance in the near future.
furrylovergril495 asked: Also how old is Aurora? Ps I think she one of the nicest fan kids I ever since
A: Thank you so much, I'm so glad you like her! 💗 I don't like to include exact ages because I don't think Mobians age the same way humans do. Especially since SEGA has redacted the Sonic characters' ages. But for majority of my drawings, Aurora is the human-equivalent of about 20-23 years old.
Anon asked: can you draw super Aurora and tell me what abilities she has
A: 😊 I've drawn Super Aurora (aka "Aurora Borealis") quite a few times! [x] [x] [x]. She has all the standard Super Hedgehog powers (Flight, strength, invincibility, etc.)
thechosenflow asked: How does Metal sonic interact with Aurora? Are they friends or does Metal act as a guardian?
A: I've only drawn the two crossing paths once. I like to think that Metal Sonic is secretly in love with Amy, and so when Amy and Sonic get married he is pretty devastated. Maybe he gets his own Metal Amy and has his own Metal family??? 👀
Anon asked: So we know that Sage is best friends with Aurora but how is she with Rouge and Knuckles son's? I forgot their names😭
A: That's okay, I have a lot of characters. You're asking about Ruff & Tumble! Honestly I don't see her having much of a relationship with them. They are quite a bit younger than Aurora so I don't think Sage would have much reason to be around them often. HOWEVER! I do write Sage to have a friendly-competitive relationship with CC, and since CC does not care much for the hyena boys, that means Sage automatically gets a kick out of them.
antooogamer asked: What happened to Sonic's scarf? Do you keep it or when you retire will you give it to one of your grandchildren?
A: With how much danger that hedgehog gets in to, that scarf would have been ripped to shreds! No way it survived long enough for his grandkids to have it 😆
Anon asked: Have Aurora ever met Blaze, Sliver, and Amy's parents?
A: Blaze and Silver are friends with Sonic and Amy so she definitely would have met them at some point. I originally wrote Amy's parents as having passed away before she and Sonic got married, but I recently decided to change that! The Rose 'rents will be alive in my canon! So yes she'd have met them, too!
cyberdiesel asked: What is Aurora's relationship with the Gogobas and Froglodytes (including Og) like?
A: Aurora does not have any relationship with them (I did not care for them so I don't plan on ever drawing them haha)
Anon asked: What did Sonic and Aurora do for Amy on Mother's Day?
A: They spoiled her rotten by making her the most delicious, sweet, unhealthy breakfast imaginable with pancakes and ice cream and all the flavor syrups! Sonic even cleaned up after!
Anon asked: Does Aurora loves Chillidogs like his father?
A: Nobody loves chilidogs as much as Sonic haha But she does enjoy them. She kinda has to, chili dogs are a staple in the Rose household!
medi0creartz asked: There’s something I’ve been thinking for a long time. I don’t know if someone asked you this but has Cream and her Mom Vanilla ever meet Aurora?
A: Of course! Cream is Amy's best friend. Aurora absolutely would have met her!
echidnapower asked: So, difficult philosophical lore math question for you. 👀 Aurora and Sage are besties. Aurora is the daughter of Sonic the Hedgehog. Sage is Dr. Eggman’s daughter. Dr. Eggman wants to destroy Sonic and take over the world. Sage never wants to hurt Aurora. Eggman hurting Sonic would hurt Aurora. Sage is "presumably" loyal to Eggman. Solve for X, if you know what I mean. >:)
A: echidnapower you always ask the tough questions! It might not be very exciting, but Eggman mellows out in my AU as he gets older and he even adores Aurora, so he has no intention of hurting her. Sage does want to rule the world and make the Eggman Empire reign supreme, but she wants to do it passively and by intelligent means, not through destruction ;) Sorry that's a boring answer for you!
km0901 asked: Hi again! A question that's been on my mind lately comes from your "Time travel" comic. In it, we know that Aroura goes back in time to save Shadow, but from what? I first thought it might be DR. Eggman, but he has seemingly moved on with his life along with everyone else. This leads to the big question, who or what is this new menace?
A: I know this is a disappointing answer, but I can't reveal what the threat behind that storyline is yet! You'll have to wait when I can finally write that story out as a fic. All I can confirm is that the threat is invented by me. It is not an antagonist from the game canon. I'm so sorry I can't share more!
Anon asked: will you ever draw your human AUs for sonic again sense you have a newer art style ( btw speaking of art style i Love it and absolutely adore everything you post)
A: You are such a sweetheart, thank you! I'm really happy to hear that. I'll draw human Sonic characters again, just not sure when :) Some people really hate the way I draw the gijinka Sonic characters so that's why I don't do it much. But whatever, it is what it is. It's not going to stop me forever lol I'm happy you like it!
Anon asked: I love the design for Movie Aurora!! Since Tom and Maddie are like Sonic's adopted parents (if Aurora lives on earth), would you see Tom and Maddie show her tons of affection like grandparents?
A: Thank you so much! Yes I'm sure Tom and Maddie would be over the moon to have a grandbaby! I have the cutest vision in my head of them having to buy doll clothes for her since she's so little.
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don’t like Shadora
Anon asked: Now that i thought, have the Shadora Offspring ever met Black Doom? If they did what's their relationship with him?
A: The Shadora Horde are aware of their lineage [x] [x], but no they don't have a relationship with Black Doom at all. If Black Doom were alive, Shadow definitely wouldn't let him anywhere near his kids.
aeroranger100 asked: What inspired you to make My Gal? Or maybe I should ask, what got you on board the SonAmy ship in the first place? 💙🩷
A: My Gal came about simply because I thought, if Sonic were to ask Amy out, how would it go? Although I love sappy romance and angst, I actually prefer writing comedies so I put it in the Sonic Boom universe because I could go super silly with it! Though, I still think their date might go sort of like the events of My Gal no matter what universe it takes place in 😉 As far as why I first started shipping Sonamy, it was simply by learning who Amy was in the first place! The moment I saw her and got to know her character I thought, oh, this girl is the one. I wrote a very detailed post about it a long time ago if you'd like to read it! It wasn't meant to persuade anyone, it was just meant to illustrate why I'm so passionate about those two!
Anon asked: Your Sonamy art always gives me life and I love whenever you draw them smooching😘😘 Question: Do you have any art of Sonamy making out? Or if you know of another artists could you point me to them? I'm having cravings!!
A: Thank you so much! Honestly I feel like I draw them making out all the time 🤣 The entire ending and Epilogue of My Gal is just them kissing constantly haha! I'm working on some birthday drawings that should satisfy that craving of yours 👀
Anon asked: Hope I’m not annoying but what are Shadow’s, Sonic’s and Amy’s orientations(sexualities)? I know you answered What are shadora children sexualities but I really am curious about this. Also,love your art💜🙌
A: You're not annoying and thank you for the compliment! Honestly I can only answer for my own characters because they are 100% made by me. Unless SEGA officially confirms what Sonic, Shadow, and Amy's preferences are then I can't say for certain. We can all just imagine what we want.
Anon asked: Are Sonic and Amy still an active couple when their grandparents? And what do you mean by active e-vay? 😏Plz explain if you want😊…. I’m very curious 😂
A: Anon, you are too funny. You can't ask me a question and then follow it up by "what do you mean" when it was your question! 🤣 Yes they're still very active, however you mean it to mean! 😜
Anon asked: Do you think boom sonic has feelings for amy as well?
A: Absolutely I do! He was so sweet on her in that show!
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Anon asked: What if sonamy was a same gender couple?
A: I've said it before but I'll say it again: As long as they're together and they're happy, I'm happy!
Anon asked: hi e-vay what's ur fav sonamy universe?? (boom, prime, etc.)
A: Hi! Wow, that's really difficult for me to pick. Boom was definitely the most fun for me. That show made me laugh so hard and Sonic and Amy were both so handsome and pretty, and they were so funny the way they interacted. I am still 100% of the belief that they were secretly dating during that show!!! But Modern has the most potential. It can be fun and it can be serious, so if they ever wanted to take Sonic down a romantic path I think it would be more meaningful in the Modern context.
Anon asked: desearía tener más contenido tails x cc realmente los amo!!
and makarov asked: More cc x tails comics pleeeaseeee🥺? And will you do an cc x tails animation?
A: I'm so happy you like the LoveBytes (TailsXCC) ship! I promise I'll draw more in the future 💛 I'm sorry for the wait. I don't know about an animation but definitely more drawings to come.
nightfurylover31 asked: I’ve been listening to Backstreet Boys again to relive my childhood, and the songs “Shape of My Heart” and “I Don’t Wanna Lose You Know” feel like perfect Sonamy songs! 🥰💙🥰🩷
A: Backstreet Boys! Talk about ROMANCE! I love those and of course now I will associate them with Sonamy 🥰 Thank you for sharing!
blueberryydraw asked: hey e-vay! I love your works and I'm a big fan of Sonic. Would it be possible for you to make a Sonamy movie? :)
A: Thank you so very much! Are you asking if I could make a sonamy animation some time? If so, I can't say much about it but there is a very special project I'm working on! It won't be ready for a very long time, but when I can talk about it, I will!
ultimate-guardian asked: What do you say about Knuckles x Mighty?
A: I don't personally ship the two of them together
*The next question is a Shadora Ask. Skip if you don’t like Shadora
Anon asked: Sonic does not want Shadow to date Aurora cause he thinks he might hurt her or is it because they don't like each other?
A: It wouldn't matter if it was Shadow or not, Sonic doesn't want Aurora dating anyone. He doesn't think anyone is 'good enough' for his daughter.
Thank you all for the questions!
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Evay QA Bulk Post 3
Evay QA Bulk Post 4
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bengiyo · 8 hours
Knock Knock Boys Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, the boys all went to the onsen to try to bond with Jumper, to mixed results. Almond also remains perhaps more focused on Latte than Jumper because he’s so nervous, and is determined to figure out if Latte has a birthmark on his dick. Thanwa and Peak have been vibing pretty hard, and I’m into it. Thanwa has asked Peak to help him with his job applications, and Peak wants to learn how to better enjoy food. Almond also followed Latte and Lukpeach to the sex toy store and completely misunderstood what was going on. I’m currently suspicious about Thanwa’s financial situation.
As a note, @babyangelsky warned us about extreme toilet humor between 41:30 and 42:33.
I am really enjoying these cold opens to the potential end of the episode. It’s compelling every time.
I feel like we have been in this BL house before. The porch looks familiar.
Latte remains a tease and I love it.
Wouldn’t be a proper foodie if there wasn’t a special story attached to his favorite dish.
Now why did he feed that man like that?
I went to a school with corporal punishment. I’m always surprised when I see it in Thai colleges.
I really don’t want to be disappointed in Jumper lately. I am having fun with the way it feels like he’s flirting with Peak.
Fellas, is it gay to stare into each other’s eyes and search each other’s souls while holding a computer mouse together?
Thanwa’s friend looks like a Pokémon trainer.
Oh, I don’t like this guy promising compensation as he leaves a bill to Thanwa.
I’ve not vibed with a lot of BL choices this year, but I’m glad we’re getting more sexual health PSAs in the shows lately.
I think it’s very good to give Almond condoms. I get the sense he’d be nervous about getting his own.
Almond, why are you so pressed about Lukpeach if you ain’t tryina smash.
Did Seng teach Nokia how to smile like a dork?
Yes, bring Lukpeach to the party. She needs to know that this is not just two college boys on a romance track. There’s a whole house of boys.
Small things that this show earns is Thanwa being the primary cook of the household. He doesn’t come off as bossy when he’s asking Almond to go get stuff from the kitchen while he works on other food prep. It feels natural.
Oh ho! We’ve reached the cold open around the middle.
Now, Latte, don’t get jealous of a moment you helped create.
How old are we? 7 minutes in heaven?? At least they played that well right out the gate.
A game about going into closets together to see what might happen. These jokes write themselves.
Oh no. I am close to the trigger warning. This is about to be the worst scatological humor I’ve been subjected to by Thai BL. I can feel it.
Girls….I am disgusted… Trust the warning. Props to Pak, Nokia, and Jaonine for playing that all the way through, but I don’t need to see that ever again.
What the hell is going on in that closet though??
I just know it’s hot as hell in this closet.
I appreciate this show giving me some kisses after that vomit scene. It’s what I deserve.
Okay, I really like this apology and reestablishment of consensual boundaries. Excellent kiss the homies content.
Welcome back, Jane. I hope you give us some answers next week.
This show is really assured, and I’m having a great time with it. I really love when a show has two couples and has them on similarly-paced advancement tracks. It offers up a lot of fun comparison. It’s clear at this point that Almond and Latte like being around each other, and Latte is becoming jealous of Almond’s interest in Jumper. It also works that Thanwa was the one to have kissed Peak already and has been waiting for him to sort it out. That was a really excellent episode. Having Jumper be such a sloppy mess on top of Almond like that is a good way to kill much of the enthusiasm he might have there, opening a lane for Latte. Good shit, Knock Knock Boys.
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ikamigami · 15 hours
I watched Amanda the Adventurer sams gameplay..
And we can clearly see that Sun isn't doing okay.. which isn't surprising at all considering that Puppet and Foxy are trying to force him to agree on killing Moon..
Sun thinks that he's useless because he doesn't know how to help Moon, how to stop him so he wouldn't have to be killed..
We could see that when Sun said that he doesn't know anything useful or useless..
We can also see that Sun once again is thinking about dying.. expressing his passive suicidality..
We could see that when Sun said that he wants for the monster to kill him.. he said that almost at the end of the episode..
Also the way he said that no matter what option he'll choose he'll die seems pretty ominous.. he said that when he was wondering if he should exit the library or watch the second tape..
And before anyone will say that this is far fetched they hinted Sun's odd behaviour before killing Bloodmoon when they played previous Amanda the Adventurer game..
To me it seems that Sun will die and it seems that it might be on his own will..
Before anyone jump at me let me clarify.. I don't know how Sun will die.. even if I said that it'll be on his own will it doesn't immediately mean that he'll kill himself by his own hands.. he can just let someone kill him or even try to protect Moon by shielding him with his own body.. but it'd be still Sun's decision to die.. it'd still be on his own will..
Sun is in poor mental state.. in my opinion he was even before but now it got worse because of the situation with Moon..
But I just think that Sun doesn't realize that himself.. he doesn't see that his mental state is worsening..
I can only hope that things won't get bad but I think that they will..
And also like I said already even if Sun continue living for his family and that he doesn't want to leave them.. he's still struggling with delusions which may push him to take his own life.. doesn't matter directly or indirectly.. Sun suffers from depressive psychosis and he's struggling with delusions centered around guilt and unworthiness.. and because of that he's at great risk of attempting suicide.. doesn't matter if passively or actively..
Delusions are a real danger for someone who experience them.. so it doesn't matter if a person who struggles with them doesn't want to die.. because if there's a higher risk that they'll attempt suicide when in delusional state.. and this is what I mean that Sun may attempt suicide..
I know that many of you don't know what I mean because most of you never experienced such delusions.. but I did.. even not so long ago I was in really poor mental state and I experienced vivid suicidal thoughts.. even if I didn't actually want to die.. it still was very overwhelming and I was scared and I had thoughts that maybe I should kill myself if I'm such an awful person.. a nuisance for everyone.. because in my mind I caused harm to everyone..
People who say that when someone is passively suicidal we don't have to worry that they attempt suicide but it's not true.. not true at all.. the line between passive and active suicidal thoughts or ideations is blurry.. at one point someone can have passive suicidal ideation and in the other active suicidal ideation.. and we can't be sure that they'll act on them.. they're still at risk.. we shouldn't ignore anyone who experience suicidal thoughts no matter passive or active..
I'm more aware of my own symptoms so even if I'm afraid when I have these thoughts or ideations I still know that I don't want to die and I can try to shift focus on something else and try to get through this..
But when someone isn't as much aware like Sun.. it's not that easy to just simply realize "yes, this is caused by my delusions so I need to get through this and it'll be okay".. when you're not aware that you're struggling with delusions it's hard to get through it.. and when you're also depressed it's even harder to just withstand these suicidal thoughts and ideations fuelled by depressive thoughts and delusions..
Hope that this helps a little bit for you to understand what I mean when I say that Sun may attempt suicide..
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chronurgy · 11 days
I'm starting to dread (ha) Dreadwolf, partly because Solas is the main antagonist and I have...... Absolutely no feelings about him at all, actually. The best I can summon is a big old "meh". And if they center him (which it seems like they plan to) and make a big deal about whether you want to kill him or redeem him or stop him or join him... Well frankly I just won't care and I'm worried that means I won't have a damn thing to care about in the game's main plot
I'm also worried that his success or failure at taking down the veil will be preordained since that's too big of a plot line to leave up to the player - there just wouldn't be any way to structure future games to account for that player choice. This is obviously a less well founded worry, but it makes it really hard for me to care about the stakes of the game
Idk I'm not trying to shit on people who are excited for this game (I am too, despite the bitching and moaning) but it's really hard to get excited for a game when the one thing you know about it is so completely uninteresting to you
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miabrown007 · 8 months
girl who sucks at making OCs needs to make a DnD character send help
#I did make one who was rad but then got vetod by the DM and now I handed in a half-elf wizard but she's just so basic#she literally has no personality send help#and also idk what direction should we take because I have no idea what the other people will be like in the party#and I'm the only girl player there so I don't want for that to be like be a thing and bring a stereotipically girly character#and I could make her like a standard bookish wizard which obviously stands very close to me and would be super easy to play#but that's so cliche and I don't want to be like everyone's mom in game if everyone else is just running around and fucking shit up#but I know that I'll have a harder time playing a more reckless and careless character and if there isn't going to be someone#thinking for the team and we just go headfirst into stuff that also sucks.#and like I like to be someone who thinks about the solutions it just can't just be me being the party pooper if you get me#but poor wizard girl is just so mid with her 'my parents wanted me to be an X wizard but I'm gonna be an Y wizard instead' backstory#like wow such rebellion you're gonna show them girl#but at this point I'm a week behind schedule so I need to have a character like for yesterday#and I don't want to just copy others' dnd characters from D20 but they have like a group cohesion and individual arcs and that's so cool#and I suck at making up little men#miaing#mia's dnd adventures#I'm stressing so much over just making a character and meeting strangers bringing a character with anxiety disorder wouldn't even be rp#I guess great that my sorcerer got vetoed how would I play out being the face of the party
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wyrmcat · 9 months
i was watching jerma play spore the other night, and while i know my reaction was unreasonable, i got so mad at how he was making creatures that I redownloaded steam and the game to make critters myself because my brain was like No. He is Doing It Wrong. unreal.
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bibiana112 · 8 months
There's nothing wrong with people having their dearest most specialest blorbo be Eric ztd it is unironically good for the ecosystem and I always love seeing the different perspectives from other fans but what I am here today to ask is why is no one like that about Mira. whatever happened to feminism.
#every categorically insane man in this series has their dedicated fans and every popular character also has a bunch of red flags so like#to be fair no one's too crazy about Lotus or Alice either hm like people either outright dislike them conceptually because of their designs#or you know just have an appreciation for them as characters but not quite focusing on them much at all#like me#and like are the tropes that make up her character problematic? yeah! that didn't stop y'all from liking Saito a whole lot#now he's better woven into the narrative of the game he's in but then my point's back to Eric lol#like it is just fucking ludicrous the amount of stuff in the whole Series not to mention the game Alone that she's responsible for#but it does feel disconnected (being responsible for the Kurashiki's parents deaths)#frustrating (being responsible for injecting Phi whith Rad-6)#and overall just kinda glossed over? (beheading Junpei and killing off D-Team that one time because she was in cahoots with Zero)#so like I get why people wouldn't like her she's a bad plot device but THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING#THAT'S NOT REALLY STOPPING ANYONE and it's not even like people are very vocal about hating her either#at most I've seen it be lumped in with some major complains about the game like as a whole#the way we find out so early she's a serial killer it's kinda shocking but not really? it ends up as just kinda ridiculous and underwhelming#imo that's the whole game but again even when it comes to people who Do Like this game#anyways free to reblog I Do wanna talk about this but I am absolutely Not putting this in the tag lmao could you imagine#like is the trope of having one big booba female character per game and for it to be a Defining Characteristic kinda not great? yeah#but also like shrug#we've let Uchikosh get away with worse
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angeliteonfridgeduty · 5 months
Sorry for the delay on All That Stuff I Promised To Draw i have been doing things very important things like transporting Serial Designation V into the great road work ahead dimension and starting a war with the local roadkill cats in order to get their children i may or may not have also slaughtered roughly 500 vase-possessing demons in order to bring forth the V but that's unrelated
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you get absolutely no context to this
fine. i give in. i'll give context for people that do not know what the heck. stare at the tags
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widevibratobitch · 4 hours
#another vent post cause i just fucking hate my life lol&lmao#that's it actually. cant even sh since im singing tomorrow and my arms will be on display 🤡#frankly the sole thought of getting up on that stage is making me wanna throw up#i dont want people to fucking look at me. i hate my body so much its making me physically nauseous. that last tHeRaPy only made it worse lo#i really really really dont wanna be alive rn and i dont want to have to keep talking to people like jesus fucking christ leave me alone#this whole fucking uni experience ruined me as a person lol like it wasnt great before but i really feel like im actually worse now#and there's no way out and tbh i dont even want a way out i just want everyone to let me be and to stop expecting shit from me#also if i have to hear about one more man who's obsessed with her and is flirting with her because she's so perfect in every way#im gonna snap like fr. why do i ever even open up to her lol every time the outcome is the exact same. we end up talking about her#everything is always about her.#i hate everything about this whole situation. i hate my body i hate my life i hate the fact that i no longer feel like it's even fully mine#because now im my mother's 'only reason to live' so i cant even really calm myself by fantasizing about suicide lol because im not Allowed#everyone's already fed up with my bullshit. me most of all. god i fucking despise having to live like this. there's nothing i want more rn#than to just like. not only stop existing but to never have existed at all.#im not fucking doing okay at all and im so tired of this everyday stupid fucking game#like to be hit with a 'oh you're such an open book one can always see when you're upset' right after i just had a panic attack#babygirl. do you know how many times i was highkey suicidal going through a mental breakdown literally dissociating right in front of you#while you were yapping on about how uwu teehee quirky and Not Like Other Girls you are and how everyone's obsessed with you#like my god you always have to be Better dont you. one-upping everyone but me especially. the fact that you dare assume you're the only one#with a traumatic childhood and abusive parents and you get to downplay my experiences just because *i* dont fucking tell you#about what my mother said and did and because she 'seems so nice and cool' is fucking vile. fucking trauma olympics.#the fact that SHE's the one telling ME im toxic is crazy. like yeah at least im aware of that. guess fucking what though#idk why i do this. why i just stand there and take it and never bite back. its cause its always said in a fucking joky manner#and saying anything would be ruining the mood ig. anyway this is not about her. its about how much i hate everything about my body#to the point where i just dont wanna leave the house cause i dont want other people to see me cause its making me more and more insane#there is something so fucking wrong with me and its unfixable at this point. my life is not mine but its still my responsibility. wtf.#also i dont feel like a woman at all. i want to. desperately. but i feel like i dont deserve to call myself one because of how my body look
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age-of-moonknight · 4 days
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Night Moves. Marvel Superheroes: Official Game Adventure (Vol. 1/1990), pg. 19.
Designer: Anthony Herring; Editor: Karen S. Boomgarden; Illustrator: John Statema
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