#being labeled the worst criminal made it impossible
tinukis · 9 months
during 3d2y, luffy never slept alone. either he bundles up against the animals he befriended or they cuddle with him or just both
it feels lonely. it is lonely. but it was 10x better than to be without a sign of life. they helped keep him warm on the colder nights and winter seasons. they listened to his stories he had about his nakama. theyre reactions were always priceless
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jedi-anakin · 4 years
2020 – what happened so far
(it’s impossible to include all, but I try my best)
January 1 – Palau became the first country to ban sun creams containing ingredients that are harmful to coral and marine life.
January 2 – The government of New South Wales, Australia, declares a state of emergency whilst the government of Victoria, Australia declares a state of disaster amid large bushfires that have killed as many as 500 million animals.
January 3 – A US drone strike at Baghdad International Airport kills Iranian general Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi paramilitary leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.
January 5 – Iran pulls out of the 2015 nuclear deal, will not limit its uranium enrichment.
January 7 – 56 people are reported killed and over 200 injured in a crush at the funeral of general Qasem Soleimani in the city of Kerman, Iran.
January 7 – A 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Puerto Rico, island's largest in a century, kill 1 person and destroy 800 homes.
January 8 – Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 is shot down by Iran's armed forces shortly after takeoff from Tehran Imam Khomeini Airport, killing all 176 people on board.
January 8 – Duke and Duchess of Sussex announce they are stepping back as "senior" royals, will work towards becoming financially independent.
January 16 – The impeachment trial of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, begins in the US Senate.
January 26 – Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter Gianna Bryant dies in a helicopter crash.
January 30 – The World Health Organization (WHO) declares the outbreak of the disease as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
January 31 – The United Kingdom and Gibraltar formally withdraw from the European Union at 11PM (GMT), beginning an 11-month transition period.
January 2020 was the hottest January in recorded history according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
February 3 – Cruise ship Diamond Princess with 3711 passengers quarantined in Yokohama port, Japan after cases of coronavirus found on board.
February 5 – The US Senate acquits US president Donald Trump on articles of impeachment.
February 8 – 20 people dies in a mall shooting in Thailand.
February 9 – Deaths from the Coronavirus overtake those of Sars (2003) with 813 deaths worldwide.
February 10 – More than 30 bushfires put out by heaviest rainfall for 30 years in New South Wales, Australia, helping end one of the worst bushfire seasons ever, 46 million acres burnt, over 1 billion animals killed, 34 people dead.
February 11 – Snow falls in Baghdad, Iraq, for only the second time in a century.
February 23 – First major coronavirus outbreak in Europe in Italy with 152 cases and three deaths, prompting emergency measures, locking down 10 towns in Lombardy.
February 23 – China's Supreme Leader Xi Jinping describes the country's coronavirus outbreak as the China's largest health emergency since 1949.
February 24 – Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein found guilty of rape and a criminal sexual act.
February 29 – Luxembourg becomes the first country in the world to make all public transport in the country (buses, trams, and trains) free to use.
February 29 – A conditional peace agreement is signed between the United States and the Taliban in Doha, Qatar. The U.S. begins gradually withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.
March 8 – Italy places 16 million people in quarantine, more than a quarter of its population, in a bid to stop the spread of COVID-19. A day later, the quarantine is expanded to cover the entire country, becoming the first country to apply this measure nationwide.
March 9 – International share prices fall sharply in response to a Russo-Saudi oil price war and the impact of COVID-19. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) plunges more than 2,000 points, the largest fall in its history up to that point. Oil prices also plunge by as much as 30% in early trading, the biggest fall since 1991.
March 11 – The World Health Organization declares the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic with 121,564 cases worldwide and 4,373 deaths.
March 11 – Harvey Weinstein is sentenced to 23 years in prison for a criminal sex act and rape in New York.
March 12 – Global stock markets crash. The Dow Jones Industrial Average goes into free fall, closing at over −2,300 points, the worst losses for the index since 1987.
March 13 – The government of Nepal announces that Mount Everest will be closed to climbers and the public for the rest of the season due to concerns from the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia.
March 14 – Spain goes into lockdown after COVID-19 cases in the country surge.
March 16 – The Dow Jones Industrial Average falls by 2,997, the single largest point drop in history and the second-largest percentage drop ever at 12.93 percent, an even greater crash than Black Monday (1929).
March 17 – European leaders close the EU's external and Schengen borders for at least 30 days in an effort to curb the COVID-19 pandemic.
March 17 – The island of Luzon, the largest island of the Philippines, is placed under the enhanced community quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic in the country.
March 18 – The European Broadcasting Union announces that the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 will be cancelled due to COVID-19 in Europe, the first cancellation in the contest's 64-year history.
March 20 – The worldwide death toll from COVID-19 surpasses 10,000 as the total number of cases reaches a quarter of a million.
March 20 – Smoke from Australian bushfires killed more people than the fires - 417 vs 33 according to new study published in "Medical Journal of Australia."
March 22 – A prison riot in Colombia, which was sparked by coronavirus fears, left 23 inmates dead and another 83 injured.
March 24 – Indian PM Narendra Modi orders a 21 day lockdown for world's second most populous country of 1.3 billion people.
March 26 – Global COVID-19 cases reach 500,000, with nearly 23,000 deaths confirmed. American cases exceed all other countries, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths.
March 28 – North Korea launched an unidentified projectile off the coast of Japan. This is the sixth launch in the last month.
March 30 – The price of Brent Crude Oil falls 9% to $23 per barrel, the lowest level since November 2002.
March 30 – The International Olympic Committee and Japan suspend the 2020 Summer Olympics and are rescheduled for July 23 to August 8, 2021.
April 2 – The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 passes 1 million worldwide.
April 5 – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted to hospital suffering from coronavirus COVID-19.
April 7 – Japan declares a state of emergency in response to COVID-19, and finalises a stimulus package worth 108 trillion yen (US$990 billion), equal to 20% of the country's GDP.
April 10 – The death toll from COVID-19 exceeds 100,000 globally.
April 14 – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says it expects the world economy to shrink 3%, the worst contraction since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
April 14 – US President Donald Trump freezes funding for the World Health Organization pending a review, for mistakes in handling the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and for being "China-centric", prompting international criticism.
April 15 – The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 passes 2 million worldwide.
April 16 – 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment in 4 weeks (5.2 million in the last week), wiping out 9 1/2 years of job gains.
April 20 – Oil prices reach a record low.
April 25 – The global death toll from COVID-19 exceeds 200,000.
April 27 – The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 passes 3 million worldwide.
April 28 – US Department of Defense releases three declassified videos of possible UFOs from 2004 and 2015.
April 30 – British Captain Tom Moore, who raised more £30 million for the National Health Service walking in his garden, turns 100 and made an honorary colonel by the Queen.
May 5 – The UK death toll from COVID-19 becomes the highest in Europe.
May 6 – Irish organisation repays a 170 year old favor, raising over $2 million (to date) for US Navajo Nation and Hopi Reservation badly affected by coronavirus. In 1840s Choctaw Nation sent $170 to aid Irish potato famine.
May 6 – Hungary has become the first EU member state to lose their democractic status according to the NGO Freedom House.
May 10 – The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 passes 4 million worldwide.
May 12 – Gunmen storm a maternity hospital and kill 24 people, including two newborn babies, in Dashte Barchi, a majority-Shia neighborhood of Kabul, Afghanistan.
May 13 – Every African country now has cases of coronavirus COVID-19.
May 14 – The UN warns of a global mental health crisis caused by isolation, fear, uncertainty and economic turmoil.
May 16 – 118-year old American department store JC Penney files for bankruptcy.
May 19 – Greenhouse gas emissions dropped 17% worldwide in April 2020 when world was in lockdown, in study published in "Nature Climate Change."
May 19 – Two dams on Tittabawassee River in central Michigan breached by floodwaters, forcing evacuation of thousands of residents.
May 21 – Cyclone Amphan makes landfall in eastern India and Bangladesh, killing over 100 people and forcing the evacuation of more than 4 million others. It causes over US$13 billion in damage, making it the costliest cyclone ever recorded in the North Indian Ocean.
May 26 – George Floyd, an African-American man dies after he was handcuffed and lying face down on a city street during an arrest, Derek Chauvin, a white Minneapolis police officer kept his knee on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds despite he was pleading for breath.
May 26 – Costa Rica becomes the first Central American country to legalise same-sex marriage.
May 26 – Twitter adds warning labels to warn about inaccuracies in US President Donald Trump's tweets for the first time.
May 26 – After a recording by a bystander about the arrest of George Floyd went viral the four officers who were present were fired. The same day a demonstrations and protests took place in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul area.
May 27 – The Chinese National People's Congress votes in favour of national security legislation that prevents subversion, terrorism, separatism and foreign interference in Hong Kong.
May 27 – Spain begins 10 days of mourning for victims of COVID-19.
May 28 – The United States Department of Justice released a joint statement with the FBI, saying they had made the investigation into George Floyd's death "a top priority".
May 29 – Derek Chauvin was arrested and charged him with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, becoming the first white officer in Minnesota to be charged for the death of a black civilian.
May 30 – The first crewed flight of the Dragon 2 is launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, the first manned spacecraft to take off from U.S. soil since 2011. The next day the spacecraft successfully reached the International Space Station (ISS).
May 31 – Since May 26 over a 100 city in all 50 states in the US was held supporting those seeking justice for George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement, and speaking out against police brutality.
May 31 – The hacktivist group Anonymous released a video after remaining silent for 3 years demanding justice for George Floyd.
May 31 – The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 passes 6 million worldwide.
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marvelyningreen · 3 years
Aftershocks - Night 1
Night 1 | Night 2 | Night 3 | (deleted scene)
[Summary: Peter Maximoff is an unflappable sorta guy. He’d never let anything get to him before, and this recent misadventure will be no different. ...Right?
Warnings: mild language, references to injury, general trauma-related angst
Notes: Peter Maximoff x reader, of the established relationship variety. A ‘what if Fietro really was Peter?’ scenario. Same continuity/reader character from Linger and Late-bloomer. ]
On your first night back from Westview, you hesitate at Peter’s door. You’ve gotten so close to saying goodnight to each other half a dozen times, but here you still are.
“Why don’t you stay for a while?” Peter asks after an awkward few seconds of silence. “I’m not really all that tired. Are you?”
“Not really,” you lie.
Judging by the dark circles under Peter’s eyes, he’s not being entirely honest either.
It was late afternoon when you’d gotten back. Well, it was late afternoon here, at least. The passage of time in Westview was nebulous, to say the least.
Hank had been there to meet you when you all emerged from the portal – Peter, yourself, Mr. Lehnsherr and the professor, and the newcomers: Wanda Maximoff and her twin sons, Billy and Tommy. Hank summarily hurried you all off to the lab for debriefing, and also for a precautionary exam. Who knew what side-effects there could be from traveling between realities?
None, as it turns out. Wanda and the boys were just fine. Peter was a little dehydrated and underfed, but was otherwise in good health. You were ultimately the most scuffed-up from the experience.
In addition to the same issues as Peter, you’d amassed a fair amount of cuts and scrapes and bruises. Thankfully, the worst of it is just a badly sprained knee that’ll take several weeks to heal. Inconvenient, but bearable.
Peter has been pretty positive the whole time. If anything, he’s maybe a little too chipper, all things considered. But then again, he was immersed in playing cool uncle to the twins, and was probably just trying to keep their spirits up. They’d been through quite a lot, too.
“You should at least try to sleep, though,” you say, as you limp into Peter’s room.
Peter scoffs good-naturedly. “Are you trying to baby me?”
“Well, one of us has to be the responsible one.”
Peter rolls his eyes. Before you can blink, he’s changed into shorts and an old Pink Floyd t-shirt. He leans in to kiss you.
“I’ll try to sleep if you’ll at least sit down,” he says. “Deal?”
You smile. “Deal.”
As Peter climbs into bed, you settle yourself on the sofa. To say that it’d been a long few days would be understating things to a criminal degree.
You’d stepped through a mysterious portal to rescue Peter from wherever he’d been abducted to. You’d found that the culprit was a witch who’d taken him in an attempt to steal the power of another witch, and that witch is an alternate reality version of Peter’s sister… sorta? Or maybe not. You still aren’t completely clear on how any of this works.
Regardless, you’d ended up helping a woman named Captain Rambeau – who has powers like a mutant, but apparently isn’t one – to free Peter from the witch’s control. And then the young sons of Peter’s not-sister were in danger from some military creep, because said military creep had apparently made a cyborg zombie version of Wanda’s late husband.
Or something. Again, this was a lot to take in in a short period of time.
And no sooner had the business with magic and the military been cleared up than the professor and Mr. Lehnsherr appeared, intending to serve as backup. Luckily, there was no need.
Peter went to make his goodbyes and, in true Peter Maximoff fashion, wound up inviting Wanda and her sons to come back to the mansion with all of you. You weren’t the least bit surprised that the professor was fully on board with this. He’s always the first to reach out with compassion to a soul that’s lost and hurting.
What shouldn’t have surprised you as much as it did was hearing Mr. Lehnsherr do the same. Between the three of them, Wanda was convinced to come to the school and to learn about her powers in a place where she and her sons would be safe and among friends.
It was at this point that Peter was trying to be in two places at once – serving as liaison to Wanda and the boys, and also making sure that you were alright. He only succeeded in making everyone dizzy, until Mr. Lehnsherr stepped in. He instructed Peter to focus on guiding the newcomers and volunteered to look after you himself. You found yourself leaning on Mr. Lehnsherr for support as you limped through the portal and back to your own world.
“Y’know what I can’t stop thinking about?” says Peter.
He turns to grin at you. “Your strawberry rhubarb pie.”
“I know I canned some of that this summer,” you say. “Do I have any left…?”
“If you don’t, one of the students has plant manipulation powers. I’m just sayin’.”
You laugh, and the conversation goes on in much the same vein - talking about a hundred little things that don’t matter.
Westview isn’t brought up, and neither are witches and magic. Nobody mentions Wanda and her twin sons in the room down the hall.
Peter hadn’t been able to give very clear answers to Hank’s questions about his experience. He said that it was all pretty blurry, and chalked up to a side-effect of that weird mind-control necklace thing.
You aren’t sure whether this is cause for worry or not.
The conversation with Peter has been fading in and out for a while now. Typical sleepover experience, really. Silence for a few minutes, and then a bit of banter, and a scattered response here and there, and then more silence.
It’s… It’s actually been silent for a while now. And when did your eyes close, anyway?
You look at the clock to see that over an hour has passed since you last checked the time. But you’re awake now, and you find that you’re not tired anymore. Moonlight streams through the windows, falling across Peter’s bed. He’s still sleeping, thank goodness.
At first you think that the sudden sense of reassurance is just because Peter’s getting some rest. He’s had quite the experience, after all. But there’s more to it than that. You realize that you’re just glad that Peter’s home and safe.
You haven’t really thought about it before, but part of you had always seen Peter as, well, sort of invincible. He’s clever, and capable, and impossibly fast. He can outpace an explosion. He can redirect bullets as easy as breathing. Nothing outside of a godlike entity or an otherworldly power had been able to touch him.
But you can’t stop thinking about this other man – this Pietro. He was fast, too, and he was probably just as capable. That didn’t prevent him from being shot to death while saving the lives of two other people.
Odd coincidental similarities aside, Peter and Pietro aren’t the same. You know this. And yet… You’ve already almost lost Peter once.
In Westview, once you’d found yourself abruptly separated from Vision, you’d realized that you were in way over your head. There was something sinister going on, and you had no idea whether Peter’s kidnapping was a part of it, or if it was something else entirely.
You’d wandered the streets, trying your best to look like you were supposed to be there. At first glance, everything seemed normal. But the more you looked, the more things just felt… off.
It seemed to be summer, but there were no kids at the pool, or in the park, or riding their bikes up and down the block. All the cars looked just a little too shiny and new for a small town. All the yards were too perfectly manicured. Every single person wore well-coordinated outfits. It all felt staged.
Down the block, you noticed a mailbox labeled with the name “Vision,” and-
You hesitated. Maybe best not to go barging in, right? Leaning against a streetlight, you pretended to rummage for something in your bag while you kept an eye on the house. Again, the oddly regimented behavior continued. People walked past the house at intervals that seemed random at first, but weren’t quite. It was more like they were spaced out intentionally to seem random.
Aside from that bit of weirdness, nothing unusual had happened. You hadn’t seen any trace of Peter in your wanderings. This Vision guy was your only lead. Steeling yourself, you started walking down the street, intent on knocking on that door and figuring out the rest from there.
And that’s when somebody clamped a hand over your mouth and twisted your arm, pinning it behind your back. Before you had a chance to struggle or even scream, the scenery in front of you blurred and darkened.
You blinked. The world was still again. You were in a dark, oddly-shaped room. It might’ve been hexagonal, but you couldn’t move to look around. The person who’d grabbed you was still holding you immobile.
“So, they sent another one in, huh?” said an unfamiliar voice. “You’d think they would’ve learned by now, but that’s military types for you.”
The speaker stepped into view. It was a woman – middle-aged and dark-haired. She wasn’t worried like Vision had been, nor was she blithely serene like the other people you’d seen. Her presence was commanding, unconcerned. There was something about the way she sized you up that unsettled you.
“I’ve got it from here, thank you,” said the woman.
The other person released you, and you immediately felt some strange energy wind around you. It tightened around your wrists and ankles, binding them fast, and yanked you several inches into the air.
“Who are you? Let me go!” You struggled to free yourself, but you couldn’t budge the restraints even an inch. Even your powers seemed to glance off them ineffectually.
The woman raised an eyebrow.
“Now that’s interesting,” she said. “How did you manage to get into Westview with your personality intact? Even he was calling himself ‘Ralph’ at first. You’re not with S.W.O.R.D., are you? And I can tell already you’re not a witch. Let’s see…”
The woman made some complex gesture with her hands. A purple mist crept across your vision. You felt something wrapping itself around your mind – covering it like a net, humming like an electric current. You shook your head, trying to clear it away, but it clung like a spider web.
The professor. Just before you’d left, he placed some sort of psychic shielding around your mind, just in case. He wasn’t sure what sort of dangers you’d be facing. You doubt this was what he’d been anticipating, but whatever this woman was trying to do to you, the shield resisted it.
The woman’s eyes narrowed. You felt the web’s grip on your mind tighten, vice-like. At first it was just uncomfortable, but the pressure increased until it was a stranglehold on your consciousness. The edges of your field of vision started to go gray. There was a pounding in your head, a ringing in your ears. You tried to scream.
You couldn’t breathe.
You couldn’t breathe.
And then its hold released, leaving you gasping for air. If you hadn’t been suspended in midair like that, you would’ve collapsed. The woman watched you with something like fury in her eyes.
“What are you?” she demanded.
Dazed, you blurted out an answer. “I’m nothing. I’m nobody. I’m just trying to find my friend.”
You nearly ignored the movement in the corner of your eye as you tried to pull yourself together. You’d honestly forgotten that there was somebody else in the room. You looked up, and-
Your blood ran cold.
He was there. He was alright! He-
No. No, he wasn’t. Something was wrong.
Peter watched you with the blank, nonchalant gaze of a stranger.
“Sorry, babe,” he said, shrugging. “Peter’s not here right now.”
“Wha… What did you do to him?!”
You wrenched uselessly at the restraints and Peter… he actually laughed.
“What, him?” said the woman. “He’s fine. I needed a replacement Pietro, and he was the best I could do on short notice.”
She eyed him critically, reaching up to adjust his hair like some sort of demented stage mom.
“Get your hands off him!” you snarled. “And who the hell is Pietro?”
The woman laughed incredulously. “You’re really not from around here, are you? You followed him from that other reality, and- Oh. Oh… I see it now. Oh, that’s too adorable. You’re in love with him.”
Her laugh turned into something that was almost a cackle, and Peter joined in. You felt sick.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to do to this town, but Peter’s got nothing to do with it. Let him go.”
“What I’m trying to do-? Oh, pumpkin, you have no idea what you stumbled into.” The woman shook her head in feigned sympathy. “Sorry, but I’m not done with my Fietro yet. And as for you… I won’t be able to get rid of you, but I can’t have you running around getting in my way. I’ll just have to put you someplace for safekeeping, and I know just the spot.”
The woman raised her hand again, and smiled menacingly at you.
“You can try to tell them who you really are,” she said, “But I wouldn’t count on anybody believing you where you’re going. Buh-bye, hon!”
Movement in the room catches your attention, drawing you out of your reminiscing.
Peter stirs in his sleep. He reaches out for a moment, and then his hand falls back onto his chest. He exhales heavily – not quite a sigh – and is still once again.
Then, his hand moves restlessly towards his throat, fingers gripping at nothing like he’s trying to pull at the collar of his shirt, or-
“No, please,” he mumbles, “Please…”
Your knee is stiff from being motionless for so long. It just about gives way under you as you scramble to Peter’s side. You stumble, falling rather than sitting on the edge of the bed.
You catch Peter’s hand in yours and smooth his hair back from his forehead.
“Peter?” You’re surprised at how frantic your voice sounds. “Peter, wake up!”
Peter snaps awake with a gasp. He yanks his hand free of yours, scrambling to push himself back towards the headboard and staring wildly around the room.
You hold up your hands where he can see them, careful not to reach towards him at all. “It’s okay! It’s okay. It’s just me.”
“You…?” Peter stares at you for a moment, as though trying to remember where he is. “Listen, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but can you tell me something only you would know? Anything. Please.”
For a second, your mind goes blank. Something only you would know? You’d spent enough time with Peter that there has to be…
You’ve got it.
You look Peter in the eyes, giving him a little smile. “Who else would know that you’re my hummingbird?”
Peter’s laugh is brief, but genuine. You’d called him that once as a joke – saying that it’d be a fitting codename with his speed, attitude, and love of sugar – and it’d since become your teasing pet name for him. You’d never said it in front of anyone else, though. You may only use it to get a rise out of him, but you never wanted it to become an embarrassing nickname for him or anything.
Peter’s initial panic is replaced by an apologetic smile, but you’re certain that his heart is still racing.
“Thanks. And I’m sorry,” he says. “Bad dreams, y’know?”
“No kidding. You wanna talk about it?”
“I…” Peter looks away, frowning slightly. “I can’t say I actually remember what I was dreaming about, to be honest.”
If you were unsure before, you’re definitely starting to worry now. You make up your mind to talk to Hank and the professor about Peter’s memory lapses. Maybe it’s nothing, but for your own peace of mind, at least…
Still, you don’t want to let on to Peter that you’re worried about him.
“Are you gonna be okay?” you ask. “Need me to get you anything?”
Peter musters up a grin. “Oh, I’ll be fine. And there’s no way I’d send you off to get anything for me with your knee all messed up. But… would you mind staying a little longer? Or you don’t have to leave at all. I mean, it’s already late, and it’s pretty cold out there.”
“I don’t have anywhere to be,” you say, smiling gently. “You just lay back down, alright?”
Peter nods. Once he’s resettled himself under the covers, you lean down to kiss him.
“I love you,” you say.
“I love you, too.”
Peter reaches over to hold your hand. He takes a deep breath, and closes his eyes again.
That Peter falls back asleep within the hour is a testament to how wore out he must be. As for yourself, you remember seeing the horizon brightening outside the window before you finally drift off.
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The Family Tree
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Lyra’s steps echoed through the halls of Evergreene Manor as she made her way to a forgotten corner. Gazing down at her were portraits of her ancestors, Evergreene’s from throughout the history of Remnant. She hated this part of the house, odd as it seemed. She loved history, was always looking to the past for lessons to bring to the future.
However when it came to her own family, the past was not something she cared to dwell on. Various lords, huntsmen, and other prominent members seemed to stare coldly at her from the past. Part of the reason she hated this section was the constant feeling of judgement from her ancestors.
Eventually, she came to the end of the line of portraits. Her great great grandfather, Lord Legato Evergreene, Chief Strategist to King Ozymandius in the Great War, was peering down at her, she could feel the cold gaze without even looking at him.
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“Legato the Lunatic. Near the start you urged Ozymandius towards peace and temperance, you were an inspiration. But then you lost your children, Cello and Clara.” Her eyes moved to the next painting in line, two younger individuals. Clara and Cello Evergreene, twins, had both decided to become warriors. They wanted to fight for Vale, and to bring about peace to Remnant. They were ambushed outside of present day Deep Cove. Legato was never the same after that.
“You turned your grief to blind rage, developing weapons that would have killed off half of Remnant. Thankfully you never got the chance to use them. Your only remaining child saw to that.” Further down the hall was the portrait of a woman in a wheelchair, but just as intimidating as Legato.
“Which brings us to you, Cora the Cruel. Forcibly taking Legato’s seat near the end of the war, locking him away in this very house while you tried to maintain what was left of Vale’s forces. You were instrumental in drafting the Vytal Accords, though we both know you were no saint. Your harsh language forcing the Faunus to Menagerie was a main instigator to the Faunus Rights Revolution. You oversaw some military action for that as well... Those prison camps were the stuff of nightmares. Too similar to your father in that regard...”
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Next in the line was Lord Tenor Evergreene, a timid looking man who looked out of place amongst the hall. Tenor the Timid, he was known as. History had a penchant of naming her family, boiling them down to a singular trait that would define them. “Tenor, you were quite the departure from the norm. Almost small, fearful of your mothers wrath and her legacy, you didn’t accomplish much of anything. Which, given our history, isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”
The next portrait was also the last one in this line, Lord Forzando. Forzando the Fortunate, he was perhaps the best of the Evergreene’s in modern times. His tenure was compassionate, filled with ideas and growth for Vale.
“And then there’s you, Dad. I wonder what you’d think of me, the choices I’ve made. You were so focused on undoing our legacy, of showing us to be more compassionate. You also never wanted to push too hard, never appear ambitious for risk of being compared to Legato or Cora... How would you feel about my projects? My ambitions?”
She eyed the empty space on the wall where her portrait would eventually hang. How would her ancestors look at her? Hopeful? Disappointed? How would history label her, when she was gone? Lyra the Lucky? Lyra the Ambitious? Lyra the Scheming?
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“Sometimes I hate this position you’ve all put me in, this legacy you’ve left at my feet. Of madmen and war criminals, of redeemers and heroes... You’ve set bars impossibly high and terrifyingly low. Will I be the greatest of us, or the worst? Or will I fade into obscurity, accomplishing nothing? What will be my legacy?”
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“Just please... Tell me what I need to do.”
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Dwalin ~ Lust
1,000 Followers Challenge!
Requested by @emrfangirl
Sequel to Ornate
Words: 1,298
Warnings: Grim situation, angst, minor smut (more suggested than anything, nothing graphic, but 18+ only for safety)
“Did you want to ask me something?”  
Your voice brought Dwalin out of his thoughts and he took a moment to look at you through the cell doors before sighing heavily and looking away again.  “It’s nothing that we haven’t already discussed before.”
You give him a sad smile.  “Have they given me a date yet?”
Dwalin shakes his head, his heart aching, a part of him still not believing that all of this was happening.  “I wish they would.  I wish they would make a decision.”
Remaining silent, you let your hand slip through the bars, brushing your fingers gently over the back of Dwalin’s hand, who entwines your fingers.
“Is there anything I can do?” Dwalin asked quietly.  “Do you need anything?”
“No, thank you,” You said and then gave his hand a small squeeze, bringing his gaze to yours.  “Everything will be okay my love, and if things go for the worst, then please, move on from me.  You deserve to be happy.”
Dwalin blinked frustrated and grieving tears from his eyes. “I was happy with you.”
You give him a smile.  “And I with you, but I told you when we first met that I was complicated, that I couldn’t tell you who I really was, and you deserve someone that won’t lie to you like that.”
“You didn’t lie,” Dwalin kissed the back of your hand. “You wanted to leave your past, your peoples past, behind you, and I could never fault you for that.  I-”
He was stopped by a clang down the hall and Balin walking, looking rather grim, towards him, making Dwalin tense and you to sigh softly, pulling your hand away.
It seemed that it was finally time.
The air in the room was palpable as you were brought out, having been much the discussion of Erebor over the last few weeks, and now everyone wanted to know what the decision was.  Dwalin had been the loudest voice for your release, that you had corrected what had happened at great personal cost to yourself, but there were many others that thought you should pay the price for the accused, they thought that you should pay the ultimate price for the crimes.
Dwalin was grim and ashened face as he sat still in the courtroom, his body still, hands clenched tightly together in front of him, knuckles white.  He refused to meet anyone’s eye, especially Thorin, who he’d spent many hours arguing with. Thorin was bound by his duty as king, no matter what his friend thought of the situation, and it was breaking his heart to see Dwalin like this, it was the most distant the two of them had been ever.
Thorin knew, that should this decision turn against you, then he would most likely lose Dwalin as a friend forever, whether it be through your death or your exile, because he had little doubt that Dwalin would follow.
Your head was held high, always held high in the multiple times you’d been brought forward, and Dwalin’s heart swelled in admiration.  He loved you, more than anything else in the world, and seeing you face the world like this, without so much as a waver in your step, it was one of the bravest thing he’d ever witnessed.
His gaze didn’t leave you as the council began and he ignored the fact that this could very well be the last time he ever saw you. He let his mind wander away from the room, let his mind wander to happier things, to times when none of this happened, when you hadn’t had to destroy your people, when you hadn’t been labelled as a leader of a criminal gang, when it had just been the two of you, living a simple life.
Tears came unwillingly as he thought of the times that you’d made love, when the two of you had lied there for hours and he’d memorised that pattern on your skin, one that he’d been so fascinated by but never knew it’s true story, it’s true weight on your shoulders.  It had all felt so long ago, in a time that both existed but didn’t, and Dwalin wanted to go back there, to go back to those moments when it all meant nothing except for the love that you had for each other.
There was a murmur around the courtroom and Dwalin finally looked up and around the room.  He could make out the expressions of those disagreeing with the decision, but even more, he could make out the look of relief on your face as the guards undid your bindings.
Dwalin looked over at Thorin, who nods at him, his expression understanding, and before he even knew what was happening, Dwalin was on his feet and running to you, scooping you into his arms and holding you tight, making a silent promise to never let you go.
They couldn’t do anything against someone that hadn’t done something themselves, who had righted the wrong that was done and returned all the stolen goods.  Leader or not, the evidence was clear that you had put that life behind you.
None of the doubts and questions mattered anymore.  Dwalin didn’t care that people were saying that Thorin only let you off due to Dwalin being his friend, he didn’t care that there were distrustful looks being thrown your way as Dwalin pulled you through the halls, he didn’t what was to come, what the consequence of your freedom would be.
All that matter right now was you and him.
Dwalin’s lips didn’t leave yours as you locked yourselves in your room, but it was you that lead him over to the bed, that sat you both down, that kissed away his tears as he held you.  Relief and need filled the room quickly, clothes tugged hard and pulled off, scattering to the floor as fingers dug into bare skin.
There were no words needed for this moment, only touch and feeling as the two of you moved together, assuring both of yourselves that everything was okay, that you were both still here, that neither of you were going anywhere.
You were above Dwalin, taking your time, comforting him, knowing how much he needed this, how much he needed to know that you weren’t going to go anywhere again, and in doing so, your own tears started, tears of relief that you’d be able to love equally and without measure for the rest of your days together, that there was going to be nothing that would get in the way of that.
Dwalin sat up and held you close as the first sob broke through you, overwhelmed by love for you, by how strong you’d been through all this, and now that you were free, now that you were safely back with him, everything else was coming free, but only for him, you would only ever open yourself up for him.
Need consumed both of you, feeding off your other emotions, and in what felt like too short a time, you were both up into each other under the blankets, soft kisses passing between you as you catch your breaths, holding each other close.
Dwalin’s fingers traced over skin, his eyes not leaving you as you met his eyes and smiled, one he returned softly, eyes filled with adoration and love.
“I’ll tell you everything,” You said softly, fingers brushing over his lips.  “If you want me to.”
He takes your hand and kisses it gently.  “Later, my love, for now, we are not done here.”
His kiss takes you a little by surprise, but soon, you were giggling into him as he pulled you impossibly close, a smile on his lips, and right now, that was all that mattered.
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wolfandsheep200 · 4 years
Chapter Three: Thieves, Black Spots, Ice Cream, and Lost Souls.
Neopolitan held out her hand palm facing upwards. Levitating a mere three inches above her hand. Was the harden spitting image of an item Cinder Fall had tasked her with acquiring. An item Cinder herself had stated as being the all important cornerstone piece nessary for allowing themselves back in the good graces of her superior. An item of immense value. Which Cinder had only referred to by name once. She had called it The Relic of Knowledge.
For Neopolitan getting her hands on the Relic hadn't been easy. In fact she had gone to some extreme lengths. Just to lay her well manicured fingers around the genuine article. If she were to list, (out of order mind you) the redundant number of obstacles placed in her path to success. She would begin her retelling of events. By drawing attention to the fact that she had to topple. Three of the best and brightest, up incoming fighters, that the Kingdoms of Vale and Atlas had to offer. Along with outwitting one individual. Which Roman would have labeled a complete unknown. Dubbing him with a personal nickname such as Wild Card. Wildcard's skills were to put it politely, not as polished as Neo had been expecting. However, to Wildcard's credit there had to be something special about the young lad. Seeing as how the Military Atlas Leader, General James Ironwood, would have personally been required to recognize the protector of an item holding such significance value, that people were willing to murder each other. Just to get their hands own it. Yes, from Neo's point of view something was off about the whole situation. Why had Ironwood allowed a novice anywhere near such an important item of interest. True the lanky farm raised youth had scored a hit on one of her illusions. Yet that alone didn't qualify him to be the one assigned to carry and protect an item of important significance, from all comers. When Neo had knocked and then entered Wildcard's personal quarters. She had expected at least to be assaulted by two plain clothes, fully trained Huntsman's. Providing personalized security detail for the item and its holder. Instead, what she got was a handful of annoying soldiers and a few mechanized assault droids. Maybe, Ironwood had reasoned that the item of intrest. Would be safe enough with the minimal levels of security inside the building. Because of the heighten levels of security Located on the buildings outer perimeter. Neo had no way of confronting Ironwood and confriming her suspicions. At least the guards stationed outside had been the capable sort. What gave Neo the advantage in sneaking past them. Was simply the fact she had been anticipating their presence. If a person knew anything about military law and Neo had become an expert. Then that person would understand how the Military was going to act. In accordance with Atlas Military doctrine. The outside of any building in which an item of specialized intrest and its assigned Guardians are to be housed. Will be discreetly guarded and observed by members of the Atlas Military. Along with at least two teams of veteran combatants rating no less than the rank of marksmen. These teams will be assigned from the specialized police unit know only as Swat.
In securing her assignment Neopolitan had fascinated herself. For just one individual hurtling over all those obstacles would have normally bordered on the impossible. What made her the exception to all things that are believed to be impossible. Besides her radiant features, was her timing. The facts didn't lie. At the same time she had needed access to the building the Relic had been housed in. The Sister City to Atlas. Know as Mantel, had been hit by an invasion of ruthless man eating monsters know as The Grim. Otherwise gaining entrance to the building without being questioned or observed in some manner. Would have been a task next to impossible. Thankfully with the Grim holding everyone's attention. All she had to do was simultaneously watch both entrances to the building. Waiting patiently until her target approached. Her target in this case being a certified Atlas special operative and veteran Huntsman Phillips Hauntance. Neo spotted Phillips walking towards the building. And knew instantly what was about to happen. Phillis had been sent to move the item and its Guardian from one location to another. It was a standard act of Kingdom etitic, to perform such a move in a crisis. All Neo had to do then was cut Phillips off at the pass. Use her abilities to Lure Phillips into a fight away from prying eyes, Attack, defeat, and dispose of Phillips before anyone could catch on that something had gone awry with Phillips's mission. Assume the Huntsman's identity. Flash Hauntance's confenscated security badge and gain entrance to the building. Later on if she ever retold this story she'd say it was as simple as pie.
Cinder Fall stood at the meeting spot waiting for her newest hired hand Neopolitan. The four foot nothing scrapper had become the newest addition to her ever growing arsenal of misfits and outcasts. Neopolitan had previously been associated with the late Crime Boss of Vale, Roman Torchwick. Irate with herself Cinder drove the toe of her high heeled combat boots into the concrete beneath her feet. She hated waiting. Waiting gave a body too much time to be alone with their thoughts. Probably the reason most police department detectives used it as an effective tactic. A detective would leave a suspect isolated in an interrogation room for hours on end before breaking up the silence and monotony with a barrage of rapid fire questions. Unfortunately for Cinder right now her consciousness was playing the role of the detective. Asking herself questions she prefer not to answer. Questions such as. How had Ruby Rose known excatly where to be? Making it possible to insert herself driectly into Our plans. Sure one could argue Ruby had seen the display of powers from somewhere inside the city and come running. Yet, Cinder couldn't believe that the girl had seen the fight, made her way across the city to the building Cinder was fighting in, gained access to said building. Made her way to the top floor and all within the matter of twelve minutes or so. Even for one with her kind of speed it just It couldn't be possible and Rose had accomplished this very feet with a Schnee in tow. How?
Cinder's one and only real weakness the girl with the Silver eyes. Who was somehow the only person she had been forbidden to harm by Salem. Cinders leader. "How had she failed again? It made no sense. How!?"
How had she let that little Demon spawn cost her everything. First the child had taken her eye. Then Her Aunt Raven had snatched away her opportunity at obtaining the Spring Maidens powers. And finally like pouring salt into a open wound. The Little Red Hooded Demon Child had robbed her of a glorious victory. Killing General Ironwoods favorite special operative, dismantling the world's first synthetic child again, and claiming the Winter Madiens powers all for herself. It was enough to drive her into doing something reckless. Hearing the noise of someone's footsteps approaching Cinder turned around. Neopolitan was standing there like a magician taking a slight bow after a performance. The multi toned girl held one hand extended away from her with the palm facing upwards and there hovering inches above her hand was the very item Cinder has sent her after. The relic of Knowledge.
"Perhaps things are starting to look up." She thought. "In any case that will be prize enough to get me integrated back into Salem's good graces." Acting swiftly to maintain the illusion of still being in control. Cinder turned and began walking towards Neopolitan in one swift motion she blew by Neo snatching the hovering Relic. Not stoping to explain herself, Cinder headed in the direction of their stolen airship. That the two women had stashed on the outskirts of town. When they arrived in Mantle.
Angry with Cinder for the lack of praise for her success. And irrated with Cinder for the ruff handling of such a delicate item. Yet somehow interested enough to desire to see what happens next. Neopolitan silently fell into step behind her new employer.
Several hours later, felling white knuckled and several centuries older. Neopolitan with Cinder Fall. Landed atop a massive flying Grim beast. Neo couldn't believe what she was bearingwitness to. An enormous estate. No a Castle just sitting atop the ginormous creature. Cinder however was acting as if flying direct into a hail storm of Man eating monster's, in order to dock with a creature that could in all likelyhood sallow them, the vessel the two women had arrived in and the factory, the ship had been produced in. Was somehow the norm and Neopolitan needed to get with the program. Neo felt overwhelmed she had never in her wildest dreams believe she'd be taking in this much information all at once. It was a little much.
"Come on." Cinder said, as she exited the ship. "And stay close to me. None of these creatures know not to harm you, yet. And we'd hate for there to be any accidents."
Cinder wouldn't have to tell Neo twice. Everywhere Neo's eyes landed there was a hundred modes of instance death tracking her every movement. Cinder was headed for the door as a broad shoulder man easily four times Neo's size stepped around the corner of the building. Blocking their path.
"Hello Cinder." His voice was low toned and soft. Neopolitan took notice as Cinder Fall straightened herself to full height.
Neo, who had spent more than her fair share of time. With and around the criminals of Vale. Had absorbed through osmosis most of their worst traits and several of their bad habits. Found herself with no other choice except to notice the way in which. The muscles in Cinder Fall's only flesh and blood arm contracted and tightened. As Cinder spoke the walking pile driver's name.
Neo had picked up this perception to read body language from a tall thin sort of man named J. Farneey. Mr. Farneey who regularly rented out one of the top suites inside Junior's Night Club. Had spent several evenings stressing to Neo the importance of picking up on such human behaviors. Farneey had liked the suites provided at Junior's because of how the upstairs room's were sound proof. Which made the perfect place for Farneey to conduct his business. One night while at Junior's Neo hadn't been felling particular well. All the noise seemed to be gettin to her. So Roman had sauntered over to where Mr. Farneey had sat alone drinking and ask J. "If they could get a card game going in his sweet." J. Farneey had only to take one glance in Neopolitan's direction to see that her face and body language were off. Looking back at Roman he accurately gauged. The question Roman had been actually asking. Spinning around on his bar stool. He looked directly at Neo.
"Is that right little lady? He asked. Would you like to get out from under all this noise? Neo "Nodded her head." In response. Wondering how Mr. Farneey had known and like that a sort of friendship had spawned between them. On nights Roman was conducting his own business downstairs at Junior's Club. Neo would be upstairs catching lessons in edict. From Mr. Farneey. When not working J would sit in a dyed red, hidebound leather reclining chair for hours. Watching from behind that big one way mirror in his suite. He's eyes missed nothing. He would make a game of it taking a shot each time the parties down below made a spectacle of themselves. Pointing out all sorts of microscopic details to Neo. That until that moment, Neo had never really payed attention to before. For instance, the way that someone would sit side stool at the bar or how a younger person would hold their glass while working up the courage to approach someone. To ask for a phone number or a dance. Mr. Farneey would go on like that for hours giving Neo an inside view into his world. Explaining ever details of his interpretation of what someone was thinking. And often enough he would be immedately proven right. One time Neo had told Roman about her experience and Roman had encouraged her to spend time with Mr. Farneey saying.
"I'm glad you two are getting along so well. Old Farneey's a master in the field of human behavior. That's why I try to play cards with him every chance I get. Everytime J beats me. Yet, evertime I receive an education. Or become aware of an exploitable weakness in my personality. You should take this opportunity to learn everthing that you can from him. It will benefit you in ways you never dreamed possible. Later on"
Right now that knowledge was benefiting her much more than was possible. She now knew that Cinder, a woman who had a semblance of her own, magic powers and the ability to create weapons from glass. Felt wary and uncomfortable around this big bruiser.
"Tryian beat you back by a couple of hours." He said something about. "Taking the children and going back for Watts."
"Where's Watts?" Cinder asked.
"Currently locked up. Inside Ironwoods Jail." Hazel replied. "He allowed himself to get caught." That way we'd have a man inside of the city. That can use the confusion of the invasion to get close enough to Pietro mainframe to rewire the Pollidena girl's hardrive. Once we've manipulated her cognitive reasoning compasator. The robot should have no problem fighting for our side. After everything we've pulled off. I'm looking forward to watching Ironwood's creatively acquired toy. Turn against everything it's been programmed to protect. Just as the city's begun to place their trust in their leaders." Hazel's voice grew distance. Then added. "For Watts this act of vengeance. Against those who stole from and shunned him, will be the proverbial icing on the cake."
"Hazel." Cinder spoke suddenly, placing one hand on his arm. "Don't ever worry, I'm certain you'll avenge your sister's memory."
"Thank you Cinder, that means a lot."
Outside Cinder was all cool and calm demeanor. Internally she couldn't believe what she just heard a few hours ago. She had felt like a failure. Kicking herself for missing an opportunity to harm the little synthetic. Now she realized that she had actually been done an astronomical favor. Her comrades had figured out a way to control the animatronic child. Cinder smiled as the words came pouring out.
"Then you're going to love what I have to tell you." Reaching into her bag Cinder produced the Relic Neopolitan had acquired. Showing him their success in one hand Cinder announced their failure. The robot's our new winter Maiden. The machine has the powers and I have our first relic. Hazel's eyes lit up upon seeing the relic. "That's incredible." Now all that's left to do is for Tryian's to free Watt's and myself to murder Ironwood. His eyes lit on Neo as if seeing her for the first time.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." Neo cliped her parasol to her belt and began singing with her hands.
"Her name is Neopolitan." Cinder said explaining for her. "She has a little trouble speaking."
"I'm pleased to meet you." The big man said extending fourth one hand in Neo's direction. Neo uncertain in how she should react. Bodly reached out a hand of her own. Which immediately vanished inside Hazel's grasp. Swallowed whole in the firmest handshake that Neo could ever remember receiving. Was this really the way, a person working for Salem's. Was supposed to react? Shouldn't this man be upset that Cinder had brought another henchman here with no warning.
"There's coffee and refreshments inside." Hazel half heartledy gestered towards the door. Speak with Emerald and she'll see to finding you some lodgings.
Neo "Nodded her head in response and rubbing her stomach. Before Cinder and herself proceeded inside. As the two women entered through the Castle's main hall they could hear the distinctive sound of combat. The very distinctive sound of gunfire. Both women paused and listened. Somewhere inside the estate a battle was taking place. Cinder swore loudly as something Hazel said clicked into place. "Tryian had said something about taking the children and going back for Watts." If Tryian had tried to tell Mercury to do anything. Mercury would have told him. Where he could stick that tail of his and Tryian wasn't the kind of person to take sass well. Cinder had just made it aroud the first hall when she heard Mercury's voice screaming in anger. "I'm just giving you a moment to get your affairs in order. Use that time to make peace with your godess. Then I'm coming back to finish this and you.
Author's note: I hope you have enjoyed reading this free chapter. As much as I have enjoyed writing it.
Chapter Three: Thieves, Black Spots Ice Cream and Lost Souls.
This has been a Wolf and Sheep production.
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‘The Absent Father and Spider-Man’s Unfulfilled Potential’: Rebuttal Part 1: Introduction
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Back in 2012 I read a very interesting book called ‘Webslinger: Unauthorized Essays on your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’. 
As the title suggests it was an anthology book made up of several different essays about Spidey (and edited by Gerry Conway himself).
The essays are an interesting read, though there are questionable points made and some inaccuracies. 
Today though I’d like to debunk some points made in the essay titled ‘The Absent Father and Spider-Man’s Unfulfilled Potential’.
The reason for my desire to debunk parts of this essay is partially due to my inherent instinct to debunk problematic or misinformed stuff surrounding Spider-Man generally. However it’s also partially due to the author, J.R. Fettinger.
Fettinger is the creator and author of the essays found on ‘Spideykicksbutt.com’ and a regular panellist on the Spider-Man Crawlspace podcast. I respect both and the content they provide though there have been times I’ve disagreed with both and other times where quite frankly I think they’ve put forward statements that are outright wrong.
Fettinger and his work was the inspiration to an extent for me even choosing to write so much about Spider-Man, helped bring me back into fandom and his work helped me reconcile some things that I had felt made me an uninformed minority within fandom.
However, there have been times, more and more as the years move forward, wherein my eyes have narrowed at Fettinger’s statements regarding Spider-Man.
He once said something to the effect of ‘alcoholics are just stupid people doing stupid things through no fault but their own’.
He has repeatedly attested that it is morally wrong for Spider-Man and Batman to not simply murder characters like Joker or Carnage.
He has said that Otto’s actions towards Peter in Superior Spider-Man render him the worst enemy Peter has. This is in spite of him being a huge Norman Osborn fan.
He has essentially stated criminal killers like Shriek or Vermin (who suffer from severe mental disorders) deserve no sympathy.
He has said Kraven’s Last Hunt was flawed (to put it more delicately than he did) because Peter ‘never settled his score’ with Kraven.
He has even said that whenever DeMatteis gets into the psychological aspects of the characters he ‘goes off the deep-end’.
These views are most especially chronicled in his on-going segment of the podcast ‘Spider-History’ wherein he takes a month’s worth of (usually 616 Peter Parker) Spider-Man comics from a bygone month decades ago, recaps them and analyses the stories.
However, what is so frustrating to me about these segments as time has gone by is that Fettinger is overly critical and incredibly cynical. He has put forward his opinions as fact with little analysis or consideration of an alternative point of view.
To be blunt with relatively few exceptions he surmises each month in this section as mediocre-bad unless it contained something by Marv Wolfman or Roger Stern, two of his personal favourite runs.
Even then he puts across reductive summaries of the events of the book, in particular phrasing things to make certain characters (like Spider-Man himself) come across as worse than they actually are in the stories in question.
This is particularly a problem in my view because Fettinger’s status as a long read, knowledgeable and analytical fan confers onto him a certain degree of authority in regards to his statements about Spider-Man.
And you know what? It should.
He really does know A LOT about Spider-Man and he has made some incredible assessments about stories and characters related to the wall-crawler.
I cannot recommend you check out his website Spideykicksbutt enough.
But here is the thing...I do not advocate blind trust in his word, or anyone’s for that matter. Not even my own. I know A LOT about Spider-Man but I’m far from infallible.
Think for yourselves, do your own research, present your own arguments and counterpoints.
It’s what I do and why Fettinger frustrates me. Because he’s so belligerent to changing his views, most of which are adamantly cynical and judgemental.
Some people I’ve spoken to about this attribute this to his age. Most of his writing and podcast work has been produced when he was in his 40s or 50s.
It is often said that everyone becomes more cynical, grumpier and more stuck in their ways as they age.
I disagree with that in so far as not everyone becomes like that. And 40-60 is not a point when you are ‘done’ becoming who you are going to be and beyond changing.
It is the prerogative of old men to speak their minds but the WISE men are not adverse to changing them.
This is the root of my problems with Fettinger and his cynicism. Not to mention, I find cynicism simply lazy and foolish under most circumstances. Much as I find Fettinger’s ‘kill all criminals’ mentality to crime to be lazy and foolish.
These thoughts struck me when I re-read his essay from Webslinger. I read the essay upon first discovering his work but I apparently have changed in 6 years as I find much of it ill-considered, cynical, judgemental and problem riddled.
Hence my desire now to debunk it.
The gist of the essay is Fettinger talking about how Spider-Man has lots of unfulfilled potential and attributing this to the loss of his father figure Uncle Ben. He goes on to list off different father figures Peter has had and what the end result of their roles in his life might have been. For context this was written around the time of Civil War 2006.
My first and probably biggest bone of contention lies in how Fettinger frames Peter’s ‘unfulfilled potential’.
It’s here where you start to see his overly cynical and judgemental side.
I will not quote him word for word here because it’d take too long. But early on he writes that Spider-Man’s powers come at the price of his happiness, peace of mind and the normalcy that we all take for granted.
This is partially true but still misinformed.
Peter’s mind is most definitely not peaceful most of the time and his life not normal. But there is that key phrase ‘most of the time’. Not all of the time.
Even during his career Peter has had several moments of grace. Most of the stories transpiring in the immediate aftermath of Mary Jane’s return to his life in ASM v2 #50 come to mind issue #51 even calls out that nothing bad has really happened to get in the way of Peter and MJ’s reconciliation.
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This oversight is particularly egregious since that period had only been a few years before the writing of this essay.
But it’s not as egregious as the other thing Fettinger said. That being Spider-Man has cost Peter his happiness.
There have been many things that have made Peter unhappy in the course of his superhero career but as ASM #500 clearly confirmed for us Peter, in spite of all that, is  ultimately happy. Which was a big deal as Peter had just relived all his old battles at once.
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The omission of ASM #500’s ending is telling because Fettinger actively dislikes the story and the scene with Uncle Ben particularly. He’s labelled it as ‘banal’ and essentially said if he could talk with his own deceased father the conversation would’ve gone very differently. Problem is the the story was not about him and his family but about Spider-Man and HIS family!
Fettinger then asks if when Peter dies he’d be labelled as someone who fell short of his potential. He illustrates the point by comparing 15 year old Spider-Man to adult Spider-Man circa 2006.
He claims Peter made few adjustments to his fighting skills. Not true. The older Spider-Man beyond the Silver Age did in fact adjust some of his fighting skills, noticeably in regards to ramping up his speed during combat.
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He also took martial arts lessons from Captain America in FNSM v1 #1, putting the techniques he learned from that into practice in the very same issue. That issue was published just a year before Fettinger’s essay by the way.
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Granted these do not seem particularly significant.
But let’s flip the script a little bit. Let us presume Fettinger to be correct, Spider-Man between 1962-2006 had never evolved his fighting style significantly.
Is that really   an example of Peter doing himself a disservice, of not fulfilling his full potential...or is it that the fighting style he had was not only adequate for the life he lived but in fact optimum?
Spider-Man after all has an incredibly effective and sophisticated fighting style. It is impossible to truly replicate by anyone exempting those of similar powersets to himself.
His immense strength allows him to plant himself on the ground and exchange simple punches, kicks, etc. with a lot of power behind them.
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But with more room to manoeuvre his speed, wall crawling, web-slinging and agility allows him to augment that raw power to deliver a lot of hits in a short space of time from a near 360 degree axis. See his battle with Firelord above)for proof of this. 
His webs can be used concussively, to distract, to incapacitate and can even act as a defensive shield.
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(I know the Spider-Girl image isn’t 616 but it might as well be if you know the contex behind the story) 
And then there is his ace in the hole, the Spider Sense. This ability is linked to his reflexes and intuitively enables him to know an attack is coming. It almost automatically makes him adjust his movements accordingly in conjunction with his immense reaction speed and agility.
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This fighting style had been enabling him to defeat a wide variety of foes across what was then 44 years of published stories.
So was it really that Peter was slacking off in not evolving it? Or was it more that he early on developed something extremely effective that didn’t need any real reinvention?
Moreover isn’t it impressive (rather than a point of condemnation) that Spider-Man essentially figured out the best way to fight with zero instruction or training when he was just a teenager. That’s incredible so it’s far from something to chastise him for simply because he hadn’t radically altered it.
What’s worse is Fettinger claimed that Peter ‘continued’ to rely upon sheer strength, raw intelligence, dumb luck and the stupidity/lack of imagination of his foes to win the day.
Let’s put aside for the moment how Peter has whipped up gadgets or chemicals when needs be.
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Let’s also ignore how his foes even upon trying new tricks have more often than not met with defeat anyway.
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Let’s also entertain the idea that Peter truly does rely upon his foes stupidity and dumb luck in battle. Let’s do that even though he absolutely doesn’t, he’s very rarely just presumed he can win because a villain is dumb, but he has exploited that fact when presented with it; see 99% of Rhino fights. Hell let’s even ignore how Spider-Man uses his speed, and agility and webbing and spider sense in battle as much as his strength.
What exactly is Spider-Man supposed   to rely on besides  his sheer strength and raw intelligence?
Fettinger is calling Spidey out for relying upon his raw physical powers and his intelligence.
Like...what is an MMA or boxer supposed to rely on besides their muscle and their mind to strategize before and after a fight?
Fettinger continues to point out that exempting his Iron Spider outfit or his alien costume Peter has continued to rely on his ‘wash n’ wear red and blue pajamas’.
There are two waysto view this statement. Either Fettinger is being critical that Spider-Man has not opted to alter his costume aesthetically ever or else never opted to alter it in terms of being functional. That is to say it’s still just a piece of cheap cloth.
Both arguments are invalid criticisms.
Peter has changed his look more than once throughout the years, noticeably he wore a cloth version of his black suit, used two rubber insulated outfits to fight Electro, made an armoured costume in Web of Spider-Man #100 and used four different costumes when he adopted four new identities for himself, all of which were used for different functions.
The black costume however served no function beyond enhanced stealth and Peter retired it due to him and his wife not liking how it reminded them of Venom, a notorious publically known homicidal maniac.
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The Armoured suit was only created with access to ESU’s scientific resources, was destroyed on its first mission and realistically was compromising to Spidey’s fighting skills (hence Slott’s version was redesigned). It was also impractical as it was composed of a new hardened version of Peter’s webbing meaning it was never going to last anyway.
His rubber suits were similarly impractical for continual use and severely damaged during battles with Electro. They could not be worn as casually as his standard suit, realistically would’ve impeded mobility to a certain extent and were designed for one specific foe anyway. In fact Spidey usually ran into Electro by chance or else with limited time to intervene in his crimes. Meaning he’d not have the time to locate the rubber suit anyway. Besides...he usually managed to beat Electro without it anyway. After all rubber gloves would be a fairly effective defence and his webbing was itself an insulator. That was his go to in Electro’s debut in ASM v1 #9 and brought up in New Avengers v1 #4.
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True Spider-Man trashed his original rubber suit for seemingly no good reason, but since this so aggressively makes no sense I think it’d be safe to presume Peter’s rationale was that the suit itself was ineffective (it didn’t provide full insulation) and was literally held together by glue. The suit was likely unusable after the battle hence why Spidey trashed it.
The four new identities he created though are the hardest to defend. It really doesn’t make much sense for him to have retired those identities beyond the simple fact that, well...the book is called Spider-Man not Hornet/Ricochet/Dusk/Prodigy. I suppose you could go so far as to say pretending to be other people and not using his web-shooters compromised his fighting abilities as he had to consciously move and talk differently as well as use different weapons and tactics. Also maybe he heard about how well multiple alter egos went for Moon Knight. The costumes were to be fair stolen from him and used by other people meaning he’d have had to come up with entirely new identities for himself and ultimately Peter would prefer being Spider-Man having come to see it (for all it’s burdens) as part of who he is.
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So contrary to Fettinger’s criticisms, Peter HAS changed his costume, but from a practical/functional point of view there really is little reason for him to permanently make any changes. Or else when he has done so extenuating factors have compromised his attempts.
Meaning all that’s left is Fettinger’s complaint that Spidey never changed the outward aesthetic. Which is not a legitimate complaint about his ‘unfulfilled’ potential. I’ve kept the same posters in my room for many, many years. It doesn’t mean I’ve failed in my potential. It just means I can’t be bothered to change them/I have grown attached to them.
Fettinger continues his train of thought by talking about how Spider-Man’s webbing and web-shooters have not significantly changed since his early days barring his adoption of organic webbing.
I will give Fettinger some leeway here. He never said the webbing/webshooters have remained totally unchanged, just that they’ve mostly remained unchanged. So stuff like Peter equipping a spider tracer trigger to his web-shooters, sedative stingers, impact webbing, an LED light to tell him when he’s low on ammo and adjusting the design and formula of the webbing over time I am lumping all under ‘mostly not changed’.
Even though objectively by 2006 the web-shooters had changed.
But again why does this demonstrate unfulfilled potential?
Spider-Man’s web-shooters are a brilliant feat of scientific engineering/chemistry and have served him well across the decades.
They didn’t need to be radically re-invented.
True, Ben Reilly found ways to improve upon them which Peter later incorporated. Does this not prove Peter was slacking off, of failing to live up to his potential?
Yes and no.
Yes because there WERE improvements he could have made.
But no because Ben had access to Seward Trainer’s scientific resources, less social responsibilities, a lot more time on his hands and was in many ways far less stressed out. As such he was better able to spend time dreaming up those improvements.
Said improvements by the way equated to wearing the web-shooters on the outside of the wrists, sedative stingers and impact webbing and he had FIVE years to dream all that up.
So you know...hardly him re-inventing the wheel.
The truth is if Peter had been in a similar position to Ben, he would’ve likely dreamed up the same improvements.
But he evidently didn’t need to since the web-shooters worked just fine. Ben himself didn’t spam the stingers or impact webbing during his career as Scarlet Spider or Spider-Man. Nor did Peter in the years after he integrated most of Ben’s adjustments into his own web-shooters.
And he did just fine most of the time.
Any further upgrading to his web-shooters, like the kind we saw in Parker Industries, would’ve required access to resources Peter simply didn’t have.
Fettinger continues that Peter’s relationship with the public he serves is tenuous at best.
Again, this is not an example of unfulfilled potential. This is the result of Spider-Man’s reputation being slandered by Jameson and the wider press getting in on the act. This was proven in ASM v2 #39 wherein Aunt May, decades after Spidey began his heroic career, attempted to find a newspaper that didn’t  have a negative bias towards her nephew and struggled to do so.
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In New Avengers v1 #15 the Avengers attempt to win Jameson over due to Spider-Man’s involvement with the team only for him to turn on the team collectively.
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Combine that with:
 a)     The numerous times Spider-Man has been framed for crimes he was guiltless of
b)     The instances where he was deliberately painted in a negative light, such as when he assaulted a seemingly innocent Norman Osborn in Spectacular Spider-Man #250
 And it was summarily not  Spider-Man’s fault that in his 15 year history his public relations had never been great. Nor was it a negative reflection upon him that he’d been unable to improve them in that time
The public have been fed a particularly strong and buzz worthy narrative for so long that it’d be difficult for him to ever rehabilitate his public reputation without working for the authorities legitimately, being pardoned for any real/perceived crimes he’s been accused of and unmasking publically. Even then it’d be no guarantee.
Not to mention (though Fettinger could be forgiven for not taking this into account from a 2006 perspective) in the world we live in today it’s sadly apparent that news stories about how bad  things are simply sell much more than stories about something positive.
Fettinger continues to say that in spite of Spider-Man’s dalliances with team membership his stubborn independence and feelings of inadequacies ensure he remains a loner and at times a fugitive with many heroes regarding him as poorly as the villains he fights.
This for me was possibly the greatest ‘what the fuck’ moment in this essay.
Stubborn independence. Okay, maybe? Although the message of his role in the then current ‘Civil War’ storyline was that surrendering his independence was a bad thing! By unmasking, surrendering some of his independence to Iron Man and working for the government Peter found himself in an inevitable position. He was trapped from doing the most good by a corrupt system. A system that was actively demanding he help do bad things by rounding up fellow heroes and removing their civil liberties. And in the process he made his friends, family, colleagues, students and general acquaintances targets!
Fettinger didn’t know this at the time, but in truth when you follow the chain of events, joining the Avengers is what led to One More Day.
If Peter hadn’t joined the Avengers and let them know his identity, Charlie Wiederman wouldn’t have gotten approval for his experiments from Iron Man.
If he hadn’t performed his experiments he’d have never become a freak.
If he hadn’t become a freak he wouldn’t have eventually burned down the Parkers’ homes.
If they hadn’t been homeless Iron Man wouldn’t have offered them Avengers HQ to stay at.
If they hadn’t been living there Tony wouldn’t have taken Peter under his wing.
If Tony hadn’t done that, if the Parkers weren’t beholden to him for the roof over their heads and if Tony didn’t know who Peter was, there’d have never been an issue about Peter unmasking publicly in support of the Super Human Registration Act.
If Peter hadn’t unmasked publicly Kingpin wouldn’t have put a hit out on his family.
If Kingpin hadn’t put the hit out Aunt May would never have been critically injured.
If Aunt May hadn’t been critically injured there’d have been no need for a deal with Mephisto to save her life.
Joining a team led to one of Spider-Man’s darkest hours and ultimately his greatest defeat.
So you know…maybe there is something to be said for ‘stubborn independence’.
Moving on…feelings of inadequacy? That’s heavily debatable. Again, see ASM #500. Peter was an ultimately happy person. He had a firm sense of pride throughout his life as much as he’d beat himself up. His inadequacies always came in the form of ‘I could/should have done more to help’.
Typically inadequacies manifest as ‘I’m just not worth it’. Even if you disagree and argue they are more like ‘I’m not good enough’ the context is still different. Whenever someone laments ‘not being good enough’, it’s almost always coming from a selfish mindset. Peter in AF #15 was frustrated about his inadequacies before going off on a power trip. But the older Peter’s frustrations were about his inability to do more for others! Superficially they might be called the same thing, but the internal psychology behind them is very different. Fettinger is attributing the former mindset to the latter iteration of the character.
It didn’t even really apply in the early years of the character. After all his problem in ASM #1 when he tried joining the Fantastic Four was about being too cocky (understandable given his age and experience as a performer) than about feeling himself to be somehow ‘not good enough’ for the team.
But then you get to the part here Fettinger claims these inadequacies and independent streak ensure Peter will at times be viewed as a fugitive. And that’s the point where I began to question near damn everything Fettinger has ever said about the character.
That’s not about Peter.
That’s the result of Jameson and super villains. If he wasn’t so independent or felt so ‘inadequate’ then I fail to see how that’d change his situation beyond other heroes disbelieving the news and vouching for him. But his various friends in the superhero community for many years never fully believed such slander anyway, especially since some of them had been victims of similar stuff themselves.
For instance, circa 1996 (let alone 2006) I find it fundamentally unbelievable that Daredevil or the Human Torch of all people would ever honestly entertain the idea that Spider-Man simply assaulted an innocent man in Spec #250 or (beginning in Peter Parker: Spider-Man #88) that he actually murdered low rent thug Joey Z (a crime Osborn framed him for).
More mind boggling though is Fettinger’s assertion that Spider-Man was (and always had been) a loner precisely due to his independence and inadequacy. This is utterly inaccurate because by 2006 Spider-Man was (to much consternation within the fandom) a member of the Avengers!
He’d been one for 1-2 years at the time of this essay’s writing and it’d been a MASSIVE deal. With hindsight we know that to some extent Spider-Man more or less held some form of Avenger’s status up until 2019, around 15 years after he first joined.
The idea of Spidey always being a loner was also aggressively contradicted by Spectacular Spider-Man #75-100. In those issues Peter and his girlfriend the Black Cat formed a crime fighting partnership. Yes they were lovers but the point is Peter was more than capable of accepting an on-going team arrangement. True their team fell apart with the end of their romance, but that had little to do with his independence or his feelings of inadequacy. Peter broke up with Felicia because she’d lied to him and didn’t value him beyond his Spider-Man identity.
That doesn’t touch on his independence at all and more importantly is an example of Peter doing something because he had too much self-respect to continue to be with someone who didn’t value him properly. Which is the opposite  of things failing because he had issues of inadequacy.
Heck Spidey at one point tried to form his own superhero team, the Outlaws.
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What’s worse is that Fettinger himself wrote a detailed essay about Spidey’s history as a team player.
I’ll leave it there for now. We’ll continue covering the introduction next time.
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All Together, Prologue and Part 1
Making A Plan
Word Count: 2257
Based on this AHWM AU
Warnings: None
Author’s Notes at the end
Some say that the night is dead, that it is silent and empty, but that is never quite the case. As the moon rises and the world is lulled to sleep there is always someone, somewhere who resists the darkness’s lullaby. An owl, willingly or not, left to their own devices as the stars above make their journey across the skies.
Tonight, however, seemed to be filled with a whole flock, ruffling their feathers as wide eyes search for something far from their grasp, something that cannot be hunted by one alone.
With their skills, their experience, and their hints of jumbled memories, success appears to be in reach, despite the secrets, the conflicts, and the haunting truth.
It is also important to note the average owl’s brain only takes up about ⅓ of its skull.
Which can equate to roughly the size of a thimble in some species.
Do with that information as you will.
Blue and red hues colored the moonlight gently streaming into the lab, as the steady hum of machines filled the void with quiet noise. At the hour of 4 am, the halls should have been emptied hours ago, but of course science never sleeps, so neither did the scientist. It wasn’t healthy, she that more than anybody, but she considered it a small price to pay for what was at stake.
At least that’s what she told herself. It was difficult to label what exactly was at stake when nothing simply made sense anymore. Nothing was adding up in the way they should, and the scientific method she held on to appeared to be failing her at every turn.
The first indicator of something being amiss was the time. Yes, staying up till 4 in the morning was horrendous for a person’s circadian rhythm, but that wasn’t the major issue. The major issue was that the sun was shining bright, and the clock was reading 2:37 pm up until she had turned from her desk until just moments ago to be met with darkened windows. Yes, perhaps Einstein’s theory of relativity could be to blame, but she wasn’t that absorbed in her work… okay maybe she was, but even she had to get up once in awhile in the span of roughly 13 hours that had somehow passed in an instant.
The second indicator was a feeling that was gnawing at her from the inside out. A sense of Deja vu that would never leave, a constant feeling of a word stuck on the tip of her tongue, and bits and pieces of memories in her brain that seemed logically impossible, even in her dreams.
What did it all mean?
Despite the piles of handwritten notes strewn across her desk, she felt completely at a loss. At least she had the newly built Time Anomaly Tracker… that she had no recollection of building, to show for.
Maybe she just needed a break from it. Maybe things would make more sense in the morning after what little sleep she could get.
But first she needed to slow down the wheels turning in her mind. It was a good thing there was an old TV in the break room, that should do the trick. It didn’t take her long to plop down onto a dusty couch and grab the remote. Hopefully it would be enough to distract her from all her thoughts. 
“Order your bubbles today-”
“Welcome to Warfs-”
“You think she cares? Bad Dog!”
So picky, she couldn’t help but drone through the different channels until a shaky camera and a stuttering voice caught her attention.
“Hello everybody this is Jim, and this is my associate Jim. Welcome to this Jim News Exclusive -stay low, stay low- Tonight, we bring to you-” the reporter paused for a moment to dramatically point to the camera, as if this was a message directly to Rose Beauregard herself, “live footage from the scene of the crime. The crime of robbery. A robbery so mysterious, so mystifying that no one could even pathom how the the robberors could have broken into this heavily guarded museum in the first place!”
From the way they were sneaking around, it appeared that the reporters had broken into the museum. It was actually quite impressive considering the lines of caution tape that wrapped some exhibits like Christmas presents, the addition of a laser based alarm system, and the obscene number of patrolling guards and policemen that could be easily seen in the background.
"We must be careful Jim we don’t know what dangers may be lurking abo- oh hand me the steak," it was thrown off camera, quickly followed by a distant voice cheering in delight about the free snack, “The Old Steak Trick, works most of the time.”
Soon, maybe a little bit too soon, the Jims approached a very much unlocked and strangely unprotected vault. 
“Here it is, the grisly scene. Not one, not seven, not four, but two insidious individuals committed the reprehensible act of theft in this very vault. Yes, the item that once here is no longer here. It has disappeared, off with the perpetrators. We have no confirmation about exactly what it is they actually stole, but we have our theories. It could have been a treasure map or an ancient salt shaker, it may be from another world or the source of a time anomaly, it could be fairy (like the ones we learned about in history class) or the world’s oldest picnic basket, it could be all of these, it could be nothing at all, the possibilities are endless.”
“Now I’m sure many of you watching at home are shaking in utter fear, I am too, but fear not. Thankfully for you innocent, or perhaps not so innocent civilians, justice hit them hard, even harder than how Cousin Jim was hit by that bus, and a great many times quicker. Our inside resource has informed us Jims about the fates of Mark Iplier and his assistant Y/N. They are already locked up, far, far away at Happy Trails Penitentiary to never see the light of day again. We are safe, for now.”
“However, there is still a mystery to be solved. For unknown reasons, the object of question has not been returned to its rightful place. It’s tragic on every degree, that poor stolen object, it must be so scared and alone now that its captors are behind bars. But that is why we have taken it upon ourselves to get answers. And this time I swear, on every Jim ever to Jim, that we will find an answer to whatever, wherever, whenever, and whyever this thing is-”
The Jim’s voice was cut off by another’s, which resulted in the reporters and their sole viewer being being thrown off guard. In their hasty escape, the camera tumbled to the ground, making it even more difficult to decipher who the new person was. From the small glimpse, it didn’t appear like they worked at the museum, nor were they dressed as any law enforcer. Nevertheless, they didn’t seem so glad to see the trespassers.
“You two again!? Why won’t you quit?!?” was the last thing to be heard before the screen was claimed by static.
The scientist simply sat on, dumbfounded by whatever the hell she just watched. Her head was filled with so many questions she wasn’t even sure where to begin. There was a heist at a public museum, yet no one knows what was stolen? How were the perpetrators already in jail? Didn’t the crime just happen? When was the trial? And why did everything seem like it was…
Out of order.
“Mark Iplier… Y/N… A time anomaly”
It all finally clicked. 
This had all happened before. Well, sort of. The events were different as far as she remembered. Thankfully it appeared she was no longer in a timeline riddled with the undead and raiders, and undead raiders. However… if she had already destroyed the anomaly before, all of the time-space issues should have been fixed right? Unless, of course, her original hypothesis about of all this was wrong. Perhaps it wasn’t the box causing all the trouble, maybe, it was Y/N and maybe this Mark causing the trouble. The strangeness always seemed to be triggered by them afterall. 
Too many of her questions were still left unanswered, which only served to fuel her curiosity and need to fix this once and for all. However, this time Rose was no longer at a complete loss, she now had a lead, which only meant one thing:
Off to Happy Trails Penitentiary.
Blue and red hues colored the moonlight blanketing the courtyard, as the blaring call of ambulance sirens added to the usual chaos of the night. 4 am was too late for any of this, but crime never slept, and apparently neither did any of the criminals. Which in turn led to a very sleep deprived and grouchy warden that now that had to deal with one prisoner being punched through the wall and another pulling off a magic disappearing act.
Not to mention the holes. There was a giant hole in the bottom of his office, several even larger holes in the cell walls, and another that was vaguely human shaped and a little bit too disturbing to deal with at the moment. It felt like the place was built out of goddamn graham crackers.
At least the injured prisoner was properly dealt with, Mark Iplier, or Asshole Mark as the other prisoners called him, broke too many bones for the staff to handle so he was sent off to a nearby hospital to recover. The warden didn’t mind, he was causing too much trouble anyways going off and asking for his personal belongings.
And speaking of the two’s personal belongings, the box they had arrived with just so happened to disappear with Y/N, who was otherwise known as *Insert Ridiculous Prison Nickname Here*. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to open it yet and now it was gone. However, that wasn’t the worst of it. Y/N was gone, or perhaps very good at hide and seek. He was hoping for the latter but after several hours of guards and prisoners counting and looking, it didn’t seem very likely.
The warden was offended on all accounts by the newest prisoner's conduct. There hadn't been a breakout in years and then suddenly they waltz in and think that they could just waltz back out like it was no big deal. Though yet again, he doubted the charade would last long. Most of the criminals of Happy Trails wouldn’t last a day out in the real world. They even sang a song about how they never wanted to leave. It would be soon enough until they came crawling back again, and when they did, they were going to face all the wrath of Warden Dave Murderslaughter. They were going to get rehabilitated harder than they would ever get rehabilitated before, whether they liked it or not.
But for now he had to play the waiting game. Somehow, someway or another, he was going to take the reins over once again. This was his penitentiary after all, and what kind of warden would he be if his jail wasn’t in proper order?
At this hour the world seemed almost monochrome. It was an hour in which one should be snuggled up in bed, or in some cases, a jail cell safe from the dangers of the world. It was for sure not an hour where someone should be braving the summer night’s heat as they wander through tall grass, with no one other than the insects eating them alive as a companion.
Y/N had escaped, that was a given, but that didn’t mean they felt free. Once everyone knew they escaped, the hunt would be on. All they could think of at the moment was to carry on forward, but they knew they’d have to think of a plan eventually. If only Mark was there with them… he was always the one to point out their options.
But now they were all alone, truly alone… Wow, when was the last time that happened? Of course they couldn’t remember, during all these adventures memory never seemed like a necessity. With every bizarre scenario that came along, it was difficult to process the present as it was. Trying to analyze the past was a whole other be a feat in itself. As Yancy said, “The past ain’t the kind of thing to be trifled with.” It was the future they really needed to worry about right now.
They had to forge their way out of this mess somehow, but they couldn’t do it all by themselves. They needed to find Mark, or at least some they could trust, they needed to make sure no one else would be looking for them, and they needed to learn the truth about the box they had gone through so much trouble to steal. In it was a key as far as they knew, but inside they knew that there had to be more going on. Something that perhaps Mark wasn’t telling them about.
So now they had… something that resembled a plan. They were still unsure of the road ahead, but perhaps if they followed that plan… and don’t deviate from it… everything might just turn alright in the end after all. 
Thank you for reading, it’s much appreciated :) Future parts should have less POV switching, this is just mainly to set up where each character is at starting out. (Also please don’t quote me on the owl facts, I was just trying my best to make a dramatic metaphor) 
Tagging: @thatforgottenbasilisk @thecatchat @statictay @gay-spaghetti @captainsaltypear @chelseareferenced
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magicmastered · 5 years
What Universe does Thor: Ragnarok Take Place In? Part One
Let’s be clear. If you like Thor: Ragnarok, or don’t want to see criticism of it, I suggest that you: a) don’t read this, b) filter your tags, c) block me, or d) some combination of the above. Now that we have that out of the way....
A cinematic universe (like the MCU) is a set of movies that all take place in the same fictional universe and share continuity with each other. This means that they share characters, settings, and timelines with other movies in that cinematic universe. To give a recurring character in a cinematic universe contradictory timelines and/or personality traits is to violate the entire point of having a cinematic universe.
Thor: Ragnarok is labeled and marketed as an MCU film. Certainly it shares some settings with other MCU movies, and some characters have the same names and faces. However, that’s as far as it goes. Several characters that T:R shares with other MCU films have noticeably altered personalities, inexplicable within the fictional universe. Two even have different and contradictory backstories. Continuity is destroyed.
Allow me to explain.
I’ll start with the backstories. Thor and Loki’s specifically, beginning from the start of the movies.
According to the interviews and commentary from Thor (2011) and a book about the movie (I believe it’s called Thor: Heroes and Villains), Loki has always tried to be a good son and brother to Odin and Thor respectively. He usually talks Thor out of bad situations. Loki got a rough deal compared to Thor, who didn’t know what ‘no’ meant. As shown in the movie and deleted scenes, criminal activity is something new to him (“Loki’s always been one for mischief, but this is something else entirely”). He prefers to negotiate rather than fight (he talked to Laufey before Thor could make things violent, and would’ve gotten everyone out safely if not for Thor’s temper and bloodlust), and though he’s a skilled fighter, he doesn’t enjoy it. Loki looks out for Thor and co. (he saves Fandral and Sif during the Jotunheim fight, and he references a battle where he got them all to safety by hiding them). He thinks ahead to make sure things work out safely (he tells a guard to tell Odin that they were going to Jotunheim). As a child, he was quiet, curious, and insecure. Odin raised him and Thor to believe that both of them had a chance for the throne, but only one of them would get it—implicitly, whichever of them was ‘worthier’.
The next part of the timeline review will focus more on Loki, considering that it’s more relevant to the topic. I’ll keep motives listed with actions where they fit, seeing as they’re a major issue (as I’ll expand upon later).
(I’m leaving out details of the interrupted coronation because I plan to write a meta on the subject at a later date.) The Jotuns were let into the weapons vault to interrupt Thor’s coronation; his reaction was meant to show (as it did) whether or not he was ready to rule. Loki, when he told the guard to fetch Odin, had no idea that Thor would get banished; he looked shocked and told Sif and the Warriors Three as much.
Upon receiving a major hint that he’s a Jotun, a race Odin raised him to hate and fear, Loki confronts Odin about it in the weapons’ vault. Odin falls into the Odinsleep. Frigga gives Loki the throne, since he’s next in line (this is how succession works, for those who don’t know—king, crown prince, any younger princes). Loki, having had his identity, already mangled self-worth, and entire life shaken to the core, decides to use this power to prove to Odin that he’s a worthy son. This means he needs Thor out of the way, so he tells Thor that Odin’s dead and his banishment is permanent to ensure that he doesn’t try to return. It means he needs to control everything happening on Asgard to make sure whatever else he does goes as planned, so he orders Heimdall to let no one through the Bifrost and tells Sif and the W3 to stay put. It also means he has to do something drastic that Odin can’t not notice. Maybe something to do with ending the war that Odin was so angry about. So Loki goes to Jotunheim and invites Laufey to come to Asgard with a few guards to ‘kill Odin’, intending to kill the Jotun king—his blood father—to save Odin’s life. The ‘assassination attempt’ will provide him with the solid reason he needs to erase any doubt that he’s really Asgardian, and to end the war as Odin’s family has been venerated for ending wars for the last couple generations. Genocide. He can’t be a Jotun if there aren’t any Jotuns left.
(Side note: I realize that genocide is wrong. That’s not the point. The point is that Loki doesn’t, since everyone he’s been taught to look up to has either done it or attempted it; it’s literally part of the culture he grew up in. I’m not excusing him for it, I’m explaining him.)
But then Heimdall, Sif, and the W3 commit treason. Now he’s got problems. He takes care of Heimdall himself (notably Heimdall struck first), but Sif and the W3 are on Earth already, where Thor is. They tell Thor that Loki’s betrayed them. Thor’s shocked; it’s unlike Loki. Loki panics and sends the Destroyer to stop them before they can bring Thor back. Thor assumes that the Destroyer’s there for him. Loki, now angry as well, has the Destroyer backhand him in frustration (it’s arguable whether or not he meant the blow to be deadly). Well, he’s probably kept them on Earth for now, but he has to hurry things up. He brings Laufey over and kills him just as he’s about to kill Odin. But then Thor shows up and he’s angry. Loki blasts Thor through a wall to buy himself from time and initiates genocide-by-Bifrost. Thor comes back and tries to stop him, despite the fact that he was trying to get the same result three days earlier. Loki, visibly breaking down, can’t stop now—he’s desperate, he’s rapidly lost his mind, and his brother is trying to stop him from doing the one thing he thinks will finally make Odin acknowledge him. So he fights Thor. Thor eventually hits the Bifrost hard enough to break it. Odin wakes up and catches them both before they hit the black-hole-looking thing the Bifrost made. Loki pleads for his approval; Odin rejects him. Loki gives up and commits suicide.
Unfortunately for him, he has absurdly terrible luck, so he not only survives falling into the black hole-looking thing, but falls through who-knows-how much space after it and proceeds to land where Thanos finds him. Since he shows up with what looks like burn marks in a deleted scene, appears in his next movie with visible signs of heatstroke, and the interview quotes describing his experience go like...
“...it was like the worst place imaginable...”
“[he had]...several brushes with death...”
“...was like being captured in a terrorist cell...”
“Anything that would’ve happened to a runaway child who ran into the wrong people, happened to him.” (or something like this. I don’t remember the exact quote, but it’s to this general effect.)
“Harrowing, and scarring for life...”
...he has a really bad time. Considering that Thanos has a thing for torture (check out GOTG 1 and 2 and Infinity War), it’s pretty safe to assume that’s what happened. It certainly explains how Loki goes from wanting to die to claiming to want to rule Earth. And he’s in for worse if he doesn’t deliver up the Tesseract (“You think you know pain? He will make you long for something as sweet as pain”). Hence, Avengers (2012).
Odin becomes relevant for a moment here. Fast-forward to Loki’s trial. Odin condemns Loki far more harshly than he did Thor for almost the same crimes.
Fast-forward to the Second Battle of Svartalfheim in Thor: The Dark World. Kursed’s beating Thor into the ground. Loki’s just finished off the other Dark Elves who were still there. He sees that Thor’s in trouble, grabs a Dark Elf blade, and stabs Kursed all the way through the back and chest with it. (I’m not sure if he grabbed the implosion weapon from another Dark Elf or if it was just hanging on Kursed’s belt.) Kursed turns around and impales him (note the solid body) on the end of the blade. Loki activates the implosion device, when he can’t know that Kursed will toss him away before it goes off. Thor cradles his (solid!) body, and Loki seemingly dies.
Later, Loki heals to some degree. What now? If he goes back to Asgard with Thor, Odin will either have him executed or throw him back in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. Odin will punish Thor and co. severely as well. If Loki doesn’t go back to Asgard at all, he could run into Thanos. That means he has to go back to Asgard, but he also needs Odin out of the way. So he returns to Asgard in the form of a guard and overpowers Odin. Thor thinks he’s dead. If he lets Thor spread the word, Thanos will stop looking for him. Thor’s handled his death before. He allows Thor to keep thinking that he died honorably.
Now. Thor: Ragnarok.
According to Thor: Ragnarok, Loki’s been trying to kill Thor for his entire life. He’s been stabbing Thor for no reason since he was eight. Thor patiently puts up with this. Odin does nothing about it. Loki betrays Thor constantly. Loki completely faked his death. The only reason Loki’s ever had for doing things is that he’s a trickster and can’t help himself.
How can Loki have tried to kill Thor for his whole life when he’s always tried to be a good son and brother?
How can Loki stab Thor for no reason while being the quiet, reasonable one who doesn’t like fighting?
How could Thor patiently put up with Loki’s assaults when he’s always been hotheaded and violent?
How could Odin ignore Loki stabbing Thor all the time when he favors Thor and doesn’t let Loki get away with anything?
How could Loki betray Thor constantly when his betrayal in Thor (2011) clearly comes as a massive shock to Thor?
How could Loki have completely faked his death when the solidity of the body that Kursed grabbed and that Thor held make it impossible for the death to have been an illusion?
How could his only reason for doing things be that he’s “a trickster” and “can’t help himself” when his reasons, as stated above, range from wanting to prove himself to Odin (killing Laufey; attempted genocide on Jotunheim), keeping Thor out of the way (lying about Odin’s death), avoiding torture (Avengers (2012)), utter desolation (suicide attempt), delivering punishment for treason (freezing Heimdall, sending the Destroyer), and protecting himself and Thor and co. (taking out Odin and keeping his survival secret)?
Both statements in each set cannot simultaneously be true.
Thor: Ragnarok contradicts the prior MCU. There is no continuity.
With no continuity, there can be no cinematic universe.
@lucianalight? You said you were interested?
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atopearth · 5 years
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Part 1 - First game (Turnabout Sisters, Turnabout Samurai and Turnabout Goodbyes)
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So, I was going to buy this on Steam, but then I recently got a Nintendo Switch (so I can play Code Realize and Collar x Malice next year loll), and it was on sale! Since I had no games (I bought World End Syndrome but it’s not here yet), and I really wanted to try playing stuff, so I bought it XD Two of my friends really recommend it as well, so yeah I would have bought it some day anyway~ I think I should have bought an SD card with bigger storage than 64gb though… (EDIT: I did...)
Anyway, the game! It’s a bit sudden to be thrown into trial all of a sudden, but Wright is a newbie lawyer anyway so I guess it’s all good loll. Kinda funny that the questions the reader has to answer are simple stuff like the victim’s name etc but I guess it helps you get used to remembering things, and looking over evidence etc if you don’t remember. Because I did forget the victim’s name hahaha. Honestly though, the style of the game is really cool and different, I really like the transitions for effect and I love the big font “hold it!” and “objection!” has hahaha. Mia is very helpful. In terms of the case itself, it was a simple and silly one, mainly because of Larry, he’s so dramatic and ridiculous, it’s funny. Note though, this is probably blasphemy to others but I’m playing with a walkthrough (i.e. I pick my answers and then double check with the walkthrough), I just don’t find it fun or have the time to explore wrong answers anymore tbh (backlog of VNs is long, I’ve got at least 6 more games). Anyway, I like how the game wants you to think but you don’t necessarily need to think too hard (for now), and it’s all done in a not so serious way that makes it fun. Like, I loved it when the judge said Larry was not guilty and confetti started falling down on the screen hahahaha. I think this game will be a great break from Steins;Gate 0 right now lol.
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Turnabout Sisters I remember trying to watch the anime of Ace Attorney (which sucked, it was like the game but all the fun was gone because it was less interactive yet still played out like a game, it was weird) and being shocked that Mia died. I was so sad because I liked her, she seemed nice and cool. I kinda forgot about all that until this part started up and then I was like oh yeah!! Poor sister got arrested for it though, but I guess Phoenix needs a reason to do something. It was saddening when the sister didn’t have anyone to defend her😞 It was sweet when he decided to defend her, since he became a lawyer because he wanted to become someone that could look out for people who had no one by their side… When he says it like that…it’s hard to not admire how kind he is.
Lmaooo at Miss May and the bellboy though, I love how weirdly crazy they both are. May is like fake and sweet when she’s in her “cute” mode, but becomes super aggressive when angered (such as being caught out for lying), and the bellboy is just thankful that now the hotel is more popular because a murderer (May is being suspected now) lived there hahahaha. Everyone is so eccentric in this world. I find their mother’s story saddening though, she was probably pressured by the police into finding the culprit for a case with her spirit medium powers, but then she failed and the media got wind of it, and the backlash she received as a “fake” made her disappear. Disgusted that Grossberg was the one who told White (Mia’s killer) about the medium thing for money, and White then leaked it to the media! But I think the worst is that Mia tried her best all these years to out White for being the one who ruined her mother’s life (as well as many others with his blackmailing leading them to suicide), but she got killed by him… It’s so unfair.. I’m glad Maya is out though, and lmao at her taking it so seriously when you pick the option of telling her to help break Phoenix out (since he’s in detention now for suspected murder because of White’s influence). She’s so cute hahaha.
Well, that was a crazy trial lol, not only was White a chronic liar that was allowed to “amend” his testimony several times, Edgeworth was pretty apt at trying to keep him from being caught. I knew the receipt would show when the lamp was bought! Kinda obvious when he mentioned that he saw it last week I guess, gotta catch him somewhere haha. I guess the lesson is to update your furniture often so you can catch murderers😂 It was really nice to see Mia’s spirit inside Maya helping Phoenix and cheering them on in the epilogue though, I wonder if we’ll see her again? I definitely like Mia more than Maya😞 But I guess with Maya, they’ll learn and grow together as they do their best for the law office?
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Turnabout Samurai I love Oldbag, she’s so whatever with everything, she’s hilarious. Not only does she talk nonstop complaining about young people these days, she really knows how to drag people into her pace lol. The defendant Will looks like a lion hahaha, except he’s one with no teeth since he seems way too gentle to be able to do anything. Anyway, gotta love how dodgy Oldbag is by omitting evidence, remembering things suddenly, as well as exposing that the directors etc were actually there as well but the studio wanted her to hide it. Btw, I love it when Phoenix wants to buy time by accusing someone else of the murder, and one of the options was the grade school boy, and when you pick the option, even Phoenix himself is startled that he said it and he himself doesn’t even know how he should support this as a possibility since the kid couldn’t have held the weapon hahaha.
HAHAHA THE GREAT SAL MANELLA. That name lmaoo😂😂 Nice to see Mia again to help Phoenix, I love her and how she was so capable in getting the kid to talk. I found it really interesting going through the kid’s testimony, since it really presented a proper reason for the kid to lie and have obstructed the court from getting to know the truth. Not only is he a kid, he’s a kid that believes his hero Steel Samurai would never lose, so him deleting the photos of him losing to the villain and lying about him winning are plausible and interesting to uncover, I liked that part. I don’t know why I never thought of the possibility that Jack Hammer was actually the Steel Samurai, even though I questioned from the beginning whether Studio One was really where he was killed haha. Now that it’s apparent the victim dressed as the Steel Samurai and went to Studio Two where everyone else was, it is now possible for the producer and them to have killed the victim within the 15 minute break they had… Oh yeah lmao when the kid came to testify and he was too short so they got him a box to stand on, I love little details like that hahaha.
Well, I really liked that! I really liked how everything ended up wrapping up and how the story tied together. I had some trouble (as usual!) with the presenting evidence parts (because I suck), but yeah that was great! I don’t know why it never clicked, but I really missed the thought that Hammer was the one who wanted to kill Vasquez and that’s why he did all that pretending to be the Steel Samurai and hiding his tracks etc, so he could blame the killing on Powers after. He had enough of being blackmailed and used by Vasquez these 5 years for accidentally killing a person on set (of which she covered up, since someone took a photo of it). It’s kinda ironic that he ended up dying in the same way as the person he accidentally killed. Maybe Studio Two really is cursed lol. But yeah, anyway, I really liked the piecing of all the evidence and clues! Seeing it unravel the way it did really made sense, especially when things I noticed but didn’t know what to think about were talked about, such as the small incinerator next to the van. I couldn’t piece together the story myself, but when they did, it was great, I liked this case. I also really liked how Edgeworth suddenly switched sides and started questioning the witness and the holes in her testimony as well because he knew that she was the killer and he wanted to catch her in her lies, since Phoenix missed some things. They were a nice combo haha.
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Turnabout Goodbyes I didn’t think Edgeworth would become a defendant! But I guess what I’m most shocked about is that Edgeworth’s father was the victim in the DL-6 incident involving Mia and Maya’s mother, Misty Fey who was the spirit medium helping out with the case that led her to be labelled as a fraud. Edgeworth seems to really like Phoenix but can’t seem to be honest for some reason, hmmm, and I guess his father’s death is related to why he threw away his dream of becoming a great defence attorney like his father and instead became a prosecutor? Oh.. Edgeworth actually witnessed his father’s murder…and the suspect they caught was the one Misty pointed out as the killer through talking to the victim’s spirit, since he was the only one that could have done it, and yet he was declared innocent with the help of the defence attorney at that time, Hammond. And now, the victim in the current case is Hammond… I guess the police would think of that as Edgeworth’s motive to kill him… I wonder if Edgeworth lost all faith in defence attorneys because of that incident with his father.. But I’m happy that the weird Detective Gumshoe really respects Edgeworth and believes in him even though others don’t, I thought it was really nice that he acknowledged and believes that they can really work hard to capture criminals because they know that Edgeworth will prosecute them for their crimes. It’s like they both believe in their work and through that, they do their best to catch these criminals.
Well, it was obvious that the girl was dodgy because it’s definitely impossible to see who shot who when it’s foggy, and at night, and at a far distance! But it’s helpful to prove that she wasn’t even focused on the boat and was looking for the “monster” Gourdy that supposedly appears there. Gotta admit that Karma is hilarious, especially when he insults the witness’s intelligence for looking for a monster hahahaha. Also loved it when even the judge couldn’t go against him and followed his pace, glad the judge eventually stood his ground though lol. I still find it so fascinating that in this world, all trials must be tried and decided within 3 days so that the justice system isn’t clogged with cases. Aww it was so sweet to learn from Gumshoe that Edgeworth really appreciated Maya causing a fuss in the trial and giving the opportunity for Phoenix to cross examine what Lotta slipped up on. Lmao when he told Phoenix that Edgeworth would pay for her bail and he started thinking about whether Edgeworth would pay his rent for this month too hahahaha. Omgg, lmao at Gourdy the monster actually being Larry trying to inflate the Steel Samurai balloon and failing, causing it to fly like a rocket into the lake lolll. I guess he does deserve having the dog eat all his Samurai dogs loll. It was expected, but it’s kinda funny to see Larry come to save the day when Edgeworth was declared guilty haha.
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Omgg, their back story was so touching! I thought it was so cute seeing little Edgeworth say “objection!”, and Edgeworth is right, if there’s no evidence, and if he didn’t do it, then he shouldn’t admit it! I also loved Larry saying “if he didn’t do it, then he didn’t do it”, those words were so simple but so true. I can’t believe the whole class put Phoenix on “class trial” to get him to admit something he didn’t do, and even the teacher didn’t believe him, like whaaat, great teaching right there. But I guess it’s because of how dodgy they all were, Phoenix, Larry and Edgeworth got to become friends. I found it really sweet that although Edgeworth transferred out because of the DL-6 incident, and never contacted them again, and ignored Phoenix when he tried to talk to him, it was really touching of Phoenix to become a defence attorney just so that he can meet Edgeworth again. Edgeworth is a prosecutor so regardless of what he wanted, he’d have to face Phoenix eventually and I thought that was really cute. Lmao at Larry completely forgetting about such an impactful incident on Phoenix’s life, but it’s so him. He’s silly, but he’s a great guy, and he really helped out with this testimony! It was all over the place, but he heard really important things and you gotta be glad he came to save the day! I honestly didn’t expect the murder to have occurred before midnight, and that the one in the boat with Edgeworth was actually not the victim but the murderer. It’s honestly…hard to believe and accept that Edgeworth could be the one who killed his father when he threw a gun (evidence?) that was lying next to him to protect his father from Yogi who was deprived of oxygen. I’m still sceptical of that though, what about the hole in the glass? And why would there be a person telling Yogi to get revenge on Edgeworth etc for ruining his life (for being suspected, losing his career etc) and making him kill Hammond etc. Whyyyy would they show von Karma the letter!! It’s such crucial evidence!! I’m not surprised he used a stun gun on them to steal the letter back!
Anyway, that was good, I really liked this case. I think the most saddening thing was discovering that Yogi really was innocent and really had his whole life ruined from this incident. It was terrible to hear that Hammond got him an innocent verdict but it was actually at the cost of declaring him of unsound mind, so he’s been pretending to be “insane” all these years, especially after his fiancee committed suicide after this incident. He wasn’t wrongly accused for being the murderer and yet he still lost his career, his partner and everything in his life. It was really saddening to think about tbh. As for von Karma, when this case first came about, I really didn’t expect him to be the killer in the DL-6 incident, I thought he was interestingly eccentric with how he wants everything to be perfect and was super arrogant and would always strive for guilty verdicts but I guess with the comedy in the game, I didn’t really expect the cost of his actions. He was caught for giving faulty evidence by Edgeworth’s father Gregory, and that is the one and only scar to his record. He’s been dodgy all this time and probably incriminating many innocent people in these 15 years at least, sigh. I guess I didn’t think that just because there was an opportunity, he would actually kill Gregory (when Miles threw the gun and it ended up landing near him). I also didn’t expect him to have been shot by that misfire and for him to never have taken that bullet out of his shoulder because he didn’t want to create any doctors as a witness to this! Which is understandable though, but wow, he’s pretty hardcore. So yeah, that was awesome and I think it was my favourite case! I really liked how things flowed and how everything ended up piecing together like that. It’s really cool to see how the evidence matches up together.
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Lmao at Larry having been the thief that stole Edgeworth’s money in that Phoenix class trial incident, I honestly thought it might be him but I was like nahh. And it was him hahahaha omg. I guess the deserves getting dumped by girls all the time lol. The photo Lotta took at the end was nice, I also really liked the little snippets showing all the previous witnesses lives, lmao at that bellboy becoming the owner or something lol! Although Maya isn’t useless and really helps Phoenix by just being there and helping him think through things etc, I do think it’s good for her to complete her spirit medium training first and then come back. It’s important for her to have her own goals and stuff after all, so I’m glad she did that.
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trashforgubler · 6 years
Hold On
Word Count: 2,466
Summary: You try to kill yourself and Spencer (your boyfriend) is left to deal with the aftermath
Extra Info: This fic was inspired by the song “Hold On” by Chord Overstreet and as always I 11/10 recommend you listen to it. Also, I would like to note that this is an extremely sad and dark piece so please please please do not read it if you know it will trigger you. I promise not all my stuff will be this dark but because I watch too much criminal minds I am a little bit “dark and twisty” so this kind of stuff will come up every now and then.
Warnings: Light swearing, cutting, self hatred, suicide, dark humor, literally if it’s depressing its probably in here
Requests: Open pls send
Feedback pls and thank
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This was it. You were done. You couldn’t do it anymore. You breathed.
As you looked around the room, your eyes fell upon a photograph. It was taken on the day you and Spencer went ice skating together, and he pretended to not know how just so he could hold your hand. A smile made its way onto your face for the first time in a while, but you hated the bitter sweetness of old memories. On the one hand, you loved thinking back to times when you were happy. Truly happy. Oh, how times had changed. Now thinking about those memories made you cry, because you knew there was no way to go back to how things had been. How was it possible to want to cherish something and forget about it at the same time? You sighed and stared at the blade sitting on your desk. Your hands rested on its cool surface as you learned up against it, head hung low as a million thoughts flew through it.
I can’t do this to him. He won’t survive.
Thoughts swarmed your head like a hurricane. You wracked your brain, trying to think of a way out that wouldn’t kill you both. And then it came. You opened the desk and took out a flimsy piece of notebook paper and a pencil, as if a note explain yourself would make it all better. Maybe it wouldn’t erase his pain, but you hoped it spare him some. You heard somewhere that the not knowing is the worst part for the people left behind. After a while, they could grasp the fact that you were gone, that was easy. It was not knowing the reason why that eats at them for an eternity. Spencer had to know he wasn’t a reason. You picked up a pen and held it against the paper, watching as the dot of ink grew larger and larger. Nothing had ever prepared you for this moment. English class had taught you how to write a 2,000 word essay in one night, but you couldn’t ever recall “how to write a suicide note,” being on a syllabus. You figured if you didn’t think about the words to much, they would just come to you.
Dear Spence,
I don’t know how to say this. I’m sorry. I’ll miss you. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you.
You were planning on something a little more extravagant than that. That’s what always happened in books in movies. Characters writing big long letters to their loved ones, explaining every detail of their decision. A play by play to the exact moment they decided they were going to cut their life short. But in that moment, you couldn’t even bring yourself to think what you felt. Trying to put your reasoning on paper was impossible, as if you had to have a good enough reason to kill yourself. Almost as if there was a court that approved your application for suicide. “Oh, you hate yourself and you think you’re a burden to everyone? Sorry, Mike over here just overfed his goldfish and killed it. Please try again in 20 years.” Realizing the fact that you couldn’t even figure out what you were feeling suddenly frightened you. If you couldn’t even understand your own brain, how could Spencer? Words started floating through your head as you attempted to put a label on what you felt. Sad? No, not really. Depressed maybe, but not necessarily sad. Angry? Angry at the world? Yes. Angry enough to die? Probably not. Guilt? Guilt. That was it. You probably felt guilty because that you were leaving an innocent man to suffer while you got to be free. But you couldn’t help it. You were trapped.
You placed the note on the counter and undressed yourself. As you walked into the bathroom, blade in hand, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Cringing, you studied each and every part of your body. The body you had despised your entire life. You were too big, had too many stretch marks and too many scars. The cuts covered your body. Your eyes strung with tears as you realized this is the last time you would ever look in a mirror. You didn’t know whether those tears are of happiness or sadness. It was all irrelevant anyways, none of it mattered anymore. In a few minutes you would be dead, completely useless to the world as you always had been. You never had a purpose, you had just become tired of pretending that would ever change. The water stung the cuts on your thighs as you stepped into the bath. Slowly, you sank down into it. The coldness seeped into your veins, leaving chills across your skin. The blade in your hand stared at you, taunting you, daring you to cut.  You bit your lip, but you weren’t sure why. You had no doubts, no fears. This is what you wanted to do.
“I’m in complete control”, you reminded yourself, although you knew it was bullshit. You weren’t the one who decided to do this. The monster that has slowly been possessing your body for the past three years was. The person you once were was gone. She died the day you put a blade to your small wrist for the first time. Just as you were about to do for the very last time. Inhaling, you plunged the blade into your arm despite your shaking hand. You drug down your arm, following the blue vein that ran down it like a map. A map to death.  Blood began pouring out of you and mixed in with the bath water, turning it a murky red color. Black dots began to appear in front of you as your head spun. The cold water seeped closer and closer to your face as you sunk down into it, slowing losing conscious. You were so close to death that you didn’t even hear the front door open. The last thing you saw before you blacked out completely was Spencer leaned over the bathtub, tears cascading down his red face as he wrapped his arms around your limp body, trying to pull you from the tub.
Spencer’s POV
Your lifeless body stared at Spencer from the bath mat, your blood staining the once white fabric. He couldn’t take his eyes off you, even as he fumbled to reach for his phone.
“911 what’s your emergency?”
“My girlfriend is bleeding out.”
The words, “my girlfriend tried to kill herself in our bathtub with a blade she got from a broken pencil sharpener,” refused to come out of his mouth, but he assumed it didn’t matter. All he knew was that you were probably dead. Time was nonexistent. The next thing he knew he was riding in the back of the ambulance as he watched you slowly fade further and further away from him. He felt like he was dreaming. This couldn’t be real. Everyone else who fell in love got to be happy. They got to give each other valentines and go out on movie dates and kiss each other whenever they please. His stomach twisted when he realized he might not get to kiss you ever again.
As soon as he arrived at the hospital, a nurse pulled him away from you as you were whisked off to surgery. He stood there, in the middle of the ER, completely helpless. His pulse racing and could hear his heartbeat in his ears as it echoed loudly inside his chest. His head was swimming with a million thoughts all at the same time, and he couldn’t get them to stop. God, he just wanted them to stop. The nurse asked if he wanted to call anyone. All his concentration was put into trying to remember anyone’s name. “J- Jennifer Jareau,” he finally stammered out. The nurse nodded and lead him to a waiting room and then left him. Alone.
The ticking of the clock was starting to drive him insane. Why was there so much noise? He put his head in his lap and clamped his arms over his ears, trying to block it all out, but it persisted with no avail. The clock, the crackle of the AC, they sound of people shoes as they walked outside the door. It was too much.
The sound of a soft voice startled him. His arms fell from his ears and dangled at his sides, but he kept his head down, to embarrassed to look up. JJ was standing before him, tears in her eyes as she said his name. “Spence?” she asked, bending down to look at him. She brushed a loose curl out of his face and looked him in the eye, eyebrows furrowed in concern. Spencer felt a tear trickle down his cheek and land on his cardigan. He sniffed as he pursed his lips and shut his eyes, still not believing any of this was happening. She was fine. He told himself. I thought she was fine. The more he thought about her, the more he began to cry. The now bitter sweet memories of seeing her smile when he woke up every morning or hearing her laugh when he complained about being referred to as a “pipe cleaner with eyes,” tore at his heart. “Aww Spence.” JJ said, wiping away a tear. She didn’t know how to help him. How do you help someone who was waiting to see if the love of there life was alive or not? She didn’t know. “Spence did you cut yourself?” JJ asked with motherly concern, seeing the jagged tear in his jeans that was seeping blood.
Spencer shrugged, “probably just the blade she dropped,” he said plainly.
The words made JJ’s heart ache. Here he was, slumped in a hospital chair, crying because he didn’t know what was going to happen, and she knew it killed him knowing that he couldn’t fix it.  Whenever there was a problem, Spencer made fixing it his number one priority. He couldn’t fix this. He couldn’t bring you back to life, or make your pain go away. He was so caught up in it that he hadn’t even noticed that he hurt himself on the blade you tried to take your life with.
“What can I do?”
“Just…” Spencer started before having to stop to compose himself, “Be here,” he finished, voice breaking as he did. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying to contain his emotions.
“Okay.” JJ nodded, sitting down in the chair next to him. He tilted his head to rest on her shoulder and collapsed further into her as he felt her arms wrap around him. “Okay.” She repeated. “Okay.”
Hours passed. Or maybe it was only a few minutes, Spencer wasn’t quite sure, but before they knew it, the doctor had come out to talk to them. “Are you Y/N’s family?” She asked them.
“Yes.” They both said in unison.
“Okay, well she’s stable for now, but we’re not sure when she’ll wake up. We had to suture her wrists and replace a lot of her blood, but she should be fine, with the expectation of lots of therapy of course.”
Spencer let out a sigh of relief as he allowed a small smile to appear on his face. JJ thanked the doctor as they both head into your room. They made themselves comfortable in chairs by your bed. Spencer took your hand in his as he learned back into his chair, falling asleep to the sound of your steady breathing, and the beeping on the heartrate monitor. He loved that sound. It meant you were alive. That you were okay. That he would be okay.
 Your POV
You woke up to the sun streaming in through the window pane, casting a warm glow onto your face. You almost smiled at the feeling. It reminded you of carefree summer days spent at a neighborhood block party, eating red, white and blue popsicles with your friends. It just made you happy. You could hear soft snoring coming from the person next to you.
Oh shit, Spencer. Had he been there all night? Had he been there more than one night? You quickly realized that this question would be a lot easier to answer if you knew what day it was. You squeezed his hand gently to wake him. He opened his eyes, which were red from either sleep deprivation, crying, or both. You didn’t know. Another pang of guilt stabbed you the more you looked at him. His messier than usual hair, the crescent shaped circles under his eyes. You did this to him, and you didn’t even know why.
“Hey beautiful,” he said groggily, rubbing sleep from his eyes. You managed to give a small smile in return. He brushed your forehead with the edge of his thumb and you relaxed at the feeling, as if all your problems and this giant mess you’ve gotten yourself into were now gone because of the way his hands felt up against your skin. Not in a sexual way, but in a pure way. The way only Spence could make you feel. He made you feel safe.
“How long have I been here?”
“Just a day.” He responded.
“And you?”
“Just a day,” he repeated, looking down at your hand as he smiled. His eyes then wandered over to your wrists, which were covered in big white bandages, but they did nothing to hide the other cuts up and down the upper part of your arms. “I love you,” he started, bringing an edge of seriousness you’ve never heard from him before. He looked up at you with those big brown eyes. “You know that, right?”
“Of course, I do, Spence.” You dreaded where this conversation was heading.
“You know you can talk to me about anything.”
“I know.” You said quietly, breaking eye contact as shame consumed you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked in a low voice, leaning towards you as he said it. You promptly shook your head. To say you have zero interest in talking about it would be the understatement of the year. You know that you can talk to him, but you don’t want to cause him any more pain than you already put him through.
“Okay.” He said, understanding. “Not now, but eventually we need to talk about it okay?”
You nodded in agreement. As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. As always. He bent down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, and you felt a small tear drop trickle off his face. “I love you Y/N.” he said. “Sleep.”
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rpgadverts · 5 years
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Rian Kilbride // Protective Aunt for Supernatural Horror Site Subplot 
Rian Kilbride is one of the last surviving Kilbrides–a descendent of a Coven wrongfully banished and cursed. She is the matriarch–a title she holds close to her heart. For a time, her niece Kyle lived with her in California, far away from the trials and pain that lingered in Fortune for their line. When her niece had been born mundane, she saw it as a blessing. Perhaps she would be spared the curse and their bloodline would be saved. She took no chances, refusing to allow Kyle to learn about the world they truly hailed from. She became a surrogate mother–and loved her like a daughter. The daughter she never could have.
She divorced herself from the town of Fortune, refusing to linger in a place that did not love her. Rian had no intention of ever returning. Until she discovered their families name was being dragged through the mud. Yet again. Eager for answers, she will stop at nothing to end the madness. And protect the rest of her family in the process. Even if it is the death of her.
She is angry. She is vengeful. And so help those who sullied her family name.
Face Pictured: Julianne Moore
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“Dove” Kilbride // Free Spirit Descendent for Supernatural Horror Site Subplot
Dove has always been the free spirit, desperate to grab life by the horns and enjoy every waking moment. She is a giver–a kind-hearted soul who only wants the best for those in her life. She is one of the last descendants of a banished and cursed Witch bloodline–a scarlet letter she painfully wore her entire life. An undeserved one, at that.
Dove drifted apart from her sister, Rian, after she made a decision that impacted their legacy–their family. Rian chose to raise their niece, Kyle, oblivious to the truth of their family. Their Witch heritage, and how they were wrongfully banished and cursed by the Covens of Fortune. They drifted apart, and Dove moved out of Fortune. It broke her heart to leave the family behind, but she knew she couldn’t lie to her niece… Couldn’t keep her detached from a world she still deserved to be a part of.
She made a life for herself elsewhere. And naïvely thought she had put the family curse behind her. Until she received a phone call from Kyle asking her about the truth. About their family. And their curse. She hopped on the next flight to Fortune. Her family needed her. And she will be damned if she parts from them ever again.
Face Pictured: Bryce Dallas Howard
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“Briana” Kerry // Worried Sister for Supernatural Horror
Cael and his sister have gone through a lot. They had a rough upbringing, despite their parents best attempts to keep them sheltered from harm. 
Unfortunately, tragedy after tragedy befell the Kerry family. The loss of two siblings to violence, a third to the system and then their father passing away made an already impossible situation too much to bear. Briana turned to drugs–and Cael, in a last-ditch attempt to save what remained of his family insisted they sell off their family home and move North. To Fortune. To be with their mother. Where Briana could begin to heal. And ideally, become part of a Coven.
Briana got help. They were settling in well. She was getting better. Everything was getting better. Until Cael vanished. Briana feared the worst and made it her mission to find him. To help him, wherever he was. But as the months have dragged on, she’s found herself feeling more and more helpless.
Cael was abducted by a criminal organization known as the Blood Ring and turned into a vampire against his will. He feels too ashamed to see his family. He’s scared to see them. To disappoint them. Again.
Soon, they will be reunited, and Briana will be made aware of all that happened to Cael. For better or worse, family sticks together.
Face Pictured: Kiana Ledé
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Coven Desserter Bloodline Witch wanted for family drama and messy Coven politics in the face of impending disaster.
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Evan has always felt a bit out of place. He’s smaller than his brothers, and quite a bit more sensitive. Their father, being a harsh man, liked to pick on him. He’d call him the runt of the litter–a tactic meant to inspire him to be better, that ultimately only caused him to withdraw deeper into himself. He has a deep-rooted temper and a hair trigger. He’s prone to spitefulness when hurt, allowing his rage to dictate his actions.
A rage his eldest brother Asher has helped him channel through the ASP.
However, what was once a black and white battle of good versus evil has become substantially more nuanced. Having always been closer to their mother than the rest of his siblings, he has some insight into what caused her to act as she did. Throughout their childhood, she obsessively consulted with psychics and mediums–a frivolity that earned her the ire of her two eldest children. But, Evan recently has stumbled upon the truth. Their mother was haunted by a spirit. One who, most certainly, is not the child she lost so long ago that sparked her interest in the metaphysical. And this spirit has every intention of causing harm.
The same creatures they are hunting could very well be the ones who can save their mother. Now, he’s shouldering a dark secret and being weighed down by his own uncertainty. Does he tell his brothers and risk being labeled as a turncoat? Or does he walk the dangerous path of deals with demons and pacts with Witches to save the only parent they have left? Alone.
Early Twenties || Human || Open Face (Heavy preference for a slender, tattooed model. Ash Stymest pictured above)
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All muscle and very little brains, Leo is everything one would expect in a soldier. He’s dedicated, blindly loyal and stops at nothing to see his mission through. This has made him a valuable asset to the ASP–an organization for Supernatural Hunters. He’s Asher’s right-hand. His most trusted companion and closest confidante. The two are a perfect pair together. Their connection borders on telepathic. Both being men of few words, they seldom communicate anything, yet somehow they still know what the other is thinking and feeling.
Leo is obsessed with weapons, boasting a particularly impressive array of guns, knives and medieval devices. He’s a blacksmith by trade, having apprenticed under some of the most skilled smiths in New England. It’s unclear when his interest was born or why. Asher theorizes it’s because he’s always fostered a deep-seated adoration of Norse Mythology and Vikings.
Their life since coming to Fortune has been a rollercoaster. Every day is a fight for their lives. And he’s hellbent on ensuring human victory over the abominations that flood the sleepy town’s streets.
Mid-Twenties || Human || Open-Face (Heavy preference toward Stephen James, or another heavily tattooed model)
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The only biological child to Reiter, she shoulders the weight of expectations she could never possibly meet. Hunting had never appealed to her. Shedding blood seemed too cruel for her gentle nature. Her father tried to toughen her up. To no avail. Compassion rules her, making her a liability in the ASP’s eyes. But she cannot leave. She’s too afraid to.
Her morality has been weighing heavily on her. It keeps her up late at night, until she has no choice but to drown her sorrows in the bottom of a bottle. Which only makes her feel worse.
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rpings · 5 years
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All muscle and very little brains, Leo is everything one would expect in a soldier. He’s dedicated, blindly loyal and stops at nothing to see his mission through. This has made him a valuable asset to the ASP–an organization for Supernatural Hunters. He’s Asher’s right-hand. His most trusted companion and closest confidante. The two are a perfect pair together. Their connection borders on telepathic. Both being men of few words, they seldom communicate anything, yet somehow they still know what the other is thinking and feeling.
Leo is obsessed with weapons, boasting a particularly impressive array of guns, knives and medieval devices. He’s a blacksmith by trade, having apprenticed under some of the most skilled smiths in New England. It’s unclear when his interest was born or why. Asher theorizes it’s because he’s always fostered a deep-seated adoration of Norse Mythology and Vikings.
Their life since coming to Fortune has been a rollercoaster. Every day is a fight for their lives. And he’s hellbent on ensuring human victory over the abominations that flood the sleepy town’s streets.
Mid-Twenties || Human || Open-Face (Heavy preference toward Stephen James, or another heavily tattooed model)
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Evan has always felt a bit out of place. He’s smaller than his brothers, and quite a bit more sensitive. Their father, being a harsh man, liked to pick on him. He’d call him the runt of the litter–a tactic meant to inspire him to be better, that ultimately only caused him to withdraw deeper into himself. He has a deep-rooted temper and a hair trigger. He’s prone to spitefulness when hurt, allowing his rage to dictate his actions.
A rage his eldest brother Asher has helped him channel through the ASP.
However, what was once a black and white battle of good versus evil has become substantially more nuanced. Having always been closer to their mother than the rest of his siblings, he has some insight into what caused her to act as she did. Throughout their childhood, she obsessively consulted with psychics and mediums–a frivolity that earned her the ire of her two eldest children. But, Evan recently has stumbled upon the truth. Their mother was haunted by a spirit. One who, most certainly, is not the child she lost so long ago that sparked her interest in the metaphysical. And this spirit has every intention of causing harm.
The same creatures they are hunting could very well be the ones who can save their mother. Now, he’s shouldering a dark secret and being weighed down by his own uncertainty. Does he tell his brothers and risk being labeled as a turncoat? Or does he walk the dangerous path of deals with demons and pacts with Witches to save the only parent they have left? Alone.
Early Twenties || Human || Open Face (Heavy preference for a slender, tattooed model. Ash Stymest pictured above)
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“Briana” Kerry // Worried Sister for Supernatural Horror
Cael and his sister have gone through a lot. They had a rough upbringing, despite their parents best attempts to keep them sheltered from harm. 
Unfortunately, tragedy after tragedy befell the Kerry family. The loss of two siblings to violence, a third to the system and then their father passing away made an already impossible situation too much to bear. Briana turned to drugs–and Cael, in a last-ditch attempt to save what remained of his family insisted they sell off their family home and move North. To Fortune. To be with their mother. Where Briana could begin to heal. And ideally, become part of a Coven.
Briana got help. They were settling in well. She was getting better. Everything was getting better. Until Cael vanished. Briana feared the worst and made it her mission to find him. To help him, wherever he was. But as the months have dragged on, she’s found herself feeling more and more helpless.
Cael was abducted by a criminal organization known as the Blood Ring and turned into a vampire against his will. He feels too ashamed to see his family. He’s scared to see them. To disappoint them. Again.
Soon, they will be reunited, and Briana will be made aware of all that happened to Cael. For better or worse, family sticks together.
Face Pictured: Kiana Ledé
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Rian Kilbride // Protective Aunt for Supernatural Horror Site Subplot 
Rian Kilbride is one of the last surviving Kilbrides–a descendent of a Coven wrongfully banished and cursed. She is the matriarch–a title she holds close to her heart. For a time, her niece Kyle lived with her in California, far away from the trials and pain that lingered in Fortune for their line. When her niece had been born mundane, she saw it as a blessing. Perhaps she would be spared the curse and their bloodline would be saved. She took no chances, refusing to allow Kyle to learn about the world they truly hailed from. She became a surrogate mother–and loved her like a daughter. The daughter she never could have.
She divorced herself from the town of Fortune, refusing to linger in a place that did not love her. Rian had no intention of ever returning. Until she discovered their families name was being dragged through the mud. Yet again. Eager for answers, she will stop at nothing to end the madness. And protect the rest of her family in the process. Even if it is the death of her.
She is angry. She is vengeful. And so help those who sullied her family name.
Face Pictured: Julianne Moore
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“Dove” Kilbride // Free Spirit Descendent for Supernatural Horror Site Subplot
Dove has always been the free spirit, desperate to grab life by the horns and enjoy every waking moment. She is a giver–a kind-hearted soul who only wants the best for those in her life. She is one of the last descendants of a banished and cursed Witch bloodline–a scarlet letter she painfully wore her entire life. An undeserved one, at that.
Dove drifted apart from her sister, Rian, after she made a decision that impacted their legacy–their family. Rian chose to raise their niece, Kyle, oblivious to the truth of their family. Their Witch heritage, and how they were wrongfully banished and cursed by the Covens of Fortune. They drifted apart, and Dove moved out of Fortune. It broke her heart to leave the family behind, but she knew she couldn’t lie to her niece… Couldn’t keep her detached from a world she still deserved to be a part of.
She made a life for herself elsewhere. And naïvely thought she had put the family curse behind her. Until she received a phone call from Kyle asking her about the truth. About their family. And their curse. She hopped on the next flight to Fortune. Her family needed her. And she will be damned if she parts from them ever again.
Face Pictured: Bryce Dallas Howard
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psychvictims · 6 years
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German singer and actress Nina Hagen supports the psych victim cause. She refers to her grandfather who was labeled as "mentally ill" for disagreeing politically with the Nazis in Germany and how he was killed in a concentration camp as a result.
Disagreeing with "mental illness" doesn't mean that we don't think there are varying emotions or reactions. We do not think that it should be a "disease" to be sterilized. She wishes for non-violence and sees these people as humans whose rights were taken.
True freedom is without coercion or consequences to force a decision.
"Freedom at least means to be free of it, to not be coerced or blackmailed by others into a certain decision. The fact that a decision has consequences is a joke..."
We are happy to show an advocate for us who is accomplished. Frequently, we only see pro-"mental health" and coercion proponents in the media. Those who want freedom and are against psych are often overshadowed.
Nina Hagen on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Hagen
Full Pro-Psych Victim View by Nina Hagen: https://www.patverfue.de/nina-hagen-ueber-die-patverfue
"Since my earliest childhood I was raised by my parents to a conscious and independent thinking humanist. I know from my father Hans Hagen that he and his family had to endure many traumatic experiences during Nazi dictatorship, the Holocaust and World War II. He had to cope that he could no longer help his Jewish father. My grandfather Herman Hagen was deported to a psychiatric hospital by the Nazis and then to a concentration camp. He was tortured and murdered. Later, they also interned my father in a detention center, where he was severely abused and tortured for months in a huddle and tortured. Thankfully, this darkest chapter in our history of humanity ended on May 8, 1945. And I fight for the implementation of human rights and human dignity, as I can imagine. Meanwhile, I am not only on the road as an actress and singer, but also as a patron of several charitable organizations and clubs.
As the patron of www.PatVerfü.de, I am committed to the human rights demanded by the United Nations at all times and try, as far as possible, to strengthen other people and to speak, sing, inform and discuss our rights. If I could wish something: I wholeheartedly wished for a non-violent psychiatry in our country. For example, as it is already practiced at the Klinikum Heidenheim in Baden Württemberg. I think that only out of ignorance do those people have no patronage, who are now in an emergency constrained to their will, deprived of their most basic human rights and human dignity. The PatVerfü is very important for every citizen of our country! PatVerfü ensures self-determination!
Freedom at least means to be free of it, to not be coerced or blackmailed by others into a certain decision. The fact that a decision has consequences is a joke, but being hit without compulsion is at the same time the necessary precondition for being responsible for its consequences. Contracts should make the consequences calculable. Although that is all a matter of course, but unfortunately we can discriminate against people of medical people as allegedly "mentally ill" and then be disenfranchised by means of special laws. They can be locked up in the closed or semi-open departments of psychiatric hospitals - yes, They must even regularly undergo a violent intervention in the body through psychiatric coercion. Instead of being protected by the state from deprivation of liberty and personal injury, state and human rights are systematically violated by a government of doctors, courts and alleged "caregivers". This is especially perfidious because people who were slandered as "mentally ill" were the first to be murdered in gas chambers in Germany in 1939. Until 1949, even when the Nazis did not protect the doctors, they continued to kill in the psychiatric hospitals. Thereafter, coercive psychiatry in East and West continued to be detained and tortured, as if that were self-evident.
Whom human rights are a concern, had to welcome that on 1.9.2009, the Law on the Relocation of Patients Act § 1901a BGB came into force. It offers the possibility of a real alternative to this system of psychiatric debasement.
For the first time it was by law - thus legally effective! - possible to prohibit a psychiatric examination and thus diagnosis. So as to make any psychiatric imprisonment and forced treatment individually for itself impossible that needs in a specially formulated advance directive, the PatVerfue ®, have been prohibited in writing. Previously, the silence with the psychiatrist had not used either because either old files were simply copied, so a write-off "report" made or silence was declared, for example, as "symptom-weak autistic psychosis", as the famous "wrong" senior physician Gert Postel from the circles of doctors has made known. You can believe him when he says, "Psychiatry is a subject that lives on word acrobatics. You can justify any diagnosis by means of the psychiatric language and in each case the opposite and the opposite of the opposite - the imagination knows no bounds. "And:" Who masters the psychiatric language,
A prime example of this is how, in 1994, the head of the psychiatric university clinic in Munich, Prof. Hans-Jürgen Möller, diagnosed a mental illness with "self and other endangerment" by the well-known carpet art dealer Eberhart Herrmann without ever having spoken to Herrmann himself , In his "specialist psychiatric certificate for placement in a psychiatric hospital" was claimed that an immediate briefing Herrmanns is required (see Higher Regional Court Munich, judgment of 4 February 2010, Az. 1 U 4650/08).
The prerequisite for the conviction of Prof. Hans-Jürgen Möller after a 16-year-long trial was that Herrmann had received wind of his planned capture, he understood the danger he was in, and had immediately set off abroad. Few are likely to have both the financial and endurance resources to lead a 16-year struggle to rehabilitate psychiatric defamation.
Because psychiatric diagnosis is an arbitrary slander, psychiatry, as opposed to all medical disciplines, must regularly seize the coercion and violence of its patients. Only then can the victims be forced into the so-called "illness insight", so that through this confession forced by pressure or direct force, the whole process can be spent as a supposedly "medical". If, on the other hand, those who are coerced affirm that they are mentally ill, but the doctors do not want to believe that, then they diagnose the "feigned illness insight" as a particularly stubborn "disease" symptom and the extortion continues.
Due to a lack of "insight into the illness", lawyers have since distilled their "illness-related inability to consent" in order to rightly bend their justification of coercion and violence. In principle, no one who denies the existence of a disease can still consent to its treatment. No matter which additional conditions may be formulated, every attempt to legalize this confession violates the absolute prohibition of torture!
Meanwhile, it should have become understandable why the question of whether there is a "mental illness" at all, or whether the claim of its existence is a category error, because human action has reasons and is not a bioelectrochemical reaction, is not an incidental dispute. Although it may seem ideological, the special laws that are to be justified with "mental illness" are the worst penalties before the death penalty: forced psychiatric treatment, especially with mind-altering drugs and electric shock. But one is locked up and tied up, the so-called "fixation". The current laws that allow doctors-Richter-felt to legalize this serious maltreatment
16 "public law" state laws on compulsory placement and compulsory treatment, in most federal states the so-called "mental illness laws" (PsychKG), in Bavaria and in the Saarland "accommodation law".
The "care" mentioned incapacitation, § 1896 BGB a civil law federal law, with which a court can impose on the persons concerned a guardian called guardian as a legal representative even against their declared will. Maintainers are loyal followers of the court, in particular, if they practice this business as a "guardian", as the court gives them the orders. By "caregivers" make it the courts then permanently easy. Their request for a compulsory introduction according to § 1906, they only need to check, then to give it off. Since 22.7.2017, the new, tightened § 1906a has come into force in the FRG, so that "cared for" in all diseases in all hospital inpatient departments, can be treated with coercion and violence against the will - if they do not have PatVerfü. No one should expose themselves to such a risk and renounce a PatVerfü! There are no plaintiffs and defendants in an incapacitation procedure, whose arguments the judges should (fairly) weigh in order to reach a verdict. The judge is the powerful and opponent of the person concerned in such proceedings, as judges regularly seek ways to disregard the self-determination of those affected. That's why my friends from the Werner-Fuß-Zentrum recommend that PatVerfü be notarised. Each judge then respects such a document because it has already been certified by another lawyer. In addition, if any doctor at the time of authentication attested to business ability and the PatVerfü was registered with the Federal Notaries, then the PatVerfü is, so to speak, "bombproof".
§ 63 of the Criminal Code, instruction in a forensic psychiatry (prison sentence), a so-called "special sacrifice", the Nazis on 24.11.1933 introduced psychiatric slander victims of a criminal offense as mentally insane for an indefinite period lock and forcibly treated. Again, the examination and diagnosis is the central element to justify this arbitrary capture with torture-like bodily harm with the help of the corresponding psychiatric reports. Regularly "63ers" are imprisoned here many times longer than for the same offenses in prison. This is easily done by an illegal reversal of the burden of proof, because the prisoner has to prove in a forensics to his release for a prognosis "harmlessness", which is simply impossible, but only amounts to medical astrology. That the PatVerfü in a criminal case protects against a compulsory medical examination because of § 63, has not yet been definitively proven, but a good basis to deny such, is thus laid in any case. A cartel of lawyers against § 63 is ready for an appropriate defense. Important: NEVER voluntarily participate in such a psychiatric examination, never try to justify yourself, but always keep silent. The defending lawyer can then argue with the PatVerfü to prevent the worst, § 63.
The named are all special laws. Contrary to the laws, which apply to all adult citizens, they are special legislation for the special deprivation of allegedly or actually "mentally ill" diagnosed. All have as a necessary condition for their application the opinion of a psychiatrist. In order to prevent this, the PatVerfü is the only living will to specifically use this part of the Act on the Relocation of Patients' Law § 1901a BGB, first paragraph:
" If a consenting adult has written consent in the event of his incapacity to consent to consent to specific medical examinations which are not imminent at the time of determination, medical treatment or interventions (living will), the caregiver shall examine whether those conditions exist the current life and treatment situation apply. If this is the case, the supervisor must express and enforce the will of the person being looked after. "
Beyond the controversy over whether or not there is any mental illness, the legislator has acknowledged that any examination and diagnosis of an actual or supposed mental illness can thus be legally prohibited by a (usually written) living will in accordance with Section 1901a. The PatVerfü also has provision for the appointment of pension fund representatives. Thus, the judge is deprived of the opportunity to impose even a care, as a precautionary power is principally priority to a "care". The fact that the PatVerfü the review of the medical attribution of a mental illness has put a stop anyway, the judge in his request, to incapacitate a person, additionally discourage. In addition, there are one or even several persons in one or more beneficiaries who can assist one in refusing to undergo psychiatric examination and treatment, and if need be add more emphasis to the claim.
To use these possibilities of the law of patient administration is the unique feature of the PatVerfü in contrast to practically all other living wills. This makes it the drug of choice to prevent forced treatment, etc., as it locks the gate of all further restraints. Without diagnosis no mental illness and without mental illness none of the above-mentioned special disenfranchisement laws can be applied.
At the same time, the possibility of making a patent proves that it is a personal decision to become mentally ill at all, because physicians are only allowed to detect such a disease in persons who are not protected by PatVerfü, and therefore can only diagnose mental illness under this condition. Therefore, the PatVerfü is the spearhead of self-determination even in difficult situation. It ensures an adult the right to effectively say no.
I would like to prevent two possible misunderstandings as a preventive measure:
Those who deny that there are mental illnesses do not deny that there is conspicuous behavior and others disturbing thoughts and feelings. The only denial is that it is a disease and should be consulted medical art. Since the constitutional state can sanction any possible angle of conduct that violates or endangers the rights, property, or body of others, even without the special rights construction of "mental illness," there are no gaps in the law that make these much more extensive and arbitrary Discrimination and humiliation in psychiatry could justify.
Forced psychiatry offers the medicine of state violence only an additional punishment device for breaking the will, monitoring, coercion, intimidation, threat and frightening of adult citizens - a kind of thought police.
Anyone who thinks that a stay in a psychiatric hospital is good for themselves should, of course, be able to use it like a customer on a voluntary and contractual basis. Whether that part of the benefits of a health insurance must be, is an open question.
It should also be left undone to decide to be diagnosed as "mentally ill" - mentally ill? Your own decision!
In each case one should be able to agree in advance by a corresponding living will also psychiatric coercive measures - although I would advise against it, but it must be allowed as masochistic sexual practices, if one day the psychiatric special laws will be abolished and we have a non-violent psychiatry."
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Fandom Crescendo: With This Ring
Previous contribution: Under the Crimson Flag
My second contribution to the fandom crescendo is my fic With This Ring
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*kissmylikeapirate is one of my old URL’s :D
This was just about the dumbest idea she had ever heard. Marry a guy she barely knew? But sometimes desperate people do crazy things. And crazy things can sometimes be the best things you ever do... 22 chapters / 70 k / complete
a03 / ff.net
Chapter 1
The tag of the dress scratched her back as she sat in the cab; she wished she’d cut the damn thing off. She twisted her body, trying to rub her back against the cab’s leather seats but there wasn’t enough room so she gave up and settled her face in a grimace instead.
She was late. Kinda apt, given tradition, she thought as she watched the seconds tick by and the traffic stood at gridlock.
Beside her, Belle chattered away about nothing, clearly nervous too. Unsurprising, as they were about to do something that was both highly illegal and morally dubious. But Emma tuned her out, ignored the honking horns and crackling radio; instead staring out of the window and up, up, up until she found the patch of blue sky that peeked out from behind the skyscrapers…
Six weeks earlier
The blue awning above the table fluttered in the breeze as the waitress brought out their coffees. Bernie’s Cafe was as busy as it ever got on a midweek morning, just a few students typing away at laptops and a sprinkling of hipster types in drainpipe jeans and battered hats.
“So,” Belle asked over the rim of her cup, “How did the meeting go?”
Sighing, Emma stirred a packet of sweetener into her drink and suppressed a scowl. “Same old message: I’m too high a risk.”
“What?” her friend cried, shaking her head, “After all the work we did on the business plan? All the changes they asked us to make?”
Emma shrugged. “Without a guarantor, it’s damn near impossible to get a loan. Crappy economy.”
Belle reached across the table and placed her hand over Emma’s. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Emma breezed, shaking her head, “We’ve known this was a long shot, ever since you found me pouring over those business studies books in the library last year. I guess it’s just going to take a lot longer than I hoped to get things up and running. Can’t start a bail bonds business with no bonds to loan.”
Really though, it wasn't fine. Far from it. She’d been working as a bail bonds person for almost ten years now. She had a great reputation, tons of potential clients- but no means of setting up on her own. Not that working for someone else was the worst thing (at least she had a job) but she’d always wanted something to call her own. And this business could be that. 
Could have been that.
“Maybe the bank isn’t your only option,” Belle began, nervously pulling back her hand from Emma’s and toying with her teacup. “Do you remember Killian Jones? From my birthday party?”
To be honest, that night was well, a little bit of a blur. Emma had made great friends with a bottle of tequila and, the next morning, with the porcelain throne.
“Tall? Brooding…”
“That’s the one,” Belle smiled, her eyes crinkling. “Well, you know he works in the English department with Will? Well, next year Professor Gold is retiring and Killian is a shoo-in for tenure when that happens.”
“And?” Emma asked, confused, wondering where the hell Belle was going with this.
Belle looked nervously from side to side, as if she was checking to see if anyone was listening. “Well, the problem is his visa is up in six months, and the university is having trouble renewing it, something to do with quotas and whatnot.”
“Okay…” Emma nodded, still perplexed.
“And, anyway, the easiest, and quickest, way for him to get a visa would be to get married to a US citizen. At least until his tenure was certified.”
Emma held up her hands, scrunching up her nose, “Wait - how is this going to help me?”
There was a pregnant pause. Emma wasn’t sure if Belle was just being dramatic or if she was thinking, but a sharp kick under the table from Emma’s boot soon brought her to her senses.
“You could do it. Marry him, I mean.”
Blinking, Emma took a second to make sure she had heard her friend correctly. Marry him? Marry a stranger?
“Wait, wait, wait,” she began, shaking her head, “Are you serious? Is this some kind of joke, because I-“
“Very serious,” she promised, widening her big blue eyes as if to emphasize her point. “This could be a mutually beneficial arrangement.”
Emma laughed, a loud, broad chuckle that raised the eyebrows of the heavily bearded Village-type guy at the table next to them. “You’re insane. He’s insane! For all I know he could be crazy? I mean what kind of guy comes up with an idea like that. Geez…”
Rolling her eyes Emma took a sip of her coffee. It was still a little hot.
“It was my idea,” Belle replied quietly, “And he is a nice guy. Really. He’s hung out with me and Will a bunch of times and well, he works for the university so you know he has no criminal record-“ she grinned: as if that was enough to seal the deal.
“This is possibly the most crazy, harebrained idea I have ever heard of.”
“I know it’s a little unorthodox-“ Emma scoffed, “-But surely it’s worth thinking about? He’ll pay for everything, you’ll need to keep it legal for 18 months, tops, attend a couple of immigration interviews… Then a nice quiet divorce with a payout for you.”
“Just like that.”
Belle shrugged, “Kinda.”
Emma stared into her coffee cup, watching the foamy bubbles float and swirl on the surface, reflecting a rippled reflection of her face.
This was crazy, stupid, reckless, illegal-
And she was actually considering it.
The shoes pinched her toes. Belle’s feet were a good half-size smaller than hers, but given they were sling-backs they just about fit. She tugged the hem of her skirt down, the cream silk covering her knees but a little wrinkled from the journey. 
Oh well, she thought.
Belle was still chattering as they made their way inside. Something about Will and Killian and the time-
They made it to the ceremony room after a few missteps in the ill-fitting shoes and as Emma caught her breath, Belle opened her large purse thrust a small posey of forget-me-knots in her hand.
“Your something blue,” she explained.
Emma frowned, giving her friend a pointed look, “This is not real,” she whispered.
Belle leaned closer, “Appearances are everything. And, anyway, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.” She stood back and shrugged. Emma couldn’t help but crack a smile - Belle was one of the most optimistic people she knew, always seeing the bright side, even on a cloudy day. “So, you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be….” Emma muttered, feeling her stomach churn as the large, oak doors began to open.
Five weeks earlier
Three tequilas later and she was still shaking.
It had been her idea to meet in a bar. It was a good excuse to get mildly intoxicated before meeting the guy she might marry.
She tapped on the bar and the bartender lined up another shot that she quickly threw back.
Oh God, oh crap…
This must be him.
Looking up the first thing she saw was a smile, broad with nice not-too-perfect, not-too-white teeth lined with soft looking pink lips.
She smiled back. An automatic, terse smile that she saved for occasions when she was uncomfortable. 
“Killian?” she replied, meeting his so-blue eyes and feeling a flush of attraction. She was always a sucker for pretty eyes.
So he was cute. That couldn’t hurt…
He nodded and sat next to her. Then there were an awkward few seconds where she toyed with her empty shot glass and he straightened his shirt.
“Drink?” she finally asked.
Emma waved at the bartender, “Two Red Stripes.”
“Good choice,” he chuckled as the two bottles arrived.
Okay, he was cute and his accent was kinda nice. Two ticks in the yes box.
They each took a sip.
“So, I’m guess you think I must be a crazy person.”
“You said it,” she replied with a shrug. He raised his eyebrow in a ridiculous way that she should not have found attractive.
(But did).
He began to pick at the paper label of the bottle with his thumbnail. It was saturated with condensation so it started to peel away easily.
“Desperate is more apt,” he insisted, “Trust me, I was the last person who ever expected to be in this predicament…”
If anything, Emma realized, he seemed embarrassed about the whole situation: shifting in his seat, rolling the bottle between his hands.
“But here you are,” she replied with a little more snark than she had intended.
“I’m sorry-“ she began.
Killian linked his hands together on the bar.
“No, you’re right. This is the dumbest idea. I’m not even sure how I managed to let Belle talk me into this. I should go-“
He moved to reach for his wallet.
Emma balled her eyes shut.
“Wait - stop-“
When she opened them he was staring at her expectantly. “Look, I’m not promising anything, but Belle assures me you are normal and not a serial killer, so how about we put that topic of conversation to one side for the moment, finish these beers and then…”
“Then?” he asked with another goddamn eyebrow raise.
And she couldn’t believe what she said next: “Then we’ll see.”
“Repeat after me: With this ring I thee wed, and with all I am, and all I have, I honor you.”  
Emma did as she was asked, numbly repeating the words, her fingers shaking a little as she held the simple gold band and threaded it onto his finger. 
When she was done, he quickly grasped her hand before she could pull it away, squeezing it gently until she looked up and saw a soft, reassuring smile on his lips.
Her heart was beating so hard, surely everyone could hear it. The drum rhythm seemed to be getting faster and faster, the blood rushing to hear ears.
God, she didn’t want to pass out.
Taking deep breaths, she held out her own hand.
She would not faint. She was not some swooning damsel in distress.
His hands were warm. Soft, but still with texture. He ran his thumb over the back of her hand as the Justice of the Peace spoke.
“With this ring I thee wed, and with all I am, and all I have, I honor you.”
The words sounded different in his accent. They seemed to carry a gravity with his dulcet voice. 
It all seemed so much more serious.
The feel of the cold ring slipping on her finger snapped her from her thoughts. She looked down, expecting a plain gold band like he had provided for himself. Instead she saw an intricate design of a heart, held by two hands, wearing a crown. It was familiar but she couldn’t quite place it…
His hand wrapped tighter around hers. The Justice of the Peace closed the small, black book he was holding and smiled.
“Emma and Killian, you have heard the words about love and marriage, have exchanged your vows and made your promises, and celebrated your union with the giving and receiving of rings.”
Killian squeezed her hand gently.
“It is at this time that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!”
So this was it. They had done it-
She turned to face him, prepared to give him the small kiss they had discussed, Belle already whipping out her camera, Will slapping Killian on the shoulder-
One hand at her waist, one came to cup her cheek-
He leaned forward.
A minuscule pause followed, as if he was checking for permission.
She wound her fingers in the lapel of his handsome deep-blue suit.
His lips met hers.
(Warm and soft as she had thought).
Her free hand slipped up into his hair.
Her left foot popped backwards as she tilted her head and their lips parted. 
A swipe of tongue and her stomach dropped to the floor.
A shiver ran down her spine as she was pulled closer to him.
And he kissed her again and again and again-
She knew her lipstick would be smudged and her dress more wrinkled from where his hand held her so tightly.
But as they parted, with a tingle on her lips, she couldn’t quite find herself to care.
**PS shout out to the bestest beta @nickillian : five years!!! :O
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bouncyirwin · 7 years
Recent Great Naruto Fics I’ve Read List
Seeing as the actual series now suck... here’s a list of the fics/one shots I’ve recently read (past year) that you might enjoy, have fun xx
Warning: List contains all kinds of pairings. Some stories have no pairings at all (those are labelled as General). 
Directions: story name - author - summary - status - pairing/gen - rating
Pulling My Weight by Invisible Shadow - During the mission to Wave, Sakura realises that she has to become a better ninja for her teammates' sake and be someone they can depend on. She vows to take her training seriously, and receives help from the most unlikely of sources; Genma Shiranui. The two form an unlikely bond and stick together through thick and thin, while Sakura improves and meets other people along the way. Ongoing | General so far | T | This story is fucking amazing
A Wrinkle in Time by rightforlife - The Fourth Shinobi War ended in disaster. They won, but at a price too great to bear. Given a second chance, what exactly can Konoha's three most powerful men do? Time travel, old enemies, and old friends that all leads to a new future. Ongoing | General | T
The Colder Water by Quillslinger - The devil is in the details. Shisui. Itachi. A sorta love story. Novella. Complete (52,784) | ShiIta | T 
Uneasy Coexistence by DeGlace - One grinning shark–man. One pink–haired medic. Ankles. Teeth. Kisame x Sakura. Yes, you read that right. Complete (70,111) | KisaSaku | M
Blind Stars of Fortune by 100demons - Thirty year old Kakashi was supposed to have been killed by Pein during the Invasion. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his twenty year old self. (It gets a lot more complicated.) Time travel. Complete (78,591) | General | T
To Promise Forever by Hellsig Otoupeim - The war's over, Kaguya has been defeated and the five great Shinobi Nations have gone back to their homelands to nurse the wounds left behind. In an attempt to preserve peace, the five Kage have agreed to implement in a new measure; war veterans between villages are encouraged to take part in the Five Nation Letter Exchange Program. Or how a girl from Kiri ends up in Konoha. Sly AU. Complete (14,442) | ShikakuOC | M
Heart Under a Blade by fineillsignup - Sitting on a bench after being told by Sasuke-kun that she's annoying, Sakura thinks that it's the worst day of her life. Lying in the hospital wanting to hurl from heat suppressants later that day and grappling with the revelation that she's an omega, Sakura knows that it's the worst day of her life. (ABO, extremely slow build). Ongoing | KakaSaku | M
Phantom Pains by mapplepie - There is something going on with Kakashi, but Minato can't figure out what. All he has are distressing deductions, each one progressively worse than the last. It's no wonder Minato can't help but fear and fear and fear. (To be fair though, it really wasn't his fault he never considered the possibility of time-travel). Complete (22,153) | General | T
A Twist in Time by Wolf08 - With Konoha on the verge of destruction, Sakura is sent on a last-resort mission to save her world by travelling to the past. Join her in coping with her old body's shortcomings, testing the natural laws of time, falling in love all over again, exploring the depths of her mind and rediscovering who she is. Time-travel.  Ongoing | SasuSaku | T | I don’t even like SS anymore (I almost hate them) but this is my favourite fic ever.
Deadly Decisions by Alrissa - Haruno Sakura that actually caught a glimpse of the real world and woke up to smell the blood. Basically a 'what if' preview of what could have happened if Sakura didn't revert after the Chuunin exams. No princess to be rescued here. Complete (17,819) | General | M
Contagious by rabid behemoth - Konoha's citizens are being controlled by a virus, and it falls on Sakura's shoulders to save them. A double agent among the most hostile, unrepentant criminals in the world, she finds herself navigating between competing loyalties in a sea of moral uncertainty. But that's impossible for a faithful Leaf nin like Sakura. Loyalties aren't contagious...right? Complete (119,552) | ItaSaku | T
The Lives Worth Saving by cywsaphyre - Naruto, at 26, has lived through 10 years of war. At the end, with nothing left to call home, he sends himself back to the beginning, to the day of his younger self's graduation, in an attempt to change it all. Time travel AU. Discontinued | General | T | best time travel fic I’ve ever read
Kill Your Heroes by Evil Is A Relative Term - Because, sometimes, we are what our adversaries make of us. Because Gatō only needed Zabuza to neutralize Kakashi. He isn't afraid of one little pink-haired genin. But even mice will bite when cornered. A story of where fear drives the most vulnerable member of Team Seven, from Wave and beyond. Ongoing | General | T
I Found You Missing by Wolfy Tales - 'They're asking us because these soldiers have absolutely no one left to write home to,' Sakura thought with a frown. So she signs up for the Shinobi Letter Exchange, not realizing how large the consequences would be. Complete (18,586) | KakaSaku | T
Teach Your Children Well by AvocadoLove - After Madara final attack on the village, Rokudaime Kakashi uncovers a time-travel scroll. Now he's Team Seven's sensei again. And this time, he's going to do things differently. A time travel fic. Complete (37,849) | KakaIru | K+
The Arrangement by Yuugiri - "We're already getting along bad enough. Why don't we just get married?" Complete (111,453) | GaaIno | T
Sabotage by therealesther - When her fifth date got food poisoning, and her sixth date cancelled in over the phone in a tone bordering on hysteria, Sakura decided things were getting out of hand. Complete (1,637) | KakaSaku | K+
To Love and to Love Again by animequeen100 - Love blooms even in the strangest of places, and darkest of hours. Sasuke has a daughter who needs a mother. Sakura has a son, who needs a father. When the shadows that follow her threaten to take her away from him, his dark secrets resurface to keep her in his arms. They were fated to love and destined to love again. Complete (401,061) | SasuSaku | M
The Good Wife by ReiraKurenai - Sixteen-year-old Ino is stuck in the body of her older self. Now she must embark on the journey of an adult, a wife and a mother while deep down she's still just a child herself. What does the future have in store for her? NarutoxIno and various pairings. Ongoing | NaruIno | T
Ripples by Yellow Mask - AU from 309 onwards. Following a botched mission, Sakura is made a slave by Sound, a position that could very well alter the future…especially concerning a certain familiar missing-nin. Complete (143,883) | SasuSaku | T
Set in Ink by TappityTap - "From then on, it became their own private ritual: She'd arrive at his place, they'd talk, she'd undress, he'd draw her, she'd look at his work and compliment it, he'd touch her until she quivered and cried out his name in a sweet burst of release. This ritual was always the same but somehow different and exciting every time. " Pure SaiIno smut. Some canon pairings mentioned. Complete (7,422) | SaiIno | M
The Cursed Geisha by wingedmercury - He's beautiful, in the same way that predatory animals are beautiful—dark, mysterious. Dangerous. Only this time, instead of being the predator, Sasuke will learn what it means to be prey. AU. Complete (43,612) | SasuHina | M
Will of Fire by Cynchick - Forced to flee their village and the new regime, the loyal shinobi of Konoha must find a way to preserve their way of life and take back their home. As they fight for their future, Team Seven struggles to overcome the past. Complete (223,234) | KakaSaku | M
The Secret Life of Teachers by tabine - Romance is a bit difficult to do when you spend a majority of your time within fifty feet of the object of your affections and somehow still don't quite understand that you're falling in love with them, if only because being a full-time high school teacher while taking graduate school courses takes precedence over everything else. A Nejiten high school teachers AU. Ongoing | NejiTen | T
The Line by livezinshadowz - When a young Ino tries to use the Shintenshin for the first time on Naruto, something goes wrong and the two find themselves temporarily stuck in the other's body. A series of moments depicting the evolution of their relationship, from acquaintances to friends to something more, all by crossing that metaphorical line created when a boy and a girl forge a bond. Complete (46,692) | NaruIno | T
In Another Life by CelestialCircumference - Kakashi never believed in soul mates until that fateful day. Written for HatakeFran for the KakaSaku Secret Santa 2016 on tumblr. Complete (18,350) | KakaSaku | T
House of Crows by SilverShine -  War is coming to Konoha and Sakura is far from home, uncertain of her future. But one thing is for sure, Sakura will protect her unborn child at all costs, whether it be from Konoha's enemies... or from its own father. Complete (400,508) | KakaSaku | M
Better Off Dead by wingedmercury - When Hinata leaves Konoha, heartbroken but resolute, the last person she expects to see over the rim of her tea cup is him. "You look like you've just seen a ghost," he smirks, and Hinata thinks that some people are just better off dead. Complete (68,768) | SasuHina | T
The Song Of Kakashi by ZatannaZatara06 - If you want forever, you are going to have to suffer for it. For the KakaSaku Week 2016 Day 2 Theme: Fairy tales / Legends Myth: The story of Achilles and Patroclus. Complete (2,472) | KakaSaku | T
Kunoichi's Burden: Village First by lilac haze - She was dying. She should have died. She was supposed to die but the Gods had other plans. Sakura is thrown back in the past, where a dangerously attractive blonde and a loud mouthed redhead have taken it upon themselves to make her life even more difficult. If Naruto's parents didn't get together, kami, she would be in a lot of trouble. MinatoXSakura. Time travel-fic. Complete (378,854) | MinaSaku | T
On a Leash by thekatthatbarks - Kakashi's new puppy ends up being his best wingman. Complete (1,082) | KakaSaku | T
House Calls by Spoiled Sweet - Always the Team Mom, Sakura opens up her home as a clinic for the hospital-phobic ninja of Konoha. At the same time, her relationship with Kakashi begins to evolve in a way she never expected. Complete (262,803) | KakaSaku | M
Things You Just Don’t Talk About by Enodia - "Do you enjoy sex?" Shikamaru asked bluntly. I just can't believe I'm talking about this, and with Shikamaru, of all people, Sakura thought." Sakura is in for a surprise. Or, rather, a series of surprises. Complete (118,175) | ShikaSaku | M
Players by Kukaburraxxii - Ino joins the league of players. Discontinued | GenIno | M
Heatwave by Yahboobeh - When she found her breath again it was ragged. Only one thought tore through her mind: Consume me. The Suna sun wasn't the only reason their faces burned. Ongoing | NejiTen | M
The Art of War by leafygirl - Entry for the LJ Kakasaku AU contest. Sakura gets stuck following her teacher after a bet with her friends. But his mysterious life is nothing she ever expected. Complete (20,591) | KakaSaku | T
The Shinobi Princess by Winged Lady Colette - At the end of the Fourth Great Ninja War, Sakura takes an unexpected trip into the time of Konoha's Founding. Ongoing | HashiSaku | M
Dawning by deleria - After years of silence the Akatsuki are active again. Her allies uncertain, the Godaime sends two teams - one for a potential offensive strike and another for covert surveillance. Who would have guessed that Shikamaru and Sakura could fake it as newlyweds so well? ShikaSaku with early (one-sided) hints of SasuSaku. Complete (101,994) | ShikaSaku | M
Genius Sensei by AlexDnD - What if Kakashi had recovered from his deep depression? What if he turned out to be a true genius as a sensei? Watch as team 7 develops into a truly capable shinobi team! Complete | NaruSaku-ish | T | A fun read
We Are Never (ever getting back together) by natanije - In which Sakura waited, got tired of waiting, and decided to never wait ever again. (Or, in which Sakura never chased after Sasuke when she got pregnant). Complete (2,592) | General | T
A Poor Imitation by leafygirl - Sakura is injured on a mission, forgetting everything she knew of life in Konoha. Complete (88,913) | KakaSaku | M
The Girl From Whirlpool by SilverShine - When Naruto's father met his mother, his only impression was that a village out there must have been missing its idiot. Complete (248,299) | MinaKushi | T
The Way of the Wind by just enough - ANBU Captain Uchiha Itachi had things well planned out, until a medic-nin with ridiculous hair went and made herself interesting. Sakura insisted she was just doing her job, but Itachi didn't quite see it that way. Non-massacre. Complete (158,542) | ItaSaku | M
Cause for Conversation by firefly - Hinata has always been intimidated by Sasuke, but when she serves as a substitute for Sakura on a mission, she comes to learn that the stoic Uchiha is not so bad after all. Complete (4,858) | SasuHina | K+
The Price by Nenagh24 - This would have almost been hilarious, the renowned copy ANBU almost petrified of a small unarmed girl, had it not been happening to him. The price of this tiny bride was going to break him. Hello, fiery flames of eternal doom. Complete (19,067) | KakaSaku | T
Better Having Met You by KakashiSauce - Tenzou is wide-eyed, bright faced and unprepared for the ANBU life ahead of him. MOSTLY because of the unorthodox team he's placed into. However, it was done in his best interest, and Hiruzen is smart enough to know what is best for most young shinobi. Kakashi disagrees, but he is one of those young shinobi who doesn't know whats best for him. Ongoing | KakaYama | M
Icha Icha Gambit by TheSilverScarecrow - It was a risk; one that could potentially ruin their team, however, who was Hatake Kakashi to argue with the Hokage? But when a never to be finished Icha Icha draft falls into his possesion things start getting wildly out of hand as Sakura does whatever it takes to protect their village from a devastating weapon. Ongoing | KakaSaku | M
Nutrire by Wolfy Tales - As Ino traverses the world with Yamato after the war to neutralize potential threats, she finds out that they share more in common than just an interest in plants. Complete (32,251) | YamaIno | T
Let's Get Married by luvtoshi - It was supposed to be a simple solution to their immediate problems. But maybe they took more than they can chew? Complete (59,760) | NaruSaku | M
Hot Medicine by Saphri - Kakasaku one-shot. AU. Fighting fires was a tough job by all accounts. But when the job requires getting treated by beautiful pink haired paramedics it was worth the hardship. Complete (26,05) | KakaSaku | M
A Noble in Secret by WhiteMint - Side story to the Imperial Princess. C originally hated the people of Konoha, often referring to them as "Konoha dogs". But as he got to know the small pink haired girl who followed him around like a puppy, he no longer considered the term as maliciously as before. After all, he found his own little Konoha dog, and he planned on keeping her. Ancient Chinese AU. Complete (4,420) | CSaku | K+
Cherry Blossom Flames by Winged Lady Colette - A seven year old amnesiac awoke in a stream, being rescued by two brothers.  Ongoing | MadaSaku | M
Adaline by Nikki1212 - I would choose you in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I would find you and I would choose you. AU. Ongoing | KakaSaku | T
Tempest by cywsaphyre - Back in time and armed with years of future knowledge, Sakura is ready to take the world by storm. Except... she's four again, not twelve. Ah well, nobody said she couldn't start a little early. Gen, time travel, AU, Sakuracentric. Discontinued | General | T
All This Time by thekatthatbarks - "I may not have fell like you did. I didn't fall gradually and slow over the span of twenty years. It was fast and sudden. It had me stumbling looking around trying to figure out where I was. I didn't even know it had happened." Complete (2,472) | ShikaSaku | K+
Team 8 by S’TarKan - What if Naruto had been selected for a different team? What if he'd had a different mentor? Who would guess the consequences would be so large? Ongoing | NaruHina | T | I don’t even like NaruHina anymore but this story is amazing (plot-oriented)
Better Man by Kakashisgf - Sakura and Sasuke have been married for over a decade, but things are far from perfect, and Sakura's beginning to realize that maybe she deserves better. Complete (179,759) | KakaSaku | M
Dirty Laundry by Slinkymilinky - Sakura had never been a fan of airing her dirty laundry in public…but Kakashi was often the exception to the rule. Lemony Oneshot. Complete (6,593) | KakaSaku | M
Time and Again by KyLewin - Time Travel fic. In a war torn future, in the burning ruins of Konohagakure, Naruto fights Orochimaru and loses as the world collapses around him. From that ending comes a new beginning and a new chance to set things right, if only he can figure out how.. Complete (456,787) | General | T
The Samurai and the Oni Girl by Silberias - AU KakaSaku set in Edo-period Japan. Sakura is the descendant of a red-haired foreigner as well as a merchant's daughter. Kakashi is a local samurai who has fallen on hard times, a man whose pride has been broken down to this point. Love comes after. Complete (131,644) | KakaSaku | T
Chippendales by Voyna - [AU] Sometimes, a girl needs a lap-dance to put life into perspective. Complete (15,645) | SasuHina | M
Once More, With Feeling by JinnySkeans - Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. Complete (127,462) | SasuSaku | M
In Case of Blue Scroll by Leola Majora - In Case of Blue Scroll the Hokage must lock himself in his office and pull his hair out as what he thought were memories of a long lost love turn out to be the memories of a mission he was about to assign his former student, Sakura Haruno. Complete (48,635) | KakaSaku | M
[I’ll update this again soon!]
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